HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix D - Cultural Resources Identification Report Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration APPENDIX D CULTURAL RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION REPORT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sacred Lands File & Native American Contacts List Request Native American Heritage Commission 1550 Harbor Blvd, Suite 100 West Sacramento, CA 95691 916-373-3710 916-373-5471 – Fax nahc@nahc.ca.gov Information Below is Required for a Sacred Lands File Search Project: ______________________________________________________________________ County:______________________________________________________________________ USGS Quadrangle Name:_______________________________________________________ Township:__________ Range:__________ Section(s):__________ Company/Firm/Agency:_________________________________________________________ Street Address:________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________ Zip:______________________ Phone:_____________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________ Project Description: Alta Fontana San Bernardino Fontana, CA 1S 6W 11 Michael Baker International 951-296-7561 801 S. Grand Avenue, #250 Los Angeles 90017 marc.beherec@mbakerintl.com The Project proposes to construct a mixed-use development of 340 multi-family residential units,1,500 square feet of commercial space, and four live-work units in two new four-story buildings on approximately 8.8 acres. The proposed Project would be located at 14817 Foothill Boulevard at the southwestern corner of the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Live Oak Avenue in the City of Fontana. Project Area°0 0.25 0.5 Miles Source: ESRI, USGS ALTA FONTANA Project Area !"a$ %&g( STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gavin Newsom, Governor NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION Page 1 of 1 February 2, 2022 Marc Beherec Michael Baker International Via Email to: marc.beherec@mbakerintl.com Re: Alta Fontana Project, San Bernardino County Dear Dr. Beherec: A record search of the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) Sacred Lands File (SLF) was completed for the information you have submitted for the above referenced project. The results were negative. However, the absence of specific site information in the SLF does not indicate the absence of cultural resources in any project area. Other sources of cultural resources should also be contacted for information regarding known and recorded sites. Attached is a list of Native American tribes who may also have knowledge of cultural resources in the project area. This list should provide a starting place in locating areas of potential adverse impact within the proposed project area. I suggest you contact all of those indicated; if they cannot supply information, they might recommend others with specific knowledge. By contacting all those listed, your organization will be better able to respond to claims of failure to consult with the appropriate tribe. If a response has not been received within two weeks of notification, the Commission requests that you follow-up with a telephone call or email to ensure that the project information has been received. If you receive notification of change of addresses and phone numbers from tribes, please notify me. With your assistance, we can assure that our lists contain current information. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at my email address: Andrew.Green@nahc.ca.gov. Sincerely, Andrew Green Cultural Resources Analyst Attachment CHAIRPERSON Laura Miranda Luiseño VICE CHAIRPERSON Reginald Pagaling Chumash PARLIAMENTARIAN Russell Attebery Karuk SECRETARY Sara Dutschke Miwok COMMISSIONER William Mungary Paiute/White Mountain Apache COMMISSIONER Isaac Bojorquez Ohlone-Costanoan COMMISSIONER Buffy McQuillen Yokayo Pomo, Yuki, Nomlaki COMMISSIONER Wayne Nelson Luiseño COMMISSIONER Stanley Rodriguez Kumeyaay EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Christina Snider Pomo NAHC HEADQUARTERS 1550 Harbor Boulevard Suite 100 West Sacramento, California 95691 (916) 373-3710 nahc@nahc.ca.gov NAHC.ca.gov Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Jeff Grubbe, Chairperson 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs, CA, 92264 Phone: (760) 699 - 6800 Fax: (760) 699-6919 Cahuilla Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Patricia Garcia-Plotkin, Director 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs, CA, 92264 Phone: (760) 699 - 6907 Fax: (760) 699-6924 ACBCI-THPO@aguacaliente.net Cahuilla Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation Andrew Salas, Chairperson P.O. Box 393 Covina, CA, 91723 Phone: (626) 926 - 4131 admin@gabrielenoindians.org Gabrieleno Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians Anthony Morales, Chairperson P.O. Box 693 San Gabriel, CA, 91778 Phone: (626) 483 - 3564 Fax: (626) 286-1262 GTTribalcouncil@aol.com Gabrieleno Gabrielino /Tongva Nation Sandonne Goad, Chairperson 106 1/2 Judge John Aiso St., #231 Los Angeles, CA, 90012 Phone: (951) 807 - 0479 sgoad@gabrielino-tongva.com Gabrielino Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Robert Dorame, Chairperson P.O. Box 490 Bellflower, CA, 90707 Phone: (562) 761 - 6417 Fax: (562) 761-6417 gtongva@gmail.com Gabrielino Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Christina Conley, Tribal Consultant and Administrator P.O. Box 941078 Simi Valley, CA, 93094 Phone: (626) 407 - 8761 christina.marsden@alumni.usc.ed u Gabrielino Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe Charles Alvarez, 23454 Vanowen Street West Hills, CA, 91307 Phone: (310) 403 - 6048 roadkingcharles@aol.com Gabrielino Morongo Band of Mission Indians Robert Martin, Chairperson 12700 Pumarra Road Banning, CA, 92220 Phone: (951) 755 - 5110 Fax: (951) 755-5177 abrierty@morongo-nsn.gov Cahuilla Serrano Morongo Band of Mission Indians Ann Brierty, THPO 12700 Pumarra Road Banning, CA, 92220 Phone: (951) 755 - 5259 Fax: (951) 572-6004 abrierty@morongo-nsn.gov Cahuilla Serrano Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation Jill McCormick, Historic Preservation Officer P.O. Box 1899 Yuma, AZ, 85366 Phone: (760) 572 - 2423 historicpreservation@quechantrib e.com Quechan 1 of 2 This list is current only as of the date of this document. Distribution of this list does not relieve any person of statutory responsibility as defined in Section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code, Section 5097.94 of the Public Resource Section 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code. This list is only applicable for contacting local Native Americans with regard to cultural resources assessment for the proposed Alta Fontana Project, San Bernardino County. PROJ-2022- 000346 02/02/2022 10:33 AM Native American Heritage Commission Native American Contact List San Bernardino County 2/2/2022 Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation Manfred Scott, Acting Chairman Kw'ts'an Cultural Committee P.O. Box 1899 Yuma, AZ, 85366 Phone: (928) 750 - 2516 scottmanfred@yahoo.com Quechan San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Jessica Mauck, Director of Cultural Resources 26569 Community Center Drive Highland, CA, 92346 Phone: (909) 864 - 8933 Jessica.Mauck@sanmanuel- nsn.gov Serrano Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians Lovina Redner, Tribal Chair P.O. Box 391820 Anza, CA, 92539 Phone: (951) 659 - 2700 Fax: (951) 659-2228 lsaul@santarosa-nsn.gov Cahuilla Serrano Nation of Mission Indians Mark Cochrane, Co-Chairperson P. O. Box 343 Patton, CA, 92369 Phone: (909) 528 - 9032 serranonation1@gmail.com Serrano Serrano Nation of Mission Indians Wayne Walker, Co-Chairperson P. O. Box 343 Patton, CA, 92369 Phone: (253) 370 - 0167 serranonation1@gmail.com Serrano Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Isaiah Vivanco, Chairperson P. O. Box 487 San Jacinto, CA, 92581 Phone: (951) 654 - 5544 Fax: (951) 654-4198 ivivanco@soboba-nsn.gov Cahuilla Luiseno Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Joseph Ontiveros, Cultural Resource Department P.O. BOX 487 San Jacinto, CA, 92581 Phone: (951) 663 - 5279 Fax: (951) 654-4198 jontiveros@soboba-nsn.gov Cahuilla Luiseno 2 of 2 This list is current only as of the date of this document. Distribution of this list does not relieve any person of statutory responsibility as defined in Section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code, Section 5097.94 of the Public Resource Section 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code. This list is only applicable for contacting local Native Americans with regard to cultural resources assessment for the proposed Alta Fontana Project, San Bernardino County. PROJ-2022- 000346 02/02/2022 10:33 AM Native American Heritage Commission Native American Contact List San Bernardino County 2/2/2022 DPR 523A (9/2013) *Required information Page 1 of 7 *Resource Name or #: MY121721-1 P1. Other Identifier: None *P2. Location: ☒ Not for Publication *a. County San Bernardino and *b. USGS 7.5' Quad Fontana, Calif. Date 2000 T 1S; R 6W; NW ¼ of NE ¼ of Sec 11 S.B.B.M c. City: Fontana d. UTM: Zone 11, 455609 mE/ 3774052 mN e. Other Locational Data: This site is located entirely within APN 0230-071-03 San Bernardino County, California. From CHP Officer Memorial Freeway (Highway 15) interchange and West Foothill Boulevard, travel 3 miles east to Live Oak Avenue and turn right. Parking along this street is advised to safely access the site. Walk to the corner of Live Oak Avenue and West Foothill Boulevard; from this point, the middle of the site is located at a bearing of 264 degrees 405 feet