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3. CON 4 T0&fS WARRAfiTY; a. Manufacturer's Warranty The man'utacturer shall
In additioli\ro the above warranties, the Contractor submit in writing a letter of guarantee for compliance
--Vthe entire luminaire assembly for an on the above specification with written refference to
must varran All areas of noncompliance.
additional throil years foratotal of five years on the
parts an4 lsbor6 No oxeOptions to this warranty will 9. Test and Meas.urement Procedures - Spill/Clare Light
be allowoo. .,Any parts that shall be found defect4ve Values - Desi'Snated Areas.
shall b� replaced fro* of any materials or labor
charges o the customer. Lamps are warranted not to a. Maximum spill light values - Light levels shdl-l-,
frato greater than manufacturer's
fail at pu&lished not exceed .5 fc. explored in.all planes and .5 tc
rated ev ragi life tabl'ok. average in the horizontal plane to be measured
I I at a distance of 100' radius from the (0.0) point
4. AIMIN9 ALIGNMERI WA8JkAKJy.L of the playing fields. Points and locations as
designated by the owner will be reguired for
The alignment of the iluminairev shall be warranted determining compliance With maximum footcandlg.,
the manufacturer ag4ipst moveipent on the 1 u m I n a i r a values as specified.
assembly for a oriod' of five years from the date of
instullation. Eabor charge* for ro-aiming during t h e b. Testing equipment - Testing equipment for- measure -
warranty period shall be the responsibility of the ment of footcandle levels shall be United
manufacturer. Technology's Digital Model #61 or an approved
equal and must show proof of calibration four (4)
weeks prior to testing as required by tho
K. FlAtURE MAh-VEA91USEL& -REIPOINSIBIL1111 Manufacturer.
At the completion of the project and in the presence of the
Contractor, ProjecA___Engineer, Owner's Representative and
Manufacturer's Representative, actual light performance
motor readings shall be taken and verified.
If, in the opinion of the Owner or his appo�ntod represenLa-
tive, the minimum performance levels includ g fooLcandles, 5.02 BALLFIELD FLOODLIGHT POLE
uniformity ratios, and maximum kilowatt consmptions are.not
in conformance with the requirements of the,performance
speciticaLionS and submitted computer derived li8liting POLES
layout, the ContraCLor shall be liable as follows:
The p<)Ies shall consist of the shaft with anchor base,
I. The Fixture Manufacturer shol.l. kit his expense, provide
and install 4ny necessary dddiLlUildl fixtures to meet cinchor bolts and miscollanuous dttdChments as showrion the
the min imum 1 ight ing standards . The Fixture
Manufacturer s,hall also either replace the existing drawinq. Poles shall be round, tapered steel. by Ameron Polt2
Poles to meet the now wind load (E'PA) requirement. or
verify by certification by u licensed structural Products or equdl Pole des ign sha I I con form to th&_,�1_9 8 5
ungineer that the existing poles will withstand Lhe
additional wind load. American Association ot SL-atellighway and Transportation,
2 The Fixture Manufacturer shall winimize the Owner's Of f icial Specificdtion assuminq cl 70 mph wind (1.3 (just fdctor).
additional long term fixture maintenance nd energy
L onsum'ption costs created by the add iLloi I t ixtures Also, poles shall conform to the following:
by re , 4mbursinu the Owner the d316U1)L ut On Thousand
Dollars ($1QM400) for each dddiLional fixture A The shaft Sections shall be made trurn new domestic hot-
req�i'red.t * A
I rolled, open nearth, basic oxy(jun or e!Qctrx(-- furnace
V-.- steel and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A-510,
This project is Sensitive to Ehe light spill, Slare, and
u p rd glow created by the sports lighting system. To Grade 40 or better. rhe design yield stren(Ith ot thej)ole
galore that an of fectiv* glare control system is supplied ,
the munufactuter is required to shoW ev ldefl�, v of buing able shdft shall riot exceed 48,OUO psi in order to .-_,ontrol
to meet the followin# spec Ifications: .1
N [)Ole sti �1 "7:less Shaft iteei shall contain no more than
1. Lighting manuf..-cturer m0vt show evidence of d minimunt
of five (5) ligi.ting prol-ancts where bpeCiflLaLlUnS 0.03't silicon Ln ordur to -,produce a shiny uniform qal
outlined below fc7 glare control have beeninct.
