HomeMy WebLinkAbout4752-7I LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION 1. SCOPE The scope of this section includes all labor, materials and equipment required to complete work indicated on the drawings. The work shall be performed in accordance with the best standards practiced relating to the various trades and under the continuous supervision of a competent foreman, capable of interpreting the drawings and these specifications. The work included in this section is as follows: Finish Grading for Planting; Soil Preparation; Fertilization; Planting, including Lawn; Maintenance; Inspection and Certifications; Guarantees; Cleanup; Staking; Guying; Espaliering; and Miscellaneous Allowance. 2. APPROVALS A. All sprinkler work shall be inspected and approved prior to the start of any work. B. Prior to excavation for planting or placement of stakes, locate all utilities, electric cables, conduits, sprinklers lines, heads, valves and valve control wires, and all utility lines so that proper precautions may be taken not to damage such improvements. In the event of a conflict between such lines and plant locations, promptly notify Landscape Architect (LA) who shall arrange for relocation for one or the other. Failure to follow this procedure places upon Contractor the responsibility for, at his own expense, making any and all repairs for damages resulting from work hereunder. 3. QUANTITIES AND TYPES Plant materials shall be furnished in the quantities and /or spacing as shown noted for each location, and shall be of the species, kinds, sizes, etc. as symbolized and/or described in the "Plant Materials Legend", as indicated on the drawings. The LA has prepared this list only as a convenience to Contractor and assumes no responsibility for its accuracy. The Landscape Contractor is to verify all sizes and quantities 4. VERIFICATION OF DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES Dimensions are approximate before proceeding with any work. Contractor shall verify all dimensions and quantities and shall immediately inform LA and Owner of any discrepancies between the drawings and/or specifications and actual conditions. No work shall be done in any area where there is such a discrepancy until approval for same has been given by LA and owner. 5. INSPECTION A. All inspections shall be made by LA and Owner. Contractor shall request inspection at least two (2) days in advance of the time inspection is required. B. Inspection will be required for the following parts of the work. (1) During finish grading and soil preparation. (2) Plants, after delivery to site and prior to planting. (3) When vines, shrubs and trees are spotted for planting. But planting holes are not excavated. (4) Specimen trees at source before delivery. (5) Lawn areas prior to planting. (6) Planting areas prior to planting. (7) All landscape construction items, prior to the start of the calendar day maintenance period ("final inspection") (8) At completion of calendar day maintenance period ("Final Maintenance Inspection'. (9) Inspection reports shall be made for each inspection by the LA and one copy shall be submitted to Owner and Contractor. 6. CERTIFICATION Prior to job acceptance written certifications shall be submitted to the LA for the following: A. Quantity and Quality for Commercial Fertilizer and Organic Fertilizer. B. Quantity and Quality of all Soil Amendments called for by Plans and Specifications 7. MATERIALS Plant materials indicated on the drawings and herein specified shall conform to the following: A. Nomenclature - Plant names indicated on the drawings conform to "Standard Plant Names" established by the American Joint Committee on Horticulture. Except for names covered therein, the established custom of the nursery followed. B. Condition - Plants shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, sound, healthy, vigorous. free from plant diseases, insect pests, or their eggs, and shall have healthy, normal root systems, well filling their containers, but not to the point of being root bound. Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery, except as authorized by the LA or his representative. In no case shall trees be topped before delivery. C. Dimensions - The height and spread of all plant material shall be measured with branches in their normal position, and shall be as indicated on the drawings. The caliper of all trees shall be measured 4'-0" above the surface of the ground. Where caliper other dimensions of any plant materials are omitted from the "Plant Legend", it shall be understood that these plant materials shall be normal stock for type listed D. Inspection - All plant materials must have been previously inspected at the nursery by the County Horticultural Department shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the LA before planting. E. Plant List - is indicated on drawings. F. Size of Plants - Shall be as stated on the plan. Container stock (1 - gallon, 5 gallon and 15 - gallon), shall have been grown in containers for at least one (1) year, but not over two years. G. Substitutions - Substitutions for the indicated plant materials will be permitted provided the substituted materials are approved in advance by the LA, and the substitutions are made at no additional cost to Owner. Except for authorized variations, all substitute plant materials shall conform to the requirements of these specifications. If the accepted substitute plant materials are of a less value than those indicated or specified, the Contract price will be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. H. Plants Not Approved - Plants not approved are to be removed from site Immediately and replaced with suitable plants The LA and/or Owner reserves the right to reject entire Lots of plant represented by defective samples. 