HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.1_General CorrespondenceCITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DIVISION SPECIAL PROJECTS MEMORANDUM TO: Curtis Aaron Public Services. Director FROM: Donald Gdula Consultant Projector Coordinator Engineering/Construction SUBJECT: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain Improvements from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue (SB-55-00) DATE: April 9 2002 Transmitted herewith are two sets of "Record Drawings" for Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain Improvements. These are for your records and distribution to the appropriate maintenance staff. The City Council accepted this project as complete on September 4; 2001 DRAWING NO: TITLE 2831 Sheets 1-8 Citrus Avenue Sewer Improvements from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue 2832 Sheets 1-9 Citrus Avenue Storm Drain Improvements from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue cc: City Engineer Senior Civil Engineer/Construction 31978 2276 PF4�f OF COMIVI Q wFirc iild gelea Administrati CEN US BUREAU CONSTRI TIy PROJECT REPOT STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IMPORTANT P se.refer to tilt Reporting Inst on ee back of the form. **Woke, DUE DATE: JUN 18, 2001 ection A CONCERN I 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN (SB5500) OMB No. 0607-0153: Approv ,tires 04/30/2004 In any correspondence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200011 2213 8.04 74 1322 06 3 1 4131978 1 0237621 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN GREG BUCANELL—PROJECT MGR DON GDULA—COORDINATOR SPECIAL PROJECTS 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335-3528 FAX (909)350-6618 PHONE (909) 350-7632 (Please correct an error in name and address including 2IP Code, tele hone and fax number) With your et any orreries' QUESS` ! .... t. PROJECT LOCATION CITRUS AVE FROM JURUPA AVE TO SLOVER AVE FONTANA CA ction B I. TYPE it:OWFJ RSIHP .: f 1 d{ta boxa Is this project . ❑state Government or Agency ❑ Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑ Federal Government or Agency Lcca! Government or Agency I. START DATE 0 When did acts �. site st ett start? el INCLUDE EXCLUDE • Site preparation,. and roadways',:. • Mechanical and'i of the structure eUglf • Land and pre extetint roUr es Architeettnal, engineerlrsgs.fd owner's overhead and miscnCous coetp= Secs jtpm 6 • Futtlirtaftlrand other movable equipment Montle Pcd year 00*NO if„litiaPtChettMert date SEP 2000 FOR HEAVY Nl SEE SPECIAL NOTE: If project is on a'cost plus ON • `fArttttunfs to be paid to contract subcontractors) b. OWNER SUP , AND LABOR .' (Constructiontilaterials SuppIi rib Artier and the value of work=dotie by project oWn is own construction employees assigned. t the project.) ifeidewal ks rations which are integral parts rs, heating equipment, etc. c. TOTAL CO UCTIO (Sum of Sb) • ARCHITE , ENO j, COSTS - if } to_ *gyres are not 'all tea INCLUDE •Allfeesfor It Old engineer wattSlitht td tusk tt and constr shouT.. —.ry ,�, rat�+ss . Cost ofry(g',ner's, • Project owner's overhead and office - ate of the final cost. '040/Iarai 2,212 ,000.00 ,000.00 2,212 $ ,000.00 • Fees,and other miscellaneous: costs allocated- - on eviis books to this project XC£UDE , blemachinery an¢ Architecture igmeertnp Be hirer ari and and miseel bus costa; (Thousands of dollar4)_ $ 26 ,000.00 7. Based 9n exterior' dimensions, MAFP/$0 are . feet of enclosed flops^ area tkto lillF. t eritptltii ,. will be created by'thie project? Exclude nonbuijding projects and existing floor'space that is -being ' remodeled. If none, enter •0.• SQui MONMLY COFRUCTION AOGRES RAP This for will be rt.tuuted to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed • Continue with derma project has stone d otherwise, skip to section F. • Report the value of constfuctiort putini(aceeeph month: Include Only those construction Costs.defne in item Sc. DO NOT include costs reported in'Item S: • Report Costs in Abe month in Wh*CIt orkWasdone (Including any enthly retainagObeinP.lrittthefd from contrectors)-rether than in the rnoniitttt which payment was' Atari@ • When project Is completed, enter month and yeatIneem lik 0,:: l Y V . am rT it Month and year report period (a) Y 2001 Vaftreota netryctignput 4 pface-dtirin1 month as def1ned in nem 5c (Theteginde of dollars) (6) y ,000.00 R 2001 199 ,000.00 2001 351 ,000.00 EH 2001 254 000.00 AN 2001 2000 $ 187 ,000.00 301 000.00 $ 209 ,000.00 2000 I s 253 ,000.00 EP 2000 0 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. STATE AND l GI f?I S MI c IONS POR ACC NOTRUCTION PROJECT Section A PROJECT IpI*NTIFti'ION , r, Correct any information ilt Itt , W t}yi x )t ece For the project described in Etef rt td be gpyef'rlrnertf pWned, it must be State or local government owned during construction and involve the erection of a 'IOW 8trug ute(sl or improvements to an existing structure(sl as defin@¢,below.. For the project dirscfibt d ur-iterre i to be prEvatol civ ,etk i rdtist be private owned,dwlnq construetiontind ittvolyt the erection of a itew atructure(sl or improvements to an existing structure(s) 8S defined below. If the pro eet is only maintenance and repairs Olidiee: note so in item 10, Rehtarks, complete item 11, and return the form. a ► Section B - OWNERSHIP AND STAJCF AA,TE. Item 3 - As noted no,iit i(5'"'for, u (100, -thle survey, ;waver depends on the gerdotingt(iteo s Olt* e. Check the appropriatebox Item 4 The start defile defined as the date that actual - construction Work first began on the project described in item iif the projedtis'to start at some future date; please enter the dates` complete item 11, and return the form. Ir Sectien :C - COST if$T'IMAT $„ "Ceesttustion,° ferpurposes of this survey, is defined as the bui. di Qf-and(or iriiprovements to fixed structures. Thl]rCIS: a. New strtieturest addition alterations; conversions, expansions f eboilding..r8ceestreetiort'tenovatidns, rehabilitations and-ifle rireplacements (such as the complete: t',eplecernerft' cjf a roof or heating system). b Mechanical and electrical installations - Plumbing, heating/electrical work, elevators, escalators, central air-Conditiidninp; sled other ssrnllarbuilding services. c. Outside congtrg a Cie ring aridaraaiip ';of un(jevelODeftlat1a 3bellied>, wilery structures which tits: proj e t owner j?ullds within the. property: lines. Also, roadways; bridges; parking lots, utility connections, outdoor lighting, panic athletic fields, piers, wharves and docks, and all similar auxiliary facilities. FOR HEAVY SNONRFJILDINCs PROJER'lS' In addition to a, b, and c, construction INCLUDES: ct. Fixed works, such as power plants, dates highways, bridges, reservoirs and sewer and water facilities. e. Machinery and equipment which are integral parts of structures. Also fixed, largely site -fabricated equipment such as storage tanks. f. The following types of equipment boilers, towers and fixtures. EXCLUDE; Movable machinery and equipment which , are nrjt Jntegi'at parts of structures. Also, for pOwer a gefer$tior plants, exclude PriblarY power prodlfclfig. mi hilery such as generatorsa reactors, and steam engines. 10. REMARKS 11a. Name d. Organization CiR.f OF Fc1.1.1 WA b. Title Item5a- Estimate the total amount to be paid to egnStructiQn contractors by the project ownekr,.for work" done gn this project. ItArttgtr Estittlat$ tit total cost`Ofjabor byy the owner's construction employees virQrking qn the project. including supervisory personnel asatgned t'thhe 00,1 gt Enclui#ethe total cost of all construction rtsaterrels sftppllad by the Qptryl l'ilObluding th !kcal ll(to sypply to the tntradter for instalfatir thirds : , Iteitr5 r -Sum of values reported in items 5a and 5b. Thlets*t*value tot be tepid in item 8, monthly value of c0»StruCtiQIL put in p: „... Item 6 Estimate then t.: t'9t mount of fees whlEh the project owner has oaid err `jilt pay to arcttiteetut<at aed engrneertng firms for woris,on tl.Vfa projOgtt Also eednyate the total cost of all other;cq-nat an I s,ivyEli lte protect ownervvfil,Tllocetn 8t� lncl4de4we project Owner' Over . irtcF ce hosts, the= cost of design wot>k byi the nets s dnd other t1 scelfanslous'CCnat etlorffpgs trk0�ebffjc ed on ttt*.owtidr'trbacks D Nab` rrc{lifettii e9v m 1+?able I/Web friety:ottre'ttulonientilljtwoodlign:,. , furnishings if book figures'are. rtbt aveitabt� rttr8stlf1 bI esti-meta aredcceptabte ./ Ir Section E -MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT Item 8 - Report the monthly value of constnietiOrt put in place for the costs associated with item 5o. 'these Costs include: a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors, including any retainage being withheld until thework is complete. b. The -cost of any materials installed which were provided by the owner. a The`work done by the project owner's own construction employees, including supervisory personnel assigned to this project, rnttlaillY, repOftxnonthl . lyes:1 tbeennetcurrent-aloe tbeiwrtrx mofit : whertthgfgrttt retwrnl modtb:ehoyvrr-anti: pity (O i When entering mdrttlikda inthatmOlhitswhichhe*forte, done'rathe the n tohth hlrlwftleh P lYffteirit ietta reach. if the.: COntracjorfli biN5 tilt qic peritjdS'other than monthly, estimate' a rhonthky,entol n 'tn oath month where there is nciC.dngtrUCtidil al r ai x knt 9' ' 0001tttilc rQq lif d 1111fQr►VOrk,( t( tp rt2offire repeortipta•rtrt is ttreject,b eirlotedtin Etetrtarks and entetirtg fhe. npTe o. ► Section F i ORN'rei"C IFtlS REPORT rggr the name title, add a>trltltt of the person who can ar about th s report. i:1 OTRICWA-IDP, e. Address €)3Ba SIERRA A IEMIE. RTA A 1Cs4123S-6528 Area code Oq Nat for some 4tmay stop t�tRt h-9 c. Telephone Number Yd)-(1632 Extension FORM C-70015L) (423-2001) f. Fax Area code coq Number D-t,t 8 31978 2344 )aM C-700(SL) 23-2001) OMB No. 0607-0153: Approve' Ires 04/30/2004 In any con. ,andence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economic and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS::BUREAU CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REPORT STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IMPORTANT Please refer to the Reporting Instructions an the hack of the form. )UEDATE: MAY 16, 2001 Celtsus Bureau 1201 East 10th Street. 'OW ))I ,IN47,132.00 organiiits. MI in 'Wry item 10, Reirta CONCERNING. DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200011 2213 8.04 74 1322 06 3 1 4131978 1 0237621 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN GREG RUCIMELL-PROJECT MGR DON GDULA-COORDINATOR SPECIAL PROJECTS 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA FAX (909)350-6618 (Please correct an 92335-3528 PRONE (909) 350-7632 error in name and address incfudint ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) 7. Based orr gxteinor dilACOSIWAtv how. many Square rs or feet of enclosed fleor`area_ (including basements). itIn will be created bythisAttfieCtZ Exclude noubuiiding projects`" and existing floor space that is being remodeled. If none, enter "0." 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITRUS AVE SEWER E. STORM DRAIN (SB5500) Square feet Section E Z. PROJECT LOCATION CITRUS AVE FROM JURUPA AVE TO SLOVER AVE FONTANA CA OWNERSHIP AND=START ATE S OF OWNERSHIP —Mark (X) one box, Is this project ❑State Government or Agency 0 Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑ Federal Government or Agency ® Loca: Government or Agency MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION ;RROORESSHEPOWr This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. • Ccntlnue with item $ if project, has started; otherwise, skip to section F. • Report the value of construction; put in place each month. Include only those construotigneosts defined in item 5c. DO NOT include costs reported M item 6. • Report costs in the month'ir _whichwork was done (including any monthly retainage being withheld from contractors) rather than in the month irtwhich payment was made. • When project is completed, enter month and year in item 9. 4. START DATE OF CONSTRUCTION When did actual cOnstrticteonwork on the site start, or when do you estimate it will start? r)ter month and year. 't 6B?1)4A E ection C Month and year ofacival Or expected start date 8. MONTHLY VALUE OF G+, PLACE ON PROJECT DE ON PUT IN I ITEM 1 SEP 2000 Month and year report period (a) yalUe.of construction put in placer during month as defined in item 5c .. (Thousands of dollars) lb) INCLUDE • Site preparation and outside construction such assidewall and roadways • Mechanical and electrical installations which are integral parts of the structure, 'such as elevators, heating equipment, etc. EXCLUDE • Land and pre-extstlratructures • Architectural, eP in@®'ring, and owner's overhead and miscellaneous cfoat-:.Fee item 6 • Furniture, furnishings, and other movable equipment • Contingency funds FOR HEA1f1 SEE SPECIA .74 UN -DING PROJECTS 011NSO .,$RACK; NOTE: If project is on a "cost plus' tiasis, enter your best estimate of the final cost 5a. CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION COST (Amounts to be paid to contractors and subcontractors) Construction costs (Thousands of dollars) 2,212 $ ,000.00 APR 2001 $ 199 ,000.00 MAR 2001 $ 351 ,000.00 FEB 2001 254 ,000.00 JAN 2001 $ 187 000.00 DEC 2000 $ 301 ,000.00 NOV 2000 $ 209 ,000.00 OCT 2000 $ 253 000,00 SEP 2000 0 ,000.00 5b. OWNER SUPPLIED MATERIALS AND LABOR (Construction materials supplied by owner and the value of work done by project owner's own construction employees assigned to the project.) 5c. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (Sum of 5a + 5b) $ ,000.00 2,212 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 6. ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, AND MISCELLANEOUS COSTS — If book figures are not available, reasonable estimates are acceptable INCLUDE • All fees for architectural and engineering services. If contractor was authorized to "design and construct" this project, such cost should be included in item 5a. • Cost of design work by owner's staff • Project owner's overhead and office costs • Fees and other miscellaneous costs allocated on owner's books to this project EXCLUDE • Cost of movable machinery and equipment, land, and furniture and furnishings • All interest to be paid directly by State or local governments Architectural, engineering, and miscellaneoukcosts "(Thousands of dollars) $ 26 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 ,000.00 9. COMPLETION DATE Enter date when all construction is actually completed Month and year of cotttpletion NOTE Be aura to complete section F on the reverse side. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR STATE AND LOCAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS le Section A - PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Correct any information in items 1 and 2 if necessary For the project described in item 1 to be government owned,' it must be State or legal: government owned during construction and involve the erection of a new structure(s) or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below. For the projectddscribed in item 1 to be privately owned, it must be privately;ownsd,during construction and involve the erection of a new structure(s) or improvements to an existing structurefs) as defined below. If the project is only maintenance and repairs, please note so in item 10, Remarks, complete item 11, and return the form. ► Section R - OWNERSHIP AND START DATE Item 3 - As noted, "ownership" for purpts of this survey, depends,on the owner during the construction phase. ChetIghe appropriate box. Item 4 - The start date is defined as the date that actual construction work first began on the project described in item 1, If the project is to start at some future date, please enter the date, complete item 11, and return the form. Section C - COST ESTIMATES' "Constructiop;",tol purposes ofttt..is �trvey, is defined as the building of andfir improvements to"fixed structures. This INCLUDES: a. New structures, additions, alterations, conversions, expansions, rebuilding, reconstruction, renovations, rehabilitations and major replacements (such as the complete replacement of a roof or heating system). b. Mechanical and electrical installations - Plumbing, heating, electrical work, elevators, escalators, central air-conditioning, and other similar building services. c. Outside construction - ClearingClearing,end grading of undeveloped land and tbe;fi= . 