HomeMy WebLinkAboutDetention Basin.AQ,Converse Consultants imOver 60 Years of Dedication in Geotechnical Engineering and Environmental Sciences d1l June 4, 2004 Mr. Jim Cottrell Lennar Partners do 4350 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 200 Newport, CA 92660 Subject: PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS REPORT 4.37 -acre Detention Basin Design and Construction South of the Intersection of Sierra Avenue and Jurupa Avenue Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Converse Project No. 04-81-188-01 Dear Mr. Cottrell: Converse Consultants (Converse) has prepared this report to present percolation test results for the proposed detention basin to be located south of the intersection of Sierra Avenue and Jurupa Avenue, in the city of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. AID Please feel free to call us at (909) 796-0544 if you have questions or if we can be of further service. The opportunity to provide continued service to Lennar Partners is appreciated. CONVERSE CONSULTANTS dd xa cc: W. OE 2517 Hashmi S. E. Quazi, Ph.D., G E. EV. RR Atuisss e I I qD.Va v i e s COB/Regional Manager Senior Staff Geologist Dist: 4/Addressee rdd/HSQ/mjr 1" 10391 Corporate Drive, Redlands, California 92374 -0544 * Facsimile: (909) 796-7675 * e-mail: ccieconv@aol.com ..... . Telephone: (909) 796 Pap*r Percolation Testing Results As 4.37 -acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page ii I - TABLE OF CONTENTS M A 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION .......................................................... 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................... dl2.1 FIELD EXPLORATION ....................................................................................................... 2.2 PERCOLATION TESTING ................................................................................................... 2.3 REPORT PREPARATION ................................................................................................... 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS AND GROUNDWATER .................................................................... 2 3.1 GEOLOGIC SETTING ........................................................................................................ 3.2 SITE GEOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 3 4.0 PERCOLATION TESTING ............................................................................................... 4 5.0 PERMANENTSLOPES .................................................................................................... 6.0 EXCAVATABILITY ........................................................................................................... d0 7.0 PAVEMENT DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................. 5 5 7.1 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT ..................................................................................... 6 7.2 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (PCCP) ........................................................ 8.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 9.0 CLOSURE ......................................................................................................................... 10.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. TABLES Table No. 1, Summary of Percolation Testing Results ............................................... 2 5 Table No. 2, Recommended Pavement Sections ................................................... 6 Table No. 3, Recommended PCCP Sections .......................................... .............. ILLUSTRATIONS Following Page Figure No. 1, Site Location Map ............................................................ Figure No. 2, Site Plan and Approximate Boring Location Map ..................................... Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81 \04-188\04188-01 _per Q Percolation Testing Results 44 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page 1 I", . 