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0850-72_Tamarind Avenue Sewer Lift Station_27
ENGINEERS SALES -SERVICE COMPANY, INC. 4935 Telegraph Rd. • Los Angeles, CA 90022-3835 (213) 261-2181 FAX (213) 261-1523 CITY OF FONTANA TAMARIND AVE. SEWER LIFT STATION MOTOR CONTROL CENTER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE AND G.E. MOTOR CONTROL CENTER ESSCO PUMPS AND CONTROLS 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOS ANGELES, CA. 90022 213-261-2181 NOTES- CR8000 MCC REQ. NO. 480I0276 PANEL CAT. NO. 0957X0032L00 ENG. NAME M.S.COOK ISSUED 06/30/93 STATUS NO. 1 /RDC REV. 07/01/93 GE. CONTROL COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENT DEPT. MEBANE, N.C. U.S.A. DWG. NO. 319B4102 SH. 00 CONT. ON SH. 01 NOTE APPLIES TO: CASE GENERAL -NOTES FOR ENTIRE JOB: CUST NP UNIT FIN TEST A-U.L. LABELED SECTION CAN BE DETERMINED BY UL IN TOP WIREWAY OF OUTLINE SHEET. UL LABELED UNIT CAN BE X DETERMINED FROM COLUMN MARKED U.L. LABEL ON SUMMARY SHEET. B-WARNING: USE ONLY FUSES OF TYPE FURNISHED OR INDICATED IN NOTES OR ELECTRICAL EQUIVALENT. X C-O.L. HEATERS ARE SELECTED FROM 1800 RPM 1.15 SERVICE FACTOR MOTORS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. X O.L. HTR CAT. NO'S. SIZE 1,2,5 E. 6 CR123C , SIZE 3 E. 4 CR123F 1-ALL UNITS TO BE 8000 X X X X 4-STARTERS TO BE PROVIDED WITH 1 CLASS J SECONDARY FUSE. X X X 'X 14-ALL OVERLOAD RELAYS WILL BE AMBIENT COMPENSATED. X X X 16-240V AUX SWITCH PROVIDED ON ALL STARTER DISCONNECTS. X X X 19-ALL UNUSED STAB HOLES IN VERTICAL BUS WILL BE PLUGGED. X X X 51-TUBE-TYPE WIRE MARKERS ARE REQUIRED ON BOTH ENDS OF ALLL CONTROL WIRES. X X X X X 54-BOTH ENDS OF ALL POWER WIRES MUST BE IDENTIFIED WITH WIRE NUMBER USING HOT STAMP OR TUBE -TYPE WIRE MARKERS A X X X X X S REQUIRED. 100-EACH STARTER TO BE EQUIPPED WITH SPARE 3-PT. CTRL TB FOR CUSTOMER USE. X X X X 101-MOUNT A BLANK 2"X6" MASTER NP, CATt273A7916P3F6.0/2.0 TO THE TOP LEFT -MOST -AVAILABLE W/W COVER OF THIS MCC. X X X X 102-EACH UNIT ASSIGNED AN ELEM. SHEET NUMBER SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH DOOR MOUNTED ELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS. X X X X CASE NOTES FOR LO1 ONLY: STATUS CUST NP UNIT FIN TEST 331-SPACE HEATER WILL BE PROVIDED IN EACH VERTICAL SECTION. STANDARD INTERCONNECTIONS FOR HEATERS SHOWN ON X X X X 235B6050AT. IF SPECIAL INTERCONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED REFER TO OUTLINE AND SUMMARY SHEET FOR INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM. 333-INTERMEDIATE TYPE SIDES CAN NOT BE USED IN THIS LINEUP. X X 335-STRUCTURAL TYPE FLOOR SILLS WILL BE PROVIDED ON THIS LINEUP. X X X 336-BRACING WILL BE PROVIDED ON THIS LINEUP FOR SEISMIC ZONE 3 - X X X 337-THERMOSTAT FOR SPACE HEATERS WILL BE LOCATED IN TOP WIREWAY OF SECT AB. X X X 391-RODENT BARRIERS WILL BE SUPPLIED ON ALL LINEUPS WITHOUT SPLICES. X X X 392-FLOOR PLATES WILL BE FURNISHED IN ALL SECTIONS. X X X 500-•■HOUSE AREA■*: REFER TO DWG.319B4102, SH.NWI, WHEN CONSTRUCTING NEMA HOUSE (OLD STYLE). X X I" 11111 11111 1E11 1111111 11111 111111 NIB gill 11111111 NIB 111111 111111 INN'SIMI MIN <1> - I I ABC I I I I I AAE 1 ABE I I ABF - I AAG I I I AO' I AAJ 1 ABJ GE CONTROL COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENT DEPT. MEBANE, N.C. U.S.A. DWG. NO. 319B4102 DWG. FOR INSTALLATION SH. 01 CONT. ON SH. 01A :OUTLINE -SUMMARY :CR8000 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER :CUST MCC MCC-1 :TOTAL SECTIONS 3 :G.E. RQN. 480I0276 :ITEM NO. 1 :PANEL CATALOG NO.'0957X0032L01 AAM 1 ABM 1 1 :NEMA CLASS I TYPE 8 ENCL. 1 GASKETED I I I ACN 1 :POWER SUPPLY 480 VOLTS 60HZ 1 :3 PHASE 3 WIRE :CONTROL 120 VOLTS COMMON :CUSTOMER: :GE SUPPLY CO :USER: :ARROWHEAD COM. SERV. 001* 1 002* AMPS MATL PLATING FRONT VIEW :MAIN BUS 600UL COPPER TIN STD UL SECT NO. 1 1 I 2 3 1 :VERT. BUS COPPER TIN STD 1 SECT WXDI 20X20 1 20X20 24X20 I :GND. BUS 300 COPPER TIN STD _FRONT_ SEE :NEUT.BUS 20484140FIG. 1 1 1 :BUS BRACING 42,000 SYMMETRICAL VERT.BUS A. 300 300 NONE :MCC SHORT CKT. RATING 25,000 SYM. V.B. S/U LENGTH 6 6 :EST. WEIGHT 1,500 LBS. SECT. HEIGHT 90 INCHES CUSTOMER INC. LINE PER PHASE 1-300MCM BOTTOM SECT. AA :STANDARD ELEMENTARY: :SPECIAL ELEMENTARY: 31984102 :FACTORY INTERCONN: 31984102 SH. LPNL1 FACTORY DRAWINGS: :STANDARD ASM. (CONN): *=SHIPPING LENGTH :SPECIAL ASM. (CONN): 31984103 >=SPLICE :OVERSIZE (CONN): ENG. NAME M.S.COOK /RDC ISSIJED 06/30/93 REV. MEMO OF PRINT TRANSMITTAL 'DATE MAILED 1 - 7 -93 CUSTOMER GE. SUPPLY CO IJOB NAME ARROWHEAD COM. SERV. CONTROL COMPONENTS & EQUIPMENT DEPT. GENERAL ELECTRIC MEBANE, N.C. U.S.A. CUSTOMER ORDER 5803042445AA G.E.02N. 76 L DRAWINGS ARE APPROVED FOR INSTALLATION ICHANGED PRINTS SUPERSEDE SAME NUMBER PREVIOUSLY SENT UNLESS SPECIFIED *PRINT CODES:O-OUTLINE;C-CONNECTION;E-ELEMENTARY;B-INST.BOOK;I-INTERCONN ' 4-INST.BOOK 5-PRINTS ENG. SALES & SERVICE I4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOS ANGELES ATTN: LARRY STURGEON I 0 011001 M# 001 I0 011 ,CUSTOMER SERVICE * FP FP E E CA 1-PRINTS GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 9350 EAST FLAIR DR. 90022 EL H. MARVIN (V/F=8433-5352/5247) MOTOR 204B4140 319B4102 319B4102 319B4102 319B4102 319B4102 CONTROL CENTER SHEET 2 REV. NWI0 - lA 100 - A135 - NOTE: DRAWINGS ARE NOT TO SCALE 1 JUL 143 FLOOR PLAN NEMA 3R HOUSE PLAN OUTLINE SUMMARY LTGRPNL/12CKTR(1PH) MIN) DIST.XFMR (1PH) CONTROL COMPONENTS & EQUIPMENT DEPT. BY: MS COOK RDC SH 1 FINAL 1 111111 11111 1 110111 1111111 1 MIMI MINI MINI 1 NIB 1111111 1 111111 1111111 01111 11111 11E11' UNIT SUMMARY CR8000 MCC RQN. NO. 48010276 PANEL CAT. NO. 0957X0032L01 ZMOD ENG. NAME M.S.COOK ISSUED 06/30/93 REU. STATUS NO. /RDC X OR NUMBER-U.L. LABELED *-NOT LABELED GE CONTROL COMPONENTS AND EQUIPMENT DEPT. MEBANE, N.C. U.S.A. DWG. FOR INSTALLATION DWG. NO. 31984102 SH. 01A CONT. ON SH. UNIT LOC. UNIT MOD. SHT. CUST. UNIT NO. NAMEPLATE 273A7916P3FC . ELEM. CONN. FUNCT. S I Z E f .�... H.P. K.W. F.L.A. O.L. HEATER C.B. S.W. TRIP FUSE/CLIP T R T S T O P H. O. A. O F F o N F SS i w F D R E V. PILOT LIGHT TOTAL �NTLK. LABEL CODES FOR ENGINEERING USE ONLY O C AAE AAG AAI AAJ AAM BLANK NP BLANK NP BLANK NP BLANK NP BLANK NP 100 100 200E 2008 SP FVNR FUNR SP MAIN 3 2 2 10 10 13.60 13.60 1518 1518 TEC TEC THFK 030 030 225 2 2 1 1 * 114 114 * 306 ABC ABE ABF ABJ BLANK NP BLANK NP BLANK NP BLANK NP 124 124 SP SP SP PN1Q 12MA 020 * * X ABM ACN XA BLANK NP BLANK NP A135 A860 TRAN MTG THED 015 399 * 3-1,A, NUB,FW, OB I'A3d/LZrt O0 cuc. 31984.102 $H.t . NWI NEMA 3R NON - WALKIN p O - 40•• 30 SIA SIB 74 FRONT VIEW i CUSTOMER MCC MCC-1 VENTILATION I 8'- 7-I/4•' MCC CAT. NO. NEMA 3R CAT. NO. 0957X0032L01 0957X0032L02 5-3/3'2•' 13-3/4" SAA SAB SAC BLANK 6 1-3/16••- S 1 A 40- 1-3/16" S1B a0 3/4•• DIR. HOLES * FOR BOLT DOWN '\(MIN. HT. 5-1/2") 5-1/4' FLOOR PLAN T p7 1 1 5-]/4••-� 1- DOOR VENTILATION FRONT FLOOR LINE ARC WELD END VIEW NOTE 1. FLOOR PLATES ARE REMOVABLE LISIN6 LUGS --21" MOTOR CONTROL CENTER SEE NOTE .1 l KRA END W '/ai�� iA NiREDcrrl++fL — 1 ; • • MIN.WELD ARC WELD DOWN LENGTH OF NEMA 3R EVERY 40" OR LESS FOR 130 MPH WINDS AND 2.256 SHOCK [LENGTH 0 DEPTH PER OUTLINE) RC WELDED ALL FOUR CORNERS (MIN. 3/16'•) MIN. 8 INCH "H•' BEAM ANCHORED FRONT AND RENT CEMENT PAD N m g 3 z b z 0 LU a�' w z 03 w w a m [*1 on z 1 m (V • U tp 1111111 1111111 — S 1— M 111111 1 E— r 111111 11111 11111 11111 A 9 C D E F 6 H J K L M N P 0 R S T U 01 01 D2 02 03 03 04 L1 L2 L3 - 04 05 I I I 05 STAB M( /_.�7 06 3 r(5) (F (57I (6) (51 (61 06 07, L3 I I K3 K6 T3 07 CB • • 08 /(2) I fV 0(i fV I (31I (4) f3) fVl � • B0 L2 LSN K2 KS T2 • • 10 (1i ) I (1) til I (UI • f27 fA (2) - • IB LIILL �— _ J K1 - K4 61• 11 51• 11 12 13 - 2• 13 1• 14 72• (4 15 (27��Rf17 I1B)Su(x 11 7 d TO 120 VOLT T3• 15 10 7(1 - CONTROL SOURCE X2 T2• 16 T1• 16 TB 17 '17 18 18 19 19 20 20 M OL M 21 (R1 f07 (7) (0) 21] (227 21 3 40 50 1 51 22 22 M 24 23((37 fi4] 23 M 24 2 26 26 27 27 28 28 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 - 33 34 - 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 - 44 45 45 46 46 40 40 49 49 50 30 51 51 52 52 53 53 53 35 56 56 58 68 59 59 68 se 61 A-0ZA21000000000000080 61 A 8 C 0 E F 6 K N P 0 R S T U 1 TI MOTOR ZBIh86IC 'a"a (9 m REV.4 REV.1 'kEv.x WOE 0T REGEN / RBC ',PROWLS MEBANE OPERATION MEBANE. NC USA DI&SRPH NO. 319/34102 NE4.3. REY.S REV.3 nssft 30 1993 RDC 480I0276 CR 4. 8000 GE CONI. 00194. 6H. NO. 100. t 1 A B C. D E F 6 H J K L H N P 0 R 5. T U 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 MIN BREAKER NOTE: 06 ALL BRANCH BREAKERS • 15 AMP. 06 07 LI L2 07 4-- O 0 _v BD ---- 08 09 1 • • 2 09 10 0 • • Q 10 11 3 4 11 12 0 p 12 13 5 6 13 14 Q 0 14 13 7 _ B 16 - 0 0 16 17 -9 10 17 16 0 • • 0 19 11 12 19 20 O • • 0 20 21 21 22 23 23 24 _ 24 25 25 26 27 27 2B _ 28 29. 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 40 49 _ 49 50 - 50 51 51 52 52 53 - 53 54 - 54 55 - 55 56 56 57 58 59 60 61 A P1-12MW 0 R 5 57 56 59 60 61 r r REVS REV.. RE4.2 REV.3 MDE BY REGEN J 30 1993 RDC RPPROVVL6 REQ. 48010276 CR NO. 8000 MEBANE OPERATION MEBANE. NC USA GE DNV.RM N0. 319B41o2 s'"").121+ CONT. ON EN.. FL A B C D E F G H J K L 8 N P D R 9 U Li L2 L3 STAB 1 rtsi —ri 1 L3• CB 141 • 121 • LI L _ — J K3 K1 81 IHI ((H21 K2 (93) (M11 GND TIA-5A A 8 D E F G N J K L M N P 0 R S T U 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 zei+,e61E 9" LJ L REV.4 REV.1 REVS wE v.2 REV.3 MADE BE REEK lt� D Jun 30 1993 BRDiC APPROVALS 48010276 CR R9• 0000 MEBRNE OPERRTION MEBANE, NC USA GE DIAGRAM NO. 319B4102 cONr. ON SM. SM. NO. A135 ON HE 1 4 HS NO 1440O1 BOTTOM CONDUIT ENTRANCE DETAILS FOR STD. 13", 20", AND 30" DEEP TWO OWS�S•11. WWI HOLES FIG. 1 VERTICAL WIRING . TROUGH AREA FOR BACK-TO-BACK ONLY 2050mm MOW 53s� >a� VERTICAL WIRING TROUGH AMA B IS• AREA FOR GROUND AND NEUTRAL BUS AF USEIB 13;* (330.2mm) DEEP FIG. 1 TwoMMICA NEUTRAL BUS ( USEGROUND DI MEG HOLES I5.ss• sEsH.. �11E11Tr•1 WIRING TROUGH AREA x c- A 20" (508.0mm) DEEP TWO Of M7G NOES • SO OO• 7E2.Onn1 I mm 30, 111211 MEA FOR GROUND AND NEUTRAL SIR IW USEDI. to or E52.$mn {---e^--I K. A" 'N S.Gw 30" (762.0mm) DEEP VERTICAL WIRING TROUGH AREA S IS 20SSm.1x BOTTOM CONDUIT ENTRANCE DETAILS WHEN AUTO —TRANSFORMER IS FURNISHED FOR STANDARD 13" DEEP, AND 20" DEEP BACK-TO-BACK. ISbo' FIG. 2 TWO OId3— MTG HOLES VERTICAL WIRING TROUGH AREA Sir x c Bss' 220.74,44 - 549,.G1 13" (330.2mm) DEEP SPACE FOR CONDUIT ENTRANCE NOTE AUTO TRANSFORMER LOCATED WUNIN STARTER UNIT.. REAR VERTICAL OS ' WIRING TROUGH AREA TWO 0 AREA FOR GROUND AND MID BOLES NEUTRAL BUS IW USE01. FIG. 3 USSR' Warm VERTKAL WIRING TROUGH AREA CIS-_ 20354G41X 20" (508.0mm) DEEP BACK-TO-BACK SPACE FOR CONDUIT ENTRANCE GENERAL DIMENSIONS REF. DIM: 20" WIDE ENCLOSURE 24" WIDE ENCLOSURE 30" WIDE ENCLOSURE A" = 20" 24" 30" 508.0mm 609.6mm 762.0mm B" = 17.63" 21.63" 27.63" 447.8mm 549.4mm 701.8mm Cu = 4.63" 8.63" NOT APPLICABLE 117.6mm 219.4mm 1 T END VIEW FIG. 4 1• REMOVABLE. • COVER PLATES ASV 353 IH■R A.Or ENCLOSURE FRONT % WIDTH TOP VIEW NEMA II DRIP SHIELD TOP CONDUIT ENTRANCE DETAILS FOR STD. 13", 20", AND 30" DP. 13" (330.2mm) DEEP REMOVABLE COVER PLATE FIIOMT iLts- WEN I.tr B-t.t r m3 357 A- R.R 30" (762.0mm) DEEP REMOVAsu CWER PIATES I.Ir 3a7 •1 r-- R>nl _ f--200" (508.0mm) DEEP -l.tr 3d3 RY11 CUSTOMER NOTE: FOR STANDARD END VIEWS AND BUS DETAILS SEE SHEET NO. 2 OF THIS DRAWING. Ea 0 ESI F¢W 144 8 dO 1O • 1 Lw f Ii i i i. :g • 09 NM — , ' — -- — — 111111 111111 — — — 111111 111111 ON NSI N:NO ANOII END VIEW STANDARD 13" DEEP END VIEW STANDARD 20" DEEP END VIEW STANDARD 30" DEEP t. 1 d'I Y' REMOVABLE • 712mm LIFTING ANGLE Or _- BUS LOCATION ._,,. (SEE DETAILS BELOW) FRONT 90 09" 2211.Onm A- . 20". 24" 1 30" WIDE 13 5mm t" L 25..mm BUS DETAILS STANDARD 13" DEEP END VIEW WITH 2" 50.8mm) BUS BAR END VIEW WITH 4" (101.6mm) BUS BAR " REMOVABLE ri.2mm LIFTING ANGLE —A--. 2A- Iu.lmm I" LI 25.4mm T-I ❑ ❑ -20 BUS LOCATION (BEE DETAILS BELOW) BOAR" 2211.3mm A' . 20".2E" 130" WIDE 25" 1OSmm 13- 31.tmm BUS DETAILS STANDARD 20" DEEP K( END VIEW WITH 2" (50.8mm) BUS BAR .I. I r41-1r fNt END VIEW WITH 4 ' (101.6mm) BUS BAR FRONT 40. 3" REMOVABLE 12mm LIFTING ANGLE SUB LOCATION (BEE DETAILS BELOW( glow 32se.i wn A' I. 20; 24" 1 OD- WIDE u5nm I.1 i Ttiismm L . L� 25immrI 20 JIT_ 717Amm IS" 3i:1mm • BUS DETAILS STANDARD 30". DEEP END VIEW WITH 2 ' (50.8mm) BUS BAR END VIEW WITH 4" (101.6mm) BUS BAR 20' DEEP SECTION 20. WIDE IlUtlltd 111 ?1.1M . ur.sJl['7F� CAOLE TIES SUPPLIED IN WIRE TROUGH FRONT TOP VIEW I3.DEE► SECTION sIti" VERTICAL WIRING TROUGHS , STANDARD GROUND AND NEUTRAL BUS DETAILS Of GROUND BUB 110" FRONT 50dKTD M, aNN Ground bus bolted directly to section frame FRONT-.. Standard location of ground and neutral. bus with a 12•In. (304.8 mm) compartment at the bottom of MCC Insulated neutral bus Standard location of ground and neutral bus with a 6-In. (152.4 mm) compartment at the bottom of MCC 0 g d"' _2 rf¢ kbk Z v 11111-- 1111— i .— r— r M 11111 M .M — S 111111 11111 RIM GEH-4961 B 8000-Line Motor Control Center Installation and Maintenance Instructions CAUTION: Before installing in a nuclear application, determine that the product is intended for such use. GENERAL ELECTRIC 8000-Line Motor Control Center Table of Contents Subject GENERAL DESCRIPTION* Control Center Bus Control Center Units — RECEIVING, HANDLING, STORAGE Receiving Handling Storage INSTALLATION Installation of Bottom Entry Conduits Preparation of Flooring Positioning and Joining Sections Installation of Top Entry Conduits EQUIPMENT WIRING Main Incoming Power Cables Individual Unit Wiring Wiring Type C Terminal Boards Wiring Between Sections INSTALLATION OF MOTOR CONTROL CENTER UNITS Optional Shutter Assembly REMOVAL OF DRAW -OUT CONTROL CENTER UNITS OPTIONAL POWER LOCKOUT DEVICE OPERATING HANDLES AND DOOR INTERLOCKS TEST OPTION (MOTOR DISCONNECT) ASSEMBLY OF OUTDOOR ENCLOSURES Sealers Purpose Method of Application Material OPERATION Preparation for Initial Operation MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT After De -energizing the Equipment RENEWAL PARTS ORDERING ADDITIONAL OR REPLACEMENT UNITS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OVERLOAD HEATER TABLES Heaters for Ther-Mag Circuit Breaker Conotrllers« Heaters for Mag-Break® Controllers t Heaters for Fused Controllers Heaters For Size 6 and Size 7 Controllers "' Page No. 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 1 12 12 -12 12 111 13 1 14 17 17 17 17 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 26 28 'Since no physical differences exist between the 8000and)he 8000$Cnucor control centers, all installation and maintenance instructions apply o both products. These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the Purchaser's purposes, the matter should be referred to the nearest General Electric Sales Office. 1 GENERAL (8). ELECTRIC - ' sow iLNC Fig. 1. Typical 8000-Line=motor control cehterwith separate vertical wiring_trough open on one section. >' • CAUTION: EXTREME_GA'RE SHOULD BE TAKEN - WHEN SERVICINWCONTROL WIRING OR RE- MOVING UNITS FOR'RNY PURPOSE FROM AN ENERGIZED CONTROL CENTER SINCE POWER FROM -AN EXTERNAL SOURCE MAY STILL BE APPLIED. General description The standard 8000-Line motor control center vertical sec- tion is 20-inches wide by 90-inches high (508 mm by 2286 mm) by 20-inches* or 13-inches deep (508 mm or330.2 mm) (outside dimensions). Sections are fabricated from 13 gauge sheet steel, shaped, and reinforced to form a rigid; enclosed structure in single- or multiple -section lineups. One and one -half -inch (33.1 mm) removable floor sills and 3-inch (76.2 mm) lifting angles are furnished as standard. Floor sills and lifting angles add 41/2 inches (114.3 mm) to the over-all control center height. Each vertical section is provided with a 6-inch (1.52.4 mm) high compartment for horizontal wiring and a 12-inch (304.8 mm) high compartment forhorizontal wiring. Master termi- 'Consult motor control center outline drawings furnished by the General Electric Company for dimensions and ratings of equipment on specific in- stallations. Fig. 2. Isolating panel allows access to main and vertical bus joints 2 ffi 02 o3 02 0I TZ W2C71=IIIPM/MIA M I I M2MPZEM ill. �oI�I� ■ i.• i SW inif Fig. 3. Phase relation of bus -in back-to-back sections furr nished with two vertical bus assemblies nal boards are furnished on. -Type C equipment. Either corn partment can be located atthe top of the section.. In: back ". to -back construction, the12-inch (304.8 mm) compartment is always at"the top on the rear. If a 12-inch (304.8mm) con*. partment is alsarequired.at rear bottom, only 5T/2:X-spaces can be used for mounting starters. Control center bus Each section has a_large, full -height separatevertical wir- ing trough with separate; removable hinged door. See Fig ,a. The main horizontal bus is locatedatthe .top -of the:se& tion. The bus is front: accessible by opening the glass poly- ester isolating -panel whictlisolates themain=bus from the == top horizontal wiring cr mpartment, Fig: 2. All electrical joints and mechanicalbracing bolts are xs Vertical bus .300,. 450, or 600`atnperest;lebolted tar the main bus, making the.phase relation of main andvertical bus 1-2-301to-bottorn_-and Left -to -right respectively;.as- viewedfrom,theirontTATSecond vertical busaeadded,Jf red quired, for mounting u its -in -thin rear of the-sectior This-- . requires a-20-Inch (508-mm) deep_section -The pha r�eT --.fi tion, shown in Fig. 3,-of this;verticai bus is.1-2-3left-to light: as viewed from the rear. Ground bus and/or neutral bus, if required, are located near the bottom of the vertical section. When neutral bus is supplied, each section will have bottom plates. 8000-Line Motor Control Center DIMENSION—{ re-- 20"—'1 (508mm) UNIT HANDLE ASSEMBLY UNIT HANDLE ASSEMBLY 6.75"x17.6. +'"k- (171.4 x 447mm) DIMENSION X = 3.0 In. (7S2mm) FOR UNITS UP TO 225-AMP RATING X = 4.12 in (104.7mm) FOR UNITS 225-AMPS THROUGH 1200 AMPS Fig. 4. Top view of 8000-Line illustrating typical unit discon- Fig. 5. Typical control center starter unit showing (A) unit nect handle protrusion disconnect screw, (B) draw -out terminal blocks and (C) unit disconnect screw cover Control center units Consult publication GET-6728, Selection and Application for detailed listings of units available in the 8000-Line motor control center. A unit disconnect screw (A), Fig. 5, near the base of the draw -out units is used for insertion and removal of units. An optional cover, (C), Fig. 5, for the unit disconnect screw may be provided to prevent access to the screw unless the unit line disconnect is switched to the OFF position. Simulta- neous engagement or disengagement of unit draw -out blocks occurs as the unit is inserted or removed. See B, Fig. 5. Unit stabs are rated 225 amperes maximum; draw -out control terminal blocks are rated 30 amperes continuous duty; Size 1 and 2 draw -out power terminal blocks are rated 50 amperes continuous duty. Size 3 and 4 draw -out power blocks are rated 100 amperes and 150 amperes continuous duty, respectively. • Receiving, handling, storage Receiving Before leaving the factory, the motor control center is given a final mechanical and electrical inspection and is packed in keeping with best practices for electrical equipment. Upon receipt of any apparatus, an immediate inspection should be made for any damage or loss of equipment in transit. Observe the "Tip-N-Tell" indicator on each item for any indication of tipping or mishandling. Should damage or missing material be noted, a claim should be immediately filed with the carrier and the nearest office of the General Electric Company should be notified. Information such as description of damage, shipping crate numbers, requisition numbers and panel catalog number should accompany the claim. Do not remove banding, if present, on vertical bus assembly. e❑a° D �❑ 0 'I=1 Uo 0° n _ 0 °° 0 ° o ° °° ° 11 II MI Fig. 6. Using standard lifting angles to hoist the control center Handling Control center sections are always shipped in an upright position, in single or group sections. Sections must be maintained in an upright position during all handling. Never attempt to jack, lift, or move the equipment at points other than the lifting angle or floor sills. Use two or more chains or cables to distribute weight more evenly. Pinch -bars, pipe rollers, or slings are useful implements for handling equipment; but care must be taken to maintain dis- tributed loading and to always apply leverage at the floor sills and/or lifting angle. Figures 6 and 7 show typical han- dling techniques. i Fig. 7. Positioning the control center with rollers Storage NOTE: If it is necessary to store the equipment for any length of time, the following precautions should be taken: 1. Uncrate equipment. 2. Store in a clean, dry area at moderate temper- ature. Cover with a suitable canvas or heavy- duty plastic cover to prevent entrance of foreign material. 3. If equipment must be stored in cool or damp areas, not only should the equipment be com- pletely covered, but heat should be provided to prevent condensation of moisture in the equipment. Energize space heaters (if fur- nished in the equipment) or place a standard 120-volt lamp rated 75 watts inside the bottom of each vertical section. Before any installation work is done, consult all drawings furnished by the General Electric Company as well as all ap- plicable contract drawings for the particular installation. Particular attention should be given to the physical location of units in the motor control center and their relation to ex- isting or planned conduits, busways, etc. Care should be taken to plan for any future conduit en- trance in advance of control center installation. Installation Installation of bottom entry conduits Conduits can be stubbed in, once the location of the motor control center lineup has been established. Conduit should be stubbed approximately 2 inches (51 mm) above the finished floor line. Figures 8 and 9 show con- duit entrance space available at the bottom of standard sec- tions. Exceptions to this available space will be indicated on 13 00" 330.2mm 6.81" 173.0mm 3.09" r 78.5mm 1.19" 30.2mm 0.63" TWO16.0mm MTG HOLES 10.00" 254.0mm y SPACE FOR -� CONDUIT ENTRANCE VERTICAL WIRING TROUGH AREA 8.13" x 4.63" 205.5mm 117.6mm 8.69- 220.7mm J 17.63' -� 447.8mm 20.00" 2.16" 508.0mm 54.9mm Fig. 8. Bottom conduit entrance space 13-inch (330.2 mm) deep section AREA FOR GROUND AND NEUTRAL BUS (IF USED). SEE FIG.I5,I6,17AND 18. 0.63" TWO r10.00" 16.Omm 254.0mmj /MTG HOLES 508.0mm 13.81" 350.8mm 3.09" 78.5mm SPACE FOR CONDUIT - ENTRANCE ea VERTICAL WIRING TROUGH AREA 8.13" x 4.63" 205.5mm 117.6mm 17..63" 1.1 4447.8mm 20.00" mm30.2mm 508.0mm 15.69' 398.5 mm 2.16" 54.9mm Fig. 9. Bottom conduit entrance space 20-inch (508.0 mm) deep section drawings furnished by the Company for specific installa- tions. Note that if both 20-inch (508.0 mm) deep and 13-inch (330.2 mm) deep sections are in a single lineup, front lineup is required to properly align main bus bars.(See Fig.10) Preparation of flooring Attention should be given to providing a level, even foun- dation for the equipment. The Purchaser may elect, as shown in Fig. 10, to install steel members in the floor, prop- erly leveled and grouted, although not normally required. The over-all height of the equipment should be con- sidered with respect to head room, top conduit entry space, and line-up with other equipment. 5 8000-Line Motor Control Center Fig. 10. Installing steel floor members (Note front line-up of 13-inch [330.2 mm] deep section.) NOTE: CANNOT BE ROLLED ON ROLLERS (FIG.7 ) WITHOUT FLOOR SILLS. Fig. 11. Control center floor sills grouted to floor prior to installation to provide level foundation NOTE: For handle height to be less than 78 inches (198.1 cm) on sections with 6-inch (152.4 mm) wire way on top, the MCC floor sills should be grouted into the floor or removed after MCC has been placed in final position. See Fig. 11. Anchor bolts may be imbedded in the foundation prior to installation, but they must be prelocated per details of Figs. 8 and 9, or per drawings furnished by the Company. For shallow -depth (13-inch [330.2 mm]) sections, anchor bolts or some other form of external bracing is needed. Positioning and joining sections If groups of sections are to be joined together in a final Tine -up, remove the end cover plates and the plug buttons, Fig. 12, from the sides of the section to be joined. NEUTRAL OR GROUND BUS (WHEN SPECIFIED) Fig. 12. Side view showing cover plates, plug buttons and joining points for 20-inch (508 mm) deep section Carefully check and remove any dirt, dust, or bits of pack- ing material from the interior of all sections. Use of a brush, soft cloth, or vacuum cleaner is recommended. NOTE: Do not use compressed air if it contains moisture. Remove all hardware packages, draw- ings, etc., which are shipped with the equipment. Check all nuts, bolts, and electrical joints for tightness. All cables should be pulled through conduits to a point where they will be accessible after the equipment is in place. Sections can be moved to their final position and properly leveled. Section side plates, where sections are joined together at installation, should be bolted together at points A, B and C, Fig. 12. Main, neutral, and ground bus splice bars (with all associ- ated hardware) are furnished, as necessary, to join sections together. See Figs. 13 through 18 for approximate dimen- sional data for main, neutral and ground bus. If the sections are furnished with the 6-inch (152.4 mm) horizontal wiring 6 .................. .................. Fig. 13. Side view showing top area dimensions for 20-inch (508 mm) deep section with 2-if►ch.(50.8 mm) bus bars GROUND BUS NEUTRAL BUS FRONT (152.4 mm) l4c (76.2mm) 10.06" . '. . 11255.5mm) NSULLRAL BUS GROUND BUS •—FRONT 7.38" (187.5mm) (76 2m-, Fig. 17. Standard location of ground and neu- tral bus for the 12- inch (304.8 mm) compartment at the bottom of MCC ("normal position") Fig. 18. Fig. 19. Remove top unit and shelf Standard location of ground and neu- tral bus for the 12- inch (304.8 mm) compartment at the top of MCC ("low- ered position") Fig. 14. Side view showing top area dimensions for 20-inch Fig. 20. Remove top horizontal shelf and nuts from main (508 mm) deep section with 4-inch (101.6 mm) bus bus support studs bars E OF GROUND BUS, 11.06" 280.9mm O"(STD HT) FRONT 76.2mm ,.. L OF .a%: NEUTRAL* BAR '. 10.06" •- 255.5mm 6WD0"STDH1 FRO NT 152.4mm; Fig. 15. Ground bus bolted Fig. 16. Insulated neutral directly to section frame bus Fig. 21. Insert splice bus bar in left-hand section, extend to right-hand section and secure. All joints should be tightened per torque values (TABLE 1). Close isolat- ing panels before replacing top shelves and units 7 8000-Line Motor Control Center Fig. 22. Remove top horizontal shelves (if required), nuts and washers from main bus support studs. Fig. 23. Insert splice plates so that the slotted side is on the right. Replace nuts and washers on bus support studs and tighten per TABLE 1 compartment at the top, removal of the top unit and top hor- izontal barrier is necessary to gain access to the main bus. Figures 19 through 21 illustrate progressive steps in in- stalling main bus splice plates for the 2-incti (50.8 mm) busT Figures 22 and 23 illustrate installing main bus splice plates for the 4-inch (101.6 mm) bus. The procedure for installing either bus splice is basically the same. Ground or neutral bus splice plates are similarly installed in the bottom wiring compartment; however, units need not be removed when making neutral and ground bus splices in the bottom hori- zontal wiring compartment. After completing main bus splices, all joints should be tightened per TABLE 1 and the main bus isolating panel fully closed. Table 1. Torque values for medium carbon steel bolts used in motor control center buswork Bolt Size Copper Joints Aluminum Joints Lb-ft (kg-m)} Min Max Lb-ft (kg-m)t Min Max. -16 %(1.66-2.21) 12-16 11-14• (1.52-1.94) '/x-13 30-39 (4.15-5.39) 24-27• (3.32-3.73) 2-inch (50.8 mm) 1 -13 24 - 27* 24 - 27• Bus (3.32-3.73) (3.32-3.73) Splice Plate 4-inch (101.6mm) %-16 11-14* 11-14• Bus (1.52-1.94) (1.52-1.94) Splice Plate %-13 24-27• 24-27* (3.32-3.73) (3.32-3.73) Special '.4 -13 25 - 30 Incoming Line Main Lug ",T" Bolt (3.48-4.15) • Denotes torque requirements for bus joints used in conjunction with a Bellvili spring -lock washer. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. t Also known as Newton meter (Nm). NOTE: When assembling or connecting to alumi- num bus, care should be taken to apply suitable joint compound between contacting surfaces. REMOVABLE COVER PLATES. 1.19" 30.2 mm 447.8mm 30.2 mm 1.63" 41.4mm 6.72" I70.7mm 3.31" 84.1 mm t 6.72" I70.7mm Fig. 24. Top conduit entrance space 20-inch (508 mm) deep section SINGLE OPENING WITH REMOVABLE COVER PLATE ''tt.'.. FRONT` 1.19" 30.2 mm 17.63" 447.8mm 1 6.72" I70.7mm 1.63" 41.4mm I-I9" Imm Fig. 25. Top conduit entrance space 13-inch (330 mm) deep section 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 Installation of top entry conduits After the motor control center is in place, leveled, and sections joined together, conduits can be brought into the top of sections as required. Figures 24 and 25 show conduit entry space available for conduits entering the top of stan- dard sections. Refer to drawings furnished by the General Electric Company for deviations on specific installations. CAUTION: ALWAYS REMOVE TOP COVER PLATES WHEN DRILLING HOLES FOR CON- DUITS. THIS PROCEDURE PREVENTS SMALL METAL CHIPS FROM FALLING INTO THE PANELS AND CAUSING SERIOUS DAMAGE. • Equipment wiring Main incoming power cables Main cables normally terminate at the line side of the main motor control center disconnect er at an incoming line lug compartment. The incoming line lug compartment is normally located approximately 151 inches (393.7 mm) from either top or bottom of any section, or as specified by the Purchaser. Figures 26 and 27 give details of these lug compartment arrangements. NOTE: Refer to motor control center outline drawings furnished by General Electric Company for the quantity and size of the incoming line lugs. Incoming line Tugs' are located in the front of the motor control center. When locating conduit for a 20-inch (508.0 mm) deep section, care must be taken to locate conduit in the front portion of available conduit entrance space to avoid any sharp cable bends. Fig. 26. Typical top entry of main cables to incoming line lug compartment Fig. 27. Typical bottom entry of main cables to incoming line lug compartment Where the system available short circuit is greater than 14,000 amperes RMS symmetrical, cables should be firmly secured between the top of the enclosure and incoming lugs. If incoming cables run through wire troughs, the cables should be securely clamped on 12-inch (304.8 mm) centers. An insulated bushing at the conduit termination is also recommended. Individual unit wiring Remove the top and bottom horizontal shelf extensions (Fig. 28) to allow full access to the vertical wiring trough for "lay -in" wiring. See Fig. 29. LIIJ o . o 0 s I ®® Fig'. 28. Horizontal shelf extensions (A and B) are removable to facilitate lay -in wiring in the vertical wire trough. Replace shelf extensions when wiring is completed. 8000-Line Motor Control Center Fig. 29. Easily accessible lay -in wiring in vertical wiring trough NOTE: All power wiring from units should be se- curely tied to the brackets mounted along the right-hand side of the vertical section. Control wiring from each unit should be neatly bundled and wrapped. Figures 30 and 31 show typical installation wiring being performed. When making connections with aluminum cable, care should be taken to apply suitable joint compound and to adhere to the instructions of the cable manufacturers. NOTE: When installing cables, attention should be given to avoid the possibility of cable insula- tion being damaged by any sharp edges (steel- work, screws, etc.). Where access to the rear of section is available, cables can be brought into the space behind the vertical bus and brought forward into the front wire trough area through any of the modular openings in the right-hand steel support plate. See Fig. 31. Wiring Type C terminal boards Type C master terminal boards are always located within the 12-inch (304.8 mm) horizontal wiring compartment. Figures 32 and 33 show a typical Type C terminal board arrangement. Brackets can be removed and swung outward for easy accessibility without disturbing wiring. Sufficient slack should be allowed in cables connected to terminals so that the terminal boards can be swung out during maintenance. Fig. 30. Wiring connected Fig. 31. Cables can be to drawout terminal pulled in rear of blocks section and brought forward through modular openings to front wire trough •«.• ._. ... Fig. 32. Typical Type C terminal board at top of section Fig. 33. Typical Type C terminal board at bottom of section 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Wiring between sections See Fig. 13 for dimensions of the side cutouts in each ver- tical section for wiring between sections. Cross wiring may be accomplished at both top and bottom of sections. Installation of motor control center units Any unit ordered separately is shipped from the factory complete with door and associated hardware. The horizon- tal shelf assembly should be ordered separately if required. If the space available is larger than the new unit requires, a blank filler door, spacer, and shelf will have to be ordered. The general procedure for mounting a draw -out unit hori- zontal shelf assembly, door and associated hardware, in a section is as follows: 1. Select the proper holes in left- and right-hand vertical steel plates for mounting the horizontal shelf (A) and sup- port bracket (B), Fig. 34. The vertical distance (C) is equal to the height of the unit to be installed. 2. Mount shelf assembly (A) and support bracket with V4- 20 self -threading screws at points (E) as shown in Fig. 34. 3. If draw -out terminal blocks are furnished with the unit, install the fixed half of all draw -out blocks in the intended unit space in the section. Figures 35 and 36 show details of mounting. Location of these blocks is determined by align- ment with the terminal blocks mounted on the right side of the starter unit. Insert slotted mounting tabs under screw heads (A), Fig. 36. Snap dart clip (B) into hole (C), to retain terminal block in proper position. (To aid in the assembly of the dart clip, tool No. 272A5622NXG1 is available as an ac- cessory.) Tighten screws (A). Power blocks to be mounted in the section are furnished with a box -type lug and are nor- mally to be mounted below control blocks. 4. Before installing the unit, open the unit ctoor and wir- ing gutter door, and turn the upper unit latches (A), Fig. 37, to a horizontal position. (Larger units are furnished with one or two latches at the top of the unit.) Fig. 34. Mounting the horizontal shelf assembly Fig. 35. Position snap dart clip to retain terminal block Fig. 36. Mounting terminal block Fig. 37. Rear view showing upper unit latch (A) in horizontal position 8000-Line Motor Control Center 5. Install the unit by placing the base of the unit on the forward portion of the shelf and sliding the unit into the sec- tion. The guide should engage with the slot in the base of the unit. NOTE: The unit line disconnect must be in the OFF position to allow access to the unit discon- nect screw (when optional cover is provided). When the disconnect screw engages with the guide, the stabs are not yet in contact with the vertical bus bars. This unit disconnect screw must then be turned by a screwdriver to complete the unit stab engagement with the control cen- ter bus. Should any binding be noted during this operation, a careful check should be made for interference with draw- out terminal blocks, etc. When the unit is fully racked into the section, the upper unit latches, Fig. 37, should be turned one -quarter turn to lock the unit in place. Visually check for full engagement of all terminal blocks on unit with adjacent fixed blocks in section. 6. Tighten screws. Larger units (reduced voltage starter units, large, two- speed starters, etc.) are normally furnished bolted to the section structure. Although these units can generally be added in the field, details and degree of complexity will vary. Consult your General Electric Company Sales Representative for informa- tion in advance of anticipated field work on such assem- blies. Give full details of any desired additions or changes. Optional shutter assembly The unit shutter slides down to cover the stab holes when the draw -out feeder or starter is removed. On racking -in a unit, the back of the unit saddle presses against point A , Fig. 37, forcing cover to rise vertically exposing the stab holes in bus. To field install shutter assembly, refer to Fig. 38. WARNING: DE -ENERGIZE THE CONTROL CEN- TER BUS BEFORE PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THIS AREA. 1. Loosen two screws at Point B, Fig. 38,!to make a gap. of approximately 0.125 inch (3.17 mm) between the flat. washer and vertical bus insulator. 2. Insert shutter -assembly mounting tabs under screw heads (B) being certain that mounting slots have bottomed. 3. Tighten two mounting screws (B) to secure shutter as- sembly to structure. 4. Manually operate shutter assembly to ensure smooth, free vertical movement. 5. Motor control center unit can now be installed. WARNING: SINCE SOME UNITS MAY STILL HAVE CONTROL POWER APPLIED FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE EVEN THOUGH THE UNIT DISCONNECT HAS BEEN SWITCHED TO THE OFF POSITION, EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN IN REMOVING UNITS FROM AN ENER- GIZED CONTROL CENTER. Removal of draw -out control center units. Generally, the procedure for removing units is the reverse of that observed for installing units. 1. Switch the unit disconnect to the OFF position; then open unit door and wiring gutter door. 2. Turn one -quarter turn latches on door to open door. 3. Turn upper unit latchesone-quarter turn to release top of unit. 4. Turn one -quarter turn latches on wire trough door and open. 5. Actuate unit disconnect screw cover (if supplied) for access to disconnect screw. Using screwdriver, rack out unit by turning lower unit disconnect screw counter -clock- wise until screw disengages from guide. 6. Slide unit remaining distance out of section, taking care that unit does not drop as it is withdrawn. To replace the unit door after a unit has been withdrawn from the motor control center, proceed as follows: 1. Remove the pushbutton/indicating light bracket (if ap- plicable). 2. Lift unit door from hinge pins. 3. Place door on motor control center and secure with one -quarter turn latches. Optional power lockout device The power lockout device is an option available with Size 5 and 6 starter units and feeder units rated over 225 am- peres. This option allows the unit disconnect to be de -ener- gized from the line power source without having to remove the motor control center from service. The power lockout device may be padlocked in the de -energized position. Operating handles and door interlocks All 8000-Line draw -out motor control center units are fur - Fig. 38 Optional shutter assembly nished with the operating handle mounted integral with the 12 unit structure. The integral handle mechanism is equipped with an interlock arm which engages with a catch on the inside of the unit door to prevent inadvertent opening of the door when the branch circuit disconnect is switched ON. Switching to OFF, or turning access screw (A) clockwise, allows access to the unit. See Fig. 39. An optional cover for the unit disconnect screw may be provided to prevent access to this screw unless the branch circuit disconnect is switched to the OFF position. This cover is mechanically linked with the vertical handle such that the branch circuit disconnect must be switched to the OFF position before cover can be actuated to expose the unit disconnect screw. Figure 40 also shows the method provided for locking the vertical handle in the OFF position. A drilling pattern is fur- nished for padlocking in the ON position if desired. Fig. 39. Operating handle and door interlocks Fig. 40. Vertical handle padlocked in OFF position With the unit door open, an interlock prevents switching the branch circuit disconnect ON without first defeating the interlock. To operate any branch circuit disconnect, the in- terlock arm, Fig. 39, must be held in a depressed position while switching the handle to the ON position. All vertical handles on circuit breakers are trip -indicating. To reset a circuit breaker that has tripped,'the handle must be depressed past OFF to the RESET position. NOTE: To gain access to fuses on fused -switch units, refer to instructions on unit to lift integral handle mechanism. Test option (Motor disconnect) The test option (motor disconnect) consists of a hinged motor lead block which is a two -position switch. See Figs. 41 and 42. With the handle moved to the TEST position, the three-phase load cables are opened, disconnecting the load from the starter. With the switch in the RUN position, the load is connected to the starter. CAUTION: THIS TEST BLOCK IS NOT A LOAD - BREAKING SWITCH. DO NOT OPEN UNDER LOAD. Fig. 41. Motor block engaged in RUN position Fig. 42. Motor block disengaged from motor leads in TEST position 13 8000-Line Motor Control Center Assembly of outdoor enclosures Figures 43 through 45 illustrate assembly of outdoor en- closures. Figure 46 shows "details" and "section details" for these drawings. Figure 47 illustrates NEMA 3R recom- mended anchorage. SECTION A —A 0 IST MODULE-44—'2ND MODULE k-3RD MODULE --►I TOTAL LENGTH OF NEMA 3R FRONT VIEW NOTE REFER TO SPECIFIC JOB DRAWINGS FOR QUANTITY OF SHIPPING MODULES AND TOTAL LENGTH. * FOR "DETAIL" AND"SECTION" DETAILS, REFER TO FIG. 46. 1092.2mm SECTION B—B Fig. 43. NEMA 3R Non -walk-in Enclosure (Front only and Back-to-back) 14 Assembly of outdoor enclosures (cont'd A SECTION A -A ST MODULE-►k- 2ND MODULE-0.f-3RD MODULE-►, t TOTAL LENGTH OF NEMA 3R FRONT VIEW. NOTE REFER TO SPECIFIC JOB DRAWINGS FOR QUANTITY OF SHIPPING MODULES AND TOTAL LENGTH. * FOR "DETAIL" AND°SECTION° DETAILS, REFER TO FIG. 46. VENTILATOR EACH SECTION (IF ORDERED) SECTION B—B Fig. 44. NEMA 3R Walk-in Enclosure 15 8000-Line Motor Control Center Assembly of outdoor enclosures (cont'd) 5.$ _- I27.0 mm LPI ST MODULE-► II 4-2N" MODULE-1•43RD LENGTH OF' NEMA MODULE-►4 TOTAL 3R • FRONT VIEW NOTE REFER TO SPECIFIC JOB DRAWINGS FOR QUANTITY OF SHIPPING MODULES AND TOTAL LENGTH. * FOR "DETAIL" AND°SECTION° DETAILS, REFER TO FIG. 46. VENTILATOR EACH SECTION (IF ORDERED) 2184.4 mm SECTION B—B Fig. 45. NEMA 3R Walk-thru Enclosure 16. Assembly of outdoor enclosures (cont'd SEE NOTE® SEE NOTE® DOOR POST- QO@ DOOR POST SPACER DETAIL "C SEE NOTE® WALL PANEL SEE NOTE WALL PANEL SEE NOTE® WALL PANEL DETAIL"D" SEE NOTE®! U® WALL PANEL DETAIL E" DETAIL "G" j FLOOR FRAME SEE NOTE REAR SILLS SECTION E—E SECTION F-F FLOOR FRAME NOTES: ()Use Y, 20 hardware to bolt tops and wall pan together. @Use 10 x 32 hardware to bolt door post together. @Use 3/8-16 hardware to bolt floor frames together. ®Use 3M sealer EC-1020 1/8 diameter strips between wall pans, tops and post assembly. Apply the full length as shown to produce a watertight seal. Sealers are discussed in the text below. Fig. 46. Details for assembly of outdoor enclosure. Sealers Purpose The purpose of the sealer is to form a weathertight seal between exposed joints of enclosures. Method of application Place the extruded sealer strip with slight pressure'/z inch in from front and rear edge of side of case, except in Y. inch in at cutouts. Use two strips, side -by -side, the full height of the case. Also, apply the sealer strip across the top of the side of the case'/cinch down. The approximate total length of sealer required at each junction will be 42 feet for non -walk-in enclosures, 46 feet for walk-in enclosures, and 48 feet for walk-thru enclosures. Material The material is 3M sealer, formula EC1020, 1-inch diame- ter extruded bead x 30-inch long strips. It is a product of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., 700 Grand Ave., Ridgefield, New Jersey. 17 8000-Line Motor Control Center Assembly of outdoor enclosures (cont'd) REMOVE FLOORPLATE FOR ACCESS TO ANCHOR BOLT NEMA 3R CEMENT Ae PA� 41 11'11. ..1.0•, 0. aa• ,*s;;v,� • i J I/2"ANCHOR BOLTS ALL FOUR CORNERS — BOLT DOWN HOLES IN LIFTING LUGS 5/8" ANCHOR BOLTS CEMENT PAD • STANDARD OUTDOOR REFER TO SPECIFIC JOB DRAWINGS FOR TYPE OF ANCHORAGE AND LOCATION OF BOLTS ARC WELD 6" I52.4mm ARC WELD DOWN LENGTH OF NEMA 3R ABOUT EVERY 40" 10" 254.0mm MIN. WELD CEMENT PAD 6" I52.4mm CHANNEL ANCHORED 10" 254.0mm MIN. WELD ARC WELDED ALL FOUR CORNERS MIN. 3/16" 4.8 m m MIN 203.2mm 8". IH°BEAM ANCHORED FRONT AND REAR • FOR 130 MPH WINDS AND 3G SHOCK LENGTH AND DEPTH PER . SPECIFIC JOB DRAWINGS Fig. 47. NEMA 3R Recommended Anchorage 18 Operation Preparation for initial operation In addition to the normal circuit checking after wiring is completed, the following specific actions should be taken before energizing the equipment: 1. Check and tighten any electrical connections (lugs, bus splices, etc.) that may have loosened during shipping, handling and installation. Although all connections are care- fully checked at the factory before shipment, good practice dictates that connections, particularly throughout the power circuit, be checked prior to operation. For all bus connec- tions use torque ratings, TABLE 1, page 8. 2. Megger all terminals and bus for grounds. Instruments or control devices sensitive to megger voltage should be isolated from the circuit. 3. Operate each magnetic device by hand to see that all moving parts operate freely. Check all electrical interlock contacts for proper operation. NOTE: Certain parts, such as arc chutes, are tied to prevent breakage during shipment. Remove all such ties and make sure the arc chutes are seated properly. CAUTION: DO NOT REMOVE HORIZONTAL STEEL BANDINGS, IF PRESENT, FROM VERTI- CAL BUS ASSEMBLY. 4. Current transformers are shipped with a shunt across the secondary if the circuit is not complete. Remove the shunt after completing connections to transformer second- ary. 5. Make sure that the horsepower rating and voltage of the motor agree with the rating stamped on the name -plate of the unit to which it is connected. 6. Check each overload heater against the full -load cur- rent listed on each motor nameplate. CAUTION: CHECK CURRENT TRANSFORMER - OPERATED OVERLOAD RELAYS TO BE CER- TAIN AN OVERLOAD HEATER IS IN PLACE. STARTERS SHOULD NOT BE OPERATED WITH- OUT OVERLOAD PROTECTION. 7. Check all pneumatic or motor -driven timers for proper time interval settings. 8. Clean interior of equipment with a clean brush, soft cloth, or vacuum cleaner. 9. Close and latch all doors and turn all branch circuit disconnects to the OFF position before energizing the motor control center. CAUTION: MAKE SURE THAT THE MOTOR CON- TROL CENTER ENCLOSURE IS SOLIDLY GROUNDED. Maintenance of equipment The Purchaser should prepare a maintenance program consisting of a checklist of items to be covered periodically on the installed equipment. Although the frequency and ex- tent of the maintenance program will vary with equipment usage, environmental conditions, etc., the following actions should be included in any prepared checklist: After de -energizing the equipment 1. Remove accumulated dust and dirt. Use brush, soft cloth or vacuum cleaner. 2. Wipe all main bus insulators and vertical bus barriers. 3. Inspect main and vertical bus joints and main bus sup- ports and tighten if necessary. Refer to TABLE 1, page 8. 4. Inspect all wiring from units for deterioration of insula- tion. 5. Remove draw -out units and check stabs and all unit wiring. Remove accumulated dust from horizontal shelves and in area of stabs. 6. Check all starter contacts. They need only be replaced when nearly all the silver tip is gone and the contact tip sup- port is exposed. Do not file the contacts. Filing or otherwise dressing the contacts only results in lost tip material and reduces starter life. 7. Check all unit wiring for deterioration of insulation and tighten all connections. 8. Visually check meters and instruments and check criti- cal instrument calibrations. 9. Check unit door interlocks for proper operation. 10. Check all indicating lights and replace as required. 11. If fuse replacement is necessary, always install the same type and rating fuses furnished with the motor control center. Evolution in fuse design has produced fuses which are mechanically equivalent but not electrically equivalent. They may not have the same short-circuit withstandability and current -limiting ability. CAUTION: DUE TO UNIT INTERCONNECTIONS, THERE MAY BE VOLTAGE PRESENT IN CIR- CUITS EVEN THOUGH BRANCH CIRCUIT DIS- CONNECT IS OPEN. Renewal parts Due to the variety of components furnished in the 8000-Line motor control center, stock of spare parts will vary. Consideration should be given, however, to maintain- ing an adequate supply of the following: 1. Overload heaters 2. Power and control circuit fuses 3. Replacement (starter) contact kits 4. Starter coils 5. Pilot lights 6. Pushbuttons 19 8000-Line Motor Control Center 1 7. Circuit breakers/fusible switches 8. Extra draw -out terminal blocks 9. Complete starters and/or spare units as warranted by installation needs. Your General Electric Sales Engineer will be glad to assist you in the preparation of a recommended parts list tailored to your specific installation. Ordering additional or replacement units The following information is needed for the proper equip- ment to be supplied. 1. All data on motor control center master nameplate. 2. If unit is to be a duplicate of any existing unit, all data on that unit nameplate, located on right side of unit. 3. NEMA control center class: I or II. 4. NEMA wiring type: A, B or C. • 5. NEMA enclosure type: 1, 1 Gasketed, 2, 3R, or 12. 6. Power supply: volts, phase, Hertz. 7. Control power: volts, Hertz. 8. Designation: nameplate and title. 9. Motor characteristics' HP, RPM, C° temp. rise, amps FLC, secs. accelerating time, service factor. 10. Disconnect: a. Fusible switch amps, fuse type and clips. b. Circuit breaker: frame, amps. 11. NEMA starter size: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. 12. Starter type; FVNR, FVR, RVNR, 2-speed __wind- ing. 13. Accessories a. Pushbuttons: START -STOP, FORWARD, RE- VERSE, UP, DOWN, etc. b. Transfer switch: H-O-A. c. Pilot lights: quantity, color and type. d. Interlocks: quantity NO and NC. e. Control power transformer. 14. Unit X height or space available. 15. Are horizontal shelves or other. parts required? 16. Circuitry. 17. All other modifications. Additional information For other information, refer to the nearest sales office of the General Electric Company and give full details, includ- ing equipment nameplate data. Nameplates are prominently displayed on the motor control center lineup, giving details of service, voltage, frequency, factory order number, etc. Similar nameplates are mounted on each motor control cen- ter unit. 20 Overload heater tables Heaters for Ther-Mag circuit breaker controllers For continuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.15 to 1.25, select heaters from the -hater table. For con- tinuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.0, multiply the motor full -load current by 0.9 and use this value to select heaters. Overload relay tripping current in 40°C ambient is the minimum value of full load current multiplied by 1.25. WARNING: OVERLOAD RELAYS WITH AUTOMATIC RESET MAY AUTOMATICALLY START A MOTOR CONNECTED TO A 2-WIRE CONTROL CIRCUIT. WHEN AUTOMATIC RESTARTING IS NOT DESIRED, USE A 3-WIRE CONTROL CIRCUIT Size 0 and 1 (Standard and Ambien Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR 123 r Motor Full- " Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater ' Heater Number CR 123 .41-.45 C054A 4.96-5.49 C592A .46-.49 C060A 5.50-5.91 C630A .59- 53 C066A 5.92-6.47 C695A .54-.59 C071A 6.48-7.20 C778A .60-.65 C078A 7.21-8.22 C867A .66-.76 C087A 8.23-8.72 C955A .77-.84 C097A 8.73-9.67 C1048 .85-.93 C109A 9.68-10.4 C113B .94-1.04 C118A 10.5-11.0 C125B 1.05-1.15 C131A 11.1-12.4 C137B 1.16-1.27 C148A 12.5-13.2 C1518 1.28-1.39 C163A 13.3-15.4 C1636 1.40-1.55 C184A 15.5-17.1 C1808 1.56-1.73 C196A 17.2-18.0 C1986 1.74-1.89 C220A 1.90-2.05 C239A Size 1 2.06-2.28 C268A 17.2-18.1 C1988 2.29-2.47 C301A 18.2-20.0 C214B 2.48-2.79 C326A 20.1-21.5 C228B 2.80-3.31 C356A 21.6-22.5 C250B 3.32-3.70 C379A 22.6-23.9 C273B 3.71-4.06 C419A 24.0-26.3 03038 4.07-4.47 C466A 26.4-27.0 03306 4.48-4.95 C526A e 2 (Standard and Ambient Comp.) Motor Full - Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR 123 5.48-5.85 6.48-7.35 7.36-8.06 8.07-9.03 9.04-9.61 9.62-10.5 10.6-11.6 11.7-12.5 12.6-13.6 13.7-16.7 16.8-17.9 18.0-18.7 18.8-20.4 20.5-22.7 24.8-26.3 26.4-29.5 29.6-32.5 32.6-36.7 36.8-41.9 42.0-43.2 43.3-45.0 C630A C695A C778A C867A C955A C104B C113B C125B C137B C1516 C1638 C180B C1988 C2148 C226B C250B C273B C303B C3308 C366B C400B C440B C460B NOTE: Data subject to change without notice Overload heater tables Provide short circuit protection in accordance with the National Electrical Code. WARNING: OPENING OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER MAY BE AN INDICATION THAT A FAULT CURRENT HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED. TO PROVIDE CONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, ALL CURRENT -CARRYING PARTS AND OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE MOTOR CONTROLLER SHOULD BE EXAMINED AND REPLACED IF DAMAGED. IF HEATER BURNOUT OCCURS, THE COMPLETE OVERLOAD RELAY MUST BE REPLACED. Size 3 (Standard) (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset) Motor Full- Heater Motor Full- Heater Load Amps Number Load Amps Number 3-Ph, 3 Heater CR 123 3-Ph, 3 Heater CR 123 19.0-19.3 F233B 17.8-18.4 F233B 19.4-22.1 F243B 18.5-21.1 F2438 22.2-23.4 F270B 21.2-22.1 F270B 23.5-27.0 F300B 22.2-26.1 F3008 27.1-29.1 F327B 26.2-28.0 F327B 29.2-31.8 F357B 28.1-31.3 F357B 31.9-33.9 F395B 31.4-33.3 F3958 34.0-37.6 F430B 33.4-34.3 F430B 37.7-41.9 F487B 34.4-40.9 F487B 42.0-47.7 F567B 41.0-44.7 F567B 47.8-52.1 F614B 44.8-51.0 F6148 52.2-55.8 F658B 51.1-52.0 F658B 55.9-59.7 F7198 - 52.1-55.4 F7198 • 59.8-68.1 F772B 55.5-63.3 F772B 68.2-71.5 F8488 63.4-66.1 F8488 71.6-78.2 F914B 66.2-73.5 F914B 78.3-87.5 F104C 73.6-82.2 F104C 87.6-90.0 F114C 82.3-90.0 F114C Size 4 (Standard) (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset) Motor Full- Heater Motor Full- Heater Load Amps Number Load Amps Number 3-Ph, 3 Heater CR 123 3-Ph, 3 Heater CR 123 27.1-32.2 F357B 28.8-32.0 F357B 32.3-34.0 . F395B 32.1-34.2 F395B 34.1-36.8 F430B 34.3-36.7 F430B 36.9-44.6 F487B 36.8-43.9 F487B 44.7-48.4 F567B 44.0-46.6 F567B 48.5-53.9 F614B 46.7-52.6. F614B 54.0-57.4 F658B 52.7-55.6 F658B 57.5-60.0 F719B 55.7-58.7 F7198 60.1-69.5 F772B 58.8-67.1 F772B 69.6-71.7 F848B 67.2-70.6 F848B 71.8-79.9 F9148 70.7-76.3 F914B 80.0-92.3 F104C 76.4-88.7 F104C 92.4-97.0 F114C 88.8-93.4 F114C 97.1-108 F118C 93.5-105 F118C 109-118 F133C 106-114 F133C 119-131 F149C 115-128 F149C 132-135 F161C 129-131 F161C 132-135 F174C Size 5 (Standard and Ambient Comp.) Motor Full- _ Load Mips 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR 123 Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR 123 109-118 C592A 185-200 C104B 119-128 C630A 201-221 C113B 129-138 C695A 222-237 C125B 139-155 C778A 238-262 C137B 156-168 C867A 263-270 C151B 169-184 C955A Heaters for Mag-Break® controllers The Mag-Break protector is factory adjusted to the minimum trip setting. WARNING: TO MAINTAIN OVERLOAD, SHORT CIRCUIT, AND GROUND FAULT PROTECTION, USE THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS TO SELECT HEATERS AND TO ADJUST THE MAG- BREAK TRIP SETTING. For continuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.15 to 1.25, select heaters from the heater table. For con- tinuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.0, multiply motor full Toad current by 0.9 and use this value to select heaters. Use the heater table to verify that the Mag-Break and current limiter rating is correct for the motor full load cur- rent. Then set the Mag-Break trip setting to the recom- mended value. If the Mag-Break trips when starting the motor, in- crease trip setting one step at a time until the motor can be consistently started. Do not exceed the maximum trip setting shown in the heater table. Size 0 and 1 (Standard) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR 123 TEC & TECL Mag-Break Trip Setting Rating Rec. Max. .65-.74 C067A 3 LO - LO .75-.84 C097A 3 LO LO .85-.92 C109A 3 LO 1 .93-1.02 C118A 3 LO. 1 1.03-1.10 C131A 3 LO 2 1.11-1.23 C148A 3 LO 2 1.24-1.38 C163A 3 LO 3 1.39-1.49' C184A 3 LO 4 1.50-1.67 C196A 3 1 4 1.68-1.79 C220A 3 1 5 1.80-1.98 C239A 3 1 6 1.99-2.24 C268A 3 2 7 2.25-2.43 C301A 3 3 8 2.25-2.43 C301 A 7 LO 1 2.44-2.75 C326A 7 LO 2 2.76-3.25 C356A 7 LO 3 3.26-3.43 C379A 7 LO 4 3.44-4.03 C419A 7 • 1 4 4.04-4.43 C466A 7 1 5 4.44-4.94. C526A 7 2 6 4.95-5.36 C592A 7 2 7 5.37-5.77 C630A 7 3 6 5.37-5.77 C630A 15 LO 2 5.78-6.35 C695A 15 LO 2 6.36-6.92 C778A 15 LO 3 6.93-7.99 C867A 15 LO 3 8.00-8.47 C955A 15 1 4 8.48-9.19 C1048 15 1 5 9.20-10.0 C1138 15 1 6 10.1-10.7 C125B 15 2 6 10.8-12.0 C137B 15 2 7 10.8-12.0 C137B 30 LO 2 12.1-12.9 C151B 15 3 8 12.1-12.9 C151B 30 LO 2 13.0-15.1 C1638 30 ; LO 3 15.2-16.3 C180B • 30 LO 4 16.4-17.9 C1988 30 1 4 , Size 1 18.0-19.7 C214B 30 1 5 19.8-21.2 C228B 30 1 6 21.3-22.3 C250B 30 2 7 22.4-23.5 C273B 30 2. 