HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 Appendix B - Notice of Preparation Comment LettersAppendix B: Notice of Preparation Comment Letters P.O. BOX 8636 Redlands, CA 92375 www.iebike.org 3 January 2023 City of Fontana – Planning Department Alejandro Rico – Associate Planner 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Submitted via email to arico@fontana.org. Re: Downtown Core Project Notice of Preparation (SCH #2022110624) Dear Mr. Rico, This letter is being submitted in response to the Notice of Preparation which has been made available for the Downtown Core Project. After reviewing the materials, the following comments are being offered to ensure that the potential impacts of the Project to bicyclists are fully studied. It is encouraging to see that the City is undertaking this effort. Based on the Project description, the limits of the Project are at most approximately three-quarters of a mile away from the existing Fontana Metrolink station. Additionally, the northern “half” of the Project is further directly served by the existing Pacific Electric Trail (“PET”). Research has shown that the presence of both Class I bike trails like the PET as well as access to trains1 enhance usage of bicycles and reduce their usage of cars.2 Thus, due to the two high-quality connections, the Project is perfectly positioned to encourage and facilitate travel by bicycle, both within the Project area as well as to destinations further away from the Project itself as future residents and visitors. We would like to see this information incorporated into the trip generation and other aspects of the traffic study to better mitigate potential impacts in that realm as well as to avoid the situation where projected traffic would degrade the existing or proposed bikeways, particularly the PET. Similarly, the EIR must avoid recommending any mitigation from potential traffic impacts that would result in reducing the level of traffic stress of a bikeway facility, including by suggesting mixing zones or ending a bikeway prior to an intersection or even farther along a corridor to provide additional through or dedicated turn lanes. Additionally, the EIR must study the potential mitigation impact that would be achieved not just from implementing the City’s existing Active Transportation Plan, but by using bikeways which meet the 1 Zuo, T., Wei, H., Chen, N., & Zhang, C. (2020). First-and-last mile solution via bicycling to improving transit accessibility and advancing transportation equity. Cities, 99, 102614. 2 Fitch, D. (2019). Electric Assisted Bikes (E-bikes) Show Promise in Getting People out of Cars. UC Office of the President: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3mm040km P.O. BOX 8636 Redlands, CA 92375 www.iebike.org standards for low-stress bikeways based on metrics which measure traffic stress such as those from Caltrans3 or the FHWA.4 This is critical to meeting Goals of the City and State regarding air quality, GHGs, and VMT which are all reduced when people leave their cars at home to use a bike instead, but which requires a robust network of bikeways to fully unlock.5 While the PET is a good starting point, it needs some additional support in the form of high-quality bikeways connecting to it from the north and south in the Project area. Finally, in the event that a traffic study which uses the level-of-service (“LOS”) metric is still completed for the Project, it is imperative that it consider not just LOS for auto traffic, but also for bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit users. There are existing metrics which consider those users such as multimodal LOS so using them are critical to ensure that the Project is able to achieve the various Goals that the City has established around a multimodal road network for residents. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. If there are any questions or points of clarification needed regarding these comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to have them answered. Sincerely, Marven E. Norman, Executive Director About IEBA The Inland Empire Biking Alliance is advocating for making the Inland Empire a better place for people from all rolls of life. From the children just learning how to ride to the mountain bikers to those headed back and forth to work, school, or their preferred shopping center and beyond, we speak up to make sure they all have safe and convenient place to ride. 3 Flournoy, M. (2020). Contextual guidance for bike facilities. Caltrans. Retrieved from https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot- media/programs/transportation-planning/documents/office-of-smart-mobility-and-climate-change/planning- contextual-guidance-memo-03-11-20-a11y.pdf. 4 Schultheiss, B., Goodman, D., Blackburn, L., Wood, A., Reed, D., & Elbech, M. (2019). Bikeway selection guide (FHWA-SA-18-077). US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Retrieved from https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ped_bike/tools_solve/docs/fhwasa18077.pdf. 5 Fitch, D., Carlen, J., & Handy, S. (2020). Making Bicycling Comfortable: Identifying Minimum Infrastructure Needs by Population Segments Using a Video Survey. 