HomeMy WebLinkAbout0850-72_Baseline Avenue/Almeria Avenue - Sewer Project_18.7DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) E.NI ROACHMENT PERMIT • DN-N-P202A (Rev 1/90) Permit 08-9-TK-0533 In compliance with (check one): X Your application of April 30, 1993 Utility Notice No. of Agreement No. of R/W Contract No. of Dist/Co/Rte/PM 08-SBD-66-12.33/14.36 Date May 14, 1993 Fee Paid Deposit $EXEMPT $ XXXX Bond Amount $XXXX Bond Company XXXX City of Fontana, Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Mr. Clyde E. Sweet, Jr. Bond Number. 1 91993 , PERMITTEE and subject to the following, PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED to: Place temporary construction detour signs on State Route 66 (Foothill Boulevard), as per attached plans date stamped May 3, 1993 and/or as directed by the State's Representative. The signs are to be remain twenty four (24) hours per day, everyday between June 7, 1993 and July 31, 1993 or before completion date of your project on Baseline Avenue., whichever comes first. The beginning date should not coincide with any construction activities that are currently being performed at the intersection of Citrus Avenue,and State route 66. A PRE -JOB MEETING WITH THE ASSIGNED STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE, SUSAN COLLINS (909) 383-5954, IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT! FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN PERMIT CANCELLATION AND RESUBMITTAL MAY BE REQUIRED. FURTHER INFORMATION MAY BE ATTAINED FROM THE AREA FIELD SUPERVISOR, BASSEM MUALLEM (909) 383-5955. THE ATTACHED PAGES ARE MADE PART OF THIS PERMIT The following attachments are also included as part of this permit (Check applicable) X Yes General Provisions Yes X No Utility Maintenance Provisions JI_Yes___ No Special Provisions _ Yes _ji No Excavation permit required prior to beginning work: In addition to fee the permittee will be billed actual costs for: Yes X No Review Yes X No Inspection Yes Field Work (If any Caltrans effort expended) Yes X M.A. The information in the environmental documentation has been reviewed and considered prior to approval of this permit. This permit is void unless the work is completed before July 31, 1993 This permit is to be strictly construed and no other work other than specifically mentioned is hereby authorized. No project work shall be commenced until all other necessary permits and environmental clearances have been obtained. Ed Garcia/Maint. Supt./Fontana Susan Collins/Permit Insp. 93-0533 APPROVED: KEN STEELE, District Director BY: NM Najib challita, P.E., ASST. PERMIT ENGINEER PkdE 2: ATTACHED TO AND•DE PART OF PERMIT NO. 9311033 In addition to the attached General Provisions, form DM-M-P-202B, the following special provisions are also applicable: 1. The Permittee's work shall be subordinated to any operations which the State may conduct and shall not delay, nor interfere with the State's Forces or the State Contractor. 2. The State shall retain the right to remove, or relocate the signs as they deem necessary. 3. All personnel shall wear. hard hats and orange vests, shirts or jackets as appropriate. 4. Roadside signs shall be placed at location shown on the permit plans and shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of Caltrans Standard Plans. 5. Permittee shall furnish to State's representative a completed Form HC-30 "Notice of Materials to be used", and approval of the material used shall be obtained prior to its installation. 6. All work under this permit shall be at no cost to the State. 7. Signs shall not impair the visibility to existing signs. 8. If a time extension is necessary, a request for time extension should be made a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to completion date stated on the face of the permit. If work has not been started before the completion date, permit may be voided and resubmittal may be required. 