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION At ' This report presents the results of our geotechnical consulting services performed by 10 Converse for the proposed detention basin design and construction on an approximately d1i 4.37 -acre site located in Fontana, San Bernardino County, California. The project site is q located north of Jurupa Avenue and west of Sierra Avenue, as shown in Figure No. 1, Site Location Map. Our services were to determine the general percolation characteristics of the on-site materials and provide recommendations for the design and construction of a detention basin. The property is currently vacant and undeveloped. A tentative development plan was provided to us by Huitt-Zollars, Inc. on May 10, 2004, and was used as a reference for our investigation shown as Figure No. 2, Site Plan and Approximate Boring Location Map. 40 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work included the following tasks described below: 2.1 Field Exploration f The field exploration program consisted of three (3) hollow stem auger borings (BH through BH -3) within the project site. The exploratory borings were advanced using an eight -inch diameter hollow -stem auger drill rig. The depth of the each boring was approximately 15.0 feet below existing ground surface. Casing and well screen were placed downhole prior to removing the auger from the borehole. The approximate locations of the borings are shown in Figure No. 2, Site Plan and Approximate Boring Locations Map. A geologist visually logged the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings at the time of drilling. Relatively undisturbed and bulk samples of the subsurface materials were obtained from the borings for the purpose of laboratory testing. See the Logs of Borings in Appendix A, Field Exploration. 2.2 Percolation Testing Percolation testing was conducted using the cased boreholes in general accordance with two methods: the County of San Bernardino, Department of Environmental Health Services, Percolation Report Standards (revised August 1992), and the U.S. Bureau of A Reclamation Test Method 7310 (USBR 7310-89). The test results from the three (3) exploratory borings were used for evaluation of the percolation characteristics of the 44 native materials. A- P Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81\04-188\04188-01 _per zi -W� - As VIA f� 1w A J I%Jvui %1V08 Scale United States Geological Society, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Series I inch =- 1500 feet Ad Fontana, California, 1967, photorevised 1980 SITE LOCATION MAP Project Number Proposed Detention Basin, 4.37 -Acre Site 04-81-188-01 di Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Date 44 ' For: Lennar Partners June,2004 Ad - Figure No. iSA Converse Consultants ZA to Hills owell, Pa 1049, 4 r 4pp'mximat .5ite-,, LocAti 4 J 1w A J I%Jvui %1V08 Scale United States Geological Society, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Series I inch =- 1500 feet Ad Fontana, California, 1967, photorevised 1980 SITE LOCATION MAP Project Number Proposed Detention Basin, 4.37 -Acre Site 04-81-188-01 di Fontana, San Bernardino County, California Date 44 ' For: Lennar Partners June,2004 Ad - Figure No. iSA Converse Consultants ZA EXPLANATION BH -1 Number and Approximate Boring Location -7/ 0 �11 ( E)A/ 5 �'EP TU A L D E TEN 40 0 40 80 120 L GRAPHIC SCALE SITE PLAN AND APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION MAP I Proposed Detention Basin, 4.37 -acre Site Fontana, San Bernardino County, California For: Lennar Partners Converse Consultants -W Project Number 04-81-188-01 Scaie As Noted Date Figure No June, 2004 2 Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page 2 2.3 Report Preparation Data obtained from the field exploration and percolation testing was evaluated and this report was prepared to present our findings and conclusions. 3.0 SITE CONDITIONS AND GROUNDWATER A general description of the subsurface conditions and various materials encountered during our field exploration at the site are presented in this section. 3.1 Geologic Setting The property is located within the Chino Basin near the northwestern boundary of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province of Southern California. The Chino Basin is a broad alluvial valley bounded by the San Gabriel Mountains on the north, the San Bernardino Mountains on the east and northeast, the Santa Ana Mountains on the south, and the Puente Hills on the west. The thickness of the alluvium is more than 800 feet in the central area of the basin with a maximum thickness of 1,300 feet near the Ontario area. The Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province consists of a series of northwest -trending mountain ranges and valleys bounded on the north by the'San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains, on the west by the Los Angeles Basin, and on the south by the Pacific Ocean. The province is a seismically active region characterized by a series of northwest -trending 4 - strike -slip faults. The most prominent of the nearby fault zones include the San Jacinto, 4- the Cucamonga, and the San Andreas faults all of which have been known to be active during Quaternary time. q*, Topography within the province is generally characterized by broad alluvial valleys separated by linear mountain ranges. This northwest -trending linear fabric is created by the regional faulting within the granitic basement rock of the Southern California Batholith. Broad, linear, alluvial valleys have been formed by erosion of these principally granitic mountain ranges. 