HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract No. 18906 Hydrology Report°PQOVID vAR le BM '"OILOGY STUDY. AND HYD I'` ' ULICS C ' , LCUL ' TIONS FOR T CT MAP 18906 APN: 0243-141-29 El HMO MAR 10 MN PREPARED BY: S.D. ENGINEERING AND ASSOCIATES 242 E. Airport Drive, Ste 212 San Bernardino, Ca. 92408 (909) 884-7090 Email: suresh@sdengineering.com `-1 INTRODUCTION STUDY LOCATION: This study area is a proposed Tract Map 18906 consisting of 16 residential tots on a 3.83 acres of land. It is located along east side of Williams Road, along both side of Dumond Street and West side of Maple Avenue, south of Baseline Avenue and north of Foothill Boulevard in the City of Fontana. It is surrounded by single family residential homes on all four side sides of the project site. The project may be accessed via Sierra Avenue north from Interstate 10 freeway, then east to Foothill Boulevard, then north to Maple Avenue to the project site. REPORT OBJECTIVE: The entire area of this project will have 16 single family residential homes. The objective of this report is to determine the basic hydrologic response of the proposed development to onsite storm runoff only since all four sides are fully developed, to be reviewed by the City of Fontala. The project is an "in - fill" in nature. HYDROLOGY: The rational method hydrology system used on the analysis of the subject site is the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual dated August 1986. SUMMARY: The site is currently vacant located on the east side of Williams Road, west and east sides of Dumond Street, and west side of Maple Avenue. These streets are existing and are already developed. The site is an in -fill project. It is surrounded by single family residential homes on all four sides. The fully developed properties surrounding the project have their own drainage system, therefore, there is no significant impact to the project site. Only onsite storm runoff will be considered in this report. The site currently drains to these three streets The main purpose of this report is to determine the amount of 100-year frequency storm runoff on the individual lots between predevelopment and post development conditions. The increased of runoff due to this proposed development will be retained onsite and the historical runoff or the 90% of the predevelopment runoff will be allowed to flow to the streets fronting the individual lots where it currently flows, thereby not increasing the existing runoff flowing to the respective streets. The sizes of the proposed lots are typical single family residential lot, therefore, the simplified Rational Method Formula can be applied. Thus, Q = C.I.A. C = 0.54 (predevelopment), 0.85 (post development, Single Family Residential) I = 1.47 (100-year storm frequency) A = 10,500 S.F. (largest lot of 16) = 0.24 The increased of runoff then will be Q delta= 0.31 (1.47) (0.24) = 0.1094 c.f.s. Volume = 394c.f. To satisfy the requirements of the WQMP, an underground filtration system with a capacity of 542 c.f. is installed at each individual lot. The capacity of this system is more than the expected increased of flow. The calculated footprint area of the underground infiltration/retention basin is 109.56 s.f. and the resulting height of water inside the basin is 3.60 feet. The site has an infiltration rate of 2.5"/hr. Thus the drawdown time is 3.60/0.21 = 17.14 hours. Therefore, the basin will be empty in 17.14 hours and 24-hour routing time requirement is not necessary as demonstrated by this fact. It is therefore concluded that the underground infiltration system could adequately handle the increased of flow and the treatment of stormwater runoff. An 8" header pipe is provided for the underground infiltration system which could adequately convey the calculated as shown on the calculation on the next pages. The calculated grate opening is 14.4 square inch as shown on the calculation on the next pages. A 144 square inch (12"x12") opening is provided to avoid clogging problem. VICINITY MA D i; x 1331,8 t %Conc D Si x132E I2'xI2', DEPTH-24' CATCH BASIN x HYDROLOGY MAP TRACT M3P18so69 >< 1332.8 P CPOSE G' Wa, MAO RY WALL 4.w :.1 _� PRINCa0 �s`4v b' ttASRLRY IYN.I 3/4-2 INCH WASHED CRUSHED STONE BENEATH AND . AROUND CHAMBER BED 12"X12", DEPTH=24" / CATCH BASIN 3" PERFORATED PIPE HDPE ❑R EQUAL 60" PERF❑RATED HDPE ❑R EQUAL TYPICAL CONNECTION N.T.S. 24" MIN 7' MAX. 3/4-2 INCH WASHED CRUSHED STONE MC-4500 CHAMBER 95% COMPACTED FILL 4 ❑Z. NON-W❑ v EN FILTER FABRIC ALL AROUND STONE = � -. -. 