HomeMy WebLinkAboutSphere of Influence -r Table 13 • Project 3-4 Benefit Area Fee Analysis Summary Facility Costs Amount Percent Existing tv $0 0% Proposed a $3,377,625 100% • Total Facility Costs (a) Q �\ $3,377,625 100% Estimated Net Acreage C.J N Developed 26 10% Developable ` 236 90% Total Developed & Developable 262 100% _ 14 = Irj C.1gi r.00 - - Cost per Net Acre # ; b $12,892 = 4 ocri i. r ac roposed Facilities' Costs $3,377,625 100% .,Maximum Potential Revenue $3,037,284 90% Unfunded Costs $340,341 10% a Total = C fair share of total costs for benefit area Which extends outside C Net Acreage Estimate Total Fontana County Developed 26 26 0 Developable 236 236 0 Total 262 262 0 % of Total 100% 100% 0% ' 1r r• r irr raw- *un r rot rat v- 1wNmLLE 62 aft/ OF 1MLTO OEVHOPEN FEES CET M 1 MOM MAMIE FACIITE111 :: -: • .. r - r c IOJIAI N5_w�1 Mrlwe beams. 111. EITILNM F11011 M fi10N MA 157 I WINNOW POPULATION OUNCE QfY10110011 INEM PPE EIT1N1® PE KENT APPOMIOWED PETWINT APPORTION W) POTOWIT ANONIONM LIEU OEEpWIT10N /$T SUE COST NEED OMAN COOT NED oou.mCO.T NIA COLLAR COW a FN MOEN. AMP NNNiIR L; 1455 N6 M•.si UM IN WENN MIAs s.MN a OINb7MON 1 O ILMOAIL IUPLELaDat ma, woe N.7K5M tam a s1011 M mai 5 MOW IWIDAL IAN I9pMpIQ MN 1EINMMNIR LOHNIALTOCIW1Nt 1. 45 07 ram, NO IMEIVILLMAIWALL 1466 a Ma.SN UM a 1711 M 1N.141 WAN 41 W /MUM 1MLUEYIN TWENATE N N1 M MOW WWII 11/540 MIN . If 515N M 41 NO CACTI* VAI EYWITMOTATE N /N a NOUN 1.NM MOW NAM $51555 MN M N MN LiAC, MA.IE1A11TE1!•TATE N PM a SWUM EOM a 115.11 5157.755 11N N M 111 M5ILONL VALLEYNIIIPOTATE N 7N N MEAN SAM a IMAM 111111.1116 A.NII M 46 is LLAC, POOT55L4 LTO CH/MIK 1.55 >wM 111411411 7.111‘ 11.f1/.NM MOM NM,N* 11401 a N a MRJOML WO WO IT1KOOIMINfCN 11.176 Nay 114104111 IMANI 11.754114 MITI N UM 1 47 O AMOK WONEIMU N10AL1: UT* 11.7 exams nay 11.471415 N.NM 11N5477 EOM a RANDALL, ACACIMINiMIOE; WIWINEi, MIOALIJIANIEINMMIIQ 111 110114110110. MLUOMMITIONW WALLOW MN 1E11NAINNOAIALTOCNWNEL t - N NE N SVCANO.IMi1KLMANDALL 1 a MEAN 1.111 MOM 7111 MN.as 6.111 a ' s15 M Ls PN MNOE. AUIMIM 1. I I 1 1.5,47 111.6611 111.6611 NINON WWII 6SWAN ss N a a /MCAIAWE.NIO SAN OEN A55Ua 10OLTONpW1 175 a s1441111 MOM $111.75 WWII 114.511 M55M M 51 J1 1KOVENNI WFA1ALTOCIN11EL 1„75 51 155155 71.511 1176.175 11.651 571.57 1.557 a N 1 IINNHNOE.WOILON�WRAANA 1.115 71.67 11,117.151 MGM 11411.104 56651 awns two MNTA INENINE IM_TOCHAINE - - • - O' N SCHEDULE 8.2 PAGE 3 OF 4 i T APPENDIX B PROJECT 3-4 ENGINEER'S REPORT San Bernardino County Flood Control District June, 1992 7 EX xrr yE SOI IRY I. 0@D: San Bernardino County's existirqComprehensive Storm Drain Plan #3, Project 3 -4 depicts a means of intercerting storm flows generated in the area generally bounded by Interstate 10, Riverside Avenue, Riverside County Line and Palmetto Avenue, and conducting then to the Santa Ana River. The hydrology method used in developing the storm drain plan pre- dates the County's current methodology. The San Bernardino County Flood Control District and Cities of Rialto and Fontana recognized