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SEP-26-2000 16:40 KENKO INC. 612 7557801 P.01/02 • 444 12301 Central Ave. NE, Suite 100 c Blaine, MN 55434 CONTFt`ACTORs (763) 755-2199 FAX (763) 755-7801 FACSIMILE COVER LETTER DATE: PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: NAME: COMPANY: 'FACSIMILE :NUMBER: • •'PAGES: (INCLUDING.COVER LETTER)` FROM: NAME: COMPANY: NOTES: WZ add ho. IBA fh A-66-Ard PLEASE CONTACT (763) 755-2199 IF TRANSMISSION NOT LEGIBLE SEP-26-2000 16:41 KENKO INC. 612 7557801 P.02/02 d)0111). CERTIFICAT! OF INSURANCE vRODUCFR AON RISK SERVICES, INC. OF MN 8300 Norman Center Drive Suite 400 lvlN 55437-3844 ' KENKO, TNC., MCGRANt) & ASSOCIATES , 12301 Central Avenue Northeast Suite 100Leman Blaine, MN 55434 ! • Issue DA1•EIMArDDn'Y) 09/26/00 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS No RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AAAEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. . COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ,,,... c a A Transportation insurance Company LITTEMinneapolis, COMPANY PATER Y B Hartford Fire insurance Company LEINSURED CoUPANY C National Union Fire ins. Co. of Pittsburgh, PA LETTER comPawr D co_upar►Y E LETTER COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OI1•IER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, • EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. UMrrS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO POLICY SWECIPJC POUCY EXDW4TIDr1 ' LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE PDUGYNVND 1 LOTS I DATE (MMODAII I DATE (Ndwonrl GL1098556873 I: .11-18.99 .:::. I 1-18-00,. Pno�GmP/ Am Is 100 ,000 A GENERAL LIA9am ENGFI , GENERAL OUC!&CCMP/OP AGG, : y .. I,000,000 COMMERCUILG ALLIdWLIiY CLAIMS MADE I ' X OCCUR I I PEFISONAL& ADM INJURY I s 1,000,000 ' OWNERS S.CONTIIACTOR•S Pact E CIH OCCURT{ENCE E 1,000t 000 FIRE DAMAGE (Any ono lira) S 100,000 MCA. EXPENSE (ANON; prranl a 5,000 • rTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE A A.�cr 13UA 1098556887 11-18-99 11-1 §-00 • Lira 1.000,000 ANY nuro _. ALL OWNED AUTOS I RODILYINJUAY SCHEDUIJ=t)AUTOS I . i War pomp' I• Xr'HIRED AUTOS •BOOZYINAM •S X . . NONAWNED AUTOS ; (e'er accident/ I SAAPGF UABWTY �. I • pROPEH Y DAMAGE " S I I !items UAaILnw I I I 1 t:ACM occunnENGe $ 15,000,000 q Xi uutawtL[AF-oam BE 740-14-61 7-16-00 11-18-0J ;IAOGRCCATE $ 15,000,000 DI HER THAN UMBRbULA FORM X '' STATUTORY LIFIrrS - _.�.. A WORKER'ScOMPENSATION ' WC1098556906 i 11-18-99 I 11 : - -18.00 IEACHACCIDENT s 500,000 EIUPLOYER5DLARUTr . I •DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT S 1,000.000 I DISEASE -EACH EMPLorec . S 500,000 G B' TM�Installation Floater 4IMSPEI8419 11-18-99 ' 11-18.00 . S15.000.000 Per installation site $ 1,000,000 Plood/Estthquake { D L: i5,000 AOP: MSO.00Q HQ: S250.000 FL DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSII.00ATIONSNENICLESISPECIAL ITEMS The City of Fontana, Empire Utilities Agency, County of San Bernardino, its City Council/Board, and/or all city Council/Board appointed groups, committees, hoards and any other City Council appointed body, and/or elective and appointive officers. servants, agents or employees of the City when acting as such are additional insureds and such insurance shall be primacy, as respects the Citrus Avenue sewer and storm drain eePTIiireleMeatighSlover Avenue. City or Fontana • Engineering Division Attn: Gregory Bucknell 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES 6E CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 6° .- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR UABWIY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, Aurnonaeo ritpnEsorrame TOTAL "P.02 KENKO INC- ...;� r,., Construction do ,i, r , n Storage Yard Agreement, 'r ►ENKO INC. to utilize the following segment of my property located at to temporarily store construction equipment while they are wuridng on the C,)ru* u tor. r r construction project. KENiKO IN1+4. agrees to restore the property to a as good or better condition promptly atter the work is completed. KENIKO INC. agrees to include the property owner as a additional Insured under our General liability Insurance. Special details rt ► rug Property " Signature l tif; IfSe &- Print Name . /3 74.3 Address Citytate/Zip 84e-31 2 - S37t) Telephone CORPORATE OFFICE-12301 Central Ave. N_E., Ste 100 — Mines 05434—Ted (703) 7 19.9— Fa:c (703) 755.7901 SOUTHERN DIVISION — 2011 Westgnave Drh,e, Ste 107— Carrollton. TX 75006—Tel (972) 931.9494 — Fat: ( 931.25474 STERN 1N47S1ON-- Post 01100 pox 831— Ca8010s% CA 92320 — Tit (909) 795.25' 68 PSC (909) 785-1840 KENKO INC*. TRANS vi%1 ITTAL Date 09/25/00 Reference CITRUS AVE. SEWER AND STORM DRAIN # 0012 ATTENTION MR. DONALD GDULA Company CITY OF FONTANA Address 8353 SIERRA AVE. City/State/Zip FONTANA CA. 92335 Phone No. 909-350-7632 Copies To CALIMESA Copies To JOB FILE FROM Phone No. Fax No. ROGER SCHWARZ Reply Requested Enclosures WE ARE TRANSMITTING VIA FOR YOUR e Certified Payroll Subcontract Proposal Plans/Drawings Correspondence Specifications Credit Application CI US Mail UPS Hand Courier Other Approval Review & Comment Information/Files Proposal/Quote Other Action • THE FOLLOWING ARE THE BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBERS FOR US AND OUR SUBS KENKO INC.= 024555` OLSON PRECAST= 024546 E.J.SALGADO INC.= 024561 SUDHAKAR CO. INC.= 022737 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL THANKS ROGER • CORPORATE OFFICE -12301 Central Ave. N.E. - Blaine, MN 55434 —Tel: (612) 755-2199 - Fax: (612) 755-7801 SOUTHWEST DIVISION — 4901 Keller Springs Rd., Ste 112 — Dallas, TX 75248 — Tel (972) 931-9494 - Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION — Post Office Box 831 - Calimesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 Fax: (909) 795-1840 © 3/99 KENKO INC. Form No. 20 KENKO IN J■ SHOP DRA'14..NG TRANSMITTAL Submittal No. 2 Original Yes ® No ❑ Revision of Submittal No. N/A Project Name CITRUS AVENUE SEWER AND STORM DRAIN (kenko # 0012) Contractor KENKO INC. CONTRACTORS Supplier/Subcontractor Kenko Inc. Construction Manager GREGORY J. BUCKNELL, P.E. Design Engineer L.D. KING, INC. Owner CITY OF FONTANA Attention DON GDULA Delivery Method UPS ❑ Hand US Mail ❑ Fax ❑ Other ❑ > - The Specification requires we submit 6 copies of the Shop Drawings. > These Drawings relate to Specification, Section 6-SP-4 C s- pkt y t ➢ The Drawings were transmitted (Date) 09/25/00 > The Engineer has 2 days to review & return the Drawings. > Return Due Date 10/28/00 Contractor's Certification ® The Material or equipment herein meets requirements specified. ❑ The materi equipme here' meets requirements specified except for the following deviations: Signature Date P.5700 CORPORATE OFFICE —12301 Central Ave. N.E., Ste 100 — Blaine, MN 55434 — Tel: (763) 755-2199 — Fax: (763) 755-7801 SOUTHERN DIVISION — 2611 Westgrove Drive, Ste 107 — Carrollton, TX 75006 —Tel: (972) 931-9494 — Fax: (972) 931-5474 U/FCTFPAI IVVICIf Al _ Dncf flffiro Pnv R41 — l :elGmnoa ('A Cl/TM— Teal- fancn 7QA274RR _ F v 1Qno% 70E-1 sun saoi 121' -L 1 Q NOTE: SUBMIT COPY OF ALL MEMOS ISSUED TO OFFICE! z w cc 0 Z c 0 ❑ ❑ J a 2 ❑ 0 2 W 2 0 W Cl) ) O F- 03 7 y co a%5A-'‘I\ ® jn Air IN 4 \C .` 9 AZ r hl , L1 *' <*ti 4QC2 d ? a. d'•a S - V)t< is,l‘pj74. PLEASE REPLY TO Z099-98L (Zia) xed 0199-98L (Z 19) EEb99 NW 'sllodeeuulynj OM 'els '•Ja Noo g6uudS 0668 301dd0 31`d1:10d1i0O ob81-96L (606) xod 999Z-96L (606) OZ£Z6 VO 'Bseuills0 4£8 xog 'O d NOISIAIO N1:131S3M N 8 CP 0 cc Project Name Mail ❑ Fax ❑ Overnight ❑ ` SPEEDIME Reply IRequested,E1 Urgent; fvo Page, of Please Reply To Location Signature'. CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Springbrook Dr., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 55433 - Tel: (612) 786-6510 - Fax: (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION - 16415 Addision Rd., Ste 308 — Dallas, TX 75248 — Tel: (972) 931-9494 — Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION — Post Office Box 831 — Calimesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 — Fax: (909) 795-1840 KENKO INC. SPEEDIMEMO Date To 3At- Project Name NA _ wen,r Subject T Sf>N 4 E Ct\ LNG ,Hand [15ti-4. Mail ❑ Fax ❑ Overnight ❑ "Reply Requested ❑ Urgent ❑ Page_of , wL Ivoti/, Zi 44( Th 7 `-kt ` / 2 /l, oC 4/we -roIt ijuA., 4.tfj1-i•4.d C`t' • )11vg Ay 1L #A S Reply Please Reply %��+ rdeAS0 V Location /`G'KO Signat G� mil. i CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Springbrook Dr., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 55433 - Tel: 612) 786-6510 - Fax: (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION -16415 Addision Rd., Ste 308 — Dallas, TX 75248 — Tel: (972) 931-9494 — Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION— Post Office Box 831 —.Calimesa, CA 92320 - Tel: (909) 795-2568 — Fax: (909) 795-1840 KENKO INC. is a Equal Opportunity Employer © 1998 KENKO INC. Form No. 22 KEN KO . INC,. Date Project,Name Hand Ov Mail Fax 0 Overnight ❑ SPEE®IIVIEMO 0eZ At r, ve Reply Requested 0 Urgent ❑ Page of IA) o(4 f� rt� 4/(<. i M5 x/`?/e - 4w to A/ 5//..c/ O•t c% /t °5 , . A's Location CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Springbrook Dr ; Ste 230'= Minneapolis MN 55433 -.Tel: 612) 786-6510 -Fax: (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWEST. DIVISION 16415 Addision Rd., Ste 308' Dallas; TX.75248 Tel: (972) 931-9494 Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 — Calimesa, CA 92320 —'Tel (909) 795-2568 - Fax: (909) 795-1840 KENK0 itl& 3 ;E aAORport rVy. °; er 1 , �9.J998 t ENKO iNC Forr�No 22, KENKO INC. Date At SPEEDIMEMO Project Name kV Subject Oj A k ek,. 6-,.'AJ 1i t /9'/4 6.il Hand ® Mail ❑ Fax ❑ . Overnight ❑ Reply; Requested 0 U'jgent ❑ Page c cAL) rlith r\Cff /8, A roorotut4 t)#r it-It-00,�-- please Reply To Location 114.5. Signet CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Springbrook Dr., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 55433 - Tel: (612) 786-6510 - Fax: (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION — 16415 Addision Rd., Ste 308 Dallas, TX 75248 — Tel: (972) 931-9494 — Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION -Post Office Box 831 — Calimesa, CA 92320 - Tel: (909) 795-25 slCFNjC4:,INPAis og0.00l OppoO:r ji ty Err2Blgyer O 1 eaaii NFCO:INC Forrti Na 22 a.n :na, .., • KENKO INC. SPEEDIMEMO Date - �--0/ t o c rr At Project Name Subject _ .0 Hand Mail ❑ Fax ❑ Overnight .❑ R Requested Ur•/-nt ❑ Page / of Ste 0.4e___AhA51? "eV" ne-- , �'�� 41 51` 'i iU ) A 7L t E 7 '/ Z,47k ea A, 60g Je d" AO ci 4 d, /4.4 Avakue,), PleaselyTo 'A) Location Signet ef,A,AV) CORPORATE OFFICE - 8990 Springbrook Dr., Ste 230 - Minneapolis, MN 55433 - Tel: (612) 786-6510 - Fax: (612) 786-6602 SOUTHWEST DIVISION -16415 Addision Rd., Ste 308 — Dallas, TX 75248 - Tel(972) 931-9494 - Fax: (972) 931-5474 WESTERN DIVISION - Post Office Box 831 - Calimesa, CA 92320 — Tel: (909) 795-2568 — Fax: (909) 795-1840 KENKO INC. is a Equal Opportunity Employer y.. (yki'P br 4a. .N.F:. t 4aGyj YS•. `t.�l I: Date: 6, r !S-a/ LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909)653-1741' FIELD REPORT Client L k)C /41P :-TvV1. Project: Time of Arrival: 671j,'.0A Contractor: . , c (0 v _r Equipment: .1 Time of Departure: /../ni, Weather Conditions: Project. No' V P:AA IGt� Ups'" REPORT: OA c i -P ((��.�V"" . ��.s n-� • o c 1,- -V' c ►� (1 ,-w° 6 �,peve.kia UF11 7. ( ti r..0 \ .��I� 6( ��1 - 7 bp,k CAA c -. Go'i II 0,4)1 31-; LAM t.OSik�c )L,i. 7(t. F K" 1 ki'--, .\-'1A,-e '6 L(airt) C 461,1 • A Special Conditions LOR Representative: Copy: Received By:', Date: /0�3►oo Client `•t)• 14.0t1) LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6JNDs Contractor: keh Yo Project:' 3.%,,/,” Ave 60 C','¢rfn5 Ave, Equipment: Same. Time of Arrival: 7 J5 Time of Departure: 1! O Weather Conditions: 5tAvvet,y ' ' REPORT: ©N S41e jeir regu.esi- o CIIcs'oobs"i J �e'St(�r� or► $twr,• 1:. .z1 /06V (1 �� 4odpay a� s;r� 1I +55 c.44 r s�1 d ,h q/Z R.C. WGtS t4 %, `4v,rAi,Elev. 1012.0 •4 104, gotte, P Pe'• WGS �1YON+ SICa j2440 ""61'544 144 ID Q it✓� (YeVek W65 Cow66eJ afro/Yovel flatee 10 SNYeo,,., \:ha fir . and . I Spam wos povv, a pp tot. 1' abzve oppo . )r,1*' ; Cof„1�wsc�cx�' boraai�¢ wJ� \ 4'r c� Si 11 .615— 1\-tv, ca1(cd w4lcv co. 6 tr;ir ctnar,, ,,,y t tv►-t. wo.s :11 1�.50 S,bCbr.�r r�w.r be et' tfyE ►�i.l}. 01 s Jai No ' base p�„rAuw, . ;ComirottQ✓ S�o�pt� pi�5e '��1 'ly+1t� . ,E . w \\ fit. ' �4.,51t� f 111;s Grew ' �atur.�wdtlw iRcvo �t 5+! • i Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: Jb f 3D J00 FIELD REPORT Project No: /014O S 2( Client L.D. Kin) Contractor: Vert k 0 Project: Sv,wfi1 Aye. aZ CAA45 Ave. Equipment: 50rnt Time of Arrival: 7 15 Time of Departure: 3'.1S Weather Conditions: pci i ly do J., REPORT: OT'4 SATs- °. oev. rry�ues/off' CI,e►.r {0 eoh�•hae ob✓,erv�� t} 1eit� °I,. ®ct�' OK Se..,tev' 1t've. 7, iiT far•a off- 0vriv61 _ loo r I kS/' 0 JrS3175. ili/ reScrned f I." 9.6:t R.C. a'7 array 1'S - t'i'o belo..3 ex,s4. 44 . CO►.jvGc o CoaI.,„,,4ed L4evc r .y API- op tro►' Fvabiy. al- Afro. 8;30t?r+ aH aecei.4.tLi' acet.vei SA) MN.. 1oodev- 4 on 'raneor:� eog w.bavwot e.I- cv.,131-00 AO ph4 e3 Wer-t. 50404.15 Yt u✓f, 8e4weeh skv. I1 -so - 1a+30 ioattvdo, • WcAS loOSt.. O. Wails, aria Come iv. Accuved 5hord, We.S placed w; . fyW000t e1y a- g*, P1.1/. WO be reloc.lcd 1.0. sh )2 345 per c<,i-y ih5vecL.. e;'"t9dsActe►' Sao Ylt 0 4A la + apie, Sivoty ''hey pl.A�- box ;r, :a. mil, D 54. sans r f ' k0- 5 Special Conditions: LOR Representative: bfc)- Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley' Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741. FIELD REPORT Date Client'. Project: U-rurej pike C,'fu5., Time of Arrival: "1 ;00 Time of Departure:. Weather Conditions: Contractor: Project No: Equipment: a/b► C idtios,� a;.1 X� Pf ®yewsAs ; bn Ai. N the eo s Ea GVyN (6)11-rof the „a3. SJVe Banes, 1�e wou\� Ca11 u s l„,(-)c. ob 'i nor ✓e-'°,C wQ5 , ,airle I oh pjacN j CoY(►-e SAira . IY�v-� 4Gs no need • v v I ug � e der/ Ces kkti d t Q vv Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: Client iota(0l0 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, IN 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909.)`.653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741::. FIELD REPORT Contractor: Project: *Tun,' ?A Ave ' & C'i r l7 . i Equipment: �'' u S Time of Arrival: Time of Departure: 3 O Project No: «45.8 e)'atk4o✓, V' ltot,1,i-4,- J M at Weather Conditions (lovely REPORT: 0»1 53e. - pew, napes,- o _ Cke J -I0 0175erve- a3+of ,Ie5/ 13 ek,Y)1 `'DA '�a�We� 1►v cal1#sevued Car.4rcetov remove old Sewer. ham. and place V' C✓uAd rack pfoX, Li" )3e1 N$‘,3 Setaey- 1,v.4.. 'c id arot d p,Pe and N,$l)< a ZJI ckes - ,pi', 74c C'o4y 4- pra..d :: PoPe. From 51ro. lir 10 +0 SM. ID +t, SSuv r)i. Was p i i a ugr : f �, t cktp?ox.,1cirpo(. I''12 i1ot;rs c t✓ S\\Arty a,v.esQ CoSn�daC�rCv bsy bac K Ft`` W;(, Iv uAt.,! 11`14 Fei„\) : Q fl),* . 1 b 1GQc3( p\1 w \\, :Vt. ?loin e e (*e , e< Wo% uSt� Special Conditions: CoyAre.clioe brolt.e, cAD.s,. ►4-. s4. ,o+87 viol., fle 4. come av-F io SPW4� - v)r nhy SU11-., ali },0A 4o re sh bve: ave. • 1, wes Flo.Arat LOR Representative: • Copy Received By: Date: 10-623-oo. LOR` GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909).653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: NM Client L. D ,'14t r Contractor: ev,V. ., Project: bee6", c� Equipment: h Jk Time of Arrival: 7:IS Time of Departure: V •6° Weather Conditions: Clpueiy REPORT: DM S'Ne. pe✓ r4t7ut51' 'o+ Sieve eGu-'v /9T it'rke e. Cerro,l S4•ve iv��rti.cd r ►t k rn1. pbr;,a,,, o S4r4e4 conir•ci-ov Scanned :aMat r.cowl4 L4 5w411,•' S\ctie. �Qaeit gu tie 111�� be p\ cec (Alva'. a /2' isms. Fiou► Pra.. o►. 641,o✓ 51dt OVA •qQ , 'Cor,Daer.�,, is, .reiu,'redE.;too41w. o)). 5 aveacly bee► 4e54ed . (rv►.;1ti w,4 kae Q\aced We,' nal.ue yi4 r�: VhooK (a) i-oday Sr 4J-ao 97.g R.C. S4 c (oI1S 9 31 Rc. da,Nta SeQQ c Ves.,..V.\s• c . Special Conditions: LOR Representative: U • Copy Received By: Date: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: G /405. g Client L.p,ZN,k3 Contractor: Vey.‘‘® Project: geed, $4 tiro,rye, Equipment: Time of Arrival: gy .00 Time of. Departure: 1D:oo Weather Conditions: Sute„ny REPORT: Obi c„\;c. }o Cob.-i<.iu4 ieS4rw an Fn,sk 5uv oce Xror. S4-A 1U00 4o ;. 5\0 9+0®, 6'7` ¢rr,e. 4'crw;v., Cor.ti✓ac o✓ WJaS 'uSi- CteuN; J tA r firouhf'��' i� ah6 (A5%v.3 a. h01J klac'C'e✓ ` Ci.riv, , 7cc0 fo Coola,c1 :oyout,.4 Ca-ffcLheisi',,3 c ,d IA, \-\. ''Toil Ay T $ooi 04) lesT today ori. F. ice. q kesJ ail res..14,49 v* h1 ov�,T4CI't... I ' t?✓ el C0�ivc.c�St. S c► d t h S o fie►✓ C , r. rwc ors D� Y'#' 1'1ek.r V Ir- sAe • Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: )011+0 LOR`GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client L Project: 'eec\ 51--31"-tmtlA Ave, Time of Arrival: )0'. 0 O Time of Departure: Contractor: Equipment: Same, Project No: 6/1/05: $ o j r, 00 Weather Conditions: S U�� y REPORT: Cam) SA-t 45-1rx\ oh Base ah,. Oeeck S-I- Cox4rac4av- Was 53,+\\ Cov fac\rt,) T -too < (1) 4-es + 2 9 0 -I-0 Wove W:\\\. 5 ev avep o Al. rvk+v. T Yne4' kt SA -eve.. Sauey- nook s#4., 1 +70 or. / a ►'e5uAted ►N.. 77g R. C. c� opeA. `iiu: S Ies7t W aS 4 a 3 i ve: C a vi v c el -0v #'S ir.i"avwea( we 4O coYN.e laac k j'tio pui4y 4o 4c 4- YesS‘hee+, Tin s&y Caw 1-vac rcv- 14 \ pie ; ;hsc requescf /U�k Special Conditions: I- LOR Representative: eceived. By: Date: °; IO/iz f oa LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-.1.741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 614O S. a Client . L.D. ‘<irn Contractor: KC>y,,k(a Project: 113eetlti Si- Z TA,-ufn AVE'. Equipment: Time of Arrival (9:30 Time of Departure: $:IS Weather Conditions: vily REPORT: ON Side Cov,.t• ue -Vesta:5 ova 9roce55 S(Ar oct, AT I,„,e GY'irN.I T 4.00 (A) -I-BST Ca*ck balms Oh P, k). ta4ck b4sir.5 boi te51- resw'leti fr. 951 ov- covi .A.0 %. I () esi-'"itatetK slo, 1040 re5,U4. iv‘ lit R.C. (Ohel' had /t, Scavety asid /14tvsiwre (.0.40 1— awns oi, 5, �oarna� o geed 5} avoin.d Sig r fe;S Ar,ot re ww-k eve& by h1� , - LI4udS. Base centred2 3; 00 Special Conditions: Cor,irado,. SQY(}yeJ i-je►-bas;ce +0 CovjYol Weeci5 o 5.Ae 0h, 515vede . SWeN\ lweca.: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: b_ _ Date: oAo/oo LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside,` California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client L.D. 'Beec\ �uy,neA lava. Equipment: Savv.e`' Project: Project No: 6I1405,g Contractor: eKO Timeof Arrival: 1:30 Time of Departure: Too/ 2'1ov 3730 Weather Conditions: Clog ct r REPORT: OA 54e les1.1S QN ©b5eink) 5 vnerowntiiis, ,4 1 Si.", pro,:.. 147 iivne off' IiYrrJo1 CoOteactov %. cts back F,'1ii'►. Mph 41u\4 54-c $4140 4-00Y (1) Ie,s4 eh, 10ac1Z F;11 Qppox. 3' lsetow 1;:...:s1.Sort.ce Yesa,.l iyd go, p.c. z : Coll 4 - c t me u t S so' ct. base. 'A:)\ , heft. 5o,,.t:! 101I-c'o tired `, 9 7es4 Need i.1 $41orv'ivK, TO Ise. 44 e' o,� `J�Jt�t o». IiJ. s JCt. o 5fvte-1- .OY>IN+wvo.i po «hd 'ks4- or' yvl: M. 510 1 1'-10 Top1 sec {. o.. n<eds 95"Z k leP 1ol4a Re¢v.r.ed \-o SA-e- o'J 2:oo -ks4- Swett ov. W. s At oS4,reef qi �01‹ ` () s+ ski 7+ 'o reswt1td ;►. 9'4 Z. a 4- .5110 YQs..I d :,. ctl g R.C., Sia -\eJ' 30 ra:w T Wu $ : vv t Me ('roce55 OJr*ct eo M. 14.' s+co I +40 e Du 4o w• 6,.0.hdt '1es+ aYea,. CO. troclow be30. P'r uce55.1na4,ve- Ygn}eval Fro*. S4A ) 10� TO 3kt0 u✓ow... Coi d. i1454.nS. I iktv, 5:\e• Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: t IT • . . , LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. ' 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 * (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Date: 0 Project No: 6, /1405,,3 Client L. t".), I(; ylck Contractor: Ke I-‘ lie. 0 _. .), Project: ‘115eecIN St Cli lurt•?1, itikke. Equipment: / Time of Arrival: 7: is* / Time of Departure: cr. 0 at Weather Conditions: F.0.5 „., . % REPORT: OM ..,t'\,e .2..-- coKI;nttia. fest,',...) IV •01)sertit,, Ar 4/0,c ici ayr:yal CD h \YeAtre Wia,. pyoceS5 0- t••••AServt rm..% 140Ie S S-1-4, I 4-140 • S . I ^/5 Zavav 5,), c4.4 to. ‘,41,\\ coil v‘s bad( 0 t.ti- sjs. o,..ivoctov lit, l'vk 5 boct \-:::\\ 0‘— M. VI. '5 . I AN-42,vN, \ 4--1- Se. ./0/9/00 Jgeturv.e et i /0; IS- Cov..-1,...c10.- Fov,..d sc.....te VIalt ,Z• 51-4 a i SO ecy..c\ov O'f) •bt.loo Fo......a a AcKse loo-14o1,-. eJ coy&ac4-ov ac.cle be..5.,.. (owns ANN bac\C cAt. area GoaigiX ID ° taZat, tn. E. vat. 0 sAvte-f. • WIZ' i ()K ( 0 4-es+ or. 13.ckf,.) .4-- sic- a 4-50 a efox. 3` beio-a s 19rocie 71101- y.es,..13frt A ;, 902 R.(.. avid (I) process 5,vt.ei ies 4- 44- 54-c- 2 ITO 0 t,1 St..\!yrocit ile"' 4- f'eSulklek i \-• 95Z , \\45‘,43,. co,....fe.cl:ov, v•S'ov rm.() COA 1)"6(10‘.. a ypSt-1 t;, ...,_ (3) T4zSV kAl.o.,e, -1e-Ver4 01,‘ 5 Wel 1 OVe" E. 5:dt ,c) sAie tit- S1A. 3i-70 952 SV-et S 1-SO 902 . • SIrn. V-1-00 qe/Z ctc Ces,nlectc.)-01' W 4 S Y104 re A d y c,-/-. -\cs4- 0 Y1 (Al. 5%.cit. b 5rie.,4- I i\At40...i( CoOrvc.Abv Co Y.eSvAkS r tvt, OA- sNe• • Special Conditions: 5 Veve fiattev, 5100'4 L•3:1..., 61,...ej BiA(XAe), 01,0,-/- AL 3 s,..}10)fi ilIGV coo“- vf 421°',.., eio'5104( side of.i, a mei, G-v, 5 Aid, +0 50 okeod O5 Ooane A •elOvt'i' (A)oltry ot‘aotAl St' v‘Y.• ‘loleS -YuSi' F;)( ii-,2-. as 11-ey CONP up oh r'l A LOR Representative:, .. tc). al*----- Copy Received By: IA LOR"GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, IN 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD.REPORT Client. L r 4✓e )4113 Project; Beech' SAr Time of Departure: • 3a i, 5" al,. Time, of .'Arrival: Project No: 47 /05 {➢ • Contractor: eY t4D Equipment: Weather. Conditions: otter Ca54- • REPORT:, ON `'t i.e. c'le C ph 'h . 4-c's rh 01()Seru►j on ',V ree4' .2-r17proUer A OAT )-1vroe. ag'ir arr.%) Corn}ractow WaS J pg x 'i+e. lacer )a" Clmit fMv4s4.e. .eoynaleao.$ece) 5 : PYq„ 511 oo -fro sI- el too. /fr s +0 oM4eTO 5414. q too CoArotkoNr' bye)►' no+. Sc e.v e.' . ap?aX; �rr©�. ptopa AtAtftledr 061 E te)r 54cI'D" duce 4o S4tor, 0190.4 appmx. `4's-'. i".heltA ct ,'n s' Aye, Con‘rat\or WiNee4 'yvAlect u4:11. Loader-. _r Ce } 6'J . 10145 io Ane11,e✓ ,3013 And ieumt.td 12',30. Canlrae 1.oi be�.. 1a51 vi a Sleek 'Oro*, ,,;% rdlle✓ fir s�.lsraA 7es4-` iresu.1kc i%. et 32 R,C: aPte..- Wheel rolled wcs 4\j sit Iaadev 4. • e eo.,; 4kmy roiled -. vya Ioo . (3) +\54-s o e., 5, 4Aecvadc U.+ q5 o,r•' h1.0;e1 Cak.%tilt t ivPovrt.cci c.01,A y.c,tly. ra 1reS4...111 erev, &k.pit o ..NAi ve 46 feu" D c .i T4tk,. I e 4- S; '. Special', Conditions .4 LOR Representative: I Copy Received By: Date: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley. Court A Riverside, California 92507, (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: &Pi uS, Client { Contractor: l<RYr140 Project: Weec1., S _s_vra 111 1D Equipment: \oc c, @Xaih1��►+t I o&t ., Walev ,bc�t. i' Time of Arrival: OI30 ' Time 4of Departure: 3. 0o Weather Conditions: 5wviw.y REPORT: ON SA—R. Aov- Skree4 Tr- lre+,eWavt ON atecAN Ave. • 7vrutOi ierAe o e<rC►ua 1 5,�o�e `� S4e�+� auc� d � �„t d). 6Y' 3 i\ekarr acf Yam1•Qakety i-ky .wed us he ve . Cor.$rotioy un� jaiw.V, 1,o1a5 Oi+e s4ca. o°�4- 0.5 4- ?f�ta `z 5� 3+19 6v,t� ire.}'ovw.c taste% iy hot& prfAilepis >7airs cvec canal_' lte' ° saia lr� 'j,e, cove 7aa y►ack $ 1uoleS db'q ovoµ�r� .fflw avta ' co;t d,\cs' claw toc►r�. CeveSe. 100 j ev— . ' +rtve 4c rc.t, Co�,Vvactot,- 6 1,J ) ;v%. 50,\c. 'tulles. Con oclrai already ` \tack Sr -re e)r eu- 10 q�ade mutt. be3,e►� F�\I h et. ►vtelt,o1 c�. Y+�O:'S�wrt Cvv.dtov�, 53i�\ ocX pt o'- ukive: rnoJles:cr, ‘4ccg ?\ocect. W. o beec1,51 a fox. slra2150. ZaPk siakl,eole5 were. Cu+ apf6x . � , Maul 9rndk Lnk\. cleh5e. uo r\ �.1ng 'O &'J�. i\,14 COM reC.»' be3ekv. Yid, t`oo-i' Cchd:Waoi3-1uve CowAcoM' ( '50:\, 4-ool< i 1e54 iv` each hole apor. <41.1,e1 a,n& bb 4e5r uesw\U :v‘ 90 , w k.:91te0eCat^trc),Dwi bo-FL bole lYades Intel e i 4. e� rJ cat.. .. 100 . ca la yr e . C6h rac ov Frinn Special Conditions: Notes Lac 1.4 ah- eoAk a Sava ET� �' a.v-04 Rut, On J50,Kr 3 S1 . b'h .gee4h s . do See. .�I' 1 i ay Cc i UjC. 5%o& }iiu'1\ eV^C CAvuS lWe, ‘..aft. O,('/ apoy.' Ian 59aave 6r Deb}k LOR Representative: Copy Received By: • .., .. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. . , 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 , (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 Date:- PO -A-oo FIELD REPORT . _. Project No: ,&0105,? Client L t) Y.;`,e;6 ' ' ' ' Contractor: 14.10101e0 ' Project: Beco", 5i- -StAsr.AV; Equipment: Made_ ,Leahy, BacKdoe Time of Arrival: %..3o Time of Departure: 9:30 Weather Conditions: SurviNy REPORT: OM 5;‘-t +0 Cot-A,mAR,.. 0\115evv:,,,,i coniroclor Rerv.mscl o- TY0.51. k tkeeds tic. ...) 1/7- i. me A- arrNa‘ I' STote.t. 1.,1‘..--• 't).01A ero(1 1,e. svoct SAt\st. 164%A.v." v.low\a, \De by k,\•ev. S‘evt St' ..tof 6? fir 940 ilt ;AA-7,d At iiicei- h?, 44:41 ile..etA os lieve today Co4,(.0.1w- u•SotS 'Tt45,/ Gieov4,3 and! 9rt4n Itro5A 0. t-Itty cv-cr.•S).2. g frost, tmos Slocked pAe.. ov. A.E. ?cwt. ok Sila.,. Stil q I- 00. r A-vo.s... \,, i- c•;\-e. . • , • 511% tonstA bQ bacit. 10--oo 700 , . • ,, - • Special Conditions: •L '• . . . _ .• • , . . . LOR Representative: _ • Copy Received By: • ...--‹,- ..., • • ••• 'I, • • , • ... LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. '- 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: 9-a9-oo FIELD REPORT Project No: t0i405.g Client L. b ; A ' ' i Contractor: Ktrol<0 Project: gee cl,\ s MArtA e 6 'live. Equipment: tOctetev" 11104 1-114I i .... ,,* Time of Arrival: (.100 r, Time of Departure: Weather Conditions: p4Ay clatidy REPORT: ON Si.4z. 9e-e- RAtiues)-0- c iVy ; ,ns 16r 5A-cut 5 citif ey fee ,. 147- aCse,,,e A ar 1.-1.4 Al C oysA y ct • or be 3 art Rernow.j -trash ei m'imity-iii Prov., SAe laccition ewe. \voted. vyk, a cluync) FilceS. Si -eve Sc KW 6‘101"1124 tr. p CAA b. i y,%,,,,,,....42 a vtvt he. tr.i ,, die a 14.4_ VI t y 4._ 1,11N. v., tor. ko,,c65v. dui 944- 1,1)01es and bel IA? Sahuet 40 ftkAK 'a,— Voikt 4 situe ah.ks, mcsc, st: 1 1R.- 5:\-9„ a 4-- •/0 ; LK )/et i'vteVe r .-.0N13 34. <,4,torr,4 01 5 \-ENM. 1 140,a Ile 1340( Qt4,- 1ck, Rev T. 6,A, r.00 Conlyetc\oi, Foutoa id hal. A oliftyea 10 Ix am olot iriaty.o". liw. ai- ..5 44. 5 "1", 0 trOVAI f tA loi. F 1' OVA Eus4-- Lies+ dcoeclim, arfoY, So .610.a exil,.... soi. J Sarhek 41 Was Ac1/4vok oh Beech 5 i.- 5.ht. 5 i-A:o M___ a I zo gele,4 ..exc;5i, ) le-lt- sAe, de-lev Po + ht. k tthis Dot r 1103,T C. itiesSii ondikbrt . tnkas abowt cv dowv. r y 1 etybt 0 a Fil). .•.. i Special Conditions: LOR Representative: — Copy Received ORGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. Soil Engineering ♦ Geology ♦ Environmental BACKFILL COMPACTION REPORT INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY INDUSTRIAL WASTE SEWER RELOCATION JURUPA AVENUE AT CITRUS AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. 61405.81. NOVEMBER 28, 2000 Prepared For: L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 1OOB Ontario, California 91764 Attention: Mr. Dell Whitaker 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 ♦ (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 LO GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. Soil Engineering ♦ .Geology ♦ Environmental November 28, 2000 L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764 Attention: Mr. Dell Whitaker Project No. 61405.81 Subject: Backfill Compaction Testing, Industrial Waste Sewer Relocation, Jurupa Avenue at Citrus Avenue, Fontana, California. This report presents the results of our compaction testing of the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Industrial Waste Sewer Relocation, Jurupa Avenue at Citrus Avenue, Fontana, California. Our compaction testing of the backfill took place between October 30 and November 3, 2000. A summary of our compaction .testing is presented on the attached Compaction Test Summary Sheet. Procedure The relocation operation consisted of the removal of the existing.10-inch line, placing crushed gravel below and up to the spring line of the new 12-inch pipe and placing one sack of slurry to one foot over the pipe. After the slurry had cured for 1 to 2 hours, native backfill was placed and compacted. Test pits for our backfill tests were. excavated with on -site earth moving equipment. A total of 8 tests were taken at various depths of the backfill. A total of 4 tests were taken on the finish surface prior to the placement of the asphalt concrete. Where compaction testing indicated less than the desired percent relative compaction existed in a specific area, this area was reworked until retesting indicated the desired compaction was achieved. All tests were taken in accordance with ASTM D 1556-90, the San Cone Method. . The approximate location of our compaction tests are presented on the attached summary sheets by station number obtained from the project plans, prepare. by L.D. King, Inc. The laboratory compaction relationship for the soil types utilized on the project are presented on the attached Table of Laboratory Tests (Enclosure A). 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 ♦ (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 L.D. King, Inc. November 28, 2000 Summary Project No. 61405.81 Based upon our test results it appears that the compaction testing performed is in accordance with the project specifications. This report should be considered subject to review by the controlling inspection agencies. The compaction testing provided by this firm has been limited to the time this firm was present on the project. No representations are made as to the quality or extent of material not observed or tested. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact this firm. Respectfully submitted, LOR Geotechnical Group, Inc. M. Kevin Osmun, CE 55116 Vice President MKO:gal EXP 3.t4 Enclosures: Table of Laboratory Tests - A Compaction Test Summary - Sheet 1 Distribution: Addressee (4) 2 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. ENCLOSURES LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. SAMPLE NO. ENCLOSURE A PROJECT NO. 61405.81 TABLE OF LABORATORY TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION Laboratory Standard: ASTM D 1557-91 (SP/SM) POORLY GRADED SAND, 10% gravel to 1", 15% coarse grained sand, 30% medium grained sand, 35% fine grained sand, 10% fines, brown (SP/SM) POORLY GRADED SAND, 15% gravel to 3", 10% coarse grained sand, 25% medium grained sand, 40% fine grained sand, 10% fines, brown MAX. DRY DENSITY (PCF) OPTIMUM MOISTURE (%) i COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY PROJECT NO.: 61405.81 TYPE OF PROJECT: Industrial Waste Sewer Relocation CLIENT: L.D. King, Inc. Test No. i i i CONTRACTOR: Kenko, Inc. LOCATION: Jurupa Avenue at Citrus Avenue, Fontana, CA Elevation or Depth of C (ft) F (ft) Depth of Test (ft) Density (pcf) Dry Max. Rel. Comp. (%) ST 10.30.00 B-1 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 9+75, SEWER MAIN LINE 1005.0 1013.0 1011.5 118.6 127.5 8.0 93 8 10.31.00 8-2 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 11+55, MAIN LINE 1005.0 1015.0 1012.5 115.5 127.5 6.5 91 8 S . 11-01.00 B-3 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 8+58, MANHOLE 1003.5 1008.5 1008.5 120.3 127.5 7.0 94 8 S B-4', JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 9+00, UTILITY TRENCH REPAIR 1008.0 1011.0 1011.0 122.7 127.5 8.0 96 8 S 11-02-00 B-5: B-6 JURUPA AVENUE, JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 13+15, MAIN LINE STATION 12+45, MANHOLE 1007.0 1006.0 1016.0. 1012.5 1013.5 1012.5 121.9 122.6 127.5 127.5 9.2 8.7 96 96 8 8 S S B•7 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 15+35, MAIN LINE 1008.0 1017.5 1014.5 123.6 127.5 9.5 . 97 8 S 11.03.00 B•8 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 16+85, MAIN LINE 1009.0 1018.5 1014.5 116.0 128.0 8.2 91 2 S FS•1 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 9+50, FINISH GRADE 1012.5 1012.5 121.7 127.5 6.8 95 8 S FS-2 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 11+40, FINISH GRADE 1014.5 1014.5 120.9 127.5 6.5 95 8 S FS-3 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 12+45, FINISH GRADE MANHOLE 1015.5 1015.5 119.8 127.5 5.3 95 8 S FS-4 JURUPA AVENUE, STATION 16+50, FINISH SURFACE DRIVEWAY • 1018.5 1018.5 122.7 128.0 8.0 96 2 S LEGEND: C-cut F-fill; MAX. -proctor compaction; ST-soil type; REL. COMP. -relative compaction; MC -moisture content; RT-re-test KEY TO TEST: PS -test in processed surface; OG-test in original ground; CF-test in compacted fill; B-test in backfill; FS-test on finish surface REMARKS:S-sand cone test N-nuclear gauge test RX-rock correction percentage SEP-26-2000 KENKO INC., 612 7557801 P.02/02 'a1D1/I=1). CERTIEI , ' F INSURANCE PRODUCER na �r�'* ",1. t AON RISK SERVICES, INC. OF MN 8300 Norman Centet<Drive`' I Suite 400 "a Minneapolis, MN '55437 384d ' 1COMPANY e .,„ INSURED KENKO, TNC., ( MCG1tAND & ASSOCIATES .. 12301 Central AvrnueNortheast I 'Suite100 Blain MN 55434 I ISSI14DATE(MMIDDNY) 09/26/00 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY," AND CONFERS No RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED'BY THE POLICIES BELOW, COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ,..: LETTER Transportation Insurance Company COMPANY Hartford PiL'e Insurance Company LETTER B comPEANY C National Union Fire Ins. Co, of Pittsburgh, PA n cri D =y ...... �'� COMPANY E LETTER COVERAGES + THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE. INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD'It INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY ee ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TC MS * EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXP R TION• LIR TYPE OF INSURANCE POU0Y NUMBERI DATE (MMrDOAN) I DATE (MMrcorvY) u�' GENERAL LIABILITY ; • I GENERAL AGGREGATI; IS-., 1,000,000 A X . COMMERCIAL GENCRAL LIACILfTY GL1098556873 :, i , I 11.18.99 11-18-00 ; PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG S 1,000,000 CLAIMS MADE I . X OCCUR ` r I, - I PERSONAL& ADV. INJURY jS . . 1,000.000 ...omenG CONTQAOTpR'ta DPOT. �, �� �� " r. ; EACH OCCURi)l;NCE $ 1,000,000 RAEDAMAGE(Anyonotiro) . S 100,00n I J MOD. EXPENSE (MY OAO Pnr on) '• S . 5,000 ' rTOM013tIJ3uAewTY A ' ANY nra BUA1098556887 ICOMINEDSINGLE 11-18-99 i 11-15-00 1.000, 000 I ALL OWNED AUTOS . I RODILY INJURY 2 I SCHEDULED AUTOS I I (par pomp' WIRED AUTOS S' ' i 01LY uti.mnY I ' H0 I X ' NON.OWNED AUTOS : (Her aaAICPO ' SAAAGFLIABILITY I I ' PROPERTY DAMAGE S I EXCESS uaa n Y I I I I EACH OCCURRENCE $ 15,000,000 q i.X; UneamkuAFOPM BE 740-14-61 "' 7-16-00 11-18-01 IAGGRCOATE •S I5,000,000 OTHER THAN UMNRbLLA FORM ' x : STATUTORY LIMITS' .q WORKERS COMPENSATION I WC1098556906 I 11-18-99 11-18.00 ; 1 EACH ACCIDENT 5 .500,000 AND i I 'DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT S 1,000.000 EwvIAyER'SUABIUTr ( DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE .S' 500,000 B OTHER Installation Floater 4IMSPEI8419 11-18-99 ' 11-18..00 S15.000.000 Per installation site $ 1,000,000 Flood/Earthquake ' I Ded.: SS,000 AOP: $10,0Pn EQ: S250,000 FL DESCRIPTION OFOPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS The City of Fontana, Empire Utilities Agency, County of San Bernardino, its City Council/Board, and/or all city Council/Board appointed coups. committees, boards and any other City Council appointed body, and/or elective and appointive officers. servants, agents or employees of the City when acting as such are additional insureds and such insurance shall be primary, as respects the Citrus Avenue sewer and storm draitt e@ orel ego righSlovcr Avenue. City of Fontana Engineering Division Attu: Gregory Bucknell 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 60:_ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR UA8ILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHoR mao RCPnESENTATTVE (� . TOTAL P.02 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: is I t-70 r R. Date: i - CS- 0 Project: ef--/i) J u QlC VeAe- Client: L 'b. t General Contractor: K e ti Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests treet Tes to Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. r'< LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; fNC 612.1 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 9.2507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET, Project No: (, / (-(() C• Date: 6- (S7G / Project: ( 4—Y d . �'1� s/u rn, Client: General Contractor: 1/6% eye Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representatives. Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP_-, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 Project No: G.(� / Date: Project: /tif r4G" Client G /J• General Contractor: %( 4H j.7`/Z Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours.' Other Hours Sewer B.F. Tests Sidewalk / C & ;G Tests Sample Pickup LOR Representative: Client -Representative: Billing per current fee schedule, or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, 6121 Quail Valley -Court • Riverside, California -92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6 /iv.5 <9- • Date: ' . /Z _ Q . Project: j vw7 6Lefr- Client: 1-.b. ,k/ General Contractor: /lam/GD Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Street Tests Sidewalk'/ C & G Tests Sample Pickup Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours` Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: LOR Representative:. �_` �� ( (��✓ !� Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR`GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909);653=1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No:/�j %/lU3 Date: 6 //Q l� Project: i -7 J S % 4ZP'/ 're 77 . S1 t.' Client: Z • h. t( General Contractor: . /`&e.., ,4D Staff Code Reg. Hours, Other Hours Street Tests Sample Pickup LOR Representative: Client Representative: . Billing per current fee schedule or by contract LOR-GEOTECHNICAL'•.GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No:. 114o5.W Date: iOJ jloo Project: Suvwjso Ott ` a (. 'u5 Ave. Client: V; General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours OtherHours LOR Representative: Client Representative:. Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LGEOTECHNICAL GROUP; 'INC' 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (rDate: r0130/00. Project: ';Tuvuit, Ave ai CA(uS Ave. Client: General Contractor: YQ Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Sewer B.F.'Tests' Parking Lot Tests` Street Tests Sidewalk /'`C & G Tests Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: LOR. Representative: Client Representative:. -- Billing per current fee schedule or by ,contract. `. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET . Project No: 4111p5.8 Date: Jb—a7-O0,. Project: 3i u vvitl nt►¢ CYAv.45 Client: L:•�,1�.�c.:, General Contractor: 4<e1,140 Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests T-01. 3.o Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: ti Billing per current fee schedule orby contract. LOWGEOTECHNICALGROUP_ INC 6121 Quail Valley Court♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 AFax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (,p./q05+ Date I C� 2 GD0 Project: 'mow Yv ri gve�' . c7 ru5 Meje. Client: General Contractor: ,2h 0 Services Performed Staff Code Reg:Hours, Other Hours "Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G .Tests:' Testing Hours Passing Failing Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC'. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (Igo S g Date: 10-2)-6o Project: Beet S� c� '�'v vvT.• ¢4ve, Client: L D.;v,0 General Contractor: , �} 1404— O Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests ) i . Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per currentfee schedule or by contract 1 -LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,. INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: Project: 0s,g geeek S4 Date: l b-11a-ob .itsYUi�' UP. Client: 1.1>. ,'��, General Contractor: Y.tti.X 0 Services Perforrned Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours: Grading Water Line B.F..Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F., Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET` Project No: (01405• g Date j 0/13 Project: ¢ecln s4- . 1TAr u fin Ave Client: Li) General Contractor:. ICeI,V Services Performed Grading o0 Staff Code : Reg. Hours Other. Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other. Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR:GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: Project: SeetV% 36vu p1- Date: Client L General Contractor: Kev.V.o Services Performed al,qt. Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests T- �. Sample: Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: ?Billing per current fee schedule or by contract.` i LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project NO: 6I1405.g. Date: /00/0000 Project: Beef`. 54- 0 - uYu—r} 6/e, Client: General Contractor: X.ehKO Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading, Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F._ Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street. Tests Sidewalk / C.& G Tests' Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours . Passing Failing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative:. Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. �v^LOR.GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC 6121 Quail Valley. Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760. Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: GI LIDS Ss Date: 10 g00 Project: 6Qt.c T v-ckx,e>A thm• Client: L •' ei Street Tests Sidewalk.% C & G Tests LOR Representative: Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours 'Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract:' r•; LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC., 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside,. California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No:: (p/140S,g Date: to f (�, 00 Project: j3eec\\ St' �urve11 AVt. Client: General Contractor: KrVo Services Performed Grading Staff Code . - Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests( Electrical Line B.F.Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: ‘S\-"le S;A • Passing Failing awe,' 14c5 vrcl-. ?reset,i-o LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract • Y t LCR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP;INC: 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909).653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 Project J\ o: Project: FIELD SERVICE TICKET (04 os.g Client: L General Contractor: Key. V.® Services Performed Date: !v S�OC9. Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading .. Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests 5.5 Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract... 1�# L`OR 'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE -TICKET Project_No: 4140S.8 Date: /0-a-00 Project: i3ee Client L D 14; Nni General Contractor: Services Performed 14Qr.Y.D Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests. Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No &l yOS, Date: J/s9 oo Project: 6eec.h 5 4- 3.1�rul3ll. Ave. Client: 1:. t •: �n� General Contractor: NE'h 0 ServicesPerformed Grading Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line. B.F. Tests Sewer B.F.' Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests T-a- Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours • Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: A yY Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley.Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (r,, -/o S. Project: Client:_ Date: 6. o -7112,5 ��i-t pe -74r4 ve-r-- General Contractor: 4z.. Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests ree Te zr Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC:.. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909):653-1760 :A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project Now. o 'Los-. .8- Date: -4,-6 l` Project: . j?JS • D-2}n ip i/c/) Client: G.Z. ,ei YP�i? General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours ' Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests S er B.F: Test T-� Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup g. Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR .: , ... GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: Project: Client: `/O C. Date: - ,4/tic ,l�r,� / i-. f4 5h!/P�—;. General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests er B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests. Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California9250'7- (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741. j' FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: '' (,1 C-/OS. 8 Date: Project: 0, S lre �✓►�> ; clOV' �-•�. Client: General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer. B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests trests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup 'Othe CLtA \ l�• 77 2• v Testing Hours Passing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Failing Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 612.1 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: i,. //e/0 CJ Date: 6 Project: HZ" / J(/)2// ce-)//-e- Client: General Contractor: Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours 7 . Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current feeschedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC_ 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside,. California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741. FIELD SERVICE TICKET *Project No: /.. j LI O S, •g , Date: Project: e., roc Ave ; S L.r,, Fe, Client: L b. k i'b.rl General Contraictor: G i;�L.0 Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Testing Hours Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract A LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, .INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A. Fax (909) 653-1.741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: ( /gUt � -, a Date: 7 - � `D Project: + ru.)S {-- , u L pA47, Client: '�.: ' �: r General Contractor: �f,Q u. l O Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Stet Tests? lZ.. Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other - Testing Hours Passing Remarks: " Failing LOR Representative: (__C Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract."` LOR°GEOTECHNICAL- GROUP, IN 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 6,53-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No (,-, it / 0 s-. Date: ? • 7'7- 6) Project: C...- - Ns j tr, ,vry .�� J l0 've;,- Client: Z, Tj, I) -I General Contractor: Services Performed le kei-s. Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours, Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests €tTests>' PS' 77. C.): S' Sidewalk / C & G Tests. Sample Pickup ii.Wither i-nCIAA\\1. r, 7Z Testing Hours Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Passing Failing Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LORGEOTECHNICAL=GROUP, INC. 61.21 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909)`653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET: Project No: S- Date: 3=Z(,;.:0/ Project: �.1-1-rLA )4ti-C i ,Avy J A S l aue*- Client: L /� k-; it General Contractor: ,Z p Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk /.0 & G Tests Serrfl51 Pickup _A Passing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR°`GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC'. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6 thy'. Date: • f -01 Project: (° -t ru% I4LA., Tu(up �tca►JPr Client: /-.?_ k4,7 General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours. Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer. B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Testing Hours Remarks: T7 Passing 3. 0 Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. 4.1 LOR GEOTECHNICAL=GROUP, 6121 Quail :Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6/4./0 57 2' Date: : . Project: (14-res J---t j Tu rope Orr 5/ove-r- Client: General Contractor: gP p.k0 Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Testing Hours LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC,. 6121 Quail .Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653 `1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (., I i IrJ S . 2 Date: '3% /-- o Project: LI- YvS ()(P .\utv()G -1-t) Sli,✓er Client: jr 1 inq General Contractor: ( z Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup th Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LORGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC .; 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California`92507. (909)'653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6, /e/O Date: Project: C, •f /!JS T✓iv c --4 •S fa!/ :. Client: ' L""A General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code :- Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical -Line =B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup the - S/)rG Testing Hours Remarks: 2>� 7z Passing :/1 Failing LOR : Representative: C/e Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR:GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: • 6,10 a S: �r Date: 3-I61--01 Project: V -ve SInVP.4-- Client: General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Othe Testing Hours Remarks: • Passing -rz Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760,•'Fax (909) 653=1741 FIELD SERVICE .TICKET Project No: /VU.SS': Date: 3-. / Z- 0/, Project: r�,'rc.3P� :lcivv/a S'am' Client Z - /.) 1/- 9 General Contractor: �Z > 4ei Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Sample Pickup Testing Hours LOR Representative: Client Representative: G Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Passing Failing LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Cotij *Riverside,.California 92507 (909) 653-1760'A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.FTests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests LOR Representative: Client Representative: -�—�—' Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. IR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP( INC' 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909).653-1760 . Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6/Z-06- c" Date: 3 ��� ci/ Project: "-76 Svc� �� r d Client: Z. • General Contractor: eeG.a Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F.Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests ewer B.F.Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests` Sample Pickup ari.,7 /y Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing percurrent fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL-GROUP,, INC 6121. Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507,`' (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1`741 Project No: (..0 14.0 . , Project: la1Ti2vNVE' Client: L'1. iz— j N c General Contractor: v Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. • Tests Testing Hours Passing Failing LOR. Representative: Client Representative: gP Billin er'current fee schedule byor contract. 4 r LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507. (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 x FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: ` &I ICES. $ bate: 3 -/f. - O f . . Project: S iwry ,vi a •q i Client: I • b. ki.414 General Contractor: /<r,,vcv Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours G1ading. Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk /C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other -r-2 Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative:,, Client Repr esentative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Date:6-/-6/ LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: ;/ t/c Sf2 Client G %. %Cit 9 Contractor: �.Gi Project: 1, 0;4ii/4 l/ Equipment: 2%,A'duo4, /5-1.�=r/z Time of Arrival: 7'('4ii Time of Departure: 2'Ljr h� Weather Conditions:..(2.47 REP RT: /e; f / �f 1) � r wjam, / A � 4 /�! 4171 6 r- D ixxr>rice/Pdo/a �,uv�G�11-7 c�c, f�s s4. /1, Of) 1itr 1 OS— q7 e)/ ,„, Special Conditions: LOR Representativ Copy Received By: Date: T 3v- LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Couit A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client j.� . L • ��1� , %o 7 Contractor: Project: ( • J/U5' %= P, lr:,ti;7)4 ('4 - Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7 OG1,",/e- Time of Departure: Project No: (n / v s-S .e.y. Weather Conditions: REPORT: Qc., rj, 7/( 7,67-//' °j`1 16Uc 4 -f ') - �f .2 4 -ki-7 4 G. c.�!j /.r 6) e--r`,0:U ,/:-:, "C' 37 /e 7, a c. e (, , r • // h e i/ ; o k 4 .;)1. .t" lei 1 e A0 •� ,. e )H"' /(..r / _S / 5(/, 6 r S--r(m4 Special, Conditions: LOR Representative:. `° � Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client: /). 4 ' s cJ Project: i -fiv5 ) p 1414:2�'Equipment: i;�, v /�-k�✓; /?� Time of Arrival: ! O 4 14,7 Time of Departure: -7672/ti,. Weather Conditions: (-h /, . REPORT: ram( i UL^ 7 eJ -i or.) Contractor: ?Gti !L 4 (_)In) 11- i'z c I C f' IA S f') 10 fit V j a' .$=A 6 1. iV 1, 'LO in.) cc � /- 7 \1 r 11-1410 9 V1<, R C . S :4-ir—1 cc.), S I r� Special Conditions: n / J LOR Representative: Copy Received By: ;rs LOR GEOTEC ,HNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax. (909) 653-1741 Date: —7-.,.v l FIELD REPORT Project No: 6A/6s Client • 1 l Contractor: Project:, - VV.', IN e--1 --177 tSUO r' Equipment: Time of Arrival "7',071); On Time of. Departure ). 30 Weather Conditions. U 1 Lr't REPORT: (' t7 C' fr(1, ) `c•v2. s -\ of C) Gi.; vp s 2 .) 9 i % e .L...' Special Conditions: LOR 'Representative: Copy Received By: Date: 3-'F - o/ Client Project: [ ",%j 14ter, 2f;f/.7a4 r) Time of Arrival: 7 : o7�G , Time of FOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INI 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD 'REPORT .. REPORT: 60 r))ke cPqetfAilil Wac lA Departure: Contractor: Equipment: Weather Conditions: tiff 14 % Project No: 6,/e/d_-: (p- � , robe o-( C I e�c..-� ' -�ra �- ()II vc, -hv r VA ) �- ., �, 4- P� s . V \-I 0 t..o0j. �C - �1n (A)v\sA-ruc�;vI. \tc� Wi.c��slvrP (fie �� 6,urve w�arbw (3- 21-o r p roc1 rPs S Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: ra Date: 3,2'g-0 Client LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653=1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 'Contractor: k2Gt: Project:rus' I -tz •.'"v riija. - 'C Icb J r Equipment: G Wi Time of Arrival`7`;0b4w Time of Departure: %, "?(�,), Weather Conditions REPORT: OV v.\ ioor6A c1- r w. (-�e' ,r • re e-s4 (')-�• C tieL-4- -CD.- (� )cer✓c.A,..0t, q 4A.d, -\:-b c.i/n b cr,itA 1.a.4-eAr- �s TRc e k t2 l . -)- rr 4 v-- v Irc—ro.rni 4--4 c--��ot, its 4 I U cil.4.1,.., I�1 �i'O12 PPEi P1 \'3G: Cle' ()l^ ct4P 11 LOIA6( (7 - Z &_0'I o t i y Te-A-1 UVe Special Conditions: LOR Representative: ATAINVIr Copy Received By: ' hMi Date: Client Project: LOR'°GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail'; Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909)653-1760;A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT JP \Ufup1 Time of, Arrival: ; 1 Contractor: S 'Nee' Equipment: G tM Time of Departure: Weather Conditions:Cl6X)( / 6, Project No: (1(16 5 • ? REPORT: 0ln cAv k,APc4Looi-ktork (AA.. s1 130. eeri -��.-t1A., .U-L ` c y PP)p �rn,r lC (�ln 'C r rA l'? /,0 e A?7,. � 5 %G�P+ 7ee & to S— Ins, 1o. e srr , � L 4 f2, e, CI ✓ , gorz.s"`.r �t2`� �..G: Special Conditions:. LOR Representative: f y , Copy Received By: `' 41'1 '1 15". c --n r w 1� Qoourec_� �-c�ca . 1/1C�r"riP `,S/G1G e)In c -VD vinIAAd rtc.J (7-72_0 4-0 (3\o s c, tnd 0.0 c r,ti., Il r jo„ 1.6,4c :.r . s . LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: 1.z 1-o Client L h• FIELD REPORT Project: �°:,'-\-ru5 4L,r i 4 -r, r Time of Arrival: Project No: Contractor: e k IL Equipment: t,,,.. (p,icion� `l wl cc-, &I Time of Departure: 7;,re)iiicy Weather Conditions:S,,,,IA REPORT: an 's;ire ra,,r- Ire -I 011r�,���v.�- -nl ellse.r✓.-k;ot, �tAc� -�-.e-a-�-it^9l o-� Le ,�' c a l S. C O k 4-r'Y`G. -V-r) r t Jf r L� P cl [J I liG,-}n rr yI S 10 4 7 5'" loAreA -cat., 3is�C� c..JG, S a? 4 3 s , F'1,v.✓. I vzz.a giZ°/. 12.4 1 Lam- ,ram l/ 3c, 41C r /eV. , GlZ IZ.e, I-14 re l Special Conditions: 7/7 LOR Representative: Copy Received By: 'LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 65.3-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client L • %. /G,'kkei Project: C, —rvs )clt.k t —Sur uea -6 'Skve.r. Equipment: cs +,, Time of Arrival: 7', cro Time of Departure: e/.'6-eji,o,k., Weather Conditions: ,S[ihky /606.rAii Project No: Co/4/o S- 4 Contractor: 4,Ahc REPORT: OK c\ Q,� c- Tec te-44 ( - cit)CP)t/a—Yap, n ` 1 1 toe\ J-�4 01 a S-\ C i to ` L-i-c-�� I a s -+,per S G \S u. � , plc e..o 4- 1-0TL b6SeC,.V 'ok G tn_el S + l c, c, LAJ 3 Fs + Go Ca14^pCe--A-cc) p etoGt e: ci hilt-1 40 tiA,I4,u)11) W _ 1--ems i 1 o i- c r tA" si 4l i C"Iei. 105-7.0 , c. Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: :4 ORGEOTECHNICAL GROUP; II 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD` `REPORT tAci Project: v.e . .'�u fu SIOVe - Equipment: Time of Arrival: TO5-aw, Time of Departure: 4/ (v, ,, Weather Conditions: REPORT: 00, e \-e p...ir cPt)P,A ,y li r*e.i1 --or C%S rVC. 0> ... i v.ck - r? c 3-,vt o+ ` S.-o c�v�• '�cz.-, U�C•-leica �s . rov-- re: � ..- rAwA c A--P"k Ipe L s a c.L..\-; 01As 23 A-50 c.K 51`4 00 . p .2n p i c lAenel} `JG' C\! pIA 5, ke -ceoninn. 0rnt...! ('c-w-o.• ...eur-l-he.r dos r'u-ti61 Gvlt. .-i, i �� C-\tr)rv,. c.-a-Al.-, l.�a-,e.,,czls: (7\ Te c-4' c G YAP_ vs • 40 v. l Oz.Z . b t U 610 7-. 4... ` �rG -1- -A "4 5V: 5.g 4-00 1 CAE/ V l os'&, b I qs.'% `e.. c . Special Conditions: LOR Representative: e/e Copy Received By: Date: 3-1 /f-v 1 Client L.11 k ✓JG Project: S 4 ,v, Time of Arrival: LOR'GEOTECH(ICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FI;gLD1REPORT Dt A%..v g'uv: Contractor. 714,r' iV o Project No: //`/QS. 9 Equipment: reA.✓flio,i (i) Le.,An =// (r ) Time of Departure: 'Weather Conditions: eiivY ecot REPORT: Duo Fit LQa P n /4 oa Esi OF C' 1 r74,1T ' Li iv 2 iJS?,iic?o/! sic.vr' 7 l b l 'o3sE R ✓ATIoiv 01- /3Ac k,=1c c e,Pi/7 flare 'Ours Scr'2m DI1A:iov Pip, . PS A 4 Tc yV An/s✓Ac.. a ? c, 1 ' i v ra i ,) n t...,,t " AI r 1 A,tr Nu c. i_ 1112 ,ttl : ✓ Wu t �" i,c l 1-1 A 't) 0 r' S U 1 I F h i ilT 14 /7 Cr/. D/2 c; a c s�f ir' 2 "' ! ( 6M P,4 € I eA.J . OfL A ra Al OF Sp,� (2) A7 Si Ad I r%rUG iN 1 ESQ w CiiF, w171a ioi Ut? Car- Air'it are-ihiTvx w E f3At cc BA( ,C 4.L!_-�j v5i,niC PAD Xy sift A >7 'Pi h1 w2IN'. Sfr= LC G✓i13 Nla 7 G % 1 Special; Conditions: LOR Representative: /A 1 Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL' GROUP, IN( • 61"21: Quail ,Valley Dour# ♦Riverside, :California92507 (909) 653 1760` Fax:1909)'653-1741 Date: 1 5- Gao, FIELD REPORT Project No:,.'I b5.c Client � N s1 Project: SI©Lr-\ Al Equipment: EA CAV rt,ti.— Si t. W1-Vi.CL. 3 :'u u , DU t_o�o,r• C awl - ,C Time of Arrival:'Time of Departure: G Weather Conditions: 4c REPORT: 0 i s rrz. 'Re.e F©L:. Fv Tr r-1. L. o 6 sE. a k•-*c.-p % u.;. cz r 5LO.-LZ Avc r.:u f Lu... \ti rt- C.t-r 1NsP >v�2 1 3Pac tt.L oPc.ce4i Aeo... o,J S � VCIaC' S Od -boo 4-o („7J'+S7s 114i 4 Qh-iRA�i�t ems; c of -TA-A 3�A Nam, AV Ai�1.. '- Aiu I.445e. As' spy,. t vy� sr? c n t`1p-t rr7t., n �F- t+M1'^Iii jZ, o.. t.-t.,/t. �...4•s i cxr t1.%- L.-deb S 1113004, 1t-vi. i'1Pc' w.Sco ,;co C'© Prk4-7 , �1 iat: .'Si,4F,4g- Special. Conditions: 4P t�. '41 LOR Representative: 1/4-it. Copy Received By: -OA LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT CI' Project No: 6;/c / 5 J Client Contractor: /GD Project:y»C l P ..`����r'/Ol/P�►- Equipment: t�rr Time of Arrival: Departure: 4 o 7' c0, 4., Time of De / P / 3 � Weather Conditions: -/c7 .S 5-7 -lc?) 6 a rz oa s-74 4.1/ 4 %v,0. f PIA h)eo A-/- 0 64) f7sY D . 