HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix H_Trip Generation and VMT Screening Memorandum TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM To: Gia Kim, Engineering Manager, City of Fontana From: Sabita Tewani, AICP, PTP, Transportation Planner, Dudek Subject: Trip Generation and Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) Screening Analysis for the 11700 Industry Avenue Warehouse, City of Fontana Date: January 18, 2023 cc: Patrick Cruz, Dudek Christine Fukasawa, Dudek Attachments: Figure 1 A Traffic Scoping Form B Site Plan The following technical memorandum provides a trip generation and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) screening analysis of the proposed 11700 Industry Avenue Warehouse (project) in the City of Fontana (City). The project site is located in Jurupa South Industrial District of the Southwest Industrial Park (SWIP) Specific Plan area. This analysis was conducted to determine the trip generation and VMT estimates of the proposed project and determine whether the proposed project would be consistent with the SWIP Program Environmental Impact Report (City of Fontana 2011). This analysis has been prepared consistent with the trip generation methodology from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE 2021) and VMT estimation methodology per the City of Fontana (City of Fontana 2020). Per Senate Bill 743, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research was directed to amend the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines to provide an alternative to level of service (LOS) for evaluating transportation impacts. CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.3(b) focuses on specific criteria (VMT) for determining the significance of transportation impacts. Under the new transportation guidelines, LOS, or vehicle delay, does not constitute an environmental impact. VMT has been adopted as the most appropriate measure of transportation impacts under CEQA. The City has adopted the use of the VMT metric and has significance criteria for transportation impacts related to VMT. Additionally, the City still requires LOS analysis for General Plan consistency requirements. The following analysis has been prepared consistent with the City’s Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled and Level of Service Assessment (City of Fontana 2020), which provides guidance on the requirements to evaluate transportation impacts for projects. This analysis was conducted to determine the trip generation estimates and VMT screening analysis of the proposed project, and to determine whether a detailed transportation analysis (LOS and/or VMT) would be required for the proposed project. Transportation Technical Memorandum Subject:Trip Generation and Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) Screening Analysis for the 11700 Industry Avenue Warehouse, City of Fontana 15031 2 JANUARY 2023 As shown in the screening analysis below, the proposed project would not require a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) or further VMT analysis. The City’s scoping agreement form to support the LOS screening is attached to this memorandum (Attachment A). 1 Project Description The project would include construction of a warehouse building of approximately 124,000 square feet (inclusive of 5,000 square feet of office spaces and 5,000 square feet of mezzanine) located at 11700 Industry Avenue in the City. Figure 1 illustrates the project’s location. The project site is approximately 6.00 acres and contains an existing industrial use building of approximately 108,000 square feet. The proposed project would replace existing industrial use that is currently operational on the project site. The City General Plan Land Use Map designates the project site as General Industrial (I-G) (City of Fontana 2021a), and the City’s Zoning Map shows the site as being zoned as the SWIP Specific Plan (SP) zone (City of Fontana 2021b) (within the SWIP SP area, the project site is located in the Jurupa South Industrial District). Regional access to the project site is available from Interstate 10 via Cherry Avenue and from State Route 60 via Etiwanda Avenue. Additional regional access to the project site is available from Interstate 15 to the west and Interstate 15 to the east. Local access roadways to the project include Etiwanda Avenue, Marlay Avenue and Industry Avenue. The proposed project would be accessed via two full-access