HomeMy WebLinkAbout2453-3rte CITY OF FONTANA BLALDING SECURITY SPECIFICATIONS 2smfn Smesa" wPreIN'Tew"" �Iat t - f "" wemtnhiemummsets Won occupancy by the owner or peoprietes, arca single unit in a tract or com wrcial development, constructed under the same g•nor•t Plant shall have locks using combinations which ate interchange tree from locks used in all other separate dwellings, propriecor- Mips or similes distinct occupancies. 41'lt0r♦ It - ts■ras/SOMwt2ttilm•sAKN"n Installation and construction of tmrares, jambs, strikes and hinges shall be as follows s . A. Door jambs shall d• installed with solid backing to such a ma%ner that no voids exist between the strike -side at the jamb and the frac opening for a vertical distance of six (6) inches each side of the strike. S. In wee& framing, horizontal blocking shall M rise" between Studs 60 door lock height for three (3) stat sp•ese earls side of the door openings. Tsiwrrs shall be full length from the Aead•r to the floor with solid backing against sole plates. C. Scor steps an node jambs for fn-owto int deers shall be of one piece construction with the jamb. Jambs for all dross shall be constructed or protected so as to prevent violation of the strike. 0. I" strike plate fuer dotlelte an all weed-lsammd doses shall be constructed of minimum sixteen (14) U.S. gauge steel, bronze or brass and secured to the jamb by • minimum of two (3) screws, which mmmst penetrate, at least an (2) inches into solid backing beyond the surtace to which the strike is attached. t. Hinges' ter vet-sriwging deers Shall be sgoirped with nent seveblo hinge pine or a mechanical Interlock to preclude removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. swr" ItIi2 �wissio w/l11" d'la Owed ?he following requiresents Met be matt for windeve and sliding Stars doors A. Incept as otherwise specified to teetiow • (Spatial Residential •wilding Provisions), and Section STT (Special Commercial 4uilding provisional, ail operable exterior window all sliding glass doors shall comply with the tests as set forth in section WX (Tests) S. Louvered Window Mall not be us" when any portion of the window is less than twolve (121 feet vertically or six (6) toot horizon- tally from an accessible surface or any adjoining root, balcony, landing, stair tread, rlattosm oc similar structure. Svc"= Iv - nam ttislli Ovt*ost lid overhead swing, f idi!n or Accordion) Tho above described doors shall conform to the following standardes A. Wood doors shall have panels a minimus of five -sixteenths (S/14) inch in thickness with the locking haraware bein; attached to the support teasing. . S. Aluminum doom shall be a minimum thickness of .0215 inches and riveted together a ■ininuw of eighteen (lo) inches on center along the outside Scams. There shall be a full width h•risontal beam attached to the main dose structure which shall meet the pilot, or pedestrian &cans*, door framing within three (3) inches of the strike area of th a pilot or red*stsian access docs. C. fiberglass deers shall have poesels • ainiwsuw density e[ six (6) ounces pas square foot from the bottom of the door to a height of seven (7) face. Panels Show sewn (7) feet and panels in residential structures shall have a density not less than five (S) ounces per squat• toot. S. come utilizing a cylinder leap shall hews a minimum five (S) pin t:trsbl•e operation with a locking bar or bolt extending into the receiving gulAs a sisiimme of one (1) inch. it. Doors that +roomed slst.ssw (141 feet in width shall have two lock receiving @stats# or, it Me deer does not exceed nineteen (11) tart, a single belt sat be used it placed to the center of the door with the Locking petal located either at the floor or door from beaderl or, torsion seeing counter balance type hardware may be used. t. txeept ice a `leseidential boil"* doors go~@& by electrical operation shall have a keyed witch to open the door when in a closed position, or by a signal -locking devtco. (i. Doors with slide -bolt assemblies shall have frame a Brim of .120 inches in thi.rkness, with a minissuw belt diameter of one-half (1) inch and protrude at least ons and one-half (11) inches into the receiving guide. A bolt diameter of three-eighths 11/11 inch say d• use3 ice a resid•nti•1 buildixg. The slide bolt shall be attached to the Nor with nonrewovable bolts from .