HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoyote Canyon Infrastructure Improvementsm DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: CENTEX HOMES 2280 WARDLOW CIRCLE, SUITE 150 CORONA, CA. 92880 PREPARED BY. AE I - - CA S C ENGINEERING 937 SOUTH VIA LATA, SUITE 500 COLTON, CA 92324 (909) 783-0101 • FAx (909) 783-0108 REVISED DECEMBER 2, 2005 W., ow M M DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA This report has been prepared by or under the direction of the following registered civil engineer who attests to the technical information contained herein. The registered civil engineer has also judged the qualifications of any technical specialists providing engineering data upon which recommendations, conclusions, and decisions are based. O��.TORIgF��,p, 10 / Aric forreyson, RCE ate Registered Civil Eng' eer Seal o;h AEI T"CASC I= N C5, I N F f= I21 N C7, Q:\52637\Infrastructure_Storm Drain\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Dralnage_092805.doc DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSEAND ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................1 HYDROLOGYANALYSES.....................................................................................................1-2 HYDRAULICANALYSES.......................................................................................................2-3 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS..................................................... 4-5 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................. 6 FIGURE I: GENERAL VICINITY MAP FIGURE II: INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT MAP APPENDICES APPENDIX A: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR STORM FREQUENCY RATIONAL TABLING HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX A.1: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR RATIONAL TABLING CALCULATIONS - LINE "A" AND LINE "B" APPENDIX A.2: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR RATIONAL TABLING CALCULATIONS - LINE "C-1" APPENDIX A.3: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR RATIONAL TABLING CALCULATIONS - LINE "C" APPENDIX A.4: INFRASTRUCTURE I00 -YEAR RATIONAL TABLING CALCULATIONS - LINE "D" APPENDIX B: SUPPLEMENTARY 100 -YEAR STORM FREQUENCY RATIONAL TABLING HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX B.1: BOYLE ENGINEERING SAN SEVAINE SYSTEM MDP EXCPERTS APPENDIX C: HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C.1: STREET CAPACITY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C.2: CATCH BASIN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C.3: FLOW DIAGRAMS AEC A S C ENGINEER.NG Q:\52637\lnfrastruCture_Storm Drain\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Drainage_092805.dce DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA APPENDIX C.4:. LINE "A" WSPGN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX G5: LINE `B" WSPGN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C.6: LINE "C" WSPGN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C.7: LINE "D" WSPGN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D: WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D.l: VOLUME CALCULATIONS FOR BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES EXTENDED DETETNION BASINS APPENDIX D.2: EXCERPTS FROM WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION MANUAL OF PRACTICE NO. 23 APPENDIX E: OCRD STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY MAP EXHIBIT B: SOILS MAP EXHIBIT C: 100 -YEAR I -HOUR ISOHEYTAL MAP EXHIBIT D: HAWKER CRAWFORD CHANNEL EXCERPTS AEI -"j'r'CASC ENGINEERING Q:\52637\Infrastructure_Storm Drain\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Drainage_092805.doc DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PURPOSE AND ANALYSIS The purpose of this study is to discuss the hydrological and hydraulic analyses associated with the 100 -year frequency storm events for the Coyote Canyon Infrastructure Improvements. The Coyote Canyon Infrastructure Improvements consist of street, sewer, water and storm drain improvements to Coyote Canyon Road (from the west project boundary to Interstate 15 interchange), Roadrunner Road (from Hawker Crawford to northern tract boundary), and Duncan Canyon Road (from Hawker Crawford Channel to Coyote Canyon Road), see Figure II. These improvements will facilitate the development of proposed Tracts 16290, 16290-1, 16290-2, and 16325. The scope of the study includes the following: 1. Determination of points of flow concentration and watershed areas. 2. Determination of the 100 -year peak storm flows based upon the ultimate development and drainage conditions utilizing the San Bernardino County Flood Control District (S.B.C.F.C.D.) Rational Method. 3. Modeling of the W.S.P.G.N. and the Haestad Flowmaster (HEC -22) computer programs in support of the storm drain and catch basin design, respectively. 4. Preparation of the hydrology and hydraulic report. HYDROLOGY ANALYSES The Coyote Canyon Development lies along the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountain. The topography has an average slope of approximately 5% and drains to the south into the San Sevaine Drainage System. The entire development will be detained by a regional basin known as Rich Basin, which eventually outlets into Hawker -Crawford Channel. The current condition of the site consists of open space with low to medium brush throughout the area. The primary soil within the tract boundary area is soil type "A" which is considered a soil material with high soil loss rates. See the soils map, Exhibit B, which is an excerpt from the SBCFCD Hydrology Manual. The ultimate development will consist of approximately I/4 acres lots, which is consistent with the Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan prepared for Coyote Canyon LLC., by AEI•CASC Engineering. (Ref 1). The Coyote Canyon Master Plan of Drainage, prepared by AEI•CASC, was utilized as a base for the off-site drainage flows. The Hydrology calculations were modified accordingly to conform to the latest development layout and storm drain layout (See Appendix "A"). The Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan demonstrated that the existing Rich Basin has the storage capacity to mitigate the developed condition. QA52637\Infrastructure_Storm Drarn\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Drainage_092805 doc AE 1 TICASC ENGINEERING DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA Therefore, hydrology analyses for the existing condition were not performed. Hydrology results for the existing condition can be obtained from the Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan. The rainfall depth for the 100 -year, 1 -hour storm event was obtained from the SBDCFCD Hydrology Manual Isoheytal Map. Exhibit C is a copy of the isoheytal map for the 100 - year, 1 -hour storm event, which includes the approximate location of the project. Utilizing the information obtained from the SBCFCD Hydrology Manual, the 1 -hour rainfall depth for the 100 -year storm event is 1.6 inches. Using the soils, land use, and rainfall data previously mentioned, hydrological analyses were performed for the 100 -year storm event using the Rational Method. The Rational Method is used to determine the peak flow rate for the off-site and on-site tributary drainage area. The off-site peak flow rates will be used to design a suitable storm drain facility to intercept and protect the proposed tracts and street improvements. The w intercepted flows will be conveyed to the existing Rich Basin per the Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan. The on-site hydrology calculations for Tracts 16290, -1, -2 and 16325 will be evaluated to determine the developed flow rates and underground storm drain requirements within Coyote Canyon Road, Roadrunner Road, and Duncan Canyon Road to support the future development of the tracts. Upon development of the proposed tracts, a detailed hydrology and hydraulics report addressing the 100 -year and 10 -year storm flows, in -tract street capacities, emergency overflows, etc. will be performed. Appendix A includes the hydrological result associated with the 100 -year storm event. "Proposed Development Hydrology Map" (Exhibit "A") for the coyote Canyon development is included to show the drainage boundaries and storm drain systems. Supplementary hydrology calculations and maps for the proposed Tracts 16290, -1,-2, and 16325 are included in Appendix `B". HYDRAULIC ANALYSES Open channels are proposed when the tributary flows are emanating from the undeveloped canyons to the north and no debris basins are provided at the upstream terminus of the said channels. Where open channels are provided, they are designed to convey the "bulked" 100 -year storm runoff. The minimum channel freeboard will be determined per the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Design Manual. Concrete -lined side slopes are proposed to be 1.5:1 or flatter. All underground storm drains proposed in this plan are intended to collect local urban runoff and offsite undeveloped flows. For the primary and secondary highways such as the Coyote Canyon Road and Duncan Canyon Road, the 100 -year storm flow will be allowed to collect in those streets up to the top of curb as long as one "dry" lane is maintained. If QA52637Unfrastructure_Storrn Dram\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Drainage_ 092805 doc AE 1 CAIS C ENGINEERING DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA this condition is violated, the plan proposes to construct an underground storm drain to convey the tributary 100 -year flows. In order to determine the locations of the proposed storm drain, the streets within the residential tract need to be evaluated. Rating tables, provided in Appendix C .1 are used to evaluate the flooding within the residential streets for the following three scenarios: Conveyance capability for a typical half -street section using the depth equal to top of curb. Conveyance capability for a typical full -street section using the depth equal to top of curb. Conveyance capability for a typical full -street section using the depth equal to right- of-way. The above rating tables were used to locate potential impacts, using the peak flow rates from the hydrology analyses, within the streets. In addition, the rating tables were used to evaluate the following street flooding criteria for residential streets, which are design criteria within the City of Fontana. WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS The post -construction BMP to be used in the project is an extended detention basin. The facility collects the volume of water generated by the "first -flush" storm event and detains the runoff for a period of 24 hour to 72 hours. The extended detention basin is designed based upon the volume generated by the "first flush". Therefore, the Water Environment Federation "Manual of Practice No. 23" (WEF-MOP No. 87) was used as the design guidelines to assist in the design of the extended detention basin. The WEF-MOP No. 23 contains empirical equations that can be utilized to determine the required volume necessary to design a post -project BMP. Appendix B contains excerpts from the WEF-MOP No. 23 that discuss the procedures used to determine the required design volume. The following equation is used to determine the required volume: P = P6CA Where: P = Runoff generated by watershed in inches P6= Mean Storm Precipitation volume C = Runoff Coefficient ( C = 0.858i3 — 0.78i' + 0.774i + 0.04) A = Regression constant from least square analysis i = Watershed impervious ratio QA52637\1nfrastructure_Storm Drain\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Drainage_ 092805 doc AEI MCMC ENGINEERING w DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA The following table includes the tributary area for each basin and the volume of water generated using the WEF-MOP No. 23 equations: Basin Designation Total Area Imperviousness Ratio Volume (acre) (%) (ac -ft) B 148.4 50 4.38 The calculations for the quantities of volume indicated on the table above are based upon a mean storm precipitation (P6) value of 0.55 inches and a value of "A" equal to 1.582. The calculations have been included in Appendix D. In addition, Exhibit "B" is included to delineate the drainage patterns and tributary watersheds for each basin. The location of the extended detention basins were determined based upon the location of the proposed storm drain system and in areas adjacent to a drainage course or storm drain facility. The extended detention basins will incorporate a depressed manhole or channel diversion structure to intercept runoff associated with the "first flush". An 18 -inch storm drain is used to intercept the "first flush" and the flows that exceed the capacity of the 18 -inch storm drain and will continue downstream along the main storm drain system. The low flow system will convey the "first flush" runoff into the water quality basin. The main function is to remove debris and sediment from the runoff. The water quality basin is designed to allow water to pond for a period of 24-hour to 72 -hours. The flows will discharge through a filter/perforated riser, which will collect and convey the runoff into a drop inlet. The drop inlet is sized to handle the maximum peak flow rate that may discharge into the basin. -The drop inlet serves as an emergency overflow in case the filter/perforated pipe becomes clogged and operation of the system fails. The flows within the extended detention basin will discharge into an outlet pipe, which will convey the runoff into the Rich Basin. DEBRIS PRODUCTION CALCULATIONS The Coyote Canyon project is impacted by small watersheds to the north and the existing Hawker Crawford channel to the northeast. These watersheds drain into the proposed Line "A", Line "B", Debris Basin "C", and Line "C". For purposes of this report, the debris calculations from the approved MDP are utilized to design the proposed debris basins. QA52637Unfrastmcture_Storm Drain\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastmcutre Drwnage_092805 doc AE 1 _`r'1CA8C E fV G 1 IV E E R I r -.1G DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS The following is a brief description of the recommended drainage improvements: Line "A" Line "A" is proposed to intercept and convey the off-site 100 -year bulked storm flows of 614 ft3/sec and discharge them into Line `B". Generally, Line "A" is a concrete -lined rectangular channel with a bottom width of 10 feet and a depth of 6 feet. Due to the curve alignment, the design flow for Line "A" is based upon a bulking factor of 100 percent (i.e. the "clear -water flow is increased by a factor of 2). Additionally, the bottom three feet of the proposed 6 -foot high perimeter block wall for the adjacent lots will be designed to incorporate a flood or hydrostatic wall in order to provide additional drainage protection to those lots. Line "B" Line "B" is an open channel system that drains the major off-site storm flows from the undeveloped areas to the north. It also serves as outlet for Line "A" and the on-site flows generated by the westerly side of the project. Line `B" is a concrete -lined rectangular channel with a bottom width of 15 feet and a depth of 6 feet. Line `B" is sized to convey the 100 -year bulked storm flows of 1,674.7 ft3/sec. Double -cell RCB crossing with a debris pier is proposed under Coyote Canyon Road. The size of the crossing was determined by analyzing the minimum required culvert size and providing an additional cell of equal size. One 15 -ft access road is proposed along the length of the channel for maintenance. Line "B-1" This proposed facility consists of an underground storm drain system that collects and conveys on-site storm runoff and discharges it into Line "B". It consists of 24 -inch and 30 - inch RCP's. Line "B-2" Line "B-2" is an underground drainage system that collects on-site storm flows emanating from Tract 16290-2, the area bounded by Line "B" to the east, Rich Basin to the south, Coyote Canyon Road to the north, and the existing Hunters Ridge development to the west. It consists of 36 -inch RCPs. It is proposed to discharge into Line "B". Line "C" Line "C" is a combination of concrete -lined open channel and underground drainage system that runs along the north side of Coyote Canyon Road. Line "C"is proposed to intercept bulked off-site storm flows tributary to the proposed Coyote Canyon Q \52637\Infrastructure_Storm Drain\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Drainage_092805 doc AE 1 _`V^CA5SC ENGINEERING DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA Road, west of Hawker Crawford Channel. The underground portion of Line "C" consists of a 8' W x 8'H RCB transitioning to a 10' W x 8'H RCB downstream of the Line "C-1" confluence. Line "C" conveys the 100 -year bulked flow of 1342.5 cfs to the Hawker Crawford Channel directly upstream of Rich Basin. The open channel portion consists of an irregular open channel and concrete trapezoidal channel. Line 11C-1 11 Line "C-1" is proposed to be an underground drainage system that conveys 100 -year outflow from Debris Basin "C" and discharges this flow into Line "C". It also serves as outlet for Lines "C-3". Line "C" consists of 78 -inch RCP. Line "C-3" Line "C-3" is an underground drainage system that intercepts and conveys on-site storm flows coming from the northeast section of the project. It consists of a 42 -inch and 36 - inch RCP and is proposed to discharge into Line "C". Line "C-5" This facility is proposed to intercept and convey on-site storm flows of Tract 16325 coming from the developed area bounded by Roadrunner Road to the west, Coyote Canyon Road to the north, and the Hawker Crawford Channel to the south. Line "C-6" This facility is proposed to intercept and convey on-site storm flows of Tract 16325 coming from the developed area bounded by Roadrunner Road to the west, Coyote Canyon Road to the north, and the Hawker Crawford Channel to the south. Line "C-7" This facility is proposed to intercept and convey on-site storm flows of Tract 16290-1. This 48 -inch RCP is sized to convey the 100 -year storm flow of 45.8 ft3/sec. Debris Basin "C" The proposed debris basin will be sized to trap approximately 3.9 acre-feet of debris. This facility outlets the "Clear" water flow rate to proposed Line "C-1". Line "D" Line "D" consist of a 48 -inch RCP, sized to convey the 100 -year bulked offsite flow of 69.3 ft3/sec. Q:\5263T1nfrastructure_Storm DramtreportsToyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Drainage_ 092805 d« AE 1 TICA6SC ENGINEERING DRAINAGE ANALYSIS FOR COYOTE CANYON INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS FONTANA, CALIFORNIA Based on the investigations made for this report, it is concluded that: 1. The proposed development peak flow rate will be mitigated by the existing regional basin known as Rich Basin. 2. The designed storm drain improvements for Coyote Canyon Infrastructure Improvement plans will convey the 100 -year storm event. REFERENCES Reference 1 Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan, AEI•CASC Engineering, April 25, 2002 Reference 2 San Bernardino County Flood Control District Hydrology Manual, August 1986 Reference 3 City of Fontana Standards and Specification, 1975 Q-\52637Unfrastructure_Stonn Drain\reports\Coyote Canyon Infrastrucutre Drainage_ 092905 doc AEI �CAzSC ENGINEERING APPENDICES FIGURE I: GENERAL VICINITY MAP Vicinity Map Figure III - SAN SEPNARDINO NATIONAL FOREST aaa��aaaaraa � a a a®. a .asses a. spa air■ ■ �'�C�avOH �� FONTANA SPHERE OF INFLUENCE �sPecc�GvuN COYOTE CANYON SPECIFIC PLAN AREA D DD North Coyote Canyon Specific Plan City of Fontana III -2 FIGURE II: INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT MAP COYOTE CA00W c>evEL,0FEWE��Jr FY -Pt n; -Ag u� C- V�A P, f- U7M P?.D-V EkAf�,J T5 !ij �x slf til M -qt ;7 110 40 Q2 a%, 11{ it{tom rr i1 35 2 E gi 71, lit 1 o0v% F T J.k, � - r— f , . 1 11 12, s I 1,-� ',� , — i IDS Jkk Vt: If 11� I 175!1, V P ZOV A E �J 54 T5 72 ALF PLLks 0 71 , kk w r. �NA t j "S 5's -q2 C, tR5V w �311 ICE Fu. 5' T ME I Not - 145:7 1 "I L iv — 6 a I 10 17 �71 1-7 1 77:;14. i �7 8- 65 -2 C D 12 7f 1 70 %2 7f e-31 A 73 74 52 75 64 83 se E7 36 a_- 76 92 p 16 5b \\ kA % \47 77 rz 57 .7 I F S. X 22✓ q, 1 IC E 2:3- A ill %1. ' % J� U, IWO, ;1 17 25 ff; i 42 -T- 45 ..... ..... 8 APPENDIX A: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR STORM FREQUENCY RATIONAL TABLING HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 0 APPENDIX A.1: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR RATIONAL TABLING ` CALCULATIONS - LINE "A" AND LINE "B" 8 San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 09/26/04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan 100 -year Proposed Hydrology Line."B" Rational Tabling to Rich Basin FN:CYTPRA.RSB 12/6/00 A. Torreyson ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.638 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 € Process from Point/Station 223.000 to Point/Station 223.000 **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Rainfall intensity = 3.049(In/Hr) for a 100.0 User specified values are as follows: TC = 21.30 min. Rain intensity = 3.05(In/Hr) Total area this stream = 359.66(Ac.) SEf COYOTE CAUM-) MDP abyL-F- -F�&Mffety 0 . 532 (In/Hr) *ExcerVIVS. year storm P-N;tuNooe N Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 359.66(Ac.) Total runoff = 808.96(CFS) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 223.000 to Point/Station 1214.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1902.500(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1774.700(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1400.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 8.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 3.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 3.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 808.992(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.030 Maximum depth of channel = 20.000(Ft.) 1 Flow(q) thru subarea = 808.992(CFS) Depth of flow = 2.510(Ft.), Average velocity = 20.752(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 23..061(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 20.75(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.12 min. Time of concentration = 22.42 min. Critical depth = 4.250(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 60.27 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.676(In/Hr) The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 799.615(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 808.960(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.956(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.737 Subarea runoff = 0.000(CFS) for 7.300(Ac.) t ; Total runoff = 808.960(CFS) ��[�°' L-�T- Effective area this stream = 366.96(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 366.96(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.535(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 2.510(Ft.), Average velocity = 20.752(Ft/s) Critical depth = 4.250(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 223.000 to Point/Station 1214.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 366.960(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 808.960(CFS). Time of concentration = 22.42 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.956(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5353(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious -ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 225.000 to Point/Station 226.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 884.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 314.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 0.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 314.700(Ft.) Slope = 0.35600 s(%)= 35.60 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)3^0.2 low Initial area time of concentration = 13.548 min. 1*14W Rainfall intensity = 4.000(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm 2 Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.780 Subarea runoff = 19.443(CFS) Total initial stream area = 6.230(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 226.000 to Point/Station 227.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 100.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 25.060(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 749.400(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 30.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 37.018(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.257(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 6.284(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 9.37(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.33 min. Time of concentration = 14.88 min. Critical depth = 1.688(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 37.018(CFS) 9.375(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.781(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.773 Subarea runoff = 35.088(CFS) for 12.420(Ac.) Total runoff = 54.531(CFS) Effective area this stream = 18.65(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 385.61(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.453(Ft.), Average velocity = 10.328(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.969(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 227.000 to Point/Station 228.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 400.760(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 0.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1001.900(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 84.986(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 30.000(Ft.) M Flow(q) thru subarea = 84.986(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.323(Ft.), Average velocity = 19.407(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 6.618(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 19.41(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.86 min. Time of concentration = 15.74 min. Critical depth = 2.344(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.656(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.769 Subarea runoff = 60.834(CFS) for 22.390(Ac.) Total runoff = 115.366(CFS) Effective area this stream = 41.04(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 408.00(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.484(Ft.), Average velocity = 20.948(Ft/s) Critical depth = 2.656(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 228.000 to Point/Station 229.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 100.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 8.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 690.200(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 153.307(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 30.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea =- 153.307(CFS) Depth of flow = 2.030(Ft.), Average velocity = 14.883(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 10.149(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 14.88(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.77 min. Time of concentration = 16.51 min. Critical depth = 2.969(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.552(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.765 Subarea runoff = 75.829(CFS) for 29.310(Ac.) Total runoff = 191.195(CFS) Effective area this stream = 70.35(Ac.) ++• Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 437.31(Ac.) fir+ Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) 4 w 0 cm Depth of flow = 2.205(Ft.), Average velocity = 15.728(Ft/s) Critical depth = 3.250(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 229.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 237.880(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 0.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1091.200(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 216.203(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 30.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 216.203(CFS) Depth of flow = 2.105(Ft.), Average velocity = 19.520(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 10.524(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 19.52(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.93 min. Time of concentration = 17.45 min. Critical depth = 3.406(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.437(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.761 Subarea runoff = 49.939(CFS) for 21.890(Ac.) Total runoff = 241.134(CFS) Effective area this stream = 92.24(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 459.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 2.193(Ft.), Average velocity = 20.060(Ft/s) Critical depth = 3.563(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/Station 231.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 252.070(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 0.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 2211.100(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 273.941(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 30.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 273.941(CFS) Depth of flow = 2.598(Ft.), Average velocity = 16.241(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 12.988(Ft.) R Flow Velocity = 16.24(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.27 min. Time of concentration = 19.71 min. Critical depth = 3.750(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 68.50 Pervious ratio(AP) = 0.9900 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.550(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.194(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.749 Subarea runoff = 65.552(CFS) for 36.030(Ac.) Total runoff = 306.686(CFS) Effective area this stream = 128.27(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 495.23(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.537(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 2.710(Ft.), Average velocity = 16.706(Ft/s) Critical depth = 3.938(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 231.000 to Point/Station 1214.200 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1897.500(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1792.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 2045.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.030 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 306.881(CFS) Depth of flow = 2.153(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 15.767(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 13.72(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.48 min. Time of concentration = 22.20 min. Critical depth = 3.078(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 306.881(CFS) 13.724(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 54.43 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.9900 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.747(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 2.975(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.732 Subarea runoff = 0.326(CFS) for 12.800(Ac.) Total runoff = 307.012(CFS) Effective area this stream = 141.07(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 508.03(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.556(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 2.154(Ft.), Average velocity = 13.726(Ft/s) Critical depth = 3.078(Ft.) on 6 Process from Point/Station 1214.200 to Point/Station 1214.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1792.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1774.700(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 275.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 10.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 0.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 0.000 Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 6.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 307.012(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.241(Ft.), Average velocity = 24.747(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 10.000(Ft.) v Flow Velocity = 24.75(Ft/s) /+ Travel time = 0.19 min. = / I L'r D Z aF-5 Time of concentration = 22.38 min. �(X.: lY Critical depth = 3.063(Ft.) _ +++++++++++++++++t+++Q+�,++++++� +++�+++�� �11+1J`j+++++°'+ Pe Process from Point/Station 1214.200 to Point/Station 1214.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** or- Along F Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 �/� Stream flow area = 141. 070 (Ac. ) C'u5 Runoff from this stream = 307.012(CFS) 1. Time of concentration = 22.38 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.960(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5564(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.9965 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 808.96 366.960 22.42 0.535 2 307.01 141.070 22.38 0.556 Qmax(1) _ 1.000 * 1.000 * 808.960) + 0.999 * 1.000 * 307.012) + _ Qmax(2) _ 1.001 * 0.998 * 808.960) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 307.012) + _ Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.956 2.960 Li 1115.554 1115.574 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 808.960 307.012 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 1115.554 1115.574 Area of streams before confluence: 366.960 141.070 '"m' Effective area values after confluence: r 508.030 507.354 J 73,�) CF -5 IN Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 1115.574(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.383 min. Effective stream area after confluence = Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) _ Study area total (this main stream) _ 507.354(Ac. 0.999 0.541(In/Hr) 508.03(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1214.000 to Point/Station 1215.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1774.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1700.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1290.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 15.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 0.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 0.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 6.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 1115.617(CFS) Depth of flow = 2.193(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 15.000(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 33.91(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.63 min. Time of concentration = 23.02 min. Critical depth = 5.563(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 1088.229(CFS) 1115.617(CFS) 33.915(Ft/s) 0.098(In/Hr) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 1115.574(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.911(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.733 Subarea runoff = 0.000(CFS) for 2.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 1115.574(CFS) Effective area this stream = 509.85(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 510.53(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.539(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 2.193(Ft.), Average velocity = 33.914(Ft/s) Critical depth = 5.563(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1215.000 to Point/Station 1215.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 s SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious.ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 23.02 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.911(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.733 } ��� 7'�. Z,L Subarea runoff = 11.975(CFS) for 18.800(Ac.) a� = (CFS ) Total runoff 1127.549(CFS) Effective area this stream = 528.65(Ac.) �(;✓� Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 529.33 (Ac. ) �J� Area averaged Fm value = 0.541(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1215.000 to Point/Station 1216.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1700.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1633.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1500.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 15.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 0.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 0.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 1127.591(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 6.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 1127.591(CFS) Depth of flow = 2.407(Ft.), Average velocity = 31.234(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 15.000(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 31.23(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.80 min. Time of concentration = 23.82 min. Critical depth = 5.625(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.873 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.127 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 35.05 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.096(In/Hr) The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 1105.636(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 1127.549(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.851(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.730 Subarea runoff = 0.000(CFS) for 2.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 1127.549(CFS) Effective area this stream = 531.15(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 531.83(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.539(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 2.407(Ft.), Average velocity = 31.234(Ft/s) 9 Critical depth = 5.625(Ft.) i'1Mrr! Process from Point/Station 1216.000 to Point/Station 1216.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 23.82 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.851(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.729 Subarea runoff = 21.095(CFS) for 21.100(Ac.)at =f�}�35, +'a o` Total runoff = 1148.644(CFS) Cid) Effective area this stream = 552.25(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 552.93(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0 . 540 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1216.000 to Point/Station 1218.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1633.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1583.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 600.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 1148.644(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 72.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 1148.644(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 55.78(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 60.16(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 48.89(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.20 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 24.02 min. End of computations, Total Study Area = 552.93 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.962 Area averaged SCS curve number = 66.3 Q X116, C;FS G� 5 10 APPENDIX A.2: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR RATIONAL TABLING '+.. CALCULATIONS - LINE 6'C-1" m San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADW CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 08/31/05 Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan 100 -YEAR PROPOSED HYDROLOGY LINE "C" Rational Tabling to Rich Basin FN:CYTPR.RSB 3/6/00 A. Torreyson ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.638 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ,. Process from Point/Station 1301.000 to Point/Station 1302.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** N Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 970.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2503.200(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 2333.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 170.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.17546 s(%)= 17.55 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 16.198 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.594(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.767 Subarea runoff = 11.296(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.100(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1302.000 to Point/Station 1303.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2333.000(Ft.) 1 Downstream point elevation = 1986.700(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 885.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated 'mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 24.259(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 24.259(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.353(Ft.), Average velocity = 12.058(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 6.411(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 12.06(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.22 min. Time of concentration = 17.42 min. Critical depth = 0.805(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.440(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.761 Subarea runoff = 25.863(CFS) for 10.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 37.158(CFS) Effective area this stream = 14.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 14.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.452(Ft.), Average velocity = 13.931(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.031(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1303.000 to Point/Station 1304.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1986.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1798.600(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1220.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 60.106(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.774(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 8.098(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 11.85(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.72 min. Time of concentration = 19.14 min. Critical depth = 1.359(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 60.106(CFS) 11.850(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) 2 Rainfall intensity = 3.251(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.753 Subarea runoff = 45.799(CFS) for 19.700(Ac.) Total runoff = 82.957(CFS) Effective area this stream = 33.90(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 33.90(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.926(Ft.), Average velocity = 13.071(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.625(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1304.000 to Point/Station 1305.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1798.600(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1726.400(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 886.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 110.009(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.283(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 10.132(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 11.33(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.30 min. Time of concentration = 20.44 min. Critical depth = 1.906(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 110.009(CFS) 11.332(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 64.64 Pervious ratio(AP) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.613(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = - 3.125(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.737 Subarea runoff = 54.033(CFS) for 25.600(Ac.) Total runoff = 136.991(CFS) Effective area this stream = 59.50(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 59.50(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.567(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.441(Ft.), Average velocity = 12.060(Ft/s) Critical depth = 2.156(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1304.000 to Point/Station 1305.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 59.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 136.991(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.44 min. 3 on Rainfall intensity = 3.125(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5673(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Process from Point/Station 1305.100 to Point/Station 1305.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER.INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 56.46 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 1000.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1966.600(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1797.500(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 169.100(Ft.) Slope = 0.16910 s(%)= 16.91 TC = k(0.950)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 21.483 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.034(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 8.923(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.728(In/Hr) 0.728(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.684 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1305.200 to Point/Station 1305.300 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1797.500(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1742.700(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 735.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.030 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 12.790(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.360(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 6.439(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 6.21(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.97 min. Time of concentration = 23.45 min. Critical depth = 0.547(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 12.790(CFS) 6.214(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 51.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.797(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 2.878(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.661 10 Subarea runoff = 7.636(CFS) for 4.400(Ac.) .00�1 Total runoff = 16.559(CFS) Effective area this stream = 8.70(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 68.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.763(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.418(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.784(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.641(Ft.) IN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1305.300 to Point/Station 1305.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1742.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1726.400(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 190.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 16.559(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.764(Ft.), Average velocity = 14.182(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 3.056(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 14.18(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.22 min. Time of concentration = 23.68 min. Critical depth = 1.336(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1305.200 to Point/Station 1305.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 8.700(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 16.559(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.68 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.862(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.7631(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 136.99 59.500 20.44 0.567 3.125 2 16.56 8.700 23.68 0.763 2.862 Qmax(1) _ 1.000 * 1.000 * 136.991) + 1.126 * 0.863 * 16.559) + = 153.083 Qmax (2 ) _ 0.897 * 1.000 * 136.991) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 16.559) + = 139.417 ,. Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: ^^ 136.991 16.559 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 153.083 139.417 Area of streams before confluence: 59.500 8.700 Effective area values after confluence: 67.010 68.200 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 153.083(CFS) Time.of concentration = 20.440 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 67.010(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.592(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 68.20(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1305.000 to Point/Station 1106.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1726.400(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1705.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 365.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 10.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 10.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 10.000 Manning's 'N' = 0.025 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 153.083(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.838(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 26.761(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 9.94(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.61 min. Time of concentration = 21.05 min. Critical depth = 1.297(Ft.) 9.938(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1305.000 to Point/Station 1106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 67.010(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 153.083(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.05 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.071(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5923(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1101.000 to Point/Station 1102.000 INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** ''sir► In N Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(AP) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 950.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2888.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 2583.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 304.700(Ft.) Slope = 0.32074 s(%)= 32.07 TC=.k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.238 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.883(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 21.710(CFS) Total initial stream area = 7.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) 0.532(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.777 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1102.000 to Point/Station 1103.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2583.300(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 2380.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 660.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 50.278(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.576(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 7.303(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 14.20(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.77 -min. Time of concentration = 15.01 min. Critical depth = 1.234(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 50.278(CFS) 14.195(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.761(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.773 Subarea runoff = 57.040(CFS) for 19.900(Ac.) Total runoff = 78.749(CFS) Effective area this stream = 27.10(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 95.30(Ac Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.742(Ft.), Average velocity = 16.361(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.594(Ft.) 7 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1103.000 to Point/Station 1104.000 IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2380.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1802.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 2150.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 109.705(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 109.705(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.927(Ft.), Average velocity = 17.267(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 8.708(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 17.27(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.08 min. Time of concentration = 17.09 min. Critical depth = 1.906(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.480(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.762 Subarea runoff = 61.853(CFS) for 25.900(Ac.) Total runoff = 140.602(CFS) Effective area this stream = 53.00(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 121.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.062(Ft.), Average velocity = 18.588(Ft/s) Critical depth = 2.172(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1103.000 to Point/Station 1104.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 53.000(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 140.602(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.09 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.480(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1201.000 to Point/Station 1202.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea 'err SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 900.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2664.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 2360.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 304.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.33822 s(%)= 33.82 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.786 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.959(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.779 Subarea runoff = 28.368(CFS) Total initial stream area = 9.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1202.000 to Point/Station 1203.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2360.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 2200.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 640.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 47.850(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 47.850(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.594(Ft.), Average velocity = 13.016(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 7.376(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 13.02(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.82 min. Time of concentration = 14.61 min. Critical depth = 1.203(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.824(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.775 Subarea runoff = 38.873(CFS) for 13.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 67.242(CFS) Effective area this stream = 22.70(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 143.90(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.720(Ft.), Average velocity = 14.496(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.453(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 440*� Process from Point/Station 1203.000 to Point/Station 1104.000 'fir **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** 9 10— Upstream point elevation = 2200.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1802.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1500.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or ''Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 83.964(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 83.964(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.802(Ft.), Average velocity = 15.849(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 8.209(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 15.85(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.58 min. Time of concentration = 16.18 min. Critical depth = 1.641(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.596(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.767 Subarea runoff = 33.382(CFS) for 13.800(Ac.) Total runoff = 100.624(CFS) Effective area this stream = 36.50(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 157.70(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.887(Ft.), Average velocity = 16.747(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.813(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1203.000 to Point/Station 1104.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 36.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 100.624(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.18 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.596(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 140.60 53.000 17.09 0.532 3.480 2 100.62 36.500 16.18 0.532 3.596 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 140.602) + 0.962 * 1.000 * 100.624) + = 237.432 `40W Qmax (2 ) = 10 1.039 * 0.947 * 140.602) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 100.624) + = 238.997 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 140.602 100.624 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 237.432 238.997 Area of streams before confluence: 53.000 36.500 Effective area values after confluence: 89.500 86.693 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 238.997(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.183 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 86.693(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.532(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 89.50(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1104.000 to Point/Station 1105.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1802.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1718.100(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1040.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 248.719(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.), Flow(q) thru subarea = 248.719(CFS) Depth of flow = 2.079(Ft.), Average velocity = 14.735(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 11.237(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 14.74{Ft/s) Travel time = 1.18 min. Time of concentration = 17.36 min. Critical depth = 3.125(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.447(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.761 Subarea runoff = 19.390(CFS) for 11.800(Ac.) Total runoff = 258.387(CFS) Effective area this stream = 98.49(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 169.50(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 2.121(Ft.), Average velocity = 14.890(Ft/s) Critical depth = 3.188(Ft.) *4w- 11 Process from Point/Station 1105.000 to Point/Station 1106.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1718.100(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1705.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 270.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 10.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 10.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 10.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 258.413(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.250 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 258.413(CFS) Depth of flow = 3.186(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.938(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 73.710(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.94(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.32 min. Time of concentration = 19.68 min. Critical depth = 1.672(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 242.212(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 258.387(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 3.197(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C ='0.750 Subarea runoff = 0.000(CFS) for 2.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 258.387(CFS) Effective area this stream = 100.99(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 172.00(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 3.185(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.938(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.672(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1105.000 to Point/Station 1106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 100.993(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 258.387(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.68 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.197(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 1%Nr1++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12 Process from Point/Station 1501.000 to Point/Station 1502.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve'number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 945.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2283.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1884.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 398.300(Ft.) Slope = 0.42148 s(%)= 42.15 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.452 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.017(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 11.291(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) 0.532(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.781 Process from Point/Station 1502.000 to Point/Station 1504.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1884.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1774.600(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 580.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 13.493(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 20.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 13.493(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.309(Ft.), Average velocity = 7.768(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 6.237(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 7.77(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.24 min. Time of concentration = 14.70 min. Critical depth = 0.563(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.810(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.774 Subarea runoff = 4.341(CFS) for 1.700(Ac.) Total runoff = 15.632(CFS) Effective area this stream = 5.30(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 3) = 177.30(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.337(Ft.), Average velocity = 8.176(Ft/s) 13 C Critical depth = 0.617(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1502.000 to Point/Station 1504.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 5.300(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 15.632(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.70 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.810(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1501.000 to Point/Station 1503.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Y Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 930.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2283.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1872.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 411.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.44194 s(%)= 44.19 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.240 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.056(In/Hr) for a 100.0 Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 10.464(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) 0.532(In/Hr) year storm is C = 0.782 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1503.000 to Point/Station 1504.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1872.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1774.600(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 670.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 20.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 16.313(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.373(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 6.494(Ft.) fir✓ Flow Velocity = 7.60(Ft/s) 16.313(CFS) 7.601(Ft/s) 14 Travel time = 1.47 min. Time of concentration = 14.71 min. Critical depth = 0.633(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.808(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.774 Subarea runoff = 11.643(CFS) for 4.200(Ac.) Total runoff = 22.107(CFS) Effective area this stream = 7.50(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 3) = 184.80(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.446(Ft.), Average velocity = 8.423(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.758(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1503.000 to Point/Station 1504.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 7.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 22.107(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.71 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.808(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate No. (Ac.) (CFS) 1 15.63 2 22.11 Qmax(1) _ 1.000 * 1.001 * Qmax(2) _ 0.999 * 1.000 * 5.300 - 7.500 TC Fm (min) (In/Hr) 14.70 0.532 14.71 0.532 1.000 * 15.632) + 0.999 * 22.107) + _ 1.000 * 15.632) + 1.000 * 22.107) + _ Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.810 3.808 37.733 37.729 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 15.632 22.107 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 37.733 37.729 Area of streams before confluence: 5.300 7.500 Effective area values after confluence: 12.793 12.800 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 37.733(CFS) 15 Time of concentration = 14.697 min. .0m., Effective stream area after confluence = 12.793(Ac.) lk%W Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.532(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 12.80(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1504.000 to Point/Station 1505.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1774.600(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1723.500(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 485.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 20.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 38.838(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.674(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 7.697(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 9.07(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.89 min. Time of concentration = 15.59 min. Critical depth = 1.063(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 38.838(CFS) 9.072(Ft/S) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 .Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.677(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.770 Subarea runoff = 2.157(CFS) for 1.300(Ac.) Total runoff = 39.890(CFS) Effective area this stream = 14.09(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 3) = 186.10(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.685(Ft.), Average velocity = 9.149(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.078(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4-+++ Process from Point/Station 1504.000 to Point/Station 1505.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 14.093(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 39.890(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.59 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.677(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 H 16 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1601.000 to Point/Station 1602.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 1000.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2195.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1845.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 350.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.35000 s(%)= 35.00 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.281 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.876(In/Hr) for a 100.0 Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 10.832(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) 0.532(In/Hr) year storm is C = 0.776 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1602.000 to Point/Station 1505.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1845.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1723.500(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 840.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 3.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 3.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 5.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea 18.165(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.389(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 7.333(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 7.58(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.85 min. Time of concentration = 16.13 min. Critical depth = 0.648(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 18.165(CFS) 7.577(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.603(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.767 Subarea runoff = 14.590(CFS) for 5.600(Ac.) Total runoff = 25.422(CFS) Effective area this stream = 9.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 3) = 195.30(Ac.) �inrr Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) 17 Depth of flow = 0.470(Ft.), Average velocity = 8.439(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.789(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1602.000 to Point/Station 1505.