HomeMy WebLinkAbout4239-23V. Exotic Vegetitition Control 1. Examurle the plant for a healthy root systern. If there are signs of girdling-, scarify the rootball. 120-CALENTDAR DAY POST -INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE PERIOD 11. Getneral Maintenane-e Duties J. Before placcing the container plant on the ba-ckfill, work- the soi! around +,he roots -so that they are not compressed into a ANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR COYOTE CANYON T1 A� The following tasks to be per-fonried by the C ntractor as Generall Maintenance duties include, but are not 1-i-mited A. Exotic pest plants shall be removed according; to these, -Specifications. Eradication of weedy plant species shall be tight mass, but are spread and supported by the soiI beneath them. Set rootball attop backfill so the root -c-lown is slightly 1. Ge,leral perforr-neAdby liand, b--., the use of VestiCides, or by other metlaods approved by fl -..e Project Monitor. 'rlr�e Project above finished grade. to: 11'. Plant inspection MITIGATION & MONITORING PLAN Monitor shall direct, th"e Contracto-r regarding the selection of target weed species, flieir location, and the timing of K. Fill reemaining portion of planting hole with backfill. Be sure the crown is still slightly above grade. A. Contractor shal. maintain Chie project on a continuous basis from the first day after the plantin is complete and C, 1� - 9 -weed Control operations to ensure that native plants are avoided. L. Construct a three-inch (Y) high, hand -compacted -&qh berm, approximately 36 inches (36"' in- dianneter, for a watering at) val for all Work has been obtained 11rom the Project Monitor to start the 1/2 -0 -Calendar Day Post -Installation 2. Weed control 41--� I pre, B � 11' feasible, a grow -and -kill operation will be employed to li-mit the conapetitive edge of the existing exotic plants. basin. Maintenance Period. Contractor shalli -D-aintadn sufficient personnel and adequate equipinent to perform the Work 3. Gerieral niaintenance of irrigation system M. Apply two inches (2`1 of nnulch as top dressing within the entire wate-ning basin. Mulch shall be ofthe size and type as herein specified. Contractor sh0 maintain continuity within maintena-ince personnel. 4. laigation water volunre and frequency ITie "grow" se�,rrlent of this process involves the irrigati-on of the site before plaWting and seeding. The "IdIl" - t� I 1 Z15 C, specified in these Specifications. Mulch m- u-st not be placed directly aggainst the main stem of the plant. segment of this operation will consist. of herbicide application to weedy species with the Pr -reservation of desired B. Contractor shall request an inspection by ffie Project Monito.- and the Landscape Architect, -if applicable, after 5. Trash and debris rern-oval AGENCY PERMITS native species. '11te grow -and -kill operation will begin no later than late sunnamer, with final harvesting of weeds irrigation and plant instaFlattion for acceptance of flie Work in writing. In the acceptance letter to the Contractor, the 6. Pest control V111. Planting ol' D40, S upercell, and Rosepot Container Stock Z? Ole t 10 -installati n Maintenance 7. Plant replacement occurring in the late fall. The Contractor shall implernentithe following steps: Pr cl Moniwr shall state the be -1 ig andrending date of 'he- 12 -Calendar Day Post 10 T Y A Qt- t� A �11 pf-rin"i 8, Seed ret)1ackerneria 1" -1 a C5 1111y mq-y'� %-�, -L116 a i -X S IM VV%,%,Uy 1! A. D40, supercell, and rfasepot andfor liner plant stock- will be placed in a hole measring at least twice the diarneter and erfonn Work during the Post-Instalflation 2. Irrigate all areas to be planted for two (2) weeks. he C. Contractor shall provide all labor, m. aterials and equipment to pe B. Plant Inspection I depth of t' corntainer. A. The Owner has obtained a Section 4404 IndividualflKWA:P2 0 -040016 -3 -GS for the p ect, date February 9, 2005- 3. Kill -Paid remove all ewly gern-finated weeds. Maintenance Pet-iod, as specified fierefin, including but not- firnited to, adequate watering of plarit nieerial, replacing B. Planting done in soil that is too wet, too dry, or not properly conditioned, as provided in these Specificatio-ns, or in a 'o. -id control ing we insect inffest�tions and pests such as- rodents or 1, - nie Contractor and the Project Monitor shall inspect the plants within the i-nitigation areas on a rrionfhly basis The Contractor is hereby directed o thoroughly read the pe-mift and, c-omply with all permit provisions. The, 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3. condition not generally accepted as satisfactory for planting will not be accepted. dead an& r declinin plan't materials, a, -11 _, eeds 11 anting or m t I - h rb' -hrouubA the I 8th -mond after initial P1 ore frequently as deter-mdried by the Project Monitor. The plantings shall make note of the Special Conditions included it, the per�-Lit and maintain a copy of die 404 Per -mit on Obtain approval of completed weed abatement from the Project Monitor prior to ay planting � Ivores C� D40, superceill. and rosepot container stock shaF1 be thoroughly watered the day before planting. No moree plants shall L Z:) D� T�he Project Monitor will rneet with r-n-ainterm-nece personr"el in order to identify proper procedures-, A shall thereafter be inspected on a quarterly basis. tb,e project site during all periods of active work. The Coraractor sha-11 present t1his authorization to any Ar -my Corps 6. Trees and shrubs may be planted prior to a grow -and -k -ill operation with wr tte- approval offhe Prcject be distributed in a planting area than can be planted and watered �n dha' da. zn L -is ar proffessional with experie-tice and knowiedgie lirl native plant creation, restoraion- and enhancement maintenance will 2. 11he ProjeCt Monitor shall prepare a written nnemorandum after each monitoring site vislit listing proble-n id of Engineers( ort D. Trees and sh-rubs to bee planted in areas to -be se-edled shall be planted prior to seed appli C ps' personnel, or personnel from another agency upon dem and. The Contractor shall consult with Monitor. cation. Owner reaardina, all matters related to the content or intent of drie perrinit. C. For the first two years of the project weeds shall be manually removed at intervals of not rnore than 30 days. All E. Planting holes may be excavated by hand digging, using a sharp -shooter or equivalent planting tool, or by drilling with supervise all rnainterianc�e personnel. recommended remedial rneasures. A copy of this memorandum shall be sent to fte, Contractor for imlementation portions of die plant will be femoved, including the roots. C, E. - Any day the Contractor fails to adequately water or perform work deterfninedt to be necessary by the Project within two weeks of notiffication. a small augger to open a small hole to insert the plant. Water shall not be used fo the excavation of planting hole. Avoid No pru-ning is necessary or desirable. Al I dead wood i tural shapes. I 11. California Departmen of FI-sh and Garne St-rearnbed Alteration Agreennent h The type, quariti-ty, and method of herbicide application will be determined by a California licensed Pest Control Monitor will. not be credited as part ofthle Post -Installation Maintenance Period. 3. All native plants shall be inaintained in their nat creating, sm-ooth, vertiCal walls -in Che plaqting hole- Adviser (PCA) who will, -inspect the site and write p F. The Contractor will not be held liable for darnare to irrigation system or deth or damag-e to plant materials due to must remahn on the plant or whee it has fallen. roject recorn-triendations and submit same for approval to the D. D40, superc.