HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth Highland Sewer - Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environm . • ri le � r ' j `e 1 It � / t Si � r v .3 - Geotechnical � '°I C.� and -- ', .'0:......,='-.".,,.':'..,..-...,_..,-,,1._,-.-.z-'..,s--:.`--.r,13':-','' i;_4,,4..-,.s-1'2 4;--73,i;"-"A.":,.-.;';-•,--,,..-",..-.1_,g,.„,.:,,.,-,,,,b.,"..4,,,,-";.,;-2p-?:..7..‘',e.-t.--„,-,r.,'-•"...-Z.::,`f'4.:,-.;1,.f.,,1.:!-.,14.'..:...„;,'t,'.7-1-i-•,'.„.-:T;'-.,.,,",,",,1,..-'-'.g',-,,,,''-:..„.t,...I..'..,'ta Environmental ti v F r , ,� �� Sciences f/ 9 1, t ; ' Consultants --". •' .---..:*:4;,,,,, rt,itSti!-. -,_, -,,,,, im, arl-i I .opt., nc) __...,,,_ .::-.k,44.-,z...... ,,,,, ,....,..,-..1 ,,,, . rr d ,4 ..%.......T • Dl D Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants COMPACTION REPORT SOUTH HIGHLAND AND JUNIPER AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS SP-46-01 ' FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 1 ' PREPARED FOR: Associated Engineers 3311 East Shelby Street Ontario, California 91764 t 1 ' PREPARED BY: Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants 475 Goddard, Suite 200 Irvine, California 92618 1 1 ' January 21, 2003 Project No. 203969001 1 1 475 Goddard Suite 200 Irvine, California 92618 Phone(949) 753-7070 Fax(949) 753-7071 Phoenix Irvine San Diego Los Angeles Oakland Las Vegas Salt Lake City Ontario kLETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Associated Engineers, Inc. 3311 E. Shelby Street Ontario, California 91764 (909) 980-1982 Fax (909) 941-0891 To: PB-Fontana Date: February 20, 2003 16689 Foothill Blvd. Suite 103 Project: South Highland Sewer Fontana, CA 92335 Job Number: 01-064 Attention: Mr. George Harvilla VIA: (/,U.S.MAIL UPS AE DELIVERY OTHER Copies Date No. Description 1 1/21/03 Compaction Report by Ninyo and Moore for subject project This is sent: For Your Approval Per Your Request For Your Information For Your Review and comment VFor Your Use For Signature Remarks: For your records. /4/A By: Thomas R. Holliman, PEA ` ` Senior Project Manager .4 \( o Copy— File a Copy - ❑ Copy - ❑ Copy - • 0t & OOP = r Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants • ' January 21, 2003 Project No. 203969001 Mr. Thomas Holliman • Associated Engineers 3311 East Shelby Street Ontario, California 91764 ' Subject: Compaction Report South Highland and Juniper Avenue • Sewer System Improvements SP-46-01 ' Fontana, California Dear Mr. Holliman: ' In accordance with your request and authorization, we have provided geotechnical observation and testing services for the South Highland and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvements project located in Fontana, California. This report presents the results of our observation and test- ing services duringearthwork activities at the site. The contractor for the project was A.D. g ' General Engineering Construction Company. Our scope of services included project coordina- tion, laboratory testing of selected soil samples, and as requested field observation, sampling and density testing during trench backfill, and preparation of this report. ' TRENCH BACKFILL Trench backfilling was performed between July 17, 2002 and September 16, 2002. During instal- ' lation of the new sewer lines, crushed aggregate was used as pipe bedding and on-site materials were used for trench backfill. The project drawings identify the trench backfill zone as the area ' from 12 inches above the top of pipe to 12 inches below the bottom of asphalt concrete pavement • with a six inch maximum rock size specification. The drawings also indicate that the upper 12 inches of backfill (subgrade) shall consist of native material with a maximum rock size of three inches. The onsite material consisted of sand with a high rock and gravel content. The rocks with a dimension greater than six inches were removed by hand for the trench backfill 1 ' 475 Goddard • Suite 200 • Irvine, California 92618 Phone(949) 753-7070 • Fax(949) 753-7071 Phoenix • Irvine • San Diego • Los Angeles • Oakland • Las Vegas A. Salt Lake City • Ontario Associated Engineers January 21, 2003 South Highland and Juniper Avenue, Fontana Project No. 203969001 • zone. The rocks with a dimension greater than three inches were removed by screen for the upper 12 inches of subgrade.. Our field density testing was performed on an as-needed basis as scheduled by your project in- spector, Mr. Ralph Roberts. We performed field observation and density testing to evaluate the compaction of the backfill. The contractor used the native material as the trench backfill zone. The method used for compacting the trench backfill zone was a combination of "jetting" and mechanical compaction. The result of the sand equivalent (SE) test we performed on the native ' material was SE=57. Based on our experience on similar projects, our observations of the native material and the results of the SE test, we believe the native material is suitable for jetting. The material was consolidated by"jetting"with a 2 inch diameter 6 feet long steel pipe. Initially, the "jetting" was performed by inserting the jetting pipe at approximately every 6 linear feet. We performed field density tests at various depths and at the surface. These density tests indicated that the backfill did not meet the 90 percent compaction specification. During the following day, the contractor used more water and increased the frequency of"jetting" by inserting the pipe at approximately every 3 linear feet. The density tests did improve but did not meet the 90 percent ' compaction specification. The contractor continued to make adjustments to the backfill consoli- dation and compaction operation until passing density tests were achieved. Ultimately, the process that successfully achieved 90 percent compaction was thoroughly "jetting" a 5 to 6 feet thick lift and applying compaction efforts at the top of each lift with a vibratory "sheeps foot" ' type roller. The trench backfill zone on Walnut Avenue between approximate stations 0+00 and 5+00 was removed and recompacted. The top 3 feet of backfill was removed and the remaining backfill was thoroughly jetted then compacted with a vibratory roller. Two retests taken in this area re- sulted in 90 percent minimum relative compaction. This area was approved based on the two 1 retests and visual observation of the rework. 1 3969-It 2 Associated Engineers January 21, 2003 South Highland and Juniper Avenue,Fontana Project No. 203969001 FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTING During backfill placement, our representative was on site on an on-call basis to document the - I backfill operations and to perform field density testing of the compacted fill. In-place moisture and density tests of the compacted materials were tested in general accordance with American ' Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 2922-91/D 3017-88 (Nuclear Gauge method). The laboratory maximum dry density test results are presented in Table 1. The results of our field density testing are summarized in Tables 2 through 6. The field density test results were used to evaluate the relative compaction of the fill materials. The areas that were found through testing to be less than the required relative compaction were retested after removal and recompaction. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of our observation and testing, it is our opinion that the material used during construction of the South Highland and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvements are in gen- Ieral accordance with project plans and specifications. Our observations and testing indicate that the material placed during backfill operations between July 17, 2002 and September 16, 2002, were compacted in general accordance with the project specifications and evaluated utilizing test methods ASTM D 2922-91,D 3017-83, D 1556-90, and D 1557-00. I LIMITATIONS The field and laboratory testing presented in this report have been conducted in general accor- I dance with current practice and the standard of care exercised by geotechnical consultants performing similar tasks in this area. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the Iopinions expressed in this report. It is important to note that the precision of field density tests and the maximum dry density tests is not exact and variations should be expected. I I I I3969-Ir 3 Associated Engineers January 21, 2003 South Highland and Juniper Avenue, Fontana Project No. 203969001 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have any questions regarding this report,please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Sincerely, NINYO &MOORE et,k0°151- A. "Tino"Rodriguez Jalal Vakili,Ph.D., P.E. Inspection Services Supervisor Principal Engineer --- ' ��Q�tOFEgS/q4 AR/JV/ldw �ti 1 I/ I Attachments: Table 1 —Maximum Density Test Results 04535U Tables 2 and 3 —Summary of Field Density Tests No. 4. Exp. 6-3o_0, . I Distribution: (2) Addressee sl�TF CIVIC 4�,:. OF I I I I I I 3969-Ir 4 It 1 • I MAXIMUM DENSITY TEST RESULTS I MAXIMUM OPTIMUM I LOCATION DESCRIPTION DENSITY(pcf) MOISTURE (percent) Ii Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 135.0 7 5 1A* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 139.0 7.5 1 B* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 142.5 7.5 I 1C* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 142.0 7.5 1 D* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 139.5 7.5 1 E* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 140.0 7.5 1F* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 141.0 7.5 I 1G* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 143.0 7.5 1 H* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 140.5 7.5 11* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 141.5 7.5 I 1J* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 138.5 7.5 1K* Brown SILTY SAND with gravel 138.0 7.5 2 Asphalt Concrete 146.5** 7.5 3 Asphalt Concrete 143.1** 7.5 I4 Asphalt Concrete • 147.5** 7.5 IPERFORMED IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 1557-00 *=Maximum density varies due to rock content. I **=Maximum wet density. I MAXIMUM DENSITY TEST RESULTS ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS /ilt O ez 400ore SOUTH HIGHLAND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Nom FONTANA, CALIFORNIA ( PROJECT NO. DATE. FIGURE I ` 1 203969001 1/2003 TABLE 1 IMAXTABLE NM MINI MINI IIIIIII MIN MINI MINI IIIIII 1•111 Ell Ell N MIN 111.111 IIIIII MINI Mill 1111111 MINI TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS AP'1W17sQ®r PAGE i FOR PROJECT NO. 203969001 SEWER MAIN Moisture Dry Relative Soil Test No. Date Test Test Location Approx Content Density Compaction No. Remarks of Elev. Field Opt. Field Max. Tested Spec. Data (%) (%) (pcf) (pcf) (%) (%) Here 1 7/17/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 0+85 1460.0 4.2 7.5 122.9 139.0 88 90 1A Retest on 70 2 7/17/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 1+35 1460.0 4.9 7.5 125.3 142.5 88 90 1B Retest on 70 3 7/17/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 1+85 1460.0 5.7 7.5 125.1 142.0 88 90 1C Retest on 70 '4 7/17/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 2+35 1460.5 5.8 7.5 122.5 139.5 88 90 1D Retest on 70 5 7/17/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 0+85 1458.0 4.6 7.5 126.8 142.5 89 90 1B Retest on 69 6 7/17/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 1+35 1458.0 5.7 7.5 123.6 142.0 87 90 1C Retest on 69 7 7/17/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 1+85 1458.0 7.8 7.5 126.5 140.0 90 90 1E 8 7/17/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 2+35 1458.5 7.4 7.5 127.3 141.0 90 90 1 F 9 7/18/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 2+90 1460.0 5.2 7.5 124.1 143.0 87 90 1 G Retest on 70 10 7/18/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 3+90 1460.0 6.7 7.5 124.5 140.5 89 90 1H Retest on 70 11 