%he Outside. Rivets shall not be used to attach slide -bolts assemblies. c except in a residential building, padlock(@) used with extorter mounted slide bolt(s) shall have a hardened steel shackle locking, both at heel and ter wad a minimum of five tS1 pin tusubier opera• tion with nonremovabl• say when in an unlocked position. Pad- leck(0 us" with interior mounted slide bolt(s) shall have a hacda.t*d steel shack L• with a minis m teat (4) pisb tumbles operati�a. t" ♦ - Muesial moiMwei.aifmii�Mvtsi A. txeept fee vehicular scams doors, all enerter swinging doers of any residential building and attached garages, including the door leading tens the garage area ince the _dwelling unit shall be uquipped as tolLawss . I. All Mood doors *114,11 be of Solid vete gonsttection with • minimum thickness of one and thee* -fourths (1 3/4) inches. . me with panels net less than nine -sixteenths (9/10) inch thick. 2. A single or double deer' Mall be equipped with a 04,0041 cylinder d•adbolt lock. The bolt shall have a minimum pro- p . lactiaft of axe (1) inch and be constructed as as to repel outtinq tool attach. The deadbolt shall have an embedment at at teat three-fourths (3/4) Lock into the striko receiving the projected bolt. The cylinder shall have, a cylinder quard, a ainimamm of five (9) pin tvabl•cs, and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock by connecting screw of at least ons-fourtk 11) incl► in diameter. All , installation shall be done M that the performance at the Locking device will meet thea intended anti-bwMl•st require - vents. A dual locking meohawim constructe& so that beth on- 1% •wed latft raw be retreated by a single action of the inside door knob# or lover, say be substituted provided I% meets all other specifications for leaking devices. 3. the tnastive Last at dads dowlsl shall be ogoippmed with metal [lush bolts having a minimums embedment of five-oighthe IS/$) inch into the head and threshold or the door from. 4. t lasirhV ice etateriee doors et within, Plenty W1 Inches of my leaking enchanise shall be ea fully ts■mperot 91&80, stunted burglaslr resistant gluing or dual Paso glass. S. /except where, shear visten psu mals are Installed, all trent eexteri x doors shall he equipped with a wide Single (100 Degree) deer vtsw41r. S. Strou-t numbers and other idewtifttxsg &N& shall be disptaTOd as fol Lovex is Ali resiasthtiai dwliift" shall display an illuminated atcoor nulls in a prominent location on the strut silo me ell residents la suet a position that the number is easily visible to approaching emergency vehicles. The numerals shall be no lose than tour (4) inches in Might and shall be at a eonerasting refer to the background to which they are attached. 2. then shall be positioned at arch entrance of a multiple family dwelling owelex an illuminated diagrammatic represen- tation of the complex which show the location of the views and the unit designations within thi complex. In addition, each individual unit within the complex shall display M illuminate& idwtitieatiew mnmmbes, net less than tour x41 inches in height, which is easily visible to approaching vehicular and/or redestriah traftis. c. Lighting in waitipi• family dwilings shall M a. follows: i. Aisige, @assageways and t•eesses related Sae and witch in the building emmspless shall be illuminated with ave intensity et •e least tmwncy-five ono hundredths (.2S1 footcandles -at the ground levet during the hours -at darkness. Lighting devices shall be prot•etod.by weather and vandalism resistant covers. 2. Open parking lots and sorports shall be prevtded with & maintained minLwuw ad one 11) teetcandle of light on the parking surface dosing the hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected by weather and vandalism resistant GOV es. A. Swinging exterior glass deers, wood w seta& doors with glass panels, solid wood or real doors shall be constructed or protected ae fol laws I. Msec donee shall be of solid sere sown" tlon with a minimmmm thickness of ons and three-fourths ti 1/41 inches. teed panel doors witk panels less than owe (1) inch thick shall be covered on the inside wide a wiwimsim sixteen (16) U.S. gas" sheet steel, or its equivalent, which is to be attached with screws on winismmn six (6) Ladle centers. Mellow steel doors shall be of a winisuma sixt•ew 116) Y.S. gauge and have sufficient reinforcement to Maintain the designed thick - owes ad the doer when any lockir4 device is installeds such reinforcement being able to restrict collapsing of the does around any locking device. 