HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrom Contractor 7.5ALBAT W. DAVIE INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 September 18, 2002 Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 Attention: Mr. Edgar Casasola Mr. Don Gdula RE: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Casasola, I am sending you the "As Builts" drawings for the Stover Avenue Sewer as per the contract and as requested by Mr. Gdula. Please note the drawings are the originals and I did not make a copy of them. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 4' ALB AT W. DAVIA INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 September 17, 2002 Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 Attention: Mr. Edgar Casasola Mr. Don Gdula RE: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Casasola, Enclosed is a copy of Progress Payment No. 5 for work completed through August 30, 2002. This progress billing includes Contract Change Order No. 1, which would complete the project. (This billing is Final). Please prepare and record the Notice of Completion at this time. (I get nervous when the Project Engineer is changed and there are still items that need to be completed). Also, enclosed is the signed change order per your request (CCO No. 1). This original Progress Payment No. 5 has been sent to Accounts Payable. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALBS :T W. DAVIE9, INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 July 26, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, We have been delayed by the long time it has taken to remove the many telephone and electrical poles that were along Slover Avenue. The poles delayed the project so long that the construction method envisioned prior to bidding was completely abandoned. The poles also caused extra expenses working around them with traffic control. Construction had to progress or wait until July 3 when the last pole was removed. Because of the delay, the poles did generate a credit back to the City in that we never did lay down the asphalt detour that was originally planned. The City also generated another credit when the City deleted the slurry that was called out for under the existing asphalt. These credits are an estimated $104,000 or 2,000 tons at the bid price of $52.00/ton (2,330 tons less than what we expect to use, 330 tons) and $82,900 for the slurry not used from the estimate. However, I am asking that we be paid for the slurry that we did use on the project supporting crossing lines (92 yards at $63.34/yard). This yardage was not separated from the original estimated slurry on the job. The delay in removing the poles forced the construction into the traffic lanes of Slover Avenue. Because of this we were forced to construct the southern laterals and 8" lines using flagmen to a much greater extent than what we had originally bid. This also caused the southern lines to be constructed in two phases of work in order to keep traffic moving through the area. This complicated the construction and cost an additional 47 crew days to construct these lines. Therefore, I am also requesting a change order for $140,843.49 for the extra crew days caused by the delay of the poles and change in construction method. (47 days at $2,999.67 per 5-man crew day, see extra work report attached). I am also requesting the costs for the additional use of 190 flagman days or $69,488.70. (190 days at $365.73/flagman/day extra work report attached). I have enclosed a number of spreadsheets with the details of the above. If you have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729 -02 1 5 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALBS LT W. DAVIE , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 August 14, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, Enclosed is a copy of the material sent to the Accounts Payable Department for the City of Fontana. I agree this is an interim Progress Payment Request and Invoice until we agree on the extra work and change orders to be written. The Accounts Payable Department has stated that Engineering is very slow in approving these. I realize that your department is busy as a beehive but anything you can do to keep things moving I would be appreciated. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALBELT W. DAVIE*, INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 August 29, 2002 Mr. Don Gdula City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana, CA 92335 Re: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Dear Mr. Gdula, Please find attached additional copies of the asphalt tickets and copies of Class II base for the above captioned project. Please phone me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Rebecca Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALBAIT W. DAVIE', INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989 - 3.71 4 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 July 15, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, Enclosed are three copies of the revised construction schedule per your request. The Target Dates represent the original schedule. You can see how the impact of the telephone poles have delayed the project and forced a different method of construction using flagmen on all parts of the project. With this schedule I am requesting additional time to extend the contract to August 16, 2002. The plan is to continue to keep two crews on the job to make up some time to complete the job quickly. I will follow up this letter with correspondence to request additional expenses for crew extended time to construct the project with traffic and with additional flagmen. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA Target `Target Startf 05MAR02 05MAR02 25APR02 26APR02 09MAY02 10MAY02 13MAY02 14MAY02 24MAY02 21MAY02 04JUN02 OSIUNO2 07JUN02 28MAY02 07JUN02 O4JUNO2 21JUNO2 2 17 26JUN02 25JUN02 05JUL02 08JUL02 10JUL02 LNo ice to Proceed. n 0 9 06 '. 13 .;;.;,20 27`<. "03 10 1 08'"' '15 - ' ' 22 • +Telephwre Poles Relocated, by others :►n ' Pave Sou hem Portion of Stover Avenue 4►L7 Re -Strip 8 Install Stop Siena . ... �-►. ....12Main-PopularAvetoCitrusAve • n n Albert W. Davies, Inc. EP. 12 19.. ,---26 102 Construct South Laterals 8 8' Lines: Ls Sec. 1 - North Lets 8 8' tines La®Test Popular to Citrus Section (12 Main - Citrus Ave to Cypress Ave Sec. 2 - North Earls 8 8' Lines - - .. .. ®Test Urns to Cypress Se nor 1SMain - Cypress Ave to Sierra Ave • Sec.3-North Leis 88'Lines A n ,. t►Milfina7Test Cypress to Siena Section City of Fontana Califomia escriptto Iy , Actual Actual Target Target Finish .`,StartFinish Start 'Finish-1 8 -= 1000 1005 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 410090 100 1110 Notice to Proceed 05MAR02 A 05MAR02 Telephone Poles Relocated by others 03JUL02 A 03JUL02 05MAR02 Construct South Laterals & 8' Lines 07MAR02 A 07AUGO2 07MAR02 05MAR02 25APRO2 Pave Southern Portion of Stover Avenue 26APR02 09MAY02 26APR02 09MAY02 Re -Strip & Install Stop Signs 10MAY02 13MAY02 10MAY02 13MAY02 17 Main - Popular Ave to Citrus Ave 03MAY02 A 28MAY02 A 03MAY02 28MAY02 14MAY02 24MAY02 Sec. 1 - North Laps & 8" Lines 25JUN02A 1OJUL02 25JUN02 21MAY02 04JUNO2 Test Popular to Claus Section 31JUL02 02AUGO2 OSJUNO2 07JUNO2 17 Main - Citrus Ave to Cypress Ave 29MAY02 A 19JUNO2A 29MAY02 19JUNO2 28MAY02 07JUNO2 Sec. 2 - North Lapis & 8' Lines Test Citrus to Cypress Section 15" Main - Cypress Ave to Sierra Ave 11JUL02A OSAUGO2 10JUNO2A 25JUL02 07AUGO2 10JUL02A 11JUL02 10JUNO2 IOJUL02 04JUNO2 24JUN02 10JUNO2 21JUN02 28JUN02 25JUN02 Sec. 3 - North Lapis & 8" Lines 10JUL02 A 26JUL02 10JUL02 17JUNO2 05JUL02 1120 Test Cypress to Siena Section 08A0002 12AUGO2 08JUL02 1OJUL02 Notice to Proceed. •n v • te-MININIEN=0127 Pave Southern Portion of Slaver Avenue n : L►itt� Re -Strip & Install Stop Signs l-► / 17 Main -Popular Ave to Citrus Ave n vIr (17 Main - Citrusf n JUN-26-2002 09'�31 � � ALB �DAV, n �� W. INC. l � V � � � 909 989 754 P . 