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0850-72_Tamarind Avenue Sewer Lift Station_26.3
26-Jan-94 INCIDENTALS (SOILS & MATERIAL TESTING) Cost Code 002-01-07 Geotechnical Professionals, Inc. DATE INVOICE . AMOUNT 1023.63 1023.62C DRAW # Project Reference 06/04/93 33198 $13,577.20 9,295.20 40 Tamarind Lift Station 4,282.00 P&R & Other 07/14/93 33217 $2,862.20 2,427.50 42 Tamarind Lift Station 434.70 Park & Ride 09/01/93 33245 $5,090.70 1,324.00 43 Park & Ride 3,766.70 Tamarind Lift Station 09/30/93 33271 $9,063.70 3,456.20 44 Park & Ride 5,607.50 Tamarind Lift Station 11/1/93 33309 $6,181.50 4,993.50 Park & Ride 1,188.00 47 Tamarind Lift Station Tamarind Lift Station Paid to Date Original Contract PSSA #1023.63C in the amount. Amount remaining in contract 22,284.90 18,079.00 (4,205.90) Page 1 of 1 June 4, 1993 GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. INVOICE Billing Period: Thru May 28, 1993 Proj. Name: Off -Site - Fontana GPI Prj. No.: 1023.50,.55,.61,63 Invoice No.: 33198 CFD Account No. 002-01-07 TO: The Alexander Haagen Company c/o Arrowhead Development Group 190 North Arrowhead Avenue Suite E Rialto, CA 92376 Attention: Mr. Glen Sams 1023.50 OFF -SITE JURUPA STORM DRAIN SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included preparation and submittal of our final report. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer Staff Engineer Senior Technician Clerical 4.0 hrs @ $100/hr 9.0 hrs @ $55/hr 5.0 hrs @ $55/hr 3.0 hrs @ $32/hr TASK .50 TOTAL $ 400.00 495.00 275.00 96.00 $ 1,266.00 Page 1 of 3 Pages 5736 Corporate Avenue • Cypress, CA 90630 • (714) 220-221 1 , FAX (71 4) 220-2122 Alexander Haagen Company c/o Arrowhead Development GPI Invoice 33198 - Fontana Off -Sites June 4, 1993 GPI Prj 1023 1023.55 OFF -SITE STREETS - PHASE SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included observation and testing during trench backfill/subgrade preparation at Sierra and Jurupa, preparation and submittal of our report. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer Senior Technician Technician Clerical Expenses: Field Vehicle 10.0 hrs @ $100/hr 9.5 hrs @ $ 55/hr 5.0 hrs @ $ 46/hr 4.5 hrs @ $ 32/hr 12.5 hrs @ $7/hr TASK .55 TOTAL $ 1,000.00 522.50 230.00 144.00 $ 87.50 $ 1,984.00 1023.61 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included preparation and submittal of our report. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer Staff Engineer Clerical 7.0 hrs @ $100/hr 4.0 hrs @ $ 55/hr 3.5 hr @ $ 32/hr TASK .61 TOTAL 700.00 220.00 112.00 1,032.00 Page 2 of 3 Pages 121.0 hrs @ $7/hr 112 miles @ $.35/mi TASK .63 TOTAL Alexander Haagen Company c/o Arrowhead Development GPI Invoice 33198 - Fontana Off -Sites June 4, 1993 GPI Prj 1023 1023.63 TAMARIND LIFT STATION SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included observation and testing during subgrade preparation and excavation backfill. The project manager attended the pre -construction meeting. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer 9.5 hrs @ $113/hr $ 1,073.50 Senior Technician 102.0 hrs @ $62/hr 6,324.00 Technician 19.0 hrs @ $50/hr 950.00 Clerical 1.5 hrs @ $41/hr 61.50 Expenses: Field Vehicle Mileage SUBMITTED BY: James E. Harris, G. Principal 847.00 39.20 9,295.20 INVOICE TOTAL $13,577.20 Page 3 of 3 Pages • GEOTECHNICAL 111 PROFESSIONALS INC. INVOICE July 14, 1993 TO: The Alexander Haagen Company c/o Arrowhead Development Group 190 North Arrowhead Avenue Suite E Rialto, CA 92376 Attention: Mr. Glen Sams Billing Period: Proj. Name: GPI Prj. No.: Invoice No.: CFD Account Thru June 25, 1993 Off -Site - Fontana 1023.62,63 33217 No. 002-01-07 1023.62C PARK AND RIDE SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included attending pre -construction meeting. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer 3.5 hrs @ $113/hr Expenses Mileage 112 miles @ $.35/mi TASK .62C TOTAL 395.50 39.20 $ 434.70 1023.63 TAMARIND LIFT STATION SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included observation and testing during backfill of force main and preparation of correspondence. As discussed in a previous letter, the rate of "failing" tests is very high. Based on test results of the force main backfill, none of the backfill has been adequately compacted. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer Technician Clerical Expenses: Field Vehicle Mileage 8.5 hrs @ $113/hr 25.5 hrs @ $50/hr .5 hrs @ $41/hr 23.5 hrs @ $7/hr 20 miles @ $.35/mi TASK .63C TOTAL INVOICE TOTAL $ 960.50 1,275.00 20.50 $ 164.50 7.00 $ 2,427.50 $ 2,862.20 SUBMITTED BY: Jaes E. Harris, G.E. Principal o�- 5736 Corporate Avenue • Cypress, CA 90630 • (714) 220-221 1 , FAX (714) 220-2122 • GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. INVOICE September 1, 1993 TO: The Alexander Haagen Company c/o Arrowhead Development Group 190 North Arrowhead Avenue Suite E Rialto, CA 92376 Attention: Mr. Glen Sams Billing Period: Proj. Name: GPI Prj. No.: Invoice No.: CFD Account Thru July 30, 1993 Off -Site - Fontana 1023.62,63 33245 No. 002-01-07 1023.62C PARK AND RIDE SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included performing hand auger boring to evaluate existing moisture conditions and laboratory testing. The project manager attended a construction meeting. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer 5.0 hrs @ $113/hr $ 565.00 Technician 13.5 hrs @ $50/hr 675.00 Expenses Field Vehicle 6.0 hrs @ $7/hr 42.00 Mileage 120 miles @ $.35/mi 42.00 TASK .62C TOTAL $ 1,324.00 1023.63 TAMARIND LIFT STATION SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included observation and testing during trench and manhole backfill. The project manager attended a site meeting, provided engineering supervision and prepared correspondence. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer Staff Engineer Technician Expenses: Field Vehicle Mileage SUBMITTED BY: qkgrykt-w./ Ja es E. Harris, G.E. Principal 12.0 hrs @ $113/hr 10.0 hrs @ $62/hr 29.5 hrs @ $50/hr 28.5 hrs @ $7/hr 332 miles @ $.35/mi TASK .63C TOTAL INVOICE TOTAL $ 1,356.00 620.00 1,475.00 $ 199.50 116.20 $ 3,766.70 $ 5,090.70. 5736 Corporate Avenue • Cypress, CA 90630 • (714) 220-221 1 , FAX (714) 220-2122 • GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. INVOICE September 30, 1993 TO: The Alexander Haagen Company c/o Arrowhead Development Group 190 North Arrowhead Avenue Suite E Rialto, CA 92376 Attention: Mr. Glen Sams Billing Period: Thru August 24 Proj. Name: Off -Site - Fontana GPI Prj. No.: 1023.62,.63 Invoice No.: 33271 CFD Account No. 002-01-07 1023.62C PARK AND RIDE SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included observation and testing during grading. The project manager attended a project meeting and performed one site visit. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer 10.5 hrs @ $113/hr Technician 39.5 hrs @ $50/hr Expenses Field Vehicle 36.5 hrs @ $7/hr Mileage 112 miles @ $.35/mi TASK .62C TOTAL 1023.63 TAMARIND LIFT STATION SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: Services included observation and testing during trench backfill. Extensive retesting was performed due to poor compaction effort by the contractor. The project manager attended a site meeting to discuss the progress of the project as requested. ITEMIZED CHARGES: Principal Engineer Senior Technician Technician Expenses: Field Vehicle SUBMITTED BY: Jaques E. Harris, G.E. Pricipal 10.0 hrs @ $113/hr 10.5 hrs @ $62/hr 67.5 hrs @ $50/hr 64.5 hrs @ $7/hr TASK .63C TOTAL 1,186.50 1,975.00 255.50 39.20 3,456.20 $ 1,130.00 651.00 3,375.00 $ 451.50 $ 5,607.50 INVOICE TOTAL $ 9,265.7G- 5736 Corporate Avenue • Cypress, CA 90630 • (714) 220-221 1 , FAX (714) 220-2122 • GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. INVOICE November 18, 1993 TO: The Alexander Haagen Company c/o Arrowhead Development Group 190 North Arrowhead Avenue Suite E Rialto, CA 92376 Attention: Mr. Glen Sams Billing Period: Thru October 29 Proj. Name: Off -Site - Fontana Park and Ride/Tamarind Lift Station GPI Prj. No.: 1023.62, 1023.63 Invoice No.: 33309 CFD Account No. 002-01-07 SUMMARY OF SERVICES DURING THIS BILLING PERIOD: 1023.62C - Park and Ride Services included concrete sampling, observation and testing of curbed gutter subgrade and utility trenches, project management. Principal Engineer 13.0 hrs @ $113/hr Senior Technician 49.5 hrs @ $62/hr Word Processing 3.0 hrs @ $41/hr Expenses Field Vehicle 1023.63C - Tamarind Llft Station Services included finish grade testing at pump station (failing tests) and preparation of final report. $ 1,469.00 3,069.00 123.00 Principal Engineer Senior Technician Word Processing/Sr. Clerical SUBMITTED BY: James E. Harris, G.E. Principal 47.5 hrs @ $7/hr 332.50 TASK 1023.62 SUBTOTAL $ 4,993.50 6.5 hrs @ $113/hr 5.0 hrs @ $62/hr 3.5 hrs @ $41/hr TASK 1023.63 SUBTOTAL INVOICE TOTAL 734.50 310.00 143.50 $ 1,188.00 $ 6,181.50 5736 Corporate Avenue • Cypress, CA 90630 • (714) 220-221 1 , FAX (714) 220-2122 rni GEOTECHNI PROFESSIONA S INC. 1_11. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY ,4---- I 2 441 1-'79 7' ,iz :5 • ''''''.-- fr- --11 --/ GPI PROJ. NO. / r z ..:;",(:, .:P:FrbJ . NAME / se",e,, iliti/ect DATE/ 7 - g.. ',;5WEATHER FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE /.; 1(' 2E4 -e:// REQUIRED COMPACTION PAGE j OF / EQUIPMENT USED 1 (1 C SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE ) IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL . GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS( 4.,./ " 7/4 1-1 cl.e") ; 71- 1 17 I 7 / or? t," ("" e ' • ..... „ , AREAS OF CONCERN /. BY ce s /(,. ECEIVED BY FOR. GEOT CHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: • FORMS/F.1(8/89) GEOTECHN14111111 efill'A.,„ CM PROFESSIOW.S INC. = = DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PROJ. NO. ‘' PROJ NAME DATE-1#7A FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE 4/„.1.36 1 • REQUIRED COMPACTION i /- 1, C. EQUIPMENT USED PAGE " OF SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL --, ..-, ,..., SOIL TYPE(S) ; 1p)i , --, i ,,,.. GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS , -r A I , e f"t - -47 „ \ ; A ) Cti (•'• (AL,/ t (c 1," 1 • )1{. / c.‘ t)/ .4 ) C ./1 . 1 f I. -1.'/) ,!;:: • -2A I A 1,4 • AREAS OF CONCERN RECEIVED' FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: - BY FORMS/F.1(8/89) GEOTECHNOI•L 111 dirmt 11173 PROFESSIONALS INC. GPI PROJ. NO. /0 FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION DAILY FIELD SUMMARY KiJ. NAME 1 1'1 t-ar't t 64-'` DAT-77:e;f3EATHER PAGE L Op/ / EQUIPMENT USED e''''-'1,:,' em'" 14./ e"/.2-e.:77,,-- //), pi A i f e >49 .1(e. / l e • e A/ - 1 "..:)':', s---- en (--.7 ' 75/e7/ 4-:::..3 --. 4------ c ,., / . SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE/' IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S)-.-),(11/-- ..) ./ ./ DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL tc) 1i2 /—,---') -7- i GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS( i_1Th r i 7-) 1 ' I • '--/ ere"7„ ?"" 7er ft 7 er. 745 e..-/ re-71K 21- ,4) Ve- elra -3 2/- , / /1 6,1; ..; ;el /..9 7-' • —65 71- P-7 4171 e=2..t." 1 4$ -,/">-.) .71^,r) ee- // /I 1,1 Cie' 1/ /2 /1 V/A-1 I 1 c'te ;' (.7T) / e7 4:- 7- 2:57 -../..ee,er'17 0/' 70 -/-*" / -re! ••• • "Pe") "/". 4.---4-*/ - "C". ,,/er e,e,/ /e. r". f v , AREAS OF CONCERN ei?.?----.47,,.:),;; r ,c-,7% • ,r,9e ":7 tS 477. 1 71 6, C-1-/ 1";C7..""k-- (IV kit'771: 741'.' ‘j/eff /174" #".06+,/ .7' 7 1‘, BY RECEIvED BY- I r //V/ 1,-1 FOR: GEOTECHNIGAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) . • • • • • .... • • a M GEOTECHNI L • • • • ett 1E3 M PROFESSIONALS INC. PAGE 1 OF 1/ DAILY FIELD SUMMARY `/ GPI PR 0J. NO. /02:- , Fraj. NAME / e-'/71:"(-/ DAT 477. 7-.WEATHER FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE - 2'et - re"-Rer- REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED C, /4-i‘C SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) /1(--) " 6.* '4"74:1 DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL 674 GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS( 1; " elr• 5,7 der, 5'• 4-1.57/ //e- 45;i7 er• 1`; - /: . e,"/ (":" e.;:ri• 7 71" 4-'4" „ / / /1 • , ' /) t.... .--, ....., . . . ,. , f .". c' --1 ;!;/. -2 /' /c.,c,, 1,,,,-,-/ eri•E-51/ .1. '::::).---'722f,, 2.. 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FOR: .41 • • (5) RECEIVED BY FORMS/F-1(8/89) ( , , • GEOTECHNWL PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY „,„ GPI PR 0J. NO. ic „RRO;.1.NAME c't /Tic( DATEK-47 WEATHER FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE e REQUIRED COMPACTION /- 17 ?"-J PAGE / OF / EQUIPMENT USED ci."``') /4 e,/( v74717 SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE tIMPORT SOIL TYPE5S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL c_.‘) GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS (fici ./ ; 41../(..7."7 57/ 4-.17 /3 "'"11:-'1,,e t 4'27- A 1:- /7 /7/' 1--c.() -e. /*" e . • ef7, V". 6> C7-7 es-"p ,f-) "::; / 6,4 • /e, . e 1 r-e""" 9 • e*-12'-'/") 7.-/ I / 1 c; 72. 371 OC-7) /V' /17.0 if,5"-C) clff 1/.• .,;^„ff, /5.1%,./.,2,,- Ole' ," Vc-". /'1 i/ rr7 Zlef 4(er' er,?' (71- '77 te7 e e,777, 2/ r :: • '11 , eF;•-'3 ss-?fr ‘,47/ /14-77,/ 7 ,r) er,"‘'4` •"'"?./' 7,5 47, 7.74e:!.2 i• V7- efi. :en AREAS OF CONCERN '4-2 /771 C-7' e' 4-74./.7/ '717' ' 1./1 ' , /I/ b,„ . 1.41 <I• 1.1 t5r• "4.c.:f. %/I; / ie • „.; BY' RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F•1(8/139) GEOTECI—INIL as PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE OF — — GPI PROJ. NO. if '0.2)st;17 PROJ. NAME IAA (4:7;‘ 74 i4,1 DATE', I ' /1'1 4.) WEATHER 44.(i-To'• ci [A, (,"tAo• 44‘ool o t FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE I(v.( c) Ar..„1 REQUIRED COMPACTION q$L, 0,1 cs, EQUIPMENT USED 410( kiV (t(Lit) (14A,i/7. .1.„ 00-0,123„.itIAC - SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE )\,. IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) ‘.-1 , c•A DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL A C r< GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS i''''i S 1 41 ;; -, (.‘ I 14:1 t'll U'if'54'' 5 Pe4•7( r s. d IA:4(i j\f/‘ , •,'• 1 .(9).1 .0 CAA A la ' A; IAA' r IA / i ' '' ( i'r'''' ,• fo , eA/1/ ./ 4 e.. 0 / ft— ,‘,,, . • i.. —4.,. ,,.,,,,•,,,,,,y,o,to" ' ../ —, to,,,,,,,, • 1 ' 1 91,‘„ „ ,:(1,-,,/,--6.1 • \ 4"") 1 A (,,/,") V4.4 ,Itit.,01.4.: 1• ,.•t"0-1 /CA. 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FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) . • • • • 1 .1 GEOTECFIN • PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE ±OF / GPI PROJ. NO.. )0 i'PROJ. NAME DATE hi WEATHERI FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE .; e t REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED. SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS 1 /0 ( .t; '.;---"1 i - •:";) '4' e..-1.4, ', .-.1; ,,,...r.lk,,‘. ,.i\ t,,) .,,,,_ ,„,-,..t. /,-., s, 1 ,--, . _---,; / .--." -1 • 12 ,i 49,14., 9 i.4viel A . ?„,....., 4— ( 1 ic., f 1,...; ,„.... •,, i 1 t0 ( i, 1. k-- 1`,./ ../ "1 if...:ii, I 1. 4'.:•-; 4_1 ; r • " , \ ! i . .,), tbesioA I' • t ; , . : ( I , f n • t•-•,; C^t , r e. • , - g ( S :1 ; o• .. 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LJ�Y o'" U ` ✓ 5 57a '� --/-- > f�'v 2 �/1/�G� 1 S t ' ` P,N1oTr4.&2 we.-s vJout.4) ism _` 1 r •1t=�.� 2 41 012-S L TM. - 2 TO 6 lZ16,(Ml t I�� G t7�- ?> Z"l o ?,-), �I t` r;v : i85tD (0'8a 7 Cet .� 't,A1" CouT-W'S` - C:o24Je? -- S itts—ci -�-� 1 Ct - J 5 i9 riP "1- 1 E c" .�.�. _ �. FA(, L (11/4) -. eig - (i (6, C',t't'a v.krt, uJ i- J "- 0 ev\1 coai.3a2., A.A,Gicr FoAkovaDf.comet AREAS OF CONCER 'EAST raerri1,I\J kC . v ?'j °NJ An '' ,//91j f1.� \AAamo /17-zaxeus e:,opeas\--1:y.lbANIcz, CP_A5 fsat,OL-c— BY s[ RECEIVED BY ) FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) FIAY-13-93 FRI 10:19 GEO ROFESSIONALS FAX NO. 7142202 P.01 _ r -4;6,/t EGEOTECHNICAL ■ ® RN PROFESSIONALS INC. DATE: 611319 3 TO: SUBJECT: FAX TRANSMITTAL LErtl ( GPI Reference NO. ` 45` - L 3 FAX NO. cAia-t \_9-61 COMMENTS: 574 1< 5 % FROM; ^ ..'t-'ZrC.`o CC: A total of `% sheets, including this page, are being transmitted. If you do not redeye all of the pages, please call (714) 220-2211. Our FAX No. is (714) 220-2122 Hard copies to be malted: yeS_,, t1O :a736 Corporate Avenue • Cyprsss, CA GQ630 - (714] 220-221 9. FAX (714) 220-21 e2 FAX N0, 714.122 P. 02 •1: PAGE • NOTICE NO._ F NO C�]MPL�ANCE• •.5,', �........ NOTICE, O • • OPi PROJECT NO. t 0,612 PROJECT CONTRACTOR: The following item(s) do not conform with the project ptansf specifications or Building Code: RECOMMENDED REMEDIAL ACTION: Yt'coy ,c4( • MAY-13-93 FRI 10:19 GEOTIIPPROFESSIONALS ' u _ �'—,�. V 1 `` Wap. GEOTEcHNICAI. ppOr- aSll']Nla iNC,_ it,, ..: ..0,1 • ., i.v�v 5i ','• .. J 1 • •:r'. • • 4; I,• Viri. • • 5n . ;y5,. =tit. . — i � tic BIY;r,' 1• • t 7FOR:' eotechnlcat Professionals Inc. `ri• VitaeOffice Rio ,.`• yellow, Field Fit' GoIdetiro=d,�ownera,,F1ap/aultding Dept. ..., r4. •', j{.i G:;ill •�St rt• ':�•• et IA ,.•• i •,�.,;. •y. n • ....—,.. .—s..c+•..Yyet _ 'gib'... • 1:.1iii..� i.... 4.•. e` • i i 4 '• , 'S •1 ;• r, • 4 • ▪ • .. ••' r •r . • y • •,1,'�'..� . , a i. •i R . Yr▪ .a� wv.•,• 5 {ti:.f wig r . ' M6-13-93 FRI 10:19 GEOT 'ROFESSIONALS FAX NO. 71'r 122 le% P.03 Gearep iNI.AL DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE J OFJ. PFIOJ. NAM �1'1 a — DATE lt WEATHER GPI PROD. NO.��- � FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE jib REQUIRED COMPACTION co ti EQUIPMENT USED eL.A IMPORT +► SOIL rentSj' Z , SOURCE OF FILL: (JNBITE ` DEPTH OF FILE/BACKFILLSCE' � `` ) GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONSA l r RECEIVED BY t . FOR: taEOTECHNIGA. PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: 'MAY_ 13-93 FRI 10:20 GEO9PROFESSIONALS FAX NO. 71#122 P. 04 jr11111116_ Imam uC DTENN!C QL p.BCF^a51 N L DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PROJ. NO. ka i (o PROJ. NAME FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED PAGE i OFF r. STPC DATE 5 'Z. WEATHER SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE - IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) _ DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL� _ GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS 121A,-4-Cd AREAS OF CONCERN BY RECEIVED BY _ FOR: GEOTEGHNICAI_ PROFESSIONALS, INC_ FOR: _. ,C_.nn91 4 • PUNCH LIST Project //-,FYJ1» r 11rLc ///4)YV No C91'J 'e � Location l%'1!4,Y� ye) -----CA j�� 4101- Inspection was conducted at above project by W,�- REPRESENTATION CONTRACTOR•OWNER Contractor'',„ f1,-iri 1 ee e? Owner: / 9 Q 4- Date at o'clock this date. ENGINEER•ARCHITECT Design: cr /.744...ge /11 P/i)?/77^- Staff Spec.: y � Job Supervisor:A /s J�j�ger,,-z_ The following items are to be corrected or completed to comply with the contract documents: Type of Inspection Check NO. (r) (2) ) IMF Final ITEM 1 Yr. Guar. Guar. -TtLIA fa -- /22J w ALo„tom.) / -v p /dyNot ©, ePp_QA-, / -ram "47) r ids2,1,...,c),Q_ 42.4-yN, - by,0 // i. --77-- i fi r 1 rac•r" J t (9_i2 (6) /432-- up, 17;:z.to-Le /2-, It / %a 64J-Q-' g) -7 h tor/01 r1 Pe-rx,14_12 / lr ^ r-1 r'` /3/0_ t— (q) /;;;PL_S. /e9 /6)A_CL-- DISTRIBUTION: 1. Project Manager 2. Contractor's Representative 3. Resident Project Representative 4. File WileyFisk Form 171 • PUNCH LIST Project /i)'/"7,49-i'lc y - 5291'/a-E-7- /�li1No. Location /41,11l4-/'t /%lcl, Inspection was conducted at above project by it) Yi1 ,-,0 fL. REPRESENTATION CONTRACTOR -OWNER Contractor��1 lA_Q � (c 1 Owner: j _ /ilrt) Date -7/0-y.s at o'clock this date. ENGINEER -ARCHITECT Design: Staff Spec.. Job Supervisor:.y� / rf /).p/'s A747,0Yt / The following items are to be corrected or completed to comply with the contract documents: Type of Inspection Final 1 Yr, Guar. Guar. NO. ITEM Mr OISTRIBUTION: 1. Project Manager 2. Contractor's Representative 3. Resident Project Representative 4. File Wiley -Fisk Form 17.1. • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Oats W- 2 - 9-3 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT a T w TFSS Cads Day erm Hours Slate Stop PROJECT /#iyYlAV` I n Ore'Q.., CONTRACTOR i / 14-0.. Gti ( tea-/ • EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER O L REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Eguiptt»r t or Labor) �^""„ �•" ""•. other rom 1 "•. ) " .!'Yl e re-re—Q p a --- RE ARKS: f' S Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA . Report No. Day Doc. - -Z e-/-- 93 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT w T F S S Cire4Day OM Hour Start Stop PROJECT/47)1414)/4) grag4 ` , 74 CONTRACTOR t EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION gx Equipment or tabor) /-14_ia-bor HOURS - CTEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness orother 8� car1o�.�9-t>v-u RE ARKS: %-S2-Q--` %/cL;-/ , �. f� r- e.(0 c) c) J / /1,4 9 7 r 1117 /1 7 /w �,.