HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemorandumCITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DIVISION SPECIAL PROJECTS MEMORANDUM TO: Distribution List FROM: Donald Gdula Rriv Consultant Project Coordinator Engineering/Special Projects SUBJECT: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue DISTRIBUTION OF THE CONTRACTOR'S EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM DATE: February 5, 2002 Attached is a copy of the Emergency Information Form, listing the contact person's names and their phone numbers for the above -mentioned project. If you have any questions or need any assistance, contact Donald Gdula at 909-350-7632. Distribution List: Public Services Director City Engineer City Traffic Engineer Principal Civil Engineer/CIP Senior Civil Engineer/SP Public Works Inspection Supervisor Public Works Senior Inspector Assistant Park Planner Public Works Landscape Inspector Engineering Secretary Police Department, Attn: Dispatch Police Department, Attn: Traffic Sergeant Consultant Public Works Inspector (SB) Contact Person/Les Davies, Albert W. Davies, Inc. ry • • CITY OF FONTANA EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM PROJECT NAME: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements LOCATION: Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue CONTRACTOR: Albert W. Davis, Inc. ADDRESS: 8738 Helms Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 OFFICE PHONE: 909-989-3714 FAX NO.: 909-989-0754 CONTACT PERSON: Les Davies RESIDENCE PHONE: 909-989-4765 CELL PHONE NO.: 909-938-8382 JOB SUPERINTENDENT: Ron Strong ADDRESS: 8738 Helms Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CELL PHONE: 909-283-2022 RESIDENCE PHONE: 909-864-1460 FOREMAN: ADDRESS: DAY PHONE: RESIDENCE PHONE: CITY OF FONTANA - EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Police Department: General Information 909-350-7700 Emergencies 911 Public Services Division. 909-350-6760 Scott Bangle Cellular: 909-721-8361 Home: Anthony Ciotti Cellular: 909-721-8393 Home: Engineering Division. Yousuf Patanwala Work: 909-350-6645 Cellular: Carlos Navarro Work: 909-350-6632 Home: Robert Savant Work: 909-350-6635 Home: 909-795-2251 909-481-6612 909-350-7610 909-721-5063 909-889-7713 909-881-5909 Emergency Information The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the contractor and sub -contractors or his representatives, shall be filed with the City Engineer and the Police Department prior to beginning work. The contractor shall provide adequate detours to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. A detailed plan of such detours shall be submitted to the City Traffic Engineer at least five (5) days prior to the time the contractor wishes to close off the street or in any way restrict the traffic flow. In actual street closures, the submitted plan shall indicate the\route of the detour, the character of the temporary pavement where required, and a layout of the locations of signs and lighting. In all other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate traffic flow in both directions. If traffic cannot be maintained the contractor shall provide flagmen who's sole duties consist of directing traffic through and around the work. In all cases, the approval of a suitable plan shall be granted to the contractor prior to the beginning of construction. Failure or refusal by the contractor to comply with the above mentioned requirements shall be sufficient cause for the City Engineer to order the work done by city forces and 'the cost therein to be borne by the contractor. cc: See Distribution List ALBAIT W. DAVIE., INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989 - 37 1 4 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 January 22, 2002 Mr. Don Gdula Engineering Division City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Project: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Dear Mr. Gdula, Following are the emergency phone numbers for the project above are: Ron Strong Les Davies Cellular Phone 909 238-2022 909 938-8382 Home Phone 909 864-1460 909 989-4765 Albert "Bill" Davies 909 238-1875 909 987-3963 Office Numbers: Phone 909 989-3714 Fax 909 989-0754 Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Fax Only P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA • • CITY OF FONTANA EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM PROJECT NAME: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements LOCATION: Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue CONTRACTOR: Albert W. Davis, Inc. ADDRESS: 8738 Helms Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 OFFICE PHONE: 909-989-3714 FAX NO.: 909-989-0754 CONTACT PERSON: Les Davies RESIDENCE PHONE: 909-989-4765 CELL PHONE NO.: 909-938-8382 JOB SUPERINTENDENT: Ron Strong ADDRESS: 8738 Helms Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 CELL PHONE: 909-283-2022 RESIDENCE PHONE: 909-864-1460 FOREMAN: ADDRESS: DAY PHONE: RESIDENCE PHONE: CITY OF FONTANA - EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Police Department: General Information 909,350-7700 Emergencies 911 Public Services Division. 909-350-6760 Scott Bangle Cellular: 909-721-8361 Home: 909-795-2251 Anthony Ciotti Cellular: 909-721-8393 Home: 909-481-6612 Engineering Division. 909-350-7610 Yousuf Patanwala Work: 909-350-6645 Cellular: 909-721-5063 Carlos Navarro Work: 909-350-6632 Home: 909-889-7713 Robert Savant Work: 909-350-6635 Home: 909-881-5909 Emergency Information The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the contractor and sub -contractors or his representatives, shall be filed with the City Engineer and the Police Department prior to beginning work. The contractor shall provide adequate detours to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. A detailed plan of such detours shall be submitted to the City Traffic Engineer at least five (5) days prior to the time the contractor wishes to close off the street or in any way restrict the traffic flow. In actual street closures, the submitted plan shall indicate the route of the detour, the character of the temporary pavement where required, and a layout of the locations of signs and lighting. In all other cases, the contractor shall provide adequate traffic flow in both directions. If traffic cannot be maintained the contractor shall provide flagmen who's sole duties consist of directing traffic through and around the work. In all cases, the approval of a suitable plan shall be granted to the contractor prior to the beginning of construction. Failure or refusal by the contractor to comply with the above mentioned requirements shall be sufficient cause for the City Engineer to order the work done by city forces and the cost therein to be borne by the contractor. cc: See Distribution List L')(IflG Engineers/Planners/Surveyors MEMO Date: March 11, 2002 To: Don Gdula, City of Fontana From: Steve Nix CC: File RE: Slover Ave. Sewer — Poplar to Sierra JN: 12411 Don, In response to the fax's received today regarding the sewer construction project in Slover Ave. I am suggesting the following. 1. Capri Mobile Home Park: the lateral at station 177+28 per the approved plan has an invert elevation of 1076.95. In order to accommodate the design of Boyle Engineering for the mobile home park, they are requesting that this be changed to an elevation of 1076.10 at this point. The simplest solution to this is to lay the wye flat and extend the lateral to the property line at 1% in lieu of 2%. This would eliminate any changes to the main line sewer and would give an elevation of 1076.14 at this location. 2. Sand Slurry Backfill: A.W. Davies is requesting that they be allowed to use sand slurry backfill at water crossings in lieu of pipe supports. I do not believe that this is an acceptable alternative and therefore would not support this change request. L.D. KING, INC 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100, Ontario, California 91764 Telephone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax 909-350.6618 Commtrications Toi LD King, Inc Attn: Steve elbr Fax 9.937.2020 Phone: 9-937-0200 From Don Sche Oatec March11,2002 Pagesr 2 Roc Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements OS: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Sand Slurry backrill. Q Urgent ❑ For Review 0 Please comment ❑ Please Reply Q Please Recycle •commerdsr See attached letter. Total Pages Scanned 2 Total Pages Confirmed 2' 3-11-02; 3:08PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 056 99370202 3-11-02; 3:06PM 58" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print, PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer MAR-11-2002 11:10 GLIEERT W.DAVIES, INC. 909 989 0754 . i S '1' VV . 1J.E1 V 1Ji, I111 . P.01/01 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 969-0754 March 11, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No, SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, We have several places where we cross existing utility lines on the project. Some of these call for a concrete beam or a cement slurry backfill to springline to prevent any settlement of that utility. A few years ago we worked for the Mojave Water Agency in the City of Barstow. The City has many existing waterlines using asbestos -cement pipe. The Mojave Water Agency has a requirement to backfill under these lines with a sand slurry mix. This is a sand and water mix only placed by a cement truck with mixer. They do not want any cement in the mix because it becomes too rigid and a solid mass. Since that project we have used this mix many times and most recently with the City of Upland. We have been very successful with these crossings and have never broken an asbestos -cement pipeline yet. We have crossed 4" up to 12" size waterlines with success. And as you may know, when you cross an asbestos -cement pipeline the line usually breaks a week or two after the backfill occurs when everyone thinks we are safe. Therefore, I would like to use this mix and placement method for the lines on the project were slurry or a beam is required. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies TOTAL P.01 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION/SPECIAL PROJECTS 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 ATTN: DON GDULA 909-350-7632 DATE 11-Mar-02 PROJECT: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue TO: L.D. King, Inc. ATTN Steve Nix We are sending you: (X ) Attache ( ) Under separate cover via: The following items: ( ) Drawings ( ) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Copy of a Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies (X) Other: Material Submittals COPIES DATE DRAWING NO. SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 6 Concrete Mix Design, Manholes, Frames and Covers, and Clay Pipe PURPOSE: PLEASE: ( ) For your information/records ( ) Submit originals (X ) For approval ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Approved as submitted ( ) Submit copies for distribution ( ) For your use ( ) Return corrected prints ( ) Approved as noted ( ) Other ( ) As requestesd ( ) For review and commet ( ) Returned for corrections ( ) Other ( ) For bid due: ( ) Prints ( ) Originals returned after loan to: REMARKS: COPY TO: SIGNED: Donald Gdula TRANSMITTAL LETTER MASTER REV: 2/02 Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S City of Fontana Engineering division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-6618 Faoc Commtaications Tor Steve Nix From: 0011 Gdula Few 9-937-0202 Cate: March 11, 2002 Phones 9-937-0200 Pages: 3 Roe SlOver Avenue Saner 0 Urgent 0 For Review 7 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Commerrtae This 1e the Inrormatlon 1 reoelved from Boyle Engineering on the Capri Mobile, home park. What de you think? Total Pages Scanned 3 Total Pages Confirmed 3' 3-11-02;11:O4AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Tlme Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 028 99370202 3-11-02;11:O2AM 2'02" 3/ 3 EC CP,14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer MAR-08-02 11:29 AM D. 2111,DOYLE ENGINEERING 714 957 8499 P. 01 -„, DAVID A C /TY vic Fo/./Z-4.61A TN: X NO: OM: D�sMLo Goz4LA 901) 6.4)- 77<) TF .NOT RECEIVED ['ROPE • DATE: TIME: 8: fcl' ?*i OUR FAX NO: (714) 957-8499 JOB NO: C ,\yCALL (714) 957-8144 , OPERATOR'S NAME 1‘.› TOTAL PAGES SENT (including transmittal) PER YOUR REQUEST X.FOR YOUR REVIEW FOR YOUR INFORMAT ON C4,,at m0/5/zAF: if/ofr46- 4g/t 7-11E WAY- level- 4-7- 57-ogiar-e ,4ted:-#..15 /08 I 7 L4-re-A4c_JepAoro,oj-C---p 7-b +6-7. /07 Co. 95. lu6 E" 4.3c/1' )# z/r7dr.--42 Xe..)k) 7b r!Mc:F Amitrt:r , , Aftei//‘ve. Y# / TILEexploO SE-p 76%e-4-L. to-OuLs9 .1c7 /67(04 /0 0,g z;(4Ail .45e 6.4-v Pc)Air7-- .kosiow &e,4c7-4-‘7‘ ,of-c L Azoer A7- 7-/-/‘ SroA64-s.- ,rwt--9) k e 7 s-e) 6 c7 e<vAf /e/e01205-- 4/1-7-&-ZA-z #1.7 4 6-4,c r /, di soR 6K) A- Lez-746- wocii_a hie-4P scA/ Z d7-6-- ie0c7ItiO OP cAefe/.(5 5)1$ raki . 2076 !:()UTII (;1.7,111) 7,\FITA AHA, l'ALIFOkNIA 92705.(714)957-8144 ' A ..!..PAA4.,.°P.1161:11.1191 A. 714 957 8499 P. 02 MAR-08-02 11:31 AM D. u 13 12 0 BOYLE ENGINEERING • 14 15 s -4' VCP RECREATION ,t AREA CIRCLE K MART ef)-7F NOT A PART loc,5•3"_c a p, IS 1 IS' SIDEWALK SEWER MAIN AND 6' LATERAL LE CURB Y _aTHEBS __ — -- -0 MAIN AND 4' LATERALS PL '• 9 AVENUE HERS ITYPICALIS o07 1'1 .1P 11°'�" 22 l� e . 2 �i � 1°1 / i / < f i 55 5 �' [ OWNER MO= Woo 111 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: CITY OF FONTANA Department of engineering WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING: o ATTACHED o SHOP DRAWINGS o COPY OF LETTER DATE: 2/6/02 JOB NO.: 12406 ATTENTION: Don Gdula RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements Plans o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: o PRINTS fy PLANS 0 SAMPLES o CHANGE ORDER 0 ORIGINALS 0 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2/6/02 17 Sewer Plans Marked For Revised Sewer Lateral Locations 1 2/6/02 10 Revised Plans of Above (Sheets 1-10 Only) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: FOR APPROVAL o APPROVED AS SUBMITTED 0 RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL O FOR YOUR USE o APPROVED AS NOTED 0 SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ' AS REQUESTED o RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS 0 RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS )( FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT 0 O FOR BIDS DUE 0 20 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPY TO: SIGNED: Office Use Only o Corr o TM o Sv o Ut o Hy/So o PC/Per o Cale TrOsmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Far 909.350-6618 Fax Camwricatia�s 7o: L.D. King, Inc. Atbi: Steve Nix From: Don Gdula Fa„: 9-937.0202 note: November9, 2001 Phones 9-937-6200 Pages 9 Re: Slo er Ave. Sewer Poplar to Sierra Bid Cc: Summary ❑ Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: 9 Total Pages Confirmed : 9' 11- 9-01;11:26AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 932 99370202 11-9-01;11:21AM 5'12" 9/ 9 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Recelve to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mallbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer rsmission Report4111 Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was conf i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7832 Fax: 909350-6618 Faoc Commisications To: LD. IGng, Inc. Attn: Steve Nhc From: Don Gdula Faa 84337-0202 Date: Novembnr8,2001 Phone: PaRns: 3 Rae SloverAvenue Sewer Improvemerds CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Bid Results ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle .Comments: Total Pages Scanned 3 Total Pages Confirmed 3'. 11- 8-01; 4:23PM 1234567 • No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 862 99370202 11- 8-01; 4:22PM 1'18" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Polder Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer TrOsm i ss i on Reports Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Far 909-350-6518 Fax Conirraribations To Steve NIX From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: November2. 2001 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 3 Re: Slcver AvenJe Sewer Engineer's Est ❑Urgent ❑ For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: 3' Total Pages Confirmed 3' 11- 5-01;12:26PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 381 99370202 11- 5-01;12:25PM 1'01" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Loanc LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING: ATTACHED ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ COPY OF LETTER DATE: c1/1,4 /a ( JOB NO: 1 Z4o--1 ATTENTION: -r,,z Vin4o,A- RE: lAQ .)a- �4Ja� - F.op --r. 73 - 214,r— ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ❑ DIGITAL PRINTS PLANS ❑ SAMPLES BLUEPRINTS cS- ORIGINALS COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 1-1 .>3R- - -- e=a-1 Cc, I.� ^ P l 2 11 I I '( — &t_13eu.s — it THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: eg---fOR APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ❑ RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑ SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ PLAN CHECK FEES ❑ PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPY TO: SIGNED: '[-m.)c3 tl >( Office Use Only 0 Corr 0 TM 0 Sv 0 Ut 0 Hy/So 0 PC/Per 0 Cale Trails -mission Report0 Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S • Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana. CA 92335 Phone:909350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Cornmuicadons To: Steve Nix From: Don Cdula Fax; 9-937.0202 Date: October 1, 2001 Pion: 9-937.02C0 Pages: 12 Re: Wafer Pollution Control Measures 0 Urgent 0 For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle .Comments 12 Total Pages Confirmed :.12' 10- 1-01; 9:38AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 977 99370202 10- 1-01; 9:31AM 6'34" 12/ 12 EC CP 14400 **Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mallbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 FxCmmuicaOons Coninuicalibns To: Steve Nix From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: October 1, 2001 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 12 Re: Water Pollution Control Measures ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: • A A A 111 7-5 PERMITS [Replace the first sentence with the following]: or to the start of any work, the Contractor shall take out t "' cable CITY permits and make arrang is for CITY inspections. The Contractor , : ":' subcontractors shall each obtain any and all other ts, licenses, inspections, _._ r: cates or authorizations required by any governing body or public uti a ent R . s work shall be included in the bid items of work and no additional compensation '""' <llowed. The CITY will waive the usual CITY fees encroachment permitontractor shal e the CITY with copies of all permits prior ��� �'� r..� to commencement o struction. If the permit or licens= 5., y agency or public utility is more restrictive the standard specifications, standard drawings the special provisions, the requirem '` of the permit or license shall take precedence for that po of the work in the age.: or public utility.right-of-way. 7-8 PROJECT SITE MAINTENANCE 5 Temporary Light, Power, and Water [Add the following]: The Con tor shall be responsible for installatio "equired temporary and permanent utility service meter Meters shall be paid for a .�: r :wn in the bid proposal sheet for meter installation and shall inc full compensat r application, coordination and all related work and no additional compensation '11 bwed. Utilities servic;, ,.,: °" arges for : ectric, gas, water and telephone shall be the responsibility of E contractor during co uction and construction maintenance periods. Payment fo ities service charges shall be consi -d as included in the prices paid for various item ork and no additional compensation will be al 7-8.6 Water Pollution Control [Add the following] Water pollution control work shall conform to the provisions in Section 7-1.01G, "Water Pollution," of the Standard Specifications of the State of California Department of Transportation and these Special Provisions. Water pollution control work shall conform to the requirements in the "Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Water Pollution Control Program (WPCP) Preparation Manual" and the "Construction Site Best Management Practices (BMPs) Manual," and addenda thereto issued up to, and including, the date of advertisement of the project, hereafter referred to respectively as the "Preparation Manual" and the "Construction Site BMP Manual" and collectively as the "Manuals." Copies of the Manuals may be obtained from the Department of Transportation, Material Operations Branch, Publication Distribution Unit, 1900 Royal Oaks Drive, Sacramento, California 95815, Telephone: (916) 445-3520. Copies of the Manuals may also be obtained from the Department's Internet Web Site at: http•//www riot ea gov/hq/cnnstnic/stnrmwater html The Contractor shall know and fully comply with the applicable provisions of the Manuals and Federal, State, and local regulations that govern the Contractor's operations and SP-10 storm water discharges from both the project site and areas of disturbance outside the project limits during construction. Unless arrangements for disturbance of areas outside the project limits are made by the Department and made part of the contract, it is expressly agreed that the Department assumes no responsibility whatsoever to the Contractor or property owner with respect to any arrangements made between the Contractor and property owner to allow disturbance of areas outside the project limits. The Contractor shall be responsible for the costs and for liabilities imposed by law as a result of the Contractor's failure to comply with the requirements set forth in this Section "Water Pollution Control" including, but not limited to, compliance with the applicable provisions of the Manuals and Federal, State, and local regulations. For the purposes of this paragraph, costs and liabilities include, but are not limited to, fines, penalties, and damages whether assessed against the City or the Contractor, including those levied under the Federal Clean Water Act and the State Porter Cologne Water Quality Act. In addition to the remedies authorized by law, an amount of the money due the Contractor under the contract, as determined by the City of Fontana, may be retained by the City of Fontana until disposition has been made of the costs and liabilities. The retention of money due the Contractor shall be subject to the following: A. The City will give the Contractor 30 days notice of the City's intention to retain funds from partial payments that may become due to the Contractor prior to acceptance of the contract. Retention of funds from payments made after acceptance of the contract may be made without prior notice to the Contractor. B. No retention of additional amounts out of partial payments will be made if the amount to be retained does not exceed the amount being withheld from partial payments pursuant to Section 9-1.06, "Partial Payments," of the Standard Specifications. C. If the Department has retained funds and it is subsequently determined that the State is not subject to the costs and liabilities in connection with the matter for which the retention was made, the Department shall be liable for interest on the amount retained at the legal rate of interest for the period of the retention. Conformance with the provisions in this section "Water Pollution Control" shall not relieve the Contractor from the Contractor's responsibilities as provided in Section 7, "Legal Relations and Responsibilities," of the Standard Specifications. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM (WPCP) PREPARATION, APPROVAL AND UPDATES As part of the water pollution control work, a Water Pollution Control Program, hereafter referred to as the "WPCP," is required for this contract. The WPCP shall conform to the provisions in Section 7-1.OIG, "Water Pollution," of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, the requirements in the Manuals, and these Special Provisions. SP-1 1 • No work, having potential to cause water pollution as determined by the Engineer, shall be performed until the WPCP has been approved by the State Engineer. Within 30 days after the approval of the contract, the Contractor shall submit 3 copies of the WPCP to the State Engineer review and approval. The State Engineer will have 7 days to review the WPCP. If revisions are required, as determined by the State Engineer, the Contractor shall revise and resubmit the, 'WPCP within 7 days of receipt of the Engineer's comments. The State Engineer will have 7 days to review the revisions. Upon the State Engineer's approval of the WPCP, 3 additional copies of the WPCP incorporating the required changes shall be submitted back to the State ,Engineer. Minor changes or clarifications to the initial submittal may be made and attached as amendments to the WPCP. In order to allow construction activities to proceed, the State Engineer may conditionally approve the WPCP while minor revisions or amendments are being completed. The WPCP shall identify pollution sources that may adversely affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with the project and shall identify water pollution control measures, hereafter referred to as control measures, to be constructed, implemented, and maintained in order to reduce to the extent feasible pollutants in storm water discharges from the construction site during construction under this contract. The WPCP shall incorporate control measures in the following categories: A. Soil stabilization; B. Sediment control; C. Tracking control; D. Wind erosion control; E. Non -storm water control; and F. Waste management and material pollution control. Specific objectives and minimum requirements for each category of control measures are contained in the Manuals. The Contractor shall consider the objectives and minimum requirements presented in the Manuals for each of the above categories. When minimum requirements are listed for any category, the Contractor shall incorporate into the WPCP and implement in the project, one or more of the listed minimum controls required in order to meet the pollution control objectives for the category. In addition, the Contractor shall consider other control measures presented in the Manuals and shall incorporate into the WPCP and implement on the project the control measures necessary to meet the objectives of the WPCP. The Contractor shall document the selection process in conformance with the procedure specified in the Manuals. The WPCP shall include, but not be limited to, the following items as described in the Preparation Manual: SP-12 A. Project description and Contractor's certification; B. Project information; C. Pollution sources, control measures, and water pollution control drawings; and D. Amendments, if any. The Contractor shall amend the WPCP, graphically and in narrative form, whenever there is a change in construction activities or operations which may affect the discharge of significant quantities of pollutants to surface waters, ground waters, municipal storm drain systems or when deemed necessary by the Engineer. The WPCP shall be amended if the WPCP has not achieved the objective of reducing pollutants in storm water discharges. Amendments shall show additional control measures or revised operations, including those in areas not shown in the initially approved WPCP, which are required on the project to control water pollution effectively. Amendments to the WPCP shall be submitted for review and approval of the Engineer in the same manner specified for the initially approved WPCP. Amendments shall be dated and attached to the on -site WPCP document. The Contractor shall keep a copy of the WPCP, together with updates, revisions and amendments at the project site. WPCP IMPLEMENTATION Upon approval of the WPCP, the Contractor shall be responsible throughout the duration of the project for installing, constructing, inspecting, and maintaining the control measures included in the WPCP and any amendments thereto and for removing and disposing of temporary control measures. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or specified in these special provisions, the Contractor's responsibility for WPCP implementation shall continue throughout any temporary suspension of work ordered in conformance with the provisions in Section 8-1.05, "Temporary Suspension of Work," of the Standard Specifications. Requirements for installation, construction, inspection, maintenance, removal, and disposal of control measures are specified in the Manuals and these special provisions. Soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures, including minimum requirements, shall be provided throughout the rainy season, defined as between October 15 and April 30. The Contractor shall see to it that sediment and erosion control measures shall be available or implemented at the end of each working day when the 5-day rainfall forecast exceeds a 40% probability. Implementation of soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures for soil - disturbed areas on the project site shall be completed, except as provided for below, not later than 20 days prior to the beginning of the rainy season or upon start of applicable construction activities for projects which begin either during or within 20 days of the rainy season. Throughout the rainy season, the active, soil -disturbed area of the project site shall be up to but not including 2 hectares. The Engineer may approve, on a case -by -case basis, expansions of the active, soil -disturbed area limit. The Contractor shall demonstrate the ability and preparedness to fully deploy soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures to protect .SP-13 • soil -disturbed areas on the project site before the onset of precipitation. A quantity of soil stabilization and sediment control materials shall be maintained on site equal to 100 percent of that sufficient to protect unprotected, soil -disturbed areas on the project site. A detailed plan for the mobilization of sufficient labor and equipment shall be maintained to fully deploy control measures required to protect unprotected, soil -disturbed areas on the project site prior to the onset of precipitation. A current inventory of control measure materials and the detailed mobilization plan shall be included as part of the WPCP. Throughout the rainy season, soil -disturbed areas on the project site shall be considered to be non -active whenever soil -disturbing activities are expected to be discontinued for a period of 20 or more days and the areas are fully protected. Areas that will become non -active either during the rainy season or within 20 days thereof shall be fully protected with soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures within 10 days of the discontinuance of soil disturbing activities or prior to the onset of precipitation, whichever is first to occur. Throughout the rainy season, active soil -disturbed areas of the project site shall be fully protected at the end of each day with soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures unless fair weather is predicted through the following workday. The weather forecast shall be monitored by the Contractor on a daily basis. The National Weather Service forecast shall be used. Ari alternative weather forecast proposed by the Contractor may be used if approved by the Engineer. If precipitation is predicted prior to the end of the following workday, construction scheduling shall be modified, as required, and functioning control measures shall be deployed prior to the onset of the precipitation. The Contractor shall implement, year-round and throughout the duration of the project, control measures included in the WPCP for tracking control, wind erosion control, non -storm water control, and waste management and material pollution control. The. Engineer may order the suspension of construction operations that create water pollution if the Contractor fails to conform to the provisions in this section "Water Pollution Control" as determined by the Engineer. MAINTENANCE To ensure the proper implementation and functioning of control measures, the Contractor shall regularly inspect and maintain the construction site for the control measures identified in the WPCP. The Contractor shall identify corrective actions and time needed to address any deficient measures or reinitiate any measures that have been discontinued. The construction site inspection checklist provided in the Preparation Manual shall be used to ensure that the necessary measures are being properly implemented, and to ensure that the control measures are functioning adequately. One copy of each site inspection record shall be submitted to the Engineer. During the rainy season, inspections of the construction site shall be conducted by the Contractor to identify deficient measures, as follows: SP-14 • • A. Prior to a forecast storm; B. After all precipitation that causes runoff capable of carrying sediment from the construction site; C. At 24-hour intervals during extended precipitation events; and D. Routinely, at a minimum of once every 2 weeks. If the Contractor or the Engineer identifies a deficiency in the deployment or functioning of an identified control measure, the deficiency shall be corrected immediately. The deficiency may be corrected at a later date and time if requested by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer in writing, but not later than the onset of subsequent precipitation events. The correction of deficiencies shall be at no additional cost to the State. PAYMENT Full compensation for conforming to the provisions in this section shall be considered as included in the lump sum bid price paid for Water Pollution Control Plan and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. The lump sum bid price shall include but not limited to the preparation of the WPCP, submittal of the WPCP to the State to obtain approval of the Plan, revisions to the Plan per comments received from the State, and physical implementation of the WPCP in the course of the Project. The Engineer will retain an amount equal to 25 percent of the estimated value of the contract work performed during estimate periods in which the Contractor fails to conform to the provisions in this section "Water Pollution Control" as determined by the Engineer. Retentions for failure to conform to the provisions in this section "Water Pollution Control" shall be in addition to the other retentions provided for in the contract. The amounts retained for failure of the Contractor to conform to the provisions in this section will be released for payment on the next monthly estimate for partial payment following the date that a WPCP has been implemented and maintained and water pollution is adequately controlled, as determined by the Engineer. 7-9 PRO1 TION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS [Add the following]: In addition to st. . d specifications, special attention Contractor shall notify said utility and provide all labor, other support and backfill required be allowed. given to the following: CITY of uti1;.., -" o be crossed. Contractor shall protect in place terial ols and equipment necessary for shoring, bracing or ility owner or CITY and no additional compensation will Existing irriga lines and landscap areas in the parkway, medians, or front yards that need to be re ' ed for construction shall b eplaced/reconstructed. Compensation for this item shall ► • considered as included in the ite '' i f work originating this work and no SP-15 CoSPECIAL SPECIFICAIONS L •A • � 7-8 PROJECT SITE MAINTENANCE. 7-8.1 Cleanup and Dust Control. Substitute the following for the second paragraph: The Contractor shall furnish and operate a self -loading motor sweeper with spray nozzles at least once each working day to maintain streets in a condition of cleanliness acceptable to the City at all locations on the project at which all construction, including restoration, has not been completed. 7-8.6 Water Pollution Control. Add the following subsections: 7-8.6.1 Best Management Practices (BMPs). Best Management Practices shall be defined as any program, technology, process, siting criteria, operating method, measure, or device which controls, prevents, removes, or reduces pollution. The Contractor shall obtain and refer to the California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbooks, Volume 3, Construction BMP Handbook, and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Best Management Practices Handbook for Construction Activities. These publications are available from: Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Cashier's Office 900 S. Fremont Avenue Alhambra, CA 91803 Telephone (626) 458-6959 The Contractor shall have a minimum of two (2) readily accessible copies of each publication on the Work site at all times. The Construction superintendent shall read and be knowledgeable of the contents of each publication. The Contractor shall implement the following BMPs in conjunction with the construction operation and activities: CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Water Conservation Practices Dewatering Paving Operations Structure Construction and Painting MATERIAL MANAGEMENT Material Delivery and Storage Material Use Spill Prevention and Control 121 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS WASTE MANAGEMENT Solid Waste Management Hazardous Waste Management Contaminated Soil Management Concrete Waste Management Sanitary/Septic Waste Management VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning Vehicle and Equipment Fueling Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION Scheduling Preservation of Existing Vegetation Temporary Seeding and Planting Mulching PHYSICAL STABILIZATION Geotextiles and Mats Soil, Stabilizer/Dust Control Temporary Stream Crossing Stabilized Construction Roadway Stabilized Construction Entrance RUNOFF DIVERSION Sodding, Grass Plugging, and Vegetative Buffer strips Earth Dikes, Drainage Swales, and Lined Ditches Top and Toe of Slope Diversion Ditches/Berms Slope Drains and Subsurface Drains VELOCITY REDUCTION Flared Culvert End Sections Outlet Protection/Velocity Dissipation Devices Check Dams Slope Roughening/Terracing/Rounding SEDIMENT TRAPPING Silt Fences Straw Bale Barrier SPECIAL SPECIFICA•NS Sand Bag Barrier Brush or Rock Filter Storm Drain Inlet Protection Sediment Traps Sediment Basin Additional BMPs may be required as a result of a change in actual field conditions, contractor activities, or construction operations. When more than one BMP is listed under each specific BMP category, the Contractor shall select the appropriate and necessary. number of BMPs within each category in order to achieve the BMP objective. BMPs for contractor activities shall be continuously implemented throughout the year. BMPs for erosion control and sedimentation shall be implemented during the period from October 15 to April 15, and whenever the National Weather Service predicts rain within 24 hours. BMPs for erosion control and sedimentation shall also be implemented prior to the commencement of any contractor activity or construction operation that may produce run- off, and whenever run-off from other sources may occur. The CITY, as a permittee, is subject to enforcement actions by the State Water Resources Control Board, Environmental Protection Agency, and private citizens. The CITY may assess the Contractor a penalty of $1,000 for each calendar day that the Contractor has not fully implemented the BMPs specified for the Contract and/or is otherwise in noncompliance with these provisions. In addition, the CITY will deduct, from the final payment due the Contractor, the total amount of any fines levied on the CITY, plus legal and staff costs, as a result of the Contractor's lack of compliance with these provisions and/or less than complete implementation of the specified BMPs. Full compensation for the implementation of BMPs, including the construction, removal, and the, furnishing of all necessary labor, equipment, and materials, shall be considered as included in the prices bid for the various items of work. 7-8.6.2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be defined as a report that includes site map(s), identification of construction and contractor activities that could pollute storm water, and a description of measures and practices to control the potential pollutants. The preparation and implementation of the SWPPP is intended to ensure that the Contractor will make every reasonable effort to prevent the pollution of water resources during the period. of construction. The size and nature of this Contract place it under the regulations of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activity. In the State of California, these regulations are covered by the State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 96-054 (NPDES No. CAS614001). These regulations require a SWPPP for any work where clearing, grading, and excavation result in a land disturbance of five or more acres. As a result, the Contractor shall prepare, submit to the CITY for review and approval, and implement a SWPPP for this Contract in compliance with these regulations. 123 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS A S 1 The handbooks ,specified in 7-8.6.1 shall be followed and adhered to in preparing the SWPPP. The SWPPP shall be prepared under the supervision of, and signed by, a Civil Engineer registered by the State of California. The SWPPP shall include and incorporate BMPs that address contractor activities, erosion, and sedimentation control. The SWPPP shall also include and incorporate appropriate BMPs for run-off generated by construction activities and other non -storm water sources. During all periods of construction, excavated soils which are stored on -site shall be completely covered with waterproof material and sand (or gravel) bagged or bermed in order that, in the event of a storm, no soil becomes mixed with or transported by storm water run-off. If, during construction operations, field conditions change in a manner which, in the opinion of the Engineer, significantly deviates from how the SWPPP, as approved by the CITY, addressed the current construction operation, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to revise the current construction operation and/or the SWPPP. Such directions will be made in writing and will specify the items of work for which the SWPPP is inadequate. No further work on these items will be permitted until the Contractor revises the construction operations to the satisfaction of the Engineer and/or until the Contractor submits a revised SWPPP and receives CITY approval. The Engineer will notify the Contractor of the acceptance or rejection of the revised SWPPP within seven (7) working days from the date of submittal. The SWPPP shall be submitted to the CITY for review and approval a minimum of twenty (20) working days prior to the commencement of construction operations in accordance with 6-1 of these Special Provisions. Full compensation for preparation of the SWPPP, revisions to the SWPPP, and all other related costs shall be considered as included in the prices bid for the various items of work. 7-8.6.3 Sewage Spillage Prevention. The Contractor's attention is directed to any sewer bypass required during the construction of this Contract. The Contractor shall make arrangements for an emergency response unit comprised of emergency response equipment and trained personnel to be immediately dispatched to the Work site in the event of a sewage spill. Prior to commencing any Work under the Contract, and subject to review and approval by the Engineer, the Contractor shall prepare and implement a written emergency response plan and procedure, to include response teams, access routes, required materials, equipment, clothing and tools, and an emergency response roster with telephone numbers and arrangements for backup personnel and equipment. This plan and emergency response roster shall be provided to the Engineer. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for containing any sewage spillage, preventing any sewage from reaching a watercourse, recovery and legal disposal of any spilled sewage, any fines or penalties associated with the sewage spill imposed upon the Agency and/or the Contractor by other jurisdictional agencies, and any other expenses or liabilities created or generated as a result of the sewage spillage. SPECIAL SPECIFICAS §hould a sewage spill occur, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer. All costs for work required to comply with the requirements of this subsection shall be. considered as included in the price bid for the various items of work. PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS. Add t - following after the second paragraph: With r. •ect to the replacing of lawns, including parkways, where the c•,:.� ract requires their removal, - e Contractor shall comply with the following minimum re! rements: The area to be replante shall be covered with two inches of an approved top ..a: the grass seed shall be for grass of t - same type as was removed, or an approved e•. °:1, and shall be sown at the rate recommen• d by the seed distributing company; Bandi • teer manure or approved equal shall be applied t the planted area at the rate recomme E `= d by the vendor. The Contractor shall water and car or replaced lawns until the grass s attained a complete cover and has been, given its first c ► ing, unless other arrangem ``s are made with the property owners. The lawn restoration, as bove described, shall be u'ompleted prior to the final payment. For the purpose of this sp- fication, top so'' shall consist of fertile, friable soil of loamy character and shall contain a • rmal amo ;" of organic material which shall be reasonably free from subsoil, refuse, roots, - avy or W°`iff clay, stones larger than one inch in size, coarse sand, noxious seeds, sticks, litter, • of , r deleterious substances. Top soil shall be free from toxic amounts of either acid or alka e elements and shall be capable of sustaining healthy plant life. Existing top soil may b-.: ` -d where it is carefully segregated during excavation; otherwise, it may be required that p so ` be imported from other sources. With respect the repair or re • cation of i igation systems, the sprinkler system shall be repaired or replaced so ththe area water. • by the original system will be adequately watered by, the reconstruc • system without u due waste of water. Overspray on any area no longer planted shoul'` be avoided, and any evised shape or layout of the 'remaining planted area will be aduately watered. Any add onal material or work required to obtain adequate coverage sh : ' be furnished by the Contrac i r, at his expense. The Contractor shall be responsible to mediately repair or replace an component of an irrigation system damaged or remov d by the Contractor and shall not be • ermitted to proceed to other sites of the work until e h such irrigation system is fully functi al, unless otherwise approved the Engineer. Th ontractor shall be responsible to replace ny lawn or plant damaged from lack of irriga '.n resulting from the Contractor's operations, his expense, to the satisfaction of the owne Trees wi in Street Ri ht of W The ntractor shall exercise all necessary precautions so as not t• damage or destroy any tree •r shrubs and shall not trim or remove any trees unless such trehave been approved for rimming or removal by the Engineer. All existing trees and shrubs hich are damaged d = ing construction shall be trimmed or replaced by the Contractor o a certified tree ompany to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Tree trimming and replacement shall be 125 7-8.2 Air Pollution Control. Add the following before the first paragraph: 7-8.2.1 General. Add the following subsection: 7-8.2.2 Control of Fugitive Dust. The Contractor shall comply with Amended Rule 403 and Rule 1186 of the South Coast Air Quality Management District: Copies of these rules and further information may be obtained from the following: South Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 Copley Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Telephone: (909) 396-3600 7-8.6 Water Pollution Control. Add the following before the first paragraph: 7-8.6.1 General. "Water Pollution" shall mean an alteration of the quality of waters by fuels, oils, and other harmful materials, to a degree which adversely affects such waters for beneficial uses, or facilities which serve such beneficial uses. "Beneficial uses" shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, domestic, municipal, agricultural and industrial supply; power generation; recreation; esthetics enjoyment; navigation; and preservation and enhancement of fish, wildlife and other aquatic resources or preserves. Where required, permits for erosion and water pollution control shall be obtained from the appropriate jurisdictional agency before the start of construction. Such features as drainage gutters, slope protection blankets and retention basins shall be constructed concurrently with other work and at the earliest practicable time. Care shall be exercised to preserve vegetation beyond the limits of construction. The Contractor shall also conform to the following provisions with respect to water pollution control: 1) Where working areas encroach on live streams, barriers shall be constructed or other means provided to prevent muddying or polluting of such streams. 2) Removal of materials from beneath a flowing stream shall not be started until adequate means, such as a bypass channel around the removal operations, are provided to carry the stream free from mud or silt. 3) Should the Contractor's operations require transportation of materials across live streams, such operations shall be conducted without muddying the stream. Mechanized equipment shall not be operated in the stream channels of such live streams except as may be necessary in the opinion of the Engineer. The Engineer will judge such work to be necessary only if construction cannot be done reasonably using other means or methods. 32 03 nd • • 4) Oily or greasy substances originating from the Contractor's operations shall not be allowed to enter the ground water or be placed where they will later enter a live stream, channel, drain, or other water conveyance facility. 5) Fresh portland cement or fresh portland cement concrete shall not be allowed to enter the flowing water in streams, channels or drains. 6) Material derived from the Work shall not be deposited in a live stream channel. 7) After the completion of the Work, the Work site shall be cleared of debris and restored to a condition equal to or better than that existing prior to construction. Should the Contractor violate any of the provisions of this subsection, or if pollution occurs in the work area for any reason, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer, and shall, within 10 days, submit written confirmation describing the incident and corrective actions which he has taken. If pollution, for whatever reason, is detected by the Engineer prior to notification by the Contractor, the required written confirmation shall also include any explanation of why the Contractor had not notified the Engineer. The Agency may institute any further corrective actions as deemed necessary for abatement of water pollution if the Contractor has violated any of the above noted provisions. The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred for the corrective actions. Failure to comply with the requirements of this Subsection may result in the suspension of work per 6-3. Compliance with the requirements of this Subsection shall in no way relieve the Contractor from its responsibility to comply with other provisions ofthe Contract, in particular his responsibility for repair of damage and for preservation of property. All costs for work required to comply with the requirements of this Subsection shall be considered as included in the prices bid for the various items of work. 7-8.7 Storm Water Control. Add the following as the first paragraph and revise the title of 7-8.7 to read as follows: 7-8.7 Storm and Drainage Water Control. The Contractor shall ensure that storm and drainage water does not pond due to the temporary blockage of existing drainage facilities. To this end, the Contractor shall provide temporary works which allow for the passage of storm and drainage water in a manner equivalent to the existing drainage system. The capacity of unlined and concrete -lined channels shall be maintained as follows: April 15 to May 31: 33% June 1 to August 31: 5% September 1 to October 15: 33% October 16 to April 14: 100% 33 under the contract, as determined by the City of Fontana, may be retained by the City of Fontana until disposition has been made of the costs and liabilities. The retention of money due the Contractor shall be subject to the following: A. The City will give the Contractor 30 days notice of the City's intention to retain funds from partial payments that may become due to the Contractor prior to acceptance of the contract. Retention of funds from payments made after acceptance of the contract may be made without prior notice to the Contractor. B. No retention of additional amounts out of partial payments will be made if the amount to be retained does not exceed the amount being withheld from partial payments pursuant to Section 9-1.06, "Partial Payments" of the Standard Specifications. C. If the Department has retained funds and it is subsequently determined that the State is not subject to the costs and liabilities in connection with the matter for which the retention was made, the Department shall be liable for interest on the amount retained at the legal rate of interest for the period of the retention. Conformance with the provisions in this Section "Water Pollution Control" shall not relieve the Contractor from the Contractor's responsibilities as provided in Section 7, "Legal Relations and Responsibilities" of the Standard Specifications. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM (WPCP) PREPARATION, APPROVAL AND UPDATES As part of the water pollution control work, a Water Pollution Control Program, hereafter referred to as the "WPCP", is required for this contract. The WPCP shall conform to the provisions in Section 7-1.01 G, "Water Pollution" of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, the requirements in the Manuals, and these Special Provisions. No work, having potential to cause water pollution as determined by the Engineer, shall be performed until the WPCP has been approved by the State Engineer. Within 30 days after the approval of the contract, the Contractor shall submit 3 copies of the WPCP to the State Engineer for review and approval. The State Engineer will have 7 days to review the WPCP. If revisions are required, as determined by the State Engineer, the Contractor shall revise and resubmit the WPCP within 7 days of receipt of the Engineer's comments. The State Engineer will have 7 days to review the revisions. Upon the State Engineer's approval of the WPCP, 3 additional copies of the WPCP incorporating the required changes shall be submitted back to the State Engineer. Minor changes or clarifications to the initial submittal may be made and attached as amendments to the WPCP. In order to allow construction activities to proceed, the State Engineer may conditionally approve the WPCP while minor revisions or amendments are being completed. The WPCP shall identify pollution sources that may adversely affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with the project and shall identify water pollution control measures, hereafter referred to as control measures, to be constructed, implemented, and maintained in order to reduce to the extent feasible pollutants in storm water discharges from the construction site during construction under this contract. SP-10 • • The WPCP shall incorporate control measures in the following categories: A. Soil stabilization B. Sediment control C. Tracking control D. Wind erosion control E. Non -storm water control F. Waste management and material pollution control Specific objectives and minimum requirements for each category of control measures are contained in the Manuals. The Contractor shall consider the objectives and minimum requirements presented in the Manuals for each of the above categories. When minimum requirements are listed for any category, the Contractor shall incorporate into. the WPCP and implement in the project, one or more of the listed minimum controls required in order to meet the pollution control objectives for the category. In addition, the Contractor shall consider other control measures presented in the Manuals and shall incorporate into the WPCP and implement on the project the control measures necessary to meet the objectives of the WPCP. The Contractor shall document the selection process in conformance with the procedure specified in the Manuals. The WPCP shall include, but not be limited to, the following items as described in the Preparation Manual: A. Project description and Contractor's certification. B. Project information. C. Pollution sources, control measures, and water pollution control drawings. D. Amendments, if any. The Contractor shall amend the WPCP, graphically and in narrative form, whenever there is a change in construction activities or operations which may affect the discharge of significant quantities of pollutants to surface waters, ground waters, municipal storm drain systems or when deemed necessary by the Engineer. The WPCP shall be amended if the WPCP has not achieved the objective of reducing pollutants in storm water discharges. Amendments shall show additional control measures or revised operations, including those in areas not shown in the initially approved WPCP, which are required on the project to control water pollution effectively. Amendments to the WPCP shall be submitted for review and approval of the Engineer in the same manner specified for the initially approved WPCP. Amendments shall be dated and attached to the on -site WPCP document. The Contractor shall keep a copy of the WPCP, together with updates, revisions and amendments at the project site. WPCP IMPLEMENTATION Upon approval of the WPCP, the Contractor shall be responsible throughout the duration of the project for installing, construction, inspecting, and maintaining the control measures included in the WPCP and any amendments thereto and for removing and disposing of temporary control measures. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer or specified in these special provisions, the Contractor's responsibility for WPCP implementation shall continue throughout any temporary suspension of work ordered in conformance with the provisions in Section 8-1.05, "Temporary SP-11 • • Suspension of Work" of the Standard Specifications. Requirements for installation, construction, inspection, maintenance, removal, and disposal of control measures are specified in the Manuals and these special provisions. Soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures, including minimum requirements, shall be provided throughout the rainy season, defined as between October 15 and April 30. The Contractor shall see to it that sediment and erosion control measures shall be available or implemented at the end of each working day when the 5-day rainfall forecast exceeds a 40% probability. Implementation of soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures for soil - disturbed areas on the project site shall be completed, except as provided for below, not later than 20 days prior to the beginning of the rainy season or upon start of applicable construction activities for projects which begin either during or within 20 days of the rainy season. Throughout the rainy season, the active, soil -disturbed area of the project site shall be up to but not including 2 hectares. The Engineer may approve, on a case -by -case basis, expansions of the active, soil -disturbed area limit. The Contractor shall demonstrate the ability and preparedness to fully deploy soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures to protect soil -disturbed areas on the project site before the onset of precipitation. A quantity of soil stabilization and sediment control materials shall be maintained on site equal to 100 percent of that sufficient to protect unprotected, soil -disturbed areas on the project site. A detailed plan for the mobilization of sufficient labor and equipment shall be maintained to fully deploy control measures required to protect unprotected, soil -disturbed areas on the project site prior to the onset of precipitation. A current inventory of control measure materials and the detailed mobilization plan shall be included as part of the WPCP. Throughout the rainy season, soil -disturbed areas on the project site shall be considered to be non -active whenever soil -disturbing activities are expected to be discontinued for a period of 20 or more days and the areas are fully protected. Areas that will become non -active either during the rainy season or within 20 days thereof shall be fully protected with soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures within 10 days of the discontinuance of soil disturbing activities or prior to the onset of precipitation, whichever is first to occur. Throughout the rainy season, active soil -disturbed areas of the project site shall be fully protected at the end of each day with soil stabilization practices and sediment control measures unless fair weather is predicted through the following workday. The weather forecast shall be monitored by the Contractor on a daily basis. The National Weather Service forecast shall be used. An alternative weather forecast proposed by the Contractor may be used if approved by the Engineer. If precipitation is predicted prior to the end of the following workday, construction scheduling shall be modified, as required, and functioning control measures shall be deployed prior to the onset of the precipitation. The Contractor shall implement, year-round and throughout the duration of the project, control measures included in the WPCPO for tracking control, wind erosion control, non -storm water control, and waste management and material pollution control. The Engineer may order the suspension of construction operations that create water pollution if the Contractor fails to conform to the provisions in this Section, "Water Pollution Control" as determined by the Engineer. SP-12 MAINTENANCE To ensure the proper implementation and functioning of control measures, the Contractor shall regularly inspect and maintain the construction site for the control measures identified in the WPCP. The Contractor shall identify corrective actions and time needed to address any deficient measures or reinitiate any measures that have been discontinued. The construction site inspection checklist provided in the Preparation Manual shall be used to ensure that the necessary measures are being properly implemented, and to ensure that the control measures are functioning adequately. One copy of each site inspection record shall be submitted to the Engineer. During the rainy season, inspections of the construction site shall be conducted by the Contractor to identify deficient measures, as follows: A. Prior to a forecast storm. B. After all precipitation that causes runoff capable of carrying sediment from the construction site. C. At 24-hour intervals during extended precipitation events. D. Routinely, at a minimum of once every 2 weeks. If the Contractor or the Engineer identifies a deficiency in the deployment or functioning of an identified control measure, the deficiency shall be corrected immediately. The deficiency may be corrected at a later date and time if requested by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer in writing, but not later than the onset of subsequent precipitation events. The correction of deficiencies shall be at no additional cost to the State. PAYMENT Full compensation for conforming to the provisions in this section shall be considered as included in the lump sum bid price paid for Water Pollution Control Plan and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. The lump sum bid price shall include but is not limited to the preparation of the WPCP, submittal of WPCP to the State to obtain approval of the Plan, revisions to the Plan per comments received from the State, and physical implementation of the WPCP in the course of the Project. The Engineer will retain an amount equal to 25 percent of the estimated value of the contract work performed during estimate periods in which the Contractor fails to conform to the provisions in this Section "Water Pollution Control" as determined by the Engineer. Retentions for failure to conform to the provisions in this Section "Water Pollution Control" shall be in addition to the other retentions provided for in the contract. The amounts retained for failure of the Contractor to conform to the provisions in this section will be released for payment on the next monthly estimate for partial payment following the date that a WPCP has been implemented and maintained and water pollution is adequately controlled, as determined by the Engineer. SP-13 i LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, Califomia 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: DATE: o(,1 2-51 Ze,o 1 JOB NO.: 12A eco ATTENTION: "941, Gc40\0,. RE:42-)kovev.. Pcve wecz WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING: % ATTACHED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS gf PRINTS 0 PLANS 0 SAMPLES ❑ COPY OF LETTER 0 CHANGE ORDER 0 ORIGINALS COPIES DATE Co\7-7,12vOt NO. DESCRIPTION Sew Crit, She- 4 fV P0P L \-0 en-(- ' THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: 0 FOR APPROVAL 0 APPROVED AS SUBMITTED 0 RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL FOR YOUR USE 0 APPROVED AS NOTED 0 SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION fit' AS REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS 0 RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS 0 FOR REVIEW :AND COMMENT 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LVAN TO US REMARKS: COPY TO: SIGNED: 4.4-eue: 1� o f Office Use Only 0Corr 0TM OSv 0Ut 0Hy/So OPC/Per 0Cale CITY OF FONTANA MEMORANDUM TO: Distribution List FROM: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Specials Projects RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Third Plan Check DATE: May 17, 2001 Enclosed for your review and comments is one set each of the improvement and traffic control plans on the above referenced project. Distribution List City Traffic Engineer Principal Civil Engineer/CIP Senior Civil Engineer/Land Development cc: Community Development Director City Engineer Associate Engineer/Land Development Locinc • LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: a eX Their, WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING: a ----ATTACHED D SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ COPY OF LETTER DATE: SAS /p 1 JOB NO.: 124.0 (o ATTENTIO : / (a�6,, epot rLkle� RE: r.k,oJa(1... p Ja ' \-'• — ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ❑ SAMPLES ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ ORIGINALS ❑ 'PRINTS D PLANS COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Q' 11 o.3O - r l,jt-, C.4_- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: FOR APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED D RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑ SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS e -FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPY TO: SIGNED: c^_ \ Office Use Only 0 Cori ❑ TM 0 Sv ❑ Ut ❑ Hy/So ❑ PC/Per ❑ Cale CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM: TO: Distribution List FROM: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects DATE: March 6, 2001 SUBJECT: Slover Avenue Sewer from Popular Avenue to Sierra Avenue Cherry Avenue Sewer, Storm Drain, Street, and right of way requirements from Jurupa Avenue to Slover Avenue Citrus Avenue and Miller Avenue Intersection Improvements Mango Avenue and Baseline Avenue Intersection Improvements Oleander Avenue and Baseline Avenue Intersection Improvements Almeria Avenue and Baseline Avenue Intersection Improvements Locust Avenue Sewer north of Foothill Boulevard 16861 Foothill Boulevard (Meat Market), Right Turn Pocket ******************4x*********************************************************** A meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 14, 2001, at 9:00 a.m. in the East Engineering Annex conference room to review the above mentioned projects. Distribution List: Principal Civil Engineer/ C I P Senior Traffic Engineer Associate Engineer/Land development (TM) Associate Engineer/Special Projects (LO) Consultant Project Coordinator/Special Projects Steve Nix, Project Manager L. D. King, Inc. cc: Acting City Engineer CITY OF FONTANA MEMORANDUM TO: Distribution List FROM: Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Specials Projects RE: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Capri Mobil Home Park Sanitary Sewer Connection To Public Sewer Main Plan DATE: November 28, 2000 Enclosed for your.information is one set each of the concept plan on the above referenced project. Distribution List Principal Civil Engineer/CIP Associate Engineer/Land Development cc: Community Development Director Acting City Engineer Senior Civil Engineer/Land Development SENT BY: ; • 949 673 4332; AUG-7-0ile:40; PAGE 1/1 Mr. Curtis Aaron Director Public Works 16489 Orange Way Fontana, CA 92335 Cynthia Del3aun 408 Piazza Lido --- Newport Beach, CA 92663 Tel: 949/673-0393 Fax: 949/673-4332 Re: Capri Mobile Home Park, 16860 Slover Avenue, Fontana Dear Mr. Aaron: 1 would like to find out what the estimated time will be for sewer hook up on Slover Avenue (and Sierra Avenue). And, is it mandatory? We have been experiencing a great deal of problems with our septic system, which is inadequate to sustain our mobilehome park. if the estimated time for sewer hook up is too far down the road, then we need to possibly make alternate plans for the upgrade of our septic system. David Edgar mentioned to me some months ago, that he thought the sewer would be in by the end of 2000. Though that doesn't seem possible. Would you kindly call me or fax me with this information? I am also meeting with Anthony this Wednesday to look at the collapsing drain on the north end of our park. Thank you for your prompt response. Sincerely, Cynthia DeBaun Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; • Mar-14-01 2:42 Locinc ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS • FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: Greg Bucknell Cimipany: City of Fontana Fax No.: 909-350-6755 From: Steve Nix O FOR YOUR INFORMATION O FOR YOUR REVIEW & COMMENT O PLEASE S1GN AND RETURN O ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW I3Y MAIL SPECIAL INSTRIJC'TIONS/COMMENTS: Job/1''ile No.: Page 1 Date: 3/14/01 No. of Pages: 5 O AS REQUESTED O PLEASE CALL AFTRR YOU HAVE RECEIVED O PLEASE CALL AND VERIFY RECEIPT OF I A'X O OTHER L. 1). King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, CA 91764 909/937-0200 Fax: 909/937-0202 Otticc Use Only o Curt o 'FM ii tiv a UI n I Iv/St, ci I'c/Ver u Oak. Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; MAR--09-2001 14:05 CAL 'EST •ULTANTS Mar-14-01 2:42PM; Page 2 W00 P,001/004 licensed C-712482. AZ-1U $, u✓-047560 Date: March 9, 2001 TO: SAP-r-DIG Utility Surveys, Inc. 12210 Michigan Avenue, Suite 24 (008) 370-0930 Grand Terrace, CA 92313 (909) 370-3577 www.safrdig.com TRANSMITTAL SHEET LFax ❑ Letter ❑ Other # of Pages 4 DIVISION Ej SAF r-DIG utility Services ❑ Geolocate 0 KA-TE Robotics J Attn: company: • Fax: :Phone: STEVE NIX LD KING, INC. 909 937-0202 909 937-0200 ACTIONS: — FROM: Name: MICHELLE GOLD Location: Riverside, CA. Fax: (909) 370-3677 Phone: (909) 370-0930 ® Approval ❑ Urgent ❑ Review ❑ Reply El For Your Files ❑ Please Call ❑ Other & Return Upon Recut MESSAGE: PROJECT; SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS STEVE, ` ATTACHED IS THE PROPOSAL/CONTRACT AND SAF-R-DIG'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE ABOVE CON-MACT. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR DESIRE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT ME AT THE ABOVE NUMBER. THANK YOU MICHELLE GOLD 2001-02-020 C ip rare Office: 41.905 Boardwalk. Saito A. Patin 13c5co. CA 9221 t PC) 13orr t478. Palm Dcsen, CA 92261-1478 Scrvind Major Citicg CALIFORNIA; Los Angeles, Riverside. San Diego, 8F Bay Area. San Joee TEXAS: Aueiin, Dallae. Houston, San Antonl0 ARIZONA: Phoenix, TuCGon NEVADA! Lae vegan, Rana, Carson City, LnK@ TaPoe Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; MAR-09-2001 14:05 CAL WEST WULTANTS Mar-14-1 2:42PM; Page 3 Ft1400 P.002/004 llnan; C/,q,2489,AZ-+pare^, Nvo• Gt10 Attn: STEVE NIX LD King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way Ste 100B Ontario CA 91764 Subsurface Utility Services "Precise potholing", thres dimensional Information, utilizing Non-destructive soil extraction technology, performed with surgical skill! We designate, locate and verify actual depths. or underground ubririra, Proposal/Contract Fax: (909) 937-0202 Issued Dated: Bus: (909) 937-0200 Our TaskID: Client ID: LDKI00 Client Ref: 3/8/01 200102020 SO12d06 Poo. Name: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SAF-r-DIG Utility Surveys, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as SAP-r-DIG), shell provide scope of services as requested by: LD King, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Client). Services will be conducted in accordance with Attachrrlent A, SAF-r-DIG's standard terms and conditions, unless otherwise expressly noted, In writing, prior to the execution of this contract. SCOPE Provide Subsurface Utility Location services to determine horizontal and vertical positions OF of underground utilities. SERVICES: COMPENSATION: SAF-r-DIG agrees to perform the above Scope of Services for consideration of: Task Total: $6,218.00 Based on nine inspection holes. Additional standard inspection holes will be at a rate of S430.00 per hole. ' ADDITIONAL COST :EXCEPTIONS / INCLUSIONS as noted and Provided By: City/County/DOT encroachment permits * Special 'Inspection' Bonding by City/County/DOT - Pre -marking utility survey area; as required by state law • Notification of One -Call Service, (USA, DigAlert, Blue Stake) R Special Traffic Control, plans, barricading and signs • Daily mobilization and demobilization • Daily Per -Diem (2man crew) if necessary INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED N/A SCHEDULE: SAF-r-Did shalt commence work upon receipt of this executed contract with services estimated to start on: and be completed by: This proposal and Its provisions will expire after: 5116/01 APPROVALS: For SAF-r-DIG: Printed: Title: Date: Nina S. Marcinek President/Chair 3/8/01 For Client: Printed: Title: V, f? Date: 7//0lmc, —To engage our services, please sign above and return copy Mtn original signatrlre 10 address t law. Corporate Office: PO Box 1478, Palm Desert, CA 92261 (800)326-0446 Fax (760)776-8278 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; MAR-09L2001 14:06 CAL WEST •ULTANTS Mar-14-01 2:42PM; Page 4/5 • F0400 P.003/004 SA.B-. -DIG GENERAL: TERMS & CONDITIONS (In other words, whet our lawyers wants you to know) 1.0 CLIENT SHALL include or provide the following: 1.1 Coordinate activity with owner, or agency, reveal name of owner and purpose for desired data. 1.2 Full sized, scaled site and profile drawings not greater than 50';1", hardcopy and/or electronic file. 1.3 2 locally recoverable survey benchmarks (BM) with horizontal & vertical elevations within 1/4 mile. 1.4 Sods reports for the required inspection holes (if available). 1.5 Arrange for access in restricted areas to the site for SAFr-DIG personnel and equipment, 1.6 Indicate client's Risk Manager; and, "on -site decision / reporting person" along with phone number (preferably a person from the design department). 2.0 SAF r-DIG's normal Scope of Work SHALL include or provide the following: 2.1 All special equipment, skilled personnel, certified DOT safety -sensitive (random tested) trained techniclanC, and the supplies necessary, or, required to perform designation and utility location services utilizing air/vacuum, dust -controlled, sell-monitored VOC (volatile organic compounds) sensored, soil extraction methods. 2.2 ASSIST in securing all necessary plans, plats, records, and other available data as provided by utility owners, 2.3 Furnish CLIENT, concurrent with execution of contract, Cortificate(s) of Insurance on standard ACORD forms. The insurance shall satisfy the requirements of focal jurisdiction authority. 2.4 ASSIST in obtaining all necessary permits from city, county, and/or other jurisdictions to allow SAF-r-DIG to work in existing streets, roads, and rights -of -way for purpose of designating, marking, measuring, soil extracting and recording the vertical elevations of existing subsurface utilities, (An encroachment permit may be required). 2.5 Comply with all applicable subsurface utility damage -prevention laws; including pre -marking prospective site areas and by requesting required, utility notification service. i,e., prior to soils extraction services. 2.6 Start task seventy-two (72) hours after receipt of permitting and coordination with city, appropriate agent, utility owner and county inspectors relating to notification and inspection regulations. 2.7 Provide all necessary traffic control for streets with speed limits under 25 MPH, including labor, and equipment, according to the City standards. High traffic density locations may require special traffic control plans and barricading. 2.8 Comply with all Jurisdictional regulations pertaining to the movement of traffic; Le., services restricting traffic may not be permitted at signalized intersections; or, on major, or, collector streets, during the peak traffic hours. Delays may be subject to stand-by time. 2.9 Neatly cut and remove existing pavement; (normally does not exceed 12" diameter). 2.10 Extract soils to expose any existing utilities, in such a manner to ensure the safety and integrity of the utility. Attachment A (0/0/0000 0:00 AM) ClienSAF-r-0101d--'' Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; MAR-09-2001 14:06 CAL WEST C ULTANTS SAF- DICE • Iltrw,M,,up q•ipCrL 04d.14 Mar-14-012:43PM; Page 5/5 • Ffl400 P.004/004 TERMS & CONDITIONS (In other weds, what our lawyers wants you to know) 2.11 In Client -requested data format, observe and record the following minimal Field Data Information for each utility located: 2.11.1 Pavement thickness end description of pavement surface and base. 2,11.2 Diameter / Width of utility, top and, if requested, bottom depths, and configuration of systems. 2.11.3 Elevations ACCURATELY measured to 1/10°1 foot from original ground and/or pavement surface to utility. 2.11.4 Utility structure material composition, when reasonably ascertainable. 2,12 Furnish and install "PK" nails, "hubs', stakes, high -visibility "whiskers", or, markings, directly above the centerline of the utility structure (pipe and/or duct). (Swing -tie referencing, for surveyors, may also be requested). 2.13 GUARANTEE restoration of pavement within limits of the original cut for 3 years. When inspection holes are in areas other than roadway pavement, the disturbed areas shall be restored, as nearly as reasonably possible, to the condition existing prior to the air/vacuum soil extraction process. Pneumatically tamp to, or exceed, compaction requirements of existing standards and supplements; to the extent they apply to excavations, BacKfill materials will comply with utility owner specifications, 2.14 Leave the task site in a clean and safe condition, as it existed prior to starting services. 2.15 Maintain compliance with all federal and state mandated programs with written policy statements and current program status to protect CLIENT from any "PASS-THRU" claims or liability. 2.16 Agrees that no charge or claim for damages shall be made for delays or hindrances beyond the control of CLIENT during the progress of any portion of the services specified in this agreement. 2.17 GUARANTEE completeness and accuracy orservices, plans, and all supporting data required under obligation for this project, and, at its expense, correct all errors or omissions therein which may be disclosed. 2.18 Requests for payment will include a detailed invoice and Certified Report(s) of ALL services. All invoiced amounts are due and payable 30 days from invoicing. Invoice balances over thirty days will be charged a monthly finance charge of 1.25% (15% APR). SAF-r•DIG will file a lien against the owner after 30 days if payment has not been confirmed or received. 3.0 SAF-r-DIG SHALL NOT provide, or be liable, for the following: 3.1 Removal or treatment of hazardous materials encountered on or at the task site. 3.2 Field conditions significantly different than those represented by CLIENT; e.g., soil conditions, "as- builts" plans, or tentative drawings may subject estimated costs to re -negotiation. 3.3 Locating non -detectable utilities such as ACP, Cencrete, PVC, PE and fiber optic cables that are not accessible for signal induction. 3.4 "PASS-THRU" Expenses, Additionally, when prepaid by SAP-r-DIG, CLIENT is subject to a 15% add -on fee for those expenses. Such items may include but are not limited to; permitting, special traffic control & barricading, special drawings, concrete coring and hazardous materials handling. Attachment A (0/0(0000 OM AM) Clief'` SAF-r-DIG. Tra mission Report 11 Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6613 Fax Communications To: .Steve Nix Fronc Don Gdula Fa's 9-937-0202 Dato: March 16, 2001 Phon.: 9-937-0200 Pages: 1 Ae: Meeting No0fication 0 Urgent 0 For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: Citrus and glover sewer meeting, Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 9:00 am. past annex conference room 1 Total Pages Confirmed . 3-16-01; 3:51PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 579 99370202 3-16-01; 3:50PM 34" 1/ 1 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi —Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling.a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer To: Steve Nix City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: March 16, 2001 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 1 Re: Meeting Notification ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: Citrus and Stover sewer meeting, Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. East annex conference room • City of Fontana CALIFORNIA December 1, 2000 Steven Nix, P.E. Project Manager L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, CA 91764-4464 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Popular Avenue to Sierra Avenue Plan Review Comments - Partial Capri Mobile Home Park Sewer Laterals Dear Mr. Nix: Enclosed are three comment sheets with the City's review comments on the above referenced project item. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division Gregory • Bucknell, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects cc: Community Development Director w/enclosures Acting City Engineer w/enclosures Principal Civil Engineer/CIP w/enclosures Senior Civil Engineer/Land Development w/enclosures Associate Engineer/Land Development (TM) w/enclosures Assistant Engineer/Land Development w/enclosures www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper • Ate. 11` O( 'r CQi/tom OP 4 ' i /1)0,5/ 1 /AWE.. p, /t ,1 1. 5w4or fit`" llYPORMW72,1' p 4, p ra: Wirt 'Cr Liawe LocAnous z) tof s 5 b)A) A PA PJ%. . -7PM Q 31 rrE P 1 co 89 90 co 91. 92 CO 93 94 CO VCP 95 96 co 97 ,co 83 65 82 66 co 67 80 68 79 Co co 69 78 70 77 co 71 76 72 CO o--.—bCO o-.u-4' VCP o o o 75 74 " 73 J 15' 60 co co 42 • 43 59 58 co ,co 44 w >1--• cn 57 45 56 Ico 55 co 46 co co 48 53 49 I IV co —co 52 4 VCP o 50 CO 37 19 36 20 W' W cn • co 35 21 34 22 33 co co -23 32 24 31 25 • j 30 is 26 CO o •--o 29 01111 5 Rex/66_47 - BYWER OTHERS ITY MAIN A ATERALS S L O V E R ("7t ) / 57- A9144 3)4Y ID 60•St`<0!2b co 0 0 4' VCP "H" - STREET 13 14 s • 4' VCP 15 1 12 28 27 STREET J 2=- • I1 s 4'.VO 10 oot "`STET 2 3 RECREATION •ki AREA SEWER MAIN At�i4/LATERALS BY OTHERS ITY 1 AVENIf 5 0. 170 3251-203-09 44-0 -XT. 171 SLOVER DE.YELLilk_DIBLE 17. 0255-041-01 TANGENT • IIMMIC1102175r1111E11110111=11111111:111111 0 DELTA/BEARING RADIUS LENGTH 59 tj , LD. 16Zi I 173 174 175 ;;4'7 gdfiw-'" /1/115t1)?.' (1.01' C ex. c&G 4 0255- 041-15 I.°1E REPLAC 4 IN KIND. (50' OR 561 (36') DC CUM FACE 18-24 PROPCM1 (155) toot OF MAO. I ! . . . t PROP.OSF_D SEWER . 4 . . _ . .. . . . Si0.0017 18. briiiAsiffEN • PRCHIA _F,Sta F NORZ: 1 .4 40- VERT: 1' - 176 /3E7 °:ca4:14: Ikk 7141 7//a/ f9 • • t t , I ; . • • , -,- - L1278.61 UF. 08.0.1031 pcAi s+Erfoni .1- 1- , 4—, • • • f- -4 • . - I i I 6 „ 179 EXC&C STA. 181+17.79 TGT. O. 83 FD. 2 IP. MTH CO. BRASS cal STAMPED AS SHOWN, ON. 0.4 181-EV.1089.18 ++4444.41,444444,muVa1uARE4 1+6. 4 II1WAPIE71:101n =Al (52' OR ar) OW) EL CURB FACE (VARIES) Fors OF MEE • 0255-041-14 AVENUE L.ta vsasT Constru 0 ON 0 CON GET. CON crn ®CON On AND @CON 11 0 cop; 1101 CEN OREN ASF . On 0 REN FON .4.714( otwr 6 a�i' OP 77)i ( 44v: �� M : 4S r Y.; ) 5'G4i00 1364,11 1, fr F /;f126YIJAA 1?.A ' ,; -- �.. :� ..)6 . P ik✓ A 5 67" /7 M9 - °5 O/ . Sim &7P/1 MQC 1 92 Co 93 94 95 96 Co 97 83 65 66 Co 67 80 68 W Ct N 79 • Co co 69 78 CO 77 76 75 co 74 "F" EWER MAIN A BY OTHERS IT 70 71 60 co co 42 43 59 58 CO co 44 57 4. 45 56 co co 46 55 47 It) 1= 54 co . CD 48 s 49 c0i 0 4' VCP 50 37 co Co 19 36 35 co co 34 20 21 22 a co23 24 33 co 32 31 25 30 26 CO o CO 0 u 4' VCP 14 - 4- VCP STREET 15 8 12 VCP 10 28 27 STREET Omi w Qe47-- G A -�.�! �f�ln! f/V Gpi' S % /e s SLOVER 4 ,J65 » A STEEI 2 3 4' VCP —� i 0 0 RECREATION AREA 65e coilva? Folk LATE-7-w SEWER MAIN ANq//LATERALS BY OTHERS ITY AVENIA ^-�(- i-) `9 s 7 - 6vl4L4.. > ,' 3 O'L 171 172 Ex. C&G /Nk SLOVER DELTA/BEARING N 8949c5' RADIUS LENGTH 173.90 283.61' 0255-041-01 TANGENT N 8837'22' W - 20.T 67 (‘ 173 PROPOSED SEWER ... . PROFILE.5CAI F HORZ 1 40' VERT; 1' - 4' 1 4 175 i WO. 7 0255-041-15 (50' 0R 32') (54') EX CURB FACE (12a) /t NOTE REPLACE ¢ CURB ' 05 IN KIND. d. 7 ' _ L4276.61 UF. 13 176 •fE-• l j U . po'n: 12A--m-b iliZ-100 • f wd E7L C&G 1 , -,.- - _ - 1-1 I 1I Ili 179 STA. 181+17.79 TGT. O. 83 FD. 2 IP. ,NTH CO. BRASS Ct STAUPED AS SHOWN, DN. 0.4 ELEV.-1089.16 PRISMIR Constru 0con 0 CON DEC O CON 4 an E4 5 O CON _ CM Ex. C&G AND 0255-041-14 Ft ©CON vl i TIGF AVENUE © o Ca` MG) CEM ®REM ' eR I ASF . CIT 0REM Fa • City of Fontana CALIFORNIA Steven Nix, P.E. Project Manager L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, CA 91764-4464 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements • from Popular Avenue to Sierra Avenue Plan Review Comments Dear Mr. Nix: November 8, 2000 G Enclosed is a set of redlined plans with the City's review comments on the above referenced project. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-6646. Sincerely, Community Development Department Engineering Division Grego J. Bucknell, P.E. Princip 1 Civil Engineer/Special Projects cc: Acting City Engineer Principal Civil Engineer/CIP www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper L')(IflG • LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: City of Fontana WE ARE TRANSMITTING. ❑ ATTACHED El SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ COPY OF LETTER DATE: 8/22/00 JOB NO.: 124-06 ATTENTION: Greg Bucknell RE: Stover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Ave. to Sierra Ave. 111 UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA ® PRINTS ❑ PLANS 1111 CHANGE ORDER 111 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: SAMPLES COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Aug 00 13 Stover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue 1 Aug 00 6 Cherry Avenue Storm Drain from Jurupa Avenue to Stover Avenue (Incomplete for sewer reference only) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ^� FOR APPROVAL APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ® RESUBMIT 2 COPIES FOR APPROVAL r(�all ® FOR YOUR USE 111 APPROVED AS NOTED SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION at...4 Ei AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS El FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT 111 • FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS: 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Storm Drain plans are for reference only. COPY TO: SIGNED: Steve Nix Office Use Only ❑ Corr ❑ TM ❑ Sv ❑ Ut ❑ Hy/So ❑ PC/Per ❑ Cale If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Locinc LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: City of Fontana WE ARE TRANSMITTING ❑ ATTACHED ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ COPY OF LETTER .c?�'( �,�1 f "fiat DATE: 8/04/00 JOB NO.: 124-14 ATTENTION: Gregory Bucknell RE: Cherry Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Ave. to Slover Ave. ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA ® PRINTS ❑ PLANS ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: ❑ SAMPLES COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Aug 00 8 Cherry Avenue Sewer from Jurupa Ave. to Slover Ave. For First Plan Check THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: El FOR APPROVAL ❑ APPROVED AS SUBMITTED 0 RESUBMIT ❑ FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED ❑ SUBMIT AS REQUESTED ❑ RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS ❑ RETURN ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS: COPY TO: COPIES FOR APPROVAL COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION CORRECTED PRINTS 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: Terry R nner Office Use Only ❑ Corr ❑ TM • ❑ Sv D Ut ❑ Hy/So ❑ PC/Per ❑ Cale If enclosures are not as noted, kindly no*, us at once. L'XIflG IETT OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: City of Fontana WE ARE TRANSMITTING ❑ ATTACHED ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ COPY OF LETTER DATE: 07/12/00 JOB NO.: 124-06 ATTENTION: Gregory Bucknell RE: Slover Ave. Sewer from Poplar Ave. to Sierra Ave. 0 UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA gg PRINTS " 0 PLANS ❑ CHANGE ORDER El , THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 0 SAMPLES COPIES DATE ' N'O / DESCRIPTION 2 July 00 13 :Sewer Drwgs for Slover Ave. between Poplar Ave. ' ;and Sierra Ave. 1 Apr 00 10 !:,Plait -Check Prints THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ® FOR APPROVAL 0 APPROVED AS SUBMITTED ® RESUBMIT 2 COPIES FOR APPROVAL O FOR YOUR USE ❑ APPROVED AS NOTED 0 SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION 0 AS REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS 0 RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS O FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT 0 O FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS: COPY TO: 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: Michael P. Thornton Michael P. Thornton Office Use Only ❑ Corr ❑ TM ❑ Sv ❑ Ut ❑ Hy/So ❑ PC/Per ❑ Cale enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. ent By: LD KING; • 909 937 0202; 'Jul-16-0 2:36PM; Page 2 Crew: M. Baine B. Noreen J, Horn City of Fontana Sewer Stakes - S/over ''All stakes set 14' o/s Rt, uness noted otherwise, STAKE PLAN STATION ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL DESC. 158+75.0 1082.50 1071.33 11.17 159+00.0 1082.59 1071.38 11.22 1594.25.0 1082.65 1071,42 11.24 159+50.0 1082.71 1071.46 11.25 159+75.0 1082.82 1071.50 11.32 160+00.0 1082.84 1071.55 11.29 160+25.0 1082.88 1071.59 11.30 160+50.0 . 1082.97 1071.63 11.34 160+75.0 1082.96 1071.67 11.29 161 +00.0 1082,91 1071.72 11.20 161 +25,0 1082.89 1071.76 11,13 161+50.0 1082.76 1071.80 10,96 161+67.65 1082.67 1071.83 10.84 161+70,15 1082.67 1082.50 0,17 161 +72.85 1082,66 1071.84 10.82 161+75.0 1082.64 1071,85 10.79 162i-00.0 1082.43 1071.89 10.55 162+25,0 1082,25 1071.93 10.32 162+50, 0 1082.06 1071.97 10.09 162+75,0 1082.06 1072.02 10.05 163+00.0 1081.62 1072.06 9.56 163+25.0 1081.41 1072.10 9.31 163+50.0 1081.23 1072.14 9.09 163+75.0 1081,07 1072.19 8.88 164+00,0 1080,94 1072.23 8.71 164+25.0 1080.79 1072.27 8.52 164+50,0 1080,64 1072,32 8.32 164+60.0 1080.58 1072.33 8.25 164+77.72 1080.53 1072.36 8.17 164+80.22 1080.52 1081.20 164+82.72 1080,52 1072.37 8,15 165+00.0 1080.52 1072,40 8.12 165+17.0 1080.50 1072.43 8.07 165+25,0 1080.46 1072.44 8.02 165+50.0 1080.54 1072.48 8.06 165+75.0 1080.59 1072.53 8.06 165+89.0 1080.63 1072.55 8.08 Prepared By: L.O. King Phone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 OUT C/L M.H. IN OUT 0.68 C/L M.H. IN 124115619.xls 6/19/02 JN 124-11 Page 1 of 4 ;ent By: LD KING; • 909 937 0202; Ju1-16-11'2:36PM; Page 3 Crew: M. Baine B. Noreen J. Horn City of Fontana Sewer Stakes - Slover *All stakes set 14' o/S Rt. uness noted otherwise. STAKE PLAN STATION ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL DESC. 166+00.0 1080.70 1072.57 8.13 166+25.0 1080.84 1072.61 8.23 166+50.0 1080.97 1072.65 8.32 166+75.0 1081.18 1072.69 8.49 166+94.0 1081.30 1072.73 8.58 167+00.0 1081.36 1072.74 8.63 167+00.0 1081.38 1072.74 8.64 167+25.0 1081.67 1072.78 8.90 167+50.0 1081.79 1072.82 8.97 167+75.0 1082.01 1072.86 9.15 167+87.79 1082.10 1072.88 9.22 167+90.29 1082.12 . 1081.91 0.22 167+92.79 1082.13 1072.89 9.24 168+00.0 1082.14 1072.90 9.24 168 +25.0 1082.26 1072.95 9.31 168+50.0 1082.42 1072.99 9.43 168+75.0 1082,67 1073.03 9.64 168+85,0 1082,71 1073.05 9.67 169+00.0 1082.83 1073.07 9.76 169+25.0 1083.02 1073.12 9,90 169+50.0 1083.18 1073.16 10,03 169+75.0 1083.40 1073.20 10.20 170+00.0 1083.59 1073.24 10.35 170+25.0 1083.77 1073.28 10.49 170+50.0 1084.00 1073.33 10.67 170+71.40 1084.21 . 1073.36 10.85 170+73.90 1084.23 1084.20 0.03 170+76.40 1084.26 1073.37 10.89 171+00.0 1084.41 1073.41 11.00 171+25.0 1084.61 1073.46 11.15 171 +50,0 1084.77 1073.50 11.28 171 +75.0 1084.94 1073.54 11.40 172+00.0 1085.22 1073.59 11.63 172+25.0 1085.45 1073,63 11.82 172+50.0 1085.60 1073.67 11.93 172+75,0 1085.75 1073.71 12,04 173+00.0 1085.92 1073.76 12.17 Prepared By: L.D. King Phone: (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 OUT C/L M.H. IN OUT C/L M.H. IN 12411S619.xls 6/19/02 JN 124-11 Page 2 of 4 ;ent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Jul -16. 0.2 : 36PM; Page 4 Crew: M. Baine B, Noreen J, Horn Clty of Fontana Sewer Stakes - Slaver *AII stakes set 14' o/s Rt. uness noted otherwise. STAKE PLAN STATION ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL DESC. 173+25.0 1086.11 1073.80 12.31 173+50.0 1086.22 1073.84 12.38 173+55.01 1086.29 1073.85 12.44 OUT 173+57.51 1086.27 1086.00 0.28 C/L M.H. ANG. PT. 173+60.01 1086.34 1073.86 12.48 IN 173+75.0 1086.48 1073.89 12.60 174+00.0 1086.63 1073.93 12.70 174+25.0 1086.82 1073.97 12.85 174+50.0 1086.97 1074.01 12.96 174+75.0 1087.13 1074.06 13,07 175+00.0 1087.26 1074.10 13.16 175+25.0 1087.37 1074.14 13.23 175+50.0 1087.49 1074.18 13.31 175+75.0 1087.55 1074.23 13.32 176+00.0 1087.64 1074.27 13.38 176+25.0 1087.70 1074.31 13.39 176+38.62 1087.73 1074.33 13.40 OUT 176+41.12 1087,73 1087.30 0.43 C/L M.H. ANG. PT. 176+43.63 1087.75 1074.34 ' 13.41 IN 176+50.0 1087.82 1074.43 13.39 176+75.0 1087.88 1074.75 13.13 177+00.0 1087,94 1075.08 12.86 177+25.0 1088.05 075,40 12.66 177+50. 0 1088.13 1075.72 12.41 177+75.0 1088.23 1076.05 12.18 178+00.0 1088.31 1076.37 11.94 178+25.0 1088.40 1076.70 11.70 178+50.0 1088.50 1077.02 11.48 178+75.0 1088.62 1077.35 11.28 179+00.0 1088.72 1077.67 11,05 179+22.23 1088.87 1077.96 10.91 OUT 179+24.73 1088,90 1088.30 0.60 C/L M.H. Prepared By: L.D. King, Phone: (909) 937.0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 12411 S619.xIs 6/19/02 JN 124.11 Page 3 of 4 ;ent By: LD KING;. • 909 937 0202; Ju1-16-0402:36PM; Page 5/5 Crew: M. Baine B. Noreen J. Horn City of Fontana Sewer Stakes - Stover `.AII stakes set 14' o/s Rt. uness noted otherwise. STAKE PLAN STATION ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL DESC. O+00.0 1082.06 1081.91 0.16 C/L M.H. 0+02.5 1082.11 1073.46 8.65 IN 0+25.0 1082.50 1073.55 8.95 0+50.0 1082.86 1073.66 9.20 0+75.0 1083.35 1073.76 9.59 Prepared By: L.D. King Phone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 12411 S619.xls 6/19/02 JN 124-11 Page 4 of 4 ;ent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Ju1-16-0112:36PM; Page 1 L'XIflG ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURvk:YORS/LANDS('APE ARCIIIT1 CTS FAX TRANSMITTAL To: Steve Bauer Company: LD King, Inc. Fax No.: 350-6618 From: Wayne Joseph ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION O FOR YOUR REVIEW &COMMENT ❑ PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ❑ ORIGINAL'1'0 FOLLOW BY MAIL SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: Job/1iile No.: Date: No. of Pages: Stover Sewer 7/16/02 5 ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ PLEASE. CALL AFTER YOU HAVE RECEIVED ❑ PLEASE CALL AND VERIFY REC,:TPT OF FAX ❑ OTIIER Sewer Grade Sheets for 158+75 to 179+24.73 If you have any questions, please call. Thank you. L. D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, CA 91764 909/937-0200 Fax: 909/937-0202 Crew: M. Baine City of Fontana 12411S530.xls B. Noreen Sewer Stakes - Stover 5/30/02 J. Horn *AII stakes set 13' o/s Rt. JN 124-11 uness noted otherwise. STAKE PLAN STATION ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL DESC. 129+75.0 1070.65 1056.96 13.69 130+00.0 1070.88 1057.13 13.75 130+25.0 1071.03 1057.31 13.73 130+50.0 1071.23 1057.48 13.75 130+75.0 1071.45 1057.65 13.80 131+00.0 1071.61 1057.83 13.79 131+25.0 1071.72 1058.00 13.72 131+50.0 1071.94 1058.18 13.77 131+75.0 1072.09 1058.35 13.74 132+00.0 1072.23 1058.52 13.71 132+25.0 1072.38 1058.70 13.68 132+50.0 1072.53 1058.87 13.66 132+75.0 1072.68 1059.05 13.64 132+97.50 1072.80 1059.20 13.60 OUT 133+00.00 1072.84 1072.80 0.04 C/L MH 133+02.50 1072.89 1059.30 13.59 IN 133+25.0 1073.08 1059.41 13.68 133+50.0 1073.25 1059.53 13.72 133+75.0 1073.47 1059.65 13.82 134+00.0 1073.65 1059.77 13.89 134+25.0 1073.83 1059.89 13.95 134+50.0 1073.95 1060.01 13.94 134+75.0 1074.17 1060.13 14.05 135+00.0 1074.35 1060.25 14.10 135+25.0 1074.45 1060.37 14.08 135+50.0 1074.62 1060.48 14.14 135+75.0 1074.85 1060.60 14.25 135+80.89 1074.90 1060.63 14.27 OUT 135+83.39 1074.91 1075.20 0.30 C/L MH 135+85.89 1074.95 1060.73 14.22 IN 136+00.0 1075.10 1060.80 14.30 136+25.0 1075.32 1060.92 14.40 136+50.0 1075.52 1061.04 14.48 136+75.0 1075.69 1061.16 14.53 137+00.0 1075.91 1061.28 14.63 137+25.0 1076.09 1061.40 14.69 137+50.0 1076.26 1061.52 14.74 Prepared By: L.D. King Phone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Page 1 of 4 Crew: M. Baine City of Fontana 12411S530.xls B. Noreen Sewer Stakes - Slover 5/30/02 J. Horn *All stakes set 13' o/s Rt. JN 124-11 uness noted otherwise. STAKE PLAN. STATION ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL DESC. 137+75.0 1076.40 1061.64 14.76 138+00.0 1076.55 1061.76 14.79 138+25.0 1076.62 1061.88 14.74 138+50.0 1076.61 1062.00 14.61 138+64.28 1076.57 1062.07 14.50 OUT 138+66.78 1076.56 1076.60 0.04 C/L MH 138+69.28 1076.56 1062.17 14.39 IN 138+75.0 1076.54 1062.20 14.34 139+00.0 1076.43 1062.32 14.11 139+25.0 1076.35 1062.44 13.91 139+50.0 1076.22 1062.56 13.66 139+75.0 1076.11 1062.68 13.43 140+00.0 1076.03 1062.80 13.23 140+25.0 1075.87 1062.92 12.95 140+50.0 1075.75 1063.04 12.71 140+75.0 1075.67 1063.16 12.51 141+00.0 1075.58 1063.28 12.30 141+25.0 1075.52 1063.40 12.12 141+48.67 1075.44 1063.51 11.93 OUT 141+51.17 1075.45 1075.41 0.04 C/L MH 141+53.67 1075.48 1063.61 11.87 IN 141+75.0 1075.51 1063.70 11.81 142+00.0 1075.50 1063.81 11.70 142+25.0 1075.58 1063.91 11.67 142+50.0 1075.79 1064.02 11.77 142+75.0 1075.94 1064.12 11.82 143+00.0 1076.15 1064.23 11.92 14' 0/S 143+25.0 1076.12 1064.33 11.79 143+50.0 1076.25 1064.44 11.82 143+75.0 1076.38 1064.54 11.84 144+00.0 1076.55 1064.65 11.91 144+25.0 1076.70 1064.75 11.95 144+50.0 1076.81 1064.86 11.95 144+75.0 1076.89 1064.96 11.93 144+84.64 1076.93 1065.00 11.93 OUT 144+87.14 1076.95 1078.50 1.55 C/L MH 144+89.64 1076.97 1065.10 11.87 IN Prepared By: L.D. King Phone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Page 2 of 4 Crew: M. Baine City of Fontana 12411S530.xls B. Noreen Sewer Stakes - Slover 5/30/02 J. Horn *AII stakes set 13' o/s Rt. JN 124-11 uness noted otherwise. STAKE PLAN STATION ELEVATION GRADE CUT FILL DESC. 145+00.0 1077.03 1065.16 11.87 145+25.0 1077.17 1065.29 11.88 145+50.0 1077.31 1065.43 11.88 145+75.0 1077.43 1065.57 11.86 146+00.0 1077.55 1065.70 11.85 146+25.0 1077.63 1065.84 11.79 146+50.0 1077.80 1065.97 11.83 14' 0/S 146+75.0 1077.90 1066.11 11.80 147+00.0 1078.03 1066.24 11.79 147+25.0 1078.24 1066.38 11.87 147+50.0 1078.36 1066.51 11.85 147+75.0 1078.45 1066.65 11.81 148+00.0 1078.54 1066.79 11.75 148+21.62 1078.65 1066.90 11.75 OUT 148+24.12 1078.66 1078.70 0.04 C/L MH 148+26.62 1078.63 1067.00 11.63 IN 148+50.0 1078.74 1067.11 11.63 148+75.0 1078.88 1067.22 11.66 149+00.0 1078.97 1067.34 11.64 149+25.0 1079.19 1067.45 11.74 149+50.0 1079.29 1067.54 11.75 149+75.0 1079.40 1067.68 11.72 150+00.0 1079.40 1067.79 11.62 150+25.0 1079.65 1067.90 11.75 14' 0/S 150+50.0 1079.69 1068.02 11.68 150+75.0 1079.85 1068.13 11.73 151+00.0 1080.01 1068.24 11.77 151+25.0 1080.11 1068.36 11.76 151+50.0 1080.25 1068.47 11.79 151+67.50 1080.37 1068.56 11.81 OUT 151+70.00 1080.40 1080.30 0.10 C/L MH Prepared By: L.D. King Phone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 Page 3 of 4 Crew: M. Baine B. Noreen J. Horn OLEANDER STATION 0+00.0 0+02.5 0+25.0 0+50.0 0+75.0 AVE. STAKE PLAN ELEVATION GRADE 1075.29 1075.28 1075.31 1075.42 1075.69 Prepared By: L.D. King Phone: (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 1075.41 1063.84 1063.95 1064.03 1064.13 City of Fontana Sewer Stakes - Slover *AII stakes set 13' o/s Rt. uness noted otherwise. CUT FILL DESC. 0.12 C/L MH 11.44 IN 11.36 11.39 11.56 STUB 12411S530.xls 5/30/02 JN 124-11 Page 4 of 4 CI SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 4-%L/ - CZ JOB NO. • GRADE SHEET TRACT NO. STREET SHEET / OF GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED GRADES FOR 5 14/ 1L STAKES ARE SET /6/A EZt/ STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. "GRADE CHECKED BY 154S1-e.i a FB PG 50ed, 94L ELEVATION °k`I v $Z. G3 - - --- -'— . -- — .....—.. ...--. • ....sr.-fn.—....sr.-fn.— vv. FILL INV I CO 4-2,5 ?z. 37 71, 2 / //, /3 /55 d g/% 8Z..1PJ, a./5 ,H -/-56 gL. 40 7/.2, //. // /59-525- 8/.94 -70,7$ ,=///g / /59,Lg7s262.L .t 7J.SD //. /Z d cd 7— / 4-75.— 8 8/,'17 76.82 //./S /5P4-(o 9Z.i435' 82.72rw, o. 3 t.ex./ /56 -- BZ .o o 7c0,g 6 // / 1.7 . /57-E- g2..44- 7/.3/ //. /3 27.4 -f-"tc t'2. b7 70.90 /i /7 -,_s-0 8z.l9 70•9S //.z'-{ +7S- $Z.71 7o.97 //. Za /S7— 7Z. 3 a 71.O3 //. 27 +—ZS— 9z.30 7/.67 //.Z3 -1-5o 82.3/ 7/. / 2 //. /9 +-7 In--3) 71,/6 /1/5 I5? ---- 2.31- 71, 2..0 //. / Z_ Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and. are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 'INN-24-2002 09:18 ANT bJ . DAV I ES , INC. 909 989 0754 .t., '1' V V . JJ 13. V 11 , 11V ' J . P.01/01 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 . FAX (909) 989-0754 June 24, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No, SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, This is a survey request for work to start Wednesday June 26, 2002 (sooner if possible).. Please stake the inverts of the laterals going to the north off the main line from Popular Avenue East to the end of the job. Please stake: The lateral inverts with a 12' off set to the east. Larry Plotter (909 731-4588) is on the job. Please contact him if there are any questions. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Fax' Only TOTAL P.01 P. 1 TRANSMISSION REPORT Account Name : DESTINATION : 99370202 DEST. NUMBER : 99370202 F CODE PAGES : 2 sheets RESULT : OK (MON) JUN 24 2002 9:29 MINOLTA DOCUMENT# : 6307179-589 TIME STORED : JUN 24 9:28 TIME SENT : JUN 24 9:28 DURATION 25sec MODE : ECM City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax To: Steve Nix From: Don Gdula Fax 9-937-0202 Date: June 24, 2002 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 2 Re: . Survey Reauest Stover Ave. P. 1 TRANSMISSION REPORT Account Name : DESTINATION : 99370202 DEST.NUMBER : 99370202 F CODE PAGES RESULT : 2 sheets : OK To: Steve Nix Fax: 9-937-0202 (THU) JUN 13 2002 12:30 MINOLTA DOCUMENT# TIME STORED TIME SENT DURATION MODE 6307179-529 JUN 13 12:29 JUN 13 12:29 26sec ECM City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Date: June 13. 2002 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 2 R. _ Survey Request SloverAve. To: Steve Nix of : Fontan ineering Divisi Spy al Projec 44 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: June 13, 2002 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 2 Re: Survey Request Stover Ave. 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: See attached request. JUN-13-2002 09:51 ALBERT 1J.DAVIES, INC. 909 989 0754 ALB/WIT W . DAVI13, INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 June 13, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, This is a survey request for Davies grew to start work on Wednesday, June 19, 2002. Please stake the invert of the mainline from the start of the third line at or near Sta. 154+76 (Cypress Avenue) to the east. We will need 200' to start on Wednesday and will continue to the end of the line. Please stake; The mainline invert with a 12' offset to the north, every 20 feet. Jaime Ramirez is on the job. Please contact him if there are any questions. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Fax' Only P.01/01 Tf1TAI P _ GI1. CI SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET l OF ( DATE 5"" 28 - °2 JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET 5L O1/ 572 - GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 58 , STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRADE STAKES ARE SETNS CHECKED BY .CUT FILL NOTES STATION .ELEV. GRADE CUT / B.Mc%('$w2S ELEVATION 70,4 c FILL of NOTES i 12.'t-F� 70.4Sr 5G.4s /4' SZ' 7.- 1 Z7+ �7- 61,-7 [. 55.4IS 12-2. 6 , a /7.q4-A 70:sro- 64. so lit-30 r IVU7‘"" 4,•z74 5;5,41 13.85 .)2,4f6o 70.73 ,70.sVn7 D•23 c fl4 /2- -?bc, 70,D$ 55.73 )if,35 y-Ai. )z44-4 -7o.4,5 61,.t.0 / Li: os .=JtI' 122 70,Po 55,$S POS. Y-AAti ) zlfk6-b -/, // 5s. S 7 ig /ii tZFr s - 7D 54.65 /41.79 G'i.-fr41Z _ — y,- ,V6 )z,.5 --- 10,4i J 54..7-) 1a / ./ 62h. ZS 11, °1 5-G.33 14,74 . Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 P. 1 TRANSM I SS I CAN REPORT Account Name : DESTINATION : 99370202 DEST.NUMBER : 99370202 F CODE PAGES : 2 sheets RESULT : OK (TUE) MAY 28 2002 9:57 MINOLTA DOCUMENT# : 6307179-367 TIME STORED : MAY 28 9:57 TIME SENT : MAY 28 9:57 DURATION : 26sec MODE : ECM City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Cornmusicalions To: Steve Nix From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: May 28, 2002 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 1 Re: Albert W. Davies, Survey Request Stover Ave. ❑ Urgent 0 For Review U Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: FROM STATION 127+47 TO 151+60 USING THE PRIOR OFF SETS. MAY-23-2002 13:49 A RT bJ.DAVIES, INC. A 909 989 0754 P.01/01 INC . ALB1tT W. DAVI , GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 May 23, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr, Gdula, This is a survey request for Davies crew to start work on Tuesday, May 28, 2002. Please stake the invert of the mainline from the start of the second line at or near Sta. 147+47 (Citrus Avenue) the east. We will need 200' to start on Tuesday and will continue to the end of the line, Please stake: The mainline invert with a 12' off set to the north, every 20 feet. Jaime Ramirez is on the job. Please contact him if there are any questions. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Fax' Only TOTAL P.01 • FROM STATION 127+47 TO 151+60 USING THE PRIOR OFF SETS. T 00 00 a rna rnrnc", CO ,0 0 CO CO CD Orn O —1—I0 f CO00 — — w — rn Ow CD CD CD GO CO CO CD 0 0 CD N N 0 0 Cry N N — —1 z C rn a - � 00 -i —I0 O C — — O N 0 70 C0 00 m a m m C —I N —C,aCrsm 00 Orn—Iz 00 zzO—i N � av A rn a CD m— 00 c7 Ala aca 0 CD C) N N —- + CO CO -J CD CD CD CO Q Q CS) CD C.C. CFI 0 H z (j} {1} {1) 0 Tz rn 0 To: Steve Nix 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: May 28, 2002 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 1 Re: Albert W. Davies, Survey Request Stover Ave. 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle *Comments: FROM STATION 127+47 TO 151+60 USING THE PRIOR OFF SETS. • SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE it - Z -OZJOB NO. t 1-Li- tl GRADE SHEET TRACT NO. STREET SHEET / OF G► GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED Z - o 2- REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR S G ie-72- STAKES ARE SET /Z-% S , (011-) . 3, STAKES SET BY COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. . zit q• 30 /" Z ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES, IoZ- .52),30.43,45- ,�� qq+.-/ 118.80 qf1 412dia o.9. ` ilia IO2 .-2. 50.g4' 1j3.70 6,70 Y- s. 19 +-logy 48,Oa L1330 5,70 . - / 10i435 6o.1/0 y3,7L/ 4.66 `f- P-1 to.Z4-3f3 tztootirr 9.34✓-73' Lt$.KS If 3,/( 5.71 to Z-t-so 5;9.414 i/3,77 4-69 too --- 49,08 443.17 5.9/ I o. z 4-7s- 5-0. 8`/ 434,3 7, 0 / . Ico* S in,/9 Li3.2-3 6'.9/ - ID3- l.fq 3..? 7•2 pa., 11114O t/3.V 6.4( lo3+u? 5/,07 L3.47/ 7./4 =. oar' too-.(07>_ p•30 93.33. 6.97. kf- fa 1D347.o 5/.o Z . a,`f 0'' 6 '61.441 n L47- to.o4-' 50,31 43.37 6.94- i- S. Io3+I7. 5/.ov .gy p/ 6.99 ,z-Ai WI- 5o.24 43AI/ 4.83 106+-7 - 5/,10 411-.of.tt 7.00o IoI+ZS 11.9.- L13. 7 4'.37 j03+50 5'/.Se, `t4.Jt. .7rLit0 i01+51' LI-9./(0 ti3.53 G,-j 103+11-- 5Z.5L L14:t6 P.38 101.E--ir 50.1-ti 1f3,59 G.43 103+' O 5/•77 444.2© 7,57 Y- s .. Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are. normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on, the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 • GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE -24.- P2- JOB NO. 12.4 --11 TRACT NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED 2-2-6. -0 Z REVISED GRADES FOR 5- STAKES SET BY GRADE COMP :.BY . • STAKES ARE SET CHECKED BY SHEET 2- OF 6 3 STREET 5 G�01' 12.. FB PG /z/S.' C/VorZ774) B.M. L la( 1✓L.= t o 41. 3 0 ELEVATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES • 10 64-1475 5L1-.ao 1/4;91 49.19 av-- log-- 5/1,92 4i%22 7.70 I0%-1-50. ,cf,oS' -5-4k3CAN 0.VS" :4t''AA:' A��So its;1 `7 5 g.o'4. (o4-1'25 5210 LI#,2$ Q.;`f2.. 1ob4-57T 5471-.08 /o.91/g/ 9.17 / le 4,45-a 52.27 914.59 7. 9 3 toG 4-75- 54. 30 Itiit.`1 G 41. 34 10 4/41-76 52 So we/to Tr 4o Y- 11. t o7 -- 6 Li.5/ 45, 0 2- q. 4 9 I D t-t -1.7G k� -/ LrfT t2S• . 10 M-1-13 62.1 o 1 q ?. 7,6 `f '5 t o Z -Fzs- 5(f.13 45: v 8 9. 6 5 l a 1-t-35' 55. l 3. Y 1 105-- s2?8 z/tfft6 3.3z. 1014-S5- 1a7+so 55 /4 hi5.14 lb- a2 AND L I o5-4-7..5 53.1,o 1/1.52_ S•1f8 , 1 o141s 5SqS 445.2o I o.25 to5450 52.11 4453 8.t..3 /05-- 56.05 45.26 lo.-to) toy-f75 53.42 1-1414 8.78 IoS-ktz 5e',/3 1%6"•2.3 lo,Vt /-S 1o5-1-.94, 53.53 114.G7 .8.8'L. y- R. rbS+zB 56.o.:'t5;3Z. Iosh2: .. io 6,-- 53.Go 1#1.7o 17.90 io8+so 55.5-4 ii.5.3g 16,1(o I o64 2.4' 53.$-f N4,7G 9.0b t 08•477.5" 55,70 NS I. to ,74, Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE Li' _2 ,_b Z JOB NO. 12-L-I -// • GRADE SHEET SHEET 5 OF TRACT NO. STREET 5[.01/7Z GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED 2-Z1.• -o Z REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 5E1W72_, STAKES ARE SET / Z 6/S ( L✓o7z:77/) STAKES SET BY GRADE COMP. BY CHECKED BY CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE B.M. . 19 a.= I b 41.30 ELEVATION d-483 Sg s3 CUT FILL NOTES I1/4-25 57.9, 4/4.48 //.? S l0 q r- 56 .SU y-5.5o a o o it/4-so, 5ffit? �6.23 /634 I06I÷Z1 Zfo.66 //5.56 iii° tr1+-75' 5".n9 g6,99 //./o to q 4►50 56.1t8 45-. 6 2 /A v. toe-1-735 56.-18 .41.r. (oy', // 10 I12415--- 58.15 47. Z9 //. 4/4, . IoR-r1s 56,7b '57./rite 6.3t 4_114 116.o6i1.4v5 /0.72 l l Z so 39./i 4-7.4 //.70 I0414-17s 54.SS10. 4-5.7,6 //.0 $ 11 1-+-75- 5926 47. 4,0 //.44- . Ilb-- .57.05 45. 9Z W. /3 I)tkoz, Sri -SS 47.75' /l.ko II04'74- 67.6-D µ6, 7.. /! 413. t t3-I-toy$ 51.39 14-7.8 l /155 o✓r 1 t D-V56 57.4(o 46 : Z 113--13 - 594/3 40• 22.11q .4,77 et., /1 Ito-t-is 57.33' 44.37 • /A% q.u` 148./8 /M.'It25- A./c )1344555 594E .41. I /h57 . 11(- 5719d L/bs3. //.07 5 °5/<> 174 I I I.4- 20 57. k/ 11-0- /v0 // /6 1/4(.- 4. Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe.- d fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shaI1 pbserve the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2)When >a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office.cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade oPttie finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 • • GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET I/ OF DATE 5 - Z -o Z JOB NO. /2 TRACT NO. STREET 5L0k 2 . GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 5EU/E72. STAKES ARE SET /2- V5 A-4V STAKES SET BY ELEV COMP. BY ILL CHECKED BY B.M. NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES II LI* S' /0.-77 gf8.9/ // SG D+o o. dt/.4 1►it.4-50 Go15 41.13 11.6.2- . U 4-02.-5- . 48.18 . . 114 +15' 60. 60 1-11.3‘ //.37, o+-zs 59.7* 48.2-1 /j 117 . Ir5— 403 y9.s9 //.5V o -so 59.91 la S7 //.67.. . 115+7-s 4t zz_ Lt7.81... // go 04-75" 6o•Zy .If8.146 sae 115"+so 41,35 5o.04 "1344 1i3 4-25- 7; 3-9 48.o0 li,73 11G ^ 61,49 so.5o /d.gaj f►3+s . 59.KZ sf8.7-2 /iGa ►Ito+Zs 1,- le) So.73 1/.010 113-1•-7s' bo• 33 48.45" i/. g8 1117+47_ Y-N. f 13+ 12 Y- f-1 tit. 6 53.57_, 8,oa 94 ocnr i13+9'Z j o,9b 52.16 r,00 rr- uar✓ rz/s.�T 116+42-$= 61,95 5a.90 il,06 avr' 1141— fob 10V. 48.68 a-`1 . Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flowline of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office,cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 %1 • • GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET $ OF 4/ DATE 5-2 - oZ JOB NO. !2- 1-i(-3o/ TRACT NO. STREET S Ldv�'Tl-. GRADES FROM .PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR j 74- 72 . STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STAKES ARE SET FILL CHECKED BY 1Z°VS OTL7 ELEV B.M. CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES $IAIIUN CLCv. vrwvc v... - 1Iel4-oS • 52.82' y-I./. 1/10 51=G2.01, 43.2 RAM 1,17 4r9+?. /I9 tn5 G?.ser 4-9.$T �40 END T 116, 4.47 — GZ. vG 5/.00 //4 6 ._-,4 /l9+25'. G5 t 553.oZ. 121,1 1/d +-75" G2 .:37 . 5/. z0 /id 7 //gays 6. `.Ii 53. /S 12.01 Y- .. /1 q +so 53.20 111— 62.1-15" 57.31r /407 . /!94-4 3 45.514 53.0 IZ.7410 Y-°14 , ►-74-zs . 6,Z.9 ( ` 5/. -4 H •3S r>h GAT „7 4-50 6 3 . Lib 5475 // (.:5- I174-7S L3.90 51.93 a:97.' //9 f77`-? 65,14E 1054ur4 0.11-- Hhl: // 8 - 41. 6z, s2. // I Z.S % .. //9 +Ion 45.42) 53.5o t1.9 6 _/ //t-25' G Li '1 t- 52.2°) I2.43 /20 - 45.7C. 53. 5, 12-.17 i/Sfso 641.10) 52.411 t1...32,- no+z.5-15= ' 7 :.53. 7/ IL.) to //0 4,7 " Gq.91 52. AG i2...7.5 121D+so 1.4.311 53.g2. t24.) //9 ° 45.147 52.81/ 12 63 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office "cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 'Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 • • GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET 4 OF G DATE , '— 2-02 -- JOB NO. /'L+#-'I - 3®1 TRACT NO. STREET S / ov 72.. . GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR Sev/e72-- STAKES ARE SET / 2 75 iz.-r /, STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL CHECKED BY B.M. NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATIO 67if) 1/1 FILL NOTE 12o 4--75' G c.4G 63.90 12. 5 z. ,' 1234.10 -- g,7. 3 ¢►M 4-tli% u 1 Zo -1'$ _I — a 55.9 e w YES f 23-1-/o `� 6NOI-Ar Ah, trrl-(- 1 zt — 1)4.?-8 5,1.6.5" 122-3 1V-3#ras 44•52_ 55.O5-' //-47 12/11-20 4t.5 .47.'y Om,2.tri 12i4-7-5- 643,8 6-4. ,-?':' MZ. iI (SA7.0 ..47.4o k /21 +50 66,%L. „C4/. ZB ll• $4 12.3 120 t?.60 5 5' t 4 /t/?(a 1 2-1 . 'r 66.60 57fMO 61,642 /2 2- k51. ( 544,51 I,,$f, 1 ZZ' - t& t L. 6-Lt. b i/. 3 1224-5V 1411454.7+i ll, 'b i Z247 — 44,.37. 4. k, /!.q 1Z.3— 4�.q3 5s.97 /1.4'! , 12 5+o7! 404g, 5-5:00 Ay g oar, . Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 To: Steve Nix ty ofFontana4 gineering Divisi ecial Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: April 30, 2002 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 2 Re: Albert W. Davies, Survey Request Stover Ave. ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: See attached request. APR-30-2002 08:17 RT LJ.DAVIES, INC.•/� 9-099989 0754 P.01/01 VY . DAVI INC. . GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 •LICENSE #970B46 • FAX (909) 989-0754 April 30, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slower Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No, SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, This is a survey request for work to start Thursday May 2, 2002. Please stake the inverts of the laterals going to the south off the main line from Sta. 161+46 to Sta. 179+24, Please stake: The lateral inverts with a 12' off set to the east. Ron Strong is on the job. Please contact him if there are any questions. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Fax' Only ... ur•• ^I IP A ►Ar1AIr A rA TOTAL P.01 See attached request. a 1 E O V .v rn G. G. a rn a m m 0 00 03 C7 00 00 CJ crn O —I-10 rn 00 p — W — m cu Co N CC) CC) CC) co u� GO G3 —J —J CD 0 0 Co N N o 0 CI] N N.D. Q m rn D.- - a o--o Oc--O Ca oav��c- rnamrnc — I N — GO CG rn Orn— o Z Z Q —i N 70 m CO rn Naac3J C7 €31 —0-0 03 GO 70 70 0 CD —3 CJ CO 03 — 0 0 —t cD 00 00 — H z co cf} 0 -o m 0 H To: Steve Nix 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: April 24, 2002 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 2 Re: Albert W. Davies, Survey Request Stover Ave. 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: See attached request. APR-23-2002 16:17 RAFT IA. DAVIES, INC. 909 989 0754 .L-�L B Ei {T W. DAVIE!, INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989-3714 • LICENSE #370846 - FAX (909) 989-0754 April 23, 2002 Mr_ Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No, SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, This is a survey request for work to start Monday, April 29, 2002. Please stake: 1. The main line invert with a 12' off set to the north, every 25 feet. Start at sta. 99+67 (at Poplar) to station 123+20 Ron Strong is on the job if there are any questions, Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Fax' Only P.01/01 .... ..... .....al"... &AI\ AA A. r• A TflTOI P fa1 • GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/FYNGINEERS DATE 312r/ o Z- JOB NO. TRACT NO. GRADES FROM PLAN NO. GRADES FOR S�'•' '5 C0 Td4-STAKES ARE SET SHEET S OF STREET ("1"-- DATED REVISED FB PG .r s CA—( cl"" STAKES SET BY 11)/3 (+ COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. B.M. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FIL 3s 36 (Z.SS -c II -69) f z-•1 7 fr''.:_f-'-c .-( ss lc7, I to t ti 76.1i. ( — q ) t M A')64 f- 5- 7. 7 L f - )lJ-- 9 e' 4 O r' c' , 76 -75 j (a3t ` ,le-, ,E,1w 68Zo 74s / Vo I-v/ C25"S-Otl - z. c9 Co3 °C---- fzN 76/2 6353 - y4' SST 65, 36 /0.17 71-3 "6 ! (o3!1 12067 1' '° ' i 4 i /-,I' 7 7 -/ rZ <9 G e -- -t ., -7e, 7S 72-- 6./$7 -' %z` 4.. le-D Z4;171 7.%7 4,y 4 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails,in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe..- Cuts and fills are '. normally markedon lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 STAKES SET BY COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT • GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET OF 4_ DATE -O Z JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET SLov ,L GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED GRADES FOR SisdolLL4'r . STAKES ARE SET t 7, '9 CHECKED BY FILL FB PG B.M. /0 75 5 7 NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE IONN/ 74 6ELEE�VAT! (4.. SOc rU- St0 CUT FILL NOTES f38 -4- 3 6, . L 9 " 0 o 71,.Zo Ill, 142 -2.1 04-2, -74.. gb G7. /4 9 6z/ .oa-r:, 04-7(,, 7 '.C &Fs•2.o 15 24 . o-i-- 7G.37' 6- ,gs-r: 75 e7o (Maio 9 0o li- -15$4 G7.10 -7. 76.7_, 14 * ... O-f 71„.50 i(o:°LO /o.44 73-. /NG + qv 0-I-o0 78'.11 6.4 1.1 76.$6 (,6 ,0 6 /D.tfl f +. sT' 77•-io a,'f2 o +7 Co 74, 6F 4-7. /0 7, CO eJ w a-I-7 LP 2-8.. 7 , Ito - 76.1'6 7, 6)8 -4-eo -- na- . 78.10 tog, /C 9:9 ' - .'' o-(.0, 77.110 4 Ze 8-zo 77 ,24irco Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractors convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe. the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on thesame rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. .2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 C6 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS • GRADE SHEET DATE `�► g! 0 i JOB NO. / // TRACT NO. STREET `S / SHEET ? OF GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR S/41- 1.4 S STAKES ARE SET /2' 'Vs E-e s 7- STAKES SET BY j-11- /3Ai COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT B.M. FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL 755 -oz/-O5L /V971oS .5"-S"-03/-27 /SS - O o 4zy► 7/ Z- m%►b U113- S} rt 7`Z) Sa/g 764 /vs-2 f 70 .76,45 to,72.0 %'S gI%Ad ,-7(0 €033 7L7- 7/ 3 2.55--'oZ/- a S' /5o7/o7 z55--6'31-03 /5'3 ,�yLo 0 o ¢ZV- So►± 700 I`? 51-4- f 1 eiltt 7214' /off_ t7b 7/477 7/ /° e 0 IZ/w t'7fo So''co 732v -7tcm' 2-CC—o74- o6. /577L70 75(-0'31— 0tit /59f3% �oz: 6g e O / / a6-.t- 0 qj 1/” $ t., /tf a 43 5 7Z3= i 4-1 i•76 1142 06)13 /p " AAA, 47/e y/ 734,1•D 7c�/ Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE .1) Jc3 /o 1- JOB NO. t 2 GRADE SHEET TRACT NO. STREET Si e GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR 5 -�- l 4 / wb s STAKES SET BY .-tij i J COMP. BY ELEV CUT STAKES ARE SET (2` '/s.5.(--- CHECKED BY B.M. STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES ? -o1l -- 05" /5"'1L1g/ f - / `82 q(2'")57t q Z= )470 S1.25r "7 ttf =° '2,eZJ 7-S7..ir- 0 31- 0 C, 0 f` L4 °0:7°. 7'14(' G 4 - j- -1 6 "6 7i 75 5= ca I '`?' Q 726!-°- f-7 # (6l'% 7(- 73Z Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 N I Ontario, California 91764 i (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 CI SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS GRADE SHEET SHEET is- OF DATE 41S)4).L--- JOB NO. / "/f TRACT NO. STREET cS GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR r STAKES ARE SET /Z ' "/ s �T STAKES SET BY ,- 5— A"J COMP. BY CHECKED BY FILL ELEV B.M. CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES tLty. . NHIJG vvg ... •-- LM/A _....._._ _STATION /S %(o 67 •- .6131' 7060 /c' /,.J fi Z(- 6/ 62_ 70 6 4 /1 ° 3 osi #5-0 )Z' 70 el f 71- 01 9 ( 70 75 )(1 " f ^ `76 : % 1 I / 7,0 77 it 2t-- 0 Le r. . /55)-5...a ei q3 0, zL, c T g 4 /a 1 17i cv l! 01✓ & 1l Mut Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 .Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 To: Steve Nix Lj - of Fontana ineenng Division eCial Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-0202 Date: April 9, 2002 Phone: 9-937-0200 Pages: 1 Re: Albert W. Davies, Survey Request Stover Ave. 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: FROM STATION 141+56 TO 155+50 USING THE PRIOR OFF SETS. PLEASE PROVIDE CENTER LINE STATIONING FROM 127+47 TO 179+24.37 FOR STEVE BAUER TO CHECK LATERALS. GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLA41VRENGINEERS • SHEETti 3 OF DATE ' / �/ Z JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR S,✓U.t✓rL ty t4,T" VC TWOS STAKES ARE SET /7' r TAKES SET BY Mg -,Tbl \YCOMP. BY CHECKED BY GRADE FILL B.M. ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL. NOTES l/'/-i/s (257-/1/-oI), 1z31--/o ( Z37-/1/-03) o G-v-1•3 +02 " 55 '.t /^t f 2 e,,S3= 9l S3 01 `/ 6.4. 51. ct. f z- 0`L --5.17— 1144 51 i- 39 G c 2:1 511- 19 /I If- t 78 (dvS�- SSA 52- /0 9 . . I- 5 7 ( ` 5 5y S? /0 e f S i 64 5 S-P°-- ? - fr-.7t s Sit .1 /02.' ,f- %!0 &LI-7(' SG � .e oq'- 171" /Z01'_S' (2-37 -///-o Z) /2; 4 & o (25S" - Of(_) 51 73 /-pZ,. 54,5.? l&J / z-v( C CSC,` _ 9f7r /it< 04 Ct f z 4 70, 13 5'� yc 13 9,7,. S t-. •/S 5V 7 1' .3. . ....GC (* t..- 5t1- 55 /a 63 ".. 3 70, , 5-) O 1 j 3 W f5- 7 6,- �F� 5531 .id e 1-S 7, ?n = 57°1 /3 1 t76 &cic 55ls. Nw t7Sa ?I' 57i7 •/3`.32.- le-/''v _/0" Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in, common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office.cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909).937-0202 L�lGwtic Cr•/v4.5 • SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS. GRADE SHEET SHEET.' OF DATE 3l2//a z JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR S STAKES ARE SET ! 2' !s �.f�S �-- _ Coto. 1-> J.o,t„s /cA3P4 4 STAKES SET BY /di3- 77f' COMP. BY STATION ELEV GRADE CUT FILL CHECKED BY B.M. NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES / ? 1(-c$ 7 CI- -S- - o / 1 - o 3) / 3 404-- i 1 ... ( z.gs- -d.l - t: o 60g7 0 4- /145 f "{. .-7442- bowl- /33' g.ST- Ltz,./ 7 ' 6,/ 7 i / - - /2,7/fw °>.: '7Vz.(f- 6,.j Lq /3 r 3 ts 75 s 42 s 1 34° . f,# 7 7 3'5g !o l " J 2"l'1 IL- S-7 7j z3 6 21v3 . / r wo t l ( -7 33= Cold' 11 43 0-/ w t ? (Go 7� f3- 423 °.' -- I z - /3s-i-OJ (aSS-ov1-o•i) /.?? Z7 (zs'S-o//-33) Go ( 0 `f - t / G4P t Z,/ i/ 2' /3 1ST t-Z`i 7(03i- . 4L i / 11-7-7) t3 s 7 61 r /3 7L3� . 1553 40'14 i;52.' 1--s7 -?3 C°5 /4 6:1 iZnZ + 5 7 -`"= 4t9= IV--g--- t 7 C 73 % IOL"r it `(� ,I?%.,, .1- 7 io 15-z=1-- 63's ji'k, Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 ELEVATION SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE '/2r/ 0 Z JOB NO. GRADE SHEET TRACT NO. - GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED GRADES FOR ST"5. CoA,T*STAKES ARE SET STAKES SET BY 48 �'�' COMP. BY CHECKED BY —�-. ELEV. GRADE CUT STREET SHEET S OF Sao u FB PG Z r o1 s CA-C ci B.M. FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE _ CUT Cuts and fills ar erm sewer normally are given om top of stakesractor convenience -nails in feet and nly and areths of a not to beoot. The used fortconstruct on, -When des us using graders to flow line of pipe. — stakes, contractor shall obser anc normally marked on lath ocontractor's the following rules: (1) Three to) onffice immediately, points at only o herwisee same rth s officeacannot be held responsible for any used inin rthe grade of the finished When a pwor is found, it must be reported this office immediately, All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. Suite 100 2151 Convention Center Way, Ontario, California 91764 ran91 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 il,Triksmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City art Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects . . 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350.7632 ' Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Communications To: Steve Nix From: Don Ceuta Fax 0-937.0202 Phones 9.937.0200 Sates March 19, 2002 Pages! 2 Re: Survey Request SlaverAve. ❑Urgent 03 For Review UPlease Comment Cl Please Reply 03 Please Recycle •comments: 2 Total Pages Confirmed 2' 3-19-02;11:47AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 597 99370202 3-19-02;11:46AM 45" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll, RM: Receive to' Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer MAR-19-2002 08:05 ALBERT W.DAVIES, INC. 909 989 0754 P.01/01 411 FACSIMILE TO: DON GDULA, CITY OF FONTANA FROM: LESTER A. DAVIES, ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. SUBJECT: QTX OF FONTANA, SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS DATE: 03/19/02 CC: We are requesting staking for the subject project up to station 141+51.17. Please refer to our letter dated 2/28/02 for stationing and offset requirements. Thanks for your assistance, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to call at (909) 989- 3714. TOTAL P.01 Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7832 Fax:909-350.6818 Faoc CommmicatiOns T. Steve Nix From: Con 3dula Fan: 9-937-0202 Dab, February 28, 2002 Phones 9-937-0200 Pape.: 2 R. Survey Request Slover Ave. Sewer 0 Ugent 0 For Review Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Commentsl See attached 2' Total Pages Confirmed : 2' 2-28-02; 3:41PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results . 1 439 99370202 2-28-02; 3:40PM 55" 2/ 2 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Recelve to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Recelve to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer FFE-28-02 11:55 AM SI TURECOLLISION 1909 33073 ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR (909) 989 •• 37 1 4 ' LICENSE #370846 • FAX (909) 989-0754 February 28, 2002 Mr. Donald Gdula Engineering Dept. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana CA 92335-3528 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue BID No. SB-67-01 Dear Mr. Gdula, This is a survey request for work to start Monday, March 5, 2002, Please stake the centerline of the main line and the inverts of the laterals going to the south off the line starting at Poplar Avenue, We are going to start construction with the installation of the laterals going to the south first then construct the mainline sewer and tying them together as we go. Please stake: 1. The lateral inverts with a 12' off set to the east, every 20 feet. (First couple of laterals at this time) 2. The sewer main centerline only at this time, (every 100' for the first few laterals) Ron Strong will be on the job Monday, actually starting construction on Tuesday. Sincerely, Lester A. Davies Fax' Only ALSO' WW1<"Sr14, `q4. GnAm6, 544% Foci. PoT ACiktuo---5 P.O. BOX 215, 91729-0215 - 8737 HELMS AVENUE, 91730 - RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS DATE 314/2-- JOB NO. • GRADE SHEET SHEET �/ OF TRACT NO. STREET 5c�,J� GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR c>�w�4Z L� t STD, tss STAKES ARE SET j Z ' P/ STAKES SET BY f'1B- Jan✓ COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL B.M. NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES ,=)", e�. Cz9,7-/0/-7.0> /(.;2?7490 (Z'37-/a/-03) o a f7 . '/ O 434,-) c,03 5 i-Z11 5z,to s,f,7o 7•/c7 sir. 1-5 49, 0 q,20 5.L0 . 1-6,v Sj,ov 4-50c, 1,,7`� c.92- i-7cg 4c ,55 4.1.5f2 so -1 Ki w 21-7 L 51" ►) tic 19 '-1 td4 /oaf 2Z C237-1o/—Z/) /„ ,1-'1 (237-/o/—n4,) o v 4 z/ 50,10 44, Z ( 6 , 0 Si- fZ9 sz`97 Vv•9 s-- (6.0 z ' /- 3 $ 50,3, ,1, („ o `1- 4-41- Sz,53 , f r -7, 31 /5'1 56,.vry 0,s4 5.SZ LO 5z.G.s -15.31 -7.37 /-2!0 i9, ,H,it' 1-. 11 IZtA.I f 7,f'G SZ.$1 tS•ti.f 7.4-3 w \Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. - Cuts and fills are ss normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. - When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy \,found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for anyerror in the grade of the finished work. `grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHOT OF DATE 7/'4/ L JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET ban v(/z... GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG • GRADES FOR I-a-r°s l rTk,fi STAKES ARE SET STAKES SET BY /lid-rA.1 COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRAD FILL CHECKED BY /2' pis ELEV B.M. ELEVATION /0 74 Sv ( 2.37-/o/-2'1").'' - •--. -- - ..... ..... . /479A7S'_` vr"yvr= 1237-1o/-Z6) '.ur rILL r VIt5 44Ze-. 4 ,l, 1,,1 O4-0Zi.: .°G f2/ 5 .37 /S, Z. 1,09 5. I-2-4 s7 tiS I,. rS // °_ q?io f -7 5- , g z 5, yid ''',. . 2,`i- !"Au, 1-7 to Ste, is r 3 c0 g.9 Z / / /i C z3-7-/oi-rac,) 0 tI V S� , 4tAV .1 s 9, ocb 51- /-6 55,f-7 s-f-C17, '7K. +5? %.o°j 46, (( c3. °'� f' 7!o Ss, I (o 't(.e. /1) `a r 6b1 /u w Grades are given from top of stakesor nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS • SHEET OF DATE 3/11/2- JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET S�A/c a -- GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG Ste•- 4-L GRADES FOR S�sw�1 LA,TCI c-,-m s:s STAKES ARE SET / Z ' '/ c 11.'r..) /`" STAKES SET BY frig- GA/ COMP. BY CHECKED BY STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL B.M. NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES gip, e z- C /77 -/a/- 7.0) /0?7490 (- ,7-/o/- o V ¢2 ij,9v 43•'61 to,- 3 51- 74 z7I Sz, to (14, 70 7•ic, s4-. f ??,`M.51- +t o1 c,5I S),G,(, 4*90 (o•1c, 7 4.,00 `t-f,2o 5.qo -t---tav SJ, ,7 4o(o 1,,%` 4.9Z /-740 4c ,55- 3 f, S ,1 i 1,4 w I-'7f 5s, 1) 419 t LA) /c2./-ZZ C237-1a/-2-0 /O,1T� C137-/a/-o.0 a v f zi Salo y- , z i 6 • JO 54- et, 7'2, ST.,7 VV,5.5 43.0 z Ot /- 3 e so, Li -F, - („ o 4- 4-4,1- Sz,53 , (5- -7. 3 o f51 .So.co(0 0,5`i' 5•S2 fc-0 5z,c.s 15.3) 7.37 f 7‘. 9. LH,1 Z i1 7 IZ7 d 71- 7/ GZ- S 7 its.. `pt` 7.4-3 glw Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe:.— Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe 'the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy \found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this officecannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. 'grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET • SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHE`T OF DATE 3/4i L JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET s- 9 GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG %kr 14 GRADES FOR crass STAKES ARE SET / 2 ' ids `sue f�" STAKES SET BY me -,RAJ STATION ELEV. GRADE COMP. BY CUT CHECKED BY ELEV B.M. ELEVATION N /O I.3o (Z37-fa/—"ZZ 7c79/.73--- _+ Zsi 'S, l `, 10 o 4- b Zg qt.. ofo fz .5,- 7 /S z� 1,09 5-4 1-2-4 s7 .tiS Ic. rS // °= ?5 -' ia 9c7 3'1 6gc.,9 f3 5 ,5 1 .2{ fc, ¢ -7G qi, , s z ,, yi3 -7.. ; ` - gi-v -f -? co Sty. z c3 , 74. %,97 /Ca.2, /-./ Z. C z 37 - /c/- aG,) 0 /-Z % . ,5ti , cet/ '4-5-.1 v 9, 2) 5}- F b 55,f-7 sl-C1Z 9.2;' +53 .01 46,(( cz.vyb f no 5s-ico ic,,, v) (3.6b1 g1-0 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEET --— OF DATE 3/1/7-- JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET 5z-- GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED GRADES FOR cswir-6L.- 1.—e--rci S s STAKES ARE SET j z ' '/ c 1.-q. STAKES SET BY /- /3A/ COMP. BY CHECKED BY B.M. STATION ELEV. GRADE CUT FILL NOTES STATION ELEV. GRADE FB PG CUT ELEVATION FILL NOTES /f9pAgZ CZ97-/o/-70) /4377490 (Z37-/a/-o3) 0 0 71-29 9,90 434,1 to.o3 SI- .Z71 Sz,to (N.70 7-qc, sic-. t3 * ,S5z- +1,0 / C.5 1 H.+ 5).(.4,.. ii9a 6,.I4o J' 1 ',1, 0 -f- ao 5 .4o v Sj,ov 45:oCo tr,7,/ 4.92. 1-7(ra 49,55- 44-. 3f 5,1 ~1 ILI w 21-7y 52, t) `ici, Pit —A) Aga f-ZZ (2.97-is/—ZJ) /0 11-✓1 ( rZ3 7-/a/—° ) Q v f z/ 5o,1O y4, Z ( 6 • 4) " c fz 51-'7. VV.gS' w. o z, S f i e so j Lf f;- to, o 4- 4- Sz,S3 V i." - 3 o 1-51 5o.v(.9 0,s4 G"•S- - +Go 5Z,t dv Is.3) 7'37 f7‘o 1-9,&, ,11, `i•1-7 i w 71-7/ Gl-S1 #S.41' 14.3 Aiw \Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe;.— Cuts and fills are normal) marked on lath for contractor's convenience onlyand are not to be used for construction. — When usinggrade stakes, contractor shall observe : ,. Y the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for anyerror in the grade of the finished work. grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 • GRADE SHEET SURVEYORS/PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SHEt T ' OF DATE 3/4/ L JOB NO. TRACT NO. STREET 64, GRADES FROM PLAN NO. DATED REVISED FB PG GRADES FOR �,sw r�-- fs) 5-rhsi STAKES ARE SET / 2 ' pis Ls0 pfr STAKES SET BY me- RAJ COMP. BY STATION ELEV. GRAD CHECKED BY B.M. ELEVATION -- ---- ...,•.••••• Vf�MLJG �.� riGG NOTES /0 '14 0 ( 217 -fa /-2-7-) :' .�4,50A.75� (23-7-1o/-Z6) 4c3Z5✓ Ksl' 10 O4-ozl.: 51(0.0fo /41 51, 37 715: = 1. 0) 5->! 1-7-4 S7 AS -IS- // °- f-'C i 5s, 6- yS,,J) la. z,z. /--57 ,ems "He.29 I 0 r 3 co f -7 53 ,S z ` 5, ' . 2, ..{- "Ay 1-7 co Sc... z.3 1.4 , 3 co `f .9 Z. /47� ,-/Z C z3-7-/0/—o ) U f i✓ 5-c,ceC, ',15 9,ocb 5 . f-3b 9 ,l7 9Z 9.tc +5 .o1 1 ,(( .°y°b f no 56, I (9 ilCe, V) 0.6b1 ,zj,-0 Grades are given from top of stakes or nails in feet and hundredths of a foot. The term sewer grades refers to flow line of pipe. — Cuts and fills are normally marked on lath for contractor's convenience only and are not to be used for construction. — When using grade stakes, contractor shall observe the following rules: (1) Three (3) consecutive points on the same rate of grade and on the same line must be used in common; (2) When a discrepancy is found, it must be reported to this office immediately, otherwise this office cannot be held responsible for any error in the grade of the finished work. All grade sheets and stakes are void after 30 days. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 (909) 937-0200 Fax: (909) 937-0202 TO LOU'S BLUEPRINTING SERVICE 18567 Valley. Blvd. BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316 (909) 877-4448 FAX (909) 877-6048 0 86759 / INVOICE DATE SALESPERSON SHIP TO :�02- 5 Q 20- bn 206(0 '" - TOTAL'`; J .cU Sp- 914 clim! ® To Reorder. 800-225-8380 or nebs.com • • TO LOU'S BLUEPRINTING SERVICE 18567 Valley Blvd. BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316 (909) 877-4448 FAX (909) 877-6048 7f-bWAN? C RI PTION Sa 4\k& 1 5c2-sinfp-s9tquz) 85933 !sizt'al;, 7gani cylettA ,ff To Reorder 800-225-6380 or nebs.com TO LOU'S BLUEPRINTING SERVICE 18567 Valley Blvd. BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316 (909) 877-4448 FAX (909) 877-6048 F of\l, Aok w A/ Ai Oltuai Tow! 85803 TO LOU'S BLUEPRINTING SERVICE 18567 Valley Blvd. BLOOMINGTON, CA 9231b (909) 877-4448 FAX (909) 877-6048 t 1 tKt irAE-ER.i\do >A t� sHEPPE 764, Tow! PiE g Z--SO7.O —Sr)21 ateLe, fJDELT 85704 1 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8413 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 Project: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Date: October 24, 2001 909-350-7632 TO: Lou's Blueprinting ATTN: We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under seperate cover via The following item(s) : ( ) Drawing ( ) Prints (X) Plans ( ) Samples (X) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order (') Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: COPIES DATE NO. 1 8-22-01 DESCRIPTION Slover Avenue Sewer Purpose: ( ) For your information/records ( ) For approval (I Approved as submitted ( ) For your use ( ) Approved as noted ( ) As requested ( ) For review and comment ( ) Returned for corrections ( ) Other Please ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution ( ) Return corrected prints ( ) Other ( ) For bid due: 2000 ( ) Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: Please make 25 copies Of the plans Shts. 1 to 17. Copy to: of the specifications and 25 sets Signed: Donald Gdula Special Projects Date: October 24, 2001 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8413 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 909-350-7632 TO: Lou's Blueprinting ATTN: Project: Stover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Date: October 9, 2001 We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under..seperate cover -via The following item(s): ( ) Drawing ( ) Prints (X) Plans ( ) -Samples (X) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ), Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: COPIES DATE NO. 1 8-22-01 DESCRIPTION Stover Avenue Sewer Purpose: For your information/records For approval Approved as submitted For your use Approved as noted As requested For review and comment Returned for corrections Other For bid due: Prints returned after loaned to: Please ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution ( ) Return _ corrected prints ( ) Other 2000 Remarks: Please make 50 copies of the specifications and 45 sets Of the plans Shts. 1 to 17. Please return 25 sets of each on Thursday, October 11, 2001. Please call Don Gilbetson if you have any questions at 350-6659. Copy to: Signed: Donald Gdula Special Projects Date: October 9, 2001 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIOVVORKS FLOOD CONTROL • REGIONAL PARKS • SOLID WASTE MGMT • SURVEYOR • TRANSPORTATION SAN BERNARDIN 825 East Third Street • San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835 • (909) 387-8104 Fax (909) 387-8130 October 17, 2002 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES GROUP KEN A. MILLER Director of Public Works File: Yard 3 / Stover Avenue -Phase 2B, Fontana City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Felipe Molina RE: SLOVER AVENUE - PHASE 2B Attached are six (6) copies of the plans for the above referenced project. Please review and forward your comments to me at your earliest convenience. I am also sending a copy to Roger Cunliffe-Owen at DMJM. If you have any questions, please contact me at (909) 387-7948 Sincerely, BRENDON BIGGS, P.E. Project Engineer Transportation Design Division cc: KAMNRO Reading File JOHN F. MICHAELSON County Administrative Officer JOHN GOSS Assistant County Administrator Economic Ommlopment and Public Services Group Board of Supervisors BILL POSTMUS ............... First District DENNIS HANSBERGER ...... Third District JON D, MIKELS Second District FRED AGUIAFI ... Fourth District JERRY EAVES ... , . Fifth District TO' U1..10 4 WILE YOU,, WERE DATE -1 n '01 TIME" =Vi UT M OF1l1 , 14 , Yi-7.bRK PHONE I-ci4q -693.oy-13 FAX REMARKS ▪ CALLED TO SEE YOU l TELEPHONED ▪ WILL CALL AGAIN ▪ PLEASE PHONE EAdams 8603 !e. )i -,,.AA(P, (--I14F, LEFT SIGNED `Y�,r,R�®y WHILE Y®U WERE QUT TO ! MO Dg , , 14 DATE q-?OI TIME=J'70 M OFCP. 1MAI, 11AY,„ PHONE l-q 7.(41?)-0.soiB CALLED TO SEE YOU UTELEPHONED LIWILL CALL AGAIN Ei PLEASE PHONE Adams 8603 REMARKS .i,. VYjg)- C, Laq F os a\Lk. r 1i0 , c 6,,f /o?_ FAX SIGNED x= <)/l ~ 0.^'""c WHILE YDU WERE ®UT 0 CI i S.1, D47.A2 ,t DATE IO 24-o I TIME'• 4= OF O-IfT 'l 1414 ' PAS :.. PHONE (ori''a",07:93 • FAX.. REMARKS 1r L`al",$ ) t C.J14,-o l =am. ▪ CALLED TO SEE YOU y 1y ''Si. ;- 7� TELEPHONED ❑WILL CALL AGAIN ▪ PLEASE PHONE .!:Adams �, 8603 SIGNED TO 50lr3:1i FV611'5 OF PIE.f.)i ?:./ & 20D ILE YOU WERE IOU DATE t1-5- 'al TIME PHONE "ie '1 ""rid., FI ALTE[ScTOSEE'YOU ;''.TELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN El PLEASE PHONE' LIAdams 8603 FAX REMARKS i t it r ) tS . Plows SIGNED 1-^`tnit ("7:-"a t, WHILE YOU WERE OMIT TO `.)alNA. 0 ..1,Ck PHONE 1-44c (.42) -0 .,q5 ▪ CALLED TO SEE YOU ▪ TELEPHONED ❑ WILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE PHONE Adams 8603 REMARKS DATE 12'40" t TIME .%2141 OF CeIRP{ �''�, «, PAPA FAX SIGNED !fin CZ:A-A WHILE YOU WERE (DUI- 0 DATE lam` ) 06' TIME 3L)e PHONE FAX FAX REMARKS - IS L,,.?' up OW, IIICALLED TO SEE YOU TELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN EI PLEASE PHONE Adams 8603 SIGNED sa"' TO WILE YOU WERE •LJT DATE ?`"9"CY TIME tO M oFC `fl AC:A i°'."r5,A,11‹, I PHONE 13 DS ���' I �� r �e t4./' 6 FAX (0i... f 1J..Rti », CALLED TO SEE YOU 3�. TELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE PHONE EAdams 8603 REMARKS [[VAkf nn TVA : it (C""O(i�3 ► , yi.;(Sr 41:t.1.o i-'� —: F C+4-4... 1���°1P.J d CO. `:FiCJ.9 , (t14L d4.k I 1 ° f k,,, J a'4 ? te5 Lao / CZ) . SIGNED 1.1+,'^y.'�..*u WHILE YOU WERE OUT TO Cs,-`MS'I C.. i2.1VA M / g OF PHONE "nt4..La4C! FAX REMARKS ;/Y1. +)..ki.p CALLED TO SEE YOU TELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE PHONE Adams 8603 DATE 7"9.0Z. TIME 41 MN SIGNED 11%1`\ 'r •." WHILE YOU WERE OUT TO DATE —�.J"'r� 2 TIME M Irfi�, ��d OFprt.$ PHONE +p 63470 ' FAX REMARKS ' CALLED TO.SEE YOU ['TELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE PHONE EAdams 8603 SIGNED BRA°= +L� ry Willi LE YOU : WERE OUT TO Pt 1 tHo-vi/4( DATE ?-I . TIME a.:;,., M OF C :( 2 FAX i tW f. 4..A. O., 3, id•t E; rk�', PHONE q oq " e2' .� °"e,r1,5 ECALLED TO SEE YOU FilITELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN EI PLEASE PHONE Adams 8603 REMARKS �* I �_) ec'•.'s it SIGNED 17)(7,416-3PC,,(,; WHILE YOU WERE OUT TO C.-11NI Li D3:2 _45d. DATE O '0Z TIME �? 4•S M ,1 OF Ca 'PI4b1.1-�.:li a. ''�' PHONE ger�I� ` ��� 1 AAp:rFAX �a REMARKSk&)1d.�q. Bh'(-itG'"Z1FF 4(7gly i dot , i,l . Pp.1 ; ECALLED TO SEE YOU TELEPHONED ❑ WILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE PHONE`, II Adams 8603 1,11 if F• d SIGNEDI.^'.1_--;.` WHILE YOU WERE OUT TO V,:.,o0`va M� II PHONE CRP)"d t 60 ▪ CALLED TO SEE YOU TELEPHONED ❑ WILL CALL AGAIN ▪ PLEASE PHONE CAdams 8603 DATE 2-?'C ` TIME' OF FAX REMARKS. I17-0 d ( .,,t °r -!., ' d,t,'oi:At...,� l Ift �,=l``a _ "t ii� 2 ;al4cv(1;)115 'tf SIGNED 0 w i"i;o q, W.I"LE YOUWERE LIT DATE a . DATE '� '�°r'. TIME �.'4Z/ ,:{i� OF I itttly Wie v'T T ; PHONErn `°•�f- CALLED TO SEE YOU rTELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN El PLEASE PHONE EAdams 8603 FAX REMARKS .) `) p7 1,41.14t/49_., Pit; )4')3 c/eiE� SIGNED 8'§'-. WHILE YOU WERE OUT TO IKVILNULV LL.O (� M OF 4 . DATE —1q 70 2 TIME .C3 41 PHONE f114—k' b—SAJOI FAX REMARKS iat? afr e,. ua2.. ;qua CALLED TO SEE YOU RAC./�_� EliELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN PLEASE PHONE giAdams 8603 SIGNED WHILE YOU WERE OUT TO LC 1 iNo t1 il�O DATE .71C1' 01: TIME \ OF. PHONE ,11. ' 3f"l(:') •FAX CIZ.c.:C . REMARKS y-`F CALLED TO SEE YOU a • TELEPHONED 0 WILL CALL AGAIN El PLEASE PHONE r4Adams 8603 GE. 0 C . Vic), . `0"-az i •w^r.Gu.m SIGNED P. 1 TRANSMISSION REPORT Account Name : DESTINATION : 918008458245 DEST. NUMBER : 918008458245 F CODE AGES MINFESULT 3 sheets : OK (THU) AUG 22 2002 13:25 MINOLTA DOCUMENT# TIME STORED TIME SENT DURATION MODE 6307179-005 AUG 22 13:23 AUG 22 13:23 1min, 18sec ECM City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 To: US Census Bureau, Attn: Ann Jereau From: Don Gdula Faz 9-1-800-845-8245 Date: August 22, 2002 Phone: 9-1-800-845-8246 Pages: 3 4154353 1762 • IMPORTANT Plaase refer to the Rep�rting InstructionsA on the back of the form. DUE DATE: AUG 18, 2002 FORM TO FAX 1201 Ppennsus :IntrStreet eau 1-800-845-8245 = : OMB No. 0607-0153: Approval Expires 04/30/200 In any correspondence pert g to this report, refer to the control number shown below. DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200202 1012 18.04 74 1315 06 3 1 4154353 9 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN DON GDULA - CONSULTANT PROJ COORDINATOR 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335-3528 FAX (909)350-6618 PHONE (909) 350-7632 (Please Section A WP.R.CkliECT1LIENTIFICATION4 correct an error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) FEET Section D The confirmation project cleficribed below is associated with your '7:: Retied on,exteriordttnensions,*hew many square organization according to jitiblishediourcei; Please Correct any errors or feet otenclosedIloor area (including basements) fill in any blanks in items 1 and 2; If necessiaryi'make Your corrections in will. be created by this project? • . item 10, Remarks, or use O separate sheet;:lEYOU.HAVE ANY QUESTIONS :: ,•• • • ' •:' CONCERNING THIS FORM, PLEASECALI. 1-800445-8246.. 'Exclude nOnbuilding projects: and existing floor space t that le,beirro4eniOdeledi•,',' If iloriegistrIter.t,• ` :••,&,,:;.•-• • ,` • . " • • , • • • • • • • •••• , • . • . 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SLOVER AVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (8E167 01) 'Square feet.. Section E 2. PROJECT LOCATION SLOVER AVE FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA Section B OWNERSHIP, ANGHTART DATE 3. TYPE OF OWNERSHIP- Mark (X). one box. Is this project 0 State Government or Agency El Privately -owned OR Owned by: 0 Federal Government or Agency KI Local Government or Agency ,START OATROF CONSTRUCTION . " . When did actual construction work on the !.site start, or when:del/au estimate itwilt '.etera; EhtermOigh:on4 Par. ' Section C 4ostESTOillATES' Morith•and.year of ectuer ,.• or expected start date MAR 2002 • • inica./a. • Site•pritifitii'atIOn and putside:ConetrUction such as sidewalks •and;roadwaysi., •ele iristailetieUs'WhicWere integral -•."'''''::::''''"'Ittf•il::•;1PgtcuaCiirre),:siiectfalc:e1006i-s? heating equipment,etc. EXCLUDE#' tstici ad pre-existing' • Arohjtectural englneering and owner s overhead and F�rniture furnishings and other movable equiprnont . „ FOR HEAVV:NONBUILDINGPROJECTR ?: :SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON N0TE If Pr.o IsCt fsons haeis.,Seter your r.ba estlid Ste, of the ftn) ;...5a';;CONTRACTO6NsTROcirip0.POsT: • fa he Paid to, contractors and MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION. This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. • • •• Continue with kern & if project has Started' otherwise, ... • • , pet in. pl;:iticeeefi Month. • Includedrity those bonStiiidti:Oncoste.detMett in item 5c. NOT.Irtclude Costs'rePerted in item 6. • • •.' •• ',••• Report costs in the month hiVvhich work; was dope (including any monthly retainage being withheld • •", from contractors) rather than in the month in which • • . .*: • COMPletad,enterritonih and year hi•iteni•g.,....! 8,..:1001\ITHLY.VALUE•OF CONSTRUCTION PUT IN •-•• 'PLACE:ON2PROJECTOESCRIBED IN ITEM 1 . • Month and year , report period ' Value of construction put „ in place during month 'as defined in'item 5c. (Thousands'of dollars) JUI; 2002 21') ,000.00 272 ,000.00 MAY?:;20112.:0,•;•.).?:I;I: 174 ,000.00 • „... ,• 12002, 130 ,000.00 0 ,000.00 ,000.00 Construction. costs ''(Thousande rdollaii):•.• 1,012 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 A5fr,olivNpilupepg.i?;NIATE!11141.474.— 19SiisOttbilok:„Erefetiele:sUpPliedbytnfriersind;the;,,:y ,001041/1610400410614Sid„te,PitprOteetSlt.,:! !*(itAitOONSIR VOT4.9 CO6. .• • TURAC*NGINEEttl.N:q;`..icAOST.. • • - • s,.for...prettilectiire13•46'crenturlelr: ,•IiiipAery,icescIrco,rt st • • was uthried to • ' Ckbe irtitern a. ,ciogiqh'ind:Cer,tshoct J1041E( ''•:!;':":•"' • "!••eqsipment, end, ncfurnirye and, finishinas• ";;J'7.",t,', • •• , • •43' •AitillPrestt4•beliStd.directlyky.„..„ ;.: . State ot IocaJ 0 ,000.00 1,012 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 • 41'4. ,000.00 ,000.00 .••••••:".":" • '3V,•,:t: CONIPLETIOMDATE Enter data:When .01.• constructjon is ,.. trif actua comp 0 0 ,000.00 :'•:•'•Xitllizinth7:Snd yea ofcqmpletuon NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. .",,,i:.... k,•:q•grrii,,J•iigt: ':;'•?••,'''''''•'..''setrre'y'C'q-cl9t1 ' •,•• '••'....f'..:`.ceepildi ,..:••.:: ••'f:J:liEi.P1:54,.;',.,...:..ir9h!' j•-•":1thie ,"•4::.buildirifofandtof,1171?,-.•,,,•;e:,:.:„.... - ' - :•••. 2'.. ''''.•• •':. :!''.:',...!•: ;.•!',,.... , '.':...'•;:'. ,.'.; •• ' !...:,.., , ,.. . K..,• . i.,••••.rt:,,v , E "I) TINOINSiRUC711.01m,rw '''..." P1:106A&C"oltiS , .;..;::::,.:.,,N,I,".'''..1,'''.:'.:.'"•.;.,,?.."''''',..,.',',...i.i....::.i......:...,.• ii.,- -;...,..:' ,i,:E'• 1&. 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Y••••••7:".i..1 e4.,.j..::i,;..i:, engines !,c. n.•t..;.•.:.:.•w:•.•..;,'..h•.,... 1:. .!...:•!.;.,.i:'::!.,.,.•••!,....,.'• ..,.......;.c •'.•i. ,! ;:.... 1'a*iutth100Paq . 10. REMARKS • Section 11a. b014 F sr,',.,pEgppN7q. . :. . „ .,.. -.: 4i:;...,...•.' : OONTACTAgq:APPINP:.THIS',::REP,...ORT„,':.4. :. Je. eeff-P-.00*aKt tr4,•/:<yp.:,,:••,•::'.> •—• . Name ALE) Cr=Dt-0-, A b. Title Fro4jEct corsuawerr CISORZIA147002, . c. Telephone Areacode ci Number SSO-9423 Z. Extension d. Organization CA-N oF FCUTALIA -S' • -'sFax . - 5IiEfZA AkigEiballr, e'eAS • rairrilW4 k Oa erL33S-352.8 f.. Area code goct Number aso - be) I 8 4154353 62 'FQRMC 7QO(SC` 5 QEPAR�NIENT OF`CRM{V1Ri conomic and atatisncs.Admidistrivaii" U S CEf1SUSBU9 AU IMPORTANT . Please refer to;the Reporting Instructions a,' • on: the back of :the form• DUE DATE: AUG 18, 2002 RETURN FORM TO Section A U.S.:Census Bureau 1201; East 1Qth Street Jeffersonville' IN 47132 0001 1-800=845-8245 ',PROJECT IDENTIFICATION:"; OMB No. 0607-0153: Approval Expires 04/30/2004 In any correspondence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200202 1012 18.04 74 1315 06 3 1 4154353 9 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN DON GDULA CONSULTANT PROJ COORDINATOR 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335-3528 FAX (909)350-6618 PHONE (909) 350-7632 (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) The construction project: described below is associated with your organization according to published sources Please correct any errors or fill in any blanks in items 1 and 2; If necessary; make your corrections in. item 10, Remarks, or uae'a separate sheet. IF YOU HAVE ANY,. QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS. FORM, PLEASE, CALL 1--800-845-8246.;' 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SLOVER AVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (SB6701) 2. PROJECT LOCATION SLOVER AVE FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA Section D 7 Based on exterior dimensions,' how many square feet ofenclosed floor area (including basements) will be created by this project? Exclude nonbuilding projects:;,• and existing floor space that is being remodeled If none, enter,"0." Square feet Section B OWNERSHIP: AND: START DATE 3. TYPE OF OWNERSHIP Mark (X) one box. Is this project 0 State Government or Agency ❑ Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑ Federal Government or Agency NI local Government or Agency 4.: START • DATE OF CONSTRUCTION ;. When did actual construction work on the site start, or when do: you estimate it will start? Enter' month and year.. Month andyear of actual or expected start date Section E MONTHLY "CONSTRUCTION ,:, PROGRESS REPORT, This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. • Continue with item.8 if project has started; otherwise, skip to section F Report the value of construction put in place each month,' Include Only those construction' costs defined in item 5c. DO NOTinclude costs'reported in item 6.•.`"• ' Report costs in the month in Which work was done (including any monthly retainage being withheld'. from contractors) rather than in the month in which 'payment was made: • .• ..'When project; is completed, enter month and year in item 9. 8. MONTHLY.VALUE:OF CONSTRUCTION PUT IN PLACE ON PROJECTDESCRIBED IN ITEM 1 MAR 2002 Section C COST ESTIMATES Month and year;, report period (a) Value of construction put in place during month 'as defined in item 5c. (Thousands of dollars) (b)" INCI.UDE. • Site preparation and outside construction such as sidewalks . • Mechanical and.electricar installations which are integral parts of the structure, such as elevators; heating equipment, etc. EXCLUDE • Land and pre-existing structures '. Architectural;engrneering and: owners overhead and: miscellaneous costst Sea %tem:6' FuMrture furnishings and other movable equipment • Conungency'funds FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK NOTE If projectis on a "cost plus" basis, enter yourbest estimate of the final cost JUL '2002 $ 2If) ,000.00 JUN'2002; 272 ,000.00 MAY,,'2002,,; 174 ,000.00 APR2002. ' `` 130 ,000.00 MAR' 2002 0 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 5a. CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION COST (Amounts to be paid to contractors and,: subcontractors)" b`OWNER'SUPPLIED MATERIALS AND LABOR;? t (C,onstructier materials supplied by owner and the Value:of work done by protect owner's,own < etistruetion,erripleyeesassignedto the project , c TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST ,: Construction costs (Thousands of dollars) 1,012 $ ,000.00 0 ,000.00 1,012 $ ,000.00 ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING; AND MISCELLANEOUS , COSTS If book figures are notavailabler reasonaltle estimates are.la`pceptabla, ,;: INCLUD( • AIP',fees for arch 'teeth arcbitectural..and engineering`:servicest,°If contractor • was authorized to "design and construct' this project,•such cost should be included in. item • Cost of design Work by' Owner's •Project owners o verhead and office cost Fees and othermiscellaneous costs'alleeete on ayvner s books to thisaproject EXCLUDE •,Cgsfof movable machinery and ?;,",equipment, land, and furniture and furnishings • All`;interest to,.be paid directly l ' State,or Iocal:goVernments , ArOn itectLoa i,eeng meerir13 and miscellaneous costs: (Thousands of dollars);;, $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 9t, COMPLETION. DATE r Enter date when, al ;construction is�. actually complete Month and year, ' • of completion , NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. I. Section B OIIIINERSHIP AND START DATE Item 3 As noted ownership":for purposes,of this survey; ,depends on:the owner'during the construction phase. • Check the appropriatebox Item 4 -.The start date isdefined as thedate that actual construction work .first began, on the.project descri bed in' item 1. If the project is to start at some future dateiplease enter the date complete item 1i.; and return the form. �s. REPORTING; INSTRUCTIONS, FOR STATE'AND LOCAL'CONSTRUCTION;PROJECT Section A- PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Correct any;;informatiori In items,1 and 2 if necessary For project described in'item 1 to be government owned'"% it must be_ State or local government owned -during construction and involve the erection,of:a new structures) or. improvements to an existing structure(s).as defined below. For the project described )n hem 1 to beprivately owned it must be"privately:owned during' construction and involve the'. erection of a new structure("s).or' improvements.to an existing structure(s)as defined7below ': If the project'is only maintenance and repairs,please note so`, in item 10, Remarks complete item 11 d anreturn the form Item 5a Estimate the total amount to b`e paid to construction' contractors by the project owner fo,r work done on this protect Item 5b : Estimate"thetotalcost of labor by the owner's '.construction employees" working on the project;.including supervisorypersonnel assigned to the:project..lnclude the totalcost of;all construction materials supplied by the. owner; including thosethe owner expects to supply to the contractor for•installation )n this project " Item 5c Sum of values reported in Items 5a'and'5b This is the value to be: reported' in item 8, monthly value of construction put in place Item 6 Estimate the total amount of fees whicirthe project owner has paid or will pay to architecturaland engineering: firms for work on this project,'Alsorestimate thetotal. cost, of all other construction itemswhich the ;project owner will allocate on' '.his -books to this project, Include the projec(owner's overhead arid office costs, the cost of design wprk by.the owner's staff, and miscellaneous construction.fees and costs allocated on ::the owner.'s.books..DO NOT"include the cost of movable „;..; machinery`and equipment land, and furniture and ::'.::furnishings:'If book figures ere:,not available, reasonable estimates,arer:acceptable . • Section C ':.COST ESTIMATES Construction for purposes of this survey, is defined as the " ► Section E - MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION building of and/or improvements to fixed structures This INCLUDES a;'New structures "additions alteratipns,"conversions .,,expansions,'rebuilding, reconstruction, renovations rehabilitations and"major'replaeements (such as the complete -replacement of a roof or heating system). b. Mechanical and'electrical installations -Plumbing heating; electrical work, elevators, escalators, central air-conditioning; encr other similar building services c ;:Outside construction Clearing and'grading of .' :: undeveloped land and the fixed, auxiliary structures which the project owner builds within the property fines. Also;roadways; bridges, parking lots, utility. connections, • outdoor lighting, pools, athletic fields, piers, wharves and docks,and all similar auxiliary facilities,) FOR, HEAVY NONBUILDINGs PROJECTS In; addition to a `b;:and,c, construction INCLUDES d Fixed works, such as power plants dams; highways bridges,; reservoirs and sewer and. water facilities e. Machinery and equipment Which are integral parts of • :structures, Also'fixed; largely.site-fabricated equipment such as: storage tanks f ;The following types Of equipment boilers towers :c and>fixtures EXCLUDE:Movable machinery and equipment which d. are not integral parts of structures. Also, for power generation. plants, exclude primary power producing machinery ouch as generators, reactors, and steam engines Item 8 _ Report the 'monthly value of construction ptitin place for the coats.associated with item 5c These Costs`>. a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors, including any retainage being withheld until the work is complete::;. b. The cost of any materials installed,which were provided by the.owner c. The work done by the project owner's own construction employees including supervisory personnel assigned -,to this project , Initially, report monthly values' from the; start' month to the most current month. .shown'in item 8. Then each month, when theform isreturned to you;: report for the month shown and any.revisions;which you might have. When entering monthly data, besure toreport.the costs in the month.in.which the work was done rather than in the monthin which,,payment was made;, If the contractor's bills'are for periods other than monthly,. ;estimate a monthly,amount. In each month where there is no construction enter a zero.; Item 8 If construction is complete except for some minor work .(up to 3, percent of item 5c);.you may. stop . '. reporting on this project by,;indicating;in item 10;:. Remarks and entering'the completion,date in. item 9 ► Section F•—PERSON TO CONTACT•REGARDING •THIS REPORT Item 11 ';Enter the name title; address; telephone and "fax number of the person who, can answer,questions about this;report • 10. REMARKS Section F '"PERSON TO, CONTACT;REGARDING':THIS: REPORT'—, Please -print pr type, 11a. Name OUALD CoDthLA b. Title cr c x * r c. Telephone Area code qo9 Number 3So-l63Z Extension d. Organization C.U'.(OF f C1.LTidtM4 FORM C-700(SL) (4-23-2001) egg 5tieeeA eilibi farri4U4., ci4 er 3S•3528 f. Fax Area code Oct Number 3So-66It3 P. 1 TRANSMISSION REPORT Account Name : DESTINATION : 918008458245 DEST. NUMBER : 918008458245 F CODE PAGES RESULT : 3 sheets : OK (MON) JUL 15 2002 13:37 MINOLTA DOCUMENT# TIME STORED TIME SENT DURATION MODE 6307179-744 JUL 15 13:35 JUL 15 13:36 1mi n, 26sec ECM City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Communications To: US Census Bureau, Attn: Ann Jereau From: Don Gdula Fax 9-1-800-845-8245 Date: July 15, 2002 Phone: 9-1-800-845-8246 Pages: 3 Re: Stover Avenue Sewer CC: ❑ Urgent CI For Review © Please Comment ❑ Please Reply CI Please Recycle *Comments: The original is in the mail. City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 To: US Census Bureau, Attn: Ann Jereau From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-1-800-845-8245 Date: July 15, 2002 Phone: 9-1-800-845-8246 Pages: 3 Re: Stover Avenue Sewer CC: 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: The original is in the mail. 4154353 3752 • 0607-0153: A rovai OMB No. pp p res 04/30/2004 FORM C•700(SL), 14-23.2001) '. i.;; p :;: ;. e., • ,U.S., DEPARTMENT OF COMMER0 Econornieand StatrstI s Administration,; s; U.S. CENSUS BUREAU'', CONSTRUCTIO, PROJECT REPOR STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IMPORTANT Please refer to the Reporting 'Instructions on the back of the. form DUE DATE: JUL 16, 2002 RETURN FORM TO Section A Census Bureau s:1201 East 10th'Street Jcf`sreanv!I!e !N.7132-O01)1 1-800-845-8245` 'PROJECT IDENTIFICATION In any correspondence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200202 1012 18.04 74 1315 06 3 1 4154353 9 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN YOUSUF PATANWALA 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335-3528 F.?X (909)350-6F1LB PHONE (909) 350-7632 (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) Section D The construction' project described below is associated with your organization according to published sources[ Please correct any errors or fill in any blanks in Items :1 and 2. If necessary, make your corrections in item'10, Remarks, or use a' separate sheet. IF. YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS FORM, PLEASE CALL 1-800-845-8246. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SLOVER AVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS,(8E16701) SQUARE FEET 7. Based on exterior dimensions; how many square feet of enclosed'floor area (including basements) ::.:will be created by this project?,; Exclude•nonbuilding projects' and existing floor space Square feat that is: being rernodeled,,, If none, enter ::" 0 i :i Section E 2. PROJECT LOCATION SLOVER AVE FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA Section B OWNERSHIP AND`START DATE 3 : TYPO O;F,OWNERSHIP;-;MarkfX)'one. bpx Is this project 0 State Government or Agency ❑ Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑ Federal Government or Agency ®Local Governrnunt of Ayuilcy 4.:: START DATE OF'CONSTRUCTION When: did actual constructionwork on the .site start, or when do.you estimate it will!; start?•Enter month and year Section C Month 'and .year of actual or'.expectedstart date.:: MAR 2002 COST ESTIMATES INCLUDE. • Site preparation and outside construction such:as sidewalks ": and''roadways Mechanical and'electrice installations which •are lntegral:parts of thestructure,.speb as elevators ,heating equipment etc. EXCLUDE • Land;and pre existing structures s :`:" • Architectural; engineering;and owners overhead and miscellaneous. costs See,tem 6 : • Furniture furnisFiingse ar c/pther mdvable'eggipm ontngency:funds FOR HEAVY NONSUILDING PROJECTS SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK ,r NOTE If project isson a cost plus" bests; enter your. best estima a of 8 CONTRACT: CONSTRUCTION„COST /mounts to be paid to contractors and. beenti!actors) ,x OWNER SUP/ UED MATERIAL AND LABOR iCOnstruptioq materiars su llhed by own IueloVWark done;otr pro1ecrnAwdhe "hpl onstruction empjtiyees �ssigtteso te, iTOTAL CONSTi UCTION COST 1,012 G ARCHITEGTURAL� ENGIIUEERING, AND'IVIISGELANEOUS .', COST.S'-IfbookfguresareYidtavariepre rg2sghablessumate;sareacceptable Ift/CLURE•' All fees for architectufaf and engineering services If contractor, z': was authari2ed to design and danstryct this projectsuch cogs shouldrbe Indludet( rn Item 5a t; Cost of design Ui, rk by owner s staff d� foject owner's -overhead and o(fie .cost ees and other miscellaneous posts allocate n owner s boQlfs to this project t of'movab e;machinery en uiprnent land'aridfurnit.G costr<:: Construction"costs (Thousands of dollars),`.' MONTHLY "CONSTRUCTION PROGRFSSiI)LPO! T `: This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. • Continue with'iitem Q if project has Started othortyise skipto section F. • Report tha vaiuP of constrligtron putin place each month Include only those construction, osts:definedin Item 5c.. DO; NOT include' Costs reported in: item 6 •"Report costs in the month in which work was done Unc)Uding any, rpont`hly retairtage being withheld from contractors) rth ather an in the month in which payment m wasmade .. When project is'cbmpleted.'e•nter month and year In rtem 9. G. MONTHLY VALUE Or CONSTRUCTION' PUT IN ' PLACE ON PROJECT DESCRIBED IN ITEM 1 Month and year • reportpenod,,,i; Value of construction put in.place Curio$ month as -defined rnItem (Thousands of dollars);..: JUN 2OO2; $ 272,000.00 MAX ,26 APR-2002 ; `f $?� ,000.00 $ 130 000.00 HAG ;2002, 0 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 1,012 ,000.00 0 ,000.00 e c: Archnctural, eng(heermg: and miscellaneous•costs r_ (Tbt usa ds of ddyars) $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 ,000.00 4onth and year Of 01111aletiotl V'.. • REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR STATE<AND LOCAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ► Section A -:PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ' •Correct any information In Items 1 land 2 if necessary For the project described in item' 1 id be gpvernment owned;,` it must be State or local governnjent owned'during: construction and, involve the erection of a new structure(s)• or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below for the project described In item' 1 to be ;privately owned must be privately,owned during construction and involve the erection of;a neW'Struoturelsj or improvements to an existing structure(s)as defined;•, below.:•. If the projectrs only maintenance end repairs, please note se. in item 10, Remarks ;complete item 11 and return the form:'.'. ► Section B OWNERSHIP AND: START DATE } y. 'Item 3 - As noted 'ownership' for purposes of this survey, depends.on•;theowner during the, construction phase Check the appropriate box Item 4 The'start date is defined as the date that aotual construction Work first began ort'the project described in item 1. If the'projectis to start at some future date,; please enter the date, complete item :11, end return the form. Section• C 4 COST ESTIMATES Construction, for purposes ai`;this survey ds defined as the,,: building of and/or Improvements to fixed structures. This INCtUDES• • a: NeW strictures additions alterations, conversions expansions rebuilding, reconstruction,,renovations tehabilitatipna and major replacements'>(such as;the oomplete'.repIacement of• a roOf or heating system) b.' Mechanical and electrical Plumbing heating, electrical'work, elevators, escalators, central air conditioning, and other simliar building services c."'Outside construction Clearing and9radmg of;:-. undeveloped land and•thefixed, auxiliarystructures which' theprojeet owner blindswithin the"property lines Also roadways, bridges; parking Tots `utilityconnections outdoor lighting, pools athletic fields, piers wharves and, • docks and all similar auxiliary facilities. FOR. HEAVY; NONBUILDING 'PROJECTS to addition to a b and c construction INCLUDES d,':Flxed works such as powerplants dams highways %:' bridges reservoirs and sewer,:and waterfacilities e ..Machinery:.and equipmenttnihloh are integral parts of • structures: Also fixed largely site fabricated equipment such as storage tanks f The following types of equ and flxtu,res EXCLUDE `IVlovable riiachinery andeguipmentwhic are? not integral parts kif structures Alsoi for ••generatianplents, exclude primary'PQwerproducing.:. .machinery syoh as generators reactors,. and steam:.• engines Item 5a ,Estimate the total amOunt,to.be paid to construction;contractors,by the"'project ,"owner for'work done on this project. item 5b - Estimate the"total cost of labor by the'owner's'- construction employees working on the project, including: • supervisory.: personnelassigned to the project. Include the, total; cost of all construction materials supplied by the owner, including those the owner expects to supply to the. contractor for installation in this protect.' • Item 5c Sum of values reported in items 5a and 5b This'is the value to.;be reported initem 8, monthly value of construction put in place Item 6 Estimate the total amount of fees,which the project owner has paid or Will pay to architecturaland engineering; firms for work on this project. Also estimate the total cost of all other construction :itemswhich the project owner will allocate "on:his,books to this project Include the project owner's overhead and office costs, the , cost of design work by the owner's staff,•and: other miscellaneous,construction fees and Costs allocated on the owner's books.: DO NOT -include the cost of movable • machinery, and equipment, land, and furniture and ,furnishings. If book figures are not available, reasonable ',estimates are acceptable ► Section E MONTHLY CONSTRIICTION PROGRESS REPORT , . Itemt8 -Report the`monthlyvalue of eonstructio'h' put m place forthe costs associated with item 5e..These costs;;' Include a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors, ;including.any retainage being withheld until the work is ',• `complete b. The cost .of any materials installed which were provided;; by the owner c, the.Work done by the project owner'sown construction • employees, including supervisory oerannnel assigned,• to this project Initially, report monthly values'firom the start month to the most current Month shown:in item,8.;Theneach month, whenthe formiis returned to-yoti,'report for the month shown and any' revisions whch you might have When entering monthly data; be sure to report the costs s in the'month inwhich the work was done rather'than in the month In •Which payment *as made;' If the contractor's billsare.for periods other than monthly; estimate a monthly amount In each morjth where`there is na construction, enter a zero Item 8 If construction is complete except for some minor work (up to 3:percent of item 5c),.you may stop reporting opthis project by indicating in jtem 10 " Remarks; and entering;the comptetian.date jn item 8 . ► Section F PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING •THIS'REPORT Item11 - Enter the name title,'address'itdlephorie and fax number of the person who. carvanswerquesticns 10. REMARKS Section F PERSON TO`CQNTAC'[',RA7la'ARDING:Ices REFORT._,�'►ealse pirfnt.br't! 11a. Name Dort Gdula b. Title Consultant Project Coordinator c. Telephone Area code 909 Number 350-7632 Extension d. Organization City Of Fontana e. Address 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335-3528 f. Fax 6,65 code N'm6 er6618 FORM C-700(SL) (4-23-2001) • City of Fontana Engineering Divisio Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax To: Sheri Cecchine, Genesis Construction From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-925-6585 Date: July 8, 2002 Phone: 9-652-6977 Pages: 24 Re: Sub Contractors List, Stover Avenue CC: Sewer ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: Please let Tracy that I have not seen any information on the damage claim. I received the recorded Notice of Completion from the County. Until the claim is resolved part of the retention with be withheld. 4154353 . 3712 . FORM,C-700(SL);: 14-23-20011', U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economic andStatistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU . `.. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REPORT STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. IMPORTANT Please refer to the Reporting Instructions. on the back of the form. DUE DATE: JUN 18, 2002 RETURN: FORM TO Section A U.S. Census Bureau 1201 East 10th Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001 1-800-845-8245 -PROJECT IDENTIFICATION OMB No. 0607-0153: Approires 04/30/2004 In any co ondence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200202 1012 18.04 74 1315 06 3 1 4154353 9 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN. DON GDULA ENGINEERING 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335-3528 FAX 909 )350-6618 PHONE (909) 3 50 -7 632 (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) The construction project described below is associated with your organization according to published sources. Please correct any errors or fill in any blanks in items 1 and 2. If necessary, make your corrections in item 10, Remarks, or use a separate sheet. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS FORM, PLEASE CALL 1-800-845-8246. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SLOVER AVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (S86701) Section D SQUARE FEET 7. Based on exterior dimensions, how many square feet of enclosed floor area (including basements) will be created by this project? Exclude nonbuilding projects, and existing floor space that is being, remodeled. If none, enter "0." Square feet Section E. 2. PROJECT LOCATION SLOVER AVE FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA Section B OWNERSHIP AND START DATE 3. TYPE OF OWNERSHIP - Mark (X) one box. Is this project 0 State Government or Agency 0 Privately -owned OR Owned by: ❑ Federal Government or Agency ®Local Govarninznt or Agency MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH. • • until the project is completed. • Continue with item 8 if project has started; otherwise, skip to section F. • Report the value of construction put in place each month. Include only those construction costs defined in item 5c. DO NOT include costs reported in item 6. • Report costs in the month in which work was done (including any monthly retainage being withheld from contractors) rather than in the month in which - payment was made. ' • When project is completed enter month and year in item 9. 4. START DATE OF CONSTRUCTION When did actual construction work on the site start, or when do you estimate it will start? Enter month and year. Month and year ofaotual ' or expected start date 8. MONTHLY VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION PUT IN PLACE ON PROJECT DESCRIBED IN ITEM 1 MAR 2002 Section C, COST ESTIMATES INCLUDE ' • Site preparation and outside construction such as sidewalks and roadways • Mechanical and electrical installations which are integral parts of the structure, such as elevators, heating equipment, etc. EXCLUDE ..• Land and pre-existing structures • Architectural, engineering, and owner's overhead and miscellaneous costs _ See item 6 • Furniture, furnishings, and other movable equipment • Contingency funds FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS -SEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK NOTE: If project is on a 'cost plus` basis, enter your best estimate of the final cost. Month and year report period (a) Value of construction put in place during month as defined in item 5c (Thousands of dollars) (b) MAY 2002 174 ,000.00 APR 2002 $ / SO ;000.00 MAR 2002 $' 0 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 5a. CONTRACT,CONSTRUCTION COST (Amounts to be paid to contractors and subcontractors).'' 5b:OWNER SUPPLIED, MATERIALS AND LABOR • • • (Construction materials supplied by owner and the • valueof work done by project owners own ' construction 'employees assigned to the project.) Construction Costs (Thousands of dollars) $ ,000.00 1,012 $ ,000.00' 0 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 .5c. TOTAL: CONSTRUCTION COST (Sum of5a`+5b). 1,012 ,000.00 ,000.00 6, ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, AND MISCELLANEOUS COSTS -If book figures are not available, reasonable estimates are acceptable INCLUDE. • All fees for architectural and engineering services. If contractor • . was authorized to :'design and construct" this project, such. cost •should be included in item 5a. • • Cpst of design work by owner's'staff .; .• Project owner s overhead and office costs 'Fees'and other miscellaneous costs allocated on,owner'S books to this project EXCLUDE • Cost of movable machinery and • equipment, land, and furniture and • furnishings • All interest to be paid directly by. State or local governments Architectural, engineering, and miscellaneous,costs (Thousands of dollars) $ ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 9. COMPLETION DATE .: Enter datewhen all construction is actually completed; .., Month and year of completion NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. i. ► mow REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS STATE AND LOCAL CONSTRUCTION Section A -PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Correct anyinformation in items 1 and 2 if necessa ry For the project described in item 1 to be government owned; it must be State or local government owned during construction and involve the erection of a new structure(s) or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below.: For the project described in item 1 to be privately owned, it must be privately owned during construction and involve the erection of a new:structure(s) or improvements to an existing structure(s) as defined below. If the project is only maintenance and repairs, please note so in item 10, Remarks, complete item 11, and return the form. Section B - OWNERSHIP AND START DATE Item 3 - As noted, "ownership" for purposes of this survey, depends on the owner during the construction phase. Check the appropriate box. Item 4 - The date is defined as the date that actual Itemconstruction-The start first is gannn ethsthprejdat that in item 1. If the project is to start at some future date, please , enter the date, complete item 11, and return the form. Section C - COST ESTIMATES "Construction," for purposes of this survey, is defined as the building of and/or improvements to fixed structures. This INCLUDES: a. New structures, additions, alterations, conversions, expansions, rebuilding,reconstruction, renovations, rehabilitations and mor replacements (such as the complete replacement of a roof or heating system). b. Mechanical and electrical installations - Plumbing, heating, electrical work, elevators, escalators, central air-conditioning, and other similar building' services. c. Outside construction - Clearing and grading of ` undeveloped land and the fixed; auxiliary structures which the project owner builds within the property lines, Also, roadways, bridges, parking lots, utility connections, outdoor lighting, pools, athletic fields, piers, wharves and docks, and all similar auxiliary facilities. MP, FOR PROJECTS' Item 5a - Estimate the total amount to be paid to construction contractors by the project owner for work done on this project. . Item 5b - Estimate the total cost of labor by the owner's construction employees working on the project, including supervisory personnel assigned to the project. Include the total cost of all construction materials supplied by the. owner, including those the owner expects to supply to the ,. contractor for installation in this project. Item 5c - Sum of values reported in items 5a and 5b This is the value to be reported in item 8, monthly. value of construction put in place. Item 6 -Estimate the total amount of fees which. the .. project owner has paid or will pay to architectural and engineering firms for work on this project. Also estimate the total cost of all other construction items which the project owner will allocate on his books to this project Include the project owner's overhead and office costs, the cost of design work by the owner's staff, and other miscellaneous construction fees and costs allocated; on the owner's books. DO NOT include the cost of. movable machinery and book re ando b equipment, aland,not ad avaifurnlable, estimates re book ablees are not available, reasonable estimates are acceptable. I, Section E - MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT Item 8 - Report the monthly value of construction put in place for the costs associated with item 5c. These costs include: a. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors, including any retainage being withheld until the work is complete. b. The cost of any materials installed which were provided by the owner. c. The work done by the project owner's own construction' employees, including supervisory personnel assigned. • to this project. ,. • Initially; report monthly values from the start month to the most current month shown in item 8. Then each month, when the form is returned to you, report for the month shown and any revisions which you might have. When entering monthly data, be sure to report the costs in the month in which the work was done rather than in the month in which payment was made. If the contractor's bills are for periods other than monthly, estimate a monthly amount. In each month where there is no construction, enter a zero. Item 9 - If construction is complete except for some minor work (up to 3 percent of item 5c), you may stop reporting on thisproject by indicating in item 10, Remarks, and entering the completion: date in item 9. I. Section F - PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING • • THIS REPORT Item 11 = Enter the name, title, address, telephone and fax number of the person who can answer questions about this report. . FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS In addition to a, b, and c, construction INCLUDES: d. Fixed works, such as power plants, dams, highways, bridges, reservoirs and sewer and water facilities. ' e. Machinery and equipment which are integral parts of structures. Also fixed, largely site -fabricated equipment such as storage tanks. f. The following types ofequipment: boilers, towers and fixtures. EXCLUDE: Movable machinery and equipment which are not integral parts of structures. Also, for power generation plants, exclude primary power producing machinery such as generators, reactors; and steam . engines. 10. REMARKS Section F .PERSON TO CONTACT REGARDING THIS REPORT- Please print or tfrpe" . 11a.Name Don Gdula b.Titl Title-, Project Coordinator c.Telephone Area code 909 Number 350-7632 Extension. d. Organization City of Fontana e. Address 8353 Sierra Avenue _Fontana, CA 92335-3528 f. Fax Area code 909 Number 350-6618 FORM C-700(SL) (4-23-2001) �r. • FACSIMILE - SUBCONTRACTOR LIST REQUEST Center for Contract Compliance 1168 E. La Cadena Dr., Ste. 202 Riverside, CA 92501 2ND REQUEST 5/31/02 To: CITY OF FONTANA CITY CLERKS OFFICE 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA, CA 92335 Phone: (909) 350-6760 FAX: (909) Date: January 7, 2002 Number of pages: (1) From: CRYSTAL ALVETI w/ CENTER FOR CONTRACT COMPLIANCE Phone: Fax Phone: (909) 686-3328 (909) 686-8470 COMMENTS: This FAX is a formal request for a copy of the General Contractor, Sub -Contractors List and the Estimated Start & Completion Date for the following referenced project: PROJECT : SLOVER AVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS — SB6701 SLOVER AVE FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA AVE * We are requesting the documents pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250, et. seq. Public Contract Code Section 4104, et. seq., requires that the general contractor list the name, location of each awarded subcontractor, and license number of each awarded subcontractor, at the time of bid submission. Under the statute, if the general contractor does not list the subcontractors, then the general contractor is required to perform the work with their own employees. Please fax the requested information directly to our office @ (909) 686-8470. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me @ (909) 686-3328. I look forward to your prompt response. Thank you for your time and courtesy! 01848987 P. 1 TRANSMISSION REPORT Account Name : DESTINATION : 99808433 DEST. NUMBER : 99808433 F CODE PAGES RESULT : 5 sheets : OK To: Glenn Walker (TUE) JUN 18 2002 8:21 MINOLTA DOCUMENT# TIME STORED TIME SENT DURATION MODE 6307179-555 JUN 18 8:18 JUN 18 8:18 1min, 59sec ECM City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax 9-980-8433 Date: June 18, 2002 Phone: 9-948-1510 Pages: 5 Re: Release of Private Mortgage Insurance CC: 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Communications To: Center for Contract Compliance From: Don Gdula Attn: Crystal Alveti Fax: 9-686-3328 Date: June 18, 2002 Phone: 9-686-8470 Pages: 5 Re: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: Albert W. Davies 909-989-0754 From Poplar Ave. to Sierra Ave. 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle Comments: Attached is the information you have requested on Albert W. Davies, Inc. Les Davies, Vice -President Albert W. Davies, Inc. 8737 Helms Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: City of Fontana CALIFORNIA March 7, .2002 SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS . FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. (SB-67-01) "NOTICE TO PROCEED" Dear Mr. Davies: This letter will serve as your "Notice to Proceed" on the above referenced project. As per the construction contract your company has Ninety (90) working days after the "Notice to Proceed" to complete all construction work. The first work day is March 5, 2002. Please contact the undersigned at (909) 350-7632, if any additional information is required. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects cc: City Engineer Principal Civil, Engineer/Design Senior Civil Engineer/Construction Consultant Public Works Inspector (SB) www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 • BIDDER'S INFORMATION BIDDER certifies that the following jinformation is true and correct: Bidder's Name: ALr.ctr w . (s rAk_, Business Address: 8 ~7 37 1{eLpw f 4 I%4itJe r kr Cu.cd1-kwaArt 577.30 Telephone: q'Q ? 989 — 3 7/ 7 Fax.: ?of) 9 SR. - ©75 State Contractor's License No: and Class: -3lory4, Original Date Issued:"M./WWI / 9 7 f . Expiration Date: ':70,gnG1 7 /., ZCQ,3 The following are the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of all individuals, firm members, partners, joint ventures, and/or corporate officers having a principal interest in this' proposal: S-14 ,9aa Ia. �A H L. DA-vices — Scr G /a.14-5, • co. The dates of any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy judgments against any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: All current and prior DBA'S, alias, and/or fictitious business names for any principal having an interest in this proposal are as follows: J oM� P-3 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTOR BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor Vf ° 4114 547A �1,,tYY.�.., a, CA. / `i� /"J�urNS rotiwk ( w., . 3072 2 Pwc. Ina. emu, II. 3-A riAuHace- 5tug, �p. SH..f0! SOY art.gucC,b-. r £.,7a- Sri .iiOfI,N�Ortvay �� ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 • Edgar Casasola From: SIGNAIGO, LAWRENCE J (PB) [Is1649@sbc.com] Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 10:45 AM To: Edgar Casasola Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Stover Ave. PacBell poles 5/16/02 I AM CURRENTLY OUT OF THE OFFICE ON VACATION. I WILL BE RETURNING TO THE OFFICE MAY 17. Edgar Casasola From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: I will check. Gregory.Klock@sce.com Tuesday, May 28, 2002 6:38 AM Edgar Casasola Yousuf Patanwala RE: Stover Avenue North Side Poles Edgar Casasola <ecasasola@fontan <Gregory.Klock@sce.com> a.org> <ypatanwala@fontana.org> Poles 05/23/02 05:49 PM Hello Greg, To: cc: "Gregory.Klock@sce.com" Yousuf Patanwala Subject: RE: Slover Avenue North Side Thank you for your email response. I greatly appreciate you accommodating the removal of those wood poles. The Contractor is laying approximately 200 lineal feet of sewer main pipe a day. Unfortunately the June 13 date may be a bit too late. Can you have'. the removal of those poles before that date? The earliest you could schedule. According to PacBell, they are to be out of the way by May 30th. The Contractor as part of his contract is required to install temporary pavement on the south side of Stover Ave., re-route the vehicular traffic to the south and k-rails are to be installed at the center of the street. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Edgar Original Message From: Gregory.Klock@sce.com [mailto:Gregory.Klock@sce.com] Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 6:03 PM To: Edgar Casasola Subject: Re: Stover Avenue North Side Poles I will schedule the removal for 06/13/02 Edgar Casasola <ecasasola@fontan (E-mail)" <gregory.klock@sce.com> To: "Gregory. Klock 1 a . org• <ypatanwala@fontana.org> cc: Yous' Patanwala North Side Poles 05/20/02 10:01 AM Subject: Slover Avenue As you know, the sewer contractor continues to show progress in the field.The wood poles on the north side of Slover Avenue continue to be an issue. Again, PacBell in a phone conversation with Larry Snaigal said to me that some of the free standing wood poles do not belong to them. PacBell has never had their lines in some of those poles, cable TV was the last to move out of there. I contacted cable TV, their response was that cable TV leases the pole from Southern California Edison and do not remove pole. At this time I am turning to you for your assistance. Please schedule the removal of thefree standing wood poles which PacBell is saying never having any of their lines on. The pole numbers are as follows: North side 1967548E 967927E pole no # 1967547E 90244E 1883783E PS 383 S 176296E 1714818E 1714804E 1714905E 1768549E 4132456E pole no # of Slover Avenue start at Sierra Ave. free standing, no overhead wires Juniper Ave. PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring Cypress Ave. Oleander Ave. I will be looking forward to your response. Thank you again, I am looking forward in the successful resolution of this issue. Thanks Edgar Edgar Casasola To: Subject: Hello Greg, Gregory.Klock@sce.com RE: Stover Avenue North Side Poles Thank you for your email response. I greatly appreciate you accomodating the removal of those wood poles. The Contractor is laying approximately 200 lineal feet of sewer main pipe a day. Unfortunately the June 13 date may be a bit too late. Can you have the removal of those poles before that date? The earlyeast you could schedule. According to Pacbell, they are to be out of the way by May 30th. The Contractor as part of his contract is required to install temporary pavement on the south side of Stover Ave., re-route the vehicular traffic to the south and k-rails are to be installed at the center of the street. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Edgar Original Message From: Gregory.Klock@sce.com [mailto:Gregory.Klock@sce.com] Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 6:03 PM To: Edgar Casasola Subject: Re: Slover Avenue North Side Poles I will schedule the removal for 06/13/02 Edgar Casasola <ecasasola@fontan <gregory.klock@sce.com> a.org> <ypatanwala@fontana.org> 05/20/02 10:01 AM To: cc: "Gregory. Klock (E-mail)" Yousuf Patanwala Subject: Slover Avenue North Side Poles As,you know, the sewer contractor continues to show progress in the field.The wood poles on the north side of Slover Avenue continue to be an issue. Again, PacBell in a phone conversation with Larry Snaigal said to me that someof the free standing wood poles do not belong to them. PacBell has never had their lines in some of those poles, cable TV was the last to move out of there. I contacted cable TV, their response was that cable TV leases the pole from Southern California Edison and do not remove pole. At this time I am turning to you for your assistance. Please schedule the removal of the free standing wood poles which PacBell is saying never having any of their lines on. The pole numbers are as follows: North side 1967548E 967927E pole no # 1967547E 90244E 1883783E PS 383 S 176296E of Slover Avenue start at Sierra Ave. free standing, no overhead wires II tt II Juniper Ave. PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring Cypress Ave. TV IV 1 1714818E 1714804E 1714905E 1768549E 4132456E Oleander Ave. pole no # I will be looking forward to your response. Thank you again, I am looking forward in the successful resolution of this issue. Thanks Edgar Edgar Casasola From: Sent: To: Subject: Gregory.Klock@sce.com Monday, May 20, 2002 6:03 PM Edgar Casasola Re: Stover Avenue North Side Poles I will schedule the removal for 06/13/02 Edgar Casasola <ecasasola@fontan <gregory.klock@sce.com> a.org> <ypatanwala@fontana.org> 05/20/0210:01 AM To: cc: "Gregory. Klock (E-mail)" Yousuf Patanwala Subject: Stover Avenue North Side Poles As you know, the sewer contractor continues to show progress in the field.The wood poles on the north side of Slover Avenue continue to be an issue. Again, PacBell in a phone conversation with Larry Snaigal said to me that some of,the free standing wood poles do not belong to them. PacBell has never had their lines in some of those poles, cable TV was the last to move out of there. I contacted cable TV, their response was that cable TV leases the pole from Southern California Edison and do not remove pole. At this time I am turning to you for your assistance. Please schedule the removal of the free standing wood poles which PacBell is saying never having any of their lines on. The pole numbers are as follows: North side 1967548E 967927E pole no # 1967547E 90244E 1883783E PS 383 S 176296E 1714818E 1714804E 1714905E 1768549E 4132456E pole no # of Slover Avenue start at Sierra Ave. free standing, no overhead wires II Juniper Ave. PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring PacBell overhead wiring Cypress Ave. Oleander Ave. I will be looking forward to your response. Thank you forward in the successful Thanks Edgar resolution of this issue. 11 again, I am looking 1 Page 1 of 1 Edgar Casasola To: ock@sce.com; gregory.kl Cc: Yousuf Patanwala Subject: Slover Avenue North Side Poles As you know, the sewer contractor continues to show progress in the field.The wood poles on the north side of Stover Avenue continue to be an issue. Again, PacBell in a phone conversation with Larry Snaigal said to me that some of the free standing wood poles do not belong to them. PacBell has never had their lines in some of those poles, cable TV was the last to move out of there. I contacted cable TV, their response was that cable TV leases the pole from Southern California Edison and do not remove pole. At this time I am turning to you for your assistance. Please schedule the removal of the free standing wood poles which PacBell is saying never having any of their lines on. The pole numbers are as follows: North side of Slover Avenue start at Sierra Ave. 1967548E free standing, no overhead wires 967927E " " " " Juniper Ave. pole no # PacBell overhead wiring 1967547E PacBell overhead wiring 90244E PacBell overhead wiring 1883783E PS 383 S 176296E PacBell overhead wiring Cypress Ave. 1714818E 1714804E 1714905E 1768549E 4132456E Oleander Ave. pole no # I will be looking forward to your response. Thank you again, I am looking forward in the successful resolution of this issue. Thanks Edgar 5/20/02 Edgar Casasola From: Edgar Casasola Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:34 PM To: 'Gregory.Klock@sce.com' Cc: Yousuf Patanwala Subject: RE: Stover Poles Greg, The PacBell contact I have is Larry Snell his phone No. is (714) 666-5500 His e-mail No. is 1s1649@msg.pacbell.com Original Message From: Gregory.Klock@sce.com [mailto:Gregory.Klock@sce.com] Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:25 PM To: Edgar Casasola Subject: RE: Stover Poles Please give the contact name for Pacbel. Edgar Casasola <ecasasola@fontan To: <Gregory.Klock@sce.com> a.org> cc: <ypatanwala@fontana.org> 05/16/02 11:27 AM Hello Greg, "'Gregory.Klock@sce.com'" Yousuf Patanwala Subject: RE: Slover Poles Thank you for your response. This morning I along with the City's Resident Engineer and the inspector met with two of PacBell's crew representatives. They identified 7 of the existing wood poles on the north side to belong to PacBell, yet the other 7 poles are free standing with no overhead wires on them. The two PacBell gentlemen said that cable was the last to move their overhead lines and that those 7 free standing poles did not belong to PacBell. It sounds like one utility company points the finger to the other. I am not sure what role the cable company plays in this matter, Could you let me know if the cable company has responsibility of removing wood poles? Is there a way that you could provide the City some assistance as to touch basis with PacBell's contact person. I will make sure to mention PacBell the JPA #. As you know the City sewer contractor is very close to reach the first wood pole on the north side of Slover. Thanks, Edgar Original Message From: Gregory Klock@sce.com [mailto:Gregory.Klock@sce.com] Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:06 AM To: ecasasola@fontana.org Subject: Slover Poles 1 Edgar, - Those poles were relocated on Edison work order 6130-6702 0-6705 The JPA # is E6030-6689 this JPA states that the phone company will be removing the poles. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Thanks Greg Edgar Casasola From: Gregory.Klock@sce.com Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 1:25 PM To: Edgar Casasola Subject: RE: Stover Poles Please give the contact name for Pacbel. Edgar Casasola <ecasasola@fontan To: "Gregory.Klock@sce.com " <Gregory.Klock@sce.com> a.org> cc: Yousuf Patanwala <ypatanwala@fontana.org> Subject: RE: Stover Poles 05/16/02 11:27 AM Hello Greg, Thank you for your response. This morning I along with the City's Resident Engineer and the inspector met with two of PacBell's crew representatives. They identified 7 of the existing wood poles on the north side to belong to PacBell, yet the other 7 poles are free standing with no overhead wires on them. The two PacBell gentlemen said that cable was the last to move their overhead lines and that those 7 free standing poles did not belong to PacBell. It sounds like one utility company points the finger to the other. I am not sure what role the cable company plays in this matter, Could you let me know if the cable company has responsibility of removing wood poles? Is there a way that you could provide the City some assistance as to touch basis with PacBell's contact person. I will make sure to mention PacBell the JPA #. As you know the City sewer contractor is very close to reach the first wood pole on the north side of Stover. Thanks, Edgar Original Message From: Gregory.Klock@sce.com [mailto:Gregory.Klock@sce.com] Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:06 AM To: ecasasola@fontana.org Subject: Stover Poles Edgar, Those poles were relocated on Edison work order 6130-6702 0-6705 The JPA # is E6030-6689 this JPA states that the phone company will be removing the poles. • If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Thanks Greg Edgar Casasola From: Edgar Casasola Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 12:05 PM To: 'Is1649@msg.pacbell.com' Cc: Yousuf Patanwala Subject: FW: Stover Poles Larry, I am e-mailing to you Southern California Edison response to my previous e-mail in which a JPN # was issued and such # is "JPN # E6030-6689" my understanding of this is that the phone company will be removing all existing wood poles on the north side of Stover Avenue. Thanks, Edgar Casasola Original Message From: Gregory.Klock@sce.com [mailto:Gregory.Klock@sce.com] Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:06 AM To: ecasasola@fontana.org Subject: Stover Poles Edgar, Those poles were relocated on Edison work order 6130-6702 0-6705 The JPA # is E6030-6689 this JPA states that the phone company will be removing the poles. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Thanks Greg 1 • • Edgar Casasola From: Edgar Casasola Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:28 AM To: 'Gregory.Klock@sce.com' Cc: Yousuf Patanwala Subject: RE: Stover Poles Hello Greg, Thank you for your response. This morning I along with the City's Resident Engineer and the inspector met with two of PacBell's crew representatives. They identified 7 of the existing wood poles on the north side to belong to PacBell, yet the other 7 poles are free standing with no overhead wires on them. The two PacBell gentlemen said that cable was the last to move their overhead lines and that those 7 free standing poles did not belong to PacBell. It sounds like one utility company points the finger to the other. I am not sure what role the cable company plays in this matter, Could you let me know if the cable company has responsibility of removing wood poles? Is there a way that you could provide the City some assistance as to touch basis with PacBell's contact person. I will make sure to mention PacBell the JPA #. As you know the City sewer contractor is very close to reach the first wood pole on the north side of Stover. Thanks, Edgar Original Message From: Gregory.Klock@sce.com [mailto:Gregory.Klock@sce.com] Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:06 AM To: ecasasola@fontana.org Subject: Stover Poles Edgar, Those poles were relocated on Edison work order 6130-6702 0-6705 The JPA # is E6030-6689 this JPA states that the phone company will be removing the poles. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Thanks Greg 1 Edgar Casasola From: Gregory.Klock@sce.com Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:06 AM To: ecasasola@fontana.org Subject: Stover Poles Edgar, Those poles were relocated on Edison work order 6130-6702 0-6705 The JPA # is E6030-6689 this JPA states that the phone company will be removing the poles. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Thanks Greg Post -it® Fax Note 7671 Dates/,7 O pag s® - ( To /„ N % - ��( From � t�li� Cpsagol e% Co. �' Gt% fig=^ �" cm/-a�vt g Co. Dept. �40 n z�i PhP eo�1 737— 90 Ph �/ 3Jb GS 14 Q..�7-©2a2- /CQO Flo J3SO-6la1.8 • • Page 1 of 1 Edgar Casasola From: Edgar Casasola Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 10:42 AM To: 'Is1649@msg.pacbell.com' Cc: Yousuf Patanwala Subject: Stover Ave. PacBell poles Hello Larry, This morning I along with Steve Nix, who is the Resident Engineer and our field inspector for this project met with two of PacBell's crew members who came to Stover Avenue job site to assess the existing wood poles on the north side. The two PacBell's representatives found that 7 of the 14 existing wood poles belong to PacBell. The poles had PacBell overhead wiring servicing some of the existing homes. The other 7 wood poles are free standing with no overhead wiring, I am in communication with Southern California Edison to determine who is responsible for the removal of those poles. As you may be aware, the City's sewer contractor is getting closer to the location of these wood poles. Both sides of the street are as equally important for the wood poles to be removed. The contractor as part of the contract shall install temporary pavement on the Southside so that the vehicular traffic could be redirected to the south side of the street and k-rails will be installed along the centerline of the street. At the rate the sewer contractor is advancing, the contractor will be reaching the location of the first wood pole sometime early next week. It is imperative that those wood poles be removed now. I thank you in advance for your assistance in your collaborated effort toward the success of this project. 5/16/02 Page 1 of 1 Edgar Casasola From: Edgar Casasola Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 2:40 PM To: 'gregory.klock@sce.com' Cc: Yousuf Patanwala Subject: Stover Ave. North Side wood power Poles Hello Greg, This is a follow up to our phone conversation of this morning. There are 14 each existing wood poles on the north side of Stover Avenue, which are in line where the trench for the installation of the City sewer main project currently under construction. The pole numbers are as follows, starting from Sierra Ave. going west on Stover: North Side of Stover Pole Numbers Start at Sierra Ave. 1967548E 967927E Juniper Ave. pole no # 1967547E 90244E 1883783E PS 383 S 176296E Cypress Ave. 1714818E 1714804E 1714905E 1768549E 4132456E Oleander pole no # Pletse note that the construction of the main line on Stover Avenue began at the intersection with Poplar Avenue going easterly and is approaching Citrus Avenue soon. Thank you in advance. Any assistance that you could provide to the City for the successful completion of this project. I look forward in hearing from you soon. 5/15/02 P. 1 TRANSM I SS I ON REPORT Account Name : DESTINATION : 918008458245 DEST. NUMBER : 918008458245 F CODE IANZAGES ESULT : 3 sheets : OK Fax To: US CENSUS BUREAU ATTN: ANN JEREAU (WED) MAY 29 2002 10:39 MINOLTA DOCUMENT# TIME STORED TIME SENT DURATION MODE 6307179-380 MAY 29 10:36 MAY 29 10:37 1min, 59sec ECM City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-1-800-845-8245 Date: May 29, 2002 Phone: 9-1-800-845-8246 Pages: 3 To: US CENSUS BUREAU ATTN: ANN JEREAU of Fontana ;a °ngineerin Division ipecial Projects ..670 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-1-800-845-8245 Date: May 29, 2002 Phone: 9-1-800-845-8246 Pages: 3 Re: FORM C-700(SL) SLOVER AVENUE CC: SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (SB6701) 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle Comments: ORIGINAL WILL BE MAILED 4154353, 200 In any correspondence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. OMB No. 0607-0153: Applkxpires 04/30/2004 pnEfi ent( yearpf�'c1 b expect d Start'__2, )F"',CO TR: ' ;.Ce.''j'Q T.,O %;DESCRIBED INITEM:-1h MAR 2002 DUE DATE: MAY 18, 2002 20l East 1Qtk Street" offe'soiivlllet;I $471$2-OO9' DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200202 1012 18.04 74 1315 06 3 1 4154353 9 CITY OF FONTANA C/O 3RT—W.DA 8737 IIDLMO AV72 RANCHO CUCAiSONOA L2 ss INC . jou u F PATiu4 W ALA 9353 StGR.?A QVCKUG FOKTi4NA 1C4 C/2335-35Z8 CA 01730 SS33 ets(04S 0 FAX (06)3)0 — bel I efPHONE (909) )003714 (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) �,PROJEGT:IDENTIFIG/�T,lONr v ,�;% The g0:0tr001:911, proleotAeseribeclC'910;v .rs as00.00: ed.ityivo, tl n14.et rtaceoed g to pubhshddsourcesDlease egorregt *ny Item Tao R silo .4 as a separate sheet IFyl OIt HAV AN701 ::; CONCERNINGnTHI$:FORM;: PLEASE; CA14,1 80.0`=$468240 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SLOVER AVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (SB6701) 2. PROJECT LOCATION SLOVER AVE FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA Q.WNERSHIPi,AND'START DATE, Is this project ❑ State Government or Agency 0 Privately -owned OR Owned by: 0 Federal Government or Agency Luca; Government or Agency 0 .NTHt YCON. .SR`'x f tEl� This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. ATE OF CONSTRUCTION actual construction Work or'when do you estimate'; 'ST,ESTIMAT S.preparatii: and roadways. OR HE/�d�s�N'ON§l1lLO1�1G rpROJE�'t�<` ;ES?ECI�►f,YtNSTFlOCTIONS,ON BAOK 1,012 ,000.00 SCELIANEO.US s $ ,000.00 a 130 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. R HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS cfdition:to;a b'"a d`` :.co a, h g natruct.vn: � UDES ix dworks-' such as power plants Rams; 'ids;,teservoirs,and'aeviro, rt Waterfacgittes sr' a:S,>�'� .,.�,14 t: aC_ine ande iiimeijf-Vvhiel ,et ',into r h, art` 9 e fabricated equipment EXCL,I DE:`Movaijle`niachinery;and'equipment w arieaiot;ietegralspsrte:.PfstF;uotures,•,'AI'Spr,for;power:; generation plants exclude primary owerprod1j in,! :reach ner'such,ae genr<ratgrsr-r. ectors;'and..stearn; 10. REMARKS tem Sse Estiriafe the total"amountae Ps dto. co.nstr-uctioit°contractorsl,?': by'the:proiect gwner;for work,;.`' .' d iteOt thiepretect:� &;1> I.w., Item 5b,`;� Est mete th:e`totaicost`of�labd'' b •the"owner's` a,,.�..,, C y. ;cotlst!uctio.n;;erlipioyeeoi'working'on:;theprojeot irjcfuding;` supervisorypersonnel;a$signed:'to the, project:: Include the' otal; cosh.itfiall, constr,.uctior!s„rnaterjals. stuppli'ed by the, ow ier61ncluding`th'00#1e'9'ner:eXpe$t$ t0 updiY',to z,°of ntractor:fort,nstallatlonproject ' It011J', $41- t` fval.ji'es:rep`ottetl inAte iris`Oa and':5b7 This. is the:value°;;to°be reported, in,item:;8; monthlywatuei". of construction: puf`i i i?laae:. ` li�em fi'= • Estimate Op, ' total amount of fees"whLch: the ,,,, tirojectowner;ha,s paid`.or.will pay to'architeotureCand`.^> engineering. firmsforwork`on:thisproject Atso'estimate: total, cost of; all. other construction: items which the project owner!': Wilf allocate on, his books'to ibis:Project Include ;the prejecf'owner, e. overhead and;; office costs, the co4..4f:des1gn:W3rk; by the pwnor"s;;staff;':.atid others: M rrtiscellahedue-Canstructiori-fees and;cests:allocated the owner's;;books, PO NOT incJ(idethe cost of :movable;' ° machineryand; equiprneriQiend;"and; furniture ,fprnlshings:::If,book, figures ;are, hot, available`;%reasonable:,•i este'm,`ates are• 8Ccepteble, , Section E 'MONTHLY. CONSTRUCTION" r:;PRGGRE•S,S:REPORT a`.:•w:: Item8 Reporf.the"monthly:vafue ijf constrijctiorr=•put place for:'the costs., associated Vowith item,5c:uThese'costs r `n*' include: :' �` d`on ` rkeyli"``ci5nfraCtois acid/or'siubcgrtttactors Oncluding;any'retainago being; withheld'urytil>the,'work'ie.: corimplete>, .. li;y1he-coat of any'ipatsr ally nstallecl which'were'iaro"vided: c r:T he'..work done lby"the prroject-bwnet'S'dwrt Construction employees;ilnelud,ing;supervisory.pereennel ,assigned O thjs'project a p;, r: ". nitialiy;; reportmonthlyy-Yalues'fror tf1e,'start'h onti'hto' the,most current month shown'in"item' 8.: Then, each'..,; m.onih ,whentfiefofrxr`is,returr}'ed-to you report''forths' `* W month`;shownanti any .revisions whlcti'>you might have her entering ;;r> onth.ly:data}`:tse`sure;tosreport;#he'.cds#s, herr•'t'•,l. in tiiiritb w in hich�the;workwas donerather than in the h'inont ',iriwhlch-payment�was made, e; tr t on ac r. r` t o "s. s e, pe.tod .other,th'an,,riionthli estimate a;bmonthiy;;amountrn;eacI rnonth;where there is`. nek Gotistruction, enter a zero fr' t f';co I constructiori`is corn ` fit `1.>. p eezcept,far'some`1`" minorwork;(upto=3 percerit�of iteni'„5 t:yquln ay:stop reporting on this project hbyindicatingrin item;cl0:{, Remarks, and entering te compietlork da#e;in �tetn:9,x, , " ... _.. _ `Y",:..i.2¢°a,F.:",: ;':'�•. . <i _F__ _ 1 .1k SN-,,.ram ,. PERSON .TOCGNtACTREGARDI h.TIIIs REPORT �rii 11:�Eriterthe� riatti'e;;itfe;`,ai t;rr.uCtit erof,the.person-Who:oet otitth is'reporC- Section F 11a. Name PEE;$.QI CQJ b011ALD Ccbut_A GAR fig RE,pGfi„ :x.P s btR Yr b. Title CG511L NT PR©,Iscr CAO¢OI WAToR c. Telephone Area code 350 Number n(03L Extension d. Organization ON OFlZ! A FORM C-700(SL) 14-23.2001) e. Address 95s3 50E264 ILA. row:ft/4,1CA g233S-317.8 f. Fax Area code 3So Number f�616 ,4154353, 00 200 OMB No. 0607-0153: AppeExpires 04/30/2004 In any correspondence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. DUE DATE: MAY 18, 2002 DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200202 1012 18.04 74 1315 06 3 1 4154353 9 L2 CITY OF FONTANA C/O .DA . y0U5uF PATdMWALA 8353 SIGMA /Wattle FbW4NA ices g2335-35Z8 i mielfe CUEYMONOA CA 91739 4533 Cr,G4S qOg 3so-aaqRr vy cast rvin;QLreei.e? r jffarsonviIIe IN 47 E3� ;0OO1 ' .., ., FAX ( )3SO- i0(7IS PHONE (909) 989 3714 $(i17 gas 82AR F ' 3 (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) IOJECTN,,IDENTIFICATIO�,r net*uction pje roct describer) below is3assoeiated wi hyoyp Eam��tlgn alepordmg to priblisbdd sources ,Pleacolrec se rY y errors In anx Blank% in:items 1 :004L If in0f esowy :make ypile:00000,ops;' 'CONCERR'NINGTHISFORM=PLEASE'.CALL1 800t845."8246,,;,,,';,,a.., E:+ item 10 „ eertY rk a sleon uase sepae. ratsheet IFligt6 HA1/EANY QilEST10 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SLOVER AVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (S86701) utirnifee. 0 2. PROJECT LOCATION SLOVER AVE FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA Section B 4OW1NERSHIP ,AND START DATE: TYF+I_ OF t ININ ER$111. ,'*ark,.(%�) Is this project 0 State Government or Agency 0 Privately -owned OR Owned by: 0 Federal Government or Agency Luoai Government or Agency NTklf»X co NSTRUPX1 3RESS ROT C Fie This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed. teportthe v iueof ad'nstrrrrction, putfistsn place each i hclude only those Construction codefined in ite )0,NOT inlud•te'costs reported in iteir) 6. • (eport costs in the month in which:,wotk was dorje including any monthly reta11nape being withheld turn contractors) rathher th,ar) in the,month in whirl )aymfntw s ace i s g .ax Vheft otoject. coy plet d eitYer month and year;in it TART RATE OF CONSTRUCTIO endid actual constr:uctrpn work on,;tl e.start, or when do,you estimate,it wi art' Enterlrl)nntn and,Yaar. `; , : . Section C CCU. F,COST ESTIMATE nstructlon OR HEAUX NONBIJI p11NG P[IOJ EE SPECIAL I1u.STRt1CTIONS9N B onthand year of actua or:expected,atart date.,; MAR 2002 hioNTHL VALU or'ccr T rtCT: PUTIN PLACE ON PROJrCT,DESCRIBED IN ITEM 1 !Me ,of construction put (11.01:a0ktliiriniqjrnori0v as defined in Item 5c Thousands of dollar)' 130 ,000.00 0 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,0oo.00 0 • ,000.00 1,012 ,000.00 CONE.0 `u ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 $ ,000.00 NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. Itor !'i5o"'EsttilnaYe'the.totaramount:tolhe plaid to :, Construction coritiactorsbyGthe:project:.ownerfor work done.t?:.this:;pro ect^.;>,E; Iteitii..5b - Es'tirr.iate:the 't tal'cost `of'Iahot'bythe'"owner's y� cot1structiarremployees"working on; the project including;: supe!'visory, personhej"assignedto the.,ptoject:'fnclude the; feta! :cost.Cif:ail,constt,uetidrt materialssupphhad lij ttie,-,;f owrJner,?iricludirig those the oylr'Or,e,cpo s ects tuppj(y to:the` r ghtraCtoC fqr installat>dn �n this project „� �� 1f Item c'�rS.uiti d€valaea:repo ted in -it ti?s 00(1.5b;"'`-' Th ale thesvalue`to.b"ereported;in.,item S'plorjthly;value.: of cgristrugtion grit in p a.ce:: ;> ; i.#emn6-'Estimate'the;tptal amount of fees whjoh the ` ^ projectoWnet;has pajdcir wilt payto,architectural,and h eng,meering.firms forwork on.:this.projegt,:Afso estimate the• totar,cost;of. aIlr,,other construction Items which. the „„ project owner:wili.,allocate:onhis books to this project lr!.elude "the project'.owri,ers:;overtiead and, offiFe;costs, the cost:of:design.` work by. the£.owii'i:'r's;:staff;earla':other;° , ;,,,,, miscellaneous constructiorrfees'and;costs'allocated the%own ner's'T, i ;books;• 00 NOT 'm :'the cost:of;ovable., machinery:and; equipmerit,,fand;:;aiid fur.riiture and'=,":; ; , :, fu"rnishingS..lf,.bookfigures,are;not<available,reasoriable ,. estrrnates are acceptable;" ►. Section-R'- MONTHLY CONSYRtJCT1011�'= PROGRESS REPORT;; x~j: m is ..1 8`�Repo:rtthe'.monthly.v;t1 Eie'$fco`nsfructior#\,..n place for'.' the' costs associated with itern;So These costs%'; f> : Include: <'a.' iotk rloti'a by ciint'ractors and%ar s ubconttactors : including-an,"jr;:reta`inage..being; withheld:urltil.theework is complete y.: t.::Tfie cost of•any;materials,insfalled;which,were'pa4iided *' Q,YThie., orkrJone l�y'the project ouvier's,tiwpcorstructign erriployeee>ancluding supervignry'•persoirnel'assigned o;thia:prolect:��; ;;;. lit ally;` report o1"l `;?u;„.:., , • , p , fr?. nttj y:va)ues f`r`om'the'start onth to the::moat curre'rjt m,onthhshowri..'inritem'$.; h.en'each' "" ;r`nonth;:.when tjie form;is,returited ta:Vpvgt Odifforthy` ,month..;shown;and,any;revisions,whicltyOti.,09ht. have: When entering. monthly data, ,he;sure fo-repor`t,the.a {sts, ° .,:inthe'month in whuch the work was; done,rather than'iri the ;montktin:;wirhich"payment.,was made Ifahe cdntragtor's,bi1!S aia`,fpi''sr ods`'gtlier.-'thaul.mgnthly estimate a morithly;amofirit ;Irt;:eacI ri cinfh wherothere' )s ; : ; cotstruCtion entera'zero Ctem 9. =If con:structiori'is cprtiplete ezcept;;f,itsome`` minor•work-(upto3 15ercent'icitite17i',5c) :yn.u',may"stop reporting: on th s'.project by indicating'it>:item;;1,0 Remarks'and entering the cornpletiuri:date �'i ;itetii 9 ' EXCLUDE: Mo'ablgral='partsemachinery„and equiprnentwhic aYe`:Crot inteof stkudtur,`e's1:'Als,p', or,;power;„ s ,, ger eratioi .:: pla:nts,,eSicctde primary; powefr producing .machiieyrt! such°`as 9er1?rat?;Cs, l;actiirs and,;tearri 10. REMARKS Section F 11a. Name RS,,pRI G014T R GAR[ IItf01. t'FIIS 11E.C't7. iTw= t'I,kas 0 b. Title cokitualurr pRoiscr c. Telephone Area code 350 Number nb3L Extension d. Organization ON OF Iouz , FORM C-700(SL) 14-23.2001) e. Address 8353 S« ispvG• 1t4cu4, 0% 923)S-3SZ6 f. Fax Area code 3So Number h618 C-700-L2 (8-2001) 40EK7 OP 004,, c2 vQ S 47Es of UNITED STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. Census Bureau Washington, DC 20233-0001 FROM THE MANUFACTURING AND CONSTRUCTION DIVISION U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Thank you for your reply to us on the "Construction Project Report" (Form C-700, C-700(F), C-700(R), or C-700(SL)). We are now returning this form to you to report the value of construction put in place for the preceding month. We will send a copy of this form to you each month containing all of the information previously provided, including revisions, until the project is completed. The instructions for completion and the definitions of terms are on the reverse side of the form. Please keep your file copy up to date so that you will have a record of the entries you have made on the original copy, which you return to us. If actual figures are not available by 7 days after you receive this form, your best estimates are acceptable. If you wish to correct any entry, please line out, do not erase, the previous entry and enter the revision. Space is provided in the "Remarks" item for clarification, if necessary. Thank you. Sincerely, aams •R , Atexh WILLIAM G. BOSTIC JR. Chief, Manufacturing and Construction Division U.S. Census Bureau Enclosures USCENSUSBUREAU Helping You Make Informed Decisions www.census.gov To: Stephen Sharkarian x o of.,Fontana gingering Divisic eci al Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-1-858-487-1048 Date: April 23, 2002 Phone: 9-1-858-451-3360 Pages: 2 Re: Stover Ave. Sewer Const. Schedule CC: 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle Comments: City of Fontana Califomia 1000 1010 1020 1030 Re -Strip & Install Stop Signs 1040 12" Main -Popular Ave to Citrus Ave 1050 Sec. 1 - North Larls & 8" Lines 1060 Test Popular to Citrus Se &s 1070 17 Main - Citrus Ave to Cypress Ave 1080 Sec. 2 - North tarts & 8" Lines 1090 Test Citrus to Cypress Section 11 0 15" Main - Cypress Ave to Sierra Ave Albert W. Davies, Inc. Notice to Proceed Construct South Laterals &8' Lines Pave Souther Portion of StoverAvenue Sec. 3 - North Lams & 8' Lines 1 Test Cypress to Sierra Section Notice to Proceed Construct South Laterals & 8' lines Pave Souther Portion of Stover Avenue ReStdp & Install Stop Signs : 12' Main - Popular Ave to Citrus Ave Sec.1 - North tarts & 8' tines Test Popular to Citrus Section Main- Citrus Ave to Cypress Ave Sec. 2 - North Lat'Is & 8' Lines Test Citrus to Cypress Section 15Main-Cypress Ave to Siena Ave . Sec. 3 - North Loris & 8' Lines Test Cypress to Siena Section Start date O5MAR02 Finish date 10JUL02 Data date 05MAR02 Run date 21APRO2 Page number 1A ® Primavera Systems, Inc. Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Popular Aveune to Sierra Avenue ® Early bar ® Progress bar ® Critical bar - Summary bar ® Start milestone point ® - Finish milestone point TRANSMISSION REPORT Account Name : DESTINATION : 918584871048 DEST. NUMBER : 918584871048 F CODE PAGES : 2 sheets RESULT : OK P. 1 (TUE) APR 23 2002 8:48 MINOLTA DOCUMENT# : 6307179-116 TIME STORED : APR 23 8:47 TIME SENT : APR 23 8:48 DURATION : 21sec MODE : ECM • City of Fontana CALIFORNIA • RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION By C.e7s t QUarrz5 (City Employee) Subject 1r%.;v% Go veyrAcb , (Akin (&4e . Individual T3aUe Organization �- • •: t�• Date . 4-1 i 'i Phone _N.o:,;...t7- 02a0:. Items Discussed 5 : tO �Ce� �,� „: . t i..,.h ,t7 hn a x r 0�- +h . Fro bl ews.... frreY64,-- EnA. s4-T 6-e s :alums Lock, Irrts nry p-0 -e.vr s k`cx -e 0t- ht► 5. . CtiJcSr �•ese cdeA h e- vAi s d; a0 6'.OQ � ;i f e ` W1 P�7i v�0 . arrived -6 tA � I al- (3`7 nr (i Will b, ire.. i ce �ra�w� 1 rr ,� Lvesrk.. . Comments or Action Required t 5 `. T>chs c_ta 50,eci, e52, Sa IN2e P SS UAS tAl ('.1)4.. 13. A-rci r.P,tom--hes i a. i in a -Hw\el 1n co✓A Or he t.�at-c.�ci ..6�'� k pizn r a.�k�p work.. Ge-lAer 1 Ye, sut.c. Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document Was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana '' Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350.7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Tor' Sher From Don Gdula Fax: 9-1-323-563-8926 Dater February 28, 2002 Phoney 9-1.323-$68.1850 Page. 7 Iter SwverAve.Sewer Bonds CC 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Florio Comment DI Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: 7 Total Pages Confirmed 7' 2-28-02; 3:59PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 454 913235639926 2-28-02; 3:55PM 4'OC" 7/ 7 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll' RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer 0 PI !!II t • BOND NO..: 8549608 PAYMENT BOND PREMIUM : $ 7 , 7 8 6.. 0 0 (CALIFORNIA PUBLIC WORK) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EXECUTED IN TRIPLIC• SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WHEREAS, the CITY OF FONTANA (sometimes referred to hereinafter as "Obligee") has awarded to . ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. (Hereinafter designated as the "Contractor"), an agreement dated, described as follows: All traffic controlincluding furnishing and installing all arrow boards, barricades, signs, delineators, and flagmen; all utility location and verification; excavating, exposing, and verifying top, bottom, and side of utility facility; all pavement removal and disposal; all earthwork, including trenching, shoring, dewatering, bedding, backfilling, including select imported material or select native material and compacting; furnishing and installing all sewer and appurtenances; testing all sewer and appurtenances; connecting to existing sewers, protecting in place or removing and replacing all existing improvements; removing and replacing all Portland Cement Concrete; replacing destroyed survey monuments; disposing of excess soil and rook material and restoring all areas and improvements to pre -construction conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"); and WHEREAS, said Contractor is required to furnish a bond in connection with said Contract, and pursuant to Section 3247 of the California Civil Code; NOW, THEREFORE, We, ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. , the undersigned Contractor, as Principal; and FIDELITY & DEPOSIT*, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of MARYLAND , and duly authorized to transact business under the laws of the State of CALIFORNIA , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the CITY and to any and all persons, companies or corporations entitled to file stop notices under ONE MILLION TWELVE THOUSAND, Section 3181 of the California Civil Code, in the sum of • TURFF Hu nR :n PORTY T NO / 1 0 0 Dollars (Sl , 012 , 3 4 0.0 0 * * * ), said sum being not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount payable by the said OBLIGEE under the terms of the said Contract, for which payment will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that, if said Contractor, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, or Subcontractors; shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions or other supplies, implements, machinery or power used in, upon for or about the performance of the Public Work contracted to be done, or to pay any person for any work or labor of any kind, or for bestowing skills or other necessary services thereon, or for amounts *COMPANYOF MARYLAND (Page 1 of 4) CA-8 • • A A 01 i due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work or labor, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department from the wages of employees of paid Contractor and his Subcontractors pursuant to Section 13020 of the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect 'to such work and labor as required by the provisions of Section 3247 through 3252 of the Civil Code, the Surety or Sureties hereon will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, otherwise the above obligation shall be void. In addition to the provisions herein above, it is agreed that this bond will inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to serve stop notices under Section 3181 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the said Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the Specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work or to the Specifications. No final settlement between the OBLIGEE and the Contractor hereunder shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder, whose claim may be unsatisfied. Contractor and Surety agree that if the OBLIGEE is required to engage the services of an attorney in connection with the enforcement of this bond, each shall pay OBLIGEE'S reasonable attorney's fees incurred, with or without suit, in addition to the above sum. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 2NDday of JANUARY 20 02. PRINCIPAL/CONTRACTOR: ALBERT W. .DAVIES,. INC.. By --ZA-2-/OGC/0 SURETY: FIDELITY. & DEPOSIT. COMPANY. OF MARYLAND By: /A Attorney -in Fat DWIGHT REILLY (Page 2 of 4) CA-9 • • IMPORTANT: Surety companies executing bonds must possess a certificate of authority from the California Insurance Commissioner authorizing them to write surety insurance defined in Section 105 of the California Insurance Code, and if the work or project is financed, in whole or in part, with federal, grant or loan funds, it must also appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570 as amended). THIS IS A REQUIRED FORM. Any claims under this bond may be addressed to: (Name and Address of Surety) .FIDELITY AND. DEPOSIT COMPANY OF 'MARYLAND .225 SOUTH LAKE. AVENUE,. SUITE.700 PASADENA., CA 9.11.01 (Name and Address of Agent CROSBY INSURANCE, INC. Or Representative for 60 EAST. NINTH STREET Service of process in California if different From above) UPLAND, • CA 91786 (Telephone Number and FAX 626 r 7.9 2-2 311 i 626--795—,5748 Number of Surety and Agent Or Representative for service 9 0 9 -- g 2 0- 5 811 9 0 9— 9 81— 9 3 8 5 Of process in California) (Page 3 of 4) CA-10 AIL -PURPOSE ACKNOWLRGMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN . BERNARDINO ) On.•.JAN. 2, 2002 before me, -CLAUDETTE •.N. ,MARTIN, NOTARY PUBLIC DATE NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER 1 Personally appeared DWIGHT. REILLY,' ATTORNEY —IN —FACT A NAME (S) OF SIGNER (S) [1CX] Personally known to me -OR- [ ] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person( whose name() is/asubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me than he/Mtelitow executed the same in his/i X t authorized capacity(, and that by his/MY/Mar signature) on the instrument the person(X), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(), acted, executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY CLAUDETTE N. MARTIN CLAUDETTE N. MARTIN z . COMM. #1177936 NOTARY PUBLIC -CAUFORNIA S AN BERNARDINO COUNTY p *****************M+**omn, Exp. M******ems*20****4* NOTE: A copy of the Power of Attorney to local representatives of the bonding company must be attached hereto. (Page 4 of 4) CA-11 Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND HOME OFFICE: P.O. BOX 1227, BALTIMORE, MD 21203-1227 Know ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, a corporation of the State of Maryland, by W. B. WALBRECHER, Vice -President, and T. E. SMITH, Assistant Secretary, in pursuance of authority granted by Article V1, Section 2, of the By -Laws of said Company, which are set forth on the reverse side hereof and are hereby certified to be in full:: and eff�-' 44 the date hereof, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Dwight REILLY, of Upland, Cal' ►. • , its trip�• 'L'.` awful agent and Attorney -in -Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as sur- �' s as its .��►:�' deed: any and all bonds and undertakings and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in p �. • ce of the.Q�: ents, shall be•as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if t ��; : d been ecuted and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Baltimo �;��' ., in the' proper persons. This power of attorney revokes that issued on behalf of Dwight REILLY, dated Ma �� , 995. eb; ify that t14 ompany °c e-Preside (� FIDELI The said Assistant Secretary does her Article VI, Section 2, of the By -Laws of �k, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said affixed the Corporate Seal of the October, A.D. 1998. O ATTEST: FIDELIT AND tract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of s now in force. Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and D DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, this 15th day of OSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND T. E. SmithI State of Maryland Ss: County of Baltimore Assistant Secretary By: W. B. Walbrecher Vice -President On this 15th day of October, A.D. 1998, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came W. B. Walbrecher, Vice -President and T. E. Smith, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, and that the said Corporate Seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. CarolJ. Fa My Commissi Notary Public Expires: August 1, 2000 L1428-012-8798 • • f� EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND "Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice -President, or any of the Senior Vice -Presidents or Vice -Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice -Presidents, Assistant Vice -Presidents and Attorneys -in -Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to . execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages,...and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, do hereby certify that the original Power of Attorney of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the Vice -President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice -Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney -in -Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the By -Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT .COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the l 0th day of May, 1990. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice -President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seal of the said Company, this 2ND day of JANUARY 2002 Assistant Secretary i� y it I I� CITY OF FONTANA TT ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 909-350-7632 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Project: Slover Ave.Sewer from Poplar Ave. to Sierra Ave. Date: February 26, 2002 TO: David A. Boyle Engineering 2076 S. Grand Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 ATTN:David Boyle We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under seperate cover via The following item(s) : -( ) Drawing (X) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 2/26/02 Drawing No. 2962 Sht. 10 Slover Ave. Sewer Purpose: ( ) For,your information/records ( ) For approval ( ) Approved as submitted (X) For your use ( ) Approved as noted ( ) As requested ( ) For review and comment ( ) Returned for corrections ( ) Other ( ) For bid due: , 2000 ( ) Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: Cindy Debaun's sewer contractor doesn't think the main line sewer in Slover is deep enough for your plan to work. But without any elevations on your plan we can't tell. Can you provide a plan with elevations so we can construct the laterals to the proper elevation. Please ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution Return corrected prints Other ( ) ( ) Copy to: Signed: Donald Gdula Date: February 26, 2002 CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DIVISION SPECIAL PROJECTS MEMORANDUM TO: Linda Nunn Deputy City Clerk FROM: Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator SUBJECT: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Bid No. SB-67-01 Executed Contract Documents DATE: February 6, 2002 Enclosed for your records is one fully executed original Contract Document Performance, and Labor and Materials Bonds for the above - mentioned project. 2. Also enclosed are the original twenty-three (23) bid documents submitted for this project which can now be released back to the respective bidders. Please call if you have any questions, at 909-350-7632 Greenbook 2000 163 fittings- ith smooth interior liner, annular corrugations, and bell -and -spigot joints shalhcsnform=tocell classification 2442,0C or higher and the State of California Departm -o ran tion Standard 207-18.2 Reworked Material 1._I - lieu=of virgin PE, clean reworked material may be used by the -me ':. manufacturer, provided that;ets the cell classifi anion. 207-18.3 Installar`tion and Field Inspection. Pipe and fittings be decordance with 306-1.2.13. Backfill for E pipe shall conform to 306-1.3. Field inspection shall conform to 306= 12. 20- =18.4 Measurement and Payment. Measurement and payment shall conform to 3 207-19 POLYETHYLENE (PE) SOLID WALL PIPE. 207-19.1 General. Polyethylene (PE) plastic solid wall pipe and liner for use in gravity flow sanitary sewers, storm drains, and house connection sewers shall comply with ASTM D 3350 or ASTM F 714. Unless otherwise indicated, pipe shall conform to SDR 21. Fittings shall comply with ASTM D 2683 or D 3261. 207-19.2 Material Composition. Pipe and fittings shall be made from PE resins complying with ASTM D 1248, Type III, Class C, Category 5, Grade P34, and ASTM D 3350, and which shall further meet the requirements as listed in the following table: TABLE 207-19.2 (A) Property Density (g/cm3) Melt Index (g/10 minutes) Flexural Modulus MPa (psi) Tensile strength at yield MPa (psi) Elongation at break (%) Brittleness temperature °C (°F) Environmental Stress Crack Resistance Fo (hrs.)1 Test Condition "C" Hydrostatic Design Basic MPa (psi) @ 23°C (73°F) Color 1. Fo indicates no failures. Value 0.941-0.959 0.15 max. 827 (120,000 min.) 22.1 (3,200 min.) 800 —118 (-180 max.) 192 min. 11.0 (1600) 2% Carbon Black min. ASTM Test D 1505 D 1238 cond. E. D 790 D 638 D 638 D 746 D 1693 D 2837 Additives and fillers including, but not limited to, stabilizers, antioxidants, lubricants, colorants, etc., shall not exceed five parts by weight per 100 of PE resin in the compound. The Engineer may require certification by the manufacturer that the test results comply with specification requirements. 207-19.3 Pipe Acceptance. At the time of manufacture, each lot of pipe, liner, and fittings shall be inspected for defects and tested for Elevated Temperature Sustain Pressure in accordance with ASTM F 714. Installation time limit shall conform to 207-15.7. At the time of delivery, the pipe shall be homogeneous throughout, uniform in color, free of cracks, holes, foreign materials, blisters, or deleterious faults. For testing purposes, a production lot shall consist of all pipe having the same marking number. It shall include any and all items produced during any given work shift and must be so identified as opposed to previous or ensuing production. 207-19.4 Marking. Pipe shall be marked at 1.5m (5 foot) intervals or less with a coded number which identifies the manufacturer, SDR, size, material, machine, date, and shift on which the pipe was extruded. 164 • Greenbook 2000 207-19.4 The Engineer may, at any time, direct the manufacturer to obtain compound samples and to obtain compression molded test specimens in accordance with ASTM D 1928. ' These specimens shall comply with the minimum property values shown above. 207-19.6 Installation and Field Inspection. Pipe shall be bedded in conformance with 306- 1.2.13. Backfill shall conform to 306-1.3. Field inspection.shall conform to 306-1.2.12. 20�720 CENTRIFUGALLY CAST FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MO At the end of the production shift, during which a production lot has been extruded, the marking code on the pipe shall be changed to indicate that said time intervals have elapsed and that a new production shift has begun. Fittings shall be marked with the name of the manufacturer or its logo, the size, and the material from which they were molded or fabricated. 207-19.5 Chemical Resistance and Physical Testing. PE resins furnished under this subsection shall conform to 207-15.3, except that the following values are substituted. TABLE 207-19.5 (A) Property ASTM Test Method Initial Value Value After 112 Days Exposure Tensile Strength MPa (psi) min. D 638 22.1 (3.200) 22.1 (3,200) Impact Strength J/m (Ft.-lb./in.) min. D 256 Method A 3.5 187 (3.5) 187 (3.5) Size 12.7mm x 3.17mm x 63.5mm (1/2 in x1/8 in x2-12 in) Weight Change % D 543 Unconditioned t 1.5 max. Conditioned t 1.0 max. (CCFRPN'IPE. 207-20.1 Gen al. These specifications apply to CCFRPM pipe to be used for the wstruction of direct bury gravity`s ary sewers. storm drains, and related structures. All pipes: joints, and fittings shall conform to ASTM�1)3262. Unless otherwise indicated, the minimum pipe stiffness shall be 318kPa (46 psi) when testedccordance with ASTM D 2412. The s e type, and stiffness of the pipe to be furnished shall be as shorn the Plans or in the Spe j�eations. 207-20.2 Materials. The amoun location, an�onentation of the chopped.glass-fiber reinforcement is specifically designed for each, rojecapplication. The glass shall be a commercial grade of E-type glass fibers with a finish compati with the resin used. The sand shall be a minimum 98 percent silica kiln -dried and graded. Th5`polyester all resin shall be an isophthalic, orthophthalic, or other approved resin with a minimum -tensile elongation2 percent. A vinyl ester liner resin shall be used to meet the chemical requirements of 207-20.5. Design lion per ASTM D 3262 shall be Type, 1, Liner 2, Grade 3, and a minimum pipe stiffness of 318kPa (46 p or greater, unless a higher value is indicated in the Plan er Specifications. Elastomeric sealingg sleets shall conform to the requirements of ASTM F 477. 207-20.3, D mensions. 20-203.1 Length. The nominal length shall be 6m (20 feet) except as otherwise specified or required for bends or special joints, with a minimum length of 1.5m (5 feet). At least 90 percent of the TrWsmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 SierraAvenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909350-7532 Fax: 909-350-6i818 Fax Cornmthicalian.s Tor Genesis Construction Fmmr Don Gduia Fan 9-925$585 Dates November 9,2001 Phone: 9-852-6977 Pages' 29 Rer Skmr Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sturm Avenue Sub -Contractors ❑ Uryont 0 For Review D Pleas, Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Plose Recycle .Comme:MN Total Pages Scanned : 23 Total Pages Confirmed : 23' 11- 9 - 0 1 ; 3:11PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 997 99256585 11- 9-01; 2:57PM 12'51" 23/ 23 EC CP 12000 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Pol•led by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed. FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer TrO7sm i ss i on Report Date/Time 11- 8-01; 8:31AM Local ID - 1234567 Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax:909-350.8618 Fax Tot Nester Plumbing From: Don Gdula Fax 9-481-4608 onto November8, 2001 Phony 9-081-9488 Pages: 10 Re: Stover Ave. Sewer Poplar to Sierra Plan CC: Holder's LIst 0 Urgent 0 For Review 01 Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle *Corn mambo There Is only one addendum for this project. . 10 Total Pages Confirmed 10' No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 752 94814608 11- 8-01; 8:25AM 6'18" 10/ 10 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer I H I I 1111 d_sWEA, 41, 5192.01? 42-o4t11-• 1 641) LH CatiST Retki DX HONING 1 -ME labp.. F-WN1'71,YE San C. • • Pow- .TO z5tE.2-RPI Cl*pEST104• Alatcti 1141d6Ric'St 3t4attukt attEU GMT. A;&.s-sc) AfIaiT xiinektikt),Q) 711:Emi\P. PA/ 146.- 1-8E. Oltik% tvy_csD oicur Zmkie)-rtunk t worcitceonwr 1.44 (ktuLD kzliviam Ekb 4911-501 MAI OUT. bil-T k F-- TWAA CcoT bib LOE- LOCLK_sb -RAW- gTh-re.14A APxu,k-r 17, Teluu Comm ttZ_ ParAS) Ata-rr Uottc oc.S-ssati u4fflzeas Ram ComugE, SeE -er1/268ED cz7c-irk2- 6-12:CuovicA- 19_24i.wi4 Rt‘ac 2-ct AttD P- 1G bato tA3D-cal_ 5tictAguivE2.6-00 \--04s41,P Valk° mc. 6y&tia AR:luso Aesui ntlip, vc. P4Lt • • L(fmE\P-z IgtOEVN -__ T r-Tc,T Pu4tiz =u9 =_ All \tat t 11K- • --911P-Ier-1 Oki C()T-1,1- UCC159-64Q_S - sic) CL.. -crtuitio. A -R4utkpkz,To t4K iU a£ Ps4urge pa LIMA_ cxlfz, City of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 6, 2001 Mark Artukovich Vido Artukovich & Sons, Inc. 11155 Rush Street South El Monte, CA 91733 Re: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements Dear Mr. Artukovich: In response to your questions: Page GC-5, Par. 4. Please refer to Section 301-1.3 Relative Compaction SP-27. This is a City project not a County project refer to Section 301-1.3 for compaction. The temporary asphalt in trenches shall be 4" as per the traffic detour paving. Page SP-9, Section 7-8.5. There are no utility service meters on this project. These specifications are boilerplate. Page SP-16, Section 7-10.3. This covers projects that do not have traffic control plans included. The contractor shall use the Traffic Control plans. The City and County Traffic Engineers have signed the Traffic Control plans. If you have further questions, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, Community -Development Department Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects cc: City Engineer Senior Civil Engineer/SP www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 its recycled paper NOV-05-2001 11:38 • • P. 02 VIDO ARTUI(OYJCH & SON, INC. / VmMAR, INC. A J.V 11155 RUSH STREET SO. EL MON'tE, CA. 91733 THE ARTUKOVICH COMPANIES SINCE 1919 11/5/2001 City ofFontaua 8353 Sierra Ave Fontana, Ca 92335 Attn Engineering Division Special Projects Mr. Ricardo Sandoval Telephone 626-444-4286 Fax. 626-444-3989 RE: Slover Ave. Sewer Improvements Dear Mr. Sandoval, This letter is relative to questions, on the above referenced project, we wish answered. Page GC-5, Par. 4 reads; "Pavement removal, if required, shall be by saw cutting. Following excavation in paved areas, the existing soil shall be replaced and compacted to 95% or greater to a level of one foot below the existing finished surface." • Question: Does this specification call for 12-inches of cold mix after backfill in:paved areas? Question: Does this specification call for 95% compaction for the frill trench depth or only the top 12-inches under asphalt? (County Road General Permit calls for 2'-inches Cold Mix and 90% compaction for trench with 95% in upper 0.5-feet of paving base material) Page SP-9, Section 7-8.5 States: "The Contractor shall be responsible for installation of required temporary and permanent utility service meters. Meters shall be paid for as shown in the bid proposal sheet for meter installation and shall include full compensation for application, coordination and all related work and no additional compensation will be allowed." NOV-05-2001 11:38 P.213 • • Question: What is this in regard to? We find no Meters in the Bid Proposal. ' Page SP-16, Section 7-10.3 States: The Contractor shall maintain the minimum traffic requirements designated in the General Conditions. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to fin nish a detailed detour signing and barricade plan for the City. Also see SP-17, Par. 3. Question Is the Contractor to use the Traffic Control plan in the plane or submit his own? Question: Have the Traffic Control plans in the in the back of the project plansbeen approved? Thank you for your help. Very truly yours, TOTAL P.03 TrWsmission Reportf Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S CITY OF FONTANA FAX COMMUNICATIONS FAX NUMBER: (909) 350-6618 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: NAME:''', tib 'LOCATION:I FAX; FROM: +9-L-ese- nq-ritir) rbavallia- PHONE: LOCATION4 QiXt-3S-1163Z. 1 PHONE: TOTAL NUMBER OF NAGERI to I DATE. (JNCLInmc cow:asuea1) III-1)-©J I TIME: MESSAGE: •ti .y,acres UST 6CMWYO4ANAB3Ce92 Pfy MITIMCN 83539BRRAAVEN{Ip, FOlTPANA, CA 92335 P99NRMid (909)350-7610 ACC: Total Pages Scanned 10 Total Pages Confirmed• 10' 11- 7-01; 1:00PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 661 918586797117 11- 7-01;12:49PM 10'11" 10/ 10 G3 CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer .ism i ss i on Peport f Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and detai Is below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-6618 FaxCommtaications To: F, W. Dodge, Adm Wilma Prone Den Gdula Pam 9-8906879 Date: November9,2001 Phone: 9-890-9928 Pages: 9 Ret SloverAvenue Sewer From Poplar CC: Avenue to Sierra Avenue Bid Summary 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comment., 9 Total Pages Confirmed 9' 11— 9-01; 1:31PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 966 98909879 11— 9-01; 1:25PM 5'11" 9/ 9 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi —Poll RM: Recelve.to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mallbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer TrOsmission Report4111 Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-8818 Fax Conimmicalions Toe D.A. General Engineering, Attn: Dustin F.oae Don Gdula Fax: 9-1A15-559-5502 ' Dakae November 3,2001' Phone Pages; 3 Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Bld Results D Urgent 0 For Renew ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Colnmentss 3 Total Pages Confirmed 3'. 11- 8-01; 4:21PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 859 918185595502 11- 8-01; 4:19PM 1'17" 3/ •3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Trsmission Report-• Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax: 909350-6618 Faoc Conirruications 7o: Bid American, Attn: Jason From: Don Gdula Fax: 9677-4814 • Oat¢ November9, 2001 Phone: 9677-4819 Pages: 9 Ref Slaver Avenue Sewer Poplar Avenue to CC: Sierra Avenue Bld Summary ❑ U:gent ❑ For Raview ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply ❑ PMasm Rooycle •Commentsr Total Pages Scanned 9 Total Pages Confirmed 9' 11- 9-01;11:37AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 938 96774814 11- 9-01;11:27AM 9'01" 9/ 9 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory. LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT:.Waiting Transfer esmission Reporto Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-3350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Faoc Commtalications To: Daly Construeion Service, At,: Atava From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-1-31 ao43.1260 beta, November 9, 2001 Phone: 9-1310-643-1263 Pages: 9 Re: Slower Avenue Sewer From Poplar CC: Avenue to Sierra Avenue Bid Summary O Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: Total Pages Scanned 9 Total Pages Confirmed : 9' 11- 9-01;11:42AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 941 913106431260 11- 9-01;11:37AM 5'09" 9/ 9 EC CP 14400 ** Notes * EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer TrOsmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local. Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-6618 Fax Commtaications Tor Hi -Desert Plan Room, Attn: Al From: Don Gdula Fars 9-1-760-243.2131 Date: November9,2001 Phoee: 9-1-769-243-2111 Pagra: 9 SloverAvenue Sewer From Poplar CC: Avenue to Sierra Avenue Bid Summary ❑ Urgant ❑ For Review 0 Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: 9 Total Pages Confirmed : 9' 11- 9-01;11:56AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 943 917602432131 11- 9-01;11:46AM 9'23" 9/ 9 '.EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer TrOsmission Report 01 Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-6818 Fax Commutications To: Genesis Construction From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-925-6585 oete: November9,2901 Fhone: 9-652.6977 Pages: 9 Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Bid Summary U Urgent ❑ For Review CI Please Comment ❑ Please Reply O Please Recycle .Comments: 9 Total Pages Confirmed 9' 11- 9-01;12:O6PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode. Comments Results 1 945 99256585 11- 9-01;11:574M 8'50" 9/ 9 EC CP 12000 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer lksmission Reportel Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con-f i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7832 Fax:909-350.6618 Fbx Communications Ta Mc Grow Hill Dodge, Atti: Samantha From: port Gdula Fan. 9-1-714-937.0917 Dete1 November9,2001 Phone: 9-1-714.937.0831 Pages: 9 Re: Stover Avenue Sewer From Poplar CCe Avenue to Slerra Avenue Bld Summary 0 Urgent CI For Review O Please Comment 0 Please Reply CI Please Recycle .Comments: 9 Total Pages Confirmed : 9' 11- 9-01;12:12PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 944 917149370917 11- 9-01;12:O7PM 5'16" 9/ 9 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer TrOsmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7832 Fa,c 909-350.6618 Fax Commutations Toe Masters Cont Cep. Fmm: Don Gdu(a Fenn 9-1-818-500.0980 Date: November 9, 2001 Phone: 9-1-818-590.0971 Paper 9 nee SloverAve. Sewer Poplar to Sierra Bid CC, Summary ❑ Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle .Comments, 9 Total Pages Confirmed 9' 11-. 9-01;11:21AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 930 918185000980 11- 9-01;11:14AM 6'20" 9/ 9 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer City of Fontana CALIFORNI A November 6, 2001 Mark Artukovich Vido Artukovich & Sons, Inc. 11155 Rush Street South El Monte, CA 91733 Re: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements Dear Mr. Artukovich: In response to your questions: Page GC-5, Par. 4. Please refer to Section 301-1.3 Relative Compaction SP-27. This is a City project not a County project refer to Section 301-1.3 for compaction. The temporary asphalt in trenches shall be 4", as per the traffic detour paving. Page SP-9, Section 7-8.5. There are no utility service meters on this project. These specifications are boilerplate. Page SP-16, Section 7-10.3. This covers projects that do not have traffic control plans included. The contractor shall use the Traffic Control plans. The City and County Traffic Engineers have signed the Traffic Control plans. If you have further questions, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, Community -Development Department Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects cc: City Engineer Senior Civil Engineer/SP www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper NOV-05-2001 11:38 • ▪ ,r • • P. 02 VIDO ARTUKOVICH & SON, INC. / VIDMAR, INC. A J.V 11155 RUSH STREET SO. EL MONTE, CA. 91733 THE ARTUKOVICH COMPANIES SINCE 1919 11/5/2001 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave Fontana, Ca 92335 Attn: Engineering Division Special Projects Mr. Ricardo Sandoval Telephone 626-444-4286 Fax. 626-444-3989 RE: Stover Ave. Sewer Improvements Dear Mr. Sandoval, This letter is relative to questions, on the above referenced project, we wish answered. Page GC-5, Par. 4 reads; "Pavement removal, if required, shall be by saw cutting. Following excavation in paved areas, the existing soil shall be replaced and compacted to 95% or greater to a level of one foot below the existing finished surface." • Question: Does this specification call for 12-inches of cold mix after backfill in paved areas? Question: Does this specification call for 95% compaction for the full trench depth or only the top 12-inches under asphalt? (County Road General Permit calls for 2 `-inches Cold Mix and 90% compaction for trench with 95% in upper 0.5-feet of paving base material) Page SP-9, Section 7-8.5 States: "The Contractor shall be responsible for installation of required temporary and permanent utility service meters. Meters shall be paid for as shown in the bid proposal sheet for meter installation and shall include full compensation for application, coordination and all related work and no additional compensation will be allowed." NOV-05-2001 11:38 • • P. 03 Question: What is this in regard to? We fnd no Meters in the Bid Proposal. ' Page SP-16, Section 7-10.3 States: The Contractor shall maintain the minimum traffic requirements designated in the General Conditions. It Oval be the Contractors responsibility to furnish a detailed detour signing and barricade plan for the City. Also see SP-17, Par. 3. Question Is the Contractor to use the Traffic Control plan in the plane or submit his own? Question: Have the Traffic Control plans in the in the back of the project plans: been approved? Thank you for your help. Very truly yours, TOTAL P.03 Trasmission Reports Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-6618 ' Faoc Cornmtaications To: Vido Ara: ovlch & Sons, Ins, Mrs Mark Prom: Don Gdula Fax: 9-1.626444.3989 Data l4ovamber 6, 2001 Phone: 94623-444-4288 Pages: 4 Rae Slcver AvenueSewer Poplarto Sierra cc: 0 Urgent ❑ For Review O Pima Comment 0 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Commonts: 4 Total Pages Confirmed : 4' 11- 6-01; 8:19AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 464 916264443989 11- 6-01; 8:17AM 1'41" 4/ 4 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: 'Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Recelve to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Recelve to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT:Waiting Transfer NOV-05-2001 11:37 41) P.01 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL VIDO ARTUKOVICH & SON, INCJVIDMAR, INC.. A J.V. 11155 RUSH STREET SOUTH EL MONTE, CALIFORNIA. 91733 PH: 626-444-4286 FX: 626-444-3 989 J PORTANT NOTICE The information contained in this far.4mile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named below. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this telecopy is strictly prohibited. If you have received this telecopy in error. Please immediately notify 119 by telephone at 626444-42S6 and return the original message to us at the address above via the United States postal Service. Thank you_ Date: j j —.S—© I To: ?``G at` Number of pages: 3 including cover. .1/47.7\ From: l.ti R4 t ra9uz..fca • Subject: Comments: NOV-05-2001 11:38 • • P.02 VIDO ARTUKOVICR & SON, INC. / VIDMAR, INC. A 11155 RUSH STREET SO. EL MONTE, CA. 91733 THE ARTUKOVICB COMPANIES SINCE 1919 Telephone 626-444-4286 Fax. 626-444-3989 11/5/2001 City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Ave Fontana, Ca 92335 Attn: Engineering Division Special Projects Mr. Ricardo Sandoval RE: Stover Ave. Sewer Improvements Dear Mr. Sandoval, This letter is relative to questions, on the above referenced project, we wish answered. Page GC-5, Par. 4 reads; "Pavement removal, if required, shall be by saw cutting. Following excavation in paved areas, the existing soil shall be replaced and compacted to 95% or greater to a level of one foot below the existing finished surface." Question: Does this specification call for 12-inches of cold mix after backfill in paved areas? Question: Does this specification call for 95% compaction for the full trench depth or only the top 12-inches under asphalt? (County Road General Permit calls for 2-inches Cold Mix and 90% compaction for trench with. 95% in upper 0.5-feet of paving base material) Page SP-9, Section 7-8.5 States: "The Contractor shall be responsible for installation of required temporary and permanent utility service meters. Meters shall be paid fior as shown in the bid proposal sheet for meter installation and shall include full compensation for application, coordination and all related work and no additional compensation will be allowed." NOV-05-2001 11:38 P.03 Question: What is this in regard to? We find no Meters in the Bid Proposal. ' Page SP-16, Section 7-10.3 States: The Contractor shall maintain the minimum traffic requirements designated in the General Conditions. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to furnish a detailed detour signing and barricade plan for the City. Also see SP-17, Par. 3. Question: Is the Contractor to use the Traffic Control plan in the plane or submit his own?. Question: Have the Traffic Control plans in the in the back of the project plansbeen approved? Thank you for your help. Very truly yours, TOTAL P.03 Slover Avenue Update 10/5/01 Traffic control plans were submitted to the County on 10-2-01 for signature. Sewer plans have been signed, will have the plans and specs reproduced this week after the traffic control plans are signed. Advertising for bids will begin on October 11, 2001, if the County signs the plans. Bids will be received on November 1, 2001. Pacbell indicated that it would complete the relocation of facilities, remove poles and cables, from Poplar Avenue to Oleander Avenue by October 31, 2001 and from Oleander Avenue to Juniper Avenue by December 30, 2001. San Bernardino County has indicated it will now advertise for bids in March 2002 and construction would begin in July 2002 for the street improvements. The start of the County street improvement project from Cherry Avenue to Sierra Avenue has been rescheduled from March 2002 to July 2002 due to delays in the relocation of the Pacbell facilities that were scheduled to be completed by September 28, 2001. The relocation will not be completed until December 30, 2001. This delay has changed the City's schedule for the construction of the Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue which could take up to 90 working days, mid December to end of April 2002. The Gas Company's schedule for the installation of a new gas main in that same section of roadway has also been affected by the Pacbell delays. It is anticipated that the Gas Company installation will take 7 to 8 weeks to complete which seems to be very optimistic. The Gas Company's schedule for the installation of a new main in Slover Avenue from Cherry Avenue to Hemlock Avenue was 4 weeks, their contractor started on July 9, 2001 and they have not completed the project. See attached San Bernardino County schedule. • SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT SCHEDULES • Skew Cherry to Hemlock Stover Poplar b Sierra Clearing & Fence Relocations -cherry to hemlock- contract ends mid-sept Utility relocations-Pac-Bell/Elson-Edson done by 9/15, pacbell 11/15, 5 poles s/b done 2/7/01 Fontana Water Relocations-3T north of C/L, need jacking permit under rr xing Construct Cherry to Hemlock -Sewer 24' north of C/L & Detour Paving start jan 8th Utility relocations -gas • 4 weeks. after water and sewer 17 north of C/L start July 9th Road Construction -need rosemead properties and revised city/county agreement Clearing & Fence Relocations -poplar to sierra -contract ends mid-sept SIgnalQ Citrus construction Utility relocations-Pao-Be0/Edison/-Edison done by 9/15, pacbell poplar to citrus 928, citrus to sierra by 12/30 Construct Citrus Sewer/Storm Drain-Jurupa to Slover-4 months-pacbell delay Fontana Water Relocations -before sewer start 4/1 Construct Poplar to Sierra -Sewer & Detour Paving -bid 5/24, const delayed to 9/15/01. Bid operug 11/1/01 Utility relocations -gas after water and sewer - 7weeks Road Construction -need rosemead properties and revised city/county agreement So. Cal Gas -Rickey Reyes - rkeyea@sacalpas.00m- 809-335-7508 Fontana Water Co-N Kron - ankmho tent navoterkxm-909-8i2-2201 Pau Sae - Jim Del Fable-)d23734S eg.pacbellern - (714) 666-5778 Crly of Fontana -Don Gdup-dgdulae(ontana.rp-909350-7632 Od-00 COMPLETE Nov-00 ve.vsmotzlm.:1 CCMPtETE Dao-00 Jana 1 Feb-01 Mr-01 COMPLETE COMPLETE Apr-01 May-01 June-0 Jul-0 Correlate Conk. Aup-0 Sep-0 1-No -Dec 1-Feb 1-Mar Advertise Advertise /-Apr -May 1-Jun 1-Jul 1-Akp 1-Sep 10.4/01 Locust Avenue Update 10/5/01 Larry Signaigo Pacbell engineer indicated that he will have plans completed by Friday 10/5/01 and will submit them to Caltrans for an encroachment permit. Everything else is in place and ready to go as soon as the permit is issued. Pat Tanner Adelphia Cable construction supervisor indicated that they are waiting for fiber optic parts and materials and should have their relocation completed in 7 to 10 days. I will also be on vacation beginning Wednesday, October 10, 2001 and return on Wednesday, October 17, 2001. If anything comes up contact Steve Nix @ 937-0200. SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT SCHEDULES Oct-00 Nov-00 Dec-00 -Jan-01 Feb-01- Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 June-01 Jul-01 Aug-01 Se• 11 1-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 1-Jan 1-Feb 1-Mar 1-Apr 1-May 1-Jun 1-Jul Stover Clearin • & Fence Relocations-che to hemlock- contract ends mid -se • t COMPLETE Che to Hemlock Utili relocations-Pac-Bell/Edison-Edison done b . 9/15, •acbell 11/15, 5 soles s/b done 2/7 4 " • COMPLETE Fontana Water Relocations-37' north of C/L, need -ackin • • ermit under rr xin • COMPLETE Construct Ghe to Hemlock -Sewer 24' north of C/L & Detour Pavin. start an 8th __ _ �. :" Mir retooations-: • -s-.4_Woeks-after__Water and _ sewer.12' north of C/L start Jul 9th f- Road Construction -need rosemead • ro •erties and revised ci /coun a • reement — = --_ Advertise„ Stover Clearin • & Fence .Relocations- • o • far to sierra -contract ends mid -sett COMPLETE Po. azto-Sierra. S1!flat® l ItfUS �QnStfUCU9n �y �� � F E _ Utili relocations-Pac-Bell/Edison/-Edison done b . 9/15, • acbell • o • tar to citrus 8/31, citrus to sierra b 9/28 Complete Construct Citrus Sewer/Storm Drain-Juru+a to Slover-4 months acbell dela . Fontana Water Relocations -before sewer start 4/1 . - Com ete Construct P•'lartoSierra -Sewer & Detour Pavin•-bid4T24sconstdela ed to 9/15/01 • -ice' U -r = -- . - as after water and-Sewer---6weeks • : Road Construction -need rosemead • ro •erties and revised ci /coun a • reement Advertise H Contacts '� IM So. Cal. Gas - Rickey Re - - rlreyes •• socal • as.com - 909-335-7508 -'1111 Fontana Water Co - Al Kron - agkrohn@fontanawater.com - 909-822-2201 Pac Bell - Jim Del Fante - jd2373@msg.pacbeil.com - 714 666-5778 City of Fontana - Don Gdula - cf•dula@fontana.org Next meet i • • . - - • 10:00am • 8/6/01 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT SCHEDULES Slow Chatty *0 Hemlock Clearing & Fence Relocations -cherry to hemlock -contract ends mid -seat Utrltty relocations-Pao-Bell/E0son-Edison done by 9/15. pastel) 11/15. 5 poles slb done 2/7A1 Fontana Woo Water Relocations-3T north of C/L, need jacking permit der rt zing Construct Chewy to Hemlock Sewer 24' north of C/L & Detour Paving startpn 8th Utility relocations -gas - 4 weeks after water and sewer 12' north of C/L start July 9th Road Construction -need rosemead properties and revised city/county agreement Od-00 COMPLETE Nov.00 Dec00 Jan01 Feb01 Mar-01 Apr-01 Ma -01 Jwe01 Jul-01 Au5-01 Sep-01 1.Od 14dov 1-Dec 1Jan 1-Feb 144an Advertise _ 1Apr 1JAay 1Jun 1-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep 1.Od ,y,y 'a % COMPLETE rr,; .' [SPY`,. '¢y • Mover PoMm to slam Clearing & Fence Relocations -poplar to siena-oon0act ends midaept Signal@ Citrus construction _ Utility relocations-Pac-Bell/Edsord-Edison done by 9/15, paebell poplar to citrus 9729. citrus to sierra by 12/30 Construct Citrus Sewer/Storm DrainJurupa to Slover-4 m ont spacbell delay Fontana Water Relocations -before sewer start 4/1 Construct Poplar to Sierra Sewer& Detour Paving -bid 5/24, const delayed to 9/15/01. Bid operig 11/1/01 Utility relocations -gas after water and sewer -7weeks Road Construction -need rosemead properties and revised city/county 09reemem COMPLETE < COMPLETE Ya' '1 - i i ,. ,!o,, Cane Complete ' j"`"v .'