driveways on Industry Avenue. The north driveway would be a 35-foot-wide passenger vehicle driveway along Industry Avenue providing fire access and access to the parking lots and the south driveway would be a 40-foot-wide truck driveway providing access to the proposed vehicle parking lot and truck court. Vehicle parking for employees would be located in a parking lot along the east and south side of the project site. The site plan of the proposed project includes the detailed parking summary and is included as Attachment B. 2 Trip Generation 2.1 Proposed Project Trip Generation Table 1 provides a summary of trip generation estimates for the project based on ITE’s Trip Generation, 11th Edition, for Warehousing use (ITE Code 150). Additionally, per the City’s direction on a similar project, the warehouse (non- cold storage buildings) truck fleet mix from the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) Warehouse Truck Trip Study Data Results and Usage (SCAQMD 2014a) was used to estimate project-related truck traffic. Based on the SCAQMD data, passenger cars would account for 69% trips of the total trips generated by a warehouse facility, and truck trips would account for approximately 31% of the total trips. The total percentage of truck trips were further divided by 2-axle, 3-axle, and 4+ axle trucks per the SCAQMD study. These truck trips generated by the project were then converted to PCE trips by using the recommended PCE factors. PCE factors consistent with the City’s TIA guidelines were used to estimate the total PCE trips for the project. Transportation Technical Memorandum Subject:Trip Generation and Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) Screening Analysis for the 11700 Industry Avenue Warehouse, City of Fontana 15031 3 JANUARY 2023 Table 1. Project Trip Generation Summary Land Use Daily Trip Rate/Unit AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Trip Rates and Trip Generation Warehousing1 (ITE Code 150) 1.71/TSF 0.13 0.04 0.17 0.05 0.13 0.18 Land Use Units Daily In Out Total In Out Total Proposed 124.000 TSF 212 16 5 21 6 16 22 Land Use Vehicle Classification (Percent) Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Net New Trip Generation Vehicle Mix2 and Non PCE Trips (124.000 TSF) Passenger Cars (69.0%) 146 11 4 15 4 11 15 2-axle Trucks (6.8%) 14 1 0 1 0 1 1 3-axle Trucks (5.5%) 12 1 0 1 0 1 1 4+axle Trucks (18.7%) 40 3 1 4 2 3 5 Non PCE Trips 212 16 5 21 6 16 22 Passenger-Car Equivalence (PCE) PCE Factors3 and PCE Trips (124.000 TSF) Passenger Cars (1.0 PCE) 146 11 4 15 4 11 15 2-axle Trucks (2.0 PCE) 29 2 0 2 0 2 2 3-axle Trucks (2.5 PCE) 29 3 0 3 0 3 3 4+axle Trucks (3.0 PCE) 119 9 3 12 6 10 16 Total PCE Trips 323 25 7 32 10 26 36 Notes: TSF = thousand square feet, PCE = passenger car equivalent Some of the totals may not match exactly due to rounding. 1 Trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation, 11th Edition, 2021. Land Use Code 150 – Warehousing. 2 Vehicle Mix from the SCAQMD 2014b. 3 Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) factors are assumed to be 1.0 for passenger vehicles, 2.0 for 2-axle trucks, 2.5 for 3-axle trucks, and 3.0 for 4-axle trucks per City of Fontana TIA Guidelines (October 2020). As shown in Table 1, the proposed project would generate approximately 212 daily trips, with 21 trips (16 inbound and 5 outbound) in the AM peak hour, and 22 trips (6 inbound and 16 outbound) in the PM peak hour. Adjusting for PCE, the trip generation is approximately 323 daily PCE trips, 32 AM PCE peak hour trips (25 inbound and 7 outbound) and 36 PM PCE peak hour trips (10 inbound and 26 outbound). 2.2 Existing Use Trip Generation The project site is approximately 6.00 acres and contains light industrial use. Table 2 summarizes the total daily and peak-hour trip generation for the existing site, using the passenger car and truck splits for light industrial use from the Fontana Truck Trip Generation Study, August 2003. As shown on Table 2, the existing uses generate 530 daily trips, with 80 trips during the AM peak hour and 71 trips during the PM peak Transportation Technical Memorandum Subject:Trip Generation and Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) Screening Analysis for the 11700 Industry Avenue Warehouse, City of Fontana 15031 4 JANUARY 2023 hour. Applying the passenger car equivalency (PCE) factors to convert the truck trips, the existing uses generate 704 daily trips, with 104 trips during the AM peak hour