1 sbarker@denovoplanning.com From:Alejandro Rico <ARico@fontana.org> Sent:Monday, December 19, 2022 11:19 AM To:sbarker@denovoplanning.com Cc:Rina Leung; Patty Nevins; Amanda Tropiano Subject:FW: Downtown Core Project Attachments:20221216131024.pdf We got a comment from SoCal Gas.    To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.City of Fontana, California     Alejandro Rico  Associate Planner • Planning  City of Fontana • 8353 Sierra Ave • Fontana, CA 92335  ARico@fontana.org • Office: (909) 350‐6558    To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the In ternet.Web   To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.Facebook   To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.Twitter   To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.YouTube  To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.Inland Empire Top Workplaces 2021     This email contains material that is CONFIDENTIAL and/or PRIVILEGED and for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review,  distribution or forwarding without express permission is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and  delete all copies. Thank you   This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived.  From: Liao, William <WLiao@socalgas.com>   Sent: Friday, December 16, 2022 1:37 PM  To: Alejandro Rico <ARico@fontana.org>  Cc: SCG SE Region Redlands Utility Request <SCGSERegionRedlandsUtilityRequest@semprautilities.com>  Subject: Downtown Core Project    CAUTION ‐ EXTERNAL SENDER ‐ THIS EMAIL ORIGINATED OUTSIDE OF THE CITY'S EMAIL SYSTEM  Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.   Hi Alejandro.    My apologies for just getting to this one. The scope of this project is so large, I would like to ask that as portions of the  project become viable and plans become available, to please reach out to us so we can work together on conflicts as  they arise. Planned gas main projects, depending on scale and complexity, could take anywhere between three to nine  months from start to finish and even longer if high pressure is involved. The sooner we begin to work together, the  better chance we will have to accomplish our objectives.    Much appreciated.    Will Liao Region Planning Supervisor Redlands HQ / Southeast Region Desk: 213-244-4543 Mobile: 562-889-1981   STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gavin Newsom, Governor NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION Page 1 of 2 December 16, 2022 Alejandro Rico City of Fontana Via Email to: arico@fontana.org Re: Native American Consultation, Pursuant to Senate Bill 18 (SB18), Government Codes §65352.3 and §65352.4, as well as Assembly Bill 52 (AB52), Public Resources Codes §21080.1, §21080.3.1 and §21080.3.2, Downtown Core Project, San Bernardino County Dear Mr. Rico: Attached is a consultation list of tribes with traditional lands or cultural places located within the boundaries of the above referenced counties or projects. Government Codes §65352.3 and §65352.4 require local governments to consult with California Native American tribes identified by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) for the purpose of avoiding, protecting, and/or mitigating impacts to cultural places when creating or amending General Plans, Specific Plans and Community Plans. Public Resources Codes §21080.3.1 and §21080.3.2 requires public agencies to consult with California Native American tribes identified by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) for the purpose of avoiding, protecting, and/or mitigating impacts to tribal cultural resources as defined, for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) projects. The law does not preclude local governments and agencies from initiating consultation with the tribes that are culturally and traditionally affiliated within your jurisdiction. The NAHC believes that this is the best practice to ensure that tribes are consulted commensurate with the intent of the law. Best practice for the AB52 process and in accordance with Public Resources Code §21080.3.1(d), is to do the following: Within 14 days of determining that an application for a project is complete or a decision by a public agency to undertake a project, the lead agency shall provide formal notification to the designated contact of, or a tribal representative of, traditionally and culturally affiliated California Native American tribes that have requested notice, which shall be accomplished by means of at least one written notification that includes a brief description of the proposed project and its location, the lead agency contact information, and a notification that the California Native American tribe has 30 days to request consultation pursuant to this section. The NAHC also recommends, but does not require that lead agencies include in their notification letters, information regarding any cultural resources assessment that has been completed on the area of potential affect (APE), such as: CHAIRPERSON Laura Miranda Luiseño VICE CHAIRPERSON Reginald Pagaling Chumash SECRETARY Sara Dutschke Miwok COMMISSIONER Isaac Bojorquez Ohlone-Costanoan COMMISSIONER Buffy McQuillen Yokayo Pomo, Yuki, Nomlaki