HomeMy WebLinkAbout2605-2� DMSION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Subcontractor workmanship will be of quality to pass inspections by local authorities, lending institutions, � Architect or Builder. An one, or all, inspectors may ins Any of the above mentioned in y pest workmanship at . any time, and any corrections needed to enhance the quality of building will be done immediately. 2. Schedule: Each Subcontractor shall start his work promptly, pursue it diligently, and complete it in accor- dance with Contractor's Building Schedule. It is mutually understood that schedule is subject to change without notice as circumstances warrant. 3. Materials Storage: All materials, machinery, and equipment shall be stored in a manner approved by Contractor, in a place designated by Contractor. Fire hazard shall be minimized by all reasonable means. Storage places shall be promptly vacated upon request by Contractor and left in broom -clean condition. 4. Cleanup: Each Subcontractor, unless specifically exempted by the terms of the sub -contract agreement, shall be responsible for cleaning up and removing from the job site all trash and debris not left by other Sub- contractors. Builder will determine how soon after Subcontractor completes each phase of his work that trash and debris will have to be removed from the site. 5. Job Protection: While it is the responsibility of each Subcontractor to cooperate fully with the Job Superin- tendent in protecting all work through the entire course of construction, special attention must be given . to protection of all finish work performed after completion of plastering, stuccoing, or drywall. All Subcontractors shall fully cooperate with Job Superintendent in protecting the good condition of all finish I&%~I v, otGA11o, v<Avu 1IG16 VV" (% Goo Nd �.WU�Q &V f/J, U 11 %Juw 1 U IG 1 1%jucoG. ING l�i-'a V1 rn-j"i:alls, czyffa i Cups, o lighted cigarettes shall ever be placed on any marble or formica countertop, except that tools and materials immediately being worked with may be so placed provided that they are not placed upon an . unprotected finish surface. Subcontractors will be back -charged for any damage which may reasonably be ascribed to them; for this reason, each Subcontractor shall be responsible for promptly notifying Job Superintendent of any damage existing prior to the start of his work. . 6. Code requirements: All construction, electrical, plumbing, heating, and ventilating materials and installation shall comply to the Uniform Building Code and other local governing codes. . 7. Specification and Dr&M!2g Explanation: For convenience of reference and to facilitate the letting of contracts and subcontracts, these specifications are separated into titled sections. Such separations shall not, however, operate to make the Architect an arbiter to establish limits to Contracts between the Contractor and Subcontractor. 8. "Or Equal": The Contractor shall submit for the Owner's written approval, all materials or equipment which is considered "or equal" to that specified. 9. As Builts: Each subcontractor to provide as built drawings on models. 10. Structural Engineerincl Refer to calculations for any question regarding lumber grades, beam or header sizes, footings, and lateral requirements not specified on plans and contact Architect. 11. Work shall comply with regulations and criteria as set forth by the minimum property standards of the Federal Housing Administration and Veterans Administration. DMSION 2 _ SITE WORK 1. Soils Engineering Refer to soils report for soil requirements. Copy can be seen at Owners office. 2. Gradin -g: Grade with uniform levels or slopes between required finish elevations. Slope grade away from buildings. 3. Locate existing utilities by hand excavation, disconnect, seal or cap at connection to service lines in accordance with utility requirements before starting site clearing operations. 4. Excavations: All excavations, grading and footings shall conform to the recommendations of the soils engineer. 5. Provide ground poisoning. 6. Provide termite and decay protection. 