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2.2_Survey,Field Notes
GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 6-6- JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED GRADES FOR C. STAKES ARE SET STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. REVISED rr2� $6 Tv 1' SHEET • 1 OF FB PG STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL' NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES 1o67,`t7 AA'' o09'v 6- Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy immediately,is found, it must be nished work. All grade sheets and stakesdto aretvold after 30 days otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for, anyerror in the grade of the finished 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 KENKO INC. survey nteq uoot VIu; Pnx El Mail ( PedX [J Mond Other El Survey required by Date_ Ita1YM1Rf'K Ferorn_Statlun .W.W 1WN..l.•.. ONO !.++W`•....u.•...... m+... To Station, v• 41(l 'C.).�.,•:.. IWM WM . a OW Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wyri branches Meese titake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manhole% ptlarllrntrlrrczNcanrr'j� .W WW.,MW..+WW .`Y"MM.M.I....r.x.ammo •••. WYlea re, ...).M....4••••* ww •1In Project Norma Tor,,...,:.a/!' ,' Station Interval aG?� ... Iw... • WO WWI ae e+nwmvmvurnarnawrmuruem..4.auwnv,Ag011 : Y1e.".ar.ai IP:.:v'�.CI ��:W+k.YNOixiIALAS, Offs oks Loft flight .0.44.14 Right night Flight Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle paint Please slake ROW/eutuerner►t limits Other (dencrlbe below) M w. W M W W. W A..✓a. W W M..M.a W "Y Note: All tat; to /low llr► aim ▪ w•rw.•.wN...aMw.eliw.r ••••.'••Mwwllw+wlVMf11.1 WYIIM...%hY.b.1. O..rtII M. V'M. MYMM'IYI YY.rMIY..MNI MiY W!I.MMI 1 i..ra�t rind right la detorrnlnod by facing up'.:atr�tlpn.', ENI(0.Iiipreeentativo Signature tY Print Nance woomommommeaistosd ONION CORPIOrrATht °N'l'IC w 0000 borinuhrook 111;, Its 220 - MInnospolio, MN 00432 "rwl(: (I112) 700,0010 M 1 in (t112) 7101.0 i02 SQtJTHW1IST DIVISION 4001 Kills( Owings rid,, at* 11A - nillrrl TX 702i0 N Tol::(072) 031.0404 - lox; (072) 03104701 N 877(NN DIVISION- Pool Ofho. bow 021 .. Oollmsuu, OA 02320 Tall (000) 700.2000 - row (000) 706,1040 • 01008 KlINKO INC,Item Na 20 •. KENKO INC. `,fir S• T'gc3TM$` i_1 cttl r.+r Date Survey requiteni b'y Ddte Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches 'lease stake csnterfne only Please stake centerl he at all manholes' Special Instructions__ Pro ec>t Natno ±„r, ,fin Firm 6.. \ Station interval J t Right Left Please stake stake per the Manufacture Lay Sheets [� O Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points ice" Ei Please stake ROW/easement limits [3 Other (, lescribe below) M JJ c.-,) N.T- 5 ko ickyti Note: All cuts to flow line. Laf' and right is determined t y► tat' n9 up station. t: i ! 23r,, �i!i,..3�r w!�^. kP,t1 55,12; yet 1/46' v..• µ t . ... jC . tir.. o...Ls ,G .r.u. w�. 1,. � W wa: .1 JI•ii.iy% .. �.>. i.::, u.lv F SOUTHWE3TO V1.•11^,": • 4901 K:?;iig.tr rings . Ste 7 — Dallas. TX 75248 — TM: (972) 931-9494 - Fax (972) 931.5474 WES" EPP) D1VlSi:. N— Post Officio Box 41 — Calimeaa CA 92320 — Tel' (944) 795.2568 — Fax (909) 795-1840 aamacisorradommeaso wanG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET / OF / DATE 5 — .. p / JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET "' St-ovirTL GRADES FROM PLAN NO: DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 5 D. LAT" 14 I STAKES ARE SET 1261 5 7Z7 STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION B.M. 6,7.$v ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES.. 10�-00 G7•54 r" 1/4-1336 6,5 l t 4,OZ 0.5 57,FS/, 9,61 PIPS 11 -95SD 104-1 5 57 51•R`f 57, 151 Ib+360 .-Z 58,0.3 Li4 ✓ in4'55 0.51 5 5 4'1 9,347 OS .'I(• 1ox7S S5.35 a.11 JP /611 114-02. 10•30 g�- (/�id 0.049 58, 53 16.53 68',4� "5 8 : 02 s I givenopnails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line:; of pipe. - Cuts and fills are Grades are from of stakes or ' normally marked on lath for contractors convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 imanG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET DATE 4" G ©r JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED GRADES FOR ` �" S SHEET ( OF C / 772.11S FB PG STAKES ARE SET " 18-5/4 ' 7 6 . Y`S STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION 374-4'4 53 ELEV. -4i 3'741 .2,4f 4.os-i" t/0, y y-'75 Wo.5, 39-- 4/ a 3 GRADE 3131 2j4.q� t.f0.) O. 3L' 1 7 i-10. 5e> yo.i3 41. o7 -fcD lfl.`t$ 1-11.3� CUT o:o Z- o Z c' 0.►7 FILL CHECKED BY B.M. NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT $✓G• 5AC • •rr s� -0.5 ¥1.7Lf 1/2.44i 42.%) NL$O 'tZ.93 45.47 43.5 L4 L( 0 4 3.q, 44.3 ) u0.g9 7S 4, 4 . r;"7 1il, 5e. a. r8 4/. So 42G# `►l.5/ D. i5 0./3 42.44 o- 42, SZ '/2 9$ 433t,,, 43.3f 4.3.V1 43.97 L+.f€ry 3 d,oZ ELEVATION t FILL .0.aZ .0Z NOTES ter. z , a,32 w1.96 o•Ye, gz.3cf. • .so •0,25- , ell.l:o% Grades are given from op of stakes or nails in feet. and hundredths of a oot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the samerate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy Is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. Convention Center Way, Suite Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE dr GRADE SHEET SHEET Z.- OF JOB NO TRACT NO. STREET C' 0S. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 4- P'$ . STAKES ARE SET /S 5/V5 -r" STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE 43 -- 45./7 LeS CUT FILL O.0 NOTES STATION o. f cy6 .1-75 B.M. ELEV. GRADE 49.o3 #E',GZ 41,33 it?.90 CUT o. tI ELEVATION FILL NOTES 0' 93 o fio k 2 tC" Sv y5, 3 e? 45,74, 4S. 9G 5.74 D. oe, ePRI °f.3S ,7 i -r/r Lt R,G7 7 '7 o, 4 o • Yf5" 1.7 3 415' 41.4 1.14.0‘. 0.02 47 /11.87 g9,47 50.17 LI?,75� 40.25 Ltel 46. 45.91, 4-7C' 50•H3. 50.03 4-75" faN�� .44 .-5o i-!l.11. 46.92 0,/`7 .F 50 .4-r 50,13 5o, 3Z 50 4d 0.2"7 0•33 1181 4-1 c Y7• i7 147 21 O. 04, 45-- 147,E 47,441 441 D. 7 cr. Ott 5/, /Z. *7 ,04- z� ter. s5" /. 0.39 475 ltg o/ L17. 77 7 / i 4, so 4$:43 4 as- 0. 3,3 .30 o3 512 o Lel 47 4. 4 % 620,3 52.38 51.73 sz.a l 35" D;3'� a.” 4/, 6Z Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction.— When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of -grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to thisoffice immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET wanc SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET 3 OF DATE 44 - /D -0/ JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET Ce r� GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED, GRADES FOR S STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. STAKES ARE SET REVISED FB PG /8 V44 s 7-- CHECKED BY B.M. ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. 1/1.�2.• 5277/ 52.28 II 5 z a-Z•s 4z. 5 z-r s� lig 53,0E sZ.54 0,52- sa.'4 if. 5 2 4--75` GRADE CUT FILL NOTES 55.71 56'.5" - 0.25- 55.E �• 55 7g 64.7:7, 5-4.o 0,17 0•23 48 53.35- 5'2. 25' 0.50 5-6 . 53:55' 53 i3. 4�, o.39 s2.7� 5" G-8 53 tzs 56.50 5'43p a.ZS SG.83 SG:, 0.27. C5.S2. 50 Z SO *So 5'D 4-7 5 53.7553.L/ 0. 51,/ 53.66 0►4CP 5Lf (. $3. 9 2 0 � 0.44 53 ZZ 6-34-5 5'3 ,t-7 _ 5 l.v7 5-4, Fc3 57,33, 5'7./D o-2 57.4z 57.34 s6.37 O 38 5/ .35 5+1.`/7 0•/ . 5T4-z5- S,1-1,1-t 54.45 0. $`t +-5c1 514.'t S 54.72 0.74. yr. 674-75-- 55, 3p 51. 98 C 3 -2 55' S 5► 25 0,30 53.77 5'cf.f2. o 54. z.7 5P-17 57.6.2 57,92- 57, rj cr. 03 53.314- 58./0 0,u-5 5-5'- 5$ bs, 54.7E 55425 58.1/2. 5$.9f 58.C' .2lo SS.63 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe, - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractors convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 :. Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET DATE 4 -/D , O / JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET CI %' %vc.- GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR /- S. STAKES ARE SET 18 5 /c rr STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY i w� B.M. ELrilnrap (o0:'Z8 . cort ELEV�TION STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ' ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL 43.23 o.oz_ 45:9 45: NOTES G .. —V .'8 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractors convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days, 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 wanc SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS I GRADE SHEET SHEET F PATE /0- ° / JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET Gr'77242 GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR t PS STAKES ARE SET 7,e' s%" STAKES SETtBY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. ELEVATION STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES 4-75— �id.2'3 GG./3 0. io -a.s-7 GZ GG. L17 GG. 9Z o. °5 LG. SS 4-50 G7, av 4,,e -o se, G4:44- 5— 67. 3 6 67,2`j 0.07 G7,57 4"7.✓r-S� :ol 47.56 G'7.GG 008 Svc 0.14 `3$ G7,1y 63+100 L3' Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe.. Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules; (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy Is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario,California 91764 (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 KENKO INC Survey Request Via: Fax Lw.l Mall L FedX 1 l I -land L4hor El Date ,`? -9-j Survey In(1ulrod by i:)niA , From Station To Station Please stake nil appurtenances Please stake all wyo branches ,lens° stake centerline only Please stake centerline at nil manholes 77 Project Narno �• t-> • ., To _ SlieJ/� ct/E Flrin , ki Station Interval Offset /2. Loft Right Loft Right , Left Right Left Right Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points Pt©ase stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) ��1 Spoclnllllsfructions, ( / sT �A •�n� w'r'f _Ir . l 4 MAkIkok/ % A\Nd `1--h z c1 J &s7/3 sT - 7/fo,� • Nott) All man 11) llOw 11►►r,, toll (I!It/ 111 1►1 lrl (lolenu ih►r)(l l),y nlrl/,llr Il/I t,lrlllrn, ....,, I<IwNI<i) kepi one) nlntivr '310until! n (1(7Ii`I''OI@A'I P OrPIC;r - nop0 api lnphr iak Dr., Met 230 — MInnnnhnlla, MN 1184.13 -'I nl' (A 12) 700-A1110 - riot: (012) 7110.01f02 'O11'Illwlrsl'I)!VIRIc)N—+I1)0I Itallar C1hllnua I1(1„ Ala 112 — Ilnuna,'I 702411 —'Inl' (0t2) 031.0404 — Nix: (072) 031.6474 MS 1IiIN DIVISION -, Pont orri a nux 1131 -• Calimaan, CA 02320 —'I al; (000) 700 2000 -. max; (000) 706.1840 rd 10011 KIINKO INC, rrnnilln 9a ihI CENKO INC. Survey aoqu..t VW: Fix ( j Mail (] UPS j] I -hind IT J Other J bates Survey required by brae:/VAJr' From �4tatlon -...�` !, O To Station i o -Q0. Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all Wye branches please stake centerline only leas stake centerline al all manholes Oudo►I. Pl/eAs Project Netne: ` /ou71ANA To: ISA1e2/4 Firm: b, ( �, /N3 Station Interval 1'1 Len (= Jflight (c1". Left 1:1 Right (] Len 1.:.] flight C1 Please slake per the Menu natures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points Please slake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) ati Note: All cuts to flow kme, Left and light Is dete77nlned by facing up station. A CORPORATE OFFICE: -12301 Central Ave. N.E., ON 100 — dlelne, MN 66434 — 7e1: (763) 700-2100 — pax, (703) 766.7001 SOUTHERNblVIS10N-26I1WeilatoveDrive, eh107—Carrollton,TX76000—Tel: (072)031.0404—Feof (072)031.6474 t4E3TERN DIVISION —Poi!ot6odbox 031—Callmrael,CA02320—Tel: (000)70e.2e06—Fax: (000)706.1040 S URVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE t -/' -n / JOB NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR STAKES SET BY STATION ELEV. GRADE 5'MA GRADE SHEET CUT FILL NOTES V STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES vz.G.4-q7. 4; 7. S9 izt,-°° 0 , 4-5 54.27 13,2/' 4--zs •0,8� 5i/,'`i4 -l- 5 a 05. nti 126-1-Z9Z3 51,71 54.97 13,33 13-?� ovT e65'rft4 .14.o tza Oa2>7 !3,-2d StL IZ64-4I �5s.ag L&-a tt+N ) • AUP (04 .I24 42L G8,1 7 11.1 - 6.8-. 68. /ol -1- 25• 44.91 1274- 4 7L° L—`- 5s,17 5S.2S 5'S. 37 3.0 7. 55.48 ($.oS I3.4, Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and'are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes; contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo. This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and detaIIs below Document S i ze Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909.350-6618 Fax Conirmaticalions Frone Don Gdula tter Survey Request Citrus Ave. D Urgent - In For Review Please Comment O Please Reply 0 Please Recycle. •Comments: Please have the survey ern., check blue tops from Ste. 37+70 to 09+00 on Thursday.513/01. Thank., Don Pages Confirmed - - 1-01;12:09.PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote. Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 865 99370202 5- 1-01;'12:O8PM 33" '1/ 1 EC - CP 14400 Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed, LS: Local Scan RE Resend MP:Multi-Pol•l RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled-6y Remota PG: PollIng -a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced.Outpu't MB Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Fax: 9.937-0202 Survey Request Citrus Ave. 0 Urgent 0 For Review City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Date: May 1, 2001" Pages: 1 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 'Comments: Please have the survey crew check blue tops from Sta. 37+70 to 63+00 on Thursday, 5/3/01. Thanks, Don Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; LXII1G SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS Apr-19- 1 1:04PM; Page 2 GRADE SHEET SHEET / OF % DATE '`! `i `o / JOB NO. TRACT NO: STREET DLO ✓ems . /CflYJ REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STAKES ARE SET I CHECKED BY B. 67, go I3GfL ELEVATION STATION ELEV. GRAPE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE ` CUT FILL NOTES ,Zcae .C, i 59 c,g.0 n►m 5+>f.7-7 3.2/ +-S" •eO%,$L 54{, j}9 13•VI 51,7I 1333 t44'1.9.1io 12 •+$1 fa" e' GB.o 12,►rt o.Zo ebN4 �w • 1,T.cwprrj D.oa s, r Z.93 zzv • •— t:8.iz SS,ZS , 1'04- 4 7 t; F .5 Grades are given from op of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and•are not to be used for construction, — When using grade stakes; contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on.the same rate of grade and on the same line must be usod in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, It must be reported to this office Immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets:ar,$ta.lcG15.ro void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; .7 Apr-19-01 1:05PM; Page 4 dXIflG. SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS )ATE ILJoi(n -' GRADE SHEET JOB NO: I z'I -1 <- TRACT NO. 3RADES FROM PLAN NO. 3RADES FOR DATED c✓- SHEET OF_(n . STREET Cr f ^+ S REVISED FB PG STAKES ARE SET / O r arS, • l r >TAKES SET BY COMP. BY iTATION ELEV. GRADE CHECKED BY B.M. • GRADE ELEVATION 5 : L ,.1-44.f 11' - --- ..-..... ....-.....,. Co 11--- ._�._.. 1,5`12- 51I,.-: a.vr r3''-- ruLL. MUTES I-7s tell,. 11101 1 Z i • f2.. Co$ =1 s'2-c 1337 `i 42.i gi- I i t-S. 1.05 . 5e": 1'i `f ' (" -c (0'3 "% s`"'25- r r j--) s' l,.� ± 52 I -2,' W 4-<-• 34 a ' S-sr 3" s, 5 12 ,: 09 fp'S''' SJti- 11.= 1---.. (4, 51,12 1?jto f5. ., a- s ► /5 L/ t -1s- , S142.%- i l_ . . 4. ,�‘W g ' fed ` I_y o SC2-1 f3- (o�'t--� (�1 3� S� r3 cow, 13 .— '-,0.6 ._. . +1 S"` +off g% 5 ►'.-":". '!3 1-f-- ems' to7'iz 53s5- 32 4-1175 G-7,5g 541.91 13.51 I3.51 -oV-r' fro1- (o i ' I 1%.- I?33..!-- 0u.T 1• 4,1 5-2- - - ifif 4-s4-s 0; 4a 5 ‘;1•7 13.3 I 3 .2211 t^32 4. HIP' f7 . }7C (4 q; 1.3 ► S At 1 • fg>1.--(,4-ar 5 (4,_- ►3 1 t,4t..... b,tt_ rAs* ►34F4 1a.3 ides are.given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a f rrn.sewer grades refers to flow-1 e ' ' and fills. are, mally i rked on lath For contractor's. convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used In common; (2) When a discrepancy It must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this officecannot be held responsible for any error in. the grade of the finished work. grade sheets' end stakes are void after 30 days. ' "' "-•• "---'-' 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; • URVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGIMERS ATE 1 't-1 o t J JOB NO. ►RADES FROM PLAN NO. ►RADES FOR -�-- GRADE SHEET Apr 19 1:05PM; • IZ') — t L TRACT NO. STREET - (1r �ic_N TAKES SET BY `' COMP. BY' TATION ELEV. • GRADE CUT 4.007 s� t4oa (c,0 6-4M7 54%7- 55-'17 SS ,5' 5.70 j ,- 13 13 DATED STAKES ARE SET REVISED tO`is FB PG CHECKED BY B.M. ELEVATION FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES 13.f;> ; .i-1 I 21 I3 32 Du-1— t t 4;9 1.0 LND cQ.r>r62kp�' IJeVM .11w LoGrrrt of 64) ades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot: The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. =- Cuts end -fills -are rmaliy marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction_ —When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe following,rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy found; it must be reporte 1 to. this oftice.Immediatety, otherwise this. office cannot beheld responsible for any error in, the grade of the. finished WPrk. grade sheets and stakes are vpid after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Apr-19 1:04PM; • Page 1 '-'iz v5 Sew�2 5/overe__ c. L . S�� S ROA', GCULJA KENKO survey Request Via: Fax CO Mall ❑ FedX:0 Hand Date 21.