01i01 i11 �o••�� YYYY JJ 11.V . GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 June 26, 2002 Mr, Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-0 1 Dear Mr. Gdula, We have a problem with the traffic control on the. very east end of the project. The survey has the pipeline 19' off the center island curb. The traffic control calls for K-rail in place with 12' allowed for a traffic lane, The problem comes in that the ditch is running 10'wide and the track hoe needs 12' from centerline to swing. With the ditch at 5' into the 19', 1' allowed from ditch to K-rail, and 2,5' for K-rail that leaves only 10.5' for the traffic lane and 3.5' short for the machine to swing. There are two solutions I would like to suggest. The first is to close the westbound lanes for two weeks while we construct the pipeline in the current alignment. Allowing access for the local homes only. The second option is to add a manhole at station 171+25 +/- and bring the pipeline alignment to 6.5'-7' off of the center island's north curb and continue pipelining with flagmen. This would allow a westbound traffic lane on the north side of the street without the use of K-rail during the day. For of hours we can K-rail or plate the ditch for safety. Our preference is to close the westbound lanes and complete the project with the maximum amount of safety. Please contact me right away so there is not an interruption in the work Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Faxed Only JUN-06-2002 16'• .5�5 . I � f]�RT � ;. DAV I` ES; INC. �� � INC �989 �754 P . 01 i01 1J ��1 VV GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 LICENSE 4370846, . FAX (909) 989-0754 June 6, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept, City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slower. Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No, SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, We are looking at a delay with the work in Stover Avenue due to the telephone poles that are on both sides of the street. The north sets of poles are in the alignment of the mainline sewer and will cause mainline work to stop soon. The poles on the south side of Stover Avenue have prevented us from doing the pavement required on the job and still delays that work today. These conditions have already caused us to piece meal the work on the laterals. The poles have delayed the schedule and now threaten to stop the whole project. Please do what you can to keep us moving, If there is anything 1 can assist you with please let me know, I will be happy to help. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies 14xcs' 4-4-vz 5/'5j' TOTAL P.01 ALB.T W. DAVI' , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 May 16, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, Enclosed is a Survey Form from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The form is addressed to the City of Fontana with my address. The survey is requesting information I am not familiar with and therefore I am forwarding this to you to respond. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALB}LT W. DAVI} , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989 - 3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989 - 0754 May 1, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, It has come to my attention that the clean -outs that are being installed on the project are being installed incorrectly at the City's direction. My problem is that the raiser pipe is being laid on a slope out of the wye and not straight up to grade. This has a tendency to break the wye at the bell or the spigot going into it. We are installing them as directed, however these may fail at a later date and we do not support this installation. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies 11101t.AXEI d PAR. aax i i b+4T -r cc,' ours watt& To CAT-t dtDU: s INSniumams wooup RECETVED MAY 0 6 2002 BY ► elA-- P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALBEIT W. DAVIE , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989 - 3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989 - 0754 April 30, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, Attached is Progress Payment No. 1 for work completed during the month of April. If there are any comments please contact me right a way at the above. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Fax'd & mailed RECEIVED MAY 0 6 2002 BY•►t.i4t-- P.O. BOX 215, 91729'-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALB.T W. DA.VILA , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 April 22, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, Enclosed are six copies of the construction schedule per your request. As you can see the schedule is fairly tight and may have to be altered to complete the work on time. I will keep you informed, as those events become clear. To answer your request about arrow board rental, as long as I am able to use our arrow boards the rates are $45.00/day, $180.00/week, and $540.00/month. If we had to use outside boards we would have to add 20% to these rates. This would be for either the solar boards or the diesel boards. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA Sent By: LD KING; • 909 937 0202; Mar-11 3:OOPM; Page 1/1 L'XIflG Engineers/Planners/Surveyors MEMO Date: March 11, 2002 - 'l o: L)on Cdula, City of Fontana From: Steve Nix CC; File RE: Stover Ave. Sewer — Poplar to Sierra Post -it' Fax Note 7671 Date y/j#of6. t From To /' �O _. Co•/Dept. Co. Phone a Phone # Fax # ISco �Co(o i C.J Fax # 12411 Don, In response to the fax's received today regarding the sewer construction pro,jeet in Slaver Ave. 1 am suggesting the following. 1. Capri Mobile Home Park: the lateral al station 177+28 per the approved plan has an invert elevation of 1076.95. In order to accommodate the design of Boyle Engineering tier the mobile home park, they are requesting that this be changed to an elevation oif 1076.10 at this point. The simplest solution to this is to lay the wye flat and extend the lateral to the property line at 1% in lieu of 2%. This would eliminate any changes to the main line sewer and would give an elevation of 1076.14 at this location. 2. Sand Slurry Backfill: A.W. Davies is requesting that they be allowed to use sand slurry baciclill at water crossings in lieu of pipe supports. I do not believe that this is an acceptable alternative and therefore would not support this change request. L.D. KiN(;, INC 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100, Ontario, California 91764 Telephone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 CASE I REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM EXISTING CONDUIT TO BE SUPPORTED 30C23 (560. C-3250) REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM REINFORCED FOR 100mm (4') TO 610mm (241 1.0. PIPE CONCRETE MIN. I0M (04) BAR O.D. (IF BEAM IS PRECAST) REINFORCEMENT (SEE TABLE) NOTES; BEARING SHALL BE 0.5 OF SUPPORTED PIPE M o4 : AR (IF BEAM IS PRECAST) REINFORCEMENT (SEE TABLE) 50mm(2')CL. 1..100 mm (4') MAX. SECTION C-C I. WIDTH OF BEAM SHALL EQUAL 0.D. OF SUPPORTED PIPE. MINIMUM WIDTH SHALL BE 150 mm (6 IN.) 2. IF SUPPORTED PIPE IS BEDDED IN CONCRETE. BEAM WIDTH SHALL. EOUAL BEDDING WIDTH. 3. IF BEAM IS PRECAST. ENDS OF BEAM SHALL BE FULLY BEDDED IN 265C14 (450-C-2000) CONCRETE FOR LENGTH B. THE BEDDING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 100 mm (4 IN.). CLASS 'C' MORTAR SHALL BE PLACED BETWEEN TOP OF BEAM AND SUPPORTED PIPE TO PROVIDE MINIMUM BEARING SHOWN. 4. THIS CASE IS PERMITTED ONLY IF THE TRENCH WALLS ARE FIRM AND UNYIELDING. 5. MAXIMUM SPACING OF BARS SHALL BE 100 mm (4 IN.) 0.C.. BEAM (DIMENSIONS AND REINFORCEMENT) s PIPE COVER 0mTO2.4m 2.4 m TO 3.7 m 3.7 m TO 4.9 m 4.9 mTO6.0m 6.0mTO 7.6 m (0 TO 8'-0') (8'-0' TO I2'-0') (12-0' TO 16'-0') (I6'-0' TO 20'-0') (20'-0' TO 25'-0') BARS B T BARS B T BARS B T BARS B. T BARS B 8m TO I.2m (0' TO 4'-0') 1.2m TO I.50m (4'-0' TO S'-0') I.5m TO 1.85E (5'-0' TO 6'-01 200mm (8') 200mm (8') '230mm (9') I.85m TO 2.I5m (6'-0'TO7'-0'), 2.I5m TO 2.45m (7'-0' TO 8'-0') 2.45m TO 2.73m (8'-0' TO 9'-01 2.75m TO 3.0m (9'-0' TO 10'-0') 3.0m TO 3.35m (I0'-0' TO10'-0') 3.35m TO 3.65m (11'0' TO 12'-0•) 3.65m TO 4.00m (12'-0' TO 13'-0.1 4.O0m TO 4.25m. (13' -I' TO 14'-01 4.25m TO 4.60m (14'-0' TO 15'-0'1 4.8m TO 4.90m (15'-0• TO 16'-01 4,90 TO 5.20m (16'-0• TO 17'-O') 5.20m TO 5.50m (I7'-0' TO 18'.