2. Incept when daily ey 1 inde r d•adbelts we ut i 1 i re&, any glazing utilised within forty (40) inches of any door locking msschanisn shall be constructed or protected as followss tel fully tempered glass- or rated burglary resistant glasingm me . hl Iron or steel grills of at least one-*ighth (1/$) inch Nstecial with a minimum of two (2) inch Nosh soeured Oft the inside of the glazing may be utilizedn os (c) The glazing shall be covered with teen bars of ikt least one -halt (1) Lack round or on inch by one-fourth inch (i x 1) flat stool material, spaced not Nero than five (51 4neh*s apart, secured on the inside of the glazing. td) Iters Ib1 and fol above Mail net interfere .1t1 the operation of o" ring window it Such windows are require& to be openable by the Unitors wilding Code. S. All swinging exterior we and steel doers shall bs equipped as tel lows s i. A Siegle er double coos shalt M equipped with a double Of single cylinder dead alt. The belt shall have • minisumw projection of one (1) inch and be constructed N as to repel cutting toot attack. The deadbeLt shall have an embedweat of at least three -fourth• 13/4) inch the strike receiving the projected bolt. The cylinder shall have a cylinder - quard, a winis ms of five IS) pin fumblers, and shall be connected to the inner portion of the loop by connecting screw of at Least one-fourth (1) Loch in diameter. The Provisions ed the preceding paragraph die ant, appy where (1) panic hardware is required# or, (2) ave equivalent device is approved by the enforcing authority. 2. gamble doers shall be •gaippod as follesnes (a) The inactive lead of desblo Averts! shall M equipped with metal It"% bolts hawing a stair um embedment of five-eighths (S/91 inch into the head and threshold of tho dew reason. (b) Double doers shall have an Senegal sen*truo-ted of steel a NnLsw of .129 inch thick Mhlob will cows the opening between the doors. ?he astragal shall be a minimums of two x21 inches willg and estend a miniessm of ons (1) mere beyond the edge, me the door to which it is attached. ?he astragal shall be attached to the outside of the active door by mane of welding or with menressovable belts spaced apart on not more than ten 1101 inch centers. (Thee deer to which such •w astragal is attached must be determined by the fire - safety coAss adapted by the enforcing authority.) C. Aluminum from wringing doors Mail be equipped as follows 1. The .40011b M all aluminum frame wringing bees shall be N constructed or protect*[ to withstand 1600 pounds of pressure in both • vertical distance of theme (3) Inch** and a t-ocisontal distance of one x11 ince each side of the strike N as to pesvent violation et the strike. 2. A siongto or double doer Shall be equipped with a double cylinder deadbolt wieh a bolt projection en~inq am tit inch or a hook shaped or expanding dog belt that engages the strike wlticiently to prevent spreading. The Madbott lock shall have a minimum of give (S) pin tumblers and a cylinder quard. . S. Panic hardware, whenever required by Mit 1lhiters Suitdisg Code or Title Its California Administrative Code, shall be installed as to 1 low s I. Panic hardware Mall contain a minimum of two (11 lofting points on each deoct or, 2. On single deers, panic hardware soy have am locking pint which to not to be located at either the top or bottom rails of the door frame. The door shall have an sstragal constructed of steel .12S thick which *Shall be attached with newremovab le belts to the outside of the deer. The astragal shall extend a sinismum of two (2) inches wide and •stand a 01inimuls of one (1) inch beyond the edge me the duos to which it is attached. . 1. Double doers containing Percale hardware shall havi an astragal attached to the doors at dols meeting point which will *lose the opening between time but act iwt•rtere with the speratiow of •&thee dyes and shall haw time dspactue" approvalo t. hbsriantal sliding coots ahhall b1 ogoippM vittlh • metal guide track at top amt bottoms and a cylinder leak and/or pedlook with a hardened steel shackle which locks at bet► heel and toe, and a minima five (!) pin tumbler operation with nonromevsbl• they whew to an uAlocked position. The bottom track shall be se designed that the doer cannot be lifted from the trema whew the dose to ice a Locked position. t. In @!tide belldlwgs tmsitipte amnVemyl, all souenae deome to individual series suites shall sot the construction and looking regvisemmta for anterior doors. 4. windows shall be doomed stansibl@ lit loos shear. swim till test above ground. Accessible wiadme have a pawl onesediay ninety -sial (!4) square inches in an acorea with the Smallest dim41n- exceeding six (4) inches and not visible from a public or private thoroughfare shall be peetected to the following saen•rs 1. Fully coupe" Vias$ or burglary resistant glastre with tits department appear•&. I. The fai.owtag window barriers slay be used but shalt be secured . with nonrewovable boltes s. Inside or outside iron bars at at least ens -%alt (1) Inch round or one by ens -quarter (1x11 inch flat steel material, spaced not acre than five (S) inches apart and securely tast•ned# or b. Inside or outside iron or steel grills of at least on• -eighth (1/9) inch material with not more than a two (2) inch wash and securely fastened. J. It a side Or roar window is of she type that can be opened, it shall, moors applicable, he secured eve the inside with feither a slide bas, bolt, crossbar, auxiliary locking device, and/or padlock with hardened steel shackle, a minimwm of tour (41 pin tumbler operation. 