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City of Fontana CALIFORNIA Fontana Rubbish Collectors, Inc.' 9820 Cherry Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Dennis Wallace RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension February 21, 2001 The City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. It has been deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001 and will remain in effect until that date. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction ' site. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If 'any additional information is requested, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division GregorylU. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects cc: Acting City Engineer. www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper THE SIN • This space for filing stamp only 399 North " D"Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909) 397-3986 DON GDULA CITY OF FONTANA/ENGINE. DEPT. 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA 92335 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) State of California County of San Bernardino ) ss Notice Type: GPN GOVT PUBLIC NOTICE Ad Description: SB-55-00 I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or Interested in the above entitled matter. I am the representative of the printer and publisher of The Sun, a daily newspaper printed and published in the English language in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, and adjudged a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, under date June 20, 1952, Case No. 73084. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: 03/01/01, 03/08/01 Executed on: 03/08/01 At Los Angeles, California I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 7,4tIA/dikaA Signature SBS#: 214729 CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE (SB•55.00) Fontana, California, February 26, 2001. The Mayor and City Council are pleased to announce that the City of Fontana Is under construction for .the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain, from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. In consideration of Public Health and Safety, It was deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic from October 16, 2000 to March 5, 2001. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jumps Avenue and Slover Avenue to help area residents avoid the construction area. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Stover Avenue. This closure will help expedite the completion of the project KEAN HUNT for Release: City Manager 03/01/01, 03/08/01 SBS• 214729# • DAILY JOURNAL CORPPRATION SBS#:214729 Notice Type: 915 E. First Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 Telephone (800) 788-7840 • Fax (800) 474-9444 DON GDULA CITY OF FONTANA/ENGINE. DEPT. 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA 92335 COPY OF NOTICE GPN GOVT PUBLIC NOTICE Ad Description: SB-55-00 To the right is a copy of the notice you sent to us for publication. Thank you for using the San Bernardino County Sun. Please read this notice carefully and call us with any corrections. The Proof of Publication will be filed with the County Clerk, if required, and mailed to you after the last date below. Publication date(s) for this notice is (are): 03/01/01, 03/08/01 The charge(s) for this order is as follows. An invoice will be sent after the last date of publication. If you prepaid this order in full, you will not receive an invoice. Publication Total $ 0.00 $ 0.00 CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE (SB-55-00) Fontana, California, February 26, 2001. The Mayor and City Council are pleased to announce that the City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jumps Avenue to Slover Avenue. In consideration of Public Health and Safety, it was deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic from October 16, 2000 to March 5, 2001. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue to help area residents avoid the construction area. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. This closure will help expedite the completion of the project Approved for Release: KEN HUNT City Manager 03/01/01, 03/08/01 SBS- 214729# •sm i s i on Report- Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document. was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 908-350-7632. Fax: 909-35D-6815 Fax Communications Tor • Maraget, Fontana Herald Neva Fromm Don edula Sam 9-355-0358 Dater February28, 2001 Phone: 9822-2231 ; Pagesr 2 Rem Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain Ccr from Jurupa Avenue to Slaver Avenue D Urgent ❑ Foe Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Presse Recycle •Comment: Please print le following attachment onthe following days. Thursday: Mardi 1, 2001 Thursday: March8,2001 If you have any questions please cat, • Pease Invoice P.O.01.08009 ' Total Pages Confirmed : 2-26-01;12:39PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 814 93559358 2-26-01;12:38PM 55" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** -EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi —Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote 'DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox Pi:. Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer CITY OF FONTAMI'. PRESS RELEASE City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Gregory J. Bucknell, P. E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects Telephone: (909) 350-6646 Fax: (909) 350-6618 E-mail ;gbucknell@fontana.org February 26, 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE (SB-55-00) Fontana, California, February 26, 2001. The Mayor and City Council are pleased to announce that the City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. In consideration of Public Health and Safety, it was deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic from October 16, 2000 to March 5, 2001. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001. 'A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue to help area residents avoid the construction area. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. This closure will help expedite the completion of the project. Approved for Release: Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo Th i.s document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division 11 Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 ' Fax:909-3504818 Fax Co1'Yr1 utic,tlons Tot ' Arl Gutierrez, CNS9 Fax: 9-800-474 0444 From Don (Mule Dater February 28, 2001 Phoney 9-000-788.7840 Pegesi 2 Re: CIWoAvenue Sewer and Storm Drain CC. from Jurupa Avenue to SloverAvenue 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Roayele •Commenter Please pdntthe folbwtng attachment en the following days; Thursday: March 1, 2001 Thursday: March 8, 2001 If you have any questions please call. Please awoke P.O.01-013009 2 Total Pages Can -Firmed . 2' 2-26-01;12:4OPM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Statlon ' Start Time Duration Pages' Mode Comments Results.. 1 8 1 7 918004749444 2-26-0 1 ; ) 2:: 39PM 55" 2/ 2 EC CP ,.1 4400'. ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC:, Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local ,Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi —Poll RM: Recelve to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed. FO: Forced Output MB .,Receive to Mali box 'PI:. Power interruptIOn TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer CITY PRESS RELEASE City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Gregory J. Bucknell, P. E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects Telephone: (909) 350-6646 Fax: (909) 350-6618 E-mail gbucknell@fontana.org February 26, 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE (SB-55-00) Fontana, California,February 26, 2001. The Mayor and City Council are pleased to announce that the City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. In consideration of Public Health and. Safety, it was deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue • North to Slover Avenue to through traffic from October 16, 2000 to March 5, 2001. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2 2001. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue to help area residents avoid the construction area. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. This closure will help expedite the completion of the project. Ken Hunt City Manager City of Fontana CA'LIFORNIA Fontana Post Office 8282 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Ronald D. Hogan RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Skiver Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension February 21, 2001 y Sewer and Storm The City 'of Fontana is construction for the Citrus Avenue Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Stover Avenue. It has been deemed necessary to close : Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Stover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001 and will remain in effect until that date. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Stover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Stover Avenue during the course of construction. If any. additional information is requested, please contact the undersigned a (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division GregoJ. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects cc: Acting City Engineer www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 1 recycled paper Med-Trans 7925 Center Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, Attn Dispatch Supervisor RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension The City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. It has beendeemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001 and will remain in effect until that date. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If any additional information is (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division requested, please contact the undersigned a Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 va)recycled paper Fontana School District Transportation 9680 Citrus Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Ann Bird RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension February 21, 2001 The City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. It has been deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001 and will remain in effect until that date' A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If any additional information is requested, please contact the undersigned a (909) 350-6646.` Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division Grego J._Bucknell, P.E. Princip I Civil Engineer/Special Projects cc: Acting City Engineer www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper California Highway Patrol 9530 Pittsburgh Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Dispatch RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension The City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue: It has been deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic: This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001 and will remain in effect until that date. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If any additional information is requested, please contact the (909) 350-6646 Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division Gregor' J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal. Civil Engineer/Special Projects cc: Acting City Engineer www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper undersigned at Omnitrans 1700 West 5th San Bernardino, CA 92401 Attn: Jim Lewis RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension The City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. It has been deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001 and will remain in effect until that date. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If : any additional information is (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division requested, please contact the undersigned at Gregor J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper Fontana Rubbish Collectors, Inc. 9820 Cherry Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Dennis Wallace RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension The City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. It has been deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001 and will remain in effect until that date. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If any additional information is requested, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA San Bernardino County Sheriff 17780 Arrow Route Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Dispatch RE: '` Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension February 21 2001 The City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. It has been deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2, 2001 and will remain in effect until that date. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site., Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If any additional information is requested, please contact the undersigned' at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division Gregor»J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects cc:. Acting City Engineer www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper Central Valley Fire Agency 15308 San Bernardino Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) Road Closure Extension The City of Fontana is underconstruction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. It has, been deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July 2,2001 and will remain in effect until that date. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site: Local residents and emergency vehicles will be provided access on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If any additional information is requested, please contact the undersigned a (909) 350 6 Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division J. Bucknell, P.E. al Civil Engineer/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. • Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects DATE: February 21, 2001 SUBJECT: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00)' Road Closure Extension The City of Fontana is under construction for the Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue. It has been deemed necessary to close Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue North to Slover Avenue to through traffic. This closure will be extended from March 5, 2001 to July, 2, 2001. A detour has been provided on Beech Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue, to help area residents avoid the construction site. Local residents and emergency vehicles will be providedaccess on Citrus Avenue from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue during the course of construction. If you have any questions, contact Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. at (909) 350-6646. Distribution List: Public Services Director Police Department, Attn: Dispatch Police Department, Attn: Traffic Sergeant Acting City Engineer City Traffic Engineer Associate Engineer/Inspection Public Works Senior Inspector (RS) Engineering Annex Counter Personnel Consultant Public Works Inspector (SB) NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS -FOR CONSTRUCTION OF C11RUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO. SB-55-00 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, mvites sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 10:00 a.m. on the 29t' day of June, 2000, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work of improvement consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the >plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of construction of a sewer and appurtenances (complete and in place), a storm drain and appurtenances (complete and in' place) and Beech Avenue Street Improvements, including pavement removal and replacement, temporary pavement, earthwork, sewer and storm drain pipe, manholes, sewer laterals, catch basins and all related work required for complete gravity sewer and storm drain systems. Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents are available from the City of Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, (909) 350-7610, upon payment of a Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) non-refundable fee ($45.00 if mailed). Any questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Gregory J.'Bucknell, P.E. at (909) 350-6646. Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certifie d ed check or bid bond available to the CITY in the amount of at least ten -percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an amount equal to 100 % of the total contract amount, shall be required concurrently with the execution eq 'of the contract and shall be in . the form set forth in the contract documents. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of public� persons upon , works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, p physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against, on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. NB-1 The contract documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's estimate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress payment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract documents pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City' provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conformance with the . Instructions to Bidders and all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND ; STORM DRAIN, FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL". The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety five (95) days. At the time of, contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" specialty contractors license(s) sufficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF CITY OF FONTANA Dated this 21' day of December, 1999. CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California ` 92335 (909) 350-7610 NB-2 THE 'SUa 399 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909)`397.-3986 DON GILBERTSON_ CITY OF FONTANA/ENGINE. DEPT. 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA CA 92335 Proof of Publication am a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the representative of the printer and publisher of The Sun, a daily newspaper printed and published in the English language in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino,; and adjudged a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, under date of June 20, 1952, Case No. 73084. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement, thereof on the following dates, to -wit: 06/01/00, 06/08/00 EXECUTED'ON 06/08/00 AT RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.' Signature ace for filing stamp only CNS1784026 NOTICE INVITING SEALED OF CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO. SB-55-00 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV N that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stet .ed project and will receive such blds in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 10 00 a.m. on the 29th day of June, 2000, at which time they wit be publicly opened 'and read aloud. The work Of improvement con- sists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for the above stated project.'The gen- eral items of work to be done hereunder consist of a sewer' and appurtenances (com- plete and in place), a storm drain and appurtenances (complete and In place) and Beech Avenue • Street improvements, including pavement removal, and, deplacement, • 'temporary pavement, earthwork, sewer and storm drain pipe, man- holes, sewer laterals, catch basins and all related work required forcomplete gravity sewer and storm drain sys- tems. Copies of Plans, Specifications,' and Contract Documents are available from City of Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335, (909) 350-7610 upon payment of a Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) non-refundable fee ($45.00 If mailed). Any ques- tions pertaining to this project should be directed to Gregory J. Bucknell,'P.E. et (909) 350- Proposals.must be accompa- nied by a proposal guarantee in 'the form of 'cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid -bond available to the CITY In the amount of at least ten per, cent (10%) of 'the total amount ' bid. Any'propesal not accompa- nied by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the total contract amount, shall be required con- currently with the exeoutlonof the contract and shall be in the form set forth In'thecontract documents. Any contract entered into pur- suantto this notice will Incorpo- rate the provisions of the State Labor Code, Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public, works because' of the race, religleusbreed, Color, national origin, ancestry, physl- •cal handicap, medical Condi- tion, marital sfatus, or sex of such persons, except as pro- vided in Government Code Section'12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards estab- lished, by the State Director of Industrial Relations willbe' required. Affirmative action to• ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race,' color, national origin, ancestry', sex, or religion. wit also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively. ensures Ehat:; minority.buslness; entetprises WiU be afforded full pportunitl!,to submit'bids in fesporf5e to ;this rtoticeand will; pot be discrltnlhated against on; the basis of,.face color :nation- SOodgltir ancestry sex v,or reli- jlon )i ahy;consrderation lead ring to th award of contract /T(ie 4gn at docUmentaeal! tol' inepihl progress payhr¢nt4 .based"Upont`he engineer's esti 'mate gf the,, ppeorcentage) of *oral icompleted The C17Y Wilt retafjt' „10 pperaefit' of each progress•, :payment as, security for cogs- pletloh of; the balance'ot the'. work At the request ,and expense bf.'the successful aer •the CITY wilhpaythe( `amounts, SO. retained upon coma aplranoe Wlth the requirements( of Rubllo:=Cohtract:Code, :Section 22300 and the provi •slona of;;t(iercontractdocu mentstertafning to SubstitUtlorj of Sa itrlIi'es Bids' must, be prepared On the Cit provided •proposal forms • ancompletely,filled out irrcon-I .formance with the Instructions. to Bidders and all. proposal'. fo(ms must besubmltted sin,a; seafed ewJetope plainly marked: :On the butside "SEALLED BID; DR .CONSTRUCTION OF'; itOITRUS'AVENUE StWER,` AND• STORM DRAIN FROM! JURUPA:;AVENUE 'TO' SLOVER AVENUE =•DO NOT "•OPEN -WITH REGULAR MAIL The CITY reserves the right tp;.. reject any or all bids; to waive, any irregularity to accept en'y bid or isortion.thereef, apd to take .alt bids under advisemeht • fora pengd of ninety, five (95)• ,Ye fie lrije'cf contract award;' prime contractor shall pos sass a Class coiittactor's, license and/or any;Combinatlgn! of Class'.'C' specialty' contrac tors license(s) sufficlent to per ,' fortn'the Work. BY -ORDER OF CITY OF' FONTANA Dated'lhis 21st 'rday of:. 1December,1999 • CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue '. Fontana, CA 92335 .:.. (909)350.7610 006/01/00,'06/08/SI ..; SBS=124807# Thi s document was con-F:I rmed (reduced sample and details be I Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned CITY :`OF FAX COMMUNICATIONS CALIFORNIA; 0 FAX NUMBER: (909) 350.6618 (I I N �-- T PLEASE DELIVER TILE FOLLOWING PAGES TO ; A NAME; : ,,MA =n� 1-Awi AtgLis �14 Rwzn FAX; LOCATION (9ti'ti 355-9'356 PHONE: (Ro9) SL2-zL3l A FROM: �.::: LOCATION/ PHONE; DATE : TOTAL NUMBER OF PACES : ( INC'tuvue CnV[R ARJEP) MESSAGE: ,5.1301,6 C iiR AVENa6 Se IuBl2 ,�iuo 57oCM.YvS iN 'FRON( - � u rs /{uGutt4 To 9Loviqz AVENUC (50-$5-00) — w1-741c NE'(iv `7HF FylLtn;IrNry 1 7r sue. N ILBSDISY •__. .}nup '�1., ZOntl_. IN1101LE No,: CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 0353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92333 PHONE NUMBER: (999)3S0-7610. Total Pages Confirmed : 3' No. Doc. Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 182 93559358 5-30-00;'8:05AM 1'34" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400',' **'Notes ** EC: Error Cor. BC: Broadcast Send CP:. Comp I eted- LS: Local Soar' Resend MuItI -Poll Receive to Memory Loca I 1Pr I nt. PD: PG: DR: FO: Po l led. by ,Remote',, Pollinga Remote' Document Removed Forced -Output. MB: ,:Rece I veto Mai I box, PI: Polder Interruption TM: Terminated by user. WT: Waiting Transfer FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO NAME: MAMOT p c, T LOCATION : FAX: (c (3) 355-936E3 PHONE: FROM: l7c 6 / L_ D EI21- Diu TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : ( INCLUDING COVER SHEET ) LOCATION / PHONE: DATE: CITY OF F CALIFORNIA O N T A N FONT, uti 12Lo %igW5 C9oc) 822 -223 009> 350 -8451 TIME : MESSAGE: C I Ttza4 ;AUENUE Et0EIZ ANr7: 1jf02M 12)5 ,/,-) Fa2DNt U12u1'r4 %�U�A) t'E . To 5L0V CR uE (5-6-5-vo) �b 3 Hte 4_1 HE-17xi ME F-DiLUWlA1C? -1 N u e.517w)/ : TNU124 nny JUI.OF ) 2000 J1LIJE g, 2,000 NUOILi_ Not P,. O1 can - O odo 3 CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER : (909) 350-7610 CC: A • NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CI i itUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO. SB-55-00 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 10:00 a.m. on the 29th day of June, 2000, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work of improvement consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and Contract, Documents for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of construction of a sewer and appurtenances (complete and in place), a storm drain and appurtenances (complete and in place) and Beech Avenue Street Improvements, including pavement removal and replacement, temporary pavement, earthwork, sewer and storm drain pipe, manholes, sewer laterals, catch. basins and all related work required for complete gravity sewer and storm drain systems. Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents are available from the City of Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, (909) 350-7610, upon payment of a Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) non-refundable fee ($45.00 if mailed). Any questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. at (909) 350-6646. Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond available to the CITY in the amount of at least ten -percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an amount equal to 100 % of the total contract amount, shall be required concurrently with the execution of the contract and shall be in the form set forth in the contract documents. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry,sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. NB-1 The contract documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's estimate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress payment as security for completion of the balance of the work.. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract documents pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conformance with the Instructions to Bidders and all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL" The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety five (95) days. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" specialty contractors license(s) sufficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF CITY OF FONTANA Dated this 21' day of December, 1999. CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (909) 350-7610 Date/Time' Local ID Local Name Company Logo.. This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sanrip I ea'nd deter i l s be'I ow` Document Size Letter-3 Total Pag es Scanned FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350.6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PACES TO: NAME: [7M4ER LOCATION: ..CNSi3 FAX: i-SO 0-474-4444 PHONE: I-3 -7E8-7840 FROM: ..LOCATION/ �04 C re lib R'75nrJ','_...' PHONE: C909).350-6659 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES a •3 DATE : TIME : ( EscLunmC. COVEN SIICET) MESSAGE: J. 5 /30,00 C17Ru5 A11F NGE S8)UYR AJw Smps, No..1 JCRsPA AV¢as6 �.. '.,,.5401Itg AVEN14C (SD'5..9-f 0 IIJYO:6C 11711 25 PON .:..Juu20ao Tit &S pwyr IiuuE e, "ZOOU CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA.CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER : (909) 3504610 Total Pages Confirmed 3 No. Doc. Remote Station Start, Time' Duration Pages:: Mode Comments Results: 1 178 91 8004749444 : 5-30-00 ; -8 : 02AM 1 ' 34" 3/ EC CP 1 4400 ** `Notes.-**.' EC: Error Correct BC:. Broadcast 'Send. CP:'Completed LS: Local, Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi-PoII RM: Receive to Memory LP:, Local Print PD:Polled ;by Remote.' PG: Polling ..a Remote DR: Document. Removed! FO: 'Forced.Output: MBReceive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: TM: Terminated by!,user WT: Waiting. Transfer • • CITY OF F 0 N T A N A FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO : NAME: C7 ,nl6 C- R, LOCATION : FAX: i _ SO — 474 - i444 PHONE: FROM: Dam GrLtIR-rstw TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : (INCLUDING COVER SHEET ) MESSAGE: LOCATION / PHONE: DATE: TIME CALIFORNIA CH513 � - OD - 788 -7640 (gocf) 350-6659 S /3b/ba C tTRUI) S&"-WE.12 A►7 ST612Vn nflu FiZow iujzUP1a AuOLic fit+ t.(g5 PAY ' r�wo %Cc CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA , CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER : (909) 350-7610 NOTICEINVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CLINES AVENUE SEWER' AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO. SB-55-00 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to t the hour of 10:00 am: on the 29 day of June, 2000, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work of improvement consists ; of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, _ labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents for the above stated project. hereunder consist of construction of. a sewer and pp (complete place), ro ect. The general items of work to be done appurtenances com lete and in lace a storm drain and appurtenances (complete and in place) and Beech Avenue Street Improvements, including pavement removal and replacement, temporary pavement, earthwork, sewer and storm drain pipe, manholes, sewer laterals, catch basins and all related work required for complete gravity sewer and storm drain systems. Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents are available from the City of Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, (909) 350-7610, upon payment of a Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) non-refiuidable fee ($45.00 if mailed). Any questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. at (909) 350-6646 Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond available to the CITY in the amount of at least ten -percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an amount equal to 100 % o of the total contract amount, shall be required concurrently with the execution of the contract and shall be in the form set forth in the contract documents. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such 'persons, : except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. NB-1 The contract documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's estimate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress payment as security for completion of the balance of the work. , At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract documents pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conformance with the Instructions to Bidders and all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE - DO NOT OPEN. WITH REGULAR MAIL" The CITY reserves the nght to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety five (95) days. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" specialty contractors license(s) sufficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF CITY OF FONTANA Dated this 21 day of December, 1999. CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (909) 350-7610 NB-2 J C[TY 60FONTA A BED TALLY SHEET • BID RLCSVAlOPENING DATE: July 20, 2000 � no ELLOCATION: Cityoun Hall, Council Chambers, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fon � �. CA. TIME: 10:00 am SUBJECT: Citrus Ave.. Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa to Sloc9 COMPANY NAME 1.Byyron Crume 1826 Pomona Road CQrcns '2•Steve Casada 3•T.A. Rivard, 4,Majich Bros., Inc 5.Ken Thompson, Inc:.r 9.Kenko, Inc. dba Mcgrand liktah Pacific 14Simich 1SRadich ADDRESS 1826 Pomona Road Corona, CA 91720 1426`So. Allec St. Anaheim, CA 92805 8884 Jurupa Road Riverside, Ca 9250 • P.O. Box 337 Altadena, CA 91003 8851 Watson St. Cypress, CA 90630 25740 WashingtonAve. Murrieta, CA 92562 1416 Avenida Entrada San Dimas, CA 91773 8737 Helms Rancho .Cucamonga,. Ca 1025 Calimesa Blvd., S Calimesa, Ca 92320 4040 Eleanora Way Murrieta, CA 92562 11126 Wright Rd. Lynwood,CA 90262 9164 Rehco Rd. San Diego, CA 92121 P.O.Box 90095 City of Industry, Ca 324 Carbonia Ave. Walnut, Ca.91789 4680 Los Angeles, Ste C Simi Valley, CA 93063 BOND uite 4 v/ INS AMOUNT 6./3,371, a /ql, dal. $b,233 2, 3 <ISO RI. 7.2. ,66.6, �2) 2Y5;/Fli, $321/a a'7 og1 /63, ,Zsl�ssc a, gf".27,97e, . � 44181 765: d,6{35,8.867 C /3_q, vG ;Va ;;u aqn 00 p BID TALLY SHEET Page 2 SUBJECT: COMPANY NAME ADDRESS BOND . INS AMOUNT 16. Steve Babalo 17. Colich & Sons 18. CP Construction 19. SJ Burkhardt, Inc. P.O. Box 1048 Monrovia, CA 91017 547 W. 140th Gardena, CA 90248 P.O. Box 1026 Ontario, CA 6901 Central Ave. Riverside, CA 92504 136, A, Yell , F'G'l. 20. So. Cal 'Underground:. P.O. Box 1747 Brea, CA 92822 23. 25. 29. FOR B:L RESULTS CONTACT 043 av C1 G II PLAN HOLDER'S BID 'DISTRIBUTION LIST $35-PICK-UP $45-MAILED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: CITRUS AVENUE SEWER ACCOUNT NO.: 53560-560899 AND STORM DRAIN FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO PROJECT COST ESTIMATE $2,570,000 SLOVER AVENUE (SB-55-00) DATE: 06/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CITY. CLERK,` CITY OF FONTANA SIGNATURE DG ADDRESS FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7605 AMOUNT PAID: S NA REMARKS:.. "SPECIFICATIONS ONLY" CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:PURCHASING_ ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7681, CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SPECIAL PROJECTS. ADDRESS: PHONE: REMARKS: CITY OF'FONTANA GREGORY J. BUCKNELL, P.E. (DATE:" 06/19/2000 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT' PAID : NA DG DATE: SIGNATURE: 06/19/2000 AMOUNT PAID:' $ NA DG CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L'.D.'KING'. ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION. CENTER WAY, SUITE 100B ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 PHONE: (909) 937-0200 FAX: (909) 357-0202 REMARKS: • 016NALD 'GDULA CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D.KING ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE 100B PHONE:. REMARKS: ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 FAX: (909)937-0202 MICHAEL'THORNTON IDATE: 06/19/2000 SIGNATURE" AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID.: DG NA 06/19/2000 NA DG CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:,BID AMERICAN ADDRESS 41085 ELM'STREET MURRIETA,.'CA 92562 PHONE: (909) 677-4819. FAX:. (909) 677-4814 REMARKS MAILED ATTN: DOVE CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD., SUITE 110 REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) REMARKS 643-1263 FAX:' (310)`, 643-1260 MAILED ATTN: ROBERT O'DELL SIGNATURE:., AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DG N/A 06/19/2000 DG N/A, DATE: 06/19/2000 NO:'8. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY:. CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD., SUITE 110 REDONDO BEACH, CA ° 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 `.FAX: (310) 643-1260 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED: ATTN: ROBERT O'DELL DATE: 06/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W.;DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 190 SAN BERNARDINO; CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 FAX: (909) 885-0709 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED. ATTN: WILMA DATE: 06/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE (909) 885-6857 FAX: (909) 885-0709 REMARKS: MAILED =ATTN: WILMA SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DG N/A DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 11 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, SUITE 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714) 937-0831 FAX: (714) 937-0917 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: SAMANTHA OR MARLYS DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 12 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, SUITE 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714) 937-0831 FAX: (714) 937-0917 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: SAMANTHA OR MARLYS (DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 13 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA ROAD, SUITE 1 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 PHONE: (760) 243-2111 FAX: (760) 243-2131 AMOUNT PAID: N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: CINDY DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 14 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA ROAD, SUITE 1 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 PHONE: (760) 243-2111 FAX: (760) 243-2131 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: CINDY DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 15 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: I.E.U.A. SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 9400 CHERRY AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE: (909) 357-0241 FAX: (909) 357-3884 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED ATTN: TAGHI MONZAVI CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: COMCAST CABLE ADDRESS: 1205 DUPONT AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761 PHONE: (909) 390-4777 -FAX: 350-1799 REMARKS: ,r'.MAILED, `ATTN:• PAUL'CYR, PLANS ONLY DATE: SIGNATURE AMOUNT PAID ,06/19/2000 N/A DG DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 17 NO:. 18 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: FONTANA WATER COMPANY ADDRESS: 8440 NUEVO AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE: (909) 822-2201 FAX: (909) 823-5046 REMARKS: MAILED, FRANK LoGUIDICE, PLANS ONLY CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PACIFIC BELL SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID:. DATE SIGNATURE: DG N/A 06/19/2000 DG ADDRESS: 3939 EAST'CORONADO;'STREET,';`2ND FLOOR' ANAHEIM, CA 92807.' PHONE: (714) 666-5500 FAX: (714) 666-8806 AMOUNT PAID:' N/A REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: STEVE RANDALL, PLANS ONLY DATE: 06/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: THE ,GAS COMPANY SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 3003 REDLANDS,,CA 92373 PHONE: (909) 335-7781, FAX: (909) 335-7527 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: ALAN KESELOFF, PLANS ONLY DATE 0,6/19/2000 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: EDISON: ADDRESS: PHONE:. -(909) --.7951 REDWOOD AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 357-6581 FAX (909)"357-6185 REMARKS: MAILED, ATTN: RON ANDERSON, PLANS ONLY: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID DG (DATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 21 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CALTRANS - DISTRICT 8 SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 464 WEST 4TH STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92401-1400 PHONE: (909) 383-4536 FAX: (909) 383-5936 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED, EBI SIANAKI, PLANS ONLY IDATE: 06/19/2000 NO: 22 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: S.B.C. TRANSPORTATION SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 825 EAST THIRD STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92415 PHONE: (909) 387-2738 FAX: (909) 387-2667 AMOUNT PAID:.$ N/A REMARKS: MAILED, SHERMAN DAVIS, PLANS ONLY DATE:'. 044;,/P4) NO: 23 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: C.-P CP,,V L./e ; P A) CO, /VG . SIGNATURE: ,54, ADDRESS: ,00 dP?- / -0 0/4.4)he, (-A7 9r-7(-1.- PHONE gt}ry' J V 14} 9 J AMOUNT PAID: $ v3Jr/U0 REMARKS: f 'DATE : (A/7 (0�Ot NO : 24 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : 7. f1: K L (I/9 ZI\J 6.- SIGNATU: ADDRESS : $? f / Ieu- o� / 04'D ARE v-e,v, 1 n A 92_g 6 q.4.5„' PHONE : (WI) 3 (o c)--', S re, AMOUNT PAID: $ 3 REMARKS: CON (909) 360-7531 Fax (909) 360-7561 c. License #621586 6157 Marlatt Street Mira Loma, CA 91752 NO: 26 NO: 2 7 NO: 28 0441611 PIPELINE ENGINEERS IFT PIPELINE ENGINEERS Contracting • Bypassing • Emergencies DUKE DONER Superintendent Ca. Lic. # 763466 30230 LOS ALAMOS ROAD, MURRIETA, CA 92563 (909) 926-1885 • (626) 448-8798 • FAX (909)4 DATE : (0/4,®[7 SIGNATUR AMOUNT PAID: $ 3S 0 909-736-7600 FAX: 909-736-7646 :AL. STATE LIC. #267073-A ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ALL AMERICAN AGGREGATES 400 E. Sixth St. P.O. Box 2229 CORONA, CA 92878-2229 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ADDRESS: r/-4 ! W • 1 DATE:. SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: ,DATE: h• .07) SIGNATURE: PHONE: REMARKS: 5.“7) AMOUNT AID: $ NO: 29 CONTRACTOR/ COM�P(ANY :. V� HAW ADDRESS: Rl, 1' . Rdi(O prob 1 2:1 PHONE: REMARKS: 9791 CA [DATE ta SIGNATURE: AMO PAID: $ �� DATE : - 02 7 - 0E9 NO: 30 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: & j �1' .C/ SIGNATURE: ADDRES S :' 1a 9 B ' e..eP,441..4g40._ fez....e.4. PHONE: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: DATE : • a 8' • Op NO: 31 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ieg 6 • SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : s260 71h . eArit #Z. (Zt1..2 • Cos.ac e (',a, • 7 / 7 /8 , PHONE : AMOUNT PAID : $S.. O REMARKS: DATE: 6 • 2g• 00 NO: 32 CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY )Yji,C,_ C,�Q/ ". gL SIGNATURE: �: ADDRESS : g �/PAAl c- A,(/4 f 9,f /`j a9f/eZ � 04A 7 ate i ///k4o ,/ PHONE: AMOUNT, PAID: $ REMARKS: DATE : C ?f*1079 NO : 3 3 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : -/y- ff/2e Li 1X L%(% 6, S IGNATU : ADDRESS : 3f 3 O ' SOS /- LA Nei. O. t . a ›C \()% 1 r-47,1L) N C fr97.2,S 63, , PHONE : f Z ? 9 D (o -- j r'S (ga 0 liJ - S79 r AMO PAID: -Or DATE CG(� (909) 737-2680 FAX (909) 737-1640 Byron L. Crume, Inc. JERRY SMITH 1826 POMONA ROAD CORONA, CA 92880-1777 STATE LICENSE #249549 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE: VASILJCONSTRUCTION, INC. General Engineering Contractor 1416 Avenida Entrada San Dimas, CA 91773 TeL 909-599-2845 Fax. 909-599-3003 AMOUNT PAID : $35',00 NO: 36 CONTRACT{ ADDRESS:i PHONE: • REMARKS:i• NO: 37 FOUNDRY & FABRICATION CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: MIMI STAHL ,COTE SECRETARY 2100 West Anaheim St. Long Beach, CA90813 (Tei.)562.432.5451 (Fax.) 562.435 .5929 www.lbiw.com' Ibiw@ix.netcom.com DATE SIGNATURE: A AMOUNT PAID: $ DATE : ' '00 SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE REMAR NO: 38 CONTR MIRAMONTES CONST. CO,; INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING Lic. No 416450 YVETTE C. MIRAMONTES-MORALES Vice President c I a N M 0. � E CT' ON DRE P.O. Box 90095 I, _if _f Indust.,, _A - - • • - ,0•3 Email: yvettemcci@earthlink.net FAX No. (626) 330 5463 , PHONE.y ... •REMARKS: NO: 39 CONTRACT ADDRESS; PHONE:. REMARKS;. NO:-40 CONTRACT ADDRESS: PHONE: REMARKS: IP I2 t84> AMOUNT PAID: S-w0 DATE: SIGNATURE: zg - 0-0 AMOUNT PAID: Fax (loin) 2�?