%su.. sran,i.:% Advertise So. Cal Gas- Rickey Reyes- &eym0ma 0amm - 909-330-7503 Pedrosa Water Co -Al Won- agkmhnCfanbneeala.cum-909-022-T201 Pas Bea- Jkn Del Fade -ido.T73OmagparDeawm- Q1) 0005779 Car 01Fontana - Don ChM - d9dula®tonbnsLom -909350-7532 wanc LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Engineers/Planners/Surveyors 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, California 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200 Fax (909) 937-0202 TO: C of- �o Na.36e. IX, Derr WE ARE TRANSMITTING THE FOLLOWING: —TTTACHED o SHOP DRAWINGS o COPY OF LETTER DATE: g I 2.210 ( JOB NO: 1 2404, ATTENTION: y. RE: ‘51A,,64- (a.,/ O UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA o DIGITAL PRINTS 0 PLANS o BLUEPRINTS 0 ORIGINALS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 0 SAMPLES COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION ettl-vd ' � — `2;14 Cam.' SL- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: O FOR APPROVAL 0 APPROVED AS SUBMITTED 0 RESUBMIT COPIES FOR APPROVAL O FOR YOUR USE 0 APPROVED AS NOTED 0 SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION o AS REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS 0 RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS o FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT 0 PLAN CHECK FEES o PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO: SIGNED:. Office Use Only o Corr o TM o Sv o Ut o Hy/So o PC/Per o Cale Yousuf, Stover Avenue Sewer phase 2 update. Todd Miller got the plan check to Tony yesterday and I delivered it to Steve Nix for revisions, which should be completed sometime next week. Pacbell has installed new poles and cable from Poplar to Oleander and will start switching over the services. Removing the old cable and poles would start the first week of October. Pacbell also indicated that the portion from Oleander to Juniper would be completed by the time the sewer contractor gets the sewer constructed from Poplar to Oleander. I will be off on Friday, September 20, 2001. Don Gdula CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA ENGINEERING DIVISION SPECIAL PROJECTS MEMORANDUM TO: Tony Marcaida, Senior Associate Engineer Engineering/Special Projects FROM: Donald Gdula, Consultant Project Coordinator Engineering/ Special Projects SUBJECT: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue DATE: July 24, 2001 Attached are the sewer plans for the final plan check. Please complete your review by August 2, 2001. Plans and specifications have to be signed and reproduced prior to advertising the project the last week of August 2001. Thank you for your assistance. cc: Principal Civil Engineer/Special Projects LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor Pi° NCO.(/ 7073 _go/ 4 D P.gA ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 DDIA AWE VALICS4 Cant ikc. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions, of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of '�SSu`,bcontract(or� � l l vi t�l 6TAIGZ l `- it2-0/ 4 �6 cVs, / tVQ.. rr � of / i' 9 13 o x ! W I, y'� tS,at o ^.A, �'Ft f•16?fr OL. m ?f � WtP,A Esclas' 7 •pt_,(PCSi::,-6 j'F'_OV,A19(7�? ) cl,yf,� , p/ M�N�o S 9 lr� ) p�l\ 5-- Qpi\DF, NIbI C I it l 1t nlC�. l 1v�, ✓}-1/ %J l' Y� , D S V x 44 }�'n 9 /sQ��+ i\`-"� 4)....'7 (o jv ', ?WON �>? 5 5' eaq' G� V. L�f94 0� "5/7 i 5/ D n 1 7� / — ) 11 4 ( ` G ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS II BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor C11v1 .� L L 76 S�Yi ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. a) / TUK WICL-k t 5tt.1 1k1C, 14/ LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor .+-/d Pt(k rvw 2r NVf gL,'r1 Y13 lAftr`b c C.'`,, [srted C ' 67, ? A 1 , iiR5e1,, Ic'-eC.c (n 1 t .riei r rL b l i vF vl 376 , ikA i4rtn (AL t, .st ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor D. tAND cotice,ETE E,srszPlAses,.srzc.. L1714'110 z439 RvBl Do v x BW D P-wEststzeA C 9zS'0q il MANHotzs ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 lygDiek. CLIO464C., LIST. OF SUBCONTRACTORS _ • 1;04'.1.•••--,qP.,,;.• • • • ..;••• • BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor LtN.I.I0/4 GoNtl az, co. -19?)41 riBeD ('‘,.(6..7-( dolCo ;(_.A 1 `Vo -fCttt•-a, C.Pat t‘ANNVJA CD2P 14.9183 Po 0>c co 00„ 6.13) coN, S Vo tic c ?fik( 1 f4 CI f ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BD). FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 y N T \.Ge er LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed ELSER CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 39355 HIDDEN HEIGHTS DR. YUCAIPA, CA 92399 License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract —1Atcts,4c4or NIL ( Specific Description of Subcontractor ce..,0 Kole ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 0411..01 111C . LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor (% , Aire,: e'a./ws If /I77 1/2 f: erive Me S..Ye el 'e0.1.1I ei van A/•/ al. At" C/1V7a4 fD.' nx,. 76X4P-r ekv, ea-6 �uC4-/;if t C . gi2J ' .11 o G` oex(f y ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 C P.CossT. ) LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS T .:' 4. BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop • Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor Southcoast Striping. 759627 ?J163Tanstathaiget 3% Traffic stripinf & pavement marki N other subcontract rs are listed by C.P. Construction Co., Inc., for this bid. 10/110)1/ 7' ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5(1/0) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BED. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor ©tbopi 'f'eEckST co. 751a'77 )12 E.ol.1v6- me sT£ t3 c A aa373 .�°/v loom-or-Es-AoJDS pAcoeJr2kc oeS 76600S 4.0. pox YdcA�PA CA a2319 $ 70 pputur, 5upUM(E12 CO. 73491 1 Viso PT24)E2ALD AJE RlALTo cA R2376 2 0 STat PI G ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 'ram F, tic. N LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS y M y w r BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor / /(Je/) C / ky- lei v ,,,'- e//41) //- J / 44-fizz 4 Ca r,- Gbz-a-t- `� / -j ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor 'Q e,n Z 6 t 6 �-, it-4t 2 ,v � Nude. a., ,a s._, . q Z jc, 57, . r,,,....1..". v.. \•)0.1.-C..6- C �4 ay 567 A 7 7 7 1 P. 'S.,cA.,.% r..� ., c... 4 2-3-7t o X Qo.,..,,,;,1 ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE, HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontract r .:'ram. 24�o 4 £. S' £ - . is ri G.G . 'leg? 1e, .4 r�.4 . el s-771•741-T ' f ' 4"'l4., #44424wa e- Fu4 its E-"P'z-A-rrbos C-4 , 73 ..f i r 577titY 751677 1—,, L ,4> C-4. 917.9(. . '7g, .5,-44F7 meci ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor. .111\&nI ConeXei Inc. 41(o1 l a— Z13+ P,Ikbtativ,x raw d . 1 i o PI ho s C42 niver5; a-r- cft 4 ziiq j ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PREVIE CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 1 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor Southcoast Striping 759627 968 West 9th Street Upland,CA 91786 2, 7 % _Striping Sub Paving Sub Atkinson Grading & Equip. Rental 692379 4592 Orion St. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 ,S D% ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 N4W P ► Co, LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor 14AA '' II'' 14/1eYleCts hAtiN 1" z%'la7; \T C' An d�w.ur«',,� w� Cam," G It- Al �, l l� n , �t`j�l�iu�i PavtwrJ- ,P,�i ? 'c2 w e Si-r;$;,1e14 rret'ci4� v oz f r 4 (q(74(r . z4�Clo ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor ?A cm4q opi wooD6 tj I c't ID ceo itf.+. cAp l !i✓( g T 7 2iii 5' G2v6 1.44.1 ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor IrCe_. Gpn C--- Otiag-70•AcK4 tcri ("lien; itia_11/1/,. / .6" 6-)0 play in ‘0,6- (J 010�10 I1(0-07`/ a, Dyl011 )4if t 4.5`90 � 6uLv ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 170-Pel LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor Inland Concrete Enterprises, Inc. 476110 2434 Rubidoux Blvd. Riverside, CA 92509-2144 (943 ( 26 plmanholes in ace Popular Paver Rental 766075 840 Obispo Ave. Long Beach, CA 90804 1 *7 Asphalt paving Orange County Striping 346095 C32 183 N. Pixley St. Orange, CA 92868 ((5R� Thermoplastic striping/markings ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 MUD& +jm-nci4 LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor OV57114 4.kaiSTCO. 15127'1 P Dc, o CAS • R2373 3% r►►► s /4/M,Kcr<<nn Ass,A. 26707,3 `orb rok. . ? ?S7g ? % /I.L'. iar h9 ,c... ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 '-a,botta,iiic.. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows:. Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor Q04of..rr 41 (,1 t % 204 l tboJ`,k Bute. R.,o11r1 S toetcA c z q -2l44- ,. `J°io ►t�u� C'0-us-tuaTv�J .,," ,1)41,3 ..1.11.A.,.10 gaieCOI kWS i l rJc — Sodiha4Gd C,cn,1):,,,``% `�o i:i Fifz. rr i4 ;9w, ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 � . DVIEs, ��.c... LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS BIDDER proposes to subcontract certain portions of the work as follows: Name Under Which Subcontractor is Licensed License No. Address of Office, Mill or Shop Percent of Total Contract Specific Description of Subcontractor \, Vy 4M4 56 7/4 ,2,t .k, / .% ,0,40,vs T,,,L a . 30 710E hi 1 na. Q? 4/ 5A 74M L& S'ruc, , atAwy„ (o., s '`6", -W6075- a topty cam., z.7 riulOth,o_s . ALL ITEMS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED ON THIS PAGE ARE REQUIRED. BIDDERS SHALL SPECIFY EACH SUBCONTRACTOR WHO WILL PERFORM WORK OR LABOR OR RENDER SERVICE TO THE PRIME CONTRACTOR IN AN AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT (0.5%) OF THE PRIME CONTRACTOR'S TOTAL BID. FAILURE TO LIST ALL INFORMATION AS REQUESTED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID. P-5 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERING DIVISION 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 TO: Jim Del Fante, Engineer Pacific Bell 3939 E. Coronado Street 2nd Floor Anaheim, CA 92807 ATTN: Project: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Date: June 26, 2001 FROM: Donald Gdula Project Coordinator Special Projects We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under separate cover via The following item(s) : ( ) Drawing (X) Prints ( ) Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: Copies Date No. Description 1 April 2001 Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Ave. to Sierra Ave. Shts. 1 - 17 Purpose: For your information/records For approval Approved as submitted For your use Approved as noted As requested For review and comment Returned for corrections Other Please ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution ( ) Return corrected prints ( ) Other ( ) For bid due: ,20 ( ) Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: The prints are stamped they are not signed. Copy to: preliminary, but that is because Signed: Date:. June 26, 2001 TOR -CAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. License #799868 NO: 21 CONS` ADDP 1180 Olympic Drive Suite 206 PHO1 Corona, CA 92881 REMA ,AL TORRES President DATE: 1 . ""'A «-C7 SIGNA Office (909) 272-4166 — Cell (909) 481-2323 Fax (909) 272-5733 AMOUNT PAID: $ ,�j�j or) DATE: /(}—/C-0/ NO: 22 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:: GT(341-� CUQic l � ►l,41 j . SIGNATURE: ADDRESS :4139I/,1C, LocA1dL LLEO / ea IA- XIp7i_ 1 CA 9asiaa j 77- gA 9 PHONE: CAOC�r.�1 AMOUNT PAID: $ ,D REMARKS: k Q1, I0),i/0 J e �CT NO: 23 NO: 24 4 DAVID K. ENNIS SOUTHWEST CONCRETE PRODUCTS 519 SOUTH BENSON AVENUE • ONTARIO, CAUFORNIA, U.S.A. 91762-4002 PH. (909) 983-9789 1 FAX (909) 983-4187 PRECAST MANHOLES, TRUSS PIPE, CORRUGATED PIPE AND FITTINGS CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:// tp pn a,(o,�,,,t, ADDRESS: $�OO ,6 Jai l010.4, l�rr a � \Ic.,~, to a q / /4 (0 1135 U) PHONE: ) % (p _ t/Ja 6 REMARKS: DATE: /Q f i 1. SIGNATURE AMOUNT PAID: $ NO: 25 CH CONSTR U aTION ANY INC. STEPHENSWMIGII OFFICE 909-595-872 MOBILE 909-721-7604 FAX 909-595-4620 BUS. LIC. 504277 A 324 CARBONIA AVE WALNUT, CA 91789 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR DATE: NO: 26 CONTRA ALBERT VV. DAVIES, INC. SIGNATURE: 10 ADDRESS 8737 HELMS AVENUE POST OFFICE 215 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 LICENSE NO. 370846 PHONE AMOUNT PAID REMARKS KENJI D. SHINTAKU, P.E. NO: 27 CONTRAC ADDRESSI PHONE: REMARK NO: 28 LEONARD DUNN ENGINEER/ESTIMATOR ktileo FAX (714) 995•1432 (714) 993.1371 (909) 989-3714 Fax (909) 989-0754 PSON, INC. EERING CONTRAC P.O. BOX 749 CYPRESS, CALIFORNIA 90630 CONTRA( GRGO & GORDON ADDRESS GRBAVAC CONST. CO., INC. SEWER - STORM DRAIN PHONE : EMERGENCY REPAIR - EQUIP. RENTAL REMARKS NO). 29 1 NO: 30 SEWER GRGO GRBAVAC GORDON GRBAVAC 5114 ELTON ST. BALDWIN PARK, CA 91706 1.(IPANY : OFFICE (626) 480-8711 FAX (626) 480-8911 PAGER (800) 239-1890 C. P.,CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. P.O. BOX 1206 • ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91762 STATE CONTRACTORS LIC. NO. 304795-CLASS "A" JOHN BLOUGH M oB I LE: 909/966-3200 HOME: 909/887-0053 Bus: 909/981-1091 FAX: 909/981-6704 EMAIL: JohnbOcpconst.com CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: 2n tx,1 (IC111,4,�-,te 10 ADDRESS : /D A i al A Aup • e�,-2d- 0.14 90155'3 09) 6g-61'77 '703 PHONE: REEMARKS: 0 , 1 PL DATE: /0 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $'J" . V DAT7: 2.2>e, S IGkTAT AMOUNT PAID: SG, a E DATE : -AR -(:)/ SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 4560 NO: 31 CO AD pH - 1372 W. 26TH STREET — SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 RE. M G F CONSTRUCTION NO: 32 NO: 33 Lic # 740153 • Telephone (909) 882-6840 Fax (909) 881-5761 DATE : —6ISETEN i IMIME p.„),Itrifrotm AMOUNT PAID: $�i► �,, CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: i7R� ' um W , ADDRESS : ,S�'%sd, ,S1-1.2 / ?Mid // ea /_ 9 / 70 PHONE : /� 9) d r - 9'" ? 57 REMARKS: tkR+aI5LP. li6J r� -Oi DATE: l� -ai—p/ SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ a/5,, CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:6.0Q , ADDRESS: /d6/ P) V 5Y -; „ve) 141111) o/yvA gp660 t et, Jo- (9w • PHONE : REMARKS: DATE : CIS - SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ 46.o-a NO: 34 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY#(( i -' �, 6 A18 ADDRESS:% ( C...1133 -a4r 4 90� $ PHONE: %-7 o-c999.6 REMARKS: DATE: Q �c;4...0/ SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 45,19 () NO: 35 CONTRACTOR/COMP fiN\p,4.1 C¢ N C . ADDRESS : 0 .5 ,s jria�, ev d.� a Ve LPL , (�_0-- 111:3a-c� PHONE: L9zt) ��/5-c?& REMARKS :\\ \ I I (i Ib -aL-e) c DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 09,5-, e a NO: 36 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PsitatL.dl 11Dtl.es-'%' ADDRESS: I7I $'O Q � n pL � � # 6 L\I C kJ� 1 6,44 (936 3409i PHONE : L R'DS) .S 8` 411 - 9'697 LLe cL % b-e REMARKS: DATE : %Q — oZ—k•--0/ SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ .%5j - p e) NO: 37 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY::�3 L /(;.LD,,,� � -f/4 f ADDRESS: 1640,R &. (onalit e CI21 I 9,_,vd- `AMS PHONE : (q 14)� co; „II- o REMARKS: ,�� o /6•-C-CO DATE : SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ 11/5 ) NO: 38 CONTRACTOR COMPANY 6, O SDAA ADDRESS: _ , Asa (mom Q/7 9aR S7 10 -(94-6 G4 DATE : ,Q -D/ SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $5.of� NO: 39 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : 4 14 �t1) e- VL ( ADDRESS : tt Z (/1 MA--- CfZ��0 PHONE: ��i — Jo� �f I REMARKS: DATE : / 6,- SIGNATURE : AMOUNT PAID: $ D f> NO: 40 scc Noah Schmitz Steve Cosmic' Construction Co., Inc. Sewer, Storm Drain & Water Contractors tic. #741822 1426 S. Allec Street (714) 991-8350 Anaheim, CR 92805 fax (714) 991• 0643. DATE : /a - Rs D / NO: 41 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: C,d 1 eel C�h,o`t�I,�c:$o,,J SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: /Sgo CDtno_ftArla '3+ -� �6►rru,e�) La-9656! PHONE: C3la) 3at,^ /466 AMOUNT PAID: $ 4S 41-6 REMARKS : ci ib _a Jc--0I e Falc sto-. 24-2:34 , DATE : /D -,„25 -C11 NO: 42 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: aC 8n IAFsILA diir SIGNATURE : ADDRESS : ate() N. S .PJUY.a t_ u Q . L0 /Le,u2,___ ez2L. qa FA "7/6a PHONE : C 96 g) &p 16 AMOUNT PAID : $ 44 d p REMARKS: ;,1 op) lb-as-6 i PAX NO: 43 CONTRA ADDRES PHONE: REMARK (626) 444-4286 (DATE ) 0 • LG- • 0 r (626) 444-3989 (FX) MARK ARTUKOVICH VIDO ARTUKOVICH & SON INC. ft155 RUSH STREET SOUTH EL MONTE CALIFORNIA 91733 License No. 528701 MAJICH BROS., INC. P.O. Box 337 Altadena, CA 91003-0337 E-Mail: majichbros@aol.com PAUL J. MAJICH Phone (626) 398-9992 Fax (626) 398-9920 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ PATE : 1 U --di SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ e 0 0 N0: 45 CONTRACTC ADDRESS: PHONE: REMARKS:1 APPLE VALLEY CONSTRUCTION GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Lic # 680052 Sewer • Water • Utility trenching Storm drains • Pipe lines Septics • Dry Wells Equipment Rentals • Rock & Sand Doug Hamilton (760) 247-4810. Fax 247-8684 Mobile (760) 275-0277 9312 Deep Creek Rd Apple Valley, CA 92308 OUNT PAID: DATE : /D - o9, 1? / NO : 46 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : 0' 31.6clki n 1-J SIGNATURE : ADDRESS:.(ail() , DcoL- Rt-. S Cih ks \ r Ca- 9 666 PHONEazz-)5 '7*b$4jFA : j 5vi,-67Po�J AMOUNT PAID: $., s6-e REMARKS : fivaiv. 4 Jc y,7 % 6 / • C NO: 47 CONT1 ADDRI PHONE REMAI NO: 48 DER ffl T ii1 C IH 'Construction Co., Inc. Scott Peterson/Contract Administrator 8823 Fenwick St. • P.O. Box 4400 • Sunland, California 91040 (818) 352-2709 Fax (818) 352-0910 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DATE : e AMOUNT/PAID: $, DATE: /O -O( SIGNATURE: A„.. NO: 49 c A MIRAMONTES CONST. CO., INC. GENERAL ENGINEERING Lic. No. 416450. YVETTE C. MIRAMONTES-MO Vice President P.O. Box 90095 City of Industry, CA 91715-009 E.mail: yvettemcci@earthlink.net PHONE: REMARKS: Bus. (626) 330-1043 FAX No. (626) 330-5463 FAX: ' AMOUNT PAID: DATE : /©`'W QJ SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ S c%C NO: 50 CONTI r Sewers ADDR) PHONE REMAI Storm Drains Agit Genera! (Engineering Construction Underground Specialist Lic. A-728416 Desna Peric 2829 GTenoaks cfjfvd. fione suite 106 1101 (818) 559 7385 /3ur6ank, 04 91504 DATE: 0 -- G O e E Li viii a PAID : km i $ S•DCY 1 NO: 5: 0 '4 licrioNc13.` NO: 52 CO1 ADI • -' PH( RED NO: 53 Anton Brhic anton®bubalo.com Office: (626) 446-6062 Fax: (626) 446-4892 Mobile: (626) 705-3773 12 South Old Ranch Rd. Arcadia, CA 91007-6170 www.bubalo.com Lic#771279 A DATE: — o ''IGNA''TURE: AMIIIIIMII �OUNT PAID : $ — , b E.J. MEYER COMPANY ENGINEERING CONIRAUIOR Lic. No. 21 RAR5 52—EDWARD J. MEYER P.O. BOX 277 HIGHLAND, CA 92346 COIF..,_._...... . PHONE (909) 425-4025 ' FAX (909) 425-4020 DATE: (0.5/-0 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ ✓ S OD ADDRESS : v--'-nl_�. PHONE : t 2 ;aj - k AX : 9,10 A7 REMARKS: DATE : ' 'i " 3/-e5 I SIGNAT 0 PAID: $ . NO: 54 CONTRACTOR/COMP ' 1ryl [an f 0V1C rd- ADDRES : 24434 K1A ))i('(O PHONE: � �-17j 0 FAX: f4z-t- !3(173 REMARKS: DATE : 1C , /,,O` SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ DATE: (t`1•v( SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $. NO - DATE: CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : WM& RiCAP_>4 S IGNATURE : ADDRESS: C rr Li OP reLlir I PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: NO: DATE : I / r b CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY : ((/1 / 54 , (,tj/fGc c h v 4,i S I GNATURE W tie /)--- ADDRESS : ./90Airc 3 5 , t)0n-cri-4ki 9-Z3/6 PHONE : ' 0 V ?7y' (OMFAX : AMOUNT PAID : $ aca v REMARKS: License # 584275 PETER C. DAVID CO., INC. Pipe Line Contractors DAVID CHORAK Office: (714) 543-2665 Fax: (714) 543-4051 1138 E. CHESTNUT AVE. • SANTA ANA, CA 92701 Stanley F. Yelich Stanley F. Yelich, Inc. General Engineering Contractors License No. 314058A Post Office Box 246 Sierra Madre, CA 91025 NO : 6 0 CONTR2 '"'"Tv • • ADDRE! PHONE REHAB (323) 681-4365. fax (626) 355-1105 sfyinc@jps.net ' DATE II f'/ SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 3 5 T�.S TE : (777L ,cy 'NATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 56, a) IDATE : SIGNATURE: (909) 790-2121 Fax (909) 797-5684 Cell (909) 322-9703 Dennis E. Elser Operations Supervisor GENERAL ENGINEERING AND PIPE LINE CONSTRUCTION 39355 Hidden Heights Dr. • Yucaipa, CA 92399 AMOUNT PAID : $� 0 a NO: 61 COD ADI PHC REN NO: 62 CO] AD] PHI RE] NO: 63 PH( REP General Engineering Confractor 'Speclaiiaingm Uni%iground Uhlitie's. Stare tic. # 510982 J909/688*51 1: Fax:9.09/6$$ 5.174 6901.Ceritrai Avenue Riverside,Cafif�i rg,92504 W.A.RASIC CONSTRUCTION Lynw 10 886 0 stateontracors Ilcese # A3687 Minority Business Enterprise License No. 183556 Cell: (909) 805-9052 Res: (909) 389-9183 Est. Fax: (909) 820-2114 • C Ilfor V%a • 9026 0 • a 31, 886 058 Freddy A. Valdivia Estimator Water, Sewer, & Storm Drain Main Office 2631 S. Riverside Avenue Bloomington, CA 92316 (909) 877.2470 Fax: (909) 877.9185 www.hermanweissker.com DATE : 060( SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : dO DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ (35.(,r3 DATE: /(. 0 (.97 NO,: 64 CONTRACTOR/COMPAJNY�: /(Yjcfl (bore . SIGNATURE: ADDRE S : %1 / Y / I • % ,,,,..GS/ le Aa.ii-0 PHONE : -'/5 > 3 FAX : ? ' q- 3 3 i AMOUNT PAID : $ 36-01) REMARKS: DATE: NO: 65 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CITY OF FONTANA CDD/ENGINEERING DIVISION 8413 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 909-350-7632 Project: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Date: TO: Jacob Babico, Chief Traffic Division, Room 115 San Bernardino County October 2, 2001 We are sending you: (X) Attached ( ) Under seperate cover via The following item (s) : ( ) Drawing (X) Prints (X) Plans ( ) Samples ( ) Specifications ( ) Copy of Letter ( ) Change Order ( ) Check Prints ( ) Studies ( ) Other: COPIES 1 DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 8-22-01 Shts 11-17 Slover Avenue Sewer Traffic Control Purpose: ( ) For your information/records ( ) For approval ( ) Approved as submitted ( ) For your use ( ) Approved as noted ( ) As requested (X) For review and Signature Returned for corrections Other: For bid due: Prints returned after loaned to: Please ( ) Submit original ( ) Resubmit copies for approval ( ) Submit copies for distribution ( ) Return corrected prints ( ) Other 2000 Remarks: Please expedite your review Donald Gdula at 350-7632 when the plans Copy to: Yousuf Patanwala and approval and contact have been signed. Signed: Donald Gdula Special Projects Date: October 2, 2001 Don Gdula From: Woolverton, Buel [bwoolverton@dpw.sbcounty.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 12:59 PM To: 'jd2373@msg.pacbell.com' Cc: Bronstrup, Richard; Blakeslee, Kevin; Sakaguchi, Tom; 'dgdula@fontana.org' Subject: SLOVER AVE: Cherry/Sierra-Pac-Bell Relocations Jim DelFante, Not having heard from you on the progress, or lack thereof, on the Pac-Bell Stover Avenue relocations, a field trip was made this morning to observe what's going on and how much needs to be done. Of the twenty eight poles, (formerly SCE) on the north side of stover that need to be removed, there are four between Citrus & Poplar and seven between Citrus and Juniper which still have telephone attached. Some of the bare poles, most recently had cable TV aerial facilities attached and it is believed that they were rented from SCE. So at least eleven of those poles have presumeably been relinquished to Pac-Bell by SCE and it will be your responsibility to remove them. Since cable TV, presumeably has no pole pulling capability, SCE will be requested to come back and remove the seventeen bare poles. There were crews, presumeably splicing aerial cables on the job east of Citrus. It did not appear that many, if any new poles had been placed on the south side of Stover to their relocated positions in the reach between Citrus and Sierra. It must be reiterated that the progress of Fontana's sewer installations and the installation of gas lines in Stover, particularity between Poplar and Sierra, will be held up pending your completion of the Pac-Bell pole relocations, including the removal of those former SCE pole that were relinquished to you. Please provide an up -dated schedule of your relocation work. Buel Woolverton, PWE I Ph (909) 387-7942 boolverton@dpw.sbcounty.gov 4154353 3669 DUE DATE: SEP 17, 2002 RETURN FORM TO Section A CensU3 Bureau ot tis;10th Street; ferso yule l 4713Z,0 OMB No. 0607-0153: Approval Expires 04/30/2004 In any correspondence pertaining to this report, refer to the control number shown below. •fPR{IIEC.T:IIEN.T.,IFICATIONra^ %i> DATE SV S WGT TC NEWTC ST NEWAA STATUS 200202 1012 18.04 74 1315 06 3 1 4154353 9 CITY OF FONTANA ATTN DON GDULA - CONSULTANT PROD COORDINATOR 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA FAX (909)350-6618 92335-3528 PHONE (909) 350-7632 (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP Code, telephone and fax number) The•cgnstrut 9. project dasc030. 4.00.V1 is as450.41 q0 with your brgamzafwn according fopubhshed sources': Pleese cortegt anyerrors or fill tti.any blanks, m Items 1 acid 2; It necessary mako your corrections rrr' item 10 Remarks er use`s separate sheet: IFYOU, HAVEANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING.THIS FORM„PLEASE,CALL 1=800-845;8248 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION SLOVER AVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (SB6701) 2. PROJECT LOCATION SLOVER AVE FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA Section B ;OWNERSHIP, AND' START DATE 3,.. TYPE OF OWNERSHIP „'Mark PO one, box; Is this project 0 State Government or Agency 0 Privately -owned OR Owned by: ['Federal Government or Agency ® Local Government or Agency 4 START DATE OF, CONSTRUCTION, ;: r When dtil, actual constructionwork on the site:,start' or when: do.ypu,estirnate it will, start? Enter montlr;and year „„ COST ESTIMATES `' INCLUDI efith aOct:year of actu• al expected start datee• Section D SOUAREFE Based, on'exterior how many square feet of enclosed floor area (including basements). will be created this project? Exclude nonbuilding projects and existing floor'space < hat is,being remodeled,:, Section E Square feet:':.'.. i-;MO:NTHLY CONSTRU,CTI PROGRESSREPORT This form will be returned to you EACH MONTH until the project is completed.. • Continue with item 6 if project has started; otherwise, skip to Section F. • Report the value of construction put in place each month. Includeonly those construction costs defined in item 5c. DO NOT include costs reported in item'6. • Report costs in the month in which work was done (including any monthly retainage being withheld from contractors) rather than in the month in which, payment was made . When prbjegt is combleted enter'ri onthend yeaf in MONTHLY VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION PUT'li PLACE ON PROJECT DESCRIBED INIITEN 1,,,: MAR 2002 • Site preparation and outside construction suQh as sidewalks and roadways Mechanieal'and electrical instailetionswhich are integral parts`, of tha structure such as elevators heating;egwpment etc •Land and pr@ existmg`struclut• es.: .. AmiscrchiteFellatnuraieouengmoering and owners overpead and s costs;�.See`itern 6' } urniturei i1itnishings and other movable equipment,! ontingencyfunds,: FOR HEAVY NONBUILDING PROJECTS SEE SPECIAL INSTRU.CTIONS.ONBACK, NOTE:). project Is on a "cost plus?; basis enter:your best,gst"mate' of the fins( cost. Construction (Thbusa'nds ofdollats)• - 1,012 $ ,000.00 0 ,000.00 1,012 ,000.00 Architectu'ral,'engineering, and miscellaneous costs (Thousands of dollets1 $ ,000.00 AUG' 2002 :4'; ~' value of construction put :- in place during ntontli;, as defined in item 55 (Thousands of $ 2 q $ ,000.00 JUL 2002, JUN, 2002', $ 217 ,000.00 272 ,000.00 MAY'2002 174 ,000.00 APR`2002r. $ 130 000.00 lvlAiii 2002:`= $ ,000.00 $ ,000.00 S COMPLETION DAT Enter date when al! Construction ctiially camplet' $ ,000.00 $ ,000,00 $ ,000.00 ,000,00 ,000.00 ,000.00 Month and of Comp(etrort , vjusf 2002 NOTE: Be sure to complete section F on the reverse side. ofrect enyt nformatlor tir >cha pra)ect deCribe tanust be,$tate OtIOcal Oristruction artd in3O Rt,P(overr 0.0,a,tgfa „eX! Section C CGS f3TINIAT "ConstrUCtiOr ' for, purposes of this survey` rs defined as the building_of and/or improvements to f xed structures This INCLUDES s: New structures additions, alterations; conversions, • expansions, rebuilding,.:reconstruction, renovations, ;`.'• rehabilitations and.inajor replacements (such as the.:.: conplete, replacement of.a roof or heating, system). b;.Mechanical and electncal''installationa Plumbing, heatmg,;electncal Wert(' eleYators,escalatcrs„central: aircoynditionmg and othersimilacbuildtn services.;,• Outside construction - Clearing and grading of; 'undeveloped land and the fixed, auxiliery•struptures which th.e pro towie build wtthintheprope;rty Iinee .; Also'•' roadways; bridge parking lots;;,ufility'connections,i t.outdoor: lighting, 'poolgNathleticfields; piers wharves and' ;docks and all similar auxiliary facilitia s FOR HEAVY PROJECTS Inaddition to a b; and o,•construction INCLUDES d Ftxed works such as power plants dams highways bridges reservoirs and sewer and waterfac�l�ues Machinery and egOiphientwhiGh are integral parts of structures Also fiked, Largely site fabricated equipment • such as storage tanks , ft Tfie fellOwing typean equipfrtent boilers, towers° andfixkures EXCLUDE: Movable machinery and eijuipment whicl are not integral parts: of structures Afso;;for power generation plants exclude primary power producing machinerysuch as generators reactors and steam ;engines.. 10. REMARKS Item•5:stimate tite toteiamount tq,,be paid to onstrtiction'contractors bythe protect' owner for:work done on this; protect ittem 5bstimate,the tptal cost of labr b oy tfie, own er S Corfstruotion employees Worfing on the; project..inclUding;: supervisory'' personnel assigned to.the protect Include then tor co tast ofall cogst!'uction materiels. supplied,by the owner including those the awned expects to supply to the confractpr n for tnstailatiorn this protect : Item 5c Sum of values reported in,items•5a and 5b This is the value to be reported in•itema monthly value Of construction put in;place s' Rein 6 Estimate the total amount of.fees which the project owner has paid orwill.'pay to a. tchitectural and `:°: en°gineeririg'.firma for dn; "this project, Also estimote', ,s the. total Cost of atl other construction items which the project owner will allocate on: his books to this•project IricJucjO the'pi'oject •o por, s;overhead; and office' costs the•` cost Of,designwork by the:owners staff, end'other. mracellaneous construction fees and costs allocated on the owner s books DO NOT inelUdethe cost of'niovable machinery and equipment land and,furniture.and furnishingsa,lf book figures are'not available 'reasonable= estimates are acceptable Section E - MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT Item 8 .Report the monthly value of construction put in place for the costs associated with item 5c. These costs include: a.. Work done by contractors and/or subcontractors. including any retainage being withheld until the work is bi The cost of any Materials' installed which were provided by the owner c Jhe i vork.'done by the project owner's own constructioh. :emp.{pyees including supervisory per onnel assigned,-,=.',,: tothis protect Initially, report monthlyy values from the start month t� the most current month showrf m iterri 8 Therl each month wheli the form is retu. rned to;you report:for the monthshownand'any reviSioriswhiehyou might have When entering.•monthly data';, be' sure to, report the the month in which the work was done rather than in the month,inwhich payment was made' If the contractors bills are:forperiods other tha monthly s egtlmate a rr(onthlyamount In each month where there is no construction enter,a zero item S M If. zconstruction is complete except for some minor Work' (up to.3 percent of item 50;. you may. stop reporting 6h this."project by, indicating'in item.16," Remarks, and entering the completiondate in; item 9 Section F•- PERSON TO CONTACT'_REGARDING Item 11 Enter the name' title address; telephone an fax: number:ofthe'person who can answer questions:` about this report frJor1C CoMpkk AO USlt 30, zoos 1eIw1 C9n.s(yUdior1 Cost 4/, O/2,31O.° one Cairo nd.e( $73, 231•Z1 f7vtet,1 C-0ASI-YUCA1 Ce�st tY ClUatOtik &ael ©( O(. 1,091) 111.13 Section F ;PERSPEU;.TO' ONTACT,REGARDIN, G CC IS Rf PORI z.Pleas Rrint;,d type`t 11a. Name ,Cd�yar Z CuSaSolq b. Title 4Ssoctoifev)eer c. Telephone Area code 90 q Number 3So --6E?2 Extension d. Organization My .oF r-onciamet e. Address f. Fax FORM C-700(SLI (4-23-2001) Area cede ) /\qo\J Number 3SO-6618 CITY OF FONTANA REPORT NO. INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT DATE 2 es CIRCLE DAY 147 W T F. S S SHIFT HOURS START STOP • PROJECT .Ui.TANlles 1tic . CONTRACTOR • . GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. 8737 HELMS AVENUE POST OFFICE 215 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 LICENSE NO. DANIEL DELAO (909) 989-3714 Fax (909) 989-0754 • HOURS -ITEM NO. WEATHER .LE_Psr- 6, `l REMARKS A. e • )--k1 y.m Destcy., 4.12,4ocxa L-r t L. rt S ' .1....�.� STA.,--r xG,a.t,.l,..-t-r "'T lit ted u3 a r' LA1 r- .—1-T•14" S..kLe.� LA-r 1-4:4. A 4-3t'5c r> 1 Arb r-./ p.,•,. � n/Z,if.a r(=-p Tb-%....)-Jnes-' g Tt-4F_ yv ► i L.cti,IM Iq,_C. A.. c-t s_ GIs. ST' % V.3Es -, c .4-r • 71ACE. C.A•-r c +s -pit1 A r, T i r t- -r 0-i.-/-r, ' - Clsrr9cf L)'c71 r -=,•- e e1/L ,a= e�...,Lt r'c� LOArc'Lie+ --TiNe -rYcj c.t� ,e.-tv-r, c_t.tc 1`c— L)cae r ,a"..r. (4 0 t.-5 C► nt... t "'Ws.-C E M. r TEe(a t A.[..OJ. %cf-rlSE.. y GP tite, .>s't' W� ! 'Dr er`teLE �r1�fb-tN(yr Ne f) '� op tC,'m�Si' e The me 1 f otiti' Q Ki 'ol to .i Chl0r144 *tee (-.p Cr-, I-‘,,tss- A.A.. cees. 1:7, e kmEc.rcee) 'TI„s rsAL -r A... 'b -t ca. (--t►.a e oars 5 (2) < I trx.....-r 54.e w,c,a) -r-r 1rsz l_,itle b'e 1 raw 71A-Ef - L /1 . la• (e ...,-rram.r. L-ro T- �'�►.C`✓_1.�,A•-c -Tt..%- twrtg. / �;,a-rm- - 3rz Qoq v.9E reC'sr+a ti s.-r2 ..c a. r .- • - iN.6— -ric €" etc t,. "ni i Qg Skt,ukt At``etc. owlet t. : a.. �x1cj p.. C , - 6w�l� L X T . n � t< 11-%.e tf -kr� L �.1 & e ,n•,,AdK IA cA a se,.�,.,ln IAA 1,1> lec4tcs Il.-t e iie . Is. U- Clrfiv-.4 tAr:ztite \ck ttio L r tom. .11.3A.S Cow• c-t'•eaQ 1-a CONTRACTOR • IN''ECTOR CITY OF. FONTANA • INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT . • CIRCLE DAY . SHIFT HOURS • iLr •IDn:14tES t Mc . . CONTRACTOR • . • GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR ffr •fLBERT W. DAVIES, INC C8737 HELMS AVENUE RANCHO CUCAMO GA, CA 91730 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 POST OFFICE 215 LICENSE NO, 370846 DANIEL DELAO Fax (909) 989-0754 REPORT NO. DATE .. `1 -'Bt M.TWT SS • START • STOP • •c S►- • 1 ► o+F^--�.�-�- 'raLt • WEATHER REMARKS -r V "D. • f;oi.._5-eA! -rr", Li'S s-r- , I r t �� ��• D4(•••TI 1 etrA.E.-S c:s-7_4:NV OnMn,n 4 mm^r • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ROUTING SHEET ITEMS ARE DUE TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE NO LATER THAN MONDAY, AT NOON, NINE (9) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING. Meeting Date: December 18, 2001 Placement: Consent Calendar Department: Community Development/Engineering Prepared By: Yousuf Patanwala Subject: Authorization to Award the Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Tracking #: Items on file with the City Clerk (must be attached to agenda item) Yes: No: X Description of Item: Report to be mailed to (name, address, phone): FISCAL IMPACT: Is the item budgeted? Yes: O No: N/A: Is a budget change needed? Yes: J J/ No: O N/A: If so, where? Fund Program Account Project Amount .� s37X fir% SI� ��,� 4144- This form will be used for data input, no other paperwork is required. If more space is needed, a budget change form must be attached. BV# (Budget Use Only) REVIEWED BY: Finance: Purchasing: City Clerk: Budget: Capital Budget: Comments: (Initial your comment): Outstanding Issue: Management Services: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPORT DECEMBER 18, 2001 Community Development Department Authorization to Award the Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue RECOMMENDATION: 1. ACCEPT A BID IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,012,340.00 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO AWARD THE CONSTUCTION CONTRACT TO ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE AND AUTHORIZE A 10% CONSTRUCTION CONTINGENCY FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $101,234.00. 2. APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,113,574 FROM FUND BALANCE 502 SEWER CAPITAL. COUNCIL GOALS: To promote economic development by pursuing business retention, expansion and attraction. To invest in the City's infrastructure by providing for the development of new infrastructure. DISCUSSION: The San Bernardino County Transportation Department (SBCTD) is proceeding with the construction of the Slover Avenue street improvements from Cherry Avenue to Sierra Avenue. The installation of the master sewer line from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue must be constructed prior to the construction of the street improvements within this reach. The sewer construction project is being coordinated with the SBCTD. On August 21, 2001 the City Council authorized staff to advertise for bids for the construction of the Stover Avenue Sewer Improvement Project from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue. Twenty-three bids were received by the City Clerk's Office. The City Clerk then publicly opened bids in the City Council Chambers at 2:00 PM on November 8, 2001. Staff has determined after detailed review of the bid documents, bid bond, references, and bid tabulations, that Albert W. Davies, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder. Staff recommends the award of the construction contract for Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue to Albert W. Davies. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in Fund Balance 502 Sewer Capital, The engineer's project cost estimate is $1,476,420.00. Item: Page 1 of 2 MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Frank A. Schuma Kenneth R. Hunt Community Development Director City Manager ATTACHMENT: Vicinity Map Page 2 of 2 Existing Sewers Proposed Valley Boulevard Trunk Sewer (Not o part of) Proposed South Fontana Master Sewers Direction of Flow City of Fontana Proposed South Fontana Master Sewers SLover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue VALLEY BLVD. 1" = 800' Ilte CPI Ur vCP) ■ 10 FREEWA dU, REA CALABASH IAVE SLOVER AVE ix SANTA m Reach ANA AVE. JPA AVE. CHERRYIAVE 5 8 Reach II OBS II Reach 111 - • a -J ior U W 5 VCP Cot' V0.1 Steucture 1 Vicinity Map (n U 1 z w 13 NOVEMBER 13, 2001 j lor City of Fontana i Request for Budget Change (Please Type) Fund Number/Name 502 Sewer Capital Budget Voucher #: Requesting Department/Division C.D,/Engineering Budget Office Verification: Requested Changes Account Description Fund Program Acct Project In Whole Dollars Revenues and Operating Transfers In: Fund Balance 502 $ 1,113,574 Total $ 1,113,574 Expenditures and Operating Transfers Out: Cherry/Slover Truck Sewer Project 502 53720 8017 572766 $ 1,113,574 Total $ 1,113, 574 Reason for Change: /i Per Council Agenda for December/ 2001. Signatures (5): Prepared G�?[ 'f1 > Q..( Ext. # (0142 7�ity Manager (3) Date Authdri d by Divis- • , • - r Date Agenda Item Number Date ii (e)? Procedures: 1) Changes that affect a funds balance must go to City Council for approval. 2) Changes that go between funds, departments and divisions must go to City Council for approval. 3) Capital changes that are greater than $2,500 must go to the City Manager for approval. 4) After approval by the City Council, a copy of the agenda item must be attached to this form to be completed. 5) Two signatures are required. The person preparing the Budget Changes and the authorizing division manager. 6) This form must be an original, completely filled out, signed and agenda attached (if required). 7) Round to the nearest dollar. For further information, Contact Jackie Haugh at Ext. 7682. .xis,Ikn,1 lP� AGENDA REVIEW ACKNOWLEDGMENT PAGE 1 have reviewed the agenda item Authorization to Award the Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue and approve it. Name Date • PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) State of California County of San Bernardino I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Fontana Herald News, a newspaper of gen- eral circulation, printed and published every Thursday in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino, under the date of March 15, 1955, Case Number 73171, and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regu- lar and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement there of on the following dates, To -wit, October 11, 18, 2001. I certify (or declare) under penalty of per- jury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Fontana, California, this 18th day of October. Signature This space is for the County Clerk's stamp NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE IMPROVE- MENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 NOTICE INVITING SEALED P.O.# O1-0B003 " BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION ($45.00 if mailed). Any ques- OF I tions pertaining to this project should be directed to Felipe SLOVER AVENUE IMPROVE- Molinos, P.E. at(909)350-6641. MENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA Proposals must be accompanied AVENUE by a proposal guarantee in the BID NO. SB-67-01 form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond avail - PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY; able to the CITY in the amount GIVEN that the CITY OFI of at least ten -percent (10%) of FONTANA, as CITY, invite the total amount bid. Any pro- ' sealed bids for the above state posal not accompanied by such . project and will receive such bid a guarantee will not be consid- ` in the offices of the City Clerk up ered. A payment bond and a to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on the performance bond, each in an 8th day of November, 2001, at amount equal to 100% of the to - which time they will be publicly' tal contract amount, shall be re opened and read aloud. quired concurrently with the ex- ecution of the contract and shall `The work of improvement con- be in the form set forth in the sists of furnishing all materials, contract documents. equipment, tools, labor and inci- dentals as required by the Plans, Any contract entered into pursu- Specifications and Contract ant to this notice will incorporate • Documents for the above stated the provisions of the State La - project. The general items of bor Code. Labor Code Section -work to be done hereunder con- 1735 requires that no discrimina- sist of the construction of a tion be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, an- cestry, physical handicap, medi- cal condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance Copies of Plans, Specifications with the prevailing rates of wages and Contract Documents are arc) apprenticeship employment' available from the City of standards established by the.. Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra State Director of Industrial Avenue, Fontana, California Relations will be required. 92335, (909) 350-7610, upon payment of a Thirty-five Dollars Affirmative action to ensure ' ($35.00) non-refundable fee against discrimination inemploy- sewer and appurtenances complete and in place includ- ing pavement removal, earthwork sewer, manholes and all related work required for a complete gravity sewer system. FONTANA HERALD NEWS 16981 Foothill Boulevard, Suite N P.O. Box 549 Fontana, California 92334 Phone (909) 822-2231 Fax (909) 355-9358 ment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, an- cestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in re- sponse to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national ori- gin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The contract documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's esti- mate of the percentage of work ' completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress pay- ment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the re- quirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract docu- ments pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conform- ance with the Instructions to Bid- ders and all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed enve- lope plainly marked on the out- side: "SEALED BID FOR CON- STRUCTION OF SLOVER AV- ENUE SEWER IMPROVE- MENTS FROM POPLAR AV- ENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGU- LAR MAIL". The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take all bids under advisement for ape- riod of ninety five (95) days,_, At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a , Class "A" or Class "B" contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" spe- cialty contractors license(s) suf- ficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF CITY OF FONTANA Dated this 21 st day of August, 2001. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Publish: October 11, 18, 2001 P.O.# 02-0B003 s PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) State of California County of San Bernardino I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Fontana Herald News, a newspaper of gen- eral circulation, printed and published every Thursday in the City of Fontana, County of S an Bernardino, and which news- paper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino, under the date of March 15, 1955, Case Number 73171, and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regu- lar and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement there of on the following dates, To -wit, October 11, 18, 2001. I certify (or declare) under penalty of per- jury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Fontana, California, this 18th day of October. Signature This space is for the County Clerk's stamp NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE IMPROVE- MENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 NOTICE INVITING SEALED P.O., 01-0B003. "BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION ($45.00 if mailed). Any ques- OF tions pertaining to this project should be directed to Felipo Molinos, P.E. at (909) 350-6641. SLOVER AVENUE IMPROVE MENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA Proposals must be accompanied , AVENUE by a proposal guarantee in the BID NO. SB-67-01 - form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond avail- . PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBI able to the CITY in the amount ,GIVEN that the CITY 01 of at least ten -percent (10%) of ' FONTANA, as CITY, invite the total amount bid. Any pro - sealed bids for the above states posal not accompanied by such project and will receive such bid a guarantee will not be consid- in the offices of the City Clerk u erect A payment bond and a to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on th performance bond, each in an 8th day of November, 2001, amount equal to 100% of the to- , which time they will be publicl' tal contract amount, shall be re- opened and read aloud. quired concurrently with the ex- ecution of the contract and shall The work of improvement con be in the form set forth in the sists of furnishing all materials' contract documents. equipment, tools, labor and inci dentals as required by the Plans Any contract entered into pursu- Specifjcations and Contras ant to this notice will incorporate Documents for the above statec the provisions of the State La - project. The general items o bor Code. Labor Code Section work to be done hereunder con 1735 requires that no discrimina- sist of the construction of a tion be made in the employment sewer and appurtenance; of persons upon public works complete and in place includ because of the race, religious ing pavement removal' creed, color, national origin, an - earthwork sewer, manhole? cestry, physical handicap, medi- and all related work require cal condition, marital status, or for a complete gravity sewej sex of such persons, except as system. I provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance Copies of Plans, Specifications, with the prevailing rates of wages and Contract Documents are and apprenticeship employment available from .the City of. standards established by the ". Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra State Director of Industrial Avenue, Fontana, California Relations will be required. 92335, (909) 350-7610, upon payment of a Thirty-five Doltars Affirmative action to ensure ($35.00) non-refundable fee againstdiscriminationinemploy- i FONTANA HERALD NEWS 16981 Foothill Boulevard, Suite N P.O. Box 549 Fontana, California 92334 Phone (909) 822-2231 Fax (909) 355-9358 ment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, an- cestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in re- sponse to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national ori- gin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The contract documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's esti- mate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress pay- ment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the re- quirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract docu- ments pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conform- ance with the Instructions to Bid- ders and all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed enve- lope plainly marked on the out- side: "SEALED BID FOR CON- STRUCTION OF SLOVER AV- ENUE SEWER IMPROVE- MENTS FROM POPLAR AV- ENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGU- LAR MAIL". The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take all bids under advisement for a pe- riod of ninety five (95) days._ At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" or Class "B" contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" spe- cialty contractors license(s) suf- ficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF CITY OF FONTANA Dated this 21 st day of August, 2001. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Publish: October 11, 18, 2001 P.O.# 02-00003 DAILY JOURNAL CORPCDATION CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU P.O. Box 54026 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 90054-0026 PHONE: (213) 229-5300 FAX (213) 680-3682 FEDERAL TAX ID:95-4133299 Ordered By: DON GDULA CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEV 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335 USA •GAL ADVERTISING INVOICE Invoice Number B306428 Date 10/22/2001 Customer Account Number 1124122929 Customer Payment Reference Special Project For payment processing, please forward to: JANE HARRIS CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEV 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335 USA Page 1 of 1 Type Order No Description Amount Invoice B306428 SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA BID NOTICE INVITING BIDS 89900 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SUN 10/11,10/18/2001 For 1 Inserts & 210.000 Lines @Rate $0.71 149.10 For 1 Inserts & 210.000 Lines @Rate $0.44 92.40 241.50 PLEASE PROCESS FOR PAYMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS. Total: Payment: Please Pay: 241.50 0.00 241.50 Please detach and return this portion with payment. To ensure proper credit to your account, please write your customer number on your check. If you have any questions about your account, please call 9097840111. Invoice Date 10/22/2001 Invoice Number B306428 Customer Number 1124122929 Government Advertising - Division 1124 Please Pay 241.50 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU Attn: Accounts Receivable PO Box 54026 Los Angeles CA 90054-0026 JANE HARRIS CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEV 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA CA 92335 USA THE SUN 399 North " D"Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 (909) 397-3986 DON GDULA CITY OF FONTANA COMMUNITY DEV 8353 SIERRA AVE FONTANA, CA 92335 PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of California County of San Bernardino (2015.5 C.C.P.) ss Notice Type: BID NOTICE INVITING BIDS Ad Description: SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVE TO SIERRA I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the representative of the printer and publisher of The Sun, a daily newspaper printed and published in the English language in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, and adjudged a newspaper of general circulation as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, under date June 20, 1952, Case No. 73084. That the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to -wit: 10/11/01, 10/18/01 Executed on: 10/18/01 At Los Angeles, California I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Signature This space for filing stamp only S_BS#: 306428 NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ' SLOVER AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE • BID NO. SB-67,01 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids in the j offices of the City' Clerk up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on the 8th day of November, 2001, at which time they will (be publicly opened and read aloud. • The work of improvement consists of furnishing ' all j materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals, as i required by the Plans, tSpecifications and Contract (Documents for the above, Estated project. The general, Owns of, work to be done thereunder consist of cconstruction of a sewer and .appurtenances complete Viand in place' including pavement removal, ,earthworksewer, 'I manholes and all related work required, for a complete gravity sewer system. j Copies , of Plans, Specifications, and Contract !Documents are available from the City of Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra !Avenue, Fontana, California 192335,, (909) 350-7610, pa !upon yment of a Thirty t Five Dollars ($35.00) non - I refundable fee ($45.00 if I mailed). Any questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Felipe Molinos, P.E. at (909) 350- 16641. Proposals must be accompanied by a 'proposal guarantee in the form of cash; cashier's check, •a certified check or bid bond available to the CITY in the amount of at least ten - percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an amount equal to 100% of the total contract amount, shall be required concurrently with the execution of the contract and shall be in the form set forth in the contract documents. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 required that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because , of the race, religious creed. color, • national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital i status, or sex of such persons, except as provided , in Govemment Code I Section 12940, Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards e established by the State e Director of Industrial E Relations will be required. F Affirmative action to ensure p against discrimination in a employment practices on the e basis of race, color, national b origin, ancestry, sex, or c religion will also be required. v The CITY hereby T affirmatively ensures that e minority business e enterprises will be afforded c full opportunity to submit i r, bids in response to this r notice and will not be i tl discriminated against on the . n basis of race, color, national c origin, ancestry, sex, or i h religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. 1 The contract documents call r r for monthly ` progress ' t payments based upon the E engineer's estimate of the I v percentage of work r completed. The CITY will ) F retain 10 percent of each f ✓ progress r Payment as tl security for completion of the d E balance of the work. At the it request and expense of the e successful bidder, the CITY n will pay the amounts so a retained upon compliance o with the requirements of Public Contract code Section 22300 and the 1 provisions of the contract documents pertaining to Substitution of Securities. ) Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal ) forms and completely filled 1 out in conformance with the ) Instructions to Bidders and ) all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed (•ewelope plainly marked on r cthe outside "SEALED BID 1 II FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A F SLOVER AVENUE SEWER ) 0IMPROVEMENTS FROM r POPLAR' AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE - DO NOT. OPEN WITH 1 REGULAR MAIL". o ;The CITY reserves the right e to reject any or all bids, to y waive any irregularity, to 0 t'accept any bid or portion)t thereof, and to take all bids )) under advisement for a tlperiod of ninety five (95) II days. At the time of contract s I award, the prime contractor 'r shall possess a Class "A" or Class "B" contractor's ) 1license' and/or any E combination of Class "C' - F specialty contractors I license(s) sufficient to't, perform the work. ( BY ORDER OF CITY OF tFONTANA , F Dated this 21st day of ( August, 2001. 1 CITY OF FONTANA i 8353 Siena Avenue I# Fontana, California 92335 ' (909) 350-7610 10/11/01, 10/18/01 SBS-306428# NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE IMPROVE- MENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 ..(PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY'' ,GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stated . project and will receive such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on the ' • 8th day of November, 2001, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work of improvement con- - i-sists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor and 'denials as required by the Plans, ' Specifications and Contract • Documents for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder con- sist of the construction of a sewer and appurtenances complete and in place includ- ing pavement removal, earthwork sewer, manholes and all related work required for a complete gravity sewer system. Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents are available from the City of Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, (909) 350-7610, upon payment of a Thirty-five Dollars • ($35.00) non-refundable fee • ($45.00 if mailed). Any ques- tions pertaining to this project should be directed to Felipe Molinos, P.E. at (909) 350-6641. Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond avail- able to the CITY in the amount of at least ten -percent (10%) of ° the total amount bid. Any pro- • posal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be consid- ered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an '--`amount equal to 100% of the to- tal contract amount, shall be re- , squired concurrently with the ex- ecution of the contract and shall be in the form set forth in the contract documents. Any contract entered into pursu- ant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State La- bor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimina- tion be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, an- cestry, physical handicap, medi- cal condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employ- ment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, an- cestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in re- sponse to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race; color, national ori- gin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The contract documents call for monthly progress payments'. based upon the engineer's esti- mate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress pay- ment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the re- quirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract docu- ments pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conform- ance with the Instructions to Bid- ders and all proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed enve lope plainly marked on the out- side: "SEALED BID FOR CON- STRUCTION OF SLOVER AV- ENUE SEWER IMPROVE- MENTS FROM POPLAR AV- ENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGU- LAR MAIL". The CITY reserves the right 10 reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take all bids under advisement for a pe- riod of ninety five (95) days. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" or Class "B". contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" spe- cialty contractors license(s) suf- ficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF CITY OF FONTANA Dated this 21 st day of August, 2001. City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Publish: October 11, 18, 2001 P.O.# 02-0B003 f. r _ I-ON-MN-3A HE14L0 NF•iq 5 PA y cTDDERII aOOr . CITY COUNCIL ACTION REPO* AUGUST 21, 2001 FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue RECOMMENDATION: AUTHORIZE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE. COUNCIL GOALS: • To promote economic development by pursuing business retention, expansion and attraction. • To invest in the City's infrastructure by providing for the development of new infrastructure. • To concentrate on inter -governmental relations by working cooperatively with neighboring jurisdictions. DISCUSSION: The San Bernardino County Transportation Department (SBCTD) jointly with the City is proceeding on the construction of the Stover Avenue street improvement from Cherry Avenue to Sierra Avenue.. As a prerequisite to the construction of the street improvement, the underground utilities must be installed. The required installation of underground utilities will include the construction of a sewer mainline in Stover Avenue from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue. The City is responsible for the construction of this sewer facility. This sewer project is the last phase of sewer installation along Stover Avenue, originally from Cherry Avenue to Sierra Avenue. This project is being coordinated with the SBCTD. This action will authorize staff to advertise the project for bids. Final award of the project will later be brought forth for City Council consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in Fund 502 Sewer Capital Projects and budgeted in FY 2001/02. MOTION: Approve staff recommendation. BMITTED BY: Frank A. Schuma Community Development Department ATTACHMENT: Vicinity Map APPROVED BY: Kenneth R. Hun City Manager Item: CC Page 1 of 1 Existing Sewers Proposed Volley Boulevard Trunk Sewer (Not a port or) Proposed South Fontana Muster Sewers Direction of Flow City of ontana - Proposed South Fontana Master Sewers SLover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Vicinity Map 0 1" = Boo' AUGUST 21, 2000 Tr Ismission Report , Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con-f i rmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6518 Fax Communications Toe CONSTRUCTION DATA. Attn: Wd From Don Oduia Fen • 9-1-500-497.7878 natal November 5. 2001 Phone: Pages: 9 Rol SloverAvenue Sewer Poplar to Siena CC: Plan Idolder's Ust Q Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment R Please Reply Q Pleaee Recycle *Comments: 9 Total Pages Confirmed 9' 11- 5-01;11:O6AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 339 918004877878 11- 5-01;11:00AM 5'33" 9/ 9 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer PLAN HOLDER' S BI) )ISTRIBUTION LIST 3 $ ICK- UP 410 $45-MAILED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER ACCOUNT NO.: IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $1,410,720.00 SERRIA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 NO: 1. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CITY CLERK, CITY OF FONTANA ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG PHONE: 350-7605 REMARKS: "SPECIFICATIONS ONLY" AMOUNT PAID: $ NA NO: 2. 41VMMMt I. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PURCHASING 'DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7681 REMARKS: AMOUNT PAID: $ NA ArtMAutt NO: 3. NO: 4. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: INSPECTION (DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: 350-6635 REMARKS: CARLOS NAVARRO AMOUNT PAID: $ NA AbOftCtttti WO, CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SPECIAL PROJECTS 'DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: (909) 350-6646 REMARKS: FELIPE MOLINOS, P.E. AMOUNT PAID: $ NA NO: 5. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: BID AMERICAN 'DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 41085 ELM STREET MURRIETA, CA 92562 PHONE: (909) 677-4819 REMARKS: MAILED AMOUNT PAID: $ NA Ft4sc 111-4SI4 AWBillitet no NO: DATE: 9/13/01 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 REMARKS: MAILED AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A IrAC c-1- O -1260 Welottbipi uc3.1 NO: 7. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG PHONE: (310) 643-1263 REMARKS: MAILED AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A Pga q l �- fit®--tdl'��-RkL RI lu 1161 NO: 8. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: REMARKS : (909) 885-6857 MAILED AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A Foac oit3lGI AWaltlisti DATE:9/13/01 NO: 9. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILEDD • © F^FF'1( "CteriLi PriDetiltlii, ki61 1 'DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 10 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, STE. 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714-937-0831 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED L')t t`� pot k4•-sim"cRV' f ilri •gatE toi l • NO: 11 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ADDRESS: PHONE: REMARKS: McGRAW HILL DODGE 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, STE. 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 (714-937-0831 MAILED 1 �114-93r—� V) NO: 12ICONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA RD., SUITE 4 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 (619) 243-2111 MAILEDv?A PHONE: REMARKS: NO: 13 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ADDRESS: NO: 14 NO: 15 PHONE: REMARKS: IDATE : 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A Masiftha uOJ DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A I v160213E DON GDULA CITY OF FONTANA CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (909) 350-7632 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D. KING, INC. ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE 100 ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 Naktbit DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A IDATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG PHONE: REMARKS: STEVE NIX (909) AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A rvw q 31? 