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 9.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 25.422(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.13 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.603(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 39.89 14.093 15.59 0.532 3.677 2 25.42 9.200 16.13 0.532 3.603 Qmax(1) _ Time of concentration = 15.588 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 1.000 * 1.000 * 39.890) + Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 1.024 * 0.966 * 25.422) + = 65.056 Qmax (2 ) _ 0.976 * 1.000 * 39.890) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 25.422) + = 64.367 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 39.890 25.422 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 65.056 64.367 Area of streams before confluence: 14.093 9.200 Effective area values after confluence: 22.985 23.293 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 65.056(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.588 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 22.985(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.532(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 23.29(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1505.000 to Point/Station 1402.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1723.500(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1717.100(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 320.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 0.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 IN Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 20.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 65.056(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.677(Ft.), Average velocity = 11.565(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 6.708(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 11.57(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.46 min. Time of concentration = 16.05 min. Critical depth = 2.313(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1505.000 to Point/Station 1402.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 22.985(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 65.056(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.05 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.614(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1401.000 to Point/Station 1402.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 715.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1846.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1717.100(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 128.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.18028 s(%)= 18.03 TC = k(0.730)*((length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.260 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.879(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 12.952(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) 0.532(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.776 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1401.000 to Point/Station 1402.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 3 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 4.300(Ac.) 40041- Runoff from this stream = 12.952(CFS) V40W, Time of concentration = 14.26 min. IM Rainfall intensity = 3.879(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) '*ft,, Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 65.06 22.985 16.05 0.532 3.614 2 12.95 4.300 14.26 0.532 3.879 Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 65.056) + 0.921 * 1.000 * 12.952) + = 76.979 Qmax(2) = 1.086 * 0.889 * 65.056) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 12.952) + = 75.737 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 65.056 12.952 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 76.979 75.737 Area of streams before confluence: 22.985 4.300 Effective area values after confluence: 27.285 24.722 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 76.979(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.049 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 27.285(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.532(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 27.28(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1402.000 to Point/Station 1106.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1717.100(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1705.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 240.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 10.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 10.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 10.000 Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 20.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 76.979(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.470(Ft.), Average velocity = 11.153(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 19.393(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 11.15(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.36 min. Time of concentration = 16.41 min. Critical depth = 0.906(Ft.) H 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1402.000 to Point/Station 1106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 27.285(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 76.979(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.41 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.566(In/Hr) Area, averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 153.08 67.010 21.05 0.592 3.071 2 258.39 100.993 19.68 0.532 3.197 3 76.98 27.285 16.41 0.532 3.566 Qmax(1) _ 1.000 * 1.000 * 153.083) + ,. 0.952 * 1.000 * 258.387) + 0.837 * 1.000 * 76.979) + = 463.602 Qmax(2) _ 1.051 * 0.935 * 153.083) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 258.387) + .. y 0.878 * 1.000 * 76.979) + = 476.434 .4- LLk',,C-. Qmax (3 ) _ 1.200 * 0.779 * 153.083) + 1.138 * 0.834 * 258.387) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 76.979) + = 465.353 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 154.083 259.387 77.979 I Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 463.602 476.434 465.353 Area of streams before confluence: 67.010 100.993 27.285 Effective area values after confluence: 195.288 190.924 163.707 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 476.434(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.681 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 190.924(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.553(In/Hr) Study area total = 195.29(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1106.000 to Point/Station 1716.200 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** 21 Upstream point/station elevation = 1705.000(Ft.) ,,. Downstream point/station elevation = 1657.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 1480.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 476.434(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 63.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 476.434(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 46.41(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 55.50(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 27.90(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.88 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.57 min. H 14 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1716.200 to Point/Station 1716.200 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 190.924(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 476.434(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.57 min. w Rainfall intensity = 3.114(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5530(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1715.000 to Point/Station 1716.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 925.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1835.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1697.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 138.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.14919 s(%)= 14.92 TC = k(0.469)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.541 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.650(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 11.488(CFS) Total initial stream area = 3.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.800 Initial area Fm value = 0.782(In/Hr) 0.782(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.749 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1716.000 to Point/Station 1716.200 22 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1697.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1660.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 900.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 12.919(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 12.919(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.470(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.622(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 6.882(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 4.62(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.25 min. Time of concentration = 13.79 min. Critical depth = 0.547(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.782(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.959(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.722 ,. Subarea runoff = 2.805(CFS) for 1.700(Ac.) Total runoff = 14.293(CFS) Effective area this stream = 5.00(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 204.60(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.782(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.499(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.779(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.586(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 1716.000 to Point/Station 1716.200 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 5.000(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 14.293(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.79 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.959(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.7822(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.8000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate No. (Ac.) (CFS) 140ft- 1 476.43 190.924 %%WW 2 14.29 5.000 TC Fm (min) (In/Hr) 20.57 0.553 13.79 0.782 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.114h ` 3.959 4— ` 23 Qmax(1) _ l"w" 1.000 * 0.734 * Qmax(2) _ 1.330 * 1'.000 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.670 1.000 476.434) + 14.293) + = 486.927 ivy S© cF�5 �� s 476.434) + 14.293) + = 438.997 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 476.434 14.293 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 486.927 438.997 Area of streams before confluence: 190.924 5.000 Effective area values after confluence: 195.924 132.989 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 486.927(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.565 min. 10!2 _ 16/v;q ct-5- V ., /►� f Effective stream area after confluence = 195.924(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.995 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.559(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 195.92(Ac.) 1,0 Zcv, 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1716.200 to Point/Station 1716.200 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 195.924(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 486.927(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.57 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.114(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5588(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.9949 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1715.100 to Point/Station 1716.100 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 850.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1723.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1683.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 40.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.04706 s(%)= 4.71 ®� TC = k(0.304)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.320 min. 0.098(In/Hr) 24 cm Rainfall intensity = 5.360(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.884 Subarea runoff = 4.736(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.000(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 0.100 Initial area Fm value = 0.098(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1716.100 to Point/Station 1716.200 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1683.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1660.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 485.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 5.681(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.280(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 6.121(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 3.65(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.22 min. Time of concentration = 10.54 min. Critical depth = 0.328(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Rainfall intensity = 4.651(In/Hr) for a 100 Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.881 Subarea runoff = 1.821(CFS) for 0.600(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.557(CFS) 5.681(CFS) 3.645(Ft/s) 0.098(In/Hr) .0 year storm area with modified Effective area this stream = 1.60(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 206.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.098(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.305(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.834(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.359(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1716.100 to Point/Station 1716.200 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.600(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 6.557(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.54 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.651(In/Hr) 25 N M Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.0978(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.1000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 486.93 195.924 20.57 0.559 3.114 2 6.56 1.600 10.54 0.098 4.651 Qmax.(1) _ 1.000 * 1.000 * 486.927) + 0.662 * 1.000 * b.557) + = 491.271 Qmax (2 ) _ q,:3 C'5 ADJU-� D 1.602 * 0.512 * 486.927) + 1.000 * 1.000 * E.557) + = 406.142 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 486.927 6.557 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 491.271 406.142 Area of streams before confluence: 195.924 1.600 Effective area values after confluence: 197.524 101.988 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 491.271(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.565 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 197.524(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.988 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.555(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 197.52(Ac.) Jet- q 9 1,3 CiS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1714.100 to Point/Station 1714.100 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 20.57 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.114(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.738 Subarea runoff = 57.578(CFS) for 41.300(Ac.) 57jo A nuS_lrzo ttq- Total runoff = 548.849(CFS) L �` Effective area this stream = 238.82(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 247.50(Ac.) 5%,4 c`3 Area averaged Fm value = 0.561(In/Hr) Il �� W 5 q �Y`00 FM w Cm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1714.100 to Point/Station 1714.100 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 238.824(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 548.849(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.57 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.114(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5606(In/Hr) Area.averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.9206 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1714.000 to Point/Station 1714.000 **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 67.70 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.9760 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.554(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.084(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 20.90 min. Rain intensity = 3.08(In/Hr) Total area this stream = 216.32(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 463.82(Ac.) Total runoff = 494.18 (CFS) ��•� CF -5 �l ccs ............................................................ ar ...... Process from Point/Station 1714.100 to Point/Station 1714.100 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** — 10 & 14/ - Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 216.320(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 494.175(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.90 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.084(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5541(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.9760 Summary of stream data: Pep- 5, a C - Fc IL - 17. _ Pekk OS71 4 Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) A -r LA I• S 4 U `o+c C- A -9k_2_ 1 548.85 238.824 20.57 0.561 3.114j� - 2 494.18 216.320 20.90 0.554 3.084 Qmax (1) _ C,5 4 7 r10 1.000 * 1.000 * 548.849) + 1.012 * 0.984 * 494.175) + _ Qmax(2) _ [ 0.988 * 1.000 * 548.849) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 494.175) + _ Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4T= � (P-3,5 P� zzo. i. S 1 330,1 q 63• a 1040.879���'��� -_ o 1036.570 27 548.849 494.175 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 1040.879 1036.570 Pipe length = 670.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 Area of streams before confluence: No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 1040.879(CFS) 238.824 216.320 Nearest computed pipe diameter = 111.00(In.) Effective -area values after confluence: Calculated individual pipe flow = 1040.879(CFS) 451.679 455.144 Normal flow depth in pipe = 88.88(In.) Results of confluence: Flow top width inside pipe = 88.69(In.) Total flow rate = 1040.879(CFS) Critical Depth = 94.09(In.) Time of concentration = 20.565 min. Pipe flow velocity = 18.04(Ft/s) Effective stream area after confluence = 451.679(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.947 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.558(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 455.14(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1714.100 to Point/Station 1715.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1657.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1652.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 670.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 1040.879(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 111.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 1040.879(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 88.88(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 88.69(In.) Critical Depth = 94.09(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 18.04(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.62 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 21.18 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1715.000 to Point/Station 1715.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 _ Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 1-Z %-�`".S Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 r Z 85+ Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 21.18 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.059(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.736 Subarea runoff = 1.201(CFS) for 11.300(Ac.), Total runoff = 1042.080(CFS) Effective area this stream = 462.98(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 475.12(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.558(In/Hr) r: Process from Point/Station 1715.000 to Point/Station 1716.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1652.800(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1646.500(Ft.) Pipe length = 575.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 1042.080(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 102.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 1042.080(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 77.72(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 86.88(In.) Critical Depth = 93.23(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 22.46(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.43 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 21.61 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1716.000 to Point/Station 1716.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 21.61 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.023(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.734 ff Subarea runoff = 15.095 (CFS) for 13.800 (Ac. ) Total runoff = 1057.175(CFS)�_�' Effective area this stream = 476.78(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 488.92 (Ac . ) Area averaged Fm value = 0.559(In/Hr) i3Vy ,� c. to,, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1716.000 to Point/Station 1716.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(AP) = 0.6000 Max loss Time of concentration = 21.61 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.023(In/Hr) Effective runoff coefficient used for rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.734 Subarea runoff = 2.412(CFS) for '`vft� Total runoff = 1059.587(CFS) :4,,.,, Effective area this stream = 477. rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm area,(total area with modified %,i t•1 1.100 (Ac. ) Cl? - A -- 88 1-3o l .3 29 �� Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 490.02(Ac.) 140"' Area averaged Fm value = 0.559(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1718.000 to Point/Station 1718.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1646.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1642.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 69.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 1059.587(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 72.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 1059.587(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 57.75(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 57.37(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 43.60(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.03 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 21.64 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ w Process from Point/Station 1718.000 to Point/Station 1718.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 °'f"` Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 21.64 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.021(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.733 Subarea runoff = 35-.191 (CFS) for 16.500 (Ac. ) LL Z Total runoff = 1094.778 (CFS) ,to X�u Effective area this stream = 494.38(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 506.52(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.560(In/Hr)��i�a, Jy End of computations, Total Study Area = 506.52 (Ac.) . 35Z The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area �Ictl effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.919 Area averaged SCS curve number = 61.7 30 c " APPENDIX A.3: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR RATIONAL TABLING CALCULATIONS - LINE "C" �.•. San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD%CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 09/26/04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan 100 -year Proposed Hydrology Offsite Area "H" and "G" to Line "C" FN:CYTOSH.RSB 3/21/02 A. Torreyson ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.638 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 '�• Process from Point/Station 1701.000 to Point/Station 1702.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** IN Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 1000.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2820.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 2440.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 380.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.38000 s(%)= 38.00 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.048 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.914(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.778 Subarea runoff = 30.130(CFS) Total initial stream area = 9.900(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1702.000 to Point/Station 1703.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2440.000(Ft.) 1 Downstream point elevation = 2030.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1500.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 67.438(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 67.438(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.704(Ft.), Average velocity = 14.961(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 7.814(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 14.96(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.67 min. Time of concentration = 15.72 min. Critical depth = 1.453(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.659(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.769 Subarea runoff = 74.541(CFS) for 27.300(Ac.) Total runoff = 104.671(CFS) Effective area this stream = 37.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 37..20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.899(Ft.), Average velocity = 17.124(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.859(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1703.000 to Point/Station 1703.100 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2030.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1745.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 2470.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 120.036(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 120.036(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.225(Ft.), Average velocity = 13.153(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 9.900(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 13.15(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.13 min. Time of concentration = 18.85 min. Critical depth = 2.000(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) 2 Rainfall intensity = 3.281(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified ' rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.754 Subarea runoff = 30.648(CFS) for 17.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 135.318(CFS) Effective area this stream = 54.70(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 54.70(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.306(Ft.), Average velocity = 13.613(Ft/s) Critical depth = 2.125(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1703.100 to Point/Station 1704.100 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1745.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1683.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1560.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 5.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 146.007(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.892(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 10.676(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 9.85(Ft/s) i%W Travel time = 2.64 min. Time of concentration = 21.49 min. Critical depth = 2.344(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 146.007(CFS) 9.845(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = - 3.033(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.742 Subarea runoff = 21.310(CFS) for 14.900(Ac.) Total runoff = 156.628(CFS) Effective area this stream = 69.60(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 69.60(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.964(Ft.), Average velocity = 10.038(Ft/s) Critical depth = 2.438(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1703.100 to Point/Station 1704.100 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 69.600(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 156.628(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.49 min. 3 Rainfall intensity = 3.033(In/Hr) 4001 Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Process from Point/Station 1704.000 to Point/Station 1704.100 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 735.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1705.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1683.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 22.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.02993 s(%)= 2.99 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 20.648 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.107(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.746 w Subarea runoff = 6.023(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 1704.000 to Point/Station 1704.100 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.600(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 6.023(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.65 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.107(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 156.63 69.600 21.49 0.532 3.033 2 6.02 2.600 20.65 0.532 3.107 Qmax(1) _ 1.000 * 1.000 * 156.628) + 0.971 * 1.000 * 6.023) + = 162.479 Qmax(2) _ 1.029 * 0.961 * 156.628) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.023) + = 160.944 Total of 2 streams to confluence: 'err Flow rates before confluence point: 156.628 6.023 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 162.479 160.944 Area of streams before confluence: 69.600 2.600 Effective area values after confluence: 72.200 69.471 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 162.479(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.490 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 72.200(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.532(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 72.20(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1704.100 to Point/Station 1714.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1683.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1668.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 630.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel.= 164.328(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 164.328(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.467(Ft.), Average velocity = 15.556(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 9.401(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 15.56(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.67 min. Time of concentration = 22.17 min. Critical depth = 2.500(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP -and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 2.977(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.739 Subarea runoff = 3.638(CFS) for 3.300(Ac.) Total runoff = 166.117(CFS) Effective area this stream = 75.50(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 75.50(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.476(Ft.), Average velocity = 15.605(Ft/s) Critical depth = 2.516(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1704.100 to Point/Station 1714.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** 5 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 75.500 (Ac. ) Runoff from this stream = 166.117(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.17 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.977(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5325(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1705.000 to Point/Station 1706.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 955.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2825.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 2480.000(Ft.) w Difference in elevation = 345.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.36126 s(%)= 36.13 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.932 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.934(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) �.. Subarea runoff = 22.652(CFS) Total initial stream area = 7.400(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) 0.532(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.778 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1706.000 to Point/Station 1707.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2480.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 2040.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1280.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 50.810(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.561(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 7.245(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 14.78(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.44 min. Time of concentration = 15.38 min. Critical depth = 1.234(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 50.810(CFS) 14.783(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user on I'm USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.708(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.771 Subarea runoff = 56.222(CFS) for 20.200(Ac.) Total runoff = 78.874(CFS) Effective area this stream = 27.60(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 103.10(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.720(Ft.), Average velocity = 16.999(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.594(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1707.000 to Point/Station 1708.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2040.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1853.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 945.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 116.708(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.043(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 9.172(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 15.79(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.00 min. Time of concentration = 16.37 min. Critical depth = 1.969(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 116.708(CFS) 15.793(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.571(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.766 Subarea runoff = 75.612(CFS) for 28.900(Ac.) Total runoff = 154.486(CFS) Effective area this stream = 56.50(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 132.00(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.214(Ft.), Average velocity = 17.139(Ft/s) Critical depth = 2.281(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1708.000 to Point/Station 1713.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1853.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1694.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 2145.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 197.753(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 197.753(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.787(Ft.), Average velocity = 12.904(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 12.149(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 12.90(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.77 min. Time of concentration = 19.14 min. Critical depth = 2.594(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.9850 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.540(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.251(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.752 * Subarea runoff = 86.470(CFS) for 42.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 240.956(CFS) Effective area this stream = 98.60(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 174_10(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.536(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 1.976(Ft.), Average velocity = 13.617(Ft/s) rrr Critical depth = 2.875(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1708.000 to Point/Station 1713.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area =-98.600(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 240.956(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.14 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.251(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5356(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.9936 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1710.000 to Point/Station 1711.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 990.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 2520.000(Ft.) `%%WW Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 2173.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 346.800(Ft.) low- Slope = 0.35030 s(%)= 35.03 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 14.222 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.885(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.777 Subarea runoff = 12.976(CFS) Total initial stream area = 4.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1711.000 to Point/Station 1712.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 2173.200(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1840.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1120.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 3.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 3.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 24.174(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.373(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 7.236(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 10.60(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.76 min. Time of concentration = 15.98 min. Critical depth = 0.766(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 24.174(CFS) 10.604(Ft/s) Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = - 3.623(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.768 Subarea runoff = 22.345(CFS) for 8.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 35.321(CFS) Effective area this stream = 12.70(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 186.80(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.462(Ft.), Average velocity = 11.982(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.953(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1712.000 to Point/Station 1713.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1840.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1694.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1475.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) X RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 18.56 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.312(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.752 Subarea runoff = 5.886(CFS) for 2.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 68.776(CFS) Effective area this stream = 27.60(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 201.70(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.544(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1712.000 to Point/Station 1713.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 27.600(Ac.) 10 Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 49.137(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 5.700(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 49.137(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.783(Ft.), Average velocity = 9.554(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 8.133(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 9.55(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.57 min. Time of concentration = 18.56 min. Critical depth = 1.219(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 68.11 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.9730 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.546(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.312(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.753 Subarea runoff = 27.569(CFS) for 12.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 62.890(CFS) Effective area this stream = 25.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 199.30(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.539(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 0.898(Ft.), Average velocity = 10.300(Ft/s) Critical depth = 1.406(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 1712.000 to Point/Station 1713.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 18.56 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.312(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.752 Subarea runoff = 5.886(CFS) for 2.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 68.776(CFS) Effective area this stream = 27.60(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 201.70(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.544(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1712.000 to Point/Station 1713.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 27.600(Ac.) 10 Runoff from this stream = 68.776(CFS) Time of concentration = 18.56 min. `"%We Rainfall intensity = 3.312(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5435(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.9704 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 240.96 98.600 19.14 0.536 3.251 2 68.78 27.600 18.56 0.544 3.312 Qmax(1) _ 1.000 * 1.000 * 240.956) + 0.978 * 1.000 * 68.776) + = 308.207 Qmax(2) _ 1.023 * 0.969 * 240.956) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 68.776) + = 307.615 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 240.956 68.776 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 308.207 307.615 Area of streams before confluence: 98.600 27.600 Effective area values after confluence: 126.200 123.171 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 308.207(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.143 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 126.200(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.989 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.537(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 126.20(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1713.000 to Point/Station 1714.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1694.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1668.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1070.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 10.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 313.675(CFS) Depth of flow = 3.178(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 14.535(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 10.10(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.77 min. Time of concentration = 20.91 min. 313.675(CFS) 10.103(Ft/s) 11 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 167.117 320.054 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 471.846 482.554 Area of streams before confluence: 75.500 139.500 Effective area values after confluence: 215.000 210.718 12 Critical depth = 3.531(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 56.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.083(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.742 Subarea runoff = 10.847(CFS) for 13.300(Ac.) Total runoff = 319.054(CFS) Effective area this stream = 139.50(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 215.00(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.542(In/Hr) Depth of flow = 3.205(Ft.), Average velocity = 10.148(Ft/s) Critical depth = 3.563(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1713.000 to Point/Station 1714.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 139.500(Ac.) l Runoff from this stream = 319.054(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.083(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5420(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.9705 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 166.12 75.500 22.17 0.532 2.977 2 319.05 139.500 20.91 0.542 3.083 Qmax(1) _ 1.000 * 1.000 * 166.117) + 0.958 * 1.000 * 319.054) + = 471.846 Qmax (2 ) _ 1.043 * 0.943 * 166.117) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 319.054) + = 482.554 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 167.117 320.054 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 471.846 482.554 Area of streams before confluence: 75.500 139.500 Effective area values after confluence: 215.000 210.718 12 F0 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 482.554(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.908 min. Effective stream area after confluence = Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) _ Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) _ Study area total = 215.00(Ac.) 210.718(Ac.) 0.981 0.539(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1714.000 to Point/Station 1714.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.782(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 20.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.083(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.741 Subarea runoff = 11.621(CFS) for 5.600(Ac.) Total runoff = 494.175(CFS) Effective area this stream = 216.32(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 220.60(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.545(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area = 220.60 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious -area fraction(Ap) = 0.976 Area averaged SCS curve number = 67.7 13 N IN w APPENDIX A.4: INFRASTRUCTURE 100 -YEAR RATIONAL TABLING CALCULATIONS - LINE "D" @4 San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/19/04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan 100 -year Proposed Hydrology Levee Adjacent to Landmesser Property Line Offsite Area "H" Rational Tabling to Hawker -Crawford Channel FN:LNDM3.RSB 3/21/02 A. Torreyson AEI CASC Engineering, Colton, California - SIN 615 ----------------------------------------------------------- ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rationai hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall = 1.638 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 Process from Point/Station 1807.000 to Point/Station 1808.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(PMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 930.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1880.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1739.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 141.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.15161 s(%)= 15.16 TC = k(0.730)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 16.399 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.567(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=RCIA) is C = 0.766 Subarea runoff = 7.920(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.900(Ac.) Pervious area fraction. = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) ......... .....+++T++.......4.......................... V ..... ........+ Process from Point/Station 1808.000 to Point/Station 1809.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1739.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 465.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 16.933(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 6.0007t.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 16.933(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.614(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.432(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 7.454(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 4.4370s) Travel time = 1.75 min. Time of concentration = 18.15 min. Critical depth = 0.648(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Soil classification AP and SCS values input by user USER INPUT of soil data for subarea SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 70.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.532(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.357(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.757 Subarea runoff = 16.227(CFS) for 6.600(Ac.) Total runoff = 24.147(CFS) Effective area this stream = 9.50(Ac.) w Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 9.50(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.532(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 1809.000 to Point/Station 1810.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1716.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 480.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 31.518(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 6.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 31.518(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.974(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.010(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 7.921(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 5.017t/s) Travel time = 1.60 min. Time of concentration = 19.74 min. Critical depth = 0.969(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group P_ = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group H = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for seil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.782(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.191(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm w Effective runoff coefficient use: for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.723 Subarea runoff = 11.158(CFS) for 5. 800 (Ac. ) ' Total runoff = 35.305(CFS) Effective area this stream = 15.30(Ac�Tf.` -17, Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 15.30 Area averaged Fm value = 0.627(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 1810.000 to Point/Station 1811.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1716.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1708.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 365.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 41.535(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 6.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 41.535(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.121(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.545(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 8.363(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 5.54(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.10 min. Time of concentration = 20.84 min. Critical depth = 1.141(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.782(in/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.089(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.705 Subarea runoff = 9.809 (CFS) for 5.400 (Ac. )= /� ��%�' .F ���✓�' Total runoff = 45.114(CFS) Effective area this stream = 20.70(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 20.70(1c.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.668(In/Hr) Process from Point/Station 1811.000 to Point/Station 1812.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 1708.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1700.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 610.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.500 \,,,W Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 53.722(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 6.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 53.722(CFS) Depth of flow = 1.489(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.987(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 9.467(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 4.99(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.04 min. Time of concentration = 22.88 min. Critical depth = 1.328(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel RESIDENTIAL(1 acre lot) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.8000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.782(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 2.921(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.685 " �7. Subarea runoff = 12.073 (CFS) for 7. 900 (Ac. )`� Total runoff = 57.186(CFS) Effective area this stream = 28.60(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 28.60(Ac.)Area averaged Fm value = 0.699(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area = 28.60 (Ac.) 14 f z,U,�5 &9 - Z(4 The following figures may C' be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. ��C� � r Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.866 Area averaged SCS curve number = 44.6 APPENDIX B: SUPPLEMENTARY 100 -YEAR STORM FREQUENCY RATIONAL TABLING HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS j APPENDIX B.1: BOYLE ENGINEERING SAN SEVAINE SYSTEM MDP EXCPERTS RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: 1986 SAN BERNARDINO CO. HYDROLOGY CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1983-93 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.2A Release Date: 10/18/93 License ID 1202 Analysis prepared by: FILE NAME: ss02.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 11:17 6/22/1994 USER SPECIFIED HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: --*TIME-OF-CONCENTRATION MODEL* -- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 18.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT OF GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE _ .95 *USER -DEFINED LOGARITHMIC INTERPOLATION USED FOR RAINFALL* SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE _ .6000 USER SPECIFIED 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH/HOUR) = 1.6380 *ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION (AMC II) ASSUMED FOR RATIONAL METHOD* UNIT-HYDROGRAPH DATA: WATERSHED LAG = .80 * Tc VALLEY(DEVELOPED) S -GRAPH USED. PRECIPITATION DATA ENTERED ON SUBAREA BASIS. SIERRA MADRE DEPTH -AREA FACTORS USED. `ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION (AMC III) ASSUMED FOR UNIT HYDROGRAPH METHOD FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 201.00 TO NODE 202.00 IS CODE = 2.1 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< >>USE TIME -OF -CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH FOR INITIAL SUBAREA<< INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 531.40 ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = -180.21 Tc = K*[(LENGTH'" 3.00)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]'* .20 SUBAREA ANALYSIS USED MINIMUM Tc(MIN.) = 9.876 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.836 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DAT, (AMC 11): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN (MIN.) NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 2.89 .55 1.00 70 9.88 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 11.16 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2.89 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 11.16 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .65; 30M = 1.33; 1 HR = 1.75; 3HR = 3.53; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 202.00 TO NODE 203.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -15.56 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 577.80 CHANNEL SLOPE = .2000 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 11.16 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 6.16 -FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = .09 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.56 Tc(MIN.) = 11.44 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 203.00 T O NODE 203.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 11.44 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.427 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC 11): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 7.26 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 7.26 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 25.34 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 10.16 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 10.16 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 35.44 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .63; 30M = 1.30; 1HR = 1.71; 3HR = 3.50; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 203.00 TO NODE 204.00 IS CODE = 5.1 >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< --------------------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 30.92 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 345.40 CHANNEL SLOPE = .2000 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 35.44 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 9.41 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = .18 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .61 Tc(MIN.) = 12.05 kowe FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 204.00 TO NODE 204.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< -------------------------------------- MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 12.05 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.291 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 11.67 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 11.67 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 39.30 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 21.83 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 21.83 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 73.50 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 00*11 5M = .62; 30M = 1.26; 1 HR = 1.66; 3HR = 3.46; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 *t*YY*Y**Y*YY*****#***Y+Y*********+Yt*Y+##*Yx**#**+***#+***+++++#*x+x***+*+# FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 204.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -129.12 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 729.00 CHANNEL SLOPE = .3143 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 73.50 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 14.36 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = .24 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .85 Tc(MIN.) = 12.90 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 205.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) Tc(MIN) = 12.90 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.120 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II).- DEVELOPMENT I):DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 19.05 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 19.05 -SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 61.22 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 40.88 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 40.88 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 131.35 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .61-130M = 1.25; 1HR = 1.65; 3HR = 3.45; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 +#+++***#******#*******+****+*#****#****#****#**++*+**+****#****#+**#***##** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 205.00 TO NODE 206.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< --------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATAvftk ION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -202.61 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1059.20 CHANNEL SLOPE = .2857 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 131.35 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 17.05 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = .35 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.04 Tc(MIN.) = 13.93 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 206.00 TO NODE 206.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 13.93 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.934 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "K/ EADOWS" B 36.18 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 36.18 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 110.16 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 77.06 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 77.06 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 234.66 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .61-130M = 1.25; 1 HR = 1.65; 3HR = 3.45; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =14.80 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 206.00 TO NODE 207.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW-«< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -97.34 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1794.00 CHANNEL SLOPE = .1100 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR= .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 234.66 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 15.44 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = .65 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.94 Tc(MIN.) = 15.87 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 207.00 TO NODE 207.00 IS CODE = 8.1 > »>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 15.87 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.638 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 173.51 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 173.51 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 482.23 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 250.57 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 250.57 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 696.39 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .61; 30M = 1.25; 1HR = 1.65; 3HR = 3.45; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =13.97 **#**###**#*##x****#*#####*****#****#**#####*#**#*#########*#*##**##**#**#*# FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 207.00 TO NODE 208.00 IS CODE = 5.1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= -275.69 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 3219.30 CHANNEL SLOPE = .1167 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANN[NG'S FACTOR= .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 696.39 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 22.48 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.19 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.39 Tc(MIN.) = 18.26 *****#***###x********#*#*****#***##*####*x#####*######**######*#*###*####### FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 208.00 TO NODE 208.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 18.26 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.345 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" A 2.01 .81 1.00 51 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 178.48 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) _ .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 180.48 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 453.49 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 431.05 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 431.05 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1083.73 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .60-130M = 1.23; 1 HR = 1.62; 3HR = 3.39; 6HR = 5.38; 24HR =12.97 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 208.00 TO NODE 209.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< w UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -11.69 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2030.80 CHANNEL SLOPE _ .0550 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 1083.73 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 19.82 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.86 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.71 Tc(MIN.) = 19.96 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 209.00 TO NODE 209.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 19.96 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.170 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" A 34.90 .81 1.00 51 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 101.49 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) _ .62 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 136.40 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 313.52 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 567.45 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ .57 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) _ .57 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 567.45 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1329.48 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .58; 30M = 1.20; 1 HR = 1.58; 3HR = 3.19; 6HR = 4.98; 24HR =12.02 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 209.00 TO NODE 210.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 50.09 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1296.30 CHANNEL SLOPE _ .0385 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 1329.48 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 18.53 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.28 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.17 Tc(MIN.) = 21.13 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 210.00 TO NODE 210.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 21.13 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INOH/HR) = 3.064 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II).- DEVELOPMENT I):DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" A 7.26 .81 1.00 51 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 99.72 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) _ .57 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 106.98 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 240.34 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 674.43 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ .57 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) _ .57 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 674.43 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1515.60 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .59-130M = 1.20; 1 HR = 1.59; 3HR = 3.19; 6HR = 4.97; 24HR =11.80 .rxxxxxx++xxxx+++xxxx++xxxxrxxx+xxxxxxxx+++t+xxxxxxxx+x+xx<x+xx�rxxxx++xxx+xxx FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 210.00 TO NODE 210.00 IS CODE = 7.1 »»>PEAK FLOW RATE ESTIMATOR CHANGED TO UNIT-HYDROGRAPH MET HOD««< »»>USING TIME -OF -CONCENTRATION OF LONGEST FLOWPATH««< UNIT-HYDROGRAPH DATA: RAIN FALL(INCH): 5M= .60;30M= 1.23;1H= 1.621-3H= 3.34;6H= 5.28;24H=13.07 S -GRAPH: VALLEY(DEV.)=100.0%;VALLEY(UNDEV.)/DESERT= .0% MOUNTAIN= .0%;FOOTHILL= .0% Tc(HR) = .35; LAG(HR) = .28; Fm(INCH/HR) = .27; Ybar = .14 USED SIERRA MADRE DEPTH -AREA CURVES WITH AMC III CONDITION. UNIT-INTERVAL(MIN) = 2.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 674.43 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 201.00 TO NODE 210.00= 11583.20 FEET. TIME OF PEAK FLOW(HR) = 16.33 RUNOFF VOLUME(AF) = 636.43 UNIT-HYDROGRAPH PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1803.20 RATIONAL METHOD PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1515.60 (UPSTREAM NODE PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1329.48) PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) USED = 1803.20 xxx+++xxxxxxxxxx++++xxx+xx+xxx+++++xxxxxxxxxxxx++++++++xxxxxxxxxx+xxx+xxxxxx FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 210.00 TO NODE 211.00 IS CODE = 5.1 - - -------------------------------------------------------------- »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 50.30 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1587.90 CHANNEL SLOPE = .0313 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 1803.20 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 18.77 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.82 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.41 Tc(MIN.) = 22.54 xxx+xxxxxxxx+++++x+xxxxxxxx++x+x++x++++++x+x+xxxx«xxx+xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx++++++ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 211.00 TO NODE 211.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 22.54 x 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.947 AvwaSUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" A 13.03 .81 1.00 51 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" . B 124.39 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) _ .57 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 UNIT-HYDROGRAPH DATA: RAINFALL(INCH): 5M= .60;30M= 1.22;1H= 1.62;3H= 3.32;6H= 5.22;24H=12.83 S -GRAPH: VALLEY(DEV.)=100.0%;VALLEY(UNDEV.)/DESERT= .0% MOUNTAIN= .0%;FOOTHILL= .0% Tc(HR) _ .38; LAG(HR) _ .30; Fm(INCH/HR) _ .32; Ybar = .17 USED SIERRA MADRE DEPTH -AREA CURVES WITH AMC III CONDITION. UNIT-INTERVAL(MIN) = 2.