HomeMy WebLinkAboutE - Noise Study Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Prepared for: Mr. Brad Perrine EcoTierra Consulting 633 W 5th Street, 26th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 Prepared by: MD Acoustics, LLC Rachel Edelman Claire Pincock, INCE-USA 1197 Los Angeles Ave, Ste C-256 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Date: 7/6/2023 Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Table of Contents MD Acoustics, LLC ii JN: 03322323_Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of Analysis and Study Objectives 1 1.2 Site Location and Study Area 1 1.3 Proposed Project Description 1 2.0 Fundamentals of Noise ................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Sound, Noise and Acoustics 4 2.2 Frequency and Hertz 4 2.3 Sound Pressure Levels and Decibels 4 2.4 Addition of Decibels 4 2.5 Human Response to Changes in Noise Levels 5 2.6 Noise Descriptors 5 2.7 Traffic Noise Prediction 6 2.8 Sound Propagation 7 3.0 Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals ......................................................................................... 8 3.1 Vibration Descriptors 8 3.2 Vibration Perception 8 4.0 Regulatory Setting ......................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Federal Regulations 10 4.2 State Regulations 10 4.3 City of Fontana Noise Regulations 12 4.4 CEQA Guidelines 15 5.0 Study Method and Procedure ....................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Noise Measurement Procedure and Criteria 16 5.2 Noise Measurement Locations 16 5.3 SoundPLAN Noise Model (Operational Noise) 16 5.4 FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model 17 5.5 Interior Noise Modeling 18 5.6 FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model 18 6.0 Existing Noise Environment .......................................................................................................... 20 6.1 Short-Term Noise Measurement Results 20 7.0 Future Noise Environment Impacts and Mitigation ..................................................................... 21 7.1 Future Exterior Noise 21 7.1.1 Future Off-Site Traffic Noise Impact 21 7.1.2 Noise Impacts to Off-Site Receptors Due to Stationary Sources 22 7.2 Noise Impacts to On-Site Receptors Due to Traffic 23 7.3 Interior Noise Levels 23 8.0 Construction Noise Impact ........................................................................................................... 26 8.1 Construction Noise 26 Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Table of Contents MD Acoustics, LLC iii JN: 03322323_Report 8.2 Construction Vibration 28 9.0 CEQA Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 30 10.0 References .................................................................................................................................... 32 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Photographs and Field Measurement Data ....................................................................... 1 Appendix B: Traffic Noise Modeling Output .......................................................................................... 2 Appendix C: SoundPLAN Inputs/Outputs ............................................................................................... 3 Appendix D: Construction Noise Modeling Output ................................................................................ 4 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A: Location Map ..................................................................................................................... 2 Exhibit B: Site Plan .............................................................................................................................. 3 Exhibit C: Typical A-Weighted Noise Levels ....................................................................................... 4 Exhibit D: Land Use Compatibility Guidelines .................................................................................. 11 Exhibit E: Measurements Locations ................................................................................................. 19 Exhibit F: Operational Noise Level Contours .................................................................................... 25 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Roadway Parameters and Vehicle Distribution .......................................................................... 18 Table 2: Short-Term Noise Measurement Data1 ...................................................................................... 20 Table 3: Existing/Existing + Project Scenario – Noise Levels Along Roadways (dBA CNEL)...................... 22 Table 4: Worst-case Predicted Operational Leq Noise Level .................................................................... 23 Table 5: Future Interior Noise Levels (dBA CNEL) ..................................................................................... 24 Table 6: Typical Construction Noise Levels1 ............................................................................................. 26 Table 7: Construction Noise Levels East Property Line............................................................................. 27 Table 8: Guideline Vibration Damage Potential Threshold Criteria ......................................................... 28 Table 9: Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment1 ............................................................... 29 Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Introduction 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Analysis and Study Objectives This noise assessment was prepared to evaluate the potential noise impacts for the project study area and to recommend noise mitigation measures, if necessary, to minimize the potential noise impacts. The assessment was conducted and compared to the noise standards set-forth by the Federal, State and Local agencies. Consistent with the City’s Noise Guidelines, the project must demonstrate compliance to the applicable noise criterion as outlined within the City’s Noise Element and Municipal Code. The following is provided in this report:  A description of the study area and the proposed project  Information regarding the fundamentals of noise  A description of the local noise guidelines and standards  An analysis of traffic noise impacts to and from the project site  An analysis of construction noise impacts 1.2 Site Location and Study Area The project site is located at the southwest corner of Arrow Boulevard and Tokay Avenue in the City of Fontana, California, as shown in Exhibit A. The site is currently zoned as open space - resource. The land directly surrounding the site is zoned as industrial to the north, transitional to the east, multi-family residential to the southeast, and open space – resource to the south and west. There are residential zones further north and southeast. Arrow Boulevard is to the north, and Tokay Avenue is to the east. 1.3 Proposed Project Description The proposed project is divided into two parts: Site A and Site B. Site A includes four parcels (APN’s 0232- 171-05, 06, 07, & 08) encompassing approximately 7 acres, and Site B includes four parcels (APN’s 0232- 171-09, 12, 13, & 14) encompassing approximately 18 acres. The project will include a land redesignation from Open Space to Industrial for both sites. Project Site A proposes the construction and operation of a homelessness prevention resources and care center consisting of a maximum of 150 living units, a 6,000-square-foot administration building, and support site amenities. Project Site B will only consist of the land use redesignation to Industrial without any planned development. The site plan for Site A is illustrated in Exhibit B. This study assesses the operational noise and traffic noise to and from the project site and compares the results to the applicable City noise standards. In addition, the study reviews noise generated by construction activities. Construction activities within the Project area will consist of grading, building, paving, and architectural coating. Exhibit A Location Map 2 Introduction Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Site A Site B Exhibit B Site Plan 3 Introduction Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 4 2.0 Fundamentals of Noise This section of the report provides basic information about noise and presents some of the terms used within the report. 2.1 Sound, Noise and Acoustics Sound is a disturbance created by a moving or vibrating source and is capable of being detected by the hearing organs. Sound may be thought of as mechanical energy of a moving object transmitted by pressure waves through a medium to a human ear. For traffic or stationary noise, the medium of concern is air. Noise is defined as sound that is loud, unpleasant, unexpected, or unwanted. 2.2 Frequency and Hertz A continuous sound is described by its frequency (pitch) and its amplitude (loudness). Frequency relates to the number of pressure oscillations per second. Low-frequency sounds are low in pitch (bass sounding), and high-frequency sounds are high in pitch (squeak). These oscillations per second (cycles) are commonly referred to as Hertz (Hz). The human ear can hear from the bass pitch from 20 Hz to the high pitch of 20,000 Hz. 2.3 Sound Pressure Levels and Decibels The amplitude of a sound determines its loudness. The loudness of sound increases or decreases as the amplitude increases or decreases. Sound pressure amplitude is measured in units of micro-Newton per square inch meter (N/m2), also called micro-Pascal (µPa). One µPa is approximately one hundred billionths (0.00000000001) of normal atmospheric pressure. Sound pressure level (SPL or Lp) is used to describe in logarithmic units the ratio of actual sound pressures to a reference pressure squared. These units are called decibels, abbreviated dB. Exhibit C illustrates reference sound levels for different noise sources. 2.4 Addition of Decibels Because decibels are on a logarithmic scale, sound pressure levels cannot be added or subtracted by simple plus or minus addition. When two sounds or equal SPL are combined, they will produce an SPL 3 dB greater than the original single SPL. In other words, sound energy must be doubled to produce a 3 dB increase. If two sounds differ by approximately 10 dB, the higher sound level is the predominant sound. Exhibit C: Typical A-Weighted Noise Levels Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 5 2.5 Human Response to Changes in Noise Levels In general, the healthy human ear is most sensitive to sounds between 1,000 Hz and 5,000 Hz (A- weighted scale), and it perceives a sound within that range as being more intense than a sound with a higher or lower frequency with the same magnitude. For purposes of this report as well as with most environmental documents, the A-scale weighting is typically reported in terms of A-weighted decibel (dBA). Typically, the human ear can barely perceive the change in noise level of 3 dB. A change in 5 dB is readily perceptible, and a change in 10 dB is perceived as being twice or half as loud. As previously discussed, a doubling of sound energy results in a 3 dB increase in sound, which means that a doubling of sound energy (e.g., doubling the volume of traffic on a highway) would result in a barely perceptible change in sound level. Changes in Intensity Level, dBA Changes in Apparent Loudness 1 Not perceptible 3 Just perceptible 5 Clearly noticeable 10 Twice (or half) as loud https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environMent/noise/regulations_and_guidance/polguide/polguide02.cfm 2.6 Noise Descriptors Noise in our daily environment fluctuates over time. Some noise levels occur in regular patterns; others are random. Some noise levels are constant, while others are sporadic. Noise descriptors were created to describe the different time-varying noise levels. A-Weighted Sound Level: The sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter using the A-weighted filter network. The A-weighting filter de-emphasizes the very low and very high-frequency components of the sound in a manner similar to the response of the human ear. A numerical method of rating human judgment of loudness. Ambient Noise Level: The composite of noise from all sources, near and far. In this context, the ambient noise level constitutes the normal or existing level of environmental noise at a given location. Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL): The average equivalent A-weighted sound level during a 24- hour day, obtained after the addition of five (5) decibels to sound levels in the evening from 7:00 to 10:00 PM and after the addition of ten (10) decibels to sound levels in the night before 7:00 AM and after 10:00 PM. Decibel (dB): A unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound, equal to 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the reference pressure, which is 20 micro-pascals. dB(A): A-weighted sound level (see definition above). Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 6 Equivalent Sound Level (LEQ): The sound level corresponding to a steady noise level over a given sample period with the same amount of acoustic energy as the actual time-varying noise level. The energy average noise level during the sample period. Habitable Room: Any room meeting the requirements of the Uniform Building Code or other applicable regulations which is intended to be used for sleeping, living, cooking or dining purposes, excluding such enclosed spaces as closets, pantries, bath or toilet rooms, service rooms, connecting corridors, laundries, unfinished attics, foyers, storage spaces, cellars, utility rooms and similar spaces. L(n): The A-weighted sound level exceeded during a certain percentage of the sample time. For example, L10 in the sound level exceeded 10 percent of the sample time. Similarly L50, L90 and L99, etc. Noise: Any unwanted sound or sound which is undesirable because it interferes with speech and hearing, or is intense enough to damage hearing, or is otherwise annoying. The State Noise Control Act defines noise as “...excessive undesirable sound...”