HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth Highland Sewer - Old Weekly Report Ben Minamide •
From: Bretz, Timothy[BretzT@pbworld.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 2:53 PM
To: 'rbragg@fontana.org; 'pbalbach@fontana.org; 'cpursel@fontana.org;
Cc: Agopovich, Bedros; Buchanan, Jack; Garcia, Martha; Douglas, James G.; Donofrio, Rick;
'robin.christians@company39.com; Harvilla, George
Subject: PB Weekly Progress Report-W/E 1/25/02
o PB was requested to provide a civil engineer to take over Ben's
program/project management responsibilities as Ben is retiring effective
2/7/02. PB named George Harvilla as Ben's replacement. Tim and George will
meet with Ben and Ray on Friday, 2/1/02 at approximately 10:00 am
o PB attended the High Priority Projects meeting on Thursday, 1/24/02. PB
demonstrated the Project Solve Website at the meeting
o PB met with Paul over PB's invoice format. Paul approved both of PB's
existing invoices and requested that future invoices show hours by job
classification for each project under the Program Management Task and by
hours by job classification for PB's remaining Tasks such as Scheduling, '
Strategic Plan, etc.
o PB continues to work with the City Finance Department to verify that all
cost for RWW-CIP projects are identified
o PB continues work on both the RWW-CIP and Redevelopment websites
o PB continues to load RWW-CIP project information into the Project Solve
o PB continues to finalize the Master Schedule and related project cost
o PB is completing the 30% design of Terra Vista and Casa Grande. PB would
like to meet with Paul the week of 2/4 to discuss the preliminary design and
identify the process for completing 100% design
o PB is working on initial data collection for the San Sevaine Channel
Master Plan
o PB continues work on establishing the GASB 34 process/structure
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Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Monday,January 21, 2002 9:38 AM '
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Work Tasks Addressed--Week of Jan 7,
Monday,Jan 7.
Distributed 90%plans for So. Highland Sewer thru Tony Marcaida for plan check by Engineering. Tony passed on
to Grace Martinez due to rotation of personnel. Waiting to get expected date of review completion.
Learned about environmental processing using consultants David Evans Asso. and MBA. Contacted David Evans
for proposal for So. Highland Sewer project and Summit Ave project..
Confirmed meeting agenda via Hall and Foreman with KB Homes/Lewis Homes to discuss construction staging
on Summit Ave., R/W acquisition, storm drain coordination and section of intermediate paving vs ultimate paving
on south side. Waiting for minutes from H & F.
' Thursday, Jan 10
Worked 2.5 hrs at Rick Engineering Tuesday on phone& FAX with Josephine Aliso at David Evans laying out
scope of services for environmental. Also with Todd Schmieder at H & F over agenda for PDT meeting coming
Thursday, R/W easements, and review of master schedule by PB on Summit Ave.
Met with Summit Ave developers who seemed willing to hold back on Summit Ave. conditioned paving and pay
equivalent costs to City so paving could be done with City project. This could also include south side between
Citrus and Lytle Creek due to need for utility work before permanent paving. Waiting for minutes and will need
follow up for confirmation of dollar amount to be transferred. Call for bids by developer already out and expected
in about 10 days.
PDT meeting held including Kim Reed @ BB & K for update on R/W acquisition. Bottom line is 19 of 20
parcels approved for condemnation in possession with only Parcel 15, Stephen Brenot(?) not cleared. Need R/W
easement descriptions from H & F so Delia Mejia can start contacts for some 14 parcels. Also, Felipe needs legal
descriptions for three parcels between Sierra and Mango to have intermediate business person get signatures. H
& F working on this due week of Jan 21.
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Ben Minamide
To: Ray Bragg (E-mail) / i , � . ,4 ( ,n14'c- t,
Subject: Major Work Tasks Addressed--Week of Dec 17,
Had review discussion with Tom Holliman of Associated Engrs about 90% plan submittal due Friday Dec. 20.
Discussed construction detour plans, staging, sewer flow calcs, and cost estimate submittals.
Extra work cost items expected from H & F soon. Hoping to have before Xmas break. Made copy of contract
proposal to have at hand. Expect proposal, per H & F,.to be under$50,000! Will review cost proposal when it
arrives and make recommendation to Paul B. since he was invovled with original proposal and negotiation of fee.
Touched base with Kim Reed of BB&K to attend PDT meeting of Jan 10 @ 4:PM to bring us up to date on R/W
acquisition of 20 parcels approved for condemnation by City Council Oct.16, 2001. She stated Ok if she can
attend cause optimistic about numerous settlements by then. However, has jury duty on Tues. Jan 8 and may get
stuck on court case.
F& H says hope to have composite R/W map showing all 20 condemnation parcels plus the 14 or so City needs
to acquire for City part of Summit Ave. project by Jan 10. We also have need to get spin off R/W i.e., parcels on
S/E and N/E corner Sierra @ Summits where we need R/W from both sides of corners. Several others too. H & F
tracking these needs. Could be part of extra work task for legal descriptions.
Have been trying to catch Frank Shuma to present overall project cost data to use as yard stick for determination
of City advance pay for Edison undergrounding existing overhead lines on Summit between Lytle Creek and
Citrus due to apparent prior rights. May have to e-mail.
