HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouth Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Report by LDKINGFOR THE SOUTH FONTANA SEWERS Prepared For: CITY OF FONTANA 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Prepared By: L.D. KING, INC. 2151 Convention Center Way, Suite 100 Ontario, California 91764 ZOW Telephone: (909) 937-0200 C EV. 94W Fax: (909) 937-0202 C IV %I- 5 00 j Douglas/. Mays, P.E. R.C.E. 5<062 21062 March, 2000 Revised May, 2000 LoanG Table of Contents CITY OF FONTANA South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Report March, 2000 DESCRIPTION PAGE I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................ 1 ILINTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. A. Study Area Limits 2 2 ...................................................................................... B. Existing Land Usage................................................................................... C. Existing Sewer Facilities 3 3 ............................................................................. D. Ultimate Land Usage ••.•••••....................•• E. Other Proposed Facilities 3 4 E ........................................................................... -' F. Design Criteria ......•••••• 4 III. STUDY............................................................................................................. A. Records Research........................................................................................ 5 5 B. Study Area Map.......................................................................................... 6 6 C. Field Review............................................................................................... D. Preliminary Profiling................................................................................... 6 E. Flow Projection Criteria.............................................................................. 7 F. Wastewater Flow Projections...................................................................... 7 G. Sewer Diameters......................................................................................... 1. Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VII) and Existing Cypress Avenue Sewer 7 8 2. Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VI) and Citrus Avenue Sewer (Reach A . 8 3. Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach V) and Existing Poplar Avenue Sewer..... 9 4. Existing Beech and Hemlock Avenues Sewers and Slover Avenue Sewer (Reaches II, III and IV).............................................................. 10 5. Proposed Cherry Avenue Sewer (Reach VIII) ...................................... 11 6. Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach I)............................................................. 11 7. Proposed Calabash Avenue Sewer (Reach Aq ...................................... 11 IV. CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................................. 12 V. TABLE Table I - Summary of Findings ............... 13 Table II - Unit Flow Generations Rates ..................................................... 14 Table III - Area Average Flow Calculations .....................:.:...................... 15-27 Table IV - Existing Sewer Capacities......................................................... 28 29 Table V - Sewer Peak Flows...................................................................... 30 Table VI - Future Sewer Capacities............................................................. 31 Table VII - Maximum Lateral Length.......................................................... VI. FIGURES 32 Figure 1 a - Proposed Gravity Sewers.......................................................... Figure lb and lc — Aerial Photograph (February 1999) ............................... 33-34 Figure2 - Study Area Limits...................................................................... 35 36 Figure 3 - Tributary Area Map.................................................................... 37-42 Figure 4a through 4f - Preliminary Profiles ................................................ 43 Figure 5 - Sewer Capacities and Loading Conditions ................................ Figure 6 - Land Use Map ................. 4 Figure 7 - CDM Diversion Structure Detail ............................................... SOUTH FONT4A' SEWERS— PRELIMINARYENGINEERINGpORT MaY, 2000 I• EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Fontana (City) proposes to construct sewers in the South Fontana area alon l-� following streets: g the 0 Slover Avenue between Calabash Avenue and Siem ® Calabash Avenue between Juru a Ay a Avenue p Avenue and Slover Avenue ® Cherry Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover ® Citrus Avenue between Juru Avenue pa Avenue and Slover Avenue Locations of the proposed sewers are shown on attar divided into reaches as shown attached Figure 1 a. on FiThe proposed sewers are gure 1 a. The proposed sewers will co or Inland Empire Utilities Agency ( av nnect to existing City g Y IEUA) gr 2ty sewers. The purpose of the study was to determine ultimatee sewer diameters with correspondin p ak wastewater discharge, and appropriate g minimum slopes to convey ultimate peak wastewater discharge to downstream facilities. Refer to the attached Table I which summarizes the study findings. CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 SOUTH FONTANA SEWERS — PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT II. INTRODUCTION The City of Fontana (City) proposes to construct sewers in the South Fontana area to promote development and to encourage annexation to the City. The proposed improvements are presented on Figure la. In addition, an aerial photograph (dated February 1999) of the area is included as Exhibit lb and lc. In order to determine the required facilities to adequately provide sewer service to the South Fontana area, ultimate peak wastewater discharge for each sewer was determined. Thereafter, appropriate sewer diameters with corresponding minimum slopes (to convey ultimate peak wastewater discharge to downstream facilities) for each sewer reach were determined. To determine ultimate peak flows, areas tributary to each sewer reach were identified. The project study area considered all areas that may potentially be tributary to each sewer. In the following paragraphs, a description of the study area limits, existing land usage and existing sewer facilities, ultimate land usage, other proposed facilities, and design criteria are presented. A. STUDYAREA LIMITS The study area is located in both the incorporated areas of the City and the unincorporated areas of the County. The study area is generally bounded by Jurupa Avenue to the south, Etiwanda Avenue to the west, Highland Avenue to the north and the City's current sphere of influence boundary to the east. Highland Avenue was selected since it is potentially the most northerly 2 CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 ,4niirH FONTANA SEWERS - PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT boundary for the eastern portions of the City. The City's current sphere of influence is shown on the attached Zoning Map, Figure 6. The limits of the study area are shown on Figure 2. B. EXISTING LAND USAGE -density residential, commercial, industrial and The study area currently consists of low agricultural land usages. Most lots have sparse vegetative coverage and little to no asphalt or concrete coverage. C EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES A number of existing sewer facilities are located in the project study area. The major facilities are shown on the attached Figure 3. The existing system discharges major portions of the City's wastewater through the City's Cypress Avenue, Poplar Avenue and Jurupa Avenue sewers to IEUA's Jurupa Avenue Interceptor. - - D. ULTIMATE LAND USAGE Ultimate land usage is based on the City's Land Use Policy Map, dated June 1998. A reduced copy is attached as Figure 6. 9 CITY OF.FONTANA May, 2000 SO UTH FONTANA SEWERS — PRELIMINAR Y ENGINEERING REPORT E. OTHER PROPOSED FACILITIES The City proposes to construct sewers along San Bernardino Avenue and Valley Boulevard. Each are shown on Figure 3. The proposed San Bernardino Avenue Trunk Sewer may extend easterly to Palmetto Avenue. The actual extent will be determined by the City as part of the Master Sewer Plan preparation. The proposed San Bernardino Avenue Trunk Sewer will intercept major portions of wastewater discharge from areas north of San Bernardino Avenue and will deliver it to IEUA's Regional Plant No. 4 (RP 4). Although construction of the San Bernardino Avenue Trunk Sewer is not anticipated to occur for many years, it will ultimately create excess wastewater capacity in the Cypress Avenue and Poplar Avenue Sewers south of Interstate 10. The proposed Valley Boulevard Trunk Sewer will intercept wastewater discharge from areas west of Beech Avenue, between San Bernardino Avenue and Interstate 10 and will deliver it to existing Mulberry Avenue Sewer and the proposed Calabash Avenue Sewer. The proposed diversion will create excess capacity in the Poplar Avenue sewer south of Interstate 10. F. DESIGN CRITERIA Sewers are designed to convey ultimate wastewater discharge from existing service areas (Areas 1 and 2) shown on Figure 3 and South Fontana area also shown on Figure 3 (Areas 3 through 13). Depth ratio and minimum sewer slope for various size sewers and average discharge peaking formula are presented on Figure 5. U CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 SOUTH FONTANA SEWERS—PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT III. STUDY To determine the appropriate diameters with corresponding minimum slopes for the proposed sewers, locations of existing and other proposed sewers were established, areas tributary to the proposed South Fontana Sewers (limits of study area) were determined, ultimate flow directions were determined, future land uses were estimated, and projected ultimate wastewater discharge in each proposed South Fontana Sewer were established. The scope of the study included researching records, preparing a project study map, field reviewing existing sewer flow directions, preparing preliminary sewer profiles, developing flow projection criteria, estimating ultimate wastewater discharges, establishing ultimate wastewater flow directions, and determining proposed South Fontana sewer diameters with corresponding minimum. slopes. Each are more fully described in the following sections: A. RECORDS RESEARCH Records research included assembling sewer records, assessors parcel maps, City Land Use Policy Maps, aerial photographs, major underground utility drawings, street improvement drawings and digital topographic data. Sewer records were obtained from the City and included existing and future facilities. Assessors parcel maps were assembled for all areas adjacent to the proposed sewers. The current Land Use Policy Map (dated December 1, 1998), aerial photographs dated June 1999, and storm drain utility records were obtained from the City. M -WD Pipeline record drawings were obtained from MWD. Street improvement drawings were obtained from the City and the County. Digital topographic data for Slover Avenue was obtained from the County of San Bernardino and digital topographic data for Citrus and Cherry Avenues were prepared by Analytical Photogrammetric Surveys, Inc. (APS). 