- 25 —i Survey required by Date • From Station GZ.r '75 h' 2.t- . 75 Please stake all appurtenances please stake all wye branches �, ...Aisne stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manholes Special Instructions Other ❑ Project To Nod 601a 1,‘ 7 Firm 1 Q, To Station 65 r Note: All cuts to flow line, Left and right Is determined by facing up station, C.d ,a. Station interval I' Offset Left Left Left / P.' Lett Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) Right /2, Right /, Right' '4 Right stif-AP we_ '; KENKO Representative Signature JAtth7AJI Print Name CORPORATE OPPI CE— $990 Springbrook Dr., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 85433 - Tel (612) 788-4e10 — Fez (012) 7884602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION —4901 Keller Springs Rd., Ste 112 — oelles, TX 78248 - Tel;' (972) 9314494 - Fax (972) 9314474 WESTERN DIVISION — Post Oenoe Sox 831 Calima's, CA 92320 -Tel; (909) 7982088 Fax: (909) 798.1840 `e 1999 KSNKO ")N0. Firm No, U Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Apr-19-01 1:05PM; Page 5/9 SURVEYORS/PLANNRSIENGINEERS • GRADE SHEET DATE 4 - . -- / JOB NO. TRACT NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR ) S SHEET iOF STREET C f v S • DATED REVISED FB PG STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT STAKES ARE SET /73.5f4 FILL CHECKED BY B,M. 1t0,$0 6723S'1- G41213 • ELEVATION ti • 'NOTES STATION ELEV: GRADE CUT FILL NOTES -1-75" wry./ 4,/. 5G d, /$, 04-s• • pro Ifi,45 4/i, sa e. 150. 70 • ,,""1'.1;µ$7s 4-7.S J1, 4 • iZ•o!l 0.13 374•4057s• 4-S"• 112.2`7 4Z.ZS o,.01 374-7k •3i.4S ,3131 0>2ej 4-71E: ii2_14, .11Z. % O.oz- gam. +$107. 4Z.Le> itzGG 0..o3 37-43-7..E 3q•$7 $61.85 d.oZ, • 4J1ofi' y1.2O tp2,82 B.02 /ICOs' a-•f 2 1F2..413 0.05. t-lrIt3W 1fP, Z- • 3i.1(6. 0-o4- 4$/�1- 43-ig .92Igo 43.1 d, oZ Cvc.• , 3$-1-Z3� 114./ t-j•O,og d.aC go✓G.spw 4-S42 143.41 11.3d 0•09 p9 5r_1-50 ljo, i 1ta. 3 0,19 5Plc f.75— e+3,5o 4 3.41 t,.17 •I✓775 40,59 1-10.5e, d.00 G2 sure-• la - Nit.o$ 43.fl o,It 142.$'4S-.t 39— tj1.o 3 40.$3 0, Lc. 31.to54 -kzf Lf 31E, :4Li• 7-7 O.Z`l 4-7,5 ill.11f '-P(. 07 0,07 --50 if4.31 tit . sle: . 0 , tar. 4-D 1 /,q8. Nt.3I 0,17 4-7c 44.5.7 144. gG 0•7-, Grades are given .from -top -of stakes or nails In feet and hundredths of a foot The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractors .convenience only and are not to be used for construction, — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepar►cY is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office.cannot be held responsible for any error In the grade of the finished work• All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Cantor Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909,937 0202; Page 6/9 wanc SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS Apr-19-01 1:06PM; • .GRADE SHEET SHEET Z OF DATE 1/ ` - a / JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET C, rR,v�. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED_ REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 1= S . STAKES ARE SET /8 S/% STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE . CUT B.M. G ELEVATION • Lf 77'7 3 RgDE q3 — 45. J7 4s, /4 0.01 .—._ if6 w --�. , 41,03 'fi',42 '-u r 041 rm .". no I ES I°5 IS g IS;• ze-7,s-Lsz J-7 - 141,33 It? "PO 0;1)1-3 4-2..s— as, 3.8 #r5. `/4 o•.os 4-5-0 4147' It9.18 0.4, ' ' + s0 415,74 vs.7G o.00 67-, s.73'..r/f a� 4. r tfl,s7 4/47 a. o +15' ,5 3 //' LIY.D5* 0.02 7 r -r1 c. 4,5. 55' .. 47 =- 50. /7 • 10,7 D # Z- I y3 r{t .,'1 Z LfLf - • (.2S Yr,.3 6 - ' c ' 68 4-zcr 50,43 50.03. 0.40 4-7 S' — 47:G4 -,IP- f G 4-so So, 59 So, 3Z 0, 2-7 k5n 074 44.1Z. o;/q +1 r 504 3 50 4& 0. 33 If f -- 5/,17_ Go.8g 'z4 41.7o 11-5-- 47,t4(, 47,1-fct o.17 • 414i °•' 4ZS 'SJ,S5- 54'( o,3a1 }-zs WS_o5( 47 77 e• 7-7 4517 51, SS si ug 0-41 1.5a 1-18;L3 4g0g 0,38 -V/5.- 52.48 51.73 . • o, 35" LI-B.123 iff.53 0.30 szs47 47 52.35 SZAI 0.37 _ / Grades are given from top of stakes or nails In feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes. oontracfdr shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common: (2} When a discrepancy is found, It must be reported to this office. immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937.0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Page 7/9 L'XIflG SURVEYOR$/PLANNERSIENGINEERS Apr-19-01 1:06PM; • GRADE SHEET SHEET 3 OF 5 DATE 4 -/0 -o/ JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET •Cr7.vS _ GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT STAKES ARE SET /85/4e.�•— PILL CHECKED BY NOTES STATION ELEV. G B.M. ELEVATION 5 Z-1-2-5" 55.71 55.5Z 0. 25 ' Z-r-So 55;95' $5 70 A !T 49 -1-5-0 53. a 5a. S'4. o, 5 Z 524--7 _ 6-6a7- St.v 0.2.3 iti--7s- 53.35` 52.KS o.So :, 52.eo 5'3 --. 5-4.S13 S'4,30 0. 28 -/ S $ 5-0-4 53,ss 53./3 aqz 4./3 6-.1? s�.Ni ., 5-3 tZs St.B 3 $G. , 0, Z7 5,9 4-7 S 53.'75 53.4r D _ o, 3S s3 57.07 54,813 e- v+ so 4-50 5N. l2 53.6i ,9v CO 53 4-75- 57. 33 67, /.* a.2 5'114— 57.gi. 57;4 6.04 ---(/.14 56.20'tu6. 57 •-- fit-/•3c Sot, /7 o./b --Los s3. )3 5-y*25' 57-q7 57,4Z D-/✓- 5Lte-fr 5Q 5-7,9 Z 57 e7 0. o 3 SI-t so gig S 54.72- 0.74 5114.7S 5-8.34- 5 I. /5 0 . r9 S/-r'S 55, 3o 51 Ft o, 32 55"—" 5668 58.ii2 q.2to - r,r7 - S7.Zssz. 55; 55' SS'• ZS D,30 -►a/ veil- 554 ZC 55).q8 58 .G' o..2.9 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe.- Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to fie used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall -observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, It must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office.cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30:days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Apr-19-01 1:06PM; Page 8/9 • GRADES FOR / s- STAKES SET BY COMP. BY L'XIflG SURVEYORS/PoJINNERSJENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET ' OF 5- DATE 4 -40 • e / JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET Gi rzvs_ GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG STAKES ARE SET %h - % 'ram CHECKED BY B.M. 40.'ZS) c ELEV N 54.4-75— RADE CUT FILL NOTES 62, 42:3G ®. /S 554•SV 51% 14 c8.9$ 0.19 y584-50 475' G1•72 ZZ.Gs e.07 • 7 59.4z 5'742_ o, Zo - 51 6.3,d3 61,4, 0.09 —40G- cr.$tssa +z5 G3 zs 43.23 o. O Z , -l-Z. .97- 59,75 04/7 o-o z _ f-s� 43-5.4., L 3. 5-Z 4-5-p 60.z•I 40,oi/ b,17 •F--75- •G3.4,e, t3.8/ a.13 6o,41. LD.33 0,13 bo — o{ 1L Gre.io 0,01 5'7- GD•7i L0.6Z 0 di -►.12 51s6 -t.zo *-ZS AI: 45 GY 39 0• °6. .�. t,0,97 Go,4/ , o.06 .f-CD Gt.741 iii. 4/ D.o4, .t-So Go:17 0.20 04.3 4-75- 4,5.0 Z 64,47 0.o5" - .7S G1.3.5 LI6'y 0•11 161— GS.z o LC 2. a-o(9 4,it. ogco 58, w. 5 (, G 1.76 - t, zf, 0. 22. 1„o.SZS= •4-rr G5.45 45• �6" v. O d•D5 4-Z5 to2•02 6.07 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails In feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are iomially marked on lath for contractors convenience only and are not to be used for oonstriiction; •- When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe e following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy fund. It must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work 3de sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LE) KING; • 909 937 0202; Apr-19-01 1:07PM;. Page 9/9 • wanG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET DATE 41 -10" c / JOB NO. TRACT NO. SHEET 5 OF STREET C'T72 1 S GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR t , S STAKES ARE SET iS S 7s. STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATON FILL NOTES Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow fine of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules; (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office•cannot be held responsible for any error In the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. • 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 lajiy, ht. r-t4x tisJ 11eJ1 I1 ItJ II111ny dliMi1111V itNtN11011 I I ✓F' '�Mft1�111gi Nam him AlitI Men top Meu vy th - t M.t 11 :11 I MM Wo ,0040 404. W it .Alrl motto io o Ao k (.Iirr�Ihln 'low 001 A l ll 1tlrr� In114 'WI 111111011011mi 1 h 1111UIIt*tt I ohm I11u1111m1bm I ,tI lleul ,ttl 1.'1.10. I IVI.111,1'1,nu..1 I .ulil 11 .1.n1111111 PIlu IU11111.. M I - ININ Mk11 II IN NIMMN 1 11,a1 gl1n11 11,., 11111 I1 III 111 1,1 1 Ii,. I. 1100410111911 MAlI1od WIp* folio WAA,hrn J.IIi IIMnII Shny C11hor u0AdII1I lyy1 : _ ttt h llonil I Irsnl}M `'Noll ONn111NN11I11 Walnut Tr11nu11 Mono IIu1Wh11Al Mhos F. 6auklNl Jallln 1,11111r NI.1UIIIMl11p AI7 Moil All. Nally. [Ilhar Nlq Y WNIN nor 1rul IM N 11our ll yn llit NI MAouInun1 Itln NI N NII 11aA1 A MMIMMi1nl 1� NA11tM1111 flthur #IIN11u11 f1114114illbal fhi..•;•:; (•11eti LjlIt r 111, I p 11111 Mllf 6ti1ftffl' 'rar IlNNIOWNIA111/1 leg ylltlrllli MAIH�_ M �I Wllhlnal Mrlr rl Flrrdall klthrlr Molt 1y11a A h ^" ri 'rrliaF1a"r#r1€h Milla xi rr NNII %alA+talrftlAltn11e Nwr1kern 011111rill VI41041 Irih�l 1hwilarlrly Ma111tld him M Wall• t+ellntr 11111 In; tllhar �MAN1111 111111 I1•11a1 IJp{ar F l t fit Iytia Wtitlt 1*8t ilia Elihar I1AII10,0te i* IsNNM11 f11011 KENKO INC. Survey Request Via: Fax ❑ Mail 0 FedX ❑ Hand D Other ❑ Date Survey required by Date LI -- 5 --� Project Name To S-f�k �3iiu� Firm s /4 From Station To Station .' Station Interval'' 1 Offset J� Left " Right Left Left Left Right Right Right Please stake all appurtenances °lease stake all wye branches ,lease stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manh oles Special SpecialInstructions -" s* kf-A Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points^' P ase stake ROW/easement limits 3 Other (describe below) ❑ MA4I«s TiV\7/A-J Note: .All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO Representative Signature AevckAscw , Print Name CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Springbrook Dr., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 55433 - TeL (612) 786-6510 - Fax: (612) 786-8602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION- 4901 Keller Springs Rd., Ste 112 - Dallas. TX 75248 - Tel: (972) 931-9494 -- Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 - Calimesa, CA 92320 - Tel: (909) 795.2588 .- Fax (909) 795-1840 ® 1998 KENKO INC. F0110 No 29 • • KENKO INC. Survey Request Via: Fax ❑ Mall ❑ FedX ❑ Hand ❑ Other ❑ Project Name !-ci\if/tiNA. Date c._ 3 _ Survey required by Date To St,z\ Firm 2, L. Aide, From Station To Station Station interval Offset 37 t-&/L Co -if ,7,S I Left Right ram -- -2.5 Left Right Left Right Left Right Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches lease stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manholes Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) Special Instructions t'/i14 " 57 Age- Sf <tie_`/ I"r,tnSk 1,e-, ,5T,Ller- cA) A ' w r tL\ 4vtA, %l•4/ks Note: All cuts to flow line, Left and right Is determined by facing up station. KENKO Representative Signature -� Tj7u4 4tkz4J Print Name ANL. CORPORATE OFFICE — 3990 8prinpbrook Dr„ Ste 230 — Minneapolis, MN 58433 — Tel: (812) 788-8510 — Fax: (812) 788.8002 SOUTHWEST DIVISION— 4901 Keller Springs Rd„ Ste 112 — Della., TX 78248 — Tel: (972) 931-9494 — Fax: (972) 931.8474 WESTERN DIVISION — Post Office Box 831 — Callmesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 798.2888 — Fax: (909) 798.1840 010Q8 KINKO INC, lam NI.2e LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA'AVENUE FONTANA, `CA 92335 TO: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa Calimesa, CA 92320 ATTN: Steve Himle, We are sending you: Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain fromJupura` Avenue to Slover Avenue Date: March 29, 2001 FROM: Don Gdula, Special Projects Vice President (X) Attached (.) Under separate cover The following via item(s) : ( ) Drawing (X) Prints (_) Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: COPIES DATE NO. .• DESCRIPTION 1 Purpose: (X) For your information/records (: ) For` approval (,) Approved as submitted '(X) For your ' use ( ) Approved as noted ( ) As requested ( ) For review and comment ( ) Returned 'for corrections ( ) Other ( ) For bid due ( ) Prints returned after loaned to: 3-27-01 Citrus Ave. Sewer Sht. 8 Revised Remarks: Received By: Copy to: Paul Anderson, Foreman (3,copies) . , Steve Nix, LDK (1 copy/1 mylar) LDK Survey' Crew (2.copies) Pub. Wks. Insp. (SS) (1 copy) Project Coordinator '(l copy) LOR Geotechnical (1 copy) Hanging File Please. ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit• copies for approval • ( ) Submit copies for distribution ( ) Return corrected prints ( ) Other 2001 KEEN KO 1 i i.i i tY y Pileciraiest Via Fax !Mail'❑ FedX'❑ Hand ❑ Other ❑ Date .._3,7_.,._ Sure, recluif?ri by Da,t6 3 —27--1 re. Project Name k)- Skt.)/E. gAceeA_ Frrn L<e-tiA,_ From Station 3C,is Sc To Station .371F00 Statiort interval 25 Left Left Offset Left Right Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches 'lease stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manhole Special Instructions Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ❑ Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points ❑ tekp P^W/easement limits ❑ Ot _ ;d::;:,. ic- ')elow) ❑ A, C- "14 -TrINAAIL /2,L, Note: All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO RepresenF.;&vo Elifr .lure PA‘4, Ne-teASP0.) Print Name CORPORATE OFFICE 5 9n Spri+ngbrlok Or., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 55433 -- Tel: (612) 785-6510 - Fax (612) 785.6602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION - 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 112 - Dallas, TX 75248 - Tel: (972) 931-9494 - Fax: (972) 931.5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 - Calimesa, CA 92320 -Tee (909) 795.2568- Fax: (909I 795.1540 01998 KENKO INC. Fomn No. 29 smission Report Date/Time' Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-359-7632 • Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Communications Pram: Don Gdula Re, Survey Request Chas Avenue Storm Dran . . D Urgent ❑ For Review PlsaseComment 0 Please Reply Total ,.Pages `Confirmed . 2' No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 994 99370202 3-21-01; 2:39PM 55" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 Notes..** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed, LS: Local Scan" RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to,Memory LP: Local Print. PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PIp..PoWer Interruptiorn TM: Terminated user WT Walting,Transferl 02/15/2001 16:16 9096233323 KENKO PAGE 02. KENKO INC. Survey Request Via; Fax [ Mad ❑ FedX ❑ Hand ❑ Other (] Project Name F/v r'a Date - 21 1 To cot.. /Mite l . Surrey required by Date 3 .2_3 -1 Firm O )(6 From Station To Station Station Interval 3 t' - 3 J. b 4 I /CI Offset Left Right Left Right Left Left Right Right Please stake all appurtenances Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all wye branches Pleas* stake all grade changes and/or angle points ?lease stake centerline only Piesse stake ROW/easement limits Please stake centerline at all manholes Other (describe below) Special Instructions PI f41-37. 57`'kY. 5 // Top ©--r <ad do ,E//c04//o,t1,' i & SfngeLicte r Obi( ,Sr`G)4,S vugii& Note. All cuts to flow line Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO Representative Signature laL;4tICkeY4A/ Print Name CORPORATE OPPICE - 0990 Sprtworo011 Of Si. 230 - Minn.0p00*. MN $0433 - Teo 1612) 7U4$10 — raw (5121 1*5 *502 SOLiT, WEST OiVIS1 N- 5901 Ksu.r 3pr,nps Ku,, Sty 112 - aNiae, rX 7524A - T.1 (9T2) 934'44" - Fix; 1972) 9344414 WESTERN DIVISION- Poo OfNo• Box 031 Cal+rvhat CA 92320 - T.1 (905) TS3-2660 - Pax ;9091 200,1040 190 KIENKO INC, NOP NO AS 6 /15/2001 16:16 9096233323 Date We are transmitting ATTENTION Company Address City/State/Zip Phone No. Copies To Copies To Reference pages including cover sheet. Fax No. FROM Phone No. Fax No. Reply Requested Enclosures Original To Follow Transmission Verified By WE ARE TRANSMITTING VIA FOR YOUR Certified Payroll Cj Subcontract [) Purchase Order ❑ Plans/Drawings ❑ Correspondence ❑ Speclflcations ❑ Credit Application Er Fax ❑ UPs ❑ US Mail • Hand • Courier ❑ Other 0 Cargo Carrier ❑ Approval Review &Comment [] Information/Files ❑ Proposal/Quote ❑ Other Ej Urgent CORPORATE OFFICE —12301 Central Ave. N.E.. Ste 100 Elaine, MN 55434 — Tel: (783) 755-2199 — Fax: (763) 75547801 SOUTHERN DIVISION — 2811-Westgrove Drive, Ste 107 — Carrollton, TX 75006 — Tel: (972) 931-9494- Fax: (972) 931-5474 W1:STERN DIVISION — Post office Box 831 - Callmesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 — Fax (909) 795.1540 C 3/00 KENKQ INC. Pam No. 20 • imams SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET DATE r , ..C) JOB NO. TRACT NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR STREET DATED REVISED f ~ / tr PIPC STAKES ARE SET STAKES SET BY COMP. BY FILL STATION ELEV.. GRADE CUT NOTES SHEET / OF I FB PG CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. B.M. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES Lf J c 2 i /I{ 15 • . 5' . /3. r ti. 634. (so) L/74 Z( 2.4.3OO i ,0.6' / lc t1/5(Sc;) f: Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office.cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 3- f 3 -0/ JOB NO. 1 ZLf--t 2-- TRACT NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED GRADES FOR 5 -P #17-s STAKES ARE SET SHEET 3 OF STREET C ITIZU S REVISED STAKES SET BY COMP. BY ' CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. ��.// FB PG N OTES B.M. eta c.ro-s (qt.. 3ql ELEVATION 76 ( GRADE CUT FILL NOTES t irr L uN.1 Q+co A.91 0A-00 • 3.1.24 am 24" o-1-02 0 4- ZO 04-4 ( I go.18 (tio 30-rit) 5.58 0-1-3531 51f.05 511. ►3 46.2.5 1. Sots 3 Vs So 014 cv&g e pat 2 3'sSN �tz,o0 of DIME D 35:rz. L A'rt'F. 5,7g b -4-o 0 3n4-1 �.-t-o o • 5/.625 38,oz Fr .5 / IS C . 4-z33Y t4o,$v 3bR2 q'. 0.3' 0.5gi kcio re , £3 deatr Z4ir `° 410•3ff .r21pt1 6-4-38��' ,52 3$.07 38•►) 3a $17 �•Z° 7/19. ,077 '3oo' RGGP • " PLC- TEVO (�� t,� c 51, Grades are given from top of stakes or, nails in feet and hurTdfettths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work, All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 STAKES SET BY (1 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET OF _ DATE 3 _17--o I JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET Cel-RA/S. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 4 STAKES ARE SET I E. g c/5" ' -5-- "•' COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. B.M. .o ik,er /!- Lea (� r GRADE. CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES 11.1417 d.I�S' 2.21 12. 0 1190 ,c OftD 10+75 12'tr;� 1,-'1 11(3 0477 0, 06j TtsP -r6 2..f, 7 ti-C4 2e((t& rui(. 3, 09 0.15 11Sc 1;.'Zo 13.31 11�-75 13,$) VairOo I3.73 a.o 14,17 19.30 11+75. ILf.LO 1L1;59 6.34 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office.cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 CI DATE g `12-01,. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR 4- STAKES SET BY GRADE SHEET DATED REVISED J STAKES ARE SET /S 4` 5 ' STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE SHEET '1 OF CUT FILL NOTES JLI.B7 13-FA5 EL,.9 0 t) 13+Sty iS Is Liq o, 32 15,34 15i73 0.39 1`-Ifba r5;gy 1(0,o� lytsa /( ►C,3g 0,10 ) LH 7S IC•S7 Q.0, 15+0C) 14:6� 17,04 17.00 0.04 1S-1-SD I7.25 17,�3 6,o.Z 15+75 17.CZ 13.41 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe. the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 (I SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 3 " JOB NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR 4t.t STAKES SET, BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL GRADE SHEET STAKES ARE SET CHECKED BY NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE FB CUT FILL NOTES 17:1 6.05 COMC. NL. f-► •53 17s o`►38 MS0 7 I I g.A I 6--75 ►S'.5-(. 1 %,'I( .o5 lr+oo o,lb g.9a a,o' r r-so 1a; 19.33 D.o2 I$+ob I1, S 19 94 1$-tas 1q.1 - I°1,7`1 0.0 1$tso 1,01 11.15 1 Z+75 to.zy po.15 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe.- Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100. Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 CI SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS al" GRADE SHEET DATE ` 12 - I JOB NO. TRACT NO. • STREET SHEET OF GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR ` �" - STAKES ARE SET /? S 4/S Td * T STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES 15 i-Oa Zo, U & ".0.36 20775 +S0 1040 19-1-as Zo.91 0 • D 7 �Q�60 211 Z .zl 1•"11 ZZ-o3 a1.93 al +60 22.2a )2, IS aitas DaAg o.OZ 001 i 1-75 2.•S9 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade ofthe finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET STREET REVISED GRADES FOR STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT F 4.lZ etc, ELEVATION FILL NOTES +oo as+as 22. (,7 1,3,21 0.03 Al+sa LUG a,o7 2zt75 )3,7G 0 23tba Z.3.�3 )3, 9 p. 05 C1 23#D S 13 4 0.1.1 e a31-sa J y. L13 0,3 231-715 (L/, CC 2.4SO d. 6' o.i(o fso 2 t°) oo d�t?s 1,5.31 a5.9/9 O.IZ, Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive poin s on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 3 -12- l JOB GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR STAKES SET GRADE SHEET SHEET 4 OF NO. TRACT NO. STREET `4-2S- DATED REVISED FB PG STAKES ARE SET /0 — °VS 're) eh *Sr: COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES 2S1b0 Zr, Go aS� 69 2 ct.2 �S.9S ,Z3 ,2S-S1) Z4,!$ 26-aI 0..03 24,117 O.07 08 o,OZ X7•1/3 20 -7S 21` 5 "7.7 7 0.o 513 6. (9 AgO C'1 0,00 ;77t75 7,1.21 A91 /3 ob Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 i SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET 7 OF DATE g —jZ-4'( JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET C 1120' GRADES FROM PLAN NO. ' DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR STAKES ARE SET JS 5 4'A -re, 4 STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. B.M. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES agi-bo 29,97 e11 .0 2 tSt 3o,o5'- 30.0g B • cl 2g-t75 30•u3 20.39 6,0 a,to0 3o•6G 30.49 0.o3 301c1 0 �t7 21450 31►IL! O.o r,,/1 3o+ao 31nt 31.S? 311* 31, g3 O,0 31,9a 32►00 O.(D .d+75 3Z.zg a.03 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 • GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED GRADES FOR "G STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT • FILL NOTES STAKES ARE SET CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE SHEET a OF CUT FILL NOTES 31-t 00 3Z.V7 31.57 0,10 31+14 33.04 ,ao .2. 31+50 i, 02 0,17 3 A 0,17. 1?2fi25 3; ,1-1 33 101 0,08 v7i.45O 33, 1 �3 ,� i d, Of, o.00 0>07 31. b2 3A ,5S o.o $3-1•St? 34,11 35:0 , 04- Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. -When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately,' otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days: 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 3 GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR STAKES SET BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT CHECKED BY FILL. NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE. CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES 3q-+vo 3�r�21 0, 0c) ,4-f sD. 35. W 1 3A-tic 36.2z V"• 07 d,16 354 30-E SA 4A..33 b111. 5k25 Iv('. 54, 0,07 4,9+50 36,10 31�.10 35'4?S 37,15 3'1,13 0.03 3-7 . 5 - 1 6.03 3/ •34 31 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 T � sm I ss i. o n This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S TotalPages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fac Commmicalions Steve NIx Pau 9-937-0202 From : Don Gdula pater March 16, 2001 • Phoney 9-937-02200 Pages: 3 0 Urgent O For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Pleesr Rerycle Total Pages Confirmed 3-16-01;; 4:27PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 586 99370202. 3-16-01;,'4:26PM 1'15" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend. MP:Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: DocumerntRemoved FO: FbrcedOutput MB Receive -to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting' Transfer` 02/10/2001 17:42 9096233323 KENKO PAGE 03 • KENKO INC. Survey Request Via: Fax Mail [Q FedX W! -and [] Other C] Project Name l A>)t4 A Date . a . 3 / -- C)1 To .: g'(116. LA 4iet Survey required by Date r� �7 �f Firm L. / From Station To Station Station Interval 10�6o 3R"c'� �� i ,ive esy&� Left Right • Left Right Leh Right Right Left Please stake all appurtenances Please stake par the Manufactures Lay Sheets [] please stake all wye branches Pleas* stoke all grade changes and/or angle points ❑ , 4leass stake centerline only Please stake ROW/easement limits Please stake centerline at ell manholes Other (describe below) Special Instructions 1g 0.• a Note. Ail cuts to flow line, Left and right is deterrnined by facing up station. KENKO RepYesentative Signature Print Name CORPORA re OFFICE - 1920 Spnnpbroc+k Dr ; S11 230 - MinnvSpoN, MN 51433 - (MI?) 7g4510 Fax (o12) 76$-4632 SOUTHWEST OIV1SIDN- 1801 minor springs .a.. Imo 112 - Ddlar.. TX 71243 - ToI (972) 9514604 44 Fat 1972i Dal• 6471 WESTERN 01VISION - root OfO doe 691 - Calk, U. CA 92320 - Tot (001) t95.2S66 I1■ (900) 195-1140 m 1900 KENKO INC, ►vm wo ;I4 02/10/2001 17:42 9096233323 KENKO • • PAGE 02 Via: Fax Date KENKO INC. Survey Negul•st Mail ❑ FedX ❑ Hand Other ❑ Project Name 3 - h - / To 3-11'40- utElh Survey required by Date Firm M ]<;i From Station To Station Station Interval Left Left Let Offset Right Right Right Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches ,lease stake centerlineonly Please stake centerline at all manholes Special Instructions Left . mease stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points lease stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) Right Note. All cuts to flow line, Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO Representative Signature kkrfir(LSO r A\ Print Name CORPORA T OFPICE - 9990 Spnnpbrook Dr , Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 00453 - t•,. (012) 7014510 - Fax (111) 70•U 2 50U7MWEST O,VISION- 1901 Kiouer 5phnna IIO., Ste 112 - Degas, TX 75240 - Tel 1072) 931.9494 - Fax:' !9721 931.5474 wITS%ERN CI VISION- Peat O'WAcs Sox 031 - Call rasa. CA 92320 - Tel (000) 79 -256$ - Fax 1,000) 795-104b O 1`i9S KENKO INC, OM fee i% 02/10/2001 17:42 9096233323 KENKO PAGE 01 KENKO INC. Date 3 FAX/TRANSM MTTAL Reference .) We are transmitting ,_._3 _.,,, pages including cover sheet. ATTENTION Company L Address City/Stale/Zio Phone No. Copies To _ Copies To WE ARE TRANSMITTING Certified Payroll Subcontract Proposal Plans/Drawings ❑ Correspondence 0 Specifications [] Credit Application Fax UPS US Mail Hand Courier Other Cargo Carrier Fax No. FROM Phone No. Fax No. Reply Requested Enclosures Original To Follow Transmission Verified By °❑ Yes No Yes ❑ No ❑ .. Yes[] No❑ Time FOR YOUR Approval Review 8 Comment Information/Files Proposal/Quote Other Urgent CC?F7POPiA TE OFFICE ••.• 5990 Springt'rook Or.. Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 55433 - Tot: r (812) 786-6510 - Faze (612) 766-6602 S .)r I )'I IWFST DIVISION - 4901 K.;:Iler Springs Rd„ Ste 112 - Dallas, TX 75240 - Tel' (972) 931.9494 - Fax: (972) 931-5474 WE STERN DIVISIC+N - 'ostOffice Box 831 - Calimesa. CA-92320 - Tel (909) 795-2588'- Fax: (909) 795-1840. "iIaA kGNKn 1Nr, r . M.. 'Sr LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 TO: Kenko, Inc 1025 Calimesa Avenue. Calimesa, CA 92320 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jupura Avenue to'Slover Avenue Date: March 13, 2001 (Hand delivered in the field) FROM: Don Gdula, Special Projects ATTN: Paul Anderson, Project Foreman We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under separate cover via The following item (s) : (') Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies (X) Drawing "( ) Prints ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) ( ) Other COPIES DATE NO. 3 Purpose: (X) For your information/records 3-13-01 1-3-01 DESCRIPTION Storm Drain Lateral Exhibit Santa Ana Ave. & Citrus Ave. Lat. " C Revised plans S.D. Profile Sht. 8 For approval Approved as submitted' For your use Approved as`noted As requested • For review and comment Returned for corrections Other For bid due: , 20'00 Prints returned after loaned Please ( ) Submit original (.) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit - copies for distribution ( ) Return _ corrected prints ( ) Other Remarks: to: Storm drain lateral " C" on revised plans dated 1/3/01 has been changed to Lateral Exhibit dated 3/13/01. Received By: Copy to: GJB Steve ,Nix, L.D. King _-(2Sets) Pub. Wks. Insp. (SB) L.D. King survey crew (2sets)_ Date: 3 - 13 Signed Date: March 13, 2001 ( =16 C.F.S. a' PROPOSED ct SEWER re cn O M z W m SCALE: HORZ: 1" = 40' VERT: 1"=4' L=97.17 L.F. S=0.0050 30" R.C.P. (2000D) O O 0 O • 1- 1040... 1030-- --1-025- L=11.10 L.F. S=0.3459 30" R.C.P. (1500D) Storm Drain Lateral Exhibit Santa Ana Avenue & Citrus Avenue Lateral "C" Engineers/Planners Surveyors L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convontrrr; ...enter Way .C.)ntisK , CA 'd1(.54,-1,164 tFI 1e i',109! :1 02t"... Fax i.j. )'..., 9'1 ,!,., ,)2 March 2001 REVS ► !' "O% SI4T. 1 lump th linitriTill" 1 1 119 I II� orto ii1LIiJIII =II UIR2Ii!! MI sugmAgiwumm..... ! 1,....Espri L Ili 1 Orli il lim �� ■I llull I qNit, ..,; 1111 1 - i " Pi4I) Ii 1 =egm oil iiimmtnemmummu man III 11511111111141 wanummummanwrarrimur, nurrivintipm OF Amammuummummiam Issamorminigiimor BENCHMARK: PER C.S.F.B, 4015/1230 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE -- GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR '•D STAKES SET BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT GRADE SHEET SHEET t. OF 2- STREET erT(iU S REVISED FB PG STAKES ARE SET ( T4 o/3 CHECKED BY B.M. FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES 1 O+c' o Io-EdZ41 3o T )D 4-785?, (. 3 7_ s-7, 94 9.38 gG 57,11 1.14 104- 31,°1 G-7,�3 10---- 5�,2z l`-/- o 06'6' Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction.'= When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for, any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET-- SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS • • SHEET Z OF 2-- DATE `L 2- 0-0 / JOB NO. Mit -12 TRACT NO. STREET .0 s 712.0 S GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR STAKES SET BY STATION ELEV. GRADE STAKES ARE SET '° %s c''-' Pat:›1› CHECKED BY B.M. CUT . FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES OA-0 11.°s • h, 15 8'013 E C 04-38 I S -19 iv/Vs vizo 6 -f"© 0 / er D • (p` L4 T M O�Z 53•Z.S t--t• o 0 o43802- '27 531 3 53,0't3 l by 1i9 o --37 oj 23 s9 R. 47_, 10/ �^i► r� PRaA- I A-T L. EST - 15A'1 0-h2 LI 7 Z,L{,Zta /6.09 la/elqP P12oV- +37.7 v4-11 55 0 5L 70) 16,,67Fr: �9 asp Mir> L4 zisb Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1).Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. t. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 strl i ss i on ReporHt Date/Time Local ID LOCaI Name, Company Logo. This document was con -Firmed (red-uced sample and detai Is below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7832 Fax 909-350-8818 FEOc Comrnunicalions From:. Don Mule 0 Urgent . 0 For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle Pages Confirmed . 