HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix J - Noise Technical Memorandum Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration APPENDIX J NOISE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM M E M O R A N D U M To: City of Fontana CC: CRP/WP Alta Fontana Venture, L.L.C. From: Zhe Chen, Michael Baker International Danielle Regimbal, Michael Baker International Tina Yuan, Michael Baker International Date: April 21, 2022 Subject: Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project – Noise Technical Memorandum PURPOSE The purpose of this technical memorandum is to evaluate potential short- and long-term noise and ground-borne vibration impacts that would result from the proposed Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project (project), located in the City of Fontana (City), California. PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located at 14817 Foothill Boulevard in the City, bounded by Foothill Boulevard to the north, Live Oak Avenue to the east, single-family residences to the south, and a shopping plaza and multi- family residences to the west. Regional access to the site is available via Interstate 15 (I-15) at the Foothill Boulevard exit, approximately three miles west of the project site. Local access to the site is provided via Foothill Boulevard and Live Oak Avenue. The project site comprises two parcels (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [APN] 0230-071-03 and 0230-071-04). EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The project site is approximately 8.8 acres (9.5 gross acres with road improvements and sidewalks) and currently consists of undeveloped vacant land. Grasses and weeds cover much of the project site. No existing structures are present on-site; however, an area in the northeastern portion of the project site contains a slab foundation of a former structure. The project site topography is generally flat with a slight regional slope to the southwest. The project site is located in the northern portion of the Upper Santa Ana Valley, which is a broad downwarped (i.e., downward and depressed) area encompassing approximately 50 miles, at an elevation of approximately 1,240 to 1,245 feet, an approximate elevation difference of 5 feet. Overhead electrical lines are present at the north-central portion of the project site. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 2 The project site is designated Multi-Family High Residential (R-MFH) by the City of Fontana General Plan Land Use Map.1 The project site is zoned Multi-Family High Density Residential (R5) by the City of Fontana Zoning District Map.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project includes construction of a mixed-use residential apartment complex with 340 multi-family units, 1,500 square feet of commercial space, and four live-work units. The mixed-use residential apartment complex would consist of two four-story buildings. The 340 multi-family apartment units would be either 1, 2, or 3 bedrooms, ranging in size from 726 square feet to 1,388 square feet. The four live-work units would each be approximately 1,492 square feet. Additionally, the project would include the construction of 529 surface parking spaces, including 9 commercial parking spaces, located in the western, central, and southern portions of the project site. The project would also include approximately 5,600-square-foot indoor amenity space, comprised of an 1,800-square-foot lobby/leasing office, a 1,375-square-foot fitness center, a 1,700-square-foot clubroom, and a 720-square-foot business center in the northern building. The northern building would have two landscaped courtyards, with one containing a pool and spa, and the southern building would have three landscaped courtyards. The courtyards would contain a barbecue facility equipped with a grill and picnic benches and children’s tot lot with play equipment. Construction of the proposed project is anticipated to begin in December 2022 and would take approximately 26 months to complete, concluding in January 2025. Construction activities would occur 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, except for purposes of emergencies. The construction period would include demolition, excavation, grading, trenching, installation of utilities, building construction, architectural coating, paving activities, and installation of landscaping and hardscape elements. FUNDAMENTALS OF SOUND AND ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE Sound is mechanical energy transmitted by pressure waves in a compressible medium such as air and is characterized by both its amplitude and frequency (or pitch). The human ear does not hear all frequencies equally. In particular, the ear deemphasizes low and very high frequencies. To better approximate the sensitivity of human hearing, the A-weighted decibel scale (dBA) has been developed. Decibels are based on the logarithmic scale. The logarithmic scale compresses the wide range in sound pressure levels to a more usable range of numbers in a manner similar to the Richter scale used to measure earthquakes. In terms of human response to noise, a sound 10 dBA higher than another is perceived to be twice as loud and 20 dBA higher is perceived to be four times as loud, and so forth. Everyday sounds normally range from 30 dBA (very quiet) to 100 dBA (very loud). On this scale, the human range of hearing extends from approximately 3 dBA to around 140 dBA. Noise is generally defined as unwanted or excessive sound, which can vary in intensity by over one million times within the range of human hearing; therefore, a logarithmic scale, known as the decibel scale (dB), is used to quantify sound intensity. Noise can be generated by a number of sources, including mobile sources such as automobiles, trucks, and airplanes, and stationary sources such as construction sites, 1 City of Fontana, General Plan Land Use Map, March 3, 2021. 2 City of Fontana, Zoning District Map, March 3, 2021. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 3 machinery, and industrial operations. Noise generated by mobile sources typically attenuates (is reduced) at a rate between 3 dBA and 4.5 dBA per doubling of distance. The rate depends on the ground surface and the number or type of objects between the noise source and the receiver. Hard and flat surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt, have an attenuation rate of 3 dBA per doubling of distance. Soft surfaces, such as uneven or vegetated terrain, have an attenuation rate of about 4.5 dBA per doubling of distance. Noise generated by stationary sources typically attenuates at a rate between 6 dBA and about 7.5 dBA per doubling of distance. There are several metrics used to characterize community noise exposure, which fluctuate constantly over time. One such metric, the equivalent sound level (Leq), represents a constant sound that, over the specified period, has the same sound energy as the time-varying sound. This is commonly used to describe the “average” noise levels within the environment. Noise exposure over a longer period is often evaluated based on the Day-Night Sound Level (Ldn). This is a measure of 24-hour noise levels that incorporates a 10- dBA penalty (or an additional 10 dBA) for sounds occurring between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. when sounds seem to be louder. The penalty is intended to reflect the increased human sensitivity to noises occurring during nighttime hours, particularly at times when people are sleeping and there are lower ambient (background) noise conditions. Typical Ldn noise levels for light- and medium-density residential areas range from 55 dBA to 65 dBA. Similarly, Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) is a measure of 24-hour noise levels, not an actual sound level heard at any time, that incorporates a 5-dBA penalty for sounds occurring between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. and a 10-dBA penalty for sounds occurring between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. to account for noise sensitivity in the evening and nighttime, respectively.3 FUNDAMENTALS OF ENVIRONMENTAL GROUNDBORNE VIBRATION Ground vibration consists of oscillatory (i.e., rapidly fluctuating) motions or waves with an average motion of zero (i.e., no net movement of the vibration element). Sources of earth-borne vibrations include natural phenomena (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sea waves, landslides, etc.) or man-made causes (explosions, machinery, traffic, trains, construction equipment, etc.). Vibration sources may be continuous (e.g., factory machinery) or transient (e.g., explosions). Several different methods are typically used to quantify vibration amplitude. One is the peak particle velocity (PPV); another is the root mean square (RMS) velocity. The PPV is defined as the maximum instantaneous positive or negative peak of the vibration wave. The RMS velocity is defined as the average of the squared amplitude of the signal. Vibration decibels (VdB) is commonly used to measure the RMS vibration velocity level. The PPV and RMS vibration velocity amplitudes are used to evaluate human response to vibration.4 Table 1, Human Reaction and Damage to Buildings for Continuous or Frequent Intermittent Vibration Levels, displays the reactions of people and the effects on buildings produced by continuous vibration levels. The annoyance levels shown in the table should be interpreted with care since vibration may be found to be annoying at much lower levels than those listed, depending on the level of activity or the sensitivity of the individual. To sensitive individuals, vibrations approaching the threshold of perception can be annoying. Low-level vibrations frequently cause irritating secondary vibration, such as a slight rattling of windows, doors, or stacked dishes. The rattling sound can give rise to exaggerated vibration complaints, even though there is very little risk of actual structural damage. 3 Federal Transit Administration. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. September 2018. 4 Ibid. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 4 Table 1 Human Reaction and Damage to Buildings for Continuous or Frequent Intermittent Vibration Levels Peak Particle Velocity (inches/second) Approximate Vibration Velocity Level (VdB) Human Reaction Effect on Buildings 0.006–0.019 64–74 Range of threshold of perception. Vibrations unlikely to cause damage of any type. 0.08 87 Vibrations readily perceptible. Recommended upper level to which ruins and ancient monuments should be subjected. 0.1 92 Level at which continuous vibrations may begin to annoy people, particularly those involved in vibration sensitive activities. Virtually no risk of architectural damage to normal buildings. 0.2 94 Vibrations may begin to annoy people in buildings. Threshold at which there is a risk of architectural damage to normal dwellings. 