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Tract No. 17021 Hydrology Study
CITY OF FONTANA TRACT NO. 17021 HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULICS REPORT June 2005 Prepared By: Van Dell and Associates, Inc. Daniel D. Villines, P.E. Director of Water Resources (949) 474-1400 Table of Contents I. Introduction 1 II. Rational Method Analysis 1 III. Hydraulic Analysis 2 IV. Catch Basin Analysis 2 V. Proposed Drainage Improvements 2 VI. Existing RP3 Groundwater Recharge Facility 4 VII. Hydrology Map 5 VIII. Technical Appendices 6 X:\Projects\881 0105\ENG\DOC\REP\17021 Hydrology Report 6-16-05.doc 1 L Introduction Tract 17021 (Project) is a proposed 3.28-acre, single family residential subdivision located in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. The proposed tract is bounded on the north by Jurupa Avenue, on the west by Live Oak Avenue, and on the south and east by existing tract 16110. The proposed tract is situated on at the corner of Jurupa Avenue and Live Oak Avenue adjacent to existing residential development. In the existing condition, there is no offsite flow entering the Project site. For the proposed condition, an offsite (0.18-acre) flow from the northeasterly portion of Live Oak Avenue contributes approximately 0.47 cfs into the Project site. The street will convey the 100-year storm flow to the catch basins located at the west of the project in the proposed condition. The catch basins will collect the Project site runoff to proposed 24-inch storm drain laterals, which will discharge to an existing 72-inch storm drain line in Live Oak Avenue. A hydraulic model for the existing 72-inch RCP with the proposed 24-inch lateral was assembled using the software "Water Surface Pressure Gradient' (WSPG) to demonstrate the proposed development and lateral will not adversely impact the existing storm drain. This report contains the proposed condition hydrology and hydraulic analyses for the subdivision. II. Rational Method Analysis The San Bernardino County Flood Control District (District) Hydrology Manual, published in 1986, (Hydrology Manual) provided the guidelines and procedures for the 25- and 100-year Rational Method analyses. The parameters used for the rational method are summarized below. • Hydrologic boundaries were based on lot and street grading plans for the subdivision. The boundaries are depicted on Figure 1, Hydrology Map, included in this report. • The underling hydrologic soil group is exclusively Type A as shown on Figure C- 7 of the Hydrology Manual. • The rainfall depths used in the rational method analyses were based on those reported on Hydrology Manual Figure B-3 and B-4 for the 10-year, 1-hour and 100-year, 1-hour storm events. These values were used to calculate the 1-hour rainfall intensity and the slope of the intensity/duration curve. The 25-year rainfall data was based on values derived from Hydrology Manual Figure D-2. • The development density of the Project will be approximately 5-7 dwelling units per acre, which correlates to 50% impervious areas per Figure C-4. The rational method analysis was performed with software developed by CIVILDESIGN Corporation for both the 25- and 100-year storm events. The software was designed to accept watershed data and perform rational method analyses in accordance with the X:\Projects\881_0105\ENG\DOC\REP\17021 Hydrology Report 6-16-05.doc 1 Hydrology Manual. The software defines sub areas and routing paths by means of upstream and downstream node numbers. The Hydrology Map, Figure 1, shows the location of all node numbers used in the rational method analysis. Table 1 Rational Method Hydrology Maximum 10-Year and 100-Year Storm Drain Flow Rates Downstream Tributary Maximum Maximum Node Area 25-Year Q 100-Year Q Number (Ac) (cfs) (cfs) 15 1.61 3.75 4.86 25 1.67 3.51 4.54 30 3.28 7.26 9.39 Ill. Hydraulic Analysis The hydraulic analysis of the storm drain lines used the Water Surface Pressure Gradient (WSPG) computer software. WSPG calculates frictional losses and corresponding velocities and depths in prismatic conveyances. The input parameters consist of station and invert elevation as well as conveyance geometry and horizontal changes. WSPG also considers losses resulting from manhole structures and lateral junctions. The WSPG input and output files are included in the technical appendices of this report. IV. Catch Basin Analysis Catch basins were analyzed with the FlowMaster computer software, which used the procedures provided in the Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 (HEC-12) published by the U.S. Department of Interior, Federal Highway Administration. The HEC-12 procedures include considerations for street cross slope, gutter slope, local depression depth, and inlet length. The FlowMaster analyses are included in the technical appendices of this report. V. Proposed Drainage Improvements The proposed drainage improvements for the Project include a lateral connection to the existing 72-inch storm drain system located at Live Oak Avenue. At the proposed Colby Place roadway, a new storm drain lateral will be extended from the existing Live Oak Avenue storm drain into the proposed tract, which will then branch into two lateral storm drain pipes. Each lateral pipe will collect flows from approximately half of the tract. The termination of each lateral will include catch basin inlets sized to allow storm water flow to enter the proposed storm drain system. Under existing conditions, the Project site drains to the Live Oak Avenue storm drain by an existing 24-inch RCP lateral. This existing lateral will be removed as a part of the X:\Projects\881 0105\ENG\DOC\REP\17021 Hydrology Report 6-16-05.doc 2 proposed Project drainage improvements described above. Therefore, a WSPG hydraulic model of the existing storm drain in Live Oak Avenue was prepared to evaluate the effects of the removal of the existing lateral and the incorporation of the proposed lateral required for the Project. The water surface elevation in Declez Channel, at its junction with the Live Oak Avenue storm drain, as shown on the As -Built plans for the system, was used as the controlling water surface elevation for the downstream limit of the WSPG analysis. This assumption is supported by the sub -critical (pressurized) nature of the flow in the Live Oak Avenue storm drain that is depicted on the As -Built plans. The results of the WSPG analysis show that the existing Live Oak Avenue storm drain system has adequate capacity to manage the changes in the lateral connections proposed as a part of the Project. The resulting hydraulic grade line was plotted on a copy of the As -Built plans of the Live Oak Avenue storm drain and is included in the technical appendices following the printout of the WSPG analysis. The WSPG analyses for the two lateral pipes were analyzed under the conservative assumption that the peak flow rate for the main 72-inch storm drain system in Live Oak Avenue will occur at the same time as the peak flow rate in the