Attended CIP meeting for High Priority Projects on Thurs. Jan 20. Found out I was incorrectly assuming Graig
Bruorton taking Summit Ave environmental to a conclusion. Advised must use David Evans or MBA to do this.
work with Debbie Brazil!.
Tutt,Ltit, . � 1
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Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide •
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 4:28 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Work Tasks Addressed Week oeerc 1 c)
Met with Rick Donofrio of PB who is working on 30% plans. Discussed needed R-Value soil samplings problems
due to fee title over MWD and Pac Bell properties and their permit process which is akin to Caltrans permits.
Hopes to have environmental, drainage study, and conceptual design for roadway in about 6 weeks or so. We will
have to decide what width roadway to construct since questions for sewer, storm drain and other underground
utilities BEFORE permanent paving is done looms. Can do min. 24 ft width or so and save space.
Casa Grande is show as secondary (4 in.) street and Terra Vista as collector(2 In) street in Circulation Element.
Had sewer project schedule revised to reflect true time required to complete city council approval process, public
bidding and award process. Coordinated A.M. Miller School attendance periods with Patti Ashton. Target for
completion is now August, '02.
Spent majority of time on this project with RNV, Utility and PDT meeting. Many loose ends to resolve including
construction staging with Madoles street improvement plans on behalf of developers. Need to resolve Edison
under grounding at possible up front city cost with Frank Shuma. He wants overall estimated construction costs to
compare against, hope to have next week from H & F. Storm Drain will be major cost factor.
Ben Minamide UX"
From: Ben Minamide 7/ <0
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 6:13 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Cc: Paul Balbach
Subject: Major Works Tasks Addressed Week of Dec 3
Monday Dec.3 and Thursday Dec.6:
o Slover/Live Oak RR Crossing: Attended field meeting for PUC related RR Xing upgrade in field with other city,
Patterson &Asso., Union Pacific, County representatives. Major RR geometry revisions appear necessary due to
o Summit Ave. Edison Ave Overhead Relocation: Discussed Edison Co. prior rights line on north side Summit, probing
for background and status of Edison Rule 20A under-grounding program with three staff members. Have message in to
Edison asking for call back from party knowledgeable with Rule 20A. Edison may have"abandoned"program due to
energy crises. If so, no option to underground except at"hard"costs.
o.... So. Highland Sewer Project...Looked into City process and timing when seeking city council authority to advertise for
construction bids, legal as well as trade paper publications and award process.This realistically expanded the work
schedule originally submitted by Associated Engineers substantially to get from plan approval to actual start of
construction.. .
o.... Sierra Ave. R/W Met a second time (representing Paul B., he could not make it)with owners of Motel 6 and Coco's
Restaurant in Brentwood area. Combined Driveways on Motel 6 property OK but Lynn Spencer Bassey wants to have
meeting with Corp. rep.for Coco's before committing.TKE Engrs to arrange meeting including Paul B. Since they want
compensation for R/W explained they will be turned over to City Attorneys office for"friendly negotiations".
o.... Casa Grande Ave. Extension. Met with PB rep Rick Donofrio to discuss extension of Casa Grande to Sierra Ave.
from Rialto City Limits. Concern is that extension to Sierra Ave. intersection results in offset from quarter point of Land
Section in Township (survey talk). Most major streets line up half-half off section lines and if offset, may lead to uneven
dedications,which in turn may cause serious dedication equity issues.Want to avoid that.
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To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Work Tasks Adrressed fo Week of Nov 26, '01
Monday Nov. 26 &Thursday Nov. 29
o---So Highland Ave. Sewer—Meeting with Tom Holliman of Associated Engrs. , to discuss final
plan wrap up and getting bid documents prepared. Need to address how to treat Walnut Ave
portion of construction to coordinate with Miller High School traffic.
o---Summit Ave Developer Responsibilities and Timing. Discussed background of developer
responsibilities with Todd Miller and specific areas of improvement responsibility. Met with Paul B
&Todd to discuss options to"recycled"asphalt paving area on south side of street to be done to
ultimate pavement instead of temporary recycling. Mega meeting to be set up for round house
discussion and conclusion ASAP
o---Attended Dept Weekly meeting for-one hour.
o---Summit Ave. Reviewed work schedule for project, sent message to Todd Schmieder @ H &
F to move up R/W legal descriptions and map work for some 14 parcels that City has yet to
acquire beyond developers 22 RAW parcels.
o--- Prepare for monthly high priortity CIP meeting, exhibits for Summit Ave and So Highland
Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide J
Sent: Monday, November 19,2001 6:44 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Cc: 'Roger Cunliffe Owen'; 'Tim Bretz'; Paul Balbach
Subject: Major Work Tasks Addressed for week on Nov 19
Note: Worked only Monday, Nov 19 due to Thanksgiving Day off on Thursday.
CONSULTANT BILLINGS . responded to two inquires concerning new policy on standardized monthly billing procedure,
PB and Hall Foreman.
SIERRA AVE Discussed three alternates in front of Motel 6 and Coco'swith Paul B to clear up last conversation, also
topic discussed at first standing Redevelopment&Special Projects (R &SP)meeting this date.
TERRA VISTA AND CASA GRANDE Reviewed proposal by PB on 100%street improvement design.