-II, and rosepot container stock will be planted in small holes adequate to accept the plant and rootball. III> 4. All basins around plants shall be maintalined at constructed depths dufing the General Maintenance Period, unless A. The Owner has entered into a Section 1602 Strearnbed Alteration Aggreernent No. 1600-2003--170-110-R6 with the Project Monitor. A licensed qual-iffi-ed applicator QAQ may work under t1he supervision of the P T'he Project Where roci or other hard matelrial prohibits holes from being excavated to the depth specified, -new holes shall be vandalism, flood's, fires, olr otherr dam -age beyond the Contractor's control. k- 'I I -- - of I%-aliforrda Dei3art-ment of Fish and Garne dated March 16, 2005. The Contractor is hereb directed to f1tioroughly Monitor will direc the PC -A and Contractor regardin the selection oil taret weed species, theirlocation, and thte excavated and the abandoned holes shall be filled wih the excavated material. G, T'he Contractor shall replacle any plants indicalding weakness or probability of dying due to Contractor negligence 11herwise directed by fifte Project Monitor. Mie rpulch widifin each watering basin shall be rnaint-ained at no less thar, y I - two inches (21') unless otherwise authorized by the Project Monitor. re 1� � E. Follow te guidelines for planting one- and five -gal -a container stock. Wate-fing basins and mulch depths will be durinor die Post -Installation Maintenance period at. hisfher own expense. -ad the Agreement and comply with a-111 permit proAsmns. I"he Contractor shall make note of t -the Condfitions tim-ing of weed control operations to ensure that, -ative plants are avoided to thie extent possible. eluded in fhe Permit. Contractor shall rnaintain a copy of the 1,602 Agreement onthe project site abdring all periods E. No herbicides or pesticides shall be used on natil ve vegetation or wheree Tbreateened or Endangered species occim firnited by the aailable plan -ding space. The Contractor mi, wy employ his,"her discretion in the size of watennic, basins. H. T'P.e Coratractor shall be available within five (5) working das of regaest by the Project Monitior for rep-lanfing, 5. Staking of trees is to be avoided unitess detenrtvdined necessary by the Project Monitor. I - Z:� r_1 T of active work, The Contractor shall present a copy of this Areement to any Department of Fish and Game ' DFG' Ry.- Ise one RTI Booster Pak- .41-5or D40. supercell, and rosepot plantings. iffigation system adjustments or repairs, or any other maintenance activity Work determined to be necessary by the 6- All color-codle pi -flags shall remain in place to allow Project Monitor to verify the location and species of the kc The Contractor shall coordinate with the Proji-Ilct Monitor to detemine the presence of Threatened or Endangered Z -- personnel, or peronnel from another aency upon- demand. The Contractoor shall read, understand, and abide by all Species. Project Monitor. installed plant. pertinent provisions of the Agreement, and shall consult with the Owner regarding all matters related to the content F. The Contractor sliall, notify the Proj�elct Monitor at least 24 hours prior to ;,each application- of pesticide and shall LX. Plantin of Ernergent Plant Stock 1� The 120 -Calendar Day Post-lnstallatio-ri Maintenance'Per-iod may be extended by Owner if dhe projectis 9 or fil-tent of the Agreennent. indicate the hours of koplication. No application of pesticides shalI be made on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal improperly maintained, app-reciabe, replacement is required, or other coyrrective work beconies necessary. C. Weed fll'-ontrol A. Emergen plant stock- will be planted directly 1r, ponded areas. L The initigation, site shall be maintained free of weeds duning the General Maintenance Period. Weed eradication holidays, unless otherwise aproved by the Project Monitor. .1 J. (-'ontraGor request an inspection wit-hin 'the last five (51 workin days of the Post -Installation Maintenance B. Place stock finto a hole that is capable of accepting the diarneter and height of the container. I prevent the establishment of native species. Maintenance personnel will be 111. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion G- The Contractor shall notify the Project Monitor at least -94 hours prior to each pplication of pesticide and, shall C. Set the top of the rootball slihtly above finish, grade. Period for acceptance of the Work performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. The request shall be- rnade will minir.-dze com- petition that would L i L - indicate the hours of koplication. No application of pesticides shall be made on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal to the Project Monitor a rninimurn. of five (5) working days prior to the date of the inspection. The Project Monitor trained to distinuish weedy plant species from native vegetation to ensure fhat only weedy species are removed or D. Bacfi H the planting liole with, native soil or mud. A� The Ownxr has eceived a Section 7 Biological Opinion 1--7'WS-SBj-926.4 with t1he U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service holidays, unless offierwisse approved by the Project Monitor. shall notify the Contracto.- in writing of the satisfactory completion of the Post-Installadon Main-enance Period. sprayed with herbicide. 2. Nion-native weedy plant species shall be rnawlally rem. oved before t1hey either attain a height of six inches (6", or dated December 21, 2004. TI he Contractor is hereby diected to thoroughly read the agreement and cornply widh all H. Any ew or existing native Plants that have beer, damaged by te application of the peesticidles shaP1 be replaced by Y t the Contractor at hiskier �-Ixpense as determined by the Project Monitor. X. Watering produce seed, whichever comes first. All poru-ions of die plant will be- rem oved, including the roots. if the site is not per -mit provisions. The Contracto.- shall wake note of the Conditions included in the permit. Contractor shall I H. General: Maintenance Duties m- aintain a cop of the Biological Opinion (BO) on the project, site during all periods of active work. The Contractor 1. Target non-nadve vegetation to be controlled includles, but is not lim-lited to, giant cane (Arundo donax), blue gum weeded witin one week oil' achieving any of the above criteria, a penalty of liquidated darriages equal to $500 per y z:1 A. All plants ad seeds shall be hand wat.-Ired immediately after planting. Water shall be applied until the backfill soil th day. -shall pressent a Copy of the BO to any U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS` I from another (Eucalyptus g -lobules), perennial peppeer%eed (Lepidium atifolium),, Parnpas grass �Coraderia selloana), salt ced-ar day will be im-posed on t1he Cotractor by the Owner after efte seven', ) personnel, or personne k around and below theroots or ball of -arth aroud the roots oil each plant is thoroughly saturated. Where water is applied A. The following tasks to be performed by the Contractor as General Maintellarice duttiCs during the 12-0-Caleridar 3. The Project Monitor shall direct the Contractor reorarding the selection of target weed species, their location, and a-gency upon den-nandi, The Conti -actor shall read, understand, and abide by all pertinent provisions of the BO, and (Tamafix ramosissirna), tree of heaven (Ailanthus aftissinza), tree tobacco (IVicotiotm glauca), brass buttoir, (Gotula Day Pas -Installation Mainterian-c-le, Period include, but- are not lixrdted to - with a hose, a water disbursement device or pressure-reduch -device approved by the Project Monitor shall be used. 119 the tinning of weed conarol operations to ensure that native plants are avoided to the extent possible. shall consult with the Owner regarding all matters related to the Content or intent of the BO. coronop�follia)`, tocalote (Cer-1taurea meEtensis', sweet clover (Melilotu.- sp.), spiny cock-lebur spintosum, 1. Plant inspection Under no circumstances shall the full force of the water from the oDe-Ti end of a hose be allowed to fail within the basin 4. Pulled weeds wifl. be placed on a "mantilla tto prevent the seeds from corning in contact with the. ground, anid Kikuyu grass (Pennisetuni clandestinum, Berriudda rass (Cynodon dacrylon J, rabbitfoot rass (Pokypogon 1 Weed control I COOPERA TION l ean (P-Ucinus communis), tree. tobacco (Nico-tiana glauca', black -mustard (Brassico nigra), around any plant. rernoved frorn the mitigation site on a daity basis. B. Water stiall be applied to plants as often and in sufficient amount as conditir s may require 'in order to keep the plants 3. General- rawintenance of irnigation system and non-na-tive gmsses. P. a healthy. growing condition. dwing the Life of the Contract. 