HomeMy WebLinkAbout1357-1L yf le Creek AYenve v o -3 m m 0 �m h �N ,-:: o m 2 �h• p,� leg II �` i/••rI j 1 4 M5efeheZ r G. 1 F', v . Creek Vent) venue,,o " h � - -- `� ' o� eonm s G/,1 �,r , , , . 2 leoaci✓ a Tr. M /D' 20' ed env � m I 7 _,R 17 vii i /Za mono Avenue ale : l"= 40' 9_�D�, rOotI"- 4� 90. ....--... ...... .... _._........... _ ......... O / _ _..... _.._ ..... _ ...... ..... .... ..._ _...._ ..... _.... _.... _... ._ ...- ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES ,.1. 1,603.2 L.F. 6" C & G (inc. dep. dwy. curb) -Z. 75565 S.F. P.C.C. Sidewalk (inc. dwy. sect. for adj. sw) 3. 135.8 L.F. A.C. Dike 4. -,,,/355 Tons (28,356 S.F.) 2" A.C. Pavement 5. 17 Tons (1,065 S.F.) 2 1/2" A.C.•Pavement 6. 36 Tons (7,590 S.F.) 3/4" A.C. Overlay 7. 15358 S.F. P.C.C. Dwy. Apron (bet. sw and bk. curb). 8. �% `482 S.F. P. C. C.. X -Gutter& Spandrel (inc. curb sect.) _MQr,COn/Q CpU�„f � 9• 25 L.F. Reinforced Concrete Box 10. Ea. Junction Structure �.2' N , 11, t,2 Ea. Curb Inlet Structure °o h 12. ;,=490 L.F. 24 R.C.P. (2000-D) 13. x,,248 L• F. 18" R.C.P. (2000-D) � 14. ,4 V, 4 Ea. Adjust S.M.H. to Grade I I 15. 1 Ea. Adjust C.O. to Grade o o �• 74-16 I l . D gq� T. 8Z•// G ti 3 g5f�• , D 30 It h D Rayrr�ona� Avenve 25�dt ZS' 5' 2now 0 a o. 2¢' ,ll 0.00 o. 24Ze 4• II Construction contractor agrees that in accordance with generally accepted construction:QY ;! practices, construction contractor will be required to assume sole and complete responsibility for ; '. job site conditions during the course of construction of the project, including safety of all persons CGlifornia Council 2 3 3 2 % %CCL G id - Q o Gt and property; that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to ,�-vo1 fa .56 -ale normal working hours, and construction contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold ofCiVii�ne�in¢¢rf %V1�/GLi�-��c��Ol'/-LY���° Cj' �yerJye y design professional harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, in connection with the UandSuweyod A / $GCtle performance of work on this project, excepting liability arising from the sole negligence of design i professional. GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall be done in accordance with these plans and the City of Fontana Public Works Department Standard Specifications dated 1975. 2. Construction permits shall be obtained from Fontana Public Works Department prior to the start of any work. 3. Manhole frames and covers shall be constructed 6" below finished pavement grade r by the sewer contractor and shall be raised to grade at the completion of the paving by the paving contractor. 4. Water valve covers shall be raised to grade by the paving contractor. 5. Adequate stakes shall be set by the engineer to enable the contractor to construct the work to the plan grades. 6. As -built plans shall be provided to the City by the contractor. 7. The contractor shall contact all serving.utility companies for locations of existing underground lines that may exist which are not shown on these plans before the start of any work. CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Construct 2" A.C. Pavement over compacted native soil. 2 . Construct 6" P.C.C. Curb & Gutter per Std. No. 101. 3. Construct 4.5' P.C.C. Sidewalk (t = 4"). 4. Construct 4' P.C.C. Sidewalk (t = 4"). 1- 5. Construct P.C.C. Cross Gutter per Std. No. 104. 6. Saw -cut to clean, straight edge. 7. Construct A.C. Overlay (3/4"). 8.Construct 6" A.C. Dike. 9 Construct-R.C.B. per Detail Sheet 3 of 3. 10. Construct (30" x 30" inside) Junction Structure per City Std. 122. 11. Construct 24" R.C.P. Storm Drain Pipe (2000-D). 12. Construct (36" x 36" inside) Junction Structure per City Std. 124. Oy- Adjust Construct Ramped Curb Return per Std. No. 104-A. Sewer Manhole to Grade. 15. Adjust Sewer Clean-out to Grade. 16. Construct 2 1/2" A.C. Pavement over compacted native soil. l in Ville, - C. EA - g..Ina --City of Faiiana Californla _9333 ,tea /ir��e r 'oudo 5'vi' e /90 De Q ePu Inc orsm n Rar�cho Cvc�,trrior� a� Ca/ifornia 9/730 Te% horse• (714)!9,Y9 322 Drawn _ - 5ca /e r"y �5fr&&¢ f /ars � �Prof�_/e , Tracf No. /3207 1/erA sign may: LYlle Creek Avenue safe _ ;Iv • D y. /Ce nne Lirwi/ e Chef e By �X,P �" � ��v�' ��{.�• to e: �� 7�g� F'/e A. J T J . F . C.-�l�ProveO/ By e� rr ineer E 9 2 135 7 �3 9 R 0, /8 3 ..,. ,.,.. _. .: .tee.-`€ 3,r