9. PERMITTEE SHALL CONTACT STATE'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF COMPLETED WORK. 10. The Permittee shall indemnify and save harmless the State of California and all officers and employees thereof connected with the work or activity authorized by this permit, including but not limited to the Director and Engineer, from all claims, suits, or actions of every name, kind and description brought forth, or on account of, injuries to or death of any person including but not limited to workman or participants and the public, or damage to property resulting from the performance of the activity authorized by the permit, except as otherwise provided by statute. The duty of the Permittee to indemnify and save harmless includes the duties to defend as set forth in section 2778 of the Civil Code. 11. It is the intent of the parties that Permittee will indemnify and hold harmless the State, its officers and employees from any and all claims, suits, or actions as set forth above regardless of the existence of degree of fault or negligence on the part of the State, the Permittee, the Employee or Volunteer of any these, other than the active negligence .of the State, its officers, and employees. Notwithstanding General Provision No. 3, your contractor will be required to apply for and obtain a permit prior to starting work. • Newry (A• amar,1•N) MM. 200' TOO' le 1000' Arksprce Viimninp Sipe TOO'1.1001Yawl . O O O Cana SO' ones. gs.dng Mn. 1000' lap* per lone doSN Medea Mauler ♦ • SS7 RI ON: 1. Wafts Nee *ram Mod spesne N es WWI N Made NM dowse seep Psi C19 ell Mew MN le NAM E. Nei NS M we perm PM As wiped •Mlbw eei ._.Mmils— OWN M r INA N. dare, r WIWI* drafs ss•edire see wag I Wg1k NWiq leper $ Dolan. Op ie44. i M 'past akrdAN w nd Nerved Nr *Ow ipvrMv a 0 NsN snobs. d M en.1W laws was apse N Sel1/4 S N esnrie ripe N N/s Na daces OMNg Nals4rNAcate/N lees- Nee opdAaera 1 Cane M' sera mewl SMOULDER CLOSURE S M phenol wNrtg U ie11110se rlrr0 be peeped ere Asp Air dal.nr Wens New" New* deg N plsce • Pe Warm inernise An* rpI Ire Worm S A CO "END CONIMUCIgN" r CM '.END NON WOW sip. N swop** Me/Nplead •Osall UPre Nr. Wire wins Pe me d sod Si. • M .iaa, r r* alias a Nap pled N. N l'. 0 0r CM M Cll sip *JO Now Morn LONNIMadmawyCIA CMrCII "NNE IOWAN' COIISINIlCIgN NEXT AWES", us. a CSO rip la S. 0r0 sews soma lip. 0 Wpm C 9 ap g lee M wary /NO NM haws* IVA d Yee dorm Work roe Correa OO' mu. spacing Con.. 10d num. spacing ♦— •-- + -• --• —• ea One flashing .now Mgn O for pooh lane dosed LANE CLOSURE Merin Porker 0 TN IN role mar sin pea N l► o I. SI Was now N peer lee I a *we 10 A wirers* 1100 NM s rips dYncs *el N paidN, show wo EN, ix wNclos epeeaNnE M MA AsMriy v- ow We. 1.11,4 deans MN nM bogie M Np d red marl Gin r se s hone.* am 11. N core pad *Nee NM deeps MN 0e in.wN SUN arms a NM cede IS' raid) . Worn ■ esd11.d ti M spedallore tr. 11es•N aeansOap pond I a~AM ps rewire Mood Nr Npk area. A N w e N IN Al awes No r dews .cif. 1 Con.. O0' men. A mkn —brawl Ism Shadd•r• EXIT Ni lOpaaull LANE CLOSURE AT EXIT RAMP Made shoulder er CM .NO Shoutdor LANE CLOSURE AT ENTRANCE RAMP . NON PANELSIZE Pen) 18 es".IS.. Ill 30"KM.. ice 30" a 30" LEGEND • Traffic Cone I Pen.me Son y Rssg Tree flshlr* Anon Sign s* Pond* FeellipSwoon 41es dr•ceonorTrawl Of CALIFORNIA OEPANTMINT Of TNAN.►ONTATION TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON FREEWAYS AND EXPRESSWAYS MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS I T— 10 TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE 41M Iffa U. Acne O Srelki' a 11171111 ear I NOM t &ma rpm* epseleMlet ape ww ▪ praldMidi quo" mil imrrr ✓ em dor t M am, ape N wpm be ram Mr N MrrM w rlrl•rd r we ad w M wrdkabr• S. M Maw carry imp - dr/ NWW1 a.MImp NIa1re dorms l A CO "E11D OOMIII)L1101r r CN "HID IIDID NM" up. a oANpirk d rlNpier/ 1MwMdWen dear ors M ad d car w is dm .iM r ems mew • op piled IwiY. l OM CI Pi co ei r •••I w ra Ile Ma de olio.CtCIS,rCN 11111 1101rEU CONEMUCTIEN NETT IMIEs".•e•CSI•plei M III Maim earl op. as prai IIf r /SI' l Mcams used let ripeMdomes ere N roomed arc cams a Md mM t1'IAerieNam ar eiddrecarier 1. Perna Illmaarm. Moll a memo/ M war Marl IN arc omee, raM N red in Im d awe r I•Pr• Mom oral l Flamlar awe lip MO r Wm Ile (TNe1. • TM worm rprq Mar •ma M • Mir aM r rposimieli as rem Tow I W 11.5 ardmrl wary e M typal w•M aft M mar. re M "Trio Card Haar fir lam Ckor• Om Feria. MI EwNo.gr" per M Me demo &Nile end au eaae. _tow . • • Ia. l lSr IA*11 ISE m.e • l I" 1 Ceale•r.ms PS lb Sash r y mr M r.e l...• Mr EN ill (01/11• I ram, 1 . ct a itlO ~PC POMUM 4100111•0OM Witt* SIM 1 Awl *Merl NMI100 IIMY) N• moor d Eaw r Iwo• Ow* d Ewa r.r/ 1w feat I1S 173 1s4I S1I IISS p1 Or IS 1I l I 11 H N se (•) kW •. 