two laterals (Peak -to - Peak). The results of this assumption provide for the maximum computed hydraulic grade line (HGL) at the upstream end of the laterals for comparison with adjoining local depression elevations, street grades, and freeboard requirements. Another result of the conservative Peak -to -Peak assumption, however, is that the computed 100-year flow velocities in the two laterals are less than the 2 feet -per -second (fps) City -minimum. Therefore, the following factors should also be considered during the review of the hydraulics of the two laterals. These factors represent more realistic and less conservative assumptions, which if implemented, would result in flow velocities that exceed the 2 fps City -minimum in the two laterals. These factors were reviewed verbally with Mr. Ricardo Garay of the City Public Works Department and were found to be acceptable justification for the presently proposed storm drain improvements. • The peak flow rate for the two laterals, which drain a total of 3.46 acres, will not occur at the same time that the peak of the main 72-inch storm drain system in Live Oak Avenue occurs. Thus, the flow velocity in the two laterals at the time of their respective peaks will be approximately equal to their respective normal depth velocities, which exceed 2 fps. • In the unlikely occurrence that the aforementioned Peak -to -Peak assumption is realized under a 100-year storm event, the maximum HGL in the main 72-inch storm drain system in Live Oak Avenue will only exist for a very short duration. Once the peak flow rate is reached in the 72-inch line, the HGL will recede and flow velocities in the adjoining two laterals will increase beyond 2 fps. • Low -flows from the development that are conveyed through the two laterals will occur in the absence of significant flow in the main 72-inch storm drain system in Live Oak Avenue. Thus, low -flows in the laterals will occur at normal depth with respective velocities that exceed 2 fps. X:\Projects\881_0105\ENG\DOC\REP117021 Hydrology Report 6-16-05.doc 3 VI. Existing RP3 Groundwater Recharge Facility An existing groundwater recharge facility, RP3, is located at the northwest intersection of Beach Avenue and the existing Declez Channel, approximately 2,000 feet to the southeast of the Project site. The RP3 facility intercepts low -flows in Declez Channel by way of a rubber dam diversion device and sends the diverted flows to a series of groundwater recharge basins. The rubber dam device is designed to deflate and terminate its function during a significant, design -level, or 100-year storm event. The rubber dam diversion is situated on Declez Channel at a location that is upstream of the point of connection of the existing storm drain facility in Live Oak Avenue. Therefore, the RP3 facility, and/or its rubber dam diversion device, will not have any adverse impact on the proposed Project or vice versa. X:\Projects\881 0105\ENG\DOC\REP\17021 Hydrology Report 6-16-05.doc 4 VII. Hydrology Map Figure 1 — Rational Method Hydrology Map and Location Map X:\Projects\881_0105\ENG\DOC\REP\17021 Hydrology Report 6-16-05.doc PROPO$`ED 10 24" SDI RCP I i, Y JURUPA 19. AVENUE 955 --TT. 947.7. 2.74 Q,»=4.86 025=3.75 PAD = 951,2 PAD = 951.2 Mows 11 PAD/= 95Q,7 i PLUG EXIST. III t JXN. SPUR I JI ril EXIST. 727 SD (1' I (I 1 If DWG. 1822 r I' i . PAD =2 9 940.8 c=12 17 947.75 c=4.2.79 Q100= 4. Q25=3.51 PAD = 950.7 —EX D WG..1_8.0 5 AD = 952,. 1.3 PAD = 952,8 F •� PAD = 951,8 1.61 1 -____ r = 95 16 951.2 ...i..�...r�.. REMOVE EXISt. 24" SDI & GMP RISER 1 1✓ PAD = 951.7 L I t I TRACT NO. . i t PAD = 2,2 40' .. DRIVE PAD = 952,7 I 0' 20' 40' AD .953.2 PAD = 953,2 ..- 80' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1'" = 40' MH \I AD = 953.8\\j PAL = 953,5 5+00 .� -.-.. MHG 952.40 PAD = 953. I L. PAD = 953.8 Q 953.84 20 953, 84 0 MULBERRY AVE JURUPA AVE DECLEZ BASIN w U Il W Q W3 w a>11j a ¢ II 3 M IIJURUPAII IAVF 1 II I 11 L II D CI F7 1 CHANNFI 1)-� RP3 INFILTRATION BASIN CASCADA CT WILLOW DRIVE VICINITY MAP N.T.S. THOMAS BROTHERS MAP REFERENCE SAN BERNARDINO AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2003 EDITION PAGE 644, D-2 LEGEND . . Tc Q 'too Q 25 TRIBUTARY AREA, ACRES NODE NO. WITH ELEVATION TRIBUTARY AREA BOUNDARY FLOW LINES DIRECTION OF FLOW TIME OF CONCENTRATION 100 YR STORM (MIN.) 100 YR RUNOFF 25 YR RUNOFF NOTE: USE LOCAL DEPRESSION CASE "B". VAN DELL AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineers Planners Surveyors 17801 Cartwright Road, Irvine, CA. 92614 T:(949) 474-1400 F:(949) 225-5989 Internet Site: www.VanDeIICE.com CITY OF FONTANA TRACT NO. 17021 HYDROLOGY MAP DATE 2-05 FIGURE 1 VIII. Technical Appendices • 100-Yr Storm Hydrology Calculations • 25-Yr Storm Hydrology Calculations • 100-Yr FlowMaster Catch Basin Calculations • WSPG Calculation for Storm Drain Line 1-A and Line 1-B X:\Projects\881_0105\ENG\DOC\REP\17021 Hydrology Report 6-16-05.doc ( d -•• I, ,, I rviriiivr i [LAltiwatran.a pu . 11,111511111 .. ti lir,,..,../A1 :111.1 I, :NM uric*/ low puiggionwinru 12111.41:rlospiaim It is..e .4 In• ICIEril 11101 IV . r. Min u polgi„,915,- '' 0111114" I rfAR7 urea-Agoi.-6 34Bordr ,r tiMif VP fP0 di ").,. • 1.4j 0 z 0 a. 0 0 cc 2 g SOIL GROUP DESIGNATION 4 LL tr 0 0 LU z u. 0 z SOUTHWEST-C AREA F, ,. / / r 1 •-• --1 ) •ir = I, s 0 . , 7 u I i i SAN BERN EOM Lu---- SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY a. a 2 X 2 HYDROLOGY MANUAL MN IMO II= Mil I= =I NMI MIMI MINI INN NM Mill NMI MIN MIMI NMI 11111111 T3N TIS 1.1 •1•••061 • T2S +- T3S 3 1 - 117d45' - I- Y- • I / I•ft8W • W I R6W ',KLANI 1 7°;30 -I b innimme NON- R5W i 4W I 1117°I15 HESPERIA I 1 1 I I litiaGRITT. I I.I — I , 1.2 IUICERNE VALLEY !;� ;:_1*.j1 LS / � d' •, /� ' l _ ��� _ Il.r'� s , 4.— � •r — — -St aI- y_ilIJi • '•; . `ALEMT,.. ortwr swami, iihk ALT o�llll� II• CF.ex� 4.7 18 I 1 N4 • siiiirjoup:1-4ND 111101=121111LMIPAIIIMIIIMMt ADC° 11115 C ��� `�.� � io(� N/' .4. RIALTO 1/41MEI� M_ Mgr difi ,_.•_��.f-IL�R�w e I _�: �..uw. _ .. • :. :pn �.. ..—... ra i''. �MEM >RAOO OD CONTROL :ASIN .•`--- R7W • R6 30 CRESTMORE R5W. C LIST AVE. 1.1111111E— ' GREEK REDLANDS SAN BERNA DINO RSIDE ?I?o7e -r 5x-re SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL COLTON -1- VALLEY A aW'OANY o°oLAND AV REDUCED DRAWING SCALE IEE= 4 MILES LEG END: .8 1SOLINES PRECIPITATION (INCHES) _ R2E °- - T�4N -77 _ A L DV/1N L (DPr1 I 1 /: MN OA 1 I / I-. •I —r c I- }- --F - •- 1— I !( �w 1 \1 i �,E_TIN_ \Ey CDo �I-- 1- - v. I `i -i — I FFif�GpPpO�`� / I I I I NI G. RIE I ! :1 • • oY 'VS R - E llil �34°00' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT VALLEY AREA ISOHYETALS Yio — 10 YEAR I HOUR BASED ON U.SD.C., N,O.AA. ATLAS 2, 1973 APPROVED BY A/ /J �' 7� FLOo C T /LJf R DATE 1982 SCALE I"• 2 Mi. FILE NO. WRD-1 DRWG. NO. 3 of 12 I _ I L lI� I 1111111MMIIMINSIMORIMIIMIUMMIL 11-11MMI 1441% ArWRINWIMaAriglihrii ,A.1111.1.MileallIEINIMIEMIMIIMIEWSWAI Er/ —EMI' ON TAN RIALTO '•F 6 an,. d�R ® ONTA'1Os•I•• •Jam:mewls' COLTON4; zroxlmo":14- 1 T2S - T3S ERSIDE R4W — SAN BEANA DINO SIDE , COUNT Q LOCUST AVE. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL J I.3 °ni A.° AVE. REDUCED DRAWING SCALE I" = 4 MILES LEGEND; CB ISOLINES PRECIPITATION (INCHES) -- R2E — �— T4N g. "Jim: , l o<jys� u� / t e —1--7 T3N sidt ��'� BALDI IN L. ERWFN L I _Tiw 1.34°,5T2N I TorS • 34°0O f/G a"/ SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT VALLEY AREA ISOHYETALS YIDD-I00 YEAR I HOUR BASED ON U.SD.C, NOAA A/LAW Z. IW►1 APPROVED BY FLOOD DATE 1982 WALE PLE Na &kW NO. 1.a AIL W4C-1 4 IN 12 3.5 3 2.5 cn w U = 2 1- 0 w 0 J J 1.5 z 1r 0.5 0 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1.35 I PR) 2 0.5 0 5 10 25 50 100 RETURN PERIOD IN YEARS NOTE' 1. FOR INTERMEDIATE RETURN PERIODS PLOT 10-YEAR AND 100-YEAR ONE HOUR VALUES FROM MAPS, THEN CONNECT POINTS AND READ VALUE FOR DESIRED RETURN PERIOD. FOR EXAMPLE GIVEN 10-YEAR ONE HOUR' 0.95" AND 100-YEAR CNE HOUR ■ 1.60", 25-YEAR ONE HOUR ■ REFERENCE'NOAA ATLAS 2, VOLUME g-CAL.,I9T3 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL RAINFALL DEPTH VERSUS RETURN PERIOD FOR PARTIAL DURATION SERIES D-7 FIGURE D-2 1 1 ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER Land Use (1) Range -Percent Recommended Value For Average Conditions -Percent (2) , Natural or Agriculture 0 - 0 0 Public Park 10 - 25 15 School 30 - 50 40 Single Family Residential: (3) 2.5 acre lots • 5 - 15 10 1 acre lots 10 - 25 20 2 dwellings/acre • 20 - 40 30 3-4 dwellings/acre 30 - 50 40 5-7 dwellings/acre 35 - 55 50 8-10 dwellings/acre 50 - 70 60 More than 10 dwellings/acre 65 - 90 80 Multiple Family Residential: Condominiums 45 - 70 65 Apartments 65 - 90 80 Mobile Home Park 60 - 85 • 75 Commercial, Downtown Business or Industrial 80 - 100 90 Notes: 1. Land use should be based on ultimate development of the watershed. Long range master plans for the County and incorporated cities should be reviewed to insure reasonable land use assumptions. 2. Recommended values are based on average conditions which may not apply to a particular study area. The percentage impervious may vary greatly even on comparable sized lots due to differences in dwelling size, improvements, etc. Landscape practices should also be considered as it is common in some areas to use ornamental gravels underlain by impervious plastic materials in place of lawns and shrubs. A field investigation of a study area shall always be made, and a review of aerial photos, where available, may assist in estimating the percentage of impervious cover in developed areas. 3. For typical equestrian subdivisions increase impervious area 5 percent over the values recommended in the table above. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER FOR HYDROLOGY MANUAL DEVELOPED AREAS r_a Figure C-4 100-Yr Storm Hydrology Calculations 17021T100 San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 12/07/04 CITY OF FONTANA TRACT No. 17021 PROPOSED CONDITION 100-YR 24 HOUR STORM TWH DECEMBER 2, 2004 Van Dell & Associates, Inc., Irvine, CA - S/N 953 ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 10 Year storm 1 hour rainfall = 0.900(In.) 100 Year storm 1 hour rainfall = 1.350(In.) Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.350 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 10.000 to Point/Station 15.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 52.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.393(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 612.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 953.840(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 947.750(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.090(Ft.) Slope = 0.00995 s(%)= 1.00 TC = k(0.389)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.737 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.421(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.797 Subarea runoff = 4.388(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.610(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 Initial area Fm value = 0.393(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 15.000 to Point/Station 15.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 50.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 12.74 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.421(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.793 Subarea runoff = 0.468(CFS) for 0.180(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.856(CFS) Effective area this stream = 1.79(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 1.79(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.407(In/Hr) Page 1 17021T100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 15.000 to Point/Station 30.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 941.320(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 940.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 27.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 4.856(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 4.856(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 9.66(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 9.51(In.) Critical Depth = 10.90(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.18(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.06 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 12.80 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 30.000 to Point/Station 30.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Effective stream flow area = 1.790(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 1.790(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.856(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.80 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.411(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.4066(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.5503 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 20.000 to Point/Station 25.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 52.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.393(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 616.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 953.840(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 947.750(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.090(Ft.) Slope = 0.00989 s(%)= 0.99 TC = k(0.389)*((length^3)/(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.787 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.413(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.796 Subarea runoff = 4.540(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.670(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 Initial area Fm value = 0.393(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 25.000 to Point/Station 30.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 943.660(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 940.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 32.