COMMISSIONER Wayne Nelson Luiseño COMMISSIONER Stanley Rodriguez Kumeyaay COMMISSIONER [Vacant] COMMISSIONER [Vacant] EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Raymond C. Hitchcock Miwok/Nisenan NAHC HEADQUARTERS 1550 Harbor Boulevard Suite 100 West Sacramento, California 95691 (916) 373-3710 nahc@nahc.ca.gov NAHC.ca.gov Page 2 of 2 1. The results of any record search that may have been conducted at an Information Center of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS), including, but not limited to: • A listing of any and all known cultural resources have already been recorded on or adjacent to the APE, such as known archaeological sites; • Copies of any and all cultural resource records and study reports that may have been provided by the Information Center as part of the records search response; • Whether the records search indicates a low, moderate or high probability that unrecorded cultural resources are located in the APE; and • If a survey is recommended by the Information Center to determine whether previously unrecorded cultural resources are present. 2. The results of any archaeological inventory survey that was conducted, including: • Any report that may contain site forms, site significance, and suggested mitigation measures. All information regarding site locations, Native American human remains, and associated funerary objects should be in a separate confidential addendum, and not be made available for public disclosure in accordance with Government Code Section 6254.10. 3. The result of the Sacred Lands File (SFL) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was positive. Please contact the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians / Kizh Nation on the attached list for more information. 4. Any ethnographic studies conducted for any area including all or part of the potential APE; and 5. Any geotechnical reports regarding all or part of the potential APE. Lead agencies should be aware that records maintained by the NAHC and CHRIS is not exhaustive, and a negative response to these searches does not preclude the existence of a tribal cultural resource. A tribe may be the only source of information regarding the existence of a tribal cultural resource. This information will aid tribes in determining whether to request formal consultation. In the event, that they do, having the information beforehand well help to facilitate the consultation process. If you receive notification of change of addresses and phone numbers from tribes, please notify the NAHC. With your assistance we can assure that our consultation list remains current. If you have any questions, please contact me at my email address: Cameron.vela@nahc.ca.gov. Sincerely, Cameron Vela Cultural Resources Analyst Attachment Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Reid Milanovich, Chairperson 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs, CA, 92264 Phone: (760) 699 - 6800 Fax: (760) 699-6919 laviles@aguacaliente.net Cahuilla Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Patricia Garcia-Plotkin, Director 5401 Dinah Shore Drive Palm Springs, CA, 92264 Phone: (760) 699 - 6907 Fax: (760) 699-6924 ACBCI-THPO@aguacaliente.net Cahuilla Augustine Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians Amanda Vance, Chairperson 84-001 Avenue 54 Coachella, CA, 92236 Phone: (760) 398 - 4722 Fax: (760) 369-7161 hhaines@augustinetribe.com Cahuilla Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Doug Welmas, Chairperson 84-245 Indio Springs Parkway Indio, CA, 92203 Phone: (760) 342 - 2593 Fax: (760) 347-7880 jstapp@cabazonindians-nsn.gov Cahuilla Cahuilla Band of Indians Daniel Salgado, Chairperson 52701 U.S. Highway 371 Anza, CA, 92539 Phone: (951) 763 - 5549 Fax: (951) 763-2808 Chairman@cahuilla.net Cahuilla Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation Andrew Salas, Chairperson P.O. Box 393 Covina, CA, 91723 Phone: (626) 926 - 4131 admin@gabrielenoindians.org Gabrieleno Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians Anthony Morales, Chairperson P.O. Box 693 San Gabriel, CA, 91778 Phone: (626) 483 - 3564 Fax: (626) 286-1262 GTTribalcouncil@aol.com Gabrieleno Gabrielino /Tongva Nation Sandonne Goad, Chairperson 106 1/2 Judge John Aiso St., #231 Los Angeles, CA, 90012 Phone: (951) 807 - 0479 sgoad@gabrielino-tongva.com Gabrielino Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Robert Dorame, Chairperson P.O. Box 490 Bellflower, CA, 90707 Phone: (562) 761 - 6417 Fax: (562) 761-6417 gtongva@gmail.com Gabrielino Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Christina Conley, Tribal Consultant and Administrator P.O. Box 941078 Simi Valley, CA, 93094 Phone: (626) 407 - 8761 christina.marsden@alumni.usc.ed u Gabrielino Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe Charles Alvarez, 23454 Vanowen Street West Hills, CA, 91307 Phone: (310) 403 - 6048 roadkingcharles@aol.com Gabrielino Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeño Indians Ray Chapparosa, Chairperson P.O. Box 189 Warner Springs, CA, 92086-0189 Phone: (760) 782 - 0711 Fax: (760) 782-0712 Cahuilla 1 of 3 This list is current only as of the date of this document and is based on the