the need to update the hydrology, facility sizes and cost estimates for this storm drain project, in order to develop a funding mechanism. A steering caar mittee consisting of major property owners and representatives of the City of Rialto and Fontana and the County net periodically to discuss study results and make recommendations. II. PORPOSE AND : This study (1) updates the hydrology, drainage facility sizes and cost estimates for the existing Project 3-4 facility alignments Model #1) , (2) evaluates alternate alignments for conducting storm flows generated within the Project 3-4 boundaries to the Santa Ana River Models #2 & #3) , (3) evaluates the use of detention basins to reduce total project costs, and (4) determines an equitable developer fee for the recommended alternate. III. MIS: The recommended plan (Model #1) for regional and local storm drains is shown on Plate #1. A summary of reomaoended project costs, developer fees and funding follows. Ictal Subarea "A" Subarea "B" Facility Costs $30,700,000 $15,400,000 $15,300,000 Fair Share Costs $30,700,000 $18,500,000 ** $12,200,000* Total Tributary Area 4,423 ac. 2,423 ac. 2,000 ac. Adjusted Tributary Area * ** 4,017 ac. 2,054 ac. 1,963 ac. Proposed Fee $9,007 /ac. $6,215/ac. Developable Area 1,069 ac. 776 ac. 933 ac. Fee Revenue $12,800,000 $7,000,000 $5,800,000 Unfunded Costs $17,900,000 $11,500,000 $6,400,000 *Assumes area is only responsible for flows generated within subarea (Model #2) * *Includes $3.1 million increased facility costs throucji Subarea "B" ** *Areas not subject to fees deleted. Includes steep hillsides, parks, schools, and cemeteries. 7 TABLE #2 EMELOPMENT DISTRIBUTION Nodal #1 - Subarea "A" City of City of County of Summary ' Fontana ' Rialto ' San Bdno Total l Vacant Total ' Vacant Total 1 Vacant Total 1 Vacant Area Ac Area Ac Area Ac Area Ac Area Ac Area Ac Area Ac Area Ac <10% Vacant 1101 -0- 8m -0- -0- -0- 1017 -0- Hillside 227 -0- 221 -0- -0- -0- 71 -0- 50% Vacant 222 l4¢ -0- -0- -0- -0- aga lig 70% Vacant 103 72 -0- -0- -0- -0- 103 72 80% Vacant -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- - 0 - -0- -0- 100% Vacant 630 630 298 298 -0- -0- 332 332 TOTAL 2423 121 6�0 222 -0- -0- 1815 478 Adjustment for tadevvelcQable Hillside 6 Public Lands + -369 -233 1 1 -136 REVISED Tam, 2054 271 1272 TABLE #3 DLVzioPMEtif DISTRISCIPIOT Model #1 - Subarea "r' City of City of Ccunty of Summary ' Fontana ' Rialto ' San Bd o Total Vacant Total ' Vacant Total ' Vacant Total 1 Vacant z . i _ - _ _ = ILL - _ _ = i _ - _ _ = i :_ : i__ =_ = i__ :_ i i-__ :_ .=_A. :_ <10% Vacant $fi4 -0- -0- -0- 136 -0- 748 -0- 50% Vacant 113 56 -0- -0- 39 19 74 37 70% Vacant 184 129 -0- - 84 59 100 70 80% Vacant 355 284 -0- -0- 252 202 103 82 100% Vacant 464 464 -0- -0- 170 170 294 294 TOTAL 2000 222 -0- -0- 681 450 1319 Adjustment for Public Lands , -37 , 1 1 i -37 i REVISED Tarn 1963 . 