JURUPA AVE. reviewed proposal from DMJM for 30%concept design for improvement of Jurupa from Mulberry to
Sierra, invovled in discussion to extended limits of study to west city limit at Etiwanda Ave. and to Tamarino Ave. on the
east end.
1 •
Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 6:24 PM V/
To: Ray Bragg
Cc: Paul Balbach; 'Roger Cunliffe Owen'; 'Tim Bretz'
Subject: Major Tasks Worked for week of Nov 12, 2001
SIERRA AVE. Followed up after meeting with Motel 6 &Coco's owners last weeks regarding permitted use for possible
Medical Bldg. on Motel site to relay to owners at next meeting. . Reviewed three alternative layouts with Paul B. and Eric
Lewis in front of Motel 6 &Coco's on east side Sierra Ave. with combined driveway preferred, discussed planned geometry
to Marigold Ave including bus stop and possible elimination of three driveways on west side
SAN SERVAINE TRAIL Critiqued Draft Scope of Work for Carla P.with suggestions.
SUMMIT AVE. drafted street responsibility map for"self education"showing different developer improvement
responsibilities between Beech and Mango.Also, noted most of 22 R/W parcel ownerships for eminent domain as
authorized by City council action plus at least three yet to be processed/acquired between Seirra Ave and Mango Ave.by
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To: r..,,s�y� _ _,x.. .,i?s. ��.� .x... t n. ,; � r ,��: ....:, � ��, ..+, °4 s....r;?
Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks Worked for Week of Oct 29
AMPHITHEATER PARKING Schematic layout of Seville Ave. parking for Police employees.
CONSULTANT BILLING FORMAT ..Final draft consultant billing format
SEWER LINE, HIGHLAND,WALNUT JUNIPER; Meeting with Associated Engrs on sewer line
alignment vs. various conflicts along alignment.
MANGO ALIGNMENT Discussion with consultant engineer to San Berdo County Solid Waste
Management disucing possiblity that Mango alignment may be dictated by trash deposited years
ago. Potholing now to determine limits of trash near Mango.
SUMMIT AVE. discussion of bike lane on Summit per Gen Plan and when do we fit it in.
SIERRA AVE; Have received five title reports in last week out of 7 needed prior to consultant/City
meeting with.owners.
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Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide •
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 6:55 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Cc: Paul Balbach •
Subject: Major Work Tasks Addressed Week of Dec. 10
o Terra Vista Extension---Meeting with Rick Donofrio, P.B., discuss Terra Vista extension from Rialto City limits
to Sierra Ave. Do we build in R/W of MVVD? •
o So. Highland Ave Sewer---Researched who is to do environmental PES and made suggestion to Associated
Engrs.revision to work schedule to reflect City actions necessary to go to bid, legal publications, award, etc.
Associated will do PES form and will give to Craig Bruorton for comments. Also, Associated redid work schedule
to include City processing time for bidding and award. Work should start in late June and conclude in mid August.
A. M.Miller High School will be in summer session at one third attendance level to minimize impact of
construction on Walnut Ave.
o Summit Ave.---reviewed PES form originated by Hall Foreman after comments by Craig Bruorton. Some
changes forthcoming. Must contact Craig B. to ask who takes EIR to conclusion. Must determine Edison Rule 20A
commitment by City. (since determined)
Met with Frank Shuma, FUSD Patti Ashton, Architect Rohit Shah and others to solidify street improvement
responsibilities for Summit, Lytle Creek and Knox. Frank agreed City and FUSD could have written
agreement about City paving Summit Ave. and could substitute Knox improvement instead legitimately.
Held PDT team meeting at 4:PM. Thursday.
Ben Minamide •
From: Ben Minamide <�
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 6:13 PM v
To: Ray Bragg
Cc: Paul Balbach
Subject: Major Works Tasks Addressed Week of Dec 3
Monday Dec.3 and Thursday Dec.6:
o Slover/Live Oak RR Crossing: Attended field meeting for PUC related RR Xing upgrade in field with other city,
Patterson &Asso., Union Pacific, County representatives. Major RR geometry revisions appear necessary due to
o Summit Ave. Edison Ave Overhead Relocation: Discussed Edison Co. prior rights line on north side Summit, probing
for background and status of Edison Rule 20A under-grounding program with three staff members. Have message in to
Edison asking for call back from party knowledgeable with Rule 20A. Edison may have"abandoned"program due to
energy crises. If so, no option to underground except at"hard"costs.
o.... So. Highland Sewer Project...Looked into City process and timing when seeking city council authority to advertise for
construction bids, legal as well as trade paper publications and award process. This realistically expanded the work
schedule originally submitted by Associated Engineers substantially to get from plan approval to actual start of
construction.. .
o.... Sierra Ave. R/W.....Met a second time(representing Paul B., he could not make it) with owners of Motel 6 and Coco's
Restaurant in Brentwood area. Combined Driveways on Motel 6 property OK but Lynn Spencer Bassey wants to have
meeting with Corp. rep. for Coco's before committing. TKE Engrs to arrange meeting including Paul B. Since they want
compensation for R/W explained they will be turned over to City Attorneys office for"friendly negotiations".
o.... Casa Grande Ave. Extension. Met with PB rep Rick Donofrio to discuss extension of Casa Grande to Sierra Ave.
from Rialto City Limits. Concern is that extension to Sierra Ave. intersection results in offset from quarter point of Land
Section in Township (survey talk). Most major streets line up half-half off section lines and if offset, may lead to uneven
dedications, which in turn may cause serious dedication equity issues.Want to avoid that.
