HomeMy WebLinkAbout5703-522. The bus shelter shall be located entirely on the subject site and shall be maintained by the property owner. The bus shelter architecture shall match the architecture of the proposed convenience store to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMIT 23. All Conditions of Approval contained herein shall be incor ' Donated into all applicable final construction plans and a copy of these conditions shall be placed on a sheet in the final building or grading plans prior to issuance of any building or grading permits, 24. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project applicant shall incorporate the following measures as notes on the grading plan cover sheet to ensure that the greatest distance between noise sources and sensitive receptors during construction activities has been achieved: A. Construction equipment, fixed or mobile, shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained noise mufflers consistent with manufacturer's standarcls� B. Construction staging areas shall be located away from off-site sensitive uses during the later phases of project development,- C� Whenever feasible, the project contractor shall place all stationary construction equipment so emitted noise is directed away from the sensitive receptors nearest the project site. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 25. Development fees and Planning Division final inspection fee must be paid prior to Certificate of Occupancy. 26, Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall underground all utilities, which for the purpose of this condition shall include all boxes, structures and/or other equipment located in the public rights-of-way, any public utility easement(s), and on any private properly, to the satisfaction of the Director ol Community Development. 27. The developer shall work with planning staff to incorporate a decorative water feature at the corner of Jurupa Avenue and Citrus Avenue subject to neview and approval by the Director of Community Development, (ADDED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON OCTOBER 3,2017) ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT: 28. The project shall be served by the City's sanitary sewer system, all sewer facilities shall be constructed 'in accorclance, w:th the City Standards, Main trunk sewer line FINAL GOA BHAM�LTON PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 3, 2017 57, Water Svstem Certification. The applicant shall provide the Fire Department with a letter from the serving water company, certifying that the required water improvements have been made or that the existing fire hydrants and water system will meet distance and fire flow requirements. Fire flow water supply shall be in place prior to placing combustible materials on the job -site. 58 Commercial. Prior to map recordation, all water supply systems shall be designed to meet the required fire flow for this development and shall be approved by the Fire Department, The required fire flow shall be determined by using Appendix B of the California Fire Code. California Fire Co!�e si�c 508 S�CFqStanclard 508.1 59. Water System Commercial. A water system approved and inspected by the Fire Department is required. The system shall be operational, prior to any combustibles being stored on the site. All fire hydrants shall be spaced no more than three hundred (300) feet apart (as measured along vehicular travel -ways) and no more than three hundred (300) feet from any portion of a structure. The Fire Flow for this project shall be: 1750 GPM for a 2 hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure. 60. Fire S )rinkler-NFPA #13, An automatic fire sprinkler system complying with NFPA 13 and Fire Department standards is required for all structures, A fire sprinkler contractor shall submit three \13) sets of detailed plans to the Fire Department for review and approval. The plans shall include hydraulic calculations and manufacturer specification sheets. The required fees shall be paid at the time of plan submittal. SBCFD Standard 903. 61, Fire Alarm, Water flow Monitoring. A water flow monitoring fire alarm system complying with the California Fire Code, NFPA and all applicable codes is required for fire sprinkler systems with twenty (20) sprinkler heads or more. A fire alarm contractor shall submit three (3) sets of detailed plans to the Fire Department for review and approval. The required fees shall be paid at the time of plan submittal. Ca.11fornia Fire Code sec. 907, SBCFD Standard 907 FA -M. 62- Fire Extinguishers. Hand portable fire extinguishers are required- The location, type, and cabinet design shall be approved by the Fire Department. California Fire Code sec. 906. 63, Material Identification Placards. The applicant shall install, in all locations deemed appropriate by the Fire Department, approved material identification placards on the outside of all buildings and/or storage tanks that store hazardous or flammable materials. Additional placards shall be required inside the buildings when chemicals are segregated into separate areas. Standard 2703.5. 64� KNOX Box. An approved Fire Department key box is required, shall be in accordance with master sanitary sewer plan or as approved by the City Engineer, 29� Obtain design and plan approval from appropriate utility companies for undergrounding all existing overhead utility service lines adjoining and interior to the project site and any adjacent facilities necessary as determined by the utility company. This includes power lines less than 36 kV in accordance with Fontana Municipal Code, Written approval from each serving utility stating that binding arrangements have been completed between the utility -company and the applicant for providing and paying for these services must be provided to the City Engineer's Office- 30� It is the Applicant's responsibility to maintain ali improvements and utilities within the public right-of-way, including street sweeping, prior to final acceptance by the City. Where applicable, the applicant must provide provisional street sweeping schedules to the City. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMIT 31, Applicant shall provide a Subdivision Improvement Agreement or Land Improvement Agreement, with accompanying security. The agreement shall be executed in triplicate on City -provided forms. 32. Applicant shall submit and gain approval of a complete Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Report in accordance with the County of San Bernardino Technical Guidance Document and latest template. 33, A Security to guarantee the proper setting of all interior monuments, boundary monuments, and any existing survey monuments in an amount specified in writing by the Registe:ed Engineer or Land Surveyor of Record, shall be provided to the City. Monumentation Inspection fees shall also be paid. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 34. Record any maps, lot line adjustments, right-of-way dedications or easements required for the development. PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT 35, Applicant/Design Engineer to provide the City of Fontana with As-Built/Record Drawings for all public improvement plans. 36. Applicant/Design Engineer to provide the City of Fontana certificates or letters of compliance for Water Quality Management Plan, Landscape and Water Efficiency and all storm water related facilities, 3T Survey monuments shall be placed as required by plans and corner records must be recorded with the County. 38. All underground utilities (sewer and storm drain) shall be video inspected by applicanticontractor. Sewer video shall include clean-out connection, clean-out to lateral segment, lateral, and main line. Videos to be inspected and approved by City Inspection. Applicant shall provide a copy of the video on DVD or flash drive to FINAL GOA BHAMILTON PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER:31, 2017 FONTANA FIRE HAZ-MAT SERVICES: 65, Prior to installation, plans for underground storage tank systems shall be reviewed and approved by Office of the Fire Marshal, Hazardous Materials Division, Submit copies of City approved plans for review. For additional information contact (909) 386-8464, 66. Prior to occupancy, applicant shall be required to apply for one or more of the following or apply for exemption from hazardous materials jaws and regulations: a Hazardous Materials Handler Permit, a Hazardous Waste Generator Permit, an Aboveground Storage Tank Permit, and/or an Underground Storage Tank Permit, POLICE DEPARTMENT: 67. The pedestrian exit door on the west elevation shall be designated as an "Emergency Exit Only." 68, To discourage transient activity, incorporate a locking roll -up door and locking man - door into the proposed trash enclosure. 69, Adhere to the City standard of one foot candle minimum for all entrances, exit$, pedestrian paths, parking lots, and activity areas. Reflect all light fixtures (pole and wall -mounted) on the site plan. All areas shall be illuminated during all hours of darkness and all luminaries utilized shall be vandal- resistant fixtures. The type of lighting shall be fluorescent, white L.E.D.s or metal halide. A photometric layout under separate exhibit will be a condition of approval. 70, Adhere to the Standard Building Security Specifications of the Fontana Police Department. PUBLIC WORKS ENVIORNMENTAL: PRETREATMENT 71. All commercial facilities within the following categories m.ust complete an Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit application prior to permit final or C of 0 approval. (FMC 23-218) A� All restaurants or other food processing facilities, (FMC 23-218) B. All facilities maintained for the processing, filtering, softening or conditioning of water. (FMC 23-218) C. Any facility which has a projected wastewater discharge that exceeds 25,000 gallons of water per day, or which may be categorized as a Federal Categorical discharger. (FMC 23-216) inspection staff. If removal and replacement of any utility is required, a subsequent video of the repair will be required 39. Applicant shall submit a conforming copy of the recorded Memorandum of Agreement and the WOMP Certification for Best Management Practices (BMP) Completion, stamped by the Civil Engineer of record, BUILDING & SAFETY: 40, Shall comply with the latest adopted edition of the following codes as applicable. - A. California Building Code B. California Electrical Code C� California Mechanical Code D� California Plumbing Code E. California Energy Code California Fire Code G, California Green Building Standards Code 41 Automatic fire suppression systems shall be installed in all new construction per Article 11, Chapter 11 of the Code of the City of Fontana. Design and type of system shall be based upon the requirements of the Building Code, Fire Code and the requirements of the Fontana Fire Prevention District. 42, The requirements of the Department of Environmental Health Services and the Air Quality Management District shall be satisfied prior to the issuance of any permit if hazardous materials are stored andior used. 43. Any temporary building, traiier, commercial coach, etc. installed and/or used in connection with a construction project shall comply with City Code. 44. All perimeteriboundary walls shall be designed and constructed so that the outer/exterior face of the wall is as close as possible to the lot line. In any case, the outer/exterior face of the wall shall be within two (2) inches of the lot line, Distances greater than two (2) inches may be approved prior to construction by the Building Official on a case by case basis for extenuating circumstances. 