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Tuffli Company Inc
HYDROLOGY STUDY for TUFFLI COMPANY, INC. CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA Prepared by: KCT CONSULTANTS, INC. Prepared under the direction of pm=� r ncisco Calderon, RCE 58840 Exp. Date: 6-30-09 Prepared: November I I, 2008 C58gL* r • HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY STUDY r • SEDIMENTATION BASIN CALCULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 r • GENERAL DISCUSSION 1 • HYDROLOGY METHODOLOGY 1 1 • EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 • PROPOSED CONDITIONS • HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS • HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS • SEDIMENTATION BASIN CALCULATIONS • REFERENCE CALCULATIONS/HYDROLOGY MAPS r 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 Page 2 of 6 I� HYDROLOGY STUDY GENERAL DISCUSSION Our site is located at the Northwest Corner of Philadelphia Avenue and The San Sevaine Channel in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino. Our study area consists of San Sevaine channel on the East side, an existing railroad on the North side, and Philadelphia Ave. on the South side. Currently there is a culvert going under a railroad track along the north boundary of our property. This culvert carries the water generated from the north property into our property. From here the water currently flows through our property and into the San Sevaine channel through a 36" CMP. HYDROLOGIC METHODOLOGY For this study we used the Rational Method using the Advance Engineering Software from the San Bernardino County to develop the Qlo and Ql()O. Runoff coefficients are determined using Soil Type B as shown in the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual area on the Group Soil Map. The rainfall intensity is based on the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual intensity - duration curves data, provided by the software AES. We are using Civil Design software to calculate our hydraulics. EXISTING CONDITIONS There is an existing 30" pipe that carries water from Pacific Ave which enters through the north property and outlets into the San Sevaine channel just north of the railroad track. There are no inlets on this north property. The 36" pipe under the railroad can carry as much as 85.6 CFS when the water level reaches near the top of the railroad. This water currently flows through our site which then flows south into. an existing 36" CMP. From here this offsite flow enters into the ' San Savaine channel. The flows from the two subareas on the west side will be picked up by the existing stormdrain which will also discharge in the San Savaine channel. 1 1 0 Page 3 of 6 HYDROLOGY STUDY PROPOSED CONDITION ' Our proposed site will be rough graded by filling it with imported dirt. For our study, we calculated what the rough graded flows would be and also the ultimate developed conditions. For the 100 YR rough grade conditions the flow will be an additional 7.58 CFS. For the 100 YR ' developed conditions, the flow will be an additional 13.90 CFS. Referencing back to an older calculation (included), the existing 42" pipe will be able take the additional flows. ' In the rough grade stage, a sedimentation basin has to be constructed. Per our calculations a I IO'x70'x3' deep basin was recommended. The basin was designed with 4:1 side slopes to 11 it 1 prevent any problems. At the northeast corner of the basin is lined with grouted rip rap to control the concentrated flows. When the water enters, it will reach a height of 18" inches before discharging into the risers: This will help control sediment, so the water will have a chance to percolate and evaporate. The offsite flows of 85.6 CFS will be channeled through a proposed 36" pipe. This pipe will channel the offsite water directly into the San Savaine channel. Page 4 of 6 u I� 11 L7J SUPPORT MATERIAL Page 5 of 6 HYDROLOGY STUDY BERNARDINO COUN" ;SIDE COUNTY PROJECT AREA COUNTRY VILLAGE RD N. T. S. VICINITY MAP N.T.S. THE THOMAS GUIDE 2005 EDITION, SAN BERNARDINO PAGE 643, J-33 & J-4, SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST � � ..--. - . - . ... ... , . - - . .,.;. - . __�W__ . - --.-- __ _. _. - - - '��'::-, r-, �l V1. 171 ...... _Tz - ; , =_�� - ..---.,:=.",--.�-.1--,'�------- - ----- � &., VM.; I. -i., 'R� �! Is _. _ I \., Z,l� . %:. , .- ..n . . _ , - . .. 7!.r.. Nj t. r.-� I q '-7:7 [;�-tr=T I &&.:,z r� . I- - " I * -.---j;-,:-�7.': . # .. . , , I ".. � - - -z! - ,..i .__ 7_7N) -t-, - ._-�� - . , �.'.. ," - J'�i ',----I . _V�Z_ .. 7 - , , ", -,: - I; ,� . - : , - - - _. , - � - !P, .N1 �'%,V.! *.; ... . . , 1. . I , .. 1: -) ... ��, 4 �'--�%. � �-_ , j _ � .,--".; ,� . . - � . , - .7,14 x ... - -, � *. ,V. , It U *:, - .. , ", , '.