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Tract 17456
19 DRAINAGE STUDY FOR A 32 -UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROSECT TRAGI NO. 17456 17582 ARROW BOULEVARD, FONTANA IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO PREPARED BY I & B ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS N DIEGO, CALIFO IA MACARIO R. PEREZ, P.E. Registered Civil Engineer No. 7 �.irEllEz Na 6l000� s 0 �e of carr// Revised July 18, 2007 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana Revised 07.18.07 1 3 & B ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS DRAINAGE STUDY FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 17456 FONTANA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section1. Introduction............................................................3 Section 2. Project Location and Vanity Map ............................3 Section 3. General Site Characteristics......................................4 3.1 Land Use 3.2 Hydrologic Soil Classification 3.3 Site Photos Section4. Hydrology................................................................9 4.1 Runoff Coefficient ,,,� 4.2 Rainfall Intensity 4.3 Times of Concentration 4.4 Drainage Area 4.4.1 Pre -Development 4.4.2 Post -Development 4.5 Summary Hydrology Calculations Section S. Hydraulics Analysis................................................20 5.1 Basis of Design 5.2 Storm Drainage System 5.3 Under Sidewalk Drains 5.4 Driveway Discharge Capacity 5.5 Street Capacity Section 6. Conclusions............................................................26 Section7. References.............................................................26 SectionS. Appendices .........................uu....uu.......................26 Section 9. Acronyms and Abbreviations..................................27 err 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 2 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 N Section 1. INTRODUCTION This Preliminary Drainage Study is prepared for the purpose of providing a flood analysis of the drainage area tributary to the property located at 17582 Arrow Boulevard in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California. This Study will address and discuss the watershed characteristics, precipitation and rainfall, and flood calculations for a 100 -year, 25 -year and 10 -year storm frequencies, respectively, at 1 -hour time duration of peak flows in the water basin tributary to the project area. It will also include a preliminary hydraulics analysis of the drainage systems proposed for this Tentative Parcel Map No. 17456. Design procedures shall be in accordance with the land development and flood control policies of the San Bernardino County, consstent with the City of Fontana Design Standards and current Storm Drain Master Plans. Section 2. Project Location and Vicinity Map The proposed project is located along the northerly side of Arrow Boulevard between Tamarind Avenue and Alder Avenue, City of Fontana in the County of San Bernardino, with street address at 17582 Arrow Boulevard. The property is owned by the Tai Yuan Wang Family and has a gross area of 2.72 acres. The Project Vicinity Map is shown below: f, L a!� 4�!' La CC I a;� = n( II �.ERkEFI pa* 61� O - ?ARROW BLVD E ARROW RTE _- ) i v UA All c� _ r x1s JL.ih'�crS bF, K !I r.raE,-.r Q�� s ,, -- _- .. OR4N6E v14Y .. - . - .. F ... .. ...- Z CERES Ar'... q {GENES aY - 4PES A'i �..�..�� -- .. IANAS'A,"A A. w CEF'E; A' �I:.TRCY - �� a� (Extracted from SBC American Map Street Atlas pg. 2646/B5) 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 3 Revised 11.15.06 I & B ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS ,.•. Section 3. General Site Characteristics The existing landform of the property is relatively flat with an average slope of about one percent from its north property line to the property frontage along Arrow Boulevard. The property is currently vacant and has obviously been cleared of green vegetation. The entire land surface is covered with dry grass. There is an existing gun store along its westerly property line and a religious facility along its easterly property line. At the opposite side of Arrow Boulevard, a 70 -foot wide between curbs highway, is an existing medical facility. There are no catch basins on Arrow Boulevard along the property frontage; however, several catch basins were found along Alder and Tamarind avenues, indicating the existence of an underground storm drain system in those streets. Because of the flat topography, grading is minimal with building pad elevations set at elev. 1280.0 at upstream areas to elev. 1276.0 at the downstream pads fronting Arrow Boulevard, a drop in elevation of 4 feet in about 500 -ft. 3.1 Land Use Existing zoning/land use designation for this project property is commercial C-2. All other adjacent and surrounding properties are also designated C-2 zoning classification. The current land uses or existing improvements surrounding the property are generally commercial or light industrial structures. See Appendix A. Precise Grading Plan. 3.2 Hydrological Soil Classification There are essentially four (4) groups of hydrologic soil classifications, described as follows: Group A: Low Runoff Potential. Soils having high infiltration rates even when thoroughly wetted, consisting of deep, well to excessively drained and/or gravel. These soils have a high rate of water transmission and would result in a low runoff potential. Group B: Soils having moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, consisting chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 4 1 & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Revised 11.15.06 GrouR Q Soils having slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, consisting chiefly of (1) soils with a layer that impedes the downward movement of water, of (2) soils with moderately fine to fine texture and a slow infiltration rate. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D: High Runoff Potential. Soils having very slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted, consisting chiefly of (1) clay soils with a high swelling potential; (2) soils with a high permanent water table; (3) soils with clay pan or clay layer at or near the surface; and (4) shallow soils over nearly impervious materials. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. This project is located in the Southwest area of the Hydrologic Soils Group Map in San Bernardino County. See Appendix B. As approximately located in the Hydrologic Soils Group Map, this project site is in Soil Group A, which has the lowest runoff potential among the 4 soil groups described above. Consequently, in Appendix G, Curve Numbers (CN) for Pervious Areas, this soil falls at CN 38 in the AMC -II curve (moderate runoff potential, average study condition), with the following values: Table 1. CN vs FP Curve Number, CN Infiltration Rate for Pervious Areas, FP inches/hour 38 0.94 3.3 Site Photos Digital photographs were taken at the project site on June 29, 2006. These photos show the site to be relatively flat and and the absence of any defined flow line or flow path indicate that drainage patterns generally consist of sheet flows draining across the existing walks to the gutters at Arrow Boulevard. There are no catch basins along Arrow Boulevard although the presence of existing catch basins along nearby Alder and Tamarind Avenues indicate the existence of an underground master plan storm drain system in the watershed that includes this drainage area. However, the only outlet(s) for the storm runoff directly accumulated in this t,rira property discharge at Arrow Boulevard. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 5 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Revised 11.15.06 0 • • 1 3.3 Site Photos View showing the medical facility opposite the property at Arrow Boulevard. View of Arrow Boulevard facing westerly. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 6 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Reviseri 1 1.11; 06 • Y, O View of property from southeast corner looking northeasterly. View of property looking easterly. Note the Religious Facility building firewall in the background. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 7 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS RPVISP(i 11.15-0( • Frontal view of property from Arrow Blvd. facing northerly. View of property from southeast corner looking westerly. Note gun store facility buildings in the background. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 8 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS RPvi-Pd 11 _1 c; -n i Section 4. Hydrology Hydrology calculations for this property will be based on 100 -yr, 25 -year and 10 -yr storm frequencies. Since the anticipated drainage area of this Tract Map is relatively small, the method for computing storm runoff will be the Rational Method (RM), which is the standard for watersheds less than 1.0 square mile (640 awes). The procedures that will be used in this Study shall be in accordance with the County of San Bernardino's regulations and policies governing land parcel recordations and development projects. The Rational Method Formula to be used in this Study is as follows: • «� Where: Q is the peak rate of flow in cubic feet per second (cfs). C is a runoff coefficient expressed as that percentage of runoff depth to rainfall depth which produces the peak discharge (dimensionless). I is the time -averaged rainfall intensity for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration,Tc, in inches per hour. A is the drainage area in acres. The various elements of the RM Formula described above are discussed and quantified in the following sections. 4.1 Runoff Coefficient The runoff coefficient ( C ) is based on land use and soil type. Soil properties influence the relationship between rainfall and runoff because of differing rates of infiltration. Many other factors also influence the runoff coefficient, such as the percentage of imperviousness, soil cover, and antecedent moisture conditions (AMC). The "Cu value can be determined by using the runoff coefficient curve that corresponds as closely as possible with the soil, cover type and development of the drainage area. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 9 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 09 That relationship is expressed in a formula developed in the SBCFCD Hydrology Manual, as follows: C = 0.90[ai + (I - Fp)ap/I] Where: I = rainfall intensity (in/hr) >/= Fp ok (See Section 4.2 Rainfall Intensity) Fp = infiltration rate for pervious areas (in/hr) See Appendix G (C-3 and C-6) for AMC II, CN = 0.38 (soil group A, grass cover) = 0.94 ai = 0.65 (ratio of impervious area to total area, condominiums) ap = 0.94 - ai ( ratio of pervious area to total area) = 0.29 The calculated values of "C for the 100-yr/1-hr and 10-yr/1-hr storm frequencies are as follows: Tahle 2_ Runoff Coefficient "C" Design Storm Frequency* Time Duration at Peak Runoff Coefficient, Flow "C' 100 -years 1 -hour 0.67 10 -years 1 -hour 0.60 * The S8CFCD Hydrology Manual dated August 1986 does not contain 25-year/1 hr isohyetal maps Design data for 25 -year storm frequency will be discussed separately in page 20, Suction 5. HydrauiicsAlnaiysis. 4.2 Rainfall Intensity The rainfall intensity (I) is the rainfall in inches per hour (in/hr) for a duration equal to the Tc for a selected storm frequency. Calculation of rainfall intensity for this project shall based on isohyetal maps for the Valley Area of San Bernardino County. As shown in SBCFCD Plate, Appendices C and D, the following values were derived: I100 = 1.4"/hr (1 -hr time duration) Iio = 1.0"/hr (1 -hr time duration) 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 10 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Revised 11.15.06 1001• The 1 -hour map is precisely intended for use in developing intensity duration curves ,. for the Rational Method. For watersheds in the southwestern portion of San Bernardino County, a log -log slope of 0.60 is generally used. The Intensity -Duration Curves for this project were developed using the calculation sheet in Figure D-3, Appendix E, from the following parameters: Table 3. Intensity -Time Duration Curves Design Storm 1 -hour Point Frequency Rainfall, Log -log Slope inches 100 -years 1.4 0.60 10 -years 1.0 0.60 From the preceding discussions on the coefficient of runoff "R" and intensity of rainfull "I", the CI factor may also be expressed as follows: e CI=0.9(1—Fm) Where: FM = Maximum loss rate for the water basin, in/hr = ap x Fp (See page 10 for definitions) ``%ft' Therefore, the RM formula may also be expressed as follows: 0 e Q=0.9(I-FM)A The above equation will be used in tabling hydrologic data in pages 16-19, inclusive. 4.3 Times of Concentration The Time of Concentration (Tc) is the time required for runoff to flow from the most remote part of the drainage area to the point of discharge. The Tc is composed of two components, i.e., the initial time of concentration (Ti) and travel time (Tt). For purposes of this Study, Tc for the initial area is determined from Flow Nomograph (Appendix F) for areas with reaches of 100 to 1000 feet of flow path and drainage areas of less than 10 acres. It is assumed in the Nomograph that overland flow effects dominate the travel time hydraulics. For sub -areas downstream of initial areas, the time of travel, Tt, is added to the initial time to form the time of concentration, Tc, for that area. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 11 1 & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Revised 11.15.06 ,.-. The time of concentration of peak flow would occur when all parts of the surface flow reach equilibrium. For purposes of this Study, the following equation will be used for calculating travel time: T = [ 11.9 x O/A E ]0-'85 x 60 (Minutes) Where: L = watercourse, miles AE = change in elevation, feet (H) Note: 1 mile = 5280 feet (For foot conversions) 4.4 Drainage Area The Wang property is bounded along its north property line by an existing dirt or gravel road that forms a natural ridge line; along its westerly line by an existing gun store building; and by an existing religious facility with a firewall along its easterly property line. These physical and natural barriers along this project's property lines prevent any outflows or inflows of storm runoff to and from adjacent properties. As a result, the drainage area is confined to the property's gross area of 2.72 acres. 4.4.1 Pre -Development :,. A copy of the Drainage Map, Pre -Development condition, is shown in page 14. The base map was obtained from a USGS Quad Topographic Map with contour intervals of 20 feet, and a scale of 1"=2000 ft., which was later enlarged to scale 1"=1000 ft. Gross areas were planimetered directly from the USGS Quad sheet. As previously illustrated in Section 3.3, Site Photos, the land configuration indicated by the contours in the project area shows no defined flow paths, flow lines nor ridge lines within the property; therefore, the property as a whole will be treated as one initial area draining by sheet flows to Arrow Boulevard at the Pre -Development stage. As observed during a field trip, there are no visible potential inflows from adjacent properties. Table 4 below shows the tributary water basin data at Pre -Development condition for this project. Table 4. Tributary Water Basin Data, Pre -Development AREA AREA LENGTH OF EFFECTIVE SOIL Initial Time Travel Time Time of Con. Designation Ames REACH (L), SLOPE, % GROUP Ti, min TT, min Tc, min FT. A 2.72 1 600 1 1.0 A 17.0 * -- 17.0 * Based on Appendix F Fgure D-1, Nomograph, Time of Concaentrabons for initial ' areas; H=6' K= undeveloped, poor cover. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 12 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 4.4.2 Post -Development The Drainage Map, Post -Development condition, was developed from the Precise Grading Pian, Scale 1"=20 -ft. This was later reduced to a scale of 1"=40 feet. The topography of the grading plan has contour intervals of 1 -ft. The drainage flow schematic in the Precise Grading Plan split the water basin into 2 main drainage areas, i.e., A and B areas, with the ridge line running north -south along the middle of the property. The principal flow conveyances for these parallel drainage areas are the 2 east and west side concrete driveways. These driveways have a vee -shaped flow line in the middle at a finish grade of 1 percent that ultimately drains to their respective parkway drains discharging through curb outlets at Arrow Boulevard. The post -development drainage area is surrounded by a 6 -foot garden wall, precluding any outflow or inflow of storm runoff from adjacent properties. Table 5 below shows the tributary water basin data at Post -Development condition for this project: Tahip 5_ Trihutary Water Basin Data_ Pnst-Development AREA DESIGNATION AREA, acnes LENGTH OF REAM (L), FT EFFECTIVE SLOPE % H, ft SOIL GROUP INITIAL TIME, T min. TRAVEL TIME,* TT in. TIME OF CONC. Tc, min. A-1 0.23 120 1.0 1.2 A 5.5 -- 5.5 A-2 0.20 90 1.0 0.9 A --- 1.5 7.0 A-3 0.29 120 1.0 1.2 A --- 1.8 8.8 A-4 0.17 60 1.0 0.6 A --- 1.1 9.9 A-5 0.28 120 1.0 1.2 A --- 1.8 11.7 A-6 0.19 90 1.2 1.1 A --- 1.4 13.1 B-1 0.23 130 1.0 1.3 A 5.8 --- 5.8 B-2 0.22 90 1.0 0.9 A - 1.5 7.3 B-3 0.28 120 1.0 1.2 A -- 1.8 9.1 B-4 0.17 60 1.0 0.6 A - 1.1 10.2 B-5 1 0.35 150 1.0 1.5 A --- 2.2 12.4 13-6 1 0.11 80 2.5 2.0 A --- 0.9 13.3 * Based on travel time, T, equation on page 12. The /engltt of reaches are not within the parameters of Nomograph Figure D-1, Appendix F. The Drainage Maps for both Pre -Development and Post -Development conditions are shown in pages 14-15. The tabling of hydrologic data are summarized in the Rational Method Study Forms, as extracted from the SBCFCD Hydrology Manual in pages 16-19. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 13 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 a x.271 1 Alder 1 3 a LU LU Jr High Sch m-a-mosses L ■ a Its I:U can a me a a a a 8 In a 23 a a a x v8s;i a Is a no, 0 a as a a a ---a among -is _aa 8 —1 as Its meows a a • a 0 a sea a Manassas on 1• a r– a WIN■ me Resurr as 40 6 a .8 : : . . e,!ti.; G* sm a a a — — — — _! = 0. • is so■ saw gel, Juniper ass a a ■ a a x mw� w :. 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I illit sauna as as M;.. a 8. .8 a DRAINAGE MAP .j ■ �m wasommuses an a am:.'samems a 'a mum 4V 8 a3 2 is- er Juniper Ul--Orll, Ju st. a sum mi— ?Sch -a a a a BP li, a • a a • 0 PRE-DEVELOPMENT ■ a /YMCA 7 a a SCALE 1"=1000 ft. name a ■a 14 fop. a ■ass was ■mamma a as ■- - 6: a 221 a a man S •.4 AVE as Iii MAC min:;r46's m:o W01 iWtera nPage 14 is In. Memtfrial' Ivo. �_M_ Ask ma Fontana !a a CITY OF FONTANA GRADING PLAN FOR: APN: 0192-133-13-0-000 I~ POC WATER I , + I sj _s I w , + 1 ;I DP A Q,00 = 5.04 cfs Tc = 13.1 min. I , � IMUM ANY BmrED vaub w Z 0 N y� 1 z 2 I- co x W :IT v d v q III CONSfRUCT10N NOTES A QUANTITY ESTWTE aarwsr ra rse uTworc tiwu s Nsssasr m am w nue am 48L _ osier N�Nar aaasr< : ! wn we s a aeras )s !fE aUIaFS 1Ss IMT a momw NNS i i/LL7 V NNalwar llrl �/ rTu AR 1AaEDYE ALMr NarN V SEE inN7E5 THIS SHEET S atAOES TNS MEET NNNrssrr ssfon 7JwAr aslrsalVa wmmwaomwrwALla _�_-- _ �----- - / DRAINAGE MAP MTMN) Eads srloa Aw i Al Nalsr s M & sear Ir Meda= 1 s< e..sse. NMTwr sorer Naas sr .... oar as ora w s awsT� I aj mL - .m„ POST -DEVELOPMENT aETEsrr rflnarraws �rM1T[nYAtAw r/<U[ �CTiwa C -C TYP. SECTION NSD -D $EC71� E -E rr _ r ,isl aEN� awls +�+N a Ewa E Ax fss a SCALE 1 40 siEouf sr aaNr sw srN sarE 0 -Mg r. A PW aw Orr s, ere s a Shun CONsnaxn N OF TIE S nwu T1i' Ir 9*N%Wm a : CITY OF FONTANA CAUFORNIA BOUNDARY , GRAQM * CONSTRUC—TM NPROVENENIS NOT COMMENCE YMM TWO GRADING PIAN 12M STOWE Ort STF.t rowY, CMM ma. YEARS OF THE DUE OF NVFV %L SHOW HELM N �11� awr � At p ORE > ENGIEERS' SURVEYORS n+orE�raaw FAXMSAaxe� CITY EMSNENx AMY' NREGIEiE REVISIONS 10 THE - s Tarr APN:0192-133-13--0-000 r• TEertE YOU d6 �sI s p....Is.e.aee.T�r K fTf! a MANS 10 Mt1t M TIER NFO CONFORMANCE RAIN r wTSAr r �� t • nos mTa w asst unr ss ss. �r TS aoff = SrAILMINOS N EFFELf �Molft a. roKL OCC fact s C-2 RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM (Pre -Development) XB ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS POWAY CALIFORNIA STUDY NAME: 32 -UNIT CONDOS, FONTANA, Sec - YEAR STORM 1- HOUR RAINFALL (INCH )= • SLOPE = Calculated by: MRP Date: 07/07/2006 decked DPaw 1 of Concentration Point Area (Acres) Soil Type Dev. Type TT min. Tc min. I in./hr. Fm in./hr. Fm avg. Q* Total Flow Path Length ft. Slope ft./ft. v ft./sec. Hydraulics and Notes Subarea Total A ----- 2.72 A NAT. GRASS ----- 17 3.0 0.88 --- 5.2 600 0.01 1.0 INITIAL AREA H=6 -ft * Q = 0.90 (I — Fm) A Q100 = 5.2 cfS QAvG = 5.2/2.72 = 1.9 cfs/acre 32 Unit Condo SBC Fontana 07.07.06 Revised 11. 15.06 16 3 & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM (Pre -Development) I&B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS POWAY CALIFORNIA STUDY NAME: 32 -UNIT CONDOS, FONTANA, SK 10 - YEAR STORM 1- HOUR RAINFALL INCH = • SLOPE = Oda Calculated by: MMP Date: 07/07/2006 Checked by: Date: Paqe of 4 Concentration Point Area (Acres) Soil Type Dev. Type TT min. Tc min. I in./hr. Fm in./hr. Fm avg. Q* Total Flow Path Length ft. Slope ft./sec. v ft./sec. Hydraulics and Notes Subarea Total A ----- 2.72 A NAT. GRASS ---- 17 2.16 0.88 --- 3.13 600 0.01 1.0 INITIAL AREA H=6 -ft * Q = 0.90 (I — Fm)A Qloo = 3.13 cfS QAVG = 3.13/2.72 = 1.15 cfS/acre 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 Revised 11.15.06 17 3 & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM (Post -Development) XB ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS POWAY CALIFORNIA STUDY NAME: 32 -UNIT CONDOS, FONTANA, SBC - YEAR STORM 1- HOUR RAINFALL INCH = • SLOPE = 9.1 M Calculated by: MRP Date: 07/07/2006 Checked by: Date: Pa of 4 Concentration Point Area (Acres) Soil Type Dev. Type TT min. Tc min. I in./hr. Fm in./hr. F, avg. Q* Total Flow Path Length ft. Slope ft./ft. v ft./sec. Hydraulics and Notes Subarea Total A-1 -- 0.23 A CONDO --- 5.5 5.7 0.29 -- 1.12 120 0.01 INITIAL AREA 1.5 90 0.01 A-2 0.20 0.43 A CONDO 7.0 5.0 0.29 -- 0.85 1.8 120 0.01 A.3 0.29 0.72 A CONDO 8.8 4.4 0.29 -- 1.07 1.1 60 0.01 A-4 0.17 0.89 A CONDO 9.9 4.0 0.29 -- 0.57 1.8 120 0.01 A-5 0.28 1.17 A CONDO 11.7 3.8 0.29 -- 0.88 1.4 90 0.012 A-6 0.19 1.36 A CONDO 13.1 3.5 0.29 -- 0.55 3.8 DISCHARGE PT. @ PKWY DRAIN TOT. QA = 5.04 ----- 130 0.01 INITIAL AREA B-1 0.23 A CONDO 5.8 5.5 0.29 -- 1.08 1.5 90 0.01 B-2 0.22 0.45 A CONDO 7.3 5.0 0.29 -- 0.93 1.8 120 0.01 B-3 0.28 0.73 A CONDO 9.1 4.4 0.29 -- 1.04 1.1 60 0.01 B-4 0.17 0.90 A CONDO 10.2 4.0 0.29 -- 0.57 2.2 150 0.01 B-5 0.35 1.25 A CONDO 12.4 3.8 0.29 -- 1.11 0.9 80 0.025 B-6 0.11 1.36 A CONDO 13.3 3.6 0.29 -- 0.33 3.8 DISCHARGE PT. @PKWY DRAIN TOT. QB = 5.06 * Q = 0.90 (I - Fm) A TOTAL Q100 = QA + QB = 5.04 + 5.06 = 10.1 cfs QAVG = 10.1/2.72 = 3.71 cfs/acre 32 Unit Condo SBC Fontana 07.07.06 Revised 11.15.06 18 3 & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM (Post -Development) 3&B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS POWAY, CALIFORNIA STUDY NAME: 32 -UNIT CONDOS, FONTANA, SBC 10 - YEAR STORM 1- HOUR RAINFALL INCH = I&SLOPE = OM Calculated by: MRP Date: 07/07/2006 Checked by: Date: Page 4 of Concentration Point Area (Acres) Soil Type Dev. Type TT min. Tc min. I in./hr. F, in./hr. FR, avg. Q* Total Flow Path Length ft. Slope ft./sec. v ft./sec. Hydraulics and Notes Subarea Total Awl -- 0.23 A CONDO ---- 5.5 4.1 0.29 -- .79 120 0.01 INITIAL AREA 1.5 90 0.01 A-2 0.20 0.43 A CONDO 7.0 3.6 0.29 -- .60 1.8 120 0.01 A.3 0.29 0.72 A CONDO 8.8 3.2 0.29 -- .76 1.1 60 0.01 A-4 0.17 0.89 A CONDO 9.9 2.8 0.29 -- .38 1.8 120 0.01 A-5 0.28 1.17 A CONDO 11.7 2.6 0.29 -- .58 1.4 90 0.012 A-6 0.19 1.36 A CONDO 13.1 2.4 0.29 -- .36 2.6 DISCHARGE PT. @ PKWY DRAIN TOT. QA = 3.47 ----- 130 0.01 INITIAL AREA B-1 0.23 A CONDO 5.8 4.0 0.29 -- .77 1.5 90 0.01 B-2 0.22 0.45 A CONDO 7.3 3.5 0.29 -- .64 1.8 120 0.01 B-3 0.28 0.73 A CONDO 9.1 3.1 0.29 -- .71 1.1 60 0.01 B-4 0.17 0.90 A CONDO 10.2 2.9 0.29 -- .40 2.2 150 0.01 B-5 0.35 1.25 A CONDO 12.4 2.5 0.29 -- .70 0.9 80 0.025 B-6 0.11 1.36 A CONDO 13.3 2.3 0.29 -- .20 2.5 DISCHARGE PT. @ PKWY DRAIN TOT. Qs = 3.42 * Q = 0.90 (I - Fm) A TOTAL Qio = QA + QB = 3.47 + 3.42 = 6.89 ds QAvG = 6.89/2.72 = 2.53 ds/acre 32 Unit Condo SBC Fontana Revised 07.18.07 19 ] & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS IN Section 5. Hydraulics Analysis 5.1 Basis of Design Consistent with the County of San Bernardino Design Standards, the drainage system applicable to this project development will be based on the following conditions: (1) The drainage system shall be designed so that the combination of storm drain capacity and overflow inside the property lines will be able to carry the 100 -year storm peak flow within the property R/W lines. (2) The drainage system shall be designed so that the combination of storm drain system flow capacity and allowable street flow that is within the road flooding limits will be able to carry a 25 -year storm event with flood level at top of curb elevations. Therefore, the bases of design Qs for this groject are the following: • Design Storm Frequency = 100 -years ♦ Q100 = 10.1 cfs ♦ Qnvs = 3.71 cfs/acre • Design Storm Frequency = 25 -years (See calculations below) ♦ Q25 = 7.83 cis ♦ QAvs= 2.88 cfs/acre Since the isohyetal map for 25 -year storm frequency at 1 -hour time duration is not available from the SBCFCD Hydrology Manual, the intensity -duration curve, I25, for the 25 -year storm event will be constructed using Ilo and Iloo curves from Appendix E, Figure D-3. For most hydrologic study purposes, the important relationship is that of intensity for any rainfall event of given duration; therefore, the calculafion of post - development Q for the 25 -yr stone will be extrapolated from the constructed value of 125 vis -d -vis the 100 -yr storm, Ijo& as shown in the following relationship.- 0 elationship. • Q25 = 125 / I100 X Q100 Tah1p 5_ A,. Values vis-a-vis 0,nn Drainage Area Average Intensity, I25 "/hr Average Intensity, Iloo "/hr Its / 1100 Ratio Q100, cfs Q25, cfs A 3.41 4.40 0.78 5.04 3.88 B 3.41 4.40 0.78 5.06 3.95 Total I 1 7.83 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 20 Revised 11.15.06 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS 5.2 Storm Drainage System Iftw The proposed storm drainage system consists mainly of open channel flows, interceptor catch basins and pipelines discharging ultimately through 5 -under sidewalk drains (443 and 142) with curb outlets at Arrow Boulevard. 9M The principal open channel conveyances are 2 concrete driveways located along the east and west sides of the condominium complex. These driveways collect the storm flows and convey these as open channel flows along a vee -flow line. This flow pattern is identical for both tributary basins A and B. Additionally, a channel drain (aka French drain) collects nuisance runoff at the east driveway entrance. Two catch basins located at the downstream end of the driveways on both sides intercept and convey the flows through pipelines to discharge under sidewalk drains, and ultimately outlet at Arrow Boulevard. 5.3 Under Sidewalk Drains The final discharge points for Tributary Anus A and B will outlet at Arrow Boulevard. Since Arrow Boulevard is designed for 25 -year storm capacity, the under sidewalk drains will likewise be designed for 25 year peak flow, including the associated or connecting discharge pipes from the interceptor catch basins. The proposed under sidewalk drains will be in accordance with the City of Fontana Std. Plan No. 3001, Rectangular Pipe, Under Sidewalk Drain. Standard sizes nos. 2 and 3 will be used for this project. Their locations are shown in the storm drainage systems for tributaries A and B in pages 24 and 25, respectively. The Hydraulic Design Data Summaries for the storm drain conveyances in this project are shown in Tables 6 and 7 below. See also Appendix L. Back -Up Calcs Table 6. Hydraulic Design Data Summary, 25 -yr Storm Trihutary Area A Size/Type Trib. Q�wG, Qu, 0.18 0.08 0.20 0.013 0.40 No. 0.40>0.32 ok Structure Area, cfs/ac. cfs s.ft. S'2 RM "n" cfs Units Remarks acs. 1 R 'd 12" PVC 1.18 2.88 3.4 0.79 0.09 0.40 0.013 3.3 1 3.3-3.4 ok 12" PVC 1.20 2.88 3.5 0.79 0.09 0.40 10.013 3.34-1 3.3-3.5 ok SW Drain 10.01311.71 13.4-3.5 No.3 1.20 2.88 3.5 0.39 0.16 0.24 2 ok SW Drain No. 2 1 0.11 1 2.88 0.32 0.18 0.08 0.20 0.013 0.40 1 0.40>0.32 ok 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana Revised 07.18.07 21 3 & 8 ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Table 7. Hydraulic Design Data Summary, 25 -yr Storm Tributary Area B Size/Type Trib. QAvG, Qu, Ac, Slope, QCAp No. cfs/acre Structure Area, cfs/ac. cfs s.ft. S19 Rm -n" cfs Units Remarks s.ft. acs. 1.17 3.71 4.34 2.4 R 'd 0.21 1.0 0.10 0.013 3.6>3.4 12" PVC 1.18 2.88 1 3.4 0.79 0.10 0.40 0.013 3.6 1 ok 3.3-3.5 12" PVC 1.20 2.88 3.5 0.79 0.09 0.40 0.013 3.3 1 1 ok SW Drain 3.4-3.5 No.3 1.20 2.88 1 3.5 0.39 0.16 0.24 0.013 1.71 2 ok Plans of the storm drainage systems serving tributary areas A and B are shown in pages 24 and 25, respectively. 5.4 Driveway Discharge Capacity The concrete driveways functioning as drainage conveyances and collectors were checked for discharge capacity. The downstream end of the driveway will be checked for maximum Q. Table 8 below shows the calculated values for the typical concrete driveway. Table S. Hydraulic Design Data, Concrete Driveway Tributary QAv(;, Qioo, Water X -Sect. Slope, Manning's Area, cfs/acre cfs Depth, Area, R 2 S'% Sin -n" acres inches s.ft. 1.17 3.71 4.34 2.4 2.0 0.21 1.0 0.10 0.013 Check Q capacity: Q= 1.486/0.013 x 2.0 x 0.21 x 0.10 = 4.8 cfs > 4.34 cfs ok 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana Revised 07.18.07 22 1 & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS A typical section of the concrete driveway at flooded condition is shown below: 20' MAX. 100 -YR. FLOOD LEVEL d=0.20' 2% 5.5 Street Capacity Arrow Boulevard in front of the project property is a 72 -foot wide AC paved roadway between 8" PCC curbs. At about 2% (1.9%) cross slope, the top curb is approximately level with the roadway crown. Street discharge capacity will be checked for a 25 -year storm event with flood level at top of curb, which will correspond to half -street maximum capacity in front of the property. Table 8 below shows the calculated values for Arrow Boulevard at half street discharge capacity: Table 9. Hvdraulic Desian Data. Arrow Boulevard Distance Cross Q25,cfs Curb X -Sect. Street Manning's Curb to Slope, (Runoff Face, Area, Slope, "n" Crown, % From inches s.ft. R43 S,% SIR (rough ft Project) pvmt. texture 36 1.9 7.83 8 1 12.1 0.481 0.30 0.055 1 0.015 Check Q capacity: Q= 1.486/0.015 x 12.1 x 0.48 x 0.055 = 31.6 cfs > 7.83 cfs ok 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 23 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 Ir 4 4 4 4 •4 1 4 1 6 4 4f 0 4 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 0 4 4 1•/ 4 4 717 1 7/0-00 I In —C, ct) AN . M rn Pr —11% LP I.V fj Ci f 4 4 4 1-4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4. 4 4 4 •/ 4 1. 4. 4 4 1 1 • Ir��������• ice♦ 1 1 1 ! •'i"!"�+.^" 1 1 1 � •/� 1:� � �� �/ f � , � i i',', 960*4044 4044 2 PZ 4 oil 1 4 a -0;01 an Dral ,;,. Sp- w/Grate pol JRAFFIC _Sl.Q;&G '42'45"E 216. vi w• w NEW SMH 1 i r. 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 25 ] & B ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 14 .W Section 6. Conclusions The flood analysis of the drainage issues in this project has come to the following conclusions: 1) The development of this project area will not significantly affect the existing watershed conditions of this drainage basin. Drainage patterns will remain essentially the same. 2) The drainage system proposed for this project is adequate and consistent with the basis of design guidelines of the City of Fontana and the County of San Bernardino. Section 7. Reference Hydrology Manual, San Bernardino County Section S. Appendices A. Grading Plan B. Hydrologic Soils Group Map C. 100 -Year 1 -Hour Isohyetal Chart D. 10 -Year 1 -Hour Isohyetal Chart E. Intensity -Duration Calculation Sheet F. Time of Concentration Nomograph G. Curve Numbers (CN) for Pervious Areas H. Impervious Cover for Developed Areas I. Infiltration Rate for Pervious Areas 1. FM Values for Typical Cover Types K. Std. Plan No. 3001, Under Sidewalk Drain L. Back-up Calculations 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 26 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 r� Section 9. Acronyms and Abbreviations A area Ac cross sectional area As soil loss in tons ALERT Automatic Local Evaluation in Real Time ARS Agricultural Research Service b bottom width BMP best management practice C runoff coefficient C -factor cropping management factor CEQA California Environmental Quality Act cfs cubic feet per second CN curve number CNz curve number adjusted to PZN = 2.0 CN3 curve number adjusted to PZN = 3.0 Corps United States Army Corps of Engineers D duration d normal depth DPWFCS Department of Public Works Flood Control Section DU/A dwelling units per acre FAA Federal Aviation Agency FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FIS Flood Insurance Studies fps feet per second ft feet ftz square feet ft3 cubic feet H head Havg (HB + HE) / 2 HB head at beginning HE head at end HEC Hydrologic Engineering Center hr hour I rainfall intensity Ia Initial Abstraction IECA International Erosion Control Association In inches IN actual rainfall intensity at rainfall block N in inches per hour INTI average rainfall intensity for a duration equal to NTS in inches per hour ITN) average rainfall intensity for a duration equal to Tr(N) in inches per hour 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 27 J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 L watershed length Ib pound Lc length to centroid mi mile mi2 square mile MRM Modified Rational Method MSCP Multiple Species Conservation Plan N an integer n basin factor n number of hydrograph ordinates NEH National Engineering Handbook NFIP National Flood Insurance Program NRCS National Resources Conservation Service NWS National Weather Service ODP Office of Disaster Preparedness P Total rainfall depth for a duration P6 precipitation over 6 -hour period P24 precipitation over a 24-hour period PN precipitation amount for the block in inches PT(N) total amount of precipitation for any given block (N) PZN Precipitation Zone Number Q discharge flow rate Qa accumulated direct runoff in inches (over basin area) QAVG average flowrate originating from the entire basin Qt accumulated volume of water at time t qi discharge in cfs at the end of time interval i qavg average flowrate in the gutter qp interval peak discharge flow rate QP peak discharge flow rate RM Rational Method S potential maximum soil retention s slope SAVG average slope SCS Soil Conservation Service SUSMP Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan Tb time of base Tc time of concentration (minutes) Ti initial time of concentration T lag time TP time to peak Tt travel time TT(N) NTc in minutes (N is an integer representing the given block number of precipitation) 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 28 3 & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 IN W USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USGS United States Geological Survey USLE Universal Soil Loss Equation V velocity VOL volume of runoff Z slope ratio AE change in elevation Op change in precipitation AS change in storage AT change in time ECA weighted runoff coefficient 32 Unit Condos SBC Fontana 07.07.06 29 1 & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS Rev. 11.15.06 Rev. 02.23.07 J�- SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL twg! Ij " Atz - ry.VAP 7.1 OFT 41 x- If: -Aii !_M f, IN ALi f_$� t TT rs.,4 1 T 97; Ra M'i ic ........... 'A. -AN Zf, „jZ� N LT o. :It W A r i yI,-V W ap 7 q Tv-_ ... .. I. .... U -A IT- -7 Wj Ld a L q . ......... —3-f rr-�. CT SnE PROJE A Ar, r 1 ar ir ji _7 A rLj 47' .. 1!2�e -2, IS -'n.l S ,- - J { �` !'"...�. - r~.: .- -all V A- , A APPENDIX SOIL GROUP SOUNOARY SCALE 1148,000 A SOIL GROUP OESIGNArioN aOUNOARY OF INOICATED SOURCE SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP C-26 FOR SOUTHWEST -A AREA FIGURE C-13 SAN BERNARD INO COUNTY 01,:r�,,_._ *T__,___"C-4 7_1 ry.VAP 7.1 OFT 41 x- If: -Aii !_M f, IN ALi f_$� t TT rs.,4 1 T 97; Ra M'i ic ........... 'A. -AN Zf, „jZ� N LT o. :It W A r i yI,-V W ap 7 q Tv-_ ... .. I. .... U -A IT- -7 Wj Ld a L q . ......... —3-f rr-�. CT SnE PROJE A Ar, r 1 ar ir ji _7 A rLj 47' .. 1!2�e -2, IS -'n.l S ,- - J { �` !'"...�. - r~.: .- -all V A- , A APPENDIX SOIL GROUP SOUNOARY SCALE 1148,000 A SOIL GROUP OESIGNArioN aOUNOARY OF INOICATED SOURCE SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP C-26 FOR SOUTHWEST -A AREA FIGURE C-13 L• 1.6 t.T R8 I R7W RW I,.0 I r j R5W�Jo T4N`6— -- - ---- — ---- - ---- — - Ls K --T ' »[�� � 3� — — T N _ J Ls Misr • I H i+•LLar I•M• w •Rr . 1 �s► �qyi. _ ,u��n • .ww I 2 � — yY I �� \6C9 I 5 I • I z p•1 A '• ( i I i L .•'r� �' � -I . I I �, I —�� I l I : ,� � I I 11.E i I 1 t •� a a .o i LT err �1 It — � ,. � — — _ � I.e I �: I � � I. I i+ ao c•e, -- i ra ��— 1_:L— — y — — �— �'► — --�, aT T — I� —' � I _ .I �_ � __ — — ,° —,.�•I -- � I I 1 -- — '- -�' 4,w+Ga.R, �` � .i.•t+ ♦ i� lir __ 1.9 / I b� I ! I��i,t �i / ' ♦5 PjVE /- - •y— 1 - — ='" t or► I — I � '; 2 sl L r � TII —� — — _ — •�,.. ; a —! — — ♦ / - _ '—� — - —I —. int 32 NT SAN T^Ni0 ' 1 jz�9 I °, i �+• +el g y.• I I F '••� l3 I i 1_ � _ - I ��_- __ _ .+-- .,a� << fi� � l !— a� l --I r-- -�-• .-- —+l . ._ _. _ -+- � I'`.e,<°�,J - : pct : , •• �— — — I� I— � �b -�-- I • I , - - I - �_. r - I ;— l r . ' L. ARRorh • •2'1' r,.. " • yR•—�P' ` I I• _ — ;• c .° k—bt Ku •� 1 C •" + - _ - - IF ( LT - '� ' u F' _ -�- t r „e . _ _ ''1 T -_ .'Y • - LAKE �Q IAL All � I - '..�, s- $r.. + � } 1+1- -. _T `%. � ` �. I .— , ¢ _ _ 3 ( +� • �, . +.. RKiMINa • ,, 1. r 1 • - � �N� s / t ..-t. •-} ' r., + ✓• - - - - -.c, -- I,—aI�-I- �`•w r— — _ '� c' •��, — I _ 1 f' �_ - -i- - �•. �•.i�.e I s _�.— y— I— I ,. e.a.. « / '� FLAT —+� _— T I N q� RRfol+ LT I \ S TT EtNT„ ,.fr - /•-- ; - - - y f+ ]% - OAM PROJECT SITE -- e •'AI TA 1,�• (`,• `: _g WI. C ii -r r r- r '--eT� —h '— �' — --.� i—� i °� 5AN ANAR01 O '`• , I UPL 3 , ! r NAA DI cLARaIONT .,,ei a ,,• R If A LT O_ ,... ., "r _ ` t _ / — — - ; '•,•� .'TClAl - cuc ° .}»rr O N T - ; ' ,Na ' SJ r•,M .6 • - h :.♦ Ip TISaL �.•• 5, ...,.R - -x.{ _ F - - 1 -- 1.• - �T•iS ONTA 10:• s COLTON` '?: ` :.z N _ I�- ,'- - -' - - - r *• _ };. , _ - REDLANDS . - - ,r,. - •� -- - - � � — -- I j Lori ilNo� _ --- -' __k'• - - ,.°�. --.4- --}.t.��-.� � 1L ;+ - • .,,k,,,.. atY011[ .+- '�� - ♦ r - ' MI( aLIN Ll� ., �4, - - ,I TUCAI►A I I -� r + I f +,•+ ; ; „ +u A I _ , • $RAN* TERRPCc '. ,� I ,,� I !•I �pGC ff ! � ,'c moi. z I - -• •o,e . 5 i16, 5 rt} - - - + '+ - -- g , If , - 1 aAN ' /[IIN o ouN °., ` +. %- R I �•I R2 ° - eco • % '- IVa aIO[ COUNT T2S I ERSIDEJWO w.• ,r. -SER•, _ g�"1 '„3 ^ i I � M0 5. >:e ,; APPENDIX C I .M•a •ti. �; ;r i .P--- R4W R3 °` R2W J; rte. `'' NARNNO COTY SAN KRMI RIE °° *.., R2E Ilkp.; RIW 4W 4—,— jIIT°I15 $. I R2W 1 4 T4N`6— -- - ---- — ---- - ---- — - Ls K --T ' »[�� � 3� — — T N _ J Ls Misr • I H i+•LLar I•M• w •Rr . 1 �s► �qyi. _ ,u��n • .ww I 2 � — yY I �� \6C9 I 5 I • I z p•1 A '• ( i I i L .•'r� �' � -I . I I �, I —�� I l I : ,� � I I 11.E i I 1 t •� a a .o i LT err �1 It — � ,. � — — _ � I.e I �: I � � I. I i+ ao c•e, -- i ra ��— 1_:L— — y — — �— �'► — --�, aT T — I� —' � I _ .I �_ � __ — — ,° —,.�•I -- � I I 1 -- — '- -�' 4,w+Ga.R, �` � .i.•t+ ♦ i� lir __ 1.9 / I b� I ! I��i,t �i / ' ♦5 PjVE /- - •y— 1 - — ='" t or► I — I � '; 2 sl L r � TII —� — — _ — •�,.. ; a —! — — ♦ / - _ '—� — - —I —. int 32 NT SAN T^Ni0 ' 1 jz�9 I °, i �+• +el g y.• I I F '••� l3 I i 1_ � _ - I ��_- __ _ .+-- .,a� << fi� � l !— a� l --I r-- -�-• .-- —+l . ._ _. _ -+- � I'`.e,<°�,J - : pct : , •• �— — — I� I— � �b -�-- I • I , - - I - �_. r - I ;— l r . ' L. ARRorh • •2'1' r,.. " • yR•—�P' ` I I• _ — ;• c .° k—bt Ku •� 1 C •" + - _ - - IF ( LT - '� ' u F' _ -�- t r „e . _ _ ''1 T -_ .'Y • - LAKE �Q IAL All � I - '..�, s- $r.. + � } 1+1- -. _T `%. � ` �. I .— , ¢ _ _ 3 ( +� • �, . +.. RKiMINa • ,, 1. r 1 • - � �N� s / t ..-t. •-} ' r., + ✓• - - - - -.c, -- I,—aI�-I- �`•w r— — _ '� c' •��, — I _ 1 f' �_ - -i- - �•. �•.i�.e I s _�.— y— I— I ,. e.a.. « / '� FLAT —+� _— T I N q� RRfol+ LT I \ S TT EtNT„ ,.fr - /•-- ; - - - y f+ ]% - OAM PROJECT SITE -- e •'AI TA 1,�• (`,• `: _g WI. C ii -r r r- r '--eT� —h '— �' — --.� i—� i °� 5AN ANAR01 O '`• , I UPL 3 , ! r NAA DI cLARaIONT .,,ei a ,,• R If A LT O_ ,... ., "r _ ` t _ / — — - ; '•,•� .'TClAl - cuc ° .}»rr O N T - ; ' ,Na ' SJ r•,M .6 • - h :.♦ Ip TISaL �.•• 5, ...,.R - -x.{ _ F - - 1 -- 1.• - �T•iS ONTA 10:• s COLTON` '?: ` :.z N _ I�- ,'- - -' - - - r *• _ };. , _ - REDLANDS . - - ,r,. - •� -- - - � � — -- I j Lori ilNo� _ --- -' __k'• - - ,.°�. --.4- --}.t.��-.� � 1L ;+ - • .,,k,,,.. atY011[ .+- '�� - ♦ r - ' MI( aLIN Ll� ., �4, - - ,I TUCAI►A I I -� r + I f +,•+ ; ; „ +u A I _ , • $RAN* TERRPCc '. ,� I ,,� I !•I �pGC ff ! � ,'c moi. z I - -• •o,e . 5 i16, 5 rt} - - - + '+ - -- g , If , - 1 aAN ' /[IIN o ouN °., ` +. %- R I �•I R2 ° - eco • % '- IVa aIO[ COUNT T2S I ERSIDEJWO w.• ,r. -SER•, _ g�"1 '„3 ^ i I � M0 5. >:e ,; APPENDIX C I .M•a •ti. �; ;r i .P--- R4W R3 °` R2W J; rte. `'' NARNNO COTY SAN KRMI + — - - -- — —R5 : > ApG REDUCED DRAWING VALLEY AREA T3S 5'"?qGL` SCALE I = 4 MILES YK>o-100 YEAR F HOUR '`• .,o � DANS Ls ' `• SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY - - -- — - - I{ASED ON ustst, NeuL IQw S. IAs I ., �• + .4 :.>;" l ArlIa7YEp aY — 1,9+.5 •- 8 - j - - - -W- - -- -w — �- LEGEND; • I- •:,. HYDROLOGY MANUAL 1. INES PRECIPITATION (INCHES)truce ISOL rax on ................... ..... x_.•..1.8 19e2� r•er<-1 1 *fig slllllt�raxorlst�a B-12 FIGURE B-4 awl y —14 1.>E w( I I R W 1 .na,w' ,R 6 W i - i R 5 W I + 4 W I I r ,15 ' o-, — R 2VIk R 1 W' �:'t R I E ° ",,,,'. R 2 E+ T4N (.i � � j I I I •�i .7 ' NEEPEMA � � —,_ — — i— y � — — L" 1y — '— — — - - • - — T4N .., �? 9 t• -{ - -I- - - +-- -r -l- a I - I 1 I- - �-- -t ' - - - ' rt - I. I ; I 4L •: •,� 1 I I I WEST i ; I I Q .ter I , }, �•�� 1- I�" , + r - It 6 I S i . ] I 2 +•' I ,h I '^'4' -1 - / 1 �, wtL[. ♦ • I� 9 s •' R' I .0 T• - f - • �{ y� c° - - G1 0 - - - ✓� o° I ` I E \ I - r = .3 ( d� q I 7 ' �I I p9 �•� - I � , f � • F � J � \ a 9 �a � - � I.Ot r 'f'.'• � � � � rt � -+ --- It- +- --1 �- I .- I. •` • I - r6- - �- � " -I - --!' - I - ►r r .-_L I• •"��f •L .6 — --f t' '-_�II.IWT — / ! I ,.il N 3 ., - -6 4 - � N - 1 -i - ;-1 � - +a i N T K LI. I -- 7 • . ~ I — — — — I — I I .•Fs e 1 T3N I L fr •��� I i I i — — / li /, I— II d I b 4I—\ 14 I : I y ( z`z I zz I•I� I��y+� \ ; • y -t 3N -I - I - �I•� \ ' I 29 i `� .�,ic ' z •� +rca- - !a+wWTl L! I �' %r I. + -� �:f•--� `'r �._i - -j- -- -- -� - I - I ( -/' J4 I A t- • I �.:o .ff. -- c. ) -- /I - `� ! —i — 1.7 - I—�� i� — — _ I —� �►••r i I I I ~ TONIO� l 9 . • .f I I ( u I i � I si •��� t. I ice\ I I i •• --♦•- _ _ ' I.S _ = 1 — I i I. I i c.ou� •I �J I I - �`( F/ I b" , °y�{q — T — __ • . , n0.[°.. '-elf • riV • • • WIN L N� 1 y IA 1.3 L. ARROWNE AO ~� ♦I DWIN L •aLa ,. t �, r JI -_ , I -`L"• i B,ER)fi LK , •• .,.. ••,•• , _;., ::�_, ' (Dpvl ( . i i = fti (,) eF J T 1.2 , , 1 — -,-- I •1-• -- ,•--�"•-.' MTV- T2N - - - - '�IV�] E04 .TL _ _ _ .•�r�- . ; .�•a I I �-• " • I� I _ — �--� ' _e°u. —� I - L!A I '`E IN L LGRC67�iY • -T 3721 N i I I' �'�,` ._ — P '.7 _� — •.'a _ CRgTL — — — f +•`�fr yfa:u _ -� I-- 1 LN .1.0 , ( �'sn Y..M ,.o ,� a4��_ + v LAKE /,�*MN A S Y I ILLAIL I �- 1 VE6M -- I s., a,.,,a�• - - L- _"---i.. ,d�•^�r- �+ : �� -/l' •' J(- L4 -- --= i 1.4 l J - I.S • I \ • ''' 7 1 `o ` I•r i 1 i r \ '� / Oi Il ` ' 1„ • r 1 �Z RMI 7MINL! I ' J'� - ARLOs i I /I• L4 ?� _ _ J_• J� _ t q�[[R ,1 �-1 - ? r I i -' y - rte- • ' o _ I.TTir, /.•• ", f J - - -- �'; - �_ - - -*- - - 1-••'°i ATG _- — r if• `1.- i J� _ , f1 , - — - - i --- -- F - - l _, _ �� t� :_,..,_., :� y I yg� . ;,. ( f� r , 7 r 4 A op , •v;♦moi I 1 I oaA� LI ••� T P - - - - '-�, ..,: �- I - - ...it r\ �• 9 r I I °.a• T I N I I I i PROJECT SITE o(� I �r--^-, — �f•- -- , - -- r- - ? _ '—, _' _I — J�• _! —i- '+ " •' ' l0 W SAN B 5N♦RDI UPL7jND cl"o'ai* ll RIALTO 1 — �- �.,, \. — •: ' ' • °• - r : if A WA SM\ 'i'`•� �` ' f :.\ RGONIiY ( - -- - - - s _ _,a.. _ ,;.;._ •. +-.• FONTAM • TIS .- I — �• • r 2 ., • • -WN .,..«,..., r. •i - ti - T.iS '-x ~ t ..._ - �' '•� - • - REDLANDS aroY ua _ _ , g r r„f• ✓ 1' - '_ -'^ y • , -N Vii'_ • 1• • . �`-y • • Af I - ,- i T r� °w. . a: •�• " u ••.�, - • CRESTNDR[ _ I eo.o - - 4• a fu fvf �F►s' D^ a . • k,- _ /^ o:. Jae. \ . _. r 04t LN I _ -� — �_ .•'-- .,w T IPA I CM _ "6iFt i c• • " .UNUFA I • I - j : 614 GRAN+ TERRACE -_ ` ouN+ s °.. c., o. J — b0. %? I� RIE I I R E " I.s T2S RIvtRGloe, CO _ 1 +].•Do RSID_E •4r.. _ -1 i f ,,t .ca ..`ER•• r�P� � � I .B ••.y r.. - i .t V + - ►- -- - �--- _ • ~ ~•" ' '�^, ' ..a .. .�,; �, `, ; APPENDIX D v.1 5 5. R4W I' ° I R3 ` -iDG Ri -.- Iv • SAN BERNAROINO COUNTY t — r -r -I -- �- -r'• `l-:+, - - - - F CON DISTRICT T3S IFL'•' ON T"111- _ R SW: R EDUCED DRAWING VALLEYAREA - - -- ��.• LS SCALE I = 4 MILES • , IANC. Ylo - 10 YEAR I HOUR a• • - �_•-.� &&SED ON u&O..C, NO.AA /JLAS 2, 1973 ' - ••;+ - ---�� A APPROv�� �, - - SAN BERNARDiNO COUNTY • I , . 10. _ _ _ _ _ r 1`G IR7w RsU IV ••}zew I 1 - HYDROLOGY MANUAL /� LEG ENO: FL '��"' ••••'., •.• / ,8 ISOLINES PRECIPITATION (INCHES) DME "LE FILE N0. Off& 144 ' • • ......................... 1982 I"•2 W. wNo-I 3 •1 12 011 C1�`ttOC O_2 f FEE== iMM RUN EiE=SM�MT-N —MMME Nam .1ml—Im wiw " nlu n amara vm"V.Vl 11601 at tjitl Iya L. W. ■■"sm:011'r3mmimm LAN: "T" N:" rMl. F"m V"m urt" 8 rul"Wom", X*vam 1= Nll, I" ON" H "LLON: ""InmLtwrmis Lign I IILIIHI�Zl 1:1 MILM .1"tum lba:umtrpu III 111fli I'M rulq It MJJCM �:lMlavllljllllIHt"HI w4mllwo"Winlol Nuit's I I Ilyin It "GUM61millill""I LM. 11 ULA a" a I "a as I Rim 11111ifluffillfum KM 11111 [loll P"If WLM lltlll� . ......... ............. rn. 7t �;74_ ME : ISM a "I" Ism MINS&I rM ?*IWM 9 a adr]W I 1! n� ry" "ll" "IMN"HU: Is:: Na"M 's f1mmilimm 1, 111 1I1IIljr",j�_ qUil"I . I [it M: a, I'M" "Mi 11.1 rrlm m I.., mN;ME—= m I'll. Mill H w"__WW.W "LlIll ladolill F, 1 Tc L 100 1000 90 900 80 800 70 700 60 IV7 .T. 400 350 v o 300 0 ^� 250 J 150 3 g 35 30 let 25 c E c- 1-- 20 LIMITATIONS, 1. Maximum length s 1000 Feet 2. Maximum area • 10 Acres H Y w t00 e too too so Z p w �. so 1 fe 40 F4 30 6e it to / K Undevebped Good Cover Fair Cover lei U de mlaoed SktO Family 16R_ (5-77 DUMC) 15 C (Pawdl 14 13 12. `2l it / V Ic 9 ~ 8 T 6 5 I w D '000�Zl-- KEY L -H-TIS-K-Tb' Tc A5 6 V 7- 9-0 9 0 10 � 11 12 14 15 16 � 17 18 t 19 �u 20 cc 25— P1 5 PI Development 80- Aocrtment o 75- Mobile Home 30 65- Condominium 60 -Single Family - 59000 ft 2 Lot 40- Single Family -1/4 Acre Lot 35 20 - Single Fomily - I Acre Lot 10 - Single Family -21/2 Acre Lot 40 E)(AMP, LE= ( I) L= 55d, H= 54, K• Single Famiy (5-7 Di/Ac) Development, Tc=12.6 min. L 4 (2) L= 55d, H= 5.0; Kw commerclol APPENDIX F Development, Tc=97 min` SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TIME OF CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH HYDROLOGY MANUAL. FOR INITIAL SUBAREA Fiore D-1 Curve ll1 Numben of Hydrolof[ic Soil -Cover Complexes For Pervious Areas -AMC Q Quailty of Soil Group Cover Type (3) Cover (2) NATURAL COVERS - Barren (Rockland, eroded and graded land) Chaparral, Broadleaf (Manzonita, ceanothus and scrub oak) Chaparral, Narrowleaf (Chamise and redshank) Grass, Annual or Perennial Meadows or Cienegas (Areas with seasonally high water table, principal vegetation is sod forming grass) Open Brush (Soft wood shrubs - buckwheat, sage, etc.) Woodland (Coniferous or broadleaf trees predominate. Canopy density is at least 30 percent.) Woodland, Grass (Coniferous or broadleaf trees with canopy density from 20 to 30 percent) URBAN COVERS - Residential or Commercial Landscaping (Lawn, shrubs, etc.) Turf (Irrigated and mowed grass) AGRICULTURAL COVERS - Fallow (Land plowed but not tilled or seeded) 73 1 96 1 91 193 Good 132 1 36 169 173 Poor 1 31 1 74 1 13 1117 Fair 44 63 77 92 Good 33 38 72 79 77 1.96 191 194 APPENDIX G SAN BERNAROWO COUNTY cuRva NUMeRs FOR HYDROLOGY MANUAL PERVIOUS AREAS �i- -- .. -B if -s e% Poor 33 70 30 33 Fair 40 63 73 31 Good 31 37 71 73 Poor 71 82 as 91 Fair 33 72 31 ab Poor 67 79 86 99 Fair 30 69 79 94 Good JL 61 74 80 Poor 63 77 83 as Fair 31 70 s0 94 Good 3o 5s n 7a Poor 62 76 34 as Fair 46 66 77 23 Good 41 63 73 91 Poor 43 66 77 33 Fair 36 60 73 79 Good 23 33 70 77 Poor 37 73 82 96 Fair 44 63 77 82 Good 33 33 72 79 Good 132 1 36 169 173 Poor 1 31 1 74 1 13 1117 Fair 44 63 77 92 Good 33 38 72 79 77 1.96 191 194 APPENDIX G SAN BERNAROWO COUNTY cuRva NUMeRs FOR HYDROLOGY MANUAL PERVIOUS AREAS �i- -- .. -B if -s e% •' �irr• Land Use (1) APPENDIX H ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER Recommended Value For Average Range -Percent Conditions -Percent (2) Natural or Agriculture 0 - 0 0 Public Park 10 - 23 13 School 30 - 50 40 Single Family Residential: (3) 2.5 acre lots 5 - 15 10 1 acre lots 10 - 23 20 2 dwellings/acre 20 - 40 30 3-4 dwellings/acre 30 - 30 40 3-1 dwellings/acre 33 - 33 50 8-10 dwellings/acre 30 - 70 60 More than 10 dwellings/acre 65 - 90 80 Multiple Family Residential: / Condominiums 43 - 70 i` 65 Apartments 65 - 90 80 Mobile Home Park 60 - 83 75 Commercial, Downtown Business or Industrial 80 - 100 90 Notes: 1. Land use should be based on ultimate development of the watershed. Long range master plans for the County and incorporated cities should be reviewed to insure reasonable land use assumptions. 2. Recommended values are based on average conditions which may not apply to a particular study area. The percentage impervious may vary greatly even on comparable sized lots due to differences in dwelling size, improvements, etc. Landscape practices should also be considered as It is common in some areas to use ornamental gravels underlain by impervious plastic materials in place of lawns and shrubs. A field investigation of a study area shall always be made, and a review of aerial photos, where available, may assist in estimating the percentage of impervious cover in developed areas. 3. For typical equestrian subdivisions increase impervious area 3 percent over the values recommended in the table above. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY I ACTUAL IMPERVIOUS COVER FOR HYDROLOGY MANUAL DEVELOPED AREAS ■oomw ■im■■■r,■'.4 ■■■Yalu■■■■►�►� ■■■■ % I■r■/'A&. -"J■ A■al�f,1■aE■?�/,■IJ 7 ■NONE I.J.Z1111111 ■ ■■Nn -A! l■■■■1k*# %sa■ ■"" I■■■EIII,NE■■ iii■■ �■!a■■'�■■■■ ■■w" ■■■YI ■aE■■ wom'■■■Ei'/alA■■ ■■Mil■■■EI ■■aE■■ la■aPl►J■aaE■■ ■i■■ IY■J•I■■■■E■ MEM.:■■rat' 11M■■■E■ ■■sal : i ■■1!` I%■!■■la■ ■a■111■■'/1■■■ ■ WuilMsis ■■■■a■ ElHIM.is ■NE■ ■Mar nl■►lall■m■a■■a ■■E' nllis■IIEEEEU■ MEN Ills E■ilEa■■ ■ ■■■ lull IM■is■■EEY/ ■■■ Bill !■illi!■■■ rli ONE oil' lsmoss■.■ aa■ all IMILE IEii/./E BOB all !t■■ tumor/■ was =I "i\i■sf'Isfa■ NMI ail "MilE■ria■!a■ ■■l Nil ■a■1lE• EMalai Mao�■ 1 Naa1 .1r, ■a■ Mil 1 ■L-r,i ■ ■E■ SWOON 00 go CCaNepl�dES A =aaaaaEEi■C■aEaaa+•.aillar n�r ■a■I■iaii■ ■ai:E■ ■ria/ r ■i■ala■■mms mp:A■a■C "Anof 1 MENNEN IMF is ■ia■I■■■mal.■■/■ a■/'�■Mr /a a■aE■MEEa!A■a lino■'AMENS/.M■ ■■NE■■a/iY■iia■a'.■■■M //■ ■■Mia■!/■/■E��'.■E■NNl ■■■ ■/Mari■■E"EMW. SIMMONS` ANNE ■EPAEaa■ENNa•■■a■■Ia■■■ ■■!■aaaa!■■■ �Y■■a■■��■■/■ �' H■■a■■ate//�■■■aa■II■a/■ A EYEME■1a1/I■a■Mia■►�■■■/■ ■■■suasr■s�s■■■w■■■■DAM■■M■ ■■E■■i■■■I ■■a■a■E■r.M■■NE■ I■1C1■i■I//O�■Criiiiiii i aaa■■".■■■■■■a■■ar.a■a=MEN aEa■r. ■■ ■■aal■�JaiE■aaa■ warAC■oiliii■=oEr aalE■■■■■ lllC■mopl*mmO"Man ROOF aMCA111M11111 ■aallar.aEaaE■a■EEEM■'/aa■ OEM ■■C■■ ■■a■■iffaNaomi ■■■■ip■w,"E■a■■NENEM ■N■rJ1EN■aYa■■N■r'JIYEMHE■i■■E� ■■D/■■■■■M■ NOUN!■,NEEN■NE■=Sam I ■■�.■EE■a■ss•■ ■mor ■■ AN■��o■■■w■■t' -FAMEN■■■ NEENEW FJ■■■■E■■■■■■/■Nt ■EM■■■■■■�■N■■■■ ■ENE■■■N■ ■■■■N■ ■■NE■■EE■N■S■E■N ■■M■■■■■■■■ ■E\■ m■■■■m■us■o■m■n■ a 11102 lum ■E■■M■NE■ ■■■N■■ ■EM■■■■a■■■■■■s■ ■■■■■m■■E■a■■■s■ ■■■■M■■■■■■ME■M■ ■E■■N■E■EENEEM■M ■■■EN■EEEa■E■E■■ i:E■M■■■EM■;:m;: on ■Ea■M a■ ■Faso TABLE C.2. Fm fin/hr) VALUES FOR TYPICAL COVER TYPES SOIL GROUP COVER TYPE ApA B C D NATURAL: Barren 1.0 0.41 0.27 0.18 0.14 Row Crops (good) 1.0 0.59 0.41 0.29 0.22 Grass (fair) 1.0 0.82 0.56 0.40 0.31 Orchards (fair) 1.0 0.88 0.62 0.43 0.34 Woodland (fair) 1.0 0.95 0.69 0.50 0.40 URBAN: Residential DU/AC) 0.80 0.78 0.60 0.45 0.37 _ Residential (2 DU/AC) 0.70 0.68 0.53 0.39 0.32 �. Residential (4 DU/AC) 0.60 0.58 0.45 0.34 0.28 Residential (10 DU/AC) 0.40 0.39 0.30 0.22 0.18 i% Condominium 0.35 0.34 0.26 0.20. 0.16 Mobile Home Park 0.25 0.24 0.19 0.14 0.12 Apartments 0.20 0.19 0.15 0.11 0.09 Commercial/Industrial 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.05 NOTES: (1) (2) (3) (4) Recommended a values from Figure C-4 AMC II assumed for all Fm values CN values obtained from Figure C-3 DU/AC=dwelling unit per acre 1 C-16 APPENDIX 3 m UNDER SIDEWALK DRAIN IMAw.I-co*mAWstmx M IWL My EE MSUUM ON pj= RUff OF allM AW AN= PWff IN TM SfM=uW3r ' fy*awrm SCULL WSTALL A CLEO-=- Typt--"L" ADAPTER D- A A RECTANGULAR PIPE Lv`': -MAl3XR WME UNERM.'.' WK D E 4e 5 1/2 x 3 3 3/4! 5 1/2*'- -RECTANGULAR '.-PIPE Typt--"L" ADAPTER D- A A RECTANGULAR PIPE Lv`': -MAl3XR WME UNERM.'.' WK D E 4e 5 1/2 x 3 3 3/4! 5 1/2*'- _jj/2" X 4 Ile .3 ir x 112* 2 4 111C 2! 41 3 Ir 15 7f 8` x 15 11W 1/2' 3 4 11;r 2 bf wm FAM OF. a" lw I iWR KUS Ir CIF 0 ir I CLEAR fig N=m4wLAR m SECTION A -A SOIL APPENDICK K taw& op" To -HE MWAM OY MROPM OWHM ZKY. OF FMANA D BY: UNDER crry. DATE M"ASK DRM x1batwo SANDOVAL REVIeWED t SHT OF RAW 3001 ha RMASION MUMBM CALC SHEET FOR HYDROLOGY/HYDRAULICS STUDY PROJECT: 3 Z ^ tJ-04 i-7 <5W-4-00 f2'a�'r MACH O 4." EX PE► LS Ei1STE M @ML ENi1M ft. 29684 U U SATE S -- Z..- 2-a o'j CR3.sIT15 445w -la 1-f &L. It yrI.0 5,L4 PE rn 3(4 314 r- - o! 3 .013 c.o u) No.Czoeo4 ; Otc- /,." p ve-, Calculation Sheets Page of J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS CALC SHEET FOR HYDROLOGY/HYDRAULICS STUDY PROJECT: 3 2 , k6t (? C�:mQd • 0 MWIMaaKIa CD-UMMMOMMILMN 19 �J r Q= = 6 x .37 4p• .015 Uf,a 7- - C.t,4(7- S , 4 -, /--7 ( < 2- UTE: �- 2- 2-.,jo-7 Gale �2" �V& r 1, 07' 12. " UH9aC& � = blo.p. = yJ �, L �IA = ( Lj. 12 -) b.2 -Y .. . Y_• v 2 MACAMO R. P�ER�Z LU M0. 020604 " 9 Calito% 0. Calculation Sheets Page of J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS CALC SHEET FOR HYDROLOGY/HYDRAULICS STUDY PROJECT: 5 2 NAM10 d lEOEI, PE LSS'_ SEi CIVIL ENOINEEA No. 20004 �1E: t t <c 7A-4e,u-,7*x C� 1'obl J S� A. - 3 `r �' 3 rD�- � c�� 'DIA , arc 12'' P r QPOF •ss/0 �9 MACARIO R. PEREZ m No. C20W4 . O � 3 *. 9r3wor Cwt • r Sdte Of Cal VL Calculation Sheets Pag of J & B ENGINEERS.SURVEYORS CALC SHEET FOR HYDROLOGY/HYDRAULICS STUDY PROJECT: 3 2 - CZ04t 7 C -44,D 0 Azo �. MACNYIN N. PENES PE, LS EiISMN CIVIL ENIMEEN K 20804 8 Ufre: 2— uo-t 'I S Ir I-?ix21w. cm5zroc P, 3•Y2- Sw S = u*4DA2LofA&lj ft -a . 2 « lo. C7 1t 3� � G• 30 �4:g 1.1y 3 q OFE Sto A` 4- `4 MACAR10 R. PEREZ m No. C 20604 9 Exp. 9130107 CNi�- �s ` 0 Rite Of Cs\\t�� s l� C _+ Calculation Sheets Page of J & 8 ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS 1 1 CITY OF FONTANA GRADING PLAN FOR. APN: 0192-133-13-0-000 N . I O 0 � 0 20 40 N EXISTING C-2 ONE U) co _ B APN 0192-133-11 APN 0192-133-12 IN FEET ' ��y �� - C 1 inch = 20 ft. G)� � 16 N001 338"W jam".' 567.7 16 1 ,do 14 9 0' :� '7•�' -� V v v o v \ \� •� Fj. ' . ' . . ' . ' . ' . ' ' . ' . . . . . . . . ' . . .. ' . ' . ' . ' . . . . . ' . . ' . ' . . ' . ' . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' . ' . ' ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . . . . ' - . . . . . . . ' • . - . - . . ' . ' . ' . ' . . ' . ' . . ' . . . ' ' . . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . . . . . . . . II.. ' . ' . ' . . ' . ' . . . . . ' . . . ' . . . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . . ' . ' . . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . . . ' . • . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . • . ' . ' . ' . ' . . . .. •. _ .. ....... 7 ....•. .. ..... .. ... ......... .... ......... .. �, •so 16' ....... ........... 0 1 ... W. W W..•.