To: Ray Brag
Subject: Major Work Tasks Adrressed fo Week of Nov 26, '01
Monday Nov. 26 &Thursday Nov. 29
o---So Highland Ave. Sewer—Meeting with Tom Holliman of Associated Engrs. , to discuss final
plan wrap up and getting bid documents prepared. Need to address how to treat Walnut Ave
portion of construction to coordinate with Miller High School traffic.
o---Summit Ave Developer Responsibilities and Timing. Discussed background of developer
responsibilities with Todd Miller and specific areas of improvement responsibility. Met with Paul B
&Todd to discuss options to"recycled"asphalt paving area on south side of street to be done to
ultimate pavement instead of temporary recycling. Mega meeting to be set up for round house
discussion and conclusion ASAP
o---Attended Dept Weekly meeting for one hour.
o---Summit Ave. Reviewed work schedule for project, sent message to Todd Schmieder @ H &
F to move up R/W legal descriptions and map work for some 14 parcels that City has yet to
acquire beyond developers 22 R/W parcels.
o--- Prepare for monthly high priortity CIP meeting, exhibits for Summit Ave and So Highland
Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 6:44 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Cc: 'Roger Cunliffe Owen'; 'Tim Bretz'; Paul Balbach
Subject: Major Work Tasks Addressed for week on Nov 19
Note: Worked only Monday, Nov 19 due to Thanksgiving Day off on Thursday.
CONSULTANT BILLINGS . responded to two inquires concerning new policy on standardized monthly billing procedure,
PB and Hall Foreman.
SIERRA AVE Discussed three alternates in front of Motel 6 and Coco'swith Paul B to clear up last conversation, also
topic discussed at first standing Redevelopment&Special Projects (R &SP)meeting this date.
TERRA VISTA AND CASA GRANDE Reviewed proposal by PB on 100%street improvement design.
JURUPA AVE. reviewed proposal from DMJM for 30%concept design for improvement of Jurupa from Mulberry to
Sierra, invovled in discussion to extended limits of study to west city limit at Etiwanda Ave. and to Tamarino Ave. on the
east end.
Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 6:24 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Cc: Paul Balbach; 'Roger Cunliffe Owen'; 'Tim Bretz'
Subject: Major Tasks Worked for week of Nov 12, 2001
SIERRA AVE. Followed up after meeting with Motel 6&Coco's owners last weeks regarding permitted use for possible
Medical Bldg. on Motel site to relay to owners at next meeting. . Reviewed three alternative layouts with Paul B. and Eric
Lewis in front of Motel 6 &Coco's on east side Sierra Ave.with combined driveway preferred, discussed planned geometry
to Marigold Ave including bus stop and possible elimination of three driveways on west side
SAN SERVAINE TRAIL Critiqued Draft Scope of Work for Carla P.with suggestions.
SUMMIT AVE. drafted street responsibility map for"self education"showing different developer improvement
responsibilities between Beech and Mango.Also, noted most of 22 R/W parcel ownerships for eminent domain as
authorized by City council action plus at least three yet to be processed/acquired between Seirra Ave and Mango Ave.by'
Ben Minamide
To: Ray Bragg Subject: Major Tasks Worked for Week of Oct 29
AMPHITHEATER PARKING Schematic layout of Seville Ave. parking for Police employees.
CONSULTANT BILLING FORMAT ..Final draft consultant billing format
SEWER LINE, HIGHLAND, WALNUT JUNIPER; Meeting with Associated Engrs on sewer line
alignment vs. various conflicts along alignment.
MANGO ALIGNMENT Discussion with consultant engineer to San Berdo County Solid Waste
Management disucing possiblity that Mango alignment may be dictated by trash deposited years
ago. Potholing now to determine limits of trash near Mango.
SUMMIT AVE. discussion of bike lane on Summit per Gen Plan and when do we fit it in.
SIERRA AVE; Have received five title reports in last week out of 7 needed prior to consultant/City
meeting with.owners.
Ben Minamide
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks Worked for Week of Oct 22, 2001
Monday Oct 22, 2001
On Jury Duty at Orange County Courts. Finished jury deliberations this date.
Thursday Oct 25
Completed 2nd draft of Standardized consultant billing format with samples. Gave to Carla Pursel
to type.
SIERRA AVE. Follow up to get title reports for Sierra Ave, 1-10 to Marigold. Need 6 title reports
on properties' on east side. Cecelia Lopez Henderson ordered reports thru Chicago Title Co 4
weeks ago with promise that it would take 3 to 4 weeks.Time was up today. Upon Cecelia's call
(3rd call keeping track)they sent one in today for Motel 6 property with others to follow. No
commitment when others to be sent but are hopeful. She checked with Security Title but Chicago
came thru with first one so backed off.
SUMMIT AVE. . Separate meeting with Paul B. and Todd Miller for improvement responsibilities
along Summit. Paul notified me by way of Frank S. City is to improve high school frontage at city
cost. Must check with Frank S.to confirm City to do street, sidewalk, street lights. Does this mean
full parkway sidewalk along school frontage? Drwys planned?
Spent considerable time reading email and not done at days end.
Ben Minamide
To: Ray Bragg _.
