HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.5_From Contractor,DEC-16-1999 13:23 BONADIMAN-MCCRIN 909 889 3706 P.01 BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. P 0 BOX .6444, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 ENGINEERS * CONTRACTORS Fax Transmittal PH: (909) 885-3435 FX: (909) 889-3706 SINCE 1942 LICENSE NO. 74600 A, B, C27 TO; , Greg Bucknell COMPANY: City of Fontana DATE: December 16,1999 PHONE: (909) 350-6646 FROM: Penney Paulson FAX: (909) 350-6618 Number of Pages Including Cover Sheet: 9 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK TO POPLAR Greg: See attached substitution request. WAD Ooc1)1E o —151\ )a--(0-4 CcI 1 getiC ott.c-e fae f44,(A-1:fi Re ,U (t. Please call (909) 885-3435 if this transmission is not received complete. December 8, 1999, Mr. Gregory Bucknell City ofPontand Mr. Michael P. Thornton' L.D. King, Inc. Subject: Ductile Iron Pipe Joint Gaskett /Metropolitan Water District (MWD)'Crossing I"reviewed:the proposed construction materials for the MWD crossing, including the ductile iron pipe with restrained joint gaskets with Charles Poling of MWD He advised that the FIELD LOK Gaskets arenot acceptable. Mr. Poling recommended that in lieu of restrained joints, :concrete. encasing of the sewer with 4,000 psi concrete (minimum 6" thick) and install reinforcing steel at each corner', (No: 4 Bars) with tiesat three -feet (3') on center. In addition, if desired, we may substitute polyvinyl chloride pipe for ductile iron pipe if the pipe is encased in concrete. Based onmy discussion with Bondamin-McCain, the.MWD alternative is preferred. Should you have any questions or need additional information,. please do not hesitate to call. . King, InC. 21.51-Convention Center Way, Suite 100B, Ontario, CA 91764-4464 (909) 937-0200' Fax (909) 937-0202 of Fontana for this substitution. • ;DEC-16-1999 13:23 BONADIMAN-MCCAIN LICENSE NO, 74800A,8&C27. INCORPORATED' 1942 TELEPHONE (909) 885-3435 TELECOPIER(909) 889-3708 • IBONADI MAN McCain Inc. Engineers C=)Contractors POST OFFICE BOX 6444 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92412 December 16, 1999 Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 909 889 3706 P.02 OFFICE 280 SOUTH LENA ROAD SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 YARD 835 TENNIS COURT LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 VIA FACSIMILE; (909) 350-6618 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK AVE. TO POPLAR AVE. Dear Greg: . exp �'l�t� 44A (- 8''.. „ ttc, �54,0 v.. We are' request' • • authorization to substitute 161 linear feet 'of 8" Class 250 Ductile Iron Pipe as, specified • tem 6 on the above referenced project, with.161 linear feet of 8" SDR35 Sewer Pipe with of concrete encasement at the MWD Waterline. Enclosed are the specifications for the SD 35 Sewer Pipe we are requesting to use. There will be no additional cost to the City If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. Jeff C. Bonadiman Vice President AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUCTION &rata& 4 ecuaet • J-M PIPE • ',DEC-16-1999 1324 BONADIMAN-MCCRIN 909 889 3706 P.03 Ring-Tite° PVC Gravity • Sewer Pipe and Fittings • VW' '•DEC-16-1999 13:24 • BOARD IMAN-MCCAIN 909 889 3706 P.04 Ringgite PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings fing-Tate joint meets erecting tightness requirements, simplifies assembly ti -•Lockad-in" rubber sealing ring provides tight, flexible • seal. Meets rdrjuirements o1 ;ASTM 0-321 "Joints for COO? and Sewer Pipes usirig,F,lexible f tastomeiic • Seals." Figure 1 Spigot pipe ends are supplied from factory with ,beliefs. Applications J-M PVC sewer pipe is • suitable for conveying domestic sanitary sewage as well as certainindustrial wastes. For further information regarding the suitability of PVC for conveying various chemicals, contact your J-M Dice representative. 1, Chemical Resistant: J-M Ring -rite PVC sewer Pipeis unattested by the fluids found in ordinary domestic sewage. It is immune to sewer gases and the sutfdlic acid generated by the Ci mpletion of the hydrogeg aulmde cycle.. It is immunio corrosive soils -- both alkaline or acidic. Z. Abrasion Resistant: e *M Fir -Writ, PVC sewer' pie, bell Is an integral parrot 'pipe has excellent the pipe section with the resistance to abrasion, same strength. gouging and scoring -• superior to that of most common piping materials. Meets ASTM 03034-SDR 35 4"-15"and ASTM F87916"-27" Introduction The growing demand for an effective all-out attack on water pollution highlights the need for improved sanitary sewage collection systems. A modern system needs pipe with improved design for • reserve strength and stiffness. to increase load -bearing capacity - all within the • framework of maximizing sewer system capacity at reasonable cost. Ring -Tile PVC sewer pipe is designed to meet this need. 3. Flow Characteristics: J•M Ring-Tite PVC sewer pipe with long lengths, smooth interior, and factory -made close tolerance joints provides a Mantling "n" coefficient of .009. High -carrying capacity makes possible the use of flatter grades or smatter diameter pipe. Ask your J-M sales representative for a flow nomograph and the report "Hydraulic Characteristics of PVC Sewer Pipe in Sanitary Sewers," a joint study by Johns -Manville and Utah State University. . • Locked -in Ring Through research and technology we proudly offer locked -in" rubber ring PVC sewer pipe. This factory -made joint eliminates the need to insert rings in the field. Joint design and close manufacturing tolerances allow this joint to pass a 25 feet to head hydrostatic test In the laboratory and provides the basis for exacting infiltrationfexfiltration specifications. Se secure in the future by designing with J-M Ring-Tite PVC sewer pipe with low infiltration - specify infiltration net to exceed 50 galfons(inch diemeterlmile/day_ Call for ASTM D-3034 SDR35 Provides Greater External ,? .Load -Carrying Capacity. •. This allows for the *align and construction of PVC gravity sewer systems (4"-15") consistent with test engineering practices. A uniform minimum "pipe starless,' (Flby = 46 psi) means no weak finks. n also means that J-M PVC sewer pipe in 8, 10,12 & 15- diameters has SO to 75 percent greater pipe stillness than SDR 42 and SDR 41 PVC sewer pipe. This increased "pipe Stillness' provides ale extra needed at that critical time when the pipe Is rdst being installed in the trench and undergoing bedding and backfllt. DEC-16-1.999 13:25 BONADIMAN—MCCAIN 909 889 3706 P. 05 External Loads Background Loads imposed On buried. conduits have, in past practice. been calculated by using the Marston load formula For trench loads Marston has a formula for rigid:pipe and another formula for flexible pipe. It is important to recognize that under identical conditions of bury the soil load generated on a flexible Conduit Is less than the load generated on a rigid conduit. The competitive load on a rigid conduit verses the load on a flexible conduit is expressed as the ratio of trench width. to the feeble pipe O:D. By definition. a flexible conduit is one which will deflect before reaching failure. Marston's Forrrlulas FOt Soil Loads „;Rigid Pipe Ni= C4 yr 134z Flexible Pipe W . C4 •w 8a Ba Where: W = Load on pipe (Ib/lirr, ft.) Ge= Load Coefficient w soil unit weight (113/FN Bd . Ditch width (ft) 9c d Q.D. of pipe (ft) Prism Load Loads imposed on buried conduits have been calculated by using the Marston Toad formulas for rigid and flexible pipe. However, it has been determined that the Marston formula for flexible pipe may not determine the maximum Tong term Toad — the "Prism Load" formula is more accurate. The "Prism Load" is the weight of the column of soil directly above the pipe. Thus, precautions in keeping the trench narrow are unnecessary for a flexible pipe installation. The important thing is to compact the haunching material from the pipe out to the • undisturbed trench walls. Therefore, J-M suggests that the'Maxi►num long term load be determined by the prism j Toad for design. , fi Prism Load: P, = wH (1bslft=) Where: P,- Pressure at the top of the pipe due to the weight of the soil (Ib/ft2) w = Soli unit weight-- (lb/1t ) H s Depth from top of pipe to top of ground (ft.) Note: To convert prism load (lbfft,z) to lb./linear ft. multiply by the 0. D. of the pipe in feet or: W = wHB, Live Loads Live roads imposed on buried conduits from traffic must also be considered in a design and become more important at shallow depths. The combination of soil load and live toad must be H2O Highway Load 16 I to Height of Cover (Fee to e 4 z Figure 2 Deed rood 12o Ib./cv. A. H0 live �load t iimpact • 500 1000 P„Vertieal toil Pressure (Lbs/FP) Total toad rive + dead 1500 Note: To convert vortical sop pressure to load on pipe -- pounds perlineai foot -multiply by O.D.. of pipe in ft tivve toad applied on assumed area of 36-x 40". added together to design for the maximum Toad as shown in curves above. The soil bad and eve toad must be added to determine the total external load on a buried conduit ThiS combined bad should be used for design. Figure 2 illustrates the magnitude of soil and five loads separately and also charts the magnitude of the combined or total loads.. The curves in figure 3 apply only for H2O highway loading and a soil weight of 120 Ibslcu. ft. Rt shallow depths of cover —3 feet and less, flexible conduits can deflect and 2000 rebound under dynamic loading conditions if the trench width is not sufficiently bridged. Unless special precautions are taken to bridge the trench in shallow Installations, the breaking up of flexible road surfaces may result Therefore, for shallow installations under flexible road surfaces (between 1 and 3 feet), J-M recommends Class 1' material be used in the pipe zone and up to the road elevation. This recommendation is not meant to conflict with the design engineer's specifications and his. specifications will govern. "see page 8 for definition of Class 1. 1..DEC-16-1999 1325 Pipe Deflection • BONADIMAN—MCCRIN 40 909 889 3706 P.06 Deflection is defined as the change in vertical inside diameter ot a flexible con. duit when subjected to a vertical load. The amount of deflection that will occur in any flexible conduit is a function of three taetors: 1. Pipe Stiffness (F I 4y) 2. Soil Stiffness 3. Load on the pipe II is important to recognize that flexible conduits per. form differently in the ground than they do under laboratory flat plate loading. The interaction of pipe stiff- ness and soil stiffness comd bine to give flexible conduits a high effective strength when buried. Methods for Predicting Pipe Deflection The most commonly used approach in predicting deflection has been the modified "Iowa Deflection Formula." Modified Iowa FormOla: INKelr3 Ay — El Id .061„.t' Where: Ay =4:vertical deflebgon (Inches) • —Di ix lag fief& (1.5 maximum), K bedding lacier w1,-. earth lead (lb.rin.) r= mean radius (0C) L.' (in.) N. 2 E = modulus of elasticity (1b./in.2) I i• moment of inertia I3i 12(in.3) E' = soil stiffness (111iin.z) Although considered a eon- servatiVe approach, con- siderable variation in predicted deflection will result depending upon the choice Of empirical con- stants E. K and Di. Empirical methods of predic- ting deflection have evolved in recent years which eliminate the guesswork inherent in the Iowa method. When design is based on actual laboratory test and previous field measurements it is unnecessary to know the actual load acting on the pipe or the sOil stiffness. Thus an installation can be designed with a known fee - tor of safety provided enough empirical data is available, To accommodate the pro- blem of having to establish data for the number of trench widths that are found in the field, the prism load was chosen because it fepresents the maximum twin.