4 &tow. 1o/o.A , ggaG ,fie, lZ�lc f w. c_ 14. s-&" 'Or I F1ev. 56.0 P /442 r4")0S". /06,lo , 9b/ Fe. Nb 4 t. Lre 74)As Special Conditions:. f` LOR Representative: Copy Received By: • Date: /-- o LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD . REPORT Project No: r�/YO.5-7/ Client L % ..//,A Contractor:. ko� Project: :�`, du S f ic//o a ' f4 ter Equipment: �G Time of Arrival: 7. L/s---47 4, Time of Departure:. 4/:0-0/gin Weather Conditions: ��b, v c., /10 Cv p• fr„ �rn, F <c r..- .4.4„.rr/ , . / i.., // Glrr „la, {r,f..k h,-c) rOc,‘, . 4 (._ ��. II jc vL., di lj c a k /c1, -1-r -;z� t.i.-rr� w 6- p _,.. l .-�v -ar ...IL- QI,7Spl✓G `Y+'()G `�'T�1 -'+'1-� c, i S fvr Hnvz-t'(., 9 �l�.l CL. • (�1 �c c) : e;..- t r zs,.�}, -0 A-1 \ (�'P (x• c -�- r_� c ,rt -�-P c y (j P 1r, At r S a-nn )i^c fn --e I A. usve e C- �rV. 16��;G� i LL 4 S-L -l�,,c. ► 1 -Vac). c � S-S--+oo /oT .o (\vz oa t' Icv. W l O . .c. / Y►�G-i� /vs-eo Special Conditions: 95-Y/ 2.c. , Date:' Client LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley "Celurt A Riverside, California92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT /)• , ,t,frt; Project: `L -,lii5 /- / :T rv/< Sinve.•- Time of; Arrival: 7 o)a PK Time'of Departure: Contractor: Equipment: Project No: „/t -42-- Weather Conditions: REPORT a.,\,--\-;1^ S- r 1NT3c- � • (I • 1.+ 6 ►v a v I CO 4- a S' r k In 1. tad -it eicl d -1-1 P tAc.L a ejkpYIn cr--Ik ink CCv- (ices aISO CA ece.-1-1-% ' ti. i^rJl 1 IA/VA0) .P --15. L'c3vLl of I 1 k pI o-c, La,-�-. zo,4c1.1-,.o�s S7c/7125"v .. -k 4 SAE / ,S , ykeend 1lke,- ot" S' ~ thvv\ ni1/4..01: a W (i- 13 - G l '; . = Y cur -I- "2-v (-)1..)S eir J G+ 4 4)k C Z---+)• -1`-0/ 1-7 (� II S�-vr� �C�-i� �GG . ( 11 I c,„ S1 -1 1s— T ,' v, /US s o , qq.4, (2L. V �G�I.h16,•Q S-t ri )-10 1 c-�l�v, lo�`l.b , GriV,. 7.6, tMAv:l�e�r i 1 ,f. Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail ValleykCourt 'A. Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: /(//)s- ' Date: ' �-4i'-c�i Client G-• 6, /4-,fr, % Contractor: 1_/'0/,, , p Project: e, h,,s / •r, ,7tyv/;. -,4 f/r, vet- Equipment: .C- i,,v Time of Arrival: 7,,f)4/4., Time of Departure: sd . s Weather Conditions: e/e,,, 7 " REPORT: Qi•, r,'4 p44- rP ..a4 -7 i 6 07., *I ll�,-1,4 76 44 4,, PI ci 7/.P.a 1ii-7 r f rp, / rr .ii, ger,-/4/7.. (ti iref 4.4. , ' ,,,� A- �a /:oai-4 ` aA, G - / c S-,4id4. // �j- 4/ d I LIvry , (1-07,7--74. 42,/ ‘-,, ./2,0.1,,,,,fr",.. . r ., 4 A - r - • . ‘ Z71-em -72zr 5-1 71--oZ) . , 4- /og / r y1 ra,G,,,,, 4,--,,, 6741 0' ' 11 vTel -.. /3 /2 -0 /) /fi 4... 4-f _as-0l Cp�-U! 7r e4 a l /t-1 751� o 1 f 1... //1/ /) Gt gJ , S-i VCi 4 6 S`-, J: I e v• /a yc. o , 9Y Le. P�.t�'rv(-o s- "'1c, ---1 o r $ev. O S-/, a 91-(IC l 41'` w,�.•. c-71 ---7 kl-(V Ov✓, /vi7T 9-S �•L• , Lie NJ ) ,� II S-F4 7,� k s � , /; le v. I 3E. S- G3 G/ LC...-. 14k 1, G-t t 1 s-L `to- sO elp,,. Ib-fta , 971. IC. H441,11 s-1, , 0 a -7s 1Pv, 1 047- u 1 qZ (, 'e.� IMGA► oli Sly 515 4 cr` G/,,• /et/9,e 1 gz `l I er PT-n.)1-, 1 S Sv'clr t'iev. (o r7.5' , 7 f/ Re. VVIa;,. S--44' // 4-490 L:l,or,. toak.o ( 91 /( I7L. (,e, I i de # r 14 (pc) e/pv,, Io 1(a , 9�� ie ia,,,, / Special Conditions: ,-f x.o1 S Z -if . G""/e,-, tors •o , 9. e t e• i ydP , ti j., fi 00 e(ev, `°lvs`�-o 97To e•C, lrYt4%'a, :. , , , LOR Representative: Copy Received By. 'r Date: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,: INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court i.Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760"A Fax, (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: �o/i/U o Client 4, /.1. ,k;AL / Contractor: 4,0k, Proj1ect:' nit ice. r/o ver- Equipment: 7�ti Time of Arrival: 7: 01)e=u , Time of Departure: ` /LC- v 37MA,, Weather Conditions: 4)4 REPORT: e)/:, �� �- d %T � 7��,- // i?�e�j4"// ;c t4a -� s r� ,,H.411 1, 76 e,.4 k6-rieQ,' Ii 1.) is'c)I,' ►..,4 ( ` 1 41to el q D o1, .,: el 0- L. kr ,. ((7 w, w4 -j- 1) 4-e.,1 a, . / I . L.,1 I I e �, `I �, . >M.j, � ni w (-)-a- U �� ry a l l� ; -r- . �� t I c �f G� 1.4..4Dry. �� i. v,� btu Su'' +v v 64, t1 n T ' (-_)4 r t r r?" w-1�`" 4 �'/C:c1. �rn- drerr/A',4A rNG & `/&--F S( f=1,0 1 Cr/4 1' . C . G{L\ CI I P.C. 0 iz Special; Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: 3 -7 0 / LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, .INC. 6121 Quail Valley`Cqurt A Riverside, California 92507 (909)653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6///U.17c' Client Z. • /) • J4 ,!Al Contractor: Project: 61i=7lvt 424►/ w_up -h S'/we-r- Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7 U?1aH4 Time of Departure: 7. 3, a h Weather Conditions: //c.or REPORT: / -! �'�,z\�a`� �/// , ""7 -f��' dbserv, -4;A z)f-=- e. G /l{-�// (/� �J/� G', /r7G/� / -1 J7AtA r- (c, 4.1i Special Conditions: LOR Representative: opy Received By: Date: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909)'653-.176©A Fax`(909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client Contractor:.. Project: / r 6 i/t/ - Equipment: Time of. Arrival: �f ter- Time of Departure: '.;�/' �O/,ri Weather Conditions: Project No: /444 REPORT:' . _S'4- r1 of is `ou o f , Ge4.i r� r ram-' AS6 r'-)I f e, ' /c 4 4, ;fir C N7.A 41- &2- J ch, L/2+90 lP : ion/y o �i l 1:c (fT d , /0L-15:0 , 5S-44ge, c,r-?-/d .� 92 y y� /6 s 674 /v39'r , k-/p /d1/7.o I pFn9 Special Conditions: 7,l/ /.p;i' 7 .: ;r '. t i h-i' le '.;) ry 4s LOR Representative: 7 Copy Received By: vY t .r...... ,� ... .. .H. � :e , r l • r ',,:'S: ... •'.'�. i, r:. ,Jy n .. i .., � Date: 3- r' a LOR GEOTECHNICAL'CROUP, IN( 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653=.1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client G 6. /G,, Project: ��'ut " /41,0, , JvwPe, '. ..c/a Time of Arrival:. 7 cry ic, Time of Departure: REPO,RT:IOIA 6 4 �01'"1A^ oe‘r- '4-`•17t& ,4(l, G 61,6 G'-7G j . GCS, /: ., Contractor: Equipment: Project No: 6/c/U37(- /441/6 Weather Conditions: J:� ti r Ll o'Al, q (IPu • 103( •s ..LLl 0 3 o C-4 ✓• l o L1 s- , 9S`` F L. , 1/144-i k 1 -1-oa 9 1 ANC L le ✓ • 1061Z.. 6 U Special Conditions:. LOR Representative: s— Copy Received By:.;,.. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A °Riverside, California 92507 (909) ;653-1760 ,A• Fax (909)`653-1.741 FIELD REPORT Date: 3- z-a / Project No: 6/1/41. d! Client /� G ../,. Project: C', `-1 /17r Time of Arrival: Contractor: Equipment: �G Time of Departure: /...5c7k, Weather Conditions: REPOiRT: al Shen' I. /?.4', '{'7 // • /c• //. / (ifJ GC' 7144 4:Aeg-A. J'- / -41" r 3 -1 4 S'-t /Q - (.C.)ey--F/�.irr-1 :. a � . I :` s f4 4 /Gag' � - . o /) �tr-' -,4 y"( +: ��/JGG. vc trGi, G4� r <7 / Z,�,�114 5 95. /%/�v . s S41 tS Cl.�. /a7A.� 94t/. e - c-r!e. -79 -60 . el, / 0 3 6. 0 96 2! e c . /038-0 91 C' /Z c. _ yvtm,,;(-1 ic4. ''"E9-4-5D ' c /ev. / o /Cl. a q( Special Conditions: LOR Representative: ��'f Copy Received By: Date: Project: Time of Arrival: 7,71941,41 Time of. Departure: 4/ V/0114 LOR,GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.` 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653=1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Contractor: REPORT: g Equipment: Div s-e-e'-1?)h 0 -rrP-1 _79 1 .- �G.--- p .'A-0 �a r /ti,. e , /4 /-2' / Project No: /V/U..t- ,P' Weather Conditions: /9k f /'P�a-a1 0 G 1 -c-. 'i �IY ��fervl •• !� GG�o� �*�l ri �j i(ite4//- fzw- l v h cow. -1-0, a ti 44 )0 / k k�!'�t�^ �� d ti G l . i T!✓S /�1r _l ram. fi /`-f ?tea (. rJ7i rig' /2'iz/F-., /) y2P (i/ ' 7G 7"Lo �U 7` �G*-,_ CJ4 S fig / "7 70 . /`�4 Ler /J G lcc oc Az)/ d -4)/..4/m f,0 n -v �3 -z -0 I) 4 - 04fery .r i ' A a. A -,1 d 7 / Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335. TO: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa Calimesa, CA 92320 Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jupura Avenue to Slover Avenue Date: March 29, FROM: Don Gdula, Special ATTN: Steve Himle, Vice President We are sending you: Attached ( ) Under Projects separate cover via The following 'item (s) ( ) Drawing (X) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples '( ) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( 1 Change Order ( ) ' Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION .. 1 3-27-01. Purpose: (X) For your information/records J. ),' For .approval (') Approved as submitted (X) For your use ( ) Approved as noted ( )'As requested (') For review and comment Returned for corrections Other. For 'bid due Prints returned Citrus Ave. Sewer Sht. 8 Revised Please, ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval' Submit.. copies for distribution ( ) Return _ corrected prints ( ) Other 2001 after loaned to Copy to : Paul Anderson,Foreman (3 copies) Steve Nix, LDK (1 copy/1 mylar) LDK Survey Crew (2 copies) Pub. Wks. Insp. (SB) (1 copy) Project Coordinator '(1 copy) LOR Geotechnical (1 copy) Hanging File Signed:�� Date: March 29, 2001. Slump: .1;1/4 Air Temp: 68 IP LOR vEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court, Riverside, CA 92507 (909) 653-1760 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Client: L.D. King Project No.:. 61405.8 Date: 3/28/01 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100E Ontario, Ca. 91764 Steve Bauer Project: Storm Drain, Citrus Ave., Jurupa to Slover Ave. Project Location: Citrus Ave. Contractor: Kenko Arch/Eng: N.I. Area of Pour: Storm Drain Inlet, Sta. 11+05 Concrete Supplier: Calaveras Ready Mix Design Str.: 3,250 Max. Size Agg.: . 1" Mix: 1528 Ticket No.: 83-8543157 Water/Cement Ratio as Poured: N.I. No. of Specimens Molded: 5 Water Added On Job: 4 Gal. Admix: Fly Ash Air Ent: N.I. Concrete Temp: 60 Type of Material: Concrete Specimen Type: Cylinder Marking Date Date Date Set# - Spec.# Molded Received Tested psi in. Molded By: Chad Goodwin Submitted By: Chad Goodwin Specimen Size: 6" X 12" Test Period (Days) Load (Lbs) Compressive Strength (psi) 2- A 3/14/01 3/15/01 3/21/01 92,535 2- B 3/14/01 3/15/01 3/28/01 14 119,370 7 Respectfully submitted: 3,272 4,221 LOROTECHNICAL GROo , INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court, Riverside, CA 92507 (909) 653-1760 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Client: L.D. King 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100E Ontario, Ca. 91764 Steve Bauer Project: Storm Drain, Citrus Ave., Jurupa to Slover Ave. Project Location: Citrus Ave. Contractor: Kenko Area of Pour: Storm Drain Inlet, Sta. 11+05 Project No.: Date: 61405.8 3/21/01 Concrete Supplier: Calaveras Ready Mix Mix: 1528 Water/Cement Ratio as Poured: Slump: 1 1/4" Air Temp: 68 Type of Material: Specimen Type: Marking Set# - Spec.#, Concrete Cylinder 2-A Date Date Date Molded Received Tested 3/14/01 3/15/01 3/21/01 Design Str.: 3,250 Max. Size;Agg.: 1" psi in. Ticket No.: 83-8543157 Admix: Fly Ash Air Ent: N.I. N.I. No. of Specimens Molded: 5 Water Added On Job: 4 Gal. Concrete Temp: 60 Molded By: Chad Goodwin Chad Goodwin Submitted By: Specimen .Size: Test Period (Days) .. ; 6"X12" 7. Load (Lbs) 92,535 Compressive Strength (psi) 3,272 Respectfully submitted: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION. 8353 SIERRA -.AVENUE FONTANA,-.CA 92335 TO: LOR Geotechnical Group 6121 Quail'Vaily Ct. Riverside, CA 92507 ATTN:. We.are 'sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under separate cover via The following item(s) ( ) Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain. fromJupura Avenue to Stover Avenue Date: March 13, 2001 (Hand deliveredin the field) FROM: Don Gdula, Special Projects (X) ( ) ( ) Drawing ( ) Prints Copy of Letter ( ) Other: COPIES' DATE NO.. DESCRIPTION' Storm. Drain Lat. Exhibit Santa Ana Ave. & Citrus Ave. Lat." C" Revisied plans S.D. Profile Sh.8 Purpose: (X) For your information/records ( ) For. approval ( ) Approved as submitted (X)`'For'your use (,) Approved as noted ( ) As requested ( ) For review and comment Returned.for:corrections ( ) Other () For bid due: ('') Prints returned after loaned Remarks: Received By. Please ( ) Submit'` original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution ( ) Return corrected prints ( ) Other to: 2.1111:i Signed: Date: March.13, 2001 LORA EOTECHNICAL GROlt, INC.' 6121 Quail Valley Court, Riverside, CA 92507 (909) 653-1760 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Client: L.D. King 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, Ca. 91764 Steve Bauer Project: Storm Drain, Citrus Ave., Jurupa to Slover Ave. Project Location: Citrus Ave., Sta. 10+20 Contractor: Kenko Arch/Eng: N.I. Project No.: 61405.8 Date: 2/ 8/01 Area of Pour: Box Culvert Bottom Concrete Supplier: Calaveras Ready Mix Design Str.: 3,250 Max. Size Agg.: 1" Mix: 1530 Ticket No.: 83-8540909 Admix: N.I. Air Ent: N. Water/Cement Ratio as Poured: Slump: 3 1/4" N.I. No. of Specimens Molded: 5 psi in. Water Added On Job: 0 Air Temp: 55 Concrete Temp: 62 Molded By: Brian Marano Submitted By: Brian Marano Type of Material: Concrete Specimen Type: Cylinder Specimen Size: 6" X 12" Marking Date Date Date Test Period Load Set# - Spec.# Molded Received Tested (Days) (Lbs) Compressive Strength (psi) 1-A 1-B 1 /25/01 ' 1/26/01 2/ 1 /01 1/25/01 1/26/01 2/ 8/01 7 83,295 14 115,560 2,945 • 4; 087 Respectfully submitted: LOR EOTECHNICAL GROI INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court, Riverside, CA 92507 (909) 653-1760 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Client: L.D. King 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, Ca. 91764 Steve Bauer Project:. Storm Drain, Citrus Ave., Jurupa to Stover Ave. Project Location: Citrus Ave:, Sta. 10+20 Contractor: Kenko Area of Pour: Box Culvert Bottom Concrete Supplier: Calaveras Ready Mix Mix: 1530 TicketNo.: 83-8540909 Water/Cement Ratio as Poured: Slump: 3 1/4" Air Temp: 55 Type of Material: Specimen Type: Marking Set# -Spec.# N.I. Concrete Temp: 62 Concrete Cylinder Date Date Date Molded Received Tested Project No.: 61405.8 Date: • 2/ 1 /01 Design Str.: Max. Size Agg.: 1" 3,250 Admix: N.I. Air Ent: N.I. No. of Specimens Molded: 5 in. oho Water Added On Job: 0 Molded By: Brian Marano Submitted By: Brian Marano Specimen Size: 6" X 12" Test Period (Days) Load Compressive Strength (Lbs) (psi) 1-A 1/25/01 1/26/01 2/ 1 /01 7 83,295 2,945 Respectfully submitted: LORGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.-. 6121Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: - (0)140s. Date: 2 - I (p -01 Project: Cl'i•ruts Am i:r�ri Skcvev Client: L.% b. Voy General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: ( C440,- i-es4 jier- 9.S Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, FI 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside,: California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: f/ JgQs Z Date:. -15-01 Project: C,' ,ems tAde Client: J , j), Vy‘c, General Contractor: Services Performed :Tu,n� f1a ao S\cioe v Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests • Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Sufr�. fl�G;r 43;F Testing Hours Passing . Failing Remarks: (3 Cor74c�lest Yes... LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current' fee schedule or by contract. L`OR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909)'653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No - b Jt4 S, Date: 2 jP D1. ''- Project: Mr t9Ve "nvti r 40 Slotrev Client: Zori General Contractor:0. Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests ,Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C &'G Tests Sample; Pickup Other Sr- h' UiG. ems. a 10.E Testing Hours Passing Remarks:('4) CoM10c1LL ._ es9- i-e iri- .Failing LOR Representative: " a"' /4/6"44:31 Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. R GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, I 6121Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: foJL/a5 R Date: ra? - 9-O f Project: Ci ruS.. Igve "..'Sidtru a. ,a Mover - Client: L.1), Ythy General Contractor: Kehkn Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: () Zevo rn.. Les $ Staff Code Reg. Hours Tca LOR Representative: `��"'-0 �o Failing Client Representativ-`"'�::'`-^'": Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR='GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC., 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside,California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: ' 644O5: g Project: C,'}rwS 19Ue.. " "uvu,�Cia' Client: [ ; 0,14 iV,q . `. General Contractor: IAA< 0 Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Staff Code Reg. Hours . Other Hours:; Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: (S)"l'avN.e�,o. des- It'it'rw LOR Representative: `'eill'a'`= Client Representative "-2)' " -' "' 'e® Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LORGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, 'I 6.121;Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 4,114os1Wi Date: p - 7-O/: Project: Cr'/AtS `Ic)tJe. 'Sure o 40 Siovo✓ Client General Contractor: I<ct,.Y0 Services Performed Staff. Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other S\o rw• bra*v. Testing Hours T-01 Passing Remarks: ( fo►nfac4ry sI 4,61i 9 Failing LOR Representative: *2‘ Client Representative: ` {Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Client: Project No: Project: OR 'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,_ IN( 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET toiNOS.$ Date: 9 Ci )ruS Ave, ` 1Arvipin 5lovfr General Contractor: Services Performed - Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing -Remarks: (3) Cow r LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Staff Code Reg. Hours. Other Hours 4e54- Aa o. 9.5 Failing ,71 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court •Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 HELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 640-5. Date: 2 J 5 JD/ Project: (drys "Tyr la 4o SI0VQ+,- Client: L, h: V;,n,,) General Contractor: Services Performed VPv..Y o Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests `. Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests SamplePickup Other s\oy‘p,.. q,5 :Testing Hours Remarks: () Passing Cov fP4� Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: "Billing per -current fee schedule or by contract. Client Project: Time of Arrival: LOR!GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, IN,� 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, ':California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT ]:'4S"4.40, Time of Departure: Contractor: Equipment: ..` REPORT: C o.-.'-,lp l� ;. - o r _ G�jS'e're, _ a4 r % �z. r i .,,-- 6 04 w L ,/' 70 7- % ' , r'' . e/ -7/ L ;- Special Conditions: LOR Representative: 1 Copy Received By: Date: LOR``GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, :California 92507 (909) 653-1.760 A Fax (909) 653-1.741 FIELD REPORT Project No: /t/D.SS� Client �/ , /�, ; / Contractor: Project: �� f ,i � Tvry f�/ie.-- Equipment:As40 Time of Arrival: `7;°(57)r�N„ Time of Departure: c'� "weico Weather Conditions: dr/ e/)4. REPORT: Op, I, Special Conditions: LOR Representative: % r "- ��; ,...J Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, 6121 Quail Valley Court .'A.Riverside, California 92507 ' (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: . -a / FIELD REPORT Project No: /y/ r 2— Client' :. /,� G . /.� ,�G�i� Contractor: /ems Project: C ,,, f f -r '.%urci� ' fi. f„,GE'rEquipment: Time of, Arrival: 7' Time of Departure: 3'- 3e)tio Weather Conditions: 4, k y REPORT:.% Si --e- ' r� -'.� l° -/` D�rere./'� 1a/... d f4-i.;: AAA g ,/,//, , /g// Cif G' f7a / n C' 4% 4 744,. e. C t4 74 r 76 :fz1Zl 37 -f 25:.. 71 rvlsA; .a 4 -74-cre (2) GpG,..,- L i 4 l/4P. /¢/7 h, 7 f (mil 1)L -/ : t'/. .. `7 'y A /a 7 U ti f, „tP .74 /'A 4e G�.,s A-n Gnu/ r -r°:r L.//4 /ilk .4 . / / , ./.e'r ' 7‘114 h.-c 0ly 4,1 :. 6 -a_r-, -fz"r . /..- 3/s.-7�v'.4 fice A v-->747 074 1 fir An .,r 4 Special ;Conditions:` LOR Representative: ` Copy. Received By: Date: _2_'2/- o/` LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside; California 92507 (909) 653-1`760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT.' Project No: 6/5�/os:"`d2 Client • 0• k/h G Contractor: / /Lo Project: ` G i' r /-iz..m ]i�rv, . .f%/ieEquipment: G. Time of Arrival: ',.7'021.1 Time of Departure: ' Weather Conditions: 1 , G9 /,1 C.„7 c 4i REPORT:. l�ti fi ,4� r'J� rr- cj y� 'a,� e,h / "Te..,11// C '' ' %2/G ' S.4, - x4e /dzs x77)C G 7�Ye / 7L-(57-r /�) /�/Ci�I/ t-z CJ �' �Gl ii/ / Tiov / ti Lr /)% %rL-rU l G ! G/ i ' 4 /� y�./ ry� rc d h : 4/e — /uT) iuc.1 ("z z -r- o • 74-76.7 -71 144, r-4,4 /fe.,/ek 61544/4, -7/L Special: Conditions: LOR Representative: 7 Copy Received By: • Date: Z.7O-O/ LOR';GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client l_ i. , Project: / �tv� /P jam-.z� 74 a��r.- Time of Arrival: Time of Departure: '/.' /5 r44 Contractor: Equipment: Project No: 6 h Flu s'- Weather Conditions: REPORT: )p, r/' _ ? ��./ G -�'' 4:� r l' /cam• / e /j l/ho , 4:1-1 c , � &I:74r ALA , - , / /p /r / ft' /rf /GI 9r/ ,4/J 1..,V-10,• ld f .74 /-e-4 , /.1 • /off /> y.. tea/ //1 � e e7e ih rK ,,/ // )/Z / nk' A.., 'A -Y , . / rt� 4, ..-.T J,�/1 /� - �. r, 4T/ 4 Special Conditions: • LOR Representative: Copy Received By: ;ti' Date: ..2- /.9 6/ Client LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909)'`653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: C„i/ds //•. Project: Equipment: eCy er i�4 ,- 444 Time of Arrival:. �/; .5",^�,a ' ;Time :ofDeparture: ; 4r5""A4,,_ Weather Conditions: Contractor: ; HeAdeo 'REPORT: v\. 5•; n�r.�r re A4 . • I, ,� i�- - L--\-+4=.1 etJ nisc.ru�,'o� 04 s- ,( ::' . 1 v, 't%�1�. 11 cife 1% a_rir; 'i S',vleo ( '.: �-r.�Qk w lw�'. nn�nivql�-� Ix -a -� i Oln omA- ...Cc� -o1 r ; S- e.,x -e --, c,,J e-e-, (Lk; J s G " ! a . el 14 ,, p�n r e �'o G a ► s `; ,k o c. ej t^-rrT'--117 r- ... ), n 4- teas LSO 7 ► •az) 7 rraa '.10.1;`l1 Lifl LI I L'0,-- 1 1 S )ri 61, "— 4 [Sz) �z, "So 4.'"O A �..1 j p rE= A- , : ca_ ' a' ' e,,,i/J r. tog. I 1-, k.i.9( laccA ' Aau:t~..-Jwc,, (2-zn.o,\ -Co-- •riv-k- .-• 6 s .✓r. o4-' %L. -la 1 \9 C lever /f�v .�. /0?6.. i 7a/a{ C.' Pee S D '10 C%✓L AOh /020.<5 el,/`,ge. jL�a�hli(¢• Special Conditions: LOR Representative: - Copy Received By: w... � P, INC. LOB GEbTECHNICAL GlibU 6121. Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 `z` `'� (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: 2-110-01 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6/t/o5:1 Client Lit). Vol Contractor: Kev‘'(p Project: Cilyys ithw "Twev 40 Sloven Equipment: ,. Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: !TOO Weather Conditions: Stw•t•y REPORT: ON pee re7ues4 o�` Cleve 4o Con4;nue. .Ves4rr.,, andobserv,r.q Slortr, pray r‘ rSA-e. 8Ac1C\,. CcnIraclwr kouvvA a kol( .or. scow Matti 2 S4a i(.vieft ../64 lhey 41,ANa ,,,,, rig, u,,,.. . „ ., (ri AINR. cioo,,N Co+.Skrut\\w. ot... Box Ca1ver kiAcy May o Jilt Srt.'v w+och Se Con1✓oc¢ote e xcovcLd. dov", 10 Sets»- IMa;h DA(1, yc$ oprox A{rgly S4c /04/0 - /af gS. Conirc.13,0 Yellav 1ec .. MU), ss. +s.• .11,1 3* \,`Nts v,s'- 5hecer z,o4 w:4.. 65o. CoiliDelo✓ IIF m.o.oli appoy.tit0 tuANt relote,A td.s cowt.ahea lh 2' IA\S W,\NN 220 tuna uef%5 oo4 CovvIjroc -O 7 Jcw B.F. tw. Plwri 1,'yt.e a ;0o coic. 0,- k4eS olowt, -t1- sow? way aS U're d4y5. il,F s t�� A r1 () Coynlaai... 1,es4' -Wert,. sh 10 I.1 Ftev. /009.0 5' 2 Mc nl:ne jA.a P0435 E\ev. toms 9O, tA.{i. 5ta 2%.410 glev. 1027.$ 90,E rna.,\;,,,e s -u a4+so Elev. /023,5 1/ p; fe o$4. 5}u 29430 Elev. toa9.0 Sop jnp.•., I- e ',Special,Conditions: jI e',u�S Slt;\\ ytecok eor+poe a A1. 0‘1, Y11.0.5 / i LOR Representative: e ' % Ya,C.... ', Copy Received By: Date: cl-15'-0i` LORW GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121, Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: tot 05. Client L. D.1<,+^+ ` i Contractor:. Vie 440 Project: Cilvv45 Ne ' u,: S\over Equipment: Time of Arrival: ' :00 Time of Departure: S.00 Weather Conditions: 5*cart>.,y REPORT: j%repues AT \Arm- orr;ic\. Cot.4fadi - 8i4.1.. ' \c Con lf'n►at. 4estp avid abseil/6j .5rir� Oro `" r.% ,ll/r4'► 1 Con-Jo/wed )ayt pi�)ce1 aN rn t 41, ,08Y puN, +h towleasaUS+3 otMrb.) jY�a �raol LI" &Ina r (r *Ni I alova: • P;Pea [JC+C*''l' i�14 v.�rhe 2:30' a ✓ . \;.,: (.J-.s dohs opp.*. eU•lry ='a"roY (oc oSD4*tC (Oysjjntiu�., 'an 'vfttBVO R 2 s4 K 4433 01at geld ► ,iffol Z 330..13 0i1 rY1R7wI hl 514yraA ai Sly 2.')4oO $.l 51.1.,1 Z tV:3o 4..1,4pavid 4015 r }'aVeM40cIlly 56 aleiElev. 1o25,0 9/ .rtyair�;rc:: 516 alai2o Slay. IO2I.5" 32 2 P, et:>;4 5,. a b4 70 Elev. ,oa,w.o °yl r 41 ►,-.0 Special. Conditions it.t.. alit lek$,o Atme, ta;- ; l'Yl. P.4 411 p455' 1•i 6ar' PI R. I e2 M 5A 51')1 rued (op.it., LOR Representative: a Copy Received By:.. { Date: 11.1-oa Client LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail :Valley Court ♦ Riverside, ;California .92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT L.to, 14:r Project: (Arab Time of Arrival: 7:00 Project No: k)1OS, E Contractor: GKV p oa }o SNosieve Equipment: Time of Departure: W.3a Weather Conditions: rtly tlId REPORT: ON SA-t- °rar y'egu,s4 C)'e►vl- io Cony ntae 4-CS ufwA a 06SorWw. SI rt Dra,.r Z(acNMA, :l-)a`o 4 2,-13 0% i\ -4, no 140r4 clue 40 Ratter.. COrtiVOcArr/ (oJiir mu .;, ivbW� rj�c. a3+&S*e. troy., toioo +o I07IT too.lr&ctav reimovci tarry . A-3a1 &bast P Ieps( due Vtel Avolr Uus flbock' c r c! ,Nai vrel IAI4) yod4(1?)6 also eX1.54rn :: Siarw. cieaert nub%. 4 5to. IQfo® i 'r' eip '%�a� Co1n+lOatir sf 4"tvi ;ra -fi aci area t !oo (pipe2one) n: sJes - s4e. off' pipe 11n + Was expos ' A chn dtkikeliv.. `V Was ilk, , Y'e f-07,1e,l aye' htts ma al loalAy' ides me+ --�i ob®v4 A ►�'ia<19uve �,� s4....1*A ay.►�i�.v.I�ae a� 2:0o `covAfatla, used say., me as vJrevte ,, ` 0 LC: 5'4e � 'a� s} . aS4"y!ra b1�ee• ) 4 5; r be tsn ,W. ke: e;iii.kocia e 40 �Olw c4c4141/ S4.4 1Dtto elev. looco 90 'i 1110, l*'ne 2tai as' E10). 1023.0 ..9 .k ie sL aS+oo Elev. loau.o 911 p pezotA Sfic .2543., Fkv.Ioa3.5 962 Special Conditions: film 1 WasNoikir, A .. 4' a" LOR Representative:. ettee Copy Received By: ,i LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Date: a- g 01 Project No: 6/4/l05.$ Client Li). VW%) Contractor: 6 ve ko Project: f,'4yiA5 jd'e 3-6,vv fa 'ib Sl v-ev' Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7; p® Time of Departure: 3,30 Weather Conditions: 5i4mr. y REPORT: on Sae_ .pee )re7uwsic CI1•eii4 40 Com!tvsue. sit. 1 and obS 5S4r»i De o., YY f cK ',\1. iiT ir; rme o 'arvat anvirac4v' 69411u� (ctye) pipe ust�r 13c,,�dd Ylab(aI 04"pvX j .J 1-1' beimW ?Te. aid I' about pgy)e 41,4 alas: �;dcs of Pipe.° wire a /rm. o• 6 crow. hoc. AO Wan eat ireakci7. CotAlvoe\o✓ 9 r; N1.1i.,3 us;r 511ee�}5 Food awc� Hand wt,Cter. Ora 1'1 1 !� 1 ! fj ) `` 11 W&r `l;at o yt (. i vox 11 �;�\s a1'!ct (2- 3, 1ifirs ..1. SheCps Fo r h%ic,S1Vdf O CW AS n«drd. gF. Oh I'ICI.v1V,,t S\c'-1 1:30 a4' `,1eAorSwcs4oNe euwy (t/'- ' 5poci).. ciSjen) 5aI c. J' t•-o) COWi aG�1DM dd� �'QVaC a 3 4 �, t c\wys. B, f, SAoppect Z r'. so. Nvf.`JC %o'tw'' • Kos Sct'. \Gaky lh 6'ovt1p WGS C{ y iv.See }or Fv✓ tAi'T9r.+l " Ie .\ Sik. 1 CAI) Co WI cteus.. A4ZSA- kaVeo. Slu Reno No,1016,0. 93,E mQh%ole 5-6 dakdS rid✓. io21.0 ?2 Z Yn,4,„1;, 5a ?23-So Elev. loll. a 70,g pi fe?o tt St, al+15 Elev. ►un.s 33t pipezoat Special Conditions% 00 i\u35 Lave yeA beer, SremoVe) as 0 cli4y '1 COnivacLy ?r vecj coh. erele Were rooluS'iral 5eiJey6e. Was over gok (alvert' cep -SvArvias k; rAyvtsa Eas.i- oe54; LOR Representative:--% Nati:C) Copy Received By: Date: a`, $"01 LOR; GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail -Valley Court A Riverside, California..92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 4J4l05: Client L.1),1(;nContractor: Q0 Project: C,t}ry is eve Z4f urtn 4o oJ ev- Equipment: Time of Arrival: 700 Time of Departure: 5: 3o Weather Conditions: REPORT: 0►1 Si" ' per �Aq-f n �"epcS4 !7I +1Y\t o ' 4+Yrivat Cohji4440V' $3r l o 1 ao WI,Ae: ;reel 130e bo' "OILS Sr ;BokeS. 'so . Cam. ;v ' t 1mhe� hod 45 htedcgl co ieioo `iOZ S jh'ad Coikir6cL- 9ob 6, i1i'c ✓ w«s o elfAk4- 4o ear,4,*,.;,� Cant»hue: IQy, 9ipao Cc Wtvs ivy VOr S �rte�ilrwy 41/9e6xI' .Jrruv, Box CklVQY4' Cowkoe ov 4ryr Jo acvvt. °Ply"- °NA- Puo,�sauuer ON Faso s;ek areffi , S I" aa1er core c�,c+ti, t � re ns oVt a peoX aCived.�rl Oh .Y '%\�M� sk.vL61 63 3;30 s4,, a„ abseil/ Si-orw, rr r ife c Ar Bert, $ax e(.11/4..41 Lon�iee�4✓ viao.ct Oh as pYev. cc'II1)7s. and 5.Jo d 4tQ 34. at +90 T AN Back ro,ls,, 1to��e4. ot. Cui Ao,'s4,„„ .J(4rd Woo t&or.c z -Ioob 4es4-.'oppoX,`3' 1:10,4h, come o. ua:S s � o 4% Yt a t.ve n 1e/ J oho re t c .rc J, Ora. 0) 4r rel67,c COIntr.clur (ArseR . 'jaAA. Witi3Oof C ow.poe .0►. ,ask kek Special Conditions: Plus, Wcs Dolby $JG lOt3o Elev 1007.0 914 Box co,),,,„ 546 lOa-isEhv. /Nuts' 7$ , 51-0. 104K Re les+ 'Y0 . ' Sip P foo. ,fcu, lo2o;o ,90 ' 414.•y kme s j-4 al +A5 Eifv.) o 11,.0 9/ % p: pe zone.` 51 k. ; , 5 A ao J5O to so-17S LOR Representative:. Copy Received By: 'b: $1 f 0 Copy Received By: Date: 01' 7-oi LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.: 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside,, California`,92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741. FIELD REPORT Project No .4,1406 g Contractor: ieeriko Project: ci rvi$ save iTCAYwp 4o SibVete Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7:30 Time of Departure: 4;30 Weather Conditions: C1014 o Client 4,%'1N'"%9 REPORT: OP? Side per rc9ues# o cl►'ea+ 4o conin=1t 4esfrvii ob5ervN, SJor►v! rah Pdc.VV.11. la7' ,-hithe c-'`OYr2vct eOrtledCV COhirnued iay1H5 pyf; iror+` S-ia 1$$so1 (oniroc ur' g,E: '141.14,4ka' ,;„ 'o$faX, cowap.A,r) w:`t1, eXcay.V. 4nd .l1Ghd We ty oM S;c1cs of ►�i,H. ir, alp0%,%%MS Ime:s\u►e. 64J16214. as neelta, JA:n` St.(41'0{ J;oo oea. N?a1'vp i;wt Spa) l35 and �i'h,'s1a `c� s% o4do, ELF, 54dv4d 'a7;:o0 Loeb. 5ait.t mcfliod as preV,'cc c1 s o•r compeksuv. 