Subject: Major Tasks Worked for Week of Oct 15, 2001
Monday, Oct. 15—
O SUMMIT AVE, 1-15 to Mango, --Discussed possibility of one construction contract with Paul B.
including School, &private development. Some private development to start in 4-5 months.
Found out this date from Paul City to take responsibility of School District improvements along
Summit Ave.Will still discuss at next PDT meeting Nov 8.
Spent time on revising standardizing consultant billing format draft via PB. (In for second typing to
Carla this date)
Reviewed 35%0 plans from Hall Foreman. Need to discuss with Tony Macaida. (Hope to do
Monday) One month City review period expires on or about Nov 6.
• SEWER MAIN PROJECT—Highland, Juniper, Walnut. Met with Tom Holliman, Associated
Engrs, and Tony M. to review progress. No issues so far and discussed north end limits to
try to keep manhole out of future left turn pocket.
Thursday,Oct. 18, Got assigned on to Orange County Court Jury Duty and placed on jury for
drug related case. Finished in four days but missed work in Fontana on Monday, Oct 22 also.
Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 6:17 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks for Week of Oct. 8, 2001
Meeting to standardize consultant billing format with DMJM, PB &staff. Draft action plan received
from PB. Paul B copied all hands touched at City for comments.
Summit Ave. Review last PDT meeting minutes, attend PDT meeting.
Attended special meeting Tues. with Paul B., Tim Bretz& Roger Cunliff Owens to discuss City
hierarchy, reporting relationships, other peoples roles and responsibilities, all to familiarize with
interaction. Very informative.
Spent time at home to complete Katz, Okitsu related Amphitheater parking issue. Left copy with
Carla to put in your"in" box for review.
Received 35% plans , street, R/W, cross sections, striping from Hall Foreman and started quick
Ben M. 10/11/01
Billing Format for Consultants 3 hrs
Summit Ave 8 hrs.
Terra Vista St and Casa Grande, field review and discussion with Tim Bretz for 30% proposal. 2
Sierra Ave. TKE Billing for 1st bill, not paid (second bill paid) 1 hr.
Amphitheater Parking Study 4 hrs.
Total hrs 18
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Ben M inamide
From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 6:17 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks for Week of Oct. 8, 2001
Meeting to standardize consultant billing format with DMJM, PB &staff. Draft action plan received
from PB. Paul B copied all hands touched at City for comments.
Summit Ave. Review last PDT meeting minutes, attend PDT meeting.
Attended special meeting Tues.with Paul B., Tim Bretz& Roger Cunliff Owens to discuss City
hierarchy, reporting relationships, other peoples roles and responsibilities, all to familiarize with
interaction. Very informative.
Spent time at home to complete Katz, Okitsu related Amphitheater parking issue. Left copy with
Carla to put in your"in" box for review.
Received 35% plans , street, R/W, cross sections, striping from Hall Foreman and started quick
Ben M.10/11/01
Ben Minamide
To: Ray Brag __. ,.. _..._. .._. . ....
Subject: Major Tasks for Week of.Oct. 8, 2001
Meeting to standardize consultant billing format with DMJM, PB &staff. Draft action plan received
from PB. Paul B copied all hands touched at City for comments.
Summit Ave. Review last PDT meeting minutes, attend PDT meeting.
Attended special meeting Tues.with Paul B., Tim Bretz& Roger Cunliff Owens to discuss City
hiarchy, reporting relationships, other peoples roles and responsibilities, all to familiarize with
interaction.Very informative.
Spent time at home to complete Katz, Okitsu related Amphitheater parking issue. Left copy with
Carla to put in your"in" box for review.
Received 35% plans , street, R/W, cross sections, striping from Hall Foreman and started quick
Ben M. 10/11/01
-Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 1:29 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks For Week of Oct 1, 2001
Meeting with PT on status of utilities, water,sewer, storm drain on Summit Ave. .Perhaps need to send letter to Gas and
Water since we need to"encourage"their master plan for facilities to go in prior to new street.
Meeting with'Paul L.to indoctrinate self to council agenda item processing and then purchase orders to consultants.
Met with Ray B.to go over Mango Ave alternative alignment centered between Sierra and platted Mango due to Landfill
perhaps wanting more R/W. (Subsequent discussion with Frank Schuma revealed two parcels approved for development
as is so realignment not feasible.)
Arranged meetings to discuss standardizing consultant billing format and separate meeting with Paul B.to discuss
definition, scope, parameters of Ben M., Tim B., and Roger C-O roles in management of projects.
Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 2:41 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Weekly Report for Week of Sept 24,2001
Due to taking off Thursday Sept 27 to attend funeral in Turlock, I worked only Monday of subject
Major accomplishment was attending meeting about Summit Ave. at San Bernardino Public
Works Dept., Solid Waste Management Div. with Dick Bowman of Hall Foreman meeting with Art
Rivera, Chief of Engineering and three others of his staff.
Discussion centered about tie-in to Summit Ave. at Mango Ave intersection as the City of Rialto
did not require Solid Waste management to keep clear of Mango and Summit R/W within Rialto
when they fenced facility at southeast corner perhaps 30 years ago when the landfill was
established..I will see you on this.
Other time spent on follow up to phone messages and email.
Ben Minamide
To: Ray
Subject: Major Tasks For Week __.. .. .:: _......
1. Civic Center Parking Study Analysis & Some Write Up but no conclusion. Made 7pm parking
2. Summit Ave discussion with Hall Foreman R/W map status (14 parcels), environmental
certification needs with Hall Foreman &Craig Bruorton
3. Sierra Ave R/W and actual street width issue, ordered 7 title reports to determine.
4. Some thoughts about standardizing consultant billing format.
1 w"
Ben Minamide
From: Ben Mina
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 12:40 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks For Week of Sept. 3 &Sept 10.
Monday was Labor Day Holiday,Thursday only day worked.
Major work accomplished was meeting with Tom Holliman of Associated Engineers to go over for
the first time, sewer project starting on Highland/Juniper/Walnut. Discuss Land area needing
sewer outlet and sizing calculations to be done.
Learning how to use voice mail system on phone, also learning how to use programs on
computer! (frustrating but moving ahead)...
Major Tasks for Week of Sept. 10
I attended the APWA National Conference in Philadelphia and did not work at City Hall that week,
but did do work at home on Sunday Sept 16 for 5 hours on Part III of Civic Center Amphitheater
Parking Study.
Ben Minamide
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks For Week of Aug 27, '01
o Summit/Mango Intersection issue, meeting with City Rialto--Landfill encroachment.
o Assist with Environmental Clearance document with Craig Bruorton and Todd Schieder @ Hall Foreman
o Civic Center Amphitherater parking demand justification at 400 cars with Architect Chuck Boxwell.
Ben Minamide
From: Bretz, Timothy[BretzT@pbworld.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 2:17 PM
To: 'rbragg@fontana.org'; 'pbalbach@fontana.org'
Cc: 'bminamide@rickeng.com'; Agopovich, Bedros
Subject: Fontana RWW CIP-Weekly Progress Report W/E 9/28
o PB continues work on the master schedule. A sample P3 schedule and GIS
hyperlinks for portions of Sierra Ave was delivered to the City on 9/27. PB
is committed to delivering a draft master schedule including project cost
data and GIS links by Oct.19. PB has been meeting with the respective
project managers /consultants to develop the data for the schedule.
o The office space PB will sub-lease from Caltrop is now expected to be
complete (TI's) and ready for occupancy by the end of Oct.
It is intended that the office will be staffed by 3-4 PB employees.
o PB attended the High Priority CIP staff meeting on 9/27.
o TB will either go to Denver 10/4 and 10/5 or early next week for work on
web page. RB has requested to be involved in the design process. TB will
structure the process to include "active" reviews by RB.
o TB and PB will be meeting late this week or early next week to discuss
the structure of the strategic plan. ( based on TB trip to Denver)
Ben Minamide
From: Bretz, Timothy[BretzT@pbworld.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 11:40 AM
To: 'rbragg@fontana.org'; 'pbalbach@fontana.org'
Cc: 'bminamide@rickeng.com'; Agopovich, Bedros
Subject: Progress Report W/E 9/15
o PB continued work on the Master Schedule
o PB is continuing work to integrate City GIS data with PB's to use to
define the projects in the Program. PB is also working on overlaying the GIS
onto Calif. Zone 5 co-ordinate system so that the projects will be on the
same co-ordinate system as Caltrans. The co-ordinates will allow for easier
"views of any of the projects. i.e. a cross section at a given location
o PB has started initial work on the web site. Tim's trip to Denver to work
with PB's Company 39 was delayed until next week (9/24) due to events of
last week. (,rkivice,4,,zeals•ce-is-a4
o Tim is ready to meet with Paul to discuss format and content of Strategic
Plan. Tim has developed a format for use in the meeting. Tim will schedule
the meeting with Paul by weeks end
o PB has worked out a tentative deal with Caltrop to share office space at
8285 Sierra. One additional meeting at the site is anticipated to work out
TI's with Wallace Schultz
o PB has been extensively in "the field" gathering data for the Master
Ben Minamide
From: Bretz, Timothy[BretzT@pbworld.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 2:21 PM
To: 'rbragg@fontana.org'
Cc: 'bminamide@rickeng.com' .
Subject: Weekly Activity Summar%r
Ray, For this first summary I will include work to date. Beginning next
week, reports will be status reports for each week.
o Ongoing development of Master Schedule is highest priority. Framework for
schedule is 85% complete. PB is adding project cost variables at
request of City. Working on incorporating GIS photos with project overview
as a linked file. Expect to have draft schedule built and ready for review
by Oct. 9. Will have PB schedule team on-site when office space is
o Ongoing work on developing strategic plan. GIS will be incorporated to
show overview of each project.
o Finalizing draft press release for RWW CIP. Will email to you no later
then Tues. 9/4.
o Held various meetings with City staff to obtain information relative to
PB work on the Program.
o Web site work was started this week, should have draft application in
45-60 days.
o PB has completed sub-contractor agreements with its two sub consultants.
o PB has structured its in-house Project Accounting and Filing system.
Ben Minamide
� i1�IDILII���mllB�fll�
From: Todd Schmieder[toddschmieder@hfinc.com]
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 1:18 PM
To: Dan Haskins-AEI-CASC (E-mail); David Cooke-CSW(E-mail); Jackie Chapman -City of
Yucaipa (E-mail); Merhan Sepehri-Yucaipa(E-mail); Paul Nagengast-City of Yucaipa (E-
mail); Brett Whitehead - Brandywine Dev. Comp. (E-mail); Janice Shackle-Centex Homes
(E-mail); Liz Bauer-Centex Homes(E-mail); Marilyn Putman -Centex Homes (E-mail); Ben
Minamide- Fontana (E-mail); Ben Minamide- Fontana(E-mail 2); Felipe Molinos- Fontana
(E-mail); Joanna Futerman -JFI (E-mail); Mark Bertone-Madole (E-mail); Paul Balbach-
Fontana (E-mail); Tony Marcaida- Fontana (E-mail); Yousuf Patanwala- Fontana (E-mail);
Erick Potter- EPIC Engineers (E-mail)
Cc: Bill Decker(E-mail)
Subject: Todd Schmieder's Absence from the Office
I will be out of the Office from September 3rd to September 10th and
returning to the office of Tuesday September llth. In my absence the
following Hall & Foreman employees can be contacted:
City of Yucaipa
General On-Call Services and Skate Park Phase 2 - Jon Bourgeois (Ext-208) or
Mark Oskorus (Ext-234)
Design Review and Plan Check Services - Jon Bourgeois (Ext-208) or Eli Ruiz
Yucaipa Valley Center On-site Sewer and Water Plans - Mark Oskorus
( (Ext-234)
Yucaipa Valley Center Retaining Walls and Fences Plan Check - Jon Bourgeois
(Ext-208) or Eli Ruiz (Ext-204)
Construction Inspection Services - Jon Bourgeois (Ext-208) , Mark Oskorus
(Ext-234) , Dennis Donahue (Ext-244) or HFI's Field Inspectors
City of Fontana
Summit Avenue - Dick Bowman at 909-982-777 Extension 110 or John Hogan
Baseline, Sierra or Citrus Proposals - John Hogan (Ext-207) , Jon Bourgeois
(Ext-208) , or Rabih Mahmoud (Ext-206)
Bixby Ridge, Signal Hill and Long Beach
Centex's Amhurst @ Bixby Ridge - Connie Ramirez (Ext-202) or Alan Palermo
Brandywine Development Corporation's Ridgeview Terrace - Alan Palermo (Ext
215) or Connie Ramirez (Ext-202)
Thank you.
D. Todd Schmieder, P.E.
Associate / Project Director
Hall & Foreman, Inc.
Phone: 714-664-0570
Ben Minamide
From: Bretz, Timothy[BretzT@pbworld.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 4:20 PM
To: 'rbragg@fontana:org; 'pbalbach@ of ntana.org'
Cc: 'bminamide@rickeng.com'; Agopovich, Bedros; Garcia, Martha
Subject: Progress Report-WE 10/26
o PB submitted one color copy and one electronic disc of the Draft Master
Schedule to Ray on Monday 10/22.
o TB continues work on the draft Strategic Plan.
o PB submitted a revised proposal for 30°% design of Terra Vista and Casa
Grande Avenue.
o PB will submit a proposal for preparing the Master Plan (Recreational
Use) for San Sevaine Channel. J.D. Douglas will serve as the project
o PB will submit a proposal for 100o design of the realignment of Riverside
Avenue with Sierra Avenue. Glenn Higa will serve as project manager.
o TB, BA and JDD from PB attended the High Priority Capital Improvement
Projects Meeting on Thursday, 10/25.
o PB is planning a "workshop" to finalize the Master Schedule. The workshop
will be planned for the one day during the week of 11/13. PB will prepare a
"punch .list" of what schedule items we would like each project
manager consultant to be prepared to answer at the meeting. PB will also
prepare an agen a.
Ben Minamide
From: Ben Minamide[bminamide@rickengineering.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 10:07 AM
To: Thomas, Steve
Steve, thanks for your valued comments. What does utility codes for ss4, w10, w24 mean?
We will most certainly invite you to meetings once we get a selected consultant aboard
working on the Ivy St bridge. You should be able to help us a lot. Ben M.
----Original Message
From: Thomas, Steve [mailto:SCTHOMAS@co.riverside.ca.us]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 7:15 AM
To: 'bminamide@rickeng.com'
Hi Ben,
Your draft RFP looks great to me. My only suggestion (which has no bearing
really on the proposal) is that you change the overall length of the Corps
project from 12 to 7 miles. the channelization will end just upstream of
Utilities are going to be a problem at Ivy. We've identified an ss4, w10,
w24, and telephone conduit at that location. Hopefully, the City can order
their relocations through franchise agreements they have with the utility
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments, and I look forward to
working with you on this one Ben. Please feel free to drag me into any
meetings, as I like to try to keep up on things.
Steve Thomas
909. 955.1299
Ben Minamide
From: Bretz, Timothy[BretzT@pbworld.com]
tent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 10:17 AM
o: 'rbragg@fontana.org'; 'pbalbach@fontana.org'
Cc: 'bm itiamide@rickeng. oc mtAgopovich, Bedros
Subject: Weekly Progress Report WW/E 9/21
o PB continues to build the draft Master Schedule. PB will deliver a fully
integrated (schedule, cost factors, GIS and digital photo) color example for
Sierra Avenue - Baseline to Foothill this Thursday. Tim will review with Ray
prior to the 4:00pm meeting.
o Tim emailed Paul B. last week to establish a meeting time and date to
discuss the Strategic Plan.
o Tim has rescheduled his trip to Denver to meet with Company 39 until next
week. In the interim, Company 39 has been in contact with Fontana city staff
regarding the web site.
o PB is expecting to sign a one-year sublease with Caltrop (8285 Sierra)
and have the TI's complete by the end of October. PB will have enough space
for 4 employees.
o For the week ending 9/21and in addition to Tim, PB had approximately 6
full-time employees working on developing the Master Schedule.
• Be M ali z L MT y
From: .Ben Minamide
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 6:17 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks for Week of Oct. 8, 2001
Meeting to standardize consultant billing format with DMJM, PB &staff. Draft action plan received
from PB. Paul B copied all hands touched at City for comments.
Summit Ave. Review last PDT meeting minutes, attend PDT meeting.
Attended special meeting Tues. with Paul B.,Tim Bretz & Roger Cunliff Owens to discuss City
hierarchy, reporting relationships, other peoples roles and responsibilities, all to familiarize with
interaction. Very informative.
Spent time at home to complete Katz,Okitsu related Amphitheater parking issue. Left copy with
Carla to put in your"in"box for review.
Received 35% plans , street, RAN, cross sections, striping from Hall Foreman and started quick
Ben M. 10/11/01
• Billing Format for Consultants 3 hrs
Summit Ave 8 hrs./
Terra Vista St and Casa Grande,field review and discussion with Tim Bretz for 30% proposal. 2
Sierra Ave. TKE Billing for 1st bill, not paid (second bill paid) 1 hr.
Amphitheater Parking Study
Pwcs z. 5 � Tu , {1.tri Total hrs 18
to I Ewa,.7(w s.4- ceA_Lk..)6a6. k C lti. as wow-)
yam, O .
16-C✓34%)-rar 2 SIB,' 1
-1— 2 Gsrm-
2 9,5 C p
M ( 64 (,
'.Ben Minamd'
• From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 2:41 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Weekly Report for Week of Sept 24,2001
Due to taking off Thursday Sept 27 to attend funeral in Turlock, I worked only Monday of subject
Major accomplishment was attending meeting about Summit Ave. at San Bernardino Public
Works Dept., Solid Waste Management Div.with Dick Bowman of Hall Foreman meeting with Art
Rivera, Chief of Engineering and three others of his staff.
Discussion centered about tie-in to Summit Ave. at Mango Ave intersection as the City of Rialto
did not require Solid Waste management to keep clear of Mango and Summit R/W within Rialto
when they fenced facility at southeast corner perhaps 30 years ago when the landfill was
established..I will see you on this.
Other time spent on follow up to phone messages and email.
Ben Mmamide
• To: Ray Bragg f /
Subject: Major Tasks For Week 117/d I
1. Civic Center Parking Study Analysis &Some Write Up but no conclusion. Made 7pm parking
2. Summit Ave discussion with Hall Foreman RAN map status (14 parcels), environmental
certification needs with Hall Foreman &Craig Bruorton
3. Sierra Ave RAN and actual street width issue, ordered 7 title reports to determine.
4. Some thoughts about standardizing consultant billing format.
• From: Ben Minamide
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 12:40 PM
To: Ray Bragg
Subject: Major Tasks For Week of Sept. 3 &Sept 10.
Monday was Labor Day Holiday,Thursday only day worked.
Major work accomplished was meeting with Tom Holliman of Associated Engineers to go over for
the first time, sewer project starting on Highland/Juniper/Walnut. Discuss Land area needing
sewer outlet and sizing calculations to be done.
Learning how to use voice mail system on phone, also learning how to use programs on
computer! (frustrating but moving ahead)...
Major Tasks for Week of Sept. 10
I attended the APWA National Conference in Philadelphia and did not work at City Hall that week,
but did do work at home on Sunday Sept 16 for 5 hours on Part Ill of Civic Center Amphitheater
Parking Study.
• .
Ben Minamide
From: Bretz, Timothy[BretzT@pbworld.com]
*Sent: Tuesday,November 06, 2001 2:01 PM
To: 'rbragg@fontana.org'; 'pbalbach@fontana.org'
Cc: Agopovich, Bedros; 'bminamide@rickeng.com'; Garcia, Martha; Barnett, Brett
Subject: Progress Report-WE 11/2
o PB working on getting individual letters out to each project
manager/consultant that describes the information that will be requested
from them at the planned Master Schedule "work shop" meeting. The meeting is
being planned for week of 11/13.
o TB working on completing draft Strategic Plan. TB planning to deliver
draft plan to Paul next week.
o PB delivered letter proposal for 100% design services for realignment of
Riverside Avenue and intersection of Sierra Avenue.
o PB met with Caltrop Friday at 8285 Sierra (planned new office) . PB
reviewed the finished TI"s and measured the square footage for the sub lease
area. After the meeting, a draft contract for the sub lease was prepared by
PB's New York office and faxed to Caltrop. There is disagreement on the
monthly lease amount that Caltrop is requesting (Caltrop is requesting
approx. $2.25 sq. ft. ) .
09/05/2001 WED 14:42 FAX 562 904 7296 CITY OF DOWNEY 0001
•• • , _ .
Tuesday, Septe nber 1 1 , 2001
09/05/ 14:42 FAX 562 914c296
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