% condition on' a flexi- ble pipe. Time lag to account for future settlement :Of the backlit! can be • included by choosing long - .'term values of deflection. J-M has developed through laboratory tests and actual field data the maximum long term deflection chan, Figure 3, shown on page 7. This chart 'eliminates the guesswork in predicting deflection and gives the design engineer a quick ready reference. This chart is for PVC SDR 35 Sewer pipe only. The values given for deflection limits are the ultimate long term deflection that will occur in a particular soil class having a given density (compaction) in the haunching area of the pipe zone for various heights of cover (feet). o .DEC-16-1999 13:26 Use of Maximum Long:Term Deflection Chart 1, Where live loads are not a factor or not involved in the total external load on the pipe. the chart can be used directly to determine the limit of the maximum longterm deflection Of the PVC pipe. Example: if an 8" PVC SDR 35 Sever Pipe is installed in Class IV material. having 85% compaction in the pipe zone and with 12 feet of cover. what will be the maximum long term deflection limit? Answer; Pipe will never deflect:more than 5"%. (Color code — dark green). 2. Where live Toads must be considered, determine, first, the combined hotel external Toad on the pipe. Next determine the equivalent 'prism lead (without live toad)'': for the:particular pipe size • involved using the table of prism loads. Table 1. Read acxoss.to the left for the height of cover (ft.) for the cqufvhlen1 prism load. Using This height of cover with the bedding class and proctor density. enter the maximum tong term deflection chart, Figure 3, to determine the maximum long term deflection limil. Example: II a 12" PVC SDR 35 Sewer Pipe is installed in•Class I11 material. having 65% compaction in the pipe zone, with 3 feet of cover and 120 Ibsltt' soil. and H-20,(highway Toad) live load are imposed on the buried pipe, what will be the maximum Tong term deflection limit? BONADIMAN—MCCRIN Answer: 1. The combined (dead and live) bad on the pipe will be approximately 1000 lbsfftz or 1000 x 1 ft. (pipe diameter in feet) 1000 Ibsllin ft. (per Figure 2). Enter table of prism loads (Table 1) under column 12— Pipe Diameter (inches) — and read down until nearest figure to 1000 is reached, across from soil an, 01120 lbsif.7. In this case, 1000 appears opposite 120 lbslft?, and 8 It. — height or cover. This represents the equivalent prism load for the combined (dead and live) load given above. Now enter maxir110m long term deflection chart and road the maximum long term deflection color code for Class III bedding classification, 65% density, • and 8 tt. of cover. Dark green — maximum tong term deflection will not exceed 5%. 909 889 3706 P.07 in working with these charts, it becomes apparent that; 1. Soil density in the pipe zone plays a greater role than soil type in the control of deflection in buried flexible conduits. 2. The amount of deflection is independent of pipe•size, providing all pipe sizes are SDR 35. Note pipe size does not appear in the chart for maximum long term deflections. Maximum Long -Term Deflections of PVC (SDR 35) Pipe (Percent) DENSITY ASTM (Praetor) Height of Cover (Feet) 1 Bedding AASHO 1.. ClaSsification T-99 ravel Class 1 N 1 Class II Be% 80% 3 5 8 10 12 14 '16 18 and Class Ili 90%- 85% 75% 65°1% Clay Class IV 85% 75% 65% III Maawren long won Oanaopori Iva Rot e$c 1. V. 6. o maximum 7 5'. eetteenon el ?Si tune ►Q 'aonwla!+Eae' % •.1 n i Peat Class V This soil lass not recommendea 20 22 2a 26 28 30 J Figure 3 Note: Deflection values shown do not indude effect of live lead or longitudinal bending. 1. No length of pipe Installed under conditions specified will deflect mare than is Indicated; the pipe will deflect Tess than the amount indicated if specified density is obtained. 2. External loading based upon soil weight of 120 lbs. per cubic foot. 3, Deflections predicted are based upon pipe which was initially circular prior to installation. Actual deflections may differ because of initial out of roundness caused by storage and/or handling. These variations should be taken into account when measured deflections we compared with those in the table. • d. Bedding classifications are as indicated on page 8 and correspond to ASTM D2321. 5. Deflections listed In table are maximum Tong term values. The suggested maximum long term value is 7.5 percent which is approximately equal to a 5 percent initial deflection. 6. Initial deflection is deflection taken within the 1 St 24 hours after trench is bacld11led. 7 WC-16-1999 • 13:27 BONAD I MRN—MCCA I N 909 889 3706 P.08 Short Forrn Specification Scope This specification designates general requirements for unplasticited polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe with integral wall bell and spigot joints for the Conveyance of domesvc sewage. Meteciets Pipe and fittings shall meal the requirements of ASTM Specification D3034 for 4"-15•" SCR 35 and F679 for 18"-21", The pipe shall be colored green for in -ground identification as sewer pipe. Pipe Pipe shall be suitable for use as a gravity sewer r,condtiit. Provision$ must be ='~made for contraction and%: ,1 expansion at each joint With, a rubber ring, The Dell Shall •`: consist of an integral wail section with a solid cross section rubber ring. rectory assembled. securely locked in place to prevent displacement during assembly. Saes and dimensions shell be as shown in this specification. Standard laying lengths shah be 20 ft. and 13 ft t1 inch. At manufacturers option, random lengths of not more than 15% of total footage of each size may be sh;pped.in deu Of standard lengths. Drop Impact Test Pipe (6" long section) Shall be subjected 10 impact from a tree ►alling tup (20-Ib. Toe A.) in accordance with ASTM Method of Test D2444. No shattering or splitting (denting is not a failure) shall be evident when the following energy is impacted - Norn:nal Size. Inches Ft •lbs 4 150 6 210 9 210 10 220 12 - 220 15 220 le 220 21 220 24 220 27 220 ,Fittings All fittings and accessories ,shalt be as manufactured and furnished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and/or spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. Temperature for Testing Pipe shall be designed to pass all tests at 73'F (.e3T). Pipe Stiffness Minimum "pipe Stiffness" (F/C, y) at 5% deflection shall De 46 psi for all sizes when tested in accordance -with ASTM Method of Test D2412. 'External Loading Properties of Plastic Pipe by. Parallel -Plate Loading.' Joint Tightness Two seei,ons of pipe shalt be assembled in accordance with the manuracturer's recommendation, Joint shall De tested in accordance wru ASTM D3212, "Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pip. Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals.' Flattening There shall be no evidence of splitting. cracking, or breaking when the pipe is tested as follows' Flatten specimen of pipe, Six inches long between paretic; plates in a suitable press:,,. until the distance betweo the plates le forty pereen ,of the outside diameter of the pipe. The rate of loading; shall be uniform and such, that the compression is. • completed within two to:five minutes. t Gaskets Material used for elastorneric seal in push - on joints shall meet the reQulrements of ASTM Spec+ficaIon F 477., Installation Product should be installed in accordance with J-M Publication TR-6146, "Green -Tile" PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe Installation Guide." IJEC-16-1999 13:27 BONAD I MAN—MCCA I N 909 889 3706 P.09 Sizes, Dimensions ant! Weights Bell and Spigot Assembly (Incites) Assembly Stripe Pipe Pipe Details • Size' Average Min. Wall Inches O.D. Thickness "T'' '4 4.215 '.0.120 6 6.275 ,' 0.180 8 8.400 0.240 10 10,500 i >0.3Q4 12 . 12.500 , 0.350 3 5 • 1$.300 9'• 0.47 18 18.701 ` 0.535 21 22.047x '. 0.632 Pipe Size Inches 24,; 27". Min. Wall Ave, O.D. ThicIm sa "T'' 24.803 0,711 27.953 0.801 Bell Details Approx. Approx. Weight • DS D8 D9 ' N Lbs_./Ft_ 4.250 4.240 5;20 2.90 1.05 6.318 8,308 7150 3.50 2,36 8.4510 8.440 1010 4.10 4.24 10.570 10.548 • ' ` 12:40 4.70 6.64 12.577 12.554 14r50 5.15 9.50 15.380 15.362 18 0 5.40 14.14 18.764 18,764 , - ' 21:98 5.90 21.43 22.110 22110 25.63 6;0. ....29.88 Approx. Approx. Wt. 05 DB D9 N Lbs./Ft. 25.04 -- 24.99 .28.80 28.72 28.17 32.50 12.75 49.47 TOTAL P.09 LICENSE NO. 74600 A, B & C 27 INCORPORATED 1942 TELEPHONE (909) 885-3435 TELECOPIER (909) 889-3706 gONADIMAN McCain Inc. Engineers *Contractors POST OFFICE BOX 6444 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92412 OFFICE 280 SOUTH LENA ROAD SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 YARD 635 TENNIS COURT LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 December 16, 1999 VIA FACSIMILE: (909) 350-6618 Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK AVE. TO POPLAR AVE. Dear Greg: We are requesting authorization to substitute 161 linear feet of 8" Class 250 Ductile Iron Pipe as specified in Item 6 on the above referenced project, with 161 linear feet of 8" SDR35 Sewer Pipe with 32' of concrete encasement at the MWD Waterline. Enclosed are the specifications for the SDR35 Sewer Pipe we are requesting to use. There will be no additional cost to the City of Fontana for this substitution. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. Jeff C. Bonadiman Vice President AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUCTION eaftptaer DEC 15 '99 08:41AM SANTA rE PROD / EPS 9099372085 P.1/7 J-Pil PIPE Ring-Titeit° Gravity • Sewer Pipe and Fittings ' • • DEC 15 '99 08:42AM SANTA FE PROD EPS 9099372/385 P.2/7 • • Ring -rite PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings Ring -Tice joint meets exacting tightness requirements, simplifies assembly "Locked -in" rubber sealing ring provides tight, flexible • seal. Meets requirements of ASTM 0-3212 — "Joints for Drain and Sewer Pipes using Flexible Etastomeric Seals." Figure t Spigot pipe ends are supplied from factory with bevels. The bets is an integral part of the pipe section with the same strength. Meets ASTM D3034-SDR 35 4"-15"and ASTM F679.18"-27." Introduction The growing demand for an effective all-out attack on water pollution highlights the need for improved sanitary sewage collection systems. A modern system needs pipe with improved design for • reserve strength and stiffness to increase load -bearing , capacity - all within the framework of maximizing sewer system capacity at reasonable cost. Ring -rite PVC sewer pipe is designed to meet this need. Applications J-M PVC sewer pipe is • suitable for conveying domestic sanitary sewage as well as certain industrial wastes. For further information regarding the suitability of PVC for conveying various chemicals, contact your J-M pipe representative. 1. Chemical Resistant: J-M Ring-Tite PVC sewer pipe is unaffected by the fluids found in ordinary domestic sewage. It is immune to sewer gases and the sulfuhc acid generated by the completion of the hydrogen sulfide cycle. It is immune to corrosive soils — both alkaline or acidic. 2. Abrasion Resistant: J-M RingTite PVC sewer pipe has excellent resistance to abrasion, gouging and scoring — superior to that of most common piping materials. 3. Flow Characteristics: .1-M Ring Tite PVC sewer pipe with long lengths, smooth interior, and factory -made close tolerance joints provides a Manning "n" coefficient of .009. High -carrying capacity makes possible the use of flatter grades or smaller diameter pipe. Ask your J-M sales representative for a flow nomograph and the report "Hydraulic Characteristics of PVC Sewer Pipe in Sanitary Sewers." a joint study by Johns -Manville and Utah State University. Locked -in Ring Through research and technology we proudly offer "locked -in" rubber ring PVC sewer pipe. This factory -made joint eliminates the need to insert rings in the field. Joint design and close manufacturing tolerances allow this joint to pass a 25 feet to head hydrostatic test in the laboratory and provides the basis for exacting infiitrationfexfiftration specifications. Be secure in the future by designing with J-M Ring -Tice PVC sewer pipe with low infiltration — specify infiltration not to exceed 50 gallons/inch diameter/mile/day. Call for ASTM D-3034 S0R35 Provides Greater External Load -Carrying Capacity. This allows for the design and construction of PVC gravity sewer systems (4"-15) consistent with best engineering pradtires. A uniform minimum"pipe stiffness," (F/Ay = 46 psi) means no weak links. It also means mat J-M PVC sewer pipe in 8, 10,12 & 15" diameters has 60 to 75 percent greater pipe stiffness than SDR, 42 and SDR 41 PVC sewer pipe. This increased "pipe stiffness' provides the extra needed at that critical time when the pipe is first being installed in the trench and undergoing bedding and backfill. DEC 15 '99 08;43AM SANTA FE PROD / EPS 9099372085 • P. 3/7 External Loads background Loads imposed on buried. conduits have, in past practice, been calculated by using the Marston load formula. For trench loads Marston has a formula for rigid pipe and another formula for flexible pipe. It is important to recognize that under identical conditions of bury the soil load generated on a flexible conduit is Tess than the toad generated on a rigid conduit The comparilive load on a rigid conduit verses the Toad on a flexible conduit is expressed as the ratio of trench width to the flexible pipe 0.0. By definition, a flexible conduit is one which will deflect before reaching failure. Marston's Formulas For Soil Loads Rigid Pipe W w Caw 602 Flexible Pipe W = Cd w 8C Ba Where: W = Load on pipe (Ib/lin. ft.) Cd= Load Coefficient w = Soil unit weight (1btFt3 Bd - Ditch width (ft.) 8c = 0.0. of pipe (ft.) Prism Load ' Loads imposed on buried conduits have been calculated by using the Marston load formulas for rigid and flexible pipe. However, it has been determined that the Marston formula for flexible pipe may not determine the maximum long term Toad — the "Prism Load" formula is more accurate. The "Prism Load - is the weight of the column of soil directly above the pipe. Thus, precautions in keeping the trench narrow are unnecessary for a flexible pipe installation. The Important thing is to compact the haunching material from the pipe out to the undisturbed trench waits. Therefore, J-M suggests that the maximum long term Toad be determined by the prism load for design. Prism Load: P,, = wH (Ibslft2) Where: P,,— Pressure at the top of the pipe due to the weight of the soil (lb/fit) w = Soil unit weight— (Iblft3) H = Depth from top of pipe to top of ground (ft.) Note: To convert prism load (ib./ft.2) to !bilinear ft.. multiply by the 0.0. of the pipe in feet, or: W = wHB, Live Loads Live Toads imposed on buried conduits from traffic must also be considered in a design and become more important at shallow depths. The combination of soil load and live Toad must be H2O Highway Load 16 t 14 12 10 1 o 0 6 4 . 0 0 2 z tread toad 120lb./cu. ft. H2O live Ioadt + irnpac Total load live + dead 500 1000 1500 2000 Pv Vertical Soil Pleasure (Lbs/Ftz) Figure 2 Note: To canven vertical soil pressure to load on pipe,; — pounds per lineal foot —multiply by 0.D. of'pipe in ft. ttive load applied on assumed area of 36• x 40". added together to design for the maximum load as shown in curves above. The soil load and live load must be added to determine the total external Toad an a buried conduit. This combined load should be used for design. Figure 2 illustrates the magnitude of soil and live toads separately and also charts Me magnitude of the combined or total loads. The curves in figure 2 apply only for H2O highway loading and a soil weight of 120 ibs./cu. ft. At shallow depths of cover — 3 feet and less, flexible conduits can deflect and rebound under dynamic loading conditions if the trench width is not sufficiently bridged. Unless special precautions -are taken to bridge the trench in shallow Installations, the breaking up of flexible road surfaces may result Therefore, for shallow installations under flexible road surfaces (between 1 and 3 feet), J-M recommends Class 1' material be used in the pipe zone and up to the road elevation. This recommendation is not meant to conflict with the design engineer's specifications and his specifications will govern. "see page 8 for definition of Class 1. 3 DEC 15 '99 08:43AM SANTA FE PROD / EPS 9099372085 Pipe Deflection • P. 4/7 Deflection is defined as the change in venicat inside diameter of a flexible con- duit when subjected to a vertical toad. The amount of deflection that will occur in any flexible conduit is a function of three factors: 1. Pipe Stiffness (F/.3y) 2. Soil Stiffness 3. Load on the pipe It is important to recognize that flexible conduits per- form differently in the ground than they do under laboratory flat plate loading. The interaction of pipe stiff- ness and soil stiffness com- bine to give flexible conduits a high effective strength when buried. Methods for Predicting Pipe Deflection The most commonly used approach in predicting deflection has been the modified "Iowa Deflection Formula." Modified Iowa Formula' D.Kwr� �Y - El+.061E'r' Where: Ay = vertical deflection (Inches) - Di = lag factor (1.5 maximum) K = bedding factor w ='earth load (Ib.Iin.) r = mean radius CDD' i 1 (in.) 2 E = modulus of elasticity (Ib./in.z) = moment of inertia tar 12 (in.3) E' = soil stiffness (lb./in,z) Although considered a con- servative approach. con- siderable variation in predicted deflection will result depending upon the choice of empirical con- stants E', K and D.. Empirical methods of predio- ting deflection have evolved in recent years which eliminate the guesswork inherent in the Iowa method. When design is based on actual laboratory test and previous field measurements it is unnecessary t0 know the actual load acting on the pipe or the soil stiffness. Thus an installation can be designed with a known fac- tor of safety provided enough empirical data is available. To accommodate the pro- blem of having to establish data for the number of trench widths that are found in the field, the prism load was chosen because it represents the maximum loading condition on a flexi- ble pipe. Time lag to account for future settlement of the backlill can be included by choosing long- term values of deflection. J-M has developed through laboratory tests and actual field data the maximum long term deflection chart, Figure 3. shown on page 7. This chart eliminates the guesswork in predicting deflection and gives the design engineer a quick ready reference. This chart is for PVC SDR 35 Sewer pipe only. The values given for deflection limits are the ultimate long term deflection that will occur in a particular soil class having a given density (compaction) in the haunching area of the pipe zone for various heights of cover (feet). DEC 15 '99 OS:44AM SANTA FE PROD / EPS 9099372085 P.5/7 Use of Maximum Long Term Deflection Chart 1. Where live loads are not a factor or not involved in the total external Toad on the pipe. the chart can be used directly to determine the limit of the maximum long-term deflection of the PVC pipe. Example: If an 8" PVC SDR 35 Sewer Pipe is installed in Class IV material. having 85% compaction in the pipe zone and with 12 feet of cover, what will be the maximum long term deflection limit? Answer: Pipe will never deflect more than 5% (color code -- dark green). 2. Where live loads must be considered, determine, first, the combined total external toad on the pipe. Next determine the equivalent prism load (without live Toad) tor the particular pipe size involved using the table of prism Toads, Table 1. Read across•to the left for the height of cover (ft.) for the equivalent prism load. Using this height of cover with the bedding class and proctor density. enter the maximum long term deflection chart, Figure 3, to determine the maximum long term deflection limit. Example: if a 12" PVC SDR 35 Sewer Pipe is installed in.Class III material, having 65% compaction in the pipe zone, with 3 feet of cover. and 120 lbs./ft' soil. and H-20 (highway load) live load are imposed on the buried pipe, what will be the maximum long term deflection limit? • Answer:1. The combined (dead and live) load on the pipe will be approximately 1000 ibs.lft2 or 1000 x 1 tt. (pipe diameter in feet) = 1000 lbs./lin ft. (per Figure 2). Enter table of prism Toads (Table 1) under column 12 •-- Pipe Diameter (inches) — and read down until nearest figure to 1000 is reached, across from soil wt. of 120 ibsfft 3. In this case, 1000 appears opposite 120 IbsJft?. and 8 ft. — height of cover. This represents the equivalent prism load for the combined (dead and live) load given above. Now enter maximum long term deflection chart and read the maximum long term deflection color code for Class III bedding classification, 65% density, and 8 ft. of cover. Dark green — maximum long term deflection will not exceed 5%. In working with these charts, it becomes apparent that: 1. Soil density in the pipe lone plays a greater role than soil type in the control of deflection in buried flexible conduits. 