� c� _ A/ 1 -ern 1) Sr--Y T. %� Aked " rygdp /a/ Goo h, /10 / QOr4r) ! S P C1 1 Q_ r k4-4 GC > Contractor Title Ins CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Date INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • M T(l�' T F . 8 8 Cire4 Day erwt Hours Start 6 i atop FROJECT AvvvAV� y,,`d �rcP Mx? n� CONTRACTOR OA ( - EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DE8CFIIPTlON (Of Equipment or Labor) % A- la O t, HOURS • ITEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for Idlest or otter A7.40 = , __?- �REMA �.. �� - Iffrffifat.41411.17. Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report No. Day Dab y--? 6 `9, M T W OF 8 8 Circle Day Shift Hours start Stop PROJECT 3'b&i CX Qn04)/1 CONTRACTOR // 1 itliZ 04A-11-1 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUiPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (a Equipmsrt or Labor) HOURS - nEM NO. WEATHER • REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or . other AA -- REMARKS. " ` o C.t) -e.4 - Gc ) -eQ Q 14''cii ° ' / Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • 703-: / ffl/PROJECT VICWrkd G�r`� %L��7T1-�(�y CONTRACTOR A( -r Gt eAbf EQUIPMENT MANOR LABOR: EOUIPMT. NO. MEN NO. OF DESCRIPTION E�3 Lai - _3 Reocal Na. D MTWTJSS Ciro* Oa eri it Moir Start 7: o ©Atoetop WE NER vita✓ I A 4c REMARKS (Reason for IdsrMa or otter remelts) A/\ _&/'1.,t-i 714dialla el 4*- ii4 J k o LAYlAwvi �a+„ Ind‘ J a,inA knfa d Av .037 74-o o a u4'v( AEI 6 Iannr niA i to 7 t C%raAA �iac�s e � . 'mac1 424 6€ ier a Ali Goe_ ,� ^ ` A-c- ' r' 4 r 4 /! r: b4A L. N _V--e . t C fo--4 r cr c e rn) LW i 144` fly I ewe, c©c //a c- � (1 sp&� x Q CZ-r f/ . teLln.. '0 _ 0f OT S / .k4ell `C � 7`'ire_L4✓Q e �S i S—) ti Q14-4 40 S /A 3K . f iO (0 i,f 1 m gcil C :6 v a ek.Q,-t AA c 'de) uthc( t4nctv►110 it eAn d t 1cr-e n -- S-fze. ,T 7 f0O • es)ll).r"�- , 6 p r,%-e-e.4 f CZ%.D LOCI..' cJ" ^C r A 0 Pr./ie./ O t/N Q.V. . Ci eV f vQ (/SL - S ik c7 . rfy)c. 4i:-2©1►): >� J . 'A. / P ti.� 4r`-.[ jP✓ �� o. -- f�P/`(r/C7C� /I Inn / Vt Gt, r yt4-tf R�"ti 4@ ,fin Contractor Title • Date Report i'JQ C/A4-A ._.. 6os-e_ /�.,-cl Az),11 a - ,lh so I '\ •4o,. d ,sr ,c(A.,,, ,,, n/ 7Y,Q c.�c.�l 3` (Lt (3-T1 vv C�C�S i � `14 •mot tJ �S Q� C / � - rvl /la") .r l'oV� , ) o'F- rA , 1 y)u c)- % <.J -C to 63 ct..1 -.C. Pe c.F. d cs.A,11 (.0(v0_,(Q„./44,- c.A,s...w. , Dt- .X.,:, LA)C1.4 G @cAi i /A. 6 7 7 )4n,•cA, A .ac,a..u....4.9._ V- k a) 'Q-1/ 4 kk iY/ CD fAK ICULdebar Sv r:i /& of -A b c,..a_a wc/ ec/ 03 414 l40.KVPe --ccnr` / r.A a Z-e- - 7?, p ,p ✓e 494.A.a.." 41.4 v c„e C .. fJ aP ^Q.Q. _ar/ Pr . 60•e o % 4.c.I.., 7/cf/( 's s.yod-- 4,0ou/d (QMc/ gA cog If ca n s'il -1' Rka-e...-0 ---4 G IA C 77�� c' ,VP u�ec/ 'mil ' (�`-14-/4 _ u e u ALL) LA ca 1 0,4\z, - (JFh" .-- 4 c,st.._ /act 0. PiC4 rpe, �.,7 �- yi), w 2.Ar e (cii Ti (A.vi g,' f.2. is 1Je 1- fon--► )4, ; >4,./1 .,,, 4 - C A ({/per 14 CD- .1--IPeo-- ,P / 1f. -e .r� t " 'LtAi A CA )r ( At //�r`1..� �. teto,% CO-441ems'b ? i c )4''_ "ccd4bc.-. e041t C -.0 ., 4'142.4 , -k 'k,, 37 ?COO r a 4-- -e e - hie0 •----c 4 4)-(...4 a .1 r , 0't ttr c/Gl c ox 7 itLf Inspector �u_ Signature �Co vP ytey Sheet gof Meg- Report EQUIP HOURS MEN OPERATION. Lf ikajqati4,til, 6 �AdPo3 cruet a tid, sOk .., c' :.... CreuJ' 1nomA61 „ai „:( kw / % a o� 6) n, .5 7 Ai, Afk,,,,,t 0� Ad_ottat ci.s;, kv4,36,Arybo7--Ait ,, , AI Xz S11;6,ttiu.tta�� r L I , u u 4.DA: c►�7 444.l r c ,kA W/JLc,vtr� 0-x9Q fi�tw.el ��c (1,e G/ e1® c_c cam— `,c (0 ✓ e-/ ' V L , tLf.`Li'13 l Li44.0A1 el /� Cfr*cr- ,fr/ut.A.A p iiti .e.* Si 1 LijKsack 3 14. c%.,../4i' 6Q./how N, . i' / �'�K . .%� /� ' Q......„,/ I1 ` 1. C O C.t ;. / ' V 'U.-.47' Ceo 1,14 Inspector Signature €4.(4tia- Sheet J of 3 • GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE / OF GPI PROJ. NO. /NY, 11461 NAME /I./ ,t1/4"/Ple DATE 5:1:AEATHER FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED tr SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL • • / "4"1) 1( or ;0 2/ IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) 1!? GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONSa f77 e,..7 (. /12/21c /if )61-?‘' -c-----61( /cc resi / /4/7/Are/14//71° /2 // (//1 e, 4.1 - ) 4,2 ,4 1/11-1 1/7 -6 fr-2 /1 tf.:7-- I"' - c',7\ Ae:71,74 /CV C • / • .,,iREAS OF CONCERN /".,-;;,/ 47,07 7" 07 7,•,,CZ ,/ / (72,- . RECEIVED BY /14/,3 / c , /' ‘-/ 7414 / 0-• 7if ,- ?I-. 012 er1/;e--- / 9,7 11/771- : BY ,;3 ""; 1'7'1 51-1 ‘,;11 e er • 7 "17 If 0.r / fre'1' .1/147 /449 rol,"e") iref cri / FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) • MATERIAL CERTIFICATION CONTRACTOR: FROM: AGENCY: SUBJECT: DATE ;,r'iv;'.•1V c)q3 Multi Construction Co. Cal -Western Weed Control 1247 W . Brooks St. Ontario, Ca. 91762 City of Fontana Soil sterilization on Trench, Tamarind Ave. & Slovzr Ave., oft ln.a . BID ITEM: SQUARE FOOTAGE: 6,000 -QUANTITY: UNIT: Pound MATERIAL: Kamm,: manufactured by E. I. Dupont de Nemours & Co. SPECIFICATION: Per manufacturer's plans and specifications. I hereby certify that the quality of these items or materials meets. requirements as set forth in the drawings and/or specifications. CAL -WESTERN WEED CONTROL P. 0. BOX 209 1247 WEST BROOKS ST. ONTARIO, CALIF. 91761 Name of $'uplier Signature Title r%tr'11 Lc_lari . J. ".11)y Any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry made in this certification may constitute a violation of the criminal laws of this State. • CITE' OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT , ROOM No. oar Oar. f — 5 M T W&)F 8 e Cfr i•Oay et* P4o..n start ?� u4 eoov=O NO. WEATHER PROJECT CONTRACTOR /1U t l fiT� �1tA REMARKS EQUIPMENT AND OA LABOA: EQUIPMT. NO. OF DEecPIPT)ON (Avon for Oarless or NO. Mal (Of E or other rsrrtaen) REMARKS::/" " ,fit h41�' -C C fut- x. �—� ILA �i'cc T`t4oi, 6 /p // �/JA� „ � o� S� � �' )1-19 vte� �'�i ?� `S`je` 3 7� n OVoV titicti(Ltck G42 ( .cQ, C�•Q.tl de t'3e (C6e-o l l) ti o!� cdc4irsivc/ pia c. J (•Qcr•e , `C3 u�, �. • . • 4{ 1,,ic, �f �frn� ��e�l� �`e_c, c� U[ t vi I A•cc� u qi.a u 11 asp e l� i �'e e.Df' c r s �y /0`f (VA,L vlI !(`)am 1 J . • r, � x cs�,v �1-,`a�,. d; P- Owls a— �c�.c � 1 � �( y-r��e v� t,�- tom. a- 1-g o 4 �. 4 h �r f� i o C two, t w vo exe � v n ./ ot,x •.. ^,3 q c 7e 0( .fre,,,,e4 n r� — c t Al CU./Yea c9 1 ?kik Y + r` So (A.t , ( °�. {1 r'` l l� t `4 t k t r c cn �! I r d u..� c�a �c4 u � ^Q ✓�e a C� 0-%-m_ t Ja atn 7(e) AO tr ti.of/(4::cr cam , ��. ,� //� ,• t,..A-sic A , ®r- u0� ?/ (Aoki" // , oir pc� Contractor Title InspeCtO1 rse•-2-0 • DateZ / ' Report 11. 7: 3 O G.. 4 41.., . rim �J.13 Carat C 7'kAte i v-- r 0t7SQ(v2d 4. r / /Zv' f r A. ti /tco sovi 1/1 jCtt b cCdi - - .4.c� c9`3 ` -J-O 7°e Z 7 /- 66U <.,L a 4 4 i42e( ,q tea? o- 1 Gov . 49- CY try . , : o o m a 0 •e_ v e of A - a "^ r ftt /t`�c�b i°o LA 4NNVe.A.,3c97.1. 'out bktaCvf Ani% ' Qci 44.tc e.t.elc 61Aer- -C..i LA S S e . d 1/4te, p to QN /Vv c oQ 1 A l 4C- * (‘`I'ek a ? s-o % re.c,`e v.e_ iie,fer to , 4, 4,_, ((Vj 4 lee_ tr �- e. 1 e.ir 7)vt,'� lie 'IA Cali lsty k A ,. a- /i G ' c -- csa ' �e v�C,3e.x 'k Gtl .t.e vu., of ( 1 r,� r �r, A %A lilt tlt1�\ �. SJ `'�'�` t\J�t' .fi"l�' l5 p w+s.�`� A `�--1 C1 0_,AC-tt l�O e,...U� 1 4 Aidt � "I 'Q. Ty (-1.4,6, Air ifirko Pt i Are (p. - Q u.Fr/ l o_v miry Ara ( c..-c.na, CiftA4A c- L d.r *.e ,Crfc�. e 1 (IL, (`Q e. t vtit y '/ U - . ( i-t i r Q1 /Mli�l,410L 4 6 40 I ^d ! (.71- 4Y `1 t Ti to IA O 1 WI rk LiAt if ''Fey AAA o I_ h Ate C PAhced Lo i 1 t/ VCU t k (.- % I Cu,& ci do ctutAIA,Ati o Cyr f2.4 ) ct, (/ a y c-v- 04 - ,Yr�� tO04 i�9d *3 / ,4 h (Of) c & (4,,, d t� rJ ,� /'.tn)t 0 t u a ® Yhf. ii t ( �'H•eoi ,o ka uCy v' e�T cuer-'�r"', ,vt �.0 / vvoi&E /4/ 7 r u uk t e AA AAA kJ/alion C fe.,“ .z;-.. � .(,)e)-toe,..— ,C e / v ('i A 't-1 ( cc u t J.dC 4e-Ult,144e " / o 11 .. n c• t _ J _ ......,,LI o \ n L .., -, I„. , fl P n u4 P w.ri'dh C O { t`A:.>✓%A . '/e ceir LCi 1,1 }c intr,te, U44 k Close. e? -t re u.( v�2� net- F cxatg / tv, %,0444ecA. Sheet Inspector �-; Signature /4 �G( Date "ftr7CReport v 6DCA lk c ic lc'‹ c eLu4: Q, cPP (O< Y2 ib/�� COCL `� 'f-- _AD(c /c a eci r---'A ( +- 44 m /A o/ c G-e tu2 e'c0 i ovi -ea/ i?i16 -_0 7----c_.A cy,.J3u2.1/1-• Ae ) / ,,,,,„,v,z_ie. bk,kk,c4, (I cow--c. lite(--- ,, iro,o-e( y .1/4 Gc_o `--irec.0,1 — tQ,e____ g il-c---/7,—,_.3 'ixb-wy r it io UAC ' -1 i Cgo-P4Q-aae-(10°I, A-1 h 4- tuw„.(-Q(-c_ (A) 'Wdi 47 ii-ife__ ,,lc, v -gAy , X'' -.. r VS- (). cR?'Q.-c•e / lArd--- sisiN/0,6 '\ wit Ro.... ‘r , ALIA', r\r'e 't_ A tc, h� z� . c� ,,, / os"..i,U re COTfIJ . fn `r f W 4 7 b C , /4_ ix f:a.lA / ` 1. buy J/ -N I way 14 C iZ ,c p, 1 Q.) t`ff\ 6 , 1/4, " )6, ,4/ 4 Cum ilre-c.-___A. ( cx t K., ruk tyk.ule Te, 1`In a & COX v \`ki c&D G ('O t( -ut .-f 0'� 1�2? V`Q-e-vt e.�,c.1 v c1"� S OL / cQ N V U b p 4 A C c�N a' a /g--4o b� rM� ' - eel e o' 'x� �� _c:r-R-,p4 A C.- c.1.--- *Q-L&J E$' v of a 4 i � 7 e-efe-t u M4_, ---Zurk,,u A"(7 40-Q1,t /Pcay (Ardr C,k..7� 5 c Canrak c c-('•Pfa r,' O Tom; . - J- -k-rq94- 4 kze,tA cti Inspector Signatu Sheeta of IeeSqt3 Report HOURS MEN OPERATION EQUIP /-. .eviitt4 ,h -CZ rl £ ;1 i►t. -Ce( �`-r�'w-4�� GAkArt4Ll. xcau+,iYbK k bt / O , '9Y 1( ii " 0 (Lk•extd,da A tAc,k At., 2-7 q 'C----UAJ l L , IC Cu-N jt ou9 & C"�vA /.. G! c. h " Q t-Ac p c 4-0 I &)k Ar rPO l r� g • %d etY- , ►tfe%c r -42.... u k4,,P.Q., 6fC4 i p A4 KO1 f d €1 `-'C� tt /€L am 0A� _. Q N1 y O f l iuf Tet 1 t I. l t-t t( L 41(1. :C .s! &L _ r.0. 10( V i i 1t ,. tom' aJoAlgyu,A -co f (WOk UiU% e'Cki w; lYl-%e J 41 c' °Q--P 1 xC9-diP y (C7, e / p ei 04e c co ( A9 Qi'Ao ru ; y )4� kvi,, 3, -k ioN T° P ,C 1.h ino A kipu (dalvto ,e ✓' r-c r`cte-GI 64iI-c "-1 Coti� c 'mu, Sheet Inspector Signature (Sz- of AAA 044 • CIV( OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT CONTRACTOR /ift /;`'' (Oe -t&J,o ECUPMENT ANC/OR LABOR: DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) EOUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN RoQort No. Day Data ‹' /cP % M F 8 e Circle Ow i' Mt h4ours eortZ ° A/VM atop-Zi 70/ AN WEATHER AEMNoCS (Reason for Idioms' or oew rryrna ca) RE ARKS: ! rep' ,14 —C h b 44 V 1Qr e c ., Z 1,Pe / 1— 4 61.-Ac I/a'mui CO-GL M- ► K. '\2e' inn/ ea 40 co (7 cx „fa 6A e-,-A el( �,[�Ci) / xT�pAA4 e- ---. 4 � a_/ 4'4 2� i A AM9� ✓Lt/� ` Q.,t-t ZQ' -4 C� e ! /'V /CJ ei ely / "1 l Y -4A-% Cad, av-64 ILA-1p .i;,., ,:-{6_,ca_A tc.6 r: iA)Q.(A 57 % i- ,ct-1 CY _-. U0 ,cz.. K}zi,"K{Ltf NA (4 � let rr //kko-i• C ix� r rod " X e-c1. & ram- C 0-(Al -?i%� I' ;) „ -/ 6Q-0 7 — 6e -e cam°/ /06 7 4-ri (00. P• ta"01„44. / 4CL,kef 7 L? Q 1.1 r.4 kijo EA°@ta c Q r * �i �e /o 1 u..t (AA o ./arm u"") fr f i441A1 C .`-01 1 91- 0Act.-.r -cP ---(&:,, 0 Le n d ,.l fl. ,, 7 c d Y . �! w&,%nP ...s%A9.tCi- `F I ��f—A r! uP %nv% C� ;W fC� 9� ���G/ 4/yP�e' ci et (4 O it - —e.A cru. r s, '. d c , t/ La / ,Qce C! i 4`r f'�'t ✓� fa. Contractor Title Inspector Date Report - L"U A.c.. zz,,`li/ 'h.,,-e.4 .a., 'I`74c Co:.(a,!/G7etitl`40e-4 C24'4,-,Xle,/ c9t, 4 -e,K 44.4 i/-t�O V✓Zi c/V v%' ,4 [41 ,N flit .... t� (J c-, 0 v "' C. c', v, c,L.de c -..cCi r-/--1 4(/ /c.A.A.t P % tet.4"(, },' ie e ci, e..c uiv eJ 47 -w1 v,;as- ✓a (..) r • 0 (9 cs-A..t.. v 4, I ..i /`e;71.. - CA, , i & e. "'��` -P�n.e� r�.t.f ) cid/ `�/ /--7 .�.(G✓z �-ee C.A,64- t) / a ,,G. el /Z r ✓.e.1 A/ v�Yf `~) " :/ e a- 4cA0.,E eb - , Ru Ad* C'jCfy�-c_i e/1 T �a.:e! K,-, cam - 04 ',0 ,ki -�i / e� / 0 14 r • /v _ )�. ,. .; .'I-3 b Q ii/ Le ,etc c it -AJ Q,..r.� ee /A 7-..„0._„.4 civa dyg, .4 4t,a Ze..._ AtA.PwcJi .....,-- oi",- A :-....,-1 e e_.0 f 7 - 1 a "mil F 7 ^41_M e_f . u_ir,a -.Cc"-, i-j / 4; ..i 0, --SKa/o.u) doip cam-, ", 1,2 .4e,r1 ,1,Of— pJ7 / / 0) 1 L` / 4_ +J rix.,,✓`e_.0 14 %( 444., c1_,_, a _n/' A/h zAwr rtoe 2• (-r l`y IA it/ e x/,� •e Y 9 " A - ecko . 4,-( yam /. K /1,-, v-Yii ai1,, , n.v. 0 j iz fy, iAx,ytki ci L. osf-oc A G ae�.:✓�.. , evli--- J `v14,4‘ Irdiukk h`r it 6 6r'aAA) c .✓t.c 1 ) p ro ---c6 1 /� kw, LL'�[fi�A 4 04 c9-w r /�u c9- A It g-ro Ff Sheet „T ispeur " — ignatu S©i► Date Report 7:grl- / 1 fo,LA o -7g -S 7‘. 221----0 r4,,,,,a4/ yb.„k c ' ,, 6 (_?, 6c c f 1 -E? )4,u,J ,Qi- c9 �`r t,. ....._)_ / _,,,,_.,_Ly4 ,La, jam' -ti �'� //�� ,f �� y�, ��`tl�'�'� e.ro,,p, , / - J 1 .)-o 16-of e ./.-v- o oh (`ti i,ve r 4 `0.e— 0-41101,505 `7- ti X 44, 6 t,t_9-4u i4' CA Git-2 e u & C --f ell /4 c 1- -ZlLe e Ar 2:74si C 1+1A9-e-r 2' / ./ r.!' X \.] c� 4`lk%�l G i-i 0�-F' 4 � 'd *-7 ALC— to /4 tit `/it rP 4 G/0-(A) pu --c 4b,e '' ..6 C,v.-v'" r N C�t / PR c I (wilt) 0"I q c `a N Glka ! mac) • e.�l /'G>,9,.1 f ,p � ll-.`�` 11Fr' C A 4-c...0_.X1d,_, \., cL,N-t-.t ,e cam✓ i ``r /—C )44-110.09 XACCILA Vii l h C.el.•-dP_r 6-+ /o--ta Cam/ "e_Co --7 e 3?- 4 1kki 4'e de) i /4:1 cfe 2/ 2-d'Ar i(164,1 / at.t.i XL/ 0 kett-9 J770-v, 41,r- V i S'✓ )17 / ) /4,4/`.-At-7 0 ice/ Y + d 1 w : !/ ) 4,4 e 1 1 / —/J' 93 (' i rid ArA rit...t ergaLIA d4-1-4. " i/O / 49,_„--/;--.0. 6 iat � ll�e f cp .13� S /� �� ff �y`/,/,� �� n cam ' ,c „a ),e,;i la AA-0 -t" 0-4 - f' ,p cif- -,,��4_,. l Inspector Signature Sheet gof g ter Report HOURS MEN OPERATION EQUIP _c► "! b -Sucte .'ucc / C a. -Q.- 7is, ,-.tee / akc/ X0/ autdcaI `` C Ct- I1 a�Attie, /[ .S.. 4.-M.; K5ir-7`ra .',..LI 1f /{� l.A ,Yb , / wr- ; j %i-p ify ctb 174.1 ,,,:pit.-r(Qcnovc.7�' ,gyp e / -4 c.._, Vv.e_ St/b.2c.," c? JD 414_ J 4 -C-0 kJ, St\gam a0 irk \/ ,./-T�/�,. ba f p �. c 1 ` f4.J'o rI� G -, .e / 4e,,,,0 Y Vie .,.Ju_ s„_ 2,,ito,v Gl eP ti 1-4 20 AVAr- .�� ,• w , -- 0 IA.0 , Q Q-1A-A - ,ei )ct..27 Pj.e. fiDe icitA c U UYh.r. lilt/ ictih1 c' C\T AA"Av.iv) 0 G SQ/10 1-c..Q S l IA° 1 K°4- ' 4 (CI . US o c:ly- e ovti__.A • Inspector Signature Sheet of L.- GEOTECHNICAL s PROFESSIONALS INC. PAGE / OF / MEMO NO. FIELD MEMORANDUM /Vid' 'v / a/ / 9 GPI PROJECT NO- z 545CPROJECT NAME 7/ �;,,,', r > :� ..`. DATE ;2- — //y%/J%(, .-2( ,., );`'' .•},4, t ' ' .:;. ,.:?!!,, ;%l,. tq,.. !/,tr(.0 J, ✓ ,'`Ce..',',')/ /0,.ii X/ /.",6 t %4 . 7r'le- ,,,,,/,;„(-/,/ : �' d'C7.1'� ':%.f"p^ Al '+,7 e!f..:,) el-' (,lk+ / v (/ , ,-`y�c/ : (' „', ^Fi!: - +`+/ f +,') 1 /. "'r /i p .'i f 1; .. / .�i"+�� % t / %` F tr ;' f j7 "" Cr 4` ,.IA'ff t'''..c-'' ; 4' /% ✓0'14 4C_ +_ !'P^u ' .1i) /tip' • 's/ f.:7'7i /F r,;N 1 �"' >•` )'�:� d /t' ` ,/1r +( �,, c � . l•iE, t r;I sr :.m d. a/C[;F h(.w1 T" ,r"'t1 i [' foal ,, •,,a 1 l t tt . 't -t.2 l.f‘ .19 new d �s/'4 BY: f`'9f•Y /t?:a ,,, / ,t!/F".es.1 FOR`: Geotechnical Professionals Inc. The'conclusions and recommendations contained herein have been based upon observations, as noted, and were derived using generally accepted engineering approaches and principles available at this time and the degree of care and skills ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable geotechnical engineers practicing In this area. No representations are made as to the quality or extent of material not observed and tested. No other warranty or representation, either expressed or Implied, Is Included or Intended. FORM/F-6(8/89) • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT /a) kAAcd F14' • CONTRACTOR ` 'e ( /1!—C Wes+ Thelk. EQUIPMENT AND/OR LIBOR: OESCRrnoN (Or E4aipmar( or Labor, Sc,.42 - 3 € EQUUPMT. NO. MEN NO. OF Rrport No. Oay Del —/ 7 S'_? M c W T F S S Cher Day ere Hours &Art 7: dO AAN stop 3c3O rM REMARKS: , -i-. -.&ies-J`k, 6 c� ;t,/ z .v.^ .iecruuk (14 'Fei IXrC ACV t ,�n.,_(d) lop 1 is of y cr ei f�r�,, ; re►� o fir-2-fy. 4 tom,J�csr% cciOcattd Le a-- ` YJOl14 Q)C.�.3R1i y ��1�iS�G G�ki L'U^� (7,0 cicK .f CitwNi'ru-gfs-f • 1,%%4 4e1 c-euv,_ 4 - Jo�t,�ecP� o •.� ii Ft, �C 1ac s . -- base f fru ' !/�t) u ' ,CA 3 7 y'Q i`''�-.r�n�OU1"! ytn�V? �� c ) fie, r \� ! It. 33— Y.-DO t .,,Q/ L. /Q ACVQ to-ec0cPfAven.0 —3 41 tv ,-4> iab,t,pne" ,&••4A,3 -1-rtveA,I i ..e J ,v�y J„ c), c�.0)d; hototc 1 /�cca�lc,,icbm.A �f �r��� ram• � �'G�,s � c� ���0 C�s �,� �'�G `f � � �r ��(d�k,M Cow, 1-e 6 ncxr� • c9LotAA tivve Sl�oul�! i•-e iki eci ei ce,,A C (kir ;s Jo f roc .s 4fu Contractor I ftlIPICIO1 • Date �/72 Report ' s--.317O r A t ► clef vs.+ t„ tii -S vco - .S a (' * /7 . W csk4 /r L 4 / 0,...3 rAAkg t,tA,e• , w4.,-; T 1 'ii Cx i`e J'e C,� 14 e 4l'�e .. c�.;v,e/ 11.1 11 11 (G 6 i i �i. e1 . .env r vkci e) -4 Y1viv.? v l bl r O eV P cz.d'�e... 0-) o-.f rCo r.4 r C 0 v► ekiLi 7=:. e. q' (y .. c1 i. l 4 (eV kij vgIO4I frte vla ,o /Co eJ t CAS.t 1; �. 4 c0..c S4 , k A. //�.�r'om Xiiii�� �Cuu.�-,'PP`z LAI _t rev,. ,irtek'J Joi ( -A MI/Mt IAA / re.y" -fec,laCc''cSiou/ IAA uLc+- 1,,,e eyiP--ecd b,. .,C7'-ea- /ir-ceva..ckoc/ /,kttt Ceti GO . `n +r .a C. A 40-/—JD w eLt /c/ dy-e ��rd Le e_J t.0,44 ,ZJ(i wi0 Ake e cif C, LA) mild 1/t'Q-v t% G L& An t i c� l.�f b 4' 4� ) .t, A c.s _ (ikt e. 4'v ff i l cZ:p1 ect r t •.eIA r P tte.LAdtb'Q-Y " c.!/I AA etc, 1, ,��`��� y� 11\-ui t t , ,k434.4 cA.A., d -i-oviA,P d . . 44A4irvt, rnr if r S �l r �� I G.. 11 h� tit/IU.1 1 �� r i/►.( r C P@ r it—r C. c�.4 c �- i-A .1 c •� /4-S l� l( cz 'a c4 a Ca0.Ld-r &IY . Aeon t.,`fet� IvN IUD ' tAAA A'' P 119,.,u /4 Q1/ ;( io-vt97 c cJo 6 tvcL lAt'1' ert.o.die ,Co sAir,' c 11 % b Y ca v ke, ,%.)- d. N1:1- ,o)- re U-tnr cAc t u) i b -rd i .4 , A Za ,,,,,,, A d e e 44, _/� �ee 74-e. Z`v �c,,Ae/ ?e I� 14,0 T��'as haN r Ili J/ e c,_._,,n cam ' c.L., 7C 1-- eto r 116 e - 'i'�es 7L6 0 t yt ,/ kis 0 e.v\ei kD ' EJ O / i ir e TQi� tek r r - r'eAnn f A" t -So v�ILt Q C A g sO �T� C..-tA , i' S, 6.017 i Vtd -4 i/c AO 0 or- 4-INkly.Cl. vAtui- 1,4 c-arkJ.t ee i kl 1444) ezl/��i1�c C.l t' 4 r)- G0..T ,4^e'�tA /0.4 kr'- Q t •ems e-16 `'1.3 c. v r.Qt. i°t.)N ,.�10 i�c,4) c1,..c. CA4 ,i vim' b.i r lI Le t`e wq of Q - o 1' 0f-- ) t f mvt , figt-uvS AI Z Au i U '� p Tht�tn QU 01'9 ? TG tkAA Y `Q is c,t1 u t,..Atti ay.ct.w urjr e —C & 1 cn`C. -r Ceo7� cod U wale r - C©c'(ee, Sheet f 3 i 1,., G Q'Zo Inspector Signature e Eli/ Report HOURS MEN OPERATION EQUIP 2. s � clT-ScJ�i u �'1'z Huai 1 re�cCc� Vt. � r't�ntit k cto/0 .8 F-- IV %rextkr— ig , 4 e.a U C. it A F a 0 ri t ah 1,' (' /f .r 4 o . ; 74/i ee -_,c0,,AdiQ Q 710Q ' . - cOtaer / 6 5— A.e.,c< 4 '-' c)11::21Le W ) ‘,..,./0/CDcA , 1.1J. 1 'Or,o_e, ......., --P c .4 1 1 , "c.,.../i _- i'-'e 1717 41. II ,„ „-vp AAA • e'r 1424-tia 721 - ler f V VUZ1+- 4-- .A.' 14-e___ -ep.A_J)kre cgr . rfei..<0.,...4--zu Sheet go 3 Inspector Signature CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION r� LANDSCAPE INSPECTION t. / "°zthw (714) 350-6633 TO: DATE c 2 ` Q DR/TR# PROJ�G . OA co v. G l ! S/Q./Olit LOCATI9N v-e CO TR CTOR, WNER ,/ IA 'WEATHER ` '1 4,0 k(Auv TEMP at al PRRSEtly AT SITE O. r ,u_ � f 13 %,1,.O An, - (G, `' LA A -4 11 " A c _ 1 J t ' ,......_ . re.t-* to L, 7 - Rj 7... , 4. t _Jh.r Cl. A r 1 l.S-)...-n n . s,_11 `v / r , 'Q Y . S 7Ql Y ''W 7� 1 1 \. 1Ct�--.[ r� . f? (`a...t K5 e / Ce. i f /^4 �c,. 0.j G-I i �l V1 6 fli S In y ( t7 Vl 4,ak\n 1�r\A eA_� C C1 v� 70 u t O ut A (C e [�+ ''t7(O IAA l 4 C (C.% e i Cl..A✓ld Qtn et N t) air �� l d �l t"r Ornn C )"-k..� Alt) t) e c/1710 IA �-.C' . I'-�n 1 _ /iC, V e 1.� c C�ne��i ono U 44e ,v, i rJ �, „‘I ( a 1-Q-1-Nr ,,*r ct_cc %leVc X ed `(9et>, n � j / _/ \ ,1 jJ V , /✓otdc6 f 1 q c..,rP CV 1 `o Co �... C) coc. Try. ,. r't\ •n MM C, v1 e-t v a t/ a /T rea... :C tt ,, I C1 1 'E7 r --S 1`(.1, • S (--\ 1 !� / /Y'P c .4)4 ., a Ate1-.CCTs ct (Yitx.el.. •\e-4 41 (/ ['I it1( f, d 4.., a • c �� !n c, t ►n�c0 Ic. ll �L`tR �n 1 1 �p �P e . ,&vo4ltswt / 1. C�Ex dC�`!•a �, G V ev..� n fY''Qkn C .,. U V-t lnc, t Celt �,n tA, ,� i'c.���n �.A/U�'�rPnl"' ,.1. f tr�(I eat- �ca�(,�P_ V DO NOT REMOVE J CTHIS CORRECTION/NOTICE FROM JOB SITE 4- 0. c U t . /.Yc, r) /' Ze.. t / e 'C-/ 04 4._ '4n lnn 1'i' KC/ Lit U v 4041 IAo'r !7n t•i' / 1}� _ Vireo. ou iCr �� i4c:, . 1 (i l 1)n rr�C � 0 �n 4 r u �. f vrx'ci - • ni /a onv.f,Inc..�r [ Auk 6 -�c, t� r �G.,s w ,�'L�c// C `ec-(.�d I! -e.. Cc� V. . c, V" c t� �,.., f ,`7°_S LA\ t r t !t N /0 AA. CA n - U v c� ,.•e.u„ Q 0Ica �, ►A� 7-h �CAc, A 7Qu.-4--a• ,— Q NCIji 77/1 LA -c A -4...kJ. d 7;7.4 c.1 ri 4t, r inn v f 9 ut ' r'J C- eiZ,4eC.0 I,, ,`e_S.e.� ,1r1 ttegLi)cCet, tcb,71. (,„.4„„,1 \I J l eeo'�ecAn wt eta V �n tt� �1 AA. j C T tii C1 �, e ct_t f 1/� o I sP (.11kOPKW•e n cwp %).. /? ›ct 14 1A-4. ‘M.1nn cell MAKE CORRECTIONS AND CALL FOR REINSPECTION INSPECTOR SIGNED: 1(-C gI c,r UC) T A er►\A 'Q•c, Le"' J 4066 • • • E GEOTECHNI1P gra/ ra IIII PROFESSIONALS INC. GPI PROJ. NO. Ar..73/g FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION • DAILY FIELD SUMMARY / .4,1141' .'5",',/ 71.,;:) €9 'rfeil. NAME 167/111//,'",t '7 DATE:t-7./7-73WEATHER )///65'74- ..---- / .."'" 1 i" 22en/42 e.,,;34,--25:- eet''..e:::: (2t),,,,,=> t•;:r. e: :..,•-.0 / EQUIPMENT USED i-e-AV" Oil ' 11/ eer'f-e' "* 71-q172-"fe 457"7 4in id-ee'l"? 414e- 1 SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS a io"-v" i.l 7Ze- ;',--;) Pvel 49 e -•"••-, • /L.,/ / fr.) *-7/ "'" .70 /142,7 keV e„,„./1,7.