8. FERTILIZERS AND SOIL CONDITIONERS Samples of all soil amendments, sod and plants shall be submitted for inspection and stored on the site until furnishing of materials is completed. Delivery may begin upon approval of samples or as directed by LA and the Owner. A. Organic fertilizer shall be processed sewage sludge with a minimum content of 11% Nitrogen and 2% Phosphoric Acid similar to "Nltrohumus". Method of processing shall not destroy normal bacterial content. B. Nitrogen stabilized sawdust shall be bulk, with the following nitrogen content based on dry weight: 0.5% for redwood Sawdust 0.7% for Fir Sawdust 1.0% for Bark or Pine Bark or Mixture Salinity - the saturation extract conductivity shall not exceed 3.5 millmhos/cm at 25 BENCH MARK: SAN BERN WNO COUNTY M PER FIELD BOOK 4015/848 ELEVATION - 1019.83'. DATUM - 1929 RAILROAD SPIKE IN POWER POLE #71833, N.E. CORNER PORAR AVE. &SANTA ANA AVE. EST. FROM BM B-36. HUNTER LANDSCAPE 711 S. Fee Ana Street Placentia, California 92870-6706 Ph: 714.986.2400 Fax: 714.986.2408 C. Commercial fertilizer shall be delivered in sacks with manufacturer's label showing weight and analysis attached to each sack, or bulk with suppliers certificate of type and amount. 9. STAKING MATERIALS A. Tree staking shall be as per plan. B. Ties for holding trees shall be as per plan. 10. GRADING AND SOIL PREPARATION A. Contractor is to finish grade to with 1/10th of a foot or 1" below paving where paving exists. B. Moisture Content - the soils shall not be worked when the moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur; and not when it is so dry that dust will form in the air or that clods will not break readily. Water shall be applied if necessary to provide ideal moisture content for tilling and for planting. C. Preliminary Grading - Preliminary grading shall be done in such manner as to anticipate the finish grading. Excess soils is to be replaced by plants and mulch, allowance shall be made so that when finish grading has begun, there shall be no deficiency in the specified depth of mulched planting beds. D. Weeding - Before and during preliminary and finish grading, all weed and grass shall be dug out by the roots and disposed of off site (except those weeds and grasses not of the perennial type, less than 2-1/2" high and not bearing seeds, which may be turned under). Oats more than 21/2" high and not bearing seeds may be turned under. Perennial weeds and grasses to be removed include, but are not limited to, the following: Nut Grass, Puncture Vine, Dallas Grass, Mustard Plant, St. Augustine, Alfalfa, Johnson Grass, Wire Weed, Morning Glory. E. All planting areas shall be scarified to a depth of 12 inches below grade with the spacing of the ripper teeth no greater than 12 inches on center prior to placing conditioners and fertilizers. All rock and debris more than 2" in diameter shall be removed from the site. F. Trenches - If irrigation system is installed after grading and fertilizing is completed, the upper portion of the backfill shall be retilled and fertilized to the depth specified for the area required, to conform to the specifications. 11. SOIL CONDITIONERS A. Turf, Ground Cover and Shrub Area: With the exception of the slopes the areas to be landscaped should be cross -ripped or otherwise tilled to a depth of 9-12 inched. For turf and ground cover planting, the following amendments should be uniform by broadcast and thoroughly incorporated to a depth of 6 inches by means of rototilling or equal; AMT Per 1,000 Square Feet 6 cu. yrds. nitrogen stabilized organic amendment derived form redwood sawdust, fir sawdust or cedar sawdust 12 Ib. 16-20-0 ammonium phosphate (to be incorporated to the 6" depth following leaching). Following amending and prior to planting, including trees and shrubs, leaching irrigation should be made in a manner that will pass the minimum of 12 inches of water through the surface sold zone. When the leaching program has been completed, additional samples should be collected for soil fertility analysis only. B. Slopes 300 lbs./acre 16-20-0 ammonium phosphate 300 lbs/acre urea formaldehyde Mulch Silva Fiber Plus, 2,000 Ib./acre Binding agent (per contractor's accepted procedure) While the urea formaldehyde is a slow release nitrogen fertilizer, it will probably be necessary to make dry supplemental fertilizer applications, particularly during the establishment period. If this is the case, the 16-20-0 should be uniformly broadcast over dry slope areas to the rate of 6 pounds per 1,000 square feet and followed with normal irrigation at each fertilizing period. C. Planting Pots - Tree and Shrub, All areas including slopes: Planting pits shall be excavated twice the diameter and twice the depth of the rootball. Backfill shall then be added as specified. (1) A chemically suitable sandy textured import soil meeting the following specifications should be used for backfill to the depth of the rootball. For trees, shrub and vines (other than azaleas, fems and palms). Silt plus clay content to the import soil shall not exceed 