2. The amount of deflection is independent of pipesize, providing all pipe sizes are SDR 35. Note pipe size does not appear in the chart for maximum long term deflections. Maximum. Long -Term Deflections of PVC (SDR 35) Pipe (Percent) DENSITY ASTM (Proctor) Height of Cover (Feet) Bedding AASHO Classification T-99 3 Gravel Class I Class it 90% 80% Sand Class 11I 90% Clay 85% 75% 65% Class IV 85% 75% 65% Peat Class V Figure 3 Note: Deflection values shown do not include effect of live load or longitudinal bending. 1. No Length of pipe installed under conditions specified will deflect more than is indicated: the pipe will deflect less than the amount indicated if specified density is obtained. 2. External Loading based upon soil weight of 120 lbs. per cubic foot. 3. Deflections predicted are based upon pipe which was initially circular prior to installation. Actual deflections may differ because of initial out of roundness caused by storage and/or handling. These variations should be taken into account when measured deflections are compared with those in the table. 4. Bedding classifications are as indicated on page 8 and correspond to ASTM 02321. 5. Deflections listed in table are maximum long term values. The suggested maximum long term value is 7.5 percent which is approximately equal to a 5 percent initial deflection. 6. Initial deflection is deflection taken within the 1st 24 hours after trench is backfilled. 5 8 10 12 14 16 X Main num long term Oetiecuon wig not enn:O 5'. Q Ma.enum 7 5'. aanectPon TliM Zeno not ,icommentle0 30 • Y i. This soil class not recommendea DEC 15 '99 08:44AM SANTA FE PROD / EPS 9099372085 • P.6/7 Short Form Specification Scope This specification designates general requirements ror unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Plastic Gravity Sewer' Pipe with integral wall bell and spigot joints for the conveyance of domestic sewage. Materials Pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements ot. ASTM Specification D3034 for 4"-15" SDR 35 and F579 for 16"-27". The pipe shall be colored green for in-grouno identification as sewer pipe. Pipe Pipe shall be suitable for use as a gravity sewer conduit. Provisions must be made for contraction and expansion at each joint with a rubber ring. The bell Shall consist of art integral wall section with a solid cross-section rubber ring. factory assembled. securely locked in place to prevent displacement during assembly. Sizes and dimensions shall be as shown in this specification. Standard laying lengths shall be 20 tt, and .13 ft. ±1 inch. At manufacturer's option. random lengths of not more than 15% of total footage of earn size may be shipped in lieu of standard lengths. Drop Impact Test Pipe (6" long section) shalt be subjected to impact from a tree ►ailing tup (20-lb- Tup A.) in accordance with ASTM Method of Test 02444. No shattering or splitting (denting is not a failure) shall be evident when the following energy is impacted: Nominal Site Inches Ft -Lbs 4 6 8 t0 12 15 18 21 24 27 150 210 210 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 Fittings All fittings and accessories shalt be as manufactured and furnished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and/or spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. Temperature for Testing Pipe shall be designed to pass all tests at 73°F (^3°F). Pipe Stiffness Minimum "pipe Stiffness" (F/A y) at 5% deflection shall be 46 psi for all sizes when tested in accordance with ASTM Method of Test 02412, 'External Loading Properties of Plastic Pipe by Parallel -Plate Loading." Joint Tightness Two sections of pipe shalt be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. Joint shall be tested in accordance with ASTM 03212, "Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipe Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals.' Flattening There shall be no evidence of splitting. cracking, or breaking when the pipe is tested as follows' Flatten specimen of pipe, six inches long between parallel plates in a suitable press untit the distance between the plates is forty percent of the outside diameter of the pipe, The rate of loading shall be uniform and such that the compression is completed within two to five minutes. Gaskets Material used for elastomeric seal in push - on joints shall meet the requirements of ASTM Specification F 477. Installation Product should be installed in accordance with J-M Publication TR-614S, " Green-Tite'"' PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe Installation Guide." DEC 15 '99 08:45AM SANTA FE PROD / EPS 9099372085 P.7/7 40 Sizes, Dimensions and Weights Bell and Spigot Assembly (inches) Assembly Stripe T Pipe Pipe Details Bell Details Approx. Size Average Min. wall Approx. Weight Inches 0.D. Thickness "T'' DS De D9 ' N Lbs.IFt. '4 4.215 0.120 4.250 4.240 5.20 2.90 1.05 6 6.275 0.180 6.318 6.308 7.50 3.50 2.36 8 8.400 0.240 8.460 8.440 10.10 4.10 4.24 10 10.500 0.300 10.570 10.548 • 12.40 4.70 6.64 12 , 12.500 0.360 12.577 12.554 14,50 5.15 9,50 15 15.300 0.437 15.380 15.362 18.00 5.40 14.14 18 18.701 0.536 18.764 18.764 21.98 5.90 21.43 21 22.047 0.632 22.110 22.110 25.63 6.40 29.88 Pipe Size Inches 24" 27" f r4 O, N• T 0.D. Min. Wall Approx. __ _.. • Approx. Wt, Ave. 0.D. Thickness "T'' D5 D8 D9 N Lbs.lFt. 24.803 0.711 25.04 24.99 28.80 11.25 38.96 27.953 0.801 28.72 28.17 32.50 12.75 49.47 ,DEC-16-1999 13:23 BONAD I MAN-MCCA I N 909 889 3706 P.01 • • BONADIIVIAN-MCCAIN, INC. P 0 BOX 6444, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 ENGINEERS * CONTRACTORS PH: (909) 885-3435 FX: (909) 889-3706 SINCE 1942 LICENSE NO. 74600 A, B, C27 Fax Transmittal TO: Greg Sucknell COMPANY: City of Fontana PHONE: (909) 350-6646 FAX: (909) 350-6618 DATE: December 16,1999 FROM: Penney Paulson Number of Pages Including Cover Sheet: 9 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK TO POPLAR Greg: See attached substitution request. p /0-/7---,?7 tAj/ goa c tae WI/WV Please call (909) 885-3435 if this transmission is not received complete ,DEC-16-1999 13:23 BONAD I MAN-MCCA IN 909 889 3706 P.02 LICENSE NO, 74600 A. B & C 27 INCORPORATED•' 1942 TELEPHONE (909) 8B5-3435 TELECOPIER (909) 889-3706 ONADIMA McCain Inc. Engineers Co) Contractors POST OFFICE BOX 6444 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92412 December 16, 1999 Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 OFFICE 250 SOUTH LENA ROAD SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 YARD 635 TENNIS COURT LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 VIA FACSIMILE; (909) 350-6618 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK AVE. TO POPLAR AVE. Dear Greg: We are request' • authorization to substitute 161 linear feet of 8" Class 250 Ductile Iron Pipe as, specified i - tem 6 on the above referenced project, with 161 linear feet of 8" SDR35 Sewer Pipe with of concrete encasement at the MWD-Waterline. Enclosed are the specifications for the SD 35 Sewer Pipe we are requesting to use. There will be no additional cost to the City of Fontana for this substitution. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. Jeff C. Bonadiman Vice President AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUCTION e410taltaCe 4&would • ,DEC-16-1999 13:24 BONADIMAN-MCCAIN 909 889 3706 P.03 J - M PIPE Ring-Tite4C Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings ,DEC-16-1999 13:24 BONAD I MAN-MCCA I N 909 889 3706 P.04 • Ring:rite PVC Glavity Sewer Pipe and Fittings Ristg-Tte joint meets exacting tightness requirements, simplifies assembly • • • • "Locked -in" rubber sealing ring provides tight, flexible • seal. Meets requirements o1 ASTM 0-3212 — "Joints for Crain, and Server Pipes using';Flexible Elastomeric Seals." Figure 1 Spigot pipe ends are supplied from factory with , bevels. The, bell is an integral part of the pipe section with the same strength. Meets ASTM 03034-SDA 35 4"-154end ASTM F679113"-27" Introduction The growing demand tor an effective all-out attack on water pollution highlights the need for improved sanitary sewage colteclion systems. A modern system needs pipe with improved design for • reserve strength and stiffness to increase load -bearing capeciry - all within the • framework of maximizing sewer system capacity et' reasonable cost. Ring•Tite PVC sewer pipe is designed to meet this need. Applications J-M PVC sewer pipe is • suitable for convoying domestic sanitary sewage as well as certainindustrial wastes. For further information regarding the suitability of PVC for conveying various chemicals, contact your J-M pipe representative. 1, Chemical Resistant: J-M Ring -Tate PVC sewer pipe is unaffected by the fluids found in ordinary domestic sewage. It is immune to sewer gases and the sullunc acid generated by the Completion of the hydrogen sulfide cycle. It is immune to corrosive soils =- both alkaline or acidic. 2. Abrasion Resistant: J M RIp Tite PVC sewer pipe has excellent resistance to abrasion, gouging and scoring — superior TO that of most common piping materials. 3. Flow Characteristics: J•M Ring The PVC sewer pipe with Tong lengths, smooth interior, and factory -made close tolerance joints provides a Manning "n" coefficient of .009. High -carrying capacity makes possible the use of flatter grades or smaller diameter pipe. Ask your J-M sales representative for a flow nomograph and the report "Hydraulic Characteristics of PVC Sewer Pipe in Sanitary Sewers," a joint study by Johns -Manville and Utah State University. Locked -in Ring Through research and technology we proudly offer "locked -in" rubber ring PVC sewer pipe. This factory -made joint eliminates the need to insert rings in the field. Joint design and close manufacturing tolerances allow this joint to pass a 25 feet to head hydrostatic test in the laboratory and provides the basis for exacting intlltration/exfiftration specifications. Be secure in the future by designing with J-M Ring -Tee PVC sewer pipe with low infiltration - specify infiltration not to exceed 50 gallons/inch digmeter/mile/day. Call for ASTM 0-3034 SOR35 i. Provides Greater External ,Load -Carrying Capacity. }' l .. This allows for the design and construction of PVC gravity sewer systems (4--15") consistent with best engineering practices. A uniform minimum "pipe stiffness," (F10y = 46 psi) means no weak Tinks. It also means that J-M PVC sewer pipe in 8, 10,12 & IS - diameters has 60 to 75 percent greater pipe stiffness than SDR 42 and SCR 41 PVC sewer pipe. This increased "pipe stiffness' provides trie extra needed at that critical time when the pipe Is first being installed in the trench and undergoing bedding and backflh. ,DEC-16-1.999 13:25 BONADIMAN—MCCAIN 909 889 3706 P.05 External Loads Background Loads imposed en buried. conduits have, in past