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 4.540(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 4.540(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 6.79(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 7.75(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 12.70(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 12.83 min. Page 2 17021T100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 30.000 to Point/Station 30.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Effective stream flow area = 1.670(Ac.). Total study area this main stream = 1.670(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.540(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.83 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.406(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.3926(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.5000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 4.856 12.80 2 4.540 12.83 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.002 * 0.998 * Qmax(2) = 0.998 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.000 * Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.411 3.406 4.856) + 4.540) + = 4.856) + 4.540) + _ Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.856 5.540 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 9.393 9.389 Effective Area of streams before confluence: 1.790 1.670 Effective area values after confluence: 3.456 3.460 9.393 9.389 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 9.393(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.800 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 3.456(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.526 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.400(In/Hr) Steam effective area = 3.46(Ac.) End of computations, Total Study Area = 3.46 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.526 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.9 Page 3 25-Yr Storm Hydrology Calculations 17021T25 San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2001-Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 12/07/04 CITY OF FONTANA TRACT No. 17021 PROPOSED CONDITION 25-YR 24 HOUR STORM TWH DECEMBER 2, 2004 Van Dell & Associates, Inc., Irvine, CA - S/N 953 ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Rational hydrology study storm event year is 25.0 10 Year storm 1 hour rainfall = 0.900(In.) 100 Year storm 1 hour rainfall = 1.350(In.) Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 25.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.079 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 10.000 to Point/Station 15.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 52.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.393(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 612.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 953.840(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 947.750(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.090(Ft.) Slope = 0.00995 s(%)= 1.00 TC = k(0.389)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.737 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.735(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.771 Subarea runoff = 3.394(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.610(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 Initial area Fm value = 0.393(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 15.000 to Point/Station 15.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 50.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 12.74 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.735(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.766 Subarea runoff = 0.357(CFS) for 0.180(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.750(CFS) Effective area this stream = 1.79(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 1.79(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.407(In/Hr) Page 1 17021T25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 15.000 to Point/Station 30.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 941.320(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 940.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 27.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 3.750(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 3.750(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.82(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 11.44(In.) Critical Depth = 9.89(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.92(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.06 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 12.80 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 30.000 to Point/Station 30.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Effective stream flow area = 1.790(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 1.790(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.750(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.80 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.726(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.4066(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.5503 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 20.000 to Point/Station 25.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(5 - 7 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 52.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.5000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.393(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 616.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 953.840(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 947.750(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.090(Ft.) Slope = 0.00989 s(%)= 0.99 TC = k(0.389)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.787 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.728(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.770 Subarea runoff = 3.510(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.670(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.500 Initial area Fm value = 0.393(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 25.000 to Point/Station 30.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 943.660(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 940.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 32.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 3.510(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 3.510(CFS), Normal flow depth in pipe = 5.60(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 8.73(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 12.15(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 12.83 min. Page 2 17021T25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 30.000 to Point/Station 30.