30% by weight with a minimum 95% passing the 2.0 millimeter seeve. The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) shall not exceed 6 and the electrical conductivity (ECe) shall not exceed 3.0 millimhos per centimeter at 25 degrees centigrade. The boron content shall be no greater than 1 ppm as measured on the saturation extract. In order to Insure conformance, samples of the import soil should be submitted to the laboratory for analysis prior to and follow backfilling. The backfill mix for use are in the the follows: should be prepared as follows: 6 parts be volume sandy textured import soil 4 parts by volume nitrogen stabilized wood residual 1 Ib. 16-20-0 per cu. yd. of mix 2 lb. iron sulfate per cu. yd. of mix The above materials should be thoroughly blended prior to use for backfill purposes. Also, the iron sulfate should not contact cement surfaces since severe staining could occur. Apply planting tablets as per manufacture's recommendations. If the 16-20-0 is incorporated preplant as recommended the post plant maintenance can consist primarily of a nitrogen -only fertilizer program. Beginning approximately 30 days after planting, ammonium sulfate should be applied at the rate of 5 lbs./1000 s.f. or ammonium nitrate at the rate of 3 lbs./1000 s.f. on a monthly basis. However, in order to ensure continuing adequate soil phosphorus and potassium nutrition, Best Fertilizer Company's 16-2-8 or equal should be substituted for the nitrogen materials twice a year at the rate of 6 pounds per 1000 square feet. Also, when plants have become well established , the frequency of fertilizer applications can be decreased. D. The prepared soil shall be uniformly blended in an area adjacent to the plant work and shall be accurately proportioned using a suitable measuring container. Excavation soil shall be removed from site. Protect the mix from water until to has been placed in backfill around plants. 12. FINISH GRADING When preliminary grading, including weeding and fertilizing, has been completed and the soil has dried sufficiently to be readily worked, all lawn and planting areas shall be graded to the elevation indicated on the drawings. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are given. Minor adjustments of finish grades shall be made at the direction of the LA, if required Finish grade shall be a smooth, even and uniform plane without abrupt change of surface. Soil areas adjacent to buildings to allow a natural run-off of water, and surface drainage shall be directed as indicated on the drawings by remodeling surfaces to facilitate the natural "run-off' of water. Low spots and pockets shall be one inch below grade of adjacent pavement of any kind. Grading shall be done when soil is at optimum moisture content for working. 13. METHOD OF PLANT AND WORK PROCEDURE A. No planting shall be done until all operations in conjunction with the installation of the Irrigation system have been completed, final grades have been established, the planting areas have been properly graded and prepared as specified, and the work approved by the LA. 11)ICi SLI IZfI� 14 15 16. 17 18. 19. 20. 21 REV.4RECORD DRAWINGS 0.5.11 14W 3o iq DESCRIPTION I DATE I ENGR. I CITY I DATE B. The relative position of all trees and plants Is subject to approval by LA and Owner, and they shall, if necessary, be relocated as directed as part of the contract. C. All plants shall be removed form their container and set so that, when settled, they bear the same relation to the required grade that they bore to the natural grade before being transplanted. Each plant shall be planted in the center of the pit and backfilled unless otherwise specified, with the prepared soil. No soil in muddy condition shall be used for backfilling. No filling will be permitted around trunks or stems. All broken or frayed roots shall be properly cut off. D. LA and/or Owner shall supervised the placing and planting of all plants. E. In the event the underground construction work or obstructions are encountered in the planting operation, aftemate locations for plant material will be selected by LA and Owner; operation will be done at no extra cost to Owner. PLANTING OF TREES A. Position plants In plant location as Indicated on drawings and secure approval before excavating pits, making necessary adjustments as indicated. B. All pits for trees shall be dug square with bottoms level, the length of sides equal to 21/2 times the diameter of the tree ball. Compacted solid at sides and bottoms shall be loosened by scarifying or other approved method. Pits shall be backfilled with "prepared soil" to the required grade , and the balance of the pit filled with "prepared soil" thoroughly settled by water application. C. Set plant in center of pit, in a vertical position, so that crown of ball will be level with finish grade after allowing for watering and settling and shall bear the same relationship to the finish grade that it did to the soil surface in the container. Prepare water basin as wide as plant balls at each plant. Water thoroughly, backfilling any voids with additional prepared plant mix. PLANTING VINES SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS A. Vines and shrubs shall be planted in pits at least 18" greater than their ball of earth and at least 12" below the bottom of the ball. Compacted soil at bottom of pit shall be loosened and the pit filled with "prepared soil" to the bottom of the