4. Irrigation weter volurre, and frequency A cleared space, 18 inxhes from he base of 4 the plant. will be rnaintained around each container pint to imini-r-nize competition fronn other plant species. Mulch, two irxlhes (2"') hick within the watering basin, will. be mn aintained I- Should construction be under way by or -her forces or by other contractors within or adjacew, to tlx firdits of the J. 1 he Cotitractor will remove off -site al exotic plant rriateriall in a legally acceptable manner a location that 5, Trash and debris re-moval throughout the General Maintenance Period following the sarewe procedures described in thesee Specifications., Work specified, or should work- of any offier nature b�e under way by offier forces within or adjacent to said lin-lits, the prevents its re-establisb-tnertt. X-1. Site Cleanup 6. Pest control Z> 6. Leaf -and brarich drop, and oranic debris of native species shall. be left in place. Contractor shall cooperate with all such other Contractors or other forces to the end hat any delay or hindrance to Pant replacennent their work- will be avoided. The is reserved to perorm other or additional work, at or near the site at arty time, RRI GATION SYSTEM A. Once initial plating is completed the Contracttor will renlove from the uritigation site all urash, plant containers, and by the use of other forces, exess soil. The Contractor shall repair all scars and rts cau-sed by Work operations. The area shall be left in a neat and 8 Seed replacernent D. Irrigation Water Volume and Frequency B. Plant Inspection 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying sufficient iffigation water to adequately establish new pat 1. General ordedy nianner. i Is. and gerr-ninate and establish the applied seed. 11. Owner resen�es the right, but -is not required to have an -other contractor or contractors corn menice other wodc prior 1. The Contractor and the Project Monitor shall inspect the plants within the mitigation areas on a monthly basis or materia , 1 2. Supplemental irrigation water shall be applied in such a rranixr as to encourage deep root growth " erodic deep to completion of all Woek by Contractor. Owner also reserves the fight to have other contractors commence woek on A� T-ff igation is to be used. solely the pumose of establishing the plants at the r-ndtigation site and is of a ternporary HYDROSEEDING frequently as determined by t1he Project Monitor, kP zn i - ation versus frequent light irrigation). Werting of the full root zone and drying of the soil beween irrigation other portions of the site pl-i-or to completion of Work by Contractor. Contractor shall allow any such contractor(s' ) nature. The irrigation main line, control valves, and appurtances shal.] be installed below -,ground. All other portions 2. The Project Monitor shall prepare a written mennoraridurn after each monitorin site visit fisting problems and. _rrig reasonable opportunity to s1tore equipment and rriaterk& at the project site, to h -ave reasonable access, and to execute of the irrigation system shall be installed above -ground- for ease of removal and inspection. 1. Genera -11 recommended remedial m-easures. A copy of this memorandum shall be sent to the Contractor for implementation events is esse-ntial to the maintenance of Vne -plants and the prom. otion of a deep root zone that will sup, ort Vne f -g , n he Years after establishment. and perform- t1heir contracts. Contractor shall properly connect and coord-inate the Work with that of such other B. T- -he Contractor is responsible for applying sufficient irrigadon to adequately estabylish plant materials, and within two weeks of notificattion. v etation h A. Contractor mav subcontract with a ficensed hydroseed instalLer (hereinafter referred to as the Subcontractor) for 3. Contractor shall allow soil to dry down to approximately 50- to 60 -percent of ffield capacity (in ffie top 6 to 10 contractor(s' iTlunatee and establish the applied seed. It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain adequate soil moiswre for I - - hydroseed operations. The Contractor shall. ensure that the Subcontractor will appty seeds,, compost, my-corrhizal 1 All native plants shall be rnaintined in. their natural shapes. No pruning is necessary or desirable. All dead wood I ion cycle. A'soil probe or shovel all plan-fings on the site. must remain on the plant or where it has fallen. . ches after germination and during seedling establish -m- ent) before t ie next hil"rigat. inoculurn, and stabi zing shall be used to examd-ne soil moisture and rooting depth directly. STAGING AREA C. The, Contractor sharl coordinate with the Owner or Vne Protect Monitor concerning an irrigation schwe-ule. - 11i compound confbrrning to these Specifications. 4. All basins around plants shall be maintained at constructed depths during the Post-Instaltation Maintenance --Peniod, B. Planting arrews, will be hydroseeded after the iffistallation of iffigation. componewts and container stock ass specified in the 9 D. Irriation water applicaion shall not promote, nor create erosion. Plans and Specifications. unless otherwise directed by the Project Monitor. The mulch within --ach waterin basin shall be r-naint-alned at no E. Irrigation System Maintenance 1� The Ownier will provide, to the Contractor aproximately a half -acre site to bve used by the CoWl-ractor as a staging E. The Contractor shall avoid overspray or runofft onto adjacent paving and pedestrian use areas. C. Hydroseeding will proceed efter ffie Project Monitor has certified that the hydroseed siw preparation workhas been less thar, two inches (24) unless otherwise authorized by the Proect Monitor. =a or office, pa& -ng, storage, etc. The Contractor is to fence the area completely and provide a locked gate There F All irrigation shall be Completed, approved, and under automatic operaLion for a minirpxm of seven (7) days prior Staking of trees is to be avoided unless deter -m- 1-nedi necessary by the Project Monitor. 1. T'he Contractor shall be responsible fo-r the re ular maintenance and repair of all aspects of the i-r-dgattion systerq. 9 completed. shall be no storaore of hazardous materials of any ki-nd 411 the staging area. Once the Contractor no longer requires the to any planting. 6. All color -code pin -flags shall remain in place to arlow Project Monitor to verify the location and species off the Poorly functionin or non-futictioning parts shall be replaced immediately so as to not endanger the plantings. C, D� Seed and other additives shall be uniformaly applied to tho-se planting are -as as specified in t he Plans and Specifications. staging area, the site is to b%--- cleaned and graded, if necessary, to restore, the site to its original condition, as -near as G. During the course of the construction phase of the Work the Contractor will not be held fiableor darnage to E. Any weeds will be hand cleared by the Contractor prior to hydroseeding. The Tou-nd will be thoroughly wetted prior installed plant. 2. Geeral systera checks shall be canducted no less than monthly excler, during periods when the irrigafiori system is possible. irrigation system due to vandalism. to hydroseeding. not nn operation as recornmended by the Project Monitol. F The Contractor will coordinate installadion of te Ir-nigafion System and the, contwiner plant stock with the Subcontractor C, Weed Control 3. Any erosion or slippae of soil caused by Che Contractor's inadequate maintenance or operation of ORDER OF WORK PLANT INSTALLATION 1, The mitigation site shall be maintained free of weeds during the Post -Installation Maintenance Period. Weed facifities, as deterrmined by the Project Monitor, shall be repaired by the Contractor at his/her expense. to ensure Chat o damae will occur dunng hydroseeding of. the site. 0, T1 he Project Monitor will be on-site during hydroseeding operations and will relwy any copleems regarding proper eradication wfil minimize competition that would prevena the establish-ment of native species. Maintenance F. Trash and Debeis Removal I- he Contractor shall follow t1he sequence of operations as set -forth herein. order of woflic sha-111 be as follows: 1. General perfor-ma-tice of the Specifications directly and immediately 6 the Contractor, verbally and, in writing. ersonnel will be trained to distinguish weedy plant species from native vegetat-ion to ensure that only weedy species 1 � All areas of te mitigation site shall be kept clean ad free of weeds, fitter, trash, and debrits durin the General are removed or sprayed with herbicide. A. EradiCate all non-native piant species A. Planting work shall Consist of preparing planting holes, pla-inting container stock, applying mulch, and H. Fiber 2. During the It 20 -Calendar Day Post -Installation Maintenan-ce Period weeds shall be anua-11y em- oved either before Maintenance Period. The mitigation site shall be we'll m- aintained in order to deter vandalism a -Rd dum-ping of trash. 