3.2 Site Geology Earth materials to the maximum explored depth of 15.0 feet consist of Quaternary age alluvial deposits. These alluvial deposits typically consist of moderately to well - consolidated mixtures of sand, silty sand, sandy silt, and some gravel and cobbles. 6EI Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFF lCE\J0BFl LE\2004\81 \04-188\04188-01 _per Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page 4 basin bottom elevation. Each boring was cased with two-inch diameter well screen and filled to the ground surface in order to presoak the subsurface soil before testing. Using the USBR Test method, water was added to the subject boring at a constant rate 40 to maintain a constant water level in the boring. The amount of water, in gallons, used over a 0.5 to 1.0 hour time period was monitored and recorded. The number of gallons divided by the amount of time was used to calculate the approximate flow rate in both gallons per hour (gph) and gallons per day (gpd). 1� Using the San Bernardino County continuous pre-soak test, a minimum of five (5) -46 gallons of water was used to presoak each test hole prior to obtaining test readings. An initial water level was recorded, then the water allowed to fall. After sufficient time elapsed, the water level was recorded, and the hole refilled to approximately the same 40 as the initial level. Four (4) readings were recorded for each boring used. The drop in water level was recorded to the nearest 1/10 -foot. The results of the percolation tests were converted into minutes per inch (mpi). Following testing, the casing was extracted from the borings and each boring was backfilled with native soil cuttings. The approximate locations of the exploratory borings are shown in Figure No. 2, Site Plan and Approximate Boring Location Map. Results of the permeability testing are presented in the following table. r— L� IF7 Tniqla Mt% 1 Part-tilation Tests for Detention Basin Design .4- 5.0 PERMANENT SLOPES dill - Based upon the direct shear tests, we recommend that slopes should be constructed with slope ratios no steeper than 2:1 (H:V). Slopes in excess of 15 feet in height are not anticipated. Fill slopes, properly compacted to the slope -face, graded no steeper than 2:1 (H:V), and are not higher than 15 feet, should be grossly stable. Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81\04-188\04188-01 _per 6 . I - Elapsed Maintained Percolation Rate Test Time Time Depth Gallons Used No. (hour) (feet) Gallons / Hour Gallons/Day iMinuteslinch BH -1 10:28 1.2 4.3 47.7 43 1040 BH -2A 12:25 0.5 5.3 24.5 49 1176 i— 3. .00 BH -2B 13:00 1.0 - - - - 1.3 14: BH -3 14:00 1.75 1.3 15:45 .4- 5.0 PERMANENT SLOPES dill - Based upon the direct shear tests, we recommend that slopes should be constructed with slope ratios no steeper than 2:1 (H:V). Slopes in excess of 15 feet in height are not anticipated. Fill slopes, properly compacted to the slope -face, graded no steeper than 2:1 (H:V), and are not higher than 15 feet, should be grossly stable. Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81\04-188\04188-01 _per 6 dW Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page 5 Permanent structures should be set back from graded slopes in accordance with Chapter 18 (CBC Figure 18-1-1) of the California Building Code (2001 Edition). 6.0 EXCAVATABILITY Am - t ' Based on our field exploration, the earth materials at the site should be excavatable with 1W conventional earth moving and trenching equipment. 17-1 7.0 PAVEMENT DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Asphalt Concrete Pavement f * in One laboratory R -value test was performed on a representative bulk soil sample during our investigation and presented in the referenced Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Report. The results indicated an R -value of 64. Preliminary structural pavement sections were calculated based on an R -value of 50. do Asphalt concrete pavement sections corresponding to Traffic Indices (T[s) ranging from 5.0 to 9.0 and an R -value of 50 are presented for preliminary design. Analysis was based on Caltrans' Highway Design Manual design procedure for flexible pavement structural sections without the recommended safety factor of 0.20 feet, when evaluating the required Gravel Equivalent (GE) of Asphalt Concrete (AC). The results of our analysis are summarized in Table No. 3, Recommended Pavement Sections. To determine the final f structural pavement sections, R -value tests should be performed from soils collected from Im am' near finish grade within the proposed streets and other areas to be paved after grading. Table No. 2. Recommended Pavement Sections R -value Traffic Index (TI) -Pavement Sections Asphalt Concrete (inches) Aggregate -Base (inches) 50 5.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 3.0 4.5 7.0 3.0 6.5 8.0 4.0 7.0 9.0 5.0 7.0 I - I" Prior to placement of aggregate base, at least the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils W' should be scarified, moisture -conditioned, if necessary, and recompacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction as defined by ASTM Standard D 1557 test method. Converse Consultants CCIENnOFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81 \04-188\04188-01 _per W Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Ad Page 6 Ad Base materials should conform with Section 200-2.2," Crushed Aggregate Base," of the current Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC) and should be placed in accordance with Section 301.2 of the SSPWC. Asphaltic concrete materials should conform with Section 203 of the SSPWC and should be placed in accordance with Section 302.5 of the SSPWC. Ad 4' 7.2 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) dd The Portland Cement Association's (PCA) Southwest Region Publication P-14, Portland I . Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) for Light, Medium, and Heavy Traffic, presents a 40 "Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) Design Nomograph for City and County Ad Roads." The pavement thickness sections presented in Table No. 4, PCCP Structural Pavement Section, are based on this nomograph. Pavement sections are provided for Traffic Indices (Tls) ranging from 5 to 9 and are based on an R -value of 50. Ad Table No. 3. Recommended PCCP Sactinns, ,I;' R -value Traffic Index (TI) MCF-Pavernent-Sections (inches) 50 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 6.5 8.0 7.0 9.0 7.0 We recommend that the project structural engineer consider the loading conditions at various locations and select the appropriate pavement sections from Table No. 4, Od Recommended PCCP Sections. The pavement sections presented in Table No. 4 are based on a minimum 28 -day Modulus of Rupture (M -R) of 550 psi and a compressive strength of 4,000 psi. The third point method of testing beams should be used to evaluate modulus of rupture. The concrete mix design should contain a minimum cement content of 5.5 sacks per cubic lid yard. Recommended maximum and minimum values of slump for pavement concrete are three (3) inches and one (1) inch, respectively. do Transverse contraction joints should not be spaced more than 15 feet and should be cut to a depth of one fourth the thickness of the slab. Longitudinal joints should not be spaced 6RI Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFI LE\2004\81\04-188\04188-01 _per M Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page 7 more than 12 feet apart. A longitudinal joint is not necessary in the pavement adjacent to the curb and gutter section. Transverse contraction joints should not be spaced more than 15 feet and should be cut to a depth of one fourth the thickness of the slab. Longitudinal joints should not be spaced more than 12 feet apart. A longitudinal joint is not necessary in the pavement adjacent to the curb and gutter section. All outside edges of the PCCP should be thickened in accordance with PCA guidelines. The PCCP materials should conform to Section 201 of the SSPWC (2000 edition) and should be constructed in accordance with Section 302-6 of the SSPWC (2000). Pavement subgrade should be prepared in accordance with Section 301 of the Standard 40 Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC, 2000). The upper 12 inches of subgrade should be compacted to a relative compaction of at least 95 percent as per ASTM Standard D1 557 test method. Positive drainage should be provided away from all pavement areas to prevent seepage of surface and/or subsurface water into the pavement base and/or subgrade. 40 8.0 CONCLUSIONS M 40 Based on our investigation, we believe that the project site is suitable for the proposed development, provided the findings and conclusions presented in this geotechnical investigation report are considered in the planning, design and construction of the project. 9.0 CLOSURE The percolation testing and this report were prepared in accordance with generally 40 accepted professional engineering and engineering geologic principles and practice within our profession at this time in Southern California. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the results of the field exploration, field percolation testing and combined 40, with an interpolation of subsurface conditions between and beyond the exploration locations. I M As the project evolves, our continued consultation and construction monitoring should be considered. Converse should review plans and specifications to ensure the findings presented herein have been appropriately interpreted, and that the design assumptions used in this study are valid. Subsurface conditions may differ in some locations from those encountered in the explorations, and may require additional analyses and/or modified recommendations. This report was written for Lennar Partners, and only for the proposed development described herein. We are not responsible for technical interpretations made A1111- Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFI LE\2004\81 \04-188\04188-0 1 _per lip dd 491 AW 0 MM Alt f i - 40 40 N Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page 8 by others, or exploratory information that has not been described or documented in this report. Specific questions or interpretations concerning our findings and conclusions may require written clarification. All Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81 \04-188\04188-01 _per dw Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page 9 10.0 REFERENCES HUITT — ZOLLARS, INC., Conceptual Detention Basin Plans, transmitted to us dated May 10, 2004, not to scale. 40 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT, Sierra Business Center, Approximately 190 -Acre Site, Bounded by Slover Avenue, Sierra Avenue, Santa Ana Avenue, and Tamarind Avenue, City of Fontana, California, prepared for Lennar Partners, prepared by Converse Consultants, Converse Project No. 03-81- 202-01, dated November 19, 2003. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, Department of Environmental Health Services, On -Site Waste Water Disposal System, Soil Percolation (PERC) Test Report Standards: 4d Suitability of Lots and Soils for Use of Leachlines or Seepage Pits, Revised August 1992. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, Test Method 7310-89, Procedure for Constant Head Hydraulic Conductivity Tests in Single Drill Holes. f f I" I i ' qw 6_;�A Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81 \04-188\04188-01 _per M 40, ON go' Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page A-1 APPENDIX A 40 FIELD EXPLORATION 4d Our field investigation included a site reconnaissance and subsurface exploration program consisting of drilling exploratory borings. During the site reconnaissance, the surface conditions were noted and the locations of the borings were located using 4d existing topography and boundary features as a guide. A total of three (3) exploratory borings were drilled were excavated on the site. Boring locations are shown on Drawing No. 1, Site Plan and Approximate Boring Location Map. Logs of these borings are presented in Appendix A, Logs of Borings. The borings were advanced using an 8 -inch diameter hollow -stem auger drill rig. Soils were continuously logged and classified in the field by visual examination in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. The field descriptions have been modified where appropriate to reflect laboratory test results. Relatively undisturbed ring and bulk samples of the subsurface soils were obtained at frequent intervals in the borings. The undisturbed samples were obtained using a California Modified Sampler (2.4 inches inside diameter and 3.0 inches outside diameter) lined with thin sample rings. The sampler was driven into the bottom of the boreholes with successive drops of a 140 -pound hammer falling 30 inches by means of a mechanically driven pulley. The number of successive drops of the driving weight ("blows") required for each six (6) inches of penetration of the sampler for the total of 18 inches are shown on the Logs of Borings in the "blow/6-inch" column. f - The soil was retained in brass rings (2.4 inches in diameter and one inch in height). The central portion of the sample was retained and carefully sealed in waterproof plastic containers for shipment to the laboratory. Bulk soil samples collected from the borings were sealed in plastic bags and brought to the laboratory. L", 'N A key to soil symbols and terminology used in the logs of borings is included as Drawing No. A-1, Unified Soil Classification and Key to Boring Log Symbols. For Logs of Borings, see Drawings No. A-2 through A-4, Logs of Borings. Converse Consultants CClENT\0FFlCE\J0BFlLE\2004\81 \04-188\04188-01 _per f 14 4d All' 0 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS GRAPH LETTER Split barrel sampler in accordance with (Results shown in Appendix B) CLEAN I'vW-01 .so .1 - GW WELL -GRADED GRAVELS. GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES. DRIVE SAMPLE No recovery GRAVEL GRAVELS 11111i'llb- GROUNDWATER WHILE DRILLING LITTLE OR NO FINES Plasticity AND GRAVELLY SOILS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) 01 oc�o .0 0 C� `4 GP POORLY -GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO 4 GRAVELS WITH FINES J O'1_ GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAN. - SILT MIXTURES se Collapse Test col Expansion Index SIEVE IAPPRECIASUE r GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL SAND - CLAY MIXTURES Chemical Analysis ca AMOUNT OF FINES) h Electrical Resistivity er SAND AND SANDY SOILS CLEAN SANDS (LITTLE OR NO FINES) . . . . . ....... sw WELL -GRADED SANDS GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES MORE T HAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO 200 SIEVE SIZE sp POORLY -GRADED SANDS. GRAVELLY SAND , LITTLE OR NO FINES MORETHAN1111OF COARSE FRACTION SANDSWITH FINES SM SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURES PASSING ON NO. 4 SIEVE (APPRECABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) S C CLAYEY SANDS. SAND -CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY M L FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR. SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS OCLAYS AOS:'�""Tv FINE SILTS AND LIQUID LIMIT LESS CLAYS THAN 50 CL IN= MEDIUM PLASTICrrYOW To GRAVELLY CLAYS. SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS,LEAN �Yq GRAINED SOILS 0 L ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS UC H INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY SMALLER THAN NO 200 SIEVE SIZE SILTS AND LIQUID LIMIT CLAYS GREATER THAN 50 OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM To HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT I PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS BORING LOG SYMBOLS LABORATORY TESTING A13BREVIATIONS SAMPLE TYPE TEST TYPE STANDARD PENETRATION TES STRENGTH Split barrel sampler in accordance with (Results shown in Appendix B) ASTM D-1 586-84 Standard Test Method P ds DRIVE SAMPLE 2.42" I.D. sampler. DRIVE SAMPLE No recovery ds* BULK SAMPLE GROUNDWATER WHILE DRILLING Uc tX Plasticity pi GROUNDWATER AFTER DRILLING BORING LOG SYMBOLS LABORATORY TESTING A13BREVIATIONS TEST TYPE STRENGTH (Results shown in Appendix B) Pocket Penetrometer Direct Shear P ds Direct Shear (single point) ds* CLASSIFICATION Unconfined Compression Triaxial Compression Uc tX Plasticity pi Vane Shear vs Grain Size Analysis ma P:ssing No. 200 Steve we Consolidabon c S nd Equivalent se Collapse Test col Expansion Index ei Resistance (R) Value r Compaction Curve max Chemical Analysis ca Hydrometer h Electrical Resistivity er UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND KEY TO BORING LOG SYMBOLS Project Name Project No. Drawing No. 95 PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 - ACRE SITE 04-81-188-01 A-1 M,AQ,Converse Consultants Fontana, California For: Lennar Partners Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: KEY Ali Am 40 do f f 40 40 Log of Boring No. BH - 1 Dates Drilled: 5/17/2004 Logged by: RDD Equipment: _ 8" HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driving Weight and Drop: 140 lbs / 30 in Ground Surface Elevation (ft): 1045 _ Depth to Water (ft):_ NOT ENCOUNTERED Checked By: HSQ Project Name Project No. Drawing No. 45 PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 - ACRE SITE 04-81-188-01 A-2 W,AQ,Converse Consultants Fontana, California X For: Lennar Partners Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: LOG SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLEc This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and LLJ should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at zo the location of the boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface co Z) z 0 conditions may differ at other locations and may change at this W > �e W (D M 0) " 0 location with the passage of time. The data presented is a _J 0 )_ — 0 (D _J simplification of actual conditions encountered. co co 2 0 '2; 0 TOPSOIL 0. SILTY SAND (SM): fine- to medium -grained, some roots and grass, light brown. ALLUVIUM (QaI) SAND (SP): fine- to medium -grained, little gravel, yellow brown to light gray. 5 11/18/18 5 110 ds 10 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SANDY SILT (ML): trace caliche, rootcasts, orange brown. 519/17 7 114 ma 15 pinhole porosity, dark yellow brown 6/10/14 13 111 End of boring at a 16.5 feet. Groundwater not encountered during drilling. Boring cased for percolation test. Project Name Project No. Drawing No. 45 PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 - ACRE SITE 04-81-188-01 A-2 W,AQ,Converse Consultants Fontana, California X For: Lennar Partners Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: LOG AM 40 40 40 f IIIII Log of Boring No. BH - 2 Dates Drilled: 5/17/2004 Logged by: RDD Equipment: _ 8" HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driving Weight and Drop: 140 lbs / 30 in Ground Surface Elevation (ft): 1046 _ Depth to Water (ft):_ NOT ENCOUNTERED Checked By: HSQ Project Name Project No. Drawing No. PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 -ACRE SITE qVAz� Converse Consultants Fontana, California 04-81-188-01 A-3 For: Lennar Partners Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: LOG SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLEc 8_0 This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and W should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at IX - the location of the boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface U) :) z IX conditions may differ at other locations and may change at this W > �e 3: F— V) Z) W M 0) " 0 location with the passage of time. The data presented is a 0 0 >_ W F— (D _J simplification of actual conditions encountered. 0 00 _J co 2 C) CL 0 LIZ.. il TOPSOIL �1_11 L, ILI LTY SAND (SIVI): fine- to medium -grained, some roots, liaht brown. ALLUVIUM (Qal) SAND TO SILTY SAND (SP -SM): fine- to coarse -grained, tan to light brown. 5 7/9/10 2 116 10 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SANDY SILT (ML): fine-grained sand, red brown. 5/11/16 6 115 ma little pinhole and tubular porosity 4/8/14 12 116 15 End of boring at al 5.0 feet. Groundwater not encountered during drilling. Boring cased for percolation test. Project Name Project No. Drawing No. PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 -ACRE SITE qVAz� Converse Consultants Fontana, California 04-81-188-01 A-3 For: Lennar Partners Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: LOG do 0 4 "i f , i qft a Dates Drilled: 5/17/2004 Log of Boring No. BH - 3 Logged by: RDD Equipment: 8" HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driving Weight and Drop: 140 lbs / 30 in Ground Surface Elevation (ft) 1047 Depth to Water (ft): NOT ENCOUNTERED Checked By: HSQ Project Name Project No Drawing No. PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 - ACRE SITE 04-81-188-01' A-4 Converse Consultants Fontana, California For: Lennar Partners Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: LOG SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLEEE This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and Lu should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at C.) the location of the boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface CD z conditions may differ at other locations and may change at this uJ > 3: DO LLJ CU CD 0 location with the passage of time. The data presented is a 0 (E� (D _J simplification of actual conditions encountered. 0 oo M 2 c - 0— 0 TOPSOIL SILTY SAND (SM): fine-grained, few fine gravel, brown, ALLUVIUM (Qal) SAND TO SILTY SAND (SP -SM): fine- to coarse-grained, gray brown. 5 6/10/13 2 118 7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SANDY SILT (ML): fine -grained sand, red brown to brown. 10 5/9/13 7 113 ds _L - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SAND TO SILTY SAND (SP -SM): fine- to 7/12/18 4 113 15 medium -grained, few gravel, brown. End of boring at a16.5 feet. Groundwater not encountered during drilling. Boring cased for percolation test. Project Name Project No Drawing No. PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 - ACRE SITE 04-81-188-01' A-4 Converse Consultants Fontana, California For: Lennar Partners Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: LOG Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page B-1 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM Laboratory tests were conducted on representative soil samples for the purpose of classification and evaluation of their relevant physical characteristics and engineering properties. The results of laboratory testing are summarized in the following sections 40 and on the Logs of Borings in Appendix A, Field Exploration. The following is a summary of the various laboratory tests conducted for this project. Moisture Content and Dry Density 40 -1� Results of these tests performed on relatively undisturbed ring samples were used to 911 aid in the classification of the soils and to provide qualitative information regarding soil strength and compressibility. For test results, see the Logs of Borings in Appendix A, Field Exploration. Grain -Size Analysis To assist in classification of soils, mechanical grain -size analyses were performed on a representative sample. Testing was performed in general