ball. When the plant has been properly set, the pit shall be filled to the required grade with "prepared soil" and thoroughly settled by taping and watering. All vines shall be removed from stakes, untied, and securely fastened in an approved manner to the wall, fence or other surface next to which they are planted. B. Prepare a water basin as wide as plant balls at each plant. Water thoroughly. backfilling any voids with additional prepared planting mix C. Ground Covers (1) Pits for flat sized plants to be at lest 6"4"4". Ground cover areas shall be moistened prior to planting. No flat plants shall be planted in dry soil. (2) Set plants in center of pits so that crown of plant will be level with finished grade after settling of soil, then backfill and water (3) Flatted plants shall be well -rooted with runners at least 4" but not more than 6" in length. TREES AND VINES OCCURRING IN LAWN Trees and vines occurring in lawn shall be planted before final preparation of those areas. CARE OF PLANTS BEFORE AND DURING PLANTING Plants shall not be allowed to dry out before or while being planted. Keep moist by means of wet sawdust, peat moss or burlap at all times during planting operations. Do not expose roots to the air except while being placed in the ground. Wilted plants, whether In place or not, will not be accepted and shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. WATERING BASINS A. Construct a firmly compacted mound of soil around each tree and plant to form a watering basin at the edge of and following the shape of the planting pit area. Mounds or trees and for vines from -5 gallon or larger containers, shall be at least 4" high. Mounds for all other trees. vines or plants not otherwise specified shall be at least 3" high. Excavated earth if capable of retaining water, may be used. Any settlement within the basins retaining water shall be refilled to the required grade with prepared soil, and additional nitrogen stabilized sawdust worked into the surface as required to restore the mulch condition. Note: If plants have subsided, they may need to be lifted to the required elevation and backfill added. B. At the end of the day maintenance period all watering basins in lawn areas shall be leveled to finish grade and the area shall be sodded with the specified sod. SODDED LAWN A. Cultivate all lawn areas to a depth of 8". Rocks and debris larger than 1" in diameter which are brought to the surface by cultivation shall be removed from the site. If cultivation does not break lumps, a spike tooth harrow shall be pulled behind a mechanical seeder or tractor. B. Areas to be planted In lawn shall be finished smooth to present a neat and uniform grade prior to installation of sod. The lawn bed shall be inspected by the LA to determine suitability for planting prior to sodding. Contractor shall obtain such approval before sodding C. All sodded areas shall be thoroughly watered. Lawns are to be kept continuously moist by watering as often as required. Any lawn areas that do not show a prompt patch of grass shall be re -sodded at ten day intervals until an acceptable stand of grass is assured. WATERING A. Immediately after planting, water shall be applied to each tree by means of a hose. The water shall be applied in a moderate stream in the planting holes until the material about the roots Is completely saturated from the bottom of the hole to the top of the ground. B. Ground cover plants which can not be watered efficiently with the existing water system shall be watered by means of a hose. All other planted container material shall be watered by hose as note herein. C. Apply water in sufficient quantities, and as often as seasonal conditions require, to keep the ground wet at all times, well below the root system of grass and planting. Care is to be taken in watering slopes so as not to case erosion damage. D. Following the planting of ground cover plants furnished in flats, each plant shall be Immediately and thoroughly watered by means of a hose with a slow running stream of water. TREE STAKING A. Stake all non -guyed trees at time of planting by placing stake In the prepared hole and driving it 18" into solid ground. Plant the tree as close to the stake as possible without crowding the roots. Fasten the tree to the upper end of stake in at least two places using W.I.T. Cinch Tie". (see drawings) SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH STANDARDS IN EFFECT. B. Tree 36" box size or larger, shall be immediately guyed after planting with not less than three guys per tree, or as directed by the LA (1) Protect bark of tree by covering wire with green 1/2" diameter rubber hose. (2) Guys to be anchored by 2"x2"4" redwood driven flush with finish grade or 1 "x2' galvanized pipe in rocky areas. (3) Guy wires shall be #12 Ga. galvanized wired. Mark guys with T-0" long 1/2" dia. white PVC pipe. (4) Guy lines are to be tightened to firm tension. 22. ESPALIER OF VINES All trellises and stakes are to be removed form plants and the plants shall be fastened and trained against fences or walls as directed by the LA 23. CERTIFICATES In addition to any other certificates specified, Contractor shall furnish a certificate with each delivery of bulk material, stating the source, quantity and type of material and that the material conforms to the specification requirements. For bulk delivered organic fertilizer, the certificate shall also state the volume, net weight, percent of Nitrogen and percent of Phosphoric acid. For each fertilizer and soil conditioner, in containers, a similar certificate or invoice shall be furnished stating total quantities by weight and volume for each material. These certificates shall be submitted to the LA and Owner prior to the start of the maintenance period. 