011100"00:000.0 off-w-w-w-w!ww 12" TYP. 00' 12" MIN. I 2"MIN. 60 9"j MIN. TYPICAL ELEVATION N.T.S. 95 % C❑MPACTED FILL SUB -BASE FINISHED SURFACE FILTER FABRIC TYPICAL LAYOUT N.T.S. 3/4-2 INCH WASHED CRUSHED ST❑NE BENEATH AND AR❑UND CHAMBER BED 8" PERF❑RATED PIPE HDPE ❑R EQUAL MC-4500 CHAMBER IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY CF SAN BERNARDINO. STATE Cf CANFORNIA PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 18906 BENG A SuBDPASIOH er THE EAST ONE—HALF Cr THE SOUTH ONE—HALF Cf LOT 417, ACCORDING TO THE NAP SHOYAND SUBDIMSION CF LANDS BELONCANG 70 THE SBA -TROPIC LAND AND WATER CCIPA7IT,14 THE CITY CF FRNTANA, COUNTY Cr SAN BEFRARTY.Ilo, STATE CF CALTOPRIA, AR °FR FLAT ittcceaso IN BOON II OF NAPS, PACE 12, RECORDS Olf SAID COUNTY. SD. DAWITERING MO ASSOCIATES ANTE 2512 ! ,...,.,,,,.....____‘„,,,,c.:},, wt ./.71t/ 4 141 7 ! ",,,,,,, PAC.U.S a 1330, , •...„, ',,, . ; 411,---- - S FA...,10.? • A • 11,7-S lIP tot .1132114 —s< EMY.,4 A.475 GENERAL NOTES , NOTE; RECORD OMER 16. -ra.S.ih 6226• .211.416.426.06565 SUBDIVIDER • ;VA) 6.22-6566 ENGINEER , 465671 LEGEND 17.74:77771 VICINITY MAP 0 S.D. ENGINEERING AND ASSOCIATES t64 - Sue T.ot 6*614 11'20 Ski; 4- TIN Y — -1- � - A TIS T2S t- L. I R7W R6W 1._.• • • 3e. .0111111/11 AwAvig 2,4104.1411111 T3S- - . _cpcormemaiusgamotre .reallitii Aniiiiii:01/4-iiii kt190110111P- *tw's1 .19 ic...--5,,.., •tl .. I 40. - Iz -I 4W . I.+S wools - ,. • • Nignillh i\Era ILIF i oreinaTamkatioutwormaximiltima.z. ra . Res ainigigli rffP,•-■.%74—rtiiii PF_Rgni IVIRlIAMini II. • •• '• Yi 2.1wilikmairrerf it ;iw ice ► :.1.--. i�° m»�1e9&lob_ 4 R5 ERSIDE R4W 3. R2W doil .td r-r * -1 3-? I + rl IL 1•-- A- 7-1 L L. _ ! J IOW�s mu,w - .�-`'. Irwore‘w R3 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL R2W REDUCED DRAWING - SCALE I" r 4 MILES Jame.• Oa 'SOURER PRECIPITATION ,IINCHES) R-17 • ti 1 I. I - • !`I�• .Y I 1-: R2E -.#4N 1- I. I 11 ./1 • -1-7. 1- •.i 11, I YT I • R2 FIDOO C M i,x0L DISTRICT VALLEY AREA ISORYETALI YN-100 YEAR 1 •HOUR • .LIO ON ...5 N.AAMW S. M. . oat •A At MIS NNW No IOR J.v.1-.2 ...i .4 .I IS FIGURE 13-4 -. SV�fs r a.__ " r-- YIQUP BOU MAIIT �� .. p66P OEi16NATI6N-�:`.�(JF'! "9Y Or fOlCATE0 16101Ct - 7111130 ...� -• :POUNTY M;NrCO - 1H6Ex.1oAP ,.-�.:�'�i�. fib'•;; 3.115::50.666.. ca.we u..u.y-ra.u. , k.., M..,.. tattoos C. W roar Pm M_I IS4 YU (PCCU4Ct6 f(CM UnN0A00.0. 76P66BIPM C NAP SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 001.00 �• y 60506Y BAP •it 9MYEY • HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP FOR SOUTHCENTRAL AREA - 1H6Ex.1oAP ,.-�.:�'�i�. fib'•;; 3.115::50.666.. ca.we u..u.y-ra.u. , k.., M..,.. tattoos C. W roar Pm M_I IS4 YU (PCCU4Ct6 f(CM UnN0A00.0. 76P66BIPM C NAP SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 001.00 �• y 60506Y BAP •it 9MYEY • HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP FOR SOUTHCENTRAL AREA Subsurface MC-4500 rrE E -iT Detention Stormwater Site Calculator 6 -Retention-Recharrge Management`" h � t! Project Information: Project Name: Location: Date: Engineer: StormTech RPM: System'Requireiner is . , System -Sizing q ' Units - 't) �' Number of Chambers Required 2 each Required Storage Volume x� ; Q *' CF Number of End Caps Required 2 each Stone Porosity (Industry Standard = 40%) !?{'s % Bed Size (including perimeter stone) 157 square feet Stone Above Chambers (12 inch min) inches Stone Required (including perimeter stone) 41 tons Stone Foundation Depth (9 inch min) inches Volume of Excavation 45 cubic yards Average Cover over Chambers(24 inch min 9 ) -� � inches Non -woven Filter Fabric Required(20% SafetyFactor)88 square yards q q Bed size controlled by WIDTH or LENGTH? Length of Isolator Row 15.2 feet Limiting WIDTH or LENGTH dimension a feet Woven Isolator Row Fabric (20% Safety Factor) 42 square yards Storage Volume per Chamber 162.6 CF Storage Volume per End Cap 108.6 CF Installed Storage Volume 542 cubic feet Controlled by title//... . 