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7 GENERAL NOTES A// work s17a// bo dome /1-7 4perord2�7ee W11b /hese ,%ns end /he C'ify of Eorlfa�� �v/s/�c Gr/or/�s Z�c�p�rtrr�P�f'ard 3,oec- /1'1ea1io47s dated /975. 2 Cor-IstrUc7`IM Perrr7/fs sha// be obfaIA?Pd /'roIV the �ontarla /��h• //e 141& -As 19e1var f/�er»` PICIOR to the start o/' sny work Xit17117 1122 ellq ZIr771 fs 3. 411 4' /'louse olewer /:vAora/s qha// bC ir�sf //e�' On a 2 /o m1nm7em grade o7hoss of/7erwlse approved . y /7e fy En / 0 eel, 4 A / / 4'/ 17dase se wer shy// he -�eP17711791 e, ' a the /oro o - erf 1,11 -le w a �/h 5. y``i2wer�4rlfraCf or shall chisel an "9" on the evrb of the /oeafidr� o' 2a1h 1a1e,-W1 6 All /77a�7)iole /'lames �2d eovers sre fo be eo//stmeAed by the ge wer 4or7fiyaC7`or " ,be/ow ,�'ir7ished surface raa'e and U,d&n comp/e/ion o/' �av��� , f/�e f�av�r� CO�frac�or sf�/l /d/ Se same fa ,0i11sheol gqrac e, `9 9 7. Cor��oe va1'e stsker he set h�l The E� /neer /o &Wb/e 1179 raotor to col7strvct the WVPIr fo f� /ar� grades. 8. A// ,d/,oe lllw or svbstrvetvres of any A-iho,' -eels// �e%,ohaoe or ,dower po/Ps, wafer l77efers, va/v?s, h�drar�fs /rr�c�atior� 5'trlie��res etc. shown or hof s17owr7 077 t/7Pse /o%rs, -Pad /oeafed w1th117areas to be 1177 roved, a7d �1r7ferAerir7 wi e0179trve,A1a17, c",P// he re/oca /ed �v ell72vls. /f ohd//9th 108 the i'ale1wel-or1s reosc 17s1.b1/if -/o 17o/iX� a// ayelvles Corenmed &EEF6' 6- Co17strUcXI&7 bP`gin3'" e4V11or7�17a IS/ori �yfreet CPr�fel ane a7less allMmrse r/o1d, /o. As - ,b�//� ,o%res sha' .be ,arov�a'od �o the Gi fy o,o �o17tar7,9 by the Cor/,�raofor //. 417 117spPef"ior7 1s to he ea//eol t'or fhlwvl-i the eller o/' %Dna nt�, of /easl 24 hoo'rs 7''iP�O�t' Xa- the SIS171 o l' Work. clil* 350 -7610. /2. of /i f �s s%% C be ver e� .b X � 7? ea lif�a4`f 71 RYi ore � /149 star/ bVork rl?e E77 I�eer shall ,be o� i7n /3. 411 v,A1/1 fes s'lWl he ee 7sfrvcfe4', fest ed, -; cq pro vPd, ��Id hse*,,11//ed fe The sa�is���fior� o,e and eerf/ ;I'led fo ,by the galls `i-?g/r7eel- FRlew fo awl 1oav117y. PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTE TO THE CONTRACTOR? The evsler7ee ar7d /©epl-ior7 oA al7y v17de1-9rov77c/ y p/pes oor7a'v & or sfrvctvres show17 o17 &pgee ,7�/aids are ob /dv M ed athtohseorpovh , b searc/0/ 71/7e �va1/ab/e reoords ro -1he hesfovlo'ro know/edgyefhore are 17a eYIs/7179 11111111M eree0/avun ans' The COr/�r�ofDr /s reQvrred 7`o take dtle ,oreeavf/on- art r77easirres fo prol -eel Me Uri/�� 1117m as shown On fh ese era w ir7 s �ssvl17eS a////-? h /i /y res or7 9ibi/�� �Or 117e vfAllll goes Co17dZ/ifs or Sl ntlofurBs 5boW17 or 12a14�sho�.v77 ori these �4' 11�9s, T/78 Corltrael<or agrees 1-4haf he shall assume oa/e arwd eo/njo%fe tles 091-761b /// 7�1 l'or V/ob site eoi7dl flans s77d ac�or steal/ o%�Pr�d,j�r�c/vdir7yr>dsar�fler��toh�e a/e/ovprse of o/�spocteorsfrve/ior7� rgf 717sons .5Wd pro oerfy ; 7-/7916�saaeor7invovs/ f7o/ be /irr2ifed /o 17701-7127.91 vorh/17q hours;WdX17 �� Cor? fr117614177/71,04yydofd -fhP DUB the 2�7/neel- e r70' the Ownel- /?alar less a �roo7 n ar74' �//�/lab/ 1 lea/ dr a//e Pd, 7r-2 eorneeflor7 W1 fh 1-129 vleoper,�or�ar�ee D/ work o this ,oro9 e,ree df�r79 �'or /�a,b�/� fy ar�slr7 110777 the sole, r7e Ilg erlce o/ 1129 o*r7er or ,she Ei7,qil7ee� 5cale: / "_ 40' REVISIONS NO. I DESCRIPTION = .7 t -r .1 r z iy r rig/e 5+00 27 6100 wee sheet 3 0`'I 3 Sheets BENCHMARK ELEVATION: 1163.94' ENG'R DATE APPROVED DATE A o17is/ed "C7„/n �rir,b f�eturn at 1129 Morthweel Corner o� /Fanda// A venue ar/d Poplar AVeI706. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER' 23�-///- 5/0, 233-111-57 f,” 29,5-111-,59 7+00 8-1-00 9+00 /5 16 See .517de z 3 • Manna/e Allo. 9 Prepared lGor•• J. M. J. DEVELOPMENT J/m &lac/kwell ,fox 3/82 �OI7t91k2 Ca/i forma 9233¢ (7/4) 355 - 2 270 TRACT NO, 13677 4 el le Na,: 88 - /o4 X29 Lots) iv/dal �i L// c'.. ,vcl. SSS/0'v > ti � 1J rL� 1 r1 Ns,-).. 2269 St ;t 4 CHES TER F. RA L S TON LAND SURVEYS 36C/ L-/nWvod P/ice lPl vers/de 9250/ <7/4) 686 -1-735 Richard a. 114assa1-o /f e. E 20699 ExA. 12/71/6,9 pate gewer, 5' o f eer7 f erline, per G. D. /� G✓ �,�ee�,aicatior�s, proposed` �r�de as 516ec/1/eol ,by these p/ares _. �— lr�sfa// �f " v. C. r Fewer La/erg/s �rorr� S" I/ C. gewer fo XPi hf -off - Ny Aar each L o f er G, � D)ow5� oposeQ' Ceder/��e sfr/'icafions othew ;oZQ aX- 9 /7s1,:v// Ma1717ole "13e%w /oroposed Finished �'vr��ce er C D, /'. W 5peei�ieations, Iv-vboles to be aalvs�ed e, Ao lc7lma/7ed Sun4l Iver GeneraNo / t6 Ala. 6. E/evglIal7s o/' 1 rolnosed Ir --/ow 1-/17e as noted dfl H7ese l?lar7s. /,zr eify el //2 q -- l°rovIde 331LF o/ 9"1 10 Xewei- Norlher/ anp' 23 L,F o gf" ve Xf mler s'oather/ off' Marl/-7�e No. .I o i? CIm .4vemile /o wee.,-AvA<ture 917X1i-vet1oo ' 4V7 S/rn �ktllle�el- ale dJoAVn 0/7 t4dxe ldrls. Instal/ 8" !!G' ��e1- /o/v e .� , p 9 � 5 Tef77o118 4X1sf/17g /°Ivy or/ EX/st/r7g 8" ►/ C. /! Sewer, Tact � la 133 72)- Gor717P D /�roposed 8" � �, �? y'ewer Tract /Vo. /aro 77, ,der EX/s74/ng lr-/oW Z Ine as hated o� these /ams a— /nsfa/l eOX and 9forrr7 Drair7a9e SYs/ems per storm arair�aye plans Trac/ Alo. /3 6 77 nn /'/ /e wrfh the &ar l3emol-7 lino County Slurveyorr' LI'Aoice /fops , /o Deparfn7er7f, Cov77fy o it /�err�sro'/moo Ga/��or'ni�efed at Govrfsl-r'eet sarierr/�rdino. y �. /pstd// 6'111 C l° cower /0/ug �er� C, �Orl(/ s�oec�f ic�tior�s LEGEND ('XX. XX) /17dleafes Existing E-/e11cPf101? XX• XX 117d16afes /''roposed Elevation X X - - XX- XX /17d�cafes glsllolw y /oer indicated eemler/ire —= •. —}- - - /17dleafes F/ow L/17e C. F I>. W 1174'icaf Ci/y of l—onfar�a, Det�arlmer7 f dl /°ub/ic War s � //7dicates Mar//�o% 99, C, D. E, /ndieates� 6erm,,*D/r7o �ovr7fy ,�rair/age . 4& j57" ,Easerr-7er7� ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES 5'ee ��Sheet Z o� 3 sheets r; I lR VF IM TA TA R/ F No. A De/fa 1f,&/v,5 L e17 t/7 f 200 48'59 200-001-100,591 5/,-3y7 - 3 /95 00' 98. 07' 50.10 ' 4& j57" 200.00'_ /00.47' 5/ . 32 ' 46 ' 57 „ 205.00' -- -HOZ . 9$ 52 -,6/9 ' CITY OF FONTA NA, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DRAWN Y SCALE / SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLAN) TRACT NO. 13677 DESIGNED BY•- DATE-. PINE AVENUE O.M. FROM STATION 34-32.16 TO /0-i-00.00 oe CHECKED BY: I APPROVED BY.- ZY z DWG NO SHEET �p-rl"" f of3 saber/ 9MV69,60m Cl T Y ENGINEER RCE 18932