24. PROTECTION Contractor shall carefully and continuously protect all areas included in the Contract, including plant materials, fences, supports, etc., until final acceptance of the work by the LA and Owner. 25. MAINTENANCE A. Contractor shall maintain a sufficient number of men and adequate equipment to perform the work here in specified. Plant maintenance work shall consist of applying water, weeding, caring for plants, including ground covers, shrubs and trees, edging, aerating and mowing of lawns, fertilizing and control of pests and diseases. B. Damage to any planted area shall be repaired immediately. Depressions caused by vehicles or foot traffic shall be filled with topsoil, leveled and replanted. Exterminate gophers and moles, and repair damage. C. The entire project shall be maintained for a period of 60 days commencing from the time all items of work have been completed to the satisfaction of LA and Owner. D. The project shall be cared for in a neat, clean condition at all times to the satisfaction of Owner and LA 26. LAWN MAINTENANCE A. Watering - Water every day once per day for two weeks and thereafter gradually reduce frequency of watering to three times per week. Contractor shall continue to maintain the lawn until final acceptance by the LA and Owner. B. Fertilizing - Apply 16-6-8 at the rate of 5 pounds per 1000 square feet three weeks after Installation and water immediately thereafter. C. Diseases and Pest Control - Two weeks after installation of lawn, apply a granular mercurail fungicide of 1.8% mercurous chloride as per manufacturer's recommendation. D. Mowing - The lawn shall be mowed at a height of 1 1/2" with a rotary mower, equipped with rollers, before it reaches 2" in height. Collect grass clipping during mowing operations and remove from the site. 27. GROUND COVER AND SHRUB AREA MAINTENANCE A. Watering - New plants shall be watered once per day for two (2) weeks after installation. Reduce watering to every other day for the next two (2) weeks. Water thereafter three (3) times per week until final acceptance. B. Fertilize - Fertilize three (3) weeks after planting with 5 pounds 16-6-8 per 1000 square feet; fertilize thereafter every thirty (30) days. C. Disease and Pest Control - For control of slugs and sails, apply pelletized tricalciaum arsinate 5% by weight and metaldehyde 5% by weight as per manufacturer's recommendations two (2) weeks after installation. D. Pruning - All shrubs and trees shall be pinch pruned as necessary to encourage new growth and to eliminate rank sucker growth. Old flowers, and dead foliage and limbs shall be removed. No major pruning shall be done without the approval of the LA E. Weeding - all planting areas including lawn, ground cover and shrub areas shall be kept weed free at all times. Weed shall be dug out by the roots and disposed of off site, Upon completion of the day maintenance period, the Contractor shall fertilize per #26 - lawn Maintenance and #27 Ground Covers and Shrub Area maintenance of these specifications. 28. GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENTS A. All shrub and ground cover shall be guaranteed by Contractor as to growth and health for a period of ninety (90) days after completion of the specified maintenance period, and/or final acceptance by the LA. All trees up to 20" box size shall be guaranteed by by Contractor to live and grow in a acceptable upright position for a period of six (6) months after completion of the specified maintenance period, and/or final acceptance upright position for a period of one (1) year after completion of the specified maintenance period, and/or final acceptance by the LA B. All plants that show signs of failing growth at any time during the life of the Contract, Including the maintenance period, or those plants injured of damaged as to render them unsuitable for the purpose intended shall be guaranteed as specified for the original guaranteed materials. 29. CLEAN-UP Upon completion of the work in this section, Contractor shall remove all rubbish, trash and debris resulting from the operations; remove disused equipment and implements of service; leave entire area involved in a neat and acceptable condition such as to meet the approval of the Landscape Architect (LA). HYDROSEED 1. GENERAL A. Equipment must have minimum capacity of 1500 gallons and a positive displacement pump with the ability to agitate and properly mix the specified materials. Pump must be capable of creating 100 pounds psi pressure with sufficient volume to distribute above slurry evenly over 12,000 sq. ft. within a 15 minute period. B. Vendor furnished label: Vendor agrees to furnish not less then two (2) employees during all hydromulching applications. C. The vendor shall fully guarantee his work and services and shall be fully insured and be prepared to furnish satisfactory evidence of such insurance upon demand. PREPARED LrNDER TFIE SUPERVISION OF: DATE CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA BEECH AVENUE MEDIAN M ]r 171 1 ,, ecifications / Alf" ' :2 ' 51152 DATE SCALE: AS NOTED DATE Aug 28, 2008 oRAwINc Na: 4752 9