HomeMy WebLinkAboutGenerations Truck Sales4w 4w m 4. -in 40 HYDROLOGY STUDY Hydrology Study and Drainage Analysis For Generations Truck Sales City of Fontana, CA July 28th 2008 Prepared for: Rafael Arrendondo Generations Truck Sales 15848 Slover Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 Tel.: (951) 205-5321 Prepared by: Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. 234 North Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92408 Tel: (909) 885-3806 Fax: (909) 381-1721 http://www.bonadiman.com City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study ��- JOSEPH S.C. ' BONADIMAN No. C-30238 * Exp. 3-31-10 CIVIL OF CAL�FO��\P July 28, 2008 Page 1 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. w+ a. +w 1r AN �. Subject 0 Table of Contents City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study Page(s) Purpose of Hydrology Study........................................................................3 Watershed Description.............................................................................4 Methodology.........................................................................................4 Rational Method and Unit Hydrograph Method Input Data...................................4 Rational Method Results............................................................................5 Unit Hydrograph Method Results..................................................................6 HydraulicAnalysis....................................................................................7 Conclusion.............................................................................................7 References.............................................................................................. 8 List of Attachments Subject I Attachment Number Hydrology Study Map -Existing Conditions...................................................I Hydrology Study Map -Proposed Conditions...................................................2 RainfallData Maps...............................................................................3 SoilData Map.....................................................................................4 Rational Hydrology Method Proposed Conditions Results..................................5 Rational Hydrology Method Proposed Conditions Results..................................6 Unit Hydrograph Method Existing Conditions Results......................................7 Unit Hydrograph Method Proposed Conditions Results.....................................8 July 28, 2008 Ow Page 2 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. ' 1.0 1 1 t 1 1 u 11 J 1 t t City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study Purpose of Hydrology Study The purpose of the following Hydrology Study is to determine the on-site flows pertaining to the proposed Generations Truck Sales Addition/Expansion Development, located at 15848 Slover Avenue in the City of Fontana, CA. The site is currently 100% developed as a truck sales facility, is approximately 1.64 acres in size and drains to the southwest corner of the property. The proposed addition/expansion will include the building of new structures, landscape areas, gutters, walls, underground infiltration chambers, and storm drain pipe on the existing facility (note that the impervious ratio will not be altered). Also note that the existing and proposed block walls running along the east and north property lines effectively shield the site from any tributary flows. This study will evaluate the 1 -hour, 10 -year storm return frequency and 1 -hour, 100 -year storm return frequency flow rates for existing and proposed conditions, and will evaluate the drainage improvements and requirements for proposed addition/expansion. In addition, this study also evaluates the stormwater runoff for existing and proposed on-site conditions in order to determine the required retention capacity for the on-site flows. The following aerial photo shows the proposed project site location and boundaries: July 28, 2008 J{ M&W.M.is Photo No. 1; is an aerial photo showing the existing project site location. Page 3 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study 2.0 Watershed Description The on-site area for the proposed project site is located in the City of Fontana within the Santa Ana River Reach III watershed. All flows from the project site drain to the Bly Channel by way of Slover Avenue; the Bly Channel discharges to Santa Ana River Reach III. .. 3.0 Methodology This study utilized the procedures outlined in the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual �. dated August 1986. The CIVILDESIGN® software was used in the preparation of this study. Pursuant to the manual, The Rational Hydrology Method was selected for all calculations due to -� the relatively small acreage of the on-site drainage areas for the proposed project site. The Rational Hydrology Method for the 1 -hour, 10 -year storm return frequency and 1 -hour, 100 -year storm return frequency was used to determine the on-site area flow rates the existing and �- proposed conditions. The Unit Hydrograph Method for the 100 -years storm return frequency was used to determine the runoff volume generated by the existing and developed conditions of the proposed project site. The volume capacity requirements for the on-site retention basin design were estimated using the increase in runoff volume between the existing and proposed on-site conditions with an additional 10% of the existing conditions. " 4.0 Rational Method and Unit Hydrograph Method Input Data M 4.1 Soil Type The San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual, Section C, shows the drainage area consists of Soil Group "A". The development type used in this study for both existing and proposed conditions was considered to be "Commercial" with a pervious ratio of 0.10, or the equivalent of 90% paved surface and proposed buildings. Please see Attachment No. 4 for Hydrologic Soils Group Map. lop 40 Runoff Index Numbers of Hydrologic Soil -Cover Complexes for Pervious Areas -AMC II for cover type, Figure C-3, of the San Bernardino County Hydrology manual shows the SCS Im Curve Number as 32 for both existing and proposed conditions. at 4.2 Rainfall The following average rainfall values, obtained from the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual (Section B), are applicable to the on-site area for the project site: July 28, 2008 Page 4 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. e City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study Storm Return Frequency (years) Duration (hours) Rainfall Amount (inches) 10 1 1.00 100 1 1.40 Table No. 1 Please refer to Attachment No. 3 for all applicable San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual isohyetal maps. 5.0 Rational Method Results For a detailed view of the drainage areas and reference point numbers, see Attachments Number 1 and 2 for the hydrology study maps for the existing and proposed conditions. 5.1 Existing Conditions: Attachment No. 5 is a computer printout of the rational hydrology method results for the existing site conditions, as follows: Area - A Elevation Route Area No. Length Area Top Bottom Total Q10 Total Qtoo ft ac ft ft cfs cfs 1--2 Al 118.30 0.14 1061.00 1059.00 0.57 0.81 2--3 A2 1 260.20 1.50 1 1059.00 1 1055.50 5.56 1 7.98 Total - 1 378.50 1.64 1 - I - - I - fable No.2 5.2 Proposed Conditions: Attachment No. 6 is a computer printout of the rational hydrology method results for the proposed site conditions, as follows: The 10 and 100 -years storm frequency calculations for the proposed site conditions of the proposed project site were tabulated as follows: Area - A Elevation Route Area No. Length Area Top Bottom Total Qto Total Qtoo ft ac ft ft cfs cfs 1--2 Al 83.00 0.09 1060.73 1059.49 0.40 0.56 2--3 A2 1 277.40 1.55 1059.49 1055.50 5.53 8.07 3-4 N/A 20.00 N/A 1055.50 1047.50 5.53 8.07 Total - 380.40 1.64 - - - - July 28, 2008 I able No. 3 Page 5 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study 6 Unit Hydrograph Method Results: Attachment No. 5 is a CD Attachment for a 100 -year 24-hour storm frequency unit hydrograph results for the on-site existing and proposed conditions. The results are as follows: 6.1 Existing Conditions Volume Calculations: The 100 -Year, 24 -Hour Unit Hydrograph calculations for the on-site existing conditions show a peak flow rate of 6.54 cfs with a runoff volume of approximately 1.00 acre -ft. The results of the Unit Hydrograph calculations for the on-site existing conditions are tabulated as follows: Table No. 4 6.2 Developed Conditions: The 100 -Year, 24 -Hour Unit Hydrograph calculations for the on-site proposed conditions show a peak flow rate of 6.78 cfs with a runoff volume of approximately 1.00 ac -ft. The results of the Unit Hydrograph calculations for the on-site proposed conditions are tabulated as follows: Area Peak Flow Volume Condition Areas (acres) Rate t (acre ft) Existing Al 0.14 0.60 0.09 Existing A2 1.50 6.54 0.91 Total: - 1.64 - 1.00 Table No. 4 6.2 Developed Conditions: The 100 -Year, 24 -Hour Unit Hydrograph calculations for the on-site proposed conditions show a peak flow rate of 6.78 cfs with a runoff volume of approximately 1.00 ac -ft. The results of the Unit Hydrograph calculations for the on-site proposed conditions are tabulated as follows: July 28, 2008 Fable No. 4 Page 6 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. Area Peak Flow Condition Areas (acres) Refs ate (acre -ft) Proposed Al 0.09 0.37 0.06 Proposed A2 1.55 6.78 0.94 Total: - 1.64 - 1.00 July 28, 2008 Fable No. 4 Page 6 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study 6.3 Retention Volume Requirements: Because the project does not entail any increase in impervious area, there is no increase in volume between existing and proposed conditions. Therefore, 10% of the exiting conditions volume of 1.00 acre-feet is required by the City in order to determine the total minimum storage retention volume capacity. Therefore, the target capture volume is 10% of 1.00 acre-feet, or 0.10 acre-feet. Pursuant to the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project prepared by Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. dated October 2, 2007, the underground infiltration chambers proposed for the project have been sized to retain a total volume of 0.19 acre-feet, which is more than adequate to retain the target capture volume. This will therefore result in an overall volume reduction of 0.19 acre-feet between existing and developed conditions. 7 Hydraulic Analysis In order to contain the on-site stormwater runoff and direct it toward the proposed underground infiltration chambers, this study proposes a storm drain system that consists of curb inlet catch basin that conveys flow to a proposed 12" RCP storm drain pipe that in turn drains to the proposed underground infiltration chambers. Pursuant to the Proposed Conditions 100 -year 1 - hour Rational Method calculations (see Attachment No. 6), the minimum pipe size necessary to convey the 100 -year peak flows is 9". Therefore, the proposed 12" pipe will be adequate for the flow rates in question. 8 Conclusion The proposed Generations Truck Sales Addition/Expansion in the City of Fontana, CA will not result in any significant increase or decrease in on-site runoff volumes for 10 -Year and 100 -Year conditions. Because the impervious fraction of the project site will not change between existing and proposed conditions, the total site runoff volume of approximately 1.00 acre-feet will remain unchanged between existing and developed conditions. The proposed infiltration chambers capacity of 0.19 acre-feet is more than adequate for retention and infiltration of 10% of existing conditions volume, and will serve to reduce the proposed conditions runoff volume from 1.00 acre-feet to 0.81 acre-feet. The proposed Generations Truck Sales Addition/Expansion in the City of Fontana, CA will not adversely affect areas downstream from the project site. 4. �« July 28, 2008 M Page 7 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. e City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study 9.0 References: 1. San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual, dated August 1986. 2. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) dated October 2, 2007. July 28, 2008 Page 8 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study ATTACHMENT NO. 1 . The attached hydrology study map shows the existing on-site tributary area locations, flow lines, and flow rates for 10 & 100 -year storm events y July 28, 2008 Page 9 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study ATTACHMENT NO.2 The attached hydrology study map shows the proposed on-site tributary area locations, flow lines, and flow rates for 10 & 100 -year storm events July 28, 2008 Page 10 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. 4W e N 42 e July 28, 2008 ATTACHMENT NO.3 The attached maps show the Rainfall Data Maps. Page 11 of 16 City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. 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SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 6GALL I = 4 MILES C A I i R8 w *10-1 R6W HYDROLOGY MANUAL C6.0 ISOLEN I INES PRECIPITATION (INCHES) City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study ATTACHMENT NO.4 The attached map shows the Soil Data Map. July 28, 2008 Page 12 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. r� I j'E'r�'� �� � s� u€,�`�� } F-'�iti+�l � �'t •314 � . � rr '� ?;t. I ,� r ,� +� e�fs'r��x'. � � ie � g �� � . ��'- { Q 4` �a I RG c + d r``-. - �, r .,> � w t 1� � � 'r ,�, -rtG 1 � p��F 1� t _� � o0. E 'a x �;: �{ r� t �+� t 4i '„ { � ��7' 3 - •� \\ .-- -� ra�� ��;''r� t ��':.>.. " rrt� �. `''cY r��S`.`�:• Elc ... o ,-,�� ,+-.s_. �'`t7 '����.r ��''� �` W- 0-- Ar t's .s�� ,sG�'•�� vrc.;<��� ♦ � t,y�, i- 4 �'I , 's`C ,`:�� �`�' v � 1 e � t W �` `�'? � �... ii\l �A '�✓�' \ ! �y: ,,r; � .,,, � �,, .. _ �, t f A' v s �I' t X c ♦'L+a �u^� "�/ rtt'�`vfr°�'tt''; w�1�� F.t 1a> I Nr t +�`� ,A`-,i`n'�.s,'� 3 � b r�4' j�lz ci-a��* �,: �.f �� ° '•$ s ,ham d` y.'E" `z"� ,. .w Lti i .r�`z��t"`�i„ry L ' �.c » S �Y r f" i�%r t y, i Yi' 4`� •x, r ' "?,� i`E • 3.1 � e �F�y� rr' '".�s .. �, z. � �' 'may 7�".-a ,T� 1 'i - �ti, ,1 's*'..,. : r� `t5 .:. ' qty ++., �.' X - ' 1 r `H,• % ds; .�+�"+-!. 4 s z�='i/` teal V - w" r y��.v k r � c a. ' i f F�\G I I t ya' -�gA .� �• ,I z � t..ry lf"'r r d+� utLv �, ar+�1 P �� :� }rE ti. �. 5 Z .� ;. ��t���'�" r F' ... .T M •. . l .aaw fi n $.'4``zr�-T - �' C 3 T - s � �r a .� a,,.rF 1 t ,f : 'y.• .� �� rf r �. � 1 `n'�i• b l� �.�x.f�'se' ti r ����'f �,.rY• I�r "',ry'''a- it � ��i � .v�� + ��`y,�';I a r.�.;;\y��.��� , 4, e E1: L Mi tiifsh,.r„ f 'f+i �� i �V��J�4�� -! ♦,�h, "} AdX a�Y }'{e:yy�h ei v A'µ i, � 1�`��t // _ = i i a Ht �' IL a li 6• I / .RENT 1 `L � :.^�.1�1►„ z `�AIIR�ll ili7?L^��� Y iy 1 f!1 :,�3 �•._,� � �,, � r ,,;'tr"� �'^r"-�. ,kms- 0�� ar � S ,�1 / lI/ a - I i..�! RI' � �-y_ J� 1 i. - -••\ y R:. Q•� ` , r'aC.! F • _.IQ -.`fir �����: iL iii=F'i1�7 ��'.l'�.: atm MINIM V.ty. �1� a •'� > � , a�'I � ,�P4,�lmSt�~ 'yip<R'��,� _s.,'.'�Ir►+iw����f 11 a!__i ICfiliii� :: _ # . � `:c j q�,.��n- -,��� �.� ,7-`— _,��►,�, i� 7j �'^ I�_ ~!� „ �,�^: !�97�1 Rt71 r ��, �1 21,� ..,j�K _ 1 z.nnr.F n.r`r � 'e ••� lam. f�l.. 9 J'I��, // E i .. ._. _ � :•1.4'�' �. _zP�..a .a 11-► 4 D , f rl c '��Y r. � _ i ill. - �iy 1 I� ' �.. •• z � . x .uw-'a Zs..� ��IT �e rima- rE�r' _ '-- -:Se `-- i �F " • . � { -1�luq . 6r f .,Mf I r - r�■�li .I -�. .: Jr:�a�• a __,e,i • I 'I I 4� ,� � zi �:,� ,-►�w3*� ��..•.,�•Ir - r+ '�Iw-ter !'�. sk_. �S`� i_. / � �r� sir w� ZiB! .. s �.� 1�� 1'I..gii�i:.nA�i'� LmrA�9 .� ;-� �,� � --- �gll�iiQe ' nr. .-.e., I.• �. • - - - _ ���� � � � _ r. �Il utt-•iy�4jY�nf.,-:744�'�' 4"_a� Rr �¢R.• L!.`3.,�1��, � � _ Q i ml ".•� it+' 41i�7a' -� 1 E .t �1.� _ _ �„yi� r o 'i I IBi� !� r _ - ��•,'��� �� 'r� air lv � '�_,+� � t . •^'"'t a u�`�� - � � ;�Y - -- `� ► �! Ij[It� �rIE 1� in I..:'����ypp% Eav .ti 1`� �•gi�,QY�� �,� 171 r�i1��_-`i�lf , �M iF.'1t tl:�?' a:... {$x-•s..�_ - 5 1 - iZ1 • ,_, ..'�1 � - �����rr'�a�u � tt1�[,,��-",4a .✓r..!L:-�.., ► - //r,.z'lll jL F�i�i �-" ti 1.—' ,..-., ` _ r, '_.N�f� e - '-.+i1C�IJ\�7?i?�� � ���� a.. ►'+i7 -;V, lq•_ • � t� `'�����.-5�.,�a1Ti► J� \ 1[ �"a - -,f.w it f.« CJI ,_ �-� .. � 1,.:.���wC� ..�.I�11i`• �� .t.rll r � .r�; cs�ar as: �;i �' •.pis :�: �� s"r�:r. iii -��L- a MR. 6rr.mat K._rE �¢'r r •.. } -- SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL INDEX MAP RYt LEOENO , SOIL GROUP BOUNDARY I • _ ' _ _ A SOIL GROUP DESIGNATION _ - m SCALE 1,48000 -- BOUNDARY OF INDICATED SOURCE SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP FOR SOUTHWEST -A AREA 1, 4 �\ -I SAN BERNARD 0 COUNTY el C-4 INDEX MAP RYt LEOENO , SOIL GROUP BOUNDARY I • _ ' _ _ A SOIL GROUP DESIGNATION _ - m SCALE 1,48000 -- BOUNDARY OF INDICATED SOURCE SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP FOR SOUTHWEST -A AREA M M •. ./ City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study ATTACHMENT NO.5 The attached computer printout shows the 10 & 100 -Year Rational Method calculations for the Existing Conditions. July 28, 2008 Page 13 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. 