8 23.6-25.5 C3036 30 3 8 23.6-25.5 C3038 50 LO 3 25.6-27.0 C3308 50 LO 3 NOTE: Data subject to change without notice 21 8000-Line Motor Control Center Overload heater tables Size 2 (Standard) 1 Heaters for Mag-Break®. controllers Overload relay tripping current in 40°C ambient Is the minimum value of heater full load current multiplied by 1.25. WARNING: OVERLOAD RELAYS WITH AUTOMATIC RESET MAY AUTOMATICALLY START A MOTOR CONNECTED TO A 2-WIRE CONTROL CIRCUIT. WHEN AUTOMATIC RESTARTING IS NOT DESIRED, USE A 3-WIRE CONTROL CIRCUIT. WARNING: TRIPPING OF THE MAG-BREAK MAY BE AN INDICATION THAT A FAULT CUR- RENT HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED. TO PROVIDE CONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, ALL CURRENT -CARRYING PARTS AND OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE MOTOR CONTROLLER SHOULD BE EXAMINED AND BE REPLACED IF DAMAGED. IF HEATER BURNOUT OCCURS, THE COMPLETE OVERLOAD RELAY MUST BE REPLACED Size 0 and 1 (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset Arm)' Motor Full- Load Amps: • 3-Ph, 3 Heater-- - Heater Number CR 123- TEC & :: TECL_ ., Rating -- Mag-Break _ _TdpSetting, _e-- _ Rot-- _ Max. .66-.76 C087A, 3.. LO... .77-.84 ---0097A 3 L .: LO .85-.93 - C109A = 3 LL7 1 .94-1.04 C118A 3 - - ` LO: 1 1.05-1.15 -_::. C131A -:-r`: -.3 . :.. - LO _ 1.16-1.27 ::-" : _; , . Ct48A - 3 ._ ."., LO -- 2 ` 1.28-1.39 ' - C163A 3 LO .. 3 - 1.40-1.55 .. - C184A 3 LO- - 4 1.56-1.73 -- 1.74-1.89 .:- _..:_ C196A- ;;_ ..C220A- - 3 _ 3-..::: ,. 1-:.. .._,;1 4 - '._. 1.90-2.05 C239A ; : -,.- 3 -: _ :_ 2 .1F_ ' ; 6 2.06-2.28 -- C268A 3 .... 2= ":T 7 2.29-2.47 _:' - C301A 3 3':'' 8 2.29-2.47 C301A 7 ,-? LO 1 2.48-2.79 :-C326A ` 7 - LO 2 2.80-3.31, __ C356A 7 LO 3 3.32-3.70 .-` - :: C379A" ..' .... 7 LO 4 3.71-4.06 _ _ :. C419A . .- 7 1 5 4.07-4.47 - C466A:- 7 1 5 4.48-4.95 -` C526A 7 2 6 4.96-5.49 '-: C592A 7 2 7 4.96-5.49 - _C592A 15 LO 1 5.50-5.91 ` C630A 7 3 8 -, 5.50-5.9'r C630A 15 LO 2 5.92-6.47 _ "` '. C695A'',: 15 LO 2 6.48-7.20 ` -"` C778A 15 LO 3 7.21-8.22 - C867A_-__ 15 LO 3 -. 8.23-8.72 C9SS5A� _ 15 1 4 8.73-9.67 01048 _... 15 1 5- = 9.68-10.4 C1138- - 15 1 , & - 10.5-11.0 11.1-12.4 "r ' C125B --- = C1378- -- 15 15 2 2 7 ' - -- 11.1-12.4 = C137B 30 LO c2 12.5-13.2 C15113` 30 LO 2 - 13.3-15.4 _,-,.--C1638=.-. 30 - LO 3`= 15.5-17.1 C1808= _ 30 LO •.4 - Size-1- 172-18.1 •"-C198B r: 30 1 :YS 18.2-20.0 _ C2148- - 30 20.1-21.5 '_ C228B`� - 30. 6 . `: 21.6-22.5 C250B.4 - . 34. __2': 22.6-23.9 22.6-23.9 _C2736 • -- C273B _ 30. 50- 2 - LO 8 v 2 24.0-26.0 : _. - C3036- -•- - _ • 30 3 8 24.0-26.0 . '..... `C3038 =- - : 50 _,_ LO 3 26.1-27.0 C3308-'-.-:_ 50:'. LO 4.. NOTE Data subject to change without notice Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 . TEC & TECL Rating Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. Max. 8.81-9,27 C104B 15 2 5 9.28-9.99 C113B 15 2 6 10.0-11.1 C125B 15 3 6 11.2-12.1 C137B 15 3 7 11.2-12.1 C137B 30— LO 2 12.2-13.0 C151B 15 4 8 12.2-13.0 C151B 30 LO 2 13.1-15.5 C163B 30 1 3 15.6-16.8 C180B 30 1 4 16.9-18.0 C198B 30 2 5, 18.1-19.7 C214B 30 2 5 19.8-21.6 C2288 30 2 6 21.7-23.9 C250B 30 3 7 21.7-23.9 C2508 50 LO 2 24.0-25.5 C273B ' 30 3 8 24.0-25.5 C273B 50 LO 3 25.6-26.0 C3038 ' 30 3 9 25.6-28.2 C3038 50 LO 3 28.3-31.6 C330B 50 1 4 31.7-34.7 C366B - 50 2 5 34.8-37.8 C400B 50 2 6 37.9-40.6 C 50 3 7 40.7-43.4 •v - - � :- 50 3 8 Size 2 (Ambient Comp.) - Red Reset- Arm ;Motor Full- Load Amps- Heater • ::: - Heater Number, C14123•.: TEC &_ TECL . ^_-"Rating y Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. Max. .,.-3-Phr3 • = 9.04-9.61: C104B' = -' 15 2 5 -' 9.62-10.5 C1138 15 2 " . 6 _• 106-116" _.C1256 15 3 7 111712.5:- C137B 15 3 - 8 11.7-12.5 : .. - C137B 30 LO 2 12.6-13.0=" C151B 15 4 9 12.6-13.6 C1516 30 LO 3 -13.7-16.7 C163B 30 1 3 16.8-17.9 C180B 30 1 5 18.0-18.7 C198B 30 2 5 18.8-20.4 C214B 30 2 6 20.5-22.7 C228B 30 , . . 2 7 22.8-24.7 C2508 30 '3 8 22.8-24.7 C250B 50 LO 2 24.8-26.0 C273B 30 4 9 24.8-26.3 C2738 50 LO 4 26.4-29.5 C303B 50 LO 4 29.6-32.5 C330B 50 1 4 32.6-36.7 C366B 50 2 6 36.8-41.9 C400B 50 2 7 42.0-43.2 ._ C440- - 50 3 9 43.3-43.4 _a C460B=`' 50_ 3 • 9 Size 3 (Standard and Ambient Coma. "Motor Full, Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater • Number CR123 . TEC & TECL Rating Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. Max 17.8-18.4 E233B ppp p 888888000OO88888 1 5 ,7 i &tits F2438 1 6 21.2-22.1 .F2706 2 7 22.2-26.0 ,.F300B - 3 7 : 26.1-28.0 F327B `- LO 4 28.1-31.3 -- .F3576,7-'.- LO 4 .- 314 33.,.:_ .:.,F395E'TY;; 1 5 334 34.3' _ 7F430B .--: - 1 6 34.4-40.9 - 41.0-43.4 -F5678. 1 2 6 8 F487 -. . _-F567B '----w 43.5-44.7 , .. LO 3 .44.8-51.0 F614B ~ LO 3 51.1-52:0 =:F658t — 1 4 .- 52 --S5.4 - .- F7't9B `:' ,.'. 1 4 55.5-63.3 > : F772B. =- 1 5 ' 63.4-66.1 - tFe48B •--• -. 2 6 66.2-73.5 F<8.14B - =, 2 6 73.6-8222 82.3-88.9 ,• 4C 3 9 22 1 Overload heater tables Heaters for Mag-Break®. controllers Size 4 (Standard) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater • Heater Number CR123 TEC & TECL Rating Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. Max. 28.8-32.0 F357B 50 1 4 32.1-34.2 F395B 50 2 5 34.3-36.7 F430B 50 2 6 36.8-43.4 F487B 50 3 7 43.5-43.9 F487B 100 1 3 44.0-46.6 F5678 100 1 3 46.7-52.6 F614B 100 1 3 52.7-55.6 F658B 100 1 4 55.7-58.7 F719B 100 2 5 58.8-67.1 F772B 100 2 5 67.2-70.6 F848B 100 3 6 70.7-76.3 F914B 100 3 7 70.7-76.3 F914B 150 LO 1 76.4-86.9 F104C 100 4 8 76.4-88.7 F104C 150 ' LO 2 88.8-93.4 F114C 150 1 3 93.5-102 F118C 150 1 3 103-110 F133C 150 1 4 111-122 F149C 150 1 4 123-131 F161C 150 2 5 Size 4 (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset Arm) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 TEC & TECL Rating Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. Max 28.8-32.0 F357B 50 _ 2 4 32.1-34.2 F395B 50 2 5 34.3-36.7 F430B 50 2 6 36.8-43.4 F487B 50 3 7 36.8-43.8 F487B 100 LO 2 43.9-46.6 F567B 100 2 3 46.7-52.6 F614B 100 1 3 52.7-55.6 F6588 100 1 4 55.7-58.7 F719B 100 2 5 58.8-67.1 F7728 100 2 5 67.2-70.6 F848B 100 3 6 70.7-76.3 F9148 100 3 7 76.4-86:9 ' F104C 100 4 8 76.4-88.7 F104C 150 LO 2 88.8-93.4 F114C 150 1 , 3 93.5-105 F118C 150 1 3 106-114 F133C 150 - 1 4 115-128 F149C 150 2 5 129-130 F161C 150 2 6 Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 TJC Adjustable Trip Range Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. Max 106-115 C592A 550-1670 2 6 116-125 C630A 550-1670 3 7 126-135 C695A 550-1670 3 7 126-135 C695A 1000-3300 LO 3 136-151 C778A 1000-3300 LO 3 152-164 C867A 1000-3300 LO 4 -165-179 C955A 1000-3300 1 5 180-195 C104B 1000-3300 2 5 196-215 C1138 1000-3300 2 6 216-231 C125B '1000-3300 3 6 232-255 C1378 1000-3300 4 7 256-270 C15113 1000-3300 4 HI Size 0 and 1 (Standard) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 TEML Mag-Break Trip Setting Rating Rec. Max .65-.74 C087A 3 8 10 .75-.84 C097A 3 8 11 .85-.92 C109A 3 8 12 .93-1.02 C118A 3 8 13 1.03-1.10 C131A 3 8 14 1.11-1.23 C148A 3 8 16 1.24-1.38 C163A 3 9 18 1.39-1,49 C184A 3 10 19 1.50-1.67 C196A 3 11 22 1.68-1.79 C220A 3 12 23 1.80-1.98 C239A 3 13 26 1.99-2.24 C268A 3 14 29 2.25-2.43 C301A 3 16 32 225-2.43 C301A 7 28 32 2.44-2.75 C326A 7 28 36 2.76-325 C356A 7 28 42 3.26-3.43 C379A 7 28 ' 45 3.44-4.03 C419A 7 28 52 4.04-4.43 C466A 7 28 58 4.44-4.94 C526A 7 31 64 4.95-5.36 C592A 7 35 70 5.37-5.77 C630A 7 38 75 5.37-5.77 C630A 15 42 75 5.78-6.35 C695A 15 42 83 6.36-6.92 C778A 15 45 90 ' 6.93-7.99 C867A 15 49. 104 8.00-8.47 C955A 15 56 110 8.48-9.19 C1048 . 15 59 ' 120 C113B 15 64 130 10.1-10.7 C1258 15 71 139 10.8-12.0 C137B 15 76 156 10.8-12.0 C1378 30 90 156 12.1-12.9 C151B 15 • 85 168 12.1-12.9 C151B 30 90 168 13.0-15.1 C1638 30 91 196 15.2-16.3 C180B 30 106 212 16.4-17.9 C198B 30 115 233 Size 1 18.0-19.7 C214B 30 126 256 19.8-212 C228E1 30 139 276 21.3-22.3 C250B 30 149 290 22.4-23.5 C2738 30 157 306 23.6-25.5 C3038 30 165 332 23.6-25.5 C303B 50 180 332 25.6-27.0 C330B 50 180 351 NOTE Data subject to change without notice 23 8000-Line Motor Control Center Overload heater tables Heaters for Mag-Break® controllers Size 0 and 1 (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset Arm) Motor Full - Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater .66-.76 .77-.84 .85-.93 .94-1.04 1.05-1.15 1.16-1.27 1.28-1.39 1.40-1.55 1.56-1.73 1.74-1,89 1.90-2.05 2.06-2.28 2.29-2.47 2.29-2.47 2.48-2.79 2.80-3.31 3.32-3.70 3.71-4.06 4.07-4.47 4.48-4.95 4.96-5.49 4.96-5.49 5.50-5.91 5.50-5.91 5.92-6.47 6.48-720 7.21-822 8.23-8.72 8.73-9.67 9.68-10.4 10.5-11.0 11.1-12.4 11.1-12.4 12.5-13.2 13.3-15.4 15.5-17.1 172-18.0 Size 1 17.2-18.1 18.2-20.0 20.1-21.5 21.6-22.5 22.6-23.9 22.6-23.9 24.0-26.0 24.0-26.0 26.1-27.0 Heater Number CR123 C087A C097A C109A C118A C131A C148A C163A C184A C196A C220A C239A C268A C301A C301A C326A C356A C379A C419A C466A C526A C592A C592A C630A -.. C630A C695A C778A C867A C955A C1048 C1138 C1258 C1378 C137B C151B C163B C18013 C198B C1988 C214B -- C2288 C2508 C2738 C2738 C3038 C303B C3308 TEML Rating 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 15 7 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 :_ 30 30 30 50 30 50' 50 NOTE Data sub/ect to change without notice' 24 Mag-Break • Trip Setting Rec. 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 28 28 28 28 28 28 31 35 42 - 39 42 42 45 50 58 61 68 74 78 90 90 93 109 120 120 127 141 151 158 180 168 180 183 Max 10 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 22 25 27 30 32 32 36 43 48 53 58 64 71 ---71 77 77 84 94 107 113 126 135 143 161 161 172 200 222 234 235 260 280 293 311 311 338 338 351 Size 2 (Standard) Motor Full - Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater 8.81-9.27 9.28-9.99 10.0-11.1 11.2-12.1 11.2-12.1 12.2-13.0 12.2-13.0 13.1-15.5 15.6-16.8 16.9-18.0 18.1-19.7 19.8-21.6 21.7-23.9 21.7-23.9 24.0-25.5 24.0-25.5 25.6-26.0 25.6-28.2 28.3-31.6 31.7-34.7 34.8-37.8 37.9-40.6 40.7-43.4 Heater Number CR123 C104B C113B C1258 C1376 C137B C151B C151B C163B C180B C1986 C2148 C2288 C2508 C250B C273B C273B C3038 C3038 C3308 C3668 C400B C4408 C460E1 TEML Rating 15 15 15 15 30� 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 50 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 Size 2 (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset Arm) Motor Full - Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater 9.04-9.61 9.62-10.5 10.6-11.6 11.7-12.5 11.7-12.5 12.6-13.0 12.6-13.6 13.7-16.7 16.8-17.9 18.8-20.4 20.5-22.7 22.8-24.7 22.8-24.7 24.8-26.3 26.4-29.5 32.6-36.7 36.8-41.9 42.0-432 43.3-43.4 Heater Number CR123 C104B C113B C1258 C137B C137B C151B C151B C1638 C180B C.19813 C2146" C2288 C250B C250B C2738 C2738 C303B C330B C3668' C4008 C440B C460B- TEML Rating 15 15 15 15 30 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 50 50 50 So 50 50 50 Size 3 (Standard and Ambient Comp.) Motor Full- - Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater 17.8-18.4 18.5-21.1 21.2-22.1 22.2-26.0 26.1-28.0 28.1-31.3 31.4-33.3 33.4-34.3 34.4-40.9 41.0-43.4 43.5-44.7 44.8-51.0 51.1-52.0 52.1-55.4 55.5-63.3 63.4-66.1 66.2-73.5 73.6-822 82.3-86.9 Heater Number CR123 F2338 F243B F2708 F30013 F3276 F357B F3958 F430B F487B F567B F5678.. F6148 F6588 F7198 F7728 F848B F9148 F104C F114C TEML Rating 30 30 30 30 50. 50 50 50 50• 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. 62 65 70 78 90 85 90 92 109 118 127 139 152 180 168 180 180 180 198 222 244 265 • 285 Max 121 130. 144 157 157 169 169 202 21 &_ 234 256 281 311 311 332 332 338 367 411 451 491 528 564 Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. 63 67 74 82 90 88 90 96 118 126 132 144 160 -180 174 180 185 207 228 '258 294 303 Max _- 125 137 151 163 163 - 169 177 217 233 243 265 295 321 321 338 342 384 423 477 545 562 564 Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. 125 130 148 155 183 197 220 234 241 287 305 314 358 365 389 444 463 515 578 Max 239 274 287 338 364 407 433 446, 532 564 581 663 676 720 823 859 956 1069 1130 1 a Overload heater. tables Heaters for Mag-Break® controllers 1 1 1 1 1 Size 4 (Standard) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 TEML Rating Mag-Break Trip Setting Rec. Max 28.8-32.0 F357B 50 202 416 32.1-34.2 F395B 50 225 445 34.3-36.7 F4308 50 240 477 36.8-43.4 F487B 50 258 564 43.5-43.9 F4878 100 305 571 44.0-46.6 F567B 100 308 606 46.7-52.6 - F614B 100 327 684 52.7-55.6 F658B 100 369 723 55.7-58.7 F7198 100 , 390 763 58.8-67.1 F7728 100 412 872 67.2-70.6 F8488 100 470 918 70.7-76.3 F914B 100 495 992 70.7-76.3 F914B 150 495 992 76.4-86.9 F104C 100 535 1130 76.4-88.7 F104C 150 535 1153 88.8-93.4 F114C 150 622 1214 93.5-102 F118C 150 655 1326 103-110 F133C 150 721 1430." 111-122 F149C 150 777 1586 123-131. F161C 150 861 1703 Size 4 (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset Arm) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 TEML Rating Mag-Break • Trip Setting Rec. Max 28.8-32.0 F357B 50 202 416 32.1-34.2 F395B 50 225 445 34.3-36.7 F430B 50 240 477 36.8-43.4 F487B 50 258 564 36.8-43.8 F487B 100 300 569 43.9-46.6 F567B 100 307 606 46.7-52.6 - F6148 100 327 684 52.7-55.6 F658B 100 369 723 55.7-58.7 F719B 100 390 763 58.8-67.1 F7728 100 412 872 67.2-70.6 F8488 100 470 918 70.7-76.3 F914B 100 495 992 76.4-86.9 F104C 100 535 1130 76.4-88.7 F104C 150 535 1153 88.8-93.4 F114C 150 622 1214 93.5-105 F118C 150 655 z 1365 106-114 F133C. 150 742 f, 1482, 115-128 F149C. 150 805 r 1664 129-130 F161C 150 903 1690 NOTE Data subject to change without notice 25 8000-Line Motor Control Center Overload heater tables Heaters for fused controllers For continuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.15 to 1.25, select heaters from the heater table. For con- tinuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.0, multiply the motor full -load current by 0.9 and use this value to select heaters. Overload relay tripping current in 40°C ambient is the Provide short-circuit protection in accordance with the National Electrical Code, except Fuses are not to ex- ceed the value shown in the table. Suitable for use in a circuit capable of delivering not more than the maximum RMS symmetrical amperes in- dicated in the table below, 600-volts maximum, when pro- tected by an appropriate fuse having an interrupting rating not Tess than the available short-circuit current. WARNING: OPENING OF THE FUSE(S) MAY BE minimum value of full -load current multiplied by 1.25. WARNING: OVERLOAD RELAYS WITH AUTOMATIC RESET MAY AUTOMATICALLY START A MOTOR CONNECTED TO A 2-WIRE AN INDICATION THAT A FAULT CURRENT HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED. TO PROVIDE CON- TINUED PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, ALL CURRENT -CARRYING CONTROL CIRCUIT. WHEN AUTOMATIC RESTARTING IS NOT DESIRED, USE A 3-WIRE PARTS AND OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE MOTOR CONTROLLER SHOULD BE EXAMINED CONTROL CIRCUIT. AND REPLACED IF DAMAGED. IF HEATER BURNOUT OCCURS, THE COMPLETE OVERLOAD RELAY MUST BE REPLACED. Table 2—Maximum fuse and short-circuit rating NEMA Class RK Fuse Class J Fuse Class K1, K5 Fuse Class H Fuse Max Max. RMS .. Max Max RMS Max. Max. RMS Max Max RMS Size Clip Sym. Amps Clip Sym. Amps Clip Sym. Amps Clip Sym. Amps 1 30A 100,000 60A 100,000 Fuse • 5,000 Fuse 5,000 2 60 100,000 100 100,000 per 5,000 Per 5,000 3 100 100,000 200 100,000 Overload 5,000 Overload 5,000 4 200 100,000 400 100,000 Heater 10,000 Heater 10,000 5 400 100,000 600 100,000 Table 10,000 Table 10,000 ize 0 and 1 (Standard and Ambient Comp.) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 Maximum Fuse. Rating .41-.45 C054A 3 .46-.49 C060A 3 .50-.53 C066A 3 .54-.59 C071 A 3 .60-.65 C078A 3 .66-.76 C087A 3 .77-.84 C097A 3 • .85-.93 C109A 3 .94-1.04 C118A 3 1.05-1.15 C131A 3 1.16-1.27 C148A 3 1.28-1.39 C163A 3 1.40-1.55 C184A, 6 1.56-1.73 C196A 6 1.74-1.89 C220A 6 1.90-2.05 C239A 6 2.06-2.28 C268A 6 2.29-2.47 C301A 6 2.48-2.79 C326A 10 2.80-3.31 C356A 10 3.32-3.70 C379A 12 3.71-4.06 C419A 15 4.07-4.47 C466A 15 4.48-4.95 C526A 15 4.96-5.49 C592A 20 5.50-5.91 C630A 20 5.92-6.47 C695A 25 6.48-7.20 C778A 25 .7.21-8.22 C867A 30 8.23-8.72 C955A 30 8.73-9.67 C104B 350 9.68-10.4 C113B 350 10.5-11.0 C125B 400 11.1-12.4 C1378 450 12.5-13.2 C151 B 500 13.3-15.4 C163B 600 15,5-17.1 C180B 60(1) 17.2-18.0 C1988 - 600 Size 1 17.2-18.1 C1988 600 18.2-20.0 C2148 600 20.1-21.5 C22813 600 21.6-22.5 C2508 600 22.6-23.9 C273B 600 24.0-26.3 C303B 600 26.4-27.0 C3308 600 (1) See Table 2 for maximum fuse and short-circuit rating. NOTE Data subject to change without notice 26 Size 2 (Standard and Ambient Comp.) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 Maximum Fuse Rating 5.48-5.85 C630A 20 5.86-6.47 C695A 20 6.48-7.35 C778A 25 7.36-8.06 C867A 30 8.07-9.03 C955A 30 9.04-9.61 C1048 35 9.62-10.5 C113B 35 10.6-11.6 C1258 40 11.7-12.5 C137B 45 12.6-13.6 C1518 50 13.7-16.7 C1638 60 16.8-17.9 C1808 60 18.0-18.7 C196B 700 18.8-20.4 C2148 800 20.5-22.7 C228B 800 22.8-24.7 C2508 900 24.8-26.3 C273E 900 26.4-29.5 C3038 1000 29.6-32.5 C330B 1000 32!6-36.7 03666 1000 36.8-41.9 04003 1000 42.0-43.2 C4408 1000 43.3-45.0 C4608 1000 1 1 1 1 Overload heater tables Heaters for fused controllers Size 3 (Standard) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater • Heater Number CR123 Maximum Fuse Rating 19.0-19.3 F233B 70 19.4-22.1 F2438 80 222-23.4 F270B 80 23.5-27.0 F300B 90 27.1-29.1 F327B 100 29.2-31.8 F3578 1100 31.9-33.9 F395B 1250 34.0-37.6 F430B 1250 37.7-41.9 F487B 1500 42.0-47.7 F5678 1750 47.8-52.1 F614B 1750 52.2-55.8 F658B 2000 55.9-59.7 F719B 2000 59.8-68.1 F7728 2000 68.2-71.5 F848B 2000 71.6-78.2 F9148 2000 78.3-87.5 F104C 2000 87.6-90.0 F114C 2000 Size 3 (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset Arm) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 Maximum Fuse Rating 17.8-18.4 F233B • • oo.9,80o ggggggg r�� .rN.+N--�NNNNNNN 18.5-21.1 F243B 21.2-22.1 F270B 222-26.1 F300B 26.2-28.0 F327B 28.1-31.3 F357B 31.4-33.3 F395B 33.4-34.3 F430B 34.4-40.9 F4878 41.0-44.7 F5678 44.8-51.0 F6148 51.1-52.0 F658B 52.1-55.4 F719B 55.5-63.3 F7728 63.4-66.1 F8488 66.2-73.5 F914B 73.6-82.2 F104C 82.3-90.0 F114C Size 4 (Standard) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number • CR123 Maximum Fuse Rating 27.1-322 F357B 110 32.3-34.0 F395B 125 34.1-36.8 F4308 125 36.9-44.6 F487B 150 44.7-48.4 F56713 175 48.5-53.9 F614B 175 54.0-57.4 F658B 200 57.5-60.0 F7198 2250 60.1-69.5 - F772B 2250 69.6-71.7 F8488 2500 71.8-79.9 F914B 2750 80.0-92.3 F104C 3000 92.4-97.0 F114C 3500 97.1-108 F118C 4000 109-118 F133C 4000 119-131 F149C 4000 132-135 F161 C 4000 (1) See Table 2 for maximum fuse and short-circuit rating. Size 4 (Ambient Comp.) (Red Reset Arm) Motor Full- Load Amps 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 Maximum Fuse Rating 28.8-32.0 F357B 110 32.1-34.2 F395B 125 34.3-36.7 F4308 125 36.8-43.9 F487B 150 44.0-46.6 F567B 175 46.7-52.6 F614B 175 52.7-55.6 F658B 200 55.7-58.7 F719B 2250 58.8-67.1 F772B 2250 - 67.2-70.6 F848B 2500 70.7-76.3 F9148 2750 76.4-88.7 F104C 3000 88.8-93.4 F114C 3500 93.5-105 F118C 3500 106-114 F133C 4000 115-128 F149C 4000 129-131 F161C 4000 132-135 . F174C 4000 Size 5 (Standard and Ambient Comp.) Motor Full- Load Amps ' 3-Ph, 3 Heater Heater Number CR123 Maximum Fuse Rating() 109-118 C592A 600 119-128 C630A 600 129-138 C695A 600 139-155 C778A' 600 156-168 C867A 600 169-184 C955A 600 185-200 C1048 600 201-221 C113B 600 222-237 C1256 600 238-262 C1378 600 263-270 C151B 600 NOTE Data sub/ect to change without notice 27 8000-Line Motor Control Center Overload heater tables Heaters for Size 6 and Size 7 controllers For continuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.15 to 1.25, select heaters from the heater table. For con- tinuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.0, multiply the motor full -load current by 0.9 and use this value to select heaters. Overload relay tripping current in 40°C ambient is the minimum value of full load current multiplied by 1.25. WARNING: OVERLOAD RELAYS WITH AUTOMATIC RESET MAY AUTOMATICALLY START A MOTOR CONNECTED TO A 2-WIRE CONTROL CIRCUIT WHEN AUTOMATIC RESTARTING IS NOT DESIRED, USE A 3-WIRE CONTROL CIRCUIT Size 6 - Standard and Ambient -compensated Overload Relays CT Ratio 600/5 Motor Full Current Transformer Heater Load Amperes Secondary Number 3 Ph, 3 Heater Amps CR123 181-197 1.51-1.64 C220A 198-214 1.65-1.78 C239A 215-238 1.79-1.98 C268A 239-258 1.99-2.15 C301A 259-290 2.16-2.42 C326A 291-346 C356A 347-387 2.89-3.22 C379A 388-423 3.23-3.53 C419A 424-467 3.54-3.89 C466A 468-516 3.90-4.30 C526A 517-540 4.31-4.50 C592A NOTE: Data sub/ect to change without notice Provide short circuit protection in accordance with the National Electrical Code. WARNING: OPENING OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER OR POWER FUSE MAY BE AN IN- DICATION THAT A FAULT CURRENT HAS BEEN INTERRUPTED. TO PROVIDE CON. TINUED PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, ALL CURRENT -CARRYING PARTS AND OTHER COMPONENTS OF THE MOTOR CONTROLLER SHOULD BE EXAMINED ` AND REPLACED IF. DAMAGED. IF HEATER "* BURNOUT OCCURS, THE COMPLETE OVERLOAD RELAY MUST BE REPLACED. Size 7 — Standard and Ambient -compensated Overload Relays CT Ratio 80015 Motor Full Load Amperes 3 Ph, 3 Heater 346-387 388-461 462-515 516-565 566-622 623-688 689-763 764-810_ - Current Transformer Secondary Amps - 2.16-2.42 2.43-2.88 2.89-3.22 3.23-3.53 3.54-3.89 3.90-4.30 4 31-4.77.: Heater Number CR123 C326A C356A C379A C419A C466A C526A C592A- C630A 1 GE Healed Distrdrudwi and GEH-4961 B 7-88 (5M) R.7. Box 489 Mebana NC 27302 CD500 S. KRAEMER BLVD. BREA PARK CENTRE SALES ENGINEER ROBIN FISHER GE Supply BREA, CA 92621 (714) 577-4032 GE Drives • - • Vr:MiiiiMIMMI:M.MM:Mr* • ":.:;.4 • TM Trademark of General Electric Company, U.SA GEK-85715 AMMAI•CMINIMMIr. These instructions do not purport b cover all details c variations in equipment to provide kr every possible contingency to be met in cconection Wei installation operation maintenance. Should further inlorTnation be desired or should particular problems wise tench we not covered sufficiently for the purchasers purposes, the matter ,c.id be referred to General Electric Company AF-300B GEK-85715 Addendum #1 GE Drive Systems INSTRUCTIONS "OH2" Trip On Power -Up If the AF-300B inverter is configured to run from a remote operator station and a run command is present, upon power -up the inverter will trip on "OH2' : This is the normal condition for current factory configuration. Inverters are currently factory configured for remote operation. In the future, inverters will be factory configured for keypad operation. — The connection between "FWD" (or "REV') and "CM" must be open during power -up when running from remote. — When the inverter is configured to run from the -keypad, this connection will not cause the "OH2' trip on power -up. If you have an inverter that is configured for remote operation and wish to run from the keypad, configure the inverter for keypad operation by performing the following procedure. NOTE: If you wish to run the inverter from a remote operator station, use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to set "1501 "In step 12 and "1601 "in step 17, and do not reinstall the jumper in step 22. NOTE: A 1 K, 1/2 wattspeed pot should be connected to terminals "11"; "12'1, and "13" for the speed reference. KEYPAD OPERATION CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE 1. Remove AC power from the inverter and wait at least one minute for the DC 6nk voltage to discharge. 2. Remove the terminal board access cover from the inverter. 3. Remove the wire jumper from between terminals "FWD"and "CM". Do not throw this wire away, it will be reinstalled later. 4. Reinstall the terminal board access cover (removed in step 2) to prevent personal injury from electrical shock. 5. Apply AC power to the inverter and wait for the LED display to flash. 6. Press the "PRG" key on the keypad. — The LED in the "PRG" key should light and the LED display should show "00". 7. Press the "SHIFT" key. — The LED display should show "04 8. Press the "SHIFT" key. — The LED display should show "08' 9. Press the "SHIFT" key. — The LED display should show "11': 10. Press the "SHIFT" key. - , The LED display should show "15". 11. Press the "SET" key. — The LED display will probably show "1501 ". 12. Press the DOWN ARROW key until the display shows "1500' 13. Press the "SET" key a couple times to be sure the data is entered. 14. Press the "RESET' key. — The LED display should show "15". 15. Press the DOWN ARROW key. — The LED display should show "16' 16. Press the "SET" key. — The LED display will probably show "1601' 17. Press the DOWN ARROW key until the display shows "1600' These instructions do not purport to cover all derails or variations in equipment nor to provide far every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation. op- eration or maintenance. 57 ould further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purposes. the matter should be referred to General Electric Company. 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IGEK-85715 (10/91) Addendum #1 1 111: AF--3008 GEK-85715 Addendum #1 18. Press the "SET" key a couple times to be sure the data is entered. 19. Press the "PRG" key to exit the programming mode and wait 5 seconds. 20. Remove AC power from the inverter and wait at least one minute for the DC ink voltage to discharge. 21. Remove the terminal board access cover from the inverter. 22. Reinstall the wire jumper between terminals "FWD" and "CM". 23. Reinstall the terminal board access cover (removed in step 21) to prevent personal injury from electrical shock. 24. Apply AC power to the inverter and wait for the LED display to flash. WARNING - MECHANICAL MOTION HAZARD: Be sure the motor and load are clear before pressing the 'RUN' key because the motor will run. 25. Press the "RUN" key to activate the motor. 26. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to control the speed of the motor. NOTE: if momentary pushbuttons will be used, connect the "RUN" pushbutton (normally open momentary contact) between terminals "FWD" and "HLD"; and the "STOP"pushbutton (normally closed momentary contact) between terminals "HLD" and "CM". When wiring for reverse operation, refer to the Instruction Book. NOTE: if maintained contacts will be used, connect the normally open contact between terminals "FWD" and "CM". Make sure that the connections between "FWD" (or "REV") and "CM"are open when power is applied to the inverter. When wiring for reverse operation, refer to the instruction Book. GE Drive Systems General Electric Company GE Drive Systems 1100 Law11r7ae Partway Erie. PA 16531 AF-300B GEK-85715 Addendum #2 GE Drive Systems 1 1 1 1 1 INSTRUC770NS AC Line Reactors and AF-300B Catalog Numbers CAUTION: The AC Supply Power Transformer KVA rating should be greater than 1.5 times the Horsepower rating of the inverter, but not greater than 500 KVA. if an AC Supply Power Transformer greater than 500 KVA is to be used, install a line reactor (ACR, optional) on the line side of the inverter. Refer to the following Charts for the recommended line reactor for the applicable inverter. This information is an addition to the 'INVERTER OPTIONS' paragraph in Section 2 of GEK-85715. Catalog Numbers listed on page 2 of this Addendum are an addition to the 'GENERAL DESCRIPTION' paragraph in Section 2 of GEK-85715. AC LINE REACTORS FOR P►f.00B "INVERTERS -(230 VAC) HP Volts KVA Input Part # %1mpedence Amps* 104X220 0.5 230 1.2 3 FB004 3.36 1.0 230 20 5 FB005 3.50 20 230 3.2 8 FB001 221 3.0 230 4.38 11 FB025 245 5.0 230 6.77 17 FB008 299 7.5 230 9.96 25 FB010 279 10 230 13.2 33 FB012 231 15 230 18.3 46 FB012 3.20 20 230 23.5 59 FB014 263 25 230 29.5 74 FB014 3.30 30 230 34.7 87 FA004 2.91 *Amps shown are at 200 VAC input voltage. These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide far every possible contingency to be met in connection with rnsrallanon. op- eration or maintenance. Should firrher infonnatan be desired or should particular problems arise which ars not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purposes. the matter should be referred to General Electric Company AF-300B GEK-85715 Addendum #2 B a 1 1 1 1 1 AC LINE REACTORS FOR AF-300B INVERTERS (460 VAC) HP Volts KVA Input Part # % Impedence Amps* 104X220 1.0 460 1.43 2.6 FB002 2.50 2.0 460 2.95 3.7 FB003 3.25 3.0 460 4.38 5.8 FB004 3.07 5.0 460 7.17 9.5 FB005 3.14 7.5 460 10.4 13 FA001 1.72 10 460 14.3 18.9 FA001 2.38 15 460 19.1 24.5 FA001 3.18 20 460 , 23.9 31.5 FA002 2.03 25 460 31.1 39 FA002 2.64 30 460 35.9 45 FA002 3.05 *Amps shown are at 400 VAC input voltage. AF-300B Catalog Numbers (230 VAC*) HP Ratin • Catelo • No. 0.5 6VAF323F50B 1.0 6VAF323001 B 2.0 6VAF323002B 3.0 6VAF323003B 5.0 6VAF323005B 7.5 6VAF3230078 10 6VAF323010B 15 6VAF323015B 20 . 6VAF323020B 25 6VAF323025B 30 6VAF323030B *200-230 VAC, 3-Phase, 50/60 Hertz AF-300B Catalog Numbers (460 VAC*) HP Ratin • Catalog No. 1.0 6VAF343001 B 2.0 6VAF343002B 3.0 6VAF343003B 5.0 ° . 6VAF343005B 7.5 6VAF343007B 10 6VAF343010B 15 6VAF343015B .. 20 6VAF343020B 25 6VAF343025B 30 6VAF343030B *400460 VAC, 3-Phase, 50/60 Hertz ' GE Drive Systems GEK-85715 (3/92) IAddendum #2 General Scenic Compa ly GE. Drive Systems 1102 Lawrence Partway hie. PA 16531 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1-1 2. DESCRIPTION, COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION, I AND SPECIFICATIONS 2-1 General Description 2-1 Inspection Items Upon Delivery 2-1 I Inverter Options TABLE 1: AF-300B Inverter Standard Specifications 2-4 2-8 3. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES 3-1 I Installation Environment 3-1 Installation Mounting Clearance 3-1 4. WIRING PROCEDURES 0 4-1 I Remove Terminal Block Cover 4-1 Main Circuit Wiring 4-1 Control Circuit Wiring 4-1 I Optional External Dynamic Braking Resistor Unit wring 4-7 TABLE 2: Terminal Identification/Function 4-9 TABLE 3: Application of Wiring and Equipment 4-11 1 5. INVERTER OPERATION 5-1 Pre -Operation Inspection 5-1 Keypad Panel Identification/Operation 5-1 I Function Code and Data Code Description/Selection 5-1 TABLE 4: Keypad and Display Operation 5 3 Function Code and Data Code Setting Procedures 5-5 IOperation Method Selection 6 5-TABLE 5: Operation Methods 5-6 Control Circuit Connection and Operation, 5-8 Actual Operation 5-11 I Accessing Fault History 5-15 Link Operation Function Code Settings 5-15 TABLE 6: Function Code Setting For Unk Operation . 5-15 . I TABLE 7: _ Function Code Setting For Frequency Setting In Link Operation 5-16 TABLE 8: Function Code Setting For Monitoring Signal In I Link Operation 5-16 TABLE 9: Function Code Settings* 5-17 6. FUNCTION CODE DESCRIPTIONS 6-1 I TABLE 10: Function Code Descriptions 6-1 I*A duplicate of this table with is also furnished in the back of this instruction (pp. Function Changes 1- 4) to record field changes to factory Function Code settings. AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 7. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 7-1 Megger Test 7-1. Periodic Parts Replacement 7-1 Inspection hems 7-1 Measurement Points and Meters 7-2 8. TROUBLESHOOTING 8-1 TABLE 11: Fault Condition Description and Operation 8-1 8-3 TABLE 12: Fault Condition Display and Corrective Action 9. .WARRANTY PARTS AND SERVICE 9-1 Warranty Coverage 9-1 Out -Of -Warranty Procedures 9-1 Motors 9-1 10. gitatm z.vs. STC- < =Vs (for PARTS REPLACEMENT 10-1 TABLE 13: AF-300B (400-460 VAC) Inverter Renewal Parts 10-1 TABLE 14: AF-300B (200-230 VAC) Inverter Renewal Parts 10-3 TABLE 15: AF-300B (400-460 VAC) Une Fuses and Fuseholders 10-4 TABLE 16: AF-300B (200-230 VAC) Une Fuses and Fuseholders 10-4 ,--;verten. .denttfic^ --. Table # TABLE 1: TABLE 2: TABLE 3: TABLE 4: TABLE 5: TABLE 6: TABLE 7: TABLE 8: TABLE 9: TABLE 10: TABLE 11: TABLE 12: TABLE 13: TABLE 14: TABLE 15: TABLE 16: -LIST OF TABLES Title Page AF-300B INVERTER STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 2-4 TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION/FUNCTION 4-6 APPLICATION OF WIRING AND EQUIPMENT 4-8 KEYPAD AND DISPLAY OPERATION 5-3 OPERATION METHODS 5-7 FUNCTION CODE SETTING FOR LINK OPERATION 5-15 FUNCTION CODE SETTING FOR FREQUENCY SETTING IN LINK OPERATION 5-16 FUNCTION CODE SETTING FOR MONITORING SIGNAL IN LINK OPERATION 5-16 BASIC AND STANDARD FUNCTION CODES 5-17 FUNCTION CODE DESCRIPTIONS 6-1 FAULT CONDITION DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION 8-1 FAULT CONDITION DISPLAVAND CORRECTIVEAGTtO8-3 AF-300B (400-460 VAC) INVERTER RENEWAL PARTS 10-1 AF-300B (200-230 VAC) INVERTER RENEWAL PARTS 10-3 10-5 AF-300B (200-230 VAC) AC UNE FUSES AND FUSEHOLDERS 10-5 AF-300B (400-460 VAC) AC UNE FUSES AND FUSEHOLDERS AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 LIST OF FIGURES Figure # Title _ Page Figure 2-1. NAMEPLATE DATA IDENTIFICATION 2-1 Figure 2-2 KEYPAD PANEL; COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION AND FUNCTION 2-2 Figure 2-3. TYPICAL INVERTER COMPONENTS Figure 3-1. INVERTER MOUNTING CLEARANCE Figure 3-2. INVERTER EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS Figure 4-1. TERMINAL BLOCK COVER Figure 4-2. MAIN CIRCUIT WIRING CONNECTIONS Figure 4-3. WIRING CONNECTIONS FOR OPERATION THROUGH KEYPAD PANEL WIRING CONNECTIONS FOR EXTERNAL OPERATION THROUGH CONTROL CIRCUIT TERMINALS 4-3 OPTIONAL EXTERNAL DYNAMIC BRAKING RESISTOR UNiT WIRING CONNECTIONS 4-7 BASIC CONNECTION DIAGRAM 4-8 PANEL DISPLAY WHEN AC POWER APPLIED 5-1 KEYPAD PANEL; COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION AND FUNCTION 5-2 PROGRAM MODE SELECTIONS 5-5 FACTORY CONNECTIONS 5-8 COMMON TERMINAL CONNECTION EXAMPLE 5-8 KEYPAD PANEL OPERATION [1500] CONNECTIONS 5-9 KEYPAD PANEL "RUN" OPERATION [1500] and [1600] EXAMPLE 5-9 EXTERNAL SIGNAL OPERATION [1501] CONNECTIONS 5-10 EXTERNAL SIGNAL "RUN" OPERATION [1501] and [1601] EXAMPLE 5-10 MULTi-STEP FREQUENCY OPERATION CONNECTIONS 5-11 MULTi-STEP FREQUENCY "RUN" OPERATION EXAMPLE 5-11 Figure 4-4, Figure 4-5. Figure 4-6. Figure 5-1. Figure 5-2. Figure 5-3. Figure 5-4. Figure 5-5. Figure 5-6. Figure 5-7. Figure 5-8. Figure 5-9. Figure 5-10. Figure 5-11. 2-3 3-1 3-2 4-1 4-2 4-2 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 LIST OF FIGURES Figure # Title Page Figure 5-12. MULT-STEP ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION OPERATION CONNECTIONS 5-12 Figure 5-13. MULT-STEP ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION "RUN" OPERATION EXAMPLE 5-12 Figure 5-14. PATTERN OPERATION CONNECTIONS 5-13 Figure 5-15. PATTERN OPERATION "RUN" OPERATION EXAMPLE 5-14 Figure 7-1. MAIN CIRCUIT MEGGER TEST CONNECTIONS 7-1 Figure 7-2. MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS AND DEVICES EXAMPLE 7-3 Figure 8-1. MOTOR DOES NOT RUN TROUBLESHOOTING CHART 8-5 Figure 8-2 MOTOR RUNS BUT SPEED DOES NOT CHANGE TROUBLESHOOTING CHART 8-7 rlgure 8-3. MOTOR ROTATION IS NOT SMOOTH TROUBLESHOOTING CHART 8-8 Figure 8-4. MOTOR OVERHEATS TROUBLESHOOTING CHART 8-8 Figure 8-5. CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAM 8-9 Iv AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING, CAUTION AND NOTE , LABELS PLACED ON THE EQUIPMENT The following format is used on the safety and informative labels placed on the equipment. Read all labels and follow the directions on them whenever working on -the equipment. WARNING: Denotes operating procedures and practices that may result in personal injury or loss of life if not correctly followed. WARNING labels will be red in color with black or white lettering. CAUTION: Denotes operating procedures and practices that, if not strictly observed, may result in damage to, or destruction of the equipment. CAUTION labels will be amber in color with black lettering. NOTE: Notes call attention to Information that is especially significant in understanding and operating the equipment. NOTE labels will be white in color with black lettering. WARNING, CAUTION AND NOTE PARAGRAPHS WITHIN THIS INSTRUCTION The following paragraphs list some general safety reminders and safety recommendations to be followed when operating or installing this equipment. These safety precautions will be repeated throughout this instruction book where applicable. WARNING - MECHANICAL MOTION HAZARD: Inverter systems cause mechanical motion. It is the responsibility of the user to insure that any such motion does not result in an unsafe condition. Factory provided inter ocics and operating limits should not be bypassed or modified. 1-1 WARNING - ELECTRICAL_ SHOCK AND BURN HAZARD: When using instruments such as oscilloscopes to work on live equipment, the oscilloscope's chassis should be grounded and a differential amplifier input should be used. Care should be used in the selection of probes and leads and In the adjustment of the oscilloscope so that accurate readings may be made. See instrument manufacturers instruction book for proper operation and adjustments to the Instrument. WARNING - STRAIN HAZARD: Improper lifting practices can cause serious or fatal Injury. Lift only with adequate equipment and trained personnel. WARNING - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: Fires or explosions might result from mounting inverters in hazardous areas such as locations where flammable or combustible vapors or dusts are present. Inverters should be installed away from hazardous areas, even If used with motors suitable for use In these locations. WARNING - ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD: All motor bases and equipment enclosure housings should be grounded in accordance with the National Electric Code or equivalent. WARNING - MOTOR OVERSPEED HAZARD: With 400 Hz Inverter output possible, the inverter could cause the motor to run up to 6 - 7 times its base speed. Never operate the motor above its top mechanical speed or a catastrophic failure may occur. WARNING - MOTOR OVERSPEED HAZARD: Bias Is operational when Function Code is 1601 or 1602. When the Inverter does not have a RUN command,the reference frequency will flash on the display. When Bias Is operational and the speed reference is zero, the display will flash zero. When a RUN command is given, the motor will run at the Bias setting even though zero Is flashing on the display. AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 CAUTION: Do not connect power supply voltage that exceeds the standard specification voltage fluctuation permissible. If excessive voltage is applied to the inverter, damage to the intemal components will result. CAUTION: Do not connect power supply to the output terminals (U, V, W), Connect power supply only to the power terminals (L1, L2, L3). CAUTION: Do not connect power supply to the braking resistor connection terminals (P, DB). Never short-circuit between P-N or P-DB terminals, and do not connect any resistance with a resistance value Tess than the standard application braking resistor. CAUTION: Do not connect power supply to the control circuit terminals (except 30A, B, C). CAUTION: For RUN and STOP, use the FWD -CM (forward) and REV -CM (reverse) terminals. Avoid using a contactor (ON/OFF) installed on the line side of the inverter for RUN and STOP. CAUTION: Do not use a switch on the output side of the inverter for ON/OFF operation. CAUTION: Use only power capacity within the inverter capacity range of 1.5 times to 500 KVA. If a power capacity greater than 500 KVA is to be used,. install a line reactor (ACR, optional) on the line side of the inverter. CAUTION: Do not connect fitter capacitors on the output side of the inverter. CAUTION: Do not operate the inverter without the ground wire connected. CAUTION: Ifthe inverter's Fault Alarm is activated, consult the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this instruction book, and after correcting the problem, resume operation. Do not reset the alarm automatically by external sequence, etc. CAUTION: Do not perform a megger test between the inverter terminals or on the control circuit terminals. 1-2 CAUTION: Motor Thermal Overload protection must be provided, either by motor thermoswitch, motor overload relay, or inverter electronic thermal overload. CAUTION:. Because the ambient temperature greatly affects inverter fife and reliability, do not install the inverter in any location that exceeds the allowable temperature. Leave the ventilation cover attached for temperatures of 40 degrees C or below, and remove the cover for temperatures of between 40 and 50 degrees C. If the cover needs to be removed, another type of enclosure may be required for safety purposes. CAUTION: For inverters without an intemal DB transistor, the external braking resistor cannot be used except for inverters below 7.5 KW. (For inverters greater .than 11 KW, a braking unit and braking resistor are required.) CAUTION: When using an external braking resistor with inverters of less than 7.5KW, first remove the inverter internal braking resistor terminals from P and DB, then connect the external DB braking resistor to the P and DB terminals. The intemal braking resistor terminals that have been removed must be protected with insulation. CAUTION: Be sure to remove the desicant dryer packet(s) when unpacking inverter. (If not removed these packets may become lodged in the fan or air passages and cause the inverter to overheat.) CAUTION: The mounting wall for the inverter must be of heat resistant material because during opera- tion, the temperature of the inverters cooling fins rises to approximately 90 degrees C (194 F). NOTE: Always read the complete instructions prior to applying power or troubleshooting the equipment and follow all procedures step by step. NOTE: The motor chassis should be grounded to earth through a separate ground lead from all other equipment ground leads to prevent noise coupling. NOTE: Read and heed all WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE labels posted on the equipment. .AF-3008Inverters GEK-85715 2. DESCRIPTION, COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION, AND SPECIFICATIONr, GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AF-300B inverter is available in 0.5 to 30 HP versions (200-230 VAC) and 1.0 to 30 HP versions (400-460 VAC). All of the inverters use 32-bit "Digital Signal Processors" (DSP) for multifunction processing to provide high performance in all applications. The AF-3006 inverters feature completely enclosed (except for the cooling fan) construction for improved performance in adverse environments. A I the inverters are furnished with a detachable wiring lead-in plate for access so that wiring can be easily accomplished. (See Figure 2-3 for inverter extbmal component identification.) Inverter operation and code function setting is performed from the "Keypad Panel"thatalsofeatures a Di-'.1.I Monitor and Graphic Display. Five operation k - 7'OP key, and the increment and decrement lr frequency/speed adjustment) control the s. (See Figure 2-2 for Keypad Panel component ication and function.) General data and specifications for each individual inverter are listed on the nameplate attached to the inverter (see Figure 2-1 for nameplate example). See TABLE 1 for a complete listing of all AF-300B inverter specifications. INSPECTION ITEMS UPON DELIVERY Upon receipt of your inverter, inspect equipment for the following items: 1. Check the nameplate to insure that the specifications correspond to those ordered. 2. Inspect the unit for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. — If there are any problems or questions regarding the above, contact the distributor from which the inverter was purchased. Figure 2-1. NAMEPLATE DATA IDENTIFICATION 2-1 AF 300B Inverters GEK-8571 Attachment Screws Graphic Display Program Key Shift Key Set Key Digital Monitor Unit Display LCD Brightness Control Dial Up -Down Keys STOP Key Reset Key RUN Key Figure 2-2. KEYPAD PANEL COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION Attachment Screws -The Keypad Panel can be easily removed from the inverter unit by loosening the two attachment screws. With the optional extension cable, remote operation and display is possible. Graphic Display - Frequency and output current are graphically displayed. The main input/output signal ON/OFF is also displayed. When in Program Setting Mode, the appropriate information is displayed graphically and alphabetically for easy Function Code selection setting. • Program (PGR) Key - Normal Mode or Program Setting Mode selection key. Key lights up when in Program Setting Mode. - SHIFT Kev - When the Program key (PRG) is in Normal Mode, unit display can be changed while in either RUN or STOP. In the Program Setting Mode, this key allows Function Code selection by displaying each Function Code "column" in sequence. (See Figure 5-3 and TABLE 6.) SET Kev - Data display and settings for each Function Code are performed through this key. Also, when setting data on the graphic display, data accessed on the display can be changed. RESET Kev - Resets abnormal STOP conditions when Program key (PRG) is in the Normal Mode. Also changes from Data Setting Mode to Function Code Setting Mode when Program key (PRG) is in the Program Setting Mode. RUN Kev - Key is used for starting operation and lights up during operation. This key does not function when Data Code is set for extemal (control terminal) operation [1501 ] or serial Zink operation [1502]. STOP Kev-This key is used for stopping operation and will Tight up when in STOP Mode. If pressed when Data Code is set for external (control terminal) operation [1501] or.. serial link operation [1502], Fault OH2 will be displayed and inverter will coast stop. Up - Down Keys -These keys increase or decrease the frequency (or speed) of the inverter. When unit is in Program Setting Mode, they change the Function Code or Data Code values. LCD Brightness -This control permits adjustment for easy to read brightness. Unit Display - The unit information is displayed by LEDs. Digital Monitor - When setting the program, the Function Code is indicated by the two digits on the left and the Data Code corresponding to the Function Code is indicated by the two digits on the right. During operation it displays the set frequency, current, voltage, etc. If a protective STOP occurs, the causes of the problem will be displayed as a fault code (see TABLE 11 and TABLE 12). i 2-2 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 (View 1) 1 (View 2) 10 11 Note: 12 and 1 HP models are not equipped with cooling fans 1/2to5HP 71/2to30HP 1 Unit Cover 2 Terminal Cover 3 Ventilation Cover 4 Wiring Lead-in Plate 5 Operation Panel 6 Cooling Fins 7 Mounting Screw Holes 8 Unit Cover Screws 9 Terminal Cover Screws 10 Rating Name Plate 11 Cooling Fan (if equipped) Rubber Bushings (included) 1 Unit Cover 2 Terminal Cover 3 Ventilation Cover 4 Wiring Lead-in Plate 5 Operation Panel 6 Cooling Fins 7 Mounting Screw Holes 8 Unit Cover Screws 9 Terminal Cover Screws 10 Rating Name Plate 11 Cooling Fans 12 Electrolytic Capacitors Rubber Bushings (included) Figure 2-3. TYPICAL INVERTER COMPONENTS 2-3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AF-300B inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 1: AF-300B INVERTER STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ITEM SPECIFICATION Inverter (200-230V) HP (400-460V) 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 Standard Applicable Motors-230V (KW) 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 Standard Applicable Motors-460V (KW) - 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 OUTPUT. 1.1 1.9 3.0 4.2 6.5 • 9.5 13 18 22 28 33 Rated Capacity-230V (KVA) (*1) Rated Output Current-230V (Amps) 3 5 8 11 17 25 33 46, 59 74 87 Rated Capacity-460V (KVA) (*1) - 2.0 3.0 4.4 7.2 10 14 19 24 31 36 Rated Output Current-460V (Amps) - 2.5 3.7 5.5 9.0 13 18 24 30 39 45 Rated Output Voltage (*2) 3-Phase, 3.Wire Tice, 200-230 VAC or 400-460 VAC Rated Output Frequency 0.2 - 400 Hertz Overload Current Rating 150% for 1 minute duration (inverse time characteristic) POWER SUPPLY: 3-Phase, 3-Wire Type, 200-230 VAC or 400-460 VAC, 50/60 Hertz • Rated input AC Voltage (*3) Allowable Fluctuations (*3) Voltage - +10%, -15%; Voltage Unbalance - Within 3%; Frequency - +/-5% Control System Vector Dispersion PWM Control Output Frequency Range 0.2 - 400 Hz (0.2 to 60 Hz start frequency; 0.2 to 400 Hz base frequency) CONTROL Analog Setting - Maximum frequency +/-02%•(at 25°C, +/-10°C). Digital Setting - Maximum frequency +/-0.01% (at -10°C to 50°C) Frequency Temperature Fluctuation Frequency Setting Resolution Analog Setting - 0.02Hz (at maximum frequency of 60 Hertz) Digital Setting - 0.002Hz (at maximum frequency of 60 Hertz) Frequency Setting Resolution (*4) 0.002 Hertz (both analog and digital setting) • Voltage/Frequency Characteristics (V/F) Voltage - 200-230 VAC or 400-460 VAC (When in free selection, voltage or Frequency - 0.2 to 400 Hertz :' frequency can be selected.) (*1) Indicates rated capacity when rated output voltage is 230 VAC. (*2) It is not possible for output voltage to exceed power supply voltage. (*3) Units are Dual Rated. Inverter looks for a similar V/Hz ratio. (*4) Output frequency is changed at 0.002Hz intervals during acceleration/deceleration (when at max. frequency of 60Hz). 2-4 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 1: AF-300B INVERTER STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (continued) ITEM SPEGIFi sA i IUN Inverter (200-230V) 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 HP (400-460V) — 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 CONTROL: (continued) Torque Boost 32 patterns (squared decrease, including 10 step minute adjustment, automatic torque boost selection possible) Acceleration/Deceleration 0.01 to 3600 seconds (independent acceleration/deceleration) Chacterlsttcs "S" Curve Characteristic (strong and weak) Automatic and Multi -step Accel./Decel. Selection (independent 4-step) (Both terminal and program selection is possible.) Internal Functions: , Operating Sound Selection The sound quality of the sound produced by the motor can be changed to prevent resonance. Frequency Meter Adjustment Scale calibration of externally connected analog meter (6.5-10.5 VDC) Parameter Protection Data lock Is possible to ensure that the data codes are not changed. Terminal Link Operation frequency setting for multiple inverters, multi -step operation, interlocking operation, and ratio operation are all possible at the same time. Brake Switch Normal or strong brake selection is possible. Pattern Operation Seven independent step settings (freq. up to 400 Hz; timer up to 3600 sec.) Program Operation Based on the pattern operation; 1 cycle, repeat cycle, continuous operation at last step speed, etc. selections are possible. Momentary Power Failure Restart After momentary power failure, automatic restart is possible. High/Low Limiter Output frequency upper and lower range limit 0 to 100% (1% step) setting. Bias (See NOTE at bottom of page) Magnitude of the bias that contains the frequency setting signal can be set (See WARNING In Section 1) from 0 to 100% (1% step). Gain (See NOTE at bottom of page) Output frequency gain corresponding to the frequency setting signal can be set from 0 to 100% (1% step). Frequency Jump A 3 point jump in width of sympathetic vibrations and resonance is possible. Width adjustable from 0 - 5 Hertz (1 Hz step). (Resonant Frequency Bypass) Slip Compensation Control Maintains motor at constant speed with toad fluctuations. Current Limit Control Output current can be controlled within a range of 30% to 150% (1% step). 8-Step Multiple Speed Switch 8-step multiple speed operation Is possible. Momentary or Maintained Selection between the maintained contact operation/stop command (2-wire Contact Operation operation) or the momentary contact (3-wire operation) is possible. Terminal Function Change Multi -Use terminals can be changed via the Function Code setting •(for9 terminals). NOTE Bias does not affect operation when Frequency command comes from the keypad. (Function Code 16 = 00) 2.5 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 1: AF-300B INVERTER STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (continued) SPECIFICATION ITEM Inverter (200-230V) HP (400-460V) 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10 10 15 20 25 15 20 25 30 30 CONTROL TORQUE: Std. Equip.: Regen. Braking (*5) (230V) DC Braking 150% and up 100% & up 40% & up 20% & up (*6) Frequency 0.2 to 60 Hertz; Time 0.01 to 30 seconds; Voltage 0 to 15% Optional Equip.: Type (230V) Torque Braking Resistor Up to 150% Up to 100% Braking Resistor and DB Unit Up to 100%. Std. Equip.: Regen. Braking (*5) (460V) DC Braking Optional Equip.: Type (460V) Torque 150%165%l 45%l Frequency 0 2 to 60 Hertz; Time 0.01 to 30 seconds; Voltage 0 to 15% 40% Up to 35% Up to 20%(*6) — Braking Resistor Braking Resistor and DB Unit Up to 150% Up to 100% Up to 100% OPERATION: Frequency Setting Signal Frequency setting device or voltage input: 0-10 VDC (0-5 VDC), 4-20mA DC. Input Signal (contact type) Forward command, reverse command, self -holding selection (when operation is•3-wire),'mutti-step speed setting (8-step),1mutuple acceVdecel lime settings (4 settings), Coast -to -stop command, external alarm, and reset. (Sampling time span is 1 millisecond or less.) NOTE By changing the terminal function, the Input command or modes can be changed as follows: cycle operation command, frequency adder- subtractor setting, DC brake command, and link input External Output Signals: Contact Open Collector Batch alarm output (one "c" contact, contact point capacity - 250 VAC,0.3 A) During inverter operation, rated frequency attainment, overload prediction, and unce:voltage. NOTE These can be changed to the following outputs through the terminal change function: finish signal of each stage/cycle in pattern operation, frequency level detection, inverter stop, current -limiting monitoring, undervoitage or restarting detection, and overvoltage detection. PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS: Stall prevention, overcurrent, momentary power failure, •undervoltage, over - voltage, inverter overheating, extemal problems (external thermal activation, etc.),_motor overload (electronic thermal), setting error, communication error, DSP error, link error, output terminal short-circutt, and short -to -ground protection (for 3.7KW [5 HPI or less - optional function) DISPLAY: Frequency Meter Output Signal. (*5) Short lime Rating (*6) Condenser Regenerative Braking Analog - 0 to +10 VDC (adjustment ranged 6.5 to 10.3 VDC) 2-6 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 1: AF-300B STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (continued) ITEM SPECIFICATION Inverter (200-230V) HP (400-460V) 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10 10 15 15 2d 20 25 25 30 30 DISPLAY: (continued) Keypad Panel: Frequency Meter Output Signal Digital Display - 4 digit LED, unit Is LED Graphic Display - LCD, with brightness control Operation Display Setting Display Fault Display Output frequency, output current, output voltage, synchronous rpm, and line speed. (Set Frequency when not In RUN or PROGRAM Mode) Function code and setting data displayed (see Operation Panel paragraph). OC1 - acceleration overcurrent; OC2 - deceleration overcurrent; 0C3 - constarrt speed overcurrent; LU (LV)-.undervottage; OU (OV) - overvoltage; OH1 - Inverter overheat; OH2 - extemal alarm (external thermal; OL1 - eiectronic thermal motor overload); Errl - setting error, Err2 - communication error, Err3 - DSP error, Err4 - link error, operating conditions at time of fault (4 times including output frequency, etc.), (record of faults) (display of past 3 fault conditions). Input Signal Display Display of control signal at FWD, REV, HLD, X1, X2, X3, RT1, and RT2. Charge Lamp (LED) Lights when DC Unk capacitor voltage Is present. CONDMON: Installation Location Indoor, Tess than 1000 meters (3281 feet) elevation, not in contact with corrosive gas, oil mist or dust, and out of direct sunlight. Ambient Temperature -10 to +50°C (+14 to +122°F) (remove ventilation covers if temperature is over +40°C [+104°F1). Humidity Less than 90% relative humidity (without dew condensation). Vibration 0.6G or less. INSTALLATION: Install on a panel (self -cooling); install with an external cooling syst PROTECTION/COOLING TYPES:. ("7) Fully enclosed forced alr cooling type (fan not enclosed). APPROXIMATE WEIGHT (230V): Kgs Lbs 3.0 3.0 4.3 4.4 4.5 10.7 10.9 14.7 15.0 19.0 19.5 6.6 6.6 9.5 9.7 9.9 23.6 24.0 32.4 33.0 41.9 43.0 APPROXIMATE WEIGHT (460V): Kgs Lbs 3.6 4.4 4.5 4.6 9.3 9.5 12.9 13.0 16.6 16.9 0/11 7.9 9.7 9.9 10.1 20.5 20.9 28.4 28.7 36.6 37.3 ('7) Fully enclosed self -cooling type. 2-7 AF-3008 Inverters GEK-85715 INVERTER OPTIONS Various options are availableforthe AF-300B Inverter. These options can be ordered from the supplier of the inverter per the GE Catalog Number shown on the chart within this paragraph. The General Electric Company TV" catalog numbers are coded as shown in the following Examples: NOTE: Option charts are divided into horsepower related and non -horsepower related items. Check the horsepower of the Inverter before ordering options to be sure the correct option is ordered. NOTE: Serial Link Option is not available as of the printing date of this instruction. This -option will be available in the near future. Disregard steps on its usage unless inverter is so equipped. Example: (Non -HP Related items) 6VKAAA3AANN*. 