4. The pret*etivo bars er grills Mali :set interior* vieh the operation of opening window it such windows aro required to be operable by the Uniform Building Code. 6- All emxteries trswsemxm esteeeding linty -six t1f) square inches an the side and roar of any building or premises used for business purposes shall be protected by one of the followings 1. tulle t*"WTO4 glass or rated burglary resistant glazing with fire department approvals or 2. The following barriers may 'bo osel bot shall be secured with nonrenewable boltss a. Ootside iron Mrs of amt &gess% one -halt (!) inch round *r ono by one-quarter (1x11) inch flat steel material, spaced no more than five (S) inches apart and securely Sao to "I or b. 04ML4e irew K Steel grills of at least ons -eighth ' 11/9) Inde with wet more than a two (2) Lack mesh and seewely fastened. S. ?he @Meetivs bars K grille Shall mase interfere with the operation of opening the transoms it such transom are required to be openable by the Uniform building Code or 'title 11, California Administrative Code. I. Moet openings shall be ogoipped as follower 1. All skylights on the reef of any building of prrsisse used toe business purposes Mall be provided with: a. "toe burglary resistant glazing# or b. Isom bets at at toast, one -halt (ii Inc% raw or ons ore -fourth (1x11 iaeh flat steel material under the skylight and securely tastenede or s. A steel grill of at least one-eighth 11/S) inch material with . maximum tum (21 inch mesh under the skylight and securely tastenN. 2. the hatm:hwy Openings an the roar of any building or promises used for business purposes shall b• secured as follows a. It the hatchway is of wooden material, it shall be revered on the inside with at least sixteen (16) U.s. gauge sheet metal, or its equivalent, attached with acre". . b. The hatchway Mali be secured fres the_ inside with a slide bar or slide bolt• with fire department approval. s. Outside hinges eve ail hatchway openings shall be provided with nonremmsovable picas when using pin -type hinges. J. ALL air duct Or sic ve#ht openings exceeding ninety-six (1f1 Square inches on the rest or exterior wells at any building se premises geed for business purposes shall be secured by covering the same with either of the followings a0 myon bars at at least owe -hail (1) to& round or one by one-fourth (ixil inch flat steel material space& no sate than five (S) inches apart and securely fastened# or . Is. tram or steel grille er at least ons-eigAtA (ln) Loa watseial with a Sumimmmm two x21 inch sash ant securely fastened. c* it the battier is OR the @outdo, it shall be secured with belts which are nonremowable from the exterior. d. The above to 0 61 must not lntertere with venting rapiresrwto crafting a potentially hazardous eon3itiew to health all safety ee conflict with, the provisions Of the Uniform building Code or Title 19, California Administrative Code. J. permanently st rise& ladders loNiwq Ile Teets sha i i be to i IT enclosed with sheet meat to A height of tow (10) feet. The covering shall be locked against the ladder with a case hacdene& hasp, secured witA nonremovable serves ms bolts. Ningee on the covet will be provided with sonromsmoble pine when using pin -type hinges, it a padlock is Used, it shall have a harden•! steel .shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum five (S) pin tumbler operation with nonremovablo key whew is ave unloeNed position. R. A building located within fight (0) het N utility pews or similar structures which can be *sed to gala aeeess to the brild- ingle rode, Windows or ether opening* shall have such access area b•rrieadod or tented with materials to deter human climbing. L. fon following standards omit apply to lighting, address ident- itication and Parking areass 1. The address am ft sr ed wary commercial buiidtnq Shah be illuminated during the hours of darkness N that it shall N easily visible #son the street me perking let. The numerals in these numbers shall be so lose than six (4) tnchee is Might and be me a color contrasting to the background. to addition, any business which afford@ vehicular access to the roar through any drivewOy, alleyway or porktnq lot shall also display the same numbers on the roar of the building 1. Ali omterier ooNwereiai doors, luring thio ksumrs of darkness, shall b* liluwlnate& with a minimum of can (1) footcandle of light. All anterior bulbs shall be protected by weather and vand&1loo-resistant cover(s). I.' Open parting lots, and meow them a providing sere than ton (10) resting spOc•s and tar use by the general public, shall be provided with a maintaininT sinisame of one (1) tOOtcandle et light an the parking surface from dusk until the