40 063120EXIST10.out San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) AM CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering software, (c) 1989-2005 version 7.1 Rational Hydrology study Date: 07/28/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ '� CITY OF FONTANA 15848 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT W EXISTING CONDITIONS 10 -YRS STORM EVENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ew M Program License serial Number 6194 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology study control information ********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 10.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 10.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.000 (In.) slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/station 2.000 yr **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** COMMERCIAL subarea type „ Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 arr Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMc 2) = 32.00 „R Pervious ratio(AP) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.098(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: initial area flow distance = 118.300(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1061.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1059.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.000(Ft.) slope = 0.01691 s(%)= 1.69 TC = k(0.304)*[(lengthA3)/(elevation change)]A0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 4.639 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.645(in/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.881 subarea runoff = 0.573(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.140(Ac.) ++� Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Initial area Fm value = 0.098(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ low Process from Point/station 2.000 to Point/Station 3.000 **** IRREGULAR CHANNEL FLOW TRAVEL TIME **** Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.000(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.091(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.610(Ft/s) arr ******* Irregular Channel Data *********** ----------------------------------------------------------------- Information entered for subchannel number 1 : *+� Point number 'x' coordinate 'Y' coordinate 1 0.00 5.00 ar 2 5.00 0.00 3 10.00 5.00 Manning's 'N' friction factor = 0.035 *� ----------------------------------------------------------------- sub-channel flow = 3.107(CFS) 40 velocity= top width = 2.182(Ft.) ' velocity= 2.610(Ft/s) area = 1.191(Sq.Ft) .� Froude number = 0.623 40 Upstream point elevation = 1059.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1055.500(Ft.) Flow length = 260.200(Ft.) ,,. Travel time = 1.66 min. Time of concentration = 6.30 min. Depth of flow = 1.091(Ft.) Average velocity = 2.610(Ft/s) Total irregular channel flow = 3.107(CFS) Irregular channel normal depth above invert elev. = 1.091(Ft.) Average velocity of channel(s) = 2.610(Ft/s) 40 Adding area flow to channel COMMERCIAL subarea type M Page 1 40 4M 063120EXIST10.out Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group a = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 air SCS curve number for soil(AMc 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.098(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.866(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is c = 0.877 Subarea runoff = 4.989(CFS) for 1.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.562(CFS) Effective area this stream = 1.64(Ac.) .w Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 1.64(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.098(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.357(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.018(Ft/s) End of computations, Total Study Area = 1.64 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(AP) = 0.100 Area averaged scs curve number = 32.0 rrr e.r • .w r AW �r .r �+w as me MO arr Page 2 0 063120EXIST100.out San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) 'r CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering software, (c) 1989-2005 version 7.1 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 07/28/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CITY OF FONTANA 15848 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT EXISTING CONDITIONS 100 -YRS STORM EVENT w�------------------------------------------------------------------------ W. Program License serial Number 6194 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "" ********* Hydrology study control Information ********** •• ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: —' Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.400 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 ,�. Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 3 Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 �., **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 .rr Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 �,. Adjusted scs curve number for AMC 3 = 52.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.079(In/Hr) as initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 118.300(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1061.000(Ft.) .. Bottom (of initial area) elevation = lOS9.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.01691 s(%)= 1.69 me TC = k(0.304)*[(lengthA3)/(elevation change)]A0:2 Initial area time of concentration = 4.639 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.503(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is c = 0.889 Subarea runoff = 0.810(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.140(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Initial area Fm value = 0.079(In/Hr) Process from Point/station 2.000 to Point/station 3.000 ww **** IRREGULAR CHANNEL FLOW TRAVEL TIME **** Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.000(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.246(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.850(Ft/s) ******* Irregular Channel Datd *********** ----------------------------------------------------------------- "' Information entered for subchannel number 1 : Point number 'x' coordinate 'Y' coordinate as 1 0.00 5.00 2 5.00 0.00 3 10.00 5.00 # Manning's 'N' friction factor = 0.035 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ar sub -channel flow = 4.422(CFS) flow top width = 2.491(Ft.) ' velocity= 2.850(Ft/s) +*� area = 1.551(Sq.Ft) ' Froude number = 0.636 as upstream point elevation = 1059.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1055.500(Ft.) ANw Flow length = 260.200(Ft.) Travel time = 1.52 min. Time of concentration = 6.16 min. Depth of flow = 1.246(Ft.) Average velocity = 2.850(Ft/s) Total irregular channel flow = 4.422(CFS) irregular channel normal depth above invert elev. = 1.246(Ft.) Average velocity of channel(s) = 2.850(Ft/s) Adding area flow to channel Page 1 AN ar aA An M" AW "M Ar rr :rr .r. �r wr w ars ww ai arr s 4W w 40 063120EXIST100.out COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group a = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Adjusted SCS curve number for AMC 3 = 52.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.079(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 5.486(in/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is c = 0.887 Subarea runoff = 7.171(CFS) for 1.500(AC.) Total runoff = 7.981(CFS) Effective area this stream = 1.64(Ac.) Total study Area (Main stream No. 1) = 1.64(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.079(in/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.554(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.304(Ft/s) End of computations, Total study Area = 1.64 (AC.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(AP) = 0.100 Area averaged scS curve number = 32.0 Page 2 ,i. do 4M AN 40 40 City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study ATTACHMENT NO.6 The attached computer printout shows the 10 & 100 -Year Rational Method calculations for the Proposed Conditions. July 28, 2008 Page 14 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. 4" go 063120PR10.Out San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2005 Version 7.1 Rational Hydrology study Date: 04/15/08 ..,, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CITY OF FONTANA 15848 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT 40 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS 10 -YRS STORM EVENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AN Program License serial Number 6080 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ." ******************* Hydrology Study Control information +f+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 10.0 computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 10.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.000 (in.) slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 +� Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 Process from Point/station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 +rr **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** COMMERCIAL subarea type ■* Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 *� Pervious ratiO(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.098(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: err Initial area flow distance = 83.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1060.730(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1059.490(Ft.) ,.. Difference in elevation = 1.240(Ft.) slope = 0.01494 s(%)= 1.49 TC = k(0.304)*[(lengthA3)/(elevation change)]A0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 4.127 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.983(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.882 subarea runoff = 0.396(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.090(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Initial area Fm value = 0.098(in/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ rw Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/station 3.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1059.490(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1055.500(Ft.) ++� channel length thru subarea = 277.400(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'z' of left channel bank = 100.000 "* slope or 'z' of right channel bank = 100.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 2.997(CFS) As Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 0.100(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 2.997(CFS) me Depth of flow = 0.123(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.066(Ft/5) !!warning• water is above left or right bank elevations ao Channel flow top width = 20.000(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.07(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.24 min. Am Time of concentration = 6.36 min. critical depth = 0.139(Ft.) 40 ERROR - channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Adding area flow to channel COMMERCIAL subarea type low Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 „o Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 +w Pervious ratiO(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.098(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.843(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is c = 0.877 c-._] r— Page 1 .M AW 063120PR10.out subarea runoff = 5.132(CFS) for 1.550(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.527(CFS) 4„t Effective area this stream = 1.64(Ac.) Total study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 1.64(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.098(in/Hr) As Depth of flow = 0.155(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.639(Ft/s) !!warning: water is above left or right bank elevations ,Nft ERROR - Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Critical depth = 0.184(Ft.) 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** a� upstream point/station elevation = 1055.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1047.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 5.527(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 9.00(In.) w. Calculated individual pipe flow = 5.527(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 4.65(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 9.00(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 24.01(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.01 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.38 min. End of computations, Total study Area = 1.64 (AC.) -- The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. .. Area averaged pervious area fraction(AP) = 0.100 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 arr r ww ,rr ar 'n rr am ar ar aw 4r on • 4W me low r Page 2 063120PR100.out San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) *M CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2005 version 7.1 Rational Hydrology study Date: 04/15/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CITY OF FONTANA 15848 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT DEVELOPED CONDITIONS 100 -YRS STORM EVENT w.�------------------------------------------------------------------------ r+ Program License Serial Number 6080 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology study Control Information ********** ++r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.400 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 aw Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 1.000 to Point/station 2.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** COMMERCIAL subarea type *w Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 scs curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 .. Adjusted scs curve number for AMC 3 = 52.00 Pervious ratiO(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.079(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 83.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1060.730(Ft.) ,., Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1059.490(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 1.240(Ft.) slope = 0.01494 s(%)= 1.49 TC = k(0.304)*[(lengthA3)/(elevation change)]A0:2 Initial area time of concentration = 4.127 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.976(in/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.890 subarea runoff = 0.559(CFS) ar Total initial stream area = 0.090(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 �w initial area Fm value = 0.079(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station 3.000 .w **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1059.490(Ft.) +� Downstream point elevation = 1055.500(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 277.400(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'z' of left channel bank = 100.000 slope or 'z' of right channel bank = 100.000 rrr Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 4.356(CFS) manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 0.100(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 4.356(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.141(Ft, Average velocity = 2.399(Ft/s) air !!warning: water is above l.)eft or right bank elevations Channel flow top width = 20.000(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.40(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.93 min. Time of concentration = 6.05 min. Critical depth = 0.164(Ft.) ERROR - Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Adding area flow to channel +�w COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 scs curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Adjusted scs curve number for AMC 3 = 52.00 a Pervious ratio(AP) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.079(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 5.544(in/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm MR r-- Page 1 40 063120PR100.out Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is c = 0.887 ow subarea runoff = 7.508(CFS) for 1.550(Ac.) Total runoff = 8.067(CFS) Effective area this stream = 1.64(Ac.) Total study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 1.64(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.079(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.181(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.070(Ft/s) !!warning: water is above left or right bank elevations ERROR - Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth 'o critical depth = 0.223(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 r+ **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** upstream point/station elevation = 1055.