'aif7ciliarystructures which the project owner builds within the property lines. Also, roadways, bridges, parking lots, utility connections, outdoor lighting, pools, athletic fields, piers, wharves and docks, and all similar auxiliary facilities. FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS In addition to a, b, and c, construction INCLUDES: d. Fixed works, such as power plants, darns, highways, bridges, reservoirs and sewer and water facilities. e. Machinery and equipment which are integral parts of structures. Also fixed, largely site -fabricated equipment such as storage tanks, f. The following types of equipment: boilers, towers and fixtures. EXCLUDE: Mo. 'able m hi and equipment which are not integral. parts of,sir (�a. Also, for power generation plerp ,°'as Ieds pt€tnery power producing machinery Stich. as Oensrators, reactors, and steam engines. 10. REMARKS Item Ile Estimatetheti construction contractor's, done on this project. Item 50 - Estimate the total cost of laboroley the , constructlon employees working dri tlfe project, incle ing supervlSOry personntfkassigned to the project. Include the totaiotlst of all c©ftstrnctietrritateriels Si,ppllted by.the oWfier,'ifeluding those Old bwner`eilPeots,.ttysup to the contractor for installation in this project Item •itc - Sum of va ues reported in items ty and 5b., This is the value to be reported in items 8, tt thly.y1lt of construction put in place. Itertt 6 - Estimate the total art'tgunt of fees cttlir(h elro:er- pe hoe• Kt1 wi:: yto raj engineering firms for s orl on thrs project., llSo estin at the tt1t cbs>r of all ptfle pd $tFu titkrt ittafrts which the projecrewnerwutBa(oc „ etht ;bQ Tg.tta7 trs trojge InelUdethe ...7141 eayav eark an ib G�lst ?the Gofit of tfesi ttiNtfrlt byr the dtn i teft;a(trf other= ieellaneous-lr4ft t fees srid cot >r.allllcetetton the:oyynersbe0Key rl �f ¢i et t Mt 4vable rnktinery anlftequip tt>r ¢ tffe furnishings. If book-figtir estimates are acceptable. }rt 4pe paid to dj*t. dtivrier for work ► Section E - MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT Item 8 Report the monthly value of construction put in place for the costs associated with item 5c. These costs include: a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors, including any retainage being withheld until the work is complete. b. The cost of any materials installed which were provided by the owner. c. The work done by the project owner's oWnconstriiction employees, including supervisory personnel assigned to this project. Initially, report monthly values from the start piton the most current month shown in it m $ Tjten ea month, when the form is returned lt *farEfa re �yr month shown and arty revisionsv 4ttffig1it lave, When entering monthly data, tj stir tirref>et?'tIH cbst_, in the month in which the work Wei chine rather ttran in the month in which payment was made. If the contractor's bills are for periods other than' monthly, estimate a monthly amount irfyeath montl°iwhere'there is no construction, enter a zero. Item 9 - If construction €s col iptete exceptior some minor work (up to 3 peraerttot iten 50:yt May:stop reporting on this project by Ifni Gating to its 1tl Remarks, and entering the , €etion datKtn itetfi 9. Section F-PE Titl (l@i► tT Item 11- Enter the Clare, title, address, telephone and fax number of the person who can answer questions about this report. Section F 11a. Name i iERSON tO OeziNrYoier 0EGARDIN�x%1 DONALD GDULA Ei$ R Woj t - F'+fease print b. Title Consultant Project Coordinator c. Telephone Area code 909 Number 350-7632 Extension d. Organization City of Fontana FORM C-700(SLI 14-23-2001) e. Address 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335-3528 f. Fax Area code 909 Number 350-6618 31978 2368 OaM C-700(SL) 1-28-2000i In any c refer to OMB No. 0607-0171: Approval Expire 4/30/2001 pondence pertaining to this report, :ontrol number shown below. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economic and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REPORT STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IMPORTANT Please refer to the Reporting Instructions on the back of the form. DUE DATE: APR 16, 2001 ETURN RM TO ection A U.S. Census Bureau 1201 East 10th Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001 1-800-845-8245 IDENTIFICATION DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200011 2213 8.04 74 1322 06 3 1 4131978 1 0237621 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN GREG BUCKNELL-PROJECT MGR DON GDULA-COORDINATOR SPECIAL PROJECTS 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335-3528 FAX (909)350-6618 PHONE (909) 350-7632 (Please correct an error in name and address includin• ZIP Code, tele.hone and fax number) construction project described below is associated with your organization according to published sources. Please correct any errors or tilt in arty blanks in items 1 and 2. If necessary, make your corrections in item- t0,- Remarks, or use a separate sheet. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS FORM, PLEASE CALL 1-800-845-8245, <` 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN (SB5500) Section D SQUARE FEET 7. Based on exterior dlmerislons, how many square feet of enclosed floor area (including basements) will be created by this project? Exclude nonbuilding projects and existing floor space that is being remodeled. If none, enter "0." Square feet Section E 2. PROJECT LOCATION CITRUS AVE FROM JURUPA AVE TO SLOVER AVE FONTANA CA ection B OWNERSHIP AND START DATE 3. TYPE OF OWNERSHIP- Mark (X) one box. Is this project ❑ State Government or Agency ❑ Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑ Federal Government or Agency Yr Local Government or Agency MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. • Continue with item 8 if project has started; otherwise, skip to section F. • Report the value of construction put in place each month. Include only those construction costs defined in item 5c. DO NOT include costs reported in item 6. • Report costs in the month in which work was done (including any monthly retainage being withheld from contractors) rather than in the month in which payment was made. • When project is completed, enter month and year in item 9. 4. START DATE OF CONSTRUCTION When did actual construction work on the site start, or when do you estimate it will start? Enter month and year. Month and year of actual or expected start date B. MONTHLY VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION PUT IN PLACE ON PROJECT DESCRIBED IN ITEM 1 SEP 2000 ection C COST ESTIMATES INCLUDE • Site preparation and outside construction such as sidewalks and roadways • Mechanical and electrical installations which are integral pans of the structure, such as elevators, heating equipment, etc. EXCLUDE • Land and pre-existing structures • Architectural, engineering, and owner's overhead and miscellaneous costs - See item 6 • Furniture, furnishings, and other movable equipment • Contingency funds FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK NOTE: If project is on a "cost plus" basis, enter your best estimate of the final cost. Month and year report period (a) MAR 2001 Value of construction put in place during month as defined in item 5c (Thousands of dollars) (b) $ 351,000.00 FEB 2001 $ 254 ,000.00 JAN 2001 DEC 2000 NOV 2000 $ 187 ,000.00 301 000.00 $ 209 ,000.00 OCT 2000 253 ,000.00 5a. CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION COST (Amounts to be paid to contractors and subcontractors) Construction costs (Thousands of dollars) SEP 2000 ,000.00 2,212 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 5b. OWNER SUPPLIED MATERIALS AND LABOR (Construction materials supplied by owner and the value of work done by project owner's own construction employees assigned to the project.) 5c. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (Sum of 5a + 56) $ ,000.00 2,212 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 6. ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, AND MISCELLANEOUS COSTS - If book figures are not available, reasonable estimates are acceptable INCLUDE • All fees for architectural and engineering services. If contractor was authorized to "design and construct" this project, such cost should be included in item 5a. • Cost of design work by owner's staff • Project owner's overhead and office costs • Fees and other miscellaneous costs allocated on owner's books to this project EXCLUDE • Cost of movable machinery and equipment, land, and furniture and furnishings • All interest to be paid directly by State or local governments Architectural, engineering, and miscellaneous costs (Thousands of dollars) $ 26 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 9. COMPLETION DATE Enter date when all construction is actually completed Month and year of completion NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. REPORTING 0> 411LTOi1i� FOR STATE AND LOCAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ► Section A - PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Correct any information in items 1 and 2 if necessary. For the project described in item 1 to be government owned, it must be State or local government owned during construction and involve the erection of a new structure(s) or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below. For the project described in item 1 to be privately owned, it must be privately owned during construction and IRVolve the erection of a new structure(s) Or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below. If the project is only maintenance and repairs, please note so in item 10, Remarks, complete item 11, and return the form. ► Section B - OWNERSHIP AND START DATE Item 3 - As noted, "ownership" for purposes of this survey, depends on the owner during the construction phase. Check the appropriate box. Item 4 - The start date is defined as the date that actual construction work first began on the project described in item 1. If the project is to start at some future date, please enter the date, complete item 11, and return the form. Section C - COST ESTIMATES "Construction," for purposes of this survey, is defined as the building of and/or improvements to fixed structures. This INCLUDES: a. New structures, additions, alterations, conversions, expansions, rebuilding, reconstruction, renovations, rehabilitations and major replacements (such as the complete replacement of a roof or heating system). b. Mechanical and electrical installations - Plumbing, heating, electrical work, elevators, escalators, central air-conditioning, and other similar building services. c. Outside construction - Clearing and grading of undeveIo ect land and the fixed, auxillatytructures which the project owner builds within the property lines. Also, roadways, bridges, parking lots, utility connections, outdoor lighting, pools, athletic fields, piers, wharves and docks, and all similar auxiliary facilities. FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS In addition to a, b, and c, construction INCLUDES: d. Fixed works, such as power plants, dams, highways, bridges, reservoirs and sewer and water facilities. e. Machinery and equipment which are integral parts of structures. Also fixed, largely site -fabricated equipment such as storage tanks. f. The following types of equipment: boilers, towers and fixtures. EXCLUbE; Movable machinery and equipment which are not integral parts of structures. Also, for power generation plants, exclude primary power producing machinery such as generators, reactors, and steam engines. 10. REMARKS Section F 11a. Name Item 5a - Estimate the total amount to be paid to construction contractors by the project owner for work done on this project. Itern5b Estimate the total cost of labor by the owner's construction employees working on the project, including';, supervisory persorlftel AeSigned to the project. Include the total cost of all conetrktOtion materials supplied by the owner, including thcisrite owner expects to supply to the contractor for installat frttt this project. Item 5c - Sum of values reported in items 5a and 5b. This is the value to be reported in item 8, monthly value of construction put in place. Item 6 - Estimate the total amount of fees which the project owner has paid or will pay to architectural and engineering firms for work on this project. Also estimate the total cost of all other construction items which the prof nt ownet will allocate on his books toaltle pt, ject. Inelufie a fej. `eWeler's overhead and office casts, the cost of 014.6 wO.rttb (theowner's staff, and other miscelllaroeo is Oonstruethen fees and costs allocated on the owns books. DO NOT include the cost of movable machinert and equipment, land, and furniture and furnishings. If book figures are not available, reasonable estimates are acceptable. ► Section E - MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT Item 8 - Report the monthly value of construction put in place for the costs associated with item 5c. These costs include: a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors, including any retainage being withheld until the work is complete. b. The cost of any materials installed which were provided by the owner. C. The work done by the project owner's own construction employees, including supervisory personnel assigned to this project. Initially, report monthly values from the start month to the most current month shown in item 8. Then each month, when the form is returned to you, report for the month shown and any .it [visions which you might have. When entering monthly -^data, be sure to report the costs in the month in which the work was done rather than in the month in which payment was made. If the contractor's bills are for periods other than monthly, estimate a monthly amount. In each month where there is no construction, enter a zero. Item 9 - If construction is complete except for some minor work (up to 3 percent of item 5c), you may stop reporting on this project by indicating in item 10, Remarks, and entering the completion date in item 9. M. Section F PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING THIS REPORT Item 11 - Enter the name, title, gddress, telephone and fax number of the person who fart answer questions about this report. PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING THIS R Donald Gdula tlljT - Please print, or type b. Title Consultant Project Coordinator c. Telephone Area code 909 Number 350-7632 Extension d. Organization City of Fontana e. Addres'8352 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335-3528 f. Fax A909 de Number 350-6618 FORM c-700(SL) 18-28-2000) L31978 2329 DUE DATE: MAR 18, 2001 ETURN ORM TO FAX ection A 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN (SB5500) OMB No. 0607-0171: Approval Expi In any tspondence pertaining to this report, refer to ...e control number shown below. 