accordance with the ASTM Standard D422 test method. Results are shown in Drawing No. B-1, Grain Size Distribution Results. Direct Shear Test A direct shear test was performed on a representative sample. The test was performed on undisturbed samples at soaked moisture conditions. Samples contained in brass sampler rings were placed one at a time directly into the test apparatus and subjected to a range of normal loads appropriate for the anticipated conditions. Each sample was then sheared at a constant strain rate of 0.05 inch/minute. Shear deformation was recorded until a maximum of about 0.25 -inch shear displacement was achieved. Peak strength was selected from the shear -stress deformation data and plotted to determine the shear strength parameters. Test data, including sample density and moisture content are presented in the following table and are presented in Drawings No. B-2 and B-3, Direct Shear Test Results. 6EA Converse Consultants CCI ENT\OFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81 \04-188\04188-Ol.per f f f 46 Ad MR did - 4W Percolation Testing Results 4.37 -Acre Detention Basin Design and Construction Fontana, San Bernardino County, California June 4, 2004 Page B-2 ICIIJIVI-4U.0-i'QUI1111111du Uyulrect %-)near i eST Kesuits Sample Igo ',Average Effective Location (Boring No. Natural/ Remolded Soil Classification .-Initiall.: Initial �14y -'Xffective -Mohoilon Fricth 3n /Depth) �mdlstur�e Content (9/6) Density -4pcl) (psQ -Ar 1 gle (degree) BH -1 5' Natural Sand with Gravel (SP), fine- 5.4 109.7 0 44 grained, light -gray BH -3 . 10' LNatural Sandy Silt (ML), brown 6.6 112.9 100 34 Sample Storag Soil samples presently stored in our laboratory will be discarded 30 days after the date of this report unless this office receives a specific request to retain the samples for a longer period. 901 Converse Consultants CCIENT\OFFICE\JOBFILE\2004\81\04-188\04188-Ol.per U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER Mill Depth (ft) 100 10C 1 0.1 9E 0.01 9C M 131-11-2 85 SILTY SAND (SM) 80 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS 75 70 65 60 GRAVEL >- 55 D60 D30 D10 co 0 131-1-1 Of W 50 0.081 Z COBBLES LL 0.16 1,— 45 SILT OR CLAY z Lu 40 W coarse fine 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 4" Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: GRAIN SIZE ale Boring No. Depth (ft) 100 10 1 0.1 10, 0.01 0.001 M 131-11-2 10, SILTY SAND (SM) GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL 7— SAND D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt I %Clay 0 131-1-1 10, 2.36 0.081 0.0 42.3 57.7 COBBLES 10, 9.5 0.16 1.0 58.2 40.8 SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse I medium fine 4" Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: GRAIN SIZE ale Boring No. Depth (ft) Description LL PL PI Cc Cu Boring No. Depth (ft) Description LL PL PI Cc Cu 01 131-1-11 10, SANDY SILT (ML) M 131-11-2 10, SILTY SAND (SM) Boring No. Depth (ft) D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt I %Clay 0 131-1-1 10, 2.36 0.081 0.0 42.3 57.7 M 131-11-2 10, 9.5 0.16 1.0 58.2 40.8 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION RESULTS Project Name Proje t No. Drawing No. PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 - ACRE SITE 9!�� AM" Converse Consultants Fontana, California 04-81-188-01 B-1 607 For: Lennar Partners 'Rill 40- 16' 40 14" 41111111 - 14' do - 14 me is NOTE: Ultimate Strength. 5,OOC 4,OOC 't6 3,000 z C0 2,000 1,000 981 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 SURCHARGE PRESSURE, psf BORING NO. BH - 1 DEPTH (ft) DESCRIPTION SAND WITH GRAVEL (SP) COHESION (psf) 0 FRICTION ANGLE (degrees) MOISTURE CONTENT(%) 5.4 DRY DENSITY (pcf) 109.7 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project Name Project No. Drawing No. PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 - ACRE SITE Fontana, California 04-81-188-01 B-2 Converse Consultants For: Lennar Partners Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: DIRECT SHEAR dW Ad R f 40 A9 I. qW 0 44' 5,000 DEPTH (ft) 10, DESCRIPTION SANDY SILT (ML) COHESION (pso 100 FRICTION ANGLE (degrees) 34 MOISTURE CONTENT(%) 6.6 4,000 3,000 z CD r CD 2,000 1,000 0 L 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,01C SURCHARGE PRESSURE, psf 0 BORING NO. BH -3 DEPTH (ft) 10, DESCRIPTION SANDY SILT (ML) COHESION (pso 100 FRICTION ANGLE (degrees) 34 MOISTURE CONTENT(%) 6.6 DRY DENSITY (pcf) 112.9 NOTE: Ultimate Strength. DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project Name Project No. Drawing No. PROPOSED DETENTION BASIN, 4.37 - ACRE SITE Fontana, California 04-81-188-01 B - 3 Converse Consultants For: Lennar Partners OR Project ID: 01-81-188-Ol.GPJ; Template: DIRECT SHEAR W