HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.3_Pre Bid Addendumrrifi- TO HOLDERS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO.'SB-55-00 LOCATION: CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO NOTICE TO. BIDDERS: It is intended that all work affected by the followings provisions shall conform to the original specifications and be incorporated as a part of the contract documents. Bidders shall assure themselves that all changes have been incorporated in their proposal. BEECH AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION NOTE NO. 1 ON SHEET NO. 1 OF 10 AND 5 OF 10 OF DRAWING NO. 2833 IS REVISED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: EXISTING NOTE: 1. CONSTRUCT 5" AC OVER 12" COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL. REVISED NOTE: 1. CONSTRUCT 5" AC OVER 0.66' CLASS II AGGREGATE BASE. Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer • www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper City of Fontana C,ALIFORNI.A,;.. ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO: HOLDERS OF PLANS AND, SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO. SB-55-00 LOCATION: CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF NOTICE TO BIDDERS: It is intended that all work affected , by : the followings provisions shall conform to the original specifications and be incorporated as a part of the contract documents. Bidders shall assure themselves that all changes have been incorporated in their proposal. THE FIRST PARAGRAPH ON NB-1 IS REVISED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stated project and will received such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 10:00 a.m. on the 20th day of July, 2000, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. www.fontana.org FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper !v'sm i ss i on Report' Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deteriIs beIow) D.o'cument Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909)350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PACES TO NAME: Leos LOCATION: FAX: ? . l �f9-564 -G aS PHONE: FROM: T TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : ( INCLUDING COVER MEET) ILOCATION/ PHONE: DATE : l CFIY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 0053 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PRONE NUMBER : (909) 350-7610 CITY OF F CALIFORNIA O 15, K1J,jJ N A • C. UdrgJ. ers N 61.9- 52Q--.7193 A I -7/(91ao 15' Total Pages Confirmed : 15' 7-19-00;11:27AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages' Mode Comments Results 1 480 916195846287 7-19-00;11:13AM 13'06" 15/ 15 .33 CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: RecelVe to Memory LP: `Loca,lPrint PD: Polled by'Remote .PG: POI I I ng'a Remote DR: Document Removed • FO: Forced'Ou'tput MB: Receive to'Mallbox PI: Power Interruptlon' TM: Terminated by„user, WT: Wafting Transfer FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO : NAME: FAX: FROM: 28? TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : ( INCLUDING COVER SHEET ) �l5 i LOCATION : PHONE: LOCATION / PHONE: DATE CITY OF CALIFORNIA L'ri I at.-tce9 1`ot.c td 56' -7t93 TIME : MESSAGE: A5 retu 414 P(. Ho Idet- 'S CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER : (909) 350-7610 CC: illremission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document, was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and detai Is below) Document Si ze Letter-S Total FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350.6618 PLEASE DELIVER TILE FOLLOWING PAGES TO : 'NAME: '1ieiie LOCATION: FAX: b Z6-33O- 54b3 I PHONE: LOCATION/ PHONE: DATE: "7 1 J9/ao MESSAGE: l CITY OFFONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 1335391ERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 923JS PHONE NUMBER: (909) 350-76I0 Pages Scanned 15 Total Pages Confirmed 15'. No. Doc RemoteStatlon.. Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 443 916263305463 7-19-00; 9:25AM 5'59" 15/ 15 'EC CP 9600'. ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend Mu I.tl'-Po l I,,.. RM: Recelve'to Memory LP: ;Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output. MB Receive to Mailbox PI:Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer NAME: FAX: FROM: FAX "COMMUNICATIONS FAX. NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO LOCATION : PHONE: LOCATION / PHONE: DATE : 'welle 6 24-33o- 5'41;3 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : ( INCLUDING COVER SHEET ) �111/aol CITY OF CALIFORNIA TIME : MESSAGE: ��6 ✓� tit 1ceri, Aue, 55Pwet- )or ur l`1 CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER (909) 350-7610 smissi.-.an Repor Date/Time Local ID ' Local Name Company Logo This document: was confirmed. Document Total Pages Scanned and details Letter-S FAX COMMUNrCAT1ONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER .�THE FOLLOWING PACES TO : NAME: (7.a Nit- LOCATION: - 1TM A n Pr,C dz- FAX: (4OR) bey -Obi PHONE: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : FROM: I LOCATION c u rI r�4 xPsdK 1 PHONE: DATE: (INCLDING COVERSIIE0T) MESSAGE: 1'l CITY OFFONTANA ENGINEERTNG DIVISION B353 STERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER : (909) 350.7610 (Ton) 350-665T 17//71001 API.. 2.td.IN0 TIME CC: 15' Total Pages Confirmed : 15' No. Doc Remote 'Station Start Time Duration Pages. Mode Comments Results 1 986 96000615 7-17.