practice. been calculated by using the Marston load formula. For trench loads Marston has a formula for rigid:pipe and another formula for flexible pipe. It is important to recognize that under identical conditions of bury the soil load generated on a flexible conduit is less than the Toad generated on a rigid conduit The competitive load on a rigid conduit verses the load on a flexible vonduit is expressed as the ratio of trench width to the flexible pipe 0.D. By definition. a flexible conduit is one which win deflect before reaching failure. Marston's Formulas For Soil Loads "; } Rigid Pipe W'= Ca w 13a2 Flexible Pipe W ='Co w Bead Where: W Load on pipe (Ibfir1. ft.) Ce= Load Coefficient w Soil unit weight (fit Ba = Ditch width (It) 6r s O.D. of pipe (ft) • Prism Load ' Loads imposed on buried conduits have been calculated by using the Marston Toad formulas for rigid and flexible pipe. However, it has been determined that the Marston formula for flexible pipe may not determine the maximum Tong term Toad — the "Prism Load" formula is more accurate. The "Prism Load" is the weight of the column of soil directly above the plpe, Thus, precautions in keeping the trench narrow are unnecessary for a flexible pipe installation. The Important thing is to compact the haunching material from the pipe out to the undisturbed trench walls. Therefore, J•M suggests that the maximum Tong term Toad be determined by the prism load for design. Prism Load: P, = wH (Ibslft2) Where: PF— Pressure at the top of the pipe due to the weight of the soil (Ib/ft2) w = Soli unit weight-- (Iti ft0) H s Depth from top of pipe to top of ground (ft.). Note: To convert prism load (Ib./ft,z) to Ibftinear ft. multiply by the O.D.. of the pipe in feet, or: W �= wHB, Live Loads Live loads imposed on buried conduits from traffic must also be Considered in a design and become more important at shallow depths. The combination of soil load and live load must be H2O Highway Load 16 Height 41 Cove► (Feel) 1a 12 t0 e 6 4 2 500 1000 P„ 'Vertjeai Soil Prc sur (Lbs/F11) Figvre 2 Total load five + dead 1500 None: To convert vertical soil pressure to load on pipe--- " pounds pertineal foot —multiply by O.D. of pipe in ft. tLive toad appled on assumed area of 36-a 40". zo00 added together to design for trio maximum load as shown in curves above. The soil load and five load must be added to determine the total external Toad on a buried conduit. This combined bad should be used for design. Figure 2 illustrates the magnitude of soil and live loads separately and also charts the magnitude of the combined or total loads. The curves in figure 2 apply only for H2O highway loading and a soil weight of 120 lbs./cu. ft. At shallow depths of cover — 3 feet and less, flexible conduits can deflect and rebound under dynamic loading conditions if the trench width is not sufficiently bridged. Unless special precautions• are taken to bridge the trench in shallow Installations, Inc breaking up of flexible road surfaces may result. Therefore, far shallow installations under flexible road surfaces (between 1 and 3 feel), J-M recommends cla551 material be used in the pipe zone and up to the road elevation. This recommendation is not meant to conflict with the design engineer's specifications and his specifications will govern. "see page 8 for definition of Class 1. 3 ,DEC-16-1999 13:25 Pipe Deflection BONAD I MAN—MCCA I N • • 909 889 3706 P.06 Deflection is defined as the change in vertical inside diameter of a flexible con- duit when subjected to a vertical load. The amount of deflection that will occur in any flexible conduit is a function of three feelers: 1. Pipe Stiffness (F/,8y) 2. Soil Stiffness 3. Load on the pipe 11 is important to recognize that flexible conduits per- form differently in the ground than they do under laboratory flat plate loading. The interaction of pipe stiff- ness and soil stiffness com- bine to give flexible conduits a high effective strength when buried. Methods for Predicting Pipe Deflection The most commonly used approach in predicting deflection has been the modified "Iowa Deflection Formula." Modified Iowa Formula: D�Kw3 ay - El r .06i E'r' Where: , 8y =:vertical deflection (Inches) ?:• ., J-M has developed through . lag factor laboratory tests and actual (1.5 maximum), field data the maximum long K = bedding factor term deflection than, Figure w -earth bad (IO.�in.) 3, shown on page 7. This (00 _ 1 ` chart eliminates the r =mean radius ` J guesswork in predicting (in.) . 2 deflection and gives the = modulus of elasticity design engineer a quick (Ib./in?) ready reference. This chart a moment of inertia is for PVC SDR 35 Sewer 13112 (in,3) pipe only. The values given E' = soil stiffness (ID./in.z) for deflection limits are the ultimate long term deflection Although Considered a ton- that will occur in a particular servative approach, con- soil c►ass having a given siderable variation in density (compaction) in the predicted deflection will haunching area of the pipe result depending upon the zone for various heights of choice of empirical con- over (feet). stants E'. K and p,. When design is based on actual laboratory test and previous field measurements it is unnecessary to know the actual load acting on the pipe or the soil stiffness. Thus an installation can be designed with a known fac- tor of safety provided enough empirical data is available, Empirical methods of predic- ting deflection have evolved in recent years which eliminate the guesswork inherent in the Iowa method. To accommodate the pro- blem of having to establish data for the number of trench widths that are found in the field, the prism load was chosen because it represents the maximum loading ,condition on a flexi- ble pipe. Time lag to account for future settlement of the backfill can be • included by choosing long- term values of deflection. ,DEC-16-1999 ;13:26 BONAD I MAN—MCCA I N 909 889 3706 P.07 Use of Maximum . Long;Terni Deflection Chart 1. Where live toads are not a factor or not involved in the total external load on the pipe, the chart can be used directly to determine the limit of the maximum long-term deflection of the PVC pipe. Example: If an 8" PVC SDR 35 Sewer Pipe is installed in Class IV material, having 65% compaction in the pipe zone and with 12 feet of cover. what will be the maximum iong term deflection limit? Answer: Pipe will never deflect more than 5% (color Ode — dark green). 2. Where live loads must be z considered, determine, first, the combined fetal external Toad on the pipe. Next b'= determine the equivalent ," prism load (without live bad)' for the:particular pipe size involved using the table of prism loads, Table 1. Read across.to the left for the height of cover (ft) for the equivalent prism load. Using this height of cover with the bedding class and proctor density. enter the maximum long term deflection chart, Figure 3, to determine the maximum long term deflection limit. Example: It a 12" PVC SOP 35 Sewer Pipe is installed in,Class III material. having 65% compaction in the pipe zone, with 3 feet of cover and 120 IbsJtt' soil and H-20,(highway toad) live Toad are imposed on the buried pipe, what will be the maximum long term deflection limit? • Answer: 1. The combined (dead and live) load on the pipe will be approximately 1000 Ibsiftt or 1000 x 1 ft_ (pipe diameter in feet) le 1000 lbs.lin ft. (per Figure 2). Enter table of prism loads (Table 1) under column 12— Pipe Diameter (inches) — and read down until nearest figure to 1000 is reached, across from sell wt. 01120 Ibslft.'. In this case, 1000 appears opposite 120 lbsJft?. and 8 it.— height el cover. This represents the equivalent prism load for the combined (dead and live) load given above. Now enter maximum long term deflection chart and read the maximum long term deflection color Code for Cass III bedding classification, 65% density, and 8 te of cover. Dark green — maximum tong term deflection will not exceed 5%. In working with these charts, it becomes apparent that: 1. Soil density in the pipe zone plays a greater role than soil type in the control of deflection in buried flexible conduits. 2. The amount of deflection is independent of pipe size, providing all pipe sizes are SDR 35. Note pipe size does not appear in the chart for maximum long term detlectionS. Maximum Long -Term Deflections of PVC (SDR 35) Pipe (Percent) DENSITY ASTM (Proctor) Height of Cover (Feet) Bedding AASHO CIaSsit'ication T 99 Gravel Class t Class II 90S'9 80% Sand Class 111 90%• . • 75% Clay Class IV 85% 75% Peat Class V Figure 3 3 5 8 10 12 14 ';16 18 A Maar+'urr long onni wneaon win npl ottelip 5'. M,omum 7 it. e►neCbon ID ,Ht S7n11 nol rRomniendea This soil class not recomrnendeo 30 Note: Deflection values shown do not include effect et live lead or longitudinal bending. 1. No length of pipe Installed under conditions specified will deflect more than is indicated; the pipe will deflect less than the amount indicated if specified density is obtained. 2. External loading based upon soil weight of 120 lbs. per cubic foot. 3, Deflections predicted are eased upon pipe which was initially circular prior to installation. Actual deflections may differ because of initial out of roundness caused by storage and/or handling. These variations Should be taken into account when measured deflections are compared with those in the table. • • 4, Bedding classifications are as indicated on page 8 and correspond to ASTM D2321. 5. Deflections listed In table are maximum long term values, The suggested maximum long term value is 7.5 percent which is approximately equal to a 5 percent initial deflection. 6. Initial deflection is deflection taken within the 1st 24 hours after trench is backfilled. 7 j3EC-16-1999 13:27 Short Fora,' Specification Scope This specification designates general requirements for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Plastic Gravity Sewer' Pipe with Integra/ wall bell and spigot joints for :he Conveyance of ComeSvc sewage. Mateciets Pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of ASTM Specification D3034 for d"-15•" SOS 35 and F679 for 16'•27", The pipe shall be co►ored green far in -around identification as sewer pipe. Pipe Pipe shall be suitable for use as a gravity sewer Conduit. Provisions must be made for contraction and; expansion at each joint with a rubber ring, The Dell shell consist of an integral wall section with a Solid cross-section rubber ring. tactogy assembled. securely locked in place to prevent displacement during assembly. Saes and dimensions shall be as shown in this specification. Standard laying lengths shall be 20 ft, and 13 ft t1 inch, At manufacturer's option, random lengths of not more than 157. o1 total footage of each size may be sl ipped.in lieu of standard lengths. 