HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOF MPSD INFRASTRUCTURE DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CITY OF FONTANA MPSD FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: Oit-4 ft CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 (909) 350 -7600 PREPARED BY: , ' .. , 1= NJ ( 1 NJ 1 I.` 6 -'•..1 NJ ( i 937 SOUTH VIA LATA SUITE 500 COLTON, CA 92324 (909) 783 -3636 Fax (909) 783 -0108 MAY 3, 2006 REVISED JULY 13, 2006 DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA This report has been prepared by or under the direction of the following registered civil engineer who attests to the technical information contained herein. The registered civil engineer has also judged the qualifications of any technical specialists providing engineering data upon which recommendations, conclusions, and decisions are based. Aric Torreyson RCE 66068 Date Seal Registered Civil Engineer State of California 7/13/2006 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q:\1 041- 102\Infrastructure_Storm_ Drain \Report\Fontana MPSD rev.071306.doc DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 II. PROJECT SITE AND DRAINAGE AREA OVERVIEW 1 III. HYDROLOGY 1 TV. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS 2 V. EXISTING FACILITIES /CITY'S MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE FACILITY 2 VI. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS 3 VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 VIII. REFERENCES 3 APPENDIX "A ": SAN SEVAINE HYDROLOGY STUDY EXCERPT APPENDIX "B ": WSPG HYDRAULIC ANALSIS FOR LINE "A" EXHIBIT "A ": HYDROLOGY MAP (SCALE 1 "= 1000') EXHIBIT "B ": HAWKER CRAWFORD CHANNEL REFERENCE PLAN EXHIBIT "C ": CITY OF FONTANA MASTER STORM DRAINAGE PLAN 7/13/2006 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q:\ 1041- 102\ Infrastructure_ Storm_ Drain\Report\Fontana MPSD rcv.071306.doc DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA L PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this report is to investigate and evaluate the drainage problems of the MPSD LINE "A" of City of Fontana and to develop a drainage plan that would provide this 1289 -acre project area with improved drainage and flood protection from the 100 -year frequency storm. Implementation of this plan in conjunction with the construction of the regional drainage facilities, namely the Hawker Crawford Channel, will achieve this goal. The plan will also act as a planning guide for locating and sizing drainage facilities to be constructed by developers and others within the project area. The extent of the studies establishing this plan includes the following: A. Review of available drainage reports for the project site. B. Determination of the quantities of 100 -year store runoff based on the available hydrology report. C. Determination of the location and size of the proposed drainage facilities. D. Preparation of the drainage report. II. PROJECT SITE AND DRAINAGE AREA OVERVIEW The MPSD LINE "A" is located in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County. The project is roughly bounded by Hawker Crawford Channel to the west, Duncan Canyon Road to the south, and Sierra Avenue to the east. Highway I -15 bisects the project site in a southwesterly direction. The drainage area covered by this plan consists of approximately 1289 -acres undeveloped open space. Based on existing topography, the project site drains in a southwesterly direction. III. HYDROLOGY A number of hydrological and flood control studies have been performed for the project site and surrounding areas. These studies have been reviewed and used for reference in the preparation of this report. A list of references is included in Section VIII. The report having a direct impact to the proposed project is the San Sevaine Water Project, dated May 1995 (Reference 3) prepared by Boyle Engineering Corporation. This report was used to evaluate the ultimate hydrological data for Hawker Crawford Channel and the Rich Detention Basin. Additionally, Boyle's study was used as the basis for the rational and hydrograph calculations for the existing condition. In 2002, revisions to Boyle Engineering's hydrology study tributary to the City of Fontana Master Drainage Line "A" were made to reflect the current land use plan for the City of Fontana. These modifications were performed by the County of San Bernardino Flood Control District. The revised hydrology study served as the basis of Line "A" facility design. In the modified hydrology July 13, 2006 1 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q: \1041 - 102\ Infrastructure_ Storm_ Drain\Report\Fontana MPSD rev.071306.doc DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA study, 100 -year 1 -hour rainfall value of 1.56 inches was used with slope of intensity duration curves equal to 0.6. Hydrologic Soil Groups "A" and `B" were used for the study area. Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) 2 was used to determine the peak storm flows IV. HYDRAULIC ANALYSES The Los Angeles County Water Surface Pressure Gradient (WSPG) software Program is utilized to evaluate the water surface profile gradient for the proposed storm drain facilities. V. "EXISTING" FACILITIES /CITY'S MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE FACILITY There will be two drainage facilities near the study area before the construction of MPSD Line "A ". These are the Hawker Crawford Channel and the Rich Detention Basin. A brief description of these existing facilities follows: Hawker Crawford Channel The Hawker Crawford Channel extends in a southwesterly direction to the west of the project site. It drains a watershed of approximately 2,488 acres in size with a maximum ultimate 100 -year storm runoff of 4,823 cfs. The slope is steep ranging from 3 to 4.5 percent. In existing condition, the channel sides are protected with small cobbles and rocks for the most part. At the downstream terminus of this creek is the existing Hawker Crawford Channel (part of the Coyote Canyon Project) and Rich Detention Basin. The facility is owned and maintained by SBCFCD. The future reach of the Hawker Crawford Channel located adjacent to I -15, is proposed to begin as a concrete -lined trapezoidal channel with a bottom width of 10 feet, depth of 6 feet, and 1.5 to 1 side slopes. A single cell 12' W X 7' H RCB culvert is proposed at the roadway crossing of Lytle Creek Road. After the confluence with City of Fontana MPSD Line "A ", an existing 16' W X 12' H RCB will be used for the Hawker Crawford Channel until it joins the existing section constructed with the Coyote Canyon development. With the construction of the channel the interim training levees will be removed. A debris basin will be provided at the upstream terminus to trap approximately 11.8 acre -feet of debris. The proposed debris basin and channel is proposed to be maintained by San Bernardino County Flood Control. Rich Detention Basin The Rich Detention Basin is a major flood control facility and it drains a 3,234 -acre watershed. The basin is owned and maintained by SBCFCD. This facility is a major component of SBCFCD's San Sevaine Water Project. Currently, the basin is under construction to its estimated ultimate size. Until the operation of the City of Fontana MSDP Line "A ", Rich Basin will be oversized for the 100 -yr flood event. Rich Basin will mitigate the increase in storm flows from the development of the tributary watershed. July 13, 2006 2 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q:\ 1041 - 102 Unfrastructure_Storm_Drain\Report \Fontana MPSD rev.071306.doc DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA VI. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS The following is a brief description of the recommended drainage improvements: The City's `North Fontana Master Plan of Drainage Line "A "' Line "A" is an underground RCB storm drain system with a total length of approximately 8200 feet. It starts near the intersection of Sierra Avenue and Duncan Canyon Road, extends westerly along Duncan Canyon Road for about 6950 feet, and takes a northwesterly direction to cross Highway I- 15 and join the Hawker Crawford Channel. Line "A" is proposed to intercept storm flows emanating from a drainage area of 1289 acres with a 100 -year peak flow of 3,096 ft /sec (Reference 3), and conveys them into the Hawker Crawford Channel. The slope of Line "A" varies between 0.003 and 0.0256. For the most part, 12' W X 8' H RCB is proposed, and it will be increased to 12' W X 10' 1-1 RCB before connected to the Hawker Crawford Channel. In a 100 -year storm event, Line "A" will experience a maximum flow velocity of 29.4 ft /sec. VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the studies and investigations made for this report, it is concluded that: • A drainage system is needed to safely convey storm runoff through the project area with the least interruption to public services. The MPSD Line "A ", which is presented in this report, in conjunction with the City's master plan of drainage and improvement plan for the regional facilities (Hawker Crawford Channel and Debris Basin), are such systems. This report reconunends that: • The drainage plan, as set forth herein, be used as a guide for all future developments within the north area in the city of Fontana and that such developments be required to conform to the plan insofar as possible. • With the future development a detailed drainage analysis and report be performed to support the proposed construction for the intract, rough grading, street, and drainage improvement plans. VIII. REFERENCES 1. County of San Bernardino; Hydrology Manual, August 1986. 2. Bi11 Maim & Associates in association with Hall & Foreman, Inc.; Hawker - Crawford Channel and Rich Basin (Volume IA), City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, August 1991. 