HomeMy WebLinkAbout0650-15_Fontana Auto Mall_7.5"Jan-31-00 01:50P P.O1 FAX TO: Arrowhead Mgrnt, Croup ATTN. �/ Glen Sams REF: Fontana Auto Mall K.A. S. Job K019 Phone 909/87.3-9660 Fax Phone 909/87.3-9661 I CC: Greg Buckrrcll, 909/350-6018 John C:arnpbell, 909/381-41 /6 Dafe 01/31/00 Number of pages including rover sheet 2 FROM: Danielle Reinberger KAS Equipment & Rental, Inc. P.O. Box 9570 Ontario, CA 91762 Phone (909)6 23-5481 Fax Phone (909) 397--7817 REMARKS: ❑ Urgent ® For your review ❑ Reply ASAP ❑ Please.Comment The information contained in this facsimile is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipients named above. This message may be a communication that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by phone at (909) 623-5481 and destroy or return the original to us by mail. Thank you. X ORIGINAL / -COPY TO FOLLOW VIA: X Regular Mail - _Certified Mail - Fax Only 'Jari-�31-00 01.-51P • P.02 KAs EQUIPMENT AND RENTAL, INC. CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO. A - 751701 January 31, 2000 Arrowhead Management (croup 190 N. Arrowhead Ave,, Ste. F Rialto, CA 923716 Attention: Mr. CYlen R. Sams VIA: Facsimile (909) 873-9661 and Certified Mail No. Z 306 054 610 Reference:. Fontana Auto Mall On -Site Sewer K.A.S. Project No. K01.9 Subject: Pipe -- Clean Out Dear Mr. Sams, Please be advised, the pipe that the Agency required K.A.S. to clean out has been. Please proceed with your inspections. Ill the event you should have any questions or eo[ninents, please 'feel free, to contact our office at (909) 623-5481_ Sincerely, IE UIPNI 'I' AND NTAI,, INC. Danielle M. Reinberger, President pMRila ' CC:filo K019-004 Dave Rndman, Pmject Manager Via FAX: Cre: Burkpr,11, City of F'rintaua Jollrn Campbell, ASL Cunsulting Engineers P.O. BOX 9570 - ONTARIO, CA 91762-9570 - (909) 623-5481 - FAX (909) 397-7817 Jan-05-00 03:44P . P.01 P.O. BOX 9570 ONTARIO, CA 91762-9571 Equipment (909)623-5481 (909) 397-7817 Facsimile Rental, F 4pix To: Glen Sams @ Arrowhead Mgmt. Grp. From: Lynn for Danielle Reinberger Fax: �909/873-9661 Pages: 2, including cover page Phone: 909/873-9660 Date: 01/05/00 Re: Correspondence K019-003, Notice of CC. Greg Bucknell, 9091360-6618 Potential Claim John Campbell, 9091381-4176 ❑ urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment 0 Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle , l" �N Jan-05-00 03:45P • P.02 KAs EQUIPMENT AND RENTAL, INC. CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO. A - 751701 January 5, 2000 Arrowhead Management Group 190 N. Arrowhead Ave., Ste. 1 Rialto, CA 92 376 Attention: Mr, Glen R. Sams VIA: Facsimile (9I19) 873-9661 and Certified Mail No. Z 306 054 610 Reference: 1a ontnna Auto Mall On -Site Sewer K.A.S. Project No. K019 Subject: Notice of Potential Claim Dear Mr. Sams, Please consider this correspondence a Notice of PotentS�l C;laim as detailed in the State of California, Department. of Transportation, Standard Specifi,cattoi,, § 9-1.04 Notice of Potential Claim, for the following change in`conditions perforated on the aforecuentioned project: 1) Manhole bottom stub -outs per approval letter dated December.21, 1999, were installed 12" to 18":;;long.: The City of Pon t'ana/AiT2whead Managcment-,Group then changed. said stub -outs to 'Y4" long, requiring removal and replacement. , Addition,il labor, material and equipment cows to be determined ;and forwarded. "- 2) The elevation difference from the plan profile, stub*cy stakes to plans. l�.xtra excavation and baickfill were required to accommodate the said difference. approximately 11/z' to 2' difference encountered and accommodated. Additional labor, material and equipment costs to be determined and forwarded. ' As stated, costs for the above change in conditions will follow. In the event you should have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact our office at (909) 623-5481. Sincerel, KA&EQUi uanieue W.L. LbCUrUcrrar, . President DMR:la . Mfile K019-00:3 Dave Rodman, Proivi.L Manager John Goodman, I:vgal C9grISP.1 Via FAX- Grcg Buckrnoll, City of Fontaine ,TUILLI Cauipbel3..A.SL GirraL116110 Ejigineera P.Q. BOX 9570 • ONTARIO, CA 91762-9570 • (909) 623-5481 FAX (909) 397-7817 Dec-22-99 02.19P • • P.01 P.O. BOX 9570 ONTARIO, CA 91762-9570 (909)623-5481 K.A.S. Equipment • (909) 397-7617 Facsimile Rental, Inc. F wix To: Glen Sams @ Arrowhead Mgmt, Grp. From: Lynn for Danielle Reinberger Phone: 909/873-9660 Date: \ 12/22/99 Re: Correspondence K19-001 CQ Greg Bucknell, 909/350-6618 John Campbell, 909/381Al76 O Urgent 0 For Review D Please Comment IJ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Deco 22-99 02 z 19P • KAs EQUIPMENT AND RENTAL, INC. CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO. A - 751701 December 22. 