Furnish all material, labor, transportation, equipment, and property to complete the landscaping
of the planting areas shown on the drawings, or reasonably implied to complete the construction.
Included as a part of the work of this Section, but not necessarily limited by it, are the
following items:
A. Pre -planting weed control of all planting areas.
B. Soil preparation and fine grading of all planting areas, including the addition of soil
C. Preparation of all planting and specimen tree holes.
D. Furnishing and installation of all plant materials, lawns, ground covers, mulches, etc.
E. Furnishing and installation of all required planting backfill materials, tree stakes, guy wires,
and miscellaneous material.
F. Providing maintenance for ninety (90) continuous calendar days after acceptance of
G. Guarantee and replacement.
All materials shall be of standard, approved and first grade quality and shall be in prime
conditions when installed and accepted. Any commercially processed or packaged material shall
be delivered to the site in the original unopened container bearing the manufacturer's
guaranteed analysis. Contractor shall supply Owner with a sample of all supplied materials
accompanied by analytical data from an approved laboratory source illustrating compliance or
bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis.
A. Topsoil:
Topsoil, as required, shall be obtained from on site excavations.
B. Soil Conditioners and Fertilizers:
Soil conditioners may include any or all of the specific conditioners herein specified.
1. Nitrogen stabilized organic amendment.
Amendment shall be fir or cedar sawdust. Source shall be derived from wood of fir or wood of
cedar containing the following physical properties:
Percent Passing Sieve Size
95-100 6.33 mm (1/4 inch)
80-100 2.38 (No. 8, 8 mesh)
0-30 500 Micron (No. 35, 32 mesh)
Chemistry shall be:
Nitrogen Content (dry weight) - 0.65% - 0.84%
Iron Content - Minimum 0.08 % dilute acid soluble Fe. on dry weight basis.
Soluble Salts - Maximum 3.5 Millimohos centimeter at 25 degrees centigrade as determined by
saturation extract method.
Ash - (dry weight) 0 - 6.0%
2. Other Materials:
Fertilizer shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers and of commercial
grade, uniform in composition, dry and free flowing, of the following analysis
a. Gro -Power Plus
b. Gro -Power planting tablets
c. As Specified
C. Tree Support:
Materials for staking and guying shall be as follows:
1. Support stakes shall be lodge pole pine stakes, Length as determined to facilitate upright
stand as described.
2. Ties: Elastic webbing, polyethylene tape, or Owner approved tie.
3. Guy wire, steel guy anchor and plastic hose tie of adequate size and length to safely support
D. Miscellaneous Materials:
Sand: Washed river sand or equal.
Post Emergent Weed Killer: "Paraquat", "Roundup", or Owner approved herbicide.
Tree Wound Paint: As approved.
Fiber: Wood cellulose mulching fiber "Conweb" or equal.
Chemical Additive: Seed germinating additive "CPA 4000" or equal.
1. Nomenclature:
The scientific and common names of plants herein specified conform with the approved names given in "A Checklist of
Woody Ornamental Plants in California", Manual 32, published by the University of California School of Agriculture (1963).
2. Plant List for Bid:
The contractor is herein referred to the landscape plans for the plant material selection and the requirements of this section
of the specifications. Container sizes, unless otherwise stated, have been used to indicate the size of the plant material
3. Labeling/Delivery:
Each group of plant materials delivered to the site shall be clearly labeled as to species, variety and nursery source;
however, determination of plant species or variety will be made by the Landscape Architect, and his decision will be final.
The contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect 72 hours in advance of delivery of all plant materials and shall submit an
itemized list of the plants in each delivery.
As a convenience to the contractor, the Landscape Architect upon request, will inspect box size material at the source
nursery prior to delivery at the cost of the contractor. Said source nurseries shall be reasonably close to the project site as
determined by the Landscape Architect. Plant material so inspected shall arrive at the project site in an undamaged
4. Quality and Size:
Plants shall be in accordance with the Califomia State Department of Agriculture's regulation for nursery inspections, rules
and grading. All plants shall have a normal habit of growth and shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, and free of insect
infestations, plant diseases, sun scalds, fresh abrasions of the bark, excessive abrasions, or other objectionable
disfigurements. Tree trunks shall be sturdy and well 'hardened off. All plants shall have normally well - developed branch
systems and vigorous and fibrous root systems which are not root or pot bound. In the event of disagreement as to condition
of root system, the root condition of the plants fumished by the contractor in containers will be determined by removal of
earth from the roots of not less than two plants or more than two percent of the total number of plants of each species or
variety. Where container grown plants are from several sources, the roots of not less than two plants of each species or
variety from each source will be inspected. In case the sample plants inspected are found to be defective, the Landscape
Architect reserves the right to reject the entire lot or lots of plants represented by the defective samples, The Landscape
Architect is the sole judge as to acceptability. Any plants rendered unsuitable for planting because of this inspection will be
considered as samples and will be provided at the expense of the contractor.