6V - General Electric Drives Products Operation K - Option Kt AAA - Applicable Series (1, 2, or 3 dharacters) 3 - AF-300 Family of inverters AA - Option Abreviation NN - Option Size/Length (if applicable) *A = alphabetical character, N = Numerical char. Example: (HP Related Items) 6VKA3NAANN* 6V - General Electric Drives Products Operation K - Option Kit AAA - Applicable Series 3 - AF-300 Family of inverters N - Voltage AA - Option Abreviation NN Horsepower Rating (2 or 3 characters) AF-300B NON -HORSEPOWER RELATED OPTIONS Description GE Catalog Number RS-422/485 Card 6VKB3RS BCD Card 6VKB3BC Ground Fauft Unit 6VKB3GF Pulse Tach Feedback Card 6VKB3TF Relay Unit 6VKB3RY Keypad Cable - 2M 6VKB3CB02 Keypad Cable - 5M 6ViB3CB05 Keypad Cable - 10M 6VKB3CB10 Speed Potentiometer 6VKAB3SP RFI Reactor 6VKABC3RF Reference Module 6VKABC3RM Synchronizing Module 6VKABC3SM Feedback Module 6VKABC3FB Dancer Control Module 6VKABC3DM Acceleration Module 6VKABC3AM Sensor/PM Module 6VKABC3P.M Parameter Copy Unit 6VKB3PC 2-8 AF-300B HORSEPOWER RELATED OPTIONS Description GE Catalog Number Brake Switching Unit 6ViB32BU025 Brake Switching Unit 6VKB32BUO30 Brake Switching Unit 6VKB34BU130 Brake Resistors 6VKB32BRO1 Brake Resistors 6VKB32BRO5 Brake Resistors 6VKB32BRO7 Brake Resistors 6VKB32BR10 Brake Resistors 6VKB32BR20 Brake Resistors . 6VKB32BR25 Brake Resistors 6ViB32BR30 Brake Resistors 6V1034BRO1 Brake Resistors 6VKB34BRO5 Brake Resistors . 6V1034BRO7 Brake Resistors 6V1B34BR10 Brake Resistors 6VIB34BR20 Brake Resistors • 6VKB34BR25 Brake Resistors 6VKB34BR30 AF-3008 Inverters GEK-85715 3. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENT Install the inverter in a location that meets the follow- ing requirements: — The ambient temperature is between -10°C and +50°C (+14°F to +122°F). (Remove the ventilation cover when the temperature exceeds +40°C [+104°F].) — The relative humidity is between 20% and 9096. Avoid any location subject to condensation, freezing, or where the inverter would come in contact with water. — Do not install in any location subject to direct sunlight, dust, corrosive gas, inflammable gas, or oil mist. — The inverter should be installed at an elevation below 1000 meters (3281 feet) and vibration should be Tess than 0.6G. INSTALLATION MOUNTING CLEARANCE CAUTION: Because the ambient temperature a eath affects inverter fife and reliability, do not install the inverter in any location that exceeds the allowable temperatures. — Install the inverter perpendicular to the ground and with the lettering right side up. (If the inverter is installed up -side -down or horizon- tally, heat build-up will occur.) - Install at a sufficient distance from other equip- ment, walls, or wiring ducts as shown in Figure 3-1 (these clearances are required to allow the heat generated by the inverter to escape). CAUTION: The mounting wall for the inverter must be of heat resistant material because during opera- tion, the temperature of the inverter's cooling fins rises to approximately 90 degrees C (194 F). NOTE: When Installing two or more Inverters in close proximity, allow sufficient space as shown in Figure 3-1 and install them in a horizontal row. If they must be installed in a vertical row, at least 19.7 inches (50cm) intemal space must be provided between each one or a ventilation system should be provided to prevent the ambient temperature from rising. — Mounting screws or bolts should be of appro- priate size for weight of inverter . — See the appropriate view in Figure 3-2 for the location of mounting holes. — Install the rubber bushings supplied with the inverter into the cable openings in the wiring lead-in plate to prevent cable damage and to minimize dust entry. Figure 3-1. INVERTER MOUNTING CLEARANCE 3-1 i AF-300B Inverters GEK-8571 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V2 IP 230V 1FP230V 5.71(145 .30 30 4 52(125) 4.1 (7.5) (7.5), S (21 2K6) 11.22 (265) .44 62) 90) 2. 3. 6 FP 230V 1,2,3,6FP480V 71(145 hs) n3) ott11t1t>.r�[: II( 'Fin -- V2; .2 (32 ) Typ. 11.151 ((2/2277� 59. Err s.gpib 4.41 ( (112) 1.65 ✓�. (42) • Fw rat pwriM/ 26, 30 FP 230V and 480V 11 , c� • 3, (10) T 21 (5 .87 17) 1.13 ( r- 1� 11 ((5530) 1143 (341) MEI 14.39()0) es A) (/»1 T- Odin; )IONS for WWI panel :allaU0n 4.13(105) 7-V2,10)P230V 7-V2. 10 IP 480V -•-1.1 (220) . -.35 I�-�,,,,C,.46(215 (f0) S'05) r(10) I Q �f Ill! (fo) f �9' - r(u ..30 3 0 .JL„(10) 1♦96 (390) f'417 ) 2 :) 4.72 (120) 11.50(165 - FtDM Q (to) (30) 60t.02 (173 * 0.5) - 3.74 * .01- (95 ! 0.2) 225 ! .01 (75 3 02) (12.530) 9 Bushing Tit Eat" Isis New" ifIn fw. USN V9m 1341 34a 1.111 .41am A ()n) (mm) 01.18 030 01.42 036 01.73 044 02.17 055 B (111) 087 01.06 0134 0185 (mm) 022 027 034 047 C On) 083 0.79 01.02 0157 (mm) 018 020 026 040 0 (in) .12 .12 .12 .16 (mm) 3 3 3 4 E (In) .12 .12 .12 .06 (mm) 3 3 3 13 F (In) .12 .12 .12 .16 (mm) 3 3 3 4 Figure 3-2. INVERTER EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS 3-2 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 4. WIRING PROCEDURES REMOVE TERMINAL BLOCK COVER Remove the terminal block cover as follows (see Figure 4-1): 1. Remove the screw located at the bottom of the cover. 2. Press upward on bottom of cover and lift off. 3. See the appropriate view of Figure 4-1 for the location of the Main Circuit Terminal Block and the Control Circuit Terminal Block. MAIN CIRCUIT WIRING CAUTION: Be sure that the power supply is never connected to the U, V, W terminals or the N, P, P, DB terminals. 1. Connect the power supply wires to the L1,12, and L3 terminals of the Main Circuit Terminal Block as shown in the appropriate view of Figure 4-2. (See TABLE 2 for description of all terminals and TABLE 3 for application wiring list.) 2. Connect the 3-phase motor wires to the U, V, and W terminals of the Main Circuit Terminal Block as shown in the appropriate view of Figure 4-2. (See TABLE 2for description of all terminals and TABLE 3 for application wiring list.) • NOTE: Motor will rotate counterclockwise when viewed from the load side when connected normally. If the motor rotates in reverse direction, interchange any two of the U, V, or W terminal connections. 3. Connect the ground terminal as shown in the appropriate view of Figure 4-2. (Do not operate without the unit being grounded.) — The ground wire must be as large and short as possible (see TABLE 3 for application wiring list). CONTROL CIRCUIT WIRING Inverter is wired at shipment for operation and fre- quency setting through the keypad panel (frequency is set at 60 Hertz). — See Figure 4 3 for wiring connections. — See TABLE 2 for description of all terminals. Make wire connections as shown in Figure 4-4 for external operation through control circuit terminals. — See TABLE 2 for description of all terminals. ► 41.up• sue.c4� 7 z. 14 11? Figure 4-1. TERMINAL BLOCK COVER 4-1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-8571 5 UNITS UP TO 5 HP UNITS FROM 7.5 TO 10 HP UNITS FROM 15 TO 30 HP IMBEICIUM 13 111 • • • ? ? ? 5111,C$1 a. 3-010,GC 11 11 a a i ) ) ) 5.41 9: r. Figure 4-2. POWER CIRCUIT WIRING CONNECTIONS T/43:00.. fCLRY 3-4•Hrec IT 01 CALTIONN WINE JUMPER rwett IC104:01 T17041/IFIS TNN PNO CM ClW MANN. INIETILOCKG MAE LUGO. NOTESs 11 ET mellow coor OM I! SET FUNCTION COZY Is. SO .1 t I t.v OL FRR RUN_ F11 HLO 31IR 303 31C RST RX 71- RT1 RT2 NO REVCI 11 XI I X2 I X3 12 13 C1TF-131 CH CH OPERATION FROM KEYPAD SI 0.1.0708. *PM MOO 1101 ICPCIP ISMIPPLI 0011 I•43. POOL MIRO= .1113. 0/ MOON IRMA MVO MP KIIS:D. (13•40•LS no Pe CP. ISOM 11 IV PIPCTIOS COS It* SS SI al 1100101CCIC leo 1111 Alf 1 t.v 1 at. Inge loturl Fit 114L13 ItT111/T2ITS11 X11711 XS 1:31 di 1 1311111302130C11111 112 Imlay(' et 1 tt 1 02 113 I CH 1N1 I 13 0 no) an, FMKTA9YaiirifRED) Figure 4-3. WIRING CONNECTIONS FOR OPERATION THROUGH KEYPAD PANEL 4-2 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 NOTES: 1) 5CT IZNCTION CODE 15-01 2) SET FUNCTION CODE 16-01 01 CFUTION: REMOVE JUMPER FROM BETWEEN TERMINALS THR PNO CM WHEN THERMAL INTERLOCKS ARE USED. 02 CAUTION: iiEMOVE JUMPER :Rom IET:EEN TERMINALS FWD AND CM. roTcp RE]_F1'f •I �� •17 LY 0L FAR RUN Fn HLD RT1 RT2 THR X1 X2 31A 31B 3IC RST BX FWD REY C1 11 12 X3 13ICn CM CM CH •2 SyT STOP -O REMOTE OPERATION HITH MOMENTARYCONTRCTS. NOTES: 1) SET FUNCTION CODE 15.01 2) SET FUNCTION CODE 16-01 01 CAUTION: REMOVE JLWCR FROM BETWEEN N TERMINALS THR AND CM WHEN THERMAL INTERLOCKS ARE USED. •2 CAUTION: MOUE 3U PER FROM EcTFEI?P! TERMINALS FWD AND CM. Dwa:1C OR qI 91 TCN •I •1 EI`r O 3 LV OL FAR RUN Fn HLD RT1 RT2 THR X1 X2 X3 cn cn 3SR 308 31C RST BX FWD REY ■2 OFF C1 11 12 REMOTE OPERATION WITH MOMENTARY CONTACTS AND REVERSING ORPABILITY 13 Cn CM Figure 4-4. CONNECTIONS FOR CONTROL CIRCUIT TERMINAL OPERATION (Part 1 of 4) AF-30013 inverters GEK-85715 •1 CAUTION: RAVE JUMPER FROM BETWEEN TERMINALS TER AND CM THEN THERMAL INTERLOCKS PRE USED. *2 CAUTION: REMOVE JUMPER FROM BETWEEN TERMINALS FWD ANC CM. NOTES: I) SET FLNCTICN CODE 15•431 2) SET FUNCTION CODE 16-01 3 ) nyo c LY OL FRR RUN FM HLD RT1 RT2 THR X1 X2 X3 cM cn 31R 31B 31C RST BX FWD REY c1 11 12 13 CM CM *2 REMOTE OPERATION WITH MRINTRINED CONTRCTS NOT St I) SR RNCTICN COCA '15-e1 2) SET PLNCTION COOS IKG•0I •IIr 1- WILL 131 CRITIONt REMOVE JUMPER PROM BETWEEN TER:INFLS TFR NNO CM wEN TIERff. INTERLOCKS ARE USED. 02 CRiITION: REMOVE JUMPER FROM BETWEEN Tcommpts PIID .NO CM. POT v I'2 Kal � I:ELAN . F1'I rl •I Cr LY OL FRR RUN FM HLD RT1 RT2 THR x1 X2 X3ICM CM 31R 318131C RST BX FWD REV C1 11 12 13 cm . I cm POT .1%2RM E 0 r i REMOTE AIRTNi4RNIRcTS RNIDHRENG Figure 4-4. CONNECTIONS FOR CONTROL CIRCUIT TERMINAL OPERATION (Part 2 of 4) AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 •1 CAUTION: REPINE JUMPER FROM TIET:EEN TEJ81IFFILS THR wm 01 WCN 114:Rm1- INTE -0 S FAE USED. 02 CAUTION: REMOVE JUMPER FROM BETWEEN TER1INFIS FWD Rm C)1. TIRL . -I. 6 I LY OL 31R FRR 318 RUN 31C FM RST HLO BX RT1 FWD •2 FUNCTION CODE SETTINGS: IS. 01 (REMOTE) 64- 01 CMOIENTARY) 23- JOG IaCCEL TIME SETTING 26- JOG I£CEL TIME SETTING 29- JOG SPEED CPRECIJCNCY) SETTING 01 CAUTION) MOW :WEN FROM en►ED1 TERMINALS THR ANG CM WHEN TfasR INTERCOM )wE USED. 02 CRMICNI Roo4 Atm: ram 11ET1ra34 ToirowLS no RHO CM. 0 RT2 REY THR C1 x1 11. 12 X2 13 START STOP X3 CM cn cn CM R MOTE OPERATION WAND J NUNTF1RTY D7'1A+ C .1 a� .IOc Tei ILY 3IRl3/B OL FAR RUN Fn 3ICIRST HLO BX FUCTN71 CODE SETTINCSs 15- 01 (REMOTE) iM 01 (MMEMM RV) 23- JOG FCC . TIME SETTING 26- JOG X. TIP( SETTING 21m JOG SPEED CFRECUENC.'T) SETTING RT1 _FUG se RT2 REY CET THR CI 11 X1 12 X2 13 X3 Cn cn 1 cn CFF cn ��M��TOPETyyION� ��pp��T�S� JOGHE�Mp���FUNCTIRAONN RNDRSING CAPABILITY Figure 4 4. CONNECTIONS FOR CONTROL CIRCUIT TERMINAL OPERATION (Part 3 of 4) 4-5 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 f 41 CAUTION: REMOVE JUMPER FROM I}'T6fEN TERMINALS THR AND CM WHEN TNERR INTERLOCKS ARE USED. 42 CAUTION: REmo,c JUMPER FROM BETWEEN TERMINALS Ro AND Cn. ( > • LY OL FRR RUN FM HL0 RT 1 RT2 THR X1 X2 X3 CM. CM 31R 3111 31C RST BX FNO REV C1 11 12 13 CM cn •2 F(NCTtOi CODE SETTINGS1 MS- 01 (REMOTE) 23- JOG RCCEL TIRE SETTING 26- JOG MCEL TIME SETTING 20- JOG SPEED (FRE0JENCTr) SETTING STOP RTH JMR jCONTRCTS 111 OUTION: . REMOVE JUMPER room U;Tr@I • TERIIN9L5 THR ANO 01 *C4 1,40, 1. INTEL006 ARE USED. 42 CRIT1Oa: MEMOW 'UPPER mom TET1EE1 TEAM/PALS A:O A NO 01. NOTE:: TO- uncr ( ( LY OL FAR RUN Fn HLO RT 1 RT2 THR x1 X2 X3 cn cn 3/A 318131C RST BX F110 REV c1 11 12 13 cn cn .2 OGr JOG REV ore y 'cc—o;o—. .___o �PO O ••-0 0 FUNCTION coOE SETTINGS: 15- 01 (REMOTE) 23- JOG ACCEL TIME SETTING 2S- JOG TECL1 TIME SETTING 25- JOG SPEED (MYEOMOCY: SETTING NOTE: REVERSIF arli 411 RINED Figure 4-4. CONNECTIONS FOR CONTROL CIRCUIT TERMINAL OPERATION (Part 4 of 4) AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 CAUTION: The control circuit terminal wiring should be kept as far away as possible from the main power wiring to prevent operational error due to noise inter- ference. Never install both types of wiring in the same duct or conduit. (A separation distance of 10 centi- meters (4 inchesl or more is recommended.) if the control circuit wiring must cross the main power wir- ing, it should cross at a right angle. CAUTION: Use shielded or twisted wire for the control circuit wiring (wiring should be as short as possible, i.e. 20 meters (65 feet] or less). (Connect outer covering of the shielded wires to the inverter ground terminal and leave the other end open, but taped.) CAUTION: Install a suppressor in parallel with any relays or solenoid type coils, etc. that may be close to the inverter. OPTIONAL EXTERNAL DYNAMIC BRAKING RESISTOR UNIT WIRING NOTE: Remove the factory installed jumper from the CM - THR terminals. If the jumper is not removed, the OH2 alarm will not function during operation. When frequent braking or high torque braking is required, connect the optional braking resistor as shown in the appropriate view of Figure 4-5. — Option 1: Dynamic Braking (DB) resistor (0.4 to 7.5 KW; 0.5 to 10 HP). — Option 2: Braking Unit and Dynamic Braking (DB) resistor (11 to 22 KW; 15 to 30 HP). CAUTION: ff the P-DB terminals or the P-N termi- nals are inadvertently short-circuited, damage to the inverter will result. CAUTION: For inverters without an internal DB transistor, the external braking resistor cannot be used except for inverters below 7.5 KW (10 HP). (For inverters greater than 11 KW [15 HP1, a braking unit and braking resistor are required.) CAUTION: When using an external braking resis- tor with inverters of Tess than 7.5 KW (10 HP), first remove the inverter internal braking resistor terminals from P and DB, then connect the extemal DB braking resistor to the P and DB terminals. The intemal braking resistor terminals that have been removed must be protected with insulation. UNITS UP TO 5 HP UNITS FROM 7.5 TO 10 HP Lr oL IrMinlel re 111411er►letalnie1 11 I 22 I :a I31elahela1rclesrl a Irwlecrl el I u 112 113 ►eel a L1 L2 L2 e u v 11 en cn M 11111141044 ori,A 081112 %PR SC1W Lr I oL 1,112121111 re l luTerl l IT2Inr-1 11 I It 1 13 I Cilal t 11larlel311411 rlulrrlarie►111Iul13Ie 1enl •••2411 miaow i i OS 112 WNW. 11141C4 UNITS FROM 15 TO 30 HP L, I as. Ira l ae F ►11 I14.e I,lrl iaeelsoet»eierrl lac Imlay! CI !trains 11 21 it Ll 1.2 La P ■ 11T 11 Llsa 13 CM l e11 r ei,ms WV P N P 00 1 2 P DB 1 2 4.44.414411 KNOW, Figure 4-5. OPTIONAL EXTERNAL DYNAMIC BRAKING RESISTOR UNIT WIRING CONNECTIONS 4-7 I AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 J r * THER R.. RELAY 50 Hz -° °--1; f -{a-° Lz CART o� —o O—O-r-v o T 0 STOP v— . .. REV --o O T-.o 0- ---0 0- ---0' O- 1 vPI�E O�L i-- • 4 TO 20 nFl LI O 13 O 12 0 11 • ECG) FWD 0 0 REV olio qa -O x1 -0 X2 -0 X3 .. -O RTI -0 RT2 -0 Fn 0 T► R O CI -O EX ..per CAM v • • NO *-OPTION - ToR P O *Bail O 1 b kFPP' IP P Io 08 0 0 * PANk StiiIT(} M POI ER ON 0 0- LVO ECG) 0 :.' ,. uYi y. OtiO COIL• Figure 4-6. BASIC CONNECTION DIAGRAM 1 1 1 1 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 2: TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION/FUNCTION Terminal Terminal Function Label Name MAIN CIRCUIT: L1,L2, L3 AC Supply Line Input Terminals Connection for commercial power (200-230 VAC or 400-460 VAC). U,V,W Inverter Output Terminals Connection for 3-phase induction motor. P,DB External Braking Resistor Terminals Connection for external braking resistor (7.5 KW [10 HP] or less).. N,P External Braking, Unit Terminals Connection for external braking resistor via external braking unit. E (G) Ground Terminal Connection for ground. CONTROL INPUT: 11 Frequency Setting Common Terminal Voltage setting and current setting common terminal. (Do not connect to CM terminal as they are not isolated.) 12 ' Frequency Setting Voltage Input When 0 to +10 VDC (0 to 5V) is input, the maximum frequency is reached at +10 VDC (5V) and is proportional to output frequency down to 0 VDC. Input impedance is 22K ohm. 13 Frequency Setting Voltage Output Term. Regulated +10 VDC power suppty, 10mAor less (to terminal 11). C1 Frequency Setting Current Input When 4 to 20mA DC is input, the maximum frequency is reached at 20mA and is proportional down to 4mA. CM Control Circuit Common Terminal Common terminal for control input/output commands. (Do not connect to terminal 11 as they are not; isolated.) FWD REV Forward Command Input Terminal Reverse Command Input Terminal Forward command via FWD -CM (closed). Reverse command via REV -CM (closed). When FWD -CM is closed and REV -CM is closed at the same time, the inverter will decelerate to stop. BX Motor Coast -To -Stop Input Terminal Motor will coast -to -stop with BX-CM (closed). (For use when applying machanical brake with inverter in operation.) HLD 3-wire Operation - Stop Command (Operation From Momentary Contacts) When 3-wire operation is selected and HLD-CM is closed, the pulse signal input from FWD, REV terminals is self -held. Operation from momentary pushbuttons is enabled (also set Function Code 64 to 01). See Figure 4-6 for Connection Diagram. 4-9 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 • 1 TABLE 2: TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION/FUNCTION (continued) Terminal Terminal Function Label Name CONTROL INPUT: (cont.) X1 X2 X3 Multi -step speed operation command input terminal 1 Multi -step speed operation command input terminal 2 Multi -step speed operation command input terminal 3 • Exam • le: Multi -step speed 1 with X1-CM (closed) (Func. Code 29). Exam • le: Multi -step speed 2 with X2-CM (closed) (Func. Code 31). Exam • le: Multi -step speed 7 with X1-X2-X3-CM (closed) (Func. Code 41). NOTE: When there is no input to X1, X2, X3, operation is by set frequency. See Table 10, appropriate Function Code. RT1 RT2 Mufti -step accel/ decel time command input terminals RT1-CM (closed), RT2-CM (closed), RT1-RT2-CM (closed) are the three types of acceleration/deceleration times. NOTE: When there is no input to RT1, RT2, operation is by normal first acceleration/deceleration time. See Table 10, appropriate Function Code. THR • Extemal thermal relay, extemal braking resis- tor thermostat terminal With THR-CM (open), motor will coast -to -stop. NOTE: With no external thermal relay or external braking resistor thermostat, the THR-CM terminals must be closed or the inverter will not operate. RST Reset signal input terminal The fault is reset when the RST-CM (closed) terminals are short-circuited for more than 0.1 seconds. NOTE: If there is input to the FWD or REV terminals, the unit restarts immediately upon reset. FM . Frequency meter connection terminal Outputs +10 VDC at maximum frequency and is proportional to output frequency down to 0 VDC. • DC Voltage Meter (7-10mA) = Internal impedance over 10K ohm. DC Current Meter (1 mA) - 10K ohm, 1/2 watt supplied in series NOTE: See Table 10, Function Code 70. CONTROL OUTPUT: RUN Inverter running signal output term. (0 speed) During deceleration and If Function Code 61 is the set frequency (also see Function Code 69), RUN -CM will be ON. (Open collector output +27 VDC, 50mA maximum.) FAR Frequency equival- ence detection signal output terminal. (Up -To -Speed) When the set frequency is reached, FAR -CM will be ON. (Open collector output +27 VDC, 50mA maximum.) NOTE: Also see Function Codes 65 and 68. 4-10 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 �c 1 TABLE 2: TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION/FUNCTION (continued) Terminal Terminal Label Name Function CONTROL OUTPUT: (cont.) OL Inverter overload early warning signal output terminal With function code 62 (also see Function Codes 65 and 67), when the set output current is exceeded for over 10 seconds, OL-CM will be ON. (Open collector output +27 VDC, 50mA maximum.) LV Undervoltage signal output terminal With the undervoltage detection set, LV-CM will be ON. (Open collector output +27 VDC, 50mA maximum.) Also see Function Codes 65 and 66. 30A 30B 30C Fault Relay Output Terminals During normal operation, the relay Is not energized and contact is made between 30B and 30C. When a fault is detected, the relay is energized and contact is made between 30A and 30C. (Contact rating resistive load: 250 VAC, 0.3 Amps) TABLE 3: APPLICATION OF WIRING AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION ITEM Inverter (200-230V) HP (400-480V) 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 20 20 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 Standard Applicable Motor Output-230V (KW) 0.4 0.75 1.5 22 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 Standard Applicable Motor Output-460V (KW) - 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 . 15 18.5 22 Rated Capacity-230V (KVA) (*1) 1.1 1.9 3.0 4.2 6.5 9.5 13 18 22 28 33 Rated Capacity-460V (KVA) (*1) - 2.0 3.0 4.4 7.2 10 14 19 24 31 36 Applicable Wire Sizes (mm2) ("2) (3.5) (5.5) (5.5) (8) (14) (22) (30) (38) Main Circuit Wiring 1.25 2 3.5 5.5 5.5 8 14 22 Control Circuit Wlring 0.5 (125) (*1) Indicates rated capacity when rated output voltage Is 230 VAC. (*2) Standard wire is 600V vinyl wire. Figures in () are internal wiring regulations. 4-11 111 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 • � NOTES: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4-12 1 g AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 5. INVERTER OPERATION PRE -OPERATION INSPECTION After mounting and wiring has been completed, check the inverter for the following items before applying AC power. — Check for wiring errors (especially main circuit wiring). — Verify that there are no wiring chips, screws, etc. remaining in the inverter. — Check that all screw and terminal connections are tight. — Verify that no exposed wire ends are touching other terminals. K a test run Is desired, run the inverter at a low frequency of around 5 Hertz. Conduct the test run in a safe manner and check for the following: — Smooth rotation of motor. — Correct direction of rotation. — Any abnormal vibration or noise in the motor. — Smooth speed increase and speed reduction. CAUTION: Do not conduct megger tests between the inverter terminals or control circuit terminals. For megaer testing method, refer to Section 6, Mainte- nance and Inspection. KEYPAD PANEL IDENTIFICATION/ OPERATION See TABLE 4 for Display and Keypad Operation description when in Normal Operation, Program Setting Mode, and Trip Mode. Refer to Figure s-2for identification of the components of the Keypad Panel. FUNCTION CODE AND DATA CODE DESCRIPTION/SELECTION When AC power is applied to the inverter, the opera- tion panel display will be as shown in Figure 5-1 and will be flashing on and off. If the RUN key is pressed at this point, operation will be at 60 Hertz according to the Function Code set at the factory. (Use the STOP key to halt operation.) NOTE: Function Codes are divided into three differ- ent "Blocks"according to their degree of complexity. Set Data Code of Function Code [22] as follows in order to access the three Function Code "Blocks": - [2200] -Basic Function Codes only 100] to [22]. - [2201 ] - Standard Function Codes [23] to [62] (in addition to Basic Function Codes). — [2202] - High Level Function Codes [63] to [82] (in addition to Basic and Standard Func- tion Codes. 6O. OO FREQUENCY CURRENT PRG 1 -1 SHIFT SET OHz A V RESET RPM M/MIN RUN 11 STOP 1-1 M Figure 5-1. PANEL DISPLAY WHEN AC POWER IS APPUED 5-1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-857 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Attachment Screws Graphic Display Program Key Unit Display LCD Brightness Control Dial Up -Down Keys STOP Key Figi 5-2. KEYPAD PANEL COMPONENT IDENTIFICATION Attachment Screws -The I easily removed from the invr the two attachment screw: extension cable, remote op possible. Graphic Display - Frequen, are graphically displayed. i signal ON/OFF is also displa' Setting Mode, the approt displayed graphically and a Function Code selection set. Program (PGR) Key - Norr Setting Mode selection key. Program Setting Mode. SHIFT Key - When the Pro- Normal Mode, unit display cz. either RUN or STOP. In the F. this key allows Function Code each Function Code "colum: Figure 5-3 and TABLE 6.) SET Key Data display a Function Code are perform - Also, when setting data on data accessed on the displa' RESET Key - Resets abnorr when Program key (PRG) is Also changes from Data Sett: Code Setting Mode when Prc the Program Setting Mode. pad Panel can be r unit by loosening With the optional :ion and display is and output current main input/output When In Program .te information is abetically for easy Mode or Program y lights up when in :m key (PRG) is in )e changed while in gram Setting Mode, action by displaying in sequence. (See settings for each through this key. e graphic display, an be changed. I STOP conditions the Normal Mode. 4 Mode to Function am key (PRG) is in RUN Key - Key is used for starting operation and lights up during operation. This key does not function when Data Code is set for external (control terminal) operation [1501] or serial Zink operation [1502]. STOP Kev-This key is used for stopping operation and will light up when in STOP Mode. if pressed when Data Code is set for external (control terminal) operation [1501] or serial Zink operation [1502] Fault OH2 will be displayed and inverter will coast stop. Up - Down Keys -These keys increase or decrease the frequency (or speed) of the inverter. When unit is in Program Setting Mode, they change the Function Code or Data Code values. LCD Brightness -This control permits adjustment for easy to read brightness. Unit Display - The unit information is displayed by LEDs. Digital Monitor - When setting the program, the Function Code is indicated by the two digits on the left and the Data Code corresponding to the Function Code is indicated by the two digits on the right. During operation it displays the set frequency, current, voltage, etc. If a protective STOP occurs, the causes of the problem will be displayed as a fault code (see TABLE 11 and TABLE 12). 5-2 t__ AF 300E Inverters GEK-8571 5 TABLE 4: KEYPAD AND DISPLAY OPERATION NORMAL OPERATION O RUN Frequency Setting Method (digital setting) O Function Setting RUN Mode (15) 00 or 01 Frequency Command (16) 00 UP/DOWN Keys change operation frequency setting One Digit Shift to Normal Resolution Left Resolution 0.002 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.02 Hz Max. Frequency: To 60 Hz Max. Frequency: 60 to 300 Hz Max. Frequency: 300 to 400 Hz SET Key for writing Mode only). (Must operation frequency (STOP' be in frequency display mode.) 0-10.0 Hz - 60.0 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.1Hz 0-10.0 Hz - 100.0 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.1 Hz 1 Hz 0-10.0 Hz - 100.0 Hz 0.02 Hz 0.1 Hz 1 Hz 0 DIGITAL MONITOR 0 Function Setting Digital Monitor (00) 00: Frequency 01: Output Current 02: Output Voltage 03: Synchronous RPM 04: Line Speed — SHIFT Key: Frequency Display (flashes during STANDARD/STOP Mode) SHIFT Key: Frequency Display (flashes during one digit shift and STOP Mode) SHIFT Key: Output Current Display SHIFT Key: Output Voltage Display SHIFT Key: Synchronous RPM Display — SHIFT Key: Une Speed Display 0 GRAPHIC MONITOR 0 Function Setting Graphic Monitor (01) 00 Output frequency and output current level display (10 levels) FREQUENCY F R 0 0 0•R U CURRENT C 01 Control Terminal Block Display 1 III FWD RT1 III REV RT2 1111 HLD 02 Control Terminal Block Dlsplay2 S LV • X1 • OL ■X2 ▪ FAR 11 X3 ▪ RUN PROGRAM MODE OPERATION 0 DIGITAL MONITOR Function Code Display Advances Function Code to the code block containing the desired Function Code. Selects desired Function Code. UP Key: Function Code plus one. DOWN Key: Function Code minus one. SHIFT Key: UP/DOWN Keys: AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE 4: KEYPAD AND DISPLAY OPERATION (continued) PROGRAM MODE y Data Display Mode SET Key: Data Readout UP/DOWN Keys: Data Change (update) UP Key: Data plus one. DOWN Key: Data minus one. SET Key: Data write (After data write, Do Not tum power supply OFF for 5 seconds.) RESET Key: End data change. (continued) 0 DIGITAL MONITOR (continued) 0 GRAPHIC MONITOR Function Code Display Mode SHIFT Key: Advances Function Code to the code block containing the desired Function Code. UP/DOWN Key: Selects desired Function Code. UP Key: Moves cursor up. DOWN Key: Moves cursor down. Data Display Mode SET Key: Data Readout UP/DOWN Keys: Data Change (update) UP Key: Data plus one. DOWN Key: Data minus one. SET Key: Data write (After data write, Do Not tum power supply OFF for 5 seconds.) RESET Key: End data change. . TRIP MODE Trip Data Display 0C1, 0C2, 0C3, OU, LU, OH1, OH2, OL1, Err1, Err2, Err3, Err4 RESET Key: Trip reset. 0 DIGITAL MONITOR 0 GRAPHIC MONITOR Trip Condition Display Trip Record Display F = XXX.X Hz 0 = LV (current) = X.XA -1 = OV (1 time before) V = XXXV -2 = 0C1 (2 times before) Temperature* = XX°C -3 = OH2 (3 times before) *Temperature Is displayed only during Thermal Trips (OHL, OH2). No temperature is displayed on.OL1,.001;.OU,•LU, ERR3;:_: AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code Selection- Press the PRG key to select Program Setting Mode (see Figure 5-3). — Each time the SHIFT key is pressed, it changes the Function Code in the direction of the arrows shown in Figure 5-3 (Example: [00] > [04] > [08]). — Each time the UP/DOWN keys are pressed, it changes the Function Code in the vertical direc- tion as shown in Figure 5-3 (Example: [00] <> [01] <> [02]). Data Code Selection - After selecting the Function Code, press the SET key and the UP/DOWN keys will change the Data Code. — Some data is not shown and is selected on the Graphic Display. — Selected data is written by the SET key. — The RESET key terminates Data Code Setting Mode and retums to the Function Code Setting Mode. FUNCTION CODE AND DATA CODE SETTING PROCEDURES In order that the inverter (including the motor) may operate under optimum conditions, in addition to the codes mentioned previously ([15] and [16]), other setting changes may be required. This paragraph is a general explanation of the code setting method. NOTE: Complete details for Function Code settings are shown in TABLE 9: Function Codes, and TABLE 10: Function Code Descriptions. Be sure to fully understand all the basic codes. �SHIFTI FUNCT ION CODE 22=00 BASIC FUNCTION CODES FUNCTION FUNCTION CODE 22=01 CODE 22=02 STANDARD HIGH LEVEL 1 FUNCTION FUNCTION 1 CODES CODES Figure 5-3. PROGRAM MODE SELECTIONS 5-5 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Changing Code Settings In STOP Mode: 1. Verify operation signal (RUN key, FWD and REV terminals) is completely in OFF mode. — The frequency that has been set will flash on the display - [60.00]. 2. Press PRG key to change to Function Code Set- ting Mode. — Display will show [00 ]. 3. Press SHIFT key to advance to a different Func- tion Code "column" (advances each time key is pressed) if desired (see Figure 5.3). 4. Press UP/DOWN keys to select Function Code to be changed within the same "column". 5. Press SET key to access existing Data Code for the selected Function Code. — Display will show existing data. 6. Press UP/DOWN keys to adjust code or adjust actual number to the desired data — Display will show any adjustments as they are made. 7. Press SET key to store the data adjusted in step 6 (if SET key not pressed, changes will be ignored). — Display will show last adjustment made. — Do not tum power OFF for 5 seconds after a data adjustment is made. 8. Press RESET key to retum to Function Code Changing Mode. 9. Within same "column" - Press UP/DOWN keys to select a different Function Code and repeat steps 5 thru 8. In different "column" - Press SHIFT key to ad- vance to a different Function Code column (ad- vances each time key is pressed) and repeat steps 4 thru 8. 10. Press PRG key to end Function Setting Mode and retum to STOP mode. Changing Code Settings In RUN Mode: Data Code setting of Function Codes [00] to [10], [73] to [75], and [80] to [82] is possible in the RUN Mode. — Use same procedure as when in STOP Mode (see previous paragraph). Verification of all Function Codes and Data Codes is also possible when in the RUN mode. — Use same procedure, except skip steps 6 and 7, as when in STOP Mode. (Inverter will not perform steps 6 and 7 if inadvertently called for.) OPERATION METHOD SELECTION The methods shown in TABLE 5 select the RUN/ STOP Signal Transmission Method and the Frequency Setting Signal Transmission Method. AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 5: OPERATION METHODS RUN/STOP Operation Method Code Setting Frequency Setting Operation Method Code -Setting 1 2 3 Operation Panel RUN and STOP Keys 1500 UP/DOWN Keys 1600 Speed Pot or Analog Voltage Signal (0 -10 VDC). Terminals C1, 11,12,and 13. 1601 Analog Signal (4 - 20 mA DC) and (0 - 10 VDC). Terminals C1,11,12,and 13.. 1602 4 5 6 External Signal (FWD, REV Terminals) 1500 UP/DOWN Keys 1600 Speed Pot or Analog Voltage Signal (0 -10 VDC). Terminals C1, 11,12,and 13. 1601 Analog Signal (4 20 mA DC) and (0 - 10 VDC). Terminals C1,11,12,and 13. 1602 Multi -Step Frequency Operation:. . — For RUN/STOP and manual speed frequency setting, the Function Codes are 15 and 16 for setting as above. — For Step 1- 7 frequencies, the Function Codes are 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, and 41. (Then select the external terminal X1, X2, X3.) 5-7 AF-3008 Inverters- GEK-85715 CONTROL CIRCUIT CONNECTION AND OPERATION Basic connections that are required for Function Codes [1500] and [1600] are shown in Figure 5-4 (these connections are done at factory). Common terminal connections that are optional for either Keypad Panel Operation or External Operation (through control circuit terminals) are shown in Fig- ure 5-5. Connection description is as follows: — 30A, 308, 30C - Fault Relay Output used for alarm circuits, etc. — FM - Used for external analog meter when fre- quency indication is needed. — THR - Connected to CM terminal at factory. Connects to a normally closed contact. When inverter STOP is desired through external alarm, open this contact. The inverter will trip on '0H2' and the motor will coast stop. — RST - Connects to a normally open momentary contact for resetting a fault externally. — BX - Connects to a normally open contact. When motor coast stop is desired during nor- mal operation, close this contact and remove the RUN command. Keypad Panel Operation [1500] terminal connec- tions that are required are shown in Figure 5-6. Connection description/operation is as follows: — Common terminal connections are as described in same titled subparagraph. — Rotation Direction - Make c ontactLetween FWD - CM for forward rotation or between REV -CM for reverse rotation. — Frequency Setting - Select from the following three forms of Function Code [16]: - [1600] UP/DOWN keys used for frequency setting. [1601 ] Connection of 1 K ohm, 1/2 watt po- tentiometer to terminals 11, 12, 13 or input of 0 to +10 VDC signal to terminals 11, 12 (12 is positive). [1602] Added setting of 4 to 20mA DC cur- rent signals to terminals C1, 11 (11 is posi- tive) and 0 to +10 VDC signal to terminals 11, 12 (12 is positive). — See Figure 5-7 for RUN Operation example (Function Code [1600]). LV OL FAR RUN FM HLD RTI RT2 THR XI X2 X3 CM CM 30A 30B 30C RST BX FWD REV CI 11 12 13 CM CM Figure 5-4. FACTORY CONNECTIONS ILv OL 31Fl FAR 31B RUH 31C FM RST HID BX RT1 TUC RT2 REV THR C1 11 X1 12 X2 13 xs cn CPI cr cM • INTEAi�' CIr+a,IT PT Figure 5-5. COMMON TERMINAL CONNECTION EXAMPLE ©`r 5-8 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 LY OL FAR RUN FM HLD RT1 RT2 THR X1 X2 X3 CH CM 3IR 3IB 3IC RST BX FWO REV Cl 11 12 13 CM CM Figure 5-6. KEYPAD PANEL OPERATION [1500] CONNECTIONS Forward Reverse FWD -CM KEYPAD RW KEYPRO STOP KEYPAD RW ON KEYPAD STOP YPPD STOP ON REV -' -CM * When FWD -CM, REV -CM are both ON or OFF, deceleration STOP will result. Figure 5-7. KEYPAD PANEL 'RUN' OPERATION [1500] and [1600] EXAMPLE 5-9 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 External Signal Operation [1501] terminal connec- tions that are required are shown in Figure 5-8. Connection description/operation is as follows: — Common terminal connections are as described in same titled subparagraph. — Rotation Direction - Make contact (momen- tary) between FWD -CM for forward rotation or between REV -CM for reverse rotation. — Frequency Setting - Select from the following three forms of Function Code [16]: [1600] UP/DOWN keys used for digital set- ting. [1601] Connection of 1 K ohm, 1/2 watt po- tentiometer to terminals 11,12,13 or input of 0 to +10 VDC signals to terminals 11,12 (12 is positive). [1602] Added setting of 4 to 20mA DC cur- rent signals to terminals C1, 11 (C1 is posi- tive) and 0 to +10 VDC signal to terminals 11, 12 (12 is positive). — See Figure 5-9 for RUN Operation example. LV OL FAR RUN FM HLD RT1 RT2 THR X1 X2 X3 CM CM 31R 31B 31C RST BX FWD REV C1 11 12 13 CM CM o Figure 5-8. 'EXTERNAL -SIGNAL OPERATION [1501] CONNECTIONS Forward Reverse FWD -CM REV -CM ON ON ON ON * When FWD -CM, REV -CM are both ON or OFF, deceleration STOP will result. Figure 5-9. EXTERNAL SIGNAL 'RUN' OPERATION [1501] and [1601] EXAMPLE 5-10 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 ACTUAL OPERATIC Terminal connections an( for Multi -Step Frequency celeration and Decelerate Operation are as descritk graphs. Multistep Frequency C tions (X1, )C2, X3 termir. shown in Figure 5-10. M tion can be used to select settings (one manual sett seven preset settings). :cticxt Code selections ration, Mufti -Step Ac- peration, and Pattern :he following subpara- tion terminal connec- that are required are ep Frequency Opera- Df eight different speed unction Code 161 and Operation is as follows: 1. Function Code setting is [15] for Operation Method and [16] for Manual Frequency Set- ting Method. 2. The multi -step frequency Function Code set- tings are: [29] for multi -step frequency 1. [31] for multi -step frequency 2. [33] for multi -step frequency 3. [35] for multi -step frequency 4. [37] for multi -step frequency 5. [39] for multi -step frequency 6. [41] for multi -step frequency 7. 3. See Figure 5-11 for RUN Operation example. lII Lot. rnR RUN FM HL0 RT1 ".IR r3ss 31C RST BX FHO REV RT2 THR X1 X2 X3 CM CM CI 11 12 13 CM CM •7 • r TT Figur -•1 0. MULTI -STEP FREQUENCY OPERATION CONNECTIONS --SPEED 1 FUNCTION CODE 29 ) — SPEED 2 (FUNCTION COOS 31) — SPEED 3 (FUNCTION CODE 33) --SPEED 4 (FUNCTION COLS 35) ----SPEED 5 (FUCTION CODE 37) — MfN R. SPEED (FUNCTION CODE 16) ----SPEED 6 (FUNCTION CODE 39) SPEED 7 (FUNCTION COIL: 41) Fonrar- . Slyer*. X1-711 r, X2 X3 r 1 REV, Figur ON cN CN CN ON ;-11. MULT1-STEP FREQUENCY 'RUN' OPERATION EXAMPLE 5-11 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Multi -Step Acceleration and Deceleration Opera- tion terminal connections (RT1, RT2, terminals) are shown in Figure 5-12. Four different acceleration and deceleration times can be externally switched. Operation is as follows: 1. Function Code setting is [15] for Operation Method and [16] for Manual Frequency Set- ting Method. 2. The multi -step acceleration and deceleration Function Code settings are: [08] [23] [24] [25] [09] [26] [n] [28] for acceleration time 1. for acceleration time 2. for acceleration time 3. for acceleration time 4. for deceleration time 1. for deceleration time 2. for deceleration time 3. for deceleration time 4. 3. See Figure 5-13 for RUN Operation example. 1.1 • LY OL FAR RUN FM HLO RT I RT2 THR XI X2 X3 CM CM 3$R 318 31C RST BX FWD REV C1 11 12. 13 CM ct1 T I Figure 5-12. MULTI -STEP ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION OPERATION CONNECTIONS Forward RT1 -CM RT2 cm FWD -CM ACCEtRTI 1 CODE 08 DECELERATION 1 F3JCT ION CODE 09 ACCELERATINCN FLNCTIO CODE 23 EEC�TIO 2 ION CODE 26 ACCELERATION 3 ACCELERATION 4 FUJCTICN FLICTION / CODE 24 , COIF 25 DEC TIIc 3 FUNCTI)] CODE 2? DECELERATION 4 FUNCTION CODE 28 ON ON ON Figure 5-13. MULTI -STEP ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION 'RUN' OPERATION EXAMPLE 5-12 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Pattern Operation terminal connections that are required are shown in Figure 5-14. Pattern Operation is accomplished by aligning the Mutti-Step Frequency Settings and Timer Settings. Operation is as follows: 1. Function Code setting must be [1901] for Pat- tern Operation selection (if [1900] selected, Function Codes [30], [32], [34], [36], [38], [40], and [42] cannot be accessed). 2. The frequency, rotation direction, timer, and acceleration/deceleration time Function Code settings are: [29] sets the frequency for Multi -step Fre- quency 1, rotation direction, and accel- eration/deceleration time. [30] sets the time for the Multi -Step Fre- quency 1 timer. [31] sets the frequency for Mufti -step Fre- quency 2, rotation direction, and accel- eration/deceleration time. [32] sets the time for the Multi -Step Fre- quency 2 timer. [33] sets the frequency for Multi -step Fre- quency 3, rotation direction, and accel- eration/deceleration time. '[34] sets the time 'for the Multi -Step Fre- quency 3 timer. [35] sets the frequency for. Multi -step Fre- quency 4, rotation direction, and accel- eration/deceleration time. [36] sets the time for the Mufti -Step Fre- quency 4 timer. [37] sets the frequency for Multi -step Fre- quency 5, rotation direction, and accel- eration/deceleration time. [38] sets the time for the Multistep Fre- quency 5 timer. [39] sets the frequency for Multi -step Fre- quency 6, rotation direction, and accel- eration/deceleration time. [40] sets the time for the Multi -Step Fre- quency 6 timer. [41] sets the frequency for Multi -step Fre- quency 7, rotation direction, and accel- eration/deceleration time. [42] sets the time for the Multistep Fre- quency 7 timer. NOTE: When In timer display mode, use the SET key for changing rotation direction or acceleration/decel- eration time. 3. For Keypad Panel Operation Mode ([1500]): RUN key: Starts pattern operation. STOP key: Stops motor, but pattern timing continues. RESET key: Resetstimer (must press STOP key first). 4. For Extemal Control Terminal Operation Mode ([1501 ]): FWD -CM ON: Starts pattern operation. FWD -CM OFF: Stops pattern operation and resets timer. REV -CM ON: Stops motor, but pattern timing continues. 5. See Figure 5-15 for RUN operation example. LY OL FAR RUN FM HLD RT1 RT2 THR X1. X2. X3 CM CM* -1 G 31R 31B 31C RST BX JFuo REV C1 11 12 13 cM cM T I Figure 5-14. PATTERN OPERATION CONNECTIONS 5-13 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Forward Reverse FWD —CM Stage elapsed signal (TP) Cycle completed signal (TO) NOTE: F.C.= FUNCTION CODE F.C.29 Speed 1 Timer 1 F.C.30 F.C.31 Speed 2 Timer 2 F.C.32 F.C.33 F.C.35 F.C.37 Speed 3 Speed 4 Speed 5 < N( — > Timer 3 Timer 4, Timer 5 F.C.34 F.C.36 F.C.38 F.C.39 , F.C.41 Speed 6 Speed 7 Timer 6 Timer 7 F.C.40 F.C.42 nn In operation, the multistep frequency order is always in numerical order, 1 thru 7. Figure 5-15. PATTERN OPERATION 'RUN' OPERATION EXAMPLE 5-14 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACCESSING FAULT HISTORY The inverter maintains an intemal record of the previ- ous three inverter trips. This internal record can be accessed during operation or STOP as follows: 1. Press PROGRAM key to change to program mode. 2. Press and hold SHIFT key. 3. Press RESET key to advance Digital Monitor and Graphic Display to the following display (example): Digital Monitor. [ OH2] Graphic Display*: F = 60.00 Hz I = 1.0 A V = 230 V 4. Release the RESET and SHIFT keys. For display, the values shown for F,1, V are present operation values. When a trip occurs, the values shown are the values at the time of the trip. For display, the value for V indicates the operation output voltage. For trip, the value indicates the DC Intermediate voltage. -For display, when trip record -is displayed during operation, present values are displayed with the SHIFT key. Also, when trip occurs and the values at the time of the trip are displayed, the trip history is displayed with the SHIFT key. AF-3008 Inverters GEK-85715 5. Press SHIFT key to change display to show in- verter trip record as in the following (example): Digital Monitor [ OH2] Graphic Display*: 0 = OH2 (present fault) -1 = 0C3 (one time before) -2 = Err4 (two times before) -3 = OV (three times before) 6. Press RESET key to retum to Function Mode. 7. Press PRG key to retum to RUN/STOP Mode. . LINK OPERATION FUNCTION CODE SETTINGS When using Link Operation, Function Codes should be as indicated in TABLES 6, 7, or 8 for the opera- tion desired. TABLE 6: FUNCTION CODE SETTING FOR LINK OPERATION Function Setting Data Descri • tion. Code Master(*3) Slave 15 02 02 Link Operation selection 16 00, 01, 02 — Link Set Frequency Monitor . 47 0 - 200% 0 - 200% Percentage Setting 71 00 01- 15(*1) Setting for Inverter Number 72 . 00 -15 — Setting for Number of Inverters Connected '3(*2) 03 03 Link Operation Select 74 00 or 01 — Panel Operation/Terminal Operation Select 75 16 — All Inverter Selection 82 d0 00 Operation Command Selection in Link Oper. (1) ('2) ('3) Set the slave inverter numbers in sequence from 01 without skipping any. Set Function code 73 after setting other Function Codes. After setting the slave and auxiliary (Aux) inverters, set the master inverter. 5-15 t AF-300B Inverters GEK-8571 5 1 1 1 1 TABLE 7: FUNCTION CODE IN LINK FOR FREQUENCY SETTING OPERATION SETTING Function Setting Data Aux. 2 Aux. 3 Slave Description _ Code • Master(*3) Aux. 1 15 16 71 73() 80 00 or 01 01 or 02 00 01 00-02 00 or 01 01 or 02 01 fh) 01 00-02 00 or 01 01 or 02 02( ) 01 00-02 00 or 01 01 or 02 03( ) 01 00-02 00 or 01 01 or 02 04-15(L 01 00-02 Panel/Terminal Operation Sel. Link Set Frequency Monitor Inverter Number Setting Frequency Setting Selection Bit Length Setting TABLE 8: FUNCTION CODE SETTING IN LINK FOR MONITORING SIGNAL OPERATION Function . Setting Data Descri •tion Code Master(") Slave 15 00 or 01 -00 or 01 -Link Operation selection 71 00 01 - 15( ) Setting for Inverter Number 72 00 -15 - Setting for Number of Inverters Connected 73 02 02• Monitoring Signal Selection el) Set the slave inverter numbers in sequence from 01 without skipping any. ('Z) Set Function Code 73 after setting other Function Codes. (*3) After setting the slave and auxiliary (Aux) inverters, set the master inverter. 5-16 1 1 1 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 9: FUNCTION CODE SETTINGS Function Function Display, Setting, Range Factory Min. Code SettIn • Unit 00 LED Digital Monitor Selection 00: Output Frequency (Hz) 01: Output Current (Amps) 02: Output Voltage (Volts) 03: Synchronous rpm (rpm) 04: Une Speed (m/min.) 00 — 01 Graphics Monitor Selection 00: Hz Arnp Monitor 01: Terminal Signal 1 02: Terminal Signal 2 00 — 02 Motor Noise Reduction 00 to 05 (code) 03 — 03 FM Terminal Output Level Calibration 00 to 99 (code) (6.5 to 10.3 VDC) 85 — 04 Automatic Torque Boost Control 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational 00 — 05 Torque Boost • 00 to 31 (code) 13/8* — 06 Torque Boost Fine Adjustment 00 to 09 (code) 00 ' — 07 Automatic Accel Decel Control ' 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational 00 . 08 Acceleration Time 1 (LCD) 0.01 to 3600 seconds 6/12*.* 0.01 09 Deceleration Time 1 (LCD) 0.01 to 3600 seconds ( 6/12** 0.01 10 Data Protection 00: Not Protected (changes) 01: Protected (no changes) 00*** — • 11 Maximum Frequency 00: 50 Hertz 01: 60 Hertz 02: 100 Hertz 03: 120 Hertz 04: Free (0.2 - 400 Hertz) 01 1 Hz- 12 Base Frequency 00: 50 Hertz 01: 60 Hertz 02: Free (0.2 - 400 Hertz) 01 1 Hz *Factory setting Is 13 for Inverters of 3.7 KW (5 HP) or less; setting Is 8 for Inverters of 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) or greater. **Factory setting forAccel Time 1 and Decel Time 1 is 6.0 for Inverters of 7.5 KW (10 HP) or less; setting Is 120 for inverters of 11 KW (15 HP) or greater. ***Press and hold STOP, then use UP/DOWN arrows to change setting; press SET to store change and release STOP. 5-17 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 1 Function Function Display, Setting. Range Factory Min. Code Setting Unit 13 Rated Output Voltage 00: 200 (400) VAC 01: 220 (440) VAC 02: 230 (460) VAC 03: Free (0 - 230 VAC) (0 - 460 VAC) 03 (LCD) 0 Volts 1 V (2V) 14 Number of Motor Poles 02:, 04:, 06:, 08:, 10:, 12 04 — 15 Operation Command 00: Keypad Panel Operation 01: Terminal Block Operation 02: Unk Adaptor Operation 00 — 16 Frequency Command ' 00: Digital (Keypad UP/DOWN key) 01: Analog (voltage, 0 -10 VDC) 02: Analog (voltage & current, 0 - 10 VDC plus 4 - 20 mA) 00 - 17 AcceVDecel Pattem 00: Unear 01: Weak "S" Curve 02: Strong "S" Curve 00 — 18 Normal/High Torque Dynamic Brakes 00: Normal Brake 01: High Torque Brake 00 — 19 Pattem Operation 00: Normal Operation 01: Pattern Operation 00 — 20 Restart After Instantaneous Power Failure 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational 00 , — 21 Coefficient for Une Speed (LCD) 0.00 - 200 0.01 0.0 22 Function Code Blocks Accessible 00: Basic Functions (00 - 22) 01: Basic & Standard Functions (00 - 62) 02: Basic, Standard, & High Level Functions (00 - 79) See Fig. 5-3 00 — 23 Acceleration Time 2 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 10.0 0.01 24 Acceleration Time 3 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 15.0 0.01 25 Acceleration Time 4 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 3.0 0.01 28 Deceleration Time 2 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 10.0 0.01 *0 VAC setting means the output voltage is relative to the AC supply line voltage. 5-18 AF-300B inverters GEK-85715 Function Function Display, Setting, Range Factory Min. ' Code Setting Unit 27 Deceleration Time 3 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 15.0 0.01 28 Deceleration Time 4 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 3.0 0.01 29 Multistep Speed Setting 1 (LCD) 0.00 - 400 Hertz 0.0 0.002 30 Timer 1 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 5.0 0.01 31 Multistep Speed Setting 2 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.0 0.002 32 Timer 2 (LCD) 0.01- 3600 seconds 5.0 0.01 33 Multistep Speed Setting 3 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.0 0.002 34 Acceleration Timer 3 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 5.0 0.01 _ 35 Multistep Speed Setting 4 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.0 0.002 36 Timer 4 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 5.0 0.01• - 37 Multistep Speed Setting 5 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.0 0.002 38 Timer 5 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 5.0 0.01 39 Multistep Speed Setting 6 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.0 0.002 . 40 Timer 6 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 5.0 0.01 41 Multistep Speed Setting 7 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.0 0.002 42 Timer 7 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 5.0 0.01 43 Electronic Thermal Overload Relay 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational (%) 01 (LCD) 90% 1% 44 High Umiter (LCD) 0 -100 % 100 1% 45 Low Umiter (LCD) 0 -100 % 0 1% 46 Bias Frequency* (LCD) 0 -100 % 0 1% *Frequency bias and frequency gain ere operational only when the frequency setting method is analog (Function Code 16 = 01 or 02). See WARNING In Section 1. 5-19 AF-3008 Inverters GEK-85715 1 1 i Function Function Display, Setting, Range Factory Min. Code . Setting Unit 47 Frequency Setting Signal Gain* (LCD) 0 - 200 % 100 1% . 48 Jump Frequency 1** (Frequency Rejection) (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 0 — 1 Hz 49 Jump Frequency 2** (Frequency Rejection) (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 0 1 Hz 50 Jump Frequency 3** (Frequency Rejection) (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 0 1 Hz 51 Jump Frequency Width (LCD) 0 - 5 Hertz 0 1 Hz 52 DC Brake " 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational • 00 — 53 DC Brake Starting Frequency (LCD) 0 - 60 Hertz 0 1 Hz 54 DC Brake Voltage 0 to 15 (code) 00 1% • 55 DC Braking Time (LCD) 0.01 - 30 seconds 0.10 0.01 56 Starting Frequency (LCD) 0 (0.2) - 60 Hertz 1 .. 1 Hz 57 Current Limiter 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational (30 -150%) 01 (LCD) 150% 1% 58 Slip Compensation Control 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational 00 — 59 Frequency Level Detection (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 60 1 Hz 60 FDT and FAR Signal Hysterisis (LCD) 0 - 30 Hertz 10 1 Hz 61 Run Signal Finishing Frequency (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 0 • 1 Hz 62*** Overload Early Warning Signal (LCD) 70 -150 % 100 1% *Frequency bias and frequency gain are operational only when the frequency setting method Is analog (Function Code 16 = 01 or 02). See WARNING in Section 1. **Function Code 51 sets width. ***For High Level Function Codes (63 - 82), see Table 10, 'Function Code Descriptions' in Section 6. 5-20 1 AF-300B inverters GEK-85715 Function Function Display. Setting. Range Factory Min. Code Settin s Unit 63 X1, X2, and X3 Terminal Function 00: Multi -Step Frequency Op. 01: RUN Key or FWD/REV Term. 02: DC Brake Operation 00 — — 64 FWD/REV Command Hold 00: 2-Wire Operation 01: 3-Wire Operation 02 . Switches Timer Oper. Mode 01 — 65 LV, OL, and FAR TerminalOutput Code 00: Output per FC 66, 67, 68 01: Binary speed step signal 00 — 66 LV Terminal Function (Signal Output) 00: Undervottage 01: Overvottage 00 — 67 OLTerrninal Function (Signal Output) 00: Overload Early Warning 01: Current Limit Monitoring 02: Undervottage 00 — 68 FAR Terminal Function (Signal Output) 00: Freq. Equivalence Detection 01: Setting Frequency Detection 02: Not Running Signal 00 — 69 RUN Terminal Function (Signal Output) 00: Run signal 01: Pattem Step Complete Signal 02: Pattem Complete Signal 00 — 70 FM Terminal Function (Signal Output) '00: Frequency -Meter 01: Output Current Meter .00 — 71 Inverter Number Entry For Unk Operation 00: For Master Record 01: Slave #1 (Auxiliary #1) Thru 15: Slave #15 (Auxiliary #15) 15 — 72 Number of Inverters Unked 00: Total Number of Inverters Thru 15: Connected (master and slave) 73 . Unk Mode Selection 00: Unk Non -Operational 01: Frequency Setting 02: Monitoring Signal 03: Unk Operational 00 • — 74 RUN Command Input In Unk Operation 00: RUN/STOP via Keypad Panel 01: RUN/STOP via Control Terms. 00 — 75 Slave Inverter Number Designation (To change Function Codes in slave iron master keypad) 00: Inverter # to be changed Thru 15: 16: Selects All Inverters 00 — 78 Sets Gain On Automatic Current Regulation 00: Based On Acel/Decel Rate 01: Quickest Response Thru 99: Slowest Response 00 1 5-21 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 Function Function Display, Setting, Range Factory Min. Code Setting Unit 77-79 Optional - Not Currently Used 80 Number of Bits for Frequency Setting 00: 4-Bit Binary Input 01: 8-Bit Binary Input 02: 12-Bit Binary Input 00 _ — 81 Monitoring Signal Output Code In Unk Operation 00: Set Output Data via Function Code for Each Inverter 00 — 82 Monitoring Mode In Unk 00: Operation Command Mode 01: Function Code Setting Mode 00 — NOTES: 5-22 0 )' 1. i AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 r 1 1 1 6. FUNCTION CODE DESCRIPTIONS TABLE 10: FUNCTION CODE DESCRIPTIONS Initial Settings Function Code Display . Function Explanation Fly Setting . After the purer supply is tamed on, or after completion of program, the 7 segment LED (4 digit) initial display data can be Changed. n n, U U' ; "I a ...+. ■ Den'NTR GRHC rITR SOUND 'VTR FM CRLIBR frequency (Hz] (during STOP). output frequency (Hz) (dam • Set• RUM (Illustration t).U! U n i n n U U C C C 6 UO 0 ,. w.... FREQUENCY liallilleill i • CCU • I LED DgitalMonitor Selection • CURRENT ■iUIII■II■ [01010121 Output current (AI display (virtual value) (Illustration 2). 0 0 0 3 II I�� � •� ,: FREQUENCY ■IIII/I■I■ C C uu 1 CURRENT ■IIIIIIII■ 2. ` Output voltage (VJ display (virtual vakie) (Illustration 3): Li C t.., t� ••� .