HomeMy WebLinkAbout0850-72_Citrus & Baseline Aves Sewer (Stop & Go Market)ADDRESS —7 3 S 3 at-LQ.3 t4AN1E AM P MON TUE WED THU FRI DATE BUILDING =O • H• Z OM Z Z WlAt ▪ Z It Q. H 1/1 CC J 4 L r ELECTRICAL TEMP. POLE 0 0 Q 1 I I I 1 1 I tl I REMARKS PLUMBING f H on a W a • : , • : -4%r,•,41'42‘ ' ; •• • - f't.LiMiLli!,1“,...? PE:4141:T "Torirrsc.n.r 1,1 3,litly • . • . i'Oi4NAiltr.i )03 • - — ,r14-0041.: 0*.vwrat '• , • - . gbrealort.116.011,1••••••-• • , it'd are/ • OiS..; • 1,‘ Pi#C1,4'";:a, 'I., • • - c...()Drry: A(' rift . s!- A. t k .1111011.0.1•111./soft... • ". . •••••••••)" ••••• •••••••••• • • d• • •••••••••••••••••••••.. • , - ".t • latritrer;, ;eiat,c • Bath "VI,: • • • ....... -•••••-• ; •••• •••• ....... R.rer••• . Wash • I , \Vat,.:t :1041.:".c • ' '• ; • ,0 "+ „le 41',..*:te • il'NITIC'n r I' • , • • 1.• ./ r."‘i 't -• Olt 11,'`q 4•••• Sarni Tfore t ) :7;oor t )1, tte ' Water lietttem 1)1111 11." . SW2M Are.n. ‘:`':,-.11 ...•tilt.'ilc.' ... ...... i ' I-Iwn Sortrikliii.... ‘ ,,,..,, ...,,',1cor.ir, .,-,. c, .s„,,„. ., n- , . , .. , , : „„. . .,,!,.,- -" ',.:. , ', „ ', ,,. ,•--, ‘ -.., ,..,, .-...",, ,rt, , 1 tc• 5:. ,- ,, i .,,, .„••.........., ...., . Li" 4.-i- •4- ; ' ;.:, ... ,,, . ) • - INSPi't j ....'.-i,' ;';i--,..-t __,7rIt Gas db. 't 7. S414i " • 1 , ••••••••••••141•••4 arr.+ • NOTE 'O.1 i,,,,ttwq-.2,41 thiq pc -runt mutt (.c.niocio •04.4.11/..0.1, :4.1 I -.L QI City a i%*(Tnt,tilM. 41h/ /Or •Stat.; .f Aliff.t),;A rm.,Itiires workman.% Cu."'" 454 V rv. f • . 1 • ." •:•••• • j ., • i1C0441U Si1r•0;*i:f Dale .:„ ;'.. 1' P r s_ ,n..me ,;tractor's :ni tect or Enr ine' r • :..'ress . , t l.) i t • 1 • .. w.. _ _.�....:....f__. i• ... .. .. _ . • PI) it Zh 2n lir.•['!ise-;.iili' Chapter 9 (commencing: :rt •c. '0 0) of h, i .,:,n {,,1: the 6,.sint�ss „)n:, . f..Ir, . , ;ns Code, and my license i' ln. Al force an'_ ,01 c. G•': NE?-3UI'.rcR hereby a f1 r..t ~hz L an exempt from the Contractor's License Law,for the 'a.50n (Sc.e73145, 1Jsiness Find Prof scions 1:. :._ Any city or county which r'ewl; perch t :r construct, ai t,,.r, improve. r repair any structure, prtryr tlf) ; ssurance, also requires the applicant for. Sucr1 to file a signed stateir>euc t:s. e is licensed nsed pursuan: to the provisions of tr.: .,:rtractbr's License t.3w (Chapte, ) (commencing with Sec. 7Ou'' of Division 3 of ...,(trss„Professions Code) or that is exempt therefrom and the basis for the_,1't- ,, -mption. -Any violation or cAIC..;l,. 7031.5 by any applicant for d permit Sut:left'. :.;,itl.ant to a.ciVil penalty ut,,4o rrore than five hundred dollars ($500) B 1 , as owner of the property. or any tempt:,, • will do the work, and the structure is not uusiness And Professions Code' The Contrar.t owner of property who builds cw im,)roves the : through his own employees, provided that Sut.h for ;ale.. ff, however, the! uir' l+njit,• completion, the owner-bu'. der will hnve thfa or improve for the purpos of gale. ). :1 wa11es as their offered for sale Lett. /,iay, :Jn5e t.ilw i1oeS chit i' l)1 to :f!i 11 who' doesSut:h work 1i inr.r I f •I1 .:I{it nt1 ate nut.' 11{tt7ri..:Cil ail )� 1S ..)01;1 .iltillrl one_-y ;.11 ,,f t pr',]vintl that he 11,0 10,11 , C I, as owner of the ;Jr!..1 ry, dM ;on ...Sec. rc cc, irancealso or is licensed pi.p.man: imencing with Sec. Xt.,2'io :viion 1. exempt therefrom and r.hi by any app11,:ant l'Or a 1,,,!!',11t. e than five hundred dollars . !(; 0:,1" 11!:! -.Ho,-20 silatewcoc. ,•!,:ror's t,siw Prw'esstuh% Codtd ,15( Aoy vlotatton of r.o a c.t411 pt!ndlty oot. 1, as owner of the prooerty. r InJ thetr sole .1 do the WOrY.. anti strucre 1: c offered fur sale ,iness and Profev,ious iitrALt.r.