3. Boyle Engineering Corporation; San Sevaine Water Project, May 1995. July 13, 2006 3 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q:\ 1041 - 102U nfrastructure _Storm_Drain \Report\Fontana MPSD rev.071306.doc APPENDIX "A ": SAN SEVAINE HYDROLOGY STUDY EXCERPT APPENDIX "B ": WSPNG HYDRAULIC ANALSIS FOR LINE "A" EXHIBIT "A ": HYDROLOGY MAP (SCALE: 1 "= 1000') EXHIBIT "B ": HAWKER CRAWFORD CHANNEL REFERENCE PLAN EXHIBIT "C ": CITY OF FONTANA MASTER STORM DRAINAGE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE DRAINAGE REPORT FOR CITY OF FONTANA MPSD FONTANA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: , s k i : 4 1 k 6 is i *.,,c)00, fl 4 .,.,, ,,,,,,,,, CITY OF FONTANA 8353 SIERRA AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92335 (909) 350 -7600 PREPARED BY: A EI4CA SC 1, NJ CI 1 NJ 1.. I - 1-Z1 NI +C_. a 937 SOUTH VIA LATA • SUITE 500 COLTON, CA 92324 (909) 783 -3636 • Fax (909) 783 -0108 MAY 3, 2006 REVISED JULY 13, 2006 DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA This report has been prepared by or under the direction of the following registered civil engineer who attests to the technical information contained herein. The registered civil engineer has also judged the qualifications of any technical specialists providing engineering data upon which recommendations, conclusions, and decisions are based. Aric Torreyson RCE 66068 Date Seal Registered Civil Engineer State of California 7/13/2006 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q:\ 1041-1 02U nfrastructure_Storm_Drain\Report\Fontana MPSD rev.071306.doc DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1 II. PROJECT SITE AND DRAINAGE AREA OVERVIEW 1 III. HYDROLOGY 1 N. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS 2 V. EXISTING FACILITIES /CITY'S MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE FACILITY 2 VI. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS 3 VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 VIII. REFERENCES 3 APPENDIX "A ": SAN SEVAINE HYDROLOGY STUDY EXCERPT APPENDIX "B ": WSPG HYDRAULIC ANALSIS FOR LINE "A" EXHIBIT "A ": HYDROLOGY MAP (SCALE 1 "= 1000') EXHIBIT "B ": HAWKER CRAWFORD CHANNEL REFERENCE PLAN EXHIBIT "C ": CITY OF FONTANA MASTER STORM DRAINAGE PLAN 7/13/2006 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q:\ 1041- 102\ Infrastructure_Storm_Drain\Report\Fontana MPSD rev.071306.doc DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this report is to investigate and evaluate the drainage problems of the MPSD LINE "A" of City of Fontana and to develop a drainage plan that would provide this 1289 -acre project area with improved drainage and flood protection from the 100 -year frequency storm. Implementation of this plan in conjunction with the construction of the regional drainage facilities, namely the Hawker Crawford Channel, will achieve this goal. The plan will also act as a planning guide for locating and sizing drainage facilities to be constructed by developers and others within the project area. The extent of the studies establishing this plan includes the following: A. Review of available drainage reports for the project site. B. Determination of the quantities of 100 -year storm runoff based on the available hydrology report. C. Determination of the location and size of the proposed drainage facilities. D. Preparation of the drainage report. II. PROJECT SITE AND DRAINAGE AREA OVERVIEW The MPSD LINE "A" is located in the City of Fontana, San Bernardino County. The project is roughly bounded by Hawker Crawford Channel to the west, Duncan Canyon Road to the south, and Sierra Avenue to the east. Highway I -15 bisects the project site in a southwesterly direction. The drainage area covered by this plan consists of approximately 1289 -acres undeveloped open space. Based on existing topography, the project site drains in a southwesterly direction. III. HYDROLOGY A number of hydrological and flood control studies have been performed for the project site and surrounding areas. These studies have been reviewed and used for reference in the preparation of this report. A list of references is included in Section VIII. The report having a direct impact to the proposed project is the San Sevaine Water Project, dated May 1995 (Reference 3) prepared by Boyle Engineering Corporation. This report was used to evaluate the ultimate hydrological data for Hawker Crawford Channel and the Rich Detention Basin. Additionally, Boyle's study was used as the basis for the rational and hydrograph calculations for the existing condition. In 2002, revisions to Boyle Engineering's hydrology study tributary to the City of Fontana Master Drainage Line "A" were made to reflect the current land use plan for the City of Fontana. These modifications were performed by the County of San Bernardino Flood Control District. The revised hydrology study served as the basis of Line "A" facility design. In the modified hydrology July 13, 2006 1 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q: \1041- 102\ Infrastructure_Storm_Drain\Report \Fontana MPSD rev.071306 1oc DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA study, 100 -year 1 -hour rainfall value of 1.56 inches was used with slope of intensity duration curves equal to 0.6. Hydrologic Soil Groups "A" and "B" were used for the study area. Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) 2 was used to determine the peak storm flows IV. HYDRAULIC ANALYSES The Los Angeles County Water Surface Pressure Gradient (WSPG) software Program is utilized to evaluate the water surface profile gradient for the proposed storm drain facilities. V. "EXISTING" FACILITIES /CITY'S MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE FACILITY There will be two drainage facilities near the study area before the construction of MPSD Line "A ". These are the Hawker Crawford Channel and the Rich Detention Basin. A brief description of these existing facilities follows: Hawker Crawford Channel The Hawker Crawford Channel extends in a southwesterly direction to the west of the project site. It drains a watershed of approximately 2,488 acres in size with a maximum ultimate 100 -year storm runoff of 4,823 cfs. The slope is steep ranging from 3 to 4.5 percent. In existing condition, the channel sides are protected with small cobbles and rocks for the most part. At the downstream terminus of this creek is the existing Hawker Crawford Channel (part of the Coyote Canyon Project) and Rich Detention Basin. The facility is owned and maintained by SBCFCD. The future reach of the Hawker Crawford Channel located adjacent to I -15, is proposed to begin as a concrete -lined trapezoidal channel with a bottom width of 10 feet, depth of 6 feet, and 1.5 to 1 side slopes. A single cell 12' W X 7' H RCB culvert is proposed at the roadway crossing of Lytle Creek Road. After the confluence with City of Fontana MPSD Line "A ", a existing 16' W X 12' H RCB will be used for the Hawker Crawford Channel until it joins the existing section constructed with the Coyote Canyon development. With the construction of the channel the interim training levees will be removed. A debris basin will be provided at the upstream terminus to trap approximately 11.8 acre -feet of debris. The proposed debris basin and channel is proposed to be maintained by San Bernardino County Flood Control. Rich Detention Basin The Rich Detention Basin is a major flood control facility and it drains a 3,234 -acre watershed. The basin is owned and maintained by SBCFCD. This facility is a major component of SBCFCD's San Sevaine Water Project. Currently, the basin is under construction to its estimated ultimate size. Until the operation of the City of Fontana MSDP Line "A ", Rich Basin will be oversized for the 100 -yr flood event. Rich Basin will mitigate the increase in storm flows from the development of the tributary watershed. July 13, 2006 2 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q: \1041- 102\Infrastructure_Storm Drain\Report\Fontana MPSD rev.071306doc DRAINAGE PLAN MPSD LINE "A" - FONTANA, CALIFORNIA VI. RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS The following is a brief description of the recommended drainage improvements: The City's `North Fontana Master Plan of Drainage Line "A "' Line "A" is an underground RCB storm drain system with a total length of approximately 8200 feet. It starts near the intersection of Sierra Avenue and Duncan Canyon Road, extends westerly along Duncan Canyon Road for about 6950 feet, and takes a northwesterly direction to cross Highway I- 15 and join the Hawker Crawford Channel. Line "A" is proposed to intercept storm flows emanating from a drainage area of 1289 acres with a 100 -year peak flow of 3,096 ft /sec (Reference 3), and conveys them into the Hawker Crawford Channel. The slope of Line "A" varies between 0.003 and 0.0256. For the most part, 12' W X 8' H RCB is proposed, and it will be increased to 12' W X 10' H RCB before connected to the Hawker Crawford Channel. In a 100 -year storm event, Line "A" will experience a maximum flow velocity of 29.4 ft/sec. VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the studies and investigations made for this report, it is concluded that: • A drainage system is needed to safely convey storm runoff through the project area with the least interruption to public services. The MPSD Line "A ", which is presented in this report, in conjunction with the City's master plan of drainage and improvement plan for the regional facilities (Hawker Crawford Channel and Debris Basin), are such systems. This report recommends that: • The drainage plan, as set forth herein, be used as a guide for all future developments within the north area in the city of Fontana and that such developments be required to conform to the plan insofar as possible. • With the future development a detailed drainage analysis and report be performed to support the proposed construction for the intract, rough grading, street, and drainage improvement plans. VIII. REFERENCES 1. County of San Bernardino; Hydrology Manual, August 1986. 2. Bill Maim & Associates in association with Hall & Foreman, Inc.; Hawker - Crawford Channel and Rich Basin (Volume IA), City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, August 1991. 3. Boyle Engineering Corporation; San Sevaine Water Project, May 1995. July 13, 2006 3 AEI•CASC ENGINEERING Q: \1041- 102\Infrastructure_Storm Drain\Report \Fontana MPSD rev.071306doc C Li.] Z <C o w >- o Z z Z CD U / o QD ' Ad daeaS Q c 'Ad SSddA0 .?d, .>› .AV Sne11Q y z 0 z 'ad >133aD 371,1 Q c_.) c) W o --( o st> o U