1999 Arrowhead Mamig(Ament Group 190 N. Arrowhead Ave., Ste, lip Rialto. C.A. 92376 Attention: Mr_ Glen R. Sams VIA: Facsimile (909) 873-9661 and Retiular Mail Reference: Fontana Auto Mall On -Site Sewer K.A.S. Project No. KO U) Subj(Nt,: Workers Compensation Certificates Your correspondence dated 12/21/99 De}ir Mr. Sams, K.A.S., Equipment & Rental, Inc. would like to first state that our firm takes exception to your statement in the thud pkiragraph of your aforementioned correspondence insinuating that our `staff has not made the procurement of: the above certificates a priority IT Arrowhelgui l'I;.1nal elnenr;(.'it�- of Fonran;1 dw "AgOne'y) luid ,pccified and/or r!., UC-.-L ed ( ) throo ol'l; n;11x of all Of rh(? i111, 11D.K111t.- to L11C C011 t;ICC (loc11menT.- ri r)m the 1)I �ginnim-,. t.hl I)rohlenl would h;l','F' � oeil V^ Ol�'r d l.ho first r1mo. �illd ,,iLWe111M011tti w(�11'(. r111'MA in ;m(1 Fc.,d nai I':Xj)1•'r'�rl',1 rO Ci,)i.11' U111C(:ti. The Agency had three separate opportunities to request. the (3) originals that seem to be of the utmost importance now. The first opportunity was in the project specifications; there was no mention of (3) three sets of originals. The second opportunity for'the Agency to request these (3) three sets of originals was at the pre -construction meeting, at which no mention was made. The third Opportunity the Agency had was when ,they requested that the originals he Federal Expressed. The arrangements were made to Federal Express (1) one set of originals, three sets - would not have been any more of a problem. K.A.S. ordears certificates and any attachments from two separate brokers, which has been explained to your office. Our workman's compensation coverage is carried by California State Fund, for which your firm has received fin original, proving that we maintain coverage. State .Fund, being a State run org;inization- as we have tried to explain on several occasions to your office, process' the re(luests for issuing certificates in their own time, especially when they have already issued one original, which is the industry standard. How your firm can come up with the conclusion that K.A.S. can push the State of California Workman', Compensation F1.111t1 any faster than rhey wa1n1, to go is l)e on(l 0u1' understanding P.O. BOX 9570 • ONTARIO, CA 91762-9570 • (9O9) 623-5481 • FAX (9091 397-7817 P_02 .Dec-22-99 02:20P P.03 l Tn aaddition to all of tlae acl)ovc'r. our 1)ro-c:c»n.-true;I.ic'>11 lneetin„ was bell on ThUV. Q'(*1%. Novemlm- 13, 1999, The original, first ,et, of c ortifie.lte.- WPT(, cu'clered. but three wore two factors that slowedy the a. uLoluotive.. coverage tip, a s you know-. war. the A ency's' unusuc•>lly high coverage requin-nnent. It was explained to the Agency I haft KA.S. was in the middle of renewal liar this specific coverage and making the changes the Agency had specified would be difficult, but we would snake it happen. Your Agency had the unrealistic; expectation that this process could be performed by Monday, November 22nd. The week of November 22nd was also a short, holiday week, which then caused further delays, Once all of this was taken care of and resolved to the satisfaction of your firm. was when the (3) sets of originals was demanded, although K.A.S. had contractually provided what was specified. The Agency has made threats of all sorts throughout; this process. Now the .latest is slow payment because the extras (2) two original certificates from California State Fund are not in your possession as yet. Now, it is our understanding that these (3) three sets of originals are to be distributed ,as follows: (1) — ArrowhPad Management Group; (1) — City of Fontana; (1) — X.A.S. Equipment & Dental, Inc. It is industry standard and practice thin there is one full set original contract and all others are wet signature, but the attachments are copies. We have made every, effort to abide by your demands and resent the implication . that we have not ma .de said dean ends ar priority. 7111co.oly. Danielle Reinberger, President DR:Ia CC:file K019.001 Dave Rodman, Project Manages Via FAX: Greg Bncknoll, City of Fontana John Campbell, ASL Consulting Engineers P.O. BOX 9570 • ONTARIO, CA 91762-9570 • i9"1191 FAX (909) 397-7 s 17