HomeMy WebLinkAbout2496-L12.tifi �-- - - ---__ __ � - - _ - - - ,- -- - - - -- - . - - . _ - _ - ---- -- - . - - --- - - - - _ - - -.__. . _ --- - .. - i- -- --- - -- -- •--- -- -- - - - - -1 _ .. _.. - --_ _.. _ . -- _.__ _ - __ _ __ ___T__ _- _--_t-.. _.- ___.__..__ -_ ________-___-_T__._---- --__,____ _T_ --." -- __..___ -- - --_ -_ . - P..�%; f #. %aU11LJ1 I KANO\ • . 4 .. ` • 1 .CONTRACT DOCUMENT. . C11r.r1ML S . I Shall consist of specifications and its general. conditinna and the drawings. The intent of these documents is to include all labor, materials, and services, necessary for the proper execution of the work. The documents are to be . considered as one and whatever is called for by ny part shall be as binding as s, a if called for by all parts.I ` 2. VERIFICATION The contractor shall verify measurements on the drawings fore :!pxnning wior _ morof others affecting his work, he shall notify the Ovner's�GitYA6 �..r(}E. �(�5r10Tf 1'iN/6- imaeediately. The Contractor shall be held responsible` for any damage or lois due to his failure to observe these instructions. 3. MATERIALS, MACHINERY, EMPLOYEES Except as otherwise noted the Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, tools, and other items.necessary and incidental to completion .of his work. ' 4. SURVEYS, PERMITS, REGULATIONS . The Owner shall furnish an adequate survey. of the property. The Contractor shall obtain and pay all permits and comply with all laws and ordinances ria on the o eras i n or conduct of the work as drawn and s ec i f ied . I f the .BB..,,__ P . P P Contracfo bserves that a variance exists therewith he shall promptly notify the 4Wt/Uepresentative in writing, sad any necessary changes shall be ad jested as( rovided in the contract for chane es in the work. t-�.�_-., _ . 5. PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND ,PERSON The Contractor shall adequately protect the work, adjacent property, and the public, and shall be responsible for any damage or injury due to his act. G. -CHANGES IN THE WORK The Owner may order changes in the work. The contract sum being ad jested accordingly. All such orders and adjustments plus claims by the Contractor for extras ■wt be made in writing before executing the work involved. 7. CORRECTION OF WORK The Contractor shall re -execute any work that fails to conform to the requirements of the contract and shall remedy defects due to faulty Materi�mis or workmanship upon written notice Eras the project manager for a period of ninety days (40) from dace of coepletion of the contract. The irrigation system shall carry a one year guarantee. The above paragraph applies to the work of subcontractors as well as employees of the Contractor. + 8. LANDSCAPE COORDINATORS STATUS The landscape coordinator acts as the authorised representative of the Owner, in conjunction with the project manager, and has the authority to accept or reject materials or workmanship anminor changes in work not involving - . extra cost. He will also interpret the meaning of the contract documents sad nay stop the vosk if necessary to insure its proper execution. - 9. CLARIFICATION OF DRAWINGS BEFORE BIDDING After reviewing the drawings thoroughly it is the Contractor's responsibility to clarify with Landscape Architect or Owner's Reprsaentativs say qusstioaa the "Contractor may have regarding the method of coastructioa, gwntitiss, or quality of materials indicated or called out. If the Contractor cannot contact the Landscape Architect or Owner's .Representative, the Contractor must qualify his bid or accept :he interpretation of the Landscape Architect or the Owner's Representative on the questionable areas as they develop d«ring construction. I . 10. SAMPLES The Landscape Architect reserves the right to take and analyse samples of materme ials for conformity to specifications at say ti. The Contractor shall furnish samples upon request by the Laad,tcape Architect. Rejected material shall be immediately removed from the site and replaced at Coatzactor expense. . The cost of testing materials not meeting spsci#icatioas shall be paid by thi Contractor. i A�- ,�' _,�, . 11. ;PACE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE r , Schedule ante-eoastruction meeting with t e (.4r?,%/GI'�I� at least 7 days be f ore beginning work. The purpose o i conlrerence is td-irevitw any questions the Contractor may haus regarding the work adM einistrativs procedures during coastructioa and project work schdule. . IRRIGATION ,SPECIFICATIONS . I I SCOPE OF WORK I . The Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, machinery, and processes 14 aecsasary to install a complete irrigation system as shovq oa the plans and/or specified herein. When cosepteted the irrigation system shill bt a 1002 coverage system is a total functioning manner. ' II REQUIREMENTS A. VERIFICATION OF DIMENSION All scaled dimensions are approximate. before proceeding with say work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dissnsions. Spacing of m irrigation heads, local' n of valves sad vacuubreakers, sad proposed P.O.C. shall be as indicator drawings. Any deviation from the plans must have the approval of t G1'fy's @presentative or the Landscape Architect. • . l_, - - B. VERIFICATION OF FINHSH GRADE2 . t The Contractor shall inspect the site and'check all finish grades