11lad Tile IAN Ile are Orr wp¢al. M lrr mat low Ow 1111. Of CAI000MA DE►AIT..ENT Of TRANSPORTATION • • TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS [ T-11 CI3 me► .[, To Accompany Plans voted TYPICAL CLOSING OF HALF ROADWAY Igor I. 16a Deis II Ter• I. ISs. TOl. ll �m L L I ISO' .tar I 11 F l L • • —sr • •'--. • me—• •—mr • •• ' • • C23 Cie (DO Aeon The Sims 500' t. i' gorl. 0 C21 .r C20 O NOTES. I. Shore approach speeds are low. signs may • be placed at 300 loot spacing Ono. In urban great. closer. 2. Not less than ono person stall be assigned to full time mointenance of traffic control devices on O11 night lane closures. 3. All earning signs for night lane closures shell be Illuminated or reflector lied as specified In the speclfIcatIons. 4. All odvance warning sign Installations stall be 0WIpped with flogs for doytlme CIOWes. Floshing beacons atoll be placed at the locations indicated during night lane Closures. SOS' t. TSr • • • xx e>11 01 • WI IltI or .2 Ms, • . 5. A C13 "END CONSTRUCTION" or C14 "END ROAD SORX" slop, os appropriate. shall be placed of the end of the lane closure unless the end of work area Is obvious. or ends within 0 larger protect !Traits. 6. If the Cie for C231 slop would folio. within 2.000 feet of o stationary CIO. C23. or CI1 "STATE HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION NEXT NILES" . use a C20 sign for the first advance earning slop. 7. All cones used for night lame closures shall be Illuminated traffic cores or fitted with 13 Inch reflective sleeves as specified In the specifications. B. Portable delineators, placed at on. -half the apocing Indicated for traffic cares. moy be used In lieu 01 cores for daytime closures Only, • SOr le Mr Wen .rule, SIg. SW le 150 mrf. 0 eft RCA,[Q0 CN[ 1000e[0 Oa tabor 31. 1913B K[„[ MOOOVLL 00,1 C20 aft C20 1Lt1 I I + 411 445 1M1 .r w2 INS) xx WPM em► NO SCALE POI PURL an Ian.) QA 36"x36" 30"x30" © AB"x11" i 36"xlIf' 9. Flashing arrow signs shall be either Type I or Type 11 10. Advlsory speed will be determined by the Eng The S6 Sign will not be required when advlsor is more than the posted or maximum speed Ilm 11. the maximum spacing between Canes .ithIn a taper shall be approximately as shown In Table I and tie maximum spacing on tangent shall be 50 feet. 12. For approoch speeds over 50 mph. use the -Traffic Control System For Lae Closure On Freeways And Expressways" plan for lane Closure details and requirements. Ineer. y speed It. 13 LIOEN0 • Traffic Cone f Portable Sign Flashing Arrow Sign less Direction of Travel - Portable Flashing Beacon TAKE 1 ITAPIRI Toper length ApproachMe10.r of Spoclnp of Speed Canes for Cons 007 Toyer MOO Ill w Taper a Ife0tl t 0-25 125 25-40 320 40-50 600 Over 50 see note 12 6 9 25 s0 13 50 141eosed on 12-Foot ride Lone. This Column Is also appropriate for lane widths less than 12 feet. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS as ©©© U4 0 Mall Sall 4 M G! IN IIwb/.c.rr Chews .ores.b uW Y1 4 $ $N ISO•met C23 Wawa hit "a lion IS NMI 0 NDTIN 1. Mews -FFeNA seer we Mt rra me brplebe .11l r• *eft .4 r ebb sow dots. a N w.q pot Y ape bw drew.s bet a a.A1e.ed.-l.Treed waekcs. be rpokbene FA babe swims Ram alslosmo = M.i1Wed se Mr he rNN. r..1 ..u... Fiber. beam eel M plus/ • M Maw mekalid Awe,1.MI1... dawn l N Cll "ND CONE1MICION" a Cis "IND ROAD NON" .r. r NFeIN.il Mel beM •N.see .Irrecow Sol webs Iseel • owl/ wee eWeft* N ter was I brl Mks Yes. sor NW US 1® TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE WITH REVERSIBLE CONTROL aI nun. pen. Mel Cm ▪ Il �1bylrrNwMO. Irvy S. I le CO is CI4 op wI•r hies web UN Y. N. blowy CIA CZI a Chi "ITNE ISOIIbpI CO STRNLTSN NETT _NIEI". use CMbp b Sr lb beam swine pp. I NI secs Ned b mete hoe bans eel M r1.1d1.Ye IIN d tees. Med rep IY Nebo beds r ebbed Y es essab wr 1 Abb. 6. wilem A • rebel I. y.liq NON he 5* cob eft M esed.III N owes he Nqwo drupes w I AeOpab M1.1t. bows PP he NON bre Oak berm b1NM Nowa.riw I .NI N sire bId M Ir.i wed r Weil .Shafts Ise N Ie "Neese N lilt WNW. I bulb (be I u T• • r • s-1 • T • . Flocs CU"IANEMOON" sip esbe Pe. NV -NO' bends I•a1 jet. r• label seek ear Ths .e opus e M wet ens ebb b. Or lIee. bib • NIN s .rl cur Ned. Own CD "TRAFFIC COMM— 1TIT FOR MCA CAR" Sr. .1 • T • •• r�i� • N il INA 1 or Y war News lbws ,NIPINF WC 0 OW MA O.MOM ,.. 