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1047.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 .. No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 8.067(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 9.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 8.067(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 5.93(In.) Flow to pp width inside pipe = 8.53(In.) PipeCritiflowdvelocityld not 26.13(Ft/sjed. Travel time through pipe = 0.01 min. -� Time of concentration (TC) = 6.07 min. End of computations, Total study Area = 1.64 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area ... effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(AP) = 0.100 Area averaged Scs curve number = 32.0 ..r Page 2 s �r OW dw City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study ATTACHMENT NO.7 The attached computer printout shows the 100 -Year Unit Hydrograph calculations for the Existing Conditions. July 28, 2008 Page 15 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. V= 40 EX100A1.OUt U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Am Copyright (C) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 s study date 07/28/08 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ San Bernardino County Synthetic unit Hydrology Method s. Manual date - August 1986 nr Program License serial Number 6194 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF FONTANA 15848 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT wr EXISTING CONDITIONS, AREA Al 100 -YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM RETURN FREQUENCY/DURATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- Storm Event Year = 100 Antecedent Moisture condition = 3 ... English (in -lb) Input units used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input values used English units used in output format Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: .w Sub -Area Duration Isoh etal (AC.) (hours) (In� Rainfall data for year 100 0.14 1 1.40 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ,� Rainfall data for year 100 0.14 6 3.50 -------------------------------------------------------------------- °0 Rainfall data for year 100 0.14 24 8.00 a..-------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ******** Area -averaged max loss rate, Fm ******** SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig c6) AP Fm arr N32(0 MCII) 52.0AMC 3) 0.14) F1.000 raction 0.785/Hr)0.100c ) 0.079/Hr) Area -averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr) = 0.079 ********* Area -Averaged low loss rate fraction, Yb ********** an Area Area SCS CN SCS CN S Pervious (AC.) Fract (AMO) (AMO) Yield Fr 0.01 0.100 32.0 52.0 9.23 0.308 0.13 0.900 98.0 98.0 0.20 0.970 Area -averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.904 Area -averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.096 �w user entry of time of concentration = 0.077 (hours) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ it watershed area = 0.14(AC.) Catchment Lag time = 0.062 hours unit interval = 5.000 minutes wu unit interval percentage of lag time = 135.2814 Hydrograph baseflow = 0.00(CFS) do Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 0.079(In/Hr) Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 0.096 (decimal) VALLEY DEVELOPED S -graph proportion = 0.900 on VALLEY UNDEVELOPED S -Graph proportion = 0.100 FOOTHILL S -Graph proportion = 0.000 MOUNTAIN S -Graph proportion = 0.000 DESERT S -Graph proportion = -0.000 ,., computed peak 5 -minute rainfall = 0.518(In) computed peak 30 -minute rainfall = 1.061(In) specified peak 1 -hour rainfall = 1.400(In) Computed peak 3 -hour rainfall = 2.455(In) Am Page 1 +s 40 Page 2 40 Ex100Ai.out Specified peak 6 -hour rainfall = 3.500(In) specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 8.000(In) wir am Rainfall depth area reduction factors: using a total area of 0.14(Ac.) (Ref: fig. E-4) ,. 5 -minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 0.518(In) 30 -minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.061(in) 1 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.400(In) 3 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 2.455(In) 6 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 3.500(In) 24-hour factor --------------------------------------------------------------------- = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 8.000(In) "� u n i t H y d r o g r a p h +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Interval 'S' Graph unit Hydrograph Number Mean values ((CFS)) .r --------------------------------------------------------------------- (K = 1.69 (CFS)) 1 29.519 0.500 2 91.149 1.043 3 98.957 0.132 `.+ 4 99.494 0.009 5 99.786 0.005 ... 6 100.000 0.004 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak unit Adjusted mass rainfall unit rainfall Number (in) (In) 1 0.5181 0.5181 2 0.6837 0.1656 3 0.8041 0.1204 4 0.9021 0.0981 w. 5 0.9864 0.0842 6 1.0610 0.0746 7 1.1285 0.0675 -■ 8 1.1904 0.0619 9 1.2478 0.0574 10 1.3015 0.0537 +.r 11 1.3521 0.0506 12 1.4000 0.0479 13 1.4585 0.0585 14 1.5148 0.0563 15 1.5692 0.0544 �r 16 1.6219 0.0527 17 1.6730 0.0511 �.. 18 1.7226 0.0496 19 1.7709 0.0483 20 1.8179 0.0471 21 1.8639 0.0459 22 1.9087 0.0449 23 1.9526 0.0439 24 1.9956 0.0430 25 2.0377 0.0421 26 2.0790 0.0413 27 2.1195 0.0405 28 2.1593 0.0398 29 2.1984 0.0391 30 2.2368 0.0384 sw 31 2.2746 0.0378 32 2.3119 0.0372 33 2.3485 0.0367 34 2.3847 0.0361 35 2.4203 0.0356 40 36 2.4554 0.0351 37 2.4901 0.0346 38 2.5242 0.0342 39 2.5580 0.0338 40 2.5913 0.0333 N 41 2.6243 0.0329 42 2.6568 0.0325 43 2.6890 0.0322 `m 44 2.7208 0.0318 45 2.7522 0.0314 40 46 2.7833 0.0311 47 2.8141 0.0308 48 2.8446 0.0305 on 49 2.8747 0.0302 50 2.9046 0.0299 am 51 2.9341 0.0296 52 2.9634 0.0293 53 2.9924 0.0290 qw 54 3.0212 0.0287 55 3.0497 0.0285 to 56 3.0779 0.0282 57 3.1059 0.0280 +s 40 Page 2 r- EX100A1.out 58 3.1336 0.0277 59 3.1611 0.0275 60 3.1884 0.0273 61 3.2155 0.0271 62 3.2423 0.0268 40 63 3.2690 0.0266 64 3.2954 0.0264 ,m 65 3.3216 0.0262 66 3.3477 0.0260 67 3.3735 0.0258 me 68 3.3992 0.0257 69 3.4246 0.0255 70 3.4499 0.0253 71 3.4751 0.0251 72 3.5000 0.0249 73 3.5289 0.0289 74 3.5577 0.0287 75 3.5862 0.0286 76 3.6147 0.0284 77 3.6430 0.0283 «. 78 3.6711 0.0281 79 3.6991 0.0280 80 3.7270 0.0279 81 3.7547 0.0277 82 3.7822 0.0276 83 3.8097 0.0274 84 3.8370 0.0273 85 3.8642 0.0272 86 3.8912 0.0270 87 3.9181 0.0269 88 3.9449 0.0268 89 3.9716 0.0267 90 3.9981 0.0266 ^� 91 4.0246 0.0264 92 4.0509 0.0263 93 4.0771 0.0262 94 4.1032 0.0261 95 4.1291 0.0260 •. 96 4.1550 0.0259 97 4.1808 0.0258 98 4.2064 0.0256 .rr 99 4.2320 0.0255 100 4.2574 0.0254 ,., 101 4.2827 0.0253 102 4.3080 0.0252 103 4.3331 0.0251 104 4.3581 0.0250 105 4.3831 0.0249 ,M 106 4.4079 0.0248 107 4.4327 0.0248 108 4.4573 0.0247 109 4.4819 0.0246 110 4.5064 0.0245 111 4.5308 0.0244 112 4.5551 0.0243 113 4.5793 0.0242 114 4.6034 0.0241 115 4.6274 0.0240 116 4.6514 0.0240 ... 117 4.6752 0.0239 118 4.6990 0.0238 ++r 119 4.7227 0.0237 120 4.7464 0.0236 121 4.7699 0.0235 122 4.7934 0.0235 123 4.8168 0.0234 40 124 4.8401 0.0233 125 4.8633 0.0232 126 4.8865 0.0232 Ao 127 4.9096 0.0231 128 4.9326 0.0230 129 4.9555 0.0229 130 4.9784 0.0229 131 5.0012 0.0228 s 132 5.0239 0.0227 133 5.0466 0.0227 As 134 5.0692 0.0226 135 5.0917 0.0225 136 5.1142 0.0225 .. 137 5.1366 0.0224 138 5.1589 0.0223 139 5.1812 0.0223 140 5.2034 0.0222 141 5.2255 0.0221 ., 142 5.2476 0.0221 143 5.2696 0.0220 144 5.2915 0.0219 40 145 5.3134 0.0219 m Page 3 r- EX100A1.0ut 146 5.3352 0.0218 147 5.3570 0.0218 148 5.3787 0.0217 149 5.4003 0.0216 150 5.4219 0.0216 151 5.4434 0.0215 152 5.4649 0.0215 153 5.4863 0.0214 154 5.5077 0.0214 155 5.5290 0.0213 156 5.5502 0.0212 157 5.5714 0.0212 158 5.5925 0.0211 159 5.6136 0.0211 160 5.6346 0.0210 161 5.6556 0.0210 162 5.6765 0.0209 163 5.6974 0.0209 164 5.7182 0.0208 165 5.7390 0.0208 166 5.7597 0.0207 167 5.7804 0.0207 168 5.8010 0.0206 169 5.8215 0.0206 170 5.8421 0.0205 171 5.8625 0.0205 172 5.8829 0.0204 173 5.9033 0.0204 174 5.9236 0.0203 175 5.9439 0.0203 176 5.9641 0.0202 177 5.9843 0.0202 178 6.0045 0.0201 179 6.0246 0.0201 180 6.0446 0.0200 181 6.0646 0.0200 182 6.0846 0.0200 183 6.1045 0.0199 184 6.1244 0.0199 185 6.1442 0.0198 186 6.1640 0.0198 187 6.1837 0.0197 188 6.2034 0.0197 189 6.2231 0.0197 190 6.2427 0.0196 191 6.2622 0.0196 192 6.2818 0.0195 193 6.3013 0.0195 194 6.3207 0.0194 195 6.3401 0.0194 196 6.3595 0.0194 197 6.3788 0.0193 198 6.3981 0.0193 199 6.4174 0.0192 200 6.4366 0.0192 201 6.4557 0.0192 202 6.4749 0.0191 203 6.4940 0.0191 204 6.5130 0.0191 205 6.5321 0.0190 206 6.5510 0.0190 207 6.5700 0.0189 208 6.5889 0.0189 209 6.6078 0.0189 210 6.6266 0.0188 211 6.6454 0.0188 212 6.6642 0.0188 213 6.6829 0.0187 214 6.7016 0.0187 215 6.7202 0.0187 216 6.7389 0.0186 217 6.7574 0.0186 218 6.7760 0.0186 219 6.7945 0.0185 220 6.8130 0.0185 221 6.8314 0.0185 222 6.8499 0.0184 223 6.8682 0.0184 224 6.8866 0.0183 225 6.9049 0.0183 226 6.9232 0.0183 227 6.9414 0.0183 228 6.9597 0.0182 229 6.9779 0.0182 230 6.9960 0.0182 231 7.0141 0.0181 232 7.0322 0.0181 233 7.0503 0.0181 Page 4 C ED Page 5 Ex100A1.out 234 7.0683 0.0180 235 7.0863 0.0180 ., 236 7.1043 0.0180 237 7.1222 0.0179 40 238 7.1401 0.0179 239 7.1580 0.0179 240 7.1758 0.0178 241 7.1936 0.0178 242 7.2114 0.0178 243 7.2292 0.0178 244 7.2469 0.0177 245 7.2646 0.0177 246 7.2823 0.0177 247 7.2999 0.0176 248 7.3175 0.0176 249 7.3351 0.0176 250 7.3527 0.0176 251 7.3702 0.0175 252 7.3877 0.0175 253 7.4051 0.0175 +� 254 7.4226 0.0174 255 7.4400 0.0174 256 7.4574 0.0174 257 7.4747 0.0174 258 7.4921 0.0173 .�.. 259 7.5094 0.0173 260 7.5267 0.0173 261 7.5439 0.0172 262 7.5611 0.0172 263 7.5783 0.0172 264 7.5955 0.0172 265 7.6126 0.0171 266 7.6297 0.0171 �.. 267 7.6468 0.0171 268 7.6639 0.0171 Ow 269 7.6809 0.0170 270 7.6980 0.0170 271 7.7150 0.0170 ... 272 7.7319 0.0170 273 7.7489 0.0169 r 274 7.7658 0.0169 275 7.7827 0.0169 276 7.7995 0.0169 ® 277 7.8164 0.0168 278 7.8332 0.0168 279 7.8500 0.0168 280 7.8667 0.0168 281 7.8835 0.0167 282 7.9002 0.0167 283 7.9169 0.0167 284 7.9336 0.0167 285 7.9502 0.0166 286 7.9668 0.0166 287 7.9834 0.0166 288 8.0000 0.0166 �"' --------------------------------------------------------------------- unit unit unit Effective Period Rainfall Soil -Loss Rainfall (number) (In) (In) (In) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 an 2 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 3 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 4 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 5 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 6 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 aw 7 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 8 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 9 0.0169 0.0016 0.0152 MM 10 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 11 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 40 12 0.0170 0.0016 0.0153 13 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 14 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 ME 15 0.0171 0.0016 0.0154 16 0.0171 0.0016 0.0155 17 0.0172 0.0017 0.0155 18 0.0172 0.0017 0.0155 19 0.0172 0.0017 0.0156 ,.w 20 0.0173 0.0017 0.0156 21 0.0173 0.0017 0.0157 r 22 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 23 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 24 0.0174 0.0017 0.0158 .w 25 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 26 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 27 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 28 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 C ED Page 5 Im s .r r arr wr ,rr �r .®r irr arr AW 'm 40 m., �r EX100Al.out 29 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 30 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 31 0.0178 0.0017 0.0160 32 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 33 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 34 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 35 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 36 0.0180 0.0017 0.0162 37 0.0180 0.0017 0.0163 38 0.0181 0.0017 0.0163 39 0.0181 0.0017 0.0164 40 0.0182 0.0017 0.0164 41 0.0182 0.0018 0.0165 42 0.0183 0.0018 0.0165 43 0.0183 0.0018 0.0166 44 0.0183 0.0018 0.0166 45 0.0184 0.0018 0.0166 46 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 47 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 48 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 49 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 50 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 51 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 52 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 53 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 54 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 55 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 56 0.0190 0.0018 0.0172 57 0.0191 0.0018 0.0172 58 0.0191 0.0018 0.0173 59 0.0192 0.0018 0.0173 60 0.0192 0.0018 0.0174 61 0.0193 0.0019 0.0174 62 0.0193 0.0019 0.0175 63 0.0194 0.0019 0.0175 64 0.0194 0.0019 0.0176 65 0.0195 0.0019 0.0177 66 0.0196 0.0019 0.0177 67 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 68 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 69 0.0198 0.0019 0.0179 70 0.0198 0.0019 0.0179 71 0.0199 0.0019 0.0180 72 0.0200 0.0019 0.0180 73 0.0200 0.0019 0.0181 74 0.0201 0.0019 0.0182 75 0.0202 0.0019 0.0182 76 0.0202 0.0019 0.0183 77 0.0203 0.0020 0.0184 78 0.0204 0.0020 0.0184 79 0.0205 0.0020 0.0185 80 0.0205 0.0020 0.0185 81 0.0206 0.0020 0.0186 82 0.0207 0.0020 0.0187 83 0.0208 0.0020 0.0188 84 0.0208 0.0020 0.0188 85 0.0209 0.0020 0.0189 86 0.0210 0.0020 0.0190 87 0.0211 0.0020 0.0191 88 0.0211 0.0020 0.0191 89 0.0212 0.0020 0.0192 90 0.0213 0.0020 0.0192 91 0.0214 0.0021 0.0194 92 0.0215 0.0021 0.0194 93 0.0216 0.0021 0.0195 94 0.0216 0.0021 0.0196 95 0.0218 0.0021 0.0197 96 0.0218 0.0021 0.0197 97 0.0219 0.0021 0.0198 98 0.0220 0.0021 0.0199 99 0.0221 0.0021 0.0200 100 0.0222 0.0021 0.0201 101 0.0223 0.0021 0.0202 102 0.0224 0.0022 0.0202 103 0.0225 0.0022 0.0204 104 0.0226 0.0022 0.0204 105 0.0227 0.0022 0.0205 106 0.0228 0.0022 0.0206 107 0.0229 0.0022 0.0207 108 0.0230 0.0022 0.0208 109 0.0232 0.0022 0.0209 110 0.0232 0.0022 0.0210 111 0.0234 0.0023 0.0211 112 0.0235 0.0023 0.0212 113 0.0236 0.0023 0.0214 114 0.0237 0.0023 0.0214 115 0.0239 0.0023 0.0216 116 0.0240 0.0023 0.0216 Page 6 �1 40 w. air 40 .m ar w ar rr rr ..s 40 in AN in An EX100A1.OUt 117 0.0241 0.0023 0.0218 118 0.0242 0.0023 0.0219 119 0.0244 0.0023 0.0220 120 0.0245 0.0024 0.0221 121 0.0247 0.0024 0.0223 122 0.0248 0.0024 0.0224 123 0.0249 0.0024 0.0225 124 0.0250 0.0024 0.0226 125 0.0252 0.0024 0.0228 126 0.0253 0.0024 0.0229 127 0.0255 0.0025 0.0231 128 0.0256 0.0025 0.0232 129 0.0259 0.0025 0.0234 130 0.0260 0.0025 0.0235 131 0.0262 0.0025 0.0237 132 0.0263 0.0025 0.0238 133 0.0266 0.0026 0.0240 134 0.0267 0.0026 0.0241 135 0.0269 0.0026 0.0243 136 0.0270 0.0026 0.0244 137 0.0273 0.0026 0.0247 138 0.0274 0.0026 0.0248 139 0.0277 0.0027 0.0250 140 0.0279 0.0027 0.0252 141 0.0281 0.0027 0.0254 142 0.0283 0.0027 0.0256 143 0.0286 0.0028 0.0258 144 0.0287 0.0028 0.0260 145 0.0249 0.0024 0.0225 146 0.0251 0.0024 0.0227 147 0.0255 0.0025 0.0230 148 0.0257 0.0025 0.0232 149 0.0260 0.0025 0.0235 150 0.0262 0.0025 0.0237 151 0.0266 0.0026 0.0241 152 0.0268 0.0026 0.0243 153 0.0273 0.0026 0.0247 154 0.0275 0.0026 0.0249 155 0.0280 0.0027 0.0253 156 0.0282 0.0027 0.0255 157 0.0287 0.0028 0.0260 158 0.0290 0.0028 0.0262 159 0.0296 0.0028 0.0267 160 0.0299 0.0029 0.0270 161 0.0305 0.0029 0.0275 162 0.0308 0.0030 0.0278 163 0.0314 0.0030 0.0284 164 0.0318 0.0031 0.0287 165 0.0325 0.0031 0.0294 166 0.0329 0.0032 0.0298 167 0.0338 0.0032 0.0305 168 0.0342 0.0033 0.0309 169 0.0351 0.0034 0.0317 170 0.0356 0.0034 0.0322 171 0.0367 0.0035 0.0331 172 0.0372 0.0036 0.0337 173 0.0384 0.0037 0.0347 174 0.0391 0.0038 0.0353 175 0.0405 0.0039 0.0366 176 0.0413 0.0040 0.0373 177 0.0430 0.0041 0.0388 178 0.0439 0.0042 0.0397 179 0.0459 0.0044 0.0415 180 0.0471 0.0045 0.0425 181 0.0496 0.0048 0.0448 182 0.0511 0.0049 0.0462 183 0.0544 0.0052 0.0492 184 0.0563 0.0054 0.0509 185 0.0479 0.0046 0.0433 186 0.0506 0.0049 0.0457 187 0.0574 0.0055 0.0519 188 0.0619 0.0060 0.0560 189 0.0746 0.0065 0.0681 190 0.0842 0.0065 0.0777 191 0.1204 0.0065 0.1138 192 0.1656 0.0065 0.1590 193 0.5181 0.0065 0.5116 194 0.0981 0.0065 0.0915 195 0.0675 0.0065 0.0610 196 0.0537 0.0052 0.0485 197 0.0585 0.0056 0.0529 198 0.0527 0.0051 0.0476 199 0.0483 0.0046 0.0436 200 0.0449 0.0043 0.0406 201 0.0421 0.0041 0.0380 202 0.0398 0.0038 0.0360 203 0.0378 0.0036 0.0342 204 0.0361 0.0035 0.0327 Page 7 -a Of I" ar qa SO as r WAN .wr aw .rr 40 sw Im 40 i 4w do Am 40 AN aw air EX100A1.out 205 0.0346 0.0033 0.0313 206 0.0333 0.0032 0.0301 