=0') 255mm (10') 260mm (1I') 320mm ((2 1/2') 340mm 113 I/2') 370mm (14 1/27 395mm (IS I/2'1 430mm (17') 455MM (18') 485mm (19') 520mm 120 I/2'1 545rnn (21 (/21 570mm (22 I/2') I0M (No.4) 10M (No.4) I0M (No.4) ISM (No.5) I5M (No.5) I5M (No.5) 20M (No.8) 201A (No.6) 201A (No.6) 20M (No.6 ) 251A (No.7) 25M. (No.7) 25M (No.7)' 25M (No.7) 25M (No.8) 0.50m 200mm (I'-6') (8') 0.50m 250mm (I'-6') (9 (/2') 0.50m 280mm (I'-61 (11') 0.50m 320mm (('-6') (12 I/21 0.50m 335mm (l'-6') (14') I0M 0.50m 230mm (No.4) (l'-6') :(9')' I0M 0.50m 280mm (No.4) (I'-61 (11') I5M 0.50m 320mm (No.5) (('.-6') (12 I/2') ISM 0.6m 370mm (No.5) (2':-0')<914 I/2') I5M 0.6m 410nm (No.5) (2'-0.1 (16') 0.6m 395mm 20M 0.75m 445mm (2'-01(15 I/27 (No.6) (2'-6') (17 I/2') 0.6m 430mm (2'-0' (17') 0.75m 470mm (2' -6') (I8 :1/21 0,75m 510mm (2'-6') (20') 0.90E 545mm (3'-0'1(21 I/21 0.90E 585mm (3' ..0" (23') 0.90m 635mm (3'-0'l (25') I.I0m .675mm (31-6* 26 1/21 I.IOm 710mm (5'-6') (28') I.40m 750mm (4'-6'X29 I/21 20M 0.75m 495mm (No.6) (2' -6') (19 1/2'I 201.1 0.90m 535mm (No.6) (3'-0.1 (21') 20M 0.90m 585mm (No.6) (3'-01 (23'1 .251A I.I0m 625mm (No.7) (3'-61l(241/2' I0M (No.4) 10M (No. 4 ) I5M (No.5) I5M (No.5) I5M (No.5) 20M (No.6) 20M (No.6) 20M (No.6) 25M (No.7) 25M (No.7) "25M I.I0m 675mm 25M (No.7) K3'-6'1126 1/2' (No:7) 25M I.20m 710mm , 25M (No.7) (4'-0'1 (28') (No.7) 251A I.20m 760mm (N0.7) (4'-0'1 (30') 25M I.40m' (No.8) (4'-6'1 25M 1.40m (No.8) (4'-6'1 25M (No.8) 0.50m (I'-6.) 0.30E (1'-61 0.50m (I' -6') 0.6m (2'-0') 0.6m, (2'-0') 0.90m (3'-O'1 0.90m ,(3' 0.90m. (3'-01 I.IOm (3'-6'1 1.10m (3'-6'1 1.20m (4'-0.1 1.20m (4' -0'1 I.40m. (4'-6') 255mm (10') 305nm ((2') 340min (13 1/2') 395mm (15 I/2') 445mm (n I/2') 495mm (19 1/2'1 545mm (21 I/29 595mm (23 1/2' 650mm (25 1/2'1 700mm (27 1/2' 750inm (29 (/2' 800mM (31 1/2') I0M (No.4) I0M (No.4) `1SM (No.5) I5M (No.5) I5M (No.5) 20M (No.6) 20M (No.6) ..25M (No.7) 25M (No.7) 25M (N6.7) 25M (No.7) 25M (No.?) 0.50m 70mm (I'-6.1 (101/2') 0.50m 320mm (('-61 (12 1/2') 0.6m 70mm (2.-0' 114 (/2') 0.6m 20mm (2'-0' (16 I/2'l 0.75m 85mm (2'-6' (19') 0.75m 35mm (2'-6' (211 0.9m 85mm (3'-0' (23'). 0.9m 35mm (3'-0• (25') I.I0m • 85mm (3'-6' (27') 1.20m 40m,n (4'-0' (29') I.20m = 00mm (4'-06 (31.1/21 I.40m (4'-6' 10M (No.4). ISM (No.5) 1511 (No.5) ISM;. (No.6) ISM (No.6) I5M (No.6). ISM (No.6) I5M (No.7) I5M (No.7) ISM (No.7) ISM (No.7) 0.50m (I'-6') 0.50m (I' -6') 0.6m. (3'-0') 0.6m (2' -0'1 0.75m (2'-6.1 0.75m (2'-6'1 0.90m (3'-0'1 0.90m (3'-0'1 I.I0m (3'-6.1 1.20m (4'-09 1.20E (4'-01 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAPTER PROMULOATED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC., GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 1904 REV. 1999 SUPPORT FOR CONDUITS ACROSS TRENCHES USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN METRIC 224-1 SHEET 1 OF 3 MAR-11-2002 11:10 GISIRT W.DAVIES, INC. 909 989 0754 Pi.1.11:5 L 1' VV . .J J.f3.. V LAC , .1...1:11 l� . P.01/01 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 - LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 March 11, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No, SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, We have several places where we cross existing utility lines on the project. Some of these call for a concrete beam or a cement slurry backfill to springline to prevent any settlement of that utility. A few years ago we worked for the Mojave Water Agency in the City of Barstow, The City has many existing waterlines using asbestos -cement pipe. The Mojave Water Agency has a requirement to backfill under these lines with a sand slurry mix. This is a sand and water mix only placed by a cement truck with mixer. They do not want any cement in the mix because it becomes too rigid and a solid mass. Since that project we have used this mix many times and most recently with the City of Upland. We have been very successful with these crossings and have never broken an asbestos -cement pipeline yet, We have crossed 4" up to 12" size waterlines with success. And as you may know, when you cross an asbestos -cement pipeline the line usually breaks a week or two after the backfill occurs when everyone thinks we are safe. Therefore, I would like to use this mix and placement method for the lines on the project were slurry or a beam is required. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies ALBRetT W. DAVIA , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 March 9, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, Enclosed are the submittals for the manholes as will be constructed by Inland Concrete Enterprises and the Vitrified Clay Pipe we will be using on the job. There are 6 copies of each submittal. Please note we will be using both the Speed -Seal (polyurethane) and the Band -Seal (banded rubber coupling) joints on the job. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA MAR-05-2002 16:50 ALERT I,J.DAVIES, INC. 909 989 0754 P.01/01 • ALB VI ��T W . DA E S , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 March 5, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 F--L441.4To 4 ilk1e, RA010 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, With much discussion in this office and review of the many plans, standards, and manuals referenced in the specifications we have a traffic plan for the lateral construction. We propose to close the eastbound lane of traffic and install the lateral from the centerline of street to the southern terminus. We will control traffic flow east and west with flag people during construction hours and return the lane at the end of each day or sooner as practical. Then when the detour is built (the new pavement on the south side) we will detour traffic to the south side of the street (again with flag people) and construct the northern half of the lateral, again returning the lane at the end of the day or sooner. We will be using the CalTrans Manual for the details of the lane closure and request that we are allow to restrict the lane width to 3 meters (9.83 feet) only when necessary as CalTrans Manual allows. If this is agreeable with the powers to be please let me know as we hope to start soon. Sincerely, Lester • . i avies Fax'd Only TOTAL P.01 ALBAT W. DAVIJ , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989 - 3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989 - 0754 February 27, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, We have been delayed in starting the Slover Avenue Project due to a heavy rainfall that occurred on January 26/27, 2002. The storm wiped out the intersection of Beryl Avenue and Highland Avenue in Rancho Cucamonga including the sewer, water, electrical, and the storm drain we were installing at the time. The storm filled our 120" storm drainpipe with over 600 cubic yards of dirt and debris. Unfortunately our clean up and restoration efforts have delayed other work we have. We are now completing the work in Beryl Avenue and should be able to start work Monday or Tuesday March 4th or 5th on Slover. I apologize for the delay of your project and at the same time appreciate the cooperation of the City with our lost. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALB SIT W. DAVIE. , INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989 - 371 4 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989 - 0754 January 23, 2002 Mr. Don Gdula Engineering Division City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Project: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Dear Mr. Gdula, Albert W. Davies, Inc. is a California corporation who's President and C.E.O. is Albert W. "Bill" Davies. I service as Vice President, a project manager, and as an estimator. Albert W. Davies and I can sign for the Corporation for all items of business including contracts, contract change orders, bonds, etc. The project general foreman can sign for progress payments, field directives, and other field related items. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA ALI3FOIT W. DAVIE., INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 January 9, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, Enclosed are three sets of the contract, bonds, and insurance certificates singed per your request. Also enclosed are copies of our Fontana Business Tax Certificate, Contractor's State License, and our Annual Excavation Permit for Cal -OSHA. If you have any questions please call above. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies RFCFT\TED JAN 0 9 1002 L14-- P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA