HomeMy WebLinkAbout4397-6&ENFERAL C-ONOITIOWS ' 1, CONTRACT PO6Ui,1fff-NT5I 67ficHl consist of speciricsitions and Its gone,,ral coricfltrori�- oild the drowing.s, The Inkent of these documents Is to include, all labor, materials, and 5orvlco.�, necessory Pot- the, proper excovklon OF the work, Th_ - documents ore, to Do con5ldored a,, one, ono' i-,thatovor Is called Par Oy any part shall be as bindIng o5 IF called Par by all parl:5. 2. VERIFICATIOM Tile, contractor shall verify i-necisvrements on the dral,4ings bel'ore becInning work, In cose OF orror a?, cif5creporic,y In the drowing5 or specifications or in work OF others offecting his work, he shall notity the Owners reprosentotive immediately. "Ille contractor sholl be hold responsible rot" any damage, or loss duo to his failure, to ob,,&rvo the -5c, instructions. 5. LIC,EN55 Ali work 5holl be performed by a 6-27-Cafirorrito LicenE,ed Lond6copo Contractor. 4, 11,13URANC,r-� The Contractor, shall carry oil 1,,iorkmon's Compensation, Public, Liability and Prqport� Damage Insurance as required by all opplicoble, codes, requotiong Ono the Owner. 5� LANr>_50APt� ARCHITECTS LIABIL17Y. The owner and coil kroo tor�s, reco,3nfzIng the inherent rIgk5 connected with conqtru,��tlori, agree to lIrritt any ond all lfoc,tifty, claim Per- domogio5, cost of',co,fonsc, or expenses to be, loviod o9ornst the Lond5catoo Architect on account of any design defect, orror, orril5glon, or protessloncil negligence to a �-,,um riot to exceed b5501000� 6. CON-57RUCTION 5AFIF7Y, `Fhe design, adockuctcy and goroky or erection, excovoklon, Procing, shoring, temporary supports, otc,, 15 kho 5olo ro5pon5lbiflty OF the Contractor, and has not been considerod by the Land-5cape Architect. or his con.5ultonts, The contractor 15 responsible Par the stability of, any structures orid excavation,, ondsholl I provide tile necessary bror-Ing to provide, stability during the, entire con5krucklon propro5s, Obscrvotion vfslh� to the Ji site by tile Loi iltect at- his consultants sholl not Include fn_�,cectlon O� tile above Items. 7, 5URVE)'5, FERMIT5, RIFOULATION5� The, owner shall Furnish On odequoto survey OF the property, Tile contractor shall obtoln and pay foi- all permfl:5 and comply with oil loNs arid l � ordinance,,, bectring on tile operation or Conduct OF the work as drown and specifted, If the contractor Observes that a vorloncis exists therewith tie snail promptly notify the owner'r, reproeontoNve In NrItIng, and any neces.5ory chonges 5holl be, ocjusted cis provided in the contract For changes in the work. 43� PROTECTION OF P,IORK, PROPER7Y ANE) PER_,�,OM The Contractor shall adequately protect the work, odtfor-orit property and the public, and shall be responsible for ci�y damage- or I'llury duo to his act, q, CHANOE5 IN THE 1,4ORKe The os,e),-'r rriqy order changes In the f-jork, The, contract 5uai being adjusted occordingly, All I ,such orders and adjustments p0s claims 1��q the, Contractor For extro5 musk be made before e1X1oc()tIng the i,qork Involved, 10� PROV15ION15 FOR ]_=XTRA!5� No new work of any �fnci shall be, Considered on extra unless a ,5oporote o5kimoto is given For cold work boForo It Is commoncoof and until some is approved bei y the owner, and then not unless the, owner First so ordered in Ht-fting arid the porticulor extra work 15 specified In writing and the cost agreed upon bletwoon tile owner and tile contractor, Except for extra work-, ordered fly the owner I according to unit Prices, which hove been bid, any extra work porlormea, not authorized as provided above>, will riot arid cannot be, paid Pot- by tile Owner. it, 5UF15TITUTION5� All motorlols sholl be �,poclflod vnie5s the contractor ran estoolls,ki tile, Fact l,hak they are uncivollable, ond 5ub,,,tIh)PIons are, approved In writing by the Lond5cope, I Architect, 12, LAN050AFFE COORPINATORS 5TA77)5� The lond.5cope 600rdfflotor act-, as the outhorized rept-e5ontotive at the owner in , ,,on,onclio 0 Oc 'Cop, minor ,I,_ also frit _ __r Oy , , top t �b. 13, 01-A91PICADON OF,PRAININ65 6EPORE BIPDIN0-.- After revlei,dng the- drai,ongs, thoroughly it is the coritrocf;or5 reopon5fbifify to clorify with the Landscape, Archlkect or owrioit%s representotive, any que*Nons tile contractor may hove, riggording the method at, construction, clucintltlo5, or quoifty OF materials Ingficoked or colleel out. IF the contractor cannot contoct the Landscape Architect or owner's I representative, the Contractor must quallPy his bid or acc,opt the Interpretation of the, Lond6copo Architect or owners repro5isill:ative on the qf-estforlablo areas cie, they develop during,ronstroation, � 14. _15AMPLE5z 7'he Landscope Arohlitect re5eilves the right to toke Ono onoiyzo, 5omples of materials For conformity to speafflootion5 at any time. The. contro,sikor gholf Furnish aomple5 upon neque.5t by the Lond5cope Architect, Rejected material oholl be fmmedfo�ey, removeat Prom tile, cite and replaced at Contractors oxperf5e� The cost of testing I motericus not meeting -5pecIFItotlons sholt Do- pold For by the odnikr6ctort 15� PRE-CON15TRUCTION CONP�ERENCffi 5chcdule a prs,-coristructlon meeting i,,ilth the Landscape Archltec� at loci5l, 7 day-- 1;�,-Foro boafrining, work. Tile purpose, OF this ccnFerence is to review any questions the contractor may have regarding the work I admirilskrotIve procedures during cons truc, tions and project work schodulo, 16� 60111PLETION, Completion is defined os being whon oil conditions of thc� contract hove been ciccornpllshe��d. 5peclPlocifly Hhon oil items ore Installed, the areas cleaned and the rnointonorice period scitl5tockorily cornpicked, and hen off special tools ond