information available to the Commission on the date it was produced. Distribution of this list does not relieve any person of statutory responsibility as defined in Section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code, Section 5097.94 of the Public Resources Code and Section 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code. This list is applicable only for consultation with Native American tribes under Government Code Sections 65352.3, 65352.4 et seq. and Public Resources Code Sections 21080.3.1 for the proposed Downtown Core Project, San Bernardino County. PROJ-2022- 007676 12/16/2022 01:31 PM Native American Heritage Commission Tribal Consultation List San Bernardino County 12/16/2022 Morongo Band of Mission Indians Ann Brierty, THPO 12700 Pumarra Road Banning, CA, 92220 Phone: (951) 755 - 5259 Fax: (951) 572-6004 abrierty@morongo-nsn.gov Cahuilla Serrano Morongo Band of Mission Indians Robert Martin, Chairperson 12700 Pumarra Road Banning, CA, 92220 Phone: (951) 755 - 5110 Fax: (951) 755-5177 abrierty@morongo-nsn.gov Cahuilla Serrano Pala Band of Mission Indians Shasta Gaughen, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer PMB 50, 35008 Pala Temecula Rd. Pala, CA, 92059 Phone: (760) 891 - 3515 Fax: (760) 742-3189 sgaughen@palatribe.com Cupeno Luiseno Pechanga Band of Indians Mark Macarro, Chairperson P.O. Box 1477 Temecula, CA, 92593 Phone: (951) 770 - 6000 Fax: (951) 695-1778 epreston@pechanga-nsn.gov Luiseno Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Reservation Jill McCormick, Historic Preservation Officer P.O. Box 1899 Yuma, AZ, 85366 Phone: (760) 572 - 2423 historicpreservation@quechantrib e.com Quechan Ramona Band of Cahuilla Joseph Hamilton, Chairperson P.O. Box 391670 Anza, CA, 92539 Phone: (951) 763 - 4105 Fax: (951) 763-4325 admin@ramona-nsn.gov Cahuilla Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians Cheryl Madrigal, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer One Government Center Lane Valley Center, CA, 92082 Phone: (760) 297 - 2635 crd@rincon-nsn.gov Luiseno Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians Bo Mazzetti, Chairperson One Government Center Lane Valley Center, CA, 92082 Phone: (760) 749 - 1051 Fax: (760) 749-5144 bomazzetti@aol.com Luiseno San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Jessica Mauck, Director of Cultural Resources 26569 Community Center Drive Highland, CA, 92346 Phone: (909) 864 - 8933 Jessica.Mauck@sanmanuel- nsn.gov Serrano Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians Lovina Redner, Tribal Chair P.O. Box 391820 Anza, CA, 92539 Phone: (951) 659 - 2700 Fax: (951) 659-2228 lsaul@santarosa-nsn.gov Cahuilla Serrano Nation of Mission Indians Mark Cochrane, Co-Chairperson P. O. Box 343 Patton, CA, 92369 Phone: (909) 528 - 9032 serranonation1@gmail.com Serrano 2 of 3 This list is current only as of the date of this document and is based on the information available to the Commission on the date it was produced. Distribution of this list does not relieve any person of statutory responsibility as defined in Section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code, Section 5097.94 of the Public Resources Code and Section 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code. This list is applicable only for consultation with Native American tribes under Government Code Sections 65352.3, 65352.4 et seq. and Public Resources Code Sections 21080.3.1 for the proposed Downtown Core Project, San Bernardino County. PROJ-2022- 007676 12/16/2022 01:31 PM Native American Heritage Commission Tribal Consultation List San Bernardino County 12/16/2022 Serrano Nation of Mission Indians Wayne Walker, Co-Chairperson P. O. Box 343 Patton, CA, 92369 Phone: (253) 370 - 0167 serranonation1@gmail.com Serrano Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Isaiah Vivanco, Chairperson P. O. Box 487 San Jacinto, CA, 92581 Phone: (951) 654 - 5544 Fax: (951) 654-4198 ivivanco@soboba-nsn.gov Cahuilla Luiseno Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Joseph Ontiveros, Cultural Resource Department P.O. BOX 487 San Jacinto, CA, 92581 Phone: (951) 663 - 5279 Fax: (951) 654-4198 jontiveros@soboba-nsn.gov Cahuilla Luiseno Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians Thomas Tortez, Chairperson P.O. Box 1160 Thermal, CA, 92274 Phone: (760) 397 - 0300 Fax: (760) 397-8146 thomas.tortez@torresmartinez- nsn.gov Cahuilla 3 of 3 This list is current only as of the date of this document and is based on the information available to the Commission on the date it was produced. Distribution of this list does not relieve any person of statutory responsibility as defined in Section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code, Section 5097.94 of the Public Resources Code and Section 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code. This list is applicable only for consultation with Native American tribes under Government Code Sections 65352.3, 65352.4 et seq. and Public Resources Code Sections 21080.3.1 for the proposed Downtown Core Project, San Bernardino County. PROJ-2022- 007676 12/16/2022 01:31 PM Native American Heritage Commission Tribal Consultation List San Bernardino County 12/16/2022