away. *P3a. Description: This resource consists of a sparse historic glass bottle scatter and the base of a historic sign. Six embossed glass fragments were observed, and at least 31 additional clear, brown, and green historic glass fragments were also observed. The following embossed bottle fragments and metal sign base characterize the site: • One brown glass rectangular liquor bottle fragment embossed “[ON]E PIN[T]” on the heel • One brown glass fragment of what may be the same bottle embossed “BOTTLE” • One clear glass rectangular liquor bottle fragment embossed “HALF PIN[T]” on the heel • One clear glass contoured soda bottle embossed “[Coca-]Col[a] / [TRADE MARK] REGIST[ERED]” • One green glass round bottle fragment embossed “0 [break] / 00[break]” on the base • One clear glass round bottle fragment embossed “[break]G” The one feature within this site is a metal sign base which is next to previously recorded resource P-36-002910 (Historic Route 66). The artifacts and sign are likely associated with the buildings once extant upon this parcel and Historic Route 66. This location was used for agricultural purposes and a café/bar; the setting is now a vacant lot surrounded by modern commercial and residential buildings. The dimensions of the glass scatter are 125 feet southeast to northwest by 45 feet southwest to northeast. The landform is a flat alluvial plain. The vegetation within the site includes non-native olive, pepper, and eucalyptus trees and dead grass. The soil is a Tujunga series gravelly loam mixed with modern construction debris and other modern trash. Inclusions within the soil matrix include gravels, cobbles, and small subrounded boulders, tabular asphalt, and cement. The surface visibility is approximately 95 percent. *P3b. Resource Attributes: AH4. Privies/ Dumps/ Trash Scatter HP33. Farm/ Ranch *P4. Resources Present: ☒ Site P5b. Description of Photo: Overview south of glass scatter concentration with flagged stakes marking artifacts, Photo DSCF2675, 12/17/2021 P6. Date Constructed/Age and Source: ☒ Historic *P7. Owner and Address: LINCHAO LLC 1661 Hanover Road, Ste 211 City of Industry, CA 91748 *P8. Recorded by: Marcel Young and Kaylene Kelly Michael Baker International 3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 270 Long Beach, CA 90806 *P9. Date Recorded: 12/17/2021 *P10. Survey Type: Intensive Pedestrian *P11. Report Citation: Beherec, Marc A. “Cultural and Paleontological Resources Identification Memorandum for the Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California.” Document prepared for City of Fontana by Michael Baker International. *Attachments: ☒Location Map ☒Continuation Sheet ☒Archaeological Record State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # PRIMARY RECORD Trinomial NRHP Status Code Other Listings Review Code Reviewer Date P5a. Photograph or Drawing DPR 532C (1/95) Page 2 of 7 *Resource Name or #: MY121721-1 *A1. Dimensions: a. Length (125’ SE-NW) b. Width (45’ SW-NE) Method of Measurement: ☒ Other: GIS aided Method of Determination: ☒ Artifacts ☒ Features Reliability of determination: ☒ High Limitations:   ☒ Disturbances ☒ Vegetation ☒ Other: No subsurface archaeological testing was performed. The site is in a tilled and grubbed vacant lot. A2. Depth: ☒ Unknown *A3. Human Remains: ☒ Absent *A4. Features: Metal historic sign base which is next to previously recorded resource P-36-002910 (Historic Route 66), modern name West Foothill Boulevard. *A5. Cultural Constituents: This resource consists of a sparse historic glass bottle scatter. Six embossed glass fragments were observed, and at least 31 additional clear, brown, and green historic glass fragments were also observed. The following embossed bottle fragments were observed: • One brown glass rectangular liquor bottle fragment embossed “[ON]E PIN[T]” on the heel • One brown glass fragment of what may be the same bottle embossed “BOTTLE” • One clear glass rectangular liquor bottle fragment embossed “HALF PIN[T]” on the heel • One clear glass contoured soda bottle embossed “[Coca-]Col[a] / [TRADE MARK] REGIST[ERED]” • One green glass round bottle fragment embossed “0 [break] / 00[break]” on the base • One clear glass round bottle fragment embossed “[break]G” *A6. Were Specimens Collected? ☒ No *A7. Site Condition: ☒ Poor: This lot has been tilled and grubbed indicated by several push-piles throughout. Trash and structural debris have been diligently removed from the site. *A8. Nearest Water: Etiwanda Creek crosses Foothill Blvd.1.9 miles to the east. *A9. Elevation: 381 meters ASML A10. Environmental Setting: This resource is located on a vacant and undeveloped lot in an area developed for commercial and residential use. A11. Historical Information: Observed in historic topographic maps by 1938 and 1948, there is a farmhouse on this lot (NETR 2022). By 1955, City directories