ocloterrient, Instruc,tforig, written quot-oritees, ag-bulit plone, flon roicasor ciric? any lte,rrg, required by the, contract, documents have boon proinc,rly executed end detiverod to Ole owner, I The Loriciscaps Archikoct eholl hove Full outhortty to occe I pt or reject the contract items and Hill promptly notify the owner OF completion, 17, OUARANTEE� In addition to specified euororitcc5 provided for In the separate sections of the, gpocfFicotions, file contractor shall guarantee in wrIting all workmon-5hip and materials to be free from ofeFect For a period OF one year From lihe dote OF acceptance of Ole work by the, owner without acYclItIonot cost. to the owner. IRRIOATION 5FECIFICATION5 1� MW ap HOME The Contractor shall provide, oil labor, toofee, machinery and processes noces5ary to ln5toli a complete, firrigotion 5ugfom Cis shown on the. plon,- andlor specified hor�fn. Nfion completed the Irrlqoklon 5ysltom shall be, IOOR5 coveroge system in total Functioning monnor, M 019NAL REXWMR04MM A� VL=RIFICATION Or- PIMENSION, All scoled dirnen5iong, Cre opproximat.e. 5 --Fore proceeding with a,rfy ;,�ork, the Controctorshah caro(luliy check and verity Oil dimensions, 5pocing of _�hrlrker heads, locoPlori OF valves ond vocuum breakers, and propo5ed P.O.C, shall I be as indicated on the drai-olngs, Any deviation From the plons must: hove. tile, opprovot of the O;-jnor's Repre.5ontative or the Loncigc<,ipig Architect, 13, VERIFICATION OF FIN15H ORAVEr The Controckor 5holl In5pect the site, and check all Piril,sh grades Nfthln the, work area In order to insure the proper got[ coverage, (or, specli'led) OF sprinkler system plpe,5, 0. NATr-R 51JPPL�', The Contractor shall verIP and be Familiar w1kh tho source OF Hot �0 sprinkler cis indicated on the drowi��s' 0, F�FRMIT13 ANP PEIH,3� Via Contractor shall apply and pay for oil nocos5ciry permit-,, and Fees roquIred In the, pur5ull of his work o5 required by the governing coder,, E, CAREF- OF EXIC57"IN& WILDIN65 AND 51TE, The Contractor I shall be heldroaponsfbio For the, rare and -tion of oil exlsblnc� buildings ondstructure.s Pros .r� ,,,,,, an =, ro ty and oqjoCarif, promises Ono,' contf,ouclus property. Any pork OF thom Injured, cYomogcd or disturbed becou5e, of big work shall be, repolrod, re-plococt, at- cleaned by him at his expenge, -1 MENNIMM No ULdergLou�d Service AIert --.------ 7 OF THE GOVERNMENT _____ - I W, . CODE REQUIRES A DIG ALERT IDENTIFICATION _. = NUMBER BE ISSUED BEFORE A PERMIT TO EXCAVATE WILL BE VALID -_ -_ �ii� - FOR YOUR DIG ALERT I.D. NUMBER CALL -------- - - ICE ALERT --- ____ TOLL FRrt 1-800-227-2600 ____ TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG REV, REVISON DESCRIPT LEL:: waffiWWW"MIUMNSWANSOMM"Howam F, REVIEN OF VRAI`41N,55!�� 11, Is the, Controctor�3 1105ponsIbIlity to review IrWotlotl draNings and noko I any orecir he believes a . Ittonol head.,, or volvor, are, required prior to 5ubmitting a bid, IF no chon9o5 ore, oubmItted the Contractor 19 rcspon,,lble for Pull c<�,voragio of Nie, .sprinkler System and provIdInci � additional ecfyipmenk� as necessary at kho ContFoctor's, expen.r,c. i5p, 6OVERNINO Rr:OULATIOM All local, municipal ondstote laws, rules, andregulotforis governing, at- retaking to arligIportlon of this work are hereby Incorporoke5d Into on Mode a port or the" gpecff(6�71;loiv, and their Provisions shall Die carried ouk� by the sprinkler contractor, H, PIAORAMMATIC PF!3tOM This dostgn is diagrammatic,, All pipe, votv&5, etc, g,hoHn w[kilfirt paved orects, at,$ for design clortPl6oklon Only and shall be instolled in Planter oroci6 f-4here po,rF,fbie, Never frf5to)i backPlow preventers In lawn or,00g, always In shrub 1, il,15TALLATIOM All Irrigation nictorlols ,5holl 1;)e Installed In o6cordonCe with tile techniques and , speclPfcotions get forth by each respective nionufoaurer, All pertinent descriptive literature Issued by those moriurcicturers becomes port at those c ,spoclf`fcatlom� oFter having been approved by kho Owner's authorized representative, 5v6h installation proct:lcisgi shall be, follol,�ect only if the directions at the Irrigation drawfrigs and speclPicotions do riot thoroughly and Completely order the methods at, techniques to 470 Followed, Install all eqolpment and material,,, a., shown in dotolls, ,J, 5/Tk!� PRODLEM5z The Irrigaition Contractor shall not Hilipully ln5t;411 the oprInkicr system cts InOlcoted on cirowltigs i -then it is ob-vloug in the field that there ore. unknown Obstruction,,, grade difteercrices, ardlor discrepancies in the area dlmen,�,Iorfg until such conctiltiong at,&, brought to the attention OF the, Lond5cope, Archftecl:� N. MIM" A, 5prInkler matertals and equipmerik sholl be OF type, size and locotlon as note,,J and indicated On the drawings, Unlegs permission to Change is granted from the, Loi�idscape Architect at, ONner'k,'Represoritative, rookorlat are, to be noH, and in parrect condition, No deviations Prom this, specifications sholl L-, cillo),qect, The decision OF the Lorictscope Architect ,,boil be final In tile, ciaterm(notfon of tile, quality of materials. 