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 811.85 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 201.00 TO NODE 211.00= 13171.10 FEET. TIME OF PEAK FLOW(HR) = 16.33 RUNOFF VOLUME(AF) = 636.28 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 811.85 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1803.20 NOTE: PEAK FLOW RATE DEFAULTED TO UPSTREAM VALUE SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .59-130M = 1.21; 1 H = 1.59; 3HR = 3.19; 6HR = 4.95; 24HR =11.66 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 211.00 TO NODE 212.00 IS CODE = 5.1 - »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 73.72 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1118.10 CHANNEL SLOPE _ .0235 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 1803.20 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 16.92 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 3.03 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.10 Tc(MIN.) = 23.64 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 212.00 TO NODE 212.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 23.64 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.864 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" A . 9.06 .81 1.00 51 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" . B 146.39 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .57 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 UNIT-HYDROGRAPH DATA: RAINFALL(INCH): 5M= .60;30M= 1.22;1H= 1.61;3H= 3.30;6H= 5.17;24H=12.61 S -GRAPH: VALLEY(DEV.)=100.0%;VALLEY(UNDEV.)/DESERT= .0% MOUNTAIN= .0%;FOOTHILL= .0% Tc(HR) = .39; LAG(HR) = .32; Fm(INCH/HR) = .32; Ybar = .17 USED SIERRA MADRE DEPTH -AREA CURVES WITH AMC III CONDITION. UNIT-INTERVAL(MIN) = 2.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 967.31 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 201.00 TO NODE 212.00 = 14289.20 FEET. TIME OF PEAK FLOW(HR) = 16.42 RUNOFF VOLUME(AF) = 736.52 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 967.31 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1957.93 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .59; 30M = 1.22; 1HR = 1.61; 3HR = 3.18; 6HR = 4.89; 24HR =11.42 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 212.00 TO NODE 212.00 IS CODE � 10 ic »>>>MAIN -STREAM MEMORY COPIED ONTO MEMORY BANK # 1 ««< FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 331.00 TO NODE 331.00 IS CODE = 15.1 »»>DEFINE MEMORY BANK # 2 ««< PEAK FLOWRATE TABLE FILE NAME: 0331.pft MEMORY BANK # 2 DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2707.28 Tc(MIN) = 24.69 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .44 Ybar = .29 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1289.07 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE- 301.00 TO NODE 331.00 = 16415.40 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 331.00 TO NODE 331.00 IS CODE = 14 »»>MEMORY BANK # 2 COPIED ONTO MAIN -STREAM MEMORY««< MAIN -STREAM MEMORY DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2707.28 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = . TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1289.07 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE Tc(MIN) = 24.69 44 Ybar = .29 301.00 TO NODE 331.00 = 16415.40 FEET. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 331.00 TO NODE 212.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 60.22 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1326.00 CHANNEL SLOPE= .0300 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 10.00 "Z" FACTOR = .000 MANNING'S FACTOR= .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 2707.28 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 35.78 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 7.57 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .62 Tc(MIN.) = 25.31 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 21200 TO NODE 212.00 IS CODE = 11 - - »»>CONFLUENCE MEMORY BANK # 1 WITH THE MAIN -STREAM MEMORY««< ** MAIN STREAM CONFLUENCE DATA ** PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 2707.28 Tc(MIN) = 25.31 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .44 Ybar = .29 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1289.07 - LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 301.00 TO NODE 212.00 = 17741.40 FEET. ** MEMORY BANK # 1 CONFLUENCE DATA ** PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1957.93 Tc(MIN) = 23.64 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .32 Ybar = .17 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 967.31 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 201.00 TO NODE 212.00 = 14289.20 FEET. COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: UNIT-HYDROGRAPH DATA: RAINFALL(INCH): 5M= .58;30M= 1.19;1H= 1.5713H= 3.20;6H= 5.00;24H=12.11 S -GRAPH: VALLEY(DEV.)=100.0%;VALLEY(UNDEV.)/DESERT= .0% MOUNTAIN= .0%;FOOTHILL= .0% Tc(HR) = .42; LAG(HR) = .34; Fm(INCH/HR) = .37; Ybar = .22 USED SIERRA MADRE DEPTH -AREA CURVES WITH AMC III CONDITION. UNIT-INTERVAL(MIN) = 2.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2256.37 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 301.00 TO NODE 212.00 = 17741.40 FEET. TIME OF PEAK FLOW(HR) = 16.42 RUNOFF VOLUME(AF) = 1776.83 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4682.63 xxx*x xx�,tx::xix+x+ict�+,tir+xerxxadrxxxati+*xx xtxxi: xtx,txs:+s++ntt+tt++x++t,tx++++i++ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 212.00 TO NODE 213.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 35.91 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2047.50 CHANNEL SLOPE= .0313 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 4682.63 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 23.89 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 4.42 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.43 Tc(MIN.) = 26.74 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 213.00 TO NODE 213.00 IS CODE = 8.1 ----------------------------- ---------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 26.74 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 2.660 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" A 71.03 .81 1.00 51 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 160.51 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) _ .63 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 UNIT-HYDROGRAPH DATA: RAINFALL(INCH): 5M= .58;30M= 1.20;1 H= 1.58;3H= 3.19;6H= 4.99;24H=12.03 S -GRAPH: VALLEY(DEV.)=100.0%;VALLEY(UNDEV.)/DESERT= .0% MOUNTAIN= .0%;FOOTHILL= .0% Tc(HR) _ .45; LAG(HR) _ .36; Fm(INCH/HR) _ .39; Ybar = .24 USED SIERRA MADRE DEPTH -AREA CURVES WITH AMC III CONDITION. UNIT-INTERVAL(MIN) = 2.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2487.91 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 301.00 TO NODE 213.00 = 19788.90 FEET. TIME OF PEAK FLOW(HR) = 16.42 RUNOFF VOLUME(AF) = 1824.13 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2487.91 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4682.63 NOTE: PEAK FLOW RATE DEFAULTED TO UPSTREAM VALUE SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .59-130M = 1.22; 1 H = 1.61; 3HR = 3.17; 6HR = 4.88; 24HR =11.31 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 213.00 TO NODE 214.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 44.49 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2220.30 CHANNEL SLOPE = .0250 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .022 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 4682.63 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 21.98 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 4.67 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.68 Tc(MIN.) = 28.42 w FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 214.00 TO NODE 214.00 IS CODE = 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- - »»>MAIN -STREAM MEMORY COPIED ONTO MEMORY BANK # 3 ««< FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 215.00 TO NODE 216.00 IS CODE = 2.1 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< >>USE TIME -OF -CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH FOR INITIAL SUBAREA<< INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 872.50 ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = -249.00 Tc = K`[(LENGTH"° 3.00)/(ELEVATION CHANGE)]" .20 SUBAREA ANALYSIS USED MINIMUM Tc(MIN.) = 12.726 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.153 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN (MIN.) NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 11.37 .55 1.00 70 12.73 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 36.87 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 11.37 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 36.87 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .65-130M = 1.33; 1 HR = 1.75; 3HR = 3.53; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 216.00 TO NODE 217.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA<«< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -34.22 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 502.70 CHANNEL SLOPE = .2670 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 36.87 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 13.57 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.04 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .62 Tc(MIN.) = 13.34 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 217.00 TO NODE 217.00 IS CODE = 8.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 13.34 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 4.037 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 7.55 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 7.55 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 23.68 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 18.91 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 18.91 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 59.35 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .65; 30M = 1.33; 1 HR = 1.75; 3HR = 3.53; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 217.00 TO NODE 218.00 IS CODE = 5.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -414.29 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 940.20 CHANNEL SLOPE = .5470 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 59.35 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 20.05 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.09 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .78 Tc(MIN.) = 14.13 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 218.00 TO NODE 218.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 14.13 * 3.00 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.901 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 15.93 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 15.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 48.05 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 34.85 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 34.85 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 105.10 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M= .65; 30M = 1.33; 1 HR = 1.75; 3HR = 3.53; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 218.00 TO NODE 219.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= -133.45 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1066.00 CHANNEL SLOPE = .2190 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR= 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 105.10 Air*. FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 16.32 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.61 �r TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.09 Tc(MIN.) = 15.21 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>xrxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxx FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 219.00 TO NODE 219.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 15.21 x 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.731 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 42.93 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 42.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 122.91 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 77.77 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 77.77 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 222.68 doftll SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .65; 30M = 1.33; 1HR = 1.75; 3HR = 3.53; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 xxx,.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 219.00 TO NODE 220.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< » >>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREAS«« UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -25.43 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1063.00 CHANNEL SLOPE = .1180 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 222.68 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 15.66 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.39 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.13 Tc(MIN.) = 16.35 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=,.xxxxx,.xxxxx,xxxxx,.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 220.00 TO NODE 220.00 IS CODE= 8.1 ----------------------------- »>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 16.35 " 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.574 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 26.83 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 26.83 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 73.04 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 104.61 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 104.61 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 284.71 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .64; 30M = 1.31; 1HR = 1.72; 3HR = 3.51; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =14.95 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 220.00 TO NODE 221.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= -214.19 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2166.80 CHANNEL SLOPE = .1450 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 284.71 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 17.93 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.52 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.01 Tc(MIN.) = 18.36 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 221.00 TO NODE 221.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 18.36 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.333 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 167.73 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 �. SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 167.73 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 420.16 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 272.33 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 272.33 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 682.21 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .63; 30M = 1.30; 1HR = 1.71; 3HR = 3.50; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =14.04 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 221.00 TO NODE 222.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COIJIPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= -217.41 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1983.80 CHANNEL SLOPE= .1600 CkiANNEL BASE(FEET) _ .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 682.21 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 23.19 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 3.43- TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.43 Tc(MIN.) = 19.79 err_' FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 222.00 TO NODE 222.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 19.79 " 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.187 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 50.62 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) _ .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 50.62 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 120.14 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 322.95 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 322.95 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 766.49 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .61; 30M = 1.25; 1 H = 1.65; 3HR = 3.45; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =13.00 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 222.00 TO NODE 223.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -66.70 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1773.40 CHANNEL SLOPE = .0940 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 766.49 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 19.53 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 3.96 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.51 Tc(MIN.) = 21.30 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 223.00 TO NODE 223.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 21.30 A"" * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.049 f40� SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 36.70 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 36.70 _ SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 82.55 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 359.66 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 359.66 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 808.96 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .61; 30M = 1.25; 1 H = 1.65; 3HR = 3.39; 6HR = 5.35; 24HR =11.89 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 223.00 TO NODE 224.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 24.69 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 537.90 CHANNEL SLOPE = .1400 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 10.00 "Z" FACTOR = .000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .014 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 808.96 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 46.84 FLOW DEPTH (FE = 1.73 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .19 Tc(MIN.) = 21.49 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 224.00 TO NODE 224.00 IS CODE = 1 »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 21.49 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.03 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 EFFECTIVE STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 359.66 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 359.66 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 808.96 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 225.00 TO NODE 226.00 IS CODE = 2.1 »»>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS««< >>USE TIME -OF -CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH FOR INITIAL SUBAREA<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW-LENGTH(FEET) = 884.00 ELEVATION DATA: UPSTREAM(FEET) = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM(FEET) = -214.70 Tc = K"[(LENGTH** 3.00)/(ELEVATION CHANGE))" .20 SUBAREA ANALYSIS USED MINIMUM Tc(MIN.) = 13.095 Ann i CAR RAI IV FALL iN 1 114 T �i kIIVI�I-I/I""IIC) = 4.083 SUBAREA Tc AND LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS Tc LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN (MIN.) NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 6.23 .55 1.00 70 13.09 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 19.82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 6.23 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 19.82 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .65; 30M = 1.33; 1 HR = 1.75; 3HR = 3.53; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =15.00 c ­­** .... +**.* ... ++xrxrx++rr++++x+xr+xx+x+x+x+rrrxxxxx+x+xx+xxxxxrxxxxr.r FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 226.00 TO NODE 227.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 25.06 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 749.40 CHANNEL SLOPE = .1000 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 19.82 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 8.01 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = .99 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.56 Tc(MIN.) = 14.65 xxxx+xx+xrrxr+++++++rxxxxxx+rx+xx++x++xxrr+rrxr+xr++xxx++x+r+rrrxrxxrrrr+xx+ w FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 227.00 TO NODE 227.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 14.65 r 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.816 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC .II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 12.42 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 12.42 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 36.50 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 18.65 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 18.65 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 54.83 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .65-130M = 1.33; 1HR = 1.75; 3HR = 3.53; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =13.69 +++xrxxxxrxrxx+x+rr+xxx+xrxx+xrx+rrrrx+xxxx+rxxxxxxx:x+x.xxxxxxrxxxrxrrxrxx+ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 227.00 TO NODE 228.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -300.76 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1001.90 CHANNEL SLOPE = .4000 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 54.83 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 17.35 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.12 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .96 Tc(MIN.) = 15.62 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 228.00 TO NODE 228.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 15.62 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.673 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS ,LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 22.39 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 - SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 22.39 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 62.93 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 41.04 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 41.04 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 115.35 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .64; 30M = 1.32; 1 HR = 1.74; 3HR = 3.52; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =13.00 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 228.00 TO NODE 229.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW-- »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 8.20 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 690.20 CHANNEL SLOPE = .1330 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR= .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 115.35 lawfak FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 13.83 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.83 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .83 Tc(MIN.) = 16.45 m FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 229.00 TO NODE 229.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 16.45 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.561 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 29.31 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 29.31 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 79.43 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 70.35 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 70.35 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 190.63 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .64; 30M = 1.31; 1 H = 1.73; 3HR = 3.52; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =13.02 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 229.00 TO NODE 230.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -137.88 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1091.20 CHANNEL SLOPE = .2180 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 190.63 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 18.89 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.01 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .96 Tc(MIN.) = 17.41 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 230.00 TO NODE 230.00 IS CODE = 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 17.41 " 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.441 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" . B 21.89 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) _ .55 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = 1.00 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 21.89 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 56.96 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 92.24 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 92.24 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 240.02 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .62; 30M = 1.26; 1HR = 1.66; 3HR = 3.46; 6HR = 5.50; 24HR =13.00 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 230.00 TO NODE 231.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< >,»>TRAVELTIMETHRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -152.07 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2211.10 (0001-1 CHANNEL SLOPE _ .1140 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) _ .00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.500 MANNING'S FACTOR= .035 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 240.02 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 15.75 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.47 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.34 Tc(MIN.) = 19.75 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 231.00 TO NODE 231.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW -- MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 19.75 * 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.190 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN PUBLIC PARK A 1.14 .98 .85 32 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" A .50 .81 1.00 51 PUBLIC PARK B 1.48 .75 .85 56 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" B 32.90 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) _ .57 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = .99 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 36.03 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 85.10 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 128.27 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) _ .56 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 128.27 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 304.30 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .61; 30M = 1.25; 1 HR = 1.65; 3HR = 3.36; 6HR = 5.27; 24HR =11.52 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 231.00 TO NODE 224.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA««< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION= 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 14.22 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 752.50 CHANNEL SLOPE _ .1140 w CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 8.00 "Z" FACTOR = .000 MANNING'S FACTOR= .014 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 304.30 FLOW VELOCI TY(FEET/SEC) = 33.15 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.15 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) _ .38 Tc(MIN.) = 20.13 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 224.00 TO NODE 224.00 IS CODE = 1 »»>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE««< »»>AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES««< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 20.13 RAINFALL IN T ENSi Y(INCH/HR) = 3.15 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) _ .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) _ .56 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 EFFECTIVE STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 128.27 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 128.27 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 304.30 ** CONFLUENCE DATA ** STREAM Q Tc Intensity Fp(Fm) Ap Ae SOURCE NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HR) (INCH/HR) (ACRES) NODE C 1 808.96 21.49 3.033 .55( .55) 1.00 359.66 2 304.30 20.13 3.154 1.00 128.27 215.00 225.00 .56( .55) RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. " PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE'`* STREAM Q Tc Intensity Fp(Fm) Ap Ae SOURCE NUMBER (CFS) (MIN.) (INCH/HR) (INCH/HR) (ACRES) NODE 1 1099.0 21.49 3.033 .552( .551) 1.00 487.9 215.00 2 1099.1 20.13 3.154 .552( .551) 1.00 465.1 225.00 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1099.08 Tc(MIN.) = 20.129 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 465.13 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .55 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = 1.00 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 487.92 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 215.00 TO NODE 224.00 = 10906.30 FEET. F�OW PROCESS FROM NODE 224.00 TO NODE 214.00 IS CODE = 5.1 »»>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL FLOW««< »»>TRAVELTIME THRU SUBAREA-«< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = 100.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION = -262.82 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 3628.20 CHANNEL SLOPE = .1000 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 8.00 "Z" FACTOR = .000 MANNING'S FACTOR= .014 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 30.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 1099.08 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET/SEC) = 47.43 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.90 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.27 Tc(MIN.) = 21.40 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 214.00 TO NODE 214.00 IS CODE= 8.1 »»>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW««< MAINLINE Tc(MIN) = 21.40 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH/HR) = 3.040 SUBAREA LOSS RATE DATA(AMC II): DEVELOPMENT TYPE/ SCS SOIL AREA Fp Ap SCS LAND USE GROUP (ACRES) (INCH/HR) (DECIMAL) CN RESIDENTIAL "1 DWELLING/ACRE" A 74.19 .98 .80 32 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" A 8.86 .81 1.00 51 RESIDENTIAL "l DWELLING/ACRE" B 151.02 .75 .80 56 NATURAL FAIR COVER "MEADOWS" . B 23.87 .55 1.00 70 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS LOSS RATE, Fp(INCH/HR) = .79 SUBAREA AVERAGE PERVIOUS AREA FRACTION, Ap = .83 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 257.93 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 554.08 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 723.06 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .59 AREA -AVERAGED Fp(INCH/HR) = .63 AREA -AVERAGED Ap = .94 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 745.85 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1596.04 SUBAREA AREA -AVERAGED RAINFALL DEPTH(INCH): 5M = .61-130M = 1.24; 1 HR = 1.64; 3HR = 3.25; 6HR = 5.00; 24HR =11.56 t.rtttttxtxttxtxtttxtxxxxtttttttttttxttxttxtxtxxtxxtxttxtttxttxtttxtttxtttxtx FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 214.00 TO NODE 214.00 IS CODE = 7.1 »»>PEAK FLOW RATE ESTIMATOR CHANGED TO UNIT-HYDROGRAPH METHOD««< ».»>USING TIME -OF -CONCENTRATION OF LONGEST FLOWPATH««< UNIT-HYDROGRAPH DATA: RAINFALL(INCH): 5M= .62;30M= 1.27;1H= 1.68;3H= 3.40;6H= 5.31;24H=12.92 S -GRAPH: VALLEY(DEV.)=100.0%;VALLEY(UNDEV.)/DESERT= .0% MOUNTAIN= .0% -,FOOTHILL= .0% Tc(HR) = .38; LAG(HR) = .30; Fm(INCH/HR) = .32; Ybar = .17 USED SIERRA MADRE DEPTH -AREA CURVES WITH AMC III CONDITION. UNIT-INTERVAL(MIN) = 2.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 745.85 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 215.00 TO NODE 214.00 = 14534.50 FEET. TIME OF PEAK FLOW(HR) = 16.33 RUNOFF VOLUME(AF) = 667.02 UNIT-HYDROGRAPH PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1941.38 RATIONAL METHOD PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1596.04 (UPSTREAM NODE PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1099.08) PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) USED = 1941.38 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 214.00 TO NODE 214.00 IS CODE = 11 »»>CONFLUENCE MEMORY BANK # 3 WITH THE MAIN -STREAM MEMORY««< tt MAIN STREAM CONFLUENCE DATA xx PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1941.38 Tc(MIN) = 22.77 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .32 Ybar = .17 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 745.85 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 215.00 TO NODE 214.00 = 14534.50 FEET. - MEMORY BANK # 3 CONFLUENCE DATA - PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4682.63 Tc(MIN) = 28 42 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR) = .39 Ybar = .24 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2487.91 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 301.00 TO NODE 214.00 = 22009.20 FEET. COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: UNIT-HYDROGRAPH DATA: RAINFALL(INCH): 5M= .59;30M= 1.21;1H= 1.601-3H= 3.24;6H= 5.061-24H=12.24 S -GRAPH: VP.LLEY(DEV.)=100.0%;VALLEY(UNDEV.)/DESERT= .0% MOUNTAIN= .0%;FOOTHILL= .0% Tc(HR) = .47; LAG(HR) = .38; Fm(INCH/HR) = .35; Ybar = .21 USED SIERRA MADRE DEPTH -AREA CURVES WITH AMC III CONDITION. UNIT-INTERVAL(MIN) = 2.50 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3233.76 LONGEST FLOWPATH FROM NODE 301.00 TO NODE 214.00 = 22009.20 FEET. TIME OF PEAK FLOW(HR) = 16.42 RUNOFF VOLUME(AF) = 2607.40 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6117.77 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 214.00 TO NODE 214.00 IS CODE = 15.2 »»>STORE PEAK FLOWRATE TABLE TO A FILE««< PEAK FLOWRATE TABLE FILE NAME: 0214.pft END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3233.76 TC(MIN.) = 28.42 AREA -AVERAGED Fm(INCH/HR)= .35 Ybar = .21 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 6117.77 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS m APPENDIX C: HYDRAULIC CALCUALTIONS m m APPENDIX C.1: STREET CAPACITY CALCULATIONS N Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Input Data Coyote Canyon RD - Half Street - 8" Curb Worksheet for Irregular Channel Coyote Canyon RD - Half Street Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Channel Slope 0.035000 ft/ft Water Surface Elev 0.46 ft Options Current Roughness Methc rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Results 1.11 Mannings Coeffic 0.015 Elevation Range ).00 to 1.11 Discharge 17.18 cfs Flow Area 3.0 ft' Wetted Perimeter 17.50 ft Top Width 17.00 ft Actual Depth 0.46 ft Critical Elevation 0.61 ft Critical Slope 0.005399 ft/ft Velocity 5.72 ft/s Velocity Head 0.51 ft Specific Energy 0.97 ft Froude Number 2.40 Flow Type supercritical Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient 0+00.000 0+51.000 0.015 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0+00.000 1.11 0+22.000 0.67 0+22.000 0.00 0+23.500 0.12 0+23.500 0.15 0+39.000 0.46 0+51.000 0.70 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:49:41 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 N L Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Project Description Worksheet Coyote Canyon RD - Half Street - Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Water Surface Elev 0.46 ft Options Current Roughness Methc rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.002000 0.080000 0.001000 Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ftz) Wetted Perimete (ft) Top Width (ft) 0.0020t10 4.11 1.37 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.003000 5.03 1.68 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.004000 5.81 1.93 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.005000 6.49 2.16 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.006000 7.11 2.37 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.007000 7.68 2.56 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.008000 8.21 2.74 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.009000 8.71 2.90 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.010000 9.18 3.06 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.011000 9.63 3.21 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.012000 10.06 3.35 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.013000 10.47 3.49 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.014000 10.87 3.62 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.015000 11.25 3.75 3.0 17.50 _ 17.00 0.016000 11.62 3.87 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.017000 11.98 3.99 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.018000 12.32 4.10 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.019000 12.66 4.22 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.020000 12.99 4.33 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.021000 13.31 4.43 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.022000 13.62 4.54 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.023000 13.93 4.64 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.024000 14.23 4.74 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.025000 14.52 4.84 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.026000 14.81 4.93 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.027000 15.09 5.03 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.028000 15.37 5.12 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.029000 15.64 5.21 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.030000 15.91 5.30 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.031000 16.17 5.39 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.032000 16.43 5.47 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.033000 16.68 5.56 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.034000 16.94 5.64 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.035000 17.18 5.72 3.0 17.50 17.00 ..�...�- Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005) 05/11/04 02:49:49 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 M C� M Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft2) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 0.036000 17.43 5.80 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.037000 17.67 5.88. 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.038000 17.90 5.96 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.039000 18.14 6.04 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.040000 18.37 6.12 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.041000 18.60 6.19 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.042000 18.82 6.27 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.043000 19.05 6.34 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.044000 19.27 6.42 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.045000 19.48 6.49 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.046000 19.70 6.56 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.047000 19.91 6.63 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.048000 20.12 6.70 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.049000 20.33 6.77 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.050000 20.54 6.84 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.051000 20.74 6.91 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.052000 20.94 6.98 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.053000 21.14 7.04 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.054000 21.34 7.11 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.055020 21.54 7.17 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.056000 21.73 7.24 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.057000 21.93 7.30 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.058000 22.12 7.37 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.059000 22.31 7.43 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.060000 22.50 7.49 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.061000 22.68 7.55 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.062000 22.87 7.62 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.063000 23.05 7.68 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.064000 23.23 7.74 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.065000 23.42 7.80 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.066000 23.60 7.86 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.067000 23.77 7.92 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.068000 23.95 7.98 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.069000 24.13 8.04 3.0 17.50 17.00 0.070000 24.30 8.09 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.071000 24.47 8.15 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.072000 24.64 8.21 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.073000 24.81 8.26 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.074000 24.98 8.32 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.075000 25.15 8.38 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.076000 25.32 8.43 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.077000 25.49 8.49 3.0 17.50 17.00 7.078000 25.65 8.54 3.0 17.50 17.00 3.079000 25.81 8.60 3.0 17.50 17.00 13.0800001 25.981 8.651 3.01 17.50 17.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:49:49 PM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Interior Street - Half Street - 6" Curb Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Station Worksheet Interior Street - Half Street - 6" C Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data 0+12.000 Channel Slope 060000 ft/ft Water Surface Elev 0.50 ft Options 0+32.000 Current Roughness Methc rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Results Mannings Coeffic 0.015 Elevation Range ).00 to 0.75 Discharge 30.70 cfs Flow Area 3.8 ftz Wetted Perimetei 19.74 ft Top Width 19.20 ft Actual Depth 0.50 ft Critical Elevation 0.73 ft Critical Slope 0.004993 ft/ft Velocity 8.09 ft/s Velocity Head 1.02 ft Specific Energy 1.52 ft Froude Number 3.21 Flow Type supercritical Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient 0+00.000 0+32.000 0.015 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0+00.000 0.75 0+11.500 0.52 0+12.000 0.50 0+12.000 0.00 0+13.500 0.12 0+13.500 0.15 0+32.000 0.52 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:48:49 PM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 M N M Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Project Description Worksheet Interior Street - Half Street - 6" C Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Water Surface Elev 0.50 ft Options Current Roughness Metho ved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.002000 0.080000 0.001000 Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft') Wetted Perimete (ft) Top Width (ft) 3.0020M 5.60 1.48 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.003000 6.86 1.81 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.004000 7.93 2.09 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.005000 8.86 2.33 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.006000 9.71 2.56 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.007000 10.49 2.76 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.008000 11.21 2.95 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.009000 11.89 3.13 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.010000 12.53 3.30 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.011000 13.14 3.46 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.012000 13.73 3.62 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.013000 14.29 3.76 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.014000 14.83 3.91 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.015000 15.35 4.04 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.016000 15.85 4.18 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.017000 16.34 4.30 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.018000 16.81 4.43 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.019000 17.27 4.55 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.020000 17.72 4.67 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.021000 18.16 4.78 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.022000 18.59 4.90 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.023000 19.01 5.01 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.024000 19.41 5.11 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.025000 19.81 5.22 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.026000 20.21 5.32 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.027000 20.59 5.42 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.028000 20.97 5.52 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.029000 21.34 5.62 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.030000 21.71 5.72 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.031000 22.06 5.81 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.032000 22.42 5.90 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.033000 22.77 6.00 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.034000 -23.11 6.09 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.035000 _ 23.45 6.18 3.8 19.74 19.20 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\fIowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:48:58 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 A Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft2) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 0.036000 23.78 6.26 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.037000 24.11 6.35. 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.038000 24.43 6.43 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.039000 24.75 6.52 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.040000 25.06 6.60 3.8 19.74 19.20 7.041000 25.38 6.68 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.042000 25.68 6.76 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.043000 25.99 6.84 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.044000 26.29 6.92 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.045000 26.58 7.00 3.8 19.74 19.20 7.046000 26.88 7.08 3.8 19.74 19.20 7.047000 27.17 7.16 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.048000 27.46 7.23 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.049000 27.74 7.31 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.050000 28.02 7.38 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.051000 28.30 7.45 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.052000 28.58 7.53 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.053000 28.85 7.60 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.054000 29.12 7.67 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.055000 29.39 7.74 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.056000 29.66 7.81 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.057000 29.92 7.88 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.058000 30.18 7.95 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.059000 30.44 8.02 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.060000 30.70 8.09 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.061000 30.95 8.15 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.062000 31.20 8.22 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.063000 31.46 8.28 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.064000 31.70 8.35 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.065000 31.95 8.42 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.066000 32.20 8.48 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.067000 32.44 8.54 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.068000 32.68 8.61 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.069000 32.92 8.67 3.8 19.74 19.20 7.070000 33.16 8.73 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.071000 33.39 8.80 3.8 19.74 19.20 7.072000 33.63 8.86 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.073000 33.86 8.92 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.074000 34.09 8.98 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.075000 34.32 9.04 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.076000 34.55 9.10 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.077000 34.78 9.16 3.8 19.74 19.20 0.078000 35.00 9.22 3.8 19.74 19.20 3.079000 35.22 9.28 3.8 19.74 19.20 D.0800001 35.451 9.341 3.8 19.74 19.20 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:48:58 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Interior Street - Half Street - 8" Curb Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Worksheet Interior Street - Half Street - 8" C Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Channel Slope 060000 ft/ft Water Surface Elev 0.52 ft Options Current Roughness Methcrved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weightin( Horton's Method Results Mannings Coeffic 0.015 Elevation Range ).00 to 0.75 Discharge 35.21 cfs Flow Area 4.2 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 20.56 ft Top Width 20.00 ft Actual Depth 0.52 ft Critical Elevation 0.77 ft Critical Slope 0.004919 ft/ft Velocity 8.40 ft/s Velocity Head 1.10 ft Specific Energy 1.62 ft Froude Number 3.24 Flow Type supercritical Calculation Messages: Water elevation exceeds lowest end station by 0.004 ft. Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient 0+00.000 0+32.000 0.015 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0+00.000 0.75 0+11.500 0.52 0+12.000 0.67 0+12.000 0.00 0+13.500 0.12 0+13.500 0.15 0+32.000 0.52 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:52:05 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 N M Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Interior Street - Half Street - 8" C Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Input Data Water Surface Elev 0.52 ft Options Current Roughness Methc rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.002000 0.080000 0.001000 Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft=) Wetted Perimete (ft) Top Width (ft) 0.0020130 6.43 1.53 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.003000 7.87 1.88 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.004000 9.09 2.17 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.005000 10.16 2.43 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.006000 11.13 2.66 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.007000 12.03 2.87 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.008000 12.86 3.07 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.009000 13.64 3.25 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.010000 14.37 3.43 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.011000 15.08 3.60 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.012000 15.75 3.76 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.013000 16.39 3.91 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.014000 17.01 4.06 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.015000 17.60 4.20 4.2 20.56 _ 20.00 0.016000 18.18 4.34 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.017000 18.74 4.47 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.018000 19.28 4.60 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.019000 19.81 4.73 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.020000 20.33 4.85 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.021000 20.83 4.97 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.022000 21.32 5.09 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.023000 21.80 5.20 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.024000 22.27 5.31 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.025000 22.73 5.42 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.026000 23.18 5.53 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.027000 23.62 5.64 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.028000 24.05 5.74 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.029000 24.48 5.84 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.030000 24.90 5.94 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.031000 25.31 6.04 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.032000 25.71 6.14 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.033000 26.11 6.23 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.034000 26.50 6.33 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.035000 26.89 6.42 4.2 20.56 20.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 (7.0005] 05/11/04 02:55:01 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 D D M Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft') Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 0.036000 27.27 6.51 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.037000 27.65 6.60. 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.038000 28.02 6.69 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.039000 28.39 6.77 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.040000 28.75 6.86 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.041000 29.11 6.95 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.042000 29.46 7.03 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.043000 29.81 7.11 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.044000 30.15 7.20 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.045000 30.49 7.28 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.046000 30.83 7.36 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.047000 31.16 7.44 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.048000 31.49 7.52 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.049000 31.82 7.59 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.050000 32.14 7.67 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.051000 32.46 7.75 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.052000 32.78 7.82 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.053000 33.09 7.90 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.054000 33.40 7.97 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.0550Q0 33.71 8.04 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.056000 34.02 8.12 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.057000 34.32 8.19 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.058000 34.62 8.26 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.059000 34.91 8.33 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.060000 35.21 8.40 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.061000 35.50 8.47 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.062000 35.79 8.54 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.063000 36.08 8.61 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.064000 36.36 8.68 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.065000 36.65 8.75 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.066000 36.93 8.81 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.067000 37.21 8.88 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.068000 37.48 8.95 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.069000 37.76 9.01 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.070000 38.03 9.08 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.071000 38.30 9.14 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.072000 38.57 9.20 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.073000 38.84 9.27 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.074000 39.10 9.33 4.2 20.56 20.00 0.075000 39.36 9.39 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.076000 39.63 9.46 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.077000 39.89 9.52 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.078000 40.14 9.58 4.2 20.56 20.00 3.079000 40.40 9.64 4.2 20.56 20.00 10.0800001 40.661 9.701 4.2120.56120.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:55:01 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Curb Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Worksheet Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Channel Slope 060000 ft/ft Water Surface Elev. 0.50 ft Options Current Roughness Methc>ved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Results Mannings Coeffic 0.015 Elevation Range ).00 to 0.92 Discharge 61.39 cfs Flow Area 7.6 ft' Wetted Perimeter 39.48 ft Top Width 38.40 ft Actual Depth 0.50 ft Critical Elevation 0.74 ft Critical Slope 0.004672 ft/ft Velocity 8.09 ft/s Velocity Head 1.02 ft Specific Energy 1.52 ft Froude Number 3.21 Flow Type supercritical Calculation Messages: Flow is divided. Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient 0+00.000 0+64.000 0.015 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0+00.000 0.92 0+11.500 0.69 0+12.000 0.50 0+12.000 0.00 0+13.500 0.12 0+13.500 0.15 0+32.000 0.52 0+50.500 0.15 0+50.500 0.12 0+52.000 0.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:57:55 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0+52.000 0.50 0+52.500 0.69 0+64.000 0.92 m Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Curb Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:57:55 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Project Description Worksheet Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Water Surface Elev 0.50 ft Options Current Roughness Methc rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.002000 0.080000 0.001000 Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ftZ) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 3.002000 11.21 1.48 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.003000 13.73 1.81 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.004000 15.85 2.09 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.005000 17.72 2.33 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.006000 19.41 2.56 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.007000 20.97 2.76 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.008000 22.42 2.95 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.009000 23.78 3.13 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.010000 25.06 3.30 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.011000 26.29 3.46 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.012000 27.46 3.62 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.013000 28.58 3.76 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.014000 29.66 3.91 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.015000 30.70 4.04 7.6 39.48 _ 38.40 3.016000 31.70 4.18 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.017000 32.68 4.30 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.018000 33.63 4.43 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.019000 34.55 4.55 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.020000 35.45 4.67 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.021000 36.32 4.78 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.022000 37.18 4.90 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.023000 38.01 5.01 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.024000 38.83 5.11 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.025000 39.63 5.22 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.026000 40.41 5.32 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.027000 41.18 5.42 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.028000 41.94 5.52 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.029000 42.68 5.62 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.030000 43.41 5.72 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.031000 44.13 5.81 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.032000 44.84 5.90 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.033000 45.53 6.00 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.034000 46.22 6.09 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.035000 46.89 6.18 7.6 39.48 38.40 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 02:58:04 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft2) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 3.036000 47.56 6.26 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.037000 48.21 6.35 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.038000 48.86 6.43 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.039000 49.50 6.52 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.040000 50.13 6.60 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.041000 50.75 6.68 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.042000 51.37 6.76 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.043000 51.97 6.84 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.044000 52.57 6.92 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.045000 53.17 7.00 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.046000 53.76 7.08 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.047000 54.34 7.16 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.048000 54.91 7.23 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.049000 55.48 7.31 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.050000 56.05 7.38 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.051000 56.60 7.45 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.052000 57.15 7.53 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.053000 57.70 7.60 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.054000 58.24 7.67 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.055090 58.78 7.74 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.056000 59.31 7.81 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.057000 59.84 7.88 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.058000 60.36 7.95 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.059000 60.88 8.02 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.060000 61.39 8.09 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.061000 61.90 8.15 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.062000 62.41 8.22 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.063000 62.91 8.28 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.064000 63.41 8.35 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.065000 63.90 8.42 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.066000 64.39 8.48 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.067000 64.88 8.54 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.068000 65.36 8.61 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.069000 65.84 8.67 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.070000 66.31 8.73 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.071000 66.79 8.80 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.072000 67.25 8.86 7.6 39.48 38.40 0.073000 67.72 8.92 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.074000 68.18 8.98 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.075000 68.64 9.04 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.076000 69.10 9.10 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.077000 69.55 9.16 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.078000 70.00 9.22 7.6 39.48 38.40 3.079000 70.45 9.28 7.6 39.48 38.40 10.0800001 70.891 9.341 7.6139.481 38.40 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005) 05/11/04 02:58:04 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Worksheet Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Channel Slope 060000 ft/ft Water Surface Elev 0.67 ft Options Current Roughness Methc rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting rved Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Results Mannings Coeffic 0.015 Elevation Range ).00 to 0.92 Discharge 172.38 cfs Flow Area 14.4 ft2 Wettt*,d Perimetei 41.42 ft Top Width 40.00 ft Actual Depth 0.67 ft Critical Elevation 1.10 ft Critical Slope 0.004012 ft/ft Velocity 11.99 ft/s Velocity Head 2.23 ft Specific Energy 2.90 ft Froude Number 3.52 Flow Type supercritical Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient 0+00.000 0+64.000 0.015 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0+00.000 0.92 0+11.500 0.69 0+12.000 0.67 0+12.000 0.00 0+13.500 0.12 0+13.500 0.15 0+32.000 0.52 0+50.500 0.15 0+50.500 0.12 0+52.000 0.00 0+52.000 0.67 0+52.500 0.69 0+64.000 0.92 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005) 05/11/04 03:57:30 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Project Description kwv Worksheet Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Water Surface Elev 0.67 ft Options Current Roughness Methc rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting >ved Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.002000 0.080000 0.001000 C� M Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft2) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 0.0020b0 31.47 2.19 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.003000 38.54 2.68 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.004000 44.51 3.09 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.005000 z!-' 49.76 3.46 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.006000 544.5 3.79 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.007000 58.88 4.09 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.008000 62.94 4.38 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.009000 66.76 4.64 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.010000 70.37 4.89 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.011000 73.81 5.13 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.012000 77.09 5.36 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.013000 80.24 5.58 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.014000 83.27 5.79 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.015000 86.19 5.99 14.4 41.42 _ 40.00 0.016000 89.01 6.19 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.017000 91.75 6.38 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.018000 94.41 6.57 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.019000 97.00 6.75 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.020000 99.52 6.92 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.021000 101.98 7.09 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.022000 104.38 7.26 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.023000 106.72 7.42 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.024000 109.02 7.58 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.025000 111.27 7.74 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.026000 113.47 7.89 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.027000 115.63 8.04 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.028000 117.75 8.19 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.029000 119.84 8.33 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.030000 121.89 8.48 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.031000 123.90 8.62 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.032000 125.89 8.75 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.033000 127.84 8.89 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.034000 129.76 9.02 14.4 41.42 40.00 0.035000 131.65 9.16 14.4 41.42 40.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 03:57:40 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Channel Slope (f /ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area W) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 3.036000 133.52 9.28 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.037000 135.36 9.41 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.038000 137.18 9.54 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.039000 138.97 9.66 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.040000 140.74 9.79 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.041000 142.49 9.91 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.042000 144.22 10.03 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.043000 145.93 10.15 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.044000 147.61 10.26 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.045000 149.28 10.38 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.046000 150.93 10.50 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.047000 152.56 10.61 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.048000 154.18 10.72 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.049000 155.77 10.83 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.050000 157.36 10.94 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.051000 158.92 11.05 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.052000 160.47 11.16 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.053000 162.01 11.27 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.054000 163.53 11.37 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.0550)0 165.04 11.48 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.056000 166.53 11.58 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.057000 168.01 11.68 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.058000 169.48 11.79 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.059000 170.93 11.89 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.060000 172.38 11.99 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.061000 173.81 12.09 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.062000 175.22 12.18 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.063000 176.63 12.28 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.064000 178.03 12.38 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.065000 179.41 12.48 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.066000 180.79 12.57 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.067000 182.15 12.67 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.068000 183.51 12.76 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.069000 184.85 12.85 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.070000 186.19 12.95 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.071000 187.51 13.04 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.072000 188.83 13.13 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.073000 190.13 13.22 14.4 41.42 40.00 ].074000 191.43 13.31 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.075000 192.72 13.40 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.076000 194.00 13.49 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.077000 195.27 13.58 14.4 41.42 40.00 ).078000 196.54 13.67 14.4 41.42 40.00 3.079000 197.79 13.75 14.4 41.42 40.00 1080000 199.041 13.841 14.41 41.421 40.