5 CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 SOUTH FONTANA SEWERS — PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT B. STUDYAREA MAP Existing and future sewers (including the San Bernardino Avenue and Valley Boulevard Interceptors) and proposed South Fontana Sewers together with the directional flow arrows were plotted on a digital U.S.G.S. Quad Sheet for the study area. Using that data, areas tributary to existing sewers and future sewers were estimated. In addition, areas tributary to the proposed South Fontana Sewers were estimated and are shown on the Tributary Area Maps, Figure 3. C. FIELD REVIEW For San Bernardino Avenue at Cypress Avenue and Valley Boulevard at Cypress Avenue, field reviews were performed to confirm flow directions. The Project Study Map was revised, as required, to accurately reflect the current operating conditions that were observed. D. PRELIMINARYPROFILING Using the street improvement drawings and the topographic data, preliminary profiles for each sewer reach were prepared. Since neither street improvements nor topographic data was available, preliminary profiling for Calabash Avenue between Jurupa Avenue and Slover Avenue was not prepared. For that reach, field checks were performed to confirm that no major obstructions exist. Sewers, storm drains, and MWD pipeline vertical alignments were added to the preliminary profiles to determine if major facility obstructions to the proposed sewers would occur. Preliminary profiles are attached as Figure 4a through 4f. 6 CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 SO UTH FONTANA SEWERS — PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT E. FLOW PROJECTION CRITERIA Unit flow generation rates for various land uses were obtained from the City's Draft Master Sewer Plan, dated May 1992. Rates used to estimate wastewater flows for the study area are presented in Table II. Sewer capacities were estimated in accordance with the City's Master Sewer Plan using Manning's Equation and using the diameter maximum depth criteria presented in Figure 5. A Manning's Roughness Coefficient of 0.013 was used in the calculations. Peak flow was estimated using the "peaking formula" shown on Figure 5. Minimum sewer slopes for various diameters are also presented on Figure 5. F. WASTEWATER FLOW PROJECTIONS Using the study area map, nonresidential tributary areas and the undeveloped residential tributary areas were estimated. Using aerial photographs, existing residential units were estimated. For undeveloped residential areas, future residential units were estimated based on proposed land uses. Areas and units were multiplied by appropriate unit rates to estimate average wastewater discharge for each sewer reach. Average Flow Calculations are presented in Table III. G. SEWER DIAMETERS Capacities for existing sewers (Cypress Avenue, Poplar Avenue, Beech Avenue and Hemlock Avenue) in the South Fontana area, are presented in Table IV. Estimated flows (after flows are diverted to the future San Bernardino Avenue Interceptor) from Areas 1 and 2 are presented in Table V. A discussion of each existing and all proposed sewers are presented below: 7 CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 SOUTH FONTANA SEWERS — PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT 1. Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VII) and Existing Cypress Avenue Sewer Tributary Area 3, as shown on Figure 3, will contribute wastewater flow to the Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VII). Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VII) should be designed to convey the ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Area 3 to the existing Cypress Avenue Sewer. As presented in Table V, average flows from the area is peaked using the "peaking formula" presented in the City's Draft Master Sewer Plan, dated May, 1992, and as shown on Figure 5. Tributary Areas 1 and 3 will contribute wastewater flow to the existing Cypress Avenue Sewer. As presented in Table V, average flows are combined to estimate the total average flow. Thereafter, average flows are peaked using the peaking formula. Table V demonstrates that more than sufficient capacity is available in the Cypress Avenue Sewer to convey ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Areas 1 and 3 to downstream facilities. Preliminary profiling of Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VII) did not reveal any utility obstructions that would prevent the proposed sewer from connecting to the existing Cypress Avenue Sewer. However, the preliminary profiling revealed that portions of the sewer would have reduced cover (6'+). As demonstrated by Table VII, services for south properties would be limited to 250 feet south. 2. Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VI) and Citrus Avenue Sewer (Reach IX) Tributary Area 4 will contribute wastewater flow to the Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VI). As presented in Table V, the average flow is peaked. The Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach VI) should be designed to convey the ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Area 4 to Citrus Avenue Sewer. CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 SOUTH FONTANA SEWERS — PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT Tributary Areas 4 and9 will contribute wastewater flow to the proposed Citrus Avenue Sewer. As presented on Table V, these flows are combined to estimate the total average flow. Thereafter, average flows are peaked using the peaking formula. Citrus Avenue Sewer should be designed to convey the ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Areas 4 and,; 9 to downstream facilities. Preliminary profiling of Slover Avenue (Reach V) and Citrus Avenue did not reveal any subsurface obstructions that would prevent the proposed sewers from connecting to the existing Jurupa Avenue Sewer. 3. Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach V) and Existing Poplar Avenue Sewer Tributary Area 5 will contribute wastewater flow to the Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach V). As presented on Table V, the average flow is peaked. The Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach V) should be designed to convey the ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Area 5. Tributary Areas 2 and 5 will contribute wastewater flow to the existing Poplar Avenue Sewer. As presented on Table V, average flows from each area are combined to estimate the total average flow. Thereafter, average flows are peaked using the peaking flow formula. Table V also demonstrates that sufficient capacity is available in the Poplar Avenue Sewer to convey ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Areas 2 and 5 to downstream facilities. Preliminary profiling of the Slover Avenue Sewers (Reaches IV and V) revealed the depth of the existing Poplar Avenue Sewer at Slover Avenue is relatively shallow (approximately seven [7] 9 CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 .''nrlTff FONTANA SEWERS—PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT feet from the top of street to the invert) and revealed that MWD's 12' diameter feeder pipeline which crosses Slover Avenue, approximately 500 feet west of Poplar Avenue, has a depth of cover of approximately six (6) feet. Since the MWD facility will prevent crossing at appropriate depth, the wastewater flow from Tributary Area 5 must be diverted to the existing Poplar Avenue Sewer. As demonstrated by Table VII, service for south properties would be limited to 220 feet. 4. Existing Beech and Hemlock Avenues Sewers and Slover Avenue Sewer (Reaches II, III and IV) Portions of Tributary Area 6 may contribute wastewater flow to the existing Beech Avenue Sewer. However, based on the preliminary profiling of the Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach IV), a storm drain obstruction will not permit the proposed sewer to connect to the existing Beech Avenue Sewer. Therefore, Tributary Area 6 will continue toward Hemlock Avenue. As presented on Table V, average flow is peaked using the peaking formula. Table V also demonstrates that the Hemlock Avenue Sewer does not have sufficient capacity to convey the ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Area 6 to downstream facilities. Therefore, Area 6 flow will be directed westerly along Slover Avenue through Tributary Areas 7 and 8 to the proposed Cherry Avenue Sewer. Tributary Areas 6, 7, 8 and 13 will contribute wastewater flow to the Slover Avenue Sewer (Reaches II, III and IV). As presented in Table V, the average flows are peaked. The Slover Avenue Sewers (Reaches II, III and IV) should be designed to convey ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Area 6, Tributary Area 7, Tributary Area 8 and Tributary Area 13. 10 CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 .SO i1TH FONTANA SEWERS — PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT Preliminary profiling of Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach II and III) did not reveal any obstructions that would prevent the proposed sewers from connecting to the Cherry Avenue Sewer. 5. Proposed Cherry Avenue Sewer (Reach VIII) Tributary Areas 6, 7, 8, .1.0" and 13 will contribute wastewater flow to the proposed Cherry Avenue Sewer. As presented on Table V, these flows are combined to estimate the total average flow. Thereafter, average flows are peaked. Cherry Avenue Sewer should be designed to convey the ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Areas 6, 7, 8, J,0 "and 13. Preliminary profiling did not reveal any sub -surface obstructions that would prevent the proposed sewer from connecting to the existing IEUA interceptor in Jurupa Avenue. 6. Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach I) Tributary Area 9 will contribute wastewater flow to Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach I). As presented on Table V, the average flow is peaked. The Slover Avenue Sewer (Reach I) should be designed to convey the ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Area 4. Preliminary profiling did not reveal any obstructions that would prevent the proposed sewer from connecting to the Calabash Avenue Sewer. 7. Proposed Calabash Avenue Sewer (Reach X) Tributary Areas 8 and 12 and a portion of the Valley Boulevard Trunk Sewer Flow (1.56 mgd) will contribute wastewater flow to the proposed Calabash Avenue Sewer. The remaining portion (2.92 mgd) will be diverted westerly along Slover Avenue to Mulberry Avenue. Flows from the Valley Boulevard Trunk Sewer are based on data obtained from Camp, Dresser, & McKee attached as Figure 7. 11 CITY OF FONTANA May, 2000 SOUTH FONTANA SEWERS —PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT As presented on Table V, these flows are combined to estimate the total average flow. Thereafter, average flows are peaked. Calabash Avenue Sewer should be designed to convey the ultimate peak wastewater discharge from Tributary Areas 8 and II and a portion of Valley Boulevard Trunk Sewer flow to downstream. Field review of Calabash Avenue did not reveal any obstructions that would prevent the proposed sewer from connecting to the IEUA interceptor in Jurupa Avenue. IV. CONCLUSIONS Calculations to determine required sewer diameters (with corresponding minimum slopes) are presented in Table VI. Table I summarizes the findings of the Preliminary Sewer Study and includes ultimate peak wastewater discharge, minimum sewer diameter with corresponding minimum sewer slopes and flow velocities for each reach of sewer. Sewer Services for the South Fontana area will be provided with construction of the Sewer System presented in Table I. 12 'I See Figure la 2) See Figure 3 3� From Table V 41 From Table VI Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xis Proposed Sewer Capacities Page 13 5/10/00 Table I City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Summary of Findings Peak 3) Tributary 2) Wastewater Sewer 4) 4) 4 I Reach 1) Reach Descriptions Areas Discharge Diameter Minimum Slope Velocity (MGD) (inches)__ (ft / ft) (ft / sec) I Slover Ave. from 9 0.461 10 0.0043 2.63 2.12 Calabash Ave. to Cherry Ave. 12 0.0024 2.00 15 0.0021 II Slover Ave. from 6, 7, 8, & 13 2.168 18 0.0014 2.50 2.33 Cherry Ave. to Redwood Ave. 21 24 0.0011 0.0010 2.26 III Slover Ave. from 6&7 0.966 12 0.0071 3.82 2.24 Redwood Ave. to Hemlock Ave. 15 0.0017 2.08 18 0.0014 IV Slover Ave. from 6 0.672 10 0.0090 3.81 2.68 Hemlock Ave. to Poplar Ave. 12 0.0035 15 0.0017 2.05 V Slover Ave. from 5 0.396 10 0.0032 2.27 2.03 Poplar Ave. to Citrus Ave. 12 0.0024 2.04 15 0.0025 VI Slover Ave. from 4 0.429 10 0.0037 2.44 2.08 Citrus Ave. to Cypress Ave. 12 0.0024 2.08 15 0.0025 VII Slover Ave. from 3 0.664 10 0.0088 3.77 2.65 Cypress Ave. to Sierra Ave. 12 0.0034 2.05 15 0.0017 VIII Cherry Ave. from 6, 7, 8, 11, & 13 2.883 21 0.0011 2.45 Slover Ave. to Jurupa Ave. 24 0.0010 2.41 27 0.0010 2.42 IX Citrus Ave. from 4&10 0.924 12 0.0065 3.66 2.22 Slover Ave. to Jurupa Ave. 15 18 0.0017 0.0014 2.05 X Calabash Ave. from 9 & 12 0.948 12 0.0068 3.74 2.22 Slover Ave. to Jurupa Ave. 15 0.0017 0.0036 3.89 18 'I See Figure la 2) See Figure 3 3� From Table V 41 From Table VI Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xis Proposed Sewer Capacities Page 13 5/10/00 Table li City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Unit Flow Generation Rates Future Development Existing Development Land Use (Gal/Day) (Gal/Day) Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Qcre Dwelling Unit 1 RE Residential Estates 279 279 2 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 3 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 4 RPC Planned Community Residential 279 279 5 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 6 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 7 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 8 R30 Route 30 Corridor 9 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 10 CR Regional Commercial 1500 1500 11 CG General Commercial 1500 1500 12 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 13 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 14 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 15 ISP Industrial Specific Plan 1250 3000 16 PI Public Institutional 4500 4500 17 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 18 PR Park/Rec. Facility 200 200 19 PS Schools 2400 2400 20 OSR Open Space, Resource 21 OSN Open Space, Natural 22 PUC Public Utility Corridor 23 EDUS Point Loadings in EDU's 279 279 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Unit Flow Rates 14 5/10/00Page Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 1 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 1 Flow 5/10/00Page 15 Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent Land Use (GAL/DAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 1130 161 0.360 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 31 196 0.009 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - 4 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - 31 0.009 5 CG General Commercial 1500 1500 123.74 - 0.186 6 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 3.27 - 0.005 7 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 59.63 - 0.089 8 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 12.77 - 0.003 9 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 42.53 - 0.191 10 PS Schools 2400 2400 5.22 - 0.013 11 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - ' 12 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 109.16 - 0.136 TOTAL: 356.32 0.00 TOTAL: 1.000 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 1 Flow 5/10/00Page 15 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 2 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xis Area 2 Flow' 5/10/00Page 16 Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent Land Use (GAL/DAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No. Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 720 245 0.269 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - 4 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - 5 CG General Commercial 1500 1500 - 66.2 0.099 6 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - 7 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 16.53 - 0.025 8 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 13.81 - 0.003 9 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - 10 PS Schools 2400 2400 13.81 - 0.033 11 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - - 12 IP Planned Industrial 1250 3000 43.58 53.64 0.215 TOTAL: 87.73 119.84 TOTAL: 0.645 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xis Area 2 Flow' 5/10/00Page 16 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 3 Area Average Flow Calculations TOTAL: 123.45 23.44 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 3 Flow 5/10/00 TOTAL: 0.233 Page 17 Land Use Existing Development Future Development Equivalent Ar�reage (GAL/DAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - " 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - " " 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - " 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 - " 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 7.4 - 0.011 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - 10 CR Regional Commercial 1500 1500 27.55 - 0.041 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - - 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 88.5 23.44 0.181 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 - - TOTAL: 123.45 23.44 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 3 Flow 5/10/00 TOTAL: 0.233 Page 17 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 4 Area Average Flow Calculations TOTAL: 109.96 0.00 TOTAL: 0.144 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 4 Flow 5/10/00 Page 18 Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent Land Use (GAL/DAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent' Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit' Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - - 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 7 - 0.002 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - - 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 - - - 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 19.34 - 0.029 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - - 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - - 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 90.62 - 0.113 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 - - - TOTAL: 109.96 0.00 TOTAL: 0.144 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 4 Flow 5/10/00 Page 18 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 5 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xis Area 5 Flow 5/10/00Page 19 Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent Land Use (GAL/DAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - " 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - - 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 - - - 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 4.85 - 0.007 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 74.63 - 0.093 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 24.99 - 0.031 TOTAL: 104.47 0.00 TOTAL: 0.132 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xis Area 5 Flow 5/10/00Page 19 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 6 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 6 Flow 5/10/00Page 20 Land Use Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent (GAL/DAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - - 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 - - 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 - - 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 45.40 21.35 0.121 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 49.59 17.76 0.115 TOTAL: 94.99 39.11 TOTAL: 0.236 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 6 Flow 5/10/00Page 20 Table Ill City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 7 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xIs Area 7 Flow 5/10/00Page 21 Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent Land Use (GAUDAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - - 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - ' 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 - ' 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - ' 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - 10 PI Public Institution, 4500 4500 - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - " 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 33.15 8.46 0.067 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 39.15 - 0.049 TOTAL: 72.30 8.46 TOTAL: 0.116 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xIs Area 7 Flow 5/10/00Page 21 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 8 Area Average Flow Calculations TOTAL: 34.45 0.00 TOTAL: 0.043 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 8 Flow' 5/10/00Page 22 Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent Land Use (GAUDAY) (GAUDAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - ' 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - " 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - - 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 - - - 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - ' 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 - - ' 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - - 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - " 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 26.08 - 0.033 