1.0.1pe.O. MOW* ar• Soak rl ll . W. • Ipso rlor YN M .II INNp an III sr' sr fcl 7.'•. Ir Iil u.0 IN d.ebrRlw • lob Ow • r IN Na NN Y Nnr.. Malp 1Rep U.I..NI1Nb Ia.Ilonw./RUN. wul 0 0 SpcsA Sped ■e. F. RIB .l irblt we N AN IN Yew. IF $1 es cared e..Qrb •.e. Ow IS red bl..4 I .r. O/ CMrO..uA OIPA.TNINT O. TNANIFORTATION TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON TWO LANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS I T-13 • a2 TYPICAL RAMP CLOSURES 0 CIS 4 -- 700'- 1000' ISso nob 21 RI 100' 1000'— / EXIT RAMP OR ® CONNECTOR y y Caw d SC lb.. 901c�\ • .1 ~ 0 aAN► LOSE a IIS1 NIP Ell/ Car gm. meads• CM C43'0EC/g1 Dan. 3 per lone-•.• nob 11 Ell mmle 700'.1000 II AMP CLOSED a r1\ E1/ ConeidT eri--• 100' 1000' EXIT RAMP OR CONNECTOR ® WITH AUXILIARY LANE br,+c.d.s / 0M 3 per bn••w rub 1) ren,1\ tlI as • • • - 7 •(r- •i r***-•_ •• Canso d 25' Me.. Sp•c•g _ lase nab 21 a2 Ines noes 21 200'.300' © ENTRANCE RAMP WITH TURNING POCKET'S elf CIO O O NO r.► • T• • Tom• O NANI CLOSED USE RR 1111 a Danlcd.• pan 2 pot bogie nob 11 11) SAP► CLOSED� a 7 lop' t..I roil SII �� Pli r •n• N UM: 1. Barricades shed madam b Mr d.bib steam be be •'Ilsmal d adaa Coracle- l s Amos I. N cm 1N be dooms lasing are seek or Ws. .n0 br VOW IN be Closures lolling longer Own sew seek. 2. In lieu d Owing Mr CVO "RAMP (IRMO.AHEAD- and C20 "RAMP CLOSED" sign, bock on orange •s•s*•T plies Mb Mb send "CLOSED" may be marled, as dbscted by Mr Engineer. end guide signs Mud rake b Mr dosed ramp. The least des an Mr on5r1N shed b• Mr awns so Mr grids sign. a NI advance warning sign br5e dlorr shed bs equipped aM.E•gs be diIrn s dsouse, and MY a Mmnbnded br nigimitoss dorms. 4. Al canes used b, mold Ism closures shdl.bs Illunnnaled Mak canes O bled Mlle 13' rebcdse slams es ap•cMM 1n Mr apetlliteNar. t Pandas dedn.dor., paced d ern•holl Mr swing kn/a•lsd lot Ir.11ic care, asp be used in bud emus be *name reap louses only. t During IYl jwNr rang douses. al loser err preen shall be assyr► . d ME limo be minimnc. d Ironic corbel devices. Dined.• 0.n 2 per bn►aso rub 1) roPN EN 300•Sob • C•rI. I Son 1 rrc.des mem Orac•sn d Trial r Tun Anew ORM © •• MI" •b et'.. 30" me © 20". 20' •In 24". _.'men CI as". 14"am y ENTRANCE RAMP WITHOUT TURNING POCKETS 'XI sail` STATE O1 CM.mi1•M DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETAILS FOR RAMP CLOSURES MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS j T-14 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ANNUAL UTILITY PROVISIONS TR 0160-A (Rev. 4/91) Any public utility or public corporation who lawfully maintains a utility encroachment, or their agent, may perform routine or emergency maintenance on such facility in accordance with the following provisions: UE1. EXCLUSIONS: These provisions do not authorize tree trimming, work on freeways, expressways, aerial capacity increase on designated "Scenic Highways," or other activities not specifically provided for in this permit. UE2. POSSESSION OF PERMIT REQUIRED: The permit or a copy thereof shall be kept at the site of the work and must be shown to any representative of the Department or any law enforcement officer on demand. WORK SHALL BE SUSPENDED IF PERMIT IS NOT AT JOB SITE AS PROVIDED. UE3. NOTICE REQUIRED: Before starting work, the permittee shall notify the Department's representative. In emergencies, the Department's representative shall be notified as soon as possible. UE4. STANDARDS OF WORK: All work shall conform to recognized standards of utility construction and Department's current Standard Specifications. UE5. EMERGENCY REPAIRS: The permittee may make emergency repairs, altering traffic flow, excavating through improved surfaces, onlywhen breaks in the conduit, cable, or pipeline over or under the pavement present a definite public hazard or serious interruption of essential service. In such cases, the Department's representative shall be notified immediately. UE6. OPEN EXCAVATIONS: No excavation shall be left open after daylight hours, unless specifically authorized and adequate protection for traffic is provided in accordance with general provisions, "Protection of Traffic." Backfill and pavement replacement shall be performed in accordance with General Provisions, "Making Repairs." UE7. TRAFFIC CONTROL HOURS: Work requiring traffic control shall be conducted between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. or as otherwise authorized by the Department's representative. • . STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ANNUAL UTILITY PROVISIONS TR 0160-B (Rev. 4/91) UE8. WORK PERMITTED —AERIAL: 1. Install additional capacity (in the same location) except facilities over the traveled way, on designated "Scenic Highways," or on structures. 