5, F-001PHENT TO BE PI)RN15HED: 1, 5upply a5 a port OF I.hlg contract the Following tOO16: Two (2) sets of 5pecial tools required Pot^ removIng, dt6osgerribling and adjusting cloch � type of sprInkler and vnlve supplied on 01D, project, Two (2) Five Foot volve key-, for Operation or gote volveg� TWO (2) key., for each outomokk, controller, Four (4) quick couplor keys and motchtng ho'so , �,)-Ilve,15 Far each type or '4pfck couF­)Ifrlq volve, installed, � 2, Turn over the required equipment to the, Owner at,, tile conclusIon OF the project, prior to final fnspectfoa IV. INNALLAIM A, EXCAVATIC'�N: 1, The Contractor shall Verity exciet locaklon5 at oil existing �506urrcice ukilitle5 (any mechanical and electrical) torfor to execivotiort, Any utflli:05, A.C� poving, concrete i,qork,otc,, ciss-troyed or damaged by any Nork under this - . contract .qhotl be ropoirect or� reploced at, Ole Contractor's &,>�penge, 2, rrenche5 For pipe ,shall be cut to required grado line, at a true gradient to Provide un/101-111 , ,upport for the Pull length of Pipe, 3, Oepth at trenches ,,hall be sufficient to provide a minimum cover above the top of the pipe or, noted on the orawings. 13, JOININ6 I'Viec-, 1, The Contractor is re,,;pon_-lbIe to be forillifor with the methods or cesomotirg,jointefg, and tilstollifle th,e vorlo0c type of pipe, to be used He will adhero In strict accordance with tile manidfoeturer'6 recommender) proceciures, 2 No PVC /pill& 5holl Do thraoCip.a! and all tronMtforl from Pvb to metol piping 5holf 06 by, pvc, male, thr&60 odbiottli- PItting. 0, TE5 7`5. 1, All main lines and lateral Ine.5 which hove gluedJoInts under povin in the 5y5kom shall be capped and iores5ured ?Iosked at 150 psi, Z Pressure shall be 5urtolnod In the Ifne,5 Par not less than Four hours, IP leake develop tile, 1pink�s .shall be, roploced and the, test repootod li)ntff the, entire system is i-4okertight, R DACKFILLIN6 1, 5ocki'lli sholl not, be placed until khe installed sprInklor sitskorr has been Inspo6ked and opprovoo' , by the, owii-,rs reprocentatIve, 2, Trenches shall be backFilled wIth a minimum of 4" of Pine gronvior mokerfols to protect, the pipe from the clods at rocks the. romcf1rinq , excavated dIrt can be used as backPIll, 1 , he Contractor shn// not place dakrimegntal subsoll in the top 6" OF bockrill, � 5� IF settlement occurs one adjustments in pipes, volves, gprinkler floods or sod fire, necessary to bring tile system to proper i,qorklng order, the Conkroctor ,--ball or, a port of the work under this Contract make all the noces5ory adjustment without extra cost to the, Owner, 1� AUTOMATIC COP17'RIOLLER AND VALVE5� I� A 1,20 volt electrical power outlet ko the controller shall Lie, provided by the clectrIcol contractor, Refer to the g0ccf,rlcol eriginaer's plans for the exact location, The Irrigation controctor shall bes rospon5lblo for making the hook-up Prom the, ovtlet ko the, contre,,fller, 2, All Hire from tile controller to ele.c.tric control valves .shall be solid coppor 1) F # 14=600 voill, direct burial. Use white wire For common, blue for town ,systems, black for shrub systems end red Par moisture sensors common control j,p)rc, Install in common trench with main line pipe wherig po5slbto, provide minimum 0" cove,% 5. Hire connections ,,,hall be mode with 'Scotch -Lok` wire connector seallne ot*6 #357c':1 or Spears "PrI-splIce" with gooloriM 300, 4, There shall be a conkroi Hire Prom each control volve runriN to the coritrolk��r, orld each cortilrol v,,,:iI\;&, shoN be, 6onri&Cted to the common 5, All electrical work shall comply with applicables codes, 6, Install oil volve,s per details, V. fWANIIK" (AS-WOWs F`­ocuro from Landiscope Architect fronsporenry (ozalid) of popping layoulk and accurately locate volves, existing tr , oes tot- Future. use, romotis, control volves . Nith nuihber of stations, ord ilOrtng From controllers � to romote control va,Ive-,. Plmeiig,lori From two rernicirtent Fe,okures, .such as bullcfln95 and Ncttk,,,, After Final Inspection and before final poyment, transparency sholl be delivered to Lond5r,qP;,)e Architect, �5no get of prints shall be suppled to Owner by the C,ontractor. K CLEAR4Pe A, 50OPE ANI,7 F-RE6f)ffN6)r,, After all ftetollotion ciloeratlori5 have, been completed, remove oil tro5h, oxce5s sell arid rubbish from the, proporty� All scors, ruts or other morks In the area caused 6l this work 6ho/I be, repolred and the ground left -In a nocit and orderly condition throughout tile g1te, 'File Contractor shelf pick up ol(trosh resulting Prom thiz work no less than Cecil Friday k,ePorc leaving khe site, orice a week oridlor the tosk working day each wcok� All trash 5ha/I be, removed completi,ly Prom the site. wh C04ME17M A, IN.51"IECTION4 Inspection of complete, Irrig ��atlon sy5terrf i,illl De made, at. pre-mclInterionco and rfn6l Inspection for picintlinq, par arrarigemient Ntth I_ondoc,cilf�a Ar,��hlkoct, 0� OUARANTEIF5: The critiro sprinklor systerin shall Do gunronteect by the contractor as to tricitcriol aric� Norkmanshio, Irfch,k,11ng .settling of bockpille'd areas I,,Avlow grode [or, ci period OF (1) year following the. dote OF final occeptorice of the Hark. IF, i-ilthin one, year Prom tile, date, OF Completion settIlrig occurs, ond ocfifustmcrit��-, In pipes, volves and sprinkler floods, 5�od or poving Is neco.5gory to bring tho 5ys,tem, cod or poving ko the proper level OF the pormnn&nt grades, � � the Conkroctor, as port OF work urx),or this c4nitroct, e .,hall make, oil oo,lustmoritc )-jikhout extra Cast to tile, O"nor, Including the, complete restoration ot all damaged plonting, Paving or other irriprovemerik'5 OF any kind, C, RE'5PONC51511LITY: 5hould any ope,reitional dirftrultiog in connection with the sprinkler system covelop fq[thfn khe speclieted quarontee, period which is In thr opinion OF the 1-onds,cope Architea clue, to InForlor materlol and/or f,Qorkmcfn5h1p, sold difficulillc* shall bo timmedlately corroc,tod by the Controctor to the 5citf5roctlon OF the Londscope Arc,hItect at no additional cost, to the, Owner, Including any and all other damage caused by 5ix,h doPects� P . IN-57'RIUCTION; AFter the sygilem no,, been compicted and the connection,, mode, the Contractor shall In5truct the Owner or fit-, rcpre,5,e-ntoklve, if) the, e.