7/18/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 3+75 1460.0 6.8 7.5 124.8 139.0 90 90 1A 12 7/18/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 3+25 1458.0 4.7 7.5 125.0 139.5 90 90 1D 13 7/18/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 2+90 1458.0 4.7 7.5 114.9 139.5 82 90 1D Retest on 70 14 7/19/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 5+00 1460.0 7.3 7.5 123.9 142.0 87 90 1C 15 7/19/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 5+50 1460.0 7.9 7.5 122.3 142.0 86 90 1C Retest on 71 16 7/19/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 6+00 1458.0 6.5 7.5 104.0 140.0 74 90 1E Retest on 17 + 17 7/19/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 6+10 1458.0 7.7 7.5 113.5 140.5 81 90 1H Retest on 72,Retest of 16 18 7/19/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 5+50 1458.0 8.5 7.5 127.9 140.5 91 90 1H 19 7/19/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 6+25 1458.0 1.1 7.5 124.7 141.0 88 90 1 F Retest on 72 20 7/22/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 7+50 1461.0 5.5 7.5 128.7 139.0 93 90 1A 21 7/22/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 8+60 1461.0 5.2 7.5 126.5 141.0 90 90 1F 22 7/22/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 9+75 1452.0 6.4 7.5 126.4 140.0 90 90 1E 23 7/22/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 7+50 1459.0 5.1 7.5 124.5 139.0 90 90 1A 24 7/22/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 8+60 1460.0 5.4 7.5 127.0 140.5 90 90 1H 25 7/22/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 9+75 1460.0 7.4 7.5 126.0 139.5 90 90 1D 26 7/23/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 10+25 1463.0 7.1 7.5 129.8 141.0 92 90 1 F 27 7/23/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 10+25 1461.0 7.5 7.5 124.5 139.0 90 90 1A 28 7/23/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 11+25 1463.0 6.7 7.5 124.6 139.0 90 90 1A 29 7/23/2002 SM 10"Sewer Main on Walnut,Station 11+25 1461.0 6.1 7.5 125.6 140.0 90 90 1E 30 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 0+35 1464.0 6.6 7.5 127.6 139.0 92 90 1A 31 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 0+35 1462.0 6.6 7.5 125.8 139.0 91 90 1A 32 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 1+85 1466.0 6.8 7.5 130.5 141.5 92 90 11 33 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 1+85 1464.0 6.0 7.5 125.3 139.0 90 90 1A 34 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 2+85 1468.0 7.1 7.5 133.2 138.5 96 90 1J 35 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 2+85 1466.0 10.1 7.5 127.1 140.5 90 90 1H 36 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 3+85 1471.0 8.0 7.5 131.0 139.0 94 90 1A 37 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 3+85 1469.0 9.2 7.5 126.9 139.0 91 90 1A 38 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 4+00 1468.0 9.4 7.5 124.6 139.0 90 90 1A 39 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 4+55 1472.0 8.8 7.5 124.9 138.5 90 90 1J 40 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 4+55 1470.0 8.5 7.5 124.9 138.5 90 90 1J 3969-11d IIIIIII M M M OM M M M - M M 1 M M - - M - i (Mg TABLE 2 SUMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS ®� elm®�� SUMMARY 2 FOR PROJECT NO. 203969001 SEWER MAIN Moisture Dry Relative Soil Test No. Date Test Test Location Approx Content Density Compaction No. Remarks of Elev. Field Opt. Field Max. Tested Spec. Data (%) (%) (pcf) (pcf) (%) (%) Here 41 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 5+75 1474.0 6.5 7.5 134.0 140.0 96 90 1E _ 42 7/24/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 5+75 1472.0 8.8 7.5 126.6 139.5 91 90 1D 43 7/29/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 6+75 1476.0 7.8 7.5 125.2 139.5 90 90 1D 44 7/29/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 6+75 1474.0 7.9 7.5 128.0 138.5 92 90 1J 45 7/29/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 7+75 1479.0 7.4 7.5 122.7 139.0 88 90 1A Retest on 48 46 7/29/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 7+75 1477.0 7.5 7.5 125.0 139.0 90 90 1A 47 7/29/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 8+75 1480.0 6.6 7.5 131.8 139.0 95 90 1A 48 7/29/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 7+75 1479.0 6.7 7.5 127.6 139.0 92 90 1A Retest of 45 49 7/30/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 9+25 1482.0 7.5 7.5 126.9 140.0 91 90 1E 50 7/30/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 9+25 1480.0 7.2 7.5 129.6 140.0 93 90 1E 51 7/31/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 10+25 1484.0 3.8 7.5 131.0 140.0 94 90 1E 52 7/31/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 10+25 1482.0 8.4 7.5 128.8 140.5 92 90 1H 53 7/31/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 11+25 1486.0 4.4 7.5 125.3 139.5 90 90 1D 54 7/31/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 11+25 1484.0 6.4 7.5 125.3 139.0 90 90 1A 55 7/31/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 12+25 1488.0 8.2 7.5 126.3 139.5 91 90 1D 56 7/31/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 12+25 1486.0 8.1 7.5 131.0 140.0 94 90 1E + 57 7/31/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 12+75 1489.0 6.7 7.5 131.1 140.5 93 90 1H 58 7/31/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 12+95 1487.0 5.3 7.5 129.1 139.0 93 90 1A 59 8/2/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 13+25 1490.0 4.5 7.5 125.9 139.0 91 90 1A 60 8/2/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 13+25 1488.0 6.3 7.5 133.0 139.5 95 90 1D 61 8/2/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 14+25 1493.0 6.0 7.5 124.9 139.5 90 90 1D 62 8/2/2002P SM Juniper Avenue Station 14+25 1491.0 6.3 7.5 134.7 141.0 96 90 1 F 63 8/2/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 14+25 1489.0 7.7 7.5 126.7 139.0 91 90 1A 64 8/5/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 15+25 1493.0 6.7 7.5 133.9 139.5 96 90 1D 65 Number Not Used 66 Number Not Used 67 8/6/2002 SM Juniper Avenue,Station 16+25 1493.0 4.3 7.5 128.3 139.5 92 90 1D 68 Number Not Used 69 8/6/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 0+90 1458.0 6.3 7.5 127.7 140.0 91 90 1E 70 8/6/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 1+90 1460.0 4.6 7.5 129.1 140.0 '92 90 1E 71 8/7/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 6+50 1460.0 7.1 7.5 134.5 138.0 97 90 1K 72 8/7/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 8+00 1458.0 8.3 7.5 132.9 141.0 94 90 1F 73 8/13/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 1+00 1461.0 6.1 7.5 135.3 135.0 100 95 1 74 8/13/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 2+00 1462.0 7.9 7.5 129.1 135.0 96 95 1 75 8/13/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 3+00 1462.0 7.6 7.5 134.2 135.0 99 95 1 76 8/13/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 4+00 1463.0 7.6 7.5 131.7 135.0 98 95 1 77 8/13/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 5+00 1463.0 6.5 7.5 128.7 135.0 95 95 1 78 8/13/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 6+00 1463.0 6.6 7.5 130.1 135.0 96 95 1 79 8/13/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 7+00 1464.0 7.8 7.5 129.8 135.0 96 95 1 80 8/13/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 8+00 1464.0 6.1 7.5 133.7 135.0 99 95 1 3969-1fd 1 - - MS E NM 1 UN - - 1 NM E N M - - I i TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Al/lw,, o®� PAGE 3 FOR PROJECT NO. 203969001 SEWER MAIN Moisture Dry Relative Soil Test No. Date Test Test Location Approx Content Density Compaction No. Remarks of Elev. Field Opt. Field Max. Tested Spec. Data (%) (%) (pcf) (pcf) (%) (%) Here 81 8/14/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 9+00 1464.0 6.2 7.5 128.7 135.0 95 95 1 82 8/14/2002 SM Walnut Street,Station 10+00 1464.0 6.4 7.5 128.3 135.0 95 95 1 83 8/19/2002 SM Sewer main along south Highland,Station 0+62 1497.0 8.0 7.5 130.1 141.5 92 90 11 '84 8/19/2002 SM Sewer main along south Highland,Station 0+62 1495.0 7.5 7.5 126.1 140.0 90 90 1E 85 8/19/2002 SM Sewer main along south Highland,Station 1+62 1502.0 4.5 7.5 131.5 142.0 93 90 1C 86 8/19/2001 SM Sewer main along south Highland,Station 1+62 1500.0 8.4 7.5 127.7 140.0 91 90 1E 87 8/22/2002 SM Sewer mainline along south Highland,Station 3+22 1504.0 9.5 7.5 128.9 138.5 93 90 1J 88 8/22/2002 SM Sewer mainline along south Highland,Station 3+22 1502.0 9.2 7.5 125.5 139.0 90 90 1A 89 8/22/2002 SM Sewer mainline along south Highland,Station 4+22 1505.0 5.1 7.5 127.9 139.0 92 90 1A 90 8/28/2002 SM Manholes along Juniper 1462.0 4.1 7.5 133.2 135.0 99 90 1 91 8/28/2002 SM Manholes along Juniper 1470.0 5.8 7.5 124.2 135.0 92 90 1 92 8/28/2002 SM Manholes along Juniper 1477.0 4.6 7.5 129.2 135.0 96 90 1 93 8/28/2002 SM Manholes along Juniper 1477.0 3.8 7.5 126.7 135.0 94 90 1 94 8/29/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 1+00 1467.0 3.7 7.5 128.0 135.0 95 95 1 95 8/29/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 2+00 1469.0 6.0 7.5 130.8 135.0 97 95 1 96 8/29/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 3+00 1471.0 6.0 7.5 130.4 135.0 97 95 1 97 8/29/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 4+00 1473.0 5.6 7.5 130.1 135.0 96 95 1 98 8/29/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 5+00 1475.0 6.2 7.5 130.6 135.0 97 95 1 99 8/29/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 6+00 1477.0 5.9 7.5 128.2 135.0 95 95 1 100 8/31/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 8+00 1481.0 6.4 7.5 127.7 135.0 95 95 1 101 8/31/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 10+00 1486.0 6.1 7.5 127.9 135.0 95 95 1 102 8/31/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 12+00 1491.0 6.3 7.5 128.2 135.0 95 95 1 103 8/31/2002 SM Subgrade along Juniper,Station 14+50 1497.5 7.2 7.5 130.5 135.0 97 95 1 104 9/4/2002 SM Main line along south Highland Avenue,Station 5+22 1505.0 4.2 7.5 125.8 139.5 90 90 1D 105 9/4/2002 SM Main line along south Highland Avenue,Station 5+22 1503.0 7.5 123.8 138.0 90 90 1K 106 9/5/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highaland,Station 7+00 1505.0 5.3 7.5 133.6 138.0 97 90 1K 107 9/6/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highaland,Station 8+00 1504.0 8.1 7.5 131.0 139.5 94 90 1D 108 9/6/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highaland,Station 8+22 1506.0 7.0 7.5 125.5 140.0 90 90 1E 109 9/9/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highaland,Station 9+22 1504.0 6.7 7.5 130.3 140.0 93 90 1E 110 9/9/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highaland,Station 9+22 1506.0 5.0 7.5 130.8 139.0 94 90 1A 111 9/9/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highaland,Station 10+22 1503.0 3.5 7.5 126.0 139.0 91 90 1A 112 9/9/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highaland,Station 10+22 1505.0 7.0 7.5 130.7 140.0 93 90 1E 113 9/11/2002 SM Juniper north of Highland,Station 18+20 1503.0 4.7 7.5 127.8 140.0 91 90 1E 114 9/11/2002 SM Juniper north of Highland,Station 18+20 1501.0 5.8 7.5 128.0 139.0 92 90 1A 115 9/13/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highland,Station 13+50 1504.0 4.9 7.5 138.3 141.0 98 90 1F 116 9/13/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highland,Station 13+50 1502.0 7.4 7.5 132.0 140.5 94 90 1 H 117 9/13/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highland,Station 14+50 1505.0 4.1 7.5 139.6 141.0 99 90 1F 118 9/13/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highland,Station 14+50 1503.0 5.2 7.5 131.8 141.0 93 90 1F 119 9/13/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highland,Station 15+50 1506.0 4.9 7.5 131.2 141.0 93 90 1F 120 9/13/2002 SM Sewer main line along south Highland,Station 15+50 1504.0 6.0 7.5 132.7 141.0 94 90 1F 3969-1fd - MI N EN NB U - - - N 11111 ! I NE MN MN r - - MN T SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Niqi7 ours: PAGEABLE 2 4 FOR PROJECT NO. 203969001 SEWER MAIN Moisture Dry Relative Soil Test No. Date Test Test Location Approx Content Density Compaction No. Remarks of Elev. Field Opt. Field Max. Tested Spec. Data (%) (%) (pcf) (pcf) (%) (%) Here 121 9/16/2002 SM Sierra Avenue,Station 1+67 1502.0 6.7 7.5 134.5 139.0 97 90 1A 122 9/16/2002 SM Sierra Avenue,Station 1+67 1500.0 6.2 7.5 134.5 139.0 97 90 1A • 3969-1 fd ME M WM M M N I M NM NM ME NISI MN WM M M w r N T3 SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS AP',71JW7AAISIT PAGE 1 FOR PROJECT NO. 203969001 ASPHALT CONCRETE Moisture Wet Relative Soil Test No. Date Test Test Location Lift Content Density Compaction No. Remarks of Layer Field Opt. Field Max. Tested Spec. Data (%) (%) (pcf) (pcf) (%) (%) Here 1 8/16/2002 AC Asphalt pavement on Walnut over trench 1st - - 138.4 146.5 94 95 2 Approved by Inspector 2 8/16/2002 AC Asphalt pavement on Walnut over trench 1st - - 142.3 146.5 97 95 2 3 8/16/2002 AC Asphalt pavement on Walnut over trench 1st - - 143.2 146.5 98 95 2 -4 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 1+00 1st - -- 143.3 146.5 98 95 2 5 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 2+00 1st - -- 142.4 146.5 97 95 2 6 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 3+00 1st - - 143.1 146.5 98 95 2 7 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 4+00 1st - - 145.3 146.5 99 95 2 8 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 5+00 1st - -- 140.1 146.5 96 95 2 9 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 6+00 1st - -- 139.1 146.5 95 95 2 10 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 7+00 1st - - 142.6 146.5 97 95 2 11 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 8+00 1st, - - 144.6 146.5 99 95 2 12 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 9+00 1st. -- - 141.5 146.5 97 95 2 13 8/15/2002 AC Trench along walnut,Station 10+00 1st - - 145.2 146.5 99 95 2 14 8/31/2002 AC Asphalt over trench along Juniper,Station 1+00 1st -- -- 134.8 146.5 92 95 2 Approved by Inspector 15 8/31/2002 AC Asphalt over trench along Juniper,Station 2+00 2nd -- - 132.3 146.5 90 95 2 Approved by Inspector 16 8/31/2002 AC Asphalt over trench along Juniper,Station 3+00 2nd - - 135.0 146.5 92 95 2 Approved by Inspector 17 8/31/2002 AC Asphalt over trench along Juniper,Station 4+00 2nd - -- 137.3 146.5 94 95 2 Approved by Inspector 18 8/31/2002 AC Asphalt over trench along Juniper,Station 5+00 2nd - 134.2 146.5 92 95 2 Approved by Inspector 19 8/31/2002 AC Asphalt over trench along Juniper,Station 6+00 2nd - - 135.5 146.5 92 95 2 Approved by Inspector 20 9/3/2002 AC Asphalt along Juniper,Station 7+00 CAP - -- 132.3 147.5 90 95 4 Approved by Inspector 21 9/3/2002 AC Asphalt along Juniper,Station 8+00 CAP -- - 139.9 147.5 95 95 4 Approved by Inspector 22 9/3/2002 AC Asphalt along Juniper,Station 9+00 CAP - - 135.0 147.5 92 95 4 Approved by Inspector 23 9/3/2002 AC Asphalt along Juniper,Station 10+00 CAP - -- 134.7 147.5 91 95 4 Approved by Inspector 24 9/3/2002 AC Asphalt along Juniper,Station 11+00 CAP -- - 134.1 147.5 91 95 4 Approved by Inspector 25 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 8+50 CAP - -- 132.4 143.1 93 95 3 Approved by Inspector 26 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 9+50 CAP - 133.1 143.1 93 95 3 Approved by Inspector 27 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 10+50 CAP - - 132.4 143.1 93 95 3 Approved by Inspector 28 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 11+50 CAP - - 136.0 143.1 95 95 3 29 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 12+50 CAP - -- 135.5 143.1 95 95 3 30 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 13+50 CAP - - 135.7 143.1 95 95 3 31 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 14+50 CAP -- - 136.8 143.1 96 95 3 32 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 15+50 CAP - - 138.0 143.1 96 95 - 3 33 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 16+50 CAP - - 135.6 143.1 95 95 3 . 34 9/4/2002 AC Asphalt capping along Juniper,Station 17+50 CAP. - - 139.5 143.1 97 95 3 3969-1fd