• e I-7 zn-n-)/ It\ , V67:, 77/ /7<e eV" ,,,"17 19siz <2fr,7 "^"- 7 AREAS OF CONCERN / 4 BY c RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) GEOTECHNIC if".2 Ifil1 PROFESSIONALS INC. PAGE / DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PROJ. NO. /013,e,11:01 NAME / /4e DATE VEATHER / e'," „,/ ,r4i P1 FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE *//1 REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED /7 7 e.:52e"," e..7 4 I 7141 lye //L/ 1- et Ai SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS ifA 25 ek::)Y.; e 1 1/ / Ar*7'..:. 1€.1,7 --•:";.-1 d6 11:52 r e?" eeriet---- '7it- .6.5 44,-,er:1-2, 1 .." --e",^ --.* __,, lk- -1" Y--/ 4.0,--- • af,1 14-,..- /---..- 4'1" ,,-- 62" 41) 6;9 . "t> /.--'•7?"/) /47 , et'. ;14:1, ot'''''Z Per f it<-:/ 7/ / Pti '5,11:1 ).^.5. e..- al'ee- / ////, i / 11-6 C. '15 YIP /.... 1( .11' 4II& 1.'21 r,4 tt, pi ;I 10 /1/ gr..5' 474/ * 11/- e, frt.) f,-;11„,ret::„. 7 l'•;;-12F " e a 6#""e•- /7 e/ /: A 74 h 1/1"7 4.A• r 1 e 7 /4,r e-zs 74Th /7/ .f" 1 • )104(C51 ---- /—) "7.1e"*7*' /1 di/ a • S / qr or-p. ( .71 ey 7- e e."/' I I/ 141 ,f" el 4/ /e, 4, VI/ (.'4"--77 en- 4—'27 AREAS OF CONCERN .,,t„,/ /71:91-1-1 ei) e."2 tf: ,Y(f_ BY RECEIVED BY II • ,Let1,7,elbre,;;;;7' It .f."4" FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F•1(8/89) GEOTECHNIC irl72 MI MI PROFESSIONALS INC. C DAILY HELD SUMMARY PAGE 7 OF /29? f-- 791 GPI PROJ. NO. :--FFZ6J. NAME ,.'"/-,1,40"/-ti"Pf. DATE -4;1- 5,..?yEATHER (ek7," FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED 0,7 SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL are al .,,V l;le if/e ..„/ GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS L----'71 i /t- fr:07e," ii e2),7- ...- -.1 i q - .-37: /14'; / ,,, _I: -5 ,.( ,"./ , „ 1 —.1,,,,,- f. i s e " - i''') * e 7'fa.---), tr.. f i " I-; ° /.--1` rel 1" 4---- , ovd: :: e e g , / 5-.P.—e; te4-1/ r:-‘,,-„4,,,,....;. J,Keyi: ,e, li 1 — ar_.7 /,'') A-- 7 '2 th-i e'.7 / , .f::;' 1'1 46e-> 0--e7 ,,,e- - - . .4t" C2 - ''' "' ter' 0'7 ' 71 e'171./e," 1,1 ---7Z--'7" 7/Ae - C) 71 0 e77:ie: 74. `;'7'1:9 a cs'', ),- n1... / AREAS OF CONCERN RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE /OF/ ',--,1:-/'re,-;;°'"2 GPI PROJ. NO. /67)736P-R16. NAME reY/ (f7." vir•c2-i;" DATE :t54T H E R FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION ) , - EQUIPMENT USED /9/1 f/ -- _.,,?://(- e< .• 7/ 1.- / 3 SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS(// /72c.„4- — 7-- et te 014 /0/ er: 74" / 1.7 "--1/7 e 3 /-741-' 17 4=52 c-tc- I- Cif / t-1 Irtit 1"" Crn (.17. 71' 62° 4C () 1-074-"--erf fr-7 .41-7 ofr•-, / (9 • • 1*. ‘1.2 • ) 2- ee0 e;.", f)z."- // 2 AREAS OF CONCERN BY /' t) L re'. RECEIVED BY • /---"r FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.I($/09) GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. / PAGE / OF / DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PR OJ. NO. /t. /401:: NAME 9 44( P.1/.7 DATE kik/BATHER • 1,-• FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED , / a!". 4:1: / (-"/ ' 0 ) / SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS(1.: 11!: ti2t/ -7 /t• •••/? '1•"' 231 4,1 ,r••• •,; t!;-:::;" /Tel' .... -I • ;„..„ " ev!" .10 e / .4;7.5; ,... 71-." t;-A ":;-• • • *71 ""'"' •••"":2 !!"—" • ',v.-, .• 4:•••••.: " ,--) e•-• a /0") ' ("")(:) / AREAS OF CONCERN / •-• BY / r' • 1.7 RECEIVED BY - „ FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC PAGE I OF) _ DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PROJ. NO. /07--3:.SLIki0J. NAME 7/ ifs2'4Vr e 4( DATE4a"73EATHER He'971- FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED de' ./.1 „iv -;" 101 i./1/ he I SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS (17-,) 71- 1- / rv2 4e/ri7 7 --"e/ / 1" / • 7- ti /IA e-- e5, c-- sk.-) 1;4'7 74-/e? • I" P;c-e--- ..-..";/1" /17 e AC) - 1.7 /0.?",,e":' ,••• (7) 1-7--1 if e- ,r-va, , /, A !---3 74- e--7 67) 14 ". • e .557s: 6.:7".fr'. <:. • / ell 7/ A ez <7,-) /1 -, ,41, A(<1;%:' Le-V-1 i - . - "11-er- Z-9/ "1 „OA" ef.;71— 67:. er-- /e er" /1--) •11 i%-"" / e...;-. • _-,-. / .,..,i-- Cf ., ' 4- 1-7/9-' >I-- ir...--V-2-7-,::.>,=s7 P----en— ,,,,,,,,,- et 1/6E- / ,47,1 / f re:4( /efl on 11-41,4e-y• e'r / / AREAS OF CONCERN e i!,777) BY tie'''. RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F-1(8/89) 1GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. 4') DAILY FIELD SUMMARY t-/ GPI PROJ. NO. /17.:1,b170-40J. NAME A 41 / ''''"F ElDATEEATHER i9( , • FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION PAGE OF --F-- EQUIPMENT USED /: --` )1„,..// 1,4/ t / SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL ie GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS Kr\. J 1:4/eel, 1 46. wf ',e;e6177- "::":e.r211..*,/ e'5 ,,(7)";',1 je,"" ti;." '2;44- e;) 7 / '.'•".;) welt et', $5. 7- e•-•7 .11,6;4 17/ 4 „" .?'jo; e•-"' (7.7' ;V" ,fe'!"/ -/ „/;,,,„,',.-:),,r-1;/'1,„-•'_ 4.•"" 71:4!"--%e';') /.^.> v4".. 1.1 ,,/ 7' / 1' e eit 44/I ,? '‘,"/Ve 00f 0,00? .e,"" effT7'11 I :2 /;" Ir!2"1" .. ,„. 1 w‘, 40:70,64, AREAS OF CONCERN BY RECEIVED BY • FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) • • GEOTECHNICAL NI PROFESSIONALS INC. .11.1 DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE JOF GPI PROJ. NO. /..01-561;ff6J. NAME 7a9/174177474. DATE 52"ANEATHER //24E— / FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION f. J, EQUIPMENT USED 19 4°4, Ze 1/1/ 0.11 e5.7 SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS 4 te;" e:/ 7 z 71- 4,- zep2 P-1-7 -I?) 74 '74/ - 6.90 5 .71- cn 7L" evc.r: 1,44 *0 ovi (77/- / ,ov / 7/ 1,1 1-1° 1/2 4". 174/L-- I- Z;34-t%/..,eje 17 3 Ck freeel• / e4 11,71/677-1-'7 ft) - (.94.-N77 AREAS OF CONCERN BY " RECEIVED BY (5 - FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) efppm 1.1 GEOTECHNICAL KJ. El PROFESSIONALS INC. ^ • 1 0 '':4;':" ' ..c DAILY FIELD SUMMARY , PAGE OF / Z.,/ 5, 7. s.,:; GPI PROJ. NO. //(./ L-P 0J. NAME le?'/721,-<7,"1",frle'!;37 DATE <;:-- -;"WEATHER — FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED / f 2 SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS 6, 7.; KT ,,,,,,,'••••••• `If e".1 / ('-') " / 7 t''''11 I r1C•te-o" //7 ("7 / e.:•1 4-1,P 1 , / (e" 7 - c•;- 1,4 6,;;" (2‘,."-• / • / ,9 1,-4 /2 ,/-'921;/: 175 V / 43 if ‘71:"?/7 r5,1 4_47 (AK> HI //, i 7/ tc-i c...5 (7) k i ''',—/ / / 1, ___11,. ,,-1--/ ,,.._..> (.7d„ e,;--'7,,loe Oer,:-_ ,,,;./7 - " -_-, ` 1 r—f,.—,'. e/r/ , 74, AREAS OF CONCERN BY 4 / "( RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F-1(6/89) • 0 rflGEOTECHNICAL MI PROFESSIONALS INC. E E DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE / OF / GPI PROJ. NO. /0: OFf0J. NAME fifitle16;161 DATE /D.9gEATHER 1- e- E., 11 175C-e• 1,7'1/ FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION —2 7,:; ;'14e2 EQUIPMENT USED esi-7 m I l, be. • SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE ,,,)( IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS (7) ("Z"::>!t5- tfr24;:*:. • (//,', ;-7‹ ge 69(7. e 4/ 6, 70,7416.7,, / 7 It) -te?"----,;( / ‘,46 //I 7041 pe'''..v.11-er f5i 1:41 /774 '4.43 e--'111C Be? • '17,ctr,, • A bqth 7;1// bK: 112,12_<-.);91 ; /7- „ e--Px2/)71- 1 e-"-/ /./ • 12P17 e."7- // 9/1p---.7._ 'toy? tti 1-1,7 47/ /4" AREAS OF CONCERN BY RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: ( FORMS/F-1(8/89) GEOTECHNICAL Mt IN PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PROJ. NO. ef,,i'1(0J. NAME FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED .. -= 67,°,1/,1,:er. 1V DATE yyvEAT H ER e 7 I e`" $,e 1,1 e: ``, 6%. t c-- .A., 11 1 ( 1e-- SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE Xf IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS ( /) . .00,y "Ier" / .7 / .e`2; eye, $ 14 .1 7 "4"1. e eo • . . , ir; 47' 71ef • 1477) .—it 4-7 1°,17 t 7 t t ,e` c"./ f",.:74/ ,.,°,17-2 k fee. 'Lef:7-1 te' AREAS OF CONCERN BY .0," • , • ,/ (c) RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: • FORMS/F.1(8/89) • • ••,; ;•, •••;•••••i ;; • •••• GEOTECHNICAL FM MI. PROFESSIONALS INC. = DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE JCFI GPI PROJ. NO. /190Z.';`,61::;*-J. NAME 7:77/4:7,9/1, DATE --7WEATHER LLti LOCATION/PURPOSE C-9 (..,1e!--11' C-e'• %col(///' • t ; 0".4 " EQUIRED COMPACTION )7-.2-"/?-- EQUIPMENT USED e .5" 1.70 1.7 /7J-I le/Cpe74e: SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE N:\'‘ • DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL C.:GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATION 4,"„//// fi ,f:?Kt9 1-7 21e/ /1 617/7,4r--7: IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) a'-"t71. A, ez/ 744" / ,7 "e7,„ 7 -€7 er k ICI eXt, e- ....3<,74711"-A124.7 eg?70 / ("2457e,-e7 eet gt"er-•"- • :r7 'I'''. et// 11 A?, et ;;; t/e. 5- '04/-/ver_ t-fr: / "Irliel 11, et, 1,7 ezn— 5-0 . "7..,'''"%"77';''' • 4:0' 1- 14, 40•*". E.; 44 / ft") 41 6 a 7 0//,,/7 Al) k . ' 67-1, e,"'Zcz. 1 1- 41-,1'-`• ti Of— .0."' I I e.--41 • 7411 / 2) • ** / /20/1 • AREAS OF CONCERN afr/ /•42/4/lcee../. 7/e--77 2 (1 1,1 - it rte" / 7/.--b .-5X/rie BY (-'-'71f RECEIVED BY 1:er FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) t GEOTECHNICAL: era E3 PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PROJ. NO. /02.::).7.;, 4-7146J. NAME /47/47,-,:i''',/`, ',"(/` ' DATE ki v\- I rkILL LOCATION/PURPOSE ..---.'": er''''' (-1," C:::,-6."' r -„1" 1,- 4,-:!: r..4e-. IT \ ,.''' •:',";,', '',\-,, ,,,,'?„,........-- ,..7" 0, '''',.:: :*°'-,,iREQUIRED COMPACTION '7.,,,,•-,"/". ,7(..`'.7 , q, f- -%-, 4EQUIPMENT USED rf.:11,-..7',.- ,/:' 2",(4(... 1.1,..'") r5.7' 1/4-"If tzv 1(/''''''.../e".":"!''''''''74.2.';''•,";:cr.."....pre"-- , r\ •,!‹. /1/67,/at 4-'''' •,,, , „1":: ...::•. \I r-,.A PAGE / OF) -7.",2VEATHER 4:$ AI' \SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) - - ' '..:DEPTH OF FILLIBACKFILL -:,- ;--- el i',-. '3 4. ,- / 141 .111?-4.-Y- ,t, ,,,,-, GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS is" 6/2-'):2'e--‹ i,..."er el';;- (";f1,7,2?-1:/7/, ,, \i' /---, ..• , et •••,,,.. k-- \ ' I . / --- -, fe, • ,-- / 14 'ele.r... (;› Yr, vi i'? .1, 127 17 t.6„. I it- 6. / ,•••/ (/' 40. • • - e /.1' i ) e."' , . /?' (•;,7 r ;:,,.9 r Nc, # ',.., e-: *1 i', f.,,,* ir‘e-,--•-:--,;;;,,,:-'2.;,, e. ;12-400"- . co • •••,:,• ,:t.ef:;:er.2„- t,estc, a ' , ; is it tx:::: - et;',17-41-•,''''• •Ctel"- Pee / ,t• 0,••!. .40ri• `"' 401/,,1 C•"" • •-;"' iy 4e j„.-.64•; . . /7:1" ,40f. 4.1•,0" • ' Li 4.2,-.7.„• $ ,, ., ,, ,t,..-......, "//";, .r„cd„,. 7,•-,"".-1.1,_,,_.,,.,...-,...-,.,„,„,,,-,,,;?:,,,,T.,,.4 , • ( i,./i I 1 17;,-- 1-'/,.•',t• A.. e../5 / .R.i.,, ,,,,,,'''',,,,,.---. ,o, _••-"''' ," i ,,,,,,,r,", .•.„.•,,, % ,-,....,,,•• ,...f„,:‘,..,L; ., er, ,o• ,. 4,..:1. ../,`,,/ 0,,,,, rel t..,.. ,.... .1 • 0,,,,-....,,,t.2.:. ...rert ,.(.4r...,•- ;•;'14';',Z7.' V7'," el ' / .0, - uP 0. / V. -,/ ,,C,,,,,....,...‘. se t're // .," ,,,0* IG ,"::',/' /-1' / ,o4-' sf-;.7 a:43. 0.'#1e7 . " 1 , . f .,,,' it' , .•-' 4," 4,1'1 ,I / 7 e."..'.er: IIP r:. ..-- I L., t ei 1 i . i . e''..... ka '." Of . I'. ,0' 0 :,-',/ 011 I,:t4V 4:5; ... , 4.; / ,e• r AREAS OF CONCERN /./9,,•"..'",e":-.r2r '0:7/ ."(/-7 *' • eV • fe" itv 1 c BY RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: / FORMS/F-1(8/89) En GEOTECHNICAL MI PROFESSIONALS INC. a DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE OF / ,74,77i GPI PROJ. NO. /M 123, 4R-40J. NAME /17e/et .4.11/ A'"TE ei /44 iss- X/ FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED 74-1" 1-1 SOURCE OF OF FILL: ONSITE DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) "" GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS (7) a77./ 14.".•:-/-ite, 77////1 kW /1,V-00 7' --1); 71-4",/,'Ael 't (1965 e.-4,-e fple) e.- 74- lo 1 / //. f.).z2.ier fe; ,// 7-(19 /7 A 427 71/.5- 7e/19 e",//' i 1"/ de?'' i° All8d--7 Ur/ C.- d- 0 ,e, 6/ / ' /17(-97-- e''',e'r/a7 4 e? / / 1 c2 , "4 ' fr_I 47----- 4/ 1-1 e, t'/ 1 i iil"- --. / I) ,r/ 4-1,i,e,t2 , f e 1' 4.5 .,,e— 57 „62 AREAS OF CONCERN BY( RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) 6711:1Mt 1. "'/ „, • • ." ' "" I" • ' I 0, 0 ,,'' i A al GEOTECHNICAL 11 PROFESSIONALS INC. DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE / OF / GPI PROJ. NO. /t;?::: (-EtER OJ. NAME _,1e/ DATE - ',..WVEATHER • r FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED r‘-,1 ,e5 14' SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) ("P GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS ( e•Att, 41, 40) / tdf,/ 7' • / ii.,/4 I 00 ( ,e1 ,et•-•• fr" C I 6.-• ii";1 / • 4: elf" • fe'f?" A ;,„../ li/-// 4 elf 47 /71.2) (11:-/ Vt.' 11( Ir/ 14',/ (25' .c7:.;, • i'4" ent — / • -1 / -` 07" 4/-2' e— 0,.',e•- • 1"" , -- • e-, / ,ee„,-),Ky tY.4'47.eire t I /11.,) 4 - AREAS OF CONCERN / BY RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/09) • 0 111 11 GEOTECHNIC1 CM MI . PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE 1 OF2 GPI PR OJ. NO. /02.:5, 614101 NAME ir;;;//7/9,0 'e-1,1 DATE 7 ;?7-;.•:?7,,,..,)NEATHER FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE il'2e:9 REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE )1 IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACIa6.r-‘" / / GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS () Ple'r /".• ern. /41 etre-, 71 s rjAtf oelPilfre./ frrill!"49 1.2c=i7 e-e". eie 71;€-v-,7 /47..7""--4 7/// Atii/ 2C-. i-l-,ernv he) /CI_Eaye: co (IP 1 If:'',7/71:" A;"47...7 /2) lite', OCC) < 2447174/ ;e"457 4- 5- c 4 'v7 ,f2x2e-r'.% V ill ki 74— e-7,/ 01.'9 ...?* 1 116,- 1,,Lirte hi 7 47," /0 A I.(-7/ ' 14, e-^,le C,C.F2 er-e'r 141 /7 a /1 ite-7 7/0 4' 771'14'14it'd V AREAS OF CONCERN BY /1,(4 RECEIVED BY 4/-> (;;;;,„. FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: 11" FORMS/F-1(8/89) • M If GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS INC. • • er. 14:;) • et. 1?'<1. t re! 41:: //:(' DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE / OF / GPI PROJ. NO. fe$_^:::(4-'1"FROJ. NAME i,;;/-414 "4,/,:(/ DATE 7 2WEATHERt",",/-"Kr FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL 'TYPE(S) ^ e 0,0 DEPTH OF FILL/BACKNLL / 7 . GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS ( '4, ./ /7,/ 17. /-1 / ...t, 1 i---- , i , ,,,,-- -.,,,, .,,,,,,...t.,..,,, -,0--- r., .• . '''-‘ . -- , , '•' .? (:::-,.1 (';`;;; ' r-,"::-- .-' - 1 •4!"!•'' ,..1 i,k.. 0 .„,.. ^1 , d'''' .. .1.' ee'''' , e "i/ EE Vt•` /7.7:1/7 r-* 4fr 771- 11 ' AREAS OF CONCERN ii.e..-//'("'"'i RECEIVED BY -2* FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F•1(8/139) 0 • GEOTECHNICAL r."1"... PROFESSIONALS INC. GPI PROJ. NO. FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED PAGE I OF DAILY FIELD SUMMARY e" .07 NAME 41'.7-59,-/ DATE 2-V--7-9VEATHER er„,fely 1'77 1-67 44-"52-4.. SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL SOIL TYPE(S) „--, GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS (.21-2) en_ 6./7 e F' p " 0-y, 5 4,1) 0 p er) Z /C./ /..,r 17,:< 2:2COrble,6: 74" 11";"/IL -e5-5" 6/7 1-14 ide e/e lir'W 1117 re .0-.7e' 17q,54';'te le" ./e/ e-71 At../.17-. 1-7 e/... 74. e-7.5 te' tl/ 4'el I 4 4:7 0"17 ef• eh h 4'- ei 7 en e;- g'ittg AREAS OF CONCERN BY 44(?: .,„L , " IILCEIVLD BY 4-47-- FOR: GEOTECHNICALPROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FoRmsim(8ve9) GE0TEcHNicAL CM N PROFESSIONALS INC. • DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PR OJ. NO. ,457--.?4,6,.b.T115J. NAME 61/4 1e, 41, elf DATE FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED PAGE _IL OF .32 "1WEATHER C 4'74. 7 1';‘. SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) If? 0,4' iJe ,Pe F DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS ks, 4.7 F., *.t:7) „,$) -,‹.."/ "-• ej• C 11 ‘„,/:-: re— 077, / 71"'"" / 6, e? 7.1 'reGfir."'"- 74 1 4774 7' .7 '''t# -(1,4„.•P7 1' 1 eit .0^ hie el'W 11471,#:1'2 I.A11(' Alf 1,111'.eL7 11. er• 4'7 / el/ ...votrfi ,„„ 1.,17 /fp „,„ 4 A" /12 e5,11-,1 e .^ / AREAS OF CONCERN , / e' ,., , ,,,, ..,,,,,,i .7:-":, ,9 /- BY ,..4.71f1-'fr'"'''' - r"'" If' 1/e, '13 ECEIVED BY el:41 , z• r ,,-."-" r - FOR: GEOTECHNICAI_ PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: fo. FORMS/F-1(8/89) 411 • , 111 GEOTECHNICA le rinot Eli II PROFESSIONALS INC. = = = DAILY FIELD SUMMARY --«-'.-://•;"7///.1;1%',7 GPI PROJ. NO. t/1.,(07.14'6J. NAME /r.:77,8//,'"/ DATE?? /,',77-2:WEATHER /-7076-- PAGE OF/ FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE - „/..) e•-7:et,4 REQUIRED COMPACTION EQUIPMENT USED V SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE /- IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS () Kt/er ,0//' (71, e.7/ -71 It .67' 1-1,-/ cs!. 571 he? /1:- c- k' #19.e= )04- 7/- (/ / gi" /1-244-7 /) /" 7k"--4 4 .7? e.:•.`" ". 1/41 1-1 4• /lc' //// r — 11 //I e'er .ve ...?„( r4-'7"Y'7 11/ .0"-.? /171 ?/'2 ' (7' 5-- 4/./4-:`'t //t/Akf-' 14:9 0"- '71-ei.•=5:6- 71-5 AREAS OF CONCERN B‘y , ,/c-7,/ RECEIVED BY ( FOR: GE'OTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/M(8/09) rat lei PROFESSIONALS INC. GEOTECHNICA DAILY FIELD SUMMARY GPI PROJ. NO. 4-7.; ..(4 . NAME •,,,-,4/...///„4-71, DATE?1,,. ',AAJEATHER FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE ,--', • - e 71- 4,— REQUIRED COMPACTION ,„," .K.-Te"1". PAGE OF/ / EQUIPMENT USED ("71,n- SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE ,,— IMPORT DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL SOIL TYPE(S) GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS (2,71 ( ) ". f . • e,7 -71 .t,57 „ her; ,„,":!,77" e"" eii/;? 71: ,37 1,t )14 f:;--"' <7'747 17 , .. / '''..--- ---7 -- ,,t„. .71 .--,,,,,,4": ,r. 7-7 ,, , „....-;,.,:. e.'"' 1 t.,4:!:'... , ,....„,.\ „•"/"" ./....(:.,-4,...-, "if/ er.,,,,, ie... , •:"...7•;/ „.1 , / e 7 • 1. 4'1 Ker, t.nr, /../7.11/.4 1"-? 4/ P. 12 ,1;5. -, - oP• AREAS OF CONCERN • e..." ,7;7-H-f/ RECEIVED BY • /FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F•1(8/89) Mik• In I EG °TECHNIC.) PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY HELD SUMMARY PAGE i I:, IA, GPI PROJ. NO. / 0/7-2`, ‘::::::P*6 0J. NAME 7111 e / l i ri /` DATE74*-;717 WEATHER ,----- ....5;; REQUIRED COMPACTION ./-77, fre7;',:c e....":,,.e7, •-,,,,,,, EQUIPMENT USED A-7.e.--- /-.i; c'e'. 1 FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS (1,) 4 i- )1,1 4,1 e, c77. i';'"f: 1,1 -74.14-;-/ n 2 3 /- r'77-7‹,../ //- v p /;,,/ 2,4-: # ,11.:"; e i 74 / riint (Alt /-/ h r / /7 /a /2 iff e."- ,e/ / 5-A-41/Y <rce e4 / I / 12 1-; ht'f71. 1 h1.7'f, 7111-1?.."" 4117 Ay (1*(5' IA I 114' 11H h, 46,"77`7./Pi'il /.14.' //)-,"/ 44'11 e 1-'1 ".)e.";,• e-- ta t/t/ hr e7./4 L.1.1" "A/ &:'‹ fir /re 11:)t171-i"‘:r 7(.1 "7", altioqi /77 ./,7e," 71 145 c. IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) ;72-10: 11, 1-411/ // by. -,171 /4/7 e;„-",./".4151 . ism 01 AV." < , i;/'; 4.7 4,1 AREAS OF CONCERN 1 //xlit• hegiti 1,(5,-/,?/ "ler pi.e>"" 4,7/ BY RECEIVED BY ( FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F-1(8/89) ," • N GEOTECHNICA' 6=2 Ill PROFESSIONALS INC. PAGE .'OF .DAILY FIELD SUMMARY . , GPI PROJ. NO.11) NAME Ye;',14t?,-;ri/7 1.' DATE 41,21'; WEATHER' FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE •:*•.)('t""- REQUIRED COMPACTION 4,7 l',"1 k".1 0$' / Jf nel?. EQUIPMENT USED 2/7 / „, 4 t, e? SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL 2 _ GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS ri 'f'4"(2.'". 4; (), A ,57 I- e7::. ,,, 1.1 ,., - , 2-ete- ,,,,, 7,`‹_--.- ,e;" . i .ii i/ --, .) , ^1,2 1- ill ,-, / - i'c;.-"‹.'7 Pli ., ,-,-‘ , ./ lf//:;-,/ e" i,,,, 7 2: 2 '-';'; .1 li r'..;., e",`.7 71 ifii '''t 4- " I •:-/ 4,- ,...! p i 4e, I) 7 e er. ,,, ex/ 9,:, 04 ("pi )1(7, er, ,1( ;?dce/1,1,d?1,2 14. h 1,41 e r 7 L14".r5 )1"" re' i ," .'e .<:' /Ai- 4-;').'') .e:1 /•-''' .#,-- /4.11 ei /11.4 -1 l'i r-. ::; , ,„, / y ‘ / p i . , d ," 11 1(le .t-1(2-(" e*"," ) i''' C'''' '''3' e/ e ) P lel 117 il I I -1 O. 1,,t) Cf. -5 -ii 11/7 /lit( ' 4,-,'[,-- -‘,.:( ..,,Z ir;I:el.t e,`2,...:2 of,11 / Afr-7,e, I-; ./ Ilb'-:;'' / il ''.'k"..:J, ,he'' /- I) '6..:.- c,:::' el 41, `,::•/r' 1,;°,.74,1:0?-..,":" /- ,-ni-.7. , ) e„ ,, 1 4,-h11 ...- i!,/ 11/Y i il l/- r iV.:R)11:-".!.. ,,,',`7,,,,I.1 ,,r()', e, ,./ 1.,,,i i;; hi tiv ')r- 4r-I''- re''F 1 el; '5 i I tir'''' e';ee hi. (1 (.../ 74.0.'"ed, t A, ". ,'''','Al 1/...',".';' i tit / vt ,r, --I,,' 7,/ )7; '; 1, , 1 „ , - • .:1) renef. ef.,- 47,,,,,,c"" ;•!. e•-'7, 1,-.0 f. le- I ,//I/ I , iit 44 ----1 i'l I/ I f,7 / l'' --,, 1 r? re:71, P•1 11(/ 4 ,,,'1, / „„.., e , AREAS OF CONCERN 7", ifigvet.. .,,.. hr..- e,..:''';""r1,771. 11,frIV A ,12,i,),,,t/ ,;?7,4 Ilf,-/- /ye lk , r ir'' .. - .0, 4 BY RECEIVED BY I'. FOR: dEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F.1(8/89) •gym N GEOTECI-INIC ga2 PROFESSIONALS INC. = = DAILY FIELD SUMMARY PAGE 2-OF ,..I GPI PROJ. NO. /0031Z*:3kETIOJ. NAME cti4lqr(41.r -DATE 7/-2'5 WEATHER FILL LOCATION/PURPOSt- ,*.r' REQUIRED COMPACTION ".5:,-2' EQUIPMENT USED SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS ("? (..