Include the names, addresses, and telephone numberu to vaniZed surface.
reference such work. Thib InformaLion 6hall be
submitted at least tei QO)(kays prior to bid ddLe B. Base plates shall conform to ASTM A-36. P11)e shall contorm
along with information Lrom the lighting manufaCLuter I
demonstrating knowledge of specifications numbered to ASTM A-53, Grade B, and, shall be, sand blasted prior
(2 through 9) below. The manufacturer shall al*o
provide computer models representing t1he prinLIPIOU to galvanizing.
and their application with Ole project outfined
specification in the event that further light and glare- C. Foor mild steel dnc,�jr bolts, each complete with two
control is needed. I
�ts and two washers, ariall ou provided by the manutacturer.
2. Arc Tube - From peak candlepow,!r point, no porLiupr of 'Pi
any arc tube sha 1 be visibleaeyond 35 degrees The minimum yield strength ahall be 36,000 psi. Each bolt
horizontal and 3'degrees vertical in the directiun of
defined problem areas. No portion of any arc tube shall be thredded 8" at the top. The bolt and the two
shall be visible at a distance of 100' or more outside
of the pluying boundarie in the direction of defined nuts and' two wctshcra shall be galvanized pet- ASTM A-153.
p r o b 1 a ' m areas. I - - - D. H -and holes shdll consist of a steel reinforcing frame
3. befinition and Characteristics of -,Beam - No one fixture
uhall exceed 20,000 candlepower 12 degrees a b u v u securely welded into the shaft with a removable stc.-el
staximum candlepower on the vertical plane. On the
16orizontal plane, no beam shall be longer thall 7� hand hole cover assembly. The hand hole fraine shali
degrees based on 10% of the maximum candlepower an
discussed in I.E.S. standards 1971. be large enough to replace the strength of the shaft
4. Computer Models - Field Values: dt the given location. The frame shall have a taj)ped
Computer derive4_11ghting layout without giart hole (1/2" - 13 NC) for grounding purposes.
and spill control showing point by poi-rrt-
footcandle levals oa the playing surface, maximunt k; All material, except anchor bolts and hardwire, shall
to'minimum ratio, number of luminaires, initLdl
lamp lumens, and average tilt factor. uL! hot -dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A-123.
5. Extended computer mQdels - Spill/Glare Light Vdluub F Internal wire supports shall be provided at the top
Designatoo Areas.
of the pole.
d. Computer derive� lighting scans with glare
control showing paximum footcandle levels All bolts,nuts, accessorieso etc. shall be of galvanized
(vertical) at a radius of 300 feet from the
(0.0) point on the playing fiqld. or stainless steel.
b. The manufacturer shall submit a performance
summary for the above extended Scans LhaL bhuw1i
footcandle levels for the standard system (without
spill/glare control), footcandle level -S for the
controlled system (with spill/glare conLrol). butt,
in the horizontal and maximum value vertical
plane, and the variance percentage (beLweenthe
6. Lnergy Consumption Values - The manufacturer 4ntstl
submit the total energy consumptionana KW per tiour
requirod for the proposed layout using the fixture
quantity required to achieve both the specified field
values and the spill/glare control values.
7. Verification of Demonstrated Field Technology - rho
manufacturer mustsubmi tin writing documented pr ovi
--3-howing a minimumof three (3) such similar lighting
projects where the 3-pecifications outlined abuvv for
bpill/glare control , field values, arid energy
consumption have been met. Inc lude the projectnaett,
contact person and telephone n"bera§Lo referent -e
such work.
4 PC
0 CY)
L 00
LJJ (.D :D
Z (y)
A. CO'ItPactor shall excavate- and inretall, for each pole, < LJJ N
foundi;,%tions as notod on the drawings. A,ll concrete UJ :�: M
shall be poured against undisturbed sc)il. - Backfi.11ing Z <
and compacting will riot be approved. CL 0 0 0
< Z
A slip form may be used when pouring the < 2i 0
foundation. Hole rilay be drillfad as ralip forra is placed.