within the work area in order to insure the proper soil coverage (as specified) of irrigation system pipes. C. WATER SUPPLY • The Contractor shall verify sad ba famziiar with the source of water supply to the irrigation sy�tstm as indicated on the drawings sad verify available water pressure. I# p(iessurefie less than what has been designed with, the Contractor is to notify the GIT' 's�eprosentative or the Landscape Architect. D. PERMITS AND FEEES ��-'. Ths Contractor shall apply aad pay for all necessary permits and fees required in the pursuit of his work as required by the governing codes. E. CARE OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND SITE The Contractor shall be held responsible for the care and prsservatioa of all existing buildings and structures oa the property and adjacent premises sad contiguous property. Any part of then injured, damaged or disturbed because of his work shall be sspaired, replaced or clsaacd by him at his expense. F. REVIEW OF DRAWINGS . It is the Contractor's responsibility to revied nota any areas he believes additional heads or valvas are required prior to submitting a bid. If no changes are submitted, the Contractor is responsible for full coverage of the irrigation system and providing additional equipment . as nscssaary at the Contractor's expense. G. GOVERNING REGULATION All local. Municipal and state laws, rules and regulations governing or rjlating to any portion of this work ars hereby incorporated into and made %a part of these specifications, and their provisions shall bt carried out by the irrigation contractor. H.1. DIAGRAMMATIC DESIGN [his design is diagrammatic. All pips, valves, etc. sham within paved areas :+rs for design clarification only and shall bs installed is pleating @seas ushers possible. Never install Cackflov prsvent@rs in lawn areas always is shrub •irtas . - 1. INSTALLATION�- All irrigation materials shall bs installed is accordant@ with�t a techniques and spscificatioas set forth by each respectiveM factursr. All pertinent descriptive literature isWed by these manufactuiers becoesss)part of these spscificatioas after having bcea approved by the GIT�j"a authorized. . representatI ve. Such iastallatioa practices sha�lltbe folloir'sd only if the t`� directions of the irrigation drawings and specifieafioas do not thoroughly sad campletsly order the methods or techniques to be followed. Install all squipme sad materials as shown in details. J. SITE PROBLEMS I' The irrigation eoatractor shall not willfully install the sprinkler systeem as indicated oa drawings when it is -obvious in the field that there ars unknown obstructions, grade differences, sad/or discrepancies in the area dieaeasions until such cooditioas are brought to the atteatioa of the Landscape Architect. III MATERIALS ► �'�y_,`'- --"ti,_ -� . Irrigation materials and equipment hall be of type, size and location as noted d and indicated on th rawings. U-9less permission to change is granted from the Landscape Architect e,11'`'('s�'"presentative, materials are to be new and in perfect coaditioa. No allose from the specifications shall be allayed. The decision of the Landscape Architect shall be final is tbs det.ersination- of the quality of materials. A 1. The Contractor shall verify exact locations of all existing subsurfact ' utilities (mechanical sad electrical) prior to excavation. My A.C. paving eopesete vosk, etc. destroyed os damaged by say work under this contract shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. 2. Treacher for pipe shall be cut to required grade line at a crus gradient to provide uniform support for the full length of pipe. 3. Depth o! trenches shall be sufficient to provide a miaisum cover above the top of the pipe as noted on the drawings. B. JOINING; PIPE - 1. The Contractor is stspoasibls to be famar with the methods of assembling, joining, and installing the marines type of pipe to be used. He will adhere is strict accordance with the Manufacturer's recommandsd procedures. 2. No PVC pipe shall be threaded and all transition from PVC to metal piping shall be by PVC Male thread adaptor fitting. C. BACKFLOW PREVENTER1 1. The backflow prevention device specified herein shall be verified with Local Plumbing and Health Codes. In the event of any,conflict on the device or -installation methods the Landscape Architect shall be notified PRIOR TO SID OPENING. 1. •D. TESTS � 11. -VERIFICATION OF SITE CONDITIONS F. PLANTING PCTs ; . . ;XIII. HYDROSEEDING SPECIFICATIONS OFAPPLICABLE) 1. All gain lines and lateral lines whir have glued joints uadar paving is the `' a A. EXCAVATION "All trees sad shrub pits shall have a diameter of at least twice.. the diameter . . . „ i' A L `; system shall be capped and pressur tested at 150 psi. The Contractor shall verify exact locations of all existing sub-sur#ace of the soot ball. Pit depths shall bs minimus l2_ .deeper' than the• root ball for ;. ' ' The hydro -mulch shall be applied in the form of a slurry consisting of wood 2. Pressure shall be sustained is the lines for not less than' hours. If Leaks P Aay *, trees and 8" deeper than the soot ball for shrubs or as per planting details. �4 cellulose fiber, axed the■ical additives, commercial fertiliser and ester. When utilities (mechanical and electrical) riot to excavation. utilities A.C.' develop the joists shall be replace and the test repeated until the entir paving, concrete work, etc., destroyed or damaged by any work under this - hydraulically sprayed oa the soil surface, .the hydromulching shall fors a . system is watertight. �• - contract shall be repaired os ssplaced at the Contractors expense. G. PLACING blotter like ground cover impregnated uniformly with seed and fertilizer sad 3. Tests shall be observed and approved by__6t1Ys representative prior to plants shall be placed and held during backfill in an upright position in the ; shall allow the absorption of moisture and rainfall to percolate to the ,� backfill. 