4/30/2001 DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200011 2213 8.04 74 1322 06 3 1 4131978 1 0237621 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN GREG BUCKNELL-PROJECT MGR DON GDULA-COORDINATOR SPECIAL PROJECTS 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335-3528 FAX (909)350-6618 PHONE (909) 350-7632 (Please correct an error in name and address includin • ZIP Code, tele=hone and fax number) 2. PROJECT LOCATION CITRUS AVE FROM JURUPA AVE TO !LOVER AVE FONTANA CA ection B Is this project ❑ State Government or Agency ❑ Privately -owned OR Owned by: !�c[am❑^ Federal Government or Agency XID Local Government or Agency ection C • Af€inter stto:b8paid directly by State or focal governments 26 ,000.00 Section D This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. 9-co 5,00 e t eeetewhen ail construction Is actually completed NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. $ 254 ,000.00 $ 187 ,000.00 $ 301 000.00 $ 209 000.00 $ 253 ,000.00 $ 0 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 any information tJ'. project described ust be State or letaf'e ¢t4f 'en anal rY Fort e R, must be prlvtit y t dwh 04 . f 6Q ° erecttort ructureis) or improvements 14 struetrtitr@ "! ned below If the prd`ect is only maintenance and repairs, please note X taken"' tO; Remarks, complete item 11, and retgr{t,,tb forr4 of i� $y eItucturl ex nsions, rw+u° stro S ° re abilitations ant major complete replacemlent Of rQQ b. Mechanical and electrtc8Ia heats • electrical wor aifc rElf r d.��9 r l Co,r dockI FOR HEAV In addition to a, b,.a d. Fixed works,sec bridges, res001 e. Machinery and e structures, Also fr such as storage f: The following typ and fixtures: EXCLUDE: are not integral pa generation plants, ez machinery such as engines. 10. REMARKS 4t -NI PR Report the monthly value of cort ff �+tf}e costs associated with let 5 One by contractors and/or su00jbtractors; any retainage being withfia l ntil t ` 11a. Name Donald Gdula b. Title Consultant Project Coordinator Area code 909 c. Telephone Number 350-7632 Extension d. Organization City of Fontana a. Address 8353 Sierra Avenue f. Fax q e� §ode ' e:6618 FORM C-700(SL) (8-2B-2000) L31978 130 ronrv<C-7061St) (e-2a•2600) - - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economiseed St!astica Administrotton U.S. CENSUS BUREAU CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REPORT STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IMPORTANT Please refer to the Repetrtinginstructions 'I on the back of the form. DUE DATE: FEB 18, 2001 ETURN ORM TO ection A U.S. Census Bureau 1201 East 10th Street leffgsst nwille;, let 47112-0001_ 1-800-845-8248 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION The construction project deScribed below is associated with your organization according to published sources. Please correct any errors or item 10, Remarks fill In any blanks in Items 1 and 2. If necessary, flake your corrections in or asa a separate sheet. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS FORM. PLEASE CALL, 1-8o0-.8454246. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN (BB5500) 92335-3528 PHONE (909) 350-7632 OMB No. 0607-0171: Approval Expiry In any spondence pertaining to this report, refer to ...a control number shown below. 4/30/2001 DATE 8V S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200011 2213 8.04 74 1322 06 3 1 4131978 1 0237621 L2 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN GREG MC/WELL-PROJECT MGR DON GDULA-COORDINATOR SPECIAL PROJECTS 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA FAX (909)350-6618 (Please correct an error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) Section D SQUARE FEET 7. Based on exteriordlmensions WM many square feet of enclosed floor area (Including basements) will be created by this project/ Exclude nonbuilding projects e:. and existing floor space Square feet that is being remodeled. If none, enter "0.' Section E MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT 2. PROJECT LOCATION CITRUS AVE FROM JURUPA AVE TO SLOVER AVE FONTANA CA ection B OWNERSHIP AND START DATE 3. TYPE OF OWNERSHIP - Mark (X) one box. Is this project ❑ State Government or Agency ❑ Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑ Federal Government or Agency yy 4. START DATE OF CONSTRUCTION Wizen did actual construction work on the site start, or when do you estimate R will start? Enter month and year. _ICOST ESTIMATES Month and year of actual or expected start date SEP 2000 INCLUDE • Site preparation and outside construction such as sidewalks and roadways • Mechanical and electrical installations which are integral parts of the structure, such as elevator%, heating equipment, etc. EXCLUDE • Land and pre-existing structures • Architectural, engineering, and owner's overhead and miscellaneous posts.- See item 6 • Furniture, furnishings, and other movable equipment • Contingency funds FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK NOTE: If project is on a 'cost plus" basis, enter your best estimate of the final cost. 5a. CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION COST (Amounts to be paid to contractors and subcontractors) $ Construction costs (Thousands of dollars) 2,212 5b.OWNER SUPPLIED MATERIALS AND LABOR (Construction materials supplied by owner and the value of work done by project owner's own construction employees assigned to the project.) 5c.TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (Sum of 5a + 5b) 6. ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, AND MISCELLANEOUS COSTS - If book figures are net available, reasonable estimates are acceptable INCLUDE •All fees forarchitectural and engineering services. if contractor was authorized to "design and construct" this project, such cost should be included in item 5a. • Cost of design work by owner's staff • Project owner's overhead and office costs • Fees and other miscellaneous costs allocated on owner's books to this project EXCLUDE • Cost of movable Machinery and equipment, land, and furniture and furnishings • All interest to be paid directly by. State or local governments ,000.00 $ ,000.00 2,212 $ ,000.00 Architectural, en inserinth and miscellaneolus.collts' (Thousands ofdofiar9) $ 26 ,000.00 This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. • Continue with item 8 If project has started; otherwise, skip to section F. • Report the value of construction put in place each month. Include only those construction costs defined in item Sc. DO NOT include costs reported in item 6. • Report costs In the month in which work was done (including any monthly retainage being withheld from contractors) rather than in the month in which payment was made. • When project Is completed, enter Month and year in item 9. & M0NT41t.Y. VALUE OF COI+ISTIILICt'1 ,4 P!J! IN PLACE ON PROJECT DE$CRIBED IN ITEM 1 Month and year report period la) AN 2001 DEC 2000 NOV 2000 Value of construction put In piece during month as defined in Item 5c (thousands of dollars) (b) $ 187,000.00 $ 301 ,000.00 209 ,000.00 OCT 2000 $ 253 000.00 SEP 2000 $ 0 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 9. COMPLETION RATE Enter date when an construction Is. actually completed $ ,000.00 Month and year of Completion March 2001 NOTE Be sure to complete section F on the reverse site. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR STATE AND LOCAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS I► Section A PROJECT IDENTIRCATION Correct any information in items 1 and 2 if necessary. For the project described in item 1 to be government owned, it must be State or local government owned during construction and involve the erection of a new structure(s) or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below. For the project described in item 1 to be privately owned, it must be privately owned during construction and involve the erection of a new structure(s) or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below. if the project is only maintenance and repairs, please note so in item 10, Remarks, complete item 11, and return the form. ► Section S- OWNERSHIP AND START DATE Item 3 - As noted, "ownership" for purposes of this survey, depends on the owner during the construction phase. Check the appropriate box. Item 4-The start date is defined as the date that actual" construction work first began on the project described in item 1. If the project is to start at some future date, please enter the date, complete item 11, and return the form. ► Section C - COST ESTIMATES 'Construction,' for purposes of this survey,, is defined es the building of and/or improvements to fixed $ttrctutes. This INCLUDES: a. New structures, additions, alterations, conversions, expansions, rebuilding/ reconstruction, renovations, rehabilitations and major replacements (such as the complete replacement of a roof or heating system). b. Mechanicat and electrical installations -Plumbing, heating, electrical work, elevators, escalators, central air-conditioning, and other similar building services, c. Outside construction - Clearing and grading of undeveloped land and the fixed, auxiliary situ tares which the project owner builds within the property lines. Also; roadways, bridges, parking lots, utility connections, outdoor lighting, pools, athletic fields, piers, wharves and docks, and all similar auxiliary facilities. FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS In addition to a, b, and c, construction INCLUDES: d. Fixed works, such as power plants, dams, highways, bridges, reservoirs and sewer and Water facilities. e. Machinery and equipment which are integral parts of structures. Also fixed, largely site -fabricated equipment such as storage tanks. f. The following types of equipment boilers, towers and fixtures. EX LODE; Movable machinery and equipment which are not integral parts of structures. Also, for power generation plants, exclude primary power producing machinery such as generators, reactors, and steam engines. 10. REMARKS Item 5a - Estimate the total amount tb igatd construction contractors by the proptet Owrier f done on this project. Rein 5b Estimate the total cost of labo .by the construction employees working on the protect, inctudin„, supervisory personnel assigned to the project: Include the`: total cost of all construction materials supplied by the. owner, including those the owner,expeols to supply the' contractor for installation in this project Item 50- Sum of values reported trt items Sa and 5b,. This Is the value to be reported in hem (4 monthly air? of construction put in place, Item 6 - Estimate the total amount of feeeWhich: project owner has paid •nr will, pay to¢a'rohiteetu ral'art engineering firms for work on this project. Also estirnat( the total cost of all other construction items Which•the project owner will allocate on his books td this project Include the project owner's overhead and office coststhe cost of design work by the owner's staff 'arid other miscellaneous construction fees and costs allocated the owner's books. DO NOT include t Q `oSt Of movable machinery and equipment; larld, andfurniture and furnishings. If book figures are not avail a reasonable estimates areacceptabte. ► Section E = MONTHLY CONSTR PROGRESS REPORT Item - Report the monthly value of cot tructiorl j tit in place for the costs associatedwith item 5c. These coats - include: a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors; including any`refatnage helot( withhelduntil the work is complete.. b. The cost of any materials fnstalled"which were provided by the owner. c. The work done by the projeetowner'sown construction employees, inctud ng supervisory -personnel assigned to this project Initially, report monthly.iialueefrom.thestart month to the most current month shown infterrt$„ Then each_ month, when the form, is returned to ou;reflortforthe n month showand any revisions wijttt you r ht stave. When entering monthly data,be stir o re the oasts in the month in which the work was done rather "bran in the month in which payment was made, If the contractor's bills are for,per(ods ontiei than monthly, estimate a monthly amount In each m$nthwf re there is no constructiQfl enter a zero. item 9 If conetructionis complete exc jet for some minor work (up to 1 percent of item 5c),, ienk stay stop reporting on this project by -Indicating .in Item lb, °. Remarks, and entering the completion date lift item 9. ► Section F - PERSON TO CONTACT REGARD' . THIS REPORT _ 4tOM 11 - Enter the nerve, iftie, fax number of the person who€elf about this report. - Section F 11a. Name PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING THIS REPORT .-'Patio prjtrt i Donald Gdula d. Organization City of Fontana b. Title Consultant Project Coordinator Special Proj. c. Telephone Area code 909 Number 350-7632 Extension e. Address 8353 Sierra Avenue f. Fax Area code 909 Number 350-6618 FORM C-700(SL) (8-2e-2000) L31978 94 OMB No. 0607-0171: Approval Expir 4/30/2001 In any c epondence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. DUE DATE: JAN 17, 2001 ection A DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200011 2213 9.02 74 1322 06 3 1 4131978 1 0237620 L4 CITY OF FONTANA " alRE�otzL-I J. BuGKIJeLL P.E. ENGINEERINGP5PeCtial..MOIECT5 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335-3528 FAX (gC0)350- G Ie (Please correct an error in name and CX04 2 PiiONE (909) 350-$ '3 address includin • ZIP Code, tele • hone and fax number) Section D 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN (S85500) Section E 2. PROJECT LOCATION CITRUS AVE FROM JURUPA AVE TO SLOVER AVE FONTANA CA ection B Ox. Is this project ❑State Government or Agency ❑Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑Federal Government or Agency Local Government or Agency e `ot constt 5c. TOTAI (Sum 3. ARGt_ CO'T`':..:: I.NCL FIVE EXCLUDE • rot actual art date 000.00 This form form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. • Continue wlthit skip to section • Report the va[ Include only 41 DO NOT includ, ;ny S if project has start Ar struction put intl. traction costs del ,eported in item @ • Report costs in the (including any;rr.cg. from conti payment • When protyct It cornpteted} 8. MONTF(L irn 9 it Month and year report period DEC 2000 .1AyL 4 V 0 0 PR 2000 R 2000 FEB 2000 .TAN 2000 30 ► ,000.00 Z CR,000.00 2 53 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 000.00 9(03,000.00 • 26,000.00 NOTE: Be sure to complete section Fon the reverse side. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR STATE AND LOCAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ► Section A - PROJECT. IDENTIFICATION Correct any information in items 1 and 2 if necessa For the project described in item 'Ito be government ow it must be State or local government owned during construction and involve the erection of a new structures) or improvements to an existing structurefs) as defined below. For theptooect;described in item 1 to be privately owned, it must bef pnvefely owned during construction and involve the erection of a new structureisl or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below; If the project is only maintenance and repairs, please note so in item 10, Remarks, complete item 11, and return the form. ► Section B - OWNERSHIP AND START DATE Item 3 +,.l rtot4 ..0301,ea$hip" for purposes of this survey, depenf#s athe el le 'ttU 9 the construction phase. Check the appropriate box. Item 4 - The start date is defined as the date that actual construction work first began on the project described in item 1. If the project is to start at some future date, please enter the date, complete item 11, and return the form. ► Section C - COST ESTIMATES "Construction," for purposes of this survey, is defined as the building of and/or improvements to fixed structures. This INCLUDES: a. New structures, additions, alterations, conversions, expansions, rebuilding, reconstruction, renovations, rehabilitations and major replacements (such as the complete replacement of a roof or heating system). b. Mechanical and electrical installations - Plumbing, heating, electrical work, elevators, escalators, central air-conditioning, and other similar building services. c. Outside construction - Clearing and grading of undeveloped land and the fixed, auxiliary structures which the project owner builds within the property lines. Also, roadways, bridges, parking lots, utility connections, outdoor lighting, pools, athletic fields, piers, wharves and docks, and all similar auxiliary facilities. FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS In addition to a, b, and c, construction INCLUDES: d. Fixed works, such as power plants, dams, highways, bridges, reservoirs and sewer and water facilities. e. Machinery and equipment which are integral parts of structures. Also fixed, largely site -fabricated equipment such as storage tanks. f. The following types of equipment boilers, towers and fixtures. EXCLUDE: Movable machinery and equipment which are not integral parts of structures. Also, for power generation plants, exclude primary power producing. machinery such as generators, reactors, and steam engines. Item 5a - Estimate the total amount to be paid to construction contractors by the protect owner for work done on this project. Item 5b- Estimate the total cost of labor by the owner's construction employees' working on the project, including supervisory personnel assigned to the project. include the total Cost of all construction materials supplied by the owner, including those the owner expects to supply to the Contractor for installation in this project. Item 5c - Sum of values reported in items 5a and 5b. This is the value to be reported in item E, monthly value of construction put in place. Item 6 - Estimate the total amount of fees which the project owner i:,as paid or will pay to architectural and engineering firms for work on this project. Also estip the total cost of all other construction items whirkl project owner writ allocate on his Ociot Include the project owner's oyerlt cost of design work by then miscellaneous constructj9r the owner's books. DO NO' machinery and equipment* r d, fdtnt furnishings. If book figures are not available, estimates are acceptable. ► Section E - MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION • PROGRESS REPORT Item 8 - Report the monthly value of construction put in place for the costs associated with item 5c. These costs include: a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors, including any retainage being withheld until the work is complete.' b. The cost of any materials Installed which were provided by the owner. c. The work done by the project owner's own construction employees, including supervisory personnel assigned to this project. Initially, report monthly values from the start month to the most current month shown in item 8. Then each month, when the form is returned to you, report for the month shown and any revisions which you might have. When entering monthly data, be sure to report the costs in the month in which the work was done rather than in the month, in which payment was made. If the contractor's bills are for periods other than monthly, estimate a monthly amount. In each month where there is no construction, enter a zero. Item 4 - If construction is complete except for some minor work (up to 3 percent of item 5c), you may stop reporting on this project by Indicating in item 10, Remarks, and entering the completion date In Item 9. ► Section F - PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING THIS REPORT Item 11 - Enter the name, title, address, telephone and fax number of the person who can answer questions ab0 this report. 10. REMARKS 11a. Name 101.1 GDULA d. Organization RT I4G THIS REPORT.- Please print er type` b.. T,i�tle,� .otISULTr»t1 r p .-r G:oRcff I g SFracuaLPeoxrcrs c. Telephone Area code 40A e.Address 53StERP- ate. �JJ Area code Number !Extension 3SD-'163Z f. Fax CN o F FaL-rtu FORM C-70DISL1 (8-28-20001 RalkA icsk q z335-35z6 g 09 Number 3SO'" /dct6 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA September 7, 2001 CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPARTMENT Kenko Inc. dba McGrand & Associates 12301N.E., Suite 100 Central Avenue Blaine, MN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner RE: Escrow #105-20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Owner: City of Fontana Dear Anita: Please be advised that on this date we have received from the City of Fontana retention funds in the amount of $21,867.58 for deposit into the above referenced escrow. This deposit brings the total amount of retention funds to $118,942.20 to date excluding accrued interest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have at (800) 669-8661. Si', cerely, U IsNBAN Man • F CALIFORNIA Assistant Vice President cc. City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. P.O. BOX 513840 Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-3840 800 669 `8661 FAx 888 847 7841 CUSTOMERS ARE THE REASON WE EXIST �.�tt11► MEMORANDUM TO: Lisa A. Strong Deputy City Treasurer FROM: Donald Gdula Consultant Projector Coordinator Engineering/Special Projects SUBJECT: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Slover Avenue to Jurupa Avenue (SB-55-00) Release of Five (5) Percent Retention Attached is a request from Kenko, Inc. for the release of five (5) percent of the ten (10) percent retention. The retention is being held an escrow account number 105-20581 with Union Bank of California, P.O. Box 513840, Los Angeles, CA 90051-3840. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 350-7632. Tot sdocument „was con-F (reduced samp Ie Document Size I:.Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Toi Bureau of tha Census, Attn: Pat 0, From: Don Gtlula Fate 9-1-800-045.8245 Date. July25, 2001 Construction Project Report Citrus Ave. Sewer and Sturm Drain CI Uraet.t 0 For Review Pages -Confirmed'.. No. Doc' Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results': 1 174 918008453245 7-25-01;10:50AM 2'34" 3/.3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan Resend Multi' -Po 1 I Receive to Memory Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Po1LIng a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB Receive to Mel box 'PI: Power Interruption'. ,TM: Terminated by user, WT: Waiting Transfer 4131978 2358 t'4,.2s gontl �. 0. 5' DPA)47(MiNT 6F;CdMMERKE EconDMio nd $Eat st(ce Admfo soitton )S,CENaUS VR5AtJ SrTATTA!'40• LOGA ji,CicovORNiVjgiNT4 pfee§Brefertrr1110ffejfofifn onf the back Qf th aorni , DUE DATE: • JUL 17',, 2001 • RETURN FORM TO FAX Section A Sri• iGtil)ns f S Census Bureau 201 Fast loth Street >`r01rf ttle I ll1'7132 S10(M OMB No. 0607-0153: A In anespondence pertaining to this report, refer to he control number shown below. iPR04.KtsTllty%v7t(FTiOiu SV S WGT 2213 8.04 4131978 1 CITY OF'FONTANA ATTN GREG BUCKNELL -PROJECT MGR DON GDULA-COORDINATOR SPECIAL PROJECTS 8353- SIERRA .AVE FONTANA CA al Expires 04/30/2004 TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 74 1322 06 3 1 0237621 FAX '(909)350-6618 PHONE, (909) 350-7632 (Please correct an error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) Section D The cor struetiko ptoiect desSribpcl bpiatnr is associated With your organization acoerdin0 to 040,0)0d s,4u�rues, Please cotrect any erirors Or rib in any.blankiit in;jitoni4••1;e!:}i 2 f rr4c¢xis ry ° 0 q• xtlMa g'grregtic}ri5' in. • to t0; rtemdr 4Si: a osb a Sep rete 3Wost r1F 1 IAift ANY, QLIesTIPM„P, cirrN4Et#(ulhfVOSIctiFiM Pr Asa,0R4b1= og s a24q :, .., 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITRUS AVE SEWER Et STORM DRAIN (SB5500) 2. PROJECT LOCATION CITRUS AVE: FROM`JURUPA AVE TO SLOVER AVE' FONTANA CA',., OWNERB Ip AND START DATE r`3. TYPfr-:OF )WNERS&fP.;."Mark 190 PfiQ:bolt:'' Section B ❑ Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑ Federal Government or Agency Local GovernmCnt or Agency TAItl- DATE OF COIUSTi OOTIOM ' When Utd asttila( cOrAtryctr¢ti tair*work on the s, onWW(fen do �(otr est'i 00 It WtII; start? E'r)ter hrror)f(iirid'af , r C'Q,S ' S 'IlAtls h?:prepar tioti and osttside CI(nstructton Sueh as srdevvalks ..`:, ridfoa�jways:? r. r r M$citanjcal snot 4lecttrcal iOStafratidns Wh'tt:,ate rnte rat pa't '; Af titQ struCFtrrC auph 4s,e(0vatdrs eanr(� agtlipfli n ;'.¢tc r prrd exist ns Sjru4CtJreS t,at i r rr reh:(tectutal ahgineoein0, and owners averhOo and ` i(sGallanea re egs(g See rterrt urnrture, furnishings hld.ot(1ed r9v4ble 4.gy,f r nt ppr',irigorb.' lEAVy NONBt.Ili.DlN4 PRROJ0(rTS DIAL iNStR4i; ftQ I ON WK.", Is this project ['State Government or Agency INonttt and year of actual or expected start date.. SEP 2000 e oftthe h'a ens{rtrcng' .n pasts ' '1('Chotlsand4 dt d, of?ary)`. ; 2,212 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 2,212. ,000.00 6:° ARCItfTECTUF IIL ENGrl1lEER)ING, AND IV1iSCEI1LANEOi S• COSTS if boot?: figures ?te nqt dKalrable4 reasriiable estimates arty d F'eptebte i (NCLUP ' s Alt toes for art'Rit@ctura) a td ongeneering Seryiyes, rf tenfreetC4 was 4UthariZed to design' Snd constFi t' fl iS project, such cost $ho 1f,ct be included in item $a ♦ Cost, gf design vyork bV dyrrtgr`s stafF . Protect own4r'a oVarhgad arf,d dffiye',cps S fintr`other MrSeilieFie000 costs allocated on ouvner'S bdgfs to th$ project ,C(Ghitecttira) engiheerin0, ,sbd'rdiseelteneous eeste (rhbusandsof dollars).,, 4ily1►R sttt�i [t11,0,04` SR No LAROFt Icon traction natg(ial,'suppIjed ownat ante th valtje of work d4n4 by prPjeet owner"s awn• ' o4sftu000 eripbyees sssrOhgti to the projgut.k 0Q rTOTAi4 01i SjtR'UC'ildiN C0$T ' � >� EXCLfJpE i. Cost o1 moy2ble rwabhlnprryy'end egUiprnent, land and fumitirrg and furnishings All interest to be Paid,ts directty bym J. Stateor loyal governen $ 26,000.00 SQUARE FEET 7+ Sated on exterior dintertstons, how many square feet of enctosed froor area (inc uurng basements): Wirr be created by th)9 prRiedt? c1Ude non uiWirtc) projeets square feet and exrstin0`flopfspace that is beingremodeled If rlorlec enter 0 " Section E ',MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION• P tOGRF,SS, REP'oRT This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. • Continue wltlt itetn 8 if project Iles started; otherwise; skip to ectibn F • Report the v`altte of cdnstructon, piit rn'place each month. Include only those construction costs defined in item Sc. • DO NOT includ•e costs, reported j•rtiterrz 6 -: ; •,, • Report costs rn the month in which work was done (indludrng eny monthly retainege tieing withheld .'from co ntraCtors)'rethep.than iitthe month in which ': paytPent was made .: r. • • When project is6ampleted, enter jrionth and year iri item 9..' 3 M(.).. T fL".4'ALtJE OF CPP44$Y'Rt)C('gON PUT IN PLACE •Oi•l PR•OJEC•T D. ES RIBEp 1 )TEM Month and year 'report period (a)' JUN,2001',, APR ,290 1...' MAR " 2l) 0 • J tJi;.2.0Q DEt;''') iIOtT 2000 OCT': 2000 SEP '2aba G. COMPLETION DATE iEnter date when all construction is actually completed NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. Value Of construction put. m place during month ',as defined in item So Thousands of dollars. , ,. $ 213 ,000.00 $ 191 ;000.00 199 ,000.00_ $ 351 ,000.00 254 ,000.00 187 ,000.00 301 ,000.00 209 ;000.00 253 ;000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 Month and year of Completion • 6 /01 REPtRTING INSTRUCT,CNS FOR STATE AND" LOCAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ►Section A PROJECT IDENTIFICATION• Correct any information in Reins,1 and 2 if nece±;sary For the project described in item 1 to be government owned it must be State or local government owned during construction and involve the erection of a new structure or improvements to en existing structure(s) as defined below For the project desenbed in:'tetp 'Ito be privately owned, i must be privately Owned during construction and involve the erection of anew structurels} or improvements to an existing ! structure(s) as defined below. If the project is only maintenance and repairs, please note so in item 10, Remarks, complete item 11, and return the form, ► Section B O1iUNERSHtP AND STAiitT DATE ••Item 3r As noted;.' Ownership' for pU[posesof this survey, depends on the owner during th'e Construction phase Check theepp►opriate box, Item 4 The startdate Is,defjned as the date that actual `. construction work first began On the project described in : jtem,1: If the project is to start at some future date; please • enter the date, complete iterti_11; and return the form. ► Section t " Ca57 5l Ii111A1f1 S -.014krUctioM for purpOsaSof this survey, Is deflrted as the Wilding of and/or iinprpyements tO f ilced structures 'this INCLUDES:.:; '.., a, New Structures, additions; alterations, conversions, expansions, rebuilding, reconstruction, renovations,` rehabilitations and major replacements (such as the complete replacement of a roof or heating system). b.Mechanical and electrical installations= Plumbing, heating, electrical work, elevators, escalators, central • air-conditioning;and other similar building services. s. Outside Construction Clearing and grading Of undeveloped latfd and the fixed, auxiliary structures,'.:..' which the project owner builds within the "property Imes Also, roadways,,E7ridges;parking lots,utility connectjons, outdoor lighting; pools, athletic fields piers, wharves and dockS,';and all similar auxiliary. facilities.: • FOR HEAVYNONBUiLDING PROJERTS In addition ttl a brand c, Construction INCLUDES •d. F•ixedworks, such as power piants,`dams; highways, bridges reservoirs and seWer and water facilities. • e Machinery and equipment which are integral' parts of. structures. Also fixed largely site -fabricated equipment such as storage tanks: • . f The following types of equipment t oilers,towers arid fixtures EiLCI UDC Movabla machinery and equipment Which are not integral parts of structures. Also, for power Ifeneratibh plants, Q e ivde prirnary,power prodiacang machinery such es'generatdre, reactors,• and5teati Section F Item 5a = Estimate the tOtai•arnOtlntto be pant to construction contractors by the project owner fir worts done on this project i 1 f Item 5b - Estimate the total Cost `of tabor by the owner's construction employees working -,Kt the project- trtcl,uding supervisory peratinnel assigned trefti9.e rojedt: tnClutje the',. total t:ost.,gf all cotjstruetion materials supplied by the `owner, -including those•>the ownerxp eects to suitor tel the •contractor for irlsteltatidlr in';this pro ect item 5c4,Sum of values reported in tfems`5a and 5ti T This is the value to be reported in item 8, monthly,yalue of construction put in place:, item B,= Estimate the•total amolant of fees WhICh inject •owner has 'p' aid or wile }say to'atthitectua°ala ld' engineering firms for work pn this project;Also est{relate the total cost of all ;other• corfstruetlon Items Which th#4. project owner will'ellofate Qn his books to this Rroj ct; "' include the prOjeet owner's. overhead and office costs the • cost of design Work.by the owners staff andOtl)er, miscellartepus construction fee;; and costs allocated on' the owner`s books,', pO NOT include.the coat pf mq'abie machinery and equipment; land, arid.furrtiture and furnishings. If book figures are net availabble'reasonabie estimates are acceptable. ►.Section E = MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION • PROGRESS REPORT item 8- Report the monthly v_alue of construction pttt in. lace for the costs associated with item 5c. These costs a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors, Including any retainage being Withheld untll the•WOrk:t< b. The cost of any materials installed which: were provided • by the, owner, .. G. The Work done by the project owner a own.construction employees, including supervisory personnel assigned • • tp this project. inrtiapy; report monthly values frorii 1 e start McIrith.Lter �. the most currentmanth shown in iteril 8 Then a} aact't month, when -'the foris retfirried to.you, report for tfi2,' nignth thiowin anrS;any royisipr)s Whion you plight hive; a , When'entering monthly datak be sure to report the costs in the month in which the Wok Was done t-ather,thati fn the month in which payment Was Ynade It, the contfactor'spiils ate,for periods other than •morithiy estimate a monthly amount: In each,rnonth where there is no GprtstructIon, enter a zero; Item 9 If•construn ctiois complete except for some 'minor work (up to 3 percentof iterti So} you may stop • reporting On this prpjeetb/fndleating' in ;tern to Remarks, and entering the.