10 BONAD I MAN—MCCA IN 909 889 3706 P.08 i • Drop Impact test Pipe (6•' long section) shall be subjected l0 impact from a tree telling lup (20-lb. Tup A.) in accordance with ASTM Method of Test Q24144, No shattering or splitting (denting Is not a failure) shall be evident when the following energy is impaled' Nominal Size Inches Ft • Lbs 4 150 6 210 6 210 10 220 12 220 15 220 i6 220 21 220 24 220 27 220 ' ax" Fittings t, •All fittings and accessories .. shalt be as manufactured and furnished by the pipe supplier or approved equal and have bell and/or spigot configurations compatible with that of the pipe. Temperature for Testing Pipe shall be designed to pass all tests at 73°F (-3°F). Pipe Stiffness Minimum "pipe Stiffness" (Fla y) at 5% deflection shall be 46 psi for all sizes when tested in accordance "with ASTM Method of Test D2412, 'External Loading Properties of Plastic Pipe by Paranel-Plate Loading." Joint Tightness Two sections of pipe shalt be assembled in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation, Joint Shan De tested in accordance with ASTM D3212, "Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipe Using Flexible Elastomer a ,Seals,' Flattening There shall be no evidence of splitting. cracking, or breaking when the pipe is tested U follows' Flatten specimen of pipe, six inches bng between parallel plates in a Suitable press;; until the distance between" the plates is forty percent of the outside diameter of the pipe, The rate of loading"'}; shall be uniform and such'' Mat the compression is completed within two t0`,five ,„ minutes - Gaskets Material used for elastomeric se& in push - on joints shall meet the requirements of ASTM Specification F 477, I nstailation Product should be installed in accordance with J-M Publication TR-6148, "Green•Tite" PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe Installation Guide" AEC-16-1999 13:27 BONADIMAN-MCCAIN 909 889 3706 P.09 Sizes,.Ditnensions and Weights • Hell and Spigot Assembly (Inches) N Assembly Stripe T Pipe Pipe Details - Size Average Min. Wall Inches O.D. Thickness "T'' '4 6 8 10 12. 15' 18 21 Pipe Size Inches 24"; 27^. 4.215 0.120 6.275 0.180 8.400 0.240 10.500 0.300 12.500 0.360 16.300 0.437 18.701 0.536 22.047 0.632 0 • Bell Details Approx. Approx. Weight DS 08 09 ' N Lbs.IFt. 4.250 4.240 5;20 2.90 1.05 6.318 8,308 7150 3.50 2.36 8.450 8.440 10.10 4.10 4.24 10.570 10.548 • 12_40 4.70 6.64 12.577 12.554 1450 5.15 9.50 15.380 15.362 1800 5.40 14.14 18.764 18,764 2198 5.90 - 21.43 22.110 22.110 25.63 6.40 29.88• --' Mn:iWalt Approx, A " pprox.Wt. Ave. O.D. Thickness "T'• 05 D8 D9 N Lbs./Ft. • 24.803 0.711 " _._. _ , _ 25.04 24.99 28.80 11.25 38.96 .�, 28.72 28.17 32.50 12.75 49.47 27.953 0.801 11 TOTAL P.09 -OCT-12-1999 13:43 BONAD I MAN-MCCA I N • 909 889 3706 P.01 B()NADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. P 0 BOX 6444, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 ENGINEERS * CONTRACTORS Fax Transmittal PH: (909) 885-3435 FX: (909) 889-3706 SINCE 1942 LICENSE NO. 74600 A, B, C27 TO: Greg Bucknell COMPANY: City of Fontana DATE: October 12, 1999 PHONE: (909) 350-6646 - FROM: Penney Paulson FAX: (909) 350-6618 Number of Pages Including Cover Sheet: 2 . REF.EEENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK TO POPLAR Dear Greg: Please see the attached letter which was sent to Michael Thornton regarding the above referenced project. Penney 0 6oue %^G� A9K ? -1°,1r" )51 Please call (909) 885-3435 if this transmission is not received complete. ro ecr1 ecN- 1004191 jf� -4 '— r' eCfi 7(1' r4"'" ./ ir: rs Q C (�` �f 7 ? use " FGoob iF iris aJCT-12-1999 13:43 iiNAD I MAN-MCCA IN • 909 889 3706 P.02 LICENSE NO. 74600 A. 8 , C 27 INCORPORATED 1942 TELEPHONE (909) 885-3435 TELECOPIER (909) 889-3708 October 12, 1999 BONAD1MAN McCain Inc. Engineers t0' Contractors POST OFFICE BOX 6444 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92412 Michael P, Thomton, Project Manager L. D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764-4464 REFERENCE: Dear Mike: OFFICE 280 SOUTH LENA ROAD SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 YARD 635 TENNIS COURT LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 VIA FACSIMILE: (909) 937-0202 SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK AVENUE TO POPLAR AVENUE CITY OF FONTANA We are requesting approval to substitute 3/4 inch Bedding Material for the 1/2 inch Bedding Material specified for this project. The pipe manufacturer recommends the use of 3/4 inch crushed rock based on the sizes of pipe being placed on this project. At the time we bid •this project, we were informed by the bedding suppliers that we contacted for material quotes that 1/2 inch rock would be increasingly difficult to locate, and many suppliers _did not have any of the material on hand, nor would they have any available in the near future. The price quotes that we did receive showed no difference in price between the two sizes of bedding material therefore the substitution would not result in a change in contract price. We are also requesting approval to use an alternate method for the consolidation of the fines in lieu of using filter fabric. We propose to flood the ditch in the area where we have placed the bedding material which would allow for the consolidation of the fines and would prevent future settlement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Very truly yours, BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. Jeff C. Bonadiman Vice President AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUCTION ewe/ma4 egoozgee TOTAL P.02 ISWICE: 1:44. 2767/sor 6 of 8 19 I.P. OWW/;0. TAG, FLUSH — — ;;w 0237-052-10 x 101+00 (10"c) 00 000 00 O 0237-101-20 enue SCALE: 1" = 40' INC. IVEN110N CENTER WAY DB CA 91764 17-0200 //2 5 4'W 0 10'G 0 lcrG 16'W TYPICAL CROSS SECTION N.T.S. PLAN / PROFILE FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SLOVER AVENUE FROM HEMLOCK AVENUE TO POPLAR AVENUE 0 16"W 8" STUB —OUT TO BE REMOVED 12" V.C.P. SEWER RECONSTRUCT MANH BASE AS REQUIRED 11 1 1� EXISTING 8" SEWER • EXISTING MANHOLE, CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERI EXACT LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING `. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Detail 'A' N.T.S. CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFOR1` SLOVER AVENUE SEWER 0E0XD61~ DHl[ SLOVER AVENUE STA. 95+00 .00 TO M.H. STA. 97+82.00 A 82 200 ' PART 2 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SECTION 200 - ROCK MATERIALS 200-1 ROCK PRODUCTS 200-1.1 General. The following specifications set forth the requirements for crushed rock, rock dust, gravel, sand and stone for riprap. Sieve analyses and sand equivalents shall be determined as prescribed in Section 211. All rock products shall be clean, hard, sound, durable, uniform in quality, and free of any detrimental quantity . of soft, friable, thin, elongated or laminated pieces, disintegrated material, organic matter, oil, alkali, or other deleterious substance. Unless otherwise specified, all percentages referred to in this Section 200 shall be determined by weight. 200-1.2 Crushed Rock and Rock Dust. Crushed rock and rock dust shall be the product of crushing rock or gravel. The - portion of the material that is retained on a 9.5mm(3/8-in.), sieve shall contain at least 50 percent of particles having three or more fractured faces. Not over 5 percent shall be pieces that show no such faces resulting from crushing. Of that portion which passes the 9.5mm(3/8-in.) sieve but is retained on the 4.75mm(No. 4) sieve, not more than 10. percent shall be gravel particles. Crushed rock will be designated by nominal size and shall conform to the following gradations: TABLE 200-1.2 (A) Percentage Passing Sieves Sieve Size 25.0 (1") 19.0 (3/4") 12.5 ('/z') :< 37.5 mm (1'/21 100 - - 25.0 mm (1 1 90-100 100 - 19.0 mm ( 3/4") 30-60 90-100 100 12.5 mm ('/2") 0-20 30-60 90-100 9.5 mm ( %") - 0-20 20-60 4.75 mm (No. 4) 0-5 0-5 0-15 2.36 mm (No. 8) - - 0-5 ASTMC131 Test Grading A B B 1.2 83 TABLE 200-1.2 (A) (Continued) Sieve Size 9.5 (3/e") 6.3 (1/4") 4.75 (3/ne") Rock Dust -:12.5 mm ('/1 100 - - "9.5 mm (3/8") 90-100 - - 100 '4' 6.3 mm ('/41 - 100 - - 4.75 mm (No. 4) 30-60 75-100 100 90-100 2.36 mm (No. 8) 0-10 0-25 40-75 - "` 1.18 mm (No. 16) - 0-5 0-10 - 600 µm (No. 30) - - - 20-60 75 µm (No. 200) - 0-2 0-2 5-20 ASTM C 131 - Test Grading C D D - Crushed rock shall meet the following requirements: Test Percentage Wear 100 Revolutions 500 Revolutions TABLE 200-1.2 (B) Test Method No. Requirements ASTM C 131 15 Max. 52 Max. 200-1.2.1 Screenings. Screenings when used as a cover aggregate for asphalt emulsion chip seals in accordance with. 302-2.5, shall be composed of crushed rock and will be desig- nated by the name of the size of screenings and shall conform to the following gradations in Table 200-1.2.1 (A): TABLE 200-1.2.1 (A) Sieve Size Percentage Passing Sieve Coarse 12.5X4.75mm (1h" X No. 4) Medium 9.5X3.35mm (%" X No. 6) Medium Fine 8.0X2.36mm (5/,e" X No. 8) Fine 6.3X2.00mm (1/4" X No.10) 19.0mm(3/41 100 - 12.5 mm (Ww') 90-100 100 - - '-9.5 mm (3") 50-80 90-100 100 100 Z4.75 mm (No. 4) 0-15 5-30 30-60 60-85 2.36 mm (No. 8) 0-5 0-10 0-15 0-25 1.18 mm (No. 16) - 0-5 0-5 0-5 `600 µm (No.30) - - 0-3 0-3 75 p.m (No. 200) 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 All screenings in 200-1.2.1 and 600-2.6.1 shall meet the following requirements: TABLE 200-1.2.1 (B) Tests Percentage Wear (100 revolutions) Percentage Wear (500 revolutions) FIm Stripping Cleanness Value Califomia Durability Test Method No. ASTM C 131 ASTM C 131 Calif. 302 Calif. 227 Calif. 229 Requirements 12 Maximum 35 Maximum 25 Maximum 80 Minimum 52 Minimum evidence shows that the ,e of the trench above the )p of the pipe does not ld on the pipe. The trench hat level may be sloped )ut adding to the load on ;trength of Vitrified fencing the supporting fied clay pipe are: erties of Vitrified Clay ig to develop design Length rials ?velop added support Unit Strength Tests Tests to determine the unit strength of vitrified clay pipe are consistent throughout the country. The tests that are, uniformly used are those of the American Society for Testing and Mate- rials, as set forth in ASTM C 301, Stan- dard Methods of Testing Vitrified Clay Pipe. Vitrified clay pipe are tested andcerti- fied at the place of manufacture by the manufacturer to determine the bearing strength in terms of pounds per linear foot. This may be observed by the engi- neer in charge of construction, or his representative. Vitrified clay pipe may also be tested by independent testing laboratories when designated by the engineer. Acid Resistance and Absorption or Hydrostatic Tests Other important physical properties to be determined are the acid resistant qualities and absorption or hydrostatic resistance of vitrified clay pipe. These procedures also are outlined in ASTM C 301. 