45. Grading Requirements: A, Grading plans shall be submitted to, and approved by Building & Safety, The grading plans shall indicate all site improvements, and shall indicate complete drainage paths of all drainage water run-offs, B. All drainage water shall drain via approved methods, to an approved location - public street, public drainage system, etc. C C. Drainage water shall not cross over a public sidewalk. Drainage water may however cross under a sidewalk if an approved drainage structure is used. D. No water course or natural drainage shall be obstructed, F'INAL COA BHAMILTON PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 3, 2017 72. Any facility proposing the discharge of non-domestic wastewater to 'the sanitary sewer shall provide necessary wastewater treatment (FMC 23-186) as required to comply with FMC 23-136 - Concentration Limitations and/or FMC 23-138 - Applicability of Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards. 73� All commercial or industrial facilities within the following categories must install a gravity separation interceptor to comply with. the requirements of FMC Section 23- 190 unless the requirement is modified by a variance issued by the Public Works Manager. 74� All restaurants or otherfood processing facilities (FMC 23-163). Conditional waivers for the grease interceptor requirement may be granted by the Public Works Manager in accordance with section 23-52 for those restaurants or food processing facilities determined not to have adverse effects on the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). 75, Any facility proposing the discharge of non-domestic wastewater to a septic system is required to obtain and submit written approval from the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. SOLID WASTE 76. The trash enclosure shall be of an adequate size to contain a refuse and recycling bin and provide convenient accessibility for the collection of these matenals, Standard bin sizes for commercial establishments are TL x 4'W x 5'H, 77, Collection areas must adequately protect recyclable materials from the harmful effects of the weather (FMC 24-12, AB 1327 [1993]) 78. Refuse collection areas used by food service facilities (restaurants, bakeries, coffee orjuice bars, ice cream stores, or food processing) for the collection of food wastes shall have a solid roof. (NPDES Standard BMP.) 79. All Commercial, Industrial and construction pro ' iects must comply with the requirements of FMC 24-11; General Standards relating to the hauling of refuse and/or recycling by the City's franchise hauler during construction and post - construction. Contact Burrtec at 909-822-9739 for service related information. 80, All restaurants or other food processing facilities that are proposing the use of a trash compactor and are subject to a Water Quality Management Plan. must comply with the following: Trash compactors shall be roofed and set on a concrete pad. The pad shall be a minimum of one foot larger all around than the trash compactor and sloped to drain to a sanitary sewer line. Connections to the sanitary sewer must have a grease interceptor in-line and shall he protected from rainwater intrusion. (40 CFR, CA-RWQCB Order No. R8-2010-0036-WOMP) E� Minimum slope or grade for ALL drainage structures shall be one half (0.50) percent for concrete and one (1.0) percent for all other, or as otherwise approved by the Building Official. F . Drainage water shall not pass from an 'improved' type of drainage structure to an 'unimproved' type of drainage structure (e.g., concrete swale to slag or dirt swale) unless otherwise approved by the Building Official. G. A complete hydrology study using the latest edition of the San Bernardino County Flood Control Hydrology Manual, and complete hydraulic calculations justifying the size, slope, capacity, etc. of any and all drainage structures being utilized, shall be submitted to, and approved by Building & Safety. The on-site drainage system shall, as a minimum, be designed to handle the run-off generated by a ten (10) year storm. Check for flooding of all on-site structures (buildings) and all adjacent properties during a hundred (1100) year storm. H. The grading plans shall, as a minimum, contain sections at all lot lines and/or permit boundary lines. These sections shall clearly indicaw 1 . The relationship between the proposed finished on-site grade elevations and the existing adjacent property grade elevations (indicate any additional drainage water that may come from an adjacent property-); and 2� The ground covenifinished surface material being proposed (e.g,, type of pavement, plant material, etc.)-, and 3. All proposed drainage structures-, and 4. Any proposed and/or required walls or fencing, 46, All signs shall be Underwriters Laboratories approved, or equal. 47, Permits are required prior to the removal and/or demolition of structures. 48. Ali exterior lighting shall be oriented, directed, and!or shielded as much as possible so that direct illumination does not infringe onto adjoining properties. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING/CONSTRUCTION PERMITS 49. The following items shall be completed and/or submitted to Building & Safety - as applicable - prior to the issuance of building permits for this project: A. Precise grading plans shall be approved B. Rough grading completed C. Compaction certification D. Pad elevation certification FINAL GOA SHAMILTON PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 3, 2017 STORMWATER 81, All Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, and/or other facilities deemed to have the potential to discharge pollutants to the storm drain system shall implement source control and pollution prevention practices to iDrevent unauthorized, non -storm water discharges, at all times. 