HomeMy WebLinkAboutAir Quality and Green Gas Evaluation DATE: February 28, 2023 TO: Tracy Zinn, T&B Planning, Inc. FROM: Haseeb Qureshi, Urban Crossroads, Inc. JOB NO: 15283-02 AQ & GHG ALDER AND MERRILL AIR QUALITY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EVALUATION Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to provide the following Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Evaluation for the Alder and Merrill (Project), which is located north of Merrill Avenue, between Alder Avenue and Laurel Avenue in the City of Fontana. PROJECT OVERVIEW The Project consists of a proposed General Plan Amendment (GPA) and a Zone Change (ZC) for a 6.4-acre property that is located in the City of Fontana north of Merrill Avenue, between Alder Avenue and Laurel Avenue, and south of Citron Avenue. The GPA would change the General Plan land use designation of the Project site from Single Family Residential (R-SF) to Multifamily Medium High-Density Residential (R-MFMH) and the zoning of the Project site from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multifamily Medium/High Density Residential (R-4). The existing General Plan land use and zoning are shown on Exhibit 1 and the proposed GPA and ZC are shown on Exhibit 2. The increased unit count allowance would increase from a maximum of 32 residential units (6.4 acres x 5.0 units/acre = 32 units) to 249 residential units (6.4 acres x 39 units/acre = 249 units), for a net increase of 217 units assuming maximum development potential under the existing and proposed designations. No development project is currently proposed, and no physical disturbance of the Project site is currently proposed. Only the proposed change to the underlying land use has been evaluated as part of this assessment. Tracy Zinn, T&B Planning, Inc. February 28, 2023 Page 2 of 4 15283-02 AQ & GHG AQ & GHG EXHIBIT 1: EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE AND ZONING EXHIBIT 2: PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONE AIR QUALITY EMISSIONS In May 2022, the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) in conjunction with other California air districts, including SCAQMD, released the latest version of the CalEEMod Version 2022.1. The purpose of this model is to calculate construction-source and operational- source criteria pollutant (VOCs, NOX, SOX, CO, PM10, and PM2.5) and GHG emissions from direct and indirect sources; and quantify applicable air quality and GHG reductions achieved from mitigation measures (1). Accordingly, the latest version of CalEEMod has been used for this Project to determine construction and operational air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. Tracy Zinn, T&B Planning, Inc. February 28, 2023 Page 3 of 4 15283-02 AQ & GHG AQ & GHG EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE/ZONING The existing General Plan land use designation of the Project site is R-SF and the zoning is R-1 which allows for a maximum development 32 residential units (6.4 acres x 5.0 units/acre = 32 units). The estimated operation-source emissions associated with the existing General Plan land use designation are summarized on Table 1. Detailed operation model outputs are presented in Attachment A. TABLE 1: AIR QUALITY EMISSIONS FOR EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE Land Use Emissions (lbs/day) VOC NOX CO SOX PM10 PM2.5 Single Family Detached Housing 2.88 1.77 10.95 0.02 0.70 0.18 PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE/ZONING The GPA would change the General Plan land use designation of the Project site to R-MFMH and the zoning of the Project site R-4, which allows for a maximum of 249 residential units (6.4 acres x 39 units/acre = 249 units). The net increase is 217 units assuming maximum development potential under the existing (32 units) and proposed (249 units) designations. The estimated operation-source emissions associated with the proposed General Plan Land Use are summarized on Table 2. Detailed operation model outputs are presented in Attachment B. TABLE 2: AIR QUALITY EMISSIONS FOR PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE Land Use Emissions (lbs/day) VOC NOX CO SOX PM10 PM2.5 Multifamily (Mid-Rise) Residential 11.68 8.30 49.10 0.09 2.75 0.83 AIR QUALITY EMISSIONS COMPARISON Table 3 shows the emissions comparison between the proposed and existing General Plan Land Use/Zoning. The resulting net emissions are identified on Table 3. TABLE 3: NET AIR QUALITY EMISSIONS (PROPOSED – EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE) Land Use Emissions (lbs/day) VOC NOX CO SOX PM10 PM2.5 Current General Plan (R-SF): Single Family 2.88 1.77 10.95 0.02 0.70 0.18 Proposed General Plan (R-MFMH): Multifamily 11.68 8.30 49.10 0.09 2.75 0.83 Net Emissions (Proposed – Existing) 8.80 6.53 38.15 0.07 2.05 0.65 Tracy Zinn, T&B Planning, Inc. February 28, 2023 Page 4 of 4 15283-02 AQ & GHG AQ & GHG GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE/ZONING The existing General Plan land use designation of the Project site is R-SF and the zoning is R-1 which allows for a maximum development of 32 residential units (6.4 acres x 5.0 units/acre = 32 units. The estimated GHG emissions for the existing General Plan use are summarized on Table 4. The estimated GHG emission include emissions from Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N20), and Refrigerants (R). As shown on Table 4, the existing General Plan Land Use would generate a total of approximately 426.65 MTCO2e/yr. TABLE 4: GHG EMISSIONS FOR EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE Land Use Emissions (MT/yr) Total CO2E Single Family Detached Housing 426.65 PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE/ZONING The GPA would change the General Plan land use designation of the Project site to R-MFMH and the zoning of the Project site R-4, which allows for a maximum of 249 residential units (6.4 acres x 39 units/acre = 249 units). The net increase is 217 units assuming maximum development potential under the existing (32 units) and proposed (249 units) designations. The estimated GHG emissions for the proposed General Plan Land Use are summarized on Table 5 and as shown, the proposed General Plan Land Use would generate a total of approximately 1,600.18 MTCO2e/yr. TABLE 5: GHG EMISSIONS FOR PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE Land Use Emissions (MT/yr) Total CO2E Multifamily (Mid-Rise) Residential 1,600.18 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS COMPARISON Table 6 shows the GHG emissions comparison between the proposed and existing General Plan Land Use/Zoning. The resulting net GHG emissions are identified on Table 6 and as shown, the proposed General Plan Land Use would generate a net increase of approximately 1,173.53 MTCO2e/yr, as compared to the existing General Plan Land Use. TABLE 6: NET GHG EMISSIONS (PROPOSED – EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE) Land Use Emissions (MT/yr) Total CO2E Current General Plan (R-SF): Single Family 426.65 Proposed General Plan (R-MFMH): Multifamily 1,600.18 Net Emissions (Proposed – Existing) 1,173.53 15283-02 AQ & GHG AQ & GHG REFERENCES 1. California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA). California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod). [Online] May 2022. www.caleemod.com. 15283-02 AQ & GHG AQ & GHG ATTACHMENT A CALEEMOD EXISTING GENERAL PLAN