�perotion oncI mainkencince op the 5y5tem� E, TEHPORAR"r REPAIR!3� Tile Owrie,,r reserve,,,-, the r(ght to eroke tomf_-,�orory reporrs as necossory to keep the sprinkler system equipment in operotf�9 condition, Tile, oxorclso of thf� right by the Owner -5holl not relieve, the Contractor OF his rosponsIblittles, under the terms of the. guarantee as here -in specirlool, 3, Ts_qI,,5 shall be, ob_qerved and approved by Owner's representative prior to backPill. 4, Hhon the sprinkler sy5kom fg, comptot:od, (and before, plontfin Is, bogun) the Contractor, In the pro.5once OF tpe Owners r,-f,)ro5L-nto1Iv_-, 4.��holl FL/-\NT/N0- 5FE6lF16AT1C?N_'5 te,�t the, covaroye, of woter afforded the lown One planting areas Do completod and adequate. The, 1. Wm OP mom Contractor shall furnish all materials and A, rurrilsh all labor, materials, and equi ircnt necessory perform oil work required to ,�.orrecl. any to provide and In5toll plon� motoriors or, ,shown oil the fnedoquo"Ie5 or 60ver,:�Igo cilsclo,,ed� drawing,, or as apecthed herein. . Tho Conkractor shall frif'orm the Owriar�, 1�, B, Hork included til till,,, 5&ctlon-Noms included but. not, representative Or ant? doviotion Prom the pion ilmited 1,O), required by i,qI,ncf,pIonbnq, soil or 51to _ conditions that, bear on prosent coverage., 1, Orcides, including mounding, molding one) shalptng surfar 'es of all planting areas or incliccited E 5PRtNk<LER Fk_=AP IN55TALLATIOM Including tile removal e�f e,xigting vagototion � untess, otherl,it.5e. opecit'lod, )� _15hrubbary or ground cover s,proy hearig '-djocenil: lo to Curbs, or wolks shall L)o installed 6" ON L 2� Prepare. and till soil in planting ciroary Prom the Curb or wolk and the. nozzle Man W Including Furnish of all ,soil omendt'nerits or, above Plrils,hed grade, unless otherwi.se speclPled, Indicotod. 3, Furnish and Plank oil plant illoterials or, 2, 5hrubbery roproy heod�-, adjacent to buildings, Indicated by Hie arawing�, oricispectr[Cotle,mg. lori6o5, or 51mllor etructurer, shall be Installed 6" owcy Prom the, structure and the. nozzle -shall 4. Perform c7li Pruning or, roquired, be 6" above Finished grodo 5hrubbery oinroy * - ' heace nol, nevor paving or structures ,-hal,l be' set 5, 5bake ,and tic off plant. material a,. spect0ce:�f, 6" above. Finish grade, unle.5s other Hiss indicated. 6, Provicf,r Per the, mcilriberlonc.a. or the planking until occoptonce of thejob by the Landscape 3� All sprinkler hoods are to have owin9joints ce Architect, detailed, 7, Olepose. of all debris and gurplwq makorlois, 4� Ingkoil sprinkler heads per dotolls, 11� I Clean up I=, 5PRINKLE-R HEA0 AP-105TMENT5, q, Ouaronteo 1, The, Irrigotion Contractor sholl Flush and adjust Oil sprinkler hoods, for optimum perrormonce and 10, MoInkenonce to prevent overgrproy onto wolks and buildtilqs oo much as possible, This shall include selecting M VIRMAMM OF WE 4%V1710M the 1,;�o4-,k clogree, or ore- to Pit existing site - Awatforls. A� EXCAVA710M The 6ontrachor shall verify axe:iet locations Or Oil OXIgHng Stlb-550110,1,& otlIflJ65 0-� CLO31NO IN VNIN5F�CT I,�ORK� meehoril6al ondelockrical prior to excavotion, ,Any vVIINe-, A,C,, paving, Concrete i,qork etc,, destrayeJ Tile Contractor shall not, olloN at- cousc any at Ills or damotgod by any work under this contract 15holi be work to be covered or enclosed until it hog been � repolrod or r6 � pio6ed ot the Conkroctor's o.,ePlenges- Inspo6tod, forptod Ono approved on out.horized rcpre��-nfot;\,e of the, ONner. 15h6ld any of his, work be cri6105 'd or covered before such In!;0iockfori and kegf�, ho, shall uncover the i,qork at his oi-in oxpomr,o arid deter it has boon Inspected, tosted, arid approved, c Mall make, oil rol.,)aIrs Nfth like moterlols rloco,,sory to regkore oil his work ond that of other Controc,tors to It-, original condition. 'LE, E3, 5d'6-15URFACEF I�IRAINAC-r= OP 5OIL CONPITION5� 5hould sub- , .surfoce circitnocie or soll condition.,, be encountered whfch woulcl L?W�etrlmenkcil to growkh or survival er plont. material, the Contractor shall riotlPy tile Londscope, Architect In writing staking the conditions arid submikkIng a proposal covering c3,;t OF correction if tile (�ontroctor falls to notify the Lond5cope Architect OF such conditions he shall tie responsible For plant mokeriol vider the quorontoo clause of the sloccirtcolion, C, PIIIIFN510N!5� All 6001od dimensions at--- approximate, Before proceeding i,qlth any work, the contractor .shall corerully check- and verify all ollmeri.qion5 and qucirifltfe,� and shall fmmedlai�ksly Inform the Landscope Archike6l; OF any discrepancy between the Information on the arowhigs and actual conditions retraining from clottiz g any work in sold areas, Until given cipproval to do go by the Lond5cope Architect, fig. MATERAAM A. 501I AMENPMENT5� 1, Organic Amendment - ,,hall be riltroclen-stabilized _ _ sh�,ivtng.s. bork, or 5owdust that macils the, 1-01101,4ttly rcqvrremorik_,.� Particle, 51za� MInIrrium ,15% pos5freg 4 iresh screen (114V Minimum e0% passing & mash screen 0415') � �,Ilrliky, Shall be no higher them 3,5 millions per confimetor at 2.5 C, 05 me,05ureci by soturcition a,xtroct conductivity, Nitrogen Content: 0.7% for gowdust: or 5hovInqg 1,0% Far Dark 2. Commerclol Fertilizer - .shall be commercial cgrodd, gronutor, 'pre-plortV fertilizer, one olf OF the container riftrogon sholl I--- readily ovalloble, for Initial PoodIn The remaining halt of the n1krogen orid c Foll' the, contained patosh ,shelf be, derived Prom non-leor-Iltrig, ,:�ooiod, controlled release for0ltzer Par ,�u.stcifriecf Feeding of four to six months, In a glow soluble, non -burning Farm, Fertilizer shall be delivered to the site In tile, original uriopened contoln6r, Leartrig th,-, manufacturers gvorontood onctlye[5. Any Porfrlizer, that becomes coked or dorloged, making it ungotboble For v.so, i,Ml rial: or, accepted, 3, _", 11 Conciftionerr, - shelf 1,,�>c ciprt,�-,ullurol grade F gypgvm, soft �,ulfvr onol Iron 5v Poke, 4, Hue 15ond - shall be, clean, natural Pine oand Free Prom cfctsborfou!