7. All fill or imported soils to be certified by soils engineer. DIVISION 3 CONCRETE AND FOUNDATIONS 1. Portland Cement shall conform to ASTM -C 150-62, Type V or provide soils engineer check for sulfates per UBC section 2604. Verify with structural drawings and notes. 2. Concrete Mix: Concrete to be machine mixed with a maximum 7-1/2 gallons water per sack of cement. 2000 PSI at 28 days. Verify with structural drawings and notes. . 3. All footings shall bear on firm natural soils or approved compacted fill to a minimum depth shown on drawings and shall conform with the soils report. 4. Sill Bolting: A Interior non-bearing walls: approved shot pins with cadmium washers at 48" o.c. maximum, 3/8" diameter x 3". B. Exterior and bearing walls: 1/2" diameter x 10" anchor bolts embedded 7" into concrete, 6-0" O.C. max, 12" from comers and 12" from doors unless otherwise rued (See Foundation Plan). Provide 14" long anchor bolts at footings with cold joint. C. Refer to Foundation Plan for variations due to structural requirements. 5. Prior to pouring footings or slab, contractor shall insure that all forms and trenches are free of debris and all embedded items are in place, securely attached, including work of others. 6. Maintain 6" minimum clearance between all wood and finish grade. 7. Cement contractor shall assure himself that foundation plans conform to floor plans before commencing work. All form work shall conform exactly to plan dimensions. When forms are squared, diagonals shall be within 36' of equal. Verify location of all special tie down anchor bolts as shown on detail plans. Layouts shall be checked with 1/4" plans. 8. All form lumber shall be straight, all screeds shall be straight. All points on the building slabs shall be within plus or minus 1/8" of established grade elevation within 12' radius. All form lumber furnished by Concrete Subcontractor. . 9. Height and width of all footing trenches shall be as per plan; all footings shall be cleaned before concrete is poured. Slabs shall be troweled smooth and level around all plumbing pipes, electric conduit and miscellaneous iron straps protruding therefrom. Slabs shall be sprayed with Hunt's process curing compound or approved equal immediately after finish troweling. Plan dimensions shall be changed only with the consent and approval of the architect 10. Cement Contractor shall perform any drypadking operations needed by the framing contractor in bringing his top plate lines to a level condition. 11. Cement Contractor shall promptly remove any anchor bolts or other steel inadvertently misplaced in or at openings and shall patch any surface damage caused by the removal thereof. 12. Cement Contractor shall fumish all concrete, rock, sand, mesh, membrane, anchor bolts with nuts and washers, anchor straps, form materials, Hunt's process compound, reinforcing steel, and imbeds unless specifically excluded. 13. After completion of pouring each slab, Cement Contractor shall remove all form lumber, miscellaneous lumber and cement debris, leaving job site clear and graded smooth for other workmen. 14. An imaginary line from the bottom comer of any footing, extending downward at 45 to the horizontal shall not intersect any excavation for gas, sewer or drainage purposes. 15. Design: Depth of footings in accordance with U.B.C. Table 29 A and B and per soils engineer's recommendations. 16. Provide termite and decay protection per VA/FHA requirements. REINFORCING STEEL 1. All reinforcing steel shall be Grade 40 in accordance with AS.T.M. A615, for #3 and #4; Grade 60 for #5 and larger. 2. Low hydrogen welding rods shall be used for all welding in reinf. bars. . 3. Bars noted "cont.", "typical wall reinf.," and "vert. column reinf." shall have a minimum splice equal to standard lap splice. 4. Reinf. shall be spliced only as shown or noted. Splices at other locations shall be approved by the structural ; I engineer. 5. Splices in adjacent horiz. wall reinf. bars shall be staggered 4'-0" minimum unless otherwise noted. 6. Provide dowels in footings and/or grade beams the same size and number as vert. wall or column reinf. Dowels shall have a minimum projection equal to standard lap splice unless otherwise shown. 7. All reinf. anchor bolts, and other inserts, shall be secured in place prior to placing concrete. 