% Lwie Law does not dors)/ tu an -er Of prjperty vthc.) bulldS ..rin does .1o4.11 ,f .ough his own employees. proviiti such 1,p; ,.:t,nts are 60t totend,to or ufrc1.1 sale. • rf, , howevf!r, :)111 .; wttlith ow: jedr ot •7pletion, the owner -butler %4W thL!r.eljf rovin9 that he d1d oot bu;td improve for the purpoe of 1, as owner of the proper-,f, .17! :ur,tr,.:ttng with f:f1d contrWov-, construct the orrect Jec. 'f;)RSSI,OM ThA tense Law does not ao2ly •OUilds or 1.11proves Olttre0. 0 contracts for -,uch proiclts licensed pursuant tosthe ntractor's License Law.). te .4ner 3 • WORKERS' LO ESA1Ot t..t• hereby affirm that I have a certi.ficate of ci.....,..- to self-iroi.ure. Or j Ct'"-iti.:. Workers' Compensation insurance, Cr a Cert.:1 ..; 4y thereof (Sec, 3600, 1licy No. '' . Company r •tified copy is her,?hy furntsh, ed i ...ill be fi1e6 O(l" tit _ Certified copy i ,.)n f;.le with tnt (.1.ti- 1 )te ../ 7 /12.4- /I ' ,j / .-..7' -- . I tip (- Apoli,at \''./ 2LA „ ._.:. -4.... x . — LL t / .,! ( / ---... • t---1.- A Licensed Contractor. B OwneriBuilderl • .0 Developer Ntec,-4'$ .10g atiaLts-A :Stalt"r-y! it.'1. ''.4.• "'Si" . :••.x.'...• .. talii ,•7....? '. 4 -•:::, --, e :-, - • '''' %.4••••. ,,i.'i':.andi.•1.',..,,:,,-.1.,, , .t., ::,. ,,,, ',.• ,1,.,,,,tv,..;..,,,,,, •. .• .., ..7.-.) • !,•4 .:....... - : en. of.z ...,1 . ..„, .. 7. t. . • :,,. 44,4000 ..F•ft 04 (NO) 4q. AwAgNialemmitmAuAiiit.1, /7, JOB ADDRESS CITY OF FONTANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS', DIVISION OF SEWERS SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT 73z a (la 18993. CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY RATE $ OWNER /14-"C:C-kei-j i•••..L MAILING ADDRESS I the undersigned SEWER CONNECTION APPLICANT hereby declare and represent that I am the legal owner of the property located at the above describedJOB ADDRESS and I do personally guarantde that all bills for sewer service to said property and the occupants thereof will be paid.' hereby grant rmiasiontoauthorized off cers, employees, and agents o1 theme/City 0 Fontana Io enter and t Inspect the sai premises from ti to time. /�, t44—e7 . / DATE/ i /r a i.nSl(i1V1 AP IC � d,. 4 L, ift / PERMISSION la hereby granted for SEWER CONNECTION at the above described JOBYADDRES& If the ctassificatIon of the property Is found to be other than that stated above, this permit shall become void and the applicant shall be required to obtain a'iKitru1hiti he Deposit and Connection Charge being adjusted to conform to the proper classification. �• ,ice• NOTICETHISISNOTA PLUMBING PERMITThispermit's JUL 11. 1988 ". 70-31909Instalations 7��� forsewersystemuseonly.Plumbingpermitsarerequired, n 7 31g02ConraetbnCMngei 4o0 �' and must be obtained from the Fontana Department �r.;v.-L Ci Ty HALit u Building & Safety PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, 70-31905 Permit Fee $ . SEWER DIVISION By Fr,nr^^a•�'"''r TOTAL AMOUNT a,�/v TELEPHONE 4FV By: This Permit Must Be at the JOB ADDRESS at Time of Connection BILLING �- '/ Cltry of Fontana APPLICATION FOR DEPOSIT/TRANSFER OF SEWER SERVICE wer Department 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 CONNECTON PERMIT: fl / irF «3 ©p= ADDITION Property Address NEW 73s- 2 4i Deposit (70-22007): $ Owner Name. Mailing Address. Mo. Rate: $ 9' ClasRs ..,ne TRANSFER JUL 11 l�av ALLL Date Escrow Closed - I, the undersigned applicant for transfer of sewer service, hereby declare that I am the legal owner of the property located at the above address and I do guarantee that all bills for sewer service to said property and the occupants thereof