207 0.0322 0.0031 0.0291 208 0.0311 0.0030 0.0281 209 0.0302 0.0029 0.0273 210 0.0293 0.0028 0.0265 211 0.0285 0.0027 0.0257 212 0.0277 0.0027 0.0251 213 0.0271 0.0026 0.0245 214 0.0264 0.0025 0.0239 215 0.0258 0.0025 0.0234 216 0.0253 0.0024 0.0229 217 0.0289 0.0028 0.0261 218 0.0284 0.0027 0.0257 219 0.0280 0.0027 0.0253 220 0.0276 0.0027 0.0249 221 0.0272 0.0026 0.0246 222 0.0268 0.0026 0.0242 223 0.0264 0.0025 0.0239 224 0.0261 0.0025 0.0236 225 0.0258 0.0025 0.0233 226 0.0254 0.0024 0.0230 227 0.0251 0.0024 0.0227 228 0.0248 0.0024 0.0225 229 0.0246 0.0024 0.0222 230 0.0243 0.0023 0.0220 231 0.0240 0.0023 0.0217 232 0.0238 0.0023 0.0215 233 0.0235 0.0023 0.0213 234 0.0233 0.0022 0.0211 235 0.0231 0.0022 0.0209 236 0.0229 0.0022 0.0207 237 0.0227 0.0022 0.0205 238 0.0225 0.0022 0.0203 239 0.0223 0.0021 0.0201 240 0.0221 0.0021 0.0199 241 0.0219 0.0021 0.0198 242 0.0217 0.0021 0.0196 243 0.0215 0.0021 0.0195 244 0.0214 0.0021 0.0193 245 0.0212 0.0020 0.0192 246 0.0210 0.0020 0.0190 247 0.0209 0.0020 0.0189 248 0.0207 0.0020 0.0187 249 0.0206 0.0020 0.0186 250 0.0204 0.0020 0.0185 251 0.0203 0.0020 0.0183 252 0.0201 0.0019 0.0182 253 0.0200 0.0019 0.0181 254 0.0199 0.0019 0.0180 255 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 256 0.0196 0.0019 0.0177 257 0.0195 0.0019 0.0176 258 0.0194 0.0019 0.0175 259 0.0192 0.0019 0.0174 260 0.0191 0.0018 0.0173 261 0.0190 0.0018 0.0172 262 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 263 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 264 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 265 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 266 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 267 0.0184 0.0018 0.0166 268 0.0183 0.0018 0.0165 269 0.0182 0.0017 0.0164 270 0.0181 0.0017 0.0164 271 0.0180 0.0017 0.0163 272 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 273 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 274 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 275 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 276 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 277 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 278 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 279 0.0173 0.0017 0.0156 280 0.0172 0.0017 0.0156 281 0.0171 0.0016 0.0155 282 0.0171 0.0016 0.0154 283 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 284 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 285 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 286 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 287 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total soil rain loss = 0.71(in) Total effective rainfall = 7.29(in) Page 8 EX100A1.OUt AV Peak flow rate in flood hydrograph = 0.60(CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 - H O U R S T O R M o f f H y d r o g r a p h AW ---- ------ ---R-un -------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) «. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) volume AC.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 AW----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+ 5 0.0001 0.01 Q I I I I 0+10 0.0002 0.02 Q I I I I �w 0+15 0.0004 0.03 Q I I I I 0+20 0.0006 0.03 Q I I I I do 0+25 0.0007 0.03 Q I I I I 0+30 0.0009 0.03 Q I I I I 0+35 0.0011 0.03 Q I I I I 0+40 0.0013 0.03 Q I I I I 0+45 0.0014 0.03 Q I I I I ... 0+50 0.0016 0.03 Q I I I I 0+55 0.0018 0.03 Q I I I I 1+ 0 0.0020 0.03 Q I I I I 1+ 5 0.0022 0.03 QV I I I I 1+10 0.0023 0.03 QV I I I I 1+15 0.0025 0.03 Qv I I I I 1+20 0.0027 0.03 QV I I I I 1+25 0.0029 0.03 Qv I I I I -� 1+30 0.0031 0.03 QV I I I 1+35 0.0032 0.03 QV I I I I aw 1+40 0.0034 0.03 Qv I I I I 1+45 0.0036 0.03 Qv I I I I 1+50 0.0038 0.03 Qv I I I I •.. 1+55 0.0040 0.03 QV I I I I 2+ 0 0.0041 0.03 QV I I I I 2+ 5 0.0043 0.03 Q V I I I I 2+10 0.0045 0.03 Q V I I I I 2+15 0.0047 0.03 Q v I I I I ... 2+20 0.0049 0.03 Q v I I I I 2+25 0.0051 0.03 Q v I I I I 2+30 0.0053 0.03 Q v I I I I err 2+35 0.0054 0.03 Q v I I I I 2+40 0.0056 0.03 Q V I I I I ,., 2+45 0.0058 0.03 Q v I I I I 2+50 0.0060 0.03 Q v I I I I 2+55 0.0062 0.03 Q v I I I I me 3+ 0 0.0064 0.03 Q v I I I I 3+ 5 0.0066 0.03 Q v I I I I 3+10 0.0068 0.03 Q v I I I I 3+15 0.0070 0.03 Q V I I 3+20 0.0071 0.03 Q v I I I I 3+25 0.0073 0.03 Q v I I I I 3+30 0.0075 0.03 Q v I I I I 3+35 0.0077 0.03 Q V I I I I 3+40 0.0079 0.03 Q v I I I I 3+45 0.0081 0.03 Q v I I I I +� 3+50 0.0083 0.03 Q V I I I I 3+55 0.0085 0.03 Q V I I I I 4+ 0 0.0087 0.03 Q V I I I I 4+ 5 0.0089 0.03 Q V I I I 4+10 0.0091 0.03 Q v I I I I MW 4+15 0.0093 0.03 Q v I I I I 4+20 0.0095 0.03 Q v I I I I 4+25 0.0097 0.03 Q v I I I I 4+30 0.0099 0.03 Q V I I I I 4+35 0.0101 0.03 Q v I I I I 4W 4+40 0.0103 0.03 Q v I I I I 4+45 0.0105 0.03 Q v I I I I 4+50 0.0107 0.03 Q V I I I I 4+55 0.0109 0.03 Q V I I I I 5+ 0 0.0111 0.03 Q v I I I I 5+ 5 0.0113 0.03 Q v I I I I 5+10 0.0115 0.03 Q V I I I 5+15 0.0117 0.03 Q V I I I I Mn 5+20 0.0119 0.03 Q v I I I I 5+25 0.0121 0.03 Q v I I I I 5+30 0.0123 0.03 Q v I I I I 5+35 0.0125 0.03 Q v 5+40 0.0127 0.03 Q V I I I I w 5+45 0.0129 0.03 Q V I I I I 5+50 0.0131 0.03 Q v I I I I 5+55 0.0133 0.03 Q v I I I I ar 6+ 0 0.0136 0.03 Q v I I I I 6+ 5 0.0138 0.03 Q v I I I I 6+10 0.0140 0.03 Q V I I I I 6+15 0.0142 0.03 Q V I I 6+20 0.0144 0.03 Q V I I 40 6+25 0.0146 0.03 Q v I I I I s Page 9 +r .w +w +rr ,rr tow r s err rr aw sm •n qu +o aw 6+30 0.0148 0.03 Q v I 6+35 0.0150 0.03 Q v I 6+40 0.0153 0.03 Q v I 6+45 0.0155 0.03 Q v I 6+50 0.0157 0.03 Q v I 6+55 0.0159 0.03 Q v I 7+ 0 0.0161 0.03 Q v I 7+ 5 0.0164 0.03 Q V I 7+10 0.0166 0.03 Q V I 7+15 0.0168 0.03 Q V I 7+20 0.0170 0.03 Q V I 7+25 0.0172 0.03 Q V I 7+30 0.0175 0.03 Q V I 7+35 0.0177 0.03 Q V I 7+40 0.0179 0.03 Q V I 7+45 0.0181 0.03 Q V I 7+50 0.0184 0.03 Q v I 7+55 0.0186 0.03 Q V I 8+ 0 0.0188 0.03 Q v I 8+ 5 0.0191 0.03 Q V I 8+10 0.0193 0.03 Q VI 8+15 0.0195 0.03 Q VI 8+20 0.0198 0.03 Q VI 8+25 0.0200 0.03 Q VI 8+30 0.0202 0.03 Q VI 8+35 0.0205 0.03 Q VI 8+40 0.0207 0.03 Q VI 8+45 0.0209 0.03 Q VI 8+50 0.0212 0.03 Q VI 8+55 0.0214 0.03 Q v 9+ 0 0.0217 0.04 Q V 9+ 5 0.0219 0.04 Q v 9+10 0.0221 0.04 Q v 9+15 0.0224 0.04 Q v 9+20 0.0226 0.04 Q V 9+25 0.0229 0.04 Q V 9+30 0.0231 0.04 Q V 9+35 0.0234 0.04 Q v 9+40 0.0236 0.04 Q IV 9+45 0.0239 0.04 Q IV 9+50 0.0241 0.04 Q IV 9+55 0.0244 0.04 Q IV 10+ 0 0.0247 0.04 Q IV 10+ 5 0.0249 0.04 Q IV 10+10 0.0252 0.04 Q IV 10+15 0.0254 0.04 Q IV 10+20 0.0257 0.04 Q I V 10+25 0.0260 0.04 Q I V 10+30 0.0262 0.04 Q I V 10+35 0.0265 0.04 Q I V 10+40 0.0268 0.04 Q I V 10+45 0.0270 0.04 Q I v 10+50 0.0273 0.04 Q I V 10+55 0.0276 0.04 Q I v 11+ 0 0.0279 0.04 Q I V 11+ 5 0.0281 0.04 Q I v 11+10 0.0284 0.04 Q I v 11+15 0.0287 0.04 Q I V 11+20 0.0290 0.04 Q I V 11+25 0.0293 0.04 Q I V 11+30 0.0296 0.04 Q I V 11+35 0.0298 0.04 Q I v 11+40 0.0301 0.04 Q I v 11+45 0.0304 0.04 Q I v 11+50 0.0307 0.04 Q I v 11+55 0.0310 0.04 Q I V 12+ 0 0.0313 0.04 Q I v 12+ 5 0.0316 0.04 Q I v 12+10 0.0319 0.04 Q I V 12+15 0.0322 0.04 Q I V 12+20 0.0324 0.04 Q I V 12+25 0.0327 0.04 Q I v 12+30 0.0330 0.04 Q I v 12+35 0.0332 0.04 Q I v 12+40 0.0335 0.04 Q I v 12+45 0.0338 0.04 Q I V 12+50 0.0341 0.04 Q I V 12+55 0.0344 0.04 Q I v 13+ 0 0.0347 0.04 Q I v 13+ 5 0.0350 0.04 Q I V 13+10 0.0353 0.04 Q I V 13+15 0.0356 0.04 Q I v 13+20 0.0359 0.05 Q I V 13+25 0.0362 0.05 Q I V 13+30 0.0365 0.05 Q I V 13+35 0.0369 0.05 Q I V 13+40 0.0372 0.05 Q I V 13+45 0.0375 0.05 Q I V out Page 10 Ex100A1.OUt 13+50 0.0379 0.05 Q I V I I 13+55 0.0382 0.05 Q I V I I 14+ 0 0.0386 0.05 Q I V I I 14+ 5 0.0389 0.05 Q I V I I 14+10 0.0393 0.05 Q I V I 14+15 0.0397 0.05 Q I V I I 14+20 0.0401 0.06 Q I V I I 14+25 0.0405 0.06 Q I VI 1 14+30 0.0409 0.06 Q ( VI 14+35 0.0413 0.06 Q I VI I 14+40 0.0417 0.06 Q I VI 14+45 0.0422 0.06 Q I VI I 14+50 0.0426 0.07 Q I V I 14+55 0.0431 0.07 Q I V I 15+ 0 0.0436 0.07 Q I V 15+ 5 0.0441 0.07 Q I V I 15+10 0.0446 0.08 Q 1 V 15+15 0.0451 0.08 Q I IV I 15+20 0.0457 0.08 Q I IV I 15+25 0.0463 0.08 Q I IV I 15+30 0.0468 0.08 Q I I V I 15+35 0.0474 0.08 Q ( I V I 15+40 0.0480 0.09 Q I I V I 15+45 0.0487 0.10 Q 1 i V I 15+50 0.0495 0.12 Q I I V I 15+55 0.0505 0.15 Q I I V I 16+ 0 0.0519 0.21 Q I I V I 16+ 5 0.0550 0.44 IQ I I V I 16+10 0.0591 0.60 1 Q I I V I 16+15 0.0605 0.20 Q I I V I 16+20 0.0612 0.11 Q I I V I 16+25 0.0618 0.09 Q I I VI 16+30 0.0624 0.09 Q I I VI 16+35 0.0630 0.08 Q I ( v 16+40 0.0635 0.07 Q I I vI 16+45 0.0639 0.07 Q I I V 16+50 0.0644 0.06 Q I I V 16+55 0.0648 0.06 Q 1 1 V 17+ 0 0.0652 0.06 Q I I v 17+ 5 0.0656 0.05 Q I I V 17+10 0.0659 0.05 Q I I IV 17+15 0.0663 0.05 Q ( I IV 17+20 0.0666 0.05 Q I I IV 17+25 0.0669 0.05 Q I I IV 17+30 0.0672 0.05 Q I I IV 17+35 0.0676 0.04 Q I I IV 17+40 0.0679 0.04 Q I I IV 17+45 0.0681 0.04 Q I I I V 17+50 0.0684 0.04 Q I I I V 17+55 0.0687 0.04 Q I I I V 18+ 0 0.0690 0.04 Q I I I V 18+ 5 0.0693 0.04 Q I I I V 18+10 0.0696 0.04 Q I I I V 18+15 0.0699 0.04 Q I I I V 18+20 0.0701 0.04 Q I I I V 18+25 0.0704 0.04 Q I I I V 18+30 0.0707 0.04 Q I I i V 18+35 0.0710 0.04 Q I I I V 18+40 0.0713 0.04 Q I I I V 18+45 0.0716 0.04 Q I I I V 18+50 0.0718 0.04 Q I I I V 18+55 0.0721 0.04 Q I I I V 19+ 0 0.0724 0.04 Q ( I I V 19+ 5 0.0726 0.04 Q I I I V 19+10 0.0729 0.04 Q I I I v 19+15 0.0731 0.04 Q I I I v 19+20 0.0734 0.04 Q I I I V 19+25 0.0736 0.04 Q I I I V 19+30 0.0739 0.04 Q I I I V 19+35 0.0741 0.04 Q 1 I I V 19+40 0.0744 0.04 Q I I I V 19+45 0.0746 0.03 Q I I I V 19+50 0.0748 0.03 Q I I I V 19+55 0.0751 0.03 Q I I I v 20+ 0 0.0753 0.03 Q I I I V 20+ 5 0.0756 0.03 Q I I I V 20+10 0.0758 0.03 Q I I I V 20+15 0.0760 0.03 Q I I I v 20+20 0.0762 0.03 Q I I I V 20+25 0.0765 0.03 Q I I I V 20+30 0.0767 0.03 Q I I I V 20+35 0.0769 0.03 Q I I I V 20+40 0.0771 0.03 Q I I I V 20+45 0.0773 0.03 Q I I I V 20+50 0.0776 0.03 Q I I I V 20+55 0.0778 0.03 Q I I I V 21+ 0 0.0780 0.03 Q I I I V 21+ 5 0.0782 0.03 Q I I I V Page 11 Page 12 EX100A1.OUt 21+10 0.0784 0.03 Q I I I v 21+15 0.0786 0.03 Q I I I v 21+20 0.0788 0.03 Q I I I v 21+25 0.0790 0.03 Q I I I v 21+30 0.0792 0.03 Q I I I v 21+35 0.0794 0.03 Q I I I v 21+40 0.0796 0.03 Q I I I v 21+45 0.0798 0.03 Q I I ( v 21+50 0.0800 0.03 Q I I I v 21+55 0.0802 0.03 Q I I I v 22+ 0 0.0804 0.03 Q I I I v 22+ 5 0.0806 0.03 Q I I I v 22+10 0.0808 0.03 Q I I I v 22+15 0.0810 0.03 Q I I I v 22+20 0.0812 0.03 Q I I I v 22+25 0.0814 0.03 Q I I I v 22+30 0.0816 0.03 Q I I I v 22+35 0.0818 0.03 Q I I I v 22+40 0.0820 0.03 Q I I I v 22+45 0.0822 0.03 Q I I I v 22+50 0.0824 0.03 Q I I I v 22+55 0.0826 0.03 Q I I I v 23+ 0 0.0827 0.03 Q I I I v 23+ 5 0.0829 0.03 Q I I I v 23+10 0.0831 0.03 Q I I I v 23+15 0.0833 0.03 Q I I I v 23+20 0.0835 0.03 Q I I v 23+25 0.0837 0.03 Q I I I v 23+30 0.0838 0.03 Q I I I v 23+35 0.0840 0.03 Q I I I v 23+40 0.0842 0.03 Q I ( I v 23+45 0.0844 0.03 Q I I I v 23+50 0.0845 0.03 Q I I I v 23+55 0.0847 0.03 Q l I I v 24+ 0 0.0849 0.03 Q I I I v, 24+ 5 0.0850 0.02 Q I I I vl 24+10 0.0850 0.00 Q I I I v 24+15 0.0850 0.00 Q I I I v 24+20 0.0850 0.00 Q I I I vl 24+25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0850 0.00 Q I I I vl Page 12 RM all EX10OA2.out u n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s Copyright (C) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 study date 07/28/08 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ San Bernardino County synthetic unit Hydrology Method Manual date - August 1986 +a' Program License Serial Number 6194 --------------------------------------------------------------------- '"�� CITY OF FONTANA 15848 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT air EXISTING CONDITIONS AREA A2 100 -YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM RETURN FREQUENCY/DURATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- Storm Event Year = 100 +ri Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 English (in -lb) Input units used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input values used English units used in output format Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: �• sub -Area Duration isohetal (AC.) (hours) (In� air Rainfall data for year 100 1.50 1 1.40 -------------------------------------------------------------------- .,. Rainfall data for year 100 1.50 6 3.50 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ar Rainfall data for year 100 1.50 24 8.00 ew-------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ******** Area -averaged max loss rate, Fm ******** �. SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig C6) AP Fm NO.(AMCII) NO.(AMC 3) (AC.) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (In/Hr) 32.0 52.0 1.50 1.000 0.785 0.100 0.079 Area -averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr) = 0.079 ********* Area -Averaged low loss rate fraction, Yb ********** rr Area Area SCS CN SCS CN S Pervious MR (AC.) Fract (AMC2) (AMC3) Yield Fr 0.15 0.100 32.0 52.0 9.23 0.308 1.35 0.900 98.0 98.0 0.20 0.970 am Area -averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.904 Area -averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.096 user entry of time of concentration = 0.103 (hours) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ arr watershed area = 1.50(AC.) Catchment Lag time = 0.082 hours unit interval = 5.000 minutes unit interval percentage of lag time = 101.1327 Hydrograph baseflow = 0.00(CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 0.079(In/Hr) Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 0.096 (decimal) VALLEY DEVELOPED S -Graph Proportion = 0.900 VALLEY UNDEVELOPED S -Graph proportion = 0.100 FOOTHILL S -Graph proportion = 0.000 MOUNTAIN S -Graph proportion = 0.000 DESERT s -Graph proportion = -0.000 s Computed peak 5 -minute rainfall = 0.518(In) Computed peak 30 -minute rainfall = 1.061(In) Specified peak 1 -hour rainfall = 1.400(In) Computed peak 3 -hour rainfall = 2.455(in) I= i Page 1 sr1 EX100A2.out Specified peak 6 -hour rainfall = 3.500(In) specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 8.000(in) i Rainfall depth area reduction factors: using a total area of 1.50(Ac.) (Ref: fig. E-4) 5 -minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 0.518(In) 30 -minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.061(In) 1 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.400(In) 3 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 2.455(In) 6 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 3.500(In) 24-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 8.000(In) --------------------------------------------------------------------- u n i t H y d r o g r a p h +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Interval 'S' Graph unit Hydrograph Number Mean values ((CFS)) �w --------------------------------------------------------------------- (K = 18.14 (CFS)) 1 17.760 3.222 2 78.837 11.080 3 96.544 3.212 4 99.050 0.455 5 99.443 0.071 6 99.697 0.046 7 99.854 0.028 8 100.000 0.027 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak unit Adjusted mass rainfall unit rainfall Number (In) (In) �- 1 0.5181 0.5181 2 0.6837 0.1655 3 0.8040 0.1204 4 0.9021 0.0981 5 0.9863 0.0842 �. 6 1.0609 0.0746 7 1.1284 0.0675 8 1.1903 0.0619 err 9 1.2477 0.0574 10 1.3014 0.0537 11 1.3520 0.0506 12 1.3999 0.0479 13 1.4584 0.0585 go 14 1.5147 0.0563 15 1.5691 0.0544 ,.. 16 1.6218 0.0527 17 1.6729 0.0511 18 1.7225 0.0496 19 1.7708 0.0483 20 1.8179 0.0471 21 1.8638 0.0459 22 1.9087 0.0449 23 1.9526 0.0439 24 1.9955 0.0430 25 2.0376 0.0421 26 2.0789 0.0413 27 2.1194 0.0405 28 2.1592 0.0398 29 2.1983 0.0391 30 2.2368 0.0384 31 2.2746 0.0378 32 2.3118 0.0372 33 2.3485 0.0367 are 34 2.3846 0.0361 35 2.4203 0.0356 36 2.4554 0.0351 Ma 37 2.4900 0.0346 38 2.5242 0.0342 39 2.5580 0.0338 40 2.5913 0.0333 41 2.6242 0.0329 *• 42 2.6568 0.0325 43 2.6889 0.0322 ars 44 2.7207 0.0318 45 2.7522 0.0314 46 2.7833 0.0311 AN 47 2.8141 0.0308 48 2.8445 0.0305 an 49 2.8747 0.0302 50 2.9046 0.0299 51 2.9341 0.0296 ,w 52 2.9634 0.0293 53 2.9924 0.0290 54 3.0212 0.0287 55 3.0496 0.0285 �w Page 2 i ,n As +w ,nr '+s qw ow .W dw dw qm 40 No .. 40 err q. 40 '. rr ar Ex100a2.out 56 3.0779 0.0282 57 3.1059 0.0280 58 3.1336 0.0277 59 3.1611 0.0275 60 3.1884 0.0273 61 3.2155 0.0271 62 3.2423 0.0268 63 3.2690 0.0266 64 3.2954 0.0264 65 3.3216 0.0262 66 3.3477 0.0260 67 3.3735 0.0258 68 3.3992 0.0257 69 3.4246 0.0255 70 3.4499 0.0253 71 3.4750 0.0251 72 3.5000 0.0249 73 3.5289 0.0289 74 3.5576 0.0287 75 3.5862 0.0286 76 3.6147 0.0284 77 3.6430 0.0283 78 3.6711 0.0281 79 3.6991 0.0280 80 3.7269 0.0279 81 3.7547 0.0277 82 3.7822 0.0276 83 3.8097 0.0274 84 3.8370 0.0273 85 3.8641 0.0272 86 3.8912 0.0270 87 3.9181 0.0269 88 3.9449 0.0268 89 3.9716 0.0267 90 3.9981 0.0266 91 4.0246 0.0264 92 4.0509 0.0263 93 4.0771 0.0262 94 4.1032 0.0261 95 4.1291 0.0260 96 4.1550 0.0259 97 4.1807 0.0258 98 4.2064 0.0256 99 4.2319 0.0255 100 4.2574 0.0254 101 4.2827 0.0253 102 4.3079 0.0252 103 4.3331 0.0251 104 4.3581 0.0250 105 4.3831 0.0249 106 4.4079 0.0248 107 4.4327 0.0248 108 4.4573 0.0247 109 4.4819 0.0246 110 4.5064 0.0245 111 4.5307 0.0244 112 4.5550 0.0243 113 4.5792 0.0242 114 4.6034 0.0241 115 4.6274 0.0240 116 4.6514 0.0240 117 4.6752 0.0239 118 4.6990 0.0238 119 4.7227 0.0237 120 4.7464 0.0236 121 4.7699 0.0235 122 4.7934 0.0235 123 4.8168 0.0234 124 4.8401 0.0233 125 4.8633 0.0232 126 4.8865 0.0232 127 4.9096 0.0231 128 4.9326 0.0230 129 4.9555 0.0229 130 4.9784 0.0229 131 5.0012 0.0228 132 5.0239 0.0227 133 5.0466 0.0227 134 5.0692 0.0226 135 5.0917 0.0225 136 5.1142 0.0225 137 5.1366 0.0224 138 5.1589 0.0223 139 5.1811 0.0223 140 5.2033 0.0222 141 5.2255 0.0221 142 5.2475 0.0221 143 5.2695 0.0220 Page 3 w EX100A2.OUt 144 5.2915 0.0219 145 5.3134 0.0219 �. 