2. Maintain, inspect, remove, repair or replace (in the same location) all aerial facilities except facilities over the traveled way or on structures. 3. Perform insulator washing and interconnect splicing of cables. 4. Install or remove service connections with potential to ground of 300 volts or less except where they cross the highway. 5. Installations and clearances shall be equal to those required by either the State of California Public Utilities Commission orders or the Califomia Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (CAL -OSHA), Division of Industrial Safety, Safety Orders, promulgated in the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Chapter 4, whichever is greater. UE9. WORK PERMITTED —UNDERGROUND: 1. Maintain, inspect, remove, repair or replace (in the same location) all underground facilities except those requiring trenching in the traveled way. 2. Install additional capacity in existing ducts except for facilities not in compliance with the Department's current "Manual on High and Low Risk Facilities within Highway Rights of Way" or on structures. 3. Install air flow monitoring transducers and piping in existing ducts. 4. Barholing, potholing, cleaning, rodding and placing float ropes. 5. Adjust access cover to grade and replace in kind or with larger size pull boxes. 6. Interconnect splicing of cables. 7. Install service connections perpendicular to the highway using jacking and boring methods under the traveled way. Electrical service is restricted to a potential to ground of 300 volts or less. Gas and domestic water services are restricted to two inches (2") in diameter or less. 8. Permanent pavement patching for work authorized by this permit. UE10. FAILURE TO COMPLY: Failure to comply with the terms and conditions above shall be grounds for revocation of this permit. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION • ENCROACHMENT PERMIT GENERAL PROVISIONS DM-M-P-202B Rev. 1 /89) 1. Authority: Each Encroachment Per- mit is issued in accordance with Chap- ter 3 of Division 1. commencing with Section 660, et seq., of the Streets and Highways Code (SHC). 2. Revocation: Except as otherwise pro- vided for public corporations. fran- chise holders, and utilities, En- croachment Permits are revocable on five (5) days' notice These General Pro- visions, Utility Maintenance Pro- visions. and any Encroachment Permit issued hereunder are revocable or sub- ject to modification or abrogation at any time, without prejudice, however, to prior rights, including those eviden- ced by joint use agreements. franchise rights. reserved rights. or any other agreements for operating purposes in the State highway right-of-way. 3. Responsible Party: No party other than the named permittee or their agent is authorized to work under any permit. 4. Acceptance of Provisions: It is understood and agreed by the permit - tee that the doing of any work under this permit shall constitute an accep- tance of the provisions of this permit and all attachments 5. Notice Prior to Starting Work: Before starting work under the Encroach- ment Permit, the permittee shall notify the designated Department represen- tative two (2) working days prior to ini- tial start of work. When work has been interrupted for more than five(5) work- ing days, an additional 24-hour notification is required before restart- ing work unless a pre -arranged agree- ment has been made with the Department's representative Unless otherwise specified all work shall be performed on weekdays and during normal working hours of the Depart- ment's representative 6. Standards of Construction: All work performed within the highway shall conform to recognized standards of construction and the current Depart- ment Standard Specifications, Stan- dard Plans and Manual on High and Low Risk Facilities Within Highway Rights -of -Way and any Special Pro- visions relating thereto 7. Inspection and Approval by the Department All work shall be subject to monitoring, inspection, and approval by the Department The per- mittee shall request a final inspection and acceptance of the work. 8. Keep Permit on the Work Site The Encroachment Permit or a copy thereof shall be kept at the site of the work and must be shown to any rep- resentative of the Department or any law enforcement officer on demand. WORK SHALL BE SUSPENDED IF PERMIT IS NOT AT JOB SITE AS PROVIDED. 