8207- CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC ADDRESS: 6121. QUAIL VALLEY COURT ki:Droatii►-kio, I 'DATE: 9/13/01 RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 SIGNATURE: DG PHONE: (909) 653-1760 REMARKS: AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A IAPDPitftotTI.1 TOR-C .S2oNsTRuCToRs, INC. License #799868 • NO: 21 co ADDI 1180 Olympic Drive Suite 206 PHO11 Corona, CA 92881 REM AL TORRES President JDATE: SIGNA Office (909) 272-4166 — Cell (909) 481-2323 Fax (909) 272-5733 AMOUNT PAID: /0—/c.p/ NO : 2 2 31641IDATE: CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : T I.- aIt-o1 Co . SIGNATURE : ADDRESS : JPiw 9 d aim) ti . 0., i 0 - eaa castoa, PHONE : CJQq) '77 _ 9' 91p AMOUNT PAID: $ .5,Q D REMARKS : (a) ! o .d /O 19 8 I NO: 23 DAVID K. ENNIS SOUTHWEST CONCRETE PRODUCTS 519 SOUTH BENSON AVENUE ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. 91762-4002 PH. (909) 983-9789 • FAX (909) 983-4187 PRECAST MANHOLES, TRUSS PIPE CORRUGATED PIPE AND FITTINGS DATE: SIGNATURE * /1 AMOUNT PAID: $35,,e5A IDATE: /a // NO : 2 4 .. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : gp S, ( .z.,:J 6,4p., SIGNATURE . ADDRESS : 2% 66 6 L b (h& , _ . �C,m ,,i, ,k „. . 9I46 (o - i/3s PHONE : `,5j, R) 7 K4 - YI c 5 AMOUNT PAID: $ E Ad REMARKS : PO' (elm -1%-s441 NO: 25 CII CONSTRUCTION ANY INC OFFICE 9095595-1172 MOBILE 909-721-7604 FAX: 909-595-4620 BUS. LIC 504277 A 324 CARBONIA AVE WALNUT, CA 91789 DATE : IV/ 0/ SIG TURF: AMOK PAID: $ de) GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR • NO: 26 CONTRAC ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. ADDRESS 8737 HELMS AVENUE POST OFFICE 215 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 LICENSE NO. 370846 PHONE: REMARKS NO: 27 CONTRAC ADDRESS PHONE: REMARK NO : 2 8 --CONTRAC1 ADDRESS PHONE: NO..:, 2 9 ENGINEER/ESTIMATOR KENJI D. SHINTAKU, P.E. (909) 989-3714 Fax (909) 989-0754 LEONARD DUNN LI ktileo SON, INC. GE • EERING CONTRAC FAX (714) 995-1452 (714) 995-1371 P.O. BOX 749 CYPRESS, CALIFORNIA 80830 GRGO & GORDON GRBAVAC CONST. CO., INC. SEWER - STORM DRAIN EMERGENCY REPAIR - EQUIP. RENTAL REMARK GRGO GRBAVAC GORDON GRBAVAC 5114 ELTON ST. BALDWIN PARK, CA 91706 SEWER • APANY OFFICE (626) 480-8711 FAX (626) 480-8911 PAGER (800) 239-1890 .�.weaa C. P.•.CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. P.O. BOX 1206 • ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91762 STATE CONTRACTORS LIC. No. 304795-CLASS "A" JOHN BLOUGH MOBILE: 909/966-3200 BUS: 909/981-1.091 FAX: 909/981-6704 DATE: SIGNATURE: 10 "vim• AMOUNT PAID: DATE: /( Z.�---(:) SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 3S- 0 b . DAT3: S IGrTATURE : AMOUNT PAID: $ j, 0 DATE: SICNATU .. 4OUNT PAID : $ - : C-2C.) HOME: 909/887-0053 EMAIL: johnb@cpconst.com `� ��� DATE : i _,0f NO : 3 0 _�..� CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : QM u.a_1,S t / 1® L3,1-1,11Et t) S IGNATURE : ADDRESS : 16 CO Al & PU.P - e)n..e f93 9a53 PHONE : (6) (p&p- 1'rn )V "7 02 AMOUNT PAID : S 45-00 REMARKS : Ci I �� k l : 0 ILLA-L• � _ i-f-J I NO: 31 CO AD PH RE. • M G F CONSTRUCTION 1372 W. 26TH STREET SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 LIc # 740153 • Telephone (909) 882-6840 Fax (909) 881-5761 DATE : t 0 •2:71,*-61 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $55, (DATE: /e - 4_0/ NO: 32 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:,, Q/rO pi. gini/, /eb1SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : / O i ..� ,3/ O '� d Q fil A en 1 7 / PHONE : -/u 9)4-9g8 7 AMOUNT PAID : $ 4 6, dREMARKS : F 441— 4o tka li I6-AiJ- / DATE: Ia--al0-e)i NO : 3 3 CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY : j ( t ?Q Z,p 7 60 , SIGNATURE : ADDRESS : M6/ J V",e„ 37 +a8d P P.911Y o4+ 1& /D 99660 ,,/ : `�'Ji f-6 96 4 AMOUNT PAID : a� $ .REMARKS tPHONE : I1 C 0_/6' a 14,`=)I ." i=316.%`,a" -112d-- emereste Oaf? DATE: 10 NO: 34 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ' )jnI KL,S SIGNATURE 171 ADDRESS : %/ ,fir, a�e5t4 M 9 sy$ �t^f PHONE : C.c. .35 77 d - 9a0 AMOUNT PAID :. $ •15,, 6 REMARKS : ka' 7 lb -a 4 _.c) DATE : /L) ,ai ii-'6./ NO: 35 CONTRACTOR/COMP k..J1 M C. • Om SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: � ,(ny�.a. .g hid , 4A- l/ T PHONE : 4-9()') CJ5 --� 6 g AMOUNT PAID : $ 4'6. a a 1% i REMARKS :N'Ait....I?l Ib "-a It -Q 1 Pitx ficTS- igen IDATE : /0 y-- 01L 0) NO: 36 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: � �eA7r: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : 1716PO c 3 ,DJ ) V p.f 6 SLill L \1 e4 9 4 -J09i PHONE : ) kO3) 5 ' L% - We 97 AMOUNT PAID : $ . C REMARKS : ] �Lle {iL 1 b - 0 a Q FQ3C s - 5f52. - rle" !DATE : /d---oQ _m NO: 37 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:, IQ Ct- Lerr SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : J14 c, �1'1 i n,v CIA2 • Au i h...e-, el.VOL- 4 R PHONE : 1 CJ I - O ad-1 AMOUNT PAID : , $ 45ilt, REMARKS : (� ' %6-c/ o ( C.Z. gay cf4- 552- e stir) NO: 38 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: eL-k-( c1"=ittc. ADDRESS : i O t j jj P ( 1 _ e 9aR57 0147 PHONE : r lOri .� / © "c C%-d i Mug_ 441.' --' O " 04 REMARKS: DATE Q - c2zj4--Q/ SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 445. DATE: /6 - Z D I NO: 39 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: fra 14-1-10 e-1 ► _ Kst—' SIGNATURE: �(7,z ADDRESS : L L'j,-1 Ct. Z �i ( 1 1� Y ..: ` +` v-��r�; I cl Z 5L al PHONE : o e -. �3�0'i --clew ( AMOUNT. PAID: $ • / L7 D REMARKS : FAX -az NO: 40 SCC Steve Could° Construction Co., Inc. Noah Schmitz Sewer, Storm Drain & Water Contractors lic. #741822 1426 S. Alec Street (714) 991-8350 Anaheim, CA 92805 Fax (714) 991- 7643 (DATE : Jf aci.,1 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 0� • • j `1Z747. DATE:I/ eqs"-- a e,01 S IGNATURE : CONTRAcToR/comPANY : ecifIACkettizati);) ADDRESS: isgo riour,,Lisz..541-0, --EuntAn e-Q_ e....i2-- 9.6 54 i i PHONE : La..16) 2eac,- Noo AMOUNT PAID : 4_544,16 REMARKS: 06-0-4 it) -A5-61 e4 cl4KB 10 - -2.-q - 7-454/C, DATE: NO: 4 2 ,, (_,,,e Ci CONTRACTOR/ COMPANY : et) (... )i ' flQjjjjr SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : ;::06 N. S 4Ata.4_. (._ o 11-0 La,....) q0/2 FA - PHONE: e, 96 ti) 71- go/6 AMOUNT PAID: $ 45,6-0 REMARKS : ri 131 04 1 ,...as_O Pax• rrAl- rnes9 NO : 4 3 CONTRA ADDRES PHONE: REMARK, NO: 44 CONT RAI ADDRES. PHONE: REMARK (626) 444-4286 (626) 444-3989 (FX) MARK ARTUKOVICH 11155 RUSH STREET SOUTH EL MONTE License No. 528701 MAJICH BROS., INC. P.O. Box 337 Altadena, CA 91003-0337 E-Mail: majichbros@aol.com NO: 45 CONTRACTC ADDRESS : APPLE VALLEY CONSTRUCTION PHONE: REMARKS: GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Lie # 680052 Sewer • Water • Utility trenching Storm drains • Pipe lines Septics • Dry Wells Equipment Rentals • Rock & Sand • Doug Hamilton (760) 247-4810 Fax 247-8684 Mobile (760) 275-0277 9312 Deep Creek Rd Apple Valley, CA 92308 DATE: 10- 2-4-v0 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ DATE: SIGNATURE : AMOUNT PAID: s3Se 0 0 PAUL J. MAJICH Phone (626) 398-9992 Fax (626) 398-9920 DATE: 'MATURE : RUNT PAID: NO: 49 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: k 1 3 ju 1-12 ADDRESS : acto D�� ►� �Uf2. Cm ),' _• l ef 936655 PHONE:($d5') 5,3 %-6$4I P.t : ) 5Y4t-6 76fl REMARKS: DATE: SIGNA ©A •'t E: AMOUNT PAID : $� DATE : `0 -w dl SIGNATURE : AMOUNT PAID : $ S ` ()C General Engineet'ttg Cons ruction Underground Specialist Lic. A-72841 Hs 2829 DATE: I O— 33 -O SI A E: AMO PAID: $ &S.dQ` • • NO: 5' NO: 52 itts BUO4 o el 0704 12 South Old Ranch Rd. gdPO•t Arcadia, CA 91007-6170 eknON www.bubalo.com Lic#771279 A Anton Brbic anton@bubalo.com s • NO: 53 Office: (626) 446-6062 Fax: (626) 446-4892 Mobile: (626) 705-3773 DATE : O %Q 'O IGNAT : OUNT PAID: $ •1jZ • k CGt • Lic. No. 21R1R EDWARD J .MEYER 277 1 , CA 02346. ADDRESS : Prt©NE (PO9)`40. 4 25 FAX 000) 425;• 4U20 PHONE : tab " 7`r : 2q AX REMARKS:. DATE: �'0-3/- SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 5 CO DATE: ~SIGNAT cuo DATE: it a /ICyl NO: 54 CONTRACTOR/CO^IMP : TV) I aMct (0i'lC' r r SIGNATURE: 11 ADDRES : 244 4 �bic(06I Kilecxicff PHONE : -7-172 () FAX : 7' i 3 ( 7 AMOUNT PAID : $ -3S- • q) REMARKS: DATE: NO: 56 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: 14-A. SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : C rrL( 01 'Pea 1 t4 PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: REMARKS: (DATE : 1 1/ O , NO: 57 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY:0,or/1,5I .. /,ac tLh 6,0 SIGNATURE. ADDRESS : ro as- 5 Rr)0 ce- d 9-13/6 PHONE : 9 0 V / t7'74 k fffFAX : AMOUNT PAID : $ 3c-a d REMARKS: NO: 58 CONT NO: ADDR PHON REM) License # 584275 PETER C. DAVID CO., INC. Pipe Line Contractors DAVID CHORAK Office: (714) 543-2665 Fax: (714) 543-4051 Stanley F. Yelich Stanley F. Yelich, Inc. General Engineering Contractors License No. 314058A Post Office Box 246 (323) 681-4365. fax DATE : t 1111 I SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $ 3 5 o O 32701 DATE : ' (- L - 1 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 564 "`-_) tutetta tvtuure, LA 9I025 s f I , ' --- _,,,, Y @jps.net DATE : NO: 60 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: ream Z. USA Airbill Express FedEx Tracking Number 831106977 1220 1 F a Sender's Name Company rnu�press Srd. Sender's FedEx Account Number Form ° 1.0. No. Express Package Service Packages up to 150lbs. Delivery commitment maybe later in some areas j 420-8939-4 dEx nority0vemight ❑ FedExStandardOvemight ❑ Fed ExFrstPvemight `tr Nertbu ness morning Nextbusiness aftemaon Eeveryt seleci locations ,,��((jj delNeryto select locations Phone ((ICA ) 39Drrib32 —❑ FedEx 2Day ❑ FedEx Express Saver ❑ NEW FedEx Extra Hours Sewnd business day Third husinessday Iserdropaflvdh ne#drsness Fed& Envelope rate not available. Minimum charge: One-poundmte J aftemoondeGreryforselem!neatens CITY OF FONTANA/ ENG I NEER I NIG Address 8413 SIERRA AVE city FONTANA 2 Your Internal Billing Reference Frst24 characterswill appear on invoice. State CA ZIP 92 35 C8Tl8NAt. Dept/Roor/Suke/aoom 3 To Recipient's Name YV (IthiL ph. (90 )S 10'-/62. f Company T ' .DrCE Address Z02 E , AIRRD27CaYeAD To "HOLD" at FedEx locadon, prim FedEx address We cannot delNer to P.O. boxes or P.O.ZIP codes. DeptfRoo/Suite/aoom City z 1'41 State OA ZIP o31-2.6 aII r:Nl rF art'1;IfJr 1 ., .`b.1c Qlt,�It / <,iur I OA1 See back for application instructions. Questions? Visit our Web site at fedex.com or call 1.800•Go•FedEx® (800)463-3339. By using this Arbil' you agree to the service conditions on the back of this Airbill and in our current Service Guide, including terms that lima our liability. 4b Express Freight Service ❑ FedExloayFreight" Neahusiness sy ❑ FedEx2DayFreight Second business day Packages over 150lbs. Delivery commitment maybe later in some areas. ❑ ThirFeddEhusinx3DaveyFreight nss `Cellfor Confirmation: 5 Packaging ❑ FedEx Envelope* • Declared value IimitS503 21 ❑ FedEx Pak* LJ Other Pkg. • 21 Includes FedEx Small Pak FedEx Large Pak. and FedEx Sturdy Pak Includes FedEx Box, FedEx Tube, and customer pkg. 6 Special Handling SA11JRDAY Delivery ❑ RaSTRICrfONS Available oonRM1't FedEx Priority Overnight d FedEx20ay to select SIP codes Does is shipment contain dangerous goods? r— One}/ax must be checked. —1 ❑Yes ❑ Drvlce Asper ettacheUN 1845 • x Shipper's Declaration Dryce.9, ration ngerous Goods gnat Dry Ice) cannot be shipped in FedEx packaging orwi h FedEx Extra Hours service. ayment Bill to: Enter FedEx Acct No. or Credit Card No. below. Sender ❑ Recipient ❑ Third Party ❑ Credit Card Acct No. in Section 1 will be billed. Include FedEx address in Section 3. —, HOLD Weekday HOLD Saturday ❑ atFedExLocation ❑ atFedEx Locatton RESTRICTIONS RESTRICTIONS Not available with Available only for FedEx Priority FedExRrst Overnight Dvemight and FedEx2Day to select locations kg FedExAccL No. Credit Card Na. Total Packages Exp. Date Total eight Total Declared Valuer $ .00 tour liability is limited to$100 un es you declare a higher value. See back for details.. 8 Release Signature Sign mautho'e delivery without obtsiningsignature. 0191964925 By signing you authorize us to deliver this shipmentwbhout obtaining a signature and agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any resulting claims. ❑Cargo Aircraft Only ❑ Cash/Check FedEx Use Only 406 x • 'Cr.; of K m • X Z • m • • • SAS.Rev. Date 7/01 •Part 11559185•01994-2000 FedE.•PFINTEO IN U.S.A • Terms And Conditions • Definitions On this Airbill, "we," "our," and "us" refer to Federal Express Corporation, its employees, and agents. "You" and "your" referto the sender, its employees, and agents. Agreement ToTerms By giving us your package to deliver, you agree to all the terms en this Airbill and in our current Service Guide, which is available on request. You also agree to those terms on behalf of any third party with an interest in the package. If there is a conflict between the Service Guide and this Airbill, the. Service Guide will control. No one is authorized to change the terms of our Agreement. Responrsikiiity For Packaging intcg And Completing, Airkill You are responsible for adequately packaging your • goods and properly filling outthis Airbill. If you omitthe number of packages and/or weight per package, our billing will be based on our best estimate ef the number of packages we received and/or an estimated"default" weight per package • as determined by us. Responsibility For Payment Even if you give us different payment instructions, you will always be primarily responsible for all delivery costs, as well as any cost we incur • in either returning your package to you or warehousing it pending disposition. Limitations On Our Liability And Lt-a°anlntnco mot. Assumed • • Our liability in connection with this shipment is limited to the lesser of your actual damages or $100, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, and document your actual loss in a timely manner. You may pay an additional charge for each additional $100 of declared value. The declared value does not constitute, nor do we provide, cargo liability insurance. • In any event, we will not be liable for any damage, whether direct, incidental, special, or consequential in excess of the declared value of a shipment, whether or not Federal Express had knowledge that such damages might be incurred including but not limited to loss of income or profits. • • We won't be Fable: — for your acts or omissions, including but not limited to improper or insufficient packing, securing, marking, or addressing, or those of the recipient or anyone else with an interest in the package: • — if you or the recipient violates any of the terms of our Agreement. — for loss or damage to shipments of prohibited items. — for loss, damage, or delay caused by events we cannot control, including but not limited to acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts of public authorities with actual or apparent authority. Declared Value Limits • The highest declared value allowed for a FedEx Envelope and FedEx Pak shipment is $500. • For other shipments, the highest declared value allowed is $50,000 unless your package contains items of extraordinary value, in which case the highest declared value allowed is $500. • Items of extraordinary value include shipments containing such items as artwork, jewelry, furs, precious metals, nego- tiable instruments, and other items listed in our Service Guide. • You may send more than one package on this Airbill and fill in the total declared value for all packages, not to exceed the $100,$500, or$50,000 per package limit described above. (Example: 5 packages can have a total declared value of up to $250,000.) In that case, our liability is limited to the actual value of the package(s) lost or damaged, but may not exceed the maximum allowable declared value(s) orthe total declared value, whichever is less. You are responsible for proving the actual loss or damage. Filing. A Claim YOU MUST MAKE ALL CLAIMS IN WRITING and notify us of your claim within stricttime limits set out in the current Service Guide. You may call our Customer Service department at 1*800oGo=FedEx® (800),"53-3339to report a claim; however, you must still file a timely written claim. Within 90 days after you notify us of your claim, you must send us all the information you have about it. We aren't obligated to act on any claim until you have paid all transportation charges, and you may notdeductthe amount of your claim from those charges. If the recipient accepts your package without noting any damage on the delivery record, we will assume the package was delivered in good condition. For us to process your claim, you must make the original shipping cartons and packing available for inspection. Deliver/To Residential Locations Shipments to residential locations using FedEx Express Saver may be delivered without obtaining the recipient's signature. REt htTo Enspect We may, at our option, open and inspect your packages before or after you give them to us to deliver. Flisht Of 6re;ection We reserve the rightto reject a shipment when such shipment would be likely to cause delay or damage to other shipments, equipment, or personnel; or if the shipment is prohibited by law; or if the shipment would violate any terms of our.Airbill or our current Service Guide. C.®.D. Services C.O.D. SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH THIS AIRB!LL. If C.O.D. Service is required, please use a Federal Express C.O.D. Airbill. Ah•TcannsportatEcnTax Included A federal excise tax when required by the Internal Revenue Code on the air transportation portion of this service, if any, -is paid by us. l' naey-lack Guarantee In the event of untimely delivery, Federal Express will, at your request and with some limitations, refund or credit all transportation charges. See current Service Guide for more information. Part8155918S • Rov.14/89 IFSea',:. USA Airbill Express FedEx Tracking Number 83E 69771230 1 Fr n1 aseprrint A9presshard. Date 0 \ 11� Sender's y r Name LA Sender's FedEx Account Number 1420-8939-4 Phone (C1Oct )353-9632_ Company CITY 8E FONTANA / ENG I NEER I NG Address 8413 SIERRA AVE City FONTANA 2 Your Internal Billing Reference Arst24 characters will appear on invoice. State CA ZIP 92335 OPTIONAL. Deptlnoor/Suitelfoom 3 To Recipient's Name A I Phone (VE.v) 243--2fi) Company ( O1BEI2T u4i Address 4 4 P4 PO"4 , it `2, I To "HOLD" et Fed& locauon, prim FedEx address. We cannot deliverto P.O. boxes or P.O. ZIP codes. nept/noor/Suiteleoom City VIC ILe State GIA ZIP a2 sq2 !pt lR j;i>tE -,:it I t.;ii1C t Ili. iil /t 41-lil. See back for application instructions. Questions? Visit our Web site at fedex.com or call 1.800•Go•FedEe (800)463-3339. By using this Airbill you agree to the service conditions on the back ofthis Airbill and in our current Service Guide, including terms that limit our liability. ress rackageService 'only Overnight usiness morning Packages up to 150lbs. Delivery commibnent may be later in some areas. ❑ FedEx Standard 0vemight ❑ FedEx First overnight Next businessaftemoon Earliest next business morning deliveryto selectlocadons ❑ FedEx 2Day ❑ FedEx Express Saver Secondbusiness day Third business day --IFed& Envelope rate not available. Minimum charge: One�ound rate 4b Express Freight Service ❑ FedExioayFreight* Next business day ❑Later NEW FedExours Extrneabu ass aftemoatdeli erytwselectlacetions Packages over 1501bs. Delivery commitment may be later in some areas. ❑ FedEx2Day Freight ❑ FedEx3DavFreight Second business day Third business ay • Callfor Confirmation 5 Packaging ❑ FedEx Envelope* ❑ FedEx Pak* Includes FedEx Smell Pak. FedEx Large Pak, and FedEx Sturdy Pak 'Declared valuelimitS500 Other Pkg. Includes FedEx Box, FedEx Tube, and customer pkg. 6 Special Handling SATURDAYDelivery ❑ RESTRICTIONS Available only forFeclEx Priority Ovemight and F4dEx2Day to select ZIP odes Does shipment contain dangerous goods? One must be checked.-1 N ❑ Yes As per attached Shippers Declaration Danger us Goods(incl. Dry Ice) cannot be shipped in Fed& packaging or with Fed& Extra Hours service. 7 P ent Bill to: Enter FedEx Acct No. or Credit Card No. below. ender ❑ Recipient ❑ Third Party ❑ Credit Card ❑ Cash/Check Acct No. in Section twill be billed. Include FedEx address in Section 3. HOLD Weekday HOLD Saturday ❑atFed ExLocation ❑atFedExLocation RESTRICTIONS RESTRICTIONS Nmavailahlewih Available only for FedEx Priority FedEx Rrst Overnight Overnight and FedEx2Day to select locations ❑Ds�rlce Dry ce,9,UN 1845 fed&AcctNo. &p. Credit Card No. Date ❑ Ca kg Aircrrgoaft Only Total Packages fight Total Declared Valuer $ .00 to liability is limited to $100 unless you declare a higher value. See back for details. FedEx Use Only 8 Release Signature Sign to euthor¢e deliverywehoutobtaining sigmare. By signing you authorize us to deliver this shipment without obtaining a signature and agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any resetting claims. 406 • • • • • • • • a 9 a ti x ca 0 D x 05 0 S a 0< a 45 0191964925 SAS.Rev. Cate l/DI •Pan 11559I83•01994-2000 FedEx•PPINTED IN U.SA I • Terns And Conditions Definitions On this Airbill, "we," "our," and "us" refer to Federal Express Corporation, its employees, and agents. "You" and "your" referto the sender, its employees, and agents. • Agreement Toren -as By giving us your package to deliver, you agree to all the terms on this Airbill and in our current Service Guide, which is available on request. You also agree to those terms on behalf of any third party with an interest tithe package. If there is a conflict between the Service Guide and this Airbill, the Service Guide wit control. No one is authorized to change the terms of our Agreement. Pesfzcnei"wiii y For PcsAe ,irtg.Arnd Completing ig You are responsible for adequately packaging your • goods and properly filling outthis Airbill. If you omitthe number of packages and/or weight per package, our billing will be based on our best estimate of the number of packages we received and/or an estimated "default" weight per package . as determined by us. Ffesponsihi"itV For Psymecnt Even if you give us different payment instructions, you will always be primarily responsible for all delivery costs, as well as any cost we incur in either returning your package to you or warehousing it pending disposition. Limitations Cn Our P iµPNlity And Liersiiiticv ['slot thoc=ed • Our liability in connection with this shipment is limited to the lesser of your actual damages or $100, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, and documentyour actual loss in a timely manner. You may pay an additional charge for each additional $100 of declared value. The declared value does not constitute, nor do we provide, cargo liability insurance. • In any event, we will not be liable for any damage, whether direct, incidental, special, or consequential in excess of the declared value of a shipment, whether or not Federal Express had knowledge that such damages might be incurred including but not limited to loss of income or profits. s • We won't be liable: - for your acts or omissions, including but not limited to improper or insufficient packing, securing, marking, or addressing, or those of the recipient or anyone else with an interest in the package. — if you or the recipient violates any of the terms of our Agreement. — for loss or damage to shipments of prohibited items. — for loss, damage, or delay caused by events we cannot control, including but not limited to acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts of public authorities with actual or apparent authority. ®ec!ared F9alrae Limits • The highest declared value allowed for a FedEx Envelope and FedEx Pak shipment is $500. • For other shipments, the highest declared value allowed is $50,000 unless your package contains items of extraordinary value, in which case the highest declared value allowed is $500. • Items of extraordinary value include shipments containing such items as artwork, jewelry, furs, precious metals, nego- tiable instruments, and other items listed in our Service Guide. • You may send more than one package on this Airbill and fill in the total declared value for all packages, notto exceed the $100, $500, or $50,000 per package limit described above. (Example: 5 packages can have a total declared value of up to $250,000.) In that case, our liability is limited to the actual value of the package(s) lost or damaged, but may not exceed- the maximum allowable declared value(s) orthetotal declared value, whichever is less. You are responsible for proving the actual loss or damage. Filing A Claim YOU MUST MAKE ALL CLAIMS IN WRITING and notify us of your claim within strict time limits set out in the current Service Guide. You may call our Customer Service department at 1.000,GooFedEx® (800)463-3339 to report a claim; however, you must still file a timely written claim. Within 90 days after you notify us of your claim, you must send us all the information you have about it. We aren't obligated to act on any claim until you have paid all transportation charges, and you may not deductthe amount of your claim from those charges. If the recipient accepts your package without noting any damage on the delivery record, we will assume the package was delivered in good condition. For us to process your claim, you must make the original shipping cartons and packing available for inspection. Delivery To Residential Locations Shipments to residential locations using FedEx Express Saver may be delivered without obtaining the recipient's signature. iliightTo inspect We may, at our option, open and inspect your packages before or after you give them to us to deliver. Piglet Of € siectian We reserve the right to rejecta shipment when such: shipment would be likely to cause delay or damage to other shipments, equipment, or personnel; or if the shipment is prohibited by law; or if the shipment would .violate any terms of our Airbill or our current Service Guide. 3e7111ce3 C.O.D. SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH THIS AIRBILL. If C.O.D. Service is required, please use a Federal Express C.O.D. Airbill. Air Transportation Tax included . Afederal excise tax when required by the Internal Revenue Code on the air transportation portion of this service, if any, is paid by us. Money -Caen Gummi:ntee In the evert of untimely delivery, Federal Express will, at your request and with some limitations, refund or credit all transportation charges. See current Service Guide for more information. Part#1559185 • Rev.17l00 • • USA Airbill Express FedEx Tracking Number 83C• 6977 1193 1 From P asepnrdendp7Ehard lU Sender's FedEx Date 'r �� Account Number Sender's IS- ,�� Name 1�) � GI�i.1l,� Na 1420—n939—p'4 •� I ) 3 SA. -1163 (,. Company C I TY OF FONTANA /ENG I NEER I NV Address 3413 SIERRA AVE city FONTANA 2 Your Internal Billing Reference Rrst24 characters will appear on invoice. State CA ZIP 92335 0PTIOtbAt. Deptlfoor/Suito/Room 3 To Recipients Name Express Package Service Packages up to 150lbs. Delivery commianent may be later in some areas. (74a)e dExPriorriityOvernight ❑ FedEx Standard 0vem1ght ❑ FedEx First Overnight e#6usiness ming Next business afternoon d business g derfierytoselect locamo FedEx 2Day ❑ FedEx Express Saver ❑ NEW FedEx Extra Hours Second business day Third 6usiness day Later dropofwith ne#busines FedEx Enveloperate not available. Minimum charge: One-poundrate J a moondeN2ryforselectlocataa /`4Cs,1v Phone { 5 [ 6 45 .- j z 3 Company IL\/ V2145 0€LL SUNAddress S MaA WY 1 141,1 qfir.t4 I 1 at I `E_ 110 To "HOLD" at FedEx location, printFedEx address. We cannot deliverto P.O. boxes or P.O. ZIP codes. Dept/Roor/Surte/Room City RE t t eEtak State C .A ZIP 00208 (f l Ir IjIUt t�1r/ I'fal':I1� < (I;�It /\trei ��1�{P See back for application instructions. Questions? Visit our Web site at fedex.com or call 1.800•Go•Fed Ex' (800)463-3339. By using this Airbill you agree to the service conditions on the back of this Airbill and in our current Service Guide, including termsthat limit our liability. Packages over 15Olbs. Delivery commitment may be later in some areas. ❑ FedExiDayFreightx ❑ FedEx2DayFreight ❑ FedEx3Da� Freight Ne#business ay Second business day Thrdbusinessey, • Call for Confirmation. 5 Packaging ❑ FedEx Envelope* ❑ FedEx Pak* Includes FedEx Small Pak, FedEx Large Pak, and FedEx Sturdy Pak eclared value limitS500 Other Pkg. Includes FedEx Box, FedEx Tuba, and customer pkg. 6 Special Handling SATURDAY Delivery ❑ RESTRICTIO4IS Available only for FedEx Priority Overnight and FedEx2Day to select ZIP codes/ Does this s • thent contain dangerous goods? One box st bepile cked.—d s As per attached 4b Express Freight Service 1— Include FedEx address in Section 3. —1 HOLD Weekday HOLD Saturday ❑ at FedEx Location ❑ at FedEx Location STRICTIONS RESTRICTIONS Not availablewbh Available only torFedEx Priority FedEx First Overnight overnight and FedEx2Day to select locations ❑ Drvlce UN 1845 Shippers Declaration Ory ce,9, Dangero Dods(incl. Dry Ice) cannot be shipped in FedEx packaging or with FedEx Extra Hours service. 7 P. ent Bill to: Enter Fed Ex Acct No. or Credit Card No. below. ender ❑ Recipient ❑ Third Party ❑ Credit Card Acct No. in Section 1 will be billed. FedExAcct No. Credit Card No. ExP• Data ❑ Cargo g Aircraft Only ❑ Cash/Check Total Packages Total V eight Total Declared Velvet $ .00 liability is limited to $100 unI ss you declare a higher value. See back for details. FedEx Use Only 8 Release Signature Sign to authorize deliverywiaootobtaining signawm. By signing you authorize us to deliver this shipment without obtaining a signature and agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any resulting claims. 406 • • • • • • PULL AND RETAIN THIS COPY BEFORE AFFIXING TO THE PACKAGE. 0191964925 SRS•Rev. Date 7/01 •Part it55918S•01994-2000 FedEn•PRINTED IN U.SA • • Terms And Conditions • Definitions On this Airbill, "we," "our," and "us" refer to Federal Express Corporation, its employees, and agents. "You" and "your" reforto the sender, its employees, and agents. • Agreement ToTc' as By giving us your package to deliver, you agree to all the terms on this Airbill and in our current Service Guide, which is available en request. You also agree to those terms on behalf of any third parry with an interest in the package. If there is a conflict between the • Service Guide and this Airbill, the Service Guide will control. No one is authorized to change the terms of our Agreement Desponsibilit7 For G'aelregirrey And Completing Airfeiil You are responsible for adequately packaging your goods and properly filling outthis Airbill. If you omitthe number of packages and/or weight per package, our billing will be based on our best estimate of the number of packages we received and/or an estimated "default" weight per package • as determined by us. FBesgzorevibility Gor Payrrrevst Even if you give us different payment instructions, you will always be primarily responsible for all delivery costs, as well as any costvve incur • in either returning your package to you or warehousing it pending disposition. Limitations On O^ar P_ia" tNt.y And Liet.ill t es € of Acoomeci • Our liability in connection with this shipment is limited to the lesser of your actual damages or $100, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, and document your actual loss in a timely manner. You may pay an additional charge for each additional $100 of declared value. The declared value does not constitute, nor do we provide, cargo liability insurance. • In any event, we will not be liable for any damage, whether direct, incidental, special, or consequential in excess of the declared value of a shipment, whether or not Federal Express had knowledge that such damages might be incurred including but not limited to loss of income or profits. •. • We won't be liable: — for your acts or omissions, including but not limited to improper or insufficient packing, securing, marking, or addressing, orthose of the recipient or anyone else with an interest in the package. - _ — if you or the recipient violates any of the terms of our Agreement. • — for loss or damage to shipments of prohibited items. - for loss, damage, or delay caused by events we cannot control, including but not limited to acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts of public authorities with actual or apparent authority. Declared Valve Limits • The highest declared value allowed for a FedEx Envelope and FedEx Pak shipment is $500. • For other shipments, the highest declared value allowed is $50,000 unless your package contains items of extraordinary value, in which case the highest declared value allowed is $500. • Items of extraordinary value include shipments containing such items as artwork, jewe!ry,furs, precious metals, nego- tiable instruments, and other items listed in our Service Guide. • You may send more than one package on this Airbill and fill in the total declared value for all packages, not to exceed the $100,$500, or$50,000 per package limit described above. (Example: 5 packages can have a total declared value of up to $250,000.) In that case, our liability is limited to the actual value of the package(s) lost or damaged, but may not exceed the maximum allowable declared value(s) orthe total declared value, whichever is less. You are responsible for proving the actual loss or damage. GiNmg A ric,lm YOU MUST MAKE ALL CLAIMS IN WRITING and notify us of your claim within stricttime limits . set out in the current Service Guide. You may call our Customer Service department at 1•800oGo•FedEx® (800)563-3339 to report a claim; however, you must still file a timely written claim. Within 90 days after you notify us of your claim, you must send us all the informationyouu have about it. We aren't obligated to act on any claim until you have paid all transportation charges, and you may notdeductthe amount of your claim from those charges. If the recipient accepts your package without noting any damage on the delivery record, we will assume the package was delivered in good condition. For us to process your claim, you must make the original shipping cartons and packing available for inspection. ®eliereryTo Residential Locations Shipments to residential locations using FedEx Express Saver may be delivered without obtaining the recipient's signature. night To Inspect We may, at our option, open and inspect your packages before or after you give them to us to deliver. f =ght Of Regection We reserve the right to reject a shipment when such shipment would be likely to cause delay or damage to other shipments, equipment, or personnel; or if the shipment is prohibited by law; or if the shipment would violate anyterms of our Airbill or our current Service Guide. �.®.�. Services C.O.D. SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH THIS AIRBILL. If C.O.D. Service is required, please use a Federal Express C.O.D. Airbill. Air Transportation Tags Included A federal excise tax when required bythe Internal Revenue Code on the air transportation portion ()ibis service, if any, is paid by us. Illone,v-mole Guarantee In the event of untimely delivery, Federal Express will, at your request and with some limitations, refund or credit all transportation charges. See current Service Guide for more information. Part0155918S • Rev.1y00 ® USA Airbill Express FedEx Tracking Number 83E0 6977 1219 1 From Plee)pnrnandprevard. Date Account I (U� Sender'sFed x Number 142 G-8939-4 SNaendemer{ s l)r�i��` t Phone qu7) b32 Company C I TY OF FONTANA/ENGINEERING Address 8413 SIERRA AVE City FONTANA State CA ZIP 92335 Dept/Roar/Suite/Room 2 Your Internal Billing Reference Rrst24 characters will appear on Invoice. OPTIONAL 3 To Recipme _- (R_ 1166 WTl'ient's `_' ll -� _-,�-- Na Company MC G...QAM PILL .� Phone ( 4— `D Address a1. 0 V1l(k OU' (.L Pure It {.00 To "HOLD" et FedEx location, printFedEx address. 1 We cannot deliver to P.O. boxes or P.O. ZIP codes. Dept/Roor/Suite/Room City / 1%LAgEt M State CA zip CIZe J b "I :Flitrl ti r;rl+ r it 0o 1L /\ !E l P"'s+h1r Sec back for application instructions. Questions? Visit our Web site at fedex.com or call 1.800•Go•FedE>e (800)463-3339. By using this Airbill you agree to the service conditions on the back of this Airbill and in our current Service Guide, including terns that limit our liability. =Express,Package Service Packages up to 1501bs. Delivery commitment maybe later in some areas. rity0vemight ❑ FedExStandard0vemight Next business morning Nextbusiness afternoon ❑ FedEx ondbxx y ❑ Fe d Ex Express Saver $e6'Ferli vesaday Third business day FedEx Envelope rate not available. Minimum charge: One -pound rate 4b Express Freight Service ❑ FedExlDayFreight* ❑ FedEx2DayFreight Nextbusiness ey Secondbusinessdey 'Cell for Confirmation: ❑ Fed Ex First Overnight Wiest next business moming delivery to select locations ❑ rdEyyFedEx Extra Hours Later dropoffwithnextbusiness afmmom defrveryforselect locations Packages over 1501bs. Delivery commitment may be later in some areas. ❑ ThFedirdExbusiness 3DayFreight y 5 Packaging ❑ FedEx Envelope* ❑ FedEx Pak* Includes FedE&Small Pak, FedEx Large Pak and FedEx Sturdy Pak 'Declared value limit A Other Pkg. Includes FedEx Box FedEx Tube, end customer pkg. 6 Special Handling ❑SSATgUfR�D�AYlDpelivvery Avadable ontytorFe apriorhy Overnight and FedEx/Day to select ZIP codes oes this shipment contain dangerous goods? ne box must be checked. —� o ._...❑ Yeps er Shipper's efs Declaration Dangerous Goods (incl. Dry Ice) cannot be shipped in FedEx packaging orwith FedEx Erna Hours service. Payment Bono: Enter FedE& Acct. No. or Credit Card No. below. ender ❑ Recipient ❑ Third Party ❑ CreditCard cot Na. in Section 1 will be billed. Include F ddEx address in Section 3. —1 HOLD Weekday HOLD Saturday ❑ atFedExLocation ❑ Pa1tF��eddrE�xCLoo�cparblon KESTVICTIONS Ave la I t tyro Fe12Priorhy ofe Frs Overnight ighon r FedEx Rrst Ovemient Overnight locations FedEx Bey to to select locations FedEx Ana No. Credit Card No. Total Packages TotaLWeight Total Declared Valuet tour liability is limited to $100 unlesf you declare a higher value. See back for details. ❑ Drylce Dry ce,9,UN1a45 x Exp. Date $ .00 [IICarcrargo kg Aircraft Only ❑ Cash/Check FedEx Use Only 8 Release Signature Sipoleeuthoraedeliverywitlmutobtainingsigneivre. By signing you authorize us to deliver this shipment without obtaining a signature end agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any resulting claims. 406 • • • • • • • • • PULL AND RETAIN THIS COPY BEFORE AFFIXING TO THE PACKAGE. 0191964925 SAS•Rev. Dare 7/01 •Pan t155918S•a1994-2000 fedyx•PRINTED IN U.SA Terms And Conditions • De frc In .s On this Airbill, "we," "our," and "us" refer to i aCc ,.I l;%p . > Cc:p'. r'. s C.In!cy:Tes, and agents. "You" and "your" referto the sender, its employees, and agents. Acrcro.:i^^`: T n To^.'a^3 By giving us your package to dc!iver,you agree t; ell ha* ,sc.n'hisAirbi!Iandinour currant Ser J,ce Guide, etc;1 is available on request. You also agree to those terms on behalf cf any third party with an • interest in the package. If there is a conflict between the Service Guide and this Airbill, the Ser,'ice Guide will control. No one is authorized to change the terms of our Agreement. i ac.^7crtS".".-"Ety F r And AEs•Zb1°1 You are responsible for adequately packaging your goods and properly filling outthis Airbill. If you omitthe number of packages and/orwcight per package, our billing will be based on our best estimate of the number of packages we received and/or an estimated "default" weight per package as determined by us. FlosipcctsiMiMtt/ mc;• i^ue/teemt Even if you give us different payment instructions, you will always be primarily responsible for all delivery costs, as well es any cost we incur in either returning your package to you or warehousing it pending disposition. L"re i trytEnr., And LEcb1Cr Ecc, % c suiTri J • • Our liability in connection with this shipment is limited to the lesser of your actual damages or$100, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, and documentyour actual loss in a timely manner. You may pay an additional charge for each additional S100 of declared value. The - declared value does not constitute, nor dowe provide, cargo liability insurance. • In.any event, we will not he liable for any damage, whether direct; incidental, special,'cr consequential in excess of the declared value cf a shipment,who.,.er or not Federal Express had knowledge that such damages might be incurred.' including but not limited to loss of income or profits. • • We won't be liable: - for your acts or omissions, including but not limited to improper or insufficient packing, securing, marking, or addressing, or those of the recipient or anyone else with an interest in the package. - - if you or the recipient violates any of the terms of our Agreement. - for loss or damage to shipments of prohibited items. - for loss, damage, or delay caused by events we cannot control, including but not limited to acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts of public authorities with actual or apparent authority. neenr.ad Nonce LEsntEts • The highest declared value allowed for a FedEx Envelope and FedEx Pak shipment is $500. • • For other shipments, the-highesrgalarod value allowed is $50,000 unless your package contains items of extraordinary value, in which case the highest declared value allowed is $500. • Items of extraordinary value include shipments containing such items as artwork, jewelry, fursprecious metals, nego- tiable instruments, and ether items listed in ourSen%ice Guide. • You may send more than one package on this Airbill and fill in the total declared value for all packages, not to exceed the S100, S500, orS50,000 per package limit described above. (Example: 5 packages can have a total declared value of up to S250,000.) In that case, our liability is limited to the actual value of the package(s) lost or damaged, but may not exceed the maximum allowable declared value(s) orthe total declared value, whichever is less. You are responsible for proving the actual loss or damage. FiCEreg A CfcEm YOU MUST MAKE ALL CLAIMS IN WRITING and notify us of your claim within stricttime limits set out in the current Service Guide. You may call our Customer Service department at tF GG f C r. u;)4G3-a73J to rcperi a claim; however, you must still file a timely written claim. Within 90 days after you notify us of your claim, you must send us all the i.nfcrrcatien Yos havo about it. We aren't • obligated to act on any claim until you have paid all transportation charges, and you may not deductthe amount of your claim from those charges. If the recipient accepts your package without noting any damage on the delivery record, we will assume the package was delivered in good condition. For us to process your claim, you must make the original shipping cartons and packing available for inspection. • Dc".vo.,s T© LocciVerrs Shipments to residential locations using FedEx Express Saver may be delivered without obtaining the recipient's signature. E4ap 1ntT® fctspect We may, at our option, open and inspect your packages before or after you give.them to us to deliver. EgE::alI- t ©f e%^^t1cn We reserve the rightto reject a shipmentwhensuch shipmentwou!d lie likely to cause delay or damage to other shipments, equipment, or personnel; or if the shipment is prohibited by law; or if the shipment would Violate any terms of our Airbill or our current Service Guide: cenrEsees C.O.D. SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH THIS A!RBILL. If C.O.D. Service is required, please use a Federal Express C.O.D. Airbill. /MrT-onspertetEcesTaY fnelr.rc9ecc Afederal excise tax when required by the Internal Revenue Code en the air transportation portion of this service, if any, is paid by us. Gc.e:entr;e - In the event of untimely delivery, Federal Express wi!I,`atyour request and with some limitations, refund or credit all transportation charges. See current Service Guide for more information. Part9155918s • Rev.11l00 ® USA Airbill Express FedEx Tracking Number 80C• 6977 11208 Fro Ql�seprirn ndddcsshaard ()) Date Sender's Name Sender's FedEx Account Number bout 1 420-8939—•4 Phone (Q0q) 3 Company CITY OF FONTANA/ENGINEERING Address 8413 SIERRA AVE city FONTANA State CA zip 9 335 Dept/Roor/Sufte/Room 2 Your Internal Billing Reference Frst24 characters will appear on invoice. OPTIONAL To 3 Re Na eienCs UCLb tIC (A --re 4 y Company Bt Amami Address 41 V 6 ELM T To "HOLD" etFedEx location, prim FedEx address. Phone (qc') 47 7- `"T S' 1 We cannotdelterto P.O, boxes or P.O. ZIP codes. tCAkETA • 0 is rh Tr14k a�i'i;li:i;a4 l ..likt a 111 �)p� /r\()0. 1'i_II?b See back for application instructions. Questions? Visit our Web site at fedex.com or call 1.800•Go•FedEx® (800)463-3339. By using this Airbill you agree to the service conditions on the back of this Airbill and in Our current Service Guide, including tennsthat limit our liability. Dept/Floor/Suite/Room State C? ZIP Z(-,'Z 4a Ex ress Package Service Packages op to 15Olbs. Delivery commionemmay be later in some areas. ( Fe Priority0vemight ❑ FedEx Standard Overnight ❑ FedEx First Ovemight 7T' businessmommg Next business afternoon Eadiestnext business mommg �f FedEx2Oay ❑ FedExExpressSaver Second businessday Third businessdey FedEx Envelope rate not available. Minimum charge: One -pound rate 46 Express Freight Service ❑ FedEx1DayFreight* El Fed Ex 2Day Freight Next business ay Second business day deliveryto select locations ❑ NEWl/Fed ExExtra Hours Later dropoft wnhneabusiness afternoon deweiyfaselectkxzdons Packages over 150lbs. Delivery commitment may be later in some areas. ❑ FedEx3Da�Ffeight Third business aq • Call for Confirmation: 5 Packaging ❑ FedEx Envelope* ❑ FedEx Pak* Includes FodEx Small Pak. FedEx Large Pak, and FedEx Sturdy Pak Declared value Smhs50O Other Pkg. Includes FedEx Box, FedEx Tube, and customer pkg. 6 Special Handling ❑SqATURDCAY Delivery Av5 atGbl�e igf.,l fee 0 Pdodty Ovemightand FedEx2Day to select ZIP codes Does th'hipment contain dangerous goods? —One x must ba checked. 1--1 Yes As per attached Shippers Declaration s Goods (incl.Ory Ice) cannot be shipped in FedEx packaging orwith FedEx Extra Hours service. 7 Payment Bill to: Enter FedEx Acct No. or Credit Card No. below. Sender ❑ Recipient ❑ Third Party ❑ Credit Card Acct. No. in Section 1 will be billed. Include FedEx address in Section 3 —� HOLD Weekday HOLD Saturday ❑ atFedEx Location ❑ atFedExLocation P1N IcnoPds fiaERrgnerd Pdemy FedEx Frstovemight overnight and FedEx2Day to select locations ❑Drvice Oryce,9, UN 1e45 x Fcer2 cctNo. Credit Card No. Total Packages Total Weight DeDate Total Declared Velvet .00 $ Our liability is limited to31O0 unless you declare a higher value. See backfor details. ea eSi nature Si nmaaho Brie/ a wtloa ob a(nm signature 8 Rel g 9 r 8 019:1964.925 By signing you authorize us to deliver this shipment without obtaining a signature and agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any resulting claims. ElCa kg Aircraft Only ❑ CasiVCheck FedEx Use Only 406 • • • • • • • SRS•Rev. Date 7/01 •Part /155918S•©1994-0000 FedEx•PRINTED IN USA. Terms And Conditions • • ®ef inft eats On this Airbill, "we, "our," and "us" refer to Federal Express Corporation, its employees, and agents. "You" and "your" retorto the sender, its employees, and agents. t nrce.ntezet io iecr..5.-, By giving us your package to deliver, you agree to all the terms on this Airbill and in our current Service Guido, which is available on request. You also agree to these terms en behalf cf any third party with en interest in the package. If there is a conflict between the Service Guide and this Airbill, the Service Guide will control. No one is authorized to change the terms of our Agreement. Pccre.o fr>...c f For i 20:^to And Centprcting AE: a.E,,1 You are response for adequately packaging your goods and properly filling out this Airbill. If you omitthe number of packages and/or weight per package, our billing will be based on our best estimate of the number of packages we received and/or an estimated "default" weight per package as determined by us. • nos[orms:ialliW For r..a7rnertt Even if you give us different payment instructions, you will always be primarily responsible for at delivery costs, as well es any cost we incur in either returning your package to you or warehousing it • pending disposition. And LEc.,z,:l ,to • Our liability inconnection withthis shipment islimited tothe • lessor ofyour actual damages orC1C,3, unless you declare a highervolt:o, pry an c,,.,.., ..cl chcrce, and document your actual Toss fn a timely manner. cu may y pay an additional char.,:for ech Atilt, ._1 of l rcdvalue.The • declared valua Cces not constitute., nor do we provide, cargo liability insurance. • In any event, we will not be liable for any damage, whether direct, incidental, snecinl, cr consequential in excess of the • declared value of ash ;rnent, Whether or not Federal Express had knowledge that such damages might be incurred including but not limited to loss of income or profits. • • We won't be liable: — for your acts or omissions, including but not limited to improper or insufficient packing, securing, marking, or addressing, or these of the recipient or anyone else with an interest in the package. - if you or the recipient violates any of the terms of our Agreement. — for loss or damage to shipments of prohibited items. - for loss, damage, or delay caused by events we cannot control, including but not limited to acts of God, perils of the air, weather conditions, acts of public enemies, war, strikes, civil commotions, or acts of public authorities with actual or apparent authority.. • Doctored 1,74.oNo L"e.r ito • The highest declared value allowed for a FedEx Envelope and FedEx Pak shipment is $500. • For other shipments, the highest declared value allowed is $50,000 unless your package contains items of extraordinary value, in which case the highest declared value allowed is $500. • Items of extraordinary value include shipments containing such items as ertwork,jewelry, furs, precious metals, nego- tiable instruments, and other items listed in our Service Guide. • You may send more than ono package on this Airbill and fill in the total declared value for all packages, not to exceed the S1C3, $500, crB50,CO3 per packs no limit described above. (Example: 5 poke os can hove a total declared value of up to c C':3.) In that case, our liability is limited to tho cctual value of tho pock ..(s) lost cr damaged but may not exceed - the maximum allowable declared va!ue(s) orthe total declared value; whichever is less. You are responsible for proving the actual loss or damage. FE£Emrg A C^o n, YOU MUST MAKE ALL CLAIMS IN WRITING and notify us of your claim within strict time limits set out in the current Service Guide. You may call our Customer Service department at 1•t000Go•FedEx0 (000)433-3339 to report a claim; however, you must still file a timely written claim. Within 90 days after you notify us of your claim, you must send us a!I the information you have about it. We aren't obligated to act on any claim until you have paid all transportation charges, and you may not deductthe amount of your claim from those charges. If the recipient accepts your package without noting any damage on the delivery record, we will assume the package was delivered in good condition. For us to process your claim, you must make the original shipping cartons and packing available for inspection. P oliv.,eryTh rIcsklentEr! P_ocat m.^.s Shipments to residential locations using FedEx Express Saver may be delivered without obtaining the recipient's signature. Eiiu'r m r nopc t We may, at our option, open and inspect your packages before or after you give them to us to deliver. C:Es"ag CI L cjcctimn We reserve the right to reject a shipment when such shipment would be likely to cause delay or damage to other shipments, equipment, or personnel; or if the shipment is prohibited by law; or if the shipment would violate any terms' of our Airbill or our current Service Guide. E.O.D. E"cr^-ices C.O.D. SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH THIS A!RCILL. If C.O.D. Service is required, please use a Federal Express C.O.D. Airbill. AEriec r ' rc!oc1 Afederal excise tax when rc pd by thc,, Internal 1 Revenue Cede on the air transportation peon ofthis service, if any, is paid by us. Er;^,:c^;-. 2o3 C_;a;c;;tcc In the event of untimely delivery, Federal Express will, at your request and with some limitations, refund cr credit all transportation charges. See current Service Guide for more information. Pert 81559185 • Rev. 12/00 • TraWmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects B353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Cornmuications To: CNSB. Attn: Ginger From: Don Gdula Fmc 41-800474-9444 Date: October .0, 2001 moms: 0-1-800-788-7840 Pages 8 Re: SloverAvenue Sewer from Poplar Cc; Avenue 10 Sierra Avenue ❑ Urgent 0 For Review 0 Reese Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle *Comments: 7o be published on the following dates Thursday, October 11, 2001 Thursday, October la, 2001 Please use the attached Notice Inviting Bids, the date has changed from November 1, 2001 to November 8, 2001. 3 Total Pages Confirmed 3' 10- 9-01;10:17AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 947 918004749444 10- 9-01;10:154M 1'25" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Wafting Transfer Tra mission Report f Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deterLIs below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax To: Fontana Herald News, Attn: Maragot Prom Don Gdula Faw 9-355-9358. Date: October0, 2001 Planet 9-822-2231 . Pages: 3 Re: Stover Avenue Sewer from Poplar CC: Avenue to SlerraAvenue 0 Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •comments: To be published on the following dales: Thursday, October 11, 2001 Thursday, October 18, 2001 Please use the attached Notice Inviting Bids, the date has changed from November 1, 2001 to November 8, 2001 3 Total Pages Confirmed 3' 10- 9-01;10:15AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start 'Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 945 93559358 10- 9-01;10:13AM 1'25" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast. Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer • NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. 5B-67-01 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF FONTANA, as CITY, invites sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids in the offices of the City Clerk up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on the 8th, day of November, 2001, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work of improvement consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for the above stated project. The general items of work to be done hereunder consist of construction of a sewer and appurtenances complete and in place including pavement removal, earthwork sewer, manholes and all related work required for a,complete gravity sewer system. Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents are available from the City of Fontana (CITY), at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, Califomia 92335, (909) 350-7610, upon payment of a Thirty Five Dollars ($35.00) non-refundable fee ($45.00 if mailed). Any questions pertaining to this project should be directed to Felipe Molinos, P.E. at (909) 350-6641. Proposals must be accompanied by a proposal guarantee in the form of cash, cashier's check, a certified check or bid bond available to the CITY in the amount of at least ten -percent (10%) of the total amount bid. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. A payment bond and a performance bond, each in an amount equal to 100 % of the total contract amount, shall be required concurrently with the execution of the contract and shall be in the form set forth in the contract documents. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Labor Code Section 1735 requires that no discrimination be made in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons, except as provided in Government Code Section 12940. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. NB-1 • • • Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The CITY hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The contract documents call for monthly progress payments based upon the engineer's estimate of the percentage of work completed. The CITY will retain 10 percent of each progress payment as security for completion of the balance of the work. At the request and expense of the successful bidder, the CITY will pay the amounts so retained upon compliance with the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300 and the provisions of the contract documents pertaining to Substitution of Securities. Bids must be prepared on the City provided proposal forms and completely filled out in conformance with the Instructions to Bidders and all'proposal forms must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside "SEALED BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE - DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL". The CITY reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, to accept any bid or portion thereof, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety five (95) days. At the time of contract award, the prime contractor shall possess a Class "A" or Class "B" contractor's license and/or any combination of Class "C" specialty contractors license(s) sufficient to perform the work. BY ORDER OF CITY OF FONTANA Dated this 21 st day of August, 2001. CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (909) 350-7610 NB-2 Tramission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7832 Fax:909-350-B818 Fax Communicalibris To: CNSB, Mn: Ginger From: Don Gdula Fo n 9-1-800-4749444 Date: October 9, 2001 Phone: 9-1-800-788-7840 Pagw-• 3 Re: SloverAvenue Sewer from Poplar CC: Avenue to Sferm Avenue 0 Urgent ❑ For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: To be published on the following dates Thursday, October 11, 2001 Thursday, October 18, 2001 3 Total Pages Confirmed 3' 10- 9-01; 8:43AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 903 918004749444 10- 9-01; 8:42AM 1'28" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive ,to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mallbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Wafting Transfer Tra•mission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Siena Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7532 Fax: 909-350.6618 Faoc Commetitations To Fontana Herald News, Attn: Maragot Frans Don Gdela Faro; 9355.9358 Pate: October8, 2001 Phoney 9-822-2231 Pages; 3 pee Stover Aenue Sever from Poplar CC: Avenue to Sierra Avenue ❑ Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply In Please Recycle •comments: To be published on the following dates: Thursday, 0cober 11, 2001 Thursday, October 18, 2001 3 Total Pages Confirmed 3' 10- 9-01; 8:42AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 901 93559358 10- 9-01; 8:40AM 1'24" 3/ 3 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend - MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SERRIA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 PLAN HOLDER' S BIIOISTRIBUTION LIST $3•CK-UP $45-MAILED ACCOUNT NO.: PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $1,410,720.00 IDATE: 9/13/01 NO: 1. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CITY CLERK, CITY OF FONTANA SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7605 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: "SPECIFICATIONS ONLY" DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 2. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : PURCHASING SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7681 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 3. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: INSPECTION SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: 350-6635 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: CARLOS NAVARRO DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 4. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SPECIAL PROJECTS SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: (909) 350-6646 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: FELIPE MOLINOS, P.E. IDATE: 9/13/01 NO: 5. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: BID AMERICAN SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 41085 ELM STREET MURRIETA, CA 92562 PHONE: (909) 677-4819 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 6. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 7. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 8. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE:9/13/01 NO: 9. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED (DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 10 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, STE. 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714-937-0831 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 11 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, STE. 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714-937-0831 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 12 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA RD., SUITE 4 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 PHONE: (619) 243-2111 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 13 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DON GDULA SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PHONE: (909) 350-7632 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 14 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D. KING, INC. SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE 100 ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 PHONE: (909) 350-6648 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: STEVE NIX DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 15 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 6121,QUAIL VALLEY COURT RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 PHONE: (909) 653-1760 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 16 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: FONTANA WATER COMPANY SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 8440 NUEVO AVENUE - FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE: (909) 822-2201 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: PLANS ONLY (DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 17 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PACIFIC BELL SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 3939 E. CORONADO•STREET, 2ND FLOOR ANAHEIM, CA 92807 PHONE: (909) 666-5500 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: LARRY SIGNAIGO PLANS ONLY JDATE: 9/13/01 NO: 18 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: GAS COMPANY SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PO BOX 3003,SC8031 REDLANDS, CA 92373-0306 PHONE: (909) 335-7508 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: RICK REYES PLANS ONLY DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 19 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 7951 REDWOOD AVENUE. FONTANA, CA 92336 PHONE: (909) 350-6240 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: DAVID QUEZADA PLANS ONLY DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 20 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ADELPHIA CABLE SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 1205 DUPONT AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761 PHONE: (909) 390-4777 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: PAUL CYR PLANS ONLY City of Fontana C A L IF ORNIA October 9, 2001 Bid American 41085 Elm Street Murrieta, CA 92562 RE: Stover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is one set of plans and specifications for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909-350- 7632. BID SUBMITTAL PROJECT DUE DATE/TIME Stover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) November 8, 2001 @ 2:OOPM Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $1,410,720.00 www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA' October 9, 2001 Daily Construction Service 2625 Manhattan Beach Blvd., Suite 110 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed are two sets of plans and specifications for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909- 350-7632. BID SUBMITTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT DUE DATE/TIME CONSTRUCTION COST Slover Avenue Sewer from November 8, 2001 $1,410,720.00 Poplar Avenue to Sierra @ 2:OOPM Avenue (SB-67-01) Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 9, 2001 F.W. Dodge 202 E. Airport Road, Suite 190 San Bernardino, CA 92408-3428 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed are two sets of plans and specifications for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909- 350-7632. BID SUBMITTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT DUE DATE/TIME CONSTRUCTION COST Slover Avenue Sewer from November 8, 2001 $1,410,720.00 Poplar Avenue to Sierra @ 2:OOPM Avenue (SB-67-01) Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 ifte recycled paper City of Fontana CALIF ORNIA October 9, 2001 Mc Graw Hill Dodge 2150 Town Center Place, Suite 100 Anaheim, CA 92806 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed are two sets of plans and specifications for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909- 350-7632. BID SUBMITTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT DUE DATE/TIME CONSTRUCTION COST Slover Avenue Sewer from November 8, 2001 $1,410,720.00 Poplar Avenue to Sierra @ 2:OOPM Avenue (SB-67-01) Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 et recycled paper City of Fontana CALIF ORNIA October 9, 2001 Hi Desert Plan Room 15353 Anacapa Road, Suite 1 Victorville, CA 92392 RE: Stover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Advertisement of the City of Fontana, California Public Works Contracts To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is one set of plans and specifications for your advertisement. Project details are listed below. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 909-350- 7632. BID SUBMITTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT DUE DATE/TIME CONSTRUCTION COST Stover Avenue Sewer from November 8, 2001 Poplar Avenue to Sierra @ 2:OOPM Avenue (SB-67-01) Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg $1,410,720.00 www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper City of Fontana CALIF ORNIA October 9, 2001 Steve Nix L.D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100B Ontario, CA 91764-4464 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Dear Steve: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans and specifications for the above - mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 2:00 PM. If additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 9, 2001 John P. Leuer LOR Geotechnical Group, Inc. 6121 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Dear Mr. Leuer: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans and specifications for the above - mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 2:00 PM. If additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 vet recycled paper • City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 9, 2001 Frank Loguidice Fontana Water Company 8440 Nuevo Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Dear Mr. Loguidice: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above -mentioned project. • The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 2:00 PM. If additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 tri recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 9, 2001 Jim Del Faute Pacific Bell 3939 E Coronado, 2nd Floor Anaheim, CA 92807 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Dear Mr. Del Faute: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above -mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 2:00 PM. If additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 in recycled paper • City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 9, 2001 Rickey Reyes The Gas Company. P.O. Box 3003, SC8031 Redlands, CA 92373-0306 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Dear Mr. Reyes: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above -mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 2:00 PM. If additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 esrecycled paper • City of Fontana CALIF ORNIA October 9, 2001 Dave Quezada Southern California Edison 7951 Redwood Avenue Fontana, CA 92336 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue°(SB-67-01) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Dear Mr. Quezada: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above -mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 2:00 PM. If additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 9, 2001 Paul Cyr Adelphia Cable TV 1205 Dupont Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 RE: Slover Avenue Sewer from Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue (SB-67-01) Approved Set of Plans and Specifications Dear Mr. Cyr: Enclosed for your information is a set of approved plans for the above -mentioned project. The project is currently being advertised for bids. The bid opening date is Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 2:00 PM. If additional information is required, please contact the undersigned at 909-350-7632. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Donald Gdula Consultant Project Coordinator Special Projects DG: dg www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER I,AN HOLDER' S BID DISTRIBUTION LIST $35-PICK-UP $45-MAILED ACCOUNT NO.: $3100 -4 40 IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $1,410,720.00 SERRIA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 1. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CITY CLERK, CITY OF FONTANA SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7605 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: "SPECIFICATIONS ONLY" . DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 2. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PURCHASING SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7681 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 3. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: INSPECTION SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: 350-6635 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: CARLOS NAVARRO DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 4. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SPECIAL PROJECTS SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: (909) 350-6646 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: FELIPE MOLINOS, P.E. IDATE: 9/13/01 NO: 5. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: BID AMERICAN SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 41085 ELM STREET MURRIETA, CA 92562 PHONE: (909) 677-4819 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: MAILED 4 DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 6. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED 'DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 7. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 8. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE:9/13/01 NO: 9. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 10 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, STE. 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714-937-0831 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED NO: 11 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE IDATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, STE. 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714-937-0831 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 12 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA RD., SUITE 4 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 PHONE: (619) 243-2111 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 13 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DON GDULA SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PHONE: (909) 350-7632 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: ,DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 14 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D. KING, INC. SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE 100 ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 PHONE: (909) 350-6648 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: STEVE NIX IDATE: 9/13/01 NO: 15 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 6121 QUAIL VALLEY COURT RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 PHONE: (909) 653-1760 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 16 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: FONTANA WATER COMPANY SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 8440 NUEVO AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 PHONE: (909) 822-2201 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: PLANS ONLY DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 17 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PACIFIC BELL SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 3939 E. CORONADO STREET, 2ND FLOOR ANAHEIM, CA 92807 PHONE: (909) 666-5500 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: LARRY SIGNAIGO PLANS ONLY DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 18 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: GAS COMPANY SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PO BOX 3003,SC8031 REDLANDS, CA 92373-0306 PHONE: (909) 335-7508 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: RICK REYES PLANS ONLY DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 19 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 7951 REDWOOD AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92336 PHONE: (909) 350-6240 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: DAVID QUEZADA PLANS ONLY DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 20 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ADELPHIA CABLE SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: 1205 DUPONT AVENUE ONTARIO, CA 91761 PHONE: (909) 390-4777 AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: PAUL CYR PLANS ONLY T S S 176 S T S T 177 G IBOL LEGEND TREE MAILBOX POWER POLE WATER METER WATER OR GAS VALVE FIRE HYDRANT MAN HOLE FENCE 178 r, 179 G r, 14.1 D + w Q Z reQO o Q- Z N Z t X Z W 1- W W LEGEND 0.20' ASPHALT RUBBER (TYPE A) OVER 0.25' ASPHALT CONCRETE (TYPE A) OVER 0.20' PULVERIZED MATERIAL/CLASS tl AGGREGATE BASE. EXISTING CONCRETE 4' PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 0.25' ASPHALT CONCRETE c S 180 N G EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER AQk . Z55-041-14 4KrdN S COUNTY OF SAN BERKARD*9 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT crry OF FONTANA .EN RING DIVISION DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY PROJ. ENCR. H.Z. I D.M. B.B. SUBMITTED BY MEM DESIGN FNCUEER DATE 'CITY JURISDICTION ONLY ACTING CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 51152 DATE: RECOMMENDED /APPROVED BY ASST. DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATEDN DATE DATE SLOVER AVE FROM CHERRY AVE TO SIERRA AVE FONTANA AVE F.B. REF. W.O. NO. SCALE SHT. NO. TOT. SILTS. JL 80551 T00891 i AS SHOWN I 15 J 24 DATE: NO: 66 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: 'DATE: NO: 67 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: DATE: NO: 68 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: DATE: NO: 69 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: DATE: NO: 70 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 29, 2001 ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO: HOLDERS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 LOCATION: CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO NOTICE TO BIDDERS: It is intended that all work affected by the following provisions shall conform to the original specifications and be incorporated as a part of the contract documents. Bidders shall assure themselves that all changes have been incorporated in their proposal. 1. The attached Proposal Bid Sheets P-13A and P-14A supercedes and replaces Proposal Bid Sheets P-13 and P-14 in the original contract document. Ricardo Sandoval, P.E. City Engineer www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 Item No. Description Estimate Unit Unit Total Quantity Amount Price Amount 1. 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe 2440 LF Sewer 2. 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe 4653 LF Sewer 3. Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail 25 EA No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 4. Construction Manhole per City of Fontana 1 EA Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta 15+76.00 5. 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per 1080 LF City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125B 6. 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per 1528 LF City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125B and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 7. 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" 278 LF Water Tight Plastic Plug with Tightening Bands 8. 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Tightening Bands and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF 9. Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2,330 Ton 10. Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 C.Y. P-13A PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 Item No. Description Estimate Quantity Unit Unit Total Amount Price Amount 11. Traffic Control, Temporary Signing & Striping, including K-rail Installation per Sheets 11 thru 17 12. Clearing and Grubbing 13. Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 14. Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 15. 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 16. Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable LUMP SUM LUMP SUM 35 165 335 300 LF SF Ton SF TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID ITEMS 1 THROUGH 16: TOTAL AMOUNT BID $ TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS P-14A Lost Lito. PLAN HOLDER' S BIL )ISTRIBUTION LIST $35- - BECK -UP $45-MAILED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER ACCOUNT NO.: IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $1,410,720.00 SERRIA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 IDATE: 9/13/01 NO: 1. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: CITY CLERK, CITY OF FONTANA SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7605 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: "SPECIFICATIONS ONLY" 41VRUltitt M. 1 DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 2. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: PURCHASING SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: FONTANA, CA PHONE: 350-7681 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: IDATE: 9/13/01 NO: 3. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: INSPECTION SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: 350-6635 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: CARLOS NAVARROft AbO 1, +p 'DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 4. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SPECIAL PROJECTS SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA PHONE: (909) 350-6646 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: FELIPE MOLINOS, P.E. DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 5. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: BID AMERICAN SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 41085 ELM STREET MURRIETA, CA 92562 PHONE: (909) 677-4819 AMOUNT PAID: $ NA REMARKS: MAILED FW 1, ,qrl —4614 itiVizum to 1 NO: 6. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG PHONE: REMARKS: (310) 643-1263 MAILED AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A pox - V -? lO - (`� 42,Go wokiato4 'IQC7. DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 7. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DAILY CONSTRUCTION SERVICE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2625 MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278 PHONE: (310) 643-1263 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED PO GI -1- 90-- --rzko • 10al atit( voii (DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 8. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED DATE:9/13/01 NO: 9. CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: F.W. DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 202 E. AIRPORT ROAD, STE. 190 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408-3428 PHONE: (909) 885-6857 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED X ENO -clef -VI AbDROPtir kl6i 1 'DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 10 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, STE. 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE: (714-937-0831 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: MAILED 11 RiV (1)44`q . cc ) ,n�, atQ6� 1 i NO: 11 NO: 12 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: McGRAW HILL DODGE ADDRESS: 2150 TOWN CENTER PLACE, STE. 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG PHONE: (714-937-0831 REMARKS: MAILED AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A c l 11 i4-g39-011 A ektioi i uo,) CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: HI -DESERT PLAN ROOM ADDRESS: 15353 ANACAPA RD., SUITE 4 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 (DATE: 9/13/01 SIGNATURE: DG PHONE: REMARKS: (619) 243-2111 MAILED AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A C q-I-160_ 243-` 131 OPIANtitkE 1 DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 13 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: DON GDULA SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: CITY OF FONTANA C CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PHONE: (909) 350-7632 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: ilVaDDIMtbt DATE: 9/13/01 NO: 14 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: L.D. KING, INC. SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 2151 CONVENTION CENTER WAY, SUITE 100 ONTARIO, CA 91764-4464 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A PHONE: (909) .3-4 8 Ct39 - OZJO REMARKS: STEVE NIX 930-0202 nr46u1-k , I IDATE: 9/13/01 NO: 15 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: LOR GEOTECHNICAL GROUP, INC SIGNATURE: DG ADDRESS: 6121 QUAIL VALLEY COURT RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 PHONE: (909) 653-1760 AMOUNT PAID: $ N/A REMARKS: 1Pilk 6S-- 1,14i , y _f ,bliAii 1[Ib. TOR -CAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. License #799868, NO: 21 CONS ADD1 1180 Olympic Drive Suite 206 P$OI' Corona, CA 92881 REM AL TORREs President DATE: iC SIGNA Office (909) 272-4166 — Cell (909) 481-2323 Fax (909) 272-5733 AMOUNT PAID: (DATE: /d -/C_a/ NO: 22 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: JT& i JACgt ci, aC) &t co ' SIGNATURE: ADDRESS :4z / 40 dLOCIAO Lib- 1. ' i� 1- � , e.A 9 s'o I PHONE : C Clegg 19 - qg % 1P AMOUNT PAID: $ ilir,Q D REMARKS : fb3 L .J I Glji ij d l (� ' � q� 6I-1,1— r Z. 4 NO: 23 DAVID K. ENNIS SOUTHWEST CONCRETE PRODUCTS 519 SOUTH BENSON AVENUE ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. 91762-4002 PH. (909) 983-9789 • FAX (909) 983-4187 (DATE : /Q 1 D / SIGNATURE// ' - /(--� AMOUNT PAID: $3 DATE: /c//f / NO: 24 CONTRACTORpp/COMPANY: gS, (?i j 1Z C,D.,„c, SIGNATURE. ADDRESS: 'O/Od 6 LO U'. NI airl kI u . 9 iLi6(0- 1/3S PHONE : (..9t; n) ) g6 - 4,1i a 6 AMOUNT PAID : $ i n.d REMARKS :X (®IB) -lgb-54447 NO: 25 CII CONSTRUCTION ANY INC. OFFICE 909-595-1172 MOBILE 909-721-7604 FAX: 909-595-4620 BUS. LIC. 504277 A 324 CARBONIA AVE WALNUT, CA 91789 DATE: /6// 0/ SIG TURF: AMOUN PAID: 16 GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR NO: 26 CONTRAC ALBEFRT W. DAVIES, INC. ADDRESS 8737 HELMS AVENUE POST OFFICE 215 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 LICENSE NO. 370846 PHONE: REMARKS KENJI D. SHINTAKU, P.E. NO: 27 CONTRAC ADDRESS PHONE: REMARKS NO: 28 'CONTRAC ADDRESS PHONE: REMARK NO: 29 SEWER LEONARD DUNN ENGINEER/ESTIMATOR FAX (714) 998-1452 (714) 995.1371 (909) 989-3714 Fax (909) 989-0754 LIC•P ktileon e PSON, INC. t NEERING CONTRAC I�< P.O. BOX 749 CYPRESS, CALIFORNIA 90630 GRGO & GORDON GRBAVAC CONST. CO., INC. SEWER - STORM DRAIN EMERGENCY REPAIR EQUIP. RENTAL GRGO GRBAVAC GORDON GRBAVAC 5114 ELTON ST. BALDWIN PARK, CA 91706 OFFICE (626) 480-8711 FAX (626) 480-8911 PAGER (800) 239-1890 C. P. CONSTRUCTION CO; , INC. P.O. BOX 1206 • ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91762 STATE CONTRACTORS LIC. NO. 304795-CLASS "A" JOHN BLOUGH MOBILE: 909/966-3200 Bus: 909/981-1.091 FAX: 909/981-6704 DATE: SIGNATURE:jQ —"AA AMOUNT PAID: DATE : CD Z.� SIGNATURE: i AMOUNT PAID : $ 37. DATE: S IG>TATURE : AMOUNT PAID: , 0 DATE :. ( V S GNATU • AMOUNT PAID: HOME: 909/887-0053 EMAIL: johnb@cpconstcom DATE : /d •-� 3 -o NO: 30 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : Q i) L1.d.LS (11AL44' ( ti .tom y SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: /1) [ y E 6AI ux • i -) (!A 9 3 PHONE : `'() (jI �J `7��j (1 cc - JV '`7 � ,/ AMOUNT PAID : $ "1!� �� REMARKS: �17 '.-c 3 61 _g IL_I: 0 0�-II� /' r. 11�: l k n NO: 31 CO AD PH RE. M G F CONSTRUCTION 1372 W. 26TH STREET SAN BERNARDINO CA 92405 Lic # 740153 Telephone (909) 882-6840 Fax (909) 881-5761 DATE : I .' —+,0,1 SIGNATURE: • AMOUNT PAID: $ , DATE : /4 .,24 -O / NO : 32 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : Z0qIT Q , �1 Lp /rZh i , S IGNATURE : ADDRESS : 7 a '9 ,31-Lev, vg/d iaitt-, ./o 9)7D/ PHONE : %G 9l1/( - 9 87 AMOUNT PAID : $ %',S, fJ(� REMARKS : F 4 re 1-- 4 oe tp a "I 16 -a -4I NO: 33 DATE: %%S v;Y'-10% CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : (MA, iLgT ADDRESS: /f.6J P) vi.e_ J7j • o?&e, '7ay6(96 i PHONE: REMARKS: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ ',6s Oa DATE: /Q--- oir-O/ NO: 34 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: o ljJk 6bJj,,S SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: % 140 &Li' ei-vb / ( 4 91)a c8 PHONE : 35 % p� AMOUNT PAID : $ •!� 1 fJ 6 �( REMARKS : 1 �� i , -aeirgo J %O -4 ..,(} i DATE: /e) A+i�b/ NO : 35 CONTRACTOR/ COMP . N C.9 SIGNATURE : ADDRESS : �� ' �j L ,ao_.1-, IblolVd o - t PHONE : 4.-90 F J % 9,5f -�,S(9 AMOUNT PAID : $ ,1, if REMARKS : II*, 6. al lb - 3 4' -D) �c P % 'fIcn" 1640 IDATE: /0---dt./.....6) NO : 3 6 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: a j �/L... r. SIGNATURE : J ADDRESS : 6 RC U`1 $ 1 n Di..x o 4, 2, ,/� 6 " / � 1� )7r S t. rn e' \J CJJJ2t1 e, 936 -3 09i I PHONE : L gOS) ,5 8 4 - W097 AMOUNT PAID : $ 2 /S- 0 A REMARKS: I.' I(WLD el, /6-,4 e ) SOS- 5 - iac IDATE : /0'01 id.... NO : 3 7 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : S C ,�' . o� 5 j<, SIGNATURE : ADDRESS : /6 Q� , l _cm ;v �Itejrz, )t\, @. ca-, .,, 3:2 Z, - WO if 1 PHONE : ,/-- ©c9-�-/ AMOUNT PAID : $ 45i0eREMARKS KYq.) :Cp.L_p-eL /6' e)+(.1"-O ( 0 - go- 552- eScfr) DATE: rQ -QT�O/ NO: 38 nn��{{ �� CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: (> -d &AA1 mc. ADDRESS: pg. o I 6b am �ff CA 9`ag5 ) PHONE: lr /� ...., r 6w AMOUNT PAID: $ 445;Q6 F'Z')// REMARKS : •10 _a4-40 14 qi .''' 6 - - DATE : ! 6- 2.4 —) I NO : 3 9 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY : ¶rr' 4HJ Pam( IA_ 145 1` SIGNATURE : Kul14.4--" ADDRESS : [ cL 1 Ci 2i e ( VC. KO l J�Ir4 i MA-.ct Z t, cl PHONE : ei D q.. -te.4 - c( r/o ' AMOUNT. PAID: $ , D D REMARKS: FAX 2D NO: 40 Noah Schmitz Steve Cciscido Construction Co., Inc. Sewer, Storm Drain & Water Contractors lic. #741822 1426 S. Aliec Street (714) 991-8350 Anaheim, CA 92805 Fax (714) 991• 0643 DATE: /0-,4 ,_,O f SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ :?5 6 0� DATE: /461—,qs(3% j 10 : 41 7 S IGNATURE : CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: � (31 L'e jA0A,45-tizi,( ADDRESS : IS 50 r l„0 (° , 134 "16-LT. A e_la_, L-. 4o56 PHONE : (�.3 la 3a0 -- Noe) AMOUNT PAID : $ -1-71,5„erb REMARKS :A. /b —a5-0I i3 4 fictic to-32q—"2194110 (DATE: /D^,a5-d1 NO: 42 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: 1,,c.... 6n .C.1lALJjrSIGNATURE: ktyLcu_ 1L.Q. , ADDRESS : () N• c. o r+. ► 2, eat.. gio87A - "7/(, PHONE : e. 96 (I) 1 — 3O % O AMOUNT PAID: $ 45, Q Q REMARKS • skli 01 r — aS—C) I NO: 43 CONTRA ADDRES PHONE: REMARK, NO: 44 CONTRA ADDRES PHONE: REMARK' (626) 444-4286 (626) 444-3989 (FX) MARK ARTUKOVICH •`.1131 • O 11155 RUSH STREET SOUTH EL MONTE License No. 528701 MAJICH BROS., INC. P.O. Box 337 Altadena, CA 91003-0337 E-Mail: majichbros@aol.com PAUL J. MAJICH Phone (626) 398-9992 Fax (626) 398-9920 DATE: )0' 2"%•0( SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $). C DATE: tU v-I '6 1 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $,'Si 0 0 DATE: NO: 45 CONTRACTC ADDRESS : APPLE VALLEY CONSTRUCTION PHONE: REMARKS: GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Lic # 680052 Sewer • Water • Utility trenching Storm drains • Pipe lines Septics • Dry Wells Equipment Rentals • Rock & Sand Doug Hamilton (760) 247-4810 Fax 247-8684 Mobile (760) 275-0277 9312 Deep Creek Rd Apple Valley, CA 92308 3NATURE: DUNT PAID: NO: 46 NO: 47 NO: 48 NO: 49 P.O. Sox 9009 City of industry, CA 91715 0065 Bus. (626) 33Q t043 E,maif: yvetterncci @earthIink.rnet FAX No. (626) 330-54 63 PHONE : PAX: REMARKS: DATE: © A t SIGNA E: AMOUNT/PAID: $5,it..5C, DATE :`6) --47J SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ S t D( NO: 50 CONT. ADDR: PHONI REMAi Storm. Drains Genera! Engineering Construction Underground Specialist Lic. A-7284,;" '' 1* one 18) 559 T383 2829 wife jurddttk, (DATE : I 0" J 3 - Q SI A E: AMO PAID: $ S5.0d" NO: 53 • Bueq Anton Brhic �O anton@bubalo.com VCTION Oo•, Office: (626) 446-6062 Fax: (626) 446-4892 Mobile: (626) 705-3773 12 South Old Ranch Rd. Arcadia, CA 91007-6170 www.bubalo.com Lic#771279 A (DATE : 1 o - %o -c NATURE: Ali OUNT PAID : $ : 5. 10 . MEYERCQMPANY ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR Lic. No: 21RO85 ; ,. EDWARD J. MEYER Pf,O, BOX 277 PHONE(909) 425-4025 HIGHLAND, CA 92346 FAX (909) 425-4020 COP.... . ADDRESS : PHONE tp267 SAX : REMARKS: DATE: (O f—O SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: $5. 614 DATE: SIGNAT — 3/.-' / AMO PAID :, $ DATE : 't , /r Cy NO: 54 CONTRACTOR/COMP : 1.701otylc (onere,f-ei ' SIGNATURE: ADDRES: 24434 J),,;(o 1 9� PHONE : -7tt- / 72 0 FAX "- - `l 62. AMOUNT PAID : $ I REMARKS: DATE: NO: 56 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: 14.21a~ FOCSX.4SIGNATURE: ADDRESS : T PHONE: FAX: AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: ,DATE : l irl d / NO: 57 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: ,1 /3� �,hS/Pus/ �'J SIGNATURE ADDRESS :..f() Arc asy gre'D foi• d 9- 3/6 PHONE : 9 0 l% PTV IPOWFAX : AMOUNT PAID : $ 3 D v REMARKS: NO: 58 CONT ADDR PHON. REMA �.y NO:i License # 584275 PETER C. DAVID CO., INC Pipe Line Contractors DAVID CHORAK Office: (714) 543-2665 Fax: (714) 543-4051 32701 Stanley F. Yelich Stanley F. Yelich, Inc. General Engineering Contractors License Na 314058A Post Office Box 246 Sierra Madre, CA 91025 NO: 60 CONTRI • ..>.n�aut • ADDRE: PHONE REMAR MIUntittintit (323) 681-4365. fax (626) 355-1105 sfyinc@jps.net DATE: II !'L JD 1 SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID : $ 3 5' DATE: SIGNATURE: AMOUNT PAID: 56, 'DATE : l.] 0 SIGNATURE: (909) 790-2121 Fax (909) 797-5684 Cell (909) 322-9703 Dennis E. Elser Operations Supervisor GENERAL ENGINEERING AND PIPE LINE CONSTRUCTION 39355 Hidden Heights Dr. • Yucaipa, CA 92399 AMOUNT PAID : $?5 O V 4 NO: 62 NO: 63 c6 AD) RE COl AD1 PH( RE1 9/68£1151i, 'VQ1V6.$$S1 LoirifileCasel t;i4 41.1%3R ESTIMATOR g. Lvrtw04. • 71Ifortia • 9026 10 886 Olk 0 • ax 31R11886 058 1 stater' ontracLors Mere # A3687f1 ir Minority Business Enterprise License No. 183556 Cell: Res: Est. Fax: (909) 805-9052 (909) 389-9183 (909) 820-2114 Freddy A. Valdivia Estimator Water, Sewer, & Storm DraM Main Office 2631 S. Riverside Avenue. Bloomington, CA 92316:..: (909)877-2470 Fax: (909) 877-9185 www.hermanweissker.com AMOUNT PAID: DATE: SIGNATURE:, AMOUNT PAID: • DATE: NO: 64 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: r .• SIGNATURE: ,,,1 ADDRES : 2,2;7 / yi - co(,,,t5 , r'i ai //' q 1- 3 7k> PHONE: Y;--,-/3 3 3 FAX: 9-1- -- (:-/ 3 3 5. AMOUNT PAID: $ C., REMARKS: DATE: NO: 65 CONTRACTOR/COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: •AMOUNT PAID: $ REMARKS: Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced saMp l e and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 5353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909350-6618 Fax Corninunicalions To: Gollob Construction From: Don Gdula Fan: 9-1310329-2646 ontel October29, 2001 Monet 9-1-310-320-1400 Pages: 14- Re; Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements CC; From Poptar Avenue to Siena Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment In grease Reply 0 Please Re cycle Commerce: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:57PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 723 913103292846 10-29-01; 3:56PM 1'21" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 FaxCominunicalions For Belczak & Sons, Inc. Fax: 9-1-714-622-6643 Fr000 Don Gdula Date: October29, 2001 Phone: 9-1-714666-6494 Pages: A. 4- Rat Slaver Avenue Sewer lmpmVBmente cc: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Commentst 4' Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 4:01PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 726 917146326643 10-29-01; 3:59PM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM:. 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(reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Faoc Canniunications To: Trautsvein Construction From: Don Gdula Fez: 9-369-9921 bats October2S, 2001 Phone: 9-369-8901 pages:. 41- Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Phrase Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Cnmmsntar ' 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 4:O2PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 727 93698921 10-29-01;. 4:01PM 1'17" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Faoc Commisications To: I D IGng, Inc. Attn: Soave Nix From, Don Gdula Fax: 9-937-2020 Data: October30, 2001 Phone; 9-937-0203 Paged 4 Rea SloverAvenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum Alo.1 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Plates Reply 0 Please Recycle .Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-30-01; 9':O1AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 901 99370202 10-30-01; 9:OOAM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC. 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(reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Faoc Commurications To: LOR Geotechnical Gaup, Ina From: Don Gdula Fax: 9-653-1741 Date: October30, 2001 Phone: 9-653-1760 Pages: 4 Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No-1 0 Urgent 0 For Ravi.w [7 Plonne Comment 0 Please RoPIy [] Pleaso Recycle •Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-30-01; 9:03AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 903 96531741 10-30-01; 9:02AM 1'17" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Po l l RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time 10-29-01; 3:56PM Local ID 1234567 Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax: 909.350-6618 1FaxCommmicalions ros Steve Omuta Construction Co., Inc. From: bon Gdula Fae, 9-1-714.991-0643 Dotes October20. 2001 Phone: 9-1-714-99'-8350 Pages: X4- Re: sloverAvenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed - 4' No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments:Results 1 722 917149910643 10-29-01; 3:54PM 1'39" 4/ 4 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local'Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:999-350-7632 Fax: 909-350.8618 Fax Communications To: HI -Desert Plan Room, Attn: Al Flom; Don Gdula ur Fax: 9.1-767.2432I31 Date: Detober2472001 Phone: 9-1-760-243-2111 Pages! }rQ. Re: Slover Avenue Sewer From Poplar CC: Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum Ro.1 13 Urgent 13 For Review ❑ Please Comment 1] Please Reply Q Please Recycle .Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:52PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 719 917602432131 10-29-01; 3:49PM 2'OO" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Coniusications To: Mc Grow Hill Dodge, Attn: Samantha Fromr Don Gdula 24 Fax: 9-1-714-937-0917 Date, October.24; 2001 Phone: 9-1-714-937-0631 Pages: /4- Res StoverAvenua Senver From Poplar cc: Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 0 Urgent El Far Review 0 Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comment.: 4 Total Pages Con-Irmed : 4' 10-29-01; 3:49PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 718 917149370917 10-29-01; 3:48PM 1'22" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 SierraAvenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7832 Fax:909-350-68113 Fax Convutricatibns Daily Construction Service, Attn: Atava From: Don Gdula za Far: 9-1-310-643.1260 Dale: 0ctobec29;2001 Phone: 9-1-310-643-1263 Pages: Y 4- Bee SloverAvenue Sewer From Poplar CC: Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 0 Urgent Cl For Review ❑ Please Comment 9 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle .Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4 10-29-01; 3:48PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 714 913106431260 10-29-01; 3:46PM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP:.Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time, Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone; 909-350-7332 Fax:909-350-6618 Roc Commuicallions To: F. W. Dodge, Ann: Wilma Freon Don Gdura 24 Fax: 94390-0879 Date: Detober]4, 2001 Plane: 9-893.9826 Payee: ' Re: SloverAvenue Sewer FromPoplar cc: Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum Mo. 1 0 Urgent ❑ For Review 0 Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comme:Hs: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:46PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 713 98909879 10-29-01; 3:44PM 1'21" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fo8ana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Comrnurications To: Bid American, Attn: Jason From: Don Gdula Faa: 9-677-4814 Date: October2472001 Pho.,ot 9-877-4819 Pages: M. Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Poplar Avenue to CC: Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Pt.ono Reply ❑ Please Recycle •t omments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed : 4' 10-29-01; 3:44PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 710 96774814 10-29-01; 3:43PM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time 10-29-01; 3:43PM Local ID 1234567 Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-6618 Faoc Commtricalions To: Radlch Construction From: Don Gdula rrr: 9-14105SR2.127.8 Doe.: Oclobec24, 2001 Phone: 9-1-805-504-5597 Pages: /4- Re: SloverAvenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Reeyele .Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed : 4' No. Doc Remote. Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 709 918055821226 10-29-01; 3:41PM 1'40" 4/ 4 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power InterruptIon TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Cantruicalions o. Ken Thompson. Inc. Franc Don GdWa Z4 Fare 9.1-714-995.1452 Date: October.74, 2001 Phony 9-1-714-995-1371 Page: sr4 Re: Slaver Avenue Sewerlmprovements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 I7 Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply l7 Please Recycle •Commons.: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:23PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time. Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 697 917149951452 10-29-01; 3:21PM 1'17" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 **•Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi —Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Polder Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID• Local Name Company Logo This document was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 82335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6518 Faoc Tot Grgo 8 Garcon Grbavac Const Co., Ina. From: Don Gdula 7.4 Feet 0-1.6264A0-A911 Delo: Octobec24, 2001 Phone: 9-1-626-480-8711 Pages �4 Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply Q Please Recycle -Comments; 4 Total Pages Confirmed : 4' 10-29-01; 3:24PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 2 694 694 916264808911 916264808911 10-29-01; 3:17PM 3:23PM 3'53" 1'10" 3/ 4 1/ 4 G3 G3 RE 0513 14400 CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct' BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox P1: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size. Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font a na Engineering) Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax 909.350.6618 Fax Commuicalions Tel Albert W. Davies From: Don Gdula -227 Fax: 9-989-0764 Date: Octoberld, 2001 Phone: 9-989-3714 Pages: 1 4. Reg Stover AVenoo Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Slerra Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 Far Review 0 Please Comment .0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle .Cerementar 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:26PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 698 99890754 10-29-01; 3:24PM 1'20" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi —Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time LocSI ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font. Engineering Special Proj na Division 2ctS 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA92335 Phone:909350-7632 Fax:909-350.6518 Fax Commurications Toe MadcMukovtch From: Don Gdula Fax: 0-1-626.444.3980 Dates October 29, 2001 Phone: 9-14326-444 4286 Pages: 4 Re: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Commenbr 4 Total Pages Confirmed : 4' 10-29-01; 3:28PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 699 916264443989 10-29-01; 3:26PM 1'38" 4/ 4 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mallbox. PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned sample and deta i I s below) City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-8618 Faoc Commmicalions To: Simich Constructlen Co., Inc. Front Don Gdula ?17 emu 8-505-4620 oate: Detoher.24, 2001 Phone: 0-5951172 Pages: 14- gee Clover Avenue Sever Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Commenh: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01: 3:3OPM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages. Mode Comments Results 1 702 95954620 10-29-01; 3:28PM 1''39" 4/ 4 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con-f i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Communications To: AES, Construction GrOtp From: Don Gdula Fan: 9-1-610.706.5440 Data October 24,2001 Phone: 9-1-818-786-4125 Page/4} Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 For Revlew 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:32PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 703 918187865440 10-29-01; 3:30PM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting. Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering division Special Proje cts 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:9D9.350-7632 Fax:909-350.8618 Faoc Communications To: KEC Engineering From: Don Gdula Fax: B-734-7987 Dale: October 29, 2001 Phone: 9-731-3010 Pages: f 4 Re: Slow Avenue Sewer improvement cc, From Poplar Avenue to Siena Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 Per Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed : 4' 10-29-01; 3:59PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 724 97347987 10-29-01; 3:58PM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Recelve to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Recelve to Mallbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 82335 Phone:909-350-7832 Fax: 909-350-6818 Fax Commurications To, Wallay Bros., Inc. Frame Don Gdofa rags 9.1-6233989920 gates October 29, 2001 Phone: 9-1-626-398-9992 Pagee: 4 Res SloverAvenue Sewer Improvements CC, From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent ❑ For Review 0 Please Comment O Please Reply 17 Please Recycle •Comm.nte: Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 2:59PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 676 916263989920 10-29-01; 2:58PM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed. LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font . na Engineering t ivision Special Proj cts 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350.681 8 Faoc ConirmaicatiorMs To: Tor -Cal Constructors, Inc. From: Don Gdula TA - Far. 9-272.5733 Rabat October24;2001 Phonon 9-272-4166 Pages: /4 Re: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements cC: From Poplar Avenue to Sterra Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Pinang. Recycle .Comment Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:02PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time. Duration Pages Mode 'Comments Results 1 680 92725733 10-29-01; 3:OOPM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC - CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name 'Company Logo This document was conf i rmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font na Engineering ivision Special Projgcts 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7832 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Commmications To: Kertko, Inc, Prom: Don Gdula Z9 Far. 0-795-1840 oats: Oclobes2a, 2001 Phone: 9-795-2558 Pages: $4 Re: Sloven Avenue Sower improvements Cc: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 p Urgent 1 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 P1e2e. Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:03PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode CommentslResults 1 681 97951840 10-29-01; 3:O2PM 1'18" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Recelve to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Recelve to Mailbox PI: Polder Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time 10-29-01; 3:O7PM Local ID 1234567 Local Name Company Logo This document was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font na Engineering Division Special Proj cts 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-8618 Faoc Cornmunications To: Ender Cenci. Co. From: Don Gdula Fes: 9-1-949-724-0267 Hasse DelaberV, 2001 Phone: 9-1-949-724-0264 Pages: 14 Re, Slaver Avenue Sewer improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Siena Avenue Addendum No.1 ❑ U,gen1 O For Review ❑ Please Comment El Please Reply O Please Recycle *Comments: 4 Total Pages -Confirmed 4' No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 687 919497240267 10-29-01; 3:O5PM 1'19" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con-F i rmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font • na Engineering Division Special Proj cts 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Communications To: Norsfar Plumbing Co. From: Don Gdula Fan: 0-481-4608 eater Octobera4, 2001 Money 9.481-9488 Pages: / 4 Re: glover Avenue Sewer Improvements cc: From Poplar Avenue to Siena Avenue Addendum No.1 ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Pleace Recycle -Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed : 4' 10-29-01; 3:09PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time 'Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 688 94814608 10-29-01; 3:O7PM 1'23" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Recelve to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Recelve to Malibox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font4na Engineering Division Special Proj is 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Fax: 909-350-6618 Fax Commtmicalions im MGFConstrucllon From: Don Gduta Fax: 9-8815761 Date: October.34, 2001 Phone: 9-882-5840 Pages: 14- Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 0 Urgent 0 For Review D Please Rommel 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle *Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:10PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 689 98815761 10-29-01; 3:09PM 1'18" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE:Resend MP: Multl-Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report. Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font Engineering Special Proj 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-6618 Fax Communications To: C.P. Construction Co., Inc. From: Don Gdula ZY Yaw 8-981-8704 Rath Gctoberyt, 2001 na ivision cts Phone: 9-981-1091 Pages: f 4. Re: Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 0 Urgent 0 ForRevlew 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply CI Please Recycle •Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:13PM 1234567 'No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 693 99816704 10-29-01; 3:11PM 1'29" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output • MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Polder Interruption TM: Terminated by user. WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font . na Engineering t 'vision Special Proj • cts 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7632 Far 909-350-6618 Faoc Communications To: Genesis Construction . From: Pon Gdula 24 Fax: 9-926.6505 Rafe: octohor_24 2001 Phone: 9-652-6977 Pages 4 Res S lover Avenue Sewer Improvements cc: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 Urgent • O For Review 0 Plesse comment 0 Nome Reply 0 Please Recycle .Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:17PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 690 99256585 10-29-01; 3:13PM 3'09" 4/ 4 EC CP 12000 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE:. Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced Document Total Pages Scanned sample and details below) Size Letter-S City of Fontina Engineering Division Special Proi cts 6353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909-350-661B Fac Tm Savala Construction From: Don Gdula 2A Fax: 9-1-949-552-8597 Dat« October,24, 2001 Phone: 9-1.949-651-C221 Pages: /4 Re: SloverAvenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenua Addendum No.1 0 Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Reoyole •Comments= 4' Total Pages Confirmed : 4' 10-29-01; 3:39PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 708 919495528597 10-29-01; 3:37PM 1'28" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font. na Engineering 1 t ivision Special Proj cts 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7532 Fax: 909-350.6618 Fax Carnnimcabons To: Utah-Pacxc Constructicn Co. Prone Don Gdufa Z4 Fax 9677.8742 oator Ocober.4,2001 Phone: 9-877-9876 negate ?14. Res Slaver Avenue Sewer Improvements cc: From Papfar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Mass Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle •Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:37PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 705 96776742 10-29-01; 3:34PM 2'52" 4/ 4 EC CP 12000 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Font. ma Engineering Division Special Prof - is 8353 Siena Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909.350-7632 Fax:909-350-6618 Fax Cornmmications To; Southwest Concrete Products From: Don Gdura ZTI faro 9-9834187 Dater OCtobor2. 2001 Phone: 9-983-9789 Pages: 14- not Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No. 1 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Resyde •Comments; 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 10-29-01; 3:34PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 704 99834187 10-29-01; 3:32PM 1'42" 4/ 4 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Transmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and deta i I s below) Document Size Letter-S 1 Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Proj cts 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909-350-7832 Fax:909-350.8618 Fax Communications To: Apple Valley Construction, AB: Mark From: Don Gdula Fax: 8-1-760-247-8684 (fate: November6, 2001 Phone: 6-1-760-247-4810 Page. 4 nix SfoverAvenue Sewer Improvements CC: From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue Addendum No.1 0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments: 4 Total Pages Confirmed 4' 11- 6-01; 3:15PM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 554 917602478684 11- 6-01; 3:13PM 1'18" 4/ 4 EC CP 14400 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Polder Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM .ENGINEER'S • ESTIMATE ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. P.O. BOX 215 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 KEN THOMPSON, INC. 8851 WATSON STREET CYPRESS, CA 90630 MLADEN BUNTICH CONST. CO. 8823 FENWICK STREET SUNLAND, CA 91040 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE • TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $66.50 $162,260.00 $70.50 $172,020.00 $64.00 $156,160.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00- $57.00 $265,221.00 $59.00 $274,527.00 $56.00 $260,568.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,300.00 $57,500.00 $2,255.00 $56,375.00 $1,500.00 $37,500.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 - $2,889.00 $2,889.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125E 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $62.00 $66,960.00 $40.30 $43,524.00 $65.00 $70,200.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125E and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $70.00 $106,960.00 $73.25 $111,926.00 $106.00 $161,968.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $38.00 $10,564.00 $34.50 $9,591.00 $66.00 $18,348.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $95.00 $88,255.00 $130.00 $120,770.00 $113.00 $104,977.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $52.00 $121,160.00 $49.50 $115,335.00 $65.00 $151,450.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $46.00 $6,440.00 $29.60 $4,144.00 $60.00 $8,400.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation perShts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,160.00 $50,160.00 $109,645.00 $109,645.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $42,130.00 $42,130.00 $51,680.00 $51,680.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $60.00 $2,100.00 $16.20 $567.00 $100.00 $3,500.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $12.00 $1,980.00 $3.40 $561.00 $20.00 $3,300.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $76.60 $25,661.00 $73.00 $24,455.00 $96.00 $32,160.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $7.00 $2,100.00 $4.60 $1,380.00 $25.00 $7,500.00 ..........1`�i�'1�1::1.�MOE1�1�:::::::;::::>::>::>::>::>::»::»::::::::>::>::>::::::>:<:::>::s::>:>::>::::>:<:>:.::>::::::»::>::>::>:::::<:>::>::::>;::>::>::::::>::»::»:>:>:«:>;:>:::>::;::><:::>. 4 6 1 7 420.00 >>:::::#:»>:>:> ::<:»::::>::::>: .............. 3 0 00 $ 1 012 4 ::<ri:i::::::::::::::::::: ........................ $ 1 099 000.00 ::::>::::>::::::><:::::<:: ............... ... 1110931.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE HERMAN WEISSKER, INC. 2631 SO. RIVERSIDE AVENUE BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316 A.D. GEN. ENGR. CONST., INC. - 2829 N. GLENOAKS BL STE. 106 BURBANK, CA 91504-2660 TRAUTWEIN CONSTRUCTION 19792 EL RIVINO ROAD RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $62.48 $152,451.20 $82.00 $200,080.00 $100.00 $244,000.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $46.60 $216,829.80 $67.00 $311,751.00 _ $90.00 $418,770.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,821.16 $70,529.00 $4,400.00 $110,000.00 $1,800.00 $45,000.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $3,814.59 $3,814.59 $6,800.00 $6,800.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125E 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $48.53 $52,412.40 $72.00 $77,760.00 $35.00 $37,800.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $44.44 $67,904.32 $85.00 $129,880.00 • $60.00 $91,680.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $54.58 $15,173.24 $45.00 $12,510.00 $40.00 $11,120.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $45.20 $41,990.80. $84.00 $78,036.00 $60.00 $55,740.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $60.62 $141,244.60 $55.00 $128,150.00 $65.00 $151,450,00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $41.43 $5,800.20 $16.00 $2,240.00 $50.00 $7,000.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $250,357.26 $250,357.26 $19,000.00 $19,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $47,990.14 $47,990.14 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $19,458.00 $19,458.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 • LF $20.00 $700.00 $45.29 $1,585.15 $30.00 $1,050.00 $50.00 $1,750.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $10.09 $1,664.85 $7.00 $1,155.00 $20.00 $3,300.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $122.99 $41,201.65 $86.00 $28,810.00 $59.00 $19,765.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $12.52 $3,756.00 $14.00 $4,200.00 $25.00 $7,500.00 <:><:> roe€�san�outfit<::>:::::»<:>:::>:::::>::::>:::>::::::>::::::>:::>:::>::::><:>:::<:::>::<:::::::::>::::>«:>::;:>::•::: $ 1 476 420.0 0 ' 1 114 705.20 «<<>>>>> 1 126 422.00 W'>'=>»> 1 141 833.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE GENESIS CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 7076 HEMET, CA 92545 MIKE BUBALO CONST. CO., INC. 12 S. OLD RANCH ROAD ARCADIA, CA 91007 RADICH CONST., INC. 4680 LOS ANGELES AVE. STE. 0 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $81.00 $197,640.00 $70.00 $170,800.00 $72.00 $175,680.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF . $110.00 $511,830.00 $71.00 $330,363.00 $60.00 $279,180.00 $59.00 $274,527.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $3,500.00 $87,500.00 • $3,500.00 $87,500.00 $2,438.00 $60,950.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $5,438.00 $5,438.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125B 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $55.00 $59,400.00 $45.00 $48,600.00 $40.00 $43,200.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125E and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 1528 - LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $55.00 $84,040.00 $85.00 $129,880.00 $92.00 $140,576.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands. 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $65.00 $18,070.00 $50.00 $13,900.00 $57.00 $15,846.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $65.00 $60,385.00 $90.00 $83,610.00 $92.00 $85,468.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $35.00 $81,550.00 $70.00 $163,100.00 $69.00 $160,770.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $25.00 $3,500.00 $20.00 $2,800.00 $30.00 $4,200.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $111,055.00 $111,055.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $158,000.00 $158,000.00 $72,000.00 $72,000.00 $70,000.00 $70,000.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $5.00 $825.00 $15.00 $2,475.00 $6.00 $990.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $50.00 $16,750.00 $80.00 $26,800.00 $70.00 $23,450.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $8.00 $2,400.00 $20.00 $6,000.00 $6.00 $1,800.00 :>:>::::> 7`�)�"A�:ItMO�J�i:::>::::>::::>::::>::::>::::>::::>::::«::i:::::::::::ii::isz::<:::i:»::::z:::i:::z:>::>::::::i::::»::i:::::::<:>::>:<:i::::::ii`::»::::::::>::>�::<:i:=::>:«::<:::::i>::::. 4 0 0 $ 1 76 42 .0 i'i::>ii:i:E:: ...:........:..... $ 1 155 473.00 :>:»':>> ....................... $1 166 695.00 ::�='��><` ... .... .. 1 175 000.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE MIRAMONTES CONST. CO., INC. P.O. BOX 90095 • INDUSTRY, CA 91715-0095 MAJICH BROS., INC. P.O. BOX 337 ALTADENA, CA 91003-0337 S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. 6901 CENTRAL AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT • PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer - 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $94.00 $229,360.00 $100.00 $244,000.00 $77.00 $187,880.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $80.00 $372,240.00 $95.00 $442,035.00 $73.00 $339,669.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112- (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $3,000.00 $75,000.00 $2,200.00 $55,000.00 $2,600.00 $65,000.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,300.00 $3,300.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125B 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $60.00 $64,800.00 $45.00 $48,600.00 $42.00 $45,360.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 . 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $75.00 $114,600.00 $50.00 $76,400.00 $89.00 $135,992.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $65.00 $18,070.00 . $60.00 $16,680.00 $47.00 $13,066.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $80.00 $74,320.00 $70.00 $65,030.00 $91.00 $84,539.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 • $139,800.00 $50.00 $116,500.00 $42.00 $97,860.00 $44.00 $102,520.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $47.00 $6,580.00 $20.00 $2,800.00 $29.00 $4,060.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $147,000.00 $147,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 $29,000.00 $29,000.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 • $35.00 $1,225.00 $25.00 $875.00 $57.00 $1,995.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $10.00 $1,650.00 $8.00 $1,320.00 $9.00 $1,485.00 15 - 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $80.00 $26,800.00 $55.00 $18,425.00 $71.00 $23,785.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable . 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $30.00 $9,000.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 $17.00 $5,100.00 1 476 420.0 1 184 145.00 jiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1 85 5 0 1 02 .0 Man `:s:>:% <:<::: 1 189 751.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE STANLEY F. YELICH, INC. P.O. BOX 246 SIERRA MADRE, CA 91025-0246 UTAH PACIFIC CONST. CO. 40940 ELEANORA WAY MURRIETA, CA 92562-5946 C.P. CONST. CO., INC. P.O. BOX 1206 ONTARIO, CA 91762-0206 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $79.00 $192,760.00 $95.00 $231,800.00 $75.00 $183,000.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $64.00 $297,792.00 $72.00 $335,016.00 $68.00 $316,404.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) - 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,600.00 $65,000.00 $3,200.00 $80,000.00 $3,000.00 $75,000.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,300.00 $4,300.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125E 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $57.00 $61,560.00 $80.00 $86,400.00 $43.70 $47,196.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note4 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $95.00 $145,160.00- $85.00 $129,880.00 $168.70 $257,773.60 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $65.00 $18,070.00 $47.00 $13,066.00 $46.00 $12,788.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $99.00 $91,971.00 $83.00 $77,107.00 $171.00 $158,859.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $45.00 $104,850.00 $57.00 $132,810.00 $55.00 $128,150.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $45.00 $6,300.00 $45.00 $6,300.00 $25.00 $3,500.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,500.00 $80,500.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing - LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $13,500.00 $13,500.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 $26.00 $910.00 $25.00 $875.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $4.00 $660.00 $5.00 $825.00 $9.00 $1,485.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $55.00 $18,425.00 $58.00 $19,430.00 $65.00 $21,775.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable • 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 $6.00 $1,800.00 $15.00 $4,500.00 1 476 420.00 .::::::::» > #>::»>::::::::::::: 0 1 199 598. 0» 1 240144.00 Mi:i>:gi>:�:i>:i:i>:i:i:i:ia 1 281 805.60 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE KENKO, INC. 1025 CALIMESA BLV., SUITE 4 CALLIMESA, CA 92320 ELSERCONSTRUCTORS, INC. 39355 HIDDEN HEIGHTS DR. YUCAIPA, CA 92399 FISCHER PLUMBING 1372 W. 26TH STREEET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92405 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $119.00 $290,360.00 $109.00 $265,960.00 $71.00 $173,240.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $105.00 $488,565.00 $84.00 $390,852.00 $57.00 $265,221.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,200.00 $55,000.00 $4,000.00 $100,000.00 $2,372.00 $59,300.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $2,800.00 $2,800.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,104.00 $4,104.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125E 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $40.00 $43,200.00 $45.00 $48,600.00 $37.00 $39,960.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $70.00 $106,960.00 $81.00 $123,768.00 $208.00 $317,824.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $38.00 $10,564.00 $52.00 $14,456.00 $75.00 $20,850.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $95.00 $88,255.00 $85.00 $78,965.00 $168.00 $156,072.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $40.00 $93,200.00 $51.00 $118,830.00 $66.00 $153,780.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $30.00 $4,200.00 $15.00 $2,100.00 $86.00 $12,040.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $124,558.00 $124,558.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $34,692.00 $34,692.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 • 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $41.00 $1,435.00 $20.00 $700.00 $127.00 $4,445.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $11.00 $1,815.00 $5.00 $825.00 $6.00 $990.00 15 0:15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $52.00 $17,420.00 $50.00 $16;750.00 $61.00 $20,435.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $11.00 $3,300.00 $20.00 $6,000.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 1 476 420.00 > <::>::<::::>:::::: 1 292 074.00 > <<>:::>::':::::: 1 348 806.00 ::::: > > :s:> :> 1 390 511.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE CORNISH CONST. CO., INC. • P.O. BOX 359 BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316-0359 VIDO ARTUKOVICH & SONS, INC. 11155 RUSH STREET SO. ELMONTE, CA 91733 STEVE BUBALO CONST. P.O. BOX 1048 MONROVIA, CA 91017 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE - TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $130.00 $317,200.00 $118.00 $287,920.00 $115.00 $280,600.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $125.00 $581,625.00 $109.00 $507,177.00 $105.00 $488,565.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,200.00 $55,000.00 $1,500.00 $37,500.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125E 1080 LF - $90.00 $97,200.00 $65.00 $70,200.00 $53.00 $57,240.00 $70.00 $75,600.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $95.00 $145,160.00 $131.00 $200,168.00 $193.00 $294,904.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 . $27,800.00 $75.00 $20,850.00 $102.00 $28,356.00 $100.00 $27,800.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $100.00 $92,900.00 $153.00 $142,137.00 $200.00 $185,800.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $50.00 $116,500.00 $65.00 $151,450.00 $40.00 $93,200.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $30.00 $4,200.00 $48.00 $6,720.00 $50.00 $7,000.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $37,000.00 $37,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $10,250.00 $10,250.00 13 Remove -and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $20.00 $700.00 $60.00 $2,100.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $10.00 $1,650.00 $20.00 $3,300.00 $12.00 $1,980.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $60.00 $20,100.00 $60.00 $20,100.00 $40.00 $13,400.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $15.00 $4,500.00 $20.00 $6,000.00 $15.00 $4,500.00 1 476 420.00 :::ii:I:RiiiMii $1,506,085.00 MOM >::::> 1 510 068.00 inigNiP „ :i: 5 1 54 149.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE DDH APPLE VALLEY CONST., INC. 9312 DEEP CREEK ROAD APPLE VALLE.TY, CA 92308-8319 NORSTAR PLUMBING CO. 8780 19TH STREET #310 ALTA LOMA, CA 91701 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT • PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $106.32 $259,420.80 $100.00 $244,000.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $95.15 $442,732.95 $94.00 $437,382.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,708.98 $67,724.50 $4,895.00 $122,375.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $3,284.49 $3,284.49 $6,200.00 $6,200.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125B 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $55.59 $60,037.20 $118.00 $127,440.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $130.87 $199,969.36 $143.00 $218,504.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $58.51 $16,265.78 $100.00 $27,800.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $133.80 $124,300.20 $140.00 $130,060.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $72.66 $169,297.80 $65.00 $151,450.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $33.91 $4,747.40 $100.00 $14,000.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $137,465.24 $137,465.24 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $65.00 $2,275.00 $155.00 $5,425.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $8.75 $1,443.75 $40.00 $6,600.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $63.92 $21,413.20 $92.00 $30,820.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $20.50 $6,150.00 $25.00 $7,500.00 1 476 420.00 :::g:M 1 581 527.67 «:«:<:>: GM_ ` 1 594 556.00 N: CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION REFERENCE CHECK #1 DATE: Novermber 14, 2001 TIME: 9:26a.m. PROJECT: Stover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue PROJECT CONTRACTOR: Albert W. Davies, Inc.. REFERENCE: Mojave Water Agency Barstow, CA 6,350' of 42 inch CML&C pipe for waterline PERSON CONTACTED: Mike Limbaugh TITLE: Construction Manager PHONE NO.: 1-760-240-9201 CONTACTED BY: Don Gdula ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. What type of project did they do? Water line 2. How was the supervision in the field? Very Good Did they have sufficient qualified personnel for the job? Yes 3. Did they have proper traffic control? Yes 4. Did they cooperate with your staff? Yes 5. Were there any citizen complaints? No How were they handled? 6. Did they comply with the labor laws? Yes Page 2 of 2 7. Did they complete the job on time? Yes 8. How was the overall performance of the contractor? Excellent 9. Would you recommend the contractor? Yes Phone ref ck#1.mst Rev: 9/00 CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION REFERENCE CHECK #3 DATE: Novermber 13, 2001 TIME: 10:45 am PROJECT: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue PROJECT CONTRACTOR: Albert W. Davies, Inc. REFERENCE: Irvine Ranch Water District Bonita Canyon Drive Pipelines Phase I PERSON CONTACTED: Ants Uiga TITLE: Construction Engineer CONTACTED BY: Don Gdula ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. What type of project did they do? Water line HONE NO.: 1-949-453-5586 2. How was the supervision in the field? Excellent Did they have sufficient qualified personnel for the job? Yes 3. Did they have proper traffic control? Yes 4. Did they cooperate with your staff? Yes 5. Were there any citizen complaints? No How were they handled? 