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t .s r ti STRAIGHT SPLICE (600 Vor 5000 V) Use 4-woy pressure sleeve connector with branch removed. 600 VOLT "T" SPLICE ( Up to /0 A WG only) )NS - Inches 11 Bit '$Do' 2 " ' 2112112" 3 //4" //2„ /'' - Inches B 11 110 tl 2" E l/2" -C' Conneclor /engfh PROCEDURE- A. Remove insulation from each conductor to distance- 1/2 C x 1/2" and pencil to dimension D. Roughen pencilling. B. Train conductors and place connector, centering ,over butted end, C. Crimp and solder connector. D. Insulate according to method "A" unless otherwise specified. 0 • 0 11T�T[ /[OtR1t PROJECT N0. �11C01 aM[[T TOT" 411W. N0. T[AR •• !N[[T! CALIF DIST COUNTY ROUTE [SECTION SHEET 140 SME __j APPROVED �/Ol7�/ory 9 1959 INSULATING METHODS TRA !C E1 tEE .quit ENWWER LICEF114 E Low, Voltage Circuits (0-600 volts)r. ioor/gage INSULATING METHOD "A" - TO ACCOMPANY PLANS DATED I Apply one .o(i -if approved rubber cement, all ow t o dry. 2 Apply low voltage tape to a thickness. equal to original insulation. 9//6 7//901 / INSULATING METHOD "B"N (D Apply two layers, I/ 2 lap, synthetic, oil resistant -self fusing rubber tape. 0 Apply .007" thick PV.C. tape to thickness equal to original insulation. SECTION A -A O Apply two layers of asphalt-impregnoted open -meshed fabric tape. P., Ch ® Coat splice with same compound. as in tape and fuse in. Paint Black S/gy-- r 7N p Fificr High_ Voltage Circuits (600-5000 volt�O . %P s :�. II I1 p Mast Arm . INSULATING METHOD A - I , Ralnl Wfi�fe rmAPPIY one coat of approved rubber cement allow to dry. enamel B0ckp/01e 4 02 Apply high voltage tape to a thickness equal to original insulation. _� � . - Slip Fiih�r I /2 Q "L,e/�S , Apply two layers of low voltage tape, half lapped. Targel P/a/e - ® Rubber tapes shall be rolled after application with a concave roller. _ A p /8qa. meta/ /2"Lens Mas/ Arm If PV.C, low voltage tae is used final la ��1 g p , layer shall be panted with. electrical insulating coating. en INSULATING METHOD 'IB" 1 1till ii1' � I loll Il�� See Method B for Low Voltage Circuits above. Yr FRONT REAR, M - I M - 2 (Typ e A Guide Posf - Top Woun/ed Side Uoun f ea' No Rcl/ccfors� . _ Slip Fitter . t PULL B 0 MARKER <l�se on /y when /17d1caled on p/q„s) S P L I C I N G D E TA I L S No "`" MAST ARM MOUNTING No Segle L r1 moo,-----'--- No Scale.. . 60 HW W 2 0 /00" zoo Q � o. Z. D � 120 90 60 30 O 30 60 90 120 DISTANCE IN FEET TYPE 311. Shielded Highway Lighting Luminaire 30'MouMiny Height, 20,000 Lamm �!lercurr Vapor Lamp ISOLUX LINES OF MINIMUM. HORIZONTAL FOOT CANDLE ape mast or�n . 7/1'6 "ho% Through _ _ - � Sjee/ A /%t� s/�p filler. i Cadmium plaled 1. Se/ screws 21112 " Inscribe "' i s /S _ / S gno/ L 0 c ring Seo/'with TRAFFIC SIGNAL-----.:,- Goske,t Sea/in9 Compound ' when containing s STREET L j U PT »q % � Si no/ con ducror •� ; - F - Lock /XJl - 3 ;*e proof ick r�vstr�i � ;i� �i?kg , l� E _ ® / %2 "N" /e Hole in housingforpin Offut S/0 Fftr ` h i 1 H T 1 ldm Balk is �I.'d J -UG Y. V G LTA G, E A • Omit for /ow After si no/ hos been flumbed and secured Note: Serrations in fillip s sholl voltagecircuit " drill 7/� hole throe most arm in line with match those in /OCR rip s 2 � . 2 //2" hold through slip fil es /5 Place 3/8 go/vonired bolt 'with 'wosher under SLIP, FITTER FOR POST TOP klIOU N TI N G hood throe h holeand secure with two Huls cV and o 'washer. �. 7//6 Hole 1/16"X //8 " errations t•: • 'TPrecast reinforced /1/2 "Pipe :�-• concrete. N Bonding JUMPer :� s OP JAW Bross Pew Seo/ around conduit �+ with morlor. -------- a/ �. Bonding .:.r /i�u. �4// si��nhoods to be Otto Jumper Extension when :� mi with ,ock rip etc. os indicated _ - 2p " box houses Pour in Feld Cody inn platedfor most arm mounting of left. wJ �X- _ transformer or - Ring to be of Bross of sufficient - :��: Slee/A//erase/screw su e�n� S p�� IAS, �Q o ELBOW /% ,�Qi-air� ballast Clean crushed contact orco to cover flange .c Roofing paper rock sump on siynv/ housing. One for each face except an crushed Pao//nq,aaaper � SLIP FITTER FOR MAST Ihoso w�tii sp©eio/slip co rock pour in124W NO.3 V2ARM UTILOCK G filter mounl�ng. I RIN SIGNAL HEAD ATTACHMENT DETAILS. Ground rod when bar buses one series -multiple transformer. NO SCALE , (when specified). STATE__ OF CALIFORNIA 7 Note: Steel reinforcing shall be as DEPARTMENT', OF PUBLIC' WORKS regularly used In the standard DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS products of the respective NO.5 manufacturer. STANDARD DNO. 5 TRAFFIC SIGNAL, AND P U L L BOXES - HIGHWAY LIGHTING No SCALE - INSTALLATIONS SCALE AS NOTED REV. DATE 3.29-16 ---t DRAWING NO.