4,,x(/,,,,,,,,,,,�y/�,w„,<-7., 7.0' - • '' !`. .- V 24 Maximum Width = 12 feet 24" 2.13 m ( ) (610 mm) MAX. .` -; _..' • V -'` - _,;_ " � y; "r - �:,; _': t��•'� - ^'.1..,. •:'� •.._ : ,' �- inches MIN. a t _ Air 1 row of 2 chambers 1 i s�- ',�•"i. �-_'•= 1 12 ta 4,i'iz -% wi ' %►- .4 ..*; I t Ci ;�.. - } ' �. inches Maximum Length = 15.2 feet Maximum Width = 10.3 feet . W,. 'r � ?y' ! L ' ` - : ar Y f ' it it iI .- , _,,x 1,. e. 60". (lsea mm) iI: i 9 ! _ rr�m) i 100" I (2540 in T HEADER PIPE Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A * Water * I I * * I * * ( 1.37 in.) ( 0.114 ft.) * * I * * * Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.109 CFS Velocity 2.748 fps Pipe Diameter 8.000 inches Depth of Flow 1.367 inches Depth of Flow 0.114 feet Critical Depth 0.152 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.171 Slope of Pipe 2.000 % X-Sectional Area 0.040 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.568 feet AR^(2/3) 0.007 Mannings 'n' 0.013 Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.008 % Resource Center - Flow Calculators - Orifice Flow Calculator Page 1 of 1 Jif�l bnurof pi ej Solutions: About Us I Resource Center I Environmental Stewardship j Contact Us Product Lines Project Types Specifications Individual Products or Lines Infrastructure Growth Global Standards Home 1 Resource Center / Flow Calculator I Orifice Flow Calculator Resource Center Access Solutions Industry Resources Government Regulations LEED® Certification Industry Event Calendar Flow Calculator Glossary of Terms Glossary of Products Website Tour EJ Brand Store About Us Resource Center Orifice Equation Sign In I Register My Account I My Projects Language: (English I GO The flow capacity of any inlet grate in a sump or ponded condition Is a function o' the depth of water over the grate and the open area of the grate. For this calculation, the orifice equation is used. The oriti :e equation car be used to determine the flow through a grate. Q=0.0108xAx'Id Q = flow (ft'/s) A = open area of grate (inz) d = depth of water over grate (In) Orifice Flow Calculator Options: Enter A and d, click Calculate to solve for Q (flow) Enter 0 and d, click Calculate to solve for A (grate open area) 'Indicates required field Q = Flow (ft'/s): A = Open area of grate (inz): [14.4 j d = Depth of water over grate (in): j0.50 Calculate Customer Support My Account Company History Government Regulations Contact Us Personal Info Innovation LEEDE' Certification Terms & Conditions Project Lists Environmental Stewardship Website Tour Privacy Policy Careers EJ Brand Store MORE > MORE > MORE > The Orifice aquatic i works best with water depths of 4 inches or greater. Stay Covered Sign up today to receive EJ news updates and Information on special events and offers. EMAIL ADDRESS 1 GO EJ Worldwide Copyright 5 2014 EJ Group, Irc. All Rights Reserved nrnninA A GeoTek, Inc. 710 E. Parkridge Avenue, Suite 105, Corona, California 92879-1097 (951) 710- 1160 Office (951) 710-1167 Fax www.geotekusa.com February 17, 2014 Project No. I 003-CR3 Frontier Enterprises 8300 Utica Avenue, Suite 300 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Attention: Ms. Cory Condosta Subject: Infiltration Evaluation Tract 18906 City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Dear Ms. Condosta: As requested and authorized, GeoTek, Inc. (GeoTek) has performed an evaluation of near -surface water infiltration potential at the project site. The subject site is located east of Williams Road, west of North Maple Avenue and southerly of Fairview Drive in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. The irregular shaped property is comprised of roughly four (4) acres of land. The site can be considered as having relatively flat terrain. One (I) excavation was dug by hand, to a depth of about one (I) foot below existing grade in the southwestern portion of the