�X I ,-I-,-,- . - � - : V, ...: I _.-- - _� - -- -1 - _,;t::�� 1= \,&-, --- ---..,--;_-.Z. - .- 7-4., Z. _x .. .Ilr4 -,,,-----.A-I--,..:-��-:--------��-. 7-------"j-r-_-:,%-_ - . .... 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R3 • R2W`'RI SAN BERNARDINO. .COUNTY - ! j 1 — "` - - - -' R5Vil: FLOOD CONTROL 'DISTRI T \T S y '7aT•h - REDUCED DRAWING'.VALLEY AREA •.< 1' I ]raj• i - 4 ' M I i_.ES ISOHYETALS SCALE I" Y IO.YEAR 1 HOUR _SAN. BERNARDINO COUNTY �.3 o, - - -- - -- - - . Ip tiA ']] • 4lSFD ON USD.C, N,20.Il ATLAS 2,1975 R7w ' R -JR 8w •6 HYDROLOGY MANUAL LEG EN Il.tt _ A►PKNED BY ' ......................... �8 ISO "RECIPITAT10N (IyCHFct ..... �....� ,.T I R8 1 R7W R6W I VISIT NIT 20-1 ' t ti I+aur .a.sa eau , �yEy� 1_ r 1 \c I t• l : r 4 LET N[yR2W !.r. -- -- _ -- -- -- - - - L:r=, RIW RIE `�•. r I R2E r.l —• ,- T _ ! f — 1 - - — — — I Is• �— 14N LSi i — !-- — ; - - _' -- ; = ':�� �-x — -L RE01fi T ` \ s ro : , I / f. •' v "� r f '( f i' _ ( `'a• ( ! =-, I �I - i ' t.9 ( I I e. 1 ' AE I - I - !- - IT _ •� � I— •r- -; - I - --r• ,! - I { �- - - - t fi-- �- I L r - '-i =s Ir . -' - y y � T'• I t I I � a � --•.f=, -- - - `` -�. � I -- -- � �. ! � .ot"_ - a<n r.0 _ e ` _ (-�- 1_f•.� •: •1.6 i j. � I �i i��.Jc�.{'. � .i l . ! • - - I - ..._ _ �l�t.:o ` L r -is-.••- - � of . / r �� '_.�• a- -- i _� - _ � �3•' % _ --F- - -{- I I - I '° i a •1' Irl I. �rs R�ra - - •- '� ,1.9` �' S •� •I ,�i .4 — I .o—• — � _ �` z' '`� �_ s z• ..Kt= ,_ w-- ;1 - + -r —t - ) - � 2.a zl I I — � N -IT -- - .<�•`{ Ls SISI � -1 _ 1 •-- - I( ' , ` /' " �' � _ - ! - - Z - - . -rt - --• - � - I � i _ ) •i J ) arr Sar r:•r.:0' 'l I `. 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ANUA L rq •••... • •. • ( I,8 ISOLINES, ?RECIPITATION `(INCHES)DATE aur_[ Tai ria' bav¢ nn 1982 ..B-12 r7im1RF R -L LI C �l I n t HYDROLOGY STUDY HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS Page 6 of 6 1 San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2005 Version 7.1 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 11/10/08 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- Program License Serial Number 6187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Rational hydrology study storm event year is 10.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 10.00 1 hour rainfall = 0.900 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 +++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 Pervious ratio,(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.548(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 570.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 854.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 845.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 9.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.01579 s(%-)= 1.58 TC = k(0.706)*[(length"3)/(elevation change)]A0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 20.487 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.715(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.612 1 Subarea runoff = 3.991(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.548(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area = 3.80 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area 1 effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Area averaged SCS curve number = 69.0 77 1 Lj �11 1 100 Ytz- ga)(ntt 6AAM San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2005 Version 7.1 ------Rational -Hydrology -Study --------Date: _-11/10/08 Program License Serial Number 6187 ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 21 = 69.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 86.20 Pervious ratio(AP) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.262(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 570.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 854.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area).elevation = 845.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 9.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.01579 s M = 1.58 TC = k(0.706)*[(length"3)/(elevation change)1A0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 20.487 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.477(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.805 Subarea runoff = 7.577(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.262(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area = 3.80 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 1.000 1 Area averaged SCS curve number = 69.0 n I oo IVAIZ DL ` "- ULT E1' AM CCAAM ill 1 San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2005 Version 7.1 - ----Rational -Hydrology -Study --------Date_-11/10/08 ------------------------------- Program License Serial Number 6187 ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** --------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 3 ++++++......