146 5.3352 0.0218 147 5.3569 0.0218 148 5.3787 0.0217 149 5.4003 0.0216 150 5.4219 0.0216 151 5.4434 0.0215 152 5.4649 0.0215 153 5.4863 0.0214 154 5.5076 0.0214 155 5.5289 0.0213 156 5.5502 0.0212 157 5.5714 0.0212 158 5.5925 0.0211 r 159 5.6136 0.0211 160 5.6346 0.0210 161 5.6556 0.0210 162 5.6765 0.0209 163 5.6974 0.0209 �.. 164 5.7182 0.0208 165 5.7390 0.0208 166 5.7597 0.0207 167 5.7803 0.0207 168 5.8010 0.0206 ,.� 169 5.8215 0.0206 170 5.8420 0.0205 171 5.8625 0.0205 ®� 172 5.8829 0.0204 173 5.9033 0.0204 174 5.9236 0.0203 175 5.9439 0.0203 176 5.9641 0.0202 177 5.9843 0.0202 178 6.0045 0.0201 s 179 6.0246 0.0201 180 6.0446 0.0200 181 6.0646 0.0200 .. 182 6.0846 0.0200 183 6.1045 0.0199 184 6.1243 0.0199 �r 185 6.1442 0.0198 186 6.1640 0.0198 ,,. 187 6.1837 0.0197 188 6.2034 0.0197 189 6.2230 0.0197 190 6.2427 0.0196 191 6.2622 0.0196 192 6.2818 0.0195 193 6.3013 0.0195 194 6.3207 0.0194 's 195 6.3401 0.0194 196 6.3595 0.0194 197 6.3788 0.0193 198 6.3981 0.0193 199 6.4173 0.0192 +� 200 6.4366 0.0192 201 6.4557 0.0192 202 6.4749 0.0191 203 6.4940 0.0191 204 6.5130 0.0191 �w 205 6.5320 0.0190 206 6.5510 0.0190 207 6.5700 0.0189 208 6.5889 0.0189 209 6.6077 0.0189 rrr 210 6.6266 0.0188 211 6.6454 0.0188 212 6.6641 0.0188 * 213 6.6829 0.0187 214 6.7016 0.0187 atr 215 6.7202 0.0187 216 6.7388 0.0186 217 6.7574 0.0186 �. 218 6.7760 0.0186 219 6.7945 0.0185 do 220 6.8130 0.0185 221 6.8314 0.0185 222 6.8498 0.0184 .. 223 6.8682 0.0184 224 6.8866 0.0183 225 6.9049 0.0183 s, 226 6.9232 0.0183 227 6.9414 0.0183 s., 228 6.9597 0.0182 229 6.9778 0.0182 230 6.9960 0.0182 231 7.0141 0.0181 Page 4 w 1. Aw w go Ma err r r trr do do ,w ar ur +w err "M do MM ar .0 do me ar EX100A2.out 232 7.0322 0.0181 233 7.0503 0.0181 234 7.0683 0.0180 235 7.0863 0.0180 236 7.1043 0.0180 237 7.1222 0.0179 238 7.1401 0.0179 239 7.1580 0.0179 240 7.1758 0.0178 241 7.1936 0.0178 242 7.2114 0.0178 243 7.2292 0.0178 244 7.2469 0.0177 245 7.2646 0.0177 246 7.2823 0.0177 247 7.2999 0.0176 248 7.3175 0.0176 249 7.3351 0.0176 250 7.3526 0.0176 251 7.3702 0.0175 252 7.3877 0.0175 253 7.4051 0.0175 254 7.4226 0.0174 255 7.4400 0.0174 256 7.4574 0.0174 257 7.4747 0.0174 258 7.4921 0.0173 259 7.5094 0.0173 260 7.5266 0.0173 261 7.5439 0.0172 262 7.5611 0.0172 263 7.5783 0.0172 264 7.5955 0.0172 265 7.6126 0.0171 266 7.6297 0.0171 267 7.6468 0.0171 268 7.6639 0.0171 269 7.6809 0.0170 270 7.6979 0.0170 271 7.7149 0.0170 272 7.7319 0.0170 273 7.7488 0.0169 274 7.7658 0.0169 275 7.7826 0.0169 276 7.7995 0.0169 277 7.8163 0.0168 278 7.8332 0.0168 279 7.8499 0.0168 280 7.8667 0.0168 281 7.8835 0.0167 282 7.9002 0.0167 283 7.9169 0.0167 284 7.9335 0.0167 285 7.9502 0.0166 286 7.9668 0.0166 287 7.9834 0.0166 288 8.0000 0.0166 --------------------7------------------------------------------------ unit unit unit Effective Period Rainfall soil -LOSS Rainfall (number) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (In) (In) (In) 1 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 2 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 3 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 4 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 5 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 6 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 7 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 8 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 9 0.0169 0.0016 0.0152 10 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 11 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 12 0.0170 0.0016 0.0153 13 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 14 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 15 0.0171 0.0016 0.0154 16 0.0171 0.0016 0.0155 17 0.0172 0.0017 0.0155 18 0.0172 0.0017 0.0155 19 0.0172 0.0017 0.0156 20 0.0173 0.0017 0.0156 21 0.0173 0.0017 0.0157 22 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 23 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 24 0.0174 0.0017 0.0158 25 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 26 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 Page 5 m,. 40 40 s 'm s 4�s atw 4,. rr r Orr Am 40 w r dw wo ow r w„ wr s tw w■ 40 ., do EX100A2.out 27 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 28 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 29 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 30 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 31 0.0178 0.0017 0.0160 32 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 33 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 34 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 35 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 36 0.0180 0.0017 0.0162 37 0.0180 0.0017 0.0163 38 0.0181 0.0017 0.0163 39 0.0181 0.0017 0.0164 40 0.0182 0.0017 0.0164 41 0.0182 0.0018 0.0165 42 0.0183 0.0018 0.0165 43 0.0183 0.0018 0.0166 44 0.0183 0.0018 0.0166 45 0.0184 0.0018 0.0166 46 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 47 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 48 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 49 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 50 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 51 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 52 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 53 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 54 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 55 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 56 0.0190 0.0018 0.0172 57 0.0191 0.0018 0.0172 58 0.0191 0.0018 0.0173 59 0.0192 0.0018 0.0173 60 0.0192 0.0018 0.0174 61 0.0193 0.0019 0.0174 62 0.0193 0.0019 0.0175 63 0.0194 0.0019 0.0175 64 0.0194 0.0019 0.0176 65 0.0195 0.0019 0.0177 66 0.0196 0.0019 0.0177 67 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 68 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 69 0.0198 0.0019 0.0179 70 0.0198 0.0019 0.0179 71 0.0199 0.0019 0.0180 72 0.0200 0.0019 0.0180 73 0.0200 0.0019 0.0181 74 0.0201 0.0019 0.0182 75 0.0202 0.0019 0.0182 76 0.0202 0.0019 0.0183 77 0.0203 0.0020 0.0184 78 0.0204 0.0020 0.0184 79 0.0205 0.0020 0.0185 80 0.0205 0.0020 0.0185 81 0.0206 0.0020 0.0186 82 0.0207 0.0020 0.0187 83 0.0208 0.0020 0.0188 84 0.0208 0.0020 0.0188 85 0.0209 0.0020 0.0189 86 0.0210 0.0020 0.0190 87 0.0211 0.0020 0.0191 88 0.0211 0.0020 0.0191 89 0.0212 0.0029 0.0192 90 0.0213 0.0020 0.0192 91 0.0214 0.0021 0.0194 92 0.0215 0.0021 0.0194 93 0.0216 0.0021 0.0195 94 0.0216 0.0021 0.0196 95 0.0218 0.0021 0.0197 96 0.0218 0.0021 0.0197 97 0.0219 0.0021 0.0198 98 0.0220 0.0021 0.0199 99 0.0221 0.0021 0.0200 100 0.0222 0.0021 0.0201 101 0.0223 0.0021 0.0202 102 0.0224 0.0022 0.0202 103 0.0225 0.0022 0.0204 104 0.0226 0.0022 0.0204 105 0.0227 0.0022 0.0205 106 0.0228 0.0022 0.0206 107 0.0229 0.0022 0.0207 108 0.0230 0.0022 0.0208 109 0.0232 0.0022 0.0209 110 0.0232 0.0022 0.0210 111 0.0234 0.0023 0.0211 112 0.0235 0.0023 0.0212 113 0.0236 0.0023 0.0214 114 0.0237 0.0023 0.0214 Page 6 qm Page 7 ■ Ex100A2.out eun 115 0.0239 0.0023 0.0216 116 0.0240 0.0023 0.0216 Im 117 0.0241 0.0023 0.0218 118 0.0242 0.0023 0.0219 119 0.0244 0.0023 0.0220 40 120 0.0245 0.0024 0.0221 121 0.0247 0.0024 0.0223 122 0.0248 0.0024 0.0224 123 0.0249 0.0024 0.0225 124 0.0250 0.0024 0.0226 125 0.0252 0.0024 0.0228 126 0.0253 0.0024 0.0229 127 0.0255 0.0025 0.0231 128 0.0256 0.0025 0.0232 129 0.0259 0.0025 0.0234 +� 130 0.0260 0.0025 0.0235 131 0.0262 0.0025 0.0237 132 0.0263 0.0025 0.0238 133 0.0266 0.0026 0.0240 134 0.0267 0.0026 0.0241 .r 135 0.0269 0.0026 0.0243 136 0.0270 0.0026 0.0244 137 0.0273 0.0026 0.0247 138 0.0274 0.0026 0.0248 139 0.0277 0.0027 0.0250 .., 140 0.0279 0.0027 0.0252 141 0.0281 0.0027 0.0254 142 0.0283 0.0027 0.0256 #* 143 0.0286 0.0028 0.0258 144 0.0287 0.0028 0.0260 ,r 145 0.0249 0.0024 0.0225 146 0.0251 0.0024 0.0227 147 0.0255 0.0025 0.0230 �* 148 0.0257 0.0025 0.0232 149 0.0260 0.0025 0.0235 it 150 0.0262 0.0025 0.0237 151 0.0266 0.0026 0.0241 152 0.0268 0.0026 0.0243 a.. 153 0.0273 0.0026 0.0247 154 0.0275 0.0026 0.0249 155 0.0280 0.0027 0.0253 �w 156 0.0282 0.0027 0.0255 157 0.0287 0.0028 0.0260 158 0.0290 0.0028 0.0262 159 0.0296 0.0028 0.0267 160 0.0299 0.0029 0.0270 161 0.0305 0.0029 0.0275 162 0.0308 0.0030 0.0278 ,.. 163 0.0314 0.0030 0.0284 164 0.0318 0.0031 0.0287 165 0.0325 0.0031 0.0294 166 0.0329 0.0032 0.0298 167 0.0338 0.0032 0.0305 168 0.0342 0.0033 0.0309 # 169 0.0351 0.0034 0.0317 170 0.0356 0.0034 0.0322 +� 171 0.0367 0.0035 0.0331 172 0.0372 0.0036 0.0337 173 0.0384 0.0037 0.0347 174 0.0391 0.0038 0.0353 175 0.0405 0.0039 0.0366 ar 176 0.0413 0.0040 0.0373 177 0.0430 0.0041 0.0388 178 0.0439 0.0042 0.0397 179 0.0459 0.0044 0.0415 180 0.0471 0.0045 0.0425 +rr 181 0.0496 0.0048 0.0449 182 0.0511 0.0049 0.0462 183 0.0544 0.0052 0.0492 184 0.0563 0.0054 0.0509 185 0.0479 0.0046 0.0433 186 0.0506 0.0049 0.0457 187 0.0574 0.0055 0.0519 188 0.0619 0.0060 0.0560 +� 189 0.0746 0.0065 0.0681 190 0.0842 0.0065 0.0777 191 0.1204 0.0065 0.1138 192 0.1655 0.0065 0.1590 193 0.5181 0.0065 0.5116 .. 194 0.0981 0.0065 0.0915 195 0.0675 0.0065 0.0610 196 0.0537 0.0052 0.0485 r 197 0.0585 0.0056 0.0529 198 0.0527 0.0051 0.0476 ,., 199 0.0483 0.0046 0.0436 200 0.0449 0.0043 0.0406 201 0.0421 0.0041 0.0381 202 0.0398 0.0038 0.0360 qm Page 7 ■ .m Aw r w air irr A rr aew awi trlt w nr ,Aw do ON i s do EX100A2.out 203 0.0378 0.0036 0.0342 204 0.0361 0.0035 0.0327 205 0.0346 0.0033 0.0313 206 0.0333 0.0032 0.0301 207 0.0322 0.0031 0.0291 208 0.0311 0.0030 0.0281 209 0.0302 0.0029 0.0273 210 0.0293 0.0028 0.0265 211 0.0285 0.0027 0.0257 212 0.0277 0.0027 0.0251 213 0.0271 0.0026 0.0245 214 0.0264 0.0025 0.0239 215 0.0258 0.0025 0.0234 216 0.0253 0.0024 0.0229 217 0.0289 0.0028 0.0261 218 0.0284 0.0027 0.0257 219 0.0280 0.0027 0.0253 220 0.0276 0.0027 0.0249 221 0.0272 0.0026 0.0246 222 0.0268 0.0026 0.0242 223 0.0264 0.0025 0.0239 224 0.0261 0.0025 0.0236 225 0.0258 0.0025 0.0233 226 0.0254 0.0024 0.0230 227 0.0251 0.0024 0.0227 228 0.0248 0.0024 0.0225 229 0.0246 0.0024 0.0222 230 0.0243 0.0023 0.0220 231 0.0240 0.0023 0.0217 232 0.0238 0.0023 0.0215 233 0.0235 0.0023 0.0213 234 0.0233 0.0022 0.0211 235 0.0231 0.0022 0.0209 236 0.0229 0.0022 0.0207 237 0.0227 0.0022 0.0205 238 0.0225 0.0022 0.0203 239 0.0223 0.0021 0.0201 240 0.0221 0.0021 0.0199 241 0.0219 0.0021 0.0198 242 0.0217 0.0021 0.0196 243 0.0215 0.0021 0.0195 244 0.0214 0.0021 0.0193 245 0.0212 0.0020 0.0192 246 0.0210 0.0020 0.0190 247 0.0209 0.0020 0.0189 248 0.0207 0.0020 0.0187 249 0.0206 0.0020 0.0186 250 0.0204 0.0020 0.0185 251 0.0203 0.0020 0.0183 252 0.0201 0.0019 0.0182 253 0.0200 0.0019 0.0181 254 0.0199 0.0019 0.0180 255 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 256 0.0196 0.0019 0.0177 257 0.0195 0.0019 0.0176 258 0.0194 0.0019 0.0175 259 0.0192 0.0019 0.0174 260 0.0191 0.0018 0.0173 261 0.0190 0.0018 0.0172 262 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 263 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 264 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 265 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 266 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 267 0.0184 0.0018 0.0166 268 0.0183 0.0018 0.0165 269 0.0182 0.0017 0.0164 270 0.0181 0.0017 0.0164 271 0.0180 0.0017 0.0163 272 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 273 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 274 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 275 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 276 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 277 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 278 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 279 0.0173 0.0017 0.0156 280 0.0172 0.0017 0.0156 281 0.0171 0.0016 0.0155 282 0.0171 0.0016 0.0154 283 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 284 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 285 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 286 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 287 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 8 +III r I" VIII wr w woo r ar 'M 40 WO so rrr to me rr MW ,Iw ". s w low q. arl AW EX100A2.out Total soil rain loss = 0.71(In) Total effective rainfall = 7.29(In) Peak --------------------------------------------------------------------- flow rate in flood hydrograph = 6.54(CFS) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) volume AC.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+ 5 0.0003 0.05 Q I I I I 0+10 0.0018 0.21 Q I I I I 0+15 0.0036 0.26 VQ I I I I 0+20 0.0055 0.27 VQ I I I I 0+25 0.0074 0.27 VQ I I I 0+30 0.0092 0.27 VQ I I I I 0+35 0.0111 0.27 VQ I I I I 0+40 0.0130 0.28 VQ I I I I 0+45 0.0149 0.28 VQ I I I 0+50 0.0168 0.28 VQ I I I I 0+55 0.0187 0.28 VQ I I I I 1+ 0 0.0206 0.28 VQ I I I 1+ 5 0.0226 0.28 VQ I I I I 1+10 0.0245 0.28 IQ I I I I 1+15 0.0264 0.28 IQ I I I I 1+20 0.0283 0.28 IQ I I I I 1+25 0.0303 0.28 IQ I I I I 1+30 0.0322 0.28 IQ I I I I 1+35 0.0341 0.28 IQ I I I I 1+40 0.0361 0.28 IQ I I I 1+45 0.0380 0.28 IQ I I I 1 1+50 0.0400 0.28 IQ I 1 1 1 1+55 0.0420 0.28 IQ I I I I 2+ 0 0.0439 0.29 IQ I I I I 2+ 5 0.0459 0.29 IQv I I 1 1 2+10 0.0479 0.29 IQv I I I I 2+15 0.0498 0.29 IQv I I I I 2+20 0.0518 0.29 IQv I I I I 2+25 0.0538 0.29 IQv I I 1 1 2+30 0.0558 0.29 IQv I I I I 2+35 0.0578 0.29 IQv I I I I 2+40 0.0598 0.29 IQv I I I I 2+45 0.0618 0.29 IQv I I I I 2+50 0.0638 0.29 IQv I I I I 2+55 0.0659 0.29 IQv I I I I 3+ 0 0.0679 0.29 IQv I I I I 3+ 5 0.0699 0.29 IQ v I I I 3+10 0.0719 0.30 IQ v I I I I 3+15 0.0740 0.30 IQ v I I I I 3+20 0.0760 0.30 IQ v I I I I 3+25 0.0781 0.30 IQ V I I I I 3+30 0.0801 0.30 IQ V I I I I 3+35 0.0822 0.30 IQ V I I I I 3+40 0.0843 0.30 IQ v I I I 3+45 0.0863 0.30 IQ v I I I I 3+50 0.0884 0.30 IQ V I I I I 3+55 0.0905 0.30 IQ V I I I I 4+ 0 0.0926 0.30 IQ v I I I I 4+ 5 0.0947 0.30 IQ V I I I I 4+10 0.0968 0.31 IQ v I I I I 4+15 0.0989 0.31 IQ v I I I I 4+20 0.1010 0.31 IQ v I I I I 4+25 0.1031 0.31 IQ v I I I I 4+30 0.1052 0.31 IQ V I I I I 4+35 0.1074 0.31 IQ V I I I I 4+40 0.1095 0.31 IQ v I I I I 4+45 0.1117 0.31 IQ V I I I I 4+50 0.1138 0.31 IQ V I I I I 4+55 0.1160 0.31 IQ V I I I I 5+ 0 0.1181 0.31 IQ V I I I I 5+ 5 0.1203 0.32 IQ V I I I I 5+10 0.1225 0.32 IQ V I I I I 5+15 0.1247 0.32 IQ v I I I 5+20 0.1268 0.32 IQ V I I I I 5+25 0.1290 0.32 IQ V I I I I 5+30 0.1312 0.32 IQ V I I I I 5+35 0.1335 0.32 1Q v I I I I 5+40 0.1357 0.32 IQ V I I I I 5+45 0.1379 0.32 IQ v I I I I 5+50 0.1401 0.32 IQ v I I I I 5+55 0.1424 0.33 IQ V I I I I 6+ 0 0.1446 0.33 IQ v I I I I 6+ 5 0.1469 0.33 IQ v I I I I 6+10 0.1491 0.33 IQ v I I I I 6+15 0.1514 0.33 IQ v I I I I Page 9 on allll •.w 4r ow w w .w AW 40 rr r r .w aw AW s 40 m 40 riw rr "a 46 EX100A2.out 6+20 0.1537 0.33 IQ V 1 6+25 0.1560 0.33 Q V 1 6+30 0.1583 0.33 Q V 1 6+35 0.1606 0.33 IQ V 1 6+40 0.1629 0.34 IQ V 1 6+45 0.1652 0.34 IQ v 1 6+50 0.1675 0.34 IQ v 1 6+55 0.1698 0.34 Q v 1 7+ 0 0.1722 0.34 IQ v 1 7+ 5 0.1745 0.34 IQ v 1 7+10 0.1769 0.34 IQ v 1 7+15 0.1793 0.34 IQ V 1 7+20 0.1816 0.35 IQ v 1 7+25 0.1840 0.35 IQ V 1 7+30 0.1864 0.35 IQ V 1 7+35 0.1888 0.35 IQ V 1 7+40 0.1912 0.35 IQ V 1 7+45 0.1937 0.35 IQ V 1 7+50 0.1961 0.35 IQ V 1 7+55 0.1986 0.35 IQ V 1 8+ 0 0.2010 0.36 IQ v 1 8+ 5 0.2035 0.36 IQ v 1 8+10 0.2059 0.36 IQ VI 8+15 0.2084 0.36 IQ VI 8+20 0.2109 0.36 IQ VI 8+25 0.2134 0.36 IQ VI 8+30 0.2160 0.37 IQ VI 8+35 0.2185 0.37 IQ VI 8+40 0.2210 0.37 IQ VI 8+45 0.2236 0.37 IQ VI 8+50 0.2261 0.37 IQ VI 8+55 0.2287 0.37 IQ V 9+ 0 0.2313 0.38 IQ V 9+ 5 0.2339 0.38 IQ v 9+10 0.2365 0.38 IQ V 9+15 0.2391 0.38 IQ v 9+20 0.2418 0.38 IQ v 9+25 0.2444 0.38 IQ V 9+30 0.2471 0.39 IQ v 9+35 0.2498 0.39 IQ v 9+40 0.2525 0.39 IQ IV 9+45 0.2552 0.39 IQ Iv 9+50 0.2579 0.40 IQ IV 9+55 0.2606 0.40 IQ IV 10+ 0 0.2634 0.40 IQ IV 10+ 5 0.2661 0.40 IQ IV 10+10 0.2689 0.40 IQ IV 10+15 0.2717 0.41 IQ IV 10+20 0.2745 0.41 IQ I v 10+25 0.2774 0.41 IQ I V 10+30 0.2802 0.41 IQ I V 10+35 0.2831 0.42 IQ I V 10+40 0.2859 0.42 IQ I V 10+45 0.2888 0.42 IQ I V 10+50 0.2918 0.42 IQ I V 10+55 0.2947 0.43 IQ I v 11+ 0 0.2976 0.43 IQ I V 11+ 5 0.3006 0.43 IQ I V 11+10 0.3036 0.43 IQ I V 11+15 0.3066 0.44 IQ I V 11+20 0.3097 0.44 IQ I V 11+25 0.3127 0.44 IQ I V 11+30 0.3158 0.45 IQ I v 11+35 0.3189 0.45 IQ I V 11+40 0.3220 0.45 IQI V 11+45 0.3252 0.46 IQ V 