site (see Figure I). Infiltration testing was completed using a double ring infiltrometer device in the excavation. A representative from our firm conducted the actual infiltration testing. The slowest/most conservative infiltration rate of two and one-half (2.5) inches per hour was measured for the test hole, after the infiltration rate had generally stabilized. The diameter of the inside ring of the infiltrometer was approximately twelve (12) inches. The testing was completed in general conformance with ASTM D 3385. Over the lifetime of the disposal area, the infiltration rates may be affected by silt build up and biological activities, as well as local variations in near surface soil conditions. GEOTECHNICAL I ENVIRONMENTAL I MATERIALS FRONTIER ENTERPRISES Infiltration Study Tract 18906. Fontana, California LIMITATIONS Project No. I003-CR3 February 17, 2014 Page 2 The materials observed on the project site appear to be representative of the area; however, soil materials vary in character between excavations and natural outcrops or conditions exposed during site construction. Site conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors. GeoTek, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for work, testing or recommendations performed or provided by others. Our conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions that are limited to the extent of the available data. Observations during construction are important to allow for any change in recommendations found to be warranted. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice and no warranty is expressed or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. Edward H. LaMont CEG 1892, Exp. 07/31 / 14 Principal Geologist Attachments: Figure I — Infiltration Test Location Map Infiltration Test Data Distribution: (I) Addressee via email G:\Projects\ 1001 to 1 050\1003CR3 Frontier Enterprises Tract 18906 Fontana\In filtration Study\ 1003CR3 Infiltration Evaluation Tract I8906.doc JCc GEOTEK 7 F.101 •..: 4r1'r .a 4i �!3 j 1 p 0 M AA N.10'zr. ..11,."haCC yqP rl,eiile.t i • yaan 4 A 11 1� 1yylI� Iv (r r — F{en.42,174:?, 4 m � s 1:Lj: • al" f fierl 1 • .r� 7 8 I�R HE:o•d411'E. u ..-'' I_x3u7 " • .. .-a Ivan kot •id lit/,w � y f xr LEGEND T-1 ® Approximate Location of Infiltration Test Frontier Enterprises Tract 18906 City of Fontana San Bernardino County, California GeoTek Project No. I 003-CR3 N Figure I Infiltration Test Location Map G E O T E K wtt_L)4t s RoAD 1003 -CR3 Project Name and Test Location: Trench No.: Tested by: Date of Testing: Water Table Depth: P uvvote runt. melt I SQIETER Liquid Used: TEST DATA Temperature: Mainced by Using: of Rings Into Soil (in.): I&{ 1AlAT6EZ L01" 1 Ground p VG Liquid Level 2-/ 14 (I14 Penetration 6 USCS Classification: FLOW READINGS INFILTRATION RATE TRIAL NO. STARTLE ND TIME ELAPSED TIME (Min.) INNER RING (in.) RING FLOW (water added in ml) ANNULAR READING (in.) SPACE FLOW (water added in ml) LIQUID TEMP. F) ( INNER (inJhr.) ANNULAR (inJhr.) REMARKS 1 5 9:oe :0 12. 70 9.o E 9:10 to A.S Q27 lot, 83410 3•0 2 5 4,11 to O._ Ct.o E q.zl Iv q,5 927 10.S 8390 3.0 ' S Q:22 tlz o '1. 5 E q. :3 10 q P/y, li.6 ! o.ti 5 ` 6950 3.8 4 S q : 34 I r, 12 ] S E Q:44 (Cr q / 1158, I045 (0950 3.3 s S R:4& Io 1Z 6.o E R:s to 93/8 1158 II-0 5560 3. 8 6 S 9=5P, to 12- 5560 3,g G,v E ,o:oe to 9 3/6 1158, 11.0 7 5 ,0:10 In 3241) 12. 15290 3.5" S.5 , E to:4o 3o 8.2c 9.25 e S to:q} l0 3243 12 152.4o 3.S 5. S E 11: 12, 30 8.2s- 9.25 y S l,:16 0 to 3243 )2 152°10 7. 5_5- E 11:qG 30 13.25" 1.25 to 5 11 :A9 0 l0 3112 12 15z4o 3, 3 5.5 E 12_. . 3/e 1.25 II 5 (2:L2• 0 Iv 12 15z90 3. 3 5. S E 1215.2. 3a I 8142,3112 1,�.4 12 S 12 :55 ) :2S 0 • Jo 83(9, 3112 17. 3. 3 5.5 E E q .25 l5L to 13 S i U3 1, 10 8.5 12 3.o 5.C3 E E 1:56 2190 9.5 t39o0 14 5 Z.:ot 0 t6 lZ ,3.0 So E E 2:3s 30 13.5 2780 '1.5 1390o IS 5 1:34 0 10 12 Z. i 5.0 E E 3:04 30 85/p 254Y) 9.S 13160 16 S 3:07 o Iv 12 Z-6 5.0 E E 3:3.7 3d S5/R i5418 11.5 1390o 17 s 3:4o 0 10 12. 7 • S 5.6 E E 4:10 3o 9.