8. Provide the following minimum protective covering of concrete. a 1- :£ I, -f- - __ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .R - . - - ti- Below grade (unformed) 3" Gear Below (formed) 2" clear 4. Workmanship: All joints between adjacent wood members shall be squarely and neatly cut; shall be tightly Walls 1"dear workmanship joined; shall be solidly fastened with nails, screws, or glue, or any combination of these as good Columns 1 1/2" clear demands. If a slight crack remains it should be filled; if any rough wood burrs remain from Beams and girders � 1 112" clear � the saw cuts, they should be removed and the joint sandpapered. All wood member adjoining plaster g Structural slab (above grade) 4" clear shall be tightly fitted up to the plaster, any crack or joint remaining visible to the eye shall be minimal and "11"1 uniform, and if necessary, filled. Wood trim will be applied at any place designated by Job 9. Reinforcing bars marked cont. shall be spliced with a minimum lap of 40 bar dia. lap in masonry and 30 bar Superintendent in order to dose cracks between wood and drywall or stucco. dia. lap in concrete. 5. Door Hanging: All wood screws will be placed as follows: first, a pilot hole shall be made, the diameter of DMSION 4 k which shall not exceed the diameter of the screw to be placed (measure the screw diameter from the . bottom of the thread channel, at the average width of the screw, second, insert screw and tighten with a MASONRY screwdriver, NOT with hammer. Repeat, under no circumstances shall any wood screw be driven into place with the hammer. This shall apply to the installation of all butts, lodksets, or parts thereof, finish FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE hardware and accessories, lagscrews, and shall be accepted throughout the job as a basic principle of 1. Concrete masonry units shall conform with UBC Std. No. 21-4 based on ASTM C 90, Hollow & Solid Load acceptable carpentry. Bearing Concrete Masonry Units, and be light or medium weight units. 2. Aggregates for mortar shall conform with ASTM C 144, Aggregates for Masonry Mortar. A11 interior and exterior doors shall be so hung that the clearance between top and sides of each door and the doorjamb and head adjacent shall not exceed 1/16" (the thickness of a new United States ten cent 3. Aggregates for grout shall conform with ASTM C 404, Aggregates for Grout. piece shall be an acceptable gauge), to produce a uniform clearance at all points along top and sides of 4. Masonry cement shall conform with UBC Std. No. 21-11 based on ASTM C 91 a, Masonry Cement. the door. 5. Mortar cement shall conform with UBC Std. No. 21-14. 6. Door Bottom Clearances: per manufacturer. 6. Portland cement shall conform with UBC Std. No. 19-1 based on ASTM C 150 85a & C 595 86, Portland Cement & Blended Hydraulic Cements. 7. Before handing any door, said door shall be thoroughly inspected for warpage or other damage or A THIRD PARTY, THE THIRD PARTY SHALL deterioration which may prevent a completely satisfactory finish job; in the event a door is unsatisfactory 7. Hydrated lime shall conform with UBC Std. No. 21-13 based on ASTM C 207, Hydrated Lime for Mason for handing, Job Superintendent shall be immediately notified so that a replacement may be promptly purposes. I suppiied io door hanger. Any rework will be done by Finish carpenter at no cost to Builder, unless Job 8. Water shall be free from deleterious quantities of acids, alkalis and organic materials. Superintendent, in writing, accepts work. 9. Concrete masonry assemblages shall be constructed in accordance with the following: 8. No door shall be installed in any opening, the head jamb of which is not level or the side jambs of which are a. Concrete block shall be certified. A letter of certification shall be fumished by the not plumb, straight, and square; neither shall any door be hung in an opening the jambs of which have Material Suppliler to the Building Official, Architect, and Structural Engineer prior to delivery of the been damaged in any way which would interfere with a satisfactory finish job; such damage is to be materials to the job site. This letter shall assure that the materils conform with ASTM 90. promptly reported to Field Superintendent so that