will be paid. I hereby grant permission to an authorized officer, employee and/or agent of the City of Fontana to enter and inspect the said premises at a reasonable time and with reasonable cause notice. Date: 7 / I fiff‘ Signature tv tikte/�`2-Ly Former Owner Former Permit •J FEES & CHARGES ONE TIME CAPITAL FEE CITY OF FONTANA REQUIREMENTS FOR THE, CONSTRUCTION OF: To be located at 73S 3 ('.iAm-S-\v-e_vws-- Applicant . LNI) EMR 1 �� �rcP 1 1 C a-fL-4AAVI{\1(r- Address Q, g4 332 Eet1 tJOS IC P 23-13Phone !I T77-ZC0La ANNUAL OPERATIONS/ MAINTENANCE FEE TREES STORM DRAIN SEWER EXPAN. SEWER CHARGES RIGHT-OF-WAY; NO; YES, STREET IMPROVEMENTS: NO; YES, STORM DRAINAGE FEE SEWER FACILITIES EXPANSION ADDITIONAL REMARKS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARMTEMT DATE Sewer fees for 1. Service lateral Existing in Cost $ 9 00 y71-- To be installed in $ IC11O 2. Sewer connection .permit fee ($10 per permit) $ ` 2p 3. Sewer connection charge $600 x service unit (Residential = 1 S U) $ 4. Sewer deposit, 4 X service unit X monthly rate $8= $_ Sewer service unit assignment formula for commercial and industrial. See City Code Section 25-43 for criteria SEWER ACCOUNTING TOTAL SEWER CHARGES.$ DATE FIRE PROTECTION FEE ACCOUNT # One -Time Capital Fee= Points X $ Per Point = $ Annual Operations/Maint.Fee= Points X $ Per Point = $ r Remarks PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE Remarks: PARKS. & 'RECREATION DATE Remarks BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE ALL THE ABOVE CONDITIONS MUST 132 MET BEFG.E UTILITIES WILL BE CLEARED OR BUILDING OCCUPIED. Signature Applicant DAT JOB ADDRESS CITY OF FONTANA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF SEWERS SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT 18993. CLASSIFICATION ' MONTHLY RATE $ ' ' ) OWNER /t1 J n_!J TELEPHONE MAILING ADDRESS >yw 1 the undersigned SEWER CONNECTION APPLICANT hereby declare and represent that tam the legal owner of the property located at the above described JOB ADDRESS andIdopersonalyguarantdethatallbillsforsewerservicetosaidpropertyandtheoccupantsthereofwillbepaidtherebygrant mission toauthorization can, employees. and agents of the City o Fontana to enter and t inspect the sal premises from ti to lima DATE /�� i.�lf3lVl�it1 OFA I r PERMISSION Is hereby granted for SEWER CONNECTION at the above described JOB.ADDRESa If�th pta}df cation of the property is found to be other than that stated above, this permit shall become void and the applicant shall be required to obtain a7iejv rKrtn(t�jhs,Deposrt and Connection Charge being ad►usted to conform to the proper classification. Lc, 1988. NOTICETHIS IS NOTA PLUMBING PERMITThis permit is JUL 1" 70-31909Installation $ qig° for sewer system use only. Plumbing permits are required, 7 31 Connection 6O� 4''. •and must be obtained from the Fontana Department nit �r,;,;,y �;i7� HALL / Building & Safety PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTME TO31905PenultFee$ !� SEWER DIVISION By' Fnnrona. t^^a'f �,5�� TOTAL AMOUNT e By. • This Permit Must Be at the.JOB ADDRESS at Time of Connection BILLING • s 3 .10 ('228 22 r i ` 42) 228 —=14"—BASE 7 LINE a 60 y • . 23 • j11 er7 . '. jrb 4I / — r_/q • 3 74 AC. M/L 1 7, 1 _. 254 AC. 10102 121.21 3 AC.1 Fey 254 AC.64 IIP7AC. 1.27AC. (21.35114) li 212 AC M/L • s 37Q 1.72 AC M/L (13 O -3- -AVENUE = psz 0 qnS of . 94DM P3 r MIL L F P • 1` 1 Date 4 �Q Hour :�`�7 To gb WHILE424,- YOU WERE OUT From D Z �J O( Phone (/2/ V '7AZo. 5.)-1rD IPlease See Me I Telephoned Returned Call I I Please Call I� Will Call Again Important Message Pe; Kel,n4:0 i qi— 1r� 161 ree itA4ci,c.