�.. FREQUENCY ■IIIIIIII■ CURRENT ■IIIIIIII■ 3•. Synchronous rotation speed (rpm) display (Illustration 4). I Or U U - �•'"� FREQUENCY ■IIIIIIII■ CURRENT ■IIIIIIII■ 4. Line speed (rTUmin) display (Illustration 5). ge,6: ..... .::o::::::. CURRENT ■IIIIIIII■ 5. • For each display mode, using the SHIFT key. normally the display can be changed by Ths can be done while running. ['E*lI] • mom = I:2 3 i = rICOUCMCv rPIOUINCV —'. rt[OUCMCV aeamus eeeeeam C! eee.HuNe CV CU*I[MT ' uauem aueaa• uenmu re(OUCMCv 4,_aeeteeeN rt(•UCMCV 4— If IOUIrCV IlaaaII CUIICMT aeaual CU ueuual eeeeeaNI CUIeCNT IlaUSNIU For frequency display. possible by using the will not be displayed) one digit shift to the right or verification is SHIFT key. (At this tome the digit on the left - 161I,.1I1[,12: ;6J0.1010121 AF-300B Inverters GEK-8571 5 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting C1' I! w DGTL MNTR ■ GRHC MNTR MTR SOUND FM CRLIBR Graphics Monitor selection Ic11 Iul0) u n u 2 The LCD (liquid Crystal) display can be charged to the following 3 modes Output frequency (%I, output current [%] Graph display (Illustration 1). Control terminal strip monitor 6 U'U FREQUENCY ■ ■■■■■■■■■ CURRENT ■ ■■■■■■I■■ 1 (Illustration 2). r. w . v� ■ FWD OPT ■ REV ■RT2 ■ HLO Control terminal strip monitor 2 (Ilustration 3). 6 nln n U.!U U Wilms ■ LV ■X1 ■ OL ■X2 ■ AR ■X3 'FUN 2. 3. 0t ' With function. 1 1 the output frequency is a % of the set maximum frequency. (10% per block). . ® The output current is a % of the inverter rated current. (10% per block). © Control terminal strip monitor On is indicated by N. No indication . OFF. n Iin n u I!U U U 2t DGTL MNTR GRHC MNTR ■ MTR SOUND • FM CRLIBR Motor Noise Reduction 2 n u n u G. 2 5 Tchanged heesound quality of the sound produced by the motor can be D3! y w DGTL MNTR GRHC MNTR MTR SOUND ■ FM CRLIBR FM terminal Output Calibration 121©111© n u 3 9 9 This function regulates the frequency inrficstion meter voltage' level output from the FM terminal. Approx. 8.5 V 1 l Within ttis range regulation can be 1/100 Jr resolution Approx. 10.3 V FM • CM O- 0 ID3851 6-2 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting Automatically regulates the output voltage to correspond to the operating toad conditions. ' 1 U 1� ( J _ ^ ram. Monoperate : operates at set torque boost value 1 a 5 1 n U; n n U -1. U U ■ AUTO TRQ 01400 , Operate : auto torque boost. operates at set TRQ BOOST • u 1 0 i torque boost value ( u 5 ) until output TRQ FINE AUTO ACC currect exceeds 1009E inverter then it is increased automatically. nameplate rating. Automatic torque boost control Setting can be made from 32 types. motor characteristics. etc. depending on type of bad. CS s. u 5 u u For reduction torque load use ltan, pump. etc.) U S .1101 U B ' LJ AUTO TRQ • u 5 0 ! > o Weak l Strong ,' - , ,- '• For 75 HP or greater. ■ TRQ BOOST TRQ FINE AUTO ACC 0 5 0 2 Torque Boost S 1015131/1 + frequency Si. ► 3 For 5 HP or less. For torque boost vett a set at 0 5 1, the torque boost n U 6 : .,. • �- value an be fine edlusted. (10 Steps) . l H 6' 0 n AUTO TRQ (Example) • For to boost value set at u 5 TRQ BOOST 0 5 0 u Strong v 1 {0505 0504 0 TRQ FINE AUTO ACC f Fne Adjustment Of Torque 0.509 Boost y f Automatically determines the time corresponding to the load characteristics. n .71 Ul . "—. for and 8 sec for i The minimum times are 3 sec acceleration. . deceleration. (0--• 60Hz). n , n n U I t U U . AUTOTM TRQOBOOST n El>op u Norerate b time set by Function Code 8 and 09. 0 Operate (auto accelerationIdeceteration operation) . TRQ FINE ■ AUTO ACC Automatic Am-el/Decal Con ' u 1 ^ 0 1 I AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting 1 1 1 1 1 O For heavy inertia load. Q Does not function when momentary power failure restart 1210101 11, or current limit 5 ^, v is selected © Does not function for S curve acceleration/deceleration n n u n n u CB ■ ACCEL 1 DECEL 1 DATA PRTC Acceleration Time 1 w w IMMO • FirrFt 1 ■ DECEL 1 DATA PRTC Deceleration Time 1 M w AVM 61.00 .r w • WRY F \ 6.00 Setting is possible within the 0.01S to 3.600S range to correspond to load characteristics. Setting time Setting Resolution 0.01 - 9.99s 8y0.01s 10.00 - 99.90 s By O.1 s 100.0 - 999.0 s By 1 s 1000 - 3600 s By 10s Is selected when both RT1•CM and RT2-CM are OFF. IUe! 1.J � * v 10 S • For 10 HP or less; 12 sec. for 15 HP or greater. F 6.00 • • �ni iui • w ACCEL 1 DECEL 1 ■ DATA PRTC Data Protection BEEF DEEM For data that doss not need to be charged the set data can be -locked. No protect Protect 0 as keys - with the SET key. Q Change of data other than STOP key changes data. Data is stored is not possible. I�n�nn IU!UU AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Basic Functions Function Code Function'Explanation Factory Setting I It I It ■ MAX Hz BASE Hz RATED V MTR POLES Maximum Frequency n u n u 2 u 3 Sets maximum value for output frequency 50Hzmax 6OHzmax 100Hzmax 120Hzmax V t Maximum frequency f Between 0 to 400Hz. the maximum frequency can be set with 1 Hz resolution. Damage may result if commonly used motors, etc. which are designed for low speed use. are operated at maximum frequency. Operate motors at a frequency setting conforming to the motor characteristics. 1 I i n 1 I Il u I le NM rave MAX Hz BASE Hz RATED V MTR. POLES Base Frequency n u n n2 u Sets the base frequency. (frequency for specified torque characteristics and specified output characteristic divergent point! 50Hz 60Hz V 1 Base frequency Between 0 to 400Hz. the base frequency can be set with 1Hz resolution. tQ Operate at a setting conforming to the motor characteristics. A setting exceeding function code II is not possible. 1 2IU J'uJ ONO MAX Hz BASE Hz ■ FATED 1J MTR POLES Rated Output Voltage 8©88 SEEM I r 1310121 3 v 3 Sets the maximum value for the output voltage. 200V (400V) 220V (440V) 230V (460V) V 1 maximum voltage 0-230V (0-460V) When set at OV voltage relative to the AC supply voltage is output. Output of voltage exceeding the power supply votage is not possible. JIU J ( 0 V ) 6-5 . AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code . Display Funcaon Explanation Factory Setting The number of motor poles is set for the display of synchronous rpm. 2 pole conversion (3600 rpm). 4 pole conversion (1800 rpm). (Example) 6 pole conversion Display when 4 pole motor is (1rpm) operated at 60Hz. L„[ Me M„ . I Lill I l U I Il 1 4 u 2 MAX Hz BASE Hz RATED U 0 MTR POLES __ 1 4 u 4 14 u 5 Number of Motor Poles 8 pole r Prflccomersion ; 8 u u ■RPM 1 4 0 8 . 10 pole conversion (720 rpm) 12 pole conversion (600 rpm) 1 4 / 0 i 4 1 2 Selection can be made from the following 3 types. 1�j t I J ! :. ..„ Keypad operation mode ( RUN STOP keys) 1 5 0 0 (�i I S!U U Terminal strip mode (FWD, (Remote Operation) ' Link mode (group operation: REV, HLD terminals) see Funcaon Codes 71 through 82) ■OPRCOMND Hz COMND ACC PIN HTRQBRK r 5 n u ,• r 1 5 0 2 Operation .Comrmand Selection can be Digitdt setting ( Analog setting (DC Analog Ong (DC (Speed Pot + Process made from AL/ keys) 0 to 10V1 0 to 10V1 Follower) the following 3 types. (Keypad Operation) (Speed Pot. Remote) + (DC 4 to 20 mA) I1! NI NMI r Woos ; Eli0 p 1 ' 6 0 0 OPR COMND 1 Hz COMND ACC PIN H TRQ BRK 1 6 0 1 i 6 u 2 Frequency Command Even when 1 5 0 2 Oak operation is selected, monitor of setting frequency is possible. Selection Linear Week Strong f t can be made S cur S curve from f t the following (Fg. a) (Fig. (Fig. ; i , 3 types. b) c) f t �/ I 1 I I I t ,r w • w I n v u I -lin n I I! U U OPR COMND Hz COMND II ACC PTN Fem H TRQ BRK 1 n u 1 1 n v a Accel/Decel Pattem \ Fig. a Fg• b Ftg• c Does not function when 0 nr 0 I auto acceleration/ deceleration is selected. AF-300B Inverters GEK-8571 5 1 1 1 1 1 Function Code Display Function Flo Factory Ong Selection can be made from the following 2 types of regenerative Standard brake torque via internal DB resistor High brake torque via external DB resistor (option) B1 . W- i n n Btu u 1 8 u u OPR COMND HZ COMND ACC PTN II H TRQ BRK i 8 0 1 • For standard braking via intemal DB resistor, braking operates below 661-tz output frequency. • For high braking via external DB resistor, braking operates throughout full output frequency range For Toads requiring an instantaneous stop, set the high brake mode and connect the optional external DB resistor NormaUHigh Torque Dynamic Selects between operatsonon0per'ate for pattern Operation » w .�.. I r n 9!LJ set t,fun n 29 to ye _ Nonoperate (standard multistep frequency operation) Operate (pattern operation) II PTN OPR RESTART FUNC BLK ! 9 0 0 l 9 D ; See function codes 2 9 to y 2 for pattern operation Pattern Operation details. mode for power failure and eta (No operation command: irnerter stop with operation command: under voltage trip) Operate (Picks up the free running motor n i �u. ± n n n Bu!uu 2o�c PTN OPR •0 RESTART MNTR COEF FUNC BLK 2 C r t Restart After Instantaneous Power Failure C) For a u a i . operates only until UJ light goes out. The I.0 light times for each unit is listed in the table below. (sec). OSHP 1HP 2HP 3HP 5HP 7SHP 10HP 15HP 20HP 25HP 30HP 1.4 1.4 2 35 3.5 6 10 ' 14 20 20 24 6-7 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Function Code Display • Function Explanation Factory Setting Coefficient K is for display of mhnin Display value output frequency x K . Display output frequency (syncr+s) x 0.00 i 001 resolution is possiole when K a_o to 200 Ita 1, Nsw ,,,� F coefficient Hz x 0 , 000 PTN OPR RESTART ■ MNTR COEF FUNC BLK ti r o I LOU I Displays output frequency iuus) x 200 1 If the value for output frequency x K exceeds 9999. 9999 is displayed. . (Example) K . 200 at output 100HZ Coefficient for Line Speed F coefficient Hz x 200 100Hz x K• 20,000 -• display 9 9 9' 9 The function code block display range for function codes can be defined. 2 2 .. w • ."� U U PTN OPR RESTART MNTR COEF 0 FUNC BLK Up to basic function display (ITT; -' 2 2 .2 2 CO • Up to standard function display C 0 -► 6 2 2 2 u I Function Blocks Used Function display ( C u^ - 7 9 2 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Standard Functions Function Code Display . Function Explanation • Factory Setting • Setting between the 0.01S to 3600S range is possible to. correspond to the load characteristics. 0.01to9.99S:By0.01S 10.00 to 99.90S: By 0.1 S 100.0to999.OS:By1S 1000 to 3600S: By 10S Selection of acceleration times 1 through 4 is made via RT1 and RT2 terminal combinations. l �; �' 1• �1• " ... - 2 , w ... W.. -fi,o ' 10.00 i S ACCEL 2 ACCEL 4 F p / 10 . ' • 0 0 S t t Acceleration Time 2 Function Code 8 23 25 25 Multiple Aocel. ACCEL 1 ACCEL 2 ACCEL 3 ACCEL 4 2 1 Li' ; MN owl •.... 1 • OM RT1 •• Cit OFF ON OFF ON us 15 . 0 0 • S WanR12 • CM OFF OFF ON ON ACCEL 2 • ACCEL 3 4 time equals the time required to reach the settAI:CEL maximum frequency from zero. (0 max. set freq.) � /1, 1 5 . 00*setting S t Indicates time change (sec.) from 0 up to ( I l „ setting) lime 3 nam NIAcceleration • ffmax 11713.00 1 w • � t ACCEL 2 ACCEL 3 _ ii ACCEL 4 F,,o 3 . 0 0 f/ i S t Acceleration Time 4 • r acceleration set time 6-9 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code DisPlay Function Explanation Factory Settling 1 1 1 1 2 6: Ns •••• • • NON. • DECEL 2 DECEL 3 DECEI_ Deceleration Time 2 DECEL 2 ▪ DECEL 3 DECEL Deceleration Time 3 E3: IN /IV WINN DECEL 2 DECEL 3 ▪ DECEL 4 Deceleration Time 4 2 6: 10 . 00 2 m 15.00 28; WN▪ W 3.00 t Setting between the 0.01S to 3600S range is possible to correspond to the load charactenstics. 0.01 to 9.99S : By 0.01S 10.00 to 99.905: By 0.1S 100.0 to 999.0S : By 1S 1000 to 3600S : By 10S Selection of deceleration times 1 thru 4 is made via RT1 and RT2 terminal combinations. Function Code 9 26 27 28 Multiple Decal. Setting Decel. 1 Decal. 2 Decal. 3 Decd. 4 RT1 - CM CFF ON OFF ON RT2 • CM OFF OFF ON ON * The setting time equals the time required to reach 0 ram the maximum frequency. (max. frequency •—b 0) Indicates time change (sec.) from ( setting to 0). f Deceleration set time 2 8: IN Nu 60/.. 10 . 00 2 01. • • """ 15.00 s 28: 00. MN 3.00 6-10 AF-30OB Inverters GEK-8571 5 • Function Code Display Function Explanation Faces Y Ong 8 step multi -step frequency operation is possible through 2 Si .,. • j�'j� 2 S� ,r �„ : 'I. 2 Si. .. w .,� of the control terminals Xl. X2. X3 (for 1 9 0 0 � .— switching setting) ( ng resolution) F 0 . 0 0 Hz ■ I SPD 1 T TIMER 1 MOLT SPD2 TIMER 2 F 10.00 H 2 Multistep t t set value 0 — 1.000— 10.00— 100.0 — Maximum Iroquencv 1.000Hz 10.0OHz 100.0Hz Hz , I; 1� �• Mtitistep Speed Setting t 3 1i 1, .. . "`.' 3 " "' :.r.. 60Hz 0.002Hz O.O1Hz 0.1Hz — F 300Hz 0.01Hz 0.01Hz 0.1Hz 1Hz _} 0.00 HZ F _ f 20.00 Hz MULTSPD1 TIMER I ■ MULT SPD2 TIMER 2 400Hz 0.02Hz 0.01Hz 0.1Hz 1Hz t t (Relationship between the terminals and multistep frequency 1 to 71 3 3' „._ Multistep Speed Setting 2 Function code 16 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 F _ _ 3 3 t . . �w 4. Wm* Muni frequency step b9 Digital b t Speed 2 Speed 7 Spsed ♦ SWed 5 Speed a Speed 7 0.00 Hz t XI -CM OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON ■ MULT SPD3 TIMER 3 MOLT SPD 4 TIMER 4 OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON 3 5; � .�.. . w X2-CM X3-CM OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON F,_ Multistep Speed Setting 3 0.00 Hz 33i w w MS t 35' �.. •-� t � F 30.00 H z m Speed 4 3 1i MULT SPD3 TIMER 3 MULT SPD 4 TIMER 4 t g o 1 So sd 2 SPNd 1 sow e Speed 3 Speed 3- F 0. 0 0 H Z 5; w . ""� w Multistep Speed Setting 4 Digital • Speed 1 7 t 1 _ f t IMO • ... �40 .00 H Z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 r 3 t On • Mu ' r1 :...... ■ MULT SPD5 TIMERS MULT SPD6 TIMER t XI -CM F ; f 0.00 • I 1 H z 3 �� 1r le MINIXZ-CX2-CIA1 : .1~. 1 t X3-CM Multistep Speed Setting 5 F__ 50. 0 Hz r 3 t • w r1ei" FWD -CM it -- �t F _ 0 . 0 0 Hz t• MULT SPDS TIMER ■ MULT SPD6 TIMER 6 • 3 Sit ' " " : "` ® When Xt-CM. X2-CM, X3-CM are aN OFF, digital ( A V keys). or analog (DC setting is made by 0 to +t OV. 4 to 20mA) F _ _ �60.00 H z Multistep Speed Setting 6 which is selected by function 1 6 1 4 w t ® A setting exceeding the maximum frequency set by ■ MULT SPD7 . TIMER 7 t ' r ■. is be! possible.I u _l I� t �„ : .... ® whets 1 9 0 ; is set. pattern operation is active. F 760.00 H Z Multistep Speed Setting 7 O When S 3 Q v is set. multi -step frequency t thru 7 y t witching is possible via X1. X2. X3 terminals. 1 1 s AF-300B Inverters GEK-8571 5 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting ni ! • :� non n 3 U ! U U ; --- , W-- non Ell', 3 U ! U U , " When ; 9 u ; is set, pattern operation is possible by , multi -step When in X1, X2. Pt, c m 1 frequency 1 thru 7 combination. pattern operation, no frequency changeover via the X3 terminals is necessary. • throu9 opnumerical eration switches to stop frequencies 1 h 7 in \ Step 4 step Step 5 Step sum I 6 1 step 2 , ; ; , step F _ - 5.00 ' S MULT SPD 1 MULT 111TIMER1 MULT SPD2 TIMER 2 F 0.01 t t Timer 1 3 21 n 3 U 3 • � n 2!U j ;• u .: w • .,,,,, 3. 1 � � • F 5.00 S F 0.01 S MOLT SPD 1 TIMER 1 MOLT SPD2 0 TIMt£J? 2 t t 3. LPL' 2; '— Timer 2 F • 5.0 0 1 s MO Wes*4 2, n n " w MULT SPD3 ■ TIMER 3 MULT SPD 4 TIMER4 t F / 1 0.01 S 1 1 1 1 1 3 t o (� 6!U 1 , — 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 .Tim.r!TimerTIMID, Tune .riTer Timer Timer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -, t (Rotation direction and acceleration/deceleration time( Function codes t Timer 3 F >J 5 . 0 0 : w t MULT SPD3 TIMER 3 MOLT SPD 4 IITIMER 4 ] J U ! U L. "' F. 5.00 S 30 32 34 36 Fire!4 0 Eli 2 Timer4 By using the chart below to see the code, rotation direction and acceleration/deceleration time can be determined.' B. : ....... t MOLT SPDS ■ TIMER 5 MOLT SPD6 TIMER 6 U 1 U U ~ w- Oats Code Rotation Acceleration Tome le ation • Deceleration Time F 5.00 /"'I S F0^vab ACCEL 1 0 8 iTi S.. DECEL 1 v Timer 5 (FWD) 1 U ! PCCEL 2 2 3.. © 6.. DECEL 2 ..0 : uw 1 2! U I "- MILT SPD3 TIMER 5 MOLT SPD6 S TIMER 6 ACCEL 3 2 `I.. 2 ^.. DECEL 3 �.0 2 F�--� 5•: 00 /' S PCCEL 4 2 5 2 8 DECEL 4 �0 0 3 t Timer 6 R(REV)eVefSe ACCEL 10 8 0 911 DECEL 1 I ME O'0 Y MULT SPD7 ■ TIMER ACCEL 2 2 3 2 6 DECEL 2 0 5 PCCEL3 2 Y 2 n DECEL3 0 6 Timer,7 ACCEL 4 2 5 2 8.1 DECEL 4 u rt• 6-12 AF-30013 Inverters GEK-8571 5 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting • • When the next frequency in the process is higher than the present frequency. the acceleration time will be automatically selected. If the next frequency is lower than the present frequency, the deceleration time will be automatically selected. , (Example 1 I when data code is 3 2 u u --- f St.o 2 f 1 St.p 1 t Step 1 Step 2 t. may. --• t Function code 08 setting Function code Acceleration Time Deceleration .4—*. —. 09 setting Time (Example 2 I when data code is 3 2 u `f Step 1 f s 0 1 -. m a cc t -M Sap 2 ii—ssiFunction code 09 setting Deceleration Time (Timer Setting) After setting the rotation direction time. set the timer. Function code 08 setting Acceleration Time and acceleration/deceleration Timer Setting Setting Resolution 0.01-9.99sec 0.Olsec 10.00-99.90sec O.lsec . 100.0-999.0sec lsec 1000-3600sec lOsec The time a cce4eration/deceleration. less than the conditions, frequency m O t/\ set on the timer time required it will proceed is reached. includes Therefore, for to the e the time required for if the time set on the timer is the acceleration.deceleration next process before the set step Step 1 • •o . • ` Star, 2 '. `‘ St.o 2 : Timor ' i 4 --------/ Required acceleration time 6-13 i AF-3008 Inverters GEK-8571 5 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting • (Pattern operation method) Q Keypad Panel Operation The key functions are changed as follows: . RUN key : Start operation STOP key. Temporary stop of inverter operation (pause) • RESET key : Tither reset (The next RUN input will start operation from Step 1) * RESET (or paused). (Example • m m 1 key only 11 Step 1 functions when the inverter is stopped Step 4 Step 3 Step 5 Step 2 Step 6 Step RUN - (Example 21 During this span. Remaining time is not operation time counted. for Time 1 O _ Step 1 1 1 1 ._ Step 1 1 1 . RUN STOP RUN (Example 31 Step 3 Step 1 Step 2 Step 2 i Step 1 .. RUN STOP RESET RUN 6-14 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Explanation Factory Setting Control Terminal (Remote) Operation • The terminal functions are changed as follows: FWD -CM - ON : Start operation FWD -CM - OFF : Stop timer operation (resets timer)' REV -CM - ON : Temporarily stop timer (p8use) (pause) T FWD -CM Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Step 4 Steo 5 SW 6 Step 7 t !Example 21 —► Output frequency FWD -CM During this span. Remaining time is not operation time counted. for Timer 1 A Steo 1 1 Step "0 t REV -CM !Example 31 FWD -CM step Stec 1 ' Step 1 Sao 2 Step 3 ~ t 0 During pattern operation. if RT1-CM. RT2-CM terminals are ON/OFF, operation will switch to acceleration. deceleration times, set by 12131 to 2 E Q During pattern operation. N X1CM, X2-CM. X3-CM terminals are ON/OFF, operation wiN switch to multi -step frequencies 1 to 7 set by29 FIT 33 35 3" 13191 however, the Omens not stopped by operation of RT1, RT2. X1. X2. or X3 terminals. AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting Coirlmonly used motor (4 pole) over -heating protection is possible. (ad frequency range protection possible) Nonoperate Operate (electronic thermal protection operation) Setting range 30 to 105%, 1% resolution. Setting value % . K x Motor rated current (.. � 1 l : tI 3 u u ■ ERCTRN OL H LIMITER L LIMITER. FREQ BIAS L.{ 3:0 I .. r, t 100 1 X Electronic Thermal Overload Relay • Lf II 1 1 I .7! LJ I 7 w • . "'— I . Inverter rated current K . 1.0 (when 50Hz is base frequency) K . 1.1 (when 60Hz is base frequency) Continuous allowable current characteristics t 100 k....; X (100%) 110' a loop 3 �' e 10' a fa a: . 30 Setting 10s% who mx 1 20 • lo. 0 0 io 20 70 10 SO 10 70 00 -••Invenar frequency IHz1 Electronic Thermal Operation Characteristic -• Operation time Imn.l • Ofte. 110 20 40 10 00 100 120 140 110 110 200 ..Load factor MI 6-16 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code . Display Function Explanation Factory Setting The output frequency for the upper limit as well as the lower limit • I : •• "" are set at a % Of the maximum frequency (Function Code 11). I 1 1 r �1 r rr—, Ra �1 elk aft, . eV 10 0 ERCTRN OL ■ H LIMITER -- 10 0 — 0 to 100%, i %resolution % L LIMITER FREQ BIAS % High Limiter 14 . 5 ' �_w � w aw ew I LI 5 : -- Lf 5 o. 0�— 100% ' 0 EPCTRN OL 0 0 to 100%, 1% Hi Limiter H LIMITER ■ L LIMITER BIAS %urn FREQ Low limiter 5 O Lo Limiter ! ► Frequency setting 100% M. Outputcorrespondingto the frequency setting a biased frequency. .. w LI 6 .: : �— y 6 w w set as a %of the maximum frequency I� 6, : r-- 0 to 100%, 1% resolution. ERCTRN OL H LIMITER, LLIMITER T 0 100%' ■ FREQ BIAS • Bias Frequency m ,•� i O • • Bias Frequency setting 100% NOTE: Frequency Bias is operative only when frequency setting method is analog (Function Code 16 •• 01 or 02). See WARNING in Section 1. WARNING: Bias is operational when Function Code 16 •• 01 or 02. When the inverter does not have run command. the reference frequency flashes on the display. When bias is operational and the speed ref. is zero. the display flashes zero. When a runt command is given, the motor runs at the bias setting, even though the display was flashing zero. 6-17 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 Function Code Display • Function Explanation , Factry Setting .. A rationed frequency corresponding to the put. It is set as a % of the maximum frequency. (Higher than the maximum frequency is not 200% 0 to 200%, 144 resolution. DC 0 to +5V Correspondence is possible at terminals 12 • and 11 (12 is positive). • - frequency setting output) , / i ri ri r r is out- Li 7' if ...,. WIMP 0 4140.4 1 -, 1 11 „„, ,..... ' Mon LI -1: N. ..., A . .... — FIZ- - 1 00% i FREQ GAIN JUMP Hz 1 JUMP.r. Hz 2 JUMP Hz 3 F 47 - --100 41t. X F• . . Gain Fcr Frequency Setting Signal 100% 70% . _. • 100% - - — • • • fli• f t ,' . . .1 it f . T . • . vi 1 • 1 • 1 . i • -i set signal 100% -• f set signal 100% (Gain 70% ExamPlel (Gain 200% Example] Frequency gain is operative onty when frequency setting method is analog I 6 0 1 . I 6 0 2 The frequency point and (3 location . 0 to 400Hz, ... _. a: jumps to prevent the load the inverter output frequency from setting possible) 1Hz resof • . mechanical overlapping. , r resonance 1 y B; ... .... LIB, ft .... : MAN% Li 0 01 Fku / 0 H z F / 0 4eT Hz FREQ GAIN I JUMP Hz / JUMP Hz 2 JUMP Fix 3 • . Jump Frequency 1 LI Ell PM IPS LI 9: oft we , .v... 1-1 I 9' • . ewe i :-- / 1 ., I i Setting 2 0 H z FREQ Ill GAIN JUMP Hz I JUMP Hz 2 JUMP Hz 3 F ker H z 0 f t . . "."-- 1 / I 1 i Setting 3 Jump Frequency 2 4 s i • i . • . S n i ui .. - : ..... n . s u i - : ".. • ..... -0 Setting frequency f A 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5Hz jump width is possible. • / F / - - : ' 0 417 Hz FREQ GAIN JUMP Hz 1 JUMP Hz 2 ' 0 JUMP Hz 3 . / - - - 0 Hz Jump Frequency 3 5 II 1 i s. am : sa... 5 I i . : IMAM Jumpfrequency width . 50% -1.. 5443b Jump frequency setting value 5 " I I is ..... : ism. F4 0 Hz 1 0 *.• H z N J HYSTR DC BRAKE DC BRK Hz .. - DC BRK V . / Jump Frequency Range 6-18 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code Dist><ay , Function Explanation Factory Setting 5 : - ......Switches current brake between Operate / Nonoperate. • 5 2 0 0 Nonoperate (only dynamic brake) (mustrabon 1). g ;• �--, Eli 5 2! U U J HYSTR ■ DC BRA S $ _ s` 0 1 cc . N [Non operatal , Free -run stop DC BRK Hz DC BRK V 5 2 u : DC Brake —.t Operate :1---- Dynamic brake (DC brake after dynamic s brake) (Illustration 2). 2. 3 c I [Operate) DC brake stop Dynamic brake brake frequency Setting for the DC starting 0 to 60Hz.1Hz resolution (except at 0Hz braking is from 0.2 Hz) 5 J : , r 5 v FN 0 H Z J HYSTP. DC BRAKE ■DCBRKHz 5 4 u v Week t , Setting can be made from 16 different DC brake •strength DCBRKV DC Brake Starting Frequency settings. . Ili 5 '-4'� y ..... S S 5 LI; Brake strength changes according to the motor characteristic J HYSTR DC BRAKE DC BRK Hz ■DCBP.Kt! A 0.01 to 30 sec. time span setting is possible (try to match load inertia). DC Brake voltage Setting Range Setting Resolution 5 5� : WI -ft- 0.01-9.99sec O.Olsec 55 i : '-- 10.00-30.00sec O. lsec ■SCBRKT START Hz ILIMITER SLIP COMP I 0.10 l 0 m i I t Brake start frequency DC Braking Time • iBrake I, —t retention timer+ r-- _Brake voltage 8 t 6-19 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 i Function Code Dray Function Explanation Factory Setting 5: • M w DC BRK T ■ START Hz I LIMITER SLIP COMP Starting Frequency SS • fib w 0 HZ F The start frequency setting can be from 0.2Hz to 60Hz, 1Hz resolution. 0Hz (0.2Hz start) 60Hz Start frequency -• t SS: 1 Hz I w rrr • DCBRKT START Hz ■ ILIMITER SLIP COMP Current Limiter SI fr IMO w••• I -- 150 X t- 5 n n u 5 n n u When the output current reaches the current limit level. the output frequency is automatically lowered to avoid overcurrent trip. Nonoperate Operate (operates at 30 to 150% of the inverter rating, 1% setting resolution. s c am O Current limit setting value —t t 00 Does not operate for deceleration. © When using this function, the automatic function does not operate. (150%) 58 DC BRK T START Hz I LIMITER ■ SLIP COMP Slip Compensation Contra 5 8 n u n v EEO Autamaticaily judges the relative size of the load by the output current fluctuations, and regulates the inverter frequency for consistent rpm operation. (controls speed fluctuations to 1/3 of normal slip) Nonoperate (no slip compensation( Operate (with stip compensation) No slip compensation With slip compensation -+ Rotation speed Operates only during constant speed operation. ' 6-20 AF-300B Inverters GEK-8571 5 1 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Ong The FAR -CM terminal. ON signal is output when the output frequency g00s above the frequency IQVEi detection. _ Q 5 J . .... Y „� -r n .1_•l5 ��-.f{ w v 'vim `S1 I 5 Sij w w " The OFF level is set by 6 ■ FDT HzFDT HYSTR RUN FINSH OL WARN . 6 0 H z ( _ _ 1 H z o to 400Hz• 0 to 300Hz, a 1Hz resolution. 1 Hz resolution. FDT signal output start frequency Frequency Level Detection 5 Di • : .... uU' N :-,- w 6D :w FDT Hz ■ FDT HYSTR RUN FINSH OL WARN 10 Hz = 1 10 ; o / -_--t-- 1 u r 1 T Hysteresis width 1 1 FDT And FAR Signal Hysteresis ' FAR -CM -. t When 680 I is set the FDT signal is operative. The RUN -CM terminal frequency goes 0 to 400Hz. 1 Hz ON signal is output when the output above the RUN signal finishing frequency.•I resolution. RUN signal output frequency b i i a 1•MO 1 Mr'" v C Q i ; 0 H z F1Z 0 H z • FDT Hz FDT HYSTR a RUN F INSH OL WARN lxr . RUN Signal Finishing Frequency • O 1 II - ---t- -------- —t When 6 9 u 0 is set. the RUN signal is operative. The OL•CM t.trr exceeris the overtoed 70%to 150%• 1% m g O t na ON rescln _ signal early utio is output warning signal (103%corresponds when the output current value for over 10 sea to inverter rating) Waring level i • ,, r WU Moms C 0 r 1 '; vV w I -- 100 1 X -- 1 1 z FDT Hz FDT HYSTR RUN F I NSH ■ OL WARN Overload Early Warning Signal tx-CMs.00ro :—: - :— — t 1 Samna 10When 6 n u u is set the Ol signal is operative. 6-21 1 i 1 1 1 1 AF-30OB Inverters GEK-85715 High Level Functions Function Code • Display Function Explanation Factory Setting 6 .J I . "-' The terminal X1. X2, X3 functions can be changed to the following 3 types via the data setting. 8 step multi -step frequency operation is possible through CC D!UU tu II X1-X2-X3 HOLD FUHC LU-OL-FAR 6 3 u u switching X1. X2. X3. See function codes 2 9 [3 3 3 3 5 3 '7 3 9 Y i for details on multistep frequency X1, X2. and X3 Terminal Function operation. During operation. with RUN key «FWD. REV terminals: • 6 3 u 1 When X1-CM is ON: output frequency increase When X1-CM is OFF: output frequency fixed When X2-CM is ON: output frequency decrease When X2-CM is OFF: output frequency fixed The up/down variable speed is determined by the acceleratioNdeceleration time setting value. tQ X3-CM terminal ON/OFF is ignored. :Q When both X1-CM and X2 CM ere ON at the same time. the frequency at that time is fixed. Qa Hi limiter And LO limiter take precedence ( y i , Firs] f Q Always at 0Hz for operation start Qs Operative only when frequency setting is by digital method 160 © When there is no operation command ( RUN . FWD. REV). X1. X2 input is ignored. QQ A V key input is ignored. 3 feria d F1Mp�11 . -p xt1 i--i xt-cw • 6-22 Function Code Display 6 3 2 Function Explanation When DC brake is selected by ©®80 with X1-CM - ON: DC brake during stop with XI -CM = OFF: brake reset 8 DC Brake xi-cM (Example 5 3 :Osecl AF.300BJmerters GEK-85715 r- °The strength et the DC brake is set by. 5 Y e Operation command take precedence. ( RUN . FWD. REV) (While X1.CM is ON, if FWD -CM isON: DC brake reset) 0 X2-CM, X3 CM terminal ON/OFF is ignored. • OM DC current continues to flaw to the motor during the X1-CM • On period. be careful of temperature rise, (When long periods of DC braking are required. measure the temperature continuously). ® DC brake frequency (Function Code 53) and OC brake time (Function Code 55) are ignored. CAUTION: Motor may overheat if DC brake is left turned ON for too fig. Factory Setting 6-23 AF-3008 Inverters GEK-8571 5 1 1 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting ' Depending on the data selection, the •HLD terminal function can be changed to the following 3 types. 6 I -- 2 (Maintained Contacts) 6 U f b'I u' xi-XZ-X3 ■ HOLD FUNC LU-OL-FAR wire operation . — When terminal strip (remote) operation ( / 5 u ; ) is selected, the following operation ICom.otonl g — t rrro results . FWD/REV Command Hold (3-Wire Control) REV -CM CM REV When both FWD -CM and REV -CM are ON at deceleration stop results. HLD terminal input 3 wire operation (Momentary Contacts) the same is ignored. time, b Y u 11 When Terminal strip (remote) operation ( 1 5 0 1 ) is selected, the following operation 1 results. tMD • • -OA nix; -OA ignore REV -OA hyler. ; ' tat Mom nsci .II n KV ti l0woe ©When HLD-CM is ON : and FWD -CM is ON for afar Forward HLD-CM is OFF : Stop m When HLD-CM is on and REV -CM is ON far over 10 Reverse HLD-CM is OFF : Stop ® During the period when HLDCM is ON, either the REV signal, whichever is input first, takes precedence. • @When HLD-CM is OFF, if FWD and REV signal are input. 2 wire operation will result. ® Operation will not start if FWD. REV signal t (time) is 10 rnsec. 10 msec. : msec. : FWD or less than 6-24 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 1 1 1 Display Function Ezplartation Factory Setting Fun�t;ur Code . Switches operation mode. s Y u 2 When I6I'1I0I0I 6 1 O 1 with 15 . 01, 19 = 01, and • • . • 64 - 01, HLD is ignored. 1 1 3 6 7 S 2 6 2 6 0 U When 6 41 0 2 : with HLD-CM in OFF, returns to the 1 st step after 1 cycle of operation. 1 3 S 2 1 I1�t91 0 With HLD-CM operation. in ON, maintains the 7th step level after 1 cycle of • 6 ' 1 • o o Only operative when 19 0 I pattern operation is selected. With 19 u 0 , normal 2 wire (Maintained Contacts) operation results (same as 6 4 0 v )• 6-25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 . Function Code DisPay Function Explanation Factory Setting 5 5: „ „ /„ : �- • The signal data output from LV. OL, FAR terminals can be S Slu u xi-X2-X3 HOLD FUNC 1 LV-OL-FAR LV terminal outputs the signal selected by 6 6 6 5 0 0 , OL terminal outputs the signal selected by 6 n LV, OL and FAR Temtinal Output Code • FAR terminal outputs the signal selected by 6 8 6 5 0 1 When 1 9 0 1 pattern operation is selected, a binary signal equivalent to 1st speed -• 7th speed is output from I.V. OL. FAR terminals. 's:..e 2 3 4 5 6 ? FAR 1 0 1 0 .1 0 1 OL 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 LV 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 : ON • 0 : OFF 2 1 , s a 7 r— —t • CV/ 1 1 L@ 1 1 1 • With 1 9 u 0 , there is no output. 6-26 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 t 1 i Function Code 6: Ns NV/ ■ L'J FUNC OL FUNC FAR FUNC LV Terminal Function LU FUNC 0L FUNC FAR FUNC OL Terminal Function DisplayFunction Explanation Factory Setting r u I The function for terminal LV can be switched between the following 2 types. 6 6 r U U Only operative for 6 5 u u Under-dtage signal (LU signal) is output from LV. i 0 � - 4G0m. 150V __- •----. Como! power rum* OFf IPA/ LV II II The below longer The ter 1 W signal is output approx.150V to exists. -voltage signal r from the time the power voltage drops the point where the control power no • (OU signal) is output from the LV terminal. . Joao.. levy a ow n u I 0 t t.v I I . t L TI The OU signal. when activated' for over voltage protection. is output from the LV Demrinal. The OU signal is maintained until alarm reset is performed. ( RESET key or RSTCM (momentary) - ON) . The function for terminal OL can be switched between the following 3 types. 6 1 ii U LJ Only operative for 6 5 0 0 The inverter over -load early warning signal IOL signal) is output • u ft from the OL terminal. See 6 2 for signal details. The current the OL -limiting monitoring signal (CL signal) is output from terminal. 1 • un.x r f CO 1 ©©n I , . v a t 01 •i 6-27 AF-300B inverters GEK-8571 5 1 Function Code . Display Function Explanation Ferry Setting The under vohage signal (IP signagls output from the OL terminal. 6 . 2 Signal output when in 2000 AUTO restart nonoperate. # _ - - ---- t --- 1 �aao■.'t5av ConOa sower taody OFF iwM OL H 11 1 PRO -CAI I , I or , LV t c I RESET 1 Or RST-c,I ON REV -CIA Signal output when in 200 i restarting. operate. E\f-1H , I : Nmtn l operator • restart operation The signal output from the FAR terminal can be selected from the following 3 types. r n 7� --f t UU LJ w — W`" The frequency equivalence detection signal (FAR signal) is output from the FAR terminal. IS j�'�j ; 1-1 n `--' • U U 6 8 0 0 LV FUHC OL RIM C The hysteresis width is set by 6,0 - A. FAR Terminal Function . ', rt t t FAR The setting frequency detection signal (FDT signal) is output at the FAR teminal. 680 ; See 5 5 for signal details. During inverter operation "Not Run" signal (STOP signal) is output as the FAR terminal. The signal ON/OFF level is set by 6 8 0 2 6t�� The RUN • signal's inverse is output. Q© RUN sepsel mart Ono tO0..nev f, FAR 1 I 6-28 i1 AF-300B inverters GEK-85715 1 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting The following 3 types of signal output at the RUN terminal can be. selected. 6 9 : �.. The inverter operation signed (RUN signal) is output at the RUN . 9I UnI IS U 6 9 0 0 ■ RUN FUNC FM FUNC terminal. The signal ON/OFF level is set by. 5 ; BeRUN sgrW output end Run Temunal Function For 1 9 u 1 pattern operation, the time -up signal 6 9 0 1 (TP signal) of each � 1 t is output by the RUN terminal. (outputs at time -up point timer) 7 S 2 , t a t t RUN "I I— 200msac . No signal output when 1 9 0 0 For pattern operation 1 9 0 1 . the cycle completed 6 9 v 2 signal end point) - t (TO signal) is output at the RUN terminal. (outputs at 7 step • 6 2 ` t IeJfl 20o m s.c Also for the continuation of timer operation by 6 4 u 2 the TO signal is output at 7 step end point. 6-29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AF-3O08 Inverters G EK-85715 Function Code Display Function Explanation Factory Setting - , The fdb+ving 2 types of monitor signals output by the FM terminal Can be selected. --.1 n i U' 7 n n n u v Hz meter, vdtage is output by the FM terminal. ' t 'U U RUN FUNC S FM FUNC FREQUENCY METER: Voltage is output by the FM terminal. 0 3 (Max. frequency [Function Code 11] can be adjusted between 6.5 and 103 VDC.) .In,, • , r u u • Output current monitor, voltage is output by the FM terminal. FM Terminal Function lbttage adjustment is performed by v 3 (A current which is 15 times the inverter rated current can be adjusted between 6.5 and 103 VDC.) • • • • 6-30 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Function Code Function Explanations Factory Setting —It 1 I1 ■ N0. ENTRY TL UNITS Inverter Unit No. Entry For Link Operation (All Inverters) n u u n n u 1^1:10121 ►r;l 11�13I III/111s1 Determines the function of the various inverters when performing knk operation. Err4 will result when 2 identical numbers are recorded within the same group. for Master record Slave No.1 (Auxiliary No.1 for input terminal link) Slave No.2 (Auxiliary No.2 for input terminal link) Slave No.3 (Auxiliary No.3 for input terminal link) Slave No.4 Slave No.15 Always record the inverter numbers consecutively from lowest to highest. It I — N0. ENTRY ■ TL UNITS Number of Units Linked (Central Inverter) 2 n u n u 2 5 Needed only for Master setting Record the total number of units connected (Master and Slave!. When the total number connected is greater than the recorded number of inverters. When'the total number connected is less than the recorded number of inverters. The number of not -• inked inverter will appear. Err4 112!U UI • We▪ i▪ n 4 ■ LINK MODE INPUT SEL .. N0. SELECT Unk Mode (All Inverters) 3 n u '73u1 '13u2 '73un3 Link Mode Selection Link Nonoperate (After Err4 reset. automatically returns to - (for Mater) Frequency Setting -. SET -. Monitoring Signal -. SET Link Operation -• SET -. 3 v ►8lolxlx1 181 l lxlxl 18I21x1x1 _I 30 U 6-31 AF-3008 Inverters GEK-8571 5 1 Function Code Oispay _ Function Explanation Factory Setting Setting for Master (required for link operation) Selects interface for Master 1502 (ink) operation Control. RUN/STOP via operation panel RUN/STOP via tem* al block .. -•• , u t 1!U U LINK MODE il INPUT SEL NO. SELECT n Y C u n Y u ; Run Command Input Link Operation (Central Inverter) In • C I ' " . ". Setting for Master (required for link operation) Record command inverter No. (Individual command) • (Total number command) , U LJ r' 5 u u LINK MODE INPUT SEL ■ NO. SELECT S n 5 15 Inverter Unit No. (Central Inverter Only) '1 5 i 6 Selects number of bits for frequency input 4 Bit binary input • Bn tMa U 1 . - 8000 ■ FREQ BITS CODE OPR MODE " Aux. 1 ' RT1 X3 X2 X1 MS8 8 Bit binary Setting resolution . input • LS8 Max. frequency/15 • Number Of Bits For Frequency Setting In Link Operation (Central Inverter) 800 i AUX.2 AUX.1 MSB LSB Setting resolution . Max. frequency/255 12 Bit binary input 8002 U 0 8 AUX.3 AUX.2 AUX.1 MS8 LS8 Setting resolution • Max. frequency/4095 Inverter No. designation is set via the master terminal bock. RT1 X3 X2 X1 MSB LSB NOTE: To get to Function Code 80. Function Cade 73 must be set to 01. (Unk Operation Only). 6-32 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 Ftu.,tioi, Code . Display Function Explanation Factory Setting Bi 1 ti w The Slave terminal data is monitored via themaster Terminal block. Set the output terminal data via the function code for each inverter. Terminal LV output OL . FAR RUN The inverter No. determination is set via the Master terminal block r 1 8,1 0 0 FREQ B I TS 111 CODE OPR MODE Monitoring Signal Output Code In Link Operation ' RT1 X3 X2 X1 MSB LSB NOTE: To get to Function Code 81. Function Code 73 must be set to 02. (Link operation Only). Selects link operation mode Operation command The master terminal data (input) and key input is transmitted to the slave Is). The slave performs RUN/STOP operation according to the master frequency setting.operate command. The inverter No. determination is performed by function 75. Parameter initial command Function setting for the Slave is performed at the Master operation panel. The inverter No. determination is performed by function 75. NOTE: To get to Function Code 82, Function Code 73 must be set to 03. (Link Operation Only). ��ll : SiLJ�! U2!UU FREQ BITS CODE e OPR MODE 8 2 u v Monitoring Mode In Unk Operaton 8 a 0 1 6-33 AF--300B Inverters GEK-85715 NOTES: i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 7. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION So that the AF300B inverter may give long periods of trouble -free operation and to prevent potential prob- lems from occuring, the following items should be pe- riodically inspected. CAUTION: Do not conduct any inspections until after disconnecting the power supply and after the "CRG" Tight on the inverter has gone out. MEGGER TEST 1. Disconnect all inverter terminals and never apply test voltage to the inverter when conducting an extemal circuit megger test. 2. Perform the test only on the main circuit as shown In Figure 7-1 when conducting a megger test on the inverter itself. Do not conduct a megger test on the control circuits. 3. Use a high resistance range type tester to conduct a continuity test on the control circuits and not a megger or a buzzer. PERIODIC PARTS REPLACEMENT The life of the inverter will vary, according to the Installation environment and the amount of running time. However, if continuous operation is within the allowable limits, the life of the DC Link capacitor is ap- proximately fire years and the life of the cooling fan is approximately three years. It is recommended that these parts be replaced before failure occurs. INSPECTION ITEMS Refer to the Inspection Items Chart in this section for inspection points and corrective action. Megger Test Outline Power Megger Ground Figure 7-1. MAIN CIRCUIT MEGGER TEST CONNECTIONS 7-1 AF-30081rrverters GEK-85715 1 INSPECTION ITEMS CHART Item Inspection Criteria Corrective Action Power Source Voltage Within permissible limits (170 - 253 VAC) or (323 - 506) for 400-460 VAC inverters. Adjust the power supply voltage Ambient Temperature Within permissible limits (-100 to +50° C) (+140 to +122°F) Investigate cause and make corrections until environment is within permissible limits. Ambient Humidity Within permissible limits (20 - 90% RH) No dew condensation or freezing Investigate cause and make corrections until environment is within permissible limits. Vibration Within permissible limit (0.6G or Tess) Investigate cause and make adjustments until within permissible limits. Noise Abnormal Audio Noise from cooling fan, etc. Contact the supplier where the inverter was purchased. Odor Smell or buming . Contact the supplier where the inverter was purchased. Dust Dust accumulation on cooling fins, cooling fan, or on the control board. Clean and blow out with compressed air. Screws/ Connectors Check for any loosening Retighten as needed. MEASUREMENT POINTS AND METERS Since the inverters input/output voltage and current contain high frequencies, selection of the wrong measuring device can lead to gross miscalculations. When using a CT (current -detection transformer) to measure the current, the amount of error will be large if the frequency is low. Because of this, always use a CT with as large a capacity as possible. See the fol- lowing chart and Figure 7-2 for recommended meas- urement devices. RECOMMENDED MEASUREMENT DEVICE CHART Item Simple Measurement Precision Measurement Input Voltage Tester Input Current Clamp Meter Input Power Output Voltage Tester Output Current Clamp Meter Output Power fame Moving -Iron type voltmeter Moving -Iron type ammeter Electrodynamometer type wattmeter Rectifier type voltmeter Moving -Iron type ammeter Electrodynamometer type wattmeter 7-2 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 3-phase power Inverter o •® • O 0 a. • IT t Type of measurement device t t m • 603 o «. o • o 5 E E c 8 °> g E E o ? 2 • • 2 O W O O u W . © ,® O • O ° a 0 0 • to motor Figure 7-2. MEASUREMENT LOCATIONS AND DEVICES EXAMPLE 7-3 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 E NOTES: 1 1 1 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 8. TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE 11: FAULT CONDITION DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION Fault Cond. Description Disp. Operation Overcurrent Protection Protects the inverter when the overcurrent flow momentarily reaches the specified protection level. OC1: During Acceleration 0C2: During Deceleration 0C3: During Constant Speed Oper. OC1 0C2 OC3 Stops inverter output. Motor coast -to -stop. Fault Relay picks up. Fault signal Is internally held until the fautt trip is reset*. Protection Against Momentary Power Failure Undervoltage•' Protection For momentary power failure or undervottage of greater than 15 milliseconds, the inverter Is stopped. ' NOTE: if the restart after Instantaneous power failure mode Is selected, operation will resume automatically if power Is restored before control power voltage decays. LU (LV) Stops Inverter output. Overvottage Detection Trips the inverter when the DC Link voltage reaches approximately 115%. (100% = 325 VDC for 230 Volt Inverters or 650 VDC for 460 Vott inverters.) NOTE For protection against high AC line voltage, It Is necessary to add a 3-phase con- tactor to disconnect power (see Figure 4-6 for wiring). OU. (OV) Inverter Overheat Detects internal inverter overheating caused by overload operation, cooling fan failure, abnormally high ambient temperature, etc. OH1 External Thermal Occurs when connection between terminals THR and CM is opened. Occurs when connection is made between terminals FWD or REV and CM during power - up when Function Code 15 = 01 (control terminal operation). Occurs when. the inverter is running and the STOP key on the keypad is pressed when Function Code 15 = 01. (This is a safety feature to protect against having a RUN command from the control terminals and STOP command from the keypad at the same time.) OH2 Stops Inverter output. Motor coast -to -stop. Fault Relay picks up. Fault signal Is internally held until the fault trip Is reset*. *Fault Signal Hold - During a fault condition, the Fault Relay Is picked -up. If power Is removed from the inverter, the Fault Relay drops -out (to its normal state). 8-1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 1 TABLE 11: FAULT CONDITION DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION (continued) Fault Cond. Description Disp. Operation Electronic Thermal Overload Performs motor overload protection when Function Code 43 is set to 01. OL1 Stops inverter output. Motor coast -to -stop. Fault Relay picks -up. Fault signal is internally held until the fault trip is reset*. Setting Error Occurs when incompatible Function Codes are selected. Err1 Communication Error Occurs when there is a continuous keypad panel communication error. Err2 DSP Error Occurs when there is any malfunction of the intemal DSP due to external electrical noise, abnormally high ambient temperatures, etc. Err3 Unk Error Occurs when there is a mismatch between the Function Code setting and the actual wiring during link operation. Err4 *Fault Signal Hold - During a fault condition, the Fault Relay is picked -up. if power Is removed from the inverter, the Fault Relay drops -out (to Its normal state). NOTE Use the Keypad Panel RESET key or close the control terminals RST-CM to reset from a fault condition. NOTE: The previous three faults are stored .in.the memory. This fault history Information Is displayed on the Graphic Display and is changed each time the SHIFT key is pressed (see Section 5'Accessing Fault History" paragraph). 8-2 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 12: FAULT CONDITION DISPLAY AND CORRECTIVE ACTION Display Check For: Corrective Action OC1 AC supply voltage not within permissible limits Check inverter specs and adjust AC supply voltage. Output line short-circuited Check output line insulation. Megger test the motor. Proper torque boost Adjust as needed. Proper acceleration time Lengthen the acceleration time. Check on operation of external output contactor it used. Other than above Check transistors Increase inverter capacity (use larger HP inverter). 0C2 AC supply voltage not within permissible limits Check inverter specs and adjust AC supply voltage. Output line short-circuited Check output line insulation. Megger test the motor. Improper deceleration time Lengthen the deceleration time. Other than above Connect DB braking resistor (optional). Increase inverter capacity (use larger HP inverter). 0C3 AC supply voltage not within permissible limits Check inverter specs and adjust AC supply voltage. Output line short-circuited Check output line insulation. Megger test the motor. Sudden change in load Eliminate sudden load changes. Increase inverter capacity (use larger HP inverter). Other than above Check for electrical nose. Check on operation of external output contactor if used. OU AC supply voltage not within permissible limits Check Inverter specs and adjust AC supply voltage. Proper deceleration time Lengthen the deceleration time. Other than above Connect DB braking resistor (optional) or check operation of if already present •OH1 Inverter ambient temperature not within permissible limits Cooling fan not operating (over 1.5 Kw) Load is over permissible limits Internal power supply overload Correct to proper temperature range. Replace cooling fan. Reduce load. Increase Inverter capacity (use larger HP inverter) Check DC voltage between terminals 11 and 13 (should be 10 VDC; if not, correct the speed pot wiring). NOTE Motor will coast -to -stop when fault condition is displayed. After correcting the cause of the problem, reset by pressing the RESET key on the Keypad Panel, or momentarily close contact between the RST CM control circuit terminals (after the motor has stopped). NOTE: "LU" Is displayed when the AC supply Is switched ON or OFF and does not indicate any abnormality. AF-300B Inverters GEK-8571 5 TABLE 12: FAULT CONDITION DISPLAY AND ' CORRECTIVE ACTION (continued) 1 Display Check For: Corrective Action OH2 Proper setting of Function Code 15* Proper wiring between THR-CM Thermal overload relay activated Continuity check between extemal DB Braking Unit terminal 1-2 Inverter ambient temperature not within permissible limits Open the connection between FWD or REV and CM, then press RESET key. Rewire as needed. Reduce load. Correct ambient temp./lower braking duty cycle. Correct to proper temperature range. LU AC suppty voltage not within permissible limits Circuit breaker is open Open AC supply phase Other than above Check inverter specs and adjust AC supply voltage. Close circuit breaker. Correct input wiring and check AC supply fuses. Check customer power supply capacity. OL1 Electronic thermal overload set incorrectly Load is over permissible limits Check Function Code 43. Reduce load, Err1 Correct Function Code selection Verify Function Code. Err2 Electrical noise source close to inverter Take noise prevention measures. Err3 Abnormal ambient temperature Correct temperature range. Daughter board on Control card not seated properly Check that board Is Installed property. Err4 Wiring correct Confirm wiring and Function Code setting for link operation mode. *Do not power -up with connection made between FWD or REV and CM when Function Code 15 = 01 (control terminal operation). Also, do not press STOP key on keypad when running from control terminals when Function Code 15 = 01. NOTE Motor will coast -to -stop when fault condition Is displayed. After correcting the cause of the problem, reset by pressing the RESET key on the Keypad Panel or momentarily close contact between the RST-CM control circuit terminals (after the motor has stopped). NOTE: "LU" Is displayed when the AC supply is switched ON or OFF and does not indicate any abnormality. 8-4 AF400B Inverters GEK-85715 Motor Does Not Run* Open RST (Reset) Terminal Switch. OK l Is BX Input Off? Y IN Open BX Terminal Switch. Is The LED Display Flashing N Is Charge Lamp Lit? Y Is Reset Input Off? 1 Does 'RUN' Command Come From Keypad Or Remote? (Per Function Code 15) Is Circuit Breaker Closed? YI is Normal Voltage Supplied to AC Supply Input Terminals L1, L2, L3? Close Circuit Breaker OK KEYPAD (15=00) Is FWD or REV Terminal Connected to CM Terminal? N Connection Must Be Made For Drive To Run. Y Press RUN On Keypad. N Power Failure, Open Phase, or Circuit Breaker Problem. REMOTE (15=01) Bad Diode Bridge, DC Link Capacitors, or DC Link Fuse. Is Operation From Maintained Contacts (2-wire Operation) or Momentary Contacts (3-wire Operation)? MAINTAINED Is FWD or REV Terminal Connected to CM Terminal? IY N Connection Must Be Made For Drive To Run. 1OK Is The LED Display Flashing? 1 Is Voltage Being Output From U, V, W Output Terminals? (See Part 2 of 2) MOMENTARY Is Function Code 64=01? N Set 64=01. OK Are FWD, REV, HLD, and CM Terminals Wired Correctly? Correct Wiring Error. *Chart does not apply to 'Pattern Operation' (inverter must be set with Function Code 19 = 00). Is Motor Wiring Correct? IOK N Correct Wiring Error. IOK Motor Failure or Motor Lock. Figure 8-1. 'MOTOR DOES NOT RUN' TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (Part 1 of 2) 8-5 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Motor Does Not Run* (continued) Is The LED Display Flashing? (To Part 1 0f 2) NI What Is Function Code 63 Set At? 63=00or02 Is LED Display Showing 0 Hz? Y N Change Frequency With X1 And X2 Terminals. OK Did Frequency Change? lY N 63=01 Is LED Display Showing 0 Hz? Y N Change Frequency Setting With UP/DOWN Keys. OK Did Frequency Change? Y N s Voltage Being Output From U, V, W Output Terminals? (From Part 1 of 2) N What Is Function Code 16 Set At? 16=00 16=01or02 Are Terminals 11, N 12,13,and C1 Wired Correctly? Y Correct Wiring Error. Is Terminal 12 Voltage Input 0-10 Volts, or Terminal C1 Input 4-20 mA? Check Output Transistors. LReplace Base Driver Card. GOOD BAD *Chart does not apply to 'Pattern Operation' (inverter must be set with Function Code 19 = 00). Y Is Start Frequency (Function Code•56)- Higher Tharr Speed Reference? N Y OK Analog Frequency Setting Device Failure. Replace Control Card. Replace Failed Transistor Module (And Possibly Base Driver Card). Increase Speed Reference or Decrease Start Frequency. OK Did Frequency Change? N Figure. 8-1. 'MOTOR DOES NOT RUN' TROUBLESHOOTING CHART (Part 2 of 2) Y AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Motor Runs But Speed Does Not Change Correct Wiring Error. Is Maximum Frequency Limiter Activated? (Function Code 11) YES NO Is Upper/Lower Limiter Activated? (Function Codes 44 and 45) YES Change Maximum Frequency. NO Is External Analog Frequency Set? (Function Code 16=01or02) NO YES NO Analog Frequency Setting Device Failure. NO Is 11, 12,13, C1 Wiring Correct? YES Do Voltage And Current Inputs To 12 and C1 Change? YES Is X1, X2, X3 Wiring Correct? NO Change Limiter Setting. YES Are All Frequency Settings Different? NO Correct Wiring Error YES Are Acceleration Deceleration Times Too Long? YES Change Frequency Code Settings. NO Inverter Problem. Adjust Acceleration/ Deceleration Time To Match Load. Figure 8-2. 'MOTOR RUNS BUT SPEED DOES NOT CHANGE' TROUBLESHOOTING CHART 8-7 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Motor Rotation Is Not Smooth During Acceleration/Deceleration? YES NO Input Voltage Fluctuation? YES Lengthen Acceleration/Deceleration Time Setting. NO Large Load Fluctuation? YES Increase Power Supply Capacity. NO Noise Interference In Analog Input? YES Increase Motor And Inverter Capacity. Attach A Flywheel. NO Inverter Problem Digital -- Time Setting Test With Analog Frequency Setting Device. Figure 8-3. 'MOTOR ROTATION IS NOT SMOOTH' TROUBLESHOOTING CHART Motor Overheats Do Motor And V/F Pattem Match? NO YES Is There Continuous Low Speed Operation? YES Change V/F Pattem Setting (Function Codes 11, 12, and 13). NO Is The Load Too Heavy? YES Use Special Inverter Motor. Lower The Torque Boost (Function Codes 4, 5, and 6). NO Check Inverter Output Voltage Balance. YES Reduce Load. Increase Inverter Capacity (Use Larger HP Inverter). NO If Not Good, Indicates Inverter Problem. if Good, Indicates Motor Problem. Figure 8-4. 'MOTOR OVERHEATS' TROUBLESHOOTING CHART' AF-300B inverters GEK-85715 0 14 0 11 N SO • w• ^O ■ ~Y b M b Q ri G; Q ��•d -0--w--r Y ® ® , • \r • �� �. ►� • t.