-00;`2:,15PM 6'16" 15/ 15 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote.: PG: Polling a Remote DR: DocumentRemoved FO: Forced Output MB Receive to Mailbox PI: Power interruption' TM: Terminated.by user WT: Waft I ng- Transfer CITY OF F CALIFORNIA 0 T A N. A FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER/THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO : FAX: I NAME: ( 7� r lam- I LOCATION : c (' 0r) 'Co cb r FROM: I �G+v IL(341z� TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES :' ( INCLUDING COVER SHEET ) LOCATION / PHONE: DATE I c1.043 350 -7//7/ooi TIME MESSAGE: (H Idcr S' wes- . c5— fiQ r w, �r€1-1 v1 `: CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER (909) 350-7610 From: Garret Gonzales 909-600-0615 To: City of Fontana Date: 7/17/00 Time: 10:40:22 AM Page 1 of 1 BidAmerica "America's On -Line Plan Room" Request for Plan Holder's List Kindly please fax us the Plan Holder's List for the following projects. Thank You... Our return fax # is: (909)-600-0615 Agency Fax #: 909-350-6618 Agency / Owner: City of Fontana Bid Date Bid Time Project Number Invite Number Project Name 154 Bid Am File # 7/20/00 S B-55-00 10:00 AM N/A 9/7/00 S B-01-01 10:00 AM N/A 8/10/00 10:00 AM Bid No. SB-57-00 N/A Citrus Avenue Sewer & Storm Drain From. 1G149 Jurupa Ave. to Slover Ave. Rehabilitation of 16920 Spring Street, City of Fontana loverAVeriLTe-SewerT-From Cherry Avenue to Hemlock Avenue 1J003 1H073 Date/T.Ime Local ID Local Name Company,Logo This document was con-F i rmed.. (reduced same I e and deta i Document Size Letter-S FAX CO1V1011%NICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: NAME: �aryA.Nn LOCATION: J pea ,?odge FAX: 1,,060.160-.49T7 PHONE: FROM: rem LOCATION / >t.,xA.� ii{�0-i4ai PHONE: �, CLOk� 350^E(�i4 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : L DATE : j TIME 1 MUM/CC covve Eurr) / 71 (Oz7 i M8eiS �ka f laA Na Ider 3 l.� 'roes C i�7rlt,1 e SPW�r- _� S'FarJrt�,%l„rd is , hreureh2d` 1 CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION' 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER: (WO) 350-7610 Pages.Scanned 15' Total Pages, Conf I rmed : 15' 7-17-00;11:26AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode -Comments Results 1 941 918003606397 - 7-17-00;11:15AM 10'16" 15/ 15 EC CP 12000 ** Notes **. EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: LocaI Scan 'RE: Resend MR: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to 'Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote, PG: Polling a Remote. DR: Document Removed' FO: Forced Output MB: -Receive to MaIIbox P1 Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Wa I t 1 ng; Transfer CITY OF F CALIFORNIA 0 N T PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO NAME: I 771 a y 4.41 LOCATION : � 34 ? PHONE: FROM: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES ( INCLUDING COVER SHEET) MESSAGE: LOCATION / PHONE: DATE : Ccton 350='66� -7/(7/ 40 I TIME At6Gk pI/9u'v C r�rcc`? AupKrce 5f'dr-WI, VrCa-�� ea I-V up5Y6 � CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER : (909) 350-7610 Date/Time Local ID Local Name - Company Logo This (reduced sample and deta i l s be l ow) Document Size Letter-S Total pages Scanned FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350.6613 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: LIM.) tRv� - LOCATION: FAX: I-BOD-36-63r! PHONE: NAME: } FROM: ,7 7,- I.UPHONE:CATfoNI .'.bnl C7 rL I3 T O n/ TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : I I DATE ; I (LYCLULINC COVER SHEET) i CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIE.IMRA AVENUE, FONTANA. CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER : (90.9) 350.7610 ToteI Pages Confl rmed : 11' t11. Dodgt 7-11-00; 1:34PM' 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time: Duration Pages Mode Comments Results; 1 323 918003606397 7-11-00; 1:29PM 4'58" 11/ 11 EC CP.14400 ** Notes EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Complete'd. LS: Local Scan RE: Resend• MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP:. Local Print.. PD: Polled: by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer NAME: FAX: FROM: FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO LOCATION : PHONE: 1-806,-36o-6311 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : ( INCLUDING COVER SHEET )' LOCATION / PHONE: DATE : CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER : (909) 350-7610 CITY OF CALIFORNIA Lql I C`s0a7 ,•c0 -6d ?0Job I PLAN HOLDER'S BID DISTRIBUTION LIST CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE (SB-55-00) $35-PICK-UP $45-MAILED ACCOUNT NO.: 53560-560899 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $2,570,000 (DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 1. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CITY CLERK, CITY OF FONTANA SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7605 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: "SPECIFICATIONS ONLY" NO: 2. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PURCHASING DATE: S IGNATURE : 06/19/2000 . DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7681 AMOUNT PAID: S NA REMARKS: DATE: 06/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SPECIAL PROJECTS SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: AMOUNT PAID: S •NA REMARKS: GREGORY J. BUCKNELL, P.E. (DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: . CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D. KING $,:I-GNA.TURE :gym DG ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE`100B ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 PHONE: (909) 937-0200 FAX: (909) 357-0202 AMOUNT PAID: $''; NA REMARKS: DONALD GDULA (DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 5. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D. KING SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE 100B ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 PHONE: (909) '937-0200 FAX: (909)937-0202 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: MICHAEL THORNTON DATE:, 06/19/2000 NO: 6. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: BID AMERICAN SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 41085 ELM STREET MURRIETA, CA 92562 PHONE: (909) 677-4819 FAX; (909) 677-4814 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS MAILED ATTN: DOVE (DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 7. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG` ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD., SUITE 110 REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 FAX: (310) 643-1260 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: ROBERT O'DELL DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 8. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD., SUITE 110 REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 FAX: (310) 643-1260 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: ROBERT O'DELL DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 9. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 FAX: (909) 885-0.709 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: WILMA DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 10 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 FAX: (909) 885-0709 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: WILMA IDATEc 06/19/2000 NO: 11 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:'McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, SUITE 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714) 937-0831 FAX: (714) 937-0917 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: SAMANTHA OR MARLYS DATE, 06/19/2000 NO: 12 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS:. 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, SUITE 100 ANAHEIM,. CA 92806 PHONE: (714) 937-0831 FAX: (714) 937-0917. AMOUNT PAID: N/A • REMARKS: MAILED ATTN:`SAMANTHA OR MARLYS DATE:, 06/19/2000 NO: 13 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA ROAD, SUITE 1 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 PHONE: (760) 243-2111 FAX: (760) 243-2131 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: CINDY DATE: 06/19/2000 NO:,14 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA ROAD, SUITE 1 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 PHONE: (760) 243-2111 FAX: (760) 243-2131 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: CINDY IDATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 15 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: I.E.U.A. SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 9400 CHERRY AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE: (909) 357-0241 FAX: (909) 357-3884 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: TAGHI MONZAVI DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 16 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:"COMCAST CABLE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 1205 DUPONT AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761' PHONE: (909) 390-4777 FAX: 350-1799 AMOUNT PAID: $.N/A REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: PAUL CYR, PLANS ONLY DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 17 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: FONTANA WATER COMPANY SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 8440 NUEVO AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE: (909) 822-2201 FAX (909) 823-5046 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED, FRANK LOGUIDICE, PLANS ONLY DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 18 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PACIFIC BELL SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 3939 EAST CORONADO STREET, 2ND FLOOR ANAHEIM, CA 92807 PHONE: (714) 666-5500 FAX: (714) 666-8806 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: STEVE RANDALL, PLANS ONLY DATE:. 06/19/2000 NO: 19 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: THE GAS COMPANY SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 3003 REDLANDS, CA 92373 PHONE: (909) 335-7781 FAX: (909) 335-7527 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: ALAN KESELOFF, PLANS ONLY DATE::. 06/19/2000 NO: 20 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: EDISON SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 7951 REDWOOD AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE: (909) 357-6581 FAX: (909) 357-6185 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: MAILED, ,ATTN:'RON ANDERSON, PLANS ONLY DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 21 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CALTRANS - DISTRICT 8 SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 464 WEST 4TH STREET -" SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401-1400 PHONE: (909) 383-4536 FAX: (909) 383-5936 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED, EBI SIANAKI, PLANS ONLY DATE:. 06/19/2000 NO: 22 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: S.B.C. TRANSPORTATION SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: .825 EAST THIRD STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92415 PHONE: (909) 387-2738 FAX: (909) 387-2667 ' AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED, SHERMAN DAVIS, PLANS ONLY DATE: (4041.011 NO: 23 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: G.