-P7Z>:).67 e ri/i--se/e IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) '4jit/t" 61/ (A, 2_6 / t C ref -rye / 1d 661 /LI ? /710157 417e.,-/4/ /2/.47, #4,4,) -';" 7f: # frf.'"4 r 'C / /27 . / --e7 /1,2Y7,/ / d=-. -4"7/ //re / 4 • - y?fhe5* 1117:1Ke.:: 04, 1. //(7".il AREAS OF CONCERN „ ;; RECEIVED BY FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: FORMS/F-1(8/89) Ett fl GEOTECHNICA PROFESSIONALS INC. DAILY FIELD SUMMARY -/(7t GPI PROJ. NO. 0J. NAME 1 tK7.iY,47 DATE WEATHER rj.4 ;00' FILL LOCATION/PURPOSE"; `V PAGE REQUIRED COMPACTION •`;, 1,"/ EQUIPMENT USED SOURCE OF FILL: ONSITE IMPORT SOIL TYPE(S) DEPTH OF FILL/BACKFILL /4-7; GENERAL SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS V, 1-41/ 71 ".2 ler• 7/ II fi II (7 I e.":" tit' /7 .., 2.7",,,,,, .37 / /-/ 1,',/ e-, , ittcr,:;,--;,. 1,4( , ... ie / 14. i ....e' .-- fe ;'' ' i'l".if Pi ,, ''''' <514,,,," kle it,.,,..45.„,,, "A f i ift , , - ./ $: C.,17? ..0.0 ,......:e. ...., • (:"::" /1 1:', ele /.."i p/,!, ,;,,..7",,,,y77,,,,,-94 / ;1 17 0;2 :1 is/ st:yr"-:e— el464 AREAS OF CONCERN C., e-...-.i. / $ e" RECEIVED BY BY / FOR: GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, INC. FOR: • r FORMS/F•1(8/89) r.. • CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION LANDSCAPE INSPECTION/�/'c,���-G vi,11 (714) 350-6633 TO' /6("/// C0U%c o • DATE DR/TR # PROAG — (3t-its,, 0/ L- • ' / / /q./ LOCATION--- / o..wr-» C 4v i V CONNTTRR�,,CT R O°4'� �? �.0-644tG WEATHER WNER 4q TEMP: !O!i1 /1•610,F o at o at AM PM I r ATSIjE i�",C'���,'✓�' `'C IY / �^ L (z to—o ae ?c1; DO NOT REMOVE THIS CORRECTION NOTICE FROM JOB SITE r ,--44 11•f `2 t1 l ,i ICt � Wt o C4 %o At 140 rr ) t�l Ci -4:0A0-r,lvj Awe., ) 6 C;l o.,_ - k-4 /\ ‘G// C-:L �L. d \A - CA cA Y" C R an t ai., j& ch I� ?r('es-t_vdl — ?) cV j G, t,,. s, �� •.r. c,� / ,liter r/ Tit % �n P, /" �✓`�2� c1 11 �e4(co`t �,L� `ft(A-�) .4 6- t *P ;frt.( / CeiC`t f� U Q R�` (%I `�1 c U V 1 /7"v t� - r~I I p 41 ,NA 'htin eAS r p' r+ •-(1 V n l •t `Q ' / ee�t �>�n (Z2 .i' \ c+1 �tZ l� �Jt t�►V� t ! � �� L/1 9 C tOr,1.1 v i) rota 11\tci wA*i 1 c. 1 f 1"� L `, �I /�/!rice (A-4 ��4%•-•\ You CnT % c _ ��C t1 u 1'I 'C7� C f/4 t 4 C c-str•it4LJ\/ ,\4'i11./f / (P h 9 j �� / i �� ►,K, ; �P (� `I�.'� ine NAA 01/01 t%_in.Clt an 91/t�► �1 QC..41\av C1..•n C 1'e4Tecadl t4 xt. t`s.T yb CEX.1,,kr x * (.4A/A AKA- dIA k/adi \ l ,e7tP-t'e A �l �l rj „ tA,P. ( \LNA1 6QQ-kikv,,;(.0 >C1;17 ;(--i*-1C1NQ1/4-liAA.VIA (- sp,c_ - 733 Am, I( -Q4rvkr1 ciAkel c.k.k0 ,t3/7 INSPECTOR MAKE CORRECTIONS AND CALL FOR REINSPECTION SIGNED. • • CITY OF FONTANA EQUIPMT. NO. INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT NO. of Mal Pagan No. Day TWTF 88 CrdaDay wile Hours start 7_ eery-?..:.701 mve_c c — 1C r e /�: l5' c,� w, C.Ic,4A �.t h 1 / ) -o-+M REM� ARKS: / �/ �,p p p �,-�y /^ c� �� g7 C�yL 'f'IrkiT l�dE.+�t�n�v n�r►in �'F ��"f--1" �CT�.ltill�.f `lai �� -���v l-+�B/J�NfCvPC.�CAvt /�"f+1,1�k�Cb43A1 �1-T '/ i7nw 4 ut-J J meh c3`h ?'Q4 d % •c� r ein.tP.e C t) p: v�o�/_rig a— t�( G4 r�7TiL '7-a L 1Ac / ' /i 1�P r i *r�P ;Us+t,211 ,g,,A 414.?.AA eesflA ae-tt I (-6,01-,,e, cito /9l-00 (z_cy-0-0, ck Convector , fir k..Ac.\ Ca 3'-So ytO ,r'ftn Title 4/ci Pigs%.`% -r"rAlYee% 'iv d1/4; - 4, Ap t o v CZTIA „i ()t 110 to l d ? ro 'ko is To4f4 obYCDU ---C'red`7'_ Aval-- a LOAP lhlctiai0rr vet ,16 _ A i1 le /le 644j Report HOURS MEN OPERATION EQUIP S o�V� ^e J Ai c.�,P % I //ou i•k -TO.4tvk1 e h A A/ LP-4- 414,-(e-r_ " 4 ,i(c1Ke )-,,tsit- P ft' J -Sud3 v u // j C..,,,,,c,c_`b,,„..ts3. �'/(Q....C< 1`Pr�-1 yJ (00 i� tic+ ►e)/ /.//car- - ,r.`„4,0 2 , `,,,,kk A/.4_ kkitA, �o .r a., �zV�s-A c , ry�r t �c�v e�. $ cs4, b / /14 Art(' kaidoir 7; v G,wry loS r.et, '1eileve 6 ! / trl rAr t'1 CC, t.q. �ly 4 ktut 6 % % J-Ti1'/�i v1.. 4) -ti• 4/ J.,1-k_ Inspector Signature Sheet of k • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT /c�;r.w4,r-^lc/ L,` -S .Xt'�-i kV A' A' - 6 �( n(.t�iQ,-s Report No. Oay Dais .8=% P? MTWT®SS Circle Day &et Hours Start 7.0©/91,-��op HOURS - REM NO. EQUIPMENT ANC/OR LABOR: oe GP flON (Or Eguiorr 'e or Labor) EODUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN • WEATHER REMARKS a (Re on for demons or ottw nmarto) REMARKS: C� c9z u c O r �•Q .1�r „f� ux z wA0Z tad AP .0_ ...� �� ,: �,,� �-- � : t� i�,p-� •-- �r� c 1 y4Zt-/( 114,EA •c ;i- c o -S c: �`� ' / ,� c� v-rep% I/ �[°� /% Q / , ,.ci n ,/ J �r� ins +o:� r� ,7C9/�T �J� . 743 �aciS c9v. T'f )j .ter /1"1 `e F �1©(�lm,f3vJ / i L (/R -9 P n 7'Y�i11.t !- �l� tJS "V �4- \�Q I ,SA.� d3 +�nf { !S J si Contractor Title lee 4 l i3 Report HOURS MEN OPERATION EQUIP e "We 17,1u„.� tr .4 �r7�u� (CAL/0G oNe4 2 fr/ ed Ali M fYtPL. --<w•A I) oLi c. m f/ :4 ii J "^°goy✓, 8 ---...I e f7 4,0^1-e-r`o fret �547 rta �%oe„r%,e,, r e4 E;4f flLc CORYi{(/ 11e e, 0 06 t-ACi z " N 14 4 AttA1 CliWat1 1-��./i f:r) 48 I ( Lt Lt k 'lilt; C 'eifte( 60144' t a I410 cam" (6,n" "w CAo R4 P/!-t! r-c (.r� `�(� � L rA pv_ei j_ _ r ,�f'il�/ltAXl� `Ct9K-17Yl1Ei]`fu� h hoz t`A \f(CCS&AA My kva P4.142/44 CO < Inspector Signature Sheet Hof • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT T n-iM2-3140 LIFT S-rA-t c»J CONTRACTOR MvL-T' CcShl$'r(zl ic».3 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LIBOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO.OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) t76TE t c.P1c11JS Racoon No.= Day Date Ai.> . 12 lggr3 M T W j F 8 8 Circle Day Wet Haas Start Oleo atop 1(000 HOURS - fTEM NO. WEATHER 2 0 Q QQF 8 G3"-"11 ° 6 REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or c v r.marlo) • CASE 58o b Rt.c Oa - REMARKS: Co►JTTL/Ac.To R- Cr',oi n tslusr, cr,.,Ppc.-n o+J of TN F Am.; L:1 t,i Y(ZI✓t r -1 ol.t 'TA STIR 3z -CO -ro '�-r ZS t• GRI TECt-t c3 t,4 StTR AS WEEDED. SE5 PE2.PoP.414 r✓1 Pic .T EPc>R:r Fog_-�.5•.�t.:rS ts`r b ctct•JS• Convector Title InspiCtOf • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • Report No._ Day Dab AaXti 1 P I qq3 F S S Circle ow sr* Howe am O"i CO etop I CDC° HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER PROJECT 7„aw 4 9-o L.i Fr SrAc is kl 0 I I q o I CONTRACTOR MULTI CAtJ C. TR ..71 »4 6 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: t\U REMARKS DESCRIPTION (Reason for dorms or (OfEquipmart or Labs !� a nrnarlu) B EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN PETE. KO .INS CASE. 580 D gnc.1-ti40E REMARKS: aotzTRAr-a-ow.- PI aG C t..uRP-4 BAC bcFI LL NROvt.1 D THE I.►E J METERIt iG M 1.1 ON Sc,,.ITA AtJ A , STA. ' 2'( Pc-' E D IDS t)► REcT S C§1 THE _RI I ro its.1,?>o(- G PI.. C.ONIT (ZCTOf . PLSO CcSr,AriNi1ED P(3it OF • -T1JE VIA i iL»•1E. THENC14 GO T/Jrrira(L�tJD r'J ST A Q,41-15 -,n 32 +co . C,Pi 7E04 c J 5 ire Mtz. , .l ( CS3ril• Prac,Tlo1.1 TESTS AS NEEt-)E). SEETEG-4 PEPDP_T FvR, PaSuCTF, E I rsc:pTT iatS. Conuactor Tills IrtapICtO( City of Fontana CALIFORNIA CORRECTIVE ACTION NOTICE REGARDING: "'''tip` o DATE: 8 -10 - q3 L1VT STAT1oi.1 TIME: 11.oO �^ It has come to our attention that the following items are deficient in the area of the above referenced project job site: [ ] Barricades [✓( Open Trench [ ] Delineators [ ] Trench Settling in Right -of -Way [if Signing [ ] Dust Control [ ] Material on Roadway [ ] Unauthorized Street Closure [vi/ Other TE+^As'cm2-,Nrd ASPuwzr ► ' M,N.AFout.in P T A Remarks: ERECT PROPER CoNc;TRLr_rina !>HFA() 4 siksGLF_ LA44cc AHEve c,IGwS PRb r1f1E Ant1lT10►.IA1- M.LINE4TION At-0v4C7 TR�.1Ct-t. Please be advised that you are directed to take corrective action within the following time frame: [ ] Immediately [ ] 24 Hours [v]/ By the End,of Current [ ] 48 Hours Work Day All work done shall be accomplished to the satisifaction of the City Engineer. Failure to take corrective action within the specified time will result in the City taking the necessary steps to correct the deficiencies and invoice you for materials and labor as required. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact the City Engineer or Authorized representative. By: CA,- ? v..1 1 tilSPErInQ.. [] c:\date\wp\forme\ctrvactn.fmm 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) • FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 • (714) 350.7800 SISTER CITY — KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT T ARu rn '1_1% 7 'Sror "Ic r.l CONTRACTOR Mtit:r% Cal.r."r t4 EQUIPMENT MANOR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) PLBERi lat+-11 1 E2 Pi'E. HoPK1t rs Repoli No.= Day Des ,\UC,• in Pg.; M W T F S S Cray Day Shift Hours Start Ciicx) atop Rea) . HOURS • ITEM NO. WEATHER q4°- A REMARKS (Reason for idiom's or other remarks) c� 6,t►oF REMARKS: Confr AC o12 u/1.s C°45v17PI.FTE.is r.R.Our-q) THEmkt c TAMPQI►.Ifi A\IE STA 3(o+1:512 • ciLuRRY UssF_D on -ri-1� E4J� _a► M i-i LIE Te> 1.1 !vi rn D ACLFcr+ 'i'f EWc.14 oe, TAMAfciNil AtrE —A. 3lot CO} • _19 c.1-A' 4.+ist . G PE ►ts 'TEC 4 iS Oki cITF PERV.Nizsniv.AG Cn p ►nr4 TE.c As NEEOFi)- SEE TEG4 R69:5gr PoR Aonr ic* AL itJPC) liSEC b CUr rTRAcior` To Pi..ac...6 Acm-rle iAL- StG1.11t4G M-1-I rv• r=ortC) 1 of i - T asoBS2J tJb SA,.,m Rt.! a. Convector Title Inepictot City of Fontana CALIFORNIA CORRECTIVE ACTION NOTICE REGARDING: 4A---AW'VU DATE:�G. q, 7gc3 TI M E: 8'©© A•�--� It has come to our attention that the following items are deficient in the area of the above referenced project job site: [ ] Barricades rl Open Trench [ ] Delineators [ ] Trench Settling in Right -of -Way [ ] Signing [ ] Dust Control [ ] Material on Roadway [ ] Unauthorized Street Closure [ ] Other [ l Remarks: A t7t Please be advised that you are directed to take corrective action within the following time frame: �N] [l Immediately— / ZAC. By the End,of Current Work Day [l [] 24 Hours 48 Hours All work done shall be accomplished to the satisifaction of the City Engineer. Failure to take corrective action within the specified time will result in the City taking the necessary steps to correct the deficiencies and invoice you for materials and labor as required. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact the City Engineer or Authorized representative. By: • c:\data\wp\fomr\ctrvectn.f rm 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. 80X 518) • FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 • (714) 350-7800 SISTER CITY KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT 1 n1 RuMD LIFT ST1 flO%1 CONTRACTOR MuLTt CCst tS-rgucrtoi EOUPMENT AND/OR LABOR: DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) fa ...PERT RIXPetc fav �E t toPI1►.tti EQUUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN . Report No. 1 I Oay Dab Auc) 9 19,93 T W T F SS Circle Day Srwt Hours sue -woo atop I L:co HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER Cie as?... gi86- i 4° FIEMARKS (Reason for Idleness or other rsmarb) CASE 5 so b Bas.cJ,--Hos REMARKS: �,c�►.�-r RAcmt� . iS C.c� ni-ri t•3 u » Ca To t?LAU CO M P AcX B ci -Ft U_ f14.TO J L Oe t to "The ► oKs TAr BAR t of 1, 114E. i; S*T'. } } - t�1'x F MATr Q I l�L. ;c3 PLACED 2' - 3 ' LIFTS COnVAC'i;D U.,t t.)C-, A SHEEPS PO©T WN Ir ATTAC.1-11Y NT' . GPI +t-S 'mot . 6S OJ c,rcE PERoRmtt.1Ca {Dr,np/CTtOPJ 'TESTS A5 QUR1t 3t Ti-ce oPE.R,.-tact. tE.E "MCA RE.SZRT Fc . AVNT►©tJAt... te tFo- -Ci 1 Z(D+ * To STA &D+ O t { • Ps WC..t4 Ot4 TPtvi E Ri Contractor 0- Title InapiCtOt • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT T x/tEvi' L11:C4 S T CONTRACTOR F") (4 c,J5 Report No. 1Day Date 81 cis f 9 AA T W TQ S S Circle Day ere Moon Start 7_;_atop T•3 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: DESORPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) cCws r19 T°ttI( LATER d'w( fors -r1y-4 EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN �ouRs ITEM NO. WEATHER H 011 d, 6.2 LET r� REMARKS Masson for Idene$$ or otter remarks) ? it1tf•vp IL C, )57 AI Kat 1401, sr•_- 11 _ 6Fca CG�t'• REMARKS: AAL) � i r��/+vC• ''UGCZ. 4 ,-1 -1-6 a-{; 1J L) -r"w nns�'4 is vw U5, .), 41\S vck tre)fr\? ‹..=4,4-1,5 • ekcia 5eT 55419E f d i(- hAr _ IWA"J 1naCS' ) PA-1 1 c1 o.l 1 S -�o 5v 5.7 C -�� b`J k r a m &r is tip€ 4 wLTl i24L1 A 6415e r eMGh Cer d-164i ' f' ikA& _ /1 ' �)� 1 d fit, AA 4 tVrs L � � �jVf"� Y,i- a - •A w. ram. Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA R•port No. 6 f Day INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T w Of s a Crae o.,► ewe mount am 6km aop ZC.i0K PROJECT . i f'�'J�24 'r C4'°A dA CONTRACTOR EOUPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: oEecaFnoN (Of Equipment or Labo) EQUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN l �=�� /,6-4 VVIQ REMARKS (Reason for idioms or j2/1 AWritefii o CAs-- Contractor Title ins • • � CITY OF FONTANA Rs of No,__ 0�-7 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M TOT E, s S Crols ewe Hours mot /. 1 aoo_ k PROJECT / YId M ;�,CQ_1114./►4 CONTRACTOR M Lt_Ltt: �5,3720--(S,702/'//0 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER e�.�. Y6 REMARKS (Ramon for Idleness or REMARKS: 6.. Contractor Title CIT Y OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • PROJECT 17MAr'!rid �� Ald CONTRACTOR M ftr 220—L5:202/y/0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR. EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Eguipmert or Labo0 • Report No. Cry Osy_ Oita g -. M WT/ff 88 Circiiaay seat Hour start( - _ HOURS - REM NO. I _ WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT MINAPi; - c,62,44/ CONTRACTOR C . n-n..41 15,3720--LS,702/Y/O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of Equipment or Labor) / /42 it f Report No. Oat _e-�' (v Day T W T S S Ciro* Shift Hour start (O saw 0)9/® HOURS • (TEM NO. 1 WEATHER MARKS (Ronan for Idioms of otter REMARKS: fL clu-4";a_Z MeAr 9A jZ:„, ;a4,7z Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA PROJECT • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT 5 7 CONTRACTOR <4-11.- CeYP5 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: • Report No. Day Date .777/ JCJ3 M T W T FcS Circle aDay elilt Hours Start ` G " Stop 1 ell Z ccs EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER 4- t, /GI A:5br 6/ c-I ii cL) REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or otter remarks) REMARKS: kw) \ 1 kek) a Ike<<I� AA' 4 V A___. S,4i i. ,A A-gC^s A cS la" 73064 i F e)4.). 1IcI-45 � IGI��'� ?\) VIA.ek- kA\ A,i Acrt. Y i,` a L. 5-l983 \ t 9 EF1747R haW.1 U9t -) -+o • 4.1‘,' ht:5-1&c 4h tLJ GeGti,`> Contractor Title 1 • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT l /v I. CONTRACTOR n''t0J65 Report No. Day Dace 7/- /c .;;) M T W TC( S S Circle Day Shat Hours Stott G ' Go stop, 1 /' 1('1 HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER 1.i` I\ 7') /ci-, G/ 3 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR; 1 , '"'- - .. (Reason for kaeness or otter remarks EQLIIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS: /ALI1r' C6/t5-1— lnJ7-E 11 � .. C_ 1 g t' t {'e,c) I-1 -0pda • • dui-7 „ i�� n 14)46 0' +b fyc-t 8 41/1 r, tl7- •, 44)1. �1 1�Qvr 1��`� 0 1' oc -to • n.::tE Cesfr k Conusctor Title Ins or • . • CITY OF FONTANA No. oryOita INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T E 8 8 CireleArry erwt Hours Start , Stop PROJECT / 7,NAY' c,C2.-/ i4 CONTRACTOR / r G L1 , C 4J ‘53 22 0 -. 2 / t/ /D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: . . EQUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of Equipment or Labor) 4 rat REMARKS (Ramon for Idlsrwss or other remaria) 714.0 Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA Report ( Dry INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT Th/Y' A t; D �CQ / CONTRACTOR / h L �5322002///6 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT, NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equiprnent or Labor) M T( J T 8 8 Ciro* Dart Shin Hours start teL oleo : ' C� HOURS n'EM NO. WEATHER t eL A - 4/4 Matson for idleness or Merl rwrtafrks REM .4..�..e 1 150 /2 cZ ° .-nh //z C C ./ )Yi• /-/-51,71, r7_,-)///iy/� 1 _4 i'LCA it....mot i c2'v -- %__? D•Ale o A l , , - Gam- () igl- l 4-) 0,A 7,e1,;AA 19-4/1./ ._21,1-d71 Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT . • PROJECT / ff/NAP' /Y1f-Y CONTRACTOR M fJX-I C4-1 • ,53 220—L5302/WO EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or tabor) Report No pry Data Mai Ty SS CIt ckaz S1ikt Hours Sort n- step HOURS • ITEM NO. WEATHER /€4-,- /r1 9 t REMARKS (Reason for idleness or a /� 7? ; (' J/0 R0E- RKS: 4 ! � � � _c_ (ev;Iy/0„, ,e.4_shr,1-4, 0" /9, / �I. We, I t yve �� 0./. _ f i ' 1 -(' ,k;- ,iz ..{�eh } f ay M mo I • o•---}71/, te,,.,,, Q p '0_1\ Leap.-- ini2A-4----k-e.k.;,..7 2)- y A/ , Conuactor Title INS---6l • City of Fontana CALIFORNIA CORRECTIVE ACTION NOTICE REGARDING: Employee Protection on jobsite DATE: 7-26-93 Mu 1 'i Con6f-ruction Co, TIME: 6:00 a.m. It has come to our attention that the following items are deficient in the area of the above referenced project job site: [ ] Barricades [ ] Irrigation [ ] Delineators [ ] Soil Preparation [ ] Signing [ ] Plant Material [ ] Material on Roadway [ ] Grading [ ] Open Trench [ ] Trench Settling in Right -of -Way [ ] Dust Control [ ] Unauthorized Street Closure [X] Other Violation of Cal-Osha Safety Orders Article 6 Section 1539(bl Found worker in unprotected excavtion "no shoring on 7-24-93 [ ] Remarks Please be advised that you are directed to take corrective action within the following time frame. [X] Immediately [ ] 24 Hours [ ] 48 Hours [ ] By the End of Current Work Day All work done shall be accomplished to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Failure to take corrective action within the specified time will result in the City taking the necessary steps to correct the deficiencies and invoice you for materials and labor as required. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact the City Engineer or Authorized representative. cc. City Engineer Associate Engineer (JR) PW Inspector (WB) c:\data\wp\forms\inspect\ctrvactn.frm 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) • FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-051 E • (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY = KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA %a recycled paper • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT mA%";ri AeA%'/, CONTRACTOR / r . t C ,4 72o—(SJ'd2/q/o EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR; EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIF TION (Of Equipment or Labor) Contractor 11 Z (14 i9-tPs-P_ ) • Report No. Day Date cTWT SS C Shiit Hours Start _/_'31•` - . WE ITHER r ` REMARKS (Reasonass or CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report No. Day Date: M T W T S Circle Day Shift Hours Start Ca A-, Stop Project Ir Lt L°�C L C-or -i-. a_ Hours -Item No. Weather LA r T --r-t I ci Contractor . a 3 VG° CDoL/Olzi . tMmGatNP Equipm: . • t and/or‘Labor: t-t M' •-r--riol\1, No. of Men Description (of Equip. or Labor) Remarks (Reason for idleness or other remarks) Equipmt. No. 1 \--ore► ,fit-•. 8 • • REMARKS: 7 iOM4" Z (AIAF (aJFO2v►1Et7 'i',1-111( Wes, ri.9�5.iTUJr/� Ot.S Pxts.'i i `o un• . -fNt y t a_g ix? I,� �r�r�xs nt4 M 14 ut�r � tZ E P l-t�C�.� 1- i'� IA) I SE tAJr> . Colt xa TTI i'i4 OtJ -11-11 JCet", A at\10. 10'.1cMv ; 4i y .I4Ar) Forming Ark ,41zout,-)3l flicT "riPrtai !J -0 151-m-ivik2ta I PLACED IZ1~ a_ to it fS.G F -10p\ t 2Rro2E co'T. JCT2 ie 'To BSUSED ` ra 'AL t,1�r- Copy or 'Tic1�ET; t-��D� Ai,� 1,�o3�i�r1� C? RCS -- oi- `�r�c;r rota 01= u-V c 1-S 'r9rtaa I mrnr(- ( S -rise ! -r-A1/4MAr2&tO1 ALA. i ' 3©47.X AlzTo li "t- rzco Dr COr'i -ricks"- '7o(&.aAI GSo b izou•ri cE u-S I P 1:31.c' e-� WALL, t.r"ri�T To fN1eT�t✓ � M ( SAS»f ims)r t15i&( VL%%r)F% OsTA%- O 3(,rA 2 L rS i4 rtir ALL OP "Po? PL./ 02s1t-i. No G&4A1J(iR QfJ Usorik "r14E 1 Tad 17!4.`6 �rrl o� iJckt) U t Contractor Title Inspector Page I of 1 'FOURTH STREET ReK CRUSHER READY -MIXED CONCRETE 1945 W. FOURTH STREET • P.O. BOX 6490 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92412 (909) 885-6866 ' • (909) 825-4093 • (800) 666-3444 SOLD TO"ii.Q. I I Y:ti.i %TI' I +t» . ).lil 1 5 3rj ..i i 'i ''i f' R I '? L.j . S. r . OVER i" ON T JOB ADDRESS ..). E) M 3'i R. J. N it E- ON—! AN. UNLOADING RELEASE In consideration of Fourth Street Rock rusher (Material Dealer) delivering this purchased material to a place designated by the undersigned, the undersigned hereby releases and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless said Material Dealer, their Agents, employees and drivers from all liability or claims for damage done by it, or them, to all real and personal property at the location indicated hereon as a result of the movement of said Material Dealer's vehicles or employees upon or about such property. This release is intended to, and does cover all movements of all vehicles of said Material Dealer, at the location indicated hereon, from the time such vehicles leave the curb line to enter upon the property described hereon until they return to such curb line, regardless of the number and/or dates of such deliveries or movements. BY TITLE PURCHASER OR AGENT MAILING ADDRESS QUANTITY 00 LOAD.