repairs may be arranged. All doors to be hung or b. Mortar shall be adjusted to stay in an open position. type S and have been mixed in accordance with UBC table 21 A The Mortar mix shall achieve a 28 day strength of 1800 psi. 9. Hardware: Provide 34butt hinges (1-1t2 pair) on all doors 6'-8" and over in height. All hardware to be installed c. Grout shall be mixed in accordance with UBC table 21-B and UBC Std. No. 21-14 as per instruction of Job Superintendent. based on ASTM C 476, Grout for Masonry. The grout mix shall achieve a 28 day strength of 2000 psi. A Letter of Certification shall be fumished by the Material Supplier to the Building Official, 10. Exterior Trim: S4S Douglas Fir. All wrap around trim shall be mitered. Chamfer exposed beam ends. Architect and Structural Engineer prior to Delivery of the materials to the job site. The letter shall that the materials conform with UBC table 21-B and achieve a 28 day strength of 2000 psi. 11. Interior trim: Kiln dried vertical grain fir. 10. Steel bars shall conform to ASTM A 615 and be Grade 60 except that No 3 and No. 4 steel bars may be - Grade 40 in lieu of Grade 60. Minimum bar laps shall be 48 bar diameters (24 inches minimum). 11. Cells shall be in vertical alignment to provide a minimum unobstructed core of 3"x3". Dowels from footings DIVISION 7 shall be set to align with cores containing reinforcing. 12. All cells containing reinforcing, anchors or inserts shall be filled solid with grout. Ungrouted cells shall be MOISTURE PROTECTION blocked with a grout stop fabric to prevent them from being inadvertently grouted. 1. Flashing: All flashing, counterflashing, and coping when of metal shall be of not less than 26 ga. galvanized 13. Concrete surfaces shall be cleaned of all lattice prior to setting blocks. iron (unless otherwise noted). 14. Clean out openings shall be provided at the bottom of all cels to be filled at each lift or pour of grout where such lift or pour is in excess of 5' in height. Overhanging mortar or other obstruction or debris shall be 2. Flash and Counterflash: At all roof to wall conditions. G. I. flash and caulk wood beams, outlookers projecting removed from inside of cell walls. Clean outs shall be sealed before grouting. from exterior wall or roof surfaces. 15. Between grout pours, a horizontal construction joint shall be formed by stopping all wythes at the same 3. Exterior Openings: Flash all exterior openings with approved waterproof building paper to extend at least 3- 112" under the building paper behind the wall finish. elevation and with the grout stopping a minimum of 1-1/2 inches below a mortar joint except at top of the wall. Where bond beams occur, the grout pour shall be stopped a minum o€1/2 inch below the top of the - 4. All framing and/or decorative plant -on and trim exposed to the weather and extending into wall framing shall masonry. be flashed and have protective pretreatment. 16. Hold vertical reinforcing in position at top and bottom and at intervals not exceeding 200 bar diameters in masonry walls. 7. Roofing: American Cemwood - Royal Shake. Color: Umber. Install per manufacturers specifications. 17. All reinforcing bar bends shall be made cold. Roofing Contractor shall be responsible for proper drainage of all roofs. A) Roofing nails to be galvanized, 18. All anchor bolts and inserts shall be secured in lace prior to placing concrete or grouting mason p p p g g g ry B) Valley Flashing: 26 ga. galvanized iron, 18" wide for shingles, 24" wide for shake (1-1/2" high),raised center 19. Welding of masonry reinforcement shall be the same as for concrete reinforcement. diverter and 4" end laps. The center of all flashings all through roof vents and all lectrical service connections shall not be less than 12" from center of any valley. D) Built-up roofing throughout shall consist of two layers of 15# asphalt saturated felt, hop mopping between DIVISION 5 15# felts and 80# white asbestos cap sheet per Johns Manville 15 year bondable. 1/2" plywood sheathing. 