Fouridation shal 0
be equipped with reinforcirig steel as Cc
noted on drawinn-4. Foundation diniensioris are based or, LIJ
Poles and fix�;ure specified. Grout under poles with Z L0 1
structural grout. Steel reinforcing bars shall conform < T --
to ASTM A615, Grade 60 - Reinforcing Steel Test is
required. Call for steel placemerit InsPection when LL
ready as rioted.
B. Foundatiori holee. shall be iritipected by the Building and
Safety Departraerit prior to pouring coricrete.
A. Concrete: All concrete shall be 2000 psi and shall be
ready-rnixea concrete,, coriformirig to U.B.C. Staridard 26-
13 for reatay-rilixed coricreete. Alternate 2 of Standard
26-13 shall be the base Of quality of the concrete, and
I t erns I through 4 are specified elsewhere in th.is
Packing: Cernent shall be packed in strorig paper or jute
sacks with the brarid and name of the manufacturer
plainly marked thereon.
C. Aggregates: The grading of coarse agoregates for all
slabs shall bethe 111to No. 4 range as set forth in E"M
Table 26-2-A of U.B.Ce Standard 26-2. Gradirig of coarse
a0pregates for all other precase and poured -in-place A
coricrete shall be 1 1/21, to No, 4 range of the same
Table 26-2-A.
I t_ -A .
Storage: Augregate shall be stored separately and' r
raeasured iri a maririer to avoid the iriclusion of foreigri
materials as approved by I the Inspqctor. Project;
E. Water: water required FO)'all purposed shall be clean,
free from strong ac I dzf, alkali%, oill or, orgariiu.
materials. Coricrete shall be a mixture irt the ur,it
proportions of Portlarid Comerit. Al
F. mixirigs All concrete shall be trarisit ril i xed i n ar-,
approved mixer. Materials for each batch of cctrict,etc.
shall be accurately and 5epara-tely filea%ur,ed and placed
in the mixer.
G Consistency2 The quaritity of water used shall riot
L,xceE?d the maximurn quantity sPecified and shall be thL�
rairtirnum riecessary tco produce coricrete of the workability
required b. the
y Irispector. SUPP I erlierst i rlu t h
predetermined arnourit of water by additional W'a t u r
because of the el.owness of discharue or for any other,
reasons will r -lot be Perraitted. A
H. Trarts i t -M 1 X ed Concrete: The Contractor shall Lt 5 e
trarisit-mixed c�oncrete 1ri lieu of concrete (nariufactured
OrA the site, provided the materials' used in its
5P ufacture comply with the require(11E.IritS of the,=ie'
ec if i cat i oris.
The mariufacturer cif the trarisit-mixLld oc-rier-oftp T -.,h_01
deliver, to the Parks Iri5pector c -r, thL- �N Q' r k, Z t
certificate with , ee.ch mixer tr-l-Acki statirig the_,quantity
of cemerit, water, r, e aggregate and coarse aggreg,-ite.
Certificate shall be certified at batch plarit that
meets these requirLamerits and delivered to the Inspectizir,.
Trarisit mixed coricrete %hall riot be delxvered tc� t h e
work with the tcital
as 5pecified arii-Durit c -F wat-wil
iricorporated thereiri, Two and orie-half gallon5 of wate�,
PL -r cubic yard shall be withheld and may be incorporate(i
in the raix before the coricrete is discharged cc
mixer truck, under the supervisiori of the Irispcnctor. <
K. The Coritractor shall not 'r -e -temper cariy cciricrete cir- 13. .
any concrete that has stc,od raore thari 15 rniriuteEj af tel, LU
leavirog the mixer.
0 (NOTE:
cc > 0
< (3) W%
C/) C/) C:
C) Cc: CO 4-1
LO ic:
cy) 0
0. co LL
r, A\
Date; A.
Job Na,
Desc )fion
These as-buift or record drawings have been prepared,in
part,1 on the basis 6f information compiled and furnishe6
by others. The Landscape Ar6hitect will not be respoPsible
for any errors or omissions which have been Incorporated Into
this document as a result.