� --•--.........0 E I I Its 1— r i 1 A -r- O 1 -744— 07 goPoi< I Figure 8-5. CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAM 8-9 1 ' AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 NOTES: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8-10 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 9. WARRANTY PARTS AND SERVICE The purpose of the following is to provide specific in- structions to the user of the AF300B inverter regard- ing Warranty administration and how to obtain assis- tance on both in -warranty and out -of -warranty equip- ment For all warranty procedures, refer to Section 10 of this Instruction Book to identify the part or assembly. If assistance is required to either determine warranty status, identify defective parts, or obtain name of -local distributor, call: • GE Drive Products Operation Erie, PA (814) 455-0521 (24 Hour Answering Service) WARRANTY COVERAGE The Warranty covers all major parts of the inverter such as the main printed circuit boards, transistor modules, etc. The warranty does not cover replace- ment of fuses or of the entire controller. When the inverter is under warranty, information per the 'In -Warranty -Failure Checklist' in this Instruction Book is required. OUT -OF -WARRANTY PROCEDURES When the defective part has been identified, contact your local Authorized AF-300B Distributor to order replacement parts. Before calling the above number to determine war- ranty status, the inverter serial number will be re- quired This is located on the inverter nameplate. (If the inverter is still under warranty, further information will be required per the 'In -Warranty Failure Check- list'.) MOTORS Motor repairs on General Electric motors are gener- ally handled by GE Small Motor Service Centers or GE Apparatus Service Shops. For specific instruc- tions on your motor, call GE Drive Products Operation at the phone number listed previously and fumish complete nameplate data IN -WARRANTY FAILURE CHECKLIST To assist with warranty troubleshooting, the following information is required. This data is needed to evaluate the cause in an effort to eliminate any further failures. Model No.: Serial No.: Start -Up Date: Failure Date:. Status When Failure Occurred (check one): Power -Up Running_ Accel Decel Application Information (check Yes or No) Input Transformer: Yes tf Yes: KVA L1 Volts 12 Volts L3 Volts Power Factor Correction Capacitors: Yes No. If Yes: Microfarrad 9-1 AF-30081nverters GEK-85715 IN -WARRANTY FAILURE CHECKLIST (continued) Application Information (continued) (check Yes or No) Other Equipment on Same Power Yes No If Yes, what? Une Reactor on Input Yes No Input Starter Yes No Output Starter Yes No Motor Overloads Yes No Control Terminals Used (circle if used) LV OL FAR . RUN HOLD RT1 RT2 THR X1 X2 X3 • 30A 30B 30C RST BX FWD REV C1 11 12 13 Function Codes Different From Factory Settings Function Code Setting Function Code Setting Failure Message (see Section 5) Latest Fault Previous Faults: No Message Hz 1. A 2 V 3. After all of the Checklist information is acquired, contact the following number for assistance: (814) 455-0521 When returning failed parts, reference the J22-C that the replacement parts were received on and ship failed parts to: GE Drive Products Operation 1100 Lawrence Parkway Erie, PA 16531 (Marked J22-C ) 9-2 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 i 10. REPLACEMENT PARTS Refer to the Following Tables when ordering parts per the procedures outlined in Sectiori9 of this Instruction Book. Tables are arranged per inverter horsepower and voltage (TABLE 13: 400-460 VAC Inverters and TABLE 14: 200-230 VAC Inverters). TABLE 13: AF-300B (400-460 VAC) INVERTER RENEWAL PARTS Description Rating Part Number Inverter Horsepower and Quantity Per Inverter 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 Power Module 10 Amp, 1200 PIV SA511654-00 1 1 Power Module 15 Amp, 1200,PIV SA511655-00 1 , Power Module 25 Amp, 1200 PIV SA511656-00 1 Power Transistor 50 Amp, 1200 PIV SA511657-00 1 1 Power Transistor 75 Amp, 1200 PIV SA511658-00 3 Power Transistor 100 Amp, 1200 PIV SA511659-00 3 Power Transistor 150 Amp, 1200 PIV SA511660-00 3 3 Rectifier Module 40 Amp SA510150-00 1 1 Rectifier Module 50 Amp SA5101514)0 1 Rectifier Module 75 Amp SA510152-00 1 Rectifier Module 100 Amp SA510153-00 1 1 Unk Capacitor 330 uF, 400 VDC SA404008-51 2 Unk Capacitor 470 uF, 400 VDC SA404008-00 2 Unk Capacitor 680 uF, 400 VDC SA404008-10 2 Unk Capacitor 1000 uF, 400 VDC SA404008-20 2 Unk Capacitor 1500 uF, 400 VDC SA404009-00 2 Unk Capacitor 2200 uF, 400 VDC SA404009-10 2 Unk Capacitor 3300 uF, 400 VDC SA404009-40 2 Unk Capacitor 3900 uF, 400 VDC SA404009-50 2 Unk Capacitor 4700 uF, 400 VDC SA404010-00 2 Unk Capacitor 5400 uF, 400 VDC SA403899-20 2 Fan 24 VDC SA510138-01 1 1 1 Fan 26 VDC SA511446-00 1 1 Fan 26 VDC SA511691-00 2 2 Fan 26 VDC SA511691-10 2 2 Base Driver Card SA510043-04 1 " Base Driver Card SA510043-14 1 10-1 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 1 1 1 e 1 TABLE 13: AF-300B (400-460 VAC) INVERTER RENEWAL PARTS (continued) Description Rating Part Number Inverter Horsepower and Quantity Per Inverter 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 Base Driver Card SA510043-24 1 Base Driver Card SA510043-34 1 Base Driver Card SA511636-01 1 Base Driver Card SA511636-11 1 Base Driver Card SA511636-21 1 Base Driver Card SA511636-31 1 Base Driver Card SA511636-41 1 Base Driver Card SA511636-51 1 Main Control Card SA512995-01 1 Main Control Card SA512995-11 1 Main Control Card SA512995-21 1 Main Control Card SA512995-31 1 Main Control Card SA512996-00 1 Main Control Card SA512996-10 1 Main Control Card • SA512996-20 1 Main Control Card SA51299630 1 Main Control Card SA512996-40 1 Main Control Card SA512996-50 - 1 Key Pad SA511312-00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Charge Resistor 30 Watt, 30 Ohm SA403987-10 1 Charge Resistor 40 Watt, 30 Ohm SA403987-40 1 2 2 Charge Resistor 40 Watt, 20 Ohm SA40398730 2 2 DC Unk Fuse 50 Amp 736856201 F040024 1 DC Unk Fuse 75 Amp 736856201 F040011 1 1 DC Unk Fuse 100 Amp 736856201F040012 1 10-2 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 14:-AF-30OB (200-230 VAC) INVERTER RENEWAL PARTS Description Rating Part Number Inverter Horsepower and Quantity Per Inverter 0.5 1 2 3 5- 7.5 10 Power Module 10 Amp SA510129-00 1 Power Module 15Amp SA510130-00 1 Power Module 30 Amp SA510131-00 1 1 Power Module Power Module 50 Amp 75Amp SA510132-00 SA510133-00 1 1 Power Module Unk Capacitor 100 Amp SA51013400 1 150 uF, 400 VDC SA510314-01 1 Unk Capacitor 220 uF, 400 VDC SA510314-11 1 Unk Capacitor 1000 uF, 400 VDC SA510269-02 1 Unk Capacitor 1500 uF, 400 VDC SA510270-00 1 Unk Capacitor 2200 uF, 400 VDC SA510270-01 1 Unk Capacitor 2700 uF, 400 VDC SA403898-20 1 Unk Capacitor Rectifier Module Fan 3900 uF, 400 VDC 75 Amp SA403898-50 SA510147-00 1 1 1 24 VDC SA510138-01 1 1 1 Fan 220 VAC SA511202-00 1 1 Base Driver Card SA509948-06 1 Base Driver Card SA509948-16 1 Base Driver Card SA509948-26 1 Base Driver Card SA509948-36 Base Driver Card Base Driver Card SA509948-46 SA509995-04 1 1 Base Driver Card SA509995-14 1 Main Control Card SA512599-01 1 Main Control Card • SA512599-11 1 Main Control Card SA512599-21 1 Main Control Card SA512599-31 1 Main Control Card SA512599-41 1 Main Control Card SA512600-01 1 Main Control Card Keypad SA512600-11 SA511312-00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Charge Resistor 30 Watt, 6.8 Ohm SA403987-00 1 1 10-3 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 TABLE 15: AF-300B (400-460 VAC) AC LINE FUSES • AND FUSEHOLDERS Description Rating In Amps Part Number inverter Horsepower and Quantity Per Inverter 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 Fuse, 600 Volt 2.8 104X1098B028 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 6.0 104X109BB030 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 8.0 104X109BB007 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 15 104X109BB009 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 20 104X109BB010 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 25 104X109BB011 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 35 104X109BB013 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 50 104X109BB015 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 60 104X109BB016 3 Fuse, 600 Volt 70 104X109B8017 3 3 Pole Fuseholder 104X111 CA016 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Pole Fuseholder 104X111 CA019 1 1 1 3 Pole Fuseholder 104X111 CA022 1 TABLE 16: AF-300B (200-230 VAC) AC LINE FUSES AND FUSEHOLDERS Description Rating In Amps Part Number Inverter Horsepower and Quantity Per Inverter 0.5 1 2 3 5. 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 Fuse, 250 Volt 8.0 104X109BA006 3 3 Fuse, 250 Volt 15 104X109BA008 3 Fuse, 250 Volt 20 104X109BA009 3 Fuse, 250 Volt 25 104X109BA010 3 Fuse, 250 Volt 35 104X109BA011 3 Fuse, 250 Volt 45 104X109BA013 3 Fuse, 250 Volt 80 104X109BA015 3 Fuse, 250 Volt 100 104X109BA016 3 Fuse, 250 Volt 125 104X109BA017 3 3 3 Pole Fuseholder 104X111CA003 1 1 1 1 1 3 Pole Fuseholder 104X111CA006 1 1 3 Pole Fuseholder 104X111 CA009 1 1 3 Pole Fuseholder 104X111 CA011 1 10-4 AF-3008 Inverters GEK-85715 FUNCTION CODE SETTINGS: Factory and Field Func. Function Display, Setting. Range Min. Factory Field Code Unit Settin • Settin • 00 LED Digital Monitor Selection 00: Output Frequency (Hz) 01: Output Current (Amps) 0Z: Output Voltage (Notts) 03: Synchronous rpm (rpm) 04: Line Speed (rn/min.) — 00- 01 Graphics Monitor Selection 00: Hz Amp Monitor 01: Terminal Signal 1 02: Terminal Signal 2 — 00 02 Motor Noise Reduction 00 to 05 (code) — 03 03 FM Terminal Output Level Calibration 00 to 99 (code, 6.5 to 10.3 VDC) — 85 04 Automatic Torque Boost Control 00: Non•Operatlonal 01: Operational — 00 05 Torque Boost 00 to 31 (code) — 13/8* 06 Torque Boost Fine Adjustment 00 to 09 (code) — 00 07 Automatic Ac cel/Decel Control 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational — 00 08 Acceleration Time 1 (LCD) 0.01 to 3600 seconds 0.01 6/12** 09 Deceleration Time 1 (LCD) 0.01 to 3600 seconds 0.01 6/12** 10 Data Protection 00: Not Protected (changes) 01: Protected (no changes) — 00*** 11 Maximum Frequency 00: 50 Hertz 01: 60 Hertz 02: 100 Hertz 03: 120 Hertz 04: Free (02.400 Hertz) 1 Hz 01 12 Base Frequency 00: 50 Hertz 01: 60 Hertz 02: Free (02 - 400 Hertz) 1 Hz 01 13 Rated Output Voltage 00: 200 (400) VAC 01: 220 (440) VAC 02: 230 (460) VAC 03: Free (0 - 230 VAC) (0 - 460 VAC) 1V (2V) 03 (LCD) 0 Volts**** 14 Number of Motor Poles 02:, 04:, 08:, 08:,10:,12: - 04 15 Operation Command 00: Keypad Panel Operation 01: Terminal Block Operation 02: Link Adaptor Operation — 00 16 Frequency Command 00: Digital (Keypad UP/DOWN key) 01: Analog (voltage, 0 -10 VDC) 0:h Analog (voltage & current, 0 - 10 VDC plus 4.20 mA) — 00 17 Accel/Decel Pattern 00: Unear 01: Weak "S" Curve 02: Strong "S" Curve — 00 18 Normal/High Torque Dynamic Brakes 00: Normal Brake 01: High Torque Brake — 00 19 t?attsm OpersBon 00: Normal Operation 01: Pattern Operation — 00 *Factory setting is 13 for inverters o13.7 KW (5 HP) or less; setting is 8 for inverters of 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) or greater. **Factory setting forAccel Time 1 and Decal 77me 1 Is 8.0 for inverters of 7.5 KW (10 HP) or less; setting Is 12.0 for inverters o111 KW (15 HP) or greater. ***Press and hold STOP, then use UP/DOWN arrows to change setting; press SET to store change and release STOP. ****0 VAC setting means the output voltage Is relallve to the AC supply line voltage. Function Changes -1 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 1 1 Func. Code Function Display, Setting, Range Min. Factory Field Unit Setting Settin • 20 Restart After Instantaneous Power Failure 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational - 00 21 Coefficient for Line Speed (LCD) 0.00 - 200 0.0 0.01 22 Function Code Blocks Accessible 00: Basic Functions (00 - 22) 01: Basic & Standard Functions (00-62) 02: Basic, Standard, & High Level Functions (00 - 79) See Fig. 5-3 - 00 ,_ 23 Acceleration Time 2 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 10.0 24 Acceleration Time 3 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 15.0 25 Acceleration Time 4 (LCD) 0.01 -3600 seconds 0.01 - 3.0 26 Deceleration Time 2 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 10.0 27 Deceleration Time 3 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 15.0 28 Deceleration Time 4 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 3.0 29 Multistep Speed Setting 1 (LCD) 0.00 - 400 Hertz 0.002 0.0 30 Timer 1 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 5.0 31 Multistep Speed Setting 2 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.002 0.0 32 Timer 2 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 5.0 33 Multistep Speed Setting 3 (LCD) 0.01 -400 Hertz 0.002 0.0 34 Acceleration Timer 3 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 5.0 35 Multistep Speed Setting 4 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.002 0.0 36 Timer 4 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 5.0 37 Multistep Speed Setting 5 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.002 0.0 38 Timer 5 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 5.0 39 Multistep Speed Setting 6 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.002 0.0 40 Timer 6 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 5.0 41 Multistep Speed Setting 7 (LCD) 0.01 - 400 Hertz 0.002 0.0 42 Timer 7 (LCD) 0.01 - 3600 seconds 0.01 5.0 43 Electronic Thermal Overload Relay 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational (%) 1% 01 (LCD) 9096 44 High Limiter (LCD) 0 -100 % 1% 100 45 Low Limiter (LCD) 0 - 100 % 1% 0 46 Bias Frequency* - (LCD) 0 -100 % 1% 0 47 Frequency Setting Signal Gain* (LCD) 0 - 200 % 1% 100 48 Jump. Frequency 1** (Freq. Rejection) (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 1 Hz 0 49 Jump Frequency 2** (Freq. Rejection) (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 1 Hz 0 50 Jump Frequency 3** (Freq. Rejection) (LCD) 0-400 Hertz 1 Hz 0 51 Jump Frequency Width (LCD) 0 - 5 Hertz 1 Hz 0 52 DC Brake 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational - 00 53 DC Brake Starting Frequency (LCD) 0 - 60 Hertz 1 Hz 0 54 DC Brake Voltage 0 to 15 (code) 1% 00 55 DC Braking Time (LCD) 0.01 - 30 seconds 0.01 0.10 56 Starting Frequency (LCD) 0 (0.2) - 60 Hertz 1 Hz 1 *Frequency bias and frequency gain are operational only when the frequency setting method is analog (Function Code 16 - 01 or 02). See WARNING in Section 1. **Function Code 51 sets width. Function Changes - 2 1 AF-300B Inverters GEK-85715 Func. Code Function Display. Setting. Range Min. Factory Field Unft Setting Settin • 57 Current Limiter 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational (30 -150%) 1% 01 (LCD) 150% 58 Slip Compensation Control 00: Non -Operational 01: Operational — CO — 59 Frequency Level Detection (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 1 Hz 60 60 FDT and FAR Signal Hysterisia (LCD) 0 - 30 Hertz 1 Hz 10 61 Run Signal Finishing Frequency (LCD) 0 - 400 Hertz 1 Hz 0 62 Overload Early Warning Signal (LCD) 70-150 % 1% 100 63 XI, X2, and X3 Terminal Function 00: Multi -Step Frequency Op. 01: RUN Key or FWD/REV Term. 02: DC Brake Operation — 00 64 FWD/REV Command Hold 00: 2-Wire Operation 01: 3-Wire Operation 02: Switches Timer Oper. Mode — 01 65 LV, OL, and FAR Terminal Output Code 00: Output per FC 66, 67, 68 01: Binary speed step signal — 00 68 LV Terminal Function (Signal Output) 00: Undervoltage 4 01: Ovenrottage — 00 6T OL Terminal Function (Signal Output) 00: Overload Early Warning 01: Current Limit Monitoring 02: Undervoitage — 00 68 FAR Terminal Function (Signal Output) 00: Freq. Equivalence Detection 01: Setting Frequency Detection 02: Not Running Signal — 00 69 RUN Terminal Function (Signal Output) 00: Run signal 01: Pattem Step Complete Signal 02: Pattern Complete Signal - 00 70 FM Terminal Function (Signal Output) 00: Frequency Meter 01: Output Current Meter — 00 71 Inverter Number Entry For Link Operation 00: For Master Record 01: Slave #r1 (Auxiliary 01) Thru 15: Slave #r15 (Auxiliary #r15) — 15 72 Number of Inverters Linked 00: Total Number of Inverters Thy. 15: Connected (master and slave) 73 Link Mode Selection 00: Unk Non -Operational 01: Frequency Setting 02: Monitoring Signal 03: Unk Operational — 00 74 RUN Command Input In Unk Operation 00: RUN/STOP via Keypad Panel 01: RUN/STOP via Control Terms. — 00 75 Slave Inverter Number Designation (For changing Function Codes in slave from master keypad) 00: Inverter # to be changed Thin 15: 16: Selects All Inverters — 00 ' 76 Sets Gain On Automatic Current Regulation 00: Based On Acel/Decel Rate 01: Quickest Response Thru 99: Slowest Response 1 00 77-79 Optional - Not Currently Used 80 Number of Bits for Frequency Setting 00: 4-Bit Binary Input 01: 8-Bit Binary Input 02: 12-Bit Binary Input — 00 81 Monitoring Signal Output Code In Unk Operation 00: Set Output Data via Function Code for Each Inverter — 00 82 Monitoring Mode In Link Operation 00: Operation Command Mode 01: Function Code Setting Mode — 00 Function Changes - 3 1 AF-300B Inverters _GEK-85715 NOTES: Function Changes - 4 JUL @9 '93 09:5eSSCO9 ESSCO PUPS & CNTRLS ENGINEERS SALESERVICE COMPANY, INC. C 4935 Telegraph Rd. • Los Angeles, CA 80022-3835 (213) 281-2181 FAX (213) 281-1523 P.1 a, URGENT! URGENT! URGENT! FAX TOTAL. NO. OFPAGES2 , (Includi� this Ps�si %� �0� 1Zi L�� TO: MR. YELIPE MOLINOS, P.B./ CITY 0, FONTANA COPY T'O t MR. ALBERT RAMIREZ t MULTI CONSTRUCTION ' ° J 5f2Q J MR. HAROLD GARCELON, PAL; 1 HALL li FORSHANi ENC. PROM: DOUG W RXNG, ESSCO PUMPS AND CONTROLS DATES July 8,,i993 RE: TAMARIND AVENUE SSWER LIFT STATION BUBMBRSIBLB MOTORS CERTIFIED PuMP PERFORMANCE TEST SCHEDULE. I HAVE BEEN CONTACTED BY RELIANCE ELECTRIC (SUBMERSIBLE MOTOR MANUFACTURER) REGARDING THE SHIPPING SCHEDULE FOR THE SUBMERSIBLE MOTORS FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROJECT. I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT THE MOTORS WILL SHIP VIA AIR FREIGHT FROM OHIO NO LATTER THAN MONDAY, JIILY 12. THIS MEANS THAT ESSCO SHOULD RECEIVE THE MOTORS ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON OR WEDNESDAY MORNING. ESSCO NEEDS ONE DAY TO ASSEMBLE AND PERFORM PRELIMINARY TESTING. THEREFORE, ESSCO ANTICIPATES THE WITNESSED TESTING TAKING PLACE ON THORSDAY, JULY 15, 1993 OR ON FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1993. UPON APPROVAL OF THE TESTS, THE PUMPS AND MOTOR CONTROL CENTER (MCC) MAY SHIP IMMEDIATELY. ESSCO WILL CONTACT ALL PARTIES MENTIONED ABOVE WHEN THE MOTORS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED VIA AIR FREIGHT TO CONFIRM THE TESTING DATE(S) STATED ABOVE. AS ALWAYS, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE NUMBERS IF YOU SHOULD HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. RED 'EFULLY, G, % /43 BS=CO PUMPS AND CONTROLS JUL 14 '93 10:02 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS P.1 ENGINEERS SALES.SERVICE COMPANY, INC. 4935 Telegraph Rd. s Los Angeles, CA 90022-3835 (213) 261-2181 FAX (213) 251-1523 TOTAL NO. TO: COP' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: URGENT URGENT! URGENT! FAX OF PAGES: (Including this page) MR. FELIPE MOLINOS, P.E. ; CITY OF FONTANA MR. ALBERT RAMIREZ; MULTI CONSTRUCTION MR. HAROLD GARCELON, P.,E. ; HALL & FOREMAN, INC. DOUG WARING, ESSCO PUMPS ANY CONTROLS July 14, 1993 T.AMARIIlgn AVENUE SEWER LIFT STATION SUBMERSIBLE MOTORS CERTIFIED PUMP PERFORMANCE WEST SCHEDULE ESSCO IS EXPECTING THE SUBJECT MOTORS VIA AIR FREIGHT TO ARRIVE ON THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK AND IS REQUESTING THAT THE WITNESSED TESTING TAKE PLACE AT THE ESSCO FACILITY AT 11:00 A.M. QN FR=DAY, JULY 16, 1993 AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. THE ANTICIPATED PERSONS WHO WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN WITNESSING THE PUMP PERFORMANCE TEST ARE AS FOLLOWS MR. FELIPE MOLINOS, P.E. ; CITY OF MR. DAVE ALDANA, ELECTRONICS 6, FONTANA MR. NAR0LD GARCELON, P. E . ; HALL & FONTANA COMMUNICATIONS; FOREMAN, INC. CITY OF IF THERE IS ANOTHER PERSON THAT MUST ATTEND OR A SUBSTITUTION FOR ONE OF THE PERSON'S NAND ABOVE, PLEASE CONTACT DOUG WARING WITH ESSCO PUMPS AND CONTROLS AT THE ABOVE NUMBERS SO ,ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE. AS ALWAYS, IF YOU SHOULD HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE NUMBERS RES CTF1U .,LY• DOUGGARING> SSCO PUMPS AND CONTROLS JUL 09 '93 09:59 ESSCO 5 & CNTRLS ENGINEERS SALES -SERVICE COMPANY, INC. • P.1 4935 Telegraph Rd. o Los Angeles, CA 90022-3835 (213) 281-2181 FAX (213) 261-1523 URGENT. URGENT. URGENT! TOThL• iVO V o PAGES: TO: COPY 'PO: . PROM: DATE: RE: FAX / (Xnc1u8iug this page) PELIPE MOLINOS, P.E. ; CITY OF FONTANA NR. ALDERT RAMIREZ; MULTI co TSTfUC:TroN ul%. HAROLD GARCE ,WN, P.R. ; HALL & FOREMAN; INC. DOUG W tING, ESSCO PUMPS AND CONTROLS J l 8, 1.993 TAMARIND AVENUE SEWER LIFT STATION SUBMERSIBLE CERTX'IED PUMP PERFORMANCE TEST SCHEDULE. WrIJE MOTORS I HAVE BEEN CONTACTED BY RELIANCE ELECTRIC (SUBMERSIBLE MOTOR MANUFACTURER) REGARDING THE SHIPPING SCHEDULE FOR THE SUBMERSIBLE MOTORS FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROJECT. I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT THE MOTORS WILL SHIP VIA AIR FREIGHT FROM OHIO NO LATTER. THAN MONDAY, DULY•12„ THIS MEANS THAT ESSCO SHOULD RECErVE THE MOTORS ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON OR WEDNESDAY MORNING. ESSCO NEEDS ONE DAB' TO ASSEMBLE AND PERFORM PRELIMINARY TESTING. THEREFORE, ESSCO ANTICIPATES THE WITNESSED TESTING TAKING PLACE ON THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1993 OR ON FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1993. UPON APPROVAL OF THE TESTS, THE PUMPS AND MOTOR CONTROL CENTER (MCC) MAY SHIP IMMEDIATELY. ESSCO WILL CONTACT ALL PARTIES MENTIONED ABOVE WHEN THE MOTORS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED VIA AIR FREIGHT TO CONFIRM THE TESTING DATE (S) STATED ABOVE. AS ALWAYS, PLEASE `DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE NUMBERS IF YOU SHOULD HAVE ANY ' QUESTIONS . REJ *EC FULL', **If. W�G. ! 44) 3 ESSCO PUMPS.AND CONTROLS ,AUG 24 '93 14:19 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS P.1 0 ENGINEERS SALES -SERVICE COMPANY, INC. 4935 Telegraph Rd. ik Los Angeles, CA 90022-8835 (213) 281-2181 FAX (213) 261-1523 URGENT! URGENT! URGENT! FAX FAX NO. of PAGES: i' (Including this page) TO: Mr. Felipe Uolinos, P.E. ; City of Fontana PROM: DOUG WARIMC, ESSCO PUMPS AND CONTROLS DATE: August 24, 1093 RE: Certified Pump performance Test aid Additional Tests at Varying RPM for City+a Use. Dear Felipe: Per your request please note the attached Witnessed Certified Pump Performance Test data which was conducted at our facility on 7/3.6/93. A copy of this is in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals that have been sent to. Multi Construction for distribution. Please note the attached additional. tests that were run at varying RPM's. These test go beyond the specification requirements and are being sent to you for the District's information. This .information will be helpful for future flow considerations and the adaptability of the pumping equipment to the changing field conditions. I am requesting that the additional test information be limited to the District's file only. • The pump industry is a very competitive market and any testing information regarding pump performance could be used by our competition on future projects. As has been stated before, ESSCO pumps and Controls greatly appreciates the District's consideration of ESSCO equipment for your pump and control needs. As ' always, if you should have any questions please contact me at the above numbers. lespectfuily. Doug Waring, ESSCO AUG 24 '93 14:19 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS P.2. ENGINEERS SALES -SERVICE COMPANY, INC. . 4935 Telegraph Rd. it Los Angeles, CA 90022-3835 (213) 281.2181 FAX (213) 261-1523 gc) Nx ri irgictO 0,1 0 0 0> 0 c 0 0 03 0 0 ✓ 0 CV 0 0 .! 2 CL 00 c co 0 0 0 c'1 AUG 24 '93 14;20 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS P.3 TEST NUMBER 6F- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 MOTOR INFO RPM 1165 IMPELLER TRIM 14 READING NO. 1 GPM 1750 PSI 15 FEET 34.6 WATER TO CL GAGE 1.5 Hf HEADER 7.33 VEL HEAD 5.87 TDH 49.4 VOLTS 440 AMPS 35.1 KW READING 26.88 POWER FACTOR 99 GPM TDH BHP EFF CERTIFIED BY: 1750 49.4 26.3 83 21 TEST GPM TDH TESTED.ADRIAN1OB # 1450 56 BY: JEPP 931304 BHP FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP S 30 40 480 93130-1 2 3 1600 18.1 41.S 1.5 6.16 4.91 54.4 448+y 33.8 26.25 99 1600 54.4 25.4 87 1450 21.1 48.7 1,5 5.07 4.03 59.3 448 33.7 25.38 99 1450 59.3 25.3 86 4 5 800 33.5 77.4 1.5 1.61 1.23 81.7 450 26.7 20 99 600 36.7 84.8 1.5 0.95 0.69 87.9 450 23.2 17.5 99 0 45.2 104.4 0 0.00 0.00 104.4 452 13.5 10 99 800 600 0 81.7 87.9 104.4. 20 17.4 10.1 83 77 0 DATE: / its /',-Qs T ILLAAA TEST NUMBER 22 6 POINT CERTIFIED BY 4' PUMP SERIAL 9313cuegaeLte- f"L 120 100 80 E 60 40 20 TEST DATE 07/16/93 DATE 7 / ±± / 19 7/6/93 /0193 x -e- BHP 200 400 600 8O0 1000 1200 14O0 16OO 1800 . GPM TEST POINT GPM 1450 'IDH 56 MAR INFO. HP 30 RPM 116. IMPELLER DIA 14 AUG 24 '93 14:21 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS P.5 TEST NUMBER 6 `- 22 FtTN1P SIZE 6X6X14X3 TEST GPM TDH TLTSTEDADR.IANJOB # 1450 56 BY: JEFF 93130 MOTOR INFO RPM BEEP - FLA TEST VOLTS 1165 30 40 480 IMPELLER TRIM 14 READING NO. 1 2 3 4 5 GPM PSI FEET WATER TO CL GAGE Hf HEADER. VEL HEAD TDH VOLTS AMPS KW READING POWER FACTOR 1750 1600 1450 800 600 14.7 18.2 21 33.1 36.6 34.0 42.0 48.5 76.5 84.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 7.33 6.16 5.07 1.61 0.95 5.87 4.91 4.03 1.23 0.69 48.7 54.6 59.1 80,8 87.7 443 444 444 448 448 32.8 32.6 32.1 25.7 23 25 25 22.5 19.38 27.5 99 99 99 99 99 GPM 1750 1600 1450 TDH 48.7 54.6 59.1 BHP 24.6 24.5' 24.1 EDF oz. 9� 9 0 CERTIFIED $Yt gize PUMP $ 93/30-2. 0 45.6 105.3 0 0.00 0.00 105.3 449 13.5 9.375 99 800 600 0 m0.8 87.7 105.3 19.3 17.3 10.1 85 77 0 DATE:.,,,,,, 7 J /6 / TEST NUMBER 16 8 POINT PUMP SERIAL . 55t . 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 . TBST DAT 07116193 -6- TDWGPM 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 GPM TES PUIN7i GPM 0 TDH 0 MOTOR. INFO. HP 30 RPM IIO} IMPELLER DFIA 14 MO Lir 'P Lammas 2614181 AUG 24 '93 14:21 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTPLS _a TEST NUMBER 6E- PUMP SIZE 6XGX14X3 MOTOR INFO IMPELLER TRIM READING NO. 16 GPM TEST DATE* 07/16/93 TIC$ TE ZEDADRIANUOB # 0 BY: BRIT' TEST RPM BHP FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP SR 4 55 Ke 1100 30 40 480 14 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 GPM 1585 PSI 12.7 FEET 29.3 WA'TE.R. TO CL GAGE 1.5 Hf HOER EL HEAD TDE VOLTS AMPS KW READING POWER FACTOR GPM TDH BHP EFF 1300 1000 800 600 400 200 18.6 23.6 26.9 30.6 -33.1 -35.8 43.0 54.5 62.1 70.7 76.5 82.7 1.5 1.5. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 6.06 4.08 2.47 1.61 0.95 0.44 0.12 4.83 3.24 1.92 1.23 0.69 0.31 0.08 41.7 51.8 60.4 66.5 73.8_ 78.7 83.9 456 458 458 457 457 460 460 26.3 25.3 ' 23.5 21.6 19 16.4 13.4 20 18.75 17.86 16.25 13.75 12.5 10 99 99 99 99 '99 99.25 99.25 0 37.9 87.5 1 0.00 0.00 88.5 460 10.6 7.5 99.25 1585 1300 1000 800 600 400 200 0 41.7 51.8 60.4 66.5 73.8 78.7 83.9 88.5 19.7 19.0 17.6 16.2 14.3 12.3 10.1 8.0 85 90 87 83 78 65 42 0 PUMPS ud mums 4935 TELEGRAPH RO. L.f SANGELE$. CA 90022 (213) 261.2181 AUG 24 '93 14:22 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS TEST NUMBER 17 8 POINT PUMP SERIAL SG 147— z ct g TEST DAT 07116/93 U ao 50 40 30 40 1111 w 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 161 GPM TDH/GPIVI' BHP 0 TEST POINT GPM 0 TDH0 MOTOR INFO. HP 30 RPM 1000 IMPELLER DIA 1.4 ESSCO P P �!S 4935 TELEGRAPH. RD. LOS 8ELES, CA 90022 (213) 251.2181 C fi7 A • W rn N N (NA O C -u Ro Z r- [rJ'1 -o co EST NUMBER 6E-- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 17 TEST DATE: 07/16/93 GP E TOR TESTEDA RIANJOB 0 0 BY: BRIAN TEST MOTOR INFO RPM. BHP FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP SR $ sot-ta 1000 30 40 480 IMPELLER TRIM 14 READING VO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GPM 1475 Psi 10.3 FEET 23.8 WATER TO CL GAGE 1.5 Ht HEADER 5.31 VEL HEAD 4.24 TDM VOLTS AMPS - KW READING POWER FACTOR GPM TRH BHP v EFF /200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 14.9 18.5 21.5 24 26.9 29.3 31 34.4 42.7 49.7 55.4 62.1 67.7 71.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 3.50 2.47 1.61 0.95 0.44 0.12 0.00 2.76 1.92 . 1.23 0.69 0.31 0.08 0.00 34.8 42.2 48.6 54.0 58.6 64.4 68.9 72.6 456 457 458 458 458 459 459 460 20.8 20.2 19 17.6 16.1 13.6 10.8 8.5 15.38 15 15 13.75 12.13 10. 7.5 5.625 99.25 99.25 99.25 99.25 99.3 99.3 99.3 59.3 1475 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 34.8 42.2 48.6 54.0 58.6 64.4 68.9 .72.6 15.6 15.2 .14.3 13.2 12.1 10.2 8.2 6.4 83 84 . 86 83 74 64 43 0 ESSCO 4935 TELEGRAPH RO. LOSANGELES, (213) 261.2181 AUG 24 '93 14:23 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS TEST NUMBER 18 8 POINT PUMP SERIAL 45Ifs 1 0 TEST DAT € 7/19/93 TDFM BHP S6EFF 200 400 600 600 1000 1200 1400 GPM ESSCO Pars CONTROLS 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOSANGELES,CA 90022 OW 261.2181 TEST POINT GPM 4 TDH 0 MOTOR INFO. HP 30 RPM 900 IMPELLER DIA 14 66. va E fl& S iIND '8 SdW(ld 00SS3 62: bT TEST NUMBER 6E- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 MOTOR XNPO IMPELLER TRIM READING 110. 18 TEST DATE: 07/19/93 GPM TDH T STEDADRIANJOB # 0 0 B1': BRIAN TEST RPM BHP PTA TEST VOLTS PUMP SR 4 s{S ga 900 30 40 480 14 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 S GPM 1330 PSI' 8.7 FEET .20.1 WATER TO CL GAGE 1.5 Hf HEADER 4.32 ViL HEAD 3.45 TDB . 29.4 VOLTS 4557 AMPS 15.4 KW READING 1.0.63 POWER FACTOR 99.3 GPM TDH BHP EFF 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 10.5 13.3 16.6 19.1 21.5 23.8 25.4 24.3 30.7 38.3 44.1 49.7 55.0 58.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 3.50 2.47 1.61 0.95 0.44 0.12 0.00 2.76 1.92 1.23 0.69 0.31 0.08 0.00 32.0 36.6 42.7 47.3 51.9 56.2 59.7 458 458 459 459 459 459 460 15 14.7 13.6 12.1 10.6 8.3 6.5 10.38 10. 9.375 8.75 7.125 5 5 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.6 1330 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 •0 29.4 32.0 36.6 42.7 47.3 51.9 56.2 59.7 11.6 11.3 11.0 10.2 9.1 8.0 6.2 4.9 85 86 84 85 79 66 46 0 Es CO corms 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOS ANGELESI CA 90022 (213) 261.2 i AUG 24 '93 14:24 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS -o • 'rEST NUMBER 19 8 POINT PUMP SERIAL 10 kg 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 TEST DAT 07/19j93 i 1 . -9- /GPM -X- BHP FF ) 11':' A rla . .. - _ _ GPM • 000 ESSCend CONTROLS 4935 TELEGRAPH RD... LOSANG€LES) CA 90022 (213) 261-2181 TEST POINT GPM O TDDH O MOTOR INFO. HP 30 RPM 800 IMPELLER DIA. 14 •• •'. .. f• •'+~•}^yam$~• • Mt • AUG 24 '93 14:24 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS TEST NUMBER 6E- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 19 TEST DATE: 07/19/93 GPM TDH TES 'EDADRIANJOB # 0 0 BY: BRIAN TEST ST MOTOR INFO RPM BHP FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP SR # 4o 4i 800 30 40 480 IMPELLER TRIM 14 READING NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GPM 1180 PSI 7 FEET 16.2 WATER TO CI, GAGE 1.5 If HEADER 3.43 VLL HEAD 2.70 TD 23.8 VOLTS 459 AMPS 11.1 T READING POUER FACTOR Gib TDH' BHP %EFP' 1000 800 600 400 200 100 0 9.7 12.2 14.4 1.6.8 18.9 19.5 20.2 22.4 28.2 33.3 38.8 43.7 45.0 46.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 2.47 1.6/ 0.95 0.44 0.12 0.03 0.00 1.92 1.23 0.69 0.31 0.08 0.02 0.00 28.3 32.5 36.4 41.1 45.4 46.1 47.7 459 460 460 460 461 461 461 10.9 10.4 9.1 7.8 6.5 5.? 5.1 7.125 6.875 6.875. 6.25 5.625 4.375 3.75 2.5 99.4 99.4 99.4 99.5 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.7 1180 1000 800 600 400 200 100 0 23.8 28.3 32.5 36.4 41.1 45.4 46.1 47.7 8.3 8.2 7.8 6.8 5.9 4.9 4.3 3.8 85 87 84 81 71 47 27 0 ern' t Essco d PS COMM 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOSANGELES. CA 90022 (213) 2614181 S1d1N3 1 SdWfld O3SS3 SZ:bi GG bz 91-1a TEST NUMBER 20 8 POINT PUMP SERIAL .S5 Hz, 90 80 70 60 x 50 0 I— 40 30 20 1 0 —44 660 GPM TEST DAT 07I19/93 x 800 1000 1200 PUMPS ESSCO and 4935 to 'TELEGRAPHRD. LOS ANGE , CA 90022 (213) 261.2181 TEST PO' GPM 0 TDH0 MAR INFO. HP 30 RPM 700 IMPELLER DIA 14 AUG 24 '93 14:25 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS TEST FIBER 6E- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 20 TEST DATE: 07/19/93 GPM TDH TESTEDADRIANJOB # 0 0 BY: BRIG' TEST MOTOR INFO RPM 700 IMPELLER TRIM 14 READING NO. GPM PSI FEET WATER TO CL GAGE Hf HEADER VEL HEAD TDH VOLTS AMPS Kivu REARING POWER FACTOR GPM TDH BHP EFF BHP. FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP SR # 1 " Ha 30 40 480 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1030 900 800 600 400 200 100 0 5.6 7.2 8.5 10.7 12.5 14.4 14.9 15.6 12.9 16.6 19.6 24.7 28.9 33.3 34.4 36.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 2.66 2.02 1.61 0.95 0.44 0.12 0.03 0.00 2.07 1.55 1.23 0.69 0.31 0.08 0.02 0.00 19.2 21.7 24.0 27.9 31.1 35.0 35.5 37.0 460 460 460 461 461 462 463 463 7.6 7.6 7.4 6.9 6.1 5.2 4.6 4.1 5 4.625 4.625 4.375 3.75 3.75 2.5 2.5 99.8 99.8 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 1030 900 800 600 400 200 100 0 19.2 21.7 24.0 27.9 31.1 35.0 35.5 37.0 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.2 4.6 3.9 3.5 3.1. 87 87 87 82 69 45 26 0 ESSCO PUMPS and Cow 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOSANGELES, CA 90022 (213) 261.2181 TEST NUMBER 21 8 POINT PUMP SERIAL 3 1.12 0 E- TEST DAT 07/19/93 BO -e- UHJGPM stir, 60 %EFF . 40- 30 • 100 200 300 400 500 600 ma 'Inn Ann GPM E and COAL 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOSANGELES. CA 90022 (213) 261-2181 TEST POINT GPM 0 TDH 0 MAR INFO. HP 30 RPM 6 IMPELLER DID. 14 AUG 24 '93 14:26 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS TEST NUMBER 6E- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 21 GPM 0 TEST DATE: 07/19/93 TDH TES"x1 D DRI JoB # 0 BY: TEST MOTOR INFO RPM BHP FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP SR # 3a et 600 30 40 480 IMPELLER TRIM 14 READING NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GPM 900 PSI 4.4 FEET 10.2 WATER TO CI, GAG 1.5 Hf HEADER 2.02 VEL HEAD 1.55 TDH 15.2 VOLTS AMPS KW READING POWER FACTOR GPM TDH BHP ZFF 800 600 500 400 200 100 0 5.1 7.2 8.2 9.1 20.5 11.2 11.5 11.8 16.6 18.9 21.0 24.3 25.6 26.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.61 0.95 0.67 0.44 0.12 0.03 0.00 1.23 0.69 0.48 0.31 0.08 0.02 0.00 16.1 .19.E 21.6 23.3 26.0 26.7 27.6 461 462 461 461 462 462 463 462 5.3 5.3 5. 1 4.8 4.7 4 3.7 3.3 3.125 3.125 3.125 2.75 2.5 2.5 2.125 1.25 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.3 99.9 99.9 99.9 900 800 600 500 400 200 100 0 15.2 16.1 19.8 21.6 23.3 26.0 26.7 27.6 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.0 2.8 2.5 87 82 78 76 67 44 24 0 ESSCM 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOSANGELESsCA 90022 (213) 261.2181 AUG 24 '93 14:27 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS TESTNUMBER 22 8 POINT PUMP SERIAL 2 FIa 1 E- 2 1 TEST DAT 07/19/93 FFr f e x x X x y y 0 100 200 300 400 500 A0n 7nl ;In GPM sari CEMEOLS 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. LOS ANGELES,CA 90022 3) 261-2181 TEST POINT GPM O TDH O MOTOR INFO. HP 30 RPM SOO IMPELLER DIA 14 AUG 24 '93 14:27 ESSCO PUMPS & CNTRLS MOTOR INFO IMPELLER TRIM READING NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GPM 725 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 PSI 3.4 4.4 5.2 6.1 6.8 7.3 8 8.4 FEET 7.9 10.2 12.0 14.1 15.7 16.9 18.5 19.4 MAC TO CL GAGS; 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 HE HEADER 1.34 0.95 0.67 0.44 0.26 0.12 0.03 0.00 VEL HEAD 1.01 0.69 0.48 0.31 0.17 0.08 0.02 0.00 TDH 11.7 13.3 14.7 16.3 17.6 18.6 19.5 20.4 VOLTS 462 463 463 461 462 462 463 463 AMPS 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 KW READING 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.875 1.875 1.875 1.25 POWER FACTOR 100 100 100 /00 100 100 100 100 GPM 725 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 TDB 11.7 13.3 14.7 16.3 17.6 18.6 19.5 20.4 BHP 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.0 a' EFF 77 73 69 63 54 40 23 0 TEST NUMBER 6E- 22 TEST DATE: 07/ 19/ 33 Pimp SIZE GPM TOR TESTEDADRIANJOB # 4935 TELEGRAPH RD. 6X6X14X3 0 0 8F: TEST LOSANGELES, CA 90022 (213) 261-2181 RPM BHP FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP SR # ZS Kz 500 30 40 480 14 PUMPS end 4 .. •-g: EG, ba Sflt S1ZIJN3 1 SdWld 03SS3 92:bT TEST NUMBER 21 6 POINT PUMP SERIAL 93130-1 CERTIFIED BY 120 100 80 0 60 40 20 0 TEST DATE 07/16/93 DATE / • sP€c,` spacAriep F:E cvs c©IYD/n NT41111.1111.°Pw— - El- TDH/GPM -, - BHP - AL- %EFF 200 400 600 800 10001200140016001800 GPM TEST POINT GPM 1450 TDH 56 MOTOR INFO. HP 30 RPM 1165 IMPELLER DIA 14 TEST NUMBER 6F- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 MOTOR INFO IMPELLER TRIM READING NO. 20 GPM TDH 1450 56 RPM BHP 1165 30 14 TEST TESTEDADRIANJOB # BY: JEFF 93130- o FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP S 40 480 93130- 1 2 3 4 5 6 GPM 1750 PSI 14.7 FEET 34.0 WATER TO CL GAGE 1 Hf HEADER 7.33 VEL HEAD 5.87 TDH 48.2 VOLTS 443 AMPS 32.8 KW READING 25 POWER FACTOR 99 GPM TDH BHP % EFF 1600 1450 800 600 0 18.2 21 33.1 36.6 45.6 42.0 48.5 76.5 84.5 105.3 1 1 1 1 0 6.16 5.07 1.61 0.95 0.00 4.91 4.03 1.23 0.69 0.00 54.1 58.6 80.3 87.2 105.3 444 444 448 448 449 32.6 32.1 25.7 23 13.5 25 22.5 19.38 17.5 9.375 99 99 99 99 99 1750 1600 1450 800 600 0 48.2 54.1 58.6 80.3 87.2 105.3 24.6 24.5 24.1 19.3 17.3 10.1 87 89 89 84 76 0 v TEST NUMBER 21 6 POINT PUMP SERIAL 931 CERTIFIED BY ,Pa) 120 100 80 0 60 1- 40 20 0 TEST DATE 07/16/93 DATE 7//c///13 7//6/33 7(-/ ,(93 —9— TDH/GPM - BHP %EFF 0 200 400 600 800 1 000 1200 1400 1600 1800 GPM TEST POINT GPM 1450 TDH 56 MOTOR INFO. HP 30 RPM 1165 IMPELLER DIA 14 C•93 CeA C•10 C=2 m O W • m - m - � cn - DJ NQ m MJ W Cl) cn XI m X D C) co a) N n Cr) 0 cri 8 c w -t 0 n TEST NUMBER 6F- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 MOTOR INFO IMPELLER TRIM READING NO. GPM PSI FEET WATER TO CL GAGE Hf HEADER VEL HEAD TDH VOLTS AMPS 21 GPM TDH 1450 56 RPM 1165 14 BHP 30 TEST TESTEDADRIANJOB # BY: JEFF 93130 FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP S 40 480 93130-. 1 2 3 4 1750 1600 15 18.1 34.6 41.8 1.5 1.5 7.33 6.16 5.87 4.91 49.4 54.4 440 448 35.1 33.8 KW READING 26.88 26.25 POWER FACTOR 99 99 GPM TDH BHP % EFF CERTIFIED BY: 1450 21.1 48.7 1.5 5.07 4.03 59.3 448 33.7 25.38 99 800 33.5 77.4 1.5 1.61 1.23 81.7 450 26.7 20 99 1750 1600 1450 800 49.4 54.4 59.3 81.7 26.3 25.4 25.3 20 83 0,87 in 86 83 �j GUvkQQ ` 1 !� DATE : • 5 6 600 36.7 84.8 1.5 0.95 0.69 87.9 450 23.2 17.5 99 0 45.2 104.4 0 0.00 0.00 104.4 452 13.5 10 99 600 0 87.9 104.4 17.4 10.1 77 0 7 / (c / 7/' 16/433 7% //S3 PUMP SIZE Gx6x14 x3 DESIGN POINT GPM I4Iso TDH 56 TESTED BY: A-oe, �F-4=F- DATE: 7-16-9-. SERIAL # g3i3o - 1 IMPELLER DIAMETER I4V' VANES - DISCHARGE c.« HORSEPOWER 3c RPM it 6s FLA 4o VOLTAGE 4sc PHASE 3 HERTZ SUBMERGENCE READING NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 VORTEX NON -CLOG) GPM i 7 sa 1 boo 1 4 50 goo c.c.o o IMP CLEARANCE: , O zo PSI 15.o is./ Zi 1 33,5 3c.7 /s.-z MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION HEADER LOSS VOLUTE �•‘- VACUUM LOSS / ` IMPELLER c . ‘ . FEET CASE WEAR RING ►-a _ H - WATER TO CL GAGE ' IMPELLER WEAR RING ,�. ,4 . CUSTOMER: r•-�V l..T% - C.. ST2-uc.-r -% GT./ CF F -1 T'A�� A Hf HEADER • VEL HEAD CERTIFIED BY: T.D.H. WITNESSED BY: VOLTAGE i il5<d 4/1e 44'5 45 dsa i6--Z AMPERAGE 3s.I 33.s 33.7 2.6.7 Z3.Z 13.S COMMENTS: ESSCO PUMPS CERTIFIED PUMP TEST MEMBER OF THE HYDRAULIC INSTITUTE KW X 1zs .z,S .zi .Za3 .16 .14- ,ag POWER FACTOR `li 9c1 "19 19 9`1 9-/.25 GPM TDH BHP EFF % TEST NUMBER 22 6 POINT CERTIFIED BY a4/ PUMP SERIAL 9313 120 100 80 0 60 40 20 GY .4) 9A-cr7 TEST DA'1'h 07/16/93 DATE 7 //'/'43 �/6`3 7/ e6/93 x )c TDH/GPM BHP %EFF 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 GPM TEST POINT GPM 1450 TDH 56 MOTOR INFO. HP 30 RPM 1165 IMPELLER DIA 14 TEST NUMBER 6F- PUMP SIZE 6X6X14X3 MOTOR INFO IMPELLER TRIM READING NO. GPM PSI FEET WATER TO CL GAGE Hf HEADER VEL HEAD TDH VOLTS AMPS KW READING POWER FACTOR GPM TDH BHP % EFF CERTIFIED BY: 22 GPM TDH 1450 56 TEST TESTEDADRIANJOB # BY: JEFF 93130 RPM BHP FLA TEST VOLTS PUMP S 1165 30 40 480 93130- 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 1750 1600 1450 800 600 0 14.7 18.2 21 33.1 36.6 45.6 34.0 42.0 48.5 76.5 84.5 105.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 7.33 6.16 5.07 1.61 0.95 0.00 5.87 4.91 4.03 1.23 0.69 0.00 48.7 54.6 59.1 80.8 87.7 105.3 443 444 444 448 448 449 32.8 32.6 32.1 25.7 23 13.5 25 25 22.5 19.38 17.5 9.375 99 99 99 99 99 99 1750 1600 1450 800 48.7 54.6 59.1 80.8 24.6 24.5 24.1 19.3 ,,090 90 85 044*..4...0,,,i,c.J3r1- DATE: 4,Qn 512 Gam. 600 0 87.7 105.3 17.3 10.1 77 0 7 / (6, /`): PUMP SIZE ‘.x6x►dx3 DESIGN POINT GPM 1,46-o TDH 5‘. TESTED BY: ie.., .1 DATE: "7-t6-93 SERIAL # i o-- - IMPELLER DIAMETER (4" VANES - DISCHARGE HORSEPOWER 3o RPM it65 FLA 4o VOLTAGE 4so PHASE HERTZ Ga SUBMERGENCE READING NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 VORTEX NON -CLOG GPM ,7 z t c.oa i.4 so goy Goo a IMP CLEARANCE: , o0 9 PSI J4.7 1E3.2 Z J .0 3'3• t SG. 4. 45.6 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION HEADER LOSS VOLUTE c.t. VACUUM LOSS ` IMPELLER co. FEET CASE WEAR RING �.,.,4 . WATER TO CL GAGE ' IMPELLER WEAR RING r✓ • « • CUSTOMER: -) L-.-r, - c-0 ,--. -rpm c- -r ; c� i r y -1T , A- Hf HEADER VEL HEAD CERTIFIED BY: T.D.H. WITNESSED BY: VOLTAGE 44 3 4,71 z/z-H /kg 446 07 AMPERAGE 3z.'3 3Z.6 3Z • ! Zs.7 �3 C. /3.5 COMMENTS: ESSCO PUMPS CERTIFIED PUMP TEST MEMBER OF THE HYDRAULIC INSTITUTE KW X 1Z5 •Z ,z . re .1sS .14- • D 7 5 POWER FACTOR 99 99' 9-) 99 ci`i 9of GPM TDH BHP ' EFF % ESSCO PUMPS AND CONTROLS PUMP PERFORMANCE TESTING ESSCO SERIAL NUMBERS: 93130-1 & 2 PUMP MODEL 6X6X14X3 30 HP, 1165 RPM 230,460 VOLT, 3 PHASE, 60 HZ FINAL CONNECTION 460 VOLT CITY OF FONTANA TAMARIND AVE. SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 8 SB-48-93 CONTRACTOR: MULTI CONSTRUCTION MUNICIPAL`'`: '~ • Raw Sewage • 'Grit Handling.; :Sludge Recirculati Digester Cleaning Thickened, Sludge • Storm'. Water ?Mg r-, PUMPS and CONTROLS rite"Handling aste`Handling Tanne`"r;",Waste enderin lashdov 4935 Telegraph Road • Los Angeles, CA 90022-3835 I(213) 261-2181 • FAX: (213) 261-1523 NT:rnlr,nr,9 4R0L PANELS;: •'" Air Bubbler - Pressures • . Air. Bubbler pressure:;r • Mercury Float',Switch` •" Variable FrequencyDry • Soft Start Systems Motor Control Centers ENGINEERS SALES -SERVICE COMPANY, INC. 4935 Telegraph Rd. • Los Angeles, CA 90022-3835 (213) 261-2181 FAX (213) 261-1523 ESSCO PUMP TESTING PROCEDURE Testing procedure for conducting performance acceptance test of ESSCO Vortex and Non -Clog Pumps at the Hydraulic Test Facility of Engineers Sales -Service Co., Inc. REFERENCE ASME Power Test Code, The Hydraulic Institute Standards, Article VIII and A.W.W.A. E101-71, A.N.S.I. B58.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to outline the scope of testing and to describe the method to be used in order to comply with the specifications referenced above. TEST PROCEDURE The unit will be installed in a test system similar to above recommendations. After all instrumentation has been checked for proper installation, the pump will be started with the flow control valve opened to a convenient capacity in order to purge air from the system. After satisfactory mechanical operation of the test unit has been established and the system has been thoroughly purged, data for the performance test will be recorded. The various test capacities will be established by means of the flow control valve. The total number of capacity points taken during the test shall be not less than five. At each capacity, instrument reading for determination of voltage, amperage on all legs, pressure (head), power input, power factor, and capacity shall be taken'as a minimum. Instruments will be read at each point after satisfactory system stability has been established. A normal performance test is conducted covering the range of 0 to approximately 140% of design capacity, or to the maximum motor horsepower limit. At least one test point will be at or near the design flow condition. TEST REPORT The test report will consist of a graphical presentation of the test data with the total differential head, pump efficiency, and brake horsepower plotted as ordinates with capacity as abscissa. The data sheet will present the recorded test data, correction factors and/or multiplier if applicable, and all calculated results. 1 INSTRUMENTATION All instruments used in obtaining performance data are calibrated per the Hydraulic Institute Standards calibration schedule. The measurement of head will be obtained using special test pressure gauges and/or Dwyer 632 series pressure transducer. Pressure gauge will be checked before and after each test by a "Dead Weight Gauge Tester" at a U.L. Test Gauge Center. Pressure transducer shall be zeroed before and after each test using a certified Fluke Instrument Model 77 multimeter. Calibration of the Fluke 77 instrument shall be done by'an authorized factory service center at regular intervals. Flow measurement will be determined using a MO 500 Micrometer with integral straightening vanes, magnetic drive pulse transmitter to digital readout flowmeter. The power input measurement, in Kilowatts, will be obtained using a Westinghouse Type PG-191 Industrial Analyzer. Calibration will be performed by multiplying volts times amps times power factor times the square root of 3. This value should correspond to the watt meter reading times its constant. Revolutions per minute for Horizontal and Vertical pumps will be measured with a Stewart Tachometer. It will be calibrated against a synchronous motor, 3600, 1800, 1200, and 900 RPM nominal. Ref: TEST 2 11111. NMI IIIIII INN MIMI MIN Mil M 1' JOB #: 7.00 L_ E8.00 227.5 2 PLAN 6.0 _—I 52.5 0. 0 10.5 12.00 1_7 22.00 --- 83.5 53.00 20.5 12.00 50.00 24.00-- 8.00 90 00 72 00 FLOOR 27+00 187.00 9.0 215.5 PLAN VIEW 0 7.75* r .5* ELEVATION VIEW dik u 16.00 2. PRESSURE MONITOR—DWYER 632 SERIES TRANSDUCER DWYER A-701 POWER SUPPLY/DIGITAL READ OUT. 1. FLOW METER—AMETEK/McCROMETER IMPELLER METER WITH A MODEL EA505-00 PULSE TRANSMITTER A MODEL EA320 DIGITAL METER IS USED FOR DISPLAY. + THESE DIMENSIONS ARE SPREAD APART FOR CLARITY. NOTES: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DATE: 7/12/90 FILE NAME: TESTPIT DRAWN BY: BRAD J. MANN 010C0Pllfrlf'S CHECKED BY: J.I. REV. DATE: 7/16/90 TEST PIT LAYOUT ENGINEERS SRLES•SERVICE COMPANY, INC. 4935 Telegraph Road • Los Angeles, CA 90022 Phone (213)261-2181 • Fax (213)261-1523 SUBMITTAL March 26, 1993 ESSCO JOB #: 93130 REF: CITY OF FONTANA; SEWER FORCE MAIN FOR TAMARIND AVENUE AND SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 8 SB-48-93. ESSCO is pleased to submitt the following pumping equipment per the plans and specifications with no exceptions taken: CONDITION POINT: 1450 GPM at 56 FT. TDB. 81% Eff. Two- ESSCO model 6x6x14x3 submersible pump with two -port non -clog impeller capable of passing 3.38" diameter solids. Each unit shall be constructed of heavy duty engineered cast iron with cast iron impeller with Ni-hard 550 BHN hardness "L" shaped wear ring„ cast iron volute with Ni-hard 550 BHN hardness case wear ring, Ni-hard 550 BHN hardness wear plate, assembled with stainless steel hardware. The pump case interior and exterior shall be coated with Fusecote epoxy. Reliance 30 HP, 1150 RPM, 460V/3/60, U.L. listed submersible motor, explosion -proof, Class 1, Group C&D rated for hazardous location, with Carbon vs. Ceramic upper and Tungsten Carbide lower mechanical seal, 416 stainless steel shaft, oil buffer zone, moisture sensing probes, built-in thermal overload protection, 40 ft. motor leads and ESSCO/Reliance five year warranty. Two- 6" U.L. listed slide rail assembly to include Cast Iron elbow, Bronze faced sliding flange, Bronze r?il guides, Stainless Steel lifting yoke, 2" Stainless Steel top guide bracket. Four- 2" stainless steel intermediate guide brackets for guide pipes. *Note - Stainless Steel guide pipe and Stainless Steel anchor bolts by others. Grinnell fig. 49 or equal clevis pipe support and intermediate bracket support and 1""x2 1/2" stainless steel sch.40 hollow bar by others. Two- Two- Two- Two- 3/8"x7/16"x30' stainless steel wire -rope, nylon jacketed with four inch I.D. stainless steel lifting rings placed every five feet. Certified pump performance tests. Spare impeller dynamically balanced, trimmed and with Ni-hard 550 BHN "L" shaped wear ring installed. Spare Tungsten Carbide vs. Tungsten Carbide lower mechanical seal. Delivery: 8-10 weeks upon receipt of approved submittal. 'See next page) 1 1 One- ESSCO NEMA 1 control panel, Motor Control Center (MCC) with General Electric NEMA 1B enclosure, double throw transfer switch, emergency generator set receptacle, H-O-A switches, pilot lights, push buttons, pump alternator, power -phase monitor relay, time delay relay, control relays, field terminal blocks, elapsed time meters, intrinsic relay, bubbler tube, float switches with brackets, pressure switches, seal fail relays, vent fan, two 30 HP VFD, isolation contactor and bypass starter, one 3 KVA 480V x 120/240V transformer and distribution panel, one Dialog Plus automatic phone alarm system. (Meter and main service disconnect by others, all J- boxes and seal offs by others etc.). Delivery: 8-10 submittals. As always if I numbers. tfu ly, 'rim Doug/Waring ESSCO Pumps and weeks after receipt of written purchase order and approved can be of further service please contact me at the above Controls N N M NM = N M N 1 N M M - - NE M - - - 1 T D H i N F E E T 100 90 80 70 60 i 50 40 30 20 10 00 'T :4s ENGINEERS SALES -SERVICE CO., INC. P.O. BOX 7036 4933 TELEGRAPH ROAD LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90022-0736 (213) 261-2181 01 I • • 11Q 751 1 1' ;- t!! iH I •12 -17 ESSCO PUMP MODEL NO.: 6x6x14x3 TYPE: STTRMRRSTBLF. IMPELLER TYPE: NONCLOG - . RPM: 1150 DIAMETER OF SPHER�; 3 TNCH CERTIFIED BY: t!/ JOB NUMBER: T3 /30 •Y1 JOB NAME: 1 6 attt.: ,Setc L , ? 5-6 r"t..... ...... , } :...NIPS: tl}. 1 P 500 1000 1 00 2000 2500 P • it.. I1< • DATE APRIL 1987 I IMP. DIA. VARIOUS U.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE MIN IMO 111111 Eli NMI NM MIN MIN MIN Mil IMO ME 111111 ME EMI IMO OM SIZE 4X4X10X3 4X4X14X3 X6X14X3 A 10.63 12.75 15.9 B * C 4 4.1 6 D 8.5 11.4 E 8.2 11 12.75 F 9.25 11 15 G 4.5 4.5 5.5 H 6.25 9.25 10 J 8.5 11 12.25 K 18 19.5 19.5 L 9 9 11 MOTOR FRAME SIZE * - B $; LUDES WEARPLATE 140TY 24.4 180TY 24,9 B 210TY 30.85 K 250TY 20TY 36.25 38.55 irr 360TY 44.05 NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. 2. DIMENSIONS +/- .05 INCH. 3. FLANGES DRILLED CLASS 125. 4. NOT SHOWN 5. NOT USED BY SOME MODELS JOB # SR# DATE: CERTIFIED BY: JOB NAME - PARTS LIST MATERIAL CODE 43 U.L. LISTED MOTOR 44 IMPELLER SPACER (5) 31 IMPELLER M1 M1 28 IMPELLER BOLT/WASHER 37 PUMP STAND M2 M4 1 PUMP CASE M1 45 COOL AGIVENT 100 WEAR RING (OPTIONAL) 38 CAP SCREW M3 M2,M M2 31 CAP SCREW 2.1 WEAR PLATE (OPTIONAL) MATERIAL CODE M1= CAST IRON DATE: 3/29/93 FILE NAME: SUBNC2B M2= 304/316 SS M3= BRONZE REVISED DATE 000C M2 M1,M PUMPS M4= STEEL REVISED BY: K PADGETT M5=NI-HARD 550 BHN M6=DUCTILE IRON SUBMERSIBLE NON -CLOG PUMPS C-SERIES ENGINEERS SALES•SEVICE COMPANY, INC. 4935 Telegraph Road ® Los Angeles, CA 90022 Phone (213)261-2181 ® Fax (213)261-1523 SUBMITTAL March 26, 1993 ESSCO JOB #: 93130 REF: CITY OF FONTANA; SEWER FORCE MAIN FOR TAMARIND AVENUE AND SEWER LIFT STATION NO. 8 SB-48-93. ESSCO is pleased to submitt the following pumping equipment per the plans and specifications with no exceptions taken: CONDITION POINT: 1450 GPM at 56 FT. TDH. 81% Eff. Two- ESSCO model 6x6x14x3 submersible pump with two -port non -clog impeller capable of passing 3.38" diameter solids. Each unit shall be constructed of heavy duty engineered cast iron with cast iron impeller with Ni-hard 550 BHN hardness "L" shaped wear ring„ cast iron volute with Ni-hard 550 BHN hardness case wear ring, Ni-hard 550 BHN hardness wear plate, assembled with stainless steel hardware. The pump case interior and exterior shall be coated with Fusecote epoxy. Reliance 30 HP, 1150 RPM, 460V/3/60, U.L. listed submersible motor, explosion -proof, Class 1, Group C&D rated for hazardous location, with Carbon vs. Ceramic upper and Tungsten Carbide lower mechanical seal, 416 stainless steel shaft, oil buffer zone, moisture sensing probes, built-in thermal overload protection, 40 ft. motor leads and ESSCO/Reliance five year warranty. Two- 6" U.L. listed slide rail assembly to include Cast Iron elbow, Bronze faced sliding flange, Bronze rail guides, Stainless Steel lifting yoke, 2" Stainless Steel top guide bracket. Four- 2" stainless steel intermediate guide brackets for guide pipes. *Note Stainless Steel guide pipe and Stainless Steel anchor bolts by others. Grinnell fig. 49 or equal clevis pipe support and intermediate bracket support and 1"x2 1/2u stainless steel sch.40 hollow bar by others. Two- 3/8"x7/16"x30' stainless steel wire -rope, nylon jacketed with four inch I.D. stainless steel lifting rings placed every five feet. Two- Certified pump performance tests. Two- Spare impeller dynamically balanced, trimmed and with Ni-hard 550 BHN "L" shaped wear ring installed. Two- Spare Tungsten Carbide vs. Tungsten Carbide lower mechanical seal. Delivery: 8-10 weeks upon receipt of approved submittal. iiie next page) • 1 le_ ESSCO NEMA 1 control panel, Motor Control Center (MCC) with General Electric NEMA 1B enclosure, double throw transfer switch, emergency generator set receptacle, H-O-A switches, pilot lights, push buttons, pump alternator, power -phase monitor relay, time delay relay, control relays, field terminal blocks, elapsed time meters, intrinsic relay, bubbler tube, float switches with brackets, pressure switches, seal fail relays, vent fan, two 30 HP VFD, isolation contactor and bypass starter, one 3 KVA 480V x 120/240V transformer and distribution panel, one Dialog Plus automatic phone alarm system. (Meter and main service disconnect by others, all J- boxes and seal offs by others etc.). Delivery: 8-10 weeks after receipt of written purchase order and approved submittals. As always if I can be of further service please contact me at the above numbers. Re ectfuly, debt,e7 Doug/Waring ESS O Pumps and Controls 2 ,ELL� ESSCO submersible non -clog pumps are designed to provide the maximum pump efficiencies while maintaining the optimum in equipment life. ESSCO designs maximum flexibility into every unit, such as special materials, special coatings, special mechanical seals and many other options. VOLUTE: Each ESSCO volute is designed with maximum life in mind. ESSCO provides extra material in high wear areas as well as special designs to handle heavy grit slurries. IMPELLER: All ESSCO non -clog impellers are designed with smooth water passages. Each impeller is inspected for irregular surfaces, then statically, and on larger units, dynamically balanced. COOL AGIVENT: Each ESSCO submersible pump includes a Cool Agivent apparatus which is for venting pump cases and cooling external surface of the motor. This patented device will allow a more shallow wet well design, as well as keep the motor cool when not submerged. All ESSCO submersible pumps are capable of running dry continuously. (Consult factory for specific applications.) MOTOR: Reliance U.L. listed for Class 1, Div. 1, Group D, hazardous location, complete with a moisture detector and thermal protection. Heavy duty thrust bearings and dual seals give added protection and on special request high tempera- ture or abrasion resistant seals are availble. SIZES AVAILABLE: 3" through 12" discharge. WEAR RINGS: All ESSCO non -clog pumps are available with wear rings. Wear ring materials include cast iron, bronze, stainless steel and on special request, hardened wear rings. Other materials are available. (Consult factory with specific details.) SPECIAL MATERIALS: ESSCO submersible pumps are available in materials other than cast iron. Special materials include 316 S.S., bronze and high chromium iron (Brinnell 550-650 hardness). Other materials are available on special requests All ESSCO Pumps are Cast, Manufactured, Assembled and Tested in the U.S.A. ENGINEERS SALES -SERVICE CO., INC. • 4935 TELEGRAPH ROAD P.O. BOX 7036 LOS ANGELES, CA 90022-0736 (213) 261-2181 FAX (213) 261-1523 DISTRIBUTED BY: FORM SP-002 T D H F E E T 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 I0 0 0 ENGINEERS SALES-SERVI CO., INC. • '1t7r ..I P.O. BOX 7036 4996 TELEGRAPH ROAD LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90022-0736 (213) 261-2181 • ' I 500 1000 1- ' !Ii 1 ESSCO PUMP MODEL NO.: 6x6x14x3 TYPE: STTRMF.RSTRT,FE, IMPELLER TYPE: NONCLOG RPM: 1150 DIAMETER OF SPHER,; 1 TN(1T CERTIFIED BY: a.(49. JOB NUMBER: T3 /30 JOB NAME: 6.74/ 5 ' 1 �j %Qn latiin� 5 .......... ..... 30 H P. 1 00 2000 2500 -41 I !`I • DATE APRIL 1987 IMP. DIA. VARIOUS U.S. GALLONS PER MINUTE SIZE 4X4X10X3 A 10.63 B C 4 D E 8.2 F 9.25 G 4.5 H 6.25 J 8.5 K 18 9 L 4X4X14X3 12.75 * 4.1 8.5 11 11 4.5 9.25 11 19.5 9 X6X14X3 15.9 6 11.4 12.75 15 5.5 10 12.25 19.5 11 MOTOR FRAME SIZE * - B 'r LUDES WEARPLATE 140TY 24.4 180TY 24.9 210TY 30.85 250TY 20TY 36.25 38.55 360TY 44.05 NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. 2. DIMENSIONS +/- .05 INCH. 3. FLANGES DRILLED CLASS 125. 4. NOT SHOWN 5. NOT USED BY SOME MODELS JOB # SR# DATE: CERTIFIED BY: JOB NAME - PARTS LIST MATERIAL CODE 43 U.L. LISTED MOTOR 44 IMPELLER SPACER (5) 31 IMPELLER M1 M1 28 IMPELLER BOLT/WASHER M2 37 PUMP STAND M4 1 PUMP CASE M1 45 COOL AGIVENT 100 WEAR RING (OPTIONAL) 38 CAP SCREW M3 M2,M M2 31 CAP SCREW 2.1 WEAR PLATE (OPTIONAL) DATE: 3/29/93 MATERIAL CODE M1= CAST IRON FILE NAME: SUBNC2B M2= 304/316 SS M3= BRONZE REVISED DATE M2 M1,M 008g0PUMPS M4= STEEL REVISED BY: K PADGETT M5=NI-HARD 550 BHN- M6=DUCTILE IRON SUBNERSIBLE NON -CLOG PUMPS C-SERIES JOB #: TOP GUIDE x BRACKET 210TY=35.37 OTY=40.75 20TY=45.06 9.625 0 GUIDE PIPE BY OTHERS OPTIONAL INTERMEDIATE BRACKET EVERY 10 FEET • BY OTHERS 17.625 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DATE: 8/7/90 FILE NAME: 6614PIT1 DRAWN BY: BRAD J. MANN �n ligrumPs CHECKED BY J.I. REV. DATE: 1/22/91 DUPLEX LAYOUT FOR CXG)(12X3 AND ''- 6X6X14X3 Submersible Sewage Pump Motors UL Listed for Use in Class I Groups C and D Hazardous Locations in Air or Submersible in, Water and Sewage • 1/2 - 200 HP Polyphase* • 3/4— 5 HP Single -Phase • Continuous In -Air Designs 1/2-30 HP Polyphase, 1/2-2 HP Single -Phase • Moisture Detector and Thermal Protection Standard • UL Listed Explosion -Proof for Hazardous Wet Pit Locations Facts About Wet Well Applications liance Electric Duty Master® submersible A-C motors g quality and reliability to submersible sewage wet well or applications. Sewage wet wells are known to routinely contain explosive gases and vapors. (For a complete listing see Water Pollution Control Federation Manual of Practice No. 1, Safety and Wastewater Works, pages 44 & 45. 