1. Contract Documents: Consist of Specifications and
its General Conditions, and the drawings. The In-
tent of these documents is to include all labor,
materials, appliances, and services necessary for
the proper execution of the work. The documents
are to be considered as one, and whatever is called
for by any part shall be as binding as if called
for by all parts. Portions of the drawings which
are diagramatic in nature, (as sprinkler plans)
shall be followed according to good construction
2. Yerification: The Contractor shall verify mtasure-
ments on the drawings before beginning work. In
case of error or discrepancy in the drawings or
specifications or in the work of others affecting
his work, he shall notify the Landscape Architect
immediately. The Contractor shall be held respon-
sible for any damages or less due to his failure
to observe these instructions.
3. Materials Appliances, Employee The Contractor
sha prov a and pay ora 1 mwterials, labor,
tools and other items necessary and incidental.to
completion of his work.
All materials shall be new, and both workmanship
and materials shall be of first class quality.
.All workmen and sub -contractors shall be skilled
in their trades, and adequately insured for
bility, and licensed.• All phases of work shall
be continuously directed by a capable foreman.
4. Ordinances and Re ulations: All local, municipal,
and state aws and ru es and regulations governing
or relating to any portion of this work are hereby
incorporated into and made a part of these specif-
ications, and their provisions shall be carried
out by the Contractor. Anything contained in these
specifications shall not be construed to conflict
with any of the above rules and regulations or
requirements of the same. However, when these
specifications and drawings call for or describe
materials, workmanship, or construction of a better
quality, higher standard, or larger size than is
required by the above rules and regulations, the
provisions of these specifications and drawings shall
take precedence. The Contractor shall obtain and
pay for all permits and inspections as required by
the City or County.
5. Protection of Work: The Contractor shall adequately
protect the wor adjacent property, and the public
and shall be responsible for any damage or injury of
his act, as required by conditions of permit.
6. _Changes in the Work: The Owner may order changes in
the work, the Contract sun being adjusted accordingly.
All such orders, and adjustments shall be in writing.
Claims by the Contractor for extras must be made in
writing before executing the work involved, and must
be approved by the Owner before proceeding.
1. Correction of Work: The Contractor shall re -execute
any work that fa ds to conform to the requirements of
the contract, to remedy any defects due to faulty
materials or vr�rkmanship according to the terms of
the specifications.
8. _A_u_tth_o�r_i_ty of the Landsca a Architect: The Landscape
Architect sha act as t e nut or�zed representative
of the Owner, and have the authority to accept or re-
ject R►aterials or workmanship and to make minor changes
in the work not involving extra cost. He will inter-
pret the meaning of the Contract Documents and may stop
work if necessary to insure its proper execution.
9. Subcontractors: Portions of the work executed by sub-
contractors s all be performed according to the same
requirements as the Contractor, including General
Conditions, Specifications, Contract Drawings, and
City requisites.
10. Under�ro�un�d Utilities: The Contractor shall be res-
ponsible for verify ng locations of all existing util-
ities, and for protection of same. Damages resulting
from his work or that of his subcontractors, shall be
restored to original condition at their own expense.
11. Re airs: In the absence of the Contractor, the Owner
reserves the right to n►ake any emergency repairs re-
quired for protection of the site, the work, or ad-
jacent improvements: costs of such repairs to be
back -charged to the contractor.
12. Unit: The Landscape Contractor who provides the Owner
and landscape Architect with the acceptable low bid
shall provide the landscape Architect with unit costs
for irrigation, planting, square foot calculations and
other information, when requested. All unit costs
shall be directly applicable to the bid figures.
The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, mach-
inery, materials, and processes necessary to install
a complete irrigation system as shown on the plans and
or specified herein.
1. Water Su 1 The Contractor shall verify and be fam-
iar with the source of water supply to the sprinkler
system as indicated on the drawings.