1222 7 T Developer fees in the above amounts would generate $12.8 million of the recommended ded project costs. Table #4 summarizes the reve=nges derived by subsystem and jurisdiction for the recceanended plan Model #1. TAB= #4 DLVEWPER INS REVENUES BY JURISDICTION City of • City of Dainty of hone Rialto San Bdno Model #1 (total) Li L I L Subarea "A" 1 -0- 4_3 VA Subarea "B" -0- 7s$ IN If these developer fees were established by the Cities of Fontana and Rialto and the County of San Bernardino there would remain 817.9 million to be funded by another means. IX. RECCIIMENDATICNS A. Model #1 without basin and this report be adapted as the Project 3 -4 Local Area Drainage Plan and drainage fees in the =amt of S9,007 within Subarea "A" and 86,215 within Subarea "B ", be established within the lnninoorporated areas of the Canty for the canstruc of the Model #1 storm drains. B. This report be provided AMIGA, and the Cities of Fontana and Rialto with a request for their support of the Project 3 -4 Local Area Drainage Plan and for them to establish the aforementioned drainage fees within the Project 3-4 baandaries and within their jurisdiction for the financing of this Plan's reocmoended storm drains. C. The Cities of Rialto and Fontana, AMIGA, Oxinty and District evaluate funding sources for the remaining $17.9 million required to complete the project. 9 7 SBCFCD - PROJECT 3 -4, MODEL -1 12- Sep -91 PAGE 5 LINE D T.C.C. B =10' d =8.5' 3003.38 C.Y. $298 $895,006 R/W COST • 6.92 ACRES $90,000 $622,800 B =10' d =11' 1820.91 C.Y. $298 $542,630 R/W COST 3.77 ACRES $90,000 $339,300 n =.015 Z =1.5:1 SLAB THICKNESS = 6" 108" RCP 2640.00 LF $364 $960,960 MANHOLE NO. 2 87" TO 108" 1.00 Ea $3,832 $3,832 108" 5.00 Ea $5,140 $25,700 TOTAL LINE D $3,390,228 LINE D1 42' RCP 1320.00 LF $131 $172,920 45" RCP 1320.00 LF $137 $180,840 48" RCP 1980.00 LF $142 $281,160 51" RCP 950.00 LF $146 $138,700 MANHOLE NO. 2 42' TO 45" 1.00 Ea $2,321 $2,321 45" TO 48" 1.00 Ea $2,397 $2,397 48" TO 51" 1.00 Ea $2,473 $2,473 42' 3.00 Ea $2,281 $6,843 45" 2.00 Ea $2,359 $4,718 48" 3.00 Ea $2,435 $7,305 51" 1.00 Ea $2,512 $2,512 TOTAL LINE D1 $802,189 LINE D2 39" RCP 1140.00 LF $124 $141,360 45" RCP 1320.00 LF $137 $180,840 48" RCP 1320.00 LF $142 $187,440 60" RCP 1320.00 LF $165 $217,800 63' RCP 1070.00 LF $174 $186,180 7 Appendix C MASTER STORM DRAINAGE BENEFIT AREA NET ACREAGE Page 1 of 2 (a) (b) (e) (d) (e) (I) (9) Adjusted Net Net Developed Gross Public Developable & Developable Auras Enduaone Developed Developable hiprovements Acres Acme FONTANA CITY: Hunter's Ridge 459.5 48.0 0.0 413.5 71.5 342.0 342.0 1-15 North 80.8 24.0 0.0 56.8 23.7 33.1 33.1 1-10 North 10,524.0 1,443.3 3,172.9 5,907.8 2,094.9 3,6129 6,985.6 Hawker Crawford 10,604.8 1,487.3 3,172.9 5,964.6 2,118.6 3,848.0 7,016.9 1-10 South 533.3 39.6 132.5 3612 88.9 272.3 404.8 Deciea North 3,655.4 1,011.1 886.0 1,759.3 428.4 1,330.9 2,215.9 Declez South 543.9 177.9 366.