July 31, 1990
.4,; h t V.
WC7 (1930 1"A
manufacturer shall suppW"lig4ting to meet or exceed the
A removable long with silicon* gasket Ahall be attached to
ollowing performan,ce criteria:
the reflector and shall be impact and thermal resistant
glass. The lens rim shall be stainless steel or equal
and shall be attached to the reflector with hinged cable or
The %&iatsino4 horizontal footcandle level *hall
6 V orq 6�4' I
8-dllfitlAs - 30 footaandl*s infield
20 footcandles outfield
The manufacturer shall provide a mec anical positions device
for each luminairt on the assembly wtich devi/ce shall be set
at the factory by the Manufacturer b�sed upon computer
calculated aiming information such thaL each assembly is
The footc&44le .1evol shall have a uniformity ratio of
delivered to the job site as one composit light source.
maximum to minin4m footcandlos not greater than:
The device shall provide, for repositionin ; of the aiming
after relamping. The manufacturer shall also supply
11allfields - 2:1 infi*ldsj 31l outfields
drawings showing the aiminj point locations of each
1. Written statement indicating total KW load.
Number of locations and spacing of test stations for
saasuring footcandles shall equal or exceed the
2. Written guarantee from the manufacturing company
following stands.rds's
headquarters that the lighting design and the
equipment bid conform to the footcandl*s and
balifields - 20 toot grid infield and outfield
uniformity requirements ot the specification along
with a written statement of remedy should deficiencies
be noted by the owner.
The took cell shell be in the horizontal position 36"
3. Written statement of model number and manufacturer for
above playing surface for each toot station location.
all equipment bid. Submit a packet of descriptive
literature on all equipment bid, as well as drawings
4. baNgUCTUR9115 . RZJE0N§J1B1L1JTY1
und specifications of the luminaire assembly.
Hanufacturer shall provide with bid a computer derived
4. Written warranty from the contractor covering luminaire
lighting layout showing point by point footcandle
�itjsenioly and equipment replacement policy.
levels of playing surface, maximum to minimum ratio,
number of luminaires, maintenance factor, average tilt
5. Wrieten warranty from the 41anUfdCLUCing company head -
f4ctor and total *aorgy consumption in KW per hour
quarters covering the aiming alignment of the luininaire
raquired for proposed layout. Manufacturer shall
4uorant.se tha& yQuip!3ent conforms to pro_posy4 layout
6. Written statement by the cunLractor as to his
gnd guergy CUIVERtUAL
compliance to required guarantees.
7. A written itemized scatemenE of exceptions dnd
discrepancies to bid specificatiuns, if uny. It nune,
1. a HN rt CRIETION:
bo $Late.
The luminalre assembly shall Consist Of 1601p, lafilp
8. Submit 4 1 ist of three similir prujac Ls completea
uucket, reflector, Ions, lamp cone, reinforcing
uf similar- size and nkiture. Include contact name and
'retaining ring, adjusto�le siming mounting device,
phone number.
ballast, steel crossarmd, integral wiring, pole
clamps and shall be Sportacluster luminaires
9. Certified En8ineer, independent of manufacturer, aliall
Catalog #SC -2-1500 as spaufactured by Musco
verify and stamp wind loud test of luittin.alre ussumbly.
Sportslilhting, Inc. or an approved equal.
10. Underwriters Laboratory Report. Manufacturer shall
The structural costing sliall be hut dipped 8d 1 VUli A*d
supply fo-r review a copy of the Underwriters Laboratory
ASTM- 123 . IN-
Repor L covcr Ing t he 1 umi na I re 4suembl y be ing bid .