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 8.37 - 0.010 TOTAL: 34.45 0.00 TOTAL: 0.043 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 8 Flow' 5/10/00Page 22 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 9 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.As Area 9 Flow 5/10/00 Page 23 Use Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent Land (GAL/DAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - - 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - - 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 15 170 0.052 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - - 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 2.58 - 0.004 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 - - - 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 71.98 8.26 0.115 TOTAL: 74.56 8.26 TOTAL: 0.170 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.As Area 9 Flow 5/10/00 Page 23 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 10 Area Average Flow Calculations TOTAL: 0.00 13.43 TOTAL: 0.191 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xis Area 10 Flow 5/10/00 Page 24 Land Use Existing Development Future Development Equivalent Acreage (GALIDAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - - 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 41 570 0.170 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - ' 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 - 13.43 0.020 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - - 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - - 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 - - - 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 - - ' TOTAL: 0.00 13.43 TOTAL: 0.191 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xis Area 10 Flow 5/10/00 Page 24 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 11 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 11 Flow` 5/10/00 Page 25 Use Existing Development Future Development AcreageEquivalent Land (GAUDAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - - 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - - 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 - - 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - - 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - - 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 31.55 56.00 0.207 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 14.92 29.50 0.107 TOTAL: 46.47 85.50 TOTAL: 0.315 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 11 Flow` 5/10/00 Page 25 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 12 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 12 Flow 5/10/00 Page 26 Land Use Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent (GAL/DAY) (GAL/DAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate No Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - - 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - - - 5 RM Medium Density Residential 279 279 - - - 6 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 48 45 0.026 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 9 PR Park/ Rec. Facility 200 200 - - - 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - - 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - - 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - - 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 43.39 31.34 0.148 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 - - - TOTAL: 43.39 31.34 TOTAL: 0.174 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 12 Flow 5/10/00 Page 26 Table III City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Area 13 Area Average Flow Calculations Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 13 Flow, 5/10/00 Page 27 Existing Development Future Development Acreage Equivalent Land Use (GALIDAY) (GALIDAY) Dwelling Units Per Net Per Equivalent Per Net Per Equivalent Flow Rate Na Type Description Acre Dwelling Unit Acre Dwelling Unit Existing Future Existing Future (MGD) 1 RSF Single Family Residential 279 279 - - - 2 RMH Medium -High Density Residential 279 279 - - - 3 RML Medium -Low Density Residential 279 279 - - ' 4 RL Low Density Residential 279 279 - - 5 RIE Industrial Estates 279 279 - - - 6 CG General Commercial 1500 1500 - 2.5 0.004 7 CO Office Commercial 1500 1500 - - - 8 CC Community Commercial 1500 1500 - - ' 9 PR Park / Rec. Facility 200 200 - - ' 10 PI Public Institution 4500 4500 - - ' 11 PS Schools 2400 2400 - - ' 12 PPF Public Facility 1500 1500 - - ' 13 IP Industrial Park 1250 3000 - 152.1 0.456 14 IG General Industrial 1250 3000 - - - TOTAL: 0.00 154.60 TOTAL: 0.460 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Area 13 Flow, 5/10/00 Page 27 Table IV City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Existing Sewer Capacities Pipe Min. System Maximum Water Wetted Hydraulic Sewer Diameter Slope Manning's Depth Ratio Depth Theta"' Area 2,) Perimeter;') Radius"') Velocity5') Sewer Capacity6•? D S n d/D d Sr 9 A P R V Q (in) MIN (in) (radians) (degrees) (fe) (ft) (ft) (fps) (cfs) (MGD) Cypress Ave. 27 0.0090 0.013 0.75 20.25 4.19 240.00 3.20 4.71 0.68 8.38 26.792 17.315 Poplar Ave. 21 0.0033 0.013 0.75 15.75 4.19 240.00 1.94 3.67 0.53 4.29 8.300 5.364 Beech Ave. 8 0.0104 0.013 0.50 4.00 3.14 180.00 0.17 1.05 0.17 1.78 0.616 0.398 Hemlock Ave. 8 0.0040 0.013 0.50 4.00 3.14 180.00 0.17 1.05 0.17 3.53 0.311 0.201 Notes: 1.) q=2*COS-'(1-2*(d/D)) 2.) A=D Z*(9T SIN(9))/8 3.) P=9*(D/12)/2 4.) R=AIP 5.) V=(1.486/n)*R2/3Sv2 6.) Q=VA Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.xls