- q , Tom (04)2Y9 Simich Construction Company Inc. License No. 504277 Steve Simich (909) 595-1.172 Fax (909) 595-4620 DIANE DERRICK Inside Sales Coordinator 324 Carbonia Ave Walnut, CA 91.789 AMERON CONCRETE & STEEL PIPE GROUP Southern Division 10681 Foothill Blvd., Suite 450 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3857 Phone: 909/944-4100, Ext. 189 Fax: 909/944-4113 Mobile:909/322-5115 E mail: diane_derrick@ameron-intl.com INTERNATIONAL Internet: www.ameron-intl.com DATE: ki ,G1'Ad SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ ,3,5 r 66 DATE : 6 • SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ ONTRACTOR/COMPANY:4MPJi&VJ/ ADDRESS: PHONE: (Aka AJ. DATE : SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: REMARKS: NO: 42 CON ADD] PHOI REM W.A. RASIC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. General Engineering Contractor Lic. # A 368761 511 S. First Ave., Suite 230 Arcadia, CA 91006 DATE : & ,ail . SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ DATE : °7 ? -C Q NO: 43 CONTRACTOR/COMPAAJNY:' (,t,,ho 1,A (0 ,�,.-;.,'„ SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: ) ,(, I& t) `10671' /7i) t,, QctjU(L Age, I/-e-m41j- OA 9a5 PHONE : C„,( 6, 5 a"' ? % .7 AMOUNT PAID : $ 115 a 6 REMARKS :�►1 1 ILI NOORPORX:D pENERAL ENO,INEERING CONTRACTOR 257401Ntishlli }L"li"Ave:,"lu un eta CA 92562 Mobile / Voice Mail (909) 698-7890 fax 698-7898 3esIdence (909)816-4200 (760)941.6402 ; p,v DATE: --.7'-w3�-46'0 NO : 4 5 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY Lo ± SIGNATURE : ADDRESS : ttiqoa e>. 1,.6 ,,,, elkajz.., PHONE : L 44) 4 . (" 6 �� / AMOUNT PAID: $ 4I� a v REMARKS : 1- 0 n 6 einfo�c� 9 spfli GS�cA9 6' SANTA FE ...994 RI i354IMPERIAL HWY 05 (714) 3 g01 FPX S 404 7053 �stimaling_•; � 1 r•I1tLL) WILLIAMS' Salds Mana9Qr ` ' ,,�'' 'yCICENSETId 292249 . . 17- PHONE: DATE: co — SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: REMARK ' G eil' --47 g;ixiseve. DATE : '7/07 47CONTACTOR/COMPANYpl�ne�" � SIGNATURE :(IX 0,-. _ ADDRESS : 2Z-f � v�( S" s�7.. lath / �- �'�Gj % Ar-� �� L.-- PHONE : ( �3/bo, ,,2Y--SD©D / AMOUNT PAID : , $ ys—e REMARKS: ,.,.C�a C Cen,3aT.2s_z_l C DATE: 7`.� NO: 48 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY :gal, .�/,�tt7' ,-g7 Gst-ad SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : 2-L r-A/ 74—e/ S? • S -/• � GO /� -e -.` G'l,A- PHONE : 0 2�A-i s e,z, AMOUNT PAID : $ 35 REMARKS: [49 ADDRESS: B PHONE : 1114 • 5ra • 10.(in ". CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : s ..i/Ilf1U ,,'C.1 Am ) ,{ k .10 - /iviti, cc! AgS4 REMARKS: D S ATE: ' -1-. IGN(,�(�TURE : 4j 00 AMOUNT PAID: NO: 50 SCC Steve Cosada Construction Co., Inc. Sewer, Storm Drain & Water Contractors LIc. #741822 1426 5. Allec Street Anaheim, CA 92805 Noah Schmitz (714) 991-8350 Fax (714) 991-0643 DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: NO: 51 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY ADDRESS: Icc c REMARKS: �' PHONE `% tC C. CO IROlz--TI B � C C0 C• q?,377 SSA 3 STDV4i ro: 52 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ADDRESS: PHONE: so — •an.7lC.• thern California Under r g o4d neral Engineering Contractor George Francis Field Runner Contractor lc. 611.356 "A° P.O Box 1747 Brea, CA 92622-1747 Mobile: (714) 412.4705 f°T 800.81580,0* Fax: (6 9) 58 . v Phone: (619) 584-7193 F-+�9pe,.-. ax (818) 894 ADDRESS : DATE : 7 —4; SIGNATURE : {4 it 7 MnTTATT PAID: License No. 528701 �MAJICH BROS., INC P.O. Box 337 Altadena, CA 91003-0337 E-Mail: majichbros@aoIcom (SIGNATURE: i Phone (626) 398-9992 Fax (626) 398-9920 AMOUNT PAID:$ �Sd/vi VV (i • ee�r�5 yq 3rolo3� PHONE :• r 1 � - ` 7/ REMARKS: DATE: �1/®/l)) SIGNATURE: OUNT PAID: $ Jj cU (DATE : • NO: 55 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY :.) / torso In 6 . SIGNATURE : , ,rA0 ADDRESS: 4400 $ ' A.� / . ' ` Ail • Sir,-Q c/ V' (✓ cent, VrtiU C4 . ' 3ota PHONE: AMOUNT PAID: $ J ,,1f2) REMARKS: DDATE: 1�l NO: 56. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: (4 /, d (� .I ,h(�. E1ZD SIGNATUR ADDRESS : m � ,!.tv1i ' "Stl�tt " PHONE: AMOUNT AID: $ REMARKS: PHONE: REMARKS: Inland Concrete Enterprises, Inc. PHONE (909) 788-9720 FAX: (909) 784-4365 CELL: (909) 533-2405 Albert "Johnny" Martinez ZEBRON DIVISION 2434 RUBIDOUX BOULEVARD RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92509-2144 PHONE: REMARKS. NO: 60 CONTRZ ADDREE PHONE: Contractors License No. 476110 790 --21 2,1 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR 773764A 19792 El Rivino Rd. • Riverside, CA 92509 Phone 909-369-8901 • Fax 909-369-8921 DATES-7.ifJl/0 SIGNATUR : AMOUNT PAID: (AMOUNT PAID: ;DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE : MU SIGNATURE: lgil. -KilLigilliMI AMOUNT PAID: $ • OM NO: 61 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: Ma ADDRESS : , 5i ©Ca CP ►^na r,-1 n o cf09 • c 2 -coon Y • 1- .( PHONE: REMARKS: DATE: -7 SIGNATURE: �c7 AMOUNT PAID : $ NO: 62 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: C./61 GC 1,9/4E4•9 ADDRESS '7 0/ 4-cien A -tit -I /70/ V-5 - to 77 PHONE: REMARKS: 1 DATE : `id,-0 j- SIGNATURE AMOUNT PAID: $ 3s ,v GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR NO: 63 C A NO: 64 LBERT W DAVIES, I,NC. 8737 HELMS AVENUE , POS OFFICE 215 RAN O CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 RANCHO CU AMONGA, CA 91729 LICENSE NO, 370846 KENJI D. SHINTAKU, P.E. (909) 989-3714 Fax (909) 989-0754 DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID $ ��, 0 V (DATE: S I GNATURE : PHONE: REMARKS :. AMOUNT PAID: OLL NO : r CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : §"( (C [ 4e. ADDRESS • r �i' I�P�T`Q/ ""'�-4-G- . 'mil 07 o l ve..rz Ave . -re r 2'2,.. PHONEREMARK"�®.. SfC-ciS� ) DATE : `7 I/3/a , SIGNATURE. OUNT PAID : $3N-7- NO: 66 2750 Marion Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89115 p 702.643.4371 f 702.643.4510 3030 S. 35th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009 p 602.272.5262 f 602.269.8178 112 E. Olive Ave. Redlands; CA 92373 p 909.307.2152 f 909.307.6142 OLSON PRECAST COMPANY Rich Aljian Sales Manager/Business Development inobile 909.215.3438 Central Dispatch 800.876.8374 easiatiuteriaa4.i'� •. ?fee. P.O. Sax 1048 W . ext 91017 DATE: SIGNATUR AMOUNT PAID: $ -5 5.0 DATE : ''�, v J�-Caj SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DOUG PALETSAS ESTIMATOR r OFFICE (626).574-7570 FAX (626) 574-7642 SOU'T1'Vvt,r„ CONCRET PRODUCT 519 SOUTH BENSON AV UE ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. 91762-4002 PH. (909) 983-9789 • FAX (909) 983-4187 PRECAST MANHOLES TRUSS. PIPE, CORRUGATED PIPE AND FITTINGS PHONE: REMARKS NO: :76 CONTRA ADDRES PHONE: REMARK EDVAC 909 987 Fax 909 AMOUNT_.. PAID : KENk�.0 NTRAOTORS WESTERN DIVISION Post Office Box 831 Calimesa, CA 92320 El SALGADO, INC. General Engineering Contractor LIC. #AB697475 Al JR. 101 87-0118 9122 Reales St. Alta Loma, CA 91737 Steven K. Himle. 'SOUTHWEST DIVISION 16415 Addlson Rd. Suite 308 Dallas, TX 75248 (972) 931-9494 Fax (972) 931-5474 CORPORATE FFICE 8990 Springb ok Dr. Suite 23 Minneapolis, M 55433 (612) 786.6510. Fax (612) 786-6602 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID $ NO: 70 NO NO Ph. (323) 838-6627 Fax (323) 838-5504 BALI "CONSTRUCTION, INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION LICENSE No. 524540 GRANT GIANGREGORIO P.O. Box 3095 9 80PtRN STREET So. BL MorrrE. CA 91733-0095 So. BrMorrrE, CA 91733 FAx (6281442.8315 Ti).EPRONE (828) 442-8003 UZIDD330 BKgo DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE, CONCRETE STRUCTURES & STROM DRAINS LIC. #642816 Mario Sanchez Pgr. (323) 963-8164 Sal Pgr. (323) 804-3828 AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: NO: 73 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: IDATE : SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: DATE: NO: 74 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:. SIGNATURE:'. ADDRESS: PHONE: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: loN OF. • • CITRUS AVENUE SEWER' • AND STORM•DRAIN,FRROM • JURUP4 f1VENUE TO• • SLOVER EN(1Ea BID,i4o AYs04#00 • PUBLIC NOTICE ISEREB GIVEN that the CITY • O FONTAI�A :as CITY, invites, , sealed bids forthe above stated'. . project andwill receive such bids in the offices• of. the City'! Clerk up to`xtltie ilodr,of•10 00! .. • a:m on the.29tb day,of June, 2000 at which tirheahey will be ! publlcfy opened and read aloud !, The work of..improvement con:,1 . • sists of turtasjllny,ali,materiais eguiph rlt ltoo s;1 labor and in cider�t le "ss required by the) `• Plans 4PpeCiflcatiorts and Oon1 tract D0urnlents for the,abov• e stated proaot The general, Itemof, s w (k to be done here t. undernalat of conetrun.of ctto, • a'setygr`at►d app4lftenances'. (comfilete, and In place), , a v storfn,d'ra1n, and appurte,; nanrrea (odmplete,and Ir • place) sled beech .Aventf+_ Street Improvements, Inctud 1 . Ing•pavOnten'remova0a`hd • • replacement, temporaryApave• y. mint, earthirt;FW'seWet land.' storm • drainpipe, manholes,°• •'sewer Iateralg, Catch Iiasins:I and all refa`tg w,grk'regtiired for comp eta gravl.j!