termination of business every operating day. SECT 1 M - '!loots A. st shall be the responeftit1w mit tilled owner, er his designated agent, of • building or structlalling within the provisions cit these Specifications is prev do enforcing authority with a written Specification performance test report indicating that the materials utilised Net the siwisnmm rapirements. •. whenever there is Imm"iciewt eviamwoe at compliance with the previsions at Moro Specifications or evidence that any material oW any construction dsexs not centers to the requirements of dorso gwcificatione. me -tum order to substantiate c'aime for alternate materials or methods at. sonstrectioa, the enforcing ant ley s8y require tests as ptremmt of sonpiian" to be wade at the ampenes of the arnsie or his agent by any Wemcy which . to approved by the enforcing authority. C. tipwise .deli bre t opteSam at ive, smt whe a ventraet ion *tm i t be verified by assembly drawings and bill of materials. Two (1) complete sats me manufactures or tabricatos installation lastructiess and full *it* or "ewe" Scale templates for all, item and hardware shall be included. 0. "Ste for sliding glees Mort shall be m-NION as feilopwe 1. qhe construction ant site of the esti deer assemblies, Iambs, and headerso end all hardware components shall be representative of that for whirs acceptance is desired. J The door assevely and vaunting in the support fixture $hail *"*at toot A and simultaneously ahbpiy a sencentrated et the fixed jarbstiie tum the direction parallel sisgiate the rigidity normally provided to • deer assembly to - the plane of glass that would tend to remove Lek • building by the ceiling, floor and wells. the hinge& side, in a direction parallel to the the fixed panel from the trams jamb pocket, while, plane of the glazing which would tend to disengage a. simultaneously, an atditional eoneentrated lose 2. Sample doors submitted for testing shall be glee"- Panels With !Ae Ninging Sao% in the normalposition, of ISO pounds to applied at widspan of the fixed shall be closed and locked with the primary Locking device panel iat*rlock stile in the direction perpendicular only. six (6) inches of the lock. to the plane of glass which would tend to disengage R*peac most 0 while simuitaneewiy applying fret 0 the meeting stiles. With this load applied, determine 1. Tests shall be Performed an the samples is the following (O1 paragraph (11 Test t above, sahll be applied it entry can be gained by manipulation as described orders I in subsection 101 paragraph 121 Toot M above. Toot As With the posele in doe test position, a concentrated hrlore the disassesbiy and sanipui•tiow test as S. A sliding door assembly Snail tail these tests lead of 600 pounds shall be applied to the vertical it at any time during or atter the test, the sliding pull stile iaeorposatiwg • forking dwiee, at • the toolowing door assembly does wet coma ice engaged, intact, point ow the stile within silt t0! inches et the Waith tAc sNh in the nonpst peeitiM, simultaneously and in the closed and locked position or by manip- locking device, to the direction parallel to the ulating on exposed .- nent# or it one can enter plane et the glass. that would tend to open the which is perpendicular to the pivot sides in the through displaced or damaged portions. door. pith the lead sewov*d, determine i[ the Toot as With the Saab to the norma& position, apply a concen- primary locking device sea be unlocked by manipu- trated load at 100 pounds as the rail or stile 6. The report shall include hese fetiewings tdent- lation as desesibN in mase •. itication e! the samples t*stN# type, mise, location Test Ce Repeat llret 0, epplyissg the load to the opposite and number of locking devices# type, location and ?est 9(11 with panels in the toot position, a concentrated 'est Om number N anchor*; typo and thickness of glasinq lee& of SO pounds shall be applied to the vertical roared load of 200 pounds a the rail or stile wateriai ant an indication of whethos or net the pYAI stile iwcosperatisg a locking device, at • subject passed the toot. The report shall also point on the stile within six (0) inches of the Repeat lyse 0 while simultaa•ousty arrlyiug the indicate at what point the assembly tails. The locking device, in the direction parallel to the report shall be certified to be a true espy by plane of the glass that would tend to open the C above. The manipulation toot described in Subsec- the testing laboratory and shall be forwarded direct door while sioultarsausly an additional concentrated from the laboratory to the enforcing authority. load of 200 pawsdw Is applied to the same area load removed. test is of the same of the saws stile in a direction Perron- t. br deo potpoes of this ordinancee windows we classified dieulas to