3, 8-01; 9:OOAM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages, Mode Comments Results 1 377 99370202 - - • 3— 8-01; 8:.58AM 1,18" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi —Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled byRemote ' PG: Polling.a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output. MB: Recelve to Mallbox • PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer KENKO 1Ne Survey Request Via: Fax [r�Mail EJ FedX 1 Hand ❑ Other ❑ Date � �,— Survey required by Date 3 _ 9 1 Project Name rda To DON Firm kivc 3 From Station 35“So of7zf 1--3C. To 'Station Please stake all appurtenances °lease stake all wye branches .lease stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manholes Special Instructions Phz.4..5g Station Interval Left Left Left Left Offset / 2 ig Right Right Right Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ____ / U lease stake all grade changes and/or angle points V ..ease stake ROW/easement limits 0 Other (describe below) 0 57-4.4-z_ J\ 44L L t pot;Q*15 Ahk?C,) 1//U 74.4,uks, 44E_ Note. All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. ,e,ye KENKO Representative Signature; Print Name CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Springbrook Dr., Ste 230 — Minneapolis, MN 55433 - Tel. (612) 786-6510 - Fax: (612) 786.6602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION— 4901 Keller Springs Rd., Ste 112 — Dallas. TX 75248 - Tel: (972) 931-9494 -Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION — Post Office Box 831 Calimesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2588 Fax: (909),795-1840 Ip 1998 KENKO INC. cum No 29 Via: Fax 40 KENKO Survey Request Mail ❑ FedX El Hand ❑ Other Date 3`7 `- Survey required by Date 3 --rr Project Name To O\CD3,,,Quu8- 00A) Firm .0- From Station To Station Station Interval Left Left Left Left Offset Right Right Right Right Please stake all appurtenances please stake all wye branches .cease stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manholes ❑ Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Er-- 0 Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points [� lease stake ROW/easement limits ❑ Other (describe below) Special Instructions Note. All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. L.P.6vs KENKO Representative Signature CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Sprinpbrook Dr., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 53433 - Is (612) 78 -6510 - Fax: (612) 766.6602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION - 4801 Keller Springs Ro.. Ste 112 - Dsltas. TX 75246 - Tel (972) 931.9494 - Fax (972) 931.5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post O$ce Box 831 - Catimesa, CA 92320 - Tel. (909) 795.256e - Fax: (909) 795-1840 0 1998 KENKO INC. Finn No 211 TrWlsm i ss i on Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company 'Logo. This document was confirmed. (reduced sample 'and details below) Document maize LHatter—S Pages Scanned To. Stew Nix real 8-937-0202 City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909350-7632 Fax;909-350-6618 nem Don Cdula Dee.: March7,2001 Phone, 9-937d203 Pages: 3 Rea Survey Request Citrus Storm Drain 0 Urgent 0 For Review Pose Comment 0 Please R.Ply O Plaaa. R.oyde *Comments: 3' Total Pages Confirmed : 3' .3 7-0'1;12:26PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Tlme Duration Pages .'Mode 'Comments Results 1 245 99370.202 7-01;.12:4PM 3- I2 1'19" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400, ** Notes **' EC: Error'Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local'Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote MB: Recelrve to Mailbox PG: Polling a Remote PI: Power interruption DR: Document Removed TM: Terminated by user FO:.Forced Output WT:.Welting Transfer 02/02/2001 01:14 9096233323 Via: Fax KENKO KENKO INC. Survey Request Mail FedX [] Hand El Other ] Project Name ii Date _3 ; .� To , S v 6°+c.1/fct Survey required by Date 3 Firm PAGE 03 From Station To Station Station Interval Offset I /i Loi►sq L &`, 25 Left Rioh A 0 o Left Right it ki /7 » l o t/ S 7 A.C, 4 Left Right Left Right Please stake all appurtenances °lease stake all wye branches .lease stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manholes Special Instructions l,(A.117, Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets se stake all grade changes and/or angle points se stake ROW/easement limits ❑ Other (describe below) _5-Att.ke- 1a15, cr, 5 MAttiikoks 1 f-O/L 10;04 , -CA Note: All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO Rep esentative Signature 4dwJ Print Name Aloe-iI-SoA) CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Springbrook Dr., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 55433 - Tel: (612) 786-6510 - Fax: (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION - 4901 Keller Springs Rd., Ste 112 - Dallas, TX 75248 - Tel: (972) 931-9494 - Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION- Post Office Box 831 - Callmesa, CA 92320 - Tel: (809) 795-2568 - Fax: (909) 795-1840 01998 KENKO INC. ,Form No, 29 02/02/2001 01:14 9096233323 KENKO PAGE, 02 KENKO. INC. Survey Request Via: Fax ❑ Mail ❑ FedX 0 Hand Other Date %- 1 Survey required by Date '3 -9 Project Name nip To \S Avg Alma Firm I—, 11 kit Station S To Station Stationc��1 Interval 7- d� , orFrom Offset izv.sf, fo /0 o s $ac>� 2S Left -- Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Please stake all appurtenances blease stake all wye branches' ,'lease stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manholes %� ❑ Special Instructions PI* A. Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ❑ Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points [❑ Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) ANO CIto� Spa k‹ boof2 S/c-S ralc ail() ad c (,,e,of."-,ems; 4'IL Si Otc Note: All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO, Representative Signature PAL1/AUG%6 Print Name CORPORATE OFFICE — 8990 Springbrook Or., Sle 230 — Minneapolis, MN 55433 --Tel: (612) 786-6510 - Fax: r (812) 786.6602 SOUTHWEST 0/VISION— 4901 Keller Springs Rd., Ste 112 — Dallas, TX 75248 — Tel: (972) 931-9494 - Fix: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION Poat Office Box 831 — Calirness. CA 92320 —Tel: (909) 795-2588 — Fax ' (909) 795.1840 bAtet 0 1998 KENKO INC. Form No,29 02/02/2001 01:14 9096233323 KENKO PAGE 01 KENKO M N C• Date 3- 7 -' Reference We are transmitting J pages including cover sheet. ATTENTION, Company Address City/State/Zip Phone No. Copies To Copies To Doio -f) WE ARE TRANSMITTING VIA ❑000000 Message Certified Payroll Subcontract Purchase Order Plans/Drawings Correspondence Specifications Credit Application Doi FAX/TMANS M ITT'AL Fax No. FROM Phone No. Fax No. Reply Requested Yes E No ❑ 124,1 7C)r--37C /533 Enclosures Yes 0 No ❑ Original To Follow Yes ❑ No ❑ Transmission Verified By Time Fax UPS US Mail Hand Courier Other Cargo Carrier FOR YOUR Approval Review & Comment Information/Files Proposal/Quote Other Urgent Sce/Lot 77f\yJG I hr.. CORPORATE OFFICE— 12301 Central Ave, N.E., Ste 100 — Bialna, MN 55434 — Tel: (763) 755-2199 - Fax: (783) 7155.7901 SOUTHERN DIVISION - 2811 Westurove Drive, Ste 107 — CarrolllOn, TX 75008 Tel: (972) 931.9494 —Fax (972) 931.5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 — Dallm:ea, CA 92320 - Tel (909) 795.2588 - Fax: (909) /95.1940 • V° V KENK0 1 �.. NCI. Survey Rdquelmt Vla: Fax mop UPS El Hand El Other 0 bate: 3 survey required by Onto: 3--10— / From Station To Station Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches lease Stake centerline only least stake oenterlIne al all manholes ...p.lat lna1Lu:Hone 4011. ProJac( Name: " '��1/4•'. To: Firm: L, h. /< Station Interval Offset %6 Lefl I Right (] Lerl ❑ Right 0 Left ;1:1 Right (] Left D Right ❑ Please slake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes end/or angle points Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) 3%4.l�(1 l_✓N� cr>if& /O' c.Sef Note: All cute to Now line. Left and light Is determined by lacing up station, RCEN O Represenjative Signature Print Name Avockt-s0A) CORPORATE OFFICE- 12301 Central Ave. N.H., 6U 100—13Ielni, MN ee434 — Tel: (763) 785-2100 — Fax: (783) 7e5ae01 SOUTHERN DIVISION— 2t111 Weelgtov. Drive, ate 107 — Carrollton, TX 75005 — Tel: (072) 031.0404 — Fa: (072) 031•8474 WESTERN DIVISION- post omo• Hox 831- Wiliam, CA 02320 — Tel: (000) 70e-2eee — Fit (000) 708.1640 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; Feb-22-01 3:47PM; Page 1 �• •Locinc Engineers/Planners/Surveyors FAX TRANSMITTAL To: Don Gdula Company: L.D.King Fax No.: 909-350-6618 From: Shaun Bootsma E FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ FOR YOUR REVIEW & COMMENT ❑ PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ❑ ORLULINAL TO FOLLOW BY MATT. Job/File No: 124-12 Date: 2/22/01 No. of Pages: AS REQUESTED PLEASE CALL AFTER YOU HAVE RECIEVED PLEASE CALL AND VERIFY RECEIPT.OF FAX OTHER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: Cut Sheets for Citrus Storm Drain North of Santa Ana. Shaun Bootsma Associate Survey Coordinator L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 'IOOB Ontario, California 91764 909/937-0200 • Fax: 909/937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; L'XIflG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 2 - b. `° 1 JOB NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR S. 0 STAKES SET BY 909 937 0202 Feb-22-01 3:47PM; • GRADE SHEET Page 2 TRACT NO. STREET C'71z-2 S DATED REVISED ✓ FB STAKES ARE SET COMP. BY PG CHECKED BY B.M. CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES STATION'. ELEV. GRALlt cui ru.L. rw`�.+• .....,,.- 4,0i. 94 7 4l.33 .32 745 905 37 ,k363� 'tI.s 32 .L 1 4,95' -- 374-38�" 3R,05 29.10 1.45 1f0f25. iti-/ .3 9✓ g•gn 371i 52 3,5,10 21 .2S 9.0 S Lie-ksb 1+1.31 33.2.3 g•58 9 .51 ?-7 4-75- 3.07-15- 29.52 : ► Ater - b 47_.08 33.40 emt 30-- 11.54 it/2 9'4,7- 1fo471f 3, 42..10 42, ibwi. 040311 n4/2- 14 2 4t 3.5, 33.70 4,43 ! :v: $,3S Zv"L4.7. 140+410 tiL.1 384-2,5— 7,93 30.z4 9.4/ to.— i{Z.2,3 3.f3 t, 40 38461 4fl . o7 30. bit, 31,82- 9.1,1 $.2.5" 4-T.S. w"u4r' Ljf4-1.5- liL•14Z $.15 8.44 3g +-75' 49.140 30495 9,97 4f 4-537 1+3,o4 ail.43 g.I 3q-- 410,1.0 31. 27 9. 33 lit 4-75-- y 3 5 ;IV 4g, S. be 3q zr 49 7)23/,Go 7.12 112-- 45.0 341,93 8'i — — 4-so' %%.vie ,s1,94 9:I7r• Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, .contractor shall observe the following 'rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common: (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office Immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error In the grade of the finished work_ All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING;. SURVEYORS,PLANNERS/ENGINEERS 909 937 0202 ; Feb-22-01 3:47PM; Page 3/3 GRADE SHEET • SHEET - OF DATE. 2- - b - o I JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET C►Ti •US GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED ✓ FB PG GRADES FOR 51:2- STAKES ARE SET ZdYS 4:-7 STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT B.M. FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT 4,L a41 (404•2!) tIEVATION FILL NOTES 4fZA-zs st3 sK 35.is g 4.7 'P4+50 44.73 37 8.14 Lt7,{sD 44. /2 .:5",113 8•6,9 44'ti.r lava 3r. 3y i'.bl♦ yz-i-1S' 441;1E2 354P 9-1q' s— 'ri.31- 3ff.69 8.G3 • .. q3— 41 -72- gy 9 t."19 /45-1-Zr 10,55 ,39.43 E55. 43+ts 44,94, ,36.I8 2.75 14-5 5Z7 41.' ,3F.38 8.510 'f3,r5U 45.33 36.43 g.4'o ii 5-4-7rilt.7:5 8%73 kso 4s.1s 4e ' 14%.5 3 ADS• 1131'75' LI5 -)‹ 34 -68 9. o7 y6 ^- t}g.52 Qv. 07 1?. 9$ P S4= ' . iv, tem a 44 - 46,13 3(..93 9.20 4 44as iit-ttl .Lio. /Z g N 2 4+1-1-1tAz LIi, IC' 27.00 1.25— ear 4L 4-$v Lf9_(4 .40.77 ' 37 04.111..4 Lora 1- f GI IAN kb tis 49•LK.41: // 44-I-1N?�' Ll(•3/ . •37.50 g.9I Iv LC 7 —' Lt 7 ,y1,47 i. Z, Lict4-sr K(r.HZ ,37• 4,1/ $,?6 - 1474-2s- ii 7 41.51 mi Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used In common; (2) When a discrepancy Is found, It must:be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error In the grade of the finished work, All grade sheets:and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 - (909) 937-0200 Fax; (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; • Feb-22-� 3:36PM; Page 1 ID a nG Engineers/Planners/Surveyors FAX TRANSMITTAL To: Don Gdula Job/File No: 124-12 Company: L.D.King Date: 2/22/01 Fax No.: 909-350-6618 No. of Pages: From: Shaun Bootsma ® FOR YOUR INFORMATION [� FOR YOUR REVIEW & COMMENT PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN 0 ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW BY MAIL ® AS REQUESTED El PLEASE CALL AFTER YOU HAVE RECIFVFD ❑ PLEASE CAI.I. AN!) VERIFY RECEIPT OF FAX 171 OTHER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: Cut Sheets for Citrus Storm Drain North of Santa Ana. Shaun Bootsma Associate Survey Coordinator L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 10013 Ontario, California 91764 909/937-0200 • Fax: 909/937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; Feb-22-01 3:36PM; Page 2 • L'XIflG SURVEYORS/PLANNER$/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET 3 OF DATE JOB NO_ TRACT NO. STREET Cy05 _ GRADES FROM PLAN NO, DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 7. STAKES ARE SET /2 °/S 1-7 ", STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. B.M. ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL NOTES L41- Q .56.ij z ZJ( g.0S 4�i4-75" 5Z-Gie 114.NZ B.Z. ti- �f�+-�4 - 5 �0�3� 4�.30 ,5 8. 3 o ✓•r' 50 - 5 z .9 g '1 �7 k. 3 ( . 474.L,l 5;045 503 4 t4! 57,4Z$ 53,25, �90 FI,39 147-4 (/t 50.32 .42.4•0 1.917 j/ 5o+SO 53.S, ks, 6 N.Lt4. Li7,1-'7S 56t — '12,542 (3,02 SD+741.12 53.1'4- a 5,.38 Q'r4(0. 35, it-- 3.1 Li2.7S— FAA sit-oZ 5q02- :45,'70 .442— .our' kie.41,5 61.11 0..31 2, I Z, 5 / .00 .5'f: 4 4/4/4. 5' 4.4(, Lee.76 -Tito tL g-Y1O 5(,35 43, zz $.I 5I f(? 5k. I 9 415,80. $?".38 kig c SI.. Zf7 43,147 $. z( . Sl'+is- 514.35" 115;1/ R. Yil . 419 9.111 43.71 i,z3 57 -150 .54.41. Lig,:/2. $50 14-14 Z -2 Z. 4 3.95 F, vi 6 / -tic 54, i(. W b ,; 1' 8', S Z , Lt1 SZ Lt 7 zyl.79 24,7 52 --- 55,0 D 180, 55" k. V5 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails In feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction, - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rifles: (1) Three. (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade. and on the same line must be used in common: (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office .cannot be held responsible for any error In the grade of the finished work - All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; Feb-22-01 3:38PM; Page 3/5 L'XIflG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET 4 OF DATE JOB NO. TRACT NO. • STREET C. /777v S. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR '5.0. STAKES ARE SET / Z gl5 G T STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL B.M. NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT • ELEVATION FILL NOTES „ 5t+Z•5" 57.sti ..4 e,44. ' 8.7 $ 5e/¢ ti6 67-4L .. q. g, y D t. Eq 4 y,t- 544-gf4t 57.51 48.70 241 5z.4-zs 5 2-7 .£e„.74 g,5 i 544-sb ;19.5i, 4'.77 $.sty. 574.50 55.. 4G.97 g;s7 5144-,,s 51-,02 49.o+f 8me spit.. 6-2-r7s- 55.78 147.0 S.S', —• 58.f7 49. 3r/ 8.g7 53— 9.:.. 61- LI7. yv 8.4 z 55-rzs- 5t •`‘ 3 44. 51 8.91" 53415' Sla.Z. .41.41 ZG5 .555-f-sa 514°I 119.$4 S';g5 53-tsD, 54.5- t7 2- .g.-7'{ 554-75 5t,R9 $o.// 8.8e ;4-75 5lc.65 413.d k, t.S 54-- 60..23 so. 39 S'.gI . gv_ 57, )0 4 8. 2S 8./5 ,c6 •42S 641.4115. SD, b5- F • ZD Grades are given from top of stakes or nails In foot and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found. It must:be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (908) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; Page 4/5 L'XIflG SURVEYORS/MANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE Feb-22-01 3:38PM; 4111 GRADE SHEET Z.'f'9 TRACT NO, STREET cri72 vs' GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR S • D • STAKES ARE SET Z194 GT. SHEET 5� JOB NO. STAKES SET: BY STATION ELEV. GRADE COMP. BY CHECKED BY . B.M. &O. ze NC L ELEVATION VD 4-7 $ •�- CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL 0TES 5-1= 4269 $3: 'B p1. 2• I 56- so S 1.7( .5o.9z g.'79 514-zS b 2. (1, 544.1i g.5 . 5694,5 59.99' ,s7.2.o ?''..P. 57-- 4,0.Ve 5 _1(7 g,75 614-75 G3.3s 52f.57 s'.-75 Si4 2S GO,Ltr s ..7y 2,71 h - 4,3.57- cq. So 8:7 2- . 5745D 44.), 52.00 g 773 . 60-1-7-5- tm c-9 5-5-:o3 k.i.(.. 57 42 7 40', g6 52 . 2.5 2.41 i 0c.rr 40+442 44.1g 55.25 g• tt d or-, 574--75" 10,QO 6t e t&Pla • 52,2 _7,.LS 66+r'z2• 64.2Z. 4,s,o 4_,N4 0 +711 40:56 6 2.7 6- /90+51ts 44.1 , s5. 35 ?k r) rRr 5 -- 60.43 Sy. 9c 731 bp -fir 64. 46 55, 5) MS 5$4-2 < b f 27 53, li gas 6 — V#77.. ss• LP 1,04 504-5b 4,14r ,3.1i2. kit9 4,7? 6titq 53,6S S.Z. . (,r4'50 /5,1.11 5t 04 q,3 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe, — Cuts and fills are normally marked '.on lath (or contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shalt observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same One must be used in common: (2) When a discrepancy. is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work,` All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days, 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; Feb-22-01 3:39PM; Page 5/5 Loam SURVEYORS/PLLNNERS!ENG INEERS GRADE SHEET r it, 67,73 SHEET, % OF DATE e2. - I iv - O I JOB NO: TRACT NO. STREET Cr S GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED j FB PG GRADES FOR S C), STAKES ARE SET )t1fs STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION EI_EV, ' GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELE • B.M. bg, (8,r-'4s 12er) ELEVATION - G7. v5' 04-75 45,G(, 5-L.22 9.ti {q+z.S- ig.tZ. .53.ob tU.o(.. !_2•-- 65; $.5. .51.tia q:45 `t p 44 #5b t 23 L. .5g 2y oil?, lo7'-i-7 (o . I I ,54.5'8' `t, 5 3 64+75 e,g.(-t s'.1-.1 , I6,L3 '. GZ 4-5 c •37 51, 7 . 9,6 I 64498 z lk.. 7(j 5if, sfs io. -L 75 , 5,.3s %!1 Z-I--/S GV•41- .5z. 9* 7 6B 4,5+Zs 49.,o(, .511,77 roa2g G5 ' G4 gG s--7, /2 .9.74 65+so GR.3'I 5 2.% to,yf2 �3d• 27 tl:-Z3 t ... 57.3o �,R 1j otrr'• (a s+w GR,5 Z 5-9.03 10,49 mo .t , • 6,1.t1 57,$4 q.4l 34-317 C7;29 .y:to 47.$9 G3--S 67,57 57.s3 10.014 6,3'+ 5' (a $;1 I t 57. 70 )& qj l — 4$,2O 57-ijr Io.3Z Grades are given from top of stakes or nails In feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills am normally marked.on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. -• When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office Immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error In the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets find stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937.0202 Via: Fax ❑ Mail ❑ UPS ❑ Han Date: 0 7 Survey required by Date:. 