6 ':540prol 5+0 PO 440..Z 11ro- )p4 3;4-e, CnPIA c Its " #ake Joda'y' 1314$ Elty 1n11,5" 91$1 V1gnNak S\'a 1345.1 Ow. l0 q,O' 91% " S 4-4 I$ 4"5 F/eV 1013 S' 71,8 rymen) f rat Sit 19fa� fkl4 :It41E$ 9a$ p Zo )L Special Conditions: 54 15175 Fla( /O)T5 90S.I of i, )u- LOR Representative: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, .INC. ,,., 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: 2/44 i FIELD REPORT Project No: 6/14051 Client L • ti, ; wq Contractor: kevt 0 Project: Ci�iruS i4ve J TvruAa .o Stever Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7: 3® Time. of Departure: i', 30 Weather Conditions: Su Ptv\si REPORT: Ov\ S, -e ,?ev. (ereS 4' oC I,'e '4 -to coll.', iawe oloSevv,l) 4 1eS 4+'n� S4or a,. ).,coo.... V)GCw,�:Ili• f79. knte ONY Qy✓it/e1 (OVA/ 6C/17, cD 51rt 110490 LGyrti pipe aid p ui . beol el.) ivie4y_e.\ acoy. 4" 4,1404 Noe and 1 ' above p,pe 34 \,') Cauca J io4- Skcv4- ..J 4 \\ mor\ov J aci 9''i�+e 4-o Sek ur'3 on jw-As •ov, s\wv.. or,,,J�41.r.3 sko.Acd a') no '' SNi-u 11 +a5 4o 1$.1-35' and 11. B,c. S'scv\ e(1 Z 100 u5,'r3 SGr..c rheib,ad 45 prev;te dv3y5. f34,M\k S\o,trd rJ s\c vBjii,S aplu. /Qa' wds S,F• d14y, X` 4%.,„. •0 4, (3) CUmae:oe,,, .es.)-' ;' N.eo. o(tot)/...IS-a 1"711,0 El,ev. 10170 ?(n.y�' ) o:hl;a.e 5'-ta )1 flao I?'ete54- 9otn S-u n 4oO Etc 1013,0 931 pi1p'8zowe Special Conditions: 1'rvw• 511. 17400 4-0 114,95 1'Ytoleva., 1fr1os QuSIj N. �o✓ 911 so eifeaI'."v�Coy►\R kYad,4Y, aver \4 Cody .C\on w,\t yer iove a0Lc Oa,-, Vie;- 4VJ0 ON LOR Representative: ,:.. WAs0 Copy Received By: e. Date: a S-ol OR GEOTE.CHNICALaGROUP, INC 6121:Quail Valley Court :A Riverside, California 92507 (909) .653-1760 ♦'Fax (909) 653-1741: FIELD REPORT Client + D• \<; rs �� Project: C'4roS ,,J Contractor: s1ouP✓ Equipment: Project No: COItioS.$ Time of Arrival: ' i00 Time of Departure: S:00 Weather Conditions: Sur ^` REPORT:Oh sle` Dtatu, 47- By wt.A, .l cAuoded Wu5 : S\°Ys'e \\\ W"\til. Clio1viv�p esi:Y, cm olSSl e ny 'tsrvh i �o CoKi fov.}rot}or ?)ro11:4. +eSUst.,) V" t,1 .icv lint' 'E0 S4 )D48'7 �J 1UYK: $ aiY. o is WQS6c ok 1 N. 1) 3t- SAorrs. Dr6.h . Wor\( WGS` SVu.\ daaa,, ConlriTdildr AUK 'cohtKue 1 1i4yr1) viSr 5}4,1 15.4a5. AAA Selo\+& W1atkrkk �u✓' bed:Vabove p, t ak. .ve W6S A.t 1ea54' (on On skektf t, phre. to 1►scAx to,ct. e. ,::) S\c,\tt&' c ' 11, ,'e so �eks.e• out No avy so WeAt✓ :.' W ���.-} `. tAcr4 p1uvVv pu\ 4 j0'".'\5• &*c1 9',\\ s‘uv%tot D o2:oo and ehdeel 511-a ne+-1 U1Si ro fivt.' S ew-e WleVV►od ett jeev,'Ce Aorys io✓ cot.dad.'oa appox 150' wGs b,�. an'dl�y 2 't1.. 1 .� s;\e: r0 o \eS 1-eXeb.. 'i A1451 s4-015,z f1.ev. 1010.0 70A p;pezon►e 514 1(,4o0 Elev. t015. S' 922 Jvia.b);nL M Box. `Suvu actv�evk,„5 Sides' cii ,,�0�''14CvQ ouv''. + Taeitcw oh 2-1-01 ow .2-1.-0\ no 5c. �1t t,ya.5 4414eS1Yr4y1,4 , lgs}' `We toe wcs no¢ presev,l- duvvvi pour. Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received, By: Vey LOR.GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.- 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 •.(909),65347604 -Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (!v jy 0 SI Date: Project: C.4m5Ave:. ,TuYupa +o SIOVer Client: General Contractor: Veh,(0 Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests -T--a 8.5 Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: 61 Passing Cor ac'\' -14, s4 +GVe& Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. R GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, IN 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No :; 6/YOS.7 Dater / - y-Q Project: CI'v.-vs Ave. 40 s\ovev Client L. uin General Contractor: I erX Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line. B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk /.0 & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: (3 Passing 'Failing rn fc.L 'e j -ok(et"- LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR; GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,. IN'C 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) '653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: Col1-tOS,g Date: )- 4.•09 Project: Ci yvtS 4pa . 4o SIo'JP- Client: L.D.4L; r� General Contractor: Kev,Vo Services Performed Staff Code _ Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests T Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk /.0 & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours . Passing Remarks: N ' Co1+.wc*+n Failing VeSi"PciYeh kebly. LOR Representative: a" Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. R'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, I 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: ,+ AND �.�° Date: 6 E MS.-01 Project: Gl�-L4s?1 ire MYufaa /O S%tree Client: ��thq !/ General Contractor: h ko Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing. Hours LOR Representative: '- Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours $ O Failing 07, LCR:GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,'.1NC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, ,California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 41140Sg Date I-11,-01 .. Project: Ca'`ruS love "To rupa Io SloVeP- Client: L. t . Von) General Contractor:ehV0 Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours: Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line. B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests. Street Tests: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. ry.RGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: .6140S• $ Date: (- _01 Project: L 4-rus nye. Twdupa % Slov;e✓ Client: L• D. V; r General Contractor: Vein Services.. Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours. Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F.Tests Electrical LineB.F:';jTests Sewer B.F. Tests 4. Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C. & G Tests Sample Pickup, Other.. ;Testing Hours •Remarks: Passing Failing Co ..p ci, iesl- 146" LOR Representative: Client Representative: "— Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP;,INC: 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909).653-1760 ♦ Fax (909);653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET.... ProjectNo )L/O 5. '2 Date: - ;i 3 -01 Project: Ct )ru S` tive 3u vuSlovrt- Client: Z. D. kola General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours . Other Hours Grading Water .Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests'' Parking Lot Tests Street Tests`. Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other 5 vrm Dra; . k Seati Testing Hours Passing • Failing Remarks: CV (or'�,a L' i 451 Jak LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. z>: LOR-GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909);653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (pNyOS I Project: C'')✓u5 p ve Date: 1—a1I-01 Tinv.��a S OV41r Client: /. 0, General Contractor: k€ ko Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests 'Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other St torm. Dr& '.- Sewer. Testing Hours Remarks: (-71 Passing C sctiot" les4 )GI(, z T 2- 3, 5' Failing LOR Representative:. Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909).653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No:. (0j Lj 0 S b Date: ' (' 5 p Project: Cr'7✓tA S f) v'2 `S4 rtA du o . Slu v'Pv- Client: I, D• Yt'hi General Contractor: Ke;0(0 Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours_ Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street .Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Sc). by. c, Ia T� 11. o Testing Hours Passing Remarks: 04) COh1pocifot' `4 Se 4" OP Cah eve IC CO. 5 Failing mW%- 'ov 50Y CUIvt. LOR Representative: Client Representative:, Billing per, current fee schedule or by contract. IOR'GEOTECHNICAL'GBOUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 r Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Sidewalk./ C & G Tests Sample Pickup Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: S6fr'fle -074 tJaS ioKPi^ -io Yt S,E Koricir� Oh Si ovw, LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule orby contract: Date: ).a.ot_, LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 61.21 ` Quail Valley Court;;A Riverside, .California 92507 (909) 653-1760E Fax (909) 653-1741. FIELD REPORT Client L 17•; r,� Project: C,'\rv,S Ave. SvYu�G Time of Arrival: -Too Contractor: Project No: 6 J /o5 8 i4ey,140 S\over Equipment: 5c, L, e ,. Time of Departure: 3:00 Weather Conditions: W* ,REPORT: 00 S'\e. 4o 'Con <visr..t 3 ovid o1;15fev.� 5e' er^ F3.Ack '11, /c37- i rKe c avy:v.l CorsrYue`\ov 6.c. Lc tere15 5341A5 ;foci S11i-75-Stingy vile hie 6( o-ti preuce5 ar4y5 /301\r.-G:\2vG:1S Lleve N1a;"..`Lk \re✓t Wu5 YeGc y 4b }ouv Cov.tve�{ iG✓ CYuAle ovovi f r9e-, eX:35,',.) ,GAP✓e`5 46Aw.y due .16 wo,oL to W✓aj3 54. st'iot) �yZRiOS! %nfveke dv ye0 oc , tohi c4or bae1Ct\1 above ' PX 31H " I /akv 1, ht G+tee. 5-1ofed Dut io wh� Al�y udl ovev P ey ooel. fj•.eN N,1•v )14c)tr01. (A) •ke's.\- .. .-0c1NyS e, Eleu'165i.O 932 Ije,c/ S\0. SNt,s•'g'lev'/o$(,•o 9/ %`/,1.,0 Special Conditions: AT 1 a Jer k\ 14175.. ,tte tiype✓ slwd ✓1�b LOR Representative: Copy Received By: 'Date: /- / 01 Client L D LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley. Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909).653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6/1105 d Contractor: Keh'iC0 Project: Ciaro�, 19J�" Tuel a') 40 Skyey- Equipment:' Some - Time of Arrival: oo Time of Departure: 7 00 Weather, Conditions: 14 PIA 1 f Y Sit 4v l'he Sant( laced "oVelr W� �' c� � a 53 iy0 s) p ,�14t%5 �Igglh4 hiiY1N[/t bh IA Ya15, 0' 574t. .5Mn 5Z�} ,•0. SleVQ, Bewev. (,4y rvispecir,- a5Ved wte iv K.ef5 -I1.6e K wl,<1e )14 wcS OY\R_'. + 47 '' c Ou.i Y15W 011t{ 'i�' Tc'XeI.Lrc1 544 57fLS d•grih) Slop(Jed. W /O'•OgKlt T 7J _ Slopped 3' oLo,,F Q t, �. cthd e'ov�(�a�acd 13•F. wG1� `i?1141(G CIO" U s4thq GncQ 0415evv:ti 141ev41s appoy. a e Adove ivY\e. Cvnl�.ciov revtlovod P1uys N, o�f ,i'ii. r IS� !(� °two), addei 05 floee1 40 3e�. close �o Op)i. puoi'SI�•-e or• NtX4• pr 10tt S40 Dr6(v, S laaev a ve t `` p e�Aw`'' �r /'rows.'. 1 doer. "�O GiiiS�J1 �, Cal. Uv �Ya,h Qh G'i �Vu$ 61�� JvvvAti G?1 d IQ J e 111 ':. 40 ey sJt1a� ,S �V h. �I'a•�.,. ..( l4 5° 4e C��y ."6U \\ov roe f/1 CCh fP✓Y,;e, `J 1611'riA (il'atyN . 'u CAruS, SA-eve✓' ifn'eelt115 ":e+nd„e '• 4.4) ." 'obtiok' �"P7�1'h 1c7vaceo(qst G�Fer TYV cohirodor (3) c0!,^,Ae4;we, eh i'od4 V Silt 3S Elev, /asl.a $8'% N96''�Icre` Reles4- 54135 Elev. /v5'o.o q3,Z t' S4 4';,5700 Elev. to S3.1. 7/2 )1 Special Conditions: YS, Phu S A). o )11.1i 15It, WAS ve .idupc;lbrhd cow Dec d oji^'30'4. at 94flt LOR Representative: _._, Copy Received By: ' Date:.. /—g.QI LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. . 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909).653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6MoS,.a' Client L Contractor: f...4114 p Project: Gi 4nAS eIve. 111sewSlo✓e✓ Equipment: 5044.E'. Time of Arrival: -7:00 Time of Departure:' 3;00 Weather Conditions: 6/Judy REPORT: ON s fie. fat✓ re�ues�- o� Clro►AV- io cov`1qhu2' -kesl rrJ 'mot obser✓r) Seuev, BaiICP/1/. AT' -Jirne arr:'Ock cOr\{ract %w,+ bai.k ,'Itf`., La b 0 Si -a s .57P60i �$f7O'.oxct 5ka S 1 I'3 , DvotiN. v+7i 4.c..10,,.) a"i 'Sh 59).3$ L" Jeri 50H4'(one 14a5 4e and ti+� di tti �4v' 45.11p ihat h+oa'J bve (alas vevy 100 r„,\t<a ih 9i' R,C. b�1r oa\t 1-tea 2, 3 $ h'1m'siuve G. S i5 pOt. 4,.2 Y belay olOrt t,cei Cat, r'oLVa, re moue i7G�ibe N1A te1'e c ifoy, ,,�� arid mo,'5l4vt Col. oSeo I ' aid re,t5+ • avee.. 3 '3.1teets Wer. B.F. To ti 1{ 1`` 1 i� 1 d Y 3 01.v.,1% coh cye '.Acts pow,- ^Tip Cre,At e�{�S11N . B.� Je.rev JANcObl MA. )14Ph-om(' /) (S) Cot'hoaAeOr Ay sgtas tlev. Jaaj.o .R 54-0 59135 Elev. /oib,S 9, y, 4� .2.3; r,„1s '.r •v; LJ' 'V.4eI .1 Re1rstt''o� 59f355' '7/4 .? 6,0% 'r Special Conditions: 4. LOR Representative: e. Copy Received By: , ..,. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. • 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 k (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 „., FIELD REPORT Date: /-3-0/ • 1 Project No: 602vosg Client L . t). r‘.,3 Contractor: 1<e y\ 14 o Project: Ct4y-v4.S 141\ke 3",,,,,,,A, 40 c1ouev- Equipment: .5urn,e. Time 9f Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: 1200 Weather Conditions: c oudy 411?4''h NO Luv, cl, REPORT: 0A) s,le fa Co*I1 owe. 4eS40,,, Gkid obserkp Se we v Slut ld..11. /47". 4,114e_ o J r srave c,..0&., B;\\ 01:011110%, csbi S.F. co,, 1..1.04.13 . 1-key paned Lelev.1 e0 SLA's to o-d o5) locr Hog 4i 4- 95". B.F. WaS done ‘'Ne., •Som-P Me AO fl Al eAto\ys. 1 A ky,I5 Z 51-$ •60145 et /014-cis- ecAyociov. di'd Ao 4 P1^3r C/e0K-ot.4- F,cleS ,Of Pke y oPs (,' 1 ifv.I list), (eloped ;V ott oil) 8.F. tu-e e i 1-. , 271- 5) , 1 e ) 10 Spr,' ,,X1t. 11‘ 1,•s-\ R co, cZ I 0;0t) bk.4 NC() e0(111, ) 0" ' Skt46411.. --1‘41cdoe •(,)014‘,., (7 oe 1 iv elf 4,1c,..$ i'RhAved 5k a 4 Oi Go ANo•• kcose J frio, Wil C" 144 Ye,1 Linke. C)1' Or055P d SAOY V's. 1)ra,o.s. gC-4 Cuheytkt vloS potAv-ec ay. 14 Lrols 4o C radJit, •tor,.S10,,,..) i" LA-,/01A R 54. 6040s ,,,/604 (PC ov,61, 6,1+ 95' .‘‘Vove Carinpa cl' 01.- th.)45 arel(p, urialw 1.4 & Li I e , • ,., r...... .., , . \ ) 2 e 0 pi c I ,ov• A-es4- +.k4e.,. i-odily sk. GI +95- ElPv. 105-9.S la pa • F d 6o +6,S" a•ev, ibG1.0 9a F. w. L. L./ , i , 1 Special Conditions: • ., 1,.. f, ....,,,—, _....... . LOR Representative: ' 135E, at-O-c.....----/ Copy Received By •• , „,,1: . , I . . . , I y;i4ortri, , Date: . /- q-o: Client LOR.. GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC . 6121 Quail Valley Court 'A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPOR' Project N Contractor: Kev\Vo Project: ci')r,15 AVe 764V {a' °S lover' Equipment: Time of Arrival: '%Oro `` , Time of Departure: fi -Go Weather Conditions: jy cloud REPORT: Ch*1 Silt Covt4,vv.e. 1-esifrn5 It ObServ,l�, Set•Ie- GwiVLI COr4fac4b R�:C5'ar+ B.F.l 5'Ic '6P4bo kL`QJrr•.i 1,€5,'n` 50r11, OP&eg CA preoces Gj1 5,- (on vue vY rShed BsinJ LujerlS c, 5)a 6,0i)5 e.Dibs a„d 46495% Coot,actor I rc" 1n.. c1 g^) - 5\1oiA S:Ae ia\cv4\5 lcrtty,., 544, 174O ' 6S;de.o 5eee1', yvvvvist Ndoiyi-ififi1 F. 00'11,,,‘ L era(.z di c. - OS- 51ut10--15'.Nevt coweac\ed and is' . 1cler.IS ... •. ,\\ �T s-i`r4d . Pd-44.45. ;Glo�n)racl ov ^re p4(vE a. )' i'b )) s.k t. eve /� I NQ,5 IA Q4"1 .S ,Fe.v. af©'iON` i� /cl' p, CoA4r�uctar IA5eot 5aMc »eJ1ici Iu, �11 Y Y ✓ D�ic1, �) 1�1 iii1�14ua) buoy, a ._7 pvobeJ aMu,-ci rz all avFt) cl�Prrt� .-10 be .1d Bell 1.Jc5 eraci4d the f1'v f Upry t'nl"Jac Jn a'f ca Sle G a IGO Elev. /os'P• S 54. / 7 f os• fiev. , i o l i. o `%a $. E ' 1.4w. J . . $\A " b49S: ne,. Oar' 702F. 1.eL/ Special Ctihditions: }Jewry Foley wA\A '14,e Cl'Iv o . Fon/arts ;,A 96o..) fit, be eavot,444 cocky ct ei I could hoo urouoa ]d� goes oK ti,j\, $.F• okei '/:Ct55. or 125,•);Ne, and I,,. rY4PQ P11 l of U jj /re day' ) mad%P Sew? Lic5 'no Sure Pvcvy7it•J LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: J-10-oi Client. LOR GEOTECHNICAL'.`GROUP, "INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ARiverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 .. FIELD REPORT Project No: (0/4/ 5; $ Project:. C,'fvuS ?go 3uru10e, SiDoer' Time of Arrival: "?; 00 Time of Departure: Contractor: Equipment: 3:3e SaN9t Weather Conditions: Clow of y REPORT:: OM 5 k ✓11,,tp�requPg� e► '' ckeol Jo Cton%na( /le5ir and ab/srrm�nt. 5eLler 1{ 'I/f. Coni VG(!hv 54 c, () F�o<I[.! ":Y,, F. le.te, s W' S1. aS+40 fGln1/.<10,,,J `or,l nkcd us(o,. 5erwf. i'�'1el Nac as pyPv,; ( 4OvAySi 54c. 914 R() )' S c; a if t0 ai» d `31� ,19.S gas 'roIf Wev-e. 13. ` 10t)44y, us,v, .'ta rhec4A;c.c.\ >4,�cf5 F0o4. an Qiiaex. �'1��5 ti?o1s oyt 6,IdcJ :a5 Nce4eor.(S) LClef C5 4o✓E, Tedt4y J. Ot S,\t )o:uo io 4aYt G. Sc..1 ot4u Crow eisAryv io %rh\ocv �uv ttm ra1k4e De bv,"; , rei1.'vael rJ 10:30 / ,y F_ Corvt�kc ;oh es-% -�Gf'p� U�i�J � a �5ty� ,�lev. 1c��1.o g 3 7 F... 544 al vac. Flev. 1v15a 9s.� 046,CI 56 aS415- Elru, 1t��3.4 40): 1=. L L.1 51..V IHlo fev /0o"Is , TI.2 E. t44e0j Re s+ sa y P5,0/0 50 , ' (.16 4 / Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: S-0 Client L,!`. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 6531760 A Fax (909) 65.3-1741 FIELD REPORT Project: MYtt5 i`➢el ►, nvite41, SIoVi'✓ Time of Arrival: 7:00 Project No:6/jl1/00!E • Contractor: ,l(e u C7 Equipment: Sire Time of Departure: 4' oo. Weather Conditions: Cloudy �t,•L4 REPORT:P_On Sit , Year 4— m ' C)I P 4 4o cohi v,w �c'Sf`i'», and O bServeD Sivie-. 8n'cjCt,'j ). Coni Ac/Y' he , eXa&, 4T j 5et.Jer Jc /a-'c S .3i�+�r'„( `r,' 514 3S'>R �e4 ,G� off} &ire V /1150 et,nieloc4ev had it rat c !toile Pm.. 54.E 41?#ao v% n `ciu nd iectY, PON a., C4mrek lM1 Aid ih,tiNr+Q. Les/ratio.— f'Y1U d cO4v' '3 De �/X l e e * Ey.u.kr t ' Q 1 ah� 13.,0a\1 'hale U4;v 'c& M ec1,ca•ct\ clIe 'ce & 5b 4V.� ` SLel3; -root 'facieN) 54mrJeI Mow O 10:30 an la�✓yal a 5+4 38¢6.0 6c 4-` sac f Nhe 14Se•h saw rrraflvd s) �dreute . ofO s6.Lnn e - 1te .getelNea LAa Ska qe/w1 .6054 Side ..' Sea✓ i,•n.t Writ+ Jaae- kneeHuai Covileic\w. also hai@ ct .. Ieau : ton . Yne:H "`)t'kt_ s4. 47.13 - a''ky. P ijte Wo5 Co1,414c\ f ei px.`2'-3' Vs h+o;givve aeUei (2s neecic.i, Ye Pa'Ye cl se— q) la Vow: 5 54A 404C Elev. 103b,S'.901 •3Y,t 51) Elev. Jo3S.0 9e Rt. cost{ tc .i. 5 147+ 35' Ekt/ .104610,0 9i t Special Conditions: r ".)epr. foray, /ave. -OAK 3 le -I. n 7010 510ue1, LOR Representative: Copy Received By: • • • ..• • • ... . LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT. Date: 1-119-01 Project No: 6 Nose Client 1.- • c:: 0 • IC v Contractor: gevok40 Project: erktAS tivit. 7,,,,ur Ao Slover Equipment: 5ah-t... Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: 400 Weather Conditions: Subw, y etwAvAy REPORT: ON Sile. pev feIura o c 1,14-4- 4o on A ',we le 5 1 qvt,4 observ, Set, gdcktql. D To ch4v c on 1 r 0 ci by t44 \\ te- 10.'4\N te0A3 'ovy..11 on ialeirois and Pe m....i(v,e. aNn, ( okA' . ...) 1 b„ i Y 0 cl oe re iv% a tF'cl%`o oleMv... p;yes io livo t-ocic.voy. ot !eats orroy.•3-s lec14 1alt411 b $V. aoiao Gthaev ilk curb ,...--71 4S° pyf wAs rep., recl alicl recovlooded alvot S' eviriVrotv. 1,4c,s 1)1„,,,d Out p;ce il,... hc1,,,Je wo e.16,4th LO We4 t...4....,t ez s4, 'Hap •was 4‘60 arm,. and recaylo'(-ied all.. Sdittg yliei6J. We,-1- t.iev.l S'IA a; i 00 1...)05 4150 Y.C244 Vik. ell"A re., COIK.C.LA W.:IAN $.,..... 44ieNah. 70441 ot 3 1.4w.li wen. B.14tikei fociny *4 had kalt.s. tA Co. k 1 4-Vei. 4-tAgy 54a Po- t A9 E le IA 1012•S 9,12 R.c. wes1 t.4.1 /I 51-ct //1-010 Elev. loos.° I' 4 rl Special Conditions: , i LOR Representative: :_. - eict.,e, Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: Client Lb. VovNi Project: cilrtAS ilVt JuYiA Time of Arrival: 7: 00 FIELD REPORT Project No /tips. ? Contractor: " ge►t,(,0 a �b Slaver Equipment: Time of. Departure: 3 ; 0 0 Weather Conditions: 5L4wn y ft & d y 1 'hr ,uhiln REPORT: i?10 Sit pev, repos). .k5kii and re pobs vtti Eonirdc. Sews✓'Backbit lo,r pared leaks s X, 5fa Ia+SOEtsf L� er, e �f �; f S�Ia ay f4�" m�.H!'x� and J'�Co1ujDEc�tIA area Gnd 0I064teve1a Pi e9- clo% ev- .11(3$•.,r Conpa.4vot..' 'c clot. �p .p�..nna''s/uve. 6a4ki'•')I d'd )16-1 ur4 • 4;11 Jo:15,` only +wo repairs Were done .iod►1y dae 4e '1vfnde 53reo Sauey' rniurnu rit. 1)1\0 Ere j $utlCnt.4 wah'Icd mi�sel' .preSek4- durt,) a 'mcelev 07 1;30 .'�7 c.°�y l4aJ/ l lei 5;1e irgs; r sAe. AKA-- Y PF+,'tn C i } I 1a I I l ;'30': epic! We c3u4ir procOuv Q W.' 5 +e 'Qou.v , d Gres gm tent •cmd awry (2 CONfetc�fur, 4c) ell S4-o. 243i145 El, , goal° 91 pjQ..c. %7iG�'vw�ipd S•la i To EkV. ►o;..$ 70,7 Eus)/ pecial',Conditiions: co( a7 S'\o L4 # ,m4r\r.. s1a aR,l So L d.i. LOR Representative: �3.�.� .: Copy Received By: LOR,GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 • (909) 653-1760 A Fax'(909) 653-1741 Date: i-1B-o1, • FIELD REPORT Project No: 6ii4051? Client L.D. 14i r..qJ Contractor: Xe.K. �0 Project: Clir�1s 19ve "�"v i)Ct 4o S oven Equipment: . Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: q:30 Weather Conditions: 5uVvh3° REPORT: ON S"\ f.e✓ reyties4 d Cliei..+ 40 Coh%'rue Jnav j °MI ob5evv;p Set4Coe BocK. ll, Coyltracloi Corifr`u el Y'E'p/4 i'ai` 4445 t'ou.J :,. Sewer I cl-ev.s By 1v'00 no bocig.:11 wc5 p). ceel cue 40 Co,„s,,c clo, hod ' ob\e VN.di�� 'k S, T id1 S;le AN., Arpin,. oho,,..) +o 1100 o�.' S1ivp,✓ + a 4.04 a Wt) re iw«red ai 110 5}:\\ 1‘44 Q•,clli!\‘ yek. Ci3060:\\ CAC'', led a7, 3:00 ON;,. IGAc✓G1 51f 4 t1'l1S easN. 5:de . 43a0.CM WGs . dime iVe- Smite 0.5 prewce dlulys. Baca' tl:.s4orpd a7 41i30 a -Y'44. 1.c\ ,y14 y (1•� corn ,aclt:o+. 5\ ku.ker.-l-ocAYly s a 11415 Elev. ioo4.® 911 EaS+ 1.4L61 Special Conditions: Cekgs Z 5}-. 11+iS F. iair,.Al , 56, 054gt) F..1`�,.1 t try'. �?.. LOR Representative: ' & Copy, Received By: 5cickC!\\ &09v4 54,1 4;9 'a:30 iod�ly ol%ev ,"So\l w' Slouw Cdi Copy Received By: Date: j- iq-o LOR GEOTECHNI.CAL `GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909);653=1760, Fax (909) 653-1741, FIELD REPORT; Project No: 6l14054 Client Contractor: gi?r.140 41 Project: Ciirkii5 Ave "5uvkvSSove✓ Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7: 00 Time of Departure: y.; 30 Weather Conditions: REPORT: ON s�1t-e.` p~ re7uds1 oar C 1'44.1 n j- Tha ley con�Iac�vv w:\\ iow�gut • re �c► rrh `@aif5 tour..el o1.. 5e la U ' Aflo co►.ivac�c re ivot.el Leal( or F Dh MA:V. 1ir.a W S? S.'+4O COIN JYo¢t(P' 8S; :»1a \int W; ^ 4 SekrAe- r,..e\\,,,A as :free:ce, dYly iti. afeox.` 21-3' LA- R}(avo ov: 4,60 .u:kV. S11<ees Fveff' tonbgr aaAta, GS .h4e4u?t. s` CnINIpat -ci (otli, nee Its463 *Ad 06Yr;ewes,'`oft,k Pelt 1-Akep. 45 a54140 Elev. i!0O'7.'S q/, mar►,1�+�.e Special Conditions:, 'T )eA ,rrppov. a ro„-vs to LOR Representative: 'Date: .22-01 LOR GEOTEGHN)CAL GROUP, INC.' 6121, Quail Valley Court, A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 4/49 , 8. Client L•D.14ri 'Contractor: pp Project: C,'4v-IAS Ave SIDuty, Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7,'00 Time of Departure: 3:3o Weather Conditions: ain„ REPORT: Ofs) S;. p1r. regrets/ Cake /o 'ConJ•nuc d abseYvi j Sct,trr 13ac1-1 Todny cow4racjov- ;s core�,r",.L fiax1,3 Lecl%3 Oh L.itarY415 obit) re cap,,lecii3 lve wt, ate' tufe ,ixeel. Corile4t jr beeotr<. 5cyre►,r n MalYeA1 Dar Reddrti r t Lyra �or' Skorv4n bra, 1411o4‘,•, 3$41e Ut ea P, euf4. te0";AA 53ock pile tN tech 5 'ree lip 4 AS kJos �ul!aa �m rum oleh,'s1y+ rv►ohv,#( had Lave . 1 rocy 1:)eddw . Vu ch IA1C (LoR) ore.4y. v-ar 5, dive 1l'elicre w1n;cl. Me -el S1!7e'c, meler:Of tecom. ,f J ?jeccl'‘ S. }'V' CovhtvarJo✓ yp peti'red /oaks S4a ti3405" Con/rack,/ 8.F us...j ('JiaCava%r d20 y►, weer Goal eoMdrovio a oilll/ / Lolm O 'a7 „sic 11346s'' kjog RIC ' a,,ay.' S 11r, �1) KS 7- 4-414k laaNy 54u 43io5 .g1 v. /00S io g i2.C. w LG+hr./ Special Conditions: / t5: 4pf W. 3 ha,„S o(edt/y a at1,,; *sb N S IO U'n LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date LORtEOTECHNICAL GROUP, I lC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California`92507': (909) 653-1.760 A fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: r0 i 0 5, g Client Kiln) Contractor: eh,up Project: Li-wL+5 jive 3,,..yvi i® SION 51e+v4 00 r Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7:50 Time of Departure LIDO Weather Conditions: Sunh1 REPORT: ON $'Ie pm/ reyuoS1 o1 Cife01• Pro3ecI' Sic rJed on 5fr'o»' Or0:41 S ovr. fl oi-- 'rA� Cc) is )par -ju(u o Con Ira C}u✓ used 5stitc;eaie✓'a) -t ovh. Seeh 54- ethrt `scYeQv,edi( 4tv I(Avid De q�a U1S��c 1 t for �?��Ciiy� rliaLv!4 cwot*Fe S4[lo N+ ''M6;' %) " (tra'v. �'tAc u d Tv ) aro,d ai��°x. 4be�o�1 S�ovw. � I and %0¢''1. -H'trclf ' is . tojM1� r'tr ba7�o Conlyackv' t-e 11 arvrd j( Iea1C Sla y'7'f 90 WesJ-/o ,•/ and eactt`lled t45%*v� J'Fxc�v��•, o�a0 W �� 5ik"t�i5 oo4 Ppirld�lNve GI QS neeged and Sand WAS Pat rvov. -i•of 104vie w\ %SoVVu' t.140A-tv l,rwz.hAci a c rad44 tc 0v...ef eANth vht✓ 'p t USl'%) `i:s'. iMCltoc 1CJ✓. CUMa,ao. (3) COM adrnH 71ert 4664 body s' J10-1.o2s Elev. Jot$. . 952 m4 v.1:re 5ia a1+0o Elev.Ioa2.c 77,E 51-0 y-]t ao Eleu toy4.0 9s g Eves, z/ 'otJL Special Conditions: aop0Y S.o 5 owe.. LOR Representative: eateis Copy Received By: 1 Date: I - a Li-01 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: )yoS,$ Client L , Q. t<0-. Contractor: Gt.... 0 Project: C1)-ruS Ave_ "3".ruyjc. iw Slov'er• Equipment: Time of Arrival: -7 Qo i , Time of Departure: cp' 3 0 Weather Conditions: Cloudy t rd . REPORT: ON SAe. pew rc1ur5 c I evA .454vN, aka obSerm r., Slnrw.. bradv, J mid Top 4 54 oh Se4ey ‘;,he irtv.cl.. /-rYSi pov+ o Mort',�°f✓1i1A32 S 19e30., 4-Q i+� h S r o n Se' eY YbiGrlrk 4-or O F ireMcL Wore. qt t R.C. . is ✓%ceded . 5 eve. 5Auev• job 30.14yn- due 3"o RG+r.. S.t.v4 1<. woS poiy.✓ jo PtAASN. }aKa.. 3e$4 ova 4oA at tyev•c‘. Oh Se..Jer MG..... I .'vv. o►1 GAvuS /9ue o S�ovaY rive ' aK;w„ 4S4- 2 ` �,h;s1.t�1 }liK: kn� �es� :: �a�.�t4 �_:ii.i., Ie -. 5,4e, :rs ewa ,t4 J +oefr S -a �G+gO 96, tS/774e^, i i,,h.e. SA -a 3 i f a t) 91, X" 9S-, 2o0e 5la 36175' `i -4 5+a ua 4t,o 95,E STG 1•15/75 952 " /► Special Conditions: 54.4 5-6 ¢a o cm, is S}r. 6/4 co 9l, LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: /• AS-ot LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court -♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760:• Fax (909) 653.-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: VV-los".g Client ; 1 L I� I4r, Contractor: k.e.r(a .\( Project: 'C +YUS "de Su,rua -}o Slover Equipment: Time. of Arrival: " '00 Time of Departure: 'a 30 Weather Conditions: pee I ly cloudy cool REPORT: OJ S,Vc 11 re,wes,1 o� Cll'er,l �o cor�,��u� : 4e51 and O o•Nn� 5\40`em tv%N., ' ,Gtc a�/,1,: ConIr4c Joy be3oh, NS;r�-9 Greer\ poaK Spec. tug 744rn orvicedwt J ;\ 8\dt,t y.. LI, ih4evVt 7. Mppd) I �1 ovr .a� rJ� 1 Ri111`,� _s 'fool(. '2 -'CS4" .�.: U4;.��. Ye �.� 0�141/4 ot- p, pE I J 70tue, rest' s S'hawed.' e4 54' 3"ei4, tjok\d ra4 4(11,'v .;h o med CobiVOC-lo, 0} re5u P�5 } p 1 n j'0A R.C. ►jee/lee, TOr Co t«pn Con4r4c44, ourtcQ . i'r7X .CtAil1Fv'i' tioi'-lor 510 TAspec4ov. lJ 5yeVe `VPv,q`14- ST G°IpIMe o, sILA mf 5—eyl, Wewt `i14oM d /' "SIu.sip We 1 J yip 1 3 ,14,E 0 • 4o V ! (Ar� Ie4 O1� ;at_ ox. )0 y d5 Wnvf rcov rM s. ovPG. I fir? �✓if' O COhira ‘Jfatac�l,Y. \h 5ilet?s t�4� SAradled Siorr.Orc,+� ��v Coh+�octioin a�. ;dE` arr p�:pe, �1�;5. w�e3ho� ac�;uFA 4. lot OY j,;S�,Pv Ca4^,ete ,,, r�,ere Wu')e pok. I -I' o� flc "J r►'ia itvre, ? .S•*ck `'N uV<d 1.4\1eC'voi\etl W Loocle✓, / '.7e)0I','h fit'. belo-' e(IS1ihs. $ r.ttce 1r1a T Ye st, \"i�t� i v� ..., .1 �% R.t t ICJ.\ . V"t A (UM -41, d%}el hod t4c, 5 U eYiCi j G. /}e.eg4 . more @ tSoi1 L rr (\ �& l\ 5iop�a sJt )3400 \. 54' /016o cicv, /007.5" 5;a /o46o tlei. joot,.o 4$ Rels5k. io+bo 91 9� ,t )1l75" elev. ton. S $I pig ?oaJe c .Conliaciuv ihcv. be9o. Lt5"„,) 5' w,dt skeep5 kAftrY y' oP No htoler,'u I. rti.e Special Conditions: Con)facldv wi\\ '' re'movc rvidlrvj'c / rrvru 70� f o )a +oo and re row-looc P' vovN 516 l►tao LOR Representative: _o. Copy Received By: of Date: //24/oho LOR ;GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No:. (.t/yas-, g Client } D. ; rti Contractor: Ye"0 Project: C4r1A5 9ve 11uv16 40 5Icuew' Time of Arrival: �i of Time of Departure: 9. 00 Weather Conditions: C/ou d y 4 gai" - Equipment: REPORT: ON 5,1e per Veyt e 1 ci r°h l r^ahlmut S �urwi dra p J J ;3ackw 500Ye w.i4. S4eve Qaaee ran itiP Phone he Siw+ olowY. p 4ocky 64t4e 1-6 IZaiv Foie ilia Pad asKed we sre/die 5 )oclC)p�)e s ►'. Vuwi c7 t'�v' S.F. 4U c.\,eck 5cvcl E7uNAlfrI7t rnee1s Spec. ,Qo •Vo us+ rn eddiaic v caLi/1'4 1o✓ 01 0rark Sek?/e #ati p c(eP u C oncvek Gild. Sa4I,1a # 1 �'o✓ boX 6,1 vo -/o . 7Gle �?ack 4-a / 6a 10 sa,(�h y Special Conditions: LOR Representative: cj, G?.--yo,! Copy Received By: Time of Arrival• GEOTECHNICAL GROU, 6121 Quail. Valley Court 41, Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦Fax (909) 653-1741' IELD REPORT Slove Time of Departure: REPORT: 017 s/k. /�c Yegues/ OD / cohintip rcc;. vim. �AtM�t.l?11 Gt, u Co11t.'y,ue d . he QNd abTeri!✓V94 -I1•ov• w�. 134 oa true,! ".a loved 44-P1 usi'vN' e. 5'»i o S o COMpat Io (0,11,,;ck. 4 ;_,Q3A;5' ►tea a,..�� r . vi tausp\cceA,A % ; -4e. o ?Ire. .0 c 1' abo� P,te' 'ewri1 �t--5' 5 ac�r aid 1, h . , l L IN e`!'rb��ih3• w�0kq `�i: e n `oYW�c va h, l.{5,' 2) Sip .�"oa4"ov. tee_ IAN1ev y 'I71 0�?.r .N AWE: ' w&ctv,'k, '56CI \ . ,11 d s;-G .154d5 ' - 1¢h. le�l- 51 -e . �._5 ieef5 -6r s;de5 e fog +0. l 4 Compot 54- itge+, S 'A /, /.So Deo 1007, 5' 9/2 pipe zmie. 54' 1)- 75 eetes4- iYi; . ,-as ct g S134 f0 Elev.. loolic ill pi're 5 - Elev. 1012.0 91 lie,-hlrie Ste. I41-6S FIeu. 1014.0 901' •�. r.; Special Conditions: 1 om 5 ei /z/#vo id 1NW.70 Needed .4 1J/45 pushed over' W1 0 ��� Mt 'het' ` �o �rr.. 7eiiej 54,11 Ib1 c e;-,fe J,. LOR Representative:. akek Copy Received By: Date: I - 30-01 LOR GEOTECHNICAL! GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court I Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 AFax (909) 653-1741 'FIELD. REPORT ••• • Project NO:'.' 6190S,g Client L. ;N Contractor: t,14k0 Project: C 4ruS YWA.. 11,,,v1)ta +0 Staloe- Equipment: Time of Arrival: fC.00C) Time of Departure: V:10 Weather Conditions: W•'‘,..cty REPORT: nn pet/ iee7tie51* o c1(.v,ir cot 4,esfrtt, mid obseorr.,_ J Ant It& tM, i4r 11 ria. avriv.I CON fr6CIOV Vuvwed Ate iivy (tcyc S\l‘k\- elowN. 14 e. 1 ce.11e4 sir v4. 6012r LeN- pktes5634Atisipo4 LAtos mok iro call wit etriel Jet AT: e'vloo 301) tqcs slqvit dota ctlovit Nzy.,.e. le0t• - • Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: is. LORGEOTECHNICAL 'GROUP, .INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909)4.3-1741 FIELD REPORT Client . ;i,h % Contractor: . 4)4 Project: dLIS i ' 1 �1-- Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7, 60G %ilrl Time of Departure: �i0 Weather Conditioons: n Special Conditions: LOR Representativ LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦`Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client f� kikq Contractor: Project: S�d Equipment: Time of Arrival: `7`.( Q,44 Time of Departure: lU : SSGJooWeather Conditions: Special Conditions: LOR Representativ Copy Received By: Date: &`-//1/. Client LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121. Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A: Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project: /141 , 7uv c f4e4- � Time of Arrival: T 'QZ'ai ' Time of Departure: REPORT: d. per- to I/ 4 fi , v/ eezi/f/ae i- t —r 4 /41014' /TAX/ L /A 74 Project No: Contractor: z/e„. 