HomeMy WebLinkAbout4915-8C) C,4 SECTION 02800 LANDSCAPE PLANTING 1. GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL The requirements of the "General Conditions of the ContracV'and of Division 1, "General Requirements", shall apply to all work of this Section with the same force and effect as though repeated in full herein. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK A. Work Included: 1. Providing and preparing soil and soil mixes. 2. Planting, including, trees, shrubs and sodded lawns. 3. Staking. 4. Tree Preservation. B. Related Work Described Elsewhere: 1. Irrigation System Section [02810]. 2. Landscape Finish Grading Section [02260]. 3. Landscape Maintenance Section [02840]. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality Control: 1. Submit documentation to Landscape Architect at least forty-five (45) days after award of Contract that all plant material is available. Contractor shall be responsible for all material listed on plant list. Any and all substitutions due to availability must be requested in writing prior to confirmation of ordering. All materials shall be subject to inspection by Landscape Architect at any time after confirmation of ordering. 2. Plants shall be subject to inspection and approval of Landscape Architect at place of growth or upon delivery for conformity to specifications, Such approval shall not impair the right of inspection and rejection during progress of the work. Submit written request for inspection of plant material at place of growth to Landscape Architect. Written request shall state the place of growth and quantity of plants to be inspected. Landscape Architect reserves the right to refuse inspection at this time if, in his judgment, a sufficient quantity of plants is not available for inspection. 3. The Contractor shall submit specifications of any item being used on site upon the request of the Landscape Architect. B. Standards: 1 . Provide plants and planting material meeting or exceeding specifications of Federal, State and County laws requiring -inspection for plant disease and insect control. 2. Provide quality and size conforming to current edition of "Horticultural Standards" for number one nursery stock as adopted by the American Association of Nurserymen. 3. Provide plants which are true to name. Tag one of each bundle of lot with the name and size of plants in accordance with the standards of practice of the American Association of Nurserymen. 4. In all cases, botanical names shall take precedence over common names. C. Workmanship: Berform work in accordance with the best standards of practice for landscape work and under the continual supervision of competent foreman capable of interpreting the drawings and specifications. D. Quantities and types:Elant materials shall be furnished in the quantities and / or spacing as shown or noted for each location, and shall be of the species, kinds, sizes, etc., as symbolized and / or described in the "List of Plant Materials," all as indicated on the drawings. E. Verification of dimensions and quantities:AJI scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, carefully check and verify all dimensions and quantities and immediately inform the Landscape Architect of any discrepancy between the drawings and/or specifications and actual conditions. No work shall be done in any area where there is any such discrepancy until approval for same has been given by the Landscape Architect. F. Agricultural Soils Testing: 1 . An analysis of existing on-site soil, import top soil, and light weight planter soil is required prior to beginning planting work and purchasing the same products or materials. 2. The testing laboratory shall be Wallace Laboratories Inc. 365 Coral Circle, El Segundo, CA 90245, 310-615-0116. Tests shall be paid for by the Owner. The quantity and location of on-site soil samples to be tested shall be determined by the Landscape Architect after rough grading operations are complete. 3. The quantity and location of on site soil samples to be tested shall be determined by the Landscape Architect. Provide 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actual planting only when weather and soil conditions are suitable in accordance with locally accepted practice. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product data: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section. 2. Complete data demonstrating compliance with the specified requirements. This shall not in any way be construed as permitting substitutions. 3. Submit samples of each of the materials listed in Part 2 -'Products' as determined by the Landscape Architect. B. Certification: Brovide a certificate with each delivery of bulk material, stating the source, quantity, and type of material and stating that the material conforms with the specified requirements. 1. For bulk delivered organic fertilizer, also show on the certificate of volume, net weight and percentages of nitrogen and phosphorus and potassium. 2. For other fertilizers and soil conditions in containers, show on the certificate the total quantities by weight and volume for each material. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery: 1. Deliver fertilizer to site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trademark, and conformance to State Law. 2. The Contractor shall furnish Landscape Architect with copies of receipts for all amendments specified in Section 2.01 Materials or amended by the required Soils Report specified in Section 1.03 F. Deliver all plants with legible identification labels. a. Label trees, evergreens, bundles or containers of like shrubs, or groundcover plants. b. State correct plant name and size indicated on plant list. c. Use durable waterproof labels with water-resistant ink which will remain legible for at least 60 days. d. Immediately remove from the job site all plants which are not true to name, and all materials which do not comply with the specified requirements. 4. Protect plant material during delivery to prevent damage to root ball or desiccation of leaves. 