- Signed d Z cc W 0 w z Tg7 RESOLUTION NO. 91- 216 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA ACCEPTING THE SEWER EXTENSION FOR ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 241-012-01, NATIONAL CONVENIENCE STORES, AS A PART OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, Section 26-57 of the Code of the City of Fontana provides that each addition to or extension of the sewer system shall be accepted by Resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Resolution of Acceptance shall contain the terms of any special consideration which shall apply to the sewer so accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, determined, and ordered by the City Council of the City of Fontana that sewer sub -main, 16125 Baseline Avenue from cleanout approximately 60 feet north of existing Manhole No. 38, in Citrus Avenue, Sewer Improvement Plan Drawing No. 1406 from Manhole Nos. 1 and 2 approximately 703 lineal feet, is hereby accepted as a part of the sewer system of this City. Special consideration shall apply to Lot APN 241-012-01. Connection charges received by the City of Fontana for ,connection to sub -main extension on Citrus Avenue from approximately 60 feet north of existing Manhole No. 38 of recorded Tract Map No. 13439, more specifically described as City approved Sewer Improvement Plan Drawing No. 1406 (excepting APN 241-012-01), to a maximum of $56,910 to be reimbursed from Citrus Sewer Extension Project to National Convenience Stores, or assigns, within a period of ten years from September 1, 1988. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of October, 1991. READ AND APPROVED: City Attorney I, Kathy Montoya, City Clerk of the City of Fontana, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the City Council do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is the actual resolution duly and regularly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting on the 15th day of October, 1991, by the following vote to -wit: AYES: Mayor Kragness, Council Members Eshleman, Murray NOES: None ABSENT: Members Abernathy, Boyles iUy Cler�"of the City o Fontana Page 1 of 2 Resolution No. 91- 216 ayor of the City of Fonta a Page 2 of 2 BEGINNING OF PROJECT _i��f��: aa� Kar- isAfrflir 6A5EL/iE AYE. .If�7'Tr# J CX AI 02/VE mama MU VWC//J/T I' *pp U.T. } • ti gear OW/ SEWER MAIN INSTALLED END OF PROJECT tti I W '3/4‘ 'U 1� p s SEWER PLAN GENERAL NOTES All work shall be done in accordance with these plans and the City of Fontana Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated 1975. 2. Construction Permits shall be obtaine Works Department prior to the start o City Limits. 3. Terminate all 4" House Sewer Laterals a plug. 4. Adequate stakes shall be set by 'the Engineer to enable the contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. 5. All pipelines or substructures of any knid and all telephone or power poles, water meters, valves, hydrants, irrigation structures, etc. shown or not shown on this plan and located within areas to be improved and interfering with construction, shall be relocated by others. It shall be the contractors responsibility to notify all agencies concerned before construction begins. 6. "As Built" plans shall be provided to the City by the contractor. d from the Fontana Public f any work within the at the property line with 7. All 4" House Sewer Laterals shall be installed on a 27. minimum grade, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 8. Sewer dontractor shall chisel "X" in the curb at the location of the lateral. 