2. Irrigation Design Review: It is the Contractor's res-
ponsibility to a ew irrigation drawings and note any
areas he believes additional heads or valves are re-
quired prior to submitting bid, If no changes are
submitted, Contractor is responsible for full coverage
of the sprinkler system and to provide any additional
equipment as necessary at the Contractor's expense.
3. Diagrammatic Design: All pipe valves, etc., shown
within paved area are for design clarification only
and shall be installed in planting areas where poss-
4. Material Installation: All materials shall be in in-
sta e n accordance with the methods, techniques and
specifications set forth by each respective manufact-
urer. All pertinent descriptive literature Issued by
these manufacturers become part of these specifications
after having been approved by the Owner's authorized
representative. Such installation practices shall be
followed only if the directions of the sprinkler draw-
ings and specifications do not thoroughly and completely
order the methods or techniques to be followed.
Install all equipment and materials as shown in details.
5. Obstructions/Discrepancies: The irrigation contractor
shall not wi1T�u�y install the sprinkler system as in-
dicated on drawings when it is obvious in the field that
there are unknown obstructions grade differences and/
or discrepancies in the area dimensions until such
conditions are brought to the attention of the Landscape
The work shall include all material, labor, and equip-
ment necessary to complete the irrigation system as
herien specified. Principal items of work include:
1. Blackflow.prevention units and connections to
domestic main lines.
2. PYC main lines from points of connection to
valves designated.
3. Trenching and backfilling for sprinkler system.
4. Automatic controllers, valves, 110Y wiring,
power source connections, low voltage wiring
and connections in accordance with local codes
and manufacturer's recommendations.
5. lateral line piping and fittings, sprinkler
heads, swing joints.
6. Tests, inspections, and final inspections.
7. Record (as built) drawings.
8. Clean up and disposal.
9. Guarantee.
All materials and equipment to be installed shall be
new and the best of their respective kinds. The Con-
tractor shall submit a canplete list of materials to
the Landscape Architect for approval upon request.
Submit such samples and catalog data as the Landscape
Architect may direct.
1. Plastic pipe shall be of the classes, types, and
sizes indicated on the plan.
2. PVC plastic fittings shall be heavy pattern, sched-
ule 40, and of the same PYC type as the pipe.
3. PYC solvent shall be as recommended by the pipe
*►anufacturer for use with his pipe.
4. Automatic remote control valves shall be installed
in a valve box as indicated on the plan.
5. Vacuum breakers (backflow preventers) shall be as
indicated on the plan.
6. Sprinkler heads shall be as indicated on
the plan.
7. Automatic controllers shall be as indicated on
the plan.
8. Electric wire shall be as noted on plan.
9. Wiring.under paving shall be pulled through
PVC plastic sleeves or electric conduit.
The Contractor sha 11 keep a current and continuous
record of all changes that may occur and shall del-
iver a clear and legible set of record drawings to
the Construction Inspector proir to the final accept-
ance of the work. Two sets of prints on white back-
ground and one set of sepia transparencies will be
furnished by the Landscape Architect upon request for
this purpose. One set ma be used for field nota-
tions and the second set shall be kept in the Const-
ruction office for the record. These drawings shall
show dimensional locations of buried pipe and valves,
notations in the routing of the pipe, etc. All mea-
surments shall be made prior to backfilling and shall
be taken from permanent above grade points. All in-
formation on the prints shall be transferred to the
sepia -transparencies and given to the landscape Arch--
ltect at the completion of the Contract.
1. Excavation:
A. Contractor shall verify exact location of all
existing subsurface utilities (Mechanical and
Electrical) prior to excavation. Any utilities,
A.C. Paving, concrete work, etc., destroyed or
damaged by any work under this contract shall be
repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense.
B. Trenches for pipe shall be cut to required grade
line at a.true gradient to provide uniform support
for the full length of pipe.
C. Depth of trenches shall be sufficient to provide
a minimum cover above the top of the -pipe as
1. 18" over pressure main line and control wires.
2. 12" over non pressure lateral lines.