1975 edition.) Such locations are defined by the National Electrical Code as Class I; Division I, Hazardous Locations. Section 501-8 (a) of the NEC requires that motors be designed for the location, e.g. explosion -proof. The U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA) has classified all wet wells which handle wastewater containing organic matter as Class I, Division I, Hazardous Locations. For a listing of explosions occurring in wastewater collection system locations, see Appendix B, NFPA bulletin No. 328, 1975 edition. Reliance® submersible motors are UL listed for Class I, Groups C and D in air or submersible in water or sewage. Reliance submersible motors include thermal devices as standard. These devices are required by UL on all motors 1 HP and larger. These devices are not recognized by UL for motors less than 1 HP but are included by Reliance Electric for additional motor protection. Motors less than 1 HP are supplied with a cautionary label and are suitable on applications where vapor or gas ignition temperatures exceed 280°C. These motors are listed Class I, Group D liance Electric stocks common rating through 100 HP continuous duty submerged in liquid, 15 minutes duty in air at nameplate horsepower. Other non-UL designs through 200 HP and special continuous in air ratings are also available. Above 135 HP not ULJCSA Listed Application of this motor product for continuous in -gases operation must be done in compliance with Reliance Electric bulletin B-3629 (latest revision). The thermostats are automatic reset for use in normally closed circuit where the thermostat is connected in series with the holding coil of the magnetic starter. When excessive heat occurs, it causes the thermostat to open the circuit of the holding coil of the magnetic starter stopping the motor. Thermostats provide over temperature protection except for very rapid rates of rise. It is suggested that over current protection be used in the motor starter to insure locked rotor protection. Use of the thermostats is required and limited to control circuits in which the maximum current does not exceed the following values: Volts Amps Inrush Amps 110-220 3.0 30.0 220-240 1.5 15.0 440-490 0.75 7.5 550-600 0.6 6.0 RELIANCE ELECTRIC O The complete line of Duty Master Submersible Pump Motors includes single-phase motors from 3/4 to 5 HP and polyphase motors in 1/2 to 200 HP ratings. Single-phase motors have control panels Which include auxiliary starting capacitors and connection terminal strip. Most stock motors are dual voltage with reconnectable leads. Motor listing by Underwriters Laboratories requires the use of a 2800 series Warrick temperature control device and that any servicing of this product be done at a UL listed, Reliance Electric approved service center, if UL listing is to be maintained. Standard NEMA Design B torque electrical designs are used throughout. Bearings are pre -lubricated at the factory and designed for a minimum L-10 life of 17,500 hours at maximum continuous duty load. A locked shaft extension bearing prevents shaft movement and takes thrust loads in stride. Reliability is assured by complete pressure -proof design, plus a warning system. Corrosion -resistant cast iron end shields and frames are complemented with stainless steel hardware and shafts. Extra -long rabbet fits are protected with "0" ring seals, assuring a moisture -proof barrier against abrasive fluids. All leads are epoxy sealed. Two seals provide double protection for electrical parts. If the outer seals fails, the inner seal safeguards the motor while water enters the oil filled chamber. A moisture sensing probe detects the influx of water and warns of impending failure. The signal can be used to shut down the motor or simply to signal the need for preventative maintenance. Motors are rated thermally 0 o NEMA MG1-12.42. Insulation is a special ompatible Class F rated system providing 1.15 service factor and long life. Special seals or "0' rings are available for high ambient applications. Easy Installation — Motor is normally supplied with twenty-five feet of multi -conductor, power cable and control cable (1), with ground wire (2) as standard. Alternate cable lengths are available. Large chamber (3) speeds cable connection. Leads are reconnectable for dual voltage. Close coupling to pump eliminates alignment problems. Impeller mounts on motor stainless steel shaft extension (4), which also serves as pump shaft. Pump and motor assembly can be lowered into position as a single, compact unit. Special universal mounting flange (5) fits most standard pumps; modifications available for one size smaller flange. Small overall motor dimensions, through use of NEMA-T frame electrics, reduce space requirements. Long lasting internal components — Special Class F insulation system (6) rated for continuous duty in 40°C liquids at 1.15 service factor. Thermal protection (7) standard on most motors. Conservatively rated locked anti -friction bearings (8) for thrust loads. Complete environmental protection — Buna-N grommets (9), epoxy sealed leads (10), and butt spliced connectors (11) keep liquids from entering the top of the motor. All mating frame fits (12) have rabbet joints with a large overlap, as well as 0-ring seals .3). End brackets (14) and frame (15) are corrosion sistant cast iron. Smooth frame design unobstructed by ribs eliminates clogging of frame and makes cleaning easy. Hardware (16) is stainless steel. Steel rubbing faces (17) are carbon and ceramic for corrosion resistance. Inner (18) and outer seals (19) provide complete protection for motor internals. Both seals have stainless steel and Buna-N components. 1ot i Sealed oil filter chamber (20) permits maximum combined depth and internal pump pressures of 200 p.s.i. Two moisture sensing probes (21) warn of impending seal failure. The labyrinth slinger (22) provides Class I Groups C and D enclosure and acts as protective slinger for inner seal. 41111 • 360TY Shaft Extension TYPICAL DIMENSIONS SQUIRREL -CAGE INDUCTION ENCLOSURE: TOTALLY ENCLOSED SUBMERSIBLE FRAMES 140TY THRU 250TY, 320TY & 360TY "X".EXTERNAL PIPE THD. Y II BB AL Y�-AK-*-1 Yam- U v AG BD 1 BE LAH DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES LEAD WIRE LENGTH SEE NOTE 5) lI b "BF" DIA 8 HOLES DEEP J FRAME C L P T U (3) V W AG AH AJ AK (6) AL (2) 1401'aY ` ;. r'k25:44# . 15 38t 4i'.8.()0 - ",?, TA 'OK Oiilf.' :31� ig I.,23.88`` z r';r.56 „?`10`00 :;', . -,:(9)L ,.:.:9 125i 180TY 26.66 16.50 9.62 2.25 1.2500 2.00 .28 24.38 2.28 11.50 (9) 10.625 10Tif4S' , 1 69 -2111.23 VAIMA lifmstv 13 `3.8001 MVP1} 5 'k30 12 1`56 ". t1412 - Vi3 125. 5:12•00s. ;;,'. 250TY 38.53 24.12 12.75 3.50 1.750 3.31 .25 35.50 3.03 16.00 15.000 14.00 l32pT ( 332; r r ,24 69 ;_ X1:5,1011*4125Vet mosima aim 02 e 37 81;f,s: 4 31 ' ;r 17 25' ::16 000 15 25' ; y`:: 15.25 360TY 49.81 31.25 18.38 4.25 2.4997 3.19 2.12 43.25 6.56 18.75 17.500 FRAME BD (1) BE BF XR (4) XT LEAD CONNECTION BB KEYWAY WEIGHT X (8) Y XD a b 'ii�rY s "140TY: fn<4SI .11:'0622 Ate... .ri. �`'�1•�� .5�.�; �'i% S„'"+p�i.. :r4 ,rr -31 # 3 .1b` `',�. ,eS 9) -2 7.: T 1/Z .tF^'+` �4 '. 1'25 `c �.✓-,' t' .:5.50.`t. ! t�'"l : t k 12''.Y'f,,187,': ' b t �1.) �:,; .09: �,'r�x r 160, 180TY 12.375 .75 .56 1/2-13 (9) 1-2/2-8 1.25 6.75 12 .250 .12 200 a10T1'& imosoz room 56, & /8;11; 49.5. + ' M172=88'°a`25;,Kir5:' 1 75. ,' w1$r`'"315";` «+:19;;'' 315 '.. 250TY 17.000 1.00 .69 5/8-11 (9) 2-1/2-8 1.25 7.75 .25 .375 .19 750 1320V0 t''187,50$ 88 1-69; ;Oigl 60 > (91044i3:8-',4:1125.n ttY10,88, a ,25_ � ° ,50,+;.PS .+ 25 fr .c1150 .. 360TY 20.25 1.12 .69 (9) 1-1/2-12 3-8 1.25 10.88 .25 .50 3.00 1500 DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 40 (1) "BD" varies + .010 (2) "AL" varies + .004, -.000 (3) "U" varies up to 1.6250 dia. + .000, -.0005 1.6250 dia. and larger + .000, -.001 (4) "XR" tap depth on 140TY is .88, on 180 TY thru 250 TY is 1.38 (5) Standard lead wire length is 25 feet other lengths available if specified on sales order. (6) "AK" varies + .000, -.002 (7) Minimum submerged depth (8) Protective conduit furnished by customer if required. (9) Dimension not applicable to this frame. SAMPLE SPECIFICATION Submersible Sewage Pump Motors Scope This specification details the mechanical and electrical requirements for squirrel -cage induction motors, both single and three-phase, designed for wet well submersible applications in water and sewage. It is the intent of this specification to define submersible premium quality motors which will provide efficient operation with high mechanical integrity under adverse operating conditions for maximum life and minimum life cycle costs. This specification covers sewage wet Svell applications defined by the National Electrical Code as Class I, Division I, hazardous locations Section 501-8(a) requiring explosion -proof construction. 2.0 General 2.1 All motors covered by this specification shall conform to the latest applicable requirements of NEMA, IEEE, ANSI and NEC standards. 2.2 Motors shall be designed for continuous submerged duty in water and sewage, and minimum 15 minute duty continuous in air under full load operating conditions. 2.3 3-Phase motors shall be rated 200/400, 230/460, or 575 volts. 1-Phase motors shall be rated 115/230 volts. Multivoltage motors shall be final connected for one voltage and designed for easy field reconnection. 2f/ratings will be based upon 40°C ambient conditions. 2.5 Motor construction shall be designed to withstand 200 p.s.i. water pressure at all seal locations. 2.6 All motors shall be furnished with Class F rated insulation materials or better. Insulation materials rated lower than Class F (Class B or A) are specifically prohibited. 2.7 Motors 1 horsepower up to and including 135 horsepower, shall be rated as Class F, 1.15 service factor, Class I, Groups C and D. Motors under 1 HP shall be rated as Class B, 1.0 service factor, Class I, Group D. 2.8 All motors will be CSA (Canadian Standards Association) and UL (Underwriters Laboratories) approved and nameplated accordingly. 2.9 All motors shall be manufactured in the United States of America. The ability to provide any/all replacement parts, engineering design support, complete dynamometer testing, and UL rerate capability shall be provided domestically. 3.0 Mechanical 3.1 Bearings and Lubrication 3.1.1 Bearings shall be ball, single row, deep groove, cConrad type, and shall have a Class 3 internal fit onforming to AFBMA Std. 20. 3.1.2 Bearings shall be selected to provide minimum L10 rating life of 17,500 hours. 3.1.3 The motor shall be designed to limit the bearing temperature rise to a maximum of 60°C under full load conditions. 3.1.4 Motors shall be greased by the manufacturer with a premium moisture resistant polyurea thickened grease containing rust inhibitors and suitable for operation over a temperature range of —25°C to +120°C. 3.2 Shaft Seal 3.2. Two independently -mounted mechanical face type seals shall be provided. The inner and outer seals shall be separated by an oil filled chamber. Double seal (back to back) configurations are not acceptable due to the potential for failure of both seals as a result of lodged solids. Similarly bellows -type and jacketed seal construction is also prohibited. The oil chamber shall act as a barrier to trap moisture and provide sufficient time for a planned shutdown. The oil shall also provide lubrication to the inner seal. 3.2.2 Standard John Crane Type 21, Sealot type 43 or Sealot type 42, UL approved seals shall be provided. Carbon rotating faces and ceramic stationary faces shall be considered standard. Optional seal construction including Tungsten/Carbide faces and use of Viton elastomers are acceptable alternatives. Viton elastomers are recommended for ambients of 61°C and higher. 3.2.3 The outer seal construction shall be designed for easy replacement. 3.2.4 The outer seal assembly will be designed to allow solids and particles to be thrown away from the seal face. 3.2.5 In compliance with UL Standards for explosion -proof motors, a flame path shall be provided by a labyrinth slinger in the bottom flange in order to prevent the ignition of ambierit gases. Under such conditions the seal design shall allow for pressure relief across either seal face. 3.3 Moisture Protection System 3.3.1 Dual (2) moisture sensing probes are to be provided that extend into the oil chamber located between the outer and inner seal and used to detect the presence of moisture should the the outer seal fail. 3.3.2 The moisture protection system shall also be designed to detect water in the motor chamber and provide a warning signal prior to water levels reaching the bearing or wound stator assemblies. 3.4 Cap/Cable Assembly 3.4.1 The power cable and cap assembly shall be designed to prevent moisture from wicking through the cable assembly even when the cable jacket has been punctured. 3.4.2 Power and control cable entry into the lead chamber shall be epoxy encapsulated for positive moisture sealing. Compression type fittings or connectors shall not be considered equal. 3.4.3 A Buna-N power and control cable grommet shall be provided in addition to the epoxy sealed leads. 3.4.4 Cast iron cap assembly shall be designed with integral threaded construction to allow for stand pipe extension. 3.5 Enclosure and Shaft 3.5.1 The motor enclosure including; frame, end brackets, flange and cap assembly shall be cast iron, ASTM type A-48, Class 25 or better. 3.5.2 Motor frame construction will not have fins and will be a smooth surface to prevent the clogging of solids and provide for easy cleaning. 3.5.3 The top end bracket will include integrally cast provisions for vertical lifting capability. 3.5.4 All mating frame fits to have rabbet joints with large overlap as well as 0-ring seals for a water tight seal. 3.5.5 Standard 0-ring shall be Buna-N (nitrile), Viton 0-rings may be supplied as an option and are required for ambient conditions of 61°C and higher. 3.5.6 Motor shaft shall be 416 stainless steel. 303, 304, 410 stainless steel 17-4 PH, Carpenter 20, all types on Monet or Nitronic 50 stainless steel may be specified as options. 3.5.7 All external hardware including the motor nameplate shall be made of stainless steel. 3.5.8 Motor rotor construction shall be die cast aluminum or fabricated copper or their respective alloys. Rotors on frames 213T and above shall be keyed to shaft and rotating assembly dynamically balanced to NEMA limits per MG1-12.05. Balance weights if required, shall be secured to the rotor resistance ring or fan blades by rivets. Machine screws and nuts are prohibited. 3.5.9 All exposed motor parts including frame, brackets, flange, and cap assembly shall receive an alkyd primer Reliance Electric Company, 1990. Reliance@O and Duty Master@O are registered trademarks of Reliance Electric Company or its affiliates. UL® is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and epoxy ester finish coat of high grade paint to resist rust and corrosion. 4.0 Electrical 4.1 All motors shall successfully operate under power supply variations per NEMA MG1-14.30. 4.2 Motors shall be designed to limit the maximum surface temperature to NEC specifications for Division I, Class I, Group D, or Class I, Group C and D for hazardous locations. 4.3 All motors shall be NEMA Design B or A with torque and starting current in accordance with NEMA MG1-12. 4.4 Motors shall have copper windings. 4.5 Motor insulation system shall be Class F minimum, utilizing materials and insulation systems evaluated in accordance with IEEE 117 classification tests. 4.6 Motors leads shall be non -wicking type, Class F temperature rating or better and permanently numbered for identification. 4.7 Entire wound stator assembly shall receive a minimum of 2 coats of varnish applied using a dip and bake process. 4.8 All motors to include 2 normally closed automatic reset thermostats connected in series and embedded in adjoining phases as required by Underwriters Laboratories for motor of 1 HP or higher. 4.9 Each completed and assembled motor shall receive a routine factory test per NEMA and IEEE standards. For more information on Submersible Sewage Pump Motors, contact your nearby Reliance Electric Sales Office, or Call: 1 800 245-4501 A Various types of material are available to extrude on to wire rope. The two most common are PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) and Nylon. PVC is the most common plastic coating because of its flexibility, and low cost. Nylon has an advantage over PVC in its :durability and abrasion resistance over pulleys: We manufacture a wide variety of custom colors as well as numerous diameters of coatings for your applications. Both MIL SPEC nylon and commercial PVC coated cables are inventoried in Southern California. Miniature coated cables are shown on page 7. PLASTIC JACKETED CABLE CABLE COATING 1 9 Vi,7 X 19 DIAMETER DIAMETER COONgt TION CONS�TION CONSTRUCTION 4^... ,= 3/64" 1/16" or3/32" AINLESS STEEL BREA G STRENGTH GALVANIZED BREAKING STRENGTH STAINLESS STEEL BREAKING STRENGTH GALVANIZED BREAKING ST- 'GTH S tkESS STEEL BREAKING STRENGTH GALVANIZED BREAKING STRENGTH 300 I: 375 lbs. 270 Ibs 270 Ibs 270 Ibs 016" 3/32" or 1/8" 500 Ibs. 500 Ibs. 480 Ibs. 480 Ibs. 480 Ibs. 480 Ibs. 3/32" 1/8" or 5/32" 1,200 Ibs. 1, a • Ibs. 9 s Ibs. 920 lbs. 920 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 1/8" 5/32" or3/16" 2,100 Ibs. 2,100 Ibs. 1,700 Ibs. 1,700 Ibs. 1,760 Ibs 2,000 Ibs 5/32" 3/16" or 7/32" 3,300 Ibs. 3,300 lb . ,600 Ibs. 2,600 lbs. 2,400 Ibs 2,800 Ibs 3/16" 7/32, 1/4 or5/16" 4,700 Ibs. , 00 Ibs. 3,700 •- 3,700 lbs. 3,700 Ibs. 4,200Ibs. 1/4" 5/16" or3/8" 8,200 Ibs. 8,200 lbs. 6,100 Ibs 6,100 Ibs. 6,400 7,000 Ibs 5/16" 3/8" or7/16" 12,500 •s. 12,500 Ibs 9,200 Ibs 9, •0 Ibs. '9,000 lbs. j 9,800 Ibs 3/8" 7/16" or 1/2" 18,000 Ibs. 18,000 Ibs. 13,100 Ibs 13,100 lbs. 12,000 Ibs 14,400 Ibs. CUSTOM COATED CABLES AND LARGER SIZES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST 11 • LOAD CALCULATI❑NS M1 40,0 FLA M2 40.0 FLA 25% 10,0 A LG MTR 6.3 XFI]RMER 96,3 T❑TAL A P1 1 P2 MOTOR* 1 THERMAL V1 V2 2 P1 2 P2 2 V1 2 V2 MI SEAL FAIL CIRCUIT #1 15A 1P I O LIGHT. TEST �-0 5 1M1-1 1P1 1P2 OL 1 H �'■ -1(INST) o I A 15 3 4 6 1 PSI 7 ALT, ] a R3-I `--I ] PS2 MOTOR* 2 . o o- 13 THERMAL 8 IM2-1 M2 SEAL ] TDR3-2(TCAE)A 2P1 2P OL FAIL �1 f O I to ■ 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R5-1 HI LEVEL ALARM VFD NU. 1 FAIL VFD NO. 2 FAIL SPARE 9 10 SPARE 11 12 13 14 TDR1-1 RUN SIG, TO VFD TDR2-1 RUN SIG, TO VFD A B C D FS N1 PUMPS STOP FS N2 PUMPS START 6 HI LEVEL ALARM ,N❑TE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ALL FIELD WIRING TO \ TERMINALS A THROUGH D MUST BE ISOLATED FROM ALL HIGH VOLTAGE \ BY AT LEAST TWO INCHES ER1-1 -HI ER1 ETM ETM \/ (2)--4 MI RUN 14 \/ 1V1 15 SEAL FAIL TEST = 1V2 16 ER2 ER2-1 HI 17 \ l / 18 2V1 242 19 PUMP N1 CONTROL CIRCUIT TDR1 TIME DELAY START RELAY FOR VFD OR THE FVNR STARTER PRESSURE SW. *I AND LEAD PUMP ALTERNATOR R3-1 PS2 AND TDR3 BOTH PUMPS RUN M2 RUN PUMP *2 CONTROL CIRCUIT TDR2 TIME DELAY START RELAY FOR VFD OR THE. FVNR STARTER 111 SEAL FAIL M2 SEAL FAIL PS3 MANUAL SFER LOW AIR ALTERNATOR 20 AND MANUAL TRANSFER 2 25 \H AP1 J di-ALT. 2 LOV AIR _ R1-1 26 RESET c1ti�23 RI-2 24 4--0 . o PS4 R2-1 27 ALARM • SET 28 R2-2 / _0 b R4-1 ISR1-1 32 ALARM RESET 31 nln T R4-2 ISR1 7 121 LOV AIR LATCH RELAY AIR PUMP N1 AIR PUMP N2 LOV AIR RESET PUSHBUTTON LOV AIR LIGHT PS4 HIGH LEVEL ALARM R2 HIGH LEVEL ALARM LATCH CIRCUIT V/RESET HIGH LEVEL ALARM LIGHT. R3 EMERGENCY HIGH LEVEL RELAY TO ENEGIZE TDR3 BOTH RUMPS RUN R4 EMERGENCY HIGH LEVEL ALARM LATCH CIRCUIT V/RESET EMEGENCY ALARM LIGHT R5 HIGH LEVEL LEVEL ALARM RELAY FOR ALARM DIALER SIMPLEX RECEPTACLE FOR ADAS DIALOG PLUS ALARM DIALING SYSTEM POWER SUPPLY AND DIGITAL LEVEL INDICATOR FOR 4-20nA LEVEL TRANSMITTER ISM. (INTRINSICALLY SAFE RELAY) HIGH LEVEL ALARM, AND BOTH PUMPS RUN INTRINSIC WIRES ARE BLUE General Electric Supy COMPANY S.J. (STAN) CARL SALES ENGINEER 9319 EAST TELSTAR AVENUE EL MONTE, CA 91731 (818) 307-2900 ' :0T4'ek..,,is 4*A" M:..sas��'!>Y^�.kd°sti, Introducing the new 8000-Line from GE i Only one line of motor control centers offers so many advanced features, proven performance and design flexibility ... the new 8000-Line Motor Control Centers from General Electric. Backed by almost a half -century of experience in designing and man- ufacturing motor control centers, the 8000-Line combines tradi- tional value with the latest materials and design technology. A •i—_ 'CHI AIN ;ELECTRIC ' 8 W uric ' ` ° 1.. � `! .�`i S�? `a �T ' ^a4. w x v � ... K� • y�i Axe4'a 47�yts� d s .' — 9-�k'igf�x3' i •:gyp fr ii �y r` q( a5 ti ��$ ., of yM. Y^'T*nr�'9- '�ew�i'.yr •Il i. tea. sr:xw ,n".� a'y `rtP� 9�F+a�i: L('t' r Y ET _ _ �t f fYr J y r,� y lam„ l"c • 3 t f.,� hk.�� " i kh ' F 'kkNA 'A*" N. J("' ; f .i4a'ti t j aS'St` `+ .''if F° t % '`a 44, v"�.G L.rr �� sL i }y - .c ba 2"+'1 SLft' � V. Z;�Y•) 1-4j.H.K ., r• r .,,., t-C - _. - -,% • ti >. x -1 n 'i *£Y 1 J.r �.5"'�^3x - "a 5tr iz' "4). 4e .: I F4 tt 'C �. � ' -f i t '^� k ' a7y. :'th a' ' � , i4 dl 1.7+y6_SJ ,CS-yii; fVrq!•,a GtA �.PY�cC!""' 3 •~ l L N ,, C1 YUx <i A ,, Before we designed the 8000-Line, we asked our customers what they were looking for in motor control centers. We listen- ed to their needs, and built our new line to meet them. But we haven't changed the standard features that made us the in- dustry leader, like our full drawout unit construction. Specially designed split terminal blocks, wedge-shaped bus stabs and a positive guidance and mechanical insertion system combine to form one convenient drawout unit assembly for easy installa- ti ind inspection. And our sturdy insulated, isolated vertical also standard equipment. It's proven for high- pt, k mance, short-circuit stress withstandability and user safety. What's more, our 8000-Line is completely inter- changeable with our 7700-Line of Motor Control Centers. Designed to deliver what you're looking for in a motor control center Rugged construction, quality appearance Heavy -gauge steel vertical sections mean improved alignment and rigidity. Re- movable floor sills on the bot- tom of both front and back are specially shaped 12-gauge steel for maximum strength. The top horizontal channel, rear door mullion, side sheets, welded vertical channels, and case sills are all 13-gauge steel, assembled with cor- rosion -resistant, threaded hardware. A zinc -phosphate primer treat- ment provides corrosion - resistance, and, to top it off, the light -grey finished en- closure has an eye-catching, New vertical handle strengthens your grip on protection Our new injection molding process gives you a positive - feel handle that withstands vertical and lateral stress. It has a slate -red, egg -shaped knob for easy operation and positive position indication. And it's mechanically coupled with the primary disconnect device. This prevents false position indication due to misalignment, whether the door is open or closed. The handle can be padlocked slate -red stripe across the upper horizontal cover. Add heavy-duty, oiltight push- buttons and engraved, lami- nated nameplates, and you've got a durable, attractive motor control center that can safely handle your toughest applica- tion. rr • in he OFF position with up to three padlocks for operator safety. A drilling pattern is provided to add a padlock for the ON position. Additionally, a door interlock prohibits opening the unit door before power is disconnected and prevents energizing the start- er if the door is already open. To access the unit while power is on, use a screw- driver to release the de- feater mechanism and open the door. Inside, the unit also has a defeater release that lets you close the primary disconnect with the door open. UL construction confirms safety All 8000-Line Motor Control Centers are designed, manu- factured, and tested according to the latest provisions of UL Procedure 845. The UL label is displayed on all vertical sections and on individual units whenever possible. 2 The 8000-Line is designed with •safety in mind • • "Sandwich" con- struction protects vertical bus Our vertical bus assembly is both insulated and isolated within a "sandwich" of mold- ed white, polyester -reinforced sheets. It's sealed to form a rigid fault prevention barrier, phase -to -phase. A closure plate plugs the bottom of the assembly to prevent fishtapes or other foreign objects from entering the riser channels. The wedge-shaped bus stabs insert through small openings in the front of the bus. Our standard vertical bus is rated 300 amperes, but 450 and 600 amperes may be specified as options. Bracing increases short-circuit capacity The 8000-Line features as standard equipment bracing for 22,000 amperes rms symmetrical fault -current. Both the main and vertical bus can be strengthened for short- circuit capacities of 42,000, 65,000 or 100,000 amperes. Add padlocks for extra protection Our8000-Line units can be withdrawn and padlocked in a test lock -out position, so all power and control con- nections are broken. The unit is fully isolated from power sources even though it's still mounted in the enclosure. You can work on the motor, cabling or unit with the con- fidence that power can't be restored until the padlock is removed. Main ac power bus is isolated for safety The main ac power bus is located directly behind the top horizontal wireway. The standard bus is tin-plated aluminum, rated 600 amperes, and meets tough UL requirements. Sliding panels form effective isolation barriers. These panels slide easily to the side for. inspection and preventive maintenance. Connections between the horizontal and vertical bus can be reached through the panel openings. In addition, most shipping splits may be quickly spliced without removing units or barriers. October 1986 taenera►—uuuu-une motor control Centers General Section A • Product Features • NEMA Class • Codes and Standards • Short -Circuit Considerations • Fuse Classifications • Environmental Considerations Data subject to change without notice GENERAL ELECTRIC A-1 ucuc�a�—uuvv-uuC ivlutut l.Ontroi l.eiiLers October 1986 Product Features •ANDARD DESIGN FEATURES Design flexibility, performance, personnel and equipment protec- tion, ease of maintenance and installation are all contained in the 8000-Line. 8000-Line features such as separate wiring troughs, isolated terminal boards, isolated bus, drawout starter units, operat- ing mechanisms, and provisions for starter interchangeability are designed for a high level of reliability and convenience. These steel -enclosed control centers can be joined together to centralize and protect the most complex systems of industrial auxil- iary drives, or the simplest of fan- or pump -motor controls. As the need arises, additional sections can be added to an existing lineup. • Section Label Unit Label -GENERAIOTOIECTni 8000 LINE' CONTROL CENTER CAT W) S Si Y.;QSfcr•Qsecr i IVOLTSO PtIASO wiRE,Milz Einvansag ORATORIES.. . 04 CENTER SECTION ,--. Off: UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES 'A a}na cw® f MOTOR CONTROL CENTER UNIT < ME ELECTRIC, UL Listed vertical sections and individual units each bear the UL label. Options which have been listed with UL can be included in UL listed units and sections. Barriers located in front of the main horizontal bus isolate the bus from the top horizontal wireway. Maintenance personnel can gain entrance to the top horizontal wireway of the control center without danger of contact with a live bus. • Barriers furnished with 2-inch main bus systems are in the form of sliding panels. After de -energizing the bus, maintenance person- nel may slide back the panels to give ready access to the main bus for inspection of bolted connections. Main bus splicing is accom- plished in this area with the hardware already in place. A-2 Data subject to change without notice GENERAL ELECTRIC October 1986 General —WOO -Line motor Control Centers Product Features •TANDARD DESIGN FEATURES (Cont'd) An incoming -line terminal compartment can be located at the top or bottom of a vertical section to allow cable termination with minimum bending. The standard 600-ampere incoming line termi- nal compartment shown is furnished with 2 mechanical type lugs per phase. Other incoming line terminal compartments are available. Full -width lifting angles and floor channels come with each "ship- ping split". They permit moving the control center by crane or rollers, and can be removed later. A normal shipping split consists of three vertical sections or less. Removable top cover plates facilitate installation of conduit. 13-inch Deep 20-inch Deep MONT VERTU/ DVS REM VERTICAL @US In GE's 20-inch deep back-to-back single section construction, two independent vertical bus assemblies eliminate the need for reversing the phase sequence of front and rear mounted units. Data subject to change without notice GENERAL ELECTRIC A-3 '-"- uuer Introduction Fhe General Electric 8000-Line motor control center provides an economical means of centralizing motor starters and related control equipment. It permits combination motor control units, feeder tap units, distribution transformers, lighting panels, interlocking relays, programmable control, metering and other miscellaneous devices to be contained in a single floor -mounted structural assembly fed from a common enclosed main bus. 8000-Line motor control centers are constructed of standardized heavy guage vertical sections housing vertical and horizontal buses, wiring channels and compartmented control units. Sections are bolted together to form a single line-up assembly. Units are mounted and wired in accordance with the level of factory wiring purchased. The entire center may be powered by incoming line connection at a single point. Where possible 8000-Line motor control centers bear the UL section and unit labels. The purpose of this publication is to simplify the selection of an 8000-Line motor control center. The following logic flow chart lists basic items which must be considered for each application. PRODUCT FEATURES NEMA CLASS APPLICABLE CODES ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS • SYSTEM VOLTAGE AND SHORT CIRCUIT RATING BUS TYPE AND CAPACITY ENCLOSURE TYPE AND CONSTRUCTION INCOMING LINE TERMINATION AND MAINS STARTERS FEEDERS SPECIAL FEATURES REQUIRED SPECIAL CIRCUIT AND WIRING REQUIREMENTS EllEill f, ETC etc Y , r � n. m • - e� . . ._. ®° om.. cam t�t;x i wax m e • . cm .... • i1t�Y . e . . ® © . Q A. a:t •: to - These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible con- tingency to be met in connection with application, selection and installation. Should further information be desired or should particular problems rise which are not covered suffi- ciently for the purchasers purposes the matter should be referred to the General Electric Company. 2Xa sub;ec• :, change v thcu( notice GENERAL ELECTRIC LI- CI aI—uvvv-Lmue tvtoiur L,unrroi l,enters October 1986 Product Features •ANDARD DESIGN FEATURES (Cont'd) A polyester -reinforced "sandwich" isolates the vertical bus, and helps prevent the spread of faults from starter and feeder units to vertical or horizontal bus. Small stab openings provide effective isolation. • Stab connections are made with wedge-shaped silver-plated copper unit power stabs which are under double spring pressure and engage the vertical bus to provide positive contact and expand under short-circuit stress. All combination starters and feeder units of plug-in construction utilize a positive guidance system combined with a mechanical insertion means. This unique GE design grounds the unit to the structure and provides positive electrical connection between the unit stabs and the vertical bus. To meet NEC Article 430-74 and to facilitate wiring and mainte- nance, two-piece control terminal boards are used. External and internal unit connections are made on opposite sides, allowing the unit to be withdrawn without disconnecting control wiring. Two piece power blocks are used through NEMA Size 3. Optional NEMA Size 4 two-piece power blocks require a 24-inch wide enclosure to provide the required field wiring cable bending space. A-4 Data subject to change without notice GENERAL 7 ELECTRIC Octooer thbb Gei eial—ouvv-LIIIC wIuw1 L.uut.rut I..,enters Product Features •TANDARD DESIGN FEATURES (Cont'd) An isolated wire trough provides a 45/8-inch x 81/2-inch area to "lay in" wire and make control and load connections. A separate door makes wiring installation and inspection easy. The door can be opened without disturbing adjacent unit doors. 85/a-inch x 81/2-inch wire troughs are available with 24-inch wide enclosures. Units can be withdrawn to a disconnected position and pad- locked for maintenance. An interlock release system is provided so that —if it becomes necessary for maintenance purposes —the disconnect may be closed with the door open. A by-pass is provided to allow opening the door with the disconnect closed. Only qualified personnel familiar with the equipment should use the interlock release and by-pass features. The vertically mounted integral handle can be locked in the OFF position with up to three padlocks. A drilling pattern is furnished, allowing the handle to be modified for locking in the ON position with a single padlock. This modification should only be made after the user determines it is desirable to lock the disconnect in the ON position. Data subject to change without notice GENERAL '%t ELECTRIC A-5 Uctober 1986 Product Features IIANDARD DESIGN FEATURES (Cont'd) For flexibility, Size 1 and Size 2 standard FVNR starters are interchangeable in the same 12-inch high space unit. This design allows quick, easy field changes when modifications are desired after installation. As system needs grow, or rearrangement is required, unit shelves, and terminal blocks may be easily relocated. A-6 Data subject to change without notice GENERAL ELECTRIC October 1986 General-8000-Line Motor Control Centers Product Features .PTIONAL CUSTOMIZING FEATURES The following optional modifications and accessories can be incorporated into the 8000-Line. Vertical Ground Bus and Unit Stab Vertical copper ground bus allows direct grounding of unit sad- dles to the equipment ground bus. A unit ground bus stab engages the vertical ground bus before the unit power stabs engage the vertical bus. Vertical Bus Shutter Mechanism A vertical bus shutter mechanism can be supplied which covers the vertical bus stab area when a plug-in starter or feeder is withdrawn. This feature may also be added to existing 7700-Line and 8000-Line motor control centers. Cap plugs are available to close unused stab openings. Motor Test -Run Power Disconnect This "Test" feature allows for complete testing of individual units or testing continuity of the control system circuitry without energiz- ing motors. The motor leads T1, T2 and T3 are disconnected by a hinged motor -lead power block. This feature is available through Size 4 starter units. • AVE • Control Disconnect Feature This feature provides foreign voltage isolation through the addi- tion of a hinged control terminal block assembly. It meets NEC Article 430-74 requirements without having to rack plug-in units out. The hinged assembly or other disconnect means must be added to bolt -in units such as NEMA Size 5 starters for compliance wtih the NEC Article 430-74 when foreign power is present. Data subject to change without notice GENERAL ELECTRIC A-7 General-8000-Line Motor Control Centers October 1986 Product Features 'TIONAL CUSTOMIZING FEATURES (Cont'd) Power -Off Insertion or Withdrawal Feature Provides power -OFF insertion or withdrawal for plug-in combina- tion starter or feeder units. A slide mounted to the starter frame coupled with the operating handle inhibits access to the driving screw until the primary disconnect is open or OFF. Power Lock -Out Feature Provides complete isolation from the vertical bus for NEMA Size 5 and 6 starters with bolt -in circuit breakers through 800 amperes and fusible switches through 600 amperes. Power stabs are mechanically withdrawn from the vertical bus to fully isolate the primary disconnect circuit. Power lock -out is padlockable in the isolated position. Requires 1/2X additional space, 1X additional space if optional viewing window is specified. Nameplates Unit service designation nameplates are furnished when speci- fied. Nameplates can be supplied as blanks suitable for field engrav- ing, or engraved at the factory. The standard unit service designation nameplate is of 2-ply thermoplastic material, black face with white core, 1-inch x 3-inch, fastened with non -corrosive nylon clips. Stainless steel screws are available as an option. One to three lines of white letters on a black background can be engraved with 0.18-inch high characters. Lines 1 and 3 can have a maximum of 19 characters and line 2, 15 characters. A 2-inch x 6-inch master nameplate mounted on the top left wireway cover of each motor control center lineup can be supplied if requested. One line of 6 characters is possible with 1-inch high letters; with 1/2-inch high letters, two lines of 12 characters each are possible. The standard is white letters on a black background. Refer to the factory for special nameplates. Wire and Cable Standard control and power wire includes flame-retardant, mois- ture -heat -and oil -resistant thermoplastic insulation rated 600 volts, with stranded copper conductors, types MTW and THW. Standard Colors are: Red —AC Control Blue —DC Control Black —AC/DC Power Green —Ground White —Neutral Optional wiring available includes SIS heat -resistant synthetic rubber -covered switchboard wire and XHHW flame-retardant cross - linked synthetic polymer, both rated 600 volts with stranded copper conductors, and a VW-1 flame rating. When specified, the optional wiring can be furnished with non - chlorinated insulation. Note: • Not all colors are available with optional wiring. A-8 Data subject to change without notice GENERAL ELECTRIC i i,c ODUU-LCdle Motor Control Centers Solid -State Drives & Starters diPIJUSTABLE SPEED DRIVES NERAL As a vehicle for controlling multiple motor functions, the Motor Control Center has become the logical place to mount variable speed drives. However, the application of these drives is not a simple selection process, and the following is an explanation of some of the variables involved. A Drive Must Have Ventilation. The basic power switching components are transistors, which are mounted on finned heat sinks. Although the drive may be operating at 95% efficiency, the 5% (±) normal heat loss cannot be enclosed in the MCC without exceeding the safe operating temperature (50°C). Standard mounting is ventilated (NEMA 1 or 1A only.) A Drive is electronically controlled. The new generation of PWM drives are all microprocessor based. Although well shielded from stray noise, they require careful wire routing, and in some cases shielded wire runs to avoid "nuisance" problems. Control wires should be run separate from power leads. If they must cross, try to keep them at right angles to minimize the induced fields (noise). A Drive creates noise on the power system. Although we use reactors to minimize system disturbances, a drive will create harmonics on the power/system (both at the motor and at the transformer). If sensitive computer systems are to be. utilized, they should be isolated from the drive's source. Likewise, the harmonics created at the motor may cause the motor to run h r than expected. Standard motors should be derated 10% used with a drive. We recommend GE's high efficiency E GY SAVER" motors for Drive applications. See motor application data, SH. G-3 A Drive must have short circuit protection. Since a drive is subjected to higher available short circuit currents in a MCC, (vs. a wall mounted unit) additional components such as current limiting fuses and reactors are utilized. See typical one line sketch. Note also that these components L/ 4 L. 1,, be � ZIT furnished with the drive unit. A Drive can provide significant energy savings. When a fan or pump is utilized on a system with variable flow rates, whether measured in gallons per minute or cubic feet of cooling air per minute, a variable speed drive is the most efficient means of control. Since a variable torque load requires significantly less energy when operated at lower speed, the energy savings can be in the 25 to 50% range when compared to a full voltage motor using dampers or vaiving to reduce its output. (The amount of savings depends, of course, on the amount of time the motor can be used at the reduced speed.) • AF300B Drives in 8000 Line MCC G-2 jUSTABLE=FREQUENCYCONTROLLE M ,n y�+r4 n ;THRU30HP3�yyv',�� r, t.'.,11111l i4111II((II IIIG know, because we were there. They were cumbersome, complex and not very struc- tured by today's standard. Because of this, they were not the most reliable machines around. At GE we have come a long way since those early days, and with the AF- 300B inverter controller, we aim to set a new standard for controller reliability. RELY (re-li) intro. v.: To trust confidently. We began by incorporating a simplified modular design, greatly reducing the inter- connections within the unit. With a multitasking CPU, the AF-300B controller can react and protect faster and more effec- tively than any controller we have seen. This means virtually no nuisance trips and fewer overall faults, translating into signifi- cantly more uptime and fewer maintenance needs... No special attention re- quired here. The totally enclosed con- struction and external heat sink help keep harmful environments out while more effec- tively emitting the low heat losses into the am- bient. The cooler the unit runs, the longer its life span. Since nearly all the functionality you'll ever need is included as a standard in the software, reliability is greatly increased. This is true because all hardware has a chance of failing, whereas proven software rarely fails. The key to reliability is in a good design and manufacturing process. In addition to these elements, we offer the security of a 24-hour burn -in. Each unit is burned -in under load at an elevated ambient for 24 hours. Reliability that is first designed in, then manufactured in, and finally confirmed by testing, is true reliability. Once you feel comfortable that this new controller will work and keep on working, the next question might be: How well does it fulfill your need for performance? PERFORM (per -form) v.: To fulfill an obligation or require- ment; accomplish something as promised or expected. Our test people have seen manygoodthings come from our development organization — and when it came to the AF-300B inverter, we were truly impressed. The development engineers stated the AF- 300B controller would allow a standard induction motor to develop over 150% starting torque; they stated you could slam SLAMMING Motor starting across AF-300B Controller 1800 RPM 2 3 TIME (seconds) } A:Drive with a e w " efenitioa.3 A New Definition for Adjustable Frequency Control When it comes to adjustable frequency control, things like reliability, performance and flexibility are crucial. Our experience in working with many different applica- tions over the years has proven this to us. With the help of our customers and a little GE vision, we have come up with a defini- tive breakthrough in adjustable frequency control — the AF-300B inverter. The AF-300B inverter is an innovation by design. It incorporates state-of-the-art tech- nologies like a multitasking 32 bit CPU and surface -mount technology for control and power circuits. The AF-300B inverter is an innovation that delivers reliability, perfor- mance and flexibility like no other adjust- able frequency controller delivers on the market today. though early adjustable frequency ntrollers were a welcome alterna- tive for their time, they did not al- ways earn a good reputation. We • a motor onto the AF-300B controller and it would nicely pick up the motor without tripping; next they stated it had a one sec- ond control power ride through on loss of AC line; and then they stated the AF-300B adjustable frequency controller would de- liver smooth operation over a wide speed range (0.2 — 400Hz). Our test people put it through its paces and everything they said was true. It surpassed our targeted goals! When it comes to performance, the AF-300B inverter will be a pleasant sur- prise to many. Its extremely fast reaction time enables it to establish a new standard for inverter performance. Things like cur- rent limit and auto restart take on a new meaning. Many functions of the AF-300B inverter are not new. What is new is the way they are implemented. Try it and you' 11 believe. Once you believe in the reliability and pyerformance of the AF-300B controller, ou are going to want to know everything it can do. Well, it can do plenty. FLEXIBLE (flek se-bel) adj: Responsive to change; adaptable; susceptible to influence or persuasion; easily managed or controlled. With 79 programmable functions, the AF-300B controller is truly adaptable. Auto restart, torque boost, jump frequency and adjustable current limit are just a few of the more common functions inherent with this controller. In addition, it has several unique functions such as programmable "run pat- tern" selection with up to seven timers and speed settings. Then there is the link func- tion which allows for "master -slave" op- eration with up to 15 slaves coordinated from a single master controller. This yields accurate digital coordination without the use of a PLC. Functions like these enable the AF-300B inverter to redefine flexibility as it relates to adjustable frequency control. Functions like pattern selection and link operation allow the inverter to do applications that would normally require a PLC. Now GE gives you much of the functionality of a PLC with each AF-300B controller you purchase. With all that muscle, it is important that you be able to flex it easily. All the power in the world is quite useless if it is not easily accessed. But with features like a liquid crystal display which prompts you through the functions, and an extendable keypad, the AF-300B drive is probably the friendli- est digital drive on the market today. It has lots of flexibility with lots of useability. CONTROL POWER RIDE THROUGH 1 AC LINE AC LINE (POWER LOSS) (RESTORED) N. AF-3008 CONTROL r- ONE SECOND RIDE THROUGH 500 1000 TIME (milliseconds) 1500 DRIVE (driv) n.: 1. The means or apparatus for transmitting motion to a machine or machine part. 2. A strong motivating tendency or instinct that prompts activity toward a particular end. 3. To guide, control or direct. Contact your GE representative today for further details regarding the economical AF-300B adjustable frequency controller to see how it can play a crucial role in improving your working efficiency. RUN PATTERN SELECTION Keypad panel Digital monitor Liquid crystal graphic display Function key(s) Function LED(s) FORWARD OPERATION SPEED I LSPEED OPERATION SPEED 2 ` REVERSE SPEED 3 , SPEED 4 SPEED 5 SPEED 6 -4 SPEED 7 TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3, TIMER 4 TIMER 5 TIMER 6 TIMER 7 TIME UP n n n n n n n n SIGNAL(TP1 CYCLE n COMPLETION SIGNAL (T0) Dispk k�S „{�'tn . e,' ,, • 3 • LCD brightness adjust Display LED(s) l'MONIT Multi -tasking 32-bit CPU KF,FFFht i.P It�s 7 19 au1 a L. ;ems G 1 °91 aQ4%s' 414 .14 Gi1CIf'l D8 W OciF NommEnesszszausEM Base driver card Surface mount technology Main control card Keypad connector (remote or local) Die cast alloy chass RFl shield Link (LAN) connect( • Control terminals Power terminals PENDING • Specifications Item Specification Output Control system Random period dispersive vector PWM control Frequency control range 0.2 to 400 Hz Control Frequency, temperature fluctuation Digital setting: ±0.01% of maximum frequency.(-10° C to 50° CI" Analog setting: ±0.2% of maximum frequency (at 25° C ±10° C) Frequency setting resolution Digital setting: 0.002 Hz (at maximum frequency 60 Hz)" Analog setting: 0.02 Hz (at maximum frequency 60 Hz) Voltage/frequency characteristic Voltage: 380 to 460 volts. Frequency: 50 to 400 Hz Voltage: 200 to 230 volts. Frequency: 50 to 400 Hz Torque boost 32 modes selectable (variable torque mode selectable) plus fine adjustment, automatic torque boost Acceleration/deceleration characteristic 0.01 to 3600 sec. (independently adjustable acceleration and deceleration), linear acceleration, S-curve acceleration (2 patterns), automatic acceleration/deceleration DC braking Operation frequency: 0.2 to 60 Hz, Operating time: 0.01 to 30 sec., Voltage: 0 to 15% Standard functions Slip compensation, current limiting, restart after instantaneous power failure, multispeed, jump frequency, automatic acceleration/deceleration, 2-wire/3-wire control selection, high or low limiter, bias frequency, pattern operation, selection of terminal function, terminal link Protection Stall prevention, overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, instantaneous power failure, inverter overload, inverter overheating, motor overload (electronic thermal OL relay trip), CPU error, short circuit for input terminal, ground fault protection for inverter (option for 4kW inverter and below) Operation Frequency setting input Frequency setting potentiometer or voltage input: 0 to +10 V DC (0 to +5 V DC) Current input: 4mA to 20 mA DC Input signal Forward command, reverse command, self -hold selection, multistep speed selection, acceleration/deceleration time selection (4 steps), coast to -stop command, external alarm input, alarm reset input External output signal Relay output: Alarm (SPDT, 250 V AC 0.3 A inductive) Open collector output: inverter running, frequency equivalence detection, overload early warning, undervoltage stop Indication Frequency output signal Analog: 0 to +10 V DC (Adjustable between 6.5 and 10.3 V) Keypad panel (LED & LCD) Running Output frequency, reference frequency, output current, output voltage, motor synchronous speed, machine speed Setting Function code and data code Fault Overcurrent during acceleration (OC1), overcurrent during deceleration (0C2), overcurrent during running at constant speed (0C3), pvervoltage (OU), undervoltage (LU), inverter overheating (OH1), motor overload (electronic OL relay trip) (OL1), external fault (0H2), setting error (Err)), communication error (Err2), DSP error (Err3), link error (Err4), running condition at time of fault, fault memory (previous 3 faults) Charge lamp DC link voltage Conditions Installation location Indoor, not more than 1000m above sea level. Do not install in a dusty location or expose to corrosive gasses or direct sunlight Ambient temperature humidity -10°C to +40°C (When mounted inside the switchboard, the cover can be removed to allow use at ambient temperature -10°C to +50°C), 20 to 90% RH (non -condensing) Vibration Less than 0.6G Storage temperature -25°Cto+65°C Protection Enclosed electronics Cooling system Self -cooling (up to 0.75 kW), forced air-cooling (1.5 kW and over) Installation method On control panel or inside enclosure with external cooling Option and accessory *2 Relay output unit; ground fault detection unit for inverter protection (3.7 kW and below); parameter copy unit; extention cable for remote operation; cable for terminal link; link adaptor; keypad panel for remote operation; remote indicating panel; braking transistor switch unit (11 kW and above) and braking resistor; radio interference suppressing reactor, line side AC reactor; noise suppressing AC reactor; speed setting potentiometer; frequency indicator; suppressor; PC interface card Note: * 1 Multistep speed setting on the keypad panel. The digital input of external frequency setting is optional. *2 Available soon {' ' . �.Y ''� .- •r• aR Wi Ypy$h tom}. ,, .a ,TM- 'u•X,,. `'i``C:J'sA "x x , ,''kJ�F ` ,a�, '�. �.:.c r cne. ', $ !� oa i T.^f i! +°.f:`5�'� ,t�d�e. Ott ai r ?. •. a e;�."Y"� a Y s M - * ' t Ca 4 tr' 'VY, h r - � w yc Rya a $ •�, • _,y,, c •i,5 ',,, ,� . ✓ Vwn•'r ; t^ t�k '° '1 f, t.� �. d 'f ' ,,,,4, 1 T. i 'S, •�'t JL` �S" f'a%x" *�'t";,," v" .te . _ �y Ewa ; �fffi'� a� `r. •'S'. ,... �1c-p R";', J,' EC • of 1 :3;�•t ka si'A '� s„fa 1.k�i,`tm�,"t,� r._ . ; :. b.. i y ..: > ''y'."�� ,.;g•? JI E =J `. A+ $• s ', � rt',� i y..b"'' 1^a'x",i ,� L� �.FA �'� '. r 4 1A .i 4 IAAC' J:.: FFD�a '-3 !R # rY A Ih �mens�ons: 3,'��'�r`o-....,.ne, .',•- .R e�,f N Y" 3 e4 ,. d� ' ' �?'y . r i..' 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' ra _,.. ,.y±��PY' 'T `' '•k At Y �s. .s.� Stk ';E,: •. fy1.tQ;T'�j' w ,`._:J 6tu3�ir 200-230VAC 3 PHASE 50/60Hz ' Catalog No, HP AMPS (A) Height (B) Width (C) Depth Weight N., ° Rated 150% Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs, Kga ,, 6VAF323F50B 0,5 3 4.5 11.8 300 6,3 160 4,9 125 6.6 3.0� 6VAF323001B 1 5 7.5 11.8 300 6,3 160 4,9 125 6,6 3.0 s a d r � .• 6VAF323002B 2 8 12.0 11.8 300 6.3 160 6.7 170 9.5 4.3 >< 6VAF323003B 3 11 16.5 11.8 300 6.3 160 6.7 170 9.7 4.4 { 6VAF323005B 5 17 25.5 11.8 300 6.3 160 6.7 170 9.9 4.5 6VAF323007B 7,5 25 37.5 15.0 380 9.5 240 8,5 215 23,6 10.7 t{ i 6VAF323010B 10 33 49.5 15.0 380 9.5 240 8.5 215 24.0 10,9 6VAF323015B 15 46 69.0 17.7 450 10.6 270 8.7 220 32,4 14.7 '=' 6VAF323020B 20 59 88.5 17.7 450 10,6 270 8.7 220 33.0 15.0b ' Ip� 6VAF323025B 25 74 111.0 21.7 550 10.6 270 8.7 220 41.9 19.0 : .• }� 6VAF323030B 30 87 130.5 21.7 550 10.6 270 8.7 220 43.0 19.5 gy�pp.. � .�., 5 ' 'F�`i t 't Y- -. '4tY"1 4Ti']rxY' T . ^.1 ^ §� 4.x�� �1 , tL.,;'rt3O t • j'Z.. 'd' F.t�� y� �fy�bY9 $y W � A*'l¢7'�J°. i l.'eR'S7�".,�rA s w ?r '• - S.• Kf A>", tr rM'fA. �'Y 4 W '4•+ ilei 2 tty. °[5.�." ^ .'! 400-460VAC 3 PHASE 50/60Hz '= Catalog No, HP AMPS (A) Height (B) Width (C) Depth Weight ., Inches (mm) Lbs. K g ` 1 ,ik • « )4, A 6VAF343001B 1 11 •1 6,7 170 7,9 3.6 t< ' 6VAF343002B 2 11 160 6.7 170 9.7 4.4�: 6VAF343003B 3 11 160 6.7 170 9,9 4.5 ,, 6VAF343005B 5 1 11 160 6.7 170 10.1 4.6 6VAF343007B 7.5 1 : 240 8.5 215 20 5 9.3 r •:, 6VAF343010B 10 • 1 1 :1 240 8.5 215 20.9 9.5 1 4, s 6VAF343015B 15 J • 1 d 1 1. 270 8.7 220 -_______ 12.9 w y 6VAF343020B 20 1 1 1 1 . 270 8.7 220 28.7 13.0 � 6VAF343025B 25 • 1 1 . 270 8.7 220 36.6 16.6 • 6VAF343030B 30 J 1 1 •y 270 8.7 220 37.3 16.9 :' •.}✓r �"�''%f- ,:F�J'i" .:. '}: ug g ilt S ..y^:% tr .`.y(RJ :YC a."ci� i [E� 4.1 • :. _�� .. " ph,,�{,��S M'S 38.< r . � _' r� t�'}%�`"+.�'' !i. s ° f1,# .0..1 K A`r;.nfaY yA; A'Fl^, `fa;Y",6a' , er ves• r�tl C'4i',.N .$'�y� A+ 5 .,,4r(-�/•.f/1/ ,oi t�"+.; rim. i � -r• t S F i+ `i'y 'ps'dx.e 'f y�'�•� ,.:* h . ry �L� ,.$` , ` .t z r2°•,'._ =+;�Y y r,� '� ,Y,�` R.. :'.' .F � ' '� f, y,'1`tr'1''. 6/21/91 CUTLER -HAMMER SAFETY SWITCHES Double Throw Transfer Switches 30-800 Amperes NON -FUSIBLE, 240V ac, 2 & 3 POLE 43 DT-K Amperes Main Standby NEMA 1 Indoor NEMA 3R 0 Rainproof Maximum Horsepower Ratings Catalog Number Price Catalog Price Number 240V 1 480V 600V 240V 480V 600V 2 POLE 30 60 100 200 400 30 60 100 200 400 600 800 DT221UGK 222UGK 223UGK 224UGK 225UGK DT32IUGK 322UGK 323UGK 324UGK 325U6K 326UGK 327UGK $ 306. 484. 663 966 2909 356. 525. 815 1328. 3604. 4828. 12381. DT224URK S1485 225URK 4473 3 POLE DT323URK 324URK 965. 1689. 1 cpac 3cbac 3 10 20 15 3 10 20 15 125 10 20 40 60 125 125 125 dc 250VJ 600V 5 10 20 40 50 5 10 20 40 50 50 50 50 NON -FUSIBLE, 600V ac, 2, 3, 4 & 6 POLE Amperes Main & Standby NEMA 1 Indoor NEMA 3R 0 Rainproof NEMA 12 [NEMA 12/31 30-200A Maximum Horsepower Ratings 1 0 ac 1-480V-1-600V 3 0ac 480VT600V dc Catalog Number Price Catalog Number Price Catalog Number Price 240V 240V 250V 600V 30 60 100 200 400 600 DT261UGK 262UGK 263UGK 264UGK 265UGK 266UGK 2 POLE $ 396. 560. 849. 1167. 3270. 4587. DT264URK 265URK 266URK 30 DT361UGK 60 362UGK 200 364UGK 400 365UGK 3671 600 366UGK 530/ 800 367UGK 13621 30 60 100 200 30 60 100 DT464UGK 386. 2249 $ 2364. 6365. 8434. 3 10 20 15 7-1/2 20 40 50 10 25 50 50 125 125 250 250 350 350 5 10 20 40 50 50 50 3 POLE DT361URK 362URK 363URK 724. 914. 1373. DT361UDK 362U0K 363UDK $ 832. 1049. 1579. 3 10 20 7-1/2 20 30 10 25 50 10 20 40 364URK 2699. --- --- 15 50 50 60 365URK 6120. --- 125 366URK 8615. --- --- - . - --- --- 125 367URK 17702. --- --- --- ---- --- 125 DT461URK 462URK 463URK 464URK DT661URK 662URK 663URK 1941. 2452. 3682. 4247. 3071. 3880. 5830. 