++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 75.80 Pervious ratio(AP) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.044(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 570.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 854.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 845.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 9.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.01579 s(%)= 1.58 TC = k(0.304)*[(length'�3)/(elevation change) .2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.822 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.107(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.890 Subarea runoff = 13.895(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 1 Initial area Fm value = 0.044(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area = 3.80 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.100 Area averaged SCS curve number = 56.0 1 L� t r� HYDROLOGY STUDY HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Page 6 of 6 Culvert Calculator CLIENT: Tuffli Company Inc. DSN BY: Francisco Calderon COMMENTS: water elevation invert inlet pipe pipe diameter type of pipe - # length of pipe invert outlet elevation Is there tailwater? (yes=1, no=2) COUNTY: City of Fontana CHK BY: ver. 6.99 DATE: 11/10/2008 DATE: CAPACITY = 85.6 CFS INLET CONTROLS Headwall ... rounded edge Ke = 0.15 PIPE TYPE TABLE 1= PVC 4= N12 2= PE 5= HCMP 3= CMP 6= CONC t C P�, t t L� 1 SEDIMENTATION BASIN CALCULATIONS Page 6 of 6 HYDROLOGY STUDY r� u t n 1 1 u Sediment/Desilting Basin l�) ftwawsymw BMP Objectives o Soil Stabilization • Sediment Control o Tracking Control o Wind Erosion Control o Non -Storm Water Management o Materials and Waste Management Definition and A sediment/desilting basin is a temporary basin formed by excavating and/or Purpose constructing an embankment so that sediment -laden runoff is temporarily detained under quiescent conditions, allowing sediment to settle out before the runoff is discharged (refer to Figures 1 and 2). Appropriate Sediment basins shall be designed in accordance with Section A of the State of Applications California NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities (General Permit). If there is insufficient area to construct a sediment basin in accordance with the General Permit requirements, then the alternate desilting design standards specified herein may be used. This BMP may be implemented on a project -by -project basis with other BMPs when determined necessary and feasible by the RE. Sediment/Desilting Basins shall be considered for use: ■ On construction projects with disturbed areas during the rainy season. ■ Where sediment -laden water may enter the drainage system or watercourses. ■ At outlets of disturbed soil areas with areas between 2 ha and 4 ha (5 ac and 10 ac). Limitations ■ Alternative BMPs must be thoroughly investigated for erosion control before selecting temporary desilting basins. ■ Requires large surface areas to permit settling of sediment. ■ Not appropriate for drainage areas greater than 30 ha (75 ac). ■ Not to be located in live streams Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual SedimenUDesiiting Basin SC -2 aAwsr March 1, 2003 1 of 10 Sediment/Desilting Basin ECM ■ For safety reasons, basins shall have protective fencing. 1 ■ Size may be limited by availability of right-of-way. Standards and ■ Limit the contributing area to the sediment/desilting basin to only the runoff Specifications from the disturbed soil areas. Use temporary concentrated flow conveyance controls to divert runoff from undisturbed areas away from the sediment/desilting basin. Sediment Basin m Sediment basins shall, at a minimum, be designed as follows: Option 1: Pursuant to local ordinance for sediment basin design and maintenance, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. OR 5&&l A SCZ 1 1'� "7 — Option 2: Sediment basin(s), as measured from the bottom of the basin A to the principal outlet, shall have at least a capacity equivalent to 102 cubic meters (3,600 cubic feet) of storage per OA hectare (I acre) 1 draining into the sediment basin. The length of the basin shall be more than twice the width of the basin. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; and the depth must not be less than 0.9 in (3 ft) nor greater than 1.5 in (5 ft) for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency. OR — Option 3: Sediment basin(s) shall be designed using the standard equation: tAs=1.2QIVs (Eq. 1) Where: As = Minimum surface area for trapping soil particles of a certain size ' Vs = Settling velocity of the design particle size chosen Q=CIA Where: Q = Discharge rate measured in cubic feet per second C = Runoff coefficient 1= Precipitation intensity for the 10 -year, 6 -hour rain event A = Area draining into the sediment basin in acres Caltrans Storm water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desilting Basin SC -2 March 1, 2003 2 of 10 Sediment/Desilting Basin C_ 1 The design1 particle size shall be the smallest soil gram size determined by wet sieve analysis, or the fine silt sized (0.01 mm) particle, and the Vs used shall be 100 percent of the calculated settling velocity. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; the length shall be more than twice the dimension as the width; the depth shall not be less than 0.9 in (3 ft) nor greater than 1.5 in (5 ft) for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency [0.6 in (2 ft) of sediment storage, 0.6 in (2 ft) of capacity). The basin(s) shall be located on the site where it can be maintained on a year-round basis and shall be maintained on a schedule to retain the 0.6 in (2 ft) of capacity. OR Option 4: The use of an equivalent surface area design or equation, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. Desilting Basin ■ Desilting basins shall be designed to have a capacity equivalent to 100 cubic meters of storage (as measured from the top of the basin to the principal 1 outlet) per hectare of contributory area. This design is less than the required to capture the 0.01 mm particle size but larger than that required to capture particles 0.02 mm or larger. ■ The length of the basin shall be more than twice the width of the basin; the length shall be determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet. ■ The depth must be no less than one (1) meter nor greater than 1.5 in. ■ Basins with an impounding levee greater than 1.5 in (5 ft) tall, measured from the lowest point to the impounding area to the highest point of the levee, and basins capable of impounding more than 1000 cubic meters (35,300 cubic feet), shall be designed by a professional Civil Engineer registered with the state of California. The design must be submitted to the Resident Engineer (RE) for approval at least 7 days prior to the basin construction. The design shall include maintenance requirements, including sediment and vegetation 1 removal, to ensure continuous function of the basin outlet and bypass structures. 1 General Requirements ■ Design and locate sediment/desilting basins so that they can be maintained Construct desalting basins prior to the rainy season and construction activities. 1 ■ Sediment/desilting basins, regardless of size and storage volume, shall include features to accommodate overflow or bypass flows that exceed the design storm event. The calculated basin volume and proposed location shall be submitted to AWCaltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desilling Basin SC -2 �w March 1, 2003 3 of 10 I 1 Sediment/Desilting Basin =-4 the RE for approval at least 3 days prior to the basin construction. ■ Construct an emergency spillway to accommodate flows not carried by the principal spillway. Spillway shall consist of an open channel (earthen or vegetated) over undisturbed material (not fill) or constructed of a non - erodible riprap. ■ Spillway control section, which is a level portion of the spillway channel at the highest elevation in the channel, shall be a minimum of 6 m (20 ft) in length. ■ A forebay, constructed upstream of the basin may be provided to remove debris and larger particles. ■ Basin inlets shall be located to maximize travel distance to the basin outlet. ■ Rock or vegetation shallbe used to protect the basin inlet and slopes against erosion. ■ The outflow from the basins shall be provided with outlet protection to prevent erosion and scouring of the embankment and channel. See BMP SS - 10, "Outlet ProtectionlVelocity Dissipation Devices." ■ Basin shall be located: (1) by excavating a suitable area or where a low embankment can be constructed across a swale, (2) where post -construction (permanent) detention basins will be constructed, (3) where failure would not cause loss of life or property damage, (4) where the basins can be maintained on a year-round basins to provide access for maintenance, including sediment removal and sediment stockpiling in a protected area, and to maintain the basin to the required capacity. provide ■ Areas under embankments, structural works, and sediment/desilting basin must be cleared, stripped of vegetation in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 16 —"Clearing and Grubbing." ■ Earthwork shall be in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 19 — "Earthwork". Contractor is specifically directed to Standard Specifications Sections 19-5, "Compaction," and 19-6, "Embankment Construction." ' ■ Structure shall be placed on a firm, smooth foundation with the base securely anchored with