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Effective stream flow area = 1.670(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 1.670(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.510(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.83 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.723(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.3926(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.5000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 3.750 12.80 2 3.510 12.83 Qmax(1) _ 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.002 * 0.998 * Qmax(2) _ 0.998 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.000 * Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.726 2.723 3.750) + 3.510) + = 3.750) + 3.510) + = Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.750 4.510 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 7.258 7.255 Effective Area of streams before confluence: 1.790 1.670 Effective area values after confluence: 3.456 3.460 7.258 7.255 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 7.258(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.802 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 3.456(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.526 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.400(In/Hr) Steam effective area = 3.46(Ac.) End of computations, Total Study Area = 3.46 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.526 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.9 100-Yr FlowMaster Catch Basin Calculations gia No mg gm gm gm! NM EN i s NM NS N — N 11111 Curb Inlet On Grade Catch Basin A & B - Sump Condition Project Description Worksheet CATCH BASIN 1 & 2 Type Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 4.86 cfs Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.093300 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Curb Opening 3.50 ft Length Opening Height 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type Horizontal Local Depression 2.0 in Local Depression 4.00 ft Width Results Spread 2.51 ft Throat Incline Angle 90.00 degrees Depth 0.34 ft Gutter Depression 1.3 in Total Depression 3.3 in Project Engineer: MIS Department x:\...\881_0100\eng\misc\catch basin\t14245.fm2 Van Dell & Associates FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 12/7/2004 11:26 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 WSPG Calculation for Existing 72" Storm Drain T1 T2 T3 SO R R JX R R JX R R R R R R JX R TS R R R R SH CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 4 CITY OF FONTANA TRACT 17021 EXISTING 72" STORM DRAIN - 51.820 929.280 1 - 11.970 929.630 1 38.700 930.080 1 59.910 930.180 3 2 75.910 930.410 3 381.210 933.120 3 383.210 933.140 5 4 - 460.700 933.830 5 465.350 933.870 5 887.670 937.670 5 1026.660 938.920 5 1031.330 938.920 5 1172.140 940.190 5 1174.170 940.210 7 6 1457.670 942.760 7 1462.340 943.340 8 1912.670 946.900 8 1917.340 946.940 8 2229.410 952.400 8 2318.970 953.970 8 2318.970 953.970 8 1 4 1 .000 6.000 2 4 1 .000 3.500 3 4 1 .000 6.000 4 4 1 .000 2.000 5 4 1 .000 6.000 6 4 1 .000 1.750 7 4 1 .000 6.000 8 4 1 .000 5.500 353.000 .0 .013 .013 .013 49.000 .013 .013 .013 13.000 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 14.000 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 FQoM PW(i. 18d3 Stir 2. @ srA• -5 {. 2.O 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 931.280 935.160 942.180 953.970 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .000 .000 0 36.308 .000 0 45.0 15 198 11.465 .000 0 9.106 .000 0 45.0 060 2.311 .000 0 .139 .000 0 12.597 .000 0 -88.484 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 45.0 000 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 57.016 .000 0 mg NM MINI IIIII INN NM MN MI Mil NMI FILE: 72_SD.WSW Station L/Elem ********* -51.820 39.850 -11.970 50.670 38.700 JUNCT STR 59.910 16.000 75.910 305.300 381.210 JUNCT STR 383.210 77.490 460.700 4.650 465.350 422.320 Invert Elev C- h Slope ********* 929.280 .0088 929.630 .0089 930.080 .0047 930.180 .0144 930.410 .0089 933.120 - .0100 933.140 .0089 933.830 .0086 933.870 .0090 W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1680 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 2-16-2005 Time: 6:20:41 CITY OF FONTANA TRACT 17021 EXISTING 72" STORM DRAIN Depth (FT) ******** 5.820 5.843 5.843 7.327 7.426 7.352 7.683 7.659 7.675 Water Elev ********* 935.100 935.473 935.923 937.507 937.836 940.472 940.823 941.489 941.545 0 (CFS) ********* 429.00 429.00 429.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 367.00 367.00 367.00 Vel Vel (FPS) Head - -I- - SF Ave *******I******* 15.31 - _I- 3.64 .0091 15.28 3.63 .0091 15.28 3.63 .0086 13.44 2.80 .0081 13.44 2.80 .0081 13.44 2.80 12.98 .0078 2.62 .0075 12.98 2.62 .0075 12.98 2.62 .0075 Energy Grd.E1. HF ********* 938.74 .36 939.10 .46 939.55 .18 940.31 .13 940.64 2.46 943.28 .02 943.44 .58 944.11 .03 944.16 3.17 Super ICriticaliFlow Top Elev I Depth 1 Width S- E DpthlFroude NINorm Dp .00 5.46 2.05 5.82 .73 6.00 .09 5.46 1.92 5.93 .70 5.57 6.00 5.46 1.92 6.00 .70 .00 5.24 .00 .00 .00 3.87 .00 5.24 .00 .00 .00 4.68 .00 5.24 .00 .00 .00 .00 5.17 .00 .00 .00 4.53 .00 5.17 .00 .00 .00 4.60 .00 5.17 .00 .00 .00 4.51 Height/ Dia.-FT ******* 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 Base Wt or I.D. X-Fall ******* .000 .00 .000 .00 000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 000 .00 000 .00 .000 ZL ZR ***** .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 No Wth Prs/Pip Type Ch ******* 1 .0 P- IPE 1 .0 P- IPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 P- IPE 1 .0 P- IPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 .00 .00 PIPE um gm MN MIN Mil STA. FILE: 72_SD.WSW CITY OF FONTANA TRACT 17021 EXISTING 72" STORM DRAIN ******************************************************** Station L/Elem ********* 8+o8.ti 887.670 138.990 1026.660 4.670 1031.330 140.810 1172.140 JUNCT STR Invert Elev C- h Slope ********* 1174.170 283.500 1457.670 TRANS STR 1462.340 -I- 450.330 I 1912.670 4.670 I 1917.340 154.273 937.670 .0090 938.920 .0000 938.920 .0090 Depth (FT) ******** 7.242 Water Elev ********* 94-4,278 944.912 W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1680 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 2-16-2005 Time: 6:20:41 1.15E Fo(L LINE/A EX. (4).5.EL. Th2. ' !s Foe PATiM AD Usr, fcwr********** ******** *************** ************************* Q I Vel Vel (CFS) I (FPS) Head I SF Ave ******** **** ******* } 2367 01 . . 2.62 -I- I 7.554 946.474 367.00 12.98 2.62 - -I- .0075 I 7.589 946.509 367.00 12.98 2.62 I 940.190 7.377 947.567 367.00 12.98 2.62 - - -I- -I- I 7.700 947.910 353.00 12.48 - - I -I 7.119 949.879 353.00 12.48 I 5.775 949.115 353.00 14.86 3.43 - - - - -I- -I- - .0079 .0111 I 946.900 7.192 954.092 353.00 14.86 3.43 - - -I- -I- .0086 .0111 946.940 7.203 954.143 353.00 14.86 3.43 - - -I- I .0175 .0111 .0099 940.210 .0090 942.760 .1242 943.340 .0075 .0072 2.42 .0069 2.42 .0090 Energy Grd.E1. HF ********* 947.53 1.04 949.09 .04 949.13 1.06 950.18 .01 950.33 1.97 952.30 .04 952.54 4.98 957.52 .05 957.57 1.70 Super ICriticallFlow Top Elev I Depth I Width SE DpthlFroude NiNorm Dp *******I********I******** .00 I 5.17 .00 - -I -I- .00 .00 4.51 I .00 5.17 .00 - _1_ -I- 7.55 .00 .00 I f .00 5.17 .00 I_ _I_ 7.59 .00 4.50 I .00 5.17 .00 - _I_ I_ 7.38 .00 I I .00 5.09 .00 - -I- 7.70 .00 4.36 I I .00 5.09 .00 7.12 .00 I I .00 5.04 .00 - -I- -I- - 5.78 .00 5.50 I I .00 5.04 .00 -I- -I- 7.19 .00 5.50 l I .00 5.04 .00 7.20 .00 3.70 Height/ Dia.