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 366.0 Declez Channel & Basin 4,199.3 1,189.0 1,251.0 1,759.3 426.4 1,330.9 2,581.9 Upper Etiwanda 204.5 47.3 23.0 1342 34.5 99.7 122.7 Middle Etlwsnda 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lower Etiwanda 808.8 297.0 259.3 252.5 52.7 199.8 459.1 Fontana East 2,166.0 256.6 1,600.7 306.7 118.6 190.1 - 1,790.8 Project 3-4 672.9 317.1 26.4 329.4 93.7 235.7 2621 Mt. Jurupa 362.6 351.8 0.0 11.0 3.9 7.1 7.1 Subtotal (h) 20,011.9 4,011.7 6,465.8 9,534.4 3,010.6 8,523.6 12,989.4 COUNTY WITHIN SPHERE: Hunter's R dge 20.6 17.1 0.0 3.5 0.9 2.6 2.6 I-I S North 1,242.9 765.3 49.0 426.6 106.5 323.1 372.1 I-10 North 5,379.1 413.7 2,218.4 2,747.0 706.7 2,038.3 4,256.7 Hawker Crawford 6,62.0 1,179.0 2,267.4 3,175.6 814.2 2,361.4 4,626.6 1-10 South 116.1 0.0 57.5 58.6 14.7 43.9 101.4 Declez North 1,264.7 50.4 919.0 296.3 66.3 229.0 1,148.0 Declez South 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Declez Charnel & Basin 1,264.7 50.4 919.0 296.3 66.3 229.0 1 ,146.0 Upper Etf wnda 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Middle Etiwanda 566.3 141.6 66.6 346.1 86.5 259.6 3282 Lower Etiwanda 24.6 0.0 15.4 9.2 2.3 6.9 22.3 Fontana East 863.9 49.0 635.7 1692 44.1 125.1 760.6 Project 3-4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mt. Jurupa 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Subtotal (h) 9,458.2 1,437.1 3,963.6 4,067.5 1,029.0 3,028.5 6,992.1 Footnotes: (a) Adjusted gross acres - Aaesseor parcel acreage (*Stich dose not include existing dedicated .Mestrh+ighways (b) Exclusions - non - taxable parcels plus taxable parcels with the following General Plan deelgnations: PUC, PS, PR, PPF, OSN, OSR 8 Rt 30 (c) Developed - property not excluded per (c) and which has an improvement value to land value ratio of 1.0 or greeter (d) Developable - (b) adjusted gross acres lees (e) exclusions and (d) developed acres (s) Public improvements ■ (s) vacant developable acreage times a factor of 25 to allow for public dedication during subdivision (Note: a factor of .35 wee applied to R-PC designated property In North Fontana sines most of this acreage is in large vacant parcels) (t) NV developable - (e) developable less (I) public improvements (g) - the total of (d) developed and (g) net developable (h) Hawker Crawford and Dada Channel & Basin oombins the acreage of other benefit tress and thus are occluded in computing subtotals 0) Rancho Cucamonga acreage Q Riverside County acreage 000�o.- o.- 0000 icryn�cy000r. I . Ood�o �g § t3 ql §&Q1o13iiii r`F N .- 88 a dd t3 g a cv , 0 0 0 o .- O- 0 0 0 0 0 0 .- 4o Of Of o ry o 0 o r. 4? P. ry P..- of odd .-odp�dddood' gclaiHetQsSI Q /1gf 4i b tGi § lei 4o 9 � of , I I/ ., v.. 1 Jj 00000.ri. ..00o000� �rycooco�i.on do de�tdair�godd000 Oagia ad + • a 000cyonP.ryood000ry o•o�o.- P.oq. -�p.4 o.- U < g C O d 1 CO Pl fI It d d d O o O IR t" V il I D g g° C X 1( ii gt / li es Ol lJ of Pl i Nz • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O M M 0 0 0 0 0 0 � ♦ O 6 00 0000eo�00000 0� d gii 1$ Sl131g 11t ci u 000000000000000 .: MO M Orf C4 I M OOO.- O b 000000000000 g ii 11 PI g5 11 ' li ii 1r • 000 g onr. g 0 00000cf .1 r..1.o4? co o 1p M • p psM 1 O O O s O g g g d o d o O o °n V M i i i i i i A g g E g li Z RI E 1 1 I I 'ill ill a , x 0/1111111 / g ..