° CO,fr, etie*P ) em), r/VG , SIGNATURE: Lye, ADDRESS:. PC) (PDT' /2-669 - efri /D,) c/9 9,7L-'-• PHONE : /e)S 7 87 16 9' AMOUNT PAID: $ gazvicysoi REMARKS: DATE: NO: 24 Kv (ifiet2-ti) II JC ADDRESS: my ? ,VL t'- )Th 1) R ve,�sl n 19 gd9' . PHONE: cgd9s) -34e".ds!�O REMARKS: CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: 7-A W74/ OD SIGNATURE AMOUNT PAID: 5100 NO: 25 Co PH RE (909) 360-7531 Fax (909) 360-7561 INC. ) License #621586 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Lorna, CA 91752 DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID $ 3 Sr NO: 27 NO: 28 IFT - PIPELINE ENGINEERS Contracting •,Bypassing • Emergencies DUKE DONER Superintendent Ca. Lic. # 763466 /e/b414 T40114-7/i631.2- 30230 LOS ALAMOS ROAD, MURRIETA, CA 92563 (909) 926-1885 • (626) 448-8798 • FAX (909)4 FAX:909.738-7646 7AL. STATE LIC. #267073-A ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES 400 E. Sixth St P.O. Box 2229 CORONA, CA 92878-2229 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: rjt} ADDRESS: Cj4-7 W W. r v` tphdPA.4 ( Vb24- PHONE: _ REMARKS: % 5M) 5 4- DATE : %: D t SIGNATUR AMOUNT PAID::$ 35 0 C DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE: b SIGNATURE: AMOUNT AID: $ 0 NO: 29 Vad Rohm p Ali Qp . �► a2j2,I CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ADDRESS: qv + /du PHONE: REMARKS: (DATE : I PO SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE : a2 % -.U� NO: ;30 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : a `/,l % j . -L'j ADDRESS : le?) 9•%/,' ��. PHONE SIGNATURE: /fze AMOUNT PAID REMARKS: NO 31 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: Al:eG �14.01.,/tI/K�, ADDRESS: „ g90 71i, . �f�s/XQ�2,. 1ae 0 02.1.441,49 PHONE: REMARKS: DATE : / ' a 8 Goo SIGNATURE: AMOUNT • PAID : $ 14r NO: 32 NO: 33 REMARKS: CONTRACTOR / COMPANY :/��)y�,�� ADDRESS : O hP'C 14' '. PHONE: exm-ui.e. 9L (DATE : 6 zr' 00 SIGNATURE: 9,.5' #6,—e_1 fM. ats i agtet, Lou - REMARKS: AMOUNT PAID: $ CONTRACTOR/COMPANY • I ppe e (,,� L AJ ADDRESS : GP3 d -oS ' 1.44- p-i US /e D PHONE' L I 9a4 -la64NYAV--1(79/ k� DATE: SIGNATURE: AMO!JNT PAID : 63 (909) 737-2660 FAX (909) 737-1640 1 Byron L. Crurne, Inc. JERRY SMITH ADDRESS: 1826 POMONA ROAD CORONA, CA 92880-1777 STATE LICENSE#249549 DATE Cc 20 -a7) SIGNAT AMOUNT PAID:' DATE : SIGNATURE: VASILJ CONSTRUCTION, Engineering Contractor 1416 Avenida Entrada San Dimas, CA 91773 Tel. 909-599-2845 Fax 909-599-3003 AMOUNT PAID : $ '' 5;00 CONTRACT ADDRESS: MIMI STAHL CORPORATE SECRETARY 2100 West Anaheim St. Long Beach, CA 90813 (Tel.)562.432.5451 (Fax.) 562.435.5929 ww'w.lbiw.com Ibiw@ix.netcom.com FOUNDRY E FABRICATION REMARKS: CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: -MIRAMOiTE CONST. CO., INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING Lic. No. 416450 YVETTE C. MIRAMONTES-MORALES Vice President . Box 90095 of Industry,CA 91715-0095 Bus: (626) 330-104 °mail: yvettemccl44earthlink.net FAX No. (626) 330-546 ONE PHe REMARKS: NO: 39 CONTRAC1 REMARKS NO: 40 CONTRACT ADDRESS: DIANE DERRICK Inside Sales Coordinator. AMERON INTERNATIONAL C'0 AMOUNT PAID: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID ick L�'f ram, Ce14 `l l FA% C iv( 2SB' I Co 2� - g4'j7. CONCRETE & STEEL PIPE GROUP Southern Division 10681 Foothill Blvd., Suite 450 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3857 Phone: 909 / 944-4100, Ext. 189 Fax: 909/944-4113 Mobile:909/322-5115 E mail: diane_derrick@ameron-intl.com Internet: www.ameron-intl.com AMOUNT PAID: DATEI SIGNATURE: •9'. AMOUNT PAID: ONTRACTOR/COMPANY: Awry ADDRESS: PHONE: REMARKS: rmi DATE: t 'el`oo SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ NO: 42 CON' ADD: PHO; REM; W.A. RASIC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. General Engineering Contractor Lic. # A 368761 511 S. First Ave., Suite 230 Arcadia, CA 91006 DATE: & SIGNATURE: 27 •a-O AMOUNT PAID: IDATE : 17— ? -O G) NO: 43 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY°°:�-,g,,,hAni,� ( oil ,:t;,11) SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : . . eC Li %Ulo 7 j /%U 1,. Qctl&Q.J Ante. .th1i. - MA 9075 4s PHONE : Il( 6 S a... 6, 7 7') AMOUNT PAID : $ 45, U 0 REMARKS : 111 c Lt NO: 44 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:, ADDRESS: PHONE: IDATE : SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: REMARKS: NO: 45 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : > U ADDRESS 1640 Il,e f e. c t.R DATE: SIGNATURE: PHONE : L h I'. REMARKS: AMOUNT PAID: $ ���a0 -7 Franklin to nforc; fgiS eel 13546-IMPEFilAL MM( SANTA FE SPRI S,�A 99e7Q �'r (562) 946.E/5P5 i4) 994 3331:, FAX OS4892 2338 • • REMARKS: • EstrmaI1naFbX 062)047063 (ILL) sales Manager : , . l� LCEN$046 21s DATE: h c SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ 'fj,"DED NO: 47 Wesr44 47 101.,111 IDATE : 7/0/ a q o.v, L" SIGNATURE :U CONTRACTOR/COMPANY • ADDRESS : 2Zt' struction, LP ROILY FRANKLIN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 385 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 105 Torrance, California 90501 (310)320.1400 (310)320.1181.FAX AMOUNT PAID: $ gS'B C 772. G1�d+� Gy DATE : 47 li2 SIGNATURE AMOUNT PAID: $ NO: 49 REMARKS.: CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ADDRESS:ig PHONE: REMARKS: 1114 5 3yyI DATE: #--f • SIGNATURE: 49400 AMOUNT PAID: $ 45 .00 