32/16 grade where rafters spaced at 24" o.c 24/0 where rafters spaced at 16" o.c. Exterior METALS grade where exposed to weather. All gravel -stop shall comply with plans exactly as to size, design and location. All felts shall be laid smoothly without wrinkles and buckles; asphalt shall be mopped the full 1. Structural Steel & miscellaneous iron shall conform to ASTM A-36. See also Structural General Notes/Details. width of each lap and in no place shall felt touch felt except at dry sheet. Asphalt temperature shall be carefully maintained as per manufacturer's specification, and, if requested by Job Superintendent, an asphalt thermometer shall be kept on the job during roofing operations. All metal to be left clean and DIVISION 6 - ready for paint. All roofing debris to be removed from job site. Cant strips and gravel stop needed for roof will be supplied and installed by Roofing Contractor. Valley flashing, chimney flashing, or other CARPENTRY miscellaneous sheet metal to be supplied by others. E) Exposed sheathing shall be 1 x6 shiplap rough face exposed. 6A ROUGH CARPENTRY F) Solid sheathing: Provide 112'(24/0) solid plywood sheathing (CDX) bonded by exterior glue block all edges. 1. All lumber shall be grade marked and conform with the standard grading and dressing rules of the West 8. Moisture Barrier per soils report recommendation. Also, see Foundation Plans. Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau. 2. All lumber to be West Coast Douglas Fir. DIVISION 8 3. Lumber Grading: Unless noted otherwise. DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASS A. Repetitive use members (24" o.c. or less) . 1. All glass and glazing shall comply with UBC Chapter 54 and Table 54A, 5413, 54C and must be labeled safety 1. Studs and Plates - D.F. #21,450f glazing for impact . 2. Joists and Rafters 2 x 4s to 4 x 4s D.F. #21,450f 2. Tempered glass: All sliding glass doors to be tempered glass. All glass less than 18" above adjacent walking 2 x 6s to 3 x 6s D. F. #21,250f surface shall be tempered. B. Single use members , 3. Weatherstripping: All exterior doors and windows to be fully weather stripped per local codes and Title 24 requirements. 1. Beams: All 4x members D.F. #1 1,500f 4. Provide shatterproof glass enclosure (3116" tempered clear plate glass) with cast iron risers @ master bath All 6x and larger D.F. #1 1,750f shower pan. 2. Posts and Mullions: 4 x 4 and smaller D. F. #21,200f 5. Mirrors and fixed glass: fumish and install mirrors at all pullmans as shown, on interior elevations of plan. 11 4 x 6 and larger D.F. #21,250f Where no splash is installed, mirror installer shall set mirror in ample mastic. All fixed glass to have full 6 x 6 and larger D.F. #1 1,350f bed of putty inside of glass. C. Misc. members: 6. Materials: . 1. Blocking and furring D.F. #3 Glass: Grade to be DSB and SSB and as required by UBC. All glass to be float glass quality. Mirrors: Sized as indicated on drawings, Float glass mirror quality with 10 year silver spoilage warranty. D. All lumber in contact with concrete or masonry within 6" of grade to be pressure treated West Coast Douglas Fir or foundation grade Redwood. Caulking compound: shall be suitable grade for application, per industry standard. Flexible type. Color. neutral. E. All plywood exposed to weather shall be exterior grade and ext glue. Weatherstripping: Vinyl bead type at head and jambs of all exterior doors. F. All beams 6x or greater in width to be #1 Douglas Fir or select Structural where indicated on plans. 7. Finish: Aluminum windows to have a factory white finish. 4. Framing shall be done in a workmanlike manner by skilled mechanics. 5. See structural drawings for nailing schedules and requirements. DIVISION 9 FINISHES INISHES Provide non -slip surface. 9A PAINTING PAINTING - APPLICATION . SHEAR WALLS AND FRAMING 1. Application of paint or other coating shall be in strict accordance with manufactureris directions. Ready -mixed 1. See structural drawings for notes and details regarding shear walls and flaming. paint shall not be thinned, except as permitted in the application instructions. 