1...-� B:�UB-SURFACE DRAINAGE OR BOIL. CONDITIONS center of the pit. Plants shall be held at, or slightly above nursery level. ,A underlying soil. 4. When the irrigation system is coM leted� and before planting is begun) the Should sub-wrface drainage or soil conditions be encountered rihich would bid- The'earth ball,shall be kept intact. Any exposed roots shall be spread. Injured in'the presence of G$' _ re reseatative shall test the or i sots shall be tuned. . B. EQUIPMENT 1 Contractor i t p "i`� p• detrimental to growth or survival of plant material, the Contract shall N. o p N Covera a of valet afforded the lawn and planting areas as complete lete and ' g P g P notify the Landscape Architect is writing, stating the coaditioas sad Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertiliser, seed and slurry adequate. The contractor @hal furnish all materials sad perform all work ...subaittiag aproposal covering cost of cosrectioa. If the Contractor fails to H. BACKFILL AI% of prepared wood pulp shall be the "super hydro -seeder" type as approved by the required to correct any road q cies o coverage disclosed. notify the Landscape Architect of such conditions bt shall be responsible for Plant it back#illia soil shall consist of 1 rt aitrogea stabili:ed sawdust y pe p p g Pa Landscape Architect•., S. The Contractor shall infoKthe--P-r-y.9 representative of any deviation Ero,^) Is plant material under the guaraates claws of the ,specifications. - 2�parts topsoil. Materials shall bs thoroughly mixed before placeseat. In `- the plan required by wind, pleating, soil or site conditions that bear oa•' • . addition to backfill commercial -fertilizer. 20-15-5 Agriform 21 gran tablets C. APPLICATION • present coverage. C. DIMENSIONS �r shall be added to plant pits' 'at, the following rates. The operator shall spray the area with a uniform, visible coat by using the . �'" All scaled dineaaions are approximates Before psocesdiag with say mock, the I �� green color of the wood pulp as a guide. The slurry shall be applied in a E. IRRIGATION HEAD INSTALLATION Contractor shall carefully check and verily all dimension* sad gwntitiss, and1. 1 Tablet per 1 gallon plant sweeping motion, is an arched stress so as to fall like rain allowing the wood 1. Shrubbery or groundcover spray heads adjacent to curbs or walks shall Oe shall immediately inform the Laadacapt Architect of any discrepancy between the 3 Tablets pss'S gallon plant fibers to build oa each other until a good coat is achieved sad the material is • installed 6" away from the curb or walk and the noazle shall be 6" above information oa the drawings sad actual 'eoaditiops, rsfsaiaiag from doing say 4 Tablets per ISgalloa pleat spread at the required rate per acts. finished grade. Pop-up shrub heads are to be set flesh with grade. work is said areas until given approval to do so by the Laadaeapt.Architsct. 1 Tablet per 1/2"calliper tree trunk for specimen plants larger than 15 D TIME LIMIT ure and the nozzle shall be 6" above III. MATERIALS 2. Shrubbery spray heads adjacent to buildings, fences, or similes structures gallon D. shall be installed 6" away from the structure See ground'cover areas IX -D All slurry mixture which has not been applied to the slopes within four hours . finished grade. Shrubbery spray heads not sear paving or structures shall be A. SOIL AMENDMENTS after mixing will be rejected and removed EroM the project at the Contractor's set 6" above finish grads. 1. All soil amendment types and gwatities shall bs per soils report. 1. WATERING expense. . 3. All irrigation heads ars to have swing joists as detailed. When the pi's has been backfilled to three quarters of its depth, water shall be . 4. Install all irrigation heads per details.I S. TOP SOIL poured about the roots. Air pockets shall be eliniaated and backfill continued E. PROTECTION - F. IRRIGATION HEAD ADJUSTMENTS 1. ?opaoil shall consist of a fsstils, friable natural loam, of uaifors quality until the .backfill is brought to the grads level. Special care should be exercised'by the Contractor in preventing any of the free from iubsoil, hard clods, stiff clay, hard pea, sods, partially slurry btiag sprayed inside any reservoir basin or onto drainage ditch sand 1. '11�e irrigation contractor shall flesh sad ad jest all irsigatioa heads for disints rated debris or as other undesirable materials. I J. COMPACTING g � y channels which may impede the free #low of rasa or irrigation valet. An slurry optimum performance and to prevent overepray onto walks and buildings as such 2. ?opsoil shall not contain obnoxious .weds, such as morning-glory,' Sorel, Backfill shall not be compacted around the roots or ball of the