� material weed goods, cloy boII5 at- rock with 41,1396 minimum passing 0 No, 4 gleve and 10 maximum possing a No. iOO sleve. 5, Floo� Moss - shall be a commercial, boled Canadian "Pho num enakerbil, Nith ph of 4�5 to 5.5 the rricso , 12 �holl be, Preis OF f,,ioody material orld mincrols or foreign matter harmful to plant, life, "-Sunshine" brand or oqyol. R TOPSOIL, 1. T,,-)pr,ofl ,,hall consist or a (ortile, trlobI6 n,oburol loom OF uniform quality Free Prom I spt�sofl, hard clocis', sttPF clay,'hord Pan, 5odgpor-Holly disintegrated clebrig, or any okher undestroble motc,rfal, 2. -repsoll ghofl net ,contain obnoxtous r4ciscls, -such or, morning glory, secire, 0Ktolig, opurge, annual poo, nut gross, at, bermudo gross, In no core sholi there be, more than 5% by volume a� tile, PolloNIng" 1� c �,korios gmcilleir then ono Inch 41 coorge gond IF small e toy forrips 5, Size - the size, OF the otonks w0l correspond i-ilkh that normally oxp�6t.ed For spocles one vorlety a' commercially available, nur5cril stock, at- a.-, measured before. pruning with kh&"bronches in normal position, 5holl hove normally Noll developed branch qq5lems, and vigorous, ond Pik,roL,5 root .,ystems* which ore not root or pot k7ound, All fng�ectlon cerurtcotes requireo! by law shall accompany each ,5hipment. and, be, ,delivered to the, Oi.,irtor, 4, The collaor OF all troisr, 5holl be mocsured 4" above the surface. or, the ground, 5, 14here caliper at, other dimensions OF any plant makerlols ore omIktoct From the, plant list it shall be under5to,-�)d thob these plank moterle�ils , shall be, normot stock for kype ligtod� 6, Plont material 5holl be e-yrrimetrIcal kyf:�)Icol Par vorichl and ,,pecles and shall conform to mecsorement" �7,pe6lr,fed In the plant list, -1. Ouorikltle,5 shoi-in on khe call Outs on the, Planting Pion are, for the convenionco or the, Confroctor only, Ouontltlos drown oil the plan � 64hother by clr�clos or COW ore the Final authority arid .shall be Furnished ond installed as drown. 6% Rejection or 5ulgstltutlon - oil plants not conrormh9 to the requtrerrients* herehl 51.,,)eclPfOd, shall be cortslatered doPective, orid -such plonts, i,4hokher In place, c,r not, sholl be. morkod as rejected and Imniodlottely removeol Prom the 51te of the work and replaced with neN plants at the Contractors expenses, The planks shelf be, at the, species' vorlet:y, size and cordition gpecipled on tho drowings. Under no Condition Hill there, be. any substitution of plants or sizes Par khoso listed on the ocr-ornponytylp plans, except with tile oxpres.5oe� consent, a the Oi,qrier. P. 5TAKF_5: All ,stake,,, shall kpo or, por details, W. OMMOTM VELON ~W A� CONTRACTOR�5 RE-5FON�715UTY, The Contrac-tor Is r0st')onolblo For, verifying tile loc�ntictl OF all utility lines and other unctorground obstructions se that, propor procovOonsi tricty be., taken not to dIskvrb or damage r,uch Improvenrents, In the ovent OF a c.onFlIct bckNoisri such lince and plant locotforig, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Londo,capo Architect, who s ,,hall arrange for the re,loccition of Ono at- the-,. other, Failing to Follow this procedure, the Contractor gholl at his own expense make any and all repoIrs For damogies rosviNny Prom his work, V. FWWORAMW A. TILLIN6� 'rift all planting areas as he,rein speclFied, R I)NIF'ORM ORAPIF� APter 00ing, oil orecie sholl be brouq .�fhil to uniform grode, I�Nj Floating or hand roking, 6, 6RAPE RELATiOP15HIP�5, Finish grode of planting areas after opplicatfon of sell omionomente shall be I" below top OF concrote i-4olks, oncl Curb qi%,,dog and O" below Finish floor of WficUnci or as rated b�y spot, olovaklons. P, 5LOPI5 FROM EVILPINC-5, 5olf area-, cidjocont to buildings shall !�51ope oi-4ciy Prom the bouding.s at 2% minimum for 10 Peak, and shall continue to slope at a m(nimom of tZ until wo�er cirofttir� to street or storm , system, SPECIMCATION PH, ROCKI-5 OR CLOC75� No rock or Clads, over 514" In diameter -,,hall be, oil top of prepared planting bed� K k1w Oomymmt A, KILLINO PqPHED3, Controetor ohall germinate and destroy existing Head seeds before preparing areas For ploritlng� 5ONclant woter sha I be applied to cout6e, Neek seed to sprout, 'i'dung weeds sholl then be destroyed and removed before they have opportunity to set 5e&o!, 0. APDITIONAL REGUIREMENT'5� Por oddiktonol Need killing, reFor to Planting Notes oil the Planting Pion. VII. SM FFMAMY106 A. 3OIL RIFFORTz i5eFore, starting soil proporotton the ocritroctor shall �,ubrrilt a goll report to the Owner orld Landscope Archlkeck� It no ,,,all report Is submitted It Hill be, osovilled that amoridment6 4,joro riot added one tile Londsceipe Oorilrcf,�,k.or will be, reque-,ted to give 0, crodil- Por soil proporotton, � 13, 00111PACTEP AREA_53� 5oft areas that. are compoct,sci to more than 112* during site preparciNan, shall be ripped to a minimum at 12" prior to bogInning soil preparation, These areas shall be deFlned by the Lond,5cope Arcki and be billed as on -extra if the unit price, Is quoted In the bldf, C- MEFTHOP OF IIIIXIN6� IP tho glope is under 2 112 to I tho5oll preparation motorloilr, should be brooctcost uniformly over all lcincl.i�ccipo orear, and worked to a depth OF 6" by a rotottflor or other occeptobts