. Outdoor Living Area: Outdoor spaces that are associated with residential land uses typically used for passive recreational activities or other noise-sensitive uses. Such spaces include patio areas, barbecue areas, jacuzzi areas, etc. associated with residential uses; outdoor patient recovery or resting areas associated with hospitals, convalescent hospitals, or rest homes; outdoor areas associated with places of worship which have a significant role in services or other noise-sensitive activities; and outdoor school facilities routinely used for educational purposes which may be adversely impacted by noise. Outdoor areas usually not included in this definition are: front yard areas, driveways, greenbelts, maintenance areas and storage areas associated with residential land uses; exterior areas at hospitals that are not used for patient activities; outdoor areas associated with places of worship and principally used for short-term social gatherings; and, outdoor areas associated with school facilities that are not typically associated with educational uses prone to adverse noise impacts (for example, school play yard areas). Percent Noise Levels: See L(n). Sound Level (Noise Level): The weighted sound pressure level obtained by use of a sound level meter having a standard frequency filter for attenuating part of the sound spectrum. Sound Level Meter: An instrument, including a microphone, an amplifier, an output meter, and frequency weighting networks for the measurement and determination of noise and sound levels. Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL): The dB(A) level which, if it lasted for one second, would produce the same A-weighted sound energy as the actual event. 2.7 Traffic Noise Prediction Noise levels associated with traffic depends on a variety of factors: (1) volume of traffic, (2) speed of traffic, (3) auto, medium truck (2 axle) and heavy truck percentage (3 axle and greater), and sound propagation. The greater the volume of traffic, higher speeds and truck percentages equate to a louder Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Fundamentals of Noise 7 volume in noise. A doubling of the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) along a roadway will increase noise levels by approximately 3 dB; reasons for this are discussed in the sections above. 2.8 Sound Propagation As sound propagates from a source it spreads geometrically. Sound from a small, localized source (i.e., a point source) radiates uniformly outward as it travels away from the source in a spherical pattern. The sound level attenuates at a rate of 6 dB per doubling of distance. The movement of vehicles down a roadway makes the source of the sound appear to propagate from a line (i.e., line source) rather than a point source. This line source results in the noise propagating from a roadway in a cylindrical spreading versus a spherical spreading that results from a point source. The sound level attenuates for a line source at a rate of 3 dB per doubling of distance. As noise propagates from the source, it is affected by the ground and atmosphere. Noise models use hard site (reflective surfaces) and soft site (absorptive surfaces) to help calculate predicted noise levels. Hard site conditions assume no excessive ground absorption between the noise source and the receiver. Soft site conditions such as grass, soft dirt or landscaping attenuate noise at a rate of 1.5 dB per doubling of distance. When added to the geometric spreading, the excess ground attenuation results in an overall noise attenuation of 4.5 dB per doubling of distance for a line source and 7.5 dB per doubling of distance for a point source. Research has demonstrated that atmospheric conditions can have a significant effect on noise levels when noise receivers are located 200 feet or more from a noise source. Wind, temperature, air humidity and turbulence can further impact have far sound can travel. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals 8 3.0 Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals 3.1 Vibration Descriptors Ground-borne vibrations consist of rapidly fluctuating motions within the ground that have an average motion of zero. The effects of ground-borne vibrations typically only cause a nuisance to people, but at extreme vibration levels, damage to buildings may occur. Although ground-borne vibration can be felt outdoors, it is typically only an annoyance to people indoors where the associated effects of the shaking of a building can be notable. Ground-borne noise is an effect of ground-borne vibration and only exists indoors, since it is produced from noise radiated from the motion of the walls and floors of a room and may also consist of the rattling of windows or dishes on shelves. Several different methods are used to quantify vibration amplitude. PPV – Known as the peak particle velocity (PPV) which is the maximum instantaneous peak in vibration velocity, typically given in inches per second. RMS – Known as root mean squared (RMS) can be used to denote vibration amplitude VdB – A commonly used abbreviation to describe the vibration level (VdB) for a vibration source. 3.2 Vibration Perception Typically, developed areas are continuously affected by vibration velocities of 50 VdB or lower. These continuous vibrations are not noticeable to humans whose threshold of perception is around 65 VdB. Outdoor sources that may produce perceptible vibrations are usually caused by construction equipment, steel-wheeled trains, and traffic on rough roads, while smooth roads rarely produce perceptible ground- borne noise or vibration. To counter the effects of ground-borne vibration, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has published guidance relative to vibration impacts. According to the FTA, fragile buildings can be exposed to ground-borne vibration levels of 0.3 inches per second without experiencing structural damage. There are three main types of vibration propagation: surface, compression, and shear waves. Surface waves, or Rayleigh waves, travel along the ground’s surface. These waves carry most of their energy along an expanding circular wavefront, similar to ripples produced by throwing a rock into a pool of water. P-waves, or compression waves, are body waves that carry their energy along an expanding spherical wavefront. The particle motion in these waves is longitudinal (i.e., in a “push-pull” fashion). P- waves are analogous to airborne sound waves. S-waves, or shear waves, are also body waves that carry energy along an expanding spherical wavefront. However, unlike P-waves, the particle motion is transverse, or side-to-side and perpendicular to the direction of propagation. As vibration waves propagate from a source, the vibration energy decreases in a logarithmic nature and the vibration levels typically decrease by 6 VdB per doubling of the distance from the vibration source. As stated above, this drop-off rate can vary greatly depending on the soil but has been shown to be Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Ground-Borne Vibration Fundamentals 9 effective enough for screening purposes, in order to identify potential vibration impacts that may need to be studied through actual field tests. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 10 4.0 Regulatory Setting The proposed project is located in the City of Fontana, and noise regulations are addressed through the efforts of various federal, state and local government agencies. The agencies responsible for regulating noise are discussed below. 4.1 Federal Regulations The adverse impact of noise was officially recognized by the federal government in the Noise Control Act of 1972, which serves three purposes:  Publicize noise emission standards for interstate commerce  Assist state and local abatement efforts  Promote noise education and research The Federal Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) originally was tasked with implementing the Noise Control Act. However, it was eventually eliminated leaving other federal agencies and committees to develop noise policies and programs. Some examples of these agencies are as follows: The Department of Transportation (DOT) assumed a significant role in noise control through its various agencies. The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) is responsible to regulate noise from aircraft and airports. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is responsible to regulate noise from the interstate highway system. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for the prohibition of excessive noise exposure to workers. The federal government advocates that local jurisdiction use their land use regulatory authority to arrange new development in such a way that “noise sensitive” uses are either prohibited from being constructed adjacent to a highway or that the developments are planned and constructed in such a manner that potential noise impacts are minimized. Since the federal government has preempted the setting of standards for noise levels that can be emitted by the transportation source, the City is restricted to regulating the noise generated by the transportation system through nuisance abatement ordinances and land use planning. 4.2 State Regulations California Green Building Standards Code (2022), Chapter 5 (Nonresidential Mandatory Measures) Section 5.507.4 (Acoustical Control), applies to all proposed buildings that people may occupy but are not residential dwelling units, with the exception of factories, stadiums, storage, enclosed parking structures, and utility buildings. Buildings must comply with Section 5.507.4.1 or Section 5.507.4.2. Section 5.507.4.1 requires wall and roof-ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source making up the building, or addition envelope or altered envelope, shall meet a composite Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of at least 50 or a composite Outdoor to Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) rating of no less than 40, with exterior windows of a minimum STC of 40 or OITC of 30 when within the 65 CNEL noise contour of an airport, freeway, Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 11 expressway, railroad, industrial source, or fixed-guideway source. If contours are not available, buildings exposed to 65 dB Leq(h) must meet a composite STC rating of at least 45 or OITC of 35 with exterior windows of at least STC 40 or OITC 30. Section 5.507.4.2 requires that the interior noise attributable to exterior sources must not exceed 50 dBA Leq(h) during any hour of operation. Section 5.507.4.3 requires that assemblies separating tenant spaces from tenant spaces or public places must have an STC of at least 40. The California Department of Health Services (DHS) Office of Noise Control studied the correlation between noise levels and their effects on various land uses. As a result, the DHS established four categories for judging the severity of noise intrusion on specified land uses. These categories are presented in the State Land Use Compatibility for Community Noise Exposure table (California Office of Noise Control, 2017) as illustrated in Exhibit D. The Fontana General Plan has not adopted these standards and instead uses a threshold of 65 dBA CNEL and 65 dBA Leq12 for sensitive uses. Exhibit D: Land Use Compatibility Guidelines Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 12 4.3 City of Fontana Noise Regulations Existing planning policies and noise regulations applicable to noise within the City of Fontana are presented in the Noise and Safety Element of the City of Fontana General Plan “Fontana Forward” and within the City of Fontana Municipal Code. City of Fontana General Plan The primary noise sources in the Project Area are transportation noise and stationary noise sources. Transportation noise refers to noise from automobile use, trucking, and nearby airport operations. Typical stationary noise sources include but are not limited to HVAC Systems, Pump Stations, Cooling Towers/Evaporative Condensers, Lift Stations, Emergency Generators, Boilers, Steam Valves, Steam Turbines, Generator, Fans, Air Compressors, Heavy Equipment, Conveyor Systems, Transformers, Pile Drivers, Grinders, Drill Rigs, Gas or Diesel Motors, Welders, Cutting Equipment, Outdoor Speakers, Blowers and Pneumatic Equipment. General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions The 2015-2035 General Plan Noise and Safety Element includes the following goals, policies and actions that are intended to avoid or reduce noise impacts related to transportation, stationary, and construction related noise sources. Goal 8: The City of Fontana protects sensitive land uses from excessive noise by diligent planning through 2035. Policies • New sensitive land uses shall be prohibited in incompatible areas. • Noise-tolerant land uses shall be guided into areas irrevocably committed to land uses that are noise-producing, such as transportation corridors. • Where sensitive uses are to be placed along transportation routes, mitigation shall be provided to ensure compliance with state- mandated noise levels. • Noise spillover or encroachment from commercial, industrial and educational land uses shall be minimized into adjoining residential neighborhoods or noise-sensitive uses. Actions A. The following uses shall be considered noise-sensitive and discouraged in areas in excess of 65 dBA CNEL (Community Noise Equivalent Level): Residential Uses; Hospitals; Rest Homes; Long Term Care Facilities; and Mental Care Facilities. B. The following uses shall be considered noise-sensitive and discouraged in areas in excess of 65 Leq(12) (Equivalent Continuous Sound Level): Schools; Libraries; Places of Worship; and Passive Recreation Uses. C. The State of California Office of Planning and Research General Plan Guidelines shall be followed with respect to acoustical study requirements. Goal 9: The City of Fontana provides a diverse and efficiently operated ground transportation system that generates the minimum feasible noise on its residents through 2035. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 13 Policies • All noise sections of the State Motor Vehicle Code shall be enforced. • Roads shall be maintained such that the paving is in good condition and free of cracks, bumps, and potholes. • Noise mitigation measures shall be included in the design of new roadway projects in the city. Actions A. On-road trucking activities shall continue to be regulated in the City to ensure noise impacts are minimized, including, including the implementation of truck-routes based on traffic studies. B. Development that generates increased traffic and subsequent increases in the ambient noise level adjacent to noise-sensitive land uses shall provide appropriate mitigation measures. C. Noise mitigation practices shall be employed when designing all future streets and highways, and when improvements occur along existing highway segments. D. Explore the use of “quiet pavement” materials for street improvements. Goal 10: Fontana’s residents are protected from the negative effects of “spillover” noise. Policy • Residential land uses and areas identified as noise-sensitive shall be protected from excessive noise from non-transportation sources including industrial, commercial, and residential activities and equipment. Actions A. Projects located in commercial areas shall not exceed stationary- source noise standards at the property line of proximate residential or commercial uses. B. Industrial uses shall not exceed commercial or residential stationary source noise standards at the most proximate land uses. C. Non-transportation noise shall be considered in land use planning decisions. D. Construction shall be performed as quietly as feasible when performed in proximity to residential or other noise sensitive land uses. The Fontana General Plan Environmental Report includes two noise-related mitigation measures. MM-NOI-1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a developer shall contract for a site-specific noise study for the parcel. The noise study shall be performed by an acoustic consultant experienced in such studies and the consultant’s qualifications and methodology to be used in the study must be presented to City staff for consideration. The site-specific acoustic study shall specifically identify potential noise impacts upon any proposed sensitive uses (addressing General Plan buildout conditions), as well as potential project impacts upon off-site sensitive uses due to construction, stationary and mobile noise sources. Mitigation for mobile noise impacts, where identified as significant, shall consider facility siting and truck routes such that project-related truck traffic utilizes existing established truck routes. Mitigation shall be required if noise levels exceed 65 dBA, as identified in Section 30-182 of the City’s Municipal Code. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 14 MM-NOI-2 To reduce impacts related to heavy construction equipment moving and operating on site during project construction, grading, demolition, and paving prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall ensure that the following procedures are followed: • Construction equipment, fixed or mobile, shall be properly outfitted and maintained with feasible noise-reduction devices to minimize construction generated noise. • Laydown and construction vehicle staging areas shall be located away from noise sensitive land uses if feasible. • Stationary noise sources such as generators shall be located away from noise sensitive land uses, if feasible. • Construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number of the job superintendent shall be clearly posted at all construction entrances to allow surrounding property owners to contact the job superintendent 24 hours a day to report noise and other nuisance-related issues, if necessary. The point of contact shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and have authority to commit additional assets to control dust after hours, on weekends, and on holidays. In the event that the City of Fontana receives a pattern of noise complaints, appropriate corrective actions shall be implemented, such as on site noise monitoring during construction activities, and a report of the action shall be provided to the reporting party. City of Fontana Municipal Code The Noise Ordinance of the Municipal Code is designed to protect people from non-transportation noise sources such as construction activity; commercial, industrial, and agricultural operations; machinery and pumps; and air conditioners. Enforcement of the ordinance ensures that adjacent properties are not exposed to excessive noise from stationary sources. Enforcing the ordinance includes requiring proposed development projects to show compliance with the ordinance, including operating in accordance with noise levels and hours of operations limits placed on the project site. The City also requires construction activity to comply with established work schedule limits. The ordinance is reviewed periodically for adequacy and amended as needed to address community needs and development patterns. The City of Fontana’s Noise Ordinance consists of Sections 18-61 to 18-67 of the Fontana Municipal Code. These sections include noise-related definitions, discusses consequences for violation of the code, lists specifically prohibited noises, and outlines the allowed procedure for the use of sound trucks and sound amplifying aircraft. Section 18-63 states that any noise that disturbs persons of ordinary sensibilities is unlawful. It also outlines the penalties for violating the Noise Ordinance. Section 18-36 lists specific prohibited noises as they disturb a person of ordinary sensibilities. These sources including horns and signaling devices, sound amplifying equipment, animals, exhausts, vehicle and load defects, loading and unloading activities, construction during the hours of 6PM to 7AM on weekdays and 5PM to 8AM on Saturday, noise near schools, courts, places of worship, and hospitals, transportation of metal pillars, specific construction equipment between 6PM and 7AM, and blowers between the hours of 6PM and 7AM on weekdays and 5PM to 8AM on Saturdays. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Regulatory Setting 15 Section 30-469 outlines residential noise standards for interior and exterior uses. Within a residential zone, no use shall create a noise greater than 65 dB at an exterior use and 45 dB at an interior use. The code does not specify the weighting scale or specific location of the measurement, but generally environmental noise standards are in dBA and taken at the property line of a useable area. Section 30-470 states that any vibration occurring on a residential property which can be felt beyond the property line is prohibited. Section 30-542 is similar to Sections 30-469 and 30-470 for noises occurring on industrial properties. Daytime residential levels, however, are limited to 70 dBA at any residential property line and 65 dBA at night at any residential property line. This section also prohibits vibration which can be felt beyond the property line. Section 30-943(a)(6) outlines noise restrictions for extraction permits including daytime limits of 55 dBA at residential properties, 60 dBA at commercial properties at any time, and 70 dBA at industrial properties at any time. These limits are reiterated in Section 9-62(c)(3)(d)(3). 4.4 CEQA Guidelines According to CEQA guidelines, the project would have a potential impact if it resulted in: a) Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? b) Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? c) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Study Method and Procedure 16 5.0 Study Method and Procedure The following section describes the noise modeling procedures and assumptions used for this assessment. 5.1 Noise Measurement Procedure and Criteria Noise measurements are taken to determine the existing noise levels. A noise receiver or receptor is any location in the noise analysis in which noise might produce an impact. The following criteria are used to select measurement locations and receptors:  Locations expected to receive the highest noise impacts, such as the first row of houses  Locations that are acoustically representative and equivalent of the area of concern  Human land usage  Sites clear of major obstruction and contamination MD conducted the sound level measurements in accordance to the County’s and Caltrans (TeNS) technical noise specifications. All measurement equipment meets American National Standards Institute (ANSI) specifications for sound level meters (S1.4-1983 identified in Chapter 19.68.020.AA). The following gives a brief description of the Caltrans Technical Noise Supplement procedures for sound level measurements:  Microphones for sound level meters were placed 5-feet above the ground for all measurements  Sound level meters were calibrated (Larson Davis CAL 200) before and after each measurement  Following the calibration of equipment, a windscreen was placed over the microphone  Frequency weighting was set on “A” and slow response  Results of the long-term noise measurements were recorded on field data sheets  During any short-term noise measurements, any noise contaminations such as barking dogs, local traffic, lawn mowers, or aircraft fly-overs were noted  Temperature and sky conditions were observed and documented 5.2 Noise Measurement Locations The noise monitoring locations were selected to obtain a baseline of the existing noise environment. Four (4) short-term 15-minute noise measurements were conducted at the Project site, and long-term data was extrapolated based on traffic patterns. Appendix A includes photos, the field sheet, and measured noise data. Exhibit E illustrates the location of the measurements. 5.3 SoundPLAN Noise Model (Operational Noise) SoundPLAN (SP) acoustical modeling software was utilized to model future worst-case stationary noise impacts to the adjacent land uses. SP is capable of evaluating multiple stationary noise source impacts at various receiver locations. SP’s software utilizes algorithms (based on the inverse square law and reference equipment noise level data) to calculate noise level projections. The software allows the user to input specific noise sources, spectral content, sound barriers, building placement, topography, and sensitive receptor locations. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Study Method and Procedure 17 The future worst-case noise level projections were modeled using referenced sound level data for the various stationary on-site sources (parking spaces, HVAC units). The model assumes that the site has 65 parking spaces and one (1) 3-ton air conditioning unit per housing unit, four (4) on the admin buildings, and 13 on the transitional housing building. It assumes two (2) basketball courts and one (1) pickleball court. Measured and referenced sound level data was utilized to model the various stationary on-site noise sources associated with project operation (vehicle movements, HVAC units, basketball games, pickleball game). Parking was modeled with a reference noise level of 1.1 vehicles per hour coming or going from the parking spots. Each rooftop unit was assumed to be a 3-ton unit with a sound power level of 73 dBA. The rooftop units were thus modeled as 1 point source per building, each with a sound power level of 73 dBA. The pad for future transitional housing was modeled with 13 rooftop units, and the entire pad was modeled as a building as a worst-case scenario. The model uses the SoundPLAN defaults for on 3-on-3 basketball game and a tennis game. Ten (10) dB was added to the tennis game to represent the impulsive pickleball noises. The model is able to evaluate the noise-attenuating effects of any existing or proposed property line walls. Input and output calculations are provided in Appendix C. 5.4 FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model Traffic noise from vehicular traffic was projected using the FHWA Traffic Noise Prediction Model (FHWA- RD-77-108) standards. The FHWA model arrives at the predicted noise level through a series of adjustments to the Reference Energy Mean Emission Level (REMEL). Roadway volumes and percentages correspond to the project’s scoping agreement for traffic impact analysis as prepared by Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers (Traffic Impact Study for The Homelessness Prevention Resource and Care Center Project, April 26, 2023). The referenced traffic data was applied to the model and is in Appendix B. The following outlines the key adjustments made to the REMEL for the roadway inputs:  Roadway classification – (e.g., freeway, major arterial, arterial, secondary, collector, etc.),  Roadway Active Width – (distance between the center of the outer most travel lanes on each side of the roadway)  Average Daily Traffic Volumes (ADT), Travel Speeds, Percentages of automobiles, medium trucks and heavy trucks  Roadway grade and angle of view  Site Conditions (e.g., soft vs. hard)  Percentage of total ADT which flows each hour through-out a 24-hour period Table 1 indicates the roadway parameters and vehicle distribution utilized for this study. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Study Method and Procedure 18 Table 1: Roadway Parameters and Vehicle Distribution Roadway Segment Existing ADT1 Existing + Project ADT1 Speed (MPH) Site Conditions Arrow Blvd West of Citrus Ave. 10,800 11,190 35 Hard Arrow Blvd Vehicle Distribution and Mix2 Motor-Vehicle Type Daytime % (7AM to 7 PM) Evening % (7 PM to 10 PM) Night % (10 PM to 7 AM) Total % of Traffic Flow Automobiles 77.7 12.7 9.6 93.3 Medium Trucks 87.4 5.1 7.5 1.84 Heavy Trucks 89.1 2.8 8.1 4.86 Notes: 1 Existing ADT from W-Trans and Caltrans 2020 Census of SR-29. 2 Typical California Vehicle Distribution and Mix. 3 Per Caltrans 2020 Census of SR-29. To determine the project’s noise impact to the surrounding land uses, MD generated noise contours for projected traffic conditions. Noise contours are used to provide a characterization of sound levels experienced at a set distance from the centerline of a subject roadway. They are intended to represent a worst-case scenario and do not take into account structures, sound walls, topography, and/or other sound attenuating features which may further reduce the actual noise level. Noise contours are developed for comparative purposes and are used to demonstrate potential increases/decreases along subject roadways because of a project. 5.5 Interior Noise Modeling The interior noise level is the difference between the projected exterior noise level at the structure’s facade and the noise reduction provided by the structure itself. Typical building construction will provide a conservative 12 dBA noise level reduction with a “windows open” condition and a very conservative 20 dBA noise level reduction with “windows closed”. MD estimated the interior noise level by subtracting the building shell design from the predicted exterior noise level. For a “windows closed” condition, the project will require mechanical fresh air ventilation (e.g., air conditioning) to the habitable dwelling units. 5.6 FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model The construction noise analysis utilizes the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Roadway Construction Noise Model (RNCM), together with several key construction parameters. Key inputs include distance to the sensitive receiver, equipment usage, % usage factor, and baseline parameters for the project site. The project was analyzed based on the different construction phases. The construction noise calculation output worksheet is in Appendix D. The following assumptions relevant to short-term construction noise impacts were used:  It is estimated that construction will occur over a 27-month time period. Exhibit E Measurement Locations 19 Study Method and Procedure #= Short-Term Monitoring Location Site A 1 2 4 3 Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Existing Noise Environment 20 6.0 Existing Noise Environment Four (4) 15-minute noise measurements were conducted at the project site to document the existing noise environment. The measurements include the 15-minute Leq, Lmin, Lmax, and other statistical data (e.g., L2, L8). Noise measurement field sheets are provided in Appendix A. 6.1 Short-Term Noise Measurement Results The results of the short-term noise data are presented in Table 2. Measurement locations are in Exhibit E. Table 2: Short-Term Noise Measurement Data1 Location Start Time Stop Time LEQ LMAX LMIN L2 L8 L25 L50 L90 Estimated CNEL2 NM1 3:21 PM 3:36 PM 73.3 94.5 54.1 80.0 74.7 71.1 67.5 59.9 75.2 NM2 4:07 PM 4:22 PM 72.2 88.6 57.0 79.7 75.3 72.6 69.6 63.9 72.6 NM3 4:42 PM 4:57 PM 58.1 77.8 43.6 69.0 59.8 52.5 49.9 46.8 58.5 NM4 5:21 PM 5:36 PM 54.7 71.7 45.9 62.8 54.7 51.5 50.2 48.0 55.4 Notes: 1. Short-term noise monitoring locations are illustrated in Exhibit E. 2. CNEL estimated based off typical traffic patterns. See Appendix A. Noise data indicates the ambient noise level ranged from 54 to 73 dBA Leq at the surrounding uses. NM1 represents the roadway noise along Citrus Avenue, and NM2 represents the roadways noise along Arrow Boulevard. NM3 is the noise level at the homes east of the project site. NM4 was taken on the western boundary of the project site. Additional field notes are provided in Appendix A. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment Impacts and Mitigation 21 7.0 Future Noise Environment Impacts and Mitigation This assessment analyzes future noise impacts to the project and compares the results to the City’s Noise Standards. The analysis details the estimated exterior noise levels associated with traffic from adjacent roadway sources. 7.1 Future Exterior Noise The exterior noise level off-site of the project will be impacted by transportation-related sources and stationary sources from the site. The following outlines the impacts associated with exterior noise levels. 7.1.1 Future Off-Site Traffic Noise Impact The potential off-site noise impacts caused by the increase in vehicular traffic as a result of the project were calculated at a distance of 50 feet. The distance to the 55, 60, 65, and 70 dBA CNEL noise contours are also provided for reference. The noise level at 50 feet is representative of approximate distances to existing commercial uses close to the subject roadway impacted by the project. The noise contours were calculated for the following scenarios and conditions:  Existing Condition: This scenario refers to the existing traffic noise condition and is demonstrated in Table 3.  Existing + Project Condition: This scenario refers to the existing plus project traffic noise condition and is demonstrated in Table 3. <Table 3, next page> Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment Impacts and Mitigation 22 Table 3: Existing/Existing + Project Scenario – Noise Levels Along Roadways (dBA CNEL) Existing Exterior Noise Levels Roadway Segment CNEL at 50 Ft (dBA) Distance to Contour (Ft) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNEL Arrow Blvd West of Citrus Ave 67.9 31 97 306 967 Existing + Project Exterior Noise Levels Roadway Segment CNEL at 50 Ft (dBA) Distance to Contour (Ft) 70 dBA CNEL 65 dBA CNEL 60 dBA CNEL 55 dBA CNEL Arrow Blvd West of Citrus Ave 68.0 32 100 317 1002 Change in Noise Levels as a Result of Projects Roadway1 Segment CNEL at 50 Feet dBA2 Existing Without Project Existing With Project Change in Noise Level Potential Significant Impact Arrow Blvd West of Citrus Ave 67.9 68.0 0.1 No Notes: 1 Exterior noise levels calculated at 5 feet above ground level. 2 Noise levels calculated from centerline of subject roadway. Table 3 provides the Existing and Existing + Project noise conditions and shows the change in noise level because of the proposed project. As shown in Table 3, there will be a small increase in traffic noise of 0.1 dBA at 50 feet from the centerline of the subject roadway as a result of the project. This will be inaudible (see Section 2.5), and therefore, the impact is less than significant, and no mitigation is required. 7.1.2 Noise Impacts to Off-Site Receptors Due to Stationary Sources Sensitive receptors that may be affected by project operational noise include adjacent residences to the northeast and southeast, commercial uses to the northeast, transitional zoning to the east, and open space to the south. The worst-case stationary noise was modeled using SoundPLAN acoustical modeling software. The model utilizes point sources representing the HVAC units for each building, the basketball courts and pickleball court, and 1.1 movements per hour for each parking space. A total of five (5) receptors were modeled using the SoundPLAN noise model to evaluate the proposed project’s operational impact. A receptor is denoted by a yellow dot. All yellow dots represent a property line. The results are in Exhibit F. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment Impacts and Mitigation 23 Project Operational Noise Levels Exhibit F shows the “Project-only” operational noise levels at the property lines and/or sensitive receptor area and how the noise will propagate at the site. Operational noise levels at the adjacent uses are anticipated to range between 31 to 50 dBA Leq at the various receptors. The “Project-only” noise projections at the residential receptor are below the City’s 65 dBA Leq noise limit, as outlined within the City’s Municipal Code. The impact is, therefore, less than significant. Project Plus Ambient Operational Noise Levels As shown in Table 4, project plus ambient noise level projections are not anticipated to increase at the adjacent receptors (R1 – R5) as a result of the project. The impact is, therefore, less than significant. Table 4: Worst-case Predicted Operational Leq Noise Level Receptor1 Existing Ambient Noise Level (dBA, Leq)2 Project Noise Level (dBA, Leq)3 Total Combined Noise Level (dBA, Leq) Non Transp. Noise Limit (dBA, Leq) Change in Noise Level as Result of Project 1 55 31 55 - 0 2 72 50 72 - 0 3 72 44 72 - 0 4 58 46 58 - 0 5 58 41 58 65 0 Notes: 1. Receptors 1 and 2 represent industrial uses. Receptor 3 represents commercial uses. Receptor 4 represents transitional zoning. Receptor 5 represents residential uses. 2. See Appendix A for the ambient noise measurement. 3. See Exhibit F for the operational noise level projections at said receptors. 7.2 Noise Impacts to On-Site Receptors Due to Traffic Traffic noise from Arrow Boulevard was evaluated and compared to the City’s guidelines. Per the Noise Element of the General Plan, sensitive uses 65 dBA CNEL. Using cumulative traffic, potential future transitional housing facades and outdoor areas at the proposed site will be up to 67 dBA CNEL. Interior noise levels must be 45 dBA CNEL or lower. The field data CNEL estimations align with the calculated roadway CNEL levels. 7.3 Interior Noise Levels The future interior noise level was calculated for the sensitive receptor locations using a typical “windows open” and “windows closed” condition. A “windows open” condition assumes 12 dBA of noise attenuation from the exterior noise level. A “windows closed” condition assumes 22 dBA of noise attenuation from the exterior noise level. Table 5 indicates the interior noise levels for the project site. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Future Noise Environment Impacts and Mitigation 24 Table 5: Future Interior Noise Levels (dBA CNEL) Location Roadway Noise Source Exterior Facade Study Location Noise Level at Building Facade1 Interior Noise Reduction Required to Meet Interior Noise Standard of 45 dBA CNEL Interior Noise Level w/ Typical Residential Windows (STC≥ 27) STC Rating for Windows Facing Subject Roadway4 Window Open2 Windows Closed3 1st Row Units Along Northern Property Line Arrow Blvd 1st Floor 67 22 55 45 27 Notes: 1. Noise level from Section 7.2 and from worksheets Appendix B. 2. A minimum of 12 dBA noise reduction is assumed with a “windows open” condition. 3. A minimum of 20 dBA noise reduction is assumed with a “windows closed” condition. 4. Indicates the required STC rating to meet the interior noise standard. As shown in Table 5, the interior noise level will be 55 dBA CNEL with the windows open and 45 dBA CNEL with the windows closed at any future northern units on the housing pad. To meet the City’s interior 45 dBA CNEL standard, a “windows closed” condition is required, and any glass facades within 100 feet of and visible from Arrow Boulevard will need an STC rating of 27 or higher. A “windows closed” condition simply means that in order to achieve a 45 dBA CNEL interior noise level, the windows must be closed and does not mean the windows must be fixed. Exhibit F Operational Noise Level Contours 25 Future Noise Environment Impacts and Design Features Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Construction Noise Impact 26 8.0 Construction Noise Impact The degree of construction noise may vary for different areas of the project site and also vary depending on the construction activities. Noise levels associated with the construction will vary with the different phases of construction. The construction noise and vibration level projections are provided in the sections below. 8.1 Construction Noise The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled data regarding the noise characteristics of typical construction activities. The data is presented in Table 6. Table 6: Typical Construction Noise Levels1 Equipment Powered by Internal Combustion Engines Type Noise Levels (dBA) at 50 Feet Earth Moving Compactors (Rollers) 73 - 76 Front Loaders 73 - 84 Backhoes 73 - 92 Tractors 75 - 95 Scrapers, Graders 78 - 92 Pavers 85 - 87 Trucks 81 - 94 Materials Handling Concrete Mixers 72 - 87 Concrete Pumps 81 - 83 Cranes (Movable) 72 - 86 Cranes (Derrick) 85 - 87 Stationary Pumps 68 - 71 Generators 71 - 83 Compressors 75 - 86 Impact Equipment Type Noise Levels (dBA) at 50 Feet Saws 71 - 82 Vibrators 68 - 82 Notes: 1 Referenced Noise Levels from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Construction is anticipated to occur during the permissible hours as described in the City’s Municipal Code Section 18-36. Construction noise is considered a short-term impact and would be considered significant if construction occurs outside the allowable times as described in the City’s Municipal Code. Construction noise will have a temporary or periodic increase in the ambient noise level above the Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Construction Noise Impact 27 existing within the project vicinity. The construction noise impact is considered less than significant; however, construction noise level projections are provided. Sensitive land uses surrounding the site include existing residential to the southeast and northeast. These uses are an average of 350 feet away from construction activities and as close as 60 feet from construction activities. The esiting adjacent residential properties are no closer than 60 feet to the site. Typical operating cycles for these types of construction equipment may involve one or two minutes of full power operation followed by three to four minutes at lower power settings. Noise levels are in Table 7. A likely worst-case construction noise scenario assumes equipment operating as close as 60 feet and an average of 350 feet from the nearest sensitive receptor. The Lmax levels represent maximum levels when construction occurs adjacent to the residential receptors. Leq levels represent the average construction noise level during each phase. Table 7: Construction Noise Levels at Existing Adjacent Residences Phase dBA Lmax dBA Leq Site Prep 81.9 62.7 Grading 82.9 64.9 Build 81.9 63.7 Paving 81.9 62.2 Arch Coating 75.9 51.5 Notes: Const Equip from CalEEMod Construction noise will range from 76 to 83 dBA Lmax and 52 to 65 dBA Leq at the nearest sensitive receptors. This falls within the 65 dBA Leq residential limit. The overall noise level will increase by a maximum of 8 dB Leq at the adjacent residential properties during construction. The construction noise impact is temporary and is, therefore, less than significant. Construction will follow the guidelines in MM-NOI-2 from the General Plan: • Construction equipment, fixed or mobile, shall be properly outfitted and maintained with feasible noise-reduction devices to minimize construction generated noise. • Laydown and construction vehicle staging areas shall be located away from noise sensitive land uses if feasible. • Stationary noise sources such as generators shall be located away from noise sensitive land uses, if feasible. • Construction hours, allowable workdays, and the phone number of the job superintendent shall be clearly posted at all construction entrances to allow surrounding property owners to contact the job superintendent 24 hours a day to report noise and other nuisance-related issues, if necessary. The point of contact shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and have authority to commit additional assets to control dust after hours, on weekends, and on holidays. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Construction Noise Impact 28 In the event that the City of Fontana receives a pattern of noise complaints, appropriate corrective actions shall be implemented, such as on site noise monitoring during construction activities, and a report of the action shall be provided to the reporting party. 8.2 Construction Vibration Construction activities can produce vibration that may be felt by adjacent land uses. The construction of the proposed project would not require the use of equipment such as pile drivers, which are known to generate substantial construction vibration levels. The primary vibration source during construction may be from a vibratory roller. A vibratory roller has a vibration impact of 0.210 inches per second peak particle velocity (PPV) at 25 feet which is perceptible but below any risk to architectural damage. The fundamental equation used to calculate vibration propagation through average soil conditions and distance is as follows: PPVequipment = PPVref (100/Drec)n Where: PPVref = reference PPV at 100ft. Drec = distance from equipment to receiver in ft. n = 1.1 (the value related to the attenuation rate through ground) The thresholds from the Caltrans Transportation and Construction Induced Vibration Guidance Manual in Table 8 (below) provides general thresholds and guidelines as to the vibration damage potential from vibratory impacts. Table 8: Guideline Vibration Damage Potential Threshold Criteria Structure and Condition Maximum PPV (in/sec) Transient Sources Continuous/Frequent Intermittent Sources Extremely fragile historic buildings, ruins, ancient monuments 0.12 0.08 Fragile buildings 0.2 0.1 Historic and some old buildings 0.5 0.25 Older residential structures 0.5 0.3 New residential structures 1.0 0.5 Modern industrial/commercial buildings 2.0 0.5 Source: Table 19, Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual, Caltrans, Sept. 2013. Note: Transient sources create a single isolated vibration event, such as blasting or drop balls. Continuous/frequent intermittent sources include impact pile drivers, pogo-stick compactors, crack-and-seat equipment, vibratory pile drivers, and vibratory compaction equipment. Table 9 gives approximate vibration levels for particular construction activities. This data provides a reasonable estimate for a wide range of soil conditions. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Construction Noise Impact 29 Table 9: Vibration Source Levels for Construction Equipment1 Equipment Peak Particle Velocity Approximate Vibration Level (inches/second) at 25 feet LV (dVB) at 25 feet Pile driver (impact) 1.518 (upper range) 112 0.644 (typical) 104 Pile driver (sonic) 0.734 upper range 105 0.170 typical 93 Clam shovel drop (slurry wall) 0.202 94 Hydromill 0.008 in soil 66 (slurry wall) 0.017 in rock 75 Vibratory Roller 0.21 94 Hoe Ram 0.089 87 Large bulldozer 0.089 87 Caisson drill 0.089 87 Loaded trucks 0.076 86 Jackhammer 0.035 79 Small bulldozer 0.003 58 1 Source: Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, Federal Transit Administration, May 2006. All proposed construciton is at least 100 feet from any existing structures. At a distance of 100 feet, a vibratory roller would yield a worst-case 0.046 PPV (in/sec) which may be perceptible but below any risk of damage (0.5 in/sec PPV is the threshold of old residential structures). The impact is less than significant, and no mitigation is required. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Construction Noise Impact 30 9.0 CEQA Analysis The California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines establishes thresholds for noise impact analysis as presented below: (a) Would the project result in the generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise Code, or applicable standards of other agencies? Transportation Noise Impacts The main source of noise due to traffic near the project site is due to traffic from Arrow Boulevard. The project trip generation provided by Linscott Law & Greenspan Engineers estimates the project will generate 390 daily trips. It takes a change in noise level of 3 dB for the human ear to perceive a difference. An additional 390 daily trips will increase the existing traffic noise due to Arrow Boulevard by a maximum of 0.1 dBA CNEL. The impact is not perceptible and the impact is less than significant. Stationary Noise Sources Stationary noise impacts would be considered significant if they result in exceedances of 65 dBA Leq at residential uses according to Section 30-469 of the Municipal Code, or if the noise causes discomfort or annoyance to any reasonable person according to Section 18-63 of the Municipal Code. Implementation of the proposed project may result in stationary noise related to outdoor activities, idling vehicles, and HVAC Systems. The future worst-case noise level projections were modeled using referenced sound level data for the various stationary on-site sources. The model assumes that the noise sources are operating simultaneously and continuously (worst-case scenario) when the noise will, in reality, be intermittent and lower in noise level. The projected Project-only noise level at the nearest residential uses will be 41 dBA Leq and will be well below the City’s residential noise standard. The operational noise levels at the adjacent property lines are not anticipated to increase the existing ambient noise. Thus, the project is less than significant. Construction Noise and Vibration Construction is anticipated to occur during the permissible hours as described in the City’s Municipal Code Section 18-36. Construction noise is considered a short-term impact and would be considered significant if construction occurs outside the allowable times as described in the City’s Municipal Code. The grading and building phases of on-site construction activities will generate the highest temporary noise levels. The loudest construction equipment on the site will be tractors, graders, scrapers, rollers, and dozers. Typical operating cycles for these types of construction equipment may involve 1 or 2 minutes of full power operation followed by 3 or 4 minutes at lower power settings. Construction at the nearest residential uses will be up to 65 dBA Leq and 83 dBA Lmax, which is below the 65 dBA Leq limit. The overall noise level will increase by a maximum of 8 dB Leq at the adjacent residential properties during construction. Construction will follow the guidelines in MM-NOI-2 from the General Plan. The Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA Construction Noise Impact 31 construction noise is below the residential limit and will occur during the allowable times. Thus, the impact is less than significant. b) Generate excessive ground-borne vibration or ground-borne noise levels? Construction vibration will be significant if vibration exceeds levels that would result in structural damage to existing buildings. Construction activity is not anticipated to occur within 100 feet of neighboring buildings. At a distance of 100 feet, the nearest building to the project property line, a vibrational roller would yield a worst-case 0.046 PPV (in/sec), which will be perceptible but is below the threshold of any risk of damage. Therefore, the impact is less than significant. Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Noise Impact Study City of Fontana, CA References 32 10.0 References State of California General Plan Guidelines: 1998. Governor’s Office of Planning and Research City of Fontana: General Plan Noise and Safety Element. City of Fontana: Municipal Code Sections 18-61 to 18-67. Caltrans Noise Technical Manual. 2013 Konan Vibration Criteria Linscott, Law, & Greenspan Engineers: Traffic Impact Study for The Homelessness Prevention Resource and Care Center Project, April 2023. Federal Highway Administration. Noise Barrier Design Handbook. June 2017. Federal Transit Administration. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual. September 2018 Appendix A: Field Measurement Data Appendix B: Traffic Noise Modeling Output FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL PROJECT:Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center JOB #:0332-2023-23 ROADWAY:Arrow Blvd DATE:19-Jun-23 LOCATION:West of Citrus Ave EXISTING ENGINEER:C. Pincock ADT =10,800 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =25 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5.0 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =15 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =25 ROAD ELEVATION =0.0 PAD ELEVATION =0.5 GRADE =0.0 %ROADWAY VIEW:LF ANGLE=-90 PK HR VOL =1,080 RT ANGLE=90 DF ANGLE=180 AUTOMOBILES = 10 HTH WALL=0.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS =10 (10 = HARD SITE, 15 = SOFT SITE)AMBIENT=0.0 HEAVY TRUCKS =10 BARRIER =0 (0 = WALL, 1 = BERM) VEHICLE TYPE EVENING NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE AUTOMOBILES 0.127 0.096 0.9330 AUTOMOBILES 2.0 49.56 MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.051 0.075 0.0184 MEDIUM TRUCKS 4.0 49.46 HEAVY TRUCKS 0.028 0.081 0.0486 HEAVY TRUCKS 8.0 49.50 VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.4 62.5 60.6 54.6 63.3 63.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.0 55.7 49.3 46.3 55.5 55.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.5 65.2 56.2 56.0 65.0 65.2 NOISE LEVELS (dBA)68.9 67.4 62.2 58.6 67.5 67.9 VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.4 62.5 60.6 54.6 63.3 63.9 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.0 55.7 49.3 46.3 55.5 55.8 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.5 65.2 56.2 56.0 65.0 65.2 NOISE LEVELS (dBA)68.9 67.4 62.2 58.6 67.5 67.9 NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 31 97 306 967 LDN 28 90 283 896 NOISE CONTOUR (FT) DAY GRADE ADJUSTMENT 0.777 - - 0.874 - - 0.891 0.00 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) NOISE IMPACTS (WITH TOPO AND BARRIER SHIELDING) VEHICLE MIX DATA MISC. VEHICLE INFO NOISE INPUT DATA - S Commercial ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL PROJECT:Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center JOB #:0332-2023-23 ROADWAY:Arrow Blvd DATE:19-Jun-23 LOCATION:West of Citrus Ave EXISTING PLUS PROJECT ENGINEER:C. Pincock ADT =11,190 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 50 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =25 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5.0 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =15 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =25 ROAD ELEVATION =0.0 PAD ELEVATION =0.5 GRADE =0.0 %ROADWAY VIEW:LF ANGLE=-90 PK HR VOL =1,119 RT ANGLE=90 DF ANGLE=180 AUTOMOBILES = 10 HTH WALL=0.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS =10 (10 = HARD SITE, 15 = SOFT SITE)AMBIENT=0.0 HEAVY TRUCKS =10 BARRIER =0 (0 = WALL, 1 = BERM) VEHICLE TYPE EVENING NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE AUTOMOBILES 0.127 0.096 0.9330 AUTOMOBILES 2.0 49.56 MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.051 0.075 0.0184 MEDIUM TRUCKS 4.0 49.46 HEAVY TRUCKS 0.028 0.081 0.0486 HEAVY TRUCKS 8.0 49.50 VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.5 62.6 60.8 54.8 63.4 64.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.2 55.8 49.5 46.4 55.6 55.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.6 65.3 56.4 56.2 65.2 65.3 NOISE LEVELS (dBA)69.0 67.5 62.4 58.8 67.7 68.0 VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 64.5 62.6 60.8 54.8 63.4 64.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS 57.2 55.8 49.5 46.4 55.6 55.9 HEAVY TRUCKS 66.6 65.3 56.4 56.2 65.2 65.3 NOISE LEVELS (dBA)69.0 67.5 62.4 58.8 67.7 68.0 NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 32 100 317 1002 LDN 29 93 294 929 VEHICLE MIX DATA MISC. VEHICLE INFO NOISE INPUT DATA - S Commercial ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION NOISE CONTOUR (FT) DAY GRADE ADJUSTMENT 0.777 - - 0.874 - - 0.891 0.00 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) NOISE IMPACTS (WITH TOPO AND BARRIER SHIELDING) FHWA-RD-77-108 HIGHWAY NOISE PREDICTION MODEL PROJECT:Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center JOB #:0332-2023-23 ROADWAY:Arrow Blvd DATE:19-Jun-23 LOCATION:West of Citrus Ave PROJECT SITE COURT & PAD ENGINEER:C. Pincock ADT =11,190 RECEIVER DISTANCE = 60 SPEED =35 DIST C/L TO WALL =25 PK HR % =10 RECEIVER HEIGHT =5.0 NEAR LANE/FAR LANE DIST =30 WALL DISTANCE FROM RECEIVER =35 ROAD ELEVATION =0.0 PAD ELEVATION =0.5 GRADE =0.0 %ROADWAY VIEW:LF ANGLE=-90 PK HR VOL =1,119 RT ANGLE=90 DF ANGLE=180 AUTOMOBILES = 10 HTH WALL=0.0 MEDIUM TRUCKS =10 (10 = HARD SITE, 15 = SOFT SITE)AMBIENT=0.0 HEAVY TRUCKS =10 BARRIER =0 (0 = WALL, 1 = BERM) VEHICLE TYPE EVENING NIGHT DAILY VEHICLE TYPE HEIGHT SLE DISTANCE AUTOMOBILES 0.127 0.096 0.9330 AUTOMOBILES 2.0 58.20 MEDIUM TRUCKS 0.051 0.075 0.0184 MEDIUM TRUCKS 4.0 58.11 HEAVY TRUCKS 0.028 0.081 0.0486 HEAVY TRUCKS 8.0 58.15 VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 63.8 61.9 60.1 54.1 62.7 63.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 56.5 55.1 48.8 45.7 54.9 55.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.9 64.6 55.7 55.5 64.5 64.6 NOISE LEVELS (dBA)68.3 66.8 61.7 58.1 67.0 67.3 VEHICLE TYPE PK HR LEQ DAY LEQ EVEN LEQ NIGHT LEQ LDN CNEL AUTOMOBILES 63.8 61.9 60.1 54.1 62.7 63.3 MEDIUM TRUCKS 56.5 55.1 48.8 45.7 54.9 55.2 HEAVY TRUCKS 65.9 64.6 55.7 55.5 64.5 64.6 NOISE LEVELS (dBA)68.3 66.8 61.7 58.1 67.0 67.3 NOISE LEVELS 70 dBA 65 dBA 60 dBA 55 dBA CNEL 32 102 324 1024 LDN 30 95 300 949 VEHICLE MIX DATA MISC. VEHICLE INFO NOISE INPUT DATA - S Commercial ROADWAY CONDITIONS RECEIVER INPUT DATA SITE CONDITIONS WALL INFORMATION NOISE CONTOUR (FT) DAY GRADE ADJUSTMENT 0.777 - - 0.874 - - 0.891 0.00 NOISE OUTPUT DATA NOISE IMPACTS (WITHOUT TOPO OR BARRIER SHIELDING) NOISE IMPACTS (WITH TOPO AND BARRIER SHIELDING) Appendix C: SoundPLAN Inputs/Outputs City of Fontana Noise Contribution spectra - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 23 Time slice Sum dB(A) 25Hz dB(A) 31.5Hz dB(A) 40Hz dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) 12.5kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) 20kHz dB(A) Receiver R1 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 31.1 dB(A) Leq,d 24.2 13.7 20.2 10.9 16.0 16.4 15.4 5.7 -23.6 -99.2 Leq,d 19.1 19.1 Leq,d 23.6 23.6 Leq,d 13.3 -39.6 -33.6 -29.6 -16.6 -11.6 -17.5 -9.5 -52.5 -8.4 -6.4 -6.3 -4.2 -3.1 -1.9 2.4 4.7 1.3 4.2 6.1 3.5 3.7 -0.7 -1.7 -6.9 -11.8 -24.2 -39.9 -56.9 -80.8 Leq,d 14.1 -39.7 -33.7 -29.6 -16.6 -11.6 -17.5 -9.5 -52.4 -8.3 -6.1 -5.9 -3.7 -2.3 -0.8 3.9 7.3 3.1 4.9 5.9 3.4 3.5 -0.8 -1.9 -7.2 -12.1 -24.6 -40.4 -57.6 -81.7 Leq,d 11.8 -39.6 -33.5 -29.5 -16.5 -11.5 -17.5 -9.5 -52.5 -8.5 -6.5 -6.5 -4.5 -3.5 -2.4 1.6 3.5 -0.4 1.7 3.2 1.2 2.3 -0.5 -1.5 -6.7 -11.6 -23.8 -39.4 -56.2 -79.9 Leq,d 10.6 -39.5 -33.5 -29.5 -16.5 -11.5 -17.5 -9.5 -52.5 -8.5 -6.6 -6.6 -4.6 -3.7 -2.7 1.2 3.0 -1.1 0.8 1.9 -0.5 -0.2 -4.4 -5.2 -10.0 -14.4 -26.0 -40.7 -56.0 -79.0 Leq,d 10.5 -39.4 -33.4 -29.4 -16.4 -11.4 -17.4 -9.4 -52.5 -8.5 -6.5 -6.6 -4.6 -3.7 -2.7 1.2 3.0 -1.2 0.6 1.7 -0.8 -0.6 -4.9 -5.8 -10.9 -15.6 -27.6 -42.8 -59.2 -82.2 Leq,d 7.8 -41.3 -35.3 -31.3 -18.3 -13.3 -19.3 -11.9 -54.9 -11.0 -9.0 -9.1 -7.2 -6.2 -5.3 -1.4 0.5 -3.7 -1.9 -1.0 -3.7 -3.8 -8.5 -10.2 -16.3 -22.6 -37.0 -55.8 -77.0 Leq,d 8.0 -41.1 -35.1 -31.2 -18.2 -13.2 -19.2 -11.7 -54.7 -10.8 -8.8 -8.9 -6.9 -6.0 -5.1 -1.2 0.7 -3.4 -1.7 -0.8 -3.4 -3.5 -8.2 -9.8 -15.8 -21.9 -36.1 -54.5 -75.2 Leq,d 8.3 -41.0 -35.0 -31.0 -18.0 -13.0 -19.0 -11.5 -54.5 -10.5 -8.6 -8.6 -6.7 -5.8 -4.8 -0.9 1.0 -3.2 -1.5 -0.5 -3.2 -3.2 -7.8 -9.4 -15.3 -21.3 -35.2 -53.3 -73.5 Leq,d 13.9 -39.9 -33.8 -29.8 -16.7 -11.6 -17.5 -9.4 -52.2 -7.9 -5.9 -5.9 -4.0 -1.2 -0.3 3.7 7.0 2.9 4.6 5.7 3.1 3.2 -1.2 -2.3 -7.7 -12.8 -25.4 -41.6 -59.2 -83.9 Leq,d 14.1 -39.8 -33.7 -29.7 -16.6 -11.5 -17.4 -9.3 -52.2 -8.0 -5.8 -5.8 -3.9 -1.1 -0.1 3.8 7.2 3.0 4.8 5.8 3.2 3.4 -1.0 -2.1 -7.4 -12.4 -25.0 -41.0 -58.4 -82.8 Leq,d 10.8 -39.1 -33.1 -29.1 -16.1 -11.1 -17.1 -9.1 -52.1 -8.2 -6.2 -6.3 -4.3 -3.4 -2.4 1.5 3.3 -0.9 0.9 2.0 -0.5 -0.3 -4.6 -5.5 -10.5 -15.1 -26.9 -41.9 -57.9 -80.5 Leq,d 7.5 -41.5 -35.5 -31.5 -18.5 -13.5 -19.6 -12.2 -55.2 -11.3 -9.3 -9.4 -7.4 -6.5 -5.6 -1.7 0.3 -3.9 -2.2 -1.3 -4.0 -4.1 -8.8 -10.5 -16.8 -23.2 -37.9 -57.1 -78.9 Leq,d 7.1 -41.8 -35.8 -31.8 -18.8 -13.8 -19.8 -12.6 -55.6 -11.6 -9.7 -9.8 -7.8 -6.9 -6.0 -2.1 -0.1 -4.3 -2.6 -1.7 -4.4 -4.6 -9.4 -11.2 -17.6 -24.4 -39.5 -59.2 -81.9 Leq,d 6.7 -42.0 -36.1 -32.1 -19.1 -14.1 -20.1 -12.9 -56.0 -12.0 -10.1 -10.1 -8.2 -7.3 -6.4 -2.5 -0.5 -4.7 -3.0 -2.1 -4.9 -5.1 -10.0 -12.0 -18.6 -25.7 -41.3 -61.7 -85.3 Leq,d 6.3 -42.3 -36.3 -32.3 -19.3 -14.3 -20.3 -13.3 -56.3 -12.4 -10.4 -10.5 -8.6 -7.6 -6.7 -2.8 -0.8 -5.0 -3.3 -2.5 -5.3 -5.6 -10.6 -12.7 -19.5 -26.8 -42.8 -63.9 -88.3 Leq,d 11.0 -39.3 -33.3 -29.3 -16.3 -11.3 -17.3 -9.4 -52.4 -8.4 -6.4 -6.5 -4.5 -3.6 -2.6 1.3 3.0 -1.1 0.7 3.0 0.4 0.5 -3.9 -5.0 -10.3 -15.3 -27.5 -42.9 -59.3 -82.4 Leq,d 10.6 -39.2 -33.2 -29.2 -16.2 -11.3 -17.3 -9.3 -52.3 -8.3 -6.4 -6.4 -4.5 -3.5 -2.6 1.4 3.1 -1.0 0.7 1.8 -0.7 -0.5 -4.8 -5.8 -10.8 -15.5 -27.5 -42.7 -58.9 -81.8 Leq,d 10.7 -39.2 -33.2 -29.2 -16.2 -11.2 -17.2 -9.2 -52.3 -8.3 -6.3 -6.4 -4.4 -3.5 -2.5 1.4 3.2 -1.0 0.8 1.8 -0.7 -0.5 -4.7 -5.7 -10.7 -15.3 -27.3 -42.4 -58.6 -81.4 Leq,d 11.3 -39.1 -33.1 -29.1 -16.1 -11.2 -17.2 -9.2 -52.2 -8.2 -6.3 -6.3 -4.4 -3.4 -2.5 1.5 3.2 -0.9 2.2 3.2 0.6 0.7 -3.7 -4.8 -10.0 -14.8 -26.9 -42.1 -58.3 -81.0 Leq,d 11.3 -39.1 -33.1 -29.1 -16.1 -11.1 -17.1 -9.1 -52.2 -8.2 -6.2 -6.3 -4.3 -3.4 -2.4 1.5 3.2 -0.9 2.2 3.2 0.6 0.8 -3.6 -4.7 -9.9 -14.8 -26.8 -42.0 -58.0 -80.7 Leq,d 8.4 -40.9 -34.9 -30.9 -17.9 -12.9 -18.9 -11.3 -54.4 -10.4 -8.5 -8.5 -6.6 -5.6 -4.7 -0.8 1.1 -3.1 -1.4 -0.4 -3.1 -3.1 -7.7 -9.2 -15.1 -21.0 -34.8 -52.7 -72.7 Leq,d 6.0 -42.5 -36.5 -32.5 -19.6 -14.6 -20.6 -13.6 -56.6 -12.7 -10.7 -10.8 -8.9 -8.0 -7.1 -3.2 -1.1 -5.3 -3.7 -2.9 -5.7 -6.0 -11.1 -13.3 -20.3 -27.9 -44.4 -66.0 -91.3 Leq,d 6.6 -42.1 -36.1 -32.1 -19.1 -14.1 -20.2 -13.0 -56.1 -12.1 -10.2 -10.2 -8.3 -7.4 -6.5 -2.6 -0.6 -4.8 -3.1 -2.2 -5.0 -5.2 -10.2 -12.2 -18.9 -26.0 -41.7 -62.3 -86.2 Leq,d 6.8 -41.9 -36.0 -32.0 -19.0 -14.0 -20.0 -12.8 -55.9 -11.9 -10.0 -10.0 -8.1 -7.2 -6.3 -2.4 -0.4 -4.6 -2.9 -2.0 -4.8 -5.0 -9.9 -11.8 -18.4 -25.4 -40.8 -61.1 -84.4 Leq,d 7.0 -40.2 -34.2 -30.2 -17.3 -12.3 -18.3 -12.1 -55.2 -11.3 -10.0 -10.1 -8.3 -6.8 -6.0 -2.2 0.3 -4.1 -2.6 -2.0 -5.1 -5.7 -11.2 -13.9 -21.5 -30.0 -47.8 -71.2 -98.9 Leq,d 7.0 -40.1 -34.1 -30.1 -17.1 -12.2 -18.2 -12.0 -55.1 -11.1 -9.9 -10.0 -8.1 -6.7 -5.9 -2.1 0.3 -4.1 -2.6 -2.0 -5.0 -5.6 -11.0 -13.7 -21.2 -29.5 -47.0 -70.0 -97.3 Leq,d 5.8 -42.7 -36.7 -32.7 -19.7 -14.7 -20.7 -13.8 -56.8 -12.9 -10.9 -11.0 -9.1 -8.2 -7.3 -3.4 -1.3 -5.5 -3.9 -3.1 -5.9 -6.3 -11.4 -13.7 -20.8 -28.6 -45.2 -67.3 -93.1 Leq,d 8.5 -40.8 -34.8 -30.8 -17.8 -12.8 -18.9 -11.2 -54.2 -10.3 -8.3 -8.4 -6.4 -5.5 -4.6 -0.7 1.2 -3.0 -1.2 -0.3 -2.9 -2.9 -7.5 -8.9 -14.7 -20.6 -34.3 -52.0 -71.7 -99.3 Leq,d 5.0 -43.2 -37.2 -33.2 -20.2 -15.3 -21.3 -14.5 -57.5 -13.6 -11.6 -11.7 -9.8 -8.9 -8.0 -4.1 -2.0 -6.3 -4.6 -3.9 -6.8 -7.2 -12.5 -15.1 -22.6 -31.0 -48.7 -72.1 -99.9 Leq,d 5.2 -43.1 -37.1 -33.1 -20.1 -15.1 -21.1 -14.3 -57.3 -13.4 -11.5 -11.5 -9.6 -8.7 -7.8 -3.9 -1.8 -6.1 -4.4 -3.7 -6.6 -7.0 -12.2 -14.7 -22.1 -30.4 -47.8 -70.9 -98.2 Leq,d 5.4 -42.9 -36.9 -33.0 -20.0 -15.0 -21.0 -14.1 -57.2 -13.2 -11.3 -11.4 -9.5 -8.5 -7.6 -3.8 -1.7 -5.9 -4.3 -3.5 -6.4 -6.8 -12.0 -14.4 -21.7 -29.8 -47.0 -69.7 -96.5 Leq,d 5.6 -42.8 -36.8 -32.8 -19.8 -14.8 -20.9 -14.0 -57.0 -13.0 -11.1 -11.2 -9.3 -8.4 -7.4 -3.6 -1.5 -5.7 -4.1 -3.3 -6.1 -6.5 -11.7 -14.0 -21.2 -29.2 -46.1 -68.5 -94.8 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 City of Fontana Noise Contribution spectra - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 23 Time slice Sum dB(A) 25Hz dB(A) 31.5Hz dB(A) 40Hz dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) 12.5kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) 20kHz dB(A) Leq,d 7.6 -39.2 -33.2 -29.3 -16.4 -11.4 -17.5 -11.0 -54.1 -10.2 -8.9 -9.1 -7.3 -6.0 -5.3 -1.5 0.7 -3.7 -2.2 -1.4 -4.3 -4.6 -9.7 -11.7 -18.4 -25.6 -41.2 -61.8 -85.5 Leq,d 6.9 -41.9 -35.9 -31.9 -18.9 -13.9 -19.9 -12.7 -55.8 -11.8 -9.9 -9.9 -8.0 -7.1 -6.2 -2.3 -0.3 -4.5 -2.8 -1.9 -4.7 -4.9 -9.7 -11.7 -18.2 -25.1 -40.5 -60.6 -83.8 Leq,d 8.6 -40.7 -34.7 -30.7 -17.7 -12.8 -18.8 -11.1 -54.1 -10.2 -8.2 -8.3 -6.3 -5.4 -4.5 -0.5 1.3 -2.9 -1.1 -0.2 -2.8 -2.8 -7.3 -8.8 -14.5 -20.3 -33.9 -51.4 -70.9 -98.2 Leq,d 7.9 -41.2 -35.2 -31.2 -18.2 -13.3 -19.3 -11.8 -54.8 -10.9 -8.9 -9.0 -7.1 -6.1 -5.2 -1.3 0.6 -3.6 -1.9 -0.9 -3.6 -3.7 -8.4 -10.0 -16.1 -22.3 -36.6 -55.2 -76.3 Leq,d 8.1 -41.1 -35.1 -31.1 -18.1 -13.1 -19.1 -11.6 -54.6 -10.7 -8.7 -8.8 -6.8 -5.9 -5.0 -1.1 0.8 -3.3 -1.6 -0.7 -3.3 -3.4 -8.0 -9.6 -15.6 -21.6 -35.7 -54.0 -74.5 Leq,d 7.5 -39.3 -33.4 -29.4 -16.5 -11.5 -17.6 -11.1 -54.2 -10.3 -9.1 -9.2 -7.4 -6.1 -5.3 -1.6 0.6 -3.8 -2.3 -1.5 -4.5 -4.8 -9.9 -12.0 -18.9 -26.2 -42.1 -63.0 -87.1 Leq,d 7.1 -40.0 -34.0 -30.0 -17.0 -12.1 -18.1 -11.8 -54.9 -11.0 -9.7 -9.9 -8.0 -6.6 -5.8 -2.0 0.4 -4.0 -2.6 -1.9 -5.0 -5.5 -10.9 -13.4 -20.8 -29.0 -46.2 -68.9 -95.6 Leq,d 7.2 -39.8 -33.8 -29.9 -16.9 -11.9 -18.0 -11.7 -54.8 -10.9 -9.6 -9.7 -7.9 -6.5 -5.7 -1.9 0.4 -4.0 -2.5 -1.9 -4.9 -5.4 -10.7 -13.2 -20.5 -28.5 -45.4 -67.7 -93.9 Leq,d 6.6 -39.7 -33.7 -29.8 -16.9 -12.0 -18.1 -11.8 -54.9 -11.1 -9.8 -10.0 -8.2 -7.0 -6.2 -2.5 -0.3 -4.7 -3.2 -2.4 -5.4 -5.8 -11.0 -13.3 -20.4 -28.2 -44.8 -66.8 -92.4 Leq,d 7.4 -39.4 -33.5 -29.5 -16.6 -11.6 -17.7 -11.2 -54.3 -10.5 -9.2 -9.4 -7.5 -6.2 -5.4 -1.7 0.6 -3.8 -2.3 -1.6 -4.6 -5.0 -10.1 -12.3 -19.3 -26.8 -42.9 -64.2 -88.9 Leq,d 6.7 -39.6 -33.6 -29.7 -16.8 -11.9 -18.0 -11.6 -54.8 -11.0 -9.7 -9.9 -8.1 -6.9 -6.2 -2.4 -0.3 -4.6 -3.1 -2.3 -5.2 -5.6 -10.7 -13.0 -20.0 -27.6 -44.0 -65.5 -90.7 Leq,d 25.4 6.6 7.1 8.0 8.7 10.0 10.8 10.3 9.6 9.3 12.4 20.6 16.7 16.6 13.8 11.3 7.3 3.8 -5.7 -18.4 -32.6 -49.4 Receiver R2 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 49.9 dB(A) Leq,d 40.8 25.2 34.5 24.3 30.4 34.2 35.4 31.1 19.4 -6.0 Leq,d 35.9 35.9 Leq,d 45.5 45.5 Leq,d 23.2 -29.0 -23.0 -19.0 -6.0 -1.0 -7.0 1.0 -42.0 2.0 4.0 3.9 6.9 8.0 9.0 13.0 14.9 11.0 13.0 14.3 12.2 13.2 10.1 10.8 7.7 6.2 -0.9 -8.8 -14.7 -23.4 -36.1 Leq,d 26.4 -28.0 -22.0 -18.0 -5.0 0.0 -6.0 2.1 -40.9 3.1 5.2 5.2 8.3 9.4 10.5 14.8 17.0 13.5 16.0 17.6 16.1 18.0 14.6 15.0 12.1 10.7 3.6 -4.3 -10.4 -19.6 -32.2 Leq,d 21.8 -29.9 -23.9 -19.9 -6.9 -1.9 -8.0 0.0 -43.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 12.0 13.9 9.8 11.7 12.9 10.7 11.4 8.0 8.2 5.1 3.4 -4.2 -12.9 -19.9 -30.5 -44.7 Leq,d 20.9 -30.8 -24.8 -20.8 -7.8 -2.8 -8.8 -0.8 -43.8 0.2 2.2 2.2 4.1 6.2 7.2 11.2 13.0 9.0 10.9 12.0 9.8 10.5 6.9 7.1 3.8 1.9 -6.0 -15.0 -22.5 -33.7 -48.7 Leq,d 20.1 -31.5 -25.5 -21.5 -8.5 -3.5 -9.5 -1.5 -44.6 -0.6 1.4 1.4 3.4 5.5 6.5 10.4 12.3 8.2 10.1 11.3 9.0 9.6 6.0 6.1 2.7 0.6 -7.5 -16.9 -25.0 -36.9 -52.8 Leq,d 21.5 -33.1 -27.0 -22.9 -9.8 -4.6 -10.4 -2.1 -44.7 -0.2 1.6 1.5 3.5 6.1 7.0 11.0 14.0 10.0 11.9 13.0 10.8 11.3 7.7 7.7 4.2 1.8 -6.8 -16.9 -26.2 -39.8 -57.8 Leq,d 21.8 -32.8 -26.7 -22.6 -9.5 -4.3 -10.1 -1.8 -44.4 0.2 1.9 1.9 3.8 6.4 7.3 11.3 14.3 10.3 12.2 13.3 11.1 11.7 8.0 8.1 4.6 2.3 -6.2 -16.2 -25.2 -38.5 -56.1 Leq,d 22.1 -32.6 -26.6 -22.5 -9.4 -4.3 -10.1 -1.9 -44.6 -0.2 2.2 2.2 4.1 6.6 7.6 11.6 14.6 10.5 12.4 13.6 11.3 11.9 8.3 8.4 4.9 2.7 -5.6 -15.5 -24.3 -37.4 -54.7 Leq,d 30.5 -25.0 -18.8 -14.5 -1.1 4.5 -0.7 8.7 -34.0 10.0 10.7 10.7 13.2 15.3 16.2 20.2 22.6 18.6 20.5 21.7 19.5 20.3 17.0 17.6 14.8 13.7 7.2 -0.1 -5.2 -13.2 -24.2 Leq,d 29.2 -26.8 -20.8 -16.7 -3.7 1.4 -4.5 3.6 -39.2 5.0 7.2 7.6 10.9 12.8 14.8 18.9 21.5 17.4 19.4 20.5 18.3 19.1 15.8 16.2 13.4 12.2 5.3 -2.3 -7.8 -16.5 -28.2 Leq,d 16.5 -35.1 -29.1 -25.1 -12.1 -7.1 -13.1 -5.1 -48.2 -4.2 -2.2 -2.2 -0.3 2.2 3.1 7.1 8.9 4.8 6.6 7.7 5.4 5.8 2.0 1.6 -2.4 -5.6 -15.1 -26.7 -37.8 -53.6 -74.4 Leq,d 22.6 -32.2 -26.1 -22.1 -9.0 -4.0 -9.9 -1.8 -44.7 -0.5 1.7 2.0 4.5 6.1 8.1 12.2 15.2 11.1 13.0 14.2 11.9 12.6 9.0 9.1 5.7 3.6 -4.5 -14.1 -22.5 -35.0 -51.6 Leq,d 21.9 -32.9 -26.8 -22.8 -9.7 -4.6 -10.5 -2.3 -45.1 -0.9 1.5 1.9 3.9 6.4 7.4 11.4 14.4 10.3 12.2 13.4 11.1 11.7 8.1 8.1 4.6 2.4 -6.1 -16.0 -25.0 -38.3 -55.8 Leq,d 21.0 -33.7 -27.6 -23.6 -10.5 -5.5 -11.4 -3.3 -46.1 -2.0 0.3 0.6 3.0 4.7 6.6 10.5 13.6 9.5 11.4 12.6 10.3 10.9 7.2 7.1 3.5 1.0 -7.7 -18.1 -27.7 -41.8 -60.4 Leq,d 19.6 -34.4 -28.4 -24.4 -11.4 -6.4 -12.3 -4.3 -47.2 -3.1 -1.0 -0.9 1.3 2.6 3.9 8.4 11.0 8.2 10.6 11.8 9.5 10.0 6.3 6.1 2.4 -0.3 -9.4 -20.3 -30.6 -45.6 -65.3 Leq,d 19.4 -32.2 -26.2 -22.2 -9.2 -4.2 -10.2 -2.3 -45.3 -1.3 0.7 0.7 2.7 4.9 5.8 9.8 11.6 7.5 9.4 10.6 8.3 8.9 5.2 5.2 1.7 -0.6 -8.9 -18.7 -27.3 -39.9 -56.6 Leq,d 18.7 -32.9 -26.9 -22.9 -9.9 -4.9 -10.9 -2.9 -45.9 -1.9 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.2 5.2 9.2 11.0 6.9 8.8 9.9 7.6 8.2 4.5 4.4 0.8 -1.6 -10.3 -20.4 -29.5 -42.7 -60.2 Leq,d 18.1 -33.5 -27.5 -23.5 -10.5 -5.5 -11.5 -3.5 -46.5 -2.6 -0.6 -0.6 1.4 3.7 4.6 8.6 10.4 6.3 8.2 9.3 7.0 7.6 3.8 3.7 -0.1 -2.7 -11.5 -22.0 -31.6 -45.5 -63.8 Leq,d 17.5 -34.1 -28.1 -24.1 -11.1 -6.1 -12.1 -4.1 -47.1 -3.1 -1.2 -1.2 0.8 3.1 4.1 8.1 9.9 5.8 7.7 8.8 6.5 7.0 3.2 3.0 -0.9 -3.7 -12.8 -23.6 -33.7 -48.2 -67.4 Leq,d 17.0 -34.6 -28.6 -24.6 -11.6 -6.6 -12.6 -4.6 -47.7 -3.7 -1.7 -1.7 0.3 2.6 3.6 7.6 9.4 5.3 7.1 8.2 5.9 6.4 2.6 2.3 -1.7 -4.6 -14.0 -25.2 -35.7 -51.0 -70.9 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 2 City of Fontana Noise Contribution spectra - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 23 Time slice Sum dB(A) 25Hz dB(A) 31.5Hz dB(A) 40Hz dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) 12.5kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) 20kHz dB(A) Leq,d 15.9 -34.7 -28.7 -24.7 -11.7 -6.7 -12.7 -4.7 -47.7 -3.8 -1.8 -1.8 0.2 1.2 2.2 6.1 8.0 3.9 5.8 7.0 4.8 5.4 1.7 1.7 -1.9 -4.4 -13.3 -23.9 -33.7 -48.0 -66.7 Leq,d 14.2 -36.1 -30.1 -26.1 -13.1 -8.1 -14.1 -6.1 -49.1 -5.1 -3.2 -3.2 -1.2 -0.3 0.7 4.6 6.4 2.3 4.2 5.3 2.9 3.4 -0.5 -0.9 -5.0 -8.2 -18.1 -30.1 -42.0 -59.2 -81.6 Leq,d 15.4 -35.1 -29.1 -25.1 -12.1 -7.1 -13.1 -5.1 -48.1 -4.1 -2.1 -2.2 -0.2 0.8 1.8 5.7 7.6 3.5 5.4 6.5 4.2 4.8 1.1 0.9 -2.9 -5.7 -14.9 -26.0 -36.5 -51.9 -72.1 Leq,d 15.9 -34.7 -28.7 -24.7 -11.7 -6.7 -12.7 -4.7 -47.7 -3.8 -1.8 -1.8 0.2 1.2 2.2 6.2 8.0 4.0 5.9 7.1 4.9 5.5 1.9 1.9 -1.7 -4.2 -12.9 -23.4 -32.9 -46.7 -66.7 Leq,d 11.6 -38.4 -32.4 -28.4 -15.4 -10.4 -16.4 -8.5 -51.5 -7.5 -5.5 -5.6 -3.6 -2.7 -1.7 2.2 4.0 -0.2 1.7 2.7 0.3 0.5 -3.6 -4.4 -9.2 -13.4 -24.8 -39.0 -54.0 -75.2 Leq,d 11.8 -38.1 -32.1 -28.1 -15.1 -10.2 -16.2 -8.2 -51.2 -7.2 -5.3 -5.3 -3.3 -2.4 -1.4 2.5 4.3 0.1 1.9 3.0 0.6 0.9 -3.3 -4.0 -8.7 -12.8 -24.0 -37.9 -52.5 -73.2 -100.0 Leq,d 13.8 -36.4 -30.4 -26.4 -13.4 -8.4 -14.4 -6.5 -49.5 -5.5 -3.5 -3.5 -1.6 -0.6 0.3 4.3 6.1 2.0 3.8 4.9 2.6 3.0 -0.9 -1.3 -5.5 -8.9 -19.0 -31.3 -43.6 -61.3 -84.3 Leq,d 22.3 -32.5 -26.4 -22.4 -9.3 -4.2 -10.1 -2.0 -44.8 -0.6 1.7 2.1 4.4 6.6 7.9 11.8 14.8 10.8 12.7 13.8 11.6 12.2 8.6 8.7 5.3 3.1 -5.2 -14.9 -23.6 -36.4 -53.4 Leq,d 16.6 -37.4 -31.4 -27.3 -14.1 -9.0 -14.8 -6.5 -49.2 -4.7 -3.4 -3.4 -1.4 1.3 2.2 6.2 9.5 5.4 7.2 8.3 5.9 6.2 2.1 1.5 -3.1 -7.0 -17.8 -31.3 -45.3 -65.1 -90.9 Leq,d 12.8 -37.4 -31.4 -27.4 -14.4 -9.4 -15.4 -7.4 -50.4 -6.5 -4.5 -4.5 -2.5 -1.6 -0.6 3.3 5.1 1.0 2.8 3.9 1.6 1.9 -2.1 -2.6 -7.0 -10.7 -21.3 -34.4 -47.7 -66.8 -91.6 Leq,d 13.1 -37.1 -31.1 -27.1 -14.1 -9.1 -15.1 -7.1 -50.1 -6.1 -4.2 -4.2 -2.2 -1.3 -0.3 3.6 5.4 1.3 3.2 4.3 1.9 2.3 -1.7 -2.2 -6.6 -10.2 -20.6 -33.5 -46.5 -65.1 -89.4 Leq,d 13.4 -36.7 -30.7 -26.7 -13.7 -8.8 -14.8 -6.8 -49.8 -5.8 -3.8 -3.9 -1.9 -0.9 0.0 4.0 5.7 1.6 3.5 4.6 2.2 2.6 -1.3 -1.8 -6.1 -9.6 -19.8 -32.4 -45.0 -63.2 -86.9 Leq,d 13.9 -36.3 -30.3 -26.3 -13.3 -8.3 -14.3 -6.3 -49.3 -5.4 -3.4 -3.4 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 4.4 6.2 2.1 4.0 5.1 2.7 3.1 -0.8 -1.2 -5.4 -8.7 -18.7 -30.9 -43.1 -60.6 -83.4 Leq,d 14.2 -36.0 -30.0 -26.0 -13.0 -8.0 -14.1 -6.1 -49.1 -5.1 -3.1 -3.2 -1.2 -0.2 0.7 4.7 6.5 2.4 4.2 5.4 3.0 3.4 -0.4 -0.8 -4.9 -8.1 -18.0 -30.0 -41.9 -58.9 -81.3 Leq,d 18.6 -34.5 -28.5 -24.5 -11.5 -6.5 -12.5 -4.5 -47.4 -3.4 -1.3 -1.3 0.8 1.9 3.1 7.3 9.4 5.8 8.3 10.4 9.4 9.9 6.2 6.0 2.3 -0.5 -9.5 -20.5 -30.8 -45.9 -65.7 Leq,d 15.7 -35.1 -29.1 -25.1 -12.1 -7.1 -13.1 -5.1 -48.1 -4.1 -2.1 -2.1 -0.1 0.9 1.9 5.9 7.7 3.7 5.6 6.9 4.7 5.3 1.8 1.8 -1.7 -4.0 -12.6 -22.7 -32.8 -48.5 -69.1 Leq,d 16.3 -34.9 -28.9 -24.9 -11.9 -6.9 -12.9 -4.9 -47.9 -3.9 -1.9 -1.9 0.1 1.1 2.1 6.2 8.1 4.1 6.1 7.4 5.3 6.1 2.8 3.2 0.2 -1.2 -10.3 -21.4 -32.1 -47.5 -67.8 Leq,d 13.6 -36.5 -30.5 -26.5 -13.6 -8.6 -14.6 -6.6 -49.6 -5.6 -3.7 -3.7 -1.7 -0.8 0.2 4.2 5.9 1.8 3.7 4.8 2.4 2.8 -1.1 -1.6 -5.8 -9.2 -19.3 -31.8 -44.3 -62.2 -85.5 Leq,d 12.1 -37.9 -31.9 -27.9 -14.9 -9.9 -15.9 -7.9 -50.9 -7.0 -5.0 -5.0 -3.1 -2.1 -1.2 2.8 4.5 0.4 2.2 3.3 0.9 1.2 -2.9 -3.6 -8.2 -12.2 -23.2 -36.9 -51.1 -71.3 -97.5 Leq,d 12.4 -37.6 -31.6 -27.6 -14.6 -9.6 -15.6 -7.7 -50.7 -6.7 -4.7 -4.8 -2.8 -1.8 -0.9 3.0 4.8 0.7 2.5 3.6 1.2 1.5 -2.5 -3.2 -7.7 -11.6 -22.4 -35.8 -49.6 -69.3 -94.9 Leq,d 12.7 -37.3 -31.3 -27.3 -14.4 -9.4 -15.4 -7.4 -50.4 -6.4 -4.5 -4.5 -2.5 -1.6 -0.6 3.3 5.1 1.0 2.8 3.9 1.5 1.8 -2.2 -2.8 -7.2 -11.0 -21.6 -34.8 -48.2 -67.5 -92.5 Leq,d 13.3 -36.8 -30.8 -26.8 -13.8 -8.8 -14.8 -6.9 -49.9 -5.9 -3.9 -4.0 -2.0 -1.0 -0.1 3.9 5.7 1.5 3.4 4.5 2.1 2.5 -1.5 -2.0 -6.3 -9.8 -20.1 -32.8 -45.6 -63.9 -87.8 Leq,d 13.0 -37.1 -31.1 -27.1 -14.1 -9.1 -15.1 -7.1 -50.1 -6.2 -4.2 -4.2 -2.3 -1.3 -0.3 3.6 5.4 1.3 3.1 4.2 1.8 2.2 -1.8 -2.3 -6.7 -10.4 -20.8 -33.8 -46.9 -65.6 -90.0 Leq,d 46.1 18.9 20.2 22.2 22.9 25.2 27.0 30.3 30.8 31.5 37.2 39.5 38.7 36.7 35.0 34.0 32.0 31.2 25.4 18.0 11.1 4.4 Receiver R3 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 43.8 dB(A) Leq,d 40.7 25.8 35.0 23.7 30.0 34.0 35.0 30.7 18.6 -8.6 Leq,d 28.4 28.4 Leq,d 30.8 30.8 Leq,d 14.7 -39.2 -33.2 -29.1 -16.1 -11.0 -17.0 -8.9 -51.8 -7.7 -5.6 -5.4 -3.2 -1.7 -0.1 4.5 7.8 3.7 5.5 6.5 4.0 4.2 -0.1 -1.0 -6.1 -10.8 -22.8 -38.0 -54.3 -77.3 Leq,d 14.9 -39.0 -33.0 -28.9 -15.9 -10.8 -16.7 -8.6 -51.4 -7.2 -5.0 -5.0 -3.1 -0.3 0.6 4.6 7.9 3.8 5.6 6.6 4.1 4.3 0.0 -0.9 -5.9 -10.6 -22.5 -37.6 -53.8 -76.6 Leq,d 13.7 -39.3 -33.3 -29.3 -16.3 -11.2 -17.2 -9.2 -52.2 -8.1 -6.1 -6.0 -3.9 -2.7 -1.5 2.8 5.1 1.7 4.8 6.4 3.9 4.1 -0.2 -1.2 -6.3 -11.0 -23.1 -38.4 -54.9 -78.1 Leq,d 12.0 -39.4 -33.4 -29.4 -16.4 -11.4 -17.4 -9.4 -52.4 -8.4 -6.4 -6.4 -4.4 -3.4 -2.3 1.7 3.7 -0.3 1.8 3.3 1.4 2.5 -0.4 -1.4 -6.5 -11.3 -23.4 -38.9 -55.5 -78.9 Leq,d 11.0 -39.6 -33.6 -29.6 -16.6 -11.6 -17.6 -9.6 -52.6 -8.6 -6.6 -6.6 -4.7 -3.7 -2.7 1.3 3.1 -0.9 1.0 2.3 0.0 0.5 -3.4 -3.8 -7.9 -11.6 -23.8 -39.4 -56.2 -79.9 Leq,d 14.6 -36.7 -30.7 -26.7 -13.7 -8.7 -14.7 -6.7 -49.7 -5.7 -3.7 -3.7 -1.7 -0.7 0.3 4.4 6.3 2.3 4.4 5.8 3.7 4.7 1.5 2.2 -1.4 -4.9 -15.1 -27.8 -40.5 -58.7 -82.4 Leq,d 13.8 -37.1 -31.1 -27.1 -14.1 -9.1 -15.1 -7.1 -50.1 -6.1 -4.1 -4.1 -2.1 -1.1 -0.1 3.9 5.8 1.8 3.7 5.0 2.8 3.5 0.0 0.1 -3.4 -5.6 -16.0 -29.0 -42.1 -60.9 -85.3 Leq,d 13.2 -37.4 -31.4 -27.4 -14.4 -9.4 -15.4 -7.4 -50.4 -6.4 -4.4 -4.