11 Photometrics. Manufacturer shall supply data from an
Independent testing laboratory s�_qt ing report number
beam ef f iciency, and total ef f iciency for each NEMA
�ailure to provide any of the following informaLi'on
L y pe. ref lec tor to be used on L h I S pTojec t
with tho.alternate submittal will bv grounds for
rejection of the alterrsto. Each item listed below
shall be provided in the form of clear and concise
Lam,ps soa I I be 1500 wat t Meta I Ha I ide and sha I I meet- ANS I
atatem*nts and/or plans and drawings which cart be
dos�gnation M48PC-1500 BU and be Wastiughouse MH1500BU,
easily read and clearly Interpreted. Each item bholl
Venture PA15OO/HBU/R, or an approved equal.
also be clearly lettered to correspond with the
following list. All items shall be assembled in the
order ind'icsted and sec4rod or bound in a neat and
orderly "a W'I'o _sV for easy u4* and reference. Bidders
There shall be an individual ballast for each luminaire.
requeating to use a uipment other than that spec"fiod
The ballast shall be lead peak auLo-regulaLing ballast and
shall submit ton (13) ddyS prior to bid openingi he
be availablo for use with voltdge indicated on drawings.
f o I I o w I n g :
The ballast shall be remote from the luminaire crossarms and
a Overall lighting layout design.
shall be placed approximately LWQIVO (12) feet from the
ground luvel. Ballast box muut be NEMA type 3R enclosure
b. Lumin4_1re mounting beights.
with the capacitorS and the capacitors snall operGEO in
ambiont air not to exceed 70 degrees C as established by
C. Point by point illumination levels computed on
U.L. Toot Standards. The axsembly design shall be adaptable
appropriste grid scale. The point by point
to various standard ballasts. The remote ballast enclosure
must indicate the maintenance factor ubed and
shall individually U.L. listed and shall be provided by
the lighting manufacturer an a totally assembled unit. The
the average tilt factor.
warranty for the remote ballast enclosure shall be the same
d. L I S h t a I m I n point plan showing f o c u s p o i n t a
or not less than those warranties provided fur the lighting
and/or reflector types.
a. A d r a w i n g of the luminaire assembly and I t a
interface to the required p a I e a . The d r a w I n
All wiring on the luminalre assembly ziliall meet Natiulial
shall show mine, strength, type of material,
Electrical Code and shall pass from each luminaire on the
coating of all components, and hardware shall most
assembly Lhrough protective 6"ClUSureu to join in a common
the specifications
enclo8ure. Each luminalre shall have individual
supplemental (use protection located in ballast boxes or in
Jtrjjf,�.urdl S®gth
IaJacenL metal COLlosures. Fusing Must be U.L. listed.
n -line fusing will NOT be accepted.
The luairtaire assembly as shown in the manufacturer's %
subs jL�I'ahall be capable of wititutanding forces equal to
125 MPH wind levels with a 1.3 gust factor without
atructural damage 'or misalignment of the luminaires on the
Manuf uc turer shal I supply f or rev iew a copy of the Undor-
writers Laboratory Report covering the I usinuire assembly
being bid .
All component surfaces of the comple.ted a4sembly, except for
reflector, hardware and fasteners, o'hall be coated with
Manufacturer shul I hupply d4Ld f rum an independent test in&
bot dipped galvanized ASTM -123.
laborutury sLating report number , bcim ef f icioncy , and total
off iciency f or each NEMA type ref lec tur to be used on thib
The ro-flector shall be of spurt aluminum with alzak
f i n I a h
Luminai re assembly snal I be U . L cind meet
All hardware shall be of an approved corrosion
National Electrical Code and NEMA Publication FA -1.
resistant material or costing
Pole clamps are not U. L. 1 1 a t a d .
Theoroflocitor shall be fastened to the lamp Cone with
Luminatre assembly shall be warranted in writing by the
a rainf6rcing retaining rivig containing an acrylic
manufacturer for a period of two years and #hat I oo
com,pre'ased fiber ring which centers 4nd stabilizes
submitted with the bid. Any parts that shall be found
the 1amp in the refl*ctor and provideb a heat shield
def ective shall be- replaced f ree of arty motor tal or
to proto'ct the lamp socket from heat.
labor charges to the customer LdRp�b Life warranted not
to f a il at a rate greater than Manufac Lure: I b rd LeJ
average life type.