-FT ******* 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 6.000 .013 5.500 .013 5.500 .013 5.500 .013 Base Wt or I.D. X-Fall ******* .000 .00 .000 .00 000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 ZL ZR ***** .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 No Wth Prs/Pip Type Ch ******* 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 P- IPE .00 1 .0 .00 P- IPE mg mg EN INN MIN MIN =I =I ISM SIM Mil I= 111111 INN Mil FILE: 72 - SD.WSW Invert Station Elev L/Elem Ch Slope ********* ********* 2071.613 949.639 HYDRAULIC JUMP 2071.613 949.639 77.902 .0175 2149.514 951.002 79.896 .0175 2229.410 952.400 16.823 .0175 2246.233 952.695 40.551 .0175 2286.784 953.406 23.431 .0175 2310.216 953.817 8.754 .0175 2318.970 953.970 W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1680 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 2-16-2005 Time: 6:20:41 CITY OF FONTANA TRACT 17021 EXISTING 72" STORM DRAIN Depth (FT) ******** 6.209 3.921 4.011 4.201 4.261 4.478 4.728 5.035 Water Elev ********* 955.848 953.560 955.013 956.601 956.956 957.884 958.545 959.005 4 (CFS) ********* 353.00 353.00 353.00 353.00 353.00 353.00 353.00 353.00 Vel Vel (FPS) Head SF Ave 14.86 3.43 19.48 5.89 .0146 19.02 5.61 .0135 18.13 5.10 .0126 17.87 4.96 .0118 17.04 4.51 .0107 16.25 4.10 .0099 15.49 3.72 - -I- Energy Grd.E1. HF ********* 959.28 959.45 1.14 960.63 1.08 961.70 .21 961.91 .48 962.39 .25 962.64 .09 962.73 Super ICriticaliFlow Top Elev I Depth I Width S- E DpthlFroude NINorm Dp *******I********1******** .00 5.04 .00 .00 5.04 4.98 3.92 1.80 .00 5.04 4.01 1.72 .53 5.04 4.73 1.57 .51 5.04 4.77 1.52 .43 5.04 4.91 1.36 .35 5.04 5.08 1.20 .25 5.04 3.70 4.89 3.70 4.67 3.70 4.60 3.70 4.28 3.70 3.82 3.70 3.06 Height/ Dia.-FT - "N" ******* 5.500 5.500 .013 5.500 .013 5.500 .013 5.500 .013 5.500- .013 5.500 .013 5.500 Base Wt or I.D. X-Fall ******* .000 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 ZL ZR ***** .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ******** No Wth Prs/Pip Type Ch ******* 1 .0 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 P- IPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0 -J= . ,,e : i -r:�rse: i • ,�- ��, �-m l:LiicC3LCS zss� -- -ate -_ -- ... - aaffilazr .tom >ar:®ram.•�ara:J,a -.�S---E '�-� s I- - }--� �� sog= - -- a•cev2rsc:m _- ra��_Qas $�!a ear _ wsiaQ�.saa!�s 7 - 351 g =-'c�-��es��_di��� �- �3�' � __-'+-- _ _ ♦ _t _�-� :� .�.. - l .�..- _ _ -_ -. _��_-fig �_ -- -- .�__ _ � , _ _ _ _ - _,� 1-_=k--�. 3- �. �..1-1,_--,4.... - #- -.1 _ :. �' :--. j - 1-_.. _ . _ v .vfr,:m » a � _. _ � }. L -�:•�� .{--i �- - _ .-.. -: - ._k _ _. ._ _. SIC . I- E # 3 } i..-1 i i. �� � } � � _ t _ # 3-� :� 1: } i= =r 1- 1:.._ }_ .i 3 `: -- Mai - r . .: ., -- ... ::... .::.. - -- _ --`= _:.._ -: i' #.:::--::_,_.. ._ :.: ---T:-1 _. -'- _- -- "::"} - __ -_. - ...- _-k_..-_i .. 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HORIZ' I s 40 - i__: _ 1 _.. _ _ s 3 _ .I -1=- f' -- �:i - L , _ . i -=1.. _: iPL; r - 2-176 -- {- 1 -�. . .11 - t =, d-.1•_;._1 - - _ ... .., c t. i r_.. #-�._ -_ • 1_... . ._..:... 1 1 i � �--�-�---r � �. ..x -_� ___ .._�-.. t==}=: :_I'_, �-.- f 3 -}__t , .'1__i: t 1.:d. t- - -.I_.__ }._t t__�:_:.__, ti o ® 1a o^ 3 12 00 �' �0� 2 o 3 4 5 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 6 7 N 9.c:9c� 9 10 VE•'� A - `4i 7�A 8<' s �r,vvsTo �� m on a���+,q Wti� ap o m n q h4t `� �M1". '�� �\\� N N ♦D N 2 Q p Aq . o z O ti �` ^O ma 0 0� m�\ Q h oti W .0. tiQ m �Ay� mhhm�� \ � h�mm mFr C o2�o!.VV; ti mkbQ m•��m, �iCO�DI h 2 U c9 12 T-S- NO. 3 PER LA,C.F,C.D- STD. DWG. NO. Fl \ V V1 v KJ MANHOLE NO. 2 PER LA.C.F.C.D. STD. DWG. m a� Qa W� �w o, ti o SPEC/AL RAILROAD R.014/. CONSTRUCTION o WI Il. 1 F•:c uPUPA ;� , 2-DI88. _ 1, , F } NO. 2-DI84- ; m sm A ��1� , R/-+, o,^ NOTE \ly m , ' F� gR� �19 C' Q ymp �Q�O 43 �N Q p �yy Q 2 0 m v W Q Q h R y OQ�� 0 wRpa, 10h �ao� V!l i�L t° j Q R CONSTRUCT/ON fV/TLl/N ME S. P. P R. g O tl1. OCCUR W/TIJOVT OVQ/TTEN APPROVAL ��N -I-y r cs% x^ ROAD. ALL WORK W/TN/N SP.R.P. (- �+o v �o ay /N CONFORMANCE /V/T!J TAT RA/LRoaD CONDITIONS QEQU/REMENTS (PE'RM/T R.O.lV S/J/JLL NOT• Q o II o ,\ BY ME RA/L // 3 RON. S,U4LL BE ,� A \ -0 ---1 �OMPANYS /. TT Z ` „� l-•�- -"� NO. ) `- -' _ - -- ,; m N -fig %� y m � � � m h h � _ _ _ _-� -- -.7:-.---Riv. - --'"-. - - - - . ' ' � ` � � rs �� � -BE K' RSgr LIVE OAK N 2 k�r. Nam �'--=-AVE.Z------ --`---------_- _ _ I _ , , i �-' ,1 f - V\ \ 4 3 I _� • �� - - 40..04.24 g pR./R , OF PIlye. • O�cG-/ rA 200A//_�-� ,.. ... ._�� � '- 220+04-24 I ®PROP. 30'UT/L/TY I MIT _ _ 5 �;. ... �G •; 3 �Z.rRCP I �- 2 '-.- . �9 /M/TO,�P/PE EASEMENT R/W �i�� F _ +t`.op f'CE'S'S'T �KOR �' "�-�.®::� � In 2'� -sPR � j0•,sue B"✓0. �3 -.: .. - P'' 9oRRR/1�B F j.1/'POP, ,✓ 0 - CONSTRUCT 72 PC.P. _ %lUTi[/20' ® ®PARo To. s-eR R/wPROP. B"✓.C.P 7Y EASeSfe,VT L/T/LT'r _�� Z40+ 393. E.C�� aa� \ _,�1�j \`cif 1 1"' 3PpFESSlO:YC"P��fi, 10 'l1 eL TA• h4 � �H SEET492" 1� N. 1PAJ '�y�, e.o./1-3A-9 / EASE�t/ENj. I � - ' • r� ;n;c�s, ¢o / / /,.� �� :e.D. i 0 , N89'3/ 00 E Q 1 chi\n,89.3-_ j0,�• i ��i�E Al" sE�51.5 ff r 5 Q. 1 toNST 24''? 10 ,fapERS ACCEC { '. /- 9'm 'CV , PROP. UT/UTY-PASEMENT g 1 6“0 °D _- 00 ¢ I�Q 9 9 EG ER 'PPgl Givu. �i;Q' E OF CAIFFO ��� 11 U / y No. 042360 �� 1 U N$T. 24"RCP !T/DTN VARIES v� 4` // -- ' /O, Fry�h30-90./. -- \ 1` r 5T:% r292 PEQ p• O9s oxq.9 /AL ST/J. 240*9961 uN0. Z_pl8 - #3B''0p0 � a qy No- 0 f ©� M- _ O I o ,itc �T s7A 221_+o2. JB o t, � ^ , /N5TFTlL PIPE CLOSURE PER ONO' fa' P ti4t' �� pl.6 i Z E 0 �OETA/L ti � r _•;;'.ems, 0 A /NST/JLL P/PE CLOS!/ee N m "i 4V 5NT NO. /B OF 24 T. ?0 • LA 38 If = /I ai RER OE/A/L ON Siff NO. /9a -e4 93B 65 ra. CURVE DATA '\I / CURVE DATA -* -�_vll /af= 936. /¢ iR y0,O`0 PROP. UT/UTy EASE,LIENZ y O R L T G R W/DTI YAaiEs� 5TR o-F42.6T 1 36°I8'23:° 79.96' 50.6T 26.22' A 36°07'40" 2250' L 14.19' T 7,34' N N ^� LIVE OAK AVE.a1 A��Zy± C�}E ,} jj ( ?2 LATSTFI200f04.91 - 2 OB°02'49° 79.96' 11.23' 5.62' 8 27°01'34" 22.50' 10.61' 5.41' R - Qe k 30 N. _ V 1� ,JO/NED -' 3 IS°12'S3 ' 79-96' 21. 19' ' ~ . A T. 5. NO 3 OEM& .: 4 24°12' 26" 19�0.89' - 811. 5T 11.9 411.93' ,: c' YSEE-.9BOYE<EFT9 5 88"28'53" 90.00' 138. 99' 67. 65' W v EX/ST. S.C.E. R W N / - y D,. V V Nv � -!w •P•CE-✓/903 EXP• /2-3/-91 5'CIILe: /'=/O' EX/ST. 5_O. E. R/W „S/ A>v...sr�P.,:,-/4-•, o„&,4 _/st'ee -� '"�' -' APPROVED BY, APPROVED'•= CITY OF FO fiANA CALIFORNIA t ter_ qE 11543 TMENT �. "RECORD DRAWING AcC• AV L wILLIAM LE N%P- B3D 89 AAGDIA fa,e)Aa7-aa PUBLIC WQRKS DEPP iiF ADOEOLrimEasd6P o.rT 9fIP9� 7,Gq 11-9 s•ry.o,. j NA n SANTAA'^)2So-5525 DRAWN BY �; SOUTHRIDGE VILL• GE SCA I"=4o' ^ ADDED Lqr ¢REV. HGL M4-s- 7-Z7B91 lw ,�„ ts, Pux srxlxc9 9)320-4220 Consulting Engineers - - - - - STORM DRAIN N0: ENGR. CITY RANCID CUUxOxG1 01A)989-Ps83 rmaNID fRDg3RP-214 - DESIGNED BY LIVE OAK AVENUE. DATE DESCRIPTION pPPR DATE APPR DATES NO E,Eqp, _ REVISIONS DEBIGNEDBV CMwNBY :MD CHECI(EDJU M.T. DATE JUN.1987 - 1" c 40' 140092 - CNECI(ED BY �� /_ 'L� MPf1OVED Wl�� /"7G/ DpR.NQ SHEET _ CITY. ENGINEER R.C.E25ICs iVG7 &OFE II m-�L' =•2-5 S�" ''ff 'i���_�'SS�'�y'T� �>®wT.