The size of the plants will correspond with that normally expected for species and variety of commercially available nursery
stock, or as specified in the Special Conditions or drawings. The minimum acceptable size of all plants, measured before
pruning with the branches in normal position, shall conform with the measurements, if any specified on the drawings in the
list of plants to be furnished. Plants larger in size than specified may be used with the approval of the Landscape Architect,
but the use of larger plants will make no change in contract price. If the use of larger plants is approved, the ball of earth or
spread of roots for each plant will be increased proportionately.
5. Rejection or Substitutions:
All plants not conforming to the requirements herein specified, shall be considered defective, and such plants, whether in
place or not, shall be marked as rejected and immediately removed from the site of the work and replaced with new plants at
the contractor's expense. The plants shall be of the species, variety, size and condition specified herein or as shown on the
drawings. Under no condition will there be any substitution of plants or sizes of those listed on the accompanying plans,
except with the expressed consent of the Landscape Architect.
6. Pruning:
At no time shall trees or plant material be pruned, trimmed or topped prior to delivery and any alteration of their shape shall
be conducted only with the approval and when in the presence of the Landscape Architect and as noted in the Planting
7. Protection:
All plants at all times shall be handled and stored so that they are adequately protected from drying out, from wind burn, or
from any other injury.
8. Right of Inspection:
The Landscape Architect reserves the right to approve or reject at any time upon delivery or during the work any or all plant
material regarding size, variety or condition.
E. Seed:
All seed used shall be labeled and shall be furnished in sealed standard containers with signed
copies of a statement from the vendor, certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully
labeled in accordance with the California State Agricultural Code and is equal to or better than
the requirements of these specifications.
F. Hydro -Mulching Materials:
The hydro -mulch mix shall consist of wood cellulose mulching fiber, Conweb mulching fiber
or equal.
G. Hydro -Mulching Application:
Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertilizer, seed and slurry of
prepared wood pulp shall be of the "Super Hydroseeder" type as approved by the Landscape
Architect. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system and operating capacity sufficient
to agitate, suspend and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. of fiber
mulch plus a combined total of 7 lbs. fertilizer solids for each 100 gallons of water. The slurry
distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of
hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide a continuous non -fluctuating discharge. The slurry tank
shall have a minimum capacity of 1,500 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit, either
self-propelled or drawn by a separate unit, which will place the slung tank and spray nozzles
within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded.
The general subsoil grading, deep ripping, tilling, and establishment of the rough grade will be
done by others, under a separate contract.
Other work such as fine grading, cultivation (and in some cases, addition of topsoil) and/or soil
conditioners are required to prepare the finish grade.
After approximate finished grades have been established, soil shall be conditioned and fertilized in
the following manner. Materials shall, at the following rates, be uniformly spread and cultivated
thoroughly by means of mechanical tiller into the top 6" of soil per 1000 square feet:
Application Rates
See Soil Notes
4 cu. Yards of Nitrogen Stabilized
Organic Amendment
All soil areas shall be compacted and settled by application of heavy irrigation to a minimum
depth of twelve (12) inches.
A. Final Grades:
After the foregoing specified deep watering, minor modifications to grade may be required to
establish the final grade. These areas shall not be worked until the moisture content has been
reduced to a point where working it will not destroy soil structure.
1. Finish grading shall insure proper drainage of the site.
2. All areas shall be graded so that the final grades will be one inch below adjacent paved areas,
sidewalks, valve boxes, headers, clean -outs, drains, manholes, etc.