mochorilcol means W obtoiri a uniform bland to the soil, If the, slope, Is greater than .2 112 to I the omencimorks shall be hydrouiloolly applied For cireob over IOOO square Feet and raked In for small areas, For the soil amendment mix rePer to the Planting Nates oil tile Flouting Pion. P, EXTRANEOU-15 MATEPIAL� In addlWor) to the work , .,peclPloc? above the Contractor shall remove oil extroneows material knot is exposed on the sprroce and grade to facilitate run -oft' or surPoce Noter, E, PELIVER 15UP,15: Supply dollvery glips Prom the , ,,vpellor Par the soil ameridillents to the site (bulk loods, Prom the Controctors yard will not be accepted, 13upply empty bogs For I'artilizer to the 5uperintendent OF thojob) WX 5~ AKV TW PLARHMSiv A. GORRELATIOM Trees and shrubs .,,half not be planted urittf oil operation.,, in conjuriction with the, Ingtallotion OF the sprinklor system have been completed, Final grades hovei been established, and the plonting bods prZiperly , by culkfvotlon and ,,frepored Fertilization as covere in these gpeclflcoklon6, 13, PANDLIN6 ANP 5710RA61F� All plants shall be handled and .5toreaso they ore adequately protected Prom drying out, sun, winciburn or any other Injury, 0. PLANTINO TIME� No plantIn shelf take piece during extremely hot, dry, i,wiloii or1reezing i,,toother, , P. I OCATM5: P-ilotive, position at all Planks and treog is sobjocl; to approval at tile Landscape Architect and they ,,hall, IF noce,,gory, be relocated at Ill,,, direction as port OF this contract, E P15TRIBUTIOM No more plants .,,hall be o7stribut:od about the tond,5cope area than ran be plonted and i4atered oil the, came cloy. F, CONTAINER REMOVAL� Plant containers shall be removed i,qhorl plonking the, plorit Cons shall Ibe split oil both slole'r. An axe or spoll shall flat, be, used, All cont:olriers shall be removed Prom the site, 6, PLANTINO PIT'5� All tree and shrub pits shall have a diameter OF at., least tNi6e the diameter at tile rookboll. Pit depths sholl be minimum 12" deeper, thon the rootboll For tree,-,, and 6" dooper than the root boll For shrubs or as per planting dokolls� H, PLACIN6: Plants 5holl be placed and hold during bocKfl I in on upri lit po6ition In the center of the pit, Zrito shall go held at, Or slightly above nursery level. The earth ball gho(7 bi kept lntoct� Any exi,vosed rook.,, shall be .spread, Injurodroots sholl be, pruned, 1, 5ACKFILLz Plant . it- backdOlfrig goil shall consist of I PC 2bilized 5awdu5t - 2 Perks topsoli, Materials g6oll be thoroughly mixed before replacement, In addition to backf(H commercial fertilizer 20-10--5 Aqrlform 2I grom tablets shall be , added to plant pitg at, the Following roto,e� ,1 One tablet per one gallon Container 11 two tablets per Five \gotten container * throe tcit�let6 per 15 gotten conkalmor 11 Four kciblets par 20" and 24" box 11 five tokllokr, per 50" box 6 a six tobtatc per 36" box " 5oven tablets por 42" box 4 eight, tablets per 60" box 4 nine koblets per 72" box 11, ton tablets per 64" box 11 ground cover plants planted Prom Flats Or lfnorg� in ZI or gtooper slopes sholl receive, one 5 graill tablet per plant J, HA71FRIN5� Nhon the pit has been bor-Ki'llied to threes- Clucirters of Its depth water shall be poured about the rook6, Air pockets, sholl be eliminated and bocki'llf continued until the bocktill Is brought to the grocie tevek K, OOMPACTINC, DockPill shall not be Compacted around the rook,s or boll of file plant during or after tgfontfng� The bockPill oil which the ��Iont boll rests 5holl be lightly compo6lied, M. 5TAKIINOz 5takes shall be driven to svHh,lont depth to hold tree rl U Tree 6holl be supported by at least two t �soe dotolla), O� PRUNIN07� Omb6, broricho5, cones onof runners, which require tr[milling shall be removed to leave, a clean cut Flush NIth trvnk� (FIruning only ag directed by the Loridscope, Architect,), R PLANTINO 315175� Planting bear 5hotl be, ed ed and cultivoted to the fine .5hown, Beer, shall Die grought to a smooth even surFace conForriiing to eskobll6hecl grades offer Full settlemenk has oc6urrecl� A 9~ COM ARM& A, REFERENCE: RoPer to Forogro ' phs V, Vt, \/Ill, For Finish grodloq,Need control, and sell proporatlon. i5� 501L PREPARATION, Prepare the, soil as per these o,PCCIFIC,Okforis and tile planting Notes on the Ploritinct Plan, C, ORAOIP465: Aroog shall be raked and Flookedsmooth to provide a true and urilForm 6urPoce, [2, PLANT PIT,5 ANO FERTILIZER: Planting pit,- Par ground cover 5holl be 4" x 4" or adequate to accept material From flc?t5 without Crushing Or deFormlnq the rootboll, Place a 20-10-,5- AgriForin ,5 gram Fertilizer tablet in ,soch ground cover, e, PLAN-1-IN6, All ground cover areas noted on the plans � shall be, rooted cuttings Prom ficits and shall Do planted In ctoggerect rows coniflnuously under all troas and shrubs, at the 5 ocing Indicated on the piano. All plants shall bis proplected Fromictryinq Cut prior to plonting" , r-. WA7`ERIN6, Each section at ground cover, shall 04, immediately watered upon completion of planting, cirtc? thereciPter as required, 6� 5FACIP16 P�ROI`1 EPOE� The, First raw of ground cover , .�houlo` alr,ioy5 be, within 6" of the, edge, OF the, planting 01160, Crestwood Communities (%) X .V.A&%M WLM A, REPEREENCE RePer to Paragrophr, V. V1. \/If. Per Finish grading, i,jaed control, one soil preporoklon. R 501L PREPARATIOM Prepare the soil as per khe!��e ZpacifIcation5 and the, Planting Notes on tile Planting Plan, C� 6RAPIN6., Area5 shall be, raked and Ploo�ed smooth to provide a true and uniform stirfoce, t,'?� GUALIT-r OF PLANT -5z Plants !