�' r =�'- ��.I�.r �taSSn-SS��LC`�'�,.�.... SM'A� m S ®EO .�. � i�C�MS Si.n., --1 f- "Lr�rt'�3 3"- sC -_" MEE ...ss.•:_r+l! iffirill*M EN-1 mg am®�>� m ^^- as -asa>=cem a a��a®maaaxa®®tea - ma====si_- - 1 ENEEE t V m 1 x i --E- 1 i _ N M _-ag- _ I - ---tom= =- _ _- - 1- T 1- Y - _ - _-3= B MM _ _-MM 1 Ewm-m ,- _ $ - -t.- _: _ _ _. 7 I : 3_3-_ - _ - ---- E M� EM _ .. = -r- f :m EEMM _---E�E--_ -:..'.=:::' ._..i. _._- oo�M_ ..9to1__E�,. ...::...-..{._ ,i-.. �.-- - Ir� I __ -_-.'- .. = .''_. _-_- -:= :_ { F..K..{-j-=�: -- w giam m�� E4'T MMEMMM I'� ' ma--4- 4- �i C E.--Ell i MMEM M F i "-�' _7--1 __. .-- .. _'I- --=T- _.. MM- .-MmE.4 � _�'Em -M _ _-E:_ 6 _ =M _MIM --..__ mryE-sax4a=r�----xmx�eAa-iw-.- tos�a<:6`3..- - Ae - _ _ _ _ - -- mmM '_ - -_ .. - - -- - _ ._-=_. Ca,-P 1 # -M 1"- - _ ..__.--���aRPTlm'�4?:-f-..- -=3=•- '--. _e -��- --�_ MEMO., � .::. � _ *-_a-_- -.:..- _ .:.:.T=� ,1:- -�_ �- -t-- (-- -. { ..}_,. _. _, . : __-- 1 -` 3_ # _...-1=.__." 1-- --._... � __{-_ _�- I___.: _... _.1s�°--_ ? . . _:?-:.t--.' _ ._„� �F . r: = ]-_ ME ' � _�_ __--__ . _ .4 -1- _ -#...._-=-1 -�-. - 1 -.._.r �-_ .. _.. 1 +- } I - L--- j -"_ - x.'_L::. ` =-- '_.�"- a---EEIgI� r - �.T.. _ __ _.. _ I B � - _ -_.. - - __ - - ._---- � .-.- ._ _$:. "`-. MIMS._ . .._S3r �g = - _ f ." _ _ -... �� . - '::. i T. I .., .ffEM ME:_-H �f�gMEMEEF I 1 - ... __ i i NW¢c �+ - _ _ 1'_L_' - } _3_ __�. 7.:' :: -- � _ =--11 .._ .... ..-...�tr.'i.-r s._.. .. ME _I_.�... .....l:-: "'.... I-::� -,.{ :- -- ___ -- - -'.- - - -s�e81�7 - m Ewa --_#_. _t :.. MOM .:: m ... _. _ r - - __ _T ! MM - �_�®ee � 1`_�_ _._._ i'` .0 - >=SO L, �:�EI� -:-�Iss-: _ .. _ ' _` ° ` - . 1:..: -=..'___-..'t ---=_ - _ - - ` Te - - sara_offignis.®--s°° - ae • _F _ _+ .-. :�� -a-- �I�as H 93�Ei EiRsF�f--- �leS :_ _ .:... - .. I M :..I�- :r-. -- - -r - -.:--_ rises.- =e�5-- A1E 1s1IPM '�ss.ab"' ���� C sra�,... -mm, im M_ amm: : � I�r�t-,�- � �• ':�':� _MMe �_. -�_ � - - -_= -- --=seaa�• �ia s��"'`®°'-®. ��n.��® _ a..����=��s=�m1�a��q_��Q�e�e�- �r ��••�S .: .::: =;r�_m' _ r3'�'�ma= ®T- ...:. -�� -.:_':�. _ - - _ :::_ .. o��- -- _- - 1 -- 9:L _ =E_ •I - - - E .�� -_am EREffigLmmEn--'- '-6'� - -- --- -- _--_ NEW'--' 1 es��- • y„-C " .. - - -r.--- u. - - _. .'. - .._> � '-_'_ =Efi ' i1��SCva-�- C 'TIC `ice = a L�'C1t�:�J-_S�.CS3-- 1 3F1m�' m1 S.. '1= --[-_ } _ Cl�'��-7L = i3 S- .•`S � ;11'1.'= T.�-� 1;� 1-w.�• rt.. _ _ :: Z _ '- - m �� s =-==SC_ - _ �- ___ 'T-i - - - �i.S�= ....==. 3 >aa -' -.. ��®t•� _._. _ f. :.__ � , ... ....- _nom -_ aS_ ,I-,-_ Man _". -___. ^S-A iCmm.� Ii.r CCE=.. 'L'r -- . _ -� ... _ -4' / .. - c'� sm.. ��(i' S m--. -_ o _!�ffi.$ EE•Ifi_ .�� - >_ 1. -i _ -_ _�`'SS1$S -1. I _ __i.. ... - a ° ff -. ::..M ME -� _: :: Akii _. -_. Kir .. _ ----- - � ��� R �� r -- a smr� + r - =�¢�sEm. __ ?tl - - -. _: e1:�- :L/ - -� -ate - } aam - --� _ _. ®E_- -vim iEE E� . -{' : - _ -- - -s. _ T - 4 _�S --- .- Me=_7 c __- Mw��v: 7 - m --- ® s� � .._ --Ex -__ __CIliVaPPP . - - my��� ppy[[de'• " --s_=mg-4-x P-. __.��_= ®`S g _ �5 �i� � �i -�i"S'�'.C=S a �.-- 1' _ -- - - .., s�$x4F C=� �>r C f.�. -�_. -" MEW: maw �'��e4- } •• 'E� _- -^somas.'. I- T..". k- � =� . � .�"��1 - �> � - - •- - -� -- -- - --- �-= ate �-sc�E '` s_�-_' =EN -- _. 3 :_. ... _ _ e �3 �-.ga ?_ t� me - :_- - { "-.---I-.#._. ..1.- G6 - - - ?_ - -toff s?= - __ __ - '. :: =: 1._-_ _i M MEM- _�r_,�s_. x�� ;_>s3�mo- 'EE'�---_�m� . -!� - -�- -_.m t-r rr -7 - =mac meie'a �_ _ _1 = e_-� -.--i- -. -.}-{:-.! - --tea - _ - --�� - _ -..... -- - - -=t-- -�- -{-#- - - - _.._.. .._.ram -: _ - __- .__ eli a� �' ! -- 3iesmf3 -' .---...-:_ { ---ei, h --' ' -' . _. �__ - I I 1111_ ::"" _: s -- - _ _ _ _ . -f_ - - ::1=.- r i, s• .. _.... :p � - _ _=i s .- fo .R - E EC s7s;� :�4 • - - z . -, - a� l 1_j m mammal! O J L 3 # I . M.s`"=-- E - ��� sS ��� j._.. - - j 1 a�_ --- --- -_ ... "Eat PROFILE E SCALE ---_- T f ? GY .. - se n . t_ -- zca a�= S I. ART �__ 40' _ sM ME-I� E _ ._ i- . ._ . f -1 .� . - j, _ _ _ - . }- . _ d : I f . ... _ I ':: } -}.S 1 : 7:....a .. -_ a :4. _ . HORIZI I°= ri # . y.... - .4 _:_.:.:-..-�i42- --ml�-xaas> E I III ENE _ ..: ._. _ -_•_ 1 . f _.f. �. _ I - - _. _ __.. _ ._. =i •:. . t _. .1.. 4-- } .1.. ... led _ _ ; �'_:-..- - _ _.�-_ .1:=- _.. ... VERT: I = 4 - _. __ -r=1--_ - __j_=, T.: . _i. t ' i 1 , {.._ 1 {'- { 1 T 3 -r -1 T 1 I 7 t- r 4 3 r -Y' + _ -, �- - ' - 3.0 301 302 10 II 12 13 14 -15 16 17 18 NOTES: CONSTRUCTION NOTES LIVE I I k ' '[ G OAK I 'W ,��,'b� �190 oh oxh ��R pQb h AVE. W 1; � (I II ...0 (' I ( I � „N C Ih I �,L''1=' 'h;�oh> NovN,4, r.0,ko•+tl o h om m 'v3v h�2O Q v (� n .. I n!O roi�'W o h � v2 l' v t.o3 cny2a� p- RV�~Q j y L'► p V •'�i e nQ<0 ocs��k y � m���� 7 xh�0o rev 'o aIklvl� n RhQ� hh,ttz v �' � � CONNECT © Q TO SEE PROFILE ON SHEET 2. lO CONCRETE BULKHEAD PER DETAIL ON SHEET 18, SEE PROFILE ON SHEET 5. ®-LOCAL DEPRESSION NO. 313-0, CASEBPER DETAIL SHT. 16. O J.S. NO. 4, CASE I. PER LA.C.F.C.D STD_ DWG. NO. 2-D193. � 19 MANHOLE N0.2 PER L_A.0.F.CA STD:DWG. NO. 2-D184. ._.. .. - CATCH • BASIN PER A.P. W.A. STp. DWG• NO 300-0. EX/ST/N&Q - E � -- --- -� IIFL/TURE D/4Y FUTRR CURB cUFTER--.... ; � eIV- \� _ __ � �®� 0 _- -4- I - - �-.- �- ----- -�_ CO 8 L/✓E IAA 9/f5720= � -�._ �- - -�'- - ./U,PU/ARYE / 0.�38.35. B _ _. I -�'�'__ -�F` T- _�- -w �- �� �e-- --mot- r-�_ �_ -,� 180 r /3•S 18t 182- ® /5'9, I83 221 18,5 : P- 186 187- 188 189 _ Q u _- -. -.- oa �i 2NS �� p 1 i IlTo _ I �-'•-'----� .- -`-� i -c G9-Of.'/8•E _ -_ �,., �•L/YE awes, 9/452 BO / �! 2 a r �. FUTURE c. /G .r. �- __ - - -r. -. - ✓, .0 ,A ,4. T/'S ^�� F: NS ¢✓/R&RR .04E. /BO,x/9..95 :0 N45'S302.6 -� - .e - f- `� _��� - �. •��c _ -`.�11 :� N95$3'2d^E �. ----_ WT/, N " Z LEX/ST. STORM DRAIN I j - w� ) - • C ccwszRUCT 66 R C.R . 9 0I 8 FpO(EU-d \ -- I/coNBT/WCT °06 �� ,.,... ..,..': -. -.. . - . __ ... 1 �_ - (�•-.. ,.. -. + 1.. ..... _ .15 -. -Jul N G14fF ,N T 44 Rt.R /1T S B' /: E I I I4 _ .. 13- I4 15. _ /g �l c /1 I^. 1h O��AO/17JE0 /6"lM4TER MI/N U �`'` --=� \ Z ��� Im, 16 . �� "-Red)? O Av I- \ G NO.041360 L I , ExD //40-90 r - �N 1 6i V r , M + y Ill W * 3 IRarosco RAY -�- ® /lb - - - q • Q II ; SPEC/AL RA/LRO4D 'R.0..W. CONSTRUCTION NOTE I I I °CI I ,II pl I W f- w to coW k'g , �otti 3 v� x r'o Wo m� oo po- 6 6\ ti.1' m m., 0 _ ,nV� Q oo • K v o� o Vo �� I II, CONSTRUCT/ON N/TN/N 1F/E S.P. RR. ROW. Si/ALL NOT 1 I a w Z OCCUR W/T/JOUT NR/TTEN APPROVAL BY 71JE RAIL- n J ROAD. ALL WORK W/TIIIN SR RR. /EO..W- SHALL BE LIVE OAK AVE. /N CONFORMANCE AM/ TI/E RA/LROAD = �o� nl I4 • yeu' �Q�� q o ( W ti'' 4vj a 4 ,o = o ,�; �� �� �I+� m h 4 v'k� . '' w `� ., ° "I •3 �ti�O - �' N - e 3 . - 'e //5AS . -'..-. .CI$IPANY'S CONDITIONS f REQUIREMENTS (PERMIT I/O. ) I- n y / • EXP. /2-3/-92 19 V /2 _-__ 2 JURUPA AVE. - II - t_ ' .. - - ` • SCALE, 11 - 40 . ARC.•.✓ / A. p.-t.L..-b,44 5-PRR ,B/w w c%4.e 4 R.