HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix I-1_Trip Generation Memo MAT Engineering, Inc.
17192 Murphy Avenue #14902
Irvine, CA 92623
Ph: 949.344.1828
MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com
Transportation Planning ■ Traffic & VMT Studies ■ Parking Studies ■ Traffic Engineering ■Traffic Signal Design/Modification ■ Signing & Striping Plans ■ Traffic Control Plans
Noise, Air Quality & Greenhouse Gas Studies
February 22, 2023
Ms. Dawn M. Ellis
644 San Fernando Road, #3944
Glendale, CA 91221
Subject: Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis, City of Fontana,
Dear Dawn,
MAT Engineering, Inc. is pleased to submit this trip generation analysis for the proposed Fontana
Business Center 3 project.
A. Project Location & Description
The currently vacant project site is located south of Santa Ana Avenue and west of Juniper Avenue in
the City of Fontana. The proposed project consists of 35,505 square feet of general warehouse use
(no cold storage).
Access for the proposed project is planned via Juniper Avenue.
Exhibit A shows the project location. Exhibit B shows the proposed site plan.
B. Project Trip Generation Calculations & Analysis
Trip generation represents the amount of trips attracted and produced by a land use.
The trip generation for the project is based upon the specific land uses that have been planned for this
project and has been determined utilizing the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation
rates (11th Edition) which is an industry standard for calculating trips associated with land uses
Table 1 shows the trip ITE trip generation rates for the proposed project which are based on the ITE
Warehouse Land Use (ITE Code 150).
Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis, City of Fontana, California
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MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com
Table 1
ITE Trip Generation Rates
Land Use ITE
Code Units
Peak Hour
Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
In Out Total In Out Total
Warehouse 150 TSF 0.13 0.04 0.17 0.05 0.13 0.18 1.71
Source: 2021 ITE 11th Edition Trip Generation Manual;
TSF = Thousand Square Feet
Utilizing the ITE trip generation rates from Table 1, Table 2 shows a summary of the trip generation for
the proposed project.
Table 2
Project Trip Generation 1
Land Use Quantity Units ITE
Peak Hour
Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
In Out Total In Out Total
Warehouse (Without PCE Adjustment) 35.505 TSF 150 5 1 6 2 4 6 61
Vehicle Type Breakdown
Warehouse (72.5 % Passenger Cars) 2 4 0 4 1 3 4 44
Warehouse (27.5% Trucks) 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 17
Percent Mix of Vehicles 2
2-Axle Trucks (16.7% of Truck Trips) 0.17 0.16 0.33 0.17 0.16 0.33 2.84
3-Axle Trucks (20.7% of Truck Trips) 0.21 0.20 0.41 0.21 0.20 0.41 3.52
4-Axle Trucks (62.5% of Truck Trips) 0.62 0.64 1.26 0.62 0.64 1.26 10.64
PCE-Adjusted Trips
Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) 3
2-Axle Trucks (2.0 PCE) 0 1 1 0 1 1 6
3-Axle Trucks (2.5 PCE) 1 0 1 1 0 1 9
4-Axle Trucks (3.0 PCE) 2 2 4 2 2 4 32
Passenger Vehicles (1.0 PCE) 4 0 4 1 3 4 44
Total (PCE-Adjusted) 7 3 10 4 6 10 91
1 = Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) 2021 Trip Generation Manual (11th Edition) Source: 2021 ITE 11th Edition Trip Generation Manual;
2 = South Coast Air Quality Management District Normalized Truck Mix Data for Warehouse without Cold Storage;
3 = PCE adjustment factors are based on City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) & Level of Service Assessment.
Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis, City of Fontana, California
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MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com
As shown in Table 2:
• The proposed project is forecast to generate approximately 61 daily trips which include
approximately 6 AM peak hour trips and approximately 6 PM peak hour trips.
• Since warehouse use is expected to generate truck traffic, the trip generation has been
adjusted to account for truck trips using the South Coast Air Quality Management District
(SCAQMD) Normalized Truck Mix Data for Warehouse Without Cold Storage Use, utilizing
the following truck mix assumptions:
o Passenger Vehicle: 72.5% of the total trips
o 2-axle Truck: 16.7% of the total truck trips
o 3-axle Truck: 20.7% of the total truck trips
o 4-axle Truck: 62.5% of the total truck trips
Since trucks move slower and occupy more space on the roadway than passenger
vehicles, the truck trips have been converted to Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) trips by
applying the following PCE adjustment factors to the generated trips per the City of
Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) & Level of
Service Assessment:
o Passenger Vehicle: 1.0 PCE
o 2-axle Truck: 2.0 PCE
o 3-axle Truck: 2.5 PCE
o 4-axle Truck: 3.0 PCE
After converting the truck trips to passenger Car Equivalents (PCE), the proposed project
is forecast to generate approximately 91 PCE-adjusted daily trips which include
approximately 10 PCE-adjusted AM peak hour trips and approximately 10 PCE-adjusted
PM peak hour trips.
Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis, City of Fontana, California
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MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com
Based on the City of Fontana Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled
(VMT) & Level of Service Assessment, a full traffic study is required when a project
generates 50 or more peak hour trips. Since the proposed project is expected to generate
a low number of trips, a full traffic study is not required for the proposed project. Due to
the low number of trips, the project is expected to not have an adverse impact on the level
of service and operations of the surrounding circulation system and roadway network. No
further level of service analysis is required for the proposed project.
MAT Engineering Inc. appreciates the opportunity to provide this technical letter and memorandum. If
you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact us at 949-344-1828 or
Respectfully submitted,
Alex Tabrizi, PE, TE
Fontana Business Center 3 Project Trip Generation Analysis, City of Fontana, California
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MAT Engineering, Inc. ■17192 Murphy Avenue #14902, Irvine, CA 92623 ■ 949.344.1828 ■ www.matengineeing.com
Attachment A
Exhibit A
Project Location
Not to Scale
Fontana Business Center 3 Project, City of Fontana, California / 0026-2023-01 FEB/2023
Site Location
Exhibit B
Site Plan
Not to Scale
Fontana Business Center 3 Project, City of Fontana, California / 0026-2023-01 FEB/2023