�ihctli be, healthy annual plant material In 4" pol:g in boom. E. PLANT P175 ANIP FEWTILIZF_R� �och plank pit for seasonal color shall be WxWx6" with Ono teaspoon OF Done ineal mix into kha bockPI/I mix, (Uso shrub backPIll mix). Oo not use AgriPorm plant tablets, 6. HATERWI57� Each sectloncif'5ecisoncif color shall be Immediately Hokered upon completion or planting, and wotered thoroaPt,sr as required. R 5FACIN0 FROM F -06E, The, first row of f co,,oncil color should cilway5 be within 6" of the odge at the planting Ore,O� M� MV ~ MATERWA 0 KAMW OF ARK"Li1% A� QUALIT'r: _Sod -shall be #Orode, machine, cuk- of a uniPorm thickness of 5le" oxcludinq kip growth and khotch, Hood free, and shall be ne5 losg, that-, eight monkh!�� nor more- than gfxkecn months old. 13. TIMIN6I Installation .shall . toke place wIthtri 24 hour.-, after harvesting, C. REFERENCZ, RoPer to Perogtraphs V \/I� Vit, for ffnich grading, weed control, arid s611 prepetro0om 0� PREPARATION: ,-;ad area jvrior to IvionkInq shelf be, ratted lightly and Notered to a depth oP 45" the day prior, to planting, IF any oil, packets ore� Found, the area shall be r��qrocfgd a-, no6a5sory. Lightly water the area to be r5fankedJu5i: prior to planting, E. IN-STALLATION4 5od .shall be told in a -,koggered pattern, "Ith Ughk Joints ond in tho scale, direction each time, On all glopes sod shall be Installed Prorn the botbom up and the newly laid cod should be protoo-tae by i,vcilkiriq oil bocird5z�zg Inotollor moves upi,jorcl� On nle�cil 5toplas will be, allowed. No sod or loss than 113 �� in length will be, otlowod. No sod of tess thon 1,13 in length Hill be, allowed, F, JOINT5, Adjoin the section of soil Firmly together. IF off- spaces occur bohl,ioen sections of cod they musk be filled with sand at- have the god refold, &� ROLLIN6� Roll ,cod with oil odequokety weighted roller to -smooth out tile 50d bocl� . R PROTI!56TION OF W&155: Rogrodo to prokoct the odges Prom arying IF moNlri edge, Is nok used, � I� PW'ERIN&� After Iristotlokfori god musk be kept thoroughly waftered to a depth at 6", No Foot troPPIc. should be, allowed for 2 or �5 Hoak--, Pronl the clote of Installation, J IN6PL-"cnON 0'r �WPFLIER� If the,,re are. any questions regarding the quallky oi`,.,�od installation a representative of the. suppiler shall be, eoclueske,d to inspect the Ingtoilation and the, Contractor called out by the, 5upolterg repreaentoNve. AX 6MV OF MROSM WWftX AWWt A, I�RO!510N CONTROLz Installation i,fill i2o requIrad fn I lo6atloi%g specifically cleffilooted oil the drowlIngs or as necessary duo to Pleld corfolklons, 1, The surroee OF tile slopes shall uniformly ,smooth and even with all debris and rocks raked out, The soil shall be, sufficiently moist to Permit the Firm /a Ing of erosion control mottIng and to P �:slouqhlriy OF kopgoll. 2, Vie orogion control moWngsholl bo laid with the, direction at Flow OF surFoce drainage, Orld In occordorice w1th the moripfocturews � directions, The motting shall be cut to provide a visvolly pleci6inq slope, , 5, The matting shelf Do stapled in ploCe and Firmly emboddeol by nice[')," or tamping at, rolling, ci�, approved by Ole ONnor, to onsure thot the,, Matting is in contort, with the ,,all and that, no erosion Carl koks ploce, undar the racifting, 4, Planting or turP, ground covei-6-5hri,ibs andlor Ones may be required In areas protected by � erosion e�ontrol matting as stescIfted In the plans or a,, becomes necessary. MO. NPLAC4940179i, A, V�NERAL: The Contractor shall Immecllotsf�y replace any and all plont mokerlaII5 which for any reason die at- are damaged whIle under his care. R,,�oplcicamenk& shall be made with plontsi oil like kind and _,Ize in the same manner or spacit'led For the Original planting, AV. C4ZAN-W A, OENERAL, AFter all installation cporatton5 have, k,�Kean Completed remove all trash, excess 6011, elrxty f2lont containers and rubbIr,h Prom the property, 11 ,,core,, ruils or other mork,e In the, aired Cof).,,ed by this work ,- ,,hall be repaireetand the ground left In a neat and orderly Condition khroughout the site, Controctor sholl vIck up all trash re6ultIng Prom thlr, work no less 1,hon each rrido before leaving the cite, once a wool,- ondlor the lorTworking day oach wook, All tros'li shall be, removed corriplotoly ProiIi the -rite, E3, TOP601L. Excess topsoil 5ho;l be romoved from the g Ite, C. NEATNE-55� Leave the eldowalks ondstrooks in a nook and clean condWon at the onelf OF the day, 0, RIFMOVAL oF TA05� Romove all togs, labals, norgery stakes and tiog Prom oil plants unlo5s otheri,41go allrected, only at, the, and or 0/1 fristoltotions, Xv. FROMMM8 A. OENERAL� At oil kfirrier, durling construction, adequate prof4cklon sholl be provided Por all planted cireo., 090frist dc1mcige OF ony ktrict, until Final acceptance by the,, Laridecape Architect - 13, R153PON513IL/7"r� Thet Controc,tor shall b,,_ held 'rva "' " 'a "65" n5 be 0 6 car^ and prc`� �'Plo pr Or ) - 0 ' I F " kh ' u o's on e and 6 5 rig I a ng" st""' I` r fh,n d cc I ' d as I In 11�` P or 0 ,sd D g h"'1-0'�k �bcill - 1p P F " " "" o, -I. - � An� ' - le-'rik r ... u a a ' or- t r r 'I" , � J in , rapla,.d , ,l e 6, Ill at h� , .",,,,.,,r AM. OUARAMM A� 5HRUE�,Sz Alt shrubs shall be. quoronteed as to growth ord hoolth for a period OF ninety days oPten, Completion of the, bpociPted maintenance por'lod ondlor Final occepkom;o by the Okinor, 51 TREE!5� Trees shall be guaranteed to live arid grow In ` occeptable v1,,)rtght position Par one, year after, the specified mcintonorCe period orfolor Piricil acceptance by the Owner, The ownsit, must: Provide cideclucite, maintenance to insvre the oxte�nd.