EMISSIONS MODEL OUTPUTS 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 1 / 29 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report Table of Contents 1. Basic Project Information 1.1. Basic Project Information 1.2. Land Use Types 1.3. User-Selected Emission Reduction Measures by Emissions Sector 2. Emissions Summary 2.4. Operations Emissions Compared Against Thresholds 2.5. Operations Emissions by Sector, Unmitigated 4. Operations Emissions Details 4.1. Mobile Emissions by Land Use 4.1.1. Unmitigated 4.2. Energy 4.2.1. Electricity Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated 4.2.3. Natural Gas Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated 4.3. Area Emissions by Source 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 2 / 29 4.3.2. Unmitigated 4.4. Water Emissions by Land Use 4.4.2. Unmitigated 4.5. Waste Emissions by Land Use 4.5.2. Unmitigated 4.6. Refrigerant Emissions by Land Use 4.6.1. Unmitigated 4.7. Offroad Emissions By Equipment Type 4.7.1. Unmitigated 4.8. Stationary Emissions By Equipment Type 4.8.1. Unmitigated 4.9. User Defined Emissions By Equipment Type 4.9.1. Unmitigated 4.10. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type 4.10.1. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type - Unmitigated 4.10.2. Above and Belowground Carbon Accumulation by Land Use Type - Unmitigated 4.10.3. Avoided and Sequestered Emissions by Species - Unmitigated 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 3 / 29 5. Activity Data 5.9. Operational Mobile Sources 5.9.1. Unmitigated 5.10. Operational Area Sources 5.10.1. Hearths Unmitigated 5.10.2. Architectural Coatings 5.10.3. Landscape Equipment 5.11. Operational Energy Consumption 5.11.1. Unmitigated 5.12. Operational Water and Wastewater Consumption 5.12.1. Unmitigated 5.13. Operational Waste Generation 5.13.1. Unmitigated 5.14. Operational Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment 5.14.1. Unmitigated 5.15. Operational Off-Road Equipment 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 4 / 29 5.15.1. Unmitigated 5.16. Stationary Sources 5.16.1. Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps 5.16.2. Process Boilers 5.17. User Defined 5.18. Vegetation 5.18.1. Land Use Change Unmitigated 5.18.1. Biomass Cover Type Unmitigated 5.18.2. Sequestration Unmitigated 6. Climate Risk Detailed Report 6.1. Climate Risk Summary 6.2. Initial Climate Risk Scores 6.3. Adjusted Climate Risk Scores 6.4. Climate Risk Reduction Measures 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 5 / 29 7. Health and Equity Details 7.1. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Scores 7.2. Healthy Places Index Scores 7.3. Overall Health & Equity Scores 7.4. Health & Equity Measures 7.5. Evaluation Scorecard 7.6. Health & Equity Custom Measures 8. User Changes to Default Data 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 6 / 29 1. Basic Project Information 1.1. Basic Project Information Data Field Value Project Name 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Lead Agency — Land Use Scale Project/site Analysis Level for Defaults County Windspeed (m/s)2.80 Precipitation (days)6.80 Location 34.092737, -117.414887 County San Bernardino-South Coast City Fontana Air District South Coast AQMD Air Basin South Coast TAZ 5327 EDFZ 10 Electric Utility Southern California Edison Gas Utility Southern California Gas 1.2. Land Use Types Land Use Subtype Size Unit Lot Acreage Building Area (sq ft)Landscape Area (sq ft) Special Landscape Area (sq ft) Population Description Single Family Housing 32.0 Dwelling Unit 6.40 62,400 374,811 —106 — 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 7 / 29 1.3. User-Selected Emission Reduction Measures by Emissions Sector No measures selected 2. Emissions Summary 2.4. Operations Emissions Compared Against Thresholds Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Un/Mit.TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Unmit.1.59 2.88 1.71 11.0 0.02 0.07 0.62 0.70 0.07 0.11 0.18 19.2 3,174 3,193 2.10 0.11 8.19 3,286 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Unmit.1.32 2.62 1.77 7.87 0.02 0.07 0.62 0.69 0.07 0.11 0.18 19.2 3,046 3,065 2.11 0.11 0.65 3,151 Average Daily (Max) —————————————————— Unmit.1.36 2.67 1.33 9.04 0.02 0.04 0.61 0.65 0.04 0.11 0.15 19.2 2,469 2,488 2.10 0.11 3.73 2,576 Annual (Max) —————————————————— Unmit.0.25 0.49 0.24 1.65 < 0.005 0.01 0.11 0.12 0.01 0.02 0.03 3.18 409 412 0.35 0.02 0.62 427 2.5. Operations Emissions by Sector, Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Sector TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 8 / 29 Mobile 1.33 1.23 0.97 8.83 0.02 0.01 0.62 0.64 0.01 0.11 0.12 —1,963 1,963 0.11 0.10 7.74 2,002 Area 0.23 1.64 0.50 2.01 < 0.005 0.04 —0.04 0.04 —0.04 0.00 611 611 0.01 < 0.005 —612 Energy 0.03 0.01 0.25 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —553 553 0.05 < 0.005 —556 Water ———————————2.56 46.0 48.5 0.27 0.01 —57.2 Waste ———————————16.7 0.00 16.7 1.67 0.00 —58.4 Refrig.————————————————0.45 0.45 Total 1.59 2.88 1.71 11.0 0.02 0.07 0.62 0.70 0.07 0.11 0.18 19.2 3,174 3,193 2.10 0.11 8.19 3,286 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Mobile 1.23 1.13 1.04 7.56 0.02 0.01 0.62 0.64 0.01 0.11 0.12 —1,840 1,840 0.11 0.10 0.20 1,873 Area 0.06 1.47 0.48 0.20 < 0.005 0.04 —0.04 0.04 —0.04 0.00 606 606 0.01 < 0.005 —607 Energy 0.03 0.01 0.25 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —553 553 0.05 < 0.005 —556 Water ———————————2.56 46.0 48.5 0.27 0.01 —57.2 Waste ———————————16.7 0.00 16.7 1.67 0.00 —58.4 Refrig.————————————————0.45 0.45 Total 1.32 2.62 1.77 7.87 0.02 0.07 0.62 0.69 0.07 0.11 0.18 19.2 3,046 3,065 2.11 0.11 0.65 3,151 Average Daily —————————————————— Mobile 1.20 1.10 1.03 7.68 0.02 0.01 0.61 0.62 0.01 0.11 0.12 —1,824 1,824 0.11 0.10 3.28 1,860 Area 0.12 1.56 0.05 1.25 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 0.00 44.9 44.9 < 0.005 < 0.005 —45.0 Energy 0.03 0.01 0.25 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —553 553 0.05 < 0.005 —556 Water ———————————2.56 46.0 48.5 0.27 0.01 —57.2 Waste ———————————16.7 0.00 16.7 1.67 0.00 —58.4 Refrig.————————————————0.45 0.45 Total 1.36 2.67 1.33 9.04 0.02 0.04 0.61 0.65 0.04 0.11 0.15 19.2 2,469 2,488 2.10 0.11 3.73 2,576 Annual —————————————————— Mobile 0.22 0.20 0.19 1.40 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.11 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 0.02 —302 302 0.02 0.02 0.54 308 Area 0.02 0.28 0.01 0.23 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 0.00 7.43 7.43 < 0.005 < 0.005 —7.45 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 9 / 29 Energy 0.01 < 0.005 0.05 0.02 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —91.6 91.6 0.01 < 0.005 —92.0 Water ———————————0.42 7.61 8.03 0.04 < 0.005 —9.47 Waste ———————————2.76 0.00 2.76 0.28 0.00 —9.66 Refrig.————————————————0.07 0.07 Total 0.25 0.49 0.24 1.65 < 0.005 0.01 0.11 0.12 0.01 0.02 0.03 3.18 409 412 0.35 0.02 0.62 427 4. Operations Emissions Details 4.1. Mobile Emissions by Land Use 4.1.