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 03:57:40 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Interior Street - RNV To RNV - 6" Curb Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Station Worksheet Interior Street - R/W To R/W - 6 Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data 0+12.000 Channel Slope 005000 ft/ft Water Surface Elev 0.75 ft Options 0+32.000 Current Roughness Methc>ved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Results 0+52.000 Mannings Coeffic 0.015 Elevation Range ).00 to 0.75 Discharge 66.29 cfs Flow Area 20.5 ft2 Wetted Perimetei 65.08 ft Top Width 64.00 ft Actual Depth 0.75 ft Critical Elevation 0.75 ft Critical Slope 0.004892 ft/ft Velocity 3.24 ft/s Velocity Head 0.16 ft Specific Energy 0.91 ft Froude Number 1.01 Flow Type supercritical Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient 0+00.000 0+64.000 0.015 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0+00.000 0.75 0+11.500 0.52 0+12.000 0.50 0+12.000 0.00 0+13.500 0.12 0+13.500 0.15 0+32.000 0.52 0+50.500 0.15 0+50.500 0.12 0+52.000 0.00 0+52.000 0.50 0+52.500 0.52 0+64.000 0.75 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 12:04:58 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 11 1401 Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Project Description Worksheet Interior Street - R/W To R/W - 6 Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Water Surface Elev 0.75 ft Options Current Roughness Metht rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weightini Horton's Method Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.002000 0.080000 0.001000 Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft2) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 3.0020b0 41.93 2.05 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.003000 51.35 2.51 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.004000 59.29 2.90 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.005000 66.29 3.24 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.006000 72.62 3.55 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.007000 78.43 3.83 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.008000 83.85 4.10 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.009000 88.94 4.35 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.010000 93.75 4.58 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.011000 98.32 4.80 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.012000 102.70 5.02 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.013000 106.89 5.22 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.014000 110.92 5.42 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.015000 114.82 5.61 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.016000 118.58 5.79 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.017000 122.23 5.97 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.018000 125.78 6.15 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.019000 129.22 6.31 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.020000 132.58 6.48 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.021000 135.85 6.64 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.022000 139.05 6.79 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.023000 142.18 6.95 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.024000 145.23 7.10 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.025000 148.23 7.24 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.026000 151.16 7.39 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.027000 154.04 7.53 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.028000 156.87 7.67 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.029000 159.65 7.80 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.030000 162.38 7.93 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.031000 165.06 8.07 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.032000 167.70 8.19 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.033000 170.30 8.32 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.034000 172.86 8.45 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.035000 175.39 8.57 20.5 65.08 64.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 12:05:07 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 D C� M Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ftz) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 3.036000 177.87 8.69 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.037000 180.33 8.81 . 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.038000 182.75 8.93 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.039000 185.14 9.05 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.040000 187.50 9.16 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.041000 189.82 9.28 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.042000 192.13 9.39 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.043000 194.40 9.50 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.044000 196.65 9.61 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.045000 198.87 9.72 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.046000 201.07 9.82 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.047000 203.24 9.93 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.048000 205.39 10.04 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.049000 207.52 10.14 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.050000 209.63 10.24 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.051000 211.71 10.34 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.052000 213.78 10.45 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.053000 215.82 10.55 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.054000 217.85 10.64 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.0550,00 219.86 10.74 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.056000 221.85 10.84 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.057000 223.82 10.94 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.058000 225.77 11.03 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.059000 227.71 11.13 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.060000 229.63 11.22 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.061000 231.54 11.31 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.062000 233.43 11.41 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.063000 235.30 11.50 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.064000 237.16 11.59 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.065000 239.01 11.68 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.066000 240.84 11.77 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.067000 242.66 11.86 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.068000 244.46 11.95 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.069000 246.25 12.03 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.070000 248.03 12.12 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.071000 249.80 12.21 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.072000 251.55 12.29 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.073000 253.29 12.38 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.074000 255.02 12.46 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.075000 256.74 12.54 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.076000 258.44 12.63 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.077000 260.14 12.71 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.078000 261.82 12.79 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.079000 263.50 12.88 20.5 65.08 64.00 3.080000 265.161 12.961 20.51 65.081 64.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 12:05:07 PM 9 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Interior Street - RNV To RNV - 8" Curb Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Worksheet Interior Street - R/W To R/W - 8 Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Channel Slope 005000 ft/ft Water Surface Elev 0.75 ft Options Current Roughness Methc rved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Results Mannings Coeffic 0.015 Elevation Range ).00 to 0.75 Discharge 65.57 cfs Flow Area 20.4 ft2 Wetted Perimetei 65.47 ft Top Width 64.00 ft Actual Depth 0.75 ft Critical Elevation 0.75 ft Critical Slope 0.004943 ft/ft Velocity 3.22 ft/s Velocity Head 0.16 ft Specific Energy 0.91 ft Froude Number 1.01 Flow Type supercritical Roughness Segments Start End Mannings Station Station Coefficient 0+00.000 0+64.000 0.015 Natural Channel Points Station Elevation (ft) (ft) 0+00.000 0.75 0+11.500 0.52 0+12.000 0.67 0+12.000 0.00 0+13.500 0.12 0+13.500 0.15 0+32.000 0.52 0+50.500 0.15 0+50.500 0.12 0+52.000 0.00 0+52.000 0.67 0+52.500 0.52 0+64.000 0.75 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005) 05/11/04 12:05:41 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 RN Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Input Data Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Interior Street - R/W To R/W - 8 Irregular Channel Manning's Formula Discharge Water Surface Elev 0.75 ft Options Current Roughness Methc>ved Lotter's Method Open Channel Weighting wed Lotter's Method Closed Channel Weighting Horton's Method Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.002000 0.080000 0.001000 Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft=) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 3.0020b0 41.47 2.03 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.003000 50.79 2.49 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.004000 58.65 2.88 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.005000 65.57 3.22 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.006000 71.83 3.52 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.007000 77.59 3.81 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.008000 82.95 4.07 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.009000 87.98 4.32 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.010000 92.74 4.55 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.011000 97.26 4.77 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.012000 101.59 4.98 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.013000 105.74 5.19 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.014000 109.73 5.38 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.015000 113.58 5.57 20.4 65.47 _. 64.00 3.016000 117.30 5.76 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.017000 120.91 5.93 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.018000 124.42 6.10 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.019000 127.83 6.27 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.020000 131.15 6.43 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.021000 134.39 6.59 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.022000 137.55 6.75 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.023000 140.64 6.90 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.024000 143.67 7.05 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.025000 146.63 7.19 20.4 65.47 64.00 ).026000 149.53 7.34 20.4 65.47 64.00 ).027000 152.38 7.48 20.4 65.47 64.00 ).028000 155.18 7.61 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.029000 157.92 7.75 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.030000 160.62 7.88 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.031000 163.28 8.01 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.032000 165.89 8.14 20.4 65.47 64.00 ).033000 168.46 8.27 20.4 65.47 64.00 3.034000 171.00 8.39 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.035000 173.49 8.51 20.4 65.47 64.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005) 05/11/04 12:05:49 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 M N C� Table Rating Table for Irregular Channel Channel Slope (ft/ft) Discharge (cfs) Velocity (ft/s) Flow Area (ft2) Wetted Perimeter (ft) Top Width (ft) 0.036000 175.95 8.63 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.037000 178.38 8.75, 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.038000 180.78 8.87 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.039000 183.14 8.99 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.040000 185.47 9.10 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.041000 187.78 9.21 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.042000 190.05 9.33 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.043000 192.30 9.44 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.044000 194.52 9.54 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.045000 196.72 9.65 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.046000 198.90 9.76 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.047000 201.05 9.86 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.048000 203.17 9.97 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.049000 205.28 10.07 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.050000 207.36 10.17 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.051000 209.43 10.28 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.052000 211.47 10.38 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.053000 213.49 10.48 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.054000 215.50 10.57 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.055000 217.48 10.67 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.056000 219.45 10.77 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.057000 221.40 10.86 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.058000 223.34 10.96 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.059000 225.25 11.05 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.060000 227.16 11.15 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.061000 229.04 11.24 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.062000 230.91 11.33 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.063000 232.77 11.42 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.064000 234.61 11.51 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.065000 236.43 11.60 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.066000 238.24 11.69 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.067000 240.04 11.78 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.068000 241.83 11.87 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.069000 243.60 11.95 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.070000 245.36 12.04 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.071000 247.10 12.12 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.072000 248.84 12.21 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.073000 250.56 12.29 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.074000 252.27 12.38 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.075000 253.97 12.46 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.076000 255.66 12.54 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.077000 257.33 12.63 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.078000 259.00 12.71 20.4 65.47 64.00 0.079000 260.65 12.79 20.4 65.47 64.00 110800001 262.301 12.871 20.4165.47164.00 Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\...\calcs\flowmaster\street capacity calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/11/04 12:05:49 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 m ,,r APPENDIX C.2: CATCH BASIN CALCULATIONS m M D Worksheet for Lat C -1A Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread Input Data Discharge: 6.40 ft'!s Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.08 Ott Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Curb Opening Length: 7.00 ft Opening Height: 11.00 in Curb Throat Type: Inclined Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Throat Incline Angle: 45.00 degrees Results Spread: 16.87 ft Depth: 0.43 ft Gutter Depression: 0.09 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft M Worksheet for Lat C-1 B Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread Input Data Discharge: 12.50 ft3/s Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.08 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Curb Opening Length: 10.00 ft Opening Height: 11.00 in Curb Throat Type: Horizontal Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Throat Incline Angle: 90.00 degrees Results tpread: 23.20 ft Depth: 0.56 ft Gutter Depression: 0.09 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Worksheet for Line C-3 - CB -"A" Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency Input Data Discharge: 3.50 ft'/s Slope: 0.01100 % Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.08 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.013 Curb Opening Length: 7.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Results Efficiency: 100.00 % w Intercepted Flow: 3.50 ft'/s Bypass Flow: 0.00 ft'/s Spread: 24.62 ft Depth: 0.59 ft Flow Area: 6.13 ftz Gutter Depression: 0.09 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Velocity: 0.57 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.03889 ft/ft Length Factor: 1.12 Total Interception Length: 6.26 ft m A N C� Worksheet for Line C-3 - CB= `B" Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency Input Data Discharge: 9.60 ft'/s Slope: 0.01100 % Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.08 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.013 Curb Opening Length: 10.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Results Efficiency: 99.38 % * Intercepted Flow: 9.54 ft3/s Bypass Flow: 0.06 ft'/s Spread: 36.12 ft Depth: 0.82 ft Flow Area: 13.12 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.09 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Velocity: 0.73 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.03262 ft/ft Length Factor: 0.94 Total Interception Length: 10.63 ft A M Worksheet for Line C-3 - CB -"D" Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency Input Data Discharge: 13.60 ft'/s Slope: 3.53000 % Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.08 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.013 Curb Opening Length: 28.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Results Efficiency: 76.45 % Intercepted Flow: 10.40 ft3/s Bypass Flow: 3.20 ft'/s Spread: 13.58 ft Depth: 0.37 ft Flow Area: 1.92 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.09 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Velocity: 7.10 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.05519 ft/ft Length Factor: 0.55 Total Interception Length: 50.71 ft Worksheet for Line C-3 - CB -"E" C; Project Description Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency N Input Data Discharge: 2.00 ft'/s Slope: 0.04000 % Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.08 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.013 Curb Opening Length: 10.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Results Efficiency: 100.00 % w Intercepted Flow: 2.00 ft'/s Bypass Flow: 0.00 ft'/s Spread: 15.44 ft Depth: 0.40 ft Flow Area: 2.46 ftz Gutter Depression: 0.09 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Velocity: 0.81 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.05077 ft/ft Length Factor: 1.61 Total Interception Length: 6.22 ft A Worksheet for CP -1 (Roadrunner Road) Project Description Flow Element: Solve For: Input Data Discharge: Slope: Gutter Width: Gutter Cross Slope: Road Cross Slope: Manning Coefficient: Curb Opening Length: Local Depression: Local Depression Width: Results Efficiency: Intercepted Flow: Bypass Flow: Spread: Depth: Flow Area: Gutter Depression: Total Depression: Velocity: Equivalent Cross Slope: Length Factor: Total Interception Length: Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency 4.50 0.01700 1.50 0.0833 0.0200 0.015 21.00 4.00 4.00 99.95 4.50 0.00 10.65 0.31 1.20 0.09 0.43 3.73 0.06490 0.99 21.31 ft'/s ft/ft ft ft/ft ft/ft ft in ft ft3/s ft'/s ft ft ft2 ft ft ft/s ft/ft ft CC)YOT"E CA)'ayO N PEAIELOPEAAC►-J7 T NF�vT+�uF-T�KE. 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F► { " l Ji,'1t,: r, ' i;; 4 n6, 6354E5 :::7ii:. 4 tut o2 i`• T i r .l,`.F F Pt000 A , 550. tv AIA.E foiLEMAU we, * 0 U Cc3.AuAW61S Cb *j?o Q=s. 0.6 +3.6 = 4*4 CITY OF FONTANA CATCH BASIN EXHIBIT TRA C TS 16326, 16325-1, 163-95-2 & 14274 efs 7�1 CB 4 ID .1 LINE -H- C13 #15 T IE;= # CB #5 -z B INTERSTATE 15 N- RN6 cs #661HUNtMpS '; TRACT 1421-74-1 ROAD CB #6A vicim ry •vAp .Is E� z < 0 z 7�1 CB 4 ID .1 LINE -H- C13 #15 T IE;= # CB #5 -z B INTERSTATE 15 N- m > RN6 '1,:A TION AVENu� I DUN('- C YoN ROAD vicim ry •vAp .Is m > E� z Z m —T- —7DIMCAN -CA z Io Qom: 2.o C�.'t, 7 ,c~ L 58 St.+4L1� t itif 't 100 T? -IVT j (o2gD - F T1�GY 119Z� LIN 12 `G -S" P t,oU3 010 too -VK r -Lowe -*W 1•`t� F -C- - teTlVE P -tow "Ts Arte- ow T-we".f QP = Pt PE Mcw"TE o vv - )ee SY VA* F&OW Q sr = STZEF_,r FLOW PK 132.6 cf 5 m APPENDIX CA: LINE "A" WSPGN CALCULATIONS A T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE A T3 FN:LINEA.WSW SO 1002.5101766.410 15 1773.400 R 1112.6501771.490 15 .014 -78.884 R 1134.2601772.490 15 .014 .000 WE 1134.2601772.490 1 .250 TS 1149.4901772.940 2 .014 .000 .000 0 R 1557.7501785.320 2 .014 .000 R 1619.3601788.290 2 .014 .000 R 1688.0601791.602 2 .014 39.362 R 1696.2501792.000 2 .014 .000 TS 1726.2501795.000 9 .015 .000 .000 0 TS 1752.2601796.000 96 .035 .000 .000 0 TS 1785.6001797.000 97 .035 .000 .000 0 SH 1785.6001797.000 97 1797.000 CD 1 2 0 .000 8.000 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 6.000 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 9 1 0 .000 8.000 10.000 1.500 1.500 .00 CD 15 3 0 0.000 7.000 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 96 5 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 97 5 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .00 PTS 9610 7.850806.000 19.940803.000 26.700800.000 33.460796.000 35.070796.000 PTS 37.310797.000 39.660798.000 44.930799.000 53.130800.000 74.860805.000 PTS 9710 2.790810.000 11.360805.000 21.820800.000 23.300799.000 24.460797.000 PTS 27.010796.000 29.560798.000 32.890799.000 34.930800.000 62.380805.000 Q 614.000 .0 A 0 0 0 FILE: linea.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 1J.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-29-2005 Time: 4: 3:37 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE A FN:LINEA.WSW ***************#********##***********************#********#****#***#**********#**#*#********************#*****###********* #*#*###* Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super jCriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem SCh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR' IType Ch 1002.510 1766.410 2.225 1768.635 614.00 27.60 11.83 1780.46 2.96 4.89 10.00 7.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 31.052 .0461 .0373 1.16 5.18 3.26 2.08 .014 .00 .00 BOX 1033.562 1767.842 2.253 1770.096 614.00 27.25 11.53 1781.62 2.88 4.89 10.00 7.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 79.088 .0461 .0343 2.71 5.14 3.20 2.08 .014 .00 .00 BOX 1112.650 1771.490 2.363 1773.853 614.00 25.98 10.48 1784.33 .00 4.89 10.00 7.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 21.610 .0463 .0311 .67 2.36 2.98 2.08 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I 1134.260 1772.490 2.407 1774.897 614.00 25.51 10.10 1785.00 .00 4.89 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR .0295 .0303 .46 2.41 2.90 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1149.490 1772.940 2.405 1775.345 614.00 25.53 10.12 1785.47 .00 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 408.260 .0303 .0301 12.28 2.40 2.90 2.40 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1 1 1557.750 1785.320 2.418 1787.738 614.00 25.39 10.01 1797.75 .00 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 30.003 .0482 .0284 .85 2.42 2.88 2.05 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1587.753 1786.766 2.504 1789.271 614.00 24.52 9.33 1798.60 .00 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 31.607 .0482 .0252 .80 2.50 2.73 2.05 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1619.360 1788.290 2.627 1790.917 614.00 23.38 8.49 1799.40 1.70 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 16.870 .0482 .0225 .38 4.32 2.54 2.05 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1636.230 1789.103 2.710 1791.814 614.00 22.66 7.97 1799.78 1.59 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 21.078 .0482 .0201 .42 4.30 2.43 2.05 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG w FILE: linea.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 1J.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-29-2005 Time: 4: 3:37 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE A FN:LINEA.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem SCh Slope ( I I I SF Ave) HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR -Type Ch .+:r*tr+..l..:*+s+*.I+..+.+.:rl.+.+�*++��,t*.++.+.I....��+I..*..***�.r:r*<**I.+**++al,t++***�.I+�■,+..�+I+++.*��I,++..,r ,r*I+*.+* I�++�+,+. 1657.309 1790.120 2.842 1792.962 614.00 21.60 7.25 1800.21 1.45 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 16.962 .0482 .0176 .30 4.29 2.26 2.05 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1674.271 1790.937 2.981 1793.918 614.00 20.60 6.59 1800.51 1.32 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 13.789 .0482 .0153 .21 4.30 2.10 2.05 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1688.060 1791.602 3.127 1794.729 614.00 19.64 5.99 1800.72 .00 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 8.190 .0486 .0137 .11 3.13 1.96 2.05 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I 1696.250 1792.000 3.235 1795.235 614.00 18.98 5.59 1800.83 .00 4.89 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR 1000 .0121 .36 3.23 1.86 .015 .00 .00 RECTANG 1726.250 1795.000 2.845 1797.845 614.00 15.13 3.55 1801.40 .00 3.98 18.54 8.000 10.000 1.50 0 .0 TRANS STR .0384 .0533 1.39 2.85 1.80 .035 .00 1.50 TRAP 1752.260 1796.000 3.950 1799.950 614.00 13.84 2.97 1802.92 .00 4.91 25.94 96 0 .0 TRANS STR .0300 .0359 1.20 3.95 1.86 .035 IR -OPEN I 1 1 1785.600 1797.000 6.095 1803.095 614.00 8.81 1.20 1804.30 .00 6.10 28.99 97 0 .0 CEJ cAPPENDIX C.5: LINE "B" WSPGN CALCULATIONS m m Mwo DSM T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B" T3 FN:LINE "B".WSW SO 1395.9801618.020 13 1628.420 R 1475.9801618.420 12 .035 .000 .000 0 WX 1475.9801618.420 11 .035 .000 .000 0 R 1686.2501627.840 11 .014 -48.190 .000 0 WE 1686.2501627.840 12 .250 TS 1736.2501630.390 2 .014 .000 R 1772.0401632.220 2 .014 .000 JX 1777.8101632.520 2 4 .014 21.100 1632.860 45.0 R 1800.6301633.680 2 .014 .000 R 2098.6001648.880 2 .014 -34.145 R 2342.2201661.307 2 .014 .000 R 2450.1901666.815 2 .014 12.372 R 2722.3901680.690 2 .014 .000 TS 2822.3901685.470 5 .014 11.459 WX 2822.3901685.470 15 .000 .000 .000 0 R 2857.9501687.170 15 .014 4.075 .000 0 R 3034.8001695.610 15 .014 .000 .000 0 JX 3037.8001695.770 15 9 .014 12.000 1696.960 90.0 R 3049.5001696.330 15 .014 .000 .000 0 R 3102.8301698.880 15 .014 6.111 .000 0 WE 3102.8301698.880 5 .250 TS 3202.8301705.960 2 .014 11.458 R 3301.7701712.965 2 .014 .000 R 3421.1001721.414 2 .014 6.837 R 3545.1201730.660 2 .014 7.106 R 3831.5501752.020 2 .014 .000 TS 3931.5501759.670 14 .014 .000 TS 4004.8401768.460 8 .014 .000 JX 4005.8401768.580 6 3 .014 461.300 1766.410 -14.036 TS 4075.9101777.000 7 .014 .000 SH 4075.9101777.000 7 1777.000 CD 1 3 0 .000 10.000 14.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 6.000 15.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 2 0 .000 6.000 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 2 0 .000 6.000 29.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 2 0 .000 6.000 36.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 7 2 0 .000 6.000 70.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 8 2 0 .000 6.000 46.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 9 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 10 3 0 .000 6.000 14.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 11 3 0 .000 10.000 14.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 12 2 0 .000 10.000 14.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 13 2 0 .000 10.000 60.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 14 2 0 .000 6.000 20.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 15 3 1 1.000 6.000 29.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 1212.100 .0 m Mwo DSM IC FILE: lineb.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-27-2005 Time: 2:49:11 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B" FN:LINE "B".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow TOplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch 1395.980 I 1618.020 I I 10.400 I 1628.420 I 1706.50 2.73 I .12 I 1628.54 .00 I 2.93 I 60.00 I 10.000 I I 60.000 .00 I 0 .0 I_ 1395.980 I 1618.020 I I 5.095 I 1623.115 I 1706.50 23.92 I 8.89 I 1632.00 .00 i 7.73 I 14.00 I 10.000 I I 14.000 .00 I 0 .0 -i- 6.988 -I- .0050 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0793 -I- .55 -I- 5.09 -I- 1.87 -I- 14.44 -I- .035 -I- .00 .00 1- RECTANG 1402.968 I 1618.055 I I 4.902 I 1622.957 I 1706.50 24.86 I 9.60 I 1632.56 .00 I 7.73 I 14.00 I 10.000 I I 14.000 .00 I 0 .0 8.658 .0050 .0895 .78 4.90 1.98 14.44 .035 .00 .00 I_ RECTANG 1411.626 I 1618.098 I I 4.674 I 1622.772 I 1706.50 26.08 I 10.56 I 1633.33 .00 I 7.73 I 14.00 I 10.000 I I 14.000 .00 I 0 .0 8.617 .0050 .1023 .88 4.67 2.13 14.44 .035 .00 .00 I_ RECTANG 1420.243 I 1618.141 I I 4.457 I 1622.598 I 1706.50 27.35 I 11.62 I 1634.21 .00 I 7.73 I 14.00 I 10.000 I I 14.000 .00 I 0 .0 8.520 .0050 .1170 1.00 4.46 2.28 14.44 .035 .00 .00 I_ RECTANG 1428.763 I 1618.184 I I 4.249 I 1622.433 I 1706.50 28.69 I 12.78 I 1635.21 .00 I 7.73 I 14.00 I 10.000 I I 14.000 .00 I 0 .0 8.380 .0050 .1339 1.12 4.25 2.45 14.44 .035 .00 .00 I_ RECTANG 1437.143 I 1618.226 I I 4.051 I 1622.277 I 1706.50 30.09 I 14.06 I 1636.33 .00 I 7.73 I 14.00 I 10.000 I I 14.000 .00 I 0 .0 8.205 .0050 .1533 1.26 4.05 2.63 14.44 .035 .00 .00 I_ RECTANG 1445.347 I 1618.267 I I 3.863 I 1622.130 I 1706.50 31.55 I 15.46 I 1637.59 .00 I 7.73 I 14.00 I 10.000 I I 14.000 .00 I 0 .0 8.004 .0050 .1757 1.41 3.86 2.83 14.44 .035 .00 .00 I_ RECTANG 1453.351 I 1618.307 I I 3.683 I 1621.990 I 1706.50 33.10 I 17.01 I 1639.00 .00 I 7.73 I 14.00 I 10.000 I I 14.000 .00 0 .0 -I- 7.782 -I- .0050 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .2015 -I- 1.57 -i- 3.68 -I- 3.04 -I- 14.44 -I- .035 -I- .00 .00 1- RECTANG IC W FILE: lineb.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-27-2005 Time: 2:49:11 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B" FN:LINE "B".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch 1461.133 1618.346 3.512 1621.858 1706.50 34.71 18.71 1640.57 .00 7.73 14.00 10.000 14.000 .00 0 .0 7.547 .0050 .2313 1.75 3.51 3.26 14.44 .035 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I 1468.680 1618.384 3.348 1621.732 1706.50 36.40 20.58 1642.31 .00 7.73 14.00 10.000 14.000 .00 0 .0 7.300 .0050 .2656 1.94 3.35 3.51 14.44 .035 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I 1475.980 1618.420 3.192 1621.613 1706.50 38.18 22.64 1644.25 2.54 7.73 14.00 10.000 14.000 .00 0 .0 WALL EXIT 1475.980 1618.420 3.191 1621.611 1706.50 38.20 22.66 1644.27 2.54 7.73 14.00 10.000 14.000 .00 0 .0 210.270 .0448 .0458 9.64 5.73 3.77 3.21 .014 .00 .00 BOX 1686.250 1627.840 3.175 1631.015 1706.50 38.39 22.88 1653.90 .00 7.73 14.00 10.000 14.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR .0510 .0471 2.35 3.18 3.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1736.250 1630.390 2.962 1633.352 1706.50 38.41 22.90 1656.26 .00 7.38 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 35.790 .0511 .0478 1.71 2.96 3.93 2.90 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1772.040 1632.220 2.970 1635.190 1706.50 38.30 22.78 1657.97 .00 7.38 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 JUNCT STR 0520 .0488 .28 2.97 3.92 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1777.810 1632.520 2.896 1635.416 1685.40 38.80 23.38 1658.79 .00 7.32 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 22.820 .0508 .0500 1.14 2.90 4.02 2.88 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 1800.630 1633.680 2.897 1636.577 1685.40 38.78 23.36 1659.93 1.40 7.32 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 297.970 .0510 .0490 14.59 4.30 4.02 2.88 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 0 0 0 FILE: lineb.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-27-2005 Time: 2:49:11 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B" FN:LINE "B".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) I Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch 2098.600 1648.880 2.938 1651.818 1685.40 38.24 22.71 1674.53 .00 7.32 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 I_ 243.620 .0510 .0459 11.18 2.94 3.93 2.88 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2342.220 1661.307 3.028 1664.335 1685.40 37.10 21.38 1685.71 1.28 7.32 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 107.970 .0510 .0423 4.57 4.31 3.76 2.88 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I i 2450.190 1666.815 3.103 1669.917 1685.40 36.22 20.37 1690.28 .00 7.32 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 116.989 .0510 .0385 4.51 3.10 3.62 2.88 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I 2567.178 1672.778 3.231 1676.009 1685.40 34.78 18.78 1694.79 .00 7.32 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 90.679 .0510 .0339 3.07 3.23 3.41 2.88 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2657.857 1677.401 3.388 1680.789 1685.40 33.16 17.07 1697.86 .00 7.32 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 64.532 .0510 .0295 1.90 3.39 3.17 2.88 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I 2722.390 1680.690 3.554 1684.244 1685.40 31.62 15.52 1699.77 .93 7.32 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR .0478 .0398 3.98 4.49 2.96 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2822.390 1685.470 1.769 1687.239 1685.40 32.86 16.77 1704.01 1.95 4.72 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 0 .0 WALL EXIT 2822.390 1685.470 1.833 1687.303 1685.40 32.84 16.74 1704.05 1.88 4.83 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 35.560 .0478 .0593 2.11 3.71 4.35 1.95 .014 .00 .00 BOX 2857.950 1687.170 1.810 1688.980 1685.40 33.26 17.18 1706.16 .00 4.83 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 35.941 .0477 .0620 2.23 1.81 4.43 1.96 .014 .00 .00 BOX A n O FILE: lineb.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 4' Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-27-2005 Time: 2:49:11 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B" FN:LINE "B".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 2893.891 1688.885 1.782 1690.667 1685.40 33.78 17.72 1708.39 .00 4.83 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 81.551 .0477 .0684 5.58 1.78 4.54 1.96 .014 .00 .00 BOX 2975.442 1692.777 1.699 1694.476 1685.40 35.43 19.49 1713.97 .00 4.83 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 59.358 .0477 .0792 4.70 1.70 4.87 1.96 .014 .00 .00 BOX 3034.800 1695.610 1.620 1697.230 1685.40 37.16 21.44 1718.67 .00 4.83 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 JUNCT STR 0533 .0867 .26 1.62 5.24 .014 .00 .00 BOX 3037.800 1695.770 1.593 1697.363 1673.40 37.53 21.87 1719.23 .00 4.80 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 11.700 .0479 .0900 1.05 1.59 5.33 1.95 .014 .00 .00 BOX 3049.500 1696.330 1.574 1697.904 1673.40 37.97 22.38 1720.29 2.51 4.80 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 13.065 .0478 .0936 1.22 4.08 5.43 1.95 .014 .00 .00 BOX 3062.565 1696.955 1.552 1698.507 1673.40 38.50 23.01 1721.52 2.58 4.80 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 40.265 .0478 .1032 4.15 4.13 5.54 1.95 .014 .00 .00 BOX 3102.830 1698.880 1.480 1700.360 1673.40 40.38 25.31 1725.67 2.83 4.80 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 1 1.0 WALL ENTRANCE 3102.830 1698.880 1.378 1700.258 1673.40 41.89 27.25 1727.50 3.16 4.69 29.00 6.000 29.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR 0708 .0907 9.07 4.54 6.29 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I 1 1 3202.830 1705.960 2.617 1708.577 1673.40 42.63 28.21 1736.79 .00 7.28 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 98.940 .0708 .0657 6.50 2.62 4.64 2.56 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 0 0 FILE: lineb.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-27-2005 Time: 2:49:11 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B" FN:LINE "B".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 3301.770 1712.965 2.642 1715.607 1673.40 42.23 27.69 1743.30 .83 7.28 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 119.330 .0708 .0632 7.54 3.47 4.58 2.56 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3421.100 I I 1721.414 2.689 I I 1724.103 I 1673.40 41.49 I 26.73 I 1750.83 .80 I I 7.28 15.00 I 6.000 I I 15.000 .00 0 .0 124.020 .0746 .0578 7.17 3.49 4.46 2.52 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3545.120 I I 1730.660 2.806 I I 1733.467 I 1673.40 39.75 I 24.54 I 1758.00 .00 I I 7.28 15.00 I 6.000 I I 15.000 .00 0 .0 1.035 .0746 .0541 .06 2.81 4.18 2.52 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3546.155 I I 1730.737 2.808 I I 1733.545 I 1673.40 39.74 I 24.52 I 1758.06 .00 I I 7.28 15.00 I 6.000 I I 15.000 .00 0 .0 86.928 .0746 .0505 4.39 2.81 4.18 2.52 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3633.083 I 1737.220 2.945 1740.164 1673.40 37.89 I 22.29 1762.45 .00 I I 7.28 15.00 I 6.000 I I 15.000 .00 0 .0 61.312 .0746 .0439 2.69 2.94 3.89 2.52 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3694.395 I I 1741.792 3.088 I I 1744.880 I 1673.40 36.12 I 20.26 1765.14 .00 I I 7.28 15.00 I 6.000 I I 15.000 .00 0 .0 46.403 .0746 .0381 1.77 3.09 3.62 2.52 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3740.798 I I 1745.252 3.239 I I 1748.491 I 1673.40 34.44 I 18.42 1766.91 .00 I I 7.28 15.00 I 6.000 I I 15.000 .00 0 .0 36.614 .0746 .0332 1.21 3.24 3.37 2.52 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3777.412 I I 1747.983 3.397 I I 1751.380 I 1673.40 32.84 16.75 1768.13 .00 I I 7.28 15.00 I 6.000 I I 15.000 .00 0 .0 29.669 .0746 .0288 .86 3.40 3.14 2.52 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3807.081 I I 1750.195 I 3.563 I 1753.758 I 1673.40 31.31 I 15.22 1768.98 .00 I I 7.28 15.00 I 6.000 I I 15.000 .00 0 .0 24.469 .0746 .0251 .61 3.56 2.92 2.52 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG It 0 0 FILE: lineb.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 6 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-27-2005 Time: 2:49:11 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B" FN:LINE "B".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super CriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fall ZR IType Ch 3831.550 1752.020 3.737 1755.757 1673.40 29.85 13.84 1769.60 .00 7.28 15.00 6.000 15.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR 0765 .0187 1.87 3.74 2.72 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 3931.550 I 1759.670 3.517 I I 1763.187 I 1673.40 23.79 I 8.79 I 1771.97 .00 I 6.01 I 20.00 I I 6.000 I 20.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR .1199 .0094 .69 3.52 2.24 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I 4004.840 I 1768.460 2.730 I I 1771.190 I 1673.40 13.32 I 2.76 I 1773.95 .00 I 3.45 I 46.00 I I 6.000 I 46.000 .00 0 .0 JUNCT STR .1200 .0073 .01 2.73 1.42 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I 4005.840 I 1768.580 2.104 I I 1770.684 I 1212.10 16.01 I 3.98 I 1774.66 .00 I 3.28 I 36.00 I I 6.000 I 36.000 .00 0 .0 4075.910 1777.000 2.104 1779.104 1212.10 8.23 1.05 1780.16 .00 2.10 70.00 6.000 70.000 .00 0 .0 ® T1 Line B1 0 T2 T3 SO 1014.5401696.960 1 1697.900 JX 1048.5201698.330 3 2 .013 .600 1698.830 90.0 .000 R 1058.0601698.720 3 .013 .000 .000 1 JX 1062.7301698.910 5 4 .013 1.800 1699.320 -90.0 .000 R 1085.5101699.510 5 .013 .000 .000 1 JX 1090.9201699.650 7 6 .013 24.800 1699.560 41.2 .000 R 1234.8801703.460 7 .013 .000 .000 1 JX 1240.9201703.620 9 8 .013 3.700 1704.040 30.0 .000 R 1350.0001706.500 9 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1492.5401707.640 9 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1561.9601708.200 9 .013 88.388 .000 0 SH 1561.9601708.200 9 1708.200 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 7 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 8 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 9 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 Q 27.500 .0 L 0 e n n FILE: LINEBI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5: 0:52 .,t*,t*t,r�+***,r*,r,t,t**�*****,tett*,t�*+tr**t**,t**+�***,r**r**,r,t*�*+**,t,t,t�*«t,r*,t,t*t*,t,t+*t***x,t,r+***,r,r,t,t,t,t**t+*,r ,r ,t+*r*****.,t****,r* **.•+t** Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni ***,r*,r*r*I*::****,r.,l***++***I+********I***,r*�***I+*,r****I*,r*****I*,r**,r�***I+******I********I********I+�+,r***I*****.*I�**** SCh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch *+•.*** -------------------- WARNING - Junction Analysis - Large Lateral Flow(s)------------------ 1014.540 1696.960 1.838 1698.798 58.40 15.10 3.54 1702.34 .00 2.38 2.21 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0403 .0227 .77 1.84 2.01 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1048.520 1698.330 2.053 1700.383 57.80 13.40 2.79 1703.17 .00 2.38 1.92 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 5.547 .0409 .0191 .11 2.05 1.57 1.54 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1054.067 1698.557 2.152 1700.709 57.80 12.86 2.57 1703.28 .00 2.38 1.73 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.993 .0409 .0178 .07 2.15 1.41 1.54 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1058.060 1698.720 2.293 1701.013 57.80 12.26 2.33 1703.35 .00 2.38 1.38 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0407 .0180 .08 2.29 1.17 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1062.730 1698.910 2.048 1700.958 56.00 13.01 2.63 1703.59 .00 2.36 1.92 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 5.235 .0263 .0184 .10 2.05 1.53 1.76 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1067.965 1699.048 2.080 1701.128 56.00 12.83 2.55 1703.68 .00 2.36 1.87 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 12.395 .0263 .0174 .22 2.08 1.48 1.76 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1080.360 1699.374 2.202 1701.577 56.00 12.23 2.32 1703.90 .00 2.36 1.62 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 5.150 .0263 .0164 .08 2.20 1.28 1.76 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1085.510 1699.510 2.363 1701.873 56.00 11.66 2.11 1703.98 .00 2.36 1.14 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0259 .0110 .06 2.36 1.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE O n A FILE: LINEBI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5: 0:52 r**+,r�****.,r•,r+*****,r,r******.********,r**�,r:****,r:**,r****�**x*x,r***��******,r**�**:*.****«,r:,r*,r*,r+,r*,r*«*:****,r*,r*�,r:*+****** ***.*•*� Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem *+t*wt,t*. ICh Slope I I *t,t ,t*�**+ I *,t****t� I I I *+.*xt**,t I I *.**,r ,t *,tt I *t**+,t* SF Avel I ***x,t** I HF ISE *,r ,r**,r*++ I DpthIFroude ***,rt:* NINorm I *•***,r** Dp ,t**a**t* I "N" **+**xx I I X -Fall ,t+,t+*** ZR *,tar• IType Ch I xx+,t ,t+* 1090.920 1699.650 4.586 1704.236 31.20 6.36 .63 1704.86 .00 1.90 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 91.830 .0265 .0058 .53 4.59 .00 1.20 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1182.750 1702.080 2.707 1704.787 31.20 6.36 .63 1705.41 .00 1.90 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1182.750 1702.080 1.278 1703.358 31.20 12.36 2.37 1705.73 .00 1.90 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 24.102 .0265 .0202 .49 1.28 2.17 1.20 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1206.853 1702.718 1.328 1704.046 31.20 11.78 2.15 1706.20 .00 1.90 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 16.664 .0265 .0178 .30 1.33 2.01 1.20 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1223.517 1703.159 1.379 1704.538 31.20 11.23 1.96 1706.50 .00 1.90 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 11.363 .0265 .0157 .18 1.38 1.87 1.20 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1234.880 1703.460 1.435 1704.895 31.20 10.71 1.78 1706.67 .00 1.90 2.47 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0265 .0192 .12 1.43 1.74 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1240.920 1703.620 1.155 1704.775 27.50 12.40 2.39 1707.16 .00 1.79 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 31.567 .0264 .0226 .71 1.16 2.32 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1272.487 1704.453 1.184 1705.637 27.50 12.01 2.24 1707.88 .00 1.79 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 26.137 .0264 .0203 .53 1.18 2.21 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1298.624 1705.143 1.229 1706.372 27.50 11.45 2.04 1708.41 .00 1.79 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 16.245 .0264 .0179 .29 1.23 2.06 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE A O O FILE: LINEBI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5: 0:52 Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFloW ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ***,r ,r***,t ICh Slope I I *�**:+*** I I **x,r ,t•*� I I ,r***+*+** I I *+,r****** **,t:*** I SF Aver ******* I HF ISE DpthIFroude ,r ,r ,t ,t ,t**** r,r*«*,t* NINorm I +:***,r** I Dp +******* I "N" I ***,t ,t+• I X -Fall I ***:r*�* I ZR **��* IType Ch *.*��** 1314.869 1705.572 1.276 1706.848 27.50 10.92 1.85 1708.70 .00 1.79 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 11.216 .0264 .0158 .18 1.28 1.92 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1326.085 1705.868 1.325 1707.193 27.50 10.41 1.68 1708.88 .00 1.79 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 8.077 .0264 .0139 .11 1.33 1.78 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1334.162 1706.082 1.377 1707.459 27.50 9.92 1.53 1708.99 .00 1.79 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.018 .0264 .0123 .07 1.38 1.66 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1340.180 1706.241 1.431 1707.672 27.50 9.46 1.39 1709.06 .00 1.79 2.47 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.395 .0264 .0108 .05 1.43 1.54 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1344.575 1706.357 1.489 1707.846 27.50 9.02 1.26 1709.11 .00 1.79 2.45 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.206 .0264 .0096 .03 1.49 1.43 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1347.781 1706.441 1.550 1707.991 27.50 8.60 1.15 1709.14 .00 1.79 2.43 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.219 .0264 .0085 .02 1.55 1.32 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1350.000 1706.500 1.615 1708.115 27.50 8.20 1.04 1709.16 .00 1.79 2.39 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 68.283 .0080 .0080 .55 1.61 1.22 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1418.283 1707.046 1.615 1708.661 27.50 8.20 1.04 1709.71 .00 1.79 2.39 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 74.257 .0080 .0080 .59 1.61 1.22 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1492.540 1707.640 1.617 1709.257 27.50 8.19 1.04 1710.30 .11 1.79 2.39 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 40.323 .0081 .0078 .32 1.73 1.22 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 0 FILE: LINEBI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5: 0:52 Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL lPrs/Pip L/Eleni ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 1532.863 1707.965 1.639 1709.604 27.50 8.06 1.01 1710.61 .11 1.79 2.38 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 24.894 .0081 .0072 .18 1.75 1.19 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1557.757 1708.166 1.710 1709.876 27.50 7.68 .92 1710.79 .09 1.79 2.32 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.203 .0081 .0064 .03 1.80 1.09 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1561.960 1708.200 1.788 1709.988 27.50 7.32 .83 1710.82 .08 1.79 2.26 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR WQ-LINE "B-1" T3 FN:WQ-LINE "B-1".WSW SO 1079.6701583.120 1 1605.300 R 1091.6701583.190 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1179.9801611.560 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1227.9801613.000 1 .013 .000 .000 0 WE 1227.9801613.000 2 .250 SH 1227.9801613.000 2 1613.000 CD 1 4 1 .000 4.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 8.000 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 105.000 .0 1-1 FILE: WQ-LINEBI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time:11:15:48 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR WQ-LINE "B-1" FN:WQ-LINE "B-1".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch 1079.670 1583.120 22.180 1605.300 105.00 8.36 1.08 1606.38 .00 3.10 .00 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 12.000 .0058 .0053 .06 22.18 .00 3.14 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1091.670 1583.190 22.174 1605.364 105.00 8.36 1.08 1606.45 .00 3.10 .00 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 44.414 .3213 .0053 .24 22.17 .00 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1136.084 1597.458 8.142 1605.600 105.00 8.36 1.08 1606.68 .00 3.10 .00 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1136.084 1597.458 1.242 1598.701 105.00 31.56 15.47 1614.17 .00 3.10 3.70 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .370 .3213 .1211 .04 1.24 5.87 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1136.454 1597.577 1.246 1598.823 105.00 31.42 15.33 1614.15 .00 3.10 3.70 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 6.474 .3213 .1128 .73 1.25 5.83 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1142.928 1599.657 1.290 1600.947 105.00 29.96 13.93 1614.88 .00 3.10 3.74 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 5.492 .3213 .0988 .54 1.29 5.45 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1148.420 1601.421 1.335 1602.756 105.00 28.56 12.67 1615.42 .00 3.10 3.77 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.703 .3213 .0866 .41 1.34 5.10 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1153.123 1602.932 1.383 1604.315 105.00 27.23 11.52 1615.83 .00 3.10 3.80 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.067 .3213 .0759 .31 1.38 4.77 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1157.190 1604.239 1.432 1605.671 105.00 25.97 10.47 1616.14 .00 3.10 3.84 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.536 .3213 .0665 .24 1.43 4.46 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE IC 0 FILE: WQ-LINEBl.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time:11:15:48 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR WQ-LINE "B-1" FN:WQ-LINE "B-1".WSW Invert Depth Water I Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZI, IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR IType Ch 1160.726 1605.375 1.483 1606.858 105.00 24.76 9.52 1616.37 .00 3.10 3.86 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.085 .3213 .0583 .18 1.48 4.16 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1163.811 1606.366 1.537 1607.903 105.00 23.60 8.65 1616.55 .00 3.10 3.89 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.709 .3213 .0512 .14 1.54 3.89 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1166.520 1607.236 1.592 1608.828 105.00 22.51 7.87 1616.69 .00 3.10 3.92 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.378 .3213 .0449 .11 1.59 3.63 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1168.897 1608.000 1.650 1609.650 105.00 21.46 7.15 1616.80 .00 3.10 3.94 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.090 .3213 .0394 .08 1.65 3.39 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1170.987 1608.671 1.711 1610.382 105.00 20.46 6.50 1616.88 .00 3.10 3.96 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.842 .3213 .0346 .06 1.71 3.17 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1172.829 1609.263 1.774 1611.037 105.00 19.51 5.91 1616.95 .00 3.10 3.97 4.000 .000 .00 1 _0 1.620 .3213 .0304 .05 1.77 2.95 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1174.450 1609.783 1.840 1611..624 105.00 18.60 5.37 1617.00 .00 3.10 3.99 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.424 .3213 .0268 .04 1.84 2.75 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1175.874 1610.241 1.909 1612.150 105.00 17.73 4.88 1617.03 .00 3.10 4.00 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.250 .3213 .0236 .03 1.91 2.57 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1177.123 1610.642 1.981 1612.623 105.00 16.91 4.44 1617.06 .00 3.10 4.00 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.090 .3213 .0207 .02 1.98 2.39 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE IC 0 0 FILE: WQ-LINEBI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time:11:15:48 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR WQ-LINE "B-1" FN:WQ-LINE "B-1".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super CriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZIP IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 1178.214 1610.993 2.057 1613.050 105.00 16.12 4.04 1617.09 .00 3.10 4.00 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .950 .3213 .0183 .02 2.06 2.23 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1179.164 1611.298 2.136 1613.434 105.00 15.37 3.,67 1617.10 .00 3.10 3.99 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- .816 -I- .3213 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0161 -I- .01 -I- 2.14 -I- 2.07 -I- .97 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1179.980 1611.560 2.221 1613.781 105.00 14.66 3.34 1617.12 .00 3.10 3.98 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 12.646 .0300 .0143 .18 2.22 1.92 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1192.626 1611.939 2.301 1614.241 105.00 14.03 3.05 1617.30 .00 3.10 3.95 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 10.674 .0300 .0127 .14 2.30 1.80 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1203.300 1612.260 2.394 1614.654 105.00 13.37 2.78 1617.43 .00 3.10 3.92 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 8.232 .0300 .0112 .09 2.39 1.67 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1211.531 1612.507 2.492 1614.999 105.00 12.75 2.52 1617.52 .00 3.10 3.88 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 6.213 .0300 .0100 .06 2.49 1.54 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1217.745 1612.693 2.597 1615.290 105.00 12.16 2.30 1617.59 .00 3.10 3.82 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.616 .0300 .0088 .04 2.60 1.42 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1222.361 1612.831 2.708 1615.540 105.00 11.59 2.09 1617.63 .00 3.10 3.74 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.149 .0300 .0079 .02 2.71 1.31 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1225.510 1612.926 2.828 1615.754 105.00 11.05 1.90 1617.65 .00 3.10 3.64 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.848 .0300 .0070 .01 2.83 1.21 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: WQ-LINEBI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time:11:15:48 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR WQ-LINE "B-1" FN:WQ-LINE "B-1".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZI, IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fal1I ZR IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1227.358 1612.981 2.958 1615.939 105.00 10.54 1.72 1617.66 .00 3.10 3.51 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- .622 .0300 .0063 .00 2.96 1.10 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1227.980 1613.000 3.101 1616.101 105.00 10.04 1.57 1617.67 .00 3.10 3.34 4.000 .000 .00 1 .0 I_ WALL ENTRANCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1227.980 1613.000 5.746 1618.746 105.00 .87 .01 1618.76 .00 .92 21.00 8.000 21.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- APON T1 52637 COYOTE C��'ON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE B T3 FN:LINEBOUT.WSW SO 1198.7201578.300 1 1605.300 R 1232.0201585.000 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1294.8501597.650 1 .013 -29.999 .000 0 R 1306.1001599.920 1 .013 .000 .000 0 TS 1326.1001603.956 2 .013 .000 TS 1346.1001607.970 3 .013 .000 R 1366.1001612.000 3 .013 .000 .000 0 WE 1366.1001612.000 4 .250 SH 1366.1001612.000 5 1612.000 CD 1 4 1 .000 7.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 3 0 .000 10.000 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 3 0 .000 10.000 14.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 2 0 .000 12.000 14.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 2 0 .000 12.000 42.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 1148.600 .0 11 [A 0 0 FILE: LINEBOUT.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14,,.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time: 1:38:40 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE B FN:LINEBOUT.WSW xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..*,t,t+ax*xxx+<++*+*x++rxx+++xx.xxx++x+,rxxx.xx..x<+.++*.+x+.+.x.+,t ,t• +...*x.x Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj jNo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem lCh Slope 1 1 1 1 SF Avel HF JSE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR' IType Ch .xxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxlxxx*xxxxxlxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxlxxx■xxxlxxxxx Ixx++*.+ 1198.720 1578.300 27.000 1605.300 1148.60 29.85 13.83 1619.13 .00 6.93 .00 7.000 .000 .00 1 .0 33.300 .2012 .0323 1.08 27.00 .00 3.08 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1232.020 1585.000 21.377 1606.377 1148.60 29.85 13.83 1620.21 .00 6.93 .00 7.000 .000 .00 1 .0 62.830 .2013 .0323 2.03 .00 .00 3.0.8 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1294.850 1597.650 12.355 1610.005 1148.60 29.85 13.83 1623.84 .00 6.93 .00 7.000 .000 .00 1 .0 11.250 .2018 .0323 .36 12.35 .00 3.08 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1306.100 1599.920 10.448 1610.368 1148.60 29.85 13.83 1624.20 .00 6.93 .00 7.000 .000 .00 1 .0 TRANS STR .2018 .0030 .06 10.45 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1326.100 1603.956 19.727 1623.683 1148.60 11.49 2.05 1625.73 .00 7.43 10.00 10.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR .2007 .0030 .06 19.73 .64 .013 .00 .00 BOX 1346.100 1607.970 16.859 1624.829 1148.60 8.20 1.05 1625.87 .00 5.93 14.00 10.000 14.000 .00 0 .0 20.000 .2015 .0012 .02 16.86 .46 1.43 .013 .00 .00 BOX 1366.100 1612.000 12.854 1624.854 1148.60 8.20 1.05 1625.90 .00 5.93 14.00 10.000 14.000 .00 0 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1366.100 1612.000 13.437 1625.437 1148.60 6.11 .58 1626.02 .00 5.93 14.00 12.000 14.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE B SPILLWA'. T3 FN:LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW SO 1160.9801578.280 1 R 1274.1501615.940 1 TS 1304.1501626.000 2 R 1316.6501626.000 2 SH 1316.6501626.000 2 CD 1 1 0 .000 25.000 CD 2 1 0 .000 25.000 Q 1550.600 .0 :s_ A 1605.300 .014 .000 .014 .000 .014 .000 1626.000 150.000 1.500 1.500 .00 150.00010.00010.000 .00 GZP,uw*7 - 010-0 0 0 FILE: LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14 04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time: 1:41:44 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE B SPILLWAY FN:LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Aver HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR- (Type Ch 1160.980 1578.280 27.020 1605.300 1550.60 .30 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 231.06 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 3.137 .3328 .0000 .00 27.02 .01 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1164.117 1579.324 25.976 1605.300 1550.60 .32 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 227.93 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 3.031 .3328 .0000 .00 25.98 .01 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1167.148 1580.333 24.967 1605.300 1550.60 .33 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 224.90 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.929 .3328 .0000 .00 24.97 .01 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1170.077 I I 1581.307 23.992 1605.300 1550.60 .35 I .00 I 1605.30 .00 I 1.48 I 221.98 25.000 I 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.829 .3328 .0000 .00 23.99 .01 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1172.906 1582.249 23.051 1605.299 1550.60 .36 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 219.15 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.731 .3328 .0000 .00 23.05 .01 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1175.637 1583.157 22.142 1605.299 1550.60 .38 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 216.43 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.637 .3328 .0000 .00 22.14 .02 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1178.274 1584.035 21.264 1605.299 1550.60 .40 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 213.79 25.000 1 150.000 1.50 1 0 .0 2.544 .3328 .0000 .00 21.26 .02 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1180.818 1584.882 20.417 1605.299 1550.60 .42 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 211.25 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.455 .3328 .0000 .00 20.42 .02 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1183.273 1585.698 19.600 1605.298 1550.60 .44 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 208.80 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.368 .3328 .0000 .00 19.60 .02 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP A"%6 APRIL FILE: LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time: 1:41:44 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE B SPILLWAY FN:LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width (Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem SCh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR -Type Ch 1185.640 1586.486 18.812 1605.298 1550.60 .46 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 206.44 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.283 .3328 .0000 .00 18.81 .02 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1187.923 1587.246 18.052 1605.298 1550.60 .49 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 204.16 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.200 .3328 .0000 .00 18.05 .02 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1190.124 1587.978 17.319 1605.297 1550.60 .51 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 201.96 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.120 .3328 .0000 .00 17.32 .02 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1192.244 I 1588.684 I 16.613 I I 1605.297 I 1550.60 .53 I .00 I 1605.30 .00 I 1.48 I 199.84 I 25.000 I 150.000 1.50 0 .0 2.043 .3328 .0000 .00 16.61 .02 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1194.287 1589.364 15.933 1605.297 1550.60 .56 .00 1605.30 .00 1.48 197.80 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.967 .3328 .0000 .00 15.93 .03 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1196.254 1590.018 15.278 1605.296 1550.60 .59 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 195.83 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.894 .3328 .0000 .00 15.28 .03 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1198.148 1590.649 14.647 1605.296 1550.60 .62 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 193.94 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.823 .3328 .0000 .00 14.65 .03 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1199.971 1591.255 14.040 1605.295 1550.60 .65 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 192.12 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.754 .3328 .0000 .00 14.04 .03 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1201.726 1591.839 13.455 1605.294 1550.60 .68 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 190.37 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.688 .3328 .0000 .00 13.46 .03 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP n n n FILE: LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14104 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time: 1:41:44 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE B SPILLWAY FN:LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticaliFlOW TOpIHeight/lBase Wtj INO Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem SCh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR, Type Ch 1203.413 1592.401 12.893 1605.294 1550.60 .71 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 188.68 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.623 .3328 .0000 .00 12.89 .04 .34 .014 .00 1 1.50 TRAP 1 1205.036 1592.941 12.352 1605.293 1550.60 .74 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 187.06 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.560 .3328 .0000 .00 12.35 .04 .34 .014 .00 1 1.50 TRAP 1 1206.596 1593.460 11.832 1605.292 1550.60 .78 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 185.50 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.500 .3328 .0000 .00 11.83 .04 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1208.096 1593.959 11.332 1605.291 1550.60 .82 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 184.00 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.441 .3328 .0000 .00 11.33 .05 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1209.537 1594.438 10.852 1605.290 1550.60 .86 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 182.55 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.384 .3328 .0000 .00 10.85 .05 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1210.921 1594.899 10.390 1605.289 1550.60 .90 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 181.17 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.329 .3328 .0000 .00 10.39 .05 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1212.250 1595.341 9.946 1605.287 1550.60 .95 .01 1605.30 .00 1.48 179.84 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.276 .3328 .0000 .00 9.95 .06 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1213.526 1595.766 9.520 1605.286 1550.60 .99 .02 1605.30 .00 1.48 178.56 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.225 .3328 .0000 .00 9.52 .06 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1214.751 1596.173 9.111 1605.284 1550.60 1.04 .02 1605.30 .00 1.48 177.33 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.175 .3328 .0000 .00 9.11 .06 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP FILE: LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 t WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time: 1:41:44 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE B SPILLWAY FN:LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR. Type Ch 1215.926 1596.564 8.719 1605.283 1550.60 1.09 .02 1605.30 .00 1.48 176.16 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.127 .3328 .0000 .00 8.72 .07 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1217.052 1596.939 8.342 1605.281 1550.60 1.14 .02 1605.30 .00 1.48 175.03 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.080 .3328 .0000 .00 8.34 .07 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1218.133 1597.299 7.980 1605.279 1550.60 1.20 .02 1605.30 .00 1.48 173.94 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 1.036 .3328 .0000 .00 7.98 .08 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1219.168 1597.643 7.633 1605.277 1550.60 1.26 .02 1605.30 .00 1.48 172.90 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .992 .3328 .0000 .00 7.63 .08 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1220.161 1597.973 7.301 1605.274 1550.60 1.32 .03 1605.30 .00 1.48 171.90 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .951 .3328 .0000 .00 7.30 .09 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1221.111 1598.290 6.982 1605.271 1550.60 1.38 .03 1605.30 .00 1.48 170.95 25.000 1 150.000 1.50 1 0 .0 .910 .3328 .0000 :00 6.98 .10 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1222.021 1598.593 6.676 1605.268 1550.60 1.45 .03 1605.30 .00 1.48 170.03 25.000 1 150.000 1.50 1 0 .0 .871 .3328 .0000 .00 6.68 .10 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1222.893 1598.882 6.383 1605.265 1550.60 1.52 .04 1605.30 .00 1.48 169.15 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .833 .3328 .0000 .00 6.38 .11 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1223.726 1599.160 6.102 1605.262 1550.60 1.60 .04 1605.30 .00 1.48 168.31 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .797 .3328 .0000 .00 6.10 .12 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP FILE: LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 P WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time: 1:41:44 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE B SPILLWAY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FN:LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI ++++++++ INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR- (Type Ch 1224.523 1599.425 5.833 1605.258 1550.60 1.67 .04 1605.30 .00 1.48 167.50 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .762 .3328 .0000 .00 5.83 .13 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1225.285 I I 1599.679 I 5.575 I 1605.253 I 1550.60 1.76 I .05 I 1605.30 .00 I 1.48 I 166.72 I I 25.000 I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 .728 .3328 .0000 .00 5.57 .13 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1226.013 1599.921 5.328 1605.249 1550.60 1.84 .05 1605.30 .00 1.48 165.98 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .695 .3328 .0000 .00 5.33 .14 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1226.708 1600.152 5.091 1605.243 1550.60 1.93 .06 1605.30 .00 1.48 165.27 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .663 .3328 .0000 .00 5.09 .15 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1227.371 1600.373 4.865 1605.238 1550.60 2.03 .06 1605.30 .00 1.48 164.59 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .632 .3328 .0001 .00 4.86 .17 .34 .014 .00 1.50 I_ TRAP 1228.003 I 1600.583 I I 4.648 I 1605.231 I 1550.60 2.13 I .07 I 1605.30 .00 I 1.48 I 163.94 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 .603 .3328 .0001 :00 4.65 .18 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1228.606 1600.784 4.441 1605.224 1550.60 2.23 .08 1605.30 .00 1.48 163.32 25.000 150.000 1.50 0 .0 .574 .3328 .0001 .00 4.44 .19 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1229.180 I 1600.975 I 4.242 I I 1605.217 I 1550.60 2.34 I .08 I 1605.30 .00 I 1.48 I 162.73 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 .495 .3328 .0001 .00 4.24 .20 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1229.675 I 1601.139 I 4.069 I I 1605.209 I 1550.60 2.44 I .09 I 1605.30 .00 I 1.48 I 162.21 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP APIL FILE: LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 144.04 PAGE 6 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time: 1:41:44 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE B SPILLWAY FN:LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI ++++++++ INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR- (Type Ch 1229.675 I I 1601.139 I .358 I 1601.497 I 1550.60 28.78 I 12.86 I 1614.35 .00 I 1.48 I 151.07 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 7.610 .3328 I I I I I .2869 2.18 .36 8.49 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1237.285 1603.672 .361 1604.033 1550.60 28.52 I 12.63 I 1616.66 .00 I 1.48 I 151.08 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 15.962 .3328 .2619 4.18 .36 8.38 .34 .014 .00 1.50 I_ TRAP 1253.246 I I 1608.984 .379 I I 1609.362 I 1550.60 27.19 I 11.48 I 1620.84 .00 I 1.48 I 151.14 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 9.392 .3328 .2236 2.10 .38 7.80 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1262.639 I I 1612.109 I .397 I 1612.506 I 1550.60 25.93 I 10.44 I 1622.95 .00 I 1.48 I 151.19 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 6.551 .3328 I I .1909 1.25 .40 7.26 .34 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1269.190 I 1614.289 .416 I 1614.706 I 1550.60 24.72 I 9.49 I 1624.20 .00 I 1.48 I 151.25 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 4.960 .3328 I I .1629 .81 .42 6.77 .34 .014 .00 1.50 I_ TRAP 1274.150 1615.940 .437 I I 1616.377 I 1550.60 23.57 I 8.63 I 1625.00 .00 I 1.48 I 151.31 I 25.000 I I 150.000 1.50 I 0 .0 TRANS STR .3353 I .0763 2.29 .44 6.30 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1304.150 I I 1626.000 1.443 I 1627.443 I 1550.60 6.53 I .66 I 1628.11 .00 I 1.44 I 178.86 I 25.000 I I 150.000 **** I 0 .0 2.193 .0000 .0024 .01 1.44 1.00 .00 .014 .00 **** TRAP 1306.343 1626.000 1.515 1627.515 1550.60 6.20 .60 1628.11 .00 1.44 180.31 25.000 150.000 **** 0 .0 7.576 .0000 I I I I .0020 .02 1.52 .93 .00 .014 .00 **** TRAP 1313.918 1626.000 1.591 1627.591 I 1550.60 5.87 I .54 I 1628.13 .00 I 1.44 I 181.82 I 25.000 I I 150.000 **** I 0 .0 2.732 .0000 .0018 .00 1.59 .86 .00 .014 .00 **** TRAP n n n FILE: LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 141.04 PAGE 7 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time: 1:41:44 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE B SPILLWAY FN:LINEBSPILLWAY.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1316.650 1626.000 1.609 1627.609 1550.60 5.80 .52 1628.13 .00 1.44 182.19 25.000 150.000 **** 0 .0 Do\ Z 30 l 133HS L6/OZ/E � { ®aa V aaI )� " /I .W..Olm a V aaC� uMaAAa ,�uua�AAw j ua�aa�u�ud,,,,// u8u�u�aal �ual�lau�aubua/4»�iu5 �aaVuaS Moll HNII vans rens T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -A" T3 FN:LATB1-A.WSW SO 1002.0001699.320 1 R 1053.5001702.270 1 WE 1053.5001702.270 2 SH 1053.5001702.270 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 1.500 CD 2 2 0 .000 8.400 Q 1.900 .0 .013 .250 .000 .000 28.000 .000 1701.013 1702.270 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 0 0 0 0 FILE: LATBl-A.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25: 2 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -A" FN:LATB1-A.WSW *+r**,r**+**.************:+,r*,r..*�**,r***,r**�**:**«*,r.,r**,r,r*,r***,r**�*,r***,r*+*x,r,r.,r******.***�,r**+,r�,r,r**•***«**•****,r ,r ,r ,r*,r*** *****•** Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ***,t*+**,r ICh Slope I I *+***,r ,r*,t I I •,t ,r ,t+*** I I +�•�t*x*,t I I ***x,r*+.� I ,r ,r ,t ,t*r* SF Avel *,t ,t**,r+ I HF ISE DpthIFroude **,t**•*r* I ***.*t+ NINorm I *,t ,t ,t*+t* Dp I tx***t** I "N" I *****t* X -Fall I **+***x I ZR **+,r ,t IType Ch I t*+�*+,r 1002.000 1699.320 1.693 1701.013 1.90 1.08 .02 1701.03 .00 .52 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.388 .0573 .0003 .00 1.69 .00 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1005.388 1699.514 1.500 1701.014 1.90 1.08 .02 1701.03 .00 .52 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.406 .0573 .0003 .00 1.50 .00 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1007.795 1699.652 1.360 1701.012 1.90 1.13 .02 1701.03 .00 .52 .87 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.369 .0573 .0003 .00 1.36 .14 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1009.164 1699.730 1.280 1701.010 1.90 1.18 .02 1701.03 .00 .52 1.06 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.138 .0573 .0003 .00 1.28 .17 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1010.302 1699.796 1.213 1701.009 1.90 1.24 .02 1701.03 .00 .52 1.18 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .977 .0573 .0004 .00 1.21 .19 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1011.279 1699.851 1.155 1701.007 1.90 1.30 .03 1701.03 .00 .52 1.26 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .885 .0573 .0004 .00 1.16 .21 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1012.164 1699.902 1.102 1701.004 1.90 1.36 .03 1701.03 .00 .52 1.32 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .794 .0573 .0004 .00 1.10 .23 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1012.958 1699.948 1.054 1701.002 1.90 1.43 .03 1701.03 .00 .52 1.37 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .719 .0573 .0005 .00 1.05 .26 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1013.676 1699.989 1.010 1700.999 1.90 1.50 .03 1701.03 .00 .52 1.41 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .679 .0573 .0005 .00 1.01 .28 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 0 FILE: LATBl-A.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25: 2 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -A" FN:LATB1-A.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni tx,r ,r*•*** ICh Slope I I ***••**,r ,t I,r*****,rx I I,t*r*+***+I I +**x*�,t�* I *,t*+*** I SF Avel **,t*�** I:**,r**,t+* HF ISE DpthIFroude I x**,t+** NINorm I *,t ,t ,r•*•* Dp I **,r***** I "N" I,r*�tt** I X -Fall +.*t**,r I ZR +**�* IType Ch I ***+tx+ 1014.355 1700.027 .968 1700.996 1.90 1.57 .04 1701.03 .00 .52 1.44 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .620 .0573 .0006 .00 .97 .30 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1014.975 1700.063 .929 1700.992 1.90 1.65 .04 1701.03 .00 .52 1.46 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .561 .0573 .0007 .00 .93 .33 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1015.537 1700.095 .893 1700.988 1.90 1.73 .05 1701.03 .00 .52 1.47 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .170 .0573 .0008 .00 .89 .35 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1015.707 1700.105 .858 1700.963 1.90 1.82 .05 1701.01 .00 .52 1.48 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1015.707 1700.105 .281 1700.386 1.90 8.29 1.07 1701.45 .00 .52 1.17 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 15.310 .0573 .0519 .79 .28 3.30 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1031.017 1700.982 .291 1701.273 1.90 7.89 .97 1702.24 .00 .52 1.19 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.520 .0573 .0452 .29 .29 3.09 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1037.537 1701.356 .300 1701.656 1.90 7.52 .88 1702.53 .00 .52 1.20 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.868 .0573 .0395 .15 .30 2.89 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1041.405 1701.577 .311 1701.888 1.90 7.17 .80 1702.69 .00 .52 1.22 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.749 .0573 .0345 .09 .31 2.71 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1044.155 1701.735 .321 1702.056 1.90 6.84 .73 1702.78 .00 .52 1.23 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.027 .0573 .0302 .06 .32 2.54 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 0 FILE: LATBI-A.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25: 2 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -A" FN:LATB1-A.WSW +***+•**,r,t,t+**r,t•****+++*,t*,t,t+,t***t*,t*+,t�*tt****,t,t****,t**rt+***,t,t****.**,r*,t,t,r*.**,rt,r,r*+**«tt,r�,t,t**«**,t ,r *,t ***+t,t*+ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ,t ,r ,t ,t**r*tt,r ,r ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl ,t ,tt** INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL lPrs/Pip L/Elem *,t***,t *,t ,t SCh Slope I I t+***t*,tt ,rt*,tit*t I I I ****,t ,r*.* I I ,tr***::,t* I **,r ,t*** I SF Avel **x:r*�* I HF ISE DpthIFroude .*x*x*,t •,t I .*****: NINorm I ,r******,t Dp I w*�**«** I "N" I �+t**,t* I X -Fall I **t**** I ZR ***t* IType Ch I **,r *,ter 1046.181 1701.851 .332 1702.183 1.90 6.52 .66 1702.84 .00 .52 1.25 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.584 .0573 .0263 .04 .33 2.38 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1047.765 1701.941 .343 1702.285 1.90 6.22 .60 1702.88 .00 .52 1.26 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.242 .0573 .0230 .03 .34 2.22 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.007 1702.013 .355 1702.368 1.90 5.93 .55 1702.91 .00 .52 1.28 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.012 .0573 .0201 .02 .36 2.08 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1050.019 1702.071 .367 1702.438 1.90 5.65 .50 1702.93 .00 .52 1.29 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .809 .0573 .0176 .01 .37 1.95 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1050.828 1702.117 .380 1702.497 1.90 5.39 .45 1702.95 .00 .52 1.30 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .668 .0573 .0154 .01 .38 1.83 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1051.496 1702.155 .393 1702.548 1.90 5.14 .41 1702.96 .00 .52 1.32 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .531 .0573 .0135 .01 .39 1.71 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.027 1702.186 .407 1702.593 1.90 4.90 .37 1702.97 .00 .52 1.33 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .437 .0573 .0118 .01 .41 1.60 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.464 1702.211 .421 1702.632 1.90 4.67 .34 1702.97 .00 .52 1.35 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .357 .0573 .0103 .00 .42 1.50 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.821 1702.231 .435 1702.666 1.90 4.45 .31 1702.97 .00 .52 1.36 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .248 .0573 .0090 .00 .44 1.40 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 0 FILE: LATBl-A.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25: 2 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -A" FN:LATB1-A.WSW *,r*,r*•�***,r***+***:r*x****«*,r***,r*,r*,r*,r�****�**,r,r,r.**.,***«**.*****«***«***,r:************************��**,r****,r**.****�*«*** ,r ,r**�*** Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTlor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem +***+*.�:I**•�*«***I*�*�***.I+r+t+,t,t*•I�***:**,r+l.****,r:I*,r,r�•**I*,r*,r***.,rl,r*�***,rl:**+****I*,r,r********,r**,rl*******I****« ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch I,r*.**«. 1053.069 1702.245 .451 1702.696 1.90 4.25 .28 1702.98 .00 .52 1.38 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .191 .0573 .0079 .00 .45 1.31 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.261 1702.256 .467 1702.723 1.90 4.05 .25 1702.98 .00 .52 1.39 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .142 .0573 .0069 .00 .47 1.23 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.402 1702.264 .483 1702.748 1.90 3.86 .23 1702.98 .00 .52 1.40 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .079 .0573 .0061 .00 .48 1.15 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.481 1702.269 .500 1702.769 1.90 3.68 .21 1702.98 .00 .52 1.41 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .019 .0573 .0053 .00 .50 1.07 .28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.500 1702.270 .519 1702.789 1.90 3.50 .19 1702.98 .00 .52 1.43 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1053.500 1702.270 .796 1703.066 1.90 .09 .00 1703.07 .00 .05 28.00 8.400 28.000 .00 0 .0 T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -B" T3 FN:LATB1-B.WSW SO 1001.2501698.830 1 1700.389 R 1019.5001702.330 1 .013 WE 1019.5001702.330 2 .250 SH 1019.5001702.330 2 1702.330 CD 1 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 8.000 4.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 0.600 .0 V LJ [A .000 Ell 50 FILE: LATB1-B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -B" FN:LATB1-B.WSW t+*,e«***,rt,t,t*+�*«*w,t***,t*+,r*,t*,tr*+,t*�,t«*r«,t*•,t+*t*t,r,rx***t*«*,r,t,t,t*�****�,t*:r,r,r*,r,t,t�*tt,t,t,r,t**,r**,t,t,t*******,t***,t ,t***t***tt,r ,tom «***+*** Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni ,t ,t**r**�,r SCh Slope I I**,t *,tr*w,t I ,t•*,rxt*,t I I I I t**,t ,r**+* I r>,e«*t*** I *�***** SF Avel I**t***,r I***+,tom++* HF ISE DpthIFroude I :r***,t++ NINorm I ,t***,r ,r*,t I Dp ,e***t*** I "N" I I *,t*�*** I***+**:r X -Fall I ZR x,t�** IType Ch x+*.*tt 1001.250 1698.830 1.559 1700.389 .60 .34 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .308 .1918 .0000 .00 1.56 .00 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1001.558 1698.889 1.500 1700.389 .60 .34 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .723 .1918 .0000 .00 1.50 .00 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1002.282 1699.028 1.360 1700.388 .60 .36 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 .87 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .416 .1918 .0000 .00 1.36 .05 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1002.698 1699.108 1.280 1700.388 .60 .37 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.06 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .348 .1918 .0000 .00 1.28 .05 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1003.046 1699.174 1.213 1700.388 .60 .39 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.18 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .301 .1918 .0000 .00 1.21 .06 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1003.347 1699.232 1.155 1700.387 .60 .41 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.26 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .275 .1918 .0000 .00 1.16 .07 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1003.622 1699.285 1.102 1700.387 .60 .43 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.32 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .249 .1918 .0000 .00 1.10 .07 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1003.871 1699.333 1.054 1700.387 .60 .45 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.37 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .228 .1918 .0000 .00 1.05 .08 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1004.099 1699.376 1.010 1700.386 .60 .47 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.41 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .217 .1918 .0001 .00 1.01 .09 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 0 FILE: LATB1-B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -B" FN:LATB1-B.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.I ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem .*****,r*,rl***«**,r•�I+****•**I*+*****,r,rl:**+,r��**I**�*�*«I�,r*�***I***,r*****I.*****�I,r,r*,r***�I**,r*****I******+I***,r ICh Slope I I I I SF Aver HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ,r**I*+*** ZR IType Ch I**�,r+** 1004.316 1699.418 .968 1700.386 .60 .50 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.44 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .201 .1918 .0001 .00 .97 .10 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1004.518 1699.457 .929 1700.386 .60 .52 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.46 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .186 .1918 .0001 .00 .93 .10 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1004.703 1699.492 .893 1700.385 .60 .55 .00 1700.39 .00 .29 1.47 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .180 .1918 .0001 .00 .89 .11 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1004.883 1699.527 .858 1700.385 .60 .57 .01 1700.39 .00 .29 1.48 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .164 .1918 .0001 .00 .86 .12 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1005.048 1699.558 .826 1700.384 .60 .60 .01 1700.39 .00 .29 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .159 .1918 .0001 .00 .83 .13 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1005.206 1699.589 .795 1700.384 .60 .63 .01 1700.39 .00 .29 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .153 .1918 .0001 .00 .80 .14 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1005.360 1699.618 .765 1700.383 .60 .66 .01 1700.39 .00 .29 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .143 .1918 .0001 .00 .77 .15 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1005.502 1699.645 .737 1700.382 .60 .69 .01 1700.39 .00 .29 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .137 .1918 .0001 .00 .74 .16 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1005.639 1699.672 .710 1700.382 .60 .73 .01 1700.39 .00 .29 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .131 .1918 .0002 .00 .71 .17 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 0 FILE: LATB1-B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -B" FN:LATB1-B.WSW ***+*:***,r*�*,r**************.*,r*+.****,r+:r**,r***.,�**,r,r,r***.******,r,r+:,+*******,r*�**�,r,r�**+.**��*��•**�*:**,r ,r ,r***:*,r*****,r+*.* ***+•**. Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFloW ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR IType Ch 1005.771 I I 1699.697 .684 I I I 1700.381 .60 .76 I .01 I 1700.39 .00 I I .29 1.49 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .121 .1918 .0002 .00 .68 .19 .12 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1005.891 I I 1699.720 .660 I I I 1700.380 .60 .80 I .01 I 1700.39 .00 I I .29 1.49 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .120 .1918 .0002 .00 .66 .20 .12 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1006.011 I 1699.743 I .636 I I I 1700.379 .60 .84 I .01 I 1700.39 .00 I I .29 1.48 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .109 .1918 .0002 .00 .64 .21 .12 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1006.121 I 1699.764 I .614 I I I 1700.378 .60 .88 I .01 I 1700.39 .00 I I .29 1.48 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .109 .1918 .0003 .00 .61 .23 .12 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1006.229 I 1699.785 I .592 I I I 1700.377 .60 .92 I .01 I 1700.39 .00 I I .29 1.47 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .077 .1918 .0003 .00 .59 .24 .12 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1006.307 I 1699.800 I .572 I I I 1700.372 .60 .97 I .01 I 1700.39 .00 I I .29 1.46 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP I_ 1006.307 I 1699.800 I .121 I I I 1699.920 .60 9.00 I 1.26 I 1701.18 .00 I I .29 .82 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .565 .1918 .1824 .10 .12 5.54 .12 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1006.872 I 1699.908 I .122 I I I 1700.030 .60 8.81 I 1.21 I 1701.24 .00 I I .29 .82 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 4.036 .1918 .1656 .67 .12 5.39 .12 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1010.908 I 1700.682 I .126 I I I 1700.808 .60 8.40 I 1.10 I 1701.90 .00 I I .29 .83 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.019 .1918 .1444 .29 .13 5.05 .12 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE X FILE: LATB1-B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -B" FN:LATBl-B.WSW t�,t*,t***,t****rt***++*+,r,t*,rx,t,t�,r«*x**,t,t,t***r***********,r,t,t•••*,r+***,r,t***,t,t,t,r,rt,t,t*.*ttt,r,rt,t,t,t+*,r*,t,t**,t****«**x,t*+*******,r*t* +,txx***+ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.) Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni **t**,t***I****+,t+*tI*,t*r*,r**I****:r*x,r*I,t•***t**,rl,t**:r***I,t++arr*Itt***,r*,t,tl�******I***+*t**Ix,r*,t+*•.**,tx***I,t*****tI*�*** ICh Slope I I I I SF Ave) HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch I****,t:* 1012.926 1701.069 .130 1701.199 .60 8.01 1.00 1702.20 .00 .29 .84 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.313 .1918 .1258 .17 .13 4.74 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1014.239 1701.321 .134 1701.455 .60 7.64 .91 1702.36 .00 .29 .86 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .944 .1918 .1098 .10 .13 4.44 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1015.183 1701.502 .139 1701.641 .60 7.28 .82 1702.46 .00 .29 .87 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .739 .1918 .0958 .07 .14 4.17 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1015.921 1701.643 .143 1701.786 .60 6.94 .75 1702.54 .00 .29 .88 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .582 .1918 .0835 .05 .14 3.91 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1016.504 1701.755 .148 1701.903 .60 6.62 .68 1702.58 .00 .29 .89 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .479 .1918 .0730 .03 .15 3.67 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1016.982 1701.847 .153 1702.000 .60 6.31 .62 1702.62 .00 .29 .91 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .400 .1918 .0637 .03 .15 3.44 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.382 1701.924 .158 1702.082 .60 6.02 .56 1702.64 .00 .29 .92 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .339 .1918 .0555 .02 .16 3.22 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.721 1701.989 .163 1702.152 .60 5.74 .51 1702.66 .00 .29 .93 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .282 .1918 .0485 .01 .16 3.02 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1018.003 1702.043 .169 1702.212 .60 5.47 .46 1702.68 .00 .29 .95 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .249 .1918 .0423 .01 .17 2.84 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE IC :C FILE: LATB1-B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "Bl -B" FN:LATBl-B.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ***at**t*I+**«*****I*****+*rI***,t**,t**Ir***«,r,rt,tltt****,tI*t+�***Ix**+�,t,t++I**+**,t*I****,r*:,rl•**rttt*I***,t***I***x***I+**x,t ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch **++t,t+ 1018.252 1702.091 .174 1702.265 .60 5.22 .42 1702.69 .00 .29 .96 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .209 .1918 .0369 .01 .17 2.66 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1018.462 1702.131 .180 1702.311 .60 4.97 .38 1702.69 .00 .29 .98 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .181 .1918 .0322 .01 .18 2.49 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1018.643 1702.166 .186 1702.352 .60 4.74 .35 1702.70 .00 .29 .99 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .157 .1918 .0281 .00 .19 2.34 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1018.800 1702.196 .192 1702.388 .60 4.52 .32 1702.71 .00 .29 1.00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .131 .1918 .0245 .00 .19 2.19 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1018.931 1702.221 .199 1702.420 .60 4.31 .29 1702.71 .00 .29 1.02 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .119 .1918 .0214 .00 .20 2.05 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.050 1702.244 .205 1702.449 .60 4.11 .26 1702.71 .00 .29 1.03 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .097 .1918 .0187 .00 .21 1.92 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.147 1702.262 .212 1702.474 .60 3.92 .24 1702.71 .00 .29 1.05 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .084 .1918 .0163 .00 .21 1.80 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.231 1702.278 .219 1702.497 .60 3.74 .22 1702.71 .00 .29 1.06 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .066 .1918 .0143 .00 .22 1.69 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.297 1702.291 .227 1702.518 .60 3.56 .20 1702.72 .00 .29 1.08 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .061 .1918 .0125 .00 .23 1.59 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 0 FILE: LATB1-B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 6 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:25:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LAT "B1 -B" FN:LATB1-B.WSW ***:+**«*:,r**,r:**+**x*,t***,t.•**�,rx**,r**++,t*.*****�****�,r,ra.�*��+*****,r,r*******,t*�***,r**,t****,r,r,r******,rx*�,r*,r,r•*«�**+**:r*** *+***+,r* Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni ICh Slope I I I I SF Aver HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 1019.357 1702.303 .234 1702.537 .60 3.40 .18 1702.72 .00 .29 1.09 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .046 .1918 .0109 .00 .23 1.49 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.403 1702.311 .242 1702.553 .60 3.24 .16 1702.72 .00 .29 1.10 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .037 .1918 .0095 .00 .24 1.39 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.441 1702.319 .250 1702.569 .60 3.09 .15 1702.72 .00 .29 1.12 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .024 .1918 .0083 .00 .25 1.31 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.465 1702.323 .259 1702.582 .60 2.94 .13 1702.72 .00 .29 1.13 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .023 .1918 .0072 .00 .26 1.22 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.488 1702.328 .267 1702.595 .60 2.81 .12 1702.72 .00 .29 1.15 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .011 .1918 .0063 .00 .27 1.15 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.499 1702.330 .276 1702.606 .60 2.68 .11 1702.72 .00 .29 1.16 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .001 .1918 .0055 .00 .28 1.07 .12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1019.500 1702.330 .287 1702.617 .60 2.54 .10 1702.72 .00 .29 1.18 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1019.500 1702.330 .429 1702.759 .60 .35 .00 1702.76 .00 .09 4.00 8.000 4.000 .00 0 .0 T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1C" T3 FN:LATBIC.WSW SO 1001.8901699.560 1 R 1025.0001701.110 1 .013 R 1049.2801706.980 1 .013 R 1049.2801706.980 1 .013 SH 1049.2801706.980 1 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.500 Q 26.400 .0 :�i 1704.236 1706.980 000 .00 11 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 45.000 0 IC FILE: LATB1-C.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5:21: 1 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1C" FN:LATBIC.WSW Invert Depth Water Vel Vel Energy Super ICriticalIFloW ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev i (CFS) S) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni ****,r ,r+** SCh Slope I ****,r•t*x I I *+�****,t I I ,t*t+***** I I tr*****tt I *:***+,t SF Avel ***t*,r ,t HF ISE **..*,tom** I DpthIFroude ****,t ,+* NINorm I ««**t,t�* Dp I ++,t*,t*** I "N" I tx+**** X -Fall I *,r ,t ,t ,t** I ZR **«*,t IType Ch I *t***** 1001.890 1699.560 4.676 1704.236 26.40 5.38 .45 1704.69 .00 1.75 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 14.350 .0671 .0041 .06 4.68 .00 .85 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1016.240 1700.522 3.773 1704.295 26.40 5.38 .45 1704.74 .00 1.75 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1016.240 1700.522 .785 1701.307 26.40 20.01 6.22 1707.53 .00 1.75 2.32 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 8.760 .0671 .0924 .81 .78 4.68 .85 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1025.000 1701.110 .777 1701.887 26.40 20.29 6.39 1708.28 .00 1.75 2.31 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.726 .2418 .0896 .24 .78 4.77 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1027.726 1701.769 .797 1702.566 26.40 19.56 5.94 1708.51 .00 1.75 2.33 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.156 .2418 .0798 .25 .80 4.53 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1030.882 1702.532 .826 1703.358 26.40 18.65 5.40 1708.76 .00 1.75 2.35 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.689 .2418 .0699 .19 .83 4.24 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1033.572 1703.182 .855 1704.038 26.40 17.79 4.91 1708.95 .00 1.75 2.37 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.307 .2418 .0612 .14 .86 3.96 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1035.879 1703.740 .885 1704.625 26.40 16.96 4.47 1709.09 .00 1.75 2.39 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.988 .2418 .0537 .11 .89 3.70 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1037.867 1704.221 .917 1705.138 26.40 16.17 4.06 1709.20 .00 1.75 2.41 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.726 .2418 .0471 .08 .92 3.46 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 0 FILE: LATBI-C.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5:21: 1 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1C" FN:LATBIC.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni ***r,r**tx ICh Slope I I **,t+***t* I I ttt***** I I *,t ,t ,tt**,r* I I x:,t+***** I +**t**t SF Avel +****t* I HF ISE DpthIFroude *,t•****•* I *t,r ,r ,t ,t* NINorm I tit***** I Dp ***,t *,t+* I "N" I *r**:,rt I X -Fall I +**tt,r ,t I ZR **x,t* IType Ch t***++t 1039.593 1704.638 .950 1705.588 26.40 15.42 3.69 1709.28 .00 1.75 2.43 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.504 .2418 .0413 .06 .95 3.23 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1041.097 1705.002 .984 1705.986 26.40 14.70 3.35 1709.34 .00 1.75 2.44 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.309 .2418 .0362 .05 .98 3.02 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1042.405 1705.318 1.020 1706.338 26.40 14.01 3.05 1709.39 .00 1.75 2.46 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.144 .2418 .0318 .04 1.02 2.82 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1043.550 1705.595 1.057 1706.652 26.40 13.36 2.77 1709.42 .00 1.75 2.47 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .996 .2418 .0279 .03 1.06 2.63 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1044.546 1705.836 1.096 1706.932 26.40 12.74 2.52 1709.45 .00 1.75 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .866 .2418 .0245 .02 1.10 2.46 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1045.412 1706.045 1.137 1707.182 26.40 12.15 2.29 1709.47 .00 1.75 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 -1 .0 .755 .2418 .0216 .02 1.14 2.29 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1046.167 1706.228 1.179 1707.407 26.40 11.58 2.08 1709.49 .00 1.75 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .648 .2418 .0190 .01 1.18 2.14 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1046.816 1706.384 1.224 1707.608 26.40 11.04 1.89 1709.50 .00 1.75 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .556 .2418 .0167 .01 1.22 1.99 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1047.372 1706.519 1.271 1707.790 26.40 10.53 1.72 1709.51 .00 1.75 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .474 .2418 .0147 .01 1.27 1.85 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE IC FILE: LATB1-C.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5:21: 1 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1C" FN:LATBIC.WSW **,t**«**t•***+*,r***,rx,t*•*+,r****,r*�**�****:r***,r**,rw******�**,r****,r*t*,t****«**,r*x+,r*�***,t•*r**,r*.,+,r*****««**�,r ,r ,r ,r*+�****x,t �,r ***x**** Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj No Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem *r,t ,t•*►** SCh Slope I ********* I I **t**x,t ,r I I I t***,r*+** I t****t*,r ,r I ,t+*,rx*x SF Avel I *xr**,r* I HF ISE *t******* I DpthIFroude ****.*t NINorm I tx,t***.,t Dp I *r**:t,t+ I "N" I I ******* I X -Fall ,t ,t*r*** ZR ***t,r IType Ch I *+*x,r*t 1047.845 1706.633 1.320 1707.953 26.40 10.04 1.57 1709.52 .00 1.75 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .399 .2418 .0130 .01 1.32 1.72 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1048.244 1706.729 1.371 1708.101 26.40 9.57 1.42 1709.52 .00 1.75 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .327 .2418 .0115 .00 1.37 1.60 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1048.571 1706.809 1.425 1708.234 26.40 9.13 1.29 1709.53 .00 1.75 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .257 .2418 .0101 .00 1.43 1.49 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1048.828 1706.871 1.483 1708.354 26.40 8.70 1.18 1709.53 .00 1.75 2.46 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .201 .2418 .0090 .00 1.48 1.38 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.030 1706.919 1.543 1708.463 26.40 8.30 1.07 1709.53 .00 1.75 2.43 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .138 .2418 .0079 .00 1.54 1.28 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.167 1706.953 1.608 1708.561 26.40 7.91 .97 1709.53 .00 1.75 2.40 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .087 .2418 .0070 .00 1.61 1.18 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.254 1706.974 1.676 1708.650 26.40 7.54 .88 1709.53 .00 1.75 2.35 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .026 .2418 .0063 .00 1.68 1.09 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.280 1706.980 1.751 1708.731 26.40 7.19 .80 1709.53 .00 1.75 2.29 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 ® T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1D" T3 FN:LATBID.WSW SO 1002.4901704.040 1 R 1038.3301707.830 1 WE 1038.3301707.830 2 SH 1038.3301707.830 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 1.500 CD 2 2 0 .000 7.880 Q 3.700 .0 N A .013 .250 .000 .000 21.000 .000 1704.895 1707.830 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 Ill 0 0 0 FILE: LATB1-D.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:26:24 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1D" FN:LATBID.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem *x,t�*,r*ate SCh Slope I I tw,t*r*t** I t*t:r t,t ,t* I I I ***+*,t t,t ,t I I t•t,t *,t �,t* I *+***** SF Avel I �,t ,tw*** I HF ISE ***,t ,t ,t *,t+ I DpthIFroude ***t*,r* NINorm ,t**t,r *,r ,r I Dp ,t**,r*xtt I "N" I I t,r**,t ,t* I X -Fall ***,r ,t** I ZR *t*,r* IType Ch I ***,t++,r 1002.490 1704.040 .345 1704.385 3.70 12.06 2.26 1706.64 .00 .73 1.26 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 7.437 .1057 .0887 .66 .34 4.31 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1009.927 1704.827 .352 1705.179 3.70 11.71 2.13 1707.31 .00 .73 1.27 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.975 .1057 .0797 .56 .35 4.14 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1016.902 1705.564 .364 1705.928 3.70 11.17 1.94 1707.86 .00 .73 1.29 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.546 .1057 .0697 .32 .36 3.88 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1021.448 1706.045 .376 1706.421 3.70 10.65 1.76 1708.18 .00 .73 1.30 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.278 .1057 .0609 .20 .38 3.63 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1024.726 1706.392 .389 1706.781 3.70 10.15 1.60 1708.38 .00 .73 1.31 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.524 .1057 .0533 .13 .39 3.40 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1027.250 1706.659 .402 1707.061 3.70 9.68 1.45 1708.52 .00 .73 1.33 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.998 .1057 .0466 .09 .40 3.18 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1029.248 1706.870 .416 1707.286 3.70 9.23 1.32 1708.61 .00 .73 1.34 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.620 .1057 .0408 .07 .42 2.98 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1030.867 1707.041 .431 1707.472 3.70 8.80 1.20 1708.67 .00 .73 1.36 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.346 .1057 .0357 .05 .43 2.79 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1032.214 1707.183 .446 1707.630 3.70 8.39 1.09 1708.72 .00 .73 1.37 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.119 .1057 .0313 .03 .45 2.61 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: LATB1-D.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:26:24 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1D" FN:LATBID.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFloW ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev ( Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 1033.333 1707.302 .462 1707.764 3.70 8.00 .99 1708.76 .00 .73 1.39 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .948 .1057 .0274 .03 .46 2.44 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1034.281 1707.402 .478 1707.880 3.70 7.63 .90 1708.78 .00 .73 1.40 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .796 .1057 .0240 .02 .48 2.28 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1035.077 1707.486 .495 1707.981 3.70 7.27 .82 1708.80 .00 .73 1.41 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .680 .1057 .0210 .01 .50 2.13 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1035.758 1707.558 .512 1708.070 3.70 6.93 .75 1708.82 .00 .73 1.42 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .571 .1057 .0184 .01 .51 1.99 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1036.328 1707.619 .530 1708.149 3.70 6.61 .68 1708.83 .00 .73 1.43 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .476 .1057 .0161 .01 .53 1.86 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1036.805 1707.669 .549 1708.218 3.70 6.30 .62 1708.83 .00 .73 1.45 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .394 .1057 .0141 .01 .55 1.74 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1037.199 1707.711 .569 1708.280 3.70 6.01 .56 1708.84 .00 .73 1.46 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .321 .1057 .0124 .00 .57 1.63 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1037.520 1707.745 .590 1708.335 3.70 5.73 .51 1708.84 .00 .73 1.47 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .267 .1057 .0109 .00 .59 1.52 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1037.787 1707.773 .611 1708.384 3.70 5.46 .46 1708.85 .00 .73 1.47 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .199 .1057 .0096 .00 .61 1.42 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE IC FILE: LATB1-D.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 3:26:24 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1D" FN:LATBID.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFloW ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL lPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 1037.986 1707.794 .634 1708.428 3.70 5.21 .42 1708.85 .00 .73 1.48 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .157 .1057 .0084 .00 .63 1.33 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.143 1707.810 .657 1708.467 3.70 4.97 .38 1708.85 .00 .73 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .110 .1057 .0074 .00 .66 1.24 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.253 1707.822 .681 1708.503 3.70 4.74 .35 1708.85 .00 .73 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .057 .1057 .0065 .00 .68 1.15 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.310 1707.828 .707 1708.535 3.70 4.52 .32 1708.85 .00 .73 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .020 .1057 .0057 .00 .71 1.08 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.330 1707.830 .735 1708.565 3.70 4.30 .29 1708.85 .00 .73 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1038.330 1707.830 1.157 1708.987 3.70 .15 .00 1708.99 .00 .10 21.00 7.880 21.000 .00 0 .0 APPENDIX C.6: LINE "C" WSPGN CALCULATIONS 14 T1 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE -STORM DRAIN 0 T2 LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS T3 BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: INFRALINEC SO 1000.0001628.270 8 0 .000 R 1124.5801629.8.10 8 1.925 .014 0 R 1181.9501630.530 8 .263 .014 .348 R 1211.2801630.898 8 46.0 .014 .196 JX 1215.2801630.948 8 10 .014 35.200 R 1220.6101631.070 8 13.245 .014 0 JX 1223.6101631.110 8 37 .014 2.400 R 1283.8701631.790 8 .000 .014 0 JX 1287.8701631.840 8 13 .014 15.100 R 1490.7001634.350 8 -33.0 .014 11.459 R 1640.9801636.220 8 10.000 .014 33.922 JX 1644.9801636.270 8 14 .014 1.200 R 2306.4901644.470 8 .000 .014 .000 JX 2331.4801645.030 8 15 .014 57.4000 R 2345.9701645.360 8 0 .014 .000 JX 2365.9701645.820 7 6 .014 489.900 R 2405.0001646.700 7 3 .014 .000 R 2462.4601652.960 7 .000 .014 CD WE 2462.4601652.960 4 .000 .250 0.000 TS 2482.4601656.910 3 CD .014 4 JX 2492.4601657.180 3 17 .014 17.500 R 2548.5801658.720 3 4 .014 .000 WX 2548.5801658.720 9 .000 .000 CD R 2570.5801659:330 9 .000 .014 0.000 WE 2570.5801659.330 3 CD .250 2 R 2650.0001661.480 3 10.000 .014 .000 1634.020 SH -79.310 .000 0 .000 .000 0 3 1.925 .000 0 1631.400 -53.3 .000 .263 .00 .348 .000 0 1634.350 46.0 11.000 .196 .000 3.934 .000 0 1635.140 45.0 0 .263 8.000 13.245 .000 0 .00 .000 .000 0 1639.230 45.0 6.500 11.459 .000 .000 .000 0 1648.830 -44.4 0 14.318 8.000 8.302 .000 0 1646.310 -33.0 8 11.459 0 22.362 8.000 10.000 .000 33.922 .00 CD 9 .000 0 .000 1663.000 90.00 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 0 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 .000 0 11 .000 .000 0 SH 2650.0001661.480 3 1661.480 CD 3 2 0 .000 6.000 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 2 0 .000 11.000 8.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 3 0 .000 8.000 11.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 4 0 .000 6.500 0.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 7 3 0 .000 8.000 8.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 8 3 0 .000 8.000 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 9 3 0 .000 4.500 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 10 4 0 .000 4.000 0.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 11 1 0 .000 3.000 4.000 1.500 1.500 .00 CD 12 3 0 .000 3.000 12.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 13 4 1 .000 2.500 0.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 14 4 1 .000 2.000 0.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 15 4 1 .000 3.500 0.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 16 4 1 .000 6.500 0.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 17 2 0 .000 6.000 10.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 37 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 Q 723.800 .0 1 A It FILE: INFRALINEC.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:41:35 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: INFRALINEC Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip -l- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I L/Elem ICh Slope I II I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NlNorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR IType Ch 1000.000 1628.270 6.121 1634.391 1342.50 21.93 7.47 1641.86 1.66 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ 124.580 .0124 .0107 1.34 7.78 1.56 5.87 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I 1124.580 1629.810 6.270 1636.081 1342.50 21.41 7.12 1643.20 .00 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -i- I- 57.370 .0125 .0102 .58 6.27 1.51 5.83 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I i I i I I I I I I 1181.950 1630.530 6.383 1636.913 1342.50 21.03 6.87 1643.78 .16 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ 29.330 .0125 .0098 .29 6.54 1.47 5.83 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1211.280 1630.898 6.455 1637.353 1342.50 20.80 6.72 1644.07 .15 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ JUNCT STR 0125 .0106 .04 6.61 1.44 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1215.280 1630.948 5.905 1636.853 1307.30 22.14 7.61 1644.46 .17 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 5.330 .0229 .0114 .06 6.08 1.61 4.56 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I i I i I I I I I I I 1220.610 1631.070 5.944 1637.014 1307.30 21.99 7.51 1644.52 .17 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ JUNCT STR 0133 .0114 .03 6.12 1.59 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1223.610 1631.110 5.914 1637.024 1304.90 22.07 7.56 1644.58 .17 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -i- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -i- -I- -I- 1- 60.260 .0113 .0115 .69 6.09 1.60 5.95 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I 1283.870 1631.790 5.907 1637.697 1304.90 22.09 7.58 1645.28 .17 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ JUNCT STR 0125 .0119 .05 6.08 1.60 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1287.870 1631.840 5.703 1637.543 1289.80 22.62 7.94 1645.49 .18 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ 202.830 .0124 .0123 2.49 5.88 1.67 5.69 .014 .00 .00 BOX y A C1 FILE: INFRALINEC.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:41:35 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: INFRALINEC ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I L/Elem ICh Slope I I II SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1490.700 1634.350 5.716 1640.066 1289.80 22.56 7.91 1647.97 .00 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ 150.280 .0124 .0121 1.83 5.72 1.66 5.68 .014 .00 .00 BOX I i I I I I I I I I I I 1640.980 1636.220 5.742 1641.962 1289.80 22.46 7.84 1649.80 8.00 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ JUNCT STR .0125 .0126 .05 8.00 1.65 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I 1644.980 1636.270 5.550 1641.820 1288.60 23.22 8.37 1650.19 .00 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ 314.765 .0124 .0139 4.38 5.55 1.74 5.68 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1959.745 1640.172 5.334 1645.506 1288.60 24.16 9.06 1654.57 .00 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 _00 0 .0 I_ 204.230 .0124 .0156 3.19 5.33 1.84 5.68 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I. I I I I I I I I 2163.975 1642.703 5.086 1647.789 1288.60 25.34 9.97 1657.76 .00 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ 142.515 .0124 .0177 2.53 5.09 1.98 5.68 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2306.490 1644.470 4.849 1649.319 1288.60 26.57 10.96 1660.28 2.19 8.00 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ JUNCT STR .0224 .0194 .48 7.04 2.13 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I i I I I 2331.480 1645.030 4.596 1649.626 1231.20 26.79 11.14 1660.77 2.23 7.78 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ 14.490 .0228 .0198 .29 6.82 2.20 4.37 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I i I 2345.970 1645.360 4.607 1649.967 1231.20 26.72 11.09 1661.06 2.22 7.78 10.00 8.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 I_ JUNCT STR 0230 .0294 .59 6.82 2.19 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2365.970 1645.820 3.061 1648.881 741.30 30.27 14.23 1663.11 2.28 6.44 8.00 8.000 8.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 39.030 .0225 .0405 1.58 5.34 3.05 3.75 .014 .00 .00 BOX W FILE: INFRALINEC.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:41:35 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: INFRALINEC Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch 2405.000 1646.700 2.980 1649.680 741.30 31.09 15.01 1664.69 2.47 6.44 8.00 8.000 8.000 .00 0 .0 5.073 .1089 .0413 .21 5.45 3.17 2.13 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I 2410.073 1647.253 3.019 1650.271 741.30 30.69 14.63 1664.90 2.41 6.44 8.00 8.000 8.000 .00 0 .0 16.687 .1089 .0381 .64 5.43 3.11 2.13 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I 2426.760 1649.071 3.166 1652.237 741.30 29.27 13.30 1665.54 2.19 6.44 8.00 8.000 8.000 .00 0 .0 13.960 .1089 .0334 .47 5.36 2.90 2.13 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I 2440.719 1650.591 3.321 1653.912 741.30 27.90 12.09 1666.00 1.99 6.44 8.00 8.000 8.000 .00 0 .0 11.770 .1089 .0293 .35 5.31 2.70 2.13 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I 2452.490 1651.874 3.483 1655.357 741.30 26.61 10.99 1666.35 1.81 6.44 8.00 8.000 8.000 .00 0 .0 9.970 .1089 .0258 .26 5.29 2.51 2.13 .014 .00 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I 2462.460 1652.960 3.653 1656.613 741.30 25.36 9.99 1666.60 .00 6.44 8.00 11.000 8.000 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR 1975 .0195 .39 3.65 2.34 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 2482.460 1656.910 3.524 1660.434 741.30 21.04 6.87 1667.31 .00 5.55 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 JUNCT STR 0270 .0157 .16 3.52 1.97 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I 2492.460 1657.180 3.344 1660.524 723.80 21.65 7.,28 1667.80 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 19.723 .0274 .0160 .32 3.34 2.09 2.79 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I 2512.183 1657.721 3.413 1661.135 723.80 21.21 6.98 1668.12 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 36.397 .0274 .0146 .53 3.41 2.02 2.79 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG n n n FILE: INFRALINEC.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:41:35 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS ************************************************************************************************************************** BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: INFRALINEC ******** Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super jCriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 2548.580 1658.720 3.580 1662.300 723.80 20.22 6.35 1668.65 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 WALL EXIT 2548.580 1658.720 3.579 1662.298 723.80 20.23 6.35 1668.65 .00 4.50 10.00 4.500 10.000 .00 0 .0 22.000 .0277 .0130 .28 3.58 1.88 2.78 .014 .00 .00 BOX 2570.580 1659.330 3.717 1663.047 723.80 19.47 5.89 1668.94 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 1.744 .0271 .0122 .02 3.72 1.78 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 2572.324 1659.377 3.729 1663.106 723.80 19.41 5.85 1668.96 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 22.348 .0271 .0114 .26 3.73 1.77 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 2594.672 1659.982 3.911 1663.893 723.80 18.51 5.32 1669.21 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 17.158 .0271 .0100 .17 3.91 1.65 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 2611.830 1660.447 4.101 1664.548 723.80 17.65 4.84 1669.38 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 13.096 .0271 .0088 .12 4.10 1.54 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 2624.927 1660.801 4.302 1665.103 723.80 16.83 4.40 1669.50 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 9.804 .0271 .0077 .08 4.30 1.43 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 2634.730 1661.067 4.512 1665.578 723.80 16.04 4.00 1669.57 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 7.056 .0271 .0068 .05 4.51 1.33 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG 2641.787 1661.258 4.732 1665.990 723.80 15.30 3.63 1669.62 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 4.709 .0271 .0060 .03 4.73 1.24 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG IC 0 e; FILE: INFRALINEC.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:41:35 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: INFRALINEC Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch 2646.495 1661.385 4.963 1666.348 723.80 14.58 3.30 1669.65 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 2.661 .0271 .0053 .01 4.96 1.15 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I 2649.156 1661.457 5.205 1666.662 723.80 13.91 3.00 1669.66 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 .844 .0271 .0046 .00 5.20 1.07 2.80 .014 .00 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I 2650.000 1661.480 5.460 1666.940 723.80 13.26 2.73 1669.67 .00 5.46 10.00 6.000 10.000 .00 0 .0 T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE Cl T3 FN: LINECI.WSW SO 1035.3601646.310 1 1649.840 R 1073.360164'9.050 3 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1087.7801649.540 3 .013 9.183 .000 0 R 1102.1601650.030 3 .013 .000 .000 0 JX 1105.1601650.130 3 2 .013 10.600' 1653.190 45.0 .000 R 1127.9101650.910 3 .013 .000 .000 0 JX 1130.9101651.010 3 4 .013 4.300, 1654.020 90.0 .000 R 1497.6701663.570 3 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1502.3301663.720 3 .013 .000 .000 1 R 1943.6201677.930 3 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1948.2901678.100 3 .013 .000 .000 1 R 2134.6301687.450 3 .013 .000 .000 0 R 2205.3201691.000 3 .013 -90.006 .000 0 R 2371.9501692.660 3 .013 .000 .000 0 R 2376.6101692.710 3 .013 .000 .000 1 R 2530.9501694.960 5 .013 .000 .000 0 R 2565.4701695.470 5 .013 21.976 .000 0 TS 2580.4701695.692 8 .014 .000 R 2596.6301695.920 8 .014 .000 W$ 2596.6301695.920 7 .250 R 2603.1301696.000 7 .015 .000 SH 2603.1301696.000 7 1696.000 CD 1 4 1 .000 6.500 .000 .000 .000 :00 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 6.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 4 1 .000 6.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 2 0 .000 7.000 7.000 .000 .000 .00 CD 7 2 0 .000 10.000 13.000 1.000 1.000 .00 CD 8 3 0 .000 7.000 7.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 476.400. .0 19 FILE: linecl.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 f WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-21-2005 Time: 8:52:15 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FN: LINECI.WSW ++++++++ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super jCriticalIFloW ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head ( Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem SCh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR. IType Ch 1035.360 1646.310 3.183 1649.493 491.30 30.41 14.36 1663.85 .00 5.79 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 7.228 .0721 .0372 .27 3.18 3.40 2.65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1042.588 1646.831 3.207 1650.038 491.30 30.11 14.08 1664.11 .00 5.79 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 30.772 .0721 .0345 1.06 3.21 3.35 2.65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1073.360 1649.050 3.330 1652.380 491.30 28.71 12.80 1665.18 1.85 5.79 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 14.420 .0340 .0323 .47 5.18 3.12 3.28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1087.780 1649.540 3.333 1652.873 491.30 28.68 12.77 1665.64 .00 5.79 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 14.380 .0341 .0322 .46 3.33 3.11 3.28 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1102.160 1650.030 3.336 1653.366 491.30 28.65 12.74 1666.11 .00 5.79 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0333 .0325 .10 3.34 3.11 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1105.160 1650.130 3.272 1653.402 480.70 28.73 12.81 1666.21 .00 5.75 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 22.750 .0343 .0328 :75 3.27 3.15 3.23 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1127.910 1650.910 3.276 1654.186 480.70 28.69 12.78 1666.96 .00 5.75 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0333 .0333 .10 3.28 3.15 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1130.910 1651.010 3.225 1654.235 476.40 29.00 13.06 1667.29 .00 5.73 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 366.760 .0342 .0332 12.16 3.23 3.21 3.22 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1497.670 1663.570 3.268 1666.839 476.40 28.51 12.62 1679.46 .00 5.73 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.660 .0322 .0324 .15 3.27 3.13 3.27 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: linecl.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-21-2005 Time: 8:52:15 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE Cl FN: LINECI.WSW Invert Depth Water Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch 1502.330 I I 1663.720 3.268 i I 1666.988 I 476.40 28.51 I 12.63 I 1679.61 I .00 5.73 I 6.50 I 6.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 441.290 .0322 .0337 14.89 3.27 3.13 3.27 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1943.620 1677.930 3.193 1681.123 476.40 29.37 13.39 1694.52 .00 5.73 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.670 .0364 I I I I .0351 .16 3.19 3.28 3.16 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1948.290 1678.100 3.193 1681.293 I 476.40 29.36 I 13.39 I 1694.68 I .00 5.73 I 6.50 I 6.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 37.587 .0502. .0339 1.27 3.19 3.28 2.88 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1985.877 1679.986 3.259 1683.245 476.40 28.61 12.71 1695.95 .00 5.73 6.50 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 53.026 .0502 .0308 1.63 3.26 3.15 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2038.903 1682.647 3.384 1686.031 476.40 27.27 11.55 1697.58 .00 5.73 6.49 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 39.794 .0502 .0271 1.08 3.38 2.93 2.88 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 2078.697 I I 1684.643 3.516 i I 1688.160 I 476.40 26.01 I 10.50 I 1698.66 I .00 5.73 I 6.48 I 6.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 31.096 .0502 .0239 :74 3.52 2.73 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2109.793 1686.204 3.654 1689.858 476.40 24.80 9.55 1699.40 .00 5.73 6.45 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 24.837 .0502 I I I I .0211 .52 3.65 2.53 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2134.630 1687.450 3.800 1691.250 I 476.40 23.64 I 8.68 I 1699.93 I 2.47 5.73 I 6.41 I 6.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.693 .0502 .0197 .05 6.27 2.35 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2137.323 1687.585 3.818 1691.403 476.40 23.51 8.58 1699.98 2.44 5.73 6.40 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 19.650 .0502 .0184 .36 6.26 2.33 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: linecl.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 t WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-21-2005 Time: 8:52:15 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C1 FN: LINECI.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/I Base WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR- (Type Ch 2156.972 1688.572 3.973 1692.545 476.40 22.41 7.80 1700.35 2.20 5.73 6.34 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 I_ 16.045 .0502 .0163 .26 6.17 2.16 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2173.017 1689.378 4.138 1693.516 476.40 21.37 7.09 1700.61 1.97 5.73 6.25 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 13.137 .0502 .0145 .19 6.11 1.99 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2186.154 1690.037 4.313 1694.351 476.40 20.38 6.45 1700.80 1.76 5.73 6.14 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 10.656 .0502 .0129 .14 6.07 1.84 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2196.811 1690.573 4.501 1695.074 476.40 19.43 5.86 1700.93 1.56 5.73 6.00 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 8.510 .0502 .0115 .10 6.06 1.69 2.88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 2205.320 I 1691.000 I 4.704 I 1695.704 I 476.40 18.52 I 5.33 I 1701.03 .00 I 5.73 I 5.81 I I 6.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 166.630 .0100 .0112 1.87 4.70 1.55 4.87 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2371.950 1692.660 4.567 1697.227 476.40 19.12 5.68 1702.91 .00 5.73 5.94 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.660 .0107 .0117 :05 4.57 1.65 4.72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2376.610 1692.710 4.564 1697.274 476.40 19.14 5.69 1702.96 .00 5.73 5.95 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 39.171 .0146 .0114 .45 4.56 1.65 4.21 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2415.781 1693.281 4.639 1697.920 476.40 18.80 5.49 1703.41 .00 5.73 5.88 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 71.988 .0146 .0106 .76 4.64 1.60 4.21 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 2487.769 1694.330 4.853 1699.184 476.40 17.93 4.99 1704.17 .00 5.73 5.65 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 43.181 .0146 .0095 .41 4.85 1.46 4.21 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: linecl.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14{.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-21-2005 Time: 8:52:15 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE Cl FN: LINECI.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticaljFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem SCh Slope SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR- IType Ch 2530.950 1694.960 5.089 1700.049 476.40 17.09 4.54 1704.59 .54 5.73 5.36 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.020 .0148 .0089 .05 5.63 1.32 4.19 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2536.970 1695.049 5.138 1700.187 476.40 16.93 4.45 1704.64 .52 5.73 5.29 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 21.286 .0148 .0084 .18 5.66 1.29 4.19 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2558.256 1695.363 5.408 1700.771 476.40 16.14 4.05 1704.82 .44 5.73 4.86 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 7.214 .0148 .0077 .06 5.85 1.15 4.19 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 2565.470 1695.470 5.726 1701.196 476.40 15.39 3.68 1704.87 .00 5.73 4.21 6.500 .000 .00 1 .0 TRANS STR .0148 .0040 .06 5.73 1.00 .014 .00 .00 PIPE 2580.470 1695.692 8.030 1703.722 476.40 9.72 1.47 1705.19 .00 5.24 7.00 7.000 7.000 .00 0 .0 16.160 .0141 .0040 .06 8.03 .65 3.66 .014 .00 .00 BOX 2596.630 1695.920 7.866 1703.786 476.40 9.72 1.47 1705.25 .00 5.24 7.00 7.000 7.000 .00 0 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 2596.630 1695.920 9.406 1705.327 476.40 3.90 .24 1705.56 .00 3.47 13.00 10.000 13.000 .00 0 .0 6.500 .0123 .0003 .00 9.41 .22 2.33 .015 .00 .00 RECTANG 2603.130 1696.000 9.325 1705.325 476.40 3.93 .24 1705.56 .00 3.47 13.00 10.000 13.000 .00 0 .0 T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-2" T3 FN:LINE "C-2".WSW SO 958.5801698.000 1 R 1012.8901708.900 1 R 1038.2801714.000 1 R 1085.4101717.530 1 R 1407.4101721.740 1 R 1465.0001722.500 1 R 1474.4601723.760 1 R 1491.2001725.000 1 SH 1491.2001725.000 1 CD 1 1 0 .000 3.000 Q 115.500 .0 11 1701.000 .,014 .000 .014 14.547 .014 27.003 .014 .000 .014 -54.991 .014 -9.043 .014 .000 1725.000 4.000 1.500 1.500 .00 L 0 0 0 FILE: LINEC2.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:50: 8 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-2" FN:LINE "C-2".WSW Invert Depth Water ( Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZIP IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR (Type Ch 958.580 1698.000 .772 1698.772 115.50 29.03 13.08 1711.85 .00 2.23 6.31 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 6.559 .2007 .1495 .98 .77 6.44 .71 I .014 I I .00 i 1.50 TRAP I 965.139 I 1699.317 .779 I I 1700.096 I 115.50 28.66 I 12.76 I 1712.85 .00 I 2.23 6.34 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 17.841 .2007 .1374 2.45 .78 6.34 .71 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 982.981 1702.897 .810 1703.708 115.50 27.33 11.60 1715.31 .00 2.23 6.43 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 12.642 .2007 .1198 1.51 .81 5.94 .71 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 995.622 1705.434 .842 1706.276 115.50 26.06 10.54 1716.82 .00 2.23 6.53 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 9.622 .2007 .1045 1.01 .84 5.57 .71 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1005.244 1707.365 .875 1708.240 115.50 24.85 9.59 1717.83 .00 2.23 6.63 3.000 4.000 1.4-10 0 .0 7.646 .2007 .0912 .70 .88 5.23 .71 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1012.890 1708.900 .909 1709.809 115.50 23.69 8.71 1718.52 1.52 2.23 6.73 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 5.613 .2009 .0801 .45 2.43 4.90 .71 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1018.503 1710.028 .940 1710.968 115.50 22.71 8.01 1718.98 1.42 2.23 6.82 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 , .0 5.309 2009 .0705 .37 2.36 4.63 .71 .014 I .00 1.50 TRAP 1023.812 I I 1711.094 .976 I 1712.070 115.50 21.65 I 7.28 I 1719.35 1.31 I I 2.23 6.93 I 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 _0 4.484 .2009 .0616 .28 2.29 4.35 .71 .014 .00 I 1.50 TRAP 1028.297 I I 1711.995 1.014 I I 1713.008 I 115.50 20.64 I 6.62 1719.63 1.21 I I 2.23 7.04 i 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 3.830 .2009 .0538 .21 2.22 4.08 .71 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 0 0 FILE: LINEC2.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:50: 8 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-2" ************************************************************************************************************************** FN:LINE "C-2".WSW ******** Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I Z1, jPrs/Pip L/Eleni ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fall ZR (Type Ch 1032.126 1712.764 1.052 1713.816 115.50 19.68 6.02 1719.83 1.12 2.23 7.16 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 3.297 .2009 .0470 .16 2.17 3.83 .71 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1035.424 I I 1713.426 1.092 I I 1714.518 I 115.50 18.77 I 5.47 1719.99 1.03 I 2.23 I 7.28 I 3.000 I I 4.000 1.130 0 .0 2.856 .2009 .0411 .12 2.13 3.60 .71 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1038.280 I I 1714.000 1.133, I I 1715.132 I 115.50 17.89 I 4.97 1720.10 .96 I I 2.23 7.40 I 3.000 I I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 10.518 .0749 .0360 .38 2.09 3.38 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1048.798 I I 1714.788 1.175 1715.962 115.50 17.07 I 4.52 1720.48 .88 I I 2.23 7.52 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.30 0 .0 8.468 .0749 .0315 .27 2.06 3.17 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1057.266 I I 1715.422 1.218 1716.640 115.50 16.27 I 4.11 1720.75 .82 I I 2.23 7.65 I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 6.946 .0749 .0275 - .19 2.04 2.98 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1064.212 I I 1715.942 1.263 I I 1717.205 I 115.50 15.52 I 3.74 1720.94 .76 I I 2.23 7.79 I 3.000 I 4.000 1.`>0 0 .0 5.780 .0749 .0241 .14 2.02 2.80 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1069.992 1716.375 1.309 1717.684 115.50 14.79 3.40 1721.08 .70 2.23 7.93 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 4.857 .0749 .0211 .10 2.01 2.63 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1074.849 I I 1716.739 1.357 I I 1718.096 I 115.50 14.10 I 3.09 I 1721.18 .65 I I 2.23 8.07 I I 3.000 1 4.000 1.50 I 0 .0 4.108 .0749 .0185 .08 2.01 2.47 .94 .014 .00 1.130 TRAP 1078.957 I I 1717.047 I 1.406 I 1718.453 I 115.50 13.45 I 2.81 I 1721.26 .60 I I 2.23 8.22 I I 3.000 1 4.000 1.50 I 0 .0 3.488 .0749 .0162 .06 2.01 2.32 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP LIL n n FILE: LINEC2.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:50: 8 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-2" FN:LINE "C-2".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I' I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch I i I I I I i i I I I i I 1082.445 1717.308 1.456 1718.764 115.50 12.82 2.55 1721.32 .56 2.23 8.37 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -i- -I- -I- 1- 2.965 .0749 .0142 .04 2.01 2.18 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1085.410 1717.530 1.509 1719.039 115.50 12.23 2.32 1721.36 .00 2.23 8.53 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 118.704 .0131 .0135 1.61 1.51 2.05 1.51 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I 1204.114 1719.082 1.492 1720.574 115.50 12.41 2.39 1722.97 .00 2.23 8.47 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 108.726 .0131 .0148 1.61 1.49 2.09 1.51 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1312.840 1720.504 1.440 1721.944 115.50 13.02 2.63 1724.58 .00 2.23 8.32 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 i. 55.799 .0131 .0169 .94 1.44 2.22 1.51 .014 .00 1.',0 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1368.639 1721.233 1.390 1722.623 115.50 13.66 2.90 1725.52 .00 2.23 8.17 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 38.771 .0131 .0193 .75 1.39 2.37 1.51 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I 1407.410 1721.740 1.341 1723.081 115.50 14.32 3.19 1726.27 1.11 2.23 8.02 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 2.106 .0132 .0207 .04 2.45 2.52 1.51 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1409.516 1721.768 1.338 1723.106 115.50 14.37 3.20 1726.31 1.11 2.23 8.01 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 30.303 .0132 .0222 .67 2.45 2.53 1.51 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I 1439.819 1722.168 1.291 1723.459 115.50 15.07 3.53 1726.98 1.20 2.23 7.87 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 25.181 .0132 .0254 .64 2.49 2.69 1.51 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I 1465.000 1722.500 1.245 1723.745 115.50 15.80 3.88 1727.62 1.30 2.23 7.74 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 .271 .1332 .0269 .01 2.55 2.87 .80 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP FILE: LINEC2.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:50: 8 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-2" FN:LINE "C-2".'WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fal1I ZR IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1465.271 1722.536 1.249 1723.785 115.50 15.74 3.85 1727.63 1.29 2.23 7.75 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 2.813 .1332 .0251 .07 2.54 2.85 .80 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1468.0-85 1722.911 1.295 1724.206 115.50 15.01 3.50 1727.70 1.20 2.23 7.88 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 2.436 .1332 .0220 .05 2.49 2.68 .80 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I i I I I I. I 1470.520 1723.235 1.342 1724.577 115.50 14.31 3.18 1727.76 1.11 2.23 8.03 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 2.111 .1332 .0193 .04 2.45 2.52 .80 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I i I I I I I 1472.631 1723.516 1.391 1724.907 115.50 13.65 2.89 1727.80 1.03 2.23 8.17 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 1.829 .1332 .0169 .03 2.42 2.36 .80 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I i I I I I I I 1474.460 1723.760 1.441 1725.201 115.50 13.01 2.63 1727.83 .00 2.23 8.32 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 2.907 .0741 .0149 .04 1.44 2.22 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I i I I 1477.367 1723.975 1.488 1725.463 115.50 12.46 2.41 1727.87 .00 2.23 8.46 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 2.726 .0741 .0131 .04 1.49 2.10 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I i I I I 1480.094 1724.177 1.540 1725.718 115.50 11.88 2.19 1727.91 .00 2.23 8.62 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 I_ 2.313 .0741 .0115 .03 1.54 1.97 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I i I I I I 1482.406 1724.349 1.595 1725.944 115.50 11.33 1.99 1727.94 .00 2.23 8.79 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.953 .0741 .0101 .02 1.60 1.85 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I i I I I 1484.359 1724.493 1.651 1726.144 115.50 10.80 1.81 1727.96 .00 2.23 8.95 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 1.639 .0741 .0088 .01 1.65 1.74 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 0 0 0 FILE: LINEC2.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 5-2005 Time: 1:50: 8 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-2" FN:LINE "C-2".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZI, jPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch 1485.999 1724.615 1.709 1726.324 115.50 10.30 1.65 1727.97 .00 2.23 9.13 3.000 4.000 1.50 0 .0 1.361 .0741 .0077 .01 1.71 1.64 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1487.360 I I 1724.716 I 1.768 I 1726.484 I 115.50 9.82 I 1.50 1727.98 .00 I I 2.23 9.30 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 1.115 .0741 .0068 .01 1.77 1.54 .94 .014 _00 1.50 TRAP 1488.475 I I 1724.798 I 1.829 I 1726.627 I 115.50 9.36 I 1.36 1727.99 .00 I I 2.23 9.49 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 .894 .0741 .0060 .01 1.83 1.45 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1489.368 I 1724.864 I 1.892 I 1726.756 I 115.50 8.93 I 1.24 1727.99 .00 I I 2.23 9.68 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 .695 .0741 .0052 .00 1.89 1.36 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1490.064 I I 1724.916 I 1.957 I 1726.873 I 115.50 8.51 I 1.12 1728.00 .00 I I 2.23 9.87 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 .515 .0741 .0046 .00 1.96 1.28 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1490.579 I 1724.954 I 2.023 I 1726.977 I 115.50 8.11 I 1.02 I 1728.00 .00 I I 2.23 10.07 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 .352 .0741 .0040 .00 2.02 1.20 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1490.931 I I 1724.980 I 2.092 I 1727.072 I 115.50 7.74 I .93 I 1728.00 .00 I I 2.23 10.27 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 .203 .0741 .0035 .00 2.09 1.13 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1491.134 I I 1724.995 I 2.162 I 1727.157 I 115.50 7.38 I .85 I 1728.00 .00 I I 2.23 10.49 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 .066 .0741 .0031 .00 2.16 1.06 .94 .014 .00 1.50 TRAP 1491.200 I I 1725.000 I 2.235 I 1727.235 I 115.50 7.03 I .77 I 1728.00 .00 I I 2.23 10.70 I I 3.000 I 4.000 1.50 0 .0 T1 52641 COYOTE CANYON 4 1 .000 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-3" CD 2 T3 FN:LINE "C-3".WSW .000 2.000 .000 SO 990.6701648.830 11 1 .000 R 1007.5301649.330 11 4 .013 R 1054.1401650.700 11 .000 .013 JX 1060.7401650.830 14 12 13.013 R 1410.2901657.790 14 4 .013 R 1425.6501658.090 14 CD .013 JX 1433.2201658.740 16 15 .013 R 1480.9801660.340 16 1 .013 JX 1489.4301660.460 4 2 3.013 R 1642.8701662.680 4 .000 .013 R 1678.2101663.200 4 .000 .013 JX 1687.5001663.700 7 5 6.013 R 1730.1901663.910 7 CD .013 R 1750.7501664.020 7 1.500 .013 R 1850.1701664.510 7 1 .013 R 1916.6301664.850 7 14 .013 R 1953.0701665.030 7 .000 .013 JX 1958.8001665.530 9 8 .013 R 1975.5301667.950 9 4 .013 R 1979.0001668.450 9 Q .013 R 1987.4401671.540 9 .0 .013 WE 1987.4401671.540 10 .250 SH 1987.4401671.540 10 8.900 43.300 5.700 20.300 17.600 CD 1 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 CD 4 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 CD 5 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 CD 6 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 CD 7 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 CD 8 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 CD 9 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 CD 10 2 0 .000 6.000 28.000 CD 11 4 1 .000 3.500 .000 CD 12 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 CD 13 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 CD 14 4 1 .000 3.500 .000 CD 15 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 CD 16 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 Q 17.600 .0 DO .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 0 1653.300 000 .000 0 -57.652 .000 0 3.5001651.7101651.710 37.3 63.1 .000 .000 .000 0 16.549 .000 0 1659.000 30.0 .000 66.513 .000 0 12.2001660.8701660.880 59.9 45.0 .000 .000 .000 0 90.000 .000 0 3.5001664.0901664.060 40.1 30.0 .000 .000 .000 0 -2.385 .000 0 .000 .000 0 -86.990 .000 0 .000 .000 0 1665.400 45.0 .000 42.615 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 1671.540 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 AWOL 0 FILE: line_c-3.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 141.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 8:44:12. 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-3" FN:LINE "C-3".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/Mase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.--FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X--Fa11I ZR IType Ch 990.670 1648.830 4.470 1653.300 132.60 13.78 2.95 1656.2,5 .00 3.32 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 16.860 .0297 .0174 .29 4.47 .00 2.29 .013 I_ .00 .00 I_ PIPE I 1007.530 1649.330 I 4.2.63 I I 1653.593 I 132.60 13.78 I 2.95 I 1656.54 .00 I I 3.32 .00 I I 3.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 46.610 _0294 .0174 .81 .00 .00 2.30 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1054.140 1650.700 I 4.175 I I 1654.875 I 132.60 13.78 I 2.95 I 1657.82 .00 I I 3.32 .00 I I 3.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0197 .0158 .10 4.17 .00 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1060.740 1650.830 5.076 1655.906 120.20 12.49 2.42 1658.33 .00 3.25 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 196.917 .0199 C' .0143 2.81 5.08 .00 2.47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE. 12.57.657 1654.751 3.965 1658.716 120.20 12.49 2.42 1661.14 .00 3.25 .00 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1257.657 1654.751 2.568 1657.319 120.20 15.89 3.92 1661.24 .00 3.25 3.09 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 82.334 .0190 .0172 1.42 2.57 1.79 2.47 .013 .00 .00 P1P1; I 1.339.991 1656.390 I 2.677 I I 1659.068 I 120.20 15.22 I 3.60 I 1662.67 .00 I I 3.25 2.97 I I 3.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 44.977 .0199 I_ .0156 .70 2.68 1.64 2.47 .013 .00 .00 I PIPE I 1384.968 1657.286 I 2.811 I I 1660.097 I 120.20 14.51 I 3.27 I 1663.37 .00 I I 3.25 2.78 I I 3.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.5.322 .0199 .0142 .36 2.81 1.48 2.47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE i 1410.290 1657.790 I 2.963 I I 1660.753 I 120.20 13.84 I 2.97 I 1663.73 .28 I I 3.25 2.52 I I 3.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 7.833 .0195 .0133 .10 3.25 1.31 2.49 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPr FILE: line_c-3.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 8:44:12 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-3" FN:LINE "C-3".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/l Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Eley I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I 7R IType Ch I 1418.123 I 1657.943 3.042 I I 1660.985 I 120.20 13.53 I 2.84 I 1663.83 .25 I 3.25 I 2.36 I I 3.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 7.527 .0195 .0127 .10 3.29 1.23 2..49 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1425.650 1658.090 3.250 1661.340 120.20 12.90 2.58 1663.92 .00 3.25 1.80 3.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- JUNCT STR -I- 0859 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0128 -I- .10 -I- 3.48 -I- 1.00 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- PIPE I 1433.220 I 1658.740 4.151 I I 1662.891 I 76.90 10.88 I 1.84 I 1664.73 .00 I 2.74 I .00 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1. .0 -I- --I- -I- -I- v� -1- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 47.760 .0335 0133 .63 .00 .00 1.73 .013 .00 .00 P1 PE 1480.980 1660.340 3.502 1663.842 76.90 10.88 1.84 1665.68 .00 2.74 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- JUNCT STR -i- .0142 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0106 -I- .09 -I- 3.50 -I- .00 -I- -I- .013 I-- .00 .00 I- PIPE 1489.430 1660.460 4.813 1665. 273 59.00 8.35 1.08 1666.35 .00 2.48 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 153.440 .0145 .0078 1.20 4.81 .00 1.91 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1642.870 1662.680 3.793 1666.474 59.00 8.35 1.08 1667.56 .00 2.48 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 35.340 .01.47 .0078 .28 .00 .00 1.90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1678.210 1663.200 3.766 1666.966 59.00 8.35 1.08 1668.05 .00 2.48 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0538 I_ .0076 .07 3.77 .00 .013 .00 .00 PLTIE I 168'7.500 I 1663.700 3.626 I I 1667.326 I 35.20 7.17 I .80 I 1668.12 .00 I I 2.01 .00 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 42.690 .0049 .0074 .31 3.63 .00 2.50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1730.190 I 1663.910 3.730 I I 1667.640 I 35.20 7.17 I .80 I 1668.44 .00 I I 2.01 .00 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 20.560 .0053 .0074 .15 .00 .00 2.50 .013 .00 .00 PLPE, FILE: line_c-3.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 8:44:12 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-3" FN. -LINE "C-3".WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wti INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7,L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch I 1750.750 1664.020 I I 3.798 I 1667.818 I 35.20 7.17 I I .80 1668.62 .00 I I 2.01 .00 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 _I_ 99.420 _I- .0049 .0074 .73 3.80 .00 2.50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE I 1.850.170 I 1664.510 I 4.040 I 1668.550 I 35,.20 7.17 I I .80 1669.35 .00 I I 2.01 .00 I l 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 66.460 .0051 .0074 .49 .00 .00 2.50 .013 .00 .00 P.IPF, 1°16.630 1664.850 4.346 1669.196 35.20 7.17 .80 1669.99 .00 2.01 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- 36.440 -I- .0049 i- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- ..0074 .27 -I- 4.35 -I- .00 -I- 2.50 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1953.070 1665.030 4.435 166-9.464 35.20 7.17 .80 1670.26 .00 2.01 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0873 .0067 .04 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1958.800 I 1665.530 I 4.622 I 1670.152 I 17.60 5.60 I I .49 1670.64 .00 I I 1.51 .00 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 10.373 .1446 .0061 .06 .00 .00 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1969.1.73 1667.031 3.224 1670.254 17.60 5.60 .49 1670.74 I, .00 1.51 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I HYDRAULIC -- - I JUMP - -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- (- 1,969.173 1667.031 .701 1667.732 17.60 17.92 4.99 1672.72 .85 1.51 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 6.357 .1446 .0816 .52 1.55 4.40 .61 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1975.530 1667.950 .726 1668.676 17.60 17.08 4.53 1673.21 .00 1.51 1.92 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.470 I .1441 I .0732 .25 .73 4.11 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1979.000 1668.450 I .742 I 1669.192 I 17.60 16.59 I I 4.27 1673.46 .00 I I 1.51 1.93 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .428 .3661 .0686 .03 .74 3.94 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: line_c-3.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 8:44:12 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-3" FN:LINE "C-3".WSW Invest Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase WtI INo Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7,L IPrs/Pip -I- L/Elem ICh -I- Slope I -I- -I- I -I- I -I- -I- -I- SF Avel IIF ISE -I- DpthlFroude -I- NINorm Dp -I- -I- I "N" -I- I X -Fall) ZR -I (Type Ch I 1979.428 I 1668.607 .751 I I 1669.358 I 17.60 16.30 I I 4.13 1673.49 .00 I I 1.51 1.94 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 I_ 1.148 .3661 .0629 .07 .75 3.85 .48 .013 I .00 I I .00 PIPE I I 1980.576 I 1669.027 .778 I I 1669.805 I 17.60 15.55 I I 3.75 1673.56 .00 I I 1.51 1.95 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.004 .3661 .0552 .06 .78 3.60 .48 .013 I .00 I I .00 PIPE I I 1981.580 I 1669.395 .807 I I 1670.202 I 17.60 14.82 I I 3.41 1673.61 .00 I I 1.51 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 I_ .885 .3661 ..0484 .04 .81 3.36 .48 .013 .00 I I .00 PIPE I I 1982.465 I 1669.719 .836 I I 1670.555 I 17.60 14.13 I I 3.10 1673.66 .00 I I 1.51 1.97 I 2.000 .000 -I- .00 1 .0 1- -I- .775 -I- .3661 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0425 .03 -I- .84 -I- 3.13 .48 -I- -I- .013 .00 I I .00 P.1 PE I I 1983.240 I 1670.002 .867 I I 1670.870 I 17.60 13.47 I I 2.82 1673.69 .00 I I 1.51 1.98 I 2.000 .000 .00 1 0 I_ .682 .3661 .0374 .03 .87 2.93 .48 .013 I .00 i I .00 PIPE I I 1983.923 i 1670.252 .899 I I 1671.151 I 17.60 12.85 I I 2.56 1673.71 .00 I I 1.51 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .600 .3661 .0328 .02 .90 2.73 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1984.57.3 1670.472 .932 1671.404 17.60 12.25 2.33 1673.73 .00 1.51 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 C .521 .3661 .0289 .02 .93 2.54 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1985.044 1.670.663 .968 1671.631 17.60 11.68 2.12 1673.75 .00 1.51 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .459 .3661 .0254 .01 .97 2.37 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1985.504 I 1670.831 1.004 I I 1671.835 I 17.60 11.14 I I 1.93 1673.76 .00 I I 1.51 2.00 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 C .396 .3661 .0224 .01 1.00 2.21 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE n n n FILE: line_c-3.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 11.04 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number.: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 8:44:12 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-3" FN:LINE "C-3".WSW Invert Depth Water I Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Rase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7,L IPrs/Pip L/F,lem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) 'LR IType Ch I 1985.899 i 1670.976 1.043 I I 1672.019 I 17.60 10.62 I 1.75 I 1673.77 .00 I 1.51 I 2.00 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .344 .3661 .0197 .01 1.04 2.05 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1986.243 I 1671.102 1.083 I I 1.672.185 I 17.60 10.12 i 1.59 I 1673.78 .00 I 1.51 I 1.99 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .292 .3661 .0174 .01 1.08 1.91 .48 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE I 1986.535 I 1671.209 1.126 I I 16'72.335 I 17.60 9.65 I 1.45 I 1673.78 .00 I I 1.51 1.98 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .247 .3661 .0154 .00 1.13 1.77 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1986.782 1671.299 1.171 1672.470 17.60 9.20 1.32 1673.79 .00 1.51 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 l .0 .203 .3661 .0136 .00 1.17 1.65 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1986.985 1671..373 1.219 16"72.592 17.60 8.77 1.20 1673.79 .00 1.51 1.95 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .166 .3661 I .0120 .00 1.2.2 1.53 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1987.150 I 1671.434 1.269 I 1672.703 I 17.60 8.37 I 1.09 I 1673.79 .00 I I 1.51 1.93 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .126 .3661 .0107 .00 1.27 1.41 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1987.276 I 1671.480 1.323 I I 16'72.803 I 17.60 7.98 I .99 I 1673.79 .00 I I 1.51 1.89 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .089 .3661 .0095 .00 1.32 1.30 .48 .013 .00 .00 P1 PE, i 1987.366 I 1671.513 1.381 I I 1672.894 I 17.60 7.61 I .90 I 1673.79 .00 I I 1.51 1.85 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- .055 -I- .3661 -I- -I- -i- -i- -i- .0085 -I- .00 -I- 1.38 -I- 1.20 -I- .48 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE I 1987.421 I 1671.533 1.443 I I 1672.976 I 17.60 7.25 I .82 I 1673.79 .00 I I 1.51 1.79 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 i 1 .0 .019 .3661 .0076 .00 1.44 1.10 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE n n n FILE: line_c-3.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 6 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 8:44:12. 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-3" FN:LINE "C-3".WSW Invert Depth Water Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow Topllleight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) I Elev (CFS) I (FPS) ]lead I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) 7R IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1987.440 1671.540 1.511 16'13.051 17.60 6.91 .74 1673.79 .00 1.51 1.72 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 I_ WALL ENTRANCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1987.440 1671.540 2.750 1674.290 17.60 .23 .00 1674.29 .00 .23 28.00 6.000 28.000 .00 0 .0 T1 52637 COYOTE CAITYON 0 T2 RUN FOR LAT "C -3C" T3 FN:LATC3C.WSW SO 1018.5701659.000 1 1662.891 R 1084.1301661.660 1 .013 .000 .000 0 JX 1090.6301661.900 1 2 .013 10.400 1662.920 30.0 .000 R 1523.5401677.960 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1560.9801679.350 1 .013 -48.510 .000 0 JX 1565.3001679.510 1 6 .013 1.700 1680.190 90.0 -3.820 R 1594.2401680.600 1 .013 -37.688 .000 0 JX 1602..2201681.410 5 5 5.013 10.500 6.7001681.2801681.280-59.1 45.00 .000 R 1629.0001683.960 5 .013 -90.000 .000 0 R 1652.3701686.190 5 .013 -59.500 .000 0 R 1672.7801688.140 5 .013 .000 .000 0 WE 1672.7801688.140 8 .250 SH 1672.7801688.140 8 1688.140 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 7 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 4-,D 8 2 0 .000 6.000 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 14.200 .0 m A Ago k FILE: latc3c.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 11.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 9: 9:36 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR LAT "C -3C" FN:LATC3C.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow Toplileight/IBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/P9p L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch 1018.570 I I 1659.000 3.891 I 1662.891 I I 43.50 8.86 I 1.22 I 1664.11 .00 I 2.20 I .00 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 12.489 .0406 .0112 .14 3.89 .00 1.29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1031.059 I I 1-659.507 3.524 I 1663.031 I I 43.50 8.86 I 1.22 I 1664.25 .00 I 2.20 I .00 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 1 1 .0 -I- HYDRAULIC -I- JUMP -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- i - 1031.059 I I 1659.507 1.359 I 1660.866 I I 43.50 15.95 I 3.95 I 1664.82 .00 I I 2.20 2.49 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 27.341 .0406 ..0327 .89 1.36 2.69 1.29 I_ .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE, 1058.400 1660.616 1.392 1662.008 43.50 15.48 3.72 1665.73 .00 2.20 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 25.730 .0406 .0296 .76 1.39 2.56 1.29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1084.130 1661.660 1.448 1663.108 43.50 14.76 3.38 1666.49 .00 2.20 2.47 2.500 .000 .00 3. .0 JUNCT STR .0369 .0324 .21 1.45 2.38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1090.630 1661.900 1.129 1663.029 33.10 15.38 3.67 1666.70 .00 1.96 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 137.480 .0371 .0371 5.10 1.13 2.92 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I 1667.000 1.129 I 1668.129 I I 33.10 15.38 I 3.67 I 1.671.80 .00 I I 1.96 2.49 t I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 128.047 .0371 .0369 4.72 1.13 2.92 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1356.157 I I 1671.'150 1.132 I 1672.883 I I 33.10 15.31 I 3.64 I 1676.52 .00 I I 1.96 2.49 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 107.899 .0371 .0344 3.71 1.13 2.90 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1464.056 1675.753 1.175 1676.97.8 33.10 14.60 3.31 1680.7.4 .00 1.96 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 37.739 .0371 .0303 1.14 1.18 2.70 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE n n n FILE: latc3c.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 9: 9:36 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR LAT "C -3C" FN:LATC3C.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wt.h Station Elev I (FT) Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL lPrs/P.ip L/Elem *+*#+**+*I**#*#***#Ik#*+++#*I*#++###**I***#*#*k*I*+#***#I*+*****I***#*****I*******I********I********I******+I*******I**#** SCh Slope I I I ISF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorn Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR IType Ch I***#**# 1501.796 1677.153 1.219 1678.372 33.10 13.92 3.01 1681.38 .00 1.96 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 21.745 .0371 .0267 .58 1.22 2.52 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1523.540 1677.960 1.266 1679.226 33,.10 13.27 2.74 1681.96 .31 1.96 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 10.171 .0371 .0240 .24 1.58 2.34 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1533.711 16'78.338 1.2.97 1679.635 33.10 12.86 2.57 1682.20 .29 1.96 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 31.732 .0371 .0216 .25 1.59 2.23 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1545.443 1678.773 1.348 1680.121 33.10 12.26 2.33 1682.45 .26 1.96 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 8.801 .0371 .0190 .17 1.61 2.08 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE, 1554.244 3.679.100 1.401 1680.501 33.10 11.69 2.12 1682.62 .24 1.96 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.736 .0371 .0168 .11 1.64 1.93 1.13 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1560.980 1679.350 1.457 1680.807 33.10 11.14 1.93 1682.74 .15 1.96 2.47 2..500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0370 .0176 .08 1.60 1.79 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1565.300 1679.510 1.322 1680.832 31.40 11.92 2.21 1683.04 .25 1.91 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.789 .0377 .0184 .13 1.57 2.05 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1572.089 1679.766 1.366 1681.132 31.40 11.44 2.03 1683.16 .23 1.91 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.143 .0377 .0164 .10 1.60 1.92 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1578.232 1679.997 1.420 1681.417 31.40 10.90 1.85 1683.26 .21 1.91 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.782 .0377 .0145 .07 1.63 1.78 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE ( Or ) 0 FILE: latc3c.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 13.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 9: 9:36 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR LAT "C -3C" FN:LATC3C.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev i (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7.L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HE ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I 'LR (Type Ch 1583.014 I I 1680.177 1.477 I I 1681.654 I 31.40 10.40 I 1.68 I 1683.33 .19 I 1.91 I 2.46 I 2.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 3.726 .0377 .0128 .05 1.66 1.65 1.09 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1586.740 I I 1680.318 1.537 I I 1681.855 i 31.40 9.91 I 1.53 I 1683.38 .17 I I 1.91 2.43 I 2.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.839 .0377 .0114 .03 1.71 1.53 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1589.580 1680.424 1.601 1682.026 31.40 9.45 1.39 1683.41 .15 1.91 2.40 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.070 .0377 0101 .02 1.75 1.42 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE; 1591.650 1680.502 1.670 1682.172 31.40 9.01 1.26 1683.43 .13 1.91 2.35 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.451 .0377 .0090 .01 1.81 1.31 1.09 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1593.100 1680.557 1.743 1682.300 31.40 8.59 1.15 1683.45 .12 1.91 2.30 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .850 .0377 .0080 .01 1.86 1.20 1.09 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1593.950 1680.589 I- 1.822 1682.411 31.40 8.19 1.04 1683.45 .11 1.91 2.22 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- .290 .0377 -I- -I- -l- -I- -I- .0072 -I- .00 -I- 1.93 -l- 1.10 -I- 1.09 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1594.240 1680.600 1.909 1682.509 31.40 7.81 .95 1683.46 .00 1.91 2.12 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNG -r STR 1015 I 2.14 1.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1602.220 I 1681.410 .637 I I 1682.047 I 14.20 16.50 I 4.23 I 1686.27 .92 I I 1.36 1.86 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 12.678 .0952 I .0787 1.00 1.56 4.28 .61 .013 .00 ..00 PIPE 1614.898 I 1682.617 .649 I I 1683.266 I 14.20 16.06 I 4.00 I 1687.27 .88 I I 1.36 1.87 I 2..000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 14.102 .0952 .0711 1.00 1.53 4.12 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: latc3c.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 9: 9:36 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR LAT "C -3C" FN:I,ATC3C.WSW Invert ( Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) 7.R IType Ch I 1629.000 I 1683.960 .672 I I 1684.632 I 14.20 15.31 I 3.64 1688.27 I .61 I 1.36 I 1.89 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 4.813 .0954 .0644 .31 1.28 3.85 .61 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE I 1633.813 I 1684.419 .683 I I 1685.102 I 14.20 14.98 I 3.48 1688.59 I .59 I 1.36 I 1.90 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 7.941 .0954 .0586 .47 1.27 3.73 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1641.754 I 1685.177 I .707 I 1685.884 I 14.20 14.28 I 3.17 1689.05 I .54 I 1.36 I 1.91 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 5.961 .0954 ..0513 .31 1.25 3.49 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1647.715 1685.746 .732 1686.478 14.20 13.62 2.88 1689.36 .49 1.36 1.93 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- 4.655 -I- .0954 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0450 -I- .21 -I- 1.23 -I- 3.26 -I- .61 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE I 1652.370 I 1686.190 I .759 I 1686.949 I 14.20 12.98 I 2.62 1689.57 I .00 I I 1.36 1.94 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.200 .0955 .0413 .05 .76 3.05 .61 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1653.570 1686.305 .767 16E•7.072 14.20 12.80 2.54 1689.61 .00 1.36 1.95 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.528 .0955 .0380 .13 .77 2.99 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1657.098 I 1686.642 I .795 I 1667.437 I 14.20 17..20 I 2.31 1689.75 I .00 I I 1.36 1.96 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1. .0 2.911 .0955 .0333 .10 .80 2.79 .61 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE I 1660.009 I 1686.920 .824 I I 1687.744 I 14.20 11.63 I 2.10 1689.85 I .00 I I 1.36 1.97 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.429 .0955 .0293 .07 .82 2.60 .61 .013 .00 .00 i_ PIPE I 1662.438 I 1687.152 .854 I I 1688.006 I 14.20 11.09 I 1.91 1689.92 I .00 I 1.36 I 1.98 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.042 .0955 .0257 .05 .85 2.43 .61 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE. n n n FILE: latc3c.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 9: 9:36 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR LAT "C -3C" FN:LATC3C.WSW Invert Depth I Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow Topllieight/lHase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev l (CFS) l (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch 1664.480 I I 1687.347 .885 I 1688.232 I I 14.20 10.58 I 1.74 I 1689.97 .00 I 1.36 I 1.99 I i 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1..711 .0955 .022.6 .04 .89 2.27 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1666.191 1687.510 .918 1688.429 14.20 10.08 1.58 1690.01 .00 1.36 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 l .0 1.434 .0955 .0199 .03 .92 2.11 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1667.625 I I 1687.647 .953 I I 1688.601 I 14.20 9.61 I 1.44 I 1690.04 .00 I 1.36 I 2.00 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 i 1 .0 1.210 .0955 .0175 .02 .95 1.97 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1668.835 I I 1687.763 .989 I I 1688.752 I 14.20 9.17 I 1.30 I 1690.06 .00 i I 1.36 2.00 f I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.018 .0955 .0154 .02 .99 1.84 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE. 1669.853 1687.860 1.026 1688.886 14.20 8.74 1.19 1690.07 .00 1.36 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1. .0 -i- .827 -I- .0955 -I- -l- -I- -I- -I- .0135 -i- .01 -l- 1.03 -I- 1.71 -l- .61 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1670.680 I I 1687.939 1.066 I I 1689.005 I 14.20 8.33 I 1.08 I 1690.08 .00 I I 1.36 2.00 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .670 .0955 I .0119 :01 1.07 1.59 .61 .013 .00 .00 P1 PE 1,671.350 I 1688.003 1.108 I I 1689.112 I 14.20 7.95 I .98 I 1690.09 .00 I I 1.36 1.99 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .531 .0955 .0105 .01 1.11 1.48 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1671.881 1688.054 1.152 1689.206 14.20 7.58 .89 1690.10 .00 1.36 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .406 .0955 .0093 .00 1.15 1.37 .61 .013 .00 .00 i_ PIPE 1672.287 1688.093 1.198 1689.291 14.20 7.22 .81 1690.10 .00 1.36 1.96 2..000 .000 .00 1 .0 .271 .0955 .0083 .00 1.20 1.27 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE AMR& rn FILE: latc3c.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 6 Program Package Serial Number: 142.0 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 9: 9:36 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR LAT "C-3C" FN:L,ATC3C.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7.L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I RR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1672..558 1688.119 1.2.48 1689.367 14.20 6.89 .74 1690.10 .00 1.36 1.94 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .170 .0955 .0073 .00 1.25 1.18 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1672.728 1688.135 1.300 1689.435 14.20 6.57 .67 1690.10 .00 1.36 1..91 2..000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -i- -I- -I- -I- I- .052. 0955 .0065 .00 1.30 1.09 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1672.780 1688.140 1.357 1689.497 14.20 6.26 .61 1690.10 .00 1.36 1.87 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1672..780 1688.140 2.307 1690.447 14.20 .29 .00 1690.45 .00 .24 2.1.00 6.000 21.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I-- Tl 52637 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 RUN FOR CP "C-3A" T3 FN:CPC3P_.WSW SO 1001.9701651.710 1 1655.932 R 1046.0001652.690 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1059.9801656.590 1 .013 .000 .000 0 WE 1059.9801656.590 2 .250 SH 1059.9801656.590 2 1656.590 CD 1 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 6.000 7.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 3.500 .0 A f FILE: CPC3A.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE. 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 5: 1:37 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3A" FN:CPC3A.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I '7,L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) •7,R IType Ch 1001.970 I I 1651.710 4.27.2 I 1655.932 I I 3.50 1.98 I .06 I 1655.99 .00 I .71 I .00 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 44.030 .0223 .0011 .05 4.22 .00 .48 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1046.000 I I 1652.690 I 3.291 16.135.981 I I 3.50 1.98 I .06 i 1656.04 .00 I .71 I .00 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 6.445 .2.790 .0011 .01 3.29 .00 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.445 I I 7.654.488 I 1.500 1655.988 I I 3.50 1.98 I .06 I 1656.05 .00 I I .71 .00 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .381 .2790 .0010 .00 1.50 .00 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.826 I I 1654.594 I 1.360 16135.954 I I 3.50 2.08 I .07 I 1656.02 .00 I I .71 .87 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1052.826 1654.594 .331 16134.925 3.50 12.08 2.27 1657.19 .00 .71 1.24 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .062 .2790 .0970 .01 .33 4.41 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1051..888 1654.612 .331 16`.34.943 3.50 12..07 2.26 1657.20 .00 .71 1.24 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.033 .2790 .0906 .09 .33 4.40 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.921 1654.900 .342 16155.242 3.50 11.50 2.05 1657.30 .00 .71 1.26 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .875 .2'790 .0792 .07 .34 4.12 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1054.796 1655.144 .354 1655.498 3.50 10.97 1.67 1657.37 .00 .71 1.27 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .753 .7.790 .0693 .05 .35 3.86 .26 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1055.549 I I 1655.354 .366 I 16:5.720 I I 3.50 10.46 I 1.70 I 1657.42 .00 I .71 I 1.29 I i 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .647 .2790 .0606 .04 .37 3.62 .26 .013 .00 .00 i_ PIPE 0 FILE: CPC3A.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 7. Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 5: 1:37 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3A" FN:C:PC3A.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I. Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7.L IPrs/Pip L/El.em ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I 7.R IType Ch 1056.196 I I 1655.534 .379 I 1655.914 I I 3.50 9.97 I 1.54 I 1657.46 .00 I .71 I 1.30 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .564 .2790 I I .0530 .03 .38 3.39 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1056.760 I 1655.692 .392 1656.084 I I 3.50 9.51 i 1.40 I 1657.49 .00 I I .71 1.32 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 493 -I- .2790 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0464 -I- .02 -I- .39 -i- 3.17 -I- .26 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 105'1.252 1655.829 .405 1656.234 3.50 9.06 1.28 1657.51 .00 .71 1.33 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .428 .2790 :0405 .02 .41 2.97 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1057.680 1655.948 .419 1656.368 3.50 8.64 1.16 1657.53 .00 .71 1.35 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .371 .2790 .0355 .01 .42 2.78 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1058.052 I I 1656.052 .434 I 1656.486 I I 3.50 8.24 I 1.05 I 1657.54 .00 I I .71 1.36 I I 1.500 i .000 .00 I 1 .0 .326 .2790 .0311 .01 .43 2.60 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1058.378 I I 1656.143 .449 I 1656.592 i I 3.50 7.86 t .96 I 1657.55 .00 I I .71 1.37 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1. .0 .283 .2790 .0272 .01 .45 2.43 .26 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1058.660 1656.222 .465 1656.687 3.50 7.49 .87 1657.56 .00 .71 1.39 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .248 .2790 .0238 .01 .47 2.28 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1058.908 1656.291 .481 1656.772 3.50 7.14 .79 1657.56 .00 .71 1.40 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .213 .2790 I I I .0209 .00 .48 2.13 .26 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1059.121 1656.350 .498 I 16`_;6.849 I 3.50 6.81 I .72 I 1657.57 .00 I I .71 1.41 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .182 .2790 .0183 .00 .50 1.99 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: CPC3A.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 13.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 5: 1:37 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3A" FN:CPC3A.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) I Elev i (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ^.L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I 7,R IType Ci 1059.303 1656.401 .516 1656.917 3.50 6.49 .65 1657.57 .00 .71 1.43 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .158 .2790 .0160 .00 .52 1.86 .26 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1059.461 I I 1656.445 .534 I I 1656.979 I 1.50 6.19 I I .60 1657.57 .00 I I .71 1.44 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .133 .2790 .0140 .00 .53 1.74 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1059.594 1656.482. .553 1657.035 3.50 5.90 .54 1657.58 .00 .71 1.45 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .109 .2790 .0123 .00 .55 1.63 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1059.703 I I 1656.53.3 .573 I I 16ri7.086 I 3.50 5.63 I I .49 1657.58 .00 I I .71 1.46 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 i 1 .0 .089 .2790 .0108 .00 .57 1.52 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1059.792 I I 1656.537 .594 I I 1657.132 I 3.50 5.37 I I .45 1657.58 .00 I I .71 1.47 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .069 .2790 .0095 .00 .59 1.42 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1059.861 1656.557 .616 1657.173 3.50 5.12 .41 1657.58 .00 .71 1.48 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .055 .2790 .0083 .00 .62 1.32 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1059.916 1656.572 .638 1657.210 3.50 4.88 .37 1657.58 .00 .71 1.48 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- •035 -I- .2790 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0073 .00 -I- .64 -i- 1.24 -I- .26 -I- .013 -i- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1059.952 I I 1656.582 .662 I i 1657.244 I 3.50 4.65 I I .34 1657.58 .00 I I .71 1.49 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .024 .2790 .0064 .00 .66 1.15 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1059.976 I I 1656.589 .686 I i 1657.275 I 3.50 4.44 I I .31 1657.58 .00 I I .71 1.49 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .004 .2790 .0056 .00 .69 1.08 .26 .013 .00 .00 PIPE n n n FILE: CPC3A.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 5: 1:37 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3A" FN:CPC3A.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IHase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I El.ev i (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7,L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I 7.R IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1059.980 1656.590 .714 1657.304 3.50 4.22 .28 1657.58 .00 .71 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1059.980 1656.590 1.115 16137.705 3,.50 .45 .00 1657.71 .00 .20 7.00 6.000 7.000 .00 0 .0 Tl 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 RUN FOR CP "C -3B" T3 FN:CPC3B.WSW SO 1002.8801651.710 1 R 1032.2001655.990 1 0 WE 1032.2001655.990 2 SH 1032.2001655.990 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 1.500 CD 2 2 0 .000 6.600 Q 9.600 .0 Mw 1655.932 .013 250 1655.990 .000 .000 .000 .00 10.000 .000 .000 .00 .7 mm n n n f FILE: CPC3B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9--15-2005 Time: 5: 7:49 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3B" FN:CPC3B.WSW I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticaliFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) 1 Elev i (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 IL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa111 IR IType Ch 1002.880 I I 1651.710 4.222 I 16135.932 I I 9.60 5.43 I .46 I 1656.39 .00 I 1.20 I .00 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 14.655 .1460 .0084 .12 4.22 .00 .50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.535 I I 1653.849 2.205 I 16!36.055 I I 9.60 5.43 I .46 I 1656.51 .00 I 1.20 I .00 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1017.535 I I 1653.849 .637 I 16'.34.486 I I 9.60 13.44 I 2.81 I 1657.29 .00 I I 1.20 1.48 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.71.5 .1460 :0567 .10 .64 3.41 .50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1019.2.50 I I 1654.099 .653 I 1654.753 I I 9.60 13.00 I 2.62 I 1657.38 .00 I I 1.20 1.49 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.253 .1460 .0508 .11 .65 3.25 .50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1021.503 I I 1654.428 .677 I 1655.106 I J 9.60 12.39 I 2.38 I 1657.49 .00 I I 1.20 1.49 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.892 .1460 .0447 .08 .68 3.03 .50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1023.396 I I 1654.705 .702 I 16'35.407 I I 9.60 11.81 I 2.17 I 1657.57 .00 I I 1.20 1.50 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.594 .1460 .0393 .06 .70 2.83 .50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1024.989 I I 1654.937 .729 I 16135.667 I i 9.60 11.26 I 1.97 I 1657.64 .00 I I 1.20 1.50 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1..366 .1460 .0346 .05 .73 2.63 .50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1026.355 I I 1655.137 .756 I 1635.893 I I 9.60 10.74 I 1.79 I 1657.68 .00 I I 1.20 1.50 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.158 .1460 .0304 .04 .76 2.45 .50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1027.513 I I 1655.306 .785 I 16136.091 I I 9.60 10.24 I 1.63 I 1657.72 .00 I I 1.20 1.50 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .982 .1460 .0268 .03 .79 2.28 .50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE. A FILE: CPC3B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 5: 7:49 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3B" FN:('PC3B.WSW Invert I Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.F1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 'LL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I 7R IType Ch 1028.496 I 1655.449 I .816 I 1656.265 I I 9.60 9.76 I 1.48 I 1657.75 .00 I 1.20 I 1.49 I 1.500 I i .000 .00 I 1 .0 .839 .1460 .0237 .02 .82 2.12 .50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1029.334 1655.572 .848 16!36.420 x.60 9.31 1.35 1657.77 .00 1.20 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .706 .1460 .0209 .01 .85 1.97 .50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1030.041 1655.675 .882 16116.557 9.60 8.88 1.22, 1657.78 .00 1.20 1.48 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .590 .1460 .0185 .01 .88 1.83 .50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1030.631 I I 1655.761 .918 I 1656.679 I I 9.60 8.46 I 1.11 I 1657.79 .00 I I 1.20 1.46 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- .487 -I- .1460 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0164 -I- .01 -I- .92 -I- 1.69 -I- .50 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1031.118 I I 1655.837. .956 I 1656.788 I I 9.60 8.07 I 1.01 I 1657.80 .00 I I 1.20 1.44 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .387 1.460 .0145 .01 .96 1.57 .50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1031.505 1655.889 .997 16!56.886 9.60 7.69 .92 1657.80 .00 1.20 1.42 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .305 .1460 .0129 .00 1.00 1.44 .50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1031.810 165.5.933 1.040 1656.973 9.60 7.34 .84 1657.81 .00 1.20 1.38 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .215 .1460 .0115 .00 1.04 1.33 .50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1032.026 1655.965 1.087 1657.052 9.60 6.99 .76 1657.81 .00 1.20 1.34 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .133 .1460 I I .0103 .00 1.09 1.22 .50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1032.159 1655.984 1.138 I 1657.122 I I 9.60 6.67 I .69 I 1657.81 .00 I I 1.20 1.28 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .041 .1460 .0093 .00 1.14 1.11 .50 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE n n n FILE: CPC3B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 1.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 5: 7:49 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3B" FN: (:PC3B . WSW I Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7.L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) 7R IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1032.7.00 1655.990 1.196 1657.186 9.60 6.35 .63 1657.81 .00 1.20 1.21 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 I_ WALL ENTRANCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1032.200 1655.990 2.281 16`38.271 9.60 .42 .00 1658.27 .00 .31 10.00 6.600 10.000 .00 0 .0 _I_ _I_ _I_ _i_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ I_ Tl 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 RUN FOR CP "C-3D" T3 FN:CPC3D.WSW SO 1002.2601662.430 1 R 1029.0001663.490 1 0 R 1039.0101665.420 1 0 WE 1039.0101665.420 2 SH 1039.0101665.420 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 1.500 CD 2 2 0 .000 8.000 Q 10.400 .0 A A 1663.114 .013 .013 .250 1665.420 .000 .000 .000 .00 28.000 .000 .000 .00 C .000 .000 FILE: CPC3D.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 11.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 7: 5:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3D" FN: (.PC3D.WSW Invert I Depth Witter Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch 1002.260 I I 1662.430 .709 I 1663.140 I I 10.40 12.64 I I 2.48 1665.62 .00 I I 1.24 1.50 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 9.870 .0396 .0487 .48 .71 3.01 .75 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1012.130 I I 1662.821 .698 I 16(33.519 I I 10.40 12.89 I I 2.58 1666.10 .00 I I 1.24 1.50 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 16.870 .0396 .0535 .90 .70 3.09 .75 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1029.000 I I 1663.490 .674 I 16(34.164 I I 10.40 13.52 I I 2.84 1667.00 .00 I I 1.24 1.49 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 1.405 -I- .1928 -i- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0539 .08 -I- .67 -I- 3.32 -I- .48 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1030.405 I I 1663.761 I .694 1664.455 I I 10.40 12.98 I I 2.62 1667.07 .00 I I 1.24 1.50 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.455 .1928 .0479 .07 .69 3.13 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1031.860 1664.042 .721 1664.763 10.40 12.38 2.38 1667.14 .00 1.24 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.256 .1928 .0422 .05 .72 2.91 .48 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1033.116 I I 1664.284 .748 I 1665.032 I I 10.40 11.80 I I 2.16 1667.19 .00 I I 1.24 1.50 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.077 .1928 .0371 .04 .75 2.71 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1034.193 i I 1664.491 .777 i 1665.268 I I 10.40 11.25 I I 1.97 1667.23 .00 I I 1.24 1.50 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- .97.9 -i- .1928 -I- -I- -i- -I- -I- -I- .0327 .03 -I- .78 -I- 2.53 -I- .48 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1035.122 I I 1664.671 .807 I 1665.478 I I 10.40 10.73 I I 1.79 1667.27 .00 I i 1.24 1.50 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .802 .1928 .0289 .02 .81 2.35 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1035.924 I I 1664.825 .838 I 1665.663 I I 10.40 10.23 I I 1.62 1667.29 .00 I I 1.24 1.49 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .680 .1928 .0255 .02 .84 2.18 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: CPC3D.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 114.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 7: 5:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3D" FN:CPC3D.WSW Invert Depth I Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fal1I ZR (Type Ch 1036.604 I I 1664.956 .872 I 1665.828 I I 10.40 9.75 I 1.48 1667.31 I I .00 1.24 I 1.48 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .583 .192.8 .0225 .01 .87 2.02 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1037.187 I I 1665.069 .907 I 1665.976 I I 10.40 9.30 I 1.34 1667.32 I I .00 1.24 I 1.47 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .486 .1928 .0199 .01 .91 1.88 .48 .013 .00 .00 l_ PIPE 1037.673 1665.162. .945 1666.107 10.40 8.87 1.22 1667.33 .00 1.24 1.45 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .411 .1928 0177 .01 .95 1.74 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.084 I I 1665.242 I .984 1666.226 I I 10.40 8.45 I 1.11 1667.34 I I .00 I 1.24 1.43 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .327 .1928 .0157 .01 .98 1.60 .48 .013 .00 .00 PTPE 1038.411 I I 1665.305 1.027 I 1666.332 I I 10.40 8.06 I 1.01 1667.34 I I .00 I 1.24 1.39 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .256 1928 .0140 .00 1.03 1.48 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.667 1665.354 1.073 1666.427 10.40 7.69 .92 1667.34 .00 1.24 1.35 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .185 .1928 .0125 .00 1.07 1.35 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.852 1665.390 1.123 1666.513 10.40 7.33 .83 1667.35 .00 1.24 1.30 1.500 .000 .00 l .0 .120 .1928 .0112 .00 1.12 1.24 .48 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.972 1665.413 1.177 1666.590 10.40 6.99 .76 1667.35 .00 1.24 1.23 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .038 1928 .0102 .00 1.18 1.12 .48 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1039.010 I I 1665.420 1.240 I 1666.660 I I 10.40 6.66 I .69 1667.35 I I .00 1.24 I 1.14 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE t` FILE: CPC3D.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 7: 5:57 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C-3D" FN:CPC3D.WSW Invert I Depth Water Q Vel Vel ( Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.I 7,L IPrs/Pip L/Elem SCh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fall '7,R IType Ch 1039.010 1665.420 2.469 1667.889 10.40 .15 .00 1667.89 .00 .16 28.00 8.000 28.000 .00 0 .0 Tl 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 RUN FOR CP "C -3E" T3 FIA7_CPC3E.WSW SO 1001.2501679.940 1 1680.839 R 1108.8001685.540 1 .013 0 WE 1108.8001685.540 2 .250 SH 1108.8001685.540 2 1685.540 CD 1 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 9.400 10.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 2.000 .0 A Awe M mm AM n n FILE: CPC3E.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 114.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 7:23:18 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3E" FN:CPC3E.WSW ++++x++xx+++++++x+xx+x++x+++++xxx++++x+x++++++++++x++++xxxx++++++x+xxx+++++++x++++x+++++xxx++xxx+++++++++++a+++++xx+++++xx ++xxx+++ Invert I Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL lPrs/Pip L/Elem +xxx+x+++I++x+xxx++Ixx++xxxxlxx++++xxxlxx+++x+xxlxx+++++Ixx+x+++I+++xxx++xl++x++xxl+x++++++I++xxx+++I++++++xlxxx++++I+++++ ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR (Type Ch Ixx+xx++ 1001.2.50 I 1679.940 I I .899 1680.839 I I 2..00 1.81 I .05 I 1680.89 .00 I .53 I 1.47 I f 1.500 I .000 .00 ( 1 .0 .036 .0521 .0009 .00 .90 .37 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1001.286 I 1679.942 I I .864 1680.806 I I 2.00 1.90 I .06 I 1680.86 .00 I .53 I 1.48 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1003.286 I 1679.942 I I .293 1680.235 I I 2.00 8.23 I 1.05 I 1681.29 .00 I .53 I 1.19 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 49.331 .0521 .0521 2.57 .29 3.21 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1050.617 I I 1682.511 I .293 1682.804 I I 2.00 8.23 I 1.05 I 1683.85 .00 I I .53 1.19 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 25.83.8 .052.1 .0501 1.29 .29 3.21 .29 .01.3 .00 .00 PIPE 1076.436 1683.855 .298 16134.153 2.00 8.01 1.00 1685.15 .00 .53 1.20 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 11.669 .0521 .0452 .53 .30 3.09 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1088.104 1684.463 .308 1684.771 2.00 7.63 .91 1685.68 .00 .53 1.21 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 5.667 .0521 .0395 22 .31 2.89 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1093.7.71 I 1684.758 I I .319 1685.077 I I 2.00 7.28 I .82 I 1685.90 .00 I I .53 1.23 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 3.690 .0521 .0345 .13 .32 2.71 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1097.461 I 1684.950 I I .329 1685.279 I I 2.00 6.94 I .75 I 1686.03 .00 I I .53 1.24 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.555 .0521 .0302 .08 .33 2.54 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1100.016 1685.083 .341 1685.424 2.00 6.62 .68 1686.10 .00 .53 1.26 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.977 .0521 .0264 .05 .34 2.38 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: CPC3E.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 11.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2005 Time: 7:23:18 52.637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3E" FN:CPC3E.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I 7L IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) 7R IType Ch 1101.993 I I 1685.186 .352 I I 1685.538 I 2.00 6.31 I .62 1686.16 I .00 I .53 I 1.27 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.522 .0521 I I .0230 .04 .35 2.23 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1103.516 I 1685.265 .364 I 1685.629 I 2.00 6.02 I .56 1686.19 I .00 I .53 I 1.29 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.193 .0521 .0202 .02 .36 2.09 .29 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1104.709 I I 1685.327 .377 i I 1685.704 I 2.00 5.74 I .51 1686.22 I .00 I I .53 1.30 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 i 1 .0 .9'71 .0521 .0176 .02 .38 1.95 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1105.680 I i 1685.378 I .390 i 1685.768 I 2.00 5.47 I .46 1686.23 I .00 I I .53 1.32 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .797 .0521 .0154 .01 .39 1.83 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1106.478 I I 1685.419 I .403 I 16135.822 I 2.00 5.21 I .42 1686.24 I .00 I I .53 1.33 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .632 .0521 .0135 .01 .40 1.71 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 13.07.110 I I 1685.452 .417 I I 1685.869 I 2.00 4.97 I .38 1686.25 I .00 I I .53 1.34 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .494 .052.1 .0118 01 .42 1.60 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1107.604 I I 1685.478 .432 I I 36135. 910 I 2..00 4.74 I .35 1686.26 I .00 I I .53 1.36 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .401 .0521 .0103 .00 .43 1.50 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE, 1108.005 I I 1685.499 .447 i I 1685.946 I 2.00 4.52 I .32 1686.26 I .00 I I .53 1.37 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .2.98 .0521 .0091 .00 .45 1.40 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1108.303 1685.514 .463 1685.977 2.00 4.31 .29 1686.27 .00 .53 1.39 1.500 .000 .00 3. .0 .231 .0521 .0079 .00 .46 1.31 .29 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 0 FILE: CPC3E.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 1$.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-15-2.005 Time: 7:23:18 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR CP "C -3E" FN:CPC3E.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR (Type Ch 1108.535 I 1685.526 I .479 I I I 1686.005 2.00 4.11 I I .26 1686.27 .00 I .53 I 1.40 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .151 .057.1 I .0069 .00 .48 1.23 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1108.686 I 1685.534 I .496 I I 16136.030 2.00 3.92 I I .24 1686.27 .00 I .53 I 1.41 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .101 .0521 .0061 .00 .50 1.15 .29 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1108.787 1685.539 .513 1686.052 2.00 3.74 .22 1686.27 .00 .53 1.42 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .013 .0521 .0053 .00 .51 1.07 .29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1108.800 I 1685.540 I .533 I I I 1686.073 2.00 3.55 I I .20 1686.27 .00 I .53 I 1.44 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 WALL ENTIWICE 1108.800 _I_ 1685.540 _I_ .817 _I_ 1686.357 2.00 _I_ _I_ .24 _I_ .00 1686.36 _I_ _I_ .00 _I_ .11 _I_ 10.00 _I_ 9.400 _I_ 10.000 _I_ .00 0 .0 I- T1 52641 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE C-5 T3 FN:LINE C-5.WSW SO 1001.4501639.210 1 1641.680 R 1031.5201640.310 1 .013 .000 .000-0 R 1048.6101640.935 1 .013 43.519 .000 0 R 1059.9201641.410 1 .013 .000 .000 0 JX 1064.5901641.610 3 2 .013 12.200 1641.820 41.6 .000 R 1141.8601644.890 3 .013 -11.998 .000 0 R 1178.5001645.870 3 .013 .000 .000 0 JX 1181.5001645.930 5 4 .013 7.400 1646.180 45.0 .000 R 1226.4001647.110 5 .013 .000 .000 0 WE 1226.4001647.110 6 .250 SH 1226.4001647.110 6 1647.110 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 2 0 .000 8.500 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 9.900 .0 w A FILE: linec5.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14f04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-11-2004 Time: 8: 7:35 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C-5 FN:LINE C-5.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super jCriticalIFloW ToplHeight/ Base Wtj jNo Wth Station I Elev iFT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTlor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NjNorm Dp I "N" I X-Fall ZR' IType Ch 1001.450 1639.210 1.313 1640.523 29.50 13.49 2.83 1643.35 .00 1.85 1.90 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 13.282 .0366 .0280 .37 1.31 2.22 1.21 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1014.732 1639.696 1.344 1641.040 29.50 13.14 2.68 1643.72 .00 1.85 1.88 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 16.788 .0366 .0256 .43 1.34 2.12 1.21 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1031.520 1640.310 1.403 1641.713 29.50 12.53 2.44 1644.15 .40 1.85 1.83 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 7.955 .0366 .0233 .18 1.80 1.95 1.21 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1039.475 1640.601 1.444 1642.045 29.50 12.14 2.29 1644.33 .36 1.85 1.79 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 9.135 .0366 .0212 .19 1.81 1.84 1.21 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1048.610 1640.935 1.512 1642.447 29.50 11.58 2.08 1644.53 .00 1.85 1.72 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.623 .0420 .0194 .07 1.51 1.68 1.16 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.233 1641.087 1.562 1642.649 29.50 11.20 1.95 1644.60 .00 1.85 1.65 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.972 .0420 .0178 .07 1.56 1.56 1.16 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1056.205 1641.254 1.643 1642.897 29.50 10.68 1.77 1644.67 .00 1.85 1.53 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.641 .0420 .0162 .04 1.64 1.40 1.16 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1058.846 1641.365 1.736 1643.101 29.50 10.18 1.61 1644.71 .00 1.85 1.35 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.074 .0420 .0151 .02 1.74 1.23 1.16 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1059.920 1641.410 1.855 1643.265 29.50 9.71 1.46 1644.73 .00 1.85 1.04 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0428 .0103 .05 1.86 1.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 ;0 FILE: linec5.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 141.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-11-2004 Time: 8: 7:35 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C-5 FN:LINE C-S.WSW Invert Depth Water QS) I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev i (C I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev i Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR- (Type Ch 1064.590 I 1641.610 I 3.267 I I 1644.877 I 17.30 5.51 I .47 I 1645.35 .00 I I 1.50 .00 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 24.065 .0424 .0058 .14 .00 .00 .84 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1088.655 1642.631 2.402 1645.033 17.30 5.51 .47 1645.50 .00 1.50 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1088.655 I 1642.631 I .891 I I 1643.522 I 17.30 12.79 I 2.54 I 1646.06 .03 I I 1.50 1.99 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 16.897 .0424 .0333 .56 .92 2.73 .84 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1105.552 I 1643.349 I .916 I I 1644.265 I 17.30 12.32 I 2.36 I 1646.62 .03 I I 1.50 1.99 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 13.998 .0424 .0297 .42 .94 2.58 .84 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1119.550 1643.943 .951 1644.894 17.30 11.74 2.14 1647.03 .02 1.50 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- 9.703 -I- .0424 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0261 -I- .25 -I- .97 -I- 2.41 -I- .84 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1129.253 1644.355 .987 1645.342 17.30 11.20 1.95 1647.29 .02 1.50 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 7.185 .0424 .0230 .17 1.01 2.24 .84 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1136.438 1644.660 1.024 1645.684 17.30 10.67 1.77 1647.45 .02 1.50 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 5.422 .0424 .0202 .11 1.04 2.09 .84 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1141.860 1644.890 1.065 1645.955 17.30 10.18 1.61 1647.56 .00 1.50 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.858 .0267 .0186 .07 1.06 1.94 .96 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1145.718 1644.993 1.076 1646.069 17.30 10.04 1.56 1647.63 .00 1.50 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 10.493 .0267 .0172 .18 1.08 1.90 .96 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 FILE: linec5.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-11-2004 Time: 8: 7:35 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C-5 FN:LINE C-S.WSW Invert I,epth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR" (Type Ch 1156.211 1645.274 1.118 1646.392 17.30 9.57 1.42 1647.81 .00 1.50 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 7.289 .0267 .0152 .11 1.12 1.77 .96 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1163.500 1645.469 1.163 1646.632 17.30 9.12 1.29 1647.92 .00 1.50 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 5.294 .0267 .0134 .07 1.16 1.64 .96 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1168.794 I 1645.610 I 1.210 I 1646.821 I 17.30 8.70 I 1.17 I 1648.00 .00 I I 1.50 1.96 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 3.824 .0267 .0119 .05 1.21 1.52 .96 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1172.619 I 1645.713 I 1.260 I 1646.973 I 17.30 8.29 I 1.07 I 1648.04 .00 I I 1.50 1.93 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.722 .0267 .0105 .03 1.26 1.41 .96 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1175.341 1645.786 1.313 1647.099 17.30 7.91 .97 1648.07 .00 1.50 1.90 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.800 .0267 .0094 .02 1.31 1.30 .96 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I 1177.140 I 1645.834 1.370 I I 1647.204 I 17.30 7.54 I .88 I 1648.09 .00 I I 1.50 1.86 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.046 .0267 .0083 .01 1.37 1.20 .96 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1178.187 1645.862 1.431 1647.293 17.30 7.19 .80 1648.10 .00 1.50 1.80 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .313 .0267 .0075 .00 1.43 1.10 .96 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1178.500 1645.870 1.499 1647.369 17.30 6.85 .73 1648.10 .00 1.50 1.73 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0200 .0045 .01 1.50 1.00 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE I 1181.500 1645.930 I 2.169 I I 1648.099 I 9.90 3.15 I .15 I 1648.25 .00 I I 1.13 .00 I I 2.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 6.938 .0263 .0019 .01 2.17 .00 .71 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE FILE: linec5.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 1t.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-11-2004 Time: 8: 7:35 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C-5 FN:LINE C-5.WSW I Invert 1 Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) 1 (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR- (Type Ch 1188.438 I 1646.112 I 2.000 I I 1648.112 I 9.90 3.15 I .15 I 1648.27 .00 I I 1.13 .00 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 6.917 .0263 .0018 .01 2.00 .00 .71 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1195.355 i 1646.294 I 1.814 I I 1648.108 I 9.90 3.31 I .17 I 1648.28 .00 I I 1.13 1.16 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 3.709 .0263 .0017 .01 1.81 .36 .71 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1199.064 I 1646.392 I 1.706 I I 1648.098 I 9.90 3.47 I .19 I 1648.28 .00 I I 1.13 1.42 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 2.842 -I- .0263 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0019 -I- .01 -I- 1.71 -I- .43 -I- .71 -I- 013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1201.905 I 1646.466 I 1.618 I I 1648.084 I 9.90 3.64 I .21 I 1648.29 .00 I I 1.13 1.57 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.344 .0263 .0021 .00 1.62 .49 .71 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1204.249 I 1646.528 I 1.540 I I 1648.068 I 9.90 3.81 I .23 I 1648.29 .00 I I 1.13 1.68 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP I_ 1204.249 I 1646.528 I .805 I I 1647.333 I 9.90 8.37 I 1.09 I 1648.42 .00 I 1.13 I 1.96 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .361 .0263 .0165 .01 .81 1.90 .71 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1204.610 I 1646.537 I .805 I I 1647.342 I 9.90 8.36 i 1.08 I 1648.43 .00 I 1.13 I 1.96 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 6.322 .0263 .0154 .10 .81 1.90 .71 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1210.932 I 1646.703 I .835 I i 1647.539 I 9.90 7.97 I .99 I 1648.52 .00 I 1.13 I 1.97 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 4.684 .0263 I I .0135 .06 .84 1.77 .71 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1215.616 1646.827 I .865 I 1647.692 I 9.90 7.60 I .90 I 1648.59 .00 I 1.13 I 1.98 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 3.441 .0263 .0119 .04 .87 1.65 .71 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE n n n FILE: linec5.