indicate that Durante’s Café is conducting business (Overton 2021: 7). In 1966, a historic aerial photograph shows three buildings and at least one small ancillary structure (UCSB 1966). A 1994 aerial photograph reveals all the buildings have been demolished. In 2002, an aerial photograph shows possibly portable structures, which had been removed by the time an aerial photograph was taken of the property in 2005 (NETR 2022). *A12. Age ☒ 1914-1945 ☒ Post 1945 A13. Interpretations: These historical resources may be associated with the buildings that once stood on the parcel or the artifacts may be the result of dumping from travelers on nearby historic Route 66. The site does not appear to be eligible for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources. See Continuation Sheet. A14. Remarks: The site will be destroyed by the proposed project. A15. References: NETR (National Environmental Title Research, LLC). 2022. Historic and contemporary aerial views of the project area. Online viewer. Accessed January 2022. Historicaerials.com. Overton, Tyler. 2021. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 14817 Foothill Boulevard, Fontana, California, 92335, Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs): 0230-071-03 and -04. Document prepared for WP Acquisitions, LLC, by SCS Engineers. UCSB (University of California, Santa Barbara). 1966. “Flight Universe-112-1, Frame 55, October 18, 1966.” Aerial photo by Universe Aerial Surveys, Inc. Accessed November 2021. https://mil.library.ucsb.edu/ap_indexes/FrameFinder. A16. Photographs: See Continuation Sheet Original Media/Negatives Kept at: 3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 270, Long Beach, CA 90806 *A17. Form Prepared By: Marcel Young Date: 2/8/2022 Affiliation and Address: Michael Baker International, 3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 270, Long Beach, CA 90806 State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Trinomial ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE RECORD Page 3 of 7 *Resource Name or # MY-121721-1 *Recorded by: Marcel Young and Kaylene Kelly *Date: 17-Dec-21 ☒ Continuation DPR 523L (9/2013) State of California - The Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial A13. Interpretations: (Continued) This resource was evaluated by Marc Beherec, PhD, RPA, and does not appear to be eligible for inclusion in the California Register. Archival research indicates that this resource is located on a parcel that was first developed in the 1930s as a farm, with an associated farmhouse. The resource later served as an Italian and American restaurant specializing in takeout pizza in the late 1950s to early 1960s. By the mid-1960s and at least into the 1970s, it served as a bar. In these functions, the site served the residents of Fontana and potentially travelers along historic Route 66. However, this site was just one of many farms and then restaurants/bars in the Fontana area and along Route 66. Research has not revealed any significant events in national, state, regional, or local history associated with the site. The site does not appear to be eligible for inclusion in the California Register under Criterion 1. Archival research identified the names of several café and bar owners, employees, and criminal defendants associated with the building that once stood at this location. However, none of these persons are particularly notable or important to national, state, or local history. Moreover, neither the glass scatter nor the sign support that make up the only visible remnants of the resource can be associated with any specific individual. Therefore, the site is recommended ineligible under Criterion 2. The sign support and glass scatter do not embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, nor represent the work of a master or possess high artistic values. Thus, the resource is recommended ineligible under Criterion 3. The data potential of the glass scatter and sign support is exhausted by this documentation. Available information does not indicate any further potential to yield information important to the prehistory or history of the community, state, or nation; therefore, the resource is recommended ineligible under Criterion 4. Resource MY121721-1 does not appear to be eligible for inclusion in the California Register under any criteria. Page 4 of 7 *Resource Name or # MY-121721-1 *Recorded by: Marcel Young and Kaylene Kelly *Date: 17-Dec-21 ☒ Continuation DPR 523L (9/2013) State of California - The Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Green glass round bottle fragment embossed “0 [break] / 00[break]”, Photo DSC2660, 12/17/2021 Brown glass rectangular liquor bottle fragment embossed “[ON]E PIN[T]”, Photo DSC2662, 12/17/2021 Brown glass bottle fragment embossed “BOTTLE”, Photo DSC2666, 12/17/2021 Clear glass round bottle fragment