2. All wood framing members shall be well nailed in accordance with the City of Fontana and Building Code 2: Exterior painting shall be done only in favorable weather. All surfaces shall be free of dew or frost and must be dry to the touch except for certain masonry paints formulated for application to wet surfaces. sections applicable. All exterior nails shall be galvanized. All 5/8" exterior grade plywood, sanded, T & G, subfloor and deck plywood shall be hand nailed with ring -shank nails 3" o.c. at edges and 6" o.c. in the 3. All surfaces to be finished shall be dean and free of foreign materials dirt grease, a 9 (dirt, g asphalt, rust, etc.). if not field. All nails protruding through finish surfaces ("shiners") shall be dipped flush with finish surface or if clean, painter to clean or bring to attention of Superintendent. Paint over dirty surfaces shall constitute necessary, removed and replaced. Where desired by the Contractor, such posts, beams, handrails, and acceptance by painter and he shall remedy to Superintendent's satisfaction. other finish members installed in -the -rough shall be fastened with machine bolts or lag bolts in lieu of nails. All nails in wood siding shall be set flush with surface of wood using nail set to avoid hammer marks or "golf balls'; all nails in siding shall be set to a line. All exterior nails shall be g4lvanized. All 4. Application shall be a workmanlike manner providing a smooth surface. Application rate shall be that plywood subfloor shall be 32/16 minimum plywood index recommended by the manufacturer. Application may be by brush or roller or by spray if paint is formulated for spray application. Sprayed materials shall comply with the requirements of the Califomia 3. Framing contractor is to supply all sisalkraft paper used at exterior doors and window frames, unless the Air Resources Board. paper comes with the frames. 5. Number of coats: Apply not less than the number of coats required herein for the specific application. 4. Provide all cutting, backing, furring, flaming, etc. necessary for other trades. Additional coats may be required if the finish surface does not provide acceptable coverage or hiding. See Cabinets for cabinet and pullman finishes. 5. Overhangs: To be 1 x8 White Fir shiplap solid from fascia to plate. NOTE: Certain pigments provide excellent hiding ability even though thinly applied. With paints of this type, 6. Exterior Wood. All exposed fascias, barge boards, etc. to be S4S. care must be taken to obtain adequate coverage if the coating is to offer reasonable durability. 6B FINISH CARPENTRY EXTERIOR WOOD SURFACES 1. Supplier of all finish materials and millwork, interior and exterior, will be notified of delivery 30 days prior to WOOD SIDING, MILLWORK AND TRIM delivery. A delay in supplying and delivering of these materials constitutes a delay in production which 1. Knots and resinous wood shall be sealed with a prepared knot sealer or aluminum paint prior to priming. Any cannot be tolerated by the Builder. nail holes or cracks shall be filled with putty. 2. All interior finish and trim material shall be clear Grade "B" or better kiln dried D.F. Interior paneling as per 2.I Appy a suitable prime coat to all surfaces to be painted before or immediately after installation. Apply primer plans. at coverage rate recommended by manufacturer. Primer shall be formulated specifically for application 3. General Workmanship: All workmanship shall be of the very best. All finish carpentry shall be performed to to unfinished wood. Certain finish coats are formulated to serve as primer and may be used when applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Contractor's satisfaction. All finish carpentry shall be considered incomplete unless and until it is, in Contractors opinion, prepared and ready for painting operations. It is hereby mutually agreed and 3. Top and bottom of exterior wood doors, casement sash, awning sash and bottom of double -hung sash shall understood that this means that all the Painting Contractor shall be required to perform in order to receive two coats of paint or sealer. prepare Finish Carpentry Contractor's work for paint is customary sanding and puttying operations. GENERAL NOTES --A gags -to have one coat spray applied. Exterior sheathing shall be prestained at "V" groove and shiplap joints. 5. Fascia to have two eats, front and back side, spray applied with Old Quaker Paint or a paint acceptable to Builder. 6. Siding to have two coats by spray with Old Quaker Paint, or a paint acceptable to Builder. 