9. Manhole frames and covers to be constructed by the sewer contractor 6" below finished surface grade' and upon completion of paving, the paving contractor shall raise same to finished grade. /0. ,ewer sh // corn/a nr, 44/14 (ify Sid A/a. /3/ ' BENCHMARK: NO. 356 Co. N&F in Pole #801781E NE Cor. Oleander & Baseline ELEVATION: 1405.86 CONSTRUCTION NOTES Construct 8" V.C.P. Construct 4" V.C.P. COI/T,eACTOR 5//ALL F/EL /7 VEP/Ff CLE4.000r LDc477,0V 0 sewer main per C'4Se06• , sewer house lateral g" 40/o L/on4/ /1421e4 / /OEf C Vy O3 Construct manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112. PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTES TO CONTRACTOR The existence and location of any underground utility pipes, conduits or structures shown on these plans are obtained by a search of the available records. To the best of our knowledge there are no existing utilities except as shown on these plans. The contractor is required to take due precautionary measures to protect the utility lines shown on these drawings. The contractor further assumes all liability and responsibility for the utility pipes, conduits or structures shown or not shown on these drawings. Contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsibility for job site con- ditions during the course of construction of this project, including safety of all per- sons and property; that this requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours; and that the contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the county, the owner and the engineer harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, in con- nection with the performance of work on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole negligence of the owner or the engineer. 70 #00 agreemehf 1SPf/427- PkA1 Vz 00 —5(TYR) CI TRU5 A VE/4JUE LATE4 'IL LOCATIONS PLAW A/e DES/G,V STA. AS-36Ve rsTA. Ne/ 2D7z/3(ler) A/a 2 20193 (RT) ,VQ3 2/173 (RT.) A/o 4 22f73 (RT) n/15 25153:47:) A/slo 23173 gr) A/'7 20134(27) A/'6 24f80,:'i7' I DESIGN BY: REVISIONS DRAWN BY: DATE,HKD.BY 1/0 y N CD/1457. 6'ST#5-OUT/PLUG W(/Z"7C/) t.00O.¢O7,\ PROP05EL2 CURS £ GUTTED TO .eE tatlit r \ SV OrgeR2 W FUTURE CURB €BUTTED ExP �z-�r-sts GARNER, TROY & ASSOC. CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING 825 NORTH "D" STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92401 PHONE: (714) 885-0286 APPROVED BY: DATE: Guri f i; RCE: 11466 EXP. DATE 12-30-88 DRAWN BY: TPR DESIGN B`E TAO CHECK BY: TAU JOB NO: 21,00 QUANTITY ESTIMATE. 1 8" V.C.P. Sewer Main 700 L.F. 2 4" V.C.P. Lateral 3/5 L.F. 3 Standard Sewer Manhole 2 Ea. -4 Standard Scwcr Terminal cleanout Ear 5 Lateral `.dye 8 Ea. 6 Remove cleanout and connect to existing pipe 1 Ea. /3AhELl.(LE AVE JACKSOV OR/1/ ¢-620 SF F/054 87 rcos efilC RaVT60 ERv AVE SA.t/ JAC/LirO m � W • R W O V/C/X//TY kf4P ,(ire CoNST 5'67118-OUT ,dT'Ld6 A/%y. (Z /. 2t % (8 "vc/') CDy5T 5 ' S rd6-OUT.FIL/G E (O.¢O% (e3"4.C.P) CITY OF FOX//AL/A PUBLIC W02K5 OEPAZTWECIT APPROVED: CITY ENGINEER RCE 18932 DR.NO. /1406 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHT. NO. / I N` 1 Q SU+.1 13E_ JA2OII.IO PEW Y 111 SAt..ITA AA.IA VICIIJITY MAP NOT TO °IC ALE "TYPICAL SECTIOFJ A POPLAR. AVEI41.)E. NOT TO SCALE 5-FA. 34 r I q. l 2 TO STA. l3'-I +aFl. I M T. I 12/W 3 Z' EXIST 51 OEWALK EXIST E" SUP P, /CGUTTEE/1_III EXIST OVE2 IZ" COMPACTcl NATN/E GPOUI.ID IIV JOIU FLUSH TYPICAL SECT%OI`I ELM AVE I.IUE NOT TO SC11LE STA. 34- 29 TO 5-7A. 3'-7+F7-1 2I T. 2" E OS PRIVATE ENGINEERS NOTE THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SIGNING THESE PLANS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSURING THE ACCURACY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE WORK HERON IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES ARISING DURING CONSTRUCTION . THE PRIVATE ENGINEER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION AND REVISING THE PLANS FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY. "�3 542S OF SPUR_ 1(3" OC. F PARS BARS is" O.C. ROUWO ED GF C, TO APPEOX. RADIUS OF 2.0. OF LATERAL WITH 'A MAXIMUMOF3�1'. W PARS D# E BARS D,E,1-I,?G BARS COIJ ST2l1CT ION JOI I.IT F OARS SECTIOI.L G-G AUY \IRO PIPE J011JT DIMENS➢OL S TA25LE. a (IAICNES),'IN&t T DIEM Ca RiesQS r BARS 3rn 2' /2 3%5 -QCo" O.C. NOTES I. 2. 3. LDISTUZBED EARTH BA( V.FILL ULJDE2 STI2IJLTURE 4. WIT;-1 I-3-S MIX GOMC2Ef E, OF CONIP.00T SOIL TO 2ELaTIVE OEIJSITY REQUIeEO 8Y SPE.CS. 3ACIC FILL MAY BE OMITT'-t IP 6, STRUCTURE IS I COD 01J 7, UNDI STI IP BED EARTH TO 5TVWN1 OPAIIJ WALL. VALUES FOR A. B. AND CARE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWINGS.ELEVATION R AND ELEVATION S ARE SHOWN WHEN REQUIRED PER NOTE 8. STATIONS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS APPLY AT THE INTERSECTION OF CENTER LINES OF MAIN LINE AND LATERALS EXCEPT THAT STATIONS FOR CATCH BASIN CONNECTOR PIPE APPLY AT INSIDE WALL OF STRUCTURE REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE PER 2- D 171. STRAIGHT BARS I 1/2" CLEAR FROM FACE OF CONCRETE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. W BARS ARE OF SIZE AND SPACING SPECIFIED FOR WALL STEEL ON PLAN. AND SHALL. BE CUT IN CENTER OF OPENING AND BENT INTO TOP AND BOTTOM OF JUNCTION STRUCTURE. OMIT H BARS WHEN SOFFIT OF SPUR IS 12" OR LESS BELOW SOFFIT OF MAIN LINE. AND OMIT G BARS WHEN INVERT OF SPUR IS 12" OR LESS ABOVE FLOOR OF MAIN LINE. JUNCTION STRUCTURE SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY WITH MAIN STORM DRAIN. MANHOLE OR TRANSITION. FLOOR OF STRUCTURE SHALL BE STEEL TROWELED TO THE SPRING LINE. " 3000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. EMBEDMENT. P. SHALL BE 6" FOR B- 96" OR LESS. 11.1 U LI CT IC kJ ST 2U GT LAME. WO. 1 LvAD.ECOJ. STD. Z-018G CD r CONSTRUCTION NOTES: CONSTRUCT 8" CURB AND GUTTER PER CITY STD. 101. CONSTRUCT - A C. PAVEMENT OVER - A B. PAVING.CASSUME 4" A.C. OVER NATIVE SOIL FOR ESTIMATING PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL PAVING THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED PER PAVING NOTE ON SHEET 1) CONSTRUCT CONC. SIDEWALK C4" THICK P.C.C.). QUANTITY UNIT 223 CONSTRUCT A C. PAVEMENT OVER - A B. PAVING.CASSUME 4" A.C. OVER NATIVE SOIL FOR ESTIMATING PURPOSES ONLY. ACTUAL PAVING THICKNESS TO BE DETERMINED PER PAVING NOTE ON SHEET 1) CONSTRUCT 2x4 REDWOOD HEADER. ADJUST STORM DRAIN TO GRADE. ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE. MAKE A SMOOTH SAWCUT AT LOCATION SHOWN ON PLAN. REMOVE OR RELOCATE AS NECESSARY OVERLAY TO 1' BEYOND C.L. WITH 1" MIN. A.C. PAVEMENT. CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE PER STD. 124. CONSTRUCT 63' OF 36" RCP (1350 D) CONSTRUCT COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY,,ENTRANCE PER STD.102-C 011042iG/EO, ,2 =35; T= &// T Y/1- L M,41rC..E2. 6383 1.662 ' ,/05 150 1 2 660 L.F. S.F. S.F. qE L.F. EA. EA. L.F. 5.160 1 63 8.943 C0IJ6TaUC_T STOaM OIZAI IJ JUL-IC-ION 5TaL]C_TUEE NO. I , PE2 L. A.C.F' G.O. STO. 2- 0189 ALIG L_E-A= CO ° ZG' 34C_=3', BrCo", ELE\/. 5 = IO. CoO /A/5PAWL 6T//EET C/6,4l7S 95e0 /NPs /44S74'66 s7/ltcer L/avvrs et, DDD ,49 C7.15TI)JG STPET I N1P20VEME1JT5 ▪ FUTUEE STIZEE.T IMPRDVEMEKLTS • (PRESEhiTLY micI UO OS\smt.ICx 5T2E.ETS) Q 2 Q F- V, EA 15T11,..1G ST PEET I M PIZOYEMEIJTS 7- OPLA2 J _ VEIJUE- Co 1 Z S.F. EA. L.F. S.F. FUTURE STICEET I NIPPDVEnn i-i-S c-UTUZE ST KF t= T IMP2OV EMENT SHEET 2 OF 3 INOEX M AP Es% _ _ EX\ST 11`1Cz ST2EE-T IMPPC-JVEMELI TS GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND THE CITY OF FONTANA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS DATED 1975. 