6-P From Station Sr \ b- 8e-) Z-3+4o Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches Please stake centerline only ,Please stake centerline at all man Special Instructions cam.? Station Interval • Offset Left 0 Right ❑ Left ❑ Right El Left ❑ ' Right Left Ej Right ❑ Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets El Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points ❑ Please stake ROW/easement limits Ej Other (describe below) ❑ // . 1, /' ' 19 S /XY f 1cl' Note: All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO Representative Signature Print Na //Pr7— . CORPORATE OFFICE— 12301 Central AveN.E.,` Ste 100 — Blaine, MN 55434 -Tel: (763) 755.2199 — Fax: (763) 755-7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION —2611 Westgrove Drive, Ste 107-Carrollton, TX 75006—Tel: (972) 931-9494— Fax (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831- Calimesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568— Fax: (909) 795-1840 OKENko INC. Survey Request VIM: Fox LJ Mall LJ UPS ❑ I -lend Other CJ bete: G / Survey required by bete: 0.2, /2_ From Station Please slake all appurtenance, plebs, ,take all wye branches P1..., stake centerline only �I To 8tntIon jpl ellneln/oUona Tc,ev Project Nellie: ,'Fa To: Doi.) rlrrfr: �. A k/a . Olf� / 21 Left (- Right [j Left Right ❑ Len C:j❑-- Rlpht D Len L1 Right Please ,tnke par the Menu natures Lay Sheets please slake all grade changes and/or angle points feline sinks ROW/easement limits Other (deso►(be below) .s iogwj &AA, , ie_ Note: All cut to ndetermined ow ane. Left;end tight Is deteined by facing up station, CORPORATE OFFICE-12301 Central Ave, N.E., bla 100—flleln., MN 55434-7e1: cm) 7011-2100-pax: (763) 765 7801 SOUTHERN bIVISION - 2811 Wea(Orove drive, ale 107 — Carrollton, TX 76006 — 7el: (072) 031.0404 — Fe: (072) 031-8474. WESTERIO DIVIStoN- Poat Once box 831- CeOmeel, CA 02320 - rat: (000) 70e.2efle - Fax (000) 706-1840 leash Make Danforth', al all rrtanholer it Pik\i 2-q-01 .�Pwi. 7-tY, L➢CtU,, -TEI3e- tqIX - 11 Ai\1 COMe GINLL_A CJ7ti(0- rz:uTiaNu} 7 OE MT.S- III Triism i ss i on Report 'Date/Time Local ID Local Name... Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample, and details DocumentSize Letter-S Total Pages Scanned Fax To: Stove Nix Faxi 9-837-0202 City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Siena Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:809-350-7632 Far 909-350-6618 From; Don Gdula Dam: FeHuaryl,2001 Total Pages Confirmed - 3' No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 523 99370202 2--1-0100:52AM 1'15" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan. RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output' MB Recelve to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT:, Waiting Transfer KENKO INC. Survey Aogluott Mitt Fax ❑ Mall (� UPS f land 0 Other bate: 0-2 Survey required by Date: Q^b2,- ca r' Front Station /0_tvo To Station fit(/1 alenae stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches Please slake centerline only , leaser stake centerline al all manhole. JPRrtlal !nstmotlotta Project Name: Fe^jf Q To: .5ffQ,g Finn: Station Interval orr..t /2: Left If— Right ❑ Left ❑ Right 0 Len I_1 Right lj _�._..�..._ -.T. _._. Len U _.. Right ❑ Please sinks per the Manufactures Lay Sheets 'z Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points 'G f/ lease stake ROW/easement limits �/ Other (describe below) Note: All cola to flow line, Left and light Is dele►7nlned by facing up elation. J. • cofpofATR OFFICE-12301 Central Av., N.H., Ole too — Blain•, MN 00434 — Tel: (763) 706-2100 — Fax: (7ea) 7ee4e01 sounitRN DIVISION — 2611 Wstrrrov Drive, eta 107 — Carrollton, TX 76000 — Tel: (072) 031.0404 — Fee: (072) 03 t.8474 WESTERN OIVIS10N— Post omoi Box 63i - Callmeia, CA 02320 — Tel: (000) 706-26ee — kex: (000) 706.1640 „ • KCENKO INC. Survey .Request VIa: Fax 0 Mall ❑ UPS ❑ Hand[74.Other ❑ Project Name: bate: a -C t v' Survey required by Date: a2^GZ-(. j Prom Station To Station 411/11 Plans. stake all appurtenances Please slake all wye branches pleats slake centerline only lsasi stake centerline al ell manholes ...paa1Ml lnaln.sallona �t7</?-N/> To: .S t4! o2 1At , a. Firm: G„ D. kIN, Station Interval orraa < 1 Left Right ❑ Left IJ Right ❑ Len U --molt Len C1 Right ❑ Please stake per the Menu natural Lay Sheets oody' Please stake all grade changes end/or angle points Please stake ROW/easement limits Otter (describe below) Nate; All cuts to flow line, Left and tight Is detenttlned by facing up station, COI7ponATR OFFICE-12301 Cen6nl Ave. N.E.; Ohl 100 - Blelne, MN 88434 —Tel: (763) 713E-2100 - aex: (783) 788.7801 SOU 'MERNDIVISION —Mil Molotov' brim 6b 107 —Carrollton, TX 78008 — Tel: (072)031.0404—I'ex: (072)031-E474 Wes rEFIN DIVISION— aoit omod box 831— C.nmeu, CA 02320 — Tel: (000) 708-2ee8 — Fax: (000) 708.1110 GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET / OF DATE /'✓' - / JOB NO. / Z41-t V -3o/ TRACT NO. STREET C/ rgt /s GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED /FB PG GRADES FOR S D. STAKES ARE SET STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES CHECKED BY STATION B.M. ELEV. GRADE in2./5 CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES l t3400 VV e Vb u1-r o-r-IG4'k I I2.I-16 )Z :3-re." 80t+ 1 o/ JrIsere. iST 3 1.38 ft. LA1 6 a.z8= 4,S2:k r%rsE7Z. *-t3 4156 ,2 5- 2D51.4 7 12,3- 0:S4 • `4743 .32. • Zo6t7• 8 15 4763- 46, 20 5'70.6 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewergrades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy y responsibleany error in the grade of the finished work. Is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office.cannot be held for All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100`. Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE ['30 _p l JOB NO. /V1-12-30/ TRACT NO. STREET C/ y �t15 GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED GRADES FOR S DSTAKES ARE SET STAKES SET BY STATION ELEV. GRADE REVISED FB PG COMP. BY CHECKED BY e ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION B.M.:r '/d/2. /S CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES WeS T rg400 r' L�4-r Q o4 4, 4 ' ti l2.N 12 :-5-r-> a-,r$-ry to/ !T sez SST 15 d -l+oo 64-Z81C- I2.SL# 1. 3S it 4,52 g.3z LA7(8 4750 .2.5 Zo 581. 47 2.5-r& 20647.8( 476346 20 570.6 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer. grades refers to flow line of pipe.- Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office.cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS • GRADE SHEET SHEET / OF /2-4f —t2'3D/ TRACT NO. STREET G/ ret'S GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED /- y -o FB PG GRADES FOR 5 D• STAKES ARE SET STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL CHECKED BY ` B.M. •%/ 2 '. /5" ELEVATION NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES Wes -r- Boo LA -A 12,4 8 17- r& 8o2+. 4r-,19 to/4.rz,sez. tie o-1-aa 6..1-ZSif 12.Sy- 14.:38 lt 4,5Zit 8'• 3z' *13 4150 S 205B1.4 7 II 12,3`r& O. S4 3Z : 8i / 4763- 6 20 5'70. 6/ Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer.grades refers to flow line of pipe.- Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Via: Fax ❑ Mail 0 Date: 0 l- .-/-9 -o f • • KENKO INC. Survey Request Hand 0 Other ❑ Survey required by Da /12 0 ^ D/ From Station Project Name: .Fc2a4N;,� To: S 6&c erV Firm: 4. t.), kid Station Interval a, -(Left ❑ it Left ❑ Left Right 0 Right 0 Right Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches • .,,Please stake centerline only ,,Please stake centerline at all manholes Left ❑ Right ❑ ❑ Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ❑ ❑ Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points 0 0 Please stake ROW/easement limits ❑ ❑ Other (describe below) tn{ctions S e cif j o � . /L 7 _ (to �� �tiyr Note: All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO Representative Signature CORPORATE OFFICE— 12301 Central Ave. .N.E.,'Ste.100— Blaine, MN 55434 —Tel: (763) 755-2199 - Fax: (763) 755-7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION —2611Westgrove Drive, Ste .107— Carrollton, TX75006—Tel: (972) 931-9494 — Fax: (972)931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION- Post Office Box 831 — Caltmesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 — Fax: (909) 795-1840 LoCiPIG • ENGINEERS/ PLANNERS 2151 EAST'D. ST. SUITE 100E ONTARIO. CA 91764 SUBJECT JOB NO. BY DATE SHEET OF WOW ENGINEERS/ PLANNER 2151 EAST'D' ST. SUITE 100B ONTARIO, CA 91764 SUBJECT JOB NO BY DATE SHEET OF log r� G.(p" fl r 0 PPfi.�► Er-yJ; (do" (?G�, SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE j GRADE SHEET JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED GRADES FOR . , tl = 7-1-a r114. STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE REVISED STAKES ARE SET CUT. .1 ,- ELEVATION FILL NOTES r 2'1 IL r1✓^ ll.4; 7 4t 1 2,," Etw• 2; fLi. 1 2.;4, tfrbLi 23.el{ io a4>v Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 rK \ L')(Ifl ' GRADE SHEET R 50�� SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS ( {� 4 DATE 12 - 2,) - c'4) JOB NO. RACT NO. 10 %\\ gyp STREET GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED GRADES FOR 5. TJ STAKES SET BY COMP. BY ELEV CIIT FB PG STAKES ARE SET CHECKED BY - B.M. ES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES a: 11.G 7 S 13.37- .3. 4 0 c1.9 2 10-1-08 //, 57 ©Z. 10 947 NS �f ,t: 1314.. Iz- • 13,5/ 3.100 47,471 'IP; R `` a 1O4 I7,--Z� 1/.9p b2: iG 134. p -I-on G. P'2 $ 13 -7 2- 3.7°, R,73 1d-1^23?.??/b �G 6z.Zy 9.Gz -ref, fir. Z- 5° 13.cti 3.T? R.95- ID4- 9 //. 9 oz. 31 11.(,Z MID -rams- 11 415 1Ll:I *, k• l8 •lo.00 kup 10-E 50 17..15 02.Lt3 q.7Z 13— lit,L5- 3-1.3S, 10.07 °-Z 5,-. q :76, ooT N.+.:8 iv7.Z(, OZ. (. 13--25 /4:73 4.57 Io.t(P Io col' 12.ze) piE/ SEE C 5BE6T"tATED 1191O1 1a ci:7-; 12 32 D2.54- 9-7g i 13+14-‘,. 15•047 a4t.75- I0.1S eu 104-7.c:..I2-41.0 02.t,Z. a7.g+ 13+iifr- 15•Q0 etM/4 114.99 .aLi. 0<:.� io.14 /1 "- 121/11 2 I, g2 134.5/°_� IS.oq,. Dot 10.1 5. 03 If+ZS 17-11 3. a1 1.10 13+75 i .2 , 07 Ia, Z3 5.2R II4-sa 13,04 3.2/ c,5 14--- Is,49 s- 1.: 1o,21 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. Cuts and fills., are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to beused for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a. discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 CI SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 12 -2 7 - O 2 JOB NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED STAKES ARE SET 122/S L STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY T-A-1 . B.M. GRADE SHEET GRADES FORS ELEV GRADE NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES • 5. sLi: 111-1-25 15. 7 3.5, 5 5 - /o.1 `l r -fs972 /t , ice 4,14 1Lt4-50 is •95 5.7f l o,/S /64-17-t- 18,30 ,. sa 7.0 . 1 1L111-7S /G.o) 4. o 2.. /0.07 /7— 1$,31. P.57 9.15 15' /1 7- 6.2.5 /0,17 I14- zs 1 FS, 57 s-,71 e .'18 J541-5f /4.61 4,49 /a,s5 )14-so ($Jqs 9 of 94'7 J54- 4 /G .B'3 G.7 2- /6,1/ 1 7-I-ls ? 1 O 9.24 9.85 / 15.-75 17,13 4.94, 10,/7 1S-- 19.18 9• /t a.-2 its'''' i7.345' 7 /9 10.1' 124-7-5- l9.IS 9,4.g' `.5-0 / 1 17.55 7413 lb .12- J 04-s0 rq.3°) 9.f/ 9.4-S , ,4-50 17. iri 7.4,4- ► . 41- ) S+7s 79.(00 /0./3 9.47 /4-h7: )?, it- :7.f9 10:1. )1-- I o.8'l /off 1,5 - /61074-Ig.'0 .8 00 /0,' 1 o.r ►99- 5 2.o,I Co' 0D.67 y.5-ej -rP Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately; otherwise this office.cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 wanG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET ,3 OF DATE I L Zv DC JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET c , rate$ GRADES FROM PLAN NO: DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 5,17 • STAKES ARE SET I Z-8/5 STAKES SET BY STATION ELEV. GRADE COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE ELEVATION Nf1TFS Z2- Z2•'-17.13.0* 7,43 I1+5o r1 S ,20,L/ /0.50 q 4,5 1-2 -1 ZZ, 6 13.2.5- 1.43 19+75" Zo,6/ 7/.b2 q.(.7 zz4-s0 Z 3.0 .• 13:149 i.se-, 20 -- fa,/c, /1. 24 R, ( ( Z0a-25" 2I;2I A/, It 9.-7cj 2 71 23./5 13.6 f 1, 55 204552 2-1,t,t //,50 a.i40 ear-. 23-- Z3.5,5" 13.90 /',(,5 20,+3o87 21,S0 2t N14, 23 5 Z3.74 /4.1/ R.,3 2D-F3 17.: 21, 1,'" .//, 60 j . &g Z34-5, 23.97, 'q.33 95c9 Zo--Sv 21,44 //.75 R•69 u 2-'(.'o7 /W. (7.737 ,,r- 27, s-.0 20 +-75- 2,t. s 7 it .94- `VG,/ 2, LID l9 2st-7)9.6 c 21- u,so 12.r2 q.32 55ECyr' S14CET" )aTel 1'9/01 _spy 2.3,7'/a1 Z"1 I! /'7 Lo 7.1 u 1-Z5-- 2(, Rb i2.3 9. s/ Z# — Zt Lt5 1 if, 90 . q, 55" 21 45O 22 O IZ.C') '7 Lt 244-2.s 2v-11.f05- IS, l9 61.1.R0 21-1'15 2,2. 23 I2, t2 1,41 214H-5o 2-44.91 15.L8 Cl "f3 2144-i. 25•6°) 15• 77 1,32- Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction.— When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately; otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 ; j, GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET Y' OF DATE 1 Z' 2-1- Oo JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET G vS- GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR S • - STAKES ARE SET I215 L. "-1' STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY f1. B.M. STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES 2, it /$ .70 ZSf 2S 2 5.Z5 14,64, 1.19 ZS, 53 /6.35 7,7' v 9:10 2?.µS It .97 5.51 )9.20 9.50 2 5-f-So lb. 2g.t4 19•.5,0 2 54=75- 2�.03 /4.95 Z84-7 S- /9, .77 9.57 /7.22 2o 9.S$ VI, 02 l7. &o �9- 30.33 20.3/ Za•57 qrl3 2/•75 27,.3 a /8.0S 1.Z1 297s 36 2? a-/obg 2:443- 2.77 .57 27. O ?i7 •q 3 /8.38 I8. so 1.19 9:40 ovT Z915z7 3og3 9.'12, 2,94-75- 31.'0 2/ 3k 274-1535 -- z7R 4,35 31_II 141 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS lZ"zf3 0 JOB NO. GRADE SHEET SHEET S OF TRACT NO. STREET C'S GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FORD STAKES ARE SET ! Z. ° S t.tri STAKES SET BY D. 7.1. COMP. BY CHECKED BY T.11 STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. B.M. - \-1 33 1.7 ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL NOTES 3z yes 33.-70 -FZ1" > 1'/31 ZI.9'1 33— 4t 2 3oa-s7 ?S 3l,..< .22:Zn 33 4-zs^ 3N.7 2,5.33 E.87 /3 3v.1-51 — 35� 29-33 Zs •5? 31.V) 22.7o .619 33 f-7S 3L/ 25.8 2. 30 -►--77 3/ - 31.90: 2Z. g 33IZ 3 Lt,�3 8,-73 o or-% 33-- 951 4.11 3/f25- 3Z.z� Z.37 8 8Z. 33 -1-951' 34.7,3. W.G8 32,53 Z3, lmZ n1 344-z5' 24,341 3/--7s 23,86, 35-,I, 26.55 3Z- 33.01 2 2f, ti 34 4-75 2 ;77 225 3 5„q5- zG•9e ? G / 32.r,54, 33.so 3 5,4' Z 3G,29 27.2' 9,09 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are. normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 CI SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE rZ'Z$" o a GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED STAKES ARE SET I Zak GRADES FOR S. . D • STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES 35--5O 27.4 2r;9'7; 314-75 s3 27, 4,3 375 q.1-1.9 3(e• F, vik S�- 3FI 39,55 3G • -25- 37.o 28,64 3ga-'2 39.4,0 3le .i5v 37. 44 z8.2-T 3�•1-s"c' 37•S2 7.%.49 40441 37 38.13 Zg.7v. q:4 39-- 37-r 75 9.92 2`r,00 Io.a1 37-f-3G3- 3q-0Z 3 1,5o Pay-► 37-i;g1#s „av5 ,2.`l.l0 ct.gs 3-7 -So 361;-I Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must•be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 KENKO INC. Survey Request Via: Fax ❑ Mail ❑ UPS ❑ Hand El Other ❑ Date: 1-1 p / Survey required by Date: From Station 2- / / Z>S +03 Please stake all appurtenances please stake all Wye branches `lease Stake centerline only lease stake centerline at all manholes Speclai inst/uctiohs 2 ii-1 31 I- 3 c47 36+ o Project Name: arrrw 5 -U To: 5 rG V Firm:L. Offset Left 0 Right ❑ Left Left Left El Right 0 Right Right ❑ ❑ Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ❑ Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points ❑ Please stake ROW/easement limits ❑ Other (describe below) Left and right is determined by facing up station. CORPORATE OFFICE-12301 Central Ave. N.E., Ste 100 - Blaine, MN 55434 Tel: (783) 755-2199 Fax: (763) 755-7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION-2811,Westgrove Drive, Ste Carrollton, TX 75008-Tel: (972) 931-9494-Fax:: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Poet Office 9ox, 831- Calimesa,' CA 02320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 — Fax: (009) 795.1840 40 KENKO INC. Survey Request and ❑ Other ❑ Project Name: t/-27-ov Via: Fax ❑ Mail UPS Date: ! 