Existing Sewer Capacities 5/10/00Page 28 Table V City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Sewer Peak Flows Notes: 1.) Insufficient Capacity, Will Not Be Used. 2.) Minimum Size & Slope of Downstream System Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations. As Combined Flow 5/10/00Page 29 Existing 21 Contributing Average Total Average Total Peak Downstream Sewer Areas Flow Flow Flow Capacity (MGD) (MGD) (MGD) (MGD) Slover Avenue ( Reach VII) 3 0.233 0.233 0.664 N/A Cypress Avenue (Existing) 1 1.000 3 0.233 1.234 3.027 17.315 Slover Avenue ( Reach VI) 4 0.144 0.144 0.429 N/A Citrus Avenue ( Reach IX) 4 0.144 10 0.191 0.335 0.924 NIA Slover Avenue ( Reach V) 5 0.132 0.132 0.396 N/A Poplar Avenue (Existing) 2 0.645 5 0.132 0.776 1.986 5.364 Slover Avenue ( Reach IV) 6 0.236 0.236 0.672 N/A Hemlock Avenue (Existing)" 6 0.236 0.236 0.672 0.201 Slover Avenue ( Reach III) 6 0.236 7 0.116 0.352 0.966 N/A Slover Avenue ( Reach II } 6 0.236 7 0.116 8 0.043 13 0.460 0.855 2.168 N/A Cherry Avenue (Reach VIII) 6 0.236 7 0.116 8 0.043 11 0.315 13 0.460 1.170 2.883 N/A Slover Avenue ( Reach 1) 9 0.170 0.156 0.461 NIA Calabash Avenue (Reach IX) 9 0.170 12 0.174 0.344 0.948 N/A Notes: 1.) Insufficient Capacity, Will Not Be Used. 2.) Minimum Size & Slope of Downstream System Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations. As Combined Flow 5/10/00Page 29 Table VI City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Future Sewer Capacities Notes: 1.) &=2-COS-'(1-2'(d1D)) 2.) A=D2*(&, SIN(&))/8 3.) P=5*(D/12)/2 4.) R=A/P 5.) V=(1.4861u)*R"'S'rz 6.) Q=VA Preliminary Hyd(aulic CalculationsAs Table VI Page 30 5/10/00 Peak Wastewater Pipe Min. Pipe Assumed Water Wetted Hydraulic Reach Tributary Areas Discharge Diameter Slope Manning's Depth Ratio Depth Theta" Area") Perimeter" Radius°'I Velocitys'1 Sewer Capacity" D S n dID d 9r a A P R V Q (MGD) (in) (fllft) (in) (radians) (degrees) (ft') (ft) (ft) (fps) (Cfs) (MGD) 1 9 0.461 10 0.0043 0.013 0.50 5.00 3.14 180.00 0.27 1.31 0.21 2.63 0.718 0.464 12 0.0024 0.013 0.45 5.40 2.94 168.52 0.34 1.47 0.23 2.12 0.727 0.470 15 0.0021 0.013 0.34 5.10 2.49 142.67 0.37 1.56 0.24 2.00 0.737 0.476 II 6, 7, 8, & 13 2.168 18 0.0014 0.013 0.72 12.96 4.05 232.21 1.36 3.04 1 0.45 2.50 3.411 2205 21 0.0011 0.013 0.59 12.39 3.50 200.74 1.48 3.07 0.48 2.33 3.440 2.223 24 0.0010 0.013 0.49 11.76 3.10 177.71 1.53 3.10 0.49 2.26 3.456 2.233 III 6&7 0.966 12 0.0071 0.013 0.50 6.00 3.14 180.00 0.39 1.57 0.25 3.82 1.501 0.970 15 0.0017 0.013 0.54 8.10 3.30 189.18 0.68 2.06 0.33 2.24 1.514 0.979 18 0.0014 0.013 0.43 7.74 2.86 163.90 0.73 2.15 0.34 2.08 1.510 0.976 IV 6 0.672 10 0.0090 0.013 0.50 5.00 3.14 180.00 0.27 1.31 0.21 3.81 1.039 0.672 12 0.0035 0.013 0.50 6.00 3.14 180.00 0.39 1.57 0.25 2.68 1.054 0.681 15 0.0017 0.013 0.44 6.60 2.90 166.22 0.52 1.81 0.29 2.05 1.066 0.689 V 5 0.396 10 0.0032 0.013 0.50 5.00 3.14 160.00 0.27 1.31 0.21 2.27 0.620 0.400 12 0.0024 0.013 0.41 4.92 2.78 159.26 0.30 1.39 0.22 2.03 0.615 0.398 15 0.0025 0.013 0.30 4.50 2.32 132.84 0.31 1.45 0.21 2.04 0.633 0.409 VI 4 0.429 10 0.0037 0.013 0.50 5.00 3.14 180.00 0.27 1.31 0.21 2.44 0.666 0.431 12 0.0024 0.013 0.43 5.16 2.86 163.90 0.32 1.43 0.23 2.08 0.671 0.433 15 0.0025 0.013 0.31 4.65 2.36 135.33 0.32 1.48 0.22 2.08 0.674 0.435 VII 3 0.664 10 0,0088 0.013 0.50 5.00 3.14 180.00 0.27 1.31 0.21 3.77 1.028 0.664 12 0.0034 0.013 0.50 6.00 3.14 180.00 0.39 1.57 0.25 2.65 1.039 0.671 15 0.0017 0.013 0.44 6.60 290 166.22 0.52 1.81 0.29 2.05 1.066 0.689 VIII 6, 7, 8, 11, & 13 2.883 21 0.0011 0.013 0.71 14.91 4.01 229.67 1.63 3.51 0.52 2.45 4.481 2.896 24 0.0010 0.013 0.58 13.92 3.46 198.41 1.89 3.46 0.55 2.41 4.560 2.947 27 0.0010 0.013 0.48 12.96 3.06 175.42 1.89 3.44 0.55 2.42 4.566 2.951 IX 4 & 10 0.924 12 0.0065 0.013 0.50 6.00 3.14 180.00 0.39 1.57 0.25 3.66 1.436 0.928 15 0.0017 0.013 0.53 7.95 3.26 186.88 0.66 2.04 0.32 2.22 1.468 0.949 18 0.0014 0.013 0.42 7.56 2.82 161.59 0.70 2.12 0.33 2.05 1.447 0.935 X 9 & 12 0.948 12 0.0068 0.013 0.50 6.00 3.14 180.00 0.39 1.57 0.25 3.74 1.469 0.949 15 0.0017 0.013 0.53 7.95 3.26 186.88 0.66 2.04 0.32 2.22 1.468 0.949 18 0.0036 0.013 0.63 11.34 3.67 210.14 1.17 2.75 0.43 3.89 4.556 2.945 Notes: 1.) &=2-COS-'(1-2'(d1D)) 2.) A=D2*(&, SIN(&))/8 3.) P=5*(D/12)/2 4.) R=A/P 5.) V=(1.4861u)*R"'S'rz 6.) Q=VA Preliminary Hyd(aulic CalculationsAs Table VI Page 30 5/10/00 Sewer Slover Avenue ( Reach V ) Slover Avenue ( Reach VII ) Station at Least Ground Depth Cover (ft) 101.5 6.5 167 7.16 Table VII City of Fontana South Fontana Sewers Preliminary Engineering Maximum Lateral Length General Groundsurface Slope Minimum Cover at Minimum Lateral Lateral Sewer Invert to Connection Slope Lateral Invert (ft) (ft) 2 1% 1 2 1% 1 Maximum Lateral Length (ft) 225 258 Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations.Xls Sewer Depth Page 31 5/10/00 NEW 18" VCP PVC LINER SEE. SPEC 06640 6" DIAMETER MANHOLE INV EL -981.22` NEw 18" VCP GMAX=4 52 cfs ` SEE MOTE 1 OPEAK-6.94 AP's R" lL'881a32" -a WEIR tw�982.17` ` 35" DIAMETER MK,11'!•!012 FRAME AND COVER SEE DTL . MANHOLE RUNGS SHELF EL=982.82 TEMPORARY / CHANNEL PLUG NO 2 SEE DTL G ., NEW 1.2„ 45" vCP STUB OUT �• • FLOW W/ PLUG 'rp * OPEAKrl.36 0'f5 INV FL=984.32" SHELF ,� y EL -982.82 p Q �y ... wk L. nr •� hY.fl.. .Gt,l y WEIR EL=982.07" FOOTING TLMpvRAHY p CHANNEL PLUG NO 1 SEE DTL G --' TEMPORARY CNANw;:l PLUG NO 3 INV EL=981,22' SEC [}TL G PEA OPEAK-4.0O cfs NEW 15" VCP STUB OUT W/ PLUG MANHOLE NO. 6 CALABASH-sL oVER DIVERSION DETAIL:'_ �