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing 1.33 1.23 0.97 8.83 0.02 0.01 0.62 0.64 0.01 0.11 0.12 —1,963 1,963 0.11 0.10 7.74 2,002 Total 1.33 1.23 0.97 8.83 0.02 0.01 0.62 0.64 0.01 0.11 0.12 —1,963 1,963 0.11 0.10 7.74 2,002 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing 1.23 1.13 1.04 7.56 0.02 0.01 0.62 0.64 0.01 0.11 0.12 —1,840 1,840 0.11 0.10 0.20 1,873 Total 1.23 1.13 1.04 7.56 0.02 0.01 0.62 0.64 0.01 0.11 0.12 —1,840 1,840 0.11 0.10 0.20 1,873 Annual —————————————————— Single Family Housing 0.22 0.20 0.19 1.40 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.11 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 0.02 —302 302 0.02 0.02 0.54 308 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 10 / 29 Total 0.22 0.20 0.19 1.40 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.11 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 0.02 —302 302 0.02 0.02 0.54 308 4.2. Energy 4.2.1. Electricity Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing ————————————233 233 0.02 < 0.005 —234 Total ————————————233 233 0.02 < 0.005 —234 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing ————————————233 233 0.02 < 0.005 —234 Total ————————————233 233 0.02 < 0.005 —234 Annual —————————————————— Single Family Housing ————————————38.5 38.5 < 0.005 < 0.005 —38.7 Total ————————————38.5 38.5 < 0.005 < 0.005 —38.7 4.2.3. Natural Gas Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 11 / 29 Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing 0.03 0.01 0.25 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —321 321 0.03 < 0.005 —322 Total 0.03 0.01 0.25 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —321 321 0.03 < 0.005 —322 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing 0.03 0.01 0.25 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —321 321 0.03 < 0.005 —322 Total 0.03 0.01 0.25 0.11 < 0.005 0.02 —0.02 0.02 —0.02 —321 321 0.03 < 0.005 —322 Annual —————————————————— Single Family Housing 0.01 < 0.005 0.05 0.02 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —53.1 53.1 < 0.005 < 0.005 —53.3 Total 0.01 < 0.005 0.05 0.02 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —53.1 53.1 < 0.005 < 0.005 —53.3 4.3. Area Emissions by Source 4.3.2. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Source TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Hearths 0.06 0.03 0.48 0.20 < 0.005 0.04 —0.04 0.04 —0.04 0.00 606 606 0.01 < 0.005 —607 Consum er Products —1.34 ———————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 12 / 29 ————————————————0.11—Architect ural Landsca pe Equipme nt 0.18 0.17 0.02 1.81 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —4.85 4.85 < 0.005 < 0.005 —4.99 Total 0.23 1.64 0.50 2.01 < 0.005 0.04 —0.04 0.04 —0.04 0.00 611 611 0.01 < 0.005 —612 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Hearths 0.06 0.03 0.48 0.20 < 0.005 0.04 —0.04 0.04 —0.04 0.00 606 606 0.01 < 0.005 —607 Consum er Products —1.34 ———————————————— Architect ural Coatings —0.11 ———————————————— Total 0.06 1.47 0.48 0.20 < 0.005 0.04 —0.04 0.04 —0.04 0.00 606 606 0.01 < 0.005 —607 Annual —————————————————— Hearths < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 0.00 6.88 6.88 < 0.005 < 0.005 —6.88 Consum er Products —0.24 ———————————————— Architect ural Coatings —0.02 ———————————————— Landsca pe Equipme nt 0.02 0.02 < 0.005 0.23 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —0.55 0.55 < 0.005 < 0.005 —0.57 Total 0.02 0.28 0.01 0.23 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 0.00 7.43 7.43 < 0.005 < 0.005 —7.45 4.4. Water Emissions by Land Use 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 13 / 29 4.4.2. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing ———————————2.56 46.0 48.5 0.27 0.01 —57.2 Total ———————————2.56 46.0 48.5 0.27 0.01 —57.2 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing ———————————2.56 46.0 48.5 0.27 0.01 —57.2 Total ———————————2.56 46.0 48.5 0.27 0.01 —57.2 Annual —————————————————— Single Family Housing ———————————0.42 7.61 8.03 0.04 < 0.005 —9.47 Total ———————————0.42 7.61 8.03 0.04 < 0.005 —9.47 4.5. Waste Emissions by Land Use 4.5.2. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 14 / 29 ——————————————————Daily, Summer (Max) Single Family Housing ———————————16.7 0.00 16.7 1.67 0.00 —58.4 Total ———————————16.7 0.00 16.7 1.67 0.00 —58.4 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing ———————————16.7 0.00 16.7 1.67 0.00 —58.4 Total ———————————16.7 0.00 16.7 1.67 0.00 —58.4 Annual —————————————————— Single Family Housing ———————————2.76 0.00 2.76 0.28 0.00 —9.66 Total ———————————2.76 0.00 2.76 0.28 0.00 —9.66 4.6. Refrigerant Emissions by Land Use 4.6.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing ————————————————0.45 0.45 Total ————————————————0.45 0.45 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 15 / 29 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Single Family Housing ————————————————0.45 0.45 Total ————————————————0.45 0.45 Annual —————————————————— Single Family Housing ————————————————0.07 0.07 Total ————————————————0.07 0.07 4.7. Offroad Emissions By Equipment Type 4.7.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Equipme nt Type TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 16 / 29 4.8. Stationary Emissions By Equipment Type 4.8.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Equipme nt Type TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 4.9. User Defined Emissions By Equipment Type 4.9.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Equipme nt Type TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 17 / 29 Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 4.10. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type 4.10.1. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Vegetatio n TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 4.10.2. Above and Belowground Carbon Accumulation by Land Use Type - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 18 / 29 ——————————————————Daily, Winter (Max) Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 4.10.3. Avoided and Sequestered Emissions by Species - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Species TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Avoided —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Sequest ered —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Remove d —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— ——————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Avoided —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Sequest ered —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 19 / 29 ——————————————————Remove d Subtotal —————————————————— ——————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Avoided —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Sequest ered —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Remove d —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— ——————————————————— 5. Activity Data 5.9. Operational Mobile Sources 5.9.1. Unmitigated Land Use Type Trips/Weekday Trips/Saturday Trips/Sunday Trips/Year VMT/Weekday VMT/Saturday VMT/Sunday VMT/Year Single Family Housing 302 303 271 108,641 2,219 2,231 1,996 799,006 5.10. Operational Area Sources 5.10.1. Hearths Unmitigated 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 20 / 29 Hearth Type Unmitigated (number) Single Family Housing — Wood Fireplaces 0 Gas Fireplaces 29 Propane Fireplaces 0 Electric Fireplaces 0 No Fireplaces 3 5.10.2. Architectural Coatings Residential Interior Area Coated (sq ft)Residential Exterior Area Coated (sq ft)Non-Residential Interior Area Coated (sq ft) Non-Residential Exterior Area Coated (sq ft) Parking Area Coated (sq ft) 126360 42,120 0.00 0.00 — 5.10.3. Landscape Equipment Season Unit Value Snow