4 /Equipment: Grp ; rri w `-/SG74-i Weather Conditions: /, J i16;6 uAry 9kc(; IV)/ "Are/1/ I'f // /Ef N Special Conditions: LOR Representati`' opy. Received By: ''i` 1;1�, �.;i: ✓tip. '��. ,1,+ii (It„t ,•'� �µ uY.,.. •.,�s�✓x }a'•'�l' . xi;a. Vp.� .•..f ` 7 M1 .1. Date: (9 - S" µ LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, 'INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653' 1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741, FIELD REPORT Project No: l,,et/o.S�c¢ ClientContractor: jG fii/‘ f� Project: Ct.)S (f'1 P1 uAa c ,�UEquipment:pX Cz4 C01 g 16e A4c Time of Arrival: 7'(5, wt Time of Departure: /G)..• (7/-Cs/,tf Weather Conditions: (l�l �l ��"" REPORT: Otn P°4(- fir? 1,4 Uf (Je„C„4 4i• G1 L�n�lc' 1lC._ sl��u� a, C c -L 16z : - 30t,..) \C h L ; 1Arf- - ,r 1 q s AI se,tia -;t) Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By Date: %. 7 0. / LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Contractor: Project No: 67/ yp'. d Equipment: rkr/4>e-fry is la j /-/ /it'd ` Time of Arrival: 7:c Zi ai Time of Departure: /72/S pG.,t Weather Conditions: ,r,y / /7 7 Client t . 2). lei'!- / Project: C. , i(i( / ltP 7d yvvi� fhP REPORT: rt =4' /g 7 i-/ o c %61/k f/ ;, / yerl-� / ,. �/ 9�� / /4 Tje 1� a/ /4 Y p G GU?a)G' 6t510" AA- 41__-__04 z Yi 7`Gtic e. cam, 1-4- 6/2•41 rc,,- lc- 0 _co G. C 7Z At • / s 4/( /e4,447 S- 1774 z (cc , Q7XI. , 5 tF SiAcial Conditions: LOR Representative / //���py Received By: , . , t LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail lValley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD .REPORT Date: (�- (0-U'/ Project No: Client / • 6. /41-4, Contractor: Z) � Project: (74'1-Ns '(p 1V rupa SIp1/�r Equipment: L' )<CAV4- } �bOt' '1 l� 1�� H 0 1 / 7 Time of Arrival: -7 , v 6Cr IAA , Time of Departure: S c2V m Weather Conditions:_ c0n k c1 / /44 REPORT: pv� env ho Spy1.4 j�[1n� t )1.) fiL)\ AT4L1--,so, orb- A 1,..1` it Co ki. ,.^)1 e 1-e---A SetA,e r I i 1 4-01t,, (47)(10. .C-'02q1,.. i P‘i u i 1-ei t,,),a. /41,4 6, (yi,„ 7---r1J 6n- 8----01) (, xv. to i II I iU (A R)1- Gi lj l) k ,9 e 4 "\i �n 1MI1t4rtVYL)(..1 ((:,"%-Of\ Sc� C%i L. Imo(). IA c 1.4f 4br 4-eA-1-4,. f�0 17 (o 4-`-74s'. o(e0. C , 9 l vgdp.AAALL , 1 o c,S o 1 9y (2. 1 , (5- t.v. iv(Os-.?), Special Conditions: LOR Representative: opy Received By: rc' Date: (_o LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: (,, c(b - e Client . .. Contractor: Project: i le.\ v tv��. - C�(jU�X Equipment: :X('Gl1 l: t?��'i �> G f I�t�� � '-126� 1L Time of Arrival: -'. (504 tpA Time of Departure: S ' 3 Up vo Weather Conditions: P,crA (4 k u-Al REPORT: ap, s CI)c,4 ve..-itU1n. rP c6Vc2A-IL \ l ? D lA a ( - C p n V-� w� + 1 Cam Y-�-D�a �1, t~� IM c -� ok otA) Imo. -\ e4--e I `; S^T� `' 0 �: �P L.l ..l- 1,U �3 0 r -\- �� S 1 In �t. 4 k f I 0 -1 CA..4 YV Cti 4-d S1 f11rP�( Covic ?2 Tor /!YC4 I% 4( reLk 'IVOQ S4.- 1Z is + �b ZG Ce 6 AL in ��� (nla C VOA' tom,' arc rum Sri Lv1 s�--Yr gLl\ o ce,( L./a-16 0 Ker-V (-)1. I Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: it LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client Project: ; rus !F-vP. Jv( 9A slover-Equipment: I_'XeerVG-fir tUGvI2-ri 13•I h/70%i Time of Arrival: i'•c) 1.,k1 Time of Departure: /.jam .40 Weather Conditions: Qat-- \(,)7A1 Project No: 6/ I/US. . L.: Contractor: REPORT: Ov, ?e ( SPCA r <k/.) l --1,11-P l l c) (n ri_A f i (/Gt .- s 1po c P w i & P l 4, �t (-) AL2. Li2 VZ 1 Cl \o-e VI 6 k i-e‘ 49 L-6-1 '-eX-e CO‘A 4"-C-e-e .4>{- .\ &r.\( c-1 a\ sr-o ( v ..,9k Q -U S uL) VA- I C. v u-er 1.,41 {-�r I 2 . s i/) - \AA kAA „-i(G-SN -G N-z�� ;-te 1r - T---, CS--lo I /dam /067.d c- s" ,"5", r%/a ,c r 9/�7c. , h- 1 97°% . SiG�v y., LOR.GEOTEC,HN,ICAL GROUP, I 6121 Quail Valley Court,i Riversidl, California 92507 (909) 653-1760`A Fax (909) 653-1741; . FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: S: .r:S Date: .57 .:3 Project: , -i'US APIjUw 7 5 /6"!/`e-Y' Client: % U 4. General Contractor: ket.,10 Electrical Line B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests reet Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. I OR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail. Valley Court'l Riverside, California 92507 ., (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD'SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6/e-703r Date: Project: <�`7" f/lJ/1�if— Client: General Contractor: Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Testing Hours Remarks: /Z / Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: f (}g Date: 2c-/• UZ_ Project: e1n.1S Aire/ ... 1-y S/U1/°+ Client: Gb. 4 i Gtl General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup --- Other C' l`•%Jli1 shy, % 7 0 Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653=1741 . . FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6%z/lJ. S Date: S-• S Project: =/`//iVS /44'` los-vi, z Client: G .e ti General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours " Other Hours Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Street Tests Sample Pickup Testing Hours Remarks: LOR Representative:� . Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. r LOR GEQTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, California 92507 (9091 653-1760 ..Fax" (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No 6/c/d. 6 Date: Project: / /11S GPI �J Mir" - q S4e,e4 - Client: G• (.): k/A7 General Contractor: Services Grading Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water: Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests. Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract: LOR .GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC 6121 QuailValley Court ♦ Riverside, .California 92507 (909) \653 1760`i Fax (909) 653-1741 Project No: 4f1/ 7 "". Project: Cr�U4v, .%'l Client14 s% (f" Staff Code : `: Reg. Hours ` ' - Other Hours LOR Representative: Client Representative:. Billing percurrent fee schedule or by contract. q I OR:GEOTECHNICAL'GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley ,Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760-1 Fax. (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: Prep(' ► ( Date: Project: C176f fj /4 Client: ''4. /C 24 General Contractor: /G'oi.' Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests. Electrical Line B.F. Tests SewerrB.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing �sZ Failing LOR Representative: l Client Representative: Billing per current .fee schedule or by _contract. I OR GEOTECHNICALGROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley` Court;fi Riv rside, California 92507 (909) .653-1760Faz 909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: q/4/0 Date:. ` OZ.- 6/; Project: (, / JS ...J 4.)Vv/24 . Client G //% / A General Contractor: /G Services Performed , Staff Code . Reg. Hours :;Other Hours, _Ai! B.F. Tests Sample Pickup Testing Hours Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. L`OR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC'. 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760'A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6//4fO c Date: 5— G /` Project: C �"h ,4' `/jj tp - _CZVet- Client � • 2 A./4i A7 General Contractor: /gee" io Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests ewer B.F. Tests ar -ing Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Staff Code Reg. Hours j Other Hours 7Z_ Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICALTGROUPINC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 61f1)5° Date: Project: elddl . fg. Client: le General Contractor: Services Performed Grading nl) Staff Code Reg. Hours Other'Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests, Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Z 5,0 Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billingper current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL`GROUP;'INC_, 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside,=,Califor is 92507 `(909) 653-1760 • Fa3C1909) 6531741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET. Project No Project:�� Client: General Contractor: Services Performed Date: -Udr//i/9 'JGL cj //// Staff Code Reg. Hours - Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests S eet Tests 7-z t, 0 Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Passing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC'. 6121 Quail Valley Court♦°Riverside,- California 92507 1909) 653-1760.'Fax_(909) 653-1.741 FIELD SERVICE.TICKET Project No: (' //C)S s • Date: D Project: �, t'$ "4 / _1 �vrti -�?j c'/ f/P� Client: Z,: yj. ,e/h General Contractor: 4/P� Services Performed Grading Staff Code Reg. Flours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests .; Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G .Tests Sample Pickup Testing Hours Remarks: Passing y.o Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Project No: Project: -t Yl)S V - Yvp4 Client: L . �' i V�9 General Contractor: Services Performed Grading LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court a Riverside, California 92507, (909) 653-.1760-. Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Gitie)5.g Date: S"- /4/-0/' S a (e--r Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours. Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: `TZ Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: — Billing percurrent fee schedule or by contact. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 •-fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: G Li (] S Date: Project: i YVS ': J VYV a‘; f 6Uerr Client: 1- i" V\ 9 General Contractor: .� P jL U Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water:. Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Testing Hours Remarks: LOR. Representative: c c_ Client Representative. Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR`GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 9.2507,. (909) 653=1760 ♦ Fax.(909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: p Date: .-7 d/-01/ Project: ` C.-'A-eif .4?P/. /i /,‹- Client: G /� General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours,. Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sample Pickup Remarks: LOR Representative: .C. Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract: LOR .GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail, Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: /Gw cY Date: ST `CJ i Project: '-%y . , _ yr-v/9G r/pe,f-- iA f.,/' / General Contractor:, /eJ%frjG Client: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests treet Tests rig :A /e- 70.__ 0 Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court:. Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 -Fax'.(909) 653-1741 Project No:: 67e//J S-• Date: - 7- 01 Project: i / S 1 / rti0� j �l/P.Y Client: /.k General Contractor: k / Vd4 -1jG/ Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours. Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, .California 92507 (909) 653-1760 i Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (J/LwS J'. Date: . - 1/16 Project: (%,c,/ j!/ pe%^ Client: ��` General Contractor: Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests arking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample. Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Staff Code -7Z Reg. Hours Other Hours Failing Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC'. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: /c./lid l5 Date: C• Z -;0 Project: -KJS w G : 6 V Client: 1.- • .. ki•At General Contractor: Services Performed Grading Water Lin F. Tests e trical Line B.F. Tests Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours -72 Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR>GEOTECHNICAL GROUP .INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court * Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 i Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET c ._ Project No:///�5. S- Date: Project: (,-7`Fvf l / �v/-t!d Client: 4 General Contractor: Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Staff Code Reg. Hours Other. Hours`. Electrical Line B.F. Tests F. Te is Parking Lot Tests 7 -Z Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule orby contract."." Date: S".1 -0, Client Project. OR GEQTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail -Valley Court L Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (9091'653 1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: Contractor: ' e 1;1411)S Vile Jur 24 IDVe.),(- Equipment: C-;),/e4(7440.- kw/if- d dp, Time of Arrival: (a ryl Time of Departure: / �Weather Conditions: 1 REPORT:0k s 0 A. reeNfeA--�- o-'r' .1 , �� 11- 4,' j"CU Y Inn cz. ►� 5 ro6 L& 1-\ p \ AvagAr c 6 LA 1 CIA -Pt a,� - 1 F,11ticroif S -o rvtA.>^ e -ice --Az,-\;(-)k Cra +0 6 .o tie So v�' G� -��. 2s�` 4' 1- 2 1-7 aLb gr°e� r � _A; Cc a Oka 'I\� i I t/0D r- �' (P S 4--e -"D lnn rOL.,v \y - \ 4,_ Q .l' 4'a �11 b r ut,� C4 i ,Al.,..,. c.. 67-q-.2s') s-key,A P.S . , cu, ;/ v.6 S ,G(/'f' .S. e4 P.S. .O �,i?C- Special Conditions:` S--k �j�/ b tl (�-(ep� E S • q 7q 24 ( 6c-130, S ee4 C.C. q( Y., p.c. rw s"-KSU %`'' ' zOl ,Pc• ke-1,‘" �rCI( b Si �t LOR Representativ Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, -INC 6121 Quail Valley .Court& Riverside, California 92507 (909) 65371760 Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Date: c: 70-�I� Project No: 6/6/D. cr- Client /— ':,/" Contractor: /6-fr. roject. /VS � JU32 ter" j)/ZA i.— Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7ahmpi Time of Departure: /,7_13e) Weather Conditions Special Conditions: LOR Representative.��/_� Copy Received By: Ar: Date:. S • 21. LOR .GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California,92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client /•. �1 V�.� Contractor: �t"Cv s 1"r"vC' �1Urvpc, --\-Dd Oi/e,(Equipment: Project: (1,1 Time of Arrival: 7'.(YOGv IM Time of Departure: //: Weather Conditions: Suh 11y. Project No: ra /1-/DsT REPORT: 0�. Si X CP L U )\/.. , p,.r-ri kic, \ _i I t -k~ Pe \ 4 cko rSo 1, \AA, ,,,(„14,0 ci.v._ok \NJ ‘Ik1, q 67-ce .--VD-4 -.71-e O L\-7 1/0-0 4 1.of/A. d.,0‘,47 OtA ---\-OCW\ rr,--A1,, wc, c r C DV C/e ?oli r 6\4 c-- --t-;o k co S -1 OD . A 1/DE- 2e_pk. ',s Kfzi2): e_l If) fra._ 4-.61,,A.0,0 r-bc....) (- 7e)- 0 1\> 41-- -Cc-L.) (-4-LQA- (-)1&(,.y--ki-- \ st b 1/•. • Special Conditions: LOR Representative: / (//= Lam. Copy Received By: Date: -.2S -&/ LOR 'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC, 6121 Quail Valley' Court A Riverside, California 92507 ' (909).653-1760 i'Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: ;'/4/4.1 Client ))> ,ei11 Contractor: Project: <_ , -No S';40/ Juiv c 4 /d// r Equipment: w�a • -A-� /,44c,G%f-/ 7j2,,e Time of Arrival: 7`/ Time of Departure: // 9/S ;/n,1 Weather Conditions: C,�� ( ./747 REPORT: P • ()k,e-e74-4 dil _S' -7- j t7-,-7;% 7--/,,'/// tivrA ,,ox1 (..r.Gt 1 Mtn /A /-1A, It -Li /41 4 Gu .1 _s--.2-_,-.1.-17 ,,,,,,,,._4 747/ e'l ..,s67_11s,im -So >/ /' , / r"P Q �� " ecz-, / fTr� !�%� G,,-ed 1. 0 i // ("en., : G/ /r--P . '-/!�-4J .SS- 2�% O /:) So /ire j, is ,Lllgeo 4f-e !nA I' / //44-e 015.0-I/ia? i ✓x2-i-4 7 , c=,Z No E/ev, /O(7. s 1 %/`r Y.G../ Special Conditions: „. ssfijl'�. LOR Representative: Copy Received By: (9,44- /‘//er,/ -7‘ r-7‘ 6)A v (;,(-- -4V- -42/ (vA4,---i,4' 4 77. Date: s- 7Y-0 i LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court *Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client G'. . //,'" q Project No: 6/'/Us"" Contractor: 4/60.. Project: 6-iris r e, J7iry .� Equipment: L r^G Fu]-/ Gary 5-Ade/ 1-/.6 %e:+� Time of Arrival: 7 : OV ni Time of Departure: / /,a1 Weather Conditions:, Q,/, x i /i.,cja c REPORT: iA (: ;'-he r'e-r.;-e.,r7 t.)-( G1G/-, / -17- -// 41-e 6. rer-c,,-74v A j �t 711 GLt'77VA / sie� ' Gd, �`l1 % / Mo fez- �f77)Glrt /�h (. -ei 4 // ,%' -74-ia1P.r_/ , 4 f / 7 Z t oa L Gtn11 /G7, Ow Cee- 7 dam- o e =f!-vI G-,., r-Le.,- ,,r 12P,,I,-„ .714-741 /Ai/- opt eik .14i e' i S-4- (. y 4/o / e_� /C4/ n / 9Z ' ,ec. , �� � Ao -74- 6,4' fzs-- ./': /o6 rsv ' mac: l'4/ -,;i Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: 57. 23--©`/ LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: ,//'J 7 Client L �, �;:' ; y Contractor: ‘e.,l6 Project:/ .TUTZ/A ' J/Ue-I" Equipment: Time of Arrival: 76iGvi Time of Departure: 3 /U Weather Conditions: SU4y y / / /Vs 0(,)A ���-r�ira ice/ Y/ a Oh C . ,r-.� 2.... Sa /1 -t-c zyv // CS') / - 1- (0 `/ / r=1,1�, //�(o ' ; c� I c/ z % .� G. / /�'rG 2„_ Special Conditions: LOR Representative: �! CCopy Received By: 7-7 Date: S-•`7. Z-=a/, LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: Client L g/ ki Contractor: Project: , i-Th/j /"y cic°, s/ l Equipment: 1'X/'Gr G."/ G 7Ze / /10, r Time of Arrival: 7.'60A 01 Time of Departure: 7_3d plri Weather Conditions:, GJUt c Alc..-r/41 REPORT: (Jb ot -//,;,e. 7/4 it,-e Va 11 'f / � Ih 1 eMC ()G� �'iYYIl�l / D 1 r' / / 40. /A a'1 - j a k, 4/S ,, G GtIUw /' dA f Vet"' 4,1 t/lesi -71 ,r-r 74p-- Z. t j ,/ C., 74 c 74 Co c/ 71 S—e) • vim /� ! l--k )a-, -filter /1/0r / %civh (--,14, -e- ed- -ttJ 1 t/.-c,.c) io4=✓ C.. 23- a r) So G. Zio �Z / /S l 4,,- / k ac eed,/ 740.1A. a 1 5,_41.-e.--/- --7-G e,f-- e i 71 - e - - / ? /( ( ) 7:;44 %c%t; C"� 1/ /S� , L-44• 10 3, o ; (i•3`/ 7. c. , 11'/4, Special Conditions: LOR Representative: "' Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court i Riverside, California 92507 (909)-653-1760 •'Fax (909) 6.53-1741;' FIELD REPORT. Client Contractor: Project 0-eV"( S. Equipment: /164 / ✓j r�. Time ofArrivali751144A Time of:Departure: .�Y`'- 'Weather. Conditions. 0614110. REPORT: re eis&weo/ re/e2 ( W Rao 4,466' ' `% a ' ' 7J✓-f'/71V/' Date: _ (- _ LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court & Riverside,California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project. No: 16f' ®® Client Contractor: GaO /► [[ // r 6t Project: G/�U�i . Avg. ' Equipment:e•�• /ft?�i�°� l4'9%%�i� . /-�!/' , "` � �� Time of Arjwal: i , Time of DeparturegW Weather Conditions: , ,�' ZJ REPORT„ Tire q' j f02 d/akl aVAlfr;i6 d'11/4 1"f<leaM. R41/144,41? n-4176 je44fri, Aboo s:h.cfroval& ent(Mt spat 0)44 ( Nr1,75) "ow erothit2.4 So) P1400,19,,'W Ifni MO Po ikolb /74/7)4Pe ititrif odd Ted ' 6at ? /,L / # /LC., (®4 ),cam arb rtmh* itthgr kfroA free/poi-7-i w Ir Wilinp fe5r17/Id(/r�r,a -- 00b-- 170 Special Conditions: LOR Representative:`' ,II<: Copy Received By 1 Time of Arrival:✓''"" Date: 6-17-6)/',7.. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley. Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909).653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-174.1 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6/j Client " �"/l/4 X#0/6 Contractor: Project: . e/ l/.t / r Equipment: :) /l , ..%144„7 °xi, s`,.;' Time of Departure: /0 Weather Conditions: 2j REPORT:Pr C70-1- >704W--24 #54,100-e'Ai--- "aper-- 74er-osze2-04,--- 1,/ 2)11 16-• As (10, wefal /at FA-fr Oregr, �=- C;; ,fir , »? e )1,l ''. id Yibeiteo6 Are .44 Afril fit ---,oil aft -1".1 SpecialConditions: sa: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121. Quail Valley, Court A Riverside,' California 92507, (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653.1741. IELD REPORT Contractor: Project No: (/1/0Sr." e" Project: [_. ,-t//7/.0 /7W, 7;:r/p4 S //PiY Equipment: Z7 iv , X. Time of Arrival: 7.'GSeGi<2> Time of Departure: ?.'031:sljWeatherConditions: / 7i,o' g 4—e / a C wr ecti z /_ / .// 1 i SC/ 71 --4 / /'ti l2JGt/ S r/ O/ O i t Oar iY h P �i� , it 6 3 -- YY5"` � � 4- s.<7rr,4 9907 Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: /.7 O / OR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121.,Quail Valley Court s& Riverside, California.,,92507 (909) ,653-1760'A' Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD, REPORT; Project No: (7/VDS . d" Client / / . , . /E/,/� c,� / Contractor Project:/ -7` 4Uc' �J(�/'1J � :/!/f/�" Equipment:Val ye—/ f Time of Arrival: %64Q Time of Departure: 7 '67) At4 Weather Conditions: cvkiki c' REP % RT /, 4-Ak f2� 44. Special Conditions: p �.�—�' ��f��o y Received By:.. LOR Representativ p � Ai 4f�� �EFi4 yt Date: Client Project: b'/ GEOTECHNICAL GROU 1 6121 Quail, Valley Court A Riverside, California s,92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT 1V�) '. urvl 4 Time of Arrival: 1'.7) Time of Departure: Contractor: Project No: (, /c Ie)W Equipment: & k`l'14 uas--0r li 0e-i2r Weather Conditions:, REPO RT: (.c + I✓�-tom' ' l '11 �t1' 0Ir1 lv\IAA nkr\mt,0 S":: 15-0 1\\ Sv U \I vi, or1A C LA C)cv,Auk-(Lotz> I,:c':z IC•' i , s vu2e)e o+lb C--'11�v ��? a3.r gz6/, Ez, 47.0 i ' - 1-. /O S7 7 G Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: `/, a/ LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (903)'653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741. FIELD REPORT Client Contractor: Le 121. a Project: ( 0(/x' Equipment: E")(('A -`zN i vU� �, )( Time of Arrival: el CR,X lM Time of Departure: l 'C/)?lc, Weather Conditions: wh to L /Lcrh-i: REPORT: Ov, trottt� c)'• --fir Sr\ r �- r I441 ) i,t) 1 C. pv212,10 d ti r 1-2 4-76 (� /;fr 6 7 , /dd.T c70 Special Conditions: LOR Representative: / % /T) `>— Copy Received By:., 611 41 Date:"'. ‘9,-G/ LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507. (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: (b/c/D.STc5 Client !/j Contractor:4) Project: '-f 2.4.c" 1re", J[en//oir, - i . gee.- Equipment: c ,��!G t/Q , Time of Arrival: :2t>.a Time of Departure: /2'767,,6ai Weather Conditions:./,d,,//4/ REPORT: e 14.4, --/. ;-1) 61) / 7.�.t , /° 07, =ter - cA - J 4, 1,(Ve _. -74 7arc./ /:A G'A , /�4. ..-. o.)- - - - . 9 / W&'%ei� ,L"4L7 . TLA' '/(ej� /G � c I-'/'' l/! e:,,,, 0 FW 4, ...c..,-t,--r / / G' % i- 74.1 4-1. ( , Ze, // /....,/ /7 - '—, t2_ 0 S-t'i] r ,z , r- / Lo --/C-r-r. -. o 1 r ) c "6,34 G/a /, ,(/ /Uez, v/ 970/ ZC, Special Conditions: LOR Representative: vpy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909)'653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6//D Client ,2) , Contractor: id-4/ Project: V..(4° Equipment: Time of Arrival: •zel /./.4 Time of Departure: ?'"?U,O14-7 Weather Conditions j/.j1,/y�' LOR Representative: _ 4: Copy Received By: • r �� , .,.._ >. �� di.,,lxMt •. „ �;..0 ,r.. ,'e ,.�,� .yRdk�,�r t ,,. i�ti,., _.�t 1F nPn����)lnil Time of Arrival: REPORT: b U CA: Date: S : 7- 0 I LOR'`'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507. (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELDREPORT Client f L.. 6 trt Project: 61 -f'hJS , ��t✓f'✓/2 : c/ hlto. -- .1/S yyr Time of Departure: Y V Ifs -1- c t, ao 1 q-e r151.r'j PAA Contractor: Project No: ( / 1/01—.8' Yee Equipment: 2 �%.�,- 7 e Ll:CTOrj,.,' Weather Conditions: ;\Aelk a s �\--etI tax EGs „Lic/ )a S ` 1 �t.; c uc i `6--� + L i 3/-1 \tA ct AL t Y . P Gam- o t� U .A 11t j k, 111).,-e. 4.1(e. v ti 4_ t _ 1/ - b° C(1.-e Special Conditions: LOR Representativ 11! Copy Received By:. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, .California 92507 (909)653-1760 AFax (909) 653-1741 Date: r / / FIELD REPORT, Client Contractor: Proect ( l ` �j ///1' f2(' j4 Equipment: � 12 Time of Arrival: �" C%GM Time of Departure: /,? i/e4e4 Weather Conditions: Project No: / 1/Oro REPORT: )k 4. .: 1 6 Special Conditions: per,,. `e.14. Y LOR 'Representative opy Received By: Date: ` : za' LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909)653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6/L/0J F Client., G . id,.7 ,. Contractor:!^ Project: e 71iv�. , v �� ,.s//er' Equipment:' ir/l• % - /37- Time of Arrival: /o.'DV .1 Time of Departure: /.CI��,Gi1 Weather Conditions: ammo.-e T. REPORT: i2�ti A ,,,., -, .c/ «,-/ 4 tee- /Li., 4--? Gi) Sew 4eJR / `e, S GlG c% vti r�" v I OC,Z.o , eiZ 1/1)t41-;1,,I� >- (c347a 5Z`� Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: 7,7 .41 Date: 5 -1-O LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley 'Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT • Project No: K /L/4S`d- Client l� , %,. 4 / Contractor: 441 /4/ Project: r -(dc.S 1 , • it/ 4 �tt� �41/64 Equipment: :Z= Yl va-fi) r /4� ,/ k� r Time of Arrival: 7' (}v,214„ Time of Departure: /:_.7v,/)im Weather Conditions: ,,H /GJG,rk, REPORT: \LeC Ltn. ac .0,r reto- �,' .-�- - ►� 5�.,,. - �. .' 1w: (,r + ira L �r.Pi S P 11 11 �i �� cv ECG t14 r C f)i� flCr-t� dl "t om ,Nw k Z —©� Kv_piei 11,-lP Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: ii &jt.) 05,S' Date: i2-ace-oh Project: C,17+1e s mkt �wu i �uvr Client: C. D. t'h`` General Contractor: Ile Services Performed Grading ko Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests ).p Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Trove. Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Tr L . R GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121.Quail 'Valley Court A Riverside, California92507. (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 611-10S% Date: •1a-.2a--00 Project: C,7rus./ive: Ti►.r u p /6 Sloven Client: L • D ;1‹ tr, General Contractor: l'ev kt) Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading . E, Water Line B.F. Tests' Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Tg 6,0 Parking Lot Tests'' Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours ` Passing Remarks() C°}+eo4ic 4-e!4- -) Failing LOR Representative: "et - Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract LOR:GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC: 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 >'- (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: %i4I 5Date: /a -a) -do Project: Client: L,D le4Yki General Contractor: I4er.kt? Services Performed C'4r'uS t3Ve. 714vu`a to Glover Staff Code Reg. Hours _ Other Hours Grading Water Line,B.F: Tests;, Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F.' Tests I 9,0 Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing. Hours Passing Remarks: (3) Compel/0 4e s7 Failing LOR Representative: B -.%` 4 Client .Representative: Billingper current, p fee schedule or by contract la LOR`GEOTECHNICALGROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: [n I Lh5 3 Project: C,'J-rM3 tjup ,i,,,upn 4n Stover - Client: L .1).14:111 General Contractor: )CPti.V o Services Performed •Date: Ja-2o-oo Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests T-,2 q,o Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks:. C3) core Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: cti. Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL-dROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507' '(909) 653-1760 A Fax, (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: f jyo5 , . Date: l -19-o o' Project: Cl'IrUs 'lye i7-uru S}ove - t Client: %. D. Kc 1,.3 General Contractor:. %CerIt 0 Services Performed Staff Code ' Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests T-a Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk 7 C°& G'Tests Sample : Pickup Other 'Testing Hours Remarks: (5) con Passing Failing LOR Representative: (-47) Client Representative.: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. �EOTECHNICAL ROUP, 6.12111uail Valley Court A Rives ide, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 Fax ( 09) 653-1741 • FIELD SERVICE TICKET Client: L•D. 14,4h3 General Contractor:. j en Q' Services. Performed{ Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup LOR Representative:. Client Representative: . Billingper current fee schedule or by contract..' LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 64140.3 Date: !a-15-oo Project: C,4ri13 Ave1"u..vr 7a S�vey Client:, 1.D. 14i .3 General Contractor: 1(.e.,kO Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Staff.Code Reg. Hours Other Hours r L gs Passing Failing Remarks: (& oc/4k 4es-1 LOR Representative: ' YY�`'``�' Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. uLOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1.741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: to/LDS. Date: /a'400 Project: Cs lrus :Ave, z"u.-a i s 4p S) o ve✓ Client: L R. K;h Jc General Contractor: kep,kca Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G -Tests LOR Representative: Client Representative d Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. k." GEOTECHNICAL-GROUP, IN 6121 Quail Valley Court-A;Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 i 'Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 014051 Date: Ja 13 -00 Project: C, -ruS Ave TA rur 4Q Slovete- Client: 1-,�.k,h� General Contractor: Ke hkp Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample:Pickup Other Staff Code Reg. Hours r-a Testing Hours Passing Remarks: ( ) co"' cllAh meS1 1"-". (!) SOmple &clan tNLlev,'of Grorle�• r . Jo.s Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per curs fee schedule or by contract.. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California-92507. • (909) 653-1760Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET :,Project No 16/ yOS'. Date:. Ja Project: C 4r.u5 flue 714,01047Q SioLer- Client:�,p.� h9 General Contractor: gQvNXD Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & GTests Testing Hours . `: Passing Failing. Remarks: (Q to),q fd 4up.. 5An►pk *tat Was to ru.",S.E, 5.4 Sb3'SO LOR Representative: �:.•''�-'' ° ' "'"'""� " Client Representative:w. Billing per current fee schedule or by contract -77 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,�INS'. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, Ca ifornia 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 65317,41 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 61405.7 Date: la WOO Project: Li4rU5 09de "Tweur /o Sjou.er •-'a ' <;. Client:. LA). V,; nti , General Contractor: : kerk0 Services Performed 'Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests 10.0 Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing .Hours Passing Failing Remarks: (G) Comeac1 #t �Si 1-c pr.. LOR Representative:- '- Client Representative: Billing per current'. fee schedule or by contract.. L OR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC`: 6121 Quail Valley Court''A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741" FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (DJLDc, Date: _8._00 Project: Ci'4rta5 nye Suvi, a i SlotAeb Client: General .Contractor: 164\1( a Staff Code Reg:Hours ' Other Hours Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Testing Hours P assing,' Failing Remarks: { ✓ fom pirc Je5' is f<cv LOR Representative: C Client Representative: Billing per current fe schedule or by contract. L`OR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC' 6121 Quail Valley Court •'.Riverside; California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 Project No:. 