-�O quarontee, oil troos, 6� DEFINITION OF PEATH; Plorite which die or lose more, than '50* of 01eir origInol leaves shall Do reploced, P. REPLACEMENT, The Controck.or i4fithin seven 0) doy�, of written noti"Iccitfon by the Owner shall remove and roploce all guaranteed plont materials which, for any reagon, Fali to meet the requirements OF this 6 guarantee, Replacement stioll be, rilacte, with plant iiloterloI6 as Indicoted or specified For the first plarkingond all such replacement tricitstriols shall be guaranteed cis specified for the original evoronteed mokerfol, ME XMI. NAMN&WE A� MAIN'PENANC,E Pl�-RIOD, Me, moinkericince perlad ,shall commence upon the O"ners written approval ol'olI pho5esi of ple,inbing Insi,allotion and 5holl be Far the Following perIod,qO OA'r5, 0. 61_=NERAIL� The ,acrioral care and molnkenonce at oli Croats shall consist of proper i-.4oter0q, Pertilbokfort, weedinq, clocin-up to mainkoln ,-dtl plaril; and tvrF In a healthy, growing condition and as noted bolow� 6- ORCUNP COVP_R� C -round cover From Phn�s-(,:ireel,s t-ill,hovt overseccl - cipply a pre-etriorgent, horbicloto In accordonce with the monurockvrer's printed ln.4ructlono, P . PERTILIZATIONr Holnkcrion,,,o work shall Include rorkilization with a c.ornmerclat PortIlIzor at 50 day intervals as noted herein, The, fertilizer, moy be, superseded 1:�y the o,oiI5 ropor� and.9holt be, approved by the Landscape Architect, 6. J,,,iffC-P1N6.� Any concentrated development OF wood groir,ith =appear In planting orecis during tile 1011"InOo period ,rh,,;iII lie, romove,& at 10 ciCy Intervols,, The, Contractor .shall remove such ,��oncerikrcikfon�, of Heads morlu'r,lily. F, ORCUND COVER ARE -A5; Cultivake all non-hy,drooeeded ground cover area, at riot more than 10 day Ink,ervols, 6, 5HR035 ANO TREE5; All shrubs sholl be plricl)-f?runed 0-4 noce5gory to encourage new groNkh. Dead, Hfited Flowers and dead Foliage shall be, coritinuously removed, No pruning -shall be done, to shrubs at- troes without tile opprovol cind under the direction of tile, Lorid,scopo Architect, All wounds over 1-1/2 inches in diameter shall be goolod with oil approved tree sool. R TURF AREA -5.. t5dqe, ond mow to a helght: of _2 InCiles whenover the turi`_�aochess a height of 5 Inches, 6ross cllpl.r-�Jhgs shall be, removed oFf-9fto. I. SU05URFACE VRAIN!5� All subsourFace ciroo drains shall be periodically flushed i,tith clear j,qoter to avoid butid-up of 511i: ontJ debrI5, Keep oil drain finlets clear OF locives, trash and other debris, .J. FROTECrION; Puring tho maintenance period, the, Contractor shall be res�,.ionalbl& Par mointoli odequote protection of all planting areas, Any damaged areas i-,,holl be, repaired ot the Confroclars exponse, K, RF-:-f1'rVRO5F_L-:PIN6;� 'Phes, Contractor shall ro-hydrogeod all hydro5eed area,, oroded or non-gorminatIng at- the and at cach .60 Pays of r7laintemonce. L. IRPf5,Ar1OM All Irrigation muo-1: be Operating toroperly and adjusted property tot- efficient coverage, oil& minimum overoproy of the, end OF the maintenance Period. M. FINAL ACCEFTANCE� k,1111 be given at. the and of the mointerionce period Par oil plonle Once h1droseed gerininotion and ellm, as`k1,r9,`l15hmC,, her, been o,,-�,tolnedar�� khore ore no barren areas larger than O" x 3", All plants mu,,t be in a heolthy, growing condition as approved k;y the, Landscape Architect ortc) Oi,qrior, R CONPITION OF 51TE, Purinq the maintenance period, keep the. Project neol. andPree From debris at. oil times. Obtain the Ownor�, opprovol for onslte� storage of equipment or maintenance mo�erfofg. X011. FRAL COWTOWIM 04FMIM AW RML MAINT11~19 ftmrm A, FINAL CON5TRUCTION IN15FECTIOM Hhorl oil iondocope, Improvements hove be,ten installed in occordonce with the pions arid sle&cIftcotions the Controsifor shall notlPy the Lartof5cope Ar6hilect one) request, a "Finot 6oi%-, true Plon" Inspection, IF the Londs6ctpe Archikect determiniss the, )�ork to be, subatcelk folly complete and in conformance Hikh plans and specIP1600ons, tile, Cal�ro,,I,or will bo advised that [he basic mcifiltorionce period 1.5 e�k-orkecf, 1, In order to be. substantially c;ornpieto, Of- least the following must hove been PlnfMocf� a. All Pill-- grodkici, for-luding ollm/notIon of loi,q pc,InT-,, thaC'hold runoff. b. A comploto and operot,,)ie Irrigotfon system, c. Installation or oil plant material,,. d. 1-5coding of oil sooded areas. 2, Hinor pl4k-uln items rricty be comple ted during the, basic maintenance period such as: a. Regoddtrig oP bare spoks In town. b, Roplocemonk of damages or norl-comPorming P tan t material, 4, 17,��-,�tokfnq Or ftifing of troes. d. Lot,,terinq of sp�lnklor hoods to egYlcale OPter turP ho!�� astoblished. P. Replacement at urfouthorized 5ubZVkl)VOn5. 0� FINAL 1,,fAINTENANCT- 11,15PECVON: At. the end of maintenance period arid when around covers ond turP , hove osrtoblf5hod and all Pick-up Items, hove. been completed, the, Cori�rackorghct)l requos,k a final maintenance, inspection, The, Contractor t,41H be advised by the I andscope Architect at the final Inspection khof work Is or Is not sokIsPoctory, 1, IF the Nork is gotf,qPactory, the basic maintenance period i,illf and on the dote of the Pinol inspection. 2, IF the t,qork Is ungotisfactory tile basic rnairkenorice period 1,4111 contfilue of, no oddltlonol expense. to the O�,,trier until the, work has boon completed, Inspected and approved by the Land5cope Archlkoc�k. C, FAILURE 7-0 FAI-35 IN_1317,[�CTtON� IF work Polls to pass fincil Inspecklon, any sub,,equorif, inspections rnu5t be rosrchoduled or per obova, and will be ,-charged to the Contractor cit the, prevailing hourly rate, or the Lond�7copo Architect, i Y-.., - - - CFD LANDSCAPE PLANS - TRACT 18260 :F -F- SPECIFICATIONS DATE: 12/28/07 mm