5. The Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect seven (7) days in advance of delivery of all plant materials and shall submit an itemized list of the plant in each delivery. B. Storage: 1. Store plant material in shade and protect from weather. 2. Maintain and protect plant material not to be planted within four (4) hours in a healthy, vigorous condition. C. Handling:The Contractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading, unloading and storing of plant materials. Plant materials that have been damaged in any way will be discarded and, if installed, shall be replaced with undamaged materials. 1.07 SAMPLES AND TESTSLandscape Architect reserves the right to take and analyze samples of materials for conformity to specifications at any time. Contractor shall furnish samples upon request by Landscape Architect. Rejected materials shall be immediately removed from the site at Contractor's expense. Cost of testing of materials not meeting specifications shall be paid for by Contractor. 1.08 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENTSubmit a written guarantee in approved form in compliance with the related requirements of General Conditions guaranteeing the work of this section against any defective materials and workmanship in compliance with the following terms, agreeing to replace any defective materials and/or workmanship at no additional cost to the owner. A. Trees and Palm Trees shall be guaranteed for a period of one year and shrubs, vines and ground cover for a period of six months after final approval and acceptance of the project. B. Any plant material which dies or which is not healthy or vigorous when it has received normal care and maintenance shall be replaced within or at the end of the guarantee period and as specified in the Landscape Maintenance Specifications. C. Any trees or other plant materials that die -back and lose the form and size as originally specified, shall be replaced even though they have taken root and are growing after the die -back. D. The Contractor, when notified by the Landscape Architect, shall remove and replace all guaranteed plant materials which for any reason fail to meet the requirements of the guarantee. Replacement of material and plants shall be made to same specifications as required for original planting. All replacements shall be guaranteed as specified for original materials from the actual date of the planting of replacement material. 1.09 EXISTING TREES70 BE PROTECTED IN PLACE' A. When the site is ready for clearing, existing trees designated as 'to remain' shall be protected form land clearing equipment and construction work. Barricades shall be erected around the tree to protect the entire dripline (an imaginary perpendicular line that extends downward from the outer-most tip of the tree branches to the ground) of the tree. B. The area around the tree protected by the barricade is there to keep heavy equipment off the tree roots which can compact soil, damage roosts or scar the trunk. Grading away or in any way damaging roots or adding fill (4 to 6 inches) can kill most trees. 1�11 F.T.T.T.TIV,TAV,VlTAVAV,V,V,T,v,VAT,V.T,v V V 1IIIIlllqIlIIIIi� TOLL FREE 'Mm"'l -800-227-2600 PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT REVISION DESCRIPTION D. All underground power, water, telephone lines, etc., should be outside the tree's dripline whenever possible. Consulting an arborist about placement of trenches is vital. E. Don't allow trees to stand in water. Submersion of the roots can kill trees. F. If during the construction period any part of the tree becomes damaged, an arbo"rist shall be retained at the contractor's expense to examine, recommend and direct any necessary remedial measures to save the tree. G. If damage is due to negligent or careless construction practices and activities the contractor shall replace the tree(s) with a healthy tree of like kind and size at the contractors expense. 0 1.10 ROOT BARRIER REQUIREMENT A. All trees within 8' (eight feet) of any paving curbs, or bands (except for trees in tree grates) shall be installed with linear root barriers. Root barrier products for trees within 8' (eight feet) of any sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and paving governed by or under the jurisdiction of the City, shall be that specified and approved by the City and shall be installed in accordance with the City's standards and the manufacturers specifications, recommendations, and details. 1.11 TREE PLACEMENT AND LOCATION REQUIREMENTS A. Trees shall be located not less than: 1 . Twenty (20) feet back of beginning of curb returns at any street intersection. 2. Twenty (20) feet from lamp standards and power poles. 3. Ten (10) feet from fire hydrants. 4. Five (5) feet from service walks and driveways. 5. Five (5) feet from water meters. 0 2. PRODUCTS 2.01 Materials A. The following organic, soil amendments and fertilizers are to be used for bid price basis 'only. Specified amendments and fertilizer specifications will be made after rough grading operations are complete and soil samples are tested by the Owner, see Section 1.03F. B. All materials shall be of standard, approved and first -grade quality and shall be in prime 'Condition when installed and accepted. Any commercially processed or packaged material shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened container bearing the manufacturers guaranteed an�,I�sis. Contractor shall supply Landscape Architect with a sample of all supplied materials acco ' mpanied by analytical data from an approved laboratory source illustrating compliance or bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis: C. SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF REQUIRED MOVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS IN EffECT' I PREPARED FOR: MERITAGE HOMES 1250 CORONA POINTE COURT SUITE 210 CORONA, CA 92879 CONTACT: PETER VANEK (949) 307-3482 PREPARED BY. BORTHWICK GUY BETTENHAUSEN, INC. 2444 DUPONT DRIVE IRVINE, CA 92612 CONTACT: CHARLA HARRIS (949) 476-8616 CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA 1WN Bn CFD LANDSCAPE PLAN 54 DRAWN BY. 17189 SCALE. --,A- TMCT NO. NONE SRJl%furd_ DESIGNED BY. DATE. 2.0011 May 23, 2011 Date '0007 001V LP CHECKED BY. AP _.JVoo�,, f p.4 DRAWING NO.: _fA) U C \T f CITY EOWER R. C. E 51152 19 15