plant during or spilled into restricted areas shall be cleaned up at the Contractor's expense as. possible. This shall include selecting the best degree of arc to fit oxalis, spurge, annual poi, out grass or bttsuda grass. ; after planting. The backfill on which the root ball rests shall be lightly to the satin#action of the Landscape Architect or Owner. � existing site situations. • . -. • • compacted. �`I' C. PLANT MATERIALS ' F. MAINTENANCE AND IRRIGATION G. CLOSING IN UNINSPECTED WORK 1. Plant names used is the Plant List conform to "Standardized Plant Nares" by K. SETTLEMENT 1 Once the slurry mulch has been applied and allowed to set for one day, the ,.i 1. The Contractor shall allr�cawe say of his work to be covered or American Joint Cbmmittes of Horticultural Nomenclature except in cases not Pleats which nettle shall be raised to the required level or replaced at the slopes shall thea be irrigated. There is no set irrigation requirements in enclosed until it hr" been inspect d, tested and approved by as authorized covered therein. In thtae instincts thy. sstabiished cu*tom of the oursssy [rade op p g p g pe gallons to be applied to the . tion of the Coatsactor. Raised lasts wteich fail to row shall be re laced. allons r minute. Duration of ties sad number of representative of he C.1'f` .• Sh d say of his work be enclosed or covered is followed. .` slopes will vary from day to day and system to aystes depending oat the rate of before such inspec oa and test a shall uncover the work at bis own expense 2. Plants shall bs sound, healthy, vigorous, free from disease, insect pasts or' L. STAKING growth sad climatic conditions encountered. As a rule of thuob the soil surface pe , , pp pa' y, y , g Stakes shall be driven to sufficient de th to hold fres zi id. ?see shall be nest be ke t moist at all times ' and after it ha�a bee ins ed tested sada moved shall make all rs ars their t s sad shall haus health normal root s stems w11 filtin their p g p , particularly during the seeding germination with like matsr;lals aecessazy to restore all his work and that of other containers, but sot to the point of being root bound. supported by at least two ties. (See details). period (30 days). Contractors to its original coaditioa. 3. Plants shall not be pruned prior to dslivssy except as authorised by.ths •, . '" Landsca Architect. In ao case shall tress be toppnd before delivery M. PR G. RESEEDING ` H. BACKFILLING 1 4. All platt material shall be subject to approval of sine, health, quality, Limbs, branches, canes ,and runner which require trim�siag shall be ssmoved to All bars spots shall be reseeded (sodded, if�hydroseed is turf ■ix), by the p p y , . y Pe leave a clean cut flesh with trunk.- (Pausing only as directed by the Landscape Contractor within 4S days providing the lack'of cover growth or mulch is sot 1. Backfill shall not bs lac d until the astalled s rinklsr system has beeci� character, etc. 0 the Landaca Architect. ,•� • 'S. The hei t and s read of all loot material shall be measured with branches in ;;due to inadequate aprinkliag or erosion cawed by excessive watering by the inspected and approved by theIr(�� ' s rsseotativs. Sb p p Asehttect. 2. Trenches shall bs backfill•! 'th a sifnimw of 4" of fine, granular materials their normal position. - •Owner. . to protect the pips from the �r socks, the remaining excavated dirt can 6. 'lfie talipes of lbs trees shall be measured 4' above the surface of the ground.. N.. PLANTINGS BED$ be used as backfill.-- The Contractor shall not place detrimental s,,,,bbfoil is the 7. Where caliper or other dimensions of soy plant materials are omitted from chs Planting beds shall bs edged sad cultivated to the lies shown. beds shall be XIV -:REPLACEMENTS top 6" of backfill-. � ..,/ plant list, it shall be understood that these plant materials shall be aosmal brought to a smooth even surface confoning to established grades a#fez full A. GENERAL asttlsment occurs and adjustments is pipes, valves, sprinkler heads or sod stock for type listed. settlement has occurred. ' . The Contractor shall immediately.:eplace say and all plant materials which for are aecsasary to bring the system to proper working order, the Contractor shall d. Pleat material shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, and shall any reason die or are damaged while under his care. Rsplacenents shall be made as a part of the work under this coa't�ract sake all the Decessary adjustnsars conform to ism*ussMeats specified in the plant- list. IX GROUND COVER AREAS • �r . with plants of like kind sad rise in the same manner as specified for the without extra cost to the Owner. 9. Plant material larger than those npaeificd may De supplied if complying is all A. REFERENCE • w original planting. (See guarantee "C" for definition of replacements). other respects sad at ao additional cost to the Ovnsr, upon ippsoval of the Refer to Paragraph V, VI, VII, for fiaiah grading, weed control sad soil , 1. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND VALVES Landscape Architect. preparation. . XV. CLEAN-UP 1. A 120 volt electrical pows outlet to the controller shall bs provided by 10. All plant materials must haus bean previously inspected at the Durssry by the A. GENERAL others. The izrigatiop Contractor shall be respoosiDle t'or making the .hook'up County Horticultural Department, and shall be subject to acceptance as to B. SOIL PAEPARATION After the installation operations have been completed remove all trash,. excess from the outlet to the controller. , quality by the Landscape Asebitect. Prepare the soil as per three specifications and the plaatia� Notes on the soil, empty pleat coataiaers and rubbish from the property. All scars, ruts or ?. All wits from the contsolles to electric control valves shall be solid capper 11. Substitutions will be permitted only as indicated, or if proof is submitted Planting plan. I other marks in the arses caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground U.F. �14�600 volt direct burial. Use white wire for common, blue for lawn • that say plant specified is not available, a proposal will bs eoasidssed for 10 left is a neat sad orderly condition throughout the site. Contractor shall pick s stems, black #orZpxn-orlli4ril"We- d r d , r irroseter�coats l wire stall is the we of the Dearest equivalent rise or variety with as equitable adjwtstpt C. GRADIN f up all trash resulting from this vosnoless taneach Friday beforeF4he tea �' i where possible: '�tovids iininus 18" cave . ' �,. of the eontsact price. Areas shall be raked and floated smooth to provide a true and uniform surface. p the sits, once a wek, and/or the last working day each wek. All trash shall onnections shall be made with C.�c�vire cooaector staling packs 12. Quantities shown on the call outs oa the Planting Plan are for the coovsaitacs be reeovsd coeplstely frim the sits. <` or equal. of the Coatrutor only. Quantities drawn on the .plan (whether by circles or D. PLANT PITS AND FERTILIZER . ning to the eontirollet dots)ase the final authority and shall be furnished and installed as drawn. Planting pits Eos gsouadcover shall be 4 x 4" or adequate to accept material B. TOP $OILcmmba ground. Nlpl,�/��'t� from flats without crushing or deforming the rootball. [lace a 20-10-5 Agriform Excess topsoil shall bs removed f:om the site.tctrical work shall comply with applicable [codes: 151J95 To I0vw,w Wort D. SEED MATERIALS A t4li . 6 r" ;i CPcb s'.5�'ll�L-W. 1. - Seed shall be clean, fresh, new crop' seed and --shall be the mixture as- noted on - C. REMOVAL OF TAGS .- T. I VAWC (U ft;K, &X% Mia• le M?AIZT. K ,,�� the Planting Plan. E. SPACING' Remove all tags, labels, ausasry stakes sad tis• .from all plants unless • J. ,IRROMETER STALLATIION (IF APPLICABLE) ,,,.,,,/A--- "�``"'' �Yr ""'"�� 2.' Seed shall be mixed by a dealer and furnished with the dealers guaranteed Plant at spacings sad is areas indicated oa the drawings. Soil shall bs fissly otherwise diztctsd, only at the end of all installations. `•�`� g y P Po percentage purity yI prss*td around each plant, sad the excess soil removed Eras the crown. Is A I inata lotions sad wiri is to be doh the Contractor in tom liaact with statement of composition and sccnta . of sit which .hall bf furnished to XVI PROTECTION inatallatioa and •Operating Instructions enclosed with the tsnsioaMettrs. __ the Landscape Architect. V DRAWIN%30' OF RECORD (AS BUILTS) WATERING ' V. E. STAKES ,' F. A. GENERAL The Contractor shall provide sad kelp up to date in accordance with Section 1. All stakes shall be as s details. Each section of ground cover- shall be immediately wtersd upon caapletioa of At all [macs Burin construction ode este - g , q protection shill bs provided #ot all "Projects Records", a complats est of record "as built" black lies ozalid planting and thereafter u required. planted aseas�ataiast damage of any kind, until final acceptance by the Landscape Architect. - priats which shall bt cossetted daily sad show every change from the original IV. %owS TIONS BELOW GROUNDG. SPACING FROM EDGE drawings and specifications sad the exact "as built" locations, sista sad types A. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY The first sow of gsouadcover should always be within 6" from the edge of the B. RESPONSIBILITY - . of equipment. Prints for this purport sad► be obtained from the Owner. This set '!fie Contractor is ssspoasiblt for verifying the locations of all utility lines plaptina area. _ • I The Contractor shall be held responsible for the care and preservation of all of drawings shall be kept oa the sits sad shall be used odly as a record set. and other underground obstructions so that proper precautions may be taken not C� existing buildings sad strueturss oa the property sad adjacent premises. nay These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets and the Contractor to disturb or damage such improvements. IA the event of a conflict bttvssa such X SEASON part of thea injured damaged or disturbed because of his work shall bt shall make asst and legible notations thereon daily, as the work proceeds, liars sad pleat locations, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Landscape A. REFERENCE repaired, ssplaced or cleaned by hi■ at his expeasc. showing the work as actually iastalltd. These drawings shall be availails at Architect who shall arrange for lbs sslocation of one or the other. Failing to Rsfes to Paragraph V, VI, VII, fol finish grading, meed control, sad soil , • all times for inspection and shall be kept in a location designated by the 4 follow this procedure, the Contractor shall at his own expense