• - W W ..... ............. .. 1- .-. ..•..-...-.�-. ..�. g ...... _•- _ IN op `gyp, e , ® �•� �� R1���® • • ► . • • as0 , a !moi .MIA �:[QI�� IV �1}�I - 1� •� - 'RIS �}I�! ♦ ,. 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I �O ,� �, 15 F=1280.00 79 -81 - UNIT ,80 .:• :• :::• :• :•/UNIT�O �O �'. - ' 'S¢ ' ' ' • • ` UNIT 21 ' ' ' ' ' 18 UNIT 17 3 1 > �j UNIT 7 UNIT 6 UNIT UNIT 4 TC C - �• \ °- C F� D=1279.50 FS G UNIT 22 - UNIT 2 •._:....•.• UNIT 19 FF=1278.58 FF=1278.42 NIT 16 ;� 1 �`� 1 �`� •08 FF=1 76.67 _ °15• °- P� 8 II XISTING SEWER FF -1279.75 •> FF=1277.00 - • • • • - • FF=1280.00 FF=12 .50 •.$ FF -1278.75 F-1278.25 •� s Tc FF=1276.83 FF -1276.50 81• 2 • • • • • • - • . • • I. • • PAD=1278.08 PAD=1277.9 _ PAD=1276.50 AD=1276.33 PAD 1276.1 PAD=1276.00 •- •"•'• 11 I 0 MANHOLE - - 61 PAD=1279.50 PAD=1279.25 PAD=12 9.0 '.•.•.• • • 5.00 't PAD=1278.25 PAD -1277.75 >c�o 3 p� -- - • • • 6 •1•'•:- -'•'• 80 451°� G •.2'••:.•. > 8�. BLD 4 �� > •. GARAGE GA GE g 1618 1662 �5 '`� -•-1Z- . \ • co ...... ... ,`. •'- - FS 99s BLDG. 5 �� •. o s > 8- 4 -�' 16 5 S BLDG. 2 S 6.5 '� .�•... . •••• • . • > FF=1277.50 FF 1277.50 s F F 1 q F F F , •...•.•... L:84 s' .'�•..•:•.• •: s' ... �. •.•. ....:: `..• 19 .---._. ' -- � ♦-:-:. - PAD=1277.0 PA =1277.00 � - - - - �.. .. 1 ....... UNIT 24 - _, s - S 2 8 UNIT 3 • - .. 9 ':....':�'• 9 �S. GARAGE .. •....•.. F=1280.50 2i 1� STALL 9 > ..•..-.•. •s .. g 4} . . x8p..... �6 FF -1276.00 •..�.... .. 0 �` � 4 _ 4 �8 4 18 S. FF=1276.50 cV ........ .. .. .. PAD=1275.5C .. .. . . 1• D=1280.00 �5 ..•. _ N_ - .. 6: PAD=1276.00 .. - - - �, •� �. o0 7 .-s > .its.•.•.. 8 F 2 .. .. UNIT 15 UNI 12 Z •. .. 00 . . • . O •. •. • M ARA E •$0 S01 M ... F=128 00 S 1 o C D N r-' - D=12 .50 � o N•.•.•...,2. 19 11 o g ...... �'• 'CS' FF=1278.00 FF=1 78.00 0 _ 4 ... 2 �.• .........•�,.•. •a h0 �, 0 - 16' .L21 BLD . 1 .:•.• S .•._.., .'.•.'.' c •.•.•.•.•. .. PAD=1277.50 PAD= 277.50 co• .. 7 - - .•. \ .. 4 �O.•.• •. 1 1 F`' �6 F yp UNIT 2 9 - -•-•- - - ... •.•..•.•. .. .... ... LL GARAGE _..•.• .. .. L - - - - L - - - - - 75. FF=1276.00 FF=1276.50 • •'•' U. �- •.' 6 •.•. ,�, •oo .... 9 0 UNIT 14 UNIT 1 ,� - .• • PAD -1276.00 .. , .`.•.•. .... 16 J, >� ,,`� 9 - •_ FW PAD=1275.50 - �_• 1 p - - - - - - - - - FF=1278.00 Fr- 127 00 •s - - cv cb .. 5...•.. •.•.•._.•. 1 fi.... , ...:.•_:�- 18/ FS PAD=1277.50 PAD=127 .506s : : C') .. ...-.- 0� .. �, .. Z•E 9.8� Jc _ -.-. -- - -- _ .,. . GARAGE UNIT 1 - - - •. •.•. ... ill Cf7 D.. FF -12 .00 S ' ... - -.. FF=1276.00 .. . . .. .. F 9.2¢ :, Al4 _ Lash .il:..:� 4 \•. ....... �0 FF=1276.50 . . .. 19' �_ .. p 4 .. .� . ...... .... .• . . 0 1 PAD=1275.50 >< Q .. PAD=12 9.50 � f� g ... � g 4 - - . � ..... 4 � S. PAD=1276.00 LIJ ,•. ( 01 �•..•. GARAGE ....... > '6 . ,.�� . . .. ..L �-, - GARAGE .. 1 k FF -1277.50 FF 1277.50 s >6, - ^_� .•.•:. •. L83 9 g o BLDG. 7 .:.... :•:•� BLDG. 8 J' : PAS=1z0 PAD=1277.00 -��' UNIT 32 '•"' UNIT 11 •"• ••• "• '• .... .:c I UNIT 28 ..... 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FF 1 79.50. _ FF 1279.00 0� 1 ,`�, FF 1278.25 F =1278.08 - FF=1277:75 FF -1276.50 FF=1276.33 = F=1276.00 .•. �G - p . FF 1279.25 FF -1277.92 FF 1.276.17 ...:...•�, •-•-•-•• PAD= 279.00 - PAD=1278.50 PAD=1277.75 _ _ I h - _ _ 0 •:- O ..... . PAD=1278.75 PA -.1277.58 PAD=1277.42 PAD -1277;25 -� o PAD=1275.83 PAD=1275.67 • - 1`�'w ' ' ' ' ... PAD 1276 00 D 1275 5 v p �• 18 1q 5 5 ..... 1 gyp. - - p TYP. - - , v . •.. . •. •_ o,• V d- o, a �t-'� . �C V '� �- 6 deo �o• o '� h > - - 2 v I o• c�� i I L30 � � // 1 G - - -I- -- -- -- -- - -_ - -� -- --Ls - 1. - -- -- -- - ---- - -- - - -- .. ... Cb L 00 t O I. I I I o .. . _ . I o I� o . _ .._.. 9 o_... F� 11 I h• G • v 4 A 1 I � • � -- - I. �0 _ .. �' .... .- ----- - N • • G M 71A • - M 1111- .. M ................•�_ ...g . • I 68 , �o �, -s .. .._ z . • . • . • . . • . • . • • . . ` . C. • . ` . • . ` . • . . . . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • • . • . • . ` . • Jam\ J _" . . ` . ` . • ` . ' . ` . ` . ' . • . _ • . • . ` . • . • . • . ` . 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DRIVEWAY AND CURB AND GUTTER 2 EA. & 217.26* LF © CONTRAST DECORA 71 VE PAVERS PER ARCH SI TF PLAN 3,009.92 SF © INSTALL 3" PVC ENCASED IN CONCRETE- DETAIL THIS SHEET CONSTRUCT COVERED TRASH ENCLOSURE PER ARCHITECTURAL PLAN 3 EA.- A.CONSTRUCT 2 EA. CONSTRUCT6' HIGH FRONT FENCING WITH DECORATIVE PILLAR 10 ON -CENTER PER ARCHITECTURAL S17E PLANS - 101.14 LF �9 LANDSCAPE AREA PER LANDSCAPE PLANS 25,536.78 SF DO CONSTRUCT ENTRY GATE PER LANDSCAPE PLANS 130 LF 11 CONS7RUCT 36" X 36" BROOKS BOX W/ TRAFFIC GRATE AND FOSSIL FILTER 4 EA. 12 CONSTRUCT 12" PVC PIPE 151.93 LF Q CONSTRUCT 6' HE SLUMP STONE PERIMETER WALL -PER LANDSCAPE PLANS 88.71 LF vvvvvvvvvv _ TOLL FREE ®1-800-226-2600 .,,.A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND,SERVICE ALERT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...........I•I•I...... ........IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi..........................................�inln��llllnmm�nmm����nnnnnnnn...•m..n I 14 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO REMAIN AND PROTECT IN PLACE 1,323 04 LF 1 EXISTING POWER POLE TO BE RELOCATED. 1 EA. 16 EXISTING CHAIN-- LINK FENCE TO BE REMOVED -' 1-' EA. ' 1© EXIS7ING 7REE TO REMAIN 467.62 LF ® INSTALL 4" WIDE WHITE UNE 5 EA. 9 CONS7RUCT 3" PVC OUTFLOW 38.45 LF INSTALL 2 SIZE 3 SIDEWALK DRAIN PER CITY S7D 3001 104.58 LF 1 INSTALL 2 -TYPE L. ADAPTOR PER CITY STD 3001 2 EA. INSTALL 12" x 12" GRA TE BASIN 1 EA. © INSTALL 3" PVC ENCASED IN CONCRETE- DETAIL THIS SHEET 22.47 LF INSTALL NDS CHANNEL DRAIN W/ GRATE -DETAIL SEE SHT 6 2 EA. © INSTALL 6" PVC PIPE 2.0 LF ® INSTALL SIZE 2 UNDER SIDEWALK DRAIN PER CITY STD 3001 32.79 LF © INSTALL SIZE 2... TYPE "L" ADAPTER PER CITY STD 3001 1 EA. ® CONSTRUCT 130' x 1.5' INFILTRATION TRENCH -SEE SHT 6 FOR DETAIL 130 LF ® CONSTRUCT 3" PVC OUTFLOW 38.45 LF &2.PLANNING * ENGINEERING * SURVEYING � 15938 BERNARDO CENTER DR., SAN DIEGO; CA 92127 ENGINEERS * SURVEYORS PHONE: 858 451 7918 FAX: 858 451 7920 EMAIL: jbsurveygsbcglobal. net T _.. UNIT 25' GARAGE PARTITI WALL REV. REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE ENGR. CITY DATE """""""""""""""""""'"""'t.""""";"'i""""""""""""""""""""""^^^^^^^^^""""""""""""nnnnnnnmm�nnnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I ,. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I UNIT 24'x..._._.. GARAGE -3" PVC PIPE 9"x9" CONC ENCASEMENT 4 - 3„ -- GARAGE 3" FLOOR 23 3" PVC DETAIL NTS SEE GRADES THIS SHEET SECTION C -C SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE. WITH STANDARDS IN EFFECT. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . ..,.. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmm�nnnnnllnnnnnnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmllllllllm!1111!1 GRADES 6' S SHEET TYP. SECTION D -D NTS NTS y MACARIO R. PEREZ No. 20604 * Exp. 9-30-07 _. CIVIL Prepared Under The Supervision Of : Date : MACARIO R. PEREZ. R.C.E. 20604 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmm�nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....................................11nnnnnnnmmmllu•II•....!, nmm�ll•......IIIII•II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ... ...,. „ GRADES IS SHEET -E ISTING 8" WATER MA g ( ONFIRM ACTUAL SIZE 1� M TERIAL, HORIZONTAL VERTICAL LOCATION IN w BE -FORE ANY REQUIRED V L rn 1 co I 128 F 36' I 36' N � rn 00 00 z z J STREET LIGH 0 2� PER IMP PLAU (TYP) I Q ti • ��sT I 7 5 2 I L33 3:: LJI t72. 4 I POC WATER 3 CONNECT TO EXIST: WATER MAIN SEE GRADES THIS SHEET NOTE: SECT I ON E -E WALLS SHOWN ON SECTIONS REPRESENT NTS CONFIGURATION OF 6 FT. SCREEN WALL. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR COMPLETE DETAILS OF PERIMETER SCREEN WALLS. APPENDIX A CITY OF FO NTANA, CALIFORNIA 1 GRADING PLAN DRAWN bY: FSM JR DESIGNED' BY: CHECKED BY: JS APN:0192-133-13-0-000 17582 ARROW BLVD., FONTANA, CA 2335 APPROVED BY: DATE: CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 51152 nnnnnnnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn SCALE - As Noted