3. CON 4 T0&fS WARRAfiTY; a. Manufacturer's Warranty The man'utacturer shall
In additioli\ro the above warranties, the Contractor submit in writing a letter of guarantee for compliance
--Vthe entire luminaire assembly for an on the above specification with written refference to
must varran All areas of noncompliance.
additional throil years foratotal of five years on the
parts an4 lsbor6 No oxeOptions to this warranty will 9. Test and Meas.urement Procedures - Spill/Clare Light
be allowoo. .,Any parts that shall be found defect4ve Values - Desi'Snated Areas.
shall b� replaced fro* of any materials or labor
charges o the customer. Lamps are warranted not to a. Maximum spill light values - Light levels shdl-l-,
frato greater than manufacturer's
fail at pu&lished not exceed .5 fc. explored in.all planes and .5 tc
rated ev ragi life tabl'ok. average in the horizontal plane to be measured
I I at a distance of 100' radius from the (0.0) point
4. AIMIN9 ALIGNMERI WA8JkAKJy.L of the playing fields. Points and locations as
designated by the owner will be reguired for
The alignment of the iluminairev shall be warranted determining compliance With maximum footcandlg.,
the manufacturer ag4ipst moveipent on the 1 u m I n a i r a values as specified.
assembly for a oriod' of five years from the date of
instullation. Eabor charge* for ro-aiming during t h e b. Testing equipment - Testing equipment for- measure -
warranty period shall be the responsibility of the ment of footcandle levels shall be United
manufacturer. Technology's Digital Model #61 or an approved
equal and must show proof of calibration four (4)
weeks prior to testing as required by tho
K. FlAtURE MAh-VEA91USEL& -REIPOINSIBIL1111 Manufacturer.
At the completion of the project and in the presence of the
Contractor, ProjecA___Engineer, Owner's Representative and
Manufacturer's Representative, actual light performance
motor readings shall be taken and verified.
If, in the opinion of the Owner or his appo�ntod represenLa-
tive, the minimum performance levels includ g fooLcandles, 5.02 BALLFIELD FLOODLIGHT POLE
uniformity ratios, and maximum kilowatt consmptions are.not
in conformance with the requirements of the,performance
speciticaLionS and submitted computer derived li8liting POLES
layout, the ContraCLor shall be liable as follows:
The p<)Ies shall consist of the shaft with anchor base,
I. The Fixture Manufacturer shol.l. kit his expense, provide
and install 4ny necessary dddiLlUildl fixtures to meet cinchor bolts and miscollanuous dttdChments as showrion the
the min imum 1 ight ing standards . The Fixture
Manufacturer s,hall also either replace the existing drawinq. Poles shall be round, tapered steel. by Ameron Polt2
Poles to meet the now wind load (E'PA) requirement. or
verify by certification by u licensed structural Products or equdl Pole des ign sha I I con form to th&_,�1_9 8 5
ungineer that the existing poles will withstand Lhe
additional wind load. American Association ot SL-atellighway and Transportation,
2 The Fixture Manufacturer shall winimize the Owner's Of f icial Specificdtion assuminq cl 70 mph wind (1.3 (just fdctor).
additional long term fixture maintenance nd energy
L onsum'ption costs created by the add iLloi I t ixtures Also, poles shall conform to the following:
by re , 4mbursinu the Owner the d316U1)L ut On Thousand
Dollars ($1QM400) for each dddiLional fixture A The shaft Sections shall be made trurn new domestic hot-
req�i'red.t * A
I rolled, open nearth, basic oxy(jun or e!Qctrx(-- furnace
V-.- steel and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A-510,
This project is Sensitive to Ehe light spill, Slare, and
u p rd glow created by the sports lighting system. To Grade 40 or better. rhe design yield stren(Ith ot thej)ole
galore that an of fectiv* glare control system is supplied ,
the munufactuter is required to shoW ev ldefl�, v of buing able shdft shall riot exceed 48,OUO psi in order to .-_,ontrol
to meet the followin# spec Ifications: .1
N [)Ole sti �1 "7:less Shaft iteei shall contain no more than
1. Lighting manuf..-cturer m0vt show evidence of d minimunt
of five (5) ligi.ting prol-ancts where bpeCiflLaLlUnS 0.03't silicon Ln ordur to -,produce a shiny uniform qal
outlined below fc7 glare control have beeninct.