# 1 ACCUM. YARDS 3.,00 MIX DESIGN # I'a Rs MIX CODE DESCRIPTION U/M QTY. PRICE SACK ... 00 CEMENT LBS. :I. d.: Kai 2 . 0 r) POZZOLAN LBS. FSRC # { W.C. SAND LBS. 5902, "P" GRAVEL LBS. 3 n r 0 1" ROCK LBS. 11h" ROCK LBS. ADMIX WATER IN AGG. GAL. 40r 10 COLOR SK ADMIX WATER -PLANT GAL. C. } a rt AMOUNT AMOUNT REC'D DELIVERY CHARGE ADMIX. ANY WATER ADDED CASH ❑ SALES TAX N. IS AT CUSTOMER'S - OWN RISK . , r sv OTHER WATER -ON JOB` GAL:' 5 CHECK ■ SUB T (TH S LOAD) Dj t' BY LEAVE PLANT l. 2 < 1.'' i'M ARRIVE JOB / : "-L 7 START UNLOAD f -- FINISH UNLOAD /' C� LEAVE JOB DUMPING TIME ALLOWED 5 PER C. ADDITIONAL TIME AT PREVAILING RATE PREVIOUS BALANCE TRUCK I'.'.(: '": J. 7 . DRIVER f..,l=iRP.Y !. , ARRIVE PLANT MINUTES EXCESS TIME STANDBY TIME WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commendng with Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Fourth Street Rock Crusher , 1945 W. 4TH ST., SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA HE N I : Y E :.: I 1 Y1 ND A: .I. BY NOTICE: Our driers vial make every effort toplace material where Customerdesignates, bottheCompany assumes noresponabilitytordamages nsidecurborproperty fine. Ad= 0 — ddionat water added to this oncrete etll reduce its strength. ZONE MAP REF. CUST. P.O.# JOB TYPE (":0IM ME A l , I A L ORDER # 3 2 t") 5 TICKET # • , :';;1 DEL. DATE I- T`1. 7/73, 9:3 BID JOB # 2000 01 _.� PLANT # ---- (}i:.Fl� t: I i"e l..i... 1 , �I... WEIGHMASTER CONTROL NO. 171221 In event of default in paymen of this invoice and it is necessary for seller to retain the services of an attorney by reason thereof, the buyer agrees to pay seller all costs and expenses incurred by reason thereof, including a reasonable attomey's fee. RECEIVED BY � LIS MERTCOP i CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report No. Day Date: M T W T F(► S Circle Day Shift Hours Start 6 Ain, Stop q : ?An Project 1`r2-INp Ltl -.1 sTA-Tio).1 r. Hours -Item No. Weather Contractor OlUL tt--C. i T , 66 Con t-/o: -eirc sT Equipm. "f and/or Labor: No. of Men Description (of Equip. or Labor) Remarks (Reason for idleness or other remarks) - Equipmt. No. i lin-er/ St.b-Corplr- i h wff'f We ll I (c,.i5 r . ----- They Lt..xrl' Wor'W1 on -file lir r pVI.- iik w-rl wet I . / bar .2-9ut'pw,p411 bm.k --down Ws-9 work-- c‘bolAt REMARKS: 0: OOOAYV1 NAG t t2i (&XX I +-or-LIN OU-UT Sltx of WVJJ o Ni- Wi�Nis To V f<. o N M trT 12- M.14 - Tt-k s N EOs . To ear Ws ."B.1) 1a''( 17i/il�TO mut--rI CA L-LEt' lZi/1, i-o LET oPI '2-eoaito-z-. Z II WOM At_(_ WORK Cau LQ t�., t i ) TP.tD 15Y 11-1-1e.y APB Sfl t.t._ f-/Ot tJto ''CCU 1k0 LAID1714, '•OA M — Arm:w y PST S"i. LTVe,hl (3 peoploL r-k-dry i ©n rn fir Mr; in loi e Col -her i�P. wor t..t►, ors 1t'lSide o� UJe i- t.�ei ( t,�.0 4-n - -i v, 1 ine.i l .J- Nri-1 s n)f� T heycl `R*qt.-rl�"'i' �P � f3v i Tt ar�iA� 5'[' 2F-�-� Lam.,-!�`�S � �� T' " .p rho are, O AJv l4 d i l tnr� It oIe, Wilnf he r anr�ki i In (-)le % OP . (4ocAl i rye/Lire.. ifr � !-b irric to fl 11 VC(Cisc9 ZG to 4-entO a ( I -u t �Jn top s 1`2:LOPM rownd mu. CH• -(on .f-"Albert-" in 2.�) hn1.e ill Mot / hp Rift d°Itoi>acj i n hri.k rv(4\otte I T% Order,eri hi inn € u+ of h")1.Q A A-P, r T. rAhu Id 5.6( `j(lb Contractor Title Inspector Page of - • Date Report " l h otn°°s / e : C? i(xier. iMod a v�e�y clear .L 5&.k " I� T -Ora avly one. 4> rxny U r\ FV-o-wl-°k mini LAY owl- T i- k )O 'k! h a u-: tiNton . arrest-eA ail prit I hi root n.cle ct-, Cd wit t i .arcs Se-auttite, Y to CAA kX,Ck 1'n a' WIC€ fr).erk fAh(kQci t.Q( ciko FkA' mn ,rk or roko Of- 'i F,vlCQ1 GC:1 461(1S'a S iC 1O 1 �-I rrlrr, -Fauns . i t ncLIA sr, tiNn tep hcvig �i•ea.� (10.rcLe ..ci ob 4_. Inspector Signature • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • PROJECT 7 f /Y' rl;rid "d12-'%g 1 CONTRACTOR M tab: C. .4-51 S322o- ,702/Y/D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN R.port No, v Q pry Dote 7 ? e 3 M T W 'G 8 8 Circle 8nift Hour Start 0/ n- Stop DESCRIPTION �\ (Of Equipment of Lobo() /z i HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER e-4 MARKS (Reston for Idleness or 44-1,3 eNe-- Contractor Title I tee--.N • CITY OF FONTANA • Report NoOay oar .2 /--93 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M TQW T F s s Om* „IOW Se t Hours Stars 9,4771. eeoael3d1?a4" NO. PROJECT /74frAI4 c,62./ 1/5-/4, CONTRACTOR / r L 7z0-SS2d2/e//O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: WEATHER P m REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OP MEN DESCRIPTION to Equipment Of Labor)_ "" �..�., .. '. r �4'I'a� - 1'h- r+a�rrf �— ' .et.y1/r o_ /) 1 • REMAiIKS: ASO a L A..4,-;?e IA 7 4� �//vim , •, ?-'0_ . 6 -e-.°ed est—eci: (9f97. Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT /ei^^^ KIv,vAa( , 'af 41, CONTRACTOR Mt-/ <�514.(/tab0 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EGUIPMT. NO. /0C� NO. OF MEN S DESCRIPTION (pf�E Iprrwnt or tabor L ck,doe Vif t^r-tf fPG ^t iwt e JM ifu 1(4--tnv..a.Q I rt1 %oat 6 Day Drib 7--2 0 / M ®W T F S S Circle Day , O Haas Start �+ 300-wk S ✓ - Mt 3; 30e a HOURS -REM NO. 0 cim s -16 WEATHER �) VerMs d * 7111 jgr7I-aE CY) A D. ! % ,p. R.C4F REMARKS (Rason for Idleness or other formic) I✓v, /elf - Q— R:3U t 00A.t.r/ uQ iv'3or I r' uw e,,r _LA4_,XU a.,,e- ,S" 1 Wis,.�t 1151me,t�M-T�le I 6., al��i c,. ' ) 14,6\CeV' if 1 141),er 4tIAN4its6,1 c- T_cllt' ill- . / Lc,_f, 0f(1,Y. I 3 .) .c ,1 4,,,,(9<woi -- . k 11��r. J 14 i i .. L .... o r I Z'%v e u csvre /-1- 60u J r REMARKS: �aq w(/�.kh uJEldL rw SLNJC�U2L�! 7u- rV� V J h ,,,zoA l ; 0 --�': 3Oo (e�.a t,f- i ce, vt,-,.1 "' o d �I b,er % �" << -S'fie� .1- (35 .0 0 _�ti,., vrU.r �.A 4t�n1 A-\M �N.,..�� C- . � ��� F ^c�Vxx A& /9-o cu„e0J �CI.,r.0,/, c Ave -i 1 Yln (� J n i� (c..%Sb• & �l� J. �cCQvc-u l,'t__ sCct,r,vti IM i} � '� ( �,.�C) -- 7;3oG� � �Xe�enps..,v u 7ib � rni.cY-tf� l �1 t� A '/ 4..,r WI 7-} ct..\- ,-, '0, ram Nn1-erneJ`otn �-1 �c,vtT+t 1 ct. c-L.v,Ci . /c>_vvr:svrv,� /'�--v-e_^ T� Qa, VA c 30 eo,...,, cut/4 / r 3 C7 �j vt.,, % Cis �O , A c p ° V �)a�` q ...., c`- i,,, ,,v. I,MI i4 V,v /+(_ Ks. /aCio -2.3n �..�� , (4tv,„6, `tvt V � `� J (� c9-�J S� �`v. o Cl\Ie,fv.t oQ',f_.1 i .,,,e, ,,e+f1 cetf �&,1 hs I) ()J k aki t p i F- ,3 h-e aP 'I-e I tr v� i3oo t.v7t; v�� v.-4 o t, `�'-0-.11 here.: Ic,f R v%,-,r, cc.4w c�mu-Y,1�L y l rv,cAn� in v-Ann i, a.�t i 1� ,]� A� V v\ � I -% a y �I _ �f/ d ,Q ‘P- I" ti 0.),�1f✓ Uli,,IC1Cicl PX ®c,. 1 uN,v, aarr�,{'172.v, t `�a Ot.L �_q.�fIIIk�tCnoulChsr-t 0W' �% ‘67 ("�a.r b/ithv ,'t, NA ti -( 3 i 11 CS = 00 cam.-,c. 04 N c5 i1A a to 141: in / % 1\1 V; POUL ' cc-tn.4) eiAnA �Ef IAcri ti 1 I IAA c„n Ct r dry Contractor Tine Inspector Date /W I.? Report o ce 0 AtA, (0(' 14e rho IAA (pp aG,,c 1 tO-S.kid W 714 .S'k CICif .)2r J ;W/er-kkCibvt 5C, lA A-v ► 4 c/ AZILA.Ankyr,ti, al . — /...)(0.C., —C ..? .771- 00 Cwt., 7 L0 )4 LP 0 6/1 o 10 ,,,., v,,,..0..P,\,M i ,, e,�'w►S A--/ #-- cam, t`re � _ d i%P 4C,`4 e - its() e .t, e I/Ul e • 0..A.v., r e tg--- All; aimAtc4,14 00 i\et AA of !LA `.RA--Vif- t V c 4f).VP . i''9,Ai1tgakt>cA . a Inspector Signature g1-1.147 Sheet -of )- • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT171lnAr;nen0 CONTRACTOR / /' I. v c3 22 0 cS:3 D 2/ y /O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCFI PT1ON (Of Equipment or tabor) ,e14.edeNeu,(41.12te, 1 ©d` • Report No., J�Z, Dry Oats I W T� S S Ckr.I.�s,�► $ t Hours Mart /9 % t Iz HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER 9-4,MR ePeY ` REMARICS (Ramon foe Idleness of otter rerr+ario _SAL 4/614-v o — At RE RKS:. f i'� tc 7 7 1f 0r /,lt, po,.9 7 /I Teo .r r• 7s.> 2s 9 Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA Avon No. V INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT MTWT Ea) s. Cirel. erwe 14Oura Start atop PROJECT 7f�INAY';Y1d ..C9/462-"Pi1. CONTRACTOR M HOURS • ITEM NO. a WEATHER eeu�nsca EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: 1 for Idleness or otter remarks) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipmant or Labor)• REMARK frbit 6 .(7,4 Ji__p.&7-- „,C6;_10_9et_. Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT 77;MAy'!!'ld) C&VC.J2-A '/�1�� CONTRACTOR M Lab: Ce"--f • Report No. Day_ Dm$ MTWT 88 Ckeis St at Hours Start -1t. * Stop t� I". WEATHER ez.teve7j1-,_ EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: g for � � �• or EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of E4t� msr t or `2,..--4::- le,„4"„±-,2:_ _ _- RE ,ARKS:/ Lev Jt a o Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT M/a14;1'4 .c9,62-41/2'/ CONTRACTOR LLQ ± Ce 720-- 5.YC2/'//6 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or labor) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN .port •3 Report Day Duo. � � / S - 9L7 M T W OF S S Circie_Abey Shut Hours Start 30/ #' REMA S, f Gr y G� �.i Contractor Title N CITY OF FO TANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT 71.61.a ^/Yd ..c9,-////it CONTRACTOR / r U X t <53 22 O -- <S,7 D 2 /'//D ECLHPMENT NO/OP LABOR: ECUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of Equipment or Lela Report •- D:y Derr -/ e% - 9_3 M T P 8 CIrc4 Shift Hours Sort / �18 Stop 47�A AvEATHER p REMARKS Masan for Idleness of other / A L6-e../..Le-Ar RE RKS: �.� Conuactor • Title PAN %_5c.3720— 2/y/0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. MEN NO. OF • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT M)Ar;tic) ..Cf9eC.12-"Pn' CONTRACTOR M : n!,-n.1 DESCRPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) ottiA1 -e d^ ri Doi /L ►� nsfi% i1illi_�... • �� , ICJ. r-411116M,I 0,7 Day Oils -/3 -g Shift ei3 0 HOURS • ITEM NO. j WF►TNER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or /2".;7*3k)' 4'1 / Convector Title CI TY OF FONTANA Rot o• . C Day INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT O T W T E S S Cire1SAay Shift Noun. Start - .. Step PROJECT / k/Y'A14 irid f Q .,flM- CONTRACTOR hi, (Jib: 5&720-5:202/4//0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) RE�RKS: ' -! --7-.�/ 9 *9, 2 -tt.L. i _1i rJ HOURS - ITEM NO. eyvEJ►THER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or ) 4 'L4 J- _6(. Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Contractor Rican. Cay peg M T W T (28 8 CIrt s BhMt 14ourt Start , , . - eto0 • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • PROJECT /; 1nAj";rj CONTRACTOR / r G• �53220—cS:2O2/4//D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of Equipment of Labor) A.00rt� � Osy Drys M T 8 8 ClroM Bret Koury ems 7 4 i stop q3ot HOURS - ITEM NO. „j(VEj►TNER Contactor Titl C -144, ' 2 .iv REMARKS (Karon for idleness or 5 CITY of FONra,Na r INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT / 74mAr it'd ct9Ae,m4 CONTRACTOR / r % L, S372O-c5:202/9//6 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN REMARKS: eP ec. ➢` 4 DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) � ✓a- o r it)Aa- '//-,Jl� SiOort • 9,7 Day Oro g-g M T 8 8 Cire 0i Shift Sea t Hxs Seam( Sew CO HOURS -ITEM NO. /" REMARKS (Reason for idar4*$ or other Alb I•4b0r v4- c C76r-e _��-rv/ ����/ �-•'�` , 0 (1 .4 j /rZ-- c-C iA. VA -Le. vr• o ConusCtor Title .mix. 4-7 CITY OF FONTANA 1110 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report. 'l Dr Oats 7- l M O W T E S S Circle Milt Mars . ela t AV Stop, 41 CI TY OF FONTANA Report No• . INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • M T w TOs s creasAay _ OM How Etwt Stop_�_ HOURS - rTEM NO. PROJECT-,/ ft mAr inr� /1 CONTRACTOR / / 4 LL/2. 4 S,3 22 O -. 3J'C 2/9/0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: WEATHER d 17 REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Libor) �^'i`"' ••• •"' _-- - REM RKS: ' ' 1 re e Conusctor Title CIT Y OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Ripon No. / Osy Der 777917 - M T WOE El 8 CircleSte Hours Ms 1_areeop Conuaetor Title • CI TY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT2t iniari 1 ' ��"e J 14 CONTRACTOR M L/ S,3220-(5.02/9/0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPART. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of Equipment or Labor) A.00rt No. Oay M T&T E 8 8 cirticZay SwftMoure Start ... - ''. Ikea HOURS - fTEM NO. WEATHER ef REMARKS (Reason for Icteness or otter remarks) Conuactor Title CITY OF FONTAN A • Flacon• �� or" INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M OW T' E S S C Milt Mourn Start 7/1 " eiopk v PROJECT 747/NAI^;Ya c&leC.e..A ./4. CONTRACTOR hi, 4 tab: C.0-n.4 Sc�220—(.S,702/9/0 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: NO. WEATHER • REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIRflON {Of EquipmKrt Or LAW) y v^'i" r rs aflca) - -' ott»r nmaliaj P-1b �vt-i- CA o_frr 2. Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA . INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT •9/o 777-77- T So T 8 S Circles Shift t HoursStart `/�� PROJECT n F1 MAt;ri J ..C9,4C.4."4Ii4� CONTRACTOR MI C HOURS • ITEM NO. WEATi-IER EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: for 1dl�rNu or (Rfa�p1K 1 . otl'I EQUIPMT. NO Na OF• MEN 3ESCApT10N (a Equiprnsftor Labor. ir,/ 6C. / / 4,:ti- r ,-Q a-� ' // ' J�C-✓a/SSL -I" • e_ Cy, Cher / %t) REM RKS. c d\ Contractor Title 4 e • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • Report No. _ Day Oats 6 --?,c--?_J M1WT83 Circle Shift Hours Start 7,1:-,"/ Stop WEATHER EQUIPMENT ANOtOR LABOR: iZ REMARKS:-S-A-L- (Of Equipmert or Labor) REMARKS DESCRIPTION (Reason for Idleness or OW Formica) Z...== cPO LYN, CONTRACTOR PROJECT 2/z /AO EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN • Contractor 410 CITY OF FONTANA • Repot No 3 / 0ay INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T WO F SS Circle Day Shift Noun omit 24 / Stop_SRM PROJECT mAr;n� •^c��?iD�n, CONTRACTOR „ L Latt: (-o-A4J �S�372o-c5:2a2/9/o EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EOUIPMT. NO. NO. OF I MEN DESCRIPTION Of Equipment or Labor) r5;404 e-e r HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or other remarks /64-7A /+ell RE ARKS: /2 " c/D& c9 �i z-er&,N. _:-R0 71-c, 6 /b <S. z 4-2E- ��- -Q- 0 1 fr-ock , rc ..Q�Q'` rp Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. 6 Day Dote — 72 3 -7-3 . INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M TAT F SS Circle Day Shift Hove Stan74-744 StopSe J • PROJECT4mA,' Ira •^c2-1714-41, CONTRACTOR M t7c�72 2/9/0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN 1 DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment (--,,tbne,r HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for karma of 1C—r C RE ARKS: �'°`�/ /!' AI_) (' OAI, fr'\ Z. Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT T kfl" t iY C51rC12.-A4'11' CONTRACTOR / Lt_Ltt C S3 72 O -- cS,n) 2 / y /O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIFT1ON R•oorte or), oats / -Z 2 -1� MC) WTF 8 8 CircNeCsyy ��� Beet hours 'tart % c�1�i • \\ Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER I l l l l f \e.C/y REMARKS (Reason for idlereas or other remarks) 0 Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT �\ r Report No. 36 Day Date: l� -&'/ q� MTWTFSS Circle Day Shift Hours Start Stop Project T%Z141/`)1- "" e" f tYr'�/0 " Hours -Item No. Weather Contractor %%'/ ()J.i: (mil , Equipment and/or Labor: Equipmt. No. No. of Men Description (of Equip. or Labor) Remarks, (Reason for idleness or other remarks) REMARKS: C i4Cr7.G. ,C)//131r�t/iYi�C� a4er ZotS S"' C�c //>!G 4,-(f=w-1-1.1 p 'e pf.2ieZ l'/ti�7c, -r1440 eG.1 a?5' C./^45 ,4,r.E- -rrt e- 14C, -74 /tC_.K Z .s/oi /3e ////..5 te7edqs r� ,� �,)! >t4/& 7ac.4' 4-b-V =?,<- dfg5 - Contractor Title Inspector Page CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report No. 35Day Date: -78-- M T W TES S Circle Day Shift Hours Start Stop Proje'f'/ 1 �j.� ' �' (•°�` Hours -Item No. Weather Contractor (-7,1/4.a • Equipment and/or Labor: Equipmt. No. No. of Men Description (of Equip. or Labor) Remarks, (Reason for idleness or other remarks) • , , REMARKS: C2O✓ 0..�C,o4' - G ' i�l�---,fir'Y' ' /fY P=4�'_..a'` L= 4y` 3 in g6 A0tf� .4r'� A• � � —�'_: Q �4G rr�+�- .sue . �= � kr"t�. .Uri-r` _ - -5 - /G74e�.5- ! Contractor Title Insp . or Page o CITY OF FONTANA • ReoortS 3 V Day D. (-�% INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT fl" » �Y1d �ca." CONTRACTOR M LUQJJ. ,51,32z0—Lc,702/e//0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: E NO. NO. OF MEN M T W O F 8 9 Circle gay Shift Hours Start &EPA DESCRFTION (Of Equipment or Labor', ,6411421Fi� 4'qS/6, HOURS - fTEM NO. WEATHER ��A t REMARKS (Reason for ICiera $ or �fec� - tia ✓ ct4- th % ices ,ur �)---(44°,-1, Q— � 72c- �— g'— 7?) S . ► :; (SAYX—t /7 Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT 77/ A I" I.rten0M2 CONTRACTOR M /kith, C Asr:- S37zo—L5:2 2/11/0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: R•oort.3 Day oats —16 `q3 M T Q T F SS Circle Day Srwt Hours Start 2/411"-- t EOUIPMT. NO OFOF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Ofquiprnent or Labor) -".;S JAL HOURS - ITEM NO. 1 V ATHER REMARKS (Reason for idlen.$$ or otter mimarlo) V�Le 1,2 Contractor Tile CITY OF FONTANA Report. 202Th ay Date 6T-/S-ice INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT MOW T F SS Ceti* Day Shirt Hours Start atom PROJECT) N'A Y'rrd c,C2`174./n�� CONTRACTOR / r I I�X • � 4 72 O -- 2 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN i /9/6 DESCRIPTION (Of Equiprrent or Labor) Qoaiti HOURS - rrEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for idleness or clew REMA;KS�' f a Di v Arg-.-2© /2 ' //,:z o 44=71 . Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA • R.00n % ory Dana -%q` INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT 0-.1 JT W T F SS Cr. DRY Srwt HoLirs Stilt m soon PROJECT / 74/11 / I" iric14 CONTRACTOR hi t (,JCS C�-ri4 72o c.51202/'//0 EDUiPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: THER REMARKS EOUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION Of E of Labors t 1rxamnrs """ �•• v. seder remarks) laT c ).4-- - 1.-414_, 4 g ,, /^ ' 'I '/,Fits Contractor Title cw • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT /" ;Id f /C.12-AMIit CONTRACTOR / r I. Lam, J 53 72 0 -- <S2 d Z /'/ /D EQLNPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION Of Equipment or Labo1 • Report No. Dry Dam (p — 1,1 —0 MTWTFSS Circle Day Srwt Hour Start 91/01n st p HOURS - ITEM NO. e_ TNER ,A-t� REMARKS (Rouen tor idioms, of j ottwfrmmoria REMA I Q).12.5.e-- ep-„A .3/o /�_�• L� �� .ram A- •'_ -t°„ W2-Qn-Z-4,-y Contractor Title II) Ill Op CITY OF FONTANA Report -X. 9 Dry Data lam'/el /® � INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T WO F s B Circle Day eliftHous Start Stop HOURS • REM NO. PROJECT2mA» ;rid ..C51,C12i"il'41. CONTRACTOR / r M Ik e.g"-A. EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: WEATHER REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTIONNO. (Of Equipment or Labor) ° , _ REMARKS:.2r.. '9 ' q C 44,v) . '%i -0&,_ Q - ` p `-q) _f. c e Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA II .. �% pry INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M TO T F s s C(9 Day srNt Hours art eeoa PROJECT-77AMpr;P1 cwex--" 4t;,t CONTRACTOR /YL LLLb, HOURS • ITEM NO. `` ��,WEATHER 1 1 1 11 1 l s'r EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: 1 two^ Q ��s _ a ECUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Dori ) 13 i - - R in /1 ij REMARKS = ! . �f i�-���-� f----( r:. r ..,, , Ali --�� r/L Contractor Title rse.---•1 CITY OF FONTANA II INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • Report No. oia< Oly Data M(DWTF 88 Circle Day Shift Hours 'tart Stop HOURS - ITEM NO. PROJECT / / t Old ..C9,62--1%1/2 CONTRACTOR / 1.1 22O--LS-3e2/'//O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN REMARKS AP /19 DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) ` )11.-4 t'XO ?O WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for idleness or other new* 41111b1 ._/ _tom /-,,4 Contractor Title ► el CITY OF FONTANA II INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECTZTIM•ar;nd C/.62"1/4/6Z/,1 CONTRACTOR / 4 ( C A-1 ,5,3 22 2 D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION Of Equipment or Labor} .00rt• p� RDry Dats 6 - 2 ~ 9 .3 �T W T F S S Circe Day erwt Hour' Start %X*d✓ —• Stop HOURS • (TEM NO. WEATHER 70 / ts REMARKS (Reason for idleness of other ramarb) Q \s,'4 REMARKS:s. --70;75iJi7,/ r,Q o�1 %ir •),/ F c PA fatal _ o ►> .O.asr, Contractor Title • 0 CITY OF FONTANA RePon No. 07 Dry Date 6/0Y 195 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T W T 1) 8 8 Circle Day Shift Hours Start": c-C Stop 440t) PROJECT S-Ent`dou CONTRACTOR / 'UI4, co los . EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - REM NO. W fEt WEATHER !h%ln 7&v' tot,1 coo chi,/citaid REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or otter remsrtu) REMARK C_O'�'t_P Ws .I - /Id o I CS Pelci cf So S--.• r (1k.c, K1 �o , ZAP- l ao �` ' C • t jCSOI S(�I VEE. d -Iti r W4k. i L • d 4-.1‹ PC ..f C'4^iit -roctr ) I i,i4 A.