9. Conflicting Permits: If a prior encroachment conflicts with the pro posed work, the new permittee must arrange for any necessary removal or relocation with the prior permittee Any such removal or relocation will be at no expense to the Department 10. Permits From Other Agencies: The party or parties to whom a permit is issued shall, whenever required by law, secure the written authorization for any work that must be approved by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) of the State of California, CAL -OSHA. or any other public agency having juris- diction. Failure to comply with the law as noted above, will invalidate the Department's permit 11. Provisions for Pedestrians: Where facilities exista minimum sidewalk and bikepath width of four feet (4') shall be maintained at all times for safe passage through the work area At no time shall pedestrians be diverted onto a portion of the street used for vehicular traffic At locations where adjacent alternate walkways cannot be provided appropriate signs and barricades shall be installed at the limits of construction and in advance of the closure at the nearest crosswalk or intersection to divert pedestrians across the street 12. Protection of Truffle Adequate pro- visions shall be made for the protection of the traveling public Warning signs. lights and safety devices and other measures required for the public safety, shall conform to the require- ments of the Manual of Traffic Controls issued by the Department Traffic control for day or nighttime lane closures shall be in conformance with Department Standard Plans for Traffic Control Systems Nothing in the permit is intended, as to third parties. to impose on permittee any duty, or standard of care. greater than or dif- ferent than the duty or standard of care imposed by law. 13. Maimum Interference with Traf- fic All work shall be planned and car- ried out so that there will be the least possible inconvenience to the travel- ing public The permittee is authorized to place properly attired flagger(s) to stop and warn conventional highway traffic Traffic shall not be unreason- ably delayed. Flagging procedures shall be in conformance with the Instruc- tions to Flaggers pamphlet and/or Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones issued by the Department 14. Storage of Equipment and Materials: The permittee shall install temporary railing(Type IQ between any lane carry- ing public traffic and any obstacle, material stored, or equipment parked within twelve feet (121 of the lane Utilities are subject to the provisions of Section 22512 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC). 15. Care of Drainage: If the work contem- plated in any Encroachment Permit shall interfere with the established drainage, ample provision shall be made by the permittee to provide for it as may be directed by the Department 16. MaiWgRepairs: In every case, the per- mittee shall be responsible for restor- ing to its former condition as nearly as may be possible any portion of the State highway facility which has been excavated or otherwise disturbed by permittee The permittee shall main- tain the surface over facilities placed under any permit If the highway is not restored as herein provided for, or tithe Department elects to make repairs, permittee agrees by acceptance of per- mit to bear the cost thereof. 17. Permits for Record Only: If occupa- tion of highway right-of-way is under joint use agreement or under prior easement Encroachment Permits will be issued to the permittee for the pur- pose of providing the Department with notice and a record of work. The permit will also specify the current terms and conditions relating to public safety. No new or different rights or obligations are intended to be created by the permit in such cases. and all such prior rights shall be fully protected. Encroachment Permits issued in such cases shall have designated across the face thereof; "Notice and Record Purposes Only". (District Office of Right of Way must give approval for this designation.) 