2. Proper Bedding to Develop Design Supporting Strength To obtain the installed supporting strength in accordance with the class of bedding used, the pipe barrel must be uniformly supported by direct contact with firm bedding. imported material. The native material in the trench bottom must be capable of excavation to a uniform undisturbed flat bottom in the case of Class D. If the trench is over -excavated, the trench bot- tom should be brought back to grade with the required bedding material. mtAl NOTE: Shovel -slicing the bedding material in the haunch areas is of great benefit to the installed pipe. The ease with which shovel- slicing is accomplished suggests that it should be considered as standard procedure for all dasses of bedding, especially for Class B. It takes little time, assures that the pipe p will remain true to grade, eliminates voids <�beneath the pipe and in the haunch `areas, consolidates the bedding where it is 3^needed the most, and adds little or nothing Kto the cost of the installation. To be the most Q effective, shovel -slicing should be done Zbefore the bedding is brought up to the �pringline, preferably when it is no higher ' - - than the quarter point of the pipe. csiz Bell or coupling holes should be careful- ly excavated so that no part of the load is supported by the bells or couplings. Properly constructed bell or coupling holes are necessary to provide uniform support. Best results are obtained when the bell or coupling holes are loosely backfilled. Consolidation of material around and under the bell and cou- plings during bedding and backfilling should be avoided. o,v 2 NI/ giu4.— rJai:azI:i. This 24. Provide uniform and continuous support of pipe barrel between bell or coupling holes for all classes of bedding. The field supporting strength of the pipe is substantially reduced when the pipe is improperly bedded. The engineer should insure that the class of bedding specified is actually provided during construction. The absolute need of com- plete control during construction is dearly demonstrated by significant loss- es in the field supporting strength of the pipe as a result of improper bedding. 3. Bedding Materials Imported Bedding Applied research and subsequent gener- al acceptance in the field calls attention to the advantages of interlocking bed- ding materials, such as crushed stone, with at least one fractured face, and should range in size from 1" to 1/4", depending on pipe size. Standard size numbers for bedding materials shown below are in accordance with ASTM D 448 Standard Classification for Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construc- tion (page 48). Nominal Pipe Size Less than 15" 15" to 30" Greater than 30" Native Bedding Many native materials taken from the trench will provide suitable support for clay pipe and may provide the most cost efficient method of installation. Care must be exercised to remove large stones which could cause point loading. The local mateiia' iitust have previously ASTM D 448 Size 67,7'or8 6or67 57,6or67 47 SIEVE ANALYSIS - PERCENT PASSING Nominal Size 1-1/2" 1' 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No.16 57 1" to No. 4 100 95 to 100 — 25 to 60 — 0 to 10 0 to 5 — 6 3/4" to 3/8' — 100 90 to 100 20 to 55 0 to 15 0 to 5 — — 67 3/4' to No. 4 — 100 90 to 100 — 20 to 55 0 to 10 0 to 5 — 7 1/2" to No. 4 — — 100 90 to 100 40 to 70 0 to 15 0 to 5 — 8 3/8' to No. 8 — — — 100 85 to 100 10 to 30 0 to 10 0 to 5 Table I ' ASTM D 448 Standard Sizes of Processed Aggregate demonstrated satisfactory performance by commonpractice and be used only when the required load factor design will not be compromised. General Guidelines Some general guidelines for the selec- tion and use of bedding materials are as follows: • Bedding materials larger than 1" may cause high stress concentrations because of point loading. • Rounded stone and gravel are less sta- ble than angular material. However, where only rounded stone is available, the recommended size range is 1" to 1/4", depending on pipe size. Materials finer than 1/4", if placed wet, are less dense and therefore subject to more movement than those of a larger sieve size. • Sand is suitable as a bedding material in a total sand environment but may be unsuitable where high and rapidly .changing water tables are present in the pipe zone. It may also be undesirable for bedding or haunching in a trench cut by blasting or in trenches through clay type soil. • Well -graded, angular bedding materi- ding materials of equal gradation. • The stability of a bedding material increases as its particle size increases. However, gradations containing parti- cles greater than 3/4" become increas- ingly more difficult to shovel -slice into the pipe haunch area. • The concrete required for Class A bed- ding must not be less than 3000 psi strength except in the case of concrete sidecradling where a lower strength may be acceptable. The guidelines listed above are by no means complete or applicable to every situation and are offered as a basis from which judgment and practical applica- tion maybe made. 4. Load Factors The load which a pipe can support varies according to the type of bedding or foundation used. Trench details shown on page 49 depict the recommended classes of bedding and cradling. "Load factors" have been determined for each. The "load factor" is the ratio of the supporting strength of the pipe in the trench to its three -edge bearing test strength, as determined by FIELD SUPPORTING STRENGTH OF EXTRA STRENGTH CLAY PIPE VN] J U ••••••• • QHuR LL '1-8 O O 8 O O — 13050 U N RA O ^f 21150 I O N C In C N C i7omsSdin. U \\,,; O aN w 5400 6480 7020 7830 8910 m m r N 13500 14850 f 1a0 f CLASS A -II • Reinf. Conc. Reinf. Conc. p=0.4% p=1.0%.. LOAD FACTOR 4.5 21150 22500 24750 7nnn LOAD FACTOR ' 3A g m 03 rn 11220 13090 COCOa 18700 9nenn CLASS A -I . i I Reinf. Conc. ste p = 0.4%" LOAD FACTOR 3.4 0)Q00F, 11220 o 2<8R%R rn Z o o E LOAD FACTOR 2.8 5600 6720 7280 8120 9240 s 12320 r 14000 15400 lIgnn 0LJ LL�W� U 2 }. _x oN � 0 W 4400 4840 5280 5720 op ep 2N pp [O N. 8470 20 tD • 10340 • va p $ 4560 4940 5510 O (NO "' r 0 c2 W 0 Fe, III g T S E a co } x y QR. 5 �• QR. coin U L.L. 3000 1 3300 3600 o 4350 o ^ p 7050 p 8250 9nnn N ,ValikCI ��\\ CC .AC R. '--- - OLL�N 2200 AN 2640 2860 c V 4840 5170 i tD t0 EoE 6' mZ bi mN ..mQ w 2000 2200 2400 2600 3300 m 4 8 1 5000 2 3 cn LICENSE NO. 74600A,B&C27 INCORPORATED 1942 TELEPHONE (909) 885-3435 TELECOPIER (909) 889-3706 November 2, 1999 E1 ONADIMAN McCain Inc. Engineers *Contractors POST OFFICE BOX 6444 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92412 Harry Foley, Engineering Technician I City of Fontana Community Development Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 OFFICE 280 SOUTH LENA ROAD SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 YARD 635 TENNIS COURT LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 VIA FACSIMILE: (909) 350-6618 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK AVE. TO POPLAR AVE. Dear Harry: As I am sure you are already aware, there are still six (6) poles remaining on the North side of Stover Avenue which need to be relocated for the above referenced project. We have scheduled construction to begin on Monday, November 8, 1999. The pole located at Stover Avenue and Hemlock Avenue is in direct conflict with the beginning of our construction and must be relocated before that time. The remainder of the poles need to be relocated, proceeding easterly on Stover Avenue, as quickly as possible in order to avoid any delays to our operations. As soon as you have a confirmed date from the utility company to perform this work please notify us. We need to confirm delivery dates with our suppliers and they will require advance notice. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. Jeff C: Bonadiman Vice President AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUCTION e04teteed 4 eclat' at LICENSE NO. 74600 A, B & C 27 INCORPORATED 1942 TELEPHONE (909) 885-3435 TELECOPIER (909) 889-3706 gONADIMAN McCain Inc. Engineers * Contractors POST OFFICE BOX 6444 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92412 OFFICE 280 SOUTH LENA ROAD SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 YARD 635 TENNIS COURT LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 November 2, 1999 VIA FACSIMILE: (909) 350-6618 Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK AVE. TO POPLAR AVE. Dear Greg: Per our telephone conversation today, we have scheduled the temporary striping on the above referenced project for Thursday, November 4, 1999. We will need to meet with your Traffic Engineer by Wednesday, November 5th to coordinate the layout of the striping and the channelizers per the City's requirements. In addition, we have not received the Notice to Proceed for this contract. We request that you forward a copy to our office as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. Penney Pson Office Manager, AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUCTION Y ofua z NOV-02-1999 10:52 BONADIMRN-MCCAIN 909 889 3706 P.01 UCENSE NO, 74600A,B&C27 INCOFPORA760, 1942 TELEPHONE (9b9) 885-3435 TELECOPIER (909) 889-3706 ONADIMA McCain Inc. Engineers *Contractors POST OFFICE BOX 64d4 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92412 November 2, 1999 Gregory J. Bucknell, P.E. City of Fontana Engineering Division 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 OFFICE 280 SOUTH LENA ROAD SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 YARD 635 TENNIS COURT LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 VIA FACSIMILE: (909) 350-6618 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK AVE. TO POPLAR AVE. Dear Greg: Per our telephone conversation today, we have scheduled the temporary striping on the above referenced project for Thursday, November 4, 1999. We will need to meet with your Traffic Engineer by Wednesday. November 5th to coordinate the layout of the striping and the channelizers per the City's requirements. In addition, we have not received the Notice to Proceed for this contract. We request that you forward a copy to our office as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. Penney Ptdlson Office Manager AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUCTION eadif4A4Ce 4 eaotiluae TOTAL P.01 OCT-12-1999 13:43 BONADIMAN-MCCAIN 909 889 3706 P.01 BONADIMAN-MCCAIN, INC. PH: (909) 885-3435 P 0 BOX 6444, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 FX: (909) 889-3706 ENGINEERS * CONTRACTORS SINCE 1942 LICENSE NO. 74600 A, B, C27 Fax Transmittal TO: Greg Bucknell DATE: October 12, 1999 COMPANY: City of Fontana PHONE: (909) 350-6646 FROM: Penney Paulson FAX: (909) 350-6618 Number of Pages Including Cover Sheet: 2 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK TO POPLAR Dear Greg: Please see the attached letter which was sent to Michael Thornton regarding the above referenced project. Penney roe B�rrl�y�:f 4;04/61' Please call (909) 885-3435 if this transmission is not received complete. OCT-12-1999 13:43 BONADIMAN-MCCAIN • 909 889 3706 P.02 LICENSE NO. 74600A.9$C27 INCORPORATED 1942 TELEPHONE (909) 885-3435 TELECOPIER (909) 889-3708 October 12, 1999 BONADIMAN McCain Inc. Engineers (0 Contractors POST OFFICE BOX 6444 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. 