. The Contractor is responsible to be familiar with
the methods of assembling, joining, and installing
the various types of pipe to be used. He will
adhere in strict accordance with the manufacturers
recommended procedures.
B. No PYC pipe shall be threaded and all transition
from PYC to metal piping shall be by PVC male,
thread adaptor fitting.
he prevention device specified herein shall be
verified with Local Plumbing and Nealth Codes.
In event of any confliction on device approval
the Landscape Architect shall be notified Prior
To Bid 0 ening.
4. TES
l��ll main lines in the system shall be capped and
pressure tested at (Cjbpsi.
B. Pressure shall be sustained in the lines for not
less than �j hours. If leaks develop the joints
shall be replaced and the test repeated until the
entire system is watertight.
C. Tests shall be observed and approved by Owner's
representative prior to backfill.
D. When the sprinkler system is completed the Con-
tractor in the presence of the Owner's represt-
ative, shall perform a test coverage of water aff-
orded the lawn and planting areas complete and ad-
equate. The Contractor shall furnish all mater-
ials and perform all work required to correct any
inadequacies of coverage disclosed (See Item II -2)
E. The Contractor shall inform the Owner's represent-
ative of any deviation from the plan required 15Y
wind, planting, soil or site conditions that bear
on present coverage.
Unless spec fical y detailed or dimensioned on the
drawings otherwise:
A. Shrubbery or groundcover spray heads adjacent to
curbs or walks shall be installed 6" away from.the
curb or walk and the nozzle shall be 6" above fin-
ished grade.
B. Shrubbery spray heads adjacent to buildings,
fences, or similar structures shall be insi<alled
six inches away from the structure and the nozzle
shall be per detail above finished grade. Shrubb-
ery spray heads not near paving or structures
shall be as per detail above finish grade.
C. All sprinkler heads as per details to have
swing joints.
. The irrigatron contractor shall flush and adjust
all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and
to prevent overspray onto walks and buildings as
much as possible. This shall include selecting
,the best degree of arc to fit existing site
ontractor sha nota ow or cause any of his work
to be covered or enclosed until it has been inspect-
ed, tested and approved by authorized representative
of Owner. Should any of his work be enclosed or
covered before such inspection and test, he shall
uncover work at his own expense and after it has
been inspected, tested and approved, shall make all
repairs with like materials necessary to restore
all his work and that of other Contractors to Its
original condition.
ac i shall not be placed until the installed
sprinkler system has been inspected and approved
by the Owner's representative.
B. Trenches shall be backfilled with a minimum of 4"
of fine, granular materials to protect the pipe
from the clods or rocks of the remaining excavated
dirt to be used as backfill. The Contractor shall
not place detrimental subsoil in the top 6" of
settlement occurs and adjustments in pipes,
valves, sprinkler heads yr sod is necessary to
bring the system to proper working order, the
Contractor shall, as a part of the work under this
contract make all the necessary adjustments with-
out extra cost to the Owner.
A. 120 volt e ectrical power outlet to controller
shall be provided by others. Irrigation con-
tractor shall be responsible for making hook-up
from outlet to controller.
B. All wire from controller to electric control
valves shall be U.F. A14-600 volt direct burial.
Use black for.pilot, white for common. Install
in common trench with main line pipe where poss-
ible. Provide minimum 18" cover.
C. Wire connections shall be made with "Scotch -Lok"
wire connector sealing packs A3576 or approved
D. There shall be a control wire from each control
valve running to the controller, and each control
valve shall be connected to the common ground.
(All valves in manifold shall be manifolded at the
E. All electrical work shall comply with applicable
1. The Contractor shall guarantee the entire system
against all defects and faults of materials and
workmanship, and shall maintain the systems in
perfect working order for one year from the date of
completion by the Contractor without cost to the
2. After the system has been completed and the connec-
tions made the Contractor shall instruct the Own-
er or his representative, in the operation and
maintenance of the system.