4 POLE 6 POLE 0 Prices do not InUutle hubs Use plate type hubs. ertcept 400 600 amp s.vitches iegwie Myers hubs 3 10 20 15 7-1/2 20 30 50 3 7-1/2 10 20 20 30 10 25 50 50 10 25 50 20 50 75 125 250 250 250 10 20 40 60 15 50 75 125 20 60 100 150 350 350 350 5 10 20 40 50 50 50 20 60 100 150 5 10 20 40 -- 10 20 40 50 20 5 1 --- 50 60 10 - 75 100 20 - 1 s111 43 1P-12 Crouse -Hinds® Arktite " Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Receptacle Assemblies and Housings 100 A Assemblies With AJ Back Boxest and Angle Adapters See Note Style 1 Hub Description Size 2-wire, 1'/4 2-pole 1'/2 3-wire, 3-pole 4-wire, 4-pole Style 2 2-wire, 3-pole • • 1 '/, 1 /2 Spring Door Cat. # AREA10214 AREA10215 AREA10314 AREA10315 1%2 AREA10415 2 AREA10416 Open Cat. # AREA10234 AREA10235 AREA 10334 AREA10335 AREA10435 AREA10436 100 A 600 VAC/250 VDC 50**-400 hertz Weatherproof§ Dimensions Pgs. 1 P-13, 25 & 26 Receptacle Housings Only Style 1 Threaded Cap Spring Door Cat. # Cat. # AREA10274 AREA10275 AREA10374 AREA10375 AREA10475 AR EA10476 11/4 AREA10324 AREA10344 AREA10384 11/2 AREA10325 AREA10345 AREA10385 3-wire. ' 1 / AREA10425 AREA10445 AREA10485 4-pole 2 AREA10426 AREA10446 AREA10486 AR1021 AR1031 AR1041 Style 2 AR1032 AR 1042 Open Cat. # AR 1023 Threaded Cap Cat. # AR1027 AR 1033 AR1037 AR1043 AR1047 AR1034 AR1038 AR1044 AR 10.18 .opv,1Q11i Hrkiite Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Receptacles, Plugs and Connectors Mating APJ Plugst Style 1 Cat. # APJ10277 APJ10377 APJ10477 Style 2 APJ10387 AP.110487 Cable Dia.• 1.00 to 1.70 1.00 to 1.70 1.00 to 1.70 1.00 to 1.70 IUU A 600 VAC/250 VDC 50**-400 hertzA Dimensions Weatherproof Dimensions Pg. 1P-29 Mating APR Connectors Cable Cat. # Dia.• APR10255 0.95 to 1.38 APR10257 1.37 to 1.50 APR 10355 0.95 to 1.38 APR 10357 1.37 to 1.50 APR10455 0.95 to 1.38 APR10457 1.37 to 1.50 APR10365 0.95 to 1.38 APR10367 1.37 to 1.50 1 00 to 1 70 APR 10465 APR 10467 0.95 to 1.38 1.37 to 1.50 NOTE: For listing of additional back boxes, see pages 1P-18 and 19. • ChnOlr.y rpvisrOn § ,'Vaalhr rprbol w10 0 uS,'ct with spoor] door or Ihrr.`a11.'t ap r.l'ie15 wtll, cable gnp and nrroprr.l1 busnreq ( A.1 hack boxes are Square. rnaking rl p0s5tble 10 rncl all with hub ,n Sl'v7'131 pOS,tiOnS Pressure conneclols are standard Crrmpisolder type IormrnalorS are oplicnally available for 2 3 and 4.pole 30 ampere 3 and 4-pole 60 and 100 ampere For det47s. sco table on page IP,4 I0 Sp .7ly add the call , '1- to the ca lato5; n tuber For nxarnple A{IFA111:314 T (Assembly) APJ10377 T (Pimp art v;?I 1 Inoceplactol AP1110347 1 IConn,tct'r frCr.ptacicl ei. .rn `. y'slr,.r li'., Milo 60 nor!? r, 'Crl:i"Ir'.. {)Intl`• any• r,r'1't; Ior4 a'., for Dimensions 6e - - -4i 20 and 5-pole 30 A Crouse -Hinds@ 3 j 7 i 516 2, 3 and 4-pole 30 A �7 S -51-^ Dia. 4g 616-- 2, 3 and 4-pole 60 A 9e ARE 20, 30 and 60 A Assemblies Dimension a Hub Size 20 A 30 A 60 A 1/2 3/, 1''A 1 1/2 1 1�/r4 ,Si 6 ' S%, 6 13/16 1 5/l e 2, 3 and 4-pole 60 and 100 A AREA 60 and 100 A Assemblies Rating 60 A 100 A a b c 8 :';, 9 1 d (door clearance) 4'Y, 4w, IAnn;1:V '9q2 AJ and AJC Back Boxes with Angle Adapters For 60, 100, 200 & 400 A Receptacle Housings AJ Back Box with 60/100 A Angle Adapter HJA i•- eig1CIie' an Component Parts For 200 and 400 A Receptacle Housings Dimensions Pgs. 1P-26 & 27 AJ Back Box with 200/400 A Angle Adapter AJC Back Box with 60/100 A AJA Angle AJC Back Box with 200 A Angle Adapter Adapter AJ and AJC Back Boxest With 60/100 and 200/400 A Angle Adapters 60 and 100 A 200 A Hub AJ AJC Size Cat. # Cat. # AJ37 AJC37 AJ47 AJC47 AJ57 AJC57 AJ58 AJ67 AJC67 AJ68 AJ78 2 2 3 AJA Angle Adapters 60 and 100 A Cat. # AJA6 AJ AJC Cat. # Cat. # 400 At AJ Cat. # AJ69 AJC78 AJ79 AJ89 200 A 400 A Cat. # Cat. # AJA1 AJA2 t AJ and AJC. back boxes are square, rnakmgll possible to install with hub in several pos4ibhs Use AJ69 AJ79 of AJ89 tot cables up to 2 = 3SOMCM 3 - a 30CMCM or 4 - > 2 SCMCM For larger cables. use AJX69 elc I5'ed undo) asse,•,blms 1D_10 Crouse-Hinds`R' AJX Assemblies Back Box with Angle Adapter, 3 Blank Plates and 1 Hub Plate Hub Size 2 2'/ 3 3/2 4 5 400 A Cat. # AJX69 AJX79 AJX89 AJX929 AJX9210 AJX9212 AJX Component Parts For use in making up assemblies with arrangements of hub plates (4 required) other than those listed. Back Box 400 A Cat. # AJX99 Hub Plate Hub 400 A Size Cat. # 2 YYP96 21 YYP97 3 YYP98 3'!• YYP99 4 YYP910 5 YYP9012 Angie Adapter 400 A Cat. # AJ245 Blank Plate 400 A Cat. # YYP900 ;arluary 1092 GE Push Buttons CR104P Heavy -Duty, /Von -illuminated Selector Switches Knob -operated selector switch Lever -operated selector switch 2-Position, Non -illuminated Knob-, Lever-, and Cylinder Lock -operated Selector Switches® 61)0 \'ohs Maximum A(:/I)(: 10 :\mperes Continuous Suitable for Use in Nf.\1:\ I'lx• I. 1 U. 1. aN. 12 ;Intl 13 :\pplirations Cylinder lock selector switch Units are supplied factory assembled when ordered with contact blocks. Viewed Irom front of panel Contact Block Catalog N4mbers and '',, cs Contacts Operator Position Standard Knoo Black coR14 List Price, GG-10G Ann Lever. Chrome® CR104 -•., :List ::', Price,`: r G0-10G, C j••cer Lock Remove KeyIrom Left Right 0 = Open x =Closed Left Only CRIOa R:gn; Of CR10-1 Lell and Right CR104 Center Only CR104 "List PrlC G0-10Q> Maintained Operator Only \ / None PSG2 tB $22,20.• PSM21 52220;� PSK?+A00:_ n21A0:= PSK2IAOOM 55820 , 4.1.0 NC NC X 0 1N0-1NC PSG2r891 40.20' PSM21A91 40.20, PSK2tA91L PSK21A9•= PSK21A91M 7620' 0 o NO NO 0 X 1NO•INC - - - - • - ,_ PSK2IA 1L51® PSK21'91:,1`,, 0Sx21A91M510 - '-88.20;:). L-NC X 0 Q LQ NC 9.1..4 L-NO 0 X r- 0 o NO o o RUC X. O 2N0-2NC PSG21B92 58.20 PSm2tA92 58.201 PSK"'A9_: rx..rii..? = SK,1A92m - 04.20n- R-NO 0 X Spring Return Left To Center Operator Only None PSG12B 34.20 PSM12 34,20.;- - - - PSK12A00C 7020,° 41.Q 0 o NC NO NC NO 0 X X 0 1NO.1NC NC.INC PSG12B91 52.20 PSM12A91 52.20c' °SK'.2A91C PSr t?A91051® ,100.20' Q 0 o NC NO 41.0 o o NC L.NO R-NC R.NO O. x 0 X O x 0 2NC„ 2NC. FSG1259 70.20 •; A92 70.20 ! '?A92C 106.20 Spring Return Right To Center Operator Only 4 ...-4,"� n It PSG62.2: 34.20 0 '' 3 34.20 -'A000 70.20 QIn NC ,IC _ 1r,0.!NC PS-7' 52.20 , . 52.20 . .- A—:'1r_ 88.20 0 0 NO N:: . < .•ITINC - - - .A.91C.1® 100.20 CUD r.1O pro 1_ 0 0 .-. 0 0 r• .. : . - 70.20 I . 70.20 106.20 Note: Catalog Number and price do no include nameplate All nameplates n usi ;:,r rrlere f ,s:..t ,e; ..•. _ ,!..ran from r:.: ;;o•o 7 . 0 and 7-28 Two keys Included with each cylinder lock O When mounted in enclosures rated for those same appllcai ons For some ':F i.i ' 7 pe • .. , :;ulr:;'. resistance. O For additional cam operation Information. refer to page 7.28 Q To order knob in a color other than black. replace I' e .... .n IIsted Catalog N To order black lever, replace 'A in Catalog idur lbe! wul, 3 before 91 • 1N0-1NC operator with black lever is CR10.1PSr,121B91 ® CH501 keyed cylinder lock. 'Miner listed cylinder locks are alike and use id9nLC:. ' ".. y Electrical Distribution & Control sales office References: Nameplate Selection pages 7-26, 7-27 Extra Keys for Cylinder Lock Descriptive bu!le1:n GLA.•10977 Drilling Plan and Selector Switches Distributor made' (AD / 02 1 Dimensions page 7-28 ve ca :r /4 !1 improve corrosion I I 1, 1 8 tPedf c,r a marnta ned ; also Nva.l;itnd contact nearest GE page 7-24 Prices and data subject to change v.,thuut r; ore 1992 Issue 7-7 GE Push Buttons CR104P Heavy -Duty, Non -illuminated Selector Switches • • 600 Volts \iaxinnnn AC/DC 10 Amperes Continuous Suitable for Use in NE\IA type 1, 3, 3R, 4, 4X. 12 and 13 Applications® 3-Position Non -illuminated, Knob-, Lever-, and Cylinder Lock -operated Selector Switches® Units are supplied factory assembled when ordere with contact block: Viewed from !rent of panel Contacts Operator Position Lett Rghl Maintained O - Open .t = Close' Contact Block Catalog Numbers ?r; Standard Knob, CR104 List Price, GO-10G Wing Lever. Chrome® CR104 `1 Price, GOr10G Cylinder Lock Remove Key ham: Lelt Only cn 104 Center Only C-104 Right Only CR104 All Positions CR104 ;Price;' ,GO,10G Operator Only \ / None PSG34B $ PSM34 ,'$2220 PSK34AOOL PSK34Ai,OC PSK34A00R PSK34A00W58.20 a =L=0 NC 0 o NO NC X 0 0 NO 0 0 X 1N0.1NC 1NO-INC PSG34891 - r rl PSM34A91 - rA020". PSK34A911 PSK34A91151® RSK34A91C PSK34A91C51® PSK34A91R PSK34A91R51® PSK34A97W PSK34A91W51® �g�. ygg 2Q� 4L NC 4.1I'? o o NO o o L-NC X 0 O L-NO 0 0 X R-NG X O O 2N0-2NC PSG34892 . .. 5820-,. PSM34A92 a G v 73820 wE4 fit PSK34A92L PSK34A92C PSK34A92R PSK34A92W; ,r ,+a Operator Only None PSG32B ,z2,20i PSM32 r22,20 PSK32AOOL PSK32AOOC PSK32AOOR PSK32AOOW QIQ NC 0 o NO NC 0 X 0 NO X 0 0 1N0.1NC PSG32B91 7 4020 PSM32A91 402 PSK32A91L PSK32A91C PSK32A91R PSK32A91Wy� U-0 NC 0 r n 0 o NO o o L-NC 0 X 0 L-NO X 0 0 RNC 0 X 0 2N0-2NC PSG32892 � iR` ' ® 5820 PSM32A92 'n,¢ � 5820. q9 PSK32A92L PSK32A92C PSK32A92R PSK32A92W Operator Only None PSG33B 2220,`, PSM33 ¢2220 PSK33A00L PSK33AOOC PSK33A00R PSK33A0OW 9 ` a 20, 0 r 0 NC 0 o NO NC 0 X 0 NO 0 O X INO-1NC PSG33891 4020 PSM33A91 4020, rota a PSK33A91L PSK33A91C PSK33A91R PSK33A91W 7 20; X#g 1 y. o110 NC ore 0 o NO o o L-NC 0 X 0 L-NO 0 0 X R-NC 0 X p 2N0-2NC PSG33892 �3 5820 ^% PSM33A925820 ��Iac PSK33A92L PSK33A92C PSK33A92R PSK33A92W 9420` Operator Only None PSG35B 2220 ', PSM35 22:20 i PSK35A00L PSK35A00C PSK35A00R PSK35AOOW 68 ore NC Us? o o NO o o L-NC X 0 0 L-NO O G X INC-O X 0 2N0.2NC PSG35B92 58 20 PSM35A92 `458,20 PSK35A921 PSK35A92C PSK35A92R PSK35A92W Operator Only None PSG36B 22 20 ;_ PSM36 2Ot; PSK36AOOL PSK36AOOC PSK36A0OR PSK36AOOW a 9.1.12 NC =10 0 o NO o o L-NC X X 0 LNO 0 O X R-NC O X R-NO X 0 2N0.2NC PSG36B92 58.20 PSM36A92 S8 20 PSK36A92L PSK36A92C PSK36A92R PSK36A92W 94 0 4-Position Non -illuminated, Knob- and Lever -operated, and Cylinder Lock Selector Switches Operator Only } / None® Pg 478 22.20 PSM47 22.20 PSK47A00Z i210 NC ore 0 o NO o o _.NC X 0 L-N000 .. R NC () r7 - f . No ra,, :✓ PSO47992 58.20 PSM47A9 .58.20 - PSK47A92Z 94.20.• Note: Catalog Number ano o Ice do not Include nameplate. All nameplates must be ordered as a separate item from pages 7-26 and 7-27. Two keys included with each cylinder lock. 0 When mounted in enclosures rated for those same applications. For some NEMA Type 4X applications, protective caps will improve corrosion resistance. For additional cam operation information, refer to page 7-28. To order knob in a color other than black. replace the "B" in listed Catalog Numbers with E (Yellow). G (Green), L (Blue), R (Red). To order black wing lever. replace "A" in Catalog Number with "B•' before 91 or 92 contact digits. Example: the Catalog Number for a maintained, 1N0-1NC, operator with black wing lever is CR104PSM32B91. ® CI-1501 keyed cylinder lock. Other listed cylinder locks are alike and use identical keys assi filar ocks are also available: contact nearest GE Electrical Distribution 8 Control sales office. ® Two double circuit contact blocks. mounted side by side, is standard arrangement No more than iwo contact blocks, single and/or double, may be used with this operator References: Nameplate Selection pages 7-26, 7-27 Extra Keys for Cylinder Lock Descriptive bulletin GEA-10877 Drilling Plan and Selector Switches page 7-24 Distributor miller C;ED-70:: Dimensions page 7-28 O 7-8 1992 Issue Prices and data subject to change without notice 140) GE Push Buttons • • CR104P Heavy -Duty Indicating Lights 600 Volts Maximum rn AC/DC Ill :\rnperes Continuous Suitable lily Use in Nt:;\1:\ Type I. ;;. 3R- 1. 4X, 12 and 13 ApplicationsC) Standard indicating light Standard and Push -to -test Indicating Light Units, Transformer Type Operating Color of Standard Unit Catalog_ °,Ltt :. Push -to -test Unit Catalog_ • U• St Voltage Lens Number( CR104 ,,, - o-CB, .. tOG, Number(?) CR104 , o-ip '' GO-tOG.` Transformer Type with 6-Volt Secondary, No. 755 Lamp 120 Volts (60/50 Hz) Red Green Amber Blue White Yellow Clear PLG32R PLG32G PLG32M PLG32L PLG32W PLG32E PLG32G( .,$64'.201 ;. ',64.20_;'- at'64.20 , 3i:64.20R;;; ;6420s>' .,,6420;'>,. ,. 20 )'"-, PLT32R PLT32G PLT32M PLT32L PLT32W PLT32E PLT32G $82. 2Q; ,,:'82.20•.^. 82.20 8220". ;'6220;i 82.20 Less Lens® PLG3242°+. Tom. .rr PLT32 7800 Red PLG33R t.'64.20 >' PLT33R Green PLG33G ..6420`q; PLT33G r:8Y20 T- Amber PLG33M 16420,'. PLT33M =82.20. 240 Volts Blue PLG33L -'6420 -` PLT33L 82.20 .=: (60750 Hz) White PLG33W ;„64 20;; PLT33W ;,8220, Yellow PLG33E ' 64.20 ;:r. PLT33E ;:82.20 ; Clear PLG33C --64.20 PLT33C 382.20:° Less Lens® PLG33 ;'60.00'-' PLT33 .78.00 Red PLG34R 64.20 PLT34R 82.20. Green 2LG34G 64.20 Pt. T34G 82.20 Amber °LG34M 64.20 PLT34M 82.20. 180 volts Blue PLG34L 64.20 r'LT34L 82.20 (60.50 Hz) white PLG34W -::64.20 : Pt T34W `;82.20'.'. yellow Pi G34E 64.20 PLT34E. 82.20 Gear r'G34C 64.20 PL134r'. 82.20, r ei> I (4,,® .,G34 60.00 PI T31 78.00 r•,,_.r, ='_G35R 64.20 Pi T3;R '"82.20 -yen t ;35G 64.20 ,>L*,'S.P, -. 82.20 .. : • 3 2151 64.20 Pl. I ; M ':82.20 FOO vats 64.20 IL T.35, .. `. 82.20 44)•-1,It, 'dvr,rt: ;i35W 64.20 ,"t Tar'. 41 82.20 „".r 64.20 ''11 3' F 82.20 _ ra `,:1 , 64.20 ., 1 1-.. - 82.20 < 1...(C 60.00 .. 78.00 Notes: Cat Tlog Numbe and once do not include nameplate. All nan eplates must ordered as a separate Item from pages 7-26 and 7-27 . Res stor forms of standard and push-Io•(esl indicating lights are available Contact nearest GE Electrical Distribution & Control sales office for proper selection and pnc!ng References: i)escnplive bulletin (3EA %c,ln.turtor ntaQer 0(-I).70.. Units are supplied factory assembled when ordered with lenses. Push -to -test indicating light Standard and Push -to -test Indicating Light Units, Full Voltage Operating Color of Standard Unit Catalog_4 "LFst Price Push -to -test Urns Catalog_ Ust ,. Volta e g Lens Number a CR 104 x 3 GO 10G Number CR104 Price . GO;10G r Full Voltage Type 6 Volt® (# 755 Lamp) Red Green Amber Blue White Yellow Clear PLG16R PLG 16G PLG16M PLG 16L PLG16W PLG16E PLG16C $5220'I 52.20 3 z ;52.20 <; - 52.20 .,: ;-5220 :;i 5220';1'; 52.2pN, PLT16R PLT 16G PLT16M PLT16L PLT16W PLT16E PLT16C .70.20 t;; ,70.20�_i , "70.20 .; 70.20 5170.20,-a' `70.20,';„ Less Lens® PLG16 ;r. '"4800 :• PLT16 - '66.00 Red PLG 17R 52,20;,- PLT 17R 70.20... Green PLG 17G 52.20' PLT 17G '70.20-• Amber PLG17M ;52201 PLT 17M .:70.20 •z 12 Volts® Blue PLG 1IL 5220 f PLT17L 70.20 = (# 756 Lamp) White PLG 1 7W " 52.20,�;: PLT 17W ';;70.20 `. Yellow PLG 17E ,;52.20 PLT 17E r -70.20 '`s Clear PLG17C -5220r'-; PLT17C 70.20" Less Lens® PLG17 t4800 L;' PLT17 66.00" Red PLG182 52.20' ' PL118R .70.20 ? Green PL'; t8G 52.20'r' PLT 18G '70.20.3 Amber T :118M 52.20 PLT 181,1 -:70.20 °` 24 Volts® Blue PLC,1cl 52.20 .. PIT 18L 70.20-:-. (# 1816 Lamp) White '.0 18'W 52.20 PLT 18W 70.20'<• Yellow G 18E 52.20 :' PLT 18E 70.2041 Clear uG18C; 52.20 PLT18C 70.20;.' Less Lens® P,;;Ir3 48.00. PLr18 66.00, Red r-G2^f1 52.20 PLT22R 70.20.{' Green 52.20 - PI.T22G 70.20 Amber - 3, ' 51 52.20 Pi T22M 70.20.. 1 C : o!s® Due : ''I. 52.20 PLT22L 70.20. (# ._31-'5B white 'W 52.20 Pi T2201 70.20 1 -.r. o Yellow 12E 52.20 PLT22F 70.20 Clear ,'2C 52.20 PtT22C 70.20. Less Lens® ).' ;.'.. 48.00 1't (O2 66.00 When mounted in enclosures rated for (hose same applications. For some NEMA Type 4X applications, protective caps will improve corrosion resistance. 'CR104PXG Catalog Number on light unit label identifies only the "power source.* component of each complete unit listed above Select required lens from page 7.23 and order as a separate item 6-, 12-, and 24-Volt units nave same lamp socket; lamps are !herefore inlerchanaea3'I_- for voltage change Nameplate Selection pages 7-26, 7-27 Lamp Ordering Drilling Plan and Dimensions page 7-28 Information page 7-24 7-16 1992 Issue Paces and data subject to change uathvur •route GE Push Buttons • • CR104P Heavy -Duty, IVon-illuminated Push Buttons Push Button Units (Momentary Contacts) 600 Volts Maximum ACC/DC 10 Amperes Continuous Suitable for Use in NE\1A Type 1, 3. 3R. -1. 4\. 12. and 13 Applications® Units are supplied factory assembled when ordered with contact blocks, except 23/8-inch diameter mushroom head which is not attached. O;'•alnr Assembled Obnr,1101 Assembled Operator Assembled Ooera!or Assembled '=pera!or Only w,r. vntn wdh 1- wII1 ! Seicl contact blocks from pg 7•20i INC INC o r n LI'rl) 2Nt, o r n "Q INO o o INC o r n Comacis o o Contat t> 0 0 0 o Contact Contact Ration Color Catalog Number CR,Oa List Price, GO-10G '' a!a'00 !dumber :_RtOa List Price, GO-10G r'alalog Number CR I O4 List Price„ GO-10G :: Catalog Number CR IOa List Price, • GO-10G ' Catalog Number CR 10a Llst Price, . GO-10G Standard (Flush) Black PBG0031 $16.20 PBG9I B 1 $34.20 PBG528 I $52.20 PBG 1081 , $25 20 PBG01 B 1 $25.20 Red PBGOORI 16.20 PBC:91R1 34.20 PBG92R1 52.20 PBG10R1 ,25.20 , PBGO',RI : 25.20::- 3:een PBGo0G1 16.20 PBG91G1 ' 34.20 PBG92G1 52.20 s PBG10G1 ;2520 `; PBG01G1 r, 25.20 .` Clear® PBGOOC I PBG91C 1 34.20 PBG92C I 52.20 PBG 10C 1 25.20 PBG01C 1 25.20 (Combination)0 PBGOOU I * r • i PBG91 U I 34,20 ., PBG92U1 52.20 PBG 10U 1 > 2b 20 u i PBG01 U 1 . ' 2520 (Combination)a(Combination)(9 PBGOOV I 16.20 PBC91 V 1 =.:34.20 PBG92V 1 52,20 ,, PBG 10V 1 .- "25 20 ^::. PBG01 V 1 "25.20 None® PBG00A1© 1590 PBG91A1®-3390 ,,a PBG92A1® 5190 ; PBG10A1® 2490 ,? PBG01A10 ;2490 Extended Button Black Red Green Clear® PBG00B2 PBG00R2 PBGOOG2 PBG0002 1620.." 16.20 y 1 16.20, e ,1620 s` M1N I➢ i620 ,, ; 16,20 .. PBG9182 PBG91R2 PBG9IG2 P8G91C2 3420 1S ' 3420 , 3420 3420 5 � k. 3420", 4`,'3420 '' PBG9282 PBG92R2 PBG92G2 PBG92C2 52,2b "i_ 52'20' 52.20,�,^-' 52;20 �*t PBG10B2 PBG1OR2 PBG1OG2 PBG10C2 25.20 x"2520 '2520 s2520 PBG0182 PBG01R2 PBG01G2 PBGOIC2 2520 25.2D,a, "r 25.20 525i20 '� 6 "T �': n� �f i 2520 5 2 (Combination)IC (Combination) PBGOOU2 PBGOOV2 PBG91U2 PBG91V2 PBG92U2 PBG92V2 �. K. ,,52.20E PBGIOU2 PBG10V2 kic�z Tf a2520® w2520 x PBGO1U2 PBG01V2 None® PBGOOA20 n1590 PBG91A20 3390 PBG92A2© 51.90 i PBG10A2© ST2490 , PBG01A20 ' 240. Recessed Button Black Red25.201 Green PBG00B3 PBGOOG3 ,s 1620 l ig 516 20 • PBG9183 PBG91G3 ,3420 ," 34 20 . P1369283 PBG92G3 52.20 - 52.20 " PBG10B3 PBG I0G3 25 0 "�1 ' PBG0183 PBG01G3 25.20s , 25:20 Clear® PBGOOC3 , 16201{; P8G91C3 ",;;3420 PBG92C3 5220 ; PBG1OC3 ,,25205 PBG01C3 25.20 ; (Combination)® PBGOOU3 ,�.,. 16 20 •. PBG91U3 ; 34.20 :- PBG92U3 52.20 PBG 1OU3 , 25 20 a PBGO1U3 E 25'20 (Combination) ® PBGOOV3 16.20, PBG91V3 r„3420 PBG92V3 52.20, z,;: PBG10V3 2520 t.° PBG01V3 , 25. None® PBG00A3© ry 15.99 -; PBG91A3® 3390, PBG92A30 51.90 - PBGIOA3® 2490 PBG01A3® ' 24• 90sa Mushroom Head (13/8-inch diameter) Black Red Green Yellow PBMO0B5 PBMOORS PBMOOGS PBM00E5 34.20 >.' 34.20 ' 34.20 •'F +34.20';.r. PBM9185 PBM91R5 PBM9IG5 PBM91E5 ''5220 i"- '5220 -; 52.20 -: 52.20 is PBM9285 PBM92R5 PBM92G5 PBM92E5 70.20 70.20 'r 7020 -• -70.20•% P8M 10E35 PBM10R5 PBM10G5 PBM10E5 43.20 ',4320`'; 4320 -' n;;d320>,:. PBM01 B5 P8MO1R5 PBM01G5 PBMO1E5 43.20 43,20 None© PBMOOA6 28.20 PBF091A6 46.20 PBM92A6 64.20 ` PBM10A6 ,1': 37.20 PBMOIA6 37.20,,; (23/8-inch diameter) Black PBM00B6 34.20 PBM91B6 52.20 •) P8M9286 70.20 •', P8M1086 ,43.20'-sr PBMO186 ' .43,20'_:. Red PBMOOR6 34.20, P8M91R6 52.20 PBM92R6 70.20 :, PBM10R6 ;'<'43.20,.1 PBM01R6 43.20-`'. Green PBMOOG6 34.20 PBM91G6 52.20 PBM9266 70.20 PBM1006 43.20 •:`. PBM01G6 43.20 yellow PBMOOE6 . 34.20 PBM91E6 52.20 PBM92E6 70.20.'.r' PBM10E6 43.20 r°- PBMOIE6 aloee PBMOOA6 28.20 P9%19136 46.20 PBM92A6 64.20 PBMIOAS ''.'37,20 PBM01A6 37.20 Mushroom Head (push to latch, turn to release) fled ,0nryl III R20AOII 52.20 P10+,'OA0R9I 70.20 P'12OA0092 88.20 r'T1120A0R1 61.20 PTR;i0A01301 61.20 Note: Catalog Number and price do not Include nameplate All nameplates must be ordered as a separate item from pages 7-26. 7-27. Q When mounted in enclosures rated for those same applications For some NEMA Type 4X aOpIlcalions. protective caps will provide improved corrosion resistance ® To order package of legend inserts, refer to page 7-22 la Includes package 0! one each of black. red, green and yello:: color caps. CO Includes package of one each of orange, blue, brown and white color caps ® Select required color cap or mushroom -head button from page 7-22. 1°/:; in and 2'/a in. dia. operators are interchangeable. ® To order assembled units with buttons of unlisted colors. substitute the following tellers in place of "A." in Catalog Number: E (Yellow). L !Blue). M (Orange). N (Brown) and 1.Al (While) Price is same as those units with buttons of listed Colors. Paces .nu/,lata subject in change ,v,rhaut nonce 1992 Issue 7-3 • • Alternating Relays 10A 600 Volts AC MAX ALTERNATOR RELAYS • No Load Transfer • Industrial Design • Front Wired • NEMA Rating A600 • SPDT 10 Amp Contacts • UL Listed File #E22655 • CSA Certified File #LR6535 Open Type NEMA 1 General Purpose APPLICATION The alternator relay provides a means of automatically alternating the operation of two separately mounted motor driven pumps or com pressors. Each time a pressure increase is required by the system the alternating action assures even readi- ness and wear on both pumps. FEATURES The Class 47 alternator is of industrial design specifically for use in pump and compres- sor applications. It is easily field installed and wired in control panels, pump panels. or as a separately enclosed unit for surface mounting. The alternator has single pole double throw heavy duty 10 ampere silver cadmium oxide contacts enclosed in a transparent dust cover. The snap action contacts transfer when the unit is de -energized. The circuit is never closed or opened while current is being conducted. This provides increased control life. The alternator is wired to operate the second motor starter the next time a pump operation is required. ORDERING INFORMATION • Dimensions page C29. • Wiring Diagrams page C29. • Replacement Parts page C29. • Other information see Application Data Section. REFERENCE LITERATURE Instruction Sheet 47-HAA. ELECTRICAL RATINGS NEMA AC Ratings 50/60 Hz NEMA A600 10 Cont. Amps Volts 120 240 480 600 VA 4; Make Break 60 30 15 12 7200 6 3 1.5 12 720 COIL DATA Watts Volts 60Hz Inrush (Open Magnet) Amps VA Normal (Sealed Magnet) Amps VA 4 24 120 240 480 600 0 .629 8 .126 4 96 .063 1 5 1 200 .031 160 .025 NEMA 4 Watertight Painted Steel C28 Furnas • • • `syTHREE PHASE ELECTRIC ® ' MOTORPROTECTORI IAD. CONT. EP.p LISTED MODEL 400 Engineered THREE PHASE MOTOR OT CTIO MICROPROCESSOR BASED OPERATION DESIGNED TO SWITCH 480 VOLT MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUITS PROTECT 3-PHASE MOTORS FROM • LOSS OF ANY PHASE (Single Phasing) • LOW VOLTAGE (Brown Out —Any or All Phases) • REVERSED PHASE SEQUENCE • VOLTAGE UNBALANCE • PHASE SHIFT OPERATION: The Model 400 MotorSaver is a microprocessor controlled device that provides protection against three-phase electrical motor loss due to low voltage, phase loss, voltage unbalance and phase reversal. The microprocessor constantly monitors the three phase line voltages and detects these harmful operating conditions. Whenever any of these conditions occur, on output relay is deac- tivated and remains deactivated until power line conditions return to an acceptable level. Trip and reset delays have been provided to prevent nuisance tripping due to rapid power fluctuations. THE MODEL 400 DETECTS A SINGLE PHASING CONDITION REGARDLESS OF ANY REGENERATED VOLTAGE. Being a voltage sensitive device, the Model 400 operates independently of the horsepower and the current required by the motor. Thus, a Model 400 with a given voltage rating may be applied to a large range of different size motors. The Model 400 is easily installed to work in conjunction with existing motor starter circuitry. The Model 400 provides additional motor protection and is not intended to replace any existing pro- tective equipment. The low cost, reliable design, compact size, and ease of installation provide reliable, economical motor protection not normally found in existing switch gear and motor con- trol circuitry. INSTALLATION: (See National, State and Local Codes) 1) Mount the MotorSaver in any desired location. If the unit is to operate in dusty or wet en- vironments, NEMA type 4 or 12 enclosures should be provided. Install according to all Local, State and National Electrical Codes. 2) Connect the three lines of the 3 0voltage source to be monitored to L1, L2 and L3 respectively. Refer to the appropriate electrical codes when making all connections. 3) Connect the output relay contacts to the circuitry to be controlled. Refer to the typical wiring diagrams for motor applications. 4) When the MotorSaver has been mounted and all connections made, apply 3 0 power. The out- put relay should close and the "RUN LIGHT" should come on. If the output relay does not close after approximately a 3-second delay, perform the following tests: a) Check the voltages between L1-L2, L1-L3 and L2-L3. These voltages should be balanced to within ±4.5% and within 93% of the rated 3 0 line -to -line voltage on the Model 400. b) If these voltages are extremely low, or widely unbalanced, check the power system to deter- mine the cause of the problem. c) If the voltages are good, turn off the power and interchange any two of the three leads, L1, L2 or L3. This may be necessary as MotorSaver is sensitive to phase reversal. Turn on the power. The output relay should now close after the appropriate delay. d) If the output relay still does not close. contact the factory for assistance. !! Ideal For Pump Panel & High Voltage Control !! rammi 12 • SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 400 30 LINE VOLTAGE (Dor Y) (Specify a voltage when ordering) see SPECIAL OPTIONS for Adjustable Units Operating Points Low Voltage Trip Reset Deadband between trip & reset Voltage Unbalance Trip Reset Deadband between trip & reset Trip Delay Time (Nominal) Low Voltage Phasing or Unbalance Faults Reset From a fault condition From a complete power loss Repeat Accuracy Fixed conditions 0-700C Frequency Power Consumption Transient Protection Output contact rating (SPDT) Weight Special Options Adjustable trip delay NOTE —Single phasing, phase reversal and voltage unbalance trip time remains 2 sec. Adjustable time delay on restart Variable line voltage adjust (Specify voltage range when ordering OPOT output relay 208, 220, 230, 240, 440, 460, 480, 575, 600 VAC 90% 93% 3% 6%±1% 4.5% ± 1% 1.5% 4 sec. 2 sec. 2 sec. 3 sec. .1% 1% 50-60 Hz 5 watts (MAX) 2500V for 10m sec. 470 VA at 600 VAC Pilot duty 2 lbs. 2-30 sec. 2-300 sec. 208-240 440-480 ,614' 550-600 470 VA at 600 VAC Pilot duty TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM INPUT POVER LI CONTROL POWER M OL 250 ALL HOLES )0.35) 11.714 tlI eitho -0- 0 Lt.. „a ni 32500 13 • • Rid SERIES MINIATURE TIMERS El H E �t n Yt Y ••0 DGTAL AND ti Panel Mount a SCE I llAT E TIME „S UST „ E :_¢ T TYPES Plug -In Q` UL Recognized 7� File No. E67770 SP CSA Certified File No. LR35144 LR,58183 ENERAL IDEC RTB Mini -Timers are electronic time delay re- lays suitable for use in business machines, medical equipment, vending machines and numerous other in- dustrial applications where highly accurate time delay functions are needed. The RTB Mini -Timers come in two adjustable styles' digital switch and dial type. All RTB timers are equipped with a time -up and power -on indicator and carry time settings that range from 6 seconds to 100 rninutes TYPES FEATURES • Higher repeatability by RC -oscillation counting over con- ventional RC -threshold type timers. • Two internal relays are used for delay & instantaneous output functions. • Bifurcated crossbar output contacts available for low current 1 amp switching. • Models have built-in protection against electrical surge and noise. (Example' 240VAC model can withstand the shock voltage test. of 5KV and the power noise of 2KV.) • Timer socket can be mounted on DIN rail or flat surface. • Panel mounting adaptor is available. • UL Recognized and CSA certified Mode of Operation Delay On Make IntervaliON ON•OFF (Flicker) Delay Contact SPDT SPDT UPDT SPDT Twin Contact SPD 1 Twin Contact DPDT Twin Contact SPDT SPDT Instantaneous Contact SPDT • SPDT Twin Contact Dial Set Type Digital Set Type Blade Type Pin Type RTB-CB2NU RTB-CP2NU- - RTB•CB1NU j RTB-CP1NU RTB•CB3NU RTB-CP3NU RTB-CB22N RTB•CB 12N RTB CB32N RTB-CE31 VU RTB-CB1FU RTB-CP22N RTB-CP12N RTB-CP32N RTB-CP1 VU RTB-CP1 FU "7 i ;,Blade Type RTB-CB2NDU RTB•CB1NDU RTB CB3NDU RTB-CB22ND RTB-CB12ND RTB-CB32ND Pin Type RTB•CP2NDU RTB-CP1 NDU RTB•CP3NDU RTB-CP22ND RTB-CP12ND RTB-CP32ND RTB-CB1 VDU RTB-CB1 FDU RTB-CP1VDU RTiB-CP1 FDU NOTES. 1 Iwir1 contact means hitnrcaterl crossbar contacts. . Inmrval (1N anti ON (1F F types are also available with twin contacts • RT. SEA11ES y� MINIATURE Ti�'�V� ES SPECIFICATIONS Rated Operational Voltage AC 120V (50/60Hz); DC24V (Other operational voltages available) Standard Operating Conditions: Operate Temperature Range Relative Humidity Voltage Tolerance -22°F to +158°F (-30°C to +70°C) 85% or less AC Type: 85-110% of rated - DC Type: 90-110% of rated Repeated Accuracy t0.2% or less Voltage Error •_0.5% or less Reset Time 0.1 sec or less (1 sec when reset during timing) Insulation Resistance 100 MI1 or more Dielectric Strength 2,000V AC, 1 min. (excepting between contacts of same pole) Vibration Resistance 60m/sec2 (Approximately 6g) Shock Resistance 500m/sec2 (Approximately 50g) Life Expectancy (Output Relay) Medhanical: 50,000,000 operations or more Electrical: 200,000 operations or more Power Consumption ( ) with Instantaneous Contact AC 120V-3VA (4VA);AC 240V-6.9VA (8VA) DC 24V - 1 W • (1.7W ) Mode of Operation Delay on make, Interval -ON, ON -OFF (Flicker) TIME RANGES DELAY ON MAKE Dial Set Type Digital Set Type Time Range Code Time Range Code 0.2 sec- 6 sec 6s *0.2 sec- 10 sec 10s 0.2 sec -9.99 sec 9.99s ,..),,,,*0.2 sec- 30 sec 30s 0.2 sec- 60 sec 60s 0.3 sec-100 sec 100s 0.3 sec -99.9 sec 99.9s *0.3 sec-180 sec 180s 1 sec -999 sec 999 s 0.5 sec- 6 min 6m * 1 sec- 10 min 10m 0.01 min-9.99 min 9.99m * 3 sec- 30 min 30m 5 sec- 60 min 60m 7 sec-100 min. 100m 0.1 min-99.9 min 99.9m * Available from stock (120V AC model) INTERVAL -ON Dial Set Type Digital Set Type Time Range Code Time Range Code 0.3 sec- 6 sec 6s 0.3 sec- 10 sec 10s 0.1 sec -9.99 sec 9.99s 0.3 sec- 30 sec 30s 0.4 sec- 60 sec 60s 0.6 sec-100 sec ' 100s 0.3 sec -99.9 sec 99.9s 0.3 sec-180 sec 180s 1 sec -999 sec 999 s 0.5 sec- 6 min 6m 1 sec- 10 min 10m 0.01 min-9.99 min 9.99m 3 sec- 30 min 30m 5 sec- 60 min 60m 7 sec-100 min 100m 0.1 min-99.9 min 99.9m ON -OFF (Flicker) Dial Set Type Digital Set Type Time Range Code Time Range Code 0.2 sec- 6 sec 0.2 sec- 10 sec 0.2 sec- 30 sec 0.2 sec- 60 sec 0.3 sec-100 sec 6s 10s 30s 60s 100s 0.2 sec -9.99 sec 0.3 sec -99.9 sec 9.99s 99.9s CONTACT RATINGS Voltage Resistive Load General Use Motor Load 240V AC 7.5A 5.0A 1/3 HP 0'' 120V AC 10A 7.5A 1/6 HP i-28V DC 10A - - TWIN CROSSBAR CONTACT Rating Rated load Allowable contact power Resistive Load 120V AC, 1A 24V DC, 1A 120VA AC Inductive Load 120V AC, 0.75A 24V DC, 0.5A 90VA AC 24W DC 12W DC Allowable contact voltage 250V AC, 125V DC Allowable contact current 1A NOTES: 1. Twin contacts means crossbar bifurcated contact. 2. Resistive load -cos = 1, Inductive load -cos 4 = 0.4, L/R = 7 msec • • • RTC SERIES MINIATURE TIMERS INTERNAL CONNECTIONS Delayed Instantaneous SPDT SPDT Blade Type Pin Type 0 0 © O 5�0 a 8 9 12 13 to -�---POWER---3f • • • • •• • • © 0 ,— 1 0 .. 0 '---- POWER---- Delayed SPDT II. 4 0 0 �O 5� 8 9� 12 13 14 1-1�---POWER---1+4 © • • • • (—)0 ( 5 I , I 0 0 , t---- POWER---- j 73 0 n. 1 4 0 0 , © O 5 �- -0 8 gcu Q12 13 14 1-) --POWER--- , +, • • • ,r-)© • • • • (O(+)i 0 0 1 -- -- POWER- - -- J The above diagrams are as viewed from the terminal side. With the Delayed SPDT Type, no connection is allowed on terminals 1, 5 and 9. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Use of DC types: Power voltage ripple should be 10% or less, and the average voltage is kept within the tolerance of the rated operational voltage (90 to 110% of the rated). 2. Timer setting: The timer range is calibrated at maximum time setting. Use the timer as close to maximum time as possible. For more accurate time delay, measure the operating time with a stopwatch then make fine adjustment. 3. Reset time: Allow 0.1 sec for reset time after time up, and 1 sec or more when the timer is reset during timing. 4. Load current: The rated current should not be exceeded (Refer to the electrical life curve). 5. Environmental conditions: • Ambient temperature: Operation temperature is between -30°C and +70°C, and storage temperature between -40°C and +80°C. After storing at -10°C or lower tem- peratures, leave the timer at room temperature for a sufficient period of time before appling voltage. • Environment: Refrain from using where corrosive gases exist, e.g. sulfurous and ammonia gas. • External surge: Surge resistance had been ensured for AC types against a standard surge voltage of 5KV 1 x 40 microsec. For use where higher surges may be present, application of a surge absorber is recommended. • Other: Organic solvents (methyl alcohol, thinner, benzine, etc.), strong alkaline substance (ammonia, caustic soda, etc.) and strong acids should not be used on the timer's cover, base and control knob, and application in such an environment should be averted. OPERATIONAL CHART Delay on Make Pin Terminal Blade Terminal Operation Terminal No. 2-7 (POWER) Terminal No. 13-14 (POWER) Set Time 5-8 (NC) 4-12 (NC) 6-8 (NO) 8-12 (NO) 4-1 (NC) 1-9 (NC) 3-1 (NO) 5-9 (NO) POWER indicator (green) OUT indicator (red) Interval -ON Pin Terminal Blade Terminal Operation Terminal No. 2-7 (POWER) Terminal No. 13-14 (POWER) Set Time 5-8 (NC) 4-12 (NC) 6-8 (NO) 8-12 (NO) POWER indicator (green) OUT indicator (yellow) ON -OFF (Duty Ratio 1:1) Pin Terminal Blade Terminal Operation Terminal No. 2-7 (POWER) Terminal No. 13-14 (POWER) Set Time 5-8 (NC) 4-12 (NC) —' 6-8 (NO) 8-12 (NO). — — — POWER indicator (green) OUT indicator (red) — -- '-" ORDERING INFORMATION When ordering, specify information in the following order 1) Type No., 2) Time Range code, 3) Rated Voltage and 4) Frequency. Accessories are ordered seperately. Example RTB-CB2NU Type No. Time Range Code Rated Voltage Frequency -1100MH AC120V -160Hz 65 RT SERIES MOT is R TI" ERS • fM-S ACCESSORIES & MOUNTING MOUNTING BRACKET RTM-SP1 911 sP Snap -Mount Timer Socket SR2P-04F Direct Mount Direct mount on panel by using mounting bracketRTM- SP1. Timer Socket Timer socket for surface mounting is equipped with retaining hooks. Secure socket on to panel with two M4 screws. RTM-Y ACCESSORIES & MOUNTING —With Mounting Frame (RTM-GO1) Panel Mount Socket Mounting Bracket M3 screw RTM-S Mounting with Mounting Bracket Connect the mounting bracket to the timer. Plug timer into the panel mount socket (SR2P-51). Secure the mounting bracket to the panel with two M3 screws. Hook Joint Mounting Only one panel cut-out is needed for mounting more than one unit. Rear tightening requires no mounting screw hole. Rail Mounting Snap -Mount timer socket snaps on to (DEC's BND-1000 DIN mounting rail as well as on panel surfaces RTM-U & RTM-K MOUNTING Mounting Close mounting is possible at mini- mum mounting areas. Rear tighten- ing eliminates the need for mounting 0 screw holes, improving panel front Jpearance. RTM-U MOUNTING RTM-K MOUNTING 75 Catalo; Number !.''. Standard Package© Ampacity© (Per Pole) Price Each Description Catalog .Number Number of Blocks Price p Single Terminal Blocks 600 Volt Assembled6' Longiks (Two 3'Letnggths) 1492-CA1© , 55A $1.80 u4s #22-#8Wire (05-10mm2) wimill Tubular Screw Type •is 'f: with Pressure Plate - 1492-CA1175 3.•f>3 _ t. 176 $368 .f1t' F -'i• �CA2s 1492- 50 SSA 1.72 I. pa#18-#8 Wire (1-10mm2) i Tubular Screw Type l'� �,' r-_.i without Pressure Plate essu ;:.jj ^,+ • s 14927CA2 X -]`• . ; 75 176 344 < �H 149 cp ©& $.. G •rA 50 100A 3.36 _, ®+ # 14-#4 Wire (2 5-25mm2) } R. Fes) Tubular Screw Type ,!l _ .� without Pressure Plate :;, sr�; '• 1492-CD2 /?y�,;. 30 130 488 4' `,1491 ` '•��'4 10 195A 5.40 Ent. # 12 # 1 /0 Wire (4.50mm2) 1'.' ®®I Tubular Screw Type t"cf, r - without Pressure Plate t � , c r ;� je'=' r•A" — — 149 ' D : y' 4 s ;: ('1 50 35A 1.40 I C' # 22 # 10 Wire (0 5 6mm2) l # 8 Screw 1�• Screw Terminal t '1rY1'7* 149 Q3 -w2 ap x. $0•'' ::� ' 130 248 ; ' 50 20A 1.40 �� t #22-# 14 Wire (0 5-2 5mm2) :• U #6Screw �.l .1 Screw Terminal•�@@i I. 1 2 3 ^'^ 75`: 176 336 1 9 D 50 35A 1.64 II E Jen #22-#10 Wire (0.5-6mm2) l $ • Screw Terminal t . J• wilh Wire Clamp ` t'4 2--CD8 ,� zi _,, 30r 130 280 't { , C0-1 'yt A t ukg • , �g .1 s' px �s.1' .e ;. 10 20A 6.00 ;-0 : ' #22-# 10 Wire (0 5-6mrti2) Fuse Block Screw Terminal with Wire \ l�- ' Clamp (Fuse Size 3/32" Dia x 1 h L) ..,• rr B -,. r :f 96 648 I41F2ci' ' Sa , " „fir* r . • . ; j a. y 10 10A 6.20 s ;� #22-# 10 Wire (0 5-6mm2) �'J Isolating Switch` Vie.:' '. rV • Screw Terminal with Wire Clamp r (. W • `,4 E 1� 5-ti: . 96 664 Single Terminal Blocks 300 Volt Assembled Terminal Blocks 6' Long (Two 3' Lengths) •'.1.4 1y c . -• ;a 50 25A 1.52 #22 # t 4 wire (0 5 2 5mm2) 18 Tubular Screw Type t. )1 with Fressure Plate A ,+ 1492-F, ••' t 2 ;: 9 210 379 c :T. ;1; ;n: 1492=F2`• "' ., ..4..-,1•,. . 50 25A 1.44 r rss #22-# 14 wire (0 5-2 5mm1) l µ ®I Tubular Screw Type LRQ1• withou; Pressure Plate -.; .:4,.;:, 1492-F22Q9 , -1 • ._ 210 362 ::.-:t!s?? 1492-F3'°4i Tf. y>4�.c 5U 50 25A 1.40 r #22-414 Wire (0 5-2 5mm2) -6 Screw Screw Terminal - .. . ',. 1492:F3175 176 _ . 309 4 92-F8 i - _-_ 50 25A 1.48 422-# 1 - Wire (0 5-2 5mm2) �r 1r Screw Terminal .ni�n Wue Clamp 1492-F8175 - 176 327 III Various colors are available for easy circuit idenlilicai on Consult faclory for price and delivery © Orders must spec,ly standard package quanidy or m ,ll pies of Ihal quanlily El Based on heat rise tests conclucled al , 25°C ambient using the maximum wire size listed for the terminal ci_._k being tested i Each 3' strip comes equipped mur one barrier plate and Iwo relaining clips El These Bulletin t492 terminal hocks and accessories meet the Allen-Bradley interpretation of the airromoiive ndustry standard ET: Bulletin r. 1492 TERMINAL BLOCKS •CESSOR1ESFOR STANDARD TERMINAL BLOCKS Catalog Number Standard Package 0 Price Each Description r 1492-N16 © 50 $0.48 End Barrier 600 Voll terminal -- For Style CA 8 CD blocks _fir [ 'ems ,AY. 1492-N17 ... 50 0.64 End Bawer blocks — For Style CE 600 Voll �.r- i' 1. 1LI: I l . ,.7r -. 1 •e 1492-N18 IT 50 0.40 End Barrier blocks — For Style F 300 Volt rsx�,r Ze , .. �Y .rf f f t , r. 1492-N2 50 0.20 Relaning Chas — Plated used to keep blocks tram sideways on channel block assembly requires steel clips sliding Each terminal two clips ri 1492-N47 50 1.50 End • nchr.r -• For all Style C 8 H 600 Volt blocks and Style OH Cr1Cu,1 breakers Easily snaps on to mounting channels and lightens valh one screw `i ill"1492-N23 © to 3.00 Fri; ail Style C F8i-+3 G8600Voli .:.cks and Stale G-, .ar_r., breakers !'lamps to channel b, !:r:ntening Iwo Screl,S Catalog Number Standard Package U Price Each Description 1,1492-N1 20 5 6.00 rtountmg Cn?n. i,: - One 3' length of plated sleel channel scored every ''lc;', so you can easily break oil at desired length 1492-N22 © 20 6.00 .I:un;uto Channel -- One 3' fool length of pealed steel channel more rigid Than Catalog Number 1492-N1 and musl be sawed o11 rather Than broken off al desired length ...... ir 1492-N44 213 12.00 •a'-r:sr 'Aountinc .. ra.r;nei — 2" high x 3' long mounting channels with pre - drilled holes make wiring terminal blocks easier in deep enclosures. Will accepl Style C. F, H 8 GH terminal blocks and 1492-N2 retaining clips or 1492-N23 8 -N47 end anchors ,f: 1492 N25 2 7.00 Plated steel standolls suppc•: a Icrm;ndl I;ioCh ..› .. , assemlll; about -" 2' oll the panei surlace 31 a 30' ar'tglC El 1492 N12© 5; 080 car use with Cata0:, Nurnner 1492-CE6 mocks y� l El Orders must Spec"v Standa,J 0ackace quanhl'y or mu!lgpes 01 Mai quantity El These 8ulleln 1.392 rermmai 1 iock S 3hd accessories meet I'>•, ,Ilen Bradley ,nie,pretal o:1 p1 II1e 3uti`m3.. .:1 "uS' . i .," d3' 3 El Designed for use with u,j.d r::7unhr,.; channel laloq ',„tuber 1492-N22, 3,,d must 1)C Spartr d . , ... ".an 1.2..-+pa , Two 3' lengths der C3ilon 1 1LL I rEMS PRINTED IN BLUE NORMALLY IN MINARIK STOCK. ELAPSED TIME MEASURING DEVICE PRICES SHOWN AT BACK OF THIS SECTIO. LOW COST 200 SERIES AC HOUR METERS DESCRIPTION MODEL NUMBER PART NUMBER MINIMUM READING MAXIMUM READING NON -RESET — 120 VAC. 60 HERTZ 200 lON L7-4i 200 1 1N L7 200 13N L7 10117-000 02-011117-000 02-013117-000 1/10 hour 1/100 hour 1/10 minute 99,999.9 hours 9,999.99 hours 99,999.9 minutes FRONT RESET — 120 VAC, 60 HERTZ 200 10F L7 200 1 1 F L7 200 13F•L7 02-010217-000 02-011217-000 02-013217-000 1/10 hour 1/100 hour 1/10 minute 99,999.9 hours 9,999.99 hours 99,999.9 minutes NON -RESET — 230 VAC, 60 HERTZ 200 20N L7 02-020117-000 1/10 hour 99,999.9 hours NON -RESET — 120 VAC, 50 HERTZ 200-60N-L7 02-060117-000 1/10 hour 99,999.9 hours NON -RESET — 230 VAC, 50 HERTZ 200-70N L7 02-070117-000 1/10 hour 99,999.9 hours NON -RESET — 24 VAC, 60 HERTZ 200-90N- L7 02-090117-000 1/10 hour 99,999.9 hours Non -reset models register up to all 9's, then automatically reset to zero. Reset models may be reset to zero at any reading. Universal bolt -circle is completely interchangeable with most existing bolt -circles and panel installation openings. Self -extinguishing plastic case. Syn- chronous 3 watt motor drive. Weight 10 ounces. —2.275 MAX 8.0 INCH MIN LENGTH TRANSPARENT k—0.200 "G7 SERIES" TERMINAL BLOCK DIMENSIONAL DATA "L7 SERIES" WIRE LEADS SUGGESTED PANEL DRILLING PLAN MOUNTING HOLES USEABLE AS EITHER (3) .125 DIA ON A 2.440°DIA B.C. or (3) .150 /DIA ON A 2.530°B.C. 120°APART r_ COLORLESS FROSTED SURFACE FRONT RESET SIDE RESET .. Mlnarik lectr!c Cor pony �A '4 Masters of Control ALL PRICES and SPECIFICATION DATA :i IP I Pr'T Tn ru:>•,ir.c \n/ITuni IT NIfTI("G rxzr..•r-r..aac-.-:x�t:;r.`�a.�r:z..-.-;:�<tn.^;.ni.:c•.^-,-.:.z:.., Sold state Intrinsically safe. Series 17/27/37. Warrick Series 17, 27 and 37 relays provide an intrinsically safe in terface for applications where the control equipment (floats. pushbuttons, limit switches. etc ) and/or associated wiring are exposed to class I and l.i, division 1, groups A through G, hazardous atmospheres Factory Mutual, U L and approved units available in ad dition, they can be used with conductance probe -type fittings to turn on alarms, start a pump, etc., for liquids of less than 470,000 ohm -centimeters specific resistance. Series 17/27/37 dimensions. DIA. e t— 2 Table 18-1 Design Contact Design Contact Rating at 110 VAC Mode 'of 'Operation Sensitivity Prim. Volt. VAC Secondary Voltage VAC Listing I Connections Wiring Diagram Ordering Information (Page) Series 17 Series 27 Senes37 ',o' c •�te:•� cn ' 1 N.O & 1 N.C. Isolated Contacts v :, ., •,.,. • Direct/ Inverse factory set 0 a 70, Cr;r;, -a .3,1; 24 115 230 ,2v 3 mdham; :,,,:eni FM listed ----- ; - -- ,. Intrinsically safe Form 170 27 ,•... .... ei I•' 1 N.O & 1 NC (1 form C) Direct/ Inverse factory set 0 :,20,: .._ . , 115 230 " ULlisted .. ,.. . Intrinsically safe Form 270 7 13 1N0.E 1 N.C. (1 form C) _ .• 'Direct) Inverse factory set 01i0'. , .,..:.;r, se: 115 nri.ii..inso ;•. •'r,• CSA listed j , .. Intrinsically safe Form 370 • • • FORM 270-B WARRICK CONTROLS InstaIIation INSTALLATION OF WARRICK SERIES 27 - INTRINSICALLY SAFE SENSING CIRCUIT This bulletin should be used by experienced personnel as a guide to the installation of the Series 27. Selection or installation of equipment should always be accomplished by competent technical assistance. We encourage you to contact Warrick or its local representative if further infor- mation is required. IMPORTANT: BEFORE PROCEEDING TO INSTALL AND WIRE THE CONTROL, READ AND THOROUGHLY UNDERSTAND THESE INSTRUCTIONS. When installed according to these instructions, this de- vice provides an intrinsically safe output for interface into Class I and II, Division I, Groups A, B, C, D, E, F, and G Hazardous locations. Electrical equipment connected to associated apparatus should not exceed maximum volt- age marked on product. LOCATION: The control must be situated in a non- hazardous area where an explosive atmosphere will not exist at any time unless it is mounted in a suitable U.L. approved explosion -proof enclosure with suitable U.L. approved explosion -proof seals. WIRING: 1. Intrinsically safe wiring must be kept separate from non -intrinsically safe wiring. 2. Intrinsically safe and non -intrinsically safe wiring may occupy the same enclosure or raceway if they are at least 2 inches (50mm) apart and sepa- rately tied down. Inside panels, field wiring ter- minals for intrinsically safe circuits must be separated by at (east 2 inches (50mm) from non - intrinsically safe terminals. 3. Wire the control device(s) to the Series 27 rel ly as shown in the specific application wiring dia- gram on reverse side. A separate rigid metallic conduit should be used to enclose the conduc- tors of the intrinsically safe control circuit. 4. An approved seal should be used at the point where the intrinsically safe control circuit wiring enters the hazardous area. For intrinsically safe output wiring use #14 or #16 AWG. type MTW or THHN wire. By using these wire types in conjunction with the following distance recommendations, you will not exceed the max- imum capacitance for field wiring. Use the following chart as a guide for maximum wire runs for differential level service (3 wire) field wiring. Model Max. Sensitivity (K OHMS) Distance (Ft.) 27XXDO 3 4,000 27XXEO 10 900 27XXGO 100 75 GROUNDING: Both mounting tabs of the Series 27 provide an electrical connection for earth grounding between the control's internal solid state circuitry and the enclosure chassis. To insure proper ground- ing, use only metal screws and lock washers when mounting this control. One of the two ground terminals provided on the in- trinsically safe output terminal strip must be con- nected as reference to the same conductive media presented to terminals "H" and "L" (see applicable wiring diagram on reverse side). Terminal G1 on the supply line/load side terminal strip is a redundant system ground terminal and should be connected to the earth ground buss of the control's AC supply line feeder. NOTE: 1. Intrinsically safe terminals can be connected to any non -energy generating or storing switch device such as a pushbutton, limit or float type switch or any Warrick electrode and fitting as- sembly. . 2. To prevent electrical shock from supply line/load side powered connections, the Series 27 should be mounted in a tool accessible enclosure of proper NEMA rated integrity. 3. For additional guidance on "Hazardous Location Installations" and "Intrinsically Safe Devices", consult ANSI/ISA standard RP 12-6 or NEC arti- cles 500 through 516. MODEL NUMBER DESIGNATION: SERIES 27XXXX 1,— Enclosure: 0 - open (no enclosure) 1 - NEMA 1 Enclosure Sensitivity (ohms): D-3,000 E-10,000 G-100,000 Primary AC Supply: 1 - 120 VAC 2 - 240 VAC (50/60 Hz) Mode of Operation: A - Direct B -Inverse Control Series SPECIFICATIONS CONTACT DESIGN: SPDT (1 form C), one normally open (N.O.) and one normally closed (N.C.) CONTACT RATING: 8 Amps - 250 VAC, 8 Amps • 30 VDC. Resistive. CONTACT LIFE: Electrical rated load = 100,000 cycles minimum. Mechanical = 10.000,000 cycles. ELECTRONICS MODULE: Solid state components epoxy encapsulated in a black nylon shell. SENSITIVITY RANGE: 0100.000 Ohms maximum specific resistance. TEMPERATURE RANGE: (minus) -40 deg F. to (plus) + 150 deg F. PRIMARY AC SUPPLY LINE: A) Voltage — (120. and 240 VAC) (plus) + 10%, (minus) — 10':. B) Frequency — 50/60 Hertz. C) Power — (Relay energized) 1.7 VA. SECONDARY CIRCUIT: Nominal 11 Volts, AC, RMS, Current: 2.3 Milliampere. RMS. TERMINALS: Size 6 pan head screws with captivated wire clamping plate. WARRICK CONTROLS INSTALLATION OF WARRICK SERIES 27 INTRINSICALLY SAFE SENSING CIRCUIT SINGLE LEVEL SERVICE — CONDUCTANCE ACTUATED: Connect incoming AC (120, 240 VAC) supply to AC terminals: Incoming earth ground to terminal G1. Install metallic jumper between terminals H-L. Connect terminal L to the electrode. Terminal G must be grounded to the tank if metallic. When the tank is non-metallic, terminal G must be connected to an additional electrode of length equal to the longest elec- trode. NOTE: Jumper must be installed as shown to insure proper operation. Wire contacts (C-NO) normally open and (C-NC) normally closed into load circuit as required. o•-HLOADI--- O- H LOAOF- - VAC h— ENCLOSURE JUMPER— 1� FIETLD BETWEEN EN I , RELAY .0 EECTROOE INSTALLATION C 1• EARTH GROUND 1 I I SEALING L _—_---_ FITTING NON -HAZARDOUS AREA HAZARDOUS AREA CLASS I, GROUPS A, B, C. D; I 1 ELECTRODE CLASS II, GROUPS E, F, G; .-�� 1 r AND HOLDER CLASS RI, DIVISION 1 HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS G X L G ROTE: JUMPER UST BE INSTALLED TO INSURE R�:; TANK GROUND OR REFERENCE OBE PROBE SINGLE INPUT (NON -LATCHING) - PILOT CONTACT ACTUATED: Connect incoming AC (120, 240 VAC) supply to AC terminals: Incoming earth ground to terminal G1. Install metallic jumper between terminals H-L. Wire contacts (C-NO) normally open and (C-NC) normally closed into load circuits as required. Connect the pilot contact to terminals G-L. NOTE: Jumper must be installed as shown to insure proper operation. o----ILOADI- — LOADI- O- VAC ENCLOSURE JUMPERFIf LO IRIRIG BETWEEN RELAY .0 ' PILOT °FACE C r "RE N GROUND I — SEALING L_-_-----_---J / FITTING NON-HAZ_ARD_S AREA _ HAZARDOUS AREA CLASS I, GROUPS A. B. C. D; CLASS R, GROUPS E. F. G. CLASS III, DIVISION I HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS G « L G NOTE JUMPER MUST BE wSTALLEO E....J AS SROwN TO INSURF PAOPEF OPEEATION PILOT DEVICE DIFFERENTIAL LEVEL SERVICE — CONDUCTANCE ACTUATED: Connect incoming AC (120, 240 VAC) supply to AC terminals: Incoming earth ground to terminal G1. Connect terminal H to high electrode and terminal L to low electrode. Terminal G must be grounded to the tank if metallic. When the tank is non-metallic, terminal G must be connected on an additional electrode of length equal to the longest elec- trode. Wire contacts (C-NO) normally open and (C-NC) normally closed into load circuit as required. r 0--ILOAD}- - 0- -ILOAD}- - VAC -- ENCLOSURE I 1 L CI. EARTH GROUND I I JI NON -HAZARDOUS AREA HAZARDOUS AREA CLASS I, GROUPS A, B, C, D; CLASS II, GROUPS E, F, G; CLASS III, DIVISION 1 HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS TANK 1 GROUND OR REFERENC PROBE BETWEEN RELAY AND ELECTRODE INSTALLATION SEALING FITTING ELECTRODES AND ROLOER NIGH PROBE LOW PROBE DUAL INPUT (LATCHING) - PILOT CONTACT ACTUATED: Connect incoming AC (120, 240 VAC) supply to AC terminals: Incoming earth ground to terminal G1. Wire contacts (C-NO) normally open and (C-NC) nor- mally closed into load circuits as required. Connect the latch pilot contact to terminals G-H and the unlatch pilot contact to terminals G-L. o-�LOADI- 0--ILOAD} VAC /// L NON -HAZARDOUS AREA HAZARDOUS AREA CLASS I, GROUPS A, B.C. D; CLASS 11, GROUPS E, F. G; CLASS III, DIVISION 1 HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS ENCLOSURE 1 I 1 CART «GROUN0 1 I 1 SEALING I `FITTING /- 1 I I 1 LATCH PILOT DEVICE r-- F WIELIRIND G BETWEEN RELAr PLOT DEVICE UNLATCH PILOT DEVICE 10/91 4237 NORMANDY COURT ROYAL OAK. MI 48073 PHONE 313/545-2512 PRESSURE CONTROLS Bulletin 836 Style A In a NEMA Type I Enclosure Style C In a NEMA Type 1 Enclosure Style C In a NEMA Type 7 & 9 Enclosure DESCRIPTION — Bulletin 836 Pressure Controls are accurate, rugged, compact units of attractive appearance adaptable to a wide variety of pressure applications. The control features a snap action preci- sion switch equipped with silver con- tacts. Contact force is maintained at a high value up to the instant of snap over avoiding dead center conditions. Normal industrial vibration has little effect upon the positive opening and closing of the contacts. Straight in -line and relatively friction -free construction provides accu- rate and consistent operation regardless of the angle at which the control is mounted. The long life copper alloy bellows are de- signed for use with air, water, oil, non- corrosive liquids. vapors or gases in a series of pressure ranges from 30" vacu- um (Hg) to 900 psi. Type 316 stainless steel bellows are available for use with many of the more corrosive liquids or gases al pressures to 375 psi OPERATION Bulletin 836 pressure controls operate on the principal of re- sponding to changes in pneumatic (air or gas) or hydraulic (water or oil) pressure applied to a bellows. This force is op- posed by a main spring. Varying the force on the main spring (by turning the range adjusting screw) allows setting the con- tacts to trip at the upper pressure set- ting Turning the differential adjusting screw (when provided) varies the force on a secondary spring and allows setting the lower pressure setting, where the contacts reset to their static state Many ranges and differentials are achieved by using -bellows of different sizes to meet most application requirements. --- When selecting a pres- sure control there are several factors to be considered for proper application These include: operating pressure medium applied to the bellows or piston differential o line pressure y, surge pressure enclosure types contact configuration The simplified illustration (Figure 1) on Page 630 used in conjunction with the table for Bulletin 836 on Page 630 and Bulletin 836T on Page 638 provide a comprehensive explanation for ease of selection. Mechanical life and repeat accuracy of bellows type controls is graphically illus- trated in the typical curve (Figure 2) on Page 631. For general applications, con- trols selected where the contacts operate between 30% and 80% of the operating range and where the maximum line and surge pressures do not exceed the spec- ified values will provide excellent life and repeat accuracy. For more specific appli- cations it is important to note that the controls are designed to operate below or above these values. However, there may be a small trade-off between the factors of life and repeat accuracy as illustrated in Figure 2 Page 631. CONTACT BLOCKS — Contact blocks are single pole, double throw and can be wired to open or close on increasing or decreasing pressures. NON -INDUCTIVE RATINGS — 5 Amperes, 240 Volts 3 Amperes, 600 Volts COtNaTROL CIRCUIT RATINGS — AC — 125 VA, 24 to 600 Volts DC — 57.5 VA, 115 to 230 Volts CONTACT BLOCK MODIFICATIONS See Page 633. TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS • Operating: 0211 to 150° F OH to 66° C Storage: -22 to +200° F -30 to +93° C LI Temperature at +32° F (0° C) or below limited only to the possibility of moisture frosting of the mechanism and contacts which could impede operation Also, moisture or liquid solidifying in the system may also hamper operation REPEAT ACCURACY© — The design and construction of the Bulletin 836 Style A and C devices provide a typical repeat accuracy of ±0.5%1E1 or better © Evaluation made from test data and calculated using formula per NEMA ICS 2-225 Standards © Based on % of maximum range CONTROLS --.A large num- ber of unlisted catalog modifications and complete devices are available for specif- ic and OEM applications. Special controls and modification service is available to meet many applications unique to the OEM market. Consult your nearest Allen-Bradley Sales Office for assistance with special modi- fied controls or accessories. FACTORY SET PRESSURE CON- TROLS — In quantities of less than 10 identical controls and settings on the same order item, add $8 setting charge per control. to When a specific differential is unim- portant, or not required, and the ap- proximate minimum differential pre- sent in the selected control, without adjusting, satisfies the application, specify the factory settings as follows: Ref: Set to open (or close) at _8 increasing (or decreasing). Mini- mum differential. o When a specific differential is required specify factory settings as follows: Ref: Set to open at —CI. Close at —0. Quality analog "Test"° gauges° are used when applying requested factory settings to these rugged Industrial Grade pressure controls. The actual requested setting is applied to the control reading the set point directly from the gauge be- ing used. However, traceable gauge tol- erance variance between source and us- er, and possible severe shock during shipping and installation, may contribute to the factory settings deviating slightly from the specified values. Slight re - calibration can easily be accomplished upon final installation to meet specific re- quirements for the more demanding ap- plications. Once installed the controls will perform with a repeat accuracy as estab- lished in the paragraph entitled REPEAT ACCURACY on this page. Special service is available to factory set controls on Digital Laboratory Instru- ments, up to 600 psi, when required for the more critical applications. An addi- tional charge may be added for this ser- vice contingent upon setting tolerance and quantity. Refer to your nearest Allen- Bradley Sales Office. See Page 658. C Specify psi (pounds per square inch) or, in Hg Vac (inches of mercury vacuum). © Per ANSI B40 1 Grade 2A (0.5% accuracy lull scale), Grade 3A (0 25% accuracy lull scale), etc. 13 Gauges are calibrated and the accuracy is traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Discount Schedule A5 ALLEN-BRADLEY CO. 629 Bulletin 836 PRESSURE CONTROLS Type Adjustable Operating Range it 0 •©� Adjustable Differential — psi _ Approximate Mid -Range Values — — Adjustment S an P Maximum psi NEMA Type 1 General Purpose Enclosure Line Pressure ElPressure Occasional Surge 0 Catalog • '.Number Price STYLE A CONTROLS WITH INTERNAL BELLOWS • ADJUSTABLE WITHIN RANGE • ADJUSTABLE DIFFERENTIAL 1/4" COPPER TUBING CONNECTION — FOR 45° FLARE 7/16"-20 THREAD Copper Alloy Bellows 0 30" Vac to 75 6 to 140 • 12 to 250 16 to 375 2 to 20 3 to 35 6 10 65 8 to 95 160 280 500 750 160 340 600 850 836-A1A A2A A3A A4A .. $120 120 150 180 STYLE C CONTROLS WITH EXTERNAL BELLOWS • ADJUSTABLE WITHIN RANGE • ADJUSTABLE DIFFERENTIAL 1/4" FEMALE PIPE CONNECTION Copper Alloy Bellows 0 12" Vac to 8 30" Vac to 10 0 8 to 30 30" Vac to 45 2 to 80 30" Vac to 100 4 to 150 6 10 250 35 to 375 50 l0 500 50 to 650 200 to 900 0 2 to 2 5 0 4 10 6 0 4 to 6 1 to 15 1 to 15 2 l0 25. 