�dr1010On date in item 9,: ►' Se0tronF PERSOII}TO daNTAtT 11:EGARD!NG Relit 11'<:frtn er the name .tide address; teleati.Ori and;'.; 'fax number of the persor>! w(jgcart eneWer-; juestf¢t1S about this. report ; r ,.• . , .. � :'i t it PERSON TO'.CONTACT f iEGARDINGTI-JI$ REPQRT=Pleas.print dt' type '.; 11a. Name Don 'Gdula Title onsultant Project Coordinator c. Telephone Area code 909 Number 350-7632 Extension d. Organization City of Fontana FORM C-700(SL) (423-2001) e. Address 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, Ca..92335 Area code 909 f.Fax Number 350-6618 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA July 5, 2001 CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPARTMENT Kenko Inc. dba McGrand `& Associates 12301 Central Avenue N.E., Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner RE: Escrow # 105•20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Owner: City of Fontana Dear Anita: Please be advised that on this date we have received from the City of Fontana retention funds in the amount of $21,202.13 for deposit into the above referenced escrow. This deposit brings the total amount of retention funds to $216,016.83 to date excluding accrued interest. Please eel free to contact me with any questions youmay have at (800) 669.8661. Sine ly, I BANI( r ontoa Assistan Vice Pre dent IFORNIA cc: City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. P.O. Box 513840 Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-3840 800 669 8661 FAx 888 847 7841 CARE CUSTOMERS ARE THE. REASON WE EXIST At 01 ii,p 11rq,w1 KI'sliV 1 liso Iii6 PA. UOU 1 dithr‘ ono 0 t ,.. 6 /116WW616 kMANMM ,...............4,1*.p................. W. *w....... r ......... ....1.0...r 014.011b/ ifiCOM, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE goicok '4-411.•4 VilliAms $ fwouhro Zosuronno oN 0 'Of tPI O1fUA1111 14/1 0, Plopeo A010 4212 osvuo, (A P2070 inatta pope volootrwAtou t,... . . _ g402 Havnet AV*, NorooeCA 227.0 ot Now& omow.o goatrolotoo. onfootoom wow RAMO MAWS a/N1144 r 1 AO# hi t00% 1M!, 'hjLJP9, __Am04111.•••••• ,•■•••••••••• 0111414111,1111 OW so 4 .1.110...1111M11111.....0.1,4 011.41191140.11011.1100,.... WOW. ONOW, 1.61‘1Fv. ONIMMIN1100•410.4, koaloriti uomiro C.: MAYS woo wooxliAs 100.11-22,- trigarmovomw *WO 01,11110 a-111111D140 ••• kleersof ado,. ANN •4141001141ma XL104210 • •••••:••••.com•efilLONMIIIINNIMP- -Vstair.Me WC0003.024 0001,100110000 INLANV mARXNN MVX03009-00 7/201/n0 INWPWINS APPORD4N411 SOVIMMIs 7f20/01 7/20/00 7/22/0 r.-.10.001.11•00 ° ' 41111tUlliiiiWarrINFiNie ' donvv#ITi OAT 11$10111.111 HOLDIPIA tothiro A rovrrjr)NAL 11131.111,PM. .70111 tItilAti4Sk' C 'V NU N to $X.OVft VqTX OI PONTANA 0311410t1l CONTWITORM 1,430 CANTMAN AVM= 11.1. A:kilo, MN, bb434 ,411....01.0114111111.04,1M1.101 mmton MOW. yen. M 400MOMM Wolt0,64 ft 400.0.411ffewm...._ ori0101•11•111111001. Auus ORLSIZL paA1110.441,f 11110....m...../~.440 i.444..440111111110111.116114 211VMM—..-4 $ MT, Maar.41141.0.1k }Mew. Lio...1/41).• leriatia rasa AmMINMOIS 5/1/02 jAjtv,_ 1/211/02 MTN', Mitt'. • .....WWWWWWWW116011W1111*. ,4111.000 61011.6 049, OP two Ammo roommosome Awns ## somoomup wane vofe oioluMeto paor rumor, 11,1 imam lomors#6 1,4144. 164~00 to mu 410_, #MMIMI 66 my 96 Mg 0$61616696 NM I NOM 90 MO 619.9, IM40011 ft, 0# OM 6.6Mi Nri MOO 00401 4184M.M fib MOWS fa woe osemin1100000111101~140M ACORDTM • TM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YY) 05/31/01 PRODUCER Williams & Franks Insurance 11 S. Rimpau Ave #212 rona, CA 92879 909/735-2552 909/735-8754 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED Pope Construction Co. Inc. 2466 Hamner Ave. Norco,CA 91760 1909/734-5320 INSURER A: LEXINGTON INSURANCE CO INSURERS: VILLANOVA INSURANCE CA INSURERC: LEGION INSURANCE CO INSURERD: TOPA INSURANCE CO INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE (MM/DD/YY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DD/YY) LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY -- -- -- - 0152816 `" -- 7/26/00 ,... - - 7/26/01' EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 , 000,000 X FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ 50,000 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR MD UNMy one person) - $ 5,000 X OWNERS&CON. PRO PERSONAL SADVINJURY $ 1 , 000, 000 X (XC&U) GENERAL AGGREGATE $2, 000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 7 POLICY n JE : n LOC B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS CA-11515 3 4 6 7/26/00 7/26/01 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $1,000,000 X BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ X X BODILY INJURY (Per accident)11) $ X PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGO $ D EXCESS LIABILITY XL10439 7/26/00 7/26/01 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 3, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 OCCUR CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ 3, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 RETENTION$ $ -1DEDUCTIBLE $ $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WC2 0 01 0 8 6 5/ 1/ 01 5 /1 /0 2 OTH- X TOCY WSTATULIMIT-S ER R E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 E.L. DISEASE- EA EMPLOYEE $1, 000, 000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $1 , 000,000 C OTHER INLAND MARINE IMP103699-00 7/26/00 7/26/01 LEASED EQUIP.$50,000 RENTED EQUIP. $50,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS NAMED ADDITIONAL INSURED. • CERTIFICATE HOLDER ADDITIONAL INSURED; INSURER LETTER: CANCELLATION CITY OF FONTANA BUILDING DEPARTMENT 8353 SIERRA AVE. FONTANA, CA. 92335 • ACORD 25-S (7/97) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 0 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER AMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILI OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESE ©ACORD CORPORATION 1988 May 25 2001 CONTRACTORRETENTION ESCROW DEPARTMENT Kenko Inc. dba McGrand & Associates 12301: Central Avenue N.E., Suite 100 Blaine, IVEN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner RE: Escrow #105-20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Owner: City of Fontana Dear Anita: Please be advised that on this date we have received from the City of Fontana retention funds in the amount of $22,176.40 for deposit into the above referenced escrow. This deposit brings the total amount of retention funds to $194,814.70 to date excluding accrued interest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have at (800) 669-8661. Sincerely, UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 1L� du ? : LU CrYL1 Maria Montoya Assistant Vice President cc: City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. P.O. Box 513840 Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051 -3840 800 669 8661 FAx 888 847 7841 CUSTOMERS ARE THE REASON WE. EXIST Z. A11W 5 /NA-1 C7 0 "SELL ebb& - 5500 're-; j,._, 9 09 -7-Sq--SZ_C) 35D ��32 3s0 - �6v30 Ke4^ 795-- 25-6 S SA.0 - et-r eye q- Role__•rcvc¢ •ram PAick H ie- -Y or ra;.)T,F,9,4 F&LI `Pc /4O1. /JO5 / 3So -_26C, 3 sO - 66 4/ UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA April 25, 2001 CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPARTMENT Kenko Inc. dba McGrand &. Associates 12301 Central Avenue N.E., Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner RE: Escrow #105.20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Owner City of Fontana Dear Anita: Pl ease be advised that on this date we have received from the City of Fontana retention funds in the amount of $39,006.55 for deposit into the above referenced escrow. This deposit brings the 'total amount of retention funds to $172,638.30 to date excluding accrued interest. questionsyou may 6 Please feel free to contact me with any have at (800) 669-8661. 1. Sincerely, UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA , Cfv O yt,LL i Maria Montoya Assistant Vice President cc: City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. P.O. Box 513840 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-3840 800 669 8661 FAX 888 B47 7841 CARE CUSTOMERS ARE THE REASON WE EXIST;.. CITY OF FONTANQ 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3598 445 S. FIGUERO LOS 13TH FL©OR ANGE�,ES, � � 9010371111 0071 -_ - BANK. z NIERICA, Faniand C cif. n■ 08 6 4 56111 . 1; i .2 200066 ir•.024421.,430249111 eScYr)L� L.� h, bci&K, r rw Pig() Scc,4t c r ` , Pox K Cam- 1 1.5 AFTER 90 DAYS UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA April 19, 2001 Kenko Inc. dba McGrand & Associates 12301 Central Avenue N.E., Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner CONTRACTOR RETENTION. ESCROW DEPARTMENT RE: Escrow # 105.20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Owner: City of Fontana Dear Anita: Please be advised that on this date we have received from the City of Fontana retention funds in the amount of $28,170.25 for deposit into the above referenced escrow. This deposit brings the total amount of retention funds to $133,631.75 to date excluding accrued interest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have at (800) 669-8661. Sincerely, UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (c2. Maria Montoya Assistant Vice President cc: City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. P.O. Box 513840 Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-3840 800 669 8661 FAX 888 847 7841 CARE CUSTOMERS ARE THE REASON WE EXIST CITY OF FON O AVENUE g SIER £ LIFORNIA 92. 5-3 FON-�ANA, pgNIA UNION BANK ...:_ • A' ' SOME SS F�CISOiPT O, 40111 BANK OF AMEI tCA• Fontana. Gal orb: 4'15 S�? CA 9 t. SAN: 244.2 0066 i�' 860� CONTRACTOR, RETENTION ESCROW DEPARTMENT, Keniko l:ne. dba McGrand & Associates 12301. Central Avenue N.E., Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner RE: Escrow #105-20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Owner: City of Fontana Dear Anita: Please be advised that on this date we have received from the City of Fontana retention funds in the amount of $20,545.40 for deposit into the above referenced escrow. This deposit brings' the total amount of retention funds to $105,461.50 to date excluding accrued interest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have Sincerely, UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA OA( d(riti Maria Montoya' Assistant Vice President City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: GregoryJ. Bucknell, P.E. P.O. Box 513840 Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-3840 800 669 8661 Fax 888 847 7841 at (800) 669-8661. CUSTOMERS ARE THE REASON WE EXIST' 445 S.-FIGUEROA, 13TH FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 BANK OF AMERICA • Fontana, Cal o 11'0860 2011' ': L 2 200066 L': 0 244 211,80 24911' CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPT POST OFFICE BOX 513840 'LOS ANGELES, CA. 90051-3840 IMPORTANT ACCOUNT NOTICE 105-20581 UNION BANK ESCROW FBO KENKO INC PROJ CITRUS AVENUE SEWER & STORM DRAIN GREGORY J BUCKNELL 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA CA 92335 DATE: MARCH 30, 2001;. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT CONFIRMATION. NOTICE ACCOUNT NUMBER 9140016095 ENCLOSED IS A COPY OF THE STATEMENT OF'ACCOUNT FOR THE ACCOUNT INDICATED ABOVEI. STATEME t�Rt -w OF OF ACCO T UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPT 914 POST OFFICE BOX 513840 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-3840, CY30 , 1 C 1230 , .. 105-20581 UNION BANK ESCROW FBO KENKO INC ATTN: ANITA ELSNER PROJ: CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN'` 12301 CENTRAL AVE. N E STE 100 BLAINE. MN 55434 P of 1 1 0581 UNION BANK ESCROW Statement Number. 9140016095 3/1/01`-3/30/01 Customer Inquiries 800-669.8661 Thank you for banking with us since 2000 M Plan farretirement todayl For more information about Union Bank of California IRA and Retirement Plans, please see the insert enclosed, visit a banking office or call 800.796-5656. -BUSINESS -Ivio EYMAitKET'ACCOLJNt SUMMARY Days in statement period: 30 Beginning balance on 3/1. Total Credits Deposits (1) 33,467.00 Other credits and adjustments (1 ) 193.51 Total Debits Electronic debits (1 ) -353.51 Ending Balance on 3/30 $ 85,139.61 CREDITS Deposits Account Number: 9140E 16095 Date of next scheduled statement: April 30, 2001. _. 51,832.61 Interest 33,660.51 Paid this period $ 193.51 Paid year-to-date $ 487.07 Interest Rates -353 51 3/1/01-3/30/01 3.00% including check and cash credits 3/6 ; OFFICE DEPOSIT Other credits and adjustments Date Description 3/30 INTEREST PAYMENT DEBITS: Electronic debits Date Description Reference 15220020 Amount 33,467.00,, Reference Amount $ 193.51 Date Description 3/2.1 ' _. OUTGOING WIRE TRANSFER _ DAILY 'LEDGER BALANCE Date 3/1-3/5 3/6-3/20 Ledger Balance Date 51,832.61 3/21-3/29 85,299.61 3/30 Reference 45311386 Amount 353.51 - Ledger Balance Date Ledger Balance 84,946.10 $ 85,139.61 TO CONTACT UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: ERROR RESOLUTION NOTICE AND FEDERAL BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY For Consumer Customers Only In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers Telephone us at the number printed on page 1 of your statement, or write us at: Union Bank of California, N.A. ATM Error Resolution Department, 2-966.1E P.O. Box 85135 San Diego, CA 92186-5135, as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared.' 1) Tell us your name and account number (if any). 2) Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is in error or whyyou need more information. 3) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. -We will investigate your complaint and correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this, or 20 business days if the error concerns a new account open less than 31 days, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. FEDERAL LAW BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY In case of errors or questions about your Cash Reserve If you think your statement is wrong or if you need more information about a transaction on your statement, write us on a separate sheet and mail it to the address shown on the front of your statement as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter, give us the following information: 1) Your name and account number. • 2) The dollar amount of the suspected error. 3) Describe the error and explain, if you can, why you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. You do not have to pay any amount in question while we are investigating, but you are obligated to pay the parts of your statement that are not in question. While we investigate your questions, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. CASH RESERVE OUTSTANDING BALANCE CALCULATION The finance charge begins on the date the checking overdraft, or advance is posted to your Cash Reserve Account. The balance upon which a finance charge is imposed is your daily outstanding balance, excluding any unpaid finance charges or transfer finance charges. The daily outstanding balance is calculated by starting with the day's opening balance (excluding any unpaid finance charges or transfer finance charges), adding any new checking overdraft, or advances posted that day, and subtracting any payments or credits posted that day. Each day there is a positive daily outstanding balance, the Bank calculates a FINANCE CHARGE by multiplying that amount by the daily periodic rate. Member FDIC To BALANCE YOUR CHECKBOOK Before you begin, make sure that all the transactions reflected on your statement have been recorded in your checkbook. 