-Its-A.. - CITY OF FO NTA N A CAL I FO RNIA APPROVED BY IS I - - APPROVED: - , • .`--.-'' 'DEPARTMENT WILLIAM D.' ,. RE 11543 bD `e``4'c. PUBLIC WORKS V t 1e1elu]-�3` H`L _ - `"- No. 11543. - --ems` SOUTH RIDGE -` VILLAGE CSA`1 11dd e" 'RECORD DRAWING" T {4/ SAMTA ANA (714)250-5525 .4 AO /1\ Rev HeL _�� /', PALM SPRINGS (Sl9)]20.4220 ,MAA�.' n�i�i Consultingx�/�f'���/�.•'�.4✓Engineers S RIGMRx6A 619) 20-422089U - .�e 14,4 3Q-p/. - DFEIGNEDLBY •t t I t•�. STORM DRAIN-, _ • ems ems, . N0• DESCRIPTION ENGR. DATE OITV "- VVV .PALM IVers T04RilID 'IRV5IINVIA4 •T. DIRt - JURUPA JURUPA AVENUE --�- _ APPR- IPPR. DATE TI.44.0 SY NO. CHECKED BY M.T. SOME KENO. - 4TE0F - - t . .. •£NECKED _ B'I'- . s <pp.,, REVISIONS r / I 1:: = .10'0' 1400.91 �- CpklFD�� • - APPROVED w 9/)Fi'(e E30 DiNNMe - DATE FER 1987 _ - - _ CTTY FAMINFFP : -krk :• -. �CJ9R`q`N .. :-m._a=-E' T. .. a- 4�sp 1�[gp,'� - -s a - a _ _ _ i y#- _ -L_ -+ . . =o=-_ smo-Em= s--==E EEEEEE>NE NEE z %:'7..mr�=Eas sE m-EE aEE-BEIEMP IMteig iMili '_ u � mwme RACE' 0.P �E '1 i _==--=smasms_sx�_�- �_��� EEEEEEEEE--- tsm' .-.a._ci_�..z->i�� I s _ - m soB E9-a ��=ms s- _ _� sxs� x = �y� I �Y � m=M•MM==a Ms=====mgMMME- ME.7� SIMENE—m=_ i = EEEME E EEREM'.� � =��s lWi "r:�e`,i�'1650 �I�lFA " ''''-' ---.-_gi_-ErE_==__ElaTra�EE MINE=E $ME5iaM' ME.gag_a WEEME R fligi: ENA ® ; EME E l mom �I:`s: 1� =-raf # _E=aMsMMMMMMM=_E_MINI=M_=Ms-a-aMM MEIN MMMUMM> Mr�M�M MMMT ; OMgMMM OMIT I Ma N® �a���I31�` m���a�-�"� _M?M--MMMMMi M_EIc?° RMIMIMII MMMMMMMMMMM MMMM M MI� j69M Ig`M MMMMM > MMR3MMM1 E__ - BII NII �E 1. 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EMgEMEEEEEE _---MEM 5 ..:_-• _ENS EE- LMEEE l EMEE 1-- Mazza n IEEE€E==EEffi:e EEEEE: E> E li EWI1 'E NE —R � = PROALE SCALE _ == _=:=E__WEEE MEf _ =ERA== Eae sd ame_ a"=- EREEEEa=EE=Es= - E's= LA -- HO • RIZ' 1"=4°' x s sx==_ cMazo:- '-_ - _- ==s=:masms= aE=m=a=.� _ - - - - M ' _ _ E==Efflm = - -_ EEC - ENS -x- - - _. 3a - VERT. I% 4' = mEEE€EEEmmEEMEEE EE 19 0 ti co d' F <190-/i/N. W •)---7% S- 20 21 22 FUTURE R/W >- m 1- CO Z 0 Cc V W 0 1- 6772 e +/8.97 FUTURE G/6. IRS } . I91 999-� 71-'6.-17Z 193 .�.-E.94 2 L.WORE ICj�_ PROPOSED CURB f GUTTER' GLAVS7RL/CT 44` R.G.P.--� b 24 25 HEMLOCK AVE. N 20 _... .. 21 195 -�- FROPo5C-0 O/W R/W - CURVE DATA A R L 7 ' '1 157-00' 56•' 1 90.00' I 89.56' I 48.88' I 063 1?H 5/NGLE ROW S/NGLE 1/E/61/T .e/A16 OF 6.4woeAG5' QC.E/N2 /Na7 TYPE Y /0' /0' 2"4:C. DESILTING INLET DETAIL NO SCALE O 19 18 950 - 940 - CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONCRETE BULKHEAD PER DETAIL SHEET. .IB. MANHOLE NO. 2 PER LA.C.F.C.D. STD. DWG. NO. 2-D184. CONC. COLLAR PER DETAIL ON SHEET 20, - PRESSURE MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER.PER LA.C.FC.D. STD. NO. 2- D197. PRESSURE SHAFT PER L.AC.FC.D. STD. NO. 2-D2)0. STA'II +73. 14 SEE SHEET 4 0. E. al . /VLET 1=0 P R/W-, FUTURE U.GlE T R 196 • 3L[T70R cove 9 89-06 /B from 62'S { Si2/TURC G C 6. 2z013•cN-°�T 1 - tl G 0•W PROP. R/W STA? 2344.9. 97 ST. 5TQ /94.A95.75 64/0 CON57R1/c770N. FLOG FOR Fe/7ORE STORM JURUPA AVE. \ N0. "RECORD DRAWING" A.-l: MANNOG E REv HOG 9W.r ENGR. DESCRIPTION APPR DATE REVISIONS 6-1947 7278, 9-559, CITY APVR. DATE ASL Consulting Engineers DESIGNED et N.O. DRAWN /Y 0*OCEDSY M.T DATE FEB..1987 • .E 1154311 �-`--- GaG {818)997.44f 6-30-09 WILLIAM 0 SPRTA ANA (714)250-5525 PAIR SPRINGS (G19)328-4220 RANCHO CUCARON6A (714)989-8983 pvtll" (6"5),P.B Pi<t SCALE FILE N0. 1400. 91 APPROVED ay. CHINO BASIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OFFICE ENGINEER _':DATE R.C.E. SCALE 1"= 40' APPROVED, R/!✓ AUK W DRAWN BY CITY OF FONTANA, CA, ;,IFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTA4F1 T • s'ta ri40{ DESIGNED70Y CHECKED 'EPF c.nl j SOUTHRIOGE VILLAGE STORM DRAIN dURUPA AVENUE Ax8RUVED -4 4,/ 4.4�a2 r ?•Q'E9. ��p"/� `$4. CITVFNGlNEER q 2 EZ /yt; E�/y SOf- I WSPG Calculation for Storm Drain Line 1-A and Line 1-B OWE IA ,oMK EX• 71." 5P T1 CITY OF FONTANA T2 TRACT 17021 T3 SD LINE 1A 24" RCP SO 1003.000 940.260 1 R 1010.560 940.360 1 .013 R 1023.810 940.535 1 .013 R 1052.140 940.909 1 .013 JX 1056.820 940.960 3 2 .013 4.540 R 1074.810 941.190 3 .013 R 1082.300 941.290 3 .013 SH 1082.300 941.290 3 941.290 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 Q 4.860 .0 e 5/A. g+og.q. 0 941.930 .000 .000 0 33.741 .000 0 .000 .000 0 42.3 .000 -45.811 .000 0 .000 .000 0 m--- mg gm um r NO M--- O--- En 11111 FILE: LINE1A.WSW Station L/Elem ********* 1003.000 7.560 Invert Elev C- h Slope ********* 940.260 .0132 1010.560 940.360 13.250 .0132 1023.810 940.535 28.330 .0132 1052.140 940.909 JUNCT STR .0109 1 1056.820 940.960 17.990 .0128 1074.810 941.190 7.490 .0133 1 1082.300 941.290 W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1680 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 2-17-2005 Time:11:10:27 CITY OF FONTANA TRACT 17021 SD LINE lA 24" RCP Depth (FT) ******** 6.318 6.231 6.096 5.771 5.881 Water Elev ********* 946.578 946.591 946.631 946.680 5.664 946.854 Q (CFS) ********* 9.40 9.40 9.40 Vel Vel (FPS) Head SF Ave *******I******* 2.99 .14 .0017 2.99 .14 .0017 2.99 .14 .0017 9.40 2.99 .14 - - -I- - USE f LINE/g.0011 4.86 1.55 .04 .0005 4.86 1.55 .04 .0005 5.568 946.858 4.86 1.55 .04 W.S. EL. AT C.B Energy Grd.E1. HF ********* 946.72 .01 946.73 .02 946.77 .05 946.82 .01 946.88 .01 946.89 .00 946.89 Super ICriticalIFlow Top Elev I Depth 1 Width - -1- -I- - SE DpthlFroude NjNorm Dp .00 1.10 6.32 .00 1 .00 1.10 .00 .00 .00 1.10 -1- 6.10 .00 .00 1.10 .00 .00 .00 .78 .00 .00 .00 .78 5.66 .00 .00 .78 .00 .83 .00 .83 .00 .83 .00 .00 .59 .00 .58 .00 Height/ Dia.-FT ******* 2.000 .013 2.000 .013 2.000 .013 2.000 .013 2.000 .013 2.000 .013 2.000 Base Wt or I.D. X-Fall ******* .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 ******** No Wth ZL Prs/Pip ZR Type Ch ***** ******* .00 1 .0 .00 P- IPE .00 1 .0 .00 P- IPE .00 1 .0 .00 P- IPE .00 1 .0 .00 PIPE .00 1 .0 .00 PIPE .00 1 .0 .00 PIPE .00 1 .0 T1 CITY OF FONTANA T2 TRACT 17021 T3 SD LINE 113 24" RCP SO 1002.000 941.930 1 R 1035.480 944.330 1 .013 SH 1035.480 944.330 1 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 Q 4.540 .0 LINE 16 �Qo�ti I.I NE1A 944.330 0 .000 .000 0 um gm gm u gm mg! N r-- M I N - M= FILE: LINE1B.WSW Station L/Elem ********* 1002.000 33.480 1035.480 Invert Elev Ch Slope ********* W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 1680 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING CITY OF FONTANA TRACT 17021 SD LINE 1B 24" RCP Depth (FT) ******** 941.930 4.911 .0717 944.330 2.524 Water Elev ********* 946.841 0 (CFS) ********* 4.54 4.54 Vel Vel (FPS) Head SF Ave *******I******* ).5 • EL. AT c-5. 1.45 .03 .0004 1.45 .03 Energy Grd.E1. HF ********* 946.87 .01 946.89 Super ICriticallFlow Top Elev I Depth I Width SE DpthlFroude NlNorm Dp *******I********I******** I I .00 .75 4.91 .00 I I .00 .75 .00 .37 .00 PAGE 1 Date: 2-17-2005 Time:11:12:34 Height/ Dia.-FT "N" ******* 2.000 .013 2.000 Base Wt or I.D. X-Fall ******* .000 .00 .000 ZL ZR ***** .00 .00 .00 ******* No Wth Prs/Pip Type Ch ******* 1 .0 PIPE 1 .0