Include the names, addresses, and telephone numberu to vaniZed surface.
reference such work. Thib InformaLion 6hall be
submitted at least tei QO)(kays prior to bid ddLe B. Base plates shall conform to ASTM A-36. P11)e shall contorm
along with information Lrom the lighting manufaCLuter I
demonstrating knowledge of specifications numbered to ASTM A-53, Grade B, and, shall be, sand blasted prior
(2 through 9) below. The manufacturer shall al*o
provide computer models representing t1he prinLIPIOU to galvanizing.
and their application with Ole project outfined
specification in the event that further light and glare- C. Foor mild steel dnc,�jr bolts, each complete with two
control is needed. I
�ts and two washers, ariall ou provided by the manutacturer.
2. Arc Tube - From peak candlepow,!r point, no porLiupr of 'Pi
any arc tube sha 1 be visibleaeyond 35 degrees The minimum yield strength ahall be 36,000 psi. Each bolt
horizontal and 3'degrees vertical in the directiun of
defined problem areas. No portion of any arc tube shall be thredded 8" at the top. The bolt and the two
shall be visible at a distance of 100' or more outside
of the pluying boundarie in the direction of defined nuts and' two wctshcra shall be galvanized pet- ASTM A-153.
p r o b 1 a ' m areas. I - - - D. H -and holes shdll consist of a steel reinforcing frame
3. befinition and Characteristics of -,Beam - No one fixture
uhall exceed 20,000 candlepower 12 degrees a b u v u securely welded into the shaft with a removable stc.-el
staximum candlepower on the vertical plane. On the
16orizontal plane, no beam shall be longer thall 7� hand hole cover assembly. The hand hole fraine shali
degrees based on 10% of the maximum candlepower an
discussed in I.E.S. standards 1971. be large enough to replace the strength of the shaft
4. Computer Models - Field Values: dt the given location. The frame shall have a taj)ped
Computer derive4_11ghting layout without giart hole (1/2" - 13 NC) for grounding purposes.
and spill control showing point by poi-rrt-
footcandle levals oa the playing surface, maximunt k; All material, except anchor bolts and hardwire, shall
to'minimum ratio, number of luminaires, initLdl
lamp lumens, and average tilt factor. uL! hot -dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A-123.
5. Extended computer mQdels - Spill/Glare Light Vdluub F Internal wire supports shall be provided at the top
Designatoo Areas.
of the pole.
d. Computer derive� lighting scans with glare
control showing paximum footcandle levels All bolts,nuts, accessorieso etc. shall be of galvanized
(vertical) at a radius of 300 feet from the
(0.0) point on the playing fiqld. or stainless steel.
b. The manufacturer shall submit a performance
summary for the above extended Scans LhaL bhuw1i
footcandle levels for the standard system (without
spill/glare control), footcandle level -S for the
controlled system (with spill/glare conLrol). butt,
in the horizontal and maximum value vertical
plane, and the variance percentage (beLweenthe
6. Lnergy Consumption Values - The manufacturer 4ntstl
submit the total energy consumptionana KW per tiour
requirod for the proposed layout using the fixture
quantity required to achieve both the specified field
values and the spill/glare control values.
7. Verification of Demonstrated Field Technology - rho
manufacturer mustsubmi tin writing documented pr ovi
--3-howing a minimumof three (3) such similar lighting
projects where the 3-pecifications outlined abuvv for
bpill/glare control , field values, arid energy
consumption have been met. Inc lude the projectnaett,
contact person and telephone n"bera§Lo referent -e
such work.
4 PC
0 CY)
L 00
LJJ (.D :D
Z (y)
A. CO'ItPactor shall excavate- and inretall, for each pole, < LJJ N
foundi;,%tions as notod on the drawings. A,ll concrete UJ :�: M
shall be poured against undisturbed sc)il. - Backfi.11ing Z <
and compacting will riot be approved. CL 0 0 0
< Z
A slip form may be used when pouring the < 2i 0
foundation. Hole rilay be drillfad as ralip forra is placed.