6. Did they comply with the labor laws? Yes Page 2 of 2 7. Did they complete the job on time? No, the District issued change orders for extra work 8. How was the overall performance of the contractor? Excellent 9. Would you recommend the contractor? Yes Phone ref ck#1.mst Rev: 9/00 CITY OF FONTANA RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION REFERENCE CHECK #2 DATE: Novermber 13, 2001 TIME: 10:45 am PROJECT: Slover Avenue Sewer Improvements From Poplar Avenue to Sierra Avenue PROJECT CONTRACTOR: Albert W. Davies, Inc. REFERENCE: Yorba Linda Water District Yorba Linda & Placentia Richfield Water Main PERSON CONTACTED: Leon DelosReyes TITLE: Project Engineer PHONE NO.: 1-714-777- 3018 CONTACTED BY: Don Gdula `` "jy ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. What type of project did they do? Water main 2. How was the supervision in the field? Fair to Good Did they have sufficient qualified personnel for the job? Yes 3.Did they have proper traffic control? Yes 4. Did they cooperate with your staff? Yes, Fair to Good 5. Were there any citizen complaints? Yes How were they handled? Okay 6. Did they comply with the labor laws? Yes Page 2 of 2 7. Did they complete the job on time? No, lots of extra work 8. How was the overall performance of the contractor? Fair Lots of change orders, be careful 9. Would you recommend the contractor? Yes Tr•ismission ReportGI Date/Time Local ID Local 'Name Company Logo This document was confirmed. (reduced sample and details below) Document Size Letter-S City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone: 909 350-7632 Fax:909-350.661B Faoc Communicabbns To: California Traffic fdaintance, Attu. PJyssa From: Don Gdula Pax: 9-1.818-9546288 DM*: November 14, 2001 Phones Pages: 9 Ra: Slover Ave. Sewer Poplar la Sena Bid CC: Summary 0 Urgent 0 For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Comments, Total Pages Scanned 9 Total Pages Confirmed 9' 11-14-01;12:2OPM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages Mode Comments Results 1 319 918189548266 11-14-01;12:07PM 12'44" 9/ 9 G3 CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Poll RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling. a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer Tresmission Report Date/Time Local ID Local Name Company Logo This document was con -Firmed. (reduced sample and deta i l s below) Document Size Letter-S Total Pages Scanned City of Fontana Engineering Division Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Phone:909-350-7632 Fax:909350-6618 Faoc Cormanications To: Construction Data Attn: Vdd From; Don Gdnle Fax: 9-1-800-487.7878 oats: November 12. 2001 Phone: Pages- 9 Re: SloverAve. Sewer Poplar to Sierra Bid CC: Summary 0 Urgent 0 Per Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Command: 9 Total Pages Confirmed 9' 11-12-01;1O:O6AM 1234567 No. Doc Remote Station Start Time Duration Pages • Mode Comments Results 1 067 918004877878 11-12-01; 9:52AM 13'33" 9/ 9 EC CP 9600 ** Notes ** EC: Error Correct BC: Broadcast Send CP: Completed LS: Local Scan RE: Resend MP: Multi -Pall RM: Receive to Memory LP: Local Print PD: Polled by Remote PG: Polling a Remote DR: Document Removed FO: Forced Output MB: Receive to Mailbox PI: Power Interruption TM: Terminated by user WT: Waiting Transfer CITY OF.FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM •ENGINEER'S • ESTIMATE ALBERT W. DAVIES, INC. P.O. BOX 215 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729 KEN THOMPSON, INC. 8851 WATSON STREET CYPRESS, CA 90630 MLADEN BUNTICH CONST. CO. 8823 FENWICK STREET SUNLAND, CA 91040 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL. AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $66.50 $162,260.00 $70.50 $172,020.00 $64.00 $156,160.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00' $57.00 $265,221.00 $59.00 $274,527.00 $56.00 $260,568.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,300.00 $57,500.00 $2,255.00 $56,375.00 $1,500.00 $37,500.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $2,889.00 $2,889.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $62.00 $66,960.00 $40.30 $43,524.00 $65.00 $70,200.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125E and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $70.00 $106,960.00 $73.25 $111,926.00 $106.00 $161,968.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $38.00 $10,564.00 $34.50 $9,591.00 $66.00 $18,348.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $95.00 : $88,255.00 $130.00 $120,770.00 $113.00 $104,977.00 9 A Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $52.00 $121,160.00 $49.50 $115,335.00 $65.00 _ $151,450.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $46.00 $6,440.00 $29.60 $4,144.00 $60.00 $8,400.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation perShts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,160.00 $50,160.00 $109,645.00 $109,645_00 $75,000.00 - $75,000.00 $18,000.00 $3,500.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $42,130.00 $42,130.00 $51,680.00 $51,680.00 $18,000.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 _ $60.00 $2,100.00 $16.20 $567.00 $100.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $12.00 $1,980.00 $3.40 $561.00 $20.00 $3,300.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $76.60 $25,661.00 $73.00 $24,455.00 $96.00 _ $32,160.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $7.00 $2,100.00 $4.60 $1,380.00 $25.00 - $7,500.00 • ..........:............................:: � ••::::::::::::::•:::::::::::.::::,.:::....................::::. ..................................................._ :: �::. �::::•::. �::::. $1 476 420.00 8:�?$:ii�:�:::�:3::�;;:::: .::::::::..:_.� .:.�::. $1,012,340.00 :::::ii:�:�:�':>3:?:%::::: ;•;;;;:;.;::;:•::;.;:�::::.;: $1,099,000.00 ::::::>:z%n, $1,110,931.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE HERMAN WEISSKER, INC. 2631 SO. RIVERSIDE AVENUE BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316 . A.D. GEN. ENGR. CONST., INC. 2829 N. GLENOAKS EL STE. 106 BURBANK, CA 91504-2660 TRAUTWEIN CONSTRUCTION 19792 EL RMNO ROAD RIVERSIDE, CA 92509 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $62.48 $152,451.20 $82.00 $200,080.00 $100.00 $244,000.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $46.60 $216,829.80 $67.00 $311,751.00 $90.00 $418,770.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,821.16 $70,529.00 $4,400.00 . $110,000.00 $1,800.00 $45,000.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $3,814.59 $3,814.59 $6,800.00 $6,800.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $48.53 $52,412.40 $72.00 $77,760.00 $35.00 $37,800.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 - $44.44 $67,904.32 $85.00 $129,880.00 $60.00 $91,680.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $54.58 $15,173.24 $45.00 $12,510.00 $40.00 $11,120.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $45.20 $41,990.80. $84.00 $78,036.00 $60.00 $55,740.00 9 A Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $60.62 $141,244.60 $55.00 $128,150.00 $65.00 $151,450,00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $41.43 $5,800.20 $16.00 $2,240.00 $50.00 $7,000.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $250,357.26 $250,357.26 $19,000.00 $19,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $47,990.14 $47,990.14 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $19,458.00 $19,458.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $45.29 $1,585.15 ' $30.00 $1,050.00 $50.00 $1,750.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' 165 SF $10.00 . $1,650.00 $10.09 $1,664.85 $7.00 $1,155.00 $20.00 $3,300.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00" - $23,450.00 $122.99 $41,201.65 $86.00 $28,810.00 $59.00 $19,765.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $12.52 $3,756.00 $14.00 $4,200.00 $25.00 $7,500.00 ....' ...............................................................................:.....:::::::..::::.::::..:::.:::::._:•:;;:::.:::::: $ ,, :..:::::::::::::::::::: $1,114,705.20_:;•>:;•::•:::;•:;•;:;•:::�:;�; $1,126,422.00 n >:>:n> $1141833.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE • GENESIS CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 7076 HEMET, CA 92545 MIKE BUBALO CONST. CO., INC. 12 S. OLD RANCH ROAD ARCADIA, CA 91007 RADICH CONST. , INC. 4680 LOS ANGELES AVE. STE. 0 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION . EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE - TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $81.00 $197,640.00 $70.00 $170,800.00 $72.00 $175,680.00_ $274,527.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF . $110.00 $511,830.00 $71.00 $330,363.00 $60.00 $279,180.00 $59.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $3,500.00 $87,500.00 - $3,500.00 $87,500.00 $2,438.00 $60,950.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $5,438.00 $5,438.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of 1080 LF - $90.00 - $97,200,00 $55.00 $59,400.00 $45.00 $48,600.00 $40.00 $43,200.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $55.00 584,040.00 - $85.00 $129,880.00 $92.00 $140,576.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $65.00 $18,070.00 $50.00 $13,900.00 $57.00 $15,846.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1 Sack 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 . $65.00 $60,385.00 $90.00 $83,610.00 $92.00 - $85,468.00 9 A Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 . $35.00 $81,550.00 $70.00 $163,100.00 $69.00 $160,770.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $25.00 $3,500.00 $20.00 - $2,800.00 $30.00 $4,200.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 - $50;000.00 $50,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $111,055.00 $111,055.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $158,000.00 8158;000.00 572,000.00 $72,000.00 $70,000.00 $70,000.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide - -165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $5.00 $825.00 $15.00 $2,475.00 $6.00 $990.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450,00 $50.00 .-$16,750.00 $80.00 $26,800.00 $70.00 $23,450.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 • $4,200.00 $8.00 $2,400.00 $20.00 $6,000.00 $6.00 $1,800.00 tiiio ................... _ ::>::::>:<:::>:::<:<:::»::<• .............. ::::::::>:.:::•::::::::: $1,166,695.00.;:.;::•;:•;:i;>:;::;•;:.:i;:.:;i; $1,175,000.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE MIRAMONTESCONST. CO., INC. P.O. BOX 90095 INDUSTRY, CA 91715-0095 MAJICH BROS., INC. P.O. BOX 337 ALTADENA, CA 91003-0337 S.J. BURKHARDT, INC. 6901 CENTRAL AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92504 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $94.00 $229,360.00 _ $100.00 $244,000.00 $77.00 $187,880.00 $339,669.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $80.00 $372,240.00 $95.00 $442,035.00 $73.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $3,000.00 $75,000.00 $2,200.00 $55,000.00 $2,600.00 $65,000.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,00.0.00 $3,000.00 $3,300.00 $3,300.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125E 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $60.00 $64,800.00 $45.00 $48,600.00 $42.00 $45,360.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125E and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $75.00 $114,600.00 $50.00 $76,400.00 $89.00 $135,992.00 $13,066.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $65.00 $18,070.00 $60.00 $16,680.00 $47.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $80.00 $74,320.00 $70.00 $65,030.00 $91.00 $84,539.00 $102,520.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $50.00 $116,500.00 $42.00 $97,860.00 $44.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $47.00 $6,580.00 $20.00 $2,800.00 $29.00 $4,060.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $147,000.00 $29,000.00 $147,000.00 $29,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $35.00 $1,225.00 _ $25.00 $875.00 $57.00 $1,995.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $10.00 $1,650.00 $8.00 $1,320.00 $9.00 $1,485.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $80.00 . $26,800.00 _ $55.00 $18,425.00 $71.00 $23,785.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable . 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $30.00 $9,000.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 $17.00 $5,100.00 :::::...................:....:: .........::::.�::.::::::.�:•:::::::::.:.•:.:.�::::::::::.:::........................:.:...:.: .......�......................... $1 476420:00 >:i:<'•>�:iE:':>:>?»::f�:? :.::.�:.�:::.:�::.�.�.._ 1 $ ,184,145.00 :�»�:<:»:<�::xs>:::::;< _::�>:�:::;:s:;::�>:�;s:x:�;:Y:;:_ $1,185,025.00 i':'<=�i:>:»�iia. ::;::;«:ii::::::»:>::>::>s:�:�>:: $1,189,751.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE STANLEY F. YELICH, INC. P.O. BOX 246 SIERRA MADRE, CA 91025-0246 UTAH PACIFIC CONST. CO. 40940 ELEANORA WAY MURRIETA, CA 92562-5946 C.P. CONST. CO., INC. P.O. BOX 1206 ONTARIO, CA 91762-0206 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $79.00 $192,760.00 $95.00 $231,800.00 $75.00 $183,000.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $64.00 $297,792.00 $72.00 $335,016.00 $68.00 $316,404.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,600.00 $65,000.00 $3,200.00 $80,000.00 $3,000.00 $75,000.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00- $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,300.00 $4,300.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $57.00 $61,560.00 $80.00 $86,400.00 $43.70 $47,196.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $95.00 $145,160.00 $85.00 $129,880.00 $168.70 - $257,773.60 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $65.00 $18,070.00 $47.00 $13,066.00 $46.00 $12,788.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $99.00 $91,971.00 $83.00 $77,107.00 $171.00 $158,859.00 $128,150.00 9 A Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $45.00 $104,850.00 $57.00 $132,810.00 $55.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 --. $45.00 ,:. $6,300.00 $45.00 $6,300.00 $25.00 $3,500.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,500.00 $80,500.00 $50,000.00 - $50,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00. - - . $110,000.00 $110,000.00.. $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $13,500.00 $13,500.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $30.00 $1,050.00. $26.00 $910.00 $25.00 $875.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $4.00 5660.00..:. $5.00 $825.00 $9.00 $1,485.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $55.00 $18,425.00 $58.00 $19,430.00 $65.00 $21,775.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 $6.00 $1,800.00 $15.00 $4,500.00 :::::......................................................::•:•:•:::::::::::.� :ii: iii}iiii: its isL:-.,,, is ii:: i.- .,,,::: � i::,,,,, i+: iiii::::::: iii,-,,,, is::::: •':::::... :': :'::: ..:. �::..:.. :......: : I' ALlMOON-•:<:::g:i:iE?: <.>:?E:>€>:»:»>:?<i ::::> i :><giii>:»:»:»'::>::s>#€ I:ili i;iigi»'::>€: ii:ili :E: :•:•:•::•::.::::::•.:•:;•::;•;::<.:.<;•:�:•;::;. $1,476,420.00 ..... ........ .... ::::::::::•::::::::•:::•: ........................_ $ 1 199 598.00 :•.�:::::::::•:: •::•::•:•. ,.::.�::::::::::::.::::._ $1,240,144.00 .�:::.�:.�::::.:�::::::::. :�::<.:.;:;•;:�;::;:�:.;;:.;; $1.281,805.60 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE KENKO, INC. 1025 CAUMESA BLV., SUITE 4 CALUMESA, CA 92320 ELSER CONSTRUCTORS, INC. 39355 HIDDEN HEIGHTS DR. YUCAIPA, CA 92399 FISCHER PLUMBING 1372 W.26TH STREEET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92405 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $119.00 $290,360.00 $109.00 $265,960.00 $71.00 $173,240.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $105.00 $488,565.00 $84.00 $390,852.00 $57.00 _ $265,221.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA -$2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,200.00 $55,000.00 $4,000.00 $100,000.00 $2,372.00 $59,300.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 6' inside diameter) Sta. 15+76 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $2,800.00 $2,800.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,104.00 $4,104.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125B 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $40.00 $43,200.00 $45.00 $48,600.00 $37.00 $39,960.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125E and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $70.00 $106,960.00 $81.00 $123,768.00 $208.00 $317,824.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $38.00 $10,564.00 $52.00 $14,456.00 $75.00 $20,850.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $95.00 $88,255.00 $85.00 $78,965.00 $168.00 $156,072.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $40.00 .:$93,200.00 $51.00 $118,830.00 $66.00 $153,780.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $30.00 $4,200.00 $15.00 $2,100.00 $86.00 $12,040.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00- $50,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $124,558.00 $124,558.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000:00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $34,692.00 $34,692.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 - 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 - $41.00 - $1,435.00 - $20.00 $700.00 $127.00 $4,445.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $11.00 $1,815.00 $5.00 $825.00 $6.00 $990.00 15 0:15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $52.00 $17;420M0-- - $50.00 $16,750.00 $61.00 _ $20,435.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF A $14.00 $4,200100 $11.00 $3,300.00 $20.00 $6,000.00 $10.00 $3,000.00 ::a.:::: .........:..............................................................::::;:::::::::.::::.:.:::,::.:::::::::::::::::.:::::::;::::.:;•:•:;.; .. ,............... ;:::::::1 :::4.:;.tgan` � i%'i iisiis � : <iii I i? i EFE?':EEE E` tEY EEEE E fy : ?>i?'E•''• ��'#�.................................. $1,476,420.00 ::isii::::•r::;�;:>:;;�:;:.: .::::::::::::�:.:;:;.>;:•:;: $1,292,074.00 ::::::ii::ii:�?i::i:i? .::�.�::::.::::::::::::�:: $1 348 806.00 :::::::�::i::::::::::ii::3:: :._.�:::.�:::::.�:::::::: CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 @ 2:00 PM - ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE - CORNISH CONST. CO., INC. P.O. BOX 359 BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316-0359 VIDO ARTUKOVICH & SONS, INC. 11155 RUSH STREET SO. ELMONTE, CA 91733 STEVE BUBALO CONST. P.O. BOX 1048 MONROVIA, CA 91017 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $130.00 $317,200.00 $118.00 $287,920.00 $115.00 $280,600.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $125.00 $581,625.00 $109.00 $507,177.00 $105.00 $488,565.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,200.00 $55,000.00 $1,500.00 $37,500.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $65.00 $70,200.00 $53.00 $57,240.00 $70.00 $75,600.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 1258 and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $95.00 $145,160.00 $131.00 $200,168.00 $193.00 $294,904.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $75.00 $20,850.00 $102.00 $28,356.00 $100.00 $27,800.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $100.00 $92,900.00 $153.00 $142,137.00 $200.00 $185,800.00 9 A Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $50.00 $116,500.00 $65.00 $151,450.00 $40.00 $93,200.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $30.00 $4,200.00 $48.00 $6,720.00 $50.00 $7,000.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $37,000.00 $37,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 .'$5,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $10,250.00 $10,250.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $20.00 $700.00 $60.00 $2,100.00 $30.00 $1,050.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $10.00 $1,650.00 $20.00 $3,300.00 $12.00 $1,980.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 $60.00 $20,100.00 $60.00 $20,100.00 $40.00 _ $13,400.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00 $15.00 $4,500.00 $20.00 $6,000.00 $15.00 $4,500.00 :::::. ..................................................................:. $ ::_.::::•::::::::::::::. $1,506,085.00 Mr::•;::;::a>r:;::•:•x.; $1,510,068.00AXIIEW $1,554,149.00 CITY OF FONTANA - DETAIL BID SUMMARY PROJECT: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE (BID NO. SB-67-01) BID OPENING DATE: NOVEMBER 8, 2001 © 2:00 PM ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE DDH APPLE VALLEY CONST., INC. 9312 DEEP CREEK ROAD APPLE VALLETY, CA 92308.8319 NORSTAR PLUMBING CO. 8780 19TH STREET#310 ALTA LOMA, CA 91701 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION EST. QTY. UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT • PRICE TOTAL. AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 1 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 2440 LF $115.00 $280,600.00 $106.32 $259,420.80 $100.00 $244,000.00 2 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer 4653 LF $110.00 $511,830.00 $95.15 $442,732.95 $94.00 $437,382.00 3 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 25 EA $2,500.00 $62,500.00 $2,708.98 $67,724.50 $4,895.00 $122,375.00 4 Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 1 EA $3,200.00 $3,200.00 $3,284.49 $3,284.49 $6,200.00 $6,200.00 5 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of 1080 LF $90.00 $97,200.00 $55.59 • -. __ $60,037.20 $118.00 $127,440.00 6 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A or 125B and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific 1528 LF $100.00 $152,800.00 $130.87 $199,969.36 $143.00 $218,504.00 7 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight 278 LF $100.00 $27,800.00 $58.51 $16,265.78 $100.00 $27,800.00 8 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Teghtening Bands and 1Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 929 LF $110.00 $102,190.00 $133.80 _ $124,300.20 $140.00 $130,060.00 9 Asphalt Concrete Pavement . 2330 TONS $60.00 $139,800.00 $72.66 .$169,297.80 $65.00 $151,450.00 10 Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 CY $25.00 $3,500.00 $33.91 $4,747.40 $100.00 $14,000.00 11 Traffic Control, Temporary Signing and Striping, including K-rail Installation per Shts 11 thru 17 LS LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $137,465.24 $137,465.24 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 12 Clearing and Grubbing LS LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 13 Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 35 LF $20.00 $700.00 $65.00 $2,275.00 $155.00 $5,425.00 14 Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 165 SF $10.00 $1,650.00 $8.75 $1,443.75 $40.00 $6,600.00 15 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay • 335 TONS $70.00 $23,450.00 _ ' $63:92 $21,413.20 $92.00 $30,820.00 16 Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive Approach per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable 300 SF $14.00 $4,200.00. - $20.50 $6,150.00 $25.00 $7,500.00 ig!::•-•.: ..1:.AMf>i......:::::::.::::.................................................................:::.:::::::•::;.:..:......... ...............�..............�.........................................:::::.:::::.; 1 47642 $ 0.00 >::: :r:iiii :»:>< iiiii: .::..�:::::::.;�::::. $1,581,527.67 :`:> iiiNi>:">::%:::>:s: .�;;:;:.>:->::;<•;;>:-:•s:<:; $1,594,556.00 ::>::::s::>s.:>::::>:::::::::::<::: .:�<�x��:<:�»�:�:�:�:�>:�:<: IQ re 5 18 CITY OF FONTANA BID TALLY SHEET BID OPENING DATE: November 8 , 2 0 01 TIME: 2 : 0 0pm LOCATION: City Hall, Council Chambers, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA. SUBJECT: Stover Ave. Sewer Improvements from Poplar Ave. to Sierra Ave. SB-67-01 COMPANY NAME ADDRESS BOND INS AMOUNT 1 Elser Constr, Inc. 2.S.J.Burkhardt, Inc. 39355 Hidden Heights Yucaipa,CA 92399 6901 Central.Ave. Riverside,CA 92504 113481 3Vido Artukovy:h $ Son, Inc. '' >"' 11155 Rush St. ✓, 3. El Monte,CA 91733 1 I egIr1 I S lot® 4Gen. Engr. Const. 2829 N. Glenoaks Burbank,CA 91504 5Fischer Plumbing 6. KEN Thompson_,Inc. OK 7.Norstar Plumbing 8.Xennnish Construct. 1372 W. 26th St. San Bernardino, CA 8851 Watson St. Cypress,CA 90630 8780 19th St. ✓' Alta Loma,CA 91701 P.O. Box 359 Bloomington EA 92316 IlI2(0(4 B, oqq ,o I 0,C 9,C.P.Construction 10. L, Steve Bubalo Cons 11.Majich Bros.lnc. n 12.MLaden Buntich 13Dtah Pacific Constr. 14Radich Constr. 15. DDH Apple Valley Construction .',',1 PO Box 1206 Ontario, CA 91762 t P.0 Box 1048 M n n r nv i s CA 91(.17 PO Box 337 Alatadena,.CA 91003 8823 Fenwick St. Sunland,CA 91040 40940 Eleanora Way Murrieta,CA 92562 kv 4680.Los •Angeles Ave. Simi Valley, CA 93063 ✓ 9312 Deep Creek Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92308/ 4/ 1 Set,1 I 1 u o, 22, II uO. 56.— 05 . Go 49 , — E?ZS.`if I,: 1,69 qS100 sei,sz At-1 4 8 13 BID TALLY SHEET Page 2 SUBJECT: COMPANY NAME 16.Trautwein Constr. 17.Albert W. Davies 8E a 19Miramontes Constr. 20.HERMAN Weissker,Inc 2kenko,Inc. 22.Genesis Constr. 23.MIke Bubalo Construction 24.Stanley F. Yekich 5. -C Engineering 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. ADDRESS BOND INS 19792 El Rivino Rd/ ✓ Riverside, CA 92509 3737 HeRms Ave. Rancho Cuca.,CA 91730 Box Rive side, 92 PO Box 90095 City of Ind.,CA 91715 V/ . 2631 S. Riverside Ave. Bloomington,CA 92316 V 1025 Calimesa Blvd. Calimesa,CA 92320 ‘,7 PO Box 246 Sierra Madre,CA 91925X ✓ FOR B .L 1 ESULTS CONTACT PHONE: v „rs AMOUNT 111 4,go i2sror I i 1�5,11 S, 2,0 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Nov-5-01 1:05PM; Page 2 1 1 "tem • PROPOSAL BI.l) SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SILVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. S13-67-01 Description Estimate Unit Unit 'Total Quantity Atnount Price Amount 1. 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe 2440 LF Sewer 2. 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe 4653 LF Sewer Manhole per City ofFontana Std.. Detail 25 EA No. 112 (Modi Pied to 5' inside diameter) 4. Construction Manhole per City of Fontana 1 EA Std. Detail No. '1 12 (Modified to 6' inside i diameter) Sta 15+76.00 5. 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per 1080 LF City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125B 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per 1528 LF City of Montana Std. Detail No. 125, 125A, or 125B and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backftll per Project Specific Note 4 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Tightening Bands 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" Water Tight Plastic Plug with Tightening Bands and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backtill per Project Specific Note 4 278 LF 929 1,F mo _ zap, eoo0 Ilo.00_ siitago is O.qi co2,SDO 32t0.CO 13 o•oo I eo.CO 152, taw IoO.Co 9. Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2,330 Ton 4o0.z0 10. Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 C.Y. ' .oO P-13 Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Nov-5-01 1:05PM; • Page 3/3 PROPOSAL BIB) SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE RID NO, SR-67-01 tem 0. Description 11, Traffic Control, Signing & Striping Installation 12. Clear and Grub Estimate Unit 1 Jnit Total Quantity Amount Price Amount LUMP SUM pia .co o00 LUMP SUM l5�o00.c? I6I000._ f 3. Remove. and Replace Curb & Gutter per 35 LF City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 14. Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC 165 • SF Sidewalk 5' Wide 15. 0,15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 335 Ton 16. Remove and -Replace Existing PCC Drive 300 SF per City of Fontana. Std. Detail No. 102 as Applicable OTAL AMOUNT 811) $ - I416, , 4to • 0 OTAL, AMOUNT IN WORDS 10_ca0 70o ID.(X, lrn&o '10, 00 Z3, 4-SD 14.00 4-2oa P-14 9--01t Il/oGioi Sent By: LD KING; 909 937 0202; Nov-5-01 1:05PM; 111 Page 1 ompany: axNo.: rom: wanc ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORSILANDscAPE ARCHITECTS FAX TRANSMITTAL Do Cop Gt'CJ c eorsi--p.s A— �So— (2p J FOR YOUR INFORMATION FOR YOUR REVIEW & COMMENT PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW BY MAIL PECJAL INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: Job/File No.: Date: No. of Pages: 12406, II/05/0I • AS REQUESTED r PLEASE CALL AFTER YOU HAVE RECEIVED LI PLEASE CALL AND VERIFY RECEIPT OF FAX n OTHER L. D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, CA 91764 909/937-0200 Fax; 909/937-0202 PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 Item No. Description Estimate Unit Unit Total Quantity Amount Price Amount 1. 15" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe 2440 LF Sewer IIS•oo Zfti600 2. 12" Extra Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe 4653 LF Sewer 110.00 5(116�A 3. Manhole per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 112 (Modified to 5' inside diameter) 26 EA 11'2,Sco.00 4951000 4. 6" Extra Strength VCP Sewer Lateral per 1080 LF City of Fontana Std. Detail ,No. 125, 125A'"- or�t25B $ to. DO 1ic2 5. 6" Extr Strength VCPrSewer Lateral per F 1528 LF City of F tana Std. Detail/No. 125, 12h5A, or 125B an Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Sp cific Note 4 100.00 1521'600 ee 278 6. 8" Extra Strength VCP Sew With 8" Water Tight Plastid, Plug with Tightening Bands LF Ioo.co 211Boo 7. 8" Extra Strength VCP Sewer with 8" 929 LF Water Tight Plastic Plug with Tightening Bands and 1 Sack Cement Slurry Backfill per Project Specific Note 4 t 110.00 WL.11610 8. Asphalt Concrete Pavement 2,330 Ton 115 (oo.co I3gi 9. Class 2 Crushed Aggregate Base 140 C.Y. 25.00 35CO. P-13 PROPOSAL BID SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SLOVER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FROM POPLAR AVENUE TO SIERRA AVENUE BID NO. SB-67-01 Item No. Description Estimate Unit Unit Total Quantity Amount Price Amount 10. Remove and Replace Curb & Gutter per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 1003 11. Remove and Replace 6" Thick PCC Sidewalk 5' Wide 12. 0.15' Asphalt Concrete Overlay 13. Remove and Replace Existing PCC Drive per City of Fontana Std. Detail No. 102 as ApplicabT TOTAL AMOUNT BID $ 35 LF So. a0 165 SF 335 Ton 300 ^1„ZD. oD SF 7oo.c0 I . CO I (050 1D.00 242f 460 I4.oa 4-200 TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS, P-14 SLOVER AVENUE 24 FEET 33 FEET 1040 1030 IDE OF CENTERLINE C PROPOSED ALIGNMENT 'A m 0 C PROPOSED ALIGNMENT 'B 0 s a o cJ C. PROPOSED ALIGNMENT SIDE OF CENTERUNE 0 Z VARIES 6' TO 10' 12' STRIPING 12' STRIPING 6' STRIPING 6' STRIPING 12' STRIPING 12' STRIPING VARIES 6TO 10' 0 DATUM ELEV 10,25.00 N N) 0 SICT 0\ SLOVER HAVi\JF STA. 69+00 CC 3 EXIST 4 F H #338F REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 2-6 FLGD 90 ELLS EXIST 4 GATE VALVE #481 (TO BE ABAN ) ti 4 nut res.- � c EXIST EXIST 4 GWBA cD 01HC 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # i T EXIST I 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS m m SLOVER 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2 FOR TESTING 8 x 6 FLGD TEE z 4.+ 71 GAS (TO BE ABAN ) 10 M P GAS 7 AVE EXIST EXIST EXIST GRADE EXIST GWBR 6 CWAL �_ �T _ UO PROFILE "L-L" r co 2-8' FLGD 45 ELLS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # 10 HP GAS 1 PPKHN 1 HMII 16 x 8 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) DETAIL-"C" EXIST I GRADE I /10 / 10 / 4 / / / H P GAS 1 M P GAS GWOBA GAGS 8/ a Hf, �O� �O� `�� I�GWBBR� e 11 1 8% GWBR `�0 �C —1 MIN Ll MIN PROFILE "M-M" EXIST 6 FLEX CLPG EXIST 6 x 6 FLGD TEE (TURNED DOWN) EXIST 6 FLEX CLPG REMOVE EXIST 6 S 0 W FLANGE--"" `�— & INSTALL 6 BLIND FLANGE i 771 EXIST 4 GATE VALVE #479 (TO BE ABAN) �p EXIST 1 EXIST4 —GWBA- EXIST EXIST 8 FLG D GATE VALVE#7385 REMOVE EXIST 12" PIPE INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG 12 x 6 FLGD TEE REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG 1- w EXIST 6 FLGD GATE VALVE#7386 --�117 01 17 m 0 EXIST 8 BLIND FLANGE EXIST 8 x 6 FLGD TEE SULTANA 2 GAS (TO BE ABAN) EXIST O —0 10 M P GAS N 1- 1 LL2 In N �I SLOVER AVE EXI S T DETAIL-"D" F- X Lu 10 HP GAS 16 PKHN BOYLE EXIST EDGE OF PAVEMENT 6% 11 a EXIST 6 GWAA 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # EXIST 2 S S CAP EXIST 2 GATE VALVE #1797 (CLOSED) EXIST 4 x 2 REDUCER REMOVE EXIST 4 PIPE & INSTALL 4 END CAP CPLG EXIST 4 GWBA AVE EXIST 6 F H #979F EXIST 114 SERVICE CONN #14561 REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 6 FLGD 90 ELL EXIST (TO BE ABAN) EXIST SLOVER 2-12 FLC D 45 ELLS GRADE I 10 / HP GAS _EXIST u 12/ I O� 12% PROP 24 CSP S D 3 5 COVER PROFILE "0-0" 3 c D- 10 135 EXIST 4 GWBA t10 MP GAS DETAIL-"F" EXIST 2 GAS EXIST 4 GWBA*)'T (TO BE ABAN 1 �� EXIST 10 M P GAS SLOVER x w AVE REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE & INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG 2-12 FLGD 45 ELLS REMOVE EXIST 12" PIPE & INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335 NAME C Morales DATE 6-16-99 APP BY Ps ? (9S M111G' u REV BY REV APP JOB NO 4386F SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENT Stover Ave a/Poplar Ave START COMP TRACING CONFORMED SCALE 1 = 1 00 f \4386f dgn 5 Parts - MAP None T G PG 604-E F7 SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino MIAMIAINAINIPALYA 30-AUG-1999 10 42 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 6 x 6 FLGD TEE (TURNED DOWN) 6 x 4 FLGD REDUCER 4 FLGD GATE VALVE # 4 FLGD 90 ELL REMOVE EXIST 4 PIPE & INSTALL 4 FLEX CLPG EXIST 4 S S GATE VALVE *1224 (TO BE REMOVED) EXIST 31%6 GTBH EXIST 4 S S GATE VALVE *1225 CLOSED & PLUGGED (TO BE ABAN ) 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS JI_ 5 ± +I d3.11..§2/faki GWBR SLOVER 0o 1 EXIST 16 FLGD B V *4262 EXIST 16 FLG D B V *4260 EXIST 16 PKHN 158 1 58 EXIST 10 FLG D x R GATE VALVE*4261 coo 6 FLGD 90 ELL IEXIST GRADE / I / / F-C-1 GWBR PROFILE "G-G" EXIST EXIST 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2 FOR TESTING 8 x 6 FLG D TEE 2-8 FLG D 45 ELLS EXIST 6 GWBH (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST *7129 10 M P GAS GATE VALVE (TO BE ABAN) AVE 10 HP GAS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # HEMLOCK 16 PKHN EXIST 6 F H *945F (TO BE REMOVED) 16 x 8 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) EXIST I / / 10 4_ V-a° Hf-,, L"OAS -1 MIN 1 GRADE 111 / 10/ / / MfO6 01BH �� GW8§ 8/8 GWBR G"B 1 L1MIN> PROFILE "H-H" 6 FIRE HYDRANT # PER STD DWG 2-B W/J-3701 HEAD EXIST 6 F H *172F REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 2-6 FLG D 90 ELLS ail" EXIST 6 FLG D GATE VALVE *7742-(TO—BE ABAN ) 6 FLGD GATE VALVE EXIST EDGE OF PAVEMENT 2-6 FLGD 45 ELLS i 6 FLGD GATE VALVE 16 x 6 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) EXIST / Loj 0 P GAS -1 MIN GRADE / \\V/A\V//\\V/ /\\V// \ M P OGAS G - m J To 6% GWBR 1611 6 JLBV 1-1 MIN PROFILE "I -I" EXIST 6 S S GATE VALVE *15 (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST 16 FLG D B V *4264 EXIST 10 FLGD x R T G V *4265 { "J" EXIST 6 GWBH (TO BE ABAN) 1 EXIST 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # T w 175 SLOVER EXIST 158--- 1 58 XISLit 0 Lv EXIST 16 FLG D 8 V *4266 EXIST 10 a�Hh, OAS -1 MIN i M 10 GAS 14 GWBA 8� -FA �I GWB 8/8 GWBR I I-/\ ,0 I-1 MIN 15± 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2 FOR TESTING +I N 8 x 6 FLGD TEE 2 8 FLG D 45 ELLS EXIST 4 GATE VALVE *1644 (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST 4 GWBA (TO BE ABAN) 10 MP GAS AVE 2 8 FLG D 45 ELLS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # 10 HP GAS W 16 PKHN tIKII EXIST 8 SEWER 16 x 8 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) DETAIL-"B" GRADE 1 PROFILE "K-K" EXIST GRADE / / / / /i EXIST GWBR 6 FWVH tt _ eT U PROFILE "J-J" FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335 NAME C Morales DATE 6-16-99 APP BY REV BY REV APP JOB NO 4386F 5 Parts SLO VER AVE IMPROVEMENT Stover Ave e/Poplar Ave START COMP TRACING CONFORMED SCALE 1 = 100 MAP None T G PG 604-E F7 f \4386f dgn SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino 30-AUG-1999 10 41 PAC BELL 6-4 BPC & 1 BUR rA 21 E/C 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2313F-1 Li PAC BELL 3-4 CPC & 1-4 EP 28 E/C 6 GWBA 1927 EXT 384 PAC BELL 7-4 CPC 14 W/' PAC BELL 2 4 DU 12 W/C PROP 15 ± 4 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A 3% GTBH 1927 EXT 425 10 M P GAS 12 N/C COUNTY CITY PAC BELL 4 4 BPC 23 S/' 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/Q PAC BELL 7-4 CPC 24 W/q 10 PKHN 1981 JOB 2304F 1 24 R C P STORM DRAIN 6 E/C 2 JWEA 1944 EXT 658 10 PK'-IN 1983 JOB 2454F 1 6% FWBR 1981 JOB 2329F 4 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 10 FIRE SERVICE 1981 JOB 2329F 2 26055F 10330 47083 10462 8 FIRE SERVICE 1998 JOB 4336F 1 47084F 10406 PROP 30 ± 6% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- E 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2329F 1 175 30 30 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/Q MATCH 1 SEE ABOVE HEMLOCK 50 LL rn PROP 42 ± 8% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL -"A PROP 10 ± 6% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A m 140 85 REMOVE EXIST 6 FIRE HYDRANT #945F ON JOB 4386F-5 PROP 6 FIRE HYDRANT ON JOB 4386F-3 SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A e M 16`-PKEHN---- 0 rn oo co Y, m 140 rn 100 N 141 e 1 ON N Crs N. 0 0 rn 140 pH I 889F • co 0 CO 140 0\ co co co Ln N Ln rn 76 MMIM M 64 Tric— SLOVER FH 1890E- N 1 100 100 100 I N 0 rn N rn N PAC BELL 1-4 CONDUIT 322 s E/C PAC BELL 1-4 CPC & BUR CA 24 S/C PAC BELL 2-4 DU 34 S/q 8 SEWER 13 E/C 2 GAS 11 E/c 4 EDISON- CONDUI T W _ z EI a BOYLE AVE 10%4 FWBR 1981 J08 2329E 4 50 Jj 10407 o N 9 14561 0 PQ Q w rn 148 O sst sst LIl 116 106 -_1—_ i-C-MINTY_ CITY CO rn M 619 Q 15200 20540 100 ABANDON 1313 ± 6 GWBH 1927 EXT 384 ON JOB 4386F-4 •• 15214 4352 141 140 100 PAC BELL 1 4 DU 282 W/q 0\ N N Lfl 140 6 FWVH 1946 JOB 747F ABANDON 12 ± 6 FWVH 1946 JOB 747F ON JOB 4386F-4 1-981- _—ate__ F H 1891F -' I 100 � 100 iN rn N STREET IMPROVEMENTS SEE BELOW @ LEFT MATCH 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2329F 1 26970 10462 1(� 1<4 F H 2620F 6 FIRE SERVICE 1986 JOB 2859F 1 32001F 10462 m 17 5= 31700 FUTURE 24 CSP STORM DRAINS 188.20 16 PKHN SLOVER 0 LINE 10459 9962 292 PER CITY OF FONTANA rn — N 30 0 Ey 2 GAS 18 N/C 10 M P GAS 12 N/q 10 H P GAS 9 S/� a ABANDON 275 ± 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 ON JOB 4386F-4 2 GAS 15 E/q LINE RIGHT SERVICE NOTES INSTALL 1 COPPER SERVICE TO O EXIST METER SIZE INDICATED PER STD DWG 3 C & 3-E ON JOB 4386F-2 * ABANDON EXIST SERVICE WITH MAIN • THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED •• THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL BE SET AT 40 NORTH OF THE STREET CENTERLINE e THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL BE SET AT 29 NORTH OF THE STREET - CENTERLINE - PROP 15 ± 12 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- N ABANDON 15 ± 12 PKHN 1981 2329F-1 ON JOB 4386F-4 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/q 8 SEWER 5 W/q 9 ABANDON 300 ± 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 ON JOB 4386F-4 2 GAS 15 E/€ • NO� 1 2 GAS 23 N/C CO NIMMNIMI 240 • rn CO 0' M 15568 24 795 O -> 60 140 M 100 o. 13 EXIST 12 CSP STORM DRAIN F H 1927F 128 85 o. N 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/c 10 PKHN 1981 JOB 2304F 1 10 M P GAS 12 N/q 330 • 25-•--- 32 44 ■ m 0 2 0 2 GAS 12 E/C PROP 44 ± 8% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 PROP 10 ± 6% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- B 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919F 17 10477 10478 15 220 11 148 F H 338 In N FREMONTIA AVE ABANDON 13 ± 6" CWAL 1951 JOB 919F ON JOB 4386F-4 30 1 30 of 2 GAS 18 N/q 10 M P GAS 12 N/' 10 H P GAS 9 S/'e FUTURE 18 CSP STORM DRAIN 2 GAS 11 E/C 24 R C P STORM DRAIN 6 E/c 8 SEWER 5 W/C O N I so M OF —O-F— —1981 16 16 SCCV 1972 2 GAS 15 E/C 10477 10478 13 0 M Ln 148 13 148 F H 337E 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919F z SAN BERNARDINO c off, SOB -2284F-1- --F 0-N-TA-N-A — -AVE PROP 52 ± 8% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL-'C PROP 10 ± 6% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) ABANDON 15 ± 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919F ON JOB 4386F-4 PAC BELL & EDISON CONDUIT 2 GAS 12 W/C F H 3304F 40 WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT 24 R C P STORM DRAIN 6 E/1 ABANDON 1820 ± 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 619 ON JOB 4386F-4 12/4 GWMR 1996 JOB 4090F 1 FOOTAGE SUMMARY 11 DIA M W D WATER LINE ON OF ESMT JOB 3864F 1 15642 7582 110 PROP 4 CUT & PLUG ON JOB 4386F-4 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- F to EDISON 1 /2 CONDUIT LEGEND JOB F H 3305F 14° 11 STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER CITY OF FONTANA 297 39 284F 1 J AVE 102 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/C 4 GWBA 1924 EXT FFO 0 a a 8 10 co 0 H 2 GAS 15 E/C 0 a w fx1 PROP 6" CUT & PLUG ON JOB 4386F-4 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- D' 8% GWBR 1993 JOB 3648E-2 ABANDON 838 ± 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 619 ON JOB 4386F-4 10 CONC 1942 JOB 3906F 1 O O 16 PKHN 1980 JOB 2256F-1 END STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER CITY OF FONTANA i 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 204 SAN BERNARDINO FONTANA 10 PKHN 1984 JOB 2547F-1 16 CONC 1934 JOB 3909E 1 PAC BELL 1-4 CPC 22 S/1 2 GAS 25 E/q PAC BELL 1-4 CPC & BUR CA 15 E/C 8 SEWER 10 W/C LOCATION FRANCHISE FOOTAGE PRIOR RIGHTS FOOTAGE DESCRIPTION OF PRIOR RIGHTS SLOVER AVENUE ELM AVENUE SULTANA AVENUE (4023 ±) (575 ±) 30 ± (20 ±) Proposed Main Abandon Main Existing Main The Gas Co Edison Pacific BeII Storm Drain Sewer Fontana Water Conpany Irriagat►on Line Metropolitan Water District FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 NAME C Morales DATE 6-16-99 APP BY PSg 69.3 wig at REV BY REV APP JOB NO 4386F 5 Parts SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENT Stover Ave e/Poplar Ave START COMP TRACING CONFORMED SCALE: 1 = 1 00 MAP 248 268 T G PG 604-E F7 SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino SUBSTRUCTURE INVESTIGATION COMPANY DATE TIME WHO WHAT BY The Gas Co Plans As Shown AK Edison Plans As Shown AK Telephone Plans As Shown AK Storm Dram Plans As Shown AK Sewer Plans As Shown AK Cable TV Plans None AK A f \4386f dgn (000) FOOTAGE TO BE RETIRED REVISIONS BY APP BY DATE 30-AUG-1999 10 41 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2313F 1 PAC BELL 3-4 CPC & 1 4 CP 28 EA 6 GWBA 1927 EXT 384 PAC BELL 7-4 CPC 14 WA PAC BELL 2 4 DU 12 WA PROP 15 ± 4 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A" 3'4 GTBH 1927 EXT 425 10 M P GAS 12 NA COUNTY 21 CITY 0 PAC BELL 4-4 BPC 23 SA 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/C PAC BELL 7-4 CPC 24 WA 10 PKHN 1981 JOB 2304E 1 24 RCP STORM DRAIN 6 E/C 2 JWEA 1944 EXT 658 10 PKHN 1983 JOB 2454F 1 6 % FWBR 1981 JOB 2329F 4 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 10 FIRE SERVICE 1981 JOB 2329E 2 26055E 10330 47083 10462 8 FIRE SERVICE 1998 JOB 4336F 1 4 7084F 10406 PROP 30 ± 6 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- E 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2329F 1 1 30 175 10 CONC FONTANA WA TER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 WA MATCH SEE ABOVE 13 1 LO PAC BELL 6-4 BPC & 1 BUR CA 21 EA PROP 42 ± 8 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A PROP 10 ± 6% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A ON m \PIIII*ZMII 14085 AlgoisrA WIT 30 HEMLOCK 50 REMOVE EXIST 6 FIRE HYDRANT #945F ON JOB 4386F-5 PROP 6 FIRE HYDRANT # ON JOB 4386F-3 SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A CO m 16'`F HN—+ 0. h rn N El \/ OF - O �T o. • 0 co N. • 140 FH 1889F N 1100 NI 0 01 N 6� co a N CO t rn co co co 140 Es t (0 0 rn a m, 76 co SLOVER FH 1890E- 1 PAC BELL 1-4 CONDUIT 322 ± EA PAC BELL 1-4 CPC & BUR CA 24 S/2 PAC BELL 2-4 DU 34 S/' 8 SEWER 13 E/C 2 GAS 11 E/' 4 EDISON CONDUIT z a 0 ti BOYLE AVE F H 979F 18 10%4 FWBR 1981 JOB 2329F 4 10407 14561 19 E-� C7 P.' 0 w rn 148 U 2 116 1 � CO II) N. 0 00 � m 0 0: o '0' Lo 106 2 GAS 18 N/A 10 M P GAS 12 NA 10 H P GAS 9 S/C ABANDON 275 ± 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 ON JOB 4386F-4 2 GAS 15 E/q LINE RIGHT SERVICE NOTES INSTALL 1 COPPER SERVICE TO O EXIST METER SIZE INDICATED PER STD DWG 3 C & 3 E ON JOB 4386F-2 * ABANDON EXIST SERVICE WITH MAIN • THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED •• THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL BE SET AT 40 NORTH OF THE STREET CENTERLINE E THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL BE SET AT 29 NORTH OF THE STREET CENTERLINE 0 64 t N • 19 C 15200 20540 100 10 ABANDON 1313 ± 6 GWBH 1927 EXT 384 ON JOB 4386F-4 i 140 PAC BELL 1 4 DU 282 WA I F H 1891F 100 ~ 100 o ti 0 rn N N STREET IMPROVEMENTS 140 6 FWVH 1946 JOB 747E ABANDON 12 ± 6" FWVH 1946 JOB 747F ON JOB 4386F-4 — SEE BELOW @ LEFT PER CITY OF FONTANA MATCH 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2329F 1 COUNTY CITY 26970 10462 F H 2620F 6 FIRE SERVICE - 1986 JOB 2859F 1 32001F 10462 N 175 31700 FUTURE 24 CSP STORM DRAINS 188 20 0 16 PKHN SLOVER PROP 15 ± 12 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- N ABANDON 15 ± 12 PKHN 1981 2329F-1 ON JOB 4386F-4 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 WA 8 SEWER 5 W/q 1 292 Q LINE 10459 9962 ABANDON 300 ± 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 ON JOB 4386F-4 2 GAS 15 E/c o • N 9 OLro 16 2 GAS 23 N/ 2 240 1 60 16 SCCV CO 0 M I N 140 ▪ I 100 0. N EXIST 12 CSP STORM DRAIN 140 F H 172F 13 F H 1927F o i 128 85 0. N 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 WA 10 PKHN 1981 JOB 2304F-1 —10 M P GAS 12 N/C 330 OF • 15594 44 7 co -OF — 1981 1972 25 32 44 2 2 GAS 12 E/q PROP 44 ± 8 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 PROP 10 ± 6% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- B 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919E 17 10477 10478 15 co 10487 148 --® 30 10 Z\ m FUTURE 18 CSP STORM DRAIN 11 148 F H 338F FREMONTIA AVE ABANDON 13 ± 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919F ON JOB 4386F-4 30 1 30 2 GAS 15 E/q 10477 10478 13 or -0F 2 GAS 18 NA 10 M P GAS 12 NA H P GAS 9 S/C 2 GAS 11 E/2 24 R C P STORM DRAIN 6 E/' 8 SEWER 5 W/C syLii N m i \ 220 O m m 148 13 148 F H 337F O m 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919F SAN BERNARDINO —JOB -2284E-1-- --F O-N-T A-N-A — AVE - PROP 52 ± 8 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- C PROP 10 ± 6% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) ABANDON 15 ± 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919F ON JOB 4386F-4 PAC BELL & EDISON CONDUIT 2 GAS 12 W/C CO N 110 PROP 4 CUT & PLUG ON JOB 4386F-4 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- F 297 39 • rn x N Lri F H 3304F 40 WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT 24 R C P STORM DRAIN 6 E/C ABANDON 1820 ± 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 619 ON JOB 4386F-4 12%4 GWMR 1996 JOB 4090F 1 FOOTAGE SUMMARY 11 DIA M W D WATER LINE ON C OF ESMT JOB\3864F 1 3 era•agyzAdifty.iiioiiipii�rr enms Z-MI IF �i�� JOB ' 284F 1— -IA F H 3305F I41° tt STREET IMPROVEMENTS EDISON 1%2 CONDUIT LEGEND PER CITY OF FONTANA LLJ \En M cO 40 ao M E M 102 10 CONE FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 WA 4 GWBA 1924 EXT FFO 8 10 U H 2 GAS 15 E/q 0 PQ PROP 6 CUT & PLUG ON JOB 4386F-4 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL-'D" 8% GWBR 1993 JOB 3648E 2 ABANDON 838 ± 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 619 ON JOB 4386F-4 10 CONC 1942 JOB 3906F 1 16 PKHN 1980 JOB 2256E-1 IF H 1720F l II END STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER CITY OF FONTANA i 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 204 ®M— SAN BERNARDINO FONTANA 10 PKHN 1984 JOB 2547E-1 16 CONC 1934 JOB 3909E-1 PAC BELL 1-4 CPC 22 SA 2 GAS 25 E/q PAC BELL 1-4 CPC & BUR CA 15 E/C 8 SEWER 10 WA LOCATION FRANCHISE FOOTAGE PRIOR RIGHTS FOOTAGE DESCRIPTION OF PRIOR RIGHTS SLOVER AVENUE ELM AVENUE SULTANA AVENUE (4023 ±) (575 ±) 30 ± (20 ±) Proposed Main Abandon Main Existing Main The Gas Co Edison Pacific Bell Storm Drain Sewer Fontana Water Conpany Irnagation Line Metropolitan Water District FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 NAME C Morales DATE 6-16-99 APP BY pSS J.S 711g Hai REV BY REV APP JOB NO 4386F 5 Parts SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENT Stover Ave e/Poplar Ave START COMP TRACING CONFORMED SCALE 1 = 1 D0 MAP 248 268 T G PG 604-E F7 SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino SUBSTRUCTURE INVESTIGATION COMPANY DATE TIME WHO WHAT BY The Gas Co Plans As Shown AK Edison Plans As Shown AK Telephone Plans As Shown AK Storm Drain Plans As Shown AK Sewer Plans As Shown AK Cable TV Plans None AK (000) FOOTAGE TO BE RETIRED A REVISIONS BY APP BY DATE 30 AUG-1999 10 41 f \4386f dgn EXIST 4 F H #338F REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 2-6 FLG D 90 ELLS EXIST 4 GATE VALVE #481 (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST GRADE I III T II EXIST EXIST 4 GWBA T EXIST 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS / / / / /1 EXIST GWBR F 6 CWAL I� b\T r U T PROFILE "L-L" m m SLOVER 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # 11 +I 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2 FOR TESTING 8 x 6 FLGD TEE z O !mu 1V1 w 2 GAS (TO BE ABAN) 10 MP GAS 1:i AVE co LGoEXIST EXIST /// 0 1 1-- /// EXIST 6 FLEX CLPG EXIST 6 x 6 FLGD TEE (TURNED DOWN) EXIST 6 FLEX CLPG REMOVE EXIST 6 S 0 W FLANGE & INSTALL 6 BLIND FLANGE EXIST 4 GATE VALVE v' #479 (TO BE ABAN) co w EXIST ( ) EXIS T 4 -GWBA 2-8" FLG D 45 ELLS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # 10 H P GAS JPKHN -r." !mu /// 16 x 8 FLG D TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) DETAIL-"C" EXIST i 1 $ i GRADE / /10 / 10 / 4 / / / H P GAS 1 M P GAS GWBA OAS 8/ 2 �O� I-011 1 `��IGGWBBR� 8% GWBR „ ��0 �C 1 MIN L-1 M!N PROFILE "M-M" EXIS T EXIST 8 FLGD GATE VALVE#7385 REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE INSTALL 12' FLEX CLPG 12x6FLG DTE REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG EXIST 6 FLGD GATE VALVE#7386 m 0 1 17 EXIST SLOVER DETAIL-"D" EXIST 8 BLIND FLANGE EXIST 8 x 6 FLGD TEE SULTANA 2 GAS (TO BE ABAN) oo 10 MP GAS —O— — — — T AVE 10 H P GAS 16 PKHN BOYLE EXIST EDGE OF PAVEMENT 125 11 6% GWBR 12 co FT 0 co In X (TO +I 6' FLGD GATE VALVE # 473 AVE EXIST 6 F H #979F EXIST 1%2 SERVICE CONN #14561 REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & 1- INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 6 FLGD 90 ELL EXIST EXIST 2 S S CAP EXIST 2 GATE VALVE #1797 (CLOSED) EXIST 4 x 2 REDUCER REMOVE EXIST 4 PIPE & INSTALL 4 END CAP CPLG EXIST 4 GWBA (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST SLOVER 2-12 FLGD 45 ELLS i GRADE / 10 / /4 2 GWBA EXIST 12% I GAO 0-1OS we 1_ </‹.-1 PROP 24 CSP SD 3 5 COVER PROFILE "0-0" 12 PKHN EXIST 2 GAS N co XIW 10 135 EXIST 4 GWBA 10 MP GAS LI T ' EXIST 4 GWB�AT 1l (TO BE ABAN 1\�s EXIST 10 MP GAS SLOVER xl \ AVE w AVE REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE & INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG 2-12 FLGD 45 ELLS REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE & INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335 NAME C Morales DATE 6-16-99 APP BY P.Sq REV BY REV APP JOB NO 4386F 5 Parts - SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENT Stover Ave e/Poplar Ave START COMP TRACING CONFORMED SCALE 1 = 100 MAP None- T G PG 604-E F7 SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino 30-AUG-1999 10 42 1 J 11 EXIST 4 F H *338F REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 2-6 FLGD 90 ELLS 4 EXIST 4 GATE VALVE #481 (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST GRADE I ,IT 11 6% - H CO 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # EXIST EXIST 4 GWBA tn w 0 T 11 +) EXIST I 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS /////1 EXIST GWBR 6 CWAL Li Ha. 1 TT U PROFILE "L-L" m SLOVER 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2 FOR TESTING 8 x 6 FLGD TEE AVE 03 � m EXIST t_ /1/ //1 /// EXIST EXIST 6 FLEX CLPG EXIST 6 x 6 FLGD TEE (TURNED DOWN) EXIST 6 FLEX CLPG REMOVE EXIST 6 S 0 W FLANGE-- & INSTALL 6 BLIND FLANGE EXIST 4 GATE VALVE *479 (TO BE ABAN ) 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # 10 HP GAS 16 PKHN „MI, 16 x 8 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) iEXIST 1 1 1 1 GRADE 1 / / /10 / 10 / 4 / / / 2 1 rH P GAS M P GAS GW-F0i_OBA GAGS 8/ o-115F1-,\ L cs) id . I \ Y 8/e GWBR `G�0 �C t L-1 MIN <1HJN PROFILE "M-M" EXIST i U L 1 1- X w EXIST-4`LGWBA EXIST EXIST 8 FLGD GATE VALVE#7385 REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG 12" x 6 FLGD TE REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG EXIST 10 EXIST 6 FLGD GATE VALVE#7386 IF 1 cr m 0 EXIST 8 BLIND FLANGE EXIST 8 x 6 FLGD TEE SULTANA 2 GAS (TO BE ABAN-) —0 10 M P GAS N � SLOVER AVE EXI S T DETAIL-"D" 1- U) X W 10 H P GAS 16 PKHN BOYLE EXIST EDGE OF PAVEMENT 125 11 6% GWBR 12 EXIST 6 GWAA (TO BE ABAN) 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # DETAIL-"E" co AVE EXIST 6 F H #979F EXIST 114 SERVICE CONN #14561 REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 6 FLGD 90 ELL EXIST 1 EXIST 2 S S CAP EXIST 2 GATE VALVE *1797 (CLOSED) EXIST 4 x 2 REDUCER REMOVE EXIST 4 PIPE & INSTALL 4 END CAP CPLG EXIST 4 GWBA 3 (TO BE ABAN) EXIST SLOVER 2-12 FLGD 45 ELLS GRADE / / / / / AS 10GWBA 2EXIST 12/MP G01t/4 CT GAS WBR 12 PKHN 12% PROP 24 CSP S D 3 5 COVER PROFILE "O-O" 1 MIN LAI i1 U 10 135 LI EXIST 4 GWBA 10 MP GAS co QI 0 a DETAIL-"F" EXIST 2 GAS N cD tf7 EXIST 4 GWB�i �0, T (TO BE ABAN) EXIST _ . 10 MP GASH_, N AVE 10 SLOVER W AVE f DETAIL-"N" r REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE & INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG j 2-12 FLGD 45° ELLS REMOVE EXIST 12 PIPE & INSTALL 12 FLEX CLPG FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335 NAME C Morales DATE 6-16-99 APP 8Y P. c (Is 111c REV BY REV APP JOB NO 4386F SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENT Stover Ave a/Poplar Ave START COMP TRACING CONFORMED SCALE 1 =1 00 f \4386f dgn 5 Parts MAP None T G PG 604-E F7 SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino 30-AUG-1999 10 42 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # i REMOVE EXIST 6' PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 6 x 6 FLGD TEE (TURNED DOWN) 6 x 4 FLGD REDUCER 4 FLGD GATE VALVE # 4 FLGD 90 ELL REMOVE EXIST 4 PIPE & INSTALL 4 FLEX CLPG EXIST 4 S S GATE VALVE *1224 (TO BE REMOVED) co EXIST 31 / GTBH _ 41/2 EXIST 4 S S GATE VALVE *1225 CLOSED & PLUGGED (TO BE ABAN) 2-8 FLG D 45 ELLS - EXIST EXIST 16 FLGD B V #4262 1 58 1 58 EXIST 16 FLGD B V #4260 EXIST 16 PKHN EXIST 10 FLGD x R T GATE VALVE#4261 6 FLGD 90 ELL EXIST GRADE Q FliG.R6R0 EXIS T 0I 1-I X Li t [>1l6% aFT GWBR co SLOVER L EXIST 00 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2 FOR TESTING - +I f 8 x 6 FLGD TEE 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS EXIST POWER POLE EXIST 6 GWBH (TO BE ABAN ) 10 M P-GAS EXIST GATE VALVE *7129 (TO BE ABAN ) AVE EXIST 6 F H #945F (TO BE REMOVED) m co /// i 10 HP GAS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # HEMLOCK 16 PKHN 1" m D 16 x 8 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) DETAIL -"A" 6 FIRE HYDRANT # PER STD DWG 2-B W/J-3701 HEAD III" EXIST 6 F H #172F REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6" FLEX CLPG 6 FLGD GATE VALVE EXIST EDGE OF PAVEMENT 2-6" FLG D 45 ELLS i 6 FLGD GATE VALVE 16 x 6 FLG D TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) EXIST i i i GRADE ) I / /EXIST / i / / /10 / 10/ / I 10 H P GAS MP GAS 6 GWBH H P GAS FolaHiTh,,, LOB 1-01 °� IG8N I-016H-,, �O� \ Y - 8% GWBR '�-II � ii,' 'K--IF -1 MIN 1 MIN > < -1 MIN PROFILE "G G" PROFILE "H-H" GRADE / \\V//\\V/A\V/ /\\V// \ MPOI GOH CO w 6% GWBR LI 6JLBV wv f I 1 MIN 6% — L U-IHCH — z co EXIST 6 S S GATE VALVE *15 (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST 16 FLGD B V #4264 EXIST 10 FLGD x R T G V #4265 EXIST 6 GWBH 1 (TO BE ABAN )_ 1 EXIST 5 m SLOVER co EXIST L_ 1 58 158 EXIST ------Ili I - , -I f ,I?7„// -Ij -T Y`= EXIST 16 FLG D B V #4266 EXIST 1 Loj P 0 GAS 2-6 FLGD 90 ELLS EXIST 6 FLG D GATE VALVE #7742-(TO BE ABAN) 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # a11Hl-y m•I -1 MIN 15± +I 1 0 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2" FOR TESTING 8 x 6 FLGD TEE 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS 11 EXIST 4 GATE VALVE #1644 (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST 4 GWBA (TO BE ABAN ) 10 MP GAS AVE 2-8 FLG D 45 ELLS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # 10 H P GAS 16 PKHN IIKII EXIST 8 SEWER 16 x 8 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) f W DETAIL-"B" GRADE 1 O 8% 8% GWBR Li MIN GWB M P0 GAO S4 GWBA PROFILE "I -I" PROFILE "K-K" EXIST GRADE /////1 EXIST GWBR 6 FWVH U PROFILE "J-J" FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335 JOB NO NAME C Morales APP BY REV BY REV APP START COMP DATE 6-16-99 4386F SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENT TRACING CONFORMED Stover Ave e/Poplar Ave 5 Parts MAP None T G PG SCALE 1 =1 00 604-E F7 SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino 30-AUG-1999 10 41 PAC BELL 6-4 BPC & 1 BUR CA 21 E/' 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2313F 1 PAC BELL 3-4 CPC & 1-4 CP 28 E/C 6 GWBA 1927 EXT 384 PAC BELL 7 4 CPC 14 W/c PAC BELL 2-4 DU 12 W/C PROP 15 ± 41/2 GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A 3% GTBH 1927 EXT 425 10 M P GAS 12 N/Q— COUNTY CITY Lo PAC BELL 4 4 BPC 23 S/q 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/q 13 PAC BELL 7-4 CPC 24 W/C 10 PKHN 1981 JOB 2304E 1 24 R C P STORM DRAIN 6 E/c 2 JWEA 1944 EXT 658 10 PKHN 1983 JOB 2454E-1 6% FWBR 1981 JOB 2329F 4 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 10 FIRE SERVICE 1981 JOB 2329F 2 26055E 10330 47083 10462 8 FIRE SERVICE 1998 JOB 4336F 1 47084F 10406 PROP 30 ± 6 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- E 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2329E 1 175 30 30 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/C MATCH 1 SEE ABOVE 30 3 30 1 HEMLOCK I 50 PROP 42 ± 8% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL -'A PROP 10 ± 6 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL -'A 140 85 REMOVE EXIST 6 FIRE HYDRANT #945F ON JOB 4386F-5 PROP 6 FIRE HYDRANT ON JOB 4386F-3 SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- A co 16" PKHN—T L rn 01 co L\I *co Lo c OF • N N. • �n 140 N - 0E- -- I Q I 100 N FH - I 1889F mi100 0 rn co 0 N cc CO 140 rn co N co CO Ul ■ Lrl Cr, SID 141 M 76 I M�: SLOVER- 1 FH 1890E- I 100 PAC BELL 1-4 CONDUIT 322 ± E/C PAC BELL 1 4 CPC & BUR CA 24 S/C PAC BELL 2-4 DU 34 S/q 8 SEWER 13 E/C 2 GAS 11 E/q 4 EDISON CONDUIT w Fla 0 a 148 BOYLE @�_ AVE F H 979F 18 10%4 FWBR 1981 JOB 2329E 4 10407 14561 19 w O >K CO 116 1.0 fro co I -Pt ON iMNi 0 (4 cet C"Th o so01 106 100 64 IN 1 19 q 15200 20540 100 ABANDON 1313 ± 6 GWBH 1927 EXT 384 ON JOB 4386F-4 •• 15214 4352 I 140 100 PAC BELL 1 4 DU 282 W/' O 10 F H 1891F STREET IMPROVEMENTS 100 140 6 FWVH 1946 JOB 747F ABANDON 12 ± 6 FWVH 1946 JOB 747F ON JOB 4386F-4 SEE BELOW @ LEFT PER CITY OF FONTANA 12 PKHN 1981 JOB 2329E 1 MATCH I 1� F H 2620F 6 FIRE SERVICE 1986 JOB 2859F 1 32001F 10462 26970 10462 - N m 175 1.11 31700 FUTURE 24 CSP STORM DRAINS O — ct, Lo co COUNTY •— CI Y— O 292 Q LINE 104-59 9962 30130 ABANDON 300 ± 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 ON JOB 4386F-4 2 GAS 15 E/q • N 19 In 2 GAS 23 N/7 CO F 16 PKHN SLOVER U 2 GAS 18 N/C 10 M P GAS 12 N/q 10 H P GAS 9 S/C ABANDON 275 ± 6 GWAA 1944 EXT 667 ON JOB 4386F-4 2 GAS 15 E/c LINE RIGHT SERVICE NOTES INSTALL 1 COPPER SERVICE TO O EXIST METER SIZE INDICATED PER STD DWG 3 C & 3-E ON JOB 4386F 2 * ABANDON EXIST SERVICE WITH MAIN • THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED •• THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL BE SET AT 40 NORTH OF THE STREET CENTERLINE PROP 15 ± 12% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- N ABANDON 15 ± 12 PKHN 1981 2329F-1 ON JOB 4386F-4 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/q 8 SEWER 5 W/q w 10 M tit m 60 CO 0 100 m I 100 rn N 13 EXIST 12 CSP STORM DRAIN 140 F H 172F 1 128 85 F H 1927F 1 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/q 10 PKHN 1981 JOB 2304F 1 —10 M P GAS 12 N/q 330 • 25 32 44 M 2 0 7 2 GAS 12 E/c PROP 44 ± 8% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 PROP 10 ± 6 % GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL- B 10477 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919E 10478 15 i - FREMONTIA AVE 10487 148 N 11 ABANDON 13 ± 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919F ON JOB 4386F-4 30 1 30 148 F H 338F Or 2 GAS 18 N/c 10 M P GAS 12 N/ 10 H P GAS 9 S/q FUTURE 18 CSP STORM DRAIN 2 GAS 11 E/c 24 R C P STORM DRAIN 6 E/c 8 SEWER 5 W/C O N ' \ 22'\ 2 GAS 15 E/C 10477 10478 13 m m In 148 13 148 FH 337F SAN BERNARDINO ;, J0B -2284F-1-—FONTA-N-A AVE z E-4 30 30 m 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919E PROP 52 ± 8% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL-'C" PROP 10 ± 6% GWBR ON JOB 4386F-1 (TIE-IN) ABANDON 15 ± 6 CWAL 1951 JOB 919F ON JOB 4386F-4 PAC BELL & EDISON CONDUIT 2 GAS 12 W/q E 15642 7582 1-0 110 PROP 4 CUT & PLUG ON JOB 4386F-4 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL- F i 1 N (NiLrl 297 39 ,o sID Lfi s— (4, r- M 0F —0F —1981 16 16 SCCV 1972 F H 3304F 40 WIDE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT EASEMENT 24 R C P STORM DRAIN 6 E/C ABANDON 1820 ± 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 619 ON JOB 4386F-4 12%4 GWMR 1996 JOB 4090E 1 FOOTAGE SUMMARY 11 DIA M W 0 WATER LINE ON C OF ESMT JOB \3864F 1 I.p T JOB 1284F 1— F H 3305F IT II STREET IMPROVEMENTS J AVE EDISON 1%2 CONDUIT LEGEND PER CITY OF FONTANA Liiry W M (nm 144 M 3 11 IL 8 10 2 GAS 15 E/€ Ua W PROP 6 CUT & PLUG ON JOB 4386F-4 SEE SHEET 4 DETAIL-"D 8% GWBR 1993 JOB 3648E-2 ABANDON 838 ± 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 619 ON JOB 4386F-4 10 CONC 1942 JOB 3906F 1 16 PKHN 1980 JOB 2256F-1 F H 1720F END STREET IMPROVEMENTS PER CITY OF FONTANA i 4 GWBA 1942 EXT 204 CM 102 17-�-}- I 10 CONC FONTANA WATER COMPANY IRRIG LINE 33 W/q 4 GWBA 1924 EXT FFO tt 0 a 0 M SAN BERNARDINO FONTANA 10 PKHN 1984 JOB 2547F 1 16 CONC 1934 JOB 3909F 1 PAC BELL 1-4 CPC 22 S/' o^ 2 GAS 25 E/q PAC BELL 1-4 CPC & BUR CA 15 E/' 8 SEWER 10 W/C LOCATION FRANCHISE FOOTAGE PRIOR RIGHTS FOOTAGE DESCRIPTION OF PRIOR RIGHTS SLOVER AVENUE ELM AVENUE SULTANA AVENUE (4023 ±) (575 ±) 30 ± (20 ±) Proposed Main Abandon Main Existing Main The Gas Co Edison Pacific Bell Storm Drain Sewer Fontana Water Conpany Irnagation Line Metropolitan Water District FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335 NAME C Morales DATE 6-16-99 APP BY P.3g A3 wig 5 REV BY REV APP JOB NO 4386F 5 Parts SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENT Stover Ave a/Poplar Ave START COMP TRACING CONFORMED SCALE 1 = 1 00 MAP 248 268 T G PG 604-E F7 SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino SUBSTRUCTURE INVESTIGATION COMPANY DATE TIME WHO WI1AT BY The Gas Co Plans As Shown AK Edison Plans As Shown AK Telephone Plans As Shown AK Storm Drain Plans As Shown AK Sewer Plans As Shown AK ® THE LOCATION OF THE WATER METER BOX SHALL BE SET AT 29 NORTH OF THE STREET CENTERLINE - - - -- -- Cable TV Plans None AK (000) FOOTAGE TO BE RETIRED A REVISIONS BY APP BY DATE 30-AUG-1999 10 41 6 FLGD GATE VALVE # REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 6 x 6 FLGD TEE (TURNED DOWN) 6 x 4 FLGD REDUCER 4 FLGD GATE VALVE # 4 FLGD 90 ELL REMOVE EXIST 4 PIPE & INSTALL 4 FLEX CLPG EXIST 4 S S GATE VALVE *1224 (TO BE REMOVED) EXIST 31%6 GTBH • 41/2 EXIST 4 S S GATE VALVE *1225 CLOSED & PLUGGED (TO BE ABAN) 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS EXIS T t SLOVER m`r CD EXIST 16 FLGD B V #4262 EXIST 16 FLGD B V #4260 EXIST 10 FLGD x R T GATE VALVE#4261 6 FLGD 90 ELL 1 58 1 58 EXIST 16 PKHN 1 n EXIST EXIST GRADE La I / GWBR PROFILE "G-G" 0 r-- EXIST i 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2' FOR TESTING 8 x 6 FLGD TEE 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS IIHII EXIST POWER POLE I l EXIST 6 GWBH (TO BE ABAN ) 10 M P GAS EXIST GATE VALVE *7129 (TO BE ABAN ) AVE 10 H P GAS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # HEMLOCK 16 PKHN /7/ m EXIST 6 F H #945F (TO BE REMOVED) 16 x 8 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) EXIST GRADE / / / / H P GAS 1 M P GAS 6 GWBH aHi ,, �O� r0J. �� i GWB Y l 8% GWBR `C�� 8 '�-II � III 1 MIN 1 MIN PROFILE "H-H" i /// 6 FIRE HYDRANT # PER STD DWG 2-B W/J-3701 HEAD tITII 6 FLGD GATE VALVE EXIST EDGE OF PAVEMENT 2-6' FLG D 45 ELLS i 6 FLGD GATE VALVE "I" 16 x 6' FLG D TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) EXIST GRADE EXIST 6 F H *172F i REMOVE EXIST 6 PIPE & INSTALL 6 FLEX CLPG 2-6 FLG D 90 ELLS EXIST 6 FLG D GATE VALVE -#7742 (TO BE ABAN)- / // \\V /\V/\' /i\\V//\ 10 10 6 P GAS GWBH °o f-0115H11—I1O1 I I—O� 6/GWBR IMl JL6BV —1 MIN 1 MIN \\ EXIST 6 S S GATE VALVE * 15 (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST 6 GWBH (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST SLOVER EXIST 1 58 158 - I XIS T EXIST 16 FLG D B V *4264 EXIST 10 FLGD x R T G V *4265 r-- JJI �11 I I• IIf I- I 6' FLGD GATE VALVE # I) z 1- w EXIST 16 FLG D B V *4266 /EXIST GRADE /10 / 10 H P GAS M P GAS 4 GWBA a7>, jQJ f QJ OJ I Gw6 8/a GWBR �y�� \ �C —1 MIN , MIN PROFILE "I -I" PROFILE "K-K" 8 BLIND FLANGE TAP 2" FOR TESTING 8 x 6 FLGD TEE 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS EXIST 4 GATE VALVE #1644 (TO BE ABAN ) EXIST 4 GWBA (TO BE ABAN) 10 M P GAS AVE 2-8 FLGD 45 ELLS 8 FLGD GATE VALVE # 10 H P GAS 16 0 PKHN K �� 11 EXIST 8 SEWER 16 x 8 FLGD TAPPING SLEEVE (HOT TAP) LI EXIST GRADE I /i EXIST GWBR 6 FWVH �_ gT U� PROFILE "J-J" FONTANA WATER COMPANY 8440 NUEVO AVENUE P 0 BOX 987 - FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335 NAME C Morales DATE 6-16-99 APP BY REV BY REV APP JOB NO 4386F 5 Parts SLOVER AVE IMPROVEMENT Stover Ave e/Poplar Ave START COMP TRACING CONFORMED SCALE 1 = 1 00 MAP None T G PG 604-E F7 SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS LOCATION City of Fontana/County of San Bernardino 30-AUG-1999 10 41 f \4386f dgn • . • to . • VER AVE COUNTY COUNTY (4.P.N.# 0236-052-4 BOYLE AVE Qt.P.N.# 0236-121-4 Q.P.N.# 0236-062-4 (A.P.N.# 0236-131-4 COUNTY Q.P N.# 0237-011—? ((A.P.N.# 0237-061—? COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY (A.P.N.# 0237-052-4) (A.P.N.# 0237-101—+4 (1.P.N.# 0237-054-4 (A.P.N.# 0237-1114 CITY COUNTY (4.P.N.# 0251-151-4 (A.P.N.# 0255-011-4 Q.P.N.# 0251-164-4 Qt.P N.# 0251-181—r, P.N # 0255-021—s P.N.# 0255-031— COUNTY CITY CITY COUNTY COUNTY CITY Q.P.N.# 0237-031-4 BOYLE AVE e 0237-071-0 A.P.N.# 0237-241-* {s011s1 0 4,P.N.# 0251-203-0(A yP.N. f 025 Q.P.N.# 0255-041 COUNTY A.P.N.# 0237-242-4 (401Z+4 ((4.P.N.# 0237-081-01) P °=N:L9.2512:203-- P N. 02255-041-14 • • P.N.# 0237 —041-4 s1 s1 YES TO DEDICATE R/W NO TO DEDICATE R/W EXIST. CURB AND GUTTER > = 40' OF R/W NO RESPONSE DRAWN BY E.N.S. COUNTY (A.P.N.# 0237-043—.) BOYLE AVE SLOVER AVE Q.P.N.# 0237-091-4 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO TRANSPORTATION / FLOOD CONTROL DEPARTMENT SUBMITTED BY CHIEF DESIGN ENGINEER DATE RECOMMENDED /APPROVED BY ASST. DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION DATE DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION DATE SLOVER AVEE\ FROM CHERRY AVE TO SIERRA AVE LOT OWNERS DEDICATION DATA FONTANA AREA F.B. REF. T00891 TOT. SHT'S. AS SHOWN