0.4–0.6 98–104 Vibrations considered unpleasant by people subjected to continuous vibrations and unacceptable to some people walking on bridges. Architectural damage and possibly minor structural damage. Source: California Department of Transportation, Transportation Related Earthborne Vibrations, 2002. Ground vibration can be a concern in instances where buildings shake, and substantial rumblings occur. However, it is unusual for vibration from typical urban sources such as buses and heavy trucks to be perceptible. Common sources for groundborne vibration are planes, trains, and construction activities such as pile driving and vibratory compacting activities which require the use of heavy-duty earth moving equipment. For the purposes of this analysis, a PPV descriptor with units of inches per section (in/sec) is used to evaluate construction-generated vibration for building damage and human complaints. REGULATORY SETTING Environmental noise and vibration are controlled and regulated by federal, state, and local agencies. Federal agencies like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are responsible for managing major noise sources in commerce including transportation vehicles and equipment, machinery, appliances under the Noise Control Act of 1972.5 However, the primary responsibility of addressing noise issues is with the State and local governments.6 Federal Federal Transit Administration The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has developed a multi-step process used to evaluate a project for potential vibration impacts. Vibration levels at sensitive receivers are determined by estimating the overall vibration velocity and A-weighted ground-borne noise levels as a function of distance from the 5 U.S. EPA. Summary of the Noise Control Act: 42 USC Section 4901 et seq. (1972). Available at: https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-noise-control-act. 6 U.S. EPA. Clean Air Act Title IV – Noise Pollution. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/clean-air-act-overview/clean- air-act-title-iv-noise-pollution. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 5 project. The FTA has published standard vibration velocities for construction equipment operations. The types of construction vibration impact include human annoyance and building damage. Human annoyance occurs when construction vibration rises significantly above the threshold of human perception for extended periods of time. Building damage can be cosmetic or structural. For most residential structures that are non-engineered timber and masonry buildings, the FTA architectural damage criterion for continuous vibrations is 0.2 in/sec.7 State State Office of Planning and Research The State Office of Planning and Research’s (OPR) Noise Element Guidelines include recommended exterior and interior noise level standards for local jurisdictions to identify and prevent the creation of incompatible land uses due to noise. The Noise Element Guidelines contain a land use compatibility table that describes the compatibility of various land uses with a range of environmental noise levels in terms of the CNEL. The guidelines also present adjustment factors that may be used to arrive at noise acceptability standards that reflect the noise control goals of the community, the particular community’s sensitivity to noise, and the community’s assessment of the relative importance of noise pollution. California Government Code §65302 encourages each local government entity to implement a noise element as part of its general plan. As such, the OPR has developed guidelines for preparing noise elements. The recommendations established by OPR are listed in Table 2, Land Use Compatibility for Community Noise Environments. Table 2 Land Use Compatibility for Community Noise Environments Land Use Category Community Noise Exposure (CNEL) Normally Acceptable Conditionally Acceptable Normally Unacceptable Clearly Unacceptable Residential-Low Density, Single-Family, Duplex, Mobile Homes 50 – 60 55 - 70 70 – 75 75 – 85 Residential – Multiple Family 50 – 65 60 – 70 70 – 75 70 – 85 Transient Lodging – Motel, Hotels 50 – 65 60 – 70 70 – 80 80 – 85 Schools, Libraries, Churches, Hospitals, Nursing Homes 50 – 70 60 – 70 70 – 80 80 – 85 Auditoriums, Concert Halls, Amphitheaters NA 50 – 70 NA 65 – 85 Sports Arenas, Outdoor Spectator Sports NA 50 – 75 NA 70 – 85 Playgrounds, Neighborhood Parks 50 – 70 NA 67.5 – 77.5 72.5 – 85 Golf Courses, Riding Stables, Water Recreation, Cemeteries 50 – 70 NA 70 – 80 80 – 85 Office Buildings, Business Commercial and Professional 50 – 70 67.5 – 77.5 75 – 85 NA Industrial, Manufacturing, Utilities, Agriculture 50 – 75 70 – 80 75 – 85 NA CNEL = community noise equivalent level; NA = not applicable NORMALLY ACCEPTABLE: Specified land use is satisfactory, based upon the assumption that any buildings involved are of normal conventional construction, without any special noise insulation requirements. CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTABLE: New construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements is made and needed noise insulation features have been included in the design. Conventional construction, but with closed windows and fresh air supply systems or air conditioning, will normally suffice. NORMALLY UNACCEPTABLE: New construction or development should be discouraged. If new construction or development does proceed, a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements must be made and needed noise-insulation features must be included in the design. CLEARLY UNACCEPTABLE: New construction or development should generally not be undertaken. Source: Office of Planning and Research, State of California General Plan Guidelines, Appendix D, October 2017. 7 Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, September 2018. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 6 Local City of Fontana General Plan Update 2015-2035 The City adopted the General Plan Update 2015-2035 (General Plan) on November 18, 2018. The General Plan is the guiding document that provides residents, elected officials, business owners, and other stakeholders with direction on how to meet the needs of a growing city and provides a greater quality of life for its current and future residents. The General Plan acts as the City’s constitution or long-range blueprint for its physical development and details the community’s vision by identifying goals and objectives over the next 20 years. Chapter 11 Noise and Safety of the General Plan outlines the goals and policies for noise control within the City. The following goals and policies are applicable to the project: Chapter 11 Noise and Safety Goal 11.8: The City of Fontana protects sensitive land uses from excessive noise by diligent planning though 2035. Policy 11.8.1 New sensitive land uses shall be prohibited in incompatible areas. Policy 11.8.2 Noise-tolerant land uses shall be guided into areas irrevocably committed to land uses that are noise-producing, such as transportation corridors. Policy 11.8.3 Where sensitive uses are to be placed along transportation routes, mitigation shall be provided to ensure compliance with state-mandated noise levels. Policy 11.8.4 Noise spillover or encroachment from commercial, industrial and educational land uses shall be minimized into adjoining residential neighborhoods or noise- sensitive uses. Goal 11.9: The City of Fontana provides a diverse and efficiently operated ground transportation system, that generates the minimum feasible noise on its residents through 2035. Policy 11.9.1 All noise sections of the State Motor Vehicle Code shall be enforced. Goal 11.10: Fontana’s residents are protected from the negative effects of “spillover” noise. Policy 11.10.1 Residential land uses and areas identified as noise-sensitive shall be protected from excessive noise from non-transportation sources including industrial, commercial, and residential activities and equipment. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 7 Municipal Code Noise Ordinance The City regulates noise in Municipal Code Chapter 18 and Chapter 30. 8, 9 Noise regulations are based on the increment of noise that a source generates above the ambient background noise level. Per Chapter 18, Nuisances, Article II – Noise, Sec. 18-63-Scope, enumeration of prohibited noises(b), the following noise sources would be in violation of the municipal code and if it created loud, excessive, impulsive or intrusive sound or noise that annoys or disturbs people from a distance of 50 feet or more from the edge of the property, structure or unit in which the source is located. • Section 18-63(b)(4) Exhausts. The discharge into the open air of the exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, motorboat or motor vehicle, except through a muffler or other device which will effectively prevent loud, excessive, impulsive or intrusive noises. • Section 18-63(b)(6) Loading, unloading or opening boxes. The creation of a loud, excessive, impulsive or intrusive and excessive noise in connection with loading or unloading of any vehicle or the opening and destruction of bales, boxes, crates and containers. • Section 18-63(b)(7) Construction or repairing of buildings or structures. The erection (including excavating), demolition, alteration or repair of any building or structure other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, except in case of urgent necessity in the interest of public health and safety. • Section 18-63(b)(10) Piledrivers, hammers, etc. The operation between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of any piledriver, steam shovel, pneumatic hammer, derrick, steam or electric hoist or other appliance, the use of which is attended by loud, excessive, impulsive or intrusive noise. Additionally, per Chapter 30, Article V, Division 6, Sec. 30-469-Noise of the municipal code, no use shall create or cause creation of any sound, including noise from a portable electronic device such as a car stereo, that exceeds the ambient noise standards outlined in Table 30-469 (Table 3, City of Fontana Ambient Noise Standards). Table 3 City of Fontana Ambient Noise Standards Location of Measurement Maximum Allowable All Zoning Districts 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Interior 45 dB 45 dB Exterior 65 dB 65 dB Source: City of Fontana Code of Ordinance, Chapter 30, Article V, Division 6, Sec. 30-469-Noise, Table 30-469, December 31, 2021. Accordingly, project construction activities are considered exempt per the City’s Municipal Code Section 18-63 provided that such activities take place between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, except for purposes of emergencies. However, if activity occurs outside of these hours, the City’s ambient noise level standards (i.e., exterior noise standard of 65 dB) will apply, which are the operational noise standards for land uses. Additionally, the City relies on the 24-hour CNEL level to assess land use compatibility with transportation related noise sources. 8 City of Fontana, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 18, September 13, 2021. 9 City of Fontana, Code of Ordinance, Chapter 30, December 31, 2021. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 8 Per Chapter 30, Article V, Division 6, Sec. 30-470-Vibration, no use shall create or cause to be created any activity that causes a vibration that can be felt beyond the property line with or without the aid of an instrument. However, the City does not specify the vibration threshold. Therefore, this analysis uses the FTA’s maximum acceptable continuous vibrations threshold of 0.2 in/sec.10 EXISTING SETTING Noise Sensitive Receptors Noise-sensitive land uses are generally considered to include those uses where noise exposure could result in health-related risks to individuals, as well as places where quiet is an essential element of their intended purpose. Residential dwellings are of primary concern because of the potential for increased and prolonged exposure of individuals to both interior and exterior noise levels. Additional land uses such as parks, historic sites, cemeteries, and recreation areas are considered sensitive to increases in exterior noise levels. Schools, churches, hotels, libraries, and other places where low interior noise levels are essential are also considered noise-sensitive land uses. The nearest sensitive receptors to the project site include: • Single-family residences located adjacent to the south; • Multi-family residences located approximately 50 feet to the east; and • Multi-family residences located approximately 46 feet to the west.11 Existing Stationary Noise Levels Land uses in the project area are mostly residential and retail commercial uses. The primary sources of stationary noise in the project vicinity are urban-related activities (i.e., mechanical equipment and parking areas). The noise associated with these sources may represent a single-event noise occurrence, short- term, or long-term/continuous noise. Existing Roadway Noise Levels The majority of the existing noise in the project area is generated from traffic along surrounding roadways including Foothill Boulevard and Live Oak Avenue. Mobile source noise was modeled using the Federal Highway Administration’s Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA RD-77-108), which incorporates several roadway and site parameters. The model does not account for ambient noise levels. Noise projections are based on modeled vehicular traffic as derived from traffic data provided by Fehr & Peers; refer to Appendix A, Noise and Traffic Data. As shown in Table 4, Existing Traffic Noise Levels, mobile source noise levels in the vicinity of the project site range from 48.0 dBA to 67.6 dBA at 100 feet from the roadway centerline. 10 Federal Transit Administration. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. September 2018. 11 Chapter 18, Nuisances, Article II – Noise, Sec. 18-63, identifies 50 feet from the edge of the property, structure or unit in which the noise source is located. As a result, sensitive receptors within 50 feet from the project site have been selected for this analysis. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 9 Table 4 Existing Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment Existing Without Project Conditions ADT dBA @ 100 Feet from Roadway Centerline Distance from Roadway Centerline to: (Feet) 70 CNEL Noise Contour 65 CNEL Noise Contour 60 CNEL Noise Contour Live Oak Avenue South of Foothill Blvd 830 48.0 - - - Cherry Avenue North of Foothill Blvd 20,380 65.0 - 99 214 South of Foothill Blvd 19,540 63.6 - 80 173 Foothill Blvd Between Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 29,500 67.6 70 150 323 Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 27,100 67.0 63 136 292 Notes: ADT = average daily trips; dBA = A-weighted decibels; CNEL = community noise equivalent level, - = Contour located within the roadway right of way. Source: Based on traffic data provided by Fehr & Peers. Existing Ambient Noise Levels In order to quantify existing ambient noise levels in the project area, Michael Baker International conducted three short-term noise measurements in the project vicinity on January 11, 2022. The noise measurement locations are shown in Exhibit 1, Noise Measurement Locations and are representative of typical existing noise exposure within and immediately adjacent to the project site. The 10-minute measurements were taken between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Short-term (Leq) measurements are considered representative of the noise levels throughout the day. The noise measurements were taken during “off-peak” (9:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m.) traffic noise hours as this provides a more conservative baseline. During rush hour traffic, vehicle speeds and heavy truck volumes are often low. Free-flowing traffic conditions just before or after rush hour often yield higher noise levels.12 The noise levels measured near the project site is identified in Table 5, Noise Measurements. Table 5 Noise Measurements Site No. Location Leq (dBA) Lmin (dBA) Lmax (dBA) Peak (dBA) Start Time 1 Along the fence of western side of the Ahdv Redwood Terrace Apartment Complex, across the alley between 8176 Redwood Avenue and 8184 Redwood Avenue. 62.1 39.3 81.5 102.2 10:35 a.m. 2 Northwest corner of 14875 Ivy Avenue. 59.4 37.6 86.0 73.2 10:58 a.m. 3 Driveway entrance at Levante Apartment Homes. 60.4 41.5 72.7 91.5 11:28 a.m. Source: Michael Baker International, January 11, 2022. 12 California Department of Transportation, Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, September 2013. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 10 Meteorological conditions were clear with cool temperatures (67 degrees) and moderate wind speeds (approximately 14 mile per hour). Measured noise levels during the daytime measurements ranged from 59.4 to 62.1 dBA Leq. The sources of peak noise are traffic along Redwood Avenue and Foothill Boulevard and dog barking near the measurement site. Noise monitoring equipment used for the ambient noise survey consisted of a Brüel & Kjær Hand-held Analyzer Type 2250 equipped with a Type 4189 pre-polarized microphone. The monitoring equipment complies with applicable requirements of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for Type I (precision) sound level meters. Refer to Appendix A, for the results of the field measurements. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 11 Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 12 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT SIGNIFICANCE THRESHOLDS In accordance with the CEQA Guidelines, project impacts are evaluated to determine whether significant adverse environmental impacts would occur. This analysis will focus on the project’s potential impacts and provide mitigation measures, if required, to reduce or avoid any potentially significant impacts that are identified. Accordingly, a project would have a significant adverse impact related to noise and vibration if it would cause one or more of the following to occur: • Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies (refer to Impact NOI-1); • Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels (refer to Impact NOI- 2); and/or • For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels (refer to Impact NOI-3). IMPACT ANALYSIS NOI-1: WOULD THE PROJECT RESULT IN GENERATION OF A SUBSTANTIAL TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT INCREASE IN AMBIENT NOISE LEVELS IN THE VICINITY OF THE PROJECT IN EXCESS OF STANDARDS ESTABLISHED IN THE LOCAL GENERAL PLAN OR NOISE ORDINANCE, OR APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF OTHER AGENCIES? Less Than Significant Impact. The analysis below presents the construction and operational noise that would be generated with implementation of the proposed project. The City’s General Plan Noise and Safety Chapter and Municipal Code establishes guidelines and regulations for controlling both construction and operational noise in the City. Construction Noise Impacts For construction noise standards, the City provides guidance that residential land uses and areas should be protected from excessive noise from non-transportation sources including construction equipment (Policy 11.10.1 of the General Plan). Additionally, project construction activities that take place between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday are considered exempt per the City’s Municipal Code Section 18-63. However, if activity occurs outside of these hours, the City’s ambient noise level standards (i.e., exterior noise standard of 65 dB) would apply. Temporary increases in ambient noise levels as a result of implementation of the project would predominantly be associated with construction activities. Project construction would occur over approximately 26 months, beginning in December 2022. Construction of the project would include the following phases: grading, building construction, paving, and architectural coating. It is anticipated that the project would be completed and operational by January 2025. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 13 Construction Equipment Noise Impacts Typical noise levels generated by construction equipment are shown in Table 6, Maximum Noise Levels Generated by Construction Equipment. Construction noise is difficult to quantify because of the many variables involved, including the specific equipment types, size of equipment used, percentage of time each piece is in operation, condition of each piece of equipment, and number of pieces that would operate on the site. It should be noted that the noise levels identified in Table 6 are maximum sound levels (Lmax), which are the highest individual sound occurring at an individual time period. Operating cycles for these types of construction equipment may involve one or two minutes of full power operation followed by three to four minutes at lower power settings. Other primary sources of acoustical disturbance would be due to random incidents, which are expected to last less than one minute (such as dropping large pieces of equipment or the hydraulic movement of machinery lifts). Table 6 Maximum Noise Levels Generated by Construction Equipment Type of Equipment Acoustical Use Factor1 Lmax at 50 Feet (dBA)2 Backhoe 40 78 Compressor 40 78 Concrete Mixer Truck 40 79 Concrete Saw 20 90 Crane 16 79 Dozer 40 82 Forklift 40 78 Generator 50 81 Grader 40 85 Loader 40 79 Paver 50 77 Roller 20 80 Tractor 40 84 Welder 40 74 Note: 1. Acoustical Use Factor (percent): Estimates the fraction of time each piece of construction equipment is operating at full power (i.e., its loudest condition) during a construction operation. 2. These noise levels represent the A-weighted maximum sound level (Lmax) measured at a distance of 50 feet from the construction equipment. Source: Federal Highway Administration, Roadway Construction Noise Model (FHWA-HEP-05-054), January 2006. Construction equipment is expected to generate noise levels ranging from approximately 74 dBA to 90 dBA Leq at a distance of 50 feet. Noise produced by construction equipment would decrease by 6 dBA for each doubling of distance from the source.13 The potential for construction-related noise to affect nearby sensitive receptors would depend on the location and proximity of construction activities to these receptors. The closest sensitive receptors to the project site are the single-family residential uses immediately to the south of the project site and within 50 feet of the project construction boundary. These sensitive uses may be exposed to elevated noise levels 13 Cyril M. Harris, Noise Control in Buildings, 1994. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 14 up to 90 dBA Leq during project construction; however, daytime construction noise is a common occurrence within an urban environment. Ambient noise levels for these single-family residential receptors range between 37.6 dBA Lmin and 86 dBA Lmax with a peak of 73.2 dBA. Although, the noise generated by project construction would be higher than the ambient noise levels, which may result in a temporary increase in ambient noise levels, construction noise would cease once project construction is completed. Additionally, the City’s Municipal Code Section 18-63 exempts construction activities from the noise standard provided that such activities take place between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, except for purposes of emergencies. These permitted hours of construction are required in recognition that construction activities undertaken during permitted hours are a typical part of living in an urban environment. Construction activities for the proposed project would be conducted during allowable hours, per the Municipal Code. As such, the noise during construction would be less than significant. Construction Trips Noise Impacts Construction activities would also cause increased noise along access routes to and from the site due to movement of equipment and workers, as well as haul trips. According to the CalEEMod Output, it is anticipated that project construction would generate a maximum of 96 hauling trips per day, 460 worker trips per day, and 90 vendor trips per day. As a result, mobile source noise would increase along access routes to and from the project site during construction. However, mobile traffic noise from construction trips would be temporary and would cease upon project completion. Based on traffic data provided by Fehr & Peers, existing traffic in the project vicinity consists of 830 average daily trips along Live Oak Avenue (south of Foothill Boulevard), 29,500 average daily trips along Foothill Boulevard (between Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue), and 27,100 average daily trips along Foothill Boulevard (between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue). Therefore, existing traffic in the project vicinity ranges from 830 to 29,500 average daily trips. The project would result in a maximum of 646 total trips per day (i.e., hauling, worker, and vendor trips) due to the overlap in the grading and building construction phases. According to the Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy and Guidance, a doubling of traffic volumes would result in a 3 dB increase in traffic noise levels, which is barely detectable by the human ear.14 The project’s construction trips would not double existing traffic volumes and any increase in traffic noise levels would thus be imperceptible. Therefore, short-term haul truck noise impacts from construction traffic would be less than significant. Operational Noise Impacts For operational noise standards, the City identifies noise-sensitive land uses and noise sources with the intent of separating these uses. The City’s Municipal Code Noise regulates noise based on the increment of noise that a source generates above the ambient background noise level. The City’s ambient noise level standards for exterior noise is 65 dB. Additionally, the City relies on the 24-hour CNEL level to assess land use compatibility with transportation related noise sources. 14 U.S. Department of Transportation, Highway Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Policy and Guidance, updated August 24, 2017, https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environMent/noise/regulations_and_guidance/polguide/polguide02.cfm, accessed on March 2, 2022. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 15 In community noise assessments, a 3 dBA increase is considered “barely perceptible,” and increases over 5 dBA are generally considered “readily perceptible”.15 Thus, the project would cause a significant impact if a 3 dB increase over existing conditions occurs and the resulting noise level exceeds the applicable exterior standard at a sensitive use. Off-Site Mobile Noise The proposed project would result in additional traffic on adjacent roadways, thereby increasing vehicular noise in the vicinity of existing and proposed land uses. The following analysis considers the project- generated average daily trips compared to existing, opening year, and cumulative conditions. The most prominent source of mobile traffic noise in the project vicinity is along Foothill Boulevard. As the proposed project would develop a mixed-use building, it would result in some additional traffic on adjacent roadways, thereby potentially increasing vehicular noise in the vicinity of existing and proposed land uses. According to the Transportation Impact Analysis, the proposed project would generate 1,644 daily trips, including 131 trips during the a.m. peak hour and 140 trips during the p.m. peak hour. Existing Conditions According to Table 7, Existing Conditions and Existing Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels, under the “Existing” scenario, noise levels at a distance of 100 feet from the roadway centerline would range from approximately 48.0 dBA to 67.6 dBA, with the highest noise levels occurring along Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. The “Existing Plus Project” scenario noise levels at a distance of 100 feet from the roadway centerline would range from approximately 50.1 dBA to 67.8 dBA, with the highest noise occurring along the same roadway segment. As shown in Table 7, the noise levels would result in a maximum increase of 2.1 dBA as a result of the proposed project. This increase in noise would occur along Live Oak Avenue. As this noise level increase is below 3 dBA, a less than significant impact would occur. 15 California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, September 2013, https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/environmental-analysis/documents/env/tens- sep2013-a11y.pdf, accessed February 15, 2022. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 16 Table 7 Existing Conditions and Existing Plus Project Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment Existing Existing Plus Project Project Noise Level Increase (dBA) Threshold Exceeded (greater than 3 dBA increase)? dBA @ 100 Feet from Roadway Centerline ADT1 Distance from Roadway Centerline to: (Feet) dBA @ 100 Feet from Roadway Centerline ADT1 Distance from Roadway Centerline to: (Feet) 70 CNEL Noise Contour 65 CNEL Noise Contour 60 CNEL Noise Contour 70 CNEL Noise Contour 65 CNEL Noise Contour 60 CNEL Noise Contour Live Oak Avenue South of Foothill Blvd 48.0 830 - - - 50.1 1,322 - - - 2.1 No Cherry Avenue North of Foothill Blvd 65.0 20,380 - 99 214 65.0 20,626 - 100 216 0.0 No South of Foothill Blvd 63.6 19,540 - 80 173 63.6 19,704 - 81 174 0.0 No Foothill Blvd Between Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 67.6 29,500 70 150 323 67.8 30,404 71 153 330 0.2 No Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 67.0 27,100 63 136 292 67.1 27,922 64 138 298 0.1 No Notes: ADT = average daily trips; dBA = A-weighted decibels; CNEL = community noise equivalent level, - = Contour located within the roadway right of way. Source: 1. Based on traffic data provided by Fehr & Peers. Opening Year Conditions The “Opening Year Without Project” and “Opening Year Plus Project” were compared for future noise conditions along roadway segments in the project vicinity. According to Table 8, Future Traffic Noise Levels, under the “Opening Year Without Project” scenario, noise levels at a distance of 100 feet from the roadway centerline would range from approximately 48.0 dBA to 67.8 dBA, with the highest noise levels occurring along Foothill Boulevard between Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue. Under the “Opening Year Plus Project” scenario, noise levels at a distance of 100 feet from the roadway centerline would range from approximately 50.9 dBA to 68.0 dBA, with the highest noise occurring along the same roadway segment. Additionally, the highest noise level increase is 1.6 dBA along Live Oak Avenue, which would not exceed the 3 dBA threshold. Therefore, opening year noise conditions along roadway segments in the project vicinity would not exceed the 3 dBA increase threshold, and a less than significant impact would occur. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 17 Table 8 Future Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment Opening Year without Project Opening Year Plus Project Project Noise Level Increase (dBA) Threshold Exceeded (greater than 3 dBA increase)? dBA @ 100 Feet from Roadway Centerline ADT1 Distance from Roadway Centerline to: (Feet) dBA @ 100 Feet from Roadway Centerline ADT1 Distance from Roadway Centerline to: (Feet) 70 CNEL Noise Contour 65 CNEL Noise Contour 60 CNEL Noise Contour 70 CNEL Noise Contour 65 CNEL Noise Contour 60 CNEL Noise Contour Live Oak Avenue South of Foothill Blvd 49.3 1,100 - - - 50.9 1,592 - - - 1.6 No Cherry Avenue North of Foothill Blvd 65.1 20,900 - 101 218 65.1 21,146 - 102 219 0.0 No South of Foothill Blvd 63.7 20,100 - 82 176 63.7 20,264 - 82 177 0.0 No Foothill Blvd Between Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 67.8 30,900 72 155 333 68.0 31,801 73 158 340 0.2 No Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 67.2 28,390 65 140 301 67.3 29,212 66 143 307 0.1 No Notes: ADT = average daily trips; dBA = A-weighted decibels; CNEL = community noise equivalent level, - = Contour located within the roadway right of way. Source: 1. Based on traffic data provided by Fehr and Peers. Cumulative Mobile Source Impacts A project’s contribution to a cumulative traffic noise increase would be considered significant when the combined effect exceeds perception level (i.e., auditory level increase) threshold. The combined effect compares the “Cumulative With Project” condition to “Existing” conditions. This comparison accounts for the traffic noise increase generated by a project combined with the traffic noise increase generated by ambient growth and related projects in the project vicinity. The following criterion has been utilized to evaluate the combined effect of the cumulative noise increase. • Combined Effects. The cumulative with project noise level (“Cumulative With Project”) would cause a significant cumulative impact if a 3 dB increase over existing conditions occurs and the resulting noise level exceeds the applicable exterior standard at a sensitive use. Note that 3 dB is used as the project level threshold as noted in Table 7. Although there may be a significant noise increase due to the proposed project in combination with other related projects (combined effects), it must also be demonstrated that the project has an incremental effect. In other words, a significant portion of the noise increase must be due to the proposed project. The following criterion has been utilized to evaluate the incremental effect of the cumulative noise increase. • Incremental Effects. Per the Federal interagency Committee on Noise (FICON), an increase in the traffic noise level of 5 dBA or greater would typically be considered to result in increased levels of annoyance where existing ambient noise levels are less than 60 dBA. Within areas where the ambient noise level ranges from 60 to 65 dBA, increased levels of annoyance would be anticipated at increases of 3 dBA, or greater. Increases of 1.5 dBA or greater, could result in increased levels Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 18 of annoyance in areas where the ambient noise level exceeds 65 dBA.16 The rationale for the FICON-recommended criteria is that as ambient noise levels increase, a smaller increase in noise resulting from a project is sufficient to cause significant increases in annoyance. In an effort to be conservative, 1.5 dBA was utilized as the Incremental Effect threshold as it is the lowest level at which an increase could be perceived. Therefore, “Cumulative With Project” would be considered cumulatively significant if it causes a 1.5 dBA increase in noise over the “Cumulative Without Project” noise level. In addition, the land use compatibility standards, as shown in Table 2, would also be used as a tool to evaluate the compatibility of new land uses relative to existing and future exterior noise exposure levels. A significant impact would result only if both the combined and incremental effects criteria, and the land use compatibility standards have been exceeded. Noise by definition is a localized phenomenon and reduces as distance from the source increases. Consequently, only the proposed project and growth due to occur in the project site’s general vicinity would contribute to cumulative noise impacts. Table 9, Cumulative Traffic Noise Levels, provides traffic noise effects along roadway segments in the project vicinity for “Existing,” “Cumulative Without Project,” and “Cumulative With Project” conditions, including combined and incremental cumulative impacts. As indicated in Table 9, noise levels would exceed the combined effects criterion of 3 dBA but not the incremental effects criterion of 1.5 dBA along Live Oak Avenue. Additionally, the noise levels under all scenarios would not exceed the OPR’s applicable normally acceptable land use compatibility standards. Therefore, no roadway segments would be subject to significant cumulative noise impacts, as they would not both exceed the combined and incremental effects criteria, and the land use compatibility standards simultaneously. Therefore, the proposed project would result in less than significant cumulative impacts. 16 Federal Interagency Committee on Noise, Discussion of Methodologies of Measuring Noise Impact, October 22, 2000. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 19 Table 9 Cumulative Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment Existing Land Uses Located Along Roadway Segment Existing Cumulative Without Project Cumulative With Project Combined Effects Incremental Effects Normally Acceptable Land Use Compatibility Standard Thresholds (dBA)2 Cumulatively Significant Impact? dBA @ 100 Feet from Roadway Centerline dBA @ 100 Feet from Roadway Centerline dBA @ 100 Feet from Roadway Centerline Difference In dBA Between Existing and Cumulative With Project Difference in dBA Between Cumulative Without Project and Cumulative With Project Live Oak Avenue South of Foothill Blvd Residential- single-family 48.0 51.4 52.5 4.5 1.1 60 No Cherry Avenue North of Foothill Blvd Commercial 65.0 65.3 65.4 0.4 0.1 70 No South of Foothill Blvd Residential- single-family/ Commercial 63.6 64.0 64.1 0.5 0.1 60 No Foothill Avenue Between Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue Residential- multi-family/ Commercial 67.6 68.8 68.9 1.3 0.1 65 No Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue Residential- multi-family/ Commercial 67.0 68.1 68.2 1.2 0.1 65 No Notes: ADT = average daily trips; dBA = A-weighted decibels; CNEL = community noise equivalent level. Source: 1. Based on traffic data provided by Fehr & Peers. 2. The normally acceptable land use compatibility standard established by OPR as showed in Table 2. Stationary Noise As stated above, the project would develop a mixed-use building with residential and commercial uses. Stationary noise sources associated with the project would include the operation of mechanical equipment, parking lot activities, and outdoor gathering area activities. Mechanical Equipment Noise The Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) units would be installed in enclosed utility rooms, and the mechanical exhaust vent would be located on the roof. Noise generated from HVAC units in the enclosed utility rooms would be inaudible at off-site uses as the structure would be completely enclosed. The nearest sensitive receptors to the exhaust vent are the multi-family residences located to the east of Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 20 the project site approximately 110 feet from the exhaust vent measured from the property line of the multi-family residences. Typically, exhaust fan noise is 55 dBA at 50 feet from the source.17 Noise has a decay rate due to distance attenuation, which is calculated based on the Inverse Square Law of sound propagation. Based upon the Inverse Square Law, sound levels decrease by 6 dBA for each doubling of distance from the source.18 The proposed buildings would be a maximum of 55 feet high. Therefore, the distance between the ground level property line of the closest sensitive receptors and the exhaust vent would be approximately 120 feet. At the distance of 120 feet, the noise level would be approximately 47 dBA. As such, the noise level from the exhaust vent would be 47 dBA at the property line of the nearest sensitive receptors to the east and would not exceed the City’s daytime and nighttime exterior noise standard of 65 dBA CNEL. Thus, the proposed project would not result in noise impacts to nearby sensitive receptors from HVAC units and exhaust vent fan, and stationary noise levels from the proposed HVAC units and exhaust vent fan would comply with the City’s Noise Ordinance. Impacts would be less than significant. Parking Noise The proposed project would include 529 stalls of surface parking spaces. Estimates of the maximum noise levels associated with the parking lot activities attributed to the project are presented in Table 10, Typical Noise Levels Generated by Parking Related Activities. Table 10 Maximum Noise Levels Generated by Parking Related Activities Noise Source Maximum Noise Levels at 50 Feet from Source Car door slamming 61 dBA Leq Car starting 60 dBA Leq Car idling 53 dBA Leq Source: Kariel, H. G., Noise in Rural Recreational Environments, Canadian Acoustics 19(5), 3-10, 1991. As shown in Table 10, parking activities can result in noise levels up to 61 dBA at a distance of 50 feet. It is noted that parking activity noises are instantaneous noise levels compared to noise standards in the CNEL scale, which are averaged over time. As a result, actual noise levels over time resulting from parking activities would be far lower than what is identified in Table 10. The nearest surface parking lot on-site would be approximately 5 feet from the sensitive receptors to the south of the project site. At a distance of 5 feet the noise level would be approximately 81 dBA. As previously noted, this is a “peak” noise level and not representative of the noise averaged over a CNEL scale. While these existing sensitive receptors may be exposed to parking lot noise, it would be partially masked by background noise from traffic along Live Oak Avenue and Ivy Avenue. Additionally, there is an existing 6-foot wall that would block the noise emanating from parking areas. Surface parking lots already exist in the project vicinity (i.e., at the apartment complex located directly across Live Oak Avenue and the apartment complex located at the southwest corner of the project site); therefore, the project’s parking activities would not result in 17 Elliott H. Berger, Rick Neitzel, and Cynthia A. Kladden, Noise Navigator Sound Level Database with Over 1700 Measurement Values, July 6, 2010. 18 Cyril M. Harris, Noise Control in Buildings, 1994. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 21 substantially greater noise levels than existing conditions in the project vicinity. Thus, noise generated from parking lots near the sensitive receptors would be intermittent and would not introduce a new noise source compared to existing conditions. A less than significant impact would occur. Outdoor Gathering Area Noise The project would include a public plaza for the tenants and residents. The plaza would be located near the northwest corner of the project site. The plaza has the potential to be accessed by groups of people intermittently. Noise generated by groups of people (i.e., crowds) is dependent on several factors including vocal effort, impulsiveness, and the random orientation of the crowd members. Crowd noise is estimated at 60 dBA at one meter (3.28 feet) away for raised normal speaking.19 This noise level would have a +5 dBA adjustment for the impulsiveness of the noise source, and a -3 dBA adjustment for the random orientation of the crowd members.20 Therefore, crowd noise would be approximately 62 dBA at one meter from the source (i.e., the plaza). The closest sensitive receptors are multi-family residences located approximately 170 feet to the west of the plaza measured from the property line of the receptors. At the distance of 170 feet, crowd noise would be reduced to approximately 28 dBA, which would not exceed the City’s daytime and nighttime exterior noise standard of 65 dBA CNEL. As such, the proposed outdoor plaza area would not generate noise levels that would exceed the City’s noise standards at the closest sensitive receptors. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. NOI-2: WOULD THE PROJECT RESULT IN EXPOSURE OF PERSONS TO OR GENERATION OF EXCESSIVE GROUNDBORNE VIBRATION OR GROUNDBORNE NOISE LEVELS? Less Than Significant Impact With Mitigation Incorporated. Construction Vibration Impacts Project construction can generate varying degrees of groundborne vibration, depending on the construction procedure and the construction equipment used. Operation of some heavy-duty construction equipment generates vibrations that spread through the ground and diminish in amplitude with distance from the source. The effect on buildings located in the vicinity of the construction site often varies depending on soil type, ground strata, and construction characteristics of the receiver building(s). The results from vibration can range from no perceptible effects at the lowest vibration levels, to low rumbling sounds and perceptible vibration at moderate levels, to slight damage at the highest levels. Groundborne vibrations from construction activities rarely reach levels that damage structures. As previously discussed, the City does not specify vibration level threshold limits for construction. The FTA has published standard vibration velocities for construction equipment operations. The types of construction vibration impact include human annoyance and building damage. Human annoyance occurs when construction vibration rises significantly above the threshold of human perception for extended periods of time. Building damage can be cosmetic or structural. For most residential structures that are non-engineered timber and masonry buildings, the FTA architectural damage criterion for continuous vibrations is 0.2 in/sec. 19 M.J. Hayne, et al, Prediction of Crowd Noise, Acoustics, November 2006. 20 Ibid. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 22 Table 11, Vibration Levels for Construction Equipment (Reference and Nearest Structures) shows the reference vibration levels for construction equipment at 25 feet and the vibration levels for construction equipment from the closest structures (i.e., residential uses). Table 11 Vibration Levels for Construction Equipment (Reference and Nearest Structures) Equipment Reference Approximate peak particle velocity at 25 feet (in/sec)1 Approximate peak particle velocity at 5 feet (in/sec)1,2 Approximate peak particle velocity at 40 feet (in/sec)1,3 Large bulldozer 0.089 0.9951 0.0440 Loaded trucks 0.076 0.8497 0.0376 Small bulldozer 0.003 0.0335 0.0015 Jackhammer 0.035 0.3913 0.0173 Vibratory Roller 0.21 2.3479 0.1038 FTA Criteria 0.2 0.2 Significant Impact? Yes No Notes: 1. Calculated using the following formula: PPV equip = PPVref x (25/D)1.5 where: PPV equip = the peak particle velocity in in/sec of the equipment adjusted for the distance PPV ref = the reference vibration level in in/sec from Table 7-4 of the FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. D = the distance from the equipment to the receiver 2. The closest residential structure is located at a single-family residence 5 feet south of the project site property line. 3. Other structures adjacent to the project site are at least 40 feet from the project site property line (i.e., multi-family residential to the west). Source: Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, Table 7-4 Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment, September 2018. As indicated in Table 11, based on the FTA data, vibration velocities from typical heavy construction equipment operations that would be used during project construction range from 0.003 to 0.210 inches per second PPV at 25 feet from the source of activity. The equipment with the greatest vibration level utilized during project construction would be the vibratory roller which would generate a vibration level of 0.21 inches per second PPV at 25 feet. Structures adjacent to the project site would typically be at least 40 feet from the construction activity, although residences to the south would be as close as 5 feet. The nearest structure is a single-family residence (APN: 023-007-105) located approximately 5 feet to the south of the project site. As shown in Table 11, the vibration velocities for heavy construction equipment (i.e., large bulldozers, loaded trucks, jackhammers, and vibratory rollers) at a distance of 5 feet would range from 0.3913 to 2.3419 inches per second PPV, which would exceed the FTA significance threshold of 0.2 inches per second PPV for building damage and human annoyance. However, groundborne vibration decreases rapidly with distance. Other structures near the project site would be located at least 40 feet from the project boundary. Vibration velocities would not exceed the FTA significance threshold of 0.2 inches per second PPV at the distance of 40 feet; refer to Table 11. For the single-family residences located to the south of the project site, the vibration damage threshold of 0.2 inches per second PPV would be exceeded whenever a large bulldozer, loaded truck, jackhammer, vibratory roller, or similar equipment would operate within 5 feet of the residential structures. As shown Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 23 in Table 12, Construction Vibration Buffer Zone Distances and Vibration Levels with Mitigation, heavy-duty construction equipment would not exceed the FTA’s 0.2 inches per second PPV threshold when operating at the distance listed from the sensitive receptors to the south of the project site. Therefore, Mitigation Measure N-1 would require buffer zone distances for heavy construction equipment, the use of construction vibration monitoring systems for equipment, and the use of light construction equipment or alternative strategies to ensure the vibration damage threshold is not exceeded. Specifically, large bulldozers shall not operate within 15 feet of residential structures; loaded trucks shall not operate within 13 feet of residential structures; jackhammers shall not operate within 13 feet of residential structures; and vibratory roller shall not operate within 26 feet of residential structures. Additionally, the buffer zone shall be enforced around the existing residential structures during the project construction hours, which would only occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, except for purposes of emergencies, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 18-63. Therefore, with implementation of Mitigation Measure N-1, impacts related to construction vibration would be less than significant. Table 12 Construction Vibration Buffer Zone Distances Equipment Nearest Distance of Heavy-Duty Construction Equipment Activity to Southern Structures (feet)1,2 Peak Particle Velocity at Structure (in/sec) 1 Vibratory Roller 26 0.2 Large bulldozer 15 0.2 Loaded trucks 13 0.2 Jackhammer 8 0.2 Notes: 1. Calculated using the following formula: PPV equip = PPV ref x (25/D)1.5 where: PPV equip = the peak particle velocity in in/sec of the equipment adjusted for the distance PPV ref = the reference vibration level in in/sec from Table 7-4 of the FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual D = the distance from the equipment to the receiver 2. The construction equipment would not exceed the FTA’s 0.2 inches per second PPV threshold when operating at the distance listed from the single-family residences to the south. Source: Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, September 2018. Operational Vibration Impacts Operation of the project would not include or require equipment, facilities, or activities that would result in perceptible groundborne vibration. According to the FTA, it is unusual for vibration from sources such as buses and trucks to be perceptible, even in locations close to major roads. As such, it can be reasonably inferred that project operations would not create perceptible vibration impacts to the nearest sensitive receptors. A less than significant impact would occur. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 24 Mitigation Measure: N-1 The following measures shall be incorporated on all grading and building plans and specifications subject to approval of the City of Fontana City Engineer prior to issuance of a grading permit: • The Project Applicant shall ensure the following construction equipment will not approach the construction buffer zone adjacent to the residential structures along the project’s southern project boundary. The buffer zone shall be tiered based on distances established below. Equipment Nearest Distance of Heavy-Duty Construction Equipment Activity to Southern Structures (feet) Peak Particle Velocity (in/sec)1 Vibratory Roller 26 0.2 Large bulldozer 15 0.2 Loaded trucks 13 0.2 Jackhammer 8 0.2 As shown in the table above, a vibratory roller shall not operate within 26 feet of residential structures to the south; large bulldozers shall not operate within 15 feet of residential structures to the south; loaded trucks shall not operate within 13 feet of residential structures to the south; and jackhammers shall not operate within 8 feet of residential structures to the south. The buffer zone shall be enforced around the existing residential structures during the project construction hours, which would only occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, except for purposes of emergencies pursuant to Municipal Code Section 18-63. Temporary on‐site signage in the immediate proximity of the southern project construction boundary shall be erected notifying construction personnel of the prohibition. The erection of appropriate signage shall be verified by an acoustical engineer on the first day of construction activities and pursuant to a weekly schedule thereafter. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City Building Official and Director of Planning. • Within the buffer zone, the Project Applicant shall utilize a construction vibration monitoring system with the potential to measure low levels of vibration (i.e., 0.2 inch- per-sec PPV) to ensure human annoyance and structural damage does not occur. If the 0.2 inch-per-second PPV criterion is exceeded, use of the heavy construction equipment causing the exceedance must cease and light construction equipment or alternate strategies shall be employed to ensure the vibration criterion is not exceeded. Sensitivity training to inform construction personnel about the existing sensitive receptors surrounding the project and about methods to reduce noise and vibration. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 25 NOI-3: FOR A PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN THE VICINITY OF A PRIVATE AIRSTRIP OR AN AIRPORT LAND USE PLAN OR, WHERE SUCH A PLAN HAS NOT BEEN ADOPTED, WITHIN TWO MILES OF A PUBLIC AIRPORT OR PUBLIC USE AIRPORT, WOULD THE PROJECT EXPOSE PEOPLE RESIDING OR WORKING IN THE PROJECT AREA TO EXCESSIVE NOISE LEVELS? No Impact. The project site is not located within an airport land use plan and there are no public or private airports or airstrips within two miles of the project site. The nearest public use airport to the project site is the Ontario International Airport which is located approximately 6.2 miles to the southwest of the project site. According to the LA/Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, the project site is not located within the Ontario International Airport CNEL contours. 21 The project site is not in the vicinity of a private airstrip. Therefore, no impact related to airport land use compatibility would occur. 21 City of Ontario, LA/Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, April 19, 2011, https://www.ontarioplan.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/pdfs/ALUCP_FULL.pdf, accessed February 11, 2022. Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Noise Technical Memorandum 26 REFERENCES Documents 1. California Department of Transportation, Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, 2013. 2. City of Fontana, General Plan Update Chapter 11 Noise and Safety, November 13, 2018. https://www.fontana.org/DocumentCenter/View/26750/Chapter-11---Noise-and-Safety. 3. City of Ontario, LA/Ontario International Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, April 19, 2011. https://www.ontarioplan.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/pdfs/ALUCP_FULL.pdf. 4. Elliott H. Berger, Rick Neitzel, and Cynthia A. Kladden, Noise Navigator Sound Level Database with Over 1700 Measurement Values, July 6, 2010. 5. Federal Highway Administration, Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s Guide, January 2006. 6. Federal Transit Administration, Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, September 2018. 7. Harris, Cyril, Handbook of Noise Control, 1979. 8. Kariel, H. G., Noise in Rural Recreational Environments, Canadian Acoustics 19(5), March 10, 1991. 9. Office of Planning and Research, State of California General Plan Guidelines, Appendix D, October 2017. 10. State Office of Planning and Research, State of California General Plan Guidelines, October 2017. 11. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Noise Effects Handbook – A Desk Reference to Health and Welfare Effects of Noise, October 1979 (revised July 1981). Websites / Programs 1. Google Earth, 2022. Appendix A Noise and Traffic Data Site Number: NM-1 Recorded By: Winnie Woo, Tina Yuan Job Number: 186676 Date: 1/11/2022 Time: 10:35 a.m. Location: Along the fence of western side of the Ahdv Redwood Terrace, across the alley between 8176 Redwood Avenue and 8184 Redwood Avenue. Source of Peak Noise: Trucks pass by, traffic along the Redwood Avenue, and dog barking. Noise Data Leq (dB) Lmax(dB) Lmin (dB) Peak (dB) 62.1 81.5 39.3 102.2 Equipment Category Type Vendor Model Serial No. Cert. Date Note Sound Sound Level Meter Brüel & Kjær 2250 3011133 09/09/2021 Microphone Brüel & Kjær 4189 3086765 09/09/2021 Preamp Brüel & Kjær ZC 0032 25380 09/09/2021 Calibrator Brüel & Kjær 4231 2545667 09/09/2021 Weather Data Est. Duration: 10 minutes Sky: Clear Note: dBA Offset = 0.00 Sensor Height (ft): 5 ft Wind Ave Speed (mph / m/s) Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit) Barometer Pressure (inches) 14 mph 67 30.29 Photo of Measurement Location 2250 Instrument:2250 Application:BZ7225 Version 4.7.6 Start Time:01/11/2022 10:35:21 End Time:01/11/2022 10:45:21 Elapsed Time:00:10:00 Bandwidth:1/1-octave Max Input Level:142.18 Time Frequency Broadband (excl. Peak):FSI AC Broadband Peak:C Spectrum:FS Z Instrument Serial Number: 3011133 Microphone Serial Number: 3086765 Input:Top Socket Windscreen Correction:UA-1650 Sound Field Correction:Free-field Calibration Time: 01/11/2022 09:29:58 Calibration Type: External reference Sensitivity:43.3186590671539 mV/Pa ALT_001 Start End Elapsed Overload LAeq LAFmax LAFmin time time time [%][dB][dB][dB] Value 0.00 62.1 81.5 39.3 Time 10:35:21 AM 10:45:21 AM 0:10:00 Date 01/11/2022 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=62.1 dB LFmax=81.5 dB LFmin=39.3 dB ALT_001 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 dB 01/11/2022 10:35:21 AM - 10:45:21 AM Hz LZeq LZFmax LZFmin Cursor: [78.2 ; 78.4[ dB Level: 0.0% Cumulative: 0.2% ALT_001 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%Based on LAF , 10ms Class width: 0.2 dB 01/11/2022 10:35:21 AM - 10:45:21 AM dB L1 = 75.4 dBL5 = 68.9 dB L10 = 63.8 dB L50 = 47.8 dB L90 = 42.5 dB L95 = 41.7 dB L99 = 40.5 dB Level Cumulative Cursor: 01/11/2022 10:40:20 AM - 10:40:21 AM LAIeq=48.0 dB LAFmax=54.4 dB LCpeak=72.5 dB LAFmin=42.3 dB ALT_001 10:36:00 AM 10:38:00 AM 10:40:00 AM 10:42:00 AM 10:44:00 AM 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sound dB LAIeq LAFmax LCpeak LAFmin ALT_001 Start Elapsed LAIeq LAFmax LAFmin time time [dB][dB][dB] Value 48.0 54.4 42.3 Time 10:40:20 AM 0:00:01 Date 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=48.2 dB ALT_001 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 dB 01/11/2022 10:40:20 AM - 10:40:21 AM Hz LZeq Cursor: 01/11/2022 10:35:21 AM - 11:35:21 AM LAIeq=65.4 dB LAFmax=81.5 dB LCpeak=102.2 dB LAFmin=39.3 dB ALT_001 Periodic reports 10:40:00 AM 10:50:00 AM 11:00:00 AM 11:10:00 AM 11:20:00 AM 11:30:00 AM 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sound dB LAIeq LAFmax LCpeak LAFmin ALT_001 Periodic reports Start Elapsed Overload LAIeq LAFmax LAFmin time time [%][dB][dB][dB] Value 0.00 65.4 81.5 39.3 Time 10:35:21 AM 0:10:00 Date 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=62.1 dB LFmax=81.5 dB LFmin=39.3 dB ALT_001 Periodic reports 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 dB 01/11/2022 10:35:21 AM - 10:45:21 AM Hz LZeq LZFmax LZFmin Cursor: [78.2 ; 78.4[ dB Level: 0.0% Cumulative: 0.2% ALT_001 Periodic reports 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %Based on LAF , 10ms Class width: 0.2 dB 01/11/2022 10:35:21 AM - 10:45:21 AM dB L1 = 75.4 dB L5 = 68.9 dB L10 = 63.8 dB L50 = 47.8 dB L90 = 42.5 dB L95 = 41.7 dB L99 = 40.5 dB Level Cumulative Site Number: NM-2 Recorded By: Winnie Woo, Tina Yuan Job Number: 186676 Date: 1/11/2022 Time: 10:58 a.m. Location: Northwest corner of 14875 Ivy Avenue. Source of Peak Noise: Rooster, dog barking, traffic along Ivy Avenue. Noise Data Leq (dB) Lmax(dB) Lmin (dB) Peak (dB) 59.4 86.0 37.6 73.2 Equipment Category Type Vendor Model Serial No. Cert. Date Note Sound Sound Level Meter Brüel & Kjær 2250 3011133 09/09/2021 Microphone Brüel & Kjær 4189 3086765 09/09/2021 Preamp Brüel & Kjær ZC 0032 25380 09/09/2021 Calibrator Brüel & Kjær 4231 2545667 09/09/2021 Weather Data Est. Duration: 10 minutes Sky: Clear Note: dBA Offset = 0.00 Sensor Height (ft): 5 ft Wind Ave Speed (mph / m/s) Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit) Barometer Pressure (inches) 14 mph 67 30.29 Photo of Measurement Location 2250 Instrument:2250 Application:BZ7225 Version 4.7.6 Start Time:01/11/2022 10:58:29 End Time:01/11/2022 11:08:29 Elapsed Time:00:10:00 Bandwidth:1/1-octave Max Input Level:142.18 Time Frequency Broadband (excl. Peak):FSI AC Broadband Peak:C Spectrum:FS Z Instrument Serial Number: 3011133 Microphone Serial Number: 3086765 Input:Top Socket Windscreen Correction:UA-1650 Sound Field Correction:Free-field Calibration Time: 01/11/2022 09:29:58 Calibration Type: External reference Sensitivity:43.3186590671539 mV/Pa ALT_002 Start End Elapsed Overload LAeq LAFmax LAFmin time time time [%][dB][dB][dB] Value 0.00 59.4 86.0 37.6 Time 10:58:29 AM 11:08:29 AM 0:10:00 Date 01/11/2022 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=59.4 dB LFmax=86.0 dB LFmin=37.6 dB ALT_002 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 dB 01/11/2022 10:58:29 AM - 11:08:29 AM Hz LZeq LZFmax LZFmin Cursor: [78.2 ; 78.4[ dB Level: 0.0% Cumulative: 0.3% ALT_002 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%Based on LAF , 10ms Class width: 0.2 dB 01/11/2022 10:58:29 AM - 11:08:29 AM dB L1 = 72.0 dBL5 = 54.6 dB L10 = 46.0 dB L50 = 41.2 dB L90 = 39.6 dB L95 = 39.3 dB L99 = 38.6 dB Level Cumulative Cursor: 01/11/2022 11:03:28 AM - 11:03:29 AM LAIeq=49.2 dB LAFmax=41.6 dB LCpeak=70.5 dB LAFmin=40.4 dB ALT_002 10:59:00 AM 11:01:00 AM 11:03:00 AM 11:05:00 AM 11:07:00 AM 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sound dB LAIeq LAFmax LCpeak LAFmin ALT_002 Start Elapsed LAIeq LAFmax LAFmin time time [dB][dB][dB] Value 49.2 41.6 40.4 Time 11:03:28 AM 0:00:01 Date 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=41.0 dB ALT_002 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 dB 01/11/2022 11:03:28 AM - 11:03:29 AM Hz LZeq Cursor: 01/11/2022 10:58:29 AM - 11:00:00 AM LAIeq=42.7 dB LAFmax=46.0 dB LCpeak=73.2 dB LAFmin=38.7 dB ALT_002 Periodic reports 11:00:00 AM 11:10:00 AM 11:20:00 AM 11:30:00 AM 11:40:00 AM 11:50:00 AM 12:00:00 PM 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sound dB LAIeq LAFmax LCpeak LAFmin ALT_002 Periodic reports Start Elapsed Overload LAIeq LAFmax LAFmin time time [%][dB][dB][dB] Value 0.00 42.7 46.0 38.7 Time 10:58:29 AM 0:01:31 Date 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=41.3 dB LFmax=46.0 dB LFmin=38.7 dB ALT_002 Periodic reports 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 dB 01/11/2022 10:58:29 AM - 11:00:00 AM Hz LZeq LZFmax LZFmin Cursor: [78.2 ; 78.4[ dB Level: 0.0% Cumulative: 0.0% ALT_002 Periodic reports 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %Based on LAF , 10ms Class width: 0.2 dB 01/11/2022 10:58:29 AM - 11:00:00 AM dB L1 = 44.7 dB L5 = 43.3 dB L10 = 42.6 dB L50 = 41.0 dB L90 = 39.8 dB L95 = 39.6 dB L99 = 39.2 dB Level Cumulative Site Number: NM-3 Recorded By: Winnie Woo, Tina Yuan Job Number: 186676 Date: 1/11/2022 Time: 11:28 a.m. Location: Driveway entrance at Levante Apartment Homes. Source of Peak Noise: Traffic along Foothill and Live Oak. Noise Data Leq (dB) Lmax(dB) Lmin (dB) Peak (dB) 60.4 72.7 41.5 91.5 Equipment Category Type Vendor Model Serial No. Cert. Date Note Sound Sound Level Meter Brüel & Kjær 2250 3011133 09/09/2021 Microphone Brüel & Kjær 4189 3086765 09/09/2021 Preamp Brüel & Kjær ZC 0032 25380 09/09/2021 Calibrator Brüel & Kjær 4231 2545667 09/09/2021 Weather Data Est. Duration: 10 minutes Sky: Clear Note: dBA Offset = 0.00 Sensor Height (ft): 5 ft Wind Ave Speed (mph / m/s) Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit) Barometer Pressure (inches) 14 mph 67 30.29 Photo of Measurement Location 2250 Instrument:2250 Application:BZ7225 Version 4.7.6 Start Time:01/11/2022 11:28:23 End Time:01/11/2022 11:38:23 Elapsed Time:00:10:00 Bandwidth:1/1-octave Max Input Level:142.18 Time Frequency Broadband (excl. Peak):FSI AC Broadband Peak:C Spectrum:FS Z Instrument Serial Number: 3011133 Microphone Serial Number: 3086765 Input:Top Socket Windscreen Correction:UA-1650 Sound Field Correction:Free-field Calibration Time: 01/11/2022 09:29:58 Calibration Type: External reference Sensitivity:43.3186590671539 mV/Pa ALT_004 Start End Elapsed Overload LAeq LAFmax LAFmin time time time [%][dB][dB][dB] Value 0.00 60.4 72.7 41.5 Time 11:28:23 AM 11:38:23 AM 0:10:00 Date 01/11/2022 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=60.4 dB LFmax=72.7 dB LFmin=41.5 dB ALT_004 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 dB 01/11/2022 11:28:23 AM - 11:38:23 AM Hz LZeq LZFmax LZFmin Cursor: [78.2 ; 78.4[ dB Level: 0.0% Cumulative: 0.0% ALT_004 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100%Based on LAF , 10ms Class width: 0.2 dB 01/11/2022 11:28:23 AM - 11:38:23 AM dB L1 = 68.6 dBL5 = 66.4 dB L10 = 65.0 dB L50 = 55.9 dB L90 = 47.1 dB L95 = 45.4 dB L99 = 43.5 dB Level Cumulative Cursor: 01/11/2022 11:33:22 AM - 11:33:23 AM LAIeq=62.0 dB LAFmax=55.9 dB LCpeak=78.7 dB LAFmin=49.8 dB ALT_004 11:29:00 AM 11:31:00 AM 11:33:00 AM 11:35:00 AM 11:37:00 AM 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sound dB LAIeq LAFmax LCpeak LAFmin ALT_004 Start Elapsed LAIeq LAFmax LAFmin time time [dB][dB][dB] Value 62.0 55.9 49.8 Time 11:33:22 AM 0:00:01 Date 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=51.9 dB ALT_004 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 dB 01/11/2022 11:33:22 AM - 11:33:23 AM Hz LZeq Cursor: 01/11/2022 11:28:23 AM - 12:28:23 PM LAIeq=61.9 dB LAFmax=72.7 dB LCpeak=91.5 dB LAFmin=41.5 dB ALT_004 Periodic reports 11:30:00 AM 11:40:00 AM 11:50:00 AM 12:00:00 PM 12:10:00 PM 12:20:00 PM 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sound dB LAIeq LAFmax LCpeak LAFmin ALT_004 Periodic reports Start Elapsed Overload LAIeq LAFmax LAFmin time time [%][dB][dB][dB] Value 0.00 61.9 72.7 41.5 Time 11:28:23 AM 0:10:00 Date 01/11/2022 Cursor: (A) Leq=60.4 dB LFmax=72.7 dB LFmin=41.5 dB ALT_004 Periodic reports 16 31.50 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000 A C 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 dB 01/11/2022 11:28:23 AM - 11:38:23 AM Hz LZeq LZFmax LZFmin Cursor: [78.2 ; 78.4[ dB Level: 0.0% Cumulative: 0.0% ALT_004 Periodic reports 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %Based on LAF , 10ms Class width: 0.2 dB 01/11/2022 11:28:23 AM - 11:38:23 AM dB L1 = 68.6 dB L5 = 66.4 dB L10 = 65.0 dB L50 = 55.9 dB L90 = 47.1 dB L95 = 45.4 dB L99 = 43.5 dB Level Cumulative Roadway Segment Existing ADTDaily Project Traffic Opening YearOpening Year + Project ADT Future Cumulative ADT Future Cumulative +Project ADT Existing + Projectbtwn Cherry Ave and Live Oak Ave29,500 904 30,900 31,804 38,350 39,254 30,404btwn Live Oak Ave and Beech Ave27,100 822 28,390 29,212 35,230 36,052 27,922Live Oak Avesouth of Foothill Blvd830 492 1,100 1,592 1,800 2,292 1,322north of Foothill Blvd20,380 246 20,900 21,146 22,200 22,446 20,626south of Foothill Blvd19,540 164 20,100 20,264 21,700 21,864 19,704Foothill BlvdCherry Ave TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS AND NOISE CONTOURSProject Number: 186676Project Name: Alta Fontana Mixed UseScenario: ExistingBackground InformationModel Description: FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels.Source of Traffic Volumes: Michael Baker International (March 2021)Community Noise Descriptor:Ldn: CNEL: xAssumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening NightTotal ADT Volumes 77.50% 12.90% 9.60%Medium-Duty Trucks 84.80% 4.90% 10.30%Heavy-Duty Trucks 86.50% 2.70% 10.80%Design Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of RoadwayAnalysis ConditionMedian ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour CalcRoadway, Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL DistLive Oak AvenueSouth of Foothill Blvd 2 0 830 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 48.0 - - - 34 100Cherry AvenueNorth of Foothill Blvd 6 16 20,380 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 65.0 - 99 214 461 100South of Foothill Blvd 6 16 19,540 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.6 - 80 173 373 100Foothill BlvdBetween Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 6 14 29,500 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 67.6 70 150 323 696 100Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 4 12 27,100 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 67.0 63 136 292 630 1001 Distance is from the centerline of the roadway segment to the receptor location."-" = contour is located within the roadway right-of-way.NA = not applicable (does not exist without project)Michael Baker International Page 1 TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS AND NOISE CONTOURSProject Number: 186676Project Name: Alta Fontana Mixed UseScenario: Existing Plus ProjectBackground InformationModel Description: FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels.Source of Traffic Volumes: Michael Baker International (March 2021)Community Noise Descriptor:Ldn: CNEL: xAssumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening NightTotal ADT Volumes 77.50% 12.90% 9.60%Medium-Duty Trucks 84.80% 4.90% 10.30%Heavy-Duty Trucks 86.50% 2.70% 10.80%Design Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of RoadwayAnalysis ConditionMedian ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour CalcRoadway, Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL DistLive Oak AvenueSouth of Foothill Blvd 2 0 1,322 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 50.1 - - - 47 100Cherry AvenueNorth of Foothill Blvd 6 16 20,626 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 65.0 - 100 216 465 100South of Foothill Blvd 6 16 19,704 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.6 - 81 174 375 100Foothill BlvdBetween Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 6 14 30,404 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 67.8 71 153 330 710 100Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 4 12 27,922 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 67.1 64 138 298 642 1001 Distance is from the centerline of the roadway segment to the receptor location."-" = contour is located within the roadway right-of-way.NA = not applicable (does not exist without project)Michael Baker International Page 2 TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS AND NOISE CONTOURSProject Number: 186676Project Name: Alta Fontana Mixed UseScenario: Opening YearBackground InformationModel Description: FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels.Source of Traffic Volumes: Michael Baker International (March 2021)Community Noise Descriptor:Ldn: CNEL: xAssumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening NightTotal ADT Volumes 77.50% 12.90% 9.60%Medium-Duty Trucks 84.80% 4.90% 10.30%Heavy-Duty Trucks 86.50% 2.70% 10.80%Design Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of RoadwayAnalysis ConditionMedian ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour CalcRoadway, Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL DistLive Oak AvenueSouth of Foothill Blvd 2 0 1,100 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 49.3 - - - 42 100Cherry AvenueNorth of Foothill Blvd 6 16 20,900 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 65.1 - 101 218 469 100South of Foothill Blvd 6 16 20,100 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.7 - 82 176 380 100Foothill BlvdBetween Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 6 14 30,900 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 67.8 72 155 333 718 100Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 4 12 28,390 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 67.2 65 140 301 650 1001 Distance is from the centerline of the roadway segment to the receptor location."-" = contour is located within the roadway right-of-way.NA = not applicable (does not exist without project)Michael Baker International Page 3 TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS AND NOISE CONTOURSProject Number: 186676Project Name: Alta Fontana Mixed UseScenario: Opening Year + ProjectBackground InformationModel Description: FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels.Source of Traffic Volumes: Michael Baker International (March 2021)Community Noise Descriptor:Ldn: CNEL: xAssumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening NightTotal ADT Volumes 77.50% 12.90% 9.60%Medium-Duty Trucks 84.80% 4.90% 10.30%Heavy-Duty Trucks 86.50% 2.70% 10.80%Design Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of RoadwayAnalysis ConditionMedian ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour CalcRoadway, Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL DistLive Oak AvenueSouth of Foothill Blvd 2 0 1,592 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 50.9 - - - 53 100Cherry AvenueNorth of Foothill Blvd 6 16 21,146 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 65.1 - 102 219 473 100South of Foothill Blvd 6 16 20,264 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 63.7 - 82 177 382 100Foothill BlvdBetween Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 6 14 31,801 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 68.0 73 158 340 732 100Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 4 12 29,212 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 67.3 66 143 307 662 1001 Distance is from the centerline of the roadway segment to the receptor location."-" = contour is located within the roadway right-of-way.NA = not applicable (does not exist without project)Michael Baker International Page 4 TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS AND NOISE CONTOURSProject Number: 186676Project Name: Alta Fontana Mixed UseScenario: Future CumulativeBackground InformationModel Description: FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels.Source of Traffic Volumes: Michael Baker International (March 2021)Community Noise Descriptor:Ldn: CNEL: xAssumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening NightTotal ADT Volumes 77.50% 12.90% 9.60%Medium-Duty Trucks 84.80% 4.90% 10.30%Heavy-Duty Trucks 86.50% 2.70% 10.80%Design Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of RoadwayAnalysis ConditionMedian ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour CalcRoadway, Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL DistLive Oak AvenueSouth of Foothill Blvd 2 0 1,800 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 51.4 - - - 58 100Cherry AvenueNorth of Foothill Blvd 6 16 22,200 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 65.3 - 105 227 488 100South of Foothill Blvd 6 16 21,700 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 64.0 - 86 186 400 100Foothill BlvdBetween Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 6 14 38,350 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 68.8 83 179 385 829 100Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 4 12 35,230 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 68.1 75 162 348 750 1001 Distance is from the centerline of the roadway segment to the receptor location."-" = contour is located within the roadway right-of-way.NA = not applicable (does not exist without project)Michael Baker International Page 5 TRAFFIC NOISE LEVELS AND NOISE CONTOURSProject Number: 186676Project Name: Alta Fontana Mixed UseScenario: Future Cumulative + ProjectBackground InformationModel Description: FHWA Highway Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108) with California Vehicle Noise (CALVENO) Emission Levels.Source of Traffic Volumes: Michael Baker International (March 2021)Community Noise Descriptor:Ldn: CNEL: xAssumed 24-Hour Traffic Distribution: Day Evening NightTotal ADT Volumes 77.50% 12.90% 9.60%Medium-Duty Trucks 84.80% 4.90% 10.30%Heavy-Duty Trucks 86.50% 2.70% 10.80%Design Vehicle Mix Distance from Centerline of RoadwayAnalysis ConditionMedian ADT Speed Alpha Medium Heavy CNEL at Distance to Contour CalcRoadway, Segment Lanes Width Volume (mph) Factor Trucks Trucks 100 Feet 70 CNEL 65 CNEL 60 CNEL 55 CNEL DistLive Oak AvenueSouth of Foothill Blvd 2 0 2,292 35 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 52.5 - - - 68 100Cherry AvenueNorth of Foothill Blvd 6 16 22,446 45 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 65.4 - 106 228 492 100South of Foothill Blvd 6 16 21,864 40 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 64.1 - 87 187 402 100Foothill BlvdBetween Cherry Avenue and Live Oak Avenue 6 14 39,254 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 68.9 84 181 391 842 100Between Live Oak Avenue and Beech Avenue 4 12 36,052 50 0.5 1.8% 0.7% 68.2 76 164 354 762 1001 Distance is from the centerline of the roadway segment to the receptor location."-" = contour is located within the roadway right-of-way.NA = not applicable (does not exist without project)Michael Baker International Page 6