2. Contractor shall, -durinor daily rotitine maintenance, remove weedy debris, inorganic Jitter, trash, and other debris B. Perform site preparation hydro -see -ding with my-coff hizal inoculu.m. they can attain a hei ght of six inches (6 ") or produce seed, whichever comes first. All portions of the plant will Ne, Z�� k C. install irrigation system B. -No planing shall be done in any area until the area concerned has been prepared in accordance with dhese A. Fiber shall be produced frorn natural or recycled (pulp) fiber, such as wood chips or similar wood materials, or frorn . If the site is not weeded within one week of achieving any of the albove critefia, a from the mitigation site an -d dispose. fff off-site as permitted by iavv. Coritractor is responsible for avoiding impacts to Z�� duri :vifies, D. Insall conta-iner stok plants Specifications and presents a neat and uniform appearance satisfactory to dhe Project- Monitor. newsprint, Chipboard, corrugated cardboard or a combirLtion of these processed materials, and shall' be free of's tnthetic or plantigs nor trash rem oval act, y penalty of liquidated da -mares equal o $500 per day will be Imposed o the C-onractor by the Owner after the E. Hydroseed C � All planting shall take place between October I st and March 3 1 st to take advantage of the winter rainy season. plastic in- aterials. seventh day. fContractor shall notify the Project Monitor regarding vandalism. or dumping of trash immediately upon detection. F. Perform site maintenance Planting before or after this period requires authorization by the Project Monitor. & Fiber shall not contain more than seven -percent ash as determined by the Technical Association of the I-Nalp and Paper 3. 'f be Project Monitor shall direct the Contractor regarding the selection of targret weed species, their location, and 4, Dead limbs and tree fall shall be left in place in te revegetation areas. D. The Project Monit-or wifl spot planting locations for Container stock in place prior to planting. Industry (TAPPI) Standiard T4 13, shall contain less thain 2,50 parts per tnillion of boron, and shall be otherwise nontoxic to the timing of weed control operations to ensure that native plants are avoided to the extent possible. G.Pest- Control ENSPECTTIONS E� During the course oil the construction ph -ase of the Work the Contractor will not be held liable for death or damage plant or animal life. -4. Pulled weeds will be placed on a "mantilia" to prevent the seeds frorn coming in contact with the ground, and to plant. maeri als due to vandalism. Contractor will not be -held liable fo., death -or damage to plant materials due to C. Fiber shall have a water-tholdinig capacity by w i ht of not less thar, 1,200 -percent. 1. Contracto -is responsible for monitoring trees and shrubs for signs of disease, insect and/or predator damage, and el -2 "Pro-o-ved frorn the mitiration site on a daily basis. 'ber will disperse into a uniforni slurry when mixed with water, Water content treating as necessary. The Project Monitor will be consulted on any pest controll naeasure to be implemented. 1, Rie Contractor shall tiotify the Prq:lect Monitor a minimurn of 72 hours in adva-rice of the start of any ork- that is floods. fires, or Other damage beyond fhe Contractor's control. D. Fiber shall be o such character that the fi 5 � A cleared space, It 8 inches from Vne base of he plant, will be mairitained around each container plant to r-nin-h-nize t sturry- shall not exceed 15 -percent of he dry weight of the fiber- percentage of water 2. Contractor shafll repair and/or lace all damagect plar.-Ls cause by predators, disease, and/or insects. Badty Eitated herein as the presence of the, Project onitor or dhe Landscape Architect. API such worl-Ic shall be F. Contractor will submit product data of riwerials to be utiliz-ed foll review --rd- approval by PrqJect Mo-nitor- of -Ine fiber before mixin, Into rept d competition Irrom other plwi species. Mul h, t -Wo inches thick wthin the. waw -ring basin, will be in the fiber shall be etermine'd by CaliforniaTest 226. Commercially packaged fiber sharl have te cointer-tof I- rfor G- Prior to plant installation the Project will locate individual plaint locations in the field with 21 -inch pin r he e ions� -ed plants w;11 be removed or pr ne P�e in -ted only ha t1he presece of the Project unless prior approval -has been granted to per -for -m such work- ouitiout the. mainteriance peniod folli-Owirig the. sarne procedures diescrih-ed ;n t. --s Spe-c-' damag d d to prevent spreading of the pesdience and rep -laced in ki-nd if reinoved, I r Ifict he are fiber is to be ap lied, and 3, Excessive forkaing by predators may necessi-itate protectuive screeni; around pi&nts and/arr poison balifin offl-le ab-sen-ce. flags. 11be flags will -be color coded as to sppecies. A list of plant species witin their knpropriate color code, wfll be the fil er marked on ehe pacage. Fiber shall be coloreed to contrast with t- -a on which the P 6. Leaf and branch d-Irov., and organic deb -ns of native species shall be left in place, provided to the Conractor prior to plant installation. The -Project -Monitor shall furnish all lalbor, -materials, and shall riot stain concrete or pain -ted su-if aces. ' h prediators. gar rodent m. be as I I E� A of Cornplia-pce for fiber shall be rfuir-nied to t e Project Monituf. 4. Contractor shYfl be responsible for maititainm project. All meassures, to eradi, H. T'he Comractor nnwst be on-site for U.-wrisportation required to ad-leauwely indicate various plant locwd-ons, D. irrigation Water Volurne ap2d Frequency di The Contranctor shall be responsible for supr4ying sufcient itrilgation water to adequately establish new plant rected by a licensed pest control consul an ill. Seed materials, and ermin I --- 111, Any Wor completed with -out irispection or kpproval by the Projfect Monitor or Landscape Architect- shall be . Contract- Growing Operadons ate and establish the applied seed. -renioved, exposed- or eplaced at the cost of the Contractor. it-vigation ater shall be p ied -n such a ma ne as to e1ric-ourage ddle-ep root growth (penodic deep H. Plant Reeplacernent 'eed shall conform. to the provisions of Materials in these Specificatiolls, Individual seed species may be measured 2. Supp a1v I i r ' A -S I. Planus that show signs of failure to -ow at any firrIe, or which are, so injurtd or danuagd as to rendert rri, Of 2. Lhe A. Mhe Co-viractor. is responsible for oti f ying the Pro e --t Monitor and the p ant suppi ier of te proposed date . irrigation viersus -.1-requent 'Light -irigationl. Wetting of ful root zone and dryin of +h- soil between irrigai and prernixed prior to deliveq by seed supplier or in the presence of the -Project Monitor. ion -ioved and replaced, unswtable for the purpose Intended, as deterniined by ffie Projec, onitor, shall be ren IV, Contractor shall call for inspectios for the followl-rig items- Instarlation to ensure proper hardeniinor-off off plants. The plant supplier shall harden -off all plant mateendals in full Sun ar e-�,Ients- is essential to the rnaintenance of thie plants and the prornottion of a deep root zone that will support the B. SeeA rifft required to be un.der the C&Iffornia, Fouad and Agnicultural Code shall be or pl, mi at ffi 2. plawtins shall corif orm to te species, spacing,, ared size re-quirements specif iied for the plants being I and out from under nistina systerns at 'least two week -s prior to planting;. gerinfination by laboratc-ry certified by the Association of Official Seed A-HaNsts, or a seed technologist cerdfied by ve, 2 ggetation ie years after es&blishnient. (4 --P1 ed a i hcated in the Pans and Specifications. A- to of Wo�rk to verify exi,sting Conditions and envirompnentally sensitive I & The plant supplier shall ship plant imterialls as directed by the Contractor upon a two-week advarect notlee. The Allow soll to &y- down to approxinnately 550- to 60 -percent of fie' � ckpacity (in the top 6 to 10 inches after I lac a - - the Society of Comrinercial Seed Technologists. -- E, I i AJ 3. Replacement Dlants shall be purchased rom replacenment stock inventory at Tree of Life Wholesale Nurery. Conractor sha providle the supplier with a deliverj se-hedule -for all plant rn;aterials. ne Contractor is responsible gernmination and during seedling establishmenn before the ext irdigation cycle. A soil probe or shovel shall bee us Weed abatenment, and exotic plara, spezies eradicatton. C� Seed shall -hav- been tested for purity and germ. ination not more than one year pror to application of seed. d R ants shall lbe furnihed and planted by the Contrac. o at hi her e pe e. eplacement pl I r S/ X C. At the completion of site, preparation. or arranging and financing all deliveries of plant rnaterialls. D. -Results f2irom testing seed for purity and gennination shall be fumislied to the Project Monitor prior to applying seed. to exarmjne soil moisture and., rooting depth directly. 