make any and all preparation. XVII. GUARANTEE , Landers Architect. I,?r. . . Pe .ti;,, repairs toe damage* resulting from his work. .. SHRUBS S. SOIL PREPARATION All shrubs shall be guaranteed as to growth and health for a period f �a a - A. GENERAL V FINISH GRADING Prepays the moi 1 a* per Chess *peri f icat ions and the Planting Notes on the after con let lop of the s ci f ied maintenance period and/or I. pe po A. TILLING � Planting Plaa. P pe Pe / final a �ptaace The Contractor shall dimcnsioa from two (2) tannest ants of rsfesence. b the Owner. I building corners-, sidewalk or road intersections, etc. the location of the Till all planting•areas as herein specified. y following items. C. GRADING S. TREES '. B. UNIFORM GRADE Areas shall be raked and floated sesooth to provide a true and uniform sur#ace. , ee hall be guaranteed to live sad grow is acceptable upright position for a. Gate Valves After Billing, all areas shall bs brought to uniform grads �y fIo*ting bt head• 12 Months a e he spacii`ied maiateaance period and/or.final acceptance by the b. Ths routing of the npriakler mala lines. raking. D. QUALITY OF PLANTS �� CAI`( , The CAfy , wt provide adequate maintenance to insure the extended j c. Corrections to the existing wteslines. Pleats shall bt healthy annual pleat material in 4 pote.in bloom. guarantee on•trees. d. ;he routing of the control wiring. C. GRADE RELATIONSHIPS -� . e. Sprinkler control valves. Finish grads of planting areae after applieatioo of soil amsndMRats shall bs 1" E. PLANT PITS AND FERTILIZER �+ �+ . �� C. DEFINITION OF DEATH #. Quick coupling valves. below top of concrete walks and curb grades and 6" below finish floor of ,6ach plant pit for seasonal color shall be 6 x 6 x 6 with one teaspoon of g. Backflow device. building or as noted by spot elevations. Plants which die or loss more than 30x of their original leaves shall be ' ...bone Meal Mix into the backfill mix. (Use shrub backfill nix). Do not use �� , Agr�Eors plant tablets. rept�csd. B. REQUIRED NOTATIONS D. SLOPE FROM BUILDINGS '- D, REPLACEMENT Ke �. 2. Ths driving shall show approved substitutions of wises, materials and Soil arsa,� adjactat to buildings shall slope away #mom the building mt 2X F. SPACING Thi Contractor, within saves (7) days of.wri.tten notification by th _C!41.y manufacturers name and catalo avmber. minimum #oz 10 feet, sad shall continue to alp Pleat at s aria sed is areas indicated on the drawings. Soil shall.be firmly g Ps at a minimum of lz until ester P g g y shall remove and replace all guaraatsed pleat Materials which, for as reason, dramas to stases or store system. pressed around each plant, sad the excess soil removed from the crown. • C. DELIVERY OF DRAWINGS OF RECORD fail to Meet the requireMsats of this guarantee. Replacamsat shall be mads with . - G. WATERING plant materials as indicated or specified for the first planting, and all such Oa or before the date of final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver the E. ROCKS OR CLODS replacement materials shall be guaranteed as specified for the original corrected and complete blackliasa to the Landscape Architect. Delivery of% No rock or clods over 3/4 in diameter shall be on top of pscparsd isatin Buh settlor of seasonal color shall bs immediately ed' upon completion of " P g isatin and waterin thereafter as re uirsd. guarantee material. blackliaes will not ssliave the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing bed. p g g q required information that may be omitted from the prints. . VI XVIII 11AAlNTENANCE C OL H. SPACING FROM EDGE , . ,. A. SCOPE • Vie CLEAN-UP A. KILLINGS WEEDS The first row of seasonal color should always be within 6 of the edge of the After all work indicated on the drawings or her specified has been A. SCOPE AND FREQUENCY I Contractor shall germinate and destroy existing wed seeds before preparing planting area. completed, inspected, and approved by the Arasr or his representative, the After all installation operations have been eoMpleted.zeMove all trash, excess areas for planting. Sufficitot water shall be applied to caw[ meed @ted to XI B� LAWN MATERIALS & � (IF AContractor shall maintain all planted areas by rens of coo4inuou* wtering, soil and rubbish from the property. All scars, ruts or other marks in tha area sprout. Young weeds shall thea be destroyed and removed before they have I ostuait A. QUALITY wading, rolling, caring, restediag, edging sad jot say other operations I cawed by this work shall bs sapaired and the ground left in.74 neat and orderly op P y to est seed. �� coaditioa, throughout the site. The Contractor shall pick up all trash - Sod shall be !1 Grade machin[ cut at a uniform thickness of S/8 excluding top necessary for their care sad .upktsp for a period of sot I:ss [hap ninety (90) I seaultin from this work no leas [baa each Friday before leaving the sirs, once S. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS . _ growth; and thatch, wed fret and shall be no less than eight months nor score days. At Chi •tad of the maintepapce period, �lI pleat materials shall be in g healthy, growing condition. , a wek sad or the last working day each week. A11 trash shall be removed For additional weed killing, refer to Planting Notes on the Planting Plan. - than sixteen months old. . completely from the site. Vile SOIL P'REP'ARATION I B. TIMING . B. WEED CONTROL VII• GUARANTEE A. $OVf Installation shall take place wn 24 hours after harvesting. All planted arras shall bf kept #res of debris sad shall be weeded at not More than ten (l0) day intervals. Areas that do not have a pre-essrgsnt need killer A SCOPE ore starting soil preparation the Contractor shall submit a soil report to C REFERENCE shall also be cultivated at not more Chao tea (l0) days intervals. A. The entire irrigation system shall be guaranteed by the Contractor as to the CITY and Landscape Architect. If so soil report is submitted it will be • d workmanship, including alliin of backfilled areas below rade assuseat amendments uses not added and the Landscape Contractor will bt#tr to Paragraph V, VY, VII, for finish grading, meed control, sad soil Material as vo kms ip, g g g L 4, C. FERTILIZING #ora rind of ons (1) ear follovia the date of final aceeptanc� of the req`ue�ted.to give a credit fdr soil preparation. preparation. • Pe y g All plapttd arena shall receive a fertiliser application as per somas report work. If within nae year from the date of completion, s[[[ling occurs, and B. COMPACTED AREAS D. PREPARATION every 30.days foliating the beginning of maintenance. Water is thoroughly after adjustments is pipes, valves, sad sprinkler heads, sod or paving is wctssary „ application. to bring system, sod or paving to the proper level of the permanent grades, the B. SoiL areas that are compacted to more thea 92 dusipg sits preparation shall be Sod area prior to planting shall be rolled lightly and watered to a depth of 6 . Contractor.' as part of the work under this contract shall Make all adjustments sipped to a siainum of 12" prior to bsgiaaing oil preparation. These areas the day prior to planting: IE say air pockets are found, the.ar.ra shall be D. CONDITION OF SITE . without extra cost to the Owner, including the complus restoration of all shall be defined by lbs Landscape Architect and billed as an extra iE the regraded asl necessary. Lightly ester the area to be planted cwt prior to . damaged planting, paving or other improvements of say kind. unit price is quotid in the bid. planting. During the maiateaancs period, keep the project neat and fres from debris at all rises. Obtain the Oerper's approval for on -sits storage of equipment or B. RESPONSIBILITY C. METHOD OF MIXING • E. INSTALLATION m.intsoaace msteriala. Should an o rational difiicultiea in connection with the irrigation system If the slops is under 2 1/2 to 1 the soil preparation na�erials should be Sod shall bs laid is a staggered pattern, with tight joints and in the saws XIX..FINAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND FINAL Y Ps • . � - I. -i. n . ++ direction Bac tins. Oa all slo s sod shall bt installed Eros the bottoM u MAINTENANCE INSPECTION develop within the specified guarantee period which la in the opinion of the broadcast uniformly over all lapdacapc areas and worked 'to a depth of 6 by a a Pe P Landscape Architect dui to inferior material sad/or vorkmaaship, said rototillsr or other acceptable mechanical mesas to obtain a uniform blind to and the newly laid sod should br: protected Oy walking on boards as installer . difficulties shall be immediately corrected by the Contractor to the the soil. If the slops is greater thea 2 1/2 to 1 the amendments shall be moots upward. oa slopes, pin the sod down with wooden pegs. No metal staples A. FINAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION satisfaction of the Landscape Architect at no additional cost to the Owner, hydraulically applied for arena aver 1000 square feet sad raked in for small cell be allowed. No sod of less than 18 in length will be allowed. , including soy sad all other damage cawed by such defects. areas. .For the soil amendment six refer to the Planting Notes op the Planting .11 When aII landscape improvements have been installed in accordance with the Plan for bidding purposes and tAe thea soil report fns actual inplsMsatatioa. F. JOINTS plans and specifications, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect/GIN Ia6P C. INSTRUCTION • Ad joie the section of sod firmly together. If air spaces occur between sections • and request a Final Conatzuctioo inspection. If the Landscape Architect After the system has be n completed sand the connections made the Contractor D. EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL of sod they must be filled with sand or have the sod relaid. detsrniacs thc.wbrk to be substantially complete and in coafosmaace with plans and specifications, the Contractor will be advised that the basic maintenance shall instruct the CI1`i'S spressntative is the operations and Ia addition to the work specified above the Contractor shall remove all -G. ROLLING a pee is started. /t Mainttaance of the system. extraneous material that is exposed on the surface, and grade to facilitate „ - - run-off of surface ester. Roll sod with - an adequately weighted roller to smooth out the sod bed. D. TEM REPAIRS � � � 1• been finished, substaDtially complete, at least the collaring cwt haw ,�._� e GIT`i e*ervss the right to maks temporary repairs u necessary to keep the E. DELIVERY SLIPS H. P�iOTECT�N EI�CES • • Rt rade to rottet the ed ss #roes ds in if mOwin '- irrigation stem equipme io operating coaditioa. The exercise of this right Supply delivery slips from the supplier for the soil aMsadmeats to the ails g P g y g g edge is not used a. All fine grading, 1nCluding elimination of low points that hold runoff. by the G�'(`f shall not relieve,ths Contractor of his responsibility under the . (Bulk load* from the Contractors' yard will not be accepted. Supply empty bags WATERNVG b. A eo■pltts sad operable irrigation system. ' terms of the uazaatte as herein s cificd. for fertilises to the Supssinteadent of the fob}. 