and 94 trips during the PM peak hour. Table 2. Existing Use Trip Generation Summary Land Use Daily Trip Rate/Unit AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Trip Rates and Trip Generation Light Industrial1 (ITE Code 110) 4.87/TSF 0.65 0.09 0.74 0.09 0.56 0.65 Land Use Units Daily In Out Total In Out Total Proposed 108.750 TSF 530 72 8 80 9 62 71 Land Use Vehicle Classification (Percent) Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Net New Trip Generation Vehicle Mix2 and Non PCE Trips (108.750 TSF) Passenger Vehicles (78.6%) 187 14 5 19 5 15 20 2-axle Trucks (8.0%) 42 6 0 6 0 5 5 3-axle Trucks (3.9%) 21 3 0 3 0 3 3 4+axle Trucks (9.5%) 50 7 0 7 1 6 7 Non PCE Trips 530 72 8 80 9 62 71 Passenger-Car Equivalence (PCE) PCE Factors3 and PCE Trips (108.750 TSF) Passenger Cars (1.0 PCE) 416 56 8 64 8 48 56 2-axle Trucks (2.0 PCE) 85 12 0 12 0 10 10 3-axle Trucks (2.5 PCE) 52 7 0 7 0 8 8 4+axle Trucks (3.0 PCE) 151 21 0 21 3 17 20 Total PCE Trips 704 96 8 104 11 83 94 Notes: TSF = thousand square feet, PCE = passenger car equivalent Some of the totals may not match exactly due to rounding. 1 Trip rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation, 11th Edition, 2021. Land Use Code 110 – Light Industrial. 2 Vehicle Mix and Percent from Fontana Truck Trip Generation Study, August, 2003 3 Passenger Car Equivalent (PCE) factors are assumed to be 1.0 for passenger vehicles, 2.0 for 2-axle trucks, 2.5 for 3-axle trucks, and 3.0 for 4-axle trucks per City of Fontana TIA Guidelines (October 2020). 2.3 Net New Project Trip Generation The existing uses on the project site would be replaced by the proposed project; therefore, the trip generation was estimated by subtracting the trips generated by the existing use from the proposed project trip generation. Because the existing uses are currently operational, an existing use trip credit can be applied to estimate the project’s net new trip generation (Table 3). Transportation Technical Memorandum Subject:Trip Generation and Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) Screening Analysis for the 11700 Industry Avenue Warehouse, City of Fontana 15031 5 JANUARY 2023 Table 3: Net New Trip Generation Summary Land Use Daily Trips AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Proposed Project Trip Generation Passenger Cars 146 11 4 15 4 11 15 Trucks 66 5 1 6 2 5 7 Total Non PCE Trips 212 16 5 21 6 16 22 Trucks (PCE) 177 14 3 17 6 15 21 Total Trips (PCE) 323 25 7 32 10 26 36 Existing Trip Generation Passenger Cars 416 56 8 64 8 48 156 Trucks 113 16 0 16 1 14 15 Total Non PCE Trips 530 72 8 80 9 62 71 Trucks (PCE) 287 40 0 40 3 35 38 Total Trips (PCE) 704 96 8 104 11 83 94 Net New Trip Generation (Proposed – Existing) Net New Passenger Cars -270 -45 -4 -49 -3 -37 -40 Net New Trucks -48 -11 1 -10 1 -9 -8 Net New Non PCE Trips -318 -56 -3 -59 -3 -45 -48 Net New Trucks (PCE) -110 -26 3 -23 3 -20 -17 Net New Trips (PCE) -381 -71 -1 -72 -1 -57 -58 Notes: PCE = passenger car equivalent; Some of the totals may not match exactly due to rounding. As shown in Table 3, the proposed project would generate approximately 318 fewer daily trips, with 59 fewer trips in the AM peak hour, and 48 fewer trips in the PM peak hour. Adjusting for PCE, the trip generation is approximately 381 fewer daily PCE trips, 72 fewer AM PCE peak hour trips and 58 fewer PM PCE peak hour trips. 3 LOS Screening Analysis Per City’s TIA Guidelines (October 2020), the proposed project would not generate 50 or more AM or PM peak-hour trips; therefore, it would not warrant a traffic analysis. Therefore, the proposed project would not require a quantitative LOS analysis. Attachment B includes the City’s Traffic Scoping Form to support exemption from LOS analysis and preparation of a TIA report. 4 VMT Screening Analysis The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research prepared a comprehensive update to the CEQA Guidelines in 2017 that was approved by the California Natural Resources Agency in December 2018, requiring that lead agencies use VMT for analyzing transportation impacts (OPR 2018). CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.3 states that “generally, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is the most appropriate measure of transportation impacts,” and define VMT as “the amount and distance of automobile travel attributable to a project.” Note that “automobile” refers to on-road passenger vehicles, specifically cars and light trucks. Heavy-duty