4. The Monitor shall tally dead, anAlor plant stock on an annuall basis &-ring he annual mom.-toring D, 1mgatio-in installation and coverae. en ordered and will be pa -id for by the Owner. It Is Lhe Contractoe s I - E. The seed specified on Che Contract has b I Uu�-'t PLOVIde te Conitractor with the location, quantity, and species of replacernerit plant stock. E, During excavation of planting holes a -Lid container stock installation. 111. Materials responsibility to ar-range. for delivery of the seed. The (-'ontrnactor sh-all ay for an -v and all specined seed treatments, E. h-figation Systemi Mainteriance P I - 5� Unless otherwise approved by the Project Mor-ritor, ' he Contractor shall cornplete replacement Of unsuitable lants F, Site clearrup prior to hydroseeding. including acid scarification aind mycorrhizal irloculum. LThe Contractor shall be responsible for the regular maintenance and repair ol aill aspects of te irrigation systernt. P V' wit -h -tin two weeks after notification. An re-placernent planting that is required shall be done durin the period from G. At compleri-on of plant itallation. The Proect Monitor will subnift. writter. notification of Acceptance of the- A. Materals, p&-ts and equipment to be furnished by the Contractor shall be new, wiless odhienvise specified in these F ReDlacenjent seed must be purchased from te sarne seed supplier and must originate from the safne collection sources Poorly fuctioning or norlfur-ictioning parts sall be replaced immediately so as to not endanger the plantings. y Z5 Installation to the Contractor to comr-nence the beginning date for the 120 -Day Post -Installation ainte-nance Period. Specifications. Ternateria-Is shall be mnuffacured, handled, andi used in a %orkman-like rnanner, as ori -November Ist through March, 31st as deterrrdned by the Project Monitor. gginal material. If additional seed is required, ten arrangements shall be- made with the seed company &nd the 2. General system checks shall be conducted no less thari weekliy for te 'firs, i-nonth- after installation to assure thie L H. At the completion of t1he 120 -Day Post -Installation Mainteenance Period. Acceptance and wii-tten approval shall B. A111 materials shall be subject to inspection and if, in the opii-on of the Project. Monitor. the same do riot com ly Projec onitor to secure the r-natenial in a tinnely manner. P system lis functioning correctly, and r-rionthly thereafter, iexcept during perods when f1he fir-ngation system is not in cornmerice the begainning date for the General Maintenance Period. the contract documents. said materials slinall be rejected and 1-r-runediately removed from the preernises at the G. Seed required to be labeled under the Cafifonia Food and A 'cultural Code shall be labeled by the vendors supplying 1. Seed Replacement 9-ri operauori as recornended by the Project Monitor. I --i &reas showing I-ess dian 60 percent germinetion as deeterm. ined by the Project Mordtor, and showing no 1. At the compledon of he General Maintenance, Peniod expense of the Contractor. Such Seed. 33. Any erosion or slippage of soil caused by the Contracor's inad:�uate -nnai-ritenance or operation of irrigadon eeded C. Manufacrurer's warranties, guarantees, insLruction sheets and parts lists which are furished with certain articles or H. Seed -specified without a punty or gern-imatiun requirernew. shall be labeled to iryclude, the narne, date (month and v signs of vandalism or erosion-, wil. be reseeded by the. Contractor at the Con-tractoes expense. ear) faccililles, as determined by the Proi M the, Contractor at hi/her expense. ect T onitor, shall be repaired by -10wil the sanne procedures in -ev o r 2- An- necessary to impro ng STATUS MEETINGS I materials incorporated in the Wor1k: sall be delivered vo Owner piior to acceptance of the Work. collected, and the wame and �d-&'ess of Vne seed supplier. Said seed., at the time of sowi g, shall be from tle Di i US 0 reseeding ve sparsely covered are -as will be conducted fol i - current year's h&--.Te-st. described in 'these Specificatfions. Such r'seeding may be perform- ed by hand 'broadcasting as detterrnined by the L Fcrr the first 18 monfis following plant installation. and quarterly dhere&fter for the life of the project, Contractor IV. Plants !. Aff ship-ments of eed not accompanied by a valid California Nursely Stock Certificate shall be reported to the County Deb -s R - Project Monitor. Agr el le se the, Col-fi-rinissioner. F. T rash and I en.oval 3--�-The seeSbed shall be sca-dfied to a depth of three iches (3`� if broadcastseed installation is ernploved, Broadcast -he of desfination for inspection and shall be h d until re a d by ricultuml Commissione att point. --, - - 11 1 shall attend a status meeting with the Project V-11onitor to be held at the project site. Owner also rc#uest the -id fumished ir-sealed standard containers. The seed shall not contain more thian 0.5 pe'reent 1. All'! areas. of the mitigation site shall be kept- clean ad free of weeds-, litter, trah, -and debris duning the If seeds on the tilled soil and gently rake ito the top 3/8-1inch of soil. Fi-nrdy tamp with back olf rake, hoe, or a-tte-ndance oil Vne soils eno, neer, civill engineer- surve-yor, city imveCtor, and whomever else Owner de- J. Seedhall be labeled w 'a sinates to be A. container stock specified on te Plans has been ordered and will be paid for by the Owner. o other nursery -Cal -Installation Maintenance Pernod. rhe nuffigationt site shall be well maintained in order to - I friat has bec Idy, or otherwis d will not be accepted. 'I-'xe--d in broken or 120 lendar Day Post weed seed bv volum- e. Seed ome w t, mo damage sirmiar tool to ensure -Ood seed -to -soil eontact,. at said neetings. At Owner's request, Contractor shall have a principal (i.e., owner, responsible un-arnaging par-i-ner) inay be wdlized. It is thle. Contractors onsibility to arratnge or defivery of container stock and pay for any I rn- attend he status m. eetin- associaed costs for deliveries. e-sp darnaged containers will be rejected. deter vandalism and dumping of Lrash. K. The seed is available at S&S Seeds, P.O. Box 1275, CarNnternta, California 93014. Contact: Jody Miller, telephone 2, Contractor shall, durrina daily routine maintenance, reernove weedy debris, inorganic 11itter, trash. d other debris B. Replacement material rniust be purchased frorn the same nursery and must oriinate from the sarne coffiection ar. Ing J. Reemoval of Irlga-Vor, Syster Components number (8105) 684.0436. Please refer to the Coyote Canyon Project and Glenn Luk -os Associates when identif�dng this frorn. the mitigation site and dispose of off -sit-, as pernikted by Contractor is responsible for avoidi impacts to SOTIL TESUNG sources as the original material. If additional mawrial is required, hen arrangements shall be rnade with- the nursery ng trash removal activities. 1. At dhe request of the roject Monitor, dhe Contractor shaft abandon in place, and cap al' below -ground irrigation Ject with- the eed company. planting duri pro, i i igation system co, mportents as deterinined by and the Project Monitor to secure the material in a timely manner. Tlie Con -tractor should be awarre thlat as mam- as System Components, and shall rennove fro -yr. the sibe all above -ground in y I y to arrange for delivery of the seed. The Coirractor shall pay for. any and all 3, Contractor shall otify fhe Project -Monitor regarding van-dalism or duraving of trash irnm, ediatelly upon detection. . It is the Contractoes responsibilit t' gre, 1. Soil sarnDles shall b--- taken from a munimurn of one location per acre to represent an- adequate cross-section of 10 onths lead time may be required to secure --usto-mm-colected provagules and seed, se oculum. left' place in the revegetation areas. he ProectIVlonitor. The below- und lines sharl be caped at !