7. All other exterior trim to have one coat primer and one coat paint, sprayed on. 8. All exterior doors to have one coat primer, seal top and bottom, and one coat exterior enamel, brushed on. 10. No spray painting over shingled areas. WOOD SHINGLES, SHAKES, OR RESAWN SIDING 1. Sidewalls: Apply two coats of oil stain, pigmented oil stain or an oil shingle paint. Factory applied finishes may be used provided qualities of durability, resistance to fading and color variation are equivalent to that obtained with field application. Provide separate additive prices for this. 2. Apply a suitable prime coat to all surfaces to be painted. Apply primer at coverage rate recommended by manufacturer. Primer may be a specially prepared primer for plywood, a ready -mixed exterior commercial primer thinned with approximately 1 pint raw linseed oil, an exterior aluminum house paint or an aluminum primer compounded of 1-X4 to 2 pounds of aluminum paste or powder in one gallon long oil spar varnish, mixed just prior to application. 3. Unsanded surface (groove siding) apply at least two coats of an opaque penetrating finish such as Old Quaker stain. Ordinary house paint or dear finishes shall not be used. In grooved siding, plies exposed to view shall be finished. EXTERIOR METAL 1. Exposed galvanized sheet metal shall be painted to match adjacent surface unless noted otherwise. 2. Surfaces shall be cleaned with turpentine or mineral spirits and wiped dry. 3. Primer shall comply with F.S. TT -P-641 B, Types I or II, "Zinc Dust" Zinc Oxide Primer. 4. Second coat shall be exterior house paint. STEEL OR IRON 1. Steel or iron except stainless steel shall be painted. 2. Surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, rust, loose scale, and other foreign material. 3. All steel or iron shall be primed with at least one coat of red or blue lead or zinc chromate primer. 4. A factory application of a rust inhibitive phosphate coating such as Bonderizing or Parkerizing may be used in lieu of prime coat. 5. Over primer, apply at least one coat of exterior house paint or exterior aluminum paint. 6. Painting Contractor will be responsible for repainting any steel or iron for a period of one year from date of notice of completion in the event roust starts to show. INTERIOR WALLS AND CEILINGS Interior walls and ceilings shall be finished as follows, except where permitted to be left unfinished or where covered by wall tile or other acceptable finish materials. 1. All interior door trim shall have one coat enamel, brush applied. Louver doors may be sprayed. MASONRY SURFACES 1. Masonry surfaces to be painted per color schedule. 2. Prime surface prior to finish paint. 3. Apply one coat of paint over primer, or as many coats as necessary to give full thick coverage. INTERIOR WOOD SURFACES Millwork and Trim 1. All millwork and trim including windows, interior doors, window, door and base trim, closet shelving and trim, etc. shall be finished by painting one coat primer and one coat enamel. If stained, two coats will be applied by brush or spray. 2. If painted: a. Prime surfaces with a suitable primer. b. Apply one or more finish coats to provide a smooth surface having full coverage. Finish coat in kitchen and baths shall provide a durable waterproof finish. c. Tops and bottoms of interior doors shall receive one coat of paint or sealer. 3. If finished natural: a. If surface is open grained wood, fill or seal to prevent grain raising. b. Apply one or more coats of natural finish to provide a smooth, wear -resistant surface. Natural finishes may be wax, stain followed by one or more coats of varnish, shellac, or lacquer, clear coat of varnish, shellac, or lacquer with or without wiped paint undercoats of oil and wax finishes. Natural finishes in kitchen and bathrooms shall provide a durable waterproof finish. 4. All interior doors and trim to have one coat primer, one coat enamel, brush applied. Louver doors may be sprayed. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Painter is to check out building before he starts and give a written memorandum to the Superintendent of any faults in the working conditions. Unless such written notice shall be given to the Job Superintendent, no such faults shall be presumed to exist and the painter shall be responsible for a completely satisfactory finished job. The memorandum shall be detailed as to lot, room, and description of fault. the painter is to fumish a half-pint sample of each paint used, neatly labeled and made from the same original batch . used. In any event, painter is responsible for sanding and filling minor blemishes in walls and woodwork. Paint FAU floor. Remove paint from hardware and windows. Paint or leave clean shingle edges. Additive price to paint fire box blade 2. Color chart becomes a part of the contract. MISCELLANEOUS Included are all caulking, puttying, interior and exterior touch-up, wall preparation and paint dean -up in normal amounts. 1. All hardware to be 100% cleaned by Painting Contractor. 2. All hard surfaces at entry ways to be protected by painters. Any paint spots to be removed by Painting Contractor. GENERAL WORKMANSHIP All workmanship shall be of the very best. All of Painting Contractor's work shall be done to the satisfaction of the Contractor. All surfaces shall be put in proper condition for finishing; all materials shall be evenly spread and smoothly flowed on without runs or sags. All workmanship shall be in full accordance with the standards set forth by the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America. Holidays are not allowed. 1. If woodwork, plaster, metal, masonry or any other surface to be finished cannot be put in proper condition for finishing by customary cleaning, sanding, puttying, caulking, and filling operations, the Painting Contractor shall promptly notify Contractor in writing, or assume liability for and rectify any unsatisfactory finish resulting. . 2. It is mutually agreed and understood that Painting Contractor shall perform a customary and normal touch-up when job is complete, without expense to the Contractor. All touch-up painting, interior and exterior, will be completed to Owner's satisfaction. The pidk-up painting will comply with the walk through list compiled by Buyer and Field Superintendent. DMSION 15 PLUMBING 1. Workmanship: All plumbing work shall be done in accordance with the current edition of Uniform Plumbing Code and all codes, rules and regulations of governing agencies. 2. Plumbing layouts for each plan and/or elevation thereof shall be submitted for approval by the Contractor before start of construction. This approval is not for the purpose of establishing plumbing code legality of the layout, which is the Plumbing Contractor's responsibility, but rather it is for the purpose of establishing the suitability of proposed locations for gas, water and sewer stub -outs, all clean -outs, hose bibbs, etc. 3. Contractor shall see that plumbing shall not interfere with the aesthetics of the completed building, therefore, all exposed clean -outs shall be installed flush with finished walls with a finish cover approved by Job Superintendent. Shutoffs, etc. shall be located with approval of Builder and inspecting authorities. 4. Clean outs shall be located by Contractor in the least obvious places of buildings. Verify with superintendent. Chrome flat plates over all C.O. plugs exposed in finish rooms, 6. Clean -u0 Contractor shall perform all necessary rat proofing. 7. Sewer connection: building shall be connected to public sewer complete, and per City of Fontana requirements. .f 0 ■ E ,'�,y , 41C_ 11 �, - � _ ". y �_ 4 =: . -�� is Im A I l i )x )` . ) ) 0 ■ JOB NO. 97006 ■ 1■ CITY DWG. NO. N_ 2nd SUBMITTAL 11-24-97 ■ . ■ GENERAL NOTES E V d ,t-1 .9. 0. N L. FLAIR -ARCHITECTS EXPRESSLEY RESERVES "11"1 ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN' THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED. CHANGED, OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO A THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OSTAINING THE WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF FLAIR ARCHITECTS. IN THE EVENT OF UNAUTHORIZED REUSE OF THESE PLANE BY 1111111 A THIRD PARTY, THE THIRD PARTY SHALL HOLD FLAIR ARCHITECTS HARMLESS. ■ 0 0 ■ JOB NO. 97006 ■ 1■ CITY DWG. NO. N_ 2nd SUBMITTAL 11-24-97 ■ . ■ GENERAL NOTES E "11"1 1111111 �11"11' 0- 0 ■ JOB NO. 97006 ■ 1■ CITY DWG. NO. N_ 2nd SUBMITTAL 11-24-97 ■ . ■ GENERAL NOTES E