-47ri`S a6b SikE Sac Contractor Title I pIctor ►s,aj-of f CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT A/ V;Jct (t'A, 964446v CONTRACTOR An Cd l-5 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) • • Report No. —��'7 - Day Data 6(t / j M T W Ct F S S Circle Day Shift Hours Start Stop HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER Bye' IOwq c4f REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or other remarks) REMARKS:_ 416 ON Sid Contractor Title Ins tor CITY OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report. Z--7 Osy Data -W ` 93 M T C T F 8 8 Circle Day Stitt Hour Start Stop HOURS • REM NO. PROJECT l Hmpt 4119, 4'�� CONTRACTOR M LLQ b.I ,5,3720--LS 02/Y/0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR t.ASOR: DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or !Abel ells„o EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN THER 4'1 cv 4 - /4y_ REMARKS Idleness or otter terrific) Contractor Title Ins of CITY OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT 77 MAr' lYld CONTRACTOR / r 4 tab: C ,4i • 72O-- .'d2/q/D. EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipnwnt or Labor) Regal? 2Z Day Oat. 6 -X--7-7 MCDWTFSS Circle Day Shift Flour. Start Stop MOUFIS - ITEM NO. 1 WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for idioms' or other remarks) REMARKS: Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA R•oorte= Dry Ds. INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT l/T WTFSS Cfrcls Day srwt Hours Start Stop WEATHER PROJECT —TWIN 4) / ;r1,4 i"dri,"114./4, CONTRACTOR I) I. C�Lt C 4 �S3 22 0 -- <.S ? O Z /'/ /0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTIONNO. (Of Equipment or Labor) oC tK rarnarb) f REMARKS. Contractor Title IASPOIACK CITY OF FONTANAFree aa oa INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN REMARKS:11) , MTWT®88 Cent, Ow WMt Hours 'Mart Step DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) Contractor Title Insleltot CITY OF FONTANA • RiooII. /7 Day oats INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T w(T) F 8 8 Orr-119 Day Shift Noes Start Stop PROJECTI HAr ;tic) c19,"C21)1/PIL CONTRACTOR M ( C44 ‘.5,3720- S2C2/y/O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: 1 REM KB EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION \� -11 \+ / C ,....... REMARKS: Contractor CITY OF FONTANA te7 oar oars -22 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T F s S Circle Day shin Hours Seery/ Stop 6 /?/)/ PROJECT / 1)//ar;rid . 9/462.")M.; CONTRACTOR M 111 �53720--c5:70 2/9/0 EQUIPMENT ANo/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN jOf Equipment or Labor} � s er/GiaG .!/ 1 HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER mac-e/42- (Roman for denote or • ,tip e ar?f .4 "C"'te. c, a ,e°,r /;---r; —771 Contractor Title InspectO( CITY OF FONTANA • a•o«Vt 7 Day Ode INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M 6W T F S 8 Circl. Day Stet Hour 3t t 7 . PROJECT mAr;nc14 ec.Q%1,�n. CONTRACTOR / 4 4 l.�X�� C_OrA1 �S�3720—c5302/y/D EQUAPMENT ANO/OR LABOR; HOURS -ITEM NO. WEATI'iER REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION" (Of Equipment or Labor} "-- - otner refriari? - � // 2p re# /e0..3' 7' . o. n Conusctor Title CITY OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT 7,171A1"!cf9,/ CONTRACTOR M Lam, Ce-A.4. v53720—LS.102/Y//0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: 11! /6. Day oats •.2V - 9�3 A�T W TF S S Circw Day shift Mourn start / f Stapc HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCPFflON (O Equips or Labors �,�__.,._..__- _-- nmarlo 1 1 1 Ai ' //7 Dresse.- JOD 6. ! - aEM Connector Title CITY OF FONTANA Rapo t IP IS Dry Daas INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T W TO a 8 Oro* Day erwt Hours eurt� fo, l( l M PROJECT T HAr;?1r cti"C.12-•"12./11. CONTRACTOR LtiLt: L.04�1 S372o—S202/9/o EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of Equipment or Labor) b P_ !/a ' c <P4( 1AO�.t.J�• elliGSe4 _ /eV G REMARKS' />4,Jl> _7-1/2a 4 r//' �1 / �//- HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER c9/ iAok y Jai m REMARKS (Reason for idleness or otter tornado) Contractor Title Inspector CI TY OF FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Rolm" (/ Dry Deus `S -.z O - 9.3 M T W Q F S 8 CirG.Oay WA Hours Start Stop HOURS - ITEM NO. PROJECT 171nAr;r1d0 cf:9,62.- ildit, CONTRACTOR M Ltib: CJ4 �S3220 SS'O2/9//D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of EquipmSnt or Labor) ZIPe-sse-i- /D'D WEATHER acj REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or .c_ REMA RKS. id; !_ J2) o:t.Q c)74vt- at n .=(.t' o l rf .. /Y- - =:e7f6' ova.. Conuaotor Title CITY OF F ONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • PROJECT T timAr Ind). �rca- i'ln' CONTRACTOR / G �X Co-,&,41 V,g720 c5.202/9/0. EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of Equipment or Labor) er` ./DDa Recant /2 ON M T N�T F 8 8 Circle Oty Sift Hours Start %I Stop HOURS • REM NO. WEATHER c REMARK. (Reston for Idleness or other >�nmarlo) Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTAN A INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT aEtvtARKS• "Z" R.pon 9 �� Day oats M 0-W T F S S Circle Day Sift Noun Start,44m atop G ire- g Irv` 4'!© Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA • Report. // DAY Oats J - /2- 7 37 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT WTF SS Crew Day shin Hours start 24214 stop RMi HOURS • ITEM NO. PROJECT / W/ / t; - ..c9, 2-A4/1L CONTRACTOR M LaL►, CADYA.4-J 72 O - c5-..7 0 2 / Y/O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: WEATHER /1/�_� ,7 REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION - (Of Equipment or Ube() .z.•�.,.�......� .__.._-- :..) i�J'LlilP-�: Contractor Title InapiCtO( ►eg ---81 CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Repot. / '_ Dry Das 5. • V z/ - %'- M T W T(F' S S Circle C*Y Milt Hours Elan ✓/-;' ? atop .5. PROJECT HmAl^; , „4/11, CONTRACTOR M C_0r-4x �S37z0--(.31202/4//0 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION Or Egiipment or Labor) /9oC HOURS • ITEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Ramon for idleness or ottlor nmar►o) REMARK I Contractor Title Inspect°, • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • a Report No. - l Day 0*s M T WT8 s Circle Day Salt Hour Start Stop 7J? HOURS - ITEM NO. THER PROJECT, HMAl"Ira ,C1-,A4/1. CONTRACTOR / 4 LLQ t EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: . '""- - " — (Reason for Idleness or otter remarks) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) ,cl ) f\-P .< •.ail- MO C 1 2cL--- �.i.L • REMARKS: Conuactor Title Ins • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT 7 MAY' /!'1,3 .KJ1C12., /flI CONTRACTOR M L xi-4 .3720--2//D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN 10f Equipment or Labor) Report No. d Day Daps 7— M T tT FSIS Circle Day am Hours - Sdrt7d, �-1 etcp--r .mod HOURS - REM NO. THER a REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or yJ �GiS%c.2.r 1' Contractor • • CITY OF FONTANA ROOOft No. 7 Dry De. rI %-7 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M©w T F 8 8 Cra.Oay Shift Hours Start '4471 atop HOURS - ITEM NO. PROJECT 7F11Y,A14 "Cf7-11)/R414 CONTRACTOR M Idi WEATHER • EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: I .i ; i 4- ..""" - _ (won for Idleness or remarks) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OFDESCRIPTION MEN (O! quipm.nt or Labor) P«3 O GO4d1.L-L-- , s REI►RKS: Cit "A er/ /4_'00 .1444. "--e-Pao 0 _Ltala_. cL4e Z&Le—)0--a)-(4-121- Afir, ` ..Q.,Q�/ds/ �J ,G{��„[/ C/�.J,`,�l/4!'J It Ow-t-�.-�e [6 Contractor Title Inspect • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT REMARKS: _ F400ort No. Ory Dot. .S / 2 - 93 ®T WTF 8 8 Circle Day Shift Noun Suet 7�i f1 atop •,<'30 (k9 74,4 A ►-- Th Contractor Title Ina r.s..--0 • CITY OF FONTANA • Report No. b.Day o.c. `S - 2 9� . INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T w Tea S Ciro* Day Shot Hours Sort Stop HOURS - fTEM NO. WEATHER PROJECT 77Q 1Y7 /» i/1d4 ,64—A/ild/L CONTRACTOR / 4 L _12. : Co•-e 41 ,537,.o L5:202/910 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) (Reason for Idleness of Other remarks) REMARKS: Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT 7 MAl101d ,9%Ci2.1!IA/i. CONTRACTOR / r 4 tt:C_0 .4.i ,3220-cS302/ //0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: R.port No. Day Date 'S =l 99%L? MTWcVFS 8 Ciro* Day Shift Hours Start Stop HOURS • REM NO. WEATHER EOUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS (Reason for Dana» or °taw remarks) REMARKS: A 9 0 0 • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. / " Clay DE. --L.S'— 9.3 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T®T F 8 8 Circle Day Shift Hours Suit &lap HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER PROJECT i / J ;l' Aea A/Pit, CONTRACTOR / 4 LL.Q � : C_0r.4�F ‘.5.-,3 72. -- 0 2 / y /D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS (Reston for Idleness or other remarks) REMARKS: 11. )0 /t / nr^ Conuactor Title PNs---•r CITY OF FONTANA Raporttt 23 Ow Dome —�� INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M ®W T F S S CJrela Day Milt Noun Stare !sap WEATHER PROJECT /HINAI";Ind „c9,C12-/¢/1L CONTRACTOR ML Q.t C_. A4�F 5�372O--(S.202/y/e EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipm.Rt or Labor) ��........� .__.._-- -. ottvar remarks) REMARKS: 71 ) 0_4 Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA I. Report. /2- Day Doe <-=.3 — `� 3 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT (PT WTF SS Cirsls Osy Shirt Houma Start Stop PROJECT T /Y' t /rnd ,C9/462-,AALM, CONTRACTOR 5�3220—LS:2O2//0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - (TEM NO. WEATHER RKS (Rhson for dare's or Other remarks) REMARKS: ,1 ) ) -"XI ; ov\ () Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • PROJECT f%INAI^Old ,C11im41 CONTRACTOR 4i Ltit : C 4--4 ,5",3220-•LS.2O2/y/O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: Rapoft. // Day Data 9-LS 0 M T W TOS S Circle Day Shift Hours art atop EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS • ITEM NO. 1 WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or otter remarks) REMARKS: 7l r) ..."41;) ; Contractor Title 040.-0 CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT THIN Al';cf:IrC4.-/Ld% CONTRACTOR M 11Q t C •4�F 53220-2 2/'V/D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) Report. /& Day Date:•? M- T W O F S S Cirele Oay Srwt Hours Start StCP HOURS • REM NO. I WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or otter nmarly) REMARKS: /1 / Ar\ 4fit Ov\ 9- (c)1 eo Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA • R•oortt ow INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M TQ/T F SS Circa, Day erwt Hour. Start Stop PROJECT / /)," it 1GV ,^62.-1/44/n CONTRACTOR M L Land, 220--c5.202/q/D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS • ITEM NO. 1 WEATHER KS (Reston ffor�idleness or otler rsrrtar u) REMARKS: A )r) / / Contractor Title • Report No. of Day CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT MMA1^/ra CONTRACTOR MI L�F 5,3720-.(SJ'02/'//O EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: oat. ri ;7 % WTF F 8 8 Circle Day Shift Hour. Start Stop HOURS • ITEM NO. WEATHER EQUIPMT. NO. • NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS (Reason for idiene.s or other remarks) REMARKS: /1) C) , Contractor Title Inspector • • CITY OF FONTANA wort No. % Day Date(%--J INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT ST W T F S 8 Circle Day Shift Hours etut Stop PROJECT..Ltt/ 'AI^ /rid C9,C1,1/Mit/4 CONTRACTOR M (.tX�.�•C�n.Q 3 2.2 --c.5"3O Z / N/D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - ITEM NO. j WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for dines, or otter remarks) REMARKS: s Conuactor Title • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. 6 say INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT nY►pr';Yd CONTRACTOR M LXt C IF EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: Da. 4%®2S- �3 M T W Circle Day Shift Hours Stem Stop EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS • ITEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Fission for Idleness or shier remarks) REMARKS: /r )r) / t tJt J 1 �()A OE D Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA • Report No. Day oats 4 .2 Z INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT MTWTF 8 S Circle Day elyf Hours Start Soap PROJECT T timA/ Ira f9rejill) Ai& CONTRACTOR /, LOC t neo-rvi- ' V c3720—(SJ'O2/ //D EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - ITEM NO. 1 WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or otter remarks) REMARKS: Conuactor Title R • • CITY OF FONTANA Repo! . INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T T F 8 8 Circle Day Shift Hours Stop PROJECT MM ;Yle, ce), 11M-M. CONTRACTOR M r Lt_ ( J �53220- 0 2 / /D EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER • REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or other remarla) REMARKS: Ji„ a--6 .sue Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. 7 Day oao. 09 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T F s s Circle oar Safe Hours Start Stop HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER PROJECT ) ArInd) �rea. //R/4. CONTRACTOR / f�X•� C_0n.4�F 5,37.20--cS,702/9/0 EQUIPMENT ANO/OFI LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or otter remarks) REMARKS: Convector Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Data ./—/ q y . INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT r�r w T F e S Circle Day Srwt Hours Start Soon HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER PROJECT IY)At"/Y1d ��^CQ,�%i/R/�L CONTRACTOR M LI !Lb: C_P ,(\ 4.J 1/45-,3 72 O - c5.20 2 / v/o EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or ottler "markt) REMARKS: / `()(4) Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT Tr/mA)r'IYa /^62/14; CONTRACTOR 1Y1 L %.5-,?720 02 z//O EQUIPMENT ANO/OFI LABOR: • Begat No. & Day Data %4a "- 9 M T W 8 8 Circle Day Shift Hour Start Slap HOURS • (TEM NO. WEATHER EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS (Rasfon for Idleness or otter remarks) REMARKS. A i r) -7 ? � f Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report No. v Day MTW(F 88 Circle Day WA Hours Start Stop HOURS • REM NO. WEATHER PROJECT MAt 014 cf,,e1 ,11, 111. CONTRACTOR M Lt-th: C._@,n..4-4 • 220- (5_702/9/O EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equiprrnnt or Labor) REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or other remarks) REMARKS: n90 Contractor Title ,i spiet''ar' PROJ ECT1Y7 AY' Ira .C9,62-414%4, CONTRACTOR / r G LLLt _.-F 720-c.5:YC2/9/6 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) CITY OF FONTANA R•portNo. D Day Dee INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M TOT F 8 S Cir+el. Day shift Hour. stet ?4M Otcp WA1,12 HOURS -REM NO. HER I I T 6 aQ REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or otter rsmarlu) Contractor TRIO • CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS P-!^irt. d r /I- f REPORT NO. PROJECT: TO: The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week endin Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) q-6 Mon. /7-e.-&- G 4;1— 9'_ 7 Tue. ,e1 A?/ - - / / / 9' Wed. elle, r•3 1- /D e/ et..7 Thur. 6 /-�', /4- i^ jj—/!/ Fri. - Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date Af TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers (Note 3) Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. First working day designated 2. Workingdaysspecified s ec Pied in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days • Numbered Day (Note 5) Date Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer Revised 8/31 /1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the clay was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECTl'� CONTRACTOR musL,AL-(1,4-il EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: Report No. Day Date (AR/T W T F 8 S Circle Day ISM Hour§ dart__ atop HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION Equirnera or Labor) ( p1,06t4 REMARKS (Reason for IdsnsUs or Ameiscfr44 REMA S: _ Mi d - Mrs A' y Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Data INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M TC T F 8 8 Circle Day OM Hours start Stop PROJECT 1404 //-`r ti) 02-- c CONTRACTOR/I1AUXL 4/144 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: HOURS • ITEM NO. WEATHER EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipnwrt or Labor) REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or otter tornado) REMARKS: GAO Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report No. Day Oats q— cf 7 3 M T WO F S S Circle Day Shin Hours Start Stop r Zni la r 1 n� CC-a/1%-M CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESORPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for idleness or . other remarks) REMARKS: ' o Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 16 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 8/20 1993 Date Day . Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 8/16/93 Mon. Clear, 90 Degrees 1 8/17/93 Tue. Clear, 94 Degrees 1 8/18/93 Wed. Clear, 97 Degrees 1 8/19/93 Thur. , Clear, 95 Degrees 1 8/20/93 Fri. Clear, 95 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 73 78 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date 3 5 8 13 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working clays for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) F� Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days 60 13 0 13 —73 ' 78 0-) Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 7/27/93 8/13/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. CONSTRUCTION EXTENDED DATE OF COMPLETION AUGUST 13, 1993. TIME EXTENSION DUE NON -DELIVERY OF MATERIALS BY CONTRACTOR'S SUPPLIERS. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When •recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by. Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 5. Time extensions other, areto be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: d CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 15 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 8/13 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 8/9/93 Mon. Clear, 98 Degrees 1 1 8/10/93 Tue. Clear, 94 Degrees 1 8/11/93 Wed. Clear, 96 Degrees 1 8/12/93 Thur. Clear, 92 Degrees 1 8/13/93 Fri. Clear, 93 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 68 73 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date 3 5 8 13 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 60 13 0 13 73 73 0 1 7/27/93 8/13/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. CONSTRUCTION EXTENDED DATE OF COMPLETION AUGUST 13, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recordingworking and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 14 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 8/6 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 8/2/93 Mon. Clear, 100 Degrees 1 8/3/93 Tue. Clear, Partly Cloudy, 98 Degrees 1 8/4/93 Wed. Clear, 96 Degrees 1 8/5/93 Thur. Clear, 87 Degrees 1 8/6/93 Fri. Clear, 99 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 63 68 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report 2 8 Days previously reported Total days to date 0 8 COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) 3/16/93 60 8 0 8 68 68 0 7/27/93 8/6/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. CONSTRUCTION EXTENDED DATE OF COMPLETION AUGUST 6, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have esident Ear gi/ieer been accepted by the Contractor as correct.. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the gradeis too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following informationis to be included: (a) Cause of delay and •specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted.. (d) Reference, to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA . REPORT NO. 13 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 7/30 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 7/26/93 Mon. Clear, 86 Degrees 1 7/27/93 Tue. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 84 Degrees 1 7/28/93 Wed. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 83 Degrees 1 7/29/93 Thur. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 87 Degrees 1 7/30/93 Fri. Clear, 97.Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 58 63 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 60 7/27/93 0 0 0 60 63 -3 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. CONSTRUCTION DATE OF COMPLETION JULY 27, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c)•Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 12 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 7/23 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 7/19/93 Mon. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 86 Degrees 1 7/20/93 Tue. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 85 Degrees 1 7/21/93 Wed. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 85 Degrees 1 7/22/93 Thur. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 81 Degrees 1 7/23/93 Fri. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 80 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 53 58 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6, Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 60 0 0 0 60 58 2 7/27/93 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. CONSTRUCTION DATE OF COMPLETION JULY 27, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. dent Egineer INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the. reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet. to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change, orders providing for, time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF. COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 11 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 7/16 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 7/12/93 Mon. Clear, 93 Degrees 1 7/13/93 Tue. Cloudy AM, 87 Degrees 1 7/14/93 Wed. Clear, 85 Degrees 1 7/15/93 Thur. Clear, 85 Degrees 1 7/16/93 Fri. Clear, 87 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 48 53 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Workingdaysspecified s ecified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days 60 0 0 0 60 53 7 Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 7/27/93 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. CONSTRUCTION DATE OF COMPLETION JULY 27, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have Resident Engi eer been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 10 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to yo Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 7/05/93 Mon. Holiday 0 1 7/06/93 Tue. Clear 900 1 7/07/93 Wed. Clear 910 1 7/08/93 Thur. Cloudy AM Clear 910 1 7/09/93 Fri. Clear 85° 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 4 44 48 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Days Approved CCO Other 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 60 0 0 0 60 48 12 C . 7/27/93 I ... 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. HOLIDAY-JULY 5, 1993 The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Al si.ent Engineer INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 7/02 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Pay Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 6/28/93 Mon. Clear 96" 1 6/29/93 Tue. Clear 9 5 ° 1 6/30/93 Wed. Clear 93 ° • 1 7/01/93 Thur. Clear 9 6 ° 1 7/02/93 Fri. Clear 91 ° 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 39 44 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 60 .............................. 0 0 0 60 44 16 r 7/27/93 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have Resiineer been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather''is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performedlon the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration Of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under. REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by, Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the; following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF F/ONTANA REPORTNO. 8 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 6/25 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 6/21/93 Mon. Clear Hot 108° 1 6/22/93 Tue. Cloudy 83° 1 6/23/93 Wed. Clear 95o 1 6/24/93 Thur. C1 ear 980 1 6/25/93 Fri. Clear Hot 1 02° 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 34 39 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in con tract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 60 0 0 0 60 39 21 7/27/93 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. eer INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performeddlIon the controlling operation(s) for; reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 7 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 6/18 ,1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day - Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 6/14/93 Mon. Clear, 93 Degrees 1 6/15/93 Tue. Clear, 91 Degrees 1 6/16/93 Wed. Clear, 92 Degrees 1 6/17/93 Thur. Clear, 92 Degrees 1 6/18/93 Fri. Clear, 91 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 29 34 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 60 7/27/93 0 0 0 7/27/93 60 34 26 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed' on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and) NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 6 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 6/11 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 6/07/93 Mon. Clear, 79 Degrees 1 6/08/93 Tue. Clear, 80 Degrees 1 6/09/93 Wed. Clear, 83 Degrees 1 6/10/93 Thur. Clear, 93 Degrees 1 6/11/93 Fri. Clear, 91 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date . 5 24 29 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified s ecifi' ' ed in contract 60 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 0 0 ....................:..::..:: 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6)? 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 60 9. Total working clays to date 29 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) 31 Controlling Operation(s) 3/16/93 7/27/93 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weatherlis clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performedllon the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expirationlof the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued byHeadquarters with workingdays q numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d)- Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 5 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 6/4 , 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 5/31/93 Mon. Holiday 0 6/01/93 Tue. Clear, 80 Degrees 1 6/02/93 Wed. Clear, 80 Degrees 1 6/03/93 Thur. Clear, 81 Degrees 1 6/04/93 Fri. Hazy, 78 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 4 20 24 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. Date Contract approved by City Council .................................... :::.:.............:......... 2. Workingdaysspecified s ecified in contract 60 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable?s`<' 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 0 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 0 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 0 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6)'ii;i?`> 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 60 9. Total working days to date 24 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) 36 Controlling Operation(s) 3/16/93 7/27/93 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993. 5/31/93 MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY. The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have Rest = '� gineer been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weatherllis clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performedlion the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expirationlof the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only sincethe contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered -for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 4 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 5/28 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 5/24/93 Mon. Clear, 77 Degrees 1 5/25/93 Tue. Clear, 74 Degrees 1 5/26/93 Wed. Clear, 81 Degrees 1 5/27/93 Thur. Clear, 78 Degrees 1 5/28/93 Fri. 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 15 20 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in con tract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 3/16/93 60 0 0 0 60 20 40 7/27/93 I.... 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993 The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have =esidej ngineer been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather', is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only sincethe contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force. Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 3 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 5/21 , 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 5/17/93 Mon. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 80 Degrees 1 5/18/93 Tue. Clear, 81 Degrees 1 5/19/93 Wed. Clear, 84 Degrees 1 5/20/93 Thur. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 73 Degrees 1 5/21/93 Fri. Cloudy AM, Clear PM, 71 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 10 15 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) 3/16/93 60 7/27/93 0 0 0 7/27/93 60 15 45 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993 The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. fon 3v1-13 ALi (E`i Resident Engineer INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive•conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather as clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 2 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 5/14 , 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 5/10/93 Mon. Clear, 93 Degrees 1 5/11/93 Tue. Clear, 81 Degrees 1 5/12/93 Wed. Partly Cloudy, 80 Degrees 1 5/13/93 Thur. Clear, 90 Degrees 1 5/14/93 Fri. Clear, 90 Degrees 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 5 10 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved Other CCO Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Workingdaysspecified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) 3/16/93 60 0 0 0 60 10 50 7/27/93 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993 The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Causeof delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: Sewer Force Main For Tamarind Avenue and Sewer Lift Station No.8 REPORT NO. 1 TO: Multi Construction Company The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 5/7 1993 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 5/03/93 Mon. 1 5/04/93 Tue. 1 5/05/93 Wed. 1 5/06/93 Thur. 1 5/07/93 Fri. 1 Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date 5 0 5 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. Date Contract approved by City Council 2. Workingdaysspecified s ecified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all clays specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working clays to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) 60 3/16/93 7/27/93 0 0 0 60 5 55 7/27/93 Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) NOTICE TO PROCEED EFFECTIVE APRIL 20, 1993. CONSTRUCTION START DATE MAY 3, 1993 The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weatheris clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA 11 • REPORT NO. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS �7 s ;�'7/ (S PROJECT: ii�?!'I.�9' �> 0 .19`"e,L. TO: J7 /71/ (1671.1.c:' The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending. ' -219 9 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Oay Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) _ - ._.7 Mon. / y Tue. /►/ 31--3 Wed. -� (1 ! . / 4"--,4 Thur. p 1 / S ^, Fri. /. Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date - -%�-0 / ;- 4 TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FCOMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by APornify-Gerter 2 Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR. COMPLETION Of all days specified ars worktable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Une 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Une 3 plus Une 8) a Revised working days for contract (Litre 2 plus Une 4) 9. Total working days to data. 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) IMMO Number • of Days Numbered DaY (Note 5) D ate tfia 7/7 d 3 0 v 0 (;D Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) /i The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days In which to protest In writing the correctness of the statement, otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct NOTE: All footnotes. ars on reverse side. Resident Engineer 12/92 JT/ab - CITY OF FONTANA 4110 • REPORT NO. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: %-yi Y- 1 L�C�%71) TO: hit u. 14-I K_AsAix ve The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 4(_3019 9_3 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions �� Working Day � Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation' (Note 2) d/-?6 Mon. O/ c/ 7 Tue. //--,z d' Wed. ci° / Thur. �� r \ f� V� j Fri. J WO Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date I I.; 11 Days thie report Days previously reported Total days to dab ME EXTENSIONS. CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by Attorney General. 2 Working days specified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR. COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Nob 4) a Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Une 3 plus Line a Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date. 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered DaY (Note 5) Date Remarks: (Nota 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (1 5) days In which to protest In writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct NOTE: All footnotes. are on reverse side. Resident Engineer 12/92 JTlab CITY OF FONTANA 4111 IPREPORT NO. 2- WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: 7,77,2 J"/ne%/ I./ e- l TO: Au" The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the weekending _ , 19 Oats Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) / 9 Mon. / 4,70 Tue. / ej,z / Wed. / 4/- 2 2- Thur. % 23 Fri. / 61111) Days this week Days previously reported Totel days to date , .. 1 (' 03 ME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previousy reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. Date Contract approved by Attorney General 2 Working days specified in contract a COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION CO all days specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to dab (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to dab (Nob 4) 5. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Une 3 plus tine A 8 Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to dab. 10. WORKING DAYS REMAJNWG (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(e) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date Remarks: (Note 5) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days In which to protest In writing the correctness of the statement, otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct NOTE: All footnotes. are on reverse side. Resident Engineer 1 2/92 JT/ab CITY OF FONTANA • REPORT NO. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS /i l ( �i�? CF ' yt�,'J/,�✓�l C . % /.f/y�,.r�t /c./) %;t,E/7 PROJECT: J %4-m }>--4- Y' (-`-400 -- C D , , Z 9- / 70 171 Iti.[Z/ ("�►�/s . =t3 C T t }; .., f The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending 19 9' TO: Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day • Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) Mon. . fl/ / Tue. / 9 —/ Wed. i---N Cj //—/S' Thur. `., '.. y� V V- /G Fri. _ .. / Days this week. Days previously reported Total days to date r Q... ` 8 ra ..{)_ `? ME EXTENSIONS 1 ` U CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date VV COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION g77; ��/,e_il(_... Number . of Days Numbered Day (Note 5). Date 1. Date Contract approved by-Attomey•General 2 Working days specified in contract a COMPUTE DATE FOR. COMPLETION (d all days specified are workable):? 4. Total time extension days approved to dab (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Une 4 plus Une 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Une 3 plus Unit a Revised working days for contract (Une 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to dab 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) ............ ,....... "1 / f -- b. . ••i:i:i:::::::•. ::::::::::::::.:::: "7.17 I /. 0 `• * ` 0 0 %/ % //`-)= (0 D . .= "; e; , ......................... Controlling Operation(s) Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) f' •'CC F �_ °, —.!'>:'.: The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days In which to protest In writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shalt be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct NOTE: All footnotesare on reverse side. Resident Engineer 12/92 JT/ab INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. Fromcalendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included:. (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA • • REPORT NO. I WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: /1/X) //I / G‘ d e , ✓//G9'9 TO: /' fa - The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending, 2 9 , 199_ Date ,. Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day • Non -Working Daye Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) 5(-2 3 Mon. . r y -a 6/ Tue. ceA I- sr 6 7 -sr- � '.25 Wed. T' Ae/1 I—/ 1< / -02 6 Thur. (7 -r .a- / F ? 7 Fri. ('l4nr q 6 O • / Days this week Days previousy reported Total days to date TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number • of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date, 1. Date Contract approved by Attomey General 2. Working days specified in contract a COMPUTE DATE FOR. COMPLETION (d all days specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Una 4 plus Une 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Une 3 plus Une 8) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Totalworking days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Une 8 minus Une 9) ........... . ......•.. • . •.. .. . . iii -;::• '': ' :;:;: • ..... • I Controlling Operation(s) Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days In which to protest In writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct NOTE: All footnotesars on reverse side. Resident Engineer 12/92 JT/ab INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1, When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEP TMENT 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 • TO : &G74d /,c./7//01/ O �e/� Asr, /2/2 1✓,4 EA//A P/ext aOLTDAJ, C7 ,i31 ATTN: 64F0 LETTER ji!RANSMITTAL File: rA/-1L1/%c/U //F7—JT/a1/o t/ AA J Date: 8/25J 3 RE: eteku9 ST/%TEM exit Or kY'- AA'/S Gentlemen:. We are sending you: 1_1 Attached 1_1 Under separate cover via the following item: 1_1 Drawings 1_1 Prints 1_1 Plans 1_1 Samples 1_1 Specifications 1_1 Copy of Letter. 1_1 Change Ord r 1_1 Check Print(s) I_I'Studies 1 " i Other : VEEKL/J7ATE/-f1(/T OF /1./Dic /,lei 2A0 COPIES I DATE 1 NO. DESCRIPTION urpose: i.ffor your i nforma ion/records 1 For approval 1 Approved as submitted 1 For your use 1 Approved as noted 1 As requested 1 Returned for corrections 1 For review & comment 1 1 Other 1 For bid due: , 19 1 Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: i /CGO /S /kacy( „Am.,/'Pex/T OC /1�4/0:1A /l%s.An-"/. ,2T.s / Flo Please: 1 1 Submit original 1 1 Resubmit copies for approval. 1 1 Submit copies for distribution 1 1 Return corrected prints 1 1 Other Copy to: 4111 Signed: Title: CITY OF FONTANA • REPORT NO. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: /YIl� /'�/�� G- d Uo TO: /11 r.L__Q- The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week endingQ ? , 19 Date , Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day • Non-Worteng Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) V-23 Mon.. r y ,ay Tue.. e /4/ 9S'o I Wed. 2/2r -‘'1 .? 6 Thur.rr1�Y.?f Q / cr—a i Fri. . • Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date .. q ME EXTENSIONS CCO Number Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported. Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number • of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. Oats Contract approved by Attorney General. 2 Working days specified in contract a COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) & Sub Total (Lire 4 plus Lane 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Une 3 plus Une a Revised working days for contract (tine 2 plus Una 4) 9. Totalworking days to data. 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Une 8 minus Une 9) Controlling Operatlon(s) r Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days In which to protest In writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor u correct NOTE: All footnotes. are on reverse side. Resident Engineer 12/92 JT/ab • • CITY OF FONTANA ReOOrt No. _ Day o.n Q'-Z3 73 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT a TWTF SS Circle Day She Hours Start_ &my PROJECT //4137AY`drf 0, CONTRACTOR /LL,Q J /71,..J • EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCPF nON (Of Equipment or Labo) I•IOURS • ITEM NO. REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or other remarks) A1Aer / r%Z iY1eref c3-e, &f REMARKS: A 11 1 r'-E • C R. / 7;4-;1_,e, Convector Title • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT /417ylig-yam! Ytc�J • Report No. Day M3WTF 88 Circle Dry OAR Hours start Stop CONTRACTOR PAA-t-S)-±4 -� ^ i EQUIPMENT ANOIOR LABOR: c DEec PTION (Of Equiprrant or Labor) EQUUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN /J HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER /ar re" REMARKS (Reason for Id.Mts or • other remarks) Q SrhA A-v0D 6^-4 Q ,1 Z G _ &.�ov 3�y /' .,,oco• r'.�,9- CEc / i _ A , AiLfL) — — Z» A-0 — _ (1) 0--L-Qc2 1-Z-241-- 4 74e) t24x-- 3 2/AZ A494 d ry cDe /a/ 1- pti 0 0 %f-�v3 rrn Li) � %i f'Lm_ JeNcam- r P�- �.� / roht /- 7,4- Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Reoort No. Oa Oat. •2S-7_3 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T( i� T F s s Circle Oa Shift Hour start Co atop � j n PROJECT ✓ J AN/w y, /Oro e rnP-1 f� CONTRACTOR uajcw,zt>,Q EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCf?IPTION Equipment or Labor) A..4 6ot, HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER /.P . 4 19'Q REMAJVCS (Rq�on for Idleness or otlwr 1 M JAPAI A RE MA' S: /L P � If r_ ��-- %t, ..!ten alf§r ,toMPL-M2M-- 4,1311Z1E---"MmieMffririWitMi- Aill'IMOW Ai 1' I f ii r K 0 Q /i' 4_ =LWOW jillirlArie ALL // 6 I .� Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report No. Day Data ,y-.x 4 -9, M T W QF 8 8 Ciro* Day OM Hours Start Stop PROJECT—rfrM 144,4,r‘d Pore,"Abt, leN CONTRACTOR! /) (cN J EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR:. EQ UPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equiprriert or Labor) HOURS • ITEM NO. ep_rEtFj1 REMARKS (Raton for Ideness or z7lonmatlo�1 v REMARKS. 0 Xi) .1 '/ �) , n ‘ / ire Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT /47 Arlivc 11C-4/7a CONTRACTOR inAlid a1d-4 EQUIPMENT ANO/OFI LABOR: DEBOMPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) EQUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN • Report No. Osy M T W Td)8 8 Circle Day er14oure text • ems WEATHER REMAPKS (Reston for kleness or olther remarks) REMAFiKS• ) oN( Contrsetor Title f CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS REPORT NO. / PROJECT: /41 d k' TO: /�1 rk I +-1` t The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending y- 199 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) Y'3U Mon. 1-Z ^ F 1 1 Si_ 3 / Tue. C/-e 4- y. 9/-a 1 ��to. r 9.' / g`�Wed. Thur. f 4, 1— -=/ q-3 Fri. e/a../3�7— %• 7-°-- Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date TIME EXTENSIONS CCO.Numbers (Note.3) Days Approved CCO • Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. First working day designated 2. Workingdaysspecified s ecified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer Revised 8/31/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delayand specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Report No. Oats _ory JOT Shift Hours WTFSS Cirri. Day Start Stop PROJECT cG Prc it CONTRACTOR! 1,L L c 4 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: i EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIMON (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER • REMARKS (Reason for lowne.s or otter remarks) REMARKS: >0 A-6 - t 2 l Contractor Title Inspector • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day DSO e / = �..� INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT MCP WTF SS Circle Day Shift Hours Start Stop PROJECT 4—i4 11 CONTRACTOR U Q 514-41-4! EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS . ITEM NO. THER • REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or othat remarks) qq 1 tJ�y REMARKS: %� J d �-�-' / . 01, Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Da Dab / /— 9/ 3 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T(g T F 8 S Circle Day IBM Hours Startatop PROJECT 7 ZIP r4'v" t e -10-14- CONTRACTORi n WA: 4,1n.4---4 EQUIPMENT AND/OP LABOR: EQUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER Gi c/ REMARKS (Reason for Idleness or REMARKS: ` t Q C tinJ.-0/y o * //y// S _ r C3Lµ Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. ` Day Data ' 9 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T W&F 8 8 Ora. Day WA Hours Start atop HOURS - fiEM NO. PROJECTI44es?"1 C CONTRACTOR(' 1 (.' THER EQUIPMENT ANC/OR LABOR:. ..-."" ' .. (Reason for Idleness or EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCR PTION Equipment or Labor) th ,�" %'�ks) 3 ��c�c..� L,�� I !K..p le,ena vi • REMARKS,: Z2 4-2 if • 1 1 14•4 , . r �. ,1/ /o�—Zi=-12-i X2r,-P• Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Avert No. DayDes INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T W TOS s Circle Day OM Naas Start atop PROJECT 14 n r/1C-/S4-71, CONTRACTOR MUM (1c-14-0-4 HOURS • 1 EM NO. EIJMTHL.k...F1 0 EGUPMEPIT AND/OR LABOR: REMARKS DESORPTION (Reason for Idiomor (Of Equipment or Label other remarks)) EQUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN y� REMARKS: / 1) Convector ?its• CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. 19 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: TO: API t.cA7 The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week endin—//, 199 '? Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) G7--6 Mon. ,_4‘1_ 9'. % Tue. i/- f e/z r •/G23 / 9..e Wed. e1.e // /-. Ai' </ O / 9'... 5, Thur. l �'` Q C� - / 7 %d Fri. ,I l — - - ? / Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date ' 4/ TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers (Note 3) Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. First working day designated 2. Working days specified ecified in contract Y 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable). 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date Controlling Operation(s) Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer Revised 8/31/1993 • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT N CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT ANC/CA LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESORPTION E or Libel Report No. Day Dies '7 e, T F 8 8 Circle Day BtyR - Startatop . HOURS • REM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Pawn for Ness or iv • REMA - S: larIBMWMAr—FAMIWIPT AA 4 ' PT Contractor Title • 0 • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Dab %= �- 9_ INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T F S e Circle Day OM Hours Start atop hibIK PROJECT MreIll vv. # eja' CONTRACTOR nil (C/A4a EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: HOURS • ffEM NO. WEATHER EQUUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN REMARKS: Q DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS (Ramon for Ideneaa or otter remarks) Contractor Title Inspector • • CITY OF FONTANA PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Anita. rine() CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: It Rport No. Oay Osa. ?- 91- 93 M T WO F 8 S Cird4 Day Srrrt Hours eon Stop HOURS - ITEM NO. EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Ecs iorr'.w�t or Labor) trwramon nor %Am MOO N otter remarks) REMARKS: f ') 0 / A b� Contractor Title th CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • PROJECT /k ip')" iYU n t a..4-4 CONTRACTOR Milk 6,KW..--4 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) Report No Day Date MTWTF SS Circle Day Shift Hours Start Stop HOURS - MEN NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for idleness or Ober remarks) 1 17 REMARKS: f l ») Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. CZ WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: TO: The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending` 7i 199 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) `)�( Mon. ( A2/3.-/-- / ')b Tue. �l�ia- 1^ 9.-7 ---- `//5 Wed. ( -e- - )''' 9' % -' `/ %/r7 Thur. r ,-- i°^ 9 -J- Fri. f��yy, -,,�/`-') Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date ; TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers (Note 3) Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. First working day designated 2. Working days specified in contract P 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable). 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) ............................. Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer Revised 8/31/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: • ; • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT iArnita-rryvd/-C1S471- CONTRACTOR inkidd EQUPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Libor) ECUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN Report No. Day Dab CMTWTF SS Grew Day Seat Hors Stare etov HOURS • REM NO. 1 WEATHER REwAAR*CS (MUM on for ohms' or other remarks) REMARKS: (6) o,-/;‘); 61-/ 2(2. CITY OF FONTANA • RapoR No. Da Owe INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M(Dw T F 8 8 Gin* Day Seat Hours Start • Stop PROJECT %)1)n r inid G• I VS CONTRACTOR MA -a-: aA.0-4 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF .MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER • REMARKS (Rayon for idleness or otter remarks) REMARKS:. 1 l e.) ca3-1) ; 6(-/ c_Li Contra for Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Des r-/ INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • M T T F s s Circle Day &l t Hour. sears_ etnp PROJECT /47)/11r 11\J IVS`"/ CONTRACTOR / ► (-UM 6-1A4--4 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: DEeCRPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN WEATHER REMARKS•. , `y /0 0,(\p-ry_tti REMARKS (Reston for Idleness a other remarks) REMARKS (Reston ror Idleness or otter remarks) Contractor Title • , • CITY OF FONTANA R.00rt No. on Date a-/6 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T v F s s Cirri. ay Wet Mare fart • Stop PROJECT /4yr)Ar-aS4-4 l��-+ �1 CONTRACTOR / / t-did C00-4-4 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER REMARKS EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESORPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) other remarks) REMARKS: r\ ) Ao7z) 1/0-(\,5 Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA RePert No. Day Oats INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T W TQ s f3 Girds Oay Srwt Hour. Start Stop PROJECT %L�rr�x�rlrv(G.tS CONTRACTOR / , tJ ECUPMENT AND/OR LABOR: DESCRIPTION (Of EquiprnSr t or Labor) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN • REMARKS: WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for idleness or other remarks) Contractor Title 1 CITY OF FONTANA • PROJECT: TO: • WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS REPORT NO. z/ The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week endin - // 199 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days ` Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) `_1.0 Mon. G/P,�,^ eY �% " ' j/ Tue. ('/,,a-J^ ef.! 0 Wed. l'/� - I" <_S----' cf/ Thur. ('rp 4... 7' 9.4 9� Fri. C/P .a- r" 7� Days this week Days previously reported Total clays to date TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers (Note 3) Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. First working day designated 2. Workingdaysspecified s ecified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all clays specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer Revised 8/31/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to 'supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: . , • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Dey Dab INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT TWTF 8 8 Gin* Day Wet I4ours slut • acav PROJECT I4mp-ri.cpt �- s CONTRACTOR i / lid6-1A.4-4 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: " REMARKS DESCRIPTION (Reason for idleness or e (Ot Equipment or Labor)Labor)olh.r remarks) REMARKS: 11 n ! . WEATHER EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Data Vo?A 9 3 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT • M ®w T F s s Cif Day erwt Hour. seat ' atop PROJECT //4Y)/I21- r 1.7vd t-S i_4„ CONTRACTOR / , , ftaw EQUIPMENT mo/OR LABOR: • EOUIPMT. NO. OF DESCRIPTION NO. MEN (Of Equipment or Labor) WEATHER REMARKS (Raton for idleness or other r rrtarw) REMARKS: n ii.o.„5„6f • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No Day Doe � �? z -ice INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M WTF138 Girds Orr ere Mar. Start Stop PROJECT ,0-rl:vcaras4 CONTRACTOR / r Gi--ek a/W-4 WEATI- ER EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR. DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment t or Labor) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN REMARKS (Rayon for Idleness of Deis remade) REMARKS: l ) () ri-Lf Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT /4)1111rInd 1-aSrha CONTRACTOR / C Report No. Day Des M T W7F 8 8 Cads Day errkt ► ours Start • Stop HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: Rnfor d8 DESCRIPTION (Rayon for Idleness or Equipmert or t- otter remarks) EQUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN REMARKS: r . ) Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T W T6 8 9 Circle Day er+ift Hours start • atop PROJECT AliAr IlUd ik 11.1.0 CONTRACTOR inkitLii a/W-4 EQUIPMENT AND/OR LABOR: DESORPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN HOURS - REM NO. WEATHER , REIAARKS (Reason for titansis or or ott+ar smarty) REMARKS:. , 1 ` ai774-7 6); 6(-/ CN`� Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: TO: The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending /&/ , 199 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions ° Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) /„.17 Mon. /(off/-\ V 9 .aX Tue. / 1 �� 9 Wed. 9 /.-r y, .- c13G Thur. / % . �rc�' / p Fri. ( /�P�i�l� P CO Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date ; -, TIME EXTENSIONS . • CCO Numbers (Note 3) Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. First working day designated 2. Working daysspecified s eciified in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer Revised 8/31/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONALREMARKS: • CITY OF FONTANA Asport No. Day Date:?-9' INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT w T F s s Ciro* Day OMR Hours stirs atop PROJECT /47)22 'v\ CONTRACTOR EOUPMENT AND/OR LABOR: EGUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN a,,,d DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) HOURS - ITEM NO. WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for Idleness of Otlwf rsmarkt) REMARKS: f • / g,.• ate_.� PAWL I d Zol Contractor Title • \ • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT I4» r ( aS4 CONTRACTOR / EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN REMARKS: , 1 % DESORPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) Report No. Oay Dee —77 M a T F 8 8 Cirri* Oay Stop Shift Hour. start WEATHER REMARKS (Ralson for denies or otter remarks) Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Data -7;2 % 3 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T®T F s S Circle Day IrdtMass Start • Stop PROJECT CONTRACTOR / GUM (IciA-44 EQUIPMENT MCIOR LABOR: . DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN REMARKS:_ l t / WEATHER REMARKS (Ramon for idleness or ottwr rsrrsado) Contractor Title • • CITY OF FONTANA Report No. Day Dm. %'0 -7- INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT M T W F SS circle Day. WMt Hours Start • Stop PROJECT /Ali r I7d. I aS44- CONTRACTOR / (-d-L EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: DESORPTION (Ot Equipment or Labor) EQUIPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN WEATHER REMARKS (Reason for denies or other terraria) REMARKS* n ,,„0//0„.5r,-LL) Contractor Title • CITY OF FONTANA INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT p r l -ruc raS CONTRACTOR /n dA.A../4 • aA4..--4 EQUIPMENT ANO/OR LABOR: EQUPMT. NO. NO. OF MEN DESCRIPTION (Of Equipment or Labor) REMARKS: P 1 % • Report No. Day Dare MTWTDSS Cite Day ShIR Mourn Stag Stop HOURS • REM NO. Contractor Title CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. c9Z 3 WEEKLY STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS PROJECT: TO: The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending' ���, 199 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions • Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather Working Days No Work. Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) /6 y Mon. l'°�,,a44,. / Tue. /�P.irb- (4 Y` /'� ; /7 Wed. /T�J Thur. /D Fri. Days this week Days previously reported Total days to date TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers (Note 3) Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION Number of Days Numbered Day (Note 5) Date 1. First working day designated 2. Working days specified in contract Y P 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (If all days specified are workable). 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non:working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9) Controlling Operation(s) .............................. Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer Revised 8/31/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wetto work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: CITY OF FONTANA WEEKLY. STATEMENT OF WORKING DAYS REPORT NO. PROJECT: TO: The following statement shows the number of working days charged to your contract for the week ending" /6 < 199 Date Day Weather, Weather Conditions or Other Conditions Working Day Non -Working Days Caused by Weather 'Working Days No Work Done on Controlling Operation (Note 2) CO f Mon. CX2,/y!r Tue. cy1._1 R Wed. 1 l2/ Thur. ///, Fri. Days this week ; Days previously reported Total days to date TIME EXTENSIONS CCO Numbers (Note 3) Days Approved CCO Other Days this report Days previously reported Total days to date COMPUTATION OF EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION 1. First working day designated 2. Workingdaysspecified s ec Pied in contract 3. COMPUTE DATE FOR COMPLETION (if all days specified are workable) 4. Total time extension days approved to date (CCO plus other) 5. Total non -working days to date (Note 4) 6. Sub Total (Line 4 plus Line 5) 7. EXTENDED DATE FOR COMPLETION (Line 3 plus Line 6) 8. Revised working days for contract (Line 2 plus Line 4) 9. Total working days to date 10. WORKING DAYS REMAINING (Line 8 minus Line 9). Number of Days:...... ............................... Numbered Day (Note 5) Date Controlling Operation(s) Remarks: (Note 6) (Continue on reverse) The Contractor will be allowed fifteen (15) days in which to protest in writing the correctness of the statement; otherwise the statement shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Contractor as correct. NOTE: All footnotes are on reverse side. Resident Engineer Revised 8/31/1993 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESIDENT ENGINEER 1. When recording nonworking days due to weather, state the reason why the day was unworkable when the weather description itself does not adequately descrive conditions. For example, "Clear -wet grade" to describe conditions when the weather is clear, but the grade is too wet to work. Do not list days merely as "Unworkable." 2. Enter days on which no productive work has been performed on the controlling operation(s) for reasons other than weather. 3. List numbers of contract change orders providing for time extensions. • 4. Do not include nonworking days which occur after expiration of the Extended DATE OF COMPLETION. On contracts that are overtime, the total under WORKING DAYS shall not be greater than the total of REVISED WORKING DAYS, (Line 8). After approved total of working days has been reached, continue recording working and nonworking days but do not add into the totals. Make statement under REMARKS that WORKING and NONWORKING days are shown for record only since the contract time has elapsed. 5. From calendar, issued by Headquarters with working days numbered for convenience in computation. 6. Time extensions other, are to be explained under REMARKS and the following information is to be included: (a) Cause of delay and specification reference \under which approval was granted. (b) Statement as to what controlling operation or operations are being delayed and to what extent. (c) Dates for which the extension was granted. (d) Reference to supporting data. ADDITIONAL REMARKS: