HomeMy WebLinkAboutHawker-Crawford Channel and Rich Basint t t Li HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL AND RICH BASIN DRAINAGE ANALYSIS _ CITY OF FONTANA COUyTr_QF.,$AN,_slEeNARDiHO_ _ _ Prepared By: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 Commercenter West, Suite A San Bernardino, California 92408 - (714) 885 -4309 In Association With: HALL & FOREMAN, INC. 3170 Redhill Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 August, 1991 i i e i i c E c c C 1 1 1 I MASTER STORM DRAINAGE PLAN REFERENCE INDEX (ALL VOLUMES) Volume I - Engineer's Report Summary Report Detention Basin Policy and Design Criteria Cost Estimates Exhibit Map Storm Drain Profiles ` Volume IA - Hawker - Crawford Channel and Rich Basin Drainage Analysis Discussion Calculations Recommendations Cost Estimates Volume II A, B, C and D Systems Hydrology Calculations Volume III Lines T -1 to T -8 and West Fontana Channel (East of Hemlock) Hydrology Calculations Street Capacity Charts Volume V Lines DZ-4 thru DZ -16, Lines M1 thru M8 and the I -10 Channel System Hydrology Calculations Lines SS2 thru SS11, Lines TIC through T4C, and West Fontana Channel Hydrology Calculations Street Capacity Calculations e i r i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION I. INTRODUCTION 1 SECTION II. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS AND 5 FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES A. GENERAL 5 B. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS 6 .- AND -FLOOD CONTROL - - FACtUTIIE$- SECTION III. HYDROLOGY """ ` 13 A. GENERAL MET'HODGL06 —46 CRITERIA 13 B. BASIC DATA FOR STORM DRAIN HYDROLOGY 14 C. HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL SYSTEM HYDROLOGY 16 D. DUNCAN CANYON -ROAD AND SUMMIT AVENUE 17 STORM DRAIN HYDROLOGY SECTION IV. HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA 18 A. GENERAL 18 B. CHANNELS 19 C. CULVERTS (RCB) 19 D. CLOSED CONDUITS 20 E. TRANSITIONS � - - - - 20 SECTION V. DEBRIS PRODUCTION ANALYSIS 21 A. GENERAL 21 B. SAN SEVAINE CANYON 22 C. BULLOCK CANYON 25 D. DUNCAN CANYON 25 E. SMALLER CANYONS 26 SECTION VI. PROPOSED FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 29 A. GENERAL 29 B. SAN SEVAINE CANYON DEBRIS BASIN, 31 SAN SEVAINE SPREADING GROUNDS AND SAN SEVAINE BASINS (1-4) C. HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL (LINE A SYSTEM) 33 D. RICH BASIN 41 t t u I 0 I I 0 I 0 0 ■ 0 0 m TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) SECTION VII. PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM A. GENERAL B. BULLOCK CANYON DEBRIS BASIN AND OUTLET CHANNEL C. lfNE;;SYSTEMS C THRU G D. LINE SYSTEMS H THRU I SECTION Vill.. • PLANS, PROFILES, AND COST ESTIMATES A. GENERAL . B. - . BASIS OF COST ESTIMATES C. SUMMARY OF COST ESTIMATES D. SYSTEM PLAN AND PROFILE SECTION IX. COORDINATION WITH OTHER DRAINAGE STUDIES IN GENERAL AREA APPENDIX A - HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS AND DATA APPENDIX B - PLAN AND PROFILES APPENDIX C - CHANNEL AND STORM DRAIN HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D - COST ESTIMATES Wi4 42 42 43 45 a 46 47 49 51 0 SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION The firms of Bill Mann & Associates, Inc., and Hall and Foreman, Inc., have been retained to analyze flood and drainage problems and develop a drainage plan for the general area north of the Devore Freeway and east of San Sevaine Creek. The study area included in this analysis and report is an extension of the North Fontana 'Storm Drain' Master' Plan Update presently being performed by .Hall:& .Foreman and Bill Mann and Associates. The study area included in this report is shown generally on Figure No. I. The specific tasks of this study are as follows: 1. Determine the hydrology for the study area. 2. Determine the estimated debris production from the foothill canyon areas. 3. Review the existing and proposed Hawker - Crawford Channel and recommend ultimate channel size, possible realignment and type of improvement to provide for a 100 -year storm. The existing plans by J.P. Kapp & Associates (Hunters Ridge Development) will be utilized: 4. Review the existing Rich Basin and determine the best use of the basin, including development runoff flow detention, water 1 I` E conservation and /or combined water conservation recreation park use. The interim and proposed plans by J.P. Kapp & Associates wiU. -be, reviewed.__ 5. Based on the above analyses, prepare a master storm drain plan for review and approval by the County of San Bernardino and City of Fontana. 6. P'rovide`e'-report with hydrology, hydraulic calculations, cost estimates,. and plan and profile sheets for the Hawker - Crawford Channel and proposed storm drain system. The local drainage areas will be analyzed with two alternates. One alternate shall include debris basins at the canyon mouths and a closed system downstream, and one alternate will provide an open channel system using bulked flows. `'l n l C This study and the storm drain facilities recommended herein are consistent with the update of the North Fontana Storm Drain Master Plan. Two proposed storm drains within the North, Fontana Study Area will outlet into Hawker- Crawford Channel. The storm drains are shown on Figure No. 11, "Hydrology Map," included in the packet of this report. The Hunters Ridge Development has been master planned, and a storm drain master plan has been approved by the Flood Control District and adopted by the City of Fontana. The master plan for the Hunters Ridge area is referenced for details on the proposed storm drain system for the development. 2 u I! The County of San Bernardino and City of Fontana have made application for a low- interest loan from the Bureau of Reclamation. The Loan Application Report and Environmental Assessment have been completed and forwarded to the Bureau of Reclamation for approval. The proposed Bureau project entitled "The San Sevaine Creek Water Project" includes a debris dam for San Sevaine Canyon and a levee along the east ( Ina r7unara1 araA rlrvt nt trla t )n.rnrc% � - rna%Ai ^ I - side of the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds. This study has been coordinated with the Bureau of Reclamation Project. 3 i SECTION 11. EXISTING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS AND FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES A. General The existing drainage and flood control facilities are shown on,Figure No. I. With the exception of a portion of the Hawker - Crawford Channel, all of the facilities are unimproved and were constructed primarily through emergency operations following major floods or watershed burns with the assistance of Federal funning. Dore to development activity in the area, there has been to upgrade or construct new facilities in the study area. There are several developments proposed in the study area that have precipitated the need for drainage and flood control improvements. Several flood control and drainage facilities are under construction at the present time. Facilities presently under construction include a portion of Hawker - Crawford Channel, the East Levee of the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds and portions of the storm drain system for the Hunters Ridge Development. Hunters Ridge is a proposed 570 -acre development located along the east side of San Sevaine Spreading Grounds, north of Summit Avenue. Figure No. 1 shows the location of the proposed development. A portion of the development is presently under construction. Developments south of the freeway are included in the North Fontana Storm-Drain Master Plan area. The North Fontana Storm Drain Master Plan is presently being finalized. 5 B. Existing Drainage Conditions and Flood Control Facilities 1. San Sevaine Canyon, San Sevaine Spread4ng Grounds. and San Sevaine Basin The San Sevaine Spreading Grounds is located north of Summit Avenue. The spread ing'gro'uttds as: - an 4 ualet.for, Henderson Morse and San Canyon flows and several smaller drainage courses, ..The spreading grounds area is approximately 1,500 feet -wide; 6,000 feet long, and covers an approximate 200 -acre area. One of the major drainage courses outletting into the spreading grounds is San Sevaine Creek, which - outlets the canyon at the northeast corner of the spreading gtouridsand generaWy parallels tf4•easterly�side,04 the spreading grounds. There 4s an' -existmg; earth channel and levee along the east'side the southern half of the groundsthat conducts San Sevaine Creek flows southerly across Summit Avenue. There is also an existing unimproved levee along the east side of the northern half of the spreading grounds. The Levee was constructed with spoil material to confine San Sevaine Creek Flows to the spreading grounds area. The existing levee is not considered adequate to sustain major flood flows and is proposed to be realigned in part and armored with rock facing to control major flood flow. Drainage and flood flows from the spreading grounds cross Summit Avenue and flow into the existing San Sevaine Basins south of Summit 0 Avenue. Refer to Figure No. I for a schematic depiction of the spreading grounds, the east levee andthe basins south of Summit Avenue. Structures (RCS's) are presently being constructed under Summit Avenue (24th Street) to convey flow into the basins. The East Levee referred to above is presently being constructed and w may be completed by the time this report is reviewed. Reference is made to plans on file with the Flood Control District for details on the East Levee. The San Sevaine Basins are a series of four basins located below Summit Avenue. All of the flood flow from the upstream San Sevaine Creek tributary area flow through the basins. In addition to Henderson, Morse and San Sevaine Creeks referred to above, the Hawker - Crawford Channel enters the San Sevaine Basin No. 3 south of Summit Avenue and west of Cherry Avenue. The confluence of the channel with the basin is shown on Figure No. I. The possible future improvement of the San Sevaine Basins is discussed in Section VI. The San Sevaine Basins (1 through 4) are separated by levees with grouted rock spillways. The existing levees and spillways are not considered adequate to sustain major flood flows. 2. Hawker - Crawford Channel Hawker - Crawford Channel is located north of the Devore Freeway and generally follows the freeway from the easterly end of the study area (Duncan Canyon) to the channel inlet into the San Sevaine Basins. The a� 7 0 0 channel passes through the existing Rich Basin located north of Summit Avenue. Refer to Figure No. I for a schematic location of the channel and its relationship to the study area. Hawker - Crawford Channel is an unimproved earth channel for the major part of its length. The only presently improved portion is located between Summit and Cherry Avenues. The reach between Rich Basin and Summit Avenue will be improved as a part of the Hunters -. Ridge Development, and is presently under - construction. u v The - existing earth - channel -was .an. emergency p►rojeetr after the major watershed burn (Meyers Burn) of 1970. The channel alttthnzanyon:fiowcs north of the Devore Freeway between Duncan Canyon -at- Lytle Creek Road and San Sevaine Creek Spreading' Grounds. Bullock Canyon flows into Rich Basin before entering the channel. Rich Basin was not originally designed as a detention- facility and. major flows pass through the basin into the channel. At the time the Hawker- Crawford Channel was constructed, a small debris basin. was constructed at the upstream end of the channel to assist in capturing debris from Duncan Canyon. Rich Basin is proposed to be modified to detain, increased drainage runoff from the Hunters Ridge Development. Due to the inadequacy of the existing channel, the channel is proposed to be increased in size and improved throughout its length. The hydrology for the Hawker - Crawford Channel System is discussed in Section �:3 III. The proposed improvement of Hawker - Crawford Channel is discussed in Section VI. As indicated above, Duncan Canyon flows.enter the easterly end of the existing channel at Lytle Creek Road Bullock Canyon flows enter the. channel system after flowing through Rich- Basin., ,Iq, addition to the two large canyon areas, Hawker - Crawford Channel also serves as the outlet for several other smalJec.canyon areas between Bullock and Duncan Canyons. These canyons areas are shown on Figure No. II, Hydrology Map. The estimated debfi$, pgtgntial from the canyon areas is discussed in Section V. The major tributary canyon areas to the Hawker - Crawford Channel System are Duncan Canyon and Bullock Canyon. Duncan Canyon has a drainage area of 440 acres at the canyon mouth and, B,uljogk,(anyon has a combined drainage area of 503. acres, at.the- canuon.mouth. 3. Rich Basin Rich Basin is an undeveloped basin functioning as a flow- through basin that provides minor debris storage. At the time Hawker- Crawford Channel was constructed, the basin was expanded slightly and a grouted rock spillway was constructed. The original basin had a storage volume of approximately 26 acre -feet. As indicated above, Rich Basin is proposed to be utilized to detain increased drainage flows generated by the Hunters Ridge Development and to capture debris under interim conditions. The basin is being improved to 9 provide approximately 7,150 CY of debris mitigation and 29,500 CY of excavated volume for drainage mitigation. The interim ex'cavati'on plans for the basin and the ultimate channel plans for Hawker - Crawford Channel ' from the basin to Summit Avenue are referenced and made a part of'thiis report: The prafis Wd Orep'aed`d Kapp & 'Associates and are itemized below. ` Rich Basin Gre find` nd'b'rar`n' pipe;'dated ' X20 /8% - File No. 8 -807 -5 (Sheets 1 -8) Rich Basin and Hawker - Crawford Channel, dated 12/14/88, File No. 1 -806 -2 (Sheets 1 -33) Rich Basin will be' further improved in the future to_ include ' additional drainage detention for 'upstream ' de' elopment. Tha basin' �buTd also be designed to as`a"paak'fld6W ?edudfi6?i b "asfii "orr`a perr'nanent A preliminary debris production analysis' of the canyon areas in the study area is provided in Section V. Rich Basin is the outlet facility for Bullock Canyon to the north of the basin. Unless a debris basin is provided for Bullock Canyon, the basin will continue to receive debris flow from the canyon. 4. Duncan Canyon Debris Basin -" At the time The Hawker - Crawford. Channel was constructed, a small En debris basin was constructed at the mouth of Duncan Canyon. The basin will capture and retain some debris during minor storms, but the basin is M 10 not adequate to capture the debris produced by major storms. The location of the basin is shown schematically on Figure No. I. Duncan Canyon has a tributary drainage area of 440 acres at the canyon mouth. The hydrology is discussed in Section III. The estimated debris production for the canyon is' discussed in 86ctidh V: It is recommended adequate debris basin be constructed as a part of'th'e 'proposed Hawker- Crawford Channel System to retain the debris produced by a major storm. Proposed improvements are discussed as a part of the H9Wk&- 'Vawf&d ChanWimp +owernent4n -Section A/L "The ezistir►g Summit-- Avenue' Starm'Dtain' is a rubble and concrete flume located along the north side of Summit Avenue from Lytle Creek Road westerly San Sevaine Basins. The flume outlets into San Sevaine Basins south of Summit Avenue. The existing drain is inadequate and will be replaced. The drain will be replaced with a channel or reinforced concrete box conduit east - of Hawker - Crawford Channel as shown on the City of Fontana North Fontana �1 Storm Drain Master Plan. The existing drain west of the Hawker - Crawford Channel will be replaced with a storm drain constructed as a part of the Hunters Ridge Development and will outlet into San Sevaine Basins south of Summit Avenue. Reference is made to the City of Fontana Storm Drain Plan for details on the hydrology and proposed Summit Avenue drain. "' 11 The existing drain is shown schematically on Figure No. t. The proposed replacement drains are shown schematically on Figure No. II. 12 SECTION III. HYDROLOGY A. General Methodology and Criteria Design - discharges were determined -- using nrethodlt criteria ° conforming r to, the Sen- Bernardino County Hydrology Manual May 19116 hereinafter "referred'16 '2a = the= T�'ji�rologjr- Wdfiu_ al. - - Computer "softWA'e4 ' designed to' meet standards "set by the - Hydrology Manuat developed` Advanced Engineering Software (AES) was utilized:' The'HVdr6l6gy'Manuat indicates use of the "Rational Method" for estimating peak discharges from drainage areas less than 500 acres. ­AN- draine — ge' areas used for individual storm drains are less thany 500 - acres- ThWH "y'Manual-is= referred to for--a descri06oh�ef�the Ra46n6PMbth0d -. ­ The , general criteria normally trgLd:f6f- 'Sizirig' elbg6d - ddhdiJit storm d rains where street sections are available 8 as follows: 1. The combined storm drain and street capacity at any point should be adequate to convey runoff from a 25 -year storm. The difference between the 10 and 25 -year design flow is conveyed in the street section. If the difference exceeds the street capacity, the storm drain size is increased accordingly. 2. At the point the street section is inadequate to convey a 10- year storm flow, a storm drain is to be provided to convey a minimum 10 -year design flow. 3. In this study, due to the mountainous flow and potential 13 debris, and due to the probable lack of properly aligned streets to carry drainage flow, all the storm drains were sized using a 100 -year design flow. If the future development of the area"produces a street system capable of conveying drainage, then criteria 1 and 2 above can be utilized. The base map for the project hydrology is included in this report as- Fi g ure No. II, provided in the packet of this report. The hydrology computer runs are included in Appendix "A ". B. Basic Data for Storm_ilkain H W r �, _ 7 ° Y.�.9Y �;., u Basic tdftbgraphic and geometric information used in the definition of sub - basins were taken from base­- USGS -quadrangle maps, field reconnaissance, and through coordination with public agencies. Figure No. II shows the overall drainage areas and sub - areas. The existing flood control facilities are shown on Figure No. I. Due to the existence of the Hawker - Crawford Channel, Rich Basin and the definition of Bullock Canyon, the general configuration of most of - the sub - basins are set. A series of small canyon areas are tributary to Hawker - Crawford Channel. The individual canyons, or combination of canyons with tributary drainage areas varying from 100 to 175 acres in size, were used as sub - basins. The only known proposed development in the study area undergoing 14 specific planning and development at the present time is Hunters Ridge. The storm drain plan developed by the Engineer for the Hunters Ridge Development is referenced in this storm drain analysis. Hunters Ridge Development is shown on Figure No. I. Rainfall isohyetal maps presented in the Hydrology Manual are used to determine point rainfall depths for each sub - basin. The high bluff area generally along the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power easement line 16. -used for the delineation of the mountainous. area -to the.north-afid- th edoyelopable area south of the bluff area. Single family development (3 -4 dwellings /acre) was considered for the areasoutb,.af the bluff /power line. Only one representative average land use. _wn ..used. Each. sub-basin was characterized by only one representative average soil type. The area east of Duncan Canyon and north of the Devore, Freeway is outside of the study area; however, the area.is-.tributary to. Hawker- Crawford Channel due to the future storm -drams proposed along and south of the freeway between Sierra Avenue and Hawker - Crawford. The area between the Devore Freeway and Duncan Canyon Road westerly of Sierra Avenue is also tributary to hawker - Crawford Channel due to the proposed storm drain on Duncan Canyon Road. The area is shown on Figure No. II. VQ These areas are part of the North Fontana Storm Drain Plan, but is included in this plan because of the future connection to Hawker - Crawford Channel. Reference is made to the North Fontana Storm Drain Plan for details in the 15 two drainage areas and the proposed drainage system. The area south of Duncan Canyon Road, north of Summit Avenue and west of Sierra Avenue is also tributary to Hawker - Crawford Channel. This area is also part of the North- Fontana .Sto.rm Drain. Plart. A proposed storm drain on Summit, Avenue,wi)I Connect to Hawker - Crawford Channel just west. of the. Devore .Freeway. The Brea, is-shown on .Figure- No. "Hydrology .Map,. "_.. Reference is again made to the_.Nortfi..Fontana Stone ()rain, Flan for..details on the Summit Avenue Storm Drain. ,,—. Both east -west storm drains are designed to convey a 100 -year frequency storm flow. Due to the potential debris production in- the- rnotintaineets drainage courses north of the Hawker - Crawford „Chartnel„..the...captwring. oar conveyance of debris will be a, major-consideratioo 'A-debris production analysis for the.$rnall canyons is provided in Section V. Due to the potential debris, .the storm _drains have been sized with alternate sections. One alternate assumes the construction of debris basins at the canyon mouths, and the other alternate assumes a 100% bulked flow in the design of the storm drains. C. Hawker- Crawford Channel System Hydrology Hawker - Crawford Channel system hydrology is included in Appendix A of this report, The hydrology is based on a 100 -year design flow. The Rational Method was used for analysis. 16 The existing Hawker- Crawford Channel passes through Rich Basin before outl.etting into San Sevaine Basin No. 3-at Cherry Avenue. Although -Rich. ­Basin - is -- proposed= for.'' use . as� •-a ­drainage detention and water conservation facility, the potential basin storage was not used for major reduction of peak flows on Hawker - Crawford Channel. The existing storage volume:in.the basin is - minirnal. There is a proposal to develop a basin plan for San. Sevaine..BasiFw 0-4)v The - analysis - _af , Afth - 'Basin""as a drainage detention -basin will -be , induded in -the proposed San Sevaine Basin (1 -4) study. � '' •11. : !� • 1 jui • ..1 • :i li � c • �a • Y. There -are .storm - drains ` proposed. on Duncan Carryon °Road ' - and Summit Avenue from Sierra. -Avenue on the east to Hawker- Crawford Channel on the west. - _The two storm drains are part of the North Fontana Storm Drain Plan presently being finalized. The drains are referenced herein because of the proposed connection of the storm drains to Hawker- Crawford Channel and the necessity of including the flows. A 96 to 102 -inch RCP storm drain is proposed on Duncan Road. An 8'x8' RCB storm drain is proposed on Summit Avenue. The proposed lines are shown schematically on the plans in this report. Refer to the North Fontana Storm Drain Plan for details. The design flows have been included in the Hawker - Crawford Channel design. MA SECTION IV. HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA A. Gen The general assumptions and criteria for the proposed drainage facilities aie briefly described in this chapter. All the calculations for sizing the open channel and closed conduits were completed in conformance with criteria in the latest version of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District's "Design Manual, Hydraulics," hereinafter referred to as the Hydraulics Manual: _ r Other than the peak discharges determined in the hydrologic ahelysisT4:h§ slope -bf the facility - invert is the key - requirement for sizing the fcjlities:: In general, the drainage facility is designed to follow the existing ground surface to minimize excavation costs. The open channels, where practical, are designed with the top of walls below the existing ground to allow interception of surface flow and optimize the connection of lateral drains. Superelevation was not considered in the sizing of the facilities, but should be considered in the final design stage. Due to the high velocities and scour potential, all channels are proposed to be concrete lined. Reinforced concrete boxes were assumed at all new road crossings. Storm drain capacity was determined by "Mannings" formula. The criteria and assumptions used to size the facilities are provided below. 18 B. Ch A concrete lined trapezoidal channel was definedfor all, open.channel reaches to.minimize construction costs. A rectangular channel can be used in final design if development conditions warrant. 'A irana'ition. the normal trapezoidal section to the road- crossing culverts aad.ohannel outlets will be necessary. Criteria used are.flWed IWbw_. - -�` 1 :. Trapeaoidaf don6ete: line -6 channel sections. - 2 >Vlar`rping .soagfi ss. value.: "n ° -. 0.015 " 3:' �4t \ tianRe1 side slopes .. (Z) - 1.5 (except for existing Hawker- Crawford Channel - existing side slopes = 2 :1j 4. Freeboard: Velocities of 35 fps or less - ,Z.5' Velocities of gre8iie•t�a 3S-fps - 3.5' M . 5. Depth of flow rounded uR the nearest 0.5' C. Culverts (RCS) Normal depth was determined in the culverts by Manning's equation. The assumptions and criteria for the channel crossings are listed below. 1. Reinforced Concrete Boxes (RCB's) 2. A 2'freeboard through the culvert in addition to the flow depth 3. Open channel flow conditions 4. Manning's roughness value, "n" = 0.015 19 I D. Closed Conduits Manning's equation Was applied ihsizin'dthe closed conduit sections. It was assumed that pipes are1lowirfg•full but not under pressure. The pipe size is then determined byu'ilng the r'e ­ x'_t'_la_rg_e_r standard pipe iiii the calculated pipe size. The pipe ' size ­ can'b6'furthei - t*'R_ -_ tMed M - igm— stage. Other c - ritLW8'at`6Att6d below: i Reinforced' Concrete Pipe'(ACP's) - 2. Manning value, "n" 0.013 - --- 3. Minimum pipe diameter of 30" E. Transition Transitions - are proposed '6i the con nectiorrii4 z6_hifiT_IA' t& t;&vert• inlets and outlets to produce a gradual ­cttA'rig6'i6'thd Wdtdr prism cross- sections and to reduce energy 169s`"and produce 'a'smoother flow. The length of the transitions was not calculated in this study. The transition design should be based on the Hydraulics Manual. 0 20 SECTION V. DEBRIS PRODUCTION ANALYSIS A:... Gerreral There'are three major canyons and many small canyons in the study v Vea *tl5h* haV6`bb6h' analyzed for debris production. The "Tatum Method" 'was 'used -to estimate the debris production. This method is based on evaluattKI'the � main factors that affect debris production. The factors involved in determination of debris production of a watershed upstream*of a - debris basin or 'dam df 'tli4 of -the' drerrragge - tMd;'thb steepness of canyons and side slopes; geological characteristics (such as . type of rock and soil'aF�d waafher+ri9 effie�ts�,type densPty ant eoV&; rdcandy bf bufiR§;`e Rdl�f requency; particular, intensity of storms and floods. Reference is made to the Tatum Method manual for a detailed description. Figure No.111 entitled "Hawker- Crawford Channel Watershed Canyon Debris Analysis" shows the canyon areas within the watershed. The debris estimates are based on the canyon areas generally above the powerlines at the canyon mouths. A reduced print of the map is included in this report. n. The debris production estimate calculations are aggroximate only and intended only to get a range of debris production. During the development stage, a more accurate estimation of debris production should be made for design purposes. The major canyons are briefly discussed below and the approximate 21 debris production is provided. Table V -1 gives a tabulation and summary of the estimated debris production of the various canyon areas and the parameters used in, the debris analysis. B. San Sevaine Canyon The drainage area above the mouth of San Sevaine Canyon is 1,274 acres (1.99 mi Although San . Seyaing . Canygn, is. not part of the study arg�� j, ,galell�el, � vyegterJy„edgg Qt.ibe study wea..A - has an impact on the study area due ta�the;prg,�osed.debris basin at the canyon mouth and tba,pr9pas along the east side of the spreading grounds from the proposed dam site to Summit Avenue. A debris basin at the canyon mouth is included in the regional flood_ control plan for the area. The debris basin is included in .the, Bureau, of.. Reclamation "San Sevaine Creek Water.Project. ", The approximate location of the proposed debris basin is..shgwrv.on FigureA. Based on the Tatum.. - Method, the adjusted estimated debris production is 151,700 yd /mj or 302,000.yd3. C. Bullock Canyon Bullock Canyon has a combined drainage area.of..503.acres (0.78 mi at the mouth of the canyons just below the powerline. Above the 22 TAMA Y -I SLMMAAT Of ZSTINATKD DRARIS MDUCTIOY FOR CANYON ARLAS USING TATM WTNOD N W Percent Correction Factor Drainage maximum aypso- • , Maximum Nypso- Adjusted Debris Total Debris Area Area Drainage 3-hour metric Drainage 3 -hour metric Production Yulume No. sq - mi Slope Density Rainfall Index Slope Density Rainfall Index Total CY /sq -mi CY A 0.10 1114 1.1 3.1 0.49 0.92 0.30 1.00 0.98 0.27 62,100 42,850 C 0.10 1063 11.7 3.1 0.49 0.93 0.30 1.00 0.98 0.27 76.440 1.644 . D 0.10 1471 12.3 3.1 0.40 0.90 0.30 1.00 0.99 0.27 75,600 1.560 S - - - F 0.09 1389 4.0 3.7 0.58 0.98 0.30 1.00 0.93 0.27 76,950 6,926 G - - - N 0.09 1368 4.4 3.7 0.50 0.91 0.30 1.00 1.00 0.29 82,650 7,440 J 0.09 1825 6.3 3.1 0.46 1.00 0.30 1.00 0.98 0.29 62,650 7,440 L 0.08 1436 9.5 3.1 0.58 1.00 0,30 1.00 0.92 0.28 79.800 6,384 N 0.04 1559 12.3 3.1 0.48 1.00 0.30 1.00 0.98 0.29 82,650 6,612 M " P 0.58 1050 4.1 3.7 0.46 0.91 0.30 1.00 0.97 0.26 59,800 34.684 q 0.20 1193 9.4 3.1 0.43 0.95 0.30 1.00 0.96 0.21 10,200 14,040 NOTLS 1. See Figure No.IIIfor location of canyon areas. 2. because of the small drainage area. Areas b, I. K, 9 and 0 ware not calculated. `i /�! Lam\ Ise/'` ✓� � !wl' :r C \- _�, \ "�T _,� - - - -_ -- �� 1 r C1 ail I y e"''�� ` J/'_. /( `:j'�` \�' - �� � -i ` ��((�• _: / •�_•T = - �• F'/ �./ � � - \ \• Y �i> _' ' /- - \ \�� . _� P� \ ' • rte. / ) , y/ I CA �� J, Kj4n - = s �"� t s - '_' �•� - a N _. ; / i I spy „ a • ■ / 1�/eIl B M RICH BASIN `�•� l i1"' ..... ...... ` W .� .. Al r +•.I�e'_ s:s.sa•.• .tr�iv6 i:...•' .a als' . /sf.d J:It�s• s •�' s — — — — Rose it SAN SEVAI i P** p \ � ww t BASI /07 �U"J �. W w \� � t1 If' sr' Nsw Galin e ) LEGEND •t / H +-+o- WATERSHED BOUNDARY •: SUBARE BOUNDARY .\ sd •� ,It BILL MAINS ASSOCIATES" HANKER CRAWFORD I=i H O SUBAREA ( FOR DEBRIS ) �: 1 AND A ANALYSIS) \ CHA7NEL WATERSFfO — DIRECTION Of FLAW HALL d FORMAN, ING' ' r 24 a DECEMBER 1967 MOM $— IM powerline, the drainage course divides into two canyon areas. The two canyons are shown a "P" and "Q" on Figure No. III. The debris estimates are computed separately for each canyon. Canyon Area "P" has a drainage area of 371 acres (0.58 mi 2 ). The adjusted estimated debris production is 59,800 yd /mi or 34,684 yd 3. Canyon Area "Q" has a drainage area of 128 acres (0.20 mi The adjusted-e-stimated debris production is 70,200 yd /mi or 14,046 yd 3. The combined estimated debris production for the combined,.,R.uflock Canyon ( "P" and "Q ") is 48,724 yd Due to the terrain, it is fint..practical.to construct one debris basin for both drainage courses. Both canyons drain directly into Rich Basin. a. rill etU /rru... ... . .. . r.r rr. u ..... .... . .... . If a debris basin is not provided for Bullock Canyon and its tributary, the debris will be sluiced down into Rich Basin by either the natural drainage courses or a future concrete lined channel. The debris movement will impair the use of Rich Basin for water conservation, storm flow detention and /or park and recreational uses. It may also have some effect on the channel below Rich Basin, unless Rich Basin is ultimately designed as a debris basin. In view of the above, a debris dam for Bullock Canyon and the canyon west of Bullock Canyon is recommended. D. Duncan Canyon Duncan Canyon is the canyon outletting into the beginning of the 25 M Hawker - Crawford Channel. The drainage area at the mouth of the canyon is 440 acres (0.69 mi Due to the direct entrance of the canyon flows into the channel, a debris basin is recommended. A small, inadequate basin exists at the present time. The existing debris basin was constru.oted after the 1970 watershed borin and _ is not adequate for major flood. debris production. Based on the Tatum M_ ethod, the adjusted estimated debris production is 62, 100 /mi or 42,250 yd'. Refer to Figures No. I and 11 for a schematic map of the drainage area, proposed debris basin location and t IC. 1!1111 uv... •r ..+��.. .... ...- _ - - __ channel. Figure No. III also shows the Duncan Canyon (Subaru "� "jd Table V -1 provides the parameters used in the debris production estimation. E. Smaller Canyons In addition to the three major canyon areas, an estimate was made of the debris production for the other smaller canyons- tributary to the Hawker - Crawford Channel. Although several of the small canyons are not directly connected to the Hawker - Crawford Channel, a certain amount of debris will be conveyed to the Hawker- Crawford Channel, if open - channel facilities are provided to convey drainage.flows. The canyons will convey debris to the streets and storm drains of developing areas during major I , storms. If the small debris basins are not provided, an open channel system should be utilized. 26 The small canyons are shown on Figure No. III as Areas "B" through "O ". Although is it recognized debris basins may not be provided for all the canyons; the pote6tial'debr'is production is estimated for consideration in the plarining of�future developments. Possible alternate storm drain • - - - ••••. " ! P Krr�r Xe 11�ene��:,rcc , `nr i-n.c systems, including debris basing and closed systems, and no debris basins ~ and - an open channel system;" for_the small' canyons p are discussed in Section VII: A summary"Of" the estimated debris production for the canyon is provided in Table V -1. ^ Due to the size of the small canyons, "B ", "E ", "G ", "K ", "N" and "D " - thown on Figure No. III, the debris production for these canyons was not calculated. The average debris production is y estimated at 79,500 yd' per square mile of drainage area for each of the small canyon areas, or approximately 7,145 yd per canyon for a major storm. The estimated debris production values are provided herein for planning purposes. It will be necessary to provide a more detailed estimate at the time of development, depending upon the type of development. The potential debris movement out of the canyon areas in a major storm will have a detrimental effect on downstream streets and drainage g' systems as the area develops. Although it may not be practical or desirable to construct a debris basin for all of the small canyons, debris basins for the larger of the small canyons are recommended. If debris basins are not provided, downstream drainage facilities should be open channels rather than closed conduits. The drainage facilities should be designed with a 27 bulking factor to compensate for debris movement if debris basins for the small canyons are not provided. . .. _ �___..-.. .i.v..v..u.i..is� JVU���wr..9�t���v .i.. t- •.�K1��. 28 SECTION VI. PROPOSED FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES A. Gen I There are four flood control facilities within the study area are operated and maintained by the Flood Control- District. These facilities are the San Sevaine Spreading - Grounds and San .Sevaine Basins � Hawker- Crawford Channel, -Rich Basin and .the.Summit- Avenue -Storm ©rein: These existing facilities are discussed in detail in: Section _III "Existing Drainage Co nd,ition"ndflood Control Facilities." For the .purposes of this study, the existing and /or proposed flood control facilities are separated from the proposed local storm drain systems. Flood control facilities generally fall in the category of major_ channets; regional debris basins, flood flow storage or water conservation basins -; spreading grounds; and major storm - drains. The lesser storrrkdrains, onsite or temporary retention basins,, and non- regional debris basins are usually considered part of the local storm drain system and are generally maintained by the. County, cities, special districts and homeowners associations. The major, regional flood control facilities are normally operated and maintained by , the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. The following facilities are considered to. be regional flood control facilities in this report: 1. San Sevaine Spreading Grounds and Levees, San Sevaine 29 Basins and the proposed San Sevaine Canyon Debris Basin L 2. Hawker- Crawford• Channel., Duncan Canyon Debris Dam and appurtenant c anne •. acr rues:: 4W 3. Rich. Basin -.. - .. ... Y: I Pie- existing.Summit -- Avenge Storm Drain•west•of•tbe-freeway will- W" be removed ' and - replaced with a local- drainage system •as• a part Hof: the Hunters Ridge development. The existing drain eastof the be ftw replaced as development of the area occurs. The proposed storm drain -is. shown on Figure II. The remainder of the str�xa draira� de#uisraQd �tkxer dTainage- facilities will be• considered -to•be loea4drainag &facilities for - Purposes of fts report. The proposed Duncan Canyon Debris Basin is considered to be regional due to the size of the basin and the direct entrance to a major I 0 0 N 0 0 channel. The proposed flood control facilities are discussed individually below. The facilities are shown schematically on Figure No. I. The hydrology for the facilities is provided and discussed in Section III, and the drainage areas are shown on Figure II, "Hydrology Map." The proposed storm drain system in the study area, other than those facilities listed above, are discussed in Section VII. 30 B. San Sevaine Canyon Debris Basin, San Sevaine Spreading Grounds and San Sevaine Basins (1 -4) 1. San Sevaine Canyon Debris Basin A debris dam is proposed to be constructed at the mouth of San Sevaine Canyon as a part of the Bureau of Reclamation San Sevaine Creek Water Project. The debris darn and basin will be sized to store approximately 302,000 cubic yards of debris for a one -time major storm from the two square -mile drainage area. The debris production_ and basin design will be based on the "Tatum Method." The dam wnl have an ungated outlet works and no attempt will be made to store storm - flows. Thdebris basin design will be based • on storing the estimate dris • production from a 100 -year frequency storm, with the exception of the spillway. The spillway will be designedio'pass a maximum probable flood in accordance with California Department of Safety of Dams and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation criteria. A preliminary plan and site location map is on file with the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. The final siting and design of the debris dam will require a detailed geotechnical and soils investigation study. The debris basin site is shown schematically on Figure No. I. The applications for the necessary California Department of Fish and Game Permit (1601) and the Corps of Engineers Permit (404) have been submitted and the processing of the permits by the agencies is still under way. 31 a�. 2. East Levee of San Sevaine Spreading Grounds The east levee extends from Summit Avenue. (24th Street) northerly to the mouth of San Sevaine Canyon. The levee has been designed to control a 100 -year frequency flood flow from San Sevaine Canyon. The levee plans were prepared by J.P. Kapp & Associates for the Hunters Ridge development. The levee design. was in accordance with Flood Control District criteria and also had to meet the. Faderal.mergency Management Agency (FEMA) policy..and.standard,& The levee is presently- under const;uction. Reference is made to the plans by -J.P: � Kapp & Associates. for,datails. - The schematic location of the levee is On Figure. -No: L 3. San Sevaine Basins Existing San Sevaine Basin Nos. 1 through 4 are located, South of Summit Avenue and south of the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds. The basins are shown schematically on Figure No. 1. San Sevaine Creek and its tributaries pass through the basins. The existing Hawker - Crawford Channel outlets into Basin No. 3 south of Summit Avenue at Cherry Avenue. There is a proposal to develop a basin plan for Basins (1 -4). The basins are not adequate to sustain a major flood flow. The basin plan will also include possible increased drainage detention facilities to support proposed development in the general San Sevaine Creek watershed area. 32 C. Hawker- Crawford Channel (Line A System) 1. General Hawker - Crawford Channel at the present time exists primarily as an unimproved earth channel from 1:),uncan..Canyon -at the easterly end of the study area to the. San .Sevaine, Basins at the west end of the_.study. area.. The easterly portion- of,the; chennet inlets, info- the.east.end.of .Rich Basin. Channel I flows_ pass through, the basin and outlet the.basin..at the ..existing. basin . spillway, location .at the southwest corner of the-basin. Hawker- C.rawf-ord .ChanneLcontinues from Rich Basin in a southwesterly direction, terminating at San Sevaine Basin No. 3 at Cherry Avenue lust north -of the Devore Freeway. Approximately 2,000 feet of the channel upstream of Cherry Avenue is concrete lined. Flows pass under Summit Avenue in an existing 30'x7' reinforced_ concrete box. struotgre....There is , a bridge at Cherry Avenue and the concrete Line trapezoidal channel passes under Cherry Avenue and into San Sevaine Basin No. 3. The existing channel alignment, Rich Basin and San Sevaine Basins are shown on Drawing No. I. Hawker - Crawford Channel is shown as Line "A ". At such time, as the channel above Rich Basin and between Rich Basin and Summit Avenue is concrete lined, that reach of the channel will convey, a : . 100 -year design flow. The channel section south of Summit Avenue is also inadequate and will have to be replaced with a new channel. As indicated above, the reach of the channel between Rich Basin and Summit Avenue is presently under construction. 33 The plan and profile for the channel are provided in Appendix B. 2. Hawker - Crawford Channel above Rich Basin The existing channel parallels Lytle Creek Road and the freeway for the most part from Duncan' Canyon to Rich Basin. The possibility of realigning the channel in this reach immediately adjacent to Lytle Creek Road was reviewed. There are `severai'disadvantages to realignment of the channel adjacent to Lytle Creek Road and realignment is not recommended, for the following reasons: (a) Open channels adjacent to streets are a safety hazard and public nuisance. (b) Open channels adjacent to streets require a structure at each access street to the adjacent development. Unless the structure (RCB) is excessively long, turning traffic off of the adjacent street to the access street is difficult. (c) The existing channel above Rich Basin will be adequate to carry a 100 -year frequency storm flow if it is concrete lined. Therefore, it would be more expensive to construct the channel at a new alignment than to construct the channel at its present location. (d) The channel in its existing location can be improved in stages as the area develops. If the channel is realigned, the entire 5,000 feet of channel in this reach would have to be 34 improved at one time. (e) The realignment of the channel would require acceptance of the new alignment by the respective property owners. This may only be feasible as a part of a major development project involving a multi -acre development. The possibility of realignment was discussed with representatives of the City of Fontana and County Transportation Department. The general consensus was that realignment was not recommended due to thesafety hazards and need for more structures at access streets. There is :ample depth along Lytle Creek Road (200 to 4QO feet) for the area between the road and channel to be developed. Because of the reasons given above, the realignment of the existing channel between Duncan Canyon and Rich Basin is not recommended. The existing channel upstream of Rich Basin is an earth trapezoidal channel with 2:1 side slopes. The existing channel will convey the 100- year design storm with minor excavation and concrete lining the existing channel. Because the rights -of -way for the channel exist, it is proposed to use 2:1 side slopes. The preliminary channel sections, grade, and design flow for the various reaches are shown on the Line "A" plan and profile. The hydrology is discussed in Section III. The estimated debris production for Duncan Canyon is discussed in Section V. The construction of an adequate debris basin for Duncan 35 r t (IMPROVEMENT) 26 26' TOP OF NORTH TOP OF SOUTH LEVEE LEVEE (F.C.D.) R/W (MIN.) 1 11 1 i I I i i t i i i R/W (EC.D.) 15 1 (MIN.) TX - 1 HAWKER-CRAWFORD - CHANNEL TYPICAL EXISTING CHANNEL SECTION NORTH OF %fl-I BASIN tiT NATURAL GRADE FIGURE No. Canyon is recommended and assumed. The existing channel section upstream of Rich Basin is shown on " Figure No. IV. As indicated above, it is proposed to concrete line the existing section with minor channel /excavation along the existing alignment. There is a proposed storm drain that will, extend easterly from the channel along Duncan Road under the. freeway._to,,Sierra Avenue.. This lateral is designed to intercept drainage from the area east of Duncan Canyon and the area south of the Interstate 15 Freeway, north of Duncan Canyon Road. The lateral will be designed for a 100 -year frequency.storm. A 10'x8' RCB will have to be constructed under the ,freeway, and possibly from the freeway to Hawker - Crawford Channel- The connection to the Hawker - Crawford Channel will be designed as a curved channel -to- channel confluence. The Duncan Road Storm Drain is shown on the North Fontana .W Storm Drain Plan as Line "A ". -° The recommended hydraulic design criteria for Hawker - Crawford FO Channel is discussed in Section IV. The hydrology for the system is discussed in Section III. 3. Hawker - Crawford Channel between Rich Basin and Summit Avenue Hawker - Crawford Channel in this reach has been designed by J.P. Kapp & Associates, Inc., and will be constructed as a part of the Hunters 37 Ridge Development. The J. P. Kapp plans (Flood Control District File No. 1- 806-2) are referenced for a detailed description of the plans. The plan,.and profile for this reach is also shown on the Line "A" (Hawker - Crawford Channel) plan and profile for ready reference. „, .There is a proposed storm drain that will extend east from the Hawker - Crawford Channel along Summit Avenue to Sierra Avenue. The storm drain . `will ' be designed for a 100 -year frequency storm. The connection of the storm drain to the Hawker - Crawford Channel_ is. -shown on the J.P.Kapp & Associates design plan (File No. 1- 806 -2). The storm drain is also showf on the'Llne "A" (+fiawker= trawford ChafrieIYplan' and profile.- .- i . .. 4. Hawker - Crawford Channel Below Summit Avenue The channel in this reach is being designed by Fuscoe, Williams, Lindgren, and Short (FWLS) and will be constructed as part of the Unitex development south of Summit Avenue. The FWLS plans are referenced for a detailed description of the proposed system. The plan and profile for this reach is also shown on the Line "A" (Hawker- Crawford Channel) plan and profile for ready reference. According to preliminary plans, it is proposed to realign this reach of the channel from its existing location to an alignment along the freeway. The proposed system is a double 10'x10' RCB outletting into San Sevaine Basin No. 4. Basin No. 4 will have to be deepened to allow the RCB outlet. 38 The existing channel alignment is shown on Figure No. I. The proposed realignment of the channel along the freeway is shown on Line "A ". The Line "A" drawing also shows the existing channel alignment. In the event the channel is not realigned along the freeway, the channel will follow the present alignment as shown on Figure No. I. Also, a concrete lined trapezoidal section would be utilized in lieu of the RCB section. The typical existing channel section for the reach below Summit Avenue is shown on Figure No. V. The plan and profile for the Hawker - Crawford Channel is provided in Appendix B. E .W E 0 j i i i j # i R/W R/W 45� 45' I I � 9� 15� 4.5' 9' 1 7.5 7.5' 9� 4.5 15' 9 �S 6 6 CONCRETE LINING d HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL TYPICAL EXISTING CHANNEL SECTION SOUTH OF SUMMIT AVE N.T.S. * Concrete lining exists only for approx. 2000' of Channel FIGURE No. - D. RICH BASIN An "interim" plan for Rich Basin has been designed by J.P. Kapp & Associates, Inc., and will be constructed as a part of the Hunters Ridge Development. The report by Rivertech, Inc. for J.P. Kapp & Associates entitled "Hydrologic Modeling of San Sevaine Basin No. 3 Watershed and Hydraulic Design of Rich Basin & Hawker - Crawford Channel" is referenced for a detailed description of the plans. The interim basin will provide increased drainage runoff and debris mitigation for the Hunters Ridge Development. Rich Basin is included in the Bureau of Reclamation "San Sevaine Creek Water Project," and is proposed for water conservation. A proposal for the preparation of a master plan for San Sevaine Basins (1 -4) has been submitted to the San Sevaine Creek "Consortium." The proposal includes the analysis of Rich Basin for increased drainage runoff mitigation for proposed developments within the San Sevaine Creek Watershed. Rich Basin is one of the few remaining basins available for expansion. The use of Rich Basin for the combined use of water conservation and increased drainage runoff mitigation is recommended. If the basin is designed as a permanent increased drainage detention and /or a peak flow reducing basin, the Hawker - Crawford channel south of Summit Avenue can be downsized. It should also be noted the City of Fontana has requested that Rich Basin be reviewed as a "multi -use" basin for possible recreation use. 41 SECTION VII. PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM A. General For purposes of this report, the storm drains covered in this section are considered to be local storm drains to differentiate between the local storm drain system and Flood Control District facilities. Hawker - Crawford Channel, Rich Basin, the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds and the San Sevaine Basins are considered to be major flood control facilities and are discussed in Section VI. The proposed storm drains are shown on Drawing Nos. 5 and 6 in plan view. The drains are listed in alphabetical order with Hawker - Crawford Channel listed as Line A. The plan view of the proposed storm drains (Drawings No. 5 and 6) along with the profiles are provided in Appendix "B ". The Hunters Ridge development is shown on Drawing Nos. 1 and 2. The storm drain system for the Hunters Ridge development was prepared by J. P. Kapp and Associates and is referenced to this report. The proposed storm drain system is shown schematically in plan view on Drawing Nos. 5 and 6. The storm drain system master plan for the Hunters Ridge development is referenced for specific details. B. Bullock Canyon Debris Basin and Outlet Channel (Line B System) Although considered to be a local drainage system, Bullock Canyon and - its tributary canyon has a combined drainage area of 503 acres at the 42 inlet to Rich Basin. Reference is made to the storm drain plan view in Appendix "B ". Figure II, "Hydrology Map," included in the packet of this report shows the drainage area for the Line B System. Debris basins to store approximately 14,000 cubic yards for Line 131 and 35,000 cubic yards for Line B2 are recommended. The final design of the basins shall be based on the County of San Bernardino Detention Basin Policy and the debris production shall be estimated using the "Tatum Method." A discussion of the estimated debris production is provided in Section V,C. If debris basins for the canyons are not provided, the debris will be captured by Rich Basin, severely limiting the use of the basin for water conservation and storm flow detention. It may be possible to leave Bullock Canyon in its natural state if the existing drainage course is not crowded. For purposes of this report, a concrete lined channel to convey a 100 -year frequency storm is assumed. Due to the large drainage area and mountainous terrain, a 100 -year design is recommended. C. Une Systems C through G Most of the proposed storm drains located north of the Hawker- Crawford Channel will intercept canyon flow and are therefore subject to debris movement. Debris basins are recommended and shown for most of K the storm drains. If debris basins are not proposed, debris and silt movement during major storms may clog or impair the function of the 43 drainage system. An alternate, although not an equivalent, to the debris -. basins would be to design the storm drains for a 100 -year design storm and provide 100% bulking of flow in the system compensate for the potential debris and silt movement. The potential debris production is analyzed in Section V. Although the debris production was analyzed for all the canyons, debris basins may not be feasible for all the smaller canyons. The proposed storm drains north of Hawker - Crawford Channel intercept canyon flows and were located by reviewing topographic maps, walking the area and analyzing debris movement, observing location of property lines and existing developments, and visually inspecting the existing natural drainage paths. The proposed storm drains located south of the Hawker - Crawford Channel and Summit Avenue were based on logical development layouts. Lines C through G were preliminary sized using a debris basin and a 100 -year frequency-storm flow because of the canyon flow. The general slope of the terrain is south to southwest toward Hawker - Crawford Channel and /or Rich Basin. Reference is.-made to the storm drain plan view in Appendix "B ". The drainage areas are shown on Figure II. Plan and profiles for the storm drains are shown on Drawing Nos. 5 through 11 and are discussed in Section VIII. The profiles for the proposed storm drains are also included in Appendix "B ". 44 D. Line Systems H through I ri These lines are on relatively flat terrain and the areas are readily adaptable to use of the street system to convey some drainage. Therefore, the drains ,should be sized to convey -a minimum 10 -year dppign flow in accordance with the recommendation in Section" fit, Hydrology. The combined street and pipe capacity should be adequate to convey a 25 -year storm flow. 45 SECTION VIII. PLANS, PROFILES AND COST ESTIMATES A. Genera This section includes the preliminary plan and profiles and cost estimates for each flood control and drainage facility with the exception of the Hawker - Crawford Channel between Rich Basin and Summit Avenue. The channel between the basin and Summit Avenue is under construction at the present time. The channel between Summit Avenue and the San Sevaine Basins is undergoing preliminary design at this time. „_Therefore,, the estimates for the chahhel reaches- below t Rich Basin will be-based-on construction bid proposals and the bestinformatibn available on ttie reach in the preliminary, design stage. Bill Mann and Associates, Inc. has no control over the cost of labor, materials or equipment, or over the contractor's method of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions. Our opinion of estimated project or construction costs provided herein are made on the basis of our experience and best judgement. Bill Mann and Associates does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual construction costs will not vary from the opinions and estimated costs provided herein. The estimated costs should be used as a guide only. The basis of cost estimates and unit prices are discussed below. A summary of the estimated cost for each drainage facility is provided herein. The detailed cost estimates are provided in Appendix D. ., 4o The plans and profiles are discussed in general below. The plan and profile for each line is provided in Appendix B. B. Basis of Cost Estimates -- Unit prices used in preparing the construction cost estimates are based on an Engineering News Record._ (ENR) construction, coat index,. of 6089. Future construction costs can be updated by t EN,R Indexes by 6089 and using the quotient as ,a constant—, _ Unit prices used in the cost estimates are tabulated below in the following table, Unit prices were derived by consulting with contractors and suppliers; and by reviewing most recent construction projects. A 25 percent contingency to cover engineering and construction related elements is included in the estimated costs. A detailed cost analysis of debris basins has not included because of the lack of detailed topographic mapping of site conditions and the need for preliminary engineering to support estimated costs for debris basins. Lump sum estimates for debris basins are included in the cost estimates. The following unit prices were used in the cost estimates. 47 TABLE VIII - I 1. RCP Unit Prices Diameter, _.Unit Price inches foot 24 60 27 _ 68. 30 75 33 83 36 90 42 ,105 48 120 54 135 60 150 63 158 78 195 81 2.03—, 87 218 90 225 96 240 102 .255 , 1. Based on 2-1/2x pipe diameter in inches. 2. Dollars per linear foot installed. 2. Channel Concrete (Trapezoidal Section Trapezoidal concrete channel and transitions - $250 /C.Y. The above estimated unit price includes labor, material cost and reinforcement complete in place. Based on 6 inch thick invert ry concrete. 3. Channel Excavation Channel excavation - $ 3 /C.Y. The above estimated unit price assumes access on at least one side, clearing and grubbing already accomplished, no water in channel, and disposal of material in close proximity. Based on excavation width of 10' to 20'. 48 4. Manholes and Junction Structures Manholes - $4,000 /each Junction structures - $8,000 /each Estimated unit prices include structure excavation and backfill, aU labor and materials. 5. Chain Link Fence 6' Chain Ling Fence =_ $12 /L.F. Estimated unit price includes all line fencing and parapet fencing, access gates, and all material and labor for fence in place in accordance with FCD Standard §:'' 6. Miscellaneous Items that cannot be esti'mat6d'a this "time; §tick as "rriaii�ioles, inlets to -basin and channels, and outlets have been estimated as lump sum items ' and shown on the individual line items. Although there will be RCB structures at the channel crossings, the structures cannot be estimated at this time. RCB structures are included as "miscellaneous" items on individual cost estimates. C. Summary of Cost estimates The summary of cost estimates for storm drain system are presented in Table VIII -II which follows below. Refer to Section VIII, B "Basis of Cost Estimates" for a description of unit price derivation and assumptions used in defining cost estimates. Refer to Appendix D for each line item cost estimate. The individual line items listed below can be located in plan view by referring to the plan and profiles included in Appendix B. 49 TABLE VIII -II SUMMARY OF DRAINAGE LINE COSTS �*a DRAINAGE SYSTEM REACH COST Line A (Hawker- Crawford Channel) Duncan Canyon $ 2,771,523 To Rich Basin Rich Basin to 2,330,000 Summit Avenue Summit' Avenue to 3,500,000 San Sevaine Basins TOTAL COST (LINE " A " ) $ 8,601,523 Line B System Line B1 $ 1,066,946 Line B2 482,075 TOTAL COST (Line B,C,D,E,F,G) $ 5,074,646 50 TOTAL $ 1,549,021 Line C System Line C1 $ 910,625 Line C2 133,750 Line C3 106,875 TOTAL $ 1,151,250 Line D System Line D1 $ 793,250 Line D2 170,000 TOTAL $ 963,250 Line E System $ 721,250 Line F System Line F $ 352,750 Line G System Line G $ 337,125 TOTAL COST (Line B,C,D,E,F,G) $ 5,074,646 50 RZJ M D. System Plan and Profiles The proposed storm drain system north of the Hawker - Crawford Channel is shown on Drawings 5 and 6. The plan views and profiles for the system are enclosed in Appendix "B." The proposed storm drain system is discussed in Section VII. Due to the potential for debris production is the small canyons, debris production is analyzed in Section V, and debris basins are shown for the largest of the canyon areas. If debris basins are not provided, an alternate, although not an equivalent, to the debris basins would be to design the system as open channels in lieu of closed systems. 100% bulking of the system design flow will to be a large degree compensate for debris movement. Alternate open channel sections are included on the profile sheets in Appendix "B," except for Lines 131 and B2, which are recommended to be open channels. The cost estimates for the storm drain system are based on closed conduits, and debris basins for the largest of the canyon areas. The plan and profile sheets included in Appendix "B" are based on the use of available U.S.G.S. mapping and therefore are approximate only. The location of the various storm drain systems were based to a large degree on field review of existing conditions. The location of the proposed storm drain systems are dictated to a large degree due to the location of the small canyons, existing development in the area, and existing drainage swales. 51 SECTION IX. COORDINATION WITH OTHER DRAINAGE STUDIES IN GENERAL AREA There are a number of independent drainage studies and /or planning studies for other projects proposed within the upper San Sevaine Creek Watershed that have been completed or are presently in process. The other planning efforts are listed - below , to assure coordination of the hydrology and proposed flood control improvements, where appropriate. 1. The Day, - Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks Drainage Plan was completed in March, 1983, by Bill Mann & Associates. This study is consistent with the overall watershed Flood I Control Master Plan. 2. A Bureau of Reclamation project, under the Bureau's Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956, is proposed for San Sevaine and Etiwanda Creek improvements from the mouth of the canyons southerly to the south Fontana area. A low interest loan is being sought for a portion of the San Sevaine- Etiwanda System improvements. The Bureau Loan Application Report is being prepared by Engineering- Science and Bill Mann & Associates, and is being processed through the Bureau of Reclamation. The Bureau project includes the levees along the spreading grounds although complete funding for the levees is not included. A debris basin is proposed for San Sevaine Canyon. No 52 improvement is included in the Bureau project for Hawker - Crawford Channel. The Bureau project includes the construction of the San Sevaine Basin No. 5 which is located southwest of the study area. 3. A storm drain plan for the North Fontana area has been prepared by Hall & Foreman, Inc., in association with Bill Mann & Associates, Inc. The North Fontana Storm Drain Plan has a proposed storm drain on Duncan Canyon Road that will connect to Hawker - Crawford Channel just west of the Devore Freeway. There is also a proposed storm drain on Summit Avenue from Sierra Avenue westerly to the Hawker- . ,. ., Crawford Channel. The Summit Avenue Storm Drain will connect to the Hawker - Crawford Channel just west of the Devore Freeway. The North Fontana Storm Drain Plan is consistent with this study, and the hydrology and proposed storm drain connections to Hawker - Crawford Channel are being coordinated. The two storm drains are also shown on Figure No. II. 4. The proposed Hunters Ridge development, located east of the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds and north of Summit Avenue, is presently under construction. The proposed onsite drainage system has been coordinated and is included by reference in this drainage plan. The development also includes the realignment and improvement of the East Levee of the Spreading Grounds. 5. The design of the San Sevaine Basin, Basin No. 5 is presently being designed by Engineering- Science, Inc., in association with Bill Mann 53 & Associates. The basin is being designed as a flood flow storage and peak flow reduction facility in accordance with the San Sevaine Creek Watershed Hydrology Report. The ultimate basin will also provide a water conservation and development drainage flow mitigation element as a secondary use. An interim plan for the basin to provide increased drainage runoff mitigation has also been prepared. 6. A "Hydrologic Modeling and Hydraulic Design report was prepared by Rivertech, Inc. for the Hunters Ridge Development. This study included the use of Rich Basin for interim debris and increased . ­ drainage detention, and the design of the Hawker - Crawford Channel between Rich Basin and Summit Avenue. This report is referenced and used in this study as appropriate. The Hawker - Crawford Channel plans are also referenced in this report. 7. A basin plan for San Sevaine Basins (1 -4) is proposed in the planning of the upper San Sevaine Creek Watershed. The use of Basins (1 -4) as drainage, detention basins will be studied because of the need for increased drainage detention in the watershed. The study will also include the review of Rich Basin as a drainage detention facility. 54 APPENDICES A. Hydrology Calculations and Data B. Plan and Profiles C. Channel and Storm Drain Hydraulic Calculations D. Cost Estimates APPENDIX A Hydrology Calculations and Data RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: 1986 SAN BERNARDINO CO. HYDROLOGY CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1983 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 5.4A Release Date: 8/21/89 Serial # 4454 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * RICH BASIN TO DUNCAN CANYON FILE NAME: HAW- 03.DAT ; TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 13:58- 12/12/1990 ---------------------------------------- ----------- - - - - -- ------------------ ----------------- USER'SPECIFIED- HYDF-�dLOGY AND ,HYDRAULIC MODEL INFORMATION: -- *TIME -OF- CONCENTRATION MODEL * -- USER SPECIFIED STORM EVENT(YEAR) = 100.00 SPECIFIED MINIMUM PIPE SIZE(INCH) = 24.00 SPECIFIED PERCENT O.F.GRADIENTS(DECIMAL) TO USE FOR FRICTION SLOPE _ .95.. *USER- DEFINED LOGARITHMIC INTERPOLATION USED FOR RAINFALL* 10 -YEAR STORM 60- MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.150 100 -YEAR STORM 60- MINUTE INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.660 COMPUTED RAINFALL INTENSITY DATA: ' STORM EVENT = 100.00 1 -HOUR INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.6600 SLOPE OF INTENSITY DURATION CURVE = .6000 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 518.20 TO NODE 518.20 IS CODE = 7 [--�----�-U--E-R--S-P-E-C-I-F-I-E- ------------------------------------------------------- > >> S D HYDROLOGY INFORMATION AT NODE <<<<< --------------------------------------------------- USER- SPECIFIED VALUES ARE AS FOLLOWS: TC(M,IN.) = 19.77 RAINFALL INTENSITY'INCH /HR) = 3.23 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 961.39 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1159.86 PEAK FL01v, P.ATE(CFS) = 2132. AVERAGED LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) = .77G NOTE: EFFECTIVE AREA IS USED AS THE T07 CONTRIBUTING AREA FOR ALL CONFLUENCE ANALYSES. FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 518.20 TO NODE 525.10 IS CODE Z. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >% %�"COMPUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRj SUBAREA< << << - _ US'NG COMPUTER- ESTIMATED PIPESIZE ( t�; -N PRESSURE FLOW;<<<<< ' DEATH OF FLOW it4 126. INCH PIPE IS 9 - ;' itJ ;;HES ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) = 1�E.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 ' PIPE- FLOW(CFS) = 2132.73 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .56 TC(MIN.) = 20.33 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 525.00 TO NODE 525.10 IS CODE = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > >>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW<< <<< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.177 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" - RESIDENTIAL -> 3 -4 DWELLINGS /ACRE SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .5820 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) 21.00 SUBAREA'RUNOFF(CFS) - 49.05 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) -= 982.39 AVERAGED Fm(INCR /HR) =-- .766 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 1180.86 PEAK FLOW RATE-(Cf - - 21 - 3-2-.73 - - - - -- - -- - - TC(MIN)_ - - 20.33 FLOW PROCESS FROM 525.10 TO NODE 804.10 IS CODE = 3 � >> >' >CC"PUTE PIPE -FLOW TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< - '> > >>>US -ING_ COMPUTER - ESTIMATED - PIPESIZE - ( NON _PRESSURE FLOW)<<<<< - - - - -- DEPTH OF FLOW IN 114.0 INCH PIPE IS 85.6 INCHES PIPE -FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 37.3 ' UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1740.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1700.00 1450.00 MANNING 'S N = -- - - FLOW LENGTH FEET) - .013 ' ESTIMATED PIPE DIAMETER(INCH) 114.00 NUMBER OF PIPES = 1 PIPE- FLOW(CFS) = 2132.73 - TRAVEL TIME(MIN. ) = 65 TC - (MIN: ) - 210.98-- __..... -_ _.._ .._ FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.10 TO NODE 804.10 IS CODE = 1 U ----------------------- > > > >>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 20.98 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 3.12 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) = .77 EFFECTIVE STREAM = 982.39 TOTAL STREAM'AREA (.ACRES) = 1180.8E ' PEAF FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 21 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 701.00 TO NOCE 701.10 IS CODE _ - - 2 - ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- - - - - -- %% >>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS< <<<< t NATURAL AVERAGE COVER TC = K *[(LENGTH ** 3.00) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] .20 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 1100.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 3700.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 3'20.00 ELEV4710N DIFFERENCE; FE_ ; = 5E:. ;r NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 ' SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 29.66 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 10.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 29.66 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 701.10 TO NODE 702.10 IS CODE = 5 ' >>>»COMPUTE -- TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW << <<< > > >>> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 3120:•00 DOWNSTR AM::NODS ELEVATION(FEET) = 3040.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(F = 400.00 - CHANNEL BASE(FEET.) -= 20.00 - "Z " F`ACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .030' " MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) FLOW "•VELOCI'TY(FEET /SEC.-)' =•- 7.27 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .19 TRAVEL TIME(( N. •) -_ v - ­. r TC(MIN.) , . T4. 13 - FLOW - PROCESS FROM N00E 702.00 TO NODE 702.10 IS CODE = 8 >>> > >ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK; FLOW< <<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- --------------- - - - - - -- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3. 953 SOIL CLASSIFICATION "A" NATURAL AVERAGE ' - COVER- "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) --- 10.00 - SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 28.20 - ---- - - - - -- EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES)- =.. ' 20:00 - -- : -.. -.. 1 AVERAGED Fmk INCH /HR -) - = -- - ,820 -.. -- - TOTAL AAtAT ACRES) ^ _ 20.00 u - PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS") 56.40 TO(MIN) = 443'43 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 702.10 TO NODE 703.10 IS CODE = 5 r -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ >> > > >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW <<<<< >> M TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< ------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- ---------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) 3040.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2820.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 700.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z` FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 56.40 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.37 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .26 ' TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.13 TC(MIN.) = 15.25 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 703.00 TO NODE 703.10 IS CODE = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - >>>>>ADDITION - OF - SUBAREA - TO - MAINLINE - PEAK - FLOW < <'< < < ----------------- - - - - -- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.775 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" ' NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 20.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CPS) EFFECTIVE AREA(ACPES) = 40.0 ' A V EPAGED Fmi INCH.•HR, - � 3 7- 7AL AP =t- . A;„P =c 4 _ TCtMIN) = 15.25 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 703.10 TO NODE 704.10 IS CODE = 5 ------------------- ---------- -------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL - CHANNEL FLOW < <<<< > > > >> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2820.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2520.00 ' CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1050.00 _ CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR= 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 106.40 ' FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 12.87 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .38 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.36 TC(MIN.) = 16.61 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 704.00 TO NODE 704.10 IS CODE = 8 -- > > > > >ADDITION - OF - SUBAREA - TO - MAINLINE - PEAK - FLOW: < < <l <_';' ----- - - - - -- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.587 - -- - -- -" ' SOIL CLASSIFICAT"I"ON I'S' "A "' - NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA( - 38.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) - 94.63 EFFECTIVE AREA(- A'CR'ES') ' -'- 78._00 ' AVERAGED Pm'(ft4tH /4R) =' . TOTAL 'AREA ('ACRE'ST _ '7'T.'09 - PEAK 'FLOW� �RATE-(�C�FS ) = 1 94 ' TC(MIN) = 16.61 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 704.10 TO NODE 705.10 IS CODE = 5 ----------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW< <<<< >> > >> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2520.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2300.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2000.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 ' CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 194.24 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 12.00 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .69 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.78 TC(MIN.) = 19.39 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 706.00 TO NODE 705.10 IS CODE = 8 > > > > >ADDITIOPJ OF SUBAREA TG MAINLINE PEA. F. FLOW<< <<< -------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR.) = 3.269 - SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER 'GRASS' SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 70.00 SUBAREA RUt40FF(CFS) = 154.29 ' EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 148.00 AVERAGED Fm (TNCH /HR) = 820 TCTA AREA(ACRES) ' PvAF FL1)W PATE� 6.2 ,� - FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 705.00 TO NODE 705.10 IS CODE = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW< << << ' ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.269 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A' NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fn9(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 105.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 233.64 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 254.00 _ AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 254.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 559.86 TC(MIN) = 19.39 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 705.10 - TO NODE -- 708-: #0 -I6 -..T - - >> >>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL - CHANNEL FLOW< <<<< > > > »TRAVEL' TIME THRU SUBAREA<< «< - = 1 uPSTFtEAM NODE EtEVATION(FEET) _ - 2300. 00_____ ____________________________ DOWNSTREAM'NODE'EtEVATION(FEET) = 1950.00 CHANNEL "LENGTH' - THRU SUBAREA'(FEET) = 3000.00 CHANNEL' 'BASE (FE'ET) ' = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 M'ANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 559.86 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.)= 16.85 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.26 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.97 TC(MIN.) = 22'.36 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 707.00 TO NODE 708.10 IS CODE = 8 > > > > >ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE'PEAK FLOW<<< << ------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.001 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 108.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 212.03 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES)"= 362.00 ' AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 362.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 710.70 TC(MIN) = 22.36 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 708.00 TO NODE •708.10 IS CODE = 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAT- FLOW <<<<< ' 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.001 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS 'A' NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(IN��H /HR) _ .8200 ' SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 74.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 145.28 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 426.00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 436.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 855.9F TC(MIN) = 22.36 s '1• W W w w v w� w w w w w t v -- ---- FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 708.10 TO NODE 801.10 IS CODE = 5 ------------------------------------------------------- ' > > > >>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< >> >>> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1950.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1840.00 CHANNEL, LE.RGTH. THRU SLBAREA( = 2000.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEEI`) 10.00 , "Z" FACTOR = 2. MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 " DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 855.98 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 30.07 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.03 ' TRAVEL = 1.11""''TC(MI'N ) - K2.3.47 ' FLOW PROCESS FROM - NODE. - - 801 . - 00 TO NODE - 801 . 1 r -CODE = - 8 -------------------_--------------------------------------------------------- >.>>> >ADDITION••OF SUBAREA TO 'MA'INLI-N9-F « (:�. ' 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH' /HOUR) = 2.916 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" ' NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 119.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 224.43 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 555.00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 555.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) TC(MIN) = 23.47 FLOW PROCESS FROM 801.10 TO NODE 801.10 IS CODE = 8 --- - - - - -- -----_----------==------------------- - - - - -- >, >.> > >ADDITI'ON..OF WBA'R•EV TO 'M'A'INLINE PEAK FLOW< < < < < - 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.916 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" RESIDENTIAL -> 3 -4 DWELLINGS /ACRE SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .5820 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 42.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 88.21 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 597.00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .803 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 597.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1134.92 TC(MIN) = 23.47 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 801.10 TO NODE 802.10 IS CODE = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' >>>> >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL - CHANNEL FLOW << <<C >> > >> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< ' UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1840.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1790.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1300.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 10.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 ' MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 1134.92 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 28.98 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.58 ' TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = .75 TC(MIN.) = 24,22 PPZZESS F - I CLOW 11C �C* X K 7K **** X 7K* M**7 1C * * * * * * * * * * *X * * * * * xs. * )k)K *X �7k 7K �K 7K �k 7K 7K 7k 7k 7kW x Jt 7K 1►' * *X * Y * * 1 k Jt * *X7K � F - - - -Y , P'aJU= `�' T^ tiC�= r. r: IS , E - E , >)7,A L;Dl ll0 N Ur SUBAREA TU MAINLINE PEAT, FLOW<<<<< -------------------- ------ - - - - -- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.861 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 92.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 169.01 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) - ( ) - 689. 00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .805 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 689.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1274.72 TC(MIN) = 24.22 FLOW PROC FROM „NODE, 802.10 TO NODE 802.10 IS CODE = 8 r -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ > > >_> >A'DDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW« < << --------------------------------- 100 YE RAI`MFkL'L' IN'TENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.861 sbfl:'dL egi. `I64TfC)N IS "A" RESIDENTIAL, -> 3 -4 DWELLINGS /ACRE SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .5820 SUBAREA = 32.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 65.64 ' EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 721.00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .796 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 721.00 - PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1340.36 TC(MIN) = 24.22 f FLOW PROCESS FROM - NODE ,- 802. 10 TO NODE 803. 10 - I3 - GODE = 5 ---------------------_-_1------------------------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CH'ANNEL'FLOW<<<<< - > >>S >TRAVEC TIME SUBAREA< F<<< _________ _______________________________ UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1790.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1740.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1600.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 10.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 ' CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 1340.36 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 28.19 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 2.98 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) _ .95 TC(MIN.) = 25.16 ' FLOW - PROCESS FROM - NODE - -- 803_00 - TO - NODE 8 - -- 803_10 IS CODE = > > > >>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAT. FLOW<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = •2.796 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ ,8200 ' SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 83.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 147.62 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 804.00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .798 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 804.00 ' PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1445.78 TC(MIN) = 25.16 FLOW PROCESS FPOM NODE SJC. TO NODE IS CODE = 81 ---- - 'DD-' L --- ` _------------------- ` -------------------------------- - - - - -- 7 ADS. i �'. Bt PEA T" M:,IN�I'%- PEAS FL:W 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.796 ' SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" RESIDENTIAL -> 3 -4 DWELLINGS /ACRE SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .5820 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 31.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 61.77 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 835.00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .790 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 835.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1507.55 ' TC(MIN) = 25.16 t- FLOW - PROCESS FROM NODE '803.10 TO NODE 804.10 IS CODE = 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< - >> > >> TRAVEL - TIME - THRU - SUBAREA<<<<< --------------- � ----- = ����� ------- - - - - -- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1740.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1700.00. ' CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1700.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 10.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) 5.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 1507.55 FLOW VELOCT /SEC: )' '= " _28: 3 `�L`6 `DEPTH FEET ) = 3. TRAVEL - TTME( j ­ 1 .08 TC (MIN :) "= 26:24 FLOW__PROCESS FROM NODE 804.00 TO NODE 804.10 IS CODE = 8 r >-- - --- ---------------------------------------------------------- >> > > -T OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW<< « < ------- - - - - -- - ------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------------- ' 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 1.727 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS' SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 99.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 169.89 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 934.00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .793 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 934.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1625.29 TC(MIN) = 26.24 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.10 TO NODE 804.10 IS CODE = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' > > >>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK; FLOW<<<<<----------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.727 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" ' RESIDENTIAL -> 3 -4 DWELLINGS /ACRE SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .5820 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 52.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 100.37 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 986.00 ' AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .782 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 986.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 1725.66 ' TC(MIN) = 26.24 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 804.10 TO NODE 804.10 IS CODE = t -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > >DESIGr��TE INDEPENDENT ;,TRE%+M F CONFLUENCE ' < : < = === =ANL- COMPUTE - - C:;tiFLUENCEC STPEtiM - vALI ,SEE === l_____ _______________ 8 1 1 1 1 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 26.24 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 2.73 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) = .78 EFFECTIVE STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 986.00 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 986.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 1725.66 RAINFALL INTENSITY - AND -TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMU,4pt;°•USE'D FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE -TABLE ** Q(CFS) Tc(MIN.)_ Fm(INCH /HR) Ae(ACRES) 1 3790.44- 20.98 .773 1770.85 2 3503.47.... 26.24 .774 1968.39 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW .RATE,(..C =_, .3.T9Q -_4_-4 Tc(MIN. ) = 20.981 EFFECTIVE-- A-R-EA-(- ACRES) = 1770.85 AVERAG50S = .7.7 - f TOTAL AREA(AQRES) 2166.86 FLOW_PROCESS FROM.NODE 804.10 TO NODE 805.50 IS CODE = 5 ---- 7 -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- >> >>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< - >>M TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<< < « - - - - - - - -- -- ------------------------ UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1700.00 - ­ - ' DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1650.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1600.00'' CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20 - :00 "Z " =. -- 2.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 3790.44 FLOW VELOCITY,( FEET /SEC .) - _ ` 35:37 ' FLOW DEPTH _...... 3- 86. • - -• - - TRAVEL TIME'(MIN.) "- .75 TC(MIN.) = 21 ":74 � FLOW - PROCESS - FROM - NODE - -- 805_50 - TO - NODE 805.50 IS CODE = 10 ------------------------------------- >>>> >MAIN- STREAM MEMORY COPIED ONTO MEMORY BANK # 1 < << << � FLOW - PROCESS FROM - NODE 805.00 - TO - NODE - - - 80 5 10 2 - IS CODE = >>> >>RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS<<<<< NATURAL AVERAGE COVER TC = K *[(LENGTH ** 3.00) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] ** .20 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 900.00 ' UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2840.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2480.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 360.00 TC(MIN.) = .706 *[( 900.00 ** 3.00)/( 360.00)] ** .20 = 12.885 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.178 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS 'A' NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 ' SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 29.92 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 9.90 PEAK' FLOW RATE(CFS) = 29.92) >>> >>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< .>>> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2480.00 ' DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2160.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 900.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) 20.00 'Z' FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) _ •2.00 CHANNEL, FL , _ . .It SUBAREA(CFS) = 29.92 FLOW'VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) 8.7E FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .16 TRAVEL'.TIME(MIN ) = 1.71. TC(MIN.) = 14.60 - -FLOW- PROCESS - FROM - NODE - -- 805_20 -TO- NODE - -- 805_20 -IS- CODE 8 - _--- ------ - - - - -- >>>>>AQDITION OF SUBAREA MAINLINE PEAK FLOW < __________________________________ _______________________________ 100 YEAS RAINFALL -- INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.876 SOIL CLASS'IFICATMN' IS' ''' - A NATURAL AVERAGE COVER ''GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES)' - 22.30 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 61.34 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 32.20 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) .820 _ TOTAL AREM ACRES) = 32.20 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) 88.58 TC(MIN) = 14.60 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.20 TO NODE 805.30 IS CODE = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>C6APOtE 'TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL`FLOW<<<<< Y>>>>TRAVEL'TIME"THRU SUBAREA <<<<< UPSTREAM'NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2160.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1760.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2300.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 88.58 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.48 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .39 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 3.66 TC(MIN.) = 18.25 it- FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.30 TO NODE 805.30 IS CODE = 8 --- -------- ----- =---- --------- ---- ---- --------- ---- ---- ------------------ >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW<<< << --------------- - -- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) 3.390 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" ' NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 34.40 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 79.57 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 66.60 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 66.60 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 154.04 TC(MIN) = 18.25 F - - � LOW PROCESS FROM NOGE 80E.�C TG NODE 80`.40 IS CODE = 5 /0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N < < ` \ UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1760.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1680.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1300.00 ' CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 10.00 "Z" FACTOR = 1.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 154.04 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 18.63 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .74 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.16 TC(MIN.) = 19.42 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.40 TO NODE 805.40 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE« <<< -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 ` CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 19.42 - -- RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 3.27 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .82 " -- EFFECTIVE STREAM AREA(ACRES) 66.60 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 66.60.__ PEAK FLOW RATE( CF ) -- AT C64ftUE4 E ' =' -'" 154 .`0`4' ". " FLAW PROCF- SS NODE 806.00 TO NODE 806.10 IS CODE = 2 -s--=-=-----------------=--------------- > > ATIONAL 14tTHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS<< < << ------------------------------------ NATURAL AVERAGE COVER T K *[(LENGTH ** 3.00) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] ** .20 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW LENGTH(FEET) = 800.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2520.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2200.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 320.00 TC(MIN.) = .706 *[( 800.00 ** 3.00)/( 320.00)] ** .20 = 1 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.298 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 25.98 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 8.30 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 25.98 ******************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** - FLOW - PROCESS FROM NODE 806.10 TO NODE 806.20 IS CODE = 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL - CHANNEL FLOW<<< << >>>>> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< - --------------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2200 ' DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1715.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2200.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 25.98 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 7.26 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .17 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 5.05 TC(MIN.) = 17.35 FLOW PROCESS FROM - NODE B�E_2C - T�0 N ^DE 20E.20 IS CODE _ ------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------ - - - - -- �/ ' 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.495 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS' SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 40.20 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 96.79 ' EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 48.50 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 48.50 ' PEAK.FLOW RATE(CFS) = 116.77 TC(MIN) = 17.35 - -- LOW - PROCESS FROM NODE 806.20 TO NODE' '8a5 :I7 CODE = 5 - -------------------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW< < < <x -- - > >>>>TRAVEL TIME SUBAREA < <<«" -------------------------------- - ____-- - - - - -- UPSTREAM NODE-- EIEVAT ION( FEET) =- 1715.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE 'E•LEVATION'(:FEET - ) = ' ­1680 CHANNEL., LENGTH- THRU SUBAREA (FEET-) = 600:00 CHANNEL BASE ( FEET )• = 10' 00' ' "Z "- FACTOR 1.500 MANN.ING'S'FACTOR = - .015"'.- 'MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 CHANNEL FLOWTHRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 116.77 F49W:,YFL0QITY ( FEET /SEC.: ) -= 16.31 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .65 TRAVEL•.TIME(MIN. - .61 TC(MIN.) = 17.96 * �K 71 C 7 �C 7 �C 7 K * *�( * * * * * *7�C * * *7�C7k *7K 7K 7K*** 7K** 7 K 7 � C ** 7 k* 7 �C 7 k 7 K 7 K * *7K *7k *7K *7K7k7rf * *�K7K * *7K 7K 7K *7K 7k 7k 7k71C7rC7k FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.40 TO NODE 805:40 IS''CODE ----- - - - - -- >>>>>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE« <<< > >>> >AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES<< -- --------------- - TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = - 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION {'MI•N: r 1'7.96 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR"). 3.42 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) = .82 EFFECTIVE STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 48.50 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 48.50 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 116.77 RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** Q(CFS) Tc(MIN.) Fm(INCH /HR) Ae(ACRES) 1 263.79 19:42 .820 115.10 2 268.37 • - '17.96 .820 110.10 ' COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) z 268.37 Tc(MIN.) = 17.959 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) 110.10 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 115.10 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.40 TO NODE 805.50 IS CODE = 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ' > > >> COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<' << > % > >TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPS!REAh! N DE = LE' \'A F.CT--=- -- la:. ^____ __ ____________________________ J L 0 0 IDOWNSTRt N.:L'E GEr = F:i �� rN J L LL! - V L vlUr, = 1.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 268.37 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 14.79 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.48 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.92 TC(MIN.) = 19.87 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805_50 NODE - -- 805_50 - IS - CODE - _--- 8------ - - - - -- ' > > > > >ADDITI "ON OF SUBAREA TO MvAINLINE'PEAK FLOW <<<<< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.221 S "OI.L,. CLASSIFICATION IS "'A" RESIDENTIAL -> 3 -4 DWELLINGS /ACRE SUBAREA LOSSr-- R- ATE, -- -F ( INCH /H+R ) _ .5820 SUBAREA AREA(ACRE$) 61.30 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 145.60 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES)' ' 171.40 AVERAGED _Ftn(`INCH /HR)' _' .735 = TOTAL AREA (ACRES ) _ - 176 .40 ' PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) 383.54 r TC(MIN) = 19 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.50 TO NODE 805.50 IS CODE = 11 - > > > >> CONFLUENCE MEMORY - BANK 4 1 - WITH - THE - MAIN _STREAM MEMORY<<<<< -` - - -- * ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** Q(CFS) Tc(MIN.) Fm(INCH /HR) Ae(ACRES) 1 „ 410555 ­ _ 1 .19.87_ .769 1790.68 2 21.35,..,.,. t-3 4158.05 _'21 ".74 .770-' 1947.25 4 3811.84 27.01 .771 -- - 2t44.79 TOTAL . AREA = 2343:26 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 4158.05 Tc(MIN.) = 21.735 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 1947.25 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .77 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 2343.26 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 805.50 TO NODE 807.60 IS CODE = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >> > >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW <<<<< >>>>> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1650.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1640.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 400.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 4158.05 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 33.66 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 4.31 ' TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) _ .20 TC(MIN.) = 21.93 t FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.60 TO NODE 807.60 IS CODE = 10 --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- >> >>>MA.IN- STREAM MEMORY COPIED ONTO MEMORY" BANK # 2 <<<<<' FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.00 TO NODE 807.10 IS CODE = 2 ----------------------- > > > > >RATIONAL METHOD INITIAL SUBAREA ANALYSIS<<< << --------- - - - - -- - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- NATURAL AVERAGE COVER --------- -- - - - - -- TC = K *[(LENGTH ** 3.00) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] ** .20 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 600.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2840.00 ' DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2560.00 ELEVATION 3.00)/( 280.00)] ** .20 = 10.623 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.691 ' SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA'RUNOFF(CFS) = 28.74 TOTAL AR•EA(ACRE-S) 8.25 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 28.74 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.10 TO NODE 807.20 IS CODE = 5 '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> > > >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW <:< <<< - - >> > >> TRAVEL - TIME - THRU - SUBAREA<<<<<_________ _______________ � Y- ti}=== � ______ UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATI0N(F) =ET) ' = ' " ._25 0.90 DOWNSTREAM NODE ' 'ELEVAT`ION (f EET ) - 2280.00 CHANNEL LENGTH _ THRU SUBAREA - (FEET) = 1.1p0. OD - CHANNEL BASE(FEET) '20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.0 MANNING' S FACTOR. = ...03.0 " _ MAYI'MUR - DEPTH (FEES) t v - 2 - - .00 CHANNEL FLOW ' THRU SUBAREA (CFS ) = J 28. 74 FLOW VELOCITY(,FT:E,T/,$EC . )_.= . _ 8.03 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ . 1 7 TRAVEL .TIj�E "2,Q$� TC(MIN. ) = 12.91 ******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.20 TO NODE 807.20 IS CODE = 8 - ----------------------------------- ----------------------- [ - >>>>>ADDITIONOFSUBAREATO - MAINLINE - PEAK - FLOW < < < << 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.173 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 38.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 114.69 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 46.25 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 46.25 ' PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 139.59 TC(MIN) = 12.91 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807,20 TO NODE 807.30 IS CODE = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW�,:I : >> > >> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2280.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1760.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1900.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z•• FACTOR = 5,000 I MANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2 00 CHANN FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CPS) = 1 : c , E? FLOW VELOCITY,FEET /SEC.) = 4. PL' DcPTrrPEC = 4c TRA'.'E! 7 -- FLOW - PROCESS FROM NODE 807.30 TO NODE 807.30 IS CODE = 8 --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- > >ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW <<<<< - - - - -- ------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.794 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 ' SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 59.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 157.69 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 105.25 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 105.25 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 281.31 TC(MIN) = 15.16 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.30 ,TO NODE, ,,9PT,40,_IS;CODE = 5 ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - >. > > >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW <<<<< - >>> > >TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA < << << 1 UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = - 1760.00 -� -- DOWNSTREAM . _NODE_�,_ELEVAT 0N(EEET_)._ -_ - . -] 720.00 CHANNEL LENGTH,THRU..SUBAREA(FEET) = 500.00 CHANNEL ..BABE(FEETI_E -....-20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 MANNING, EACTOR,= ,,.,0t5 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL.F.LOW.THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 281.31 FLOW VELOCITY('FEET /SEC.) = 20.24 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .65 ' TRAVtL TIME(MIN.) _ .41 TC(MIN.) = 15.57 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.40 TO NODE 807.40 IS CODE = 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE < << << - - - --------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT - STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 15.57 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 3.73 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) = .82 EFFECTIVE STREAM AREA(ACRES.1.= 105.25 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 105.25 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFUU.ENCE = 211.31 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 808.00 TO NODE 808.10 IS CODE = 2 i- ---- --------------------------------------7-------------------------------- >>>>>RATIONALMETHODINITIALSUB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATURAL AVERAGE COVER ' TC = K *[(LENGTH ** 3.00) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] ** .20 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 1100.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2560.00 DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2280.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 280.00 TC(MIN.) _ .706 *[( 1100.00 ** 3.00)1( 2 80.00)] ** .20 = 15.283 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.771 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA L:- RATE, Fm(INCH /HP) _ .52cl0 SUBAREA RUN^FF(CFS) = 2" pG ' TOTAL APc4 ! A3RE5 = 0 . +1 PEA, FLOW R:,TE (2=S � = :1: 1 /j," ' -- FLOW - PROCESS FROM NODE 808.10 TO NODE 808.20 IS CODE = 5 -------------------------------------- >>>>> COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< > >>>> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< -------------------------- - - - - -- _______ ------ - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(.FE -) 2280.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE-ELEVATION(FEET) = 1760.00 CHANNEL LENGTFf THRU - ' SUBAREA(,FEET ) CHANNEL BASE ('FSE`T) _ , , 20,, 00 , . "Z " FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S `)=ACTOR_. =. _ _..Q30 - MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU.SUBAREA(CFS) = 23.90 FLOW VELOCITY(.FEET %SEC = 7.00, FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ ,16 TRAVEL TIME('MTN.")" = 5.00 TC(MIN. ) = 20,28 7K FLOW PROCESS FROM 'NObE ^ 8,Q8. 20 TO NODE 808.20 IS CODE = 8 > > > > >AD'D'ITIO'N OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW« «< --------------------------- ---- - - - - -- ------- ----- - - - - -- 1 1 0 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY (INCH /HOUR)_ =__3.182 - - - -- SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS' SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 39.50 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 83.97 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 48.50 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 T OTAL AREA(ACRES) __ PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 103.11, TC(MIN) = 20.28 � yy yy yy .�yy yy. Wy .,yy W,y yy ..yy .yy W,y .�yy yyy W ,yy .�yy � ►11 y.,p p_.p .�yy Wy ..yy • .�yy .� .�yy ..yY yy YY .�{ y . , — JJ. : y _FLOW_PROCESS' FROM NOq 808.20 - TO NODE. 807.40 : IS CODE = 5 __y- ---==-------------------- >'> > > >-COMPUTE TRAPEZOI DACL- CHANNEL FLOW< < < < < - > > M TRAVE L TIME THRU_ SU BAR EA << < < < UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1760.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1720.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 600.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 103.11 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 13.15 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ ,38 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) _ .76 TC(MIN.) = 21.04 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.40 TO NODE 807.40 IS CODE = 1 '-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- >>>>>DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE« <<< > > > > >AND COMPUTE VARIOUS CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES < <<<< ------------ - - - - -- ------------------- - - - - -- TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 -- CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: ' TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 21.04 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR) = 3.11 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) = ,82 EFFECTIVE STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 48.50 ,TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 48.50 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE 'RAIN -ALL iNT 4-1 Y ANC ^ 'ih "E �F ^ T� ^��Er ' =c.T� �r: =c.T: /� ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** Q(CFS) Tc(MIN.) Fm(INCH /HR) Ae(ACRES) 1 378.11 15.57 .820 141.14 2 324.79 21.04 .820 153.75 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW.RATE(CFS) = 378.11 Tc(MIN.) = 15.570 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 141.14 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .82 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 153.75 FLOW PROCESS FROM - 'NODE 807.40 TO NODE 807.50 IS CODE = 5 --------------------=-------=-'---------------------------------------------- > > »l>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL"= 'CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< > »>> TRAVEL TI.ME`THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1720.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1670.00 CHANNEL THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1400.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) 378.11 FLOW VELOoI - TY(FEET /SEC.) = 17.41 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .99 TRAVEL TIME.(MIN.) _ - 1.34 TC(MIN. _:,.16.91 FLOW- PROLES$ ..FROM .NODC-. 807..50 TO NQQE_, _847. 50- IS .CODE = 8 7-7, - _-+-' --- - - - - -- -------------------------------- >)> > > ADDIT , ION OFrS- UB,AR•EA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW<< <<< 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.549 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" ' RESIDENTIAL -> 3 -4 DWELLINGS /ACRE SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .5820 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 64.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 170.90 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 205.14 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .746 e TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 217.75 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 517.55 TC(MIN) = 16.91 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.50 TO NODE 807.60 IS CODE = 5 ------------ -------------------- ---------- -------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW <<< << >>>> >TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1670.00 - DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1640.00 ' CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1400.00 - CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 MANNING'S FACTOR - .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) - 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 517.55 ' FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 16.41 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.38 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.42 TC(MIN.) = 18.32• FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 807.60 TO NODE 807.60 IS CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - y N E - . -1 r L v NATURAL AVERAGE COVER GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 28.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 64.54 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) - 233.14 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .755 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 245.75 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 551.12 TC(MIN) = 18.33 -- FLOW - PROCESS FROM NODE 807.60 TO NODE 807.60 IS CODE --------- - - - - -- = 11 ' --- - ---------- - - - - -- _____________ > > > > >CONFLUENCE MEMORY BANK # - - -- 2 WITH THE MAIN - STREAM MEMORY<<<<< * ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE Q(CFS) Tc(MIN.) Fm(INCH /HR) Ae(ACRES) 1 4576.64 18.33 .768 1868.38' -- - - -- 2 3 4493.57 23.97 .769 2269-w49--. - - -- - _ 4627.41 20.07 .768 2027.71 4 4650.01 21.55 .768 2156.48 5 4652.85 21.93 .768 2188•.-44 6 4234.20 27,21 .770 2390,54�' TOTAL -AREA = 2589.01. COMPUTED CONFLUENCE- ESTIMATES ARE-A FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW- RATE(CFS).= - .:4652.85 - TC(MIN.) = 21.933 EFFECT 2188.44. AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .77 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = ::•2589.01 t - FLOW - PROCESS FROM NODE 807.60 TO NODE 809.60 IS CODE = 5 ------------------------------------- >> >>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< �- »> » TRAVEL- TIME -THRU- SUBAREA<<<<<-------------------------- �------- - - - - -- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1640.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1600.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1900.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 2.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 5.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 4652.85 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 32.72 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 4.80 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) _ .97 TC(MIN.) = 22.90 FLOW PROCESS FROM - NODE 809.60 TO NODE 809.60 IS CODE = 10 ---- ---- --- ------ --- --------- >>>>>MAIN- STREAM MEMORY COPIED ONTO MEMORY BANK # 3 <<<<< FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.00 TO NODE 809.10 IS CODE = 2 ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------- [ >>>>>RATIONALMET HODINITIAL - SUBAREA - ANALY-coIC-<<<<< ' NATURAL AVERAGE COVER ---- - - - - -_ TC = K *[(LENGTH ** 3.00) /(ELEVATIC•N C -HANGE); ** .20 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH;FE=T; 0 .GC. UPSTREAM ELEVATION'k CEET l . _ �:� 0C. _7 /e 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 4.359 ' SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 24.84 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 7.80 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 24.84 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.10 TO NODE �09.2Q IS "CODE" 5' ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >> > >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL'CHANNEL''FLOW<< < << >>> >> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) - 3720.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 3200.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1400.00 CHANNEL 8ASE(FEET __,20.00 ° Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING' S FACTOR = 030­­ M'AX T-Mij4 Df PTH (FE"ET) 2 : U6 e CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 24.84 FLOW VELOCITYME; T /SEC.d•) • - - $': 5.Q - FLOW DER,TH� FEET Y- TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.75 TC(MIN.) = 14.75 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.20 TO NODE 809.20 IS ' > > > > >ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW4<. <., <.,<. _ - 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY( INCH /HOUR) ' SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBARE,A„"L,Q$S_ RATE,. Fm( INCH /HR ^= .8200 SUBAREA AREA( ACRES ) = 50.00 SUBAREA Rt714t7KK CY '. = EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 57.80 AVERAGED Fm( INCH /HR)' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 57.80 - PEAK FLOW RATE( CFS )•••= ' TC(MIN) = 14.75 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.20 TO NODE 809.30 IS CODE 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<< - > >>> TRAVEL TIME - THRU - SUBAREA<<<<.< ---------------------------------- - - - - -- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 3200.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2600.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 3200.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 •'Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR.= .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 157.73 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 13.13 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 4.06 TC(MIN.) ' - FLOW PROCESS FROM - NODE - -- 809.30 TO NODE --- 809_30 - IS - CODE - _ --- 8 - - - - -- > >> > >ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAT FLOW < << << ' 100 YEAP, RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR' = 3.3"29 v . :L CL IS 'A' N'47UPA AVERAGE COVER ' GRASS"' SUBAREA LO'Sc- PI-TE. Fm' I�J��! /�R = • L.S -'= �/ ' SUB , ,REc 4RE - . =E. c ` ^;^ ^ S'�6�PE" PJNZ�;:F(CFS, - -�� .. .r te , �•,� vt Utu mt NL_;rs n _ TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 213.80 PEA FLOW RATE(CFS) = 482.82 TC(MIN) = 18.81 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.30 TO NODE 809.40 IS CODE = 5 r --------------- - - - =-- ---------------------------------------------------- >>> > >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW <<<<< > > > > > TRAVEL TIME- -Rtt <.< -----------=---------------------------------------------------------------- ' UPSTREAM NODE.ELEVATION(.FEEZ) -_ _26-Moo DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION"( FEET` CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 5500.0 ' CHANNEL BASE ( FEET ) 20 . b6 -" " A { 7 2 _ S Vuo MANNING'S FACTOR = .030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW 'CFl1JL1IIAfifiA� CFS ) -_ - 48z� BP FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 16.88 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.12 ' TRAVEL TIME(MJN.r:),•• = -• 5.43 TC(MIN.) = 24.24 F FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.40 TO NODE 809.40 IS CODE = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW<<< << --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.859 _ SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 146.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 267.96 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 359.80 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .820 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 359.80 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 660.36 TC(MIN) = 24.24 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.40 TO - NODE --- 809_50 -IS- CODE- _--- 5---- __ - - - - -- > > >>>COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< >>>> >TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA <<< << t UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1900.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1800.00 ' CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1100.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 1.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 660.36 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 28.95 FLOW D.EPTH(FEET) = 1.06 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) _ .63 TC(MIN.) = 24,88 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.50 TO NODE 809.50 IS CODE = 1 > > >> >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE<<<<< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS = 2 ' CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 1 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) = 24.8S RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HR'S = 2.E2 AVERAGED cm( INCH, /HF - - -- EFFE I`. E CTDC�N APE. ; ACRt� PEAt. FLO A LkC ' j Al LUENC = 660.36 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 810.00 TO NODE 810.10 IS CODE = 2 [- ------------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATURAL AVERAGE COVER TC = K *[(LENGTH ** 3.00) /(ELEVATION CHANGE)] ** .20 INITIAL SUBAREA FLOW- LENGTH(FEET) = 1100.00 UPSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 3200.00 e DOWNSTREAM ELEVATION(FEET) = 2920.00 ELEVATION DIFFERENCE(FEET) = 280.00 TC(MIN.) _ .706 *[( 1100.00 ** 3.00)/( 280.00)] ** .20 = 15.283 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.771 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS' SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR)__ = -- .8200 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 23.90 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 9.00 PEAK FLOW RATE (CF S)�� = 23.90 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 810.10 TO NODE 810.20 IS CODE = 5 ---------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------- >>>> COMPUTE._ TRA PEZOrDA 'L`-- CHARN5'L- PtOWctZ't�, - .�.,... ;.- ..._. - > > >>> TRAVEL TIME - THRU - SUBAREA << < < < -- - - -- - ----------------------- --- - -- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2920.00 ' DOWNSTREAM NODE ; E.LS"TIDN,( -.T .:260.0.'00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 1115.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET,), 20. 00 "Z" FACTOR = 5.000 MANNING'S FACTOR = -.030 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 23.90 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 7.00 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .16 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 2.65 TC(MIN.) = 17.94 e _. **************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 810_20 - TO - NODE --- 810_20 - IS -CODE - _--- 8 ------------------------------------------------- ------------ > > > > >ADDITION OF SUBAREA TO MAINLINE PEAK FLOW < <<<< ---------------------------------- --------- - - - - -- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 3.426 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /.HR).= -....8200 ' SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 32.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 75.04 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 41.00 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) = .820 ' TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 41.00 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 96.15 TC(MIN) = 17.94 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 810.20 TO NODE 810.30 IS CODE = 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I >>>>> COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< >> >>> TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<(<< ----------------------------- UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 2600.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1900.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 4900.00 ' CHANNEL EASEyFEET ) _ ` 2C'. OC' "Z" F - = 5 000 MA.N�d _�dG'S rte' C^ MAC IM�N OErT�(r�ET FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) ^ = 9.88 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) _ .44 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 8.27 TC(MIN.) = 26.21 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 810.30 TO NODE 810.30 IS CODE = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>ADDITION OF SUBAREA-TO- MAINLINE - PEAK FLOW<<<<<----------------------- 100 YEAR RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCH /HOUR) = 2.729 SOIL CLASSIFICATION IS "A" NATURAL AVERAGE COVER "GRASS" SUBAREA LOSS RATE, Fm(INCH /HR) _ .8200 SUBAREA AREA(ACRES) = 96.00 SUBAREA RUNOFF(CFS) = 164.90 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 137.00 ' AVERAGED Fm( INCH /HR ) .820 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 137.00 y PEAK FLOW RATE'(CFS) = 235.33 TC(MIN) = 26.21 FLOW PROCESS FR -0M „NODE 810.30 „TO NODE 809.50 IS CODE = 5 ------------------ - - - --- ----1------------------------------ > > >>> COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL- CHANNEL FLOW<<<<< > >> >> TRAVEL TIME T4RU :'8U8AR EAK <'<X - -` F = 5P %fiRt NOb ELEVATION FEET � = _ 1900.00 DOWNSTREAM NOOE' 1800.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 900.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 1 .500....... -•• . •• MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 235.33. FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 21.03 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) ' TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) _ .71 TC(MIN.) = 26.92 r * *** * *** * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * 0l *:* ** * ** * *** * * ik* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.50 TO NODE 809.50 IS CODE = 1 -------------------- .---------- ---- - - - - -- --------------------------------- ' >> > > >DESIGNATE INDEPENDENT STREAM FOR CONFLUENCE<<<<< - > >>> >AND COMPUTE VARIOUS_CONFLUENCED STREAM VALUES<<<<< TOTAL NUMBER OF STREAMS.= 2 CONFLUENCE VALUES USED FOR INDEPENDENT STREAM 2 ARE: TIME OF CONCENTRATION(MIN.) 26.92 RAINFALL INTENSITY(INCK /HR) _ 2.68 1 1 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) = .82 EFFECTIVE STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 137.00 TOTAL STREAM AREA(ACRES) = 137.00 PEA FLOW RATE(CFS) AT CONFLUENCE = 235.33 RAINFALL INTENSITY AND TIME OF CONCENTRATION RATIO CONFLUENCE FORMULA USED FOR 2 STREAMS. ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE ** Q(CFS) Tc(MIN.) 1 893.01 24.88 2 852.54 26.92 Fm(INCH /HR) Ae(ACRES) ,820 486.39 .820 496.80 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK: FLOW RATE(CFS) = 893.01 Tc(MINI.) = 24.875 EFFECTIVE APEA(ACRES) = 486.39 AVERAGEC Fm(INCH /HP.) _ TCTIL AREA(ACRES) = 496.1c1C t3 +0 IS CODE = 5 > > > > >COMPUTE TRAPEZOIDAL - CHANNEL FLOW<<< << > >>» TRAVEL TIME THRU SUBAREA<<<<< UPSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1800.00 DOWNSTREAM NODE ELEVATION(FEET) = 1615.00 CHANNEL LENGTH THRU SUBAREA(FEET) = 2400.00 CHANNEL BASE(FEET) = 20.00 "Z" FACTOR = 1.500 MANNING'S FACTOR = .015 MAXIMUM DEPTH(FEET) = 2.00 CHANNEL FLOW THRU SUBAREA(CFS) = 893.01 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC•.)•=' 30.69 FLOW DEPTH(FEET) = 1.32 TRAVEL TIME(MIN.) = 1.30 TC(MIN.) = 26.18„ ********************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 809.60 TO NODE 809.80 IS CODE = 11 >>>>> CONFLUENCE MEMORY BANK # 3 WITH THE MAIN - STREAM MEMORY <<< << * ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE * ** Q(CFS) Tc(MIN..:) Fm(INCH /HR) Ae(ACRES) 1 5288.68 26.18 .778 2801.38 2 5081.11 28.25 .778 2887.34 3 5423.91 19.31 .776 2227.10 4 5488.89 21.05 .776 2418.75 5 5522.00 22.52 .777 2574.89 6 5527.36 22.30 .777 2613.93' 7 5380.25 24.95 .778 2732.74 8 5087.60 28.21 .778 2887.1'2" TOTAL AREA = 3085.81 COMPUTED CONFLUENCE ESTIMATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) _ "5527.36 Tc(MIN.) = 22.901 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 2613.93 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR) _ .78 TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3085.81 END OF STUDY SUMMARY: TOTAL AREA(ACRES) = 3085.81 TC(MIN.) = 22.90 EFFECTIVE AREA(ACRES) = 2613.93 AVERAGED Fm(INCH /HR)= .78 PEAK FLOW RATE(CFS) = 5527.36 * ** PEAK FLOW RATE TABLE * ** Q(CFS) Tc(MIN.) Fm(INCH /HR) Ae(ACRES) 1 5288.68 26.18 ,778 2801.38 2 5081.11 28.25 , .778 2887.34 3 5423.91 19.31 .776 2227.10 4 5488.89 21.05 .776 2418.75 5 5522.00 22.52 .777 2574.89 6 5527.36 22.90 .777 2613.93 7 5380.25 24.95 .778 2732.72 8 5087.60 28.21 .778 2887.12 END OF RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS [7 la L+ Li n 1 1 1 APPENDIX B 1. Plan and Profile for Hawker - Crawford Channel 2. Plan and Profiles for Storm Drain System i e s 0 HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL 1 s I 1 1 STORM DRAIN SYSTEM Cl 1 �;. SAN SEV INE it SPR D. CSR D. 00 / ►► I It \ 1 �\x �I ,127 Water • 1 Tank IN SEVAINE BASINS i i 30 i5 1,5�A t►�aa / •1 / RICH BASIN •• _7 \ 0000 HUNT'ER'S RIDGE ,, •, W - W� .' �� V ii = _______��_= _�•- ______________ yw HAWKER CRAWFORD !� CHANNEL CLINE It A 11 ) AVE ';`DEVELOPMENT REFER TO J. P. KAPP 8 ASSOC. FOR'' CHANNEL ( PLANS (FILE NO. 1- 806 - � • ' SUMMIT EXIST. /1 CHANNEL — ' . ' ac W 0 ' O PROPOSED HAWKER- CRAWFORD RCS (SEE PREL. PLANS BY FWL�) Z 26 • Z. ," Ve Reservoir ALE= ru 1000' 2 6 _1 all •il • •,� • �!I i�I ` • .; ^+ SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • I FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT BILL MANN a ASSOCIATES HANKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL • y IY�T' 1814 COIMER WEST DRAINAGE PLAN SUITE A LINE T •. ' " SAN BEMAR01Nq Co. 92408 1431- - - DA BLL C. MANN R.C.E. MN 9/91 DRAWING =OFD 0 - 7 7 ` y� \ � � It �,__ ;,�` % �. ,; \\ 1, / t l � • , r� / , I ` ` N ,\ �\ r � �i ��� , _ � - -�` `; � ��^•-� �""'�+ `{� / \(j :` �. J li {�• \ � �� ,�I /• `� `! I 1 i - f \\ _ i 1 � `\ -ar ( (�'�\ \ `.--� _ r / r � � CA ✓ 1 - // ' � Yr / . � / , --... � � �\`� � ^\ ` -� I \��' �\ r r � I \ \\ _ ,� // _ , � • i \ _ 7� - .\, �/ • • / i Y) J/ �.i • J � - ��f -� � ice' % .�1 ` � i� (/ l fMy, • �.:t -•• �- � _ / ;/ � � , `_!f �—' .�-1J , � � ` _ J //" ` 1 '.' -�� t ' `` \` / 1 � J -fi r- • , �� � ( �r I �/ � "i - J� �� �`� Ji �.`, ,_hZ�d._ '�'_i�� ` I �� \ ��� � � \ \4` I \�/� ) —. / �/ 11 ,f 1� i ` ! • �' 0 � 1, i i �-� .'�•.\ � o / DEBRIS r IN , •� j �� it ` 1 :/ !\ ,r� \\ G j�_ / r ' 1 r ''�/ `\ \, i��' �, Imo lr•� � •- i /` ' - -� � - -_ I 14 13 n k • - = = �'" - •.. p�/ TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL 18 80 NORTH FONT�4NA STORM DRAIN PLAN) - * " Well PROPOSED TRAP. 1 180 w CONC. LINED CHANNEL ALO G EXIST. --- Well 6M / `IO2 " ROAD REALIGNED , • EAST LEVEE Y RICH B AS,1N . -w98 1 l ,� J p \y .I 1896 w- � mm . 8 m w 1 LINE "A" (NORTH FONTA STORM DRAIN PLAN) 0 Y W -- HAWKER CRAWFORfO 4 CHANNEL (LINE 'A') (EXIST.) EMLL MANN 6 ASSOCIATES 1814 CERCENTER WEST SUITE A" SAN • BERNAROINO, Ca 92408 BILL C. MANN R. 14 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL DRAINAGE PLAN LINE 11Aif DATE: 9/91 1 D RAWING - 1 - OF • Q � - f / 0 Y W -- HAWKER CRAWFORfO 4 CHANNEL (LINE 'A') (EXIST.) EMLL MANN 6 ASSOCIATES 1814 CERCENTER WEST SUITE A" SAN • BERNAROINO, Ca 92408 BILL C. MANN R. 14 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL DRAINAGE PLAN LINE 11Aif DATE: 9/91 1 D RAWING - 1 - OF • Q � T.T.To 1620 1580 1540 1500 1460 WmArM Id 10 10 id Rr.B, N.TS. SAN SEVAINE BASINS 70 SUMMIT AVE REFER TO PLEMINARY PLANS BY FWLS FOR THIS REACH 490+00 500+00 - � 6 O 520+00 530+00 540+00 52e TO 11.5' RECT. CHANNEL N.T.S. SUMMIT AVE. TO RICH BASIN REFER TO PLAN BY J.P. KAPP a ASSOC. FOR THIS REACH mm 1560 w S=.d239 m OR R EL 90- R wk, Ap M I MCI i 52e TO 11.5' RECT. CHANNEL N.T.S. SUMMIT AVE. TO RICH BASIN REFER TO PLAN BY J.P. KAPP a ASSOC. FOR THIS REACH mm 1560 w 1 t � / 1 c . l am ' - • . o � ot� CANYON DEBRIS y BAS (EXIST.) f -. ✓sue'.¢ 13 nK LINE F 1 W M e B N , U C3 ' •s ' LINE E ' — = —..- • ill - = � I � � o '� ,• -�� ,� II w Well �, SCAL 1 LINE 81 11 UNE DI • 0 / 11 A LINE CZ� ' ' • / .1 � _ 96 0 / 2, , ' = UNE'�A' 9 SEE it I f1 I D UNE q dip °• •,,' NORTH FONT DRAIN PLAN • j I II RICH.' Q HINITE R RIDGE / STORM DR II / •r" \ O _ , • 11 • � � SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY N • ; I FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 9 Si SSOCIATES HANKER— CRAkVF4RD CHANNEL BILL MANN W I �,� DRAINAGE PLAN _ 814 COMMERCENTER WEST 2 3 — =======: '�` _ _ _ = surm LINES BI THRU G • SAN BERNARDINO, Ca. 92408 gas ° � CRAWFOPt la s 9/'91 DRAWING OF ' l r 1 HUNT l I 1`STORM I �I ,v :%° 0 SU" /T l I 23 LINTERS RIDGE = . - C LINE Hi J 1 :• SEE NORTH FONANA STORM DRAIN PLAN LO Mis LINE I MLL MANN & ASSOCIATES 1814 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE 'W' SAN BERNARDINO, Ca 92408 BEL G MANN R.C.E. No. 14 329 Q I \,• o I SCALE= I "=10( w W `\ 2 , � 26 W � •, y \/4 O 9 SAN BERNARM COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISrRICr KOPMR- CRMMRD CHANNEL DRAINAGE PLAN DATES I/88 DRAW01G.A. .OF, i i 1 1 HUNT l I 1`STORM I �I ,v :%° 0 SU" /T l I 23 LINTERS RIDGE = . - C LINE Hi J 1 :• SEE NORTH FONANA STORM DRAIN PLAN LO Mis LINE I MLL MANN & ASSOCIATES 1814 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE 'W' SAN BERNARDINO, Ca 92408 BEL G MANN R.C.E. No. 14 329 Q I \,• o I SCALE= I "=10( w W `\ 2 , � 26 W � •, y \/4 O 9 SAN BERNARM COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISrRICr KOPMR- CRMMRD CHANNEL DRAINAGE PLAN DATES I/88 DRAW01G.A. .OF, i Z t 0 e Y 2c 1800 8c 6( 4( 2( 170( 8( 6( 4( 2 160 0 500 1000 500 2000 500 3000 500 4UUU )0 00 80 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT HAWKER— CRAWFORD CHANNEL DRAINAGE PLAN LINE B I GATE: SCALE: DRAWING BILL MANN Ec ASSOCIATES HORIZ. 1" =1000' 7 o f 9/ 9 I VERT: I"= 40' - ==I��----- IMIWAMM mmmimmmmomm -- mm__- m_-_ - - -__- 160 0 500 1000 500 2000 500 3000 500 4UUU )0 00 80 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT HAWKER— CRAWFORD CHANNEL DRAINAGE PLAN LINE B I GATE: SCALE: DRAWING BILL MANN Ec ASSOCIATES HORIZ. 1" =1000' 7 o f 9/ 9 I VERT: I"= 40' E Li ll�� C 0 0 u L L T I n r 0 L C C H u �t D d-k 20 1700 i 500 IC Mo 2C 00 5 Q =1365 cis S = 7.0 f 4 8')R (,'P Q = 365 c is S ' = 3.8 °/ Q = 365 cis 4"R (',P _ I I S = 63 "R 1.7% XX P � — I � DINE- 0 1 8C 166C 6( 4( 2( 1701 81 6l 4 2 1600 0 500 1000 500 2000 500 suuu 5 rrYP) -- — °- ,,� _ SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY °'= 4- - 5 � FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT b= 10' �l, HAWKER —CR AWFORD CHANNEL ALTERNATE SECTION DRAINAGE PLAN Q + 100% BULKED FLOW LINES DI & D2 DATE sc�E DRAWING BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES HORIZ.1 " =1ood 9/91 VERT 1 " =40' I IQ,OF_12 r� APPENDIXC Channel and' Storm Grain Hydraulic Calculations ----------- 77 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering.Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL KANN' ASSOCIATES; INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST' SU -I T E A - SAN BERNARDINO, CA'.. 92:40 TIME /DATE OF STUDY 12: 42 - . - 11 , /28/1990 -------------------------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * HAWKER-CRAWFORD CHANNEL:_ *_ RICH BASIN TO-.'STA. 148 +00 d1 -00-r= 4010;ofs; • ,b. = 20' , D'- = 6.75' * * � * * � * *.* * * * * * � * * * * *� **�* � �1r�1n�lnikjlr�Ic��lc�le��1�, �eaMal��k- �kME�k-�k•�I�Ic•�Ic�lc•�k��lc �Ic �Ic �1c �Ic �Ic �Ic �Ic �Ic �Ic �Ic �Ic �Ic �Ic �c �1c * �1c �k t >>>CHANNE'i_- INPUT I- NtORMATr.0N< < < < -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 2.00 BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 20.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .027800 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 4010.00 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: r --- -------------------------------- >>> >> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.11 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 36.46 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 116.14 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.19 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 34.53 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 3.409 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 281778.50 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 18.513 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 22.627 CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 52.73 CRITICAL FLOW AREA'(SQUARE FEET) = 297.50 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 5.64 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 13.4.8 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 8.18 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 169293. -60 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 2.821 - -- CRITICAL - FLOW - SPECIFIC - ENERGY( FEET) _ - - - - - 1 1003 ------------------ - - - - -- i HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES,.INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 -- TIME /DATE_OF- STUDY- 12__28 -- 11/28/ 1990=====-------- -- - ------ --------- - ----- * *** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,D,ESCRIPTION OF STUbY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** HAWK ER= C14AWFORD CHANNEL 148 +00 TO STA. 161 +00 (* 0100 - =. 1345cfs, b = 20' D' = 5' �c V >>CHANNEL CRITICAL FLOW INPUT INFORMATION < <<< CRITICAL ------------------------------------------------ CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 20.00 2.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET�FEET) _ . 630000 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.60 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS_) =. „__ 1512:00 CRITICAL FLOW MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 CRITICAL CRITICAL NORMAL - DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION' - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > >- NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.34 50153.82 FLOW TOP WI,DTH(FEET.). = 29.35 CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.800 FLOW. AREA(SQUA'RE FEET) = 57.65 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 6.558 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.96 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 25.23 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 3.298 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 80787.23 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 10.682 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 13.018 - DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION -- CRITICAL _ -- J (� s CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 39.03 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 140.42 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.60 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.77 CRITICAL CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.76 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 50153.82 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.800 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 6.558 J (� s HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDI_NO, CA. 92408 == TIME/DATE - OF - STUDY: - 12�3.4 -- 11/28/ 1990______ _______________________________ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL * STA. 161 +00 TO STA. 180 +00 Q100 = 1345cfs, b = 20' ,..,D' .= _- 4.75'_ F m>0HANNEL INPUT INFORMATION.<< << -------- - ------ 7------------------------------------------------------------ E CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) 2.0.Q BASEWIDTH(FEET). 20..0.0 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE -(FE4 - /FEET ) _ . 0300,40, UNIFORM FLQW(CFS�) = 1345,.0.0 == MANNII!(qS - FRICTION - FACT, OR----_ 0, 15-________ NORMAL- DEPTH: FLOW INFORMATION: >> >>> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.18 FLOW TOP-WIDTH(FEET) 28.74 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 53.22 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.85 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 25.27 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 3.273 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 69284.51 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 9.919 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 12.103 --- CRITICAL_DEPTH FLOW - INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 37.79 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 128.52 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.40 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.47 O CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.45 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 43281.93 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.701 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 6.148 0 E -3 ru HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 l -- TIME/DATE - OF - STUDY: - 12:34 -- 11/28/1990 * * * ** * * * * ** * * ** * DESCR'IPT'ION OF STUDY * HAWKER=CRAWFORD - CHANNEL * STA. 180 +00-TO STA. 193 +00 Ql-00 = 1140cfs', b = 20' 1) = 4.'5" **aKaRal *1*1 *1**. c-*** *** * * * * * * * **c**nl ** * * * * * * *** *" !I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > > > > CHANNEL INPUT PtFQRM AT3'QN < < < < -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL Z(-HORIZONT•A -L /VERTICAL) = 2.00 SASEWID'.TW (FEET) = 20.00 CONSTANT C14ANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .038800 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 1140.00 - MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 --------------------------- NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ----- ---------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------- >> » > NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 1.84 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 27.38 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 43.69 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.60 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(F.EET /SEC.) = 26.09 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 3.640 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 60025.70 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 10.571 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 12.4 - 16 = == CRITICAL - DEPTH - FLOW INFORMATION__________ _______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 5.608 Eli �z CRITICAL CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 36.16 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 113.44 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.14 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.05 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.04 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 35128.11 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.568 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 5.608 Eli �z HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -8.9 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial * 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES,. INC.. 1802 COMMERCENTE_R Y 5ST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 = =TIME, /DATE -OF- STUDY: 12_37-- 11/28/ 199©---- ---- ----------------------------- * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY aaaa * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER- CRAWFORD.CHANNEL, * STA. 193 +00 TO DUNCAN•CANYON _ DEBRIS BASIN * Q100 860cfs, b = 20' , D.':. = 4' F >>>CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION «« -----------------------_------------------------_-- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 2.00 BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 20.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .04.$400 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 860.00 --- MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = 0150 - -- NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION_ ____ ________ --------------------------------------------------------- >>> >> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 1.47 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 25.87 FLOW AREA(S.QUARE FEET) = 33.64 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.30 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 25.57 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 3.951 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 44082.47 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 10.150 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 11.617 ------------------- - - - - -- _ --- CRITICAL-DEPTH - FLOW - INFORMATION --------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WI.DTH(FEET) = 33.68 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(BQUARE FEET) = 91.80 CRITICAL FLOW.HYDRAULIC.DEPTH(FEET) = 2.73 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 9.37 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.42 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 24576.73 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.363 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 4.783 Al El s HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 1 1 :34 121-51199.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF * HAWKER - CRAWFORD * LINE B1 *- Q100(BULKED) = 1790cfs, S STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** CHANNEL = 4.6%, n = .015 U >>CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION<<<< CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL• /VERTI"CAL) 1.50 BASEWIDTK.(FEET-) = 20.OQ CONSTANT - CHANNEL $LOPE ( FEET /FEET) 4 = . 046000 UN,tFORM FLOW(GFS) .._, - - - 1790.00 MANNINGS_ FRrCTrON FActOR = .0150 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW - INFORMAI'IbN: ---------------------------_----------------------------------------------- r >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.32 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 26.96 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 54.51 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.02 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 32.84 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 4.070 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 117667.60 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 16.746 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 19.067 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- CRITICAL-DEPTH - FLOW - INFORMATION: ----------------------------------- - - - - -- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 36.35 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 153.52 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 4.22 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 11.66 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 5.45 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 64021.54 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 2.111 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 7.560 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 ------------------------------------------------------------ -- TIME / DATE - STU DY_ - 11 12 - 199 0 ------------------------------- - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL * LINE:B1 0100(BULKED) = 1790cfs:; S = .11.4%i n ` > >>CHANNEL,. INPUT -- INFORMATION < << <' -------------------------------------------- CHANNEL, ".ZCHORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 BASEWIDTH(FEET) .1000 EJ CONSTANT" CHANNEL SLOPE( FEET /FEET ) _ .114000 UNIFORM FLOW =. 1790.00 MANNINGS = .0150 -- ---- - - - - -- ------------------------------ NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> >> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.57 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 17.70 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 35.53 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2,01 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 50.39 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 6.267 - PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 177360.60 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 39.422 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 41.987 ---------------- - - - - - -- -- CRITICAL_DEPTH - FLOW INFORMATION: ------- - - - - -- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 31.23 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 145.91 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 4.67 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 12.27 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 7.08 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 69243.87 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 2.337 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 9.414 2 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATE'S, I.N,C. IS02 COMM'ERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERfiIARDI -NO, CA. 9240 - TIME /DATE OF STUDY 11 38 12/ 5/ 1990 --------------- _y-- ----------- - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** DESCRIPTION OF * HAWKER- CRAWF'ORD * LINE B1 * 0100(BULKED) =• 1790cfs, S S T'IhD , Y �Ir71r*�Ic�IgK�Ky1c CH.AMNE:L * = 5 . ft; n = .015 *-*-* *- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** U >>CHAXNE.L INPUT: INFORMATION < < << ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 10.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .050000 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 1790.00 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ------------------------------------ > > >>> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.21 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 19.64 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 47.63 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.43 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 37.58 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 4.253 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 134614.80 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 21.929 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 25.143 CRITICAL -DEPTH .FLOW INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 31.23 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 145.91 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 4.67 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 12.27 1 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 7.08 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 69243.87 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 2.337 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 9.414 �J, E -5 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 - -. -- - - - -- --=----------------------------------------------------------- TTME DATE OF - STUDY 1-1-:39 12/ 5/1996 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** QESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL Pft LINE B1 0100( = 1790cfs, S = 10%, n = .015 > >> CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION <<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL Z(HQRIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 BASEWIDTH(FEET) =- 10.00 . CONSTANT CHANNEL•SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .100000 UNIFORM_FLQW(CfS - • 1.790.00 ==== MANN•INGS FACTOR - - - - 0. 150________ ______________ __ _______________ NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: a ----- __.:�--= _ = - - -- --------------------------------------------=------------ > > > >> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.66 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 17.98 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 37.23 HYDRAULIC'DEPTH(FEET) = 2.07 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 48.08 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 5.889 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 169589.50 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 35.901 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 38.562 --------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----- CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION:• ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 31.23 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = • 145.91 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 4.67 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 12.27 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 7.08 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 69243.87 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 2.337 - -- CRITICAL - FLOW - SPECIFIC - ENERGY( FEET)-= - - - - -- 9414------------------ - - - - -- 11 y HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 - - TIME/DATE - OF_ STUDY _- 11_42-- 12/ -5/ 1990---------- ------- ----- _- __�_--------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL * L•INE B1 * Q100(BULKED) = 470cfs, 5.= 10%,. .015 ******************************* * * * * * * * * * *�c�c * * * * * * * * * * *�k * * ** >>>> CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATIONcc L ._ -. ------------- -- ------- - - - -- _ -- - ------------------- _ CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL %VERtICAL) = 1.50 BAStW btk(FEET) 8.80 CONSTANT'CHANNEL S(QPE(FEET /FEET) _ .100000 UN I'�ORM „FtQW(QFS) _. 