the plans of glass twasd the interior I above. as tot lows side et the bsiltisnq. Wick the Lead applied, deter- mine it the primary Locking device can be unlocked Type A. Minder assemblies incorporate one es more sashes by manipulation as directed in stet N. which open by slidin* in the plan of the wall I& whish the window is installed. Test • x21 fspea► heft mit%) substitttiwg 000 pounds fes the indicated SO pounds. rectors the manipulation 1"s 0 windw assemblies incorporate ewe+ me more from" tNts with the loos removed. sashes whick are hinged at ear near two corners of the individual sash all open toward the exterior Toot ell) With, the panels is the test poettlen, a conte++- of the wall. grated load ed SO pounds shall be applied to the vertical pull stile incorporating • locking device, Typo C Minder assemblies incorporate ono me more sashes at a point on the stile within six (6) inches of which; opera toward the interior and aro hinged at the locking device, in the direction parallel to or near two corners of the Saab. the plane of the glass that would tend to open the door while siwltansouslle as additional concen- Type O Window assemblies tatorperat@ one or wove sashes trated lead ed 200 pounds is applied to the 9.0141 which are hinged or pivot near the center to that stile in the direction perpendicular to the plane part of the sash opens into the interior wall and of the glass toward the exterior side of the door. pact opens toward the exterior. with the load applied, determine it the primary locking device can be unlocked by manipulation t. Window assemblies shall be mounted following the mann- as described in T*A R. manufacturer's instailatiow instructions. Install I the window assembly in a test fixture which simulates Test Ct2) Repeat 'Mt 0141 substituting- SOO pounds for e well oonstructioa rm)quised by Gihaptss 2S of ch• the indicated SO pounds.. Perform the manipulation Uniform Building Code. The unit shall be fully ylased. tests with the Load s*mowd. The sash shall be closed and locked with the primary Locking device only. Toot Os With the movable panel lifted upward to its toll limit within the aonfines et CM door tramKs, a A. Test for Typo A window assemblies shall be perform" in eo%e*rtsated load et s00 pounds shall be applied the following emcees separately to each vertical pull stile incorporating a locking device, at a point on the stile within Test A: pith the sliding sash /w rho morsel position, • six t6) inches of the locking device, in the direetton eoneentr•t*d load of 200 ponds shall be applied parallel to the plane of the glass that would tend separately to earn member incorporating a iocktnq to open the door. with the load removed, determine device, at • point on the sash member within six it the primary locking device can be unlocked by (61 inches of the locking device, in the direction manipulation as desesibe I parallel to the piano of the glass that would tend to open the window. With the lead removed, apply Test til) With the movable panel lifted upward to its the manipulation toot described in subsection (0) full limit within the confines of the door frames, paragraph (3) Toot t above. - • eeneentrated lead of SO pounds shall be applied to the vertical pull stile incorporating a locking Test t: With the sliding sash in the esortnal position, • device at a point on the stile within six (6) inches concentrated load of 200 pounds shall be applied of the locking device, lou the direction parallel separately to each sash nesbet incorporating a to the plane of the glass that would tend to open locking device, at a point on the sash member within the door while, simultaneously, an additional six (6) inch*@ of the locking device in the direction concentrated load at M pounds is applied to the parallel to the plane of the glass that would ten same arms of the oasis stile Ln -the direction porpen- to open the window while, simultaneously, an addi- dieular is the plane of the glass toward the ihterior floral conesntrate Load of 7S pounds is applied side of the door. With load applied, determine to the same area of the sass sash member in the it the y+rimvry locking device caw be unlocked by diseetion perpendicular to the plane of the glass wanipsui•tion u easesibed in fest I. toward the interior side of the window. With the load removed, apply the rantpulation test described T of (2) foPeat fear all), substituting on pounds for t inq ler (0) paragraph 13) ?sett ■ above. the indicate& SO reopen. Perform the mantpulat i on . tests with the loaf semsoV94. ith the sliding sash in the notrma rssitien, • concentrated load of 200 pounds shall be applied Test x111 Wit% the movable pate•1 lifted upward to its separately to each sash mestber incorporating • tell halt within the coatings of the door