Days day/yr 0.00 Summer Days day/yr 250 5.11. Operational Energy Consumption 5.11.1. Unmitigated Electricity (kWh/yr) and CO2 and CH4 and N2O and Natural Gas (kBTU/yr) Land Use Electricity (kWh/yr)CO2 CH4 N2O Natural Gas (kBTU/yr) Single Family Housing 243,508 349 0.0330 0.0040 1,001,271 5.12. Operational Water and Wastewater Consumption 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 21 / 29 5.12.1. Unmitigated Land Use Indoor Water (gal/year)Outdoor Water (gal/year) Single Family Housing 1,333,798 7,356,722 5.13. Operational Waste Generation 5.13.1. Unmitigated Land Use Waste (ton/year)Cogeneration (kWh/year) Single Family Housing 9.34 0.00 5.14. Operational Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment 5.14.1. Unmitigated Land Use Type Equipment Type Refrigerant GWP Quantity (kg)Operations Leak Rate Service Leak Rate Times Serviced Single Family Housing Average room A/C & Other residential A/C and heat pumps R-410A 2,088 < 0.005 2.50 2.50 10.0 Single Family Housing Household refrigerators and/or freezers R-134a 1,430 0.12 0.60 0.00 1.00 5.15. Operational Off-Road Equipment 5.15.1. Unmitigated Equipment Type Fuel Type Engine Tier Number per Day Hours Per Day Horsepower Load Factor 5.16. Stationary Sources 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 22 / 29 5.16.1. Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps Equipment Type Fuel Type Number per Day Hours per Day Hours per Year Horsepower Load Factor 5.16.2. Process Boilers Equipment Type Fuel Type Number Boiler Rating (MMBtu/hr)Daily Heat Input (MMBtu/day)Annual Heat Input (MMBtu/yr) 5.17. User Defined Equipment Type Fuel Type —— 5.18. Vegetation 5.18.1. Land Use Change Unmitigated Vegetation Land Use Type Vegetation Soil Type Initial Acres Final Acres 5.18.1. Biomass Cover Type Unmitigated Biomass Cover Type Initial Acres Final Acres 5.18.2. Sequestration Unmitigated Tree Type Number Electricity Saved (kWh/year)Natural Gas Saved (btu/year) 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 23 / 29 6. Climate Risk Detailed Report 6.1. Climate Risk Summary Cal-Adapt midcentury 2040–2059 average projections for four hazards are reported below for your project location. These are under Representation Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 which assumes GHG emissions will continue to rise strongly through 2050 and then plateau around 2100. Climate Hazard Result for Project Location Unit Temperature and Extreme Heat 26.4 annual days of extreme heat Extreme Precipitation 4.90 annual days with precipitation above 20 mm Sea Level Rise 0.00 meters of inundation depth Wildfire 0.00 annual hectares burned Temperature and Extreme Heat data are for grid cell in which your project are located. The projection is based on the 98th historical percentile of daily maximum/minimum temperatures from observed historical data (32 climate model ensemble from Cal-Adapt, 2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5). Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi. Extreme Precipitation data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The threshold of 20 mm is equivalent to about ¾ an inch of rain, which would be light to moderate rainfall if received over a full day or heavy rain if received over a period of 2 to 4 hours. Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi. Sea Level Rise data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The projections are from Radke et al. (2017), as reported in Cal-Adapt (2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5), and consider different increments of sea level rise coupled with extreme storm events. Users may select from four model simulations to view the range in potential inundation depth for the grid cell. The four simulations make different assumptions about expected rainfall and temperature are: Warmer/drier (HadGEM2-ES), Cooler/wetter (CNRM-CM5), Average conditions (CanESM2), Range of different rainfall and temperature possibilities (MIROC5). Each grid cell is 50 meters (m) by 50 m, or about 164 feet (ft) by 164 ft. Wildfire data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The projections are from UC Davis, as reported in Cal-Adapt (2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5), and consider historical data of climate, vegetation, population density, and large (> 400 ha) fire history. Users may select from four model simulations to view the range in potential wildfire probabilities for the grid cell. The four simulations make different assumptions about expected rainfall and temperature are: Warmer/drier (HadGEM2-ES), Cooler/wetter (CNRM-CM5), Average conditions (CanESM2), Range of different rainfall and temperature possibilities (MIROC5). Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi. 6.2. Initial Climate Risk Scores Climate Hazard Exposure Score Sensitivity Score Adaptive Capacity Score Vulnerability Score Temperature and Extreme Heat 3 0 0 N/A Extreme Precipitation N/A N/A N/A N/A Sea Level Rise 1 0 0 N/A Wildfire 1 0 0 N/A Flooding N/A N/A N/A N/A Drought N/A N/A N/A N/A 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 24 / 29 Snowpack Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A Air Quality Degradation 0 0 0 N/A The sensitivity score reflects the extent to which a project would be adversely affected by exposure to a climate hazard. Exposure is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest exposure. The adaptive capacity of a project refers to its ability to manage and reduce vulnerabilities from projected climate hazards. Adaptive capacity is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest ability to adapt. The overall vulnerability scores are calculated based on the potential impacts and adaptive capacity assessments for each hazard. Scores do not include implementation of climate risk reduction measures. 6.3. Adjusted Climate Risk Scores Climate Hazard Exposure Score Sensitivity Score Adaptive Capacity Score Vulnerability Score Temperature and Extreme Heat 3 1 1 3 Extreme Precipitation N/A N/A N/A N/A Sea Level Rise 1 1 1 2 Wildfire 1 1 1 2 Flooding N/A N/A N/A N/A Drought N/A N/A N/A N/A Snowpack Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A Air Quality Degradation 1 1 1 2 The sensitivity score reflects the extent to which a project would be adversely affected by exposure to a climate hazard. Exposure is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest exposure. The adaptive capacity of a project refers to its ability to manage and reduce vulnerabilities from projected climate hazards. Adaptive capacity is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest ability to adapt. The overall vulnerability scores are calculated based on the potential impacts and adaptive capacity assessments for each hazard. Scores include implementation of climate risk reduction measures. 6.4. Climate Risk Reduction Measures 7. Health and Equity Details 7.1. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Scores The maximum CalEnviroScreen score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects a higher pollution burden compared to other census tracts in the state. Indicator Result for Project Census Tract 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 25 / 29 Exposure Indicators — AQ-Ozone 97.6 AQ-PM 85.9 AQ-DPM 55.4 Drinking Water 66.7 Lead Risk Housing 75.0 Pesticides 0.00 Toxic Releases 79.3 Traffic 17.2 Effect Indicators — CleanUp Sites 17.1 Groundwater 0.00 Haz Waste Facilities/Generators 1.80 Impaired Water Bodies 0.00 Solid Waste 0.00 Sensitive Population — Asthma 57.3 Cardio-vascular 77.1 Low Birth Weights 58.6 Socioeconomic Factor Indicators — Education 78.0 Housing 66.9 Linguistic 62.2 Poverty 73.4 Unemployment 81.7 7.2. Healthy Places Index Scores 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 26 / 29 The maximum Health Places Index score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects healthier community conditions compared to other census tracts in the state. Indicator Result for Project Census Tract Economic — Above Poverty 24.98395996 Employed 20.67239831 Median HI 39.02219941 Education — Bachelor's or higher 8.520467086 High school enrollment 100 Preschool enrollment 19.70999615 Transportation — Auto Access 91.71050943 Active commuting 9.097908379 Social — 2-parent households 56.40959836 Voting 23.67509303 Neighborhood — Alcohol availability 48.24842808 Park access 16.54048505 Retail density 24.95829591 Supermarket access 33.04247402 Tree canopy 25.06095214 Housing — Homeownership 73.48902862 Housing habitability 24.09854998 Low-inc homeowner severe housing cost burden 34.60798152 Low-inc renter severe housing cost burden 2.720390094 Uncrowded housing 12.65238034 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 27 / 29 Health Outcomes — Insured adults 14.5515206 Arthritis 53.0 Asthma ER Admissions 28.6 High Blood Pressure 63.5 Cancer (excluding skin)77.2 Asthma 23.6 Coronary Heart Disease 47.4 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 31.1 Diagnosed Diabetes 30.7 Life Expectancy at Birth 28.4 Cognitively Disabled 17.4 Physically Disabled 33.4 Heart Attack ER Admissions 13.2 Mental Health Not Good 20.5 Chronic Kidney Disease 35.4 Obesity 19.9 Pedestrian Injuries 19.6 Physical Health Not Good 22.0 Stroke 45.2 Health Risk Behaviors — Binge Drinking 41.7 Current Smoker 25.4 No Leisure Time for Physical Activity 26.0 Climate Change Exposures — Wildfire Risk 0.0 SLR Inundation Area 0.0 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 28 / 29 Children 20.9 Elderly 67.6 English Speaking 47.3 Foreign-born 59.9 Outdoor Workers 21.3 Climate Change Adaptive Capacity — Impervious Surface Cover 63.2 Traffic Density 30.5 Traffic Access 23.0 Other Indices — Hardship 84.4 Other Decision Support — 2016 Voting 37.2 7.3. Overall Health & Equity Scores Metric Result for Project Census Tract CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Score for Project Location (a)68.0 Healthy Places Index Score for Project Location (b)21.0 Project Located in a Designated Disadvantaged Community (Senate Bill 535)Yes Project Located in a Low-Income Community (Assembly Bill 1550)Yes Project Located in a Community Air Protection Program Community (Assembly Bill 617)No a: The maximum CalEnviroScreen score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects a higher pollution burden compared to other census tracts in the state. b: The maximum Health Places Index score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects healthier community conditions compared to other census tracts in the state. 7.4. Health & Equity Measures No Health & Equity Measures selected. 7.5. Evaluation Scorecard 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Existing) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 29 / 29 Health & Equity Evaluation Scorecard not completed. 7.6. Health & Equity Custom Measures No Health & Equity Custom Measures created. 8. User Changes to Default Data Screen Justification Operations: Vehicle Data Trip characteristics taken from traffic analysis Land Use Taken from site plan Operations: Hearths SCAQMD Rule 445 no wood burning devices Wood burning devices added to gas devices 15283-02 AQ & GHG AQ & GHG ATTACHMENT B CALEEMOD PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN EMISSIONS MODEL OUTPUTS 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 1 / 29 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report Table of Contents 1. Basic Project Information 1.1. Basic Project Information 1.2. Land Use Types 1.3. User-Selected Emission Reduction Measures by Emissions Sector 2. Emissions Summary 2.4. Operations Emissions Compared Against Thresholds 2.5. Operations Emissions by Sector, Unmitigated 4. Operations Emissions Details 4.1. Mobile Emissions by Land Use 4.1.1. Unmitigated 4.2. Energy 4.2.1. Electricity Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated 4.2.3. Natural Gas Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated 4.3. Area Emissions by Source 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 2 / 29 4.3.2. Unmitigated 4.4. Water Emissions by Land Use 4.4.2. Unmitigated 4.5. Waste Emissions by Land Use 4.5.2. Unmitigated 4.6. Refrigerant Emissions by Land Use 4.6.1. Unmitigated 4.7. Offroad Emissions By Equipment Type 4.7.1. Unmitigated 4.8. Stationary Emissions By Equipment Type 4.8.1. Unmitigated 4.9. User Defined Emissions By Equipment Type 4.9.1. Unmitigated 4.10. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type 4.10.1. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type - Unmitigated 4.10.2. Above and Belowground Carbon Accumulation by Land Use Type - Unmitigated 4.10.3. Avoided and Sequestered Emissions by Species - Unmitigated 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 3 / 29 5. Activity Data 5.9. Operational Mobile Sources 5.9.1. Unmitigated 5.10. Operational Area Sources 5.10.1. Hearths Unmitigated 5.10.2. Architectural Coatings 5.10.3. Landscape Equipment 5.11. Operational Energy Consumption 5.11.1. Unmitigated 5.12. Operational Water and Wastewater Consumption 5.12.1. Unmitigated 5.13. Operational Waste Generation 5.13.1. Unmitigated 5.14. Operational Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment 5.14.1. Unmitigated 5.15. Operational Off-Road Equipment 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 4 / 29 5.15.1. Unmitigated 5.16. Stationary Sources 5.16.1. Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps 5.16.2. Process Boilers 5.17. User Defined 5.18. Vegetation 5.18.1. Land Use Change Unmitigated 5.18.1. Biomass Cover Type Unmitigated 5.18.2. Sequestration Unmitigated 6. Climate Risk Detailed Report 6.1. Climate Risk Summary 6.2. Initial Climate Risk Scores 6.3. Adjusted Climate Risk Scores 6.4. Climate Risk Reduction Measures 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 5 / 29 7. Health and Equity Details 7.1. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Scores 7.2. Healthy Places Index Scores 7.3. Overall Health & Equity Scores 7.4. Health & Equity Measures 7.5. Evaluation Scorecard 7.6. Health & Equity Custom Measures 8. User Changes to Default Data 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 6 / 29 1. Basic Project Information 1.1. Basic Project Information Data Field Value Project Name 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Lead Agency — Land Use Scale Project/site Analysis Level for Defaults County Windspeed (m/s)2.80 Precipitation (days)6.80 Location 34.092864, -117.414801 County San Bernardino-South Coast City Fontana Air District South Coast AQMD Air Basin South Coast TAZ 5327 EDFZ 10 Electric Utility Southern California Edison Gas Utility Southern California Gas 1.2. Land Use Types Land Use Subtype Size Unit Lot Acreage Building Area (sq ft)Landscape Area (sq ft) Special Landscape Area (sq ft) Population Description Apartments Mid Rise 249 Dwelling Unit 6.40 239,040 0.00 —824 — 1.3. User-Selected Emission Reduction Measures by Emissions Sector 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 7 / 29 No measures selected 2. Emissions Summary 2.4. Operations Emissions Compared Against Thresholds Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Un/Mit.TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Unmit.6.87 11.7 8.17 49.1 0.10 0.41 2.33 2.75 0.41 0.42 0.83 119 14,095 14,214 12.6 0.43 30.8 14,689 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Unmit.5.15 10.0 8.30 30.2 0.10 0.41 2.33 2.74 0.41 0.42 0.82 119 13,597 13,716 12.7 0.44 2.47 14,166 Average Daily (Max) —————————————————— Unmit.5.51 10.5 4.88 38.5 0.07 0.13 2.26 2.39 0.13 0.40 0.53 119 9,092 9,211 12.6 0.43 13.9 9,666 Annual (Max) —————————————————— Unmit.1.00 1.92 0.89 7.03 0.01 0.02 0.41 0.44 0.02 0.07 0.10 19.7 1,505 1,525 2.08 0.07 2.30 1,600 2.5. Operations Emissions by Sector, Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Sector TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Mobile 4.99 4.61 3.62 33.1 0.07 0.05 2.33 2.38 0.05 0.42 0.46 —7,363 7,363 0.40 0.36 29.1 7,509 Area 1.80 7.03 3.86 15.7 0.02 0.31 —0.31 0.31 —0.31 0.00 4,756 4,756 0.09 0.01 —4,762 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 8 / 29 Energy 0.08 0.04 0.69 0.30 < 0.005 0.06 —0.06 0.06 —0.06 —1,907 1,907 0.18 0.01 —1,916 Water ———————————19.9 67.5 87.4 2.05 0.05 —153 Waste ———————————99.2 0.00 99.2 9.92 0.00 —347 Refrig.————————————————1.71 1.71 Total 6.87 11.7 8.17 49.1 0.10 0.41 2.33 2.75 0.41 0.42 0.83 119 14,095 14,214 12.6 0.43 30.8 14,689 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Mobile 4.63 4.24 3.89 28.4 0.07 0.05 2.33 2.38 0.05 0.42 0.46 —6,903 6,903 0.43 0.37 0.75 7,025 Area 0.44 5.74 3.72 1.58 0.02 0.30 —0.30 0.30 —0.30 0.00 4,719 4,719 0.09 0.01 —4,723 Energy 0.08 0.04 0.69 0.30 < 0.005 0.06 —0.06 0.06 —0.06 —1,907 1,907 0.18 0.01 —1,916 Water ———————————19.9 67.5 87.4 2.05 0.05 —153 Waste ———————————99.2 0.00 99.2 9.92 0.00 —347 Refrig.————————————————1.71 1.71 Total 5.15 10.0 8.30 30.2 0.10 0.41 2.33 2.74 0.41 0.42 0.82 119 13,597 13,716 12.7 0.44 2.47 14,166 Average Daily —————————————————— Mobile 4.46 4.08 3.84 28.5 0.07 0.05 2.26 2.31 0.05 0.40 0.45 —6,768 6,768 0.41 0.36 12.2 6,898 Area 0.96 6.43 0.35 9.75 < 0.005 0.02 —0.02 0.03 —0.03 0.00 349 349 0.01 < 0.005 —350 Energy 0.08 0.04 0.69 0.30 < 0.005 0.06 —0.06 0.06 —0.06 —1,907 1,907 0.18 0.01 —1,916 Water ———————————19.9 67.5 87.4 2.05 0.05 —153 Waste ———————————99.2 0.00 99.2 9.92 0.00 —347 Refrig.————————————————1.71 1.71 Total 5.51 10.5 4.88 38.5 0.07 0.13 2.26 2.39 0.13 0.40 0.53 119 9,092 9,211 12.6 0.43 13.9 9,666 Annual —————————————————— Mobile 0.81 0.74 0.70 5.20 0.01 0.01 0.41 0.42 0.01 0.07 0.08 —1,120 1,120 0.07 0.06 2.02 1,142 Area 0.18 1.17 0.06 1.78 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 0.00 57.8 57.8 < 0.005 < 0.005 —58.0 Energy 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —316 316 0.03 < 0.005 —317 Water ———————————3.29 11.2 14.5 0.34 0.01 —25.4 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 9 / 29 Waste ———————————16.4 0.00 16.4 1.64 0.00 —57.5 Refrig.————————————————0.28 0.28 Total 1.00 1.92 0.89 7.03 0.01 0.02 0.41 0.44 0.02 0.07 0.10 19.7 1,505 1,525 2.08 0.07 2.30 1,600 4. Operations Emissions Details 4.1. Mobile Emissions by Land Use 4.1.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise 4.99 4.61 3.62 33.1 0.07 0.05 2.33 2.38 0.05 0.42 0.46 —7,363 7,363 0.40 0.36 29.1 7,509 Total 4.99 4.61 3.62 33.1 0.07 0.05 2.33 2.38 0.05 0.42 0.46 —7,363 7,363 0.40 0.36 29.1 7,509 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise 4.63 4.24 3.89 28.4 0.07 0.05 2.33 2.38 0.05 0.42 0.46 —6,903 6,903 0.43 0.37 0.75 7,025 Total 4.63 4.24 3.89 28.4 0.07 0.05 2.33 2.38 0.05 0.42 0.46 —6,903 6,903 0.43 0.37 0.75 7,025 Annual —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise 0.81 0.74 0.70 5.20 0.01 0.01 0.41 0.42 0.01 0.07 0.08 —1,120 1,120 0.07 0.06 2.02 1,142 Total 0.81 0.74 0.70 5.20 0.01 0.01 0.41 0.42 0.01 0.07 0.08 —1,120 1,120 0.07 0.06 2.02 1,142 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 10 / 29 4.2. Energy 4.2.1. Electricity Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ————————————1,027 1,027 0.10 0.01 —1,032 Total ————————————1,027 1,027 0.10 0.01 —1,032 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ————————————1,027 1,027 0.10 0.01 —1,032 Total ————————————1,027 1,027 0.10 0.01 —1,032 Annual —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ————————————170 170 0.02 < 0.005 —171 Total ————————————170 170 0.02 < 0.005 —171 4.2.3. Natural Gas Emissions By Land Use - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 11 / 29 ——————————————————Daily, Summer (Max) Apartme nts Mid Rise 0.08 0.04 0.69 0.30 < 0.005 0.06 —0.06 0.06 —0.06 —881 881 0.08 < 0.005 —883 Total 0.08 0.04 0.69 0.30 < 0.005 0.06 —0.06 0.06 —0.06 —881 881 0.08 < 0.005 —883 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise 0.08 0.04 0.69 0.30 < 0.005 0.06 —0.06 0.06 —0.06 —881 881 0.08 < 0.005 —883 Total 0.08 0.04 0.69 0.30 < 0.005 0.06 —0.06 0.06 —0.06 —881 881 0.08 < 0.005 —883 Annual —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —146 146 0.01 < 0.005 —146 Total 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.05 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —146 146 0.01 < 0.005 —146 4.3. Area Emissions by Source 4.3.2. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Source TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Hearths 0.44 0.22 3.72 1.58 0.02 0.30 —0.30 0.30 —0.30 0.00 4,719 4,719 0.09 0.01 —4,723 Consum er Products —5.12 ———————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 12 / 29 ————————————————0.41—Architect ural Landsca pe Equipme nt 1.36 1.29 0.14 14.1 < 0.005 0.01 —0.01 0.01 —0.01 —37.8 37.8 < 0.005 < 0.005 —38.8 Total 1.80 7.03 3.86 15.7 0.02 0.31 —0.31 0.31 —0.31 0.00 4,756 4,756 0.09 0.01 —4,762 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Hearths 0.44 0.22 3.72 1.58 0.02 0.30 —0.30 0.30 —0.30 0.00 4,719 4,719 0.09 0.01 —4,723 Consum er Products —5.12 ———————————————— Architect ural Coatings —0.41 ———————————————— Total 0.44 5.74 3.72 1.58 0.02 0.30 —0.30 0.30 —0.30 0.00 4,719 4,719 0.09 0.01 —4,723 Annual —————————————————— Hearths 0.01 < 0.005 0.05 0.02 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 0.00 53.5 53.5 < 0.005 < 0.005 —53.6 Consum er Products —0.93 ———————————————— Architect ural Coatings —0.07 ———————————————— Landsca pe Equipme nt 0.17 0.16 0.02 1.76 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 —4.28 4.28 < 0.005 < 0.005 —4.40 Total 0.18 1.17 0.06 1.78 < 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 < 0.005 —< 0.005 0.00 57.8 57.8 < 0.005 < 0.005 —58.0 4.4. Water Emissions by Land Use 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 13 / 29 4.4.2. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ———————————19.9 67.5 87.4 2.05 0.05 —153 Total ———————————19.9 67.5 87.4 2.05 0.05 —153 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ———————————19.9 67.5 87.4 2.05 0.05 —153 Total ———————————19.9 67.5 87.4 2.05 0.05 —153 Annual —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ———————————3.29 11.2 14.5 0.34 0.01 —25.4 Total ———————————3.29 11.2 14.5 0.34 0.01 —25.4 4.5. Waste Emissions by Land Use 4.5.2. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 14 / 29 ——————————————————Daily, Summer (Max) Apartme nts Mid Rise ———————————99.2 0.00 99.2 9.92 0.00 —347 Total ———————————99.2 0.00 99.2 9.92 0.00 —347 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ———————————99.2 0.00 99.2 9.92 0.00 —347 Total ———————————99.2 0.00 99.2 9.92 0.00 —347 Annual —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ———————————16.4 0.00 16.4 1.64 0.00 —57.5 Total ———————————16.4 0.00 16.4 1.64 0.00 —57.5 4.6. Refrigerant Emissions by Land Use 4.6.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ————————————————1.71 1.71 Total ————————————————1.71 1.71 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 15 / 29 Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ————————————————1.71 1.71 Total ————————————————1.71 1.71 Annual —————————————————— Apartme nts Mid Rise ————————————————0.28 0.28 Total ————————————————0.28 0.28 4.7. Offroad Emissions By Equipment Type 4.7.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Equipme nt Type TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 16 / 29 4.8. Stationary Emissions By Equipment Type 4.8.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Equipme nt Type TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 4.9. User Defined Emissions By Equipment Type 4.9.1. Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Equipme nt Type TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 17 / 29 Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 4.10. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type 4.10.1. Soil Carbon Accumulation By Vegetation Type - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Vegetatio n TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 4.10.2. Above and Belowground Carbon Accumulation by Land Use Type - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Land Use TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 18 / 29 ——————————————————Daily, Winter (Max) Total —————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Total —————————————————— 4.10.3. Avoided and Sequestered Emissions by Species - Unmitigated Criteria Pollutants (lb/day for daily, ton/yr for annual) and GHGs (lb/day for daily, MT/yr for annual) Species TOG ROG NOx CO SO2 PM10E PM10D PM10T PM2.5E PM2.5D PM2.5T BCO2 NBCO2 CO2T CH4 N2O R CO2e Daily, Summer (Max) —————————————————— Avoided —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Sequest ered —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Remove d —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— ——————————————————— Daily, Winter (Max) —————————————————— Avoided —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Sequest ered —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 19 / 29 ——————————————————Remove d Subtotal —————————————————— ——————————————————— Annual —————————————————— Avoided —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Sequest ered —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— Remove d —————————————————— Subtotal —————————————————— ——————————————————— 5. Activity Data 5.9. Operational Mobile Sources 5.9.1. Unmitigated Land Use Type Trips/Weekday Trips/Saturday Trips/Sunday Trips/Year VMT/Weekday VMT/Saturday VMT/Sunday VMT/Year Apartments Mid Rise 1,130 1,138 939 403,010 8,314 8,369 6,904 2,963,968 5.10. Operational Area Sources 5.10.1. Hearths Unmitigated Hearth Type Unmitigated (number) 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 20 / 29 Apartments Mid Rise — Wood Fireplaces 0 Gas Fireplaces 224 Propane Fireplaces 0 Electric Fireplaces 0 No Fireplaces 25 5.10.2. Architectural Coatings Residential Interior Area Coated (sq ft)Residential Exterior Area Coated (sq ft)Non-Residential Interior Area Coated (sq ft) Non-Residential Exterior Area Coated (sq ft) Parking Area Coated (sq ft) 484056 161,352 0.00 0.00 — 5.10.3. Landscape Equipment Season Unit Value Snow Days day/yr 0.00 Summer Days day/yr 250 5.11. Operational Energy Consumption 5.11.1. Unmitigated Electricity (kWh/yr) and CO2 and CH4 and N2O and Natural Gas (kBTU/yr) Land Use Electricity (kWh/yr)CO2 CH4 N2O Natural Gas (kBTU/yr) Apartments Mid Rise 1,074,724 349 0.0330 0.0040 2,748,258 5.12. Operational Water and Wastewater Consumption 5.12.1. Unmitigated 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 21 / 29 Land Use Indoor Water (gal/year)Outdoor Water (gal/year) Apartments Mid Rise 10,378,613 0.00 5.13. Operational Waste Generation 5.13.1. Unmitigated Land Use Waste (ton/year)Cogeneration (kWh/year) Apartments Mid Rise 55.6 0.00 5.14. Operational Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment 5.14.1. Unmitigated Land Use Type Equipment Type Refrigerant GWP Quantity (kg)Operations Leak Rate Service Leak Rate Times Serviced Apartments Mid Rise Average room A/C & Other residential A/C and heat pumps R-410A 2,088 < 0.005 2.50 2.50 10.0 Apartments Mid Rise Household refrigerators and/or freezers R-134a 1,430 0.12 0.60 0.00 1.00 5.15. Operational Off-Road Equipment 5.15.1. Unmitigated Equipment Type Fuel Type Engine Tier Number per Day Hours Per Day Horsepower Load Factor 5.16. Stationary Sources 5.16.1. Emergency Generators and Fire Pumps Equipment Type Fuel Type Number per Day Hours per Day Hours per Year Horsepower Load Factor 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 22 / 29 5.16.2. Process Boilers Equipment Type Fuel Type Number Boiler Rating (MMBtu/hr)Daily Heat Input (MMBtu/day)Annual Heat Input (MMBtu/yr) 5.17. User Defined Equipment Type Fuel Type —— 5.18. Vegetation 5.18.1. Land Use Change Unmitigated Vegetation Land Use Type Vegetation Soil Type Initial Acres Final Acres 5.18.1. Biomass Cover Type Unmitigated Biomass Cover Type Initial Acres Final Acres 5.18.2. Sequestration Unmitigated Tree Type Number Electricity Saved (kWh/year)Natural Gas Saved (btu/year) 6. Climate Risk Detailed Report 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 23 / 29 6.1. Climate Risk Summary Cal-Adapt midcentury 2040–2059 average projections for four hazards are reported below for your project location. These are under Representation Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 which assumes GHG emissions will continue to rise strongly through 2050 and then plateau around 2100. Climate Hazard Result for Project Location Unit Temperature and Extreme Heat 26.4 annual days of extreme heat Extreme Precipitation 4.90 annual days with precipitation above 20 mm Sea Level Rise 0.00 meters of inundation depth Wildfire 0.00 annual hectares burned Temperature and Extreme Heat data are for grid cell in which your project are located. The projection is based on the 98th historical percentile of daily maximum/minimum temperatures from observed historical data (32 climate model ensemble from Cal-Adapt, 2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5). Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi. Extreme Precipitation data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The threshold of 20 mm is equivalent to about ¾ an inch of rain, which would be light to moderate rainfall if received over a full day or heavy rain if received over a period of 2 to 4 hours. Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi. Sea Level Rise data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The projections are from Radke et al. (2017), as reported in Cal-Adapt (2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5), and consider different increments of sea level rise coupled with extreme storm events. Users may select from four model simulations to view the range in potential inundation depth for the grid cell. The four simulations make different assumptions about expected rainfall and temperature are: Warmer/drier (HadGEM2-ES), Cooler/wetter (CNRM-CM5), Average conditions (CanESM2), Range of different rainfall and temperature possibilities (MIROC5). Each grid cell is 50 meters (m) by 50 m, or about 164 feet (ft) by 164 ft. Wildfire data are for the grid cell in which your project are located. The projections are from UC Davis, as reported in Cal-Adapt (2040–2059 average under RCP 8.5), and consider historical data of climate, vegetation, population density, and large (> 400 ha) fire history. Users may select from four model simulations to view the range in potential wildfire probabilities for the grid cell. The four simulations make different assumptions about expected rainfall and temperature are: Warmer/drier (HadGEM2-ES), Cooler/wetter (CNRM-CM5), Average conditions (CanESM2), Range of different rainfall and temperature possibilities (MIROC5). Each grid cell is 6 kilometers (km) by 6 km, or 3.7 miles (mi) by 3.7 mi. 6.2. Initial Climate Risk Scores Climate Hazard Exposure Score Sensitivity Score Adaptive Capacity Score Vulnerability Score Temperature and Extreme Heat 3 0 0 N/A Extreme Precipitation N/A N/A N/A N/A Sea Level Rise 1 0 0 N/A Wildfire 1 0 0 N/A Flooding N/A N/A N/A N/A Drought N/A N/A N/A N/A Snowpack Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A Air Quality Degradation 0 0 0 N/A 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 24 / 29 The sensitivity score reflects the extent to which a project would be adversely affected by exposure to a climate hazard. Exposure is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest exposure. The adaptive capacity of a project refers to its ability to manage and reduce vulnerabilities from projected climate hazards. Adaptive capacity is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest ability to adapt. The overall vulnerability scores are calculated based on the potential impacts and adaptive capacity assessments for each hazard. Scores do not include implementation of climate risk reduction measures. 6.3. Adjusted Climate Risk Scores Climate Hazard Exposure Score Sensitivity Score Adaptive Capacity Score Vulnerability Score Temperature and Extreme Heat 3 1 1 3 Extreme Precipitation N/A N/A N/A N/A Sea Level Rise 1 1 1 2 Wildfire 1 1 1 2 Flooding N/A N/A N/A N/A Drought N/A N/A N/A N/A Snowpack Reduction N/A N/A N/A N/A Air Quality Degradation 1 1 1 2 The sensitivity score reflects the extent to which a project would be adversely affected by exposure to a climate hazard. Exposure is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest exposure. The adaptive capacity of a project refers to its ability to manage and reduce vulnerabilities from projected climate hazards. Adaptive capacity is rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 5 representing the greatest ability to adapt. The overall vulnerability scores are calculated based on the potential impacts and adaptive capacity assessments for each hazard. Scores include implementation of climate risk reduction measures. 6.4. Climate Risk Reduction Measures 7. Health and Equity Details 7.1. CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Scores The maximum CalEnviroScreen score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects a higher pollution burden compared to other census tracts in the state. Indicator Result for Project Census Tract Exposure Indicators — AQ-Ozone 97.6 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 25 / 29 AQ-PM 85.9 AQ-DPM 55.4 Drinking Water 66.7 Lead Risk Housing 75.0 Pesticides 0.00 Toxic Releases 79.3 Traffic 17.2 Effect Indicators — CleanUp Sites 17.1 Groundwater 0.00 Haz Waste Facilities/Generators 1.80 Impaired Water Bodies 0.00 Solid Waste 0.00 Sensitive Population — Asthma 57.3 Cardio-vascular 77.1 Low Birth Weights 58.6 Socioeconomic Factor Indicators — Education 78.0 Housing 66.9 Linguistic 62.2 Poverty 73.4 Unemployment 81.7 7.2. Healthy Places Index Scores The maximum Health Places Index score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects healthier community conditions compared to other census tracts in the state. Indicator Result for Project Census Tract 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 26 / 29 Economic — Above Poverty 24.98395996 Employed 20.67239831 Median HI 39.02219941 Education — Bachelor's or higher 8.520467086 High school enrollment 100 Preschool enrollment 19.70999615 Transportation — Auto Access 91.71050943 Active commuting 9.097908379 Social — 2-parent households 56.40959836 Voting 23.67509303 Neighborhood — Alcohol availability 48.24842808 Park access 16.54048505 Retail density 24.95829591 Supermarket access 33.04247402 Tree canopy 25.06095214 Housing — Homeownership 73.48902862 Housing habitability 24.09854998 Low-inc homeowner severe housing cost burden 34.60798152 Low-inc renter severe housing cost burden 2.720390094 Uncrowded housing 12.65238034 Health Outcomes — 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 27 / 29 Insured adults 14.5515206 Arthritis 53.0 Asthma ER Admissions 28.6 High Blood Pressure 63.5 Cancer (excluding skin)77.2 Asthma 23.6 Coronary Heart Disease 47.4 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 31.1 Diagnosed Diabetes 30.7 Life Expectancy at Birth 28.4 Cognitively Disabled 17.4 Physically Disabled 33.4 Heart Attack ER Admissions 13.2 Mental Health Not Good 20.5 Chronic Kidney Disease 35.4 Obesity 19.9 Pedestrian Injuries 19.6 Physical Health Not Good 22.0 Stroke 45.2 Health Risk Behaviors — Binge Drinking 41.7 Current Smoker 25.4 No Leisure Time for Physical Activity 26.0 Climate Change Exposures — Wildfire Risk 0.0 SLR Inundation Area 0.0 Children 20.9 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 28 / 29 Elderly 67.6 English Speaking 47.3 Foreign-born 59.9 Outdoor Workers 21.3 Climate Change Adaptive Capacity — Impervious Surface Cover 63.2 Traffic Density 30.5 Traffic Access 23.0 Other Indices — Hardship 84.4 Other Decision Support — 2016 Voting 37.2 7.3. Overall Health & Equity Scores Metric Result for Project Census Tract CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Score for Project Location (a)68.0 Healthy Places Index Score for Project Location (b)21.0 Project Located in a Designated Disadvantaged Community (Senate Bill 535)Yes Project Located in a Low-Income Community (Assembly Bill 1550)Yes Project Located in a Community Air Protection Program Community (Assembly Bill 617)No a: The maximum CalEnviroScreen score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects a higher pollution burden compared to other census tracts in the state. b: The maximum Health Places Index score is 100. A high score (i.e., greater than 50) reflects healthier community conditions compared to other census tracts in the state. 7.4. Health & Equity Measures No Health & Equity Measures selected. 7.5. Evaluation Scorecard Health & Equity Evaluation Scorecard not completed. 15283 - Alder & Merrill (Proposed) Detailed Report, 2/28/2023 29 / 29 7.6. Health & Equity Custom Measures No Health & Equity Custom Measures created. 8. User Changes to Default Data Screen Justification Operations: Vehicle Data Trip characteristics taken from Traffic Analysis Land Use Taken from client data Operations: Hearths SCAQMD Rule 445 no wood burning devices Wood burning devices added to gas devices