82. Vehicle, -equipment and/or exterior washing activities are prohibited unless a wastewater recovery system is in place. All wastewater shall be recovered, stored and disposed of by proper and legal means through a waste disposal facility. Contractors hired for washing activities shall have a current City of Fontana Business License Tax Certificate to operate as a Mobile Washing Business, 83, Applicants shall be required to provide a copy of the Waste Discharger Identification Number (WDID) issued by the State Board as evidence of coverage under the Industrial General Permit. (40 CFR, CA-WQCB Order No 2014-0057-DWQ, CA- RWQCB Order No. R8-2010-0036, FMC 23-520) E. Rough grade inspection signed off by a City Building Inspector 50. If hazardous substances are used and/or stored, a technical opinion and report. identifying and developing methods of protection from the hazards presented by the hazardous materials may be required. This report shall be prepared by a qualified person, firm, or corporation and submitted to Building & Safety. This report shall also explain the proposed facility's intended methods of operation and list all of the proposed materials, their quantities, classifications, and the effects of any chemical (material) inter -mixing in the event of an accident or spill. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 51. Jurisdiction. -1 he above referenced project is under the jurisdiction of the Fontana Fire Protection District as served by the San Bernardino County Fire Department (herein "Fire Department"). Prior to any construction occurring on any parcel, the applicant shall contact the Fire Department for verification of current fire protection requirements, All new construction shall comply with the current California Fire Code requirements and all applicable statutes, codes, ordinances and standards of the Fire Department. 52. Fire Access Road Width, Prior to map recordation, all fire access roadways shall be designed to meet the requirements for this development and shall be approved by the Fire Department. All buildings shall have access provided by approved roads, alleys and private drives with a minimum twenty six (26) foot unobstructed width and ver,icaily to fourteen (14) feet six (6) inches in height. Buildings 30 foot or three (3) stories in height or more shall have a minimum access of thirty (30) feet unobstructed width and vertically to fourteen (14) feet six (6) inches in height. 53. Turnaround, An approved turnaround shall be provided at the end of each roadway �ne -hundred and fifty (150) feet or more in length. Cul-de-sac length shall not exceed six hundred (600) feet, all roadways shall not exceed a 12 % grade and have a minimum of nineteen (19) foot inside radius and a forty five (45) foot outside radius for all turns. 54. Fire AD aratus Access Roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided to within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of all exterior portions of the first story of every building, facility or structure as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or structure. 55� Fire Lanes. The applicant shall submit on a site plan to the Fire Department for review and approval all proposed signage and striping for all fire access roadways, All curbs adjacent to fire lanes shalt be painted red and "No Parking, Fire Lane" signs shall be installed an public and private roads in accordance with approved standards, 56, Hvdrant Marking. Blue reflective pavement markers indicating fire hydrant locations shall be installed as specified by the Fire Department. SBCFD Standard 508.5.2. FINAL COA BHAMILTON PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 12017 "EXHIBIT C-1" FINAL COA FINAL COA FINAL COA FINAL COA FINAL COA BHAMILTON BHAMILTON EHAMILTON BHAMILTON BHAMILTON PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER, 12017 OCTOBER 3� 2017 OCTOSER 3, 2017 OCTOBER 3, 2017 OCTOBER 3,2017 UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PLANS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES TO OR USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANGES TO THE PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARER OF THESE PLANS. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT IN ACCORDANCE NTH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY, THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD DESIGN PROFESSIONAL HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION MTH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT Call- TOLL FREE -800-422-4133 KNOW WHAT'S BELOW. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG ENGINEERS NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, PIPES, AND/OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF AVAILABLE RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, THERE ARE NO EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASCERTAIN THE TRUE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LOCATION OF THOSE UNDERGROUND U11LITIES TO BE USED AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATE UTILITIES, SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON. IF THE CONTRACTOR ENCOUNTERS ANY DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS OR AREAS MICH HE FEELS UNWORKABLE, HE SHALL NOTIFY THE GRADING ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO CONTINUING OR DEVIATING FROM THIS PLAN. 0 L) I C) CF) r') C) LLJ V) 0 .2 CD :3 0 Ln 1-.- U-1 0 _J 0 C , 0 (n ZD i.. - Ln Ld n 0 0 CY) 00 C3) CD 1`0 C:) - M M CD a_ 6 Ln U-1 M cn '-d- co LJ c,4 r,- CO C14 r4-) 0