11+50 0.3283 0.46 IQ I V 11+55 0.3315 0.46 IQ I V 12+ 0 0.3348 0.47 IQ I V 12+ 5 0.3379 0.46 IQ I v 12+10 0.3408 0.42 IQ I V 12+15 0.3437 0.41 IQ I v 12+20 0.3466 0.42 IQ I V 12+25 0.3495 0.42 IQ I V 12+30 0.3524 0.43 IQ I v 12+35 0.3554 0.43 IQ I V 12+40 0.3584 0.44 IQ I V 12+45 0.3614 0.44 IQ I V 12+50 0.3645 0.45 IQ I v 12+55 0.3676 0.45 IQ I V 13+ 0 0.3707 0.46 IQ I V 13+ 5 0.3739 0.46 IQ I V 13+10 0.3772 0.47 IQ I V 13+15 0.3804 0.48 IQ I V 13+20 0.3838 0.48 IQ I V 13+25 0.3871 0.49 IQ I v 13+30 0.3906 0.50 IQ I v 13+35 0.3940 0.51 I Q I V Page 10 an +on �r r ,s +n 'm ar wr 40 a AN 'm 40 'm air as s •w to s 40 X100A2.out 13+40 0.3976 0.51 1 Q I 1 13+45 0.4012 0.52 I Q I V I I 13+50 0.4048 0.53 I Q I V I I 13+55 0.4086 0.54 I Q I V I I 14+ 0 0.4124 0.55 I Q I V I I 14+ 5 0.4162 0.56 I Q I V I I 14+10 0.4202 0.57 I Q I V I I 14+15 0.4242 0.58 I Q I V I I 14+20 0.4283 0.60 I Q I V I I 14+25 0.4325 0.61 I Q I V I I 14+30 0.4368 0.63 1 Q I VI I 14+35 0.4413 0.64 1 Q I VI 1 14+40 0.4458 0.66 I Q I VI I 14+45 0.4505 0.68 1 Q I VI 14+50 0.4553 0.70 1 Q I VI 14+55 0.4603 0.72 I Q I V 15+ 0 0.4654 0.75 I Q I V 15+ 5 0.4708 0.77 I Q I V I 15+10 0.4763 0.81 I Q I V I 15+15 0.4821 0.84 1 Q I IV I 15+20 0.4882 0.88 1 Q I IV I 15+25 0.4943 0.89 1 Q I IV 15+30 0.5000 0.82 1 Q I IV I 15+35 0.5058 0.84 I Q I I V I 15+40 0.5122 0.93 I Q I I V I 15+45 0.5193 1.03 I Q I I V I 15+50 0.5277 1.22 I Q I I V I 15+55 0.5379 1.48 I Q I I V I 16+ 0 0.5521 2.06 I Q I I V I 16+ 5 0.5784 3.82 I I Q I V I 16+10 0.6234 6.54 I I I QV I 16+15 0.6437 2.94 I IQ I V 1 16+20 0.6532 1.38 I Q I I V 16+25 0.6600 0.99 I Q I I V 16+30 0.6667 0.96 1 Q I I VI 16+35 0.6728 0.89 1 Q I I VI 16+40 0.6784 0.81 1 Q I I VI 16+45 0.6835 0.74 I Q I I V 16+50 0.6883 0.70 I Q I I V 16+55 0.6928 0.66 I Q I I V 17+ 0 0.6971 0.62 I Q I I V 17+ 5 0.7012 0.60 I Q I I V 17+10 0.7052 0.57 I Q I I V 17+15 0.7089 0.55 I Q 1 1 IV 17+20 0.7126 0.53 I Q 1 1 IV 17+25 0.7161 0.51 1 Q I I IV 17+30 0.7195 0.50 IQ I I IV 17+35 0.7228 0.48 IQ I I IV 17+40 0.7261 0.47 IQ I I IV 17+45 0.7292 0.46 IQ I I I V 17+50 0.7323 0.44 IQ I I I V 17+55 0.7353 0.43 IQ I I I V 18+ 0 0.7382 0.42 IQ I I I V 18+ 5 0.7411 0.43 IQ I I I V 18+10 0.7443 0.46 IQ I I I V 18+15 0.7475 0.46 IQ I I I V 18+20 0.7507 0.46 IQ I I I V 18+25 0.7538 0.45 IQ I I I V 18+30 0.7569 0.45 IQ I I I V 18+35 0.7599 0.44 IQ I I I V 18+40 0.7629 0.43 IQ I I I V 18+45 0.7658 0.43 IQ I I I V 18+50 0.7687 0.42 IQ I I I V 18+55 0.7716 0.42 IQ I I I V 19+ 0 0.7745 0.41 IQ I I I V 19+ 5 0.7773 0.41 IQ I I I V 19+10 0.7800 0.40 IQ I I I V 19+15 0.7828 0.40 IQ I I I V 19+20 0.7855 0.39 IQ I I I V 19+25 0.7882 0.39 IQ I I I V 19+30 0.7909 0.39 IQ I I I V 19+35 0.7935 0.38 IQ I I I V 19+40 0.7961 0.38 IQ I I I V 19+45 0.7987 0.38 IQ I I I V 19+50 0.8013 0.37 IQ I I I V 19+55 0.8038 0.37 IQ I I I V 20+ 0 0.8063 0.37 IQ I I I V 20+ 5 0.8088 0.36 IQ I I I V 20+10 0.8113 0.36 IQ I I I V 20+15 0.8137 0.36 IQ I I I V 20+20 0.8162 0.35 IQ I I I V 20+25 0.8186 0.35 IQ I I I V 20+30 0.8210 0.35 IQ I I I V 20+35 0.8233 0.34 IQ I I I V 20+40 0.8257 0.34 IQ I I I V 20+45 0.8280 0.34 IQ I I I V 20+50 0.8304 0.34 IQ I I I V 20+55 0.8327 0.34 IQ I I I V Page 11 air Now ter �wr wr Alm me .No No Mm d 21+ 0 0.8350 0.33 IQ 21+ 5 0.8372 0.33 IQ 21+10 0.8395 0.33 IQ 21+15 0.8417 0.33 IQ 21+20 0.8440 0.32 IQ 21+25 0.8462 0.32 IQ 21+30 0.8484 0.32 IQ 21+35 0.8506 0.32 IQ 21+40 0.8528 0.32 IQ 21+45 0.8549 0.31 IQ 21+50 0.8571 0.31 IQ 21+55 0.8592 0.31 IQ 22+ 0 0.8613 0.31 IQ 22+ 5 0.8634 0.31 IQ 22+10 0.8655 0.30 IQ 22+15 0.8676 0.30 IQ 22+20 0.8697 0.30 IQ 22+25 0.8718 0.30 IQ 22+30 0.8738 0.30 IQ 22+35 0.8759 0.30 IQ 22+40 0.8779 0.30 IQ 22+45 0.8799 0.29 IQ 22+50 0.8819 0.29 IQ 22+55 0.8839 0.29 IQ 23+ 0 0.8859 0.29 IQ 23+ 5 0.8879 0.29 IQ 23+10 0.8899 0.29 IQ 23+15 0.8918 0.29 IQ 23+20 0.8938 0.28 IQ 23+25 0.8957 0.28 IQ 23+30 0.8977 0.28 IQ 23+35 0.8996 0.28 IQ 23+40 0.9015 0.28 IQ 23+45 0.9034 0.28 IQ 23+50 0.9053 0.28 IQ 23+55 0.9072 0.27 IQ 24+ 0 0.9091 0.27 IQ 24+ 5 0.9107 0.22 Q 24+10 0.9111 0.06 Q 24+15 0.9111 0.01 Q 24+20 0.9112 0.00 Q 24+25 0.9112 0.00 Q 24+30 0.9112 0.00 Q 24+35 ---------------------------------------- 0.9112 0.00 Q Ex100A2.out Page 12 v v I v I V I v I v j v I v I v I v I v I v I V I vl vl vI vI vI vI vI vI vI vi vI VI vi VI VI vi vi VI VI VI vi vi vi VI VI VI VI vi v 40 �r do .. 40 me 4. Am City of Fontana Generations Truck Sales Hydrology Study ATTACHMENT NO.8 The attached computer printout shows the 100 -Year Unit Hydrograph calculations for the Proposed Conditions. July 28, 2008 Page 16 of 16 Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates, Inc. PR10OA1.OUt do u n i t H y d r o g rap h A n a l y s i s Copyright (C) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, Version 7.0 Study date 07/28/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'o San Bernardino County synthetic unit Hydrology Method Manual date - August 1986 me ar Program License serial Number 6194 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF FONTANA 15848 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT PROPOSED CONDITIONS, AREA Al err 100 -YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM RETURN FREQUENCY/DURATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- "" storm Event Year = 100 �• Antecedent Moisture condition = 3 English (in -lb) input units used English Rainfall Data (Inches) input values used wr English units used in output format Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub -Area Duration isohetal �Nw (AC.) (hours) (in� Rainfall data for year 100 �r 0.09 1 1.40 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainfall data for year 100 .. 0.09 6 3.50 -------------------------------------------------------------------- as Rainfall data for year 100 0.09 24 8.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------- r ******** Area -averaged max loss rate, Fm ******** SCS curve sCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig C6) Ap Fm NO.(AMCII) NO.(AMC 3) (AC.) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (In/Hr) r 32.0 52.0 0.09 1.000 0.785 0.100 0.079 Area -averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (in/Hr) = 0.079 ********* Area -Averaged low loss rate fraction, Yb ********** *�• Area Area SCS CN SCS CN S Pervious (AC.) Fract (AMC2) (AMC3) Yield Fr 0.01 0.100 32.0 52.0 9.23 0.308 0.08 0.900 98.0 98.0 0.20 0.970 a1M Area -averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.904 Area -averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.096 user entry of time of concentration = 0.069 (hours) watershed area = 0.09(AC.) ,rr Catchment Lag time = 0.055 hours unit interval = 5.000 minutes unit interval percentage of lag time = 151.4050 Hydrograph baseflow = 0.00(CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 0.079(in/Hr) aw Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 0.096 (decimal) VALLEY DEVELOPED S -Graph proportion = 0.900 VALLEY UNDEVELOPED S -Graph proportion = 0.100 �r FOOTHILL S -Graph proportion = 0.000 MOUNTAIN S -Graph proportion = 0.000 am DESERT S -Graph proportion = -0.000 Computed peak 5 -minute rainfall = 0.518(in) .s Computed peak 30 -minute rainfall = 1.061(In) specified peak 1 -hour rainfall = 1.400(in) go Computed peak 3 -hour rainfall = 2.455(In) Page 1 go r7 PR100A1.OUt specified peak 6-hour rainfall = 3.500(In) specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 8.000(In) 'w Rainfall depth area reduction factors: using a total area of 0.09(Ac.) (Ref: fig. E-4) 5-minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 0.518(In) "M 30-minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.061(In) 1-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.400(In) 3-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 2.455(In) M 6-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 3.500(In) 24-hour factor --------------------------------------------------------------------- = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 8.000(In) u n i t H y d r o g r a p h Interval 'S' Grah unit Hydrograph Number Mean vayues ((CFS)) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (K = 1.09 (CFS)) 1 34.708 0.378 2 93.922 0.644 3 99.152 0.057 4 99.636 0.005 iew 5 99.879 0.003 6 100.000 0.001 """ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak unit Adjusted mass rainfall unit rainfall Number (In) (In) O. 1 0.5181 0.5181 2 0.6837 0.1656 3 0.8041 0.1204 4 0.9021 0.0981 5 0.9864 0.0842 6 1.0610 0.0746 7 1.1285 0.0675 8 1.1904 0.0619 �. 9 1.2478 0.0574 10 1.3015 0.0537 err 11 1.3521 0.0506 12 1.4000 0.0479 13 1.4585 0.0585 .. 14 1.5148 0.0563 15 1.5692 0.0544 16 1.6219 0.0527 17 1.6730 0.0511 18 1.7226 0.0496 .. 19 1.7709 0.0483 20 1.8179 0.0471 21 1.8639 0.0459 "■ 22 1.9087 0.0449 23 1.9526 0.0439 24 1.9956 0.0430 25 2.0377 0.0421 26 2.0790 0.0413 27 2.1195 0.0405 28 2.1593 0.0398 29 2.1984 0.0391 30 2.2368 0.0384 31 2.2746 0.0378 A+ 32 2.3119 0.0372 33 2.3485 0.0367 34 2.3847 0.0361 35 2.4203 0.0356 36 2.4554 0.0351 37 2.4901 0.0346 38 2.5242 0.0342 39 2.5580 0.0338 ** 40 2.5913 0.0333 41 2.6243 0.0329 wo 42 2.6568 0.0325 43 2.6890 0.0322 44 2.7208 0.0318 ++• 45 2.7522 0.0314 46 2.7833 0.0311 40 47 2.8141 0.0308 48 2.8446 0.0305 49 2.8747 0.0302 w. 50 2.9046 0.0299 51 2.9341 0.0296 52 2.9634 0.0293 53 2.9924 0.0290 54 3.0212 0.0287 ,.. 55 3.0497 0.0285 56 3.0779 0.0282 57 3.1059 0.0280 me Page 2 M, r7 l.. PR100Al.OUt 58 3.1336 0.0277 59 3.1611 0.0275 60 3.1884 0.0273 .,, 61 3.2155 0.0271 62 3.2423 0.0268 63 3.2690 0.0266 AW 64 3.2954 0.0264 65 3.3216 0.0262 Im 66 3.3477 0.0260 67 3.3735 0.0258 68 3.3992 0.0257 "o 69 3.4246 0.0255 70 3.4499 0.0253 71 3.4751 0.0251 72 3.5000 0.0249 73 3.5289 0.0289 �e 74 3.5577 0.0287 75 3.5862 0.0286 76 3.6147 0.0284 ,.. 77 3.6430 0.0283 78 3.6711 0.0281 �r 79 3.6991 0.0280 80 3.7270 0.0279 81 3.7547 0.0277 82 3.7822 0.0276 83 3.8097 0.0274 .rr 84 3.8370 0.0273 85 3.8642 0.0272 86 3.8912 0.0270 *� 87 3.9181 0.0269 88 3.9449 0.0268 Mae 89 3.9716 0.0267 90 3.9981 0.0266 91 4.0246 0.0264 ,on 92 4.0509 0.0263 93 4.0771 0.0262 94 4.1032 0.0261 95 4.1291 0.0260 96 4.1550 0.0259 s 97 4.1808 0.0258 98 4.2064 0.0256 99 4.2320 0.0255 100 4.2574 0.0254 101 4.2827 0.0253 vo 102 4.3080 0.0252 103 4.3331 0.0251 104 4.3581 0.0250 do 105 4.3831 0.0249 106 4.4079 0.0248 107 4.4327 0.0248 ,o 108 4.4573 0.0247 109 4.4819 0.0246 +� 110 4.5064 0.0245 111 4.5308 0.0244 112 4.5551 0.0243 .. 113 4.5793 0.0242 114 4.6034 0.0241 ar 115 4.6274 0.0240 116 4.6514 0.0240 117 4.6752 0.0239 118 4.6990 0.0238 119 4.7227 0.0237 rw 120 4.7464 0.0236 121 4.7699 0.0235 122 4.7934 0.0235 "M 123 4.8168 0.0234 124 4.8401 0.0233 40 125 4.8633 0.0232 126 4.8865 0.0232 127 4.9096 0.0231 sc 128 4.9326 0.0230 129 4.9555 0.0229 Ar 130 4.9784 0.0229 131 5.0012 0.0228 132 5.0239 0.0227 am 133 5.0466 0.0227 134 5.0692 0.0226 135 5.0917 0.0225 ars 136 5.1142 0.0225 137 5.1366 0.0224 "m 138 5.1589 0.0223 139 5.1812 0.0223 140 5.2034 0.0222 'o 141 5.2255 0.0221 142 5.2476 0.0221 143 5.2696 0.0220 qw 144 5.2915 0.0219 145 5.3134 0.0219 a.. Page 3 aw rr rrr rr it �rwr err owr +aw 4w 4w me wr �r PR100A1.OUt 146 5.3352 0.0218 147 5.3570 0.0218 148 5.3787 0.0217 149 5.4003 0.0216 150 5.4219 0.0216 151 5.4434 0.0215 152 5.4649 0.0215 153 5.4863 0.0214 154 5.5077 0.0214 155 5.5290 0.0213 156 5.5502 0.0212 157 5.5714 0.0212 158 5.5925 0.0211 159 5.6136 0.0211 160 5.6346 0.0210 161 5.6556 0.0210 162 5.6765 0.0209 163 5.6974 0.0209 164 5.7182 0.0208 165 5.7390 0.0208 166 5.7597 0.0207 167 5.7804 0.0207 168 5.8010 0.0206 169 5.8215 0.0206 170 5.8421 0.0205 171 5.8625 0.0205 172 5.8829 0.0204 173 5.9033 0.0204 174 5.9236 0.0203 175 5.9439 0.0203 176 5.9641 0.0202 177 5.9843 0.0202 178 6.0045 0.0201 179 6.0246 0.0201 180 6.0446 0.0200 181 6.0646 0.0200 182 6.0846 0.0200 183 6.1045 0.0199 184 6.1244 0.0199 185 6.1442 0.0198 186 6.1640 0.0198 187 6.1837 0.0197 188 6.2034 0.0197 189 6.2231 0.0197 190 6.2427 0.0196 191 6.2622 0.0196 192 6.2818 0.0195 193 6.3013 0.0195 194 6.3207 0.0194 195 6.3401 0.0194 196 6.3595 0.0194 197 6.3788 0.0193 198 6.3981 0.0193 199 6.4174 0.0192 200 6.4366 0.0192 201 6.4557 0.0192 202 6.4749 0.0191 203 6.4940 0.0191 204 6.5130 0.0191 205 6.5321 0.0190 206 6.5510 0.0190 207 6.5700 0.0189 208 6.5889 0.0189 209 6.6078 0.0189 210 6.6266 0.0188 211 6.6454 0.0188 212 6.6642 0.0188 213 6.6829 0.0187 214 6.7016 0.0187 215 6.7202 0.0187 216 6.7389 0.0186 217 6.7574 0.0186 218 6.7760 0.0186 219 6.7945 0.0185 220 6.8130 0.0185 221 6.8314 0.0185 222 6.8499 0.0184 223 6.8682 0.0184 224 6.8866 0.0183 225 6.9049 0.0183 226 6.9232 0.0183 227 6.9414 0.0183 228 6.9597 0.0182 229 6.9779 0.0182 230 6.9960 0.0182 231 7.0141 0.0181 232 7.0322 0.0181 233 7.0503 0.0181 Page 4 Page 5 "M 0 PR100A1.out a� 234 7.0683 0.0180 235 7.0863 0.0180 236 7.1043 0.0180 *� 237 7.1222 0.0179 238 7.1401 0.0179 40 239 7.1580 0.0179 240 7.1758 0.0178 241 7.1936 0.0178 242 7.2114 0.0178 243 7.2292 0.0178 244 7.2469 0.0177 245 7.2646 0.0177 246 7.2823 0.0177 ®.. 247 7.2999 0.0176 248 7.3175 0.0176 249 7.3351 0.0176 250 7.3527 0.0176 251 7.3702 0.0175 ,.. 252 7.3877 0.0175 253 7.4051 0.0175 254 7.4226 0.0174 255 7.4400 0.0174 256 7.4574 0.0174 257 7.4747 0.0174 258 7.4921 0.0173 259 7.5094 0.0173 +� 260 7.5267 0.0173 261 7.5439 0.0172 262 7.5611 0.0172 263 7.5783 0.0172 264 7.5955 0.0172 'Aw 265 7.6126 0.0171 266 7.6298 0.0171 267 7.6468 0.0171 268 7.6639 0.0171 269 7.6809 0.0170 .r 270 7.6980 0.0170 271 7.7150 0.0170 272 7.7319 0.0170 273 7.7489 0.0169 274 7.7658 0.0169 275 7.7827 0.0169 276 7.7995 0.0169 277 7.8164 0.0168 �+• 278 7.8332 0.0168 279 7.8500 0.0168 40 280 7.8667 0.0168 281 7.8835 0.0167 282 7.9002 0.0167 �., 283 7.9169 0.0167 284 7.9336 0.0167 285 7.9502 0.0166 286 7.9668 0.0166 287 7.9834 0.0166 ... 288 8.0000 0.0166 --------------------------------------------------------------------- unit unit unit effective " Period Rainfall soil -LOSS Rainfall (number) (in) (In) (in) �. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 2 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 �w 3 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 4 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 5 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 6 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 7 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 'M 8 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 9 0.0169 0.0016 0.0152 10 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 11 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 12 0.0170 0.0016 0.0153 erY 13 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 14 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 15 0.0171 0.0016 0.0154 16 0.0171 0.0016 0.0155 17 0.0172 0.0017 0.0155 18 0.0172 0.0017 0.0155 19 0.0172 0.0017 0.0156 20 0.0173 0.0017 0.0156 �*. 21 0.0173 0.0017 0.0157 22 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 23 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 as 24 0.0174 0.0017 0.0158 25 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 26 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 27 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 28 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 40 Page 5 "M 0 A, PR100al.out do 29 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 30 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 31 0.0178 0.0017 0.0160 ,on 32 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 33 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 0 34 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 35 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 36 0.0180 0.0017 0.0162 +.w 37 0.0180 0.0017 0.0163 38 0.0181 0.0017 0.0163 39 0.0181 0.0017 0.0164 40 40 0.0182 0.0017 0.0164 41 0.0182 0.0018 0.0165 42 0.0183 0.0018 0.0165 am 43 0.0183 0.0018 0.0166 44 0.0183 0.0018 0.0166 45 0.0184 0.0018 0.0166 46 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 47 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 48 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 49 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 low 50 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 51 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 52 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 53 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 54 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 ON 55 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 56 0.0190 0.0018 0.0172 57 0.0191 0.0018 0.0172 58 0.0191 0.0018 0.0173 59 0.0192 0.0018 0.0173 +■. 60 0.0192 0.0018 0.0174 61 0.0193 0.0019 0.0174 62 0.0193 0.0019 0.0175 63 0.0194 0.0019 0.0175 64 0.0194 0.0019 0.0176 ,r 65 0.0195 0.0019 0.0177 66 0.0196 0.0019 0.0177 67 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 ^** 68 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 69 0.0198 0.0019 0.0179 70 0.0198 0.0019 0.0179 71 0.0199 0.0019 0.0180 72 0.0200 0.0019 0.0180 .r 73 0.0200 0.0019 0.0181 74 0.0201 0.0019 0.0182 75 0.0202 0.0019 0.0182 r 76 0.0202 0.0019 0.0183 77 0.0203 0.0020 0.0184 ,,. 