embossed “[break]G”, Photo DSC2668, 12/17/2021 Page 5 of 7 *Resource Name or # MY-121721-1 *Recorded by: Marcel Young and Kaylene Kelly *Date: 17-Dec-21 ☒ Continuation DPR 523L (9/2013) State of California - The Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Clear glass rectangular liquor bottle fragment embossed “HALF PIN[T]”, Photo DSC2670, 12/17/2021 Clear glass contoured soda bottle embossed “[Coca-]Col[a] / [TRADE MARK] REGIST[ERED]”, Photo DSC2673, 12/17/2021 Overview west of historic refuse scatter and metal sign base, Photo DCS2615, 12/17/2021 DPR 523K (9/2013) NOTE: Include bar scale and north arrow. Page 6 of 7 *Resource Name or # MY-121721-1 *Drawn by: Jonathan Perez and Marcel Young *Date of map: 14-Feb-22 State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# SKETCH MAP Trinomial DPR 523J (9/2013) * Required information Page 7 of 7 *Resource Name or # MY-121721-1 *Map Name: Fontana, Calif. *Scale: 1:24,000 *Date of map: 2000 State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# LOCATION MAP Trinomial DPR 523A (9/2013) *Required information Page 1 of 5 *Resource Name or #: MY121721-2 P1. Other Identifier: *P2. Location: ☒ Not for Publication *a. County San Bernardino and *b. USGS 7.5' Quad Fontana, Calif. Date 2000 T 1S; R 6W; NW ¼ of NE ¼ of Sec 11 S.B.B.M c. City: Fontana d. UTM: Zone 11S, 455710 mE/3774025 mN e. Other Locational Data: This site is located entirely within APN 0230-071-04 San Bernardino County, California. From CHP Officer Memorial Freeway (Highway 15) interchange and West Foothill Boulevard, travel 3 miles east to Live Oak Avenue and turn right. Parking along this street is advised to safely access the site. Walk to the corner of Live Oak Avenue and West Foothill Boulevard; from this point, the middle of the resource is located at a bearing of 207 degrees 102 feet away. *P3a. Description: This resource consists of the remnants of a cement house pad which measures approximately 25 feet (north-south) by 35 feet (east-west). The house pad is surrounded by mature olive, chinaberry, and eucalyptus trees growing along Foothill Boulevard north of the house pad and a small stand of trees south of the house pad. This former structure is immediately next to previously recorded resource P-36-002910 (Historic Route 66). The cement pad is likely the foundation of one of the buildings once extant upon this parcel. This location was used for agricultural purposes; the setting is now a vacant lot surrounded by modern commercial and residential buildings. The landform is a flat alluvial plain. The vegetation within the site includes non-native olive, pepper, and eucalyptus trees and dead grass. The soil is a Tujunga series gravelly loam mixed with modern construction debris and other modern trash. Inclusions within the soil matrix include gravels, cobbles, and small subrounded boulders, tabular asphalt, and cement. The surface visibility is approximately 95 percent. *P3b. Resource Attributes: AH2. Foundations/ Structure Pads HP33. Farm/ Ranch *P4. Resources Present: ☒ Site ☒ Structure P5b. Description of Photo: Overview southeast of cement house pad from Foothill Blvd and Live Oak Ave, DSCF2605, 12/17/2021 P6. Date Constructed/Age and Source: ☒ Historic *P7. Owner and Address: LINCHAO LLC 1661 Hanover Road, Ste 211 City of Industry, CA 91748 *P8. Recorded by: Marcel Young and Kaylene Kelly Michael Baker International 3760 Kilroy Airport Way Suite 270 Long Beach, CA 90806 *P9. Date Recorded: 12/17/2021 *P10. Survey Type: Intensive Pedestrian *P11. Report Citation: Beherec, Marc A. “Cultural and Paleontological Resources Identification Memorandum for the Alta Fontana Mixed Use Project, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California.” Document prepared for City of Fontana by Michael Baker International. *Attachments: ☒Location Map ☒Continuation Sheet ☒Archaeological Record ☒Sketch Map State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # PRIMARY RECORD Trinomial NRHP Status Code Other Listings Review Code Reviewer Date P5a. Photograph or Drawing (Photograph required for buildings, structures, and objects.) DPR 532C (1/95) Page 2 of 5 *Resource Name or #: MY121721-2 *A1. Dimensions: a. Length (25’ N-S) b. Width (35’ E-W) Method of Measurement: ☒ Other: GIS aided Method of Determination:  ☒ Features Reliability of determination: ☒ High Limitations:  ☒ Disturbances ☒ Vegetation ☒ Other: No subsurface archaeological testing was performed. The resource is in a tilled and grubbed vacant lot. A2. Depth: ☒ Unknown *A3. Human Remains: ☒ Absent *A4. Features: Cement house pad/foundation is next to previously recorded resource P-36-002910 (Historic Route 66), modern name West Foothill Boulevard. *A5. Cultural Constituents: No additional cultural constituents were observed. *A6. Were Specimens Collected? ☒ No  *A7. Site Condition: ☒ Poor: Demolition of this