-75 2317 q.5 13900 18 5 4:13 o Iv 12 2,S 5.d E 4:43 30 ta.'sc, 2317 9.5 13900 19 S 4 0 Io I 2. S .5.o E E 5: lc 30 $1c 2311 ' .5 t3goo -to Pa 3 Yak HYDROLOGY STUDY' AND HYDRAULICS CALCULATIONS FOR TRACT MAP 18906 APN: 0243-141-29 a PREPARED BY: S.D. ENGINEERING AND ASSOCIATES 242 E. Airport Drive, Ste 212 San Bernardino, Ca. 92408 (909) 884-7090 Email: suresh@sdengineering.com NM ID MAR 1021114 a INTRODUCTION STUDY LOCATION: This study area is a proposed Tract Map 18906 consisting of 16 residential tots on a 3.83 acres of land. It is located along east side of Williams Road, along both side of Dumond Street and West side of Maple Avenue, south of Baseline Avenue and north of Foothill Boulevard in the City of Fontana. It is surrounded by single family residential homes on all four side sides of the project site. The project may be accessed via Sierra Avenue north from Interstate 10 freeway, then east to Foothill Boulevard, then north to Maple Avenue to the project site. REPORT OBJECTIVE: The entire area of this project will have 16 single family residential homes. The objective of this report is to determine the basic hydrologic response of the proposed development to onsite storm runoff only since all four sides are fully developed, to be reviewed by the City of Fontana. The project is an "in - fill" in nature. HYDROLOGY: The rational method hydrology system used on the analysis of the subject site is the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual dated August 1986. SUMMARY: The site is currently vacant located on the east side of Williams Road, west and east sides of Dumond Street, and west side of Maple Avenue. These streets are existing and are already developed. The site is an in -fill project. It is surrounded by single family residential homes on all four sides. The fully developed properties surrounding the project have their own drainage system, therefore, there is no significant impact to the project site. Only onsite storm runoff will be considered in this report. The site currently drains to these three streets The main purpose of this report is to determine the amount of 100-year frequency storm runoff on the individual lots between predevelopment and post development conditions. The increased of runoff due to this proposed development will be retained onsite and the historical runoff or the 90% of the predevelopment runoff will be allowed to flow to the streets fronting the individual lots where it currently flows, thereby not increasing the existing runoff flowing to the respective streets. The sizes of the proposed lots are typical single family residential lot, therefore, the simplified Rational Method Formula can be applied. Thus, Q = C.I.A. C = 0.54 (predevelopment), 0.85 (post development, Single Family Residential) I = 1.47 (100-year storm frequency) A =10,500 S.F. (largest lot of 16) = 0.24 The increased of runoff then will be Q aeita= 0.31 (1.47) (0.24) = 0.1094 c.is. Volume = 394c.f. To satisfy the requirements of the WQMP, an underground filtration system with a capacity of 542 c.f. is installed at each individual lot. The capacity of this system is more than the expected increased of flow. The calculated footprint area of the underground infiltration/retention basin is 109.56 s.f. and the resulting height of water inside the basin is 3.60 feet. The site has an infiltration rate of 2.5"/hr. Thus the drawdown time is 3.60/0.21 = 17.14 hours. Therefore, the basin will be empty in 17.14 hours and 24-hour routing time requirement is not necessary as demonstrated by this fact. It is therefore concluded that the underground infiltration system could adequately handle the increased of flow and the treatment of stormwater runoff. An 8" header pipe is provided for the underground infiltration system which could adequately convey the calculated as shown on the calculation on the next pages. The calculated grate opening is 14.4 square inch as shown on the calculation on the next pages. A 144 square inch (12"x12") opening is provided to avoid clogging problem. 0 2l U FRWY. DUMOND DRIVE FAIRVIEW DR • SI TE BARBEE ST FOOTHILL BLVD l-- 1 D FRWY. VICINITY MA D x 13318 x 1332.8 A 8' PERFORATED PIPE HDPE OR EQUAL •rwICAL CONNECTION MI. HYDROLOGY MAP N'TRACT o MAP ; 89069 11 tlVia• I 11 t JJ PROMISE G' d SGYRY WN.t h89'44• • Pv PMworWNPn SUB —BASE FINISHED SURFACE --. , a J J .1 x-' f ' ,` °R��SL b' NASQ7RY WDLL U x x 3 / 2/ . 