truck VMT does not need to be included in the Transportation Technical Memorandum Subject:Trip Generation and Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) Screening Analysis for the 11700 Industry Avenue Warehouse, City of Fontana 15031 6 JANUARY 2023 analysis, per Senate Bill 743 requirements. Other relevant considerations may include the effects of the project on transit and non-motorized traveled. Per City of Fontana’s TIA Guidelines (City of Fontana 2020), if a project generates fewer than 500 net daily trips (non-PCE), it is deemed to not cause a substantial increase in the total citywide or regional VMT, and is therefore presumed to have a less-than-significant impact on VMT. Substantial evidence in support of the 500 daily trip threshold is documented in Appendix B, City of Fontana Senate Bill 743 Small Project Testing, of the City guidelines (City of Fontana 2020). As noted in Table 3, the proposed project would generate 212 daily trips. By applying existing use credit of 530 daily trips, the proposed project would result in 318 fewer non-PCE daily trips. Therefore, the proposed project would not exceed the City’s 500 ADT screening threshold. Therefore, the project would result in a less-than-significant impact for VMT; no further VMT analysis would be required. 5 Conclusions Based on the trip generation analysis above and adjusting for PCE, the proposed project would generate fewer than 50 net new AM or PM peak-hour trips (see Table 3). Adjusting for PCE, and without using existing trip credit, the project would generate approximately 32 new AM PCE peak-hour trips (25 inbound and 7 outbound) and 36 PM PCE peak-hour trips (10 inbound and 26 outbound). Using existing trip credit, the project would generate 72 fewer AM PCE peak hour trips and 58 fewer PM PCE peak hour trips. Per the City’s TIA guidelines and project trip generation estimates, the proposed project would not be required to prepare an LOS analysis. Based on the trip generation analysis above, the project would not generate 500 new daily trips. The proposed project would be screened out from conducting further VMT analysis and is presumed to have a less-than-significant VMT impact. Thus, the project would not require any mitigation. 6 References City of Fontana. 2011. Southwest Industrial Park (SWIP) Specific Plan Update and Annexation Public Review Draft Program Environmental Impact Report. Department of Community Development – Planning Division. October 2011. https://www.fontana.org/DocumentCenter/View/36382/SWIP-Public-Review-Draft-Program-EIR. City of Fontana. 2020. Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Level Of Service Assessment. Traffic Engineering Division. October 21, 2020. https://www.fontana.org/ DocumentCenter/View/35928/TIA-Guidelines---VMT-Assessment. City of Fontana. 2021a. “City of Fontana General Plan Land Use Map.” March 2, 2021. https://www.fontana.org/ DocumentCenter/View/28163/General-Plan-Land-Use-Map-3-2-2021?bidId=. City of Fontana. 2021b. “City of Fontana Zoning District Map.” March 2, 2021. https://www.fontana.org/ DocumentCenter/View/30623/Zoning-District-Map-3-2-21?bidId=. ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers). 2021. Trip Generation Manual. 11th ed. Transportation Technical Memorandum Subject:Trip Generation and Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) Screening Analysis for the 11700 Industry Avenue Warehouse, City of Fontana 15031 7 JANUARY 2023 OPR (California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research). 2018. Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Impacts in CEQA. December 2018. Accessed May 2020. http://opr.ca.gov/ docs/20190122-743_Technical_Advisory.pdf. SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District). 2014a. Warehouse Truck Trip Study Data Results and Usage. Inland Empire Logistics Council. June 2014. https://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/ high-cube-warehouse-trip-rate-study-for-air-quality-analysis/final-ielc_6-19-2014.pdf?sfvrsn=2. SCAQMD. 