resource has occurred. The lot surrounding it has been tilled and grubbed as indicated by rubble and modern debris within the soil matrix and push piles throughout the parcel. *A8. Nearest Water: Etiwanda Creek crosses Foothill Boulevard1.9 miles to the east. *A9. Elevation: 381 meters ASML A10. Environmental Setting: This resource is located on a vacant and undeveloped lot in an area developed for modern commercial and residential use. A11. Historical Information: Historical topographic maps from 1948 depict a farmhouse at this location (NETR 2022). In 1966, a historic aerial photograph shows a farmhouse and at least one small ancillary structure (UCSB 1966). A 1994 aerial photograph reveals that all the buildings have been demolished (NETR 2022). Google Earth imagery dated March 2021 shows a Bobcat and a backhoe, both with dozer blades, active on the concrete pad (Google Earth 2021). *A12. Age ☒ 1914-1945 ☒ Post 1945 A13. Interpretations: This historical feature may be associated with the buildings that once stood on the parcel and the nearby historic Route 66. The site does not appear to be eligible for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources. See Continuation Sheet. A14. Remarks: This resource will be destroyed by the proposed project. A15. References: Google Earth. 2021. Street View imagery depicting 14817 Foothill Boulevard, Fontana, CA. Accessed March 2021. NETR (National Environmental Title Research, LLC). 2022. Historic and contemporary aerial views of the project area. Online viewer. Accessed January 2022. Historicaerials.com. Overton, Tyler. 2021. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 14817 Foothill Boulevard, Fontana, California, 92335, Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs): 0230-071-03 and -04. Document prepared for WP Acquisitions, LLC, by SCS Engineers. UCSB (University of California, Santa Barbara). 1966. “Flight Universe-112-1, Frame 55, October 18, 1966.” Aerial photo by Universe Aerial Surveys, Inc. Accessed November 2021. https://mil.library.ucsb.edu/ap_indexes/FrameFinder. A16. Photographs: See Continuation Sheet Original Media/Negatives Kept at: 3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 270, Long Beach, CA 90806 *A17. Form Prepared By: Marcel Young Date: 2/8/2022 Affiliation and Address: Michael Baker International, 3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 270, Long Beach, CA 90806 State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Trinomial ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE RECORD Page 3 of 5 *Resource Name or # MY-121721-2 *Recorded by: Marcel Young and Kaylene Kelly *Date: 17-Dec-21 ☒ Continuation DPR 523L (9/2013) State of California - The Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial A13. Interpretations: (Continued) This resource was evaluated by Marc Beherec, PhD, RPA, and does not appear to be eligible for inclusion in the California Register. Archival research indicates that this resource is located on a parcel that was first developed in the 1940s as a farm, with an associated farmhouse. This site was just one of many farms in Fontana. Research has not revealed any significant events in national, state, regional, or local history associated with the site. The site does not appear to be eligible for inclusion in the California Register under Criterion 1. Archival research has failed to identify any persons who are particularly important to national, state, or local history who are associated with this building foundation. Therefore, the site is recommended ineligible under Criterion 2. The surviving element of the building that once stood at this location consists only of a concrete pad. It does not embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, nor does it represent the work of a master or possess high artistic values. Thus, the resource is recommended ineligible under Criterion 3. The data potential of the concrete pad is exhausted by this documentation. Available information does not indicate any further potential to yield information important to the prehistory or history of the community, state, or nation; therefore, the resource is recommended ineligible under Criterion 4. Resource MY121721-2 does not appear to be eligible for inclusion in the California Register under any criteria. DPR 523K (9/2013) NOTE: Include bar scale and north arrow. Page 4 of 5 *Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) MY-121721-2 *Drawn by: Jonathan Perez and Marcel Young *Date of map: 15-Feb-22 State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# SKETCH MAP Trinomial DPR 523J (9/2013) * Required information Page 5 of 5 *Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) MY-121721-2 *Map Name: Fontana, Calif. *Scale: 1:24,000 *Date of map: : 15-Feb-22 State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# LOCATION MAP Trinomial