3. Surface drainage shall be away from all building foundations.
4. Eliminate all erosion scars.
Actual planting shall be performed during those periods when weather and soil conditions are
suitable and in accordance with locally accepted practices, as approved by the Landscape
A. Weed Control:
After soil preparation and establishment of final grades prior to any planting, the contractor shall
irrigate thoroughly for a period of time, two (2) to three (3) weeks or until weed seeds have
germinated. When there is sufficient weed seed germination, the contractor shall apply a
post -emergent weed killer, according to the directions of the manufacturer. The contractor shall
then wait an additional one (1) week to allow the weed killer to dissipate, then plant as indicated
in the plans and specifications.
B. Layout of Major Plantings:
Locations for plants and outlines of areas to be planted shall be marked on the ground by the
contractor before any pits are dug. All such locations shall be approved by the Landscape
Architect. If an underground construction or utility line is encountered in the excavation of
planting areas, other locations for planting may be selected by the Landscape Architect.
C. Planting of Trees, Shrubs and Vines:
1. Excavation for planting: Excavation for planting shall include the stripping and stacking of all
acceptable topsoil encountered within the areas to be excavated for trenches, tree holes, plant
pits and planting beds.
a. Protect all areas from excessive compaction when trucking plants or other material to the
planting site.
b. All excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughened surfaces and shall be of a size
that is twice the diameter and 6" minimum deeper than the root ball.
c. Excess soil generated from the planting holes and not used as backfill or in establishing the
final grades shall be removed from the site.
2. Planting:
No planting shall be done in any area until the area concerned has been satisfactorily prepared in
accordance with these specifications.
Only as many plants as can be planted and watered on that same day shall be distributed in
planting area.
Containers shall be opened and plants shall be removed in such a manner that the ball of earth
surrounding the roots is not broken, and they shall be planted and watered as herein specified
immediately after removal from the containers. Containers shall not be opened prior to placing the
plants in the planting area.
Container plants shall be backfilled with:
See Soil Notes
Palm Rsgnkfill
8 parts by volume washed river sand
2 parts by volume nitrogen stabilized organic amendment
10 lbs. Gro -Power palm fertilizer per cubic yard of mix
2 lbs. Agricultural gypsum per cubic yard of mix
All plants which settle deeper than specified above shall be raised to the correct level. After the
plant has been placed, additional backfill shall be added to the hole to cover approximately
one-half of the height of the root ball. At this stage water shall be added to the top of the
partly filled hole to thoroughly saturate the root ball and adjacent soil.
After the water has completely drained, planting tablets shall be placed as indicated
3 tablets per one gallon container
8 tablets per five gallon container
15 tablets per fifteen gallon container
16 tablets per 20" and 24" box
18 tablets per 30" box
20 tablets per 36" box
22 tablets per 42" box
24 tablets per 48" box
Larger sixes: For each 1/2 " caliper measured 14" above soil level use 3 additional tablets.
The reminder of the hole shall then be backfilled.
Planting tablets shall be set with each plant on the top of the root ball while the plants are still
in their containers so the required number of tablets to be used in each hole can be easily
After backfilling, an earthen basin shall be constructed around each plant. Each basin shall be of
a depth sufficient to hold at least two inches of water. Basins shall be of a size suitable for the
individual plant. In no case shall a basin for a fifteen gallon plant be less than four feet in
diameter; a five gallon plant, less than three feet in diameter; and a one gallon plant, less than
two feet in diameter. The basins shall be constructed of amended backfill materials.
3. Pruning:
Pruning shall be limited to the minimum necessary to remove injured twigs and branches, and to
compensate for loss of roots during transplanting, but never to exceed one-third of the branching
structure. Upon approval of the Landscape Architect, pruning may be done before delivery of
plants, but not before plants have been inspected and approved. Cuts over three-quarters of an
inch in diameter shall be painted with tree wound paint.
4. Staking and Guying:
Staking of all trees shall conform to tree staking and tree guying details and as herein specified.
Protective stakes may be planted with the tree, driving them into undisturbed soil at the bottom
of the planting hole until 18" remains above ground level.
Support stakes tall enough to support the particular tree shall be driven 18" into the soil. A line
drawn between the two support stakes shall be at right angles to the most troublesome wind
direction. Attach crossties to the supportive stakes on the leeward side of the prevailing wind.
Ties shall be place as low on the trunk as possible but high enough so the tree will return to
upright after deflection.