18. Clean Up Right -of -Wad: Upon com- pletion of the work all brushtimber. scraps. material, etc, shall be entirely removed and the right-of-way shall be left in as presentable a condition as existed before work started. 19. Cost of Wort Unless otherwise stated on the permit or other separate written agreement all costs incurred for work withing the State right-of-way pur- suant to this Encroachment Permit shall be borne by the permittee, and permittee hereby waives all claims for indemnification or contribution from the State for such work 20. Actual Cost Billing When the permit - tee is to be billed actual costs (as indicated on the face of the permit). such costs will be at the current hourly rate established by the Department for Encroachment Permits. 21. Submit Plate For installation of all underground facilities. and all surface work or other activity of consequence the permittee shall furnish five (5) sets of plans showing location and con- struction or other activity with its application. Thirty (30) days after completion and acceptance of thl work one (1) set of as -built plans shall be submitted to the District 22. Bonding: This permit shall not be effective for any purpose unless, and until the permittee files with the Department a surety bond when required by the Department in the form and amount required by the Department A bond is not ordinarily required of any public corporation or publicly or privately -owned utility but will be required of any utility that fails to meet any obligation arising out of the work permitted or done under an Encroachment Permit or fails to main- tain its plant work, or facilities. The said bond shall remain in force for a period of one (1) year after acceptance of the work by the Department 23. Maintenance of Highways The permittee agrees. by acceptance of a permit to properly maintain any encroachment This will require inspection and repair of any damage to State facilities resulting from the encroachment 24. Responsibility The State of California and all officers and employees thereof including but not limited to the Director of Transporta- tion and the Deputy Director, shall not be answerable or accountable in any manner, for injury to or death of any person, including but not limited to the permittee persons employed by the permittee persons acting in behalf of the permitter: or for damage to pro- perty from any cause The permittee shall be responsible for any liability imposed by law and for injuries to or death of any person. including but not limited to the permittee, persons employed by the permitter. persons acting in behalf of the permittee or damage to property arising out of work or other activity permitted and done by the permittee under a permit or aris- ing out of the failure on the permittees part to perform his obligations under any permit in respect to maintenance or any other obligations. or resulting from defects or obstructions, or from any cause whatsoever during the pro- gress of the work, or other activity. or at any subsequent time work or other activity is being performed under the obligations provided by and contem- plated by the permit The permittee shall indemnify and save harmless the State of California and all officers and employees thereof including but not limited to the Direc- tor of Transportation and the Deputy Director, from all claims, suits or actions of every name. kind and des- cription brought for or on account of injuries to or death of any person. including but not limited to the permittee. persons employed by the permittee. persons acting in behalf of the permittee and the public. or damage to property resulting from the performance of work or other activity under the permit or arising out of the failure on the permitter s part to per- form his obligations under any permit in respect to maintenance or any other obligations, or resulting from defects or obstructions, or from any cause whatsoever during the progress of the work or other activity or at any subse- quent time work or other activity is being performed under