�sewer; and storm'drain systems Copies of Plans Specifications;; end Contract Documents are; available from the City of Fontawiif4 i Y) t !? .03r fq„ra' r Avejtua, �aflf� •92335,E paytmnt „ , y tirlV Ddl� ; lore ($35 40. nc5ri}iefF,llndable:. fee ($45 00; If malted) , Any: questions pertaining to this. • project enbal.d be directed to, ` Gregoryr.f,,Bucltnell, PE at (909) 350.884G " ` 5. Proposals4,must be o°cc0m99 nted by a proposal giraraitt)ee In,; the' `forp`3of'cash" Cae�iti"er's check a certified ofieok, of I�ld: •bond availabliito the crr 'to tfte'• amount of, atleastxten percent (10%a) of the total amouftt bid'; Any, proposal not accompanied+ by'such'a guarantee,+tii0 not;be • Considered A payment bond and a performbnce bond each I In an amount to l00%0 of the total contract amount $hall be required concurrently with the': executiot bf the contract and shalt b`e inrtite:forrrt s'effidithYIn' thwoblitrebt dbgurien And t,p; tiio�f�gtered Into pursu- polnrro rrInoftbe.willlhbprporate. r.fhezpr Ult dra'of ftte,'tat�4� Lei. t16CO e ribort:.o a tkeiten: 1735'requires tfie no'dl'3'ddml'- nation be Mei:kiln. the employ=• mentsof persons upon • public works because of the race, rait-... ' 064 creed, color national orl- •{ gin aboostry,'physlcaihandicap. medical condition Marital' ste. r; 2. Ws, 'or sex of such persons; ex cept as provided in Govifrn:, • ment"Code Section"12940'•; Compliance with'the prWalfing'I rates of, waged a id apprentice, ' ship eniproyment standa"rds. es tablished by the State Director of •Industrial Relations•will•be; require, •The CITYG{hereby affirrltatfyely, ensures that tnrnonty business: • enterprises will t?e afforded:fuil opportunity to submit bids in rep s0.tkrikoid.tellSriPtiOii.andWilltibt be dlacriminated against on tild basis f race, polor national oil' < • giOr c ry;cex,•or religion i erjy 0.00 00' rileadihto 0s4,0 of o0(7 ,* fu z The° orftrac(docriments cal{ fcr.. nionthiy, probreas payn'ents baae`'d 1poh the bhgfnear's'(estl= mate gf:the percentage of work ! completed The crry will etain 10 percent of; each protass• . paymentassecurltyforcomple tlon of the balance of the work. ! At he 'equest qnd epetene cof thesccessutbidder, hCITY; wilpyte amountsorecaned' ~I gupiorenmdhmolaUncbwcitChohneare Code Section 22300 and"tF e provisions c.f the contract dopu meets pertaining to Substitutio of Securities ' I Bids mu t bri<prepared on`'the' City prp,1idetl propdsal,formsl and completely filledout,in con-. formance With the,lristructions to Bidders„and all proposal; forms must besubmitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside ,+ 'SEALED BiD FOR • CONS, j UCTiON OFiCITR(,l$ :d A1%EN E+e wSEtIriER AND STORM DRAIN 'FROM'- J 4,114FA,,+ AVENUE, TO. Sti; VI AVMf'S'r Nri,T (MAI,• The•,Cf rt reeetves`the right to rej ct any or all bkls,.to waive an.irregularitap acdept any bid I' or portion thereof, and ;to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety five (95)'"days: , At the time of contract awerd,.the prime. contractor shall possess. a Class "A" contractor's;license. end/or any combinatlon otClass "C specialty • contractors • licens (sjl `sufficient td,Perfortn n.. pi( ORDER OF The City of,. i Fontane , Dated this 21st day of Decem ; ber1999 p` CITY OF FONTfgNA 8363,Slerr4 Avenue; • I Fontana , 92335 (90'35�10 Publish Jun$.1, 8, P:C0 00;babb3 5 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) State of California County of San Bernardino J I am a citizen 'of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Fontana Herald News, a newspaper of gen- eral circulation, printed and published every Thursday in the City of Fontana, County of SanBernardino, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino, under the date of March 15, 1955, Case Number 73171, and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regu- lar and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement there of on the following dates, To -wit: July 1, 8, 2000. I certify (or declare) under penalty of per- jury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Fontana, California, this 8th day of July, 2000. Signature This space is for the County Clerk's • stamp NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN -FROM JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE NOTICE IrN LING SEALED- : ' BID NO. SB-55-0 FOR CQNSTR.UcTION OF , P.O.# OO 0B003 �-k • ...CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FROM • JURUPA AVENUE TO SLOVER AVENUE BID NO`SB•55-00 • Copies of Plans Bpeciieatidns, 70001#qkedoototi Govern - and Contract Documents are merit Code Section 12940, avd to gjse'tiia� ji t*t'je Ctt` ;�of Compliahcd web the preva111ng Font tt tat r� 0 Terra rates ofihlegeS. and apprentice - Ave e,,+ForttanaiiiCa ornl ship; employment standards es• 92335 c9tl9)35Q.,7.5 0, upo tablished by the State Director • payment -of `+a Thirty ive Dol of. Industrial Relations Will;be GIVEN ':NOTICE I$ HEREBY a ulred ` , .. Ibra, � (335 00) non refundabl f q , r 'GIVEN 'that the ';CITnvites tee ($45 00 It mailed) An FQNTANA, as eabo, invites questions+pertaining to;thi The, CITY hereby, affirmatively projectband wi Ill recei essufch project should be directed t enterprises wlt rllbe inora off usi ese Gregory J , Buckneh, p E rtrls to submit bids In ulI bids In ttie offices ;of the City Goa 350-6548 oppo ty , clerk up to the da of 10 e ( ) + , - spouse to this notice and will no+ e. a m , a fh ich th day of June, Propos: s must,.be accom a be discdminated against oh the .2000 y open h and will be, + r, P basis of race, color national on publicly openedand read aloud pled ay`a pot cast guarantee i gin ?e est sex or *toil!, lr s he form offca§,h, lcasjtier a nycoriside�rationleadingtothE check a certified ct)eck or bi The work of improvement con• f v ..�,.. �.�r award of contract' sists of fnmishing la materials, * mount of at least°tern percen e ui ent tools ire endue ( Thecontractdooumentsaallfo cideMals s required by`the (10%� of thfl total amount'bld mpnthly gqroj4ress p!7„, hl= Pl enr P�a i kuIr and Con, by such aoguarentee will flotlbe based upoi),the engineers esti; st tetlopc o t.s Thehgene al considered, A;payment,bond dmpeatheThrenta eon l Items of Work to be.'done here and a,pe fonnanoe bontl each co pe t eflt he CIT wil! reed under consist of construction of in erl amount equal to 100% of a sewer anti app'Urtenances the total contr ct'amount, sh I pa enteas seCil a ofo he Work be required concurrently`Wltlh the �I t storm dr and id app rte execution of the contract and r he r, s+�and,expense a storm drain plate puree• a s (d r, eC nences ,(complete and in sh�li lie In the form sec orthsin t t5slof,„., the contract documents a wil yt a, + r Stre e) qpr Beech Avenue Woof nbrii ij hce with the re Street•Improve remo al an- ing pavbment'�rertroval2.ari'd gnycontretctenteredintopursu Erit!t�emefl(s�f,PubllcContt'ad replacement, temporary pave - ant to this Notice will incorporate , Gode iSeotlo'n 2�23d0 ;and thi meat, earthwork, sewer and . the provisions of the State La proytsions p}lhe contract doou bur Code Labor Code Section tnents pertain ng 16, 1.5stltutloi storm drain pipe,•tnanholee, ; 1735 'requires that no tliscrimi of fSecudties, sewer laterals, ork r ba fired nation be made` in the employ ' . t End all pletedgravIty wired for comjrlete gravltYSewer ment,of person's Upon public Bids must b¢ prepared on thi and storm drain systems worksbec�ause,of the race relic Cliy provided proposal form; i gid0S*eeTl olortc national ri gift, encash phystcai handipap medical dond►tidrvi arital sta tus, ors`ex cf such'persons• ex and complete Oiled out In con formance with the Instructions t� Bidders and all proposal form must be, submitted I ;a sealsenvelopeplalnly marked onah+ outside` 'SEALED BID: FOI CONSTRUcTIO.N RaFL 16920 Spring Street A'��'C�IIIGL ,..,:aew �y A P.O. Box 549 Fontana, California 92334 Phone (909) 822-2231 Fax (909) 355-9358 FONTANA HERAL COLICH & SONS General Engineering Contractors 547 West 140th Street Gardena, CA 90248 Telephone (323)'770.2920 (310) 329-2846 Fax Enclosed is a check in the amount of $ for plans and specifications for, bidding biddingon '.-CD 6 We will be as a General Contractor and would like to be put on thelist requesting sub -bids. Please forward as soon as possible to: ` Colich & Sons 547 West 140th Street Gardena, CA 90248 Telephone: (323) 770-2920 Thank you. Susan Mercer Please send soil report and/or test borings if available, or advise where/how to get. If there is an additional charge, pleaselet me know._ Please Federal Express for next day delivery. Our Account Number is 1032-5939-8. Enclosed also is a check in the amount of $ for Standard Drawings for construction of sewer storm drain water system. Please forward set(s) as soon as possible to the above address. ENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece or on the front if space permits. - Article Addressed to: ;an Bernardino County Sheriff 7780 Arrow Route Iontana, CA 92335 Utn: Dispatch elivery ad. - i ferent from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter . - address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Certified Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Insured Mail SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION livery I In* Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on.the reverse ❑ Agent • so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, ❑ Addressee or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Fontana Rubbish Collectors, Inca 9820 Cherry Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 ❑ Express Mail Attn: Dennis Wallace i ❑ Retum Receipt for Merchandise ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) C. Signature X B. Date of Delive ❑ Agent ❑ Address D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 3. Service Type ❑ Certified Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Retum Receipt for Merchandi: ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes . Article Number (Copy from service la10 S Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Retum Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 PS Form 3811, July 1999 L U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt Ing. o Pos San Bernardino County Sheriff - 17780 Arrow Route Fontana, CA 92335 m ab"Attn: Dispatch 43 Postmark Here PS Fenn 152, March 1999 POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt For Inquiries: Access Internet web site atxuww.usps.com or call l-800-222-1811 CHECK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) [] Priority Mail ❑ Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse) 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) Domestic Retum Receipt U.S. Postal Service Delivery. Confirmation Receipt postE r Aiticl Fontana Rubbish Collectors, Inc. g. 9820 Cherry Avenue `,, Fontana, CA 92335 zm Attn: Dennis Wallace s 2 0 Postmark Here irk ig W O 0 m PS Form 152, March 1999 POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt. For inquiries: Access Internet web site at www.usps.com or call 1-800-222-181 T CHECK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) ❑ Priority Mail 0 Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse) SIC 102595-99-M-17E R ' : COMPLETE THIS SECTION HI E TI •NON DELIVERY SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY I Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. . Article Addressed to: Omitrans 1700 West 5th San Bernardino, CA 92401 Attn: Jim Lewis A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) B. Da of Delivery C. Sig X re ❑ Agent IsLAddressee D. Is delivery address different from itemi1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 3. Service Type ❑ Certified Mail 0 Registered ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise I ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes Article Number (Copy from service label) Domestic Retum Receipt S Form 3811,July 1999 U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt m Pa 'ling. ru Omitrans • An ed al 1700 West 5th San Bernardino, CA 92401 m Attn: Jim Lewis - 0 ci Postmark v Here cc I ccm w POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt For inquiries: Access Internet web site at www.usps.com or Call 1-800-222-1811 CHECK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) ❑ Priority Mail El Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse) 102595-99-M-1789 • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Med-Trans 7925 Center Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Dispatch Supervisor A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) C. Signature x B. Date of Delive ❑ Agent ❑ Address D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: • 0 No 3. Service Type 0 Certified Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandi ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) Ce0D ecob G PS Form 3811,July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt ing. Pos Med-Trans art. 7925 Center Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Fite Attn: Dispatch Supervisor Postmark Here PS Form 152, March 1999 POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt. For inquiries. Access Internet web site at www.usps.com or call 1-800-222-1811 CHECK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) ❑ Priority Mail ❑ Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse) 102595-99-M-17i SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. - ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. - 1. Article 4ddressed to: Fontana Post Office 8282 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Ronald D. Hogan A. ecery� by (Please Print CI C. Signa ft) D. 1 . eiivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: _ ❑ No e f Delive dii 6 2001 ❑Agent ❑, Addressee 3. Service Type - ❑ Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail - ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise I _ ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. I • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete - item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your -name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you.. • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1: Article Addressed to: Fontana School District Transportation 9680 Citrus Avenue - - Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Ann Bird 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes A. Received by (Please PrinCC'EB1 2 Vte fM Agent Address Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Certified Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Return Receipt for Merchand ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) Dane: @436, 5 PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt L n P' Fontana Post Office dung. o ,q 8282 Sierra Avenue `n Fontana, CA 92335 co -om" Attn: Ronald D. Hogan a Postmark � Here a. im c▪ i O —N POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt For Inquiries: Access Internet web site atrww.usps.com or call 1-800-222-1811 CHECK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) Priority Mail - ❑ Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse) 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) OSSID C am C:serici 102595-99-M-1789 PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt ling. ▪ Pa Fontana School District Transportation 9680 Citrus Avenue m Fontana, CA 92335 m Attn: Ann Bird O cc 0 Postmark Here Q • o � O W � m 0 PS Form 152, March 1999 POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt. For inquiries: Access Internet web site at www.usps.com or call 1-800-222-1811 CHECK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) ❑ Priority Mail ❑ Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse) 102595-99-M-17 U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt California Highway Patrol 9530 Pittsburgh Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Dispatch Postmark Here PS Form 152, March i999 ling. POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt. For inquiries: Access Internet web site at www.usps.com or call 1-800-222-1811 CHECK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) 0 Priority Mail ❑ Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse) U.S. Postal Service Delivery Confirmation Receipt Po: o All Central Valley Fire Agency t' in 15308 San Bernardino Avenue • j .o " Fontana, CA 92335 m S o ccO Z O O 0 m PS Form 152, March 1999 ling. POSTAL CUSTOMER: Keep this receipt. For Inquiries: Access Internet web site at www.usps.com or call 1-80q-222-1811 CHECK ONE (POSTAL USE ONLY) 0 Priority Mall 0 Standard Mail (B) (See Reverse)