concrete or other means to prevent floatation. ■ Discharge from the basin shall be accomplished through a water quality 1 outlet. An example is shown in Figure 3. The Principal outlet shall consist of a corrugated metal, high density polyethylene (HDPE), or reinforced concrete riser pipe with dewatering holes and an anti -vortex device and trash rack attached to the top of the riser, to prevent floating debris from flowing out of the basin or obstructing the system. This principal structure shall be designed ' Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Constnution Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desitting Basin SC -2 Qom► March 1, 2003 4 of 10 Ij With a drawdown time of 40 hours, the equation becomes: _ (1.75x10-6)A(H — Ho)os a = (Eq. 3) C Flow Control Using Multiple Orifices (see Figure2): A%6Caftrans Storm water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desi ft Basin SC -2 AV6WW March 1, 2003 5 of 10 Sediment/Desilting Basin "C- toaccommodate the inflow design storm. in A rock pile or rock -filled gabions can serve as alternatives to the debris screen, although the designer should be aware of the potential for extra IR maintenance involved should the pore spaces in the rock pile clog. r Proper ■ hydraulic design of the outlet is critical to achieving the desired performance of the basin. The water quality outlet should be designed to drain the basin within 24 to 72 hours (also referred to as "drawdown time'). (The 24-hour limit is specified to provide adequate settling time; the 72 -hour limit is specified to mitigate vector control concerns.) ■ The two most common outlet problems that occur are: (1) the capacity of the outlet is too great resulting in only partial filling of the basin and drawdown time less than designed for; and (2) the outlet clogs because it is not adequately protected against trash and debris. To avoid these problems, the following outlet types are recommended for use: (1) a single orifice outlet with or without the protection of a riser pipe, and (2) perforated riser. Design guidance for single orifice and perforated riser outlets are as follows: Flow Control Using a Single Orifice At The Bottom Of The Basin (Figure 1): The outlet control orifice should be sized using the following equation: 2A(H —Ho)° -5 (7x10"s)A(H —Hof s _ = a 3600CT(2g)o.s CT ( 2) where: a = area of orifice (ft) (I fle =0.0929m2) A = surface area of the basin at mid elevation (fe) C = orifice coefficient T = drawdown time of full basin (hrs) G = gravity (32.2 ft/s2) ' H = elevation when the basin is full (ft) Ho = final elevation when basin is empty (ft) With a drawdown time of 40 hours, the equation becomes: _ (1.75x10-6)A(H — Ho)os a = (Eq. 3) C Flow Control Using Multiple Orifices (see Figure2): A%6Caftrans Storm water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desi ft Basin SC -2 AV6WW March 1, 2003 5 of 10 Ci ■ The Contractor shall verify that the outlet is properly designed to handle the design and peak flows. ■ Attach riser pipe (watertight connection) to a horizontal pipe (barrel), which extends through the embankment to toe of fill. Provide anti -seep collars on the barrel. ■ Cleanout level shall be clearly marked on the riser pipe ■ Avoid dewatering of groundwater to the sediment/desilting basin during the ' rainy season. Insignificant quantities of accumulated precipitation may be dewatered to the sediment/desilting basin unless precipitation is forecasted within 24 hours. Refer'to NS -2 "Dewatering Operations." ■ Chain link fencing shall be provided around each sediment/desilting basin to prevent unauthorized entry to the basin or if safety is a concern. Fencing shall be in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 80 — "Fencing." Maintenance and ■ Inspect sediment/desilting basins before and after rainfall events and weekly Inspection during the rest of the rainy season. During extended rainfall events, inspect at &16 Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desii ing Basin SC -2 aobww March 1, 2003 60f 10 Sediment/Desilting Basin ECA 2A(h. ) 1 al = (E9.4) CT(2g[h. — hw.;d� ])os With terms as described above except: at = total area of orifices hN= = maximum height from lowest orifice to the maximum water surface (ft) hmwmjdof,,f,= = height from the lowest orifice to the centroid of the orifice configuration (ft) Allocate the orifices evenly on two rows; separate the holes by 3x hole diameter vertically, and by 120 degrees horizontally (refer to Figure 3). Because basins are not maintained for infiltration, water loss by infiltration should be disregarded when designing the hydraulic capacity of the outlet structure. Care must be taken in the selection of "C"; 0.60 is most often recommended and used However, based on actual tests, GKY (1989), "Outlet