NO: 50 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY. ADDRESS: PHONE: yAz fAmitoiz DATE: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: Date/Time Local ID Local Name' Company Logos. This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deter i I s below) Document 'S i ze Letter-S Total Pages Scanned PLEASE DELIVER T11E FOLLOWING PAGES TO: NAME: f ..:JVIsh LOCATION: FAX; r-eDD 4131 -76 78 1 PHONE: FROM: 1--I LOCATION/ III PHONE: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : i 11 l DATE : I INCLUDING COVER 5IIEkr 6 I-0C -87z 767s MESSAGE: — 7f ri+twAtsad Prerse—t 14 Qlah Fla.l�r's_. ti'�` I CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING p1VISION 5353STERRA AVENUE, YONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER s. (909) 35E14610 11' Total Pages Confirmed 11' 7-11-00;10:36AM. 1234567 No. Doc Remote StationStart Time Duration Pages,: Mode 'Comments Results 1 298 918004877878 7-11-00;10:29AM 7'15" 11/ 11 G3 CP 14400: ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan PE:,Resend MP: Multi —Poll RM:Receive to Memory. LP::Loca l Print .PD: Po I I ed by Remote PG: Polling Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output'. MB: Receive to Mallbox. Pl': Power Interruption TM: 'Terminated.by. user .' WT: Welting Transfer cool riAc t oK !^SOCK -•'S ?Z 787g 7/Woo i PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO LOCATION : PHONE: FROM: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : ( INCLUDING COVER SHEET ) Joky, - eoo - ¢8? LOCATION / PHONE: DATE CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER (909) 350-7610 Hemet Manufacturing Company Inc. dba GENESIS CONSTRUCTION Hemet, CA 92545 DATE ;iNVOICE`NO >r= pE?SC"Rll%T .01 E" Alr{Il 6-28-00 check req 6/00 45.00 PLANS/SPECS FOR CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN OWNER: CITY OF FONTANA BID DATE: JULY 20, 2000 @ 10:00 AM COSTS: $45.00 NONREFUNDABLE MAILING FEE INCLUDED GENESIS CONSTRUCTION. ATTN: SHERI CECCHINE 170 E. OAKLAND AVENUE HEMET, CA 92543-29 909-652-6977 x743 909-925-6585 FAX HEMET MANUFACYURING'OMP.ANYII dba GENES s Q T N I! �T.RUCT HE1E';CA§ 45'n A ; % : ;PLEASE TAINaGE ALII'OANIA BANK.&TRUST' 4161 &wiri4hester; Road IernegUIac.k t4 9 590 r:. '01'32167122 * * i 447-,* ALANGI 45.00. COLICH & SONS General Engineering Contractors 547 West 140th Street Gardena, CA 90248 Fax (310) 329-2846 for plans and specifications for We will be bidding as a General Contractor and would like to be put on the list requesting sub -bids., Please forward as soon as possible to: Susan Mercer Colich & Sons 547 West 140th Street Gardena, CA 90248 'Please send soil report and/or test borings if available, or advise g where/how to et. If there is an additional charge, please let me know. Please Federal Express for next day delivery. 1032-5939-8. Our Account Number is Enclosed also is a check in the amount of $ for Standard Drawings for construction of sewer storm drain water system. Please forward set(s) as soon as possible to the above address. 'COUCH & SONS 547 West 140th Street Gar ena, CA 90248 C T F Y OF FONTANA DATE: 06/22/00 I CHECK # 1128412842 pNV DATE JOB # 6/22/00 COLICH ,& Sons INVOICE # 000622 TOTAL: 547 WEST 140th STREET GARDENA, CALIFORNIA 90248 (323) 770-2920 ty-Five & 00/100 Dollars CITY OF FONTANA VERSE SIDE •F;THIS P•GUMENT:IN BAL PAID 45.00 45.00 DISCOUNT NET PAID 45.00 APO &` fi!A . .;=-- ihU"�Eitnx' E c =s lADEW ;'. CITY NATIONAL BANK La Palma Office One Centerpointe Drive La Palma, CA 90623 16-1606/1220 DATE 06/22/00 45.00 112842 112842 AMOUNT $******45.00 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE i_i? _` +: aan il= i i°am umLi284211' u:L220L60661: L260011' CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE (SB-55-00) NO: PLAN ;HOLDER'S BID DISTRIBUTION LIST $35-PICK-UP $45-MAILED ACCOUNT NO.: 53560-560899 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $2,570,'000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CITY,' CLERK, CITY OF FONTANA ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA DATE: e.t/ fq J0 p 06/19/2000 SIGNATURE: DG PHONE: 350-7605 AMOUNT PAID: S NA'. REMARKS: "SPECIFICATIONS ONLY" CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PURCHASING ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: REMARKS: 350-7681 DATE:(pljq/pd 06/19/2000 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT, PAID: S NA DG DATE: G/lq/60 06/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SPECIAL PROJECTS SIGNATURE.:! DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE:, AMOUNT PAID:' NA REMARKS: GREGORY J. BUCKNELL, P.E. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D. KING ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE 100B ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 PHONE: (909) 937-0200 REMARKS: FAX: (909) 357-0202 DONALD'GDULA CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D. KING ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE 100B ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 PHONE: (909) 937-0200 FAX: (909) 937-0202 REMARKS: MICHAEL THORNTON DATE :4/(ghj7 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE : 41/ q SIGNATURE: 06 AMOUNT PAID: 06/19/2000; DG NA 06/19/2000 NA DG CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: BID AMERICAN ADDRESS: .41085<ELM STREET MURRIETA, CA 92562. PHONE: (909) 677-4819 FAX: (909) .677-4814 REMARKS: MAILED ATTN DOVE`. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN;;BEACH'BLVD., SUITE 110 REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 FAX: (310) 643-1260 REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: ROBERT O'DELL CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ADDRESS: 2625.MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD., SUITE 110 'REDONDO BEACH, CA "'90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 FAX: ;.(310) 643-1260 REMARKS': MAILED ATTN: ROBERT O'DELL CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE ADDRESS:. 202 E."AIRPORT ROAD; SUITE 190 SAN.BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE 4909) 885-6857 FAX (909) 885-0709 REMARKS: ,MAILED ,ATTN::WILMA SIGNATURE': AMOUNT PAID: 'DATE :'4P f /R /00 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT. PAID: DG N/A 06/19/2000 DG N/A DATE:t09/0er06/19/2000 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DG N/A DATE:C//q/661 06/19/2000 SIGNATURE:; AMOUNT PAID: DG N/A NO: 10 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT,' ROAD, SUITE 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE:, (909) 885-6857 FAX: (909) 885-0709 REMARKS:' MAILED ,ATTN-WILMA DATE:MI/L)/be) 06/19/2000. SIGNATURE: AMOUNTPAID:,. DG N/A DATE: 06/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, SUITE 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714) 937-0831 FAX: (714) 937-0917 AMOUNT `PAID - N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: SAMANTHA OR .MARLYS' DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 12 NO: 15 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:'"McGRAW HILL DODGE ADDRESS:, 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, SUITE 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714) 937-0831 FAX: (714) 937-0917 REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: SAMANTHA OR MARLYS CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA ROAD, SUITE 1 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 PHONE: (760) 243-2111 FAX: (760) 243-2131 REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: CINDY CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: 'HI -DESERT. PLAN ROOM ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA ROAD, SUITE 1 VICTORVILLE,,CA 92392 PHONE (760),243-2111 FAX: (760) 243-2131 REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: CINDY CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: I:E U.A. ADDRESS: '9400 CHERRY AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE (909) 357-0241 FAX: (909) 357-3884 REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: TAGHI MONZAVI SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID:. DG N/A DATE: SIGNATURE:, AMOUNT PAID:_ 06/19/2000', DG _. N/A DATE: SIGNATURE:: AMOUNT PAID: DATE SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: 06/19/2000 N/A 06/19/2000. N/A DG DATE: 06/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: COMCAST_CABLE' ADDRESS: 1205 DUPONT AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761 PHONE: (909) 390-4777 FAX: 350-1799 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: N/A. DG REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: PAUL CYR, PLANS ONLY. FDATE : 06/19/2000 NO: 19 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY.: FONTANA WATER COMPANY. ADDRESS:- PHONE.: 8440'NUEVO AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 (909) 822-2201 FAX:'.(909) 823-5046 REMARKS:MAILED, FRANK LoGUIDICE, PLANS ONLY CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PACIFIC BELL ADDRESS: 3939_EAST'CORONADO'STREET, 2ND FLOOR ANAHEIM, CA 92807 PHONE: (714) 666-5500 FAX: (714) 666-8806 REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN:'STEVE RANDALL, PLANS ONLY:., CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: THE GAS COMPANY ADDRESS:. BOX 3003 REDLANDS,.CA 92373 PHONE: (909) 335-7781 FAX: (909) 335-7527 REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: ALAN KESELOFF, PLANS ONLY'. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: EDISON ADDRESS: 7951 ,REDWOOD AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE: (909) 357-6581 FAX: (909) 357-6185 REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: RON ANDERSON, PLANS ONLY SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE: DG N/A 06/19/2000 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A DATE SIGNATURE: DG 06/19/2000 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT. PAID: DG 06/19/2000`': DG CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CALTRANS - DISTRICT 8 ADDRESS:''464 WEST 4TH STREET SAN BERNARDINOCA 92401-1400 PHONE: (909) 383-4536 FAX: (909) 383-5936 REMARKS: MAILED, EBI'SIANAKI, PLANS ONLY CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: S.B.C.TRANSPORTATION ADDRESS: 825 EAST THIRD' STREET' SAN BERNARDINO, CA '92415 PHONE: (909) 387-2738 yFAXi (909) 387-2667'' REMARKS: MAILED, SHERMAN,DAVIS, GLANS ONLY` SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE: DG N/A 06/.19/2000,, AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A' DG DATE NO: 23 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE ADDRESS: PHONE:' AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: DATE: NO: 24 NO: 25 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:` SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: REMARKS: CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:'• • ADDRESS: PHONE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE:': AMOUNT PAID REMARKS Construction Data Corporation 10375 East Harvard Avenue Suite 410 Denver, CO 80231 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts Enclosed , are NB pages for the above mentioned project. Project details are _. listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact Gregory J. •. Bucknell, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects at (909) 350-6646. PROJECT BID SUBMITTAL DUE DATE/TIME Citrus Avenue Sewer. And Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Sincerely, July 20th, 2000 @10:00 AM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, RE. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 iirarvrlarl nnnar TO: HOLDERS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO. SB-55-00 LOCATION: CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO NOTICE TO BIDDERS: It is intended that all work affected by the followings provisions shall conform to the original specifications and be incorporated as a part of the contract documents. Bidders shall assure themselves that all changes have been incorporated in their proposal. THE FIRST PARAGRAPH ON NB-1 IS REVISED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites sealed bids for`the,above stated project and will received such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 10:00 a.m. on the 20th day of July, 2000, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. . www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO. SB-55-00 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites, sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 10:00 a.m. on the 29th day of June, 2000, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.. The work of improvement consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of construction of a sewer and appurtenances (complete and inplace), a storm drain and appurtenances (complete and in place) and Beech Avenue Street Improvements, including pavement removal and replacement, temporary pavement, earthwork, sewer and storm drain pipe, manholes, sewer laterals, catch basins and all related work required for complete gravity sewer and storm drain systems. Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents are available from ; the City of Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California . 92335, (909) 350-7610, upon payment of a Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) non-refundable fee ($45.00 if mailed). Any questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. at (909) 350-6646. Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond available to the CITY in the amount of at least ten -percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an amount equal to 100 % of the total contract amount, shall be required concurrently with the execution of the contract and shall be in the form set forth inthe contract documents. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The contract documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's. estimate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress payment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the "CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract documents pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conformance with the Instructions! to Bidders and: all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL". The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept an; bid or portion thereof; and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety five (95) days. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" specialty contractors license(s) sufficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF CITY OF FONTANA Dated this 21st day of December,1999. CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (909) 350-7610 NB-2 Ron Anderson SCE 7951 Redwood Avenue Fontana, CA 92336 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. is July 20th, 2000 at 10:00 AM. If any additional information is: required, please contact the 350-6646 Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell,'P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600' the above mentioned The bid opening date undersigned at (909) Rickey L. Reyes The Gas Company P.O. Box 3003 Redlands, CA 92373 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans Dear Mr. Reyes: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is July 20 , 2000 at 10:00 AM. th If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregbiy J. BucknellP.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper City of Fontana Taghi Monzavi Inland Empire Utilities Agency 9400 Cherry Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved. Set of Plans and Specifications Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans and specifications for the above mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids.' The bid opening date is July 20th, 2000 at 10:00 AM. If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Greg:ry J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 tit recycled paper Donald Gdula L.D. King 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, CA 91764-4464 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Dear Mr. Gdula: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans and specifications for the above mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bidopening date is July 20th, 2000 at 10:00 AM. If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled oaoer Michael Thornton L.D. King 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, CA 91764-4464 Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans and specifications for the above mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is July 20th, 2000 at 10:00 