1 Enter the Ending Balance from page 1 of your statement. Enter any additions (deposits and credits) ' that are not shown on your statement. Add your entries from steps 1 and '2 Enter any subtractions (outstanding checks, ATM or MasterMoney purchases, transfers out, fees, charges, and adjustments) that are not shown on your statement. --Total of•subtr-actions Subtract the amount in step 5 from the amount in step 3 The amount here should agree with the balance in your checkbook register. If the amounts don't agree and you suspect a bank error, please immediately call or write us. FORM 03400-R (Rev. 3/99) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING. DIVISION. 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 TO: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa Calimesa,CA. 92320 ATTN: Paul Anderson, Foreman Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain fromJupura Avenue to Slover.Avenue Date: FROM: April 5, 2001 Don.Gdula, Special Projects We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under separate cover via The following item(s): Drawing (X) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) 'Samples ( ) Specifications .Copy of Letter (I 'Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies Other: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 4-5-01 ` 2922 Purpose: (X) For your information/records ( ) For approval ( ) Approved as submitted (X) For your use ( ) Approved as' noted ( ) As requested ( ) For review and comment ( Returned. for corrections ( ) Other ( ) ( ) Citrus Ave. , & Santa Ana Ave.Road Closure Plan Please: ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution ( ) Return _ corrected prints ( ) Other For bid due: 2001 Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: Citrus Ave. & Santa Ana Ave. Road Closure Received By: ...G�2 .. Date: 4 /gBl Copy to: LDK Survery Crew (2 copies) Steve Nix, LDK (1 copy/) Pub. Wks. Insp. (SB) (1 copy) Project •Coordinator (1 copy), LOR Geotechnical (1 copy) S.B.Co Rd. Permit,Insp. (BM) (1 copy) Hanging. File, Signed: Date: Plan April 5, 2001 Received By: Copy ` to: LDK Survery Crew (2 copies) Steve Nix, LDK (1 copy/) Pub. Wks. Insp. (SB) (1 copy) Project Coordinator (1 copy) LOR Geotechnical (i copy) S.B.Co Rd. Permit Insp. (BM) (1 Hanging File LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 TO: Kenko, Inc.. 1025 Calimesa Calimesa, CA 92320 ATTN: Paul Anderson, Foreman Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jupura Avenue to Slover Avenue Date: April 5, 2001 FROM: Don,Gdula, Special Projects. We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under separate cover via The following item(s) : ( ) Drawing (X) Prints ( ) Plans (') Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order (') Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 4-5-01 2922 Citrus Ave. & Santa Ana Ave. Road Closure Plan Purpose: (X) For your information/records (') For approval ( ) Approved as submitted For your use Approved as, noted As requested For review and comment Returned for corrections Other For bid due Prints returned after loaned to: Please: ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit 'copies for distribution ( ) Return:_ corrected prints ( ) Other 2001 Remarks: Ci tp j Avg. & Santa Ana Ave. Road Closure Plan Date: 4(-1-16T---- copy) Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Mar-15-01 9:13AM; Page 2/2 L'XIflG Engineers/Planners/Surveyors MEMO Date: March 15, 2001 TO: File From: Steve Nix, Project Engineer CC: Greg Bucknell, City ol'Fontana; Steve Stapleton, L.D. King RE: Citrus Avenue Storm Drain — Staking Error 1 'received a call from our surveyor working at the Citrus Ave. storm drain job regarding a problem, which had developed at the job site. Don Gdula and myself proceeded to the site and arrived at approximately 12:15 pm. 'There had apparently been an error on the cut sheets in respect to the grade stake elevation for stations 57+77.3 to 59+50. The superintendent for Kenko construction said they were aware of the problem at the beginning of the day and proceeded to lay pipe while trying to compensate for the error. They laid approximately 125 feet ol'pipe in this Manner to station 59+00. They then called the surveyor to advise them of the error on the cut sheets. Pm told at 10:30 am they stopped working due to the error and sought advice. Don (idula aid myself were in a meeting at City of Fontana so we were not reached until 12:00 p.m. Once on the site, T assessed the problem and gave direction to our surveyor to elevate the end of pipe at 59+00, straight grade from that point to the next manhole at 60+49.9 and immediately give the contractor revised cut sheets for this area. Rased on the .survey data from the first 125' ol'pipe installed, it had been laid at 1.15% instead of the design grade ol'0.92%. 'Fliis would require that the remaining pipe in this reach be laid at 0.73% with a grade break of 0 4% @ 59+00. This deflection can be made at pipe joint without the need of a concrete collar. I also do not feel this create any hydraulic problems to the system design. in the fitture,1 would like to request that the contractor let us know immediately of any discrepancies in the survey data supplied rather than making adjustments on their own, i believe that if we had been advised of the problem when first noticed we could have addressed it quickly and the contractor would not have been shut for two hours as they have indicated. L.D. KING, INC 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100R, Ontario, Calilornia. 91764 'Telephone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 LETTER OF. 'TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 TO: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa Calimesa, CA 92320 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jupura Avenue to Slover Avenue Date: March 29, FROM: Don Gdula, Special Projects ATTN: Steve Himle,.Vice President e are sending you: (X) Attached Under separate cover via The following item (s) Drawing (X) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples ' ( ) Specifications Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies () Other: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 3-27-01. Purpose: (X) For your information/records For'approval Approved as submitted For your use Approved as noted As requested For:review and. comment Returned for corrections Other For bid due: Prints returned after loaned to: Citrus Ave. Sewer Sht. 8 Revised Please' ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution, ( ) Return corrected prints ( ) Other Copy to Paul Anderson, Foreman (3 copies) Steve Nix, LDK (1,copy/1 mylar) LDK Survey Crew (2 copies) Pub. Wks. Insp. (SB) (1 copy) Project Coordinator (1 copy) LOR Geotechnical (1 copy) Hanging File LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION' 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 TO: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa Calimesa, CA 92320 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jupura Avenue to Slover Avenue Date: March 29, 2001 FROM Don Gdula, Special Projects ATTN: Steve Himle, Vice President We are sendingyou: (X) Attached ( ) Under separate cover via Y The following item(s) ( ) Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies (`) Drawing (X) Prints (-) Copy of Letter ( ), ( ) Other: COPIES 1 DATE NO. 3-27-01. Purpose: (X) For your information/records (;") For approval ( ) Approved as'submitted (X) For your use • 1) Approved as noted (,) As requested (') For `review` and comment ( ) Returned for corrections ( ) Other ( ) For •bid `due ( ) Prints returned after loaned DESCRIPTION Citrus Ave. Sewer Sht. 8 Revised Remarks: Hand ivere Received By: to: Please ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution • ( ) Return - corrected prints ( ) Other 2001 Date: 5 Z1.0( Paul Anderson, Foreman (3 copies) Signed: Steve Nix, LDS (1 copy/1 mylar) ' Date: LDK Survey Crew (2 copies) Pub. Wks. Insp. '(SB). (1 copy) .Project Coordinator (1 copy) LOR Geotechnical`(1 copy) Hanging File, Gs\Soima iLbor/,,�• LABOR I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 William C. Waggoner Secretary Robert W. Burns Co -Secretary Dale I. Vawter Trustee Steve A. Billy Trustee MANAGEMENT Jerry Laird, Chairman B.I.A. Gary Murchison, Trustee A.G.C. Gary Futral, Trustee E.C.A. Jere Meacham, Trustee S.C.C.A. Dear Mr. Sandoval: This is a formal request for information and documents on the above referenced public works contract. We are requesting the documents pursuant to the. California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250, et. seq. The information we are requesting includes those items checked below: Copy. of Proof of'Publication/Bid Advertise Dates; Bid Opening Date; _ Award Date; Estimated start-up date (notice to proceed); Name of awarding agency's contact person; ✓� Anticipated completion date; Copy of completed contract and specifications; _ Amount of general contract; Name and address of Field Survey Firm; s Name and address of the Inspection Firm and Soil Testing Firm; Name, address and license number of each subcontractor (Public Contract Code, Section 4104 (a) requires that the prime contractor making a bid shall list, "The name and the location of the place,of, business of each subcontractor who will perform work:;." ' • Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance 100 East Corson Street, Suite 222, Pasadena, California 91103 Telephone: (626) 564-6070 • Fax: (626) 564-6393 January 31, 2001 Mr. Richard Sandoval, Acting City Engineer City of Fontana Engineering Dept. 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Citrus Ave. Sewer and Storm Drain (Prime Contractor: Kenko, Inc. dba McGrand and Associates) • ,., • I Mr. Richard Sandoval, Acting City Engineer January 31, 2001 Page Two Please send the requested information to our office. If you have any questions please call me at (626) 564-6070. Thank you for your assistance. DSL:hrt Sincere! David S. Lanham, Contract Compliance Representative LABOR I.U.O.E., Local No. 12 William C. Waggoner Secretary Robert W. Burns Co -Secretary Dale I. Vawter Trustee Steve A. Billy Trustee MANAGEMENT Jerry Laird, Chairman B.I.A. Gary Murchison, Trustee A.G.C. Gary Futral, Trustee E.C.A. Jere Meacham, Trustee S.C.C.A. • Southern California Labor/Management Operating Engineers Contract Compliance 100 East Corson Street, Suite 222, Pasadena, California 91103 Telephone: (626) 564-6070 • Fax: (626) 564-6393 January 31, 2001 Mr. Richard Sandoval, Acting City Engineer City of Fontana Engineering Dept. 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Kenko, Inc. dba McGrand and Associates PROJECT: Citrus Ave. Sewer and Storm Drain Dear Mr. Sandoval: This is a formal request for copies of certified payroll records for the; above referenced contractor. We are requesting the records from the beginning of the project through today's date. This request is made pursuant to, and authorized by California State Labor Code Section 1776 (b) (3) and in compliance with California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Group 3, Article 6, Section 16400. Labor Code Section 1776 (b) (3) (g) states: "The contractor shall have 10 days to comply subsequent to receipt of written notice... In the event that the contractor fails to comply within the 10-day period, he or she shall, as a penalty to the state or political subdivision on whose behalf the contract is made or awarded, forfeit twenty-five dollars ($25) for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker, until strict compliance is effectuated." (Emphasis added.) Please send the payrolls within the statutory time limit to our office at the address listed above. DSL:hrt Sincerely, David S. Lanham,' Contract Compliance Representative LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 TO: Kenko, Inc 1025 Calimesa Avenue Calimesa, CA 92320 ATTN: Paul Anderson, Project Foreman. We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jupura Avenue to`Slover Avenue Date: March 13, 2001 (Hand delivered in the field) FROM: Don Gdula, Special Projects separate cover via The following item(s) (X) Drawing .( ) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( `,) dopy of Letter J,T Change Order ( ) Check Prints (.;) Studies ( ) Other: g COPIES NO. DATE 3-13-01 DESCRIPTION Storm Drain Lateral Exhibit Santa Ana Ave. & Citrus Ave. Lat. "<C" Revised plans S.D. Profile Sht. 8 Purpose: Please (X) For your information/records ( ) Submit original ( ) For approval ( ) Resubmit ,.copies for () Approved as submitted approval (X) For your use ( ) Submit copies for ( ) Approved as noted distribution (>),As requested ( ) Return _ corrected prints ( ) For review and comment ( ) Other ( ) Returned for corrections ( ) Other ( ) For bid due: , 2000 ( ) Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: Copy to: GJB Steve Nix, L.D. Ring (2sets) Pub. Wks. Insp. (SS) L.D. Xing survey crew (2sets) Storm drain lateral " C" on revised plans dated 1/3/01 has been changed to Lateral Exhibit dated 3/13/01. UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA March 6, 2001 Kenko Inc. dba McGrand & Associates 12301 Central Avenue N.E., Suite 100 Blaine; MN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner RE: Escrow #105-20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover' Avenue Owner:. City of Fontana CONTRACTOR, RETENTION ESCROW DEPARTMENT. Please be advised that on this date we have received from the City of Fontana retention funds in the amount of $33,467.00 for deposit into the above referenced escrow. This deposit brings the total amount of retention funds to $84,916.10 to date excluding accrued interest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have at (800) 669-8661. Sincerely, UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA ahLa. Oitr Maria Montoya U Assistant Vice President cc: City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. P.O. Box 513840 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-3840 800 669 8661 FAX 888 847 7841 CUSTOMERS ARE THE REASON WE EXIST CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPT POST OFFICE BOX 513840 -LOS ANGELES, CA '90051-3840. IMPORTANT ACCOUNT' NOTICE 105-20581 UNION BANK ,ESCROW FBO '`KENKO INC PROJ CITRUS AVENUE SEWER'& STORM DRAIN GREGORY J-.BUCKNELL. 8353 "SIERRA° AVENUE" FONTANA CA 92335,, DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2001';: OF' ACCOUNT, CONFIRMATION ACCOUNT; NUMBER 9140016095 ENCLOSED IS A COPY OF THE STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT FOR THE ACCOUNT'NUMBER INDICATED:ABOVE. 09, STATEME OF ACCO TS Wloft, 0581 UNION BANK ESCROW UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPT 914 POST OFFICE BOX 513840 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-3840. CY30 Z 0 C 0200 105-20581 UNION BANK ESCROW FBO KENKO INC ATTN: ANITA ELSNER PROJ: CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN 12301 CENTRAL AVE. N E STE 100 BLAINE MN 55434 Statement Number: 9140016095 2/1/01.2/28/01 Customer Inquiries 800-669•8661. Thank you for banking with us since 2000 ■ Pay for improvements to your home, or pay off credit cards. Our Equity Loan Account gives you the flexibility to maximize your financial options through the equity in your home. There are no points, application fees, closing costs, or pre -payment penalties. To find out more or to apply by phone, call 866-UBLOANS today. BUSINESS MONEYMARKET ACCOUNT SUMMARY Days in statement period: 28 Beginning balance on 2/1 !'