Panel, locking device, at a pint on the sash member within a ceweentrats4 Load mit 90 pounds shall be applial tis ;6) inches o[ the locking device, ice eh* dirsetion to the Vertical 3i.1* L..cerpoa sting a locking device, parallel to the plane of the, glass that would Land at a point on the stile within six (0) inches of to spas the window while, simultaneously, an addi- the locking devise, ice the direction parallel to I tional 1S pounds is applied to the Sana area of chs plane of glass that would tend to apes the the same sash member in the direction perpendicular dor wile, sioultancausly, an additional coneentra- to the plane of the glass toward the exterior aid* ted load of 200 pounds is applied to the woos area of the Window. With the load removed, apply the of the sae& stile to the direction perpendicular nuanirnlation test desezibN in snabseeeion (01 paragrajln to toe plane of glass teweas the estt*.iW. side (1) I"% 0 above. of the door. With* the loved applied, determine . 11 the proary locking device caw to unlocked t -f tete Os Mit# the sliding sash litre& vpwasd is ell full wanipui•ti�n as describe& in feet 2. ; limit within the confines of the window frame, I a concentrated Load of 200 pounds shall be applied ?est x(21 Repeat 16" x(11 substituting ON pound@ toe separately to each sash member incorporating a the indicated SO rounds. tertora the manipulation locking device, at a point on the sash within ria tests .ith too loa�1 removed. (6) inches of the locking device, in the direction par•llgl to the piano o! glass that would tend Test ds For inside sliding dose, repeat 'Ort 0. `Anile StML- to spew the window. with the load removed, apply tesecosely applying a concentrated load at SO Pounds the 01aeipulation test descibsd ice subsection (01 e at the owed of the movable bottom rail near the est A above. se@tir- stile* is.weed. ter outside flidina) doers test is With the sliding sash lifted upward to the repeat test 0 +Anita simultaneously applying a conte%- full limit within the confines of the window from, . trated load of SO pounds at the owed of the mevabIt a eoneentraeed lead of 200 pounds shall be applied bottom rail near the meeting stiles and outward. separately to each sash member incorporating • locking device, at the point on the sash within Test Mb Lift, push, poli, or etherwiso manipulate by hand six l61 inches o[ the forking device, is the direction the toot relative to the clearantj" within the parallel to the plane of the glass thic would tend trans while attempting to open the door. This to open the window, while, simultaneously, an addi- t•ot shall M eenducted continuously ter five (91 tional concentrate lead o[ 7S pounds is applied minutes. to the same area of the sans sash member In the ' dirsetion perpendicular to the plans of the glass twasims the assembly and determine a method end towardo the interior side of the window. With position for inserting a tool through the assembly the Load removed, apply the manipulation toot d•s- • toes the outside N ale a eent•et the primary locking ertb*d in subo*ction (D) paragraph (�1 Tent t above. device. or the latch. Twe (2) different tools shall be goods a knife er spatula with s thew blase Test !'s frith the sliding sash fitted urwa:d ca the full apps imetely 1/31 inch thick, not more than enc limit wiehiw the eontin*s of the window tramsm, tl) inch vide and no longer than silt x01 I%ch**# a concentrated lead of 200 pounds shall be applied and a pie -co, of stiff steel wire with a diameter separately to each sash member incorporating a of approximately 1/16 inch. Determine whether locking device, at a point ow the sash member within it is possible to insert the vice or manipulate six (61 inches o! the locking device, in the direction ' Withy either of these toots M r to unlock Lhc parallel to the plane of the glass that would tend done within a fin lSl minute period. to open the window while, simultaneously, additional concentrated load of 73 pounds is applied to the Pest Is with the foll.ving tsetse sash area at the saws seek member to the direction perpendicular to the piano ed the glass toward. I. A knife or Spatula with • thin his" approximately the exterior aide of the window. With the load, 1/�3 iwsla thick, not mmnre damn oma x11 inch remiss # apply the manipulation test described wide, and so Longer than six 10,01-• inches# and in subsection lel paragraph (11 stet • above. a. A straight or Phillips serdwlriver with a next - s six (4) took short. toot 4e Per bolft sliding window report llsmbt f mAnile . simmltanecusly applying a concent:•ted toed or anon fres the doer assembly, all screw, glazing 2! pounds iawart at the end ad the movable b0tt00 Made, or ethos mechanical tsstenere which rail neat the meeting sells apposite the rock stile. saw be sewso readily from the exterior within tot @utside sliding window, repeat smut t while a time, limit of fin IS) •truces. Determine sia..ratanwouslr applying a concentrated load wa it the primary locking device new be unlocked I 23 pounds in the fame direction as the perpeadicul&g or entry gained by manipulation as described load inward at the ell of the movable bottom rail ' 1n /ret /. , neat: the mm@tin* stile opposite the lock stile outward. 