Furnish all labor, materials, and ut nt necessar YII. FINISH GRADING (CONTINUED)
elevations. 2. The Contractor Shall Be Held Res nstble: for the
to provide and install plant materials as shown on 4. Soil Areas Ad scent to Building: shall slope away care an preservat ono a ex st ng uildings
the drawings or as specified herein. from the b um. and structures on property and adjacent premises.
II. YERIFICATION OF SITE CONDITIONS 5. Rock or Clods: over 1" in diameter shall' be removed Any part of them injurled, damaged or disturbed
1. Contractor Is Res onsible n.q from the planting bed. because of his work shall be repaired, replaced
of all utility lines and other underground obstruc- 6. Piantin Beds: shall be raked smooth and put in first or cleaned by him at his expense.
tions so that proper precautions may be taken not to c ass con it on before acceptance by Landscape Architect. XIY. REPLACEMENTS
disturb or damage such improvements. In the event 1. Contractor Shall Immediate) Re lace: any and
of a conflict between such lines and lent iota- VIII. SHRUB AND TREE PLANTING a y reason die or
p 1. Correlation: Trees and shrubs shall not be planted until are damated while underchiSvcare. Re lacements
.tions, the Contractor shall promptly notify the g p
Landscape Architect, who shall arrange for.the re- a operat To in conjunction with the installation of shall be made with plants of like kind and size
location of one or the other. Failing to follow the sprinkler system has been completed, final grades have in the same manner as specified for the original
this procedure, the Contractor shall at his own been established, and the planting beds prlperly pre- planting.
expense make any and all repairs for damages result- pared by cultivation and fertilization as covered in XV. CLEAN-UP
ing from his work. these specifications. 1. After All Installation 0 erations: have been
2. Remove Rock Or Other Under round Obstructions: 2. Piantin Time: No planting shall take place during comp ate ,remove a trash, cess soil, empty _
except utility nes or port ons o project install- extremely hof, dry, windy or freezing weather, plant containers and rubbish from the property.
allation) to depths necessary to permit proper in- 3. Locations: Relative position of all plants and trees is All scars, ruts or other marks in the area caused
stallation of planting, unless other locations for su ect to approval of the Landscape Architect, and by this work shall be repaired and the ground
interfering elements are ordered. they shall, if necessary, be relocated at his direction, left in a neat and orderly condition through-
3. Dimensions: All scaled dimensions are approximate. as part of this Contract. out the site. Contractor shall pick up all trash
e o re proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall 4. Distribution: No more plants shall be distributed about resulting from this work.no less than each
carefully check and verify all dimensions and quant- t e an scape area than can be planted and watered on Friday before leaving the site, once a week and/
+ties, and shall immediately inform the landscape the same day.or the last working day each week. All trash
Architect of any discrepancy between the information 5. Container Removal: Punt containers shall be removed. shall be removed completely from the site.
from doing any work 1n said areas until given approval Cans s a be sp it on both sides. An axe or spade 2. Excess To soil: shall be removed from the site.
to do so by the Landscape Architect. shall not be used. All containers shall be removed from 3, ewa s an Streets: are to left in a neat
4. Sub -surface Drains a Or Soil Conditions: Should the site. an c can con �t on at the end of each working
subsurface draiage or soil. condtions be encountered 16. Piantin Pits: All tree and shrub pits shall have a day.
which would be detrimental to growth or survival of diameter of at least twice the diameter of the root. 4. Remove All Ta s: labels, nursery stakes and ties
)ant material the Contractor shall motif the Land- Pit depths shall be 12" deeper than the root ball for moo, a
p y p ants unless otherwise directed.
scape Architect in writing, stating the condtions •
trees and 8" deeper than the root ball for shrubs. XVI. GUARANTEE
and submitting a proposal covering cost of correc- 7• Placing: Plants shall be placed and held during back- 1. All shrubs shall be guaranteed as to growth and
tion. If the Contractor fails to notify the Land- fill to an upright position in the center of the pit. health fora period of ninety days after com-
scape Architect of such conditions, he shall be res- Plants shall be held at, or slightly above nursery pletion of the specified maintenance period and/
ponsible for plant material under the guarantee level. The earth ball shall be kept intact. Any ex- or final acceptance by the Owner.
clause of the specification. posed roots shall be spread. Injured roots shall be 2. Trees shall be guaranteed to live and grow in
III. MATERIALS pruned. acceptable upright position for six months after
1. Soil Amendments: 8. Backfill: Plant pit backfilling soil shall consist of specified maintenance period and/or final accept-
. edwood saw ust shall be free of shavin s or -part Nitrohumus - 2 parts topsoil. Materials shall be
g ante by the Owner. Goner must provide adequate
particles of other woods such as pine or fir, thoroughly mixed before placement. In addition to maintenance to insurF the extended guarantee on
supplied in bulk and .5% nitrogen stabilized fir backfill commercial fertilizer 20-10-5 Agriform 21 gram trees.
or redwood bark ground to 0-1/4" particle size, tablets shall be added to plant pits at the following 3. Plants which die or lose more than 30% of their
.7% nitrogen stabilized. rates: I
original leaves shall be replaced.
B. Soil sulfur of standard commercial grade. 1 Tablet per 1 gallon Plant 4. The Contractor, within fifteen (15) days of
C. Gypsum of standard agricultural grade. 13 Tablets per 5 gallon Plant written notification by the Owner shall remove
D. Humus -"CRO -POWER" 5-3-1 as supplied by Southern
-5 *
5. Tablets per 15 gallon Plant and replace ail guaranteed plant materials .
California Organic Fertilizer Company. 1 Tablet per 1/2: Caliper Tree Trunk- which, for any reason, fail to meet the requirement
E. Peat moss of commercial nursery grade. For sNecimen plants larger than 15 gallon. of this guarantee. Replacement shall be made
2. To�Soi�l: 9. Watering: When the pit has been backfilled to three- with plant materials as indicated or specified
A. Topsoil shall consist of a fertile, friable natural quarters of its depth, watershill be poured about the for the first planting, and all such replacement
loam, of uniform quality, free from subsoil, hard roots. Air pockets shall be eliminated and backfill materials shall be guaranteed as specified for the
clods, stiff clay, hard pan, sods, partially continued until the backfill is brought to the grade original.
disintegrated debris, or any other undesirable level. XVII. MAINTENANCE
material. 10. Compacting: Backfill shall be uncompacted around the 1. After all work indicated on the drawings or herein
B. Topsoil shall not contain obnoxious weeds, such roots or ball of the plant during or after planting. specified has been completed, inspected, and approved
as morning glory, sore), oxalis, spurge, annual The backfill on which the plant ball rests shall be by the Owrier or his representative, the Contractor
blu rass, nut rass, or bermuda lightly shall maintain all planted areas by means of continuous
eg g grass. 9 y compacted.
3. Plant Materials: 11. Settlement: Plants which settle shall be raised to the watering, weeding, rolling, mowing, reseeding, Inspections"
A. Plant names used in the Plant List conform to requ red evel or replaced at the option of Contractor. edging and/or any other operations necessary for their
"Standardized Plant Names" b American Joint Raised plants which fail to row shall be replaced. period of not less than
y 9 care and upkeep for a
Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature, except 12. Staking: Stakes shall be driven to sufficient depth ninety (90) days. At the end of the maintenance 1.��'n�tallatiOII, an inspection of the irrigation System
in cases not covered therein. In these instances to hold tree rigid. Tree shall be supported by at least period, all plant materials shall be in a healthy,
the established custom of the nursery trade is two ties. growing condition. shall be made by the Parks Department of all points of connection, backflow
followed. 13. Prunin Limbs, branches, canes and runners which require 2. All planted areas shall receive a fertilizer protection devices, mainlines, electrical Connections and Control valves.