Hydraulics of Extended Detention Facilities for Northern Virginia Planning District Commission", recommends the following: C = 0.66 for thin materials; where the thickness is equal to or less than the orifice diameter, or C = 0.80 when the material is thicker than the orifice diameter ■ The Contractor shall verify that the outlet is properly designed to handle the design and peak flows. ■ Attach riser pipe (watertight connection) to a horizontal pipe (barrel), which extends through the embankment to toe of fill. Provide anti -seep collars on the barrel. ■ Cleanout level shall be clearly marked on the riser pipe ■ Avoid dewatering of groundwater to the sediment/desilting basin during the ' rainy season. Insignificant quantities of accumulated precipitation may be dewatered to the sediment/desilting basin unless precipitation is forecasted within 24 hours. Refer'to NS -2 "Dewatering Operations." ■ Chain link fencing shall be provided around each sediment/desilting basin to prevent unauthorized entry to the basin or if safety is a concern. Fencing shall be in accordance with Standard Specifications Section 80 — "Fencing." Maintenance and ■ Inspect sediment/desilting basins before and after rainfall events and weekly Inspection during the rest of the rainy season. During extended rainfall events, inspect at &16 Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desii ing Basin SC -2 aobww March 1, 2003 60f 10 P- d n fl d t Sediment/Desilting Basin ECA least every 24 hours. ■ Examine basin banks for seepage and structural soundness. ■ Check inlet and outlet structures and spillway for any damage or obstructions. Repair damage and remove obstructions as needed, or as directed by the RE. ■ Remove standing water from the basin within 72 hours after accumulation. ■ Check inlet and outlet area for erosion and stabilize if required, or if directed by the RE. ■ Remove accumulated sediment when its volume reaches one-third the volume of the sediment storage. Properly dispose of sediment and debris removed from the basin. ■ Check fencing for damage and repair as needed or as directed by the RE. A& CaftranS Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual 410D.r March 1, 2003 Section 4 Sediment/Desifting Basin SC -2 7 of 10 Sediment/Desilting Basin �. Stoblized Inlet Embankment /,�_-------------- ---,1 Side Slopes /1: 3 (V: H) Max Barrel _ Riser i \ Emergency Outlet protection spillway TOP VIEW Riser crest Design high water 300 mm Min Sediment storage -/ depth permanent pool This outlet provides no drainage for permanent pool. 300 mm Min, 300 mm Min watering outlet FIGURE 1: SINGLE ORIFICE DESIGN NOT TO SCALE Crest of emergency spillway Caltrans storm water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desilting Basin SC -2 moo,. March 1, 2003 8 of 10 n C' 0 fl Sediment/Desilting Basin C. Stablized Inlet Embankment Side Slopes _ 1: 3 (V: H) Max Barrel Riser � t i \ Emergency Outlet protection spillway TOP VIEW Riser with hood and trash rack Inflow --r - - - --V - - - - - -- ---- Settling 600 mJin Depth—--- Sediment 300 mm Storage Depth Riser encase Emergency / spillway 300 mm \� T L y Stabilized Outlet, see CD32A(2) gravel packet. Upper Anti—Seep two—thirds perforated. Collars NOTE: Anti This outlet provides floatation partial draining of pool. FIGURE 2: MULTIPLE ORIFICE DESIGN NOT TO SCALE Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Section 4 Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual Sediment/Desilling Basin SC -2 �o� March 1, 2003 9 of 10 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sediment/Desilting Basin Plan Maintenance & emergency discharge outlet Debris screen Profile Trash ra-'- Debris screen Water quality discharge orifices Maintenance & emergency discharge outlet Outflow FIGURE 3: MULTIPLE ORIFICE OUTLET RISER NOT TO SCALE Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual gbe.. March 1, 2003 Section 4 SedimenttDesilting Basin SC -2 10 of 10 BASIN SIZING: BASIN VOLUME bottom length bottom width Sideslope Depth Volume 3600 CF * SIZE OF PARCEL 3600 * 4.69 AC 16884 CF 85 45 3 17019 CF 0.390702 Ac -Ft PLAN 3. 12 SECTION 45 85 109 C u Ci u it 0 Slt b tr- Of-kf►cE GRL,IL)LA'rloq O - =sure 13AS(VA e r"ID (:FT_) n0 OZ EAg:r-A=O-q-- II� HYDROLOGYSTUDY REFERENCE CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY MAPS Page 6 of 6 FILE: line_a.WSW W S P G W - EDIT LISTING - Version 12.91 Date:12- 1-1999 Time: 8:35: 0 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - CHANNEL DEFINITION LISTING PAGE 1 CARD SECT CHN NO OF AVE PIER HEIGHT 1 BASE ZL ZR INV Y(1) Y(2) Y(3) Y(4) Y(5) Y(6) Y(7) Y(8( Y(9) Y(10) CODE NO TYPE PIER/PIP WIDTH DIAMETER WIDTH DROP CO 1 CD 2 4 1 4 1 3.500 2.000 CD 3 4 1 2.500 Q CD 4 4 1 3.000 -/ 1! t` O Vj CD 5 4 1 2.000 CD 6 4 1 2.500 CD 7 CD 8 4 1 4 1 2.000 2.500 G CD 9 4 1 2.000 �S Qr �� CD 10 4 1 2.000 1 CD 11 2 0 .000 5.000 7.000 .00 CD 12 CD 13 4 1 4 1 2.000 3.500 nR cc t Or 1"`' A A r WS PGW�fti PAGE NO 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - TITLE CARD LISTING HEADING LINE NO 1 IS - Design Review 4 98-15 HEADING LINE NO 2 IS - On -Site Storm Drain - Line 'A": 100 -year storm event HEADING LINE NO 3 IS - Computer file: Yct3.