1 Survey required by Date: I From Station Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches Please stake centerline only ...Please stake centerline at all manholes: To Station •' Special Instructions To: Firm: Station Interval Offset ! C3 Left ❑ Right Left ❑ Right ❑ Left ❑ Right El Left ❑ Right El Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ❑ Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points Please stake ROW/easement limits QOther (describe below) Note All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. CORPORATE OFFICE— 12301 Central Ave. N.E ,Ste:100 Blaine, MN 55434 -Tel: (763) 755-2199 — Fax (763) 755-7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION —2811 Westgrove Drive, Ste 107 Carrollton, TX 75006 —Tel: (972) 931-9494 - Fax (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 Callmesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 = Fax (909) 795-1840 El hA KIflG 'r�t7it' �YOizBIpIANN�Itg►�13i�INr#�R® GRADE SHEET i E /I, -i .., e'e JOB NO, TRACT NO. STREET a 41 DeS FROM PLAN NO, DATED REVISED PS _„ PL'� RAMS FOR 5 E '. , /2 "tit/a • STAKES ARE SET 9/tp ofZ i"" i ' " a+dJ.►i"9"`? i,' SLAKES SET BY COMP, BY CH CKED BY B,M, /(6 "" ' ; / /.4/ 7".5 r te:c ' rr'r e41 { zse r rh/ efi STATION ELEV, GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV, O ADE CUT /.I,fi'/ 7. .32. ;mil f/ I► co 11 tie," vApwriminasor :'1 '. -. .. .. . . it N ,., :: h d ,•Ib `` s' Ski 'y } 3�, diallift Illveri 'rem op al siokas or Hells In foot and hundredths Oiliabt, The term iewr'prides refers td llow f l tor!, S tlti iliir►r� ilia rtlfiieitii#ohkod on lath for contractor's convenience only end ere not to be used for oonstructleyn, When using glide a ekttli, bl f itb .041 IIl tallbWlinp'Iutoeff j1) `three (3) aahleoullve points on the some role of dude end on the lJerna, line must be used 1' fiit3rl) 4 W ft if I IN tbtlnd; It moat be reported to thle office Immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held rdlIponslble far any e l )ff a grr<td0e a tIn elm II'gtoe" sheets send stokes We veld titter 30 days; K =N ° f n x, yr , 01e1 Conventlbn Cantor" Wayliulti 100 { ;r , onturle, CAlifornIa 91784 (909) apt► aaao ; P>Nx: (009) 9374002 GRADE SHEET 4+,.,,.,. DATE, t - y JOB NO, TRACT NO, STREET gRADES FFOM'PLAN NO, , DATED , REVISED t' RADES FOR STAKES SET SY,: STAKES ARE SET CHECKED tt ICON tlIven from op bt Stoker or nails In teat and hundredth' of $ toot, The term sewer grades refers tW f iln ► rmcily merked on loth tot contrebtorts convenience only and are not to be used for construction, i. When uoirtb WO* t'I WAN finest (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the some rote of {rids end on the semi (Iris must b ur Irt co t; a It must be report' to this 0llloo Irnmedletely, otherwise this olfltie.oannot be held respohhlble for,,Mny urror t prM�se chests and stoke' ors void alter 30 Boys, ... 4 E181 Oonvantlari banter Way! WW1 ontfsrlh oilltornla 0 784 ° (000) a3!199o0'. grit (goo) d3742O2, b(A-"T-� �s�r c •KENKCO INC. aturvoy aoq uor.t VIM! rex LJ Men Ll Ut's Ll Hand tiler L'1 bale, l Z 7CL� C Survey required by bate, / 2 -c o t roni Stall it. To elation Hem slake all appulleneneee Please rinks all wye brenohes Pleats Make centerline only Iraarit rake centerline at all manholes jpk trl I netauoHorte Note; All but fo flow line. Left and rfghf la determined by fecing up station, ProJect Name; To: iesi 51,gy. Plum L, I /A) , • elation Interval Left I_I�� night Lent~ ICJ night 15lemon oink.) per the Manufactures Lay Shoals Please stake all grade changers and/or Ingle paints t Ienee stake fOW/e.oement limits Other (describe below) eon at ve s pea ure ConPORArE oPPIct-12301 Cenhal Ave, N.a., 6G too - Si.?,,., MN 00434 — Tel: (703)100.2100 — Pic (703) 700.1001 SourtianN1Molotov, bilve,ale407-Cottonton, TX70000—Tel: (072)031.0404—For (072)021.0474 WBStEaN bViStoN— Poi! oldoS sox Bit - Conm+ee, CA 02320 — Tel: (000)10e-20ee — kit (000) 708.114d _rt.tl� Left I J Right [j Left I:J Right [J ID • KENko INCN Survey noquest Via: Fax 0 Mall Ej UPS Ej Hand [Fj Die: Survey required by Date: /z-10-0-0, thugdailibtao, 50 ÷ 9 5 57.--Fi 3 WILIMItosi Please stake all oppurtenances Please stake all wye branches • )01ease stake centerline only Pleasa stake centerline at all manholes Jpocial Instructioa_30-7-- /A/j/ &i /Z "5 Project Name: '...er/IT-191.) To: 37-0--PLP- Firm: L_Oc, is4sta_ Station Interval Offset • Left El Right 1?" Left 1:1 Right 'El Left El Right Left 0 Right 0 ..., Please stake per the MenufactUres Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points ...,, Please stake ROW/easement limits _ Other (describe below) 1.D -7-- • Note: All cuts to flow line, Left and right Is determined by facing up station. RPO-Representative 8 gnature )36.c_ont.A 413 allo rA" t Print Name conponAIR orrice- 12301 Osutntl Ave, N.IL Ells 100 Blatt% MN 66434 — (763) 766-2100 - Pax: (703) 766-7801 SOUTfISIIN DIVISION —2811 Wealutovs Dave, Ste 107 — CortoNon, TX 76000 — Tal: (072) 031.0404 — Pam (072) 031.6474 WS'STSIIN DIVISION Post 0Mos Box 631 — Ulm's., CA 02320 Tel: (000) 706-2688 — Fax: (000) 706-1840 • . , • KENKO INC. Survey Request Via: Fax ❑ Mail ❑ UPS ❑Hand Other(] Date: /7_—.)2, "-Cr() Survey required by Date: From Station 97-O-7 Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches Please stake centerline only .Please stake centerline at all manholes To Station Z--6 Project Name: 79-,g/Q-: To: c57-67-vc,' Firm: �. Station interval Left, ❑ Offset , Right L J--" Left, 0 Right 0 Left ❑ Right ❑ Left 0 Right 0 Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ID Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points 0 Please stake ROW/easement limits ❑ Other (describe below) ❑ 1 r Scrw o-rZ l.2vr�-/ s.--/e / 7 "X-1 es }> 9 raw Ana¢ El 0 Note: All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. KENKO Representative Signature CORPORATE OFFICE-12301 Central Ave. N.E., Ste 100— Blaine, MN 55434—Tet: (783) 755-2199 — Fax: (763) 755-7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION-2811 Westgrove Drive, Ste 107—Carrollton, TX75008—Tel: (972) 931-9494 — Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION — Poet Office Box 831 — Callmeea, CA 92320 — Tel: (900) 795-2568 Fax: (909) 795-1840 i KENKO INCE Survey Request Via: Fax C] Mail E J UPS ❑ Hand Date, IL 6C) Survey required by Date, From Station 3 cd t,3 o c/C 39 L//gel( Other❑ To Station �{6fi S c' Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches Please stake centerline only lease stake centerline at all Manholes Special Instruct/op/ P/�f,�(�U Uce tj 5 /AV A+ P, Protect Name: Tam To: S 1EOZ Firm: 4-, /J kit Station Interval Left (- Offset 2Q ❑ Right ❑ Left CI Right Left ❑ Right ❑ Left in Right d. Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) o Sib By A-1 of\ LA-k-dA s Note: All Cuts to flow line. Left and right Is determined by facing up station. KENKO Representative Signature A(.4 L. A)Ck(1.50A,/ Print Name CORPORATE OFFICE -12301 Central Ave. N,B., Ste 100 - Elaine, MN 00434 - Tel: (703) 700-2100 w pnxl (703) 705.7001 SOU ninnN DIVISION- 2011 Woet0rove l,tive, Ote 107 - Carrollton, TX 70000 - Tel: (072) 031.0404 - Max: (072) 031•0474 toV 9TW N DIVISION. poet OftIoe lox 031- Cellnlese, CA 02320 - Tel: (000) 705.2860 - Fee:: (000) 705.1040 smIssion Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and detail Document Size Letter—S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue , Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Far 909-350-6618 Fax Communicalions E. Don Gene Please Comment 13 Please Reply Total Pages Confirmed : 2' 6-00; 4 : 43PM 1234567 Na. Doc Remote Station Start Ttme Duration Pages Mode Comments Results' 1 659 99370202 ' 12- 6-00;.4:42PM 1'14" ,2/ 2 EC CP :14400` ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct RE:'Resend PD: Polled by Remote MB Recelve'to Mailbox BCE Broadcast. Send MP.:.Multi-Poll . PG: PollIng•Remote -RI:: Power Interruption CP:,Completed RM: Receive to Memory DR Document Removed ATM: Terminated by':user LS: Local Scan LP: LocalPr'int' FO: Forced'.Output ',WT:.Waiting .Transfer' • KENKO INC. Survey ` Request Ella; Fax 0 Mall 0 UPS El Hand Other 0 Date: /2-C - 6=0 Survey required by (Onto; /2 C57-6)c- �atGQ Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches `lease stake centerline only lease stake centerline at all tennholee Project Narno: To: Stec. e Firm: �%J k Station Interval Lett I Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please sinks all grade changes and/or tingle points Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) EN A,AtAti J& Note: All cuts to flow lino, Loft and tight is determined by facing up statlon. E KO ReprosentatiVO Signature CofPONATB OPFICS 12301 Central Ave, KB., Ote 100 - binlne, MN 00434 - Telt (703) 700-2100 - Pax; (703) 781.7801 50U114617N DIVISION-2011 Weetorove Drive, Ole 107 - Carrollton, TX 70000 - Tel (072) 031.0404 - Pam (072) 031.0474 WaSt1V13N DIVISION — Poet ofllee Box 031 Cnllmeea, CA 02320 - Tel: (000) 700.2000 — Pext (000) 700.1040 Sent By: LD KING; To: ' DON GDULA 909 937 0202 ; Dec-1-00 2:51PM; ocinG Engineers/Planners/Surveyors FAX TRANSMITTAL Company: Fax No.: 3506618 From: Shaun Boofsma FOR YOUR INFORMATION FOR YOUR REVIEW & COMMENT Ej PLEASE SION AND RETURN SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: Job/File No: Date: No. of Pages: ® AS REQUESTED El PLEASE CALL AFTER YOU HAVE RECIEVED PLEASE CALL AND VERIFY RECEIPT OF FAX OTHER Page 1 HERE ARE THE CUT SHEETS THAT YOU REQUESTED FOR CITRUS AVE SEWER. Thank you, Shaun Bootsma L.D. King Engineering L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764 909/937-0200 • Fax: 909/937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; L'XIflG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS NGINEERS DATE /7/0/ COO JOB NO. ! 2 s TRACT NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO, DATED._ GRADES FOR STAKES SET BY COMP. BY. 909 937 0202 ; GRADE SHEET STATION ELEV. 5 Dec-1-00 2:51PM; Page 2 STREET 5�.. J-'L A REVISED 5 Ito �► t ✓ STAKES ARE SET �. CHECKED BY NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT S •D•1 e2,► Cuts and fills are Grades are flathofor of contractor's conveniekes or nails in nce ot nly and are not to be used for of a foot, The construction. rm sewer -When des refers us ng d line saakes, contractor shall observe normally marked oneanWhen a discrepancy thef following,tu tab: {r ported to tconsecutivehis office Immediately, nts on totherwise thishe same rate ooff ice cannot betheldarespo responsible for any usediror in the grade2of the finished work, is found, it must be reported All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario. California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937.0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; Dec-1-00 2:51PM; Page 3 LKInG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS, DATE /z/or/� GRADES FROM PLAN NO- DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR STAKES ARE SET j‘V Is ,2r GRADE SHEET SHEET / .OF STREET JOB NO./2�i/s'• °r TRACT NO. STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. ELEVATION CUT FILL NOTES 1-4 STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE YI •o f) q1�� 1-1 5- iet 2°l �H Sco t-S Ptj Iv' —4 iz 4 O --Z2 l"l - 1 7 'J i- C� 41 .41 ti 12•`t% r� y �3�� -silk 'Z�q Li. �, ► G�• ZIk„ f(tr.'.— IZ1'e r 4,1 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feel and hundredths of a foot The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are • normally marked on lath for contractors convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes. contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; de When of then ardis red worry is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held respansible for any error in the g All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 't-% p-+)e-/ ! 1,- +I f r, 1.1-4 Sent, By: LD KING; L'XiflG WRVEYORS/PLANNER$lENGINEERS )ATE rZ-//° JOB NO. /L-if—/�� 3RADES FROM PLAN NO. 3RADES FOR S ` STAKES SET BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT 1_ 1 44 909 937 0202 ; NOTES STATION ELEV. SHEET 2 OF ELEVATIQN Grades are given from op of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in tho grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; UXIflG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS 909 937 0202 ; DATE - l -� JOB NO, I z-`I f ' P..-TRACT NO, STREET GRADES FROM PLAN NO. W DATED• REVISED FB PG c � STAKES ARE SET STAKES SET BY 1 ° ` (�' GRADES FOR ,7.�.A-. _ COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ' FILL NOTES 11 a --- ��MEM Grades ers to flow ine of pipe, — Cuts fills are aremarked given on from top contractors convenience only and are of stakes or nails In feet and not to be used for constructioof a foot. The term sewer grades When fus n grade) takes, contractor shall observe terotnormally the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, ft must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. - 51 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; U(IflG SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS 909 937 0202 ; Dec-1-00 2:52PM; • Page 6/8 SHEET q OF, DATE I Z f `' I JOBNO. l ..TRACT NO. STREET Gr •- ^ 5 GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADE SHEET GRADES FOR S �,w s - STAKES ARE SET i� o I S. : le — STAKES SET BY STATION ELEV. GRADE COMP. BY CUT FILL NOTES CHECKED BY B.M. ELEVATION STATION ELEV. GRADE 5 L. f- ., `w `fr, CUT FILL NOTES 0 �11 54 (oo 01/ IZ• I551-u� .I-2- �i% ' 3 tjJ (1,10-1— �fs`►=- }-ice 5T2 4rc/ei !e 12 = fcd �zs 40 �lmtLz. 1 •5` ty `F(e�% 12 , y�3 •t• •� 1-,> 56) - (61 Ii tat11 Q1 12�i Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet end hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and ere not to be used for construction, - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used In common, (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; Dec-1-00 2:53PM; • Page.7/8 L'XIflG SURVEYORS/PIANNERSIENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET OF DATE Iz•loI JOB NO: Iz' _ - I _ TRACT NO. STREET G GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG '� c_✓- STAKES ARE SET . / �' r /c� !a r GRADES FOR � STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. STATION . ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ^Jt V ELEVATION FILL NOTES 'Lgi -j•'2� t'_v� '3g aaZ 1332, t �v Sc�7r - ._.Y IV (6;5', `; Jam- i'Z .3 WO, , Zri. 5l f Z� btms� 524'1'& /5 /3 a �- 41 tm4 _S I 13 i:.. f-7 S -'; 5 3 tort— r-LL" lob 42 5-413(.,h ou.T f (01 s;-7 &. M/la I J �•K Col 411,:t. 54'21 111,'" Grades era given from top of stakes or nails in: feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally r tierked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction, -When using grade stakes, contractor ra discrepancy shall observe the following rules: Three t(3) consecutiveo this office immediately, ts on the otherwi otherwise s ote ofnce cannot be heldrade and on the responsible sponsible for any me line must be used In rin in the rade of the finished work. is fd�rnd, it must be reported All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937.0200 FaX (909) 937-0202 Sent By: LD KING; UXiflG SURVEYORSIpUW NERS/ENGlNEERS DATE 11-1 4,-=. JOB NO. i-2-4 s- GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR 909 937 0202 ; TRACT NO. STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION Dec-1-00 2:53PM; Page 8/8. CHECKED BY B.M. - ELEVATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points oh the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used In common; (2) When a discrepancy is.found, it must be reported to this office Immediately. otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error In the grade of the finished work. .All grade sheets and slakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Th .i Date/Time Local ID:: Local Name Company Logo do n-F I rmed s d a c um n (reduced sample and: details below Document Size ent was. Total Pages Scanned Letter-S 7o: Steve Nix rem 9,937-0202 Phone: 937-0200 Re( Survey Request City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don GdUH baton Ndnmber27,' 000 • O Urgent O For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Prease Recycle • .Comments: ' Total Pages 'Confirmed : 2' 11-27-00; 3:35PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station- Start 'Time . Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 361 99370202 11-27-00;.3:34PM 51" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan PE: MP: RM: LP: Resend Multi -Poll Receive to Memory Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB Receive 'to MelIbox PH' Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer. 10/29/2000 23:09 1- 'I 9096233323 Via: Fax [] Mail E UPS Date: 1- 2-7 Survey,required by ate: Ayy Co Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches ,lease stake centerline only lease stake centerline at all manholes Special Instructions KENKO Station Interval Left PAGE 02 Offset 1 0 Right Left [] Right Left EI Left 0 Right ❑ Right Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or. angle points ❑ Please stake ROW/easement limits £'—Other (describe below) Note. All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. CORPORATE OFFICE -12301 Central Ave. N.E., Ste 100 —Blaine. MN 55434 — Tel{ (763) 755-2199 - Fax: (763) 755-7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION - 2611 Westgrov. Drive, Ste 107 — Carrollton, TX 75006 — Tel: (972) 931-9494 — Fax: (972) 931.5474 WESTERN DIVISION— Port On1C Box B31 — C.Hm.rr, CA 92320 — Tel: (009) 795-2568 — Fax: (900) 795.1640 Date/Time, Local ID Local Name Company 'Logo *(reduced sample and detaiI.s Document Size Letter-. Total Pages`Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909350-6618 Fax Commisications From! Don Gdula Facet 9-937-0202 Phones 937-0200 Re. Survey Request ❑ Urgent 0 For Review "`Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Noma kacyele •Commemst Stever Kenko does want the survey craw to layout the shore drain and west sewer lateral eh for clearenee. • Total Pages Con -Firmed : 2' 11-22-00;10:19AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote'Statlon Start Time. Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 091 99370202 11-22-00;10:1.7AM 1'15" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400. Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Mu l.,t.i -Po l 1 RM: ReceIVe to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: PoII,Inga Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mallbox Power lnterr'uptlon TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer i KENKQ INC Survey Request Via: Fax 0 Mall [) UPS 121-ITand'0 Other 0 bate / j 7 22,-: Cc Survey required by Date: // c From Station 7 .fccStIrt Project Name: To: Sfavrz- Firm: Station Interval Offeet Left 0 Right Left d Right d Len 0 Left L:J Right Right 0 d Please stake all apputlenanaen ease stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all wye branches Please stake all grade changes and/or angle olnts lease stake centerline only Please stake ROW/easement limits p I01s0I slake centerline at all Manholes Other (describe below) ti Note; All cuts to flaw line, Left and tight Is deterrttlned by facing up elation, OO1tl'ORATO OPPlcf as 12301 Central Ave. N.9., Ste 100 — aisles, MN 00434 - Tel: (7ea) 708.2100 paxt (783) te04e01 SOU 1l18►iN DIVISION- 28 i 1 Weatprove btive, Ste 107 — Cottonton, TX 7800d - TeI: (072) 031.0404 - Max! (01) 031447 WEeSTWIN blt'lSioN- past of too Doe 811- csllnisea, OA 02320 Tel (000) 105 2550 - lrixf (000) T05.1140 . F '' INA GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET .l OF DATE /1- /3 -vo JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET G/T2vS.: GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR sravve12, L 4 1&12-4LS. STAKES ARE SET /0/S.. STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. (? LA- ►mot' `5 Limn/ L nG4-11 /2, - g9 B. GRADE 2.2:a-11 CUT ELEVATION • FILL NOTES WEST- 11+1`f' s-r" 11-f= z-3 2,1-1/271 244-1 12,4-810 l W 4-Zo W-f 2,14-34 2 841 r SST` 14 0 31- 143o wesT Ib-1-0 33-1"1.. 1- AtvesT• 2o-131 WEVI- 2146,, WIEST' Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three'(3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 ism'I';ss.I on Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo Th is document was con-F i rmed. (reduced same I e and details'' be;I ow. Document Size Letter-S Pages Scanned 8353 Siena Manua Fontana CA 92333 nwnr: 909353.7032 Fax 9093586616 City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects Fax Communications 7o: Steve Nix From: Don Gdula Fax:. 9-937-0202 Phone: 937-0200. Rot Survey Request . Date: Novembers. 2000 Page.: 1 O Urgent ❑ For Review Please Comment 7 Please Reply G Please Recycle •Cemmentet Need the survey crew to complete the lays locetione for the tnterals on Cars Avenue. .. ' Total Pa gem Confirmed . .11- 6-00; 1:38PM 1234567 No.. Doc Remote Station"Sta-rt Time. Duration Pages Mode Comments.Results. 1 201 99370202 11-'6-00'; 1:37PM • 33" 1/. 1 EC -' CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed. LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi-Poll.,.. RM: Receive to Memory.. LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power,interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 ax Communications To: Steve Nix From: Don Gdula Fax:. 9-937-0202 Date: November 6, 2000 Phone: 937-0200 Pages: 1 Re: Survey Request ❑ Urgent 0 For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: Need the survey crew to complete the wye locations for the laterals on Citrus Avenue. Th i sdocument was con-F i_rmed (reduced sample and deter i I s be'I ow Document Size Letter-s Total. Pages. Scanned 14153 Senn Avawa Fontana. 5A92395 Phonic 909350-7632 roe to93006ert To; Stave Nix Fear. 9.937.0202 Phone 937-9200 Ra Survey Request City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects Prom: DonGdula Data November 6.2000 Peeper 6 0 Uweol 0 For Review - 'Please Comment ' ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Commenter Need the survey crew to complete the aye locations for the laterals on Citrus Avenue. Will pat more locations on 11.7.00. M 1 don't talk wxh the property owner the laterals will oe In Perth. Plan. This survey request dated 10.13.00 was Supposedly given to the survey crew by Steve Hauer when I was on vacation. ,. Total' Pages Confirmed 11-. '.. 6-00; 4:51PM 1234567 . No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 225 99370202 ii— 6-00; 4:47PM 3'29" 5/ 5 ... EC CP 1 4400 ' ** Notes EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcest'Send CP: Comp eted LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP::MUItI-Poii PM: Recelve'to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB. Receive to Mailbox PI: Rower'InteruptIon TM: Terminated by user WT:Waiting-Trans-Fer B1dgSF:960 Ac:1.02 MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) : * Site :11269CAve Fo Fontana 92337 1 Parcel :0255 071 25 0000 `ZI -[ �� C/ Xfered :07/22/1993 Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence Phone Bedrm:1' Bath:1.00 TotRm:3 YB:1949 Pool: BldgSF:576. * : MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) : Owner :Brown David E. Site :11113 Citrus Ave Fontana 92337 Mail :11133 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337 Use :518 Res,Mobile Home,Outside Park Bedrm:2 Bath:2.00 TotRm:4 YB:1973 Pool: * MetroScan / San Bernardino ( : * 'Owner :Shigekuni Henry M Pare, 1 0255 071 01 0000 Site :Santa Ana Ave Fontana 92335 Xfered :10/12/1982 Mail :3423 Emerald St Torrance Ca 90503 Price : ram. 's{Cr-avo-Ocit 1 Use 000 Vac, Vacant » Oqa Bedrm: Bath: YB: 3`O— Ac:4.35 * Owner :Eshleman David R Site :16130 Jurupa Ave Fontana: 92337 t 14 Mail :11195 Cypress Ave Fontana Ca 92337 `� TotRm: MetroScan / San Phone Pool: BldgSF: Bernardino (CA) Parcel :0255 071 24 0000 Xfered :07/03/1990 Price C!® Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence Phone :909-877-1226 Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm:6 YB:1952 Pool: Mail :11269 •Citrus Ave Fontana.Ca 92337 Price 1121 Citrus Ave Fontana 92337 I 11213 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337 t C :510 Res,Single Family Residence 3 Bath:1.00 TotRm:.5 :YB:1948 Pool: Parcel :0255 071 29 0000 Xfered Price Phone BldgSF:1,152 • MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) : S D¢aV� • Parcel : 9255 071 30 0000 'Xfered ,;.'°06/15/199'95 COE,C16416 Price Phone :909-822-3087 W �(tl�ti2 B1dgSF:1,388 Ac:5.90 :` MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) Parcel Xfered O Price Phone BldgSF:1;164' 'MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) .44� Parcel :0255 071 48 �0000 .Xfered Price Phone :08/14/1991. Ur -FT Cv. O Ac:5.49 :0255 071 42 0000,' :03/06/1992 Ac:2.80 e'"y' intana 92337 Mail :11033 Citrus Ave Fontana' Ca 92337 Use. :510 Res,Single`Family Residence * :11081 Citrus Ave Fontana `Mail :11081 Citrus Ave;'Fontana Ca 92337 Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence Bedrm:2 Bath l.00 TotRm:5 yB:1928 Pool: Site Mail Use Bedrm: ,.S.zw�r'rh?w'�w., itrus Ave `ontana g337 Mail; :13563 Herrick Ave"Sylmar Ca.91342 Use :522 Res,Single Family.,Residence,Two Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm:'6 YB:1962 Pool: BldgSF:1,170 * MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) Parcel; :0255 071 50 0000 Cr�_i_ C Xfered :04/15/1983, T�5 "I Price Phone * G.1�4�GI��FGG� laviatiae Ac:5.90 * Bedrm:4 Bath:2.00 TotRm:7 YB:1936 Pool: BldgSF:2,050 Ac:1.07 :'MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) : 4[ Site Mail ,.,.,7% Parcel :0255 071 51 0000 rus Ave Fontana 92337 Xfered :08/19/1994 rtitRp 12.0 �� :454 W 12Th St Claremont Ca 91711 O Price .Use : :510 Res,Single Family Residence 4 C f Phone :909-626-4458 'Bedrm:3 Bath:2.00 TotRm:7 YB:1930 Pool:Yes BldgSF:1,696- Ac:4.70 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But. Is Not Guaranteed. ''gM / San Bernardino I� Parcel :0237 191 04 0000 Ze` � Xfered' Price Phone BldgSF:384 Ac:4.80 * Parcel :0237 191 05 0000 ire 110$$ estrus ve Fontana 92337 2 Arle, Xfered :08/19/1994 AMail :11088 Citrus. Ave Fontana Ca 92337 l Price ` Use' :510 Res,Single Family Residences Phone 909-356-1553 Bedrm:4 Bath:5.00 TotRm:9 YB:1990 Pool: BldgSF:4,226 Ac:4.80 xay..fi.,rvvB /.( ) * MetroScanSan Bernardino.CA Parcel :0237 191 13 0000 '8 1114 (citrus "Ave Fontana 92337 Xfered :03/31/1998 Mail :11114 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337 ZZ49 I Price Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence' Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00 TotRm:4 YB:1930 Pool: BldgSF:752 * MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) . Parcel :0237 191 15 0000 . 1'1�i8""0' t s�}' 1 'F rC a1a 92337 1,64. ,') C( Xfered :02/24/2000 Mail' :11208 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337 Price :$100,000 Full Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence Phone Bedrm:2 Bath:1.00. TotRm:5 YB:1928 Pool: BldgSF:1,128 Ac:l.l' * JtroScan./ San Bernardino (CA) : * -as.ror+e°s�'�"i�.� ua icyiE /Jen-Jon/Wang Y Et Al Parcel : 0237 191 18 0000 itA :i1"1'.Citrus Ave Fontana 92337 Xfered :12/17/1992 Mail :11138 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337 21"406p Price Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence C..40 Phone Bedrm:4 Bath:2.00 TotRm:6 YB:1977 Pool: BldgSF:1,522 Ac:3.60 * . MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) : *` Owner :Lopez Roberto Parcel :0237 191 19 0000 Site :11160 Citrus Ave Fontana 92337 C Xfered :03/21/1995 Mail :11160 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca :92337' �° Price Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:3.00 TotRm:8 YB:1979 Pool: BldgSF:2,231' • MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) Parcel :0237 191 '.20 0000 Ifet2C C1 Xfered :03/19/1984 ✓J ID Price ,P•�'/ °`'"ice. Phone YB:1976 Pool: B1dgSF:1,728 Ac:2.38 * MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) 41.1.1,4r1,100r Parcel :0237 191 33 0000 ,.,: i ,� e 11232 Citrus .eve Fontana 2337 ^ Xfered :06/04/1998 Mail :11232 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337 15- !'0 Price :$180,000 Full Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence .'Phone :909-350-3940 Bedrm:4 Bath:2.00 TotRm:7 YB:1968 Pool:Yes. BldgSF:1,849 Ac:1.30 MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) Parcel :0237 191.36 0000 Xfered :09/07/1999 ,n�/ Price (��' Phone :909-822-7025 Mail:11033'Citrus Ave tana a397 i e t' fiis ve Fontana Fontana Ca 92337 Use' :510 Res,Single Family Residence Bedrm:3 Bath:2.00 TotRm:7 Owner :Cook Hope N Site :11022 Citrus Ave Fontana 92337 Mail :PO Box 124 Bloomington Ca 92316 Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence Bedrm:1 Bath:1.00 TotRm:4 YB:1928 Pool: : MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) Ac:1.10 * . Site :11236 Citrus Ave Fontana 92337 14+ Z$ Mail :11236 Citrus Ave FontanaCa 92337 4 G.O. Use. :510 Res, Single Family Residence Bedrm:3 Bath:2.50 TotRm:7 YB:1974 Pool: BldgSF:1,950 Ac:1.30 * MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) Owner :Macias Adrian Parcel :0237 191 44 0000 Site :10926 Citrus Ave Fontana 92337% Xfered :08/09/1993 Mail, :10926 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337 Price :$175,000 Full Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence en/d Phone :909-822-1130 Bedrm:3 Bath:2.00 TotRm:7 YB:1931 Pool: B1dgSF:1,745 Ac:1.80 *--- • MetroScan / San Bernardino ;(CA) : * 04. Ac:2.30 e :10954 Citrus Ave E'ontana 92337 �33 Cf Mail :10954 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337' Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm:6 YB:1950' Pool:. 23r-,7.-SI-�� Parcel :0237 191 45 0000 Xfered :06/27/1990 Price Phone :909-350-3352 BldgSF:l,155. The Information Provided is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. Ac:1.40 i * ', MetroScan / San Bernardino (0 : * ''Owner r� 1 r Par el :0237 191 46 0000 Site :�i% 81)Crus Ave Fontana 92337 31-t�3 ° Xfered • Mail :10980 Citrus Ave Fontana Ca 92337 Cto Price Use :510 Res,Single Family Residence Phone :354-OQClo Bedrm:3 Bath:1.00 TotRm:6 YB:1960Pool: BldgSF:950 /obis Ac:1.28 *--- : MetroScan / San Bernardino (CA) * PPw• Parcel :0237 191 47.. 0000. e :16060 Jurupa Ave Fontana 92337 11 2� C/O Xfered :08/06/1980 Mail :16060 Jurupa Ave Fontana Ca 92337 ! Price I/ Use' :510 Res,Single Family Residence Phone OIL Bedrm:3 Bath:2.00 TotRm:6 YB:1977 Pool: BldgSF:1,596 Ac:2.50 The Information Provided Is Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. I Via: Fax ❑ Mail Q UPS ❑ Hand El -Other El Date: _:1 b - / 3 a d Survey required by Date: /d Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches lease stake centerline only •Please stake centerline at all manholes Special Instructions Left ❑ Right Left ❑ Left 0 '` Left 0 Please stake per the Manufactures La Sheets Lay Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points ❑�/Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) Note: All cuts to flow line. ` Left and right is determined by facing up station. CORPORATE OFFICE-12301 Central Ave. N.E.j Ste 100 - Blaine, MN 55434 —Tel: (763) 755-2199 - Fax:.(783) 756480 SOUTHERN DIVISION —2611 Westgrove Drive, Ste 107 - Cerroltton, TX 75006 — Tei: (972) 93 i 0494 1ext.;(972) 931-541 WESTERN DIVISION — Post Office Box 831 Caltmesa, Cd 92320 _ 1'el: (909)195-2568 - Pax:. (9014795-194b Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo Th i s document was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and detaiIs Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned 33233krre Awrue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: W3-353-7632 Far 809-350-¢6• City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects Toe Steno NIx ;: From. - Don Gdula • Fexe 9-937-0202 q Date: November 1,2000 Phone: 037-0200. Pages: 2 • R.i Survey Request . • CC: • C Urgent .0 ForReview Please Comment 0 Please Reply II Please Recycle •Cormn.nt.: CNns Avenue Sewer and Stone Drain, IEUA Industrial waste line Please respond in wilting, thanks. - - 2' Total Pages Confirmed : 2' - 1-00; 4:49PM 1234567. No. Doc Remote Station- Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results t 723 99370202 ' 1 1 - 1 -00 ; 4: 47PM 1 ' 03" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: LOCaI Scan RE: Reseed - MP: Multl-Poll RM: Recelve to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote'. DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Recelve to Mailbox PI Power Interruption TM: Termlnated by user WT: Welting Transfer K N KO INC Survey Request Via: Fax Mall 11,73 UPS Hand 1:1 Other 0 bate: 11- j -, Survey required by bate //-3-Od Project Namo: Io�11 v To:�cr Firm: 1-10 k/ C , t, `cr- &V4 From Station To Station /'71.60 Please stake all Appurtenances Please stake all wye branches jP letase stake centerline only ,oPIonsi stake centerline at all manholes pecInl Instructions crti r Station Interval 2S Offset /0. Left CI Right Left Right Left Left [J Right (� Right CJ Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) 7'3I Ain✓ -1 JVate, All cuts to flow line, Loft and ►1'pht Is dotorrnl►iad by facing up station. R k Ropresontativo Signature Pr ttt nmo 'F.. OUR/'ORAM or► ice...12301 Central Ave, NM„ eta 100 — Blaine, MN 08434 - Tat: (703) 7004100 — Paxl (703) 700.7001 scums RN DIVISION - 2011 Wasturova Drives eta 107 - Carrollton, TX 70000 - Tel: (072) 031.0404 FeX: (072) 031•I WeST RN DIVISION- Poet Ofmoe Box 031— Callmeea, CA 02320 — Tel: (000) 705.2000 - Pax: (000) 701 .1840 p Si rj GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED GRADES FOR S E-1/✓/ • /2 ".PVC STAKES SET BY STAKES ARE SET REVISED /z %s COMP.BY CHECKED BY B.M. � �1 ELEVA ION ! v /X/ 73 ,.gE -Ser. Zit SOUTH '/ ,Ql t/ STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES NIA 7.32 05 GAS /Z.00 /Z.Da 4 33 G7 //¥Sb 14.03 7, 9/ G:G2. il. Z S /Z .d.