2 to 25 3 10 45 6 to 80 12 10 115 16 to 125 20 to 125 25 65 80 175 190 300 300 500 900 1300 1300 1300 30 75 80 190 210 375 375 650 1200 1600 1600 1600 836-C1A - C2A C3A :• C4A `,:,C5A'..; ; C6A ;. ` 07A ;.' '.•C8A 'C9A' C10A 1 ;;C1,1Af ; C;12A 240 180 180 150 150 120 120 150 180 210 240 270 Type 316 YP Stainless Steel Bellows 0 30" Vac to 10 0.8 to 30 30" Vac to 100 4 to 150 6 to 250 35 to 375 0.4 to 6 0,4 to 6 2 to 25 2 to 25 3 to 45 8 to 80 65 65 270 270 450 650 65 65 270 270 450 650 " 836-C60A C01.1 � .C62A ,V C63A r; ti-s; .;;;;C64A,._. g;r^. ...: ,. .: ,, C65A r . -, . : 405 405 345 345 375 405 ID The total span within which the contacts can be adjusted to TRIP © and RESET © when adjusted to minimum differential or 0 when adjusted to maximum differential. © TRIP — the higher pressure (temperature) setting the contacts change state. 0 0 RESET — the lower pressure (temperature) setlino the contacts return to their normal slate Note: Differential is the difference between TRIP 0 and RESET © (minimum adjusted setting) to 1 (maximum adjusted selling). 0 The maximum sustained pressure that can be applied to the bellows without permanent damage. The control should not be cycled at this pressure Note: Does not apply to piston type controls. 0 Transient(s) [Pulse(s)j that can occur in a system prior to reaching a steady-state condition Expressed in milliseconds, complex electronic instrumentation is required to measure the varying amplitude. frequency. and duration of this wave form. Frequent occurrence of extreme surge pressures could reduce bellows life. Surge pressure within published value generated during start-up or shut -down of a machine or system, not exceeding 8 times per day. are negligible 0 Vac. — Inches of mercury vacuum (negative pressure). psi — pounds per square inch gauge (positive pressure) 0 Copper alloy bellows may be used on water or air, and other liquids or gasses not corrosive to this alloy 0 Type 316 stainless sleet bellows are available for the more corrosive liquids or gases Conversion Factors (Rounded) psi x 703 1 = mm/H,0 psi x 27 68 = in H.0 psi x 51 71 = mmHg psi x 2 036 = in Hg psi x 0703 = kg: cm2 psi x 0689 = bar psi x 68 95 = mbar psi x 6895 = Pa psi x 6 895 kPa Note: psi — pounds per square inch (Gauge) H2O al 39 2° F Hg al 32° F INCREASING PRESSURE p VAC _J y J 100% OPERATING RANGE jTRIP PRESSURE SETTING RESET PRESSURE SETTING fo/ (MINIMUM ADJUSTMENT) I ADJUSTABLE SPAN �a (MAXIMUM ADJUSTMENT) MINIMUM 1 DIFFERENTIAL MAXIMUM DIFFERENTIAL STANDARD CONTACTS ARE SINGLE POLE DOUBLE THROW AND CAN BE WIRED NOR- MALLY OPEN AND/OR NORMALLY CLOSED. 0 psi REFERENCE 30" VACUUM MERCURY REFERENCE - fl)ure II7 {101, iC' S where Se'I ngs apgrO1Ch 0 ps, selecl a COMrv' 'nal has an adjustable range Mal goes into vacuum 630 ALLEN-BRADLEY CO. Discount Schedule A5 PRESSURE CONTROLS Bulletin 836 III NEMA Type 4 & 13 Watertight, Oiltight & Dust -tight Industrial Use Enclosure NEMA Type 4X Watertight Corrosion -Resistant Enclosure ROSI Glass Polyester NEMA Type 7 & 9 Enclosure Class I• Groups C & D Class II, Groups E• F & G Hazardous Locations Open Type Without Enclosure • Catalog Catalog Catalog Price Catalog Number PriceNumber Price Number Number Price STYLE A CONTROLS WITH INTERNAL BELLOWS • ADJUSTABLE WITHIN RANGE • ADJUSTABLE DIFFERENTIAL I/4" COPPER TUBING CONNECTION — FOR 45° FLARE 7/16"-20 THREAD 836-A1J $192 — — 836-A1E $428 836-Al $114 A2J 192 — — A2E 428 A2 114 A3J 222 — — A3E 458 A3 144 A4J 252 — — A4E 488 A4 174 STYLE C CONTROLS WITH EXTERNAL BELLOWS • ADJUSTABLE WITHIN RANGE • ADJUSTABLE DIFFERENTIAL 1/4' FEMALE PIPE CONNECTION 836-C1 ,ATI 234 836-C2J 278 836-C2S $375 836-02E ,.', -• 488 C2 ': 174- C3J • 278 C3S 375 . , C3E ,..- 488 `,... C3.. 174 • C4J 248 C4S 345 C4E 458 C4 144 C5J 248 C5S 345 C5E 458 ?' C5 144 C6J 218 C6S 315 C6E 428 C6 114 C7J 218 C7S - 315 • C7E 428 r C7:; 114 C8J 248 C8S - 345 ;CBE 458 'C8 ' 144 C9J' 278 COS 375 C9E 488 C9 t` 174 • C10,1 C11J x 308 338 C1OS C11S 405 435 ' '10E s s C11E 518 548 C10 *, S a` 1C�1 t;' - ; 204 234 C12J ' ; 368 C12S 465 C12E,r, �j 578 iY3� C12 t. 264 836-C6OJ 563 836-C60S, I-.t'<',:. 660 836-C60E i - 863 ti836 C60 399 •:. C61J 563 C61S 660 C61E 863 ;+ C61`. 399 C62J 503 C62 ,. ,. _. . 600 C62E = . 803 • 339 - C63J . - 503 C63S 600 063E } : 803 es C63 339 C64J 533 C64S 630 ;• C64E 833 C64 rr a 369 C65J 563 C65S - 660 C65E, „ , 863 C65, . 399 • w z wCC - (5 m Z a t- N a cc oa a0 100% 75% 50% 25% LIFE (BELLOWS CONTROLS ONLY) REPEAT ACCURACY (BELLOWS AND PISTON CONTROLS) — I— 80% RECOMMENDED SELECTION RANGE FOR GENERAL APPLICATIONS 30% 77 USABLE AREA OF RANGE THAT PROVIDES BEST REPEAT ACCURACY AND POSSIBLE SLIGHTLY DECREASED OPERATING LIFE. USABLE AREA OF RANGE THAT PROVIDED LONGEST LIFE AND POSSIBLE SLIGHTLY REDUCED REPEAT ACCURACY. IMPROVED LIFE/ACCURACY 0 psi REFERENCE N — a— w — cc N — w ▪ w — cc wZ a ma 0 — a°C Z _ I. 0 FA-,H w _ — cc — Q Lu z aJ.-- — O I VAC C 1 Figure 2 El Applications v.hero seltrnr s approach 0 psi select a control that has an adjustable range that goes into vacuum Discount Schedule A5 ALLEN-BRADLEY CO. -.631; s sp'o sT2mperaiure iraosoniiter 4-20 mA signal for wide range of temperatures from — 55° to + 125°C. Accurate within 0.3% of span. Two wire operation. The Dwyer Series 650 Two Wire Temperature Transmitter provides a 4-20 mA control signal output which varies in linear relationship to the temperature of the silicon trans- ducer in the sensing probe. The low cost and small size of the Series 650 Temperature Transmitter makes it ideal for a wide variety of HVAC, industrial and commercial multi - point temperature monitoring applications. Non -polarized power connections simplify electrical connection to any power source providing 12-35 volts DC. Available in several popular factory calibrated temperature ranges, the Series 650 output is linear within 0.25'; of full span. The standard ranges can be recalibrated to any low and high limits be- tween - 55 and 125C. The Series 650 Temperature Transmitter finds primary ap- plication as a duct mounted temperature monitor in HV.AC systems. However it is also used for monitoring and control- ling temperatures in greenhouses, walk-in coolers and freez- ers, computer rooms, lab experiments, etc. With its capabi lity for long control signal cable runs, the Series 650 Transmitter can also be used to monitor temperature at wind generators, remote explosive charge storage houses, pilot process plants. etc. Also suitable for monitoring water temperature. Series 650 Transmitter Models and Ranges Model No. Range 650-1 -10°- +50°F(-23°-10°C) 650-2 20° -120°F (- 7° - 49°C) 650-3 0° -100°C (32° - 212°F) NOTE: Any Series 650 Transmitter model 55'C ( - 67'F) at 4 mA to - 125'C(257' Specifications Power Supply: 12-35 volts DC Output Signal: 4-20 mA DC Voltage Stability: Output error less than 0.01% of span over the speci- fied supply voltage range Linearity: Within 0.25°r; of span Initial Calibration: Within 0.3% of span at 20'C (68'F) Thermal Drift: Less than 0.5% of span over ambient temperature range of 0-50°C (32'-122'F) may be re -ranged between the limits of F) at 20 mA. Ambient Operating Temperature (Electronics): 0-70'C (32 -158 F) Maximum Temperature (Probe): 204'C (400 F) Probe Construction: 6 long. 0.25 O.D., Type 304 Stainless Steel Probe Cable Length: 7 feet "'°' Digital Reaout The A-701 Digital Readout provides local or remote readout of parameters monitored by the Series 600 and 650 Transmit- ters. The standard unit is supplied to read 0-100.0 to indicate percentage of transmitter range. However, the A-701 can also be field adjusted to read out in the range and engineering units specified for your application with any one of four deci- mal point locations (1.999, 19.99, 199.9 or 1999). Since a 24 VDC 30 mA output is provided, this device and any Dwyer 2- wire transmitter make up a complete digital pressure indicat- g system. Other features include automatic polarity and ver range indication, .6 high LED digits. s 0.5r7( accuracy, and panel mounting with all necessary hardware supplied. Operates from 115/230 VAC ( 15%k) line voltage with all elec- trical connections made by means of a 30 pin edge connector supplied with the A-701. Draws only 3.5 watt and weighs 15 oz. Standard NEMA case 3.93" W x 1.68" H x 4.23" D. Shown with optional A-325 Probe Duct Mounting Kit. 8[3.181 DIA. 5 HOLES .700 I n.7801 1.83 - .01 [46.48 -.251 .600 [15.2401 f 5'+617.941 .200 [5.080) 200(5.080J f 123,52 [43.661 1.313 [33.3501 Ye(4 761 F--12[5.56) 2.18-.01[55.37t..251 2'6[11.11( Light emitting diode display reads out in any required engineering units to 1999 for 4-20 mA current loop input. Provides operating power to the Series 600 2-wire Transmitters. A-701 Digital Readout. Provides local or remote readout of parameters monitored by Series 600 2wire Transmitters. 18 SE6R3ITS Pressure Transmitter 4-20 mil signal. Two wire operation. Ranges to 800 psi. �RRt SSIA1 TRANSMITTER ;' 634-1 G CAU rlCri a/e"-� '/2" /e" NPT FEMALE - PRESSURE PORT 13/6 " DIA. MOUNTING HOLE TYP. 2 PLACES SQUARE The Dwyer Series 634 2-wire pressure transmitters sense a single pressure relative to atmosphere and convert that into a 4-20 mA output signal. Three models cover ranges from 0-15 to 0-800 psi. Zero and span adjustments are easily accessible yet fully protected within side housing. The tough filled nylon case includes a convenient two hole surface mounting arrangement. These devices can be used with air or compatible gases or liquids. Though compact in size and lightweight, overall accuracy is ± 2%. SERIES 634 TRANSMITTER MODELS & RANGES MODEL NUMBER 634 =1 634-2, 634-3 RANGES IN PSI AS STOCKED 0-30 0-100. 0-500 MIN. RANGE. -0-15 0-50 0-200 MAX:RANGE SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Maximum Pressure: 1.5 X maximum range Media Compatibility: Air and non -corrosive gases and liquids ELECTRICAL Power Supply: 12 to 35 VDC Output Signal: 4-20 mA DC, 2 wire (limited at 38 mA maximum) Loop Resistance: 0-1170 ohms from 12 to 35 VDC RL max- Vps -11.6V 20mA Current Consumption: 38 mA DC (maximum) MATERIALS Mineral and glass filled nylon housing, high impact acrylic cover, berylium copper Bourdon tube, brass pressure connection. MECHANICAL Weight: 8 oz. Span and Zero Adjustments: Protected potentiometers, located in auxiliary housing Pressure Connection: '%" NPT female PERFORMANCE AT 70°F Zero Output: 4 mA DC Full Span Output: 20 mA DC Accuracy: .2 % of full span output Span and Zero: Adjustable to 0.05% of full span Warm-up Time: 10 minutes ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature: 20° to 120°F Thermal Errors: ± 1 % /50°F typical STANDARD ACCESSORIES (2) #10 x 1" pan head sheet metal screws • 17 1tl ox 7ongz 'ake MNh55356:a61244,73°7,115 rfi Y , -,w od.,.xr " .4 1a.44o A✓ ^1si.,iu: �'�".'t 2.y z..rllfi5ds�'LW/. {4*.:�rT.' 1.1 TYPE S The ROTO-FLOAT is a direct acting float switch. Each ROTO-FLOAT contains a single pole mercury switch which actuates when the longitudinal axis of the float is horizontal, and deactuateswhen the liquid level falls 1" below the actuation elevation. The float is a chemical resistant polypropylene casing with a firmly bonded electrical cable protruding. One end of the cable is permanently connected to the enclosed mercury switch and theentire assembly is encapsulated to form a completely water tight and impact resistant unit. Type S — Suspended has built in weight. ROTO-FLOATS can be mounted on a support pipe (type P) or suspended from above (type S). Advantages of the ROTO-FLOATare low cost. simplicity and reliability. Listed • Pilot Duty • Industrial Control Equipment CABLE type STO #18 conductors (41 strand) r 600 volts • Various lengths available 0 See table of models 0 Non-standard lengths also available on special order. Switch Arrangement Cable Length Suspended TypeSModel NO Ship. Wt. Normally "- .. S20N0 44 Open 30 k S30NO -tt„.. t t ''_' a t 2a 40 S4ONO 51 i4t4 20 S2ONC Gk Normally 4 t 214 Closed 30 40 S3ONC SaONC 51.44 Effective 7-82 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: THE ROTO-FLOAT IS A DIRECT ACTING FLOAT SWITCH. EACH ROTO-FLOAT CONTAINS A SINGLE POLE MERCURY SWITCH WHICH ACTUATES WHEN THE LONGITUDINAL AXIS OF THE FLOAT IS HORIZONTAL, AND DEACTUATES WHEN THE LIQUID FALLS 1" BELOW THE ACTUATION ELEVATION. THE FLOAT IS A CHEMICAL RESISTANT POLPROPYLENE CASING WITH A FIRMLY BONDED ELECTRICAL CABLE PROTRUDING. ONE END OF THE CABLE IS PERMANENTLY CONNECTED TO THE GLASS ENCLOSED MERCURY SWITCH AND THE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY IS ENCAPSULATED TO FORM A COMPLETELY WATER TIGHT AND IMPACT RESISTANT UNIT. ROTO-FLOATS CAN BE MOUNTED ON A SUPPORT PIPE, (TYPE P); OR SUSPENDED FROM ABOVE, (TYPE S). ADVANTAGES OF THE ROTO-FLOAT ARE LOW COST, SIMPLICITY AND RELIABILITY. VARIOUS CIRCUIT CONFIGURATIONS, OTHER THAN THE ONES LISTED BELOW, ARE AVAILABLE. SPECIFICATIONS: MODELS: APPLICATIONS: PVC TYPE STO, 2- - 18 AWG 41 STRAND 600V, 60°C CONDUCTORS 20', 30', 40' LENGTHS STANDARD. OTHER LENGTHS AVAILABLE. UL & CSA LISTED. TEMP LIMIT 50°C y---POLYPROPYLENE CASING CONTAINS HERMETICALLY SEALED MERCURY SWITCH. USE: N.O. FOR PUMP OUT N.C. FOR PUMP IN • UL LISTED, IND. CONT. EQ. PILOT DUTY 4.5 AMPS 120 VAC 2.25 AMPS 240 VAC • FLOAT COLOR N.O., BLACK N.C., RED • MOUNTING ARRANGEMENT TYPE P - PIPE MOUNTED MODEL INCLUDES POLYPROPYLENE CLAMP TYPE S-SUSPENDED MODEL WITH STABILIZING WEIGHT. SWITCH ARRANGEMENT CABLE LENGTH SUSPENDED TYPE S PIPE MOUNTED TYPE P MODEL NO. SHIP WT. MODEL NO. SHIP WT. 20 S2ONO 4• P2ONO 2- NORMALLY 30 S3ONO 4'A- P3ONO 255- OPEN 40 S4ONO 5'/A- P4ONO 3'A. 20 S2ONC 4- P2ONC 2., NORMALLY 30 S3ONC 4 Y - P3ONC 2 %., CLOSED 40 S4ONC 5'/A- P4ONC 3%z- FOR USE IN CONTROLLING PUMPS OR OTHER MACHINES AND MEASURING ALARM LEVELS IN WATER, SEWAGE AND MANY OTHER LIQUIDS. ROTO-FLOATS MAY BE USED FOR PUMP IN OR PUMP OUT CONTROL, FOR LOW LEVEL CUTOUT, OR.FOR LOW AND HIGH LEVEL ALARMS. COMMON STOP START LEAD PUMP IN START STANDBY LINE VOLTAGE PILOT CONTACT RI TO LEAD PUMP MOTOR STARTER LINE VOLTAGE HORN HIGH 1LIV4M ALARM LIGHT TYPICAL 2 PUMP CIRCUITS PILOT TO STANDBCONTACTY PUMP MOTOR STARTER PUMP OUT START STANDBY START LEAD COMMON STOP IMPORTANT NOTE: Use in accordance with local electrical code and authority having jurisdiction. Do not use Roto-Floats in gasoline, volatiles or other combustibles. LINE VOLTAGE PILOT CONTACT PiTO LEAD PUMP T MOTOR STARTER PILOT CONTACT R2� MO STANDBY PUMP OTOR STARTER SUBMITTAL APPROVAL :JR DER NAME DATE ROTO-FLOAT HIGH ALARM START LAG START LEAD COMMON STOP TYPICAL MOUNTING TYPE P TYPE S SINGLE FLOAT MULTIPLE FLOATS SEE ACCESSORY SHEET FOR HARDWARE LETTER I REB1N• onclhor scientific inc. Box 378, Long Lake, MN 55356 612/473-7115 SPECIFICATION DATA SUBMITTAL AND INSTRUCTION SHEET OWO. NO. 174 4 SERIES '1 CONTROLS SEAL FAIL RELAY GENERAL Series 1 controls are simple, inexpensive, industrial type, low'sensitivity, two and three pole, transformer/ relay combinations with high contact ratings. They are suitable for use with acids and alkalis, brine, ordinary and carbonated water, process steam condensate, sewage, industrial wastes, and other solutions of less than 20,000 ohm -centimeters specific resistance. The controls are generally intended to be used with elec- trodes which are mounted inside closed vessels. Do not use Series 1 controls if the electrodes are exposed to personal contact and/or silvoted in o potentially ex- plosive atmosphere. Use Series 2 controls in the former cose, Series 7 controls in the loiter case. SPECIFICATIONS Baseplate: High strength, diecast, aluminum alloy. Three dimpled keyholes for size 6 mounting screws. Coils: Wound on nylon bobbins. Epoxy encapsulated. Contact Design: 2PST and 3PST bridge type double break in all possible combinations of normally open and normally dosed. Fully enclosed. Buttons are 1/4 inch diameter silver cadmium oxide. Contact Ratings: (a) Current: 16 amperes at 115 volts A.C. and 8 amperes at 230 volts A.C.; (b) Horsepower: 1 horsepower at 115 and 230 volts A.C., (c) Pilot duty: 775 volt-amperes at 115 and 230 volts A.C. and 250 volt-amperes at 460 volts A.C. Identification: By the use of a component number on a data label affixed to the control. See component number formula on lower portion of page 8. Mode of Operation: Direct only. Contacts assume nor- mal positions with open electrode circuit. Normally open contacts close and normally closed contacts open with closed electrode circuit. See diagrams relating contact action to liquid level on pages 9 and 10. Molded Structural Parts: High mechanical and dielec- Iric strength, dimensionally stable, arc resistant, ther- mosetting phenolic. Primary (A.C. Supply line): (a) Voltages: 115, 230, 460 and 575 nominal, plus 10% minus 15%, (b) Frequency: 50/60 Hertz, (c) Power: 4 watts with shortcircuited electrode circuit, (d) Volt-amperes: 15 volt-amperes with short circuited electrode circuit. Secondary (In Electrode Circuit): (a) Voltages: 25, 75, 150, 300 and 500 volts A.C. RMS nominal with open ORDER BY COMPONENT NUMBER 2ND PLACE SYMBOL Contact Configuration N.O. N.; t C 2 wit i D 1 1 E 0 2 F 3 0 G 2 1 H 1 2 J 0 3 circuited electrode circuit, (b) Volt-amperes: 6 volt- amperes with short circuited electrode circuit. • Sensitivity: See table at bottom of right hand column. Shunt Capacitance Tolerance: The maximum allowable distributed capacitance placed across terminal pair 9.10 by the control-to-electrode(s) conductor(s) and ground is related to the secondary voltage as follows: 4.0 mfd at 25 volts,. 0.4 mfd at 75 volts, 0.1 mfd at 150 volts, 0.025 mfd at 300 volts and 0.0075 mfd at 500 volts. With thermoplastic insulated wires in dry metallic conduit the limiting control-to-electrode(s) distances are as follows for differential level service applications: 75,000 feet at 25 volts, 7,500 feet at 75 volts, 1,750 feet at 150 volts, 500 feet at 300 volts arid 150 feet at 500 volts. Those distances may be doubled for single level service applications. Spacings: For 600 volts. 1/2 inch creepage across sur- faces. 3/8 inch through air. Temperature: Minus 30 to plus 130 degrees F. ambient. Terminals: Size 8 pan head screws with captivated wire clamping plate. Numbered 1 to 10 for identifi- cation. Located on front of control for accessibility. U/L and CSA: See U/L Guide Nos. 167 E7 and MBPR2, File MP1430. See CSA Guide 184-N-13.90, File 11644. SECONDARY VOLTAGES FOR VARIOUS LIQUIDS * LIQUID • SENSITIVITY IN OHMS SECONDARY VOLTAGE Metallic circuits. 50 25 • Brine, milk, cleaning and plat- ing solutions. Sea water. 450 75 Concentrated and dilute acids and alkalis. 1,500 150 Medium and hard water from lakes, rivers, storm runoff, wells and municipal water systems. Water soluble oils, Sewage. Industrial wastes. , 7,000 300 Soft water from wells. Process steam condensate. 20,000 500 * Inquire for secondary voltages of unlis ed liquids. • For liquids of known specific resistance use a con- trol with that secondary voltage which provides a sensitivity, In ohms, greater than and closest to the specific resistance, in ohm -centimeters. 1 XXXX (1D1E0) 3RD PLACE SYMBOL A.C. Line t Volts & Freq. 1 115 V 50/60 HZ 2 230 V 50/60 HZ 4 460 V 50/60 HZ 5 575 V 50/60 I See Primary spectficohon porogroph on page 7. 7) 4TH PLACE SYMBOL Secondary Coil Voltage 25 B 75 C 150 D 300 1 E 500 See toble on poge 7. 5TH T PLACE SYMBOL Nema Type Enclosure - 0 Open 1 1 4 3,4,5 7 7, 9, 9A 12 12 See info on poge 18. WARRICK CONTROLS, INC., 1964 W. ELEVEN MILE RD., BERKLEY, MICH. 48072 • • Tal E47479 E37403 E40077 SP 36496 No. 4C012 12 TO 320 CFM SHADED POLE BLOOMERS No. 2C782 No. 2C067 No. 4C441 No. 4C004, 4C006, 4C446 No. 4C447 & 4C869 No. 2C914, 4C440 & 4C443 & 4C442 No 4C759 to 4C763 No. 4C754 No. 4C015 & 2C069 No. 1C982 & 2C916 GEM, AT RPM SHOWN, AT 60 Hz' hee 0 1" 0.2" 0.3" 0 4" 0 5" Cut•O(I Hz SP SP SP SP SP SP 1 Volts (') Therm. free Air Prot. RPM Amps Stock lots Shpg No. List Each 3 Wt. 12 9 - - 0 20 15 13 4 - --- 022 31 28 25 20 7 - 0 50 50 40 4:3 37 29 15 0 58 54 48 43 36 25 17 0 67 60 57 54 49 39 23 0 60 15 60 Imp. 15 60..50 15 60 Imp 15 60 Imp 15 60/50 Auto 15 60/50 Alto. 3300 3160 3010 2840 :3340 :3030 0.35 0.21 0.45 0.53 0.60 042 4C759 $37 35 $22.36 $21.24 1 )1 2C782 51 83 31.05 29.48 2.4 4C760 45 85 27.50 26.10 2.9 4C761 46 95 28.15 26.71 2.9 4C012 (i0 (i5 36.35 34.50 3.3 4C44I 5970 35.75 33.96 3.4 60 57 54 49 39 23 0 60 15 60/50 Auto 60 7 54 49 39 23 U Go 230 60/50 Auto. 72 65 58 49 40 19 0 412 115 60 Imp 76 7 , 63 56 45 1) 0 55 115 60:50 Auto 98 992 lu; 77 69 54 t 78 115 60 Auto. 100 'qt !,; 90 85 80 U 8u 115 60;50 Auto :30:30 0.42 3030 0.21 2930 0 55 2880 0.53 2870 1 55 2870 0 74 4C440 2C914 4C762 4C004 4C763 4C443 (i2 -10 (13 20 51 till 1;7 911 lil 70 7(1 40 108 1r4 79 61 25 -- 0 42 134 ! '1; 117 107 96 79 0 59 140 !.;1; 131 125 119 110 i195 140 I .i.: I :) I 125 1 19 1 10 U 9.".�1q8 11-, 12:1 121 114 104 157 Lt i 116 103 72 0 7V 160 „ (11 125 93 II; 11 5.i I(1 125 93 16 u.5.1 176 100 765 65 )20 'tee Ir1., 159 I', I 189 ' 212 212 115 60:50 Auto. 115 60/50 Auto 115 60/50 Auto. 230 GO'50 Auto 115 60 50 Auto 115 60:50 Auto 115 6050 Auto 230 60,50 Auto 1530 0 58 1500 (1.74 3020 1 02 3020 a 51 3160 1 37 318() t) 9)i 1460 10U 14)1U 9 SO 2C067 79 00 2C647 72(;:5 4C442 7)1 90 2C915 en 81) 4C446 7:i.t5 4C015 94 20 1C982 13(1 2C916 Sur, 53 148 1 .13. 12\'D(' -- Mono kit 170 U (17 1 15 60.50 Auto 1i4 1 :33 11 64 113 60'50 Auto 84 135 11 t;.: 230 60,:50 Auto 95 50 u - I (5 60'50 Auto 1875 5.10 2C646 14110 2 10 4C754 1610 186 4C447 1610 9:3 4C869 i:t2u 1 27 2C069 lir 1 Cut 0 5" SP 1 ,' 0 7 0 9" 1 0" 1 2" Ott RPM Amps lit.. 115 82 .42 I ,11 i 115 6050 .\utu-2200 115 4C006 79611 47.65 45.25 :1 2 tlr n• :m. r1,-I,. "n'. I1 . .11, ,.n 9u II! , Im;1t• l:int'r lln) •r lr•J •n. ((,,'rl.,.lrir•d- d11 n,d upr:.,:, 1•, .., a .; NI' (ill (;1) 12:3 25 III _ 37.40 37.85 30.90 40.65 37.00 42.20 35.50 3 5.9 5 29.36 38.61 35.11 40.06 40 ;3 7 4.0 40 45 40 47.85 43.50 46.05 48.40 45.30 41.31 43.74 45.59 5.0 4.5 62 6.0 43.95 56.45 51.50 54.30 41.72 53.59 48.91 51.57 5 (i 50 G0 (; :3 41.70 73.85 54.65 56.45 77.70 39.59 4 0 70.12 ):5 51.90 8 (i 53.61 81; 73.80 100 SEE WARRANTY INFORMATION ON PAGE OPPOSITE INSIDE BACK COVER 2413 Noninductive 240VAC No. 2E858 VAC 120 240 Full Load Lockett Rotor 5.:5 33 16.5 LINE VOLTAGE AND FAN COIL THERMOSTATS D- E29357 Inductive 120VAC 14A 7.A 120VAC 25A 240VAC 20A :_'''-•1�HVAC;�. TROLSr 4 ATTIC FAN THERMOSTAT APPLICATIONS: Attic cenlilalurs Tans • UL Listed (E29357) and dampers FEATURES: • Heavy-duty snap action switch • Ivory case MOUNTING: Standard 2 x 4- vertical hox ELECTRICAL DATA: :1 4 I II' rrI (lz III' 2:311\';\t' 1 I5V:\1' Switch Switch Temp Diff. 1 Dimensions. In. I Stock Shpg Type Action Range (fixedl I H W 0 No l' Each Wtg ss' . SPST Close 90 1:111 1' I. I•' a', _'^, 2L2E340 °.'' n�" $14.75 (I.7 on 1(iSt. J.. HAZARDOUS LOCATION THERMOSTAT APPLICATIONS: For CUlllrtrlllll2 healing; ,VStC111S in c'SphISIk( etlk lr(ll !tic.tll FEATURES: • 7'32" thick cast aluminum housing • Coiled hydraulic sensing element • 1/2" Female pipe thread in bottom of case • CSA Cert.fied (LR17950) MOUNTING: ('lush i Dimensions. Switch Switch temp. DiH In. Type Action Range (fixed] H W D White -Rodgers Model Stock Shpg No. list Each Wi SPST OIYcu 40-90'P 3'I' 9 5" a 4:L4 2A20-2 2E449 $399.80 5200.00 4.6 FAN COIL THERMOSTAT Honeywell APPLICATIONS: Provides thermostatic control control of one or two line voltage valve(s) • Off position breaks both heating and in automatic change -over heating -cooling cooling circuits Ian coil unit systems • UL Listed (E4436); CSA Certified FEATURES: (LR95329) • 3-Speed (Off-High-Med-Low) manual fan MOUNTING: Standard 2 s 4" veil it•aI box Switch Switch Temp. Dill. Type Action Range (fixed) Dimensions, In. N W D Honeywell Stock Model No. List Shpg. Each Wt. 2'75 SPDT oo' — 90`1_ 458 :i ls'a T4039M1004 2E858 5I11HH3 586.70 1)7 E29357 OS, Ca SPDT THERMOSTAT APPLICATIONS: Blotters. furnace fans. • Beige case with gold aluminum face- haschoard and ceiling healers plate No. 2E158 FEATURES: • UL Listed (E29357) • Bimetal operated snap switch MOUNTING: Standard 2 \ 4 'crtical ho\ Resistive Inductive 125/277VAC 22A 125VAC :14 III' Switch Switch Temp. Ditf. I Dimensions, In. 277VAC Type Action Range (fixed) H W 0 1 2 111' SPDT 50-90'l: 2p I 4s“ Stock Shpg No List Each Wt 2E158 $32.33 $16.17 OH CD= No. 2E503 Heating 120VAC 240VAC 1S\ ;t\ SEE E29357 MULTI -PURPOSE THERMOSTAT APPLICATIONS: Uitil healers. tan coils. range; and internal adjustment (remov- unilar) cnulcrs and rerrit;eralit.11 equip. able external adjustment knob) I ll l•III • Thermometer FEATURES: • Hydraulic sensing element • 3-Way setup: external knob over full • UL Listed (E29357) range; external knob over restricted MOUNTING: Standard 2 \ 4 vertical hn.\ Cuohng Switch Switch Temp DiH Dimensions. In. I Stock Shpg Type Action Range (fixed/ H W D No List Each WI. 120.240VAC ----H.\ ... SPOT Jo • 2 I•' a"i,, ru,i. 2E503 Sr.:,7) 562.85 I(1 WARRANTY INFOR , AT!ON ON PAGE OPPOSITE INSIDE BACK COVER 220 MULTI CONSTRUCTION \� ,INC 737 W. TAFT AVE. ORANGE, CA 92665 (714) 637-1996 TO JONA/ /L T.Q/1//r' WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached 0 Under separate cover via N Shop drawings • Copy of letter O Prints O Change order ILC 1T1TII OF TrEaKent tr1TQa DATE c/ .- 3JOB NO s' - 9 - 93 ATTENTION RE: 0 Plans 0 Samples the following items: 0 Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 9- Z1 FLA T I7P 8,s'c 2 Lc- z) MAN NO c r_ — 4 h h /7/6/v.,,. L 20; I/eZ.`S y) 4- 2I f hiFgc-L`Nc5/ /vtFR»//r/OA/ .)NL'G 7.S THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E9- For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval EA For your use 0 Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution > 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: PRODUCT240-3 (neasJ Inc, Groton, Mass 07471. • If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. M 144 2Jr v E1 B c - 12" R/W VALVE FLANGED ENDS GENERAL DIMENSION LAYOUT CLOW VALVE COMPANY 2" SQ. F NO. & size of bolts F-6102 125 lbs. ANSI standard drilling B16.1 Valve Size A B C D E F G H 2 7 3 1/2 6 5/8 10 7/8 4-5/8 7 1/4 2 2 1/2 7 1/2 3 3/4 7 11/16 11 3/8 4-5/8 7 1/4 2 1/2 3 8 4 7 1/2 3/4 12 3/8 4-5/8 10 3 4 9 4 i 1/2 9 15/16 14 3/4 8-5/8 10 4 1/4 6 10 1/2 5 1/4 11 1 19 8-3/4 12 6 1/4 8 11 1/2 5 3/4 13 1/2 1 1/8 22 1/2 8-3/4 14 8 1/4 10 13 6 ]/2 16 1 3/16 26 1/2 12-7/8 18 10 1/4 12 14 7 19 1 1/4 30 12-7/8 18 12 1/4 HORAWING CHECK VALVES 4-12", FLANGED ENDS, OUTSIDE SPRING & LEVER - GEN. DIM. CLOW VALVE COMPANY F-5381 LIST 115 F - No. & Dia. Bolts E Bolt Circle Dia. mensions - Inches Valve Size - Inches 4 6 8 10 12 A Face to face of flanges 13 16 18 22 26 C Diameter of end flanges 9 11 131/2 16 19 D Thickness of end flanges is/6 1 1'% 13/,. 11/4 E Diameter of bolt circle 7' 91/2 11% 141/4 17 F Number and diameter of bolts 8-% 8-3/. 8-3h 12-7/8 12-'3 V Center line of port to top of cover 7s3/,. 93 111 14'4 154 X Center line of valve to outside of spring 9% 11 g/,. 12/ 13' 14% Y Center line of hinge pin to bottom of spring bolt 8% 10'3/,, 13344 15% 17•54, Z Center line of valve to center line of hinge pin 3%. 43. 5+3/, 7 8'- 04i23i93 1�0 714 860 4919 PSCIPCO L.R. • 02 THICKNESS, DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF TYTONT AND FASTITE" JOINT DUCTILE IRON PIPE BY SIZE FOR EACH PRESSURE Tyton Joint- Wt Per Avg.`Wt. - Lgttt.t Per Ft.* Lb Lb. 350 0.25 3.96 8,9 7.0 185 9.2 350 0.25 4.80 1 10,9 9.0 , 225 1 11.3 350 0.25 6.90 16.0 11.0 300 I 16.6 350 0,25. 9.05 21.1 ! 17.0 395 1 22.0 350 0.26 11.10 27.1 1 24.0 510 ! 28.4 350 0.28 _ 13.20 34.8 29,0 655 I 36.4 j 250 0.28 15.30 40.4 I 45.0 770 42.9 300 0.30 15.30 43.3 45.0 825 45.8 350 0.31 15.30 44.7 45.0 850 47.2 250 0.30 17,40 49.3 •�j' 54.0 940 52.3 300 0.32 17.40 52.5 54.0 1000 55.5 350 0.34 17.40 55.8 54.0 1060 58.8 250 0.31 19.50 57.2 j 59.0 -7-1090 i 60.5 300 0.34 19.50 62.6 59.0 1185 1 65.9 350 0.36 19.50 66,2 i 59.0 1250 I 69.5 250 0.33 21.60 300 0.36 21.60 350 0.38 21.60 200 0.33 25.80 250 0.37 25.80 300 0,40 - 25,80 350 0.43 i 25.80 y 150 0.34 32.00 103.5 200 0.38 32.00 115.5 250 0.42 32.00 127.5 300 0,45 32.00 136.5 350 i 0.49 32.00 148.4 150 0.38 38.30 138.5 200 ! 0.42 38.30 152.9 250 ; 0.47 38.30 170.9 300 1 0.51 i 38.30 1 185.3 350 0.56 38.30 !. 203.2 ; .. 1intludlnq bell: colouLatecl W91ght nt pip founded nil the nearest 5Ib. ' I otenances ul (Z of cpignt and; 3• I2 in su.08 in.. 14.24 in..0.05 in . •.) Oa in.. ' Jntludlnq call; Prbrage weight par foot. based nn calculated weight d PIN Daiwa roundlnq 10.08 in..4.08 in., •0.06 in. .•rattite' ;punt 67.5 ! 74.0 1290 1 71.6 73.5 l 74.0 1395 77.6 77.5 74.0 1470 81.6 80.8 95,0 1550 ! 86.1 90,5 95.0 1725 ! 95.8 97.7 95.0 l 1855 103.0 104.9 95.0 1985 1 110.2 139.0 2000 111.2 139.0 2220 123.2 139.0 2435 ! 135.2 139.0 2595 ! 144,2 139.0 i 2810 : 156.1 184.0 i 2675 i 148.7 184.0 2935 163.1 184.0 3260 181.1 184.0 3520 : 195.5 184.0 i 3840 I 213.4 SHORT FORM SPECIFICATION: 1 Scope 1.1 This specification covers the general recuuemenis for Pacific Slates Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe for conveying water and other liquids. 2 Conformance 2.1 Pipe: Ductile iron Pipe 3 through 36 shall meet the requirements of ANSIIAWWA C1 S 11A21.6U and ANSIIAWWA C1SO/A21.51. 2.2 Joints: Rubber -gasket joints snail be 1 yton Joint 3'-24" and Partite 30" 36" anti meet the requirements ui ANSI/AWWA C11111221.11. 2.3 Coating and Lining: Qutslde coating shall he an asphaltic coating approximately one mil thick. Pioe shall he cement-rnurtar lined per ANSIIAWWA C1041A21.4. F-3000 Flanged End Frame F-3008 Spigot End Frame F-3002 Standard Frame Dimensions — Inches SHEAR GATES GENERAL DIMENSIONS CLOW VALVE COMPANY F-3004 Hub End Frame End View of Shear Gates Valve Size Inches 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 A 5 61/4 7% 9 10% 113 14 145/8 16 18 22 B 5 61/4 7% 9 101/4 111/2 14 15 161/2 181/2 22 C 41/2 43/4 43/4 4' 5 57/e 51/2 53/4 61/4 7% 91/2 D 8 8 8 8 8 81/2 81/4 81/4 12% 12% — E 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 — F 53/4 7'/e 10 12'/e 14'/4 16% 18'h 20'h 23 271/4 — G 8 103/4 12' 15 171/2 191/2 2134 233/4 271/4 311/2 — H • 4 6 8 8 8 81/4 81/4 81/4 9' 105/e 131/4 9 11 131/2 16 19 21 23'h 25 271/2 32 383/4 K 12 12 12 12 12 141/2 14'/4 141/4 147/e 151/e 131/4 L 4'/e 7 9 111/4 133/e 15% 17% 191/2 21' 26 311/2 • Tyler Pipe DUCTILE IRON AND GRAY IRON Subsidiary of FLANGED FITTINGS Tyler Corporation SAMPLE SPECIFICATION CAST IRON OR DUCTILE IRON FLANGED FITTINGS shall be made in strict accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110. They shall conform to details and dimensions published therein and shall be adequate for water pressure of 250 lbs. P.S.I. NOTE: No flange joint material furnished. • BENDS Joint Dimensions in Inches Dimensions Nominal Dia. of Pipe Size Flange Bolt Flang• Bolt Hol• Number Bolt !Nam. Inch O.D. Circle Thickness T Diameter of Bolts and Length * 2 6 4.75 .62 .75 4 ye x 2'/. 3 7.5 6 .75 .75 4 ye x 21/2 4 9 7.5 .94 .75 8 %x3 6 11 9.5 1.00 .875 8 3/4 x 31/2 8 13.5 11.75 1.12 .875 8 Y. x 31/2 10 16 14.25 1.19 1.00 12 7%x4 12 19 17 1.25 1.00 12 %x4 14 21 18.75 1.38 1.125 12 1 x 41/2 16 23.5 21.25 1.44 1.125 16 1 x 41/2 18 25 22.75 1.56 1.25 16 1 '/e x 5 20 27.5 25 1.69 1.25 20 1 % x 5 24 32 29.5 1.88 1.375 20 1 Y. x 51/2 30 38.75 36 2.12 1.375 28 1 '/4 x 61/2 36 46 42.75 2.38 1.625 32 11/2 x 7 Note: Drilling templates are in multiples of four, so that fittings may be made to face in any quarter. Bolt holes shall straddle the center line. 90° Bend (1/4) 45° Bend (1/8) 5-700 5-705 22%2° Bend (1/16) 5-709 11'/4° Bend (1/32) 5-711 Size Dimensions Wt. Size Dimensions Wt. Size Dimensions Wt. Size Dimensions Wt. R A R A R A R A *2 3 4.5 14 *2 2.44 2.5 12 *2 5.03 2.5 11 *2 10.15 2.5 11 3 4 5.5 25 3 3.62 3 20 3 7.56 3 20 3 15.25 3 20 4 4.5 6.5 45 4 4.81 4 40 4 10.06 4 40 4 20.31 4 40 6 6 8 65 6 7.25 5 55 6 15.06 5 55 6 30.5 5 55 8 7 9 105 8 8.44 5.5 90 8 17.62 5.5 90 8 35.5 5.5 90 10 9 11 165 10 10.88 6.5 130 10 22.62 6.5 135 10 45.69 6.5 135 12 10 12 235 12 13.25 7.5 195 12 27.67 7.5 205 12 55.81 7.5 205 14 11.5 14 330 14 12.06 7.5 245 14 25.12 7.5 250 14 50.75 7.5 255 16 12.5 15 430 16 13.25 8 315 16 27.62 8 325 16 55.81 8 325 18 14 16.5 530 18 14.5 8.5 375 18 30.19 8.5 385 18 60.94 8.5 385 20 15.5 18 685 20 16.88 9.5 485 20 35.19 9.5 505 20 71.06 9.5 505 24 18.5 22 1085 24 18.12 11 730 24 37.69 11 755 24 76.12 11 760 30 21.5 25 1755 30 27.75 15 1335 30 57.81 15 1385 30 116.75 15 1395 36 24.5 28 2690 36 35 18 2155 36 72.88 18 2235 36 147.25 18 2250 *Not Included In AWWA C110. ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C111 /A21.11 10-03-88 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88-0175 5-55 DUCTILE IRON AND GRAY IRON FLANGED FITTINGS Straight Tees, Reducing * Reducing on Branch Tees on Run 5-720 5-720-a *Reducing on Run and Branch 5-720-b Size Dimensions Weights Tyler Pipe Subsidiary of Tyler Corporation * Bullhead Tees 5-720-c Straight and Reducing Crosses 5-731 Size Dimensions Weights Run Run Branch H J Tee Cross Run Run Branch H J Tee Cross 20 20 8 14.0 17.0 720 755 30 30 14 18.0 23.0 1790 1865 20 20 10 14.0 17.0 735 780 30 30 16 18.0 23.0 1810 1900 20 20 12 14.0 17.0 755 820 30 30 18 18.0 23.0 1815 1910 20 20 14 14.0 17.0 770 850 30 30 20 18.0 23.0 1840 1960 20 20 16 18.0 18.0 950 1065 30 30 24 25.0 25.0 2475 2695 20 20 18 18.0 18.0 965 1100 30 30 30 25.0 25.0 2615 2980 20 20 20 18.0 18.0 1005 1175 36 36 8 20.0 26.0 2635 2660 24 24 6 15.0 19.0 1000 1025 36 36 10 20.0 26.0 2650 2685 24 24 8 15.0 19.0 1010 1045 36 36 12 20.0 26.0 2670 2725 24 24 10 15.0 19.0 1020 1065 36 36 14 20.0 26.0 2680 2740 24 24 12 15.0 19.0 1040 1100 36 36 16 20.0 26.0 2690 2765 24 24 14 15.0 19.0 1050 1125 36 36 18 20.0 26.0 2695 2770 24 24 16 15.0 19.0 1070 1160 36 36 20 20.0 26.0 2715 2810 24 24 18 22.0 22.0 1470 1620 36 36 24 20.0 26.0 2750 2880 24 24 20 22.0 22.0 1510 1695 36 36 30 28.0 28.0 3745 4025 24 24 24 22.0 22.0 1585 1850 36 36 36 28.0 28.0 3930 4405 *30 30 6 18.0 23.0 1735 1755 *Not included in AWWA C110. *30 30 8 18.0 23.0 1745 1775 *30 30 10 18.0 23.0 1760 1800 30 30 12 18.0 23.0 1780 1840 REDUCERS Concentric Reducer 5-735 Size Dimensions Wt. Size Dimensions Wt. *Eccentric Reducer 5-736 Size Dimensions Wt. 5.735 5.735 5.735 D D' L 5.736 D D' L 5.736 D D' L 5.736 D D' L 5.736 *3 2 6 16 12 4 14 120 18 8 19 265 *30 16 30 935 *4 2 7 25 12 6 14 130 18 10 19 290 30 18 30 970 4 3 7 30 12 8 14 145 18 12 19 320 30 20 30 1035 *6 2 9 30 12 10 14 170 18 14 19 350 30 24 30 1155 6 3 9 40 14 6 16 165 18 16 19 385 *36 18 36 1430 6 4 9 45 14 8 16 185 20 10 20 340 36 20 36 1495 *6 5 9 50 14 10 16 205 20 12 20 375 36 24 36 1635 14 12 16 235 20 14 20 405 36 30 36 1905 *8 16 6 18 210 20 16 20 445 *Not included in AWWA C110. 16 8 18 230 20 18 20 470 16 10 18 255 24 12 24 535 16 12 18 285 24 14 24 565 16 14 18 315 24 16 24 610 24 18 24 645 24 20 24 695 Size Dimensions Wt. 5.735 8 *8 8 11 11 11 11 60 65 70 75 10 4 12 85 10 6 12 90 10 8 12 110 NOTE: No flange joint material furnished. 3 4 5 6 10-03-88 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88-0175 DUCTILE IRON AND GRAY IRON FLANGED FITTINGS *REDUCING BASE BENDS 4-- Base Under Large End 5-702 LE s-I * FLANGES �Q 0 Flange for Steel Pipe 5-750 Reducing Flange for Steel Pipe 5-752 Base Under x Small End 5-702 SE Flange for CI Pipe 5-751 Reducing Flange for CI Pipe 5-753 Size Dimensions Wt. x s u 4x3 5.5 6 .5 45 6x4 7 7 .62 75 8x4 8.38 9 .88 115 8x6 8.38 9 .88 130 10x6 9.75 9 .88 170 10x8 9.75 9 .88 195 12x6 11.25 11 1 230 12x8 11.25 11 1 255 12x10 11.25 11 1 285 • *FLANGE AND FLARE • I-- D *Flange and Flare 90° Bend 5.765 Tyler Pipe Subsidiary of Tyler Corporation 0 Under 12" Blind Flange 0 12" and Larger Blind Flange Blind Flanges 5-754 Size Dimensions Wt. 0 q X Y 5.750 5.751 5.75a 2 6 .62 1 4 4 21/4 7 .69 .... 1.13 6 7 3 7.5 .75 1.8 1.19 7 7 8 4 9 .94 1.89 1.31 12 12 14 6 11 1.00 2.1 1.56 17 17 25 8 13.5 1.12 2.31 1.75 25 28 40 10 16 1.19 2.52 1.94 35 38 60 12 19 1.25 2.73 2.19 55 58 80 14 21 1.38 2.875 2.25 75 110 16 23.5 1.44 3.188 2.5 95 145 18 25 1.56 3.125 2.69 105 190 20 27.5 1.69 3.5 2.88 135 250 24 32 1.88 3.687 3.25 160 370 30 38.75 2.12 4.875 255 580 36 46 2.38 390 880 NOTE: All flanges conform to ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15-83 Standards. Flange and Flare Piece 5-766 Size Dimensions Wt. Size Dimensions Wt. D X Y 5.765 D L 5.766 3 7.5 5.5 8.5 25 3 7.5 8 20 4 9 6.5 9.5 40 4 9 8 30 6 11 8 12 70 6 11 8 40 8 13.5 9 13 110 8 13.5 10 70 10 16 11 15 175 10 16 10 95 12 19 12 16 245 12 19 12 155 14 21 14 22 450 14 21 12 225 16 23.5 15 23 545 16 23.5 16 330 18 25 16.5 24.5 675 18 25 16 355 20 27.5 18 26 860 20 27.5 18 460 24 32 22 30 1195 24 32 18 635 *TRUE WYE True Wye 5.767 *FLANGE SLUDGE SHOE D -- Flange Sludge Shoe 5.768 Size Dimensions Wt. She Dimensions Wt. Stem Branches X Y D X Y 4 4 6.5 3 50 3 5.75 12 6 25 6 4 8 3.5 75 4 7 12 6 35 6 6 8 3.5 80 6 7.87 12 6 45 8 6 9 4.5 120 8 10.12 12 6 65 8 8 9 4.5 125 10 12.25 12 6 85 12 15.25 12 6 120 *Not included in AWWA C110. ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 10-03-88 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler. Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88-0175 5-59 Tyler Pipe Subsidiary of Tyler Corporation DUCTILE IRON AND GRAY IRON FLANGED FITTINGS TEES, CROSSES, REDUCING TEES Straight Tees, Reducing * Reducing *Reducing on on Branch Tees on Run Run and Branch 5-720 5-720-a 5.720-b 1-74 r. ...X I * Bullhead Tees 5.720-c Straight and Reducing Crosses 5-731 Size Dimensions Weights Size Dimensions Weights Run Run Branch H .1 Tee Cross Run Run Branch H J Tee Cross *2 2 2 4.5 4.5 35 t 12 6 10 14.0 14.0 380 3 3 3 5.5 5.5 40 50 t 12 6 12 14.0 14.0 400 '4 4 2 6.5 6.5 50 60 t 12 8 6 14.0 14.0 355 4 4 3 6.5 6.5 60 70 t 12 8 8 14.0 14.0 375 4 4 4 6.5 6.5 65 80 t 12 8 10 14.0 14.0 395 4 4 6 8.0 8.0 90 t 12 8 12 14.0 14.0 420 6 4 4 8.0 8.0 85 t 12 10 6 14.0 14.0 390 6 4 6 8.0 8.0 90 t 12 10 8 14.0 14.0 400 *6 6 2 8.0 8.0 85 t 12 10 10 14.0 14.0 420 6 6 3 8.0 8.0 85 95 t 12 10 12 14.0 14.0 440 6 6 4 8.0 8.0 90 110 12 12 4 12.0 12.0 290 310 6 6 6 8.0 8.0 95 120 12 12 6 12.0 12.0 295 320 6 6 8 9.0 9.0 140 12 12 8 12.0 12.0 310 345 8 6 4 9.0 9.0 130 12 12 10 12.0 12.0 360 415 8 6 6 9.0 9.0 135 12 12 12 12.0 12.0 385 460 8 6 8 9.0 9.0 145 *14 14 4 14.0 14.0 400 430 *8 8 3 9.0 9.0 130 140 14 14 6 14.0 14.0 420 450 8 8 4 9.0 9.0 140 155 14 14 8 14.0 14.0 435 475 8 8 6 9.0 9.0 145 165 14 14 10 14.0 14.0 450 505 8 8 8 9.0 9.0 155 195 14 14 12 14.0 14.0 470 555 8 8 10 11.0 11.0 260 14 14 14 14.0 14.0 500 595 8 8 12 12.0 12.0 310 *16 16 4 15.0 15.0 525 555 t10 6 6 13.0 13.0 275 16 16 6 15.0 15.0 540 565 t10 6 8 13.0 13.0 290 16 16 8 15.0 15.0 555 590 t10 6 10 13.0 13.0 305 16 16 10 15.0 15.0 565 620 t 10 8 6 13.0 13.0 280 16 16 12 15.0 15.0 590 665 t10 8 8 13.0 13.0 295 16 16 14 15.0 15.0 610 700 t10 8 10 13.0 13.0 325 16 16 16 15.0 15.0 635 755 10 10 4 11.0 11.0 205 220 18 18 6 13.0 15.5 560 585 10 10 6 11.0 11.0 215 240 18 18 8 13.0 15.5 560 605 10 10 8 11.0 11.0 225 265 18 18 10 13.0 15.5 585 630 10 10 10 11.0 11.0 270 330 18 18 12 13.0 15.5 605 670 10 10 12 12.0 12.0 355 18 18 14 16.5 16.5 740 830 t 12 6 6 14.0 14.0 340 18 18 16 16.5 16.5 760 880 t12 6 8 14.0 14.0 360 18 18 18 16.5 16.5 785 915 20 20 6 14.0 17.0 710 735 NOTE: No flange joint material furnished. *Not included In AWWA C1 10. tH and .1 dimensions are two inches longer than Straight Tees. ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C111 /A21.11 5-56 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88-0175 10-03-88 Tyler Pipe Subsidiary of Tyler Corporation *WYES j \� 45 ° Wye 5-728 Size Dimensions Wt. Run Branch H J 5-728 3 3 10 3 45 4 3 12 3 65 4 4 12 3 75 6 4 14.5 3.5 105 6 6 14.5 3.5 115 8 4 17.5 4.5 165 8 6 17.5 4.5 175 8 8 17.5 4.5 200 10 4 20.5 5 240 10 6 20.5 5 250 10 8 20.5 5 275 10 10 20.5 5 300 12 4 24.5 5.5 355 12 6 24.5 5.5 370 12 8 24.5 5.5 395 12 10 24.5 5.5 420 12 12 24.5 5.5 460 14 6 27 6 500 14 8 27 6 525 14 10 27 6 555 14 12 27 6 600 14 14 27 6 640 16 6 30 6.5 655 16 8 30 6.5 680 16 10 30 6.5 715 16 12 30 6.5 755 16 14 30 6.5 800 16 16 30 6.5 850 18 8 32 7 820 18 10 32 7 855 18 12 32 7 895 18 14 32 7 940 18 16 32 7 990 18 18 32 7 1035 20 10 35 8 1095 20 12 35 8 1130 20 14 35 8 1170 20 16 35 8 1220 20 18 35 8 1270 20 20 35 8 1345 24 12 31.5 0.5 1550 24 14 40.5 9 1685 24 16 40.5 9 1740 24 18 40.5 9 1785 24 20 40.5 9 1860 24 24 40.5 9 2020 DUCTILE IRON AND GRAY IRON FLANGED FITTINGS * BENDS *90° Reducing Bend (1/4) 5-700a Size Dimensions Wt. A *90° Long Radius Bend (1/4) 5-701 Size Dimensions Wt. R A 4x3 6.5 35 3 6.25 7.75 30 6x4 8 55 4 7 9 50 8x4 9 75 6 9.5 11.5 80 8x6 9 90 8 12 14 140 10x6 11 125 10 14.5 16.5 215 10x8 11 150 12 17 19 325 12x6 12 165 14 19 21.5 385 12x8 12 190 12x10 12 220 BASE BENDS, BASE TEES 16 21.5 24 18 24 26.5 20 26.5 29 24 30.5 34 505 630 810 1240 30 38 41.5 2105 36 45.5 49 3285 X s-� s i-s- 90° Base Bend (1/4) *90° Long Radius Base Bend (1/4) Base Tees 5-702 5-703 5-726 Base bends are made to order only, not returnable. Bases are normally furnished unfaced and undrilled. Size Dimensions Support Pip. Wt. X S U Size 5.702 5-703 5-726 3 4.88 5 .5 1.5 35 48 45 4 5.5 6 .5 2 55 73 70 6 7 7 .62 2.5 85 120 110 8 8.38 9 .88 4 145 205 185 10 9.75 9 .88 4 210 295 300 12 11.25 11 1 6 300 435 430 14 12.5 11 1 6 400 580 550 16 13.75 11 1 6 505 740 685 18 15 13.5 1.12 8 645 995 860 20 16 13.5 1.12 8 805 1240 1080 24 18.5 13.5 1.12 8 1215 1815 1665 30 23 16 1.15 10 1945 2400 2735 36 26 19 1.15 12 2940 3680 4090 ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C111 /A21.11 5-58 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texos 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88-0175 10-03-88 Tyler Pipe DUCTILE IRON AND/OR GRAY IRON C110 FULL BODY MECHANICAL JOINT FITTINGS Tapped Tees, Tapped Crosses, Adapters MJ TAPPED TEE OR CROSS I', I1I,,j.-,-,,III s s Tapped Tee Tapped Cross 5-142 5.143 Size L Max. Tap Wt. *MJ x MIPT 5-157 Subsidiary of Tyler Corporation ADAPTERS - L - MJ x Flange 5-158 — L — MJxPE 5.160 L- Flange x PE 5-161 Size 5-157 5-158 5-160 5-161 L Wt. L Wt. L Wt. L Wt. 2x2 53/4 8 2x21/2 53/4 8 *2 8 2 11 3 8 30 16 35 16 30 3 8 2 72 35 4 8 40 16 45 16 40 4 8 3 45 6 8 60 16 65 16 55 6 8 4 70 8 8 85 16 95 16 8 8 4 95 10 8 115 16 125 16 10 8 4 130 12 8 155 16 165 16 12 8 4 165 14 8 210 16 220 16 *14 8 4 235 16 8 260 16 270 16 *16 8 4 290 18 8 305 16 325 16 280 *18 8 4 350 - 20 8 365 16 385 16 335 *20 8 4 420 24 8 495 16 515 16 455 *24 8 4 555 30 10 840 16 795 16 665 *30 8 4 905 36 10 1195 16 1105 16 930 *36 8 4 1270 *Not included in AWWA C110 *Not included in AWWA C110 NOTES: - L - - _L — *MJ x Bell 5-162 L — *Flange x Flange *Bell x Flange 5.163 5-164 (1) Flange x P.E. and M.J. x Size 5-162 5-163 P.E. pieces may be furnished from centrifugally cast ductile iron pipe. 3 8 40 8 30 8 35 16 40 4 8 55 8 40 8 50 16 55 (2) See fabricated pipe section 6 8 80 8 60 8 70 16 75 for wall pipe, wall sleeves, 8 8 115 8 85 8 105 16 115 and longer lengths of 10 8 150 8 115 8 135 16 145 flanged piping. 12 8 190 8 165 8 180 16 190 (3) For other laying lengths 14 8 255 8 185 8 230 16 240 with cast -on flanges, see 16 8 320 8 230 8 300 16 300 list prices this division. 18 8 385 8 260 8 335 16 385 20 8 465 8 310 8 410 16 435 24 8 620 8 435 8 555 16 580 30 10 1005 10 645 10 935 16 1165 36 10 1410 10 910 10 1320 16 1615 *Not included in AWWA C110 85 115 155 195 240 — L — *Bell x PE 5.165 5.164 5-165 Wt. L Wt. L Wt. L Wt. ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C111 /A21.11 10-03-88 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88-0175 • Tyler Pipe DUCTILE IRON AND/OR GRAY IRON Subsidiary of C110 FULL BODY MECHANICAL JOINT DIMENSIONS Tyler Corporation Bends 90° BENDS (1/4) Y 90° MJ (1/4) 5-100 Z 90° MJ x PE (1/4) 5.103 R 45° MJ (1/8) 5-105 45° MJ x PE (1/8) 5-107 1" Y 22'/2° MJ (1/16) 5-109 221/2°MJxPE(1/16) 5-110 Size R Y Dimensions Size R Y Weights 5.100 5-103 *2 3 4 6 8 2.25 4.0 4.5 6.0 7.0 3.25 5.5 6.5 8.0 9.0 13.5 14.5 16.0 17.0 14 35 55 85 125 35 50 80 120 10 12 14 16 18 9.0 10.0 11.5 12.5 14.0 11.0 12.0 14.0 15.0 16.5 19.0 20.0 22.0 23.0 24.5 190 255 380 490 625 190 255 365 470 600 20 24 30 36 15.5 18.5 21.5 24.5 18.0 22.0 25.0 28.0 26.0 30.0 33.0 36.0 45° BENDS (1/8) 790 1215 2030 3045 755 1175 1920 2880 Dimensions Weights Size R Y Z 5-105 5-107 *2 3 4 6 8 1.96 3.62 4.81 7.25 8.44 1.8 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.5 11.0 12.0 13.0 13.5 13 30 50 75 110 30 45 70 105 10 12 14 /16 18 10.88 13.25 12.06 13.25 14.50 6.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.5 14.5 15.5 15.5 16.0 16.5 155 215 300 380 470 155 215 280 360 445 20 24 30 36 16.88 18.12 27.75 35.00 9.5 11.0 15.0 18.0 17.5 19.0 23.0 26.0 595 865 1620 2525 221/2° BENDS (1/16) 565 825 1510 2360 Dimensions Weights Z 5.109 5.110 *2 3 4 6 8 2.51 7.56 10.06 15.06 17.62 1.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.5 11.0 12.0 13.0 13.5 13 30 50 75 110 30 45 70 105 10 12 14 16 18 22.62 27.62 25.12 27.62 30.19 6.5 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.5 14.5 15.5 15.5 16.0 16.5 160 220 300 385 480 160 220 285 365 455 20 24 30 36 35.19 37.69 57.81 72.88 9.5 11.0 15.0 18.0 17.5 19.0 23.0 26.0 605 880 1650 2580 575 840 1540 2410 ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C111 /A21.11 *Not Included In AWWA C110 10-03-88 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88.0175 Tyler Pipe Subsidiary of Tyler Corporation MJ 5-128 MJxPExMJ 5-129 SOLID 5-154 CAPS pp :H,�X7r✓!// TAPPED 5-155 Size Dimensions Weights Max. Tap *2 2 5 3 3 12 4 4 20 6 4 30 8 4 45 10 4 60 12 4 80 14 4 115 16 4 155 t'18 4 215 t 20 4 250 t 24 4 370 t 30 4 680 t 36 4 1005 tDished-Not Flat As Shown *Not included in AWWA C110 For those items manufactured by or available through Tyler Pipe refer to current price sheet DUCTILE IRON AND/OR GRAY IRON C110 FULL BODY MECHANICAL JOINT FITTINGS Wyes, Caps Size Dimensions Weights Run Branch X Y Z 5-128 5-129 3 3 10.0 11.0 3.0 60 60 4 3 12.0 11.0 3.0 80 75 4 4 12.0 11.0 3.0 90 85 6 4 14.5 11.5 3.5 126 125 6 6 14.5 11.5 3.5 142 140 8 4 17.5 12.5 4.5 190 185 8 6 17.5 12.5 4.5 204 200 8 8 17.5 12.5 4.5 230 225 10 4 20.5 13.0 5.0 270 270 10 6 20.5 13.0 5.0 285 285 10 8 20.5 13.0 5.0 310 310 10 10 20.5 13.0 5.0 340 340 12 4 24.5 13.5 5.5 380 380 12 6 24.5 13.5 5.5 400 400 12 8 24.5 13.5 5.5 425 425 12 10 24.5 13.5 5.5 450 450 12 12 24.5 13.5 5.5 490 490 14 6 27.0 14.0 6.0 570 555 14 8 27.0 14.0 6.0 595 570 14 10 27.0 14.0 6.0 625 605 14 12 27.0 14.0 6.0 670 695 14 14 27.0 14.0 6.0 730 760 16 6 30.0 14.5 6.5 735 715 16 8 30.0 14.5 6.5 760 735 16 10 30.0 14.5 6.5 800 770 16 12 30.0 14.5 6.5 835 805 16 14 30.0 14.5 6.5 900 940 16 16 30.0 14.5 6.5 960 1000 18 8 32.0 15.0 7.0 940 920 18 10 32.0 15.0 7.0 975 950 18 12 32.0 15.0 7.0 1015 990 18 14 32.0 15.0 7.0 1075 1050 18 16 32.0 15.0 7.0 1135 1110 18 18 32.0 15.0 7.0 1200 1175 20 10 35.0 16.0 8.0 1220 1190 20 12 35.0 16.0 8.0 1260 1230 20 14 35.0 16.0 8.0 1320 1290 20 16 35.0 16.0 8.0 1375 1345 20 18 35.0 16.0 8.0 1445 1415 20 20 35.0 16.0 8.0 1525 1495 24 14 40.5 17.0 9.0 1795 1800 24 16 40.5 17.0 9.0 1850 1860 24 18 40.5 17.0 9.0 1925 1930 24 20 40.5 17.0 9.0 2105 2135 24 24 40.5 17.0 9.0 2390 2425 *Not included in AWWA C110 ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C111 /A21.11 Tyler Pipe/Utilities Division • P.O. Box 2027 • Tyler, Texas 75710 • (214) 882-5511 • Telex 88-0175 10-03-88 AFR 21 ".?; 10;26 FROM ASSOC CONCRETE TO 2833866 PAGE. • ASSOCIATED concrete products, inc. GRAD e mos 32- incgHlTsC CONE iellr srurm e- 80-Ow o 1-11-0 t7b : u Cil eloKI ST 3 0 ; Fo NITA Pop mAd t-lotE s- JOINT 041A11. CONFORMS TO: LOS ANGELES COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT SA-206 DESCRIPTION GRADE RING. 24(R-3 GRADE RING. 240R-6 GRADE RIN0. 240R-I 6 CONE (ECCENTRIC). 60SS32-24 SHAFT, SO x 16 SHAPT 60 x 32 SPECIAL SECTION HEIGHT AVAILABLE AS NEEDED NOTES VERTICAL WALL. INSIDE NUMBER UNIf--- HEIGHT THICKNESS DIAMETER OF STEPS WEIGHT 3" 6* 24" 0 145 LBS. 6' 6,, 240 290 LBS. 16" 6" 24" 0 775 LBS. 32" gr 60".24" 2 3,500 LBS. 16" 8" 60" 1 2,400 LBS. 32" 8" 60" 2 4,800 LBS. rearecast-in each onc tesha and cone or safety in cr e Manhole Shafmare or without steps. Steps to belie dia. x14- oatvanized steel cast -in at 16" on centers at time of manufao- tunno . • 60" ID. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE WITH ra—r-cto-rn,r. (sr\ p,Ir•-• Fk it i Cur HCPETE TO 2E:33866 PHuE. UO3 • • : ,�.J' iD it •1t oR ori •SAN JbIE frlodsi: dtseriptioe: ^' 5TANDAP\D PR CA ' GRAM RJR Cos V4FERC6P. dr.q. ho.„.... .4FF' 1 i :. FF ON rS L'C CONCRETE • TO2EC38 FHGE.004 ' _•7 • •F • r(�• 1 4 -10 k:GlacreiVSarwt+os • ' r4 Peer E17 c+cic o "Wor E o n ' ;• • ?i '1 •_- • • .•• • It �•-� r4 t�CoatGSIS 15o r4 Et++c,4 4y t• LCa,t"1bCtCi�bTt�1 Z-K1z2s • triki VP"-= . Nab 1111711 WOO t Litor 0/1-1404, • U t • -7CIA..: � _FRATrop -440011%lik • VI 2�1 ..A �' et. COMgtETE PRODUCTS. INC. on Wan lyyo'T = 06VD. • #okra. ANA, eLW fi704 .., vcri a.E7. VT. 4.1 Tv 'V A u'i TA daFcript i on; i 0 1 Iv • i 1 -4.4 ' C,TE r • • :1 t ,4 r SANTA ANA • SANTA PAWA • SAN 403E i drown bye, file.no.._ .ice L •s .. - Modal:•.— ••• fiT z44 i �k;ttL ' L FT awl OF-F i FF i1 :_ lU FRUh1 H'c3Uf 'JONCF.ETE CosmcvL: n. V Cabs tANA • 74 opeol p Ti i 2833866. FAGEJ3O6 Wit` r Alligfalewl `Ni lArit,t if 19.31 ri net tt RED 74 /z/7Qj S7-24--77-)b,2 P1145)1. oF /,44 72-(14-(s rAB STOPS AS SHOWN ON THIS STUB • IRECTLV ON THIS LINE CONSTRUCTION 737 W. TAFT AVE:. ORANGE, CA 926e8 (714) e37-1996 !. a.sQG C .J_ I /7 65.._6__._..1-_, , A . 2,9/4/./i_._ Fold at (>) to (itI 771 DU-O-VUEa Envelope. 0 asrType PROEM' 914 E'es Int. Groton. Matt OII71. to Order PHONE IDLE TREE I +800.t2563M 1270 Show this Purchase Order Number on all correspondence, invoices,. shipping. papers, and packages. DATE N. —REQUISITION ' NO. SHIP T / se 4/ 93-3 Yr/I/f._..:.... .ii/r d J/ r STdg r/a,SY TOTAL: rv...� Rd.T..rJ..,C -J c:_ .r.__. w/..:_ ...... o Q__._.. 42-] S/...Z .14.7.._C-. ,P/Id a /7 )1 4,41714,1, Pic /_cLel 1. Please send copies of your invoice) 2. Order is to be entered: inaccordartce with: prices,delivery'and specifications shown: above:; 3. Notify us immediately ifyou are unable to ship as specified. TEL 1-714-7H-c11_ Mar 17. 9.3 10 : , HU . 00 P .02 656 E. La Warta Dr. P.D.13ox 351 Riverside, CA 92502 1714) 683,5960 17141 075.0250 FAX (7141 708.5112 SOLD TO PUMP STATION 8- FONTANA SHIP TO F. O. B. RIVERSIDE — ••...M ,01 WI.,1n.'WIN rton rVUn L JNDJNCNA1IUN AGREEMENT NUMBER DATE •• � $L_M CM T BR• MILES/HOURS INVOICE NO. DATE PAGE b -03-93 03-03-9r- 1 CUSTOMER NO. CUSTOMER ORDER N0. MAKE MODEL SERIAL NUMBER • SHIP VIA •• • QTY. DESCRIPTION f TOTAL BY 1 80 KW STANDBY BENERATOR SET WITH 200 KW OVERSIZE GENERATOR -MOUNTED ON 2 AXLE TRAILER WITH BATTERIES, CHARGER, FUEL TANK BASE, MAIN CB (300 AMP) AND ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR. .1C1 tide S /H,r�1AX. fit GC. 0i) fitiee, SUBJECT TO LOCAL AND STATE TAXES WHERE APPLICABLE BUYER GRANTS TO SELLER A SECURITY INTEREST IN EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED HEREIN UNTIL PAYMENT HAS BEEN M EE IN FULL g ,./h4J RESPECTFULLY SUE3MI'CTEO ACCEPTED // �q�TE TITLE E: BY SELLER ACCEPTED BUYER: TOTAL $ 2aidiOr8O (Authorized Officer or Repressmattivo) JOHNSON POWER SYSTEMS YOUR CATUPU A9 ENGINE DEALER• A L NI$ION OF JOHNEON MACHINERY CO. A CAUFORNIA CORPORADON QUOTATION ( JOHNSON POWER SYSTEM TEL 17 n; n f1R Nn .007 P.02 Mar 17,93 10:48 Na.007 P.01 TO: L ....r2, COMPANY: b FAX NO. __��l 3 3 �l G- / Cos tic ro `v FROM: �...` . _ .��_ DATE: TOTAL NUMBER O1�' JOB: A G.ES INCLUDING THIS PAGE: IF YOU DID NOT .RECEIVE T,FIE NUMBER OF DOCU INDI ABOVE, PLEASE CALL (714) 683�-396O AS SOON AS PO�, S SSIBL�LE'. ',END iPG c 6s / d 6-Au Cry pthk- 6.4ve you IA) ki 6-I 5 r f "he im k}�7 L tt i q c sh u. '-5 , �vG1v s l: PG6 0t9� c3 C Oa" 141 /4 5 6°°A-i 6)10/f: 4-41c. 056 E. La Cadena Dr. P,O, Box 351 Riverside, CA 92502 (714) 683-5960 Fax (714) 788.5112 .AX TRANSMITTAL SHEET '"f140°—#09t.,03 • T C I .1 - 7 — 7 — 7. Mnos 1 Transmit Confirmation Report, mr, 1111( aETType QTY, ORDERED No. Receiver Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result cori-RammEm 002 JOHNSON POWER SY MULTI CONST Mar 29,93 14:48 02'13 • Norm 0.7 OK C:<6 • 6-zAiiFdeioe S'4%7- e.t.7.171 c2.03 iet4) //z. 7z=kN.(97,0k 14 Y DA- /11/7,Aiii cie-417/,6.4/ Z5I e 4 . Please send copies of your invoice. 2. Order is to be entered in accordance with prices, delivery and specifications shown above. 3. Notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. DU PLICATE .. . AUTHORIZED BY Transmit Confirmation Report OTV ORDERED No. Receiver Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result OTV. RECEIVED • • • • • • • • • • • • 005 12132611523 MULTI CONST Mar 22,93 02'01 Norm 02 OK STOCK NO / DESCRIPTION 15:06 Pc? A,' 007-6 - c ,7-7 PS, ../ Va... —_o.2s/... , d_ 1 VNII rHI G 1. Please send copies of your invoice. 2. Order is to be entered in accordance with prices. delivery and specifications shown above. 3. Notify us immediately if you are unable to ship as specified. ORIGINAL • AUTHORIZED BY WHEN USING A TYPEWRITER SET TAB s' AS SHOWN ON THIS STUB - I I Fold at (>) to fit 771 DU-O-VUEB Envelope. ALIGN.TYPE OiRECTLY ON THIS Lt 77,77.7.7 7.72, - UV MU (714) • PROCIXT 911 5trc.Groton. Mai 0147L To Order PHOIETOLL FREE I+ 600-225-113i;" PEI!][;1@fitl&@[E-:ICIGJ 91/6 N. 61z iftrS‘ 92665 cmir 4 ES - )-"S•C ADS /9Azeees e`7Do,2.2 DATE. 3-2z- ,...:', . -. .. , - , . -. - - , /.. :,„,...- ,'-'-. -..‘ -' . . . , - .':,..,1,... ,...,-;.-,',Z:,•i:::-::-::.-..'r-i .„..-,,:',.. -,:::, . .11MWMW—MMIY:T,M1*kUWA.41krM'ieZalfaMl.MMr-._AVWrr:Ti'.7nV7i*?''.'-fnrgrA*gNMtMMM'*'-'—'=-''-' ra ... • ...-7,47f,,rtritItl.ORW.727,`..SIMIltEftregivrirr.M-7717A4„Tnry73:fs-7-v7trzn.:r7-'rottaKfiatiMefinsaw7—.7=5',,Fw'Yz"—..„,,L,„,,t, ornAr r 4,- -10 L.-C 7- TWO asseronly---te-ihcitide as Iron elbow, Bronze faced sliding flange, Bronze rail guides, Stainless Steel lifting yoke, 2" Stainless Steel top guide bracket. Four- 2" stainless steel intermediate guide brackets for guide pipes. *Note - Stainless Steel guide pipe and Stainless Steel anchor bolts by others. Grinnell fig. 49 or equal clevis pipe support and intermediate bracket support and lux2 1/2u stainless steel sch.40 hollow bar by others. Two-. 3/8"x7/16"x30' Stainless steel wire -rope, nylon jacketed with four inch T.D. stainless steel lifting rings placed every five feet. Two- Certified pump performance tests. Two- Spare impeller dynamically balanced, trimmed and with Ni -hard 550 D "tin shaped wear ring installed. Two- Spare Tungsten Carbide vs. Tungsten Carbide lower mechanical seal. Delivery: 8-10 weeks upon receipt of written purchase order and approved submittal. (See next page) HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SINGE 1972 A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION 350$ POMONA BOULEVARD POMONA, CALIPORNIA 91768 (714) 598•2706 • FAX (714) 598.1427 FAX TRANSMISSION COVERSIHEET DATE: 4, / q TO: 6614e4, COMPANY/ORGANIZATION: ``z'C. FAX: in:---id266 FROM: FAX: -598-1427 909 DEPT: let-teo PRONE:-598-2706 907 DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED/COMMENTS: in/A 4000-6-jf A41.:(7-Attiery ‘67tefie ett,d TOTAL PAGES (INCLUDING TRANSMITTAL FORM): ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF FAX? YES NO No. Receiver Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result FAX NCIMBEK: ATTENTION: REFERENCE: Transmit Confirmation Report 006 8234113 MULTI CONST Mar 22,93 15:30 02'13 Norm 02 OK 9//3 gold �A,PXiy rtcJ ER A /N / L F T -J%/7-1/oy ENCLOSED ARE r2 PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET) REMARKS: PLEASE CALL US AT (714) 361.9 • IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEM WITH • THIS TRA SIO. . SIGNED: DATE: 2- z z-- 93 ,MULTI CONSTRUCTION INC. 2440 N. Glassell Unit X. Orange, CA. 92665 (714) 283-3619 Fax. (714) 283-3866 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL TO: COMPANY: FAX NUMBER: A'r1'ENTION: REFERENCE:STh /3 god 4Q',e,vy GENERAL CONTRACTORS Lic. No. 447437 Commercial Industrial Government r"tve2 /o��C= A/N I 1/F7 7.17/oti ENCLOSED ARE .� PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET) REMARKS: AT (714) 10 3619 IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEM WITH • DATE: 3•- Z Z - 9!