B. Plants shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, free trimming shall be removed to leave a clean cut flush with application of 8 pounds per 1,000 square feet Grow -power b
from disease, insect pests or their eggs and shall trunk of adjacent asphaltic tree plant. 14-7-3 gran. 58 days following beginning of Contact [he Parks Department t0 arrange inspection at least 48 hours in
have healthy, normal root systems, well filling 14. Piantin Beds: Planting beds shall be edged and cultivated maintenance. Water in thoroughly after advance Of the desired inspection.
their containers, but not to the point of being to the line sshown. Beds shall be brought to a smooth application.
root bound. even surface conforming to established grades after full XVIII. FINAL INSPECTION
C. Plants shall not be pruned prior to delivery settlement has occurred. 1. Final inspection of lawns and planting will be 2. Prior t0 the maintenance period commencing, an inspection of
except as authorized by the Landscape Architect. IX. GROUND COVER AREAS made at conclusion of maintenance of lawns in the completed landscape installation shall be arranged. It is Che contrac-
In no case shall trees be topped before delivery. 1. Refer to Paragraphs YI, YII, VIII, for soil preparation, the case of seed lawn and at completion in the tors res on8ibilit to inform the Parks De artment of Com letion of the
D. All plant material shall be subject to approval finish grading and weed control. case of sod lawn. Request for inspection must P y P P
of size, health, quality, character, etc., by 2. Areas Shall be Raked: and floated smooth to provide be made at least 3 days prior to the anticipated work. This inspection will include:
the Landscape Architect. a true and uniform surface. date. For this inspection the site must be
E. The height and spread of all plant material 3. Soil Preparation: as per these specifications. thoroughly cleaned up and all debris and excess a. AII irri ation Covera a teat and Com Bance With item 1
shall be measured with branches in their normal 4, Planting Pits: for ground covers shall be 4" x 4", or material removed. g g P C
position. a equate to accept material from flats without crushing 2, If work fails to pass final inspection, any sub- above .
F. The caliper of all trees shall be measured 4" or deforming the root ball. sequent inspections must be rescheduled as per b. Compliance to approved landscape plans
above the surface of the ground. 5. Plant at Spacings: and in areas indicated on the drawings. above, and will be charged to Contractor.
G. Where caliper or other dimensions of any plant of s a be firmly pressed around each plant, and the XIX. CERTIFICATION C. Plantings including street trees. Contact Parks Dept. for
materials are omitted from the plant list, it excess soil removed from the crown. Prior to the job seta tante, written certification s pe C i e B and locations .
shall be understood that these plant matria1s 6. Watering: Each section of ground cover shall be immediately p
shall be normal stock for type listed. watered upon completion of planting. shall be submitted to the Owner and Landscape d. Ally special conditions of approval attached t0 pro jeCt.
X. S00 LAWN MATERIALS Architect for the following items: Q. Certification by a landscape architect or approved
H. Plant material shall be symmetrical, typical 1. Quantity of commercial fertzer and organic
for variety and species, and shall conform 1. Sod: shall be /1 Grade, machine cut ata uniform thickness fertilizer. 1andSCa er that 811 landsea in and irri atiOn was
to measurements specified in the plant list. of 5/8" excluding top growth and thatch, weed free and P P g 8
I. Plant material larger than those specified may shall be no less than eight (8) months nor more than 2. Quantity of all specified soil amendments. installed according to specifications and city requirements.
be supplied if complying in all other respects, sixteen months old. 3. Quantity'of seed. The Ovner'e re resentative and landsea a eoatractor must be
and at no additional cost to the Owner, upon 2. Installation: shall take place from within 24 hours after 4. Quantity of commercial fertilizer used during P P
a arvestin contract maintenance period. resent at this ins ectioII.
pproval of the Landscape Architect. XI. SOD LAWN PLANTING P P
J. All plant materials must have been previously (IF APPLICABLE)
inspected at the nursery by the County Hort- 1. Refer to Paragraphs VI, YII, Vill, for soil preparation,
icultural Department, and shall be subject to finish grading and weed control,
acceptance as to quality by the Landscape . 2. Sod Area Prior To Planting: shall be rolled lightly and .