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 3.5 5.3 1.3 3.2 4.4 2.1 2.7 -1.1 -1.3 -5.3 -8.3 -17.8 -30.2 -43.7 -63.0 -88.1 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 3 City of Fontana Noise Contribution spectra - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 23 Time slice Sum dB(A) 25Hz dB(A) 31.5Hz dB(A) 40Hz dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) 12.5kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) 20kHz dB(A) Leq,d 15.0 -38.8 -32.7 -28.6 -15.5 -10.4 -16.2 -7.9 -50.6 -6.1 -4.8 -4.9 -2.9 -0.2 0.8 4.7 8.1 3.9 5.7 6.8 4.3 4.5 0.2 -0.7 -5.7 -10.2 -22.1 -37.1 -53.0 -75.5 Leq,d 15.0 -38.9 -32.8 -28.7 -15.6 -10.5 -16.3 -8.1 -50.8 -6.4 -4.9 -5.0 -3.0 -0.2 0.7 4.6 8.0 3.9 5.7 6.7 4.2 4.4 0.2 -0.8 -5.8 -10.4 -22.3 -37.3 -53.4 -76.0 Leq,d 9.4 -40.3 -34.3 -30.3 -17.3 -12.3 -18.3 -10.4 -53.4 -9.5 -7.5 -7.6 -5.6 -4.7 -3.7 0.2 1.9 -2.2 -0.5 0.5 -2.1 -2.0 -6.4 -7.6 -13.1 -18.4 -31.4 -47.9 -66.1 -91.7 Leq,d 18.6 -35.8 -29.7 -25.7 -12.6 -7.6 -13.5 -5.4 -48.3 -4.2 -2.0 -1.7 0.6 2.2 4.0 8.2 11.4 7.3 9.2 10.3 8.0 8.4 4.6 4.2 0.2 -3.0 -12.7 -24.6 -36.3 -53.1 -75.1 Leq,d 19.5 -35.0 -29.0 -24.9 -11.8 -6.7 -12.6 -4.5 -47.3 -3.0 -0.7 -0.6 1.4 4.0 5.0 9.0 12.2 8.1 9.9 11.1 8.7 9.2 5.4 5.2 1.3 -1.6 -11.0 -22.4 -33.3 -49.1 -69.9 Leq,d 20.3 -34.3 -28.3 -24.2 -11.1 -6.1 -12.0 -3.8 -46.6 -2.4 -0.1 0.3 2.3 4.9 5.8 9.8 12.9 8.8 10.7 11.8 9.6 10.1 6.4 6.2 2.5 -0.2 -9.2 -20.1 -30.3 -45.2 -64.8 Leq,d 21.0 -33.6 -27.6 -23.5 -10.5 -5.4 -11.4 -3.3 -46.2 -2.0 0.2 0.4 2.8 4.3 6.1 10.6 13.7 9.6 11.5 12.7 10.4 11.0 7.3 7.3 3.6 1.2 -7.5 -17.9 -27.4 -41.4 -59.9 Leq,d 10.4 -39.7 -33.7 -29.7 -16.7 -11.7 -17.7 -9.7 -52.7 -8.8 -6.8 -6.8 -4.9 -3.9 -2.9 1.0 2.8 -1.3 0.6 1.7 -0.8 -0.5 -4.6 -5.4 -10.3 -14.8 -26.5 -41.2 -56.9 -80.9 Leq,d 10.2 -39.8 -33.8 -29.8 -16.8 -11.8 -17.8 -9.8 -52.9 -8.9 -6.9 -7.0 -5.0 -4.0 -3.1 0.9 2.6 -1.5 0.3 1.4 -1.1 -0.8 -5.1 -6.0 -11.1 -15.8 -27.8 -43.2 -59.6 -82.6 Leq,d 12.1 -36.9 -30.9 -27.0 -14.0 -9.0 -15.0 -7.6 -50.6 -6.7 -5.8 -5.8 -3.9 -2.1 -1.2 2.7 5.0 0.8 2.5 3.4 0.7 0.7 -3.8 -5.1 -10.5 -15.8 -28.5 -44.7 -62.3 -87.0 Leq,d 9.7 -40.1 -34.1 -30.1 -17.1 -12.1 -18.1 -10.1 -53.1 -9.2 -7.2 -7.3 -5.3 -4.4 -3.4 0.5 2.2 -1.9 -0.2 0.8 -1.7 -1.6 -6.0 -7.2 -12.5 -17.7 -30.4 -46.6 -64.2 -89.1 Leq,d 9.5 -40.1 -34.2 -30.2 -17.2 -12.2 -18.2 -10.3 -53.3 -9.3 -7.4 -7.4 -5.5 -4.5 -3.6 0.3 2.1 -2.1 -0.3 0.7 -1.9 -1.8 -6.2 -7.4 -12.8 -18.0 -30.8 -47.2 -65.2 -90.3 Leq,d 12.0 -38.1 -32.1 -28.1 -15.1 -10.1 -16.2 -8.2 -51.2 -7.2 -5.2 -5.3 -3.3 -2.4 -1.4 2.6 4.3 0.2 2.0 3.1 0.7 1.0 -3.0 -3.7 -8.3 -12.3 -23.3 -37.2 -51.5 -71.9 -98.3 Leq,d 20.9 -33.5 -27.4 -23.3 -10.1 -4.9 -10.6 -2.2 -44.6 0.3 0.9 0.9 2.9 5.4 6.4 10.4 13.5 9.4 11.3 12.4 10.2 10.7 7.0 7.0 3.3 0.8 -8.0 -18.5 -28.2 -42.5 -61.2 Leq,d 18.2 -34.9 -28.9 -24.9 -11.9 -6.9 -12.8 -4.8 -47.8 -3.8 -1.7 -1.6 0.4 1.5 2.7 6.9 9.0 5.4 7.9 10.0 9.0 9.5 5.7 5.5 1.7 -1.1 -10.4 -21.6 -32.3 -47.8 -68.2 Leq,d 17.6 -35.3 -29.2 -25.2 -12.2 -7.2 -13.2 -5.2 -48.2 -4.1 -2.1 -2.0 0.0 1.1 2.3 6.4 8.5 4.8 7.3 9.2 8.3 9.1 5.3 5.0 1.1 -1.8 -11.3 -22.7 -33.8 -49.8 -70.8 Leq,d 20.3 -34.2 -28.1 -24.0 -10.9 -5.7 -11.5 -3.2 -45.9 -1.4 0.3 0.3 2.2 4.8 5.8 9.8 12.9 8.8 10.7 11.8 9.5 10.1 6.4 6.2 2.5 -0.2 -9.2 -20.1 -30.3 -45.2 -64.8 Leq,d 19.5 -34.5 -28.5 -24.5 -11.5 -6.4 -12.4 -4.4 -47.3 -3.2 -1.1 -1.0 1.2 2.4 3.8 8.3 10.8 7.9 10.5 11.7 9.4 9.9 6.2 6.0 2.2 -0.5 -9.6 -20.6 -30.9 -46.0 -65.9 Leq,d 21.3 -33.2 -27.1 -22.9 -9.7 -4.5 -10.2 -1.7 -44.1 0.9 1.3 1.3 3.3 5.8 6.8 10.8 13.8 9.8 11.6 12.8 10.5 11.1 7.4 7.4 3.8 1.4 -7.2 -17.5 -27.0 -40.8 -59.1 Leq,d 12.7 -37.7 -31.7 -27.7 -14.7 -9.7 -15.7 -7.7 -50.7 -6.8 -4.8 -4.8 -2.8 -1.8 -0.9 3.1 4.9 0.8 2.7 3.9 1.6 2.1 -1.8 -2.2 -6.4 -9.9 -20.1 -32.6 -45.4 -65.2 -91.0 Leq,d 22.5 -31.9 -25.7 -21.5 -8.2 -2.8 -8.3 0.6 -41.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 4.6 7.1 8.0 12.0 15.0 10.9 12.8 14.0 11.7 12.4 8.8 8.9 5.5 3.3 -4.9 -14.5 -23.1 -35.8 -52.6 Leq,d 22.2 -32.3 -26.2 -22.0 -8.8 -3.5 -9.2 -0.7 -42.9 2.2 2.3 2.3 4.3 6.8 7.8 11.7 14.7 10.7 12.6 13.7 11.5 12.1 8.5 8.6 5.1 2.9 -5.4 -15.2 -23.9 -36.8 -53.9 Leq,d 22.0 -32.5 -26.4 -22.3 -9.0 -3.8 -9.4 -0.9 -43.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 6.5 7.5 11.4 14.5 10.4 12.3 13.4 11.2 11.8 8.2 8.2 4.7 2.5 -5.9 -15.9 -24.8 -38.0 -55.4 Leq,d 21.6 -32.8 -26.7 -22.6 -9.4 -4.1 -9.7 -1.2 -43.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 3.6 6.2 7.1 11.1 14.1 10.1 12.0 13.1 10.9 11.5 7.8 7.8 4.3 2.0 -6.6 -16.7 -25.8 -39.4 -57.2 Leq,d 16.6 -36.1 -30.1 -26.1 -13.1 -8.1 -14.1 -6.1 -49.0 -5.0 -3.0 -2.9 -0.9 0.2 1.4 5.5 7.6 3.9 6.3 8.2 7.2 8.1 4.2 3.8 -0.3 -3.6 -13.5 -25.7 -37.7 -54.9 -77.5 Leq,d 16.6 -36.4 -30.4 -26.4 -13.4 -8.3 -14.3 -6.3 -49.3 -5.2 -3.2 -3.1 -1.1 0.0 1.2 5.4 7.5 3.9 6.5 8.7 7.3 7.7 3.8 3.4 -0.8 -4.2 -14.2 -26.6 -38.9 -56.6 -79.7 Leq,d 11.6 -38.4 -32.4 -28.4 -15.4 -10.4 -16.4 -8.4 -51.5 -7.5 -5.5 -5.6 -3.6 -2.6 -1.7 2.2 4.0 -0.1 1.7 2.8 0.3 0.6 -3.5 -4.3 -9.0 -13.2 -24.5 -38.7 -53.5 -74.6 Leq,d 12.7 -37.6 -31.6 -27.6 -14.6 -9.6 -15.6 -7.6 -50.6 -6.7 -4.7 -4.7 -2.7 -1.8 -0.8 3.2 5.0 0.9 2.8 3.9 1.5 2.0 -2.0 -2.4 -6.8 -10.4 -20.8 -33.7 -46.8 -65.3 -89.9 Leq,d 12.3 -37.9 -31.9 -27.9 -14.9 -9.9 -15.9 -7.9 -50.9 -6.9 -5.0 -5.0 -3.0 -2.1 -1.1 2.9 4.6 0.5 2.4 3.5 1.1 1.5 -2.5 -3.1 -7.5 -11.3 -22.1 -35.4 -49.2 -68.7 -93.9 Leq,d 16.8 -35.9 -29.9 -25.9 -12.8 -7.8 -13.8 -5.8 -48.8 -4.8 -2.7 -2.7 -0.6 0.5 1.6 5.8 7.8 4.1 6.5 8.4 7.2 8.4 4.5 4.2 0.1 -3.1 -12.8 -24.8 -36.5 -53.4 -75.5 Leq,d 18.9 -34.7 -28.7 -24.7 -11.7 -6.7 -12.6 -4.6 -47.6 -3.5 -1.4 -1.3 0.8 1.9 3.2 7.5 9.8 6.4 9.4 11.5 9.2 9.7 6.0 5.8 2.0 -0.8 -10.0 -21.1 -31.6 -46.9 -67.0 Leq,d 18.4 -34.9 -28.9 -24.9 -11.9 -6.9 -12.8 -4.8 -47.8 -3.7 -1.7 -1.6 0.5 1.6 2.8 7.0 9.3 5.7 8.4 10.9 9.0 9.5 5.7 5.5 1.6 -1.2 -10.5 -21.7 -32.4 -48.0 -68.4 Leq,d 18.0 -35.1 -29.1 -25.1 -12.1 -7.1 -13.1 -5.0 -48.0 -4.0 -1.9 -1.9 0.2 1.3 2.5 6.7 8.8 5.2 7.8 9.9 8.7 9.2 5.4 5.2 1.3 -1.6 -11.0 -22.4 -33.3 -49.2 -70.0 Leq,d 17.2 -35.6 -29.6 -25.6 -12.6 -7.6 -13.6 -5.5 -48.5 -4.5 -2.5 -2.4 -0.3 0.7 1.9 6.0 8.1 4.4 6.8 8.8 7.7 8.7 4.8 4.5 0.5 -2.6 -12.2 -23.9 -35.3 -51.9 -73.5 Leq,d 17.7 -35.4 -29.4 -25.4 -12.3 -7.3 -13.3 -5.3 -48.3 -4.2 -2.2 -2.1 0.0 1.1 2.2 6.4 8.6 5.0 7.5 9.6 8.5 9.0 5.1 4.9 0.9 -2.1 -11.6 -23.1 -34.3 -50.5 -71.7 Leq,d 38.9 15.9 17.1 18.9 14.2 16.5 18.2 21.5 23.3 23.9 31.9 33.6 30.4 28.6 26.6 25.0 22.3 20.6 13.1 3.2 -7.6 -20.0 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 4 City of Fontana Noise Contribution spectra - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 23 Time slice Sum dB(A) 25Hz dB(A) 31.5Hz dB(A) 40Hz dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) 12.5kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) 20kHz dB(A) Receiver R4 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 46.2 dB(A) Leq,d 44.8 30.8 40.1 28.9 34.5 37.4 38.0 34.3 24.9 4.8 Leq,d 28.1 28.1 Leq,d 31.1 31.1 Leq,d 12.0 -35.9 -30.0 -26.0 -13.1 -8.2 -14.3 -6.8 -50.0 -6.1 -4.8 -5.0 -3.1 -1.9 -1.1 2.7 4.7 0.4 2.0 3.0 0.4 0.5 -3.8 -4.7 -9.7 -14.2 -25.9 -40.6 -56.2 -78.2 Leq,d 13.2 -35.8 -29.9 -25.9 -12.9 -7.9 -13.9 -6.5 -49.5 -5.6 -4.6 -4.7 -2.7 -1.0 -0.1 3.7 6.0 1.8 3.5 4.4 1.8 1.8 -2.5 -3.6 -8.7 -13.3 -25.1 -40.0 -55.7 -77.9 Leq,d 11.3 -36.3 -30.4 -26.6 -13.8 -9.1 -15.3 -7.8 -51.0 -7.2 -5.6 -5.7 -3.8 -2.8 -1.9 2.0 3.8 -0.4 1.4 2.4 -0.1 0.1 -4.1 -5.0 -9.9 -14.4 -26.0 -40.7 -56.2 -78.2 Leq,d 11.2 -34.0 -30.3 -26.5 -13.7 -8.9 -15.2 -7.7 -50.9 -7.1 -5.5 -5.7 -3.8 -2.8 -1.9 2.0 3.7 -0.5 1.2 2.2 -0.3 -0.2 -4.5 -5.5 -10.5 -15.1 -26.9 -41.8 -57.6 -79.9 Leq,d 12.5 -35.8 -29.8 -25.9 -12.9 -7.9 -14.0 -6.6 -49.6 -5.7 -4.5 -4.6 -2.8 -1.4 -0.5 3.3 5.4 1.0 2.6 3.5 0.7 0.7 -3.7 -4.8 -10.0 -14.7 -26.7 -41.7 -57.6 -80.0 Leq,d 15.7 -34.8 -28.8 -24.8 -11.8 -6.8 -12.8 -4.8 -47.8 -3.8 -1.9 -1.9 0.1 1.1 2.1 6.0 7.9 3.8 5.7 6.9 4.6 5.2 1.5 1.5 -2.2 -4.8 -13.8 -24.5 -34.6 -49.3 -68.5 Leq,d 15.5 -35.3 -29.3 -25.3 -12.3 -7.3 -13.3 -5.3 -48.3 -4.3 -2.3 -2.3 -0.3 0.6 1.6 5.6 7.5 3.5 5.4 6.7 4.5 5.2 1.6 1.7 -1.7 -4.0 -12.4 -22.8 -33.8 -49.9 -70.9 Leq,d 14.7 -35.8 -29.8 -25.8 -12.8 -7.8 -13.8 -5.8 -48.8 -4.8 -2.8 -2.8 -0.9 0.1 1.1 5.1 6.9 2.8 4.7 5.9 3.6 4.1 0.4 0.2 -3.7 -6.6 -15.9 -27.3 -38.3 -54.1 -74.5 Leq,d 15.2 -38.7 -32.6 -28.6 -15.5 -10.3 -16.2 -8.0 -50.7 -6.3 -4.7 -4.8 -2.8 0.0 0.9 4.8 8.2 4.0 5.8 6.9 4.4 4.6 0.4 -0.5 -5.5 -10.0 -21.7 -36.6 -52.3 -74.6 Leq,d 15.2 -38.7 -32.6 -28.6 -15.5 -10.4 -16.2 -8.0 -50.8 -6.5 -4.7 -4.7 -2.7 0.0 1.0 4.9 8.2 4.1 5.9 7.0 4.5 4.7 0.5 -0.4 -5.3 -9.8 -21.5 -36.3 -52.0 -74.1 Leq,d 11.3 -39.0 -33.0 -29.0 -16.0 -11.1 -17.1 -9.1 -52.1 -8.1 -6.2 -6.2 -4.3 -3.3 -2.4 1.5 3.3 -0.9 0.9 2.0 1.5 1.6 -2.6 -3.6 -8.6 -13.3 -25.2 -40.3 -56.4 -79.2 Leq,d 16.2 -34.3 -28.3 -24.3 -11.3 -6.3 -12.3 -4.3 -47.3 -3.4 -1.4 -1.4 0.6 1.5 2.5 6.5 8.3 4.3 6.1 7.3 5.0 5.6 1.9 1.8 -1.8 -4.4 -13.3 -23.9 -33.9 -48.4 -67.5 Leq,d 18.2 -33.3 -27.3 -23.3 -10.3 -5.3 -11.3 -3.3 -46.3 -2.3 -0.3 -0.3 1.7 2.7 3.8 7.8 9.7 5.8 7.8 9.2 7.2 8.1 5.0 5.7 3.3 1.8 -6.7 -16.8 -26.0 -39.6 -57.6 Leq,d 20.9 -32.2 -26.2 -22.2 -9.1 -4.1 -10.1 -2.1 -45.1 -1.0 1.0 1.0 3.1 4.2 5.3 9.5 11.6 7.9 10.2 12.0 10.8 12.7 9.1 9.2 5.9 3.8 -4.3 -13.8 -22.2 -34.6 -51.1 Leq,d 23.8 -30.8 -24.8 -20.8 -7.7 -2.7 -8.7 -0.6 -43.5 0.6 2.7 2.9 5.2 6.5 8.0 12.8 15.8 12.5 14.5 15.6 13.4 14.1 10.6 10.9 7.7 5.9 -1.8 -10.7 -18.1 -29.4 -44.4 Leq,d 11.5 -38.8 -32.8 -28.8 -15.8 -10.8 -16.8 -8.8 -51.9 -7.9 -5.9 -6.0 -4.0 -3.1 -2.1 1.8 3.6 -0.6 1.2 2.3 -0.2 2.0 -2.2 -3.1 -8.0 -12.5 -24.2 -39.0 -54.7 -76.9 Leq,d 11.2 -38.8 -32.8 -28.8 -15.8 -10.8 -16.8 -8.9 -51.9 -7.9 -5.9 -6.0 -4.0 -3.1 -2.1 1.8 3.5 -0.6 1.2 2.3 -0.2 0.0 -3.0 -4.0 -9.1 -13.7 -25.6 -40.5 -56.2 -78.3 Leq,d 11.0 -38.8 -32.8 -28.9 -15.9 -10.9 -16.9 -8.9 -51.9 -8.0 -6.0 -6.0 -4.1 -3.1 -2.2 1.8 3.5 -0.6 1.2 2.2 -0.3 0.0 -4.3 -5.1 -10.1 -14.5 -26.2 -41.0 -56.6 -78.7 Leq,d 11.5 -38.9 -32.9 -28.9 -15.9 -10.9 -16.9 -9.0 -52.0 -8.0 -6.1 -6.1 -4.2 -3.2 -2.3 1.6 3.4 -0.8 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.7 -1.7 -2.8 -7.9 -12.7 -24.7 -39.9 -56.1 -78.7 Leq,d 11.6 -39.0 -33.0 -29.0 -16.0 -11.0 -17.0 -9.0 -52.1 -8.1 -6.1 -6.2 -4.2 -3.3 -2.4 1.6 3.3 -0.9 0.9 4.0 1.4 1.6 -2.7 -3.7 -8.8 -13.4 -25.4 -40.6 -56.7 -79.5 Leq,d 14.1 -36.0 -30.0 -26.1 -13.1 -8.1 -14.1 -6.1 -49.1 -5.1 -3.2 -3.2 -1.2 -0.3 0.7 4.6 6.4 2.3 4.2 5.3 2.9 3.3 -0.6 -1.0 -5.2 -8.5 -18.4 -30.5 -42.5 -59.7 -82.3 Leq,d 21.7 -29.2 -23.2 -19.2 -6.2 -1.2 -7.2 0.8 -42.2 1.8 3.8 3.7 5.7 6.7 7.7 11.7 13.6 9.6 11.6 12.8 10.6 11.4 8.1 8.5 5.7 4.3 -2.7 -10.7 -16.9 -26.5 -39.4 Leq,d 19.6 -31.6 -25.6 -21.6 -8.6 -3.6 -9.6 -1.6 -44.6 -0.6 1.4 1.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 9.4 11.3 7.3 9.3 10.6 8.6 9.4 6.2 6.7 4.0 2.8 -3.9 -12.5 -20.4 -32.3 -48.2 Leq,d 18.8 -32.3 -26.3 -22.3 -9.3 -4.3 -10.3 -2.3 -45.3 -1.3 0.6 0.6 2.6 3.6 4.7 8.7 10.6 6.6 8.6 9.8 7.7 8.6 5.2 5.7 2.8 1.3 -5.8 -14.2 -22.7 -35.2 -51.9 Leq,d 28.9 -26.2 -20.0 -15.9 -2.6 2.7 -2.9 5.7 -36.3 9.0 9.6 9.6 11.6 13.6 14.6 18.6 21.0 16.9 18.9 20.0 17.9 18.7 15.4 16.0 13.2 12.1 5.5 -1.9 -7.3 -15.7 -27.3 Leq,d 27.9 -27.3 -21.3 -17.3 -4.2 0.8 -5.1 3.0 -39.9 4.3 6.5 6.7 9.1 10.6 12.3 17.5 20.2 16.2 18.1 19.2 17.1 17.9 14.6 15.1 12.3 11.1 4.3 -3.3 -9.0 -17.8 -29.9 Leq,d 23.3 -28.2 -22.2 -18.2 -5.2 -0.2 -6.2 1.8 -41.2 2.8 4.8 4.8 6.8 7.8 8.9 12.9 14.9 10.9 12.9 14.2 12.2 13.2 10.1 10.9 8.6 8.0 2.3 -4.8 -10.8 -20.2 -32.8 Leq,d 14.1 -36.2 -30.2 -26.2 -13.2 -8.2 -14.2 -6.2 -49.2 -5.3 -3.3 -3.3 -1.3 -0.4 0.6 4.6 6.4 2.3 4.1 5.3 2.9 3.4 -0.4 -0.8 -4.9 -8.1 -17.9 -29.9 -41.8 -58.8 -81.1 Leq,d 33.1 -21.5 -15.1 -10.6 3.3 9.6 4.0 12.2 -30.8 13.2 14.2 14.2 16.2 17.9 18.9 22.9 24.9 20.9 22.9 24.0 21.9 22.8 19.6 20.3 17.8 17.1 11.1 4.5 0.4 -6.5 -16.0 Leq,d 30.8 -24.4 -18.4 -14.3 -1.3 3.8 -2.2 6.0 -36.9 7.3 9.3 9.5 11.8 13.2 14.7 19.6 22.9 19.2 21.2 22.3 20.2 21.0 17.8 18.5 15.9 15.1 8.8 1.9 -2.7 -10.1 -20.4 Leq,d 27.1 -25.8 -19.8 -15.8 -2.8 2.2 -3.8 4.2 -38.8 5.3 7.3 7.3 9.4 10.4 11.5 15.6 17.8 14.0 16.2 17.7 16.2 17.8 15.8 16.9 14.2 13.2 6.7 -0.5 -5.5 -13.6 -24.6 Leq,d 24.2 -27.1 -21.1 -17.1 -4.1 0.9 -5.1 2.9 -40.1 3.9 5.9 5.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 13.9 15.9 11.9 13.9 15.1 13.1 14.0 10.8 11.5 9.0 8.2 1.9 -5.0 -9.5 -17.0 -28.8 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 5 City of Fontana Noise Contribution spectra - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 23 Time slice Sum dB(A) 25Hz dB(A) 31.5Hz dB(A) 40Hz dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) 12.5kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) 20kHz dB(A) Leq,d 18.2 -32.4 -26.4 -22.4 -9.4 -4.4 -10.4 -2.4 -45.4 -1.4 0.6 0.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 8.4 10.3 6.2 8.1 9.3 7.0 7.7 4.1 4.2 0.8 -1.4 -9.6 -19.2 -27.7 -40.3 -57.1 Leq,d 17.5 -33.0 -27.0 -23.0 -10.0 -5.0 -11.0 -3.0 -46.0 -2.0 0.0 -0.1 1.9 2.9 3.9 7.8 9.7 5.6 7.5 8.6 6.4 7.0 3.4 3.4 -0.1 -2.4 -10.8 -20.8 -29.7 -43.0 -60.5 Leq,d 14.5 -36.5 -30.5 -26.5 -13.5 -8.5 -14.5 -6.5 -49.5 -5.6 -3.6 -3.6 -1.7 -0.7 0.3 4.2 6.0 1.9 3.7 6.8 4.4 4.8 0.8 0.4 -3.9 -7.4 -17.6 -30.2 -42.8 -60.8 -84.3 Leq,d 15.1 -35.2 -29.2 -25.2 -12.2 -7.2 -13.2 -5.2 -48.2 -4.2 -2.3 -2.3 -0.3 0.6 1.6 5.5 7.3 3.3 5.1 6.2 3.9 4.4 0.6 0.3 -3.7 -6.6 -16.1 -27.5 -38.5 -54.5 -75.4 Leq,d 14.6 -35.6 -29.6 -25.6 -12.6 -7.6 -13.7 -5.7 -48.7 -4.7 -2.7 -2.8 -0.8 0.2 1.1 5.1 6.9 2.8 4.6 5.7 3.4 3.8 -0.1 -0.4 -4.5 -7.6 -17.3 -29.1 -40.6 -57.2 -79.0 Leq,d 18.8 -31.8 -25.8 -21.8 -8.8 -3.8 -9.8 -1.8 -44.8 -0.8 1.2 1.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 9.0 10.9 6.9 8.8 9.9 7.7 8.4 4.8 5.0 1.7 -0.3 -8.3 -17.6 -25.7 -37.7 -53.7 Leq,d 26.8 -28.1 -22.1 -18.1 -5.0 0.0 -5.9 2.1 -40.8 3.3 5.5 5.7 7.9 9.3 10.7 15.4 18.5 15.4 17.3 18.5 16.3 17.1 13.7 14.2 11.3 10.0 3.1 -4.8 -10.8 -20.1 -32.7 Leq,d 22.0 -29.0 -23.0 -19.0 -6.0 -1.0 -7.0 1.0 -42.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 12.0 13.9 9.9 11.8 13.0 10.9 11.7 8.3 8.8 5.9 4.6 -2.4 -10.3 -16.5 -26.0 -38.8 Leq,d 21.1 -29.7 -23.7 -19.7 -6.7 -1.7 -7.7 0.3 -42.7 1.3 3.3 3.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 11.2 13.1 9.0 11.0 12.1 9.9 10.7 7.2 7.6 4.6 3.0 -4.3 -12.7 -19.5 -29.8 -43.7 Leq,d 19.6 -31.1 -25.1 -21.1 -8.1 -3.1 -9.1 -1.1 -44.1 -0.1 1.8 1.8 3.8 4.8 5.8 9.7 11.6 7.6 9.5 10.6 8.4 9.1 5.6 5.8 2.6 0.8 -6.9 -15.9 -23.5 -35.0 -50.2 Leq,d 20.3 -30.4 -24.4 -20.4 -7.4 -2.4 -8.4 -0.4 -43.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 4.5 5.5 6.4 10.4 12.3 8.3 10.2 11.3 9.2 9.9 6.4 6.7 3.6 1.9 -5.7 -14.3 -21.5 -32.4 -47.0 Leq,d 33.3 14.5 15.5 17.0 15.2 17.4 18.7 21.5 21.2 21.3 26.2 27.4 23.6 21.0 18.3 16.1 12.7 10.1 2.2 -8.1 -18.9 -30.9 Receiver R5 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 40.5 dB(A) Leq,d 34.8 21.5 29.9 20.1 25.1 27.7 28.1 23.3 10.7 -18.5 Leq,d 30.9 30.9 Leq,d 26.1 26.1 Leq,d 11.0 -39.5 -33.5 -29.5 -16.5 -11.6 -17.6 -9.6 -52.6 -8.6 -6.7 -6.7 -4.8 -3.8 -2.9 1.0 2.8 -1.4 0.4 3.4 0.9 1.0 -3.3 -4.4 -9.6 -14.5 -26.8 -42.5 -59.5 -83.3 Leq,d 10.1 -39.6 -33.6 -29.7 -16.7 -11.7 -17.7 -9.7 -52.7 -8.8 -6.8 -6.9 -4.9 -4.0 -3.0 0.9 2.6 -1.5 0.3 1.3 -1.3 -1.1 -5.5 -6.6 -11.8 -16.7 -29.1 -44.8 -61.9 -85.8 Leq,d 10.4 -39.4 -33.4 -29.4 -16.4 -11.4 -17.5 -9.5 -52.5 -8.5 -6.6 -6.6 -4.7 -3.7 -2.8 1.1 2.9 -1.3 0.5 1.5 -1.0 -0.8 -5.1 -6.2 -11.3 -16.1 -28.3 -43.8 -60.4 -83.8 Leq,d 11.3 -39.3 -33.3 -29.3 -16.3 -11.3 -17.4 -9.4 -52.4 -8.4 -6.5 -6.5 -4.6 -3.6 -2.7 1.3 3.0 -1.2 0.6 3.7 1.1 1.3 -3.0 -4.0 -9.2 -13.9 -26.1 -41.5 -58.1 -81.5 Leq,d 11.1 -39.2 -33.2 -29.2 -16.2 -11.3 -17.3 -9.3 -52.3 -8.3 -6.4 -6.4 -4.5 -3.5 -2.6 1.3 3.1 -1.1 0.7 1.8 1.2 1.4 -2.9 -3.9 -9.0 -13.7 -25.8 -41.1 -57.5 -80.7 Leq,d 15.6 -35.5 -29.5 -25.5 -12.5 -7.5 -13.5 -5.5 -48.6 -4.6 -2.6 -2.6 -0.7 0.3 1.3 5.2 7.0 2.9 4.8 7.9 5.5 6.0 2.2 1.9 -2.2 -5.2 -14.9 -26.6 -38.0 -54.5 -76.1 Leq,d 14.3 -35.9 -29.9 -25.9 -12.9 -7.9 -14.0 -6.0 -49.0 -5.0 -3.0 -3.1 -1.1 -0.1 0.8 4.8 6.6 2.5 4.3 5.4 3.1 3.5 -0.3 -0.7 -4.8 -8.0 -17.8 -29.8 -41.5 -58.5 -80.7 Leq,d 14.7 -36.3 -30.3 -26.3 -13.3 -8.4 -14.4 -6.4 -49.4 -5.4 -3.4 -3.