., Total Credits Other credits and adjustments (1 ) Total Debits Ending Balance on 2/28 CREDITS Other credits and adjustments Date Description 2/28 INTEREST PAYMENT DAILY LEDGER BALANCE Account Number: 9140016095 Date of next scheduled statement: March 30, 2001 51,682.19 Interest 150.42 " Paid"this period $ 150.42 150.42 Paid year-to-date' $ 293.56 0.00 Interest Rates 51,832.61 2/1/01-2/15/01 4.25 % 2/ 16/01-2/22/01 3.50% 2/23/01-2/28/01 3.00% Reference Amount $ 150.42 Date 2/1-2/27 Ledger Balance . Date 51,682.19 2/28 'Ledger Balance ,Date Ledger Balance 51,832.61 To BALANCE IPIR CHECKBOOK Before you begin, make sure that all the transaction statement have been recorded in your checkbook. To CONTACT ;UNION BANK 00CALIFORNIA' ERROR RESOLUTION NOTICE AND FEDERAL BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY For Consumer Customers Only In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers Telephone us at the number printed on page 1 of your statement, or write us at: Union Bank of California, N.A. ATM Error Resolution Department, 2-966-1 E P.O. Box 85135 San Diego, CA 92186-5135, as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. 1) Tell us your name and account number (if any). 2) Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is in error or why you need more information. 3) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will investigate your complaint and correct any_error promptly. Ifwe take more than 10 business days to do this,; or 20 business days if the error concerns a new account open less than 31 days, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. FEDERAL LAW BILLING RIGHTS_ SUMMARY In case of errors or questions about your Cash Reserve If you think your statement is wrong or if you need more information about a transaction on your statement, write us on a separate sheet and mail it to the address shown on the front of your statement as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter, give us the following information: 1) Your name and account number. 2) The dollar amount of the suspected error. 3) Describe the error and explain, if you can, why you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. You do not have to pay any amount in question while we are investigating, but you are obligated to pay the parts of your statement that are not in question. While we investigate your questions, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. CASH -RESERVE OUTSTANDING BA-LA-NC-E CALCULATION The finance charge begins on the date the checking overdraft, or advance is posted to your Cash Reserve Account. The balance upon which a finance charge is imposed is your daily outstanding balance, excluding any unpaid finance charges or transfer finance charges. The daily outstanding balance is calculated by starting with the day's opening balance (excluding any unpaid finance charges or transfer finance charges), adding any new checking overdraft, or advances posted that day, and subtracting any payments or credits posted that day. Each day there is a positive daily outstanding balance, the Bank calculates a FINANCE CHARGE by multiplying that amount by the daily periodic rate. Enter the Ending Balance your statement. reflected on your from page 1 of Enter any additions (deposits and credits) that are not shown on your statement. Add your entries from steps 1 and 2 Enter any subtractions (outstanding checks, ATM or MasterMoney p4chases, transfers out, fees, charges, and adjustments) that are not shown on your statement. Total of subtractions - - Subtract the amount in step 5 from the amount in step 3 The amount here should agree with the balance in your checkbook register. If the amounts don't agree and (you suspect a bank error, please immed ately call or write us. • FORM 03400-R (Rev. 3/99) i.. MEMORANDUM: FROM: CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA Eric Lewis, Senior Traffic Engineer Don Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain Citrus Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue Intersection Street Closure Detour Plan ***,************************************************************************** Please review the attached detour plan. CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM: TO: Distribution List FROM: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects DATE: February 21, 2001 SUBJECT: Citrus Avenue and Santa Ana Avenue Street Intersection Closure Plan for Storm Drain Construction Cherry Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Slover Avenue Sewer from Popular Avenue to Sierra Avenue A meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 28, 2001, at 10:00 a.m.to review the above mentioned projects. Principal Civil Engineer/ C I P Senior Traffic Engineer Associate Engineer, (TM) Associate Engineer, (LO) Engineering Technician II, (I -IF) Engineering Technician II,` (DG) Consultant Public Works Inspector, (SB) Consultant Project Coordinator L. D. King, Inc. Project Engineer S. B. Co. Road Permit Inspector, (BC) Kenko, Inc., Project Foreman OTC __ �J O 7 4- 3 l(esisc ; C17e47C41V114 ►� tc << @_ 3Sc - 3 a`Zo 7.4 350 3 Z ktN 37% - / 5_33 C iTYo F i (ii&IA 350 6675 2= u.n / J o f .s. ,Bel o 3 ep7 - g C-700-L2 (12-98) ;pQ40011 OF co'SO 9m oQ yFc sTares o 01` UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census Washington, DC 20233-0001 FROM`THE MANUFACTURING AND CONSTRUCTION DIVISION BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Thank you for your reply to us on the 'Construction Project Report {Form C-700, C-700(SL), or C-700(R)). We are now returning this form to you to report the value of construction put in place, forthe, preceding month. We will send a copy of this form to you each month containing all of the information previously provided, including revisions, until the project is completed. The instructions. for completion and the definitions of terms are on the reverse side of the form. Please keep your file copy up to date so that you will have a record of the entries you have made on the original copy, which you return to us. If actual figures are not available by 7 days after you receive this form, your best estimates are acceptable. If you wish to correct any entry, please line out, do not erase, the previous entry and enter the revision. Space is provided in the "Remarks" item for clarification, if necessary. Thank you. WILLIAM G. BOSTIC JR. Chief, Manufacturing and Construction Division - -Bureau-of the -Census- Enclosures STATEME P 1of1 Q F' A C C Q L T S 10581.UNION BANK ESCROW UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Statement Number: 9140016095 12/30/00-;1/31/01` CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPT 914 POST OFFICE BOX 513840 LOS ANGELES CA 90051-3840 Customer Inquiries 800-669-8661 CY30 Z O C 0000 Thank you For banking with us since 2000 105-20581 UNION BANK ESCROW FBO KENKO INC`. ATTN: ANITA ELSNER PROJ: CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN 12301 CENTRAL AVE. N E STE 100 BLAINE MN 55434 II We have a Merchant Card Programthat will help you help your customers. Whether your customers are consumers, other businesses or the government, your business can benefit from offering the choice to pay by credit card. Give your customers the choice today, call toll free (888) 603-8779, stop by your nearest banking office, or visit our web site at uboc.com. BUSINESS MONEYMARKET ACCOUNT SUMMARY Days in statement period: 33 Beginning balance on 12/30 $ Total Credits Deposits (1 Other credits and adjustments (1 ) Total Debits Ending' Balance on 1/31 $ CREDITS Deposits including check and cash credits Date Description 1/23 OFFICE DEPOSIT,,. Other credits and adjustments Date 1/31 Description INTEREST PAYMENT DAILY LEDGER BALANCE 23,332.23 143.14 Account Number: 9140016095 Date of next scheduled statement: February 28, 2001 28,206.82 Interest 23,475.37 Paid this period " $ 143.14. Paid year-to-date $ 143.14 Interest Rates 0.00 1 /2 51682.19 5/01-1 /31 /01 , 4.88% 4.25% Reference Amount.' 18617806 ' $ 23,332.23 Reference Amount: $ 143.14 Date 1/2-1/22 Ledger Balance Date $ 28,206.82 1 /23-1 /30 Ledger Balance Date Ledger Balance °'''Si.,539.05 1/31 $ •5'1,682.19 '. TO CONTACT UNION BANK O.-ALIFORNIA ERROR RESOLUTION NOTICE AND FEDERAL BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY For Consumer Customers Only In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers Telephone us at the number printed on page 1 of your statement, or write us at: Union Bank of California, N.A. ATM Error Resolution Department, 2-966-1 E P.O. Box 85135 San Diego, CA 92186-5135, as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. 1) Tell us your name and account number (if any). 2) Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is in error or why you need more information. 3) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We_will investigate your_complaint and correct any_error promptly. Ewe _ take more than 10 business days to do this, or 20 business days if the error concerns a new account open less than 31 days, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error so that you will have use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. FEDERAL LAW BILLING RIGHTS SUMMARY In case of errors or questions about your Cash Reserve If you think your statement is wrong or if you need more information about a transaction on your statement, write us on a separate sheet and mail it to the address shown on the front of your statement as soon as possible. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the error or problem appeared. You can telephone us, but doing so will not preserve your rights. In your letter,. give us the following information: 1) Your name and account number. 2) The dollar amount of the suspected error. 3) Describe the error and explain, if you can, why you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. You do not have to pay any amount in question while we are investigating, but you are obligated to pay the parts of your statement that are not in question. While we investigate your questions, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you question. To BALANCE Y.. CHECKBOOK Before you begin, make sure that all the transactions reflected on your statement have been recorded in your checkbook. 1 Enter the Ending Bolan a from page 1 of your statement. Enter any additions (de osits and credits) that are not shown on our statement. Add your entries from s Enter any subtractions ( ATM or MasterMoney out, fees, charges, and are not shown on your eps 1 and 2 wtstandiing'checks, urchases, transfers adjustments) that tatement. 441010 t.I CO mrro.R IA CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPT POST OFFICE ''BOX '513840 LOS ANGELES,'CA.' 90051-3840 IMPORTANT; ACCOUNT, NOTICE 105-20581 UNION BANK ESCROW FBO` KENKO 'INC PROJ,'CITRUS: AVENUE SEWER & STORM DRAIN: GREGORYJ BUCKNELL 8353 '1SIERRA AVENUE` FONTANA CA 92335 ENCLOSED IS A COPY OF THE STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT INDICATED' ABOVE.' CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE' FONTANA, CA 92335 0: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa Avenue Calimesa, CA 92320 ATTNt. Paul Anderson TRANSMITTAL Project: Citrus'Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jupura Avenue. to Stover Avenue Date: January 16, 2001 (Hand delivered in the field) FROM: Don Gdula, Special .Projects'; We are sending you: (X)Attached ( ) Under separate cover via The following item(s) : ( ) Drawing (X) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples ( )-.Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints. ( ):Studies ( ) Other:: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 01-01 Storm Drain Detail " A & I.E.A.U. Connection Detail Purpose: For your information/records For approval Approved as submitted For your use Approved as noted As requested For review and comment ( ) Returned for corrections ( ) , Other ( ); For bid .due , 2000 (`) Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: Received By: Please ( ) Submit. original ( ) Resubmit copies for . approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution • ( ) Return corrected prints ( ) Other Steve Bauer (1 set) Don Gdula (1 set) Signed: Date: January 16, 2001 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA December 5, 2000 CONTRA CTOR RETENTION EsCROW DEPARTMENT Kenko Inc. dba McGrand &Associates 12301 Central Avenue N.E., Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner RE: Escrow #105-20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Owner: City of Fontana Dear Anita: In connection with the above referenced escrow, please be advised that on this date we have received from the City of Fontana retention funds in the amount of $28,116.87 for deposit into the above referenced escrow. This deposit brings the total amount of retention funds to $28,116.87 to date excluding accrued interest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have at (800) 669-8661. Sincerely, UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Maria Montoya / Assistant Vice President cc: City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. P.O. Box 513840 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-3840 800 669 8661 FAX 888 847 7841 CARE CUSTOMERS ARE THE REASON WE EXIST, P ciALCOib?IONS FONTANA.POLICE DEPARTMEI - 17005 Upland Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 •350-7740 EMERGENCY 911 TRAFFIC COLLISION - PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY CASE NUMBER _. -• -- oc.. -/G 3a� COLLISION OCCURRED ON '� L.' 2 u PA ' ❑ AT INTERSECTION WITH '7 / �R: 3/I U feert frILES Ca...." of t'� t.. „.1„,..„ fl E 1'�, I.10. /U GAY :30 YEAR I430 1I0.4E(24001 GIRO % OFFICER'S ID P. 12zf , OFFICERS NAME ' • ''' 6 66 A CJca PARTY 1 D UVERS LICENSE NUMBER 39,�bs STATE - � CLASS SAFETY EQUIP. VEIL YEAR yti _,96-1,/;A MAKEM00EUCOLOR - tiT64'4 w9r UCENSE NUMBER - yELL 1 ( STATE -(--,- (1RN[R 'ma..NG NAME (FIRST. MIDDLE LAST) TL�y � .3. EG 'R E', % L A ,% .�. -- OWNER'S NAME --- SAME AS DRIVER PTRIFOEiM STREET ADDRESS :.. - - ❑ % / I�LGIe/UOvA'f'TL .: OWNER'S ADDRESS 8AME AS DRIVER ?ARM MENKIE CITYISTATEIZIP ❑ �sT �ovrNA GA ,9� / "D- - - DISPOSITION OF VEHICLE ON OROERS OF: ❑ OFFICER MP. RIVER ❑ OTHER CCM uST SEX HAIR EYES / HEIGHT.. l WEIGHT Mo. BIRD DATE Tore y RACE u- 4 ^iG r cS1 ❑ /21 t3 Rs,t, 6;2 s / "7 / 3 5- --7 9.--7 4S p.. H PRIOR MECHANICAL DEFECTS: !!!ICI "' ONE APPARENT ❑ REFER TO NARRATIVE OTHER HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE ', VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER:.. ❑ d 6.a26- / /3-- a.�/1"-6-'/e)- /- v6/-e, CHP USE ONLY DESCRIBE VEHICLE DAMAGE SHADE IN DAMAGED AREA INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER VEHICLE TYPE ❑UNK. ❑NONE ❑MINOR 4 A- A & 79 535 d- 3 I 'MOD. ❑ MAJOR ❑ ROLL-OVER OR OF TRAVEL I ON STREET OR HIGHWAY SPEED[LLIIMIT CA .. OOT ^ i. 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VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: (A - a - sG r d ❑ 7d a LTi 9'6 - Les35 96 9 - rys - pZ5-6U CHP USE ONLY OESCRIBE VEHEDAMAGE SHADE IN OAMAGEO AREA INSURANCE CARRIER POLICY NUMBER - VEHICLE TYPE HIIC-L ❑ UNK ❑ MINOR /��TT" /v A i- --S - 1 7 L, p.a. 3 3 3 I „Of ❑ MOD. ❑ MAJOR ❑ ROLL-OVER \\\ MR OF TRAVEL ON STREET OR HIGHWAY SPEED LIMIT CA ° DOT AL../ ' LP p /I PI' -I 4/� 3 1.. 1..., CAL.T TCPIPSC 'MCIMX D.O.B. D- SEX Passenger 0: Witness,' BA/vu8Cu.5STAc E Y' CD a NAME ADORESS �96 S S h-c—E L L )L , . PRNEESNE ya9--7 oss Bus. PROPERTY DAMAGE OWNERS NAME IADDRESS NOTIFIED YES � NO DESCRIPTION OF DAMAO ROADWAY SURFACE DRY PQIMARY COLLISION FACTOR MT NUMBER (el OF PARTY AT FAULT TYPE OF COLLISION B WET C SNOWY•ICY '^1• A VC SECTION VIOLATED: d. GVL v2o-k 6 A HEAD-0N SKETCH Pi INDICATE NORTH B sio s APE D SUPPERY a. OTHER IMPROPER ORNING' C REAR ENO D BROADSIDE 4,0,1 D C OTHER THAN DRIVER' E HROBJECT FPO 286 (New 5/00) D UNKNOWN' E FELL ASLEEP.. E OVERTURNED G VEHICLE/ PEOESTRIAN H OTHER': INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY MEMORANDUM DATE: November 14, 2000 TO: Steve Bauer City of Fontana FROM: Terry Caldwell /' Construction Project Coordinator SUBJECT: Storm drain crossing NRW line in Jurura Avenue in the City of Fontana Project No:. CW20705, Pneumatic pressure test As we discussed in the field, the pressure testing for the ` new section of • sewer pipe recently installed by the city on Jurupa Avenue may be completed using pneumatic pressure rather than water pressure. Thank you, for your assistance during this project. Terry Caldwell Construction Project Coordinator FONTANA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE REPORT COPY REQUEST 100J TRAFFIC ACCIDENT REPORT $15.00 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT WITH RECONSTRUCTION - $45.00 [] CRIME OR OTHER INCIDENT REPORT - $12.00 [] DISPATCH SEQUENCE PRINTOUT - $12.00 PAYMENT IS. REQUIRED BEFORE YOUR REQUEST CAN BE PROCESSED. YOUR COPY WILL BE MAILED TO YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. CASE OR SEQUENCE NUMBER 00-16329 *TYPE OF INCIDENT: Auto Accident *DATE & TIME OF INCIDENT:10/30/.00 0807Hrs. *LOCATION OF INCIDENT: Jurupa Avenue east of Citrus Avenue *PRINT YOUR NAME: Don'Gdula *PHONE # 350 76.32 *ADDRESS (INCLUDE ZIP): City. of Fontana Engineering/Special Projects *WHAT IS YOUR INVOLVEMENT IN THIS CASE?: [] PEDESTRIAN; [] [.] DRIVER;,` [] PASSENGER; PROPERTY OWNER; [] VICTIM; [] ACCUSED; - []'ARRESTED; [] ATTORNEY: NAME OF. ATTORNEY NAME OF PERSON YOU REPRESENT: [] INSURANCE COMPANY: NAME OF INSURANCE COMPANY NAME OF YOUR INSURED PARTY: [] OTHER (P.0.; OTHER AGENCY, ETC.) Di NOT PERSONALLY INVOLVED. IF YOU WERE NOT PERSONALLY INVOLVED IN THIS INCIDENT, PRINT THE.NAME OF THE PERSON OR BUSINESS THAT WAS INVOLVED: Kenko, Inc City of Fontana contractor *WHAT IS YOUR INTEREST IN THIS INCIDENT? EXPLAIN WHY YOU NEED A COPY OF THIS REPORT: Kenko, Inc. is the contractor on the Citrus Aave. Sewer & Storm Drain Project. • ' s cop is for the project tile. *YOUR SIGNATURE: *DATE: 11-7-00 ***************************************************************************,,, OFFICE USE ONLY: CASE OR SEQUENCE NUMBER MUST BE FOUND BEFORE PAYMENT IS ACCEPTED. PAYMENT RECEIVED BY: RECEIPT # DATE: [] MAILED OR [] RELEASED BY: DATE: REASON REPORT NOT RELEASED: COMMENTS: FPD 131 (REVISED 12/16191) October 27, 2000 Kenko, Inc. dba McGrand & Associates 1025 Calimesa>Blvd., Suite 4 Calimesa, CA 92320 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for the "Construction of Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to. Slover Avenue" in the City of Fontana, in as much as you have submitted the fully executed contract for this project, Insurance Certificate, Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $2,212,515.00 and Payment Bond in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project. If you should have any further questions, please contact the Engineering Division of the City of Fontana at (909) 350-7610. Sincely, Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy -City Clerk /lsn enclosure cc: Engineering -GB www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper KIP Incorporated 25740 Washington Avenue Murrieta, CA 92360 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most' appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper Majich Bros., Inc. P.O. Box 337 Altadena, CA 91003 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Sincerely, lsn enclosure cc: Engineering Division -GB www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper C.P. Construction Co., Inc. P.O. Box 1206 Ontario, CA 91762 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. lsn enclosure cc:• Engineering Division -GB www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) recycled paper Utah Pacific Construction Co. 40940 Eleanora Way Murrieta, CA 92562-5946 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk cc: Engineering Division -GB www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE.FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 October 27, 2000 Simich Construction Co., Inc. 324 Carbonia Ave. Walnut, Ca 91789 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and ifyou should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Engineering Division -GB www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper October 27, 2000 Steve Casada Construction Co., In 1426 So. Allec St. Anaheim, CA 92805 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. cc: Engineering Division -GB www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper October 27, 2000 S. J. Burkhardt, Inc. 6901 Central Ave. Riverside, CA 92504 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative °of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should' have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. enclosure cc: Engineering Division -GB 8353 SIERRA AVENUE www.fontana.org FONTANA,,CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600, recycled paper Radich Construction, Inc. 4608 Los Angeles Ave. Suite 0 Simi Valley, CA 93063-3471 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper October 27, 2000 Vasilj Construction Co., In 1416 Avenida Entrada San Dimas, CA 91773 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus July Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciativeof your interest in bidding on this project and if you should' have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Sincerely, Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper October 27, 2000 Couch & Sons 547 W. 140th Street Gardena, CA 90248 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any, further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk cc: Engineering Division -GB www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper October 27, 2000 So. Cal. Underground Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 1747 Brea, CA 92822 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Sincerely, Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper Vadnais Corporation 9164 Rehco Road San Diego, Ca 92121-2269. Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20,,2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain rain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana: The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The Cityis most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA', CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600`: recycled paper Byron L. Crume, Inc. 1826 Pomona Road Corona, Ca 91720 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Q� C(� c� Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 * recycled paper Miramontes Construction Co, Inc. `. P.O. Box 90095 City of Industry, CA 91715 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the,City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00." The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Engineering Division -GB www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600;, recycled paper October27, 2000 Albert W. Davies, Inc. 8737 Helms Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610 Linda S ♦ Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Engineering Division -GB '. www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 * recycled paper City of CAL I October 27, 2000 Ken. Thompson, Inc. 8851 Watson Street Cypress, Ca 90630 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have an further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk lsn enclosure cc: Engineering Division -GB www.fontana.org 8 353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper October 27, 2000 T.A. Rivard, Inc. 8884 Jurupa Road Riverside, CA 92509 Dear. Sirs: Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Sincerely, cc: Engineering Division -GE www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper Steve Bubalo Construction Co., Inc. P.O. Box 1048 Monrovia, Ca 91017 Please findenclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Linda S. Nunn, CMC Deputy City Clerk isn enclosure cc: Engineering Division -GB 8353 SIERRA www.fontana.org AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper October 27, 2000 W.A. Rasic Construction Co., Inc.` 11126 Wright Road Lynwood, CA 90262 Please find enclosed your Bid Bond submitted on July 20, 2000, for "The Construction of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue", in the City of Fontana. The successful low bidder for this project was Kenko, in the amount of $2,212,515.00. The City is most appreciative of your interest in bidding on this project and if you should have any further questions, please feel free in contacting the Engineering Division (909) 350-7610. Linda S. Nunn,' CMC Deputy City Clerk www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: c t "C or- Fo►.. r Gar-'�'b�►•��zsQI�Z'o DATE: r23/ ATTENTION: 64,43a JOB NO.: 12 44 RE: C. I "TA..2 �iD � - r''_sesco(' WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING: c- ATTACHED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ PRINTS ❑ PLANS ❑ SAMPLES DI COPY OF LETTER ❑ CHANGE ORDER ,ORIGINALS ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2. es..) .�+ temp .e..t9 . b • o Qt Gs r,..w.. . I 0%Jl e, PA.. ate- ax ofLs G1 A..k-- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ❑ FOR APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED cif- FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑ . AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPIES FOR APPROVAL COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION CORRECTED PRINTS CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM: TO: Linda Nunn Deputy City Clerk FROM: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects DATE: September 28, 2000 SUBJECT: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm' Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Executed Contract Documents Enclosed are the original 20 bid documents submitted for this project which can no w be released back to the respective bidders. Please call me if you have any questions. CONTRACTOR RETENTION ESCROW DEPARTMENT September 14, 2000 City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Re: Escrow #105-20581 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and -Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Sloven Avenue An account has been opened in connection with the above referenced escrow. When making deposits, please refer to the following information: Mailing Address: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 1980 Saturn Street Monterey Park, CA 91755 Mail Code V03 012 Escrow #105.20581 Wire Instructions: UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 1980 Saturn Street Monterey Park, CA 91755 ABA #122000496 Account # 9140016095 Escrow #105.20581 If you have any:questions please contact me at 800-669.8661. S'nce cc: Kenko, Inc. 12301 Central Avenue, NE, Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55434 Attention: Anita Elsner LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051-3840�' 800 669 8661 �« FAX 888 847 7841 CUSTOMERS ARE THE REASON WE• EXIST smission Report Date/T1.,me Local ID Local; Name Company.Logo This . document was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and deta i' I s Document :SIze Letter-S Total Pages Scanned::. FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX.NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 Ij j� j1f PLEASEDELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: A iegy5,144. NAME _ 41_1/677 I LOCATION: euv7P..G ,�02 N.I. FAX: 649) 486,".g404 PHONE: /04i g -33a_ A IJ TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES : IM:I.II51vC COVER SIIRE7) DATE: tglo'i8/G6, TIME: MESSAGE: P h1"F' s C./M(5 A i6. Sfk1t„ec* 57ev2ri Zonini CITYOF RONTANA ENOINEERINI: DIVISION 9353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE NUMBER: {909) 3504610 Tote I Pages Confirmed 8-28-00',4:15PM ..1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 070 96868470 8-28-00 ; ; 4 : 1 3PM 1 ' 28" 3/ . : 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error ,Correct, BC: Broadcast. Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: .Mult1-Poll RM: Receive to Memory Loca I,. Pr 1 nt PD: Polled by Remote PG: .Pollinga`Remote DR: Document Removed'. FO: Forced.:Output MB: Receive to Mal box P,I:,Power Interruption. TM:Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer ! FromjJSER To: City of Fontana Date: 8/24/00 Time: 3:53:20 AM FACSIMILE - SUBCONTRACTOR LIST REQUEST Page 1 of 1' Center for Contract Compliance 1168 E. La Cadena Dr., Ste. 202 Riverside, CA 92501 To: CITY OF FONTANA - ENG DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA, CA 92335, Phone: (909) 350-7610 Number of pages: CRYSTAL ALVETI w/ CENTER FOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE (909) 686-3328 (909) 686-8470 . COMMENTS: r3 OCT. .-16-- This FAX is a formal request for a copy of the General Contractor, Sub -Contractors List and the Estimated Start & Completion Date for the following referenced project' PROJECT : CITRUS AVE SEWER & STORM DRAIN SB5500 CITRUSAVE FROM JURUPA AVE TO SLOVER AVE * We are requesting the documents pursuant to the Califomia Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250, et. seq. Public Contract Code Section 4104, et. seq., requires that the general contractor list the name, location of each awarded subcontractor, and license number of each awarded subcontractor, at the time of bid submission. Under the statute, if the general contractor does not list the subcontractors, then the general contractor is required to perform the work with their own employees. Please fax the requested information directly to our office @ (909) 686-8470. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me @ (909) 686-3328, I look forward to your prompt response. Thank you for your time and courtesy! •' BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that, the following information is true and correct: Bidder's Name: K-e, tn.'Lo _ C - 1/4 ' I ....Business Address: l b :)-S-a &\ t SSG•.. � � J d ..) s t;A, `-)' Cal ► : b., r. - ,("1D-3 Da IS —P5� �S Fax: �`ivet) '-7 cl,�� i i�4c Telephone:. � �( ,1 � State Contractor's License No. and Class: 4 5 r7 3 9 0 j e t 4-1 5 4 Expiration Date: S�/3/`� l3� Original Date Issued: M / fr The following are the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint ventures, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this proposal: Oi r-est 01rea;-14' ��11 111661►-63-SuUbv l Ste, j 1�1'f'X l Tire ►ores- .' LAA ' to `- runj ��nre,.S 4� J - The dates of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgments against any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: All current and prior DBA'S, alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: �35 C.) S d c r1') c 6.7y a. Cn S S 6'7e-�1�+ et-lo 6':,' P-3 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed 0450.) 'J 4465( 17- Ci)$zrt A.1C16t4Satir -444, License No.. 75/277 ‘77y7..)"" 73V93 I Address of Office, Mill or Shop Al/d..495 C.+. /}. Percent of Total Contract' Specific Description of Subcontractor jfcuut 4 , le r A-4M coM4 ,C • r.�n a'co (A 32, CcwG.cfe x J7it?f,/4; C ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS ` PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR ,OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID.