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South Highland Sewer - Draft Initial Study And Negative Decl
r 1 DRAFT INITIAL STUDY and NEGATIVE DECLARATION for the proposed • SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE and JUNIPER AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Prepared for: The City of Fontana 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Prepared by: David Evans and Associates, Inc. 800 North Haven. Avenue, Suite 300 Ontario, CA 91764 March 21, 2002 16 Clear Day Page 1 of 1 Harvilla, George From: Carla Pursel [cpursel@fontana.org] Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 12:28 To: Harvilla, George Subject: FYI Just thought you'd like to know that I have received the Return Receipt from the County Clerk's office. Our proof that the environmental documentation has been received by them. Haste! cp Carla S. Pursel Administrative Project Coordinator CITY OF FONTANA Redevelopment & Special Projects 909.350.6792 3/27/2002 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 17, 2002 Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Bernardino 385 North Arrowhead Avenue 2nd Floor San Bernardino, California, 92416-0130 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed herewith is the Negative Declaration, Notice of Determination and De Minimis Impact Findings (filing fee) for the South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer Improvement Project. The action approving the project was held by City Council on April 16, 2002. Should you have any questions on the attached, please do not hesitate to contact me at 909-350-6792. Respectfully, REDEVELOPMENT/SPECIAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT Carla S. Pu el Administrat a Project Coordinator Redevelopment/Special Projects www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 recycled paper NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1. Name, if any, and a brief description of project: South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer Improvements. This project will provide approximately 5,105 linear feet of sewer improvement. The project will include construction of 15 manholes. 2. Location: Walnut Street from Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue; along Juniper Avenue from Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue; along South Highland Avenue from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue; along Sierra Avenue from South Highland Avenue for approximately 100 feet. 3. Entity or person undertaking project: XX A. City of Fontana, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California, 92335 B. Other (Private) (1) Name: (2) Address: The City Council, having reviewed the Initial Study of this proposed project and having reviewed the written comments received prior to the public meeting of the City Council, including the recommendation of the City's Staff, does hereby find and declare that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. A brief statement of the reasons supporting the City Council's findings are as follows: Access will be maintained along Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue during construction and the roadways would be restored to their original conditions after construction of the sewer line and manholes. The City Council hereby finds that the Negative Declaration reflects its independent judgment. A copy of the Initial Study may be obtained at: City of Fontana, Redevelopment/Special Projects Department, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California, 92335 Phone No.: 909-350-6792 The location and custodian of the documents and any other material which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the City based its decision to adopt this Negative Declaration are as follows: City of ' o tana, City Clerk's Office , 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 Phon No. 909-350-7602 kaymond Brag t edevelopment/Special Projtbirector Date Received for Filing CITY/RVPUB/2000/545•104 FORM "E" NOTICE OF DETERMINATION TO: XX Clerk of the Board of Supervisors FROM: City of Fontana or Redevelopment/Special Proj Dept 8353 Sierra Avenue County Clerk Fontana, California, 92335 County of: San Bernardino Office of Planning and Research (If the project requires state approval) 1400 Tenth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determination in Compliance with Section 21152 of the Public, Resources Code. Proiect Title: South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer Improvements. State Clearinghouse Number Contact Person Telephone Number (If submitted to Clearinghouse) N/A Project Location (Include County): The project location begins at Walnut Street from Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue; along Juniper Avenue from Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue; along South Highland Avenue from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue; along Sierra Avenue from South Highland Avenue for approximately 100 feet. Project Description: This project will provide approximately 5,105 linear feet of sewer improvement. The project will include construction of 15 manholes. This is to certify that the City of Fontana, Redevelopment/Special Projects Department (Lead Agency or Responsible Agency) approved the above described project on 04/16/02 and made the following determinations: 1. The project will XX will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared and certified for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA and reflects the independent judgment of the Lead Agency. A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA and reflects the independent judgment of the Lead Agency. A Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA and reflects the independent judgment of the Lead Agency. 3. Mitigation measures were XX were not made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A Statement of Overriding Considerations was was not adopted for this project. 5. Findings XX were _ were not made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 6. The location and custodian of the documents which comprise the record of proceedings for the Final EIR (with comments and responses) or Negative Declaration are specified as follows: Custodian: City of Fontana, Redevelopment/ ial Projects Department Location: 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, Californi., 923.5 April 17, 2002 Date Date Received for Filing Sig ature Raymond Bragg Redevelopment/Special Projects Director Title CITY/R V PUB/2000/545110 FORM "F" CERTIFICATE OF FEE EXEMPTION De Minimis Impact Finding Project Title/Location (include county): South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer Improvements. The project location begins at Walnut Street from Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue; along Juniper Avenue from Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue; along South Highland Avenue from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue; along Sierra Avenue from South Highland Avenue for approximately 100 feet Name and Address of Project Applicant: City of Fontana, Redevelopment/Special Projects Department; 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA, 92335 Project Description: This project will provide approximately 5,105 linear feet of sewer improvement. The project will include construction of 15 manholes. Findings of Exemption: 1. An Initial Study has been prepared by the Lead Agency to evaluate the project's effects on wildlife resources, if any. 2. The Lead Agency hereby finds that there is no evidence before the City that the project will have any potential for adverse effect on the environment. 3 The project *will XX will not result in any changes to the following resources: (A) Riparian land, rivers, streams, watercourses and wetlands; (B) Native and non-native plant life and the soil required to sustain habitat for fish and wildlife; (C) Rare and unique plant life and ecological communities dependant on plant life; (D) Liked threatened and endangered plants and animals and the habitat in which they are believed to reside; (E) All species listed as protected or identified for special management in the Fish and Game Code, the Public Resources Code, the Water Code or regulations adopted thereunder; (F) All marine and terrestrial species subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Fish and Game and the ecological communities in which they reside; and (G) All air and water resources, the degradation of which will individually or cumulatively result in a loss of biological diversity among the plants and animals residing in that air and water. * If the project will result in changes to any of these resources, the City has, on the basis of substantial evidence, "rebutted" the presumption of adverse effect to these resources. A statement in support of this rebuttal is attached. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the Lead Agency has made the above finding(s) of fact and based upon the Init : udy and the hearing record the project will not individually or cumulatively have an adve . - - ct on wildli resources, as defined in Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. nd Brag Title: Redevelopment/Special Projects Director Lead Agency: City of Fontana, Redevelopment/Special Projects Department Date: April 17, 2002 CITY/RVPUB/2000/546254 FORM "L" CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3598 PAYTIESUM OF • s ?*****35.00DOLLARS , • 009699 70 :.:-66/1220 AMOUNT 11.11. 2 200066 LI: 0 2111-1 211.130 2490 City of Fontana, 8353 Sierra Ave., Fontana, CA 92335 MggPMg455PMMENNE1 61111-7301- 096997 ********35.00 CHECK DATE 04/08/02 096997 CHECK NO. 96997 RQST 032902 35.00 FISH & GAME ADMIN FEE 020090 SAN BERNARDINO, COUNTY OF ********35.00 A8 - FONTANA HERALD NEWS Thursday, March 21, 2002 Public Notice Advertising Protects Your Right To Know ITV OF FONTANA P115110 NOTICES Protects YOulr Right ToAdvertising Know Public Not -of the City of Fontana, 8353 Fontana, California. map showing the proposed Sierra Avenue, Fontana, C. At the hearing, the testi- Community Facilities District California 92335. mony of all interested per- on file with the City Clerk of AYES: Mayor Eshleman, sons, including all persons the City (the "City Clerk"), Council Members Gonzales, owning property in the area which boundaries are Nuaimi, Roberts, Rutherford of the Community Facilities hereby preliminary approved NOES: None District, for and against the and to which map reference ABSENT: None proposed Community Facili- is hereby made for further CITY COUNCIL OF THE ties District debt issuance particulars. The City Clerk is • CITY OF FONTANA will be heard. hereby directed to record, or David R. Eshleman, Mayor Dated: March 15, 2002 cause to' be recorded, said Beatrice Watson /s/ Beatrice Watson map of the boundaries of the City Clerk City Clerk of the City of Community Facilities District Publish: March 21, 2002 Fontana in the office of the San Ber- P.O.# 02-0B003 Publish: March 21, 2002 nardino County Recorder NOTICE OF PUBLIC ' P.O.# 02-0B003 within fifteen days of the date HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC of adoption of this Resolu- REGARDING BONDED HEARING tion. INDEBTEDNESS FOR REGARDING ESTAB- Section 2. The name pro- COMMUNITY FACILITIES LISHMENT OF COMMU- posed for the Community DISTRICT NITY FACILITIES Facilities District is "City of CITY OF FONTANA DISTRICT Fontana Community Facili- COMMUNITY FACILITIES CITY OF FONTANA ties District No. 17 (Sierra DISTRICT NO. 17 COMMUNITY FACILITIES Corridor South)". (SIERRA CORRIDOR DISTRICT NO. 17 Section 3. It is proposed SOUTH) (SIERRA CORRIDOR that, pursuant to the Act, the Notice is hereby given that SOUTH) Community Facilities District on February 19, 2002, the Notice is hereby given that (a) pay, repayordefeasethe City Council of the City of on February 19, 2002, the Prior Special Tax Boinds, Fontana (the "City") adopted City Council of the City of which constitute indebted - a Resolution entitled "A Fontana(the"City")adopted ness secured by a special Resolution ot the City Coun- a Resolution entitled "A tax levied within the area of cil of the City of Fontana to Resolution of the City Coun- the Community Facilities Incur Bonded Indebtedness ,cil of the City of Fontana of District, and (b) finance fa - of the Proposed City of Intention to Establish a cilities consisting of street Fontana Community Facili- Community Facilities District improvements, including ties District No. 17 (Sierra . and to Authorize the Levy of grading, paving, curbs and Corridor South)" and Re- Special Taxes and Rescind- gutters, sidewalks, street scinding Resolution No. ing Resolution No. 2002-03" signalization and signage, 2002-4 (the "Resolution"). (the "Resolution"). Pursuant street lights and parkway Pursuant to Section 53346 to Section 53322 of the and landscaping related of the Mello -Roos Commu- Mello -Roos Community Fa- thereto, sewers, storm nity Facilities Act of.1982, the cilities Act of 1982, the City drains, water distribution fa - City Council of the City Council of the City hereby cilities, the construction or hereby gives notice as fol- gives notice as follows: undergrounding of natural lows: A. The text of the Resolu- gas pipeline facilities, tele- A. The text of the Resolu- tion is as follows: phone lines, facilities for the tion is as follows: WHEREAS, the City Coun- transmission or distribution WHEREAS, the City Coun- cil (the "City Council") of the of electrical energy and cil (the "City Council") of the City of Fontana (the "City") cable television lines, and City of Fontana (the "City") previously established City land, rights -of -way and has this date adopted its of Fontana Community Fa- easements necessary for Resolution entitled "A Reso- cilities District No. 90-3 (Em- any of such facilities (the lution of the City Council of pire Center) the (the "Prior "Facilities"). It is proposed the City of Fontana of Inten- Community Facilities Dis- that all of the Facilities be tion to Establish a Commu- trict") Under the Mello -Roos purchased as completed fa- nity Facilities District and to Community Facilities Act of cilities. The incidental ex - Authorize the Levy of Spe- 1982 (the "Act");' penses proposed to be in- cial Taxes and Rescinding WHEREAS, pursuant to a curred include (a) the cost of Resolution No. 2002-03", Bond Indenture, dated as of planning and designing pub- thtrng its 'intention to form March 5, 1991, established tic facilities to be financed; t Oity'o'f-Fontana'Comrnu• by'the 'City'on behalf'of the i"nblading'fhe'trAtbfenVirort' pity Facilities District No. 17 Prior Community Facilities mental evaluations of those (Biefra Corrider'South) (the District, there were issued facilities, (b) the costs asso- "Community Facilities Dis- $46,240,000 original aggre- ciated with the creation of trict") pursuant (0 the Mello- gate principal amount of City the Community Facilities Roos Community Facilities of Fontana Community Fa- District, issuance of bonds, Act ot'f9B2'(the-Act") forthe cilities-District No. 90-3 (Em- determination of the amount purpose of financing, pursu- pire Center) Special Tax of taxes, collection of taxes, ant to the Act (a) the pay- Bonds, Series A (the "Prior payment of taxes, or costs ment, repayment or Special Tax Bonds"), which otherwise incurred in order defeasance of certain in- are payable from special to carry out the authorized debtedness secured by a taxes levied on property in purposes of the Community special tax levied within the the Prior Community Facili- Facilities District, and (c) any area of the Community Fa- ties District; other expenses incidental to cilities District, namely, the WHEREAS, development the construction, completion, City of Fontana Community within the Prior Community and inspection of the autho- Facilities District No. 90-3 Facilities District has not oc- rized work. (Empire Center) Special Tax curred as originally antici- Section 4. Except where Bonds, Series A (the "Prior pated, and the majority of the funds are otherwise avail - Special Tax Bonds"), and (b) property in the Prior Com- able, a special tax sufficient certain public facilities (the munity Facilities District re- to pay for the financing of (a) "Facilities"), as further pro- mains undeveloped; the payment, repayment or vided in said Resolution; and WHEREAS, since fiscal defeasance of the Prior Spe- WHEREAS, in order to fi- year 1994-95, the special cial Tax Bonds, and (b) the nance (a) the payment, re- taxes on certain of the par- Facilities, secured by recor- payment or defeasance of cels within the Prior Commu- dation of a continuing lien the Prior Special Tax Bonds, nity Facilities District (the against all nonexempt real and (b) the Facilities, it is "Foreclosed Parcels") have property in the Community necessary to incur bonded been delinquent and, as a Facilities District, will be an - indebtedness in the amount result, payment defaults on nually levied within the Com- of up to $40,000,000; the Prior Special Tax Bonds munity Facilities District. The NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT have occurred; rate and method of appor- RESOLVED by the City WHEREAS, on September tionment of the special tax Council of the City of 5, 1995, the City instituted (the "Rate and Method"), in Fontana as follows: foreclosure proceedings sufficient detail to allow each Section 1. The City Coun- against the Foreclosed Par- landowner within the pro- cil hereby declares that in cels and, subsequent to that posed Community Facilities order to finance (a) the pay- time, several foreclosure District to estimate the maxi- ment, repayment or sales of the Foreclosed Par- mum amount that he or she defeasance of the Prior Spe- cels were conducted in ac- will have to pay, is described cial Tax Bonds, and (b) the cordance with the Act; in ExhibitAattached hereto, Facilities, it is necessary to WHEREAS, no cash bids which is by this reference incur bonded indebtedness. were received at any of such incorporated herein. The Section 2. The purpose for foreclosure sales; conditions under which the which the proposed debt is WHEREAS, on March 9; obligation to pay the special to be incurred is to provide 2001, the City, pursuant to a tax may be prepaid and per - the funds necessary to fi- credit bid made in accor- manently satisfied are speci- , nance (a) the payment, re- dance with the Act, pur- fled in the Rate and Method. payment or defeasance of chased the Foreclosed Par- The special tax will be col- thePriorSpecialTaxBonds, cels at a foreclosure sale pcted in the same manner and (b) the Facilities, includ- thereof; as ordinary ad valorem prop- ing all costs incidental to, or WHEREAS, the City has erty taxes orin such other connected with, the accom- developed a workout plan, manner as the City Council plishment of said purpose the goal of which is to facili- shall determine, including and of the financing thereof, tate the economic develop- direct billing of the affected as permitted by Section ment of the Foreclosed Par- property owners. 53345.3 of the Act. cels in order to return the Notwithstanding anything to Section 3. The maximum Foreclosed Parcels to the the contrary contained amount of the proposed debt performing tax roll and herein or in the Rate and is $40,000,000. thereby help resolve the de- Method, under no circum- Section 4. The City Coun- fault on the Prior Special Tax stances shall the special tax cil hereby fixes Tuesday, Bonds; be levied any earlier than the April 2, 2002, at 7:00 p.m., WHEREAS, principal com- fiscal year in'which the Prior or as soon thereafter as the ponents of such workout Community Facilities District City Council may reach the plan include (a) the estab- is dissolved pursuant to Sec matter, at 8353 Sierra Av- lishment of a community fa- tion 53338.5 of the Act. enue, Fontana, California, cilities district (the "Commu- The tax year after which no as the time and place when nity Facilities District") with further special tax will be lev- and where the City Council, boundaries substantially the ied against any parcel used as legislative body for the, same as the boundaries of for private residential pur- Community Facilities Dis- the Prior Facilities District (b) poses is specified in the trict, will conduct a public the issuance of bonds by the Rate and Method. Under no hearing on the proposed Community Facilities District .circumstancesshallthespe- debt issue. and the application of the cial tax levied against any Section 5. The City Clerk proceeds thereof to the pay- parcel used for private resi- of the City is hereby directed ment, repayment or dential purposes be in- to publish, or cause to be defeasance 6f the Prior Spe- creased as a consequence published, a notice of said cial Tax Bonds, and (c) upon of delinquency or default by public.hearing one time in a such payment, repayment or the owner of any other par- newspaper of general circu- defeasance, the dissolution cel or parcels within the lation, published in the area of the Prior Community Fa- Community Facilities District of the Community Facilities cilities District; by more than 10%. For pur- District. The publication of WHEREAS, in order to pro- poses of this paragraph, a said notice shall be com- ceed with the implementa- parcel shall be considered protests are not withdrawn pleted at least seven days tion of such workout plan, "used for private residential so as to reduce the value of prior to the date herein set the City Council desires to purposes" not later than the the protests to less than a for said public hearing. Said institute proceedings to es- date on which an occupancy majority, no further proceed - notice shall contain the infor- tablish the Community Fa- permit for private residential ings to create the Commu- mation prescribed by Sec- cilities District; use is issued. nity Facilities District Or levy Linn A.'ISAA of tha Art. WHFRFAS_ nrnreadinos for Section 5. Pursuant to Sec- the special tax may be taken CITY OF FONTANA this Resolution and not in- Community Facilities District to those conditions as it may FONTANA, CALIFORNIA consistent with the provi- and is empowered with the impose, and any applicable SUMMARY OF ADOPTED sions hereof. authority to establish the prepayment penalties as ORDINANCE NO. 1372 Section 7. Resolution No. Community Facilities Dis- prescribed in the bond in - NOTICE IS HEREBY 2002-04 entitled "A Resolu- trict; and denture or comparable in - GIVEN that the City Council tion of the City Council of the WHEREAS, in order to facili- strument or document, to of the City of Fontana, at a City of Fontana to Incur tate the development of cer- tender to the Community Regular Meeting scheduled Bonded Indebtedness of the tain of the property in the Facilities District treasurer in on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 Proposed City of Fontana Community Facilities District full payment or part payment in the City Hall Council Community Facilities District other than the Foreclosed of any installment of the spe- Chambers, 8353 Sierra Av- No. 17 (Sierra Corridor Parcels; it has been pro- cial taxes or the interest or enue, approving Ordinance South)" adopted by the City posed that certain facilities penalties thereon which may No. 1372, an Ordinance of Council on January 15, be financed by the Commu- be due or delinquent, but for the City of Fontana, approv- 2002, is hereby rescinded, nity Facilities District; which a bill has been re- ing Specific Plan Amend- repealed and annulled and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ceived, any bond or other ment #01-03 (California shall be of no further force RESOLVED by the City obligation secured thereby, Landings Specific Plan , and effect. Council of the City of the bond or other obligation Amendment #2) to change Section 8. This Resolution Fontana as follows: to be taken at par and credit 1.34 acres of land from resi- shall take effect immediately Section 1. The City Coun- to be given for the accrued dential (10,000 sq. ft.) to upon its adoption. cil proposed to establish a interest shown thereby com- residential (7,200 sq. ft.) B. The time and place of the community facilities district puted to the date of tender. (APN'S 0228-021-14, -15 & hearing on the proposal to under the terms of the Act. Section 6. The City Coun- -17). issue debt of the Community The boundaries of the terri- oil hereby fixes Tuesday, A certified copy of the full text Facilities District are Tues- tory proposed for inclusion in April 2, 2002, at 7:00 p.m., of the ordinance is available day, April 2, 2002, at 7:00 the Community Facilities or as soon thereafter as the in the office of the City Clerk p.m., at 8353 Sierra Avenue, District are described in the City Council may reach the matter, at 8353 Sierra Av- enue, Fontana, California, as the time and place when and where the City Council, as legislative body for the Community Facilities Dis- trict, will conduct a public hearing on the establish- ment of the Community Fa- cilities District. Section 7. The City -Clerk is . hereby directed to publish, or cause to be published, a notice of said pubic hearing one time in a newspaper of general circulation published in the area of the Commu- nity Facilities District. The publication of said notice shall be completed at least seven days prior to the date herein fixed for said hearing. Said notice shall contain the information prescribed by Section 53322 of the Act. The City Clerk is hereby fur- ther directed to give notice of said public hearing by first-class mail to each reg- istered voter and to each landowner within the Pro- posed Community Facilities District. Said notice shall be mailed at least 15 days be- fore said hearing and shall contain the same informa- tion as is required to be con- tained in the notice pub- lished pursuant to Section 53322 of the Act. Section 8. The levy of said proposed special tax shall be subject to the approval of the qualified electors of the Community Facilities District -at a special election. The proposed voting procedure shall be by mailed or hand - delivered ballot among the registered voters of the pro- posed Community Facilities District, with each voter hav- ing one vote. Section 9. The Manage- ment Services Director of the City is hereby directed to study, or cause to be stud- ied, the proposed Commu- nity Facilities District and, at or before said public hear- ing, file with the City Council the report fel:juircd-bit Sec= tion 53321.5 of the Act. Such' report shall be made a part of the record of said public hearing. Section 10. The officers and employees of the City are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions and do all things which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or desirable to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution and not in- consistent with the provi- sions hereof. Section 11. Resolution No. 2002-03 entitled "A Resolu- tion of the City Council of the City of Fontana of Intention to Establish a Community Facilities District and to Au- thorize the Levy of Special Taxes" adopted by the City Council on January 15, 2002, is hereby rescinded, repealed and annulled and shall be of no further force and effect. Section 12. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. B. The exhibit to the Reso- lution which describes the Rate and Method is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City. C. The time and place of the hearing on the establish- ment of the Community Fa- cilities District are Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 7:00 p.m., at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California. D. At the hearing, the testi- mony of all interested per- sons or taxpayers for or against the establishment of the Community Facilities District, the extent of the Community Facilities District or the fumishing of the speci- fied types of public facilities or services will be heard. At the hearing, protests against the establishment of the Community Facilities Dis- trict, the extent of the Com- munity Facilities District or the furnishing of specified types of public facilities or services within the Commu- nity Facilities District may be made orally or in writing by any interested persons or. taxpayers, as provided in Section 53323 of the Act. If 50 percent or more of the registered voters, or six reg- istered voters, whichever is more, residing within the ter- ritory proposed to be in- cluded in the Community Facilities District, or the own- ers of one-half or more of the area of land in the territory proposed to be included in the Community Facilities District and not exempt from the special tax, file written protests against the estab- lishment of the. Community Facilities District, and the vices within the Community Facilities District, or against levying a specified special tax, those types of facilities or services or the specified special tax will be eliminated from the resolution of forma- tion. E. The proposed voting pro- cedure for the Community Facilities. District is by spe- cial mail ballot election among the registered voters in the Community Facilities District, with each having one vote. Dated: March 15, 2002 /s/Beatrice ,Watson City Clerk of the City of Fontana . Publish: March 21, 2002 P.O.# 02-0B003 NOTICE OF HEARING COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, at its regu- lar meeting on TUESDAY, April 2. 2002, AT 10:00 AM will conduct a hearing to con- sider an ordinance and reso- lution for the First Cycle 2002 General Plan Amend- ments to amend the County's Official Land Use Plan as follows: a) General Plan Land Use District Amendment from RS (Single Residential) to IC (Commu- nity Industrial) on 2.1 acres located on the west side of Redwood Avenue, extend- ing between Merrill and Ceres Avenues; Fontana area; this item will also con- sider a Conditional Use Per- mit to expand existing gar- den art business by the ad- dition of a 17,500 square foot building and additional storage and parking on 4.2 acres (GPA/CUP/W145-88/ 00/APN: 0231-102-01, 02, 03) (Applicant: Avila's Gar- den Art (Ralph Avila); b) General Plan Land Use Dis- trict Amendment from RS-1 (Single Residential -one acre minimum parcel size) to RS- 20M (Single Residential- 20,000 square foot minimum parcel size) on.10 acres lo- cated on the east side of East End Avenue, 589 feet north of Philadelphia Street; Chino area; this item will also consider a Tentative Tract 16108 to create 33 single - residential lots and a vari- ance for wall height not to exceed 9 feet in lieu of the maximum 6 feet on 18.74 acres (GPA/TT 16108/W36- 119/01 /APN:1013-291-06') (Applicant: Young Homes of California); c) General Plan Land - Use District Amendment from RS-20M (Single Residential-20,000 square foot maximum parcel size) to RS (Single Residen- tial) on 12.27 acres and CG (General Commercial) on .45 acres located on the southwest Comer'of Mission Bbtile*aYtl"ahb"Veftlo&t A enua;'Mbntclair area; :this item will alsQ'onsider a Ten- tative Tract 16215 to create 49 residential lots, with two variances to allow 9 foot wall height in lieu of 6 foot maxi- mum and to allow 2 foot en- croachment into front yard set back on Maitland Avenue on 12.27 acres (GPA/ TT16215/W53-109N/01/ APN: 1011-341-08) (Appli- cant: Young Homes of Cali- fornia). SAID HEARING will be con- ducted in the Chamber of the Board of Supervisors, County Govemment Center, 385 North Arrowhead Av- enue, First Floor, San Ber- nardino, CA, where all inter- ested persons may be present and be heard. If you challenge any decision regarding the above pro- posal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence de- livered to the Board of -Su- pervisors at, or prior to, the public hearing. Due to time constraints and the number of persons wish- ing to give oral testimony, time restrictions may be placed on oral testimony at the public hearing regarding this proposal. You may wish to make your comments in writing to assure that you are able to express yourself ad- equately. Any questions regarding the hearing should be ad- dressed to the LAND USE SERVICES DEPARTMENT, 385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, San ' Bernardino, CA 92415-0182, (909) 387- 4131. FRED AGUIAR, CHAIR- MAN BOARD OF SUPERVI- SORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO J. RENEE BASTIAN Clerk of the Board of Super- visors Publish: March 21, 2002 GRADES K-12 FEDERAL SCHOOL RENOVATION PROGRAM Notice is hereby given that the Fontana Unified School District is applying for Fed- eral School Renovation funds to upgrade its existing school facilities. School dis- tricts are required to notify non-profit private and char- ter schools operating K-12 school programs within the districtis boundaries that they may be eligible to par- ticipate in the application. Funding may be available on a per pupil basis if the school meets the federal qualifica- tions. Check HYPERLINK " h t t p : / / www.opsc.dgs.ca.gov" www .opsc.dgs.ca.gov for the regulations. For further information, please contact Patti Ashton, Coordinator, Facilities Planning, Fontana NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION/ MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that the City of Fontana has com- pleted an Initial Study of the San Sevaine Creek Bike and Recreational Trail located within the West End Specific Plan (Village of Heritage) on the east side of the San Sevaine Creek from Foothill Boulevard to the Pacific Electric Empire Trail (north of Baseline Avenue) and along local streets in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, in accordance with the City's Guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial Study was under- taken for the purpose of de- ciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff 'has con- cluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Negative Declaration/Miti- gated Negative Declaration. The Initial Study reflects the independent judgment of the City. The Project site is not on a list compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5. Copies of the Ini- tial Study and Draft Negative Declaration/Mitigated Nega- tive Declaration are on file at City Hall, 8353 Sierra Av- enue. Fontana. CA and are available for public review. Comments will be received until. March 11, 2002. Any person wishing to comment on this matter must submit such comments, in writing, to the City prior to this date. Comments of all Respon- sible Agencies are also re- quested. On April 21, 2002, at 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA, the City Engineer will con- sider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration/ Mitigated Negative Declara- tion. If the City Engineer finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, he may adopt the Negative Declara- tion/Mitigated Negative Dec- laration. This means that the City of Fontana may proceed to consider the project with- out the preparation of an Environmental Impact Re- port. /s/Ricardo Sandoval City Engineer Publish: March 21, 2002 P.O.# 02-06003 NOTICE OF HEARING ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ESTAB- LISH PROPOSED COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 10M OF THE CITY OF FONTANA NOTICE` IS ' HEREBY GIVEN `fh`at-8h FebrifiW, 2002 the City Coiincil of the City of Fontana adopted Resolution No. 2002-15, the resolution of intention with respect to the establishment of proposed Community Fa- cilities District No. 10M of the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and that a public . 5. A public hearing on the of special taxes, or the own - hearing on said resolution of establishment of the pro- ers of one-half or more of the intention and with respect to posed community facilities area of the land in said terri- the establishment of said district shall be held at tory, file written protests community facilities district 7:00 p.m. on April 2, 2002, against the establishment of will be held at 7:00 p.m. on in the City -Council Chem- the proposed community fa - April 2, 2002, in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall, 8353 Sierra -Av- enue, Fontana, Califomia. Resolution No. 2002-15, adopted on February 5, 2002, provides in summary as follows: 1. The name proposed for the community facilities dis- trict is "Community Facilities District No. 10M of the City of Fontana, County of San Bemardino, State of Califor- nia." 2. The boundaries of the proposed community facili- ties district are shown on the map entitled "Boundaries of Community Facilities District No. 10M of the City of Fontana, County of San Ber- nardino, State of Califomia," which is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana. That map is approved and the City Clerk shall record the original of said map in her office, and not later than 15 days prior to the date of the public hearing shall file a copy of said boundary map with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernar- dino. 3. The types of public ser- vices proposed to be pro- vided for and financed by the proposed community facili- ties district are the costs of maintenance of street lights, medians, parkways and open space within and sur- rounding the area of the Dis- trict and the costs associ- ated with the determination of the amount of collection of taxes, the payment of taxes and costs otherwise incurred in order to carry out the authorized purposes of the community facilities dis- trict. 4. Except where funds are otherwiseavailable, special taxes sufficient to pay the costs of services provided in Section 3 above of the pro- posed community facilities district and any territory to be annexed in the future, and the annual administrative expenses of the City and the proposed community facili- ties district in determining, apportioning, levying and collecting such special taxes, shall be annually lev- ied within the proposed com- munity facilities district and any territory to be annexed in the future. The special taxes shall be collected in the same manner as ordi- place of said hearing, and create the community facili- shall also give notice of the ties district or to levy the time and place of said hear- specified special taxes shall ing by first-class mail to each be taken for a period of one registered voter and to each year from the date of the landowner within the pro- decision of the City Council. posed community facilities If majority protests of the district. Said notice shall be registered voters or of the published at least 7 days landowners are only against and mailed at least 15 days the furnishing of a specified before the date of the hear- type or types of public facili- ing. ties or services within the 7. The officers of the City community facilities district, who are responsible for pro- or against levying a specified viding the services to be fi- special tax, those types of nanced by the proposed facilities or services or the community facilities district, specified special tax will be if it is established, are hereby eliminated from the resolu- directed to study the pro- tion of formation establishing posed district and, at or be- the community facilities dis- fore the time of said hearing, trict. file a report with the City DATED: March 14, 2002. Council containing a brief /s/ Beatrice Watson description of the services Beatrice Watson- r-•^"of by type and an estimate of City Clert the City of the cost of providing those Fontana services and the incidental Publish: March 21, 2002 expenses to be incurred in PO'# 02-0B003 connection therewith. All / NOTICE OF PUBLIC such reports shall be mady HEARING a part of the record of)) e A MEETING HAS BEEN hearing to be held pursuant SCHEDULED BEFORE to Section 5.hereof. THE CITY OF FONTANA 8. The consolidated. special CITY COUNCIL FOR THE elections on (i) the'proposi- FOLLOWING: tion with respect JO the levy SOUTH HIGHLAND of special taxes bn the land AVENUE JUNIPER within the community facili- AVENUE SEWER ties district to pay the costs PROJECT • of maintenance of street Environmental Determine - lights, mediates, parkways tion: A Negative Declare- itand open spce within and tion has been prepared for surroundinge area of the this project indicating that it District, and (ii) the proposi- does not have the potential tion with reppect to the es- for creating significant ad- tablishmen of an appropria- verse impacts, and no miti- tions limit f r the community gation measures are re- district in thequired with the implementa- amount facilities of p1,000,000, if the Lion of the project. Staff rec- communityfacilities district is ommends the adoption of a established and such con- Negative Declaration for this solidated pecial elections project per the Local Guide - shall be conducted as a mail lines for Implementing the ballot election. California Environmental If at leastl 12 persons have Quality Act (CEQA) 2001. been registered to vote Location of Property: The within the territory of the pro- project area is located within posed co munity facilities the northeastern portion of district fol'each of the 90 the City. The proposed days preceding the close of sewer improvements would the public or protest hearing, be developed from Walnut the vote inithe consolidated Street and Cypress Avenue special elections shall be by east to Juniper Avenue, the registered voters of the north from the intersection of community .facilities district Juniper Avenue and Walnut with each voter having one Street to South Highland vote. In that vent, the con- Avenue, east from the inter- solidated sp cial elections section of JuniperAvenue to shall be conducted by the South Highland Avenue to circumstances shall the spe- governing elections of cities,,/ City Hall Council Chambers cial tax levied against any insofar as they may be ap' 8353 Sierra Avenue parcel subject to the levy of plicable, and pursuant' to Fontana, CA 92335 the special tax pursuant to said Section 53326 the bal- Time of Hearing: the rates and methods of lots for the consolidated spe- 7:00 P.M. apportionment be increased cial elections shall be'distrib- Should you have any ques- as a consequence of delin- ufed to the qualified' electors tions concerning this project, quency or default by the of the community facilities please contact George owner of any other parcel or ' district by mail yvith return Harvilla, Project Manager, parcels within the proposed postage prepaid or by per- at (909) 350-6519. community facilities district sonal service, dnd the con- ANY INTERESTED PARTY by more than ten (10) per- solidated spedal elections MAY APPEAR AND cent. The maximum shall be condu6ted as a mail PRESENT ANY INFORMA- amounts of special taxes ballot election; TION WHICH MAY BE OF which may be annually lev- If 12. persons Have not been ASSISTANCE TO THE CITY ied are as follows: registered to Vote within the COUNCIL.ACOPYOFTHE For each Fiscal Year, all Tax- territory of the proposed ENVIRONMENTAL DOCU- able Property within Com- community facilities district MENTATION IS AVAILABLE munity Facilities District No. for each of the90 days pre- FOR INSPECTION IN THE 10M shall be classified as ceding the close of the pro- CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. Developed Property, and test hearing, the vote shall IF YOU CHALLENGE IN shall be subject to the Spe- be by the landowners of the COURT ANY ACTION cial Tax in accordance with community facilities district, TAKEN CONCERNING A the rate and method of ap- with each landowner of PUBLIC HEARING ITEM, portionmentdeterminedpur- record at the lose of the YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO suant to Sections C and D protest hearinghaving one RAISING ONLY THOSE IS - below. - vote for each ace or portion SUES YOU OR SOMEONE C. MAXIMUM SPECIAL of an acre of land that he or . ELSE RAISED AT THE TAX RATE she owns withi the pro- PUBLIC HEARING DE- 1. Developed Property posed communit facilities SCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, The Maximum Special Tax district. In that event, the OR IN WRITTEN CORRE- foreach Assessor's Parcel special election shall be con- SPONDENCE DELIVERED classified as Developed ducted by the City Gvjerk as TO THE CITY AT, OR property shall be $330,00 specified in Resolution No. . PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC per acre or portion thereof in 2002-15 and applicably sec- HEARING. Fiscal year 2002-2003 for tions of the California Elec- - Publish: March 21, 2002 Commercial/Industrial Prop- tions Code. • P.O.# 02-08003 erty. The Maximum Special In that event, the ballots br NOTICE OF CONSOLI- Tax shall be subject to an the special election shall be\ DATED SPECIAL- ,4 annual increase of two per- distributed to the qualified ELECTIONS WITHIN cent (2%). - electors by the City Clerk by 'OMMUNITY FACILITIES 2. In_itial Assigned Special mail with return postage pre- DISTRICT NO. 10M OF Tax paid, or by personal service. THE CITY OEFONTANA, The Initial Assigned Special The City Clerk shall mail to COUNTY OF SAN" Tax for Developed Commer- each qualified elector an of- BERNARDINO, STATE OF vial/Industrial Property shall ficial ballot, and shall also CALIFORNIA, ON (1) be $195.50 per acre or any mail to all such qualified PROPOSITION A WITH portion thereof for Fiscal electors other required elec- RESPECT TO WHETHER Year 2002-2003 and shall tion documents, including a SPECIAL TAXES SHALL increase on each July 1 return identification enve- BE ANNUALLY LEVIED thereafter according to the lope with prepaid postage ON PROPERTY WITHIN actual cost for the public ser- thereon addressed to the THE COMMUNITY vices provided and financed City Clerk for the return of FACILITIES DISTRICT TO for the proposed community voted official ballots. PAY THE COSTS OF facilities district. The instruction to voter form SERVICES TO BE D. METHOD OF APPOR- to be mailed by the City PROVIDED WITHIN AND TIONMENT OF THE SPE- Clerk to the landowner-vot- SURROUNDING THE CIAL TAX ers shall inform them that the COMMUNITY FACILITIES Commencing with Fiscal official ballots shall be re- DISTRICT AND (2) Year 2002-2003 and for tumedtotheCityClerkprop- PROPOSITION B WITH each following Fiscal Year, erly voted as provided RESPECT TO WHETHER and prior to the final date on thereon and with the certifi- AN APPROPRIATIONS which theCountyAuditorwill cation appended thereto LIMIT SHALL BE accept the levy for inclusion properly completed and ESTABLISHED FOR THE on the ad valorem real prop- signed in the sealed return COMMUNITY FACILITIES erty tax roll for such Fiscal identification envelope with DISTRICT Year, the City Manager shall the certification thereon • NOTICE IS HEREBY. determine the Special Tax completed and signed and GIVEN that on April 2, 2002 Requirement to be collected all other information to be consolidated special elec- from Taxable Property in inserted thereon properly in- tions will be held within and Community Facilities District serted by 7:00 p.m. on the for Community Facilities Dis- No. 10M in such Fiscal Year. date of the election. trict No. 10M of the City of The Special Tax shall be lev- Resolution No. 2002-15 con- Fontana, County of San Ber- ied as follows until the tains other provisions which nardino, State of California, amount of the levy equals are not summarized above. on two propositions which the Special Tax Require- Copies of Resolution No. are generally described as ment. 2002-15 may be reviewed or follows: First: The Special Tax shall obtained at the office of the PROPOSITION A: Shall be levied in equal percent- City Clerk of the City of special taxes be levied an - ages on each Assessor's Fontana located at 8353 Si- nually on taxable property Parcel of Developed Prop- errs Avenue, Fontana, Cali- within Community Facilities erty up to 100% of the appli- fornia. District No. 10M of the City cable Assigned Special Tax NOTICE IS FURTHER of Fontana, County of San for such Assessor's Parcel; GIVEN that at the hearing Bernardino, State of Califor- Second: If additional mon- the testimony of all inter- nia to pay the costs of ser- ies are needed after, the first ested.persens of taxpayers vices to be provided for the step ihas been; corr)pletedr fo�`or against theestablish- maintenance of street lights, tfut CLvt3't3f t) 't'ecrat'Tak medians, parkways, and oh eachAssessor's Parcel of ties district, or the furnishing openspace within and sur- Developed Property 'whose of specified types of public rounding the Community Maximum Special Tax is de- facilities will be heard. If 50 , Facilities District, and paying termined shall be increased percent or more of the reg- costs incidental thereto, and • on equal percentages from istered voters residing within to the levy and collection of the Assigned Special Tax, up the territory proposed to be the special taxes at the spe- to the Maximum Special Tax included in the proposed cial tax rates and pursuant for each such Assessor's community facilities district to the method of apportion - Parcel; and not exempt from the levy ing such special taxes set forth in Exhibit "B" to Reso- lution No. 2002-15 adopted by the City Council of the City of Fontana on February 5, 2002? PROPOSITION B: Shall an bers at the City Hall, 8353 cilities district, and protests . appropriations limit, as de - Sierra Avenue, Fontana, are not withdrawn so as to fined by subdivision (h) of California. reduce the value of the pro- Section 8 of Article XIII B of 6. The City Clerk shall pub- test to less than a majority, the California Constitution, lish a notice of the time and no further proceedings to be established for Commu- nity Facilities District No. 10M of the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, in the amount of $1,000,000? Since at least 12 persons have not been registered to vote within the Community Facilities District for each of the 90 days preceding the date of the close of the pro- test hearing, the vote in the consolidated special elec- tions will be by the landown- ers of the Community Facili- ties District and each land- owner will have one vote for each acre or portion of an acre of land that he or she owns within the Community Facilities District. Pursuant to Section 53326 of the Cali- fornia Government Code, ballots for the consolidated special elections will be dis- tributed to the voters by mail, w4th return postage prepaid, or by personal delivery, and the\consolidated special elect ons will be conducted as an\Ill-mail ballot election. Ballots\must be returned by mail or may be delivered to the City 'Clerk of the City of Fontana \at 8353 Sierra Av- enue, Fontana, California, 92335, byk7:00 o'clock p.m. on April 2, `2002. ' DATED: March 14, 2002. /s/ Beatrice{ Watson City Clerk ' City of Fontana, California Publish: March 21, 2002 P.O.# 02-0B003 T.S No. 2001-46841 Loan No.: 0010805208 Notice Of Trustee's Sale Under Deed of Trust You are in default under a Deed of Trust, Dated February 25, 1999, unless you take ation to protect your property, it may be sold at a public sale. If you need an explanation of the nature of the proceeding against you, you should contact a lawyer. Notice is hereby given that the real property for which the address, is pur- ported to be; 15579Aeroster Court; Fontana, CA 92335, Assessor's. Parcel Number: 0228-821-24-0-000 will be sold at public auction at At the main (South) entrance to the City of Chino Civic Cen- ter, 13220 Central Ave., Chino, CA on 04/29/2002, at 01:00PM: to the highest bid - Members of the Fontana A.B. Miller Naval Jr. ROTC took third place in a recent competition.' Miller takes 3rd place in ROTC. competition The Fontana A.B. Miller Naval Jr. ROTC'turned in a good' 'performance in a competition at Chaffey High School recently. The Miller group came in third place overall, and also did a fine job in several spe- cific events. 'The locals were first" iri the armed basic drill, first in color guard, second in armed exhibition drill, and third in academics out of the eight teams. Miller student Michael Beaudin also gained high honors. He was first in in- dividual drill exhibition and third in male pushups, in addition to being a member of Miller's second -place 1600 relay team. Grand -Am Cup will be held in Fontana After, opening the' season in Daytona, the Grand -Am' Cup Street Stock Series is gearing up for a West Coast swing. The series' second race of the year will be held at California Speedway in Fontana, where the four classes of street stock cars will help break in the speedway's new road course with a 250-mile race on March 24 prior to the Indy Racing League event. Several Southern California drivers are look- ing forward to racing in their backyards at the Fontana superspeedway. Fontana Herald News Crossword ACROSS 1 Census data 5 Cretan moun- tain 8 Skewer 12 Horseback game 13 Scratch 14 - Major 15 Harrow rival 16 Bar snack 18 Religion of Japan 20 Mistreats 21 EItfers' elders' 23 Tackle moguls 24 Team VIPs 28 Run in neutral 31 Farming (Abbr.) 32 "The 39 -' 34 Author Fleming 35 Pop singer Lisa 55 Three- - sloth 10 Man, for one '36 Jo'ned 37 Some noble 56 1860s event 11 Cold War 38 Menial worker realms 57 Vortex news agency . 40 Hellene's H 39 Larry's pal DOWN 17 TV superstation 42 Dalmatian's 41 Costly 1 "Planet of the " 19 Afternoon mark 42 Superdome 2 Barbarian socials ' 43 Golden squad 3 "The Time 22 Goff Hall -of- Fleece ship 45 Talisman Machine" tribe • Famer 44 Internalize 49 Came before 4 14;line verse 24 Western st. anger 51 Soap actress 5 Rude 25 Past 46 Fat Linda 6 Historic org. 26 Opening night 47 Oklahoma 52 Shrek, for one 7 Vicinity 27 Butter knife city 53 First lady 8 Violin method 29 Felon's flight 48 Stage award 54 Cheshire 9 Garrisoned 30 Type units 50 Zsa Zsa's countenance fort 33 Bridge coup sister 1 2 3 F111 5 MIM 119 10 11 12 .■■ II _ ....14 ■�� 15 ■111. 16 ■■ 17 ■■RU gall■� 19 : 20 �■�SII . 21 IR 22 • 23 ■. 24 ilia 27 • 28 ■ilia 31 ■■ ®U1.33 3435 ■� ENE ill 7 0orrt41 Iiiii, 4.- II Oil1144 45 ■■ 46 47 ia 49 ■■R■111150 ® 51 R■. 52 ■■� 53 ■. 54 11111 55 ■■. 56 ■■ . 57 10EI before that time. The filing of this statement does not of it- self authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights.. of another under )ederal, state, or common law (See Section 14400, ET SEQ., Business 'and Professions Code). Y' Publish: March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 2002 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FBN,#2002-03338 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BROS TRUCKING, 14315 PIPELINE AVE, CHINO, CA 91710. Mailing Address: 210 N BEECHWOOD AVE 320, RIALTO, CA92376. DANIEL GARCIA, 210 N BEECHWOOD AVE 320, RIALTO, CA 92376. This business is/was conducted by: An Individual. Began , Transacting Business on 03/ 14/2002. BY SIGNING' BE, LOW, I DECLARE THAT ALL INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS TRUE AND 'eir autnonze the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, _state, or common law (See Section 14400, ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). Publish: March 21, 28,'April 4, 11, 2002 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FBN #2002-03380 - The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: A &. J TRANSPORT, 1609 W. RAMONA DR. #A, RIALTO, CA 92376. FILIBERTO GOMEZ, 1609 W. RAMONA DR. #A, RIALTO, CA 92376. This business is/was con- ducted by: An Individual. Be- gan Transacting Business on 01/02/2001..BY SIGNING BELOW, I DECLARE THAT ALL INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant who declares as true infor- mation, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B&P Code 17913)1 am also aware that CORRECT. A registrant all information on this who declares as true infor- statement becomes Public mation, which he or she Record upon filing. Signa- knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B&P Code. 17913)1 am also aware that all information on this statement becomes Public ' Record upon filing. Signa- ture/s: DANIEL GARCIA. This statement was filed with the County Clerisof San Bernar- dino County on 03/14/2002. 1 hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the origi- nal statement on file in my office. ISan Bernardino County Clerk By: s/MARGIE ture/s: Filiberto Gomez. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Bernar- dino County on 03/15/1002. 1 hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the origi- nal statement on file in my office. 'San Bernardino County Clerk By: s/CARLA MIMS/Deputy. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, Gary Hutto of Villa Valley and James Sofronas of Newport Beach will race together in the Sport Touring I class, while Marty Miller of Riverside will not have to travel far to race in his SpeedSource Porsche 911. Tickets are on sale for the Grand -Am Cup event at www. californiaspeedway. co m. Thursday, March 21, 2002 Marlins win in Elks LL opener The Marlins edged the Cardinals, 7-5, in opening - day baseball action in the Elks Lodge Little League last Saturday. Ramon Ramos was the winning pitcher with six strikeouts, and reliever Arturo Cota added three strikeouts. Corey Wideen led the of- fense .. with a double and Rachale Gamson, Bryan Bennett and Ramos all de- livered singles. Catcher Adam Kakuska made a good defensive play by throwing to pitcher Cota covering at home plate to tag out a runner. In another game, the Astros stopped the Rangers, 10-3, behind the pitching and hitting of Chipper Mullaney. Mullaney struck out six batters while serving on the mound. He also starred at the plate with three hits, in- cluding a double. Jacob Drost pounded two doubles and Mikey Dragoon and Zachary Williford each singled twice. Zachary Canfield singled once and Matt Goodman, Ethan Musolino, Christopher Lopez, and Blake Arthur all reached base. Canfield did a fine job defensively at catcher. Ravens take 3rd in tournament The Bloomington Christian baseball team ,took third place in the Colton Christian Center Academy Tournament by conquering Apple Valley Interested in a Career in Computer Graphics? �a Mart /ear."i.ig O* skills go" nod to sicced Our program offers: • Hands-on practice in the elements and principles of graphic design and electronic layout • An opportunity to learn how to import text and graphics • A chance to create effective visual solutions • Instruction on merging typographic and pictorial elements Master electronic illustration techniques and Photoshop tools! For more information, please call the College of Extended Learning at CSUSB at (909) 880-5981, ext. 774. Your local weekly newspaper! To Subscribe Call 822-2231 Fontana Herald News Section 14400, ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). Publish: March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 2002 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FBN #2002-03440 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: SANTANA EQUIPMENT, 10608 CALABASH. AVE., FONTANA, CA 92337. JUAN M SANTANA, 16288 ARROW BLVD, FONTANA, CA92335. This business is/was con- ducted by: An Individual. Be- gan Transacting Business on 01/01/2002. BY SIGNING BELOW, I DECLARE THAT ALL INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant who declares as true infor- mation, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B&P Code 17913)1 am also aware that all information on this statement becomes Public Record upon filing. Signa- ture/s: Juan M Santana. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Bernar- dino County on 03/18/2002. I hereby del -iffy that•this copy is a correct copy of the origi- nal statement on file in my office. 'San Bernardino County Clerk By: s/HELEN NUNN/Deputy. NOTICE; This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time.. •The filing of this statement does not of it- self authorize the use in this FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FBN #2002-03552 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: THE DARDEN, 1571 WEST WIL- SON STREET, RIALTO, CA' -92376. KENNETH DARDEN, 1571 WEST WILSON STREET, RIALTO, CA 92376. SHERRY A WARE, 1571 WEST WILSON STREET, RIALTO, CA 92376. This business is/was conducted by: Co -Partners. Began Transacting Business on 10/18/2001. BY SIGNING BELOW, I DECLARE THAT ALL INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant who declares as true infor- mation, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B&P Code 17913)1 am also aware that all information on this statement becomes Public Record upon filing. Signa- ture/s: KENNETH DARDEN. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Ber- nardino County on 03/19/ 2002. I hereby.certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. San Bernardino County Clerk By: s/HELEN NUNN/Deputy. NOTICE: This fictitious name staterent expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of it- self authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business ELECTRONIC will find': TAX FILING every, leggl Alai • deduallcfion! A� ALL CITIES TAN .SLRVICE BEGIN A NEW CAREER IN 2 MONTHS • MEDICAL ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY • MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST •'.; .. • MEDICAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR. • MEDICAL BILLER %I • SPORTS_ MEDICINE TECHNO.LOGIST (� • Lifetime Job Placement Assistance • • JPTA and Low Cost Funding • Workman's Comp Rehabilitation • Free Training (if qualified) Col Ie g$ • Evening classes available for Medical Biller, �"" Transcriptionist and Sports Medicine Technologist U.S. COLLEGES OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 1-800-405-4872 Riverside • Santa Ana ...Rancho Cucamonga: The Lewis Family and LEWIS GROUP OF COMPANIES Presents... d� d FONTANA HERALD NEWS=-:A7 Christian, 6-0, last week. Josh Jordan pitched a one -hitter and struck out 12 batters. He also sparkled at the plate by bashing two doubles. Kevin Jordan clubbed two doubles, B.J. Stott at- tained two hits, and David Wibert and Chris Yearytvn each drove in two runs. Earlier, the Ravens lost a 3-2 heartbreaker in the semifinal round to Riverside . Notre Dame. Wibert pitched well, strik- ing out eight batters and scattering seven hits. Patrick Osborne 'doubled, Stott singled twice, and Kyle Acosta singled once for the locals: Also, Bloomington Christian downed Aquinas, 8-5, as Josh Jordan smashed a three -run home run in the fifth inning to,,provide the go-ahead runs. Osborne slammed a double and sin- gle. Wibertpitched ex- pertly in relief of Stott, shutting out Aquinas over the last three innings to ob- tain the win: Fontana Days Runs planned Registration is now' available for persons want- ing to participate in the 47th Annual Fontana Days Runs on Saturday, June 1. The events include the Half'Marathon, 5K Run, 5K Race/Walk, Children's Run, and 5K Family Fitness Walk. The cost is $20 for early signups in the major races. The finish line is in front of Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue. Cash prizes will be given to first, second, ;and :third place overall finishers;:.;'. well as the overall.Masters. . winner' and the • fastest Fontana resident. For more information, call 428-8360. Quakes will host free reception: The .Rancho Cucariio'ng U Quakes, .celebrating .their 10-year anniversary,,' wi'll�be hosting afree recep'taoi tai'-=... lof.ed .toy newcomers.in the:•- area on 'Saturday, Marclf23..:, , The event will lastrtm 9 a.m. "to noon -,.at Epicenter, 8408..,Rochester ..-- Avenue_. in_ Rancho • Cucamonga: . For .more information;:.• • ca11481-5000, ext. 2.13.• - Planning Continued from page A-3 be against the law," claimed Roberts, • who said Eshlerl'ian left -a, phone message .fo"r.. him but Roberts chose; not to call him back. Eshleman said he wasnot violating the Brown Act by contacting councilmenbers about the commission ap- pointment. • He said .he just wanted to involve them `in: the process. "You're not going to' please :: everyone;"'. said Eshleman. ' "The city of Fontana has never been run better than it has been recently;" said Eshleman, who . feels that certain councilmembers never give him credit for the successes the city has en- joyed since he has been mayor. $5 Discount ALL CITIES.- Cut Your TAX SERVICE for new customers TAX BILL ***** k II II Ilk Ili 7a. Oscar Party With S/i► 714-350-IIE1;P,', Annoal5th 5th Sunday, March 24, 2002 - 5-9pm Food - Fun - Prizes -Oscars! ' o Tickets $40 per couple or $25 Single 3514345 Event Sponsors... THE LEWIS FAMILY AND LEWIS. GROUP OF COMPANIES- . SIERRA REALTY • , 'PIP PRINTING::: DR. BARBARA STANFIELD, D. C: MEXICO LINDO AAA -ACCESS INTERNET PARTY OUTLET/EMPIRE RENTAL E.P. MUNDEN%RAINBOW PLUMBING Some of the prizes that will be given away include: Admission to Glen Ivy Hot Springs • Dinner -at Tony Roma's •Complimentary Stay at-Laguia • Get Mort: Illforrnatmotl It www.EdandAmber.com Proceeds support local community theater and performing :arts- ax Sierra Lakes GOLF -CLUB '16600 :. Clubhouse .Dr:, Fontana'. (Off of Sierra Ave., north of Baseline) Fontana Herald News Religion & Communit Fontana Herald News Thursday, March 21, 2002 A5 Briefs Services planned for Easter, Lent Fontana Community Church will be involved in several Easter and Lent services. All interested persons are invited to attend the fol- lowing planned activities: • Palm Sunday worship -- Sunday, March 24 at 11 a.m. at Fontana Community Church sanctuary, 8316 Sierra Avenue. • Joint Maundy Thursday soup supper and Tenebrae service -- Thursday, March 28 at 6 p.m. at Church of the Chimes, 1611 San Bernardino Avenue, Fontana. • Ecumenical Good Friday service -- Friday, March 29 at noon at Fontana Community Church sanctu- ary. Participating churches include First United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Fontana Community Church. • Easter Sunrise service -- Sunday, March 31 at 6:30 a.m. at Fontana Community Church front lawn. Obituaries Bobbie Jean Forehand Bobbie Jean Forehand, 65, died Monday, March 11 at Riverside Community Hospital, Riverside. A native of Tennessee, Forehand was a:resident of Mira Loma for eight years. Previously, she was a resi- dent of Fontana for 35 years. She was a home- maker. Forehand is survived by her husband, David; one son, Russell Leo Staten of Apple Valley; six sisters, Ann Lakins and Gail Sterling, both of Tennessee, Wanda Treml, Polly Garcia, and Patsy Beery, all of Arizona, and Robbie (Roberta) Peterson of Fontana; and two brothers, Stanley Johnson of Arizona and Jim Johnson of Fontana. Funeral service was scheduled for Friday, March 15 at Stanley L. Dickey Mortuary, Fontana, with burial to follow at Evergreen Memorial Park, Riverside. Dickey Mortuary was in charge of arrangements. Samantha Elizabeth Aguiniga Samantha Elizabeth Aguiniga, an infant, died Friday, March 8 at San Antonio Community Hospital of extreme prema- turity. She is ; survived by, ,,hor parents, Jose .and- L,ucia Aguiniga of Fontana; two brothers, Jonathan and A.J. Aguiniga of Fontana; and her grandparents, Linda and Jose Aguiniga of La Puente and Aurelio and Maria Rodriguez of Fontana. Funeral service was scheduled for Thursday, March 14 at Stanley ' L. Dickey Mortuary, Fontana, to -wit: $98,909.74 (Esti- mated) Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The beneficiary un- der said Deed of Trust here- tofore executed and deliv- ered to the undersigned a written Declaration of De- fault and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of De- fault and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be _re- corded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. Date: 03/20/ 02, ARM FINANCIAL COR- PORATION, P.O. Box ,85309, San Diego, CA 92186-5309, Sales Infor- mation (916) 974-6099, General Information (858) 689-9735 DEBBIE MCLAIN, ASSISTANT SECRETARY NPP0093125 03/21/02, 03/ 28/02, 04/04/02 CNS-367524# FONTANA HERALD AND NEWS NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Trustee Sale No. 01-06671 Loan No. 403381201 Title Order No. 1023634 APN 0239-751-59 FHA # 0482508302703 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UN- DER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 05/01/01. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP- ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CON- TACTA LAWYER. On April 10, 2002, at 11:30 AM, ARM FINANCIAL CORPORA- TION as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded on 05/16/01 Instrument 20010190928, Book , Page of Official Records in the Office of the Recorder of SAN BERNARDINO County, California, executed by: PENELOPE BUSH, A SINGLE WOMAN; JOSEPH WILLIAMS,ASINGLE MAN, as Trustor, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- TION SYSTEMS. INC.. as with burial to follow at Bellevue Memorial Park, Ontario. Dickey Mortuary was in charge of arrange- ments. Michael Anthony Casablanca Michael Anthony Casablanca, 48, died Saturday, March 9 at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Fontana, of a heart attack. A native of New York, N.Y., Casablanca was a res- ident of Fontana for 12 years. He previously lived in Texas for 15 years. He was a manager of different restaurants, such as Taco Bell, for 20 years. He served in the Coast Guard from 1972 to 1976. Casablanca is survived by his mother, Hilda McCarthy of Fontana; two brothers, John of Orange County and George of Florida; and one son, Jason of New York. Graveside service was scheduled for Thursday, March 14 at Riverside National Cemetery, Staging Area No. 2, Riverside, with burial to follow. Stanley L. Dickey Mortuary, Fontana, was in charge of arrange- ments. Gerardo Ramirez Gerardo 'Ramirez,, f33, rdied4liuesday;TMa'rch :12 at <Afrrgw,h'ead -,t;_ R,eg;ionail Medical Center; Colton, as a result of injuries sustained in a traffic accident. A native of. Mexico, Ramirez was a resident of Rialto for 17 years. He had many jobs, most recently in the construction business. He formerly worked two years at Fontana. Paper Mills. Public Notice Advertising Protects Your Right To Know federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan as- sociation, savings associa- tion, or savings bank speci- fied in section 5102 of the Financial Code and autho- rized to do business in this state). At: AT THE EN- TRANCE TO THE CITY HALL AT 303 E. "B" STREET, ONTARIO, CA., all right, title and interest con- veyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County, California describing the land therein: "As more fully described on the above mentioned Deed of Trust". The property heretofore de- scribed is being sold "as is". The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property de- scribed above is purported to be: 5888 PINE VALLEY DRIVE, FONTANA, CA 92336. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liabil- ity for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without cov- enant or warranty, ex- pressed or implied, regard- ing title, possession, or en- cumbrances, to pay the re- maining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to -wit: $189,885.87 (Estimated) Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of De- fault and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of De- fault and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be re- corded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such re- 03/21/02, 03/28/02, 04/04/ 02 CNS-367535# FONTANA HERALD AND NEWS NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Trustee Sale No. 00-01651 Loan No. 400030128 Title Order No. 0252608 APN 0193-661-40-0-000 VA # 0444463081317 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 04/19/99. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDATAPUB- LIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACTA LAWYER. On May 6, 2002, at 11:30 AM, ARM FINAN- CIAL CORPORATION as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded on 04/23/ 99 Instrument 19990173097, Book, Page of Official Records in the Office of the Recorder of SAN BERNARDINO County, California, executed by: MICHAEL A. OSGOOD AND CHRISTINA OSGOOD, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Trustor, WASH- INGTON MUTUAL HOME LOANS, INC., SUCCES- SOR IN INTEREST BY MERGER TO FLEET MORTGAGE CORP., as Beneficiary. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a cashier's check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan as- sociation, savings associa- tion, or savings bank speci- fied in section 5102 of the Financial Code and autho- rized to do business in this state), At: AT THE EN- TRANCE TO THE CITY HALL AT 303 E. "B" STREET, ONTARIO, CA., all right, title and interest con- veyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Toict in Ramirez is survived by one son, Jerry; one daugh- ter, Vanessa; two brothers, Mario of El Monte and Antonio of San Antonio, Texas; three sister's, Mariana Orozco of Corona, Nora Navarro of San Diego, and Lorena Avila of Fontana; and his parents, Eleodoro and Cesilia Ramirez of Rialto. Funeral Mass was sched- uled for Saturday, March 16 at St. Catherine of Siena, Rialto, with burial to follow at Green Acres Memorial Park, Bloomington. Stanley L. Dickey Mortuary, Fontana, was in charge of arrangements. Joseph N. Romero Joseph N. Romero, 51, died Saturday, March 16 at his home in Rialto. A native of San Bernardino, Romero was a member of the Dukes, an Inland Empire Car Club. He was also a member of Resurrection Catholic Church in Fontana. Romero is survived by his wife, Carmen; one daughter, Josie Nunez of Rialto; his mother, Eusebia Romero of Fontana; and four sisters, Lucy Romero, Emily Romero, Virginia Romero, and Maryhelen Martinez, all of Fontana. ).Other:;survivors-include=two grandchildren. m1'ii Funeral service was scheduled for Saturday, March 23 at 8:30 a.m. at Resurrection Catholic Church, 7650 Tamarind Avenue, Fontana, with in- terment to follow at Green Acres Memorial Park, Bloomington. Ingold Chapel, Fontana, was in charge of arrangements. • Easter breakfast -- Sunday, March 31 from 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Fontana Community Church Parish Hall. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children under 12. • Easter morning wor- ship -- Sunday, March 31 at 11 a.m. at Fontana Community Church sanctu- ary. For more information, call 822-8085. ,Eagles will have Chili Cook Off The Fontana Eagles #2561 will host their Ninth Annual Chili Cook Off and Rummage Sale on Saturday, March 23 at 17729 Arrow Boulevard. The sale starts at 7 a.m., and chili will be judged at 1:30 p.m. by area firefighters. The event for diabetes re For more call 355-9718 Lois. raises funds search. information, and ask for Sons of Italy will have luncheon Sons of Italy, Joanne Coccia Lodge 2553 will be holding its ,Spring Annual Queens Fashion Show Luncheon on Sunday, March 24. The fund-raising event is from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Lodge, 9420 Sierra Avenue in Fontana. More than 800 items will be available, including the latest fashions, name brands, and famous labels. Women's sizes 3-24 and children's sizes 4-16 will be on sale. The event includes a lun- cheon, entertainment, and door prizes. The cost is $20 for adults and $10 for children. Men are Welcome::'10•' : t' For o Fr=eacr`c at7ons, cMi Virginiav13 Benedetto at 335-1917, Pauline Masotto at 862-9253, or the lodge at 357-8149. Local church has spring boutique St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church will be holding a spring boutique on Saturday, March 23. The boutique will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the church hall at 9112 Oleander Avenue in Fontana. There will be many tables with hand- crafted items, ceramics, and unique gifts. Legion Auxiliary holds car wash The American Legion Auxiliary Fontana Unit 262 will be holding a car wash to raise funds for the unit's programs. The event will be held this weekend, March 22-24, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. all three days. The car wash is at 16966 Arrow Boulevard in Fontana. For more information, call 823-8061. Jamboree is at Fontana church A Gospel Jamboree fea- turing special guest Bill Carter will be held at Apostolic Faith Tabernacle on Sunday, March 24. The jamboree starts at 6 p.m. at 8910 Olive Street in Fontana. Carter is a country -style gospel singer who has been a full-time evangelist for the past four decades. His music has an old-fashioned country/southern sound. He has traveled through- out all of the 50 states i1 ad- dition to several foreign countries. For more information, call 822-9288. Kaiser doctors will be honored Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Fontana will be hosting a special luncheon in honor of its physicians on Thursday, March 28. Fontana Mayor David Eshleman will present a proclamation to Kaiser physicians in recognition of "National Doctors' Day." The day is set aside to honor physicians nationwide for their contributions to the fight against diseases. Spring reception set for March 21 The Inland Empire Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will be holding its first annual Spring Reception on Thursday, March 21. The event will be from' 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Joseph Filippi Winery, 12467 Baseline Road in Rancho Cucamonga. Renowned artist Dolores Guerrero will show her work and will be on hand to sign autographs. There are scheduled per- formances by classical gui- tarist Nick Lambson and soloist Elizabeth Quintero of the Inland Empire Youth Mariachi Orchestra. For more information or to RSVP, call 496-0626. Chavez Prayer Breakfast slated The Cesar E. Chavez Annual Prayer Breakfast will be held Thursday, April 4. The event will be from 7 to 9 a.m. at the Gents Community Center, 1462 Townsend Drive in San Bernardino. Donation is $10 per per- son. To RSVP or for more in- formation, call 885-5777. gold�r'Cha Funeral Home FD-821 The Chapel of Friendly Service Wayne Kramer Angie Timlick Director Manager (909) 822-8083 Se Habla Espanol (909) 822-1425 Fax 8277 Juniper Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 III;; P1111110 NOTICES of the real property de- scribed above is purported to be: 15730 SWAN ROAD„ FONTANA, CA 92337. The undersigned Trustee dis- claims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, pos- session, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining princi- pal sum of the note(s) se- cured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as pro- vided in said note(s), ad- vances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to -wit: $141,112.42 (Estimated) Accrued interest and addi- tional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust hereto- fore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a writ- ten Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The under- signed caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. Date: 03/ 18/02, ARM FINANCIAL CORPORATION, P.O. Box 85309, San Diego, CA 92186-5309, Sales Informa- tion (916) 974-6099, Gen- eral Information (858) 689- 9735 LISA LEWIS, ASSIS- TANT SECRETARY NPP0093812 03/21/02, 03/ 28/02, 04/04/02 CNS-369663# FONTANA HERALD AND NEWS NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE . TS No.: 20019073505106 Loan No.: 1509372811 FHA/VA/MI No.: 048-2297657 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 06/23/2000 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT KAAV RI er i n AT A DI ID der and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 07/07/2000 instrument No. 20000242406 of official Records in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, State of California. Executed by Arturo Alexander Cano, Kathy Denise Cano, hus- band and wife as joint ten- ants Will sell at public auc- tion to highest bidder for cash, cashieris check/cash equivalent or other form of ,payment authorized by 2924h(b). (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) At the Main Entrance to the County Courthouse, 351 N. Arrow- head Avenue, San Bernar- dino, CA All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: As more fully described in the above mentioned Deed of Trust APN# 0194-441-68-0-00 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property de- scribed above is purported to be: 16970 Marygold Av- enue #68, Fontana, CA 92335 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liabil- ity for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without cov- enant or warranty, ex- pressed or implied, regard- ing title, possession, or en- cumbrances, to pay the re- maining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid bal- ance of the obligation se- cured by the property to be sold and reasonable esti- mated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the No- tice of Sale is: $58,198.28 The beneficiary under said where the real property is located. LoneStar Mort- gagee Services, L.L.C. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any informa- tion obtained will be used for that purpose. 'Date: 03/19/ 2002 First American Lend- ers Advantage, LoneStar Mortgagee Services, L.L.C., 3 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Ricardo Juarez Authorized Signature For Trustee's Sale informa- tion please call'925-603- 7342 RSVP# 37724 03/21, 03/28, 4/4 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Trustee's Sale No. 05- T I- 2 6 8 8 3 "T1268830190000000" YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 4/14/2000. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDATA PUB- LIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO- CEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACTA LAWYER. On Apri1;11, 2002, at 12:00 PM, AT THE NORTH ARROWHEAD AV- ENUE ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 351 NORTH ARROWHEAD AVENUE, in the City of SAN BERNARDINO, County of SAN BERNARDINO, State of CALIFORNIA, RE- GIONAL SERVICE COR- PORATION, a California cor- poration, as duly appointed • Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust executed by VIVIANA BRAVO, A SINGLE WOMAN, as Trustors, recorded on 4/19/ 2000, as Instrument No. 20000134100, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SAN BERNAR- DINO County, State of CALI- FORNIA, under the power of sale therein contained, WILL SELLAT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, for cash, or cashier's check (payable at the time of sale in lawful money of the United States) without warranty ex- press or implied as to title, use, possession or encum- brances, all right, title and interest conveyed to and Public Notice Advertising Protects Your Right To Know ranty, the street address or Trust, interest thereon, fees, under and pursuant to Deed other common designation charges, and expenses of the of Trust, recorded on 08/25/ of the above described prop- Trustee for the total amount 93 as Document No. 93- erty is purported to be 18047 (at the time of the initial pub- 363735, Book —, Page — of FAIRVIEW DRIVE lication of the Notice of Sale) • Official Records in the Office FONTANA, CA 92335. Said reasonably estimated to be of the Recorder of San Ber- , property is being sold for the set forth below. The amount nardino County, California, purpose of paying the obli- maybe greater on the day of executed by: Manuel G gations secured by said sale. Trustor: Jesse Lozoya - Franco and Angie Franco, Deed of Trust, including fees and Shannon M. Lozoya hus- husband and wife, as Trustor and expenses of sale. The band and wife as Joint Ten- Westmark Mortgage Corpo- total amount of the unpaid ants Duly Appointed Trustee: ration, a California corpora - principal balance, interest KLH Foreclosure Trustee tion, as Beneficiary. Will sell thereon, together with rea- Services, Inc. Recorded 3/ at public auction to the sonably estimated costs, 20/2000 as Instrument No. highest bidder for cash expenses and advances at 20000093485 in book —, (payable at time of sale in the time of the initial publi- page —of Official Records in lawful money of the United cation of the Notice of the office of the Recorder of States, by cash, a cashier's Trustee's Sale is San Bernardino County, Cali- check drawn by a state or $162,769.96. Dated: 3/17/ fornia, Date of Sale: 4/11/ national bank, a check drawn 2002 REGIONAL SERVICE 2002 at 12:00 PM Place of by a state or federal credit CORPORATION, Trustee Sale:At the North Arrowhead union, or a check drawn by a By CHRIS REBHUHN, VICE Avenue entrance to the state or federal savings and PRESIDENT Agent for County Courthouse, 351 loan association, savings as - Trustee: AGENCY SALES North Arrowhead Avenue, sociation, or savings bank AND POSTING 8801 San Bernardino, California. specified in section 5102 of Folsom Blvd., #230 Sacra- The total amount of the un- the Financial Code and au- mento, CA 95826 Telephone paid balance of the obligation thorized to do business in this Number: (800) 542-2550 secured by the property to be state.) At: the North Arrow - Sale Information: (916) 387- sold and reasonable esti- head Avenue entrance to the 7728 or http:// mated costs, expenses and County Courthouse, 351 www.rtrustee.com advances at the time of the North Arrowhead Avenue, ASAP470421 03/21, 03/28, initial publication of the Notice San Bemardino, CA all right, 04/04 of Sale is: $159,238.28. title and interest conveyed to NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S Street Address or other com- and now held by it under said SALE T.S. No. KLH-01- mon designation of real prop- Deed of Trust in the property 01559 Loan No. 703023865 erty: 8285 Madras Ct, situated in said County, Cali; You are in default under a Fontana, CA 92335.`A.P.N.: fornia describing the land Deed of Trust dated3/8/2000. 0230-311-50 The under- therein: As more fully de' Unless you take action to pro- signed Trustee disclaims any scribed on said Deed of Trust. tect your property, it may be liability for any incorrectness The property heretofore de';. sold at a public sale. If you of the street address or other scribed is being sold "as is",. need an explanation of the common designation,_if any, The street address and other nature of the proceeding shown above. If no street ad- common designation; if any, against you, you should con- dress or other common des- of the real property described tact a lawyer. Apublic auction ignation is shown, directions above is purported to be; sale to the highest bidder for to the location of the property 15749 Firethorn Road, cash, cashier's check drawn may be obtained by sending Fontana, CA 92335. The unt on a state or national bank, a written request to the ben- dersigned Trustee disclaims check drawn by a state or fed- eficiary within 10 days of he any liability for any incorrect= eral credit union, or a check date of first publication of this ness of the street address drawn by a state or federal Notice of Sale. KLH Foredo- and other common designa savings and loan association, sure Trustee Services, Inc. tion, if any, shown hcrelm. or savings association, or 19732 MacArthur Blvd., Suite Said sale will be made. but savings bank specified in 100, Irvine, California 92612 without covenant orwarranty, Section 5102 of the Financial (949) 474-4505 Sale Line: expressed or implied, regard- Code and authorized to do (916) 387-7728 Marit Habra, ing title, possession, or err business in thisstate will be Trustee Sale Officer Date: cumbrances, to pay the re- held by the duly appointed March 15, 2002ASAP471595 maining principal sum of the trustee as shown below, of all 3/21, 3/28, 4/4 note(s) secured by said Deed right, title, and interest con- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S of Trust, with interest thereon, veyedtoandnowheldbythe SALE Title Order No. . as provided in said note(s), trustee in the hereinafter de- 1707688 Trustee Sale No. advances, if any, under the scribed property under and C-4336 Reference No. terms of the Deed of Trust, pursuant to a Deed of Trust 7075367305APN 0193.611- estimated fees, charges and described below. The sale will 03-0-000 You are in default expenses of the Trustee and be made, but without cov- under a Deed of Trust dated of the trusts created by said The Fontana Volunteers IVMAA basketball finals. won the Girls' "A" Division title last week at the F .gip tang bas y} etball teams ill a ,.. vanee to state finals Four Fontana youth bas- ketball teams came through with great performances in the Inland Valley Municipal Athletic Association tour- nament last week and will be advancing to the California championships this weekend. This is the best overall showing for Fontana's Parks and Recreation teams in the hoop finals. Taking first place at the IVMAA event were the Fontana Volunteers in the Girls' "A" Division, the Jazz in the Boys' "A" Division, and the Waves 'in the Boys'; "C" D:i,V:ision:>-T-he Fontana Razorbacks came in second in the Boys' "B" Division but will still advance to the state tourney. In the girls' competition, the Volunteers surged to the title thanks to a 42-31 vic- tory over Norco in the fi- nals. The Volunteers, led by coach Colleen Bates, have posted a 10-0 record. The assistant coaches are Jon Sweet and Dwayne Boyd, and the team mother is Debbie Romero. Players on the team are Heather Romero, Rochelle Romero, Jessica Marmolejo, Ebonee Dash, Tina Haven, Breeona Bellamy, Koriana Magee, Lyneeka Boyd, Ali Franco, , and Janessa Jones. The Jazz team acquired • the "A": championship tinder ... the direction ~loaf l'coaci.r Robert' The' +'B'" Razorbacks are coached by • Willie Mabane. In the "C" Division, the Waves won five straight games to gain top honors in the tournament. The Waves, coached by Robert von Pertz and as- sisted by Ray Griffy, pulled out a dramatic victory over another Fontana team, the Supersonics, in the semifi- nal round. The Waves ral- lied in the fourth quarter and ended up winning in overtime, 32-29. The Supersonics had earlier won the Fontana city champi- onship. In the IVMAA finals, the Waves conquered Moreno Valley, 43-31, to take the ti- tle. h Nathan Griffy led.thelo-.,, ca1S: in scoring during the tourney. Also contributing to the team were Nick Muela, Will von Pertz, Matt Silva -Miller, Jacob Martinez, Gerald Hillard, Derrick Williams, Richard Thorp, and Josh Pack. The Fontana Waves won the Boys' "C" Division championship in the IVMAA " basketball finals last week. Fontana Herald News Thursday, March 21, 2002 A6 California Speedway hosts first IRL race The Indy Racing League will make its California de- but on Sunday, March 24 with the Yamaha .Indy 400 at California Speedway in Fontana. Following last week's ac- tion at. Phoenix International. Raceway, two of the league's top teams are heading west looking to con- tinue their early season duel. Marlboro Team Penske, under the direction of Roger Penske (who built California Speedway in the mid•1990s), has his team off to a great start in its first full season of IRL competi- tion. Reigning Indianapolis 500 winner Helio Castroneves, coming off an impressive win at Phoenix, will look to make it two straight IRL wins for Penske, the most successful car owner in open -wheel racing history. Castroneves' teammate, Gil de Ferran, finished sec- ond in Phoenix, one spot ahead of defending. 2001 IRL champion Sam Hornish Jr. of Pennzoil Panther Racing. Hornish won the season opener at Homestead -Miami Speedway March 2. Heading into the 15-race 2002 season, the story line has focused on both of these teams, and two races into the season, neither have disappointed. Hornish owns the points lead with 89 points, followed by Castroneves, who is four points behind, and de Ferran, who is nine points behind. Both Castroneves and de Ferran have competed at California Speedway in the CART FedEx Championship Series, but Hornish has not turned a competitive lap at the two- mile D-shaped oval. Hornish -has tested at the facility twice, as have Castroneves, as recently as March 8 and 9, and de Ferran. Hornish said he has to do "twice the work" when he is racing against the Team Penske drivers. "There are two of them and only one of me. You know, it's a tough battle," Hornish said. "Seeing two cars in front of me is a little discouraging because you're trying to figure out how to get by one, and as soon as you do that, you have to go to the next one." Castroneves was very pleased with his Phoenix victory, doing his trade- mark fence climb and salut- ing fans near the start/finish line. "Finishing in this posi- tion, winning a race, the sat- isfaction is great," he said. "It doesn't matter where -- flat track, banking track, ovals. Remember, this is only my second victory in ovals." The frontrunners will be challenged in Fontana by two-time Indy 500 winner Al Unser Jr., 1996 Indy 500 winner Buddy Lazier, and 1998 Indy 500 winner Eddie Cheever. Several local drivers -- including Alta Loma's Jaques Lazier, Inglewood's George Mack, San Diego's Alex Baron, and San Juan Capistrano's Jeff Ward -- are also hoping for top hon- ors. Four hundred miles of racing, the second longest race on the IRL schedule, will decide it at 12:30 p.m. on March 24. Miss Universe 2001 Denise M. Quinones August of Puerto Rico will sing the national anthem prior to the race. General admission tick- ets are $45, with children 12 and under free. Reserved tickets are $55 for adults and children. On Saturday, March 23, the inaugural sports car race on California Speedway's new road course -- the Grand American 400 Rolex Sports Car Series event -- will be taking place, as well as Yamaha Indy 400 qualify- ing. Tickets for the Saturday competition are $35 in the general admission area, with children 12 and under free, and $45 in the reserved area for adults and children. Friday IRL practice and Rolex Sports Car Series qualifying is $10 for general admission and $15 for re- served tickets. Children 12 and under are free in the general admission area on Friday as well. Tickets for all events are available by calling (800) 944-RACE (7223) or by log- ging onto the website at www.californiaspeedway.co m. Fohi, Miller softball teams oMain- wifoes Marissa Samaro pitched her second consecutive shutout to lead the Fohi softball team to a 3-0 tri- umph over Rialto on Tuesday afternoon. The win boosted the Steelers' record to 9-2 over- all and 2-0 in the Citrus Belt League. Samaro fired a three -hit- ter and struck out five bat- ters while issuing no walks. She also helped the Steelers at the plate by bashing a single and driving in a run. Bernadette Yniguez went 2-for-3 with a run and an RBI, and Ange Castellanos went 2-for-3 and scored a run. In an earlier CBL game, the Steelers stomped Redlands, 7-0, as Samaro threw another three -hitter. She fanned seven hitters and walked one. Kim Waleszonia led the offense with a double, sin- gle, and two RBI. Castellanos was 2-for-4 with two RBI, Yniguez doubled and scored a run, Casey Chavez. and Tessa Westerhoff both singled and scored runs, and Juliana Schweiger added a single. Also last week, the Fontanans captured first place in the Jurupa Valley Tournament with a thrilling 6-5 win over Don Lugo (which owned a 9-1 record going into the championship game). Schweiger slugged a key double in the bottom of the sixth inning, driving in two runs to put the Steelers ahead to stay. Schweiger ended up going 2-for-3 with three RBI. Waleszonia walloped a triple while Chavez singled, scored two runs, and drove in a run. Trisha Drewitz singled and had one RBI. Castellanos and Yniguez each had one hit and one run, while Westerhoff went 1-for-2. Sarah Steele pitched the full - seven innings and al- lowed seven hits and one walk. She had five strike- outs while raising her record to 5-1 on the season. Miller pulls out exciting win In other competition, the Fontana A.B. Miller softball team won a thriller against Redlands East Valley on Tuesday, scoring a run in the bottom of the seventh inning for a 2-1 victory. With the score tied at 1-1, Veronica Wootson o,pened the seventh with a single. She advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt by Jennifer McBride and took third when Cassondra Hemsley's hard-hit ball was misplayed by the,Wildcats. Then Ashley Savage lofted a fly ball to short right field. After the catch was made, Wootson raced in and slid home safely with the winning run on the sac- rifice fly. Wootson was 2-for-4 overall with a double and single. Hemsley also went 2-for-4 and Savage was 1- for-3. Jennice Russi pitched well, allowing four hits and striking out 10. The only run she allowed was un- earned. The victory boosted the Rebels' record to 6-3 overall and 2-1 in the CBL. Last week, Miller dropped a tough 2-1 decision in nine innings to Eisenhower even though Tina Quiroz pitched a sensa- tional game, striking out 18 batters. She surrendered only three hits, and both of the runs against her were unearned. Kaiser endures heart- breaking loss Meanwhile, in the Sunkist League, Kaiser fell to Ramona, 3-2, on Monday afternoon, giving the Cats a 7-4 overall record (0-1 in league). The Cats trailed 3-0 until the sixth, when Amber Jackson belted a solo home run. Then in the seventh, Lorraine Garcia and Valerie Quiroz delivered singles. With two out, Jackson slammed a base hit to drive in Garcia, cutting the mar- gin to one run, but the Cats' comeback was then squelched. Natalie Alcala and Quiroz pitched well for Kaiser. One of the key plays in the game came when Alcala blasted a long drive Ito left field but was robbed when the Ramona fielder made a spectacular catch. Kaiser triumphs in baseball Led by the strong pitch- ing of Michael Potts, the Kaiser baseball team ac- quired two straight victo- ries to start the Sunkist League season. Potts pitched six excel- lent innings last Saturday as the Cats won a thriller over Martin Luther King, 2-1, at the San Bernardino Stampede stadium (Arrowhead Credit Union Park). The score was tied at 1-1 fourth inning. He singled and came in on a single by Daniel Villalobos. Potts allowed only one hit -- an infield single in the second inning -- and struck out six batters in six in- nings. He issued two walks. Potts lifted his record to 3-0 ' and lowered his ERA to 0.37. In another Sunkist game last week, the Cats demol- ished Ramona, 12-1. Chris Jones gave up five hits and Villalobos lined a double and a single, and Tackett singled twice. In other prep baseball ac- tion: Fohi loses to Rialto` Despite another superb performance by Mike Paluzzi, the Fohi baseball team lost to Rialto on Tuesday, 6-4. Paluzzi, who has been red-hot at the plate through- out the season, went 3-for-3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEIARING A MEETING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED BEFORE THE CITY OF FONTANA CITY COUNCIL FOR THE FOLLOWING: SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE JUNIPER AVENUE SEWER PROJECT Environmental Determination: A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project indicating that it does not have the potential for creating significant adverse impacts, and no mitigation measures are required with the implementation of the project. Staff recommends the adoption of a Negative Declaration for this project per the Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) 2001. Location of Property: The project area is located within the northeastern portion of the City. The proposed sewer improvements would be developed from Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue east to Juniper Avenue, north from the intersection of Juniper Avenue and Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue, east from the intersection of Juniper Avenue to South Highland Avenue to Sierra Avenue, and south approximately 105 feet from the intersection of South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue. Date of Hearing: April 16, 2002 Place of Hearing: City Hall Council Chambers 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Time of Hearing: 7:00 P.M. Should you have any questions concerning this project, please contact George Harvilla, Project Manager, at (909) 350-6519. ANY INTERESTED PARTY MAY APPEAR AND PRESENT ANY INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE OF ASSISTANCE TO THE CITY COUNCIL. A COPY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. IF YOU. CHALLENGE IN COURT ANY ACTION TAKEN CONCERNING °A PUBLIC HEARING ITEM, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE TO THE CITY AT, OR PRIOR TO, THE PUBLIC HEARING. Publish: March 21, 2000 P. O. #2002-00B03 CITY OF FONTANA MEMORANDUM CITY OF FONTANA Redevelopment/Special Projects Depar Lment TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: LINDA NUNN DEPUTY CITY CLERK CARLA PUR ADMINISTRA ECT COORDINATOR DRAFT INITIAL STUDY SOUTH HIGHLAND AVE — JUNIPER AVENUE SEWER MARCH 18, 2002 Transmitted herewith is the Notice of Intent and the Draft Initial Study for the South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement. Please keep this document on file for, public review and comment. This item is scheduled to be heard before the City Council on April 16, 2002. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to call me at x6792. Thank you. ✓c: file City of Fontana CALIFORNIA March 18, 2002 Clerk of the Board of Supervisors COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 385 North Arrowhead Avenue, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, California, 92416-0130 To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed is a Notice of Intent and Draft Initial Study to adopt a Negative Declaration for the South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project. Please post the enclosed document for public review and comment. Should any additional information be required, please do not hesitate to contact me at 909-350-6792. REDEVELOPMENT/SPECIAL PROJECTS DEPARTMENT Ca a . Purs,.I Administrative -Project Coordinator enclosure c: file Harvilla, Project Manager www.fontana.org 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335-3528 (909) 350-7600 arr1 recycled paper NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that City of Fontana has completed .an Initial Study of the South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvements project in accordance with the City's Guidelines implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. This Initial Study was undertaken for the purpose of deciding whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment. On the basis of such Initial Study, the City's Staff has concluded that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has therefore prepared a Draft Negative Declaration. The Initial Study reflects the independent judgment of the'' City. The Project site is not on a list compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5. Copies of the Initial Study and Draft Negative Declaration are on file at Fontana City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335 and are available for public review. Comments will be received until April 9, 2002. Any person wishing to comment on this matter must submit such comments, in writing, to the City prior to this date. Comments of all Responsible Agencies are also requested. At its meeting on April 16, 2002 at Fontana City Hall, Council Chambers, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California 92335, the City Council will consider the project and the Draft Negative Declaration. If the City Council finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, it may adopt the Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative Declaration. This means that the City Council may proceed to consider the project without the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Date Received for Filing: George Harvilla Staff (Clerk Stamp Here) Project Manager Title NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT INITIAL STUDY AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Title South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvements Project Location — Specific Along Walnut Street from Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue; along Juniper Avenue from Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue; along South Highland Avenue from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue; along Sierra Avenue from South Highland Avenue for 105 feet, within the City of Fontana. Project Location — City Project Location — County City of Fontana County of San Bernardino Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: The project involves approximately 5,105 linear feet of sewer improvements along Walnut Street from Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue; along Juniper Avenue from Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue; along South Highland Avenue from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue; along Sierra Avenue from South Highland Avenue for approximately 100 feet. The project would include construction of 15 manholes. Access will be maintained along Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue during construction and the roadways would be restored to their original conditions after construction of the sewer line and manholes. The Significant Effects on the Environment, if any, Anticipated as a Result of the Project: The City of Fontana Engineering Division conducted an Initial Study, which determined that the proposed project would not have an effect on the environment. The City intends to adopt a Negative Declaration for the project. Lead Agency Division City of Fontana, Engineering Division Date when project noticed to public: March 21, 2002 Address where copy of the IS and all documents referenced in the IS are available: Fontana City Hall City Clerks Desk 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 IS is also available at the following locations: N/A Review Period March 21, 2002 to April 9, 2002 Contact Person Area Code - Telephone — Extension George Harvilla, Project Manager City of Fontana, Special Projects 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (909) 350-6519 DRAFT INITIAL STUDY and NEGATIVE DECLARATION for the proposed SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE AND JUNIPER AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Prepared for: City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 George Harvilla (909) 350-6519 Prepared by: David Evans and Associates 800 North Haven Avenue, Suite 300 Ontario, California 91764 Karen Ruggels, Project Manager (909) 481-5750 Draft: March 21, 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 Introduction 1-1 1.2 Purpose of the MND and Initial Study 1-1 1.3 Summary of Findings 1-2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2-1 2.1 Project Location and Environmental Setting 2-1 2.2 Description of the Proposed Project 2-5 2.3 Objectives of the Project 2-18 2.4 Discretionary Actions 2-18 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 3-1 3.1 Aesthetics 3-2 3.2 Agriculture Resources 3-3 3.3 Air Quality 3-4 3.4 Biological Resources 3-8 3.5 Cultural Resources 3-11 3.6 Geology and Soils 3-12 3.7 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 3-15 3.8 Hydrology and Water Quality 3-17 3.9 Land Use and Planning 3-20 3.10 Mineral Resources 3-22 3.11 Noise 3-23 3.12 Population and Housing 3-25 3.13 Public Services 3-26 3.14 Recreation 3-28 3.15 Transportation and Traffic 3-29 3.16 Utilities and Service Systems 3-32 4 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE 4-1 4.1 Findings 4-1 4.2 Mitigation Measures 4-2 5 LIST OF PREPARERS/REFERENCES 5-1 5.1 Preparers of the MND/Initial Study 5-1 5.2 References 5-1 5.3 Persons Contacted 5-2 APPENDIX A - ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page i Draft: March 21, 2002 Table of Contents (continued) LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Air Quality Monitoring Data 3-5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Regional Location 2-2 2 Vicinity Map 2-3 3a Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line A 2-6 3b Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line A 2-7 4a Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line B 2-8 4b Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line B 2-9 5a Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line C 2-10 5b Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line C 2-11 6 Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line D 2-13 7a Traffic Control Plan 2-14 7b Traffic Control Plan 2-15 7c Traffic Control Plan 2-16 7d Traffic Control Plan 2-17 Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page ii Draft: March 21, 2002 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION This Initial Study evaluates and identifies the potential environmental impacts which may result from the proposed development of approximately 5,100 feet of sewer main along South Highland Avenue between Sierra Avenue and Juniper Avenue, south on Juniper Avenue from Highland Avenue to Walnut Street, west on Walnut Street from Juniper Avenue to Cypress Avenue, and south along Sierra Avenue from the South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue intersection. South Highland is a two-lane street and is bounded by vacant land. Juniper Avenue is a two-lane street bounded by scattered single-family residential units, as well as vacant land to the east and vacant land to the west, and Walnut Street is also a two-lane road and is bounded by vacant land, as well as a paved pathway located to the north. Miller High School is located at the northwestern corner of Cypress Avenue and Walnut Street. The City of Fontana is serving as the Lead Agency for the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project. Section 21067 of the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) defines a Lead Agency as the public agency which has the principal responsibility for carrying out or approving a project which may have a significant effect on the environment. The City of Fontana would be responsible for approving the proposed project, as well as for the implementation of the proposed sewer improvements. Thus, the City will serve as the Lead Agency, and has the authority to oversee and complete the environmental review process for the project. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE MND AND INITIAL STUDY As part of the environmental review process for the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement project, the City of Fontana has authorized the preparation of this Initial Study. The Initial Study provides a basis for understanding whether there are environmental impacts associated with the proposed project and, if environmental impacts are likely to occur, whether such impacts could be significant. The purposes of this Initial Study, as stated in Section 15063 of the CEQA Guidelines, are as follows: • To provide the City of Fontana with information to use as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) or Negative Declaration (ND) for the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement project; • To enable the City of Fontana to modify the project, by reducing or eliminating any adverse impacts before an EIR is prepared, thereby enabling the project to qualify for a negative declaration; • To assist in the preparation of an EIR, if one is required, by focusing the EIR on the effects determined to be significant; identifying effects determined not to be significant; and explaining reasons for determining that potentially significant effects would not be significant; • To identify whether a program EIR, tiering, or another appropriate process can be used for the analysis of the project's environmental effects; • To facilitate the environmental review of the project early in its design; Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 1-1 Introduction (continued) • To provide documentation for findings in a negative declaration that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment; ■ To eliminate unnecessary environmental impact reports; and • To determine whether a previously prepared EIR can be used for the project. Based on the Initial Study, the City of Fontana could then determine the subsequent environmental review needed for the project, which may take the form of a (Mitigated) Negative Declaration (MND/ND) or an EIR. 1.3 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Based on the findings of the environmental analysis in Section 3 of this Initial Study, the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement project does not have the potential for creating significant adverse impacts, and no mitigation measures are required with the implementation of the project. In accordance with these findings, the City of Fontana will adopt a Negative Declaration for the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement project. This would complete the environmental review process for the project. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System hnprovement Project Page 1-2 SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING Project Background The City of Fontana has experienced significant growth in the last forty years when population levels increased by 900 percent. This population growth has shifted development and land use patterns from farming and steel manufacturing to residential, commercial and industrial uses. Infrastructure improvements, including sewer improvements, to support such growth in the City have not been. implemented. Major sewer system improvements are necessary to ensure the health and safety of persons and property in the City of Fontana. Additionally, completion of the State Route 210 Foothill Freeway, will result in an even greater demand for local infrastructure, including sewer. New development surrounding the Freeway is proposed and/or near construction phases, which need adequate sewer services. The improvements to the sewer system in the vicinity of the Freeway, as well as other areas in the City have become critical for the expansion of development. Regional Setting The City of Fontana occupies approximately 36 square miles in the southwestern section of San Bernardino County, at the southern base of the San Gabriel Mountains and north of Jurupa Hills. Lytle Creek Wash is found north of the City but then heads southeast along the eastern edge of the City of Rialto (See Figure 1, Regional Map). The City of Fontana is located in the southwestern portion of the County of San Bernardino, within the Inland Empire of Southern California. The County of San Bemardino, covering approximately 22,000 square miles, is the largest county in the United States and consists of 31 incorporated cities. The county is home to approximately 1.7 million residents, making it the fifth most populated county in California. Population growth of approximately 19 percent is estimated to have occurred between the 1990 population of 1,418,380 persons and the 2000 population of 1,689,281 persons. The City is bounded to the west by the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the City of Ontario, and unincorporated county land, to the north by the San Bernardino National Forest and unincorporated county land, to the east by the City of Rialto and unincorporated county land, and to the south by the San Bernardino — Riverside County • line and unincorporated county land within Riverside County (see Figure 2, Vicinity Map). The San Bernardino Freeway (I-10) runs through the southern portion of the City, and the Ontario Freeway (I-15) runs along the northwestern boundary of the City. Other major roadways in Fontana include Foothill Boulevard, Arrow Highway, Valley Boulevard, Baseline Avenue, South Highland Avenue and the proposed Foothill Freeway (210 Freeway/State Route 30), Jurupa Avenue, Sierra Avenue, Citrus Avenue and Cherry Avenue. The City of Fontana has developed in a mix of land uses, with the majority of the City developed as residential land uses. Older residential areas are found within the City core at the southeastern section of the City north of the I-10 Freeway; and the newly developed residential areas are found at the northern section, north of Foothill Boulevard and at the southern section near Jurupa Hills. Commercial developments are found along major highways and roadways throughout the City and south of the I-10 Freeway and east of Sierra Avenue. Industrial land uses are primarily located at the southwestern section of the City, along the I-10 Freeway and parallel the Union Pacific Railroad. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 2-1 orba Lir, tnda • Source: Microsoft Streets and Trips 2000 ?Kaiser' Seuth Fontana am- �,,�...«-. Yfki' 04 i`J 4 Gvti • G OWE''���x —- Heights Lati t a Sierra-- r r Afm .}bn Norco$� 1 • fur=` Maye` Heine_ Gardens FIGURE 1 —REGIONAL MAP South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project West Colton Woodcrdst Ei $obrante f, , \`� Glen Valley, h,{5rkhem St N ——— M IIIIII N M/I MN M r M N all -- I r l Highland Ave ut_S V = JtJ[ I- - -FI 11 r_.� GF ig Ili = FlUi -M inn Source: Microsoft Streets and Trips 2000 �17fiife� L._ _ r-` r_ e FIGURE 2 -VICINITY MAP South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Rialto-t asmeGe tFve= ri--7 LSL C29 . . I 1» dCl Fie F1 y-1 l�; i iC' i) alrv`Iew=Ri - , � J ri Maga=SCi ( 1 N Project Site L Project Description (continued) Growth and development in the City of Fontana has outpaced that of the County of San Bernardino for the last two decades. While annexations have contributed to the population increase, infill construction of new housing units has also added housing stock and residents to the City. During the 1980's, the City of Fontana was among the fastest growing cities in San Bernardino County. The City's 1980 population of 37,100 persons increased to 87,535 persons in 1990, representing a 135 percent increase over the decade. The majority of the growth was the result of new residential development in the City and land annexations. During this same period, the number of dwelling units rose from 14,860 units in 1980 to 29,383 units in 1990. According to the Depai tnient of Finance, the City's 2000 population is estimated at 128,929 persons, and its housing stock consists of 36,504 units. The vacancy rate is 10.2 percent and the average household size is 3.566 persons per household. While the City's growth has slowed since 1990 to 47.3 percent (from 1990 to 2000), growth rates within the City of Fontana continue to exceed those of San Bernardino County, as a whole. Project Area The project area is located within the northeastern portion of the City. The proposed sewer improvements would be developed from Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue east to Juniper Avenue, north from the intersection of Juniper Avenue and Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue, east from the intersection of Juniper Avenue to South Highland Avenue to Sierra Avenue, and south approximately 105 feet from the intersection of South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue. South Highland Avenue runs west to east through the City and in the project vicinity is a two-lane street bounded by vacant land to the south and north. Commercial development is planned for the southeastern corner of South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue. Juniper Avenue runs in a north to south fashion through the City. It is a two-lane road in the project area. Four single-family homes are located along the east side of Juniper Avenue, and mature trees and vacant lands are located on the west side. of Juniper Avenue within the project area. An elementary school is planned west of Juniper Avenue. Walnut Street traverses the City in a west to east direction and includes a walking path along its northern border within the project site. Walnut is a two-lane road in the project area and is surrounded by vacant land. The A. B. Miller High School is located at the northwestern corner of Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue. An existing eight -inch water line is located along Walnut Street south of where the proposed sewer line would be installed. Additionally, overhead electricity lines are also located south of the proposed sewer line, along Walnut Street. An existing underground telephone line is located along Walnut Street, north of the proposed sewer line. A gas line is located along Cypress Avenue. The proposed sewer line would traverse the existing gas line. Overhead electricity lines are located along Juniper Avenue and west of the proposed sewer line. Underground electricity lines are located at the northern portion of the portion of Juniper Avenue where the project sewer would be installed. Additionally, a six and 5/8 inch to 17 3/8-inch water line is located west of the proposed sewer line under Juniper Avenue. An underground telephone line is located within Juniper Avenue, east of the proposed sewer line. An underground electricity line is located along South Highland Avenue south of the proposed sewer line. A fiber optic line encased in concrete, as well as a 25 3/8-inch water line is located just north of the proposed sewer line under South Highland Avenue. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 2-4 Project Description (continued) An existing twelve -inch water line and an existing underground telephone line are located along the eastern side of Sierra Avenue, approximately twelve feet west of the proposed sewer line. Additionally, an existing six-inch water line and an underground electric line are located along the western side of Sierra Avenue, approximately 35 feet from of the proposed sewer line. Near the eastern portion of the Sierra Avenue and South Highland Avenue intersection, an underground electric line traverses the proposed sewer line location. Also in that portion of the intersection, a reinforced concrete pipe exists along of the proposed sewer line and extends northward along Sierra Avenue. 2.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT Physical Characteristics The proposed project would include the construction of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line. The sewer improvements are divided into three sewer lines: Line A, located along Walnut Street; Line B, located along Juniper Avenue; Line C, located along South Highland Avenue; and Line D, located along Sierra Avenue. These four proposed sewer lines are described below. Line A Line A would be approximately 1,312 linear feet and would be located approximately ten feet below the existing grade of Walnut Street, as shown in Figures 3a and 3b, Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line A. Walnut Street is a 24 foot -wide paved road with 18 feet wide dirt shoulders. A future median is planned for Walnut Street. Line A would be located just north of the future median and would tie into an existing 10 inch vitrified clay sewer pipe (VCP) and existing manhole at Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue. The proposed sewer pipe would also be 10 inch VCP. Four new manholes would be constructed along Line A, one of which would be located at the intersection of Walnut Street and Juniper Avenue where Line B would start. At two locations along Line A, the project proposes to replace damaged pavement with four inches of asphalt concrete. At the eastern end of Line A, pipe support would be constructed, as well as a 10-inch extra strength sewer with plug at the point were Line A and Line B would meet. Line B Line B would be approximately 1,793 linear feet long and would be located approximately ten feet below existing grade of Juniper Avenue, as shown in Figures 4a and 4b, Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line B. Juniper Avenue is a 24-foot wide paved road with 18 feet wide dirt shoulders. Line B would tie into Line A at a proposed manhole to be located at the intersection of Walnut Street and Juniper Avenue. Line B would be composed of ten -inch VCP. Five manholes are proposed along Line B, one of which would be located at the intersection of Juniper Avenue and South Highland Avenue were Line C would start. The central portion of Line B would include sewer laterals, extending from the proposed sewer line to the east, to service the existing single family residents located on the eastern side of Juniper Avenue. At the northern portion of Line B, the project proposes to replace damaged pavement with four inches of asphalt concrete pavement. Line C Line C would be approximately 1,593 linear feet long and would be located approximately ten feet below existing grade of South Highland Road, as shown in Figures 5a and 5b, Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line C. A proposed median is planned for South Highland Avenue. Line C would be constructed north of the paved area of South Highland Avenue. Line C would be composed of ten inch VCP and would include Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 2-5 =1---.4 _ ..T=.7---!--T---1- -,--- --a7-,---- 5%=;',-.7 =Tr= ..tr:'''•":::', 1-7-,. _,=-• .S.,E , -•'-1- _ til'et -.-- :-_-+- .. m ,.:_ .---,--. ,..__-• ...___. - •---=---. -,... -: ',==-_,-,1:;+_ _ :=,_._ --:-_-_-...._ . ., tl•---1.1.--„---, *•• ,- -_ _ --a- =-1.- ...,.. _,-7,,,,_ -..,, =../. -,-. _ = :SE -I. -..- 4--- --,-. , .Ta :•F _ .: . ----- .,..-...,. _,,_._„____...- -- g--?--- _ 1.- -L-7,- -=:: --:.--E" -,... 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Sai 4' ==...,.. ---=--- T-Tt ‘ - .4 , -, 09+00 LIJ 10+00 12+00 TELE (ABAp.), (PAC8ELL) (DWG.: LB 23 1019Z PH2 /19') \ 3/8" WATER - -\ (SGVW,D) FIBER OPTIC \ MICROTUNNEi-4403 IPN,2216 STA tH41256.00 END 20' 9 STEEL CASINO ,LX.C- STREET- CROSS -SEC "FPER OPTIC-0 -3'-FOR7-1-6730` N/0 7C7L. aNCRETE ENCAS,ED, 5'-0" bOTTOM 707A-l1-38k13 C/L OF MH 412 '1/4\ -PP 407376E- .7t7z-77' BIGHLAN PROPOSED R/W/ 5Cg EX-it-TING '.12/W '124 SD --L- (tONTANA) (SCE) (2 PP# 43 l, =St' 6" wATEP-tJqB /NO: : (FONTANA WA WR CO:) (.9ewtD) A 13+00 FIGURE 5B— PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEWER LINE C South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project 14+00 154-00 17 _3/89' WATER (JOB/ NO. 4351F-2) (FONTANA WATER CO,i) (SGVWD) - 4-4.* TELE (PACBELI DW-G•,,,LB 23 41102) (PACIJEI1E)>4'(DWG,,,L.B 23 1019r 451.42.,„ #29) : iLEC F107 (LiG) SCE) (2„3._1-217-5) 240121-00 _A/*CAll.q / sum. N8-1(1 (FONTANA) 0-4" T,ELE (PAcEELL) (D \--"240-121-17 12" WATER WarNO. 2 --(FONTANA WATER CO.) ( 16+00 -1799FILE--77-; • C/L 'OF MH 443 25 3 8. WATER (_JOB 4157E-1) FONTANA WATER CO.) (SGVWD), Off--0 ss\Avo) W 15,18 17+00 A 16-1-16.61 x is-z C/L OF UM /14 18+00 —1 X -PRDT56S-ECNAEDIAi4 74-91E (BY WILLBAN) I 1 19Z PH2 #2,3)--- ;AkisA613-kLL) 10) " .5e5 t _ 240-417#16) „05 \ ac-9IN- EVERY a , Ag4-ecti EtEVATI0W 1510.91 X C.4.5 19+00 20+00 CONSTRUCTION NOTES O CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER, ASTM C 700, D-LOAD 2400 ® CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 112, MODIFIED TO 5' INSIDE DIAMETER MANHOLE. SEE FONTANA STD. DETAIL 114, CASE 2 FOR MANHOLE CHANNELING CONSTRUCT 4" EXTRA STRENGTH SEWER LATERAL PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 125 WITH PLUG (MODIFIED WITHOUT CLEANOUT WYE, RISER AND BOX). 0 CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER WITH PLUG. ® REPLACE DAMAGED PAVEMENT 4" AC OVER NATIVE. 4) • CONSTRUCT SEWER LATERAL PER DETAIL NO. 1 ON PLAN SHEET NO. 3 0 INSTALL ar 0 STEEL CASING PER DETAIL NO. 3 ON PLAN SHEET NO. 3 N. R/W 2H-00 104'-125' 52'-38' 1' EXISTING SURFACE I pRoposED SURFACE - 16.31' I 10' I FIBER OPTIC 0 2.-9" TOP-16.31' N/O C.L./jffl CONCRETE ENCASED, 3' - 1 1" BOTTOM SHORING SHIELDS 14' MEDIAN EXISTING AC PAVEMENT 10"0 VCP SEWER S. HIGHLAND AVE. w x 23' L BORING PIT STA 11+82 56 Ema_QE_SMEL CASING W/ A THRUST WALL SCALE: 1" = 10' 1 -3, -t.,---- ,--- Y---3 - -_ ".-- - iT—i ' _ -• - -_ -,-1._ , „=-- ' a,-.-.,•X•.-• _ r.- .,----.-44,.-- .--.",T- -_--:.--'"'C`.;-?-.. Ii'P, E_ , = _ . - - . -1•"-xt.-.._ - - --.. - „,. - 1 = - th J ----=-_ .•-• - - --...1.--.._:..E_"-_ -T. ._. , 7. - _ .73., , - 7-a7'- - -,f• - itt._•-• - - ' r-,,_ k.,..., .--',.....-'43 G.- ----- ---- _ -P• 3 , -------- _ - 1-: -- ' ,_ __z --I.1-- rs ----- . .•-....- ,,r _1,----,--_ • --:P.: .1.,--ta = -""-7-3 -- - - -_-_, . •W?•-• ----- _ - ; _,,,_ __ .:- - -21- _..,--_- --A. 7-2-" _.,._ .---_, -r"..1-7.: ----- ,7-.L._-_ „m--- n.._ , --,-- "•":•-•-- -jjc,•-:•._•-a---:• i•„:. --- — _1"--","_ _, .,;f2,"••••e•:02E , -- - = --, -t-- -,....- -7T-a ----,--- —4 -,.,... ' ,,.--_- -r. _ 4 ...,_ .., 1, -1, .._,.. - ..4 - -±r, 111. .0--- -1 .1, Z-1 31,,,,.. ^ --..... . - ----- E _: "?- •...-, --Er•.,..-- F ssr - .,t, -,- rt.. "::---..•W". " -9,-"," =• •.:_- "+...., -1_ _ _ .W..., -• • ••A. -% _ sa -.,.. _ ,• .- • •:-.•-• . —i•—_, ,- "--t-,—,--....--i— •••.- ---- .,` .-_-_-.r: _ •<4.' _..t _..... _ -4 r.-_-: \____ " '-'' =_ -_._ --, ... _ . .._ . ,- - - --1. , ...,-= , # ....,-...- ----- ----- . --.7, . ..=._ ,,..„ 2-2E-- ,.- . - 4 ..• S., --, ----- _ -- - _ _,,___ _ ,. . . ••=-7-. - - - .-.- =_,4_,_ 1-, -3- - . .. -, ___ - -. - 7irr t--- = , 7-,- Ls ., -• 7_,-, -,- = `.' --.-=="-r-s- x. ;--2-- .=-1.. ___ _ _ _ 7.--, 4.,==. -1.----. —.7"1, _. --..s• --..t. 71-7, at ..E.: _ ,., , -.-,..-,----4- .... --L---- L---. -. --, - _____ • • :8-5,...4 ..= ____ -__ _ --i- _ §.- ....., _.__ -._„. --,,,- =1.- , 1.7..,„ r„..-..r., -.. ,.. __ - . 7 1-- ........ HMV: T * 4C? _. __ - ' ' /5:.60-. ' ::.-":. ... 4.4.. 4% '. g WA •i• .....,,,, ,L7,g .4.-- =_...,-----4_---.,,....,,,, Fria p.; -74:7- -, -----.1_72_,E,c-_,-,7.,,,,,..11_, _. ____ , -='- :',-------,,---- -,:-.=---:-,:--' VERT) T - Jr 00+00 0 01+00 02+00 STA 17,4,7_59.8 JUNIPER -STA-00.00HIGHLANOAVE_ /LgFj4H 4S FIBER OPTIC 0 - CONCRETE...ENCASED) -5' BOTTOM 3 X LJ r(--D 55 -4- r PP-# 45 03+00 X 17:105 ,C9.2 246-094- 04+00 05+00 ; •, 06+00 07+00 PROFILE 7f 11 A 7+06.40 x • •- • " 7.5X••'--. • 'M.-6F* 1:50F 7 -" 25 3/8” WATER ,F IFONTAliA WATE CO.) (SGVWD) • C L_ MH '557— qeSEE sTREET cnoss-„,sEc-noN ON me smeEn x 17,07.4 , •••.. C . 240-091-03 , \ • \ . \ ,.. x 7: FO It105.f, F U 00 5 sce S. HIGHMD 45 - x 1508 4w .•- 240-091-04 / FIBER OPTIC 0 2' -9" TOP-1.3,83' C.L. ••' '5°2 CONCRETE ENCASED,---3,--11" BOTTOM SEE SHEET 7 FOR LlislE T3' FIGURE 5A. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEWER LINE C South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project / 08+00 06H-00 , 0.5 ..-_- 25 ..1/8" WATER/ic..101.0. Nu: „4357F-i) Li _ --24F00NT70,Ar203A/T/ER...efoR:ii.nSc:VWx D);:x\___, .-- --1 ;.-----`.' ' -- _I .-_--r1 - ---..-L: F-fi44--.4i---,:74'412511:433/8 "1 _ b .., 9+ 4 -------4 fa- "4. 10+00 ,YrikLytn 45 ----v•—•,- PRO-77.7', . / x ,507, 7 / FIBER ,E_TIC 0 3.1.0*--.TOP-14,41-rN/0 C.L. ...,__ -"--..... CONCRETE ENC.2A'Sfe-,-- .0.' -1" BOTTOM PROPOSED MED1A4------ N., 1.15--/ .%. \\ .... -----____ (BY WILLD_AN)j x N___'5e5 • xn ,----_____.---- \, \ FIBER OPTIC 0 2;-9"---TOP-14.45'Il.,50 C.L. \ ' In= 7 7•-s' ' ONCRETE ENCASED, 4' -2"\ -130-TTOM '`, \ X ,502.5 : ••••'•-• --- •\..,,,,..-^, ELEC (UG) 55 11+00 12+00 CONSTRUCTION NOTES ® CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER, ASTM C 700, D-LOAD 2400 ® CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 112, MODIFIED TO 5' INSIDE DIAMETER MANHOLE. CONSTRUCT 4" EXTRA STRENGTH SEWER LATERAL PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 125 WITH PLUG (MODIFIED WITHOUT CLEANOUT WYE, RISER AND BOX). • CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER WITH PLUG. 8 w CD REPLACE DAMAGED PAVEMENT 4" AC OVER NATIVE. N. R/W 1 04' 52' 1 ' I I EXISTING SURFACE . I :3 :-..a- --, i PROPOSED SURFACE I DIRT FIBER OPTIC 0 2'-9" TOP-13.83' N/0 C.L. CONCRETE ENCASED, 3'-11" BOTTOM SHORING SHIELDS STA S. HIGHLAND AVE. 3+70.20 C/L OF MANHOLE SCALE: 1" 10' 13.83' MEDIAN! / PROPOSED EXISTING / AC PAVEIYENT 10"0 VCP SEWER ijlo A,. --,-,-- - o--- .....3,-.1ire.,_.,. •=4----'.--7.,=_=!-....-,-11"1---...2.•••_1...• ,-,__*!..1' - •-',-2--,---"-=': o___,--L1— _.-:-, _ ,,,,...---,,- -=---1--- --,•__ __,--__I_____ .J..., ...;,- -A- r.",..-- !.. -=... • --1- 1-- =or =. ...- . .a. 7±- , -L.. > -,- r-- - . -Y-- I ..---7. :.±. ---, ,-.T."'R 'X..= ...:!---.. ri--4) — -,4-- ! , ----,f, ---1=. .,.-... ---+.--• -----, S-.7.- -.."-- Ar_ --!..- -4.- - „__. .-4-- _ !..-- -5- 4--,,,--- --Cr-, -- .-..., rsz. =-._ --- !.. -r- Ff- ao!!,-,. _±.- =_,.. „ .. A!--. .,-- !"-L- ..c.. - --, 1.!! r=!_. -a 4E. _....._ -4--..- ,--..— __r - -.--: !A/7 - — --c-- -1- • - -,-.-z•-..,, 7-• - ---47.- -Az:- -t-=--------_-k-+--c----_ _ --t- ---1.--• --:".--,.---. ----- -17 n. -_,- --_:÷ -- — ..a. ----W., !!! " ---' - :.!-.- .. 1.: - !'.' : n .! - • =._ -,! - ,. - !.F.._,7-— .. t..: i=„- -1_ sl!._ --t- --- z_ _ .„ , -*. ---, ,--E_, ..pr----- z ,—zr - --t:i!-_„ . ..7r.._ 7.,'• •_-zr r--- _ TEj_.,...----_377-.77=.- .,... -4- ... =r-__,_ .-•-• - ...---z=z-•_. ---T. ---o. - -,&!- =7-.7 t --7"--....1• _s!, ,,-_ '1. -'4- _o_ .7-7 = - =T-z- !,,,-, 1,-___. - :-•-' -- . 1 r. ---o. - -= ----co- ..7,4. =. •E" ,--.4.--.._ !!!!!- __ .-1.. ..,- _--,--__-,,, •Frr. .4- .....#05*-°."-- OC- ._...._,, - . — ........v. -7_,._ - - _ ....... _,-.7,---. I . .... - ....- a -= _ -, _,,_ 44 =- .:_s!,-- -..-- . ....-,t,....- = "L :=-..,,-. , ---- , c_. --,-- . _ .., . • - _i_!--_,_ ' HVOSRTIZri ff -- 440' _ ,---- c -------,,, - - :.-• -, ... -,------. -- .= -,- crAI Ft ..,--. - -----:&, 11+00 - 12+00 ----,711-517470 E !E[BG F163 quo (SCE) .(230-216,9-0) JY1i1P 13+00 240-'091-23 r\ • • 14+00 15+00 PROFILE ! 240-(1.61-0 ,/ 17 V8" ONT-AN.A.-WATER GOTMG—VWDX 14+0680 • C/LisiOF 118 X, EX. 20MOB AC PFAMENT FIGURE 4B • PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEWER LINE B South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project 16+00 17+00 240-061-28 ( - \ ( 1 i—,I--------- ! ..BP-#14300846E ., "--\/- 55 jr„-/ ----- ! v , // !'-'..1! x 16 321842 i' PP#/8729t4E 129(24° 7'x' i2//' !!!!! 4`3,,' ..---- --- -- ''-'12! r /. :„.7._.....„_____ -,... __ --:_-_--7,_. ....., ,,.<,.!••• .._,_.i; , _,.! . - _, - \ Slk ,f;.!, , 77..-if-:.-,-- -`.711c::-;.4.--?7 .• 18+00 ! _ 24" CP SD (FON1ANA) EXISTING R (ScEy SEE SHEET 8 FOR UNE 'C' 25 3/8" WATER (JOB NO. 4158F-1) (7ONTANA WATER CO.) (SGVWb) \ ! C/L 8. HOHLAND AVE. (JOB NO. 2481 ! ! STA. 17475.98 JUNIPEFrAVE. -s-rA oo.00.00 s. H9L-ILI-AND VE. Oh_ OF MH 17 3/8 WA1ER (JOB' NO. 4357F-2) (FONTNA WATER) CO.)' (SGVWD) PP# r FAER OPTIC' @ "i C.L CONCRETE iNCAd, 311- BOTTOM . Y w 4 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER, ASTM C 700, D-LOAD 2400 0 CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 112, MODIFIED TO 5' INSIDE DIAMETER MANHOLE. ® CONSTRUCT 4" EXTRA STRENGTH SEWER LATERAL PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 1 25 WITH PLUG (MODIFIED WITHOUT CLEANOUT WYE, RISER AND BOX). • CONSTRUCT 1 On EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER WITH PLUG. 0 REPLACE DAMAGED PAVEMENT 4" AC OVER NATIVE. /\ FOUND MONUMENT IN WELL r IRON PIPE & TAG LS 4430 N 1871434,8187, E 6731068.1904, ELEV. = 1505.32 (DOWN 0.5) RESTORE AFTER CONSTRUCTION W. R /W 60' E. R/W 30' Cr_ 30' 12' 12' 5' DIRT DIRT 5'0 MANHOLE SHORING SHIELDS IEXIST. AC I 10"0 VCP SEWER JUNIPER AVE. • MH 88 SCALE: 1 =10' 0°' -="7F-'" _ - . ..,....r --=. .,.._- -• - _ , . ..... . -r- •=1=REM""= = - - --- - - -t---- tr.. - • -,-: _c__, 1, _ .- ;--.._---------r-T:.. - = _,__ _ -,t- _ 1.7_ _ --r- -.--_r_=•,-. -__,___ -=-- _____r ,r,-,., _ _=- .--,-,--..._ t _„__ -n.---; -s----- = - -, -2. --Lrjr •-__". ."- .-_i.: _ =: =_.i- ..„._ ir_. - , _ ..- . 7r,-, -._ 1.7.- _J --t-- .... ...- -_-_=.- ::-.5-ri- ---1- ,---__F_ _,.. ...,-; _ ---r-- .---.--2;_ E-"z- -,-- _ 4 =--L-Sr-r. - --.-=;.-= _.--4-- _ i. -.‘"a"-- --r._ - -4-.- ---`"-M-".--- -:"-r ---A---r- .--•- --, _ . •,-...t, =- ..t._. nr.- "- ---- " :::ZX,IVI-\65RE .- 1..-= ..=" _,- --= -1-- --,--,---..._::- - ,--,-,_ :--7-51"--- . ---,47,--7t----_,_ .-------- T-.- -,-, :'•• 7:-. •=r-"., ' .r.--.., ______ ---......,,,,, I/ -Lr-t=- ....„__ -.. PI -r- _ _-1-- =a- -r .---; -:-.1 r-- --...=-. ;'"......,-.. r---•- -,.--. .. ==. ,...=..-=...-- _-_. _. .L--.z_-- - ---. --. 9 r.-""'"'"'L" - • -s 1 1_ . '' • • • ; ; .,, i__ ---- ; --r-7,_-7171,___;____I__, • -,.. --."-- •--"j------' ,----- 4.E4-_,_;L-1-,....1"--:.; =-:; =r_-_ ___t__ • -4- ---,;-..- .i_- ---,---- 7E----:- - -1-=, -,.... -r4- -4 --7---7-7-4---.- _- q -,,, 1 i-*---.7-y.""' ita- 5= -..--- ... ... .... - - ---,,- _ - - -• : -1. F--b._ ,_=.,___E-_-,.... _ -,--,_.-........_....7.-,.. -LI,. -...-,r..----..:-_,--.7.,--.-•7==- ----:---..;:.7• a- - A--,4- - IOW:Alai," 4 ----4, ___, - - - -1- ±- ,____ ----„ --•••-•,..1._-_,--7. = •,..-!...... . _r .... .1..!, ,.., ....-.- _ .r- -"' _- .r..... . @ -..............-. .....v. r4a.r.ass _..., _ NORM 1' - 40! ---, tr.. -t --:.-....,-. Waal= -. -7 ..-rtfOrg— T — R ' to • -;-- -.- --, =E..--i•- -Ez.`--7 -6- --t• . • -_,_, SCALE •.'-trn velii4 Yi ' - ---I-•'--- -,-----6,--- - --- ' -, __,I.far__,_..,___ .,..--, ?;---, ,-__.;__ %UM T - 4' 01+00 02+00 352.40 LF 03+00 04+00 05+00 07+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER PROFILE — - -- — - — - - --- - - - \ I ELEL: 6-12 tOVH) (SC:Et) (23042169-1) 6 5/8" WATER (J08 NO. 1 W1 -1H (FONTANA "ATER CO.) (SGVWD) ?s, \, PP# 801;2 I 40 • I - < isTA 3+4122 7,01,1-05 • C/L OF IIIAH 15; „ " ‘-rP112284,07 35 , , EX. 32' (WIDE, FIAEMENT1 \ 2,40191-47 ,1-1--"-'2 0-091-- 6 L \ STA -4_1t EX 24' WIDE AC ADDRESSES LATERAL STATION OFTOCT FR. FIL 6835 3+94.05 40.02' 6831 4+68116 3t96' 6817 5+74S3 55.16' 6807 6+45.02 42.66' CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONSTRUCT 10° EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER, ASTM C 700, 0-LOAD 2400 CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 112, MODIFIED TO 5' INSIDE DIAMETER MANHOLE. • CONSTRUCT 4" EXTRA STRENGTH SEWER LATERAL PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 125 WITH PLUG (MODIFIED WITHOUT CLEANOUT WYE, RISER AND BOX). CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER WITH PLUG. ® REPLACE DAMAGED PAVEMENT 4'AC OVER NATIVE. CONTRUCT SEWER LATERAL PER DETAIL NO. 1 ON PLAN SHEET NO. 3 FIGURE 4A PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEWER LINE B N South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project - — -------- ,. - ---.------. -74,---,..„ -r•---= -,-.„..._.._______,__. -4-: --s. UNE -__ --,- -sr- ••,-1,* ... ' + ,- ---.1-.:-.E.---. 1.1•7- --, -sr -w- `;'.= .-....F- 4 '-'4=-- ..,___ ". ''-'4 -1: -'''• rs -.L.- _ 4 :7-'7-- - - "-= -,-----i ..Zt- a.= . -..,-- 'LT/ 0.'4.-1...tRE . -.'Sri- 'ZS- • ..1" - r' 7.2. 11.- . „.. ..:. . • .., ..,..::::' . - --,--t- - 7÷:a- r-'7.: ,...., 7j'. -V-T- ,_ ,....-777 .4,-, - --.4.1.- -4 ,----1... -r. •------Ea- • ..7•74"---- .--- • ------ZE-- _sr -7.1 '-'--,-- -,.. -,- •ss rt . 1- .s. -.-7",.i. ,X. 7 7.."-.... -- 4.. .t...:57 ,..., ' ........-.......... t- r --r ,. _ ---..--,--. - ....,_ ... . :-.....--•-- -=_ ,...„, - --.: -T._-..1._.-----+- --1- 7.-4=-4.__ " -...aii .-'---- - ___ r . _ .,,,-.,_ =.,- —. ....,._ ...,-=- . ..,- ,.,__ — :---w- ,,---, r-,--- 4....,-, . ,_=.-.. . _ .:.,.... ..... - -,-,-,- ___ - ...,_:_____ _ ____ --.--,-- -.L.,,- _ __L--, r- ., s.- ''''-4.• 2 F-7---- -, . . -, ..srts --T-IiIT --.1._---, -b- -=.- - -. EEi-- -4- 7..."...s7-r- _, -.-1._=---4.-----. --=e- 1-- ..r.4- 2- _,- =-I .,', ..-ititi.-........... = ... -..-... -"T 1--7- = rs '47= -iE-:ic, --s- IT-- --r- ' 7."-s-. --:=-- , l'-. ..... -s, r's. — ........ '''.. Z._--...--.,,_ „.., _,...„. —,---- -v. :,- i= 7.--iL. ---S- -7-- -.. -.--,-, . =,......r.15.--E-ra.=FiFr, sr. ...... —a- - Tti=r". . - s. • t r-r --....s-- s-• -1:: _ 24-- ,... --S.- .....-= ,......., 4, -..1,,,-,------. ---7----J---:---- -,-.,-: 6.*--14,4:- T 44*#** .7,-stIveg--- t=i SEE-4- -4.-. 10:ma&.raz.--== 7,-...._ .--174- iicr HONE T - 90 ;'E-: • .: ' --7----F:=:-.T-. SCALE 4-7 -- --."-.- , --..---.', -.' .7,..'-lir.1---711-M.' -‘.----t- rs, -"--...----'.--4.--7.7,4'a..,---..----1--.T.---j..- 4±147-.:-.. --..:47-E--,---4-2E,--71---= VT T - 4' 4- 1- "r."4..-- _ MIMI (1714111 alti-lin 1104nn in4410 -TH•nn 12+00 11+00 14400 00+00 0H-00 02+00 03+00 04+00 146:, 5 PROFILE erA • oil._ OF MH .... TELE (UG) (PACEIELLI_(W0,--L823 #1020) EX. 24' WIDVAC PAVEMENT- ON C/L _r_s—=`""4,,-..-=•- -r. ....-. •• - - ,,,,...?" p,i,.-yor we:kw,/--E-,;...•;- ,-A,,,,,..:,,,e.y ,4 ,,r,k,..,- re: 41,4,7Y77" ,,,, ..0.1,,` ;4" "a' '77,4?".","7 .:' '%.". ' ! "7,....... ..?"; .7, 0' a' A', ' .C727T1' "7.' ...10:<-275,0:4•:‘,4,-;',",..g5e41:y.,%ol;MI.W .1".05,42,i'V'7 1466.5 x 4 611, STA .07 1-• C./L MN *3 1-(1)-- ; SEE SHEET 6 STA. 01+60.00 MATCH LINE ((Qh1) (SCE) (28-2169-1) '0# 654438H/ AO_ _5_10,7.,_WATER-1-J0{3-44e: tid 21H)/ (F0NTANA-1MTER CO.) (SGVWO), •. 7 X 6 (3' \ STA '13401.10\ \ .C/LOFMH4. //) 8-4" TELE "(4 (PACBELL) '18P# T-53675 70 70 r ''"4:-.7'' +-WALNUT L--- x ,ELE:t (-0* (SCE) (228-2 "p9 - 1) -, ..X.i-S,;,11 NG R/W (FONTANA WATER ?..'0,) (S,GVW0) --• '--, x -fg'2WATERN-0.9,8 NO. 1555H) 20-071 -36:*'''' I 40 --:07-1-----4. -- i • -, ,,, I 240-071-33,2, .., ,,6, 4.0-0-71 _49 I 240-07,1 -34 240,-,0s7,17, 34 : PROPOSED R/W PORTION - ____ PORT034"'" I' : \ V •,, / .../ , ,....--- ..------- \ ....J '''''' - \ ,...„ ‘,...,. -,..,...... ,,.., . _ - X N 6 5/8:1"WhER (408 NO. 1601-1H) . _ •I i . .; \ .,,..6'., 3 '---,.,,,,(r0/VANA--INATER C) (SGOV0)62- -FUTURE MID -ISCAND , 1467 7 x 3462 2 FIGURE 3E3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEWER LINE A South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project -P 36757,57 70 EX. 24' WIDE AC Evriv-T-ou---G/J,1 14 ,F7.5 , :S; TELE (UG) .(P6AcCBELL) (DWG 1_13 23 #1020) FUTURE MID ISLAND .4.4"/.4.4 7,c"Z(7.7-1 ++"/." //' // // 40/. /A0'7 +4/'//://// //' .to,t -4-mr/ /// /r /42W2W/42%2267/ co EXISTAG R/W 73POSED R/ I Op CONSTRUCTION NOTES CD CONSTRUCT 10' EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER, ASTM C700, D-LOAD 2400 ® CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 112, MODIFIED TO 5' INSIDE DIAMETER MANHOLE. CONSTRUCT 4" EXTRA STRENGTH SEWER LATERAL PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 125 WITH PLUG (MODIFIED WITHOUT CLEANOUT WYE, RISER AND BOX). ® CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER WM-I PLUG. 0 REPLACE DAMAGED PAVEMENT 4" AC OVER NATIVE. /\ FOUND 1" IRON PIPE Sc TAG LS 3762 FLUSH N 1869662.4555, E 6731076.8823, ELEV. = 1464.88 RESTORE AFTER CONSTRUCTION 11 0 CONTRUCT PIPE SUPPORT PER DETAIL NO. 2 ON PLAN SHEET NO. 3 \ 8" WATER (J08 NO. 1555H) (FONTANA WATER CO.) (SGVWD) ELEC 336A-12KV, 336.4-64101 (OVH) (SCE) (228-2169-1) ar413+18.65 wAugur sr. TELE (uG - STA-00-1:001 JUNIPER AVE. •-(pAcEtECL) (0W6.1ti'23 /102)) \ N. R/W FUTURE I MEDIAN 60' S. R/W 30' DIRT 50 MANHOLE SHORING SHIELDS et_ 12' I 12' 30' EXIST. AC 10”0 VCP SEWER WALNUT ST, • MH 4F3 SCALE: 1" =-_' _..,..._.,.._.--e_.., ._+_ ______:__.__�-.____..._ ._,..e3._._. t,._. .. ,.-- ._ .... _._-.._._.._-_-r..._ __,L._._. ___._, .__._ t._ .. _.-_. _«. _. ... .-._. _.v _... __ , 't--.. •_-.-' -' - r - - = - - ._.._--4_ - _ _ _ �-x=' ".-2=�---ice __..x .__..,,- _^. �... _y_-.,— - _T_ _,__.__... _r-�, _ ._ ._ _.___- _— 'E'er =L_- _ _ �._._ -_t _es=.--=:-T -t^.-_ ._:T �.---.—vr- yam_ .r'- -fix - y _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _.yr- - �_4„ -, ,�,__..._ =.__ _ ___ . _..,. _ -' - _ _ -, �..._ _. . _ .. - -_._- _._ __. _ _ _3-_ __— _ ._...._ �_t .-„- _.- -� .._.-- _ ._ .-,_ ,."�- - "- ._._ r, -_ F 4 -_... .,,.._te_ - - -'--�-,- - l'_::— _ - _ - - _ —_-- -1-_.a`. - - -"-� _=,=-'1_= . -, - - _ _-_ —S' ,A_ _r- �-ra r—�. -3- �: - -'- -c.� _£—^_` i'.__^- -_,___,t r't_^.., =�1 -� '*.__--I is—N _.-.: _ .,sir T T--- ..K... -_- - -.- - -' - '- - - _ - - -- - =� - _:---.=-.. -.:�' =:2 -•= - - ..-. a -�_ ' --.-. _"--' -_ _-' ._ . - •_ __ .- _'' _- '-_ :_ .. .: .. , _.-.,.. _._..__ ... _._.. -�_.__ . --- ' --'' ,._. .________-___ __.___._ _. �_._,_ ____.:____ mac_ _ _ _ - - _--,-_ -_ _.____�_.___-_ __-_.-_.-.__..-_�__ __ ._�_ .. -._ ,--- - - - — v - ;ter - - - - - --- _ram—r - _, _...-r _ i-- _. .. >y "-♦— -� .='+- �s;-� �'_'== _-� -sue. �--�_,:.. - _ _ ._-S,^ _ -- _ `-- __z -+- __ }_ •T -�_-- 3 ,..-ems: ___ _ ..-... _, _T _._,.__ • __ t' _ _ L. _ _ . ...___.._._. ,-. ..-1. _. _, ._a- ._�__ Y- -x- _ _ _ s Y ----. -:_ « - --t--L -' 4`- . -..., _. __,_. .3 -. _-.___.. ' _ .. - max_ -.L _ , __ _ _...,_ . _ _..,--..___...-.. tea.-_ _ �= _ ---.. - - - - - .-ix:-ram - ' - z_ -- c-s _ -- -�=� _ '-�-*- -' zm _ _cr.___ ._,.___.._.. __.__..___.___ 7,71 ...,_. ..�_z-': —=s==: �-'=_ - - ._ ._z___r__..___v_,-._ _..,..-_. _,___-_.._... _..z_,.,_r..-. __ ,.-., _-. r_----__-'r r_-- '�- _Z_____ -s*+gin - rx.-. -- 'c'3__�- _�-_ _ _ ______ __ --. :- - ter_ .. _.�y .-*- �.--.__. W. .:cam -�-a- - - - - r _'" `..-,...� =-�. - - - - - - - - - - _._.�=^'�. _...._ ..--._... z.._. ..t.____ _ ._ .. 1N- •_tf 1w7f ._. ;_.._ a—. - �._=v. y. -• _ ..__ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ -_r_. —=six-.-_'.r=•:-' T. .___>_..-. ..-......., ..�__.._ ._ —_,-_. ._ . -="L_-_L= .. _.i_.�-,__.,_.r._ �_•__ z ILL_mot._ .—.. __... - .._.. _.d;_ ._. ._ _... _. _♦-..n� _ -- --.. -. ._ _ .�_ .. __ ..'--� -: � _ �=_ --_ __ ` .-_ ,.-{,._.a-._._�ir>�:_. __ .--. _ - - _ ._ } - ` _`Z=.ram_ - �T� -,� _ _ --�-'--� �'�: -.� ... _-.._. . Y.-..._�,z. :-+ Yam-•__ -.- ti._-_. _ _ . _ _ Ste` i�_ s'-•i - _ `'T•,T� _"_.. - -- - 2' 1 . _, z_L._1 - - -.-7.,�_�....-_+ i—"_"�`-- �-- ._=Y_ .... .—.....y ....,.... '-�__•-_' _ _.. ,�. ___,sy_'g...-., _.... _, . - , , ..,--:_..c-_�..:;:_ ,- =.__ -_ ,"- _-r--•.__.... _.._ _ _._t.--' �"r-: c� . T=-_L-' -'�-, _ _ -S'� _i= ; -'._3` _ _�'^-x:�: : ._y�._I-3 -.... - __1::-s=r.:,_....-__. - - .�_ - Ls -i - - _ --c .:1'=F_1 - --Y- :_,-_= -=-'r �-%a� -' 1 _ _- _f"-' - _`_ _'� �. � . ___ .___ _- - 7. S ._ -.- -T ' - sue,. - _- - - - ssr-__ -- -:''=� - "-.,. -- <,u=x��.� _3� - - '-~_i-- - .:a`- - - --.;_� - ;'ma's, ___�.-�--"-a--•.. ,..- a .. .-._.,-_ :.._� _.. _.,. _� -- ..t ...._..._ ..'. = e _ _ __ - ... ___..'-p=�.<,z .' .-, ->-..a ,.ems, �, .,,- -- - — - _.. I� 3 _ _ _ _ _.._._.,•=r_ � •..-=' =`- _.__ -.` -' --._. -> _: _ _. �z � =,_.._-,ram_ _.. __._ _. .._...:_ _. -' -- -�- - .xU _- - -t- - _ -...-t-,.� -- ._,.�_,__...-.!-- 1. - ...f __ -.__-. _v. _. -.., ... _ ...,__. -j_ � > -,_.L.-: —_ = .-} _ _ _ -'3`-"'} � _..._.._ :-�_.._...-_ .___ __' _._-__..�-. -.:__.,.____.--.r__-. _ ..;___ " -. r ter'.;=_-'_ a_',._ LJ._ -`ram,=�"_-�-_' _==t" _ - -c - _ __ _ .,. �_ ... _ _�.+ _,...-.. __-.. ...__�. • - `---2. . � _._ � _z ': me_µ __�.. �.z-.-r.: _ .__ ___ .. _ »._-- - _ __ __ _ _:mot - - - f - -�_s . .... .. . ... ,,. ...... k ->- _._.. .. . ___- _x_. ... _.__. _ __..�_,._. � _. __ __mot ,�=-t•- k _ • - _ r � r. ':.--^-'__0.= _. _ _ _ _ -=tit- � -_ _ _�..�y._.- - -=:-E��� _ - - --•--3F '� Cc.t°G'}I �[� y����� +._ y� - -- -==LiS„ .;�,Ti�-�"�'�{-STitf^. 4t..I.if-i1 - '_: .A--.�. ,_ — _-_' c--'=. .._. _•______-__. == .-. __.., _._._.-%_i ._=ice ��.,:..-- — .�.�_.«_�- _._._.,.=. =_.- .r-,_.�, a--_-r..�.�t-.- :- ._..,-,F---`---- '--Y -'i -r t' ?---z_ , �06+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 00+00 01+00 02+00 03+00 04+00 05+00 07+00 10+0o A.B. MILLER HIGH SCHOOL zi ELEC 2-8-M 90 (229-21 67-5) (SCE) 2 BURIED CABLE, C=30" TELE (PACBELL) (DWG. LB 23 #1200)\ PROPOSED R/W-- EXISTING R/W (FONTANA-J 6 5/8i WATER (JO (FO.NTN A W6r✓ E CfY (sGiND) 8 /8' W -12KV ELEC (OVH)1 / 3":GAS !'Y (SCE) /' 66KV ELEC (OVH)i (GAS CO.) 5BD t 515) ' -- (SCE) /j 240-051-07X -..'ti I),<eo; 10" V'F SEWER I (FONTANA-JOB f+16', 1849) (FONTANA WATER CO.) (SGVWD) PP- ,413066 75 :Z 6" WATER wOtg5A0. 10051 1)— (FONTANA WATER CO.)-(SGOWD) FIGURE 3A PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEWER LINE A South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project W 1 ', GAS 09\.) (SBD 515) \ i STA 00+00.00 \C/L. OF MANHb(J r STA 19t�AY-NUT A (.10 STA 00 CYPRESS A BEC31N EVERY 6' x "C4.5 1 /OA-12l4 ((OVH) rA % P41462 2gS 19 1 10' VCP' 4© --10/12( FUTURE •3..4ECi ° (GAS CO.) ( D ,1 `�.�'"PPfj 23489. p 45 1450 336A-12KV-el_ C I`14. 6B-12KV (59,E..)--(228^21 1456.7 \) PROFILE i_ ted0fss NO.1856) (PAC x C-PC TEL (U ELL) X \ 11-65.5 AVE. (JOB ..1855) ENCA .EC'TV4 1O " - X 1466,4 X 1466.5 BURIED CABLE, C=30' \NTEL-E-( CBELL) ' (DWG. LB 200) X •:43i PROPOSED R/W 10' VCP -,-:la+ - - - .%„ .�._`-�P - --.III: S'S1.+' ..,• ,<:j�:', '`.:;T�:,�.,?. �:�, 7„ •'_--�=/o.�:y, .�ii7.�,.i:riT,ii,�7-.,Nir�vi/n'iiai.,/�cr:.�oi�,�irl.,.. ,.r✓Th:acy..r�a' ;, a . :.i ape llrii9id q, . ? _/ %/! 3 ,;-%:'�i.?C/ /9:'�ii'.:: ::%'s'"/. ;':�..:1>'fv:/�..G,.i//f•T///.�9////i/�!�//,y.F �l//: '�:S'-i "!/:,-6�'fx�i.�a 16369537 X'.� 'WAL JLHIVV 240-071-22 PP# 157 _„ 70 336A-12KV ELEC 336.4-64KV (OVH) - [ Y 1562 66K1/ (OVH) '-(CE) (228-2166-1) (SCEL(228-2166-1) X 1463.8 PP)/ 13675570 EX. 24' 'WIDE AC PAVEMENT ON „C/L 462.5 / EXISTING/dJ PROPOSED R/W / / WATER (JOB NO. 1555-1H) V;.,- --- N. i J ONTANA WA ER CO.) (S9AND) x 1<6..a'., i ,� U 'I 6 8 CONSTRUCTION NOTES O CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER, ASTM C700, D-LOAD 2400 Q CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 112, MODIFIED TO 5' INSIDE DIAMETER MANHOLE. • CONSTRUCT 4" EXTRA STRENGTH SEWER LATERAL PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 125 WITH PLUG (MODIFIED WITHOUT CLEANOUT NE, RISER AND BOX). • CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER WITH PLUG. O REPLACE DAMAGED PAVEMENT 4" AC OVER NATIVE. !1\ FOUND 1" IRON PIPE Sc TAG LS 4563 FLUSH N 1869657.1170, E 66729758.2445, ELEV. = 1462.12 RESTORE AFTER CONSTRUCTION CONTRUCT CONNECTION TO EXISTING MH PER DETAIL NO. 4 ON PLAN SHEET NO. 3 CURVE DATA Q RADIUS A TANGENT LENGTH 0 500' 26'3510' t18.13' 113.91' 5) Project Description (continued) the development of five manholes. At the eastern portion of Line C, the sewer line would be deflected every six feet, and a 10-inch extra strength VCP sewer with plug would be constructed. The project also proposes to replace damaged pavement with four inches asphalt concrete surfacing at the eastern portion of Line C. The portion of Line C that would traverse the intersection of Sierra Avenue and South Highland Avenue may be constructed using a method called jack and bore. The jack and bore process would include digging a bore pit at the western end of the intersection and a jacking pit at the eastern end of the intersection. Once the pits are dug, the boring machinery is installed in the boring pit. A sleeve for the new sewer line segment is jacked through from one pit to the other. A new segment of sewer line is then installed within the sleeve. The new pipe is slurried into place, and the boring and jacking machinery is pulled out. At this point, the new sewer line is completely tied in at both ends to the proposed sewer line. A 20-inch steel casing would be placed around the sewer line. Line D As shown in Figure 6, Proposed Improvements for Sewer Line D, the proposed Line D would be approximately 105 feet long and would be located approximately ten feet beneath the existing grade, adjacent to Sierra Avenue. Line D would tie into Line C at a proposed manhole, which would to be located at the eastern portion of the intersection of Sierra Avenue and South Highland Avenue. Line D would be six-inch, eight -inch, and ten -inch VCP. In addition to the manhole located at the intersection of South Highland and Sierra Avenue, an additional manhole is proposed to be located ten feet from the southern end of Line D. Additionally, a service lateral would extend east to serve the lot located southeast of the South Highland and Sierra Avenue intersection. This lateral would serve a planned commercial development. All proposed project manhole frames and covers would be constructed six inches below finished surface grade and, upon completion of finished paving, the contractor would raise the manhole to finish grade. The project would include protection of existing curbs, gutters, and sidewalks to the extent possible. Any excavated ground would be filled with compacted backfill and a two-inch minimum temporary asphalt concrete pavement would be placed in areas where existing pavement was removed and at driveways. These areas would be compacted, rolled smooth and flush with adjacent pavement. Traffic Control Plan The proposed sewer improvements are expected to take approximately three months. Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2002 and to end in Summer 2002. A traffic control plan would be implemented during the construction of the project (See Figures, 7a, 67b, and 7c Traffic Control Plan). The following is a summary of the traffic control plan for each affected road (Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue). Walnut Avenue Walnut Avenue would not be closed during construction of the sewer improvements. One -lane of traffic would be open at all times during construction. Traffic would not be able to make left turns onto Juniper Avenue and/or Cypress Avenue from Walnut Street during construction. Appropriate signage would be posted at locations along Walnut Street to inform vehicles of lane closures, lane narrowing, merging, and shoulder work ahead, as well as other necessary directions. Additionally, a sign would be placed at either end of project area on Walnut Street informing vehicles that construction has ended or is starting. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 2-12 • 240•• 121-06 (.01— / 3 3— 3 - =-1— 3 / a 0+02 A— n— P — n--: el. . 1 n t. A n 3 I I I .r! .OI I .Et i-3�0.0041 , i4 . • i I i I i'; I __LH i : ; ', - - -L- - 4 - -a-- J i 1 c! ! 1; i, 1 a t__' =:— 2n20 iF + '_i A -I-'�—'1—--1- — it—rr! 1 i I -i-— ---:-i- -�-1 i_i____—�.?� -+--, f CONSTRUCT_8F XYRA_STRENGTF. VCPSEWERI-.--,---1_-_._ 1---- + - !ii ! _j-fi I 1-i it 1.{-`---i _jam _r_1_�+ t..-1_,1 _a_iI J___. __--� i_ ; i; 0++00 —.i A— .21 v 02+00 4" (FONTANA) ELEC F62 (SCE) (230-2170-5) 12" WATER JOB NO. 2531E-1 (FONTANA WATER CO.) (SGVWO) PROPOSED R/W '� 03+00 +20 MH /14 SIERRA AVE. EEEC F121 (UG) (SCE) (230-2170-5) 6" WATER (JOR N0. 1507H) (FONTANA WATER CO.) (SGVWD) FIGURE 6— PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEWER LINE D South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project 1 1 — 1 04+00 05+00 1240-121-21 23 10192 PH2 129) PROFILE XX- 06+00 07+00 24G-091-05 SCALE HOE f ' 4UT 09+00 CONSTRUCTION NOTES O CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER, ASTM C 700, D-LOAD 2400 O CONSTRUCT SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 112, MODIFIED TO 5' INSIDE DIAMETER MANHOLE. SEE FONTANA STD. DETAIL 114, CASE 2 FOR MANHOLE CHANNELING CONSTRUCT 4" EXTRA STRENGTH SEWER LATERAL PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 125 WITH PLUG (MODIFIED WITHOUT CLEANOUT WYE, RISER AND BOX). O CONSTRUCT 10" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER WITH PLUG. O REPLACE DAMAGED PAVEMENT 4" AC OVER NATIVE. O CONSTRUCT 8" EXTRA STRENGTH VCP SEWER, ASTAI C 700, D-LOAD 2000 O CONSTRUCT 6" EXTRA STRENGTH SEWER LATERAL PER CITY OF FONTANA STD. DETAIL NO. 125 WITH PLUG (MODIFIED WITHOUT CLEANOUT WYE, RISER AND BOX). OCONSTRUCT SEWER LATERAL PER DETAIL NO. 1 ON PLAN SHEET NO. 3 OINSTALL 20" 0 STEEL CASING PER DETAIL NO. 3 ON PLAN SHEET NO. 3 A GENERAL SEE CHART "A" FOR SIGN SPACING DELINEATORS (POST TUBE) (SEE CHART "A" FOR SPACING) C18 ~C16 ~W11 ISEE CHART "A" _( FOR SIGN SPACING �1 NOTICE TO THE CONTRACTOR C13,_1 1 C2o w~ /nA w15 ~C2 ci8T1 C2°T 1 wn TYPE PT c16T THE PURPOSE OF THB TENTATIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL RAN B TO SET FCfTT( GUIDANCE AND DIRECTION N THE .MPL MENTAPON OF A FINAL. 'TRAFFIC CONTROL FLAN THE CONTRACTOR B RE1PON9BLE TO PLAN. SCHEDULE. AND LPLBM@ T THE R1AL CONTROL FLANN CONFORMANCE WITH THE WAT.C.H. MANUAL AND CALTRANS TRAFAC MANUAL., APPROVED BY THE CRY OP FONTANA THE CONTRACTORS FNAL TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PHASING RANG SHALL ACCOMMODATE LOCAL. AND THROUGH TRAFFIC. JUMPER AVENUE MAY BE CLOSED TO THROUGH TRAFFIC. EGRESS AND EGRESS FOR DENTS ONLY ON JUNIPER AVENUE SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR WALNUT SWEET MAY BE REDUCED TO ONE-WAY TRAFFIC. CYPRESS AVBAE, BERA AVENUE AND BOURN HOH-AND AVENUE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF IWO (2) TEN FOOT TRAFFIC LAND. TYPE III BARRICADES (SETUP & MAINTAIN TO KEEP PEDESTRIANS SAFE) I rI • I• I itu 1t C13 FL LTLci ITYPE. P jeC20 yc21 C18 IHIL CYPRESS AVE. TEMPORARY RAILNGS (TYPE K) & TRAFFIC SCREEN (CALTRANS STD. PLAN T3 & T4) (MAINTAIN FOR PEDESTRIAN BARRIER) ------ ---M4Li ;fA . , � w..77r_„r��irn/l��v: / pia/ v /vi�xs0i/� .rrihihfymi??/ i../�....,. , . A % f... E'. —, . .. ..Zr. . o • ,�-:Zta412i, �_ air:`: ' t "' 1- C12 WALNUT ST. TEMPORARY RAILINGS MAXIMUM OF 200'. MOVE TEMPORARY! RAILINGS. BARRICADES & DELINEATORS AFTEIRj TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. TYPICAL SETUP (SEE CHART "A" FOR SIGNS SPACING) TEMPORARY RAILINGS (TYPE K) (CALTRANS STD. PLAN T3) MUT MO ENE A RCTEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT WALNUT ST. TEMPORARY RAILINGS (TYPE K) & TRAFFIC SCREEN (CALTRANS STD. PLAN T3 & T4) (MAINTAIN FOR PEDESTRIAN BARRIER) SEE CHART "A FOR SIGN SPACING C12 -1 �i�E.,� %�/s�t tit,F ::✓.••.,ir ^r .P<�':. :.^r•*'•-'F.r-:^w//"//''ii'7,r'7v1r .;,�:?: r`'0.%%//�/•'i,•,�%/�/r.,%1f/' '•./x%/ ,4707L/./%/6// 9i' •%/.�%.!%b%h/i.'U,v a i%:7/,r�i il, 1. �z;:.;"Z:.^.ln'.7:::��C / STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION) SEE CHART "A" FOR SIGN SPACING DELINEATORS (SETUP & MAINTAIN TO KEEP PEDESTRIANS SAFE) STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION) C12 DEUNEATORS — (SETUP & MAINTAIN WHEN RAILINGS ARE RELOCATED) TEMPORARY RAILINGS MAXIMUM OF 200'. MOVE TEMPORARY RAILINGS, BARRICADES & DEUNEATORS AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. JUNIPER AVE. SEE SHEET 11 STA. 01+60.00 MATCH LAVE 'B' TYPE III BARRICADE R11/R11AT C12 -1 C16 »- am. / �yy :. /,h"4 /Y'' till'. FIGURE 7a— TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project W17/W17A I C3 /R11A 5 / y�a�.i ':: �h i�i.�; �iii�viiir,�l%/�i/�iniooiiio/%i'ii//�/omrryii��iaao '•, iaa� ' -r MOW fill PUSWITIR ,..Ries• .'nriM IIIWpM ,MR. pp-�n pp�eIA� V":0 "n" :" "*"p ri ingNSi keg logAA.M MSRM !Ur. i1MI6 SRw iRp.fAWNIM ZLIMGeqiR1AARFbeCIr miA ilRlli.e iR ZA1roiXpN.RRMRRi.e 1R RI1A '9AY11 .q(MAnM sR RRpy 'ANIMA (g*11 DR eft imtv...nr... .A'i rM+...Rs..t >AR MMOO SEE CHART "A FOR SIGN SPACING C12 C16 TYPE III BARRICADE W17/W17A W11 C20 018 C18 -41 C5 d•W57 1019 ..TYPE P 1C20 jc16 y018 SEE CHART "A" FOR SIGN SPACING • C19 C20 C21 W17/W17A C24 C25 1. NO WORK MAY 8E PERFORMED M AM' PUBIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT FER18659144 FROM THE CITY OF FONTANA. TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE IN • ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LATEST WWI OF WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK (WAT.C.H.) 0R THE AGENCY'S PERMIT FOR THE WORK B. FEEPGNBELITY 1. CONTRACTOR TO 081AM All. NECESSARY PERMITS 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TIMELY NOTIFICATION TO ALL AFFECTED AGENCIES, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS AND PUBLIC AGENCIES: A POLICE DEPARTMENT 8. FIE 00PARTMEM C. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION D. BUS AND TRANSIT COMPANIES E SCHOOL OSIRICTS i NOTIFY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA) OR LOCAL ONE -CALL CENTER AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF EXCAVAION. 4. COORDINATE THE WORK WITH ALL AFFECTED AGENCIES AND THE PUBLIC. 5. INFORM OCCUPANTS OF MUTING PROPERTIES, EITHER ORALLY 0R BY WRITE. NOTICE, OF ACCESS LIMITATIONS MADE NECESSARY 8Y THE WORK 6. INSTAL MID MAINTAIN REQUIRED 11YJF1C CONTROL DEVICES. 7. PROVIDE TUGGERS WHEN R000IRED. 8. SCHEDULE AND EXPEDITE THE WORK TO CAUSE THE LEAST INCONVENIENCE TO THE PUBUC. 9. ASSURE THAT SURVEY CREWS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES WORKING IN OR ADJACENT TO A TRAVELED ROADWAY WEAR FLAGGING GARMENTS AS REQUIRED FOR FIAGGERS. 10. PROVIDE ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS FOR WORKERS AND THE GENERAL PUBUC. 11. PATROL THE CONSTRUCIWN SITE AS REQUIRED TO INSURE THAT ALL DEVICES ARE IN RACE AND OPERATING AT ALLTI.E9, ESPECWLY AT NIGHT AHD ON WEEKENDS WHEN WORK S USUALLY NOT M PROGRESS 12. REMOVE TRAFFIC DEVICES WHEN THEY ARE N0 LONGER NEEDED. C. PLANING - 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE FUNNED WELL IN ADVANCE TO KEEP TRAFFIC OBSTRUCTIONS, MUD INCONVENIENCE AND LOST WORKING TINE TO A MUM. 2. CONTRACTOR SHILL VISIT THE JOBSI1E BEFORE STARTING THE WORK TO CONSIDER: A TRAFFIC CONDTIONS B. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROLS. C. TRAFFIC LANE REQUIREMENTS. D. PHYSICAL FEATURE. E I SIBIUT' RESECTIONS. F. ' PROBLEMS OF ACCESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY. G. BUSINESS ACCESS AND ACTIVITIES. H. THE TYPE NUMBER AND LOCATION OF SIGNS, BARRICADES, LIGHTS AND OTHER TRAFFIC DEVICES REWIRED FOR THE WORK L PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC, INCLUDING MEANS OF MITIGATING ANY ADVERSE EFFECT UPON THE HURD OR OTHER PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS. iA J. TRENCH PROFILES Q TB.PORARY TRAFFIC LIVES 1. WHENEVER THE PAVEMENT SURFACE HAS BEEN DISRUPTED BY R1OFIUNG, PAVING OVERLAY, TEMPORARY TRENCH RESURFACING STEEL RATING, HOSE PLACEIENTT, ETC., WARNING SIGNS DESCRIBING THE PAVEMENT SURFACE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAT.C.H. MANUAL.. 2 ALL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MANES SWIM. BE A DEMUR OF 10 FEET IN WIDTH UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED. 3. F T1E NEED ARISES TO COVER TRAFFIC SIGNAL INDICATIONS, IT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WAT.C.H. MANUAL E TEMPORARY PAVEMENT 8 11'NO/MArIQIO 1. CONRACTOR SWILL COORDINATE WITH THE ow OF FONTANA TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR AND MINT OF STRIPING REMOVAL MD REST IPNG TO SUPPLEMENT DEVICES USED FOR DELMEATIOH. C27 C28A, C28B C9A C1 LEGEND C13 • Wfl W15 W57 FLAS ARROW SIGN (FAS) TYPE P HIGH L-': r.Ms WARNINLEVE ))) DEVICE (HLWD) TYPE III BARRICADE Rt Rfl/Rt1A R17 C5 ...:;rzr• C7 Do w 0 ta STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION) ma -•mm 1— TYPE P 240-091-20 NO10E. TO THE. CONTRACTOR I I 240-091-47 240-091-46 240-091-44 240-051-05 MOVE BARRICADES & DELINEATORS AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. �Jm JUNIPER MI STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUk' AND RELOCATION) MH ME PURPOSE OF THIS TENTATIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANTS TO SET FORTH GUIDANCE AND DIRECTION N THE MPLBrENRAT1ON OF A FINAL TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR 18 REBPONSEL.E TO PLAN. SCHEDULE. AND IMPLEMENT RR FINAL CONTROL. PL.ALN, N CONFORMANCE NCE WTTH TFE WAT.CH MANUAL AND CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL. APPROVED BY THE CRY OF FONTANA. THE CONTRACTORS FINAL TRAFFIC CONTROL MC PHASING PLANS SHALL ACCOMMODATE LOCH. AND THROUGH TRAFFIC. JUMPER AVENUE MAYBE CLOSED TO THROUGH TRAFFIC. INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR RESIDENTS ONLY ON JUNIPER AVENUE SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR WALNUT STREET MAY BE REDUCED TO ODE -WAY TRAFFIC. CYPRESS AVENUE. SIERRA AVENUE AND SOUTH H AVENUE SHALL HAVE A MNMUM OF TWO (2) TEN FOOT TRAFFIC LANES. 1 240-061-08 { 240-061-03 MOVE BARRICADES & DELINEATORS 240-091-06 AFItH TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. C21 -1 C27 JUNIPER 240-091-23 C27 240-091-45 STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION) IN PLACE WHEN SOUTH END OF 99.7E C12 -1 n • �.m STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION), 240-061-04 TYPE P CO W MI'7 V '''t :Ire eo`cvy� :xv .. , , : dp' :da•:ec Eve a 3 �1m m II- C12 AVENUE MOVE BARRICADES & DELINEATORS 1-08 AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. S. HIGHLAND AVE. 1 018 116013 t_240-ca6281„, � W17/17A TYPE PT JUNIPER AVE. IS OPEN TO LOCAL TRAFFI C12 C16 -1 -1 TYPE P AVENUE MOVE BARRICADES & DELINEATORS AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. FIGURE 7b— TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project C21 or SEE SHEET 12 FOR LINE 240-061-27 0919�D e Oifi NEAT • 0 m N 240-091-07 roNsr WsHecemuatatsisUIrnANs11 Sacs ssne�� va ME 4 slot. Pr.m,rtor per 142. , arm SINE 49111111101101 MMF]I e9W,eMr1Md.+eed*Mo.r . Moods opoodoemenool Wee FroVoK 0201 C16 =ROO* m M1 m>t�us oft OORI1ly MEM PS W 0r4q tpey W17/W17A m00418 SDR0301 C18 -1 { -1 -1 -I • SEE CHART 'A' FOR SIGN SPACING b" C12 C16 C18 C19 FAS�--=—• C20 ' 13 021 A GENERAL 1. NO WORK MAY BE PERFORMED IN ANY PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE CRY OF FONTAFIA TRAFFIC CONTROL SCULL DE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROV OS OF THE LATEST EDMON OF WORIC AREA TRAFFIC C0NDi0L HANDBOOK (YLAT.C.H.) OR THE AGENCY'S PERMIT FOR THE WORK. B FESPOMBBI..RY 1. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TIMELY NOIIRCA1gN TO ALL AFFECTED AGENCIES. INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS AND PUBLIC AGENCIES: k POLICE DEPARTMENT B. FIRE DEPARTMENT C. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TIANSPORTATON D. BUS AND TRANSIT COMPANIES E SCHOOL DISTRICTS 3. NOTM UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA) OR LOCAL ONE -CAL CENTER AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF DONATION. 4. COORDINATE THE WORK WITH ALL AFFECTED AGENCES AND 1HE PUBLIC. 5. INFORM OCCUPANTS OF ABU@!C PROPERTIES, OTHER ORALLY OR Of MUM NOTICE OF ACCESS LIMITATIONS MADE NECESSARY BY THE WORK. 8. INSTAL AND MAINTAIN RETUNED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEUCES 7. PROVIDE FUK.GERS WHEN REQUIRED. 8. SCHEDULE AND EOPEOIIE THE WORK TO CAUSE THE LEAST NGONVENENCE TO THE PUBLIC. 9. ASSURE THAT SURVEY CREWS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES WORKING IN OR ADJACENT TO A TRAVELED ROADWAY WEAR FLAGGING GARMENTS AS REQUIRED FOR FLAGGERS 10. PROVIDE ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS FOR WORKERS AND THE GENERA. PUBLIC. 11. PATROL THE CONSTRUCTION SUE AS RREOUIRED 1O INSURE THAT ALL DEVICES ARE IN PLACE AND OPERATING AT ALL TINES, ESPECIALLY AT HIGHT AND ON WEEKENDS WHEN WORK IS USUALLY NOT IN PROGRESS. 12. REMOVE TRAFFIC DEVICES WHEN THEY ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. C. PUINNNG 1. AIL WORK SNAIL BE PLANNED WELL IN ADVANCE TO KEEP TRAFFIC OBSTRUCTIONS, PUBLIC INCONVENIENCE AND LOST WORKING TIME TO A MINIMAL 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MOT THE JOBSUE BEFORE STARTING THE WORK TO CONSIDER: A TRAFFIC CONDITIONS. B. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROLS. C. TRAFFIC LANE REQUIREMENTS. D. PHYSICAL FEATURES. E VISIBI.RY RFSFR1C1I0N5. F. PROBLEMS OF ACCESS TD PRIVATE PROPERTY. G. BUSINESS ACCESS AND ACIMDES. I. THE TYPE, NUMBER AND LOCATION OF SOS, BARRICADES, UGMS AND OMEN TRAFFIC DEVICES REQUIRED FOR THE WORK. L PEDESTRIAN TUFFIC, INCLUDING MEANS OF 1A11GATNG ANY ADVERSE urtci UPON THE BLIND OR OTHER PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS. J. TRENCH PROFILES. D. TBU.PCF A LY TRAFRC LANES 1. 1HRDREVER IRE PAVEMENT SURFACE HAS BEEN DISRUPTED BY PROFILING, PAVING OVERLAY, TEMPORARY TRENCH RESURFACING, STEEL PEATN% HOSE PLACEMENT, ETC., WARNING SKIS DESCRIBING THE PAVEMENT SURFACE SHALL BE INSTALLED N ACCORDANCE WITH WAT.C.H. MANUAL 2. ALL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC LANES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET N WOTH UNLESS OINERWISE AUTHORIZED. 3. IF THE NEED ARISES TO COVER TRAFFIC SKNM. INDICATIONS, U SKULL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WATCH. MANUAL E. TEMPORARY PAVEMENT 1. CONTRACTOR SWNL COORDINATE WITH THE RR OF FONTANA TO DETERMINE THE ,LED RR AND EOENT OF SITIPMG REMOVAL AND RESIRIPING TO SUPPLEIENT DEVICES USED FOR DELINEATION. LEGEND C13 W17/W17A Wri f+_.i C24 C25 C27 C28A, C28B 09A C1 C3 [90! 'ROAD_ cio390 wil W15 W57 FLASHING ARROW SIGN (FAS) TYPE P HILEVELilk WAARRNING DEVICE I (HLWD) ))) TYPE III BARRICADE RI RI1/RI A R17 C5 gs rt C7 cr. gcr. mrt A GENERAL JUNIPER AVE. �9T clT C9A T C5 g g 120+, • T �+t Ig SEE SHEET 12 FOR UNE 'B' R1 STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION) MH 1112 0+00 R17 DELINEATORS (SETUP & MAINTAIN WHEN-- — — RAILINGS ARE RELOCATED) TEMPORARY RAILINGS MAX. OF 200'. (CALTRANS STD. PLAN T3) MOVE TEMPORARY RAILINGS, BARRICADES & D AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLAC STEEL PLATES (T (SCHEDULE SETU INEATORS E P) DELINEATORS AND RELOCATION) / (SETUP & MAINTAIN WHEN —RAILINGS -ARE—RELOCATE$)-- — — TEMPORARY RAILINGS (TYPE K) MAX. OF 200' MOVE TEMPORARY RAILINGS, BARRICADES & DELINEATORS AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. TYPICAL SETUP (SEE CHART "A" FOR SIGN SPACING) STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION) S. HIGHLANDAVE 1 STEEL PLATES (TYPE P) (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION) S. HIGHLAND AVE. NOTICE TO THE CONTRACTOR THE PUAP09E OF THIS TENTATNE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TS ? FDRTFTOUIDANCE A1crDYEC110N t4 ME- -- — - I PLEsBNTATION OF A FINAL TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN THE CONTRACTOR 18 RESPONSIBLE TO PLAN, SCHEDULE, EDULE, AFD DAPLEMENTTHE FINAL CONTROL FLAN, P4 CONFORMANCE WITH THE WATCH MANUAL AND CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL, APPROVED BY THE CRY OF FONTANA THE CONTRACTORS FINAL TAAFPC CONTROL AND PHASING PLANS SHALL ACCOMMODATE LOCAL AND THROUGH TRAFFIC .MF8R AVENUE MAY DE CLOSED TO THROUGH TRAFFIC. P4 E88 AND E GRE88 FOR RESIDENTS ONLY ON JUNIPER AVENUE SHALL BE MANTANED BY THE CONTRACTOR WALNUT STREET MAY BE REDUCED TO ONE-WAY TRAFFIC. CYPRESS AVENUE, SERRA AVENUE AND SOUTH HIC LAND AVENUE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF TWO (2) TEN FOOT TRAFFIC LANES TEMPORARY RAIUNGS MAX. OF 200'. (CALTRANS STD. PLAN T3) MOVE TEMPORARY RAILINGS, BARRICADES & DELINEATORS AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. TEMPORARY RAIUNGS MAX. OF 200'. (CALTRANS STD. PLUM T3) MOVE TEMPORARY RAILINGS. BARRICADES & DELINEATORS AFTER TEMPORARY ACI PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE. FIGURE 7C- TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project 1. NO WORK MAY BE PERFORMED 04 ANY PUBUC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT PERMISSION. FROM THE OTT OF FONTANA. TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL DE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE IAIEST EDITION OF WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK (WAT.C.H.) OR THE AGENCY'S PERMIT FOR THE WORK. S FE8PcN8EEFm 1. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TIMELY NOTIFICATKN TO ALL AFFECTED AGENCIES, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS AND PUBLIC AGENCIES: A POLICE DEPARTMENT B. FIRE DEPARTMENT C. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION D. BUS AND TRANSIT COMPANIES E SCHOOL DI4Tit6,Th 3. NOTIFY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA) OR LOCAL ONE -CALL CENTER AT LEST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF E%CAVATION. 4. COORDINATE THE WORK WITH ALL AFFECTED AGENCIES AND THE PUBLIC. • 5. INFORM OCCUPANTS OF ABUTING PROPERTIES, ETHER ORALLY OR BY W WRITTEN NOTICE, Of ACCESS UMITATIDNS MADE NECESSARY BY THE WORK 5 6. 045181E AND MAINTAIN REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 7. PROVIDE FLAMERS WHEN REQUIRED. 4 O B. SCHEDULE AND DIPEDTIE THE WORK 70 CAUSE THE LEAST DICONVEMQlCE TO THE PUBUC. p m 9. ASSURE THAT SURVEY CREWS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES WORKING IN OR .-. W AIMIACO N TO A TRAVELED ROADWAY WEAR FLAGGING GARMENTS AS LU REWIRED FOR RUGGERS. to 10. PROVIDE ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS FOR WORKERS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC. 11. PATROL THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AS REQUIRED 10 INSURE THAT ALL DEVICES ARE IN PLACE AND OPERATING AT Al TAMES, ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT AND ON WEEKENDS WHEN WORK IS USUALLY NOT IN PROGRESS 12 REIAOVE TRAFFIC DEUCES WHEN THEY ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. B1Rsie11 RS@1lRO®OEUNKTOR RRe VON PU.QIRR7 nem wEer• . nr' ee�Reml , Marine +rye_ •OW (Net RAW wAl eee %en Eon zoapvi DR07 s 5 RLC* . IDDDR tIVI IR DRI2.1 ett9RIPR~W WRICO ore RMm4 ftWO R�DRIOI. 1eeRpbl tKacnwsdmekr ,.weawo: . 1.2artl„pw aweb.'a . C12 C16 C18 C19 C20 C21 W17/W17A • C24 C25 C27 C28A, C28B C9A CI C. PLANNNO 1. ALL WORK SHALL DE PLANNED WELL IN ADVANCE TO KEEP TRAFFIC OBSTRUCTIONS, PUBLIC INCONVENIENCE AND LOST WORKING TINE TO A MINIMUM. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE JOBSIIE BEFORE STATING THE WORK 10 CONSIDER: A RAMC CONDHIONS. B. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROLS. C. TRAFFIC UNE REQUIREMENTS. D. PHYSICAL FEATURES. E VISIBILITY RESTRICTIONS. F. PROBLEMS OF ACCESS TO PRIVATE PROPERTY. G. BUSINESS ACCESS AND AMITIES. H. THE TYPE, NUMBER AND LOCATION OF SIGNS, BARRICADES, LIGHTS AND OTHER TRAFFIC DEVICES REQUIRED FOR THE WORK. I. PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC, INCLUDING MEANS OF MMGA1ING MAY ADVERSE EFFECT UPON THE HUND OR OTHER PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS J. TRENCH PROFILES. D. TEMPORARY TRAFFIC LANES 1. WHENEVER THE PAVEMENT SURFACE HAS BEEN DISRUPTED BY PROFILING, PAVING OVERLAY, TEMPORARY TRENCH RESURFACING, STEEL PLATING, HOSE PlACE1AENG ETC, WARNING SIGNS DESCRIBING THE PAVEMENT SURFACE SHALL 8E IN5IALED N ACCORDANCE WITH WAT.C.H. MANUAL 2. ALL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC LANES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET N WIDTH UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED. 3. IF THE NEED ARISES TO COVER TRAFFIC SIGNAL INDICATIONS, IT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WAT.C.H. MANUAL E TEMPORARY PAVEMENT SIf1PNO/MAFIICNCI 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE CITY OF FONTANA TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR AND EK1INT OF STRIRNG REMOVAL AND RESTRIPNG TO SUPPLEMENT DEVICES USED FOR DEUNFATION. LEGEND C13 C3 ROADI i._. CLOSED C5 W11 W15 W57 FLASHING ARROW SIGN (FAS) TYPE P NIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE (HLWD) ))) I. ?� i TYPE III BARRICADE RI R11/R11A R17 C7 C13 a --— =_zz R17 _ HLWD c) 0 00+00.00X, J" i ��,i1HdSV ra1 TEMPORARY RAILINGS (TYPE K) MAX. OF 2Q0'. (CALTRANS STD. PLAN T3) MOVE TEMPORARY RAIUNGS, BARRICADES /ND DELINEATORS AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN LACE " M IN N RECOMMENDED DELINEATOR AND EitIN PLACEMENT STASPACINI iRAFFESP®" . TAPED ' DEUI MOR SPADE gttrsrNTttpu • 11310E (1*) (Timid) N1edw1181geq 259T11(4DRMj 309111945KING 3561111(5019018 406N480I1Mj MSMEHHE LOCUM 1WRFfi1 EERIER .2WR( 3E0R(110H) 601R03078 1tO0R 50R(G ) TOFU "ObTt.grat 100EMo . 100E (JOIN - 150ROI 250R( 350R(11011 SDR(174a) 600R(130a). • 1000R.. NOTE& -nett SeNon BFoltighoomo s0etola -Charm *Loon In preentheeiseraappmdneM. .N859) Peron %spettd or as dented bite Engineer. TEMPORARY RAILINGS (TYPE K) MAX. OF 200'. (CALTRANS STD. PLAN 73) MOVE TEMPORARY RAILINGS, BARRICADES AND DEUNEATORS AFTER TEMPORARY AC PAVEMENT PUT IN PLACE a STEEL PLATES (SCHEDULE SETUP AND RELOCATION) DEUNEATORS (SETUP & MAINTAIN) TYPE III BARRICADES (SETUP MAINTAIN) C1 FM/ _ C20 (') FAS-1 �m _ TYPE P W17/W17A 1-- -- , -1- -i�LWDjc9A — �_ HdSV --1~-8 3 8 _._—e-FIT-.-- — �—_" SOUTH HIGHLAND FIGURE 7D— TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project SIERRA AVE. NOTICE TO THE CONTRACTOIR THE PURPOSE OF THIS TENTATTI E TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN B TO SET F OUDANCE APO DIRECTION N 'THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A FINAL TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR ERESPONBELE TO PLAN, SCHEDULE, AND MPLa694T THE FINAL CONTROL PLAN, N COMTFOFIM ANCE WHIM THB WATCH. MANUAL AM CALTRANS TRAFFIC MANUAL, APPROVED BY THE CRY OF FO PTANA. THE CONTRACTORS FINAL TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PHASING PLANS SHALL. LOCAL MD THROUGH TRAFFD. JUMPER AVENUE MAY BE C LOBE D TO THROUGH TRAFRO. NOREBS AND L FOR REBDENTB ONLY ON JUNFB% AVENUE SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR TYPICAL SETUP SEE CHART FOR SIGN SPACING) A.SS.91 49/CC OON 9l SLR -- WALNUT STREET MAY BE Rt TO O9E-WAY TRAFRC. CYPREBB AVENUE 81ERRA AVENUE AND L OUTi HIGHLAND AVENUE SHALL. WIVE A MTHAPA JM OF TWO (2) TB4 FOOT TRAFFIC LANE& 1- C13 C12 C16 C18 V19 C20 C21 W17/W17A C24 C25 C27 C28A, C28B C9A C1 A. CEREAL 1. NO WORK MAY BE PERFORMED IN ANY PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF FONTANA TRAFFIC CONTROL SEAL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE LATEST EDITION OF WORK AREA TRAFFIC CONTROL HANDBOOK (WAT.C.H.) OR THE AGENCY'S PERMIT FOR THE WORK B. RESPON6ELITY 1. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS. 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TIMELY NOTIFICATION TO ALL AFFECTED AGENCIES, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS AND PUBLIC AGENCIES: A PUUCE DEPARTMENT B. FIRE DEPARTMENT C. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRANb MIAT10N D. BUS AND TRANSIT COMPANIES E SCHOOL DISTRICTS 3. NOTIFY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (USA) OR LOCH. ONE -CALL CENTER AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF EXCAVATION. 4. COORDINATE THE WORK WITH ALL AFFECTED AGENCIES AND THE PUBLIC. 5. INFORM OCCUPANTS OF ABLATING PROPERTIES, EITHER ORALLY OR BY WIUTIEN NOTICE, OF ACCESS MUTATIONS MADE NECESSARY BY THE WORK. 6. INSTALL AND MAINTAJN REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL. DEVICES. 7. PROVIDE MGM WHEN REQUIRED. 8. SCHEDULE AND EXPEDITE THE WORK TO CAUSE THE LEAST INCONVENIENCE TO THE PUBUC. 9. ASSURE THAT SURVEY CREWS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES WORKING IN OR ADJACENT TO A TRAVELED ROADWAY WEAR FLAGGING GARMENTS AS REQUIRED FOR FIAGGERS. 10. PROVIDE ADEQUATE SAFEGUARDS FOR WORKERS MD THE GENERAL PUBLIC. 11. PATROL THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AS REQUIRED TO INSURE THAT ALL DEVICES ARE IN PUCE AND OPERATING AT ALL TIMES, ESPECIALLY AT N040 AND ON WEFx1NDS WHEN WORK IS USUALLY NOT IN PROGRESS. 12. REMOVE TRAff7C DEVICES WHEN THEY ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. Q PL.A*RKA 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PLANNED WELL IN ADVANCE TD KEEP TRAFFIC OBSTRUCTIONS, PUBLIC INCONVENIENCE AND LOST WOTOCING TIME TO A MINIMUM. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL VIER THE JOBSITE BEFORE STARING THE WORK TO CONSIDER A 1RAFRC CONDITIONS. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROLS. TRAFFIC LANE REQUIREMENTS. PHYSICAL FEATURES. 4SIBIUY RESTRICTIONS. PROBLEMS OF ACCESS 10 PRIVATE PROPERTY. BUSINESS ACCESS AND ACTNLDES. THE TYPE. NUMBER AND LOCATION OF SIGNS, BARRICADES. UGHTS AND OTHER TRAFFIC DEVICES REQUIRED FOR THE WORK. 1. PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. INCLUDING MEANS OF MRIGATONG ANY ADVERSE EFFECT UPON THE BLIND OR OTHER PHYSICALLY DISABLED PERSONS. J. TRENCH PROFILES D. TEMPORARY TRAF'IC LAMB 1. WHENEVER THE PAVEMENT SURFACE HAS BEEN DISRUPTED BY PROFILING, PAVING OVERLAY, OV RLAY, TEMPORARY TRENCH RESURFACING. STEEL PLATING, HOSE PIACEMENF, ETC., WARNING SIGNS DESCRIBING THE PAVEMENT SURFACE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAT.C.H. MANUAL 2. ALL TEMPORARY TRAFFIC LANES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FELT IN WIDTH UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED. 3. IF THE NEED ARISES TO COVER. TRAFFIC SIGNAL INDICATIONS, B SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WAT.C.H. MANUAL E. TEMPORARY PAVEMENT ST111103/MAFII9O 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE en OF FONTANA TO DETERMINE THE NEED FOR AND EXTENT OF STRIPING REMOVAL AND TIES PIPING TO SUPPIBIEIIT DEVICES USED FOR DELINEATION. LEGEND I it9,o. C3 CLOSED C13 WI1 W15 W57 FLASHING • ROW SIGN (FAS) TYPE P W LEVEL ARNING DEVICE (HLWD) TYPE m BARRICADE i sr% R1 Rif/R1 A R17 C5 -' C7 N Project Description (continued) Barricades would be placed west of Cypress Avenue along Walnut Street. K-rails would also be placed along either side of the sewer improvement area. These barricades would be removed once the sewer improvements are finished. Steel plates would be placed at the intersection of Cypress Avenue and Walnut Street to cover up the necessary trench during construction. Juniper Avenue Juniper Avenue would be intermittently closed during the sewer construction. Juniper Avenue would be closed to traffic from Walnut Street to approximately 300 feet north, with local residents exiting the area by traveling north on the open portion of Juniper Avenue to South Highland Avenue. When sewer construction is taking place in front of the residences along Juniper Avenue, access to northbound Juniper Avenue would be coordinated with the contractor and facilitated with steel plates or the use of temporary pavement. Once the construction passes, Juniper Avenue would be closed from the residences north to South Highland Avenue. No left turns onto Juniper Avenue or South Highland Avenue would be allowed during construction. Signs indicating that road work is taking place ahead would be located at the on Juniper Avenue right before Sierra Avenue. Additionally, signs would be posted along the project site portion of Juniper Avenue directing vehicles of up coming road conditions, as well as open trenches. Additionally, steel plates would be placed along Juniper Avenue. These barricades would be removed once the sewer improvements are finished. South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue The proposed sewer line would beconstructed just north of South Highland Avenue. Both lanes on South Highland Avenue would be open during construction. Signs indicating shoulder work would be, placed along the northern shoulder of the road. Signs instructing vehicles of construction activities, as well as instructions for vehicles, would be placed along South Highland Avenue and at the intersection of Sierra Avenue and South Highland Avenue. Additionally, K-rail barricades would be placed on the south side of the sewer improvements. The K-rails would be removed once construction was completed. Left turns onto Sierra Avenue, as well as South Highland Avenue, would be prohibited during construction. Additionally, all lanes on Sierra Avenue are proposed to be open during the sewer construction. Traffic controls would be implemented along the portion of Sierra Avenue where the sewer line would be constructed to reduce traffic hazards. 2.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT The City of Fontana seeks to accomplish the following objectives with the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project: ■ To implement sewer services in concert with planned developments; • To develop the sewer improvements prior to the opening of the proposed commercial development located at the northeast corner of South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue; • To provide adequate sewer line capacity and service to the surrounding area; and • To provide an adequate sewer system for the health and welfare of citizens of the City. 2.4 DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS A discretionary decision is an action taken by a government agency (for this project, the government agency is the City of Fontana) that calls for the exercise of judgement in deciding whether to approve a project. The Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 2-18 Project Description (continued) proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement project would require the following specific discretionary approvals by the City of Fontana: • Approval of Sewer Plans — The City of Fontana will need to approve final sewer improvement plans for the project. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 2-19 SECTION 3: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS This section of the Initial Study evaluates the potential environmental impacts of the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement project and provides explanations of the responses to the Environmental Checklist found in Appendix A of this document. The Environmental Checklist is based on Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines. Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines provides a list of checklist questions that correspond directly to the legal standards for preparing Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Negative Declarations, and Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs). The environmental issues evaluated in this Initial Study include the following: • Aesthetics • Agriculture Resources • Air Quality • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Geology and Soils • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology and Water Quality • Land Use and Planning • Mineral Resources ■ Noise ■ Population and Housing • Public Services • Recreation • Transportation/ Traffic • Utilities and Service Systems The environmental analysis in this section is patterned after the questions in the Environmental Checklist. Under each issue area, a general discussion of the existing conditions is provided. The Environmental Checklist questions are then stated and an answer is provided according to the environmental analysis of the project's impacts. To each question, there are four possible responses: • No Impact. The proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement project will not have any measurable environmental impact on the environment. • Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project will have the potential for impacting the environment, although this impact will be below thresholds that may be considered significant. • Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation. The proposed project will have potentially significant adverse impacts which may exceed established thresholds, although mitigation measures or changes to the project's physical or operational characteristics will reduce these impacts to levels that are less than significant. Measures that may reduce this impact are identified. • Potentially Significant Impact. The proposed project will have impacts that are considered significant and additional analysis is required to identify mitigation measures that could reduce these impacts to insignificant levels. When an impact is determined to be potentially significant in the preliminary analysis, the environmental issue will be subject to detailed analysis in an environmental impact report (EIR). The references and sources used for the analysis are also identified after each response. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-1 Environmental Analysis (continued) 3.1 AESTHETICS The proposed 5,100 feet of sewer improvements would be located along a portion of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue within the City of Fontana. Walnut Street is two-lane paved road without curb cuts or sidewalks. Overhead utility lines are located on the southern side of Walnut Street, and a paved walking path is located on the south side. A high school is located at the northwest corner of Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue. The adjacent surrounding area to Walnut Street is vacant. Juniper Avenue is a two-lane paved roadway without curb cuts or driveways. Overhead utility lines are located on the east and west sides of Juniper Avenue. Four single-family homes are located on the east side of Juniper Avenue, and mature trees are located on the west side. Vacant lands make up the rest of the surrounding areas along Juniper Avenue. Highland Avenue is a two lane paved road with a curb cut located at the southern side of the roadway. Additionally, overhead utility lines are located along the southern side of the roadway. A traffic signal is located at the intersection of Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue. Surrounding lands are vacant. Sierra Avenue is a two-lane roadway. Surrounding land uses around, the portion of Sierra Avenue were the sewer line would be constructed are vacant. A commercial development is planned at the southeastern corner of Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue. (Sources: Site Survey, Improvement Plans, and Site Photographs) A. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? No Impact. There are no designated scenic vistas identified in the Fontana General Plan. Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue and/or Highland Avenue are not a designated scenic highway in California's Scenic Routes. The nearest scenic route is Foothill Boulevard, located approximately 1.4 miles to the south from the project site. The proposed project involves sewer improvements along within portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. The proposed project would not affect a scenic vista, because the sewer improvements would be underground and would not block views of the surrounding area from adjacent properties. The proposed construction and the improved roadway would not affect views of or from Foothill Boulevard. Therefore, no impact on any scenic vista would occur from the proposed project. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Improvement Plans, California's Scenic Routes, and Site Survey) B. Would the project substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? No Impact. There are no scenic resources on or near the project site, although views of the San Bernardino Mountains to the north are visible from the project area. The project involves sewer improvements and construction of 15 manholes within portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. No rock outcroppings or historic buildings are found along or near the project site. Additionally, the mature trees located along the west side of Juniper Avenue would not be disturbed by the proposed sewer improvements. The proposed widening would not affect a scenic vista, because the improvements would be underground and would not impact the view of the nearby mountains from adjacent properties. There are no designated scenic vistas identified in the Fontana General Plan. Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue are also not designated scenic highways. Therefore, no impact on scenic resources or scenic highways is expected. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Site Survey, Improvement Plan, and California's Scenic Routes) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-2 Environmental Analysis (continued) C. Would the project substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project area consists of vacant lands, a high school, single family residential units, and mature trees. The proposed project would include the construction of sewer lines and 15 manholes under and along Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. The visual quality of the site would not change with the proposed project because the sewer lines and manholes would be located underground or at the same elevation as the existing roads. On a short-term basis, during the three-month construction period, Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue would be subject to excavation and construction activities which would provide views of a highly disturbed area with construction materials and equipment, excavation ditch, fill soils, form works, uneven roadway pavements, metal sheets, and unfinished and ongoing construction and paving. Barrier walls would be provided along the roadways, which would conceal views of the excavation ditches. This impact would be temporary and is not considered significant. After construction, the area over the sewer improvements would be cleaned and returned to its original condition. The proposed project is not expected to result in negative aesthetic impacts. (Sources: Site Survey, Improvement Plans, and Site Photographs) D. Would the project create a new source of substantial light or glare, which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? No Impact. Existing sources of light and glare along the project site include headlights from vehicles traveling along Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue at nighttime. The streets do not have streetlights within the project area. The proposed project includes sewer improvements and would not include development of any new sources of light or glare. Thus, no impact is anticipated. (Sources: Site Survey, Improvement Plans, and Site Photographs) 3.2 AGRICULTURE RESOURCES Although the Fontana area was historically used for agriculture, agriculture throughout the City has decreased significantly through the years, with less than 1,000 acres currently remaining in agricultural use. These areas include small, scattered parcels throughout the City and vineyards in the northwestern portion of the City. Land along the project site contains vacant land and residential use, none of which are used for agriculture. The project area is located within the urbanized area of the City of Fontana and is not designated as farmland under the California Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program. Land along the project site are designated as Community Mixed Use (CMU) and Residential Planned Community (RPC). (Sources: Fontana General Plan, San Bernardino County Important Farmlands, and Site Survey) A. Would the project convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? No Impact. The project proposes sewer improvements within Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue, which are existing roadways, and no agricultural lands are located along or near the roadway. The adjacent areas are not designated as Farmland under the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-3 Environmental Analysis (continued) Program of the California Resources Agency or in the Fontana General Plan. Thus, no impact on important farmlands would occur with the proposed roadway improvement project. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, California Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, and Site Survey) B. Would the project conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? No Impact. The project would be developed along existing roadways, and vacant land along the project site is not used for agriculture. Adjacent areas designated for community mix use and residential development in the City's Land Use Policy Map. Vacant lands near the site are not designated for agricultural use. In addition, there is no agricultural zone in the City's Zoning Map. There are no lands under a Williamson Act contract near the site. The proposed sewer improvement project would not affect agricultural uses in the City. No impact on agricultural zones, resources, or operations in the City would result from the proposed roadway improvement project. (Sources: Land Use Policy Map of the Fontana General Plan, California Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, Fontana General Plan, Fontana Zoning and Development Code, and Site Survey) C. Would the project involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? No Impact. There are no agricultural uses along or near the project site, which may be affected by the proposed sewer improvements. The proposed sewer line and manhole construction would not convert agricultural land to non-agricultural uses. The area along the project site consists of developed residential areas, planned commercial land uses, a high school, as well as with vacant land. This area is urbanizing, and no agricultural land uses are found nearby. Thus, the project would not induce any farmland conversion. (Sources: Land Use Policy Map of the Fontana General Plan and Site Survey) 3.3 AIR QUALITY The project site is located at the north central section of the City of Fontana. The climate in Fontana is characterized by very warm summers, mild winters, infrequent rainfall, moderate daytime on -shore breezes, and comfortable humidities. Average temperatures are 80°F, with a high of 96°F, in summer and 53°F, with a low of 45°F, in the winter. Rainfall averages 16.02 inches per year. Winds across the project area consist of onshore flow from the southwest -west that is strongest in summer, with a weaker offshore return flow from the northeast that is strongest on winter nights. The onshore winds during the day average 8 to 12 miles per hour (mph), while the offshore flow is calm or drifts slowly westward at 1 to 3 mph. This wind pattern is broken by winter storms and Santa Ana winds. The Santa Ana winds are strong northerly or northeasterly winds that originate from the desert and go through the Newhall and Cajon Passes and into the valley. They occur most often from September through March. Usually warm, always very dry, and often full of dust, these winds are particularly strong in passes and at the mouths of canyons. On the average, Santa Ana winds occur five to ten times a year, each lasting up to a few days. The City of Fontana is located at the westem section of the South Coast Air Basin. Existing levels of ambient air quality and historical trends and projections in the project area are best documented from measurements made near the project site. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) operates air Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-4 1 1 s Environmental Analysis (continued) monitoring stations in the Central San Bernardino Valley (Station No. 34 in the cities of Fontana and San Bernardino) that monitor carbon monoxide, ozone, PM10, nitrogen dioxide, and other air pollutant levels. Table 1, Air Quality Monitoring Data, summarizes the last three years of published monitoring data from the SCAQMD monitoring stations near the site. TABLE 1 AIR QUALITY MONITORING DATA . Pollutant/Standard Days Standards Were Exceeded and Maximum Observed Levels 1997 1998 1999 Carbon Monoxide* 1-Hour> 20 ppm 0 0 0 8-Hour> 9 ppm 0 0 0 Max. 1-Hour Conc. (ppm) 8.0 6.0 5.0 Max. 8-Hour Conc. (ppm) 6.0 4.6 4.0 Ozone 1-Hour> 0.09 ppm 65 60 26 1-Hour> 0.12 ppm 10 32 4 8-Hour> 0.08 ppm 33 43 16 Max. 1-Hour Conc. (ppm) 0.17 0.20 0.14 Nitrogen Dioxide 1-Hour> 0.25 ppm 0 0 0 Max. 1-Hour Conc. (ppm) 0.14 0.15 0.15 Sulfur Dioxide Max. 1-Hour Conc. (ppm) 0.01 0.02 0.01 Suspended Particulates (PM io) 24-Hour> 50 µg/m3 29 28 36 24-Hour> 150 µg/m3 0 0 0 Max. 24-Hour (µg/m3) 122 101 116 Suspended Particulates (PM2.5) 24-Hour> 65 µg/m3 - - 3 Max. 24-Hour (µg/m3) - - 98.0 Particulates (TSP) Max 24- Hour (µg/m3) 212 175 232 Particulate Lead* 1-Month > 1.5 µg/m3 0 0 0 Max. 1-Month (µg/m3) 0.04 0.05 0.07 Particulate Sulfate 24-Hour > 25 µg/m3 0 0 0 Max. 24-Hour (µg/m3) 10.2 10.1 12.4 Data from Central SBV 1 Station in Fontana, except for Carbon Monoxide and Particulate Lead (pollutants with *), which utilize data from Central SBV 2 Station in San Bernardino - no data available Source: SCAQMD The data shows that carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and particulate lead and sulfate levels do not exceed state and federal clean air standards, although ozone and particulate levels occasionally exceed the standards. However, a trend towards better air quality can be seen, since the frequency of smog alerts due to high ozone levels, especially those considered unhealthy for all people, has dropped considerably in the last decade. The Federal Clean Air Act (1977 Amendments) required that designated agencies in any area of the nation not meeting national clean air standards must prepare a plan demonstrating the steps that would bring the area into compliance with all national standards by December 31, 1987. The air quality in the South Coast Air Basin Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-5 Draft: March 21, 2002 Environmental Analysis (continued) (SCAB) did not meet clean air standards at that time, and the SCAQMD and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) adopted an Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) in 1979. The AQMP was subsequently revised several times, when earlier attainment forecasts were shown to be overly optimistic. In 1988, the California Legislature enacted the California Clean Air Act (CCAA), which requires that regional emissions be reduced by 5 percent per year, averaged over 3-year periods, until attainment can be demonstrated. Each area that did not meet a national or state ambient air quality standard was required to prepare a plan which demonstrates how the 5 percent reductions would be achieved. In July 1991, the SCAQMD adopted a revised AQMP, which was designed to meet the CCAA requirements. The 1991 AQMP deferred the attainment date to 2010, consistent with the 1990 Federal Clean Air Act. The 1990 Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) required that all states with airsheds with "serious" or worse ozone problems submit a revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The 1991 AQMP was modified/adapted and submitted as the SCAB portion of the SIP. The 1991 SIP submittal estimated that an 85% basin -wide reduction in volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and a 59% reduction in oxides of nitrogen (NO,) between 1990 to 2010 was needed to meet federal clean air standards. About 40% of these reductions were to come from existing pollution control programs. The remaining reduction would be from new rules, technologies, or other reduction programs. In 1996, EPA approved the 1994 submittal of the SCAB portion of the SIP. An updated 1997 AQMP was locally adopted in compliance with the CAAA and CCAA. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) forwarded this plan to EPA for its consideration and recommended approval. A 1999 Amendment to the proposed SIP Revisions was developed that accelerates the schedule for a number of new SCAQMD rules and regulations, to meet the court -ordered acceleration of the rate of progress. The 1999 Amendments were approved by the California ARB on January 27, 2000. Additionally, the 1999 Amendments received EPA approval as the adopted regional air quality plan in 2000. (Sources: Western Regional Climate Center, SCAQMD Air Quality Monitoring Data, SCAQMD CEQA Handbook, Annual Average Daily Traffic, and Site Survey) A. Would the project conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? No Impact. The planning process for the AQMP was heavily focused on stationary and area source controls, and also incorporates anticipated changes in the vehicle fleet mix. Planned emissions reductions are offset by projected growth in population, housing, employment, and land use. A sewer improvement project, such as the proposed project would not generate air pollutants. Conformity with adopted plans, forecasts, and programs relative to population, housing, employment and land use is the primary yardstick by which impact significance of planned growth is determined. If a given project incorporates applicable direct source and transportation control measures, and if the scope and phasing of a project are consistent with adopted forecasts as shown in the Regional Comprehensive Plan (RCP), then the regional air quality impact of project development would not be significant. The proposed sewer improvements do not involve an increase in population, housing, or employment. The proposed project is not subject to specific SCAQMD regulations, although regulations for fugitive dust emissions, construction equipment, and asphalt paving would need to be complied with during the construction phase for the project. The project would not conflict and is not inconsistent with the AQMP of the SCAQMD. The project would incorporate measures to reduce short-term construction emissions, in accordance with SCAQMD Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-6 Environmental Analysis (continued) regulations and thus, the project would have no significant adverse impacts on regional air quality. The roadway improvements would not conflict or obstruct implementation of the AQMP. (Sources: SCAQMD AQMP, SCAQMD CEQA Handbook, Fontana General Plan, and Improvement Plan) B. Would the project violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing , or projected air quality violation? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvements would lead to construction emissions that may affect regional air quality. The proposed improvements would involve grading and excavation activities during an estimated three-month construction period. During construction, construction equipment and vehicles may drop or carry out dirt or silt that is washed into public streets. Passing non -project vehicles then pulverize the dirt to create off -site dust impacts. Construction activities also generate evaporative emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from paints, solvents, asphalt, and other coatings. The use of construction equipment would lead to emissions, which would add to local air pollution levels. The project would include measures in accordance with SCAQMD to reduce short-term vehicle emissions. Additionally, the project would include dust control measures, such as adequate watering of the site to prevent/reduce the amount particulates from entering the air. The following are recommendations for the project to further reduce air pollution: • Apply non -toxic soil stabilizers according to manufacturers' specification to all inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). • Replace ground cover in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet freeboard (i.e., minimum vertical distance between top of the load and the top of the trailer) in accordance with requirements of CVC Section 23114. • Soil disturbance should be terminated when high winds (>25 mph) make dust control extremely difficult. • Minimization of construction interference with regional non -project traffic movement. Scheduling receipt of construction materials to non -peak travel periods. • Reducing "spill -over" effects by preventing soil erosion, washing vehicles entering public roadways from dirt off -road project areas, and washing/sweeping project access to public roadways on an adequate schedule. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, SCAQMD CEQA Handbook, and Improvement Plans) C. Would the project result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non -attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions, which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvement project is not expected to generate air pollutants. However, construction emissions would be produced during the three-month construction period. This impact would be temporary, and it is not expected that vacant parcels located along the project site would be under development/construction at the same time due to the access constraints that would be Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-7 Environmental Analysis (continued) posed by the project construction. The project's contribution to cumulative impacts would be temporary and considered less than significant. The project's construction impacts would also be reduced by implementation of dust control measures, as well as other measures as required by SCAQMD. Over the long term, the proposed project would not generate air pollutants. Thus, any cumulative increase in air pollutants or ozone levels in the project area would be less than significant. (Sources: SCAQMD CEQA Handbook, Fontana General Plan, and AQMP) D. Would the project expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? Less than Significant Impact. The construction emissions have the potential to affect sensitive receptors located along the affected roadway segment. Impacts on adjacent residents and/or students and teachers at the existing high school would include fugitive dust during grading and excavation and emissions from on - site construction equipment. Predominant wind patterns come from the south and southwest, and emissions from the site would not be windblown to the land uses and residences located south of the roadway. The four single-family residential units along Juniper Avenue, as well as the Walnut Village specific planning area (located southeast of the project site) would not be affected by fugitive dust. However, these land uses located to the south may be affected by fugitive dust during Santa Ana wind episodes. The area to the north of the project site includes vacant lands and scattered single family residential units. Additionally, an existing high school is located northwest of the intersection of Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue were the project would start. This area may be affected by fugitive dust during construction. However, dust control measures, such as daily watering, have been incorporated into the project to reduce fugitive dust. A less then significant impact is expected with the dust control measures. Once construction is done, the sewer line and manholes would not create air pollution; no impact is expected. (Sources: SCAQMD CEQA Handbook, Fontana General Plan, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, and Site Survey) E. Would the project create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvement project would not be involved in the handling of large quantities of solid waste materials, chemicals, food products, or other odorous materials and has no potential to create objectionable odors. If a sewer line break occurs in the future after the pipe in constructed, objectionable odors may occur. These odors would be temporary and would stop once the sewer leak is fixed. During construction, there may be localized instances when the characteristic diesel exhaust odor is noticeable from construction equipment and asphalt paving. Such transitory exposures (during construction or/and if a sewer line break occurs) are brief nuisances and would not threaten regional air quality standards. Thus, adverse impact in terms of objectionable odors during construction would be less than significant. (Sources: SCAQMD CEQA Handbook and Improvement Plans) 3.4 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Biological resources in the City of Fontana consist of a variety of plant and animal habitats found on undeveloped areas, as well as open areas within urban developments. Natural habitats remain in the undeveloped areas along the foothills, with urbanized areas supporting introduced species and landscaping materials. According to the Fontana General Plan, no endangered or sensitive plant or animal species are found adjacent to the project site (portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue). The Fontana General Plan shows that native plant communities along a portion of the project site Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Draft: March 21, 2002 Page 3-8 Environmental Analysis (continued) (north of South Highland Avenue) consist of Creosote Brush Scrub. Creosote Brush Scrub is generally found on well -drained soils on the slopes, fans and valleys. Dominant plant species include creosote brush, indigo bush, and California sunflower. The vacant area along the western side of Juniper Avenue supports five mature trees, one of which appears to be dead. These trees may provide food and nesting areas for local and migratory birds. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Aerial Photographs, and Site Survey) A. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? No Impact. The proposed project includes the development of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. The sewer improvements would be made along existing roadways: Walnut Street from Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue; Juniper Avenue from Walnut Street to Highland Avenue; Highland Avenue from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue, and approximately 100 feet south on Sierra Avenue from the intersection of Sierra Avenue and South Highland Avenue. The adjacent areas to the project site are disturbed and do not support rare, endangered, or threatened species of plants or animals. According to the Fontana General Plan, the project area is not located in an area with sensitive biological resources. The mature trees along Juniper Avenue would not be disturbed. Therefore, no impact to nesting birds within these trees is expected to occur. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Recovery Plan for Delhi Sand Flower Loving Fly, City Code, and Site Survey) B. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, and regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife Service? No Impact. The project site is located within portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. Surrounding use include residential units and vacant lands. Grass, weeds, and five mature trees are found along the proposed site. There are no riparian habitats in the project vicinity. Consequently, the project would not affect riparian habitats or natural communities identified in local or regional plans or by the California Department of Fish and Game or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, and Site Survey) C. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? No Impact. The project site does not contain any wetland habitat or any designated blue line streams, according to the USGS Fontana Quadrangle. The proposed 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes is not expected to generate runoff or drainage that would impact wetlands. Therefore, no impacts to wetlands are expected to occur as a result of the project. (Sources: USFWS National Wetlands Inventory, Fontana General Plan, Thomas Guide for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, and Site Survey) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-9 Environmental Analysis (continued) D. Would the project interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? No Impact. The segments of South Highland Avenue, Juniper Avenue, Walnut Avenue, and Sierra Avenue where the proposed sewer main would be located do not serve as wildlife dispersal corridors. While the area surrounding the affected segment includes vacant lands, scattered urban developments are found along these roadways. With the SR-210 Freeway to the north of South Highland Avenue and the presence of residential tracts to the east, south and southwest of the affected segment, the adjacent vacant lots do not form a connected corridor for wildlife dispersal. There are no wildlife corridors or open areas nearby which serve as animal migration routes through the affected segment. The proposed project is not expected to affect wildlife migration. No impact to wildlife dispersal or migration would occur with the project. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Site Survey, and Aerial Photograph) E. Would the project conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? No Impact. According to the Fontana General Plan, there are no significant biological resources on the project site. Sensitive habitat is located north of South Highland Avenue but the project would not impact this area. No impacts to biological resources are anticipated as a result of the proposed sewer improvements. Although mature trees are located on the west side of Juniper Avenue, the project would not destroy or remove these trees. Thus, no conflict with the City's tree preservation ordinance and policies would occur with the project. The project is not expected to conflict with local policies protecting biological resources; thus, no impact is anticipated. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, City Code, and Site Survey) F. Would the project conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? No Impact. The project site is not identified as critical or sensitive habitat in the Fontana General Plan and there is no adopted habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan for the area. Thus, the proposed sewer project would have no impact on local or regional habitat conservation plans. Habitat loss associated with new development within the City is being addressed through participation of the Valley Wide Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) as outlined in the 1995 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Service, CDFG, and 15 additional local jurisdictions, including the City of Fontana. In addition, all major municipal jurisdictions are currently negotiating with the Service to develop a mutually acceptable process for implementation of the MSHCP. It is the intent of these jurisdictions to continue to address and accommodate habitat loss in their long-range development plans. (Sources: Fontana General Plan and Site Survey) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-10 Environmental Analysis (continued) 3.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES The City of Fontana has a long history of human occupation and archaeological resources have been found in and adjacent to the Jurupa Hills and the San Gabriel Mountains. These resources regionally suggest a rich cultural prehistory, dating back four to six thousand years ago. Local inhabitants during that time are believed to be Indians of the Shoshonean linguistic family. No archaeological resources have been found within the valley floor of the City. Development within the City of Fontana was originally centered around the agricultural production of citrus, poultry and other agricultural crops. The construction of the Kaiser Steel Plant in 1942 shifted the economy of the area to industrial development, and the associated demand for residential and commercial developments. Historical structures in the City are concentrated along Sierra Avenue, and within the area bounded by Arrow Route, Mango Avenue, Foothill Boulevard, and Juniper Avenue. There is one site within the City currently listed on the Federal Register of Historic Places. Seven sites are listed on the California Historical Points of Interest and one site is designated as a California Historical Landmark. None of the sites are located along the project site. The list of Historical Resources in the Code of the City of Fontana does not include structures or sites along the project site. The Fontana Historical Society has identified 51 sites or areas of local historical interest within the City and its Sphere of Influence. None of these sites or areas is located along the proposed sewer improvement project area. (Sources: Site Survey, City Code, and Fontana General Plan) A. Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in §15064.5? No Impact. The proposed project includes construction of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line under Walnut Street between Cypress Avenue and Juniper Avenue, under Juniper Avenue between Walnut Street and South Highland Avenue, adjacent to South Highland Avenue between Juniper Avenue and Sierra Avenue, and adjacent to Sierra Avenue south of the Sierra Avenue and South Highland Avenue intersection. There are no known historical structures or sites on or near the sewer improvement area. According to the Conservation Element of the Fontana General Plan, the proposed project site is not on or adjacent to a historical resource. Because the proposed project would not occur on or immediately adjacent to historical resources, the project is not expected to cause an adverse change in a historical resource. (Sources: Fontana General Plan and Site Survey) B. Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to Section 15064.5? No Impact. According to the Conservation Element within the Fontana General Plan, no archaeological resources have been found within the valley area of the City of Fontana. It is anticipated that the likelihood for an archaeological find within the project site would be low because of prior disturbance to soils within the right-of-way from previous grading activities for the existing roadway construction. Thus, there is low potential for archaeological resources to be present within the project site. While additional excavation and grading would be necessary for the sewer improvements and manhole construction, no impact on archaeological resources is expected. (Sources: Site Survey and Fontana General Plan) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-11 Environmental Analysis (continued) C. Would the project directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? No Impact. According to the Fontana General Plan, there are no known paleontological resources in the City of Fontana. In addition, the project site (under Walnut Street between Cypress Avenue and Juniper Avenue, under Juniper Avenue between Walnut Street and South Highland Avenue, adjacent to South Highland Avenue between Juniper Avenue and Sierra Avenue, and adjacent to Sierra Avenue south of South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue intersection) is highly disturbed due to existing roadway construction, as well as utility line installations. Thus, the potential for finding in -situ paleontological resources within the proposed project area is considered low. The existing roads are relatively flat and there are no unique geologic features on or near the site. Consequently, no impact to unique paleontological resources or unique geologic features is expected to occur with the proposed sewer improvement project. (Sources: Site Survey, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, and Fontana General Plan) D. Would the project disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? No Impact. The project site is highly disturbed due to existing roadway construction and utility line installations. There is no known evidence of human remains or a previous cemetery along the Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue corridors. Therefore, no impact on human remains is expected to occur with the proposed sewer improvement project. (Sources: Site Survey and Fontana General Plan) 3.6 GEOLOGY AND SOILS The City of Fontana has a varied topography, with the San Gabriel Mountains to the north, the Jurupa Hills to the south and the valley area in between. Soils in the area primarily consist of alluvium from the San Gabriel Mountains, including course textured sands and gravels. The City of Fontana is located in a seismically active region, and has experienced several earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.0 or greater within the last 100 years. These events have been attributed to the San Andreas Fault (located 10 miles north of the City and capable of producing an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 on the Richter Scale), San Jacinto, Cucamonga, and Lytle Creek Faults (at the northern boundary of the City and capable of a 6.5 to 7.0 magnitude earthquake), and Red Hill Fault (crossing the City in a northeast to southwest direction). These faults are not located on or near the affected segment of the project site. The Fontana General Plan also identifies areas susceptible to slope instability/failure and wildfires. No areas susceptible to slope failure or wildfires are located in close proximity to the project site. (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Fontana General Plan, Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region, and Site Survey) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-12 Environmental Analysis (continued) A. Would the project expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effect, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Less than Significant Impact. While the City of Fontana is located in a seismically active region. The Rialto -Colton fault is located adjacent to the project site (under Walnut Street between Cypress Avenue and Juniper Avenue, under Juniper Avenue between Walnut Street and South Highland Avenue, adjacent to South Highland Avenue between Juniper Avenue and Sierra Avenue, and adjacent to Sierra Avenue south of South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue intersection). The sewer lines would be constructed to withstand seismic forces, in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). Construction workers may be exposed to hazards associated with an earthquake event. However, these hazards would be limited to pavement cracks and utility line damage that would not lead to significant hazards. Thus, the impact of strong seismic ground shaking would be less than significant. (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Improvement Plan, Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region, and Fontana General Plan Safety Element) B. Would the project be subject to strong seismic groundshaking? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvement project would be exposed to groundshaking hazards associated with earthquake events in the region. These hazards are no different than those at other areas of the City. The project site may be subject to groundshaking, but is not expected to expose persons to undue hazards. Some pavement cracking and possible sewer line damage may occur, but these are not expected to create major threats to life and property since the sewer improvement site is at grade and would be constructed to withstand seismic forces, in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). Construction workers may be exposed to hazards associated with groundshaking during an earthquake event. However, these hazards would be limited to pavement cracks and utility line damage that would not lead to significant hazards. Thus, the impact of strong seismic ground shaking would be less than significant. (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Greenbook, and Fontana General Plan Safety Element) C. Would the project be subject to seismic -related ground failure, including liquefaction? No Impact. The site is not located in areas with liquefaction susceptibility, as identified in the Safety Element of the Fontana General Plan. The site is also located outside areas with perched water conditions, which may support liquefaction hazards. Groundwater levels along the affected project site are estimated at 790 to 800 feet below mean sea level or approximately 530 to 610 feet below the ground surface. Thus, no hazards associated with liquefaction are anticipated. (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Improvement Plan, Fall 1997 Water Levels, and Fontana General Plan Safety Element) D. Would the project be subject to landslides? No Impact. The project site is relatively flat and is located on the valley portion of the City. The Fontana General Plan identifies areas with slope instability in the City, and does not include the area on or near the Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-13 Environmental Analysis (continued) project area. Consequently, no impact associated with landslides would occur with the proposed sewer improvement project. (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Site Survey, Improvement Plan, and Fontana General Plan Safety Element) E. Would the project result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? Less than Significant Impact. Grading and excavation for the project would lead to excavation and grading activities for the sewer improvements and construction of manholes. The project site would remain relatively flat after the completion of construction. Construction of the sewer lines may lead to erosion of the side slopes prior to completion of the project. This erosion would be temporary, would be confined to the excavation areas for the sewer lines; and would cease once the excavation area is backfilled and the roadway pavement is constructed. The City would implement standard erosion control measures as required by the City Code. Thus, soil erosion during construction would be less than significant. (Sources: Improvement Plans and Fontana General Plan) F. Would the project be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on or off -site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? No Impact. There are no known geologic hazards along the project site (under Walnut Street between Cypress Avenue and Juniper Avenue, under Juniper Avenue between Walnut Street and South Highland Avenue, adjacent to South Highland Avenue between Juniper Avenue and Sierra Avenue, and adjacent to Sierra Avenue south of South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue intersection). Subsidence has not occurred along the project site and there are no water wells or oil wells near the proposed sewer line development 'area. Perched water conditions (which may lead to liquefaction hazards) are also not present within the project site. The portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, as well as Sierra Avenue where the sewer improvements would occur are relatively flat topographically and are not located on unstable soils. The on -site soils do not present any geologic hazards to sewer construction. There is no known incidence of landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse on -site or near the site. Thus, the proposed project is not expected to be exposed to or create off -site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse. (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Site Survey, and Fontana General Plan) G. Would the project be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? No Impact. On -site soils consist primarily of sands and gravels typically found on the Lytle Creek alluvial fan. The project site is not located within an area known to have soil expansion hazards or clay soils (which have high shrink -swell potential) as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code. Thus, no soil expansion hazard is expected on -site. (Sources: Site Survey and Fontana General Plan) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-14 Environmental Analysis (continued) H. Would the project have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? No Impact. The proposed project includes construction of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. The project does not propose development of septic tanks and/or alternative wastewater disposal systems. Thus, no impacts to soils which are unsuitable for on -site sewage disposal systems would occur as a result of the project. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Site Survey, and Improvement Plan) 3.7 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A hazardous material is defined as any substance that may be hazardous to humans, animals, or plants, and may include pesticides, herbicides, toxic metals and chemicals, volatile chemicals, explosives, and even nuclear fuels or low-level radioactive wastes. The City of Fontana has a wide variety of industries and land uses, which generate, use, or handle hazardous materials. Most of these sites are associated with industrial and commercial uses located throughout the City. According to the EPA's Envirofacts data base closest hazardous waste handlers and/or generators to the project site include Mid Valley Landfill located on Sierra Avenue; San Bernardino County Solid Waste Management located at 6087 Sierra Avenue; Alman's Truck Repair located at 6183 Sierra Avenue; Circle K located at 50898 Grapefruit Street; and ETI of California, Inc. located at 2900 Tamarino Avenue. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Designated Truck Routes, Envirofacts Database, and Site Survey) A. Would the project create a significant hazard to the public, or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? No Impact. The proposed sewer improvements would not utilize or generate hazardous materials or wastes. The proposed sewer improvement project would not transport hazardous materials. Therefore, the project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials. (Source: Site Survey and Improvement Plans) B. Would the project create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonable foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? Less than Significant Impact. Activities associated with the sewer and manhole construction may involve some hazardous materials use, such as paints, thinners, cleaning solvents, oil, grease, etc. However, hazardous materials use, storage, and disposal would be made in accordance with existing federal, state and local regulations. No truck oil change, equipment maintenance or other activities that may release hazardous materials on or near the project site are proposed within the construction area. Trucks carrying hazardous materials would be utilizing surrounding roads. Traffic safety signs and controls would be provided to create safe driving conditions and prevent vehicle accidents. Thus, hazardous material accidents are expected to be less than significant. (Source: Site Survey and Improvement Plans) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-15 Environmental Analysis (continued) C. Would the project emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? No Impact. The nearest school to the project site is A. B. Miller High School, located at the corner of Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue, adjacent to the project site. The Wayne Ruble Elementary School is proposed along Juniper Avenue, adjacent to the project site. The proposed sewer line would not emit hazardous materials. Activities associated with the sewer and manhole construction may involve some hazardous materials use, such as paints, thinners, cleaning solvents, oil, grease, etc. Hazardous materials use, storage, and disposal would be made in accordance with existing federal, state and local regulations and would not be emitted onto the existing or proposed school grounds. Therefore, the project would not result in a risk of hazardous emissions or the improper handling of acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste which may affect nearby schools. (Sources: Fontana Unified School District, Site Survey, and Improvement Plans) D. Would the project be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? No Impact. A field survey of the affected segment and review of the Envirofacts Database of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency show that the project site is not a hazardous material site. Also, the Fontana Engineering Department has indicated that the project site is not identified on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. Therefore, the sewer improvements and manholes would not result in a risk to the public or the environment. The nearest listed hazardous material users/generators are the Mid Valley Landfill, San Bernardino County Waste Management, Elman's Truck Repair, Circle K, and ETI of California, Inc. The project would not be developed within these hazardous waste handlers/generators sites. Thus, no hazards to the public or the environment would occur with the proposed roadway improvement project. (Sources: Envirofacts Database, Fontana Engineering Department, and Site Survey) E. For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? No Impact. The project site is not located near a public airport. The nearest airports are the Rialto Municipal Airport in the City of Rialto located approximately one and a half miles to the east of the project site and the Ontario International Airport in the City of Ontario located approximately twelve miles to the southwest of the project site. The proposed project would not be exposed to airport hazards; would not affect aircraft operations; and would not create an airport safety hazard for people utilizing the roadway or residing and working in the project area. (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Thomas Guide for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, and Fontana General Plan) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-16 Environmental Analysis (continued) F. For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? No Impact. There are no private airstrips located immediately adjacent to or near the project site. Therefore, the proposed sewer improvements would not expose construction workers to air traffic hazards, during construction. The project would not expose people to air traffic hazards once construction was done; therefore no impacts are anticipated (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Thomas Guide for San Bernardino -and Riverside Counties) G. Would the project impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project would be located under Walnut Street between Cypress Avenue and Juniper Avenue, under Juniper Avenue between Walnut Street and South Highland Avenue, adjacent to South Highland Avenue between Juniper Avenue and Sierra Avenue, and adjacent to Sierra Avenue south of the South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue intersection. During construction when the roadways would remain open, no obstruction to emergency response to or emergency evacuation from adjacent properties is expected. Construction at intersections would also be made under metal sheets and scheduled to minimize interference with vehicle traffic. However, the congestion that may occur at these intersections during construction could impede emergency vehicles that pass along the affected segment during heavy traffic. With the availability of two-way traffic flow and emergency sirens, it is expected that impacts to emergency response would be less than significant. Access to individual lots would be maintained throughout the construction period, and no adverse impacts to emergency evacuation are expected. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Improvement Plans, and Site Survey) H. Would the project expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury, or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? Less than Significant Impact. The project site is located in a generally urbanized area. Although vacant areas are located adjacent to the project, the site is not located in the area identified in the Fontana General Plan as a "fire prone area". The proposed project does not involve the construction of structures that may be exposed to fire hazards. Therefore, no risk of loss, injury, or death involving wildland fires is expected from the proposed roadway improvement project. (Sources: Site Survey, Fontana General Plan, and Improvement Plans) 3.8 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY The City of Fontana is underlain by the Chino groundwater basin, which is an adjudicated basin by the Chino Watermaster. Groundwater levels near the project site were estimated at approximately 790 to 800 feet above mean sea level or 530 to 610 feet below the ground surface. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-17 Environmental Analysis (continued) The Etiwanda Creek and San Sevaine Channel are the major surface water resources in the project area. These channels join approximately 3.75 miles west of the project site and serve as the regional storm drain facilities for the surrounding area. The San Bernardino County Flood Control District's planning area is responsible for regional storm drainage facilities and the City of Fontana is responsible for local storm drainage. The storm drainage within the northern section of the City of Fontana (north of Foothill Boulevard) is provided by scattered detention basins, which serve the newer development projects. Runoff from older developments is conveyed as sheet flow through curbs and gutters toward the drainage system on Foothill Boulevard and the West Fontana Channel. The 100-year and 500-year plains are generally located at the northern, western and southern portion of the City of Fontana. Major flood hazards associated with storm flows from the San Gabriel Mountains and Lytle Creek have been controlled by the Army Core of Engineer facilities built in the 1940s and 1050s and by Hawker - Crawford and San Sevaine channels. These facilities have controlled major streambed overflow problems although localized flooding does occur in certain portions of the City. Surface flows in the City generally travel east and south to the Rialto Channel in areas east of Sierra Avenue and west and south to San Sevaine Channel for areas west of Sierra Avenue. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Fall 1997 Water Levels, Thomas Guide for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, and USGS Fontana Quadrangle) A. Would the project violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project includes construction of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. The project would not generate any stormwater or wastewater. During construction, the City would implement best management practices for stormwater pollution control, in accordance with the NPDES. The project site would be subject to street sweeping during construction and after construction to collect debris on the roadway pavement. The sewer improvements are not expected to generate pollutants that would violate water quality standards or waste discharge requirements. (Sources: Site Survey, Improvement Plan, and Fontana Engineering Department) B. Would the project substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? No Impact. The proposed project includes development of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. No water wells are proposed as part of the project and no long-term water demand would be created by the project. The proposed sewer line would be placed approximately 10 feet under the existing grade. Groundwater is located approximately 530 to 610 feet below the ground surface. The construction of the proposed improvements would not interfere with groundwater recharge, since the affected area does not serve as a recharge basin. Therefore, the project would not reduce the net level of the underground aquifer or lower the groundwater table thereby reducing groundwater supplies. (Sources: Improvement Plan, Site Survey, and Fontana General Plan) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-18 Environmental Analysis (continued) C. Would the project substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project involves the construction of sewer improvements. The project would not alter existing drainage patterns and would not alter the course of a stream or river. Additionally, the project would not result in erosion or siltation on- or off -site. Erosion control measures would be implemented during construction; therefore, no substantial erosion would result during construction of the sewer line improvements. (Sources: USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Site Survey, Fontana General Plan, and Improvement Plan) D. Would the project substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site, or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off - site? Less than Significant Impact. There are no identified flood hazards on the project site. The 100-year and 500-year flood plains are not located near or on the project site. The project would not lead to a decrease in ground absorption or an increase in runoff. The project would not increase impervious surfaces. After the sewer construction was completed, Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue would be put back to their existing conditions. The proposed improvements would not alter drainage patterns or result in flooding on- or off -site. (Sources: Site Survey, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Fontana General Plan, and Improvement Plan) E. Would the project create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project includes construction of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. The project would not increase in impervious surfaces and/or increase stormwater runoff volumes. During construction, the City would implement best management practices for stormwater pollution control, in accordance with the NPDES. The project would not generate pollutants that may enter the storm drain system. The proposed improvements would not exceed the capacity of the downstream stormwater drainage systems or provide additional sources of polluted runoff. (Sources: Site Survey and Improvement Plans) F. Would the project otherwise substantially degrade water quality? No Impact. The proposed project would have no long-term demand for water and would not lead to activities or pollutants that could degrade groundwater quality. No water wells are proposed as part of the project, and the demand for water during construction would be limited. Thus, the project does not have the potential to degrade water quality. (Sources: Site Survey and Improvement Plan) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-19 Environmental Analysis (continued) G. Would the project place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary of a Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? No Impact. No housing units are proposed as part of the project, and the project site is not located within a flood hazard area. The project would not place housing within a 100-year flood hazard as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary of a Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map. (Sources: Site Survey, FEMA FIRM, Fontana General Plan Safety Element, and Improvement Plans) H. Would the project place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures, which would impede or redirect flood flows? No Impact. The affected segment is not located within a flood hazard area, and no structures are proposed as part of the sewer improvement project. Consequently, the project would not place structures in a manner that would impede or redirect flows within a 100-year flood hazard area. (Sources: Site Survey, Fontana General Plan Safety Element, FEMA FIRM, and Improvement Plan) I. Would the project expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? No Impact. The project site is not located downstream of a dam or levee, which may lead to inundation of the project area. Also, no above ground structures would be constructed as part of the sewer improvement project. Therefore, there would be no risk of significant loss, injury, or death involving flooding, as a result of the failure of a levee or dam or as a result of the proposed project. (Sources: Site Survey, Thomas Guide for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Fontana General Plan Safety Element, and Improvement Plan) J. Would the project expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? No Impact. The proposed project site is located inland and would not be subject to tsunami hazards. The project site has a relatively flat topography; and there are no hillside areas near it, which may create mudflow hazards. In addition, there are no large open bodies of water near the site, which may Lead to seiche hazards. Therefore, there would be no risk of significant loss, injury, or death involving inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow as a result of the proposed sewer improvement project. (Sources: Site Survey, Thomas Guide for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, and Improvement Plans) 3.9 LAND USE AND PLANNING The project site is located approximately 10 feet under the existing grade of Walnut Street; from Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue; Juniper Avenue, from Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue; adjacent to Highland Avenue, from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue; and adjacent to Sierra Avenue, the from South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue intersection for approximately 100 feet. Highland Avenue is designated as a Primary Highway in the Fontana General Plan. Walnut Street is designated as a Secondary Highway, and Juniper Avenue is designated as a Collector Road in the General Plan. The project site is designated at Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-20 Environmental Analysis (continued) Residential -Planned Community (R-PC) along Walnut Street and the majority of Juniper Avenue. Along the South Highland Avenue and the northern portion of Juniper Avenue, the project site is designated as Community Mixed Use (CMU). The R-PC designation is a special classification, which provides for master planned development to promote managed growth within north Fontana. Development is restricted to single-family detached residential units with controlled local commercial uses. Minimum lot sizes under the R-PC designation range from 3,500 square feet to 30,000 square feet. The CMU designation applies to the north Fontana area and is intended to allow for support commercial uses for residential development within R-PC areas. The Walnut Village specific planning area is located to the east of the project site and is primarily single-family residential development. The planning area is approximately 2,560 acres and land uses include residential, commercial, public/quasi-public, parks and open space. The project site is zoned General Commercial (C-3) along South Highland Avenue and the northem portion of Juniper Avenue and Single Family Residential (R-1-1000) along the southern portion of Juniper Avenue and Walnut Street. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Land Use Zoning Map, Land Use Policy Map and Site Survey) A. Would the project physically divide an established community? No Impact. The project site is located within and along existing two-lane roadways in the northern portion of the City. In the project area, four single-family homes are located along Juniper Avenue. The proposed sewer improvement project would not divide the residential homes from other parts of the community. Therefore, the project would not physically divide the City or the residential areas located on Juniper Avenue. (Sources: Fontana Circulation Master Plan, Improvement Plan, and Site Survey) B. Would the project conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local, coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? No Impact. The sewer improvement project would not affect land use designations or zoning districts. Therefore, no conflict with applicable land use plans, policies, or regulations would occur with the project. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Fontana Zoning and Development Code) C. Would the project conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? No Impact. The project site is located within or adjacent to existing roadways and adjacent land uses include residential and vacant land. The project area has been designated for urban development in the City's General Plan. There are no natural or native habitats on the project site. Mature trees are located along the portion of Juniper Avenue where sewer improvements would be made. However, the project would not impact the trees. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-21 Environmental Analysis (continued) The City has not adopted any comprehensive conservation plan. The Valley Wide Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) as outlined in the 1995 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Service, CDFG, and 15 additional local jurisdictions, including the City of Fontana, is in the planning stages at this time. The proposed sewer improvement project is not expected to conflict with this future plan due to the presence of the existing roadways and the highly disturbed condition of the project area. There are no adopted habitat conservation plans that are applicable to the site or the surrounding area. Consequently, the proposed sewer improvement project would not conflict with any habitat or natural community conservation plan. (Sources: Site Survey and Fontana General Plan) 3.10 MINERAL RESOURCES The Lytle Creek alluvial fan contains extensive aggregate resources and sand and gravel resources represent the most significant mineral resources in the northern section of Fontana. According to the Fontana General Plan, the project site has been identified by the Division of Mines and Geology as a regionally significant construction aggregate resource area. This area has been identified because its potential to provide needed mineral resources for future regional use. The Fontana General Plan states that it is expected that development proposals will be adopted by the City, which would preclude the use of the aggregate resources in this area. There are two mineral extraction sites within the City of Fontana. Neither of the two mineral extraction sites lie within or adjacent to the project site. There are no known oil or geothermal resources in the City of Fontana. No oil fields or oil wells are present on or near the project site. The adjacent areas are not subject to oil, gas, or mining operations. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Site Survey, and California Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources) A. Would the project result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? Less than Significant Impact. The project site is located within an area identified as an aggregate resource areas. However, the proposed sewer improvements would be developed under or adjacent to existing roadways where mining activities are prohibited under the City's Code. Moreover, the extent of aggregate resource loss that would occur as a result of the sewer improvements would not be of significant value to the region or the residents of the state. Less than a significant impact is anticipated. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, City Code, and USGS Fontana Quadrangle) B. Would the project result in the loss of availability of a locally -important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? Less than Significant Impact. The project site is located within an area identified as an aggregate resource areas. However, the proposed sewer improvements would be developed under or adjacent to existing roadways where mining activities are prohibited under the City's Code. The sand, gravel, and other construction materials that would be needed for the proposed sewer improvement project are not expected to represent a significant amount of local resources, when compared to available resources and the cumulative demand for these resources by construction activities in the region. Thus, the demand for sand and gravel resources, as needed for construction, would be considered less than significant. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-22 Environmental Analysis (continued) (Sources: Improvement Plan, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, City Code, Site Survey, and Fontana General Plan) 3.11 NOISE The noise environment in the project area is defined by vehicle noise along Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. Adjacent residential uses and the high school occasionally generate stationary noises. There are no hospitals, churches or dependent care facilities along the project site. The Noise Element of the Fontana General Plan states that noise sensitive land uses should be located in areas with an ambient noise level of 60 CNEL or less and residential uses in areas with 65 CNEL or less. Otherwise, noise control measures need to be incorporated into the design and construction of these uses. The Noise Element sets the interior noise standard at 45 CNEL and the exterior noise standard at 65 CNEL. The Noise Ordinance of the City of Fontana identifies specific noises which are prohibited in the City. These include construction noise outside the hours of 7 AM to 6 PM and excessive noise near schools, courts, churches and hospitals. Regulations for the use of sound trucks and commercial advertising by aircraft are also outlined in the ordinance. (Sources: Site Survey, FHWA, Fontana City Code - Article II, and Fontana General Plan) A. Would the project result in exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? Less than Significant Impact with Mitigation. The proposed project would involve construction of approximately 5,100 feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. Construction activities associated with the proposed sewer improvements would result in noise •impacts associated with the use of construction equipment and construction vehicle trips. On -site construction activities would create noise from construction equipment and vibration from excavation and grading activities. Temporary construction noise impacts would vary in noise level according to the type of construction equipment and its activity level. Short- term construction noise impacts tend to occur in separate phases, with large, earth -moving equipment generating 85 dBA at 50 feet from the source and finish construction activities and equipment generating less noise. Construction noise impacts would be incremental throughout the three-month construction period. Schools and residential uses are identified in the Fontana General Plan as noise sensitive uses. Residents of the adjacent dwelling units, as well as faculty and students at the high school would be subject to construction noise on a short-term and temporary basis, when the project is under construction (for approximately three -months). Construction activities would be confined to the daytime hours between 7 AM and 6 PM on weekdays, and would comply with the noise regulations of the City of Fontana. Thus, noise from the construction activities on the site would be confined to the daytime hours, when noise sensitivity is less for the residents located along Juniper Avenue. The students and employees of the high school would be exposed to noise during school operation; however the exposure would be temporary. The following additional measures are recommended to further decrease construction noise: • The high school should be notified of construction and of the construction schedule. • Construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-23 Environmental Analysis (continued) • Idling of construction equipment shall be limited to the extent feasible. Instead, equipment shall be turned off when not in use. Once construction is completed, the project would not generate noise and no noise impacts would be expected. (Sources: Fontana General Plan, Site Survey, FHWA, Noise from Construction Equipment and Operations, Building Equipment and Home Appliances, Fontana City Code - Article II, and Roadway Improvement Plan) B. Would the project result in the exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? Less than Significant Impact. On -site construction activities would create noises from construction equipment and vibration from excavation and grading activities. Temporary construction noise impacts would vary in noise level according to the type of construction equipment and its activity level. Short-term construction noise impacts tend to occur in separate phases, with large, earth -moving equipment generating greater noise and finish construction activities and equipment generating less noise. Noise levels from construction equipment range from 65 to 105 dBA at 50 feet from the noise source. These impacts may affect adjacent residents along Juniper Avenue, as well as students, faculty and staff at the high school to the west. Construction activities would have to comply with the construction time limits (7 AM to 6 PM on weekdays). Loading/unloading of boxes; transport of metal rails, pillars and columns; and the use of pile drivers, steam shovels, pneumatic hammers and other noisy construction equipment are limited to 7 AM to 10 PM, as set by the Fontana Noise Ordinance. Thus, noise impacts on adjacent residents would be limited to the daytime hours on weekdays when residents are away. Noise impacts to the adjacent school may occur during the construction of the portion of the sewer improvements along Walnut Street. Because impacts would be short term in duration noise impacts to the school would not be regarded as significant. Implementation of additional measures as presented in Section 3.11A, above, would further reduce impacts to the adjacent high school. (Sources: Site Survey, Fontana General Plan, Roadway Improvement Plan, Fontana City Code — Article II, and Noise from Construction Equipment and Operations, Building Equipment and Home Appliances) C. Would the project result in a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? No Impact. The proposed project includes development of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. The project would not generate a permanent increase in ambient noise levels. No impact is anticipated. (Sources: Site Survey, Roadway Improvement Plan, and FHWA Noise Prediction Model) D. Would the project result in a substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed roadway improvement project would involve construction activities, which may lead to periodic increases in ambient noise levels during the three-month construction period. Schools and residential uses are identified in the Fontana General Plan as noise sensitive uses. The adjacent high school and residents along Juniper Avenue would be exposed to construction noise and may Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-24 Environmental Analysis (continued) be impacted. Compliance with existing noise regulations of the City of Fontana would ensure that construction noise impacts do not significantly affect adjacent residents and high school. (Sources: Roadway Improvement Plan, Fontana City Code- Article II, and Site Survey) E. For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? No Impact. There are no airports located along the project site. The nearest airports are the Rialto Municipal Airport in the City of Rialto (approximately one and a half miles to the east) and the Ontario International Airport in the City of Ontario (approximately twelve miles to the southwest). The noise contours of the Ontario and Rialto Airports do not extend into project site. Also, the proposed roadway improvements would not lead to or increase the exposure of people in the area to noise levels associated with aircraft and airport operations. Sources: Site Survey, Fontana General Plan, and Thomas Guide for San Bernardino County) F. For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? No Impact. There are no private airstrips located near the project site, which may expose persons to excessive aircraft noise levels. The proposed sewer improvement project would not increase on -site exposure to aircraft noise. (Sources: Site Survey and Thomas Guide for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties) 3.12 POPULATION AND HOUSING During the 1980's, the City of Fontana was among the fastest growing cities in San Bernardino County. The City's 1980 population of 37,100 persons increased to 87,535 persons in 1990, representing a 135 percent increase over the decade. The majority of the growth was the result of new residential development in the City and annexations. During this same period, the number of dwelling units rose from 14,860 units in 1980 to 29,383 units in 1990. According to the Department of Finance, the City's 2000 population is estimated at 128,929 persons and its housing stock consists of 36,504 units. The vacancy rate is 10.2 percent and the average household size is 3.566 persons per household. While the City's growth has slowed since 1990 to 47.3 percent (from 1990 to 2000), growth rates within the City of Fontana continue to exceed those of San Bernardino County, as a whole. (Sources: California Department of Finance Estimates and Fontana General Plan Housing Element) A. Would the project induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvements would not induce substantial population growth as no homes or businesses are proposed as part of the project. The presence of construction workers Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Draft: March 21, 2002 Page 3-25 Environmental Analysis (continued) at the site would be temporary and short-term (three months) and would not lead to a demand for permanent housing, goods, or services in the area. The project would increase sewer capacity in the project area, which could accommodate future growth in the area, but is not expected to directly induce new growth in the City. (Sources: Improvement Plans and Site Survey) B. Would the project displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? No Impact. The project includes development of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. The project would not include demolition or acquisition of homes in the area. Thus, no impacts are expected. (Sources: Improvement Plan, Fontana Engineering Department, and Site Survey) C. Would the project displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? No Impact. The project includes development of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. The project would not include demolition or acquisition of homes in the area that would necessitate the construction of replacement housing. Thus, no impacts are expected. (Sources: Improvement Plans, and Site Survey) 3.13 PUBLIC SERVICES Law enforcement services for the City of Fontana are provided by the Fontana Police Depaitnient. The Police Department station is located at 17005 Upland Avenue, approximately 1.7 miles southeast of the project site. The City of Fontana is served almost exclusively by the Central Valley Fire District, which is part of the San Bernardino County Fire Agency. The exception is a small parcel of land north of the I-15 Freeway, which is served by the California Division of Forestry. The nearest fire station to the project site is Station #78, located at 7710 Citrus Avenue and approximately 1/4 mile west of the project site. Properties along the project site are served by the Fontana Unified School District. The nearest school to the project site is A. B. Miller High School, located at the corner of Cypress Avenue and Walnut Street. The Wayne Ruble Elementary School is planned to be developed along the western portion of Juniper Avenue that is within the project site. There are five major health care facilities within 12 miles of the City of Fontana, which provide health care services to residents of the City. Library service is provided by the Fontana Branch of the San Bernardino County Library system. The Fontana Branch Library is located at 8334 Emerald Avenue, approximately 1.7 miles southeast of the affected roadway. (Sources: Fontana Unified School District, Site Survey, Thomas Guide for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, and Fontana General Plan). Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-26 Environmental Analysis (continued) A. Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives in terms of fire protection? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvement project would not create a demand for fire protection service. During construction, traffic flows on Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue may experience a temporary congestion, which may affect emergency response. None of these streets would be closed during construction. Access to all parcels located along the project site would be available at all times, so as not to preclude fire protection and emergency services. Also, the Fire District and other service agencies would be informed of the roadway construction schedule. This would allow emergency vehicles to use alternate routes as necessary. Impacts on fire protection services would be less than significant. (Sources: Fontana Engineering Department and Improvement Plan) B. Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives in terms of police protection? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvement project would not create a demand for police protection or law enforcement service. During construction, traffic flows on Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue may experience a temporary congestion, which may affect emergency response. None of these roads would be closed during construction. Access to all parcels located along the roadways would be available at all times, so as not to preclude police protection services. The Police Department and other service agencies would also be informed of the roadway construction schedule. This would allow emergency vehicles to use alternate routes as necessary. Impacts on police protection services would be less than significant. (Sources: Fontana Engineering Department and Improvement Plan) C. Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives in terms of school services? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvements would not generate a demand for school services. The proposed project development of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. No land uses are proposed .which may require school services. A. B. High School is located adjacent to the project site. Temporary noise impacts may occur during construction of the sewer improvements. Adherence to the City's noise standard relative to construction would ensure that temporary noise impacts are not significant. Additionally, a traffic control plan would be implemented as part of the project to facilitate the flow of traffic in the project area. The school district would be notified of the project. Compliance with existing noise regulations of the City of Fontana would ensure that construction noise impacts do not significantly affect the adjacent high school. Additional measures presented under 3.11 A, Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-27 Environmental Analysis (continued) above, would further reduce noise impacts. The proposed project, therefore, would not result less than significant impacts to school services. (Sources: Fontana Engineering Department, Site Survey, Traffic Control Plan, and Improvement Plans) D. Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives in terms of parks? No Impact. The proposed sewer improvement project would not generate a demand for parks and recreational services. No land uses are proposed which may generate a demand for parks and recreational services. There are no parks or recreational facilities along the affected segment, which may be impacted by the proposed project. The proposed project, therefore, would not result in impacts to parks. (Sources: Fontana Engineering Department, Site Survey, and Improvement Plan) E. Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives in terms of other public facilities? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed sewer improvement project would not generate a demand for library services or medical services and facilities. The new sewer and manholes would create a demand for maintenance services from the City of Fontana. The increase in sewer maintenance is not expected to be significant when compared to the total length of sewer lines that are maintained by the City. Thus, this increase in public facility maintenance is not considered significant. (Sources: Fontana Engineering Department, Site Survey, and Improvement Plan) 3.14 RECREATION The City of Fontana provides recreational services through city parks, recreational programs, and organized activities. The City's Land Use Policy Map designates 692 acres of parks and recreational facilities within the City, of which the City's 28 public parks occupy approximately 260 acres. In addition, 1,602 acres are designated as open space, which includes the Tudor-Jurupa Hills Regional Park. There are no parks along the project site. The nearest park facilities to the project site is the Charles Koehler Park, located at the northeast intersection of Walnut Street and Beech Avenue, approximately 1.25 miles west of the project site, and Cypress Park at the northwest intersection of Juniper Avenue and Reed Street, approximately 1.25 miles to the south of the project site. (Sources: Site Survey, Fontana Recreation, Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan, and Fontana General Plan) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-28 Environmental Analysis (continued) A. Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? No Impact. The proposed project would involve construction of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes under or adjacent to portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. This project would not lead to or encourage residents, construction workers, or roadway users to use nearby recreational facilities. No increase in use of nearby recreational facilities would occur with the proposed project. Also, there are no parks or recreational facilities located along the project site, which may be impacted by the proposed roadway improvement project. Thus, no impact is expected. (Sources: Site Survey, Improvement Plan and Fontana General Plan) B. Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? No Impact. The project site is located under or adjacent to existing roadways, which are currently not used for recreation. There are no parkfacilities located along the project site. The proposed sewer improvements would not provide on -site recreational facilities. No adverse impacts to parks in the project area are expected from the construction of the project or on nearby recreational facilities. (Sources: Site Survey and Improvement Plan) 3.15 TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC The proposed project would include construction of approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line, approximately 10 feet under existing grade along Walnut Street from Cypress Avenue to Juniper Avenue; along Juniper Avenue from Walnut Street to South Highland Avenue; adjacent to South Highland Avenue from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue; and adjacent to Sierra Avenue from South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue intersection, south for approximately 100 feet. The project also includes construction of 15 manholes along the proposed sewer line to allow for maintenance of the sewer line. Walnut Street is a two-lane road that traverses the City of Fontana in a west to east fashion. Walnut Street is designated as a Secondary Highway in the City's General Plan. Juniper Avenue is also a two-lane roadway that crosses the City in a north to south fashion. It is designated as a Collector Road in the General Plan. South Highland Avenue is designated as a Primary Highway in the Fontana General Plan a. It is a two -land road and traverses the City in a west to east fashion. Omnitrans provides public transit services in San Bernardino County. The nearest Omnitrans Routes are 26 and 66. Route 29 runs along Baseline Avenue to Walnut Street and Route 66 runs along Citrus Avenue to Walnut Street and then along Walnut Street. (Sources: Site Survey, Fontana General Plan, Annual Average Daily Traffic, and Omnitrans Busbook) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-29 Environmental Analysis (continued) A. Would the project cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? Less than Significant Impact. During construction, Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue would remain open to one-way traffic, and Juniper Avenue would have limited traffic restricted only to residents living along Juniper Avenue. When the roadway remains open, unsignalized intersections may become congested as turning vehicles could temporarily block through traffic. Excavation and construction at intersections may also block traffic flows. In accordance with City regulations and Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook), barriers, guards, lights, signs, temporary bridges, flag persons and watch persons shall be provided during construction to promote traffic safety and convenience. The project would also implement a traffic control plan, which would facilitate the flow of traffic along the project site. Once construction is completed, the sewer line and manholes would not increase traffic. Occasional maintenance of the sewer line may cause slowing in traffic along the portion of the line that is being worked on. However, this temporary slowing of traffic would be considered less than significant. (Sources: Site Survey, Fontana General Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Greenbook, and Improvement Plan) B. Would the project exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? No Impact. During construction, South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue would remain a two-lane roadways and would be open, while Walnut Street would be restricted to one lane. Access to all parcels located along the affected segment would be available at all times. The proposed sewer line and manholes would not lead to an increase in Levels of Service (LOS) along Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and/or Sierra Avenue. Therefore; no impact is expected. (Sources: Site Survey and Fontana Engineering Department) C. Would the project result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? No Impact. There are no airports near the project site or air traffic patterns above the roadways. The improvement project involves the construction of a sewer line and manholes. The proposed project would not involve air transportation nor affect air traffic at the Ontario International Airport or Rialto Municipal Airport. Thus, no impact on air traffic patterns would occur with the project. (Sources: Site Survey and Thomas Guide to San Bernardino and Riverside Counties) D. Would the project substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed improvements would involve the construction of a sewer line and manholes along portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue and would not introduce design hazards or incompatible uses. No roadway hazards are anticipated. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-30 Environmental Analysis (continued) During construction, two lanes on South Highland Avenue and Sierra Avenue, and one lane on Walnut Avenue would continue to be available to accommodate existing vehicles using these roadways. A temporary elimination of turning lanes may occur at intersections, which could temporarily block through traffic. In addition, excavation at intersections would also affect traffic flows. However, construction activities shall be conducted in accordance with Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook) and City regulations. Additionally, a traffic control plan would be implemented. Construction signs, warning lights (flares, lanterns, electric markers, or flashers), barriers, temporary bridges, flag persons, and watch persons shall be provided along the portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue were the sewer improvements would be made to facilitate traffic flow and access. Also, construction equipment would not be stored on public streets, but within the construction easements for the project. Thus, impacts are expected to be less than 'significant. (Sources: Site Survey, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, Greenbook, Traffic Control Plan and Fontana Engineering Department) E. Would the project result in inadequate emergency access? Less than Significant Impact. During construction, South Highland and Sierra Avenue would continue to be open for two-way traffic, and Walnut Avenue for one-way traffic. Access to all parcels located along the affected segments of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue would be available at all times, so as not to preclude emergency response and evacuation. Some excavation work at intersections could hamper or obstruct passthrough traffic when turning vehicles are present. In accordance with City regulations, safe crossing for vehicles shall be maintained at all times at intersections, alleys, and private driveways and for pedestrians at 500-foot intervals, with one safe crossing maintained at all times. Free access to fire hydrants and all water gates and gas valves shall also be maintained at all times. Thus, emergency vehicle access would be maintained. Notification of the Police and Fire Depai linents of the sewer construction schedule would also allow emergency vehicles to use altemate routes for emergency response. (Sources: Site Survey, City Code Section 25-186, Greenbook, and Fontana Engineering Department) F. Would the project result in inadequate parking capacity? No Impact. The proposed sewer improvements would not change the parking along Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and/or Sierra Avenue. Thus, no change in the parking capacity of the area would occur with the proposed project. (Sources: Site Survey, Improvement Plan, and Fontana Engineering Department) G. Would the project conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? Less than Significant Impact. The Omnitrans Bus Route 29 and 66 run along Walnut Street through the project site. Construction at the intersections along the bus route may cause traffic delays, which would cause delays in bus service in the area. However, this impact is considered less than significant. In the Fontana General Plan, there are no designated bike routes/bike paths planned along the project site. Therefore, implementation of the sewer improvement project would not conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-31 Environmental Analysis (continued) (Sources: Site Survey, Fontana General Plan, Omnitrans, Fontana General Plan, and Fontana Engineering Department) 3.16 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS Water services to the project area are provided by the Fontana Water Company and the Cucamonga County .Water District. An eight and 5/8 water line and an eight inch water line is located within Walnut Street; a six and 5/8 inch water line and 17 and 3/8 inch water line is located within Juniper Avenue; and a 25 and 3/8 inch water line is located within South Highland. An existing twelve -inch water line is located along the eastern side of Sierra Avenue and an existing six-inch water line is located along the western side of Sierra Avenue. The water lines are owned by The Fontana Water Company. Sewage from the City of Fontana is collected and conveyed the City's local sewer lines and the regional sewer trunks of the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) for treatment, reclamation, and disposal. Storm drainage within the project area is currently handled by scattered detention basins provided by individual development projects. Runoff from areas without a storm drain system flows south from the State Route 30 alignment toward the drainage channel on Foothill Boulevard and the West Fontana Channel. Solid waste collection services are provided by Fontana Rubbish Collectors and brought to the West Valley Materials Recovery Facility (run by Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc) located at 13373 Napa Street in the City of Fontana. Final solid waste disposal is provided by the Mid -Valley Landfill (managed by Norcal Industries) located at 6087 Sierra Avenue in the City of Fontana. The City of Fontana is served by Southern California Gas Company for natural gas services and by the Southern California Edison Company for electrical power services. Overhead and underground power lines are found along Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. Telephone services are provided by Pacific Bell Telephone Company. Telephone lines are located along Walnut Street as well as portions of Juniper Avenue and Sierra Avenue. Fiber optic lines are located underground along South Highland Avenue. (Sources: Fontana Rubbish Collectors, Southern California Gas Company, Adelphia Communications, Fontana Water Company, Cucamonga County Water District, Southern California Edison Company, and Site Survey) A. Would the project exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? No Impact. The proposed project involves construction of a sewer line and manholes within and adjacent to portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. No residential, commercial, industrial, or other sewage -generating uses are proposed as part of the project. Therefore, no demand for wastewater disposal and treatment would be created by the proposed sewer improvement project. The construction of the sewer lines would not interruption of sewer service. The project would increase sewer capacity in the project area, benefiting sewer services in the City. This would prevent adverse impacts on existing sewer services. (Sources: Improvement Plan) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-32 Environmental Analysis (continued) B. Would the project require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? No Impact. No residential, commercial, industrial, or other land uses which may generate a demand for water or sewage disposal services are proposed by the project. The project would include construction approximately 5,100 linear feet of sewer line and 15 manholes. The project itself would not increase sewage but would increase sewer capacity in the project area. The project is not expected to require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities. (Sources: Improvement Plan, Site Survey, and Fontana Engineering Department) C. Would the project require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? Less than Significant Impact. The project includes development of sewer lines and manholes within and adjacent to portions of Walnut Street, Juniper Avenue, South Highland Avenue, and Sierra Avenue. Storm drainage in the surrounding area is provided by swales, open channels, and detention basins. The proposed sewer improvement project would not generate stormwater runoff in amounts that would require the construction of storm drain facilities by itself. During construction, runoff flows may be diverted or blocked by excavations, stockpiles, walls, and other construction site conditions. However, proper drainage shall be provided so as not to impede existing runoff flows to Foothill Boulevard, as required by City Code. (Sources: Improvement Plan, City Code, USGS Fontana Quadrangle, and Site Survey) D. Would the project have sufficient water supplies available from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? Less than Significant Impact. The proposed project would not result in any permanent water use. During construction, water may be used to mix and set concrete and for equipment cleaning. However, these uses would be temporary in duration and are not expected to be large enough to require new water entitlements. Therefore, less than significant impacts to water supplies are anticipated to occur from the project. (Sources: Site Survey, Improvement Plan, and Fontana General Plan) E. Would the project result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? No Impact. The proposed sewer improvements would not result in any generation of domestic sewage. During construction, portable toilets would be used by construction workers. These toilets are considered to be an insignificant source of wastewater. The project would not interrupt existing sewer services. Therefore, no impact to wastewater treatment facilities is anticipated to occur from the project. (Sources: Improvement Plan, Fontana General Plan, and Fontana Engineering Department) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-33 Environmental Analysis (continued) F. Would the project be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? Less than Significant Impact. Construction of the proposed improvements would generate construction debris (roadway pavement and excavated soil materials) that would need to be disposed at the Mid -Valley Landfill. No long-term need for solid waste collection and disposal is anticipated after the proposed construction activities. No significant impact on solid waste disposal needs is expected. The long-term use of the sewer line would not generate solid wastes. (Sources: Improvement Plan, Fontana General Plan, Fontana Rubbish Collectors, and Norcal Industries) G. Would the project comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? Less than Significant Impact. Refuse collection within the City of Fontana is provided by Fontana Rubbish Collectors, Inc., with recycling services at West Valley Recycling Facility and landfill disposal at Mid -Valley Landfill. Solid wastes generated by construction of the proposed improvement project would be disposed at Mid -Valley Landfill. Construction of the proposed sewer improvements would be administered to comply with federal, state, and local solid waste regulations. The sewer line and manholes would not generate solid wastes. (Sources: Improvement Plan, Fontana General Plan, Fontana Rubbish Collectors, and Norcal Industries) Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 3-34 SECTION 4: MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE 4.1 FINDINGS The environmental analysis in Section 3 of this document indicates that the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project would not have the potential for significant adverse environmental impacts with implementation of standard city conditions. The following findings can be made regarding the mandatory findings of significance set forth in Section 15065 of the CEQA Guidelines, as based on the results of this environmental assessment: • The proposed project would not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment. There are no sensitive plant or animal species along the project site and the proposed sewer improvement project will not reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, or reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal. Mature trees located along Juniper Avenue would not be impacted by the project. No historic structures or sites, archaeological resources or paleontological resources are present on the site, which may be affected by the proposed project. The proposed project will not eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. The proposed project would not have the potential to achieve short-term goals to the disadvantage of long term environmental goals. The proposed sewer improvement would increase the sewer capacity in the project area and would not significantly impact environmental resources. ■ The proposed project would not have environmental impacts, which are individually limited but cumulatively considerable, when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity of the site. The proposed roadway improvement would be a growth - accommodating project, and would not directly lead to development in the project area. Rather, the sewer improvements would increase sewer capacity to serve existing and future developments in the City. The improvement project would not cumulatively lead to significant adverse impacts, when added to proposed, planned or anticipated development in the area. ■ The proposed sewer improvement project would not have environmental impacts, which may have adverse effects on humans, either directly or indirectly. The project may create short-term noise impacts. However, with incorporation of city standards for construction projects, significant impacts are not expected and would reduce these impacts to insignificant levels. The City of Fontana has determined that a Negative Declaration shall be prepared for the proposed South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project. Draft Initial StudylNegative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 4-1 SECTION 5: LIST OF PREPARERS/REFERENCES 5.1 PREPARERS OF THE MND/INITIAL STUDY David Evans and Associates, Inc. 800 North Haven Avenue, Suite 300 Ontario, California 91764 (909)481-5750 Karen Ruggels, Project Manager Rebecca Harrington, Environmental Planner Josephine Alido, Senior Environmental Planner Amy Slater, Environmental Analyst Alicia Cox, Environmental Analyst 5.2 REFERENCES The following references were used in the preparation of this Initial Study and are available for review by the public at the offices of the City of Fontana at 8353 Sierra Avenue in Fontana, California 92335 or at the offices of David Evans and Associates at 800 North Haven Avenue, Suite 300, Ontario, California 91764 during normal business hours. BNI Building News, Greenbook — Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 2000. California Depai lucent of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas, California Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources, Publication No TR03, 1988. California Depai lwent of Finance, E-5 Report, Population and Housing Estimates for California Cities, January 1999 and January 2000. California Depai lucent of Health, Office of Noise Control, Guidelines of the Preparation and Content of Noise Elements of General Plans, February 1976. California Depai lucent of Justice, California and FBI Crime Index, San Bernardino County, 1997-1999. California Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program, San Bernardino County Important Farmland, 1992. California Office of Planning and Research, California Environmental Quality Act and the CEQA Guidelines, 2000. California Trade and Commerce Industry, Inland Empire, California's Scenic Routes, 1994. Chino Basin Watermaster, Fall 1997 Water Levels, 1999. City of Fontana, Annual Average Daily Traffic, 1998/1999. City of Fontana, Seven-year Capital Improvement Program, 2000-2006, 1999. City of Fontana, Circulation Master Plan, 1990. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 5-1 Preparers/References (continued) City of Fontana, Code of the City of Fontana, California, 2000. City of Fontana, Zoning and Development Code, 2000. City of Fontana, Fontana Recreation, January 2001. City of Fontana, General Plan, 1990. City of Fontana, Ordinance No. 1273, Local Truck Routes, 1999. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Flood Insurance Rate Maps, 1996. Fontana Chamber of Commerce, Map of Fontana, California, 2000. Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Fact Sheet, 1999. Legislative Counsel of California, California Law, 1999. Omnitrans, Omnitrans Busbook, 2000. San Bernardino Association of Governments (SANBAG), Congestion Management Program (CMP), 1999. SCAQMD, CEQA Air Quality Handbook, May 1993, as amended. SCAQMD, 1997-1999 Air Quality Readings, 1998-2000. Takata Associates, Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan, 1999. Thomas Brothers Maps; The Thomas Guide for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties; 2000. U.S. Bureau of Census, 1990 U.S. Census, 1993. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Envirofacts Database; January 2001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Noise from Construction Equipment and Operations, Building Equipment and Home Appliances, 1971. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory, January 2001. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Final Recovery Plan for the Delhi Sand Flower Loving Fly, 1997. U.S. Geological Survey, 7 %2 Minute Quadrangle for Fontana, 1980. U.S. Geological Survey, Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles Region, Prof. Paper 1360, 1985. Wildermuth Environmental, Inc., Chino Basin Man Optimum Basin Management Plan, Draft Initial State of the Basin Report, January 17, 2002. Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Draft: March 21, 2002 Page 5-2 Preparers/References (continued) 5.3 PERSONS CONTACTED Ben Minarnoide, City of Fontana George Harvilla, City of Fontana Elias A. Busuego, Jr, Associated Engineers Rosa Andrade, Fontana Water Company Taghi Monzavi, Inland Empire Utilities Agency Draft Initial StudylNegative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project Page 5-3 Appendix A - Environmental Checklist Form Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration Draft: March 21, 2002 South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer System Improvement Project ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM 1. Project Title: South Highland Avenue and Juniper Avenue Sewer Improvement 2. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Fontana Engineering Department 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 3. Contact Person and Phone Number: George Harvilla (909) 350-6519 4. Project Location: Along South Highland Avenue between Sierra Avenue and Juniper Avenue, south on Juniper Avenue from Highland Avenue to Walnut Street, west on Walnut Street from Juniper Avenue to Cypress Avenue, and south on Sierra Avenue from South Highland Avenue. 5. Project Sponsor's Name & Address: City of Fontana Engineering Depai anent 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 6. General Plan Designation: Residential -Planned Community (R-PC) and Community Mixed Use (CMU) 7. Zoning: General Commercial (C-3) and Single Family Residential (R-1-1000) 8. Description of Project: (Describe the whole action involved, including but not limited to later phases of the project, and any secondary, support, or off -site features necessary for its implementation. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary.) The development of approximately 5,100 feet of new sewer main along South Highland Avenue between Sierra Avenue and Juniper Avenue, south on Juniper Avenue from Highland Avenue to Walnut Street, west on Walnut Street from Juniper Avenue to Cypress Avenue, and south on a portion of Sierra Avenue from South Highland Avenue. The new sewer main would provide sewer service to adjacent approved and planned developments, as well as areas generally east of Sierra Avenue along South Highland Avenue and west of Juniper Avenue along South Highland Avenue. The sewer line would be 10 inches in diameter. Additionally, the project would include construction of 13 manholes. 9. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: (Briefly describe the project's surroundings.) Properties along the project area are currently undeveloped but several projects are underway. Scattered single-family residential units are developed east of Juniper Avenue. A. B. Miller High School is located at the northwest corner of Walnut Street and Cypress Avenue, in the project vicinity. Trees are found along Juniper Avenue. The rest of the surrounding areas are vacant. 10. Other public agencies whose approval is required (e.g., permits, financing approval, or participation agreement): N/A FORM "J" Page 1 of 12 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. ❑ Aesthetics ❑ Biological Resources ❑ Hazards & Hazardous Materials ❑ Mineral Resources ❑ Public Services l3 Utilities/Service Systems 0 Agriculture Resources ❑ Air Quality ❑ Cultural Resources ❑ Hydrology/Water Quality ❑ Noise ❑ Recreation ❑ Mandatory Findings of Significance DETERMINATION (To be completed by the Lead Agency): On the basis of this initial evaluation: ❑ Geology/Soils ❑ Land Use/Planning O Population/Housing ❑ Transportation/Traffic • I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a `potentially significant or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. ❑ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are osed uponthe proposed project, nothing further is required. Silva e Da Debbie Brazill, Deputy Community Development Director City of Fontana Printed Name For FORM "J" Page 2 of 12 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: 1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g. the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project -specific factors as well as general standards (e.g. the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project -specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off -site as well as on -site, cumulative as well as project -level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational impacts. 3) Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect is significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is required. 4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce, the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses," may be cross-referenced). 5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analyses Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures, which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site -specific conditions for the project. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g. general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Supporting Information Sources. A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however, lead agencies should normally address the questions form this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected. 9) The explanation of each issue should identify: a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance. FORM "J" Page 3 of 12 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS QUESTIONS: Issues: I. AESTHETICS. Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? 0 ❑ ❑ ■ b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but 0 0 ❑ ■ not limited to, tress, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or 0 0 ■ 0 quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare, which 0 0 0 ■ would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? II. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES. In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? III. AIR QUALITY. Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Page 4 of 12 FORM "J" Issues: b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non - attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions, which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 0 ❑ ■ ❑ 0 ■ ■ 0 ❑ ❑ ■ b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian 0 0 0 ■ habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any 0 0 0 ■ native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances 0 0 0 ■ protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? FORM "J" Page 5 of 12 Issues: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat 0 0 0 ■ Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? V. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change•in the significance of a historical resource as defined in § 15064.5? b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to § 15064.5? c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS -- Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury or death involving: i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? iii) Seismic -related ground failure, including liquefaction? iv) Landslides? b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off -site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? 0 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ 0 0 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ 0 0 ■ 0 ■ d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1- 0 0 0 ■ B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating FORM "J" Page 6 of 12 Issues: substantial risks to life or property? Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use 0 0 0 ■ of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater? VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the 0 0 0 ■ environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? ❑ ❑• ❑ • c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or 0 0 0 ■ acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of ❑. 0 0 ■ hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, 0 0 0 ■ would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with 0 0 ■ 0 an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of 0 0 ■ 0 loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where FORM "J" Page 7 of 12 Issues: residences are intermixed with wildlands? VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY. Would the project: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge 0 0 ■ 0 requirements? b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere 0 0 0 • substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the 0 site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site? ■ ❑ d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the 0 0 ■ 0 site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off -site? e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned storm water drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? h) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? 0 0 0 0 ■ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 ■ ■ Page 8 of 12 FORM "J" Issues: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? 0 0 0 ■ IX. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? X. MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the project: ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ■ ❑ ■ a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral 0 0 0 ■ resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally -important 0 0 ■ 0 mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? XI. NOISE. Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project El ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Page 9 of 12 FORM "J" Issues: Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, 0 0 0 ■ would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? XII. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either 0 0 ■ 0 directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of road or other infrastructure)? b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, 0 0 0 ■ necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? c) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the project: a) Result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? Police protection? Schools? Parks? Other public facilities? XIV. RECREATION. Would the project: a) Increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ 0 0 ❑ 0 ■ ❑ Page 10 of 12 FORM "J" Issues: accelerated? Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact b) Does the project include recreational facilities or 0 0 0 ■ require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which have an adverse physical effect on the environment? XV. TRANSPORTATION / TRAFFIC. Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? 0 ■ ❑ b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of 0 0 0 ■ service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? ❑ 0 ❑ ■ d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature ❑ ❑ ■ 0 (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? e) Result in inadequate emergency access? f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ ■ ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ b) Require or result in the construction of new water or 0 0 0 ■ wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause FORM "J" Page 11 of 12 Issues: significant environmental effects? Potentially Significant Impact Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated Less Than Significant No Impact Impact c) Require or result in the construction of new storm 0 0 ■ 0 water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment 0 0 ❑ ■ provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ ❑ ■ ❑ a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the 0 0 0 ■ quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat or a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Does the project have impacts that are individually 0 0 0 ■ limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current project, and the effects of probable future projects.) c) Does the project have environmental effects which will 0 0 0 ■ cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? 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