� /z,/D 6,50' 39' 555" 5;71 1/f-75 /4,Z3 7,50 759 9- /Z•4d G;G4 aas /4133 7'G? /Z1 $ 6.55 .67 I'Z tso 7.75 /Z 8.7 C.rc7. 0 � / z-r 7,fri I l¢. 53 7,53 5 47 5 /.3 63 Z.7 t+r) f 2-4-go /45 /3./� .g5 G, 33 124 4z! /4,5s 7.•90 G.Gs' is4.zS; l3. G.95- G43 13 14Go' 7, 96, GG� /O-,5 /3,5z 13-1-zs. /¢. 7 Z 8., a 5 7,i3. its /3. 7i r3-t-5a 1, 2. 2-- /4, g3 Grades ey are given fromlh for of stases orailsin conveniencet andand hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are onlynorm ked n c s are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive poin s on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909),937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 SHEET 2- OF 2- DATE /O - /f _ oo. JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET JD g t14 . GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR Sk-Vv , 121'FVC • STAKES ARE SET /2 675 -err , a re_ ocJ`T�/ STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. /. wv 7...e : 37,74 K s 5 zit'foe/ ! !7 4 j"yowEvATioN ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES /419A. $. Z�- G'.77- 1624 16 -75- /5,96 7, 210 9,35 !70 /1 - -1`25' /S,/d' /S i9 /5,33 Q,33 $.43 8•s 2 .7G G,g7 / .z3 /G: z3 9.43 z.so /5;3? S'.4I 6,78 /s-- /S4-3 $.-7o /37 4-7 G7 Is -t- /.; 5 G,G9 2.98 G,GY /572- 9.07 Jc '2- /SFsg- 9, i7 GGS Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a.discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 riG ..:.• TRACt NO, STREET GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED r, 9°'s r.; oxe. ° RADEs FOR eleet/EgZ r /2 PtPc STAKES SET BY BTATION BM, °RADII STAKES ARE SET COMP, BY CHCKED BY B,M, A(/477 / ix" Oct' 4s410 ire • CUT FILL NOTEN 8TA?IOW ELOV, OI2AD CU1' • • //1 7 fSvi 7,..42. 7 :84 5 8 7/l 'i:i "0,Avd ,,,, ' , ,e6 e ,3 .,r,c 7 t// CV )4461 • 7,h'/ G,GX 3 }I� r / ,,,. I Al, 's :,, T 0 i 1!. $ ir4 C. , ,1,4,, .:....... nrw // r'75" ,. /4-14. 7,00 G:Zit. �! 1 ti yw {gypµ A, •s7,' L. L //„ ,�y�Tq[ .G1.1!'R-"GJ'- /'/��a MJ►�,K,( �.f�Y...Fws.� f•- �y(. , N.GS"di��' '. � µ 4 f Wti', .. ;. ,. ..x.x�.r...W � �" mil " k"'' .y / r., 4 py � G:. k 'i" 1 • / . I 1 _ W rR �,"- 4 .. t f��7..' .'.�a iJ!� } �' 9L, i9fP5:'Y�`rtr til�, ''y ry� spy P R+ ). f / M .,; a 0�.. �' 1. i y�'� ' . 5 ff l:' �. y,bR3. F u bry � 'R..-. ' . _ 6r; ., ,1 + � ,�j •� d Y A ass as ;*rt..r . .�.. . -...:_"" . .. , .. ec - •. .w,d c..s u.�.ea...... my r�anuwa'nrs .m.,a....-.....�,....•k� ` Rt k�w'n3"! . r. ? .ry j k d'd .isesre+r -� iwwn.xvr+,acM.aroea. /t t(Fl xx� rs iY.4lF R' 4 S 2 yt,+ 4v`ia t�4,R•r4. y, t�Wr+�+�s {, `• Soh '. _...•owe``»+tatn+»ao�WMrn:.u�ua'.,�Parttaw P ..5 ' YY' a�war..1/..'- ,...,i+.lw•n_ae �' ', : r Jmy�wn+wxs.m.. 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UlVoh from to of Stalker or nano In feet and hundredths or'd fool, the term ibwor'0rados torero to flow 11f p *,F sad on loth for contractor's convenience only end ere net to be used for conatructldn When using( Qhide N a iltr i f F l rUlesi (i) Throe (3) cahreoUtlVe points on the Into rote of grad. and on the Same lino mud! be uoad'11i Ifni yV° t beid ekes a�odil Veld f os im3eedietely, olherwibn tills office Cannot be hold rlIponsIbla fdr' any orbs Ill t o:gril I , '` •t• ;; fJ, 1 t ek 1 `t i 01 d1 oonvontlbn Dentin' Way iliulte•100 r5r� 'y �"P� f�wS Oritfr(o, I Ilfornli 01104 �s s� q ;z - 1+Y3, f k.Ah 1a,f (000) O3?'O2t10 Pu iti (009) ti3?4,020 a �r S 9 Iry ,p ,- Y ,1itN�� S i .irk'w.iJ4.ia".. .. .. :», 1.r7 ¢•vf. J; hr�7Fr. 'ut$'0rrd ,' I11111' ►t l tli64#011 (hi itfO V� Fs �F4 % y ,/ �'t1.'yt41i 4r ti 9 x„ry 1� 1 4' i f ',F P . +1 �,#rk=� fllr �' ' • th k + �yr •w,fif* � 'tt" ,,y , p f„ i'idM Y�y�J'�y '+ �MI 3µfh � `� r� it� df Y: A i ti 0110 GRADE SHEEN'.,., EtUi V01:0011r4LANNIMettNOINNIMIS DATE. .0 — ' r") JOB NO, TRACT NO. STREET .7"u42,�'�4. BIRADES FROM `PLAN NO, DATED REVISED PS .,,,,,,,b� 7'G TRADES I?OR I Q , STAKES ARE SET /, '1/5 . r .11" / ,gt, • STAMM SET BY COMP, BY . CHECKED BY • 13,M. M ► .. PILL :..' ., • ►:! I ". 0 0 Ls a 4.7 dO err teen from op at atekes or hells In test and hundredths of a toot. The term S wor prides teesre to I{i + trli�l:ill rw;t ally tnsktad an lath tot oontrbotorP'.00nvenieneo only end are not to be used for construction, 4 WhentuslMp fiidi stakiti rratttrM0WPrti1It tact` Intl.wiled (1) This(3) eonseout1ve points on the some retd Of tads and on the same IInt1 must b11'tised ilt Cbnmllant (x h dills itt 091 must be reported to this office Immedletely, otherwise this o�qe behnot be held reoponilble tof my ntr P1 tfl* prsdi 11 flrt t i If�sheets and stakes ere Vold after 30 days. { Fit rt x tip:: f � � ��� ` A tYM1 1 P N l y(� ++ 4 (!i V artventitit1 ,Canter Wiy OUI�0� pmrtrlal 0111larn1110'I1(d{ (000) 037 0000 POUT (000) 037400'0 L')(IflG GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET ✓ OF / , v� JOB NO. .t� C^. 4 i TRA CT ;���� �+ � NO. STREET-1.14,/e4•,r',4 Z'�4're"/ GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED GRADES FOR . > L 5 STAKES ARE SET FB PG, STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY GRADE CUT FILL STATION ELEV. NOTES STATION ELEV. B.M. /4✓ .5;045 GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES "'re- �G. 7/ ,/ 7 , 7/ 111 1 cf. 74 4 �1:) 7, . 4 ? 94'f' 2 PF ?/ ,t:20. -it pa 1. 0 7 14 7" 75i o 'Seals £' ' ido rr ,�-1 ?,fe-O ( 'IN, 7, 7 7 74 .41- Grades are given from top' of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. —.Cuts and fills are normally marked jon lath for, contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction,`` When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the, following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy'. is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909037-0200 Fax: (909) 937.0202 Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned. 5353 Sine Awoke Fan¢na, CA 92'36 Mans, 909-35-7630 Fag 908050.6618 City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects Steve Nix>' .. From:.. Don Gdula Phoned 937-0200 Pages: 2 ❑ Urgent O.For Review Mims, Commsnl ' 0 Please Reply 0 Please Reeycla •Commeatso Citrus Avenue Sewer and Stone tiraiq IEUA industrial sower on Jumpa Avenue, pet the attached request Total Pages. Confirmed .' No. Doc Remote Station, Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments' Results 1 152 99370202 - 10-1.0-00; 11 :08AM 1'23" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 **.Notes'* EC: Er;ror'>Correct' BC:. Broadcast Send... CP: Completed LS: Local Scan. Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM:Receive-to.Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote. PG: Poi I ing a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox .Pi: power, Interruption . .TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer • Survey required by Date: From Station ` .. S3oa- Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all wye branches Please stake centerline only ;:Please stake centerline at all manholes Special Instructions n%hk?/' KIDNKO INON Survey Request Hand [] Other [] To Station 3 / Jlo 3 oIt. Proje t N me: C::i4n 15.Au To: Cri.j Jbk)tZN,. Firm: Ldp./61 5 Station Interval Left Left d Right `I Please stake per the INanUfactures Lay Sheets Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points Please stake ROW/easement limits Other (describe below) Note: cuts to flow line. Left en All d right Is determined by facing up station, ep n v I,„lure- xi/.wmww.usY1 OC,.Vuew COR.PORATIG OPPICO-12301 Control Ave, NAL, OW 100 Shetine, MN 68434-Teh aoUri4rinhi blYISION'- 2811 WeetOrove Drive, Ste 10/ Oertollton, TX mood 4. `rill{' WBtSTW N,DIVISION- Poet Offloe' Sox 831 Oellmseo, OA 02320 - Tell (000) (703) 7864100 Pills (703)76 .7001 (072) 0314404 - NIX{ (070) 03i.e47� 7064608 - Nix{ (000) 705.1040 At s' Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention. Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING: COPIES I DATE NO. 4 DATE: ;9 ATTENTION: ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ❑; PRINTS ❑ PLANS ❑ SAMPLES ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ ORIGINALS ❑ DESCRIPTION frieeT-rfr THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ❑ FOR APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ❑ RESUBMIT. COPIES FOR APPROVAL dif—TOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑ SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR' CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN • CORRECTED PRINTS ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ 19 : ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Office Use Only ❑Corr OTM OSv OUt OHy/So ❑PC/Per OCalc. • i SURVEYORS/PLANNER$/ENGINEERS '. s;a STAKES ARE SET • STAKES SET BY t .-8 •. COMP BY . CHECKED BY STATION, ELEV V • 77 71; itec. 'GRADE Z. exe (0..461" v4. •I Z CUT s.— FILL o ' -tiers . NOTES zl. sgzz.::. '54x3 19 Z.7c7 STATION Z}i5595 .. • Ys1V7. 3+0:� • ELEV. b6+ 7z re Co 7 RADI 70 7�4J. . 715-e-.a 11;'N 9- 7i'1..r: 72 Cur i~ 9 9Z; 207. 1 °_.- 1! FILL NOTE I1 ZI t3 1 9 27t± Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills: • normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes, contractor shall obse. the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive pointson the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepar is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished we All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days < ' 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 innnt 'tn." nnnn e-_... 'nnn% n•-av nnn f TATIOI • • L • t 7n 73 7s° • OT TATJ.O cc, 3 AD CP 77 43-er • • z• :. •;, • FI :NOTE f At • Grades aregiven from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of afoot The term sewer grades refers to flow line of. pipe. ''= Cuts and 'fills 'e riormally:marked on lath for contractor's convenience only'and'are not to be used for construction. When using grade stakes; contractor shall obser the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same' line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepan is found, it must, be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade; of the finished wo All grade sheets and stakes arevoid after 30 days: ;!--":•; :* ; • ,; . • !I TATI . s. '1! • ••••••:.• ‘W, „sr • '• • •••".77. • •'••• •••!,,I;j‹. ••••.! .. • — • . , . :•.•! ;`• •• , . . • OT • -•.!!:•• -,:••••••••••41,..,4V .145 ikerri•;";::. ••;:ap.z:i:. •••:!!'-'••••••• ; • !";!"!..!-.••••"; • :V • • ••••.:-.,...4.1••••:':.:,:::•!tv,.;, ' • • . • "c•-•!..:•••:•'';`,'„•!:•':'••••• •• .%01,450 • ••:— • •• • • • •••••• • .. 12 'SHEET • 'be 1‘,4) • "SI' "ri' • :7„ :71.17.the£9.• • . .• . , . • , . • ' PG • FILL NOTE • • • ... • • 119 5 Grades are given from op of .stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot The term sewer grades refers to flow line of picie. Cuts and fills ; • normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. -•:-.When using grade stakes, contractor shall obsei the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepar • , • is found, it must be reported to ths office immediatelji, otherwise this office.o§nnot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finiShed-Wii • ',o!1/411'grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 . . . . • • : , • • SIJRVEYOR/PLANNERi /ENGINEERS ' OF QT I Zr; f o JOB'.NO. •. TRACT NO. STREET tee. A i `GfADES FROM. PLAN NO.DATED REVISED FB P 1-GRADES FOR STAKES ARESET CHECKED BY< r715 •/ fW _ ,COMP: B STATION ELEV. GRADE 1 � Zf-r3s1 • 715 t: • r� 701-14, I sic_ gr (py re CUT 4 o 5 17 a�- FILL : • NOTES ,:: `STATION; t lop 7 Q (0 ::. /4 (• 4040 _ 9.136 ELEV.: 7o5a 7D 4-1- 7/ c5 GRAD 7039 70 tiZ CUT 0 S ZE ELEVATION FILL NOTE • 54 5 off: 7 0 7fo 7 �If . A; 7/eL. Grades are given from op of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction.- When using grade stakes, contractor shall obsel the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepar is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished wo All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days., ., fW: y sm1ssLon Report Date/Time Local, ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO : NAME: $TiF,1d6 ALIK LOCATION: FAX: AOre-clY)-01.0G PHONE: FROM: Da.'G ULA TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: (NtLU NO COVE99I(EE2) r LOCATION PHONE: DATE: • CITY . OF F CALIFORNIA 'O N T A N A 401-c151-e1.00 rxrG.r,m.ae am-Bi.az a 21-co I TIME : MESSAGE: CITY OFFONTANA RNCINRRROIGRIVIRION 113B SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA,CA 9233S PRONE NUMBER: (909)350.7610 C 2' Total Pages Confirmed 2' 9-21-00.; 11: 14AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 223 99370202 9-21-00;11:13AM 1'02" 2/ 2 EC CP:14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan. RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled. by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB Receive to Mailbox PI: Power interruption TM:,Terminated by user WT: Wa I;tl ngTransfer KENKO INC. Survey Request Via: Fax ® Mail ❑ UPS ❑ Hand ❑ Other D. Project Name: , Citrus Ave. Sewer & Storm Drain Date:09/20/00 Survey required by Date:09/28/00 To: City Of Fontana Firm: L.D. King From Station 1 +00 9+00 To Station Station Interval 50 FEET Offset Left e Right Eli Left • ❑ Right ❑ Left ❑ Right Left ❑ Right ED Please stake all appurtenances Please stake all Wye branches Please stake centerline only Please stake centerline at all manholes ❑ . Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ❑ Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points ❑. Please stake ROW/easement limits El Other (describe below) ❑ Special Instructions Stake 50' interval offsets on R/W_ On left R/W staking stake swale, edge of pavement, And centerline cut or fill to finish grade. On right RAN staking , stake Swale and edge of pavement, cut or fill to Finsh grade. Also include any P.V.I.'s and grade breaks. Note: All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station.. Representative Signatu Roger Schwarz Print Name CORPORATE OFFICE —12301 Central Ave. N.E„ Ste 100 — Blalne, MN 55434 — Tel: (783) 755-2199 - Fax: (763) 755.7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION — 2611 Westgrove Drive, Ste 107 — Carrollton, TX 75000 Tel: (072) 931-9494 — Fax: (972) 931.5474 WESTERN DIVISION— Post Ofloe Box 831 — Celimesa. CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 Fax: (909) 795-1840 KIENaCt9 Phiro. FAX/TRANSMITTAL Dote of Ze%too Reference Ctlevi j.� +.)-air-_ S'ta rw., br & cc,! Z Wolfe transmitting a pages including cover sheet. Fax No. . so tn6 18 ATTENT1ON 6y . cIt /q Company Asa FROM t1l�8 Phone No, : p%et 37 - 0 Z Fax No. City/State/Zip Reply Requested Yes,'( N Phone No. b - 963 . Enclosures Yes, No ❑ Copies To,k%C� r'f l Original To Follow � Yes 0 N Copies To Certified Payroll Subcontract Purchase Order Plans/Drawings Correspondence Specifications CreditApplication Transmission Verified By Time Fax Approval UPS Review & Comment US Mall Information/Files Hand Proposal/Quote Courier Other Other Urgent Cargo Carrier CORPORATE OFFICE— Central AW.N N�; 8h;100- Bkin., MN 56434 - Txl; (763) 755-2199 - Fax, (763) 75 -7601 SOUTHERN DIVISION - 2e,11 VyttprtIr I a ¢?\ 27 CanQ ltan, TX 76006 - Tali (972) 931.9494 - Fat: (072) 931.6474 WESTERN DIVISION -Trclit moot) eat �wwa.:; cA 92320 - TM: (909) 796466E - Fax: (909) 795.1640 KN KO INC. Survey Request Via: Fax ® Mail ❑ UPS ❑ Hand ❑ Other ❑ Project Name: Citrus Ave. Sewer & Storm Drain Date:09/20/00 To: City Of Fontana Survey required by Date:09/28/00 Firm: L.D. King From Station 1+00 9+00 To Station • Station Interval 50 FEET Offset Left Z Right ® Left ❑ Left ❑ Right ❑ Right ❑ Left ❑ Right ❑ Please stake all appurtenances El Please stake per the Manufactures Lay Sheets ❑ Please stake all wye branches ❑ Please stake all grade changes and/or angle points ❑ Please stake centerline only , ❑ Please stake ROW/easement limits Please stake centerline at all manholes ❑ Other (describe below) ❑ Special instructions Stake 50' interval offsets on R/W: On left R/W staking stake Swale; edge of pavement, :.. And centerline cut or fill to finish grade. On right RAN staking , stake swale and ewe of pavement, cut or fill to Finsh grade. Also include any P.V.I.'s and grade breaks, Note: All cuts to flow line. Left and right is determined by facing up station. KEN Representative Signatu Roger Schwarz Print Name CORPORATE OFFICE-12301 Central Ave. N.E„ ate 100 — Blaine, MN 55434 TeL (763) 755.2199 — Fax: (763) 755.7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION — 2611 Westgrove Drive, Ste 107 — Carrolfon, TX 75006 - Tel: (972) 931.9494 — Fax: (972) 931.5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post OMae Box 631 - Celimesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 - Fax: (909) 795-1840