2014b. Warehouse Truck Trip Study Data Results and Usage, Back Up Slides. Stakeholder Working Group. July 17, 2014 http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/ high-cube-warehouse-trip-rate-study-for-air-quality-analysis/finalswg071714backup.pdf. Da t e : 1 / 1 8 / 2 0 2 3 - L a s t s a v e d b y : j g r e e n s t e i n - P a t h : Z : \ P r o j e c t s \ j 1 5 0 3 1 0 1 \ M A P D O C \ D O C U M E N T \ T r a n s p o r t a t i o n \ F i g u r e 1 _ P r o j e c t L o c ati o n . m x d Project Location 11700 Industry Ave. Warehouse SOURCE: Bing Maps 2022; County of San Bernardino 2022 01,000500Feet FIGURE 1 Project Site Anaheim Azusa Baldwin Park Beaumont Bradbury BuenaPark Calimesa Canyon Lake Chino ChinoHills Claremont Colton Corona Covina Diamond Bar Duarte Eastvale Fontana Fountain Valley Glendora Grand Terrace Hemet Hesperia Highland Industry Irvine Jurupa Valley La Habra La Habra Heights La Mirada La Puente La Verne Lake Elsinore Loma Linda Menifee Monrovia Montclair MorenoValleyNorco Ontario Orange Perris Placentia Pomona Redlands Rialto Riverside San BernardinoSan Dimas Stanton Tustin Upland Walnut YorbaLinda Yucaipa Orange County Riverside County Los Angeles County 18 57 60 259 91 39 189 142 206 74 38 55 22 241 71 90 330 83 2 173138 60 66 5 15 215 605 15 10 210 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Project Site Attachment A Traffic Scoping Form Traffic Impact Analysis -14-Al 2008 Preparation Guide Exhibit A SCOPING AGREEMENT FOR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY This letter acknowledges the Riverside County Transportation Department requirements for traffic impact analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the Riverside County Transportation Department Traffic Study Guidelines dated February 2005. Case No. (i.e. TR, PM, CUP, PP) Related Cases - SP No. Provide SP No. and list of other approved or active projects within the SP. EIR No. GPA No. CZ No. Project Name: Project Address: Project Description: Consultant Developer Name: Address: Telephone: Fax: A. Trip Generation Source: (ITE 7th Current GP Land Use Proposed Land Use Current Zoning Proposed Zoning Current Trip Generation Proposed Trip Generation In TotalOut In TotalOut AM Trips PM Trips Internal Trip Allowance Yes (No % Trip Discount) Pass-By Trip Allowance Yes No (% Trip Discount) A pass-by trip discount is allowed for appropriate land uses per ITE trip generation handbook 3rd edition. The pass-by trips at adjacent study area intersections and project driveways shall be indicated on a report figure. (Attach table for detailed trip generation) B.Trip Geographic Distribution:W %E %S %N % (attach exhibit for detailed assignment) C. Background Traffic Project Opening & Future Build-Out Year: Phase Year(s) _________________ Annual Ambient Growth Rate: % Other area projects to be analyzed: Model/Forecast methodology October 2020 Traffic Impact Analysis -5-October 2019 Preparation Guide Exhibit B – Scoping Agreement – Page 2 D. Study intersections: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation and distribution are determined, or comments from other agencies.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Study Roadway Segments: (NOTE: Subject to revision after other projects, trip generation anddistribution are determined, or comments from other agencies.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Other Jurisdictional Impacts Is this project within a City’s Sphere of Influence or one-mile radius of City boundaries? Yes No If so, name of City Jurisdiction: F. Site Plan (please attach reduced copy) G. Specific issues to be addressed in the Study (in addition to the standard analysis described in the Guideline) (To be filled out by Transportation Department) (NOTE: If the traffic study states that “a traffic signal is warranted” (or “a traffic signal appears to be warranted,” orsimilar statement) at an existing unsignalized intersection under existing conditions, 8-hour approach traffic volume information must be submitted in addition to the peak hourly turning movement counts for that intersection.) H. Existing Conditions Traffic count data must be new or recent. Provide traffic count dates if using other than new counts. Date of counts______________________________________________________________________ *NOTE* Traffic Study Submittal Form and appropriate fee must be submitted with, or prior to submittal of this form. Transportation Department staff will not process the Scoping Agreement prior to receipt of the fee. Recommended by: ______________________________ _________ Consultant’s Representative Date Scoping Agreement Submitted on _____________ Revised on ___________________ Approved Scoping Agreement: _________________________ ________ Riverside Count 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Attachment B Site Plan · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·