470.00 - === MANNIMQ3 ' FRICTION - FACTb0 = = = == 0150________ _______________________________ NORMAL -DEPTH F_LOW ------_- �-------------------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------- >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 1.41 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 12.22 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 14.21 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.16 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 33.08 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 5.405 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 30705.57 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 16.988 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 18.393 V CRITICAL_DEPTH FLOW - INFORMATION_ -- -------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 19.22 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 50.89 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.65 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 9.23 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.74 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 13533.46 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.324 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 5.064 H s' E_11� HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis.prep.ared by: BILL MANN& ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. -92408 -------------------------- -- TIME / DATE -OF- STUDY -1 143-- 1. 2./- 5/. 19. 90 --- _ * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *__ DESCRIPTION -OF HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * LINE B2 Q100(BVLKED)„ 1320cfs, S =- = '.015 � ***** � *** � **** � Ic*********** ,* �* �I �•** �Ir*? k�lc**, �k** ?K�r�C * * * * * * * * * * *� * * * * * * * * * * * ** >>>CHANNEL INPU T . INFQRM.9.TIAAtC ---------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL_XERT,ICAL� _.- 1.50 z, BASEWYDTH(FEET) = 10.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .100000 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 1320.00 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 ----------------- ------- - -- - -- NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ----------------------- - -� - -- -------------------------------------- >>> >> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.25 _ -.. FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) = 16.75 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 30.07 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.80 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 43.89 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 5.772 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 114211.70 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 29.916 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 32.165 CRITICAL -DEPTH - FLOW INFORMATION ---------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 28.11 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 115.00 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 4.09 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 11.48 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 6.04 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 47587.42 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 2.046 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 8.081 H T HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES,, INC.. 1802 COMMEREENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARD•INO, CA. 92408 - _ TIME/DATE - QF - STUDY: 8_53_ 12/ - 7/ 1830 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY HAWKS- R- CRAWFOR-D CHANNEL * LINE, 01„ Q100 = 557cfs,.. S. = 2-0%, 72" RCP 3> > > >PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION < < << ------------------------------------------------ PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 6.000 FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 4.920 PIPE SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .0200 - MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = - .013000 Ll > > > > >- NORMAL - DEPTH - FLOW(CFS)- = = == 59917______ __________________________ NORMAL - DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) 4.92 FLOW AREA(SQUARE:FEET) = 24.81 FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) = 4.610 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 31528.00 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 24.147 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 9.054 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) 5.38 FROUDE NUMBER = 1.834 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) _ 13.97 Ij 0 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 -------------------------------- - - -- - - - - - -- -------------------------------- TIME /DRTE OF:$TUOY,: $:50 12/ 7/1990 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL LINE C1 Q100 = 518cfs, S = 4.0%,­ RCP >> >PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC- INPUT• <<<< ---------------------------------------------------------------- PIPE DIAMETER (FEET,), = 5.000 E FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 4.100 PIPS , S40PE,( FEET /FEET:), - : 0400 MANN.INGS -_ FRICTION FACTOR­-.013000 J > >•> >, NORMAL DEPTH FLOW{-CFS) . 521 . 10 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION ---- ------------------ - - - - - -- -------------------------------------------- NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = = 4 10 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 17.23 FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) 3.842 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 32557.58 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 30.241 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 14.200 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 4.49 FROUDE NUMBER = 2.516 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 18.30 I 1 E �I 0 i 20- HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 == TIME/DATE _OF- STUDY: 8= 4g== 12/ =7/ 1990------------------------------- - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUQY WFORD * HAWKER- CRA CHANNEL LINE-Cl- Q100 = 281 S '= 8.bx, 42' _RCP > > > >PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION < <<< ------------------------------------------------ . .PE DIAMETER ( FEET ), . = 3 , 500 FLbW�,EPTH(FEET� = 2.870 PIPE- SLOPE(FEET /FEET)..= .0800 KANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .013000 > > NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) = 284.68 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.87 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 8.44 FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) = 2.689 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 19293.45 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 33.716 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 17.652 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.14 FROUDE NUMBER = 3:353 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 20.52 nl u � 3/f HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 - Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared'by: BILL- MANN..: & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 ---------------------------------------------- -==-==---------------- - - - - -- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 8:4.4.. 1.2/ 7./1.990 * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * ** DESCR_IPT1. . _dF ST UDY HAWktR- CRAWN�6 d CHAM91 LINE .. , . T .r. ,.... �� ..... Qt0.0. 1_75cf. s, S z 1 . "5 %, 48" RCP > >> >PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION<<<< --------------------------------------------------------------------- - =- = -- PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 4.000 FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 3.280 PIPE SLOPE(FEET /FEET) = .0150 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .013000 > > >>> NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) ---------------------------------,------------------------------------------- NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION_ - ---------- 7-- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------- NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.28 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 11. FLOW-TOP-WIDTH(FEET) = 3.073 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 6477.06 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 15.959 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 3.955 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.59 FROUDE NUMBER = 1.485 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 7.23 0 0 E ��- HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST _ SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TIME /.QATE - O.F , - STUDY 8 42 12/ - 7/ 1990______ ____________ ___________________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL - * LINE C3 0100 = 105cfs, S = 6.6 %, 30 -RCP ° >> > >PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION<<<< PIPE.pIAM�TR(F�T1. =_ 2:500 PIPE SLO�E'( FEET/ FEET) = 0660 FLOWDEPTH(FEET)_ 2.�050 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR' = ,,- :013000 >» » - NORMAL DEPTH - FLOW( -- - - -- 105 42_____ ___________________________ NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ------------------ ---_---------------------------------------------------- NORMAL DEPTH ( FEET 2.05 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 4.31 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 1.921 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 5251.54 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 24.471 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 9.298 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.24 FROUDE NUMBER = 2.880 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 11.35 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i ********************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 TIME /DATE -OF- STUDY=== 9== 5== 12/ =7/ 1990------- ------------- -- _----- - - - -_. ----- _ ___ ______ _____,�__TT_►++ e_____ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** * HAWKER- CRAWFORD CH=A►NM,EL * * LINE C1 ALTERNATE SECTION * 0100(BULKED),,.= ; . 11 14cfs, S = 2% b, =, 10' , n = .015 >>> CHANNEL INPUT-.INFORMAT.ION « < <.. -------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL .Z(MOR1ZDNT -AL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 BASNI tH ( FEAT ) - 1 a. GO CONSTANT.- CHANNE=L-- SLOPE( FEET /FEET ) _ .020000 UNIFORM; FLQW(dFS), = _1114.00 MANNING,S „FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 _______________ NORMAL - DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ > > >>> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.19 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 19.56 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 47,11 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2,41 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 23.65 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 2.685 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 55229.43 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 8.683 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 11.870 -- CRITICAL_DEPTH - FLOW _ INFORMATION---------- - - -- -- ,..,..�_ ------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 26.54 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 100.73 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.80 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 11.06 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 5.51 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 38587.72 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.899 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 7.413 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software -(aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN &,,ASSQDI,ATFS;;...INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER SUITS A' SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408' TIME /DATE OF STUDY: •9: 3 12/ 7/1990 STUDY �li�ic` �li�IciK�kik* ik�c�IrN� *�Ir+KMc *�w�Ic *�Icalc+�c�lrslc * HAWKER- CRAWFORD CWaNNE� LINE C1 ALTERNAT_E SECTION • - . - - - -- .0100(`3U.LK�, ) =, 1036cfs, S = 4%, 1 b- 10', n = .015 � 1 >>>CHANNEL INPUT INF'ORM'ATYON <* < << ' -7--7 ----------------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL)_= 1.50 BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 10.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .040000 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 1036.00 - MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: E,- ----- >>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.53 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 17.60 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 34.99 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.99 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 29.61 UNIFORM- FROUDE NUMBER = 3.702 PRESSURE .t MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 61961.57 AVERAGED VELOCITY.HEAD(FEET) = 13.615 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 16.150 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: - - - - -- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 25.91 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 95.23 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.68 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.88 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 5.30 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 35271.92 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.838 - -- CRITICAL - FLOW - SPECIFIC - ENERGY( FEET) - - - - - 7 141 ------------------ - - - - -- y,/ HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial 0 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 == TIME / DATE -OF- STUDY: 9: 0== 12/ -7/ 1990-----------------------------=- - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION. OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER= •CRAWFORD CHANNEL LINE C1 ALTERNATE SECTION * 0100(BULKED) = 562cfs, S = 8 %, b = 8', n = .015 E l >>>>CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION <<<< ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 El BASEWIDTH(FEET) = • 5:00 CONSTANT CHANNEL /FEET) _ .080000 IP UNIFORM FLOW(CFS.). = 562.,00 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR .= , .4150 = == NORMAL- D1_PTH FLAW Il 11 FORMATLON =--------==.= --== -=- -=-- ---- ------- ---- ----- >>>>.> NORMAL. DEPTH ( FEET ) = 1.65 FLOW TOP WID"T14(PEET) = - 12.96 FLOW_AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 17.33 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.34 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 32.43 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 4.942 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 36139.52 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 16.328 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 17.981 ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- - - -- CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ----------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 20.36 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 58.44 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.87 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 9.62 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.12 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 16895.54 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.436 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 5.557 i HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SA.N .BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 == TIME /.DATE - OF - STUDY _ -- 8_58-- 12/ -7/ 1990------------------------------- - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * LINE C2 ALTERNATE SECTION * 0100(BULKED) = 325cfs, b = V, ***************************** ?k?K?Kik? KiK?k?k�C�C�ca1c7K71c71cyc�lc�lc�lc** �Ic**** �Ic? k?k�ic�c�KC ?k�k?k�K?!�?K�K *l��K�l 1 >>>>CHANNEL CRITICAL INPUT INFOgNATTQN << «- TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 17.14 -----------,---------------------------------�------_------- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTTP4) = 1.50 L AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 38.32 gAWx RTH(FE'C j _ .S.00 - FLOW CONSIANT'CHANNEL SLOPe(695T /FEET) _ .015000 CRITICAL UNIFORM F�6w(d��) = 325.00 ­ 1 I AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 8.48 FRICtION FACTOR = _ :0150 DEPTH(FEET) = 3.05 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) RMiAC= b FLOW I�IEQRNATION.___________ _______________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 1.95 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.117 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 13.84 CRITICAL FLOW FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 21.27 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.54 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 15.28 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 2.173 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 10801.38 3.626 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 5.573 - -- CRITICAL - DEPTH - FLOW - INFORMATION - - - - - -- 6 y �� G CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 17.14 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 38.32 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.24 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 8.48 CRITICAL CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.05 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 8544.00 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.117 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 4.165 6 y �� G HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN .& ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMEREENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 _ = TIME/DATE - OF - STUDY: _- 8:56 12/ 7/ 1990------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------- ------------- ------- = = == ° seas = = -- `=====- - - - - -- ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * HAWKER- CRAWFORD CFfANFf €L LINE C3 ALTERNATE SECTION * Q100(SULKED) '_ '21Acf5, =b = n = "":015 >>>> CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION < <<< --------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1150 - - -- BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 8.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .066000 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 210.00 === MANNINGS - FRICTION - FACTOR = _ = == 0150 ________ _______________________ __ _ _ _ _ __ NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: -------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ ____ > > >>> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 1.00 -` El l FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) = 10.99 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 9.47 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) _ .86 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 22.17 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 4.208 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 9300.88 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 7.631 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 8.628 --- CRITICAL_DEPTH -FLOW - INFORMATION_____________ ---------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) = 15.13 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 27.47 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.82 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 7.64 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.38 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 4937.96 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET)"= .907 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 3.283 3 Y HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2. -8A - Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 ..Analysis prepared by: _.BILL..MAN.N .& ASSOCIATES, -INC. 18.02. COMME•RCENTER WEST SUITE A ,.SAN . <BE.RNARO I NO , CA. 92408 TIME /D.ATE OF-STUDY: -12:1,1 :11/34/ 1990 ------------------------------- - - - - -- ------ --------- - _________- _=-- ____ =___ **.****.**.*.*•*. ?K.**. akMcxc�k�IcAc�c.Mc�lc�c�lc.�r,* R�SCiRk�T]<ON .S?f .9TUUY - �Ic�lc�ic�. �lc�lc�c�c .�lc�c�c * * * * * * * * * * * * ** HAWKER.: CRAW -FORD , CHANNEL * LINE D1 .. * * - 011= �365cfs - S = 7..0%- 48" RCP L >>>>PIP.EFLOW HYDRAULIC - _INPUT INFORMATION << << ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = - 4.000 FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 3.280 PIPE SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .0700 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .013000 __- >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) 380.20 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW I.NF.ORMATI.ON : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORMAL DEPTH(FEET), ;-- .3.28 FLOW AREA (SQUARE FEET) = 11.03 FLOW TOP- WID•TH.(FEET-) = - 3.073 - FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 26434.68 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 34.475 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 18.455 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.59 FROUDE NUMBER = 3.207 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 21.74 u ul� 1 D HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENT M WEST SUITE A SAN-BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 -------------------------------------------------------- == TIME% DATE - OF - STUDY 12 _ - 8 . -- 11 199 0______ _______________________________ x& * - * *- * * * ** *** *** * * ** * *****__ DESCRIPTION OF STUDY HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL *. * LINE D1 Q = 365cfs S = 3.8% 54" RCP_ >> >PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC,-INPUT INFORMATION« < <. ---_---------------------------------------------- PIPE DIAMET.ER.(.F.EET.) . =_ 4.. 50A - -- - -- - - FLOWDEPT.H(FEET'). = 3 69Q, PIPE SLOPE{ FEES /FEET,) . 0380, . MANN I,Nq , FRI•CT.ION. FACT-OP, 0,130,Q,Q , > > > > > NORMAL DEATH F� CFS) __ 383.50. --------------------------------------======---------------- NORMAL- .REP -:_ TH.FLOW INFORMATIQN ------------------------ - -------------------------------------------- NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.69 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 13.96 FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) -= 3.458 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 21891.50 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 27.476 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 11.722 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 4.04 FROUDE NUMBER = 2.410 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 15.41 J j HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. .1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TIME / DATE - STUDY 12_ - -- 11/30/ 1990 ------------------------------- - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DESCRI .OF :STUDY • * * *.*S**KSs* *-k * *** * * * * ** * HAWKER.CRAW-F4R-D CHANNEL * LINE _ D,1 �p3 * Q = 365cfs S = 1 ..7% .. E >>>>PIP;EtF'L'0W'HYbAAULIC' INPUT ' INFORMATION.<.« < P1 Di AVIRI FEET) 5.250.. FL'OWDEPTH(F:E €T) =- 4:300 - p� _ SLOPS(FEET /FEET) =-- .0170* MANNINGS FRICTION' FACTOR = .013000 > > > >> NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) = 386.51 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: --- t ------------------- ------ NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = = ------------------------------------------ 4 4 .30 30 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 18.98 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 4.042 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 17587.16_ FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 20.367 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 6,,441. HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) =- 4.69. FROUDE NUMBER = 1.656 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 10.74 I ' I 1-11 C H_ L4 HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: /19/89 Serial .# 3904 Analysis prepared-by: H L' MANN' & ASSOCIATES; INC: 1802'COMMERCENTER - WEST SUITE A SAN 'BERNARDINO _-CA: - 92408 ­- E __ TIME/DATE OF STUDY 14 6� 11 /30/ 1990 ------ _--- �� s----------------- - - - - -- - DESCRI-PT ION '.OF -:;STt Y;; * HAWKER -: CFLK FORD= ;CHANNEL- LINE :D1- A- LT-ERNATE SECTIO4 * QW0# BULKED ) = - 730cfs,- b = 10' , n = .015 > > »CHAIJN�� INP6T�INFORMATION« « CHANNEL- Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 10.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .017000.. UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 730.00 - - -- MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ---- ------------------------- ---- --- ------------------ -_-------_-_------------- » »> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.65. FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 17.94 FLOW AREAr(SQUARE FEET) = 36.95. HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.06. FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 19.75 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 2.425 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 30707.66 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 6.060 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 8.705 _ - CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 23.14 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET,) = 72.60 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH`(FEET) = 3.14 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.06 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.38 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 22836.30 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.570 - -- CRITICAL - FLOW - SPECIFIC - ENERGY( FEET)- _ - - - - -- 5_951------------------ - - - - -- HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN.& ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER'WEST SUITE 'A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 ---------------------------------------------- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 14: 8 11/30/1990 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * - - HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL LINE ­D1 ­ALTERNATE SECTION * Q100(BULKED) = 730cfs, b = 10', n = .015 > >>> CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION <<<< ------------------------ ------------------------------------ C HANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICALI - = -- 1.50 -- BASEWIDTH -( FEET ) 10'.00._ ' _ - - - -- - CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .038000 UNIFORK' FLOW -(IS;) .'-730; 60,- ' - _ 11 1. 1 MANNINGS FRIETION , FACTOR ; � O t•50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOR10t= DEP•TM- FLOW_ INFORMATION ----- T'r- -� - -.T rI�-- - - - - -- w.r.LiL'- -Z-•Z------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >-» >> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.12 FLOW TOP- .WIDTW FEET ) = 16.35 FLOW- AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 27.86 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.70 FLOW - AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 26.20 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 3.536 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 38753.55 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 10.658 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 12.773 CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION --- --------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- CRITICAL FLOW TOP = 23.14 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 72.60 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.14 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.06 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.38 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 22836.30 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.570 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 5.951 � l 6 f ******************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 TIME /DATE - OF STUDY_ 14_ - 9 -- 11/30/ 1990______ ________ _______________________ E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER- CRAWFORD.CHANN9(_, LINE D1 ALTERNATE SECTION - Q100(BULKED): _ 7.30cfs, b =.-10', n = .015 >>> CHANNEL .LNPUT,INFORMA4TION.< <(< --------------------------- --------_--_------- E. CNRNhtEL . Z(HORI2OALTAL./V- ERTI-CAL -), _ = 1.50 BASEWIDTH(- FE-EE}- 10.00 COMBfARIT, CRANPIEL AiL.OPE,( FEET/ FEET- _ .070000 UNbFORMt FLO%(C = - -- 730.CSb, --- MANN ING$_FR•!CTION = = = == 0150________ _______________________________ NORMAL - DEPTH -FLOW INFORMATION: E ---- >>>>> - NORMAL - DEP TH(FEET) - = - 1.78 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 15.34 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 22.55 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.47 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 32.38 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 4.706 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 46968.46 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 16.279 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 18.059 CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: ---------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 23.14 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 72.60 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.14 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VEL'OCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.06 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.38 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 22836.30 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.570 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 5.951 1 31� HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC: 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA: 92408 ------------------------------------------ iil i.i" _ -- TIME / DATE - OF - STUDY 12_15 -- 11/30/1994 = -_ -- - - - -- --------- ------ - - - - -- -- VOR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * HAWKERrCRAWV0RD _ -CH74WNfL' * LINE - E­ 01= 5000fS" S = - 4 - 40%^- 60 ' RCP.' E >>>>PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION < <<< ----------------------------------------------- PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 5.000 FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 4.100 PIPE SLOPE(FEET /FEET) = .0400 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .013000 >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) = 521.10 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.10 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 17.23 FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) = 3.842 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 32557.58 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 30.241 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 14.200 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 4.49 FROUDE NUMBER = 2.5T6 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 18.30 Ei N; p ,iy HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 J -11 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 � - --- --- 8 -31 -- 12 _ 1/ 1990------------ ------------------- - - - - -- TIME/ DATE OF STUDY P9WRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** HAWKER- CRAWF ©RD CHANNEL * LINE E - * 0 = 210cfs, S = 11.67 %, 36" RCP '>> >>PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION << << ------------------------------------------------------_---_-_-_-_--_----_-_---_------ PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 3._ . 000 _ FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 2.460 .460 PIPE SLOPE( FEET /FEET.). = _1167, MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR =---.01 > > > >> NORMAL�DEPTH, FLQW FS) , . ,. 227.94 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: -- - - -- NORMAL DEPTH( FEET.) - ----2.46------------------------------------------ FLOW AREA(SQUARE -FEET? = 6.20 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET).= 2.305 FLOW PRESSURE -+ MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 16667.58 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 36.745 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET).= 20.966 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.69 FROUDE NUMBER = 3.947 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 23.43 PI] H' 7 c �'Y HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 --------------------------- ----- ------- - ------------------------------------ == TIME/DATE �OF- STUDY= == 8= 33= =1? / =1/ 1990 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * LINE E ALTERNATE SECTION * Q100 (BULKED) = 420cf s,- b - =,,I 0.1 n - _ X 0.15 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * �K ? I��Ic�. �k�Ic�Ic�kak�IcaluKalc •�k�c9lr�lc ?K ?K ?k.lk Yc.�c�c�k�lc �Ic�lcakalc�lr�k ?k * ?K. �k 2k �Ic ?K ?K.7k.aK7K.7K.�ak > > > > CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION < <. <.< . __._.._ _ ------- - = = =a: -------------- CHANNEL Z(.HORIZONT- L /:VERTICAL -� 1.50 -BA'SEW:IDTH.( FEET') = 110.100 COkST,'�A`NT CHANNEL - ELOPE , ( - PFET /FEET') .1 - 6700 UNLFORM - BLOW COPS;) = 4ArNNINGS PRI_CTTON :FACTOR = ..0.150 ---------------------- NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: - 1.12 --- 1.12 --------------------------------------- FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 13.35 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 13.03 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) _ ,98 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 32.24 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 5.752 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 26675.96 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 16.144 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 17.260 CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: - ----------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 19.63 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) -_ 47.56 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2,42 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 8,83 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.21 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 11435.06 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.211 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 4.421 _Xx HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CX. 92408 == TIME / DATE - OF - STUDY - 14_11 -- 11/30/ 199> j - ----------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DE6CR1IPTION STUDY * HAWKER- CRAWFORD' CHANNEL LINE E ALTtRNATE SECTION * Q100 ( BULKED } _1000Cfs', 'b' 1't)" n 015, F ' > Y> XC$ NNEL INPUT - NF)RMAT' ION C( ------------------------------------------------ CI ANNEC `Z( - HMIZ_ NTAL/VERTI = 1.50 BA6VW%1J H(FEET) 10.00 CONSTANT CHANNEL SL -0PE(FEET /FEET) _ .040000 UNIFORM'- PLOW(CFS-) = 1000.00 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 -------------------- ------------------------ - - - - -- _____ NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: - ------------------------------------------- >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.49 FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) = 17.46 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 34.12 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.95' - FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 29.31 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER '=, ' 3.695 PRESSURE + MOMENTUW POUNDS) = 59206.21 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 13.340 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET') = 15.825 CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: -------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP WIDTH(FEET) = 25.61 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 92.65 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.62 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 10.79 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 5.20 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 33759.98 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.809 - -- CRITICAL - FLOW - SPECIFIC - ENERGY(FEET) - = 7.012 0 E . �//x y , 9 e p * dOa 19 `9KE£' Z = S S4 _ -b" - �. * 3 -3NII Q�Q�Md, ------------------------ ------------------- = = =. ------------ -0&t,l / k_, /, Z, l - E.Z B --- JlaniS d0 31Va /3WI1 -- 80:�Zf '•V.3 `ONI G8.VN838 NVS V 31I-nS 1s M 3�N30a3 Z081 ' ON.I ' T NNdW II I9 :A -q, pai.ed.aid S V06£ # LSLJ 68/.6t/8 :94eO aseaLaa V8'Z 'aaA (sae) aaeml4oS 6uLa89ULBU3 p90UP 68 -2861 '44BLiAdoO (0) 3JVAOVd WV8008d I - S1N3W3I3 OIInvaioAH --- - - - - -- - -- -- Sl'Ol = (133d)AJ83N3 OI3I03dS 698'l = a 3EwnN 3ono6j l8'E = (133d)Hld3a OIInV6GAH 099 = (133d )OV3H AII0013A MOId 0 l L ' OZ = ( ' 03S/133d) AII00I3A MOId v9 *88S11 = (SONnOd)Wn1N3WOW + 36nSS36d MOIJ 99Z'£ -= (133d)HIOIM -d01 MOId Sb '-Z t = (1334 380oS) V36V MOId - 8V E_ (133d)H1d30 IVWaON :NO MOId H1d30- IVWaON --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - VS L SZ -- .�. (Sd0)MOId Hld30 IVWNON < < <<< 3 000£l0' = HOlOVd NOIlOIad SJNINNVW EEZO' = (133d /133d)3dOIS 3dld SSb'£ = (133d)H1d30Mold 3 OSZ'v = (133d)8313WVI4 3.d Id ---------t------------------------------------------------------------------ > > >>NOI1VWaOdNI 1ndNI OIInVaoAH - MO 'Td3.dI-d «« * dOa 19 `9KE£' Z = S S4 _ -b" - �. * 3 -3NII Q�Q�Md, ------------------------ ------------------- = = =. ------------ -0&t,l / k_, /, Z, l - E.Z B --- JlaniS d0 31Va /3WI1 -- 80:�Zf '•V.3 `ONI G8.VN838 NVS V 31I-nS 1s M 3�N30a3 Z081 ' ON.I ' T NNdW II I9 :A -q, pai.ed.aid S V06£ # LSLJ 68/.6t/8 :94eO aseaLaa V8'Z 'aaA (sae) aaeml4oS 6uLa89ULBU3 p90UP 68 -2861 '44BLiAdoO (0) 3JVAOVd WV8008d I - S1N3W3I3 OIInvaioAH ********************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 -- TIME/DATE - OF - STUDY: _ - 12_20 -- 11/30/ 1990=====- -------------------- ---- - - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * LINE F * * Q = 240cfs S = 5.7% 42" RCP > >>>PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION <<<< -------------------------------------------- PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 3.500 FLOWDEPTH(FEET) = 2.870 PIPE SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .0570 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .013000 >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) = 240.30 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 2.87 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 8.44 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 2.689 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 13945.75 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 28.460 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 12.577 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.14 FROUDE NUMBER = 2.831 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 15.45 j u e HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. —- , 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 8:27 12/ 1/1990 Pq L * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * LINE F ALTERNATE SECTION * Q100(BULKED) = 480cfs, b = 10', n = .015 ['>>>>CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION < < << -------------------------------------- ---------- CHAN►N.EL..Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 10.00 CONSTANT' CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .023300 UNLFORM FLOW(CFS) = 480.00 ---- MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION. ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- » > >> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 1.92 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 15.75 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 24.68 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.57 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 19.45 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 2.738 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 19456.94 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 5.873 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 7.790 t CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------ CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 20.40 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 52.67 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.58 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 9.11 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.47 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 13522.74 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.290 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 4.755 0 Eli HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILE,, M,ARN .& _ASSOCIATES, INC. 1` aZ "COME FtCEN WEST' SUITE A SAN ' BERN'A1401+10 1 ' 'Oki- '42-466 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 14:13 11/30/1990 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION,OF STUDY * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * - = - L -•INE F ALTERNATE SECTION * Q100(BULKED) = 480cfs, b = 10', n = .015 E >>>>CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION<< << ------------------------------------_------------ CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 BASEWIDTH(FEET) = 10.00 -- CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .057000 UNIFORM FLOW(CFS) = 480.00 MANNI FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 - - -- NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW t -------------------P-- I - - - - -- > » >> NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 1.49 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 14.46 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 18.17 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.26 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 26.42 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 4.153 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 25364.36 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 10.837 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 12.323 CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 20.40 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 52.67 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.58 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 9.11 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 3.47 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 13522.74 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.290 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 4.755 �Y HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN ' A5SOC'IATLS; INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME /DATE OF STUDY: 12:22 11/30/1990 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * - HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * LINE G * Q = 315cfs S = 8.55% 45" RCP � ' > >>>PIPEFLOW HYDRAULIC INPUT INFORMATION < <<< -------------------------------------------- ------------ _ PIPE DIAMETER(FEET) = 3.750 FLOWDEPTH ( FEET ) _ ­� -8 t 075 - -- PIPE SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .0855 MANNINGS FRICTION - FACTOR = .013000 >>>>> NORMAL DEPTH FLOW(CFS) = 353.75 -- NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION: - - -- NORMAL NORMAL -=-----3- 08----- -- ----------------------------- - - - - -- FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 9.69 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) _ 2.881 FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 25871.80 FLOW VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 36.497 FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 20.683 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 3.36 FROUDE NUMBER = 3.507 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 23.76 1] L L, I AL HYDRAULIC ELEMENTS - I PROGRAM PACKAGE (C) Copyright 1982 -89 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 2.8A Release Date: 8/19/89 Serial # 3904 Analysis prepared by: BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1802 COMMERCENTER WEST SUITE• A SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 - - TIME/DATE - OF - STUDY: _ - 1 415 -- 11/30/1990 - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HAWKER - CRAWFORD CHANNEL * LINE G ALTERNATE SECTION * Q100(BULKED) = 630cfs, b = 10', n = .015 E >>>>CHANNEL INPUT INFORMATION<< << .. -------------------------r----------- CHANNEL Z(HORIZONTAL /VERTICAL) = 1.50 BASEW I DTH+FE ETJ- ­_ ­ 10.00 ---:- CONSTANT CHANNEL SLOPE(FEET /FEET) _ .085500 UNIFORM 630.00 MANNINGS FRICTION FACTOR = .0150 NORMAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> » > NORMAL DEPTH(FEET) = 1.54 FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 14.63 FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 19.00 HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 1.30 FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 33.15 UNIFORM FROUDE NUMBER = 5.127 PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 41334.84 AVERAGED VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 17.069 SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 18.612 CRITICAL -DEPTH FLOW INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL FLOW TOP- WIDTH(FEET) = 22.11 CRITICAL FLOW AREA(SQUARE FEET) = 64.83 CRITICAL FLOW HYDRAULIC DEPTH(FEET) = 2.93 CRITICAL FLOW AVERAGE VELOCITY(FEET /SEC.) = 9.72 CRITICAL DEPTH(FEET) = 4.04 CRITICAL FLOW PRESSURE + MOMENTUM(POUNDS) = 19004.13 AVERAGED CRITICAL FLOW VELOCITY HEAD(FEET) = 1.466 CRITICAL FLOW SPECIFIC ENERGY(FEET) = 5.504 APPENDIX D Cost Estimates HANKER CRAWFORD.CHANNEL SYSTEM Cost Estimate S ummary Duncan Canyon Debris Basin 300,000 _Hawker - Crawford Channel (Above - Rich Basin) ~" 2.471.523 SuFi -Total $2,771,523 Line Bl ' 1,066,946 Line B2' 482,075 bane Cl.- - - 910,625 Line C2 133,750 Line C3 106,875 Line D1 - -- =' 793,250 Line D2 170,000 Line E 721,250 Line F 352, -750 Line G 337.125 TOTAL $7,846,167 * Includes 25% Contingency - Does not include Hawker- Crawford Channel below Rich Basin DUNCAN CANYON DEBRIS BASIN Preliminary Cost Estimate 1) Spillway "& L.S. $ 75,000 2) Ex. Emb. L.S. 65,000 3) Basin Drain & Structure L.S. 50,000 4) Fence L.S. 15,000 5) Misc. L.S. 30,000 Sub -Total =f m $235, 00 :2­58,750 Cont ingencyi • .•• 750 ESTIMATED TOTAL $293,750 USE $300,000 i HAWKER- CRAWFORD CHANNEL SYSTEM (Duncan Canyon to Rich Basin) Preliminary Cost Estimate Item Unit Quantit _.._. t Colt Cost 1) Excavation C.Y. 10•,636 M9 $ __31,908 2) Clearing & Grubbing - -- L.S. - 30,000 3) Congete (Trdkp. Channel) C.Y. 6 25Q,00 1,559760 4 ) 6' "Fence (C.L.) 14,630 12.00 175,560 5) Basin Inlet - -- L.S. - -- 30,000 6) Misc. (Structure) L.S.... - -- 100,000 7) Miscellaneous L.S. - -- 50,000 $1,977,218 Duncan Canyon Debris Basin 235.000 Sub -Total $2,212,218 25% Contingency _ 553,055 TOTAL $2,765,272 n Line Bt Preliminary Cost Estimate r J 0 I u Item unit Quantity unit Cast cost 2) Clearing & Grubbing L.S. L.S. L 7,500 21 Lxcavation G.Y. 10 3 .,00 .30,807 concrete G.Y. .2,,085 250.00 521,250 (Trop. Channel) 4) 6' Fence L.F. 7,000 12.00 84,000 5)' Inlet /Basin L.S. - -- L.S. 75,000 6) Outlet (Rich Basin) L.S. - -- L.S. 10,000 7) Debris Basin L.S. - -- L.S. 100,000 8) Miscellaneous L.S. - -- L.S. 25,000 Sub -Total $ 853,557 (25%) 213.389 r Contingency TOTAL $1,066,946 J 0 I u 0 Line B2 Preliminary cost Estimate n Ell Item Unit Quantity Unit cost Cost OR 1) Clearing & Grubbing L,S.. - -- L.S. $ 7,500 2) Excavation C.Y. 3,120 3.00 9,360 3) (Trop. Channel) C.Y. 660 250.00 165,000 Concrete 4) 6' Fence L.F. 2,400 12.00 28,800 5) Inlet L.S. - -- L.S. 60,000 6) Connection to Bl L.S. - -- _5,000' 7) Debris Basin L.S. ___ Y L.S. 100,000 8) Miscellaneous L.S. - -- T L.S. 10,000 Sub -Total $ 385,660 Contingency (25 %) 96.415 TOTAL $ 482,075 n Ell U, Line Cl Prsliminary Cost Estimate 0 dl- L�l H � 7 1, I0- Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Cost 1) 42" RCP L.F. 500 $105 $ 52 2) 60" RCP L.F. 1100 ISO 165,000 3) 72" RCP .F. 1700 - 180 306,000 4 ) JUf%c . Structure EA ,$ ab, 000 5) Manhal'e - -_.: EA,. * 6 4 -,000 MAW '6) nlut' -. _ L. -S. - -- L,$. 20,000 . 7) -L.S. - -- L.S. 20,-000 8) Debris Basin L.S. - -- L.S. 100,000 9) Misc. �✓+ L.S. - -- L.S. 25,000 $ 728,500 Contingency (25 %) 182,125 TOTAL $ 910,625 0 dl- L�l H � 7 1, I0- 11 Line C2 Preliminary Cost Estimate Item Unit Quantity Unit''dost -Cogt , - ,, 1) 48" RCP $ §4$666 Manhole EPi 2 4,bb0 6,000 3) Inlet T C L.S. --- L.S. 5,000 L.S. --- L.S. 10,000 Sub-Total $ 107,000' Contingency (25%) TOTAL $ 133,750 LI h Line Q Preliminary Cost Estimate H E I I 0 Iteur �Uikt 6ua tit y unit cost Cost '3DI""XCP L. F. 700 $ 75 $ 52,500 2) - MAnhol - w . 1, . EA 2 4,000 8,000 3•) inlet L. S. --- L. S. 15,000 4) Misc. L.S. --- L•S• 10,000 Sub - Total - g 85,500 Contingency (25%) 21, 375 - E i . TOTAL H E I I 0 1'.1e 3G' Line D1 Preliminary Cost Estimate $ 634,600 Contingency (25$) 158.650 TOTAL $ 793,250 Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Cost 1) 48" RCP L.F. 300 $120 $ 36,000 2) 54" RCP L.F. 1000 135 135,000 3) 63" RCP L.F. 1700 158 268,600 4) Junc. Structure EA 2 8,000 16,000 5) Manhole EA 6 4,000 24,000 6) Inlet /Basin L.S. L.S. L.S. 25,000- 7) Outlet L.S. - -- L.S. 5,000 8) Debris Basin L.S. - -- L.S. 100,000 9) Misc. L.S. - -- L.S. 25,000 $ 634,600 Contingency (25$) 158.650 TOTAL $ 793,250 Line D2 Preliminary Cost Estimate Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Cost 1) 48" RCP L.F. 600 $120 $ 72,000 2) Manhole EA 1 4,000 4,000 3) Inlet L.S. L.S. L.S. 40,000 4) Misc. L.S. L.S. L.S. 20,000 Sub -Total Contingency %) $ 136,000, 34,000 (25 TOTAL $ 170,000 Line E Preliminary Cost Estimate Item Unit uantit Unit Q y it Cost Cost 1) 36" RCP L.F. 400 $ 90 $ 36,000 2) 60" RCP L.F. 2000 150 300,000 3) Junc. Structure EA 2 8,000 16,000 4) Manhole EA 5 4,000 20,000 5) Inlet /Basin L.S. L.S. L.S. 30,000 6) Inlet /Pipe L.S. - -- L.S. 30,000 7) Connection L.S. - -- L.S. 15,000 to Channel 8) Debris Basin L.S. - -- L.S. 100,000 9) Misc. L.S. - -- L.S. 30,000 $ 577,000 Contingency (25 %) 144.250 TOTAL $ 721,250 { Line F Preliminary Cost Estimate Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Cost 1) 42" RCP L.F. 600 $105 $ 63,000 2) 51" RCP L.F. 400 128 51,200 3) Manhole EA . 2 4,000 8,000 4) Inlet /Basin L.S. L.S. L.S. 30,000 5) Connection L.S. L.S. L.S. 5,000 Ell to Channel 6) Debris Basin L.S. - -- L.S. 100,000 7) Misc. L.S. - -- L.S. 25,000 $ 282,200 Contingency (258) 70.550 TOTAL $ 352,750 Line G Preliminary Cost Estimate NA x � G Item Unit Quantity Unit Cost Cost 1) 45" RCP L.F. 900 $113 $ 101,700 2) Manhole EA 2 4,000 8,000 3) Inlet /Basin L.S. - -- L.S. 30,000 4) Channel Connection L.S. - -- L.S. 5,000 5) Misc. L.S. - -- L.S. 25,000 6) Debris Basin L.S. - -- L.S. 100,000 Nti $ 269,700 . Contingency (25 %) 67,425 TOTAL $ 337,125 NA x � G