the obligations provided by and contemplated by the permit except as otherwise provided by statute. The duty of the permittee to indemnify and save harmless includes the duties to defend as set forth in Section 2778 of the Civil Code The permittee waives any and all rights to any type of expressed or implied indemnity against the State, its officers or employees. It is the intent of the parties that the permittee will indemnify and hold harmless the State, its officers and employees from any and all claims, suits or actions as set forth above regardless of the exis- tence or degree of fault or negligence, whether active or passive, primary or secondary, on the part of the State. the permittee. persons employed by the permittee or persons acting in behalf of the permittee. 25. Federal Civil flights Requirements for Public Accommodations A. The permittee, for himself his personal representatives. successors in interest and assigns. as part of the considera- tion hereof does hereby covenant and agree that 1) no person on the grounds of race. color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in. be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities. 2) that in connection with the construction of any improvements on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no dis- crimination shall be practiced in the selection of employees and contrac- tors, by contractors in the selection and retention of first -tier subcontrac- tors in the selection of second -tier subcontractors, 3) that such dis- crimination shall not be practiced against the public in their access to and use of the facilities and services provided for public accommodations (such as eating sleeping rest. recrea- tion), and operated on. over. or under the space of the right-of-way. and 4) that the permittee shall use the pre- mises in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title 15. Code of Federal Regulations, Commerce and Foreign Trade. Subtitle A. Office of the Secretary of commerce. part 8 (15 CF.R. Part 8) and as said Regulations may be amended. fi That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrimination covenants, the State shall have the right to ter- minate the permit and to re-enter and repossess said land and the facilities • thereon, and hold the same as if said permit had never been made or issued 26. No Precedent Established: this per- mit is issued with the understanding that any particular action is not to be considered as establishing any precen- dent (1) on the question of the expediency of permitting any certain kind of encroachment to be erected within right-of-way of State highways. or (2) as to any utility of the accep- tability of any such permits as to any other or future situation. 27. Archaeologicab The permittee shall cease work in the vicinity of any archaeological resources that are revealed. The Permit Engineer shall be notified immediately. A qualified archaeologist retained by the permit - tee, will evaluate the situation and make recommendations to the Permit Engineer concerning the continuation of the work 28. Future Moving of Installations: If the Encroachment Permit was issued at the request of the permittee. it is understood that whenever State con- struction. reconstruction or main- tenance work on the highway requires the installation to be moved, adjusted or relocated the permittee, at his sole expense. upon request of the Depart- ment shall comply with said request 29. Prevailing Wagner Construction. alteration. demolition, repair or main- tenance work performed under a per- mit issued by the Department ofTrans- portation may require the owner/per- mittee to pay all workers employed by the contractor and subcontractors the appropriate predetermined prevailing wage rates as set by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. See California Labor Code. Division 2. Part 7, (commencing with section 1720). Streets and Highways Code Chapter 3. Article 2 Section 671.1. and Opinion of the Attorney General of the State of California. No. 86-803. dated December 31, 1986. Inquiries or requests for interpret- ations relative to the enforcement of prevailing wage requirement should be directed to the State of California. Department of Industrial Relations. 525 Golden Gate Avenue. San Fran- cisco. California 94102.