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.4 4.4 6.1 2.0 3.9 7.0 4.6 5.0 1.1 0.6 -3.6 -7.0 -17.1 -29.5 -41.9 -59.6 -82.8 Leq,d 9.8 -39.9 -33.9 -29.9 -16.9 -11.9 -17.9 -10.0 -53.0 -9.0 -7.1 -7.1 -5.2 -4.2 -3.3 0.6 2.4 -1.8 0.0 1.0 -1.6 -1.5 -5.9 -7.1 -12.4 -17.5 -30.1 -46.2 -63.7 -88.3 Leq,d 10.8 -39.8 -33.8 -29.8 -16.8 -11.8 -17.8 -9.8 -52.9 -8.9 -6.9 -7.0 -5.0 -4.1 -3.1 0.8 2.5 -1.6 0.1 3.2 0.6 0.7 -3.6 -4.8 -10.1 -15.1 -27.6 -43.6 -60.9 -85.3 Leq,d 11.5 -38.9 -32.9 -28.9 -15.9 -10.9 -16.9 -9.0 -52.0 -8.0 -6.0 -6.1 -4.1 -3.2 -2.2 1.7 3.5 -0.7 1.1 2.2 1.6 1.8 -2.5 -3.5 -8.6 -13.3 -25.2 -40.2 -56.2 -78.5 Leq,d 14.6 -35.6 -29.6 -25.7 -12.7 -7.7 -13.7 -5.7 -48.7 -4.7 -2.8 -2.8 -0.8 0.1 1.1 5.0 6.8 2.7 4.6 5.7 3.3 3.8 -0.1 -0.4 -4.5 -7.6 -17.3 -29.2 -40.7 -57.4 -79.2 Leq,d 15.4 -34.9 -28.9 -24.9 -11.9 -6.9 -12.9 -5.0 -48.0 -4.0 -2.0 -2.0 -0.1 0.9 1.9 5.8 7.6 3.5 5.4 6.5 4.2 4.7 0.9 0.7 -3.2 -6.0 -15.3 -26.5 -37.2 -52.8 -73.3 Leq,d 16.2 -34.2 -28.2 -24.2 -11.2 -6.2 -12.2 -4.2 -47.2 -3.2 -1.2 -1.3 0.7 1.7 2.6 6.6 8.4 4.3 6.2 7.4 5.1 5.6 1.9 1.8 -1.9 -4.5 -13.4 -24.1 -34.1 -48.7 -67.9 Leq,d 17.1 -33.4 -27.4 -23.4 -10.4 -5.4 -11.4 -3.4 -46.4 -2.4 -0.4 -0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 7.4 9.3 5.2 7.1 8.2 6.0 6.5 2.9 2.9 -0.7 -3.0 -11.6 -21.8 -31.1 -44.7 -62.7 Leq,d 11.2 -39.1 -33.1 -29.2 -16.2 -11.2 -17.2 -9.2 -52.2 -8.3 -6.3 -6.3 -4.4 -3.4 -2.5 1.4 3.2 -1.0 0.8 1.9 1.3 1.5 -2.7 -3.7 -8.8 -13.5 -25.5 -40.7 -57.0 -79.9 Leq,d 10.8 -39.1 -33.1 -29.1 -16.1 -11.1 -17.1 -9.1 -52.2 -8.2 -6.2 -6.3 -4.3 -3.4 -2.4 1.5 3.3 -0.9 0.9 2.0 -0.6 -0.3 -4.6 -5.5 -10.5 -15.1 -27.0 -42.0 -58.0 -80.6 Leq,d 11.1 -39.0 -33.0 -29.0 -16.0 -11.0 -17.0 -9.1 -52.1 -8.1 -6.2 -6.2 -4.2 -3.3 -2.4 1.6 3.3 -0.8 1.0 2.0 -0.5 1.0 -3.3 -4.3 -9.5 -14.2 -26.3 -41.4 -57.5 -80.0 Leq,d 10.9 -39.0 -33.0 -29.0 -16.0 -11.0 -17.0 -9.0 -52.0 -8.1 -6.1 -6.1 -4.2 -3.2 -2.3 1.6 3.4 -0.8 1.0 2.1 -0.4 -0.2 -4.4 -5.3 -10.3 -14.8 -26.6 -41.5 -57.3 -79.6 Leq,d 14.2 -35.9 -29.9 -25.9 -12.9 -7.9 -14.0 -6.5 -49.5 -5.6 -4.7 -4.8 -2.8 -0.9 0.0 3.9 6.4 2.3 4.1 5.8 4.4 4.5 0.1 -1.0 -6.2 -11.0 -23.0 -38.1 -54.1 -76.6 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 6 City of Fontana Noise Contribution spectra - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 23 Time slice Sum dB(A) 25Hz dB(A) 31.5Hz dB(A) 40Hz dB(A) 50Hz dB(A) 63Hz dB(A) 80Hz dB(A) 100Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 160Hz dB(A) 200Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 315Hz dB(A) 400Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 630Hz dB(A) 800Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 1.25kHz dB(A) 1.6kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 2.5kHz dB(A) 3.15kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 5kHz dB(A) 6.3kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 10kHz dB(A) 12.5kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) 20kHz dB(A) Leq,d 15.0 -36.0 -30.0 -26.0 -13.0 -8.0 -14.0 -6.0 -49.0 -5.0 -3.1 -3.1 -1.1 -0.2 0.8 4.8 6.6 2.5 4.3 7.2 4.8 5.2 1.3 0.8 -3.4 -6.8 -16.8 -29.0 -41.0 -58.2 -80.5 Leq,d 19.5 -31.1 -25.2 -21.2 -8.2 -3.2 -9.2 -1.2 -44.2 -0.2 1.8 1.8 3.7 4.7 5.7 9.7 11.5 7.5 9.4 10.6 8.3 9.0 5.5 5.7 2.5 0.7 -7.1 -16.2 -23.8 -35.3 -50.7 Leq,d 17.6 -32.9 -26.9 -22.9 -9.9 -4.9 -10.9 -2.9 -46.0 -2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.9 3.9 7.9 9.7 5.6 7.5 8.7 6.4 7.0 3.3 3.4 -0.1 -2.4 -10.9 -20.9 -29.8 -43.1 -60.6 Leq,d 18.0 -33.4 -27.5 -23.5 -10.5 -5.5 -11.5 -3.5 -46.5 -2.5 -0.5 -0.6 1.4 2.4 3.4 7.3 9.2 5.1 8.9 10.0 7.8 8.3 4.7 4.6 1.0 -1.5 -10.2 -20.5 -30.0 -44.0 -62.3 Leq,d 31.4 -23.7 -17.5 -13.3 0.1 5.5 0.2 9.4 -32.4 11.5 12.3 12.3 14.3 16.2 17.2 21.2 23.3 19.3 21.3 22.4 20.3 21.2 17.9 18.6 16.0 15.2 8.9 2.1 -2.5 -9.9 -20.2 Leq,d 28.9 -25.6 -19.6 -15.6 -2.6 2.5 -3.5 4.6 -38.4 5.7 7.7 7.8 10.0 11.2 12.4 16.8 19.3 16.0 19.1 21.1 18.9 19.8 16.5 17.1 14.5 13.5 7.0 -0.1 -5.1 -13.1 -24.0 Leq,d 20.2 -30.5 -24.5 -20.5 -7.5 -2.5 -8.5 -0.5 -43.5 0.4 2.4 2.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 10.3 12.2 8.2 10.1 11.2 9.1 9.8 6.3 6.6 3.5 1.8 -5.8 -14.5 -21.8 -32.7 -47.4 Leq,d 14.2 -36.7 -30.7 -26.7 -13.7 -8.8 -14.8 -6.8 -49.8 -5.8 -3.8 -3.9 -1.9 -1.0 0.0 4.0 5.7 1.6 3.5 6.5 4.1 4.5 0.6 0.1 -4.3 -7.8 -18.2 -30.9 -43.7 -62.1 -86.1 Leq,d 27.5 -27.4 -21.3 -17.1 -3.8 1.5 -4.0 4.7 -37.2 7.6 8.0 8.0 10.0 12.1 13.1 17.1 19.6 15.6 17.5 18.7 16.5 17.3 14.0 14.4 11.6 10.3 3.4 -4.4 -10.3 -19.4 -31.9 Leq,d 26.7 -28.5 -22.4 -18.4 -5.3 -0.3 -6.2 1.9 -40.9 3.3 5.5 5.8 8.3 10.0 12.0 16.4 19.0 15.0 16.9 18.0 15.9 16.7 13.3 13.7 10.8 9.4 2.4 -5.6 -11.8 -21.3 -34.3 Leq,d 25.9 -29.1 -23.1 -19.1 -6.0 -1.0 -6.9 1.2 -41.7 2.4 4.6 4.9 7.2 8.7 10.4 15.4 18.3 14.3 16.2 17.4 15.2 16.0 12.6 12.9 10.0 8.5 1.3 -6.9 -13.4 -23.4 -36.8 Leq,d 20.9 -29.9 -23.9 -19.9 -6.9 -1.9 -7.9 0.1 -42.9 1.1 3.1 3.1 5.0 6.0 7.0 11.0 12.9 8.9 10.8 11.9 9.8 10.5 7.1 7.4 4.4 2.8 -4.5 -12.9 -19.7 -30.1 -44.1 Leq,d 18.8 -32.0 -26.0 -22.0 -9.0 -4.0 -10.0 -2.0 -45.1 -1.1 0.9 0.9 2.9 3.9 4.9 8.9 10.8 6.7 8.7 9.9 7.7 8.4 5.0 5.2 2.0 0.2 -7.6 -16.6 -24.4 -35.9 -51.0 Leq,d 18.3 -32.7 -26.7 -22.7 -9.7 -4.7 -10.7 -2.7 -45.7 -1.7 0.3 0.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 8.3 10.2 6.2 8.1 9.4 7.2 8.0 4.6 4.9 1.9 0.1 -7.5 -16.2 -23.9 -36.8 -53.9 Leq,d 14.8 -36.4 -30.4 -26.4 -13.4 -8.4 -14.4 -6.4 -49.4 -5.4 -3.5 -3.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.4 4.4 6.2 2.2 4.1 7.0 4.6 5.1 1.2 0.8 -3.3 -6.6 -16.5 -28.4 -39.9 -56.4 -79.4 Leq,d 16.3 -35.1 -29.1 -25.1 -12.1 -7.1 -13.1 -5.1 -48.1 -4.1 -2.1 -2.1 -0.2 0.8 1.8 5.8 7.6 3.5 7.1 8.2 5.9 6.4 2.6 2.3 -1.6 -4.6 -14.0 -25.3 -36.0 -51.5 -71.6 Leq,d 15.7 -35.5 -29.5 -25.5 -12.5 -7.5 -13.5 -5.6 -48.6 -4.6 -2.6 -2.6 -0.7 0.3 1.3 5.2 7.1 3.0 6.6 7.7 5.4 5.8 2.0 1.6 -2.5 -5.6 -15.3 -27.0 -38.3 -54.6 -75.7 Leq,d 19.7 -31.3 -25.3 -21.3 -8.3 -3.3 -9.3 -1.3 -44.4 -0.4 1.6 1.6 3.6 4.6 5.6 9.6 11.6 7.5 9.5 10.8 8.7 9.5 6.1 6.6 3.7 2.2 -5.0 -13.1 -19.5 -31.1 -46.6 Leq,d 25.4 -26.8 -20.8 -16.8 -3.8 1.2 -4.8 3.2 -39.8 4.2 6.2 6.3 8.3 9.3 10.4 14.4 16.5 12.6 14.7 16.1 14.2 15.4 12.7 14.0 12.6 11.9 5.2 -2.2 -7.6 -16.1 -27.8 Leq,d 23.8 -27.9 -21.9 -17.9 -4.9 0.1 -5.9 2.1 -40.9 3.1 5.1 5.1 7.1 8.2 9.2 13.2 15.2 11.3 13.3 14.6 12.7 13.7 10.7 11.7 9.5 9.3 3.5 -4.3 -10.1 -19.3 -31.7 Leq,d 22.9 -28.9 -22.9 -18.9 -5.9 -0.9 -6.9 1.2 -41.8 2.2 4.2 4.2 6.2 7.2 8.3 12.3 14.3 10.4 12.4 13.8 11.8 12.9 9.9 10.9 8.9 8.9 1.9 -6.2 -12.5 -22.3 -35.4 Leq,d 20.4 -30.6 -24.6 -20.6 -7.6 -2.6 -8.6 -0.6 -43.6 0.4 2.4 2.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 10.4 12.3 8.3 10.2 11.4 9.3 10.1 6.8 7.2 4.3 2.8 -4.4 -12.7 -19.3 -29.2 -42.9 Leq,d 21.3 -29.8 -23.8 -19.8 -6.8 -1.8 -7.8 0.2 -42.8 1.2 3.2 3.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 11.2 13.1 9.1 11.1 12.3 10.2 11.0 7.7 8.1 5.3 4.0 -3.0 -11.0 -17.1 -26.5 -39.2 Leq,d 29.0 9.3 10.0 11.3 12.2 13.9 15.0 18.2 17.8 17.7 20.7 21.7 17.6 18.6 17.8 15.5 11.9 8.9 0.2 -11.2 -23.6 -37.6 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 7 City of Fontana Noise Contribution level - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 9 Source Source type Leq,d dB(A) Receiver R1 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 31.1 dB(A) Pickleball Point 25.4 Auto Parking PLot 24.2 Basketball Point 23.6 Basketball Point 19.1 HVAC Point 14.1 HVAC Point 14.1 HVAC Point 13.9 HVAC Point 13.3 HVAC Point 11.8 HVAC Point 11.3 HVAC Point 11.3 HVAC Point 11.0 HVAC Point 10.8 HVAC Point 10.7 HVAC Point 10.6 HVAC Point 10.6 HVAC Point 10.5 HVAC Point 8.6 HVAC Point 8.5 HVAC Point 8.4 HVAC Point 8.3 HVAC Point 8.1 HVAC Point 8.0 HVAC Point 7.9 HVAC Point 7.8 HVAC Point 7.6 HVAC Point 7.5 HVAC Point 7.5 HVAC Point 7.4 HVAC Point 7.2 HVAC Point 7.1 HVAC Point 7.1 HVAC Point 7.0 HVAC Point 7.0 HVAC Point 6.9 HVAC Point 6.8 HVAC Point 6.7 HVAC Point 6.7 HVAC Point 6.6 HVAC Point 6.6 HVAC Point 6.3 HVAC Point 6.0 HVAC Point 5.8 HVAC Point 5.6 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 City of Fontana Noise Contribution level - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 9 Source Source type Leq,d dB(A) HVAC Point 5.4 HVAC Point 5.2 HVAC Point 5.0 Receiver R2 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 49.9 dB(A) Pickleball Point 46.1 Basketball Point 45.5 Auto Parking PLot 40.8 Basketball Point 35.9 HVAC Point 30.5 HVAC Point 29.2 HVAC Point 26.4 HVAC Point 23.2 HVAC Point 22.6 HVAC Point 22.3 HVAC Point 22.1 HVAC Point 21.9 HVAC Point 21.8 HVAC Point 21.8 HVAC Point 21.5 HVAC Point 21.0 HVAC Point 20.9 HVAC Point 20.1 HVAC Point 19.6 HVAC Point 19.4 HVAC Point 18.7 HVAC Point 18.6 HVAC Point 18.1 HVAC Point 17.5 HVAC Point 17.0 HVAC Point 16.6 HVAC Point 16.5 HVAC Point 16.3 HVAC Point 15.9 HVAC Point 15.9 HVAC Point 15.7 HVAC Point 15.4 HVAC Point 14.2 HVAC Point 14.2 HVAC Point 13.9 HVAC Point 13.8 HVAC Point 13.6 HVAC Point 13.4 HVAC Point 13.3 HVAC Point 13.1 HVAC Point 13.0 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 2 City of Fontana Noise Contribution level - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 9 Source Source type Leq,d dB(A) HVAC Point 12.8 HVAC Point 12.7 HVAC Point 12.4 HVAC Point 12.1 HVAC Point 11.8 HVAC Point 11.6 Receiver R3 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 43.8 dB(A) Auto Parking PLot 40.7 Pickleball Point 38.9 Basketball Point 30.8 Basketball Point 28.4 HVAC Point 22.5 HVAC Point 22.2 HVAC Point 22.0 HVAC Point 21.6 HVAC Point 21.3 HVAC Point 21.0 HVAC Point 20.9 HVAC Point 20.3 HVAC Point 20.3 HVAC Point 19.5 HVAC Point 19.5 HVAC Point 18.9 HVAC Point 18.6 HVAC Point 18.4 HVAC Point 18.2 HVAC Point 18.0 HVAC Point 17.7 HVAC Point 17.6 HVAC Point 17.2 HVAC Point 16.8 HVAC Point 16.6 HVAC Point 16.6 HVAC Point 15.0 HVAC Point 15.0 HVAC Point 14.9 HVAC Point 14.7 HVAC Point 14.6 HVAC Point 13.8 HVAC Point 13.7 HVAC Point 13.2 HVAC Point 12.7 HVAC Point 12.7 HVAC Point 12.3 HVAC Point 12.1 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 3 City of Fontana Noise Contribution level - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 9 Source Source type Leq,d dB(A) HVAC Point 12.0 HVAC Point 12.0 HVAC Point 11.6 HVAC Point 11.0 HVAC Point 10.4 HVAC Point 10.2 HVAC Point 9.7 HVAC Point 9.5 HVAC Point 9.4 Receiver R4 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 46.2 dB(A) Auto Parking PLot 44.8 Pickleball Point 33.3 HVAC Point 33.1 Basketball Point 31.1 HVAC Point 30.8 HVAC Point 28.9 Basketball Point 28.1 HVAC Point 27.9 HVAC Point 27.1 HVAC Point 26.8 HVAC Point 24.2 HVAC Point 23.8 HVAC Point 23.3 HVAC Point 22.0 HVAC Point 21.7 HVAC Point 21.1 HVAC Point 20.9 HVAC Point 20.3 HVAC Point 19.6 HVAC Point 19.6 HVAC Point 18.8 HVAC Point 18.8 HVAC Point 18.2 HVAC Point 18.2 HVAC Point 17.5 HVAC Point 16.2 HVAC Point 15.7 HVAC Point 15.5 HVAC Point 15.2 HVAC Point 15.2 HVAC Point 15.1 HVAC Point 14.7 HVAC Point 14.6 HVAC Point 14.5 HVAC Point 14.1 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 4 City of Fontana Noise Contribution level - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 9 Source Source type Leq,d dB(A) HVAC Point 14.1 HVAC Point 13.2 HVAC Point 12.5 HVAC Point 12.0 HVAC Point 11.6 HVAC Point 11.5 HVAC Point 11.5 HVAC Point 11.3 HVAC Point 11.3 HVAC Point 11.2 HVAC Point 11.2 HVAC Point 11.0 Receiver R5 Fl G Lr,lim dB(A) Leq,d 40.5 dB(A) Auto Parking PLot 34.8 HVAC Point 31.4 Basketball Point 30.9 Pickleball Point 29.0 HVAC Point 28.9 HVAC Point 27.5 HVAC Point 26.7 Basketball Point 26.1 HVAC Point 25.9 HVAC Point 25.4 HVAC Point 23.8 HVAC Point 22.9 HVAC Point 21.3 HVAC Point 20.9 HVAC Point 20.4 HVAC Point 20.2 HVAC Point 19.7 HVAC Point 19.5 HVAC Point 18.8 HVAC Point 18.3 HVAC Point 18.0 HVAC Point 17.6 HVAC Point 17.1 HVAC Point 16.3 HVAC Point 16.2 HVAC Point 15.7 HVAC Point 15.6 HVAC Point 15.4 HVAC Point 15.0 HVAC Point 14.8 HVAC Point 14.7 HVAC Point 14.6 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 5 City of Fontana Noise Contribution level - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 9 Source Source type Leq,d dB(A) HVAC Point 14.3 HVAC Point 14.2 HVAC Point 14.2 HVAC Point 11.5 HVAC Point 11.3 HVAC Point 11.2 HVAC Point 11.1 HVAC Point 11.1 HVAC Point 11.0 HVAC Point 10.9 HVAC Point 10.8 HVAC Point 10.8 HVAC Point 10.4 HVAC Point 10.1 HVAC Point 9.8 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 6 City of Fontana Noise Octave spectra of the sources in dB(A) - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 3 Name Source type l or A m,m² L'w dB(A) Lw dB(A) KI dB KT dB DO-Wall dB Time histogram Emission spectrum 63Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) Auto Parking PLot 2948.53 54.8 89.5 0.0 0.0 0 1.1 Typical spectrum 72.8 84.4 76.9 81.4 81.5 81.9 79.2 73.0 60.2 Basketball Point 87.0 87.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Street basketball 87.0 Basketball Point 87.0 87.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Street basketball 87.0 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 1 City of Fontana Noise Octave spectra of the sources in dB(A) - 001 - City of Fontana: Outdoor SP 3 Name Source type l or A m,m² L'w dB(A) Lw dB(A) KI dB KT dB DO-Wall dB Time histogram Emission spectrum 63Hz dB(A) 125Hz dB(A) 250Hz dB(A) 500Hz dB(A) 1kHz dB(A) 2kHz dB(A) 4kHz dB(A) 8kHz dB(A) 16kHz dB(A) HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 HVAC Point 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Carrier 50TFQ0006 - 5 Ton 49.2 55.6 60.1 64.4 66.7 66.3 63.3 58.3 46.1 Pickleball Point 93.0 93.0 0.0 0.0 0 100%/24h Tennis court 77.1 82.8 85.9 89.9 84.7 80.9 69.0 SoundPLAN 9.0 MD Acoustics LLC 4960 S. Gilbert Rd Chandler, AZ 85249 Phone: 602 774 1950 2 Appendix D: Construction Noise Modeling Output Construction Phase Equipment Item # of Items Item Lmax at 50 feet, dBA1 Edge of Site to Receptor, feet Center of Site to Receptor, feet Item Usage Percent1 Ground Factor2 Usage Factor Receptor Item Lmax, dBA Recptor. Item Leq, dBA SITE PREP Dozer 2 82 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 79.9 55.5 Tractor 2 84 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 81.9 57.5 Log Sum 81.9 62.7 GRADE Excavator 1 81 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 78.9 54.5 Grader 1 85 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 82.9 58.5 Dozer 1 82 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 79.9 55.5 Tractor 3 84 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 81.9 57.5 82.9 64.9 BUILD Crane 1 81 60 350 16 0.66 0.16 78.9 50.6 Man lift 3 75 60 350 20 0.66 0.20 72.9 45.5 Generator 1 81 60 350 50 0.66 0.50 78.9 55.5 Tractor 3 84 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 81.9 57.5 Welder/Torch 1 74 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 71.9 47.5 81.9 63.7 PAVE Paver 2 77 60 350 50 0.66 0.50 74.9 51.5 Scraper 2 84 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 81.9 57.5 Roller 2 80 60 350 20 0.66 0.20 77.9 50.5 81.9 62.2 ARCH COAT Compressor (air) 1 78 60 350 40 0.66 0.40 75.9 51.5 75.9 51.5 1FHWA Construction Noise Handbook: Table 9.1 RCNM Default Noise Emission Reference Levels and Usage Factors Receptor - Residences to the Southeast Project: Homelessness Prevention Resources & Care Center Date: 6/19/23 Source: Vibratory Roller Scenario: Unmitigated Location: Address: Arrow Boulevard & Tokay Ave, Fontana, CA PPV = PPVref(25/D)^n (in/sec) Equipment = INPUT SECTION IN BLUE Type PPVref = 0.21 Reference PPV (in/sec) at 25 ft. D =100.00 Distance from Equipment to Receiver (ft) n = 1.10 Vibration attenuation rate through the ground PPV =0.046 IN/SEC OUTPUT IN RED DATA OUT RESULTS 1 Vibratory Roller Note: Based on reference equations from Vibration Guidance Manual, California Department of Transportation, 2006, pgs 38-43. VIBRATION LEVEL IMPACT Adjacent residences DATA INPUT