1a 11405. Date: ia-7-OO Project: C14r145 l9tfe -31urupo }D SI Over - Client: L D. K; ru Services Perfartned Staff Code Reg.Hours ' Other Hours Water Line B.F. ,Tests Electrical;Line B.F. Tests. Street .Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Testing Hours ``Passing Failing Remarks: .or� eY:0••• ��5� �� •• . LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current' fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP,'I 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 1g05; g Date: 1 a-&-OO Project: (Ants Atte '3-4ru)o.L to Sip tire Client: L. General Contractor: ¥eti-•(C0 Services Performed Grading Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests i Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours T.- 9- Passing Remarks: •(5) comrci:ov, les4 SGMple ao jo\ e+ I LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or 9.� Failing by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC'. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653=1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No CeI'!cis.2' Date: j a- 5.--OO Project: C,'fruS" hut -IVru fa S)Avw Client: L,p•` General Contractor: O Staff Code :'Hours Other Hours' • TestingHours , Passing`` Failing Remarks: (3) f4 "VCt c�,a� `l'S4- 44(). {ad11j Client Representative: _. Billing: per currentfee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; .INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside,California 92507 (909) 653=1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653=1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B,. F. °Tests, Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Client Representative:' Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: LLjyOSA Date: jA-1-OO' Project: C, 'IruS Ave ZIAAIn fo Slove — Client: L. b t ‘l..1 General Contractor: > j�Lw1C0 Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests 7,5 Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: (0 Con Passing aL Failing 4t$4.1ats, dw,. LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Date: /as-ca, Q-`00 Client L • U•. VCt; LOR GEOTECHNICAL:GROUP;'INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside,California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741: FIELD REPORT. Project No: '`t /LJo51 Contractor: Keh1(o Project: C,tAn5 Ave, :5"vo,v. S16ver Equipment: _Am e Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: (9 .00 Weather Conditions: Such ), REPORT: ONSlt 44' r Re?ues,'ch eo41 AGail.„,,e /q% ')' Ilwe Oi oyr V61 Collie -odor : begot 13. F. okx Jale,./S vne��+c�d aS` rie,Att Conjracibr Conitnued 0.16( cracijt eX, a7 sia 5^a+to}0'S3tUo us‘h. Aran;eNc?b55e juj p " Wale /✓ tIf ive.L iNC1 .011 SavVic G)A. • ar foy. SO' ) Qt 111. 14.4 / Was PA ih aklo( fypoY.` �y .� � gk'1Wy� )lr,� ra Ccn W . c��r�cnr, i o� [�Fd,°e` thou vFl �nccd OtJ y p �Je co.�r���or used"rJZ°;RM'�r�r`w P on or ecsp c+,o, 'Wfs ✓ ',delta ' 65 /r1teedr). JOieV4 Wert butY�:ll oVay .rCasmci') 54e, 5"a4lb`• 5311-lo C-I COMC i- 'telev, -Ic ; y •Slel SI ioo flev. l ocl7.ta 95.E L aferrc m.11.49 Ekv. i0711.0 s 4-u)0 914,g ti Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date Ja-a8-oa' LOR GEOTECHNICAL' GR OUP, IN'1 6121 Quail'Valley;Court.♦ Riverside, California 92507 (9091 653-1,760.A.Fax`(909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT 14 Project No: 6/SOS, 8 Client L ; tj. 1(Contractor:. Ken�� Project: Ci4ry S Ave Mr ��a a Sibve� Equipment: Sar+�e. Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure:. 3 'Sb Weather Conditions: Suter; REPORT: 0,9 S:14. 4es4rhy 4- bteServr j Se':.l er Bc`1,ck�; IIl). F t 4vaciov CoHA4.nu(�ecd i3Gfkt\VY) dW Le, 4ra'., 54.. Li& 40 4 56 U7t9n Con1iaeio✓ COv,tihatt+ us,.,, 'Suable !?1t�1orY lu✓ AS tpveu,re c 1yS:'4T SA'a L144. 1 S lonJrarjar ram pacied E. S4ub in GgpY• 1=0�' Y11015I c. aciAtA A5 Neteled. Cal4r6cA DNAJ 2 L64(ve75 declely a7.54a S1106 # S +oS and /44vcj 5 LI1LA 85.- E. WGS Co'Mprf.)e0( .L. 1/vt, Ie A ' si'At 5�Ca2 Campac 4es A- 4a 5 Ay 514 14l,14o Elm 9/A L&4Y. l 546' 0/18S Elev. l ogl,o902 F. s�Nro Special Conditions: VO4 n . BGCK,\\ Wos r4 ur 5 A). o lt1(1. N, he;s nol beep', e o t t y)c ?/ LOR Representative: }' Copy Received By: LOR ,..INC.'.... GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, 6121 Quail Valley. Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax(909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT_ Date: 1 a• 27-00 Project No: 4114054 Client L . 1). lt;th� Contractor:. Kti.1t 0 Project: Cl-9rvi3 nvt. 34vu to 5)ove+f Equipment: 50Kc Time of Arrival: 7:0C) Time of Departure: 3',00 Weather Conditions: SAnrtI REPORT: DiV 5:4 46 Coi^j,htAe.4e540w co.a obSFvt+i) , Seue- ,,•ICk�'{11• .q� ,IWit a OvriV4 £ohiroeIn,. cold:„aea OK It Iyais and a p1iSo De. 1 E. oP 6r4u3 ('onifacfov, 51,..-tI w 01(44() qk ` 54ab !Jere proposed sc1,6o1 s1'le. It. 14 y 6s brelk dour 4 8;0o n. , 5,,e144,�\‘ was SItilird c P‘v',�5 Ns1I4, (4i," ;k vacs Fi)(ect Skk1n was dbil t z sly, orr0rl''/q o b he•c�tyK Eatl. 5-05 Gam: 'J�& S44-‘0 Was pacVV:\\ old faryeic4ce l'h. 1'-aa' �1.,* Vi ar1e riooLe. Co,..2.tow,ed� wi�1-, QKau, \oy `d ,V. Cop, Ira cloy, cfcnAk ,,Aect &.cL.i.�\\ aid COF�poo9,'Np Z' 3�a SI'�OS5�up (Jt . Sc -' trie4h� od. 0 BACO:\1 OK)c. c.1S • 'leak, dal. 10 Co.. ere k Jberh Do,•ae d undecl , ) j Mart SkuvN.. ®Yt.v. (nv.tveFe Lod 40 dry btL2 Q.F. Foil. S44 weve }9ackkAIed ONd Cawrocley '.. Z91. SN-tio 4 SI i-oS only . les4 a«ICe, -joagy Oue 'io lark a� Sack t'A1 100,3 Yeod y 1 i�v,, Iot4- S�' A1.evN � .ev.lo53,0 111$ Stub , Ca)�e aodt'4Y `, \-c..; Syi•lo El 5.4 S I tDS Efev', /05%,O % q i , • Special Conditions: 1}- PIu54 Al. o r4,14. 154 )(0 5};11 hceeicd (o)% (led CoyNGc}ov rleve✓ 9a/ )o i'her. 10614y. LOR Representative: ►,, Copy Received By: • .• . • . .• • Date: /1-a,2-oo Client L.D.V.zYsi Project: CileuS Ave sicuer LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Time of Arrival: ":00 Time of Departure Project No: Contractor: 14ev04, 0 Equipment: 500*-12 : LEWD s Weather Conditions: 5l4vtr‘ v REPORT: ON 5,Ae 40 coditiat rnos-liky Clea,-ve wavy. aviol a couple Vh. Some. riek‘noci s reVi.0 e eillySe ObservoNc Sevov- (,,ac,1011, Conirctclor- was doAl% latrviti5 Slq qu00 k ory.i(b.,.. was Ao40 (3) 4eSk A-4V4K Ihbettly Siic% 43415 Elev. MLA° qo ijeviil. er.S4c. 4 +(no Elev. lo3(0.0 8S22 ‘RelitS4 D 5 411(0o it Special ConditionsAR/S A at MM. IS lip AN\ titcA be cootimied 4 LA14145 oyi s‘.,At ot 5 kir< el on W. vde o' har,se, owher5 Feerce 44 0 S biow inAL no oh fel ck:4,-k fee. Ptij for rAckii ?key Not,-(01 i..ke cove o ;4- /7'.-o�. LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: 1a- 1.00 LOR GEOTECHNICAL: GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909)';653-1760 , Fax,(909):653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client Project No: 6,YOS.g. Contractor: 14eveV o Project: G r { v.S Ave 'Tvr45lover Equipment: 50kme. Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: 3;30 Weather Conditions: sa,..,y REPORT: tYV Site. 10'` Ca44,riue iestrh and 0 Serve s4w;r I r• iUY►ti td �r t \� sk. , m. o. 17 was Ce Acl-IoAgy, 54.4 ro.i/.14 Ito was L&V,A S'rc 404aS I les+ /c I4 a or. J.above Wlt gme4ct'11 ob. Oa vo .f d s' 8ocktil. (on)✓ae16y 5 tv)t ,pq intcSeriei.4 r it I clecet, Fo ry 1 Poi. .1rn Ware' , Yi) OSe Sck Corsi. *vie, mrn,51 t,Ce CondJu rd No A'9e. b mair.lr,:e ov )2(kcy ;11 oN i►1L;r,1t,.: ;+oc vy c01+iyaccr` JC B,E m.; )7 Avtd plu5s N. o 1�I 1-. Weve 544.)cd io vet. o'.vd a„d eow c ()dry. yotaS pity, o3`d91 Sd-ir 1,1 tw Eku. /os7.o'.9a, 5 `cof7s'. Elev. INfrO,o 9o; "rat. Special Conditions: P11,430 tf.14, removed ane(• corioacled m.H. 4Y- PIv,35 N. 114)4- 15k 110 54(11: need la cow, 17 LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR.GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside,: California 92507 (909) 6531'760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 IELD REPORT A; Client Project: Time of Arrival: 7 oo Time of Departure: 3;30 Weather Conditions: Ss�rr�y REPORT: ON s;\ #o' tonionwe` On L• tern\ 9 r Met 354,30 cor.riva... Wo5 crone 0 Serthi SeWtor Bac:; 01 IS. Con)ra/os ro4V,' eI . pox. 1-a' ),'tk$WatVele L$GS used uhde►," " ' t (f i A a ) 1 10` P f,1�v y�G ✓ i 1,1% rON4 cAOY COi^•rh Ned A�. i°�1G: r:.,��.t' �:F 54Y`�h �1�0� .SkG IT4n WGS ? Ir m °I.1, r ,ii41`7 bo3441.. poured 'to0114y and S,F: •0Y. sl.olrr>{ a7 Sia y61400 ea0001(. 1%01 h,oS betekt 11ed art okiv\,1:w2,.;ackyn l a/ev'a1 BackX`e\ Siorped ;r7 3;30 (3) les$ }'041)iy Sias 35490 61eu, 1030.0 9c1 Z L4 c' 510.025 io Elev..►0595 9S-ArMu'Aliwt- S 38'+1-10 Fk'.1o34.0 9,7X La-cva) Special Conditions: nr,o�7h"/ ^iL anal ►7 51;11: yuseel foaa re{ LOR Representative: D:w�arvG,Q Copy Received By: Ar Date: /a-hj-CEO LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court i °Riv rside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760.♦ Fax909) 653-174.1 IELD REPOR Client L. D. 4<;nci Project: Cdr &S Five Turuga 40 54nver" Time of Arrival: 7;00 Time of Departure: Project No: 6 /q0s, $ ri Contractor: K-Cr,KO Equipment, 5a 1106 Weather Conditions: $u"^Y w.1ti so �� c►o.d s REPORT: ON 5:-it Con'ifnue, te51;n1 and ob5erv; h SmWew .;Back 'I). Corr#✓oc{e✓ tor,�•,,-,/,�ai 0'. t.4evcts 3ocny s1-ar4.td CON ac-1,H a Lc4i .1 51-4 3t+60 aver kcvJ IvaeoSev+.w),mefhed P try. Covtc\,or, was dove .nooluv,e added a5 vieeded. )N'Ke crtv.1 Si•ur4c61 '1;.F, ov, rii.N. t10. -16%, loAkomieel nv,' rvta;Y.1;+µ .B.F• 5100-1Y) Sod• 5E}40, taJtm) CrevA US. v) wiR. vh Chula }ov Caves ©h US. r, hand 4 ac4Ceve ✓ � :. we� J \ 1 fo tow�a�� udc 1v � j(si,� $ "tit �c t, 4'v i``%I v;1�S above SeWew Otrw1, i9K:f 1Mlt i 8-oge. dOWv, or% sewer f aievc'S �v i2:30 Iga<k};i) l^lcb s\crA 1;W.c. �act(�';11 S1004 boc'C o1�Lfawv',S 7 2.JQ Six 2Si-75"e. BOX or, l°�IQ'aiiht 4Ja5 Pl.f� I7 bac \\ 5) o,tct ai : A iibi'70 Toc y • (5) 3e51- ipddy S 4'0 3) }(0o Elev. 10.270 9.2 L�kYa� S;G 57#65 Elev. losS.S 91 m.44• 5 a $g4$o k ev. i'oSS.o ?cU P•14 .,l,nt S) .51+ bo Elegy. ) as? 0 931 , 54`0, 2,9 } 7 S El ei. I o .-)• S. 90 Z LeAcv41 Special Conditions:: ; ‘-'11A3S N. o 141.11. 154 lip 501 V1ttok fobe removed a;idtornnoc LOR Representative: Copy Received By: • • ' • LOR 'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A 13 iv rSide;California 92507 (909) 653-1760•A Fa? (9°9) 65371.741 • FIELR:13 OF1 Date: ) - 00 Project No: 6)40s, g Client LI r3014k1N n traCjtOtk: Project: Ci'lv-i,t$ "StietAct 4f) slovev. EctuiprnerTt:• Time of Arrival: to:145" Time of Departure: "7:q5" Weather Conditions: 1,APrioti, . • , „ • ' • ., REPORT: 04 sAit. 4o corvi!Aut. 4c$14,,, chid oboiv;,., Sewer BacKt.,11, 47- lev-kit 0 Syt,Y.e.w 9.,1 he. sas'A Ilicy may IA or 466fily due 4b uv Seve. batqcv iv•sfe,kovi, s1,..0,4tok up ahok Shmi- Ao abb tf afty Nt. '130ck rd) 4,6 pioce • Special Conditions: • • • LOR Representative: Plev42,,c) Copy Received By: GEOTECHNIC 6121 Quail Valley 'Court A Riv (909) 653 1760 A- FaX FIELD R rsides .;California 92507 (909) 653=.1741 Project: Cikr,AS nvt nap" S%Dvt Eq ipment q�r1 Time of 'Arrival: 7.00 Time of Departure: a+. Dfi,. Weather Conditions: ou" "Cra - REPORT: ON S+\e. reepes - o CIt.eh4' 40 Carei.�niie cs ►r eand obSevv1 Sew•e,r Qtck{'l'. /9T7f,att. 0 Orr,Viel X41/4lan4eel Wa4cb ineJh,d at) B F OnS �Pt+;ed ,ctieaee�. CPt'a�' worlCir.) Oh 5ewev p� v�1y etereyee� W�ero z. Wins/h.'. rrSeJ !o►.lvo 4s- u$Q IC$% a ''nr4-• card a Toy 6,4‘l ire NeiA+vt ywfa vd4,1 ih 6 1 4S Oe /00v@ .. i •r� r.a t 4rW,k.: 5pea;4 Ws�e(e.'� 1� t� 'CQ.\`cev me ►c� e u ,6 ' l.t's(aE '(1vrrh3 '.S kvnw W s Ouoi 01;4 reef) 2 ude. C400•17/1'0cIor +Coh\‘‘,..wrtl rim.<w 1:r� m .. aid s41,,ra S4-4 +�lr� d�1:N* Ito ¢ / cods eke ,,,‘. ai►a 1a; a Pluz: was `9 silec ,' .. 0. tit, 00314 9i Pe lay wcg 510.E ` 4„c14 Y 01a0v.1410' Alas On Yr1a:r.l;Ke.. "a+` "1080AY ,S SG 2s+o0 Elko lc f'1•5' 93 g 4.4 sin* Elev. ins2,5 9/, f3.i sir,:5$ioo,Ekv.P►. 1r.o 75,"a niair.1;ve: Sect 57+00 Elev. !os?,c.) ' 9,11 �a- Special Conditions: -IX Was ev.S1,41.01 aw h. 5 A\ needs &plerns4 N. o Ih.kf . f�. LOR Representative: ► • Copy Received By: ,i•••• •I• , • 9' • ••••,1,,, LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Date: Ja iq-oo Project No: 61140s.g Client L.D. ni kiContractor: i6hko ..., Project: C,4YIA rive TA, -,,,,pc. 10 Stover- Equipment: Time of Arrival: 700 Time of Departure: q; 30 Weather Conditions: cloveky REPORT: ON '54,e. 4,..) co"knue... 4-esii. El obSertnr3 Sewer- BackPla iir iowt 01. cw,..,,q,..) 7 e."41(4cLe removtol 911 %,\1•o vr1.14.-4 14. Tha -hp cone oh 61.0,011.1 Was Cfiacked oAd will be. ... gelAacca fey- ctNY Tr.sperinr„ Con)r Actor- conl,nued ob. eliccvls,.. EU: MJ1 41/s bak was placed ir. and , t., ,, Ott3 pwl 6, -a.0 ri. ot mo4s. oisov. Precast co. cor.t oul. co,ct replaced cane 0.. 01.0.4/14 old • poi. eeg-- bo4lor. or, YY1.0.41)5. , Gradovloo, 4es\- ev‘ 'gRao., 5*.at rt5v-V-,A ;- I/ 2" Zi 2, pet551',A) Sec. Called 1\c. 60-402 pl55.'4) I ;40,445.1( ...." Main Pnt bucKA1 Soffecl Sia 57100 ZolevalS CovA,Awca, 4odry BS: Iftjas comp,virci ;ri .21-3' 1..4.5 arid mocsbre noicled a5 1.4\45 lkeet ?A t`• • tiVael.' EX5,1"D t'• 11cAcie 164e- CoPipaCt'ca. eVrv4 p., c.,..4,ael., .5.,efr,„,4 ile.y needed 4o pvi" Mom ecie'l i .,' AN12.5 4vto 2" i's-,-i,s,tel Pa'At (F""c") c' "s-\45. I n''' °/- s:11). ' CO 7Les3 -)-0.16z.r, I- ocirly Sc 5)400 Eltv.1047.0 911 rYi4:nlo-os„ Skt. 570#25 Elev. losa.o 914. IC S-i 4 S3 tio FIQU. WWI. 5- lot 5ici 514-R0 glvv.1049.0 94 ." sic 57-fio WI ' . Sk-ak 551-oo Eliv. to:19.o 9,2. g . i -p glios Elev.lors,o 81Z /..16,4 .'114 .TP Special Conditions: Ply,' Was removed M. t!, iti.thq airy. 31019avt pyt 4,,d col.e.deol;h a idis Plu3 i POr iy• /U. . . LOR Representative: 1))..-, Ala4,44G) Copy Received By: ... LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 . Date: 1a-13-oo FIELD REPORT Project No: 0/yn'S . o� Contractor: key k0 Clientl • 0• 14: Yn�,i 1 Project: C4ruS Ave ;jurupa 40 Slbvev " Equipment: Same Time of, Arrival: , 7 06 . Time of Departure: 6: 00 Weather Conditions: ?orAy C(ou dy REPORT: Owl ske. do Cor+ltnue 4eslvri ana observ: SeL ter eackt'I1. At #;nte O4 0VYi441 c'c>rtracJoe B.F oNd cosi),cid nt.1A. �.13, la `)5 C..Arrufitl iadlly LAy, ^) pipe 'avid j1,1; Co>.i64101, 4e5A fa Rk . sic IS 135 under eX� sir. Wa r )i hti o p f y. oar beioo �Ie,Lr I, hl. Con4Rac�tw3 potAoci Ay <aw�fattta bys�c.t \0,-e. Wc5 �o: W�eel roll as close as doss Ale aHar t6 hanelOacke✓ orde.'' pipe ih ),` L:1'13. v 14.14,4i ill 4.Jaj i d L . . 71rd3 ie 1.t $�at�cd �.. 1',�'.%j0� an : fj•�.� a�. 4.IoS� oUSlt< i1n:LT te�.�Y1arl.� 14 rt.,axdw�ll�e�,f nu�4C'eV J�v�1�.vN,ed /� I Con/Y4ti v. Coh\, , e� 61 , ma,V .I1 Yle g.F: j'Yl(ri-, Sla 51 f-30 Sass? ✓le'ke4 i.r 61MU'(1 .. We' -a rp)(ici u5 ,,vev;ce dly5. $0c1Chl s\ap,ited, or ma; nlhie Z 5aP S3i6S. m.H,.4' 1 B,r'. 540prd Z y; 60 r 4tk .:.. 5 4e. See1(?:\e. %r : $cddl.'v.) Vhola.'a4 a? eyed 1 t »nay ►1o4 &ee4 SOet. Snw.Pie dad tilos 04ed !v ruv, „/redal.Or., 460 a;SaY&a✓ Cowit by pncl sony1t aI50 !3 r-. 9radc•l os SIC Li 19 - F_ lei 1050.0 90' Yr1, 0, e,.) 71-eS4 4ut'an Mod ay 7,5Ada 147140 Eleic 1044.5 vq. rn•!1. Re.ics+ Elev. 10P.IL4.5 93 Z rt.N, Sri e47fa5. Elev. !V'I .a 9c21 S I I& , 51-a 1131-35 Elev. 1o15.590/ laireYdl �a 51300 Elev. 105'0.5 cia g Ynam I;nc. 51-4 Sa+30 F_kV.1047.5 91 g ' r Special Conditions: plu3 We re►n6ucd appy, 3 above pipe and was ean.pocled ii a 1)1.11. i3 . ik ?I wQs plA •i , N, cv mg41y 4A00 25'-.30' Lalce,is t,eve 51 ore• dra•.., w'as q6,.. Ao be over- /64,4=/ i.)., Wpy t'r,cased wA cak,crek tokiroc,Iufr. 11 LL (1 f� Dilly alJONec( aL//1et,,j beove back+/. 5 ec. 54y 3elFiySStew Bour 5a4d1 ;4. Wes ok` to bockJii/o,ec. o r;Vilc LOR Representative:.,. 11/10,4A-1Copy Received By LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 . Date: /a-1 a-ota FIELD REPORT Project No: Co P oS a Client L • D. IK in,' Contractor: Xe.►tk0 Project: C►l ru5 1QYe • Q•urutoa 10 S IOVer Equipment: Some ' Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: 3:30 Weather Conditions: Cloudy I jl41 gab, Am, REPORT: ON 5;4 -to Con}l'hue .fesb'nq obSent rje W•er BacktAl. 147 7AI"wig o arY1k14' . ii Was rc "v Prl). C"onirarJ•r removed ph.55 Ah off` m.o. 'him 1m- Ah.1 Cah.,f.,tied wad. 'aeti Coh}rwue1 oh a,F or. olo.'y,j,y,t From sip £/$foo,, illAieriii)-et,co'l ev.cf Yen. S% IV 00 4d . I Set bye, -1-b ru . 'r e, rock Cocl.oi and oppoY. p?o-as.1 Greve) was Sor.ele ugvc1-, brov,,t,)- upp flay, 4oI36.0 CoNearl-a. Was 500d. 1¢4413 Was S-16c4 ed off. /.'OO1 no BE on N.'' 13 . 5 -eal t tads +*i t" a) s4Q so 3se, 4o Ru ►. S.E. Ot.''a✓ �u.iuvp sl,,,,Orwh . M.I/. It) box WAS pui- i,. ova caner@•tt boilaM. WQs pot-veel by SalGc$ycr\o, opc. L4ley.Is Cohd,rurd jodilY I led- 44 ... a0�pox. 5' belo,, f•...,S, S.-Le �a SA. Ito+70 Lo,.3 Sat 1aIe✓a1 f &dal) SA.oiled eeirly Glue 4o COh4rctL had met-1 ,, x11,4r.. fell s,`t-e () 54- laYe., loclAy 51-a tiAi-iDO Elev. 10370 912 Q.L. oa;+•);ke Sl'u iS4AS EIeu lb4SO 914Z R•e. S4A Ligill0 Elev. tout,.o 9?%Rc• " 5ta 1to+-70 elev. I013. S %it Rc. iaJev. % 31a &)g485 Elev. /oso. S 9/ 1 P.c. YY1Grhl;n,t 5+4 5o f do Eleu 104�. o 73Z'.c. ' ' t } i Special Conditions f htf55 a 11/.oP ma// L2 Were removed a ppox. 3' abode pipe and CoM/?ac,+criIN. at ifA Amoy. a' I, 3. 'rl( Cwipaci'm a lev} W. off' Cuvb an low) SiderIc4erJJS A.ynan •Pat1 111tvneed;me' 11iay Weve �ovr...40 'Tel Areal S\eve gamer c'lY inff or 5Ar! it Was aK a5 IonL, ac 1ky 9e4- Corrtte r0y• # Alms) N. (P-.m.al• 13 has eHroa ye4 rgsloved. LOR Representative: `lJ g‘ /rt.:- Copy Received By: y Date:', 1a-Jl-oo LOR ,G GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client 1..t, Project: arms P9Ve uru�Q� Time of Arrival: 7: 00 Time of Departure: 1/, 30 Weather Conditions: Cwu<1 Project No: l/Lo5g Contractor: kev.il o S)Ove,r Equipment: 3ar►+2 REPORT. Ono Si.e 4o Corrimiat }CSi w av,d obsevvoN., Sewey BocK ,1 I. 4.'114 ek1 arritJ Cor:�ra��v D�cK�;\Iand Coy, en Cyr,' Y31.J1 1�. Conirucio� .. eve -oho VIM id' On yi�i+,n);nL B.F� �wvr1S}a 115136' COnleAwe Cc)1^.r,'11v‘c 115.�n* Smot Nod ?o' coiupoct,br 05 ,prey ct c y../f,h.4J/c3- was SLcVI 1:300111.1. 13 boy Was Se T avid eo•,cye1e Corr/vc cia, eor-, caed On rilwr.\;re S\ u\eyed pia S\o Lift+4t1 (I Ieslt akc►. ;t4ck y S*c ya+y0 £ltv 103s.o Sck, 9a43s'.Elev. /00.5 91 R!C. Sia 4-1S1-b1) Elev. 1014a.o 93 R.c, mQ hl.n 56 46t,v Elev. /O'-IS.o 93,E R.t. S40 e'/Gf75 Elev. /041.o 73,' 2C, 5�u 4L-1-490 Elev.ion.0 952(ZL, Special Condit on(s!)Phk Was pui4^ N. on1.I4.112 Fromm s (a)'045was pu};nN.am.I- 13 0 u) fit: o mg. 011 has 9510444 45f30 4oi brci 1r<niavtel }eT. Tn LOR}Representative; a ,Copy Received. By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC: 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-174.1 FIELD REPORT Date: 1a-2,-oo Project No: onlL/05, 8 �!� Client r'-1i.,4oni Contractor: i:2r.140 Project: Cik.ruS.live Svonpria 4o SiOUer Equipment: Same Time of Arrival: -7;00 '' Time of Departure: «{, 3D Weather Conditions: C/owety -- ov�cusi REPORT: ON S,'‘-e 4o conirhue Trslt once oisseiv(n3 Sewer Back °Ij. Con/rode,/ rey..cupof Ouy ¶y0 S`}c. ecl io cortoi •c1 1 s+ ,ks)- re>J11-ed #o ui4.S qp foX. 3' above. Ot 5-14ep II;3`1tR5 !avid ivy SSZ R.c• ee)C51 W�1' as 4,R, af.✓Co�.4yv.cAo✓ 'vt,vod1AAnil-off," 51c,fl CoaV0ct"", Chit Lonq g;c!e )Jte ( tt t t Ala 1iii al0 1 4PS'1 . t'r . .ev, as ' close vs Alle -O exisIrp 'laialcv-I(At wen, .:;.cony deteoy. Was L*R vue 1 o t St kiau v 1:,nC. Con:frackuv' Conlemited eonyk,cleo, ov. wiAev.Iike troy" S+a 143+0o Ma)r✓,al encou.I .ed 1} - ) 4S4 a a4I4>5 had hi jh Z off, SAvtd wAt. a f fox, lin RocK ®lafi, mo,st,,V. was 4,52 4,preelt. 0-‘2fl ,: F3oc)(tIll '5oefe4 SEc. -417}40 on j'viQ(htiNC. M./Oa bofI• WAS you✓CPI and m.d 41 10 Was sloe Kt and bockPflled. m.0. I1. WaS 51'uc(ceA bt,�4 no 114ck111 yet ( ) 4e $4" i tit6.v.. 4oeI4y S4e. 401 I o Ekv. 10 3y o 82 9� /'i1A'kit'He $1,, 3 t t 8 5- ofv. l03q 0 c 1 / 510 391•10 Elev.1o3t0 5 ReitS#. Elrv. /o3d.5 9y. A 514 5/3t35Elev.lo3$.0 93 A " $}a 9144 5 Elev. /oU9.1 91.4 'I 5f. /y+ao Elev.'oil.0 `POT, r*.c.te✓ol S 1 e L»/1,o Elev. l bya.0 93.°i illG'Nl, yte Special Conditions: /ovb Sly" yaii-IS.10 .14a110 plus 1,105 •v of bets rol4foucd. Yei LOR Representative:.., Copy Received By: ' 00 39 sw. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. . 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 • (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: 1a-7-o0 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6140,.$ Client L. D. t-<;n.3 Contractor: 11err14O Project: Ci -rtn5 live TuOulOn ¢o Mover- Equipment: c,vta.e Time of Arrival: 7. 00 Time of Departure: 3..30 Weather Conditions: pay cloudy REPORT: ON $Ae. Jto Co$tv,ve. lesivv.�, an,' obServen Sewer &ck( I?, Gondrecio- coi��:ruuct $GcY;1\ ;`v., S‘c., LJ0+30 me%hod Was I. S,00e•t. 05 rev;c1 c1)iys r cor.p,(4.a,,. ail mo;StA,e 6ags1 Cowd;o•,., CaniricLo,- S‘urVret et, op,, Lalcvca` A7 Si-4 I14+2o Weve Ia1=rsl iS uncle►•- 5}roOra4v, 1 , I Jev4l, WcS ir.cusecl w.'\\. cov.cve1e ' OY. L above 94)e. $wn4 t•1+¢ 1,,,,..54- lvwck arr;aed had °l pv. $�q" ar. SAuvsQ' Cay.ivcc\of hrelta awthy }vucK o icl fe ordecl onolv,cr I-v tiC 10 Movt a=3" s lurip. Mg box )1 .fyW gS Seer "^ Irodgy♦ 13otr r''I,N1� •�1D�- bCiikot, weS pou✓ed (concvek). Pluq WaS 9 ‘A.L;�. Frog. s�oLJd�►yS' 40 Sig, ya:t-70 wevt no eWt,v} o tots,er,A:u4.. Wcs de'4Q, So 61-",- f a o..\d vrijc\( ovoY }vehc6s Pltt) W;\\ bt (er„piec. Bcc v: \ s\odd @ Ska u3.4„00 1. iv , s'\,c: (5") A+e5k Nto\Ce..- -)adlly S\u 140+ 40 elev.1o3b.5- 92 2 R.C. 5}41 y)+Io Clev. l0140.D 901,E R.0 S a ..11145 I Jev. 1036: S 90,1 R.e, Sia entoo elev. IDal :C IQ/ R.r. _ SiG 14%15 elev. Io31.5 .,.qq .% 1?C. ...... Special Conditions: CVO COr, fo L�. done' op, IGI 'r.ls 4,00, 130T - PJuy5 ,j W"7041/ N. . q• hove no ye-F been rewvovecl and rotnpac al • '• r LOR Representative: b.'iac..). Copy Received By: . , LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT , Date: , 10o Project No: 6/1105-1 Client L. t>. 1,4:n3 Contractor: Iivev\VO Project: Cil-ru5 rhe 1-U'INfIC• 10 Slov4i" Equipment: Scnet,a4.. Time of Arrival: 7,00 Time of Departure: 1/00 Weather Conditions: Cloudy • •.s.,..,,.... • ..1 • REPORT: on s;‘-e. -) coKlov-e-. Vest.vj •fold obferkt,119 Set4te- eockhl, ,4T hi o orrAhl Cohkvotkilv Was re v-.0‘,, A-v-o,;c 4o COineoct• arouKel /41-444 q i'm. irv.-ItrSecl"oft. ni,I4,0 9 vjc.5 I i J owe 4co s i Coripocica k- -11 J 1 bocYAN cone, ,XizzeA.' a5 1,3c--tv." "V,4" TO OM. YhOl.5")4i. a )J2S3r ON, M.1-1. 401te..., CCINAr644`." COVt;NA 0 h. riCt,"VjAvt, 0 s\c, 3lig0. (D S;a 3g tgO a 5as 1;,,,R., 4 (fr. I (ACV N: P t. tAnire 6' .r ,....v, 6 %AV% C040(1-0%, LAS.ea KbwAst- aao 1,.., cor.?“1 1AA:$ wit- I icsi- -}c.V..ers, a rioox:il below rw5v- 5—v-t i'v-\ vi-s.Arct el" Mt. Saintok,10 was 1.k.-- 4 sle, 381-51, +o ,,, enDC A 5.E. Conl,.„.10, Stk Mg ro sN6 3cifs. col-riAJ t..vA\ sloprd 3941°. A 'Ad r\r(3‘ 514 34 75-113 SV"C)125' flushed '.b.` CO") and ":" Vit remoq"I 13s7"‘") 4"d Cmllgticd br CoK6ic(0'-•T .1.1.4.,,, 1014- sole. N 0 B clqsAl ovt. 14itv415 lod Al/ •.•,.„ (s") 4 A.k, \,uloy sa.-3-7-114s- eieV.103).() 91t, im. N. • sA4 3-743S- Elev. 163sg 474/Z (teLg• • SIG '3 gi is E14v. 3033.o qq, 1,,....‘,...s 5 4-4. 3gi go Elev. /037.0q0, sAct 3,1435 Elev. 103.5" 91,o ,... 1.- Special Conditions: +Fro, Si 3S+75. as CopleacL d, -iresick rnoiceed For. 4)orteed lo be !doe 5ovit Coole ;, aCt.'d 'Onat unelevm t,") a3op0X. 1- P' beor, w,cliiN oD iyerirk. LOR Representative: 910,IV K:::::) Copy Received By: • r LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT 0 Date: I a-5- 00 Project No: 6/1/0576 Client L. D. (v•\,j Contractor: 1461140 Project: C11nA5 vie 7-,,,,p4 4o 51over Equipment: 5."..e.... .,,, Time of Arrival: 7tic) , Time of Departure: q:oo Weather Conditions: Sm.?), ki.th stwe efouctp 'REPORT: ON 5114„. Ico cot LeSk.'v,) eiv,ot 06Serv,viN Sewe.— ERcall. ilr 4,ynt • .. b A yf : 4 A ( ovAi- 6 ckt),..- C 0 In.\ ,miccf or, filo /rAir,t i... jii.st iletYStC‘Ari-- tl. Se. t.,1-• ay,. 4 CM "%AS 0 5.4.A 37470 A 8" Lick‘rfle V,A.P.. Was ult....3 If4,c.k, E. 1.0tatsk, fkc--t- co4., safavi-ed A/11.'1e i\r‘A 11. or,. dz. rce"Avo,,Cithr fe, ,no( ,optei rno,sre co...,a404.- 5e,;\ ' -Nt,..\- i....1c...5 be. ..,s../k ()..r rn,V1,*11 gotcV`\\ . Pl.)-1.4c? (0..k-f.c., pu,N-- sv`o Ise.6...) E. bc,,v...1 .0,., )4,..e.,, rY0-1.0.9 colus 1,4C.VQ. 5q..\- D 10445. Cordea,kdi back'ti tri ai'l c opLot• a rov .. ct S'" WcAci-- S)A 31+70 ,2 Its's. N.V0,.. 1,,.. As‘,.,, esv ec., PA -Ice kw- L416 ‘t-tCased 14.W coreeu? 40 pl....)Lw.e. cquoy' 1 bt\„, \$4.6,,A,,,,. CoA ly. 4c\ av• :21c,,c\(; \\ roc. (4,\\, wt. fro,. sla 31.)5. +0 51a 1 s ioo, tn. 4.4? LA,: \ t : 12-6-00 r i,.„,...... \t 5; t (3) 4t5\isx,,,, ••0 6,14y I.,Sice— 37175 E let,. 103SS' 7s,g' 31 f 75 ik 4-e54- 93 2 ' 514 37-t-lo Elev. /0313,0 It!, . . Special Conditions: iJj'/'X. Only 50' backtIlei locilly bra 1.-• vs,cbc.. o c• tAs Awe 56.4. 4. If No . , . • . LOR Representative: ..,... . 0...., - Copy Received By: .4;4; • , • . . . • • LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP'1 INC— - ' ' 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Date: I a- Li-00 Project No: 1.01gag •,,,,,,„„, ,,,,,,0. , , L,D-1<v\c,‘ Client Contractor: 14-eNN\4.0 „ ..) Project: Oros /lye. -3-6.,„p, +0 Slovev• Equipment: SCA vh-t. ,,, Time of Arrival: eo:TO Time of Departure: 330 Weather Conditions: Cloutty / d44 REPORT: ON coU +0 coAionult 4-es1-04, A obsrev,,,... 'Sewer Bock \'11. iiiiiirle. On Sccletrelay J i J i „,„,„. , 1 lel- -oo 144S Con Ce112J clue Jo holid Ay. Cohiradote Will CoKii v‘ ut +AgY4A I VsZteteSe 4.1.)., Q. c,4rus 0,-.4 s,,,4%, 0,,,,.. at la 14,-4 9 t,Q,A \ be. ( col, d ,'„AevsecIAA...„,.. Cov,Irocto.- eu.4,m4e1 h e A c'IC N\ weyse Ystty le.‘ o' Viol, 12 -1-vo a.A. bectVot,d v.? io n11149 CM.E., box WAS pa i 1,., iN.fio• ri.o, A 9 /01004. Ortc0 1k luptect 2 54. 374-as" .1- ilu.,.. 1( Za tcvAS t os..\,•,a AuckAY i I cAe-'t c-\ €0,- \o.c.\-ed D Sc. )4at) E. 5,'06.0 Skrtti.- , i -40 Ic.x.e... (4 /A\ t.X. A. sw. is/ R.t., T \oro14 CAVAN. Gli-ONNCI L C. el(vc..k & Ad cArrtvkel, come6A4 m..y....+.k 1- \ eicA . firieox, I -a' rota 0.s Pkacel OVQV 10:tr4( Sql• bt,,re bOtkk)kl bert, , c0A:. 0, s1-.41 'lila+ "We rod( 0, \ 0.f o pp e wo.a ;... suit_ -11,,c.A- PI • 1.4044. sof c(Acl(-4 u f.j B.f, (.3) -)-e.s.;- 1--v-&-- ;..(4)1y sVc, 36A---rs L--. Nok 31415 Elev, 1074.0 It 51,... )14-./0 Ekv. 1 00-vs- isz p.c. /..c.L.) Coydr,c1 of W cA3 s\o,a \ .4 Ely due- -1-0 rt. I), 9 . ; " Oat"' SeCo n cfrpoit ovNly SO ' WA5 b‘'''c\\ I'd lot4S' 0,, PI 0..‘6,,e. PIS 449 bbilowt t,j a s .... , . . Special Conditions: . ..:/' . LOR Representative: a j..._ vj, - Copy Received By: 1, , Date: 1H'1-00 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, ZINC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1.760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 6l1/05.g Client L %.iht� Contractor: 1CerK0 Project: ClAru+s 'T'uruSlovev- Equipment: 'Suw,t. Time of Arrival: '7: 00 Time of Departure: 3:00 Weather Conditions: Cloy. REPORT: ON S :$ Cot.}VSirv., 4,101 obs A; SeWee gock(\)i , T' T,'v Grr,'11a1 e 5M- II1-a0 W. S At off: ${rte� ire )sieve•) WaS pa ih and COO pcck21. OAI f'11a.; home 'o ors s';tie W. (A. icy were, • C)t was • apfir4r.5 wus ,�, p1a,�>�rr ore'- .t (robed ,.. a✓ea cis no,'Aete c)'rob were ih ease nv eten$ was apel'ref 1'k 41.'S *vet. T 1.$0v►stEJ Co»JvacJW. I„,eve heedkS'. Some rv+ C .S ".1real, Coselinel0, 54.4I OK''. i►r,c{f11 arou,Ar) Aim ,*1 !J0'. pi534N3 Aoctnye ),o va( co1,I Ne I. fodlly: Th 0-1. 8 Wks 154,8- Q '014 WIoi3{,.re Co&A aaat -4104 -e,1G{Cd 4r. Co1•olfoa W,'i, 'c,.\-ev :Ail, 124'd-00 +o ,,so'1X '` i‘nrucy and . So Wov1( ¢Q oaa. -' \ Q teP SQL. [p) 'fie :, -rc.Xeh itoctilY Sta a74lo rvl,N. %(a RQJQS+ o 5 alcho ell 51,,7115 `IlA 54. Ia+75 L.teal 9i , 54G 3 (4+o s-1i j). 91. 5 .33+90 rn.ht 90 Special Conditions: Do' a,.kve Breve '60,tev' Co?y5 o ,-es') 're51,:145 . e. -6,cite4 5ei4 i n/0 ctvr LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR `GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC` 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California'92507 (909) 653-1760.A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: c,JL/O 8 Date: iJ-3o-00': Project: 6`4r1A5 Ave li.:4,, S9ovev' Client: LID. jG?»y General Contractor: Ke.v.V O Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Testing Hours Remarks: t'G) cb,.,e'clt...L. 461(e4. tl� Sov^tfli: ry veh;4-y .s} iqfso LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (9091653-1741 ' FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 611405.1 Services Performed Staff Code : Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water ;Line: B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests • Sidewalk / C. & G Tests Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Iesi' faknt l,5Janp)e .ig ,toc.. t4 RUA ;ss,E. 5ia 33•ta5 LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by. contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUPINC 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, California92507 (909) 653-1760,♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 6)4os Date: 1, - a -oo Project: Cdru) AVE --IA I., 4o Shover Client: 1.-• U. K‘' nj General Contractor: ,, 14eh 0 Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Ta Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: (9) Cowf4c1;`'a "Ies 4 daY. LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741' FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: lolL/DS a Cate:.. l i-a7-oo ProjectCs 4-riAS Ave ` . 3',; ;u ,' , 40 S10 ieM- Client: L, General Contractor: Kti4 0 Staff Code . Reg:` Hours Other Hours Water.Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B F. Tests Sample Pickup Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks(0 conR a� �,r s c OA ,v LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule: or by contract._` LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 612-1 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 •_ Fax .(909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 1,0I1/65 p Date:. I l "aa-oo. Project: CdeL4S nue Ube-ta c Jo SIove✓ Client: - L. D. i( /17) General: Contractor: Kwtic0 Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours . Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup LOR. Representative:k Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California" 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: Gyms. Date: 11^.21-00 Project: C► rus up. 70 51ovev- Client: L. p. Kc r General Contractor: geh o Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests T-� Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk -/ C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks:CS) Cor.),c‘;a'` 5� ,tkkei soMQIe 4o ratio Ctehes-ly 4t, Sf. Failing LOR Representative: —�—` Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC H 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, :California 92507',: '( 9) 653-1760 . Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project: • C4rUS iQU2 Client: L•D.ch� General Contractor: kep jC 0 Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F.. Tests Street Tests Sample Pickup Reg. Hours Other Hours Passing:' Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by: contract. '4'-'-••. - ter` FOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 1 Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project'No '` (o/L4tSW Date: 1) 17-0d Project: CAruS ni "Tt+rta a -k Slovev' Client: General Contractor: 1Z.@INY0 Services Performed Staff Code. Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests 6.5 Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing Cdv� 1�o' 4e<,4 -IGKe LOR Representative: 1 6":4 Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR-GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6.121. Quail Valley Court i Riverside, California 92507 `(909) 653=1760'A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET 1.Project No: .. i7IL405. & - Date: ' f j-17,-oo Project: G,'-rus 19va. ur 40 Slover Client: L. c).144.,. : Services Performed = Staff Code Reg:Hours ; Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical. Line B.F. Tests LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing percurrent fee; schedule or by contract. LOWGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, I 6121. Quail`Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (PP10.5.? Project: CAYas eve 34Ytofet f0 slot, Date: I HS-00 Client: L..O.':iy,c, General Contractor: KehVO Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Remarks: Z) cc re4 o.. 4es� 4.ktk, () 541346 4a 1!rr. 40 Ruw 5 , F, LOR Representative: Client Representative: C.(, Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A:Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (p/YOS.g Date: 1t'1�-DO Project: C4ru5 Eve S✓upr. �� Sloven Client: 1.-• S)3;yi sy General Contractor: VFvNYCO . Services Performed Staff Code ; . Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests StreetTests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Testing Hours Remarks: (5) Ca rti Passing LOR Representative: R'' ;' Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP.INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (,)N05 8 Date: `-9-00. Project: Ca' vL flue fror•. fur' p. Client: L �• ���n General Contractor: I6'Nk0 Services *Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours; Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests T- i Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing C/OCom c1m,_ 4es4-..+a/ ba.Aoect 5a�tfle I"!)O fo run oeh;5ly -�es4 LOR Representative:� Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule .orby contract. LOR'TGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley. Court A Riverside, California92507 (909) 6531760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: LPi VOS :iS Date:. 11) S''©O :. Project,: Cl' I ruS Are Pro►^+ Myrtle. Jive 40 $%vo►- Client: L. D. ki;815 General Contractor:. 1Z0u.ro Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests. Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests r-a 5.s Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G;Tests Sample Pickup • Other Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: COmifacil'a - 4' i'a ekt LOR Representative: Client Representative: • Billing per current fee schedule or by`contract. -LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court •.Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE:TICKET Project No: (0l Date..;: /6- 7-00 Project..: CI`lru5 J9ue- Frwrk "Sur LA Jo Sl utt.:.` Client: General. Contractor: ICe,."C o Staff Code Reg::: Hours Other Hours Sewer B.F. Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (.nit/OS- Date: J)-(p -OD Project: C(`Fruw.. �v✓uU io Sjnvew- Client: L.D. V•ot1N General Contractor: 1CevV..O Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests 8.5 Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other; Testing Hours Passing Remarks: NdleSj.xeh 5a rye -FW ,heald :".J 3vad Mr .. LOR Representative: Failing vPc + ratckec i�o ah Client Representative: _ " _ +�► Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. nV4. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, ,1 6121 Quail. Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 .- (909) 653-1760;. Fax (309)'653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: %I14051 Date: 11-3-00 Project: --5— v,Q }• Five rc� C,'�✓us 1ve. Client: L •b:4;`n5 General Contractor: = ketire) Services Performe Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract..` LOR.`GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC`�. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, .California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project: Stpv-kla pv-e .. Ct� :t�� ii u.y Jive, Client:. L. yND General Contractor: i`,etil.,ta Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F." Tests - Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Remarks: 3 Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: to/g0 S. °i Date: r j" 00 Project: Turup Ayr CiiuJ. rave. Client: L. D. General Contractor: k,¢e.q Services: Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests T- L 10. C) Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: x �� Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Date: Client I t-3o-aa . LOR .GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, IN 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A'Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT ProjectNo: (IIJoS.$ Contractor: 14t Ai( 0 Project: C1'hM) Aft. 8urrurJyo }d' Stover Equipment: SSo►t.t. Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: 14.00 Weather Conditions: Ae11/ t1. dy SMh,, REPORT: or 04- 4fs1(0,1 ik ohs •vr) 5ewcer Bach:IL', i4�'" "(rote aownvc' Coh rmc}c,- Rehr®ve[I makre4.1 ' j' We� hoyed t CramS 30 0-6. �1-o 54 31 Ho J MIA COtA loe\e4 1304 . :a\ ur,a 16A06‘vve CO1ndrur.e 01. TES4 6,ter r� S%o 34tS'b (?eswlled $'h P74 R.C. a i.7 % vv..;sLe Rekes3t. eia;s4we w45 \32, YnoJer,'o` ,,fer.d 10 HaUP \roce c S c{e.y S- 1.9 w43' +A v., \ o . tug,.. brK:5TY: /Q.l)'. 148, .80Se JaS 9 �..r bt 5,.1. Cowit'st ' O15or, preCasf (0, So,wt 4 ..::5N4Alktt. /nlef I Co to1AiJAc\J P1.14.4i «s M4'kei's.l f%)ticca‘''1 14104,'Jre t44 eVAke( �'.t ne.de -�0.x;.3e\-. C1oce ic> 'o?��} 1440;5L,r. $utVt:tie 5ito piA or., Pia;..\iht Z Sc''t'361.65- -054. IA g,2q' A-C.01 Y S44 3cij- VO (I /n iJII we.e dose tIp . 'ma's S 3t41so ) Afresh,'1-cs1 mjC netotfIlircef Sk636tGo 93,E 5143s 7o 734' 531, 3o+ 0 ?3.Z pl. Special Conditions: ;trot, 514 314loS 3N�f } 4a imlabno/ Wa5 /�ogvro� t, rohtot 1rocK ov r 5a Xjro� 'w + a �. COO. Y►O Coi, l o eVre ?flied . C0.-4rac1or 14;11 oAS .044' Wkr, jai.( 15 Coa.p...r i %?/-00 LOR Representative:: C' ���� Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.' 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 . Date: I1- a9-00 FIELD REPORT Project No: a/4OS $' Client L . D. Ki rl Contractor: Ker\KO Project: C4y AS Ave 7u,iitoo fo .Slaver Equipment: S4Nu Time of Arrival: 7.0a Time of Departure: 4:30 Weather Conditions: Sa,.w,y avteceiii. REPORT: ON 5,k fo COW IIrnit 4C5401 4 obsevu t seie►- SGck*I. Conjraclw Cor,l+rtucd fyo- e , 5 g l i 15 $�+.c.q,� , r 06(v\\ WuS Cos 41: \- gc,U`Ls� WaAls Fuo 6nc1 Y1talld4et (o�• dno `ova eS ,. Sleet IidS..,5&roctt.4\0 ppe 6'6 ,?K� 'r 6A",, tvl.ii $ lD 4 7 gwbco,.�v.t ' �icced mdI., t,.k CanGrlkt CewW�") Was i4Ke,.. : C� Sato- 33}a5 q' fo Ruh 5, E. Con /iac ioi ?I eced y►7.1i. t3ox * A.14. 0r4 gucke,'l l SA t) ed 64 s\33 + $s il Ia4 YY1 ta.1k '1\ skav1-cd a Sim Igao w. Vote os%reel 1 ies1-}c.l!e,, or, L,,,,L, 1 BA(km.' (q) Aesk \A0—• -}aegy stra 31-1&-o Ekv. Ioa3.S 91 544. 3a•kas £1tv. loam.° 92 5A-3a17s fly. ia3t.s 9,22 544 1't -ao elev. 1009.0 9tig L,fyal) • Special Conditions:. Co,niroc4uv 5t;11 hu5 hai rerslovte ho59ed As. der$ Fro, Si 30t(oa 4o ?Ifto Con4re41v i..t rrveJ Mt. fl'ty Skowld. r..i +o 13 ' iom noereJ . c LOR Representative: „r ') ale:::::1 . Copy Received By: Date:: 11-a5-oo Client L.D.cr,3 Project: CA-uS Mit LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 1405,E ;Contractor: Kee O :Turu AO 5twet— Equipment: 5cawu. Time of Arrival: "Too Time of Departure: 5;00 Weather Conditions: 51.4:,r.' REPORT: on 5,ke %ty .keye54rcluy oh trcacs, : B. a7 5io 28+6$ p'la�er�'n0 oS •remove + 'a.d »cease( r"ore moos e c45 104:,ceei Z 1ncA ruofe eM0, lest.r, and observir, sew ,- 1304 (Ni. Conleaclor iJt�+C,; Cone qol io A % (lace At. o1:A1. op. 649, ks4. C04).-at4cw had sub Ca�.�rcc�w pour sovs, co),I rnC F 'alv.13 6Vt6 5cc 'tk e., c �K base O h $�6viec! OY,' 1a14✓..1s rod ryob, "v :�vu13u+ /10 :8.F yei Wi✓Q 5)0rr4.Of11Y..W•S oVcr loncoek 1'%CGSed. MP. Mr� 447 base wa5 po.ra�. CoDxe:J 'yCie1:1J Shlyed . Fra►». 5\ 30-1(02 :40 3' }10 Wes 3vS# klye in and Cohr4ov , t.411 reYtnuve 4.S Ca+}p6cleJ•. B54ap 'J e) CiJ',..00 II-e �� I4s'1 f. Were L9 des} �t Vie•,. Qdlny Sip 071-14o Lam, ioasS 91.E s4 g9tou City. 10*8',0 9AZ 5\-' o. f,02q,o rj1 S10 3a4po giev. i►oa6.o 9q 7 Special. Conditions: li LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: )} a.7-oo. Client L.A. ‘44c Project: C .h v Ave. "Ten,. a ,4-o . S%mve.- Equipment: Savwt. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley 'Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: 1I405$ Contractor: ke40 Time of Arrival: '7Ob Time of Departure: q:30 Weather Conditions: REPORT: ON S:Ve. +0 -CVr�fgC1OI t4cAs N'ro*.% R7 i?1. N,.4S. I11. j}. 4110 : box Chln dva4uL �E��,'v�c� t o eop: +je'wer'" 6GGk i,11, {4t t~,vpur box S back'1\ was ' co k.‘i30€14.61 eod.d,,x.ed e.j p ced 1 K bdCF cdv.96c1cd 40 51. a (, 4 o mp °X• 201. FYu Qo4-• ¶\c. beii c Oic ctk ;b tJiYe$. C6e.�vcct J' ;ConfacVe., m.;1 46 eit,cYC:1l iS 5VVe.i: CoYi�✓a[or ` Co �.,.,�a. ov. 4vt%JAN. bats(N) ' 0 RoX PkccA I j! ;A Rock pq)e used.` r,e41+44 corioca;a.,. as ev.ce..do)rs• /111 1Q51- hJ, 'r io7 . »- 1,:�1 Co,. J]oc�,'� ; w��. C%5� it+ off\. 1Mo:Srw.- lack 'I1 S4oppec a+ 54:a (6) lest yd,ly s a3+&s Ekv. ,01`l o t9t7.4 rv+.'l. SA4. t04%s— iitu 102:4 S} at►tt.o.Eleu 1OVSs<5' 9'02 S 4 23 t70 Elev. 102a.5 90 j;,. 51s fob Elev. 'ton.5 1O 514 21' 5 Elev. 1a2 $ o 91,E Special Conditions: If' r LOR Representative:t. • a Copy Received :By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: /1-aa 00 FIELD REPORT Project No: 640051 Client L. D.Z� rw Contractor: Ver14 0 Project: Coleus t9Ue- TUek1t)a o S\ove, Equipment: Sav1,e. Time of Arrival: i; co Time of Departure: MO Weather Conditions: orll y clouly REPORT: OA/ Sire 4-0 co»i,mue. }es4,) a„d absevuo Stwer BotkP,'! 1.47" i'l e at on, / Co+n;rac\W W aS Y'e mo,o,v,, 4444 pustla h, sf a oQ 5+, o 50 111.1 Exavc.l av cpuict qei- over Irma. SucK,,\\ +,aUs vvtossLt Cov<a .,c as pA 11.. dr'ici, and ruwfocled, Cok irc.cii,✓ siorrea 0,r 0h -Yevtch cJi 25 Sfa afvfoS , Corte, 14tvt o.,tao... nA,11. 5.6, R3Vto7:<138,c t;11 w\\ go;,,.. ync ndlAy No IAoYK Dv. il/23ia11z,► (5) 4es\- kegeh. iadtAy 'S-t i400 El.d Iox).,0 91 S 25+15 E1ev 1o19.0 91 2. SVA a'no Elegy )0 .S 9,14 Special Conditions: i1), )). Qoi)uw, wwpw)- AA, s4a R3147 0 3:3o !J;►•oo . il LOR Representative: t.W 0- Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax, (909) 653-1741 Date II-RI-00 Client L •t•<iv.. FIELD REPORT Project: .Ct }vu5 Ave. ' 'urufo. doter Time of Arrival:, • 7:00 Contractor: Equipment: Sapie Project No: Time of Departure: 6 3d Weather Conditions: partly Cloudy REPORT: ON SAL 4A covitthue 4e51,•„ Ahdd Ob5evru Sew & e►'- c k�ii� d�'lt�a Z" crr,lim� Saawacd oh 4,,e,s6, S.F. `ae"n itty) {e�'i oV yeck.Oy (ljcwgQ V-o .S4a a +Sb' '5.0101P 17 Inlets 4.ka. Zsk axfas .E.454; coLe._ JJ, .pferd 46 be toss ,. &I m, sky 1 C}: y tes, 5 pusttd �# aid (Abed Yolked . Pcsu( -101,K Dotey.3 \o qvi- : ?, ay. 41.411ct , back‘':'11 Si o peed ai S4u d1 Ll +45- Att,l ; : les+ -6; �\ koa,y S4A .23-Iac Ekv. I Olt.0 93 , 51a toady Eka toW.o iig n% Re4es4- ` Elev.. IOIN.o 9O,4 rn. 5iA gztho EtrJ.loAd.o 91 ?, 5ku aLI13s elev, Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: /I -a®-00 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No / JLJDS.tg Client Ct;4 Contractor: I(e►-,140 Project: Ci4vUS 14Ue• .'SG vv. 40 5)0vey Equipment: Sane Time of Arrival: '7:00 Time of Departure: 5-:'00 Weather Conditions: $uvw� s, k dowdy "REPORT:.. DN S jo anal o v.) coa' ay,-Na1 (•o,.;v.clti was rer+,t aa' )144, tem\ i tic) pc►sk4 et, sae S��c -\ ConAc�+u�A3" r 'Be c•k(1\ wus S1ov,`` �O . y' ©h rua 5 p d a7 5i. : al 85 a is saa\k::1ncve �"\\ \e r Cbw\v.Acrd ?Or LialkAtS orN ft:5 cued• cA 4rencL � S4. 21+40loa2.1$S 3) lcs , \,c; 21+00 ' Elev. lDrc.a elqz, an %s+ '.i vt C lose )ppj. 5N'4. 21475 Elev 10114.0 90 5•-. aa435 'elev. lol?.a 9o, bocX ►i s410 s;oo .Tit \e \r SA . special conditions: 4e rY00-- ' 1S oFo;;$ 4-o Si I'Afi6D 4Aff 3~11l' WAS ptA4J +1. con4r, dro+r 1►te y c.lbk�a Qv1\ �� .; Ot�� 4-oNsn.eveo0 W1AGi.--; V'v . tY• 41q ; S cao.roeic{ a� LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR`GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.N 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Date: I1-11'00 Project No: itiDS- " Client L • t).Y.:v Contractor: KeKk a Project: (:; ✓u5 Ave. Tv,,,A ,A 4o S1ovt,r' Equipment: Sc Time of Arrival: %:00 Time of Departure: (2.S0 Weather Conditions: Su,.uNy k i4;hc(y REPORT: ONE S;\e.. \ CO,-.\,rr.Mt. 41s able/ 0135ervoll 5ew4y back 'll. /97' 1,%me b'P orr;V.i ;. CoKihrac4o•- %A/4s rernov,r� Na}.ye ma!rrte.) ire, ll.14. 4 4ro,,,. 11-110-0o 0 y. cf' iela•� f,�:s1, 5uv ce. tiit.40.0 IAaS, ilia N'S4u.e Cor,d:nv.ac1 GHet Wheel ro11t;,'ri1 w tL Skees }oo4" Grew. eve, 1'' , (0 res4 e 4-04¢v. Sr►nores,VitA iv. 9R % Rot. (3) 4.Qsir- C ;melay si., ii91-15 Rekesit9a, rti.}l. 5;.6• IL2fIC Ski/. 1011.0 91 A 1414,14i S\A aoi'lc Elev. 1014.0 90 70 COVVV 4.0v- 51r‘vh' 40L4r, C to }o W: hot rv1 • N• 4c We 5 Cow or-c-(( 4o j ,,t.,4 1, Greek. Frame .. ' Sko,. PO+35 %a 5., ao+leo 014 y..t w's 3vs1 pt. L ram. 4:\\ 11-2o-oo • Special Conditions: 4' Co► t ro.A.,. Broke W 40,- 1.-,wAl Z 54-c. Itof 95 drvrNdle,. ?+ eHe•.4 ot. MI Sete LOR Representative:(ZsZ..!$ , Copy Received By: Date: 1 l-11p-o0 LOR ° GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court , Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: Client L.D• 1�w.3 Contractor: Kev•k<0 Project: 'C4ru . Ave. v.A. .40 S1ou ,• Equipment: cjavr.e. Time of Arrival: 7;30 Time of Departure: 5, 30 Weather Conditions: Suh,,,y REPORT: CO S;\,e Ato o125evv;`^3 SeidOev- &F. 43- 4LeAt c rr,V 1 Ca„4v 4 r' S. Covh 4v c : r) ,n. M,4 o i � *" 4i' L i) 4esi t V e � n; � I h �.mpr �. � % thf lae4.4 i;v;t51, YeS�144 � h qa% Rt. •Qi G.../'146;s1.,,, . EXtu Jos ' 465 bv2Ke clown con oa. 5CwR✓ }t�nc1+ GI,o( riot .'S�<;•} T.,, ;i FJQCX `�1 Co, ev�we44 Ov. 4et31/4 50A. W'S Mu:5�avc co%.At.ar,3 CtS Qlect eil qe+d W1t�e\ .rto\\ed .'13ocy \\ Sltup\7et� 'Ws,.e Yy1o+.\\o\e 3box aocAuy; 5\c. 134-go Elev. t41,3.0 rh:F1. 11.1 R•C• sou wisp ' EIev. 1019.5 9D7 was p\.,ted 54, do 66) ` 4es4 444' SF. 19t35 Elev. S51 Sly: [tekesi. Elegy to11.o:901 SEA, i9t75 . Elev. 1Io‘S.0':91 514 I lot 7 ley, 10 I Z. o 7 Z% J'11.14. 5G1,1?\e. IL 0.s •/UN. 54OC{. (1.1t 51.4. 19406 //a/ _ AiAN 1Qi' Special Conditions: W0,5. arrlrrd . I +esi- Vet, COhiraci-o®i.s Jed Idole ito).ced iesg`f��a•� resh i4eol f.•.. B.2 ,4 R.C. (d, tmo,f J.ve «e vi,ov@ a floor. 9' o . �';1(: �vw�r>•�wu�;> oriel ice Cep CDh'Ka e4.9, W:,I LOR Representative: Copy Received By: RGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project: Ctkrv,S 19ve. SAYuez. Time of Arrival: 7;IS Time of Departure: S: IS REPORT: ON . Sik 40 Co fo+.Vraci„r- beya., ' backt,11 )'=a' ), 1-s tare CDhir6eti lo Slowv Project No: l Igo 5-. R Contractor: er.1<0 Equipment: Same 4 5r4.01 bockkoe w ii, sheresr,.+ Weather Conditions: Sunny h��haG }-eSto., and obstrv0-3 5eaev w back �'11, i3T /Je d Grri'v. q}- ,v4J. ' '1 and Coat% cA,f�` Will- betkl;at arcuAdt ►Y1.ii • ean� Yl&],'s4wc CobAote. plate a1. CO%It'octue, yNerv, I rt w• 44 io:20 si ryed 0` 54- ls'4so • r4.14.: 1. Cao.tvacVov ;' A pi\ be,cfc' 613 TOW1Mevrw a ok CCw. pr. , via pee ` 3 I Lie W A5tShce4 i �, • 6) NaYeN 'kohly S13+40 nor). Oat) 004.0 91, S16 13130 r+i.N. Elry looyS , Q4 �p Skw. 'Re\tSr ni H. Elty 4i S4c. 17ftio Etc,/ Io13.o tip ,$ Ste. I+?'I'4o Flew loti•S' cl3Qa S1` iv gfr.) l009.5 90 Bco,,ty. Wav (" '5, E; RA*, baca 11 oi' 54oryy.. Drain 0.lr Itasi' r3o. (3) Sarefles Wcvt 46YeIN 46.3 e4vus five. yd ov+ A t&$ neeels';J•F t Special Conditions: Fre" SIB 1645` io lVfso c 110� a1° Gower''-;r a(C ve dWr.b) I a s)aax. 1- 3' b%,1 hlolc.,4' scemtd lukeEthe IDD 4 tt Dr f. 5v< oce oprom de-3' bean? LOR Representative: EA--"WP.a Copy Received By: SCA 05 prd 9, f. a7 8; yS amp( Date: / )-1y- nO LOR `G E OTECHNICA L GROUP, INC. 6121:Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A. Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client L•D.V.:0 Project: C►}-rt, 511Ve. TwwHix,. %o .S1c Jev-. Equipment: Sarvse Project No:. 6/4/05 8 Contractor: Ker. 0 Time of Arrival: 7:30 Time of Departure: IJ;)S Weather Conditions: Sus;,, 1d;00 3 ;can REPORT: observ,' Se�}ev�', 8ocKtr11 Con 4rcciov Coh),i, 11 wzvt Ml'y \e o� /)-13-0o Con,lxci`.n anck Y►toiSv.kekt� RocY a101)ex. I-11.4 and j! totic. 0,, 4op o-I p:pt. 8oX wos pv�n ain.H. 4/3 net /a1.Ja. cones W<ta ° Ploctd e� base. SeO�'IA::.4 cloy VIA 1:01 c2N haat'ie,- base' Was lei)ol 'J1.)5 ntid reJ"nrd 2 /2:0o i hod 40 19 -u S4`*tOIC 4w Onolirr To .t 36C14 saopp' J Spa (5) 'le- -fa Kt Div Si\e 4-0 cob k;huc 44e5i- k vauy 5�a i5+t4 " Oft,. 10140 97 t 5}a /&too Elev 1007.0 7,2 , 51, !(,t10 ;, Ekv. /oIa.o 534. Re445•1- Bleu. J012.0 Cl I I w<vc Close or opfi, nocs>!u:v. sou `)1 435" E)ev. 1oi4 6 . 971 Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: 13 • oa LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California`92507 (909) 653-1760 A'Fax (909) 653-1741. FIELD REPORT Client I`i ny Project: Ci nAS J9tle_ j'e„rtt ae 4-o Siovee Equipment: Scwat Project No: 1141o.' Time of Arrival: 7:00 Contractor: Time, of Departure: 43 0 ate r� k o Weather Conditions:'• ' Su REPORT: ON 5; 4o covAorwie. 4e&ir(v k dose.roj C .I . or Qrr;441 Co+.\w ae\ov Relmtve p4veerw3 ``aye& 1ruw. Fr?c1pA), elpro t, �' bej/)oa Zr :�k Gra ld � Remove ",46,) cwea (I) 4eseV ��ICR�, b sts lo4No resat-leA 'y 95—Z R.i. CohiraL 1J,1t Jt+ afr ©u and Co'tr4 area ' 11;0e area d'ereKont.wos "ei y( 1V:i ‘0s �jacs� FA\ o1,4 0o4- 56. 1k ICJ:t'Io ov% Y►�c:r. 1tv,r CohkwcC\ v e t 5Aime 0141110A a5 Ifrev;ce days. r -i-oo{C 6-1 le S4 Lolriy ski u -q 'F7etd 1010,0 9S2 /all wive close to b ). iro;31uve . d3, b5' Pep.'Ioo9.0 ; 91I s4� 3+so elev. r0o5,o 93% 11-146,o Eki' 1012.0 `92 eDs141541/0 $4c1(a 510 K kl s:1-e Special Conditions: /1.}/.4 base t-bts ovree 404% e ° 9.30 hale LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: 10-0o Client L. Project: CAYLAS it)Ve trow- 3-wfvfkrx 4o Stouev- Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7: I S- Time of Departure: 3.146. FIELD REPORT Project No: 6/4/053 Contractor: Kenk0 S6441- Weather Conditions: CIO etY REPORT: 00 SNR- 1)er ire 151 0t 4o ollset r Lie 41 Pt of ir511 'Set -Jew Bo (40. cowwli cowl. v1,02,1 yky jeN- () C 0 h'cACtOe 1/210k Skc soA a b„v. '‘\‘ w.s )1703- iy..ev.ct.. and Cowix•cly6DQWVy t.- OVs. Pox klos Vv,k. rri, 14.'02 .Coyt3,aclov ioffeJ D 51-. +as'. T (4) 4e% • i-aYeN. k0151-11Y 5r€ JtfdS kV 1009.0 g LC. 5 \-0 glev 1007.5 51r4 11+45 Ow los°. D cia g.t. $1-4 I11S Fie, 1005.0 el t e • _AD lo fp:, • Special Conditions: SIMI/ on" cp, sAcib kiiAlev,,,\ vas fictwkand COP.Iforat.11. 1,4 1:04.i""' Plei.k, °vete ; mov,obly -K,ty „AI 8i ut, ova ref' 0? • vvcItiv fro p fel& v:y LOR' Representative: ty Copy Received By: Date: 1-9 00 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, IN`C 6121 Quail Valley Court •A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 AFax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: ,(� 1gv5, g Client L. 0.1(e 1N3 Contractor: )',2h °O Project: c1: r S Y4 J4) . navy, "Tv v-a 2ato Stout✓ Equipment: Some Time of Arrival: CS•,pp Time of Departure: ;T:00 Weather Conditions: /� (44Y .doy; /0 : 9t7 4`0fl REPORT: ON S At pv t2a yaeo5 o ° .. C Jo &AA'II►td: oitServkii. 11 Se(•d ev bockFt"1; �T fohe �a Gvvi�lm1 CohSlrocttrl Ww++S u2i'Ndvi. Loose Ala v++�{ by to 1 i ''ihe3 "brow: )-'g-o o oriel, coos »yoA'r, e i vs ` e 1,415. J /e 0 .v a Gi 1 5.ks: 1 � ` l 1 � S: t�,1 red �.''a�r d :3a o o ��a ,ge Mud /Otto CO Iy'aC4o✓ b,crF" i �ppwed i, )' .'d; 5 uh 1610.;S ,•e cohatow rsv, y.er.cl% '(q) 14s1- lode) 544. f0, Eiev 100P.o 93.E R.C. 3• 0 as4iv e k CO- e• s iu is 5 I I #os` o E .10010 27ial �r� C loge bock F'11 -."c). +oo Tool, Irk`l- )l4®s 2 s1 It 4os Elc. ID) ,A 93Z R.t. Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley. Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Date: i I '- -o U Project No: . 61405.E Client L , t)• K� h Contractor: Keh ka Project: C i' rr S nue rro r.. -31ur�. is 6Iovele Equipment: 5A KA.. Time of Arrival: 10 :1 5. Time of Departure: IA ; la Weather Conditions: Su h.. y I;o0 y;3o REPORT: ON 0e pev Reques/ of ci"ei I- }o Coarjtous ,'s 4,) arid obsmr:). /9T 1'vie oavy; i4 <owtrac.. ov had ho)e dr.)ie/ ,h 44.14. and be5o . eaf-1�: freYYck �ay SP�evr I,'vtt y crud 1etCh s.feek box tov she;ldt� ; 2 ie�'4- s;k, a) )(PS 6Aohvy .5,\Q Gchd. W \k 'i`e•\uJh joc14. /1'g-oo ReIUvhed aZ /,C)orom Con?acyz.✓ teJan lcackA":111 4) ilitt.4 Si, /010o- /O Zc T. /ook (J 4s* @ riev)oo&.n 95,& re.c. I i'.,P'urrt.eci tokK&c air r'e5u.14s and le . s; . Elev. /o(L5 90.E P.c. Special Conditions: (j,L ).1-y is v+e5' a7 appox 51-6, , i-3a .incl. Sei,.ie✓ and tpp„;e 1,;rm.,area mkt-v./ (Ai as puS heel f +� le a14 io. LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: } 1- 7-oo LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: Lo)tJOS.8 Client Contractor: IC e ' \ o Project: Gera$ Ave Frvw•. Tvvti 4o S' o' Equipment: Saret Time of Arrival: 7.1-Time of Departure: ka �� p S +off Weather Conditions: SUW,o, REPORT: ON c.:4 pew- rtgue54 -Io Dose/we 4 4es4 Sews,, E,F. ,019 71,)L w a o►y ,—\ peonoi WAS salt drAt+n) l,ote M.14. Ea s io fat),Spolte •w . S4cvc.• ah ib c :. pVION . • S iota. Set ; e( `Sob ig Sh J- ("low,.. 4 da y dot 40 wi net z 0 IPA Sac. Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date I i - (p-oo LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC: 6121 Quail Valley Court 'A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 , Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client 1 L;b 1�iY�� Project: Ciivvts AVe PM. MAY.Ur. 4 61avee" Time of Arrival: 7:00 Time of Departure: Contractor: Project No:. Co l tios; Kehlto Equipment: Same. 3:00 Weather Conditions: C!oU61y REPORT: iM yc)Vad,a4S C iAg cc41- Was ';uypox. AaItxtS ty wo ft.74,61 cayniy,cloy, thoe el a 'SIA l0P00 w;11, Seaer- 4-0 A O ./11.1J. 5t.. tofoo and 140A WAy NO+' Con4,1o44or )' a d 134d6)11J 141ohrra braui till- ditAl r" stock ► voted Stev-e 13bue- k 1h I'v..,c I— 4uvhet off- to be the ibrouJl.� w ,, s aicriai. R YVIa A t»55 e u S-I0 Rur. Sieve •'w gnu/ea�2,ti 6Y YY1 GLv\ •cap Irac\w \0 hod Y±yh Peiij- i Co. C'4- hole I4./45 keve 40 c'J S4-a /ofoo A1.11. bOX tx)O. ui-.,'„ I.J h- S4eel /91 PAn•Q: Ei 1': ., be �MY• t' v'-. . � Y'QNM� �1 4I t4cS 53~i11 ct%1,-, ho14 ,v Special Conditions/j0 % SA" folVev\ + dt y bue ID Ai 80ckgil yowl Co, LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: II •1'0o Client LOR, GEOTECHNICAL "GROUP, IN 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909)-653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD, REPORT • Project No: !gyp g; _:. Contractor: X0 Project: "S.ror lid E C;LS pine. Equipment: Saws.„ Time of Arrival: 7,00 Time of Departure: ;OD Weather Conditions: REPORT: (l ksk av, CowlY.Aw 5skto:r h, na. gv,.31. Cara o 14*-6� I kt � `� 7 t �fUtAi�fal .((:11Oh �hCh. C+trt� ��:�,.,l'18t�ALAA 1.4f lt✓ 1 A"j''cejf4A0,- vv.)SlitA wheel ranlo✓- {OY coh.p4 � cs. f mid t4Ac)(eV-. /�14. WI\l :ht ?Ittt-et • en hyencL avt4 V„„w, 5}4 CiOS -i-o s1 . 47 4/5 appox. "-7"1�%G.,, Pr ve J yS.. be re drecd /C w;11 be, pv.1- or. e . dyvvewey a"reo5 +Cor.4vecL Used Same y)*TC 6A o CordS 1ren4Qk avtc► (1) 51- 46Ker, a'7 S-ic, Jle4SO Drm.u.sny 9%P, R.C. tso 954 Sunny 4 w,v•dy g,F, MA 16 fltS 4/' b61e4 ss63.4 t1 .4 resulJedicif R.t. ii Y1i`Jh Cole GiJ 59'G 1 I-'•90 ISA 0 5.1. la tqs• , . ?g; Special Conditions: LOR Representative:. Copy Received By: LORGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC: J h t,� '.. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 Date: II-a-oo FIELD REPORT Project No: LalyaS,`$. Client L. O. K"ny Coptractor: l<21-1.1(0 Project: '3.4,.v,,p4 tive a. CuAYS Equipment: 3owie Time of Arrival: 7: 30 Time of Departure: '' ..30 Weather Conditions:. 5 uhr.y.., REPORT: SNe ile✓ rec1utsJ at CI,'er.T �o Coni,r,�r 4-es4rnJ cane ©bsfvtW B. S. . ,i~ 0ewv a,.. , , . JON T kne • AT ,Y►+Q c,OVriva, exo L- .+J,1y�N buck i WO {hotel. a . io'u( 1 I'l.) D,.5 ay cie JA+45 WcS 5e)- t', w.�1, 3 ;—'GNd g, i=; s�4 d. r fook {I) bes�' as1 14us noi. e ex, $ q e% "'PAC. ioe otS . AA. eeS‘\ �:w cgo,h e.c. conirac;br asead hoed wacite✓ s,ro,A.ta..o .14.4. ono Acc\r(Alab reskA set\ow-, Cov,.\Y«tw 4-led ir. w: exvsi., 'sew. 1,',, e li . 54, I4-4o yc� cut SJ\4vYY y bias iN av ,:�� txkowe x 4e �i\rS} kYuck 'Ct'Y.:Sivt� °� ja:'30 W.'l1. slvvey . hd r\,) 6 1ru1u4= j`�i..:sed i% Ow C.✓ 21.00, Co.,,Ny6c,\bV''.. ��+4, bacVZ\k uRYG YsI- 5J1,1/11 lYV4Y n156.4 4Ad Wov'iUX ' eve 06y -h: 51-u )14492. Con\NratAtir pre55.,cd \e.5k 5ewe-, Vnt no leoV5 wive (At J¢1fd 0 no el 45 Special Conditions: Cal codas' birOvIn4" • Mai Ve I,ble+rvid CYoi- S�oc)C pile_ .., 13ecck 5 4. U4e. on I6`S4 Alpo, %00' OS- bocl< Fill o. 5f.m ' I.. I1 /00 — n O0 (6 ,0.1, fl1Ci ,c,. 4'uMd10,4 zoo;} %e we bc.c.10 11 i. LOR Representative: I--fiat Copy Received By: , . Date 11 Ji'oo T?: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client L.D. :+b� Project: Twrueil Ave 4Z C,t‘ Irus Time of Arrival: 7:30 Project No: t sqo s .; Contractor: \<,v,V0 Equipment: SG� Time of Departure: S. 00 Weather Conditions: „0,, REPORT: SNeyD j, taut.[/ a CPe$ J io to iv hwc Join, ObServi 5tuJF,i 414et, '1 sA4 ttsg r►i,1d. a lev /008.5 Ik t rest., I I e 4I uveo, t.DGs 11. q10 7'(I4e. Caq}rcc\ev5 .''61o5 Nx5;v^3 WGC1.e✓ (7"/'1/4g'"��14f) ctnd .. co,y Cow: cc\;el" ih a?VOY, *KSI L k$ Arta 411oiS4w C(SA inh(j 5o\ I�trrh�. '�Dt� ,V�✓, 14a$ F'x,•+3' vALA,ly tYtki A skd: cs 400 affix'I' belev3 �A/ " _ 4061t (() . l.es4- Iv. avea *plot. 10'!O) X tit kmdc about. 54 rtst1ked94y'Rt: 616.3`` Air. TeSA. rZ %AG 13fls my, YeSNMtd;„ 9 (0 x t „a:sa Todyiy (br 1Y`C0..1 44,4it d w<;.., kt y yeskdy coy, rcVN, sew,/ ko,4, 54, ILI lio'' and taav\ttt 1,�5 + Et sI and s}epiled 5}v e 14fa‘ rvo,, S I5115i'o I(o+A S Nc)r it M41'01 01 t4c s pMShcd,'A a fit irme.: To ,f11 }ren`k CtwJvu�,. \ov%vAtvf04 5\eVe C aue✓ Vitiate; wee. ¢n Shy 4i11' bock l it tJ S. towp(rko{. Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: 11-aq}•oo'' Project: SAND EQUIVALENT TEST CAL TRANS 217 Crbrus AveSuvw�a ,� sitwer Date Sampled: ,o Project No.: 6 N o ss' Lab. Tech.: 8\-,14te SAMPLE DATA Sampled by: Brtar- SAMPLE NO. S- I7 Ci'tY AS Ave LOCATION S a3+as TRENCH/BORING -,. DR TR S4ockp,te REMARKS Notes SAMPLE NO. 10 min. SOAK START STOP TIME TTME ll:oG ArMo TEST DATA 20 min. READING STAR TIMET 11:1y STOP TIME 11;39 SAND a 0.6 CLAY 11. $ 'SAND EQHIVAT LENT (a / b) x loo {round up) a3 LOR Geotechnical Group, Inc. SAMPLE NO. _S/3 SAND EQUIVALENT TEST CAL TRANS 217 SAMPLE DATA Sampled by: LOCATION . C pus Av.e_ , C7T-n , %3 ¥ V C,?L,W Ave., C,lyUr / 7 �� Project No.: 6 / 90 s: Lab. Tech.:' .s'7z4 /$yv T OE/BAIING nR TH. 9 REMARKS Notes TEST DATA SAMPLE NO. 10 min.''s START TIME /O (S' OAK STOP IME /v2v' 20 min. READING. START TIME TIME /O:7 SAND a Z..y CLAY "7.0 SAND EQ_IIUILVTALENT (a / b) x 100 (round. up) /O FZ9?o ro: 3Z r yc (Dr,?fy, 3-L 6. V Cap --vED LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. M''" Soil Engineering ♦ Geology ♦ Environmental:: ��� RE'a��a .� LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DEC 0 5 2f1Q0 L.D. KIN Date: December 4, 2000 Project No. 61405.81 To: L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764 Attention: Mr. Dell Whitaker Subject: Backfill Compaction Report, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Industrial Waste Sewer Relocation, Jurupa Avenue at Citrus Avenue, Fontana, California. We are forwarding: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigations Company Brochure Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 4 Compaction Reports Subsurface Soil Investigations Proposals Remarks: LOR Geotechnical Group, Inc. Distribution: 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 ♦ (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 L'IflG LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO - r WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING: GATTACHED ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ COPY OF LETTER COPIES DATE NO. DATE: JOB NO.: Z4-0-7 ATTENTI N: [,1 l'1 0 RE: 'T UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PRINTS 0 PLANS 0 SAMPLES 0 CHANGE ORDER 0 ORIGINALS OZ+Pa--? &,mil-tu. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ❑ FOR APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED 0 RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED 0 SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ AS REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS 0 RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS O FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT 0 DESCRIPTION ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 0 PRINTS RETURNED' AFTER LOAN TO US Office Use Only 0Corr 0TM 0Sv 0Ut 0Hy/So OPC/Per: OCalc • LO GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. Soil Engineering ♦ Geology A Environmental January 8, 2001 City of Fontana Department of Public Works 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Attention: Mr. Don Gdula Regarding: Jetting of Citrus Avenue Storm Drain Bedding Gentlemen, Project No. 61405.82 Pursuant to the request by KENKO Contractors Inc. to water density (jetting) the storm drain bedding for. the Citrus Avenue Project, we agree that jetting of the bedding material is necessary to ensure the bedding is placed around the pipe haunches. As .. to densification of the bedding to the required 90 percent relative compaction that will be determined in the field byin-place density testing. The density tests should be taken from the spring line or middle of the storm drain pipe to ensure proper compaction around the lower portion of pipe. The requirements of .section 306-1.3.3 of the "Greenbook" at a minimum should be followed. Additional compactive efforts however, may be required to achieve thee. specified ninety percent relative compaction. We trust this information meets your present needs. Please call if you have any questions. Respectfully, LOR Geotechnical Group, .Inc. M. Kevin Osmun CE55116 MKO:bms 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, CA 92507 ♦ (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This documen't. was 'con -Firmed. (re'duced sample and Beta i l s ,below Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned. City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana. CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 To: Dale Wintergerat From: Don Gdula Pax, 9.937-0202 - Dater December5,2000 Phone: 237-0200 - Prow 2 C Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment O Please Reply O Please Recycle .Comments, Data the Field Technician hours check will my Nos. The lag tests'I don't know about. The Technician doe: lake numerous field tests. 2 Total Pages Confirmed : 2, 12-.5-00; 9:21AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 395 99370202 12- 5-00; 9:2OAM 51" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct. BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed, LS: Local Scan RE: Resend , MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print, PD: Polled by Remote.. PG: Polling Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power .Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court • Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909).653.-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET ' Project No: (, /C/d. Date: (/.3'c1_ a / Project: ('.4,'h. ,/ �� Client: i ' / General Contractor: Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Street Tests Other Testing Hours Passing Failing Remarks: lient Representative: .Billing per current fee schedule or by contract.'` a LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6.121 Quail Valley Court "A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909).653-1741 .... FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: /c/vS / Date: 6/ 2 `/U Project: du S /4ZPl ' . /7../Av S/ yer- Client: Z- / ,/-'��; .t . General.' Contractor: /GCS j Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract: LOR ,GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Cotirt A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760,A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 41) r,/evo Date: f Project: g Client: Iki hI'`( General Contractor: Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests `Sere t Tes e./a Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, .INC 6121 Quail Valley Court'Riverside,'California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: /e/03T c Date:.'. . / /? J %. Project: i7Jl �� J(JY�/ G ) lOGz0' Client: . G. �� General Contractor: Services Performed - Staff Code Reg: Hours" Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot: Tests S Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing -z...;,,,Remarks: Failing LOR .Representative: Client Representative: Billingper current fee schedule or by contract., LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley _Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No 6 / (/US ef . Date G/_ / 7-� /D. / Project = ljJ �1S .- p 7z) . } lcJ�"e - Client: L , % ,ei% General Contractor: 4? A_ D Services Performed Grading. Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F.Tests: Sewer B.F. Tests'. Remarks: LOR Representative: Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Passing Failing Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract:! LOR'GEOTECHNICAL GROUP'INC 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909)653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: GI, / L/ DSDate: Project: (Pi -{- v S 4i,e / ,emu rG Client: General Contractor:. �. o c, 41LL Staff Code .. Reg. Hours : Other Hours Testing Hours Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. • LOR GEOTECHNICAL.GROUP, ! 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: Project: Client: General Contractor: Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Citreet Tes Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Staff Code Reg. Hours Testing Hours Passing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. cio Failing LORGEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC 6121 Quail Valley Court .iiverside,'California 92507 (909) 65.3-1760 A Fax (909)'653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: �/�% 'Date• Project: ,'>:'� 'f ;:i%'�.'.''0" Client: j • A / General Contractor: .": Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests .. Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests reei_Test-s "' Testing Hours Passing Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per, current fee schedule or by contract. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.. 6121 Quail Valley Coiiiii Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760''A Fax'(909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: C I �ll� S Fi Date:. C��,/ /�- U Project: C II�C )4 lie y,��es 4) J I_0k/P.r Client: General Contractor: e V O, ()I) 4/C_ --j- - s. Staff Code Reg: Hours .. Other Hours Sample Pickup. Testing Hours - Passing Failing Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: ' Billing. per current fee schedule orby contract. Project Project: Client:, General LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP; INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET No: ( /C �)S Date: fU /Ike/ TUW1)� Contractor: Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks: LOR Representative: Client Representative: Passing Staff Code Reg. Hours / Failing Billing per: current fee schedule .or by: contract.' 4 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD. SERVICE TICKET Project No: Project: Client: &/1/0 S- R Date: General Contractor: Services Performed Grading _ Staff Code Reg:.Hours Other Hours Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F.' Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street TeSt Sidewalk. / C & G Tests 7z Z, Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: c -P Billing per currentfee schedule or by contract. • is LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121:Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: / C� / 1w s"T� ` Date: 4-/-T U / Project: (9� -)v S /4., 71./rei p Stow„, — Client: . /)- ,'i. General Contractor: �� L Services Performed Grading Staff Code ." Reg. Hours Other lours. Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests S et et Te . Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks: Failing LOR Representative: `— Client Representative: Billing: per current fee schedule or, by contract. :Staff CodeReg. Hours Other. Hours Passing Failing LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California:92507_::, (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET. Project No: 6,01 0 S ; Date: Project: (--- )(---Ve SV rt) Client: L Y� ► V�� General Contractor: • \Le.L l&6 Services Performed Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests t et Test Remarks: Y,. Client Representative: BillingTer•current'fee schedule: or by contract. tt LOR GEOTECHNICAL GR OUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, .California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project. No: d®/yqg. €3 Date: l •a 9-00 Project: C+4ru$ eve Slove.- Client: 1. Q. K; r j / General Contractor: iiev, l`' -6 Services Performed. Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F.: Tests T Parking Lot Tests '. Street Tests Sidewalk /. C & G Tests... Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remar (t Passing Corircjfo - •)cs 4-4g.14: t/U�T r Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule orby contract. r:. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: 41'405.5 Date: ja-a8-oo Project: 'Cil rvv5 Plve .TVYViDG -� o Slovey' Client: General Contractor: KeY.\Cb Services Performed Staff Code Reg. Hours Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F. Tests Sewer B.F. Tests T-� Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Passing Remarks:.' La� Cow1�� 1 0. PS -r4Key. Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. '_l LOWGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, =INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD SERVICE TICKET Project No: (aI I OS1 Date: id.. c77-OO Project: C t 4ra5 7uvutt4 Client: L, D: K. 1,14 General Contractor:¢v.KO Services Performed Staff Code S lovfee- Reg. Hours : Other Hours Grading Water Line B.F. Tests Electrical Line B.F.Tests Sewer B.F. Tests Parking Lot Tests Street Tests Sidewalk / C & G Tests Sample Pickup Other Testing Hours Remarks:( ) Passing CoJ% eat•53- Kr►k Failing LOR Representative: Client Representative: Billing per current fee schedule or by contract. Date: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909)' 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: /y'J c Client - • 6, Contractor: �rc Project:. -h 1 ,% JZnf ..4 .r�Lu Equipment: f� Time of Arrival: %:l-L%/.� Time of Departure: ,�.'.?d/t/ Weather Conditions: w/.,s�G�lcrA-► REPORT: () f(Z /2 1 P' --r. --17` al ..1.L-f.... /s jLi 74,40r4.5."'Z /d')e'',d7 Ce'eAt'iPe 4," e7,-._,'4.. -74-4 , (4_,erx, -4.--e-e7‘k" ei--1-, //, /<-:-.././ 7f,-ee (J) rim o -7 / `7,, i4 ,-/ -� /,'� a-� A-_," r 7 +- i„ / // c5=4 . fo 74 h., A.. 0 /2J6./ (- / o l f 6 il-ae ,-‘• _I he i 1 4 S /I 4 ,- 4,4, ate. A Special Conditions: LOR Representative: (' G✓� �►— Copy Received By: Date: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 • Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client Z. • b. Project: Time of Arrival: 7 ()Z. i Time of Departure: Contractor: Equipment: •5 — Project No: („jc/Q STc:P 7?/6, Z/Zr, / lj Weather Conditions: �iyG, 7 G()f-y.%r REPORT: ()� C I YUe pit ika) J, Cat".. 144rz tf.�iC( 6Z2�j1 -PAr>(J()� CI)Ur cg; CP 1�G S r � --1ivc,�s7 4-0o - 14 foz 04._ _is.. ex. ---e -Vo1itA ro(//-zoo/� • 1 -><c 7G Zci - ere) , c 7o °/ 2.e : ql -vo 97/ w fib Ll s ><U& . 93-Z Sze. , I I 93 -/ EG, , 3-5 475- 9 d / Vic• s'i 47r . 5;,1 A} f,.(Zo. Special Conditions: 4/-e /e- /r- )4i 4,4 � ia7• !/,.f(..) /(Js LOR Representative: -Copy Received By: Date c-/= 2 o Client Project:�`i-f/US / Time of Arrival: 7. J,yi Time of Departure: %..e/rtf/LI Weather Conditions: c,L1 u /tt'&ri '. LOR"GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.' 6121 Quail Valley Court .A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No Contractor: gG-'' /n JLo bivp 4 ,. / /'Equipment: REPORT: A c i --t , - h i ecA. 0 ocA-) l". c-k-fee-L (,(),‘ 11 0G. (61 Special Conditions: LOR Representative: py Received By: '1 Date. G% /q--D, Client Project: �i- •:Time of Arrival: 7 "O (..)A4,1 Time of Departure: '. //.MG /pi Weather Conditions: REPORT: h f' ie �D.ii' /' -7441 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court At. Riverside, California 92507 (909),653; 1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT. Project No: Contractor: (4 / e' r / - Equipment: �{ /S L/4 (vey-li } s z iz(", 1, 9/K ,PC,. , S,r.9/ 4:477:, ( 6-.f/6,6 -744 .3-6 6-6 yt OZ) Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: t.4t Date:Cl-,/ 7 O / LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1.760'A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: („/t/[)S;$ Client b. le,'h r Contractor: / Project; yV S /`U I'U 4-6S(OVC�X Equipment:�t �c'� G" 1�� t�Ga /1'�� 6i n'� I T—r,c� Time of Arrival: 7:0(,) MY7 Time of Departure: „.7.(a)I'J Weather Conditions: )}i y / /! REPORT: OtA S i r('bveJ4" 1ki 10� (°; -mac (A)\"•- r r (AI S. 4-i 1 re Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Received By: • =an Date: c/:/&- U / LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: (/ 4/C)S. Client G L) 4/h 'Contractor: le, Project: Ape U1./r27,4 7, ('%144r Equipment: 7270//i�r, Time of Arrival: . G/S ," Time of Departure: %7.'01pm Weather Conditions: REPORT:�`�, _ �,, : �, 7` /� 1 � PP 7 '7.�-/,] %• I)" d' er, r",i%/ / , '4 -Z / /r'l./,��1 ,-)A1 r/^T"� ??? "1 di ��, �''.�" /, `•� 7,�N .."-1 /%/ / 17 it4-9 •,/ /_< / /n / f'd' /ref C1)41 0 1 ., 71/2i.. F. f/ �.J r' i., /44, , %^r uz rZ) % -rx' 1.t,4 K' .., /.. ,L! ,,, ' r^/ />V �y.- 4 - 6� ,-. 9 3"� R G R. L./v, -he- ;,-/ 1� 7Y -f /�/ •% ,� rKf 7-r./1-7 l ' , L H r a k l! �, it vg. ` 6.0 a 1-- /� � u.6-> AVG, S ,--7/ ii f - vh Special Conditions: LOR Representative: opy Received By: LOR,GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A. Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD, REPORT Date: G/_ / 3- d / Project No: („/ t-/O 8. Client / : i11 q.• Contractor: 4A Project: �i i4V S . f �lr"/ l c, rV��. , S'( gYEquipment: /2^-e Time of Arrival: 7k n'i Time of ,Departure: / ( .) 4.4 Weather Conditions: citi ki ,4,,b /;Gtr REPORT: G'l r wf cre-a744� tjc or> r+ c/o a O) Cc/ U/ Ljl sieG SIC•, Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: ' Date: Client Project: Time of Arrival: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760:`Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: i A9 � , Contractor:' ✓ri . G' /,?i/,7; '7d/�> l/��' Equipment. L Syr :,,4- '4;r'" !� •°/9�.�. �� �, !,lifyl Time of Departure: ei O.7)J2M Weather Conditions: /'. /),/ I REPORT: der. %^r' 4..:9) /' :.. ,gin l / i ` � / l ..‹, � )) 7f __.),,9 / / (' li ,'. /'C�/,<--7', ,''-r;'--,�( ,c if`' -•),{ -7'.^ ! :-- /i.--r ///.: -J/e J //k .-// /=d*l^ /)`':, c.. i, /; 67,, / y/ ,1 C /l / (/ .„+ c.e- .Special Conditions: LOR Representative: '� py;Received By: Date: Li-; LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1.760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-17.41 FIELD REPORT Client -i1".9 Contractor: Project: C ;-rwS Qj(0U rEquipment: Time of; Arrival: 7 n-nnkvI Time of Departure: Z :30Ph+ Weather Conditions: C. 1C1.r(Li (66 Project No: Co1 L/OS", J W\-e_1 REPORT: �,. ; - � �p�r (',e)1712-d r".)- C in,,A-•l-p,r 6°,0 A-4 ,. ire r1 ry SOU X A •• : jaws PcV, 7. C 4-9--‘4c . 1-0 Pa 6 S4 P W1M-J-1)4t0LU C/^ 17-4,1 r (-1 , yl�l'rt �rf Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: erS-ec Time of Arrival: 7 (J ), - ,Time of Departure: VO-77Weather Conditions: REPORT: Csi Ce Date: " (/- iv- O LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741; FIELD REPORT Project No: ` 6, /'-/U S. g' Client %� Contractor: �Le� Lib IUt� Project: 7LArype - • S i e...4- Equipment: £/1,4, 7C4,..4, kr., uv� 4,. (: V Y (� � -` 6, P rt' '17vA3ce-f Sac -Cb G JG. vr (22. Vic--s( )(4) (\04. irtrA T (G"7 re'SV--4� Ca I1n. ,a? VtJeI 1 Via 9` c--6/ (?p t 4 -V;V P C e� t p c-h Ott . 0. l,A))2 i � e A �� , )o AC 01--. c; -1Q tA-4. w�-ny-d -. //- c / >) r •-k--IA- I T-01 -4'71-1 c", I C-t) 1 I6Gc_lC l .1 'f°`lit/\ +--r_:, E. ',.-iY°Av-,1 L 7.7 vc_41uz, Special Conditions: LOR Representative: /- Copy Received By: Date: /- 'l U/ LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client G A L , ii Contractor: Project: ,'-ws P Vh , i r1i �� -(fir) twee - Equipment: Time of Arrival: `7'.67jc.tM Time of Departure: Project No: („ /c/(); p .,'4 i \;-!. // .<) //a-- 9.' Y)Gly1 Weather Conditions: (160, /y /"/j 4 n REPORT}: o. S � �e eaex• rPtirl- l' 1 ice.. - z:.)r . f'.c�t,vb. ue c c k 't •, Sur ---r ► a A 17. G 11S.v j j• 4- -r-= Il 1 7 u r-L� P -1 z, l,01 l \ .... 611'\ \(90 V I Vl I . (.-1 t j-ea L . - A crr..4 7,z 6/, Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Date: 1- D LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 (909)653-1760 A Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Client I G b; £ In 1 Contractor: Project: i' tw• Y'� tie , v rvp� -tt S l o UP.r ,Equipment: Time of Arrival: 7 '• ) V wt Time of Departure: Z•, C5Up Weather Conditions: REPORT: !"- 4t' �e t i'F' 3 `t ( U,„ "F-, a se 1•'14 G c.1 V1P l 45' G i-c, Z G'1 Y P �J iY I n 47)1 1M..6 b i, (� (.` L. — G 1 1S4-v0 , Ct (6/g ;C. , 7-(re F4 c- 1G `% e.C. S e, ? 1 G L� (0 `� (.C. 4- CS c-,A=4r 7 S-4 00 c't) 2, c -bre? 4- S4-, 7 00 q6,-/, , Special Conditions: LOR Representativ Copy Received' By: 77777 Y ..r: • �. Y.;� . { Date•. LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC.' 6121 Quail ValleyCourt A Riverside, California 92507 (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 FIELD REPORT Project No: („/L/ ) Client Z. / , // Contractor: /2,.0 d ,� Project: (, '/t,;S ,'`—�t,, IG:+Y v"p rid rEquipment: ,?�'fa /,„,.. Time of Arrival: 7 (i)Z01 Time of Departure: r '! 57/4., Weather Conditions: Ln REPORT:c, i -h 17�;•r l-- ()S 7VC'lJ %6^-A. rv5 ro,cIns )(c O l: {Projes-F' (• I46,Se a~ eAnc a }r1 tv1 1qSS 6 -i i,.\1 lzoc1r6/-3-G ) .+r cn cjj4���; c) f ) I A (f) c� . r 93 `4 IZ:. C S r• Special Conditions: LOR Representative: Copy Received By: Water/Cement Ratio as Poured: Slump: 1 1/4" Air Temp: 68 Type of Material: Specimen Type: Marking Set# - Spec.# LOR EOTECHNICAL GROU , INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court, Riverside, CA 92507 (909) 653-1760 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Client: L.D. King 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, Ca. 91764 Steve Bauer Project: Storm Drain, Citrus Ave., Jurupa to Slover Ave. Project Location: Citrus Ave. Contractor: Kenko Area of Pour: Storm Drain Inlet, Sta. 11+05 Arch/Eng: N.I. Project No.: 61405.8 Date: 4/11/01 Concrete Supplier: Calaveras Ready Mix Design Str.: 3,250 psi Max. Size Agg.: 1" in. Mix: 1528 ' Ticket No.: 83-8543157 Admix: Fly Ash Air Ent: NJ. No. of Specimens Molded: 5 Water Added On Job: 4 Gal. N.I. Concrete Temp: 60 Concrete Cylinder Date Date Molded Received Date Tested Molded By: Chad Goodwin Submitted By: Specimen Size: Test Period (Days) Chad Goodwin 3/14/01 3/15/01 3/14/01 3/15/01 3/14/01 3/15/01 3/14/01 3/15/01 3/21/01 3/28/01 4/11/01 4/11/01 3,272 4,221 5,297 5,289 7 14 28 28 6" X 12" Load. (Lbs) 92,535 119,370 149,775 149,555 Compressive Strength (psi) Respectfully submitted: '.LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 TO: Kenko, Inc. 1025 Calimesa Calimesa,•CA 92320 ATTN: Paul Anderson, Foreman Project: Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain from Jupura Avenue to Slover Avenue Date: April 5, 2001 FROM: Don Gdula, Special Projects We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under separate cover via The following item(s): ( ) Drawing (X) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples (') ,Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 3 .4-5-01 2922 Citrus Ave. & Santa Ana Ave. Road Closure Plan Purpose: Please (X) For your information/records .( ) Submit original ( ) For approval ( ) Resubmit copies for ( ) Approved as submitted approval (X) For your use Submit copies for ( ) Approved as noted ( ) As requested ( ) For review and comment ( ) Returned for corrections ( ) Other ( ) For bid due: , 2001 ( ) Prints returned after loaned Remarks: Citrus Received Copy to: LDK Survery Crew (2 copies) Steve Nix, LDK (1 copy/) Pub. Wks. Insp. (SB) (1 copy) Project Coordinator (1 copy) LOR Geotechnical (1 copy) . S.B.Co Rd. Permit Insp. (BM) (1 copy). Hanging File ( ) ( ) ( ) to: distribution Returncorrected prints Other Signed: Date: April 5, 2001 GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. -r- ® Soil Engineering ♦ Geology ♦ Environmental November 14, 2000 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335-3525 Attention: Mr. Greg Bucknell, P.E. Project No. 61405.8 Subject: Bedding Gravel, Citrus Avenue Sewer from Jurupa to Stover Avenues, Fontana, California. Gentlemen, The results of our sieve analysis test taken from the stockpile delivered to the project on November 6, 2000 indicated the crushed gravel was slightly coarser than specified. The test results indicated the sample was 4 percent coarser on the 3/4" and '/2" screens. This slightly coarser material should perform satisfactorily if properly consolidated around the pipe. The contractor has been informed of the test results and the manufacturer of the crushed gravel bedding is making changes for the material to meet specification. Samples will be obtained throughout the project to ensure quality compliance. We trust this information meets your needs. Should you have any questions, please contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully, LOR Geotechnical Group, Inc. M. Kevin Osmun, CE 55116 Vice President 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦Riverside, California 92507 ♦ (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 Client/Project Name Requested by: 6 Q ‘ J i ) Project Engineer: LABORATORY TEST REQUEST`SHEET Project No. Cp I LI OS , ?� Date Sampled: I Results Due by: (_{A P Test(s) Conducted by (Name Test(s) Started on (Date). //-!o FCC) Test(s) Recorded on Time Card of (Name Test(s) Completed On (Date) //-- c,© Sample ID ' F55..b) SOIL AND AGGREGATE N U lU X U 0, 0 N 4 a) .-I b V 0 V, a) cn 0 'ASPHALT. Comments: TEST NO. NO. BILLED DATE RECEIVED CALC. Bc":,, A%PPROVED BY DATE REPORTED L 1^ CIC) • ❑DISTRICT DIRECTOR ❑ IMS. MAT'LS. ENGR. ❑ RESIDENT ENGINEER ❑CONSTRUCTION ❑TRANS. LAB. ❑ PAV'T.SECTION ❑ ACCOUNTING GRADING ANALYSIS SIEVE AS RECENED RET. CR. ADJ-OR COMB. GRADE AS USED RE SPECIF. LIMITS: SOUGHT 0 J. 1, 1/ 34 4 /00 Z 8 Z /00 PORT OF TESTS ON SOURCE IF CONTRACT, USE CONTRACT ITEM CHARGE EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION 1 ii 1 II SPECIAL DESIGNATION IUSC WHEN APPLICABLE) 1111 1 ..I 1 1 1 1 I ,... it / TEST. SPECIMEN 90.-/061DATE TESTED.- 30-t'Li1ei COMPACTOR FOOTPRESSUREP.S.I. 0—Zo INITIAL MOISTURE _ 7. 0-5 SOAK WATER ML 1 I 1 1 ACTIVITY OR OBJECT A B 1 _1 I AMOUNT 1 1 1. I t • 1 C I - - 1 1 L D 8 WATER ADDED-ML (TOTAL) 16 30 WATER ADDED x MOISTURE AT COMPACTION- 7. 50 WET WT. OF BRIQUETTE-GMS 100 • HEIGHT OF.BRIQUETTE-INCHES 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 08 0.6 �TIAL:M P'UP(M Ut I IL.-1V1 r As . EXPANSION PRESSURE CHART 1111111111if11t1f111llfitufft111111111titll1I filft:::ittllur.1f111111111 1It1�1�111It2t13•.ttllt1111111lItItlllfRllil tlrMN UIt11::11lllllliliftttt 0.4 ' .......1 - 0.4 0.6 0 8 1 0 1 1 4 1.6 8 coven THICKNESS ST EXPANSION PRESSURE -►CET 200 511. DRY DENSITY OF BRIO.- k''CU. FT. STABILOMETER PH AT 2000 LBS, OISPLACEMENT R-VALUE BY STABILOMETER GRADING AS USED WAS OBTAINED AS FOLLOWS: EXUDATION•PRES. P.S.I. 7. BY WT. % BY VOL. TEST NO. DESCRIPTION THICK, BY STAB. FEET EXPANSION DIAL READING THICK, BY.EXP. PRESS. FEET REMARKS: R-VALUE BY EXPANSION TEST RESULTS SPEC. LL. P.L. P.I. SP, OR, SLLKiOVEN DRY) a SULK (SSD) APPARENT C., or u PY2 2C 1- C FINE COARSE SURFACE BASE 111 AS REC'D. AS R E010. CRUSHED CRUSHED' SUBBASE 1- J COMBINED GRADE REL. CCMPACT'1ON DATA 100 REV. IN PLACE OPTIMUM 500 REV. DENSITY GRAVEL EQUIVALENT FACTOR TRAFFIC INDEX 0 DI MOISTURE pc % REL. COMP.:_• 0: EXUDATION PRESSURE '. CRUSHED PARTICLES SPEC. EXPANSION PRESSURE AT EQUILIBRUM SPEC. IND CATED MINIMUM THICKNESS OF COVER FOR ABOVE CONDITIONS (FEET) w 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 EXUDATION PRESSURE CHART i'iiiitotluuuiu sut.ulstmuutauue:::1 ituuostlitutuuuuuul 1• : i t:iuuutu iltuuuluuuiulluuullllt:� : ttl:l:faifltutllfl111tlutt Ililtlttlttuttt111lut1111t:11u1'It tst:l::.:::ttlt:l:tt:111t11t111tIuutu11 t 11111111 titlt111111itllll1111111 HU:1111111111t1::I:11 1 800 700 600 500 400 300 EXUDATION PRESSURE (PS1) Litt luuuu H!E llll 200 100 -TL-36I (Rer.IO/78) - CSP Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202 Nov-7-00 10:01AM; • Page 3/3 LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507 TO L.D. King, Inc. 2151. Convention Center Way Suite 100B Ontario, Califorina 91764. Attn: Mr. Mike Thorton P.O. NO. Invoice DATE 11 /1 /2000 INVOICE if PROJECT Citrus Avenue Sewer and. Storm Drain From Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Fontana, California TERMS 4888 PROJECT NO. Due on receipt DESCRIPTION Senior Field Technician Sand Equivalent Proctor (4") • Sieve Analysis (Soil) R-Value Proctor (6" or Cal-216) Sieve Analysis (Aggregate) Sand Equivalent (QC) PROGRESS BILLING: QUANTITY RATE 61405.8 AMOUNT q ® 7 3° 3 4 1 1 1 1 56.00 45.00 100.00 55.00 200.00 130.00 75.00 75.00 4,088.00 135.00 400.00 55.00 200.00 130.00 75.00 150.00. Total $ 5, 233.00 City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue. Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 ❑'Urgent ❑ For Review ❑Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: Dale the Field Technician hours check with my files. The lab tests I don't know about. ,The Technician does take numerous field tests. • LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507 TO L.D. King, Inc.. 2151 Convention Center Way Suite 100B Ontario, Califorina 91764 O� 'lO�a DATE 47 12/1/2000 Invoice INVOICE # 4935 PROJECT Citrus Avenue Sewer and Storm Drain From Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Fontana, California P.O. NO. TERMS PROJECT NO. Due on receipt 61405.8 DESCRIPTION Senior Field Technician Project Engineer/Geologist Sieve Analysis (Aggregate) Clerical Proctor (4") Sand Equivalent 40* QUANTITY 172.5v. 3.5 1 2 5 • PROGRESS BILLING: RATE AMOUNT 56.00 90.00 75.00 42.00 100.00. 45.00 9,660.00 315.00 75.00 84.00 500.00 180.00 nor) ,.,'.. :..r Total S10,814.00 abed •`Wd61.:E 00-t -oa0 Z0Z0 LE6 606 !DNIN 01 :As ;ues Sent By; LD KING; 909 937 0202 ; Dec-4-00 3:19PM; Page 1 To: Don Gdula wanG Engi neers/Ylanners/Surveyors FAX TRANSMITTAL Job/File No: 12416 Company: City of Fontana Date: December 4, 2000 Fax No.: 350-6618 From: D. Wintergerst ® FOR YOUR INFORMATION ® FOR YOUR REVIEW & COMMENT ❑ PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN • ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW BY MAIL SPECIAL !NSTRUCTUONS/COMMENTS: Don please verify LOR Invoice #4935 12/ 1 /00. No. of Pages: 12 ® AS REQUESTED ❑ PLEASE CALL AFTER YOU HAVE RECIEVED • • PLEASE CALL AND VERIFY RECEIPT OF FAX ❑ OTHER L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 10013 Ontario, California 91764 909/937-0200 • Fax: 909/937-0202 • • LORGEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. Soil Engineering ♦ Geology ♦ Environmental November 14, 2000 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335-3525 Attention: Mr. Greg Bucknell, P.E. Project No. 61405.8 Subject: Bedding Gravel, Citrus Avenue Sewer from Jurupa to Slover Avenues, Fontana, California. Gentlemen, The results of our sieve analysis test taken from the stockpile delivered to the project. on November 6, 2000 indicated the crushed gravel was slightly coarser than specified. The test results indicated the sample was 4 percent coarser on the 3/4" and %Z " screens. This slightly coarser material should perform satisfactorily if properly consolidated around the pipe. .The contractor has been informed of the test results and the manufacturer of the crushed gravel bedding is making changes for the material to meet specification. Samples will be obtained throughout the project to ensure quality compliance. We trust this information meets your needs. Should you, have anyquestions, please contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully, LOR Geotechnical Group, Inc. M. Kevin Osmun, CE 55116 Vice President 6121 Quail Valley Court A Riverside, California 92507 ♦ (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741 • GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC. Soil Engineering ♦ Geology ♦ Environmental November 14, 2000 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335-3525 Attention: Mr. Greg Bucknell, P.E. Project No. 61405.8 Subject: Bedding Gravel, Citrus Avenue Sewer from Jurupa to Slover Avenues, Fontana, California. Gentlemen, The results, of our sieve analysis test taken from the stockpile delivered to the project on November 6, 2000 indicated the crushed gravel was slightly coarser than specified. The test results indicated the sample was 4 percent coarser on the 'A" and '/2 " screens. This slightly coarser material should perform satisfactorily if properly consolidated around the pipe. The contractor has been informed of .the test results and the manufacturer of the crushed gravel bedding is making changes for the material to meet specification. Samples will be obtained throughout the project to ensure quality compliance. We trust this information meets your needs. Should you have anyquestions, please contact this firm at your convenience. Respectfully, LOR Geotechnical Group, Inc. M. Kevin Osmun, CE 55116 Vice President 6121 Quail Valley Court ♦ Riverside, California 92507 ♦ (909) 653-1760 ♦ Fax (909) 653-1741