Architect. watered to a depth of 6" the day prior to planting. If
K. Substitutions will be permitted only'as in- any air pockets are found the area should be regraded as
dicated, or if proof is submitted that any necessary. Lightly water the area to be planted just
plant specified is not available a proposal prior to planting. .
will be considered for the use of the nearest 3. Sod Shall Be Laid in a Sta ered Pattern: tight joints
eouivalent size or variety with an equitable and in the same direct on each t me. ._ n all slopes sod
adjustmerit of the contract price. shall be installed from the bottom up and the newly laid
L. Quantities given in the plant li,�t on the sod should be protected by walking on boards as installer
drawings are for the convenience of the con- moves upward. On slopes pin the sod down with wooden pegs
tractors only. Quantities shown on the plan no metal staples will be allowed. No sod of less than
are the final authority. and shall be furnished 18" in length will be allowed.
and installed as shown. 4. Upon Installation: of a sizeable portion of sod it should
4. Lawn Materials -Seed Lawn:
be immediately watered. On hot days this is approximately .
ee s a e c eon, fresh, new trop seed and 30 minutes after laying.
shall be of mixture as noted in the General 5. After Instalition: it must be kept thoroughly watered t`o .
Notes on the Planting Plan. a depth o 6 No foot traffic should be allowed for 2 to
6. Seed shall be mixed by a dealer and furnished �
guaranteed statement of 3 weeks from the date of installation.
with the dealer's XII. HYDRO -MULCHING
composition and percentage of purity which 1. Weed Control: Water and fertilize all areas two weeks with '
shall be furnished to the Landscape Architect.
sprinkler system to germinate weed seeds. Apply contact .
5. Stakes: herbicide to weeds.
A. ACTT stakes shall be treated Lodgepole Pine 3" 2. Water all areas again for two weeks to germinate more weeds.
diameter. Apply contact herbicide to kill weeds and then scarify Maintenance Guidelines
B. Length as noted on plan. sloped to remove bulk of weeds and expose soil tv attain
IY. OBSTRUCTION BELOW GROUND proper tbiroseed mulch adhesion.
1. Contractor is Res onsible: for verifying the loc- 3. Fertilizer: The fertilizer shall be in pellet or granular LandBcaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean, and healthy
ation o a utility lines and other underground oand ss hall comply with the chemical analysis specified. condition. This shall include, but not be Baited to:
obstructions so that proper precaution may be The fertilizer shall be thoroughly mixed and incorporated in
taken not to disturb or damage such improvements. the Hydro -mulching slurry. Apply at the rate of 300 lbs.
In the event of a conflict between such lines per acre 16-8-8 +iron or 17-13-5 + iron, _slow release 1. Cultivation of planted beds at intervals (not to exceed ten
and plant locations, the Contractor shall promptly fertilizer, 1000 lbs..per acre of GRD -POWER organic fertil- (1 �) days•)
notify the Landscape Architect, who shall arrange iter and 100 lbs. per acre of ?1-0-0 I.B.D.O. fertilizer.
for the relocation of one or the other. Failing 4. Wood Fiber: The Hydro -mulch rtiic shall include cellulose
to follow this procedure, the Contractor shall at mu c! h� ing fiber. The fiber shall be mixed in the hydroseeder 2. Regular moving to maintain a lava height not to exceed 2 inCheB
his own expense make any and all repairs for with water, fertilizer, binder and seed and applied at the (viii Vary with species).