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 t WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-11-2004 Time: 8: 7:35 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C-5 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FN:LINE C-5.WSW ++++++++ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR Type Ch 1219.057 1646.917 .897 1647.814 9.90 7.24 .81 1648.63 .00 1.13 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.534 .0263 .0105 .03 .90 1.54 .71 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1221.590 1646.984 .931 1647.915 9.90 6.91 .74 1648.66 .00 1.13 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.894 .0263 .0092 .02 .93 1.44 .71 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1223.484 1647.033 .966 1647.999 9.90 6.59 .67 1648.67 .00 1.13 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.387 .0263 .0081 .01 .97 1.34 .71 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1224.871 1647.070 1.002 1648.072 9.90 6.28 .61 1648.68 .00 1.13 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .870 .0263 .0071 .01 1.00 1.25 .71 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1225.741 1647.093 1.041 1648.134 9.90 5.99 .56 1648.69 .00 1.13 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .530 .0263 .0063 .00 1.04 1.16 .71 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1226.271 1647.107 1.081 1648.188 9.90 5.71 .51 1648.69 .00 1.13 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .129 .0263 .0055 :00 1.08 1.08 .71 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1226.400 1647.110 1.125 1648.235 9.90 5.44 .46 1648.69 .00 1.13 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1226.400 1647.110 1.806 1648.916 9.90 .26 .00 1648.92 .00 .19 21.00 8.500 21.000 .00 0 .0 T1 52641 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE C6 T3 FN:LINEC6.WSW SO 1007.0601635.140 1 1637.470 R 1017.5801636.260 1 .013 .000 R 1035.6501638.200 1 .013 46.015 R 1054.1001640.170 1 .013 .000 WE 1054.1001640.170 2 .250 SH 1054.1001640.170 2 1640.170 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 6.920 28.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 38.900 .0 0 FILE: linec6.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14f.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-11-2004 Time: 8:12:19 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C6 FN:LINEC6.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR' (Type Ch 1007.060 I I 1635.140 1.091 I I 1636.231 I 38.90 18.91 I 5.55 I 1641.78 .00 I I 2.10 2.48 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.094 .1065 I I I .0570 .12 1.09 3.66 .92 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1009.154 I 1635.363 1.099 1636.462 I 38.90 18.70 I 5.43 I 1641.89 .00 I I 2.10 2.48 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 8.426 .1065 .0528 .44 1.10 3.60 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.580 I I 1636.260 1.141 I I 1637.401 I 38.90 17.83 I 4.94 I 1642.34 1.09 I I 2.10 2.49 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.495 .1074 .0483 .12 2.23 3.36 .92 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1020.075 I I 1636.528 1.155 I I 1637.683 I 38.90 17.54 I 4.78 I 1642.46 1.06 I I 2.10 2.49 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 6.209 .1074 .0443 .28 2.21 3.28 .92 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1026.284 I I 1637.194 1.198 I I 1638.393 I 38.90 16.72 I 4.34 I 1642.73 .96 I I 2.10 2.50 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 5.104 .1074 I I .0390 .20 2.16 3.05 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1031.387 I I 1637.742 1.244 1638.986 I 38.90 15.94 I 3.95 I 1642.93 .88 I I 2.10 2.50 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 4.263 .1074 I .0344 .15 2.12 2.84 .92 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1035.650 I 1638.200 I 1.292 I 1639.492 I 38.90 15.20 I 3.59 I 1643.08 .00 I I 2.10 2.50 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.563 .1068 .0314 .05 1.29 2.65 .92 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1037.212 I 1638.367 I 1.312 I i 1639.679 -I- I 38.90 14.91 I 3.45 I 1643.13 .00 I 2.10 I 2.50 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 3.368 -i- .1068 -I- I I I -I- -I- -I- .0288 -I- .10 -I- 1.31 -I- 2.57 -I- .92 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1040.580 I 1638.726 1.363 1640.089 I 38.90 14.21 I 3.14 I 1643.23 .00 I 2.10 I 2.49 I I 2.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.852 .1068 .0254 .07 1.36 2.39 .92 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 0 FILE: linec6.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14104 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-11-2004 Time: 8:12:19 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C6 FN:LINEC6.WSW Invert Depth Water QS) Vel Vel Energy Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev i (C (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Aver HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR, Type Ch 1043.432 1639.031 1.416 1640.447 38.90 13.55 2.85 1643.30 .00 2.10 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.398 .1068 .0224 .05 1.42 2.22 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1045.830 1639.287 1.473 1640.760 38.90 12.92 2.59 1643.35 .00 2.10 2.46 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.021 .1068 .0198 .04 1.47 2.06 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1047.851 1639.503 1.533 1641.036 38.90 12.32 2.36 1643.39 .00 2.10 2.44 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.684 .1068 .0176 .03 1.53 1.91 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.535 1639.682 1.597 1641.280 38.90 11.75 2.14 1643.42 .00 2.10 2.40 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.390 .1068 .0156 .02 1.60 1.76 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1050.925 1639.831 1.665 1641.496 38.90 11.20 1.95 1643.44 .00 2.10 2.36 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.120 .1068 .0139 .02 1.67 1.63 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.046 1639.951 1.738 1641.689 38.90 10.68 1.77 1643.46 .00 2.10 2.30 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .879 .1068 .0124 .01 1.74 1.50 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.924 1640.044 1.816 1641.860 38.90 10.18 1.61 1643.47 .00 2.10 2.23 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .641 .1068 .0111 .01 1.82 1.37 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.565 1640.113 1.901 1642.014 38.90 9.71 1.46 1643.48 .00 2.10 2.13 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .393 .1068 .0100 .00 1.90 1.25 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.958 1640.155 1.996 1642.151 38.90 9.26 1.33 1643.48 .00 2.10 2.01 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .142 .1068 .0090 .00 2.00 1.13 .92 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 FILE: linec6.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 f WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-11-2004 Time: 8:12:19 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE C6 FN:LINEC6.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR- (Type Ch I I I I I i I I I I t I I 1054.100 1640.170 2.104 1642.274 38.90 8.82 1.21 1643.48 .00 2.10 1.83 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE I I I I I I I I I I I 1054.100 1640.170 4.289 1644.459 38.90 .32 .00 1644.46 .00 .39 28.00 6.920 28.000 .00 0 .0 T1 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN T2 LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS T3 BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: CP1 SO 1006.9301634.350 1 1636.822 R 1028.8701638.030 1 .013 WE 1028.8701638.030 2 .250 SH 1028.8701638.030 2 1638.030 CD 1 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 8.000 21.00 .000 .000 .00 Q 4.500 .0 ,A� m 0 0 FILE: CPI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 7- 1-2005 Time: 3: 6:19 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: CP1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR, (Type Ch 1006.930 I I 1634.350 2.472 I i 1636.822 I 4.50 2.55 I I .10 1636.92 .00 I I .81 .00 i I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 5.200 .1677 .0018 .01 2.47 .00 .33 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1012.130 I I 1635.222 1.608 I I 1636.830 I 4.50 2.55 I I .10 1636.93 .00 I .81 I .00 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1012.130 I I 1635.222 .372 I I 1635.594 I 4.50 13.17 I I 2.69 1638.29 .00 I .81 I 1.30 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.431 .1677 .0941 .23 .37 4.52 .33 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1014.561 I I 1635.630 .385 I I 1636.015 I 4.50 12.51 I i 2.43 1638.45 .00 I I .81 1.31 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.412 .1677 .0819 .20 .39 4.21 .33 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1016.973 I I 1636.034 .399 I I 1636.433 I 4.50 11.93 I I 2.21 1638.64 .00 I I .81 1.33 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.956 .1677 .0716 .14 .40 3.94 .33 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1018.929 I 1636.362 I .412 I I 1636.775 I 4.50 11.38 I I 2.01 1638.78 .00 I .81 I 1.34 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.596 .1677 .0627 .10 .41 3.69 .33 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1020.525 I 1636.630 I .427 I I 1637.057 I 4.50 10.85 I I 1.83 1638.88 .00 I .81 I 1.35 I 1.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.339 .1677 I I .0549 .07 .43 3.45 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1021.865 1636.855 I .442 I I 1637.297 4.50 10.34 I I 1.66 1638.96 .00 I .81 I 1.37 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.136 .1677 I I .0480 .05 .44 3.23 .33 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1023.001 1637.045 I .457 I I 1637.503 4.50 9.86 I I 1.51 1639.01 .00 I .81 I 1.38 I I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 .965 .1677 .0420 .04 .46 3.02 .33 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE RE 0_0 FILE: CPI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 7- 1-2005 Time: 3: 6:19 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: CP1 Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem (Ch Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR -Type Ch 1023.966 1637.207 .473 1637.680 4.50 9.40 1.37 1639.05 .00 .81 1.39 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .823 .1677 .0368 .03 .47 2.83 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1024.789 1637.345 .490 1637.836 4.50 8.97 1.25 1639.08 .00 .81 1.41 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .712 .1677 .0323 .02 .49 2.65 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1025.501 1637.465 .507 1637.972 4.50 8.55 1.13 1639.11 .00 .81 1.42 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .610 .1677 .0283 .02 .51 2.47 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1026.112 1637.567 .525 1638.092 4.50 8.15 1.03 1639.12 .00 .81 1.43 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .523 .1677 .0248 .01 .53 2.31 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1026.635 1637.655 .544 1638.199 4.50 7.77 .94 1639.14 .00 .81 1.44 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .454 .1677 .0217 .01 .54 2.16 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1027.088 1637.731 .563 1638.294 4.50 7.41 .85 1639.15 .00 .81 1.45 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .380 .1677 .0190 .01 .56 2.02 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1027.468 1637.795 .584 1638.379 4.50 7.06 .77 1639.15 .00 .81 1.46 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .327 .1677 .0167 .01 .58 1.89 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1027.796 1637.850 .605 1638.455 4.50 6.74 .70 1639.16 .00 .81 1.47 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .275 .1677 .0147 .00 .61 1.76 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1028.070 1637.896 .627 1638.523 4.50 6.42 .64 1639.16 .00 .81 1.48 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .227 .1677 .0129 .00 .63 1.64 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: CPI.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14f.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 7- 1-2005 Time: 3: 6:19 COYOTE CANYON - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN LINEC WSPGN ANALYSIS BY: A.TORREYSON, FN: CPI Invert Depth Water QS) Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev i (C I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Eleni ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall' ZR (Type Ch 1028.298 1637.934 .650 1638.584 4.50 6.12 .58 1639.17 .00 .81 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .185 .1677 .0113 .00 .65 1.53 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1028.483 1637.965 .674 1638.639 4.50 5.84 .53 1639.17 .00 .81 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- .146 -I- .1677 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0099 -I- .00 -I- .67 -I- 1.43 -I- .33 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1028.629 1637.990 .699 1638.689 4.50 5.57 .48 1639.17 .00 .81 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .105 .1677 .0088 .00 .70 1.33 .33 .013 .00 .00 I_ PIPE 1028.734 1638.007 .726 1638.733 4.50 5.31 .44 1639.17 .00 .81 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- .080 -I- .1677 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0077 -I- .00 -I- .73 -I- 1.24 -I- .33 -i- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1028.814 1638.021 .753 1638.774 4.50 5.06 .40 1639.17 .00 .81 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .044 .1677 .0068 .00 .75 1.16 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1028.859 1638.028 .782 1638.810 4.50 4.83 .36 1639.17 .00 .81 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .011 .1677 .0060 :00 .78 1.08 .33 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1028.870 1638.030 .814 1638.844 4.50 4.59 .33 1639.17 .00 .81 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1028.870 -I- I 1638.030 -I- i I 1.299 -I- 1639.329 -I- I I 4.50 -I- .16 -I- I .00 -I- I 1639.33 -I- I .00 -I- I .11 -I- 21.00 -I- I I 8.000 -I- I 21.000 -I- .00 I 0 .0 I- 29 TI 52E41 CG_3T-E- C-Z,27ZON C ^2 Hca^ RUN FOR -H,E .1C_711 _--- 7ig:_-?vE2-7.1V;Sh SO 1006.2301631.400 1 163c.95 R 1011.200163:.420 1 .013 .00C .000 0 R 1025.330631.500 1 .112 -_ .990 CC0 I R 1051.0701631.620 1 .013 .0000 .000 0 R 1060.0001631.670 1 .013 1.3900 .000 0 R 1160.4601632.170 1 .013 15.599 .000 0 R 1185.9901632.300 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1236.9001632.550 1 .013 9.235 .000 0 JX 1244.2101632.590 4 2 3 .013 7.700 3.1001633.4301633.430 63.4 39.529 6.145 R 1256.6701632.650 4 .013 22.233 .000 0 R 1285.8101632.800 4 .013 .000 .000 0 ix 1289.6101632.620 6 5 .013 14.700 1633.280 44.7 .000 R 1349.0601633.120 6 .013 _000 .000 0 JX 1354.0101634.620 7 8 .013 14.700 1633.620 .000 .000 R 1599.39 1635.86 7 .013 .0 .0 JX 1603.40 1635.88 7 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1799.3901636.850 7 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1817.0601636.940 7 .013 45.000 .000 0 R 1828.2501636.990 7 .013 .000 .000 0 WE 1828.2501636.990 9 .250 SH 1828.2501636.990 9 1636.990 CD 1 4 1 .000 4.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 7 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 8 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 9 2 0 .000 7.800 14.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 7.800. .0 29 AL n n FILE: LINEC-7.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14f06 PAGE 1. Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-30-2005 Time: 8:56:23 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-7" FN:LINEC-7.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IHase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.) ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Up I "N" I X -Fall) ZR ITypP Ch 1006.230 I I 1631.400 5.550 I I 1636.950 48.00 i 3.82 I .23 1637.18 I .00 I 2.08 I .00 I i 4.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 4.970 .0040 I I I .0011 .01 5.55 .00 2.06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1011.200 1631.420 5.535 I 1636.955 48.00 I 3.82 I .23 1637.18 I .00 I 2.08 I .00 I I 4.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 14.1.30 .0057 .0011 .02 .00 .00 1.87 ,013 .00 .00 PIPE 1025.330 I I 1631.500 5.500 I I 1637.000 48.00 I 3.82 I .23 1637.23 I .00 I 2.08 I .00 I i 4.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 25.740 .0047 .0011 .03 5.50 .00 1.98 .013 .00 .00 P1 PE 1.051.070 I I 1631.620 5.409 I I 1637.029 48.00 I 3.82 I .23 1637.26 I .00 I 2.08 I .00 I I 4.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 8.930 -I- -I- .0056 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0011 -I- .01 -I- .00 -I- .00 -I- 1.87 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1-060.000 I I 1631.670 5.374 I I 1637.044 48.00 I 3.82 I .23 1637.27 I .00 I 2.08 i .00 I I 4.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 100.460 .0050 .0011 .11 .00 .00 1.94 .013 .00 .00 I'1 PPI 1160.460 1632.170 5.005 1637.175 48.00 3.82 .23 1637.40 .00 2.08 .00 4.000 .000 .00 l .0 25.530 .0051 .0011 .'03 5.01 .00 1.92 .013 .00 .00 1- PIPE 1185.990 I I 1.632.300 4.904 I I 1637.204 48.00 I 3.82 I .23 1637.43 I .00 I 2.08 I .00 I I 4.000 I .000 .00 I 1 -0 50.910 0049 .0011 .06 .00 .00 1.95 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 12.36.900 1632..550 4.725 1637.275 48.00 3.82 .23 1637.50 .00 2.08 .00 4.000 .000 .00 1. .0 JUNCO BTR .0055 .0021 .02 .00 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1244.210 I 1632.590 I 4.621 i I 1637.211 37.20 I 5.26 I .43 1637.64, I .00 I 1.98 I .00 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 12.460 .0048 .0031 .04 .00 .00 2.04 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: LINEC-7.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 141.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-30-2005 Time: 8:56:7.3 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-7" FN:LINEC-7.WSW Invert Depth Water. Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTj or I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fa11I ZR IType Ch 1.256.670 1632.650 4.643 1637.293 37.20 5.26 .43 1637.72 .00 1.98 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.9.140 .0051 I I I I I .0031 .09 4.64 .00 1.99 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1285.810 1632..800 4.583 1637.383 37.20 5.26 I .43 1637.81 I .00 I 1.98 I .00 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 JUNCT S'I'R 0050 .002.1 .01 4.58 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1289.810 1632.820 4.903 163'7.723 2.2..50 3.18 .16 1637.88 .00 1.53 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 5Q.250 .0051 .0011 .07 4.90 .00 1.45 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1.349.060 1633.120 4.670 1637.790 22.50 3.18 .16 1637.95 .00 1.53 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .3030 .0033 .02 4.67 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1354.010 I I 1634.620 3.041 I I 1637.661 7.80 I 4.41 I .30 1637.96 I .00 I I 1.08 .00 I i 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 245.380 .0051 .0055 1.35 3.04 .00 1.30 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1599.390 1635.860 3.154 1639.014 7.80 4.41 .30 1639.32 .00 1.08 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JMICT STR .0050 .0055 .'02 3.15 .00 .013 .00 .00 PI PR 1603.400 I 1635.880 I 3.156 I I 1639.036 7.80 I 4.41 I .30 1639.34 I .00 I I 1.08 .00 i I 1.500 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 195.990 .0049 .0055 1.08 3.16 .00 1.32 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1799.3901 1636.8501 3.2671 1640.1171 7.801 4.41 .301 1640.42 I .00 I 1.08 I .00 11.500 I .0001 .00 I 1 .0 17.670 .0051. .0055 .10 .00 .00 1.29 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1817.060 1636.940 3.317 1640.257 7.80 4.41 .30 1640.56 .00 1.08 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 11.190 .0045 .0055 .06 3.32 .00 1.50 .013 .00 .00 PIPE n n n FILE: LINEC-7.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14+06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 8-30-2005 Time: 8:56:23 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "C-7" FN:LINEC-7.WSW I Invert Depth Water Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI Imo Wth Station I Flev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1828.250 1636.990 3.329 1640.319 7.80 4.41 .30 1640.62 .00 1.08 .00 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 I_ WALL ENTRANCE I 1828.2.50 1636.990 3.707 1640.697 7.80 .15 .00 1640.70 .00 .21 14.00 7.800 14.000 .00 0 .0 -I- -I- -I- -i -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -i- -I- -i- I- C c 52641 CCYC"_'E C2.,NYON _ SC _0000.00G16_6.OBC _ -__ .58 R 1DG8.00G1616.120 1 013 o 0 G oG0 0 =050.00010'27.080 1 .013 .000 .000 C R 1156.3001627.850 1 .013 .000 .001, 0 JX _160.5101627.910 3 2 .013 =9.50' 1628.260 SS.0 000 R 17�63.770162E.210 3 .013 .000 .CCC c R 1200.0801628.430 5 .013 .000 .000 0 Jx 1204.7501628.490 3 2 G13 :4.400 1628.720 48.1 .000 R 1219.1101622.680 5 _013 -48.460 .000 c P. 1287.9001629.590 5 .013 .000 .000 0 JX _293.54C1629.690 7 6 .013 5.800 '_629.70C 45.0 .000 R 1316.7901IE3G.050 7 .013 .000 .00C 0 R 1348.1101630.550 7 .013 19.939 .000 0 R 1__1.21C'_631.700 C13 .000 DOC 0 W 1421.21G1631.700 8 .250 SY. _421.21010-1.700 8 1631.700 CD 1 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 DOC Doc .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 _000 .000 .00 CD 6 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 7 4 1 .000 2.000 _000 .000 .000 .00 CD B 2 0 .000 5.000 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 8.200 .0 C c x r FILE: L,AT_B.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 7-11-2005 Time:10:48:44 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL, "B" FTI : a.aataaaa.ttaaa+tatttaaaa.asaat+aaa�+taat+taaattta+taaaaaa,aaa+++a+ataaa+aaat+at.t+tta+taaatat+++ttaataaa+tataaaaaataaaaaaa a.aaaaa� I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow Topllleight/1Base Wtl INo Wth Station I E.lev I (F'L') 1 E.lev 1 (CFS) i (FPS)lie ad I Grd.F..l.l Elev I Depth i Width [Dia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip 1./Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NIMorm Dp I "N" 1 X -Fall) ZR 1Type Ch aaaaaataal.aaaaaaaala+a.aaaalaaaaaata+I+aaaaa++tl+aaaa+alt++a++tlaaaat+aatlt+aaa+tla+a+t++tl I ataaaaa+l++aaa+alat+aaatlaaa+♦ Itaaaa.+ 1000.000 I I 1616.080 -I- .958 I 1617.038 I 48.50 24.94 -I- I 9.66 I 1626.70 -I- .00 -I- I 2.27 -I- I 2.80 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 8.000 .0050 -I- -I- -I- -I- .1157 .93 .96 5.27 -I- 2.54 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- E'1 PE 1008.000 I I 1616.120 I .92.7 I 1617.047 48.50 26.10 10.56 1627.63 -I- .00 2.27 2.77 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- 1."80 -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .1206 .24 -I- .93 -I- 5.62 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- 1'I PE; 1009.980 I I 1616.637 I .936 I 1617.573 I 48.50 25.74 I 10.29 I 1627.86 .00 I 2.27 I 2.78 1 I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 6.016 -I- 2.610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .1109 -I- 67 -I- 94 -I- 5.51 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .O0 I- E'1 PE 1015.996 I 1618.20"7 I I .969 I 1619.176 I 48.50 24.54 I 9.35 I 1628.53 .00 1 2.27 I 2.81 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 1 1 .0 -I- 4.984 -I- .2.610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0972 -I- .48 -I- .97 -I- 5.15 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1020.980 I 1619.507 I I 1.003 I 1620.510 I 48.50 23.40 I 8.50 i 1629.01 .00 I 2.27 2.83 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- 4.192 -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0851 -I- .36 -I- 1.00 -I- 4.82 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- 111PE 1025 .172. I 1620.601 I 1.039 I i 1621.640 I 48.50 22.31 I 7.73 i 1629.37 .00 I 2.27 I 2.85 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 3.5"73 .2610 .0746 .27 1.04 4.51 .76 .013 .00 .00 111 PE 1()28.745 I 1621.534 I 1.076 I I 1622.610 I 48.50 2-1.27 I 7.03 I 1629.64 .00 I 2.27 I 2.88 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 (1 -I- 3.073 -I- .2610 -I- -i- -I- -I- -t- .0654 -I- .20 -I- 1.08 -I- 4.21 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 103.1.818 I 1622.336 I 1.114 I I 1623.450 I 48.50 20.28 I 6.39 I 1629.84 .00 I 2.27 I 2.90 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 2.656 -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0574 -I- .15 -I- 1.11 -i- 3.94 -I- .76 -i- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIL'F; 1034.475 I 1623.029 I 1.154 I I 1624.183 I 48.50 19.34 I 5.81 I 1629.99 .00 I 2.27 I 2.92 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 1 1 .0 1- 2.307 .2610 .0503 .12 1.15 3.68 .76 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 f FILE: IAT 0.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAI, FI 2 Program Package Serial NumbPr.: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Dale: 7-11-2005 Time: 10: 48:44 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL-, "8" +as+aa���+aaaa++.aaaiaa+.a++++++aaa+++aaaa++++++++aaa++a+at++++++++taaaa+++++a+++at+aataa FF1 : LAT 11 . WSW a+.++aaaa t.+aaa+aa+aa+aaa+a.aa+a aaaa.a.t I Invert I Doplh I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow Toplileight./IDase Wtl Ilio Wlh Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (F'PS) Head I Gr.d.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor 1.D•1 71, 'IPrs/Pip L/F.lem -I- -I- ICh Slope I -I- I -I- I -I- I -I- -I- SF Avel -I- IIF ISE -I- DpthlFroude -I- NIMorm Dp -I- -I- I "N" I X-Falll -I- 7,R -I 1Type Ch aa....a.. l+..aa...lata.aa+alaaaa♦aa+al+�earaaaalaaaa aaa l+aaa aaa la as a++a as la++a aaa la++aaa+al+a aa++a .l as aaaatl+aaaa.al.a ara l.aa...+ 1036.782 I I 1623.631 I 1.796 I 1624.827 I 48.50 18.44 5.28 I I lr30.11 .00 I I 2.27 2.94 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 2.011 .2610 .0442 .09 1.20 3.43 .76 .013 .00 .00 11[[IF; 1(138.793 I I 1624.156 I 1.240 I 1625.396 . I 48.50 17.58 4.80 I I 1630. 20 -I- .00 I I 2.27 2.95 I I 3.000 -I- 1 .000 .00 1 1 .0 I.'161 -I- -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0388 .07 -I- 1.24 -I- 3.21 .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I - P111E 1010 .555 I I 1621.615 I 1.285 I 1625.900 I 48.50 16.16 4.36 I I 1630.26 .00 I I 2.27 2.91 I I 3.000 I 000 .00 I 1 U 1 .53-1 : 610 .0341 .05 1.2.9 2.99 .76 .013 00 (10 11111k 1042.092 I I 1625.016 I 1.333 I 1626.349 I 48.50 15.98 3.97 I I 1630.32 .00 I I 2.27 2.98 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 1 1 .0 1.349 -I- -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0299 -I- .04 -I- 1.33 -I- 2.79 .76 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- [11 IIF t043.441 I I 1625.368 1.382 I I 1626.750 I 48.50 15.24 3.61 I I 1630.36 .00 I I 2.27 2.99 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 U 1.176 -I- -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -t- .0263 -I- .03 -I- 1.38 -I- 2.60 .76 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE; 1044.616 I 1625.675 I 1.434 I I 1621.109 I 48.50 14.53 3.28 I I 1630.39 .00 I I 2.27 3.00 I I 3.000 I .000 00 I 1 .0 1.n26 -I- -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0232 -I- .02 -I- 1.43 -I- 2.43 .76 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I 111 11E: 1045.642 I I 1625.943 I 1.488 I 162'7.431 I 48.50 13.85 2.98 I I 1630.41 .00 I I 2.27 3.00 I I :3.000 I .000 00 I 1 .0 -I- 089 -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0204 -I- .02 -I- 1.49 -I- 2.26 .76 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- F'lDl•; 1046.532 I 1626.175 I 1.545 I I 1627.720 I 48.50 13.21 2.71 I I 1630.43 .00 I I 2.27 3.00 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 (1 .767 -I- -I- .2.610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0180 -I- .01 -I- 1.55 -I- 2.10 .76 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- 11(PF: 1047.299 I 1626.3'15 I 1.605 I I 1627.980 I 48.50 12.59 2.46 I I 1630.44 .00 I I 2.27 2.99 I I 3.000 1 .000 .00 I 1 .0 .656 .2610 .0159 .01 1.61 1.96 .76 .013 .00 .00 111 IIF; PME: LAT R.WSW t W S P G W- CTVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISPING 19 PAGE 3 Date: 7-11-2005 Time:10:40:44 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RIIN FOR LATERAL "B" FII:LA7' B.WSW a afa aaaaa aaaaaaaff as of a+aaaf aaaafa aaf araaa+aaaa+aa fa+aaraaafaaa+aa+f as aaaaaafaf+aaaf aaa aaf+aa+a+a+aaf+aaaaaaf aaaf aaaaafa+� aaa �f aaf I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICritical IFlow Topllleight/IBase Wtl 11,10 WI.h SLaLion I Elev I (FI') I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) (lead I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Widl;h IDin.-F"1'lor I.D.I 7,1, IPrS/1'ip -I- 1,/•E1e111 -I- ICh Slope I -I- I -I- I -I- -I- I -I- SF Avel -I- IIF -I- ISE DpthlFroude -I- 1,1111oun -I- Dp -I- 1 "N" I X-Fall.I -I- ZR -I IType Ch faaffa+aa lfafaaaaaa laaaa+affla+aaaa I aaflaf aaa fa aalaaaaaaa la+a I aaaa la+aaaaaa+la+aa anal aaaaaaaa lana afaaf laf+a+++Iaaaaaf ala+a as Ifaaffaf 1041.955 -I- I 1626.546 -I- I 1.668 I 1628.214 40.50 12.01 I 2.24 1630.45 I .00 I 2.2.7 I 2.90 I I 3.000 I .000 00 I 1 (1 .557 .2610 I -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .01.40 -I- .01 -I- 1.67 -I- 1.82 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- p I P E, 10413.512 -I- I 1626.692 -I- I 1.734 -I- I 1628.426 -I- I 48.50 -I- I 11.45 -i- I 2.04 -I- 1630.46 -I- I .00 -I- I I 2.27 2.96 I I 3.000 1 .000 .00 1 1 0 .46.3 .2610 .0124 .01 1.73 -I- 1.69 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- pipe; 1048.915 I I 1676.013 I 1.004 I 1628.617 48.50 I 10.92 I 1.85 1630.47 I .00 I 2.27 I 2.94 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I l 0 -I- 373 -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0110 -I- .00 -I- 1.80 -I- 1.56 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PI PF; 1049.348 I I 1626.910 -I- I 1.879 I 1628.709 48.50 I 10.41 I 1.68 1630.47 I .00 I I 2.27 2.90 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- .294 .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0097 -I- .00 -I- 1.88 -I- 1.45 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- PI PFI 1049.642 I I 1626.907 -I- I 1.958 I 1628.945 48.50 I 9.92 I 1.53 1630.47 I .00 I 2.27 I 2.06 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 (1 -i- 21B .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0086 -I- .00 -I- 1.96 -I- 1.34 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I - 111 111.; 1049.860 I I 1627.041 I 2.042 I 1629.086 48.50 I 9.46 I 1.39 1630.48 I .00 I I 2.27 2,80 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 140 -I- .2610 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0077 -I- .00 -I- 2.04 -I- 1.23 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- P1 PF: 1050.1100 I I 162-7.080 -I- I 2.133 I 1629.213 48.50 I 9.02 I 1.26 1630.48 I .00 I I 2.27 2.72 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 31.937 .0072 -t- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0072 -I- .23 -I- 2..13 -I- 1.13 -I- 2.13 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- Ill PE 10(31.937 I I 162"1.311 I 2.133 I 1629.445 48.50 I 9.02 I 1.26 1630.71 I .00 I 2.27 I 2.72 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I l 0 -I- 58.330 -I- .0072 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0071 -I- .41 -I- 2.13 -I- 1.13 -I- 2.13 -I- .013 -I- .00 00 1- I'1 PF; 1140.267 -I- I I 162'1.'134 -I- I 2.165 -I- I 1629.899 48.50 I 8.88 -I- 1 1.22 1631.12 I .00 I 2.2-7 I 2.69 I I 3.000 I .000 .00 I 1 .0 16.033 .0072 -I- -I- -I- .0066 -I- .11 -I- 2.17 -I- 1.10 -I- 2.13 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PI PFI n n n f FILE: LA'I'_13.WS%q W S P G W- CIVILDESLGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program PacYage Serial dumber: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE: LISTING Dale: 7-11-2005 Time: 10:48:44 52.641 COYOTF, CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B" a+aa...aaaaaaa�a.a+aaa.a.+.+.A..4.a+.aaasa.aaaa..aa+aaaa++a+a...aaaa.aaaaaaaa+.+aa.aaa..aa.aaa.aaaa++a+a.aa+.++aaaaaaaaa+a FN: LAT B.WSW a aaaa.. I Invert I Depth I WaLer 1 0 1 Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallF.low Topllleight./lease Wt1 INo Wlh Stal_ion I Elev I (FT) I E.lev I (CFS) I (FPS) head I Grd.El I Elev I Depth I Width IDia. -FTIor I.D.I M. IPrs/Pip -I- L/E.lern +a.aaa..ala++.+aa..I.aaaaaaalaa+aa+.a -I- ICh Slope I -I- -I- I I alaaaa+a.++laaaaa++la++a+aalaaaaaaaaal+aaa++.la+a+a+a+l.a++++.al+aa.aa+laaaa.aalaa++ -I- I -I- -f- SF Ave[ NF -I- -I- ISE DpLhIFroude -I- NINorm -I- Dp -I- I "N" -I- I X-Falll 7.R -I IType Ch Ia.a.aa. 11.56.300 I I 1627.850 2.2G7 I I 1630.117 I 48.50 8.46 I 1.11 1631.23 I .00 I 2.27 I 2.58 I 3.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 JUNCT -I- STR -I- .0143 -I- -I- -I- . -I- -I- .0056 .02 -I- -I- 2.27 -I- 1.00 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- PIPF: 1160.510 I I 1627.910 3.221 I I 1631.131 I 29.00 5.91 I .54 1631.67 I .00 I 1.84 I .00 I 2.500 I 1 .000 .00 1 1 .0 23.260 -1- -I- .0129 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0050 .12 -I- -I- 3.22 -I- .00 -I- 1.43 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PI PF; 1183.770 I I 1628.210 3.038 I I 1631.248 I 29.00 5.91 I .54 1631.79 I .00 I 1.84 I .00 I 2.500 I 1 .000 .00 1 1 0 16.310 -I- -I- .0135 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0050 .08 -i- -I- 3.04 -I- .00 -I- 1.41 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1200.080 I I 1628.410 2.69U I I 1631.329 I 29.00 5.91 I .54 1631.87 I .00 I 1.84 i .00 I 2..500 1 I .000 .00 I 1 U JUNCT -I- SPR -I- .01"2.8 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0031 .01 -I- -I- .00 -I- .00 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- PIPE 1204.750 I I 1628.490 3.384 I I 1631.874 I 14.60 2.97 I .14 1632.01 I .00 I 1.29 I .00 I 2.500 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 14..160 .0132 .0013 .02 .00 .00 .95 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1219.110 I I 1628.680 3.232 I I 1631.912 I 14.60 2.97 i .14 1632.0.5 I .00 I 1.29 I .00 I 2.500 i I .000 .00 I 1 .0 61.229 .0132 .0013 .08 3.23 .00 .95 .013 .00 I .00 PI PE 1280.339 I I 1629.490 2.500 I I 1631.990 I 14.60 2.97 I ,14 -I- 1632.13 I .00 -I- -I- I 1.29 i .00 -I- i 2.500 -i- I .000 -I- .00 I 1 .0 7.561 -I- 1- .0132 -I- -I- -I- -I- .0012 .01 2.50 -I- .00 .95 .013 .00 .00 1- PIPE 1287.900 I I 1629.590 2.404 I I 1631.994 1 14.60 3.01 I .14 1632.14 I .00 I 1.29 I .96 I 2.500 1 I .1700 00 I 1 .0 JUNCT -I- SPR -I- .0166 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0013 .01 -I- -I- 2.40 -I- .24 -I- -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- P1111: 1293.940 I I 1629.690 2.404 I I 1632,094 I 8.80 2.60 I .12 1632.22 I .00 I 1.06 I .00 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 22.650 .0158 .0015 .03 2.40 .00 .76 .013 .00 .00 1- PIPF: n � n f F'I1,F:: 1,AT- R.WSW W S P G W- CIVTLDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE: 5 Program Pa c), age Serial NumhPr.: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 'T-1]-2005 Time :10:10:44 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RIJN FOR LATERAL "B" F'N: LAT_ R. WSW a 1 f a## a# I a a a## a a a a a## f a a a# f t a t a 1# t a f t t a a a a a a a# t+# a a a a a a t a f a f f a a 1 a t#♦+ a t#* a# t+ a a# i## t a t## a#*#+ a 1#**# a a t 1 a a R f+#*+ i k+* i# a♦# a k # 1 1 1 1 a a a I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super 1Cri1:ica1lFlow ToplNeight/IBase Wt -.1 INo Wl.h Sl,aL:Lon 1 E.lev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Ilead I Grd.E1 I Elev -I- I Depth -I- I Width -I- IDia.-F"flor I.D.1 -I- ZI. IPus/Ili p -I -I- L/F:lrrn alafalasala*aflfllflaaaa#f##la*1111111111#aa•aatllfaffaalaaa####laaaaaaaaflaa+#a#al##11111+1111 -I- 1Ch Slope I -I- I -I- I -I- I -I- -I- SF Avel -I- IIF ISE DpLh1Fr0ude NINorm Dp a 41111+11+aa#1111111#laa##a 1 "N" -I- 1 X-Fall1 ZR IType Ch 11111111 1316.790 I I 1630.050 I 2.078 I 16:32.128 I 8.80 2.80 I .12 -I- I 1632.25 -I- .00 -I- I 1.06 -I- I .00 -I- I 2.000 -I- I I .000 -I- .00 I 1 .0 -I- 5.748 -I- .0160 -I- -I- -i- -I- .0015 .01 .00 .00 .76 .013 .00 I .00 1- PIPE 1322.538 I I 16.30.142 I 2.000 1 1632.142_ I 8.80 2.80 I .12 -I- I 1632.26 -I- 2.00 -I- I 1.06 -I- I .00 -I- I 2.000 -I- 1 .000 -I- .00 1 1 .0 1- -I- 11.862 -I- .016n -I- -I- -I- -I- .0014 .02 2.00 .00 .76 .013 I .00 I .00 PIPE I 1334.400 I I 1630.331 I 1.814 I 1632.145 I 8.80 2.94 I .13 I 1632.28 .00 I 1.06 I 1.16 -I- 2.000 I .000 -I- .00 1 .0 -I- 6.482 -I- 0160 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0014 -I- .01 -I- 1.82 -I- .32 .76 -I- .013 .00 .00 1- PI [IF: 1340.882 I I .1630.431.1 I 1."706 I 1632.141 I 8.80 3.08 I .15 I 1632 .29 .00 I 1.06 I 1.42 i 2.000 I I .000 .00 I l 0 -I- 5.059 -I- .0160 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0015 -I- O1 -I- 1.71 -I- .38 -I- .76 .013 -I- -I- .00 .00 1- PI PF: 1345.941 I I 1630.516 I 1.618 I 1632.134 I 8.80 3.23 I .16 I 1632.30 -I- .01 -I- I 1.06 -I- I 1.57 -I- I 2.000 I 1 .000 -I- -I- .00 1 1 .0 -I- 2.169 -t- .0160 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0016 .00 1.62 .43 .76 .013 .00 .00 1- PIPE 1148.110 1630.550 1.519 1612.130 8.80 3.31 .17 1632.30 .00 1.06 1.63 2.000 .000 .00 1 11 4.094 .0157 .0017 .01 1.58 .46 .76 I .013 I .00 I .00 PIPF; I 1352.204 I 1630.615 I I 1.505 I 1632_.120 I 8.80 3.47 I .19 I 1632.31 .00 -I- I 1.06 -I- 1.73 -I- 2.000 -I- I .000 -I- .00 1 .0 1- -I- 3.496 -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0019 -I- .01 1.51 .50 .76 .013 .00 I .00 PIPE I 1355.700 I 1630.669 I 1.438 i I 1632.108 I 8.80 3.64 I .21 I 1632.31 .00 I 1.06 I 1.80 -I- I 2.000 I .000 -I- .00 1 U -I- 1.494 -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0021 -I- .00 -I- 1.44 -I- .55 .76 .013 -I- .00 .00 I- PI Pr; 1357.194 I 1630.693 I I 1.377 I 1632.070 I 8.80 3.81 I .23 I 1632.30 .00 I 1.06 I 1.85 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP FILE: LAT B.WSW [a t W S P C W- CTVILDESIGH Versinn 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING PAGE 6 Date: 7-11-2005 Time:10:48:44 52641 COYO'T'E CANYON WSPC RUN FOR LATERAL "8" Y 1 . A 1 ! + # 1 1 A + 1 ! + ♦ A 1 . a FN:LAT s.WSW + a . a + a + + + + a a f a 1 i i # a # a f # # # a a + a . a f . . i + i . . . + . . . a . . . . i i ! + + + # ........... . ! a . + + + i 1 + a a . + i a . . ! + . . a . # ! . . .. . + ! # # # ... . . . 1 I Tnvert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICritica.11Flow Topllleight/lBase Wt1 ]No WI_h Station I Elev I (F111) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) (lead I Grd.E1.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.--FTIor I.D.I ZL IPr.s/Pip -I- 1, El eni .f1a.a#a.Il..+a#A#alfaa+,.a.laaf+..a++Ia.a..a.#.Ia.###..I.++.++,I+A++a+,1i1#+.+i.#Ii+++++.fl+..##.+.I.....# -I- I Ch Slope I -I- I -I- I -I- -I- I -I- SF Ave l -i- HF ISE -I- Dpth -I- l Froude LI -I- I FIorm DI) -I- I "N" -I- I X-F'al 1. 1 -I 7,R I Type Ch 1357.194 I I 1630.693 I .'775 I 1631.468 8.80 I 7.83 I .95 -I- I 1632.42 -I- .00 -I- I 1.06 -I- I 1.95 -I- I 2.000 -I- I I .000 -I- .00 I 1 .0 15.115 -I- -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -I- .0145 .22 .77 1.82 .76 .013 .00 .00 1- PIPE 1372.308 I I 1630.931 I .788 I 1631."119 8.80 I 7.65 I .91 -I- I 1632.63 -I- .00 -I- I 1.06 -I- I 1.95 -I- I 2.000 -I- I I .000 -I- .00 I 1 .0 21.096 -I- -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -I- .0132 .28 .79 1.76 .76 .013 .00 .00 1- PI PF: 1393.404 I I 1631.263 I .01-7 I 1632.080 8.80 I 7.29 I .83 I 1 632 .91 .00 I 1.06 I 1.97 -I- I 2.000 -I- I I .000 -I- .00 I 1 .0 11.089 -I- -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0116 -I- .13 -I- .82 -I- 1.64 .76 .013 .00 .00 1- PIPE 1404.491 I I 1631.437 .846 I I 1632.283 8.n0 I 6.95 I .75 I 1633.03 ,00 I 1.06 I 1.98 I 2.000 -I- I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 6.511 -I- -I- .0151 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0102 -I- .07 -I- .65 -I- 1.53 -I- .76 .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PI PF: 1411.004 I I 163.1.539 .878 I I 1632.417 8.80 I 6.63 I .68 I 1633.10 .00 I 1.06 I 1.99 -I- I 2.000 -I- I I .000 -I- .00 I 1 .0 4.417 -I- -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0069 -I- .04 -I- .86 -I- 1.43 .76 .013 .00 .00 1- PIPE 1415.421 I I 1631.609 .910 I I 1632.519 8.80 I 6.32 I .62 I I 1633.14 .00 -I- I 1.06 I 1.99 -I- I 2..000 -I- I I .000 -I- .00 I 1 .0 2.041 -I- -I- .01,7 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0079 -I- .02 .91 -i- 1.33 .76 .013 .00 .00 1- PIPE 1410.262 I I 1631.654 .944 I I 1632.598 8.80 I 6.03 I .56 I 1633.16 .00 I 1.06 I 2.00 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 1.729 -I- -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -1- -I- .0069 -i- .01 -i- .94 -i- 1.24 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PI PF: 1419.991 I I 1631.681 .980 I I 1632.661 8.80 I 5.74 I .51 I 1633.1'1 .00 i 1.06 I 2.00 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 .0 -I- 994 -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0061 -i- .01 -I- .98 -I- 1.16 -I- .76 -1- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE 1420.905 I I 1631.696 1.017 I I 1632.714 8.80 I 5.48 I .47 I 1633.18 .00 I 1.06 I 2.00 I 2.000 I I .000 .00 I 1 0 -I- .2.25 -I- .0157 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0054 -I- .00 -I- 1.02 -I- 1.08 -I- .76 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 1- PIPE n n n f Fu,E:: LAT__II.WSW W S P C W- C1ViLNESIGPI Version 14.06 PAGE; 7 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTINC Date: 7-11-2.005 Time:10:48:44 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B" FN:LAT_B.WSW # a A # * * a # f # + # + t * # # t a a + # * { a ♦ # # # # * t A i t # # a a # # # { } t # } * } a a # # i # # # # # * # # # # a a a k } # * } ! } } M i # a t t * # # # # a * i # # } * # ! A # t # a t f A # a } # A # # I # # # * A a * # # + # # 1 1 A ! ! 1 * I Invert: I Depth I Water I Q I vel Vel I Energy I Super ICr.iticallFlow Topllleight/lease WCI Irlo MAI Station 1 Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E.l.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-F'TIor i.D.1 ZL_ IPrs/Pip -i- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -1- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I I./Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel IIF ISE Dpt:hlFronde NINorm Dp I "N" I X-FalII ZR IType Ch as#afaaAlla{++*{#al lana aat l#I###aa#+a+1aa#+}aaa+IaAaaaaa l+aa++#+Ia+af{a+aala+aaaaal#a{aaaaalaaaf#f+11*Ia aaaa l{aafa*#IA+**} I#AlA IAa I I I I I I I I I I I i I 1421.2.10 1631.700 1.058 1632..758 8.80 5.22 .42 1633.18 .00 1.06 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 l 0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- (- WALL ENTRANCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1421 0 A c APPENDIX C.7: LINE "D" WSPGN CALCULATIONS T1 52637 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 RUN FOR LINE "D" T3 FN:LINED.WSW SO 1020.5101687.960 1 1690.860 R 1025.3101688.040 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1034.5101688.200 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1088.1001689.090 1 .013 .000 .000 0 R 1240.2201691.600 1 .013 .000 .000 0 WE 1240.2201691.600 2 .250 SH 1240.2201691.600 2 1691.260 CD 1 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 5.000 8.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 69.300 .0 w C� D 0 0 FILE: lined.WSW W S P G W- CIVILDESIGN Version 14104 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-27-2005 Time: 9: 0:23 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR LINE "D" FN:LINED.WSW Invert Depth I Water I Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem +��f.+*:rtl<r�.+.*,t+l++«t+...l**..<.��.I++...,t.:t.1.�.*.++If,t+*t.,tl,t.**.,t:r�+I+.,t++r■I,t**..,r+,tl.++.+++�l..,t ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" .,t+.l+*+,t*.+I,t++*+ I X -Fall ZR -Type Ch I.f..f++ 1020.510 1687.960 2.062 1690.022 69.30 13.38 2.78 1692.80 .00 2.65 2.78 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.800 .0167 .0161 .08 2.06 1.73 2.04 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1025.310 1688.040 2.064 1690.104 69.30 13.37 2.77 1692.88 .00 2.65 2.78 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 9.200 .0174 .0161 .15 2.06 1.72 2.01 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1034.510 1688.200 2.069 1690.269 69.30 13.33 2.76 1693.03 .00 2.65 2.78 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 53.590 .0166 .0158 .85 2.07 1.72 2.04 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1088.100 1689.090 2.093 1691.183 69.30 13.16 2.69 1693.87 .00 2.65 2.76 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 72.086 .0165 .0149 1.07 2.09 1.68 2.05 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1160.185 1690.279 2.163 1692.443 69.30 12.70 2.50 1694.95 .00 2.65 2.69 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 42.734 .0165 .0135 .58 2.16 1.57 2.05 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1202.919 1690.984 2.264 1693.249 69.30 12.11 2.28 1695.53 .00 2.65 2.58 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 22.133 .0165 .0122 .27 2.26 1.43 2.05 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1225.052 1691.350 2.375 1693.725 69.30 11.54 2.07 1695.79 .00 2.65 2.44 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 11.498 .0165 .0110 .13 2.38 1.30 2.05 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1236.550 1691.539 2.500 1694.040 69.30 11.01 1.88 1695.92 .00 2.65 2.24 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.670 .0165 .0101 .04 2.50 1.16 2.05 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1240.220 1691.600 2.649 1694.249 69.30 10.49 1.71 1695.96 .00 2.65 1.93 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE FILE: lined.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14 04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-27-2005 Time: 9: 0:23 52637 COYOTE CANYON RUN FOR LINE "D" FN:LINED.WSW ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFloW ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.l Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X -Fall) ZR - IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1240.220 1691.600 5.784 1697.384 69.30 1.50 .03 1697.42 .00 1.33 8.00 5.000 8.000 .00 0 .0 _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ _I_ I_ 937 South Via Lata, Suite 500 AEl- C AS C.... 1.Colton, CA 92324 SHEET OF E N G I N E E R I N G (909) 783-0101 PLANNING • ENGINEERING • SURVEYING Fax (909) 783-0108 Aawk ENGINEER �r�P 5 DATE O JOB x �` E (AS 7 CALC. BY SUBJECT CHECKED BY &9.3 cry i Ans-r l U17 Af T Ai,(i o 0, fZ z_neV7¢-- LP�_a��� -795 55rcr�e O.5' �3 t tom.- F i = Proposed Concrete Channel East of Landmesser Driveway Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet Proposed Earthen Channel East of Landmesser Drivc ko� Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth q:\...\line c\calcs\flowmaster\line d.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/21/04 03:24:45 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.028 Channel Slope 0.011700 ft/ft Left Side Slope 2.00 H : V Right Side Slope 2.00 H : V Bottom Width 10.00 ft Discharge 57.20 cfs Results Depth 0.97 ft Flow Area 11.5 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 14.32 ft Top Width 13.86 ft Critical Depth 0.94 ft Critical Slope 0.012782 ft/ft Velocity 4.97 ft/s Velocity Head 0.38 ft Specific Energy 1.35 ft Froude Number 0.96 Flow Type Subcritical q:\...\line c\calcs\flowmaster\line d.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/21/04 03:24:45 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Proposed Concrete Channel East of Landmesser Driveway Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Input Data Worksheet Proposed Earthen Channel East of Landmesser Drivc Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth q:\...\line c\calcs\flowmaster\line d.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/21/04 01:02:08 PM 9 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Channel Slope 0.011700 ft/ft Left Side Slope 2.00 H : V Right Side Slope 2.00 H : V Bottom Width 0.00 ft Discharge 69.30 cfs Results Depth 1.90 ft Flow Area 7.2 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 8.49 ft Top Width 7.60 ft Critical Depth 2.37 ft Critical Slope 0.003596 ft/ft Velocity 9.61 ft/s Velocity Head 1.44 ft Specific Energy 3.33 ft Froude Number 1.74 Flow Type Supercritical q:\...\line c\calcs\flowmaster\line d.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/21/04 01:02:08 PM 9 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Proposed Concrete Channel East of Landmesser Driveway Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel C� 0.9'6' ft 1.90 ft I I V:11\ H:1 NTS q:\...\line c\calcs\flowmaster\line d.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/21/04 01:02:35 PM C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Project Description Worksheet Proposed Earthen Channel East of Landmesser Drivc Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Channel Slope 0.011700 ft/ft Depth 1.90 ft Left Side Slope 2.00 H : V Right Side Slope 2.00 H : V Bottom Width 0.00 ft Discharge 69.30 cfs C� 0.9'6' ft 1.90 ft I I V:11\ H:1 NTS q:\...\line c\calcs\flowmaster\line d.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] 05/21/04 01:02:35 PM C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX D: WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS m c - APPENDIX D.l: VOLUME CALCULATIONS FOR BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES EXTENDED DETETNION BASINS Mo 0 COYOTE CANYON TRACT 16325, 16326, 16290 WATER QUALITY BA$IN x AREA DESIGNATION LAND USE AREA Ai Ap C P PWQ VOLUME A Tr 16326 1/4 AC LOT 10.2 500/6 50% 0.33925 0.55 0.295181 0.30 B Tr 16325-1 & -2 1/4 AC LOT 45.1 50% 50% 0.33925 0.55 0.295181 1.33 C Tr 16290-F,-1, -2 & 16325-F 1/4 AC LOT 1 148.4 1 50% 1 50% 1 0.33925 1 0.55 10.295181, 4.38 Where: Ai - Impervious area Ap - Pervious area C -Watershed runoff coefficient P - Precipitation Depth PWo - Mean storm precipitation volume (inches) V - Water Quality Volume (AC -ft) Note: Information obtained from the ASCE Manual and Report on Engineering Practive No. 87 Q:\52641\Master Drainage\Water Quality\Hydrology_Plan\Calcs\WQ-volume-calcs.xls A I; �C R N G APPENDIX D.2: EXCERPTS FROM WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION MANUAL OF PRACTICE NO. 23 HYDROLOGY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF STORMWATER QUALITY In 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) promulgated National Pollution Discharge Elimination System regulations regarding the permitting of storm,�vater discharges from municipal storm sewer systems. These rules require the municipalities to reduce the pollutants in urban runoff to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). The definition of'_MEP IEP for the control of stormwater pollutant discharzes has focused primarily on the ap- plication of economically achie,,-able manage _lent practices. Because stor:nwater runoff rates and volum- is var-y from storm,to storm. the statistical probabil:t-;es of runoff events and their ==agemtnt have to he ronsirjerPri in the development of practices tc mee -.e MEEP qca'_. It is :)a_ -amount a at the hydr010 �' Cf 1-02Z r1 Off 'oe e:: aL CO ilei_. The type and size of storm rinou t eats to use for the design of runoff treatment syster. s need to be exa Wi=ned. ' Trea=tz: s-,7stems" are those mea- sures that are often referee., to in t_.., as ` B�'1Ps. Among these are swLes; buff... sBips; 1LfHt1-a:ion Dasi ;s anC TJOr old OL Beaches; extended I �0 Urban Runor'�T Oualir, Management 1o= 's Le of — tcuc_on. alsc. s Gv C_ __ —_cs: Lse_.__ _ ...., _cc. _ .:?5 .,..- come fa�iilar win. the tool cs mscussta m Chapters _ =0'1: Ideally. st_1gLdralBN1?c snou d oe 2 ' of :c. zta=e--. `7a= discL'ssed i:., Chaste_ tamely, source control B\r'Ps. Good hcuse'seeping Mtaslires net to be -ac iced to ensure adequate peTo =an: e and leng'-,7 Lural Iac'i Lies. For example, if erosion conBol di_=g cons.=noon is not be - Ins: 2070Usly prac-aced wi,'= the catchment being served by the stracrzal cont o! fay i x. the facility will probably be rendered inoperative 1I: a short tjrne. For ex.=,ple, a detention basin. a re-tntion pond, or a cons---u--,Ltd wet- on dices wit_i fail. Thus, without land N,,?, ;i1 wife ce�i;�P�r and irr_i;=a-,ie- implementing source erosion controls, the investment in the structural facili- tes will be lost, and expensive rehabilitative maintenance or reconst-uction of these facilities will then be needed to return them to a working condition. It is best that the practices described in Chapter 5 be selected through a comprehensive pl=y ing process. This could involve systemwide simulation of rainfall and runoff processes, preferably using a continuous model. Some of the selection of practices actually may be based on monitoring, bioassess- meats, or the understanding of effects on the receiving systems. Chapters 1, 2. and ; address all of those topics and foul the foundation and an introduc- tion to all topics covered in this chapter. HYDROLOGY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF STORMWATER QUALITY In 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) promulgated National Pollution Discharge Elimination System regulations regarding the permitting of storm,�vater discharges from municipal storm sewer systems. These rules require the municipalities to reduce the pollutants in urban runoff to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). The definition of'_MEP IEP for the control of stormwater pollutant discharzes has focused primarily on the ap- plication of economically achie,,-able manage _lent practices. Because stor:nwater runoff rates and volum- is var-y from storm,to storm. the statistical probabil:t-;es of runoff events and their ==agemtnt have to he ronsirjerPri in the development of practices tc mee -.e MEEP qca'_. It is :)a_ -amount a at the hydr010 �' Cf 1-02Z r1 Off 'oe e:: aL CO ilei_. The type and size of storm rinou t eats to use for the design of runoff treatment syster. s need to be exa Wi=ned. ' Trea=tz: s-,7stems" are those mea- sures that are often referee., to in t_.., as ` B�'1Ps. Among these are swLes; buff... sBips; 1LfHt1-a:ion Dasi ;s anC TJOr old OL Beaches; extended I �0 Urban Runor'�T Oualir, Management M ...ttti.:ion Ds-3=_--:•.�.t: :,on :.S :.iat...��..T'' sozat or 0: one ! is-wisp:a ed ti e :4 0- lrJiu SliDseCue , evtn::::a zia :-:_; a �� �le.� 0.: u 7e: dt .ice_ �nC f2c� ;ts. CLi'..ejintS .Or Lhe dts:g= 0: -'esu ,res of a Cities De fount ' -n ans =a7an...,1�etihe.t ;Zivinsn-o e: a.'., 19S$: Ro'-snt: e. i.. 195:' S .luelt' 95 �'Donas and noun., �5 1956; and Uroonas and S:a rt, LONG-TERM RADFFA .,L CILARACTERISTICS. riydrolcgists ,%-pi- cally loot: at -he infreoutnt events: titrler'large storms for drainage ant --�oou Drotection or drought periods for water supply development. But what char- acteristics are representative of the storms that produce most rainfall on a long-ttriin basis? Figure -4.1 prestnts tr.t cumulative probability distribution of daily precip- i:a:'on data fOr v years at Oria au0; iivuda, and Cincinnau, OitiJ. The data have been screened to include only precipitation events 25 inm (0.1 in.) or greater in Cincinnati and 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) or greater in Orlando. Cumulative occurrence probabilities were computed for values ranging from 2.5 to 51 mm (0.1 to 2.0 in.). Examination of Figure 5.1 reveals most of the daily values to be less than 25 mm (1 in.) in total depths. In Orlando, which averages 1 270 mm (52 in.) of rainfall per year, 90cl'o of these events produce less than 36 mm (1.4 in.) of rainfall. In Cincinnati, which has 1 016 mm (40 in.) per year of precipitation, 90% of the events produce less than 20 mm (0.8 in.) of rainfall. By contrast, 100 90 8-1 80 :n 70 CLU a 60 p 50 Q 40 G 30 20 — Cincinnati. Ohio --- Orlanco, Fla. C.1 C.2 0.3 C.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.4 2 Jail\% (24-fi) tlal'1i8i. I^ Figure 5.1 Cumulative probability distribution of daily precipitation for two cities in the U.S. (in. x 25.4 = mm) (Roesner et a1.. 1991). - Selection and Desi -7? Of Passive Trea`men: Controls 171 IM LIle _-" , - 2r -:C:_ Stogy rOCllCeS re - =0n o- ' ^ --0 - , C_- :Gwdl: anC ^' .% L`.J - C:=.CyT'ia: 1S SSg Qesu :: at Cc: iC.' anC treaTi�g _mc- _cm __ a ie ' s:c. `s s�o� d c = a la g = ercen:a_e 0,7tht -Lno1: even- anc -.-277 vol__...= =a. occur roan laz. sc-_ -_so. a waver qua`-, �_ _� car ^ C.e o_ aC_ eSe =ma—ier S:0_; w'QuP_' a1SC capture L^e n St til S: " DC`On Oi Me ;?�T�e:. it :e u`v OC _=° r Do- eVt:1:S. CAPTURE OF STORMWATER RUNOFF. To i:lus:;a:e *re terms "Smaller" and "mosi Escusse^ earlier. long -ter ' simu'latlons oS r 1nofI were examined for six U.S. cities by Roemer et al. (1991) using the Storage, Treatment, Overflow, Runoff _-Mode! (STORRvl). The six cities were Burt, Montana; Char-anooga. Tennessee; Cincinnati, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; San Francisco, Lalutul_ld; and TiiCSOu. The Storage, TreatmentOver- flow, Runoff Nlodel is a simplified hydrologic model that translates a U_Tne series of hourlh- rainfall to runoff then routes the runoff through detention storage. Hourly precipitation records of 40 to 60 years were processed by Roesner e: al. (1991) for a variety of detention basin sizes for the six cities. These simulations were performed using the characteristics of the most tvpically occurring urban developments found in each city. Table 5.1 lists the average annual rainfall and the area -weighted runoff coefficient at each of the study watersheds. Runoff capture efficiencies of detention basins were tested using an outflow discharge rate that emptied or drained the design storage volume in 24 hours. This drawdown time was based on field study findings by Giz- zard et al. (1956) in the Washington, D.C., area. They determined that a de- tention basin had to be designed to empty out a volume equal to the average runoff event's volume in.no less than 24 hours to be an effective stormwater quality enhancement facility. The findings by Roesner et al. (199 1) are illus- trated in Figure 5.2. One way to define a cost-effective basin size is to represent it as that which is located on the "knee of the curve` for capture efficiency. This "knee is evident on the six curves in Figure 5?. Urbonas e: al. (1990) have Table 5.1 Hydrologic parameters used at six study watersheds (Roesner er al., 1991). Avera,,e annual Runoff coefficient of City rainfall, in. (mm) study watershed Butte. Montana I^—.6 (3 7 1) 0. 44 Chattanooga, Tennessee 29.5 (7-9) 0.63 Cincinnati, Ohic 3 9. 9 (1 013) 0.50 Detroit. lvlichigan f.0 (SS9) 0.� San Francisco, Cali:ornia 19.3 (—^90) 0.65 Tucson, Arizona 11.6 (29_5) 0.00 172 Urban Runoff Oualin Management Where C = runoff coefficient, and i = watershed imperviousness ratio; namely. percent total impervi- ousness divided by 100. Equation 5.2 relates mean precipitation depth taken from Figure 5.3 to the `.maximized" detention volume. The coefficients listed in Table 5.4 are based on an analvsis of lon`-term data from seven precipitation gauging sites lo- cated in different meteorological res -,ions of the U.S The correlation of deter- mination coefficient, i`, has a range of 0.50 to 0.97. C; h;ch implies a strong level of rthabilil'. Pc = (a C) - P6 (5.2) h3e... PO = maximized dtten:;on volume de:..l _ne using ei:`ler the event ,zpr _ o or Li2 voiu ne rap._.:io as its Basi ,watershed Se.ec mon an.: Desi; Li Pess.•e Tree.,,.... C07:-0?s 1.75 A_N APPROACHFORESTLILATL\GSTOR'BYATERQUALITY CAPTURE VOLL1fE. Estimating a Nla:d nized-zTater Quality Capture N olume. v1 tntv-._ local rtsoizcts ner�_ : e St=w at... to m ca_-rart `.1.1......... �ts 1�.1a� 1 �..:o=l�a . K :_.d ��:..._...v ..- 1. .1. �.-,~---`.... G_... a. local long -:e l_ hourly (or lesser rime, ncrement;; p ecipitauoL _ cords ;se., Chap- ter =;. lioweve-: it is xssioie to ob:a a l t-oru . es_ma:_ of _ ne caprire volume using s -'lifted procedures tna: ia-ge: mt most t~ pica-,ly oc- cul :ng population of runoff events. Figure 5.3 contains a asap of the coLtiguous 45 states of the t1e nea s annual r not -producing rair aL depMs Superimposed �'D^scoll or cl., 1959). These mean depths are based on a 6 -hour inte.eyen: erne to define a new storm event and a minimum depth of 2.5 mm (0.10 in.) of precipitation for a storm to produce incipient runoff. After an extensive analysis of a num- ber of long-term precipitation records from different meteorological recions of the U.S-, Guo and Urbonas (1995) found simple regression equations to relate the mean precipitation depths in Fiaure 5.3 to "maximized" water qual- ity runoff capture volumes (that is, the knee of the cumulative probability curve). The analytical procedure was based on a simple transformation of each storm's volume of precipitation to a runoff volume using a coefficient of runoff. To help with this transformation. a third -order regression equation, Equation 5.1 (tirbonas et al., 1990), was derived using data from more than 60 urban watersheds (U.S. EPA. 1953). Because the data were collected na- tionwide over a 2-vear period, Equation 5.1 should have broad applicability in the U.S. for smaller store: events. C=.0.85St3 — 0.751"- _ 0.7741 - 0.04 (o.l) Where C = runoff coefficient, and i = watershed imperviousness ratio; namely. percent total impervi- ousness divided by 100. Equation 5.2 relates mean precipitation depth taken from Figure 5.3 to the `.maximized" detention volume. The coefficients listed in Table 5.4 are based on an analvsis of lon`-term data from seven precipitation gauging sites lo- cated in different meteorological res -,ions of the U.S The correlation of deter- mination coefficient, i`, has a range of 0.50 to 0.97. C; h;ch implies a strong level of rthabilil'. Pc = (a C) - P6 (5.2) h3e... PO = maximized dtten:;on volume de:..l _ne using ei:`ler the event ,zpr _ o or Li2 voiu ne rap._.:io as its Basi ,watershed Se.ec mon an.: Desi; Li Pess.•e Tree.,,.... C07:-0?s 1.75 Urban Runo7 Qua!-;- Nana; ement F7 D 16 Table :.4 Values of coefficient a in Equation for finding the maximized detention storage volume (Guo and L:rbonas, 1ya_;,2 Drain time of capture volume 12 hours 24 hours 48 hours Eve_., cap ra_ a = 1.109 0.91 C.S; Volume capa--e ratio a = 1.31 i -�S- 1.96= �= = 0.80 0.93 0.S; z ADprox=�aLe]ti' 85Lh : r.,...^_rile : zoff eve..: (rage 82 io SS�7c). a = regression constant from least-squares analysis; C = watershed runoff coefficient: and P6 = mean storm precipitation volume, watershed in. (mm). Table 5.? lists the maximized detention volume/mean precipitation ratios based on either the ratio of the total number of storm runoff events captured or the fraction of the total stormwater runoff volume from a catchment. These can be used to estimate the annual average maximized detention vol- ume at any given site. All that is needed is the watershed's runoff coefficient and its mean annual precipitation. The actual size of the runoff event to tarset for water oualiry enhancement should be based on the evaluation of local hvdrolozv and water qualiry needs. However, examination of Table 5.3 indicates that the use of larger de- tention volumes does not Significantly L!nprove the average annual removal of total suspended sediments or other settleable constituents. It is likely that an extended detention volume equal to a volume between the runoff from a mean precipitation event taken from Figure 5.3 and the maximized event ob- tained using Equation 5.2 will provide the optimum -sized and most cost-ef- fective BMT facility. A BMP sized to capture such a volume will also cap- ture the'eading edge i that is, first flush) of the runo h} drograph resulting rrom larger storms. Runoff volumes that exceed the design detention volume either bypass the facili-v or receive less e acient treatment than do the smaller volume storms and have on'y a m_ iii -mal net effect on dic detention basin's performance. If, however, the design volume is :a-Qer and has an outlet to drain it in the same amount of tW e as she smaller basin, the sma'iest �noff events will be de- ta ned on v for a b.—ref rte �'al by Zhe la eer outlet. Ana vsis of lon,-term tre- cipitadon .-..cords u_ _.t 1:.S. shov's that sora" .. ents alw a; s seem to have the greatest D'e-DGrdt a,tce. _ _esult, Ot er= IlE ale Qetention• Can Cause the :Host f cue.._ _ __ :_ events t; re..e., e less �:eat-_*te.._ z :an: provided b`. propel. des_gne_- -m--r baso. Selection and Desi, n of Passii;e Treaanent Controls 177 M M Example of a `z-ater Quality Capture Volume Estimate. - Lc_ 4_cc --S c _r Dy" - :OL'S SL -c es. As `z _ :S lo�G'=OL��G'. 1 'za- is. Tie - o _: Sto reg 0- C= det -ion aS'_r needS tG sized =— desi�neq .0 dr%'� :_- _e no 2= hours. Subs" s 2 �'a i� - -0i 100) _Or the ya._a2;.t I:._ Equation 51y'_..,ds a C = 0.30. t sem_ Figt e we -c t'ae mean sto--m precinito= death in nous P6 tcn. = 20-= mm (0.8 in.). From Table 5.4 we find the coeffrcieat c = 1.299 for the 24-hour drain time. Taus, the max=m;zed detention volume is calgala_edas folows: t c = C=• y C) = 0.39 in. (0.026 ac-, Pc = ", .9 mm. (17-9 m'/ha) The volume of an extended detention basin for this 223 -ha (f 50 -ac) water- shed needs to be 17 600 m' (1—^..3 ac -ft). It is recommended that this volume be increased by at least 20% to account for the loss in volume from sediment accumulation. The final design then can show a total volume for the basin of 21 200 m3 (17.2 ac -ft) with an outlet designed to empty- out the bottom 17 600 m3 (14.3 ac -ft) of this volume in approximately 24 hours. SELECTION OF TREATMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES As discussed in Chapter 4, the selection of particular stormwater quality con- trols (that is, B -MPs) is often decided by considerations other than technical issues. These issues, among others, include • Federal, state_ and local regulations; • Real and perceived receiving water problems: • Bene5cial uses of receiving waters to be prozecitd; • The cost of the B' -MPs beim considered: • subjective and sornetimes arbitrary acceptance by the regulators or COM-Mum-Lv gTollps: and Try atcrshtd s:ugres. `ti Wile reduction of oo u:arts in s:oi--water c:Sc'nar=e; to :he NEEP is the S:atutory recuiremcrt oI the stj=v,-ate. rt-aul atiozE. th�rea' a _ Ca_ has to be the reduction CI .._-..c:S tG '=-ban stG=wat`r runo._ of the :n_ c waver. The COS', GI the B -`,?P is alwav s a major considers',iC n. 1Z�Co- iZe thai n0 sin - 1, a Urbcr- Runc ,fQuel=n liana ement APPENDIX E: OCRD STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS C7 COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW TITLE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 6'H COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW PRINT ECHO TENTHS DESIGN COMMENT CH.WIDTH CH.HEIGHT HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 10.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8. 500. COMMENT WALL TH. SLAB TH. STL. AREA LONG.BAR SPACING LIMITS 9. 9. 0. 18. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 9. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 RUN 11 w m 1 COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW TITLE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 6'H COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW PRINT ECHO TENTHS DESIGN COMMENT CH.WIDTH CH.HEIGHT HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 10.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8. 500. COMMENT WALL TH. SLAB TH. STL. AREA LONG.BAR SPACING LIMITS 9. 9. 0. 18. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ** COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 9. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 6'H 10.00' WIDE BY 6.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 9.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 9.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET SLAB -END = 2.00 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 9. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES f Lm n r� 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 6'H *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB f WALL DESIGN EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 177. 858. 9.00 151. 23792. 10.4 .25 .01 4.80 633. 1421. 9.00 296. 23948. 17.4 .42 .04 4.20 1225. 1687. 9.00 422. 23973. 21.0 .50 .08 3.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 531. 23982. 22.5 .54 .13 3.00 2517. 1847. 9.00 629. 23986. 23.3 .56 .18 2.40 3190. 1897. 9.00 719. 23989. 24.1 .58 .23' 1.80 3898. 1966. 9.00 807. 23990. 25.2 .60 .28 1.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 896. 23992. 26.6 .64 .34 .60 5499. 2183. 9.00 987. 23993. 28.3 .68 .41 .00 6430. 2335. 9.00 1084. 23994. 30.5 .73 .48 WALL DESIGN CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. 'AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 1. 7. 9.00 7. 12177. .1 .00 .00 4.80 12. 29. 9.00 34. 21404. .3 .01 .00 4.20 39. 65. 9.00 68. 23161. .8 .02 .00 3.60 92. 115. 9.00 107. 23628. 1.4 .03 .01 3.00 180. 180. 9.00 152. 23795. 2.2 .05 .01 2.40 311. 259. 9.00 203. 23894. 3.2 .08 .02 1.80 494. 353. 9.00 259. 23934. 4.3 .10 .03 1.20 737. 461. 9.00 321. 23955. 5.7 .14 .05 .60 1050. 583. 9.00 388. 23968. 7.2 .17 .07 .00 1440. 720. 9.00 461. 23977. 9.0 .22 .10 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NFGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM t LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 6'H SLAB DESIGN EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS .00 6339. 63. 9.00 1297. 23999. 1.0 .02 .57 .50 5571. 423. 9.00 1198. 23999. 6.5 .16 .50 1.00 4802. 701. 9.00 1095. 23998. 10.7 .26 .42 1.50 4065. 911. 9.00 991. 23998. 13.8 .33 .35 2.00 3385. 1065. 9.00 890. 23998. 16.0 .38 .29. 2.50 2783. 1176. 9.00 794. 23998. 17.6 .42 .23- 3.00 2273. 1252. 9.00 707. 23999. 18.6 .45 .19 3.50 1866. 1303. 9.00 632. 23999. 19.2 .46 .15 4.00 1570. 1334. 9.00 574. 23999. 19.6 .47 .13 4.50 1391. 1351. 9.00 536. 23999. 19.8 .47 .11 5.00 1331. 1356. 9.00 524. 23999. 19.8 .48 .11 SLAB DESIGN CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS .00 1836. 1152. 9.00 627. 23999. 17.0 .41 .15 .50 1956. 1086. 9.00 649. 23999. 16.0 .38 .16 1.00 1999. 1003. 9.00 657. 23999. 14.8 .36 .16 1.50 1988. 912. 9.00 655. 23999. 13.5 .32 .16 2.00 1941. 821. 9.00 647. 23999. 12.1 .29 .16 2.50 1875. 735. 9.00 634. 23999. 10.8 .26 .15 3.00 1803. 659. 9.00 620. 23999. 9.7 .23 .15 3.50 1736. 596. 9.00 607. 23999. 8.8 .21 .14 .4.00 1683. 549. 9.00 597. 23999. 8.1 .19 .14 4.50 1648. 520. 9.00 590. 23999. 7.6 .18 .13 5.00 1636. 510. 9.00 587. 23999. 7.5 .18 .13 1 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NFGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR *** MATERIAL QUANTITIES *** REINFORCED CONCRETE .68 CU. YDS./FT. REINFORCING STEEL 70.2 LBS./FT. CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING t ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 6'H *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** A * MEANS THAT THE LENGTH GIVEN INCLUDES ENOUGH STEEL TO LAP AND SPLICE BARS AT THE CENTER OF THE CHANNEL. IF NONE OF THE BARS IN ONE FACE OF THE SLAB EXTEND TO THE CENTER THE LONGITUDINAL BARS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TIED TO THOSE BARS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE BARS ON THE OTHER FACE. A # MEANS THAT ONE CONTINUOUS BAR TWICE THIS LENGTH SHOULD BE PLACED THE WIDTH OF THE CHANNEL BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 4 12.00 6 6.25 * 6 .4.00' B-2 4 12.00 4 .00 3 8.25 B-3 4 12.00 2 3.50 1 8.00 B-4 4 18.00 0 11.00 6 3.75 B-5 0 18.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-6 0 18.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-7 4 14.00 6 1.00 # 0 .00 B-8 0 14.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-9 0 14.00 0 .00 0 .00 *** LONGITUDINAL BARS *** "KEY" BARS AT INTERSECTION OF WALL AND INVERT ARE COUNTED AS PART OF THE SLAB. SPACING GIVEN IS ONLY APPROXIMATE, SPACE BARS EVENLY ALONG WALLS AND SLAB. NO. 4 BARS AT 18 INCHES 16 IN SLAB 16 IN WALL 4 IN HEEL 36 BARS TOTAL *** MATERIAL QUANTITIES *** REINFORCED CONCRETE .68 CU. YDS./FT. REINFORCING STEEL 70.2 LBS./FT. COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 10.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. VERT.IN. BAR1 4. 9. 6.00 6.50 6. 4.00 BAR2 5. 9. 3. .00 2. 10.00 BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 6. 4.00 BAR5 .0 0.00 .00 BAR6 B$.R7 5. 18. 6. 1.00 BAR8 .00 BARS RUN m N w 1 COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM t TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 10.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 ** COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. VERT.IN. BAR1 4. 9. 6.00 6.50 6. 4.00 BAR2 5. 9. 3. .00 2. 10.00 BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 6. 4.00 BARS .0 0.00 .00 BAR6 BART 5. 18. 6. 1.00 BARB .00 BAR9 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN 10.00' WIDE BY 6.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP n n n SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET f SLAB -END = 1.50 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 6. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** *** MAXIMUM LENGTHS *** BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 4. 9.00 6. 6.50 6. 4.00 + 5. 7.00 6. 4.00 B-2 5. 9.00 3. .00 2. 10.00 B-3 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-4 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 6. 4.00 + 0. 11.50 6. 4.00 B-5 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 B-6 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-7 S. 18.00 6. 1.00 0. .00 + 6. 1.50 0. .00 B-8 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 B-9 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 LENGTHS ARE AS SPECIFIED IN THE INPUT DATA + HORIZONTAL LENGTHS EXCLUDE LAP 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB *** QUANTITIES *** CONCRETE .68 CU YD/FT TRANSVERSE STEEL 54.1 LB/FT LONGIT. STEEL NO. 4. AT 18. IN LONGIT. STEEL 36. BARS TOTAL STEEL 78.2 LB/FT B-1 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.33 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET W t WALL CHECK EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 177. 858. 9.00 39. 1241. 10.9 62.67 .26 4.80 633. 1421. 9.00 138. 4436. 18.1 103.85 .26 4.20 1225. 1687. 9.00 268. 8591. 21.5 123.31 .26 3.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 408. 13064. 22.9 131.14 .26 3.00 2517. 1847. 9.00 551. 17647. 23.6 134.98 .26 2.40 3190. 1897. 9.00 698. 22367. 24.2 138.63 .26 1.80 3898. 1966. 9.00 591. 11063. 26.0 66.19 .67 1.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 706. 13230. 27.2 69.37 .67 .60 5499. 2183. 9.00 833. 15607. 28.9 73.51 .67 .00 6430. 2335. 9.00 974. 18248. 30.9 78.62 .67 WALL CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 1. 7. 9.00 0. 20. .1 1.03 .13 4.80 12. 29. 9.00 3. 158. .4 4.13 .13 4.20 39. 65. 9.00 11. 535. .8 9.29 .13 3.60 92. 115. 9.00 27. 1268. 1.4 16.52 .13 3.00 180. 180. 9.00 53. 2476. 2.3 25.81 .13 2.40 311. 259. 9.00 91. 4278. 3.2 37.17 .13 1.80 494. 353. 9.00 145. 6793. 4.4 50.59 .13 1.20 737. 461. 9.00 217. 10141. 5.8 66.08 .13 .60 1050. 583. 9.00 308. 14439. 7.3 83.63 .13 .00 1440. 720. 9.00 423. 19806. 9.0 103.24 .13 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN SLAB CHECK EARTH FACE B-1 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.33 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET W DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OFf FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 6339. 63, 9.00 1236. 21146. 1.0 2.51 .67 .50 5571. 423. 9.00 1087. 18582. 6.6 16.75 .67 1.00 4802. 701. 9.00 937. 16016. 10.9 27.75 .67 1.50 4065. 911. 9.00 793. 13558. 14.2 36.05 .67 2.00 3385. 1065. 9.00 660. 11291. 16.6 42.16 .67 2.50 2783. 1176. 9.00 778. 22890. 17.6 100.74 .26 3.00 2273. 1252. 9.00 636. 18694. 18.7 107.28 .26 3.50 1866. 1303. 9.00 522. 15348. 19.5 111.61 .26 4.00 1570. 1334. 9.00 439. 12916. 19.9 114.30 .26 4.50 1391. 1351. 9.00 389. 11441. 20.2 115.75 .26 5.00 1331. 1356. 9.00 372. 10947. 20.3 116.20 .26 SLAB CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 1836. 1152. 9.00 569. 19182. 17.1 156.64 .20 .50 1956. 1086. 9.00 606. 20431. 16.1 147.64 .20 1.00 1999. 1003. 9.00 619. 20884. 14.9 136.41 .20 1.50 1988. 912. 9.00 616. 20766. 13.5 124.11 .20 2.00 1941. 821. 9.00 601. 20278. 12.2 111.70 .20 2.50 1875. 735. 9.00 581. 19587. 10.9 99.98 .20 3.00 1803. 659. 9.00 558. 18836. 9.8 89.59 .20 3.50 1736. 596. 9.00 538. 18136. 8.8 81.03 .20 4.00 1683. 549. 9.00 521. 17576. 8.1 74.66 .20 4.50 1648. 520. 9.00 510. 17215. 7.7 70.74 .20 5.00 1636. 510. 9.00 61054.327405600. 7.1******** .00 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ***UNRECOGNIZABLE KEYWORD B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.43 FEET B-1 CUTOFF AT 5.97 FEET B-9 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-8 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-7 CUTOFF AT 4.97 FEET COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW TITLE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 15.00'W X 6'H COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW PRINT ECHO TENTHS DESIGN COMMENT CH.WIDTH CH.HEIGHT HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 15.00' 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8. 500. COMMENT WALL TH. SLAB TH. STL. AREA LONG.BAR SPACING LIMITS 9. 9. 0. 18. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 9. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 RUN El m m 0 1 COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW TITLE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 15.00'W X 6'H COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW PRINT ECHO TENTHS DESIGN COMMENT CH.WIDTH CH.HEIGHT HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 15.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8. 500. COMMENT WALL TH. SLAB TH. STL. AREA LONG.BAR SPACING LIMITS 9. 9. 0. 18. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 9. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 15.00'W X 6'H 15.00' WIDE BY 6.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 9.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 9.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET SLAB -END = 2.00 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 9. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES f 1 n n n ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 15.00'W X 6'H *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB WALL DESIGN EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT FEET FT LBS 1 6.00 5.40 4.80 4.20 3.60 3.00 2.40 1.80 1.20 .60 .00 0. 177. 633. 1225. 1863. 2517. 3190. 3898. 4662. 5499. 6430. SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE LBS INCHES STRESS REQUIRED STEEL PSI 0. 9.00 0. 858. 9.00 151. 1421. 9.00 296. 1687. 9.00 422. 1795. 9.00 531. 1847. 9.00 629. 1897. 9.00 719. 1966. 9.00 807. 2060. 9.00 896. 2183. 9.00 987. 2335. 9.00 1084. WALL DESIGN CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS PSI 6.00 5.40 4.80 4.20 3.60 3.00 2.40 1.80 1.20 .60 .00 t STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS 0. .0 .00 .00 23792. 10.4 .25 .01 23948. 17.4 .42 .04 23973. 21.0 .50 .08 23982. 22.5• .54 .13 23986. 23.3 .56 .18 23989. 24.1 .58 .23 23990. 25.2 .60 .28 23992. 26.6 .64 .34 23993. 28.3 .68 .41 23994. 30.5 .73 .48 0. 0. 9.00 0. 1. 7. 9.00 7. 12. 29. 9.00 34. 39. 65. 9.00 68. 92. 115. 9.00 107. 180. 180. 9.00 152. 311. 259. 9.00 203. 494. 353. 9.00 259. 737. 461. 9.00 321. 1050. 583. 9.00 388. 1440. 720. 9.00 461. STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS 0. .0 .00 .00 12177. .1 .00 .00 21404. .3 .01 .00 23161. .8 .02 .00 23628. 1.4 .03 .01 23795. 2.2 .05 .01 23894. 3.2 .08 .02 23934. 4.3 .10 .03 23955. 5.7 .14 .05 23968. 7.2 .17 .07 23977. 9.0 .22 .10 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT n n n REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 15.00'W X 6'H SLAB DESIGN EARTH FACE 4 DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS .00 6354. 159. 9.00 1299. 23999. 2.5 .06 .57 .75 5199. 302. 9.00 1149. 23998. 4.6 .11 .46 1.50 4051. 589. 9.00 989. 23998. 8.9 .21 .35 2.25 2982. 741. 9.00 826. 23998. 11.1 .27 .25 3.00 2037. 799. 9.00 664. 23999. 11.8 .28 .17 3.75 1237. 795. 9.00 503. 23999. 11.6 .28 .10 4.50 592. 756. 9.00 337. 23999. 10.9 .26 .05 5.25 100. 705. 9.00 133. 23979. 9.9 .24 .01 6.00 -245. 656. 9.00 211. 24000. 9.3 .22 -.02 6.75 -448. 623. 9.00 291. 23999. 8.9 .21 -.03 7.50 -516. 611. 9.00 313. 23999. 8.8 .21 -.04 SLAB DESIGN CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS .00 1808. 1261. 9.00 621. 23999. 18.6 .45 .15 .75 1911. 1120. 9.00 641. 23999. 16.5 .40 .16 1.50 1840. 944. 9.00 627. 23999. 13.9 .33 .15 2.25 1662. 757. 9.00 592. 23999. 11.1 .27 .14 3.00 1427. 577. 9.00 544. 23999. 8.4 .20 .12 3.75 1175. 413. 9.00 489. 23999. 6.0 .14 .09 4.50 937. 274. 9.00 432. 23999. 4.0 .10 .07 5.25 733. 163. 9.00 378. 23999. 2.4 .06 .06 6.00 578. 83. 9.00 333. 23999. 1.2 .03 .05 6.75 482. 35. 9.00 302. 23999. .5 .01 .04 7.50 449. 19. 9.00 291. 23999. .3 .01 .03 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 15.00'W X 6'H *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** A * MEANS THAT THE LENGTH GIVEN INCLUDES ENOUGH STEEL TO LAP AND SPLICE BARS AT THE CENTER OF THE CHANNEL. IF NONE OF THE BARS IN ONE FACE OF THE SLAB EXTEND TO THE CENTER THE LONGITUDINAL BARS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TIED TO THOSE BARS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE BARS ON THE OTHER FACE. A # MEANS THAT ONE CONTINUOUS BAR TWICE THIS LENGTH SHOULD BE PLACED THE WIDTH OF THE CHANNEL BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 4 12.00 9 .25 6 4.00 B-2 4 12.00 3 10.00 3 8.25 B-3 4 12.00 2 3.75 1 8.00 B-4 4 18.00 0 11.00 6 3.75 B-5 0 18.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-6 0 18.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-7 4 14.00 8 7.00 0 .00 B-8 0 14.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-9 0 14.00 0 .00 0 .00 *** LONGITUDINAL BARS *** "KEY" BARS AT INTERSECTION OF WALL AND INVERT ARE COUNTED AS PART OF THE SLAB. SPACING GIVEN IS ONLY APPROXIMATE, SPACE BARS EVENLY ALONG WALLS AND SLAB. NO. 4 BARS AT 18 INCHES 22 IN SLAB 16 IN WALL 4 IN HEEL 42 BARS TOTAL *** MATERIAL QUANTITIES *** REINFORCED CONCRETE .82 CU. YDS./FT. REINFORCING STEEL 80.2 LBS./FT. 6 WALL TOP 2.0 DISTANCE T TO TRUCK W 2. 19.2 VERT. IN. 4.00 10.00 4.00 .00 COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 15.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800.' 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. BAR1 4. 9. 9.00 1.00 6. BAR2 5. 9. 3. .00 2. BAR3 BARO 4. 18. .0 11.00 6. BAR5 .0 0.00 BAR6 BA.R7 5. 18. 8. 7.00 BAR8 .00 BAR9 RUN WALL TOP 2.0 DISTANCE T TO TRUCK W 2. 19.2 VERT. IN. 4.00 10.00 4.00 .00 1 + COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 15.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. VERT.IN. BAR1 4. 9. 9.00 1.00 6. 4.00 BAR2 5. 9. 3. .00 2. 10.00 BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 6. 4.00 BARS .0 0.00 .00 BAR6 BAR7 5. 18. 8. 7.00 BARB .00 BAR9 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN 15.00' WIDE BY 6.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP [a n n n SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET t SLAB -END = 1.50 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 6. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** *** MAXIMUM LENGTHS *** BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 4. 9.00 9. 1.00 6. 4.00 + 8. 1.00 6. 4.00 B-2 5. 9.00 3. .00 2. 10.00 B-3 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-4 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 6. 4.00 + 0. 11.50 6. 4.00 B-5 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 B-6 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-7 5. 18.00 8. 7.00 0. .00 + 8. 7.50 0. .00 B-8 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 B-9 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 LENGTHS ARE AS SPECIFIED IN THE INPUT DATA + HORIZONTAL LENGTHS EXCLUDE LAP 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB *** QUANTITIES *** CONCRETE .82 CU YD/FT TRANSVERSE STEEL 62.1 LB/FT LONGIT. STEEL NO. 4. AT 18. IN LONGIT. STEEL 42. BARS TOTAL STEEL 90.2 LB/FT B-1 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.33 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET f WALL CHECK EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 177. 858. 9.00 39. 1241. 10.9 62.67 .26 4.80 633. 1421. 9.00 138. 4436. 18.1 103.85 .26 4.20 1225. 1687. 9.00 268. 8591. 21.5 123.31 .26 3.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 408. 13064. 22.9 131.14 .26 3.00 2517. 1847. 9.00 551. 17647. 23.6 134.98 .26 2.40 3190. 1897. 9.00 698. 22367. 24.2 138.63 .26 1.80 3898. 1966. 9.00 591. 11063. 26.0 66.19 .67 1.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 706. 13230. 27.2 69.37 .67 .60 5499. 2183. 9.00 833. 15607. 28.9 73.51 .67 .00 6430. 2335. 9.00 974. 18248. 30.9 78.62 .67 WALL CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 1. 7. 9.00 0. 20. .1 1.03 .13 4.80 12. 29. 9.00 3. 158. .4 4.13 .13 4.20 39. 65. 9.00 11. 535. .8 9.29 .13 3.60 92. 115. 9.00 27. 1268. 1.4 16.52 .13 3.00 180. 180. 9.00 53. 2476. 2.3 25.81 .13 2.40 311. 259. 9.00 91. 4278. 3.2 37.17 .13 1.80 494. 353. 9.00 145. 6793. 4.4 50.59 .13 1.20 737. 461. 9.00 217. 10141. 5.8 66.08 .13 .60 1050. 583. 9.00 308. 14439. 7.3 83.63 .13 .00 1440. 720. 9.00 423. 19806. 9.0 103.24 .13 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN SLAB CHECK EARTH FACE B-1 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.33 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF' FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 6354. 159. 9.00 1239. 21194. 2.5 6.30 .67 .75 5199. 302. 9.00 1014. 17342. 4.7 11.97 .67 1.50 4051. 589. 9.00 790. 13512. 9.1 23.29 .67 2.25 2982. 741. 9.00 582. 9946. 11.5 29.34 .67 3.00 2037. 799. 9.00 570. 16752. 12.0 68.48 .26 3.75 1237. 795. 9.00 346. 10178. 11.9 68.13 .26 4.50 592. 756. 9.00 166. 4871. 11.3 64.80 .26 5.25 100. 705. 9.00 28. 822. 10.5 60.37 .26 6.00 -245. 656. 9.00 76. 2557. 9.7 89.27 .20 6.75 -448. 623. 9.00 139. 4684. 9.2 84.74 .20 7.50 -516. 611. 9.00 19243.103194200. 8.5******** .00 SLAB CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 1808. 1261. 9.00 560. 18887. 18.7 171.53 .20 .75 1911. 1120. 9.00 592. 19956. 16.6 152.28 .20 1.50 1840. 944. 9.00 570. 19221. 14.0 128.37 .20 2.25 1662. 757. 9.00 514. 17356. 11.2 103.00 .20 3.00 1427. 577. 9.00 442. 14902. 8.6 78.42 .20 3.75 1175. 413. 9.00 364. 12274. 6.1 56.18 .20 4.50 937. 274. 9.00 290. 9784. 4.1 37.24 .20 5.25 733. 163. 9.00 227. 7655. 2.4 22.19 .20 6.00 578. 83. 9.00 179. 6039. 1.2 11.32 .20 6.75 482. 35. 9.00 149. 5033. .5 4.76 .20 7.50 449. 19. 9.00 16763. 89894770. .3******** .00 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ***UNRECOGNIZABLE KEYWORD B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.43 FEET B-1 CUTOFF AT 8.51 FEET B-9 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-8 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-7 CUTOFF AT 7.47 FEET [a COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW TITLE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 20.00'W X 6'H COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW PRINT ECHO TENTHS DESIGN COMMENT CH.WIDTH CH.HEIGHT HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 20.09 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8. 500. COMMENT WALL TH. SLAB TH. STL. AREA LONG.BAR SPACING LIMITS 9. 9. 0. 18. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 9. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 RUN -11 on 1 COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW TITLE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 20.00'W X 6'H COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW PRINT ECHO TENTHS DESIGN COMMENT CH.WIDTH CH.HEIGHT HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 20.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8. 500. COMMENT WALL TH. SLAB TH. STL. AREA LONG.BAR SPACING LIMITS 9. 9. 0. 18. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ** COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 9. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 20.001W X 6'H 20.00' WIDE BY 6.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 9.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 9.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET SLAB -END = 2.00 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 9. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES r 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 20.00'W X 6'H *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB t WALL DESIGN EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 177. 858. 9.00 151. 23792. 10.4 .25 .01 4.80 633. 1421. 9.00 296. 23948. 17.4 .42 .04 4.20 1225. 1687. 9.00 422. 23973. 21.0 .50 .08 3.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 531. 23982. 22.5 .54 .13 3.00 2517. 1847. 9.00 629. 23986. 23.3 .56 .18 2.40 3190. 1897. 9.00 719. 23989. 24.1 .58 .23 1.80 3898. 1966. 9.00 807. 23990. 25.2 .60 .28 1.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 896. 23992. 26.6 .64 .34 .60 5499. 2183. 9.00 987. 23993. 28.3 .68 .41 .00 6430. 2335. 9.00 1084. 23994. 30.5 .73 .48 WALL DESIGN CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 1. 7. 9.00 7. 12177. .1 .00 .00 4.80 12. 29. 9.00 34. 21404. .3 .01 .00 4.20 39. 65. 9.00 68. 23161. .8 .02 .00 3.60 92. 115. 9.00 107. 23628. 1.4 .03 .01 3.00 180. 180. 9.00 152. 23795. 2.2 .05 .01 2.40 311. 259. 9.00 203. 23894. 3.2 .08 .02 1.80 494. 353. 9.00 259. 23934. 4.3 .10 .03 1.20 737. 461. 9.00 321. 23955. 5.7 .14 .05 .60 1050. 583. 9.00 388. 23968. 7.2 .17 .07 .00 1440. 720. 9.00 461. 23977. 9.0 .22 .10 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 20.00'W X 6'H SLAB DESIGN EARTH FACE t DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS .00 6376. 99. 9.00 1302. 23999. 1.5 .04 .58 1.00 4877. 450. 9.00 1105. 23998. 6.9 .16 .43 2.00 3448. 712. 9.00 899. 23998. 10.7 .26 .30 3.00 2218. 777. 9.00 697. 23999. 11.5 .28 .18 4.00 1236. 721. 9.00 503. 23999. 10.5 .25 .10 5.00 503. 603. 9.00 309. 23999. 8.6 .21 .04 6.00 -14. 464. 9.00 48. 23992. 6.5 .16 .00 7.00 -354. 333. 9.00 257. 24000. 4.7 .11 -.03 8.00 -562. 229. 9.00 328. 23999. 3.3 .08 -.04 9.00 -671. 164. 9.00 360. 23999. 2.4 .06 -.05 10.00 -705. 141. 9.00 370. 23999. 2.0 .05 -.06 SLAB DESIGN CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS .00 1816. 1257. 9.00 623. 23999. 18.5 .44 .15 1.00 1922. 1072. 9.00 643. 23999. 15.8 .38 .16 2.00 1758. 840. 9.00 611. 23999. 12.4 .30 .14 3.00 1455. 607. 9.00 550. 23999. 8.9 .21 .12 4.00 1103. 399. 9.00 472. 23999. 5.8 .14 .09 5.00 762. 227. 9.00 386. 23999. 3.3 .08 1.06 6.00 466. 94. 9.00 297. 23999. 1.4 .03 .04 7.00 231. 1. 9.00 205. 24000. .0 .00 .02 8.00 64. 65. 9.00 105. 23983. .9 .02 .00 9.00 -36. 100. 9.00 79. 23987. 1.4 .03 .00 10.00 -69. 112. 9.00 110. 23983. 1.6 .04 -.01 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR n n n CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 20.001W X 6'H *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** A * MEANS THAT THE LENGTH GIVEN INCLUDES ENOUGH STEEL TO LAP AND SPLICE BARS AT THE CENTER OF THE CHANNEL. IF NONE OF THE BARS IN ONE FACE OF THE SLAB EXTEND TO THE CENTER THE LONGITUDINAL BARS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TIED TO THOSE BARS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE BARS ON THE OTHER FACE. A # MEANS THAT ONE CONTINUOUS BAR TWICE THIS LENGTH SHOULD BE PLACED THE WIDTH OF THE CHANNEL BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 4 16.00 11 6.25 6 .4.00 B-2 5 16.00 4 7.75 4 4.00 B-3 5 16.00 2 7.25 1 10.25 B-4 4 18.00 0 11.00 6 3.75 B-5 0 18.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-6 0 18.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-7 4 14.00 11 1.00 0 .00 B-8 0 14.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-9 0 14.00 0 .00 0 .00 *** LONGITUDINAL BARS *** "KEY" BARS AT INTERSECTION OF WALL AND INVERT ARE COUNTED AS PART OF THE SLAB. SPACING GIVEN IS ONLY APPROXIMATE, SPACE BARS EVENLY ALONG WALLS AND SLAB. NO. 4 BARS AT 18 INCHES 30 IN SLAB 16 IN WALL 4 IN HEEL 50 BARS TOTAL *** MATERIAL QUANTITIES *** REINFORCED CONCRETE .96 CU. YDS./FT. REINFORCING STEEL 91.4 LBS./FT. f WALL TOP 2.0 DISTANCE T TO TRUCK W 2. 19.2 VERT. IN. 4.00 10.00 4.00 .00 COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 20.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800.' 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. BAR1 4. 9. 11.00 7.00 6. BAR2 5. 9. 3. .00 2. BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 6. BAR5 .0 0.00 BAR6 BAR7 5. 18. 11. 1.00 BAR8 .00 BARS RUN WALL TOP 2.0 DISTANCE T TO TRUCK W 2. 19.2 VERT. IN. 4.00 10.00 4.00 .00 n n 1 COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM t TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 20.00 6.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 ** COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. VERT.IN. BAR1 4. 9. 11.00 7.00 6. 4.00 BAR2 5. 9. 3. .00 2. 10.00 BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 6. 4.00 BAR5 .0 0.00 .00 BAR6 BAR7 5. 18. 11. 1.00 BAR8 .00 BAR9 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN 20.00' WIDE BY 6.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP li n n � SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET f SLAB -END = 1.50 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 6. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** *** MAXIMUM LENGTHS *** BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 4. 9.00 11. 7.00 6. 4.00 + 10. 7.00 6. 4.00 B-2 5. 9.00 3. .00 2. 10.00 B-3 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-4 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 6. 4.00 + 0. 11.50 6. 4.00 B-5 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 B-6 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-7 5. 18.00 11. 1.00 0. .00 + 11. 1.50 0. .00 B-8 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 B-9 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 LENGTHS ARE AS SPECIFIED IN THE INPUT DATA + HORIZONTAL LENGTHS EXCLUDE LAP 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB *** QUANTITIES *** CONCRETE .96 CU YD/FT TRANSVERSE STEEL 70.0 LB/FT LONGIT. STEEL NO. 4. AT 18. IN LONGIT. STEEL 50. BARS TOTAL STEEL 103.5 LB/FT B-1 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.33 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET t WALL CHECK EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 177. 858. 9.00 39. 1241. 10.9 62.67 .26 4.80 633. 1421. 9.00 138. 4436. 18.1 103.85 .26 4.20 1225. 1687. 9.00 268. 8591. 21.5 123.31 .26 3.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 408. 13064. 22.9 131.14 .26 3.00 2517. 1847. 9.00 551. 17647. 23.6 134.98 .26 2.40 3190. 1897. 9.00 698. 22367. 24.2 138.63 .26 1.80 3898. 1966. 9.00 591. 11063. 26.0 66.19 .67 1.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 706. 13230. 27.2 69.37 .67 .60 5499. 2183. 9.00 833. 15607. 28.9 73.51 .67 .00 6430. 2335. 9.00 974. 18248. 30.9 78.62 .67 WALL CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 6.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 5.40 1. 7. 9.00 0. 20. .1 1.03 .13 4.80 12. 29. 9.00 3. 158. .4 4.13 .13 4.20 39. 65. 9.00 11. 535. .8 9.29 .13 3.60 92. 115. 9.00 27. 1268. 1.4 16.52 .13 3.00 180. 180. 9.00 53. 2476. 2.3 25.81 .13 2.40 311. 259. 9.00 91. 4278. 3.2 37.17 .13 1.80 494. 353. 9.00 145. 6793. 4.4 50.59 .13 1.20 737. 461. 9.00 217. 10141. 5.8 66.08 .13 .60 1050. 583. 9.00 308. 14439. 7.3 83.63 .13 .00 1440. 720. 9.00 423. 19806. 9.0 103.24 .13 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN SLAB CHECK EARTH FACE B-1 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.33 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 5.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET n n DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OFt FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 6376. 99. 9.00 1244. 21268. 1.5 3.92 .67 1.00 4877. 450. 9.00 951. 16266. 7.0 17.82 .67 2.00 3448. 712. 9.00 672. 11500. 11.1 28.18 .67 3.00 2218. 777. 9.00 620. 18241. 11.6 66.62 .26 4.00 1236. 721. 9.00 346. 10169. 10.8 61.82 .26 5.00 503. 603. 9.00 141. 4133. 9.0 51.64 .26 6.00 -14. 464. 9.00 4. 143. 6.9 63.05 .20 7.00 -354. 333. 9.00 110. 3701. 4.9 45.29 .20 8.00 -562. 229. 9.00 174. 5869. 3.4 31.20 .20 9.00 -671. 164. 9.00 208. 7011. 2.4 22.24 .20 10.00 -705. 141. 9.00 26308.141078400. 2.0******** .00 SLAB CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 1816. 1257. 9.00 562. 18968. 18.7 170.97 .20 1.00 1922. 1072. 9.00 595. 20077. 15.9 145.74 .20 2.00 1758. 840. 9.00 544. 18365. 12.5 114.25 .20 3.00 1455. 607. 9.00 450. 15194. 9.0 82.59 .20 4.00 1103. 399. 9.00 341. 11521. 5.9 54.24 .20 5.00 762. 227. 9.00 236. 7960. 3.4 30.86 .20 6.00 466. 94. 9.00 144. 4866. 1.4 12.83 .20 7.00 231. 1. 9.00 72. 2414. .0 .17 .20 8.00 64. 65. 9.00 20. 665. 1.0 8.78 .20 9.00 -36. 100. 9.00 10. 296. 1.5 8.59 .26 10.00 -69. 112. 9.00 19. 567. 1.7 9.58 .26 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ***UNRECOGNIZABLE KEYWORD B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.43 FEET B-1 CUTOFF AT 11.01 FEET B-9 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-8 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-7 CUTOFF AT 9.97 FEET [a COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW TITLE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 8'H COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW PRINT ECHO TENTHS DESIGN COMMENT CH.WIDTH CH.HEIGHT HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 10.00 8.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8. 500. COMMENT WALL TH. SLAB TH. STL. AREA LONG.BAR SPACING LIMITS 9. 9. 0. 18. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 9. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 RUN A C� n n n 1 COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW t TITLE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 8'H COMMENT ENTER ALPHANUMERIC INFORMATION BELOW PRINT ECHO TENTHS DESIGN COMMENT CH.WIDTH CH.HEIGHT HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 10.00 8.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8. 500. COMMENT WALL TH. SLAB TH. STL. AREA LONG.BAR SPACING LIMITS 9. 9. 0. 18. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ** COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 9. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLQPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRA14 LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 8'H 10.00' WIDE BY 8.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 9.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 9.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET SLAB -END = 2.00 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 9. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES n n n 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT t REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 8'H *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB WALL DESIGN EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS 8.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 7.20 305. 1084. 9.00 201. 23892. 13.2 .32 .02 6.40 1020. 1623. 9.00 382. 23968. 20.1 .48 .07 5.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 531. 23982. 22.5 .54 .13 4.80 2738. 1863. 9.00 659. 23987. 23.6. .57 .19 4.00 3657. 1940. 9.00 778. 23990. 24.8 .60 .26 3.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 896. 23992. 26.6 .64 .34 2.40 5798. 2230. 9.00 1019. 23993. 29.0 .70 .43 1.60 7110. 2451. 9.00 1152. 23994. 32.2 .77 .54 .80 8638. 2721. 9.00 1298. 23995. 36.0 .86 .67 .00 10420. 3038. 9.00 1458. 23977. 40.6 .98 .82 WALL DESIGN CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. 'AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS 8.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 7.20 3. 13. 9.00 15. 17029. .2 .00 .00 6.40 27. 51. 9.00 56. 22828. .6 .01 .00 5.60 92. 115. 9.00 107. 23628. 1.4 .03 .01 4.80 218. 205. 9.00 169. 23850. 2.5 .06 .01 4.00 427. 320. 9.00 240. 23923. 3.9 .09 .03 3.20 737. 461. 9.00 321. 23955. 5.7 .14 .05 2.40 1171. 627. 9.00 412. 23972. 7.8 .19 .08 1.60 1748. 819. 9.00 513. 23981. 10.3 .25 .12 .80 2488. 1037. 9.00 625. 23986. 13.1 .31 .18 .00 3413. 1280. 9.00 748. 23989. 16.3 .39 .24 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1 REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM f LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 8'H SLAB DESIGN EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS .00 10102. 330. 9.00 1741. 23996. 5.2 .13 .96 .50 8946. 869. 9.00 1610. 23988. 13.7 .33 .84 1.00 7775. 1279. 9.00 1473. 23980. 20.0 .48 .72 1.50 6641. 1583. 9.00 1335. 23999. 24.5 .59 .60 2.00 5588. 1801. 9.00 1201. 23999. 27.7 .66 .50 2.50 4650. 1953. 9.00 1074. 23998. 29.7 .71 .41 3.00 3853. 2055. 9.00 960. 23998. 31.1 .75 .33 3.50 3215. 2120. 9.00 863. 23998. 31.8 .76 .27 4.00 2750. 2158. 9.00 789. 23998. 32.2 .77 .23 4.50 2468. 2179. 9.00 741. 23998. 32.4 .78 .21 5.00 2373. 2185. 9.00 725. 23998. 32.5 .78 .20 SLAB DESIGN CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT PERIM. AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR REQUIRED STEEL PSI PSI PSI INCHES SQ INS .00 3912. 1753. 9.00 969. 23998. 26.5 .64 .34 .50 3955. 1717. 9.00 975. 23998. 26.0 .62 .34 1.00 3883. 1642. 9.00 965. 23998. 24.8 .60 .34 1.50 3734. 1543. 9.00 943. 23998. 23.3 .56 .32 2.00 3542. 1433. 9.00 914. 23998. 21.6 .52 .30 2.50 3334. 1322. 9.00 882. 23998. 19.9 .48 .28 3.00 3134. 1220. 9.00 851. 23998. 18.3 .44 .27 3.50 2960. 1134. 9.00 823. 23998. 17.0 .41 .25 4.00 2826. 1069. 9.00 801. 23998. 16.0 .38 .24 4.50 2741. 1028. 9.00 787. 23998. 15.3 .37 .23 5.00 2713. 1014. 9.00 782. 23998. 15.1 .36 .23 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR n n � CHANNEL DESIGN PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING t ECTANGULAR CHANNEL 10.00'W X 8'H *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** A * MEANS THAT THE LENGTH GIVEN INCLUDES ENOUGH STEEL TO LAP AND SPLICE BARS AT THE CENTER OF THE CHANNEL. IF NONE OF THE BARS IN ONE FACE OF THE SLAB EXTEND TO THE CENTER THE LONGITUDINAL BARS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN TIED TO THOSE BARS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE BARS ON THE OTHER FACE. A # MEANS THAT ONE CONTINUOUS BAR TWICE THIS LENGTH SHOULD BE PLACED THE WIDTH OF THE CHANNEL BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 4 10.00 6 6.25 8 .4.00 B-2 5 10.00 5 2.00 5 3.50 B-3 5 10.00 2 8.50 2 2.00 B-4 4 18.00 0 11.00 8 4.00 B-5 4 18.00 0 11.00 2 4.50 B-6 0 18.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-7 6 15.00 6 1.00 # 0 .00 B-8 0 15.00 0 .00 0 .00 B-9 0 15.00 0 .00 0 .00 *** LONGITUDINAL BARS *** "KEY" BARS AT INTERSECTION OF WALL AND INVERT ARE COUNTED AS PART OF THE SLAB. SPACING GIVEN IS ONLY APPROXIMATE, SPACE BARS EVENLY ALONG WALLS AND SLAB. NO. 4 BARS AT 18 INCHES 16 IN SLAB 20 IN WALL 4 IN HEEL 40 BARS TOTAL *-* MATERIAL QUANTITIES *** REINFORCED CONCRETE .79 CU. YDS./FT. REINFORCING STEEL 114.7 LBS./FT. WALL TOP 2.0 DISTANCE T TO TRUCK W 2. 19.2 VERT. IN. 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 10.00 8.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800.' 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. BAR1 5. 9. 6.00 6.50 8. BAR2 6. 9. 3. 3.00 3. BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 8. BAR5 4. 18. .0 11.00 2. BAR6 B,4R7 6. 18. 6. 1.00 BAR8 4. 18. 4. .00 BARS RUN WALL TOP 2.0 DISTANCE T TO TRUCK W 2. 19.2 VERT. IN. 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 w 1 COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM f TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 10.00 8.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 ** COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. VERT.IN. BAR1 5. 9. 6.00 6.50 8. 4.00 BAR2 6. 9. 3. 3.00 3. 2.00 BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 8. 4.00 BAR5 4. 18. .0 11.00 2. 6.00 BAR6 BAR7 6. 18. 6. 1.00 BAR8 4. 18. 4. .00 BAR9 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN 10.00' WIDE BY 8.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *- 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP *** STEEL LAYOUT *** BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET SLAB -END = 1.50 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING 3. 3.00 3. 2.00 B-3 0. MINIMUM = 6. INCHES .00 MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES 0 INCREMENT = 1. INCHES B-4 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 *** THICKNESSES *** 4.00 B-5 TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 5. 9.00 6. 6.50 8. 4.00 B-2 6. 9.00 3. 3.00 3. 2.00 B-3 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-4 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 8. 4.00 B-5 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 2. 6.00 B-6 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-7 6. 18.00 6. 1.00 0. .00 B-8 4. 18.00 4. .00 0. .00 B-9 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 LENGTHS ARE AS SPECIFIED IN THE INPUT DATA P *** MAXIMUM LENGTHS *** HORIZONTAL VERTICAL LENGTH LENGTH FT. INS. FT. INS. 5. 7.00 8. 4.00 0. 11.50 8. 4.00 6. 1.50 0. .00 + HORIZONTAL LENGTHS EXCLUDE LAP 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANrULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB *** QUANTITIES *** CONCRETE .79 CU YD/FT TRANSVERSE STEEL 94.2 LB/FT LONGIT. STEEL NO. 4. AT 18. IN LONGIT. STEEL TOTAL STEEL 40. BARS 120.9 LB/FT WALL CHECK EARTH FACE STRESS STEEL DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS PSI 8.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 7.20 305. 1084. 9.00 56. 6.40 1020. 1623. 9.00 186. 5.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 341. 47. _ .2 6.40 27. 51. 4.80 2738. 1863. 9.00 501. 4.00 3657. 1940. 9.00 669. 1.4 4.80 218. 205. 9.00 3.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 852. 2.40 5798. 2230. 9.00 763. 1.60 7110. 2451. 9.00 936. .80 8638. 2721. 9.00 1137. .00 10420. 3038. 9.00 1371. n f STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 0. .0 .00 .00 1391. 14.0 64.38 .41 4648. 21.0 96.36 .41 8493. 23.2 106.55 .41 12482. 24.1 110.59 .41 16671. 25.1 115.19 .41 21251. 26.7 122.32 .41 11278. 30.1 62.66 1.00 13830. 33.0 68.86 1.00 16802. 36.7 76.43 1.00 20268. 41.0 85.33 1.00 WALL CHECK CHANNEL FACE STRESS STEEL PSI SQ INS DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR .13 89.94 .13 59.86 PSI PSI PSI 8.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 7.20 3. 13. 9.00 1. 47. _ .2 6.40 27. 51. 9.00 8. 376. .6 5.60 92. 115. 9.00 27. 1268. 1.4 4.80 218. 205. 9.00 64. 3005. 2.6 4.00 427. 320. 9.00 125. 5868. 4.0 3.20 737. 461. 9.00 217. 10141. 5.8 2.40 1171. 627. 9.00 344. 16103. 7.8 1.60 1748. 819. 9.00 382. 12255. 10.4 .80 2488. 1037. 9.00 544. 17449. 13.2 .00 3413. 1280. 9.00 747. 23935. 16.3 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN SLAB CHECK EARTH FACE BOND AREA OF STRESS STEEL PSI SQ INS .00 .00 1.84 .13 7.34 .13 16.52 .13 29.37 .13 45.89 .13 66.08 .13 89.94 .13 59.86 .26 75.76 .26 93.54 .26 B-1 CUTOFF AT 7.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.67 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 7.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT 2.00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA 0? FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 10102. 330. 9.00 1719. 23116. 5.2 10.90 1.00 .50 8946. 869. 9.00 1522. 20471. 13.8 28.73 1.00 1.00 7775. 1279. 9.00 1323. 17790. 20.3 42.29 1.00 1.50 6641. 1583. 9.00 1130. 15196. 25.1 52.34 1.00 2.00 5588. 1801. 9.00 951. 12787. 28.6 59.57 1.00 2.50 4650. 1953. 9.00 791. 10641. 31.0 64.59 1.00 3.00 3853. 2055. 9.00 903. 20620. 31.2 143.20 .41 3.50 3215. 2120. 9.00 754. 17205. 32.2 147.72 .41 4.00 2750. 2158. 9.00 645. 14718. 32.8 150.42 .41 4.50 2468. 2179. 9.00 578. 13208. 33.1 151.83 .41 5.00 2373. 2185. 9.00 556. 12701. 33.2 152.26 .41 SLAB CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 3912. 1753. 9.00 903. 20162. 26.7 122.35 .43 .50 3955. 1717. 9.00 913. 20385. 26.2 119.87 .43 1.00 3883. 1642. 9.00 897. 20014. 25.0 114.63 .43 1.50 3734. 1543. 9.00 862. 19246. 23.5 107.70 .43 2.00 3542. 1433. 9.00 818. 18255. 21.8 100.00 .43 2.50 3334. 1322. 9.00 770. 17184. 20.1 92.28 .43 3.00 3134. 1220. 9.00 836. 23006. 18.3 139.98 .29 3.50 2960. 1134. 9.00 789. 21729. 17.0 130.09 .29 4.00 2826. 1069. 9.00 754. 20744. 16.0 122.61 .29 4.50 2741. 1028. 9.00 731. 20125. 15.4 117.95 .29 5.00 2713. 1014. 9.00 101218.542788300. 14.1******** .00 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ***UNRECOGNIZABLE KEYWORD B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 2.68 FEET B-1 CUTOFF AT 5.97 FEET B-9 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-8 CUTOFF AT 2.88 FEET B-7 CUTOFF AT 4.97 FEET WALL TOP 2.0 DISTANCE T TO TRUCK W 2. 19.2 VERT. IN. 4.00 7.00 4.00 6.00 COMMENT TITLE OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 29.00 8.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. BAR1 5. 9. 16.00 1.00 8. BAR2 6. 9. 3. 8.00 3. BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 8. BAR5 4. 18. .0 11.00 2. BAR6 BART 4. 18. 16. 1.00 BAR8 6. 18. 6. 10.00 BAR9 RUN WALL TOP 2.0 DISTANCE T TO TRUCK W 2. 19.2 VERT. IN. 4.00 7.00 4.00 6.00 1 COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 29.00 8.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. VERT.IN. BAR1 5. 9. 16.00 1.00 8. 4.00 BAR2 6. 9. 3. 8.00 3. 7.00 BAR3 BAR4 4. 18. .0 11.00 8. 4.00 BAR5 4. 18. .0 11.00 2. 6.00 BAR6 BAR7 4. 18. 16. 1.00 BAR8 6. 18. 6. 10.00 BAR9 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN 29.00' WIDE BY 8.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP 1 n n n SLAB TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET SLAB -END = 1.50 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 6. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** *** MAXIMUM LENGTHS *** BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 5. 9.00 16. 1.00 8. 4.00 + 15. 1.00 8. 4.00 B-2 6. 9.00 3. 8.00 3. 7.00 B-3 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-4 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 8. 4.00 + 0. 11.50 8. 4.00 B-5 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 2. 6.00 B-6 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-7 4. 18.00 16. 1.00 0. .00 + 15. 7.50 0. .00 B-8 6. 18.00 6. 10.00 0. .00 B-9 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 LENGTHS ARE AS SPECIFIED IN THE INPUT DATA + HORIZONTAL LENGTHS EXCLUDE LAP 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB *** QUANTITIES *** CONCRETE 1.32 CU YD/FT TRANSVERSE STEEL 136.3 LB/FT LONGIT. STEEL NO. 4. AT 18. IN LONGIT. STEEL TOTAL STEEL 66. BARS 180.4 LB/FT 2 WALL CHECK EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 8.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 7.20 305. 1084. 9.00 56. 1391. 14.0 64.38 .41 6.40 1020. 1623. 9.00 186. 4648. 21.0 96.38 .41 5.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 341. 8493. 23.2 106.55 .41 4.80 2738. 1863. 9.00 501. 12482. 24.1 110.59 .41 4.00 3657. 1940. 9.00 669. 16671. 25.1 115.19 .41 3.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 852. 21251. 26.7 122.32 .41 2.40 5798. 2230. 9.00 763. 11278. 30.1 62.66 1.00 1.60 7110. 2451. 9.00 936. 13830. 33.0 68.86 1.00 .80 8638. 2721. 9.00 1137. 16802. 36.7 76.43 1.00 .00 10420. 3038. 9.00 1371. 20268. 41.0 85.33 1.00 WALL CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 8.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 7.20 3. 13. 9.00 1. 47. .2 1.84 .13 6.40 27. 51. 9.00 8. 376. .6 7.34 .13 5.60 92. 115. 9.00 27. 1268. 1.4 16.52 .13 4.80 218. 205. 9.00 64. 3005. 2.6 29.37 .13 4.00 427. 320. 9.00 125. 5868. 4.0 45.89 .13 3.20 737. 461. 9.00 217. 10141. 5.8 66.08 .13 2.40 1171. 627. 9.00 344. 16103. 7.8 89.94 .13 1.60 1748. 819. 9.00 382. 12255. 10.4 59.86 .26 .80 2488. 1037. 9.00 544. 17449. 13.2 75.76 .26 .00 3413. 1280. 9.00 747. 23935. 16.3 93.54 .26 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN SLAB CHECK EARTH FACE B-1 CUTOFF AT 7.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 3.08 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 7.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT 2.00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET 3 DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 10155. 129. 9.00 1728. 23238. 2.1 4.27 1.00 1.45 6858. 1150. 9.00 1167. 15693. 18.2 38.02 1.00 2.90 3917. 1367. 9.00 666. 8963. 21.7 45.22 1.00 4.35 1762. 1176. 9.00 413. 9430. 17.9 81.94 .41 5.80 421. 839. 9.00 99. 2252. 12.8 58.46 .41 7.25 -268. 506. 9.00 100. 4324. 7.4 84.92 .13 8.70 -519. 242. 9.00 194. 8372. 3.5 40.63 .13 10.15 -528. 62. 9.00 197. 8504. .9 10.37 .13 11.60 -440. 46. 9.00 165. 7090. .7 7.79 .13 13.05 -353. 101. 9.00 132. 5682. 1.5 16.98 .13 14.50 -318. 117. 9.00 119. 5125. 1.7 19.73 .13 SLAB CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 3891. 1874. 9.00 898. 20055. 28.5 130.80 .43 1.45 3605. 1575. 9.00 832. 18583. 24.0 109.90 .43 2.90 2713. 1106. 9.00 626. 13984. 16.8 77.20 .43 4.35 1736. 661. 9.00 401. 8950. 10.1 46.11 .43 5.80 928. 320. 9.00 347. 14961. 4.7 53.75 .13 7.25 366. 99. 9.00 137. 5894. 1.4 16.56 .13 8.70 30. 24. 9.00 11. 479. .3 3.95 .13 10.15 -139. 77. 9.00 33. 745. 1.2 5.40 .41 11.60 -206. 93. 9.00 48. 1103. 1.4 6.48 .41 13.05 -224. 93. 9.00 52. 1199. 1.4 6.49 .41 14.50 -226. 92. 9.00 53. 1211. 1.4 6.39 .41 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ***UNRECOGNIZABLE KEYWORD B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 3.09 FEET B-1 CUTOFF AT 15.51 FEET B-9 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-8 CUTOFF AT 5.72 FEET B-7 CUTOFF AT 14.97 FEET 4 w 1 COMMENT OCRCD CHECK PHASE FORM TITLE COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN COMMENT WIDTH(FT) HEIGHT(FT)HEEL WIDTH DIMENSION 29.00 8.00 0.5 COMMENT fc fs n u MATERIAL 1800. 24000. 8.0 500. COMMENT SLAB SLAB SLAB WALL WALL WALL COMMENT TOP BOTTOM END INSIDE OUTSIDE TOP COVER 3.0 3.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 COMMENT MINIMUM MAXIMUM INCREMENT SPACING 6. 18. 1. COMMENT OUTWARD INWARD INWARD DISTANCE HEIGHT DISTANCE T COMMENT TRIANG. UNIFORM TRIANG. TO SLOPE OF SLOPE TO TRUCK W LOADING 40. 0. 62.5 0. 0. 2. 19.2 COMMENT WALL TOP WALL BASE SLAB @ CL SLAB @ WALL THICKNESS 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 COMMENT BAR SIZE SPACING HORIZ.FT. HORIZ.IN. VERT.FT. VERT.IN. BAR1 5. 9. 16.00 1.00 8. 4.00 BAR2 6. 9. 3. 8.00 3. 7.00 BAR3 BARO 4. 18. .0 11.00 8. 4.00 BAR5 4. 18. .0 11.00 2. 6.00 BAR6 BAR7 4. 18. 16. 1.00 BAR8 6. 18. 6. 10.00 BAR9 RUN 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN 29.00' WIDE BY 8.00' HIGH CHANNEL WITH .50' HEEL *** DESIGN CRITERIA *** 0 MATERIAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITING CONSTRAINTS FC < 1800. PSI WALL THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES FS < 24000. PSI SLAB THICKNESS > 8.00 INCHES N = 8.0 STEEL AREA > .00 SQ INS/FT BOND < 500. PSI LONG SPACING < 18. INCHES K = 295. STEEL COVER LOADINGS WALL -INSIDE = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG OUTWARD < 40.0 PSF-EFP WALL -OUTSIDE = 2.00 INCHES UNIFORM INWARD < .0 PSF WALL -TOP = 2.00 INCHES TRIANG INWARD < 62.5 PSF-EFP 1 n � n SLAB -TOP = 3.00 INCHES DIST TO SLOPE _ .00 FEET SLAB -BOTTOM = 3.00 INCHES SURCHRG HEIGHT = .00 FEET SLAB -END = 1.50 INCHES DIST TO TRUCK = 2.00 FEET TRUCK SURCHRG < 19.2 KIPS BAR SPACING MINIMUM = 6. INCHES MAXIMUM = 18. INCHES INCREMENT = 1. INCHES *** THICKNESSES *** TOP OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT CENTER LINE 9.00 INCHES BASE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES SLAB AT FACE OF WALL 9.00 INCHES *** STEEL LAYOUT *** *** MAXIMUM LENGTHS *** BAR BAR BAR HORIZONTAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL DESIGNATION SIZE SPACING LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH LENGTH INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. FT. INS. B-1 5. 9.00 16. 1.00 8. 4.00 + 15. 1.00 8. 4.00 B-2 6. 9.00 3. 8.00 3. 7.00 B-3 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-4 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 8. 4.00 + 0. 11.50 8. 4.00 B-5 4. 18.00 0. 11.00 2. 6.00 B-6 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 0 B-7 4. 18.00 16. 1.00 0. .00 + 15. 7.50 0. .00 B-8 6. 18.00 6. 10.00 0. .00 B-9 0. .00 0. .00 0. .00 LENGTHS ARE AS SPECIFIED IN THE INPUT DATA + HORIZONTAL LENGTHS EXCLUDE LAP 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN *** CHANNEL TENTH POINT DATA *** DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE WALL AND THE CHANNEL FACE OF THE SLAB *** QUANTITIES *** CONCRETE 1.32 CU YD/FT TRANSVERSE STEEL 136.3 LB/FT LONGIT. STEEL NO. 4. AT 18. IN LONGIT. STEEL 66. BARS TOTAL STEEL 180.4 LB/FT PA WALL CHECK EARTH FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 8.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 7.20 305. 1084. 9.00 56. 1391. 14.0 64.38 .41 6.40 1020. 1623. 9.00 186. 4648. 21.0 96.38 .41 5.60 1863. 1795. 9.00 341. 8493. 23.2 106.55 .41 4.80 2738. 1863. 9.00 501. 12482. 24.1 110.59 .41 4.00 3657. 1940. 9.00 669. 16671. 25.1 115.19 .41 3.20 4662. 2060. 9.00 852. 21251. 26.7 122.32 .41 2.40 5798. 2230. 9.00 763. 11278. 30.1 62.66 1.00 1.60 7110. 2451. 9.00 936. 13830. 33.0 68.86 1.00 .80 8638. 2721. 9.00 1137. 16802. 36.7 76.43 1.00 .00 10420. 3038. 9.00 1371. 20268. 41.0 85.33 1.00 WALL CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS 8.00 0. 0. 9.00 0. 0. .0 .00 .00 7.20 3. 13. 9.00 1. 47. .2 1.84 .13 6.40 27. 51. 9.00 8. 376. .6 7.34 .13 5.60 92. 115. 9.00 27. 1268. 1.4 16.52 .13 4.80. 218. 205. 9.00 64. 3005. 2.6 29.37 .13 4.00 427. 320. 9.00 125. 5868. 4.0 45.89 .13 3.20 737. 461. 9.00 217. 10141. 5.8 66.08 .13 2.40 1171. 627. 9.00 344. 16103. 7.8 89.94 .13 1.60 1748. 819. 9.00 382. 12255. 10.4 59.86 .26 .80 2488. 1037. 9.00 544. 17449. 13.2 75.76 .26 .00 3413. 1280. 9.00 747. 23935. 16.3 93.54 .26 1 ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT REINFORCED CONCRETE RECTANGULAR CHANNEL CHECK PROGRAM LICENSED TO: AEI-CASC ENGINEERING COYOTE CANYON - CITY OF FONTANA CHANNEL DESIGN SLAB CHECK EARTH FACE B-1 CUTOFF AT 7.83 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 3.08 FEET B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-4 CUTOFF AT 7.83 FEET B-5 CUTOFF AT 2.00 FEET B-6 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET 3 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ***UNRECOGNIZABLE KEYWORD B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 3.09 FEET B-1 CUTOFF AT 15.51 FEET B-9 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-8 CUTOFF AT 5.72 FEET B-7 CUTOFF AT 14.97 FEET 0 4 DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 10155. 129. 9.00 1728. 23238. 2.1 4.27 1.00 1.45 6858. 1150. 9.00 1167. 15693. 18.2 38.02 1.00 2.90 3917. 1367. 9.00 666. 8963. 21.7 45.22 1.00 4.35 1762. 1176. 9.00 413. 9430. 17.9 81.94 .41 5.80 421. 839. 9.00 99. 2252. 12.8 58.46 .41 7.25 -268. 506. 9.00 100. 4324. 7.4 84.92 .13 8.70 -519. 242. 9.00 194. 8372. 3.5 40.63 .13 10.15 -528. 62. 9.00 197. 8504. .9 10.37 .13 11.60 -440. 46. 9.00 165. 7090. .7 7.79 .13 13.05 -353. 101. 9.00 132. 5682. 1.5 16.98 .13 14.50 -318. 117. 9.00 119. 5125. 1.7 19.73 .13 SLAB CHECK CHANNEL FACE DISTANCE MOMENT SHEAR THICKNESS CONCRETE STEEL UNIT BOND AREA OF FEET FT LBS LBS INCHES STRESS STRESS SHEAR STRESS STEEL PSI PSI PSI PSI SQ INS .00 3891. 1874. 9.00 898. 20055. 28.5 130.80 .43 1.45 3605. 1575. 9.00 832. 18583. 24.0 109.90 .43 2.90 2713. 1106. 9.00 626. 13984. 16.8 77.20 .43 4.35 1736. 661. 9.00 401. 8950. 10.1 46.11 .43 5.80 928. 320. 9.00 347. 14961. 4.7 53.75 .13 7.25 366. 99. 9.00 137. 5894. 1.4 16.56 .13 8.70 30. 24. 9.00 11. 479. .3 3.95 .13 10.15 -139. 77. 9.00 33. 745. 1.2 5.40 .41 11.60 -206. 93. 9.00 48. 1103. 1.4 6.48 .41 13.05 -224. 93. 9.00 52. 1199. 1.4 6.49 .41 14.50 -226. 92. 9.00 53. 1211. 1.4 6.39 .41 NEGATIVE MOMENTS AND STEEL AREAS ARE APPLICABLE TO OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB DESIGN PROGRAM TRANSFERS MOMENT INTERNALLY AND DESIGNS FOR MAXIMUM CONDITION. CHECK PROGRAM APPLIES NEGATIVE MOMENTS TO GIVEN STEEL AREAS TRANSFERRED FROM OPPOSITE FACE OF SLAB. 1 ***UNRECOGNIZABLE KEYWORD B-3 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-2 CUTOFF AT 3.09 FEET B-1 CUTOFF AT 15.51 FEET B-9 CUTOFF AT .00 FEET B-8 CUTOFF AT 5.72 FEET B-7 CUTOFF AT 14.97 FEET 0 4 s EXHIBITS m L11 EXHIBIT A: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY MAP m ..# 300' oyc LE�CEl1�?� 0-0-11 JlODEICONCENTRATION POINT 1645.5 SURFACE ELEVATION SUB AREA ACRES LOW PATH wNATERSHED BOUNDARY --;Z V y VYON HYDROLOGY MAP DEVELOPED CONDITIONS IBM&- A� -7 A ft, -j Lo 71 L j, - - cl- I A 7 uL :.7,,1 t t :I r w., -.-Er WAP i SOLwt,, 6EOto-ay V SOURCE.11RV 5CS SU — L\ . ......... A ; A Pn m 7—F A it B �7 e 7 4 z 77:; L —7 r L - ---------- - - r4a 5- A. L -I �j A yy 3F ZZ., �41 2� f-7 z T4--1 TL E3 A A A .4 J - SOIL GROUP BOUNDA _Ry A So" GROUP DESIGNATION SCALE 1—ap0C C-1 BOJNoARf OF tN[XCATV() SOURCE -SAN BERNARDINO CDUN i V SAN BERNARD CouNry SCALE REDUCED BY I/Id! Hnynpni (--f(- Q ii c ,-p[DAD ul IVI HYDROLOGY MANUAL FOR L L: L_ n n 9 a L f L 6 f 4 R 8 R 7 4, 2 RIE RAE I P, W 5 W R6W T fi 1.2 2 7. -T 'o 1-4 'oo T" 7Z TA I �.o Pa Da« I V L -0 L BE R� 11 5 7 T I LDPc�i6.i)­T2 N hs VA Q 1.5 IX I 14LOA-1 o —4 7 1,7 _TIN a —T� J I N I— _T SA T -T UPL' —T DI 0 T CL. ... ol TA _CLZ TIS ON TA I _T T-1 s 04 0 —13 �UCAI_ MIVL* -4- T 92 �R I : I � N T4 14N T2S I ERSIDE ItEllt 'R R3W• 2Y 11 1 vt' al SAN fW-RNARD4NO COLWY FLOOO CQNTMQL 22M&-1 VALLEY AREA D.,s.,�«,PD-L, REDUCED DR;A ING T35 — / �_iS--- • c>,r tsoHYETAL5 � - SCALE 1 4 N11LES YD -100 YEAR I -HOUR 64o:•FD ON MO," XrLM 7, o" �} '1 4 . _ _ _ _ -_ ----_ -A SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Iry Flis w HF) -Pr)i nry ly'A N 1 1,� I m D Tl COYOTE CANYON 52635 T2 WSPGN ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED HAWKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL T3 FILENAME: HCINT.WSN DATE:03/18/04 A. TORREYSON SO 864.49 582.50 7 605.80 TS 964.49 583.00 5 .035 TS 1064.49 583.50 4 .035 R 1164.49 584.00 4 .035 R 1508.37 612.26 4 .035 R 1588.15 618.82 4 .035 TS 1678.15 626.22 10 .015 JX 1703.10 628.27 2 3 .014 1337.00 628.27 WX 1703.10 628.27 1 CD R 1784.10 630.40 1 .014 R 1802.83 630.89 1 .014 R 1851.29 632.17 1 .014 WE 1851.29 632.17 2 .250 TS 1896.29 633.52 6 .015 R 3271.60 674.76 6 .015 TS 3316.60 676.11 62 .014 R 3521.60 682.26 62 .015 TS 3551.60 683.16 67 .014 WX 3551.60 683.16 66 36.75 R 3885.20 693.06 66 .014 R� 3959.74 695.27 66 .014 R 3987.29 696.09 66 .014 R 4046.06 697.83 66 .014 R 4112.00 699.79 66 .014 WE 4112.00 699.79 67 .250 TS 4157.00 701.25 6 .015 R 4386.23 708.36 6 .015 R 4486.23 718.36 6 .015 0 INTERIM COND. W/LINE A .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 -3.516 .000 0 -3.967 .000 0 00.0 .000 -15.470 .000 0 .000 .000 0 9.254 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 8.543 .000 0 .000 .000 0 -6.735 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 SH 4486.23 718.36 6 727.36 CD 1 3 1 1.00 8.00 25.00 .00 .00 .0 CD 2 2 0 .00 8.00 25.00 .00 .00 .0 CD 3 3 0 .00 8.00 10.00 .00 .00 .0 CD 4 1 0 .00 20.00 12.00 2.00 2.00 .0 CD 5 1 0 .00 20.00 62.00 2.00 2.00 .0 CD 6 1 0 .00 12.00 12.00 1.50 1.50 .0 CD 7 1 0 .00 20.00 112.00 3.00 3.00 .0 CD 8 4 1 .00 9.50 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 9 1 0 .00 10.00 12.00 1.50 1.50 .0 CD 10 2 0 .00 8.00 36.75 .00 .00 .0 CD 11 1 0 .00 10.00 80.00 1.50 1.50 .0 CD 24 4 1 .00 2.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 30 4 1 .00 2.50 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 36 4 1 .00 3.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 42 4 1 .00 3.50 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 48 4 1 .00 4.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 54 4 1 .00 4.50 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 60 4 1 .00 5.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 CD 62 2 0 .00 10.00 22.00 .00 .00 .0 CD 66 3 1 1.00 8.00 29.00 .00 .00 .0 CD 67 2 0 .00 8.00 29.00 .00 .00 .0 CD 68 5 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PTS 6819340.11728.00347.19728.00349.15727.00351.46726.00355.20725.00 PTS 357.30724.00360.45723.00362.37722.00365.71721.00368.00720.15 PTS 378.00720.15381.72721.00384.57722.00387.28723.00389.68724.00 .00 .00 PTS 391.72725.00394.04726.00404.00726.00410.00729.00 Q 5727.00 .0 A n n n W S P G N- CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.0 PAGE 1 For: CASC Engineering Group, Riverside, California t SIN 615 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 3-17-2004 Time: 1: 6:24 COYOTE CANYON 52635 WSPGN ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED HAWKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL INTERIM GOND. W/LINE A FILENAME: HCINT.WSN DATE:03/18/04 A. TORREYSON Invert Depth Water Q I Vel Vel i Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slopel I II SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I I ZR- IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 864.49 582.50 23.300 605.800 7064.0 1.67 .043 605.843 .00 4.764 251.80 20.00 112.00 3.00 0 .0 TRANS STR .00500 .000082 .01 23.30 .072 .035 3.00 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 964.49 583.00 22.739 605.739 7064.0 2.89 .130 605.869 .00 6.838 152.96 20.00 62.00 2.00 0 .0 TRANS STIR .00500 .000431 .04 22.74 .127 .035 2.00 TRAP 1064.49 583.50 21.976 605.476 7064.0 5.74 .512 605.989 .00 12.415 99.90 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 I_ 100.00 .00500 .000774 .08 21.98 .289 14.575 .035 2.00 TRAP I I I I I I i I I I I I I 1164.49 584.00 21.513 605.513 7064.0 5.97 .553 606.066 .00 12.415 98.05 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 6.31 .08218 .000868 .01 21.51 .303 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP 1170.80 584.52 20.945 605.464 7064.0 6.26 .608 606.072 .00 12.415 95.78 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 6.08 .08218 .000986 .01 20.94 .321 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP 1176.89 585.02 20.390 605.409 7064.0 6.56 .669 606.078 .00 12.415 93.56 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 5.86 .08218 .001120 01 20.39 .341 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP 1182.74 585.50 19.849 605.349 7064.0 6.88 .736 606.084 .00 12.415 91.39 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 5.62 .08218 .001272 .01 19.85 .362 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP 1188.37 585.96 19.320 605.282 7064.0 7.22 .809 606.092 .00 12.415 89.28 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 5.39 .08218 .001444 .01 19.32 .384 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP 1193.75 586.40 18.804 605.209 7064.0 7.57 .890 606.099 .00 12.415 87.22 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 1.76 .08218 .001570 .00 18.80 .408 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP W S P G N- CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.0 PAGE 2 For: CASC Engineering Group, Riverside, California SIN 615 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 3-17-2004 Time: 1: 6:24 COYOTE CANYON 52635 WSPGN ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED HAWKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL INTERIM GOND. W/LINE A FILENAME: HCINT.WSN DATE:03/18/04 A. TORREYSON Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase WtI INo Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slopel I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I I ZR (Type Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1195.52 586.55 18.633 605.183 7064.0 7.69 .919 606.103 .00 12.415 86.53 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1195.52 586.55 7.637 594.186 7064.0 33.92 17.863 612.049 .00 12.415 42.55 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 153.92 .08218 .089201 13.73 7.64 2.701 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP 1349.44 599.20 7.490 606.689 7064.0 34.95 18.972 625.661 .00 12.415 41.96 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 98.10 .08218 .099210 9.73 7.49 2.807 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP 1447.54 607.26 7.264 614.524 7064.0 36.66 20.869 635.394 .00 12.415 41.05 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 60.83 .08218 .112856 6.87 7.26 2.982 7.710 .035 2.00 TRAP I I i I I I I I I I I I I 1508.37 612.26 7.043 619.303 7064.0 38.45 22.956 642.259 1.84 12.415 40.17 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 43.21 .08223 .128003 5.53 8.89 3.168 7.709 .035 2.00 TRAP 1551.58 615.81 6.837 622.650 7064.0 40.24 25.146 647.796 1.98 12.415 39.35 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 36.57 .08223 .145251 5'.31 8.82 3.358 7.709 .035 2.00 TRAP 1588.15 618.82 6.627 625.447 7064.0 42.21 27.660 653.107 2.13 12.415 38.51 20.00 12.00 2.00 0 .0 TRANS STR .08222 .027941 2.51 8.76 3.568 .015 2.00 TRAP I 1678.15 626.22 4.801 631.021 7064.0 40.04 24.891 655.912 .00 10.469 36.75 8.00 36.75 .00 I0 .0 JUNCT STR .08217 .023311 .58 6.21 3.220 .014 .00 RECTANG 1703.10 628.27 5.747 634.017 5727.0 39.86 24.669 658.686 4.11 11.768 25.00 8.00 25.00 .00 I0 .0 WALL EXIT W S P G N- CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.0 PAGE 3 For: CASC Engineering Group, Riverside, California 4 SIN 615 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 3-17-2004 Time: 1: 6:24 COYOTE CANYON 52635 WSPGN ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED HAWKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL INTERIM COND. W/LINE A FILENAME: HCINT.WSN DATE:03/18/04 A. TORREYSON Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/IBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.E1.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slopel I II SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm DP I "N" I I ZR- IType Ch I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1703.10 628.27 6.002 634.272 5727.0 39.76 24.544 658.816 8.00 8.000 25.00 8.00 25.00 .00 1 1.0 I_ 81.00 .02630 .032961 2.67 8.00 2.919 6.495 .014 .00 BOX I I I I I i I I I I I I I 1784.10 630.40 5.928 636.328 5727.0 40.25 25.158 661.486 .00 8.000 25.00 8.00 25.00 .00 1 1.0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- 1- 18.73 .02616 .033649 .63 5.93 2.973 6.507 .014 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1802.83 630.89 5.909 636.799 5727.0 40.38 25.321 662.120 8.00 8.000 25.00 8.00 25.00 .00 1 1.0 I_ I_ 48.46 .02641 .034177 1.66 B.00 2.988 6.484 .014 .00 BOX I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1851.29 632.17 5.860 638.030 5727.0 40.72 25.748 663.778 .00 8.000 25.00 8.00 25.00 .00 1 1.0 I_ WALL ENTRANCE I 1851.29 632.17 5.350 637.520 5727.0 42.82 28.465 665.986 .00 11.768 25.00 8.00 25.00 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR .03000 .030795 1.39 5.35 3.262 .015 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1896.29 633.52 6.321 639.841 5727.0 42.17 27.619 667.460 .00 12.141 30.96 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 925.68 .02999 .028188 26.09 6.32 3.549 6.295 .015 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2821.97 661.28 6.472 667.749 5727.0 40.77 25.806 693.555 .00 12.141 31.41 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 449.63 .02999 .025249 11.35 6.47 3.397 6.295 .015 1.50 TRAP I I I i I I I I I I I I I 3271.60 674.76 6.688 681.448 5727.0 38.87 23.460 704.908 .00 12.141 32.06 12.00 12..00 1.50 0 .0 TRANS STR 03000 .020012 .90 6.69 3.195 .014 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I i I I I I I I 3316.60 676.11 6.766 682.876 5727.0 38.47 22.984 705.861 .00 12.813 22.00 10.00 22.00 .00 0 .0 I_ 16.63 .03000 .022230 .37 6.77 2.607 6.099 .015 .00 RECTANG W S P G N- CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.0 P PAGE 4 For: CASC Engineering Group, Riverside, California - SIN 615 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 3-17-2004 Time: 1: 6:24 COYOTE CANYON 52635 WSPGN ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED HAWKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL INTERIM COND. W/LINE A FILENAME: HCINT.WSN DATE:03/18/04 A. TORREYSON Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticaljFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj INO Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Sloped I I I SF Aver HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I I ZR- IType Ch 3333.23 676.61 6.788 683.397 5727.0 38.35 22.835 706.232 .00 12.813 22.00 10.00 22.00 .00 0 .0 188.37 .03000 .020738 3.91 6.79 2.594 6.099 .015 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 3521.60 682.26 7.120 689.380 5727.0 36.56 20.759 710.139 .00 12.813 22.00 10.00 22.00 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR 03000 .019429 .58 7.12 2.415 .014 .00 RECTANG I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 3551.60 683.16 5.150 688.310 5727.0 38.34 22.829 711.139 .00 10.660 29.00 8.00 29.00 .00 0 .0 WALL EXIT 3551.60 683.16 5.345 688.505 5727.0 38.26 22.736 711.241 .00 8.000 29.00 8.00 29.00 .00 1 1.0 333.60 .02968 .029612 9.88 5.35 2.968 5.342 .014 .00 BOX 3885.20 693.06 5.348 698.407 5727.0 38.25 22.717 721.124 2.54 8.000 29.00 8.00 29.00 .00 1 1.0 74.54 .02965 .029593 2.21 7.89 2.966 5.344 .014 .00 BOX 3959.74 695.27 5.348 700.618 5727.0 38.25 22.714 723.332 .00 8.000 29.00 8.00 29.00 .00 1 1.0 27.55 .02976 .029585 .82 5.35 2.966 5.336 .014 .00 BOX 3987.29 696.09 5.349 701.439 5727.0 38.24 22.708 724.147 2.54 8.000 29.00 8.00 29.00 .00 1 1.0 58.77 .02961 .029579 1.74 7.89 2.966 5.347 .014 .00 BOX 4046.06 697.83 5.349 703.179 5727.0 38.24 22.707 725.886 .00 8.000 29.00 8.00 29.00 .00 1 1.0 65.94 .02972 .029568 1.95 5.35 2.965 5.339 .014 .00 BOX 4112.00 699.79 5.350 705.140 5727.0 38.23 22.696 727.836 .00 8.000 29.00 8.00 29.00 .00 1 1.0 WALL ENTRANCE W S P G N- CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.0 PAGE 5 For: CASC Engineering Group, Riverside, California - SIN 615 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 3-17-2004 Time: 1: 6:24 COYOTE CANYON 52635 WSPGN ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED HAWKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL INTERIM GOND. W/LINE A FILENAME: HCINT.WSN DATE:03/18/04 A. TORREYSON Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow TopIHeight/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Sloped SF Avel HF (SE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I I ZR'IType Ch 4112.00 699.79 4.945 704.735 5727.0 39.93 24.761 729.496 .00 10.660 29.00 8.00 29.00 .00 0 .0 TRANS STR .03244 .025646 1.15 4.95 3.164 .015 .00 RECTANG 4157.00 701.25 6.749 707.999 5727.0 38.36 22.844 730.843 .00 12.141 32.25 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 53.43 .03102 .022431 1.20 6.75 3.141 6.241 .015 1.50 TRAP 4210.43 702.91 6.801 709.708 572.7.0 37.93 22.337 732.045 .00 12.141 32.40 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 175.80 .03102 .020746 3.65 6.80 3.096 6.241 .015 1.50 TRAP I I I I I I I I I I I I 4386.23 708.36 7.026 715.386 5727.0 36.16 20.306 735.693 .00 12.141 33.08 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 15.75 .10000 .018468 .29 7.03 2.913 4.604 .015 1.50 TRAP 4401.98 709.93 7.207 717.142 5727.0 34.84 18.843 735.985 .00 12.141 33.62 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 17.68 .10000 .016468 .29 7.21 2.776 4.604 .015 1.50 TRAP 4419.66 711.70 7.443 719.146 5727.0 33.21 17.130 736.276 .00 12.141 34.33 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 15.37 .10000 .014471 .22 7.44 2.612 4.604 .015 1.50 TRAP 4435.03 713.24 7.686 720.926 5727.0 31.67 15.573 736.499 .00 12.141 35.06 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 13.37 .10000 .012719 .17 7.69 2.457 4.604 .015 1.50 TRAP 4448.40 714.58 7.935 722.512 5727.0 30.19 14.157 736.669 .00 12.141 35.81 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 11.61 .10000 .011180 .13 7.94 2.312 4.604 .015 1.50 TRAP 1 1 4460.01 715.74 8.191 723.929 5727.0 28.79 12.870 736.799 .00 12.141 36.57 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 10.06 .10000 .009828 .10 8.19 2.175 4.604 .015 1.50 TRAP n o n W S P G N- CIVILDESIGN Vers 6.0 PAGE 6 For: CASC Engineering Group, Riverside, California - S/N 615 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 3-17-2004 Time: 1: 6:24 COYOTE CANYON 52635 WSPGN ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED HAWKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL INTERIM COND. W/LINE A FILENAME: HCINT.WSN DATE:03/18/04 A. TORREYSON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wtl INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slopel I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I I ZR Type Ch 4470.07 716.74 8.454 725.198 5727.0 27.45 11.700 736.898 .00 12.141 37.36 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 8.69 .10000 .008641 .08 8.45 2.047 4.604 .015 1.50 TRAP 1 1 3 4478.76 717.61 8.723 726.336 5727.0 26.17 10.636 736.97 .00 12.141 38.17 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0 7.47 .10000 .007598 .06 8.72 1.926 4.604 .015 1.50 TRAP 4486.23 718.36 9.000 727.360 5727.0 24.95 9.669 737.029 .00 12.141 39.00 12.00 12.00 1.50 0 .0