92412 Michael P. Thornton, Project Manager L. D. King, Inc. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764-4464 OFFICE 280 SOUTH LENA ROAD SAN BERNARDINO. CA 92408 YARD 635 TENNIS COURT LANE SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 VIA FACSIMILE: (909) 937-0202 REFERENCE: SLOVER AVENUE SEWER FROM HEMLOCK AVENUE TO POPLAR AVENUE CITY OF FONTANA Dear Mike: We are requesting approval to substitute 3/4 inch Bedding Material for the 1/2 inch Bedding Material specified for this project_ The pipe manufacturer recommends the use of 3/4 inch crushed rock based on the sizes of pipe being placed on this project. At the time we bid this project, we were informed by the bedding suppliers that we contacted for material quotes that 1/2 inch rock would be increasingly difficult to locate, and many suppliers _did not have any of the material on hand, nor would they have any available in the near future. The price quotes that we did receive showed no difference in price between the two sizes of bedding material therefore the substitution would not result in a change in contract price. We are also requesting approval to use an alternate method for the consolidation of the fines in lieu of using filter fabric. We propose to flood the ditch in the area where we have placed the bedding material which would allow for the consolidation of the fines and would prevent future settlement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Very truly yours, BONADIMAN-McCAIN, INC. Jeff C. Bonadiman Vice President AMERICA PROGRESSES THROUGH CONSTRUCTION ezuedpaier4 €A4a TOTAL. P.02 STATE COMPENSATION 1 N S U R A N C E' FUND SEPTEMBER 1 CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVE`'` FONTANA CA 9233 L P,O, BOX 420807, SAN FRANCISCO, CA94142-0807 ED "SIGNA NUE'rSEW 6-99 UNIT.0006635 100 . This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California. policy period indicated. the for Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except upon tenlays'' advance written notice to the employer. 45 We will also give you T days',advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. ' This certificate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed herein: Notwithstanding ariy requirement term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which;; this:: certificate of:insurance` may be issued: or. may pertain;:;the insurance ;afforded :by the policies described herein Is subject to all th§ terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. / AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE;:3's',; PRES,IpE,NT RREN CE: ENSE COSTS ._:: 5 000' `000 PER-:000U ..EMPLOYER S : L'IABI:LITY 'LIMIT>, .INCLUDIHGDEF �; ► .:....:..::.:::.:..;:::...... ... . ENDORSEMENT :#0015, ENTITLED ,ADDITIONAL :. INSURED., EMPLOYER: EFFECTIVE,,: 09/22/99 IS ATTACHED. TO .AND, FORMS... A PART;. OF THIS . POLICY:: NAME OF.- ADDITIONAL=INSURED CITY;. OF FONTANA ENDORSEMENT #2065 ENTITLED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS',.NOTICE::EFFECTIVE, 09/22/99 IS ATTACHED TO .AND FORMS A PART ,OF. THIS: POLICY.. ENDORSEMENT #2570 ENTITLED WAIVER OF S1JBROGATION EFFECTIVE 09/22/99 IS ATTACHED TO`AND :FORMS .A PART OF THIS.. POLICY.',... THIRD PARTY NAME: CITY OF FONTANA BONADIMAN-MCCAIN<`1__ P 0 BOX 6444 -.;..;:,"; SAN::.BERNARDINO:..,CA. ,92412: stu i%2:�si:':''b`, :THIS'DOCUM NT.,HA SCIF 10262 (REV. 3-05 LITY INSUNCN115G DATE (MOONY) 09/21/99 IACOkD,. CERTIFICAli OF LIABI PRODUCER • I)odge, Warren & Peters -Ontario 130 N. Vineyard Avenue,Ste330 Ontario CA 91764 Phone:909-937-2040 NSURED 1 COVERAGES Fax:909-937-2045 THIS CERTIFICATE IS1SSUED AS A MATTER OF NFORMATION ONLY' AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE BONADIMAN-MCCAIN, INC. 280 S. Lena Road San Bernardino, CA 92412 INSURER A: Transcontinental Insurance INSURER B: Transportation Insurance Co. INSURER C: American Casualty Co. of INSURER D: INSURER E: I THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE (MM/DDNY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DD/YY) LIMITS 1A 11 GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY C1632 61682 01/01/99 01/01/00 EACH OCCURRENCE 51,000,000 X FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ 50,000 CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR MED FRCP (Any one person) $ 5,000 X X,C,U, INCLUDED PERSONAL&ADVINJURY § 1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER. PRODUCTS • COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 7 POLICY 1-1jEC n umiAUTOMOBILE IB I 11 LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS Comp Ded $1 , 000 C1063261696 01/01/99 01/01/00 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ 1 000 000 X1 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ X BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ X X PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ C011 Dec $500 GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY • EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG § I C 1 L EXCESS LIABILITY CUP1079800069 01/01/99 01/01/00 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 OCCUR CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DEDUCTIBLE RETENTION $ § $ $ IE.L. WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY WC STAi U• O R TORT LIMITS ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ DISEASE • EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ IA A OTHER Bldg./Contents EQUIPMENT -SCHEDULE C163261682 C163261682 01/01/99 01/01/99 01/01/00 01/01/00 BPP-Loc.1 $500,000 ALL RISK $749,700 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS Certificate Holder is included as additional insured as per additional 'insured endorsements on General Liability and Auto Liability attached. Project: Slover Avenue Sewer from Hemlock Ave to Poplar Ave. Bid No SB-04-00 II HOLDER N ADDITIONAL INSURED; INSURER LETTER: _ CANCELLATION 'CERTIFICATE CITFONT I 1 CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue FIONTANA CA 92335 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS EPRESENTATIVES. R BEFORE THE EXPIRATION 30 DAYS WRITTEN TO DO SO SHALL AGENTS OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE John A. Ruiz/11 �Q • / l - ACORD 25-S (7/97) ACORD CORP STTE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATION DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AN • ALTH No: 0-901889 Permit Issued To (Insert Employer's Name, Address and Telephone No.) Bonadiman McCain Inc 280 S Lena Rd San Bernardino CA 92412-6444 (909) 885-3435 Type of Permit PERMIT T1-ANNUAL TRENCH/EXCAVATION No. Date 12/13/98 Region 3 District 3 Tel. (909) 383-4321 Pursuant to Labor Code Sections 6500 and 6502, this Permit is issued to the above -named employer for the projects described below. State Contractor's License Number 74600 Permit Valid through December 31; 1999 Description of Project Location Address City and County Anticipated Dates Starting Completion Various Statewide 1/1/99 12/31/99 This Permit is issued upon the following conditions: 1. That the work is performed by the same employer. If this is an annual permit the appropriate District Office shall be notified, in writing, of dates and location of job site prior to commencement. 2. The employer will comply with all occupational safety and health standards or orders applicable to the above projects, and any other lawful orders of the Division. 3. That if any unforeseen condition causes deviation from the plans or statements contained in the Permit Application Form the employer will notify the Division immediately. 4. Any variation from the specification and assertions of the Permit Application Form or violation of safety orders may be cause to revoke the permit. 5. This permit shall be posted at or near each place of employment as provided in 8 CCR 341.4 Received From Jeff Bonadiman Received By Permit. Unit 'Cash Amount $100.00 Date 12/13/98 0 Check 40153 Investigated by Approved by afety ngineer Date / aS12/19/98 Permit Unit Date State of California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupatonal Safety & Health • ACTIVITY NOTIFICATION FORM FOR HOLDERS OF ANNUAL PERMITS Scaffolding Falsework Trenches/Excavations / 8 CCR 341.1(f) REQUIRES HOLDERS OF ANNUAL PERMITS TO PROVIDE NOTIFICATION TO TIHEI-)Vg • OFFICE NEAREST THE PROJECT PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK. �� THIS FORM IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TO USE FOR SUCH NOTIFICATION. � THIS FORM MAY BE FAXED TO THE NEAREST DOSH OFFICE TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE. PLEASE DON_ NOT MAIL DUPLICATE NOTIFICATION TO FOLLOW-UP FAX NOTIFICATION. FAX DATA: FAXED TO San Bernardino DOSH DISTRICT OFFICE ON 10/6/99 DOSH.FAXNO.( 909 ) 383-6789 BY Penney Paulson 'Company Name: Bonadiman-McCain, Inc. Field Phone: (909) 885-3435 Annual Permit Number: 9 9- 9 018 8 9 • Office Phone: (909) 8 8 5- 3 4 3 5 Issuing Region: Three (3) Issuing District: Three (3) Specific Activity Location: Stover Avenue Number of Employees: 6± • Nearest Major Cross Street: Hemlock Ave . & Poplar Ave . Starting Date: 10 / 11 / 9 9 • City: Fontana Anticipated Completion Date: 12 / 3 0 / 9 9 County: San Bernardino High Voltage Lines in Proximity? No Yes X • INSTRUCTIONS: The appropriate item(s) must be completed and signed by a person knowledgeable about the project for each activity covered by a permit. Please fill in or check off the blanks where appropriate. Scaffolding: Height Metal Wood Wood over 60 Feet Metal over 125 Feet Metal>125 Feet or Wood>60 Feet requires design by California Registered Civil Engineer & Plans at Site.(See 8 CCR 1644(c)(7)) Description: FalseworkNertical Shoring: Maximum Height Maximum Span Material • Description: (See 8 CCR 1717) Trenches/Excavations: Depth Range(Min/Max) • 8' -12' Width Range(Min/Max) 2' -4' Total Length 3, 900± Ground Protection Method: Shoring Sloping Trench Shield X Professional Engineer Underground Services Alert(USA) Number 575305 (NORTH 1.800.642.2444/SOUTH 1•800-422.41331 Soil Analysis to be done? Yes No X If No, You Must Slope 1.5 to 1, Competent Person: The holder of an Annual Permit who is notifying the Distrtict of the commencement of a Trench and/or Excavation project shall designate a competent person in accordance with the requirements of 8 CCR Section 1504, 1541, and 1541.1. Description: 12" Sewer Main Installation • Ground protection methods for excavations deeper than 20 feet must be designed by a Registered Professional Engineer. See 8 CCR 1541.1, Appendix F. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the above information and assertions are true and correct and that I/the applicant have knowledge of and will comply with t - • - •• MP Signature: _..•�i • 1. . Title: . Office Man %%er Date: 10/6/99 CAL'OSHA 41.3 (08'01 /94 )