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8. AND CA P CITY RIGHT OF WAY VALLEY BOULEVARD 1 T PLANS. MTX AP ERR it_.:L AVE RANDA AVE SAN I D AVE BLVD PROJECT SITE SHEET INDEX TITLE SHEET T-1 IRRIGATION PLAN L-1 PLANTING PLAN L-4 4 L-6 DETAILS SPECIFICATIONS L ENERAL NOTES 1. All ork shall conform to ell applicable laws, ordin nces,-and regulations of the governing agencies, cities and/or counties. 2. All scaled drawings and dimensions are approximate and diagram- matic. All property lines and lot lines shall be verified prior to commencing work. . Contractor shall notwillfully proceed with construction as design- ed when it is obvious that unknown obstructions and/or grade differences,exist that may not have been known during design. Such conditions shall be immediately brought to the attention of the Owner and the Landscape Architect. The contractor shall assume full responsibility for all necessary revisions due to failure to give such notifications. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for any damage caused, to the sit or the work of other trades. If repairs are not made within a reasonable length of time, the Owner will have the damage repaired and ill backcharge the Contractor. Contractor sh,11 accept work of other related trades which is signified by commencement of his work. Contractor shall be respo- nsible for the repair or replacement of his work as necess ry, at no charge to the 0 ner, if said work is placed over faulty orkmansh,ip of others in relation to the installation of his work. Contractor acknowledges that he has visited the site and is familiar ith and has provided for the conditions that exist hereon and that he his checked with the appropriate governing agencies and has made provisions for any and all requirements of those agencies. 7. Contractor shall be soley re the Owner's Job Site Superin plans and specifications pre ponsible for person lly verifing with endent that he has the latest sets of ared and approved for construction. Contractor's work force shall consist of persons trade covered by .this Scp.pe of Work. Apprentices laborers shall be under direct supervision of sk at all times. skilled in the or unskilled lied tradesmen 9. Contractor shall adhere to the cnstruction sequence unless noti fled by Owner's Representative. 10. Contractor shall submit construction schedul 0 ner. Contractor shall make every, effort to adhere to sch du incorporated into Owner's master schedule. as requested by the as The Contr ctor must notify prior to Owner 48 hours (t o orkin d y ) rting construction., 12. The Landsc pe Contractor shall coordinate ell field ob ervations with the Owner and notify both the Owner an© Landscape Architect at least 48 hours (two working days) in advance of all field observations. If the Contractor calls for a field observation for which he is not prepared, he shall be responsible for reimbur� sing the Landscape Architect at their current hourly billing rate9 plus any transportation cost and/or reproductions. 13. In giving instructions, the Owner's Representative.(s) sh 11 have authority to make minor changes in the Scope of Work not involving extra cost and not inconsistent with the purposes of the construc- tion. Otherwise, the Contractor acknowledges that there re restri ctions applicable to extras. 14. Owner y at his election ) provide storage f c l ties/ r s for Contractor upon request. The Contractor shall be r pon ibl for stored materiels and any materials on the job -site that re not fully installed- Contractor Is resPonsible for ole cleaningstorge areas upon completion of work. Owner sh ll not be r pos,bl for any replacement of materials, equipment, tc. n000 ary for the Contractor to complete the job. 15. The Contractor shall obtain, coordinate, and p y for ny and all per its, fess and agency inspections, as required. 16. The Contractor shall carry all Workm n's Compensation, Public Liability, and Property Damage insurance as required by all applic- able codes and the Owner.. 17. The Contractor shall familiarize hams if with the nature and location of all underground utilities, pipes, and structures. All underground utilities, pipe, or structures damaged by the action of the Contractor shall be repaired or replaced to the Owner's satisfaction at the Contractors expense. Any discrepancies between the field conditions and the contract documents and/or design intent affecting the successful comple- tion and cost of the project shall be reported to the Owner and the Landscape Architect immediately. All work related to the problem area shall cease until the discrepancies have been resolved by the Owner in writing. Any continuation of the work is at the Contractor's risk and expense. 19. It shall be the responsibility,of the Contractor to keep the project site neat and clean at all times. Dust situations shall be controlled by watering. All streets, walks, and driveways she be wash down by hose and left free of debris at the end of the designated work day. Pre -Construction Meeting Required with City Landscape Inspector DES TOON Prepared Under The Supervision Of : CITY OF FONT . C IFORM Dote : DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: PROVED BY: SCALE: DATE: DWG. NO.: R.C.E. EXP. DA ENGINEER R.C.E. 25126 EXP.DATE 12