HomeMy WebLinkAbout4213-9I I Ea TOLL FREE A PUBLIC SERVICE BY F— -kI M� REMSION DESCRIPTION 11. OENERAL REOUIREMENT5: 5. Depth of trenches shall be sufficient to provide o original condition. PRAAIN(95 OF nOORD (A5-5UILT5). minimum cover obove the top of the pipe, as noted on the, droyflngs, H. 5A0Kf9LLIN6.- A. C-PENERAL: 5. JOININ6 PIPE: 1. 5ockfill shall not be, placed vntIl the, Installed Irrigation The 0ontroator sholl provido and keep up to date, in system hos been Inspected and approved bq the Oyiner's occordonce P41th this seetion, a romplete set of record 1. The Controator is rosponsible to be familiar vilth the Representotive. "os--lovilt" bloak line, prints Mich shall be correated methods of ossemblinq, joining, and Installing the vorlous doliq and shoyi every chonqo rrom the, original droyflngs ond types of pipes to bo used. He vqIll odhere in stric.1; 2. Trenches shall be backfffled Nith o minimum of 4" of sperIficatlons ond the exoct "09-bullt" lofotions, sizes, depths and oce,ordone,e vilth the mon0octwers reeommondod fine, e3ronular materials to protect the pipe from the kinds of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtolned procedures. clods or rocks. The remaining excovated dirt con be from the Oimner. This set of droAlngs shall be kept on the used as bockfIll. The Contractor shall not place site and sholl be vsed only as a rerord set. These droNings detrimental svi;eoll or rorks in the top 6" of b=kfIll. shall also serve os iAiork progress sheets and the Controctor 2. PVC, pipe, shall not be threaded and all transition from PVC, sholl make noot and legible notations thereon daily, as the to metol piping shall be, by PVC mole threaded odoptar 5. If settlement 000vrr? ond adjustments in pipe, valves, Y4ork proceeds, shopqlnq the P4ork os actuall� installed. These, f Ittings. Irrigation heads, or any other Irrigation device becomes drayiIngs shall be available ot the times for Inspection ond C' 5ACK17LON FRI_-'VENTER,.. The backfloyq prevention dovice neres5ory to bring the sye;tam to proper vqorking order, sholl be kept in o l000tion designoted by the Oyinor'5 spec,Med herein rphall be verified Yqlth locol plvmbInq and the Controctor sholl, os a port of his Yqork under this Representative. heolth codes. In the event of ony conflict on the devire rontract. ' make all the necessory odjustments Nithout or the Installation methods, the oyiner's Representative extra cost to the Ovqner. 5. REWIRED NOTATION5: shall be notified PRIOR TO BID OPENIN6. L AUTOMATIO CONTROLLER AND VALVE5. 1. The Contractor shall dimension from tyio (2) permanent D. TE5TS: 1. A 120 volt electrical poyier outlet to the controller points ol' reference, building corners, sideNolks, or road shall be provided by others. (Provided the Londsoope Intersections, etc., the loration of the folloiNing Items. 1. All main lines ond lateral lines vqhlch hove gived joints C.,ontroator has not Included the, electricol connection under paving in the system shall be capped and in his scope of Y4ork), The Irrigation (:�ontrortor shall be a. 60te valves pressure tested at 150 F51. responsible Por making the hookup from the outlet to b. The routing of the Irrigotion moln i1nes the controller. r,. Connertion to the existing Yqoter lines 2. Freesure sholl be systolned In the linee, for not less thon tyqo (2) hours. If leoks develop, the jointep shall be 2. All Nre from the oontroller to electric, control volve5 d. Irrigotion control valves replaced ond the test ropeoted until the entire s9stem shall be solid ropper U.F. #14-600 volt direct burial, e� Ovlok CovIoling valves is viotertight. Use Mite for common, blve for lovin sy5tems, black for f. Control ler/Raln-check loeotlons shrub systems and red for moisture sensors; common Master valve or Pump control vilre. Install in common trench vilth main line 5. Tost shall be observed and approved by the Ov4nor's pipe More possible. Topo oontrol P41re at 10' O.C. to Representative prior to backfill. moln line pipe. Provide minimum 0" -.overage. 2. The dravqInq shall shoyi approved substitutions of sizes, mote,rials, ond rnonuFactvrer's name and cotalog number. 4. Ahen the Irrigation system has been completed (and 5. Nlre connections sholl be made, vilth "5rotch-Lok" Nlre before planting ho5 begun), the Contractor, in the connector seoling po,,,ks #55'16 or 5peors "Dri-splice" presence of the Oviner's Representative, sholl test the vqlth sealont V5 500 or opproved eopol. coveroge of Nater afforded to the laiNn and planting aroos os (Omplete' ond odoctvote- The Oontr=,tor sholl furnish 4. There shall be a wntrol PNIre Prom each rontrol valve oil motorlols and perform oil Nork required to correet running to the controller, ond each control valve shall ony Inadeqvaales of oovoroqe. 1pe connected to the rommon 43round Yqlro. 5. The Controctor shall inform the oviner's Representative of any deviotions Prom the plan requirod by v4lnd, 5. All electriaol v4ork shall comply Nth the opplic,,oble wdes. plontings, soils, or site conditions that affect present Irrigation ooveroge. 6. Install all volves per details, and manufortvrer's recommendotlon5. E. IRR16ATION HE -AD INSTALLATION, One service, unit Yqlll be, pvrrhased to properly prepore, ond 5ervice the, moisture sensor. The service, unit along Nth all 11/11/1, SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED --go= omnrinkt 12/21/06 Plans Pr-epared By IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO 17288 Red Hill Avenue, Studio One, Irvine, CA 92614 )2/20/06 T� 949,399,0870 F: 949,399,0882 www,cdpcInc,com YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON 6659 Morro Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE T: 805,466,3385 F: 805-466,3204 CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS -1-0 THE PLANS TO BRING 'THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH STANDARDS IN EFFECT. DATE ENGR. CITY DATE UZI