To find the proper height for tie locations, hold the trunk in one hand, pull the top to one side
and release. The height at which the trunk will just return to the upright when the top is released
is the height at which to attach the ties.
Ties are to form a loose loop around the tree trunk and auxiliary stake so that the trunk cannot
work towards the support stakes.
Support stakes are not to exceed 6" above the tie locations. The auxiliary stake shall be
attached to those trees needing extra trunk support as determined by the Landscape Architect.
Wind and wrap the top of the wire with friction tape.
One tree of each size shall be staked and approved by the Landscape Architect prior to continued
D. Ground Covers:
Ground covers will be planted in the areas indicated on the plans.
Ground cover plants shall be grown in flats, peat pots, or taken as cuttings, as indicated on the
plans. Flat grown plants (rooted cuttings) shall remain in those flats until transplanting. The flat's
soil shall contain sufficient moisture so that it will not fall apart when lifting the plants. If plants
from peat pits are used, the pots shall be protected at all times prior to planting to prevent
unnecessary drying of the root ball.
Unrooted cuttings shall be 10 inches or more in length. They shall be insect and disease free tip
cuttings from healthy, vigorous and strong growing plants. Mature or brown -colored stem growths
or cuttings which have been trimmed or rooted before planting will not be accepted. Cuttings shall
be planted not more than 2 days after cutting and shall not be allowed to dry or wither.
1. Ground cover shall be planted in straight rows and evenly spaced, unless otherwise noted, and
at intervals called out in the drawings. Triangular spacing shall be used unless otherwise noted on
the plans.
2. Each rooted plant shall be planted with its appropriate amount of flat soil or in a peat pot, in
a manner that will insure minimum disturbance of the root system, but in no case shall this
depth be less than two nodes. To avoid drying out, plantings shall be immediately sprinkled after
planting until the entire area is soaked to the full depth of each hole, unless otherwise noted on
the drawings.
E. Lawn:
Lawn shall be planted by hydroseeding and sodded as indicated on the plans. All areas shall be
free from weeds and weed residue.
F. Hydroseeding:
Hydroseeding shall include application of mulch, fertilizer and seed planting bed preparation, pre
and post -planting irrigation.
1. After soil preparation, establishment of final grades and weed control, the surface two (2)
inches of soil shall be loosened by harrow rototiller and floated level and irrigated just prior to
2. Preparation: The slurry preparation shall take place at the site of work and shall begin by
adding water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water level has reached
the height of the agitator shaft, good recirculation shall be established and at this time the seed
and chemical additive shall be added. Fertilizer shall then be added followed by wood pulp mulch.
The wood pulp mulch shall only be added to the mixture after the tank is at least one-third
filled with water. The engine throttle shall be opened to full speed when the tank is half filled with
water. All the wood pulp mulch shall be added by the time the tank is two-thirds to
three-fourths full. Spraying shall commence five minutes after addition of the chemical additive
when the tank is full.
Application rates:
Fiber 1,500 lbs. per acre.
Seed See plans
Gro -Power Plus 1,200 lbs. per acre (if area has been soil prepped, only use 400 lbs. per
Chemical Additives 3 gallons per acre
Urea Formaldehyde 300 lbs. per acre
3. Application: The operator shall spray the area with a uniform visible coat by using the green
color of the wood pulp as a guide. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, in an arched
stream so as to fall like rain allowing the wood fibers material to spread at the required rate per
4. Time Limit: All slurry mixture which has not been applied with in two hours after mixing will
be rejected and removed from the project at the contractor's expense.
5. Irrigation: Immediately after completion of hydroseeding, each area shall be irrigated. Irrigation
during the germination period of the seeds shall keep the hydro -mulch moist at all times without
creating run-off, erosion or over -saturation. The irrigation system is to be in operating condition
and have been tested before planting is started.
The contractor shall continuously maintain all areas involved in this contract during the progress
of the work and during the establishment period until final acceptance of the work by the Owner.
The contractor shall request an inspection to begin the plant establishment period after all
planting and related work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. A
prime requirement is that all lawn areas shall show an even, healthy stand of grass seedlings
E. 25126• EXP.DATE
which shall have been mowed twice. If such criteria is met to the satisfaction of the Landscape
Architect, a field notification will be issued to the contractor to establish the effective beginning
H ac w z
date of the plant establishment and maintenance period.