20.1 tD' 3/4-2 INCH WASHED CRUSHED 93 X COMPACTED FILL , STONE BENEATH AND . "� "m AROUND CHAMBER BED 12"X12", DEPTH=2 / CATCH BASIN 8" PERF❑RATED PIPE HDPE ❑R EQUAL 60" PERF❑RATED HDPE ❑R EQUAL TYPICAL CONNECTION N.T.S. 24" MIN 7' MAX. 3/4-2 INCH WASHED CRUSHED STONE MC-4500 CHAMBER 12" TYP. 100' 95% COMPACTED FILL 4 ❑Z. NON-W❑ v EN FILTER FABRIC ALL AROUND STONE 12I" MIN. I2" MIN. GO" 9"t MIN. TYPICAL ELEVATION N.T.S. 95 % C❑MPACTED FILL SUB -BASE FINISHED SURFACE FILTER FABRIC 15,2' TYPICAL LAYOUT N.T.S. 3/4-2 INCH WASHED CRUSHED ST❑NE BENEATH AND AR❑UND CHAMBER BED 8" PERF❑RATED PIPE HDPE ❑R EQUAL MC-4500 CHAMBER T7 20 7 IN THE CITY Of FONTANA. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDtNO, STATE OF CAHFORNIA PRELIMINARY GRADING JLAN FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 18906 BEING A SOBOVASION Cr THE EAST ORE -HALF OF THE SOUTH ORE -HALF OF LOT 417. ACCORDING TO THE NAP SHOYANG SUBINVISION CF LANDS BELONGING TO THE SENT-TRCXNC LAND AND WATER COMPANY, IN THE CITY fi FCHTANA. CFAINTY rF S.AN PORNARDINC, STATE OF Ch1FERV1A, AS °ER PLAT RECCRDEO IN BOON 11 Of NAPS. PATE 12. RECORDS CF SAID COUNTY. SO. EIOREERANG AND ASSOGATES 3A.Y, 2013 •l3b.. ffi 4$ • 13214 3Uk3,EN ;�i3031ai EATS R.C.S. •D ......:da1T` .-.V. Sktt Df"Y.: clklAt¢_ NOTE: RECORD OWNER iti.4 t ttAS:A0- fR,$.10A IA NS^ QCLet 1S'QS' f YlAM AANMiA 33a(atte. AACd4SS. CA 400.24 SUBDIVIDER moo, 409E,lnrc s k_ax'. ,0 '*;CAACA40 CA Y:: AA. t00» ENGINEER SD. EN:Wit::7AS ASr✓X:a75 ALE+' MR s''.: 4'"Y 0.7:TAA, >7.. MAK.. 0'AC. SA 's . LEGEND se FAart i,ALbA0 R£a- DAUkt Sr T4C041 BA) VICINITY MAP I Aft. S.D. ENGINEERING AND ASSOCIATES LAND PLANNING AND OW. ENGINEERtNG Ya8 C r J+ F. s%. I:: - 41* WAAAAAA, :e C"N0* at.BC F 91 IA*.FOA0 FAA. AAAA,AANAAAA.AA 1• LP R8 TIN TIS T2S 1 — i r 1 r R7W R6W �_ I T )mt I-ti, t -1 I- • , • 1. sumer .I I111 A y I (r. .I :i^ 4W , . 1 F r za•i.�n I ! ice -• 41 • �T'"' ="E1- -►r®�,-I-- -_ LT Via IM 1PaladiSiliffir yin L. p'--k[..;--ka �� __�''��1 1 _ _ _dliIII '— '1 • .��� '' r 43,--:t7.7*mewrdi ramor 101 iremine-R2E= i-"At .AARTLardis '1% NI, in ei;i0 -4,1*-: PJtRSIDE .. ..Ili, R4W •it.55i1 �: Q. e 1• I t!lit: R5 R3 R2W $ RIE I —� —1— r R2E µµ -1- T4N 1.7 1 -44k "or . eV Irvi PP', wisp s R2W SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL IREDUCED DRAWING. SCALE I" = 4 MILES 1 t. OA 180LINES PRECIPITATION (INCHES) 3>7 1 .. I .—r+—. . "- R2 .I 414444 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT' VALLEY AREA OOHYETALR Ys•-I00 YEAR 1 •FLOUR • WED 011 Wine. IIOA,t 1f W 4. Al . AMMO 47 ?c.o.: V"lam[ con„Pu ILO two' 1 w • IOU 1 ,wu rta r"ll .M-1 I41 r1: ' • FIGURE 8-4 R-I2 .., s ..... o i • . • 1---' ---••••.';'-:- 1.., '' .4.-..-7t7.-e-,--,".:----4.1 -12&.. •-., ee•--S,--",E.7. .Rt, : . e-.7 MVP BOUROANY RORPLIEINIRATION 1RY OF INFLATE° 10.CE ;OUNTY i...,_. 1 1 c.. tia Orli , IIIE MIMS= • • . ..onioawara- 4alftY1r 1,44,4411t 11.311Cha4- . . . 11r4a4=r147.1.4ir.V.Y47:4=.1:447,=='4""ral • OMR yar 0E0001:00:00 OM 1.11.03t3A11 11111110801110. 70PORRAP9IC YAP SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 19.7:s110=44 .17.74;i 603.136Y trP , WIRER HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP FOR SOUTHCENTRAL AREA Project Information: Project Name: Location: Date: Engineer: StormTech RPM: E tc rm14c11,® Detention -Retention -Recharge Subsurface Stormwater Management`" MC-4500 Site Calculator i*, _ .:,: ..... . Gx �y ;ter �" 9.: z ai•�. " . �.. _C% yL�,.- -:1, i ,;. ... .,;: F.. .: ,. i . -'.� w .s. +,�:-... yv';r' ,k. 'iFn i "� } y.' �, ;n ": ,.«. w, IFd... : i. .. G3,.._ rs• z.. ....