Fouridation shal 0
be equipped with reinforcirig steel as Cc
noted on drawinn-4. Foundation diniensioris are based or, LIJ
Poles and fix�;ure specified. Grout under poles with Z L0 1
structural grout. Steel reinforcing bars shall conform < T --
to ASTM A615, Grade 60 - Reinforcing Steel Test is
required. Call for steel placemerit InsPection when LL
ready as rioted.
B. Foundatiori holee. shall be iritipected by the Building and
Safety Departraerit prior to pouring coricrete.
A. Concrete: All concrete shall be 2000 psi and shall be
ready-rnixea concrete,, coriformirig to U.B.C. Staridard 26-
13 for reatay-rilixed coricreete. Alternate 2 of Standard
26-13 shall be the base Of quality of the concrete, and
I t erns I through 4 are specified elsewhere in th.is
Packing: Cernent shall be packed in strorig paper or jute
sacks with the brarid and name of the manufacturer
plainly marked thereon.
C. Aggregates: The grading of coarse agoregates for all
slabs shall bethe 111to No. 4 range as set forth in E"M
Table 26-2-A of U.B.Ce Standard 26-2. Gradirig of coarse
a0pregates for all other precase and poured -in-place A
coricrete shall be 1 1/21, to No, 4 range of the same
Table 26-2-A.
I t_ -A .
Storage: Augregate shall be stored separately and' r
raeasured iri a maririer to avoid the iriclusion of foreigri
materials as approved by I the Inspqctor. Project;
E. Water: water required FO)'all purposed shall be clean,
free from strong ac I dzf, alkali%, oill or, orgariiu.
materials. Coricrete shall be a mixture irt the ur,it
proportions of Portlarid Comerit. Al
F. mixirigs All concrete shall be trarisit ril i xed i n ar-,
approved mixer. Materials for each batch of cctrict,etc.
shall be accurately and 5epara-tely filea%ur,ed and placed
in the mixer.
G Consistency2 The quaritity of water used shall riot
L,xceE?d the maximurn quantity sPecified and shall be thL�
rairtirnum riecessary tco produce coricrete of the workability
required b. the
y Irispector. SUPP I erlierst i rlu t h
predetermined arnourit of water by additional W'a t u r
because of the el.owness of discharue or for any other,
reasons will r -lot be Perraitted. A
H. Trarts i t -M 1 X ed Concrete: The Contractor shall Lt 5 e
trarisit-mixed c�oncrete 1ri lieu of concrete (nariufactured
OrA the site, provided the materials' used in its
5P ufacture comply with the require(11E.IritS of the,=ie'
ec if i cat i oris.
The mariufacturer cif the trarisit-mixLld oc-rier-oftp T -.,h_01
deliver, to the Parks Iri5pector c -r, thL- �N Q' r k, Z t
certificate with , ee.ch mixer tr-l-Acki statirig the_,quantity
of cemerit, water, r, e aggregate and coarse aggreg,-ite.
Certificate shall be certified at batch plarit that
meets these requirLamerits and delivered to the Inspectizir,.
Trarisit mixed coricrete %hall riot be delxvered tc� t h e
work with the tcital
as 5pecified arii-Durit c -F wat-wil
iricorporated thereiri, Two and orie-half gallon5 of wate�,
PL -r cubic yard shall be withheld and may be incorporate(i
in the raix before the coricrete is discharged cc
mixer truck, under the supervisiori of the Irispcnctor. <
K. The Coritractor shall not 'r -e -temper cariy cciricrete cir- 13. .
any concrete that has stc,od raore thari 15 rniriuteEj af tel, LU
leavirog the mixer.
0 (NOTE:
cc > 0
< (3) W%
C/) C/) C:
C) Cc: CO 4-1
LO ic:
cy) 0
0. co LL
r, A\
Date; A.
Job Na,
Desc )fion
These as-buift or record drawings have been prepared,in
part,1 on the basis 6f information compiled and furnishe6
by others. The Landscape Ar6hitect will not be respoPsible
for any errors or omissions which have been Incorporated Into
this document as a result.
July 31, 1990
.4,; h t V.
WC7 (1930 1"A