AM: If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 rp,v,I r1 nno r Bid American 41085 Elm Street Murrieta, CA 92562 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts Enclosed : is/are 1 set(s) of plans and specifications 'for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer/Specia) Projects at (909) 350- 6646. PROJECT Citrus Avenue Sewer And Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Sincerely, BID SUBMITTAL ESTIMATED DUE DATE/TIME CONSTRUCTION COSTS July 20th, 2000 @ 10:00 AM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528,(909) 350-7600 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA` Daily Construction Service, 2625 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Suite 110 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts Enclosed is/are 2 set(s) of ` plans and specifications for your advertisement.' Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact. Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects at (909) 350 6646. PROJECT Citrus Avenue Sewer And Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) BID SUBMITTAL DUE DATE/TIME July 20ih, 2000 @10:00 AM COMMUNITY. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, RE. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA' AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled Dauer ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS City of Fontana CALIFORNIA F.W. Dodge of McGraw Hill Dodge June 19, 2000 202 E. Airport Road, Suite 190 San Bernardino, CA 92408-3428 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Stover Avenue (SB-55-00) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is/are 2 set(s) of plans and specifications for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects at (909) 350- 6646. PROJECT Citrus Avenue Sewer And Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Stover Avenue (SB-55-00) BID SUBMITTAL ESTIMATED DUE DATE/TIME CONSTRUCTION COSTS July 20th, 2000 @ 10:00 AM Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects $2,570,000 www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528. (909) 350-7600 ranvnlori nanor City of Fontana McGraw Hill Dodge F.W./ Dodge`` 2150 Town Center Place, Suite 100 Anaheim, CA 92806 RE: CALIFORNIA; Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from, Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts June 19, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is/are 2 set(s) of plans and specifications ` for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects at (909) 350- 6646. BID SUBMITTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT DUE DATE/TIME CONSTRUCTION COSTS Citrus Avenue Sewer July 20th, 2000 And Storm Drain from @ 10:00 AM Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00). Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects $2,570,000 www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 rag,&n!IPHI nnnpr Cityof Fontana CALIF'ORNIA; Hi -Desert Plan Room 15353 Anacapa Road. Suite 1 Victorville, CA 92392 RE, Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts June 19, 2000 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is/are 2 set(s) of plans and specifications for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects at (909) 350- 6646. BID SUBMITTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT DUE DATE/TIME CONSTRUCTION COSTS Citrus Avenue Sewer And Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Sincerely, July 20th, 2000 @ 10:00 AM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Ai(' Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects $2,570,000 8353 SIERRA AVENUE www.fontana.org FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 ^mp Paul Cyr Comcast Cable 1205 Dupont Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans June 19, 2000 Dear Mr. Cyr: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is July 20th, 2000 at 10:00 AM. If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUEFONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 Frank Lo Guidice Fontana Water Company 8440 Nuevo Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans Dear Mr. LoGuidice: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is July 20th,,2000 at 10:00 AM. If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 ranvnleri nnner Steve Randall Pacific Bell 3939 East Coronado Street 2na;Floor Anaheim, CA 92807 Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Stover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is July 20t", 2000 at 10:00 AM. If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at (909). 350-6646. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 reicteclp.d nnr,er Ebi Sianaki Caltrans -District 8 464 West 4th Street San Bernardino,CA 92401-1400 Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above 'Mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is July 20t", 2000 at 10:00 AM. If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at 350-6646. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil, Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 rprvded baeer tf City of Fontana CALIFORNIA' Sherman Davis San Bernardino County Transportation 825 East Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92415 Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Approved Set of Plans Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is July 20th, 2000 at 10:00 AM. If any additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Gregbiy J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 a recycled paper