Any day when the contractor fails to adequately maintain plantings, replace unsuitable plants or
do weed control or other work, as determined necessary by the Landscape Architect, will not be
C.) 0 cr
credited as one of the plant establishment working days.
Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of any planting at the termination of the
scheduled establishment period may cause postponement of the final completion date of the
contract. Maintenance shall be continued by the contractor until all work is acceptable.
In order to carry out the plant establishment work, the contractor shall furnish sufficient men and
adequate equipment to perform the work during the plant establishment period.
Maintenance shall be according to the following standards:
A. All areas shall be kept free of debris and all planted areas shall be weeded and cultivated at
intervals of not more than ten (10) days. Watering, *mowing, rolling, edging, trimming, fertilization,
spraying and pest control, as may be required, shall be included in the establishment period.
B. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of the area. Damaged
areas shall be repaired at the contractor's expense.
C. Between the 15th day and the 20th day of the establishment period, the contractor shall
reseed all spots or areas within the lawn where normal turf growth is not evident.
D. Fertilize all planting areas with the following - See soil notes
E. Mowing of turf will commence when the grass has reached a height of two inches. The height
of cut will be 1 to 1-1/2 inches. Mowing will be at least weekly after the first cut. Turf must be
well established and free of bare spots and weeds to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect
prior to final acceptance.
F. The contractor's maintenance period will be extended if these provisions are not filled.
G. Clean-up:
The contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials and debris.
After all planting operations have been completed, the contractor shall remove all trash, excess
soil, empty plant containers, tools, and equipment used in this work and/or any other debris
resulting from his work on the site. Any scars, ruts, or mars in the area caused by the landscape
work shall be repaired at the contractor's expense.
The contractor shall leave the site area broom clean and shall wash down all paved areas within
the contract area leaving the premises in a clean condition.
A. All plant material installed under the contract shall be guaranteed against any and all poor,
inadequate or inferior materials and /or workmanship for a period of one year. Any plant found to
be dead or in poor condition due to faulty materials or workmanship, as determined by the
Landscape Architect, shall be replaced by the contractor at his expense.
B. Any materials found to be dead, or in poor condition during the establishment period shall be
replaced immediately. The Landscape Architect shall be the sole judge as to the condition of
material. Material to be replaced within the guarantee period shall be replaced by the contractor
within 15 days of written notification by the Owner.
C. Replacement shall be made in the same manner as required for original plantings. Materials
and labor involved in the replacing of material shall be supplied by the contractor at no additional
cost to the Owner.
Normal progress inspection shall be requested from the Landscape Architect at least 72 hours in
advance of an anticipated inspection. An inspection will be made by the Landscape Architect on
each of the steps listed below. The contractor will not be permitted to initiate the succeeding
steps of work until he has received written approval to proceed by the Owner.
A. Immediately prior to the commencement of the work on this section
B. Completion of fine grading.
C. Completion of soil conditioning
D. Prior to application of post -emergent weed killers.
E. Pre or post -delivery of all plant material.
F. Completion of major plant layout.
G. Prior to hydroseeding or installation of sod.
H. Commencement of maintenance.
I. Completion of first 30 day maintenance period.
Final Acceptance of the Project: Prior to the date of the final inspection, the contractor shall
acquire from the Landscape Architect approved mylar prints, and finally record from the job
record set all changes made during construction, label said prints "As-Builts", and deliver to the
Landscape Architect. Prior to the date of final inspection, the contractor shall deliver to the
Landscape Architect the "Landscape and Irrigation Guarantee" as required.
1. Soil Preparation - add 50 lbs. of Agricultural Gypsum 1,000 sq. ft.
2. Backfill shall consist of the following:
7 parts native on site soil, by volume
3 parts nitrolized shavings, by volume
16 lbs. Gro -power Plus per cubic yard of mix
3. Hydro -seeding - For already soil prepared areas, apply 280 lbs. Gro -power Hi -Nitrogen per
For non -prepped soil areas, apply 1,000 lbs. Gro -power Plus and 300 lbs. Gro -power Controlled
release per acre.
4. Maintenance - Feed with 20 lbs. Gro -power Plus 1,000 sq. ft. on days 45 and 85 of
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