-east one -inch t I"'! below ground and abandoned in conditions as deeteirnined by the Project Monitor. C. Plants-, hall be of the varierv, and size specified on the Corturact and shall conforin to the requirements of these specified seed treatments, including acid arification and mycorr-hizal in 4. Dead -mbs and tree fall shall be in place. I - 2. S ystem abandonment shall Lake place between October I st and Decernber 3 1 st (the tirne of. year when activity i s Specifications. Any substitutions shall be approved in wetting by the Owner or the Project Monior and may require W. MycorThizal Inoculum G. Pest Cotrol less likely to result in disturbances to wildlife) in- either te four-th or fifth years of the General Mwintenance Period. f ffi -n -in - - - W 11. Soil tests shall be perfo med by an approved so.! test laboratory such as Wallace Laboratories. 365 Coral approval o te Califbmia Depart - ent of Fish and Game and/or the A, - y Cotps of Enineers. The Project Monitor ling 1 . Contractor is responsible for monitoring trees and shrubs for signs of disease, insect, and/or predator diniage. and Circle, El Segundo, CA 902445, telepone nurnber (310) 615-0116, contact Garn Wallace. n1e, test shall indicate, but shall notify the Contractor of any changes a leat 72 hour prior to Contractor talking delivery of plant rnateria1. A. Mycorrhizae shall -not be stored in temperatures greater than 90'F and no less than 32'F or in direct sun. Mycorrhizae treating ats n �L ecessary. 11be Project Monitor will be. consulted on any pest control measure to be irnpleemented. 2.Contractor shall repair and/or replace all damaged plats caused by rodents, disease, and/or insects,, Badly 'be 1i ing that have beconne wet. moldy, or othervise damaged by extreme temperatures shall be rejected. not to the following: D, No plant shall be transported to the plant area that is not thorouo.ly wet throughout the ball of earth ,I r�qe A, Orgartilc inatter Content- N, P� K; pH- EC� soil texture (.e., slt, clay, sand); recommendations for ane. d nts- surrounding the roots. Ay plant that, in the, opinion of the Project Monlitor, has a darnaged- root ball, or is dry or in a B, Endo-mycorrnizal inoculurn shall be ordered at least two we- damaggred platrits will be removed or pruited to prevent preadlin ks i advance of application to ensure availability. _2 of the pestilence and replaced in kind if removed. leaching, and maintenance fertilizations. wilted condition when deli vered to the plantin area will. not be accepted and sha 11 be replaced by the Contractor at, C. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange for and finance delivery of the mycorrhizzae. Excessive foraging by predators -ma -necessitate protective s.-reening around olants and/or polson baiti,-.g of he his/her expense. D. Mycorrhizal mocudum sh'all be applied at the rate of 8,900,000 live propagules peir hectare (3,6W1,000 ive propagules IF1 The results and recornmendadons of soil I-esdig laboratory shall be subritted- to the Project Monitor for review E. -Root condition of plan, rs will be detennined bv removal of earth frorp. fhe roots of not less than 2 per acre) based on the guarantee of t1he supplier or an analysis revrned by an independent laboratory predators. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a rodent-frete project. All --m-easures to eradicate rodets must be ass and approval. plants of each species or variet nor -more than 2 percent of the twal number of plant from each species or variety. E Endomycorrhizal itioculum shall be applied before or in 'be same application as the seeds. in no case shall d-1-1 -eted by a licensed pest control consultant. The Project Monitor will inspect he root condition prior to transportation to the planting e endomyco-renizal inoculum bee applied after the seeds. in Do case shall endorny-coffhizal inoculum be applied after the seed I ,, ar & -P P1 applicadon. inoculum be ap hed within one hour of addition to the nuixing tank. plant disease, pests or their eggs, excessive abrasions or other p I IN'. Pro -ducts by product narne it, the soil testing laboratory recorn mendations i -nay be substituted wiffi equal ts shall be he&lthy, vigorous, free from H. Plant Replacerneent Z�5 Prepared by: products approved by tlie Project Monitor. bjectionaFte disfigurem-ents, and shall have healthy, nornial root systerns, well -filling fliek containers, UUL 11UL LU the Plants that show signs, of failure to orrow at any Itinne, or which are, so finjured or dam -aged- as to render th-em Glenn Lu�s Assoiates, Inc. Point of being root -bound. Tree trunks shall be sturdy and we'll hardened off, Plant shall inot be pruned or topped unsuitable for the purpose interided, as determined by the Project Monitor, shall be removed and replaced. Unless -Q01L ATMENTUMIENTS p -nor to defiVery. otherwise ap-p w Mir I 1 229 0rchard , roved by the Project Monitor, the Contrac- shall complete replacerrient o'unsuitable plants within Lake Forest, Clallifooda 92-630-8300 G, Each plawt saff be handled and packed in the appf'oved r.mnne.-. for that species or variety, and all -necessary two weeks after notification. i Contact: Sally Dwtis L he addition of soil arniendments will be based on the results of the soil analysis and as directed by dhe Project preca-ationis sh-aill be. tak-en to insure that the plants wirl arrive at the site of the Work in proper coridition for 2. Replacement plantings shall conform to the species, spacing, and size requirem. ents specified for the plants being (949) P-57-0404 Monitor. successful growth. rucks used -for transporting plants shall be equipped with covers t-(3 protea plants- rom A. Soil Arnendni-ent shall be a wood or bark product, treated to absofth water quickly, or a relatively dry Organic windburn. eplaced as irtaicated Hi the Specifilcations. V. Compost fior Hydroseeding 3. Replacernent plants shall be purchased from replacer-rient stock inventory at Tree of L-ife Wholeale Nurser-, H. Plants- shall he individually tag 'ety. I J compost derived from sewage sludge or rice hulls; shall be friable and pass a one -inch sie-ve and shall co-ro-ply gged or tagged in groups by secies or vari 4. Replacement p!arritsi sall be furnished and planted by the Contractor at his/her expense. wift7i dhe in ffie California Food and Aencutraral Code. 1� All plants shaH connp* with Federal and State laws requirin inspection for plant diseases and -infestations.xjlsuFtj�� B. Rice 11hull compost shall not contain liviing vegretation, dirt or ot-he-r obiectionable material, Pathogenic viruses, fly Inspue-c-tion certificates required by law shall ac.-lo-r-opany each ship-nient of plants, and certificates shall be &E-vered to C I - - I processed recycled wood products, or a Class A, exceptional quality biosolids compost. -as required by US E -PA, 40 1, Seeee-d Replacer-n-ent !arvae, insecticidies, herbicides, furigicides nor poisonous c-Ineimicals that. would -inthibit plant egrowt-11. the Pr,�iect Monitor. CF -R. part 503- re-eulations, or a com bination of.grezrt material and biosolids Cornpost. 1 � Seeded areas showing 1 -less than, 20 percent grermination at '1 20 callendair days, as &-term-ined by flie -Projek-t C. All soil amendrnent shall be packaged so flivat complia.-tice- cap. be reaefily deterfnined. or shall be accor-n-panied by a 1 Th -- Co-nttractor sh-all obtain clearance f �om the Countv Agricultural Cor-purn-i ssioner, ass, required by law, bef bore -d, - --i - - - -) sian - 'sm or erosion, wil' be resee-ded by the Contractor at the Contracto S eds, pat-hogens, and dellet uas -matefial and s-1hall Moi tor, aod s-howing -w s of vandall B. The compost shall be pre.-Iessed or cotupleted to reduce weed se-- teri Certificate of C-oinplIN-Mce. planting plants delivered from outside the Count ini Vinfich they are to be planted. Evidence f1hat such clearance has riot �-ornain paint. pettroleum produclus, herbicides, fungicidles, or other chemical residues that would be- har- mfult to e� nse' Neen obtainedi shall be filed with thle Project- Mon-Itor, 2, Any reseeding necessary to iWtove sparsely covered areas will be conducted 11"ollowing t1he sarne procedures plant or animall fife, Other deleterious rnaterial such as plastic, giass, nnetal, or rocks shall not exceed 0. 