`S ..:-. , r'. y.,T _ '«`.,�,� Units Number of Chambers Required 2 each Number of End Caps Required 2 each Bed Size (including perimeter stone) 157 square feet Stone Required (including perimeter stone) 41 tons Volume of Excavation 45 cubic yards Non -woven Filter Fabric Required (20% Safety Factor) 88 square yards Length of Isolator Row 15.2 feet Woven Isolator Row Fabric (20% Safety Factor) 42 square yards Installed Storage Volume 542 cubic feet Required Storage Volume Stone Porosity (Industry Standard = 40%) Stone Above Chambers (12 inch min.) - CF % inches Stone Foundation Depth (9 inch min.) Average Cover over Chambers (24 inch min.) Bed size controlled by WIDTH or LENGTH? Limiting WIDTH or LENGTH dimension Storage Volume per Chamber Storage Volume per End Cap _s '� - 162.6 108.6 inches inches feet CF CF ,,;: �.--''-:,?V •-- 24 Maximum Width = 12 feet 1 row of 2 chambers Maximum Length = 15.2 feet Maximum Width 10.3 feet 7.0' (Mom) (610 mm) t • -,>" _ `} ,r:," : �' :s = Lev "-` inches I. Tti 1 i '' '` ',-=''% 12 _ Aolt r_40,,,, inches ,, -:' _ �;`' %'= " ff V i ` ` ` T44 t 1524 mm ) 5 • wit I[ _9 100" inches : (2540 mm) HEADER PIPE Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA— — * Water * I l * * I * * ( 1.37 in.) ( 0.114 ft.) * * * * I * V Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.109 CFS Velocity 2.748 fps Pipe Diameter 8.000 inches Depth of Flow 1.367 inches Depth of Flow 0.114 feet Critical Depth 0.152 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.171 Slope of Pipe 2.000 X-Sectional Area 0.040 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.568 feet AR^(2/3) 0.007 Mannings 'n' 0.013 Min. Eric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.008 % geso' irce Center - Flow Calculators - Orifice Flow Calculator Page 1 of 1 About Us I Resource Center I Environmental Stewardship j Contact Us Solutions: Product Lines Project Types Specifications Individual Products or Lines Infrastructure Growth Global Standards Home !Resource Center I Flow Calculator I Orifice Flow Calculator Resource Center Access Solutions Industry Resources Government Regulations LEED® Certification Industry Event Calendar Flow Calculator Glossary of Terms Glossary of Products Website Tour EJ Brand Store About Us Orifice Equation Sign In I Register My Account I My Projects Language: (English GO The flow capacity of any inlet grate in a sump or ponded condition is a function o` the depth of water over the grate and the open area of the grate. For this calculation, the orifice equation is used. The oriliae equation car be used to determine the flow through a grate. Q=0,0108xAx'd 0 = flow (ft'Is) A = open area of grate (in') d = depth of water over grate (in) Orifice Flow Calculator Options: Enter A and d, click Calculate to solve for Q (flow) Enter Q and d, click Calculate to solve for A (grate open area) *Indicates required field Q = Flow (tt'Is): A = Open area of grate (in'): *d = Depth of water over grate (in): o.so Calculate 0.11 ! The Orifice equatic i works best with water depths of 4 inches or greater. Resource Center Customer Support My Account Stay Covered Company History Government Regulations Contact Us Personal Info Innovation LEER' Certification Terms & Conditions Project Lists Environmental Stewardship Website Tour Privacy Policy Careers EJ Brand Store MORE > MORE> MORE> EJ Worldwide Sign up today to receive EJ news updates and information on spedal events and offers. EMAIL ADDRESS 1 GO Copyright C 2014 EJ Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved http://americas.ej co.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/FlowCalculatorV iew?calculator = orifice&catalogl... 2/20/2014 GeoTek, Inc. 710 E. Parkridge Avenue, Suite 105, Corona, California 92879-1097 (951) 710-1160 Office (951) 710-1167 Fax www.geotekusa.com February 17, 2014 Project No. I 003-CR3 Frontier Enterprises 8300 Utica Avenue, Suite 300 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Attention: Ms. Cory Condosta Subject: Infiltration Evaluation Tract I8906 City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Dear Ms. Condosta: As requested and authorized, GeoTek, Inc. (GeoTek) has performed an evaluation of near -surface water infiltration potential at the project site. The subject site is located east of Williams Road, west of North Maple Avenue and southerly of Fairview Drive in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. The irregular shaped property is comprised of roughly four (4) acres of land. The