2. CONSTRUCTION PERMITS SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM FONTANA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO START OF ANY WORK WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. 3. ADEQUATE STAKES SHALL BE SET BY THE ENGINEER TO ENABLE THE CONTRACTOR TO CONSTRUCT THE WORK TO THE PLAN GRADES. 4. ALL PIPES OR SUBSTRUCTURES OF ANY KIND AND ALL TELEPHONE OR POWER POLES. WATER METERS. VALVES. HYDRANTS. IRRIGATION STRUCTURES. ETC.. SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN AND LOCATED WITHIN AREAS TO BE IMPROVED AND INTERFERING 'WITH CONSTRUCTION. SHALL BE RELOCATED BY OTHERS; IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY ALL OF THE AGENCIES CONCERNED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. 5. WATER VALVE COVERS SHALL BE RAISED TO GRADE BY THE PAVING CONTRACTOR. 5. AS -BUILT PLANS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BY THE CONTRACTOR. 7. ALL UTILITY COMPANIES SHALL BE GIVIN 48 HOURS NOTICE PRIOR TO WORKING AROUND THEIR FACILITIES. 8. ALL BACKFILL TO BE CERTIFIED BY SOILS ENGINEER. 9. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS TO BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 10. BACKFILL TO HAVE A S.E. OF 30CMIN] AND MIN. COMPACTION OF 90%. 11. ALL NEW OR EXISTING VALVE CANS AND MANHOLES SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO GRADE DURING PAVING. 12. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND STRIPING AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE ANY MAIN LINE WATER VALVE ON EXISTING WATERLINES. 14. IF EXISTING UTILITIES OR OTHER FACILITIES CONFLICT WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS. WORK SHALL STOP AND THE ENGINEER NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. 15. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AFTER THE BASE COURSE HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED AND BEFORE THE PAVING HAS BEEN INSTALLED SO THAT THE ENGINEER MAY INSTALL THE STREET CENTERLINE MONUMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FONTANA. PAV I K.IQ NOTE: 1. ACTUAL THICKNESS OF BASE MATERIAL TO BE DETERMINED BY SOIL TEST AND RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. R. VALUES. SAND EQUTVALENTS AND STRUCTURAL SECTION OF STREETS SHALL. BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF FONTANA FOR APPROVAL UPON • COMPLETION OF ROUGH GRADING. Z. CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PREVENT GRADES. DITCHES AND SWALES FROM UNDERMINING STREET IMPROVEMENTS UPON INSPECTION OF THE SITE. THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE TEMPORARY GUNITE SWALES. ENTERING OR LEAVING IMPROVEMENTS. PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTE TO CONTRACTORS: THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES, CONDUITS. OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. THERE ARE NO EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITY LINES SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR FURTHER ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UTILITY PIPES. CONDUITS. OR STRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND. INDEMNIFY. AND HOLD THE CITY. THE OWNERS. AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY. REAL OR ALLEGED. IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT. EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. BENCH MARK NO. 228 R.R. SPIKE PP NO. 71833 0 N.E. CORNER OF POPLAR AND SANTA ANA AVE. ELEV.