(c:\program files\civild\tuffli\13ae a) Tvl=F�'� �C1,� [t?.. PAGE NO 2 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 1 IS A SYSTEM OUTLET U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT W S ELEV 996.100 842.500 1 846.000 ELEMENT NO 2 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN A 1011.670 892.550 1 .013 .000 .000 .000 0 ELEMENT NO 3 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE AUG PT MAN H 1097.730 892.670 1 .013 45.585 -45.324 .000 0 ELEMENT NO 4 IS A REACH U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1187.590 893.130 1 .013 .000 .000 .000 0 ELEMENT NO 5 IS A REACH ' ' U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE AWG PT MAN H 1234.710 843.280 1 .013 89.993 30.000 .000 0 ; ELEMENT NO 6 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA • STATION + r INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N ' Q3 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 4 1238.000 843.290 13 12 0 .013 12.000 .000 843.500 .000 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 WARNING - ADJACENT SECTIONS ARE NOT IDENTICAL - SEE SECTION NUMBERS AND CHANNEL DEFINITIONS ELEMENT NO 7 IS A REACH ANGLE U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANG PT MAN H 1289.0300 843.960 1 .013 .000 .000 O .000 0 ' ELEMENT NO 8 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION ' INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N f 03 04 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 9 1298.190 843.960 4 2 3 .013 4.200 28.000 843.960 843.950 45.000 30.000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 9 IS A REACH ' N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H U/S DATA STATION 1335.650 INVERT SECT 899.070 4 .013 .000 .000 .000 0 ELEMENT NO 10 IS A REACH U/S DATA ' STATION INVERT SECT N RADIUS ANGLE ANG PT MAN H 1382.770 844.210 4 .013 89.993 -30.000 .000 0 N S P G N PAGE NO 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 11 IS A REACH RADIUS ANGLE U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N ANG PT MAN H 1526.070 849.460 4 .013 .000 .000 .000 0 , ELEMENT NO 12 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N Q3 04 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 9 1531.730 844.660 6 5 0 .013 5.000 .000 845.140 .000 45.000 .000 RADIIIS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 13 IS A REACH ` RADIUS ANGLE U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N ANG PT MAN B 1825.900 845.590 6 .013 .000 .000 .000 0 ELEMENT NO 14 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N 03 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 9 1829.900 845.560 H 7 0 .013 10.900 .000 846.790 .000 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 15 IS A REACH RADIUS ANGLE U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N ANG PT MAN A 2208.630 896.690 8 .013 .000 .000 .000 1 ELEMENT NO 16 IS A JUNCTION U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT LAT -1 LAT -2 N 03 Q4 INVERT -3 INVERT -4 PHI 3 PHI 9 2212.630 897.190 30 9 0 .013 6.000 .000 847.690 .000 -- 45.000 .000 RADIUS ANGLE .000 .000 ELEMENT NO 17 IS A REACH RADIUS ANGLE 0/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N ANG PT MAN H 2322.100 897.520 10 .013 .000 .000 000 0 ELEMENT NO 18 IS A REACH RADIUS ANGLE U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N ANG PT MAN H 2369.220 897.660 10 .013 49.996 -60.000 .000 0 W S P G N PAGE NO 4 MATER SURFACE PROFILE - ELEMENT CARD LISTING ELEMENT NO 19 IS A REACH RADIUS ANGLE U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N ANG PT MAN H 2377.880 e 847.690 10 .013 .000 .000 .000 0 ELEMENT NO 20 IS A WALL ENTRANCE U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT FP 2377.880 847.690 11 .500 ELEMENT NO 21 IS A SYSTEM HEADNORKS U/S DATA STATION INVERT SECT N S ELEV 2377.880 847.690 11 847.690 FILE: line-a.WSN W S P G N- CIVILDESIGN Version 12.91 For: XCT Consultants, Inc., Riverside, California - SIN 692 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 1-1999 Time: 8:35:31 Design Review 4 98-I5 On -Site Storm Drain - Line "A': 100 -year storm event Computer file: kct3{c:\program files\civild\tuffli\line a) I Invert 1 Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel 1 Energy I Super ICriticallFlow Top{Height/lBase Wtl [No Nth Station I Elev 1 (FT) I Elev t (CFS) 1 (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width 1Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip -I- -I- -I- -1- -I- -1- -I- -I- -f- -I- -1-, -[- -1- -1 L/Elem ICh Slope I I 1 t SF Avel HF ISE Dpth[Froude NINorm Dp I "N" 1 X-Falll ZR [Type Ch 1 l 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 996.100 842.500 3.500 846.000 71.20 7.40 .85 846.85 .00 2.64 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 15.570 .0032 .0050 .08 3.50 .00 3.50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I 1 1 I I l I I 1 1011.670 842.550 3.528 846.078 71.20 7.40 .85 846.93 .00 2.64 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 36.060 .0033 .0050 .18 .00 .00 3.50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1047.730 842.670 3.709 846.379 71.20 7.40 .85 847.23 .00 2.64 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 139.860 .0033 .0050 .70 3.71 .00 3.50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1187.590 843.130 3.950 847.080 71.20 7.40 .85 847.93 .00 2.64 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -1- -I- -I- -I- -i- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 47.120 .0032 .0050 .24 .00 .00 3.50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I 1 t I I 1 1 1 1 1234.710 843.280 4.134 847.414 71.20 7.40 .85 848.26 .00 2.64 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JBNCT STR .0030 pkj4��j�r(� �(�7.00421 I 1 .01 4.13 .00 1 1 .013 I I .00 .00' 1 PIPE 1238.000 843.290 4.558 847.848 59.20 6.15 .59 848.44 .00 2-.41 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 51.030 .0033 .0035 .18 4.56 .00 2.93 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1 i f 1 1 1 I 1 I I I r 1 1289.030 843.460 4.565 848.025 59.20 6.15 .59 848.61 .00 2.41 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -1- -I- -I- -1- -f- -I- -t- -1- -i- -I- -t- -I- -I- 1- JUNCT STR .0546 .0026 .02 4.56 .00 .013 .00 I .00 PIPE I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1298.190 843.960 4.531 848.491 27.00 3.82 .23 848.72 .00 1.68 .00 ✓.3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 �•� + ��I -I- -I- •-----F�"� -I- I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -1- -1- -1- -1- 1- • .. 37.460 .0029 j 0• CA - �' •0016 .06 4.53 .00 1.93 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I ` `T 1 f 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 0.2) 1335.650 844.070 4.482 848.552 27.00 3.82 .23 848.78 .00 1.68 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 47.120 .0030 .0016 .08 .00 .00 1.93 .013 .00 .00 PIPE �•/p �� I t I I I I 4 I I I I I I ��{�'•� 1382.770 849.210 4.445 848.655 27.00 3.82 .23 898.88 .00 1.68 .00 3,000 .000 .00 1 .0 143.300 .0017 .0016 .23 4.45 .00 2.38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I 1526.070 844.460 4.430 848.890 27.00 3.82 .23 849.12 .00 1.68 .00 3.000 .000 .00 I- 1 .0 -1- -1- -I- -f- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- JUNCT STR .0353 .0023 .01 4.43 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I 11 1 t I t I I I f I 1531.730 844.660 4.237 848.897 22.00 4.48 .31 849.21 .00 1.60 .00-""2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 294.170 .0030 I 40-1 Q �' M .0029 85 4.24 .00 2.01 013 .00 .00 PIPE Iv P � I I I t 1825.900 845.540 4.204 849.744 22.00 4.48 ` .31 650.06 .00 1.60 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0050 .0018 .01 4.20 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1 1 I I I I I i I 1 1 I1 ���� •t 1829.900 845.560 4.487 850.097 11.10 2.26 .08 850.13 .00 I.12 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 378.7301 .0030 ITO i1 �t � i, 1 t 00071 .28 I 4.491 .00 1 1.24 ( .013 I .001 .00 tPIPE Q 9 2208.630 846.690 3.638 850.328 11.10 2.26 .08 850.41 .00 1.12 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT.STR .1250 .0006 .00 3.64 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1 l I I I l 1 1 1 ! I I •051 ;•�� 2212.630 847.190 3.208 850.398 5.10 1.62 .04 850.44 .00 .80 .00 - 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 i •1 109.470 .0030 J.[� •� 0005 .06 3.21 .00 .89 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2322.100 847.520 2.933 850.453 I I •-II C�I I I t 1 1 I I I I ���•�� O•� 5.10 1.62 .04 850.49 .00 .80 .00 2.000 .000 .00 . 1 0 _,_ _f_ 47.120 .0030 .0005 .02 .00 .00 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE ��� I I I I I I I I 1 l 1 1 ! 2369.220 847.660 2.824 850.484 5.10 1.62 .04 850.52 .00 .80 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0'• Q 8.660 .0035 .0005 .00 2.82 .00 .86 .013 .00 .00 PIPE •• I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 2377.880 847.690 2.798 850.488 5.10 1.62 .04 850.53 .00 .80 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -f- -1- -1- -I- -I- -I- -1- -I- -I- -I- -I- -t- (- WALL ENTRANCE I 1 I 1 I I I I I 2377.880 I 847.690 1 2.860 i 850.550 5.10 I .25 .00 850.55 .00 .25 7.00 5.000 7.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- �� g�j2•'j • • e �