1 perc�elrllt by J SITIE PREPARATION K. The Contractor shall notify the PrqJect Monitor when plants are to be shipped to the project site, Such nio-lification Z�- shall be given not less thar. 14 days prior to the actiial shipment date, Weight or volurne. described in these Specifications. Such reseeding -r-nay be performed by hand broadcasting as deterruined by the I 'nimum internal temperature of 135F shall be maintained for at least 15 continuous days during the Project Monitor. A P -,u General L. The container stock -is available at Tree of Life Wholesale Nursery, 33201 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, composting process. The compost shall be thoroug".11y turned a r-runimurn of five times during the con1posting California 92693. Contact: Pat Slator, telephlone numbes 049.729.06-85. Please refer to the Coyote Canyon Project process and shafll gro through, a minhinurn 90 day cu-ning period after the 'i 5 day ther-rnop-hrlic cornpost process has GENTR-kL n-UNITE-NUTT-N-CE PERIOD (MONTHS 5-6-0) A. Prior to the comffreencement of any site preparation, all contractors who will complete somic aspect of the plan will and Glenn Luk -os Associates when identifying this project with the nursery. been -. - leted. 01111P th M. It is the Contractor's responsibility to arrange for delivery of container stock and pay for any associated costs -for D. Compost shall be screened fhrouA a minimum 1/4 -inch screen. .rieeet at the site wit the Project Monitor who vvill review all aspects of the plan which concern the Contract Z)r.l 1, General including sit-, protection, maintenance inspections, landscape procedures, aild monitoring. The maintenance deliveries. E. The moisture content of the contipost shall not exceed 35 percent. Molisture content shall be deten-nined by personnel willi be 'rally informed regarding the thabitait establishment program. so they understand the goals oiftlhe California Test 226. Compost produc-ts with ahigher Pnoisture content nmay be used provided thle weight o -f the A. Unless stipulated otherwise by the Project Monitor, the Generai Maintenance Period shafl be for a period of eflort, aind the maintenance requirements. n. e Project, Monitor will supervise all, aspects of the Plain including site approximately five (51 years cornmencing from the ti -me of written acceptance of the Work- by Owner or the Projecit V. Mulch com -post is increased to equal compost with- a maximum moisture content of 35 percent. preparation, installation, and rnaintenance. F. Compost shall be tested for maturity/stability widh a Slovita Test Kit. The compost shall measture a -,ninirnum of 6 Monitor followi ng the Post -installation Period Maintenaince inspection. B. -Prior to plant installation, the Project Monitor will provide an addendum to these Specifications, if required, A. Unless otherwise specified, mulch shall consist of wo(--,d chips, tree bark-, or shredded bark, or any combination the Slovita, maturity/stalbility scale. B. At the end of the General Maintenance Period, the Contractor shall provide written no-Cice to the Owner and the indicating required amendments and/or soil treatments, if required, per a soil 11aboratory's reco-m-mendations. thereof, at the Contractor's option. Mulch materials produl-ed from pinne trees grown in Alarneda, Monterey, Santa n Project Monitor that he has completed the required maintenance and that any further maintenance will be the C. All cornibusfible materials, trash, debris, and other waste materials from any consstruction c�perations shall be Clara, Santa Cruz., or San Mateo counfies shall not- be used. Vi. Corinmercial Fertillizer responsibility of Owner. legally disposed of outside the Pr Ject Site. B. Wood chips shall be manufactured from clean wood. The particle size of the chips sh-all be bet -ween one-half inch C. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment- to perform all required Work durinor the General 03 C, D. -1be Contractor shall, protect all existing sWuctures or facilities that are adjacent to or fall within the firnits of the (2"1 and three inches "3") in lenorth, and not less than 3/8 -inch in width and 1/11 -6 -inch in thickness. Chips produced Maintenance Period, as specified herein, including but not firnited to. A. Commercial fertilizer s-Inall conform to the requirenients of Vne California Food and Agricultural Code, adequate watering of plant materials, reeplwzing terials, and cont -rolling weeds, insect hiffes ion and other pests. from tree trinunings I[hat contain leaves or small twigs will no be accepted. Corp-mercial fertibzer shall be i -n pelleted, granufar, or tablet form and shall have a "Mininaum guaranteed cherfliCal C� Work to be done under this contract. Any strucaire or facil-ityto be- protected, which is dama-,nd as a result of the L � unsuitable plant ima I tat s, t day until final acceptance of dw Wo6k by Contractor's construction operation shall be replaced by thee Contractor at hisffier cost, to the safilsfaction of the C. Tree bark shall.11have a particle size between one-half inch (1/2") and one and one-hallf inches (111 1/2") arld shall be D. Contractor sha' .1 maintain the proiect on a continuous basis from the firsL analysis of 18 percent P.-itrogen, 6 DerceWt phosphoric acid, and 6 percent water-soluble potash. or other as approved 'I rn Project Monitor. fre�e of salt a-ind fore n materials such as clods, coarse objects, sticks, rocir-s, weeds, or weed' seeds, the Projecl- Monitfor. Contract( -yr slial - aintain sufficient personnel and adequate equipment to peeformi. fhe Work t:� by the Project Monitor, E. The Pro ect Monitor will review the site- pn%paration and must indicate approvall to the Contractor before J)J 11anting i - - D. Shredded Wei shall be a rnixture of shredded bark and wood; shall have a particle size between 1/8-irich (1/8"') herein specified. Contractor shallimiaintain continuity within maintenance personnel. or seeding rmy commence. The Contractor -inust give the Project Monitor at least 72 nours notice before a site and one and one-half inches (1 1/2"') in thickness and one inch (I ") to eight inches (8 ") in length; and shall -be free of V11. Stabilizing EnquIsion E. The Project -Monitor will rneet with maintenance personnel in order to ideriatify proper maintenance procedures. A review. salt and deleterious materials such as clods, coarse objects, and rocks, professional with expernenc�-- and knowledge in native plant creation, restoration, and enhancement maintenance will A. Stabilizing emmulsion shall be a Concentrated liquid chernical that for-r-ris a plastic film upon &yingr and allows supervise all maintenance personnel, 11. Materials 'V1. Fertilizer F. Any day the Contractor fails to adequately water or per -form work determined to be -necessary by the Project water and air to penetrate. The fil-in shall be nonflar-ri-inable and shalli have an effective fife of at least one year. B. Stabilizing er-nulsion shall be non-toxic to plant and arnmal fiffe. In the cured stave, t1he stabilizing emulsion shall Monitor will not be credited as part of the General Maintenance Period. A. Materials shall confon-ri to the vrovision-s An these SLecificatiojis. A. I-Pertilizer shall be of the type specified on, the Contract. not be re-ernulsifiable. The materilai shall be registered with arid, licensed by the State of California, Departr-rient of G. The C-ontractor will noll- be hield liable for daniage to irrigation system or death or damage to plant r-naterials due to B. 'Fertilizer shall be a 10- -gram biodegradable planting packet containing a ble-nd of 18 -percent to -tall nitrogen (NI -117ood and Agricul re ass an "auxiliary soil chemical." tu van-dalisni, floods, fires. or other darnage beyond the Contractor's controll, 111. Preparation or' Plarafing Areas six -percent available phosphoric acid (P205-, six -percent soluble otash (K20), 5.7 -percent combined sulfur (S), I C. Stabilizing emulsion shall be miscible with water at the time of mixing and application. I P H, Any plants indicating weakness or probability of dyinor due to Contractor -negligence diuring the General 8.51 -percent calcium (Ca), 2.02 -percent magnesium (Mg), and 18 -percent boron (B). INlaintenance peartod shall be replaced by the Contractor at his/her own expense. A, Preparation of planting areas shall include, but is riot limited to, incorporating so -ft aniend-ments (if recommended C. The nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassitun sources shall be coated with a polyurethane coating to provide 1. The Contractor shall be available within five '5) working days of request by the ProjeCt Monitor for replanting, Nqll. Application k by Project Monitor), rem oving Lrash and debris, eradicating di e od p 17.8 -percent coated slow release ni-itrogen, 5.09 -percent coated slow-release available phosphate and 5.09 -percent im-igetion systenn adjustments or repairs, or wy other maintenance activity Work deeterr-n-ftned to be necessary by the g I X tic 11ant species, a -rid doing any other work C� necessary to m- ake ready the area for planting as specified in these Plans and Specifications. P ect Monitor. Z:5 sllowly available soluble potash. A� The ratio of total water to total stabilizing ern-ul-sion in the mixture shall be as recom. mended by the mianufacturer B. Construction debris shall be removed and disposed of legally off-site. D. RTY. Booster-Paks 18-6-6 is availabhe at Reforestation Technologies International (RT11), 1341 Dayton Street, Unit �c r0i 01 t emulsiom 1 All container stock plantings shall have a rtninimurn of 100 percent survival the first year and 90 percent survival C. 11he Contracti-or shall kill and remove all weeds from ',be site', com- pleted prior to t1he addition off any szoil G Salinas, California 93901. Telephone number 800.784.4769. f B, An rnixture containing stabilizing emulsion shall. not be applied during rainy weather or when soil temperatures thereafter and/or shall attain 75 percent -Cover after three years and 90 percent cover after five ye&rs for the life of the y am.endme-nts and iniggation installation. are bellow 40' F. Pedestrians or exquipment shaltit not be permitted to enter areas where n-nixtures containing stabilizilIg prqject. All plants imust survive and grow for at least two years without supplemental imigaltion water 41Vr, acceptance VU. Installation of One- and Five-GaPlon Con-t-a-kner Stock emulsio-in thave been applied. by tbx U.S. Army Corps of Engineers arid/or the California Departrinent of Fish and Ganne. IV. Herbicides and Pesticides C, Materials shall be applied in lowo (2) s4�parate kpplications. The first applicattion as, specified- -in the table below K. Contractor shall request ati inspection within fhe last 20 working days of the General Mal-riten-ance Period for A Planting done in soil that is too wet or too dry or not properly conditioned or in a condition riot generally accepted acceptance of the Work rfornried in accordance wi the Contract Docurnents. The request shall be- made to dhe consists of the fiollowing mixture in the -oropfortions indicated, shall be applied with hydroseeding equiprnent within Pe A. The Contractor shall cornply with- all. rules a -rid regulations fff the Department of Food and Agriculture and the as satisfactony for pianting as provided in these Specifications, will not be accepted, -itor a ior to the date of the- inspection. he Preject rvilonitor shall 60 rninutes after the seed and mycoyfffizae have been added to the mixture: Project Mon rninimum of five (5) working days pri Th 41 Department of Health, the Department of Industrial Relations, and all! other agencies that govern Che use of pesticides B. Container -stock shall be thoroughly wetered the day before planting. No niore plants shall be distributed in a notify flne Contractor in widting of the satisfactory cornpletion. of the Ge-rieral Maintenance Period. required in Che performance of the Work on the Contract. planting area than car, be plantedl and wattered-in on that day. Material Kilograms per hectare B. Pesticides shall include but shall not be lirniteal to herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, gernnicides, C. Trees and shrubs to be planted in areas to be seeded shall be planted before seed is applied. Fiber 400 riernattocides, bactericides, inhibitors, farnigants, defoliants, desiccants, soil sterilants, and repellants. D. Flanting holes --may be excavated by hand digging or by drilling. Water shall not be used for the excavation of 11-1'1� Non-Legurne Seed As specified in the Plat -is C. Any substance or rnixture of substances intended for preventing, repelling. rnitigati-ng, or destroying weeds, planting holes. T1 he ConAractor shall avoid crewting sr-nooth, vertical walls in the planting tiole, and- scarify the side of Legru-n-te Seed As specified in the Plans insects, diseases, rodents, or ner-o-atodes and any substance or nuixture of substances intended for use as a plant planting holes with, shovel or digger bar if an augrer is used. Z> Endo-inycorrhizal Ino-culum 8,900,000 propagules per hectare regrulator, defoliant or desiccanut shall be considered a pesticidde. E. One -gallon stock will be planted in holes -ineasuring at, least twice the diamteter and twice the depth of the plant f -i D. The Contractor shall obtain recortirmendations for the use of all. herbicides from a ficensed Pest Control Adviser container, Where rock or other hard material. prohibits 1 -holes from being excavated to the deepth specified-, new hohes k-ompost 1600 (PCA) in accor-dance- withl, t -the requirements of fhe Cal-11-fornia Food and Aggricult 9 Code. and Ith-ese Specificajions. UIr shall be excavated and the abandoned holes sfiall be filled with the excavated material. D.The secon-d. applicatI01111 coLlsists of the following mixture in the proportions indicated which shall be kpplied with E. Helibicide recommendations shall include, but -riot be Iii-mted to, the pesticides to be used. rates of ap--plicatio n, F. Partially fill the planting hole witb friab, 'I to one -inch U "'I below the expected -depth of the rootball. lixydroseeding equip-ment: e nwave soil rtieftiods of kop-lication, and areas to which pesticides are to be applied. At no th-ne slia-11 pre-ernergent her'bicides be Place R --I1 Booster Paks ome-inch (1 ") below the expected dep-di of the roothall and cover with soil. Utilize two ff, P used. Booster Paks for one-gallori container stock and four (4) Booster Paks for five-gallor. container stock. 11 Material Kilograms per hectwi e F. Herbicides shall b- -mixed in accordance with die insLructions provi d on the ap ficable registered label. Prior to G. Plants, shall be set un the backfill material ;n flat bottorned holes. to such a deWfli that, after the backfill has settled, -:1-iber 600 CITY OF FONTANA be rr --o d -je t ee root bail ass shown on t1he ierl!al settles below ithe top Compost 2400 r -mixing any pesticide, a copy of the registered 1-abel - lor the pesticide to -Mixed shall be given 1. he Pro C the soil shall be even with the top of th Plans. if 'the backfill ma Monitor, or when such copy is unavwflabie. the Project Nlowitor shall be peim-fitted to read t -he label on the container. of Vne -100t ball after planting and wateding, additional sofl shall be added to bring the backfill ever, with. the too of the Conhmercial fertilizer G. Herbicides for weed control shall be, applied with a photosensitive dye that will produce a contrasting color when- root ball! as shown on the Plans. Stabilizing ernulsion 'solids-, 200i DRANM BY: SCAI -p ta sprayed upon the - ound. Yhe color shall d-isap 14� With the Palm oft-Ine hand covefing the open end, upend thwe plant container. Carefally ta the cont iner so the gr pear between 2 and 3 days after being applied. The (�ye shall not stain 1 COW)iTE %j ,CANYON any surfaces nor injure plant or anirnal life, when kppllied at the innanufacturer's recommiende'd application rate. plant rests up -side down on ,-he hand 11-eaving the rootball completely intact. Plants sha-11 be re -moved ftom d ir DATE: 'TIGATIONA HASE 2 H, Wh-ere control o '-- non-rix-tive vegetation is required and Ch -e- use of herbicides is necessary, and there is a possibility conud-triers in such a rna-ti-ner that the ball ol- earth surrounding, the roots is not broken. Plants shall bee pla-rited and DESIGNED �JKA P -e hef e- hose rbici s, such as watered as hereinafter specified i=. intediateiv after removal from their containers. Plarit containers shall not be cut z;; that th biclUlt.-Is could corne into contact with. water, the PC -A s -hal' recoirim nd only d he. Aqua m -aster@ or RodeoQ0 (Glyphosate), which are approved for aquatic use. 11f surfactants are required, they sh�dl be prior to delivery of the plants to the plantfti� area. CHECKED BY: A -VP--Q BY DATE MAVVING #: 2 which are approved for aquatic use. -restricted tonion-ionic chemicals, such as Agri M I Y I -N' N 1, r_R -51152 #4239 23 08-10-05; DRAWN ES 0 CHECKED CH D z N Q SHEET LS=2 2 23 OF 23 WE 08-10-05; DRAWN ES 0 CHECKED CH D z N Q SHEET LS=2 2 23 OF 23