site can be considered as having relatively flat terrain. One (1) excavation was dug by hand, to a depth of about one (I) foot below existing grade in the southwestern portion of the site (see Figure 1). Infiltration testing was completed using a double ring infiltrometer device in the excavation. A representative from our firm conducted the actual infiltration testing. The slowest/most conservative infiltration rate of two and one-half (2.5) inches per hour was measured for the test hole, after the infiltration rate had generally stabilized. The diameter of the inside ring of the infiltrometer was approximately twelve (12) inches. The testing was completed in general conformance with ASTM D 3385. Over the lifetime of the disposal area, the infiltration rates may be affected by silt build up and biological activities, as well as local variations in near surface soil conditions. GEOTECHNICAL I ENVIRONMENTAL I MATERIALS 4. FRONTIER ENTERPRISES Infiltration Study Tract 18906. Fontana. California LIMITATIONS Project No. I 003-CR3 February 17, 2014 Page 2 The materials observed on the project site appear to be representative of the area; however, soil materials vary in character between excavations and natural outcrops or conditions exposed during site construction. Site conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors. GeoTek, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for work, testing or recommendations performed or provided by others. Our conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions that are limited to the extent of the available data. Observations during construction are important to allow for any change in recommendations found to be warranted. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice and no warranty is expressed or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. Edward H. LaMont CEG 1892, Exp. 07/3 I / 14 Principal Geologist GPI] e'-v 0 r, Ju7 No.1892 Ti tiA -ri -ring Cse"' CAS Attachments: Figure I — Infiltration Test Location Map Infiltration Test Data Distribution: (I) Addressee via email G:\Projects\1001 to I0S0\1003CR3 Frontier Enterprises Tract 18906 Fontana\Infiltration Study\1003CR3 Infiltration Evaluation Tract I8906.doc GEOTEK � � n T-I LEGEND Approximate Location of Infiltration Test Frontier Enterprises Tract I8906 City of Fontana San Bernardino County, California GeoTek Project No. I 003-CR3 Figure I Infiltration Test Location Map GEOTE« w t (.-L t 4 nit 5 ROAD 1003 --CZ Project Name and Test Location: Trench No.: Tested by: Date of Testing: Water Table Depth: DOUBLE RING INFILTROMETER Liquid Used: TEST DATA Mainted by Using: of Rings Into Soil (in.): j?I ' )/J ( R LO r 1 Ground Temperature: p VG Liquid Level 2/ I / i4 Penetration 4- it . I USCS Classification: FLOW READINGS INFILTRATION RATE TRIAL NO. STARTLE ND TIME ELAPSED TIME (Min.) INNER RING (in.) RING FLOW (water added in ml) ANNULAR READING (in.) SPACE FLOW (water added in ml) LIQUID TEMP. ( F) INNER (in./hr.) ANNULAR (inJhr.) REMARKS S q :oo 10 12. 70 9.0 E 9:4o tO A.S q27 le,.; 8340 3.0 2 S Q:11 10 12. 3.0 61•0 E 1:LI Iv 9,5 92-1 10.5 8390 3 S 43:22 10 12 3• g 7. 5 E q :3 2 to q 3/Q, 115g 10.15 6950 4 S 4 : 34 Iv 12. 3 S 7.5 E R:44 (b 9 /4 115, 10.75 695o s S R:016 to It58 12 5S6o 3 S G.0 E Q:5(, to 93/1 )I.o 6 S 915?, t0 1158 12. 5560 3,0 6.0 E Io:oB ,0 pWe, I1.o 7 S IO:Io !O 3243 12. t5290 3.5 5.5 E to:4o 3o 8.tS 9.25 e S to:43 to 3243 t2. 15z10 3.5 5.S E 11:12, 30 8.25 q•25 9 S it:ib 0 10 3243 12 152Ao 3.5- 5.5 E 11:4E, 30 E3.25- 9.25 10 S 1(:49 0 10 3112 12. 15290 3, s.s E 1Z'•+1 36 04 1.25 II S to;t2 o to 3112 12 t5290 3. 3 5.5- E 12. o52. 36 8'/A t .2.5 12 S 12;5'5 a 10 3112 17 15290 3. 3 5. 5 E i .2.5- 30 834> 9.25 13 S 1 :le 0 10 2160 12 139oo 3.o 5.0 E E I : Se 30 8.5 1.5 14 S 2.:ot a 16 278o 12 (3900 -0 5:D E 2:31 3o 13.5 9.5 IS S v,34 o to 254?) ) 2 1390o Z.2 5.6 E 3:04 3r, 85/p 9.5 16 S 3:07 0 )0 12.. (3 )oo 2-6 5.o E E 3.37 3o 85/9, 15g8 N.S 17 S 3:4o o to 12 z• 5 5.0 E 4:Io 30 6:75 2311 q•S 1390o Ia S 4 :13 O l b 12 2..S 5.c. E 4:43 30 $.75 231? 11.5 13900 19 S 4:4 6 o to 12- 2.5 5.0 E 5:14 30 8:15 231/ A•5 13900 70