78 0.0204 0.0020 0.0184 79 0.0205 0.0020 0.0185 80 0.0205 0.0020 0.0185 81 0.0206 0.0020 0.0186 82 0.0207 0.0020 0.0187 83 0.0208 0.0020 0.0188 ,s 84 0.0208 0.0020 0.0188 85 0.0209 0.0020 0.0189 "' 86 0.0210 0.0020 0.0190 87 0.0211 0.0020 0.0191 88 0.0211 0.0020 0.0191 89 0.0212 0.0020 0.0192 90 0.0213 0.0020 0.0192 +r 91 0.0214 0.0021 0.0194 92 0.0215 0.0021 0.0194 93 0.0216 0.0021 0.0195 94 0.0216 0.0021 0.0196 95 0.0218 0.0021 0.0197 err 96 0.0218 0.0021 0.0197 97 0.0219 0.0021 0.0198 98 0.0220 0.0021 0.0199 99 0.0221 0.0021 0.0200 100 0.0222 0.0021 0.0201 ar 101 0.0223 0.0021 0.0202 102 0.0224 0.0022 0.0202 103 0.0225 0.0022 0.0204 �• 104 0.0226 0.0022 0.0204 105 0.0227 0.0022 0.0205 106 0.0228 0.0022 0.0206 107 0.0229 0.0022 0.0207 108 0.0230 0.0022 0.0208 ,u. 109 0.0232 0.0022 0.0209 110 0.0232 0.0022 0.0210 111 0.0234 0.0023 0.0211 �w 112 0.0235 0.0023 0.0212 113 0.0236 0.0023 0.0214 ,. 114 0.0237 0.0023 0.0214 115 0.0239 0.0023 0.0216 116 0.0240 0.0023 0.0216 a,. Page 6 0 i PR100A1.OUt �r 117 0.0241 0.0023 0.0218 118 0.0242 0.0023 0.0219 119 0.0244 0.0023 0.0220 ... 120 0.0245 0.0024 0.0221 121 0.0247 0.0024 0.0223 122 0.0248 0.0024 0.0224 123 0.0249 0.0024 0.0225 124 0.0250 0.0024 0.0226 „■, 125 0.0252 0.0024 0.0228 126 0.0253 0.0024 0.0229 127 0.0255 0.0025 0.0231 128 0.0256 0.0025 0.0232 129 0.0259 0.0025 0.0234 130 0.0260 0.0025 0.0235 131 0.0262 0.0025 0.0237 132 0.0263 0.0025 0.0238 133 0.0266 0.0026 0.0240 134 0.0267 0.0026 0.0241 135 0.0269 0.0026 0.0243 136 0.0270 0.0026 0.0244 137 0.0273 0.0026 0.0247 +� 138 0.0274 0.0026 0.0248 139 0.0277 0.0027 0.0250 140 0.0279 0.0027 0.0252 141 0.0281 0.0027 0.0254 142 0.0283 0.0027 0.0256 err 143 0.0286 0.0028 0.0258 144 0.0287 0.0028 0.0260 145 0.0249 0.0024 0.0225 146 0.0251 0.0024 0.0227 147 0.0255 0.0025 0.0230 w. 148 0.0257 0.0025 0.0232 149 0.0260 0.0025 0.0235 150 0.0262 0.0025 0.0237 ^� 151 0.0266 0.0026 0.0241 152 0.0268 0.0026 0.0243 r 153 0.0273 0.0026 0.0247 154 0.0275 0.0026 0.0249 155 0.0280 0.0027 0.0253 •• 156 0.0282 0.0027 0.0255 157 0.0287 0.0028 0.0260 158 0.0290 0.0028 0.0262 r 159 0.0296 0.0028 0.0267 160 0.0299 0.0029 0.0270 .. 161 0.0305 0.0029 0.0275 162 0.0308 0.0030 0.0278 163 0.0314 0.0030 0.0284 aw 164 0.0318 0.0031 0.0287 165 0.0325 0.0031 0.0294 166 0.0329 0.0032 0.0298 w 167 0.0338 0.0032 0.0305 168 0.0342 0.0033 0.0309 169 0.0351 0.0034 0.0317 170 0.0356 0.0034 0.0322 171 0.0367 0.0035 0.0331 172 0.0372 0.0036 0.0337 173 0.0384 0.0037 0.0347 air 174 0.0391 0.0038 0.0353 175 0.0405 0.0039 0.0366 176 0.0413 0.0040 0.0373 177 0.0430 0.0041 0.0388 178 0.0439 0.0042 0.0397 +r� 179 0.0459 0.0044 0.0415 180 0.0471 0.0045 0.0425 181 0.0496 0.0048 0.0448 182 0.0511 0.0049 0.0462 183 0.0544 0.0052 0.0492 rrr 184 0.0563 0.0054 0.0509 185 0.0479 0.0046 0.0433 186 0.0506 0.0049 0.0457 187 0.0574 0.0055 0.0519 188 0.0619 0.0060 0.0560 Ar 189 0.0746 0.0065 0.0681 190 0.0842 0.0065 0.0777 191 0.1204 0.0065 0.1138 o. 192 0.1656 0.0065 0.1590 193 0.5181 0.0065 0.5116 194 0.0981 0.0065 0.0915 as 195 0.0675 0.0065 0.0610 196 0.0537 0.0052 0.0485 .w 197 0.0585 0.0056 0.0529 198 0.0527 0.0051 0.0476 199 0.0483 0.0046 0.0436 200 0.0449 0.0043 0.0406 201 0.0421 0.0041 0.0380 202 0.0398 0.0038 0.0360 203 0.0378 0.0036 0.0342 204 0.0361 0.0035 0.0327 am qm Page 7 i i w low a.. w. wr wr +r r .r err err wo rw ww dr ww w ww m am a�w arr PR100a1.out 205 0.0346 0.0033 0.0313 206 0.0333 0.0032 0.0301 207 0.0322 0.0031 0.0291 208 0.0311 0.0030 0.0281 209 0.0302 0.0029 0.0273 210 0.0293 0.0028 0.0265 211 0.0285 0.0027 0.0257 212 0.0277 0.0027 0.0251 213 0.0271 0.0026 0.0245 214 0.0264 0.0025 0.0239 215 0.0258 0.0025 0.0234 216 0.0253 0.0024 0.0229 217 0.0289 0.0028 0.0261 218 0.0284 0.0027 0.0257 219 0.0280 0.0027 0.0253 220 0.0276 0.0027 0.0249 221 0.0272 0.0026 0.0246 222 0.0268 0.0026 0.0242 223 0.0264 0.0025 0.0239 224 0.0261 0.0025 0.0236 225 0.0258 0.0025 0.0233 226 0.0254 0.0024 0.0230 227 0.0251 0.0024 0.0227 228 0.0248 0.0024 0.0225 229 0.0246 0.0024 0.0222 230 0.0243 0.0023 0.0220 231 0.0240 0.0023 0.0217 232 0.0238 0.0023 0.0215 233 0.0235 0.0023 0.0213 234 0.0233 0.0022 0.0211 235 0.0231 0.0022 0.0209 236 0.0229 0.0022 0.0207 237 0.0227 0.0022 0.0205 238 0.0225 0.0022 0.0203 239 0.0223 0.0021 0.0201 240 0.0221 0.0021 0.0199 241 0.0219 0.0021 0.0198 242 0.0217 0.0021 0.0196 243 0.0215 0.0021 0.0195 244 0.0214 0.0021 0.0193 245 0.0212 0.0020 0.0192 246 0.0210 0.0020 0.0190 247 0.0209 0.0020 0.0189 248 0.0207 0.0020 0.0187 249 0.0206 0.0020 0.0186 250 0.0204 0.0020 0.0185 251 0.0203 0.0020 0.0183 252 0.0201 0.0019 0.0182 253 0.0200 0.0019 0.0181 254 0.0199 0.0019 0.0180 255 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 256 0.0196 0.0019 0.0177 257 0.0195 0.0019 0.0176 258 0.0194 0.0019 0.0175 259 0.0192 0.0019 0.0174 260 0.0191 0.0018 0.0173 261 0.0190 0.0018 0.0172 262 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 263 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 264 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 265 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 266 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 267 0.0184 0.0018 0.0166 268 0.0183 0.0018 0.0165 269 0.0182 0.0017 0.0164 270 0.0181 0.0017 0.0164 271 0.0180 0.0017 0.0163 272 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 273 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 274 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 275 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 276 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 277 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 278 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 279 0.0173 0.0017 0.0156 280 0.0172 0.0017 0.0156 281 0.0171 0.0016 0.0155 282 0.0171 0.0016 0.0154 283 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 284 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 285 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 286 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 287 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 288 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total soil rain loss = 0.71(In) Total effective rainfall = 7.29(In) Page 8 Owe +rr aw SIM ari rr an eYl arr a., w 40 a e■. yrr .ew etlr ae� • Aew AM "to 40 PR100A1.out Peak flow rate in flood hydrograph = 0.37(CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T O R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) volume AC.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- O+ 5 0.0000 0.01 Q I I I I 0+10 0.0001 0.02 Q I I 0+15 0.0003 0.02 Q I I I I 0+20 0.0004 0.02 Q I I I I 0+25 0.0005 0.02 Q I I I I 0+30 0.0006 0.02 Q I I I I 0+35 0.0007 0.02 Q I I I I 0+40 0.0008 0.02 Q I I I I 0+45 0.0009 0.02 Q I I I I 0+50 0.0011 0.02 Q I I I I 0+55 0.0012 0.02 Q I I I I 1+ 0 0.0013 0.02 Q I I I I 1+ 5 0.0014 0.02 QV I I I I 1+10 0.0015 0.02 QV I I I I 1+15 0.0016 0.02 QV I I I I 1+20 0.0017 0.02 QV I I I I 1+25 0.0019 0.02 QV I I I I 1+30 0.0020 0.02 QV I I I I 1+35 0.0021 0.02 QV I I I I 1+40 0.0022 0.02 Qv I I I I 1+45 0.0023 0.02 Qv I I I I 1+50 0.0024 0.02 QV I I I I 1+55 0.0026 0.02 Qv I I I I 2+ 0 0.0027 0.02 Qv I I I I 2+ 5 0.0028 0.02 Q V I I I I 2+10 0.0029 0.02 Q v I I I I 2+15 0.0030 0.02 Q V I I I I 2+20 0.0032 0.02 Q V I I I I 2+25 0.0033 0.02 Q v I I I I 2+30 0.0034 0.02 Q V I I I I 2+35 0.0035 0.02 Q v I I I I 2+40 0.0036 0.02 Q v I I I I 2+45 0.0038 0.02 Q v I I I I 2+50 0.0039 0.02 Q v I I I I 2+55 0.0040 0.02 Q V I I I I 3+ 0 0.0041 0.02 Q V I I I I 3+ 5 0.0042 0.02 Q v I I 3+10 0.0044 0.02 Q V I I I I 3+15 0.0045 0.02 Q v I I I I 3+20 0.0046 0.02 Q V I I I 3+25 0.0047 0.02 Q v I I I I 3+30 0.0049 0.02 Q V I I I I 3+35 0.0050 0.02 Q V I I I I 3+40 0.0051 0.02 Q v I I I I 3+45 0.0052 0.02 Q V I I I I 3+50 0.0053 0.02 Q v I I I I 3+55 0.0055 0.02 Q V I I I I 4+ 0 0.0056 0.02 Q v I I I I 4+'5 0.0057 0.02 Q v I I I I 4+10 0.0059 0.02 Q V I I I I 4+15 0.0060 0.02 Q V I I I I 4+20 0.0061 0.02 Q V I I I I 4+25 0.0062 0.02 Q V I I I I 4+30 0.0064 0.02 Q v I I I I 4+35 0.0065 0.02 Q V I I I I 4+40 0.0066 0.02 Q V I I I I 4+45 0.0067 0.02 Q v I I I I 4+50 0.0069 0.02 Q V I I I I 4+55 0.0070 0.02 Q V I I I I 5+ 0 0.0071 0.02 Q V I I I I 5+ 5 0.0073 0.02 Q v I I I I 5+10 0.0074 0.02 Q v I I I I 5+15 0.0075 0.02 Q v I I I I 5+20 0.0077 0.02 Q V I I I I 5+25 0.0078 0.02 Q V I I I I 5+30 0.0079 0.02 Q V I I I I 5+35 0.0081 0.02 Q v I I I I 5+40 0.0082 0.02 Q v I I I I 5+45 0.0083 0.02 Q V I I I I 5+50 0.0085 0.02 Q V I I I I 5+55 0.0086 0.02 Q V I I I I 6+ 0 0.0087 0.02 Q v 6+ 5 0.0089 0.02 Q v I I I I 6+10 0.0090 0.02 Q v I I I I 6+15 0.0091 0.02 Q v I I I I 6+20 0.0093 0.02 Q v I I I I 6+25 0.0094 0.02 Q V I I I I Page 9 E on do w r M am ar s w .w ar we dw w do oft 40 4" im w 40 w to 0 PR100Al.OUt 6+30 0.0095 0.02 Q V I 6+35 0.0097 0.02 Q V I 6+40 0.0098 0.02 Q v I 6+45 0.0100 0.02 Q V I 6+50 0.0101 0.02 Q V I 6+55 0.0102 0.02 Q V I 7+ 0 0.0104 0.02 Q v I 7+ 5 0.0105 0.02 Q V I 7+10 0.0107 0.02 Q v I 7+15 0.0108 0.02 Q V I 7+20 0.0110 0.02 Q V I 7+25 0.0111 0.02 Q v I 7+30 0.0112 0.02 Q V I 7+35 0.0114 0.02 Q v I 7+40 0.0115 0.02 Q v I 7+45 0.0117 0.02 Q V I 7+50 0.0118 0.02 Q v I 7+55 0.0120 0.02 Q V I 8+ 0 0.0121 0.02 Q V I 8+ 5 0.0123 0.02 Q V I 8+10 0.0124 0.02 Q VI 8+15 0.0126 0.02 Q VI 8+20 0.0127 0.02 Q VI 8+25 0.0129 0.02 Q VI 8+30 0.0130 0.02 Q VI 8+35 0.0132 0.02 Q VI 8+40 0.0133 0.02 Q VI 8+45 0.0135 0.02 Q VI 8+50 0.0136 0.02 Q VI 8+55 0.0138 0.02 Q v 9+ 0 0.0139 0.02 Q V 9+ 5 0.0141 0.02 Q V 9+10 0.0142 0.02 Q V 9+15 0.0144 0.02 Q V 9+20 0.0146 0.02 Q V 9+25 0.0147 0.02 Q V 9+30 0.0149 0.02 Q V 9+35 0.0150 0.02 Q IV 9+40 0.0152 0.02 Q IV 9+45 0.0154 0.02 Q IV 9+50 0.0155 0.02 Q IV 9+55 0.0157 0.02 Q IV 10+ 0 0.0159 0.02 Q IV 10+ 5 0.0160 0.02 Q IV 10+10 0.0162 0.02 Q IV 10+15 0.0164 0.02 Q IV 10+20 0.0165 0.02 Q I V 10+25 0.0167 0.02 Q I V 10+30 0.0169 0.02 Q I V 10+35 0.0170 0.02 Q I V 10+40 0.0172 0.03 Q I V 10+45 0.0174 0.03 Q I V 10+50 0.0176 0.03 Q I V 10+55 0.0177 0.03 Q I V 11+ 0 0.0179 0.03 Q I v 11+ 5 0.0181 0.03 Q I V 11+10 0.0183 0.03 Q I V 11+15 0.0185 0.03 Q I V 11+20 0.0186 0.03 Q I V 11+25 0.0188 0.03 Q I V 11+30 0.0190 0.03 Q I V 11+35 0.0192 0.03 Q I V 11+40 0.0194 0.03 Q I v 11+45 0.0196 0.03 Q I V 11+50 0.0198 0.03 Q I V 11+55 0.0200 0.03 Q I V 12+ 0 0.0202 0.03 Q I v 12+ 5 0.0203 0.03 Q I V 12+10 0.0205 0.02 Q I V 12+15 0.0207 0.02 Q I v 12+20 0.0209 0.03 Q I V 12+25 0.0210 0.03 Q I V 12+30 0.0212 0.03 Q I V 12+35 0.0214 0.03 Q I V 12+40 0.0216 0.03 Q I V 12+45 0.0217 0.03 Q I V 12+50 0.0219 0.03 Q I V 12+55 0.0221 0.03 Q I V 13+ 0 0.0223 0.03 Q I V 13+ 5 0.0225 0.03 Q I V 13+10 0.0227 0.03 Q I V 13+15 0.0229 0.03 Q I V 13+20 0.0231 0.03 Q I V 13+25 0.0233 0.03 Q I V 13+30 0.0235 0.03 Q I V 13+35 0.0237 0.03 Q I V 13+40 0.0239 0.03 Q I V 13+45 0.0241 0.03 Q I V Page 10 ar B.a air ats r ow wr r.a awe rn arr ar wn rr qm am w 4m aw PR100A1.OUt 13+50 0.0244 0.03 Q ( v I I 13+55 0.0246 0.03 Q I V I I 14+ 0 0.0248 0.03 Q I v I I 14+ 5 0.0251 0.03 Q I V I I 14+10 0.0253 0.03 Q I V I I 14+15 0.0255 0.04 Q I v I I 14+20 0.0258 0.04 Q I V I I 14+25 0.0260 0.04 Q I VI 1 14+30 0.0263 0.04 Q I V1 I 14+35 0.0266 0.04 Q I v 1 14+40 0.0268 0.04 Q I V1 I 14+45 0.0271 0.04 Q I V1 I 14+50 0.0274 0.04 Q I v I 14+55 0.0277 0.04 Q I v I 15+ 0 0.0280 0.05 Q I v 15+ 5 0.0284 0.05 Q I V I 15+10 0.0287 0.05 Q I v I 15+15 0.0291 0.05 Q I IV I 15+20 0.0294 0.05 Q I IV I 15+25 0.0298 0.05 Q I IV I 15+30 0.0301 0.05 Q I I v I 15+35 0.0305 0.05 Q I I V I 15+40 0.0309 0.06 Q I I V I 15+45 0.0313 0.07 Q i I v I 15+50 0.0319 0.08 Q I I V I 15+55 0.0325 0.10 Q I I V I 16+ 0 0.0335 0.14 Q I I v I 16+ 5 0.0356 0.30 IQ I I v I 16+10 0.0381 0.37 IQ I I v I 16+15 0.0389 0.11 Q I I v I 16+20 0.0394 0.07 Q I I v I 16+25 0.0398 0.06 Q I I VI 16+30 0.0401 0.06 Q I I VI 16+35 0.0405 0.05 Q I I VI 16+40 0.0408 0.05 Q I I VI 16+45 0.0411 0.04 Q I I v 16+50 0.0414 0.04 Q I I v 16+55 0.0417 0.04 Q I I v 17+ 0 0.0419 0.04 Q I I v 17+ 5 0.0422 0.04 Q I I v 17+10 0.0424 0.03 Q I I IV 17+15 0.0426 0.03 Q I I IV 17+20 0.0428 0.03 Q I I Iv 17+25 0.0430 0.03 Q I I IV 17+30 0.0432 0.03 Q I I IV 17+35 0.0434 0.03 Q I I IV 17+40 0.0436 0.03 Q I I IV 17+45 0.0438 0.03 Q I I I v 17+50 0.0440 0.03 Q I I I V 17+55 0.0442 0.03 Q I I I V 18+ 0 0.0444 0.03 Q I I I V 18+ 5 0.0445 0.03 Q I I I v 18+10 0.0447 0.03 Q I I I V 18+15 0.0449 0.03 Q I I I V 18+20 0.0451 0.03 Q I I I V 18+25 0.0453 0.03 Q I 1 I V 18+30 0.0455 0.03 Q I I I v 18+35 0.0457 0.03 Q I I I v 18+40 0.0458 0.03 Q I I I V 18+45 0.0460 0.03 Q I I I v 18+50 0.0462 0.03 Q I I I v 18+55 0.0464 0.02 Q I I I v 19+ 0 0.0465 0.02 Q I I I v 19+ 5 0.0467 0.02 Q I I I v 19+10 0.0469 0.02 Q I I I v 19+15 0.0470 0.02 Q I I I v 19+20 0.0472 0.02 Q I I I v 19+25 0.0474 0.02 Q I I I V 19+30 0.0475 0.02 Q I I I v 19+35 0.0477 0.02 Q I I I v 19+40 0.0478 0.02 Q I I I v 19+45 0.0480 0.02 Q I I I v 19+50 0.0481 0.02 Q I I I v 19+55 0.0483 0.02 Q i I I v 20+ 0 0.0484 0.02 Q I I I v 20+ 5 0.0486 0.02 Q I I I V 20+10 0.0487 0.02 Q I I I v 20+15 0.0489 0.02 Q I I I v 20+20 0.0490 0.02 Q I I I v 20+25 0.0492 0.02 Q I I I v 20+30 0.0493 0.02 Q I I I v 20+35 0.0495 0.02 Q I I I V 20+40 0.0496 0.02 Q I I I v 20+45 0.0497 0.02 Q I I I v 20+50 0.0499 0.02 Q I I I v 20+55 0.0500 0.02 Q I I I V 21+ 0 0.0501 0.02 Q I I I v 21+ 5 0.0503 0.02 Q I I I V Page 11 ". 40 ns 40 arr ar AW r .W go qm 40 Im .r r ,. ar 40 qw .r PR100A1.OUt 21+10 0.0504 0.02 Q I I I v I 21+15 0.0506 0.02 Q I I I v 21+20 0.0507 0.02 Q I I I v I 21+25 0.0508 0.02 Q I I I v I 21+30 0.0510 0.02 Q I I I v I 21+35 0.0511 0.02 Q I I I v l 21+40 0.0512 0.02 Q I I I v l 21+45 0.0513 0.02 Q I I I v l 21+50 0.0515 0.02 Q I I I v l 21+55 0.0516 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+ 0 0.0517 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+ 5 0.0519 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+10 0.0520 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+15 0.0521 0.02 Q I I i v l 22+20 0.0522 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+25 0.0524 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+30 0.0525 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+35 0.0526 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+40 0.0527 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+45 0.0528 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+50 0.0530 0.02 Q I I I v l 22+55 0.0531 0.02 Q I I I v l 23+ 0 0.0532 0.02 Q I i I v l 23+ 5 0.0533 0.02 Q I I I vl 23+10 0.0534 0.02 Q I I I vl 23+15 0.0536 0.02 Q I I I vl 23+20 0.0537 0.02 Q I I I vl 23+25 0.0538 0.02 Q I I I vl 23+30 0.0539 0.02 Q I I I vl 23+35 0.0540 0.02 Q I I I vi 23+40 0.0541 0.02 Q I I I vi 23+45 0.0542 0.02 Q I I I vi 23+50 0.0544 0.02 Q I I I vi 23+55 0.0545 0.02 Q I I I vl 24+ 0 0.0546 0.02 Q I I I vl 24+ 5 0.0547 0.01 Q I I I vi 24+10 0.0547 0.00 Q I I I vi 24+15 0.0547 0.00 Q I I I vl 24+20 0.0547 0.00 Q I I I vl 24+25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.0547 0.00 Q I I I v Page 12 PR100A2.out �w U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a l y s i s ®.. Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 - 2004, version 7.0 study date 07/28/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "' San Bernardino County Synthetic unit Hydrology Method Manual date - August 1986 .rr Program License Serial Number 6194 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF FONTANA 15848 SLOVER AVENUE PROJECT PROPOSED CONDITIONS, AREA A2 wn 100 -YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM RETURN FREQUENCY/DURATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- �' Storm Event Year = 100 an Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 English (in -lb) Input units used English Rainfall Data (Inches) Input values used English units used in output format Ar Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub -Area Duration Isohetal *+ (AC.) (hours) (In� Rainfall data for year 100 w� 1.55 1 1.40 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainfall data for year 100 ,., 1.55 6 3.50 -------------------------------------------------------------------- AW Rainfall data for year 100 1.55 24 8.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 ******** Area -averaged max loss rate, Fm ******** in SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig C6) Ap Fm No.(AMCII) NO.(AMC 3) (AC.) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (In/Hr) 32.0 52.0 1.55 1.000 0.785 0.100 0.079 +rr Area -averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr) = 0.079 ********* Area -Averaged low loss rate fraction, Yb ********** +� Area Area SCS CN SCS CN S Pervious (Ac.) Fract (AMC2) (AMC3) Yield Fr 0.16 0.100 32.0 52.0 9.23 0.308 1.40 0.900 98.0 98.0 0.20 0.970 arr Area -averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.904 Area -averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.096 user entry of time of concentration = 0.101 (hours) watershed area = 1.55(Ac.) ar Catchment La time = 0.081 hours unit interval = 5.000 minutes unit interval percentage of lag time = 103.1353 *� Hydrograph baseflow = 0.00(CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 0.079(in/Hr) as Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 0.096 (decimal) VALLEY DEVELOPED S-Graphproportion = 0.900 VALLEY UNDEVELOPED S -Graph proportion = 0.100 .r. FOOTHILL S -Graph proportion = 0.000 MOUNTAIN S -Graph proportion = 0.000 aw DESERT S -Graph proportion = -0.000 Computed peak 5 -minute rainfall = 0.518(In) Im Computed peak 30 -minute rainfall = 1.061(In) specified peak 1 -hour rainfall = 1.400(In) As Computed peak 3 -hour rainfall = 2.455(In) Page 1 wr 0 PR100A2.out specified peak 6 -hour rainfall = 3.500(in) specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 8.000(In) <w Rainfall depth area reduction factors: using a total area of 1.55(Ac.) (Ref: fig. E-4) 5 -minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 0.518(In) qw, 30 -minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.061(In) 1 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.400(In) 3 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 2.455(in) Ow 6 -hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 3.500(In) 24-hour factor --------------------------------------------------------------------- = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 8.000(In) u n i t H y d r o g r a p h interval 's' Graph unit Hydrograph .�,. Number Mean values ((CFS)) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (K = 18.75 (CFS)) 1 18.415 3.452 2 79.942 11.533 3 96.752 3.151 4 99.085 0.437 r. 5 99.470 0.072 6 99.718 0.046 7 99.868 0.028 8 100.000 0.025 ,�„ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Peak unit Adjusted mass rainfall unit rainfall Number (In) (In) 1 0.5181 0.5181 �.. 2 0.6837. 0.1655 3 0.8040 0.1204 4 0.9021 0.0981 r 5 0.9863 0.0842 6 1.0609 0.0746 ,. 7 1.1284 0.0675 8 1.1903 0.0619 9 1.2477 0.0574 10 1.3014 0.0537 11 1.3520 0.0506 12 1.3999 0.0479 13 1.4584 0.0585 14 1.5147 0.0563 "r 15 1.5691 0.0544 16 1.6218 0.0527 17 1.6729 0.0511 „w 18 1.7225 0.0496 19 1.7708 0.0483 an 20 1.8179 0.0471 21 1.8638 0.0459 22 1.9087 0.0449 23 1.9526 0.0439 24 1.9955 0.0430 25 2.0376 0.0421 26 2.0789 0.0413 27 2.1194 0.0405 28 2.1592 0.0398 29 2.1983 0.0391 ar 30 2.2368 0.0384 31 2.2746 0.0378 32 2.3118 0.0372 33 2.3485 0.0367 34 2.3846 0.0361 40 35 2.4203 0.0356 36 2.4554 0.0351 37 2.4900 0.0346 +• 38 2.5242 0.0342 39 2.5580 0.0338 40 40 2.5913 0.0333 41 2.6242 0.0329 42 2.6568 0.0325 An 43 2.6889 0.0322 44 2.7207 0.0318 45 2.7522 0.0314 40 46 2.7833 0.0311 47 2.8141 0.0308 ,_ 48 2.8445 0.0305 49 2.8747 0.0302 50 2.9046 0.0299 ar 51 2.9341 0.0296 52 2.9634 0.0293 53 2.9924 0.0290 54 3.0212 0.0287 55 3.0496 0.0285 r Page 2 0 PR100A2.out air 56 3.0779 0.0282 57 3.1059 0.0280 58 3.1336 0.0277 +• 59 3.1611 0.0275 60 3.1884 0.0273 4+ 61 3.2155 0.0271 62 3.2423 0.0268 63 3.2690 0.0266 aw 64 3.2954 0.0264 65 3.3216 0.0262 66 3.3477 0.0260 40 67 3.3735 0.0258 68 3.3992 0.0257 I., 69 3.4246 0.0255 70 3.4499 0.0253 71 3.4750 0.0251 72 3.5000 0.0249 73 3.5289 0.0289 74 3.5576 0.0287 75 3.5862 0.0286 76 3.6147 0.0284 ON' 77 3.6430 0.0283 78 3.6711 0.0281 79 3.6991 0.0280 w 80 3.7269 0.0279 81 3.7546 0.0277 wr 82 3.7822 0.0276 83 3.8097 0.0274 84 3.8370 0.0273 85 3.8641 0.0272 86 3.8912 0.0270 .r 87 3.9181 0.0269 88 3.9449 0.0268 89 3.9716 0.0267 90 3.9981 0.0266 91 4.0246 0.0264 �r 92 4.0509 0.0263 93 4.0771 0.0262 94 4.1032 0.0261 ®*+ 95 4.1291 0.0260 96 4.1550 0.0259 as 97 4.1807 0.0258 98 4.2064 0.0256 99 4.2319 0.0255 me 100 4.2574 0.0254 101 4.2827 0.0253 102 4.3079 0.0252 40 103 4.3331 0.0251 104 4.3581 0.0250 ,.. 105 4.3831 0.0249 106 4.4079 0.0248 107 4.4327 0.0248 108 4.4573 0.0247 109 4.4819 0.0246 110 4.5064 0.0245 111 4.5307 0.0244 112 4.5550 0.0243 113 4.5792 0.0242 114 4.6034 0.0241 115 4.6274 0.0240 116 4.6514 0.0240 117 4.6752 0.0239 A+ 118 4.6990 0.0238 119 4.7227 0.0237 120 4.7464 0.0236 "' 121 4.7699 0.0235 122 4.7934 0.0235 an 123 4.8168 0.0234 124 4.8401 0.0233 125 4.8633 0.0232 126 4.8865 0.0232 127 4.9096 0.0231 err 128 4.9326 0.0230 129 4.9555 0.0229 130 4.9784 0.0229 131 5.0012 0.0228 132 5.0239 0.0227 133 5.0466 0.0227 134 5.0692 0.0226 135 5.0917 0.0225 *.. 136 5.1142 0.0225 137 5.1366 0.0224 138 5.1589 0.0223 139 5.1811 0.0223 140 5.2033 0.0222 ns. 141 5.2255 0.0221 142 5.2475 0.0221 143 5.2695 0.0220 40 AM Page 3 PR100A2.out 144 5.2915 0.0219 145 5.3134 0.0219 146 5.3352 0.0218 *�* 147 5.3569 0.0218 148 5.3787 0.0217 149 5.4003 0.0216 150 5.4219 0.0216 151 5.4434 0.0215 .w 152 5.4649 0.0215 153 5.4863 0.0214 154 5.5076 0.0214 am 155 5.5289 0.0213 156 5.5502 0.0212 .,, 157 5.5714 0.0212 158 5.5925 0.0211 159 5.6136 0.0211 160 5.6346 0.0210 161 5.6556 0.0210 162 5.6765 0.0209 163 5.6974 0.0209 164 5.7182 0.0208 "" 165 5.7390 0.0208 166 5.7597 0.0207 167 5.7803 0.0207 168 5.8010 0.0206 169 5.8215 0.0206 V.. 170 5.8420 0.0205 171 5.8625 0.0205 172 5.8829 0.0204 173 5.9033 0.0204 174 5.9236 0.0203 �... 175 5.9439 0.0203 176 5.9641 0.0202 177 5.9843 0.0202 178 6.0045 0.0201 179 6.0245 0.0201 ®rr 180 6.0446 0.0200 181 6.0646 0.0200 182 6.0846 0.0200 �* 183 6.1045 0.0199 184 6.1243 0.0199 185 6.1442 0.0198 186 6.1640 0.0198 187 6.1837 0.0197 +�* 188 6.2034 0.0197 189 6.2230 0.0197 190 6.2427 0.0196 191 6.2622 0.0196 192 6.2818 0.0195 .. 193 6.3013 0.0195 194 6.3207 0.0194 195 6.3401 0.0194 drr 196 6.3595 0.0194 197 6.3788 0.0193 ,., 198 6.3981 0.0193 199 6.4173 0.0192 200 6.4366 0.0192 201 6.4557 0.0192 202 6.4749 0.0191 203 6.4940 0.0191 204 6.5130 0.0191 205 6.5320 0.0190 +� 206 6.5510 0.0190 207 6.5700 0.0189 208 6.5889 0.0189 209 6.6077 0.0189 210 6.6266 0.0188 ar 211 6.6454 0.0188 212 6.6641 0.0188 213 6.6829 0.0187 Im 214 6.7016 0.0187 215 6.7202 0.0187 40 216 6.7388 0.0186 217 6.7574 0.0186 218 6.7760 0.0186 Im 219 6.7945 0.0185 220 6.8130 0.0185 Am 221 6.8314 0.0185 222 6.8498 0.0184 223 6.8682 0.0184 aw 224 6.8866 0.0183 225 6.9049 0.0183 me 226 6.9232 0.0183 227 6.9414 0.0183 228 6.9597 0.0182 229 6.9778 0.0182 230 6.9960 0.0182 231 7.0141 0.0181 s Page 4 Page 5 0 PR100A2.out Yr 232 7.0322 0.0181 233 7.0503 0.0181 234 7.0683 0.0180 235 7.0863 0.0180 236 7.1043 0.0180 �r 237 7.1222 0.0179 238 7.1401 0.0179 239 7.1580 0.0179 .. 240 7.1758 0.0178 241 7.1936 0.0178 242 7.2114 0.0178 243 7.2292 0.0178 244 7.2469 0.0177 •+•s 245 7.2646 0.0177 246 7.2823 0.0177 247 7.2999 0.0176 248 7.3175 0.0176 249 7.3351 0.0176 .., 250 7.3526 0.0176 251 7.3702 0.0175 252 7.3877 0.0175 253 7.4051 0.0175 254 7.4226 0.0174 255 7.4400 0.0174 256 7.4574 0.0174 257 7.4747 0.0174 wo 258 7.4921 0.0173 259 7.5094 0.0173 260 7.5266 0.0173 261 7.5439 0.0172 262 7.5611 0.0172 "r+ 263 7.5783 0.0172 264 7.5955 0.0172 265 7.6126 0.0171 266 7.6297 0.0171 267 7.6468 0.0171 AN 268 7.6639 0.0171 269 7.6809 0.0170 270 7.6979 0.0170 271 7.7149 0.0170 272 7.7319 0.0170 .r 273 7.7488 0.0169 274 7.7658 0.0169 275 7.7826 0.0169 "■ 276 7.7995 0.0169 277 7.8163 0.0168 ar 278 7.8332 0.0168 279 7.8499 0.0168 280 7.8667 0.0168 281 7.8835 0.0167 282 7.9002 0.0167 283 7.9169 0.0167 284 7.9335 0.0167 285 7.9502 0.0166 .. 286 7.9668 0.0166 287 7.9834 0.0166 288 8.0000 0.0166 --------------------7------------------------------------------------ Unit unit unit effective ..,, Period Rainfall soil-LOSS Rainfall (number) (In) (in) (In) " --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 2 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 3 0.0166 0.0016 0.0150 4 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 5 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 6 0.0167 0.0016 0.0151 7 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 8 0.0168 0.0016 0.0152 9 0.0169 0.0016 0.0152 10 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 AN 11 0.0169 0.0016 0.0153 12 0.0170 0.0016 0.0153 13 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 14 0.0170 0.0016 0.0154 15 0.0171 0.0016 0.0154 M 16 0.0171 0.0016 0.0155 17 0.0172 0.0017 0.0155 18 0.0172 0.0017 0.0155 "' 19 0.0172 0.0017 0.0156 20 0.0173 0.0017 0.0156 40 21 0.0173 0.0017 0.0157 22 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 23 0.0174 0.0017 0.0157 *M 24 0.0174 0.0017 0.0158 25 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 AW 26 0.0175 0.0017 0.0158 Page 5 0 PR100A2.out 40 27 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 28 0.0176 0.0017 0.0159 29 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 ar 30 0.0177 0.0017 0.0160 31 0.0178 0.0017 0.0160 32 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 33 0.0178 0.0017 0.0161 34 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 �. 35 0.0179 0.0017 0.0162 36 0.0180 0.0017 0.0162 37 0.0180 0.0017 0.0163 .r� 38 0.0181 0.0017 0.0163 39 0.0181 0.0017 0.0164 ., 40 0.0182 0.0017 0.0164 41 0.0182 0.0018 0.0165 42 0.0183 0.0018 0.0165 43 0.0183 0.0018 0.0166 44 0.0183 0.0018 0.0166 45 0.0184 0.0018 0.0166 46 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 47 0.0185 0.0018 0.0167 48 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 49 0.0186 0.0018 0.0168 50 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 51 0.0187 0.0018 0.0169 52 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 53 0.0188 0.0018 0.0170 54 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 55 0.0189 0.0018 0.0171 56 0.0190 0.0018 0.0172 57 0.0191 0.0018 0.0172 4M 58 0.0191 0.0018 0.0173 59 0.0192 0.0018 0.0173 60 0.0192 0.0018 0.0174 IWO 61 0.0193 0.0019 0.0174 62 0.0193 0.0019 0.0175 63 0.0194 0.0019 0.0175 64 0.0194 0.0019 0.0176 65 0.0195 0.0019 0.0177 �+ 66 0.0196 0.0019 0.0177 67 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 68 0.0197 0.0019 0.0178 69 0.0198 0.0019 0.0179 70 0.0198 0.0019 0.0179 �. 71 0.0199 0.0019 0.0180 72 0.0200 0.0019 0.0180 73 0.0200 0.0019 0.0181 �r 74 0.0201 0.0019 0.0182 75 0.0202 0.0019 0.0182 ,. 76 0.0202 0.0019 0.0183 77 0.0203 0.0020 0.0184 78 0.0204 0.0020 0.0184 79 0.0205 0.0020 0.0185 80 0.0205 0.0020 0.0185 .,, 81 0.0206 0.0020 0.0186 82 0.0207 0.0020 0.0187 83 0.0208 0.0020 0.0188 84 0.0208 0.0020 0.0188 85 0.0209 0.0020 0.0189 86 0.0210 0.0020 0.0190 87 0.0211 0.0020 0.0191 88 0.0211 0.0020 0.0191 89 0.0212 0.0020 0.0192 90 0.0213 0.0020 0.0192 91 0.0214 0.0021 0.0194 92 0.0215 0.0021 0.0194 93 0.0216 0.0021 0.0195 �r 94 0.0216 0.0021 0.0196 95 0.0218 0.0021 0.0197 96 0.0218 0.0021 0.0197 97 0.0219 0.0021 0.0198 98 0.0220 0.0021 0.0199 .n 99 0.0221 0.0021 0.0200 100 0.0222 0.0021 0.0201 101 0.0223 0.0021 0.0202 ■* 102 0.0224 0.0022 0.0202 103 0.0225 0.0022 0.0204 ar 104 0.0226 0.0022 0.0204 105 0.0227 0.0022 0.0205 106 0.0228 0.0022 0.0206 +r 107 0.0229 0.0022 0.0207 108 0.0230 0.0022 0.0208 109 0.0232 0.0022 0.0209 ®r 110 0.0232 0.0022 0.0210 111 0.0234 0.0023 0.0211 �.. 112 0.0235 0.0023 0.0212 113 0.0236 0.0023 0.0214 114 0.0237 0.0023 0.0214 am Page 6 PR100A2.out 115 0.0239 0.0023 0.0216 116 0.0240 0.0023 0.0216 117 0.0241 0.0023 0.0218 *� 118 0.0242 0.0023 0.0219 119 0.0244 0.0023 0.0220 am 120 0.0245 0.0024 0.0221 121 0.0247 0.0024 0.0223 122 0.0248 0.0024 0.0224 �. 123 0.0249 0.0024 0.0225 124 0.0250 0.0024 0.0226 125 0.0252 0.0024 0.0228 ... 126 0.0253 0.0024 0.0229 127 0.0255 0.0025 0.0231 ®., 128 0.0256 0.0025 0.0232 129 0.0259 0.0025 0.0234 130 0.0260 0.0025 0.0235 131 0.0262 0.0025 0.0237 132 0.0263 0.0025 0.0238 133 0.0266 0.0026 0.0240 134 0.0267 0.0026 0.0241 135 0.0269 0.0026 0.0243 136 0.0270 0.0026 0.0244 137 0.0273 0.0026 0.0247 138 0.0274 0.0026 0.0248 139 0.0277 0.0027 0.0250 140 0.0279 0.0027 0.0252 �+ 141 0.0281 0.0027 0.0254 142 0.0283 0.0027 0.0256 143 0.0286 0.0028 0.0258 144 0.0287 0.0028 0.0260 145 0.0249 0.0024 0.0225 r 146 0.0251 0.0024 0.0227 147 0.0255 0.0025 0.0230 148 0.0257 0.0025 0.0232 149 0.0260 0.0025 0.0235 150 0.0262 0.0025 0.0237 rr 151 0.0266 0.0026 0.0241 152 0.0268 0.0026 0.0243 153 0.0273 0.0026 0.0247 154 0.0275 0.0026 0.0249 155 0.0280 0.0027 0.0253 156 0.0282 0.0027 0.0255 157 0.0287 0.0028 0.0260 158 0.0290 0.0028 0.0262 *+ 159 0.0296 0.0028 0.0267 160 0.0299 0.0029 0.0270 161 0.0305 0.0029 0.0275 162 0.0308 0.0030 0.0278 163 0.0314 0.0030 0.0284 .. 164 0.0318 0.0031 0.0287 165 0.0325 0.0031 0.0294 166 0.0329 0.0032 0.0298 ar 167 0.0338 0.0032 0.0305 168 0.0342 0.0033 0.0309 169 0.0351 0.0034 0.0317 170 0.0356 0.0034 0.0322 171 0.0367 0.0035 0.0331 172 0.0372 0.0036 0.0337 173 0.0384 0.0037 0.0347 174 0.0391 0.0038 0.0353 175 0.0405 0.0039 0.0366 176 0.0413 0.0040 0.0373 r 177 0.0430 0.0041 0.0388 178 0.0439 0.0042 0.0397 179 0.0459 0.0044 0.0415 180 0.0471 0.0045 0.0425 181 0.0496 0.0048 0.0449 a 182 0.0511 0.0049 0.0462 183 0.0544 0.0052 0.0492 184 0.0563 0.0054 0.0509 "+ 185 0.0479 0.0046 0.0433 186 0.0506 0.0049 0.0457 air 187 0.0574 0.0055 0.0519 188 0.0619 0.0060 0.0560 189 0.0746 0.0065 0.0681 *� 190 0.0842 0.0065 0.0777 191 0.1204 0.0065 0.1138 192 0.1655 0.0065 0.1590 193 0.5181 0.0065 0.5116 194 0.0981 0.0065 0.0915 �.. 195 0.0675 0.0065 0.0610 196 0.0537 0.0052 0.0485 197 0.0585 0.0056 0.0529 198 0.0527 0.0051 0.0476 199 0.0483 0.0046 0.0436 .. 200 0.0449 0.0043 0.0406 201 0.0421 0.0041 0.0381 202 0.0398 0.0038 0.0360 a.r Page 7 M ars a. we -M 40 rre so -M wr 0 0 F +rr 8 NM rr 0 E err 203 0.0378 204 0.0361 205 0.0346 206 0.0333 207 0.0322 208 0.0311 209 0.0302 210 0.0293 211 0.0285 212 0.0277 213 0.0271 214 0.0264 215 0.0258 216 0.0253 217 0.0289 218 0.0284 219 0.0280 220 0.0276 221 0.0272 222 0.0268 223 0.0264 224 0.0261 225 0.0258 226 0.0254 227 0.0251 228 0.0248 229 0.0246 230 0.0243 231 0.0240 232 0.0238 233 0.0235 234 0.0233 235 0.0231 236 0.0229 237 0.0227 238 0.0225 239 0.0223 240 0.0221 241 0.0219 242 0.0217 243 0.0215 244 0.0214 245 0.0212 246 0.0210 247 0.0209 248 0.0207 249 0.0206 250 0.0204 251 0.0203 252 0.0201 253 0.0200 254 0.0199 255 0.0197 256 0.0196 257 0.0195 258 0.0194 259 0.0192 260 0.0191 261 0.0190 262 0.0189 263 0.0188 264 0.0187 265 0.0186 266 0.0185 267 0.0184 268 0.0183 269 0.0182 270 0.0181 271 0.0180 272 0.0179 273 0.0178 274 0.0177 275 0.0176 276 0.0176 277 0.0175 278 0.0174 279 0.0173 280 0.0172 281 0.0171 282 0.0171 283 0.0170 284 0.0169 285 0.0168 286 0.0168 287 0.0167 288 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- 0.0166 PR100A2.OUt 0.0036 0.0342 0.0035 0.0327 0.0033 0.0313 0.0032 0.0301 0.0031 0.0291 0.0030 0.0281 0.0029 0.0273 0.0028 0.0265 0.0027 0.0257 0.0027 0.0251 0.0026 0.0245 0.0025 0.0239 0.0025 0.0234 0.0024 0.0229 0.0028 0.0261 0.0027 0.0257 0.0027 0.0253 0.0027 0.0249 0.0026 0.0246 0.0026 0.0242 0.0025 0.0239 0.0025 0.0236 0.0025 0.0233 0.0024 0.0230 0.0024 0.0227 0.0024 0.0225 0.0024 0.0222 0.0023 0.0220 0.0023 0.0217 0.0023 0.0215 0.0023 0.0213 0.0022 0.0211 0.0022 0.0209 0.0022 0.0207 0.0022 0.0205 0.0022 0.0203 0.0021 0.0201 0.0021 0.0199 0.0021 0.0198 0.0021 0.0196 0.0021 0.0195 0.0021 0.0193 0.0020 0.0192 0.0020 0.0190 0.0020 0.0189 0.0020 0.0187 0.0020 0.0186 0.0020 0.0185 0.0020 0.0183 0.0019 0.0182 0.0019 0.0181 0.0019 0.0180 0.0019 0.0178 0.0019 0.0177 0.0019 0.0176 0.0019 0.0175 0.0019 0.0174 0.0018 0.0173 0.0018 0.0172 0.0018 0.0171 0.0018 0.0170 0.0018 0.0169 0.0018 0.0168 0.0018 0.0167 0.0018 0.0166 0.0018 0.0165 0.0017 0.0164 0.0017 0.0164 0.0017 0.0163 0.0017 0.0162 0.0017 0.0161 0.0017 0.0160 0.0017 0.0159 0.0017 0.0159 0.0017 0.0158 0.0017 0.0157 0.0017 0.0156 0.0017 0.0156 0.0016 0.0155 0.0016 0.0154 0.0016 0.0154 0.0016 0.0153 0.0016 0.0152 0.0016 0.0152 0.0016 0.0151 0.0016 ----------------------------------- 0.0150 ----------------------------------- Page 8 PR100A2.out Total soil rain loss = 0.71(In) Total effective rainfall = 7.29(In) Peak flow rate in flood hydrograph = 6.78(CFS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 24 - H O U R S T 0 R M R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals ((CFS)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Time(h+m) volume AC.Ft Q(CFS) 0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0+ 5 0.0004 0.05 Q I I I I 0+10 0.0019 0.22 Q I I I I 0+15 0.0038 0.27 VQ I I I I 0+20 0.0057 0.28 VQ I I I I 0+25 0.0076 0.28 VQ I I I I 0+30 0.0096 0.28 VQ I I I I 0+35 0.0115 0.28 VQ I I I I 0+40 0.0135 0.28 VQ I I 0+45 0.0155 0.28 VQ I I I I 0+50 0.0174 0.29 VQ I I I I 0+55 0.0194 0.29 VQ I I I I 1+ 0 0.0214 0.29 VQ I I I I 1+ 5 0.0233 0.29 vQ I I I I 1+10 0.0253 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+15 0.0273 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+20 0.0293 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+25 0.0313 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+30 0.0333 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+35 0.0353 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+40 0.0373 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+45 0.0393 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+50 0.0414 0.29 IQ I I I I 1+55 0.0434 0.29 IQ I I I I 2+ 0 0.0454 0.29 IQ I I I I 2+ 5 0.0475 0.30 IQV I I I I 2+10 0.0495 0.30 IQV I I I I 2+15 0.0515 0.30 IQV I I I I 2+20 0.0536 0.30 IQV I I I I 2+25 0.0556 0.30 IQV 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