= 1019.83 T Co ^Co-9C COKIST2UCT ELM AVEIJUE STA. 2.fo+32 TO STA. 38 +31. ZI A CvCo9C COW STEUCT POPLA2 LWEUUE 57/234#/9.2 TO STA.3H+MO eeu AOP DATE DESCRIPTION c/TY !/DO D/J7g Sierra Engineering CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - LAND PLANNERS C714) 799-8080 25864 Business Center Drive. Suite 'F' Red ands, CA 92374 R.C.E. - 33a2n, EXP. G-30-00- CITY OF FONTANA. CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DRAWN BY O. H AZLE DESIGNED BY G. I-1 A .TZE1l POPLAR. ,OVE1.3UE. ELM AVE-LIUC. STREET IMPIDVEMEUTS SCALE a5 SHOW!. DATE CHECKED BY 1G. POWEVi'S APPROVED f:ITY FNf.TNFFR R r F 7G,17rn DRW. 0 111III11aI=E1111■NIIIIIIII11I II I It II $EP 1 8 1990 90-00I 'i LE t CALE : l"= 4' VEa'T. I" : 40' UOQli. sTEEET EXIST Coo' QCP /00 'Y C. G5i71. as' 32' .LE 33400 g • Intl- n2ATN W not WALL 4/ SLUG PEDfILE AT STA. 34+2Co. a3 SCALE NOE. I"=4O' VEIz. I"=4' TG ZCo' MT" 34a30 ofe: ems. Remove any ex/sehxy Cat Golfer aoa ease stet of elm 4ve. TO 10' SOUTI-1 OP SOUTH F'UTu COIJSTPI ICTIOFJ 1 II111111®II111111 III■II11■I111SIIIIAI 4' 4 NUMBER Ex/3T/NCB -r CLT /S/AT GRND. CQ ¢, G-6-9D l69 b-4.8 r/ NITIALS AVE F-L CaUTTEZ OMAN/r 4 ST. s' 1 j.I2fo' Z6' E.C. 3"GAS 2T'sjoe LA1-ID�A.�-E. AREA S' DGLOR_A-\l p4 roe. WALL.. src -Gc g.AoLNCY "c9> Pk_AV-1 4S. REVISIONS SEE DWO. Ns /1 /5 SN73OF3 FOR MAN/GA 8T PLANS P.4,erez MAP NO. wee crf K16.W COQ5tR IJLTt01..1 FEDM STA. 344Za.Z3 TO STA .'a8+31.Z1 Neves T 9iaow C ✓o, , 9OM ,940 4 4,vk To asvrK- '' 4.qo MAIWZR ET u'nine)," 36 t 67- 82 nib III1I■111111 EK/0" u/ArEC NloiL_. f2f_ /o/977G'339TC j3 APP'V'D EUTLI iZ�_ COF iSTEUC-TIOK! r/2o $ WATER VALVE oa METER VIZE HYDRAKIT -k T2AF-1- IC SIGN.' NW -i I-1 OLE- S SE\4Ee Pl F=ELI �E W WATER PIPELIF..IE 1. / EXIST A.C. PAVEMELIT = \a\- ' EX I s-r. A.C. l�.oVC MPS P1 QF.I VIEW TO aE l E cvco ST€EEr a&,4,r 111111111•11111111E1111111111M11111111111 DETAIL " ,A" /0;3C LT Naar C&h'N (44.e r_- _ - /O,30ET CONSTRUCTION NOTES (I/ 7, OFLAf Sierra Engineering CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS - LAND PLANNERS C7141 799-8080 25864 Business Center Drive, Suite 'F' Red 1. n d s ;- CA-92374 R.C.E. 33820 11111E1 _'! IIIIIIIIIIII EXP. 6/30/94 III'V 1 ll, I III Bruce ;4400 CONSTRUCT 8" CURB AND GUTTER PER CITY STD. 101. CONSTRUCT CONC. SIDEWALK (4" THICK P.C.C.I. CONSTRUCT 5" A.C. PAVEMENT OVER 12" COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL. CONSTRUCT 2x4 REDWOOD HEADER. ADJUST STORM DRAIN MAN -HOLE TO FINISHED GRADE. ADJUST SEWER MANHOLE TO GRADE. CONSTRUCT 63 L.F. OF 30" RCP (1350-D). CONSTRUCT COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE PER STD.102-C (Mon/Et, e- 35 ; non) TYPE L V\A CIZ ZO' O. C COIJST. STOEM DeA\N JUIJCTIOLI ST213CTUEa FJO. 1 PEE. L.A.C. F"C. D. STD. L-D189 , lJFJGLn ,C1 GS° ZG'34', I3=3G" ELEV. S= 1O.G0 INSTALL STREET LIGHTS %SOO HPS CONSULTANTS, INC. Consultants to Governmental Agencies 1906 S Comrmercentrr E. S!r_ 204, San Bernardino. CA 92408 [714) 884-2500 OHN EGAN and ASSOCIATES 366 Orange Show Lane SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 (714) 889-0676 (714) 825-1550 hard R.C.F. 27708 /I -7-8O Date kK w LO CO BENCHMARK - a 288 e.2. SPIKE IN PP NO. 71833 N.E. GOENEZ OF POPLAE AND ELEVATION i019.53 SAAITA ANA AVE. REVISION LZ\ PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF : D. Lynn Parker, P.L. R.C.E. 29570 EXP. 3 -31-91 DATE CITY OF FONTANA , CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Drawn by: E FOyerso/7 Designed by: afrp hecke1 ✓URUPA /NOc/sTR/AL PA/eX ELM AVENUE STREET //t4PEOVEMENT PLAN pproved: City Engineer Scale: ,4. Cae r; 1 Dr: No. 1 E. 18932 /000 'c a SEP 18 1990