4. tined Pamela - ft xpd panels 016611 be MtNed In accordance with the amoureetrree•s lasertietLane, leets shall be r ctocosd toot els Perform the disassembly and manipulation asst a$ in the following orders described to srbsectiom, MI paragraph (31 t•mh I above. 'est As Wlt1R the /enol• In the neerI /efitioxt, a OMCMtrst*d Is" of me Pounds shall be applied at Steepen S.. The toots fat hype • and t windive assemblies shall be perterSbmd of tum timid Jambetite in the ticeetten pecaliel It% the following orders to thea @tans me the glass that would tend to cow"* the Meed panel from the trams jai !$elect. With first As With the swinging sash is the werMt peoi!isw. ' tho bad applied, determine it entry me be gained apply a eoncentrated lead at 100 Pounds within . try s onipalat lea as described to subsection to) three 31 inches of each and of the ra i i er *tit* paragraph t91 lost X. moo• whseh is sppusitte this hinged side, M the directica iperpondicular to Idle piano or glass that would into the panels is as normal yea Iles, a efaeerated Test a nt tend to span t%- * window. teed of X00 pensw% a mil to "1 t od at w herb Toot to *"*at toot A and simultaneously ahbpiy a sencentrated load of 100 pounds on the outside within one (1) inch of tlne end of the stile at rail which is oppestt* the hinge& side, in a direction parallel to the plane of the glazing which would tend to disengage a. the lock. ?est Gs With !Ae Ninging Sao% in the normalposition, apply • eeneenirated load of 200 pounds on the rail or stile containing the locking device within O six (6) inches of the lock. Test 0• R*peac most 0 while simuitaneewiy applying fret 0 C. Tho nanipulatiow test described in subsection (O1 paragraph (11 Test t above, sahll be applied in tests he 0, and O to the sash with the load removed. T*st is hrlore the disassesbiy and sanipui•tiow test as described Ice subsection (01 paragraph x21 most I above. C. Tests ter lbs g vindov assemblies Mail be parrot is the toolowing orders Test As Waith tAc sNh in the nonpst peeitiM, simultaneously apply a ooneentsaee& hawed of 100 rounds within three (3) inches of the ends of each rail or stile which is perpendicular to the pivot sides in the direction that would tend to open the sash. Toot as With the Saab to the norma& position, apply a concen- trated load at 100 pounds as the rail or stile containing the pivot within one (1) inch of the pivot in a direction parallel to the pivot@. ' Test Ce Repeat llret 0, epplyissg the load to the opposite rail of stile. 'est Om Nitk the sash to too normal position, apply a m:oneen• roared load of 200 pounds a the rail or stile containing the locking device within six (6) inches of the lo:.k. Test is Repeat lyse 0 while simultaa•ousty arrlyiug the load speeiti*d ice teat S. Repeat lost 0 while simultaneously applying the 1•e& specified in lost C above. The manipulation toot described in Subsec- tion (0) paragraph 13) Toot ■ above, shall be applied in Test at 0. C and 0 above to the sash with the load removed. test is Psrtors the disassembly and manipulation test ave described in subsection MI paragraph (3) Test I above. A window assembly shall tail chose tests it at any time during or atter the tests, the assembly doss not remain engaged. intact, and in the closed and locked pas ition, or by manipulating exposed components or if one can enter ehrough �lispalced or damaged portions. i The report shall contain a description of the results of the test performed, in accordance with the test methods above. The report shall include the followings Ident- iricat ion of the samples tested= type, location and r.Vnber of anehorsm type and thickness of glasinq n+aterial and an indication of whether or not the subject passed the test. The report shall also indicate at what point the assembly tails. The test report shall be certified to be a true copy by the testinq laboratory and shall be forwarded direct from the laboratory to the enforcing authority. DWG. N0.2453 SHEET 3 of 80 2 to0 40 C O A .Z o N V. tion /1 i *' . N!. C-9414 ,.- IV .J A.% 42*1 I,'- X �, 't��. L�" '�_11 d~ 60 4) on ensm a 40 we ON U' awn by Print Oates ck Choed by 00% Job Number %010 Shoot 1 I1 1 I I I I GN -1.1 ti ti v % *44 a. ' *4 _A4 Sk O 'Riq No 0 d~ 60 4) on ensm a 40 we ON U' awn by Print Oates ck Choed by 00% Job Number %010 Shoot 1 I1 1 I I I I GN -1.1