damages resulting from his work. rate of 1500 lbs. (dry weight) per acre for lawns and slopes
2. Remove Rock or Other Under round Obstructions: of 3:1 or flatter and 2000 lbs. (dry weight) per acre for
except uti qty nes or port ons o pro act in- slopes steeper than 3:1. 3. Regular pruning of plant8 as necessary to control and direct
stallation) to depths necessary to permit proper 5. Erosion Control Chemical: Use Terra -Tac ►8 at the rate of
installation of planting, unless other locations 0 bs. per acre. he chemical is to be mixed in the Hydro• , growth.
for interfering elements are ordered. seeding slurry. This chimical stabilant is to stabilize the
V. SOIL PREPARATION soil particles and tack the seed, fiber, fertilizer and soil 4. Scheduled maintenance of irrigation controller to assure proper
1. Soil Areas That Are Compacted: during site prep- together thus minimizing erosion.
aration should be ripped to a minimum of 12" prior 6. Moisture Retention Additive: Use CPA -1200 Humectant at the application rate of vatlr ntCessary for proper plant growth.
to beginning soil preparation on 3:1 slopes or less rate of 50• bs. per acre. Incorporate chc►ical in the Hydro -
2. Soil Pre aration Materials:' should be broadcast seeding slurry. This chemict►1 helps improve the water
uni orm y over a andscape areas and worked to holding capacity with resultant increase in germination. 5. Immediate replaeemeat of plant materi8ls as needed due to death
a depth of 6" by a rototil_ler or other acceotable Note: Fertilizers, chemicals and application rates are sub- Or lack of growth•
mechanical means to obtain a uniform blend on 3:1 slopes ject to modification due to imput from soils analysis and
.or less'. For the soil amendment mix refer to site conditions.
the Planting Notes on the Planting Plan. 7. Application: The operator shall apply tree seeds to slopes r
recommended by the aanu-
3. Extraneous Material: in addition to the work n r is using only water, seeds and an indicator dye. facturer to provide proper plant grOVth.
sped re a ova t e contractor shall remove all This shall be accomplished immediately prior to regular . - -
extraneous material that is exposed on the surface, hydroseed mulch application. The operator shall spray the
and grading to facilitate run-off of surface water. sloped with a uniform, visible coat by using the green color 7, Repair or replacement of irrigation system components as needed
YI. V7EED CONTROL of the wood pulp as a guide. The slurry shall be applied
1. Germinate And Destro all existing weed seeds in a sweeping motion, in an arched stream so as to fall like to maintain good working Condition.
e ore preparing areas for planting. Sufficient rain allowing the wood fibers to build on each other until
water shall be applied to cause weed seed to sprout. a good coat is achieved and the material is spread at the
Young weeds shall then be destroyed by use of Rot- required rate per acre. 8. Stakes, guys and ties on Crees shall be checked regularly for
otiller, before they have opportunity to set seed. B. Reseeding: All bare spots shall be reseeded by the Contractor correct function. Ties are to be adjusted to avoid abrasions or
2. Additional Weed Killip: refer to Planting Notes within 60 days providing the lack of cover growth caused by
on the Planting Plan. excessive watering by the Contractor. girdling of trunks or branches.
YII. FINISH GRADING 3. Refertilizin : All hydroseeded areas shall be refertilized O `aNDSQ�jf
1. Till: all planting areas as herein specified. ays a ter installation DY the Contractor with sane
2. 1`Toatin : after tilling, all areas shall be brought fertilizer types and amounts as used in the original app- 9. Upon completion, and periodically ducing the one (1) year main- Ott, DAP
to un�onn grade by floating or hand raking. llcation, tannate period inspections shall be anode by the Parks Department staff. If I& P� �f' 'p0-
3. Finish Grade of Piantin Areas: after appltcation XIII. PROYECTION the landscape has been maintained satisfactorily in accordance with the � �Q yid
o so amen nts sha be -1/2" below top of con- 1. At All Times DuringConstruction: adequate protection shall (� .'
trete walks ane curb grades or as noted by spot prov a or a p anted areas against damage of any kind, landscape maintenance standards, maintenance bonding held on the project a
until ftnal acceptance by the Engineer, shall be released at the end of this period.
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