1 g Pe �� c. Installation of all Iaat materials. After installation sod must be kept thoroughly watered to a depth of 6". No p VIII. S AND TREE PLANTING foot tri#fir should be allowed for .2 to 3 weeks from the -date of installation. d. Sttdiag of all seeded utas. • PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 0 . A. CORRELATION . Trete and *hruba shall not bf planted until all operatioas in coajunctioa with J, INSPECTION BY SUPPLER 1 2. Minor pick-up items May be completed during the basic Maintenance pts�Od I. SCOPEOF WORD If thtrc are an uestioaa re ardin the unlit of sod installation A such as: the installation of the irrigaClOa system have btea completed, final grades y q g g q y A. Furnish all labor, Materials, sad tquipMsat sec.*nary to provide and install have been tatabtishsd, sad the planting beds properly prepared by cultivation representative of the supplier shall be requested to inspect the installation a. Resodding of bate spots in lava. b. Replacement of damages or non -conforming plant material. \ • • and fertilisatioq a* covered is these spccificatioas. sad the Contractor called out by the supplier s raprsseatative. , plant material as sharp oa the drawings or as specified herein. c. ate -staking or guying of [sees. 1. Work included in this Section - (Itses included but not limited to}. XN. SEED LAWN PLANTING (IF APPLICABLE) d. Lowering of irr aatioa heads to grade after turf has established. 1. Grads, including sounding, molding and shaping surfaces of all planting B. PLANTING TIME areas as indicated including lbs removal of existing vegetation unless No planting shall take plats during extremely hot, dry, windy or Ersssing A. REFERENCE ., e. Pilling of settled areas cawed by application of dorsal wteriag. other wise specified. wathsr. - Refer to•Paragraphs Y, VI, VII, Eor finish grading, vend control, and soil f. ReplacsMent of.uaauthorised substitutions. 2. Prepare sad till soil ip planting areas including furnishing of all soil C. LOCATIONS Preparation. ; S. FINAL MAINTENANCE INSPECTION amendments as specified. Relative- positron of all plants and trees is subject to approval of t _G'ij`� J4rP1 At the cad of the maintenance period and when ground covers and turf haw 3. Furnish sad loot all lent materials as indicated b the drawin s sad • B. PREPARATION „ established and all 'ick -u iteMs'hays bees tom lstsd the Coatraetor shall P P y g Landscape Architect, and they shall, if accessary, bs relocated at his Cultivate toads th of 2 below finish rade remove stones foreign growth of P P P s scifications. P g . P dir@ctioa, as part of this Contract.. '� request a final mainteaanca inspsetion. 'fie Contractor will be advised by the 4 Perform all suaia as ce aired any kind and extraneous matter and grade to -remove ridges and depressions so p g g Roll and rake Landscape Architect at the final inspection that work is or is not S. Stake and tis all plaat,metesial as specified. that ares#• after settlement will conform to the finish grads. , D. DISTRIBUTION li°ghtly until the surface is smooth, friable and of uniform fine texture. satisfactory. 6. Provide for the msiatepan� the planting until acceptance of the job by No more plants shall bs distributed about the landacapc area than can be - i the Lpeadscapt Aschitsct/GI1y 'iP i%eC, pleated sad wtered on the saws day. . C. SOWING 1. if the work is satisfactory, the basic mainteoanee period will end on the II 7. Dispose of all dsbtis and surplus materials. date of the final inspection. �- 8. Clean-up • E. CONTAINER REMOVAL Som lawn seed in the arta designated on the drawings at the rats as designated 2. If the work is unsatisfactory the basic maintenapde pe�Villoatiaue at 9. Gwraatte Plant coataiaers shall be removed when planting the plants. Cans shall be split on the drawings. Sov the lava in two directions. no additional ex ase to the Ovists until the wox has be completed, I0. Maintsnaacs on both sides. 'An axe or s ode shall not be wed. All containers shall be - P F D. TOP DRESSING - las pec ted and approved by the Landscape Asch i 4 c t/GI•t�('s P��r�� removed from the site. Rake lightly, spread 1/4" of. top dressing with a mechanical spreader, roll with C. FAILURE TO PASS INSPECTION xr 200 lb roller and water with a fine spray. If work fails to pas* final ieispectioa, an}• subsegwnt inspections must be . . rescheduled as per above and, will be charged to the Contractor at the 1; prevailing hourly sate of the Landscape Architect. I .1 - -i - -I.----,- �& .1. I �. . -ii i M , 1 + •.117 -. 1 f' � _ .t � ` ''� t .11 . ` *I _] . { I WILSON ASSOCIATES 7 11 .i i , j ; . j Landscape _ Architecture , 11262 Warmington St.. ' Riverside, CA 92503 (909) 353-2436 I ,ko "4 r.. - .2 a 1< I V 11 \ .14 t . • I . ` *I .0 • fy I I'. ..�i1 1\ WU �. ;. . ..., 1. . 0, . lk W< . fyff,